Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone Essay

Health protection is one of the basic human rights because everyone wants to be healthy. At the same time, assistance in ensuring this health should come from the state as a guarantor of the protection of the person. The right to health is a fundamental aspect of any society; without a health system, this right cannot be fulfilled. Many aspects of similar institutions worldwide are paid, which hinders access to medicine for some people. In this way, a free healthcare system could lead to equality.

First, health care refers to absolute human rights that any state cannot alienate. Thus, by depriving a person of this right, the state violates ethical standards and can significantly harm the health of people who cannot afford paid medicine. A free healthcare system could provide everyone access to basic health services such as prevention, treatment of illness and injury, and access to medicines. Free medical care would help to establish full equality among all groups of the population, thus eliminating many of the divisions that currently exist in society. In this way, people could become much healthier and happier because many health problems would be solved.

The second argument favoring a free healthcare system is the economic factor. This is because healthy citizens can contribute more to the country’s economy. Citizens who are properly healed will be able to feel better, and investigators will be able to work more productively, ultimately leading to increased economic growth. In addition, a free health care system can significantly affect private businesses since companies do not have to invest in payments to constantly provide insurance for citizens. It was possible to include part of this amount instead as a separate tax, and thus both the state and firms could earn more money. Thus, companies will be able to redirect the financial resources of their organizations to the development of their kind of activity. This would increase competition in all sectors of the economy and thus improve the quality of business. Increasing the turnover and revenue of companies can then lead to the payment of large taxes and an improvement in the position of the national economy.

As a counterargument, it can be said that transferring the entire healthcare system to a free regime would create many difficulties both at the transition stage and in the future. Indeed, to fully make medicine accessible, it will be necessary to carry out many reforms that can significantly burden the economy. In addition, many private clinics will also have to be dealt with and either leaves the possibility of such services or transfer them to state dates. Financing all medical institutions from the country’s budget can be complicated and costly. In this regard, it would be necessary to look for additional sources of income to support the economy. However, moving to a free system can result in greater cost savings, as in Canada or the UK.

In conclusion, we can say that the health care system should be accessible and free for all citizens who need help, as this is one of the most important human rights that cannot be neglected. In addition, establishing such state care can help stimulate economic growth since most people who are now in poor health will be able to work. This will help companies develop more intensively and not spend money on paying insurance for employees. There are some downsides to moving to a public system, such as high initial process costs. However, in the future, this can be fully compensated. Based on all the factors considered, it can be concluded that a free healthcare system should be implemented.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone.

"Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone'. 28 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone." February 28, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone." February 28, 2024.


IvyPanda . "Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone." February 28, 2024.

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Argumentative Essay: Healthcare Should Be Free

Imagine how helpless you would feel if you needed medical attention but could not get it because you were uninsured and could not afford the medical bill. Wouldn’t that make you feel dependent and unsupported because you can't receive the support you are entitled to? The US spends about $12,530 per person’s healthcare. Although the government provides its citizens with healthcare equally, not everyone needs the money for their healthcare, while others need more money than what is already provided to them. I think the American government should collectively spend for all of its citizens and make healthcare free for all Americans.. Healthcare is a human right that we should all be entitled to regardless of our class. It would save thousands of lives every year. Although many people argue that healthcare would increase the debt rate, free healthcare decreases the spending of the US.  Free healthcare should be enforced morally and logistically to all Americans. 

Healthcare should be provided to everyone at no cost because it is a basic human right that all Americans should be entitled to. In the article “Should All Americans Have the Right (Be Entitled) to Health Care?” It says, “The Declaration of Independence states that all men have “unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” [42] which necessarily entails having the health care needed to preserve life and pursue happiness.” This shows that healthcare is a right that all Americans should be entitled to. In this sentence, the author explains that the Declaration of Independence states that all men have the right to “Life, Liberty, and Pursuit to Happiness” this shows that healthcare is also considered a right, which falls into life and the pursuit of happiness. 

Healthcare saves thousands of lives which enforces the right to life and pursuit of happiness in the future. Free healthcare could save lives because many people die from illnesses they never got cured because of the cost of healthcare. In the article “Should All Americans Have the Right (Be Entitled) to Health Care?” Says, “According to a study from Harvard researchers, “lack of health insurance is associated with as many as 44,789 deaths per year,” which translates into a 40% increased risk of death among the uninsured.“ This proves that many people die because they were uninsured. This part of the passage shows a 40% increased risk of death among people who cannot get insured due to the lack of medical support given to the uninsured who can also not afford the medical bill. According to the “Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services,” the number of people under the age of 65 who were uninsured at the time of the interview was 31.2 million people. This shows that many Americans under the age of 65 are uninsured and probably can not afford the medical bill. 

A common argument against this position is that free healthcare for all Americans would increase US debts. In the article “Should America Have Universal Health Care?” It says “From a study funded by the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, under a single-payer system where everyone has a right to healthcare, private and public healthcare spending could be lowered over 10 years by over 1.8 trillion dollars. This would be due to lower prescription and administrative drug costs.” Some people argue that free healthcare for all Americans would increase US debts. However, the text explains that providing free healthcare does not increase the spending of the US. Instead, It lowered the spending by $1.8 trillion because it lowered the price of drugs prescribed to patients. 

In conclusion, healthcare should be free for all Americans. All Americans should be provided free healthcare because it is a basic human right that all Americans should be entitled to. It would also save lives because many people die from illnesses they never got cured of due to the medical support they needed but did not receive and that was because they were uninsured. Logistically and Morally, Healthcare is a fundamental right that all Americans should be entitled to despite their income and what they can afford. This is an issue that requires us to come together and fight for our rights!

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A red protest sign (left) and an orange protest sign (right) are held in the air. The red one reads “Who lobbied for this?” in black text. The orange one reads “We need healthcare options not obstacles.”

Healthcare is a human right – but not in the United States

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The Supreme Court’s ruling on Dobbs v. Jackson in June is just the latest blow to health rights in the United States. National medical associations in the U.S. agree that abortion is essential to reproductive healthcare. So why would abortion not be protected as such? Because the U.S. does not, and never has, protected a right to health.  

Good health is the foundation of a person’s life and liberty. Injury and disease are always disruptive, and sometimes crippling. We might have to stop working, cancel plans, quarantine, hire help, and in cases of long-term disability, build whole new support systems to accommodate a new normal.

The U.S. remains the only high-income nation in the world without universal access to healthcare. However, the U.S. has signed and ratified one of the most widely adopted international treaties that includes the duty to protect the right to life. Under international law, the right to life simply means that humans have a right to live, and that nobody can try to kill another. Healthcare, the United Nations says, is an essential part of that duty. In 2018, the U.N. Committee on Civil and Political Rights said the right to life cannot exist without equal access to affordable healthcare services (including in prisons), mental health services, and notably, access to abortion. The U.N. committee mentioned health more than a dozen times in its statement on the right to life.

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The bottom line is: the U.S. can’t claim to protect life if it fails to protect health. And it has consistently failed on all three of the U.N.’s measures— the latest being access to abortion.

In the U.S., our debates around healthcare, and especially abortion, are hampered by a lack of right to health. Instead, the Supreme Court in 1973 protected access to abortion through the rights to privacy and due process, not health. Privacy is mentioned only twice by the U.N. committee commentary on the right to life.

