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Contoh Soal Singular And Plural Nouns Lengkap Dengan Jawaban

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Setelah kita membahas materi tentang Noun pada artikel sebelumnya, kali ini kita akan membahas materi yang masih berhubungan, yaitu tentang Singular and Plural Nouns (kata benda tunggal dan jamak). Dari judulnya mungkin temen-temen sudah ada sedikit gambaran ya tentang materi kita kali ini. Kita kali ini akan membahas tentang bagaimana bentuk kata benda atau Noun jika kita ingin mengungkapkan bahwa benda tersebut berjumlah banyak atau lebih dari satu.

Banyak sekali aturan yang akan kita pelajari dalam materi singular and plural kali ini. Karena dalam proses merubah dari bentuk Singular (tunggal) ke bentuk Plural (jamak) akan memakai aturan yang berbeda antara satu noun dengan noun yang lainnya. Jadi, jangan terburu-buru ya temen-temen saat membaca artikel kali ini, perhatikanlah setiap contoh penggunaan singular and plural dengan hati-hati, dan tentunya temen-temen perlu melatih untuk menggunakan bentuk singular and plural berulang-ulang agar semakin ingat.

Untuk membantu temen-temen melatih penggunaan bentuk singular and plural noun, di artikel ini juga sudah disediakan beberapa contoh soal tentang singular and plural yang bisa temen-temen gunakan untuk berlatih dirumah. Oh ya, jangan kuatir temen-temen, karena setiap pertanyaan sudah dilengkapi dengan jawabannya, jadi temen-temen bisa langsung memeriksa hasil latihan yang temen-temen kerjakan.

Sekarang, mari kita pelajari bersama penjelasan tentang materi singular and plural nouns dalam Bahasa Inggris berikut ini. – Bigbanktheories.com

Contoh Soal Tentang Singular and Plural Noun

Penjelasan Contoh Penggunaan Singular And Plural Noun

Pada artikel sebelumnya, kita sudah membahas bahwa noun jika dilihat dari bentuknya maka noun dapat digolongkan menjadi dua yaitu Concrete Noun dan Abstract Noun . Tapi saat noun dilihat dari jumlahnya, maka noun di bagi menjadi Singular Noun dan Plural Noun. Singular Noun artinya kata benda tunggal yang berarti bahwa jumlah bendanya hanya satu, sedangkan Plural Noun artinya adalah kata benda jamak yang berarti bahwa jumlah bendanya ada banyak atau lebih dari satu.

Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini :

1) I have a rabbit.

2) I have three rabbits.

Setelah kita perhatikan contoh diatas, bisa kita lihat ada perbedaan antara kalimat 1 dan 2, yaitu pada jumlah kelinci dan penambahan huruf “s” pada kata “rabbits” di kalimat 2. Itulah salah satu cara untuk merubah noun dari bentuk singular ke bentuk plural yaitu dengan menambahkan huruf “s” pada noun. Berikut ini akan kita bahas aturan-aturan yang harus kita ikuti jika ingin merubah noun dari bentuk singular ke bentuk plural.

1.Dengan menambahkan huruf “S”

Sebagian besar dari noun dalam bentuk Singular dapat dirubah kedalam bentuk plural hanya dengan menambahkan huruf “s” diakhir kata. Contohnya :

  • Teacher – Teachers
  • Garden – Gardens
  • Bottle – Bottles
  • Pencil – Pencils

2. Dengan menambahkan huruf “es” untuk Noun yang berakhir dengan huruf o, x, ch, sh, s.

Contohnya :

  • Potato – Potatoes
  • Box – Boxes
  • Watch – Watches
  • Dish – Dishes
  • Glass – Glasses

3. Dengan merubah huruf “Y” diakhir kata menjadi “ies” jika huruf “Y” diawali oleh huruf konsonan. Sedangkan untuk huruf “Y” yang diawali dengan huruf vocal, cukup ditambahkan huruf “s” saja.

  • Baby – Babies
  • Lady – Ladies
  • Cherry – Cherries

4. Dengan merubah huruf “f” pada akhir kata menjadi huruf “v” dan kemudian menambahkan huruf “es”.

  • Life – Lives
  • Wife – Wives
  • Leaf – Leaves
  • Wolf – Wolves
  • Thief – Thieves

5. Bentuk tidak beraturan (Irregular Form)

  • Child – Children
  • Mouse – Mice
  • Foot – Feet
  • Tooth – Teeth
  • Woman – Women
  • Sheep – Sheep
  • Deer – Deer
  • Goose – Geese
  • Louse – Lice

6. Kata benda yang selalu dalam bentuk plural

7. Kata benda yang berupa angka dan huruf, dirubah menjadi plural form dengan menambahkan ( apostrophes + s ) ‘s.

  • There are three r’s in “irregular”.

8. Countable dan Unountable noun

Frasa “a lot of” dan “some” bisa digunakan pada countable noun dan uncountable noun. Gunakan kata “many” hanya pada countable noun, dan gunakan kata “much” hanya pada uncountable noun.

  • I have a lot of book.
  • How much sugar do you want in your coffee?

Ciri-ciri Singular atau Plural dalam soal

Determiners Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Berbagai Contohnya

Descriptive Adjective Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contohnya

Berbagai Macam Derivation Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Contohnya

Ciri-Ciri Singular:

Dalam soal tes Bahasa Inggris, noun yang tergolong Singular akan diawali dengan kata-kata seperti berikut ini:

  • Every . . . . .
  • Each of . . . . .
  • One of . . . . .
  • Either of . . . . .
  • Neither of . . . . .
  • None of . . . . .
  • V-ing (gerund)
  • A pair of + plural noun

Ciri-ciri Plural:

Untuk noun yang tergolong kedalam Plural noun akan diawali dengan kata-kata berikut ini :

  • Both . . . . .
  • Both . . . and . . .
  • Several . . . . .
  • Most of . . . . .
  • A number of . . . . .

Temen-temen, itulah tadi sekilas pembahasan tentang Singular and Plural Nouns dalam Bahasa Inggris, semoga mudah dipahami. Sekarang, coba kerjakan latihan soal berikut ini.

Latihan Soal Tentang Bentuk Singular And Plural

1) Each of the participants of seminar . . . . . given a book and a briefcase.

d. they are

2) Neither the managers nor the workers . . . . . late.

3) Neither of Bandung’s governor candidates . . . . . . on debate exhibition.

4) One of forty students in this class . . . . . choosen as the chairman of the class.

5) Most of the government officials . . . . . turn in their papers before the due date.

d. is having to

Baiklah temen-temen, sekian dulu pembahasan kita tentang Singular and Plural Noun dalam Bahasa Inggris , semoga artikel ini bisa membantu temen-temen untuk lebih mudah dalam mempelajari materi singular and plural, serta dapat menambah pengetahuan temen-temen. Jangan lupa kunjungi terus Bigbanktheories.com yaa. Terimakasih.

Referensi :

  • Singular And Plural Nouns – http://www.edufind.com/english-grammar/plural-nouns/ – diakses tanggal 23 Februari 2016
  • Singular And Plural Nouns – http://www.talkenglish.com/grammar/singular-plural-nouns.aspx – diakses tanggal 23 Februari 2016
  • Singular And Plural Nouns – http://catatanbahasainggris.blogspot.co.id/2009/02/singular-and-plural-nouns.html – diakses tanggal 23 Februari 2016

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A writer and also a teacher.

Nama Orang Indonesia Yang Memiliki Arti Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Penjelasan Dan Soal Latihan Countable And Uncountable Nouns

Demonstrative Pronoun Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contohnya

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thank youuu sangat bermanfaat ^^

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Hai Lisa, terimakasih juga untuk komentar dan kunjungannya ya.

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Halo Yurinus, terimakasih sudah meninggalkan komentar di artikel ini ya, bagian mana yang ingin kamu tanyakan?

