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How to Write a Restaurant Review Essay

You’ve probably been to a restaurant, whether it was for dinner with family or friends or just because you were craving some delicious food. But have you ever stopped to think about what makes a great restaurant?

There are so many different things that can make or break your experience at a restaurant. It could be the ambiance, the food taste, or even how quickly it arrived at your table. And sometimes, you cannot know all these unless you read a restaurant review.

But even if you do not know how to write one, this article covers all you need to know about writing a restaurant review. Further, you will learn what makes a restaurant review stand out, be valuable, and score a high grade if asked to write one by your professor.

Generally, a restaurant review essay consists of three major parts; the introduction, body, and conclusion. Each section can be one or more paragraphs and has a distinctive role and information. Let’s see how these three parts play out and make the entire essay.

Major parts of a restaurant review essay

The introduction.

This is the first part of the review essay and gives a brief background on the spot. The information includes the name of the restaurant, location, and contact details in case you need to make reservations or get more information about the place before visiting it.

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Ideally, this is one paragraph, although sometimes it may be longer. However, aim for a concise section because it is a pacesetter to the review.

The body section is where you talk about what makes this place unique. You can start with an overview of the food served here by describing each item on their menu, followed by its price range.

Further, you can mention how good their service is compared to other restaurants in the city or state. You can also mention some interesting facts about this establishment, like whether they have won any awards from local authorities or not.

The Conclusion

The conclusion is the last part and sums up the entire review. It is also the section you restate your opinion and verdict about the joint.

How to Write an Effective Review

Even if it is your first time writing, or you have not perfected your art, these tips will help you to write an effective restaurant review essay

Choose a Restaurant

It is common knowledge the first step in writing an effective restaurant review essay is choosing a restaurant. However, your choice should be meticulous so that you do not find yourself lacking material to write about.

Ideally, you should choose one that has been around for some time, has received good reviews from others, or has received several awards from local newspapers or magazines. Further, look for an establishment offering different cuisines such as Chinese or Mexican. This way, you won’t be limited by only having one type of food to write on.

To find a restaurant, you can research the restaurant by visiting it, checking its website, or asking your friends if they have ever been there. You can also read online reviews from other customers who have visited this place. In addition, make sure that you check out each review carefully before deciding whether or not they are credible enough for you to use in your paper.

Start with a Draft

Now that you’ve chosen a restaurant, it’s time to write your review. You may be tempted to jump straight into it, but before writing anything down, take a few minutes to think about what you want to say.

What did you like and dislike about the food? How was their service? Did they have a great ambiance? Was it expensive or cheap? Write down these thoughts to be fresh in mind when writing your final draft.

If you’re unsure how many stars out of five this place deserves, just guess for now. Later, you can go over each section individually and decide exactly how many stars each rating should be worth.

Give background information about the restaurant

Spot reviews must have crucial details which help readers know where to find the place and what to expect.

Thus when writing a restaurant review, you’ll want to give your readers some background information about the restaurant. This includes;

  • The name of the restaurant
  • The location of the restaurant
  • What kind of food do they serve (e.g., Asian fusion)
  • How long they’ve been open and how popular they are

Clearly state your stand and view about the restaurant

If you have had a personal experience with the restaurant, it is recommended to express your viewpoint. But even if you have not, state it but be objective and professional by quoting other credible reviews.

To be perfect in this area, follow the following tips.

  • Be honest with your review.
  • Be fair with your review.
  • Be specific about what you liked and disliked.

Avoid Using the “I” Pronoun Constantly

Despite a review being about your experience, excessive use of “I” makes it appear subjective. This is because when writing a restaurant review essay, the goal is to focus on the restaurant itself, not necessarily your personal experience with it.

However, you can include brief comments on your personal feelings, but they should be limited and used only when relevant and helpful to the reader. Your primary focus should be on describing what happened at the restaurant and how it affected you rather than focusing on yourself as an individual.

Include pros and cons

Your review must be objective and not subjective, which is achieved if you give both sides of the story. If you don’t like something about the restaurant, don’t be afraid to say But if there are some things that are great about the restaurant, make sure you mention them too.

Furthermore, ensure your paragraphs are well-structured and easy for readers to understand. For example, if there are three reasons why people should visit this restaurant, explain them one by one instead of all at once.

