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370+ Speech Writing Topics For Students

Discover our guide with great speech writing topics for debate speeches, persuasive speeches, informative speeches, and much more. Get answers below.

Writing and delivering a speech can be nerve-wracking, especially for the first time. Explore our top speech writing topics for college and high school students and get answers to your frequently asked questions about how to choose a speech topic and overcome anxiety surrounding public speaking. For tips on how to write a speech , check out our guide!

How to Prepare For Public Speaking 

Persuasive speech topics, informative speech topics, speech topics on environment and nature , speech topics on science and health , speech topics about technology , motivational speech topic ideas, speech topics on friendship , speech topics on family , speech topics on sports , debate speech topic ideas , speech topics on politics , speech topics on social issues , business speech topics , personal speech topics , special occasion speech topics  , travel speech topics, speech topics on education , psychology speech topics , funny speech writing topics , what are the different types of persuasive speech , what are some effective and easy ways to fight a fear of public speaking.

College and high school students often find themselves giving a speech for the first time, which can be stressful if you’ve never done public speaking before. Students can prepare ahead of time in several different ways to help set the stage for success – here are just a few:   

  • Learn the fundamentals of giving a good speech. This includes understanding the elements of a speech, such as the introduction, body, and conclusion. Each section should flow smoothly into the next and build upon the main point. Pay close attention to which words you choose and how your delivery comes across.
  • Practice makes perfect. Try to find opportunities to speak in front of an audience in different situations, even if it’s just in front of family, friends, or in front of a mirror. It can also help to record yourself so you can listen back and identify areas that need improvement. The more practice you have, the more confident you’ll feel when it comes time to give your speech.
  • Use relaxation techniques before giving your speech. You can start by taking some deep breaths and focusing on exhaling slowly. You can also try progressive muscle relaxation, which involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in your body several times until your muscles begin to relax on their own naturally. You can also check out these quick writing topics .

Speech Writing Topics: Persuasive speech topics

  • The dangers of social media. 
  • How to improve American healthcare. 
  • The problems with plastic bags. 
  • How cell phones lessen the quality of life. 
  • Why criminals need rights. 
  • If students should be required to study art. 
  • How the war on drugs harms communities of color.
  • If schools should ban certain types of books. 
  • If statues of slave owners should be removed from public property. 
  • If more practical subjects should be taught in school instead of algebra. 
  • If religion causes fighting and wars. 
  • If outlawing drugs makes them more desirable. 
  • If taking photographs of children in public should be illegal. 
  • How making food a reward sets the stage for eating disorders. 
  • If men should be granted paternity leave when they have or adopt a baby. 
  • If routine circumcision should be banned in the United States. 
  • How artificial intelligence stands to change the world. 
  • How American prisons are a form of modern-day slavery. 
  • Why the media needs more cultural and racial diversity. 
  • If restaurants have an obligation to purchase produce from local farmers. 
  • Global Warming & Climate Change 
  • Renewable Energy Benefits 
  • Problems In The American Education System 
  • Harmful Ingredients In Fast Food
  • Animal Testing, Zoos, And Other Forms of Animal Cruelty 
  • The Difference Between Real Life And Reality Shows
  • The Issue Of Indoor Pollution
  • Unethical Fast Fashion Practices 
  • The Benefits Of Journal Writing 
  • The Dangers Of Texting And Driving 
  • The Benefits Of Gender-Affirming Care For Trans People 
  • The History Of Racism In America 
  • The Dangers Of Hazing In College 
  • How Natural Disasters Develop With Climate Change 
  • How To Think Critically When Watching The News 
  • Homelessness Statistics And Trends In America 
  • The Use Of Color Psychology In Marketing  
  • The Physical Effects Of Tattoo Ink 
  • The Psychological Impacts Of Beauty Pageants  
  • How Social Media Affects The Brain
  • How best to protect endangered animals. 
  • If having pet birds is ethical. 
  • If vegetable gardens should replace grass lawns. 
  • The impact of plastic disposables on the environment. 
  • The most efficient type of renewable energy. 
  • How increasing train travel can benefit both people and the environment.
  • If zoos should be strictly regulated or banned. 
  • The impact of fracking on the environment. 
  • If animal testing should be outlawed. 
  • If the government needs to allocate more resources to national wildlife preserves. 
  • The deforestation crisis. 
  • Air pollution and the impact of poor air quality on human health. 
  • If people should be allowed to own certain types of exotic animals and keep them as pets. 
  • How to reduce the presence of microplastics in the ocean. 
  • How drilling for oil impacts water aquifers and sources of clean, fresh water in America. 
  • If all grocery stores should stop using plastic bags. 
  • If parents should be allowed to choose their child’s sex and physical characteristics 
  • If vaccinations should be mandatory. 
  • If private corporations have a responsibility to create sustainable products. 
  • The impact of robots on the environment. 
  • If cloning animals and humans is moral. 
  • Whether physician-assisted suicide and compassionate euthanization should be legalized.
  • If cigarette smoking should be outlawed. 
  • If minors should be allowed to purchase birth control without parental permission. 
  • If sugary drinks should be taxed to discourage overconsumption. 
  • If America should have a single-payer healthcare system. 
  • The importance of adequate mental health care for high school students. 
  • Racial bias in the American healthcare system. 
  • If women face higher rates of being denied adequate pain control by healthcare providers.
  • If cannabis is harmful or helpful for certain medical conditions. 
  • If fast food restaurants have a responsibility to offer more affordable healthy food options. 
  • The role of relaxation in physical and mental health. 
  • If organ donation should be mandatory. 
  • How to address the obesity epidemic in America. 
  • If doctors should be paid according to their patient outcomes. 
  • How to reduce the cost of prescription medications for the average person. 
  • The benefits of laughing on physical and mental health. 
  • If breastfeeding should be more normalized in America. 
  • Sources of indoor air pollution and its impact on physical health. 
  • If food additives in America are unsafe. 
  • How technology can improve daily life. 
  • The consequences of biological warfare. 
  • How the advancement of robotics will impact the human population. 
  • If the internet is more dangerous than it is beneficial. 
  • The role of social media and online bullying in teen suicide. 
  • Practical applications for 3D printing. 
  • The future of self-driving cars. 
  • The differences and similarities between computers and the human brain. 
  • If colonizing the moon is possible and beneficial or harmful to the human species. 
  • How cell phones affect the human body. 
  • If humans can be grown in an artificial womb. 
  • If text messaging jargon is having a negative impact on human language. 
  • How technology has changed over the years for the better or worse. 
  • The impact of cryptocurrency on world economics. 
  • Using virtual reality to augment mental health treatment. 
  • The intersection of artificial intelligence and animatronics.
  • The future applications of nanotechnology. 
  • The applications of drones in global military efforts. 
  •  If dependence on technology is a danger to humanity. 
  • The impacts of Wi-Fi signals on human health. 

Motivational speech topic ideas

  • Women’s Empowerment 
  • The Me Too Movement 
  • Overcoming Peer Pressure 
  • The Value Of Community Service 
  • Mental Health And Wellness 
  • Productivity And Time Management 
  • How To Own Up To Mistakes And Learn From Them 
  • The Benefits Of Meditation 
  • Money Management 
  • Taking Time For Yourself 
  • How To Become A Winner 
  • How To Be A Better Role Model
  • Turning Failures Into Successes 
  • Handling Rejection Gracefully 
  • How To Work Smarter Instead Of Harder 
  • Why Time Is More Valuable Than Money 
  • Setting Effective Goals 
  • How To Break Bad Habits 
  • How To Cope When Bad Things Happen 
  • Thinking And Speaking Positively
  • How mental health can affect friendships and other relationships.
  • Tips for managing conflicts with friends. 
  • How to communicate special needs effectively to friends. 
  • The qualities of a good friend. 
  • Signs of a toxic friendship and how to get out of one. 
  • How people from different generations can be friends. 
  • If sororities and fraternities promote friendships or cause problems. 
  • How to help a friend who is experiencing thoughts of self-harm. 
  • What loyalty and dependability mean in a friendship. 
  • How to hold friends accountable for wrongdoing without destroying the friendship. 
  • What can be done about bullying that occurs inside a friend group? 
  • If friends have a responsibility to report dangerous behavior. 
  • If men and women can be friends. 
  • If it’s a good idea to develop a friendship with someone before dating them and why. 
  • The benefits of keeping in touch with your childhood or high school friends. 
  • If groups of single parents can become friends and raise their children together. 
  • How friends can help each other succeed in life. 
  • The challenges of maintaining friendships as a busy adult. 
  • What gifts would you get your friends if money was no object? 
  • How to avoid jealousy in a friendship. 
  • Signs of toxic family dynamics and how to get out of harmful cycles. 
  • The definition and impact of generational trauma. 
  • Qualities of a strong and healthy family dynamic. 
  • How parents can build a loving family and home life. 
  • Communication tips for family members. 
  • If families with young children should limit their screen time. 
  • The benefits of going on family vacations. 
  • The best ways to balance work and family commitments.
  • The importance of staying in touch with family members who are far away. 
  • How having a family can enrich someone’s life. 
  • If you should be required to donate a lifesaving organ or blood to a family member. 
  • If children should be required to take care of elderly parents. 
  • If the Christian religion promotes misogyny within conservative families. 
  • If the number of children a couple can have should be regulated by the government. 
  • If parents should be held accountable for crimes committed by their children. 
  • If couples should be required to take parenting classes before starting a family. 
  • How spanking causes brain damage in young children. 
  • Misconceptions new parents have about raising kids in modern society. 
  • What it means to go “no contact” with a parent and why adult children choose to leave their families.
  • What a “chosen family” is and how people develop familial relationships outside of their blood relatives. 
  • What Is Good Sportsmanship?
  • Professional Sports Salaries 
  • How Sports Impact Human Psychology
  • Sports And Mental Development 
  • Benefits Of Childhood Sports 
  • How Sports Teach Morals 
  • Do International Sports Promote World Peace?
  • Why Dance Is A Sport 
  • Should School Sports Be Mandatory?
  • What Competitive Sports Teach About Life 
  • Sports and Performance Enhancing Drugs 
  • Trans People In Sports 
  • The Role Of Social Media In Sports 
  • How Sports Build Social Skills
  • How Losing At Sports Teaches Life Lessons 
  • Are Professional Sports Too Commercialized Now? 
  • Sports And Virtual Reality 
  • The Future Of College Sports 
  • What Players Want Sports Coaches To Know 
  • Sports And Disabilities 
  • Violent Video Games 
  • The Death Penalty 
  • Human Rights Issues 
  • Obesity in America
  • Mass Shootings In Public Places 
  • Alcohol Has A Greater Negative Impact On Society Than Cannabis 
  • The War Against Drugs 
  • Cellphone Policies In Schools 
  • Religious Indoctrination Is Child Abuse 
  • Police & Qualified Immunity 
  • Regulating Senior Drivers 
  • Affirmative Action 
  • Stem Cell Research 
  • Peaceful Protests 
  • Contraceptive Regulation 
  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) 
  • Arranged Marriages 
  • Censorship 
  • Animal Breeding 
  • The Adoption Industry 
  • If America is not a true democracy. 
  • If corporations should be allowed to donate to political campaigns. 
  • If celebrities should be able to run for public office. 
  • If poverty should be a government priority. 
  • The prevalence of political corruption in America. 
  • If the voting age should be raised in America. 
  • If the United States should fund wars between other countries. 
  • If national voter ID laws would disenfranchise minority voters. 
  • The definition and prevalence of domestic terrorism in America. 
  • Why it’s important for young people to vote. 
  • If far-right influencers promote dangerous ideals. 
  • If the government should spend less money on the military and wars. 
  • If Social Security benefits should be preserved for future generations. 
  • If Americans should get to vote for who serves on the Supreme Court. 
  • If Congress should have term limits. 
  • If the Electoral College should be abolished. 
  • How minorities are represented in Congress. 
  • If private for-profit prisons should be banned or heavily regulated. 
  • If the police should be required to operate their body cameras at all times. 
  • If people imprisoned for marijuana offenses should be let out in states where cannabis is now legal. 
  • Abortion 
  • Free Education In America 
  • Right To Marry 
  • Racism And Poverty In America 
  • Food Deserts And Malnutrition 
  • Substance Abuse And Crime Rates 
  • The Right To Housing 
  • Wage Inequality 
  • Crime Recidivism Reduction 
  • Child Labor 
  • Agricultural Integrity 
  • Taxing Religious Institutions 
  • Prostitution 
  • Minimum Wage 
  • Common Sense Gun Control Laws 
  • Gender And Sexual Orientation Discrimination 
  • Violence In Media 
  • Paid Maternity And Paternity Leave In America 
  • What skills do entrepreneurs need to be successful? 
  • How to motivate and engage employees at work. 
  • Top indicators of business success. 
  • How to make money using your passion. 
  • The importance of good financial planning for businesses. 
  • How companies can create loyal customers for life. 
  • Why businesses need to create a powerful brand image in today’s competitive market. 
  • Tips for people who want to start their own business. 
  • How to create a home office. 
  • Why do some companies have high turnover rates? 
  • If incentivized customer reviews are unethical. 
  • If businesses should be held responsible for false advertising. 
  • If businesses should be allowed to lobby people in Congress. 
  • Ethical marketing practices for new businesses. 
  • How to balance owning a business and starting a family. 
  • Women entrepreneurs in America. 
  • Do companies have a responsibility to help manage inflation?
  • The disparity between CEO and employee pay. 
  • If the existence of billionaires is ethical. 
  • How businesses can cultivate positive company culture. 
  • The scariest thing you ever did and how you overcame your fear. 
  • A difficult decision you had to make and why you made the choice you did. 
  • Your favorite teacher and what you learned from them. 
  • Something you learned about yourself that improved your life. 
  • A regret that you have and what you wish you would have done instead and why. 
  • Something valuable you broke or lost and how it made you feel. 
  • Someone you admire in your personal life and what they taught you. 
  • Your ambitions and why you want to achieve them. 
  • A family member you looked up to as a child and why. 
  • The most exciting thing you’ve ever done and if you would do it again. 
  • The type of job you want to hold in the future and why. 
  • Specific expertise you hold and how it can provide value to your community. 
  • Charities or social initiatives you support and why. 
  • What your favorite motivational quote is and why. 
  • Something that makes you unique and distinguishes you from other people. 
  • The historical figure you most look up to and why. 
  • A time you failed at something you tried but learned an important lesson from the experience. 
  • A close call you had with something and how the situation might have turned out differently. 
  • Somewhere you would visit in the world and why you would go there. 
  • Something you learned watching television or listening to the radio that changed your life. 
  • Graduation Speeches 
  • Valedictorian Speeches
  • Independence Day Speeches 
  • Wedding Toasts
  • Eulogies 
  • Speeches For Beauty Pageants 
  • Pep Rally Speeches 
  • Award Acceptance Speeches 
  • Introduction Speeches 
  • Presentation Speeches 
  • Farewell Speeches 
  • Dedication Speeches 
  • Commemorative Speeches 
  • Retirement Speeches
  • Welcome Speeches 
  • Birthday Speeches 
  • Tribute Speeches 
  • Keynote Addresses 
  • Anniversary Speeches 
  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah Speeches 
  • If traveling to Hawaii is ethical. 
  • If it’s dangerous for women to travel internationally alone. 
  • How travel can be educational. 
  • If vacations have a positive impact on emotional and psychological health. 
  • How travel can help prevent burnout. 
  • The dangers of drinking tap water when traveling to other countries. 
  • If there should be more travel accommodations for plus-size people. 
  • How viruses spread on cruise ships. 
  • Top reasons people travel. 
  • How to manage travel frustrations like missed flights and canceled reservations. 
  • What to do if there’s an emergency while traveling. 
  • Ethical tourism in poor countries. 
  • How to get to know a country’s customs when traveling. 
  • The impact of traveling on the economy. 
  • How American tourism impacts politics. 
  • The intersection between travel and religion. 
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic affected the travel industry. 
  • What travel means to you. 
  • If young children should be allowed to travel to dangerous places. 
  • How to navigate currency exchange issues when traveling. 
  • How COVID-19 impacted public education in America. 
  • The benefits of e-learning for children of different ages and education levels. 
  • If corporal punishment should be allowed in schools with or without parental consent. 
  • If sodas and energy drinks should be allowed in high schools. 
  • The different types of learning styles and how these play a role in public education. 
  • The impact of public school on child socialization. 
  • If schools should abolish homework policies. 
  • How elementary and middle schools should treat young trans students. 
  • The role of the Internet in American education today. 
  • How schools can provide more support to students with learning disabilities. 
  • If special education in schools is actually beneficial to students who are struggling in class. 
  • Comparing American schools to educational institutions in other countries. 
  • If students should be taught sex education in schools and if so, to what degree? 
  • If high school students should have access to condoms at school. 
  • If college should be free. 
  • Why teachers of all grade levels don’t make enough money in America. 
  • If a student’s grades are an indicator of their intelligence. 
  • If students should be required to learn etiquette at a certain age. 
  • If public education institutions should implement school uniform policies. 
  • If the pressures of school have a negative impact on kids who should be enjoying their childhood. 
  • The definition of trauma and how it impacts young children. 
  • How emotional abuse impacts psychological development in children. 
  • How dissociative disorders work to protect the brain from the impact of severe trauma. 
  • How reverse psychology works. 
  • The greatest contribution to modern psychology in history. 
  • How people with different personality disorders experience the world. 
  • The psychological relationship between parents and their children. 
  • The intersection between sleep and psychology. 
  • The differences between psychology and psychiatry. 
  • How psychologists benefit society and human development. 
  • How child psychology differs from adult treatment modalities. 
  • How psychological treatment has changed over the years. 
  • If basic psychology should be a required high school or college course. 
  • How violent movies and television impact human psychology.
  • How short and long-term memories form. 
  • The impact of bullying on child psychological development. 
  • The psychological impact of childhood neglect. 
  • If antidepressants are overprescribed.
  • The comorbidity of trauma and personality disorders. 
  • If birth order affects a child’s psychological development. 

