Student Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

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Whether you just graduated college or you’re taking a gap year before continuing your studies, one thing is for sure.

You’re looking for a job.

All that’s standing between you and your next position is a great resume.

But how can you write a resume that stands out from the crowd if all your experience so far is studying?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Creating a compelling resume to help you stand out from the crowd is easy, even if you’re just starting on your career journey.

And in this guide, we’re going to teach you how. 

Here’s what we’re going to cover:

  • What Makes a Great Student Resume Example
  • 9 Steps to Writing an Amazing Student Resume
  • What to Include In Your Student Resume

Ready? Let’s dive in!

Student Resume Example

Student Resume Example

That’s a great example of a student resume.

Let’s get into the ins and outs of what it does right:

  • Keeps everything on one page. Hiring managers go through hundreds of resumes daily, so it’s important to stick to a one-page resume so they don’t discard your application straight away.
  • Uses a reverse-chronological resume format. This is the favorite resume format for hiring managers worldwide since it puts your most recent achievements and experiences first.
  • Includes professional contact details. This section should always contain your full name, a professional email address, phone number, location, and any relevant links to professional websites or social media profiles that might boost your application.
  • Starts with an eye-catching resume objective. To grab the hiring manager’s attention, this student resume example starts with a strong resume objective to convey their top skills and their professional goal.
  • Lists education first. Since this candidate is a recent graduate, their student resume places their education section at the very top and provides details on the relevant courses they’ve taken.
  • Focuses on skills. The student resume example pictured above includes a tailored skills section that aligns with the job and shows what they can do for the employer.
  • Organizes text in bullet points. This resume uses bullet points instead of large paragraphs, so the content of the resume is organized and easy to read.
  • Includes optional sections. The candidate leverages optional sections such as languages and personal projects to add more value to their resume and stand out from other applicants with similar skills and qualifications.

9 Steps Toward the Perfect Student Resume

Now you know what an excellent student resume looks like.

It’s time to create your own.

First things first, let’s go over all the sections your resume should include .

The essential sections of a student resume are:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Headline
  • Work Experience

If you have leftover space on your resume, you can also use some of the following sections to make your application stand out:

Extracurricular Activities

  • Personal Projects

Hobbies and Interests

  • Volunteering
  • Certificates

Awards and Recognitions


As a student or recent graduate, don’t expect to include all of these sections in your resume. Instead, use them to your advantage. 

For example, you might not have any work experience, in which case you can replace that section with something else, such as an internship that helped you hone some essential skills for the job you're applying to.

We’ve split the process of creating your student resume into easy-to-follow steps, starting with:

#1. Pick the Right Format

Before you can fill out your resume, you need to decide on the best format for your job application.

There are three resume formats you can choose from:

  • Reverse-chronological (also known as the chronological format)
  • Functional (also known as the skill-based format)
  • Combination (a mix of the reverse-chronological and functional formats)

For 99% of cases, we recommend that you choose the reverse-chronological resume format when making your student resume.

The reverse-chronological format is the most practical, since it lists your most recent experience and achievements first, making it the perfect format when you’re applying for a job.

It’s also hiring managers’ favorite format worldwide, so it’s what they expect to see in your application.

Here’s an example of what the reverse-chronological resume format looks like:

student reverse-chronological resume format

#2. Pay Attention to the Layout

Now that you have the formatting out of the way, it’s time to consider your resume’s layout .

Before the hiring manager reads your resume, they’re going to look at it. And if they see a messy, unorganized document, they aren’t going to be impressed.

Follow these tips to make sure your student resume makes a good first impression:

  • Keep it on one page. A good resume should never exceed one page, especially if you’re a student with limited experience. Hiring managers only want the most important details about why you’re the right person for the job.
  • Set the line spacing. Make sure your text is easy to read by setting appropriate line spacing. Use 1.0 between text and 1.15 between double lines and after subheadings.
  • Adjust the page margins. To make your resume look neat, set your resume’s margins to one inch on all sides of the page. Otherwise, you might end up with a stretched-out or empty-looking document.
  • Choose a professional font. Another important aspect of your resume is the font. Pick something professional but not overused. Instead of Times New Roman, go for something understated like Roboto, Lora, or Ubuntu.
  • Save it to the right file format. Unless the hiring manager asks for another format, your resume should always be saved as a PDF file . This way, your student resume’s layout is going to look the same across any device or software that the hiring manager uses to open it.

Use a Professional Resume Template Instead

Getting the format and layout of your resume just right can sure get tricky. 

You’ll have to spend hours tweaking the margins, adjusting font sizes, and fixing the line spacing – all the while having to make sure nothing spills over to page two. 

What if you could skip all the hassle?

Just use one of our free resume templates and create your student resume in minutes.

Each of our professional templates is designed in cooperation with HR professionals from around the world to make sure your application is ATS-friendly, easy to read, and beautiful to look at.

Not to mention, you can choose a resume template that shows off a bit of your personality while adhering to industry standards. 

Just look at how one of our templates compares to a standard text editor resume:

novoresume vs text editor

#3. Add Your Contact Information

Once you’re ready to fill in the contents of your student resume, it’s time to start with your contact information.

This usually goes in a designated resume header , so it’s easy for the hiring manager to find it at a glance.

Here’s what to include:

  • Full Name. (E.g.: John Smith )
  • Professional Title. We recommend matching the title to the job you’re targeting (E.g.: Paralegal) or specifying your education. (E.g.: Graphic Design Graduate )
  • Email Address. Use a professional email address, not a quirky handle from your World of Warcraft days. (E.g.: write down [email protected] , not [email protected] )
  • Phone Number. If you’re applying abroad, always include the dialing code in front of your phone number.
  • Location. The city and state/country are enough information.
  • Relevant Links. Any other information, such as a link to your LinkedIn profile, GitHub, or a portfolio website, is optional and depends on the job you’re applying for.

Ultimately, your contact information section is the easiest, yet most crucial, section of your student resume.

If you make a single typo in your email or phone number, the hiring manager won’t be able to reach you, and you’ll miss out on an opportunity.

So, before submitting your resume, make sure to double-check, and even triple-check that everything in this section is up-to-date and accurate.

John Smith - Graphic Design Graduate

+1 907 446 1234

[email protected]

Fairbanks, Alaska


[email protected]

#4. Write a Resume Headline (Summary or Objective)

Hiring managers have to look at countless resumes daily.

So, they won’t spend more than six seconds on each before deciding if it’s worth reading in detail.

This is where a snappy resume summary or objective can make a difference.

Your resume summary or objective is a brief paragraph at the start of your resume that tells hiring managers who you are and what you bring to the table, in just 2-4 sentences.

Depending on your experience, you can take one of two routes:

  • Resume summary. If you've got a bit of professional experience under your belt, write a resume summary. It's your chance to give a quick snapshot of your experience, skills, and what you've accomplished so far.
  • Resume objective. If you're just starting, a resume objective is the right choice for you. It outlines your skills, any relevant experiences, and your professional goals.

To paint a clearer picture, here’s what a student’s resume summary with more experience might look like:

Recent college graduate with a B.A. in English from University X seeking an entry-level job as a content writer. Previous experience includes working as an English tutor for 2 years at University X, where I worked with 100+ students, helping them improve their essays. Additionally, I managed a personal blog about tech, publishing over 40 articles in the last 3 years.

But if you’re still a student, you probably don’t have a lot of work experience to rely on for your resume summary.

Don’t worry! You can still write a fantastic resume objective, like so:

Enthusiastic recent graduate with a degree in Environmental Science, aiming to secure an entry-level position at Green Solutions Ltd. Experienced in conducting field research and using GIS software through university projects and internships. With a strong passion for sustainability and environmental advocacy, I’m looking to apply academic knowledge in a practical, impactful way.

This goes to show that even without any work experience to leverage, you can still write a job-winning resume .

#5. List Your Education First

While the work experience section is what your resume would usually start with, the rule is reversed when you’re a student or a recent graduate .

If you’re applying for a job in the same field as your education, you want to emphasize the knowledge and skills you’ve gained so far.

So, the less work experience you have, the more detailed your education section should be.

Here’s the most important information that you should include when listing your education :

  • Degree Name. (E.g.: BSc in Business Administration )
  • University Name. (E.g.: Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania )
  • Location. (E.g.: Philadelphia, PA, USA )
  • Years Attended. (E.g.: 09/2018 - 06/2022 )

You should always list your degrees in reverse chronological order, starting with your newest degree (such as a Ph.D. or MBA) and ending with your oldest.

Next, there are a ton of optional details that can look great on your student resume. These include:

  • Honors and Awards. Your resume is a great place to show off a little. List any awards or acknowledgments you received during your education. (E.g.: Summa Cum Laude )
  • Relevant Coursework. List a few courses that are directly related to the job you’re applying for. (E.g.: Pharmacology, Pathophysiology, Surgical Nursing )
  • Thesis or Dissertation. We recommend that graduate and post-graduate students include this, especially if applying to research-heavy fields like data science .
  • Minor. If you minored in another field and it’s relevant to the job, include it. (E.g.: BA in Political Science, Minor in Economics )
  • Grade Point Average. Include your GPA on your resume if it’s impressive. Anything below 3.5 isn’t worth listing.

Here’s an example of what this looks like on a resume:

education on student resume

There’s no need to list your high school education unless it’s the only degree you have.

#6. Expand on Your Work Experience

The first thing hiring managers usually want to see is your work experience section .

It’s probably the most important section of your whole resume, and it’s where you need to wow the hiring manager. Here’s how to format it correctly:

  • List jobs in reverse chronological order. Start with your latest work experience and work your way back to older roles. Just don’t go too far back – your part-time job over summer break probably doesn’t belong on your resume.
  • Add your exact job title. Be accurate when describing your previous job, and avoid buzzwords . If you were a babysitter , say that instead of trying to be witty and going with ‘toddler whisperer.’
  • Include the company details. All you need to add are the most important details, such as the company’s name and location. If it’s not a well-known business, you can describe what it does.
  • Specify the employment period. Use the mm/yyyy format throughout your student resume instead of specifying the exact dates you started and quit.
  • Mention your responsibilities and achievements. Use several bullet points, no more than 5-6 for your most recent work experience and 2-3 for older roles.

Here’s an example of what that looks like in practice:

work experience on student resume

What If My Work Experience Isn’t Relevant?

If you’re applying for a job in the field you’ve been studying for, you might have picked up a part-time job while you were a student.

So, you’re probably wondering - is that summer gig you did worth mentioning in your resume?

The answer is yes.

Even if your only work experience so far seemingly has nothing to do with the job you’re applying for, it’s probably better for you to include it.

For example, if you worked as a cashier at your local supermarket and now you’re applying for a job as an accountant , there are enough similarities between the two jobs for you to make a great resume.

Just focus on the transferable skills from your time as a cashier. Both jobs require working with numbers, being good at mathematics, and attention to detail.

Usually, showing you have some work experience is better than presenting a resume with zero work experience.

What If I Don’t Have Any Work Experience?

If you’re still a student or you just graduated, you probably don’t have any work experience to leverage.

Don’t worry - most college students don’t.

But that doesn’t have to stop you from writing a great resume!

Hiring managers know that most candidates applying for entry-level jobs aren’t super experienced, and that’s okay.

So, instead of work experience, you can focus on any of the following sections:

  • Internships. If your program included any internships or hands-on experiences, mention them. Internships can be super useful on your resume, especially if they help you develop skills for the position you’re applying for, and they can look better on your resume than any part-time job in an unrelated field.
  • Volunteering. Having a cause that you care about and are willing to work for shows hiring managers that you’d be a dedicated employee, and that’s why volunteer work looks great on a resume. Whether you spent some time at a local soup kitchen or just helped collect trash in the parks, you can always mention it in your application.
  • Projects. Any project you’ve participated in can go here, so long as it’s relevant to the job. Your graduation thesis, coursework, or personal projects can all make a difference. For example, if you’re an aspiring animator and you make funny flash animations that you upload on YouTube for your friends, that’s always a great addition to a first-time job application .

Here’s an example of a student resume that focuses on volunteer experience and personal projects instead of work experience:

volunteer projects on student resume

Do you want to join a cause you’re passionate about? Learn how to write a volunteer resume here.

#7. Emphasize Your Relevant Skills

The skills section of your resume should tell the hiring manager what your expertise is and why you’re the perfect candidate for the job.

There are two types of essential skills you can mention:

  • Soft skills. These are a mix of social skills, characteristics, and other personal traits. For example, leadership, critical thinking, time management, and so on.
  • Hard skills. These are your measurable abilities. So, anything from baking cupcakes to complex coding skills.

Your resume should aim for a mix of both soft and hard skills.

If written correctly, the skill section can look something like this:

skills on student resume

Now, when listing skills on your resume, here are a few essential tips to keep in mind:

  • List hard skills with experience levels. For each skill you list, you can mention your proficiency, from beginner to expert. This tells the hiring manager how much training you might need if they hire you.
  • Keep it relevant and tailored to the job. You might have some awesome and rare skills, but they’re not always going to be useful. Your Photoshop skills won’t make a difference in an application for a job as a writer .
  • Include some universal skills. Some skills can be useful anywhere. These include both soft skills (like communication ) and hard skills (like using Microsoft Office or Google Office Suite).
  • Back up your skills. Instead of just listing skills as buzzwords (like “critical thinker” or “problem-solving-master”), make sure you prove what you’re saying. Give examples of when you’ve put those skills to good use, such as in your work experience section.

And for a student resume, here are a few of the top skills almost every single employer will value:

  • Verbal and Written Communication
  • Adaptability
  • Punctuality
  • Organizational skills
  • Flexibility
  • Conflict resolution
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Time-management

#8. Leverage Optional Sections

So far, we’ve covered the essential information for your student resume.

