Essay Sample on How i Spent My Christmas Holiday

december christmas

There was nothing to worry about, however. My mom’s old friend lives there, and she helped greatly in arranging matters. She was kind to inspect the apartment offers found on the Net. Her husband, who is a civil engineer, commented then on all the pros and cons in each case, so that we could make up our minds more easily. He also recommended a reliable van line – they delivered all the breakables we decided to transport safely. Not to pay too much for transportation, we thought it wiser to buy some of the furniture and major appliances when already at the new place.

And that’s where Christmas shopping campaigns (which I usually find too hectic to my taste) came in handy. Due to numerous discount offers, bonuses and other perks, such as free delivery, we managed to furnish our new home with nicest things without it costing us an arm and a leg. Of course, touring the shops took us not one day but ten, but every minute spent was definitely worth it. I was lucky to participate in it all – thus I had the better part of December off school (well, I just had to work harder for a while at my former school).

After we bought the necessary furniture and home appliances, Mom and Dad got busy with some minor repairs and redecoration. As for Christmas ornaments, they delegated this task wholly to me. Oh, how glad I was! I can say I love festive preparations not less than the celebration itself, so I set about the task with all my heart.

For inspiration, I went window-gazing every day; those walks were magical in and of themselves thanks to light snowfalls that lasted a week. The streets were beautiful; I also visited malls. I sauntered past shop windows, took snapshots of designs I liked, and then discussed them with Mom and Dad. We brainstormed the best suggestions, and next I went to collect supplies for the DIY-able things and buy some ready-made ornaments. After that, with time free from school at my disposal, I devoted myself to creativity. It was bliss – if I’d had to attend classes, like it was every December before, I wouldn’t have even half the opportunity to indulge in all the arts and crafts that I love. I made fabric accessories, felted and papier-mâché ornaments, bunting, table decoration, greeting cards and gift wrapping.

Apart from that, I gave a hand in redecoration, too. While Mom was busy cooking, Dad and I went on pasting new wallpapers, hanging curtains and light fixtures. After a few more days of work, we made another tour to stock on groceries (which was a bargain, too due to all the special offers); then all that was left was arranging the furniture, buying a Christmas tree, decorating the place and preparing dinner.

On December, 25 we invited Mom’s friends over to our place. We presented them with a set of designer ceramic vases for their beautiful home, and they gave us a fondue pot, some fine Belgian chocolate and a pound of delicious strawberries which we relished as well as our long chat that wonderful Christmas night.

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Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

Students are often asked to write an essay on How I Spent My Holiday in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

100 Words Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

My holiday fun.

I spent my holiday with family and friends. We went to a nearby beach. The sun was warm, and the water looked like shiny blue glass. I built sandcastles and collected pretty shells. My sister and I laughed a lot.

Visiting the Zoo

Enjoying ice cream.

Every evening, we ate ice cream. My favorite flavor is chocolate. It was the best part of the day.

Reading Time

At night, I read storybooks. Stories of adventure and magic filled my dreams. It was a peaceful way to end my days.

250 Words Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

Visiting my grandparents.

The first part of my holiday was spent at my grandparents’ house. They live in a small village surrounded by beautiful fields. Every morning, I would go for a walk with my grandfather and he would tell me stories from when he was young. My grandmother baked delicious cookies and I helped her decorate them.

Playing and Learning

Back at home, I played a lot with my friends. We rode bikes, played soccer in the park, and had a picnic on a sunny day. I also read a couple of interesting books. They were adventure stories that took me to far-off lands without leaving my room.

Trying New Things

Helping around the house.

In conclusion, my holiday was a mix of fun, learning, and spending time with my loved ones. I enjoyed every moment and was ready to start school again with fresh energy and new stories to tell.

500 Words Essay on How I Spent My Holiday

Introduction to my holiday.

My holiday was a time full of fun and relaxation. I had been waiting eagerly for it, and when it finally came, I made sure to enjoy every moment. This essay is about how I spent those wonderful days.

Learning to Cook

During my stay, my grandma also taught me how to cook simple dishes. We made pancakes, cookies, and even a small cake. I enjoyed mixing the ingredients and decorating the cake with icing and colorful sprinkles. It was a messy but fun activity, and the best part was eating what we had made.

Reading Books

At home, I spent a lot of time reading books. I had brought a few storybooks with me, and I read them under the shade of a big tree in the backyard. The quiet time with my books was peaceful, and it let my imagination run wild with the adventures in the stories.

Playing with Friends

Learning a new hobby.

My uncle, who lives near my grandparents, is good at painting. I asked him to teach me, and he was happy to. He showed me how to hold a paintbrush and mix colors. I painted a picture of the sunset one evening. It wasn’t perfect, but I was proud of it. Painting became a new hobby for me to enjoy.

Helping Around

I also helped around the house. I learned to do small tasks like setting the table for meals and feeding the chickens. It felt good to be helpful and to learn how to do new things.

Conclusion: A Memorable Holiday

My holiday was filled with new experiences and joy. I learned, played, and spent quality time with my family. It was a break from my regular school routine, and I felt refreshed and ready to go back to school with lots of stories to tell my friends. This holiday will always be a special memory for me.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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My Christmas Vacation Essay | Importance of Christmas, How To Prepare for Christmas Vacation?

