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Band 9 Essay Samples | Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping

by Manjusha Nambiar · Published December 2, 2014 · Updated April 23, 2024

Nowadays online shopping becomes more popular than in-store shopping. Is it a positive or a negative development? Give your reasons and examples.

Now that we can buy just about anything with a few mouse clicks from the comfort of our home, very few people actually feel the need to venture into brick and mortar stores. There is no denying the fact that online shopping has become more popular than in-store shopping. This trend has both positive and negative aspects.

The huge popularity of online shopping can be attributed to the fact that it makes shopping easier. It saves both time and money. Buyers no longer have to drive all the way to shops to buy things. Also, online stores tend to offer attractive prices probably because they have lower overhead costs. This allows them to sell items for deeply discounted prices. This can lead to major cost benefits for shoppers. In addition, online shopping makes it easy to buy things from any part of the world. Even if an item is not available in your country, you can buy it from online stores. Online shopping also allows you to compare prices before hitting the purchase button.

On the flip side, the ease of online shopping has made many people compulsive shoppers. Most of us spend lots of time on the internet every day. And while we are on the internet, we get bombarded with numerous advertisements. For a compulsive shopper, this is a good reason to splurge. The fact that online shopping encourages us to buy things that we do not need or use cannot be denied. This can lead to debts. Also, there are security concerns. When you buy things online, you run a small risk of getting your financial information exploited by hackers. Of course, good anti-virus and anti-malware programs can offer a great deal of protection. But almost every week, we hear about data breaches at major online retailers.

To conclude, online shopping has several advantages and disadvantages. However, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Of course, the shopper has to exercise some common sense and keep their device free of malware if they want to enjoy the benefits of online shopping.

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for and against essay on online shopping

Manjusha Nambiar

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for and against essay on online shopping


Debate on Online Shopping [In Favour and Against]

Online shopping, the act of purchasing goods or services over the internet, has revolutionized how we shop. Its convenience and wide array of choices have made it a popular mode of commerce. However, discussions on its impact on traditional retail and personal data security continue to spark debates.

In today’s digital age, where technology shapes our daily routines, understanding the nuances of online shopping is crucial. This blog explores the ins and outs of this virtual marketplace, shedding light on its benefits and potential drawbacks.

Arguments in Favour Of Online Shopping

Argument 1: convenience and accessibility.

In today’s fast-paced world, online shopping has become a popular choice for many people. The convenience and accessibility it offers have revolutionized the way we shop. Imagine being able to browse and purchase items from the comfort of your own home, with just a few clicks on your computer or taps on your phone. This ease of shopping has made our lives simpler and more efficient.

No more rushing to physical stores, dealing with crowds, or searching for parking spaces. With online shopping, you can shop anytime, anywhere. Whether it’s early in the morning or late at night, the virtual doors of online stores are always open for you. This accessibility means you can shop at your own pace, without any pressure or time constraints.

Additionally, online shopping provides a wide range of options for consumers. You can explore products from different brands, compare prices, read reviews, and make informed decisions without any sales pressure. This variety allows you to find exactly what you’re looking for, whether it’s a specific item or something unique and niche. The convenience of having all these choices at your fingertips is truly remarkable.

Moreover, online shopping also offers the convenience of doorstep delivery. No need to worry about carrying heavy bags or waiting in long checkout lines. Your purchases can be delivered right to your doorstep, saving you time and effort. This level of convenience is unparalleled and adds to the overall ease and comfort of online shopping.

In conclusion, the convenience and accessibility of online shopping have transformed the way we shop and have made our lives more convenient. It’s a modern solution that caters to our busy lifestyles and offers a seamless shopping experience.

Argument 2: Wide Variety and Competitive Pricing

When we think about online shopping, one key aspect that cannot be overlooked is the wide variety of products available at our fingertips. Shopping online opens up a vast world of choices that may not be easily accessible in physical stores. Whether you are looking for the latest fashion trends, unique handmade items, or specific niche products, the internet offers a plethora of options to explore. This variety caters to different tastes and preferences, ensuring that there is something for everyone.

Moreover, online shopping allows you to compare prices from different retailers with just a few clicks. This competitive pricing benefits consumers by helping them find the best deals and discounts available. You no longer have to visit multiple stores to hunt for the most affordable option – everything is conveniently laid out for you to compare and choose from. This transparency in pricing encourages retailers to offer competitive deals, ultimately saving you money on your purchases.

In addition to a wide range of products and competitive pricing, online shopping also provides the convenience of shopping anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re a busy student juggling schoolwork and extracurricular activities or a parent with a hectic schedule, online shopping allows you to browse and buy at your own pace. This flexibility is a game-changer for those who may not have the time to visit physical stores regularly.

In conclusion, the world of online shopping offers a treasure trove of options when it comes to products and pricing. The vast variety ensures that you can find exactly what you’re looking for, while competitive pricing helps you make smart purchasing decisions. Embracing online shopping opens doors to a world of convenience, affordability, and endless choices right at your fingertips.

Arguments Against Of Online Shopping

Argument 1: loss of personal touch.

In the world of online shopping, one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is the loss of personal touch. Think about your favorite local store where the shopkeeper greets you by name and recommends items based on your preferences. That personal interaction creates a warm and welcoming shopping experience that is hard to replicate online.

When you shop online, you miss out on the opportunity to interact with real people. Customer service representatives may be available through chat or email, but it’s not the same as having a face-to-face conversation. You can’t ask for advice, share stories, or build a relationship with someone who understands your needs and preferences.

Furthermore, the lack of personal touch in online shopping can lead to misunderstandings and frustration. Have you ever received the wrong item or had difficulty returning a product? Without a real person to assist you, resolving such issues can be time-consuming and challenging. It’s not just about making a purchase; it’s about the entire shopping experience.

Another aspect of the loss of personal touch in online shopping is the absence of sensory experiences. When you shop in a physical store, you can touch, feel, and try on items before making a decision. Online, you rely solely on images and descriptions, which may not always accurately represent the product. This can result in disappointment when the item arrives and doesn’t meet your expectations.

In conclusion, while online shopping offers convenience and a wide selection of products, it comes at the cost of losing the personal touch that makes traditional shopping experiences special. The human connection, personalized service, and sensory engagement found in brick-and-mortar stores are irreplaceable, reminding us of the value of genuine interactions in a digital world.

Argument 2: Potential Security Risks

When it comes to online shopping, we also need to consider potential security risks. One major concern is the safety of your personal information. When you make a purchase online, you often have to enter sensitive details like your credit card number and address. If the website you are using is not secure, hackers could try to steal this information, putting your financial well-being at risk.

Moreover, there is always a possibility of encountering fake websites that mimic legitimate online stores. These fake websites may look convincing, but they are designed to trick you into providing your personal information. Falling victim to these scams could lead to identity theft or financial fraud, causing a great deal of stress and trouble.

Another security risk to be aware of is the threat of viruses and malware. Sometimes, when you visit certain online shopping websites or click on links in emails, you could unknowingly download harmful software onto your device. These malicious programs can compromise your personal data, slow down your device, or even damage your files.

Additionally, online shopping can sometimes lead to issues with delivery and product quality. There have been instances where customers have received counterfeit or damaged goods from online purchases. Dealing with such situations can be frustrating and time-consuming, adding to the risks associated with online shopping.

In conclusion, while online shopping offers convenience and a wide range of products, it is important to be cautious of the potential security risks involved. By staying vigilant, using secure websites, and being mindful of the information you share online, you can help protect yourself from falling victim to cyber threats.

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for and against essay on online shopping

Online Shopping: Benefits and Drawbacks Essay

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Buying things on the internet is more popular than ever – but are there any downsides to this activity? Find more in this online shopping benefits and drawbacks essay.


  • Benefits of Shopping Online

Disadvantages of Shopping Online

Online shopping has emerged as a new and important way of making purchases. Due to the increased use of computers and the internet, more people have started to engage in this activity. Businesses see online shopping as an opportunity that can be exploited to increase profitability. For this reason, many businesses in the UK are offering online shopping services to their customers. By doing this, the businesses are able to increase their sales and attract more customers.

Consumers also benefit from the convenience offered by electronic commerce. To begin with, online shopping is easy to take part in. The WebWise Team (2012) explains that a person only needs a credit or debit card and a secure password in order to engage in online shopping. However, online shopping has some potential drawbacks due to its electronic nature. This paper will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of shopping online with examples from my own experiences in online shopping.

Benefits of Online Shopping

Online shopping is convenient for the customer since he can make purchases from the comfort of his house. To take part in online shopping, a person simply needs to visit the website of the business and browse through the list of available goods or services. He then clicks on the item he wants to purchase and once the payment is made, the transaction is complete (WebWise Team 2012).

The goods are then delivered to the customers’ address within a given duration of time. This is a very easy way of shopping compared to traditional shopping where a person has to physically visit the business in order to make a purchase. Personally, I have used online shopping to buy books from online stores. I have been able to obtain these products without visiting the bookstores in person.