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Latihan Soal Singular and Plural Nouns

Latihan Soal Singular and Plural Nouns. Pernahkah sobat blog giri-widodo mendengar tentang singular dan plural noun ? Masih ingatkah dengan istilah tersebut?

soal essay singular and plural noun

Singular noun biasa disebut dengan kata benda tunggal, yang biasanya diawali dengan penggunaan kata sandang a/an/one . Sedangkan plural noun merupakan kata benda bentuk jamak, yang biasanya diawali dengan kata sandang dalam bentuk angka lebih dari satu, ataupun beberapa kata yang menyatakan banyak seperti many, some, several, dll. Adapun aturan perubahan bentuk dari singular ke plural , kalian bisa melihat materinya lebih detail di materi singular and plural nouns di sini .

Jika sudah paham dengan materi singular dan plural noun, yuk kita uji pemahaman kita, apakah benar-benar sudah bisa membedakan kapan harus menggunakan singular, dan kapan harus menggunakan plural, dan apakah kita juga sudah bisa merubah bentuk singular ke plural dengan benar ataupun belum. Kerjakan soalnya di bawah ini ya.

Write the plural forms of the noun.

One day, two_____

A house, many______

One person, two______

A leaf, a lot of_______

A wish, many_______

One fish, two_______

An opinion, many______

A mouse, several_______

A sandwich, some____

A man, many______

One woman, two____

A flash, three_____

One tomato, a few_____

One tooth, two_______

One half, two_____

A tax, a lot of_____

A possibility, several______

A thief, many______

A volcano, many______

A goose, a lot of_____

An attorney, a few_____

A butterfly, several_____

One category, two_____

A mosquito, two_____

One sheep, two______

A wolf, some_______

One stitch, two______

One foot, two_____

One piano, two_____

A belief, many_______

Complete the sentences with the correct form, singular or plural, of the given nouns. When necessary, choose the correct word in parentheses in some of the sentences.

Chair : I bought some_________

Furniture : I bought some________

Fruit : There is a lot of_______on the table

Vegetable : there is a lot of______on the table

Clothing : I have a lot of______in my closet

Dress : marry has a lot of______in her closet

Information : There are a lot of______in encyclopedia

Fact : There (is, are) a lot of_______in an encyclopedia

Grammar : I know a lot of_____

Vocabulary : I’m learning a lot of new_____

word : I am learning a lot of new_____

Slang : I want to learn some American_______

Idiom : I know a lot of english_________

Traffic : There (is, are) a lot of______in the street

Car : there (is, are) a lot of______on the road

Literature : I like to read good________

novel : I like to read good_______

poem : I like to read______

poetry : I like to read_____

mail : Did you get any______today?

Letter : Did you get any______today?

Sand : I get some_____in my shoes at the beach

Dust : there (is, are) a lot of_______under the bed

Homework : I have a lot of_______to do tonight

Assignment : the teacher gives us a lot of_______

Money : He has some______in his pocket

Person : He is a very credible _______ as long as I know.

Coin : I need some______for the vending machine

Change : I need some______for the vending machine

Garbage : The street is very dirty. There (is, are) some______in the street.






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soal essay singular and plural noun

English Test | Grammar Exercises

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Exercise of Plural and Singular Nouns (Code: 58)

Material: Plural and Singular Nouns

Write down the plural forms.

1. Berta has planted many (flowers) in her garden. (example)

2. Meta can speak three (different language) .

3. ( How many person) will come to our house this evening?

4. I have been to many (citiy) for a travel.

5. My neighbor has got three (child) .

6. Why did you buy two (watch) ?

Put in is or are for a subject-verb agreement.

1. Is the shop open? (example)

2. Are the shops open? (example)

3. My nose is/are cold.

4. My feet are/is cold.

5. Where is/are my camera?

6. Where are/is my glasses?

7. Who is/are that woman?

8. Who are/is those men?

9. Mice are/is small animals.

10. Where are/is the scissors?

11. Your coat is/are dirty.

12. Your jeans are/is dirty.

Choose true or false in the sentences below.

1. She’s a very nice guy. (true)

2. I need a new jeans. (false)

3. This scissors isn’t very sharp. (…)

4. There were three people in the car, two women and a man. (…)

5. She’s married and has three childs. (…)

6. We went fishing but we didn’t catch many fish. (…)

7. I like your trousers. Where did you get them? (…)

Which is right? Complete the sentence below.

1. It’s a nice place. Many people go there for a holiday. (example)

2. How many people live/lives in that house?

3. Do/does those men attend the seminar?

4. A lot of people watch/watches television every day.

5. That girl always come/comes on time.

6. That old woman usually sist/sits over there.

Check Key Answers

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Latihan Soal Singular and Plural nouns

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Mengenal Soal Essay Singular and Plural Noun: Pahami Aturan dan Tipsnya!

Saat belajar bahasa Inggris, tentunya kita sering menjumpai kata benda yang terdiri dari satu atau lebih. Nah, dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas tentang soal essay singular and plural noun secara santai namun tetap informatif. Yuk, simak penjelasannya berikut!

Ketika kita berbicara tentang singular noun, kita merujuk pada kata benda tunggal seperti “apple” (apel), “book” (buku), atau “car” (mobil). Sedangkan, plural noun merujuk pada kata benda jamak seperti “apples” (apel-apel), “books” (buku-buku), atau “cars” (mobil-mobil).

Aturan dasar dalam penggunaan singular noun adalah ketika kita hanya memiliki satu benda, sedangkan plural noun digunakan ketika ada lebih dari satu benda. Namun, ada beberapa pengecualian seperti kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung, seperti “water” (air), “information” (informasi), atau “furniture” (perabot).

Bagaimana dengan soal essay singular and plural noun? Pada soal tersebut, kita akan diberikan kalimat dengan kata benda dalam bentuk tunggal atau jamak, dan kita harus mengubahnya ke bentuk yang sesuai.

Untuk menjawab soal essay singular and plural noun, ada beberapa tips yang bisa kita terapkan. Pertama, perhatikan kata benda tersebut dan tentukan apakah kita perlu mengubahnya menjadi plural atau singular. Jika sudah menentukan, lakukan perubahan sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku.

Kedua, perhatikan tanda-tanda dalam kalimat yang dapat membantu kita menentukan jawaban yang benar. Misalnya, jika dalam kalimat terdapat kata “many” (banyak) atau “some” (beberapa), kemungkinan besar kita perlu menggunakan plural noun.

Selain itu, pastikan kita memahami konsep penggunaan kata benda jamak yang tidak beraturan, seperti “children” (anak-anak), “mice” (tikus-tikus), atau “feet” (kaki-kaki).

Lakukan latihan soal essay singular and plural noun secara rutin agar semakin terbiasa dan terampil dalam mengubah kata benda ke bentuk yang sesuai. Manfaatkan juga referensi online atau buku pelajaran yang menyediakan berbagai contoh latihan.

Terakhir, ketika menghadapi soal essay singular and plural noun, ingatlah untuk selalu membaca pertanyaan dengan cermat agar tidak terjebak dalam pilihan jawaban yang salah. Jika perlu, baca ulang jawaban Anda sebelum menyerahkannya.

Dengan memahami aturan dan tips dalam soal essay singular and plural noun, diharapkan Anda dapat lebih percaya diri dan sukses dalam menjawabnya. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat dan sukses dalam perjalanan belajar Bahasa Inggris Anda!

  • 1 Apa itu Soal Essay Singular and Plural Noun?
  • 2.1 1. Membaca dan memahami pertanyaan
  • 2.2 2. Menentukan jenis kata yang diberikan
  • 2.3 3. Mengubah singular noun menjadi plural noun
  • 2.4 4. Mengubah plural noun menjadi singular noun
  • 2.5 5. Menulis jawaban dengan jelas dan tepat
  • 3.1 1. Apa bedanya singular noun dan plural noun?
  • 3.2 2. Apakah semua kata benda memiliki bentuk tunggal dan jamak?
  • 3.3 3. Apakah ada aturan baku dalam pembentukan bentuk jamak?
  • 4 Kesimpulan

Apa itu Soal Essay Singular and Plural Noun?

Soal essay singular and plural noun adalah jenis soal yang digunakan untuk menguji pemahaman seseorang tentang kata benda tunggal (singular noun) dan jamak (plural noun). Singular noun merujuk pada kata benda yang merujuk hanya pada satu benda, sedangkan plural noun merujuk pada kata benda yang merujuk pada lebih dari satu benda.

