• Cover letter guide

How to write a cover letter — a guide to success.

Discover the best practices for writing a strong cover letter.

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A drawing of a woman sitting on an orange bean bag near a cat using her laptop to send a cover letter.


What is a cover letter?

Why is a cover letter important, how to write a cover letter., tips for creating a strong cover letter., proofread and edit your cover letter., cover letter checklist., example cover letters., frequently asked questions..

The job search process can be stressful, whether you’re entering the workforce for the first time, pivoting careers, or simply looking for a change. Hiring is competitive, and your application needs to clearly demonstrate why you’re an ideal candidate and distinguish you from other applicants.

To provide a holistic view of what you bring to the table and improve your chances of hearing back from a hiring manager, you should submit a cover letter. Read this guide to learn the best tips and tricks for creating an effective cover letter.

A cover letter is a writing sample that accompanies your application. It serves as an introduction, allowing you to explain why you’re a good fit for the position, demonstrate your knowledge and experience, and share more personal details outside of your resume.

Even if a cover letter is optional, you can significantly increase the probability of scoring an interview by providing one. According to a recent survey of 200 hiring decision-makers, 83% of respondents said that a well-written cover letter would persuade them to schedule an interview — even if the applicant didn’t have a strong resume.

How long should a cover letter be?

The average cover letter length is three to four paragraphs. In general, it should be no more than one page.

Your goal should be to create a concise letter that captures the most important details about your previous experience and skills, your interest in the job, and how you can contribute to the company or organization.

Since a cover letter is a quick read, you’ll need to make each sentence count. Be creative about demonstrating your unique personality and qualifications by sharing short stories and relevant details about your work experience and approach.

A drawing of a female business professional using a laptop to review cover letters for a job posting.

First impressions are foundational to influencing your prospective employer’s expectations and perceptions of you. A cover letter is your chance to shape their idea of you and show off your accomplishments and distinct voice.

Your cover letter can add a personal touch to your application, giving the reader a better sense of who you are and why you would be successful in the position. It also demonstrates your interest in the job, your writing abilities, and your willingness to go beyond what’s required — especially if a cover letter isn’t specifically requested.

Job application forms often involve pre-assigned questions and information, with limited character counts or space to fill out your answers. A cover letter allows you to share additional details that don’t fit on your application, like personal connections to the company, previous internships or roles with the organization, and special circumstances that explain gaps in your resume.

What is the format of a cover letter?

Sharing your letter in a compact, secure format — like a PDF — will help create a professional look and feel, ensuring your document functions and appears the same across devices. While you can be creative about the content of your cover letter, you should follow a standard structure of one page with three to four paragraphs.

Since hiring managers skim many applications and are often short on time, this framework is the most effective way to quickly summarize your relevant experience, express your enthusiasm, and persuade the reader to consider you for the position.

You should include specific contact information for yourself and the company and clearly express a few main ideas in each paragraph.

Let’s get a closer look at the individual building blocks of an effective cover letter.

Before you begin writing the actual letter, choose a compelling design that matches your personality and the tone you’d like to set. Many free templates are available online, so get creative about which cover letter approach will let your individual experience and character shine.

Now that you’ve chosen your canvas, you’re ready to start crafting a standout letter. Ahead of delving into the actual body copy, you’ll need to research the company and gather relevant contact information for the header. Depending on the template you select, your header can include the following:

  • Your full name
  • Your contact information (optional if included in other areas of your application)
  • Name of the hiring manager or contact
  • Title of the hiring manager or contact
  • Name of the company or organization
  • Full address of the company or organization (optional if space is limited)

An illustration of a cover letter header with the date, posted job title, recipient's contact information, and letter salutation.

After creating the header, write a salutation addressing the letter recipient. Be as specific as possible, greeting the person reviewing your application by name if you can. This information is not always readily available in a job posting, so you may need to peruse the company’s website or explore social media pages and profiles.

If you can’t determine who will read your letter, you can reference the company or department name or simply use “Hiring Manager.” You might also include honorific titles, like Dr. or Prof., before someone’s name if relevant.

Here are a few greeting ideas to get you started:

  • Dear [Full Name],
  • Dear [Department] Team,
  • Dear [Dr., Prof., Mr., Ms., or Mrs. Full Name],
  • Dear Hiring Manager,

Including a specific name or more personalized greeting will show that you took the time to learn more about the company, naturally helping the reader feel more inclined to review your letter. Avoid using a general greeting such as “To whom it may concern.”