But if you have any leftover space, there are a few other sections you can add.

Imagine this: the hiring manager has to decide between you and another candidate, but your resumes are nearly identical. You have very similar experiences, backgrounds, and credentials.

This is where some less essential resume sections can tip the scales in your favor.

Optional sections can help you backup your skills and experience and set you apart from candidates with the same professional background as yours.

These sections include:

Are you fluent in more than one language?

If you’re bilingual or even trilingual, you should always mention that in your resume!

Even if the position you’re applying for doesn’t require any specific language skills, it can still come in handy at some point.

Companies are becoming increasingly international, and you never know when you might end up working on a project or a client where you can put your knowledge to good use.

To list languages in your resume , simply write them down and include your proficiency level:

  • Intermediate

Optionally, you can also use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) or the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency scales.

And remember - you should never lie about your language skills. You never know when the interviewer might turn out to be fluent in the language you claim to know!

As you might remember from your college application , extracurricular activities look great on a resume.

Different after-school projects and clubs can help you gain practical skills and increase your chances of landing a good job right after college. For example, if you were part of a debate team and you’re applying for a job as a lawyer , that could give your resume a boost.

Some activities, like student council responsibilities, show maturity and leadership skills that would translate well to a work environment. 

Here’s an example of how to list extracurricular activities on your resume :


Public Speaking Club

Founder and President

09/2018 - 09/2019

  • Founded a club to help fellow students improve at public speaking and promote discussion-based events.
  • Organized 5+ public speaking lectures.
  • Brought in professors from the university and organized 2 speaking workshops.

But regardless of whether they’re related to the job or not, extracurricular activities still show the hiring manager that you’re hard-working and committed.

If you want the hiring manager to get a more well-rounded idea of you as a person, you can include hobbies and interests on your resume .

While this section isn’t going to get you hired, it could tip the scales in your favor.

When the hiring manager is looking at two near-identical resumes from two equally qualified candidates, the deciding factor might come down to something as minor as your personality and interests.

For example, imagine that the company you’re applying to values teamwork and promotes health amongst its employees. If your resume says your hobbies include team sports like basketball, that could convince the hiring manager that you’d be a good cultural fit for their team.


The best investment is always in your future, and hiring managers love candidates who do just that.

If you have any extra qualifications or certificates , add them to your resume.

For example, if you graduated with a BA in Marketing, and you’re applying for a Digital Marketing role, that’s great. But it’s even better if the hiring manager sees that you completed an advanced SEO course and that you’re ready to roll!

Do you have a piece of paper with your name on it that says why you’re so smart and qualified? If so, add it to your resume.

It could be an award from a competition or some other recognition of your excellence - academic or otherwise.

For example, you might have been selected for a very rare scholarship , or your hard work as an illustrator won your project a nomination.

You don’t need to be modest on your resume - if you earned something cool, show it off. Any awards can back up your expertise and show the hiring manager that you’re worth a chance.

Have you worked on your university’s student paper? Maybe you’re a freelance writer or a distinguished academic .

Whatever the case is, publications are always impressive on a resume.

Include them under a designated “Publications” section and provide a URL so the hiring manager can check out your work.

#9. Include a Cover Letter

Cover letters are essential for a successful job search , and your student resume won’t be complete without one.

Forbes reports that 56% of hiring managers prefer that applicants include a cover letter with their resume.

Crafting a great cover letter tells the hiring manager that you have an eye for detail and that you’re ready to go the extra mile to join the team. You’re not just randomly sending out the same resume to every job listing you find.

So, to learn how to write your own , let's explore what makes an effective cover letter:

student cover letter structure

Here are some straightforward tips to make your cover letter great:

  • Check your contact information. The information in your cover letter’s header should be the same as what’s on your resume, so double-check for any mistakes.
  • Use the hiring manager’s name. A little research can help you find it, and it helps establish a more personal connection than just writing “To Whom It May Concern.”
  • Start with a strong opening. Mention a couple of your best skills or achievements right at the start to grab the hiring manager’s attention.
  • Go into more detail in the body. Talk about your accomplishments or skills in more detail, and mention anything you couldn’t fit on your resume, like explaining why you want to work remotely .
  • Conclude by asking them to reach out. A good closing paragraph includes a call to action that asks the hiring manager to do something, like contact you or arrange an interview.
  • Sing it like a professional. Choose an appropriate closing line, like “Best regards” or “I look forward to hearing from you.”

Here’s a great example of a student cover letter :

student cover letter

5 Student Resume Examples

Looking for more resume inspiration?

Check out the different student resume examples below to see what a job-winning resume might look like.

#1. Recent Graduate Resume

college resume sample

#2. Experienced Student Resume

master student resume example

#3. Internship Student Resume

Internship Student Resume

#4. College Freshman Resume

College Freshman Resume

#5. High School Student Resume

high school resume sample

Key Takeaways

And there you go!

That’s how you create a powerful student resume from scratch.

Now, let’s quickly summarize what we’ve learned so far:

  • Hiring managers go through hundreds of resumes every day, so you want yours to grab their attention immediately. Write a brief paragraph in your resume header to tell them who you are and why you’re perfect for the job.
  • Unlike in most resumes, where work experience goes first, if you’re a student, your education should be at the top of your resume.
  • Don’t worry if you don’t have any work experience yet - when you’re applying for an entry-level job, hiring managers don’t expect you to.
  • Instead of work experience, you can focus on internships, volunteering, personal projects, or extracurricular activities to show off your skills and fill in your resume.
  • Your skills could make or break your job application. Research the most in-demand skills for the job you want and list the ones you have in your resume.
  • Always add a matching cover letter to your student resume to show the hiring manager you’re ready to go the extra mile for the job.

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  • Career Blog

Student Resume: 12 Best Examples & Templates for 2024

resume examples student

As a student, creating a resume may seem like a daunting task. However, a well-crafted resume can be your ticket to success in landing your dream job or internship. In this guide, we’ll explore the top 12 best examples and templates for a student resume.

A student resume typically includes information such as your education, extracurricular activities, work experience, and skills. The purpose of a student resume is to showcase your qualifications and make you stand out to potential employers.

Importance of Student Resume

Having a strong student resume is crucial in today’s competitive job market. It provides employers with a quick snapshot of your skills, experience, and accomplishments. Additionally, a well-crafted student resume can highlight your unique strengths and help you stand out from the crowd of other applicants.

How to Use This Guide

In this guide, we’ll provide you with 12 of the best examples and templates for a student resume. Each example includes a detailed description and explanation of why it works. By following the guidance in this guide, you’ll be able to create a winning student resume that will set you apart from other candidates.

This guide is designed to help you create an effective student resume that showcases your unique qualifications and strengthens your job or internship applications. With the guidance provided in this article, you’ll be one step closer to achieving your career goals.

Top 10 Key Components of a Student Resume

When it comes to crafting a student resume, there are certain crucial components that can make or break your application. Here are the top 10 key components that should be included in your student resume:

A. Contact Information

Your contact information should be at the very top of your resume, and should include your full name, phone number, email address, and mailing address. Make sure that your email address and phone number are professional and active, as these will be the primary ways that employers will contact you.

B. Objective or Summary Statement

The objective or summary statement should be a brief, attention-grabbing statement that provides an overview of your skills, experience, and career goals. This statement should be tailored to the specific job or industry that you are applying for.

C. Education

List your academic achievements in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent degree or diploma. Include the name of the institution, your major, the dates of attendance, and any relevant honors or awards.

D. Relevant Coursework

This section provides an opportunity to highlight any relevant coursework that you’ve completed, particularly if it is relevant to the job or industry you are applying for.

The skills section should include any technical or transferable skills you possess that are relevant to the job you are applying for. This may include computer software, social media management, marketing, or other technical or transferable skills.

F. Work Experience

List your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. This section should include the company name, your job title, dates of employment, and key responsibilities and achievements.

G. Extracurricular Activities and Achievements

Include any extracurricular activities or achievements that demonstrate your leadership, teamwork, or other soft skills. This may include involvement in clubs or organizations, volunteer work, community service, or awards and honors.

H. Volunteer Experience

Highlight any volunteer experience you’ve had, as this can demonstrate your commitment to community service and leadership skills.

I. Certifications and Awards

If you have earned any certifications or awards related to your industry or field of study, be sure to include them in this section.

J. References

Include references from professional or academic contacts who can speak to your skills and experience. Make sure to obtain permission from your references before including their contact information.

By including these key components in your student resume, you can ensure that your application stands out from the competition and presents you as a strong candidate for the job.

How to Write a Student Resume: Step by Step Guide

When it comes to creating a student resume, it’s important to follow a step-by-step guide to ensure that you cover all the essential elements. Here are the key steps to keep in mind:

A. Analyze Job Requirements

Before you start writing your resume, it’s important to analyze the job requirements for the position you’re applying for. This will help you identify the skills and experience that the employer is looking for, which you can then highlight on your resume.

B. Choose the Right Resume Format

Next, you’ll need to choose the right resume format. Depending on your work experience and the job you’re applying for, you may want to use a chronological, functional, or combination format.

C. Customize Your Resume

To make your resume stand out from the crowd, you’ll want to customize it to the job you’re applying for. This can include tailoring your professional summary, highlighting relevant skills and experience, and including keywords that the employer is likely to be looking for.

D. Highlight Your Key Accomplishments

Make sure to highlight your key accomplishments, such as projects you’ve worked on or awards you’ve received. These can help demonstrate your skills and experience to potential employers.

E. Use Strong Action Verbs

When describing your experience, make sure to use strong action verbs to help convey your skills and accomplishments. Examples include “achieved,” “managed,” and “collaborated.”

F. Keep it Concise, but Complete

Your resume should be concise and easy to read, but also complete enough to give potential employers a good sense of your skills and experience.

G. Tailor Your Resume to the Job You Want

In addition to customizing your resume to the job you’re applying for, it’s also important to tailor it to the specific company or organization you’re interested in. Researching the company and using their language can help your resume stand out.

H. Proofread and Edit

Finally, make sure to proofread and edit your resume carefully. Typos and errors can be a major turn-off for potential employers, so it’s important to make sure your resume is error-free and polished.

By following these steps, you can create a strong student resume that highlights your skills and experience and helps you stand out in a competitive job market.

12 Best Student Resume Examples and Templates

Are you a student looking for a job or internship? Crafting an impressive resume is essential to stand out from the competition.

Sample Resume 1: Education-focused

This resume template is perfect for students who want to highlight their academic achievements and coursework. It includes sections for education, relevant coursework, and academic honors.

Objective: Detail-oriented and motivated student with a passion for education seeking opportunities to apply knowledge and skills in an educational setting. Committed to creating a positive and engaging learning environment for students.

Education: Bachelor of Education XYZ University, City, State Graduation Year

Relevant Coursework:

  • Educational Psychology
  • Classroom Management
  • Curriculum Development
  • Assessment and Evaluation
  • Special Education Strategies

Academic Honors:

  • Dean’s List, Fall 20XX – Spring 20XX
  • XYZ Scholarship, Academic Year 20XX-20XX
  • Strong knowledge of educational theories and teaching strategies.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Proficient in using technology for instructional purposes.
  • Ability to create engaging lesson plans and adapt to diverse learning styles.
  • Effective classroom management and organization abilities.

Sample Resume 2: Experience-focused

If you have work experience, this resume template is ideal for showcasing your skills and accomplishments. It includes sections for work experience, skills, and accomplishments.

Objective: Results-driven and experienced professional with a proven track record of success in [relevant field]. Seeking a challenging role where I can leverage my skills and experience to drive organizational growth and achieve strategic objectives.

Work Experience: Job Title Company Name, City, State Dates

  • Led and managed [specific responsibilities and achievements].
  • Implemented [specific projects or initiatives] resulting in [quantifiable outcomes].
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to [describe collaborative projects or achievements].
  • Developed and maintained [specific skills or achievements relevant to the job].
  • [List of relevant skills, such as leadership, project management, problem-solving, etc.]
  • [Include any specific software or technical skills related to the job]


  • [Highlight notable achievements or contributions in previous roles]
  • [Quantify achievements where possible]

Sample Resume 3: Combination style

This template combines elements of both education and experience-focused resumes. It includes sections for education, work experience, and skills.

Objective: Motivated and versatile professional seeking a challenging role that allows for the application of strong educational background and relevant work experience. Committed to delivering high-quality results and driving organizational success.

Education: Bachelor of [Field of Study] XYZ University, City, State Graduation Year

  • [List of relevant coursework]
  • [Include any additional certifications or training]
  • [Highlight specific responsibilities and achievements]
  • [Focus on transferable skills and accomplishments related to the job]
  • [List of relevant skills, including technical skills and soft skills]
  • [Include any specific software or tools relevant to the job]

Sample Resume 4: Undergraduate Student

This resume template is tailored specifically for undergraduate students who may not have extensive work experience yet. It includes sections for education, relevant coursework, and extracurricular activities.

Objective: Highly motivated and dedicated undergraduate student seeking an opportunity to gain practical experience in [relevant field]. Eager to apply academic knowledge and develop skills in a professional setting to contribute to organizational success.

Education: Bachelor of [Field of Study] XYZ University, City, State Expected Graduation Year

  • [Include any relevant research projects or academic achievements]

Extracurricular Activities:

  • [List of involvement in clubs, organizations, or volunteer work]
  • [Highlight leadership roles or significant contributions]
  • [Include any certifications or training]

Sample Resume 5: Recent Graduate

If you recently graduated, this resume template is perfect for showcasing your education, skills, and any relevant work experience. It includes sections for education, work experience, and skills.

Objective: Highly motivated and enthusiastic recent graduate seeking a challenging role in [relevant field]. Strong educational background combined with practical experience in [specific area]. Committed to continuous learning and professional development.