Since Dobbs, several state legislatures have declared it fair game to criminalize abortion procedures even in cases where pregnancy threatens maternal health or life. Despite ample evidence that restrictive abortion laws lead to spikes in maternal mortality and morbidity—core public health indicators—the Court prior to the Dobb’s decision has defended abortion as merely a matter of privacy, not health or life. We know this is a myth. Abortion is deeply tied to the ability to stay healthy and in some cases, alive.

Regardless, our political parties remain deeply polarized on access to healthcare, including abortion. But lawmakers should know there is historical backing in the U.S. for elevating a right to health. None other than U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt, first proposed healthcare as a human right in his State of the Union address in 1944, as part of his ‘Second Bill of Rights.’ His list featured aspirational economic and social guarantees to the American people, like the right to a decent home and, of course, the right to adequate medical care.

Eleanor Roosevelt later took the Second Bill of Rights to the U.N., where it contributed to the right to health being included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The right to health is now accepted international law, and is part of numerous treaties, none of which the U.S. Senate has seen fit to ratify. The U.S. conservative movement has historically declared itself averse to adopting rights that might expand government function and responsibility. In contrast, state legislatures in red states are keen to expand government responsibility when it comes to abortion. The conservative movement condemns government interference in the delivery of healthcare—except when it comes to reproductive health. The American Medical Association has called abortion bans a “direct attack” on medicine, and a “brazen violation of patients’ rights to evidence-based reproductive health services.”

Excepting access to abortion, U.S. lawmakers have largely left healthcare to the markets, rather than government. True, the government funds programs like Medicaid and Medicare but these programs vary significantly in quality and access by state, falling far short of providing fair, equitable, universal access to good healthcare.

The only two places where the U.S. government accepts some responsibility for the provision of healthcare are 1) in prisons and mental health facilities; and 2) in the military. While healthcare services in the U.S. prison system are notoriously deficient, they nevertheless exist and are recognized as an entitlement, underpinning the right to life. As an example, in 2005 a federal court seized control of the failing healthcare system in California’s Department of Corrections citing preventable deaths. In the military, free healthcare is an entitlement, and the quality of that care is deemed good enough even for the U.S. president.

So why doesn’t everyone in the U.S. have the same rights?

It is an uphill battle in a country that sees health and healthcare as a private matter for markets and individuals to navigate. But if we want to improve public health in the U.S. we need to start legislating healthcare as a right—and recognize that achieving the highest possible standards of public health is a legitimate government function.

photo: Tony Gutierrez / AP Photo


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Free Healthcare in the United States: A Possible Solution to Public Health Disparities

Nov 23, 2020 | Author Hala Atassi , Public Health Policy

should everyone be entitled to free health care essay

Access to healthcare is one of the remarkable indicators that defines the quality of people’s lives. Despite the thousands of advanced technologies and countless healthcare clinics and hospitals, many people still cannot afford healthcare or health insurance. This has been a global concern for years, which many countries have resolved. However, the United States has yet to significantly progress towards making healthcare more accessible to low-income communities. There are many solutions to this problem that can be implemented today, upon which millions of suffering Americans depend.

Some studies have shown over the years that expensive health care is due to the high cost of defensive medicine, or in other words, physicians ordering expensive tests that may be unnecessary, as a way to deflect legal responsibility from themselves. Deviating from defensive medicine in the healthcare industry might impact physicians economically, but more importantly, it will help achieve affordable healthcare. 

Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act of 2010) is one program that focuses on extending healthcare to Americans and reducing public health disparities. This program lays down a foundation that people under the age of 26 will receive accessible care from their parent or guardian’s health care plans. Afterward, they must pay for their health care plan. Also, the program stipulates that the government provides free healthcare to retired adults from age 55 to 64, to avoid any insurance plan complications. Essentially, Obamacare seeks to expand access to healthcare care, regardless of the scale of one’s medical diagnosis, to ultimately save lives that would have been lost due to the inability to pay expensive medical bills.

Easier access to healthcare will result in a healthier nation. The healthcare system is one of the most important components in life, as the United States’ economy cannot be fully efficient and benefit all people until everyone can access quality, affordable healthcare. Free healthcare (or at least cheaper healthcare) would be the most effective system for America, which other countries like Switzerland and Singapore have demonstrated. The money spent by citizens on their healthcare could be redirected to other social support systems in America, like expanding access to nutritious foods as well. Although free healthcare has many perks, it also has disadvantages. Most notably, overloading health services with a large number of patients would overwhelm already busy healthcare systems. Patients may overuse the perk of free healthcare, leaving not taxpayers to suffer, but rather medical professionals and healthcare systems. Even so, the perceptible advantages of affordable healthcare outweigh the disadvantages. As it is, years of attempts to ameliorate the United States healthcare system have failed the American people, and the situation remains devastating and life-threatening for low-income communities. There should be no debate though as to whether America needs to redesign the public health system, as healthcare is a human right, and nobody should be dying because they cannot afford to live, especially when the government has the economic means to take care of them.


Gerisch, Mary. “Health Care As a Human Right.” American Bar Association , 

“Free Health Care Policies.” World Health Organization , World Health Organization, 2020, 

Gologorsky, Beverly. “Health Care in the US Should Be Affordable and Accessible.” The Nation , 9 May 2019, 

Luhby, Tami. “Here’s How Obamacare Has Changed America.” CNN , Cable News Network, 8 July 2019,

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A business journal from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Knowledge at Wharton Podcast

Does the u.s. need universal health care, december 8, 2020 • 11 min listen.

Wharton's Robert Hughes explains the moral and social benefits of universal health care and how such a system might look in the U.S.

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Wharton’s Robert Hughes speaks with Wharton Business Daily on SiriusXM about the need for universal health care in the U.S.

Nothing quite exposes the inequalities that exist in American society more than the health care system. It’s a complex combination of private insurance, public programs and politics that drives up costs, creating significant barriers to lifesaving medical treatment for large segments of the population. In America, access to quality health care often depends on income, employment and status.

Why Should Healthcare Be Free?

Robert Hughes, professor of business ethics and legal studies at Wharton, is an advocate for universal health care coverage. Drawing deeply on his research in philosophy, Hughes believes that equal access to medical care is beneficial for both liberty and social stability. Health, he says, should not be tied to wealth.

“I think it’s very disturbing that people have to go to GoFundMe in order to get their medical treatments paid for. It creates a power imbalance,” he said, referring to the crowdsourcing platform used to help raise money for patient bills. “That’s why I say that truly universal health care would be good for people’s liberty. Because you’re not really free if you’re depending on charity, especially discretionary charity like the kind you see on GoFundMe, for a basic need like health care.”

Hughes recently joined the Wharton Business Daily radio show on SiriusXM to discuss universal health care in the context of the presidential election. (Listen to the podcast at the top of this page.) President-elect Joe Biden has said he will protect and rebuild the Affordable Care Act , which has been under attack since it was enacted in 2010 under President Barack Obama.

Does the U.S. Hhave Universal Healthcare Now That Obamacare Exists?

The ACA, commonly referred to as Obamacare, brought the U.S. closer to providing universal health care through subsidized private health insurance, but Hughes said there’s still a wide gap. He believes policymakers should ensure that everyone has coverage and access to the same needed treatments.

“It’s very disturbing that people have to go to GoFundMe in order to get their medical treatments paid for. It creates a power imbalance.”