Opening paragraph.

In the opening paragraph, you should introduce yourself, express your interest in the position, and hook the hiring manager’s interest. These first few sentences set the stage for their impression of you and influence their decision to continue reading.

To create a strong opening, stay away from generic statements and prioritize highlighting concrete details and relevant experience. Remember to name the specific position for which you’re applying and outline how you will provide value to the company.

An illustration of an example cover letter salutation and opening paragraph.

First body paragraph.

The next paragraph should describe your previous experience, accomplishments, and skills. This is your chance to fill in details that didn’t fit on your resume or application and spell out how your career history or goals connect to the position. Be sure to add numbers or measurable impact to strengthen your case.

Steer clear of simply recapping your resume. Your cover letter should supplement your resume, encouraging the hiring manager to refer to it for more information.

Now is not the time to be shy — but don’t go over the top, either. Focus on using a confident tone and displaying your competence without exaggerating or using overly bold claims.

An illustration of the body paragraphs in an example cover letter.

Second body paragraph.

The following section of your cover letter should tie your career history and specialties to the company’s needs and position. A good practice is to include keywords from the job description. You can also study the organization’s website and posts to get a sense of their culture and writing style in order to match their tone.

Like a sales pitch, you want to show how you can solve the company’s “pain points” or contribute to their goals through your strengths and previous job experience. Even if you’re new to the workforce or pivoting careers, companies value candidates who demonstrate other traits that aren’t necessarily taught — like passion, reliability, and initiative.

Closing paragraph.

In your conclusion paragraph , you should reiterate why the hiring manager should consider you for the position and how you would bring value to their organization if chosen. Assert why you’re an ideal candidate and leave them with a positive impression.

An illustration of a closing and signature in an example cover letter.

It’s also a good idea to thank the hiring manager for their time. Inform them of the best way to reach you and indicate that you look forward to discussing your application and learning more about the opportunity.

Finally, select a professional closing to wrap up your cover letter. These are a few tried and tested options:

  • Best regards,
  • All the best,

Write your full name after the closing, including a signature below if desired.

A drawing of a woman reviewing a cover letter checklist on her laptop.

  • Do your research. Your letter should reveal your knowledge of the company and relate directly to the job position.
  • Mention referrals or connections you have to the company. These references help establish trust and set you apart from other qualified candidates.
  • Use clear, succinct language. Fit in specific examples of how you’ve brought value to other companies, proving your points with numbers or anecdotes about how you addressed challenges in previous roles.
  • Save your cover letter in a format that will preserve the design on any device. We recommend converting your cover letter to a PDF — a versatile format that is sleek and easy to save and share, no matter the operating system. Adobe offers free online services to meet all your cover letter needs, like updating a Microsoft Word document to a PDF .

Tailor your cover letter to the job and company.

Many people send generic letters with different job applications, and the lack of specificity shows. Universal cover letters can undermine otherwise strong applications and reduce your chances of landing an interview.

Mirror the language of the job posting and the company’s website to capture the right tone and ensure your interest in the position is apparent.

If you’re applying for many positions and want to save time by repurposing your work, make sure to customize each cover letter by honing in on specific details that apply to individual positions.

To speed up the process, you can create a personalized cover letter template using a digital document tool like Adobe Acrobat . A template will allow you to update and customize sections of your letter while maintaining the structure and evergreen information.

For a polished final product, ask a mentor or trusted friend to read through your letter and provide feedback. It can be helpful to get a second opinion about whether your message is clear and anything that needs to be refined.

A drawing of a woman holding a magnifying glass toward a cover letter on a computer screen, with a cat observing.

Using a collaborative digital document tool like Acrobat can make getting feedback a breeze, with editing tools like annotating, commenting, and drawing on a PDF.

Acrobat also has tools to spell-check your document — highlighting typos and grammar errors directly within the file and freeing your energy to focus on the content of your letter.

To help you develop an effective cover letter, we’ve created a checklist to help you remember what to include and put your best foot forward.

A checklist of cover letter dos.

Check out these cover letter samples to spark your creativity. Note how each letter pulls keywords from the job descriptions and tailors the tone and content to the specific position.