Pada soal essay jenis ini, peserta diharapkan dapat mengidentifikasi apakah suatu kata benda dalam bentuk tunggal atau jamak, serta melakukan pengubahan bentuk kata benda dari tunggal ke jamak atau sebaliknya dengan tepat.

Cara Mengerjakan Soal Essay Singular and Plural Noun

Mengerjakan soal essay singular and plural noun memerlukan pemahaman yang baik tentang konsep singular dan plural noun. Berikut adalah beberapa langkah untuk mengerjakan soal jenis ini:

1. Membaca dan memahami pertanyaan

Langkah pertama yang perlu dilakukan adalah membaca dan memahami pertanyaan dengan baik. Pahami apa yang diminta dalam soal dan perhatikan petunjuk yang diberikan.

2. Menentukan jenis kata yang diberikan

Berikutnya, identifikasi jenis kata yang diberikan dalam soal, apakah kata tersebut merupakan singular noun atau plural noun.

3. Mengubah singular noun menjadi plural noun

Jika kata yang diberikan adalah singular noun, langkah selanjutnya adalah mengubahnya menjadi plural noun sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Aturan pengubahan kata benda tunggal menjadi jamak dapat berbeda-beda tergantung pada pola kata benda tersebut.

4. Mengubah plural noun menjadi singular noun

Jika kata yang diberikan adalah plural noun, langkah selanjutnya adalah mengubahnya menjadi singular noun sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Aturan pengubahan kata benda jamak menjadi tunggal juga dapat berbeda-beda tergantung pada pola kata benda tersebut.

5. Menulis jawaban dengan jelas dan tepat

Tulis jawaban dengan cara yang jelas dan tepat. Perhatikan tata bahasa dan ejaan yang benar dalam menjawab soal. Jangan lupa untuk memberikan penjelasan atau alasan mengapa jawaban yang diberikan adalah singular atau plural noun.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. apa bedanya singular noun dan plural noun.

Singular noun merujuk pada kata benda tunggal yang merujuk hanya pada satu benda, sedangkan plural noun merujuk pada kata benda jamak yang merujuk pada lebih dari satu benda.

2. Apakah semua kata benda memiliki bentuk tunggal dan jamak?

Tidak semua kata benda memiliki bentuk tunggal dan jamak. Beberapa kata benda hanya memiliki satu bentuk, baik itu tunggal maupun jamak.

3. Apakah ada aturan baku dalam pembentukan bentuk jamak?

Ya, ada aturan baku dalam pembentukan bentuk jamak. Namun, aturan tersebut dapat berbeda tergantung pada pola kata benda yang digunakan. Contohnya, beberapa kata benda jamak menggunakan akhiran -s, -es, atau mengalami perubahan bentuk secara keseluruhan.

Mengerjakan soal essay singular and plural noun memerlukan pemahaman yang baik tentang konsep singular dan plural noun serta aturan pengubahan kata benda tunggal menjadi jamak atau sebaliknya. Untuk berhasil mengerjakan soal ini, pastikan untuk membaca dan memahami pertanyaan dengan baik, mengidentifikasi jenis kata yang diberikan, dan menulis jawaban dengan jelas dan tepat.

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman tentang singular and plural noun, disarankan untuk membaca lebih banyak contoh kasus dan latihan soal. Dengan latihan yang cukup, Anda akan meningkatkan pemahaman dan keahlian dalam mengerjakan soal essay singular and plural noun. Selamat belajar!

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Singular and Plural Nouns with Rules and Examples

Singular and Plural Nouns

Nouns are words that name people, places, things, and ideas. They can be singular or plural, depending on whether they refer to one or more than one. Singular nouns refer to one person, place, thing, or idea. For example, “book” is a singular noun because it refers to a single item. To make a singular noun plural, you usually add an “s” or “es” to the end of the word. For instance, “book” becomes “books” in the plural form. Some nouns change their form in different ways to become plural. In this article, we’ll explore the world of singular and plural nouns in detail, providing more examples and exercises to help you understand this important grammatical concept. So let’s get started!

Table of Contents

What is a singular noun?

A singular noun is a word that names one person, place, thing, or idea. It refers to a single item rather than multiple items. In simple terms, when you talk about just one item or individual, you use a singular noun. For example, “dog” is a singular noun because it represents a single dog, not multiple dogs. Similarly, “book” is a singular noun referring to one book, not several books.

What is a plural noun?

A plural noun is a word used to refer to more than one person, place, thing, or idea. It’s the form of a noun that denotes multiple instances of the entity it represents. In simpler terms, when you’re talking about more than one of something, you use a plural noun. To make most nouns plural, you often add “s” to the singular form.

For example, “cat” becomes “cats,” and “dog” becomes “dogs.” However, some nouns have irregular plural forms, like “child” becoming “children” or “man” becoming “men.” Understanding plural nouns is essential for effective communication. When expressing ideas or observations involving quantities greater than one, using the correct plural form helps to convey your message clearly.

  • book → books
  • woman → women
  • city → cities

Forming plural nouns in English generally follows specific rules, though there are some exceptions. Here are the primary rules for creating plural nouns:

Basic Rule (Add “s”): Most nouns simply add “s” to form the plural.

  • Example: Cat → Cats, Dog → Dogs, Book → Books

Nouns Ending in -s, -x, -z, -sh, or -ch: Nouns ending in these sounds often take “es” to form the plural.

  • Example: Box → Boxes, Bus → Buses, Watch → Watches

Nouns Ending in -y: If a noun ends in -y with a consonant before it, change the “y” to “i” and add “es.”

  • Example: Baby → Babies, City → Cities, Lady → Ladies

If a noun ends in -y with a vowel before it, simply add “s.”

  • Example: Boy → Boys, Toy → Toys, Day → Days

Nouns Ending in –o: Nouns ending in -o with a vowel before it typically adds “s.”

  • Example: Studio → Studios, Zoo → Zoos, Video → Videos

Nouns ending in -o with a consonant before it often takes “es.”

  • Example: Potato → Potatoes, Hero → Heroes, Echo → Echoes

Irregular Plurals: Some nouns have irregular forms and don’t follow the standard (above-mentioned) rules.

  • Example: Man → Men, Woman → Women, Child → Children

Collective Nouns: Some nouns, like “family” or “team,” may refer to a group but are treated as singular.

  • Example: The family is going on a trip.

Mass Nouns: Refers to a substance, material, or concept and usually doesn’t have a plural form.

  • Example: water, air, happiness

No Change Plurals: Some nouns have the same form in both singular and plural.

  • Example: Deer, Sheep, Fish

Remember that while these rules cover many cases, there are exceptions and irregularities in the English language.

Exceptional cases:

In English, while there are general rules for forming singular and plural nouns, there are also some exceptions and irregularities that don’t follow these rules. Here are some exceptional cases:

Irregular Plurals: Some nouns have irregular plural forms that do not follow the standard rules.

For example:

  • Woman → Women
  • Child → Children
  • Tooth → Teeth
  • Goose → Geese

No Change Plurals: Certain nouns have the same form in both singular and plural. Examples include:

  • Deer (one deer, two deer)
  • Sheep (one sheep, two sheep)
  • Fish (one fish, two fish or more commonly, one fish, two fishes)

Foreign Borrowings: Some words borrowed from other languages maintain their original plural forms. For instance:

  • Curriculum → Curricula
  • Datum → Data
  • Medium → Media

Words Ending in -s: Some words ending in -s do not change in the plural form. For example:

  • Series (one series, two series)
  • Species (one species, two species)

Collective Nouns : Collective nouns, which represent a group, may take either a singular or plural verb form depending on the context. For example:

  • The team is playing well. (Singular)
  • The team are all wearing new uniforms. (Plural)

These exceptions highlight the richness and complexity of the English language, reminding us that language often evolves in unique ways over time. While rules provide a general guide, exposure to various words and contexts will deepen your understanding of these exceptional cases.