October 30, 2021 by Prasanna

My Christmas Vacation Essay: Most countries around the world consider Christmas to be the most anticipated holiday season of the year. This is because Christmas is a time of love, family, friends, and giving. It is the time when people are reminded what matters most in life. Unsurprisingly, many people tend to take vacations with their family and friends during this time of year.

And to actually have a good Christmas vacation, one has to plan accordingly. The following essay will provide you with helpful insights on how to prepare for your best Christmas vacation yet. We’ll go over some of the best tips and tricks on how to get ready for your Christmas vacation including packing, planning, and what to do once you’re there. So let’s dive right in!

You can also find more  Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Preparing for a Christmas Vacation

First, consider what your goals are for the vacation. If you want to spend time with family, then pick an area close to them. If you want to experience a different culture, then pick somewhere that you wish to visit. Once you’ve decided on your goal, it’s time to start thinking about research. Researching will help you find out all there is about the destination and make sure that it aligns with what you want from your trip.

How to Plan Your Christmas Trip – 5 Simple Steps

Planning your Christmas trip can be a daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be! This simple guide can help you effortlessly plan your next Christmas vacation:

  • Research the logistics of where you want to go – Traveling can be stressful and exciting at the same time. There’s a lot to research when it comes to traveling, whether you’re going for pleasure or business. You need to know where you want to go and then figure out the logistics of how to get there. For instance, a commute which usually takes 20 minutes ends up taking 45 minutes – and this can have a cascading effect on your other travel plans.
  • Pick the best time for travel – It is important to plan for a time that will be conducive to travel. The best time for most people is during the transition from winter to spring. In this period, there are fewer crowds and it is usually less expensive as well. However, Christmas vacations are reserved only for the winter months, which is typically from December to January.
  • Decide on the date of arrival and departure – Planning for a trip means deciding on the date of arrival and departure. This can depend on factors such as: cost, travel distance, seasonality and availability. These considerations should be taken into account when deciding the best date to travel.
  • Find places to stay – When planning a vacation, there are a lot of things to consider. One of these is where to stay. There are a lot of options for lodging, but the prices vary. Sometimes you can get a great deal, while other times you’ll have to pay excess for what you want. Regardless, you are required to research a place before you finalise, else you might be in for a nasty surprise.
  • Make sure you pack the things – The weather can be unpredictable, so it’s important to be well prepared when you’re traveling. Make sure you pack the right clothes, additional clothes, food, medicines and more in your suitcase to stay comfortable all day.

The Benefits of Vacationing in the Christmas Season

The benefits of vacationing in the Christmas season are plentiful. For one, it is a time of celebration, so people can get in the spirit and have some good times. There are also many events going on during this time, from church services to caroling concerts or even just a general feeling of being part of something special. In addition to all the festive joys that await people who take vacations in this period, there are other great benefits as well.

Regardless, Christmas vacation is a time to spend with family and friends. This season also provides a sense of excitement in the air. Moreover most people don’t realize how much work goes into preparing for the holidays. It starts weeks in advance with shopping, wrapping, cooking, and decorating. It’s not just about enjoying the holiday with family and friends, it’s also about being there to help them celebrate. Other benefits of vacationing in the Christmas season includes:

  • Time with family and friends – Christmas is a time where we get to interact and have fun with our family and friends. It’s the perfect opportunity to celebrate the holiday spirit and take a break from all of life’s stresses.
  • Creating Unforgettable Memories – A lot of people think that Christmas is a day to merely go through the motions. However, the right approach would be to make it a day that you want to remember for years to come.
  • Improved physical and mental health – Regardless of Christmas vacation, taking just any vacation can be an effective way to manage physical and mental health. With the right planning, there is no need for worry about any changes to your work while you are away. A regular break from daily stressors, whether it be at work or home, can help you return feeling refreshed and energized.
  • Greater well-being – It is important for people to take vacations in order to enjoy themselves and strengthen their relationships with others. The idea behind taking a vacation is that when people take time off work, they are not only able to recharge their batteries, but also focus on things that may not have been possible with the stress of work. This is why it’s important to take a vacation once in a while.
  • Increased mental motivation – Not only does a vacation provide you with relaxation and leisure, but also an increase in mental motivation. Studies show that people who take vacations actually come back to work more refreshed and ready to tackle new challenges.
  • Decreases burnout – Studies show that taking a vacation and disconnecting from work can be good for the body and the mind. People who take time off from work report feeling less stressed, more engaged, and more productive than employees who take considerably less time off from work.

My Christmas Vacation

FAQ’s on Christmas Vacation Essay

Question 1. How do you plan a Christmas vacation?

Answer: When you plan your Christmas vacation, you want to make sure to create a list of all the places you want to go and things you want to do. Once you have your list in order, it’ll be easier for you and your family members to figure out what they’re going to do on their days off.

Question 2. When should I start preparing for Christmas vacation?

Answer: Preparation should start as early as possible. It takes time to prepare for this holiday, so the sooner you start the better. If you want to create a seamless Christmas experience, then you should start planning in October or November for your vacation.

Question 3. What is a perfect vacation?

