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29 Jobs For Linguistics PhD (Semantic Specialists Sought)

phd linguistics job opportunities

Are you a language enthusiast who has pursued a PhD in Linguistics? Fascinated by the intricacies of language and communication?

Then, prepare to be intrigued!

Today, we’re exploring an array of dream jobs for Linguistics PhDs.

From language consultants to literacy development experts. Each one, is an ideal match for those with a passion for language studies.

Imagine being immersed in language and communication. Day in, day out.

Sounds enriching, doesn’t it?

So, grab your thinking cap.

And get ready to uncover your dream linguistics profession!

University Professor (Linguistics)

Average Salary: $60,000 – $100,000+ per year

University Professors in Linguistics engage in teaching, research, and the advancement of knowledge in the field of language studies.

This role is ideal for Linguistics PhD holders who are passionate about researching language patterns and imparting their expertise to students.

Job Duties:

  • Teaching and Lecturing : Develop and deliver course material for undergraduate and graduate students in the field of linguistics.
  • Academic Research : Conduct original research in various areas of linguistics, such as phonetics, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, or applied linguistics.
  • Supervising Student Research : Guide and mentor students in their academic projects, theses, or dissertations.
  • Curriculum Development : Contribute to the creation and updating of linguistic course content and degree requirements.
  • Academic Publishing : Write and publish scholarly articles, books, and research papers in the field of linguistics.
  • Participation in Conferences : Present research findings at academic conferences and engage with the global linguistics community.


  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics or a closely related field is required.
  • Research Skills : Strong background in linguistic research methodologies and a track record of published research.
  • Teaching Skills : Proficiency in designing and delivering engaging and informative lectures to students with diverse backgrounds.
  • Communication Skills : Exceptional verbal and written communication skills for effective teaching and scholarly discourse.
  • Academic Service : Willingness to participate in departmental, college, and university service activities.

Career Path and Growth :

University Professors have the opportunity to shape the future of the linguistics field through teaching and research.

Career growth can include obtaining tenure, advancing to departmental leadership roles, and gaining international recognition for scholarly contributions to the field of linguistics.

Professors may also become involved in interdisciplinary work, collaborate with other academic institutions, or work with government and private organizations on language-related issues and policies.

Computational Linguist

Average Salary: $80,000 – $120,000 per year

Computational Linguists develop computer systems that deal with human language, such as speech recognition programs, text-to-speech synthesizers, and language translation services.

This role is ideal for linguistics Ph.D. graduates who are passionate about the intersection of language and technology and who want to apply their skills in a cutting-edge field.

  • Language Modeling : Create computational models that represent various aspects of human language, including syntax, semantics, and phonetics.
  • Algorithm Development : Design and implement algorithms for natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as parsing, machine translation, and sentiment analysis.
  • Machine Learning : Employ machine learning techniques to improve language processing systems and develop more accurate linguistic data models.
  • Research and Analysis : Conduct research to advance the field of computational linguistics and solve complex language-related problems.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration : Work closely with experts in computer science, artificial intelligence, and cognitive psychology to enhance language technology.
  • Documentation and Reporting : Document methodologies and findings; prepare reports on research progress and outcomes.
  • Educational Background : A Ph.D. in Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, or a related field with a focus on natural language processing.
  • Programming Skills : Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, Java, or C++, and familiarity with NLP toolkits.
  • Quantitative Skills : Strong background in statistics and machine learning, especially as they relate to language technology applications.
  • Analytical Thinking : Ability to tackle linguistic challenges using computational methods and to analyze large language data sets.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent written and verbal communication skills for collaboration and to present complex concepts clearly to non-experts.
  • Continual Learning : Commitment to staying current with the latest developments in computational linguistics and related technologies.

Computational linguists have a variety of career advancement opportunities, including leading research teams, managing language technology projects, or transitioning into senior roles that shape the future of human-computer interaction.

With experience, computational linguists can also move into academia, teaching the next generation of linguists, or continue to expand the boundaries of the field through innovative research and collaboration.


Average Salary: $45,000 – $75,000 per year

Lexicographers are language specialists who compile, write and edit dictionaries.

They meticulously analyze language usage and document new words and meanings.