Types of Singular & Plural Nouns:

In English, singular and plural nouns can be categorized into various types based on their form and usage. Here are some common types:

Types of Singular Nouns:

  • Example : Cat, Book, House
  • Proper Nouns: Names of specific individuals, places, or things.
  • Example : John, Paris, Mount Everest
  • Example : Water, Happiness, Knowledge
  • Example : Swimming, Reading, Writing

Types of Plural Nouns:

  • Example : Dogs, Books, Houses
  • Example : Men (singular: Man), Children (singular: Child)
  • Example : Team, Family, Committee
  • Example : Toothbrush, Classroom, Swimming pool.

List of Singular Noun

List of plural noun, singular noun vs plural noun, common mistakes to avoid:.

Here are some common mistakes with singular and plural nouns that can lead to confusion in writing:

  • Mistake: Adding “s” to irregular nouns (e.g., childs, tooths).
  • Correction: Use the correct irregular plural form (e.g., children, teeth).
  • Mistake: Forgetting to add “s” to form the plural (e.g., cat vs. cats).
  • Correction: Ensure the plural form includes the appropriate “s” ending.
  • Mistake: Using the wrong irregular plural form (e.g., mouses instead of mice).
  • Correction: Learn and use the correct irregular plural forms (e.g., mice).
  • Mistake: Using the wrong verb form with plural nouns (e.g., The team are vs. The team is).
  • Correction: Ensure verb agreement matches the number of the noun (e.g., The team is).
  • Mistake: Treating collective nouns as plural when they are singular (e.g., The team are).
  • Correction: Use a singular verb with collective nouns (e.g., The team is).
  • Mistake: Treating uncountable nouns as countable (e.g., furnitures).
  • Correction: Use uncountable nouns correctly; avoid adding “s” for pluralization.
  • Mistake: Misplacing the plural noun in a phrase, leading to incorrect verb agreement (e.g., The box of chocolates were).
  • Correction: The verb should agree with the main noun in the sentence (e.g., The box of chocolates was).
  • Mistake: Ignoring context and using the wrong form based on singular/plural usage (e.g., The data is/are).
  • Correction: Consider the context and choose the appropriate form based on the intended meaning.

Singular and Plural Noun Exercises 

Here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to test your understanding of singular and plural nouns.

1. What is the plural form of “child”?

a) Childs b) Children c) Children d) Childes

2. Which of the following is an irregular plural noun?

a) Cats b) Houses c) Women d) Books

3. How do you pluralize a noun ending in -o with a consonant before it?

a) Add “s” b) Add “es” c) No change d) Change the “o” to “i”

4. What is the plural form of “man”?

a) Mans b) Men c) Manes d) Mens

5. Which word is a collective noun?

a) Birds b) Team c) Fish d) Trees

1. c) Children 2. c) Women 3. b) Add “es” 4. b) Men 5. b) Team

Q1. What is a singular noun?

A singular noun refers to a single person, place, thing, or idea. It is the basic form of a noun before any changes to indicate quantity.

Q2. What is a plural noun?

A plural noun refers to more than one person, place, thing, or idea. Pluralization often involves adding “s” or “es” to the singular form, but irregular plurals exist.

Q3. How do you form the plural of most nouns?

For most nouns, you can form the plural by adding “s” to the singular form. For example, “book” becomes “books,” and “dog” becomes “dogs.”

Q4. Are there irregular plural nouns?

Yes, some nouns have irregular plural forms. For example, “child” becomes “children,” and “man” becomes “men.” Learning these irregular forms is important for correct usage.

Q5. What are collective nouns ?

Collective nouns refer to groups of people, animals, or things. Examples include “team,” “family,” and “herd.” They can be singular or plural, depending on whether the emphasis is on the group as a whole or its individual members.

Q6. How do collective nouns affect verb agreement?

Collective nouns can take singular or plural verbs, depending on the intended meaning. If the emphasis is on the group as a single entity, use a singular verb (e.g., “The team is winning”). If the emphasis is on individual members, use a plural verb (e.g., “The team are celebrating their victories”).

Q7. What is subject-verb agreement?

Subject-verb agreement means that the verb in a sentence must match the number of the subject. Singular subjects take singular verbs, and plural subjects take plural verbs.

Q8. Are there nouns that don’t change in the plural form?

Yes, some nouns have the same form in both singular and plural. Examples include “deer,” “sheep,” and “fish.”

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English With Ashish

Singular and plural noun quiz

Most of us know what singular and plural nouns are. But how much do we know about them? Are we confident and comfortable enough to answer questions related to them?

There is no other way than to try a singular and plural quiz to find out how much we know. So, try our singular and plural nouns quiz that has 32 questions, and the answers are provided with explanations.

You can also study our detailed post on singular and plural nouns before or after going through the quiz.

Share your score!

#1. Which of these is a plural noun?

Explanation: ‘Women’ is a plural form of the singular noun ‘woman’. The other two words are singular nouns and take a singular verb in a sentence.

#2. Which of these is a plural noun?

Explanation: ‘Teeth’ is a plural form of the singular noun ‘tooth’. The other two words are singular nouns. The word ‘measles’ refers to a desease, and ‘mess’, refers to something being dirty.

#3. Which of these is a plural noun?

Explanation: ‘People’ is a plural form of the singular noun ‘person’. The other two words are singular nouns. The plural of ‘dress’ is ‘dresses’, and ‘failure’ is ‘failures’.

#4. Which of these is a plural noun?

Explanation: ‘Deer’ is a word that spells the same in both its singular and plural forms. The other two words ‘cherry’ and ‘guess’ are singular nouns.

#5. Which of these is a singular noun?

Explanation: ‘Jesus’ is a singular noun. It is a proper name.

#6. Which of these is a singular noun?

Explanation: ‘Guess’ is one of the words that can function as both a noun and a verb. When working as a noun, it means ‘an  answer expressing an opinion rather than pure understanding and clarity and it also lacks evidence’.

#7. Which of these is a singular noun?

Explanation: The plural form of ‘ goddess ‘ is ‘ godessess ‘. The other two are plural nouns. ‘ Children ‘ is a plural noun of ‘ child ‘, and ‘ fungi ‘ is a plural form of the noun ‘ fungus ‘.

#8. Which of these is a singular noun?

Explanation: ‘Politics’ is an abstract noun. It refers to a concept and is considered singular. The other two words are plural: Pants (plural of ‘pant’) and values (plural of ‘value’).

#9. What type of a noun is 'MILK'?

Explanation: ‘Milk’ is an uncountable noun. It refers to a liquid that is uncountable. All uncountable nouns are considered singular in English.

#10. What type of a noun is 'PEERS'?

Explanation: It is a plural form of the noun ‘peer’. It refers to people who are of your same age or around the same age and have equal social positions (qualities, skills, positions, etc.).

#11. What type of a noun is 'WEAKNESS'?

Explanation: It refers to the state of being weak.

#12. What type of a noun is 'CRISIS'?

Explanation: It refers to a time of great difficulty, problem, and suffering. Its plural form is ‘crises’.

#13. What type of a noun is 'POLICE'?

Explanation: Police is considered a plural noun as it refers to a government body of people empowered by a state/city to enforce the law and rules and regulations introduced by the government.

#14. "The man in the black suit is a one of my people that live in my neighborhood and runs a business." How many singular nouns are there in the sentence?

Explanation: The four singular nouns in the sentence are: man, suit, neighborhood, and business. People is a plural noun.

#15. "Any of us who has worked with a multi-national company can help Jon get a good job." How many plural nouns are there in the sentence?

Explanation: There are no plural nouns in the sentence. The sentence has only three nouns, and they all are singular: company, Jon, and job.

#16. What is a singular noun?

#17. what is a plural noun, #18. which of these is not true about a singular noun.

Explanation : Most singular nouns don’t end with the letter ‘s’. However, it is not true that a singular noun can’t end with ‘s’. 

Examples: kiss, dress, business, etc.

#19. Which of these is not true about a plural noun?

Explanation : Most plural nouns don’t end with ‘s’ or ‘es’. However, they can also end without these letters.

Examples: men, women, feet, etc.

#20. Select the singular noun?

Explanation: It is a singular noun. The plural form of ‘house’ is ‘houses’ .

#21. Select the plural noun?