This has saved me the time and expense it would have taken to travel to the physical location of the shops. Another major advantage of online shopping is that it allows the consumer to search for the preferred good from many stores in a convenient manner. Before making a purchase, most people prefer to visit a number of stores and discover the best style of the product they want to buy.

Online shopping makes it easy for the person to search for products from numerous stores. Using search engines such as Google and Bing, a person is able to identify numerous stores offering the same product (WebWise Team 2012). It is more likely that you will find the product that suits your exact requirements due to the great variety presented by online shopping.

When shopping for gifts for my friends, I find the large variety offered by online shopping very helpful. I am able to obtain a large catalogue of goods to choose from and find the most fascinating gift for my friends. Online shopping is therefore very beneficial to me since it gives me access to more shops and products.

The last major advantage of online shopping is that it assists the customer to find the best deal on a product. When making a purchase, a person mostly searches for the store that offers the best quality product at the lowest price. It is therefore important to make a comparison of the pricing and quality of products offered by the various stores. In most cases, different stores offer different pricing on particular products so that they can attract customers.

When engaging in traditional shopping, a person has to be involved in window-shopping in order to discover the best deal. This is a tedious process as you may have to visit numerous stores before you find the best deal. Most people end up settling for a deal that is not necessarily the best. This is not the case with online shopping where one can compare prices at the click of a mouse.

It is easier to find discounts on the product you want to purchase through online shopping by looking for the product through search engines. WebWise Team (2012) explains that online shopping is beneficial when you want to compare prices for products that are identical regardless of the store you purchase them from. I have found bargain deals in electronic products by searching through various online stores. As a result, I have benefited from the best price because of online shopping.

In spite of the many benefits of online shopping, this mode of purchase has some significant drawbacks. Undoubtedly, the most significant drawback is the security concerns associated with the use of credit cards online. In order to complete the online shopping process, one has to offer payment for the product selected. To complete this payment section, one is required to enter his credit or debit card details into the website (Bradbury 2008).

The credit and debit card details are sensitive since they can be stolen by an intruder. If this happens, the intruder can misuse the customer’s credit card by making purchases that will be charged to the credit card owner. This will result in financial loss for the customer. The security risk associated with online shopping has led to many people avoiding this exposure to hackers and fraudsters.

Bradbury (2008) confirms that the fear of giving out credit card details online prevents many people from engaging in online shopping. The risk of having my credit card numbers stolen as I engage in online shopping has greatly limited my participation in online shopping. So far, I only engage in online shopping from stores that I can trust. I have faith in the security system provided by these stores and therefore feel safe when making payments there.

Another significant drawback of online shopping is that it requires the customers to reveal personal information. If this information is accessed by a third party, it might violate the privacy of the customer. In order for the transaction to be complete, the customer has to provide information including his name, address, and telephone number. The customer also has to provide information on the product that he is buying from the website.

Most online stores store this information on a permanent basis in their databases. There are major concerns over the safety of the customer information stored by the online store. Bradbury (2008) states that most online stores in the UK do not implement strong security measures when handling customer details. It is therefore possible for a hacker to obtain private customer information from the online store.

Hackers can steal customer account details and use them to commit crimes such as identity theft. I suspect that some of the information I have provided at an online store was accessed by a third party illegally since I have been receiving unsolicited mail using the email address that I provided at the website.

Finally, online shopping can compromise the integrity of the customer’s personal computer. Surfing the internet is a hazardous experience since one is likely to encounter viruses that will harm the computer. Online shopping requires the user to visit new websites that offer the desired online goods. Bradbury (2008) warns that online shopping can expose the consumer to malicious scripts and viruses.

Most online store owners are not concerned with security. They are online interested in selling their products to the customers. Some therefore end up infecting customers’ machines without knowing. When a computer is infected, its performance may become degraded. In addition to this, it is easy to steal information from infected machines. Bradbury (2008) reveals that some hackers insert malicious scripts that steal customer passwords.

Online Shopping: Essay Conclusion

This paper set out to discuss the merits and drawbacks of online shopping. It began by noting that online shopping is gaining popularity as more people make use of computers and the internet. The merits associated with online shopping were then discussed. The paper revealed that online shopping is convenient, offers greater variety, and enables the customer to get the best price for the products.

However, the paper also acknowledged that there are some significant disadvantages of online shopping. They include the risk of credit card theft, theft of personal information, and infection of the customers’ computer. From the discussions offered in this paper, it is evident that most of the drawbacks associated with online shopping arise from security concerns. It can therefore be claimed that if the security concerns are effectively addressed, online shopping will a safe and convenient method of buying items for the consumer.

Bradbury, D 2008, Is online shopping ever secure? Web.

WebWise Team 2012, What is online shopping? Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, July 5). Online Shopping: Benefits and Drawbacks Essay.

"Online Shopping: Benefits and Drawbacks Essay." IvyPanda , 5 July 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Online Shopping: Benefits and Drawbacks Essay'. 5 July.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Online Shopping: Benefits and Drawbacks Essay." July 5, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Online Shopping: Benefits and Drawbacks Essay." July 5, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Online Shopping: Benefits and Drawbacks Essay." July 5, 2019.

Online Shopping Essay

500+ words online shopping essay.

The trend of online shopping has increased in recent times with the increase of e-commerce and digital technology. With just a single click, you can shop for everything by sitting at your home as per your choice, convenience and budget. This essay on online shopping will help students learn about the pros and cons of online shopping. We have also compiled a list of CBSE Essays on different topics to help them improve their essay-writing skills. These essays will also help them improve their scores on the English exam.

What Does Online Shopping Mean?

Online shopping is the activity of buying products and services over the internet using a web browser or mobile app. It means buyers have to go online to reach a seller’s website and then select the product they want to purchase. The buyer can pay for the goods and services either online with a credit or debit card or upon delivery. Online shopping sites are also known by many other names such as e-shop, e-web-store, e-store, internet shop, web-store, web-shop, virtual store and online store. An online shop creates a physical analogy for buying products or services. Some of the famous online retailing corporations which facilitate the experience of online shopping are Amazon, eBay, Flipkart, Myntra, etc.

Online shopping is a growing area of the digital world and technology. Establishing a store on the Internet gives various options to consumers. With the growth of online shopping, most businesses have started selling their products online. Now, just having physical stores is not enough in this fast-paced world. Having online store interfaces for consumers has also become essential for running a business in the current scenario.

Benefits of Online Shopping

There are numerous advantages of online shopping. People feel more convenient while shopping online. They can shop from anywhere at their own convenient time through easy and safe payment methods. Online shopping has empowered consumers with various advantages such as convenience and time-saving, lower search costs, better product selection, lower prices, etc. One of the biggest benefits of online shopping is that you can buy the items you want with just a single click. Online stores are open 24 hours a day and are accessible from any location with an internet connection.

Online stores carry more variations and provide more varieties of a product as compared to traditional stores. This is because online stores don’t need to attractively display their items on shelves, and they can keep a larger amount of inventory on hand. They might also have small amounts of each item since they don’t need to display them and can order more from their supplier as needed.

Online shops tend to provide more information about items for sale than you would get in a physical store. Product descriptions most often include a description from the manufacturer, another description from the vendor, specific technical and size details, reviews from professional magazines and journals, and reviews from people who have bought the product. Having all this information available when you are considering a purchase makes you a more informed consumer without having to perform extra research by yourself.

Online stores are not burdened by the costs of running a physical store, such as the rent of the physical premises and wages of sales staff. The cost savings by online stores lead to lower pricing on the internet, passing on cost savings to shoppers. The internet encourages online vendors to compete with one another by lowering prices.

Disadvantages of Online Shopping

The benefits of shopping online also come with potential risks and dangers. When you shop online, you can’t touch or try out the product. You have to depend upon product pictures only. You can’t buy the product instantly. If you don’t get the product in hand immediately after payment, you have to wait for delivery, which can take days to weeks. There is no guarantee that you will get the product in its original shape; it might get damaged on the way. Sometimes, the product is very different from the pictures and description due to various reasons and also has poor quality. If, after receiving the package, expectations weren’t met, you need to go through a returns process which can be time-consuming. Apart from these, there is also a chance of security threats from online shopping. If the site is not secured, you have a risk of losing your card information.

Online shopping is one of the convenient ways of purchasing different products. However, there are some products which are better if they are purchased from physical stores. So, in the future, we can expect online stores to improve their technology, making way for a much easier and faster shopping experience.