“I think it’s totally feasible for us to change the health care system, if we all were willing to do the right thing. But we’re not all willing to do the right thing,” Hughes said.

The professor argued the case for universal health care in a paper titled “ Egalitarian Provision of Necessary Medical Treatment ,” which was published last year in the Journal of Ethics. (The author-accepted version is  here .) He examined the health care systems of the U.K., Australia and Canada, concluding that Canada’s single-payer system is the most advantageous for the U.S.

Private insurance would still exist under such a setup, but it could not be used to pay for treatments already covered under universal health care. This provision would eliminate wealth as the controlling factor in health.

Why Doesn’t the U.S. Have Free Healthcare?

“I don’t understand why there’s so much resistance to the idea of truly universal health insurance in the United States, given that this is something that other industrial countries just do,” Hughes said.

He acknowledged that the U.S. doesn’t have the “political will” to change a system that’s been entrenched since the end of World War II, when employers began offering health insurance to their workers instead of higher wages.

“We can’t wave a magic wand and go back to 1946,” he said. “I don’t see the United States completely uprooting all these insurances. And that means we might need to create a model that keeps a lot of what we have, making it more accessible to more people, rather than creating all new institutions from scratch.”

Knowledge at Wharton interviewed Hughes in 2019 about his paper. For an in-depth look into his research and advocacy, read the interview here .

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Everyone Deserves Access to Affordable Health Care

Without it, we can’t erase health inequities or flatten the covid-19 curve.

  • August 10, 2020
  • By Sam Hatzenbeler

Access to affordable, high-quality health care is a cornerstone of building thriving communities. Without it, we can’t erase health, economic, racial, and gender inequities in Washington, or flatten the COVID-19 curve.

Health Coverage in Washington

We have a patchwork system of health insurance based on employment, age, and income that results in many gaps in coverage. 57 percent of people in Washington received health insurance through employers in 2017, including 13 percent who were employed by federal, state, or local governments. [1] Another 17.5 percent were on Medicare – the federal government plan restricted to those over age 65, often in combination with another plan. [2] Nearly 20 percent were on Medicaid, the jointly funded federal and state plan restricted to low-income households. Altogether, 54 percent of Washingtonians received insurance in whole or part through publicly funded plans, and 5.5 percent were uninsured. [3]

What’s Standing in the Way of Achieving Health Equity?  

The U.S. health-care system is the most expensive in the world – but that doesn’t translate to better health outcomes. [4] Americans spent more than $11,000 per person on health care in 2018, yet we still have higher rates of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease than our peer nations, and millions can’t afford to see a doctor for basic care. [5] Insurance premiums and other out-of-pocket costs for people seeking care, such as deductibles and co-insurance, go up year after year, fueled by rising specialty provider reimbursements, executive salaries, and profits for hospitals and drug makers. Meanwhile, industry lobbyists fight regulation. [6]

A recent Kaiser Family Foundation report showed that two thirds of Americans worry about being able to afford their own or a family member’s unexpected medical bills – even when they have insurance. [7] In 2019, one in three people dropped coverage because of the high cost on Washington State’s marketplace, the Health Benefit Exchange. [8] In addition, one in five Americans in 2018 were considered “underinsured” – meaning a trip to the doctor or emergency room could result in very high out-of-pocket costs. [9] When going to the doctor is too expensive, people must choose between receiving needed medical care and paying for other necessities like rent or food. Skipping care can result in long-term health challenges, costly emergency room visits, and increased costs for the whole system.

Rising Uninsurance

The number of uninsured people fell dramatically after the adoption of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare, but started climbing again over the past two years. Half a million people in Washington were uninsured in 2019. That number has doubled during the COVID crisis, as a record number of people lost their employment. [10]

should everyone be entitled to free health care essay

Source: Office of Financial Management, Estimated Impact of COVID-19 on Washington State’s Health Coverage (2020)

Unnecessary “Churn ” from Employment-Based Insurance

Unfortunately, tying health coverage to employment means people lose or must change insurance every time they lose or change jobs, and uninsurance rates skyrocket during economic downturns. Medicaid, or Apple Health in Washington, provides coverage to people in or near poverty without employer plans. The ACA created additional pathways to affordable health insurance by providing subsidies to people buying insurance on the Exchange with incomes below 250 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and premium tax credits for people up to 400 percent of FPL. However, people just over these income limits can suffer from “income cliffs” and a pay increase can result in losing coverage.

Disparities in Access

Many immigrants are barred from receiving federal subsidies, and undocumented people in Washington are 11 times more likely to be uninsured than their U.S.-born counterparts. People in Black, Native American, and Latinx communities are all less likely to have insurance, often because their employers offer no or poor-quality insurance plans.

should everyone be entitled to free health care essay


Criminalization of Mental Illness and Substance Use

Mental health services and substance use treatment in Washington State have been dangerously underfunded for decades. Rather than supporting people to stay healthy, we rely on police and prison systems to respond to people in crisis. Washington incarcerates more individuals with severe mental illness than it hospitalizes and has only one fifth of the public psychiatric beds necessary to provide them with minimally adequate. [11]

Steps Washington Leaders Can Take for Healthier Communities

Affordable access to medical care for everyone is vital to building an equitable, healthy, and fair society. While we need change at the federal level, there are steps that Washington State policymakers can take to address our state’s health care affordability crisis.

Support Legislation from Washington’s Universal Health Care Work Group

In 2019, the Washington State Legislature created the Universal Health Care Work Group to develop pathways to transition to a system that ensures health coverage for all. That group will have recommendations for the 2021 legislature.

Expand Subsidies and Build Out the Public Option

Washington legislators passed Cascade Care in 2019 to create the nation’s first Public Option, and to increase subsidies on the Exchange to everyone has affordable, quality insurance options. The 2021 legislature will receive the Cascade Care study report, including options for expanded subsidies and funding sources.

Expand Apple Health for People Left Out of Federal Programs

Federal restrictions exclude many people from coverage with federal funds. The state can cover priority groups through Apple Health, including low-income young adults up to age 26 [12] and low-income women for one year postpartum, [13] regardless of citizenship status.

[1] U.S. Census Bureau, Private Health Insurance Coverage by Type and Selected Characteristics, 2018 American Community Survey 1-year Estimates, Table S2703, (2019), Retrieved from

[2] Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2018 Medicare Enrollment, MDCR Enroll AB2,

[3] Wei, Yen. Public-funded Health Coverage in Washington: 2017, Research Brief No. 92, August 2019, Washington State Office of Financial Management.

[4] The Commonwealth Fund, Health Care Spending in the United States and Other High-Income Countries, (2018), ;

Anderson, G., Reinhardt, U., Hussey, P., et al, It’s The Prices, Stupid: Why The United States Is So Different From Other Countries, Health Affairs, 22 (3), (2003)

[5] Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Historical,

[6] Altman, Stuart and Mechanic, Robert. Health Care Cost Control, Health Affairs, (2018),

[7] Pollitz, K, Rae, M, Claxton, G, et al. An examination of surprise medical bills and proposals to protect consumers, Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker, (2020)

[8] Washington State Health Care Authority, Request for Applications: Cascade Care Public Option Plans, (2020),

[9] Collins, S., Bhupal, H., Doty, M., Health Insurance Coverage Eight Years After the ACA, Commonwealth Fund, (2019),

[10] OFM, Estimated Impact of COVID-19 on Washington State’s Health Coverage, (2020),

[11] Treatment Advocacy Center, Washington (accessed 2020),

[12]  HB 1697 – 2019-20, Concerning health coverage for young adults.