This separation helps readers understand each reason clearly without confusion or distraction from other points made in the paragraph before or after.

Restate your Stance in the Conclusion

The final paragraph of a restaurant review essay should restate your opinion and provide readers with a summary of the strengths and weaknesses you have identified. The last sentence of this paragraph should clearly state whether or not you would recommend this restaurant to friends and family.

Further, restating your stance is helpful because it helps you to reinforce your point. The reader will likely be able to recall what you have said in the beginning and then apply it to what you have said later on in this paragraph.

We hope this article has given you a better understanding of how to write a restaurant review essay. Remember that it’s always important to have an open mind when reviewing any business to give accurate information about your experience.

However, remember you can always revise your essay after you have completed it to add any other information or opinions that may have come up since you wrote the first draft. That way, by turning in your paper, your essay will read as though a restaurant connoisseur and chief critic wrote it.

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How to Write A Restaurant Review

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Restaurant Review Essay

The Internet has impacted many sectors in the world and changed the way people approach their daily chores. It has also led to the inception of many industries, for example, the review websites which unsurprisingly keep growing each and every day. Every day, millions of people around the world stream to review websites before they visit a certain dentist, visit a particular city, buy some shoes from a renowned seller, or book a table at an exotic restaurant. The influence of this budding industry cannot be ignored or downplayed because the wave is indeed felt all over the globe. One of the biggest sectors in the review business involves restaurants. A significant percentage of review website visitors frequent the restaurant`s section. Reviews targeting restaurants often seek to help consumers or visitors to locate or discover the best spots or joints near them. These sites also help people avoid some joints. Review writing can be a challenge, but when given such an essay it is essential to focus on the fundamentals and ignore the non-essentials. This article will provide you with some tips to help you understand how to approach this type of review essay.

How to start a restaurant review essay

To write a restaurant review , first of all, you need to gather some background information about the restaurant you wish to review. It would be improper to start writing the pros and cons of a restaurant without first telling the readers where the restaurant is located or what the opening hours of the restaurant are. Therefore, research is essential and must be done before writing the review. The audience needs to be taken through the restaurant’s details slowly before they are given information regarding the best cuisine or the mood or the ambiance of the joint.

Here are some tips to help you write a review essay :

  • Offer some background information about the restaurant – it is important for the readers to have information such as the location of the restaurant, the cuisine offered, the phone number of the restaurant, the opening days as well as hours. This information is indeed essential because it makes it easy for potential clients to access the joint faster or to avoid it in case they happen to find themselves within the vicinity.
  • Make your stance/view or opinion about the restaurant known from the start – do not make the readers wait for you to finish the essay for them to find out whether you like or dislike the restaurant. Declare your stance or opinion of the restaurant in the introduction and then focus your energy on explaining why you took that position.
  • Avoid the use of the pronoun I in every sentence – even though a restaurant review is about your eating experience at a certain restaurant, the use of first-person could give the review a subjective look. The use of the second-person, on the other hand, gives the review immediacy and often makes the readers feel represented in the review.
  • Be more creative and avoid superlatives, for example, awesome, incredible, best, etc. – these words often mislead readers and do not provide them with a conclusive representation or evaluation of the restaurant.

How to write the body of a restaurant review essay

The body of an essay often develops from the introduction. Here, the writer mainly supports their assertions in the introduction and builds on the thesis statement. The body section is often bigger and has more paragraphs than the introduction and the conclusion unless you have been asked to write a three-paragraph essay.

In a restaurant review, the fundamentals primarily include food, the service or staff, and finally, the mood or ambiance or atmosphere in the restaurant. These three are often described in greater detail here, a body section, and the writer is expected to be as objective as possible and avoid comparing their experience with another.

Here are tips on how to write the body section:

  • Capture the restaurant’s ambiance or mood – the first paragraph of the body section should capture the atmosphere of the restaurant. Here, the writer should focus on how the sound within the restaurant, the sights inside the restaurant, and the smells within the restaurant. A detailed description of the decorations in the restaurant should be provided. Through such information, readers will find it easy to decide whether the restaurant fits their night out, official date, or official duties.
  • Provide a detailed evaluation of the staff and the service – regardless of the ambiance and the delicious nature of the food, customer service is always among the top most things people consider before they visit a restaurant. Dedicate an entire paragraph or two and describe how the staff treats people as well as how they handle emergencies. Focus primarily on their politeness, as well as courtesy.
  • Review the cuisines offered – for a restaurant review to be termed comprehensive, it is necessary to have a full meal and then offer your view of the same. Mention things like the prices, the texture, the spiciness of the food, as well as the presentation.