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for and against essay on online shopping

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120 Online Shopping Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Online shopping has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more people opting to buy their goods and services online rather than in traditional brick-and-mortar stores. This trend has been accelerated by the convenience and ease of shopping online, as well as the wide range of products and services available at the click of a button. If you're looking for inspiration for your next essay on online shopping, here are 120 topic ideas and examples to get you started:

  • The rise of online shopping: A brief history
  • The benefits of online shopping for consumers
  • The drawbacks of online shopping for consumers
  • The impact of online shopping on traditional retail stores
  • The future of online shopping: Trends and predictions
  • The psychology of online shopping: Why do we buy online?
  • The impact of online reviews on shopping behavior
  • The role of social media in online shopping
  • The ethics of online shopping: Are there any ethical concerns?
  • The environmental impact of online shopping
  • The impact of online shopping on small businesses
  • The rise of online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay
  • The rise of online grocery shopping
  • The impact of online shopping on the economy
  • The rise of online shopping in developing countries
  • The impact of online shopping on the environment
  • The impact of online shopping on job creation
  • The impact of online shopping on local communities
  • The impact of online shopping on consumer behavior
  • The impact of online shopping on the fashion industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the music industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the book industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the travel industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the food industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the entertainment industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the healthcare industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the education industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the automotive industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the beauty industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the sports industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the technology industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the home goods industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the pet industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the toy industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the furniture industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the jewelry industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the electronics industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the appliance industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the outdoor industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the health and wellness industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the beauty and personal care industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the food and beverage industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the home improvement industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the fashion and apparel industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the entertainment and media industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the financial services industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the automotive and transportation industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the consumer goods industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the hospitality and tourism industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the real estate industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the telecommunications industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the pharmaceutical industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the energy industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the manufacturing industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the construction industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the logistics and transportation industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the retail industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the automotive and aerospace industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the technology and electronics industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the home and garden industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the sports and outdoor industry
  • The impact of online shopping on the toys and games industry

These are just a few ideas to get you started on your essay about online shopping. Whether you're interested in the impact of online shopping on specific industries, consumer behavior, or the environment, there are plenty of topics to explore. Happy writing!

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping, Essay Example

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping and how to improve electronic stores in the future?


In the first wave of e-commerce businesses witnessed new start-ups creating diverse business models and pioneering into new markets. This created a race between the brick and mortar and the new internet .com businesses trying to dominate market presence in the new virtual economy. The wave of optimism, however, did not last long as Companies fought over market share and pondered their survival in this new market. The Second wave of e-commerce has seen an expansion in the sophistication of technology and use of communications.

The major difference between the first and second waves was the sophistication of the internet and communications technology. There has been a shift in the dynamics too as in the second wave we are moving away from transaction based business to more of customer relationship management . The advent of M-Commerce has seen this technology accelerate to the use of mobile hand held devices connecting through an array of wireless networks connected to powerful and sophisticated servers.

E-Commerce can best be defined as computer medium that facilitates online shopping and trading via the internet.  Essentially an electronic means of searching for and purchasing goods online via a computer terminal connected to the internet.

E-Commerce or online retail shopping has revolutionized the way we go about researching and purchasing or household and personal goods.  It is an irreversible trend associated with technological development in a consumer based society.  The question remains on how secure this method is and how invasive it becomes in our private life?

There is a large and diverse literature base that covers the merits and demerits of online and electronic shopping ( e-commerce). A good introduction is provided  in the text ‘E Commerce’ by Mamta Bhusry where all of the basics of the subject are covered including that of computer technology, security, infrastructure and an understanding of the legal requirements in e-commerce. (M.Bhusry, 2005).  There are a number of texts that review online shopping from that of the approach taken by the retailers to that of concerns for the online shopper who is new to this form of trading.  (Esterline, 2006).  The concept of globalization and online shopping has become an important feature. Sites like e-bay mean you can bid for products in different countries and have them despatched direct to your home.  (Dholakia, 2002).  As this is a technology based industry it is difficult to say how the future trends and direction of this business will develop. (Zhou, 2004).

E-Commerce Retail Shopping

Challenges for the e-business – adoption of e-commerce

There are significant challenges that a business must face in the adoption of e-business. We explore some of the Critical Success Factors (CSF’s) that are considered essential for a successful outcome. The CSF’s for the adoption of e-business initiatives span across three main areas: (1) Strategic Factors (2) Structural Factors and (3) Management Oriented Factors.  The table below illustrates the type of CSF’s that need to be managed (Dubelaar, 2005).

A study carried out by Chris Dubelarr of Bond University stated that the main issues related to that of leadership qualities, ineffective solutions design and operational impediments. (Dubelaar, 2005).  A number of research studies have been carried out on the importance of determining the CSF’s for B2C applications, one survey concluded that the most important considerations are that of  quick response times on products and services, flexibility and enhanced customer services.   (Jamil & Ahmad, 2009). Business transformation ( Change Management) is a vital component that must be supported by the Executive team and as such they need to be well informed and knowledgeable in B2C applications.  In 2007 a Norwegian Research team carried out an empirical research study looking at the CSF’s collected from a sample base of 339 Small-Medium Enterprise (SME’s) businesses in Europe. (Eikebrokk, 2007).

Advantages of online shopping

There are a number of distinct advantages in conducting online shopping. Some of these are enumerated as follows:

  • Convenience – You can shop from the comfort of your own home and browse through a selection of different stores as opposed to going down a shopping mall.
  • Cost – You often get better price deals shopping over the internet as the stores do not carry the overheads of a conventional shop in the mall.
  • Variety – You often get more variety on the internet and the ability to customize your purchase to exact needs.
  • Price Comparison – The ability to research your product over a number of stores and compare prices in order to obtain the best deal.
  • No crowds or busy malls – Avoid the stress from crowds and busy shopping malls
  • Sending Gifts – Quick and easy method to send gifts throughout the world e.g. Interflora
  • Discreet Purchases – Allow purchase of discreet goods to avoid embarrassment in shopping stores e.g. condoms, sexy lingerie etc.(Anamika, 2012)

Disadvantages of online shopping

  • Some of the negative attributes to online shopping are enumerated as follows:
  • Security – Your personal details and credit card details are not always secure and this can result in potential hacking or misuse of your private information
  • Tactile – You cannot touch and feel the goods or inspect them like in the mall or store
  • Personal Service – You do not get the personal service that you find in the store
  • Delivery – Your goods have to be delivered and you may incur delivery charges and custom duties
  • Refund Policy – not always clear and causes delays in getting your cash back if you have to return goods. Can be a hassle in having to follow up troublesome vendors
  • Scams – You may be victim of scams particularly from online auction sites
  • Viruses – Some stores contain viruses and unless you have good protection on your PC you may get contaminated. This also applies to the risk of malware and cookies being transmitted to your computer.

Dell Case Study

Dell was one of the earliest entrants to E-Commerce in 1994 and its direct business over the internet provided it with marketing advantages over its close rivals like Apple, IBM and HP.

Since 1984 Dell has established itself as a brand leader of competitive based computer products, particularly in desk tops and lap top computers.  Dell had a loyal customer base because it built up a business with good supplier and customer support. They became famous as a pioneering computer company that invested in its technical capability ensuring high product quality and reliability. This being achieved whilst keeping its customer model in mind regarding flexibility and affordability of the product. (The Irish Times, 2000)

Dell perhaps lost ground to the rival of Apple who produced more creative and innovative products largely attributed to Steve Jobs (CEO) and his innovative team.  Despite this new entrant Dell seemed more prone to self-punishment when in 2007 they lost market share owing to a number of flawed products which in turn damaged its reputation of quality and reliability. Customer frustration with Dell from its user base resulted in blogs outlining the lack of support and the frustration of the customer user base.

Dell developed a strong network of suppliers and business partners in order to help building the reliable and flexible computer supplier.  An early attraction was the ability for customers to fully customise their PC by building a precise model from specifications over the internet.  The suppliers to Dell became well integrated into the order fulfilment process and supply chain. This whole value chain was controlled by Dell using a sophisticated information technology system.  At the time Dell had the largest e-commerce site in Europe managed under a project called ‘Frictionless’.  It automated most of its processes extending the scope of its sales model. This included applications like automated business processes, product configuration, order processing and technical support.  (Maguire, 2003)

Dell utilized this sophistication of technology to integrate the suppliers directly with meeting specific customer need. It essentially created a build to specification assembly line of customised PC’s providing retailers and customers with the precise configuration that they needed. Because Dell had a network of reliable suppliers they were not wholly dependent upon any one of them and this increased both its range and flexibility. (Maguire, 2003)

The importance of the supply chain was demonstrated by Dell`s understanding of what was needed to be achieved in this area.

