Army Sharp - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Army SHARP (Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention) is a program aimed at eliminating sexual harassment and assault within the Army through a comprehensive policy centered on prevention, training, and intervention. Essays on Army SHARP could explore the strategies employed by the program to foster a culture of respect and safety, the effectiveness of the program in reducing incidents of harassment and assault, and the challenges faced in addressing these issues within a military context. Discussions might also cover the experiences of individuals affected by sexual harassment and assault in the military, the implications of SHARP on military readiness and cohesion, and the broader societal implications of addressing sexual misconduct in such a structured and disciplined environment. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Army Sharp you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Image About Army Sharp

Why does the Number of Sexual Assaults Continue to Increase Throughout the Army?

The word SHARP is getting more popular in the media every year. Due to the high increase cases in the army. During the past years the statistics are significantly changing. Based on the “Department of the Defense annual report on sexual assault on the military 2017 fiscal year”. Have significant changes on the statistics, on this last fiscal year was an increment on the reports for 597 more reports than fiscal year 2016. The sexual assault is going to keep […]

Effort to Improve Handling and Training on Sexual Assault in Army

More soldiers are presenting themselves in the army for help and reporting on sexual harassment and assaults after the army increased its efforts to train and handle these issues. It is said that the number of sexual assaults being reported is rising.  This could be attributed to the strong resolve of the army to get do away with the sexual assault problem. The confidence of the soldiers in fighting this problem is increasing both in their units and in the […]

Army: Sexual Harassment

Since 2008, the Army has implemented the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention program to ""prevent incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault before they occur."" SHARP is one of the most important programs in the Army. Not only is it a tool for training and education, it aids countless victims in reporting incidents of sexual harassment and assault. It has come a long way in two decades, with its origins in SAPR and POSH. SHARP holds command teams accountable for […]

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Sexual Violence in the Military

The Army needs a big cultural change to effectively combat sexual assault. Every Soldier needs to be treated equally with respect and dignity. Soldiers should not be afraid to speak up and correct others regardless of grade or position. Everyone needs to be aware of techniques of dealing with sexual harassment and assault. We as leaders need to work on building a climate of accountability and trust. Everyone needs to motivate others to learn more about sharp and how to […]

Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention

In the Army, there is a program called SHARP which means Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention. The program allows the company commanders, soldiers, Department of the Army, and family members to use in a sexual harassment or sexual assault. The SHARP program has a guidebook that can be followed to help with prevention of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and give response efforts to aid the command team in efforts to help victims. Sexual Harassment definition is ""a form of gender […]

Sexual Harassment and Assault Response Program SHARP

In our Army today we are continuously talking to our soldiers both old and new about the infamous SHARP (Sexual Harassment / Assault Response Program). The question now comes down to why? Why are we always conducting the same training every quarter, every year in every unit, duty station, location, and MOS? The Army has had this program implemented throughout its ranks. I would say it’s because they have become tired of seeing “America’s Greatest Fighting Force” negatively affected and […]

Practices to Reduce Sexual Assault in Army

Every 98 seconds, another American is sexually assaulted. It is a plague on our society and within our military. The Department of Defense is constantly revising and implementing new ideas and plans to intervene and prevent sexual assault from occurring. It is vital to keep soldiers informed and knowledgeable about sexual assault awareness throughout their career so as to have an effective and strong team to ensure safety within our nations fighting force. There is no one specific reason that […]

Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment in the Military

Sexual Harassment is a real and frequently recurring problem, both in the Military and in the Civilian World. You can't really put a number on the amount of cases because some victims don't realize they are being victimize. Why is sexual harassment and assault a big issue? What is being done to minimize these events? And how can sharp incident bring morale, and unit cohesion down? In this essay I'm going to detail the role being victimized, also what the […]

Sexual Assault in the Military and how Fix it

Bystanders intervention can play a massive roll in deterring sexual assault / harassment within the Army. With battle buddies watching out for one while they party in the barracks with a direct approach. Talking to the chain of command about what you witness and let them handle the situation to the best of their ability. If you feel like these would not be the solution to the problem, Soldiers can always talk to the SHARP representative. With these easy steps, […]

Bystander Intervention to Battle Sexual Assault/harassment in your Unit/10th Mountain Division/Army

IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING BECAUSE IT’S ON US. Bystander intervention is a strategy for the prevention of different types of violence, including sexual harassment and sexual assault. The fact that people will see something but not say anything based off of a reaction they get from others. Bystander intervention can battle sexual assault by increasing the awareness of all soldiers army wide and by encouraging them and showing them ways to interfere with sexual assault. It could also […]