[13]  SB 6128 – 2019-20, Extending coverage during the postpartum period.

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Good piece, Sam.

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High quality, affordable health care is the right of every American

As the number of uninsured americans rises, aamc president and ceo darrell g. kirch, md, urges policymakers to push forward..


As I approach the end of my tenure at the AAMC, I’m often asked about the high point of my 13 years as president and CEO. Without reservation, I reply that it was when the AAMC made its final push to endorse and secure passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). I was proud that the AAMC Board of Directors stepped up to take a strong public stand on this legislation while many other organizations stayed on the sidelines waiting to see how the politics would play out.

As the voice of academic medicine, the AAMC has long held that high quality, affordable health care is the right of every American. The AAMC released a document in 2008, Principles for U.S. Health Care Reform: A Guide for Policy Makers , underscoring the crisis of access, cost, and quality in the nation’s health care system, well before the ACA was passed in 2010.

The evidence is overwhelming that people with health insurance have a huge advantage . People without coverage are more likely to suffer declines in overall health — the result of little or no preventive care and delays in care that cause more severe problems or hospitalizations. Other studies have shown improvements in self-reported health and certain health outcomes measures in individuals who live in states that expanded their Medicaid program .

Given our commitment to the well-being of our patients, supporting the ACA was an ethical, not a partisan, decision. It was gratifying to see the numbers of uninsured Americans decline to historically low levels after the ACA took effect in January 2014. The number of uninsured nonelderly Americans dropped from over 44 million in 2013 to just below 27 million in 2016 .

Given this impressive success, it is distressing to see our progress show signs of regressing. The Kaiser Family Foundation reported that the number of uninsured people jumped by nearly 700,000 people in 2017 . This was the first increase in uninsured Americans since the ACA first extended insurance coverage to millions more people. In addition, another study found that the number of children in the United States without health insurance increased in 2017 for the first time in more than a decade .

Without access to affordable coverage, we will see more Americans forego or delay necessary medical care, putting millions of lives at risk and driving up costs to the system.

And the decline continued last year. A Gallup survey showed that by the close of 2018, 13.7% of adults in the country had no health insurance, up from 10.9% at the end of 2016. This marked the highest uninsured rate since 2014, when the major provisions of the ACA went into effect. The greatest increase in the uninsured occurred among women, younger adults, and low income persons.

The impact on people who have lost their insurance has even greater implications today than before the ACA. Health care costs are the highest they have ever been, compounded by a dramatic rise in pharmaceutical costs. We have seen an uptick in media stories about tragedies resulting from families unable to afford treatment or prescriptions. In 2017, more than 1 in 4 uninsured adults said they delayed or went without health care due to cost factors .

Teaching hospitals have been on the front line to help uninsured Americans. AAMC members provide 31% of all hospital charity care and 25% of all Medicaid inpatient services, while comprising only 5% of the acute care, general service hospitals in the country. But the safety net we provide is not enough to close the access gap for the uninsured. Only public policy intervention can do that.

A call for responsible health care legislation

In a report last year, the Commonwealth Fund attributed the declining uninsured rate largely to federal actions that reduced ACA outreach and enrollment funding, along with a failure to address health plan affordability in the individual market . Shorter open-enrollment periods also contributed to fewer individuals purchasing insurance.

A Kaiser Family Foundation analysis points to several factors behind the recent rise in people without insurance: 1) their state did not expand Medicaid; 2) they are subject to immigrant eligibility restrictions; 3) their income makes them ineligible for financial assistance; 4) they are eligible but the insurance options are unaffordable; or 5) they lack the knowledge to obtain coverage.

As of January, Americans no longer have to pay a penalty if they don’t carry insurance, which has resulted in rising premiums. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that this will lead to about 8 million more uninsured people in 2027 . In addition, state policy changes are precipitating declines in people covered by Medicaid, and 14 states still have not opted for any Medicaid expansion.

Watching our efforts unravel to improve health care accessibility is beyond troubling. We took a strong stand on the Texas federal court’s effort to declare the ACA unconstitutional and will follow this case closely through the appeals process. The AAMC is committed to supporting policies that seek to increase coverage, as was intended when the ACA was passed.

The AAMC is urging the federal government to enact policies that extend ACA coverage gains and improve cost protections on individual market and employer plans.

Dismantling any of its provisions is a disaster for the health care system, unless it is part of another comprehensive reform package providing equal or better coverage. We have yet to see such a package, including during the “repeal and replace” debate.

Now 20 months away from the next presidential election, health care continues to be a top issue for voters, as it was in the 2018 midterms. Without access to affordable coverage, we will see more Americans forego or delay necessary medical care, putting millions of lives at risk and driving up costs to the system.

As such, the AAMC is urging the federal government to enact policies that extend ACA coverage gains and improve cost protections on individual market and employer plans. Or if legislators come up with alternate strategies in the interest of our patients, we would consider supporting that as well.

With the 2020 election in sight, I am hopeful that health care will remain in the spotlight. We must stand by our guiding principles to avoid going backward. The AAMC will continue to work with policymakers to ensure that all Americans receive the comprehensive insurance coverage and high-quality health care they need and deserve.

Should healthcare be free?

No, healthcare shouldn't be free, free healthcare leaves the healthiest footing the bill, free healthcare means worse quality, free healthcare disincentivizes making good choices, free healthcare is unnecessary, free healthcare encourages waste, free healthcare may create sedentary and irresponsible lifestyle, yes, healthcare should be free, free healthcare leads to less inequality, free healthcare saves lives, free healthcare is a human right, free healthcare prevents financial exploitation, free healthcare creates economic productivity, free healthcare is cheaper, free healthcare is better prepared to deal with pandemics, free healthcare has proven to work in many countries, there is no such thing as free healthcare, free healthcare is never "free".

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Our health is important, right? Access to health care then, is also really important. So listen to this…

December 12th is Universal Health Coverage Day , a momentous day comprised of a global coalition calling for universal health coverage to be a cornerstone of the sustainable development agenda and a priority for all nations.

The Global Poverty Project has joined 350 organizations around the world to launch UHC Day, which marks the anniversary of a landmark United Nations resolution from December 12, 2012 urging all countries to provide universal access to health care.

So what is universal health coverage, you may ask? Well, it means that every person, everywhere, has access to quality healthcare without suffering financial hardship.

As Global Citizens, we know this is important. Very important. And the facts prove that.

Did you know:

·         1 billion people lack basic health care, and 100 million fall into poverty every year trying to access needed services

·         1/3 of households in Africa and Southeast Asia borrow money or sell assets to pay for health care

·         Health improvements drove a quarter of full-income growth in developing countries between 2000 and 2011

Those are big numbers.

Health is a human right and a cornerstone of sustainable development and global security. Let’s look at 5 more reasons why #HEALTH FORALL matters:

1. Because no one should go bankrupt when they get sick.

Lack of affordable, quality health care traps families and nations in poverty.