Junior copywriter — job description

Memorable Marketing Agency is seeking a part-time junior copywriter to join our team. If you have a knack for creative writing and a way with words, we want to hear from you. You’ll work closely with our senior editor to craft copy across a variety of mediums, from social media platforms to websites. A successful applicant will have a sharp eye for detail, appreciation for clear messaging, and ability to adapt their writing to different voices and tones.


  • Interview subject matter experts and research a variety of topics to meet clients’ messaging requests.
  • Collaborate with the senior editor to create and interpret content briefs.
  • Write copy for social media posts, email marketing campaigns, search engine optimization (SEO) content, and design assets.
  • Stay current on style guidelines and social media trends.
  • Manage overlapping deadlines and projects.


  • Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in English, communications, marketing, or journalism
  • Exceptional writing and interviewing skills
  • One to two years of experience in copywriting
  • Experience writing for social media (preferred)

Junior copywriter — example cover letter

An example cover letter for a junior copywriter job opening.

Click to open

Senior staff accountant — job description

Big Dipper Bank is looking to add a full-time senior staff accountant to the team. This role will take the lead on preparing financial statements, completing in-depth research analysis, and completing annual audits. To be successful, you should use a detail-oriented approach, possess strong organizational skills, and have the ability to manage and train junior staff members.

Job summary

  • Prepare and review tax return documents, balance sheet reconciliations, and general ledger analysis.
  • Coordinate annual audit preparations.
  • Mentor and guide junior staff accountants and interns.
  • Ensure accurate financial statements and create monthly reports.

Knowledge, skills, and abilities

  • Bachelor’s degree in finance or accounting
  • CPA credential (preferred)
  • Over five years of experience in finance or accounting
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel and Oracle NetSuite ERP
  • Strong knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and tax laws

An example cover letter for a senior staff accountant job opening.

Here are some quick-hit answers to common questions about creating cover letters.

What do I write in a cover letter?

In your cover letter, you should discuss your skills and experience and share why the hiring manager should consider you for the position. This is your chance to distinguish yourself from other candidates and provide a more qualitative and holistic picture of who you are outside of your resume.

You should include details like connections to the company, why you’re interested in the role, how you would contribute, metrics and specific benchmarks of previous success, and keywords from the job description. Most templates include a header with the hiring manager’s name, title, and contact information, as well as space for your name, contact information, and signature.

What is a cover letter? What should an example look like?

A cover letter is a writing sample introducing yourself to the prospective employer. Even if it’s not required, you should submit a cover letter with your resume and job application to add a personal touch and persuade the hiring manager to schedule an interview.

If you’re struggling to envision what a cover letter should look like, there are many free cover letter templates available online that you can browse. You should include a header with the hiring manager’s contact information, a salutation, three to four paragraphs detailing your qualifications, a closing, and your name or signature.

It’s best practice to convert your document to a PDF to keep a professional appearance across devices and share it with ease.

What is a cover letter for a resume?

When submitting a resume, you should include a cover letter to supplement your application. Encourage the reader to refer to your resume or CV in the letter to learn more about your career history and skills.

What do employers look for in a cover letter?

Since hiring managers have to sift through lots of applications, a cover letter can help you get noticed and shape the employer’s perception of you as a candidate.

Strong cover letters should be specific, concise, professional, and enthusiastic. They should mirror the language and tone of the company’s website and job description and capture your unique personality and strengths.

What is a good cover letter format?

After spending time researching and creating your cover letter, don’t diminish your hard work with an unprofessional format or lopsided design. Ensure your cover letter functions and looks great on any screen by saving it as a PDF file.

Keep your document to one page and include three to four paragraphs spotlighting the most important information the prospective employer should know about you and your application.

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professional cover letter pdf


Professional Cover Letter

professional cover letter pdf

You might get by on passing a recruitment process just by having a resume with a strong resume summary statement  and a detailed body of discussion. However, there are some advantages that you can expect if you will also pass a professional cover letter. This document will help you to further present your qualifications especially those that are not highlighted or even included in your professional profile.

  • Business Letter Examples
  • How Do You Address an Email Cover Letter

We have gathered a number of professional cover letter examples in PDF format so you can have guides when making your own simple cover letter . Download them here and thoroughly browse through their content for you to fully maximize their usage.

