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CBSE Class 7 Science Worksheets with Answers: Download Free PDF

  • Science Worksheets


Download CBSE Class 7 Science Worksheets with Answers Free PDF

Free PDF download of CBSE Class 7 Science Worksheets with Answers prepared by expert teachers at Vedantu from the latest edition of CBSE (NCERT) books. By practicing given Class, 7 Science Worksheets, you will be able to score better grades in your Examinations. Vedantu is a platform that provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students. Maths Students who are looking for better solutions can download Class 7 Maths NCERT Solutions to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

CBSE Class 7 Science Worksheets with Solutions


Introduction to Science

Science is a systematic study of natural phenomena. It is a discovery-oriented subject that deals with the observation, identification, description, experimentation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena. It has two main branches: physical science and life science. Physical science deals with the inanimate world, while life science deals with the animate world and the relationship between them. 

Class 7 is an important class for students as it lays the foundation for future studies. In this class, students learn about the basics of science which include the introduction to science, physical science, and life science. In addition, they also learn about the scientific method, the characteristics of a scientific theory, and the difference between a fact and a hypothesis.

Class 7th Science Syllabus

Below are the briefs of the topics covered in the Class 7 Science syllabus.

Chapter 1 - Nutrition in Plants: Here students become familiar with the ways by which plants get nutrition and how they conduct photosynthesis.

Nutrition in Animals: How humans intake food, how digestion takes place in humans, and how digestion takes place in other animals are covered in this chapter.

Fiber to Fabric: Working with wool and silk concepts.

Heat: This chapter covers the concept of temperature, heat transfer, and the kind of clothes worn in summers and winters.

Acids, Bases, and Salts: This chapter covers what are acids and bases, and the concept of neutralisation neutralization.

Physical and Chemical Changes: Some of the important topics covered in this chapter are physical, chemical changes, the concept of crystallisation crystallization , and rusting.

Weather, Climate, and Adaptations of Animals of Climate: In this chapter, students will learn about the weather, climate, adaptation of animals in different climatic conditions, etc.

Winds, Storms, and Cyclones: Air pressure, air expanding on heating, thunderstorms, cyclones, safety measures to take are some topics covered in this chapter.

Soil: Soil and types, properties of soil, soil and crops, absorption of water in the soil are discussed in this chapter.

Respiration in Organisms: The concept of breathing and respiration in humans and animals are is discussed in this chapter.

Transportation in Animals and Plants: Circulatory systems, excretion in plants and animals are some of the important topics covered in this chapter.

Reproduction in Plants: The concepts of reproduction in plants and the formation of seeds and fruits are discussed in this chapter.

Motion and Time: The topics of speed, distance, time, and distance-time graph are covered in this chapter.

Electric Current and its Effects: Students will learn about the heating effects of electric current, different electronic components, magnetic effect of electric current, electromagnets, in this chapter.

Light: The direction of light, speed, lenses, and spherical mirrors are discussed in this chapter.

Water – A Precious Resource: Some of the important topics covered in this chapter are the availability of water and its uses, importance of water, depletion of water and management, groundwater and its level, and water scarcity.

Forests – Our Lifeline:  A complete visit through the different forest trees and animals can be learned in this chapter of the Class 7 Science syllabus.

Wastewater Story: Water is our lifeline, treatment of the wastewater, need to sanitize and be disease-free are the main topics covered in this chapter.


FAQs on CBSE Class 7 Science Worksheets with Answers: Download Free PDF

1. In CBSE class 7, what is a Science worksheet?

A science worksheet is a sheet that consists of various questions and activities on the topic of science and its various branches. Science worksheets are especially very important for students who want to teach themselves. The science worksheet helps students to remember concepts about science and its branches like Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. Biology is a subject of science that deals with the study of life and living organisms. Physics is a branch of science that deals with the natural world and its laws. Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the study of substances and how they interact with each other.

2. What is the use of the Science worksheet in CBSE class 7?

Using the science worksheet, students can easily understand the topic, and they will be able to revise it whenever they want. Worksheets help students to practice Science test papers questions and to know what is the way of writing different types of questions easily. Students will definitely score good marks; if they are regular with worksheets, then only they will be able to solve all types of questions and score good marks, and with the help of these science worksheets, students should also practice different types of questions.