Dell used the Direct Sales Model concept and quickly entered the retail market setting up a number of retail stores.  It had strong purchasing power and was able to build up inventories that would allow it the flexibility to build custom produced orders. This process was fully automated and as such enabled them to operate a strong supply chain without the need for extensive over stocking that ties up working capital. The high street retail outlets enabled Dell to grow and thus essentially retain a low investment profile. (Maguire, 2003)

Dell was able to deal with a variety of order concepts from simple PC configurations to that of large server and network based systems. It used the internet and call centres in order to build an extensive customer base.  This also allowed Dell to build a large knowledge base about its customers and anticipate both their current and future computing needs.  Dell spent a great deal of effort in getting to know and understand its customers. Dell used information in order to provide them with competitive advantage and build their value chain. (Dedrick, 2001)

The internet provided an easy forum for Dell to enter the international marketplace. This it did readily by setting up overseas manufacturing and distribution centres.  Dell found the following drivers that elevated them into the globalized marketplace

Drivers of Globalization

There are essentially four main drivers of the globalization concept:

Market Drivers

Cost Drivers

Government drivers

Competitive drivers

Considering each of these in turn:

Market Drivers |  Market drivers tend to be influenced by:

Basic needs of the customer

Desire for international customers

Need for global market participation

Concepts of transferable marketing

Cost Drivers | those drivers influencing cost are:

Global scale economies

Improved methods of sourcing

Differences in production methods

High operational costs

Pace of technological development

Government Drivers | those influencing government are:

Policies relating to trade and investment

Technical standards

Impact of marketing regulations

Future Trends and Improvements

The current and most recent trend is towards that of mobility via hand held devices like that of mobile phones or IPADS.  These devices provide the ability to conduct online shopping no matter where you are travelling provided that you have access to wireless internet.  Many wireless  service providers provide access by simple plug in of USB pen drives e.g. Rogers Rocket USB wireless access drive.  Future machines will have this service hard coded into the machines and linked to appropriate service suppliers.  Ultimately it may be possible to project three dimensional hologramatic images of the goods you wish to purchase, as such allowing a more intimate and realistic inspection of the goods to be  purchased.  Despite the technological aspects there remains a great deal of personal satisfaction in visiting a store.  The smell of walking into a tobacconists shop and the smell of a fine cigar.  The smell of perfume in terms of getting the scent that is right for your personality.  The ability to feel smooth silk in a shirt or dress.  In addition the social experience of walking into a store and meeting people.


The concept of litigation seems most prevalent in the area of IT Security.  Nearly all forms of electronic media have the potential for being involved in litigation cases.  When these instances arise one of the most important aspects will be the gathering of data or information for evidence.  Where it is believed that a criminal act has taken place the computers and network devices may be removed for evidence.  Internet Crime and particularly illegal entry into other computer systems i.e. hacking is deemed to be a Federal Offence in the USA and falls under the investigative jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).  Criminal computer hacking has been legally defined as any person who willingly and knowingly commits an act of cyber terrorism, credit card fraud, malicious vandalism, identity theft or other cyber-crime by hacking into a Corporate or Government system.  Such criminal acts are treated very seriously in the USA and will be subject to harsh penalties.  Such intrusions are capable of creating a tremendous amount of malicious damage. When undertaking online shopping you need to be aware of the security threats and take appropriate counter measures.

Works Cited

Anamika, S., 2012. Top 10 benefits of online shopping. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 30 7 2012].

Dedrick, K. L. K. a. J., 2001. Dell Computer: Using E-Commerce to Support , Irvine CA: University of California.

Dholakia, N., 2002. Global E-Commerce and Online Marketing: Watching the Evolution. Washington DC: Library of congress.

Dubelaar, C. S. A. D. V., 2005. Benefits, impediments and Critical Success Factors in B2C E-business adoption. Science Direct, 25(1), pp. 1251-1262.

Eikebrokk, T. a. O. D., 2007. An empirical investigation of competency factors affecying success in European SME’s. Information and Management, 44(4), pp. 364-383.

Esterline, K., 2006. E Business: Business Solutions to Overcome Online Shopping Concerns. Gross, Ile MI: GI Engineering.

Jamil, M. & Ahmad, N., 2009. Present status and critical success factors of e-Commerce in Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh, ICCIT 12th International Conference.

M.Bhusry, 2005. E-Commerce. London: Firewall Media.

Maguire, J., 2003. Case Study: [Online] Available at: [Accessed 31 7 2012].

The Irish Times, 2000. E-Commerce within Dell. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 30 7 2012].

Zhou, Z., 2004. E-Commerce and Information Technology in Hospitality and Tourism. In: E-Commerce and Information Technology in Hospitality and Tourism. New York: Thomson Delmar, pp. 191-192.

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Essay on Online Shopping in 100, 200, and 300 Words.

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Essay On Online Shopping

Shopping is something that many people love. It is particularly cherished during festive occasions such as Diwali, Navratri, Christmas or New Year etc. The shopping world has changed and evolved majorly providing us with various options of the same. The convenience of online shopping platforms has now come into play. Those days when individuals have to take on a long journey of shopping are now past us, all thanks to the various online shopping platforms that are now at the tip of our fingers. This is just a brief introduction to how to write an essay on online shopping. Now let’s have a look at the samples of essay on online shopping.  

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Online Shopping in 100 words
  • 2 Essay on Online Shopping in 200 words
  • 3 Essay on Online Shopping in 300 words
  • 4 Advantages

Essay on Online Shopping in 100 words

The way of shopping has been revolutionized by online shopping. It has made it possible and convenient to shop virtually from literally anywhere. 

The sheer convenience of shopping is one of the biggest advantages of online shopping. For those individuals who are busy and struggle to find time to visit stores, online shopping is a boon. 

Payments are easy this way with the variety of options available such as debit card, cash on delivery, etc. However, there are some drawbacks to online shopping as well. One of them is the delivery of the wrong item or a different item than that seen online. So one should be cautious and should make informed decisions.

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Essay on Online Shopping in 200 words

In today’s world, as science and technology are progressing, a lot of things have become more convenient for us. One such thing is online shopping. Over the years due to its high demand and convenience, it has become very popular. It involves virtually placing an order on any e-commerce website without the need to go to a physical store. Various items such as shoes, gadgets, household products, and even groceries can be ordered from the comfort of your couch.  

Some of the key benefits of online shopping are mentioned below:-

  • Crowd Avoided:- since online shopping is virtual, going to crowded places is avoided.
  • Convenience:- we can shop from the convenience of our homes.
  • Variety in products:- on different platforms, a vast range of products is available. 
  • Variety in payment options:- Debit card, cash on delivery, etc payment options make it all the more convenient.

Although there are many pros of online shopping, there are some drawbacks as well. There have been many instances where wrong or damaged goods got delivered. There can be instances where a product may not match its depiction when delivered in terms of color, etc. 

Some websites even scam people and are fraudulent. Hence, it is important to take caution while shopping online. 

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Essay on Online Shopping in 300 words

During the 1990s, the concept of online shopping came into play and since then, it has grown exponentially. Its principle lies in the ease of browning a wide variety of products on various e-commerce platforms. The e-commerce platforms have played a central role in enabling different businesses to connect with a global audience. 

There are various advantages of online shopping, one of them being the ease of online shopping. With virtual stores, you can shop whenever you want and from wherever you want. The limitations of time don’t apply to the online stores. They are accessible 24/7.

Wide Range of Products

When you shop online, you don’t have to limit yourself to only some products. Online shopping opens a portal to a wide range of products to select from.

Saves time and money

When you shop online, you don’t have to go to stores. You can shop from the comfort of your couch. That saves time. And generally, online stores have some kind of offers and discounts going on which saves you money. 

Although online shopping has many advantages, there are also certain cons that it carries with it. Some of those cons are mentioned below:-

Shipping issues

There can issues with the shipping such as the product may get damaged during its shipping or it may get delivered to the wrong address.

Return Policies

If the product is different and the customer wants to return it or get a refund, there can be certain policies that prevent the same. 

Different item Delivery

There can be instances where the product, when delivered, is different from the one shown in the images online. Returning the same can be a hassle too as it has to be repacked for some resellers. 

Hence, when shopping online one should always be cautious and take calculated decisions. 

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Ans: Essay on Online Shopping in 100 words The way of shopping has been revolutionised by online shopping. It has made it possible and convenient to shop virtually from literally anywhere.  The sheer convenience of shopping is one of the biggest advantages of online shopping. For those individuals who are busy and struggle to find time to visit stores, online shopping is a boon.  Payments are easy this way with the variety of options available such as debit card, cash on delivery, etc. However, there are some drawbacks to online shopping as well. One of them benign the delivery of the wrong item or a different item than that seen online. So one should be cautious and should make informed decisions.

Ans: Online shopping can be explained as virtually buying of products from an e-commerce platform without going to the physical store.

Ans: Some of the key advantages of online shopping are mentioned below:- -Crowd Avoided:- since online shopping is virtual, going to crowded places is avoided. -Convenience:- we can shop from the convenience of our homes. -Variety in products:- on different platforms, a vast range of products is available.  -Variety in payment options:- Debit card, cash on delivery, etc payment options make it all the more convenient.

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This brings us to the end of our blog on Essay on Online Shopping. Hope you find this information useful. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our essay writing and follow Leverage Edu.

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping

In a world full of technologies, nothing is left from the impact of digitalization. With the emergence of the internet, everyone is going digital. Now we have power in our hands. We can book movie tickets online, we can pay bills online, we can book vehicle tickets online and even we can order food online. When everything can be done through mobile then why not shopping? Yes, you can shop for anything from your mobile phone.

Essay on Online Shopping

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping Essay in English

Here, I’m providing short and long essays on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping. This topic will be useful for students and everyone who is still confused with this mode of shopping.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Online shopping is when you buy a product or service over the internet.

2) Online shopping allows you to purchase goods anytime, whether it is day or night.

3) In online shopping, your item is delivered at home without going anywhere.

4) Goods purchased online are cheaper than those available in the offline markets.