Looking for more? You might also be interested in our list of the best report writing topics .

  • How Trix cereal discriminates against rabbits by making their cereal for kids. 
  • If plants have feelings and if vegans are committing acts of vegetable cruelty. 
  • Why the grass might literally be greener on the other side of a fence. 
  • How to be good at being lazy. 
  • Why lying well can be considered a talent. 
  • How being annoying can be considered an art. 
  • How to fail at a job interview. 
  • Tell a story about a joke that didn’t go over well. 
  • Compare Instagram to real life. 
  • If regifting is an ethical practice.
  • Why clothing companies don’t put pockets in women’s clothes. 
  • Why bad pickup lines work better than traditionally good pickup lines. 
  • Why a cartoon character should be elected President. 
  • A practical guide to surviving the zombie apocalypse. 
  • If internet surfing counts as an aerobic workout. 
  • Why kids shouldn’t have to clean their rooms. 
  • The worst business slogans and why. 
  • The correct way to offend someone. 
  • How to cheat at the game of Life. 
  • A list of the worst gifts ever. 

If you liked this post, you might also find these essays about being a student helpful.

The three main types of persuasive speeches are value-based, policy-based, and emotional-based. Value-based speeches argue a certain concept based on its merits, while a policy persuasive speech argues for a certain course of action. Emotional-based speeches seek to elicit a certain response from the audience by evoking an emotional reaction.

Some people find that focusing on their breathing helps to calm their nerves, while others find visualization exercises like picturing the audience in their underwear to be a helpful way to diffuse the tension. Others say that simply accepting that they will be nervous and embracing that feeling is the best way to get through it.  

Looking for more? Check out our round-up of the best inspirational books !

questions for speech writing

Meet Rachael, the editor at Become a Writer Today. With years of experience in the field, she is passionate about language and dedicated to producing high-quality content that engages and informs readers. When she's not editing or writing, you can find her exploring the great outdoors, finding inspiration for her next project.

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

259 Interesting Speech Topics [Examples + Outlines]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

interesting speech topics

The most asked question I get almost every day from students is this:

What makes a topic interesting?

Well, the answer is simple. You have to like it yourself, the subject has to be appropriate to the rules of the assignment, to the audience and the setting of the meeting:

In this article:

How To Find An Interesting Topic

Best interesting speech topics, interesting persuasive speech topics, interesting informative speech topics, topics with outline.

1 – Look in magazines, journals, and newspapers for events.

Can We Write Your Speech?

Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

Current or historical, that does not matter at this point, both are okay – and recent engaging and exciting facts, and perhaps valuable information that attracts the attention.

Articles about subjects that interests you and that are comfortable for you to talk about are good indications.

2 – Jot down any possible idea that comes up for interesting speech topics. I always draft a short list for myself of candidate issues if I am contracted for a public speaking engagement.

And then I skip the ones that are too difficult and too complex to prepare and master in 8 to 10 minutes time.

3 – Review some online books on the subject for more detailed current information about your topic. Or go to a library and ask for books and reference articles about your subject.

Without exception, all librarians I know will help you sorting out the speechwriter subject with their advice and recommendations. For example you choose for an alluring pleasure physical activity or farming and countryside topic.

Try to understand how the author has covered it. What’s his structure? What points, information or arguments are the strongest? What examples and illustrations has she or he used?

4 – Peerless reliable statistics and new discoveries can help writing and refining.

Look for controversies, rare and strange opinions. What do you think of it? What do you want your audience to think of it?

5 – Think about related engaging interpretive hints to talk about. When you view your rough list, try to find new points, different angles of view or just turn your thoughts upside down. Look at the special aspects that surprise the listeners.

>>>  For example try these 2 more detailed summary outlines with main points and subpoints. Use my sample structure to add or otherwise wipe steps and stages you do not need.

>>>  In addition to these patterns, you find more ideas for outlined main points in my Minute Section (in the navigation menu bar right on your left of this portal page). Or move straight to sixty plus lineups for speechwriters.

That can be very enlighting for enhancing public discernment. They also can  see , feel, or even  taste  and  smell  what you try to explain or demonstrate in a couple of minutes.

6 – Look for supporting and also for opposing opinions, plus interesting speech topics statements. Add visual aids where you want to emphasize or to give some prominence to an unimaginable point in your interesting topic idea.

7 – Watch news shows, history documentaries and debating programs – for example, the morning shows and the evening news. They are especially helpful for developing a rough list of wheedling brainstorms.

Interesting Speech Topic Examples

Don’t have time to read our full list of 200+ topic ideas? Here is our list of 10 interesting speech topics.

  • Beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder
  • Children don’t play enough
  • Animal testing is necessary
  • Girls are too mean to each other
  • Men should get paternity leave
  • Tattoos are an addiction
  • If I had a year to do what I want
  • Butterflies: deadly creatures
  • How to ruin a date in the first minute
  • The meaning of dreams

Here is our list of top interesting persuasive speech topics.

  • Beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder.
  • Hyper active kids don’t need medication.
  • Books are always better than the movie.
  • Pick up lines do work.
  • Televise all court proceedings.
  • Suspend referees that are found to show too much bias.
  • There is no place for monarchs any more.
  • It is false that no one is above the law.
  • You tube needs to monitor comments.
  • Online friends show more compassion.
  • Cross cultural couples respect each other more.
  • Graffiti must be recognised as art.
  • You can loose weight without exercising.
  • Children don’t play enough.
  • Carpets are harmful and shouldn’t be in homes.
  • Sex education doesn’t work.
  • Ban smoking in all public places.
  • Women cheat just as much as men.
  • Prohibit destruction of rainforests.
  • Global warming is a myth.
  • Justice is never the same for all.
  • Video games are not the blame of violence at school.
  • Financial rewards is the only way employees stay loyal.
  • The world isn’t only black and white.
  • Give girls over 16 contraceptives without parents consent.
  • Calories should be included in restaurant menus.
  • Sugar tax won’t reduce obesity.
  • Pregnancy as a result of rape should be terminated.
  • All couples must live together before getting married.
  • Animal testing is necessary.
  • Children’s beauty pageants are wrong.
  • There are not enough cameras in public spaces.
  • Freedom of speech rights needs to be rewritten.
  • Random DUI test should be done on parents picking up children after school.
  • Atheists are more peaceful than religious people.
  • Heterosexual men and women can be just friends.
  • Adoptive parents need maternity leave too.
  • Print advertisements don’t work.
  • Click bate headlines are the cause of less followers.
  • Don’t give children allowances.
  • Stop checking in on social media.
  • There would be more divorces if couples didn’t have children.
  • Compensate organ donors.
  • Celebrities are not role models.
  • Do drug tests on welfare recipients.
  • Stem cell research is murder.
  • People should be considered adults at 21.
  • Religion is the cause of war.
  • Life was not easier a century ago.
  • Men are better forgivers.
  • Making substances illegal only makes people want them more.
  • Parenting classes must be compulsory.
  • Helicopter parents are damaging their children.
  • Give working moms special privileges.
  • Social media fame is a scam.
  • Make paparazzi photographing children a criminal offence.
  • Food should never be seen as a reward.
  • 6 hours is not enough sleep for an adult.
  • People can live without eating meat.
  • Curfews do not keep teens out of trouble.
  • Electronic textbooks don’t have the same impact as the printed version.
  • This generation cannot fix anything.
  • Boredom always leads to trouble.
  • Girls are too mean to each other.
  • Affirmative action isn’t right.
  • School system is responsible for low test scores.
  • Men should get paternity leave.
  • Fast food needs to come with more warnings.
  • Killing a murderer is immoral.
  • Famous people must stay away from politics.
  • Long distance relationships do work.
  • Men are the stronger sex.
  • Jobs shouldn’t be gender specific.
  • Religion won’t die away.
  • Women shouldn’t give birth after 40.
  • Abortion is murder.
  • Tattoos are an addiction.
  • Drug addiction is a choice.
  • Social media will run it’s course and die out.
  • Caesarian sections are safer than normal births.
  • There is a connection between science and religion.
  • Never pay children for good grades.
  • People in open marriages are not happy.
  • The soul does exist.
  • People’s salaries should reflect their performances.
  • English will always be the business language of the world.
  • Why you should always put yourself first.
  • Earth has not been explored properly.
  • Women are more intelligent than they give away.
  • Alternatives to evolution exist.
  • Prisons create criminals.
  • Sick building syndromes exist.
  • Strategic defense and ethics do not match.
  • The War on Terror is based on a hidden agenda.
  • Aging is a threat to pension funding.
  • Airline safety restrictions won’t stop terrorists.
  • Alcohol advertising stimulates underage alcohol use.
  • All humans are spiritual in one way or another.
  • Arts express the level of quality in different cultures.
  • Atheists do care about Christmas.
  • Australian aboriginal tattooing is art.
  • Ban the filibuster from Congress.
  • Body piercings can cause serious complications.
  • Books are outdated.
  • Censorship is a violation of freedom of speech.
  • Charities must minimize the organizational and overhead costs.
  • Child testimonies in abuse cases are not credible.
  • Corporal punishment could be ethical, provided that it is proportional.
  • Creative expression and creativity are not the same.
  • Electronic baby timeshare does help to prevent teen pregnancy.
  • English and Spanish should be the only languages in the world.
  • Establishing democracy in Iraq is mission impossible.
  • Fashion gurus have good reasons to promote skinny girls.
  • Female genital mutilation is not unethical when done by cosmetic surgery doctors.
  • Feminism will help improve the position of females in Africa.
  • Fill in a country … should be condemned as human rights violator.
  • Future generations have to keep their jobs until they drop.
  • George Orwell was just right when he wrote his novel ‘1984’ … Big Brother is watching us all the time.
  • Governments should not own news broadcasting corporations.
  • Granting amnesty perpetuates immigration and makes border patrols fruitless.
  • Harry Potter books are more popular among elderly persons.
  • Hollywood movies have a bad influence on the world.
  • Homelessness in rural areas is substantially undercounted compared to metropolitan and suburban areas.
  • Hospitality is a valuable instrument to better foreign relationships.
  • Houses affected by natural disasters should not be rebuilt.
  • International satellite news broadcasting poses a threat to indigenous cultures.
  • It is possible to be pro-life and pro-choice.
  • It’s a myth that bottled water is better than tap water.
  • Journalism codes are no longer respected by journalists.
  • Limiting immigration is limiting opportunities.
  • Link debt relief of developing countries to carbon emission reduction.
  • Local aid to African communities is more effective than national aid.
  • Mentally disabled people cannot be executed.
  • Motivation courses only have one objective: to fund the instructor’s bank account.
  • MP3 music belongs in the free public domain for educational institutions and the general public.
  • News programs must be interesting rather than important.
  • Open source software is better than Microsoft.
  • Parental advisory labels hinder the freedom of speech of artists.
  • People have the right to decide about their own life and death.
  • Political correctness kills freedom of speech.
  • Poverty can be cut by half in this century.
  • Princess Diana’s death was not a tragic accident.
  • Public insults should be considered as hate speech and should not be protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.
  • Right to work laws are useless.
  • Robin Hood was a not a hero.
  • Sex and sexuality are from different hemispheres.
  • Telling lies is a justifiable instrument.
  • The local council elections in Cuba are no elections at all.
  • The right to privacy is not absolute.
  • There is no secure protection of property rights in developing countries.
  • There should be cultural content quotas in broadcasting.
  • Tobacco and alcohol billboards litter the streets.
  • United Nations will never truly exist in Europe.
  • Vegetarians would not eat vegetables if they were born in rural Africa.
  • We should have a king instead of a president.
  • Weblogs are intellectual property and therefore must be legally protected.
  • With the current economic situation, we will all be working until we are old and grey.
  • Zero tolerance is a useful instrument to prevent violence.