3. From where can I download the Science worksheets for CBSE Class 7?

Science worksheets are available online, and students can easily download them from the Vedantu portal. By practising different types of Science worksheets will help students to score good marks in their exams. With the help of these worksheets, students can also improve their knowledge. Vedantu provides the best educational content for students, and it is very helpful to students who want to score good marks in their exams. Vedantu is a platform that provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students, which is very helpful for the students.

4. Is a Science worksheet important for examinations in CBSE Class 7?

A science worksheet is very important for examinations because it helps students to revise the complete syllabus and also to know what type of questions are asked in the examination. If students are regular with the worksheet, then they will be able to solve all types of questions easily and score good marks in their exams. The Vedantu worksheet will provide you with the best study material for students. With the help of these Vedantu science worksheets, students will be able to score good marks in the examinations. Vedantu's best resources for students: Vedantu is a platform that also provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students.

5. What can you expect from the worksheets provided by Vedantu?

We provide various NCERT Solutions and Worksheets that will be helpful for you to clear your concepts in all the topics. It is created by our team of experts, which make sure to give you the best teaching about a particular topic. It will be beneficial for you to score good marks in CBSE Board Examination and understand all the topics in depth. CBSE Class 7 Science Worksheets with Answers is a very good source for students to practice different types of questions and clear your concepts. CBSE Class 7 Science Worksheets with Answers is very useful for the students to understand all types of questions which eventually help them to get good marks in their exams.

Worksheets for Class 7 Science

  • Active page

Academic team of Physics Wallah prepared the following Class 7 Science Worksheets . All these worksheet are chapter wise and each chapter consist of desired number of questions with detail answer from class 7 Science subject. It is recommended to read the chapter from your text book after that solve the question given in the worksheets.

science worksheet

Chapter wise Class 7 Science worksheets

Chapter wise list of worksheets.

  • Worksheet - 1
  • Worksheet - 2
  • Worksheet - 3
  • Worksheet - 4
  • Worksheet - 5
  • Worksheet - 6

Class 7 Science worksheet Objective Type Questions

  • Class 7 Science Worksheet - 1 Objective Type Questions
  • Class 7 Science Worksheet - 2 Objective Type Questions
  • Class 7 Science Worksheet - 3 Objective Type Questions
  • Class 7 Science Worksheet - 4 Objective Type Questions
  • Class 7 Science Worksheet - 5 Objective Type Questions
  • Class 7 Science Worksheet - 6 Objective Type Questions
  • Class 7 Science Worksheet - 7 Objective Type Questions
  • Class 7 Science Worksheet - 8 Objective Type Questions
  • Class 7 Science Worksheet - 9 Objective Type Questions
  • Class 7 Science Worksheet - 10 Objective Type Questions

CBSE Class 7 Science Worksheet with Detail Solutions

  • Chapter - 1 Bio Nutrition in plant
  • Chapter - 2 Nutrition in animals
  • Chapter - 3 Fibre to fabrics
  • Chapter - 4 Heat
  • Chapter - 5 Acids, bases and salts
  • Chapter - 6 Physical and chemical changes
  • Chapter - 7 weather, climate and adaptations of animals to climate
  • Chapter - 8 Winds, storms and cyclones
  • Chapter - 9 Soil
  • Chapter - 10 Respiration in organisms
  • Chapter - 11 Transportation in animals and plants
  • Chapter - 12 Reproduction in plants
  • Chapter - 13 Motion and time
  • Chapter - 14 Electric current and its effects
  • Chapter - 15 Water A precious resource
  • Chapter - 16 Light
  • Chapter - 17 Forests Our Lifeline
  • Chapter - 18 Wastewater story

How Class 7 Science Worksheets can help you to boost your marks

Science in class 7 consist of interesting chapter few are having numerical of two to three lines and the rest chapters are theoretical chapters. Start with chapter-1 given in NCERT and follow the following instructions

  • Always attend the class 7 science class from your school or tuitions never miss the class If because of any reason you can’t attend the class ensure that you will read notes of the particular class.
  • Just after the class read the theory from your text book. Prefer NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science read the theory given in ncert text book and try to prepare your notes.
  • While preparing notes make sure you have added all-important points with a proper diagram and try to note down all important science formulas separately.
  • Once you have prepared your chapter notes now start practicing the questions from Online Quiz for Class 7 Science .
  • Do solve all questions given in your textbook, note down important points that you get while writing the answer of questions asked in the text book or in worksheet.
  • For additional information related to the subject you can check the Science Formula section.