This role is ideal for Linguistics PhDs who are fascinated by the evolution of language and the precise definitions of words.

  • Compiling Definitions : Research and document precise definitions for words, including their etymology, usage, and variations.
  • Tracking Language Trends : Monitor and analyze linguistic trends, identifying new words and changes in word usage to update dictionary content.
  • Editing and Proofreading : Ensure accuracy and clarity in the dictionary entries, paying close attention to detail.
  • Researching Language Development : Conduct thorough research on historical and contemporary language use to inform dictionary entries.
  • Collaborating with Experts : Work alongside other linguists, lexicographers, and language experts to gather comprehensive linguistic information.
  • Engaging with the Public : Interact with the public for feedback and input on language use, often through surveys or social media.
  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics or a closely related field, with a focus on semantics, etymology, or lexicography.
  • Research Skills : Strong research skills with the ability to analyze and synthesize linguistic data from various sources.
  • Attention to Detail : Exceptional attention to detail is critical for the accurate representation of words and their meanings.
  • Writing and Editing Skills : Excellent writing and editing skills to create clear and concise dictionary entries.
  • Technological Proficiency : Familiarity with linguistic databases, corpus analysis tools, and other relevant software.

As a Lexicographer, there are opportunities to specialize in different types of dictionaries, such as historical, regional, or technical lexicons.

With experience, lexicographers can advance to editorial and managerial positions, lead major lexicographical projects, or engage in academic research and teaching in the field of lexicography or applied linguistics.

Language Curriculum Developer

Average Salary: $60,000 – $80,000 per year

Language Curriculum Developers create and refine educational programs and materials for language learning for various age groups and proficiency levels.

This role is perfect for Linguistics PhD holders who have a deep understanding of language structure, acquisition, and applied linguistics.

  • Developing Language Programs : Design comprehensive language curricula that cater to different learning objectives and educational standards.
  • Creating Educational Materials : Produce engaging and effective teaching resources, including textbooks, workbooks, audiovisual aids, and digital content.
  • Conducting Research : Keep up with the latest linguistic theories and teaching methodologies to integrate into curriculum design.
  • Training Educators : Provide training and support to language instructors on the implementation of the curriculum and teaching strategies.
  • Evaluating Effectiveness : Regularly assess and revise language programs to ensure they meet the learners’ needs and achieve desired outcomes.
  • Collaborating with Experts : Work with linguists, language teachers, and educational psychologists to develop the most effective language learning experiences.
  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics or Applied Linguistics is highly preferred.
  • Curriculum Development Experience : Proven experience in creating language learning programs and materials.
  • Research Skills : Strong ability to conduct academic research and apply findings to practical curriculum development.
  • Language Proficiency : Proficiency in at least one additional language is advantageous.
  • Cross-cultural Competence : Understanding of cultural nuances and the ability to incorporate them into language education.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent written and verbal communication skills, particularly in explaining linguistic concepts to non-experts.

As a Language Curriculum Developer, there is significant potential for impact in the field of education.

Successful curriculum developers can advance to leadership positions, overseeing language program initiatives, or become consultants for educational institutions and government bodies.

There is also the opportunity to contribute to academic research in language acquisition and pedagogy, influencing future educational practices.

Forensic Linguist

Average Salary: $55,000 – $85,000 per year

Forensic Linguists apply their expertise in language to analyze and interpret linguistic evidence in legal contexts.

They may work with law enforcement, legal professionals, or in academia.

This role is ideal for linguistics PhDs who have a keen eye for detail and a fascination with language use in legal and criminal investigations.

  • Analysis of Legal Documents : Examine and compare language use in contracts, confessions, and other legal documents to identify authorship or possible forgeries.
  • Expert Testimony : Provide expert opinions in court regarding linguistic evidence, which may include phonetic analysis, discourse analysis, or sociolinguistic profiling.
  • Threat Assessment : Analyze threatening or questionable communications to assess credibility and potential links to criminal behavior.
  • Research and Development : Conduct research on linguistic patterns and behaviors that can aid in criminal profiling and forensic investigation.
  • Training Law Enforcement : Offer training sessions to law enforcement agencies on linguistic cues to look for in written or spoken statements.
  • Keeping Current : Stay up-to-date with the latest linguistic research and methodologies relevant to forensic linguistics.
  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics, with a focus on forensic linguistics or related areas of study.
  • Attention to Detail : Exceptional analytical skills and attention to detail when examining linguistic evidence.
  • Understanding of Legal Processes : Familiarity with legal systems, procedures, and terminology.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent verbal and written communication skills, especially when providing expert testimony or compiling reports.
  • Discretion : Ability to handle sensitive information with confidentiality and professionalism.