Here is our list of top interesting informative speech topics.

  • A comparison of the official definition of terrorism in different parts of the world.
  • A week of monastery life.
  • Abu Sayyaf links to global terror organizations.
  • Architectural movements in the late nineteenth century.
  • Armed conflicts in Africa.
  • Artificial intelligence opportunities.
  • Biochemical weapons explained.
  • Bioethics versus human rights.
  • Combatting modern slavery.
  • Debunking weight loss myths.
  • Development goals of the United Nations.
  • Everything we can find in our Solar System.
  • Five ways to give and donate to charity funds.
  • Forms of public diplomacy.
  • Fraud detection systems explained.
  • How giant sea aquariums are constructed.
  • How nepotisms started in the Middle Ages.
  • How the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is structured.
  • How the American Civil War began.
  • How the application for immigration and naturalization works.
  • How the CIA can track terrorists.
  • How to apply Feng Shui to your bedroom.
  • How to outlaw reactionary conservative groups and individuals.
  • Is it possible to clone humans?
  • Major incidents and consequences in the first decade of this millennium.
  • Middle East roadmap for peace.
  • Migration trends.
  • Offshore installation accidents over the years.
  • Racism and cultural diversity in mass media.
  • Refugees and forced displacement.
  • Result on foreign aid funding in the long term.
  • Scientific explanations for the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle.
  • State sponsored tyranny explained.
  • The 9/11 Commission assignment and its main conclusions.
  • The best consumer electronics innovations to date.
  • The chain of cargo and freight services at international airports.
  • The difference between soft and hard drugs.
  • The effect of counter terrorism legislation on ordinary people.
  • The European convention on human rights explained.
  • The flying fortress called Air Force One.
  • The four general goals of the Homeland Security Department.
  • The functions of Samurai warriors in Ancient Japan.
  • The future of fashion.
  • The Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war.
  • The governing system of rules during the Middle Ages.
  • The history of Amtrak.
  • The innovative and unique styling of Dodge trucks.
  • The long term complications of sunburn.
  • The philosophical doctrine of Nihilism.
  • The pros and cons of pacifism.
  • The relations between federal budget deficit, national debt and trade balance.
  • The role of Emperor Akihito in Japan.
  • The secrets of crop circles revealed.
  • The short history of the second man on the Moon, Buzz Aldrin.
  • The struggle to patent computer software.
  • The war costs in Iraq and Afghanistan
  • Two party system compared multiple party systems.
  • What is acne and what are its causes.
  • Why the NASA shuttle program was stopped.
  • Why the Romans built huge aqueducts in France.
  • Venezuela and the constitutional power crisis.
  • A diamond exploration certification system will not prevent conflict-diamonds trade.
  • Handwriting analysis and how it reveals aspects of your personality.
  • Hindu Cinema: not just Bollywood movies.
  • How many disasters always happen at Christmas time.
  • How sleepwalkers perform the most unusual things while asleep.
  • Different lifestyles of generations.
  • Importance of sleeping
  • What makes me happy
  • My ideal trip to Asia
  • What would it be like to live with a famous person?
  • If I were a volcano
  • If l could the queen
  • Benefits of being a vegetarian
  • How girls worldwide are treated differently
  • History of Mainamati in Bangladesh
  • Broccoli flavored Oreos
  • The Importance of public speaking
  • A world without boundaries
  • Stars and shooting stars
  • How I came to school for the first time
  • Conspiracy theories
  • The pros and cons of being dead
  • Confusing grammar
  • When my birthday was there
  • Importance of languages
  • How to study effectively
  • If I walked backwards
  • The power of a lie
  • Power of words
  • If I was invisible
  • Why I smile
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Fashion trends I hate
  • Why do we have toes?
  • Why I want to be a lawyer (or whatever job u pick)
  • How colours affect your mood

Need a topic for your speech about an interesting persuasion statement?

Here are some of the best speech ideas and two easy informative subjects you can alter into a firm convincing claim.

Need other attracting ideas?

Check the navbar on the left and you will find thousands of special hints and tips for your public presentation 🙂

1. Whistleblower Protection Is Not Effective

  • Whistleblower laws don’t protect against reprisals, disciplinary measures and spin from superiors.
  • Huge companies have enough money to buy legal advice for a long period, laws offer employees no financial shield.
  • Legislation often doesn’t address the issue itself, the problem, the allegations often are not investigated.

Another topic for your speech on business could be on fair trade:

2. Is Fair Trade Really Fair?

  • Protectionism and markets are often stronger than fair trade appointments.
  • Buying products is subsidizing poor farmers and manufacturers in developing countries. It isn’t helping them to make them stronger.
  • It is anti-competitive and it undermines the economy in Third World nations.

And what do you think of this explosive persuasive topic for your speech?

3. Nuclear Power Is Dangerous Stuff

  • An accident could cause thousands of fatalities and for billions of dollars property damage.
  • There is no proper technology to handle radioactive waste material.
  • Health risks for people working in the plant and for those who are living nearby could not be foreseen in advance and certainly not at the long term.
  • Costs of nuclear plant safety measurements are very high.

And now two informative suggestions for a topic for your speech. But you easily transform them into some of the best speech ideas for persuasion speeches:

4. Checklist Before Taking A New Job

  • A bigger company means more interesting job and task opportunities.
  • It makes it possible to extend your existing network of trusted contacts.
  • Like to travel abroad? Is it a Yes or No?
  • How about the probability that you will keep your job – in other words what about the job security? What are the hidden clues?
  • Is there a chance you can make you professional dreams and personal goals come true?
  • How about the pay? Get all salary information, and decide on how much you want to earn from the start.
  • Are there other requirements? Some personal wishes you would like to fulfill?

5. The Advantages Of Working In The Night

  • No disturbing by telephone.
  • No traffic jam.
  • Not being awakened by the alarm clock in early morning hours …

You can think about the disadvantages too … Approach this subject from different sides and you double your opportunities!

89 Medical Speech Topic Ideas [Persuasive, Informative, Nursing]

292 Sports Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative]

10 thoughts on “259 Interesting Speech Topics [Examples + Outlines]”

Are you in the Now?

Renewable energy pros and cons.

I want to learn the most detailed writing. Am a New student and i need to improve my own My subject is an informative one : Ivorians women teaching in Abidjan universites.

I need more topics to choose from for my oral presentation

Hello, I’d appreciate it if you’d stop perpetuating falseties about global warming and climate change. They are very much real, and putting them on a list like this only further pushes the myth that they are false. These topics are not up for debate.

Some of these are really creative.

#184 made me laugh. As someone who grew up with Harry Potter, perhaps students these days will consider me an older person ha.

Regards, Chris

thaaaank you very much this is help me a lot

Thanks for the ideas!

A lot of these “creative” topics are not only offensive but help push distructive rhetoric.

this helped me out so much.was just sitting there lost about what to speak at the academic decathlon.thanks

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Speech Writing Examples: Format, Tips, and Samples to Inspire Your Audience

Stepping up to the podium can seem like an insurmountable task , right? Believe me, I know that feeling all too well – the racing heart, shaky hands, and the overwhelming fear of facing an audience.

It’s a daunting journey I’ve embarked on myself. But through a mix of conquering those fears and mastering the art of speechwriting , I’ve uncovered some strategies that significantly ease the process.

In this article, you’ll find formats, tips, and examples designed not just to get you through your speech but to ensure you leave your audience feeling inspired and impressed . Let’s dive in together!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Know your audience before writing a speech. Consider their age, interests, and background to make your message hit home.
  • Use engaging opening lines to grab attention right from the start. A surprising fact or compelling story can set the tone for an unforgettable presentation .
  • Organize your speech with a clear structure : a strong introduction , main points with evidence or examples, and a memorable conclusion. This makes it easier for listeners to follow and remember your message.
  • Visual aids like slides or props can enhance your speech. They help clarify points and keep the audience engaged but keep them simple so they don’t distract.
  • Great speeches come in many forms like persuasive, informative, motivational, impromptu , and graduation speeches . Each type has its own way of connecting with audiences deeply beyond just words.

Understanding Speech Writing

Understanding Speech Writing involves crafting a message for delivery to an audience, ensuring clarity and impact. It is essential for successful public speaking and effective communication.

Speech writing is the art of creating a script for delivering a message to an audience. This process involves choosing a topic, setting goals , and deciding on the best way to present your ideas.

The aim might be to inform, convince, motivate, or entertain listeners. Writing speeches requires clear organization and strong points to make sure your audience understands and remembers what you say.

Good speech writing also means keeping your audience engaged . You can use stories, facts, humor, or quotes to grab their attention right from the start. Knowing who your listeners are helps tailor your speech so it speaks directly to them.

Whether you’re aiming for inspirational messages in public speaking or persuasive writing techniques in debates, how well you write can deeply influence your effectiveness as a speaker.

Understanding the importance of speech writing is crucial for mastering public speaking . Engaging with your audience through a well-crafted speech can inspire, persuade, and captivate.

It’s vital to remember that a good speech has the power to leave a lasting impact and resonate with the listeners . Crafted meticulously, it not only conveys your message effectively but also establishes your authority on the subject matter.

Moreover, delving into different types of speeches opens up opportunities for personalized creative expression tailored towards specific objectives like persuasion or motivation. This underpins the significance of honing your speech writing skills as you embark on your public speaking journey.

Tips for Writing a Successful Speech

To write a successful speech, know your audience and narrow down your topic. Grab attention with engaging opening lines and organize your speech effectively. Use visual aids if applicable to enhance your message.

Know your audience

Understand who will be listening to your speech. Consider their age, background, and interests. This helps tailor your message for maximum impact. When you connect with your audience , they are more likely to listen and engage with what you have to say.

It’s important to speak in a way that resonates with them.

As a speaker, it’s crucial to know what the audience expects from your speech. Tailoring your content towards their needs ensures that they walk away feeling fulfilled by the experience.

Narrow down your topic

Before diving into writing your speech, it’s crucial to narrow down your topic. This means focusing on a specific subject that you are passionate about and that will resonate with your audience.

Think about what message you want to convey and the key points you want to emphasize in your speech. By narrowing down your topic, you can ensure that your speech remains focused and impactful, making it easier for both you as the speaker and for your audience to understand and remember.

Keep in mind that simplicity is key when selecting a topic – choose something meaningful yet manageable for effective communication.

Grab attention with opening lines

Looking to captivate your audience from the start? An intriguing opening line is key. Whether it’s a thought-provoking question , a surprising fact , or a compelling story , the goal is to hook your listeners right away.

For instance, did you know that in just 18 minutes, Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech changed history? That’s the power of a gripping opening line! As you craft your speech, think about what will pique curiosity and draw people in immediately.

Remember, those first few words can set the tone for an unforgettable presentation.

Organize your speech effectively

To organize your speech effectively, start by choosing a clear and specific topic that resonates with your audience. Next, create an outline with a strong introduction , main points supported by evidence or examples, and a memorable conclusion.

Make sure to use transitional phrases to guide the flow of your speech. Additionally, consider using visual aids to enhance understanding and engagement . Finally, practice delivering your speech multiple times to ensure confidence and fluency on the day of the presentation.

Once you have chosen your topic and structured your speech accordingly, make sure it aligns with the purpose of the speech – whether it is meant to inform, persuade or entertain. Using supporting materials such as anecdotes or statistics can further reinforce key points in an engaging manner for better retention.

Use visual aids if applicable

Enhance your speech with visual aids , like slides or props , to clarify key points and captivate your audience . Visual aids can help reinforce your message and keep the audience engaged.

When using visual aids, remember to keep them simple and relevant to avoid overwhelming the audience. Integrating visuals can provide a dynamic element to your speech delivery, making it more memorable for your audience.

Ready to dive into crafting compelling speeches? Let’s explore examples of great speeches next!

Examples of Great Speeches

Explore captivating examples of persuasive , informative, motivational, impromptu, and graduation speeches that will inspire your audience. Witness the power of effective speech writing in action!

Looking to persuade your audience? A persuasive speech aims to convince people to see things from a different perspective. Using strong evidence and logical reasoning can help sway opinions.

It’s crucial to understand the audience’s beliefs and concerns in order to tailor the speech accordingly. Engaging storytelling, powerful statistics, and emotional appeal are effective tools for making a persuasive impact.

Remember, the key is to establish credibility and build trust with your audience through well-structured arguments and compelling delivery.

Crafting a persuasive speech requires thorough research, an understanding of rhetorical devices , and clarity in presenting arguments. As you prepare your speech, keep these tips in mind: choose a topic that resonates with the audience; use credible sources to support your claims; anticipate counterarguments and address them convincingly; incorporate persuasion techniques such as repetition or call-to-action statements ; practice delivering your speech with confidence and conviction.