Sample Resume 6: High School Student

High school students can use this template to highlight their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and relevant coursework. It includes sections for education, extracurricular activities, and skills.

Objective: Dedicated and motivated high school student seeking opportunities to develop skills and gain experience in [relevant field]. Committed to academic excellence and active involvement in extracurricular activities.

Education: High School Diploma XYZ High School, City, State Graduation Year

  • [List of relevant coursework or academic achievements]
  • [List of relevant skills, including soft skills and any technical skills]

Sample Resume 7: Business Student

This template is designed for business students who want to show their business knowledge, skills, and work experience. It includes sections for education, work experience, skills, and relevant coursework.

Objective: Highly motivated and detail-oriented business student seeking a challenging role to apply knowledge and skills in [specific area, e.g., marketing, finance, management]. Committed to delivering exceptional results and contributing to organizational success.

Education: Bachelor of Business Administration XYZ University, City, State Expected Graduation Year

  • [List of relevant skills, including business skills and soft skills]
  • [List of relevant coursework or business-related projects]

Sample Resume 8: Computer Science Student

This resume template is tailored for students in the field of computer science. It includes sections for education, skills, certifications, and relevant coursework.

Objective: Highly motivated and analytical computer science student seeking opportunities to apply technical knowledge and skills in [specific area, e.g., software development, data analysis]. Committed to continuous learning and staying updated with emerging technologies.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science XYZ University, City, State Expected Graduation Year

  • [List of relevant programming languages, software, and technical skills]
  • [Include any certifications or projects]
  • [List of relevant coursework or projects]

Sample Resume 9: Nursing Student

If you’re a nursing student looking for a job or internship, this resume template is perfect for you. It includes sections for education, clinical experience, skills, and certifications.

Objective: Compassionate and dedicated nursing student seeking a hands-on experience to apply theoretical knowledge and develop clinical skills. Committed to providing exceptional patient care and making a positive impact on healthcare outcomes.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Nursing XYZ University, City, State Expected Graduation Year

Clinical Experience:

  • [List of clinical placements or internships]
  • [Highlight key responsibilities and skills gained]
  • [List of relevant nursing skills, such as patient assessment, medication administration, and clinical documentation]

Sample Resume 10: Communications Student

This template is designed for students in the field of communications. It includes sections for education, work experience, skills, and relevant coursework.

Objective: Motivated and creative communications student seeking opportunities to apply skills and knowledge in [specific area, e.g., public relations, marketing]. Committed to delivering compelling messages and engaging target audiences.

Education: Bachelor of Arts in Communications XYZ University, City, State Expected Graduation Year

  • [List of relevant communication skills, such as writing, public speaking, social media management]

Sample Resume 11: Creative Student

If you’re a creative student looking for a job or internship, this resume template is perfect for you. It includes sections for education, skills, relevant coursework, and design portfolio.

Objective: Innovative and passionate creative student seeking opportunities to utilize artistic talents and develop skills in [specific area, e.g., graphic design, photography]. Committed to delivering visually captivating and impactful work.

Education: Bachelor of Fine Arts XYZ University, City, State Expected Graduation Year

  • [List of relevant artistic skills, such as design software proficiency, photography techniques]
  • [Include any certifications or notable projects]
  • [Include any awards or exhibitions]

Design Portfolio:

  • [Include a link to an online portfolio or samples of work]

Sample Resume 12: STEM Student

This resume template is tailored for students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). It includes sections for education, relevant coursework, skills, and projects.

Objective: Highly motivated and detail-oriented STEM student seeking opportunities to apply technical knowledge and problem-solving skills in [specific field, e.g., engineering, science]. Committed to innovation and making a positive impact through research and development.

Education: Bachelor of Science in [Field of Study] XYZ University, City, State Expected Graduation Year

  • [List of relevant technical skills and methodologies]
  • [Include any certifications or research projects]
  • [Include any academic achievements or awards]
  • [List and briefly describe significant projects or research work]

Tips and Tricks

Crafting an impressive resume is essential for college students who are about to embark on their career journeys. While the basic structure of your resume may remain the same, there are certain tricks you can use that make your resume stand out. Here are some tips and tricks to help you create a compelling and effective student resume:

Use action verbs

Instead of using passive phrases, make sure to use action verbs that give a clear picture of what you have accomplished. For instance, instead of saying “worked on a project,” use phrases like “initiated a project,” “coordinated a team,” or “improved performance.”

Highlight your accomplishments

Don’t just list your job responsibilities, but make sure to highlight your achievements as well. Use numbers and data to quantify your accomplishments. For instance, if you worked on a project that improved the company’s revenue, mention the percentage of revenue increase.

Customize your resume for the job

It’s essential to customize your resume according to the job you are applying for. Identify the skills and experience required, and highlight them in your resume. This shows the hiring manager that you understand the company’s needs and are a suitable candidate for the job.

Use Keywords

Make sure to use relevant keywords throughout your resume. Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to filter resumes. Using relevant keywords increase the likelihood that your resume will be selected for further evaluation.

Use formatting

Use bullet points, bold, italic, and underline in your resume, but do not overdo it; keep it simple and easy to read. Use white space to make your resume look more appealing and legible. Make sure to use the same font type and size throughout your resume.

Proofread your resume

Make sure there are no errors in your resume. Typos, grammar mistakes, and formatting issues can be a quick turn-off to the hiring manager. Take the time to proofread your resume or have someone else check it for you.

Keep it concise

Limit your resume to one or two pages, and make sure you include only the relevant information. Avoid adding irrelevant details or long paragraphs. Keep your resume concise and to the point.

Include volunteer work and extracurricular activities

Including volunteer work and extracurricular activities in your resume is crucial, especially if you have limited work experience. This shows your work ethic, leadership skills, and your involvement in the community.

Use Social Media

Use LinkedIn and other social media platforms to promote your resume online. Create a professional profile that highlights your skills, experience, and achievements. Connect with potential employers and industry professionals to expand your network.

These tips and tricks can help make your student resume stand out and become more effective. By highlighting your accomplishments, customizing your resume, and using relevant keywords, you can impress hiring managers and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

The Student Resume

Create an A+ resume to help you land your first role or acceptance into the college of your dreams.

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When you are a Student or just finishing up college, it’s normal to have eyes fully on the job market. 

But since you probably haven’t worked a full-time job in your field yet, you might be wondering what do you put on a resume with no experience ? 

If that’s the case, you’ll need to tailor your qualifications with the correct Student resume format, sections, and more. 

In this article, you’ll get tips on:

  • How to write a Student resume
  • Choosing the best resume format for Students
  • Skills and keywords to create your resume
  • How to use AI to draft your resume

We’ll also show different student resume examples to give you a better idea of what should be included .

You may be a college or high school Student, but that doesn’t mean you should be rejected for your lack of experience, find out how to make your strengths stand out with our AI resume builder and tips.

Tips for Writing a Student Resume

In a survey done by the American Association of Colleges and Universities, over 80% of employers stated that they believe higher education prepares college graduates for success in the workforce. 

However, they also mention that Students lack skills. 

For that reason, you’ll want to not only focus on your education, but demonstrate that you have some relevant experience and skills . 

Student resumes should be optimized by adding the focus to the following elements if they are relevant to the role you want to apply to and if you lack work experience :

  • Awards, honors or sponsorships earned
  • Projects developed
  • Leadership experience
  • Research or internships carried out
  • Extra IT or language skills
  • Relevant coursework or volunteer experience

For example, here is how you can write a resume summary and mention relevant coursework and experience in a Student resume for a creative director :

Driven College Student with a strong foundation in Graphic Design, Marketing, and Media Studies, enhanced by a hands-on internship at a premier advertising agency where I contributed to a 20% increase in campaign engagement. Proficient in concept development, branding, and digital media, I excel at marrying creative vision with strategic insights. Eager to bring innovative ideas and lead projects to success as a creative director.

What Is the Best Student Resume Format

Depending on if you’re still a high school or College Student, you may want to structure your resume one way or another. 

However, you will want to go with a reverse-chronological order , listing your most recent experience first . 

However, a Student resume layout is somewhat different from the structure of a professional resume , as Students often have little to no work experience.

As a Student, if you don’t have relevant experience, you should put more focus on the following :

  • Internships
  • Certifications
  • Education and GPA (if over 3.5)

With a unique Student resume format , you’re much more likely to attract attention and catch the hiring manager’s eye with your experience and relevant qualities.

Tips for Writing High School Student Resumes

It’s never too early to create a high school Student resume . 

Whether it’s for a summer job or to prepare to start working full-time, there are some basic things to keep in mind. 

  • Begin by listing your various achievements, either academic or otherwise and organize them chronologically.
  • Add to this list any memberships you’ve had or associations you’ve been a part of, whether social, academic, or athletic.
  • Make a note of all your paid and unpaid or voluntary positions, including other less formal work such as babysitting or menial work around your neighborhood.
  • Add descriptions to each aspect of your Student resume that explain your responsibilities and highlight any contributions or leadership roles taken.

Here’s how an extracurricular section can look if you apply these tips:

Extracurricular Activities

Student Government Association, Vice President September 2023–June 2023

  • Collaborated with school administrators to address concerns of over 80 Students and improve school policies.
  • Led organization of school events, including fundraisers, dances, and community service projects.

Tips for Formatting a College Student Resume

If you’re in college, you’ll need a resume ASAP to prepare for your quickly approaching professional life. 

You may be limited in the amount of work experience you have, but that doesn’t mean there’s a shortage of aspects to be considered.

Here are some tips to help you out:

  • Include all relevant work experience, whether paid.
  •  Put more emphasis on areas of leadership, dedication and participation in projects, clubs or community services.
  • Use quantifiable examples in their resume descriptions as a way of demonstrating your worth as an employee for a business.
  • Adapt college resumes to the sector or business that you have chosen, by including only relevant experience and skills.

Based on these tips, here’s how you can write your education section :

Bachelor of Science in Marketing University of Arizona, Expected Graduation: May 2025

  • GPA: 3.8/4.0
  • Relevant Coursework: Consumer Behavior, Digital Marketing Analytics, Brand Management

Resume for College Applications

Some colleges may ask applicants to provide a resume during the admissions process . It is therefore essential to be able to distinguish between a resume to apply for a job and one for entering college.

In both a Student resume for a college application, it is vital to include your work experience , whether through paid work or voluntary positions. 

Some jobs, school role, or volunteer positions colleges love to see on these types of resumes are:

  • Community service
  • Camp counselor
  • Team captain 
  • Club member

College application resumes also often include a cover letter or letter of recommendation , scholarship applications or portfolios to give evidence of a Student’s accomplishments.

Using AI to Improve Your Student Resume

It will be obvious to employers that you’re lacking experience since you’re a Student. It can be a bit difficult to know exactly what you can add to your resume sections that will impress recruiters when you don’t have much of a work history. 

With our resume builder that offers AI-created suggestions, you can come up with clever ideas in seconds for how to list your:

  • Skills relevant to the position
  • Internship and volunteer experience
  • Accomplishments

With our editor’s AI-generated suggestions, you’ll be able to make sure that the most important sections in your resume will be clear and highlight ATS keywords .

You can then use our Student resume template to ensure that your resume flows nicely and highlights the skills you need to cover for your lack of experience .

By combining the template with these suggestions, you’ll make the process even simpler .

To win over any hiring manager, you need to play to your strengths. If you keep the tips we’ve mentioned in mind, you’ll give yourself a great chance!

Simply remember to:

  • Highlight any relevant internship or research experience
  • Focus on your skills and achievements if you have no experience
  • Mention volunteer and community work, especially when applying to college
  • Use AI to complete your resume

Take advantage of our customizable templates and editor to make sure that your resume is ready to help you land a spot in college or your first professional role.

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16 High School Student Resume Examples Created for 2024

Stephen Greet

High School Student Resume

  • High School Student Resumes by Experience
  • High School Student Resumes by Role

High school is one of the best times of your life, but it can also be one of the most difficult when looking for your first or second job. You’ve got to fill out applications, prep for interviews, and write your resume.

Using ChatGPT for resumes  is a cool idea, but can still feel daunting and overwhelming. We’ve all been there, and up until now, there hasn’t been a good resource for high schoolers to help  craft compelling resumes or student cover letters .

We’ve analyzed countless high school resumes to discover  what would get students job interviews in 2024 . While you may want to start with a simple  resume outline , keep reading to find 16 high school resume samples (plus writing tips) that are jam-packed with essential techniques and tricks.

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High school student resume example with 2 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • If you choose to use a template, make sure you adjust the  resume’s formatting  so that your text is big enough to read with one-inch margins on the side.
  • However, you should write your bullet points like you would for a job. Highlight any responsibilities and accomplishments relevant to the job you’re applying for now.
  • For example, if you’re looking for a job in sales, emphasize your ability to work in groups and create a good customer experience.

High School Student No Experience Resume

High school student no experience resume example with no experience

  • If you don’t have work history, include projects and volunteer work instead. Treat them like a job and write bullet points according to your responsibilities.
  • Make sure you start every bullet point with active verbs, and always double-check for typos. You’ve got this!
  • Include your unique skills, your desired position, and the company you hope to work for to make your objective stand out from the rest!

First Job High School Student Resume

First job high school student resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • To remedy that problem, add a  skills section on your resume  to give hiring managers an important overview of your strengths.
  • To really highlight your abilities, incorporate the same skills in your work experience, too. Demonstrate how you used your skills to better your workplace, and you can’t go wrong!
  • Adding stylistic elements like color and different fonts can help you show a bit of your personality (and make your resume more fun to read). 