Answer: The best vacation is one that fits your needs and interests. If you love to hike, a vacation with the most beautiful hiking trails might be perfect for you. If you’re a beach person, a tropical island might be the perfect place for you. The best trips are those that can bring people closer together and help them grow as individuals.

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essay on how i spent my christmas day

How To Write a “How I Spent My Day” Essay (Top Tips & Sample)

Want to know how to write a “How I Spent My Day” essay?

You’ve come to the right place.

Crafting a compelling “How I Spent My Day” essay allows you to not only document your experiences but also engage readers with a vivid narrative.

In this guide, we’ll explore actionable tips to help you write an essay that is not only captivating but also reader-friendly.

Create an Engaging Introduction

Begin your essay with an attention-grabbing hook. For example, “Embark on a journey into a day in my life – a narrative filled with unexpected twists and valuable lessons.”

Use a Thesis Statement and Clear Structure

Clearly state your purpose with a concise thesis statement. Organize your essay in a structured manner, preferably following a chronological order or thematic approach. This not only aids in readability but also appeals to the reader’s understanding.

Detailed Planning and Reflections

Describe your day by starting with a well-organized schedule. Reflect on expectations versus reality, emphasizing the emotional aspects of your experiences.

Vivid Descriptions and Storytelling Techniques

Use descriptive language to bring your experiences to life. Engage readers by appealing to their senses, making your essay a sensory journey. Utilize storytelling techniques to create a narrative flow that keeps readers hooked.

Use a Conversational Tone

Write in a conversational tone to establish a connection with your readers. Addressing them directly and using personal pronouns creates a sense of intimacy.

Strategically Use Headings and Subheadings

Break down your essay into digestible sections with clear headings and subheadings. This not only improves the overall structure but also makes it easier for readers to follow your narrative.

Reflect and Offer Takeaways

Reflect on the lessons learned and personal growth throughout the day. This adds depth to your essay and provides valuable content for readers seeking insights into self-improvement.

Write a Conclusion

Summarize your key points and restate your thesis in the conclusion. End with a call to action or an open-ended question to encourage reader engagement.

By combining the art of storytelling with engaging writing techniques, you can create a “How I Spent My Day” essay that not only resonates with readers but also captures their attention from start to finish. Embrace your unique experiences, follow these actionable tips, and watch your essay become a compelling narrative that captures hearts and minds alike.

Here is a sample “How I Spent My Day” Essay

Today felt like a page out of a storybook, with unexpected surprises and happy moments. As the sun woke me up, it was the start of a day filled with routines and exciting surprises.

My morning began with the sound of my alarm, and I got out of bed ready for a brand-new day. The smell of fresh coffee made the kitchen cozy, and a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast got me geared up for whatever lay ahead.

Walking outside, I noticed the world waking up around me. The streets were buzzing with people going about their day, and the air was filled with the sounds of footsteps, distant traffic, and birds chirping. It was like a canvas painted with regular stuff, but each bit had the potential for something amazing.

My day was planned out neatly on my schedule. Work and fun were both on the agenda, and everything flowed smoothly. But what made the day special were the unexpected surprises. Running into an old friend at the café and deciding to take a different path during my afternoon walk were like exciting plot twists in my day’s story.

The best part of my day was the conversations. Whether chatting about projects with my colleagues or sharing stories with a stranger at the park, every talk added a layer to my day’s story. It was like the magic of connecting with people made the day come alive.

As the afternoon sun started to set, casting a warm glow over everything, I sat back and thought about the day. Things didn’t go exactly as planned, but that was okay. The day became a mix of work, play, and surprises. And as I looked back, I realized it was not just about what I did; it was about how I felt, what I learned, and the connections I made.

The evening was calm, with dinner being a relaxed time for thinking. Today was not just a list of things done; it was a story. Each moment, from the usual to the amazing, made my story special. As I closed my eyes, ready for a good night’s sleep, I wondered what stories tomorrow would bring.

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Letter Writing: Describing How You Spent Your Winter Holiday

The winter holiday season, with its festive gatherings, cozy moments, and often picturesque settings, provides a perfect backdrop for heartfelt letters. Whether you’re writing to a friend who couldn’t join your holiday adventures or a family member reminiscing about past celebrations, a well-crafted letter can convey warmth and joy. Here’s how you can compose a memorable and engaging letter about your winter holiday.

Table of Contents

Setting the Stage

Narrating the experience.

Detail the activities and events that filled your days, from outdoor adventures like skiing or snowboarding to quieter moments spent by the fireplace. Include sensory descriptions to bring scenes to life, and highlight a particular incident or moment that stands out as the pinnacle of your holiday experience. Share your emotions and any new traditions that were part of your celebration, making the narrative engaging and relatable.

Reflective Closure

Conclude with a reflection on the overall significance of the holiday to you. Discuss any personal insights gained or how the experience strengthened your relationships. End with heartfelt wishes for the reader, perhaps expressing hope for future gatherings or continued correspondence. This not only wraps up the letter warmly but also reiterates the shared bonds and cherished memories.

Winter Holiday Letter Example #1

I spent the first few days of my winter holiday visiting family and friends. I traveled to my hometown to spend time with my parents, siblings, and extended family. We had a great time catching up on old times, sharing stories, and enjoying delicious meals together. I also visited some close friends who live nearby, and we had a great time reminiscing about old times and making new memories.