Are you ready to craft an engaging and informative speech? Speech writing is an art that involves choosing a compelling topic , understanding your audience, and creating a clear structure .

Researching your subject thoroughly and using concrete details will make your speech stronger. You can inspire and captivate your audience by being clear about the goal of your speech from the beginning.

Remember to consider the context, including the event’s purpose and location . Understanding these elements will help you tailor your message effectively.

Ready to dive into some great examples of informative speeches? Let’s explore persuasive writing techniques next.


Transitioning from informative to motivational, let’s delve into the art of crafting motivational speeches. As you embark on the journey of speech writing, it is important to note that a well-crafted motivational speech has the potential to inspire, uplift, and energize your audience.

With carefully chosen words and compelling anecdotes, you can ignite passion and drive positive change in those listening. By incorporating real-life examples and powerful stories, you can captivate your audience and leave a lasting impact.

Motivational speeches have the power to instill belief and determination in individuals while also inspiring collective action for a greater cause. Through engaging storytelling and relatable experiences, speakers can connect with their audience on a deeper level, igniting sparks of motivation that lead to meaningful transformation.

Transitioning from preparing motivational speeches to impromptu ones, I can understand the nervousness surrounding speaking off-the-cuff. Being able to give a speech without any prior planning can be daunting, but it’s not impossible.

The key is to stay composed and rely on your knowledge and quick-thinking abilities . When faced with an impromptu speaking situation, remember that simplicity is key . It’s about being clear, concise, and confident in whatever you’re saying.

Drawing on real-life examples or personal experiences can add authenticity to your impromptu speech.

As you prepare for your graduation speech, consider the significance of the moment . Your audience will consist of your peers, teachers, and family members who have supported you throughout your educational journey.

It’s important to reflect on what this achievement means to everyone present and how it symbolizes a transition into a new phase of life . Consider sharing personal stories or challenges you’ve overcome during your academic years to inspire and motivate others as they embark on their own future endeavors.

When crafting your graduation speech, remember that it’s an opportunity to celebrate accomplishments but also offer encouragement for what lies ahead. Keep in mind the impact you want to make with words that resonate and uplift those listening.

Creating a captivating speech can change the world around us. It makes our ideas heard and inspires those who listen. When I stepped into Toastmasters International, my goal was simple: conquer my fear of public speaking .

Little did I know, this journey would not only transform me but also give me insights to share with others eager to master this art.

Understanding speech writing is like learning the rules of a new game; once you know them, playing becomes fun and engaging. Successful speeches hinge on knowing your audience and crafting messages that resonate with them deeply.

Whether using humor or heart-stirring stories, the aim is to connect and leave a lasting impression.

Great speeches come in various forms—persuasive to motivate change, informative to spread knowledge, motivational to inspire action, impromptu for spontaneous moments, and graduation talks that mark new beginnings.

Each type serves a unique purpose but shares common ground: they engage audiences on levels deeper than mere words.

Speech writing is an art perfected over time with practice and dedication. The tips shared here—from understanding your audience’s needs to structuring your message for maximum impact—are tools at your disposal.

Use them wisely as you embark on creating memorable speeches that not only convey your message but do so in an impactful manner that resonates long after the applause fades.

questions for speech writing

Ryan Nelson is the founder of Speak2Impress, a platform dedicated to helping individuals master the art of public speaking. Despite having a crippling fear of public speaking for many years, Ryan overcame his anxiety through diligent practice and active participation in Toastmasters. Now residing in New York City, he is passionate about sharing his journey and techniques to empower others to speak with confidence and clarity.

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Speech Writing


  • Updated on  
  • Jan 16, 2024

Speech Writing

The power of good, inspiring, motivating, and thought-provoking speeches can never be overlooked. If we retrospect, a good speech has not only won people’s hearts but also has been a verbal tool to conquer nations. For centuries, many leaders have used this instrument to charm audiences with their powerful speeches. Apart from vocalizing your speech perfectly, the words you choose in a speech carry immense weight, and practising speech writing begins with our school life. Speech writing is an important part of the English syllabus for Class 12th, Class 11th, and Class 8th to 10th. This blog brings you the Speech Writing format, samples, examples, tips, and tricks!

This Blog Includes:

What is speech writing, speech in english language writing, how do you begin an english-language speech, introduction, how to write a speech, speech writing samples, example of a great speech, english speech topics, practice time.

Must Read: Story Writing Format for Class 9 & 10

Speech writing is the art of using proper grammar and expression to convey a thought or message to a reader. Speech writing isn’t all that distinct from other types of narrative writing. However, students should be aware of certain distinct punctuation and writing style techniques. While writing the ideal speech might be challenging, sticking to the appropriate speech writing structure will ensure that you never fall short.

“There are three things to aim at in public speaking: first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the heart of your audience.”- Alexander Gregg

The English language includes eight parts of speech i.e. nouns , pronouns , verbs , adjectives 410 , adverbs , prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.

  • Noun- A noun is a word that describes anything, such as an animal, a person, a place, or an emotion. Nouns are the building blocks for most sentences.
  • Pronoun – Pronouns are words that can be used in place of nouns. They are used so that we don’t have to repeat words. This makes our writing and speaking much more natural.
  • Verb – A verb is a term that implies activity or ‘doing.’ These are very vital for your children’s grammar studies, as a sentence cannot be complete without a verb.
  • Adjective – An adjective is a term that describes something. An adjective is frequently used before a noun to add extra information or description.
  • Prepositions- A preposition is a term that expresses the location or timing of something in relation to something else.
  • Conjunction- Because every language has its own set of conjunctions, English conjunctions differ from those found in other languages. They’re typically used as a connecting word between two statements, concepts, or ideas.
  • Interjections- Interjections are words that are used to describe a strong emotion or a sudden feeling.

Relevant Read: Speech on the Importance of English

The way you start your English speech can set the tone for the remainder of it. This semester, there are a variety of options for you to begin presentations in your classes. For example, try some of these engaging speech in English language starters.

  • Rhetorical questions : A rhetorical question is a figure of speech that uses a question to convey a point rather than asking for a response. The answer to a rhetorical question may be clear, yet the questioner asks it to emphasize the point. Rhetorical questions may be a good method for students to start their English speeches. This method of introducing your material might be appealing to the viewers and encourage them to consider how they personally relate to your issue.
  • Statistics: When making an instructive or persuasive speech in an English class, statistics can help to strengthen the speaker’s authority and understanding of the subject. To get your point over quickly and create an emotional response, try using an unexpected statistic or fact that will resonate with the audience.
  • Set up an imaginary scene: Create an imaginary situation in your audience’s thoughts if you want to persuade them to agree with you with your speech. This method of starting your speech assists each member of the audience in visualizing a fantastic scenario that you wish to see come true.

Relevant Read: Reported Speech Rules With Exercises

Format of Speech Writing

Here is the format of Speech Writing:

  • Introduction : Greet the audience, tell them about yourself and further introduce the topic.
  • Body : Present the topic in an elaborate way, explaining its key features, pros and cons, if any and the like.
  • Conclusion : Summary of your speech, wrap up the topic and leave your audience with a compelling reminder to think about!

Let’s further understand each element of the format of Speech Writing in further detail:

After the greetings, the Introduction has to be attention-getting. Quickly get people’s attention. The goal of a speech is to engage the audience and persuade them to think or act in your favour. The introduction must effectively include: 

  • A brief preview of your topic. 
  • Define the outlines of your speech. (For example, I’ll be talking about…First..Second…Third)
  • Begin with a story, quote, fact, joke, or observation in the room. It shouldn’t be longer than 3-4 lines. (For Example: “Mahatma Gandhi said once…”, or “This topic reminds me of an incident/story…”)

This part is also important because that’s when your audience decides if the speech is worth their time. Keep your introduction factual, interesting, and convincing.

It is the most important part of any speech. You should provide a number of reasons and arguments to convince the audience to agree with you.

Handling objections is an important aspect of speech composition. There is no time for questions or concerns since a speech is a monologue. Any concerns that may occur during the speech will be addressed by a powerful speech. As a result, you’ll be able to respond to questions as they come in from the crowd. To make speech simpler you can prepare a flow chart of the details in a systematic way.

For example: If your speech is about waste management; distribute information and arrange it according to subparagraphs for your reference. It could include:

  • What is Waste Management?
  • Major techniques used to manage waste
  • Advantages of Waste Management  
  • Importance of Waste Management 

The conclusion should be something that the audience takes with them. It could be a reminder, a collective call to action, a summary of your speech, or a story. For example: “It is upon us to choose the fate of our home, the earth by choosing to begin waste management at our personal spaces.”

After concluding, add a few lines of gratitude to the audience for their time.

For example: “Thank you for being a wonderful audience and lending me your time. Hope this speech gave you something to take away.”

speech writing format

Practice Your Speech Writing with these English Speech topics for students !

A good speech is well-timed, informative, and thought-provoking. Here are the tips for writing a good school speech:

Speech Sandwich of Public Speaking

The introduction and conclusion must be crisp. People psychologically follow the primacy effect (tendency to remember the first part of the list/speech) and recency effect (tendency to recall the last part of the list/speech). 

Use Concrete Facts

Make sure you thoroughly research your topic. Including facts appeals to the audience and makes your speech stronger. How much waste is managed? Give names of organisations and provide numerical data in one line.

Use Rhetorical Strategies and Humour

Include one or two open-ended or thought-provoking questions.  For Example: “Would we want our future generation to face trouble due to global warming?” Also, make good use of humour and convenient jokes that engages your audience and keeps them listening.

Check Out: Message Writing

Know your Audience and Plan Accordingly

This is essential before writing your speech. To whom is it directed? The categorised audience on the basis of –

  • Knowledge of the Topic (familiar or unfamiliar)

Use the information to formulate the speech accordingly, use information that they will understand, and a sentence that they can retain.

Timing Yourself is Important

An important aspect of your speech is to time yourself.  Don’t write a speech that exceeds your word limit. Here’s how can decide the right timing for your speech writing:

  • A one-minute speech roughly requires around 130-150 words
  • A two-minute speech requires roughly around 250-300 words

Recommended Read: Letter Writing

Speech Writing Examples

Here are some examples to help you understand how to write a good speech. Read these to prepare for your next speech:

Write a speech to be delivered in the school assembly as Rahul/ Rubaina of Delhi Public School emphasises the importance of cleanliness, implying that the level of cleanliness represents the character of its residents. (150-200 words)

“Cleanliness is next to godliness,” said the great John Wesley. Hello, respected principal, instructors, and good friends. Today, I, Rahul/Rubaina, stand in front of you all to emphasise the significance of cleanliness.

Cleanliness is the condition or attribute of being or remaining clean. Everyone must learn about cleaning, hygiene, sanitation, and the different diseases that are produced by unsanitary circumstances. It is essential for physical well-being and the maintenance of a healthy atmosphere at home and at school. A filthy atmosphere invites a large number of mosquitos to grow and spread dangerous diseases. On the other side, poor personal cleanliness causes a variety of skin disorders as well as lowered immunity.

Habits formed at a young age become ingrained in one’s personality. Even if we teach our children to wash their hands before and after meals, brush their teeth and bathe on a regular basis, we are unconcerned about keeping public places clean. On October 2, 2014, the Indian Prime Minister began the “Swachh Bharat” programme to offer sanitation amenities to every family, including toilets, solid and liquid waste disposal systems, village cleanliness, and safe and appropriate drinking water supplies. Teachers and children in schools are actively participating in the ‘Clean India Campaign’ with zeal and excitement.

Good health ensures a healthy mind, which leads to better overall productivity, higher living standards, and economic development. It will improve India’s international standing. As a result, a clean environment is a green environment with fewer illnesses. Thus, cleanliness is defined as a symbol of mental purity.

Thank you very much.

Relevant Read: Speech on Corruption

You are Sahil/Sanya, the school’s Head Girl/Head Boy. You are greatly troubled by the increasing instances of aggressive behaviour among your students. You decide to speak about it during the morning assembly. Create a speech about “School Discipline.” (150 – 200 words)


It has been reported that the frequency of fights and incidences of bullying in our school has increased dramatically in the previous several months. Good morning to everyone present. Today, I, Sahil/Sanya, your head boy/girl, am here to shed light on the serious topic of “Increased Indiscipline in Schools.”

It has come to light that instructor disobedience, bullying, confrontations with students, truancy, and insults are becoming more widespread. Furthermore, there have been reports of parents noticing a shift in their children’s attitudes. As a result, many children are suffering emotionally, psychologically, and physically. The impact of this mindset on children at a young age is devastating and irreversible.

Not to mention the harm done to the school’s property. Theft of chalk, scribbling on desks, walls and lavatory doors, destruction of CCTV cameras and so forth. We are merely depriving ourselves of the comforts granted to us by doing so.

Following numerous meetings, it was determined that the main reasons for the problem were a lack of sufficient guidance, excessive use of social media, and peer pressure. The council is working to make things better. Everyone is required to take life skills classes. Counselling, motivating, and instilling friendly ideals will be part of the curriculum. Seminars for parents and students will be held on a regular basis.

A counsellor is being made available to help you all discuss your sentiments, grudges, and personal problems. We are doing everything we can and expect you to do the same.

So, let us work together to create an environment in which we encourage, motivate, assist, and be nice to one another because we are good and civilised humans capable of a great deal of love.

Relevant Read: How to Write a Speech on Discipline?

The current increase in incidences of violent student misbehaviour is cause for alarm for everyone. Students who learn how to manage their anger can help to alleviate the situation. Write a 150-200-word speech about the topic to be delivered at the school’s morning assembly. (10)


Honourable Principal, Respected Teachers, and Dear Friends, I’d like to share a few “Ways to Manage Anger” with you today.

The growing intolerance among the younger generation, which is resulting in violence against teachers, is cause for severe concern. The guru-shishya parampara is losing its lustre. Aggressive behaviour in students can be provoked by a variety of factors, including self-defence, stressful circumstance, over-stimulation, or a lack of adult supervision.

It has become imperative to address the situation. Life skills workshops will be included in the curriculum. Teachers should be trained to deal with such stubborn and confrontational behaviours. Meditation and deep breathing are very beneficial and should be practised every morning. Students should be taught to count to ten before reacting angrily. Sessions on anger control and its importance must also be held.