Explanation: It is a plural noun. The plural form of ‘feet’ is ‘foot’ .

#22. Select the singular noun?

Explanation: It is a singular noun. The plural form of ‘gas’ is ‘gases’ .

#23. Select the plural noun?

Explanation: It is one of the nouns that have the same singular and plural form.

#24. What noun is ‘spokesmen?

Explanation: The singular form of the same is ‘spokesman’.

#25. What is the plural of the noun ‘sheep’?

Explanation: It is one of the nouns that have the same singular and plural forms.

#26. What is the plural of the noun ‘deer’?

#27. what is the plural of the noun ‘syllabus’, #28. what is the plural of the noun ‘father-in-law’, #29. what is the plural of the noun ‘brother-in-law’, #30. what is the singular of the noun ‘zebra’.

Explanation: ‘Zebra’ is one of the nouns that have the same singular and plural forms.

#31. What is noun ‘theses’?

Explanation: The singular form of the noun ‘theses’ is ‘thesis’ .

#32. What is noun ‘feedback’?

Explanation: It does not have a plural form as it refers to an abstract idea.

Related lessons: –

  • Noun masterclass
  • Proper noun
  • Common noun
  • Collective noun
  • Abstract noun
  • Material noun

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Ashish Sharma

Ashish found his first love—the English language—a few years back. Since then, he has been immersed in the language, breaking down the language and teaching it to passionate English learners. He has a flair for listening to the English language (podcasts, sitcoms, stories), observing the nuances, and making it easy for English learners. He is known for breaking down complex English topics and making them easy to be understood.

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Singular and Plural

See the video exercise.

Forming Plurals

Forming plurals table, non-singular/plural form nouns, singular/plural of "verb to be", quick exercise.

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Singular and Plural Nouns — Rules and Examples

Daniel Bal

What are singular and plural nouns?

Singular nouns denote a single person, place, thing, or idea, whereas a plural noun indicates two or more of the identified noun(s).

Rules for singular and plural nouns

The general rule is that most singular nouns are made plural by adding an -s, -es, or -ies to the end of the word. However, there are a variety of irregular nouns whose spelling changes when making the singular form plural.

Rules for singular and plural nouns

The following English grammar rules apply when turning a singular noun into a regular plural noun:

Some singular nouns do not change at all when pluralized. Examples of nouns that are both singular and plural include the following:

A few nouns change their vowel sound when transforming from singular to plural. Unfortunately, there is no specific rule that helps to identify these irregular plural nouns. Therefore, they generally have to be memorized.

Irregular nouns

Some of the more common of these irregular nouns include the following:

Singular and plural noun examples

The following is a list of the singular and plural forms of some of the most common nouns:


Cambridge Dictionary

  • Cambridge Dictionary +Plus

Nouns: singular and plural

Nouns used only in the singular.

Some nouns are used only in the singular, even though they end in -s . These include: the names of academic subjects such as classics, economics, mathematics/maths, physics ; the physical activities gymnastics and aerobics ; the diseases measles and mumps; and the word news :

Maths was never my best subject at school.
Aerobics is great fun – you should try it!

Nouns used only in the plural

Some nouns only have a plural form. They cannot be used with numbers. They include the names of certain tools, instruments and articles of clothing which have two parts.

Tools and instruments

I’ve got new sunglasses . Do you like them?
He always wears shorts , even in the winter.

We can use pair of to refer to one example of these nouns:

I bought a new pair of binoculars last week.
That old pair of trousers will be useful for doing jobs in the garden.

We use pairs of to refer to more than one example of this type of noun:

They’re advertising two pairs of glasses for the price of one.
I bought three pairs of shorts for the summer.

Other nouns which are always plural in form

Please ensure that you take all your belongings with you as you leave the aircraft.
They live on the outskirts of Frankfurt, almost in the countryside.
My clothes are wet. I’ll have to go upstairs and change.
She spent all her savings on a trip to South America.

Collective nouns (group words)

Some nouns refer to groups of people (e.g. audience, committee, government, team ). These are sometimes called collective nouns. Some collective nouns can take a singular or plural verb, depending on whether they are considered as a single unit or as a collection of individuals:

In general, a plural verb is more common with these nouns in informal situations.

Piece words and group words


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Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Kurikulum 2013 - Singular and Plural Nouns



Pengertian singular dan plural nouns.

Singular is, Plural is, Singular nouns is, Plural Nouns is, Singular adalah, Plural adalah, Singular noun adalah, plural noun adalah


  • a pencil (sebuah pensil) 
  • a car (sebuah mobil) 
  • an apple (sebuah apel) 
  • an eagle (seekor elang) 

Contoh Penggunaan “a” 

  • a bear (seekor beruang) 
  • a cow (seekor sapi) 
  • a snake (seekor ular) 
  • a banana (sebuah pisang) 
  • a melon (sebuah melon) 
  • a soldier (seorang tentara), etc 

Contoh Penggunaan “an” 

Plural nouns .

  • He has two bikes , but I have only one bike . (Dia memiliki dua sepedah, sedangkan saya hanya memiliki satu sepedah) 
  • His parents will buy a new house . They have two houses now. (Orangtuanya akan membeli sebuah rumah baru. Mereka sekarang memiliki dua rumah) 
  • Please, prepare two glasses for both of us. (Tolong, siapkan dua gelas untuk kami) 

Kapan kita menggunakan “–s”, “–es”, “– ies” atau “–ves”? 

Catatan penting, wajib di pahami tentang plural, kata singular yang berubah bentuknya ketika menjadi plural., kata singular yang tidak berubah bentuknya ketika menjadi plural, kata penanda singular atau plural, penanda singular.

  • each ~ setiap
  • every ~ setiap
  • single ~ tunggal
  • a/an ~ sebuah / seekor / seorang

Penanda Plural

  • both ~ keduanya
  • two ~ dua (bisa ditandai three, four, ten, twenty dll yang menandakan lebih dari satu)
  • many ~ banyak
  • several ~ beberapa
  • various ~ bermacam-macam

Singular and Plural Nouns Exercise

I. use a/an to fill the blank, ii. use “–s”, “–es”, “– ies” atau “–ves” to make the sentences correct, handy 2020-08-02 tags: materi bahasa inggris kelas 7.

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Penjelasan Singular and Plural Noun dan Latihan Soal

B. mind mapping .

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Singular, plural / countable, uncountable

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  • Gerund and to-infinitive
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  • Some and any
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Regular plural nouns  (one car – two car s )

  • exercise 1 : choose the correct form of the plural for the noun
  • exercise 2 : fill in the plural of the noun
  • exercise 3 : fill in the plural of the noun
  • exercise 4 : fill in the plural of the noun
  • exercise 5 : choose the correct form of the plural for the nouns ending in -f
  • exercise 6 : fill in the correct form of the plural for the nouns ending in -f(e)
  • exercise 7 : fill in the correct form of the plural for the nouns ending in -o-
  • exercise 8: fill in the correct form of the plural for the nouns ending in -e- and -s
  • exercise 9 : fill in the correct form of the plural for the nouns ending in y-

Irregular plural nouns  (one man – two m e n)

  • exercise 2 : fill in the plural of the noun
  • exercise 3 : fill in the plural of the noun

Regular and irregular plural nouns

  • exercise 1 : choose the correct form of the plural for the noun
  • exercise 5 : fill in the plural of the noun
  • exercise 6 : fill in the plural of the noun
  • exercise 7 : fill in the plural of the noun

Countable  nouns ( a lump of sugar ) and  uncountable  nouns ( sugar )

  • exercise 1:  decide whether nouns are countable or uncountable
  • exercise 2 : decide whether nouns are countable or uncountable
  • exercise 3 : decide whether nouns are countable or uncountable
  • exercise 4 : choose the best word or phrase to complete the gap
  • exercise 5 : choose the correct sentence
  • exercise 6:  choose a countable or uncountable noun to fill the gap

Countable  nouns and  uncountable  nouns in combination with articles and quantifiers like  some, any ,  much, many  and  a lot of

  • exercise 1 : fill in  a, an, some, any, how much, how many, a lot of, not much  or  not many
  • exercise 2 : choose  a, an, some, any, much, many, a lot of
  • exercise 3 : choose  much, many, a lot of, any, some, a little, a few
  • exercise 4 : choose the correct answer

Subject – verb agreement  (A number of  people were  waiting for the bus.)