5) In online shopping, customers are loaded with a variety of options and offers.

6) Online shopping is more prone to cybercrimes.

7) It has a higher chance of receiving damaged or unwanted products.

8) Online shopping sometimes does not provide full customer satisfaction.

9) Quick delivery of products is not possible while shopping online.

10) Online shopping is not meant for people who do not have smartphones.

Short Essay on Pros and Cons of Online Shopping (200 – 250 Words)

Online shopping, sometimes also referred to as e-shopping is a modern technique of buying products by making use of the internet. A wide variety of things are available in the online market. You can easily purchase them with the help of your mobile phones, laptops, tablets, etc.

Online markets are blessings for working people who follow busy schedules. People who do not want to waste time by going to the markets; they can easily buy products online. You can sit on the sofa while making any purchase. However, online shopping does not restrict you with their timings. They are open all the time on all the days of the week. All you need to do is a few clicks on your mobile phone and the product is at your home.

But it can raise several security related issues. Doing payment online requires more attention and care. Because of this reason, many people set their foot back from online shopping. Online shopping sometimes disappoints you by delivering wrong or damaged products. In fact, the long wait for product delivery is not suitable for urgently required items. While shopping online, many sites apply delivery charges on the products; hence you need to pay an extra amount. Online shopping is not suitable for the purchase of many products as you cannot check the actual quality of the product. Seeing only pictures is sometimes not sufficient to make choices.

Long Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping (500 – 600 Words)


Earlier people used to go to distant markets to buy necessary things. There was no other available option for shopping. But now with the changing time, we have changed our method of buying things. Nowadays, people have the option to choose whether they want to go to the market or the product will get delivered to their doorstep. Yes, this can be possible when you shop online.

Making use of the internet to buy products is called online shopping. In online shopping, we can shop anything by picking them from the virtual online stores and ordering them at our address. It is a simple and convenient mode of shopping.

Online Shopping: Brief History

After the emergence of smartphones and internet technology, online shopping came into existence. Initially, it was designed to promote and advertise the products of the companies. Later, it was made possible to exchange goods using the internet. In 1994, the first secure shopping channel was established. Flowers, wines, and chocolates were the initial products that were sold online. Later the online market flourished and wide varieties of products were made available.

In 1995, Amazon and eBay established its site for online shopping followed by Alibaba in 2003. Soon after, many other online shopping sites have made their place in the market.

Advantages/ Benefits of Online Shopping

Online shopping offers huge advantages to their customers. The dependency of people on online shopping is increasing day by day. During the days of the pandemic, online shopping was the savior of the time. Some of the major advantages of online shopping are as follows:

  • Flexibility: Online shopping is a flexible way of purchasing products. There is no time bound in an online market. Whenever you are free, you can scroll down for your favorite items and order them.
  • Big savings: You can save your fuel, energy, as well as the time when opting to online shopping. No need to move anywhere, just move your fingers.
  • Comparison: During online shopping, you can easily compare the prices of different products from different sites. While offline shopping, going to various shops to compare prices will be a hectic job.
  • Huge options: Unlike limited items in the physical shops, online stores are flooded with a wide variety of items. They offer a huge option to choose from.
  • Good deals: Online shopping sites throw various good deals to their customers. During any occasion or festive season, they offer discounts and low prices.

Disadvantages/ Cons of Online Shopping

No method can fully satisfy customers, and so the online method of shopping. For some people, it is a boon while some still fear shopping online. Some of the disadvantages of online shopping are listed below:

  • Security: The main fear people experience while shopping online is security. If not taken proper precautions, you can easily be the victim of online fraud. Payment and privacy are other concerns associated with the online market.
  • Satisfaction: Online shopping does not provide full customer satisfaction as you are not allowed to check the product physically. There are many chances of wrong product delivery.
  • Difficult to return: If you are not satisfied with the product, you can return them but the process is not that simple. Some sites do not even offer an exchange or return policy.
  • Delivery: While ordering anything online, it takes time to reach your destination. Therefore, you need to wait for some days to receive the product.
  • Bargaining: Offline markets are a good place for people who are experts in bargaining. In online stores, prices are fixed and you cannot deny them.

Today the number of people who shop online is comparatively high.  The growing trend of online shopping has turned many people towards purchasing things online. However, many still prefer to go to physical shops to buy things. Among online shopping and offline shopping, people can choose the way that suits them better.

I hope the above given essay on online shopping will be useful for you in knowing the advantages and disadvantages of this modern mode of shopping.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping

Ans.,,,,, etc are some famous sites for online shopping.

Ans., founded by Jeff Bezos is the leading online shopping site in the world.

Ans. Michael Aldrich was the inventor of online shopping, who established the technique of e-commerce in 1979.

Ans. You can buy many things online like clothes, groceries, electronics, packaged food, furniture, beauty and personal care products, toys, home decor, etc.

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Essay on Online Shopping Advantages and Disadvantages

Essay on online shopping for students and children . In this article, ‘ Online Shopping Essay ‘ students will read the meaning , advantages and disadvantages of online shopping . A Paragraph on precautions during online shopping must be understood carefully to escape online fraud.

Meaning of Online Shopping

In our childhood stories, we were told that Santa used to deliver gifts to kids to fulfil their wishes. Nobody imagined that this could happen in real life also. But modern science has made it possible in today’s world. This is known by various names like digital shopping, online shopping, e-commerce, online purchasing, internet shopping etc. It is exactly like our routine shopping except that here the buyer does not visit the shopkeeper’s place. Rather the full store is sent to the buyer on his laptop or mobile phone through a website .

History of Online Shopping

The first secure online transaction was done in the year 1994. Immediately after that in 1995 Amazon and e-bay launched their shopping sites., e-bay, Flipkart, Paytm Mall, Snapdeal, Myntra,,, Urbanclap, and are the names of famous online shopping portals. With the availability of smartphones and cheaper internet packages, online shopping has taken a place in everyone’s life.

What Can You Buy Online

A large number of people buy almost everything from groceries to gold on the internet. One needs just basic knowledge to operate a cell phone and he/she can enjoy shopping while sitting at home. Earlier people were afraid of losing their money for paying for an article that they were not viewing physically. But the option of cash on delivery has done away with that fear. An option of EMI (equated monthly instalments) that is to pay in smaller instalments is also available at most of the shopping sites. People who can’t pay the full price of the product in one go can still buy the product through an online EMI scheme. Besides buying goods we can buy online services also. For example, the services of beauticians, plumbers, electricians, and home-maids can also be arranged online through various sites. It is so easy that even kids can shop online.

Online Shopping by Mobile Apps

Nowadays all the e-commerce sites have launched their mobile apps to make it even easier. Open the app, click on the items that you wish to buy and proceed to checkout and shopping is done. The day and date of delivery will be mentioned there. The most interesting part is that change and return options are also available here like our physical shopping. With each and every passing day, more buyers are getting attracted to online purchasing because it has a long list of benefits.

Advantages Of Online Shopping | Pros of Online Shopping

  • gives access to a wide variety of products, prices and features compared with similar products.
  • saves time and we can devote our time towards more productive causes.
  • saves fuel and becomes the reason for less pollution and traffic jam.
  • We need not wait for our weekly off because online stores are 24 hours open.
  • We can read the reviews of a product if there is any doubt regarding its quality.
  • Goods are relatively cheaper at online stores because their maintenance expenses are almost negligible.
  • Online shopping companies offer their customers ample deals to sell their products like offering cash backs, lucky draws, festive sales, huge discounts and whatnot!
  • Big celebrities are often seen doing advertisements on these shopping sites to attract customers.
  • The buyer can choose from the goods and services available on the website and get them delivered directly to his/her place after making the payment. Or one can choose ‘the cash-on-delivery (COD) option.
  • People can buy in the wee hours, that is, even after midnight.

There are many advantages of online shopping but as every coin has two sides, online shopping is no exception. It has some disadvantages also, which are discussed below:

Disadvantages of Online Shopping | Cons of Online Shopping

A few people might experience the following disadvantages of online shopping which spoil their fun and comfort of online shopping. But, certain precautions and vigilant behaviour are a prerequisite to fully exploring the horizon of internet shopping.

  • Cases of delivering damaged products are reported.
  • Shipping problems delayed deliveries and high delivery charges
  • fraudulent payments and hacking of personal information
  • No salesperson to help while selecting
  • Online buying does not let small and local shopkeepers come on upfront. Big business houses are taking away their portion of sales through online buying.

Precautions Before Online Shopping

By following certain precautionary steps one can avoid these disadvantages of online shopping. Always buy from trusted websites, read reviews and users’ comments from various sites, and read product features and return policies thoroughly. It is evident now that the positive side overshadows the negative side. Happy online shopping.

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The present society has modified its approach to shopping. The major cohesive forces to the preferred shopping are simplicity and convenience. Rather than shopping online, a majority of the shoppers prefer buying products that they can see and not simply pictures since they can discern the quality of the products. These consumers easily compare the cost of the purchasing the product. In-store shopping besides offers more employment opportunities to the young people, thereby improving the economic status of the society. By visiting In-stores, buyers are likely to prevent the spread of fake products since they can choose their preferred products. Online buyers, on the other hand, prefer purchasing products at their comfort. The study argues that In-store shopping is better than online shopping.