Forensic Linguists may start their careers in academia or entry-level positions in criminal justice or private consulting.

With experience, they can advance to senior consultant roles, lead their department, or become recognized experts in the field, influencing policy and legal perspectives on language.

Opportunities for independent research and publication can further enhance their career and contribute to the development of the discipline.


Average Salary: $60,000 – $90,000 per year

Sociolinguists study the relationship between language and society, exploring how language varies and changes in different social contexts and among various groups.

This role is ideal for linguistics Ph.D. holders who are passionate about understanding how language functions within cultural, social, and political domains.

  • Conducting Research : Undertake qualitative and quantitative research to analyze language use patterns among different social groups.
  • Examining Language Variation : Explore how factors such as region, ethnicity, class, gender, and age influence language use and perception.
  • Documenting Language Change : Track and analyze linguistic changes over time and the factors contributing to language evolution.
  • Teaching and Lecturing : Share findings and theoretical knowledge in academic settings, delivering lectures and seminars on sociolinguistics.
  • Policy Advisement : Offer guidance on language policy and planning for educational institutions, government agencies, or private organizations.
  • Public Engagement : Engage with the wider community to raise awareness about language diversity and its social implications.
  • Educational Background : A Ph.D. in Linguistics with a focus on Sociolinguistics or a related specialization.
  • Research Skills : Strong background in sociolinguistic research methods and statistical analysis.
  • Critical Thinking : Ability to critically analyze language data and relate linguistic phenomena to social factors.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent written and verbal communication skills, particularly in presenting complex ideas to non-specialists.
  • Cultural Sensitivity : A deep understanding of and sensitivity to cultural and social nuances in language use.

Sociolinguists have the opportunity to contribute to the academic community through research and publication, influencing how we understand language’s role in society.

With experience, sociolinguists can advance to tenured academic positions, lead research projects, consult on language policy, or apply their expertise in multicultural corporate environments.

Speech-Language Pathologist

Speech-Language Pathologists assess, diagnose, and treat communication and swallowing disorders in individuals across the lifespan, from infants to the elderly.

This role is ideal for Linguistics PhDs who are passionate about applying their deep understanding of language and communication to help people improve their ability to interact with the world around them.

  • Evaluating Communication Disorders : Conduct thorough assessments to identify speech, language, voice, fluency, and swallowing disorders.
  • Developing Treatment Plans : Create individualized treatment strategies based on patient needs, incorporating evidence-based practices and the latest research.
  • Implementing Therapy : Provide direct therapy to patients, utilizing a range of techniques to address specific communication challenges.
  • Monitoring Progress : Regularly evaluate and document patient progress, adjusting treatment plans as necessary to ensure effective outcomes.
  • Collaborating with Other Professionals : Work alongside educators, medical professionals, and families to support the patient’s comprehensive care plan.
  • Advocacy and Education : Educate patients, families, and the community about communication disorders and the role of speech-language pathology in managing these conditions.
  • Educational Background : A Master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology or Communication Sciences and Disorders is required, along with state licensure. A PhD in Linguistics is highly beneficial for advanced research and academic roles within the field.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to tailor language and therapy approaches to individual needs.
  • Empathy and Patience : A compassionate and patient demeanor to support patients through their challenges and celebrate their progress.
  • Critical Thinking : The ability to analyze complex speech and language data and make informed decisions regarding patient care.
  • Detail-Oriented : Strong attention to detail for accurate patient assessments, treatment planning, and progress documentation.

As a Speech-Language Pathologist, there are opportunities to specialize in areas such as pediatric speech therapy, neurogenic communication disorders, or voice therapy.

With experience and additional training, one can take on leadership roles, contribute to research in the field, or become a university professor, shaping the next generation of speech-language pathologists.