  • exercise 1 : make the verb agree with the subject and choose the correct verb form
  • exercise 2 : make the verb agree with the subject and choose the correct verb form
  • exercise 3 : two exercises for practising subject-verb agreement
  • exercise 4 : two exercises for practising subject-verb agreement
  • exercise 5 : make the verb agree with the subject and choose the correct verb form
  • exercise 6 : make the verb agree with the subject and choose the correct verb form

Pair nouns  ( a pair of trousers ) and  group nouns  ( family, government ) (intermediate)

  • exercise 1 : decide whether the noun is singular or plural and choose the correct verb form
  • exercise 2 : decide whether the noun is singular or plural and choose the correct verb form

Useful pages

  • exercises  for practising  few, a few, little  and  a little
  • exercises  for practising  much, many  and  a lot of

soal essay singular and plural noun

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Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris: Singular Plural Nouns

March 24, 2016 by efin.marifatika

Hello friends  🙂 sudah paham kan   pembagian kata benda (noun) menjadi singular dan plural ? Setelah membaca penjelasan lengkap  singular dan plural nouns , yuk tes pemahaman kita mengenai topik tersebut. Let’s try!!!

Untuk lebih memahami materi singular  dan  plural nouns , silahkan: → review Penjelasan Lengkap Singular dan Plural Nouns

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris: Singular Plural Nouns. Selamat berlatih!


Hello my name is Efin Marifatika. I’m founder of kelasbahasainggris.com. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]

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30 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Noun & Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Noun & Jawabannya – Noun atau yang biasa disebut sebagai ‘kata benda’ adalah sebuah kata yang menamai suatu benda, baik benda tersebut merupakan benda hidup, benda mati, atau pun benda abstrak. Dalam sebuah kalimat, kata benda (noun) ini memiliki posisi sebagai subjek maupun objek dan dapat diterangkan dengan kata sifat (adjective) atau kata keterangan (adverb). Agar lebih memahami tentang Noun, berikut adalah contoh soal beserta kunci jawabannya.

Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Noun

I. Choose the best answer from the option a, b, c, or d!

1. We must call the ______ to catch the robber. a. Hospital b. Post office c. Police d. Ambulance

2. My father is reading ______ in the office now. a. A newspaper b. A television c. A speaker d. A radio

3. My grandmother always tell me to wash my _______ before eating something. a. Teeth b. Face c. Feet d. Hands

4. _____ is a spicy food from Indonesia. a. Cake b. Rendang c. Pudding d. Chocolate

5. We cancel having dinner at the restaurant because all _______ are booked. a. Tables b. Rooms c. Chairs d. Foods

6. We need _____ to bring our school books. a. Uniform b. Bag c. Pencil case d. Wallet

7. Before entering someone’s house, we must _______ on the door. a. Cry b. Scream c. Hit d. Knock

8. Will you go with me to the _____ to watch a movie? a. Stadium b. Cinema c. Hospital d. Theater

9. We buy a book in a _______ . a. Supermarket b. Fruitstall c. Bookstore d. Music studio

10. _____ is the place for students to study. a. Library b. Classroom c. Teacher’s office d. School canteen

II. Choose the best answer of plural form!

1. My apple tree has many _____ . a. Leaf b. Leaves c. Leafs d. Leavs

2. Do not play with the ______ in the kitchen! a. Knife b. Knifes c. Knive d. Knives

3. For the experiment in the laboratorium, we are asked to bring two _____ . a. Froges b. Frog c. Frogs d. Frogues

4. There are many beautiful ________ in her garden. a. Lilies b. Lily c. Lilys d. Lilis

5. The ________ in that empty house are so many. a. Mouse b. Mouses c. Mice d. Mices

6. My little cousin broke three ______ in my grandmother’s house. a. Vase b. Vas c. Vass d. Vases

7. Yesterday we went to Atlantis and saw many ________ . a. Fishes b. Fish c. Fisher d. Fishs

8. We need many _______ to make french fries. a. Potatoes b. Potatos c. Potato d. Potatoe

9. The police officer catched three ______. a. Thief b. Thievs c. Thiefs d. Thieves

10. I have no idea their names or their ______. a. Address b. Addresses c. Addreses d. Adresses

III. Complete the sentences by choosing the words below!

Glass Bottle Piece Bar Cup Plate Bowl Slice Package Bucket

1. I only ate a _________ of pizza last night and I got stomachache. 2. I will buy a _________ of chocolate for my little sister. 3. The little girl cannot bring a full _________ of water to the garden. 4. Bimo always drinks a _________ of milk in the morning everyday. 5. My mother made a _________ of fried rice for my dinner. 6. It is very nice to have a _________ of tea in the evening with your favorite person. 7. He brings me a _________ of spicy chips and a lollipop for my little sister. 8. Amara likes to drink a _________ of fresh water after running or having an exercise. 9. Someone usually loves to eat a ________ of chicken soup when he is sick. 10. My sister is having a birthday party and she gives a _______ of her birthday cake to everyone.

Kunci Jawaban: I. 1. C. Police 2. A. A newspaper 3. D. Hands 4. B. Rendang 5. A. Tables 6. B. Bag 7. D. Knock 8. B. Cinema 9. C. Bookstore 10. B. Classroom II. 1. B. Leaves 2. D. Knives 3. C. Frogs 4. A. Lilies 5. C. Mice 6. D. Vases 7. B. Fish 8. A. Potatoes 9. D. Thieves 10. B. Addresses III. 1. A slice of pizza 2. A bar of chocolate 3. A bucket of water 4. A glass of milk 5. A plate of fried rice 6. A cup of tea 7. A package of spicy chips 8. A bottle of fresh water 9. A bowl of chicken soup 10. A piece of birthday cake

Demikianlah contoh soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Noun beserta kunci jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah ilmu Bahasa Inggris teman – teman. Terima kasih.

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pronoun & Jawabannya Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Preposition & Jawabannya Penjelasan Action Verb, Helping Verb, & Linking Verb

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Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris: “Countable and Uncountable Noun”


Countable noun adalah sebutan untuk benda yang dapat dihitung jumlahnya. Kata-kata ini mengacu pada objek, orang, atau konsep yang dapat dihitung dan diberikan angka yang spesifik. Contoh kata benda yang dapat dihitung dalam bahasa Inggris antara lain “dog,” “book,” “car,” “chair,” “apple,” dan “person”.

Sementara itu, uncountable noun mengacu konsep yang tidak dapat dihitung atau diberikan angka yang spesifik. Benda-benda tersebut tak dapat diketahui jumlahnya secara spesifik. Contoh kata benda tak terhitung dalam bahasa Inggris antara lain “water,” “milk,” “air,” “sugar,” “furniture,” dan “information”.

Berikut adalah contoh-contoh soal yang berkaitan dengan uncountable dan countable noun.