How Current Military Approach Reduces the Risk of Sexual Assault

Fight or Flight? It is flight, fight, or freeze in crisis mode. The freeze response is a typical reaction to danger, particularly common among sexual assault survivors. Sexual assault is a form of violence and is fundamentally about power and control. It happens because perpetrators exert power over the survivor and put their desires over the survivor’s agency to consent. In this essay I will analyze why sexual assault occurs, how current military approach reduces the risk of such crimes, […]

The Progression of SHARP

Across the Army Soldiers learn about sexual assaults and prevention. Out of all the sexual assault cases, the Army has the most reported and continues to increase. Sexual Assault is when a victim cannot consent to force by sexual contact, humiliation, or authority abuse. Some sexual offenses that are included in UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) include rape, sexual assault, aggravated sexual contact, abusive sexual contact, forcible sodomy (forced oral or anal sex), or attempts to commit these offenses. […]

My Ideal Career: Serving as an Army Officer with Honor and Integrity

Doing something meaningful for my motherland and living with honour and integrity justifies being labeled as "ideal". Hence, I have chosen to be an army officer as my career. An army officer once in a lifetime gets an opportunity to express his/her love for the country. Fighting against the mighty soldiers of a rival, struggling hard to protect his/her nation proves his/her impassionate patriotism. By doing this, an officer gains the honour and integrity necessary to live with. By embracing […]

The Issues of Sexual Harassment and Assault of Women in the Military in the United States

Both men and women in the military work hard and sacrifice a lot for the freedom of their countries. However, women in the military often have to fight two wars. Is there another, less discussed war within the military ranks? Women in the military have a significant chance of being sexually harassed or assaulted during their service than their male counterparts. When a woman experiences this, it impacts every facet of her service and life after leaving the military. Sexual […]

Leadership Theories, Factors, and Qualities of Effective Leaders in U.S. Army

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Why do i Want i be a Military Officer?

A. Factors that determine the actual wage rate paid to an employee would include: the ability of the industry to pay, demand and supply of labor/skill, the cost of training, the cost of production and doing business, the bargaining power, and government regulations. Referral bonus programs are intended to inspire employees to suggest a qualified candidate for employment. The Employee Referral Plan should specify the rewards for each successful referral and the limitations that apply. A1. Discuss three factors that […]

The Importance of Outstanding Leadership in the Army

Outstanding leadership is the foundation for molding a Soldier and, more importantly, a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO). When NCOs stand next to their Soldiers and lead from the front, they show the following three core leadership competencies; Leading, Developing, and Achieving. All leaders are setting the standard by providing purpose, setting a positive environment, and giving clear motives as the foundation for all soldiers to construct themselves to be effective and successful leaders. Demonstrating confidence, listening actively, and displaying character are […]

Why Sharp Increase in the Army

As President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln played a major role not only during the Civil War but also in the events preceding the war and his presidency. Lincoln was running for President in a country united by law but separated by political, social, and economic differences. After winning office, Lincoln had to deal with the issue of the Southern states seceding and also the outbreak of the civil war. In conducting the Civil War, Lincoln had to address […]

The Importance of Professional Bearing in the Military

What makes our Military one of the most significant fighting forces is not our weapons or tactical abilities but how we conduct ourselves. One way we achieve that is professional bearing in the military. Military bearing is the key component to why we are such a sturdy and well-respected establishment. When you look throughout the entire military, you see sophistication and uniformness across the nation. Professional bearing revolves around proper appearance, physical fitness, customs, and courtesies. That is what intimidates […]

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How To Write an Essay About Army SHARP

Mastering the art of writing an essay on army sharp.

Writing an essay on the Army's Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) program can be a challenging yet rewarding task. This article will guide you through the process in a structured manner, with each paragraph focusing on a key aspect of the essay-writing process.

Understanding the Topic

The first step in writing your essay is to thoroughly understand what the Army SHARP program entails. Research its history, purpose, and the current strategies employed by the Army to combat sexual harassment and assault. It's important to comprehend the program's role in maintaining morale, readiness, and the overall welfare of soldiers. This foundational knowledge will serve as the backbone of your essay.

Gathering Information

Once you have a solid understanding of SHARP, the next step is to gather information. Look for official Army publications, scholarly articles, and credible news sources that discuss the program's effectiveness, challenges, and any recent updates or changes. Pay attention to statistics, case studies, and testimonials, as these can provide powerful evidence for your arguments. Remember to note down all your sources for citation purposes.