In-store shoppers have the benefits of buying real products anywhere and at any time, and not just have a picture of their chosen product. This limitation surrounds online shoppers, making it more complicated to enjoy purchasing products and see things in real life. Such shoppers are able to realize sooner than later that a product is a total sheer, thus making it easier to discern the quality of an item. Besides this, in-store shopping offers numerous forms of discount, which buyers can take advantage of. For instance, young people who are estimated as more consumers can take advantage of the student discounts that are usually available at the stores. It is also more fun to involve the sellers in a bargain. In addition, in-store shopping is about roaming carelessly having coffee or food with friends along purchasing. Since it is an enjoyable event, in-store shopping draws young people together. This allows buyers ask for the opinion of someone else on a given product. Buyers are therefore more satisfied with the in-store shopping since they can actually go back with the fitting size for clothing. In-store shopping further protects buyers against annoying shipping fees for the products bought. In addition, no high credit bills are associated with the ordering of the products. Also, in-store shopping is an additional source of employment for the emerging young generation. A majority of the sales associates work for commission. Thus, by visiting a shop, consumers assist sales associates to earn a little cash. The sales representatives always offer some help by ensuring that the client acquires satisfactory products within minimal time.

On the contrary, in-store shopping is annoying to the buyers and expensive in the long run (Tuttle 1). There is always signage inconsistency at the in-stores. A big banner may welcome the consumers to take advantage of the discounts. When they get to the stores, they are compelled to ask the salesperson concerning the promotions they saw online. Eventually, consumers end up paying for more, making them more disillusioned with the in-store purchases. Inventory inconsistency is another limitation of making in-store purchases. This is especially common among the shoppers who prefer to pre-shop at the online markets of stores. A product may be cheaper online but expensive at the store. This challenge is more prevalent among retailers who operate independently from their online websites. While it may be comforting to see security cameras, sensors, and beacons at the end of the columns in the shopping malls, it is at times frustrating to realize that the cameras monitor every movement of the consumers in the store, including every pause on the items. This is, on the other hand, contrary to the behavior of the same customers who have no issue with the more intrusive sophisticated online tracking they subject themselves to.

The case for online shopping really comes down to scale. Shipping of the products from the warehouse after production is more costly, in addition to the expense incurred in putting up retail stores. These additional expenses can be reduced according to the Tuttle (1). It has been established that shipping a two 20-pound package by overnight air uses 40% less fuel than driving 20 miles to the stores. The air transportation is the most energy extensive mode of delivery, whereas it is just a tenth of the entire energy used by a consumer when driving to the store. Personal vehicles tend to consume more miles per gallon than the trucks used for shipping. Therefore, online shopping is a better strategy for energy conservation as fuel costs calculated per the number of packages carried tends to be lower than fuel costs used in making in-store purchases.

Online shopping is besides useful as shopping is not restricted by regional constraints. Buyers have more comfort while shopping since they can do it from the comfort of their homes. This is an additional advantage, as buyers do not have to worry about time restrictions and location restrictions. Young people who make up the highest percentage of shoppers can still shop while attending to other duties such as schooling and working. With the advent of the online stores, buyers have the alternative of purchasing daily products such as groceries. With a touch of a button, buyers are accordingly, able to compare the prices of the products and buy the best quality at the best affordable price.

While online shopping may be beneficial, it is frustrating and confusing in some aspects. The price is always inconsistent with the in-store prices, frustrating the consumers. This price favoritism upsets most buyers who in turn resort to shopping in other store lines. Retailers at the online shopping websites tend to use different mechanisms to attract and retain their customers. One of these approaches is the use of coupons game. Shoppers may be enticed to locate a code that will offer free shipping or give a 10% discount. Mysteriously some of these codes do not work at times. This makes the excited shoppers annoyed as they feel played on when the codes fail to operate.

Whereas online stores are assumedly cheaper than in-store shopping, more packages are required for the online shopping than for the in-store shopping (Tuttle 1). The higher expense tends to be 2.5 times more than for the in-store shopping. It is thus more expensive in terms of online packages than for the in-store packages. Furthermore, consumers do not need to travel 20 miles round trip for every mile to the store by public transport cuts back the energy required to retrieve the products. If consumers are living in dense urban areas, then they are easily accessible to public transportation.

It is also noteworthy to mention that buying products at the retail stores promotes local goods and are more likely to be returned if they are not tried at first. This is essential for goods such as clothes. It is necessary for the public to promote their stores, pay associated local taxes and develop the surroundings to a more interesting and vibrant place. This is socially important but economically challenging to put a price tag to such efforts.

In-store shopping offers a range of products and brands in a single place. This is useful as buyers are able to explore a variety of designs and styles under one roof (Persad 1). Consumers are also able to save time, as they do not need to move from one street to the other in search of products. While shopping at the in-stores, buyers are usually entertained. This modern trend of including cinema halls and gaming zones at the shopping malls makes shopping more entertaining. Furthermore, consumers are treated to more discounts, compelling them to make more purchases.

In conclusion, both in-store and online shopping has made it more enjoyable for people to make purchases. These alternatives have also compelled the public to make choices based on personal tastes and preferences. Online shopping may seem a better option for the consumer who lives in the suburbs and has to drive for many miles. It is also a better option for the young who are meticulous about bundling online orders. For this case, it is advisable for the consumer to prefer shipping rather than overnight air to save more energy. On the other hand, In-store shopping is better since buyers can purchase their products from any place. They may have to walk or use some transportation to their desired store. Furthermore, consumers have the opportunity to see the real product rather than pictures and so get can immediately discern the quality of the product. In-store shopping offers more employment opportunities, especially to the young people. This is a useful strategy of improving the economic well-being in the society. In-store is besides useful to prevent widespread consumption of counterfeit and illegal products.

Works Cited

Persad, Michelle. “10 Reasons it’s better to Shop In-Store rather Than Online.” The Huffington

Post. 2015. accessed on 7 February 2017.

Tuttle, Brad. “What’s Wrong with Online Shopping?” Business Times. 2010. accessed on 7 February 2017.

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Australian online watchdog drops court case against X over stabbing video

Australia’s online safety watchdog has dropped her Federal Court case aimed at forcing X Corp. to take down a video of a Sydney bishop being stabbed

MELBOURNE, Australia -- Australia’s online safety watchdog said on Wednesday she had dropped her Federal Court case that attempted to force X Corp. to take down a video of a Sydney bishop being stabbed .

But eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant said she would continue her legal action in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal against the platform rebranded in 2023 after billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk bought Twitter.

Musk welcomed the decision, posting on X, “Freedom of speech is worth fighting for.”

The case before the tribunal, which reviews bureaucrats’ administrative decisions, had been brought by X and was running in parallel with the Federal Court case.

Inman Grant, a former Twitter employee, said cost was a factor in her decision to “consolidate” her commission’s legal action against X.

“The real questions that I want tested through an independent merits review will be done at the AAT and it didn’t make sense for me to be fighting a battle on two fronts when, let’s face it, the war is going to be much longer and more extended” than originally thought, Inman Grant told Australian Broadcasting Corp.

Inman Grant also revealed that her legal action against X had led to online attacks against her and her family including the malicious release online of personal or identifying information without the subject’s permission, known as doxxing.

She blamed Musk for the attacks.

“He issued a dog whistle to 181 million users around the globe which resulted in death threats directed at me, which resulted in doxxing of my family members, including my three children,” Inman Grant said.

“So I think with great power comes great responsibility and exercising that restraint, in terms of targeting a regulator who is here to protect the citizens of Australia, is really beyond the pale. But it’s not surprising, given that we’ve seen him litigate and target and personally tarnish NGOs, academics and other researchers that dare to criticise the safety of the X platform,” she added.

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland backed Inman Grant’s decision to take X to the Federal Court and her decision to drop the case.

“The government backs our regulators and we back the eSafety Commissioner, particularly in light of the reprehensible threats to her physical safety and the threats to her family in the course of doing her job,” Rowland told Parliament.

X was alone among social media platforms in refusing eSafety’s order to take down video of a 16-year-old stabbing an Assyrian Orthodox bishop in a Sydney church on April 15 as a service was being streamed online.

While Meta, Microsoft, Google, Snap, TikTok, Reddit and Telegram removed the video, X would only go as far as geoblocking Australian X users.

The commission went to the Australian Federal Court to enforce a global ban on the video being shared.

Musk has used his personal X account to accuse Australia interfering with free speech and to deride Inman Grant as the “Australian censorship commissar.”

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese branded Musk an “arrogant billionaire,” who considered himself above the law and was out of touch with the public.

But eSafety suffered a loss in the court on May 13 when a judge withdrew an injunction that required the San Francisco-based company to hide the content globally. Justice Geoffrey Kennett found the global ban was not a reasonable requirement to place on the platform.