Remember that Anger is one letter away from danger. It becomes much more crucial to be able to control one’s rage. It’s never too late to start, as a wise man once said.

“Every minute you stay angry, you lose sixty seconds of peace of mind.”

Relevant Read: English Speech Topics for Students

Martin Luther King Jr’s ‘I Have A Dream’ is one of his most famous speeches. Its impact has lasted through generations. The speech is written by utilising the techniques above. Here are some examples:

“still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination” – emotive Language

“In a sense, we’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check” – personalising the speech

“to stand up for freedom together” – a call to action.

Importantly, this is an example of how the listener comes first while drafting a speech. The language chosen appeals to a specific sort of audience and was widely utilised in 1963 when the speech was delivered.

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Also Read: How to Ace IELTS Writing Section?

Ans. Speech writing is the process of communicating a notion or message to a reader by employing proper punctuation and expression. Speech writing is similar to other types of narrative writing. However, students should be aware of some different punctuation and writing structure techniques.

Ans. Before beginning with the speech, choose an important topic. Create an outline; rehearse your speech, and adjust the outline based on comments from the rehearsal. This five-step strategy for speech planning serves as the foundation for both lessons and learning activities.

Ans. Writing down a speech is vital since it helps you better comprehend the issue, organises your thoughts, prevents errors in your speech, allows you to get more comfortable with it, and improves its overall quality.

Speech writing and public speaking are effective and influential. Hope this blog helped you know the various tips for writing the speech people would want to hear. If you need help in making the right career choices at any phase of your academic and professional journey, our Leverage Edu experts are here to guide you. Sign up for a free session now!

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Speech writing: Format, Types, Examples & Practice Questions in PDF

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In today’s era, everyone must have heard people presenting their views on any specific topic or subject, especially politicians addressing the general public. The intention behind giving or speech writing is to convey a strong message to the targeted audience in a persuasive tone.

Speech writing is added to the CBSE curriculum to help students research, gather, as well deliver their thoughts to an individual or a group. This writing piece will address speech, speech writing, and examples, followed by the techniques to write a strong and effective speech. 

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What is Speech?

A speech is a formal and verbal communication to deliver thoughts, opinions, and perspectives addressing a large audience. The opinions conveyed by speech can convey strong opposition or view opinions on a specific topic or subject. 

Speech writing is the process of creating written content to deliver a strong message to the readers. It involves writing content that aligns with the idea behind the speech, it can be informative, entertaining, appealing, or engaging. It can greatly impact an audience if the delivered/written content can convey strong thoughts on a specific topic.

Writing a speech requires a speaker to be aware of the general issues prevailing in society. When delivering a speech, one must be able to comprehend the pros and cons of the topic one wants to deliver, along with relevant ideas, evidence, facts, and other details.

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Format of Speech Writing

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Title: The title must be catchy and related to the topic. 

  • Self-Introduction: Be it a formal or informal event or there is a master of ceremony available, introducing yourself is an integral part of writing and delivering a speech. The introduction should convey who the speaker is along with what they intend to deliver. The introduction can vary based on the target audience's nature. 
  • Opening Statement: It has been said that the average attention span for any human is 7 to 8.25 seconds and that makes it necessary to write an engaging opening statement. The speaker/writer can add a quote, ask some engaging questions, and can add a quote. 
  • Main Idea: The main idea should contain a detailed explanation of the topic that can impact the targeted audience. The said or written topics should be able to teach and inform the audience. 
  • Conclusion: The conclusion must be written or spoken in such a way that it would make the audience think about what was written/said

Speech Writing Examples

Keeping good personal and public hygiene can play a crucial role in mitigating the spread of deadly viral diseases. Write a speech in 120 - 150 words on how it can be implemented in our personal and social lives. You are Nayan/Nidhi.

Importance of Good Hygiene in Mitigating the Spread of Deadly Diseases

Good morning respected principal, teachers, and my dear friends. Today, I, Nidhi, stand before you all to discuss the importance of good hygiene in mitigating the spread of deadly diseases.

During the recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the government issued a list of preventive measures that could help us in keeping safe from infection. The guidelines included steps like washing your hands properly and frequently, covering your face while sneezing or coughing, and regularly cleaning commonly touched surfaces to stop the spread of the virus.

You see, all of these tips are not new to us. We have been aware of them since childhood, but somehow never followed them strictly.

However, we can promise ourselves to continue following these steps even after the threat of COVID-19 is lifted. Organizations like schools and offices should also continue enforcing these rules. We should all continue keeping our homes and roads clean to make this world a better place.

You are upset after reading a report in the newspaper that shows a shocking decline in the girl's population. Write a speech in 120-150 words that you will deliver during the school assembly highlighting the misconception still prevailing in our society that girls are considered a burden on the family. You are Rajesh/Rupali.

Decline in the Girl Child Population

Good morning everyone present here. Today, I, Rajesh of class XI A, am going to speak about the decline of the girl-child population.

According to the latest report, there is a gradual decline in the population of the girl child because of the misconception still prevailing in our society that girls are considered a burden on the family. We live in a country of Rani Laxmibai, Kalpana Chawla, Sarojini Naidu, and many other strong and inspirational women, still, this is the condition of the girls in our country. It is hard to believe that such atrocities prevail in the country which preaches "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao".

To stop this, women have to become empowered with mental and emotional strength and with assertiveness to say NO, The solution to save the girl child lies in women. It is time women stood up together and took a resolution to put an end to all atrocities done to them.

How to Write a Speech?

Writing a speech requires students to be aware of the general issues prevailing in society. When delivering a speech, students must be able to comprehend the pros and cons of the topic he or she wants to deliver, along with relevant ideas, evidence, facts, and other details. Here are a few things one needs to keep in mind while writing a speech.

  • From the exam’s perspective, the proper speech writing format is needed. A speech is composed of an introduction, a stance or perception of the speaker on the given topic, and the conclusion thereof.
  • The speech must be conveyed in the first-person point of view. The conveyed information can be in favor or against it but it should be backed by sufficient evidence.
  • Try to write/deliver the speech with authenticity to appeal to the audience. Authenticity can be achieved by reciting anecdotes, stories, and experiences in a precise manner. Speak only when it’s necessary. 
  • Do not use colloquial language. Avoid repeating ideas or writing the same point again.

Practice Questions

List of all the topics for speech writing English practice.

How to write a speech? 

Begin speech writing after thoroughly researching the topic. Start with the introduction and address the audience. The content must be in a persuasive tone and the first person’s perspective. Structure your speech in the introduction, body, and conclusion. 

What is the format of Speech writing?

The speech writing formats include the title and the content. The content section comprises the introduction followed by an opening statement. The persuasive main idea is followed by a conclusion.

How to download multiple examples of Speech Writing in PDF for class 11?

There are many practice questions and examples of Speech Writing that students can access by clicking on this link .

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Speech Writing Format, Tips and Examples

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Table of Contents

Speech Writing : Speech writing is a skill that can empower you to convey your thoughts, inspire others, and leave a lasting impact. Whether you’re preparing a speech for a school , a business meeting, or a special occasion, knowing how to craft an effective speech is invaluable. In this blog, we’ll explore what makes good speech writing, the structure of a speech, and the eight essential steps to ensure your speech resonates with your audience. Let’s dive into the world of successful speech writing Class 11 !

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8 Important Steps to Successful Speech Writing

What is Good Speech Writing?

Good speech writing refers to the skillful art of starting a speech that effectively communicates a message, engages the audience, and leaves a lasting impact. Deliver an impactful and inspiring speech on success , unveiling the keys to achievement and empowerment that captivate your audience.” A well-written speech is characterized by several key elements:

Clarity:  A good speech is clear and easy to understand. It conveys the message in a straightforward manner, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complexity.

Relevance:  It is tailored to the audience’s needs and interests. A good speech addresses the concerns and expectations of the audience, making it relatable and engaging.

Structure:  A well-structured speech has a clear beginning, middle, and end. It follows a logical flow, with each section building upon the previous one.

Engagement:  Good speech writing captures the audience’s attention from the start and maintains it throughout the speech. It uses effective hooks, anecdotes, and rhetorical devices to engage the audience emotionally and intellectually.

Content:  The content of a good speech is well-researched and supported by credible evidence, facts, examples, and anecdotes. It provides valuable information or conveys a persuasive argument.

Delivery:  While speech writing focuses on the text, good delivery speech is essential for effective communication. A well-written speech is delivered with confidence, appropriate tone, and proper pacing.

Memorability:  A good speech leaves a lasting impression on the audience. It may include memorable quotes, stories, or calls to action that resonate with listeners.

Purpose:  The purpose of the speech is clearly defined, whether it’s to inform, persuade, inspire, entertain, or a combination of these objectives. The speech aligns with its intended purpose.

Connection:  It establishes a connection with the audience by addressing their concerns, values, and emotions. A good speech can make the audience feel heard and understood.

Impact:  Ultimately, good speech writing aims to have an impact. It may lead to changed perspectives, inspired actions, or a deeper understanding of the topic.

How to Start a Speech in English

The opening of a speech is the gateway to engaging an audience. Begin by captivating attention with a compelling question, a captivating story, or an intriguing fact. A well-chosen quote or a vivid scene can also stir curiosity and set the tone for what’s to come. The key lies in drawing listeners in, making them eager to journey through the words you’re about to share. An impactful start sets the stage for a memorable and engaging speech. Speech writing class 11: Where words become powerful tools and students learn to articulate their thoughts with confidence and eloquence.

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Structure of a Good Speech Writing

The speech writing class 11 format plays a crucial role in organizing and delivering your message effectively. A well-structured speech typically consists of three main parts:


Hook:  Begin with a compelling opening that grabs your audience’s attention. This could be a question, a quote, a startling fact, or a personal anecdote related to your topic.

Purpose Statement:  Clearly state the purpose of your speech. Let your audience know what you aim to achieve or convey.

Preview:  Provide a brief overview of the main points or topics you will cover in your speech. This gives your audience a roadmap of what to expect.

Body: Main Points: Organize your speech into two or more main points or sections, each addressing a specific aspect of your topic. These main points should be related and support your overall message.

Supporting Material:  Within each main point, include supporting evidence, examples, statistics, anecdotes, or arguments that reinforce your message.

Transitions:  Use transitional phrases or sentences to smoothly move from one main point to the next. Transitions help maintain the flow of your speech.

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Summary:  Summarize the key points you’ve discussed in the body of your speech. Restate your purpose and message to reinforce them.

Closing Statement:  End your speech with a strong closing statement or memorable quote that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

Call to Action (if applicable):  If your speech has a persuasive or actionable component, issue a call to action. Encourage your audience to take specific steps or consider your message seriously.

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How to Write a Speech Writing?

Writing speech can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to communicate your thoughts, inspire, inform, or persuade an audience effectively. A well-written speech not only conveys your message effectively but also engages and resonates with your audience. To craft a compelling speech, start by understanding your audience and defining your purpose. Thorough research is essential to gather supporting evidence and examples. Organize your ideas into a coherent structure with a captivating opening, well-developed main points, and a powerful conclusion. Engage your audience emotionally and intellectually through relatable stories and effective communication techniques. Practice and rehearsal will help you deliver your speech confidently. Effective speech writing combines these elements to create a message that resonates and inspires your audience. Practice and preparation are key to delivering a successful speech.

We also offer a diverse array of English speech topics for students , fostering both skill development and engagement in public speaking.

8 Important Steps to Successful Speech Writing

Writing a speech is a skill that combines art and strategy. To write a successful speech that captivates your audience and effectively communicates your message, follow these eight key steps:

  • Understand Your Audience: Start by understanding your audience’s interests, knowledge level, and expectations. Tailor your speech to resonate with their needs and preferences.
  • Define Your Purpose: Clearly define the purpose of your speech. Are you informing, persuading, motivating, or entertaining? Knowing your objective will guide your content.
  • Research Thoroughly: Gather reliable and relevant information, facts, statistics, anecdotes, and examples that support your message. Cite credible sources to enhance your speech’s credibility.
  • Organize Your Ideas: Create a logical structure or outline for your speech. Identify the main points or sections and arrange them in a coherent order.
  • Craft a Compelling Opening: Grab your audience’s attention from the beginning with a strong hook. This could be a question, a quote, a story, or a surprising fact. Clearly state your purpose.
  • Develop Your Main Points: Elaborate on each main point or section of your speech with supporting evidence, examples, and transitions. Ensure a clear and smooth flow between points.
  • Engage Your Audience: Use relatable stories, anecdotes, humor, rhetorical devices, and interactive elements to connect with your audience emotionally and intellectually. Encourage participation through questions or thought-provoking statements.
  • Conclude with Impact: Summarize your key points in the conclusion. Reiterate your purpose and message. End with a memorable closing statement, a call to action, or a thought-provoking question.

By following these eight key steps, you can craft a successful speech that effectively conveys your message, engages your audience, and leaves a lasting impression. Remember to practice and rehearse your speech to ensure confident and impactful delivery.

Speech Writing Examples

Here are two speech writing Class 11 examples for different purposes:

Speech Writing Example 1: Motivational Speech (Theme: Resilience)

“Good morning, everyone. Today, I want to share a story of resilience and determination. Imagine facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles and finding the strength to overcome them. That’s what true determination is all about.

Think of the legendary figure Thomas Edison, who attempted over a thousand times before successfully inventing the light bulb. He once said, ‘I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.’ Edison’s unwavering commitment to his goal teaches us that setbacks are stepping stones to success.

In our own lives, we encounter challenges that test our resolve. It could be academic, personal, or professional challenges. But remember, it’s not the adversity itself but how we respond that defines us.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, to learn from failures, and to keep moving forward. It’s a quality we all possess, waiting to be awakened. The path to success may be filled with obstacles, but it’s the determination to overcome them that lights our way.

So, let’s embrace our inner resilience, face challenges head-on, and keep pushing forward. As Edison proved, with unwavering determination, even the darkest moments can lead to the brightest successes. Thank you.”

Speech Writing Example 2: Business Presentation (Theme: Company Progress)

“Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues, today, let’s dive into our company’s progress over the past year. Our growth has been steady, and I’ll present the data to support this claim.