How to conclude a restaurant review essay

In essay writing, a conclusion is the second most difficult part of writing. Like the introduction, it should leave a lasting impression on the readers.

Below are tips to help you write a conclusion:

  • Reiterate your general stance or opinion of the restaurant.
  • Provide a summary of the main points emphasizing the most important ones.
  • A majority of reviews also include a section where the writer asks the readers to either visit or not visit the restaurant for review.

review restaurant essay pt3

review restaurant essay pt3

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review restaurant essay pt3

Vera is a Senior Content Writer at a Singaporean lifestyle publication, ConfirmGood where she covers stories on all things food, lifestyle, and perspectives.

Throughout my career as a content writer at various lifestyle publications in Singapore , many a time have I been tasked to write a review for a restaurant .

A review of a restaurant is incredibly important to the business. Given that 94% of diners refer to reviews before making a decision to eat somewhere, the power reviews have to sway the consumer’s decision is immense.

Having been in this profession for a while now, I can safely say that I’ve seen my fair share of good and bad examples of restaurant reviews. And boy, do I have something to say!

But before I go into the details, let’s start with the basics. How should you structure your restaurant review article?

Restaurant review format

1) lay the table.

Just as how you’d set up the table in preparation for every meal, you need to set up your article in preparation for your readers’ eyes.

Provide some background information about the restaurant, its owner(s), and what it specializes in. Check out the opening paragraph of our Carne Burgers Singapore Review : 

The introduction of a restaurant review of carne burgers singapore.

The reader is immediately hit with some key facts that establishes the restaurant as a reputable business. If a sustainability-focused restaurant run by a Michelin star chef doesn’t entice you, I don’t know what does.

A well-written introduction is essential as a hook to capture your reader’s attention right from the being and keep them engaged til the end of your review.

2) Start serving your mains

Now that you’ve invited your readers to the table, it’s time to show them what the restaurant has to offer.

A majority of the body of your restaurant review should showcase the best dishes the establishment has to offer. Check out what we showcased in our Seoul Garden a la carte menu review .

We featured the best dishes in our seoul garden restaurant review.

As a buffet restaurant, Seoul Garden has a wide selection of cooked and uncooked food items on its menu. But we only featured the most popular and best-looking items. And these are the Wagyu Picanha and Salmon slices.

You should always feature the best items that the owner wants to feature and take good pictures of them ot feature in your restaurant review. The first impression always counts 👀

Some things that should be in in this part of your review include what the dishes are, why you ordered them, and what makes them great. Describe the sight , smell , flavours , and texture of the dishes you’re reviewing. You’ll be surprised by how effective these descriptive paragraphs can be in selling the restaurant.

Example of how you describe food in a restaurant review.

Quick tip 💡 Prepare an arsenal of words you can use to describe food so you can easily pull them out to use in your article.

3) Wrapping things up

End off by summarizing why you enjoyed (or did not enjoy) the food. I’d strongly recommend adding some quirky final thoughts to leave your readers with a cute aftertaste. 

You can look at what I wrote for my review on Restaurant Salt.

review restaurant essay pt3

Tips on writing great restaurant reviews

1) learn from the best restaurant review sites.

As with learning any new skill, look at what others have already done. 

A great source of restaurant reviews are lifestyle publications. They are generally divided into different sections like travel, finance, and food. ConfirmGood’s food blog showcases some of the best places to it in Singapore.

Check out the various articles we’ve put out to learn how to write great restaurant reviews. Learn the vocabulary, structure, and writing style.

2) Look at Tripadvisor and Google restaurant reviews

This one may come as a surprise to some of you. Why would you want to refer to reviews left behind by random people? After all, these aren’t professional food writers . What’s there to learn from?

If you take a look at the list of reviews you see on such sites, you’ll notice that some of these reviews are exceptionally well written. You can pick up pretty useful vocabulary from them. I guess some people really take writing reviews on Google really seriously 🤣

A tripadvisor restaurant review example.