Why one must Solve Worksheet

Worksheets are a key areas to improve your academics. solving questions is the best way to improve and learn the chapter more deeper way. While solving the worksheet make sure you are writing the answer. Doing this it will not only improve your subject knowledge but also help you to boost your answer presentation skill which is very important during examination. Physics Wallah worksheet consist of all types of questions like MCQ and subjective questions.

How to use Class 7 Science worksheets

Class 7 science consist of all most 16 to 19 chapters depending on the boards and all the syllabus of all boards are almost similar except having few change in name of chapters. worksheet of class 7 science are prepared. By senior teacher from different school with solutions.

To use these worksheet one must follow certain thinks like before attempting to solve the worksheet read the chapter and make sure you have revise the notes. Always try to write the detail answer of worksheet by your own. Don’t take the help from solutions of worksheet . Once you have write your answer now for reference you can check the solution of the questions.

To boost your score in your class academic team of Physics Wallah, uploaded lot of academic recourse for class 7 science which includes class 7 science formulas , class 7 reference book solutions, worksheet for class 7 science apart from this one can go for chapter wise Online test for Class 7 Science .

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

Q1. How class 7 science worksheets are useful?

Ans. Class 7 science is a basic platform where you gain basic knowledge of science such as; body movement, motion, and measurement of distance, etc. The Practicing worksheet will help you score better marks in exams. All of our class 7 CBSE science worksheets are designed to help students understand a variety of topics, practical skills and improve their subject matter, which in turn helps students improve their academic performance.

Q2. What are the class 7 science worksheets?

Ans. One of the best teaching strategies used in most classes today is worksheets. It has been used by teachers and students to grow logical, lingual, analytical, and problem-solving skills and also a specially prepared page of exercises designed to improve your knowledge or understanding of a particular topic. Worksheets, on the other hand, explain each topic in a very simple way, which is easy for the student.

Q3. What are the advantages of class 7 science worksheets?

Ans. The advantages of class 7 science worksheets are:

  • By practicing Class 7 Science worksheet, students can improve their problem-solving skills.
  • It helps develop professional knowledge in a simple, fun, and interactive way.
  • No extra lessons or lessons are required if students practice daily on worksheets.
  • Working on CBSE worksheets saves time.
  • One of the useful resources used in-class revision.

Q4. How Physics Wallah help in class 7 science worksheets?

Ans. CBSE Class 7 Science worksheets were created by Worksheets experts. Good-humored experts with a lot of experience and expertise in teaching. Therefore, the practice of these worksheets will promote students and improve problem-solving skills. Students can also download PDFs of questions about the CBSE Class 7 Science Chapter and access them for free anytime, anywhere.

Q5. How to prepare for the exam through class 7 science worksheets?

Ans. Following are the steps to prepare for the exam

  • Make List all the concepts and points important for a quick review; make sure you don't skip any topics.
  • Focus on the worksheet; solve all questions given in the worksheet.
  • Try to solve as many questionnaires as last year's sample papers; help you find out how often the questions were asked.
  • Plan your curriculum, ask questions.

Q6. Which is the best website for class 7 science worksheets?

Ans. Well, as we all know quality speaks, so that compares worksheets provided here with the others. You will realize that class 7 science worksheets by Physics Wallah are easy to understand.

Q7. What is a Science worksheet in CBSE class 7?

Ans. A science worksheet is a sheet of paper containing various questions and activities on the subject of science and its multiple branches. Science worksheets are very important for students who want to prepare for themselves. The science worksheet helps students remember ideas about science and its branches, such as Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.

Biology is a scientific subject that focuses on studying health and biology. Physics is part of the science of nature and its laws. Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with studying materials and how they work together.

Q8. Is the Science worksheet important for examinations in CBSE Class 7?

Ans. The science worksheet is very important for the exams because it helps the students review the syllabus and know what questions are being asked in the exam. If students are accustomed to using a worksheet, they can solve all kinds of questions quickly and get good marks in their examinations.