2. Because universal health coverage is attainable.

70 countries, including 30 of the world’s poorest, have passed laws toward Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

3. Because universal health coverage can help stop the world’s biggest killers.

The poorest and most marginalized populations bear the brunt of preventable maternal deaths and diseases like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and non-communicable diseases (e.g., cancer and heart disease).

The Ebola crisis clearly demonstrates the urgent need to strengthen health systems everywhere.

Countries implementing universal health coverage are seeing the benefits: ?healthier communities and stronger economies.

4. Because health transforms communities, economies and nations.

Every $1 invested in health can produce $9-$20 in full-income growth by 2035.

Money that families have to spend on health is money that can’t be spent on ?sending a child to school, starting a business or coping with an emergency.

5. Because health is a right, not a privilege.

Access to quality health care should never depend on where you live, how much money you have, or your race, gender or age.

The World Health Organization’s Constitution affirms that the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is a fundamental human right, and more than half of the world’s countries have included the right to health, public health or medical care in their national constitutions.

Share why #HEALTHFORALL matters to you?

Tweet today : @UHC_Day I support #HEALTHFORALL because every person, everywhere should have access to quality healthcare

Emily Burgess

Defeat Poverty

5 Reasons Everyone Must Have Universal Health Coverage

Dec. 12, 2014

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Health Care: Should It Be For Free or Should We Pay For Our Treatment?

Health Care -

For several years, there has been debate over whether or not it is wise to have people responsible for any or more of their medical services. The challenge of saving individuals from the risk of medical bills while simultaneously trying to provide doctors, hospitals, and other medical services with resources for product development is at the heart of the issue. Free medical care offers the best cost security, but it also provides the smallest motivation for efficient production. Various innovations, such as indemnity insurance, can increase hospital incentives to produce efficiently. However, such instruments may be inefficient since they are not commonly used.

The Right to Free Health care

The free health care demand is based on the assumption that health care is a humanitarian right that we should not deny to anyone. Since it is a right, just like life, liberty, and happiness, the government should support it.

This right to free health cover, however, is a self-defeating argument. This is because everyone has the right to keep the fruits of their labor. As a result, no one has the right to free food, clothes, or health care. This is because someone must produce these goods. As a result, giving them away for free is an infringement on the rights of those who produce them. Physicians and surgeons have human rights in the same way as patients do. Suppose the government asked them to offer services for free. Then it would is an infringement on their right to earn a living.

Similarly, when governments begin taxing one person to support the health care of the other, they are simply transferring the fruits of one man’s labor to another. People may voluntarily contribute to their countrymen’s illness. Forcing people to sacrifice a percentage of their income is morally wrong.

As a result, no one has a valid right to free health care. Politicians made these are simply statements to expand the scope of government to gather more tax dollars. Once they have these tax dollars, they invest some of them in hospitals while embezzling some of them to create private wealth. Nationalized health care is a scam that we must avoid at all costs.

Advantages of Free Health care

According to Galambos (2018), universal health care plans are critical for countries to reduce health care costs. They give the government power over the medication process as well as negotiations. There are no administrative costs associated with dealing with private health insurers. So a single centralized government department may easily deal with physicians for quick solutions. 

The public can receive standardized care to ensure equal treatment from the available institutions. The government’s plan will provide all people who need it with access to available resources. Most importantly, unless the government approves, medication prices would stay low and unchanged. Other competitive conditions, such as the United States plan, focus on the most recent technologies to attract coincidence in patients.

Children who receive adequate health care are more likely to avoid future social costs. As a result, the government will save money in the long run. Thus, they can raise a healthy generation of children. Because proper health care benefited the young generation, the risk of some diseases may be minimized or reduced (Glassman, 2017).

Governments with control over health care administration can enact policies that guide patients to the best options.  For example, it may control access to appropriate drugs while eliminating alternative options. This may include illegal options. They can also increase a sin tax to reduce the chances of a smoking population. Raising the prices of cigarettes and alcohol would prevent people from participating in activities. This will directly improve their health.

Disadvantages of Free Health care

Free health care is not only morally incorrect. It also causes significant economic damage. The free health care system distorts the economy.

1. Monopoly

Health care systems are monopolized in countries such as Canada. This means that the government is now involved in all patient-doctor interactions.

As a result, a monopolistic bureaucracy delivers health care services rather than a free and open market. Customers’ demands are inherently sensitive in free markets. Companies that pay attention to consumer needs survive, whereas those that do not fail. Bureaucracies, on the other hand, have no reason to be customer-friendly. Monopolies exclude all competitive service providers and can survive by offering mediocre service. As a result, the government’s monopoly is lowering health-related quality in these countries.

2. Excess Demand

When something is free, consumers do not value it. The same is true for health care. When patients have to pay for their own treatment, they are more careful when seeking medical advice. This is why countries with free health care systems find themselves with an excess of demand. Patients flock to physicians for even the most minor of illnesses. As a result, those countries require more doctors and hospitals. To meet this unreasonable demand, they must extend the entire medical system.

Also, according to a study , users in public hospitals, as opposed to commercial healthcare, had unsatisfactory service results.

3. Shortages

Health care is expected to be treated the same as any other service. People who really need it should be able to purchase it. Citizens have to wait in line to receive their services due to the government’s monopolistic system. This is different from food, clothes, or any other good or service. Shortages and long wait times are unavoidable consequences of free health care systems. These situations are common in countries such as Canada. In countries where patients have to pay for these services, on the other hand, they can receive immediate medical attention. Government-provided free health service worsens the situation for everyone.

4. Tax Dollars

By nature, a free-for-all health system would be inefficient. However, governments in these countries claim that they would reduce inefficiency. They create elaborate plans which necessitate the spending of ever-increasing amounts of tax money. In the end, the system becomes so wasteful that society pays several times the amount it would have otherwise paid for its health care needs. Health care costs significantly increase the fiscal deficit in countries where a free health system has been implemented.

The fear of universal health care governments derives from their tendency to avoid the high costs associated with it. Moreover, administration logistics and management complexity are considered expensive and have a high failure rate.

Since the general income is derived from taxes, which increases the prices of goods across the board, healthier people may bear the cost of a few sickly citizens. As many European countries have shown, the problems posed by universal health care are manageable. Well-managed states can successfully manage universal health care in their respective countries. The benefits of having access to free health care outweigh the disadvantages. The word “universal health care” does not mean that everyone will be covered for all expenses. Instead, it focuses on easy accessibility for all citizens, making it an effective choice. The plan’s long-term benefits show that the argument for free health care is a better option to consider.

should everyone be entitled to free health care essay

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John Astran

John Astran

John is an avid writer. Traveling the world, focused on health and wealth related topics from conceptual ideas to Science.

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Sublime Essay

Should everyone be entitled to free health care?

Title: The Case for Universal Access to Free Healthcare

Introduction: Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental human right. In an equitable and compassionate society, every individual should be entitled to receive necessary medical care regardless of their socioeconomic background. Providing free healthcare to all citizens not only promotes fairness and social justice but also has numerous benefits for individuals, communities, and the nation as a whole. This essay will present a compelling argument for the implementation of universal access to free healthcare.

Ensuring Equality: One of the primary reasons everyone should be entitled to free healthcare is to ensure equality among citizens. Health emergencies and medical conditions do not discriminate based on wealth or social status. Denying healthcare services to individuals who cannot afford them perpetuates a system of inequality, where the most vulnerable segments of society suffer the most. Universal access to free healthcare eliminates these disparities and creates a level playing field for all individuals.