Winter is also a great time to enjoy cozy indoor activities, and I indulged in a few of my favorites. I spent some time reading my favorite books while sipping on hot cocoa, and I also binge-watched some of my favorite TV shows. I also spent some time baking, trying out new recipes, and enjoying the delicious treats with family and friends.

In conclusion, my winter holiday was a perfect blend of spending time with loved ones, engaging in outdoor activities, and enjoying cozy indoor activities. It was a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and I am grateful for the memories and experiences that I made during this special time.

Winter Holiday Letter Example #2

During my stay in the mountains, I also had the opportunity to explore the local town and try new foods. The town was quaint, and the locals were friendly. I tasted delicious local cuisine, such as traditional hotpot and dumplings. I also visited local markets and shops, where I bought unique souvenirs to take back home.

Winter Holiday Letter Example #3

Winter holidays are a much-awaited time of the year, a time to unwind and create some unforgettable memories. In this essay, I will describe how I spent my winter holiday by visiting family and friends, exploring new places and activities, and relaxing and enjoying downtime.

Finally, I spent some time relaxing and enjoying my downtime during my winter holiday. I caught up on my reading, watched some of my favorite movies and TV shows, and listened to music. I also took long walks in the park, enjoying the crisp winter air and the beauty of nature. It was a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Final Thoughts

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Narrative Essay on How I spent my holiday

Narrative essay generator.

Holidays hold a special place in everyone’s life, offering a respite from the routine of daily tasks and providing an opportunity to explore, relax, and create unforgettable memories. This year, I decided to spend my holiday in a way that was both enriching and exhilarating. I ventured on a journey to a small coastal town, renowned for its pristine beaches, rich culture, and vibrant local life. This narrative essay unfolds the experiences, discoveries, and personal growth I encountered during my holiday.

The Journey Begins

My adventure commenced with the excitement of traveling to a place I had never visited before. The anticipation built up as I packed my bags, ensuring I had everything needed for a week of exploration. The journey to the coastal town was a scenic delight, with winding roads flanked by lush greenery and the occasional glimpse of the ocean’s horizon promising a serene escape.

Exploring the Coastal Town

Upon arrival, the beauty of the town exceeded my expectations. The air was filled with the salty breeze of the sea and the streets buzzed with the energy of daily life. My first day was spent wandering through the town, taking in the sights and sounds. I visited local markets, where I marveled at the craftsmanship of the artisans and indulged in the town’s culinary delights, tasting dishes that were a fusion of traditional recipes and the bounty of the sea.

The Heart of Nature

The following days were dedicated to exploring the natural wonders surrounding the town. I embarked on hikes through nearby trails, each revealing breathtaking views of the landscape. The highlight was a trek to a secluded beach, accessible only by a narrow path through the cliffs. The effort was rewarded with a serene beach, untouched by the hustle and bustle of tourist spots. Here, I spent hours swimming in the clear waters, reading under the shade of palm trees, and reflecting on the simple pleasures of life.

Cultural Immersion

My holiday was not just about relaxation but also about immersing myself in the local culture. I attended a traditional dance performance, where the rhythmic beats and expressive movements of the dancers told stories of the town’s history and folklore. I also participated in a cooking class, learning to prepare local dishes that combined fresh seafood with exotic spices, gaining not only culinary skills but also insights into the lifestyle and traditions of the people.

The Bond of Friendship

One of the most unexpected and rewarding aspects of my holiday was the friendships I formed. Whether it was conversations with local residents, sharing stories with fellow travelers, or the camaraderie with the host of my accommodation, these connections added depth to my experience. Through these interactions, I gained a richer understanding of the world from different perspectives, reminding me of the value of openness and the universal language of kindness.

Reflections and Realizations

As my holiday drew to a close, I found myself reflecting on the journey. Beyond the relaxation and enjoyment, it was a period of personal growth and learning. I had stepped out of my comfort zone, challenged myself to try new things, and embraced the unfamiliar. This holiday taught me the importance of slowing down, appreciating the moment, and the joy of discovering new places and cultures.

My holiday in the coastal town was more than just a break from routine; it was a journey of discovery, connection, and personal growth. It reminded me of the beauty of our world, the diversity of its people, and the shared experiences that bind us. As I returned home, I brought back not only souvenirs and photographs but memories that will last a lifetime and a renewed sense of adventure, ready to explore what lies beyond the horizon.


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Essay on Christmas


Christmas Essay in English for Students

Essay writing is an important part of the curriculum. Students are asked to write essays in the exam to check their imagination and how well they can weave their thoughts into words. Essays also evaluate a kid’s knowledge of language and grammar. Christmas is the favorite festival of many kids and writing an essay on this festival is often enjoyed by young kids. Refer to the free essay on Christmas at Vedantu’s site.

Vedantu offers free tutorials on many things such as courses of all the grades, it offers tested material of several competitive exams, and there are essays on the trending topics, festivals, and informational stuff available on the Vedantu website. For whichever topic we offer information on, we aim to turn it hassle-free for the students to get a complete list. Let’s get ready to read a detailed essay on the Christmas festival that is celebrated all over the world by people of varied beliefs and religions. Here you go: 

Christmas is celebrated every year on December 25 . The festival marks the celebration of the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ . Jesus Christ is worshipped as the Messiah of God in Christian Mythology. Hence, his birthday is one of the most joyous ceremonies amongst Christians. Although the festival is mainly celebrated by the followers of Christianity, it is one of the most enjoyed festivals all over the globe. Christmas symbolizes merriment and love. It is celebrated with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm by everyone, no matter what religion they follow. 