Another reason why you should look at restaurant reviews is because you get to learn about what is important to a customer. Perhaps being led to the table properly is important to some. To others, it’s really just the quality of the food. See what pops up most often and take note of it.

If a restaurant hires you to write a review about them, you should include these factors in your article when promoting the business.

3) Take the best photos

A photo of carne burger used in our restaurant review article.

Taking great pictures of the food you are reviewing is absolutely necessary. Words alone cannot do the job of convincing your readers to eat at a particular restaurant. 

Humans are visual creatures and well-taken shots of the restaurants’ best dishes can help sway your readers’ decision.


Expand your food vocabulary.

If you want to write great restaurant reviews, you can’t describe that flaky pastry that oozes creamy custard fulling as delicious.

You aren’t doing the melt-in-your-mouth tender steak any justice by calling it amazing.

So just stop ❌

Again, refer to the article I listed above for some good examples of words and phrases you can use to describe food.

5) Include the restaurant’s story

A restaurant is more than its menu.

It’s also about its history, its owners’ histories, culture, and even purpose.

Establishing the restaurant’s story in the introduction of your review can help pique your readers’ interest in the place.

6) Pay attention to cultural nuances

To add to my previous point, you should always be mindful when writing about food.

Do not refer to dishes as ‘ethnic’, ‘exotic’, or worse, ‘oriental’.

Food carries with them the long history of struggle and achievements of the culture which they are from. You need to be respectful of that.

7) It’s ok to not like the food

You don’t have to lie when writing restaurant reviews.

This may even cause the restaurant to receive harsher negative reviews as they were overhyped by your article. So don’t be afraid to be honest about how you find their food. Just don’t trash them unnecessarily. 

You’re all set to start writing an awesome restaurant review !

Those are my top 7 restaurant review writing tips. I hope you’ve found them useful. Becoming a food writer is not going to be easy. But this article is a great start for you!

To get more writing tips to help improve your writing, check out Writing Wildly’s amazing writing blog !

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Preparing for PT3 English 2021 

18 May 2021

7 minutes to read

review restaurant essay pt3

  • 01. PT3 2021 Examination Latest Format 
  • 02. PT3 English Examination Marking Scheme
  • 03. PT3 English Essay Writing Tips and Format
  • 04. PT3 Past Year Papers and References

Whoot whoot ~ How are you guys today? Getting hyped to get one step closer to finishing your secondary school? Well done. 

I know some of you are getting depressed over the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Who won’t?

While some students are cheering that the school has been shut down for so long and some of them have been crying because they miss out on the chances to gain more knowledge to prepare for their future, just remember – Things happen. 

Never cry over spilt milk . What we can do is to learn how to move forward. 

What’s important for the PT3 candidates to know is that PT3 isn’t the only examination that you are going to take. There is one other big examination coming in just about 2 years time!  

For you, the milk hasn't been spilled yet! The time has come for you to seriously think about your future. How important your future is especially in this turbulent time, where more people are becoming jobless and even more people have nothing to eat on their plate. 

As a student, your only job and responsibility is to become a better human being. Learn more to achieve more and you will be able to help a lot of people in the future. Here, we at Superprof are dedicated to help you in your journey. 

In this article, we are going to cover the PT3 latest format, where to find PT3 past year papers, tips on answering essay papers and how PT3 is marked. 

PT3 2021 Examination Latest Format 

The top view of Malaysia examination hall

Do you know, nearly a decade ago, the Form 3 Assessment (PT3) wasn't known as what it is now? Before, the form 3 students sat for the Lower Secondary Examination (PMR). 

Yes, the difference is between ‘Assessment’ and ‘Examination’. It looks the same right? But it isn’t. Assessment is done by the teacher throughout the year and the weightage for the marking is higher in the final PT3 Assessment Test for the overall mark. Besides, Assessment is also school based, meaning that your examination paper will be marked by your school teachers. 

Meanwhile the Examination, just as it sounds, the student will sit for one final examination to mark the end of their lower secondary school journey. All the subject weightage falls in that one examination paper. So PMR was more exam oriented. Nonetheless, the exam paper will be marked externally by external markers just like how SPM is executed. 