Public Health and Preventive Care: Free healthcare promotes public health and preventive care, leading to a healthier population. When individuals have access to regular check-ups , screenings, vaccinations, and early interventions, diseases can be detected and treated at an earlier stage, reducing long-term healthcare costs. By prioritizing prevention, a free healthcare system can help prevent the spread of infectious diseases, decrease hospitalizations, and improve overall community well-being.

Economic Benefits: Contrary to popular belief, free healthcare can have positive economic implications. By providing healthcare services free of charge, individuals are more likely to seek medical attention promptly, reducing the burden of untreated illnesses and chronic conditions. This leads to increased workforce productivity, as healthier individuals can contribute more effectively to the economy. Additionally, preventative care and early interventions help reduce the cost of treating advanced diseases, resulting in long-term savings for both individuals and the healthcare system.

Reduced Financial Strain: Healthcare expenses can be a significant financial burden on individuals and families, particularly those with limited resources. Medical bills and insurance premiums can lead to debt, bankruptcy, and financial instability. Implementing free healthcare ensures that no one has to choose between their health and financial security. It provides a safety net for vulnerable populations, allowing them to access necessary medical services without incurring exorbitant costs.

Improved Quality of Life: Free healthcare significantly improves individuals’ quality of life. Regular access to healthcare services allows for early diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, reducing pain and suffering. Individuals can better manage chronic conditions, enabling them to live healthier, more productive lives. Moreover, free healthcare fosters mental well-being by providing access to counseling, therapy, and support for those struggling with mental health issues .

Social Cohesion and Solidarity: A society that guarantees free healthcare promotes social cohesion and solidarity. When individuals are assured that their healthcare needs will be met, regardless of their socioeconomic status, it creates a sense of shared responsibility and compassion. Such a system reinforces the notion that the well-being of every member of society matters, strengthening the social fabric and fostering a more inclusive and harmonious community.

Global Examples: Several countries around the world have successfully implemented universal access to free healthcare. Systems like the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom, Medicare in Australia, and Canada’s publicly funded healthcare system have demonstrated the viability and effectiveness of providing comprehensive care to all citizens. These examples highlight that free healthcare is not only feasible but also leads to improved health outcomes and greater societal well-being.

Universal access to free healthcare is a moral imperative and a practical necessity. It ensures equality, promotes public health, and reduces financial burdens on individuals. By embracing a free healthcare system, societies can foster a healthier, more equitable, and economically prosperous future. Implementing such a system requires political will and collective action, but the rewards in terms of improved well-being and societal cohesion make it a worthy investment. Let us strive towards a world where everyone can receive the medical care they need, regardless of their ability to pay.

Access to healthcare is a fundamental right that should be universally enjoyed by all individuals, irrespective of their socioeconomic status. In a world grappling with the complexities of public health crises and widening health disparities, the concept of free healthcare has gained significant traction. This essay argues that everyone should be entitled to free healthcare, as it not only promotes societal well-being but also fosters equality, enhances preventive care, and contributes to overall economic prosperity.

Equality and Social Justice (Approximately 200 words) Providing free healthcare to all individuals ensures a more equitable society. Healthcare costs can create significant barriers for low-income individuals and families, denying them essential medical services and exacerbating health inequalities. By guaranteeing universal access to healthcare, irrespective of financial means, a fairer system is established, enabling individuals to receive the necessary care and treatment without suffering financial hardship. This approach acknowledges that health is a basic human right, and no one should be denied access to life-saving treatments or interventions due to their economic circumstances.

Preventive Care and Health Outcomes (Approximately 200 words) Free healthcare encourages a shift toward preventive care, leading to improved health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs in the long run. By providing comprehensive primary care services, including regular check-ups , vaccinations, and screenings, individuals can detect health issues early and adopt healthier lifestyles. Preventive care interventions effectively address chronic diseases and risk factors, preventing the progression of conditions that would otherwise require expensive and intensive treatments. Ultimately, this proactive approach reduces the burden on emergency departments and hospital services, optimizing healthcare resources and promoting better population health.

Economic Advantages (Approximately 200 words) Implementing free healthcare brings significant economic advantages to society. When individuals have access to affordable healthcare, they are more likely to seek early treatment, preventing the escalation of illnesses and reducing the burden on emergency services. Healthy individuals are also more productive, contributing positively to the workforce and economy. Additionally, free healthcare can help alleviate the financial burden on businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, by reducing their expenditure on employee health insurance. This enables businesses to invest in growth, job creation, and innovation, fostering economic development and prosperity at both the individual and societal levels.

Public Health and Disease Control (Approximately 200 words) Universal access to free healthcare plays a crucial role in promoting public health and controlling the spread of communicable diseases. By ensuring that all individuals have access to necessary vaccinations, screenings, and treatments, the risk of outbreaks and epidemics can be significantly mitigated. Free healthcare systems also enable governments to implement robust disease surveillance programs, ensuring early detection and swift response to potential health threats. Timely access to healthcare services empowers individuals to seek treatment promptly, preventing the spread of infectious diseases and safeguarding the overall health of communities.

Conclusion (Approximately 100 words) In conclusion, providing free healthcare to all individuals is not only a moral imperative but also a practical approach to fostering societal well-being. By guaranteeing equal access to healthcare services, we promote social justice, enhance preventive care, and improve health outcomes. Furthermore, free healthcare systems have a positive impact on the economy, reducing healthcare costs and fostering economic prosperity. Universal access to healthcare is an investment in the future of societies, enabling individuals to lead healthy lives and contributing to the overall progress and development of nations.

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As experts in the academic help industry, we understand that academic success hinges on the timely submission of quality assignments. With this in mind, we have designed our services to handle even the most urgent orders efficiently.

No matter how tight your deadline is, our expert team of academic writers is committed to delivering top-notch, human-written, and plagiarism-free content when needed. We believe that 'urgent' should never mean 'compromised quality.'

With our proven track record of meeting tight deadlines, you can trust us to keep you on the path to academic excellence. Start working with us today and experience the difference!

Get Help with Any Paper

Are you struggling with an essay, thesis, dissertation, or other paper ? Let us take the load off your back. Our academic help website is your savior, ensuring that your essays, research papers, and dissertations are of superior quality and delivered right on time! We are not just a service but your reliable academic partner.

We offer a wide range of services to cater to all your academic needs. From essay writing to thesis and dissertation writing to taking your online classes, our team of experienced writers is here to help you achieve your academic goals.

You can rely on us to offer assistance with other types of academic assignments, such as research papers, case studies, and dissertations. Our team is well-equipped to handle any subject or topic, from humanities to sciences. We also offer editing and proofreading services to polish your existing work and make it submission-ready.

Don't let academic writing consume all your time and energy. Let us take the pressure off your shoulders and deliver top-notch papers that help you make the grade.

We Ace Even the Most Complex Assignments in Any Discipline

Whether you're a high school student struggling with essays, a graduate student tackling complex research papers, or a postgraduate student needing help with their thesis, our Academic Writing Help Website is here to support you.

At , we pride ourselves on our ability to navigate through the complexities of any topic and deliver stellar results. So, we've got you covered whether you're grappling with intricate engineering equations, breaking your head over intricate programming challenges, deciphering complex statistics, or trying to navigate through thorny legal cases.