Free Professional Freshers Sample Cover Letter

Free Professional Freshers Sample Cover Letter Template

  • Google Docs
  • Editable PDF

Free Download

Job Application Cover Letter Example

Job Application Cover Letter Example

Size: 15 KB

Simple Professional Cover Letter Example

Simple Professional Cover Letter Example

Size: 177 KB

Why Do You Need a Cover Letter?

Cover letters are understated by some applicants for the reason that not all companies require the submission of this document. Even if this fact still exists nowadays, you should not take it against your desire to send a cover letter to your prospective employer. Simple cover letters can give you a lot of benefits during the hiring and selection process. Here are some of the reasons why you need to create and send a cover letter:

1. There are a lot of resumes, curriculum vitae and professional profiles that recruitment agents and officers need to evaluate in every hiring activity. Not all applicants will send a cover letter which will help your application stand out if you have one. Make sure that the application instructions are not against the usage of a cover letter before sending or handing it to the hiring personnel. You may also see formal letter examples and samples

2. Using a cover letter can make you look more desirable. This document can create an impression that you truly want to be considered for the job position open for employment. Aside from the additional effort that you exerted to create more documents to submit, the content of your cover letter can also help you increase your value as a potential employee. You may also like complaint letter examples & samples

3. Not all your strengths can be placed on your resume as there is a limited space and formatting style present in this document. This is why a cover letter is necessary as it allows you to give more details of who you are as a professional, in the most formal way possible. Through a cover letter, you can further elaborate the items in your resume or you can also create a new discussion that can be used as supporting details for the claims of your profile. You may also check out business reference letter examples

4. Competition in all industries is stiff. If you have a cover letter, then you can easily present your uniqueness and strengths that can help you be one of the best choices for the work post that you are applying for. Having a cover letter makes it easier for you to convince employers that you have the deliverable and qualifications that will allow you to function based on the demands of the business and your targeted work position. You may also see application letter examples & samples

Example Format of Professional Cover Letter

Example Format of Professional Cover Letter

Size: 16 KB

Simple Example of a Cover Letter

Simple Example of a Cover Letter

Size: 261 KB

Professional Cover Letter – Tips, Guides and Example

Professional Cover Letter - Tips, Guides and Example

Things to Include in a Cover Letter

It will depend on your personal take on developing a cover letter when it is already time to create the content that you will include in it. The objective of making a cover letter is to ensure that you can impress employers without being too arrogant. Hence, it is essential for this document to be comprehensive, business-appropriate and realistic. Some of the items that you can include in the cover letter include the following:

1. Discuss the value of your application to the position. Are you an added value for the business? If you think so, what made you come up with your conclusion? Make sure that your cover letter can present what you can bring to the table. You may also see business proposal letter examples

2. Present how your candidacy can affect the operations of the business. Specify examples, instances, and experiences that can showcase your capabilities as a professional. Make your statements relevant to the scenario where you will be given the work position that you would like to have. You may also like acknowledgement letter examples

3. State the relation and connection of your education, professional work experiences, technical skills and interests to the job that you want to be hired for. Doing this can directly make employers expect that you know what you are talking about and that you are really one of the strongest candidates that they need to consider.

4. Include facts that can reflect your enthusiasm both for the business and the job position. Be eager, but in a way that is still commanding and respectful. cover letter examples work best if you will praise the business and give a few information that you know about them while still focusing on your deliverable and key attributes.

Professional Cover Letter for General Application Example

Professional Cover Letter for General Application Example

Size: 182 KB

Detailed Professional Cover Letter Example

Detailed Professional Cover Letter Example

Size: 140 KB

Basic Professional Cover Letter Example

Basic Professional Cover Letter Example

Size: 23 KB

Tips to Consider When Making Cover Letters

A cover letter can be a strong tool that will allow you to advance on the next stages of the recruitment process, only if the document is written in a believable, impressive and compelling manner. If you want to come up with an effective cover letter that can help you secure an interview spot, you have to be aware of a few cover letter development basics and guidelines. Listed below are some of the tips that you may look into if you already plan to start making your own cover letter. You may also see how not to write a business letter

1. Make sure to read cover letter how to tips as much as possible. Not all cover letters can work to your advantage especially if you have written one without prior understanding of what it should really contain. Having the knowledge on what you need to put in a cover letter and how you can make the content convincing are some of the key factors that can help you succeed with the document’s usage.