Intelligence Analyst for Government Agencies

Average Salary: $60,000 – $100,000 per year

Intelligence Analysts for government agencies are responsible for assessing and interpreting linguistic data to support national security and law enforcement objectives.

This role is ideal for Linguistics PhDs who are skilled in analyzing language patterns and have a keen interest in national defense and intelligence gathering.

  • Assessing Security Threats : Analyze linguistic data from various sources to identify potential security threats and provide timely insights to policymakers.
  • Language Decryption : Decrypt communications and documents in foreign languages, using expertise in syntax, semantics, and sociolinguistics.
  • Cultural Analysis : Evaluate the cultural context of language use to better understand the intent and implications behind communications.
  • Preparing Reports : Synthesize complex linguistic and cultural information into actionable reports for law enforcement and security agencies.
  • Collaborating with Teams : Work with interagency teams to support broader intelligence operations and share linguistic expertise.
  • Staying Updated : Maintain up-to-date knowledge of current geopolitical events, language trends, and technological advancements in intelligence gathering.
  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics, with specialization in areas relevant to intelligence work such as sociolinguistics, computational linguistics, or discourse analysis.
  • Language Proficiency : Fluency in one or more foreign languages, with a preference for critical languages as defined by government agencies.
  • Analytical Skills : Strong analytical abilities to interpret complex linguistic data and draw accurate conclusions.
  • Clearance : Ability to obtain a security clearance, which typically requires a background check and adherence to strict confidentiality protocols.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent written and verbal communication skills to report findings clearly and concisely to non-specialist audiences.
  • Attention to Detail : Meticulous attention to detail and the ability to recognize subtle nuances in language and communication.

Intelligence Analysts have a critical role in shaping national security policies and strategies.

With experience, they can advance to senior analytical positions, lead teams, or become experts in a specific intelligence area.

Opportunities for further specialization, such as cybersecurity linguistics or foreign language teaching within government agencies, may also arise.

Language Documentation Specialist

Average Salary: $50,000 – $70,000 per year

Language Documentation Specialists are responsible for the preservation and study of languages, particularly those that are less commonly spoken or at risk of disappearing.

This role is ideal for Linguistics PhD graduates who are passionate about safeguarding linguistic diversity and cultural heritage.

  • Fieldwork : Conduct in-depth fieldwork to collect data on languages, including audio and video recordings of native speakers.
  • Analysis and Transcription : Analyze linguistic data and transcribe spoken language into written form, preserving phonetic and grammatical structures.
  • Developing Language Resources : Create dictionaries, grammar guides, and educational materials to support the learning and revitalization of languages.
  • Archiving : Ensure all collected data is systematically archived for future research and reference by other linguists and community members.
  • Community Collaboration : Work closely with indigenous and minority language communities to support their efforts in language maintenance and revitalization.
  • Research and Publication : Conduct research on linguistic phenomena and publish findings to contribute to the academic field of linguistics.
  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics with a focus on language documentation, sociolinguistics, or a related area is required.
  • Fieldwork Experience : Proven experience in conducting linguistic fieldwork, preferably with endangered or less-documented languages.
  • Analytical Skills : Strong ability to analyze phonetic, lexical, and grammatical aspects of languages.
  • Cultural Sensitivity : Awareness and respect for cultural practices and the ethical considerations involved in working with language communities.
  • Technical Proficiency : Familiarity with linguistic software and recording equipment used in language documentation.
  • Linguistic Knowledge : In-depth understanding of linguistic theories and methodologies applicable to language documentation.

As a Language Documentation Specialist, you have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on the preservation of linguistic heritage.

With experience, you can lead major documentation projects, become an authority in the field, advise on language policy, or transition to academia to educate the next generation of linguists.

Research Scientist in Linguistics

Research Scientists in Linguistics conduct advanced research on language, examining its structure, evolution, and the cognitive processes involved in linguistic communication.

This role is ideal for Linguistics PhD graduates who are passionate about uncovering the intricacies of human language and its applications in various fields.