Our seasoned experts are the best in various disciplines, ensuring no subject is beyond our reach. We handle all fields, making the seemingly impossible, possible. Our team of experts works tirelessly to ensure that your assignments are completed to perfection and delivered on time. We understand the pressures of academic life and strive to make it easier for you by providing top-notch assistance at affordable prices.

Say goodbye to academic stress, and let us be your one-stop solution for all your academic writing needs. Take the leap today and experience academic success like never before.

24/7 Communication

Success is more than submitting quality papers. It includes clear and timely communication. We are thrilled to offer round-the-clock customer support, available 24/7 through our live chat feature.

Whether it's a question, a concern, or an urgent request, our dedicated customer service team is always ready to assist you. But that's not all! We also provide a direct messaging platform within each order where you can chat with your writer.

This ensures absolute clarity in your requirements, allows for real-time updates, and promotes a collaborative writing process, ensuring the final paper is exactly what you need. Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch assistance and ensuring your satisfaction every step of the way. Choose us for a seamless, hassle-free academic writing assistance experience.


At our academic writing help service, we value communication and transparency. That's why we provide a direct line of communication between you and your assigned writer, allowing any necessary clarifications or updates to be made throughout the writing process.

We also have a dedicated customer support team available 24/7 to assist you with any queries or concerns. Additionally, we are transparent about our charges, and you will not have to incur additional hidden costs along the way.

Get Academic Help Beyond Writing

Our goal is not only to help you achieve excellent grades but also to provide you with a valuable learning experience. Our writers are dedicated to delivering well-researched and thought-provoking papers that will expand your knowledge on various subjects. We believe that the key to successful academic writing is thorough research and critical thinking, so we encourage our writers to engage in continuous learning and development.

We are committed to helping students succeed, which is why we offer consultation and tips in addition to academic writing assistance. Get in touch with us today for any clarification you might need regarding your assignment. Our website also offers resources and tips for improving your writing skills.

We understand that it takes practice and effort to become a strong writer, and we are here to support you every step of the way. From blog articles to writing guides, we have various tools to help you enhance your writing abilities and become a confident academic writer. Plus, our customer support team is always available to answer any questions.

At , we understand the importance of academic success and strive to provide the best tools and resources to make it possible. So, whether you need help with a specific assignment or want to improve your writing skills, we are here. Join us today and take control of your academic journey!

We Can Manage Your Online Classes for You

Welcome to our academic writing website, a bespoke hub for all your academic needs! We understand that balancing studies and personal life can be challenging, and we are here to lighten your load.

Beyond providing exceptional writing assistance, we offer a unique service - managing your online classes. Our team of qualified experts is ready to attend your online classes, participate in discussions, complete assignments, and even take tests on your behalf.

At , you can be assured of maintaining and improving your grades while focusing on other important aspects of your life. We're committed to helping you succeed without compromising your work-life balance. Trust us with your academic journey and experience the ease of online learning like never before.

Enjoy Other Free Features

Working with us means cheap rates, discounts, and a ton of other free features. With every order, get unlimited revisions, a plagiarism report, and a title page. We also offer unlimited revisions at no extra cost.

Hence, if you're not completely satisfied with the final product, which hasn't happened, but should it happen, we will work with you until it meets your expectations. These additional bonuses are another way we strive to exceed your expectations and provide you with the best possible experience.

Ready to give us a chance and improve your academic performance? Contact us now and let our team of experts help you achieve success!

What discipline/subjects do you deal in?

We have highlighted some of the most popular subjects we handle above. Those are just the tip of the iceberg. We deal in all academic disciplines since our writers are as diverse. They have been drawn from across all disciplines, and orders are assigned to those writers believed to be the best in the field. In a nutshell, there is no task we cannot handle; all you need to do is place your order with us. As long as your instructions are clear, just trust we shall deliver irrespective of the discipline.

Are your writers competent enough to handle my paper?

Our essay writers are graduates with bachelor's, master's, Ph.D., and doctorate degrees in various subjects. The minimum requirement to be an essay writer with our essay writing service is to have a college degree. All our academic writers have a minimum of two years of academic writing. We have a stringent recruitment process to ensure that we get only the most competent essay writers in the industry. We also ensure that the writers are handsomely compensated for their value. The majority of our writers are native English speakers. As such, the fluency of language and grammar is impeccable.

What if I don’t like the paper?

There is a very low likelihood that you won’t like the paper.

Reasons being:

  • When assigning your order, we match the paper’s discipline with the writer’s field/specialization. Since all our writers are graduates, we match the paper’s subject with the field the writer studied. For instance, if it’s a nursing paper, only a nursing graduate and writer will handle it. Furthermore, all our writers have academic writing experience and top-notch research skills.
  • We have a quality assurance that reviews the paper before it gets to you. As such, we ensure that you get a paper that meets the required standard and will most definitely make the grade.

In the event that you don’t like your paper:

  • The writer will revise the paper up to your pleasing. You have unlimited revisions. You simply need to highlight what specifically you don’t like about the paper, and the writer will make the amendments. The paper will be revised until you are satisfied. Revisions are free of charge
  • We will have a different writer write the paper from scratch.
  • Last resort, if the above does not work, we will refund your money.

Will the professor find out I didn’t write the paper myself?

Not at all. All papers are written from scratch. There is no way your tutor or instructor will realize that you did not write the paper yourself. In fact, we recommend using our assignment help services for consistent results.

What if the paper is plagiarized?

We check all papers for plagiarism before we submit them. We use powerful plagiarism-checking software such as SafeAssign , LopesWrite , and Turnitin . We also upload the plagiarism report so that you can review it. We understand that plagiarism is academic suicide. We would not take the risk of submitting plagiarized work and jeopardizing your academic journey. Furthermore, we do not sell or use prewritten papers, and each paper is written from scratch.

When will I get my paper?

You determine when you get the paper by setting the deadline when placing the order . All papers are delivered within the deadline. We are well aware that we operate in a time-sensitive industry. As such, we have laid out strategies to ensure that the client receives the paper on time and never misses the deadline. We understand that papers that are submitted late have some points deducted. We do not want you to miss any points due to late submission. We work on beating deadlines by huge margins in order to ensure that you have ample time to review the paper before you submit it.

Will anyone find out that I used your services?

We have a privacy and confidentiality policy that guides our work. We NEVER share any customer information with third parties. No one will ever know that you used our assignment help services. It’s only between you and us. We are bound by our policies to protect the customer’s identity and information. All your information, such as your name, phone number, email, order information, and so on, is protected. We have robust security systems that ensure that your data is protected. Hacking our systems is close to impossible, and it has never happened.

Try Us Today

We understand that academic writing can be challenging, especially with the numerous assignments and tight deadlines. That's why we are here to offer our professional assistance. With our academic writing help service, you no longer have to worry about juggling multiple tasks or staying up late to complete your assignments. Our team of experts is here to help you every step of the way.

Let us handle the hard work while you focus on other important matters. Trust our academic writing help service to provide top-quality, original, timely assignments that will take your academic journey to new heights. Place your order today and discover the difference we can make in your academic life! So why wait?

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  1. Health Care Should be Free in America Essay Example

    should everyone be entitled to free health care essay

  2. Access To Health Care Essay Example

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  4. Why Health Care Should Be Free Essay?