The good thing about this type of examination is that the students took the exam very seriously and were willing to go to all lengths to prove themselves worthy to choose any streams they would want to take in the higher secondary form. 

Frankly, I can say that the PT3 assessment test has been taken lightly by the majority of parents and students. Most of the instrument tests haven't been done and it takes a toll on the teachers to search for students who are falling behind. However, that is the best thing about PT3, ‘No students are left behind’. Teachers can recognize weak students early on and will focus more on them. 

Throughout the year of the implementation of PT3 in 2014, MOE has made several revisions on the way the assessment is done. In 2019, another revision has been made and supposedly the 2020 PT3 candidate should be the first to sit for the test. 

The changes made recently is more towards the administration of PT3. This time, schools are responsible to make the instruments instead of it being given by MOE like the years before. This is a good shift as the teacher can tailor the instruments according to their student’s level. 

Check out more in depth on PT3's latest format . 

PT3 English Examination Marking Scheme

Student doing listening test

The interesting part of the latest PT3 assessment test is that MOE has aligned themselves with The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) measuring system. 

If you haven’t heard about CEFR before, this measuring system has been adapted in most of the international English as Second Language standard scores. Therefore, Malaysia has moved one step forward to be on par with all other international English levels. 

Previously, there were only 2 tests to sit for in the English subjects – Written test (Writing & Reading Comprehension) and Oral Test. Today you’ll only be sitting in 1 test but with 4 different papers. 

The papers are as follows:- 

  • Paper 1 – Reading
  • Paper 2- Essay
  • Paper 3 – Speaking
  • Paper 4 – Listening

Quite similar right? The difference is in the weightage of each paper in which the total scores are divided equally to 25%. So, the assessment is more comprehensive than before. Today, we can focus on 4 important types of linguistic properties. 

Previously, PMR students will only focus on their reading and writing. So their speaking and listening skills are rather low. Forward to today, I can see that most of the Generation Z are able to speak up their mind in English!

There are more tips on scoring PT3 papers following the latest PT3 Marking Scheme . 

PT3 English Essay Writing Tips and Format

Practice makes perfect writing

I realized with the latest format in Malaysia English as Second Language, Bahasa Inggeris in PT3, writing isn’t one of the favourite papers to answer. Yes, I admit that even before, writing was the hardest part of the English Examination.

However, with the previous format, we don't have any choice than to score writing as the weightage is 50% of the overall marks. Today, with the division of English subjects into 4 papers with the equal weightage of 25%, students are able to at least focus on their best 3 papers to pass the English subjects. The probability to get at least 75% is high. 

But should we neglect the essay writing? Obviously NOT! Writing is also one of the core principles in English. Without the ability to write, your English skills won’t make it for further studies or for any kind of job which requires fluency in English.

Fret not, compared to before, English writing papers are not as flowery as they used to be. Today, straightforward writing is the best way to score. Why the flowery and why the changes? 

As you may know, the Malay Language is poetic, soft and flowery (not straight to the point). The previous format has assimilated Malay Language into English Language style of writing. Therefore, since MOE has changed and aligned the format to follow the international standard, we should also follow the international style of writing. 

Here Superprof has identified a few tips to follow while answering PT3 Essay Writing . 

  • Every answer and point given should be simple and easy to understand
  • Avoid using excessive jargon and complicated words
  • Speak more English with your peers so you can adapt to use natural words and sentences in your essay
  • Read more books to increase your vocabularies
  • Don't rush when writing and maintain a good and easy to read handwriting
  • Learn from experts

PT3 Past Year Papers and References

Past year papers are mostly sought by students nearing the examination. It is proven to help a lot of them in their answering skills and building up confidence. In contrast to those who never even wonder what the test paper looks like or the structure of the exam, they won’t find it hard or difficult to answer. 

“To succeed, you must first improve, to improve, you must first practice, to practice, you must first learn, to learn, you must first fail!” -Wesley Woo

So here, Superprof will help you out in finding the best PT3 Past Year Papers and References . 

First you should know how to search for it.

  • Check out our Ministry of Education’s website to know any updates relating to the examination. 
  • Do not simply take papers or questions from non-reputable websites as your stepping stone to success. It might backfire on you as they might not use the latest format and not give you the best questions to focus for your test. 
  • Getting a book from a reputable publisher is the best way to get the best model questions. Most of the publishing companies hire experienced teachers and some of them have experience in compiling or making exam papers. 
  • Check out Superprof blog for more downloadable papers and tips. 