Experienced High School Student Resume

Experienced high school student resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • Remember, your resume is a highlight reel, so you need to include what’s most important (like your achievements and relevant metrics). 
  • You can adjust your layout, font sizes, and margins, but keep it easy to read. 
  • Use a bit of color and some fun fonts, provided it still looks professional. You’ve got this!

High School Senior Resume

High school senior resume example experience with project experience

  • This statement must align with the potential employer’s needs, proving you understand the job requirements and have gone the extra mile to address doubts about your capabilities. As for experiences that might have prepared you for the job, workshops and volunteering programs you’ve participated in are prominent candidates.

Out of High School Resume

Out of high school resume example with project experience

  • Leisure activities range from soccer, hiking, drawing and sketching, robotics, and photography to journalism. But how do they fit in the picture? Well, a penchant for drawing and sketching could reflect creativity and an eye for detail, while journalism stints could hint at strong communication and critical thinking.

High School Graduate Resume

High school graduate resume example with newspaper and photography experience

  • Right from the first line of the career objective, you can see the candidate’s passion and willingness to work in this field. Notice how Serai’s love for photography is clearly backed by a previous project for a school newspaper.
  • These details will be perfect when Serai’s ready for the AI cover letter generator to bring her application to perfection.

High School Student Scholarship Resume

High school student scholarship resume example with volunteer and project experience

  • Your high school student scholarship resume should vividly show your positive contributions to noble causes, such as offering ADLs to seniors, and emphasize your impact on society.

High School Student College Application Resume

High school student college application resume example with 1 year of work experience

  • Ensure your high school student college application resume shows your practical and classwork achievements that emphasize your grand vision to make a positive contribution to society.

High School Student for College Resume

High school student for college resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Before hitting “submit,” always  check your resume  for typos and other minor errors. It’s amazing what you can miss during your first few reviews.
  • A good GPA can demonstrate, at least in part, your willingness to work hard. We’d recommend including your GPA only if it’s above 3.5, but anything above a 3 is a good average.

High School Student for Customer Service Resume

High school student for customer service resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Including projects, volunteer work, or club memberships is a great way to add value to your resume.
  • Your resume should focus on your abilities and other activities you’ve engaged in that will show your value.
  • Read the responsibilities and qualifications to look for key skills and tasks. Then, incorporate some of those skills and responsibilities into your high school student customer service resume.

High School Student Internship Resume

High school student internship resume example with 3 years of experience

  • For example, if the job description lists responsibilities like writing and analyzing data, include “written communication” and “data analysis” in your skills section.
  • One easy way to customize your resume is by focusing your  resume skills  on things that apply to the internship. 
  • Make sure you keep your resume professional and to the point. You don’t want to include anything too personal about your beliefs, religion, politics, or personal information.
  • For example, you can list “volunteering at local church,” but avoid saying “fasting every weekend.” It doesn’t show off relevant skills and is a bit too forward for a resume.

High School Student Office Worker Resume

High school student office worker resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Good projects include anything that demonstrates your leadership abilities or desire for knowledge. Senior projects, personal blogs, or even being on a sports team are all good examples to include!
  • Add work experience directly under your contact information and name, then add any relevant projects if you’re low on space. 
  • While there are plenty of  resume writing tips , your resume should be as unique as you. Don’t get so caught up in what you think you “should” do that your resume is bland and cookie-cutter. 

High School Student Sales Resume

High school student sales resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Numbers demonstrate your value, and they’re useful tools for the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) software that hiring managers use to sort through job applicants.
  • Trust us, and incorporate metrics into at least 80% of your bullet points!
  • For example, you know that different  resume templates  can change your resume’s appearance, but different templates can also stretch or streamline your content. 
  • Mess with multiple templates to see what your content will look like—you may find a template that allows for more room, or one that allows you to highlight your skills better.

High School Student Athlete  Resume

High school student athlete resume example with 4 years of athletic experience

  • Think of a time you proved you were the MVP on your team—Did you lead your team to a championship? Perhaps you made the game-winning shot in a crucial, nail-biting game?

High School Student Music Resume

High school student music resume example with 4 years of music experience

  • When you include hobbies like songwriting or your interest in classical music in your high school student music resume , it conveys to your recruiter that you’re super dedicated and passionate about your craft.
  • You can also include hobbies that are different, too. For example, if you enjoy experimenting with new recipes from around the world, that can show you’re ready to give new genres a whirl or that you understand that music—while art—is still supposed to be fun and adventuresome.

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1 Student Resume Example for Your 2024 Job Search

Students are constantly learning, adapting, and showcasing their knowledge. Much like a student, your resume is a reflection of your learning journey, highlighting your adaptability and the knowledge you've acquired. It should be a testament to your growth and potential, just as a student's work reflects their academic progress. In this guide, we'll explore impressive student resume examples that will help you stand out in 2023.

student resume

Resume Examples

Resume guidance.

  • High Level Resume Tips
  • Must-Have Information
  • Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important
  • Writing an Exceptional Resume Summary
  • How to Impress with Your Work Experience
  • Top Skills & Keywords
  • Go Above & Beyond with a Cover Letter
  • Resume FAQs
  • Related Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Student Resumes:

  • Research and Data Collection: Conduct research on various topics as assigned by professors or supervisors. This could include gathering data for academic papers, projects, or presentations.
  • Class Participation: Actively participate in class discussions and group projects. This involves preparing for each class by reading assigned materials and contributing thoughtful insights during discussions.
  • Homework and Assignments: Complete all homework and assignments on time. This includes writing essays, solving problems, conducting experiments, and creating presentations.
  • Examinations: Prepare for and take mid-term and final exams. This involves studying course materials, attending review sessions, and demonstrating knowledge of the subject matter during the exam.
  • Internships or Part-Time Jobs: Participate in internships or part-time jobs related to their field of study. This could involve working in a lab, assisting with research, or gaining practical experience in a professional setting.
  • Campus Involvement: Get involved in campus activities such as clubs, sports, or student government. This can help develop leadership skills, build a network, and contribute to the campus community.
  • Volunteer Work: Participate in volunteer opportunities to give back to the community and gain valuable experience.
  • Study Abroad Programs: Consider participating in study abroad programs to gain international experience and broaden their perspective.
  • Networking: Attend networking events and career fairs to connect with professionals in their field of interest.
  • Career Planning: Work with career services to develop a resume, practice

You can use the examples above as a starting point to help you brainstorm tasks, accomplishments for your work experience section.

Student Resume Example:

  • Conducted extensive research and data collection for an academic paper, resulting in the discovery of new insights and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field.
  • Actively participated in class discussions and group projects, consistently providing thoughtful insights and contributing to the overall learning experience of the class.
  • Completed all homework and assignments on time, consistently demonstrating a high level of academic excellence and commitment to learning.
  • Successfully completed a challenging internship in a professional setting, gaining practical experience and applying theoretical knowledge to real-world projects.
  • Actively participated in campus activities such as clubs and sports, developing leadership skills and contributing to the campus community.
  • Participated in volunteer work, giving back to the community and gaining valuable experience in teamwork and community engagement.
  • Participated in a study abroad program, gaining international experience and broadening perspectives on global issues.
  • Attended networking events and career fairs, connecting with professionals in the field of interest and expanding professional network.
  • Worked with career services to develop a resume and practice interview skills, preparing for future career opportunities.
  • Research and data analysis
  • Critical thinking
  • Time management
  • Active participation and collaboration
  • Academic excellence
  • Practical application of theoretical knowledge
  • Leadership skills
  • Community engagement and volunteering
  • International and cultural awareness
  • Networking skills
  • Resume development and interview skills
  • Adaptability
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Communication skills
  • Project management
  • Self-motivation
  • Attention to detail
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Initiative and proactivity
  • Organizational skills
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Conflict resolution
  • Decision-making skills
  • Creativity and innovation.

High Level Resume Tips for Students:

Must-have information for a student resume:.

Here are the essential sections that should exist in an Student resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Headline
  • Resume Summary or Objective
  • Work Experience & Achievements
  • Skills & Competencies

Additionally, if you're eager to make an impression and gain an edge over other Student candidates, you may want to consider adding in these sections:

  • Certifications/Training

Let's start with resume headlines.

Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important for Students:

Student resume headline examples:, strong headlines.

  • Ambitious Student with a passion for social justice and a proven track record of organizing successful community outreach events
  • Detail-oriented Student with strong analytical skills and a background in data analysis, seeking opportunities to apply knowledge in a professional setting
  • Creative Student with a flair for graphic design and experience in creating visually appealing marketing materials for student organizations

Why these are strong:

  • These resume headlines are strong for Students as they highlight their unique skills, experiences, and passions that are relevant to their desired roles. The first headline showcases the candidate's commitment to social justice and their ability to organize successful events, which can be valuable in roles related to community engagement or advocacy. The second headline emphasizes the candidate's analytical skills and experience in data analysis, which are highly sought after in various industries. Finally, the third headline highlights the candidate's creativity and graphic design skills, which can be advantageous in roles related to marketing or visual communication.

Weak Headlines

  • Motivated Student Seeking Internship Opportunities
  • Detail-oriented Student with Strong Communication Skills
  • Eager Student with a Passion for Learning and Growth

Why these are weak:

  • These resume headlines need improvement for Students as they lack specificity and fail to highlight any unique experiences or accomplishments. The first headline simply states that the student is seeking internship opportunities, but does not provide any information about their field of study or relevant skills. The second headline mentions strong communication skills, but does not provide any examples or context to support this claim. The third headline mentions a passion for learning and growth, but does not showcase any specific achievements or experiences that demonstrate this passion.

Writing an Exceptional Student Resume Summary:

Resume summaries are crucial for students as they provide a concise yet impactful way to showcase their skills, experiences, and unique value proposition. A well-crafted summary can immediately capture the attention of hiring managers, setting the tone for the rest of the resume and positioning the student as an ideal fit for the role.

For students specifically, an effective resume summary is one that highlights their potential, ambition, and relevant experiences. Here are key points that students should convey in a resume summary:

Academic Achievements: Highlight any notable academic achievements, such as high GPA, scholarships, or honors. Mention any relevant coursework or projects that demonstrate your knowledge and skills in the field you are pursuing.

Internships and Part-Time Jobs: Emphasize any internships or part-time jobs you have undertaken, showcasing the skills and experiences gained during these opportunities. Highlight any specific projects or responsibilities that demonstrate your ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings.

Leadership and Extracurricular Activities: Highlight your involvement in leadership roles or extracurricular activities, such as student organizations, clubs, or sports teams. Showcase any accomplishments or initiatives that demonstrate your ability to work in a team, lead others, or take on responsibilities outside of academics.

Transferable Skills: Identify and showcase transferable skills that are relevant to the role you are applying for. These can include communication skills, problem-solving abilities, time management, adaptability, and teamwork. Provide specific examples of how you have utilized these skills in different contexts.

Passion and Career Goals: Express your passion for the field or industry you are pursuing and articulate your career goals. Show that you have a clear direction and are motivated to learn and grow in your chosen field. This will demonstrate your commitment and dedication to your future profession.

Writing Tips for Students:

Keep it concise: As a student, your resume summary should be brief and to the point. Aim for a maximum of 3-4 sentences to ensure that it is impactful and easy to read.

Tailor it to the role: Customize your resume summary for each job application by highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the specific role you are applying for. This will show that you have taken the time to understand the requirements of the position.

Showcase your potential: As a student, you may not have extensive work experience, but you can still highlight your potential and eagerness to learn. Focus on your academic achievements, internships, and extracurricular activities that demonstrate your ability to excel in the role.

  • Use action verbs: Start your sentences with strong action verbs to make your resume summary more dynamic and engaging. Words like "achieved," "led," "collaborated," and "initiated" can help convey your proactive approach and accomplishments.

Remember, your resume summary is an opportunity to make a strong first impression. Tailor it to showcase your unique strengths, experiences, and potential as a student, and you'll increase your chances of standing out to hiring managers.

Student Resume Summary Examples:

Strong summaries.

Motivated and detail-oriented student with a strong academic record and a passion for learning. Demonstrated ability to effectively manage time and prioritize tasks, resulting in consistently high grades and successful completion of multiple projects. Seeking an internship opportunity to apply knowledge and gain practical experience in the field of [specific field].

Highly organized and proactive student with excellent communication skills and a strong work ethic. Proven ability to work well in team environments and collaborate effectively with peers. Seeking a part-time job to develop professional skills and contribute to a dynamic organization.

Enthusiastic and adaptable student with a diverse range of interests and a strong desire to learn and grow. Demonstrated leadership skills through involvement in extracurricular activities and volunteer work. Seeking an entry-level position to apply knowledge and contribute to a company's success.

  • These resume summaries are strong for students as they highlight their key qualities, such as motivation, organization, communication skills, and adaptability. The first summary emphasizes the student's strong academic record and ability to manage time effectively, making them a reliable and dedicated candidate. The second summary showcases the student's teamwork skills and work ethic, making them a valuable asset to any organization. Lastly, the third summary highlights the student's leadership skills and willingness to learn, making them a versatile and enthusiastic candidate for an entry-level position.

Weak Summaries

  • Highly motivated student with strong communication and organizational skills, seeking an internship opportunity to gain practical experience and contribute to a dynamic team.
  • Detail-oriented student with a passion for problem-solving and a strong academic background, looking for an entry-level position to apply my knowledge and skills in a professional setting.
  • Enthusiastic student with a demonstrated ability to work well in teams and a strong work ethic, seeking a part-time job to gain real-world experience and develop professional skills.
  • These resume summaries need improvement as they lack specific details about the student's accomplishments, experiences, or areas of expertise. They are too general and do not effectively highlight the unique value that the students can bring to potential employers. Additionally, they do not mention any specific goals or objectives that the students hope to achieve in their roles, making it difficult for hiring managers to assess their suitability for the position.