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  1. My Life my Health Essay/Essay on My Life my Health/Essay Writing on My Life my Health

  2. Free Health Care and or the Affordable Care Act

  3. America’s Health Insurance Plans: An Overview

  4. Education Should be Free for everyone Essay in English


  1. Should Healthcare Be Free? Essay on Medical System in America

    Why Healthcare Should Be Free. Free health care would result in a healthier nation since people would visit the doctors when necessary and follow prescriptions. Research by Wisk et al. indicated that both middle and lower class families were suffering from the high cost of health care (1). Some families opted to avoid going to the doctor when a ...

  2. Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone Essay

    Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone Essay. Health protection is one of the basic human rights because everyone wants to be healthy. At the same time, assistance in ensuring this health should come from the state as a guarantor of the protection of the person. The right to health is a fundamental aspect of any society; without a health system ...

  3. Argumentative Essay: Healthcare Should Be Free

    In conclusion, healthcare should be free for all Americans. All Americans should be provided free healthcare because it is a basic human right that all Americans should be entitled to. It would also save lives because many people die from illnesses they never got cured of due to the medical support they needed but did not receive and that was ...

  4. Health care is a human right—and that means universal access

    As an example, in 2005 a federal court seized control of the failing healthcare system in California's Department of Corrections citing preventable deaths. In the military, free healthcare is an entitlement, and the quality of that care is deemed good enough even for the U.S. president. So why doesn't everyone in the U.S. have the same rights?

  5. Free Healthcare in the United States: A Possible Solution to Public

    Free healthcare (or at least cheaper healthcare) would be the most effective system for America, which other countries like Switzerland and Singapore have demonstrated. The money spent by citizens on their healthcare could be redirected to other social support systems in America, like expanding access to nutritious foods as well.

  6. Health Care As a Human Right

    Health Care As a Human Right. The only remedy to our lack of access to health care is to stop confusing health insurance with health care. Health is not a commodity; it is a right. There are rights to which we are entitled, simply by virtue of our humanity. Human rights exist independent of our culture, religion, race, nationality, or economic ...

  7. Why Healthcare Should Be Free: [Essay Example], 640 words

    Words: 640 | Page: 1 | 4 min read. Published: Aug 31, 2023. Why healthcare should be free is a question that speaks to the heart of societal values, equity, and well-being. Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental human right that underpins the overall health and prosperity of a nation. This essay delves into the multifaceted reasons why ...

  8. Should Healthcare Be Free in the U.S.?

    Knowledge at Wharton Staff. 00:00. 00:00. Wharton's Robert Hughes speaks with Wharton Business Daily on SiriusXM about the need for universal health care in the U.S. Nothing quite exposes the ...

  9. Everyone Deserves Access to Affordable Health Care

    The U.S. health-care system is the most expensive in the world - but that doesn't translate to better health outcomes. Americans spent more than $11,000 per person on health care in 2018, yet we still have higher rates of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease than our peer nations, and millions can't afford to see a ...

  10. Argumentative Essay Should Health Care Be Free

    In conclusion, health care is a fundamental human right that should be accessible to all individuals, regardless of their financial situation. By making health care free for everyone, we can promote a healthier society, reduce disparities in health outcomes, and lower overall healthcare costs. It is time for us to prioritize the well-being of ...

  11. UPDATED: Should All Americans Have the Right (Be Entitled) to Health Care?

    Proponents of the right to health care say that no one in one of the richest nations on earth should go without health care, and argue a right to health care would stop medical bankruptcies, improve public health, and reduce overall health care spending. Opponents argue that a right to health care amounts to socialism, and say that government ...

  12. Pro and Con: Right to Health Care

    Universal health care would increase wait times for basic care and make Americans' health worse. This article was published on March 16, 2023, at Britannica's, a nonpartisan issue-information source. Some argue that the United States should provide universal health care because there is already a partial system in place, health ...

  13. For and Against Health Care for Everyone: Research-Based ...

    My task was to write a research-based argumentative essay for or against health care for everyone, so I chose the side "for" implementing affordable... read full [Essay Sample] for free ... A large majority of the citizens of the United States are not receiving the appropriate health care that they are entitled to as a right to life ...

  14. Health is a fundamental human right

    The right to health also means that everyone should be entitled to control their own health and body, including having access to sexual and reproductive information and services, free from violence and discrimination. Everyone has the right to privacy and to be treated with respect and dignity. Nobody should be subjected to medical ...

  15. High quality, affordable health care is the right of every American

    As the voice of academic medicine, the AAMC has long held that high quality, affordable health care is the right of every American. The AAMC released a document in 2008, Principles for U.S. Health Care Reform: A Guide for Policy Makers, underscoring the crisis of access, cost, and quality in the nation's health care system, well before the ...

  16. Universal Healthcare Pros and Cons

    Pro 1. The United States already has universal health care for some. The government should expand the system to protect everyone. A national health insurance is a universal health care that "uses public insurance to pay for private-practice care. Every citizen pays into the national insurance plan.

  17. Health Care Should Be Free For Everyone Essay

    Basic health care should be free to everyone because, it could save lives, in the long run it's cost-effective, and providing free health care health people gain access to insurance. To start off, basic health care should be free for everyone because it could save lives. On the Huffington Post website, Senator Bernie Sanders wrote an article ...

  18. Should the U.S. have free universal healthcare? Pro

    A new bill that gives everyone free healthcare would bring Life to our people suffering and dying due to the price they can't pay that are labeled on healthcare plans. ... that "everyone has the right to…medical care" 70 years later. Since 2005, under the Bush administration, prices for health insurance have nearly tripled according to ...

  19. Should healthcare be free?

    Free healthcare may create sedentary and irresponsible lifestyle. Humans would be living without taking care of their health since complementary health services are always available. Therefore, the awareness of being active in living healthily may be taken away. Explore this question in a whole new way.

  20. 5 Reasons Everyone Must Have Universal Health Coverage

    1. Because no one should go bankrupt when they get sick. Lack of affordable, quality health care traps families and nations in poverty. 2. Because universal health coverage is attainable. 70 countries, including 30 of the world's poorest, have passed laws toward Universal Health Coverage (UHC). 3.

  21. Why Health Care Should Be Free Essay?

    Conclusion. In conclusion, there are many reasons why health care should be free. Free health care would reduce the financial burden on patients, increase access to care, and improve the overall quality of healthcare. It is a moral imperative that we provide everyone with access to basic human rights like healthcare.

  22. Health Care for All, by All

    The conversation pivoted to the concept of a universal human right to health care and to the moral and economic argument for increased investment in primary health care. "Equity has to be an absolute non-negotiable component," said Donald Berwick, HMS lecturer on Health Care Policy, part-time, at HMS. "The color of your skin or the size ...

  23. Health Care: Should It Be For Free or Should We Pay For Our Treatment?

    The free health care demand is based on the assumption that health care is a humanitarian right that we should not deny to anyone. Since it is a right, just like life, liberty, and happiness, the government should support it. This right to free health cover, however, is a self-defeating argument. This is because everyone has the right to keep ...

  24. Should everyone be entitled to free health care?

    Title: The Case for Universal Access to Free Healthcare Introduction: Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental human right. In an equitable and compassionate society, every individual should be entitled to receive necessary medical care regardless of their socioeconomic background. Providing free healthcare to all citizens not only promotes fairness and social justice but also […]