Which of the following is a countable noun? a) Water b) Juice c) Cup d) Both a and b Answer: c) Cup Which of the following is an uncountable noun? a) Bread b) Apples c) Pencils d) Both a and b Answer: a) Bread Which of the following is a countable noun? a) Cheese b) Milk c) Sandwich d) Both a and b Answer: c) Sandwich Which of the following is an uncountable noun? a) Toys b) Rice c) Pencils d) Both a and b Answer: b) Rice Which of the following is a countable noun? a) Sugar b) Honey c) Cookies d) Both a and b Answer: c) Cookies Which of the following is an uncountable noun? a) Apples b) Butter c) Crayons d) Both a and b Answer: b) Butter Which of the following is a countable noun? a) Bike b) Milk c) Apple d) Both a and c Answer: d) Both a and c Which of the following is an uncountable noun? a) Flowers b) Flour c) Pencils d) Both a and b Answer: b) Flour Which of the following is a countable noun? a) Juice b) Pencil c) Paint d) Both a and c Answer: d) Both a and c Which of the following is an uncountable noun? a) Books b) Salt c) Balls d) Both a and b Answer: b) Salt
Which of the following is an example of a countable noun? a) Water b) Love c) Book Answer: c) Book Which of the following is an example of an uncountable noun? a) Apple b) Milk c) Dog Answer: b) Milk Which of the following is an example of a countable noun? a) Sugar b) Cheese c) Chair Answer: c) Chair Which of the following is an example of an uncountable noun? a) Banana b) Flour c) Car Answer: b) Flour Which of the following is an example of a countable noun? a) Sand b) Air c) Table Answer: c) Table Which of the following is an example of an uncountable noun? a) Bicycle b) Tea c) Hat Answer: b) Tea Which of the following is an example of a countable noun? a) Music b) Money c) Pen Answer: c) Pen Which of the following is an example of an uncountable noun? a) Tomato b) Juice c) Chair Answer: b) Juice Which of the following is an example of a countable noun? a) Salt b) Sun c) Ball Answer: c) Ball Which of the following is an example of an uncountable noun? a) Table b) Water c) Chair Answer: b) Water
Can you please pass me ________ bread? a) a b) an c) some d) any Answer: c) some How ________ milk do you want in your cereal? a) much b) many c) few d) several Answer: a) much I have ________ pencils in my bag. a) a few b) a little c) many d) much Answer: c) many Could you give me ________ information about the event? a) a little b) a few c) many d) much Answer: d) much I want to buy ________ shirts. a) a few b) a little c) many d) much Answer: a) a few There are ________ apples in the basket. a) a few b) a little c) many d) much Answer: c) many We need to buy ________ bread for the party. a) a few b) a little c) many d) much Answer: d) much I don’t have ________ money to buy that toy. a) a few b) a little c) many d) much Answer: d) much Can I have ________ ice cream, please? a) a few b) a little c) many d) much Answer: b) a little There are ________ chairs in the room. a) a few b) a little c) many d) much Answer: a) a few
My mother bought me ________ cheese for my sandwich. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some There are ________ chairs in the classroom. a) a few b) a little c) many d) much Answer: c) many The students need ________ books for their research project. a) a few b) a little c) many d) much Answer: c) many We have ________ sugar left in the container. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: b) a little I need to buy ________ paper for my art project. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some We have ________ milk in the fridge. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some There are ________ grapes in the fruit bowl. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some My brother has ________ crayons in his pencil case. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: a) a few We only have ________ time to finish the project today. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: b) a little The bakery has ________ bread for sale. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some
My dad bought me ________ jeans for school. a) a pair of b) some c) many d) any Answer: a) a pair of We need to buy ________ chicken for the barbecue. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some My mom always makes me ________ toast for breakfast. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some The artist used ________ paint to create the portrait. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some I only want to buy ________ books for my summer reading list. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: a) a few We have ________ cheese in the fridge. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some The chef used ________ sugar in the recipe. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: b) a little There are ________ grapes in the fruit bowl. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some My brother has ________ friends in his class. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: a) a few I need to buy ________ new shoes for the school year. a) a pair of b) some c) many d) any Answer: a) a pair of
I need to buy ________ flour for the cake recipe. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: b) a little My mom bought me ________ socks for school. a) a pair of b) some c) many d) any Answer: a) a pair of We can’t find ________ milk in the fridge. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some The artist used ________ paint to create the masterpiece. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some We saw ________ deer in the park yesterday. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some I need to get ________ advice on my homework. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: b) a little There are ________ chairs in the meeting room. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: a) a few We need to buy ________ paper for the printer. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some My dad bought me ________ sneakers for gym class. a) a pair of b) some c) many d) any Answer: a) a pair of We don’t have ________ time to finish the project by Friday. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: b) a little
She has ___ orange in her bag. A) a B) an C) some D) any Answer: B Do you have ___ water to drink? A) a B) an C) some D) any Answer: D ___ cheese do you need for the pizza? A) How much B) How many C) A lot of D) A few of Answer: A He is ___ honest person. A) a B) an C) some D) any Answer: B There are ___ apples on the table. A) a B) an C) some D) any Answer: C ___ books have you read this month? A) How much B) How many C) A lot of D) A few of Answer: B This is ___ interesting story. A) a B) an C) some D) any Answer: B I don’t have ___ money left. A) a B) an C) some D) any Answer: D ___ rice do you want for dinner? A) How much B) How many C) A lot of D) A few of Answer: A He saw ___ elephant at the zoo. A) a B) an C) some D) any Answer: A
A ___ noun is a noun that can be counted, such as apple, book, or dog. a) countable b) uncountable c) singular d) plural Answer: a) countable An ___ noun is a noun that cannot be counted, such as water, music, or love. a) countable b) uncountable c) singular d) plural Answer: b) uncountable We use ___ before countable nouns to show quantity, such as one, two, three, etc. a) numbers b) articles c) adjectives d) pronouns Answer: a) numbers We use ___ before uncountable nouns to show quantity, such as some, any, much, etc. a) numbers b) articles c) quantifiers d) pronouns Answer: c) quantifiers We use ___ before countable nouns to show that we are talking about a specific thing or things, such as the, this, that, etc. a) numbers b) determiners c) adjectives d) pronouns Answer: b) determiners We use ___ before uncountable nouns to show that we are talking about a specific thing or things, such as the, this, that, etc. a) numbers b) determiners c) quantifiers d) pronouns Answer: b) determiners We use a ___ form for countable nouns when there is more than one of them, such as apples, books, or dogs. a) countable b) uncountable c) singular d) plural Answer: d) plural We use a ___ form for uncountable nouns when there is more than one of them, such as waters, musics, or loves. a) countable b) uncountable c) singular d) plural Answer: b) uncountable I have _____ (cheese) in the fridge. a) cheese b) cheeses c) cheese’s d) cheeses’ Answer: a) cheese She bought _____ (flower) for her mother. a) flower b) flowers c) flower’s d) flowers’ Answer: b) flowers
The grocery store sells ________ types of cheese. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some Can you please buy ________ sugar for me at the store? a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some The teacher gave us ________ homework assignments last night. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: a) a few I have ________ pens in my bag. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: a) a few She has ________ time to finish the project before the deadline. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: b) a little We need to buy ________ oranges for the recipe. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some I have ________ respect for people who work hard. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some She asked for ________ advice about her job search. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some There are ________ cats living in the park. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: d) any He has ________ good ideas for the project. a) a few b) a little c) some d) any Answer: c) some
_______ is a countable noun. a) water b) furniture c) milk d) information Answer: b) furniture Can you please give me _______ bread? a) some b) any c) a few d) a little Answer: a) some I need to buy _______ sugar. a) some b) any c) a few d) a little Answer: d) a little _______ is an uncountable noun. a) table b) book c) coffee d) chair Answer: c) coffee How _______ bananas do you want? a) much b) many c) some d) any Answer: b) many I don’t have _______ time to waste. a) many b) much c) some d) any Answer: b) much Could you please pass me _______ salt? a) a b) some c) any d) the Answer: b) some _______ is an example of a countable noun. a) music b) air c) book d) sand Answer: c) book She doesn’t have _______ money to buy a car. a) many b) much c) some d) any Answer: b) much Could you please buy me _______ eggs? a) some b) any c) a few d) a little Answer: c) a few
There is _______ milk left in the fridge. a) a little b) a few c) little d) few Answer: a) a little I have _______ friends who are studying abroad. a) a little b) a few c) little d) few Answer: b) a few He gave me some _______ advice on how to improve my writing skills. a) useful b) usefully c) usefulness d) use Answer: a) useful She has a lot of _______ in her garden. a) flower b) flowers c) flowering d) flowered Answer: b) flowers He doesn’t like _______ cheese on his pizza. a) much b) many c) more d) most Answer: a) much How _______ water do you drink every day? a) much b) many c) more d) most Answer: a) much There are too _______ people in this room. It’s very crowded. a) much b) many c) more d) most Answer: b) many She has _______ knowledge of English grammar. a) a good b) goodly c) goodness d) good Answer: d) good He bought two loaves of _______ at the bakery. a) breads b) breaded c) bread d) breading Answer: c) bread I need some _______ scissors to cut this paper. a) sharpness b) sharply c) sharping d) sharp Answer: d) sharp

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    1) I have a rabbit. 2) I have three rabbits. Setelah kita perhatikan contoh diatas, bisa kita lihat ada perbedaan antara kalimat 1 dan 2, yaitu pada jumlah kelinci dan penambahan huruf "s" pada kata "rabbits" di kalimat 2. Itulah salah satu cara untuk merubah noun dari bentuk singular ke bentuk plural yaitu dengan menambahkan huruf "s ...