Resume Objective Examples for Students:

Strong objectives.

Highly motivated and detail-oriented student with a strong academic record, seeking an internship opportunity to apply my knowledge and gain practical experience in the field of marketing. Eager to contribute to the success of a dynamic organization by utilizing my creativity, analytical skills, and passion for consumer behavior.

Enthusiastic and proactive student pursuing a degree in computer science, looking for a part-time position as a software developer to enhance my coding skills and gain real-world experience in software development. Committed to delivering high-quality code and collaborating with a team to develop innovative solutions.

Goal-driven and adaptable student with a background in finance and a passion for data analysis, seeking an entry-level position in a financial institution to apply my analytical skills and contribute to the organization's financial decision-making process. Eager to learn and grow in a fast-paced and challenging environment.

  • These resume objectives are strong for students because they showcase their motivation, relevant skills, and eagerness to learn and contribute. The first objective highlights the student's academic record, creativity, and analytical skills, which are valuable traits in the field of marketing. The second objective emphasizes the student's enthusiasm, coding skills, and ability to work in a team, making them a promising fit for a software development role. Lastly, the third objective showcases the student's background in finance, analytical skills, and willingness to learn, positioning them as a strong candidate for a financial position where they can contribute to the organization's decision-making process.

Weak Objectives

  • Seeking an internship in the marketing field to gain practical experience and contribute to a company's growth.
  • Motivated student with a passion for finance and a strong analytical mindset, seeking an entry-level position in the banking industry to apply my knowledge and develop my skills.
  • Recent graduate with a degree in computer science, looking for a software development role to utilize my programming skills and contribute to innovative projects.
  • These resume objectives need improvement for up and coming Students because they lack specificity and fail to highlight the unique qualities or experiences of the candidates. The first objective is too general and does not mention any specific marketing skills or interests. The second objective mentions a passion for finance and analytical mindset, but it does not provide any specific achievements or relevant coursework. The third objective mentions a degree in computer science and programming skills, but it does not mention any specific programming languages or projects the candidate has worked on, which would make their profile more appealing to potential employers.

Generate Your Resume Summary with AI

Speed up your resume creation process with the ai resume builder . generate tailored resume summaries in seconds., how to impress with your student work experience:, best practices for your work experience section:.

  • Focus on highlighting relevant skills and experiences gained through internships, part-time jobs, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities.
  • Emphasize any leadership roles or responsibilities you held, such as leading a student organization or coordinating a team project.
  • Include any projects or assignments that demonstrate your ability to problem-solve, think critically, and work independently.
  • Showcase your ability to adapt and learn quickly by mentioning any instances where you had to quickly grasp new concepts or technologies.
  • Highlight any academic achievements, such as high grades or recognition for outstanding work.
  • Discuss any relevant coursework or research projects that showcase your knowledge and passion for the field you're applying to.
  • Mention any transferable skills, such as communication, teamwork, time management, or organization skills, that you developed through your experiences.
  • Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible, such as mentioning the number of clients served, the amount of money raised for a charity event, or the percentage increase in sales you achieved.
  • Use action verbs to describe your responsibilities and achievements, such as "managed," "created," "organized," or "implemented."
  • Tailor your work experience descriptions to align with the skills and qualifications listed in the job description or industry requirements.

Example Work Experiences for Students:

Strong experiences.

Conducted market research and analysis to identify trends and consumer preferences, resulting in the development of a targeted marketing campaign that increased student engagement by 25%.

Collaborated with a team of peers to plan and execute a successful fundraising event, raising $10,000 for a local charity and demonstrating strong teamwork and organizational skills.

Assisted in the creation and implementation of a social media strategy, resulting in a 50% increase in followers and improved brand awareness for the organization.

Volunteered at a local hospital, providing support to patients and their families, demonstrating empathy and compassion in a healthcare setting.

Served as a tutor for underprivileged students, helping them improve their academic performance and fostering a sense of community and mentorship.

Organized and led a student club, coordinating events and activities that promoted diversity and inclusion on campus, showcasing leadership and organizational abilities.

  • These work experiences are strong because they demonstrate a range of skills and qualities that are highly valued by hiring managers, such as leadership, teamwork, communication, and initiative. Additionally, the experiences show a commitment to personal and professional growth, as well as a dedication to making a positive impact in the community. Overall, these experiences highlight the student's ability to take on responsibilities, work effectively with others, and contribute to the success of a project or organization.

Weak Experiences

Assisted in organizing and promoting campus events, including student orientations and career fairs.

Collaborated with a team to develop marketing materials and social media campaigns to increase student engagement.

Provided administrative support by maintaining student records and assisting with scheduling appointments.

Conducted research and analysis on industry trends and competitor strategies to support marketing initiatives.

Assisted in the creation and execution of email marketing campaigns to target prospective students.

Participated in meetings with cross-functional teams to brainstorm and develop innovative marketing ideas.

  • Supported the development and implementation of educational programs and workshops for students.
  • Assisted in coordinating logistics for guest speakers and industry professionals to deliver presentations.
  • Collected and analyzed feedback from students to evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs.
  • These work experiences are weak because they lack specific details, quantifiable results, and strong action verbs. They provide generic descriptions of tasks performed without showcasing the impact of the student's work or the benefits brought to the organization. To improve these bullet points, the student should focus on incorporating specific achievements, using more powerful action verbs, and providing clear context that demonstrates their contributions and the outcomes of their work.

Top Skills & Keywords for Student Resumes:

Top hard & soft skills for students, hard skills.

  • Time Management
  • Organization
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Collaboration
  • Presentation
  • Data Analysis
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Project Management

Soft Skills

  • Time Management and Organization
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Leadership and Initiative
  • Attention to Detail
  • Self-Motivation and Drive
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Analytical and Research Skills
  • Active Listening and Feedback Incorporation
  • Emotional Intelligence and Relationship Building

Go Above & Beyond with a Student Cover Letter

Student cover letter example: (based on resume).

As a student, you may be wondering why you should go the extra mile and submit a cover letter along with your resume. We understand your concerns and want to assure you that a cover letter is not only an extension of your resume but also a valuable tool to help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Here are some compelling reasons for students to submit a cover letter:

Personalize your application: A cover letter allows you to personalize your application and showcase your genuine interest in the company and the specific role you are applying for. It gives you the opportunity to explain why you are interested in the position and how your skills and experiences align with the company's values and goals.

Highlight your unique value proposition: A cover letter gives you the chance to illustrate your unique value proposition and how your skills and experiences make you a strong candidate for the job. You can emphasize your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, internships, or any other relevant experiences that demonstrate your qualifications for the position.

Show your understanding of the company's needs: By writing a cover letter, you can communicate your understanding of the company's needs and how you plan to address them. This shows that you have taken the time to research the company and understand its goals and challenges, which can make a positive impression on the hiring manager.

Share additional success stories and achievements: Your resume may not have enough space to include all of your success stories and achievements. A cover letter provides an opportunity to share additional examples that highlight your skills, accomplishments, and potential contributions to the company. This can help you stand out and demonstrate your capabilities beyond what is listed in your resume.

Showcase your writing and communication skills: Writing and communication skills are essential for students, regardless of their field of study. A cover letter allows you to showcase these skills by presenting your thoughts and experiences in a clear, concise, and professional manner. This can give potential employers confidence in your ability to effectively communicate with clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders.

Differentiate yourself from other applicants: Many students may choose not to submit a cover letter, thinking it is not necessary. By taking the extra step to include a well-crafted cover letter, you can differentiate yourself from other applicants who have opted not to submit one. This shows your dedication, attention to detail, and willingness to go above and beyond, which can make a positive impression on the hiring manager.

In conclusion, submitting a cover letter as a student can greatly enhance your job application. It allows you to personalize your application, highlight your unique value proposition, demonstrate your understanding of the company's needs, share additional success stories and achievements, showcase your writing and communication skills, and differentiate yourself from other applicants. So, don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to make a strong impression and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Resume FAQs for Students:

How long should i make my student resume.

A Student resume should ideally be one page long. As a Student, you may not have extensive work experience or a long list of accomplishments to showcase. Therefore, it is important to keep your resume concise and focused on the most relevant information. Adhering to a one-page limit allows you to present a clear and organized snapshot of your skills, education, and any relevant experiences. It also demonstrates your ability to prioritize information and effectively communicate your qualifications. Remember, employers often receive numerous resumes, and they typically spend only a few seconds scanning each one. Keeping your resume concise ensures that the most important details catch their attention quickly. To make the most of limited space, prioritize the following sections on your Student resume: 1. Contact Information: Include your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable). 2. Objective or Summary Statement: A brief statement highlighting your career goals, skills

What is the best way to format a Student resume?

When it comes to formatting a student resume, it's important to keep it clean, concise, and well-organized. Here's a suggested format that will help students showcase their skills and experiences effectively: 1. Header: Begin with your full name, followed by your contact information (phone number and professional email address). You can also include your LinkedIn profile or personal website if applicable. 2. Objective or Summary: Start with a brief statement highlighting your career goals and what you can bring to the table. Tailor this section to the specific job or internship you're applying for, emphasizing your relevant skills and enthusiasm. 3. Education: As a student, your education section is crucial. List your current educational institution, degree program, expected graduation date, and any academic honors or relevant coursework. If you have a high GPA, include it here. 4. Experience: Include any internships, part-time jobs

Which Student skills are most important to highlight in a resume?

When it comes to creating a resume as a student, it's crucial to highlight skills that are relevant to the job or industry you are applying for. While the specific skills may vary depending on your field of interest, there are several key skills that are generally important for students to showcase on their resumes: 1. Academic Achievements: Highlight your GPA, any honors or awards received, and relevant coursework. This demonstrates your dedication, ability to learn, and academic prowess. 2. Communication Skills: As a student, it's essential to showcase your ability to effectively communicate both verbally and in writing. This includes skills such as public speaking, writing, active listening, and interpersonal skills. 3. Leadership and Teamwork: Employers value candidates who can work well in a team and take on leadership roles when necessary. Highlight any experiences where you have successfully collaborated with others, led a group project, or held leadership positions in clubs or organizations. 4. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Showcase your ability to analyze situations, think critically, and come up with innovative solutions. Include examples of projects or assignments where you had to solve complex problems or think outside the box. 5. Time Management and Organization: As a student, you often juggle multiple responsibilities and deadlines

How should you write a resume if you have no experience as a Student?

When writing a resume as a student with no prior experience, it's important to focus on highlighting your skills, education, and any relevant extracurricular activities or volunteer work. Here are some tips to help you create a compelling resume: 1. Start with a strong objective or summary statement: Begin your resume with a concise statement that highlights your career goals, skills, and what you can bring to the table as a student. 2. Emphasize your education: Since you may not have professional experience, your education becomes a crucial section. Include your school name, degree or program, expected graduation date, and any relevant coursework or academic achievements. 3. Showcase your skills: Even without work experience, you likely possess valuable skills gained through coursework, projects, or extracurricular activities. Include skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, leadership, and technical abilities. Provide examples or instances where you have demonstrated these skills. 4. Highlight relevant coursework or projects: If you've taken courses

Compare Your Student Resume to a Job Description:

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Student job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Related Resumes for Students:

More resume guidance:.


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How To Write A Resume In 7 Steps (With Examples)

  • How To Write A Resume
  • Resume Skills Section
  • Resume Objective Section
  • Career Objective Section
  • Resume Reference Section
  • Resume Summary Section
  • Resume Summary Example
  • Resume Interests Section
  • Address On Resume
  • Relevant Work Experience
  • Anticipated Graduation Date On Resume
  • Education Section On Resume
  • Contact Information On Resume
  • Statement Of Qualifications
  • How To List Publications On Resume
  • Accomplishments On Resumes
  • Awards On Resume
  • Dean's List On Resume
  • Study Abroad On Resume

Resumes are still the most important document in your job search . Generating a professional and interesting resume isn’t easy, but there is a standard set of guidelines that you can follow. As hiring managers usually only spend a short time looking over each resume, you want to make sure that yours has a reason for them to keep reading.

If you’re looking to write a resume, rewrite a resume you already have, or are just curious about resume format, then you’ve come to the right place. This article will go through the steps to writing an excellent resume, as well as offering examples for what sections of the resume should look like.

Key Takeaways:

A resume is a short document that details your professional history in a way that tailors your experience and skill set for the particular job you’re applying for.

Resumes follow a few standard formatting practices, which hiring managers and recruiters expect to see.

Highlighting your work experience, skills, and educational background with relevant keywords can help you get past applicant tracking systems and into more interviews.

How To Write A Resume

How to write a resume

Writing a resume involves using the proper formatting, writing an introduction, and adding your work experience and education. Stuffing your entire professional life into a single page resume can feel overwhelming, but remember that you’re distilling the relevant parts of your professional experience in order to catch the eye of the recruiter .

Formatting your resume. To start, use a word processor such as Microsoft Word or Google docs. Standard resume formatting calls for:

1 inch margins

10-12 point font

A professional, commonly-used font

Additionally, there are three resume formats that are commonly used. Most people should stick with a chronological resume format , but the combination resume format and functional resume format can be effective for more advanced workers or those who have significant gaps in their resume.

Write a resume header . It doesn’t matter if you have the best resume in the world if the hiring manager can’t contact you. Every single resume should include the following contact information:

Your full name. First and last.

Your phone number. Use a personal phone number, and make sure your voicemail is set up properly.

Your email address. Nothing inappropriate — [email protected] is a safe choice.

Location. City, State, Zip Code is fine, but you can include your full mailing address if you think it’s appropriate.

Your social media (optional). LinkedIn is the obvious one you’d want to include, but make sure your profile looks good. If you have an online portfolio , either on a personal blog/website or on a site like Journo Portfolio , feel free to include that here as well.