“This case has raised important questions on how legal powers can be used to threaten global censorship of speech, and we are heartened to see that freedom of speech has prevailed,” X posted Wednesday after the case was dropped.

Inman Grant said her commission had another five legal cases against X, including over the platform's failure to reveal how it was combating child sexual abuse material.

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Australian online watchdog drops court case against X over stabbing video

Rod Mcguirk

Associated Press

MELBOURNE – Australia’s online safety watchdog said on Wednesday she had dropped her Federal Court case that attempted to force X Corp. to take down a video of a Sydney bishop being stabbed .

But eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant said she would continue her legal action in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal against the platform rebranded in 2023 after billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk bought Twitter.

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Musk welcomed the decision, posting on X, “Freedom of speech is worth fighting for.”

The case before the tribunal, which reviews bureaucrats’ administrative decisions, had been brought by X and was running in parallel with the Federal Court case.

Inman Grant, a former Twitter employee, said cost was a factor in her decision to “consolidate” her commission’s legal action against X.

“The real questions that I want tested through an independent merits review will be done at the AAT and it didn’t make sense for me to be fighting a battle on two fronts when, let’s face it, the war is going to be much longer and more extended” than originally thought, Inman Grant told Australian Broadcasting Corp.

Inman Grant also revealed that her legal action against X had led to online attacks against her and her family including the malicious release online of personal or identifying information without the subject’s permission, known as doxxing.

She blamed Musk for the attacks.

“He issued a dog whistle to 181 million users around the globe which resulted in death threats directed at me, which resulted in doxxing of my family members, including my three children,” Inman Grant said.

“So I think with great power comes great responsibility and exercising that restraint, in terms of targeting a regulator who is here to protect the citizens of Australia, is really beyond the pale. But it’s not surprising, given that we’ve seen him litigate and target and personally tarnish NGOs, academics and other researchers that dare to criticise the safety of the X platform,” she added.

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland backed Inman Grant’s decision to take X to the Federal Court and her decision to drop the case.

“The government backs our regulators and we back the eSafety Commissioner, particularly in light of the reprehensible threats to her physical safety and the threats to her family in the course of doing her job,” Rowland told Parliament.

X was alone among social media platforms in refusing eSafety’s order to take down video of a 16-year-old stabbing an Assyrian Orthodox bishop in a Sydney church on April 15 as a service was being streamed online.

While Meta, Microsoft, Google, Snap, TikTok, Reddit and Telegram removed the video, X would only go as far as geoblocking Australian X users.

The commission went to the Australian Federal Court to enforce a global ban on the video being shared.

Musk has used his personal X account to accuse Australia interfering with free speech and to deride Inman Grant as the “Australian censorship commissar.”

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese branded Musk an “arrogant billionaire,” who considered himself above the law and was out of touch with the public.

But eSafety suffered a loss in the court on May 13 when a judge withdrew an injunction that required the San Francisco-based company to hide the content globally. Justice Geoffrey Kennett found the global ban was not a reasonable requirement to place on the platform.

“This case has raised important questions on how legal powers can be used to threaten global censorship of speech, and we are heartened to see that freedom of speech has prevailed,” X posted Wednesday after the case was dropped.

Inman Grant said her commission had another five legal cases against X, including over the platform's failure to reveal how it was combating child sexual abuse material.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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Washington family sues butcher shop for going to wrong house, killing pet pigs: 'Not a meal'

In the lawsuit, natalie and nathan gray allege that employees of farmer george meats came to their property on may 1 and shot their 2-year-old pigs, betty and patty..

for and against essay on online shopping

A family in northwestern Washington has sued a local butcher shop for killing their pet pigs when they came to the wrong house, according to a lawsuit filed in Washington Superior Court.

Natalie and Nathan Gray were raising two female Kunekune pigs, both two years old, when it all came to an end on May 1.

In the lawsuit, the couple alleges that employees of Farmer George Meats, Jonathan Hines and Dillon Baker, came to their property around 1:30 p.m. that day in Port Orchard, Washington and killed their 2-year-old pigs

In the lawsuit, the couple said Hines and Baker entered their property without their knowledge or consent and then shot the pigs as instructed by their employer, Farmer George Meats.

"According to Kitstap Sheriff's Office records, Hines admitted to having done 'everything' and that Dillon was 'only there assisting him,'" the lawsuit reads. "Yet, later in the report, the deputy wrote that 'They backed up to the pen and dispatched both of the pigs with a 22 magnum.'"

The lawsuit also says the pair slit the pigs' throats, then shackled the leg of Betty and prepared to hoist her by one limb so she could bleed out on the property.

Natalie, one of the owners of the pigs, arrived shortly after and was in emotional distress after seeing the state of the pigs. Her husband experienced the same when he arrived.

"Adding to the devastation, and despite Hines and Dillon being told Betty and Patty were family, the Grays were then callously offered free butchering of Betty and Patty," the lawsuit reads.

The lawsuit said Hines and Baker were supposed to go to another house nearby that has clear address signage.

The family is suing the company and its employees for trespassing, reckless infliction of emotional distress and more. They asked for economic damages, including burial expenses for both pigs and damages to their land.

The owner of Farmer George Meats did not immediately respond to a message about the lawsuit on Wednesday and when reached by phone Thursday, an employee answered and said he wasn’t available. The employee took a message.

Baker could not be reached and Hines did not immediately respond with comments about the case.

Death of a beloved pig: World-renowned painting pig Pigcasso dies: What to know about the swine's incredible life

Family’s lawyer says pigs are family members, not meals

The Grays’ lawyer, Adam P. Karp said his clients are not doing additional interviews but gave his own opinion on the matter Wednesday night.

He said his clients have experienced “heartbreak” and said “I stand with the Gray family to bring justice and help change the law to ensure this never happens again.”

He said animals such as pigs, cats and dogs are members of the family, “not a meal.”

He said he is full of fury thinking about the pigs’ last moments, “greeted by interlopers, not with belly rubs and delicious treats, but with the muzzle of a gun pointed at their faces violently delivering an execution-style bullet into their skulls, while animals they lived with watched, powerless to help.”

Saleen Martin is a reporter on USA TODAY's NOW team. She is from Norfolk, Virginia – the 757. Follow her on Twitter at @SaleenMartin or email her at [email protected] .

Hunter Biden gun trial recap: Witnesses give look into Hunter's drug use, gun sale

The jury got their first real glimpse of the case facing Hunter Biden Tuesday as prosecutors and defense attorneys walked through what they plan to lay out in the coming days.

Hunter Biden faces three felonies over whether he lied on a federal gun form in 2018 that asked if he was addicted to drugs. It is the first criminal case against the child of a sitting president in U.S. history.

And Wednesday featured an array of the prosecution's witnesses, including Hunter Biden's ex-wife and ex-girlfriend, who shined a light on his struggle with drug addiction and how he spent his money.

So far, jurors have heard from FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen, Biden's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle, ex-girlfriend Zoe Kestan and Gordon Cleaveland, a gun shop employee who was working when Biden purchased his weapon.

Jurors have also seen a raft of text messages prosecutors say show drug use on Hunter Biden's part, as well as heard Hunter Biden's own voice describing his challenges with addiction in excerpts from his memoir played aloud in court.

DAY 2 RECAP: Hunter Biden trial: Court hears Biden memoir excerpts, text messages

Here's what happened Wednesday.

Prosecutors may rest case against Hunter Biden Thursday 

At the close of testimony Thursday, prosecutor Derek Hines said the government has six witnesses remaining, all of whom will take less time than others, so the prosecution may finish its case Thursday. 

Those witnesses include Hallie Biden and police officers responsible for finding Hunter Biden's gun after it was thrown in the trash at a local grocery store. 

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden's defense attorney, is expected to call multiple witnesses, likely starting Friday.

--Xerxes Wilson

Wednesday's testimony closes with gun shop employee cross-examination

During the defense cross-examination, Gordon Cleveland was quizzed about why his coworkers call him the "whale hunter."

"That is what they call me because I sold high-end guns to customers," Cleveland said. 

Defense Attorney Abbe Lowell pressed Cleveland on precisely how the sale occurred, what direction Hunter Biden entered the parking lot of the store and in what sequence he picked out items for sale. 

His cross-examination will continue tomorrow.

Gun shop employee says he watched Biden answer crucial question

Gordon Cleveland, a city of Wilmington employee, worked at StarQuest Shooters and Survival Supply in northern Delaware part-time in October 2018 when he noticed a man driving a black Cadillac pull into the shop.

It was Hunter Biden, who he said picked out a Colt Cobra .38 special. He said he watched as Hunter Biden answered where the form asked if he was an unlawful user of or addicted to controlled substances.

“He wrote no,” Cleveland testified.

Prosecutor Derek Hines asked if Hunter Biden sought any clarification or expressed confusion about what the terms of the question meant. Cleveland answered no. Prosecutors have said that answer is the root of two of the felony charges Hunter Biden faces.

Prosecutors call gun shop employee as next witness

Prosecutors have called to the witness stand Gordon Cleveland, the man who sold Hunter Biden the handgun at the center of this trial. 