The Physics Wallah worksheet will provide you with the best learning materials for students. With the help of these Physics Worksheet science worksheets, students will be able to get good marks in exams. Physics Wallah best student resources: Physics Wallah is a platform that offers free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other student learning materials.

Related Link

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  • NCERT solutions Class 7 Science
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  • Ask your Doubt
  • Maths Formula
  • Science Formulas
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  • NCERT solutions Class 7 SST
  • Science Worksheet Class 7
  • Maths Worksheet Class 7
  • Class 7 Maths Notes
  • Class 7 Science Notes
  • Chapter Wise Online Test Maths
  • Chapter Wise Online Test Science
  • RS Aggarwal Solutions Class-7
  • Vedic Maths

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  • NCERT Solutions
  • NCERT Class 7
  • NCERT Class 7 Science
  • Chapter 1: Nutrition In Plants

NCERT Solutions For Class 7 Science Chapter 1: Nutrition In Plants

Ncert solutions class 7 science chapter 1 – free pdf download.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 1 Nutrition in Plants is provided below to help Class 7 students understand the concepts more effectively. The NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science are prepared by expert teachers according to the latest syllabus of CBSE Class 7 Science. Students should practise regularly to excel in their Class 7 examinations.  Practising these NCERT Solutions  is the ultimate need for students who aspire to score good marks in the upcoming Science board examination.

Download Exclusively Curated Chapter Notes for Class 7 Science Chapter – 1 Nutrition In Plants

Download most important questions for class 7 science chapter – 1 nutrition in plants.

The NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science provided here help you understand the important topics thoroughly. The solutions are prepared by our panel of experts to assist you in understanding the plant nutrition topic in-depth. These solved NCERT Solutions for Class 7 will help students score good marks and also help them remember the topic for a longer period.

Download the PDF of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 1 – Nutrition in Plants


NCERT Solutions for Class 7 March 31 Science Chapter 1 Nutrition in Plants

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Access answers of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 1 – Nutrition in Plants

Exercise Questions

1. Why do organisms take food?

All organisms require energy for their life processes. Plants prepare their food and acquire nutrients from abiotic components like soil, air, water and sunlight. On the other hand, animals need to get food from either plants or other animals to obtain nutrients; hence, animals need to take food to acquire nutrients and energy.

2. Distinguish between a parasite and a saprophyte.

3. How would you test the presence of starch in leaves?

Take two potted plants of the same kind. Keep one in the dark for 72 hours and the other in the sunlight. Perform the iodine test with the leaves of both plants as given below. Now, leave the pot, which was earlier kept in the dark, undisturbed for 3–4 days and perform the iodine test again on its leaves.

Iodine test:

Put iodine solution on the leaf.


Blue-black colour will be observed on the leaves of the plant kept in sunlight, which indicates the presence of starch.

Blue-black colour will not be observed on the leaves of plants kept in the darkroom. This indicates the absence of starch.

4. Give a brief description of the process of synthesis of food in green plants.

Green plants use a process called photosynthesis to prepare their food. The process is as follows

  • Water is taken from the roots of the plant, and it is transported to the leaves of the plant.
  • Carbon dioxide from the air enters the leaves through pores called stomata. This diffuses the cell containing chlorophyll.
  • Water molecule is broken down into Hydrogen and Oxygen with the help of sunlight.
  • Hydrogen combines with Oxygen and Hydrogen to form carbohydrates.
  • Photosynthesis is represented by the following equation.

Photosynthesis equation

5. Show with the help of a sketch that plants are the ultimate source of food.

sketch that plants are the ultimate source of food

6. Fill in the blanks.

(a) Green plants are called _________________ since they synthesise their own food.

(b) The food synthesised by plants is stored as _________________.

(c) In photosynthesis, solar energy is absorbed by the pigment called ___________.

(d) During photosynthesis, plants take in ______________________ and release __________________ gas.

(a) Green plants are called autotrophs since they synthesise their food.

(b) The food synthesised by plants is stored as starch .

(c) In photosynthesis, solar energy is absorbed by the pigment called chlorophyll.

(d) During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen gas.