In the fiscal year 2022-2023, our company achieved a remarkable 15% increase in revenue compared to the previous year. This growth can be attributed to our strategic expansion into new markets, our commitment to innovation, and the dedication of our talented team.

Our customer satisfaction rates also reached an all-time high, with an impressive 95% of our customers expressing their satisfaction with our products and services. This reflects our dedication to delivering value and excellence.

Furthermore, our sustainability initiatives have not only reduced our carbon footprint but have also gained recognition in the industry. We’ve implemented eco-friendly diwali , reduced waste, and made significant strides toward our goal of becoming a more environmentally responsible organization.

As we look ahead, we are excited about the opportunities that lie before us. Our commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction, and sustainability will continue to be the driving forces behind our success.

In conclusion, our progress over the past year reflects our dedication to excellence and our ability to adapt to changing times. We are poised for a future of continued growth and success. Thank you for your support and dedication to our company.

Successful speech writing involves careful planning, research, and effective communication techniques. By following the eight key steps outlined in this article, you can craft speeches that captivate your audience and deliver your message with impact and conviction.

Speech Writing Topics for Students and Children’s

Speech writing faq’s, how do i write a speech.

To craft a speech, start by selecting a topic you're passionate about. Outline key points, create an engaging introduction, elaborate on the main ideas, and conclude with a strong ending. Ensure a logical flow and use anecdotes or examples to connect with your audience.

What is speech writing for class 11?

In class 11, speech writing aims to develop students' ability to structure and express ideas effectively. It often involves learning various speech formats, understanding audience engagement, and honing language skills.

What is speech writing in English

Speech writing in English refers to the process of composing a spoken presentation intended to be delivered to an audience. It involves structuring thoughts, organizing ideas, and crafting a coherent and engaging script that effectively communicates a message or viewpoint.

What is the format for speech writing?

The format for speech writing typically involves an introduction, body, and conclusion. It includes an attention-grabbing opening, a clear message in the body with supporting points, and a memorable closing.

What are the 7 steps to writing a speech?

The seven steps to writing a speech include: Understanding the audience. Defining the purpose of the speech. Structuring the speech with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Outlining key points or arguments. Adding supporting evidence or examples. Rehearsing the speech for clarity and flow. Making revisions for improvement if needed before delivering it.

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Speech Writing

Speech Writing: Speeches are description, understanding and conclusive talk about a certain topic which enhances our knowledge about a certain issue. Speeches have changed a lot of lives when history is seen and it still does when published and read by people. This specific article contains speeches for classes 9 th to 12 th to improve their reading and writing skills and also making them aware of many things via speeches. This article includes speeches on topics like pollution, unemployment, Indian leaders, India of my dreams, Importance of yoga and many more. Speeches have been an important part of our history where speeches were given by our leaders on occasions like Independence day, Republic day, Children’s day etc. Speeches from our teachers and parents have motivated us to do a lot of things in life.

This article is specifically dedicated to students from class 9, 10, 11, 12 who are struggling to find speeches that will reflect their mindset and views on certain topics and can find it here with us. The topics with speeches have been listed below to ease the search process and so you will find your desired topic.

We hope to give the best of knowledge to the growing learners and make their experience better with our site.

Format of Speech Writing and Marks Details

Introduction: Greet the audience / principal / senior, tell them about yourself and further introduce the topic.

Body: Discuss on topic, Try to go the core of the topic. And also remember about time.

Conclusion: End of the speech and also give a message to the Audience

Speech on Independence Day

Intro: Respected Principal Sir/Madam, teachers and dear fellow students. On this prestigious day I’ve been given a chance to address this wondrous communion. In my love and honor I would like to dedicate a few words to my nation India.

Body: In a so diverse nation such as India, where its people are classified into various categories and classes, where the distinction seems so apparent but still we live under a common spirit. The Indian nation has its history and the world has its fair share to contribute. And Continue ……

Conclusion: At the end, I am so Thankful that I have given opportunity to talk on this great Day in front of You all. Thank You, Thanks a Lot!

Speech on Republic Day

Intro: Good morning everyone present here on this auspicious occasion of 72 republic day of our country. are respected principal mam teachers and all my dear friends I would like to wish you a “Happy republic day”. as we are celebrating our 72 republic day today I would like to give a small speech about this special occasion.

Body: Republic day is celebrated every year on 26th January to remember the historic moment when our constitution came into effect. As we all know India got its independence on 15th August 1947 and country it didn’t have its own constitution. On November 26th 1949 the constituent assembly of India adopted the constitution of India under the guidance of Dr BR Ambedkar… And Continue ……

Conclusion: At the end I want to end this speech by saying India is a democratic country. All the citizens living in a democratic country has the right to elect their own leaders. the constitution of India is made for people considering all the basic rights which they can enjoy all the citizens are treated equally, 2 there are many scope for improvement in every field but our government is evolving for the betterment of the country.


Speech on Girl Education

Intro: Respected Principal Sir/ Madam, teachers and my dear fellow students. Here, I standing in front of you to deliver a speech on the topic which is very important for the progress of our nation that is :- “Girl education”. Abraham Lincoln once had said “whatever I am and whatever i would be, I owe to my angel like mother”. This tell us  that women or a girl play a very important role in making strong nation.

Body: Educated girl is likely to increase her personal earning potential as well as reduce poverty in her community. After independence, India had taken many step to encourage girl education to attain highest peak of success. As women performs many roles with perfection like as a mother, a daughter, a sister, a wife, and sometime a Devifor a saviour of a family. And Continue …….

Conclusion: A very famous proverb had been said that “Behind every successful man, there is a hand of woman”. Also, if you educate a girl you educate a nation.

Topics for 9, 10, 11 & 12 Classes (Important Speech Writing)

Important Topics on several Topics have updated in this page for Practice. Students please keep update with this page for further updates –

  • Speech on Har Ghar Tiranga
  • Speech on Constitution of India
  • Long Speech on Wonders of Science
  • Long Speech on Aim in Life
  • Long Speech on The Himalaya Mountain
  • Long Speech on Aquatic Life
  • Long Speech on Unity in Diversity
  • Long Speech on Girl Education
  • Long Speech on Cinema
  • Long Speech on Save Tigers
  • Long Speech on An Ideal Teacher
  • Long Speech on Importance of Yoga
  • Long Speech on Balancing Life
  • Long Speech on Hindi Divas
  • Long Speech on Indian Farmer
  • Long Speech on India of my Dreams
  • Long Speech on Unemployment
  • Long Speech on Nobel Prize
  • Long Speech on Importance of Newspapers
  • Long Speech on Peer Pressure
  • Long Speech on Ayushman Bharat Yojana
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Speech Writing Samples

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30 Speech Writer Interview Questions and Answers

Common Speech Writer interview questions, how to answer them, and example answers from a certified career coach.

questions for speech writing

In the realm of rhetoric and public speaking, a speechwriter serves as the ghostly voice behind the podium – creating compelling narratives that inspire audiences, influence opinions, and shape policy. If you’re vying for such a role, it’s not only about your writing prowess but also your ability to understand the speaker’s style, the audience’s perspective, and the context of the communication.

To help you present yourself effectively in an upcoming interview, we’ve curated a list of common questions you might encounter when applying for a speech writer position. Accompanied by strategic advice on how to answer them, this guide will help equip you with the tools needed to articulate your skills, experience, and unique approach to this specialized form of writing.

1. Can you describe your process for developing a compelling speech?

Crafting a compelling speech isn’t a one-size-fits-all task and requires a unique blend of creativity, understanding of the speaker’s voice, and knowledge of the audience. Interviewers ask this question to assess your ability to approach speechwriting systematically and strategically, ensuring that the final product resonates with the intended audience while accurately representing the speaker’s views and personality.

Example: “Understanding the audience is my first step in crafting a compelling speech. I research their interests, concerns and values to ensure the message resonates.

Next, I define clear objectives for the speech. What should the audience think, feel or do after listening?

I then create an outline with a strong introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction grabs attention, the body delivers key messages supported by evidence, and the conclusion reinforces the main points.

Storytelling techniques are used to make the speech engaging and memorable. This includes anecdotes, metaphors, and rhetorical questions.

Lastly, I revise and practice the speech multiple times to ensure it flows naturally and hits all the right notes.”

2. What methods do you use to understand the speaker’s voice and style?

This question is designed to evaluate your ability to adapt your writing style to match the speaker’s personality and tone. The goal of a speechwriter is to write in a way that feels authentic and relatable to the speaker, and ultimately, the audience. So, the interviewer wants to gauge your skills in listening, observing, and interpreting the speaker’s unique voice and style to create a compelling and authentic speech.

Example: “Understanding a speaker’s voice and style involves active listening, research, and practice. I pay attention to their choice of words, tone, pace, and body language during speeches or conversations. This helps me grasp their unique communication style.

I also conduct thorough background research on the individual, including their values, beliefs, and key messages they want to convey.

Lastly, I write multiple drafts and seek feedback from the speaker to ensure that the speech accurately reflects their voice and style. Through this iterative process, I can refine my understanding and representation of their persona in the speech.”

3. How do you ensure that the speech is tailored to the target audience?

As a speechwriter, one of your key responsibilities is to ensure that the message resonates with the intended audience. This question is designed to assess your understanding of audience analysis and your ability to craft speeches that will captivate listeners, drive engagement, and effectively communicate the speaker’s message.

Example: “Understanding the target audience is crucial in speech writing. I start by researching about the audience’s demographics, interests, and values. This helps me tailor the language, tone, and content of the speech to resonate with them.

I also consider the context of the speech. Is it a formal event or an informal gathering? The setting influences how the message should be delivered.

Lastly, I collaborate closely with the speaker. Knowing their style and comfort level ensures that the speech not only appeals to the audience but also feels authentic for the person delivering it.”

4. Can you provide an example of a difficult speech you had to write and how you managed it?

The essence of a speechwriter’s role is to capture and articulate complex ideas, often on contentious or sensitive topics. This question is designed to assess your ability to tackle tough subjects, craft persuasive arguments, and manage the pressures that come with high-stakes writing tasks. It’s all about your problem-solving skills, your creativity, and your ability to navigate challenging scenarios with finesse.

Example: “One challenging speech I had to write was for a client who was addressing an audience with diverse political views. The aim was to unify them around a common cause without alienating any side.

To manage this, I meticulously researched the viewpoints of each group to understand their concerns and values. Then, I crafted a message that acknowledged these differences but highlighted shared goals and aspirations.

The result was a balanced speech that resonated with everyone present. It demonstrated the power of words in bridging divides and fostering understanding.”

5. How do you handle tight deadlines and high-pressure situations?

As a speechwriter, you will often be working under tight deadlines and high-pressure situations. Whether it’s last-minute edits or crafting a speech for an unexpected event, the ability to maintain composure and deliver quality work is paramount. This question is meant to assess your capacity to handle stress and work efficiently under such demanding circumstances.

Example: “In high-pressure situations, I prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. This allows me to manage my time effectively and meet tight deadlines without compromising the quality of work.

For speech writing specifically, understanding the speaker’s style and message is crucial. Therefore, I ensure that I have a clear brief early in the process to avoid last-minute changes.

When under pressure, maintaining open communication with all parties involved helps manage expectations and mitigate stress. It also enables quick resolution of any issues that may arise.

Overall, my strategy involves careful planning, efficient time management, and effective communication.”

6. What strategies do you employ to make a speech engaging and memorable?

Diving into the heart of speech writing, this question is designed to evaluate your understanding of the art of persuasion and audience engagement. An effective speech is more than just an assembly of facts – it’s a compelling story that moves an audience to think, feel, or act in a specific way. Thus, hiring managers want to ensure that you possess the creativity, strategic thinking, and understanding of human psychology necessary to craft such speeches.

Example: “To make a speech engaging and memorable, I focus on three key strategies.

Firstly, understanding the audience is crucial. This helps in tailoring the content to their interests and knowledge level. Using relatable examples or anecdotes makes the message more impactful.

Secondly, structuring the speech with a clear beginning, middle, and end aids in maintaining listener engagement. The introduction should grab attention, the body should deliver the main points, and the conclusion should leave a lasting impression.

Lastly, incorporating rhetorical devices like repetition for emphasis, metaphors for clarity, and pauses for dramatic effect can significantly enhance memorability. It’s all about creating an emotional connection that resonates with the audience long after the speech is over.”

7. Can you discuss an instance where you had to revise a speech based on feedback?

Crafting a compelling speech is an iterative process, and no first draft is ever perfect. Interviewers want to know that you’re open to feedback and can make revisions based on it. Your ability to incorporate different perspectives and suggestions can ultimately make the speech more impactful and suitable for the intended audience.

Example: “In one instance, I drafted a keynote speech for a non-profit organization’s annual gala. After initial feedback from the team, it was clear that my approach was too formal and didn’t capture their casual, community-focused tone.

I revised the speech to incorporate more personal stories, lighter language, and interactive elements like audience questions. This made it resonate better with the audience while still delivering the intended message. The final product was well-received, demonstrating the importance of flexibility and responsiveness in speech writing.”

8. What is your approach to incorporating data or research findings into a speech?

As a speechwriter, you’re expected to craft compelling narratives that are not only engaging, but also accurate and informative. Using data and research findings can strengthen the speaker’s arguments and provide credibility to their remarks. Hence, interviewers want to gauge your ability to seamlessly incorporate hard data into a compelling story. They want to understand your strategy for making complex or dry information engaging and accessible to a diverse audience.

Example: “Incorporating data or research findings into a speech is crucial to add credibility and depth. I start by identifying the key message of the speech, then find relevant data that supports this message.

The data must be presented in an engaging way – using storytelling techniques or visual aids can help make complex information more digestible. It’s also important to cite sources properly to maintain transparency and trustworthiness.

I always ensure the data aligns with the audience’s knowledge level and interest. Overloading a speech with too much technical jargon or irrelevant statistics could lose their attention. Hence, striking a balance between informative and understandable is my approach.”

9. How do you adapt your writing style to match different speakers and contexts?

The art of speechwriting isn’t just about crafting eloquent phrases and powerful arguments. It’s also about capturing the unique voice of the speaker and tailoring the message to fit the specific context. Employers want to see that you have the versatility and empathy to step into someone else’s shoes and tell their story in a way that resonates with their audience.