  • Conducting Original Research : Design and carry out experiments and studies to explore different aspects of language, such as phonetics, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics.
  • Writing Research Papers : Document findings in scholarly articles and present research at academic conferences.
  • Applying for Grants : Secure funding for research projects through the preparation of detailed grant proposals.
  • Data Analysis : Employ statistical analysis and computational tools to interpret linguistic data.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration : Work with professionals from other disciplines, such as computer science, psychology, and neuroscience, to enhance research outcomes and applications.
  • Staying Current : Keep abreast of the latest developments in the field by reading academic journals and attending professional conferences.
  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics or a closely related field is typically required.
  • Analytical Skills : Strong ability to analyze complex data and synthesize research findings.
  • Writing Proficiency : Excellent writing skills for crafting research papers, reports, and grant proposals.
  • Communication Skills : Clear verbal communication skills for presenting research findings and collaborating with others.
  • Technical Expertise : Familiarity with linguistic databases, statistical software, and possibly programming languages for linguistic analysis.

The role of a Research Scientist in Linguistics opens a path to contributing to our understanding of human language and its functions.

Career growth can include advancing to lead research projects, securing tenure at academic institutions, consulting for tech companies on natural language processing, or working with governmental agencies on language policy and preservation.

The expertise gained in this position can also lead to roles in higher education administration or specialized research organizations.

Machine Translation Specialist

Average Salary: $75,000 – $120,000 per year

Machine Translation Specialists apply their expertise in linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence to develop and refine computer-assisted translation tools and services.

This role is ideal for Linguistics Ph.D. holders who are interested in the intersection of language and technology, and who wish to contribute to breaking down language barriers globally.

  • Developing Translation Algorithms : Create and optimize algorithms that enable computers to translate text or speech between languages accurately.
  • Improving Machine Learning Models : Train and refine machine learning models with vast datasets to enhance the quality and fluency of translations.
  • Quality Assurance : Evaluate the performance of translation tools and work towards minimizing errors and improving overall translation accuracy.
  • Linguistic Data Analysis : Analyze linguistic data to understand patterns and nuances in different languages that can inform machine translation processes.
  • Collaborative Development : Work alongside software developers, data scientists, and other linguists to integrate translation technology into various platforms.
  • Staying Current : Keep up-to-date with the latest advances in computational linguistics, natural language processing, and machine learning.
  • Educational Background : A Ph.D. in Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, or a closely related field, with an emphasis on machine translation or natural language processing.
  • Technical Skills : Proficiency in programming languages such as Python or Java, and experience with machine learning frameworks and natural language processing tools.
  • Analytical Thinking : Ability to analyze complex linguistic data and draw insights that can improve translation quality.
  • Attention to Detail : Keen eye for detail to ensure translations are not only accurate but also contextually relevant and culturally appropriate.
  • Collaboration : Comfortable working in a multidisciplinary team and able to communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical colleagues.

Machine Translation Specialists have the potential to make significant contributions to the field of computational linguistics.

With experience, they can move into lead roles, overseeing translation projects, or into research and development positions to pioneer new translation technologies.

There are also opportunities in academia for teaching and further research.

As machine translation becomes increasingly important in global communication, the demand for specialists in this field is expected to grow, offering a stable and rewarding career path.

Language Technology Developer

Average Salary: $75,000 – $130,000 per year

Language Technology Developers create and improve software solutions that deal with human language, such as speech recognition, machine translation, or natural language processing systems.

This role is ideal for Linguistics Ph.D. graduates who enjoy applying their knowledge of language structure and theory to the development of technology that facilitates communication and language understanding.

  • Designing Language Models : Develop complex linguistic models that enable machines to understand and generate human language.
  • Improving Natural Language Processing (NLP) Systems : Enhance the accuracy and efficiency of NLP systems for tasks like sentiment analysis, machine translation, or information extraction.
  • Programming : Write and maintain code for various language technology applications, ensuring they are efficient and scalable.
  • Collaborating with Researchers : Work closely with linguistic researchers to integrate the latest linguistic theories into technology.
  • Data Analysis : Analyze large datasets of human language to identify patterns and improve language processing algorithms.
  • Staying Current : Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in computational linguistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
  • Educational Background : A Ph.D. in Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, or a related field with a focus on language technology.
  • Programming Skills : Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, Java, or C++, and experience with machine learning frameworks.
  • Linguistic Knowledge : Strong understanding of linguistic theories and principles, as well as familiarity with a variety of languages.
  • Problem-Solving : Ability to troubleshoot and solve complex problems related to language understanding and processing.
  • Research Skills : Experience conducting research and applying findings to practical technology solutions.