7. Name the following.

i) A parasitic plant with a yellow, slender and branched stem.

ii) A plant that is partially autotrophic.

iii) The pores through which leaves exchange gases.

ii) Pitcher plant

iii) Stomata

8. Tick the correct answer.

(a) Cuscuta is an example of:

(i) autotroph

(ii) parasite

(iii) saprotroph (iv) host

(b) The plant which traps and feeds on insects is:

(i) Cuscuta

(ii) China rose

(iii) pitcher plant

(a) (ii) Parasite

(b) (iii) pitcher plant

9. Match the items given in Column I with those in Column II.

10. Mark ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if it is false.

(i) Carbon dioxide is released during photosynthesis. (T/F)

(ii) Plants which synthesise their food are called saprotrophs. (T/F)

(iii) The product of photosynthesis is not a protein. (T/F)

(iv) Solar energy is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis. (T/F)

11. Choose the correct option from the following:

Which part of the plant takes in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis?

(i) Root hair (ii) Stomata (iii) Leaf veins (iv) Petals

The answer is (ii) Stomata

12. Choose the correct option from the following:

Plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mainly through their:

(i) roots (ii) stem (iii) flowers (iv) leaves

The answer is (iv) leaves

13. Why do farmers grow many fruits and vegetable crops inside large greenhouses? What are the advantages to the farmers?

Fruits and vegetable crops are grown in large greenhouses because it protects crops from external climatic conditions and provides suitable temperature for the growth of crops.

Advantages to farmers while growing fruits and vegetable crops inside greenhouses are

  • It protects crops from diseases and adverse climatic conditions.
  • It protects crops from wind and rodents

Important topics covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 1 – Nutrition in Plants

  • Mode of Nutrition in Plants
  • Photosynthesis – the food-making process in Plants
  • The alternative mode of nutrition in Plants
  • Saprophytes
  • Nutrient replenishment in the soil

NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter 1 is colourful as it introduces you to the world of plants around you. The curriculum has a variety of projects that will make students enjoy the learning process. The curriculum introduces you to new terminology and concepts, which will make students look forward to studying this Chapter.

In Class 7 Nutrition in Plants Chapter, students will be introduced to many new concepts related to plants and how they get nutrition for themselves; they will also get to know about photosynthesis-process of preparation of food in plants, chlorophyll, and stomata. Various other modes of nutrition in plants, like insectivorous plants. This chapter will teach about the basics of plant nutrients and how plants make their food, but reading this chapter carefully will further help the students to understand the concepts of botany in higher standards. Therefore, it is highly recommended to prepare notes so that students can go through the notes  while revising the Chapter for the exams. Students can utilise the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 1  for any quick references to comprehend complex topics.

Apart from this, by referring to these NCERT Solutions , students will also get to know about how nutrients are replenished in the soil, as we all know that nitrogen content is very much high in the air, but plants cannot take nitrogen through the air, and they need nitrogen in a soluble form. The bacterium called Rhizobium can take atmospheric nitrogen and can convert it to a usable form.

Students are also advised to solve the previous years’ questions as well as the sample papers. Solving the sample papers and previous years’ papers will also help them to know the exam pattern as well as the marking scheme.

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 1

What are the important topics covered in chapter 1 of ncert solutions for class 7 science, what are the benefits to the farmers of growing fruits and vegetable crops inside greenhouses in chapter 1 of ncert solutions for class 7 science, what will i learn from chapter 1 of ncert solutions for class 7 science, leave a comment cancel reply.

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Very nice 👍 aa and I knew that this is the app students can learn and become topper

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Fabulous it’s help to learn 🙂

Very detailed information and answers

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NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science | Chapterwise CBSE Class 7th Science Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science provided here lays a strong foundation on the subject of science. All the Answers in Class 7 Science NCERT Solutions are explained step by step so that you don’t have any difficulty while solving them in your exams. Improve the overall quality of answers you write in your final exams or homework by solving the ones available in our NCERT Solutions for 7th Class Science as they give insight on how to write quality answers for scoring better grades in exams.

If you have any problem in understanding the concepts of science or wanted to finish the class 7 science syllabus fastly you can always look up the NCERT Solutions for 7th Class designed as per the NCERT(( Curriculum. Learn the logical approach and methodology used in solving the questions of Class 7 Textbooks. You can download the Class 7 Science Solutions for NCERT Books in PDF Format for free of cost.

Class 7 Science NCERT Solutions | NCERT Solutions of Class 7 Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 7th Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 7th Science Chapters Overview

Key features of class 7 science ncert solutions pdf download.