Example: “Understanding the speaker’s voice and context is key to adapting my writing style. I start by thoroughly researching the speaker, their values, tone of communication, and audience expectations.

For different contexts, I consider factors like formality level, purpose of speech, and cultural nuances. For instance, a corporate event requires a more formal tone than a community gathering.

I also believe in collaboration with the speaker for authenticity. This includes getting feedback on drafts and incorporating it into revisions. It’s all about striking a balance between maintaining the speaker’s unique voice while effectively conveying the intended message.”

10. What tools or software do you often use in your speech writing process?

Speech writing involves more than just creativity and a knack for words. It’s also about organization, research, and the ability to adapt to different voices and tones. That’s why interviewers want to know about the tools you use to streamline your writing process, keep track of your research, and edit your work. This question helps them gauge your technical skills and understand how you approach the logistics of speech writing.

Example: “I primarily use Google Docs for writing and editing due to its real-time collaboration feature. For research, I rely on academic databases like JSTOR or industry-specific resources. Grammarly is my go-to tool for grammar checks and improving the readability of the speech. To ensure a smooth delivery, I utilize teleprompter apps. Finally, I use PowerPoint for visual aids if necessary. It’s crucial to remember that while these tools aid in creating an effective speech, understanding the audience and crafting a compelling narrative are equally important.”

11. How do you handle writer’s block or creative stagnation?

Creativity and consistency are key in the world of speech writing. In this role, you’ll often be under tight deadlines and high stress, and the ability to deliver quality work in these conditions is vital. Therefore, hiring managers want to know how you cope with the inevitable challenges of writer’s block or creative stagnation. They’re looking for evidence of your problem-solving skills and resilience in the face of obstacles.

Example: “When faced with writer’s block, I step back and immerse myself in related content. Reading speeches from diverse fields or watching TED talks can stimulate creativity.

I also find it helpful to brainstorm ideas without censoring them. This process often leads to a unique angle.

Physical activity like walking or yoga helps clear my mind, allowing fresh ideas to surface.

Finally, setting aside the task for a while enables me to return with renewed energy and perspective.”

12. How do you ensure that the speech aligns with the speaker’s goals and objectives?

It’s all about the delicate art of capturing the voice and intent of the person you’re writing for. Speechwriters need to be able to not just write well, but to write in a way that feels authentic to the speaker and aligns with their goals. Hiring managers want to understand how you approach this challenge and ensure the speeches you write accurately convey the speaker’s message and purpose.

Example: “To ensure a speech aligns with the speaker’s goals and objectives, I initiate an in-depth conversation with them to understand their vision. This includes understanding their key messages, target audience, desired tone, and overall objective.

I then draft the speech, ensuring it mirrors these insights. Regular feedback sessions are crucial for refining the content until it perfectly resonates with the speaker’s intent.

Moreover, I believe in practicing the speech with the speaker. This helps identify areas of discomfort or disconnect, which can be revised to make the speaker more comfortable and confident.

In essence, open communication, iterative drafts, and practice runs form my strategy to align the speech with the speaker’s goals.”

13. Can you share an example of a speech you wrote that received significant positive feedback?

When asking this, the hiring manager wants to gauge your experience and success in previous roles. They are looking to assess your understanding of audience, tone, and message delivery. This question also gives you an opportunity to showcase your ability to write a compelling, impactful speech that resonates with listeners and achieves its intended purpose. The positive feedback is an indicator of how well your speech connected and engaged with the audience.

Example: “One of my most well-received speeches was for a non-profit organization’s annual fundraising event. The speech aimed to inspire donors by highlighting the impact of their contributions.

I started with an emotional story about one beneficiary, then provided concrete data on how donations had helped others in similar situations. I also included future plans and goals to show potential for growth and progress.

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Attendees reported feeling moved and motivated to contribute more. The organization exceeded its fundraising goal that year, which they attributed largely to the effectiveness of the speech.”

14. How do you balance the need for factual accuracy with the need for rhetorical effectiveness in your speeches?

As a speechwriter, you’re tasked with crafting compelling narratives that resonate with audiences, while also ensuring that all information presented is accurate and truthful. This question is designed to assess your ability to walk this line effectively. The ability to communicate complex ideas in a simple, engaging manner, without compromising on truth, is a critical skill in this role.

Example: “Balancing factual accuracy and rhetorical effectiveness is crucial in speech writing. It involves a strategic blend of research, storytelling, and language use.

Thorough research ensures that the information presented is accurate and reliable. This forms the foundation of any effective speech.

However, facts alone can be dry. That’s where rhetoric comes into play. Using compelling narratives, analogies, and metaphors helps to make complex ideas more relatable and engaging for the audience.

But it’s important not to sacrifice truth for the sake of a good story. The key is finding a balance – using rhetoric to illuminate facts, not distort them. This way, we maintain integrity while still creating an impactful speech.”

15. How do you approach writing a persuasive speech versus an informative one?

The key to a successful speech is understanding the intent behind it and crafting a narrative that fits the goal. A persuasive speech aims to change the audience’s perspective or inspire some form of action, while an informative speech is designed to educate the audience on a particular topic. By asking this question, the interviewer wants to see if you can adjust your writing style to suit different objectives and engage diverse audiences.

Example: “In crafting a persuasive speech, my focus is on appealing to the audience’s emotions and beliefs. I aim to create a compelling narrative that motivates them to take action or change their perspective. This involves understanding the audience’s values, using strong evidence, and incorporating rhetorical devices.

On the other hand, an informative speech is about clarity and comprehension. It’s important to present facts in a structured manner, ensuring the information is easily digestible. Here, I use clear language, visual aids if necessary, and maintain neutrality to avoid bias.

Both types require thorough research, but the approach differs based on the desired outcome: persuasion or education.”

16. Can you explain how you would write a speech for a controversial topic?

The ability to navigate sensitive topics with grace and eloquence is a key skill for a speech writer. Controversial topics require a careful balance of respect for differing opinions, firmness in establishing a stance, and a deep understanding of the audience’s potential reactions. Interviewers want to ensure you can handle these delicate situations while still crafting a compelling, effective speech.

Example: “Understanding the sensitivity of a controversial topic, I would start by conducting thorough research to gather facts and differing perspectives. This helps in creating an informed, balanced viewpoint.

The next step is structuring the speech with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should capture attention and outline the issue without bias. The body presents supporting arguments from both sides, using credible sources.

I believe it’s essential to address counterarguments respectfully, showing understanding for different viewpoints. This builds credibility and respect among listeners.

In conclusion, rather than imposing one view, I’d encourage critical thinking, leaving room for audience interpretation. This approach promotes open dialogue and respects diversity of thought.”

17. What is your process for fact-checking and ensuring accuracy in your speeches?

As a speechwriter, precision and accuracy are crucial. A speech is not just a reflection of the person delivering it, but also the organization or entity they represent. Any inaccuracies can lead to potential embarrassment or even legal issues. Hence, prospective employers need to know that you have a solid process for fact-checking and ensuring the information in your speeches is accurate.

Example: “My fact-checking process begins with thorough research from credible sources. I cross-verify the information from multiple reliable platforms to ensure its accuracy.

For statistical data, I prefer government or reputed research organizations’ databases. For quotes and anecdotes, I make sure they are attributed correctly and in context.

I also utilize fact-checking websites for controversial or disputed facts. If there’s any uncertainty, I opt for a more conservative approach rather than risking inaccuracies.

Finally, I always run my drafts through colleagues or subject matter experts for their review before finalizing the speech. This helps catch any potential errors and ensures the content is accurate and effective.”

18. How do you incorporate storytelling elements into your speeches?

Storytelling breathes life into speeches. It takes listeners on a journey, engages them emotionally and makes complex ideas more relatable. Therefore, potential employers want to know if you can weave compelling narratives into your speeches, which will captivate audiences and effectively convey the speaker’s message. They want to ensure you can create speeches that aren’t just informative, but also engaging and impactful.

Example: “Incorporating storytelling into speeches involves creating a narrative structure with a clear beginning, middle, and end. This helps to engage the audience and make complex ideas more relatable.

I often start by setting the scene or context, introducing characters which could be key players in the topic at hand. Then I present a challenge or conflict that needs resolution – this forms the crux of the speech.

The resolution or conclusion not only provides an answer but also ties back to the initial scenario, providing a sense of closure. Throughout this process, I use vivid language and personal anecdotes where appropriate to create emotional resonance.

Importantly, the story must align with the overall message or purpose of the speech, ensuring it’s not just entertaining, but also informative and persuasive.”

19. How do you handle feedback and criticism of your work?

Feedback is a major component of the writing process, especially in speech writing. Your words are going to be spoken by someone else, and it’s important that they feel comfortable and confident with the material. Therefore, hiring managers want to ensure that you can take constructive criticism, incorporate feedback, and make necessary revisions without taking things personally. This is not only key to improving the quality of your work, but also to maintaining a positive and productive working relationship with the speaker.

Example: “I believe feedback and criticism are crucial for growth and improvement. When I receive feedback, I approach it with an open mind, focusing on the learning opportunity it presents rather than taking it personally. As a speech writer, understanding the needs of my clients is paramount. Therefore, any critique not only helps me to refine their message more effectively but also enhances my skills for future projects. I’m always eager to learn from others’ perspectives to continuously improve my craft.”

20. Can you describe a time when you had to write a speech under a tight deadline?

The ability to work under pressure is a vital trait for a speechwriter. Given the nature of the role, there will be times when a speech needs to be written, edited, and delivered in a short time frame. This question allows interviewers to gauge not only your ability to handle stress, but also your organizational skills, your ability to prioritize tasks, and your ability to deliver high-quality work even when time is not on your side.

Example: “Yes, I recall a time when our company’s CEO was invited to speak at an industry event. The invitation came with short notice and we had just two days to prepare the speech.

I immediately initiated a meeting with the CEO to understand his thoughts and expectations for the speech. We brainstormed key points and messages he wanted to convey.

Afterwards, I spent hours researching and drafting the speech, ensuring it was engaging and impactful. I managed to complete the draft within 24 hours, allowing ample time for review and revisions. Despite the tight deadline, the speech was well-received and even garnered positive feedback from attendees.”

21. How do you ensure that your speeches are concise yet impactful?

Crafting a concise and impactful speech is an art form, and it’s one that employers want to ensure you have mastered. They want to know that you understand the balance between providing enough information to make a point, but not too much that you lose the audience’s attention. They need to see that you can distill complex ideas into simple, powerful messages that resonate with diverse audiences.

Example: “To ensure my speeches are concise yet impactful, I focus on the core message and eliminate any unnecessary information. It’s crucial to use clear, powerful language that resonates with the audience. Storytelling is another effective tool, as it engages listeners emotionally and makes the content memorable. I also incorporate rhetorical devices like repetition or alliteration for emphasis. Lastly, practicing the speech helps identify areas of improvement and ensures a smooth delivery.”

22. How do you keep up-to-date with current events and trends relevant to your speeches?

As a speechwriter, it’s essential that you’re in tune with what’s happening in the world, what’s on the minds of the public, and how these realities can be woven into the speeches you craft. This question is designed to uncover your research habits, your understanding of the target audience’s interests, and your ability to create content that resonates with them.

Example: “Staying updated with current events and trends is crucial for creating relevant speeches. I regularly read a variety of news sources, from major newspapers to niche industry blogs, to understand different perspectives on the issues at hand.

I also use social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn as they often provide real-time updates and discussions.

Additionally, I attend webinars, conferences, and other professional gatherings in my field. This not only helps me keep up-to-date but also provides networking opportunities.

Moreover, I subscribe to newsletters and podcasts related to speechwriting and communication strategies. These resources offer valuable insights into crafting compelling narratives that resonate with contemporary audiences.”

23. What is the most challenging part of speech writing for you and how do you overcome it?

The art of crafting speeches is intricate, balancing the speaker’s style with the audience’s expectations, and weaving in the message effectively. Speechwriters often face challenges in this process and how they overcome them reflects their problem-solving skills and adaptability. Therefore, employers are keen to know about your challenges and your strategies to overcome them, as it speaks volumes about your resilience, creativity, and perseverance.

Example: “The most challenging part of speech writing for me is ensuring the message resonates with a diverse audience. It’s crucial to strike a balance between being specific enough to engage, yet broad enough not to exclude.

To overcome this, I conduct extensive research on the audience demographics and their interests. I also aim to incorporate universal themes that can resonate across different groups. This approach helps me craft speeches that are inclusive and impactful.”

24. How do you approach writing a speech for a speaker with whom you disagree?

The essence of being a speechwriter is to articulate someone else’s thoughts, beliefs, and ideas – not your own. It’s important for the interviewer to understand your ability to put aside your personal beliefs and effectively capture the voice and viewpoint of the person you’re writing for. They want to gauge your professionalism, flexibility, and adaptability in handling potentially challenging situations.

Example: “When writing a speech for someone I disagree with, my primary focus is on understanding their perspective. I engage in thorough research and discussions to comprehend their viewpoint fully.

Then, I aim to present their ideas effectively while maintaining integrity. It’s about presenting the speaker’s views, not mine.

It’s also crucial to remember that as a professional speechwriter, my role is to articulate the speaker’s message clearly, regardless of personal beliefs. Respectful disagreement can even enhance the writing process by challenging me to think from diverse perspectives.”

25. Can you discuss your experience with writing speeches for diverse audiences?

The essence of a speechwriter’s role is to craft messages that resonate with a variety of audiences. Each audience is unique, with its own set of values, concerns, and interests. Therefore, interviewers want to gauge your ability to identify and understand these differences, and use them to create compelling, tailored speeches that engage and move different types of listeners.

Example: “In my experience, writing speeches for diverse audiences requires a deep understanding of the audience’s interests, values, and cultural nuances. I’ve written speeches for various contexts such as business conferences, political rallies, and educational seminars.

For each speech, I conduct thorough research on the target audience to tailor the content accordingly. This includes using language that resonates with them, incorporating relevant anecdotes, and addressing their concerns or aspirations.