As a Language Technology Developer, you will be at the forefront of advancing how machines interpret and interact with human language.

With experience, developers can move into senior technical roles, lead research teams, or become specialists in emerging areas of language technology, such as conversational AI or cognitive computing.

Opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation in language technology startups are also significant growth paths within the field.

Accent Coach/Dialect Coach

Average Salary: $50,000 – $100,000 per year

Accent Coaches or Dialect Coaches specialize in teaching and adjusting speech patterns to fit specific linguistic characteristics for actors, broadcasters, or individuals looking to modify their accent for personal or professional reasons.

This role is ideal for linguistics Ph.D. holders who are fascinated by the nuances of language and its impact on communication and performance.

  • Personalized Coaching : Provide one-on-one or group sessions to help clients develop or modify their accent for various roles or professional engagements.
  • Script Analysis : Scrutinize scripts to understand character backgrounds and ensure that the accent coaching is authentic and appropriate for the role.
  • Developing Training Materials : Create exercises, drills, and resources tailored to individual client needs to facilitate the acquisition of a new dialect or accent.
  • On-Set Support : Offer real-time feedback and adjustments during rehearsals or filming to maintain consistency in the actor’s speech.
  • Research : Stay abreast of linguistic research and trends to inform coaching methods and provide accurate representations of dialects.
  • Collaboration : Work closely with directors, actors, and language professionals to achieve the desired outcome for a performance.
  • Educational Background : A Master’s or Ph.D. in Linguistics, with a focus on phonetics, phonology, or sociolinguistics is highly beneficial.
  • Communication Skills : Exceptional listening and verbal communication skills, with the ability to provide clear, constructive feedback.
  • Knowledge of Dialects : A deep understanding of various dialects, including their linguistic features and cultural contexts.
  • Attention to Detail : Keen ear for subtleties in speech patterns and the ability to replicate and teach these nuances effectively.
  • Patience and Adaptability : The capacity to work patiently with clients of varying abilities and adjust coaching techniques to individual learning styles.

Accent coaching offers the chance to profoundly impact the performing arts and international communication.

Experienced coaches can become highly sought-after experts, work with top-tier actors and performers, or expand their reach by offering workshops and creating instructional materials.

There is also potential for research and publication in the field of phonetics and sociolinguistics, contributing to academic knowledge and professional practice.

Linguistic Consultant

Average Salary: $50,000 – $90,000 per year

Linguistic Consultants apply their expertise in language studies to a variety of fields such as technology, marketing, and research.

They are responsible for analyzing languages, advising on communication strategies, and providing insights on linguistic phenomena.

This role is ideal for linguistics Ph.D. holders who enjoy applying their knowledge of language structure, function, and development in diverse professional settings.

  • Language Analysis : Analyze the structure and function of languages, provide expertise on linguistic data, and identify patterns or linguistic principles.
  • Communication Strategies : Advise businesses or organizations on effective communication strategies that consider linguistic diversity and cultural nuances.
  • Answering Linguistic Queries : Address complex questions about language usage, development, and cognition from clients or research teams.
  • Developing Language Resources : Create language resources such as glossaries, style guides, or language learning materials tailored to specific needs.
  • Educational Workshops : Conduct workshops or training sessions on language-related topics for various audiences, ranging from company employees to academic researchers.
  • Research Collaboration : Collaborate with academic or corporate research teams on projects that require linguistic expertise, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing.
  • Educational Background : A Ph.D. in Linguistics or a closely related field is typically required.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to explain complex linguistic concepts to non-specialists.
  • Analytical Thinking : Strong analytical and critical thinking skills for language analysis and problem-solving.
  • Interdisciplinary Knowledge : Familiarity with related fields such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, or computer science can be beneficial.
  • Cultural Competence : Awareness and understanding of cultural differences in language use and communication practices.

As a Linguistic Consultant, there are opportunities to specialize in areas such as computational linguistics, sociolinguistics, or language acquisition, among others.