  • Where do I get NCERT Solutions of 7th Class Science for free?
  • How to prepare for the Class 7 Science CBSE Exam?
  • How to download Class 7 Science Solutions for NCERT Books?

To simply access the Chapter Wise 7th Class NCERT Solutions of Science you just need to simply tap on the quick links available. Use the respective chapter you wish to learn and assess your level of preparation and work out on the areas you are lagging. Have a strong base for your preparation for not just board exams but also for other competitive exams by availing these NCERT Solutions. All the NCERT Solutions for Science Class 7 are designed as per the Latest CBSE Guidelines 2021-22.

For your comfort, we have given the 7th Standard NCERT Solutions for Science in Hindi & English Mediums so that you can choose one of your choices and prepare comfortably. The NCERT Science Solutions of Class 7 can be quite handy during your preparation and can resolve all your doubts in no time.

  • Class 7 Science Chapter 1 Nutrition in Plants
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 4 Heat
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 5 Acids, Bases and Salts
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 6 Physical and Chemical Changes
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals of Climate
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 8 Winds, Storms and Cyclones
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 9 Soil
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 11 Transportation in Animals and Plants
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 12 Reproduction in Plants
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 13 Motion and Time
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 14 Electric Current and its Effects
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 15 Light
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline
  • Class 7 Science Chapter 18 Wastewater Story

NCERT Science Class 7 Solutions

Have an overview of all the chapters within Class 7th Science NCERT Textbooks by going through the further modules. They are as follows

Chapter 1 Nutrition in Plants

Students can get information on nutrients, photosynthesis process, modes of nutrition in plants, along with how nutrients replenish in soil, etc. You will get to know food making process of plants that don’t have chlorophyll as an essential pigment in their tissues and their food-making based on other hosts or green plants.

Chapter 2 Nutrition in Animals

In the earlier topics, you might have learned about Nutrition in Plants. This Chapter is a continuation of it and now deals with nutrition in animals. Learn different modes of taking food into the body, explains the human digestive system with an illustrative diagram. In addition, you will learn about the feeding of amoeba, grass-eating animals, etc.

Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric

Learn about the process of obtaining both fabrics wool and silk. Animals yield wool and the process of converting which fabrics results in wool. In addition, know-how silk is obtaining silk from silk moths, cocoons. This is quite a scoring chapter in Class 7th Science.

Chapter 4 Heat

In the Chapter Heat, you will know the various properties, mechanisms of heat, etc. In addition, learn how to measure temperature using a thermometer and definitions of convection, conduction, and radiation. In Chapters end you will get an idea of the clothes we wear in summer and winter.

Chapter 5 Acids Bases and Salts

In this Chapter 5, you will be introduced to the concepts of chemistry and learn the definitions of acids, bases, different types of natural indicators around us, neutralization process, and neutralization examples in our day-to-day lives.

Chapter 6 Physical and Chemical Changes

Students of Class 7 can learn physical and chemical changes through various activities. Furthermore, you will be familiar with topics like crystallization and rusting of iron.

Chapter 7 Weather, Climate, and Adaptations of Animals to Climate

This chapter describes the weather and climate and also the impact of climate on living organisms and how they adapt to the climate. Also, learn about polar regions and tropical rainforests at the end of the article.

Chapter 8 Winds Storms and Cyclones

In this chapter, we will talk about how natural calamities disturb human life and cause damage to property. You will also learn about the properties of air, thunderstorms, cyclones, and the damage caused by them. How technology should be employed to protect from natural disasters, etc.

Chapter 9 Soil

In this NCERT Textbook for Class 7 Science, Chapter 9 is all about the soil and its importance for the existence of life on the earth. It begins with explaining the soil profile, different layers of soil, types of soil and its properties, etc. Know about moisture, absorption of water in the soil in detail.

Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms

Ch 10 for Respiration in Organisms mainly deals with the process of both respiration and breathing. Get to know how we breathe, what happens after breathing and how do animals breathe, etc. Along with these topics, you will become familiar with topics like respiration in plants, fishes, etc.

Chapter 11 Transportation in Plants and Animals

Students will learn about the transportation of substances both in animals and plants. Here you will get an idea of the circulatory system, transportation of underwater plants, excretion of animals, etc.

