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Portfolio Assignment SUS1501 – Sustainability and Greed


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    SUS ASSIGNMENT 6. Written excellently. Course. Sustainability and greed (sus1501) 407 Documents. Students shared 407 documents in this course. University University of South Africa. Academic year: 2022/2023. ... The polar bear population is a magnificent and breathtaking sight to witness. These gorgeous creatures are some of the most iconic ...

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    4/22/2023. View full document. SUS 1501 Assignment 6 Name: Skhosana MP Student no.: 10252001 ASSIGNMENT 6: "SAVE THE POLAR BEAR!". 1. Tell us what your original answer to the question above was AND why; My original answer to the question is C (While this sad, polar bears aren't really very important to my personal welfare which is my ...

  3. SUS1501 Assignment 6 reading



    View Assignment - ASSIGNMENT 6 SUSTAINABILITY AND GREED.pdf from SUS 1501 at University of South Africa. 1 SUSTAINABILITY & GREED ASSESSMENT NO : 6 "If arctic ice melting continues, we are likely to ... we are likely to see the loss of two thirds of the world's polar bear population within 50 years ... SUS1501 - Assignment 4 from SUS 1501 at ...

  5. Do Polar Bears Really Matter to Human Welfare? A Critical

    Apart from what I have stated above, I did a research about the polar bears and I find out that polar bears poses a significant danger to human welfare and property. Throughout the polar bear's range, attacks on humans and property keeps graduating. In recent years, over 20 direct attacks on humans have been reported, within the polar bear ...

  6. Portfolio Assignment SUS1501

    Yes we are consuming natural resources too fast. And frankly I don't see any solution because increasing consumption is the basis of our economic growth. Choice now: Choice in assignment 1: Notes: "If arctic ice melting continues, we are likely to see the loss of two thirds of the world's polar bear population within 50 years."

  7. Sus1501 Portfolio Assignment

    5560223 SUS1501 PORTFOLIO ASSIGNMENT - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document provides instructions for a portfolio assignment for a sustainability course. It outlines the minimum requirements for the portfolio, which include correctly using the template, capturing original and current multiple choice answers for 20 questions, including at ...

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  9. Portfolio Assignment SUS1501

    f. I think it is morally unacceptable for humans to put their interests ahead of the rights of other species like polar bears. Choice now: F Choice in assignment 1: F Notes: One of my favorite species are polar bears, they are cute and cuddly. They should be protected at all costs. The loss of ice sea habitat from climate change is the biggest ...


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  11. Conservation status of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in relation to

    1. Introduction. Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) depend on sea ice for most aspects of their life history [].Anthropogenic climate change is the primary threat to the species because, over the long term, global temperatures will increase and Arctic sea ice will decrease as long as atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations continue to rise [2,3].The global population of approximately 26 000 polar ...

  12. PDF Teaching Tools About Polar Bears

    POLAR BEARS TOOLKIT | Educator's Resource Guide | page 6 of 11 How WWF Is Helping Polar Bears and the Arctic WWF is working throughout the Arctic to secure a future for polar bears. Protecting their habitat WWF tracks polar bears using satellite technology to monitor their range and discover how shifting sea ice has altered their movements.

  13. Assignment polar bear.docx.pdf

    View Assignment polar bear.docx from PSYCH MISC at University of California, Los Angele... Polar_Bear_Diet_Analysis. Arizona State University. ABS 15342. polar bear. Polar_Bear_Diet_Analysis. View Polar_Bear_Diet_Analysis from ABS 15342 at Arizona State University. The Diet of P... Midterm 2 W18Answers.docx.

  14. SUS1501 Assignment 07 (docx)

    SUS 1501. Subject. Geography. Date. Apr 17, 2024. Pages. 2. Uploaded by BarristerMinkMaster1046. ... Just like in assignment 6 we were discussing about saving polar bears that is a good example that we need to teach our children the important of saving animals because the future of our planet is in our hands.

  15. SUS1501 ASSIGNMENT 6 SEMESTER 1 2023

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  16. Assignment 6.docx

    1. Adult male polar bears weigh, on average, 370 kg. A polar bear's primary source of food are seals and other marine animals, which they hunt from a platform of sea ice. Scientists are concerned that global warming is melting these platforms earlier in the year, reducing the time polar bears are able to hunt and forcing them inland without the necessary fat reserves built up to survive ...