Your job title. Also optional, but can be useful for applicant tracking systems.

Resume introduction. You have four options for your resume introduction: a resume objective, summary statement, resume profile, or qualifications summary. For most job-seekers, a resume summary statement is the best choice. Regardless of which resume introduction you choose, avoid first-person pronouns (I/me/my).

Resume objective. A resume objective is the goal of your resume. Since the objective of every resume is to land a job, this is not the most original or impressive opener you can have.

On the other hand, it’s a good choice for an entry-level applicant or someone who is changing career paths . This should be a 1-3 sentence summary of why you’re motivated to get the position you’re applying for.

Who should use a resume objective: Entry-level applicants, career-changers, and recent college graduates.

Resume summary. This is the best opener for most job-seekers. As the name suggests, a resume summary highlights the most salient aspects of your resume.

It should include your current position, how many years of experience you have, some of your biggest achievements, and possibly your career goals. This should be a 1-3 sentence spiel and should include some quantifiable experiences.

Who should use a resume summary: Most job seekers; anyone with quantifiable accomplishments to emphasize and a broad range of skills.

Qualifications summary. A bullet point list (4-6 points is the sweet spot) of your qualifications for the position. It’s best used by applicants going for jobs that require a fixed skill set. It’s not a great choice for entry-level applicants who lack quantifiable achievements.

You’ll notice that a qualifications summary takes up more space than a resume objective or summary, but it can actually save the hiring manager time if you provide a bunch of valuable information right off the top.

Who should use a qualifications summary: Those applying to a job with requirements for certain skills and job-seekers who have a lot of experience in their industry and/or field.

Resume profile. A resume profile is similar to a resume summary, but goes into more detail about your accomplishments at your current or former job, while also telling the reader about your career goals. Think of a resume profile as a section that pulls all the best parts of your work experience section into one place.

Who should use a resume profile: Anyone with significant accomplishments under their belt, expertise in a niche field, or applying to a job in the same industry that they have lots of experience in.

Resume headline. Resume headlines aren’t necessary, but you can include one alongside any of the four types of resume introduction listed above. A resume headline comes between your contact information and the resume introduction of your choice.

Headlines can be used by entry-level applicants and experienced job-seekers alike. The important point is that your headline should be short and to the point. Additionally, you should use title case when writing your resume headline (capitalize words as you would for a book title).

Who should use a resume headline: Any job-seeker who wants to showcase their experience or unique value right off the bat.

Work experience. Your work experience section is the place to let hiring managers know that you have relevant experience that would allow you to handle the job you’re applying for.

If you’re using the chronological resume format, your work experience section would come after your resume summary/objective. In a funcitonal reumse, it would follow your skills section. Either way, work experience should be listed in reverse-chronological order (most recent experience at the top).

When listing your work experience, you should include all of the following information:

Job title. Start by stating the position you held at the company. These are easy cue for the hiring manager to look at and determine whether your past positions would help you succeed at their company.

Company Info. Include the name of the employer, the location where you worked, and perhaps a brief description of the company, if it isn’t a well-known name.

Dates Employed: Use the mm/yyyy format if you want to be sure that most applicant tracking systems (ATS) will pick it up. Whatever format you use for dates, be consistent, or your resume will look sloppy.

Job Description. Don’t just list your job’s responsibilities; hiring managers and recruiters already have an idea of your duties based on the job title. Instead, list your most important and impressive responsibilities/achievements at the job with bullet points. Determine which of these are most relevant for your new role based on the job description.

Ideally, each bullet should be no longer than a single line. However, two lines is acceptable, if used sparingly.

Always start with a strong action verb, followed by a quantifiable achievement and a specific duty. For example: “Developed ad campaigns for clients, increasing sales by an average of 27%.” Each job title should include 3-5 bullet points.

The order that you include this information can be changed around, as long as you are consistent throughout your resume. However, the bullet points detailing your job’s achievements should always be the last item for each entry.

It’s important that you tailor your resume’s work experience section to the job you’re applying for. We recommend reading the job description carefully and highlighting the action verbs in one color and the skills, adjectives, and job-specific nouns in a different color.

Educational background. In almost all cases, your education section should come after your professional history. If you’re a recent college graduate with limited work experience, you may choose to put your educational achievements first.

Like the section on your professional history, educational experiences should come in reverse-chronological order, with your highest level of education at the top. If you have a college degree, you don’t need to add any information about your high school experience. If you didn’t finish college, it’s okay to give a list of what credits you did complete.

Each educational experience can be listed in the following format:

Degree/Program Name College/University Name Dates attended

You don’t need to add anything else, especially if your resume is already impressive enough. But if you’re struggling to fill up the page, or you feel that aspects of your educational experience will help make you a standout, you may consider also including:

Minor. If you think it rounds out your not-exactly-relevant-to-the-job major nicely.

GPA. Only if it was 3.5 or higher. Otherwise, it’s not going to do you any favors to include this.

Honors. Dean’s List, Cum Laude, etc.

Achievements. If you wrote a killer thesis/dissertation that showcases intimate knowledge relevant to the job to which you’re applying, you can include its title and a very brief description.

Extracurricular activities. Only include if they’re relevant. For example, if you’re applying for a management position and you were president of your student government.

Certifications/Licenses. If the job you’re applying for requires/likes to see certain certifications or licenses that you have, you may include them in this section as well.

Skills section. Your impressive skills should be scattered logistically throughout your professional history section, but you should also include a section solely dedicated to highlighting your skill set . Skills can be broken down into two categories:

Hard skills are skills you learn through training and indicate expertise with a technical ability or job-specific responsibility.

Soft skills are your personality traits, interpersonal abilities, and intangible qualities that make you more effective at your job.

Your resume should have a healthy mix of hard and soft skills, as both are essential to job performance. However, since soft skills are harder to prove in the context of a resume, we recommend leaning more toward hard skills. Additionally, whenever you list a soft skill, make sure that it has a correlating item in your work experience section.

For example, if you say you are skilled in collaboration, you should mention a time when a team project was a major success somewhere in your work experience section.

Optional sections. If you still have space left or there’s more you want to show off that doesn’t quite fit in any of the above sections, you may consider adding an additional section covering one or more of the below categories:

Language . Being bilingual is always impressive, and can be included on a resume for any company. Highlight this more if your position involves liaising with international distributors and/or clients. Don’t lie about your proficiency level.

It may be best to not mention it if you’re not particularly proficient speaker . Such as if you took courses in school, or haven’t really managed to gain fluency. It can end up looking like an attempt to inflate your credentials, which you want to avoid.

Volunteer experience . Always a good thing to include. It shows you’re a team player who behaves in a way that promotes the greater good, without thought of personal gain. Especially good for entry-level candidates and those applying for jobs at a non-profit. If you have gaps in your work history, you can also consider including volunteer experiences in your work history section instead.

Personal projects. A personal blog, published works, or a portfolio of your past projects are all good things to include. They show you take initiative, enjoy and take pride in your work, and that you can handle the responsibilities of the job, if relevant.

Certifications/licenses. If you didn’t include these in your education section, this is another good place to list relevant certifications or licenses that you have.

Interests . This is largely just a space filler if your resume is light in other areas. However, if your hobbies are directly related to the job that you’re applying for, it’s not a bad idea to include them. And it might draw a recruiter’s attention if you end up sharing some of the same interests as they do.

If you have several seemingly random items that are valuable, but don’t warrant creating a whole separate section for, you can also make a section called “Additional Experience.” Here you can include all of the above categories in one place. Just make sure that each item is clear and easy for readers to understand.

Resume samples

Now that we have a good idea of how to write a resume, let’s take a look at some example resumes:

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Jack Pilgrim Washington , DC 14015 – (555) 444-3333 – [email protected] – Resume Summary Graphic designer with 3+ years of experience creating and implementing promotional materials and social media graphics. Worked with sales and marketing teams to increase inbound calls by 23% YoY through compelling digital media. Adept at planning, managing, and prioritizing multiple deadlines at once, and thrives in fast-paced work environment. Work Experience Creative Designs | Washington, DC Lead Graphic Designer | June 2018-Present Worked with sales and marketing teams to create landing pages, sales proposals, and supporting media elements to drive sales by over $250,000 per quarter Trained, managed, and mentored team of 4 junior designers to fulfill 40+ project orders on a weekly basis Conducted UX research through surveys, usability testing, and data analysis to plan content marketing strategy, driving organic search traffic by 12% Presented proposals, results, and status updates to set of 4-7 clients, ensuring customer satisfaction at or above 95% for 3 years straight Happy Place | Alexandria, VA Junior Graphic Designer | July 2016-May 2018 Translated client needs and branding strategies into design and content strategy, increasing client retention by 22% Reduced project turnaround time by 8% by Utilizing web-based ticket system for completing and archiving finalized pieces Posted digital artwork to network IPTV using web interface to produce high-end info-graphics and other materials Happy Place | Alexandria, VA Marketing Intern | September 2015-July 2016 Assisted marketing team with data collection, analysis, and presentation using Google Analytics Drew up storyboards for new marketing campaigns alongside sales team, increasing brand awareness through social media Wrote 500-1000 word articles to pair with graphical elements on page, leading to a 40% boost in engagement on company website Education Savannah College of Art and Design | Savannah, Georgia May 2016 Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design Skills Adobe Creative Suite Typography HTML/CSS WordPress Collaboration Organization
Allison Neederly Chicago, Illinois , 60007 | (333) 222-1111 | [email protected] | Resume Summary Dedicated customer service representative with 4+ years experience resolving customers’ needs in-person, online, and over the phone. Top achiever at XYZ Inc. with a 100% customer satisfaction rate for Q1 of 2020. Friendly personable, and knowledgable about company’s products and services. Relevant Skills Customer Service Responded to upwards of 200 customer queries daily with XYZ Inc., reducing the average wait time by 56% and increasing customer satisfaction rates by 13% Ability to resolve conflict and create a positive atmosphere for shopping for both new and existing customers through technical proficiency Expert product knowledge and communication skills, and experience training and mentoring new customer service staff Web Chat and Phone Skilled in 3 web chat platforms for helping online customers resolve their queries quickly and accurately Achieved fastest call resolution rate at XYZ Inc., with an average resolution time of under 5 minutes per customer Performed outbound calls for customer satisfaction surveys, as well as writing web-based surveys for 10,000+ customers Troubleshooting Detailed product knowledge allowed for customer technical issues to be resolved at rate within top 5% of all customer service associates at XYZ Inc. Created manual for step-by-step directions for troubleshooting that was implemented for team of 100+ customer service reps Positive attitude took average tech-related negative response from 1/5 stars to 4/5 stars, increasing trust in brands and services Work Experience XYZ Inc. | Philadelphia, PA Customer Service Associate New Look Global | Burlington, VT Junior Customer Service Representative L.L. Bean | Burlington, VT Sales Associate Education University of Vermont | Burlington, VT May 2012 Bachelor of Arts in Humanities
Priya Laghari New York, NY | (222) 111-0000 | [email protected] | Resume Profile Strategy Development: Grew John Deere’s international sales by 13% by tapping into undeserved countries in Southeast Asia Management: Oversaw a team of managers representing marketing, sales, and product teams. Streamlined collaborative, cross-functional communications through agile and scrum management system CRM: Developed, customized, and implemented new customer relationship management database for accounts totaling over $10M in value Work Experience Business Development Manager 01/2015-Present Microsoft | Redmond, WA Developed product strategies and roadmap for Google AdWords, increasing inbound traffic by 26% YoY Reduced time training on new software by 50% for new and existing employees by implement e-learning programs Spearheaded digital marketing campaign worth $1M that saw a return of 200% in first year by qualifying leads earlier in the sales funnel Regional Sales Manager 11/2012-01/2015 Big Things Inc. | St. Louis, MO Managed territory encompassing 29 regional locations with an annual revenue of approx. $55M Worked with C-level executives to plan business strategies, resulting in 20% reduction in overhead costs Increased client retention by 12% in first year by implementing a CRM approach based on account profiling and elevating levels of relationship selling Account Manager 02/2009-11/2012 Solutions Corp. | Chicago, IL Implemented and developed CRM strategic plans, increasing retention of long-term clients by 22% Maintained 50+ accounts totaling over $35M in value Generated leads through one-on-one consultation via phone inquiries, online check-ins, and meeting office walk-ins Relevant Skills CRM: Proficient with Salesforce, Zoho, and HubSpot; some experience with Keap. Used various CRM software over a decade to successfully manage customer relations and quick to adapt to new software and tools that aid in quality of customer experience. Salesmanship: Negotiated and closed over several deals worth $1M+ and skilled in upselling and cross-selling. Adept at working closely with marketing and product teams to maximize the efficiency of the sales funnel for both inbound and outbound traffic. Presentation: Represented Microsoft Northwest Region at quarterly board meetings, ensuring all stakeholders were kept abreast of new developments and opportunities. Also deliver monthly presentations to big clients and vendors to maintain positive relationship. Data analytics. Expert at integrating data from various analytics platforms, including Google, Microsoft Power BI, and SAP BusinessObjects Education Colgate University | May 2008 MBA Fordham University | May 2006 Bachelor’s Degree in Business

For more resume examples and templates:

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Resume Headers Samples:


Tip : Never put your contact info in the header of your document; some applicant tracking systems might miss it.

For more on how to write a resume header:

Resume Header

Resume Titles

Resume introduction examples

Entry-Level Resume Objective.

Recent graduate with a bachelor’s in Marketing from the University of Virginia seeking an entry-level role in content marketing. Excellent copywriter with 2+ years experience editing content as a member of the UVa Writing Center.

Career Change Resume Objective.