  2. Latihan Soal Singular and Plural Nouns

    Kerjakan soalnya di bawah ini ya. Write the plural forms of the noun. Complete the sentences with the correct form, singular or plural, of the given nouns. When necessary, choose the correct word in parentheses in some of the sentences.

  3. Singular and Plural Nouns: Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris

    English Test | Grammar Exercises. Singular and Plural Nouns: Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris. Exercise of Plural and Singular Nouns (Code: 58) Material: Plural and Singular Nouns. Write down the plural forms. 1. Berta has planted many (flowers) in her garden. (example) 2. Meta can speak three (different language).

  4. Latihan Soal Singular and Plural nouns

    Latihan Soal Singular and Plural nouns quiz for 7th grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free!

  5. Mengenal Soal Essay Singular and Plural Noun: Pahami Aturan dan Tipsnya

    Mengerjakan soal essay singular and plural noun memerlukan pemahaman yang baik tentang konsep singular dan plural noun. Berikut adalah beberapa langkah untuk mengerjakan soal jenis ini: 1. Membaca dan memahami pertanyaan. Langkah pertama yang perlu dilakukan adalah membaca dan memahami pertanyaan dengan baik. Pahami apa yang diminta dalam soal ...

  6. Singular and Plural Nouns with Rules and Examples • Englishan

    Here are the primary rules for creating plural nouns: Basic Rule (Add "s"): Most nouns simply add "s" to form the plural. Example: Cat → Cats, Dog → Dogs, Book → Books. Nouns Ending in -s, -x, -z, -sh, or -ch: Nouns ending in these sounds often take "es" to form the plural.

  7. Singular and Plural Quiz ( 32 questions with explanation)

    3. #16. What is a singular noun? It is a noun consisting of one word. It is a noun that refers to something/someone (name of a person/place/thing…) that is one in number. #17. What is a plural noun? It is a noun that ends with the letter 's'. It is a noun that refers to something/someone of more than one in number.

  8. Singular / Plural Nouns

    Nouns ending with s, ss, z, zz, x, ch, sh, and tch are made plural by adding "es" to the singular form: wish - wishes. watch - watches. fox - foxes. bus - buses. If a noun's singular form ends with a consonant plus y, you must change the y to I and then add "es": baby - babies. candy - candies.

  9. Singular and Plural Nouns

    Rules for singular and plural nouns. The general rule is that most singular nouns are made plural by adding an -s, -es, or -ies to the end of the word. However, there are a variety of irregular nouns whose spelling changes when making the singular form plural. Rules for singular and plural nouns. The following English grammar rules apply when ...

  10. 40+ Contoh Soal This

    √40+ Contoh Soal This_That, These_Those, Singular and Plural Nouns dan Kunci Jawaban - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides 40 examples of English questions on the topics of this/that, these/those, and singular and plural nouns, along with their answer keys. It is intended to help students in grades 9 find references for learning ...

  11. Latihan Soal Singular and Plural Noun

    Finally, learners are given singular nouns and asked to change them to plural form and use each in an original sentence. The exercise focuses on common singular and plural noun rules and practice applying those rules in short responses.

  12. Nouns: singular and plural

    Nouns: singular and plural - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary

  13. 3 Bentuk Soal Singular and Plural Nouns

    Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate noun in brackets in a form of singular or plural nouns. 1. My little sister bought . . . . ( bunny) at the carousel yesterday. She said she want to buy two more . . . . . ( bunny) if she had money. 2. I read the news this morning about . . . . . . ( airplane) that crashed 45 minutes after ...

  14. What Is a Plural Noun?

    A plural noun is a noun that refers to more than one of something (as opposed to a singular noun, which refers to just one). Like singular nouns, they may refer to people, animals, things, concepts, or places. Plural nouns are normally formed by adding -s to the singular noun (e.g., the singular "cat" becomes the plural "cats").

  15. Singular and Plural Nouns

    2. an eagle (seekor elang) 3. an avocado (sebuah alpukat) 4. an orange (sebuah jeruk) 5. an author (seorang penulis) 6. an entrepreneur (seorang pengusaha) Pada penggunaan "an" ini bisa di lihat semua kata di atas di awali dengan suara huruf vokal sehingga di gunakan "an" sebelum kata benda tersebut.

  16. Penjelasan Singular and Plural Noun dan Latihan Soal

    Lalu penjelasan selanjutnya adalah tentang aturan serta contoh dari kedua jenis noun tersebut. 1. Singular Noun. Singular noun adalah saat kata benda nya hanya ada satu atau tunggal. Contoh: boy, girl, book, watch, box. 2. Plural Noun. Plural Noun adalah saat kata bendanya lebih dari satu atau jamak. Contoh: boys, girls, books, watches, boxes.

  17. Singular and plural exercises

    Regular plural nouns (one car - two car s) exercise 1: choose the correct form of the plural for the noun. exercise 2 : fill in the plural of the noun. exercise 3 : fill in the plural of the noun. exercise 4: fill in the plural of the noun. exercise 5: choose the correct form of the plural for the nouns ending in -f.

  18. √Kumpulan 40+ Contoh Soal Singular, Plural Nouns, This/That ...

    seacrhsoal.com | Pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan contoh soal pilihan ganda materi singular, plural nouns, this/that, dan these/those dilengkapi kunci jawaban dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Semoga apa yang admin bagikan kali ini dapat membantu anak didik dalam mencari referensi tentang contoh soal pilihan ganda materi singular, plural nouns, this/that, dan these/those ...

  19. Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris: Singular Plural Nouns

    Setelah membaca penjelasan lengkap singular dan plural nouns, yuk tes pemahaman kita mengenai topik tersebut. Let's try!!! Untuk lebih memahami materi singular dan plural nouns, silahkan: → review Penjelasan Lengkap Singular dan Plural Nouns. Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris: Singular Plural Nouns. Selamat berlatih!

  20. Teori & Soal Latihan Plural Noun Beserta Jawabannya

    a. Singular noun yang berakhir dengan huruf konsonan + huruf y, maka bentuk plural noun-nya adalah : Ubah huruf y menjadi huruf i , kemudian ditambah dengan -es. Contoh : Singular noun : baby. Plural noun : babies. b. Singular noun yang berakhir dengan huruf ch, x, ss, s, maka bentuk plural noun-nya adalah : Tambah kata tersebut dengan -es.

  21. 30 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Noun & Jawabannya

    8. A bottle of fresh water. 9. A bowl of chicken soup. 10. A piece of birthday cake. Demikianlah contoh soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Noun beserta kunci jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah ilmu Bahasa Inggris teman - teman. Terima kasih.

  22. Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris: "Countable and Uncountable Noun"

    Soal 8. A ___ noun is a noun that can be counted, such as apple, book, or dog. a) countable b) uncountable c) singular d) plural Answer: a) countable. An ___ noun is a noun that cannot be counted, such as water, music, or love. a) countable b) uncountable c) singular d) plural Answer: b) uncountable

  23. Pembahasan & Soal Materi Singular and plural noun

    Terbaru Terpopuler. Maaf.. terjadi kesalahan yang tidak diketahui. Silahkan coba lagi. Jawab semua soal sulitmu seputar Singular and plural noun dengan pembahasan dari Master Teacher Ruangguru. Cek di Roboguru sekarang!

  24. 30 Irregular Plural Nouns beserta Artinya

    Kita perlu menghafal setiap kata karena bentuk katanya berbeda dari bentuk tunggalnya. Berikut disajikan 30 contoh irregular plural noun yang sering digunakan dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris beserta artinya. Singular. Plural. Artinya. Alumnus. Alumni. Alumni. Axis.