With experience, consultants can take on more senior roles, lead research projects, or start their own consulting firms.

The role also offers the potential to influence language policy and education, contributing to the preservation and understanding of linguistic diversity.

Cultural Advisor

Average Salary: $45,000 – $70,000 per year

Cultural Advisors play a crucial role in facilitating cross-cultural communication and understanding.

They work with organizations to ensure culturally sensitive practices and to provide insights into cultural norms and language intricacies.

This role is ideal for linguistics Ph.D. holders who are passionate about promoting cultural awareness and fostering global connections.

  • Providing Cultural Insights : Offer expert advice on cultural norms, values, and communication styles to prevent misunderstandings and enhance multicultural interactions.
  • Language Consulting : Utilize deep linguistic knowledge to advise on language use in diverse contexts, ensuring accurate and respectful communication.
  • Developing Training Programs : Create and implement cultural competency training for organizations to improve intercultural relations and business practices.
  • Conducting Research : Engage in ongoing research to stay updated on cultural trends and issues that may impact organizational operations.
  • Facilitating Workshops : Lead workshops that prepare individuals for cross-cultural encounters, including language nuances and non-verbal communication.
  • Policy Development : Assist in the creation of policies that promote inclusivity and respect for cultural diversity within organizations.
  • Educational Background : A Ph.D. in Linguistics, Cultural Studies, Anthropology, or a related field is highly desirable.
  • Interpersonal Skills : Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to navigate sensitive cultural topics tactfully.
  • Cultural Expertise : Extensive knowledge of various cultures and their linguistic expressions, with a focus on applying this knowledge practically.
  • Problem-Solving : Ability to identify potential cultural conflicts and provide effective solutions.
  • Adaptability : Capability to adapt advice and strategies to a wide range of cultural contexts and organizational needs.

Cultural Advisors have the opportunity to make significant impacts on the way organizations operate within the global landscape.

With experience, they can advance to leadership positions in international relations, global strategy, or diversity and inclusion departments.

Additionally, they might become sought-after consultants for multinational corporations, non-profits, or governmental agencies looking to enhance their cultural intelligence.

Language Policy Analyst

Average Salary: $50,000 – $80,000 per year

Language Policy Analysts research and analyze language use and policies in various contexts, such as governmental bodies, educational institutions, and international organizations.

This role is perfect for linguistics Ph.D. holders who have a deep understanding of the impact of language on society and wish to influence language-related legislation and education.

  • Research and Analysis : Conduct thorough research on language policies and their effects on communities, considering sociolinguistic factors and historical context.
  • Policy Development : Assist in the creation and recommendation of language policies that promote linguistic diversity and address language rights issues.
  • Stakeholder Engagement : Communicate with government officials, educational leaders, and community representatives to understand and address language policy needs.
  • Report Writing : Compile detailed reports on research findings and policy implications to inform stakeholders and guide decision-making processes.
  • Educational Outreach : Develop and participate in programs that educate the public about language rights, policy issues, and the importance of linguistic diversity.
  • Continuing Education : Stay updated on current linguistic research, language legislation, and trends in multilingualism and language learning.
  • Educational Background : A Ph.D. in Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Language Policy, or a closely related field is highly desirable.
  • Analytical Skills : Strong capabilities in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and data analysis related to language use and policy.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to articulate complex language policy issues to diverse audiences.
  • Cultural Sensitivity : An understanding of and sensitivity toward cultural and linguistic diversity and its implications for policy development.
  • Interdisciplinary Knowledge : Familiarity with education, law, sociology, and anthropology as they relate to language policy and planning.

As a Language Policy Analyst, there are opportunities for advancement into higher-level policy advising roles, leading research initiatives, or directing language planning departments.

Experienced analysts may also transition into academic positions, where they can shape the future of linguistics and language policy through teaching and mentorship.

Technical Writer

Technical Writers specialize in creating clear and concise documentation that explains complex technical information.

In the context of linguistics, this can include translating technical jargon related to language technology, computational linguistics, or natural language processing into accessible language for a wider audience.

This role is ideal for Linguistics PhDs who have a knack for writing and an interest in making complex linguistic concepts understandable to non-specialists.