Eager to apply 7+ years of experience with customer success management to make successful outbound B2B calls, deliver customized business solutions to new and existing customers, and provide expert product knowledge in the role of Account Manager for XYZ Inc.

Example Resume Summary Statement.

Accountant with over 8 years of experience in the medical industry. Adept at advising on management of cash deficits, reconciling departmental accounts, and creating new accounts and codes. Coordinated invoice preparation system for ABC that reduced contractor overhead by 19% YoY.
English teacher with a love of language and 6 years of experience teaching high school students. Developed new curriculum that boosted freshman reading comprehension scores by 12% and created after school book club for AP Lit class, resulting in 100% of participating students achieving a 5 on the AP Lit test.

Example Qualifications Summary.

Executive assistant with 5+ years experience helping maintain efficiency in an office of 25 employees Communicated directly with internal and external stakeholders, helping Senior Vice President manage projects worth $5M+ Proactively managed office schedules, identifying and prioritizing changes to ensure client satisfaction Recognized in a company of 500 for “Outstanding Achiever” in May 2019

Example Resume Profile.

Detail-oriented IT Specialist with 4 years of experience overseeing and improving the infrastructure of IT systems. Adept at building and running troubleshooting systems and testing services. Decreased security risk by 47% through continual optimization, while also improving the speed of client portal by 22%. Excellent communicator both internally and for client-facing discussions. Achieved 98%+ customer satisfaction ratings through weekly and monthly check-ins with accounts valued cumulatively at $500,000.

Entry-Level Resume Headline.

Bilingual College Graduate with 80 WPM Typing Speed and Tutoring Experience

Experienced Resume Headline.

Business Development Specialist with 6+ Years Experience Scaling Start-Up Tech Teams

For more on resume introductions:

Resume objective statement

Resume summary statement

Resume summary statement examples

Qualifications summary

Sample resume work experience sections

sample resume work experience section

Work Experience XYZ Industries | Seattle, WA Marketing Associate | May 2019-Present Delivered weekly presentations to client-base to communicate brand messaging, increasing client retention by 11% Served as liaison between marketing and product teams, resulting in projects finishing 2 weeks early, on average Leveraged Excel skills to create and maintain spreadsheet to track consumer insights, emergent trends, and inform decisions of marketing team through competitive analysis Managed team of 5 contractors to juggle multiple priority projects simultaneously, never missing a deadline Initiated an affiliate referral program that PR team went on to turn into a revenue-generating stream valued at $30,000 annually ABC Corp | Seattle, WA Marketing Intern | September 2018-May 2019 Developed, maintained, and processed 20+ digital consent forms and distributor forms Worked collaboratively with a team of 10 marketing professionals, closely aligning our goals with the PR team Provided data analysis using Google Analytics and performed keyword research to increase blog traffic by 56% over six months Answered up to 50 customer queries by phone and email each week

For more on building the perfect resume work experience section:

Resume work experience section

First resume (no experience)

Examples Of Education Resume Sections

Graduated recently from a 4-year program.

Western Illinois University | Macomb, Illinois May 2020 Bachelor of Arts in Sociology | Minor in Psychology 3.95 GPA magna cum laude Dean’s List all semesters

Two degrees.

Fordham University | Bronx, New York April 2016 Master of Chemical Engineering Stony Brook University | Stony Brook, New York April 2014 Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Anticipated graduation date (not yet graduated).

DePaul Univeristy | Chicago, Illinois Bachelor of Arts in History – Degree anticipated May 2021 Current GPA: 3.8

Older job seeker (graduated 10+ years ago).

University of Chicago | Chicago, Illinois Bachelor of Business Administration

High school graduate (no college degree).

Johnston High School 2016-2020 Head of Computer Club

More on crafting the perfect resume education section:

Education resume section

GPA on resume

Dean’s list

Magna cum laude

Examples Of Skills For Resume

Examples of hard skills include:

Examples of soft skills include:

Here’s more information on how to incorporate skills into your resume:

Resume skills section

Hard skills

Soft skills

Top skills for professionals

Skills-based resume

Resume writing FAQ

What is a resume?

A resume is a one to two-page document that focuses on professional experience, past achievements, education and certifications, and specific skills tailored to the job you’re applying for.

Almost every job application requires a resume, and hiring managers use them as a first impression in determining which applicants get a shot at an interview.

Whether you’re fresh out of college or have 30 years of professional experience, this guide should help craft a resume that stands out from the crowd and get you one step closer to landing your dream job.

What is the format for writing a good resume?

Most people will want to use a chronological or reverse-chronological resume format. This format is compatible with most applicant tracking systems (ATS) and is easy for employers to read. Additionally it helps highlight your experience, which helps prove your qualifications.

How far back should a resume go?

A resume should go back no further than 10 to 15 years. However, it is important that all your information is relevant. Therefore, do not include job experience that is irrelevant to your application, even if it’s fewer than 10 years old. Save that information for later discussions.

Should you personalize your resume for each job?

Yes, you should personalize your resume for each job you apply to. Many recruiters use ATS now, which will search for keywords in a resume and reject those that don’t have them. That means that the skills you choose to highlight as well as your opening, such as your resume summary, should be altered to suit each job you apply to.

You don’t need to rewrite the entire resume for each job, but it does show attention to detail and initiative to make sure that your resume is customized. It also makes it more likely that you’ll get past the first step of the process.

State of New York Department of Labor – Resumes, Cover Letters and Job Applications

Harvard University – Create a Resume/CV or Cover Letter

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Matthew Zane is the lead editor of Zippia's How To Get A Job Guides. He is a teacher, writer, and world-traveler that wants to help people at every stage of the career life cycle. He completed his masters in American Literature from Trinity College Dublin and BA in English from the University of Connecticut.

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8 Graphic Design Resume Examples to Land Your Next Job

Erica Santiago

Published: May 15, 2024

If you're a graphic designer, I have to give you praise because, without your creativity and your keen eye for design, it would be a struggle for marketing to create campaigns that catch their audience's attention.

A woman designs her graphic design resume on her laptop.

And what better way to show my appreciation to graphic designers than to write a post with helpful graphic design resume examples and tips that can help you land your next job?

You've come to the right place if you're a graphic designer looking for your next gig or want to refine your resume. Let's dive in!

Graphic Design Resume Best Practices

Graphic design resume examples, graphic design student resume examples.

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Before I discuss the graphic design resume examples below, I'll outline some best practices for putting your resume together.

Use a clean layout.

Graphic design is a field that naturally attracts creative people like yourself, so you might be tempted to create a colorful, unique layout that shows off your eye for design.

However, your resume should have a clean layout that is easy to read and won't confuse any applicant tracking systems (ATS) your potential employers use.

resume examples student

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In her YouTube video, "The Resume That Got Me Hired As A Designer," graphic designer Victoria Gillerlain says a clean layout is the way to go.

"If your resume is hard to read, hard to look at, overly contrasted, or just makes people [wince] when they look at it because it's so overwhelming — that's not good," she explains. "[Recruiters] are probably not going to even bother to look into the content itself, and you want them to look at it!"

Gillerlain uses her own resume as an example of what to do, and she notes the absence of color in her document.

Victorial Gillerlain's resume; graphic design resume examples

Image Source

"The reason behind that is that your resume is a professional document, and although you're in a creative field, using this as a creative document—not everyone who is looking at your resume is going to necessarily be in a creative field," she says. "Lots of times, there are going to be HR managers or recruiters who are looking at your resume and have nothing to do with the creative field."

Gillerlain says those people may look at an overly colorful resume and think, "Why does it have so many colors and graphics?"

"On top of that, if you're going to be in an on-site role at all, a lot of times people will print out your resume … there's a chance that none of that is going to actually print, and they might just print it in black and white — so it might now look as you intended it," she says.

Include links to your portfolio.

Even the most well-put-together resume in the world can't replace a glowing portfolio.

So, make sure your resume includes links to your work. Graphic design is a creative and visual industry, and including links to your portfolio will allow recruiters to see your experience and qualifications in action.

Tailor your resume for every application.

This is golden advice for any industry. You should always tweak and tailor your resume for each job you're applying for. This means incorporating keywords from the job posting and highlighting relevant experiences and skills.

One graphic design job opportunity may require a skill that isn't as relevant in other opportunities in the industry, and you don't want your resume to leave out that key detail.

So, read the job description closely and tailor your resume so that it applies and sets you up for success.

Mention your education.

"If you have a degree, even if it's unrelated, list it," Gillerlain says. "Having a degree shows that you're credible and committed, and a lot of places like to see that you have one nowadays."

Gillerlain suggests listing your degree, your minor ("If you want," she says), where you got it, and when.

To learn more general resume best practices, regardless of industry, check you my colleague Martina Bretous's post about resume tips that will help you get hired.

1. Victoria Gillerlain's Graphic Design Resume

I mentioned this resume earlier, but I want to dig a little deeper. Notice how the resume is simple, easy to follow, and to the point.

It's not very colorful but still includes small, unique design elements (like the large V logo in the corner) that help it stand out without being distracting.

Gilerlain also includes a link to her website portfolio, so recruiters can find her work without having to do any additional digging.

Pro-Tip: It's okay to add unique elements to your resume to show your creativity, but keep those elements simple, like in the example above.

Cool-toned colors for headlines and a simple logo can be just enough to separate you from other applicants without overshading the contents of the document.

2. Anna Chen's Graphic Design Resume

Anna Chen's resume; graphic design resume examples

The above resume features a minimalist design that keeps the recruiter's focus squarely on the applicant's experience, qualifications, skills, and work history.

Pro Tip: While I like this resume for its simple design, I notice it doesn't include a space for Chen's education history, such as if she has a degree or is actively working toward one.

A simple design is excellent for resumes, but you should still include space for your education credentials.

Also, notice the most recent work experience is not bulleted. Applicants should include bullet points to make their resume more readable.

3. Charles Bloomberg's Graphic Design Resume

Charles Bloomberg's resume; graphic design resume examples

This resume is excellent because it's clean and includes all relevant information. I especially love how the applicant made sure to include his education and relevant certifications.

Pro Tip: Notice the small icons at the top symbolizing his location, email, phone number, and LinkedIn.

This information is a must-have, but icons and symbols can confuse applicant tracking systems and can harm the chances of your resume getting the attention of a recruiter.

So, avoid symbols and icons in your resume whenever possible.

4. Clara Thompson's Entry-Level Graphic Design Resume

Clara Thompson's resume; graphic design resume examples

This resume includes a pop of color that catches the eye without distracting from its contents. Thompson's contact information is listed neatly in the upper right corner of the page, leaving plenty of room for her work experience.

What I Love: The resume is an excellent example for individuals just starting their careers. I love how it highlights relevant projects the applicant completed before freelance work.

5. Samantha Angel's Senior Graphic Designer Resume Example

Samantha Angel's resume; graphic design resume examples

I'm biased because purple is my favorite color, but this is one of my favorite examples. Samantha's resume includes her work experience and a bulleted list of responsibilities. It also features her activities outside work and degree, adding more legitimacy to her application.

Pro Tip: Like Samantha, consider adding activities and certifications you've completed outside of your career to beef up your resume and show you're a well-rounded candidate.

If you're a student trying to break into the graphic design industry, here are some examples to get you going in the right direction.

1. Minimalist

Benjamin Matthews's resume; graphic design resume examples

The sample resume is an excellent example for graphic design students looking for entry-level opportunities. If you're new to the field but have internship or volunteer experience that applies to the role, include them as your work experience.

What I Love: The resume is simple and clean, with nearly all relevant information listed.

2. Black and White

Benjamin Matthews' black and white resume; graphic design resume examples

Like the previous example, this resume lacks color—that's okay! As I mentioned earlier, it's not essential to have color. A pop of color can show you creativity, but there's no guarantee a recruiter or hiring manager will see it or care.

What I Love: I can't emphasize enough the importance of having a clean, easy-to-read resume. This format will pass ATS without issues and neatly display your qualifications.

3. Traditional with a Pop of Color

Vanessa Ford's graphic design resum

If you want a pop of color in your resume, this example is an excellent template to emulate. It showcases the applicant's creative flair while highlighting all the essential information.

However, be mindful of adding odd symbols and icons. Again, they can pose a problem for ATS.

Pro Tip: If using color, use it sparingly and pick a color that isn't too jarring. Like the one in the example, a calming blue is a great choice.

Graphic design, like most creative fields, can be a harsh industry to break into. However, you have the best chance if you have a portfolio, skills, experience, and a clean resume to vouch for you. Good luck!

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College graduation cap and gown made of $100 bills

The Student Loan Restart

What the supreme court's rejection of student loan relief means for borrowers.

Cory Turner - Square

Cory Turner

Student is trapped under a giant college graduation cap.

In one of the most anticipated decisions of its current term, the U.S. Supreme Court has struck down President Biden's sweeping plan to discharge some or all federal student loan debt for tens of millions of Americans.

In a 6-3 decision, the high court ruled that the Biden Administration did not have authority under a 2003 federal law to forgive hundreds of billions of dollars of student debt.

"The HEROES Act allows the Secretary [of Education] to 'waive or modify' existing statutory or regulatory provisions applicable to financial assistance programs under the Education Act," the ruling states, "but does not allow the Secretary to rewrite that statute to the extent of canceling $430 billion of student loan principal."

In a decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court ruled in favor of Missouri and five other states, who had argued that the Administration had overstepped its authority to forgive some student loans.

The "modifications" by the Department of Education, Roberts wrote, "created a novel and fundamentally different loan forgiveness program" that "expanded forgiveness to nearly every borrower in the country."

The high court's decision comes after a tumultuous year for federal student loan borrowers, who were told in August by President Biden that the U.S. government would cancel up to $20,000 of debt for anyone who had received a Pell Grant to attend college, and up to $10,000 for the vast majority of remaining borrowers.