2. Be selective of the tone and language that you will use. Be as professional as possible. The way you develop your cover letter can reflect how you communicate with entities. Hence, you should make sure that your cover letter does not have any jargon, foul language, inappropriate content and explicit information. You may also like notice letter examples

3. Be aware of your grammar and spelling. Cover letters can either make or break your application. Even if the information presented in the document is relevant and impressive, you can still disappoint employers if you have issues with your grammar and spelling. Errors are errors, no matter which angle you look at them.

4. Make your cover letter engaging. Use terms and keywords that are used in the operations of the business especially those that are related to the job position that you desire to qualify for. The more strengths that you can present which are beneficial and essential in the business, the higher your chances are of being hired. You may also check out appointment letter examples & samples

Professional Cover Letter Structure Example

Professional Cover Letter Structure Example

Size: 77 KB

Professional Cover Letter Example

Professional Cover Letter Example

Size: 160 KB

Start Making an Attention-Worthy Cover Letter

Making a cover letter is like creating a sales pitch so that you can sell a product to clients. In this instance, you serve as the product that should be deemed worthy of the employers’ attention. Persuade your potential employer that you are the best fit for the work position by coming up with a cover letter that speaks volume about your ability to provide the current needs and demands of the business. Whether you will create a physical cover letter or an email cover letter , ensure that you will do your best to make the document one of your strengths as a candidate.

It may be hard to develop a cover letter at first as there is a lot of information that you can put in it. A suggestion that we have is for you to create a checklist or a draft that will help you make a list of the items that truly matter for the application. Having guides like the stated tools can make it easier for you to make the content of the cover letter more thorough, precise and direct to the point. You may also see how to write an official letter

Always narrow down your discussion to its simplest form. Your cover letter should not be too long that it already becomes irrelevant, unnecessary and boring. Refer to samples and templates of cover letters so you can further improve the overall cover letter content and format. The more polished and well-evaluated your cover letter is, the more it can be of help for your application. Try making a cover letter now and see if it can provide you with more favorable results during your work application .


Cover Letter Maker

Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Write a cover letter for a college student applying for an internship at an educational technology company

Form a cover letter for a high school student seeking a part-time job at a local bookstore.


  1. Professional Letter Templates [Word & PDF] Download for free

    An approachable image cover letter template with a touch of imagination. Reviewed by the community. Trusted by professionals. 4.5 out of 5. based on 50,205 reviews. Professional cover letter Templates to get hired faster 20 expert tested cover letters download as Word or PDF Over 13 Million Users.

  2. Cover Letter Templates PDF

    Editable cover letter templates in PDF format. Adobe Acrobat's free PDF cover letter templates mean you won't have to go back to the drawing board for every job application. But you don't have to just send the same tired letter each time, either. With Adobe Acrobat's online editing tools, you can customise each cover letter to give you ...

  3. PDF Cover Letter Guide

    A cover letter is more than a resume in paragraph form. 3 The format, content and purpose of a cover letter are highly individualized. • Follow basic professional writing standards, paying special attention to differences in uploading a cover letter into an online application or using your letter as the body of an email message.

  4. Free Cover Letter Templates [Customize & Download]

    This straightforward cover letter template free download places your name front and center. Executive. The elegant design of this sample cover letter template commands attention. Managerial. Make a bold statement with this modern cover letter template, which offers customizable colors and fonts. Original.

  5. Free printable cover letter templates you can customize

    Impress your future employer with a professional cover letter template you can customize and print for free from Canva. ... When you've finished editing, download your free cover letter as a PDF file or export it in a shareable link or high-resolution image format. Don't worry—your file remains in your Canva account, so you can always ...

  6. Professional Cover Letter Templates for 2024

    Build your cover letter online for free from 18+ professional cover letter templates. Use ready-made content, follow experts' tips and download in PDF/Word. Tools. Resume Builder Create a resume in 5 minutes. Get the job you want. ... Just like your resume should be sent in PDF format, it is best to download your cover letter in PDF, too. The ...

  7. 55+ Cover Letter Templates in Docx & Pdf

    Free Cover Letter Templates. These cover letters have been made with the, absolutely free, cover letter tool (AI-assisted) from Resume.io. Here you can download the Pdf- & JPEG files, but with the tool, also in Word format, so you can keep editing them yourself. Create Cover Letter.