It is understandable that more and more of us opt to get free-references on the net. However, one thing you should be aware of is that some of the non-reputable websites contain viruses, excessive marketing pop-up, download our data without consent and many more. 

Therefore, never fall victim to this kind of trap. 

Do you know Superprof is one of the best education platforms globally? We have more than a million teachers available for any online or face-to-face tutoring. You can easily choose your own favourite tutor. 

The rate is also affordable compared to the market price in tuition centres and other private tutoring in Malaysia. Our rate starts as low as RM30 per hour! Yes this is real! Most of our tutors are the best in their field. 

One of the best investments you can make for your future is EDUCATION . Remember, examination is just one way to measure your knowledge and skills in certain subjects. Thus, only by achieving good results can you pave your future easily and you’ll be able to achieve greater things earlier than the rest of your peers. 

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Alia J.

Alia Jamaludin is known as a passionate environmentalist and animal lover. By being both educator and writer, she can reach out her positive thought to almost every being on this planet.

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thanks about your sharing , maybe some words i don’t understand but i will trans it and i try to remember that.

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  1. Restaurant review essay. How to Write a Restaurant Review Essay. 2022-10-24

    review restaurant essay pt3

  2. BI Essay

    review restaurant essay pt3

  3. Restaurant Review

    review restaurant essay pt3

  4. Example Of A Good Restaurant Review

    review restaurant essay pt3

  5. Restaurant review essay. How to Write a Restaurant Review Essay. 2022-10-24

    review restaurant essay pt3

  6. KFC Fast Food Restaurant Free Essay Sample on

    review restaurant essay pt3


  1. Drôle de restaurant pt3😕😂 #funny #funnyvideo #comedy #food #asmr

  2. Cause and Effects of the popularity of fast food restaurants essay in English

  3. PT3 BM Essay 1

  4. PT3 BM Essay 1

  5. PT3 BI Essay 1

  6. PT3: Vegan Food Review 🥚


  1. Essay Sample SPM: Review of Restaurant in Kuala Lumpur

    Essay Sample SPM: Review of Restaurant. Write your answer in 200 - 250 words in an appropriate style on this question paper. You recently saw the following notice for a restaurant on a popular food blog. Write your review. This is a sample essay for the subject Bahasa Inggeris in the SPM exam.

  2. Restaurant Review (Essay/Paper Sample) 2023

    Short 150-200 Words Restaurant Review Essay in English for Children and Kids from Primary and High School. I am writing a review of the beautiful Papua restaurant I recently visited during my time in Peru. This hotel is situated in the heart of a small town in Makuta Province, Peru.

  3. How to Write a Restaurant Review Essay

    How to Write an Effective Review. Choose a Restaurant. Start with a Draft. Give background information about the restaurant. Clearly state your stand and view about the restaurant. Avoid Using the "I" Pronoun Constantly. Include pros and cons. Restate your Stance in the Conclusion. You've probably been to a restaurant, whether it was for ...


    TASK : Your local newspaper is asking its readers to write a review of a restaurant where you have eaten recently and would recommend to others. The Open House Polo Restaurant. (Name/location) The 'Open House' is a restaurant situated in the heart of a small village between three national forests and close to the horse´s capital city ...

  5. Sample Essay of SPM: Review of a Restaurant in Kuala Lumpur

    The best compelling review will be featured in our magazine. I recently had the pleasure of dining at "Delicious Eats," a small, family-owned restaurant located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. The atmosphere of the restaurant was cozy and inviting, with warm lighting and wooden decor. Upon being seated, we were greeted by our friendly server ...

  6. PDF Restaurant Review

    Part II. Analyzing a Restaurant Review Reading 1―Read the following restaurant review and answer the questions. Krishna's Fish Head Restaurant is a little neighborhood joint near Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur. This unique place is mainly known for its exotic Indian seafood. Since it has reasonable prices and is only several blocks from the

  7. How To Write A Restaurant Review Essay

    Here are some tips to help you write a review essay: Offer some background information about the restaurant - it is important for the readers to have information such as the location of the restaurant, the cuisine offered, the phone number of the restaurant, the opening days as well as hours. This information is indeed essential because it ...