I also ensure the tone is appropriate; for instance, a corporate audience may prefer a formal tone while a youth event might require a more casual approach. The key is to strike a balance between maintaining the speaker’s authentic voice and appealing to the audience’s sensibilities.”

26. How do you incorporate humor or other emotional appeals into your speeches?

Emotion is a powerful tool in public speaking—it can help engage an audience, make complex ideas more relatable, and even persuade listeners to take action. In particular, humor can be a great way to break the ice, grab attention, and make an audience more receptive to your message. Therefore, interviewers want to know whether you can skillfully integrate emotional appeals and humor into speeches without distracting from the main message or alienating the audience.

Example: “Incorporating humor or emotional appeals into speeches is about understanding the audience and context. For humor, it’s crucial to use relatable anecdotes or light-hearted self-deprecation that aligns with the speaker’s persona. It should never be offensive or out of place.

Emotional appeals are about connecting with the audience on a deeper level. This could involve sharing personal stories or experiences, discussing shared values, or highlighting common challenges. The key is authenticity – the emotion needs to feel genuine and not forced.

Both techniques need to serve the overall message of the speech and enhance its impact rather than detract from it.”

27. How do you ensure that your speeches are accessible to a wide range of listeners?

As a speech writer, your role isn’t just about crafting eloquent phrases and compelling arguments. It’s also about connecting with your audience. That’s why interviewers want to know if you can tailor your work to suit a diverse group of listeners. Are you able to convey complex ideas in simple terms? Can you create a narrative that engages both experts and novices? Your ability to do so will determine your success in this role.

Example: “To ensure my speeches are accessible to a wide audience, I focus on using clear and simple language. It’s important to avoid jargon or overly complex terms that could alienate listeners who aren’t familiar with the subject matter.

I also aim for inclusivity in content, considering diverse perspectives and experiences. This helps make the speech resonate with a broader range of people.

Moreover, I utilize storytelling techniques which can be universally understood and appreciated. Stories engage listeners emotionally and intellectually, making the message more memorable.

Finally, I consider cultural sensitivities when crafting a speech, ensuring it is respectful and appropriate for all potential listeners.”

28. Can you provide an example of a time you had to quickly adapt a speech based on changing circumstances or new information?

Adaptability is a key skill for a speech writer, given that circumstances can shift rapidly and the messaging needs to be adjusted accordingly. By asking this question, potential employers want to see if you can think on your feet, respond to the unexpected, and still deliver high-quality work that aligns with the speaker’s message and audience’s expectations.

Example: “During a charity event, I was tasked to deliver a speech about the organization’s achievements. However, moments before going on stage, we received news of a significant donation that would fund an entire new project.

I quickly revised my speech to include this exciting development. The challenge was to maintain the original flow while incorporating the new information without making it sound like an afterthought.

The adaptation was successful and the audience responded positively to the real-time update. This experience taught me the importance of flexibility in communication and being able to think on your feet.”

29. How do you measure the success of a speech you’ve written?

It’s about understanding the impact of your words. As a speechwriter, your role is to craft compelling narratives that resonate with audiences and inspire action. But it’s not just about artful storytelling; it’s also about delivering measurable results. Therefore, knowing how you gauge the success of a speech can give an interviewer insights into how you align your writing with strategic objectives and how you can potentially contribute to their organization’s goals.

Example: “The success of a speech can be measured in several ways.

One key indicator is audience engagement, which can be gauged through their reactions during the speech and feedback afterwards. If they are attentive, responsive, and actively participating, it suggests that the speech was effective.

Another measure is whether the intended message was clearly communicated and understood. This can be assessed through follow-up discussions or surveys to determine if the main points were grasped by the audience.

Lastly, the impact of the speech on the behavior or perspectives of the audience can also be an important metric. For instance, did it inspire action, change attitudes, or provoke thought? These outcomes indicate a successful speech.”

30. Can you share an instance where your speech significantly influenced an audience’s perspective or decision?

The power of a speechwriter lies in their ability to sway the minds and hearts of the audience. Hiring managers want to see examples of your past success in this area to ensure your skills align with their needs. Your ability to shape public opinion or drive decision-making through your words is a key metric of your effectiveness in this role.

Example: “In a past experience, I was tasked with writing a speech for a non-profit organization seeking funding. The audience was composed of potential investors who were initially skeptical about the project’s viability.

I meticulously crafted a narrative that highlighted the organization’s mission, its impact, and how their investment could make a difference. Post-speech, there was a significant shift in their attitude, resulting in substantial funding for the organization.

This instance underlined the power of words and reinforced my belief that well-articulated speeches can indeed change perspectives and influence decisions.”

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Speech Writing for Class 12

Speech Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Basic  English Grammar  rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 12 English Chapter wise.

Speech Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises PDF

Purpose The purpose of making a speech is

  • to convey information orally to a large gathering of people, forcefully, and convincingly.
  • to make the listeners understand the speaker’s point of view.
  • to pass on a wide range of information to a wide range of audiences orally.
  • to express an opinion, share a point of view, experience, observation, etc.
  • salutation – speaker greets chief guests, fellow speakers, and listeners
  • key sentence carrying the central theme or issue of the speech
  • expressing one’s views – what you feel about the topic
  • compare and contrast – what do others feel and why your views are better
  • summing up – conclude by summing up arguments that highlight your viewpoint
  • A speech must begin with a catchy introduction in the form of an anecdote, quotation, statistical data, or a thought-provoking question.
  • A speech must reflect the speaker’s clarity of thought, the accuracy of facts, and a balanced view through comparison and contrast with other viewpoints.
  • Bring credibility to your views through quoting of adequate supporting data.
  • Infuse humor through anecdotes.
  • Summing up or consolidation of ideas, suggestions/measures to improve the situation, personal observations and predictions must be done.
  • Use language that is persuasive and powerful.
  • Give a vote of thanks to the audience.
  • The speech must be written in the appropriate format and style.
  • Remember to keep within the word limit.

Speech Writing Sample Example for Class 12 CBSE

As Secretary of the Literary Club of your school, you have been asked to deliver a speech on the importance of reading, a habit which sadly has become irrelevant for the present generation. Complete the speech on the importance of reading for the Book Week Celebrations of your school.

Answer: (a) and pursuing more ephemeral pleasures. (b) I, Nisha, Secretary of the Literary Club stand before you to (c) The advent of technology is one definite contributor to the decline of the reading habit. (d) reading is crucial to being an informed citizen, (e) reading is increasingly important for children trying to find their place in it.

Speech Writing Class 12 CBSE

Speech Writing Practice Examples for Class 12 CBSE

1. On the occasion of International Museum Day, prepare a speech, in about 150-200 words, for the morning assembly, on the role of museums in preserving history and heritage. Also mention how students can benefit from visiting museums. You are Karuna/Karan. (10 marks) [CBSE Sample Paper 2017] Answer: Good morning, respectable Principal Madam, teachers and my dear friends! Today, I Karan would like to deliver a speech on the role of museums in preserving history and heritage.

Today is ‘International Museum Day’ and we need to remind ourselves about the rich cultural heritage of India from Kanyakumari to Everest Peak. Preservations of artifacts and exhibits of care value, unearthed by archaeologists at various sites prove to be an invaluable source of information which many historians can with authenticity, jot down in books for handing down facts, discovered about lost civilisations or kingdoms.

These not only encourage more excavations but an eagerness among scholars and researchers to hunt for more concrete information for verification of historical facts already accepted. The Egyptian mummies, the Indus Valley Civilization tools, the parts of the sunken Titanic arouse more and more curiosities. This in turn helps students to develop pride in their cultural heritage. This also becomes a part of a student’s informal education and help in the holistic growth of a student.

2. You are to speak on “The Impact of Television Advertising on Children’. Prepare your speech to be delivered at the Parent-Teacher Forum meeting of Daffodils School, Manali. You are Nishant/ Deepshikha. (Word limit: 200)

3. School curriculum has become a burden for the students. In an age of information overload, the number of textbooks and notebooks has increased enormously. The burden of textbooks has become such a crucial problem that it needs to be addressed immediately. As Amit/Nitya delivers a speech on the topic using your own ideas. (Word limit: 200)

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4 Questions to Ask Yourself While Writing a Speech If you know what the audience expects from you, the words will roll off your tongue.

By Jennifer Spencer Jul 6, 2020

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

So, you're about to take a stage soon. Whether it be for a work presentation, a book tour or as the keynote speaker for a conference in your industry, an engaging talk should hit on all the right components. It should be educational, honest, surprising, vulnerable and witty. Whew! That's a lot to pack in.

Albert Einstein famously said, "If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask … for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes." Writing a speech is somewhat the same. If you know what it is you're asking of yourself — or that which the audience is asking of you — the speech will roll off your tongue easily. So, here are four questions to ask yourself as you write your speech to help you uncover what you most need to say.

1. What do I want the audience to walk away with?

The first question is likely the most important, but it's also loaded. Are you getting up on that stage to teach, to motivate or to persuade? Perhaps a bit of all three? A good trick here is to imagine what you want an audience member to say after your talk when they're calling a friend. What do they share that they just learned or got from it?

The best way to begin this consideration is through the "What's in it for me?" principle. William B. Cole, a speaker, trainer and consultant, wrote that , "People are really only interested in material that affects them. After writing any piece of material, no matter how brilliant, apply the WIIFM principle and judge if your audience will care about it and use it."

In other words, they need to walk away with something that they will put into practice as soon as possible. What do you want this to be?

2. What detail has stuck with me most in my exploring this topic?

Now, you've chosen the topic you have chosen because it's something that's of personal interest to you. You must convey this interest, or else the audience can sense boredom and reciprocate it. Think back through the stories and research conclusions you've stumbled across in your own journey with the topic. If you're speaking to motivate the audience to quit their 9-5 to pursue their passions, what was a story of someone who did just that and motivated you? If you're giving a talk on the importance of evaluating mental health in all medical appointments, what statistic shocked you the most in your research?

Go for shock value. This lends itself to why the audience should care, or "what's in it for them," because you'll show them what had been in it for you.

Related: How to Effectively Use Storytelling to Attract a Larger Brand Following

3. How does my own experience relate to this?

Stories matter. The sooner you can get vulnerable on that stage, the more your audience will trust you. Storytelling expert Craig Harrison dispelled a common myth about these stories when he wrote for Toastmasters that, "Many speakers believe that they don't have great stories since they haven't beaten cancer, founded a Fortune 500 company or won a Nobel Prize, but you don't have to have survived a bullet to the head or turned around to have stories to tell."

Sometimes the greatest stories unfold from your own struggles, even if you think they're only personal to you. Lewis Raymond Taylor, an international speaker and the CEO of Coaching Masters, told me, "I found a lot of power in sharing my story. I had gone through a lot in my life, such as attempting suicide at age 18, being diagnosed with drug and alcohol induced epilepsy at at 23 and even going to prison for 18 months when I was 24. But I learned that by overcoming all of those obstacles and sharing the nitty-gritty details, others felt like they weren't so far behind, and that they could turn their lives around, too, and turn their adversities into assets."

What stories from your own life and career shaped who you are today and led you to this moment getting onstage? Don't be afraid to be vulnerable. In fact, be vulnerable even if you're afraid.

4. What are the three main bullet points I want in everyone's notebooks?

When you're listening to someone speak and you're doing so diligently, you're taking notes. Notes can range from quotes that they've said to ideas that have been sparked in your head by listening to them. What are the three main takeaways you want each audience member to write down in their notebooks?

It's important to have three — no more, no less. Less doesn't fully embrace a subject or a topic, and more is hard to track. These three bullet points should reflect the answers to the prior three questions and help you shape your talk. Sandwich these bullet points in between stories, and support the bullet points with facts and statistics.

Related: If You Want to Be a Successful Entrepreneur, Get Comfortable With Your Vulnerability

Once you've nailed down the answers to these questions, get started practicing out loud and see what else comes. As long as you're thoughtful, honest and based in real research and your own stories, the audience will take something from your talk.

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An anecdote is...

A short explanation.

A word my teacher uses to show off.

Snake bite medicine

A short personal story.

It is important to learn to give speeches beacuse...

They help us pass a test.

They help gain confidence and grow as a person.

They help me remember stuff.

They help me think better and understand.

When beginning a speech you should...

Listen to the needs of the audience

Start with a joke

Grab audience attention

Ask people what they want you to talk about.

Is it ok to begin, "Today, i'm going to give a speech about..."

Yes, it lets the audience know what the speech is about.

No, it is a weak way to state the purpose of the speech.

Opinions speeches should try to persuade the audience...

Audience listeners will most remember...

falling asleep.

how you made them laugh.

beginning and end of the speech.


Strong speeches...

Are given by a speaker who whispers

may be easily heard due to volume

contain regular eye contact

Both A and C

Using facts throughout my speech...

is a way to waste time.

backs up point (evidence).

way to show off.

bores the audience

A person has given a strong speech when..

included a song or dance.

they have remained on the topic and explained each reason.

they dressed up.

talked little about the topic.

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WIDA’s Test for English Learners: Try Sample Questions

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The WIDA ACCESS language proficiency test is used across close to 40 states as part of the federal requirement to determine whether English learners continue to need language-development services.

The summative test covers four English-language domains: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It is built off of the language-assessment group WIDA’s language development standards, and test questions align with content students see in regular classrooms, WIDA experts said. The topics covered in various questions are rooted in math, science, and social studies concepts.

Consistent, quality language instruction and practice across the school day from both general education teachers and specialists is key for English learners, especially as data show that average proficiency scores on the ACCESS test continue to decline after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

ELL Girl Laptop 052024 176654360

Researchers and specialists say general education teachers could benefit from understanding the ACCESS test, which is given both online and on paper, and its scoring to help English learners’ language development. WIDA provides free sample questions and scoring guides online .

For a snapshot of reading questions from both the online and paper versions of the test, take the quiz below. It features questions provided by WIDA across grade-level clusters, and levels of difficulty within these clusters (known as lettered tiers).

The format has been edited for length and clarity, and the quiz does not feature the adaptive quality of the online test, where difficulty levels increase or decrease based on students’ responses to prior questions.

Teachers can try out practice online exam questions across all four domains in the format students experience through WIDA’s website .

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