The season of Christmas that begins from Thanksgiving brings festivity and joy to everyone’s lives. Thanksgiving is the day when people thank the almighty for blessing them with harvest and also show gratitude towards all the good things and people around. On Christmas, people wish each other Merry Christmas and pray that the day takes away all the negativity and darkness from people’s life. 

Christmas is a festival full of culture and tradition. The festival entails a lot of preparations. Preparations for Christmas start early for most people. Preparations for Christmas involve a lot of things including buying decorations, food items, and gifts for family members and friends. People usually wear white or red coloured outfits on the day of Christmas. 

The celebration begins with decorating a Christmas tree . Christmas tree decoration and lighting are the most important part of Christmas. The Christmas tree is an artificial or real pine tree that people adorn with lights, artificial stars, toys, bells, flowers, gifts, etc. People also hide gifts for their loved ones. Traditionally, gifts are hidden in socks under the tree. It is an old belief that a saint named Santa Claus comes on the night of Christmas eve and hides presents for well-behaved kids. This imaginary figure brings a smile to everyone’s face. 

Young children are especially excited about Christmas as they receive gifts and great Christmas treats. The treats include chocolates, cakes, cookies, etc. People on this day visit churches with their families and friends and light candles in front of the idol of Jesus Christ. Churches are decorated with fairy lights and candles. People also create fancy Christmas cribs and adorn them with gifts, lights, etc. Children sing Christmas carols and also perform various skits marking the celebration of the auspicious day. One of the famous Christmas carols sung by all is “Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle all the way”.

On this day, people tell each other stories and anecdotes related to Christmas. It is believed that Jesus Christ, the son of God, came to the Earth on this day to end people’s sufferings and miseries. His visit is symbolic of goodwill and happiness and it is depicted through the visit of the wise men and the shepherds. Christmas is, indeed, a magical festival that is all about sharing joy and happiness. For this reason, it is also my most favorite festival. 

Apart from the religious beliefs, the festival is known as sharing gifts with family as well as friends. The cute kids wait for the whole year to receive gifts from Santa. The craze of receiving gifts increases so much that they get up at midnight and start asking what they are going to get from Santa. They share their wishes with their parents and their parents try to accomplish them on the behalf of Santa. 

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Also Check: Christmas Speech for Students in English

Christmas Essay for Kids in English

Christmas is a super-duper special day filled with laughter, twinkling lights, and the warmth of love. It's like a magical adventure where everyone gets to be a part of something incredible!

Imagine waking up on Christmas morning, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of gingerbread cookies and the sound of jingle bells. It's a day when even the snowflakes seem to dance with joy. So, what makes Christmas so special?

Firstly, let's talk about Santa Claus! He's the jolly old man with a big, white beard who lives at the North Pole. Santa and his team of reindeer travel all around the world on Christmas Eve, delivering presents to good boys and girls. Can you believe he squeezes down chimneys to leave gifts under the Christmas tree? It's like a magical game of hide-and-seek with Santa!

Now, speaking of trees, have you ever seen a Christmas tree ? They are like giant, sparkling towers of happiness. Families decorate them with shiny baubles, twinkling lights, and a sparkly star on top. It's like turning your living room into a festive wonderland!

And oh, let's not forget about the delicious Christmas dinner! Families gather around the table to enjoy a feast of roast turkey, crispy potatoes, and yummy mince pies, telling stories . It's a time for sharing and caring, just like Santa does.

Christmas is not just about gifts and decorations; it's also about spending time with family and friends. Whether you're playing in the snow, singing carols , or wrapping presents, the joy of Christmas spreads like a warm, cosy blanket.

But wait, there's more! On Christmas morning, you might find stockings hanging by the fireplace. These are special socks where Santa leaves little surprises. It's like a treasure hunt right in your own home!

In the end, Christmas is a day where kindness and joy fill the air. It's a time to be grateful for the people we love and the magical moments we share. So, let's celebrate this wonderful day with laughter, love, and a sprinkle of Christmas magic!

Merry Christmas, everyone!


FAQs on Essay on Christmas

1. Why is Christmas such a special day?

Christmas is special because it's a time of joy, love, and sharing. Families come together, and there's a magical feeling in the air. It's also when Santa Claus brings gifts to children around the world.

2. What are the key things to include in an essay about Christmas?

In your essay, make sure to talk about traditions like decorating the Christmas tree, the excitement of Santa Claus, the delicious Christmas dinner, and the joy of spending time with family and friends. Share the magic of the holiday!

3. Who is Santa Claus, and why is he important on Christmas?

Santa Claus is a jolly man with a white beard who lives at the North Pole. On Christmas Eve, he travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer, delivering gifts to children. He brings happiness and surprises, making Christmas a time of wonder and excitement.

4. What makes a Christmas tree special, and how do families decorate it?

A Christmas tree is special because it turns your home into a festive wonderland. Families decorate it with shiny baubles, twinkling lights, and a sparkly star on top. It's a way to create a magical atmosphere and celebrate the holiday spirit.