  8. How To Write A Great Restaurant Review: Good & Bad Review Examples

    4) STOP USING "DELICIOUS", "GREAT", "GOOD". Expand your food vocabulary. If you want to write great restaurant reviews, you can't describe that flaky pastry that oozes creamy custard fulling as delicious. You aren't doing the melt-in-your-mouth tender steak any justice by calling it amazing. So just stop.

  9. How to Write a Restaurant Review (10 Tips Plus Examples)

    Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash. 1. Do Background Research. Find out how the restaurant markets itself to its target audience. This will help you evaluate their success with respect to their goals. 2. Build a Chronological Narrative. When writing your review, describe your experience with a chronological structure.

  10. Sample Essay of SPM: Review of a Restaurant in Kuala Lumpur

    Sample Essay of SPM: Review of Restaurant January 4, 2023 You recently saw this notice in a foodie magazine. Write your answer in 200 - 250 words in an appropriate style on this question paper. Review of Delicious Eats Restaurant Have you dined at an interesting restaurant recently? If so, we want to hear about it!

  11. SPM Essay Writing

    When it comes to dining out, everyone might have their own opinions! 😋😏☺️😘😩🤪😤😝😓🤮🤗🤑It this video, I share with you some amazing tips on how to writ...

  12. Restaurant review

    RESTAURANT REVIEW. I recently went to a new restaurant near my neighbourhood. It is situated in the heart of Shah Alam and opened on 31st June 2021. Mr. Steak offers western food, such as lamb chop, spaghetti, and others. I went there with my little brother, Umar on a beautiful Friday night. Mr.

  13. A Complete Guide to PT3 English 2021

    Previously, there were only 2 tests to sit for in the English subjects - Written test (Writing & Reading Comprehension) and Oral Test. Today you'll only be sitting in 1 test but with 4 different papers. The papers are as follows:-. Paper 1 - Reading. Paper 2- Essay.

  14. 《SPM 2021 英文最新格式 PART 3》SPM 2021 ENGLISH PAPER 2 PART 3 (Review Writing

    Specially for JEC Last War students 2021! This video will briefly explain how to master review writing part 3 of SPM 2021 English Paper 2 specifically on the...

  15. PT3 Writing : Writing A Review worksheet

    28/10/2022. Country code: SG. Country: Singapore. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958) Main content: Writing (2013230) From worksheet author: This is a pre-writing activity before students write a review. Other contents: Review Writing: Grammar Cloze.

  16. Food Review Essays

    The document provides a sample restaurant review and then an exam task asking the student to write their own negative restaurant review. For the exam task, the student describes visiting a seafood restaurant near the beach with a friend. They had to wait 30 minutes for their wrong order to arrive. The chicken was undercooked and the curry was bland. Despite the nice scenery, the student would ...

  17. #pt3writing #pt3english English Form 3 -PT3 (Writing Review)

    The PT3 paper for writing consists of 2 parts, the short essay (80 words) and the long essay (120words). Part 2 requires pupils to understand the possible ty...

  18. ERMITAZH, Elektrostal

    Ermitazh, Elektrostal: See 25 unbiased reviews of Ermitazh, rated 4.0 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #5 of 30 restaurants in Elektrostal.

  19. RESTAURANT GLOBUS, Elektrostal

    Review. Share. 67 reviews. #2 of 28 Restaurants in Elektrostal $$ - $$$, European, Contemporary, Vegetarian Friendly. Fryazevskoye Hwy., 14, Elektrostal Russia. + Add phone number + Add website + Add hours Improve this listing. There aren't enough food, service, value or atmosphere ratings for Restaurant Globus yet.

  20. THE 5 BEST Restaurants in Gorki-2 (Updated April 2024)

    Best Dining in Gorki-2, Gorskoye: See 168 Tripadvisor traveler reviews of 6 Gorki-2 restaurants and search by cuisine, price, location, and more.

  21. Ewf b.v East West Forwarding

    EWF B.V EAST WEST FORWARDING. Edelveis, Right Entrance, 2nd Floor Davidkovskaja, 121352 Moscow, Russia. Phone: +7 495 938-99-66; Mobile: +7 495-997-0977