Chapter 12 Reproduction in Plants

Know various modes of reproduction like asexual, sexual, etc. Asexual Reproduction takes place through budding, spore formation, fragmentation, etc. Sexual Reproduction happens through pollination and fertilization. By the end of the chapter, you will learn about fruits, seeds formation, seed dispersal process, etc.

Chapter 13 Motion and Time

Motion and Time is an interesting chapter that deals with speed, measurement of time, speed, etc. Distance Time Graph denotes the motion of the object in pictorial form.

Chapter 14 Electric Current and its Effects

Learn electric components symbols, the heating effect of the electric current, magnetic effect of electric current, electromagnet, the electric bell in detail, etc.

Chapter 15 Light

Know how light travels along straight lines, the concept of reflection of light, plane mirrors, spherical mirrors, images formed by lenses in detail.

Chapter 16 Water a Precious Resource

Students will become familiar with the conservation of water, how water is available on earth. Also, learn about the water cycle and forms of water, water management, depletion of water, etc. The Chapter also sheds some light on how human beings can save water, the effect of water scarcity on plants, etc.

Chapter 17 Forests our Lifeline

This Chapter on Forests explains in detail how various components of forests are interdependent on each other. Soil, water, air, and other living organisms interact with each other in forests. Know why you should plant more trees in order to create a balance in nature.

NCERT Solutions Class 7 Science

Some of the key benefits of referring to NCERT Class 7 Science Book Solutions are listed below. They are as under

  • All the important concepts have been covered in detail so that you can revise the syllabus smartly.
  • Assists you in your homework or assignments and you can master solving the concepts on your own.
  • Class 7th Science NCERT Solutions strictly follow the CBSE Guidelines and Exam Pattern.
  • You can have a deeper insight into the topics with the clear and straightforward descriptions provided for all the concepts.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions of Class 7th Science

1. Where do I get NCERT Solutions of 7th Class Science for free?

You can get NCERT Solutions of 7th Class Science for free on a legitimate site for all learning needs.

2. How to prepare for the Class 7 Science CBSE Exam?

You can prepare for the Class 7 Science Exam by referring to the NCERT Solutions of 7th Class Science. In addition, complement your preparation with the right study material like notes, previous papers, etc.

3. How to download Class 7 Science Solutions for NCERT Books?

You can simply tap on the quick links available to access the Chapterwise Class 7th NCERT Solutions of Science.

Final Words

We wish the knowledge shared regarding the NCERT Solutions for 7th Class Science has been useful in clearing your doubts to the fullest. If you have any questions for us do ask us via comment box so that we can get back to you at the earliest possibility. Keep in touch with us to avail latest updates on Classwise NCERT Solutions of All Subjects.

[Updated] CBSE Class 7 Holiday Homework 2024-25 Session in PDF

CBSE Class 7 Holiday Homework

Hello Parents, This article will discuss the CBSE Class 7 Holiday Homework. Many children agree that homework over the holidays is a form of cruel and unusual punishment. Upon returning from a Summer Holiday, the teachers probably have a handful of students saying the dog ate their homework or got blown away in a winter storm. But as a parent, you must understand that holiday homework is a good practice for your student.

Before discussing the CBSE Class 7 Holiday Homework, let’s check the summary.

Class 7 Holiday Homework

Below we have mentioned the updated Holiday homework for the CBSE class 7 session wise like the autumn session, winter session and summer session. Students can download the complete Subject holiday homework in PDF Format for practice purposes.

CBSE Class 7 Syllabus 2024-25

Below we have mentioned the Subject-wise Syllabus of class 7. The syllabus is for the academic year 2024-25 sessions and will remain the same until the next notification. Understanding the basic contents of the Class 7 Syllabus.

Class 7 Worksheet

Here in this section, we have mentioned the CBSE Class 7 worksheet in PDF Format only for practice purposes. Parents /guardians can check and download the worksheet for better preparation of their students.

CBSE Class 7 NCERT Books

Having a great book is more than what a person needs to excel. These highly recommended Class 7 NCERT Books will be the best way to prepare for the class. candidates can check these books and also download books in PDF.