Formulating a Thesis

With your research in hand, formulate a clear thesis statement. This statement should succinctly summarize your perspective on the Army SHARP program. For instance, your thesis could focus on the program's success in raising awareness and reducing incidents of sexual harassment and assault, or it could critique aspects that need improvement. Your thesis will guide the direction and arguments of your essay.

Structuring the Essay

Divide your essay into clear, logical sections. Start with an introduction that introduces the SHARP program and presents your thesis statement. Follow with body paragraphs that each tackle a specific aspect of the program, such as its history, implementation, successes, and areas needing improvement. Use evidence from your research to support your points. Conclude with a summary of your main arguments and restate your thesis, perhaps suggesting areas for future research or program enhancement.

Writing and Revision

Write your essay with clarity and precision. Use formal language appropriate for an academic essay and avoid jargon unless you explain it. Once your first draft is complete, revise it for coherence, logical flow, and adherence to your thesis. Check for grammatical and spelling errors, and ensure that all sources are properly cited.

Finalizing the Essay

In the final stage, review your essay to ensure that it presents a well-argued, informative, and coherent view of the Army SHARP program. Verify that your introduction grabs the reader's attention, that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next, and that your conclusion effectively summarizes your findings and reiterates your thesis.

By following these steps, you can craft a compelling and insightful essay on the Army's SHARP program. This process not only enhances your understanding of an important military initiative but also hones your skills in research, analysis, and academic writing.

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Army Sharp Essay Example

The purpose of this essay is to discuss why cases of SHARP is growing and why Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment is an ongoing occurrence. As of May 13th, 2021, The U.S Department of Defense received a total of 7,816 reports in the 2020 fiscal year alone ( Sexual harassment and sexual assault are still growing day by day. The Army implemented training and education to help minimize numbers and cases of sexual assault. Cases continue to grow due to lack of support and trust; those being uneducated about available resources and various other reasons not limited to fear.

Sexual assault has been an ongoing issue. Incidents have been going unreported due to a lack of support and trust. Soldiers cannot confide in leadership because they fear that their allegations will go unheard. Leadership today is too comfortable, and Soldiers do not respect the rank structure. Everyone knows everyone's business. I feel like when any incident is report affiliation to unit or chain of command. When you have a SHARP and Equal Opportunity representative that has zero ties to the unit there is no negative and one-sided mindset. SHARP is always going to happen since we are not in control of people's actions. People are going to drink regardless of the policy that is in place and act upon their impulses.

As the Army continues to train Soldiers on sexual assault, the growing number of reports of sexual assault is due to the training's effectiveness. Soldiers are now aware of the reporting options and how to handle sexual assault. Furthermore, Soldiers now know how to report sexual assault hence the growing numbers. The Army implements pieces of training and procedures to try to reduce the risk of sexual assault and harassment. Just because we have training and procedures on the matter will not reduce the risk. I feel like my unit uses SHARP classes as a band-aid to cover the unit overall. Classes taught at unit level are not taken seriously and are only given when an event has occurred in the battalion.

The U.S. Department of Defense cites an article from Dr. Nathan W. Galbreath, deputy director of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office, who noted that 1 in 3 Military members now report their sexual assaults, compared to about 1 in 14, in 2006. In a study conducted by Military research firm RAND Corporation on behalf of the Department of Defense, 62 percent of service members who reported sexual assault faced some form of retaliation from their peers. Reports go unreported because higher-ups (First Sergeant and Commander) can be the ones doing the assault. In the 738th engineer company under the 416th. Specialist Joachimstaler was taping and measure fellow Soldiers for a new uniform. Captain Andrew Johnson and First Sergeant Michael Pike walked into the room and instructed two other soldiers to leave. Once the Soldiers left the room, First Sergeant Pike told Specialist Joachimstaler "I wanted to see how you tape a female" after that comment First Sergeant Pike and Captain Johnson began to laugh as Specialist Joachimstaler started taken measurements and made inappropriate jokes about the Solider appearance. Specialist Pence, still in the room, felt uncomfortable decided to report the incident to the Captain second in command who was the First Lieutenant however since Pence believe nothing was going to happen, she reports through the SHARP office (

Sexual assault is still occurring every day in today's world, even though there is more discussion of it. People are starting to speak up about it more, but we have not reached a point where a solution is available. Sexual violence in the Military will not end entirely. We can continue implementing training and procedures to educate Soldiers on The SHARP programs available. We cannot control other people's way of thinking. I believe that survivors should be listened to when they have the courage to say, "I am one of them." We need to fight for those who cannot. We must make a change. In the words of Alex Elle, "You're not a victim for sharing your story. You are a survivor setting the world on fire with your truth. And you never know who needs your light, your warmth, and raging courage."

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Published: Apr 29, 2022

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