5. Why is spending time with family and friends important during Christmas?

Christmas is not just about decorations and gifts; it's about being together with loved ones. Whether playing in the snow, singing carols, or enjoying a delicious dinner, these moments create memories and warmth. Christmas is a time to share love and happiness with those we care about.

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Essay on Christmas: 100 – 150, 250, and 500 Words

essay on how i spent my christmas day

  • Updated on  
  • Dec 13, 2023

essay on christmas

Christmas is a festival celebrated by Christians around the world. The festival celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ or the Messiah on 25th December. The English term ‘Christmas’ refers to mass on Christ’s Day or Christ’s mass . Previously, the term has been used in German as ‘ Yule ’ referring to ‘ the feast of the winter solstice’ . In Spanish it was called ‘ Navidad ’ and in Italian ‘ Natale ’ referred to the nativity.

Christmas is celebrated by attending church mass, decorating the Christmas tree with gifts, lights and ornaments, sending out Christmas gifts, and singing carols. Santa Claus, a mythical figure based on Bishop Nicholas plays a pivotal role in the Christmas celebrations. Writing an essay on Christmas can be a fun and interesting activity for students and others as well. For this reason, in this article, we have provided the Christmas essays. Keep reading to know more about the Essay on Christmas.

Also Read: Christmas Decoration Ideas for School

Table of Contents

  • 1 History Behind Christmas
  • 2 Christmas Essay 10 Lines (100-150 Words)
  • 3 Essay on Christmas (250 words)
  • 4 Essay on Christmas (500 words)

History Behind Christmas

Christmas is celebrated every year on 25th December. However, the precise date of the birth of Jesus is unclear. December 25th was  1st celebrated as the date of birth of Jesus by Sextus Julius Africanus in 221. Later on, it became a universally accepted date. One explanation is that 25th December is the Christianizing of the dies solis invicti nati or day of the birth of the unconquered sun”. It is also a popular Roman holiday. Thus, the 25th of December became a widely accepted day as the birth of Jesus. The festival was widely celebrated starting from the 9th Century. By the end of the 18th Century, the practice of giving presents became established.  Later on, the practice of singing carols such as ‘Deck the Halls’,  “Here We Come A-Wassailing”, the central role of Santa Claus, and sending cards became popular. 

Christmas Essay 10 Lines (100-150 Words)

The essay on Christmas must include certain important points. When a student is asked to write an essay on  Christmas these points can be included. Below we have provided a Christmas essay in 10 lines.

  • Christmas is celebrated every year on December 25th
  • The X-Mas tree is decorated every year on Christmas
  • The churches are also decorated with lights and candles on this day
  • The festival marks the birth of Jesus Christ
  • The term ‘Christmas’ has been taken from the words “Cristes maesse”. It can be translated into the ‘mass of Christ’
  • Parties are hosted to enjoy the special Christmas meals
  • A special star-shaped light is hung on every Christan household and churches 
  • Santa Claus is one of the main attractions of this festive season
  • The festival of Christmas symbolizes love and brotherhood

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Essay on Christmas (250 words)

Christmas is celebrated on 25th December every year around the world. It is a secular festival that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.  The festival has been celebrated for thousands of years and has evolved from the old pagan celebrations of the winter solstice. That is, the people celebrated the arrival of sunny days and the end of winter. 

Christmas celebrations include decorating the house with stars, decorating the X-mas tree, distributing gifts, and feasting with friends and family. Usually, people start preparing for this festival in advance. Shopping for trees, and baking Christmas cakes are popularly done.

Gifts are hidden by the family members for each other. On Christmas Day, these gifts are opened to share happiness. Moreover, many people dress up as Santa Claus to hand out gifts and candies to the children.  Special events are also organized in schools, colleges, and offices to celebrate the day. Christmas parties are hosted and friends and family meet each other.

Christmas is about spreading joy and happiness. It is a day that symbolizes love and brotherhood. It is observed as a public holiday by countries around the world. It is a popular festival in Japan, , the . Australia, , , Russia, , , Brazil, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Poland, Canada, Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, Greece, among others. The festival is also celebrated in India. Roman Catholics celebrate the festival on 25th December at midnight. On the other hand, Protestant churches have the Christmas mass on the evening of December 24th. 

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Essay on Christmas (500 words)

Christmas is the main festival of Christians. It is a secular festival celebrated worldwide. Hence, 25th December is declared a public holiday. The day marks the birth of Jesus Christ, or the ‘Son of God’ as referred to in the Bible. Christmas includes week-long preparations, community get together, and the exchange of gifts. Dressing up as Santa, decorating the Christmas tree, sending cards, and helping the poor are also a part of the festivities.  Christmas is celebrated in countries like the USA, UK, Germany, Japan, Spain, Austria, etc. 

Traditionally, the middle of the winter season has been celebrated. Civilizations have been celebrating the arrival of sunny days and the end of winter. Although in Rome, winter was not so cold a festival names Saturnalia was celebrated to honour Saturn, the God of Agriculture. The festival meant casting away of the winter and rebirth of summer and spring. Similarly, Christmas came to be celebrated as the birth of Jesus, Writers connected the re-birth of the Sun to the birth of the Son (Son of God- Bible).