That August announcement came after months of speculation that the president would act, and its warm reception by younger voters may have contributed to Democrats' better-than-expected showing in the midterm elections. But the proposal was also beset by a host of Republican legal challenges that ultimately led to the Supreme Court stepping in.

While much can be said about the court's decision – and no doubt will be in the coming days – here are five things to know about what it will and won't mean for borrowers and the country.

1. Millions of borrowers are feeling collective disappointment

Biden's plan would have provided relief to most federal student loan borrowers – as many as 43 million people. That's roughly one in eight Americans. Nearly half of those borrowers, roughly 20 million, could have had their student loans erased completely.

A look inside the legal battle to stop Biden's student loan relief

A look inside the legal battle to stop Biden's student loan relief

Whatever you think of Biden's proposal, in this moment, the collective disappointment and perhaps disillusionment of so many Americans is palpable and worth acknowledging.

"I feel like it's back to business as usual," says borrower Kurt Panton, with a long sigh. "What else can I do? Go back to paying the student loan that I have been paying for 20-plus years."

Panton took out federal student loans to pay his way through college and dutifully made monthly payments from late 2003 until March 2020, when the pandemic payment pause began.

"There is this mental weight that you carry with a student loan, knowing that [it'll be with you] as far as you can go into your foreseeable future," says Panton, who became a father late last year and says the money he's saved not paying down his loans over the pause has helped support his young family. "I haven't been having crazy parties for the last three years because I'm not paying back my student loans. You know, I'm not eating a goose for dinner every night."

"It's really tragic that student loan borrowers have been stuck in this position as political pawns," says Persis Yu of the Student Borrower Protection Center, "and now are victims to a politicized court that is willing to jeopardize their financial security for political gain."

The Student Borrower Protection Center is one of a handful of advocacy groups that have been vocal in their support of debt relief, and have put pressure on President Biden to be as generous as possible. The NAACP also pushed hard for relief.

"I see it as an unfortunate reality that in a country where we bail out Fortune 100 companies, where we bail out banks that have not been good actors, that this Supreme Court would allow that to happen, and yet," says Derrick Johnson, the NAACP's president and CEO, the court would choose to leave millions of borrowers "stuck in a vicious cycle of debt."

In the lead-up to the court's decision, Johnson sent a letter to Biden , advising him, in the case of an unfavorable ruling, to "pursue all legal pathways" to erase student loan debts.

"Let us be clear," Johnson warned, "absent further, swift action in the wake of an unfavorable ruling from the Court, Black voters stand to be incredibly disillusioned by an Administration who failed to deliver on key campaign promises but succeeded in widening the racial wealth gap."

2. It's a win for Republicans who opposed Biden's loan cancellation plan

Not everyone is disappointed with the court's decision.

Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness plan will cost $400 billion, budget office says

Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness plan will cost $400 billion, budget office says

Many Republicans had fiercely opposed Biden's plan, calling it an abuse of executive power and an enormously expensive handout to college-educated Americans. The Congressional Budget Office estimated the debt relief plan would cost about $400 billion over the next 30 years.

"I'm very pleased that the Supreme Court is following the Constitution," says Rep. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina, the Republican chairwoman of the House education committee. "What the president has done is take on the role of Congress by deciding through a rule to appropriate money from the taxpayers to people who willingly took on a debt. And I think what he has done is totally illegal."

While Republican opposition was fierce, a majority of the public (55%) supported forgiving up to $10,000 per person in federal student loan debt, according to a June 2022 NPR/Ipsos poll .

3. Borrowers will soon have to start repaying their loans again – and it could get ugly

Tens of millions of borrowers who had hoped to have some or all of their federal student loans erased will soon be asked to resume repayment.

Senate passes GOP-led resolution to block Biden's student loan relief plan

Senate passes GOP-led resolution to block Biden's student loan relief plan

Recent legislation to prevent the federal government from defaulting on its debts included a requirement that borrowers begin repaying their student loans at the end of August. Though even before that legislation, the Biden Administration had committed to a similar timeline .

According to an Education Department spokesperson, student loan interest will resume on Sept. 1, and payments will be due starting in October.

The problem now is, most borrowers are out of the habit. In fact, many have never had to make a student loan payment. According to federal data , roughly 7 million federal student loan borrowers are 24 years old or younger, which means they were at most 21, and in many cases still in college, when the current payment pause began in March 2020.

Making matters worse, many older borrowers will have a new loan servicing company – not to mention they may have forgotten their online portal passwords; some may not have even checked their balances in months, if not years. Those days are coming to an end.

At greatest risk of falling through the restart cracks are borrowers who were given a chance at a so-called "fresh start" during the pandemic . For these roughly 7.5 million borrowers who are in default, the department is offering protections from involuntary collections on their accounts and the chance to regain access to flexible repayment plans. But, to benefit and get out of default, these "fresh start" borrowers must opt-in to the program and contact their loan servicer.

According to the department , these defaulted borrowers are disproportionately likely to be economically vulnerable, first-generation college students. And there is considerable concern among advocates about the department's ability to communicate these opportunities to borrowers in default, and borrowers' willingness to return to repayment after years of default.

That concern stems, in part, from NPR reporting in January that revealed serious funding shortfalls inside Federal Student Aid (FSA), the Education Department office tasked with managing the government's student loan portfolio.

Exclusive: New Biden student loan plan unveiled amid agency funding crisis

Exclusive: New Biden student loan plan unveiled amid agency funding crisis

At the very moment FSA and its loan servicers will have to navigate an unprecedented flood of borrowers returning to the system, the agency is actually cutting costs and services.

4. "It is possible that loan servicers may be overwhelmed"

After a political fight between Democrats and Republicans over Biden's debt relief plan, Congress flat-funded FSA for this year, making it all but impossible for it to keep up with its many student loan responsibilities.

Already, the agency has quietly delayed an effort, promised by the Biden administration, to review the loans of millions of borrowers who were unfairly set back by years of mismanagement around income-driven repayment plans. Promised in May, that review has been extended into 2024 .

And that review is a logistical cakewalk compared to the Everest of helping millions of borrowers – whose loans have been paused for more than three years – navigate the return to repayment.

Many borrowers' financial situations have changed, and their repayment options will need to change as well. Call centers will need more and better-trained workers in anticipation of the months-long onslaught of calls they'll face from confused and anxious borrowers.

Instead, however, the Education Department has cut funding to loan servicers, according to multiple sources familiar with the cuts, and is allowing them to scale back call center hours .

"We are fully committed to supporting student loan borrowers as they successfully navigate returning to repayment," says a department spokesperson in a statement to NPR. But the statement also acknowledges: "the Department is deeply concerned about the lack of adequate annual funding made available to Federal Student Aid this year. As the Department has repeatedly made clear, restarting repayment requires significant resources to avoid unnecessary harm to borrowers, such as cuts to servicing."

Industry experts outside the Education Department are more blunt.

"It is possible that loan servicers may be overwhelmed with a high volume of inquiries," says the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) in a warning to borrowers . "It is possible you may not reach your servicer via phone the first time you call, and you may need to call a few times before getting connected."

"The consequences of returning to repayment under the current funding system are going to be disastrous," says borrower advocate Persis Yu, who points out that the student loan system functioned poorly even when it was fully funded and there was no need to help borrowers return to repayment.

Yu warns, unless Congress gives FSA more funding, this transition could be a "trainwreck."

On this point there is even some bipartisan agreement.

Foxx, the House education committee chairwoman, says she too worries about the return to repayment because the department is "terribly managed." But, she says, "I don't think there's much sympathy to give more money to the department... It's using its money inappropriately, using people inappropriately. And something has to be done about that."

5. Student loan debt is growing to keep up with college costs — and Biden's plan wouldn't have changed that

Before publishing this story, I pre-wrote two different versions: one if the court had preserved Biden's debt relief plan, another in case it scrapped it. Both versions had the same ending.

Biden's debt relief plan, as generous as it was, would have done nothing to address the growing levels of student loan debt borrowers are taking on. The U.S. government will continue to issue loans to help Americans afford college, even as colleges raise prices, forcing Americans to take out even more loans.

"I recognize that our current system is broken," U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona told lawmakers in May.

Foxx echoes that sentiment: "The system is totally broken and has been broken for a long, long time," she says, highlighting Republican efforts at one fix that would limit interest on student loans.

The inflation-adjusted cost of college has nearly doubled since 1990 , from about $15,000 a year to $29,000 in 2020. And students are using loans to keep up. Between 1995 and 2017, federal student loan debt "increased more than sevenfold, from $187 billion to $1.4 trillion (in 2017 dollars)," according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

The Biden administration does have a plan to address that brokenness, and it hinges on a newly proposed, much more forgiving income-driven repayment plan – one that has drawn praise from borrower advocates and sharp criticism from Republicans.

Even if the administration is able to roll out this new plan, though, it's unclear how quickly it could be available to borrowers returning to repayment.

What's more, implementing a new income-driven repayment plan that is radically different from the status quo will require incredible investment and support for borrowers. Again, loan servicers' call center employees are the voice of the federal student loan program, and the system will need more of them, and they'll need more training to implement any new repayment plan. The fact that servicers are being told to slash service right now is not a hopeful sign.

Edited by: Nicole Cohen and Steve Drummond Visual design and development by: LA Johnson

  • Supreme Court
  • student loans


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  4. 11+ Best Student Resume Templates (W/ Examples & Resources)

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  5. Student Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024) ·

    Use action verbs, concrete and energetic language on your resume. Instead of "High school student looking for a job" write "Self-disciplined and hard-working student looking for a workplace to contribute to a team, to learn and to grow as a professional.". Provide context and specific facts where possible.

  6. Student Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

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  8. Student Resume Examples & Format for 2024

    Go for the reverse-chronological format. A good student resume starts with your latest school and goes back in time. The same applies to the other sections, such as summer internships, experience, etc. 2. Use simple and readable resume fonts. Anything between 10 and 14pt works fine. Write simple headings.

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    Sample college student resume objectives. "Recent college graduate with a degree in marketing looking for a full-time role where I can utilize my experience in social media and paid advertising to help an up-and-coming brand like Club Z! Inc. spread awareness and acquire more users.".

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    College Student Resume: Examples of Summaries. right. Personable and dependable finance sophomore at SUNY with 1 year part-time experience in an accountancy internship. Top customer satisfaction score (98%) and instrumental in bringing in over 500 new clients because of campus outreach efforts.

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    Start Building. 1. Create a profile by summarizing your student qualifications. As a student without years of hands-on work experience, you'll need to create an impactful opening summary to grab the attention of prospective employers. Start by mentioning that you're a recent graduate in a specific field, and then provide three to four ...

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    Colorfully Current CV Template. "Project CV" by Mohammed Tayeh is the complete package: it's a great, college or high school resume template. It also offers a matching student cover letter template and, to beat that, it is available to download and edit as a Microsoft .DOCX document or for Adobe.

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    Extra IT or language skills. Relevant coursework or volunteer experience. For example, here is how you can write a resume summary and mention relevant coursework and experience in a Student resume for a creative director: Driven College Student with a strong foundation in Graphic Design, Marketing, and Media Studies, enhanced by a hands-on ...

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  20. Student Resume Examples for 2024

    Student resume objective example: Enthusiastic culinary student with a strong academic background and a keen desire to begin a career in the food and beverage industry. Talented pastry chef who is eager to share my knowledge of gluten- and allergen-free baking. Solid work ethic, excellent communication skills, positive attitude, and a ...

  21. High School Student Resume Template & Examples for 2024

    Here are great options to add on a sample resume for high school student teen jobs: High School Student Resume Samples: Extra Sections. 1. Certifications. Official certificates look great on your student resume, making up for your lack of life and work experience. Go for relevant ones, such as a food safety certification for food service ...

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  23. How To Make A Resume (With Free Template)

    Choose 1.0 or 1.5 inch line spacing. Set margins to 1 inch on all sides. Save your résumé as a PDF or Docx, using your full name and sometimes the job title as the file name. Adhere to the ...

  24. How To Write A Resume In 7 Steps (With Examples)

    It doesn't matter if you have the best resume in the world if the hiring manager can't contact you. Every single resume should include the following contact information: Your full name. First and last. Your phone number. Use a personal phone number, and make sure your voicemail is set up properly. Your email address.

  25. 8 Graphic Design Resume Examples to Land Your Next Job

    Graphic Design Student Resume Examples. If you're a student trying to break into the graphic design industry, here are some examples to get you going in the right direction. 1. Minimalist. Image Source. The sample resume is an excellent example for graphic design students looking for entry-level opportunities.

  26. One Page Resume Templates & Writing Guide

    2. 2023. Download This Free Template. This single page resume template is packed with content and still manages to look spacious. The sidebar allows you to easily organize your information, while a vertical line splits up the page and makes your resume easy to read. 3. Clean. Download This Free Template.

  27. 6 Great Student Ambassador Resume Examples

    You can complete your entire resume in 15 minutes! 1. Enter the details about the job title you held. The builder comes preloaded with auto-suggested phrasing written by resume experts. 2. Then, just pick from these suggested phrases that best frame your experience and customize them to your liking! 3.

  28. Software Engineer Intern Resume: Samples for Internships

    French (Polynesian)—Native. Portuguese (Brazilian)—C1. Here's how to write a software engineer intern resume: 1. Format Your Software Engineer Intern Resume the Right Way. Software engineering is all about creating software, testing it, making sure it works and that it fits the purpose for which it has been designed.

  29. 5 takeaways from Supreme Court's student loan relief decision : NPR

    According to an Education Department spokesperson, student loan interest will resume on Sept. 1, and payments will be due starting in October. The problem now is, most borrowers are out of the ...