CBSE Class 7 Study Material

We have tried to bring all the useful links to CBSE NCERT Study Materials like Syllabus, Worksheet, Sample Paper, NCERT Solutions, Important Books, Holiday Homework, Previous Year Question Papers and Study Materials. You can visit all these important links by clicking the links/Icons given.​

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  • [Updated] CBSE Class 7 English Question Papers 2024-25 Session in PDF

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About Sourav Roy

Sourav is a student pursuing his graduation, passionate about education. He creates engaging content tailored for school students, aiming to make learning enjoyable and accessible. Through interactive lesson plans, videos, and articles, he inspires curiosity and fosters a love for learning. Sourav's goal is to empower students with the tools they need to succeed academically and instill a lifelong passion for knowledge.

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7 Ideas for Holiday Homework for Class 6 Science 

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  • Updated on  
  • May 28, 2024

Holiday Homework for Class 6 Science

Holidays are a great time for students to chase after their hobbies and enjoy and let go of the stress of the school days. They are able to play outdoors, watch their favourite movies, etc. But what is equally important is keeping in touch with studies during vacations. This is where holiday homework comes in. The purpose of holiday homework is to not let students lose touch with their studies during the vacation. In this blog, we are providing 7 Ideas for Holiday Homework for Class 6 Science. These are great for learning but at the same time, they are a lot of fun too. To learn more about them, keep exploring this blog. 

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 1. Creating a Nature Journal
  • 1.2 2. Science Experiment
  • 1.3 3. Research
  • 1.4 4. Science Fair Project
  • 1.5 5. Science Book
  • 1.6 6. Scavenger Hunt in Nature
  • 1.7 7. Science Quiz
  • 2 FAQs 

Holiday Homework for Class 6 Science

1. creating a nature journal.

Go out in nature, visit a park nearby, or go to a mountain area, and observe the various plants and animals that you see. In a journal, make sketches of the same, providing details about it. Mention at least 10 plants and 10 animals. You can also paste pictures. 

2. Science Experiment

From your science, choose a topic or concept and conduct a simple experiment at home using the items present at home. It can be as simple as comparing the densities of different liquids like water, oil, etc. Make a chart of the same mentioning the details about the concept of the experiment and how you performed it. Paste pictures of it too. 

Also Read : Mindfulness for Kids: With 11 Exercises, Importance, Activities, and More  

3. Research

Choose a topic of your choice from your science book and do research on it. Make a project report with your observations, research, and photographs. Draw one well-labelled diagram too. 

4. Science Fair Project

Develop an idea or an experiment to be presented. The project should be based on one concept from science. Design an experiment based on it and properly put it in the report. Take photographs and paste them too. 

5. Science Book

During your holidays, apart from your curriculum book, read another book that is related to science. It could be a storybook or any other fictional book. Then, after the vacation, explain it to the teacher and present it in front of the class. 

Also Read : 11 Summer Camp Activity Ideas for Students  

6. Scavenger Hunt in Nature

Go out in nature. Gather 10 different plants and identify 10 different animals. Make a scrapbook. In it, paste the plant specimens into the scrapbook and mention details about them like their name, colour, shape, etc. In the same scrapbook, paste the pictures of 10 animals explaining their adaptations in nature. 

7. Science Quiz

Choose one of the chapters from your science book and create a quiz based on the concepts of the same. After you return to the school, discuss the quiz in the class. 

Ans: You can make a schedule and stick to it. Give equal emphasis on the importance of studying, playing, and resting.

Ans: You can make your holiday homework attractive in numerous ways. Use materials like poster colors, glitter, mirrors, etc. on the main page of the holiday homework. You can also use the graffiti method to create the titles of your projects.

Ans: Summer holiday homework is the work given to the students during the summer vacation that helps them stay in touch with their studies even during the vacation.

Explore interesting ideas for school children here : 

To refer to interesting ideas related to children’s school education activities, follow Leverage Edu now!! 

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Deepansh Gautam

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    Our CBSE Class 7 science textbook solutions give students an advantage with practical questions. These textbook solutions help students in exams as well as their daily homework routine. The solutions included are easy to understand, and each step in the solution is described to match the students' understanding.

  21. Science

    Electromagnetic waves and interference. Geometric optics. Special relativity. Quantum Physics. Discoveries and projects. Review for AP Physics 1 exam. Cosmology and astronomy. Learn about all the sciences, from physics, chemistry and biology, to cosmology and astronomy, across hundreds of videos, articles and practice questions.

  22. PDF Summer Vacation Holiday Homework

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