Christmas Eve falls a day before Christmas Day. That is 24th December every year.  Christmas Eve is also a public holiday in several parts of the world. In Western countries, the celebration of Christmas begins a day before Christmas. It is the root of the ancient Jewish celebrations. The Book of Genesis states that “there was evening and there was morning the first day”. Therefore, Christmas celebrations begin on the evening of 24th December.

The Christmas celebrations involve attending the Christmas Day mass at a church (eucharistic celebration). This is followed by get-togethers and parties. Generally, gifts particularly cakes are distributed to the people. The preparations for Christmas Day begin weeks before 25th December. Hence, on this Day, almost all Christian houses are decorated. Decorating the Christmas tree, and the creation of a small crib in the house is generally done ahead of time. Special ‘star-shaped lights’ can be found in every Christian household and even in the Church. The stars symbolise the ‘North Star’ that helped the three Kings visit the crib of Jesus when he was born in Bethlehem. 
On Christmas Day, gifts hidden by family members are opened. Cards are sent to loved ones, and many people dress up as Santa Claus to distribute candies to the children. Singing the Christmas carols such as ‘Silent Night’, ‘Jingle Bells’, ‘Joy to the World’, and ‘Go Tell It On the Mountains’ are also popular. Several people also choose to help out the needy before Christmas as a part of celebrations.

Christmas is celebrated on 25th December every year to mark the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a day of giving and sharing. Christmas is celebrated around the world by decorating buildings, Christmas trees, distributing gifts, sending cards, and helping out the needy. Christmas will be celebrated on 25th December, Monday, this year.

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Related Articles

A. An essay on Christmas can be written by writing a proper introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction must contain details regarding the festival. In the main body of the essay, you can add about the history and the present celebrations. Finally, you can conclude the essay by summarizing the Christmas details.

A. Christmas is celebrated on 25th December each year. It is a day of get-togethers, distribution of gifts, and celebrations. A Christmas essay of 100 words can include details about the Christmas celebrations. 

A. Santa Claus is a mythical figure. However, the idea of Santa Claus is based on the charitable activities done by Saint Nick. Saint Nicolas was born in 280 AD, in Turkey. He was known for his kindness.

A. Christmas is a secular festival that reminds the importance of sharing and giving. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. The festival is celebrated by decorating houses, churches, and Christmas trees. Moreover, gifts are distributed and get-togethers to do to celebrate Christmas.

Christmas is a festival celebrated by people around the world. It is a Christian festival that denotes the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas falls on 25th December every year. To discover more articles like this one, consult the study abroad experts at Leverage Edu.

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Blessy George

Blessy George is a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu, boasting over a year of experience in the industry. Her expertise lies in crafting compelling content tailored to online courses, making her a go-to source for those navigating the vast landscape of digital learning. In addition to online classes, she writes content related to study abroad, English test preparation and visas. She has completed her MA degree in Political Science and has gained valuable experience as an intern.She is known for her extensive writing on various aspects of international education, garnering recognition for her insights and contributions. Apart from her professional pursuits, Blessy is passionate about creative writing, particularly poetry and songwriting.

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Essay On How I Spent My Christmas Holiday In Nigeria

This essay provides a detailed account of my memorable Christmas holiday spent in Nigeria. It encapsulates the unique Nigerian traditions, festive activities, cultural experiences, and warm encounters that make the season special. It serves as a reflection of the rich cultural heritage of Nigeria during the holiday season.

Table of Contents

Essay: The Christmas Holiday How I Spent In Nigeria

Christmas in Nigeria is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness, steeped in deeply rooted traditions that resonate with the spirit of the season. The air is filled with the melodious tunes of carols, streets adorned with vibrant decorations, and a palpable sense of warmth and belonging fills the heart. This essay chronicles my experience of the Christmas holiday in Nigeria, providing an insight into the beautiful blend of culture, tradition, and festivity that uniquely characterizes a Nigerian Christmas.

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The festivities kicked off on the eve of Christmas. We attended the Midnight Mass at our local church, where people from all walks of life congregated to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The church was beautifully adorned with red and green decorations, and the air was filled with the harmonious sounds of carols. It was a deeply spiritual experience that instilled in us a sense of gratitude and peace.

Traditional Nigerian Christmas Food

The highlight of the Christmas holiday was undoubtedly the food. Nigerian Christmas food is a medley of vibrant flavors and unique textures, deeply rooted in tradition. We savored dishes like Jollof Rice, a festive staple, and Fried Plantain, a delightfully sweet treat. The centerpiece of our Christmas meal was the sumptuous Chicken Stew, a dish rich in culture and flavor. The feast was not just a culinary journey, but also a delightful exploration of Nigeria’s rich cultural heritage.

Participating in Cultural Activities

The Christmas holiday in Nigeria is marked by various cultural activities. We participated in the traditional ‘Ember Months’ carnival, a colorful parade featuring music, dance, and vibrant costumes that showcase the rich Nigerian culture. We also attended the ‘Ekon Play,’ a traditional masquerade show unique to the Efik people. These activities brought us closer to our roots and provided a deeper understanding of our cultural heritage.