Cleveland is expected to testify about watching Hunter Biden fill out the form central to the criminal charges against him. 

Cross-examination of Hunter Biden's ex-girlfriend begins

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden's defense attorney, began his cross-examination of Zoe Kestan by establishing that she didn't speak to him from September to November 2018, the period in which he bought the gun central to the trial.  "You don’t have any idea what he was doing," Lowell asked, prompting her to confirm. He then asked about her immunity agreement, stating that it was necessary because she told prosecutors about things she did in violation of the law. This prompted prosecutors to object.  After the sidebar, Lowell rephrased the question before asking her about discussions with federal investigators. 

Kestan describes moving to California with Biden

Kestan testified that her lease in New York was expiring, and Hunter Biden wanted to move to California to get sober so the two decided to move together in early 2018.

The plan was for Hunter Biden to go to California first and detox.

“It seems like the plan had gone out the window,” she said.

She testified that she arrived at the southern California bungalow he had rented to find drug paraphrenia, alcohol, food and two women that Hunter Biden said would not leave.

Prosecutors also presented a photo of Hunter Biden wearing a shirt with a marijuana leaf and the label “addicted” as a play on the Adidas logo.

“I thought that was funny because he didn’t smoke weed,” she said. 

Ex-girlfriend addresses Hunter Biden's cash withdrawals

Keston told the jury Hunter Biden would have her withdraw cash from his bank account multiple times.

She said he could use an app on his phone to issue a code to allow her to access his account at an ATM.

“He took out a lot of cash,” Kestan said. “I knew a good amount of it was for buying drugs.”

However, she also noted that he once withdrew $800 for her to go to Supreme and buy clothes for his kids.

She said he would also use his bank app to allow drug dealers to access his account for payment. 

Zoe Kestan testifies about drug use

Prosecutors are taking Kestan through her growing connection with Hunter Biden.

Kestan has described hotel stays in New York, where she lives, as well as Atlantic City. She said Hunter Biden used crack cocaine during these rendezvous through early 2018.

“I already felt myself really caring for him and starting the discussions about this addiction,” Kestan told the jury. 

Hunter Biden's ex-girlfriend Zoe Kestan describes meeting him at gentleman’s club

Zoe Kestan, an ex-girlfriend of Hunter Biden, took the stand next, testifying that she was working part-time in 2017 at a gentleman’s club in New York. She was about to clock out when she was asked to do one more private dance.

She said she and another woman entered the room to find Hunter Biden. She didn't know who he was. The club was getting ready to close and the music was off so Hunter Biden played a Fleet Foxes song on his phone.

The room had a balcony and she said Hunter Biden used it to smoke. She said she assumed it was crack cocaine.

“He was incredibly charming and charismatic, and I felt really safe around him,” Kestan said. 

He asked her to return to his hotel. She declined but gave him her number and they would meet again.

Hunter Biden's ex-wife never saw him use drugs

Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, told jurors she searched his car for drug paraphernalia on occasions dating to 2019.

However, during cross-examination, she told the jury she wasn’t aware he was living in California in the summer of 2018 nor was she aware that he returned to Delaware in fall 2018.

She said she didn’t know the exact days she searched his vehicle. She added that she never actually saw Hunter Biden use drugs. 

Hunter Biden's ex-wife talks searched his car after divorce

Kathleen Buhle told the jury she would search Hunter Biden’s car following their divorce in 2017 out of concern for their children.

“I would check the car to make sure they were not using the car with drugs in it,” she told the jury.

She said she continued to do these checks until 2019, following the period in which Hunter Biden purchased the gun. 

This ended the prosecution's questioning before the defense had the opportunity to cross-exam Buhle.

Ex-wife Kathleen Buhle testifies about discovering Hunter Biden's drugs

Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, told the jury about the first time she knew Hunter Biden was using drugs.

She said she found a pipe in the ashtray on the porch of their Washington D.C. home in July 2015 and confronted him about it.

“It was very short,” she said. “He acknowledged smoking crack.”

Buhle said she had feared he was using drugs since he was discharged from the Navy for testing positive for cocaine.

“I was worried, but I had no proof,” she said. “I was worried, scared.” 

Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, called to testify

Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle, was called as the second witness in his federal trial on gun charges, where she is expected to testify about her complaints about his drug use.

The two were married from 1993 to 2017 and they have three children: Naomi, Finnegan and Maisey.

In 2022, Buhle published "If We Break: A Memoir of Marriage, Addiction, and Healing," which details Hunter Biden’s struggles with addiction.

Prosecutors have said she will testify that through 2018, she would search his vehicles because she didn’t want her children around drugs. She told investigators she discovered drugs in his vehicles on at least a dozen occasions, according to pretrial filings.

'Do drug dealers accept credit cards?': Prosecutor asks FBI agent

Prosecutor Derek Hines continues questioning FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen about bank records, specifically transactions at liquor stores.

She noted that all the liquor store transactions were paid with check cards.

“Do drug dealers accept credit cards?” Hines asked Jensen.

Abbe Lowell, Biden’s defense attorney, has noted Hunter Biden also struggled with alcohol abuse at this time, but that is not part of the criminal charges in the trial. He's also sought to explain large cash transactions evidenced in bank records as being for things other than drug purchases. 

Attorneys concluded their questioning of the FBI special agent who investigated Hunter Biden just before 11 a.m. 

Hunter Biden paid bills with check card: FBI

FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen testified that Hunter Biden paid for rehabilitation services and an Airbnb in 2018 with a check card, according to bank statements submitted in his federal trial on gun charges.

Prosecutor Derek Hines highlighted the use of a check card after Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, had argued that Biden withdrew large sums of cash because he had no credit cards. Prosecutors have suggested Biden could have used the cash to buy drugs.

Defense questions Hunter Biden texts implying drug use

FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen acknowledged during questions from defense lawyer Abbe Lowell that the bulk of Hunter Biden’s text messages referring to drug use occurred well before he bought the gun at issue in his federal trial, but two messages stood out.

One exception was a text to his sister-in-law, Hallie Biden, the week he bought the gun in October 2018 stating he was waiting on a dealer named Mookie. Another text stated he was smoking crack on a car.

Under Lowell’s questioning, Jensen said she didn’t know if Mookie actually exists and does not know whether Hunter Biden was actually smoking crack on a car at that time.

Jensen also testified she did not investigate to what extent Hunter Biden was spending money to help his family members, pay for his children’s tuition and other living expenses.

FBI Agent: descriptions of October 2018 drug use not in memoir

FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen testified she had no recollection of descriptions of drug use in Hunter Biden’s memoir from the same month as he purchased the gun central to the case.

Hunter Biden’s defense attorney Abbe Lowell noted that the agent pulled excerpts that have “granular” descriptions of drug use in 2017 and early 2018, asking if she would have included such examples in evidence from October 2018 if they existed.

“It would have been added if they were there, that’s fair,” Jensen said.

This is part of a defense strategy that seeks to create distance from Hunter Biden’s admitted drug use from October 2018 as a way of arguing he didn’t knowingly lie about being a drug user or being addicted to drugs when he purchased the gun. 

Cross-examination of FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen to continue

Trial testimony will continue Wednesday morning with the special agent who investigated the case on the stand.To recap, prosecutors on Tuesday used her testimony primarily to introduce dozens of text messages and photos of drugs pulled from Hunter Biden’s phone account and laptop hard drive.

The agent testified that the messages show him arranging drug deals and discussing drug use in the months leading up to and following the October 2018 gun purchase central to the trial.

The messages also include missives sent days before the gun purchase in which he claims he was smoking crack and waiting on a drug dealer.

They also introduced dozens of book excerpts in which Hunter Biden discusses his struggles with drug abuse.At the end of Tuesday’s trial proceeding, Abbe Lowell, began his cross-examination, seeking to emphasize that most of the messages far predate or come after the gun purchase.

During opening arguments, Lowell claimed Hunter Biden was in recovery when he purchased the gun and did not knowingly lie on the gun form central to the trial. 

Who might testify Wednesday?

Abbe Lowell will continue his cross-examination of Jensen Wednesday.

Then, if prosecutors call witnesses in the order they outlined to the jury in opening statements, Kathleen Buhle, Hunter's ex-wife will testify, followed by Zoe Kestan, his ex-girlfriend and then Hallie Biden, Hunter Biden's former lover and his brother's widow.

It's unclear if prosecutors will call those witnesses in that order or how many witnesses the trial will get through Wednesday. 

Who is FBI agent Erika Jensen?

Erika Jensen is an FBI agent who has served for 20 years and was assigned to Biden's case in the fall of 2023,  NBC News reported .

Jensen is also the subject of an HBO limited series by  "The Wire" creator David Simon , "We Own This City." She ran an investigation into the Baltimore Police Department Gun Trace Task Force. Eight officers were convicted as a result of the investigation, for charges on racketeering, robbery, extortion and overtime fraud charges, according to  NBC affiliate WBFF .

WHAT TO KNOW: The first witness in Hunter Biden's trial is an FBI agent who was portrayed in an HBO show

--Kinsey Crowley

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