  8. Professional Cover Letter Templates

    Cover Letter Builder. Use our software and create a cover letter with a premade template. Let the Genius cover letter generator help you make your cover letter in minutes. Need a stylish, formal cover letter? Download one of our 40+ professional cover letter templates for free in either Word or Google Docs.

  9. Free Cover Letter Template for Your Resume (Copy & Paste)

    Pantheon. The "Pantheon" cover letter template's bold header projects confidence, making it ideal for executives. 2024. Designed for the modern job seeker, our "2024" cover letter template is perfect for people in any industry. Classic. "The Classic" cover letter template is clean, traditional, and the perfect format to start off your application.

  10. Free Cover Letter Generator: Build a Cover Letter Online

    Feature-rich cover letter builder. 18 professional cover letter templates, with dozens of varied color schemes and fonts. ... Always download and send your cover letter in PDF. Adjust the spacing so that you only need one page (the ideal cover letter length), and that it doesn't look too busy. Chances are, hiring managers won't even bother ...


    Your cover letter is a key aspect of your marketing materials. At the MBA level, many companies will require a cover letter and will give it significant weight in their decision-making process. The goal of your cover letter is to help tell your story in a compelling way that makes the company want to select you for an interview.


    A good way to create a response-producing cover letter is to highlight your skills or experiences that are most applicable to the job or industry and to tailor the letter to the specific organization you are applying to. Some general rules about letters: • Address your letters to a specific person if you can. • Tailor your letters to ...

  13. 200+ Professional Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers

    Employer name. Company Name. Street address. City, State. Salutation. Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], Opening Paragraph (Introduction) Your cover letter opening should contain a self-introduction. Write about who you are, where your expertise lies, where you found the job posting, and why you want to apply for the job.

  14. Free Cover Letter Templates

    3. Make it an extension of your resume. Your cover letter should elaborate on your resume rather than repeating it. Choose two or three of your top qualifications and most impressive accomplishments to highlight. Expand upon them in more detail and explain why your experiences would bring value to the company.

  15. How to Write a Cover Letter (Expert Tips & Examples)

    To send a cover letter by email, first save your cover letter and resume as separate PDF or Word documents, then follow the steps below: Write a clear and professional subject line that includes the job title and your name. Compose a brief message in the body of the email, introducing yourself and stating the position you are applying for.

  16. Professional Letter Templates [Word & PDF] Free Download

    Try our professional CV builder now! Save time with our easy 3-step CV builder. No more writer's block or formatting difficulties in Word. Rapidly make a perfect CV employers love. Create My CV CV Examples. Professional cover letter Templates to get hired faster 24 expert tested cover letters download as Word or PDF Over 15 Million Users.

  17. How to write a cover letter

    Sharing your letter in a compact, secure format — like a PDF — will help create a professional look and feel, ensuring your document functions and appears the same across devices. While you can be creative about the content of your cover letter, you should follow a standard structure of one page with three to four paragraphs.

  18. PDF Cover Letter Writing Guide

    The purpose of a cover letter is to highlight your accomplishments, projects, or skills that align with the requirements of the position. Writing a cover letter is an opportunity to convey special information that is not on your resume, but which may be of particular interest to the employer. While a resume includes your professional "facts ...

  19. PDF Cover Letter Samples

    Unless explicitly told not to send a cover letter, a cover letter should always be submitted to strengthen your application. The following cover letters were developed to help UCF students to better compete for internships and co-ops. Please use these examples to create your own unique style and clearly represents your academic and professional ...

  20. 300+ Free Cover Letters Examples by Job [Full Guides]

    Production. 1. No matter your role in the manufacturing process, make your application stand out with our industry-specific cover letter examples. Share your story and strongest assets, then put your application together in a flash with our hassle-free builder tool and professional, customizable designs. Production.

  21. Professional Cover Letter

    Through a cover letter, you can further elaborate the items in your resume or you can also create a new discussion that can be used as supporting details for the claims of your profile. You may also check out business reference letter examples. 4. Competition in all industries is stiff. If you have a cover letter, then you can easily present ...

  22. How to Write a Cover Letter When You're Changing Careers (Sample + Tips

    How to write a career change cover letter. A cover letter is a chance to expand upon the bullet points outlined in your resume. It's a space where you can explain your interest in the role and company, highlight your experience and skills, and sell a recruiter on the overall fit you'd make. But a career changer needs to do all of that and more.