In conclusion, my Christmas holiday in Nigeria was an unforgettable experience imbued with rich cultural traditions, hearty meals, and festive activities. The warmth of the people, the vibrancy of the celebrations, and the unique cultural experiences profoundly impacted me, providing a deeper appreciation for my roots and heritage. This holiday served as a reminder of the beauty of Nigerian culture and the importance of family and togetherness. It was a vivid tapestry of joy, love, and tradition, a truly Nigerian Christmas that will forever remain etched in my memory.

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How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on how i spent my summer vacation.

Summertime is the most awaited time of any student’s life . It gives them a break from the scorching sun and blazing heat. The summer months are quite hot, however, students love them because they bring a sense of calmness due to the vacations. It frees them from the monotonous and dull routine of school and studies.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Most importantly, summer vacations give us a chance to explore new things. We can adopt new hobbies like painting, dancing, singing and more during this time. Furthermore, it gives us a chance to visit our grandparents or to someplace abroad. Summer vacations bring all types of fun, however, these particular summer vacations were the most memorable for me. My parents made me join a summer camp which was too much fun and then we visited our grandparents’ place.

Summer Camp

As the first day of my summer vacations started, I started getting bored easily. Mostly so because all my friends had gone to someplace or the other. My parents noticed this and decided to send me to a summer camp. Our school itself was organizing one in which my parents got me enrolled.

At first, I thought it would be of no use and would be equally boring. However, to my surprise, I was wrong. The summer camp was one of the best experiences of my life. I got the chance to indulge in so many activities and in fact, it was the first time where I discovered my talent for painting.

We got up early in the morning at 7 o’clock, despite no school. We had trainers who would teach us different things each day. On the first day, I got to learn karate, which was very amusing and helpful. Further, I learned how to play sports like basketball , table tennis, and volleyball.

Finally, came my most awaited part. We were taught painting and unique tips to master this art. I learned it quickly and started enjoying painting. My passion for painting began from this summer camp , and I will forever be indebted to it.

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My Grandparents’ Place

After my summer camp ended, my whole family decided to visit my grandparent’s village . It is situated away from the city and is full of lush and greenery. I love spending time with my grandparents so I was very excited to visit their village.

We stayed there for over two weeks, and that throughout that time, I was at my best behavior. I used to get up at 7 o’clock in the morning to take a stroll with my grandfather. Then all the family members would get together to have breakfast full of healthy things and fresh fruits from the farm nearby.

In the evening, we would sit by our grandmother’s bed and listen to stories. Then, my siblings and I used to go to the terrace and play games. We would also gaze at their stars all night, as we did not get that in the city.

In short, this is how I spent my summer vacation. It was definitely one of the best times of my lives. I got to learn new things and spend valuable time with my grandparents. I feel blessed to have a loving family with whom I can enjoy my summer vacation.

Q.1 Why are summer vacations important?

A.1 Summer vacations are the most important and awaited time of a student’s life. It gives them a break from their monotonous routine. Furthermore, summer vacations protect students from the scorching heat and give them a chance to visit hilly stations.

Q.2 How can one utilize their summer vacation?

A.2 There a lot of ways to utilize a summer vacation. It can be done through indulging in many activities. One can join summer camps which teach new skills to students. One can also pay a visit to their grandparents or to some chilly place or abroad to enjoy it to the fullest.

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Descriptive Essay: Christmas Traditions in My Family

Despite how the modern message may have been diluted down the years, each Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus with traditions drawn from Christianity as well as other ones personal to our own family. Each family I know follows many of the same traditions as we do, however each put their own spin on it and make it their own. My Christmas is special because of these very traditions which we have formed as a family.

The 1st of December is my favorite day in the year because it marks the beginning of my Christmas. On the 1st of December my family and I go to the shops and buy a special new tree decoration. My parents have been collecting Christmas decorations for years and nothing matches on purpose. Christmas spirit is everywhere on the 1st of December, the shops play festive music and are usually decorated down to the last detail. It is this date for me that marks the beginning of the season.

We all put the tree up together the weekend after. We play Christmas music in the background, wear the Santa hats we dug out of the loft and have a drink. After the tree is up, the excessive amount of food has been brought, then the family all come down for the big day. We live all over now so the traditions have had to be adapted slightly. Christmas is the time when we all make the effort to come down at the same time. We go on the 24th of December and play family games all day. We have a buffet dinner which we call an ‘itsy bitsy’ then make our way to midnight mass at the local church.

On Christmas day we wake up early, around 8 a.m. and have breakfast together. We don’t open our presents as soon as we get up as we all agree that we love the anticipation. When we do get round to opening our gifts, after dinner has been put on and the vegetables have been peeled, one of us hands each present out, one at a time.

After presents we all help to get the dinner dished up and the table laid. For dinner we have a turkey with all of the trimmings, we say grace before dinner and then pull our crackers. We have a competition to see who can keep their hat on for the whole day.

After dinner comes the washing up, which we all help with. Then we enjoy family games which we either got that day or we dig out the old classics. The games are my favorite part of the day. It is something which everyone gets involved in and has a great laugh over.

Our family traditions at Christmas have been adapted since people have moved away however, we always make the effort to be together and play games together. Our traditions are much the same as any family; we eat, we give gifts and be merry.

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