  • Developing Technical Documents : Write and edit manuals, how-to guides, journal articles, and other supporting documents to communicate complex and technical information more easily.
  • Working with Technical Staff : Collaborate with researchers, software developers, and other subject matter experts to understand the product or process and translate that understanding into documentation.
  • Editing and Proofreading : Ensure the technical documentation is accurate, well-written, and adheres to internal style guides.
  • Creating Visual Aids : Work with graphic designers to develop supporting visual aids that help explain complex linguistic concepts or processes.
  • Updating Documentation : Regularly review and update existing documents to reflect product updates and new research findings.
  • Usability Testing : Test documents with users to ensure clarity and user-friendliness.
  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics, Technical Communication, or a related field is highly beneficial.
  • Writing Skills : Exceptional writing and editing skills, with the ability to present complex information clearly and concisely.
  • Technical Proficiency : An understanding of the field of linguistics, especially areas that intersect with technology.
  • Research Skills : Strong ability to research and synthesize complex information from multiple sources.
  • Attention to Detail : Keen attention to detail to ensure technical accuracy and consistency in documentation.
  • Tools Proficiency : Familiarity with documentation tools, content management systems, and basic HTML/CSS is often required.

Technical Writers with a background in linguistics can advance their careers by becoming lead technical writers, documentation managers, or content strategists.

They may also specialize in particular areas of linguistics or branch out into user experience (UX) writing, where their skills can enhance the clarity and usability of interfaces that rely on language technology.

As artificial intelligence and machine learning continue to grow, technical writers with a linguistics background will be in high demand to bridge the gap between technical experts and end-users.

International Affairs Officer

International Affairs Officers facilitate communication and collaboration between governments, organizations, and international entities.

This role is ideal for linguistics Ph.D. graduates who are interested in applying their language expertise and cultural knowledge to international relations.

  • Conducting Cross-Cultural Communications : Engage in dialogue with international partners, employing linguistic skills to foster mutual understanding and respect.
  • Policy Analysis and Development : Analyze international policies and contribute to the development of new policies that promote global cooperation.
  • Responding to International Inquiries : Address questions from foreign entities, media, and the public on matters related to international affairs and diplomacy.
  • Creating Briefings and Reports : Prepare detailed briefings and reports on international events and policy implications for decision-makers.
  • International Outreach Programs : Organize and participate in programs designed to enhance international relations and cultural exchange.
  • Staying Informed : Continuously update your knowledge of global political climates, international law, and socioeconomic factors affecting international affairs.
  • Educational Background : A Ph.D. in Linguistics, International Relations, Political Science, or a related field is highly beneficial.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent verbal and written communication abilities, with proficiency in multiple languages being a significant asset.
  • Understanding of Global Issues : A thorough comprehension of international relations, diplomacy, and global issues, along with the ability to analyze and interpret their complexities.
  • Public Speaking : Confidence in speaking and presenting to diverse groups, including government officials and international representatives.
  • Adaptability : Ability to navigate complex and dynamic international environments, adjusting strategies to accommodate different cultural contexts.

International Affairs Officers have the opportunity to play a crucial role in shaping the diplomatic landscape and influencing global policies.

With experience, they can ascend to higher-level diplomatic positions, lead international departments, or become consultants for multinational corporations or non-governmental organizations (NGOs), leveraging their linguistic and cultural expertise to facilitate international cooperation.

Publishing Editor

Publishing Editors oversee the content and quality of publication in books, journals, and online platforms, often for academic and research audiences.

This role is ideal for Linguistics PhD graduates who have a passion for language, communication, and the dissemination of knowledge.

  • Assessing Submissions : Evaluate manuscripts for their quality, relevance, and adherence to academic standards.
  • Managing Peer Review : Coordinate the process of peer review, ensuring that feedback from experts enhances the quality of the publication.
  • Editing Content : Refine the language and structure of texts to improve clarity, coherence, and academic rigor.
  • Collaboration with Authors : Work closely with authors to develop their work, providing constructive criticism and guidance.
  • Ensuring Compliance : Verify that all published content meets ethical guidelines and adheres to the publisher’s style and policies.
  • Staying Current : Keep abreast of the latest research, trends, and debates within the field of linguistics and related disciplines.
  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics, Literature, Communications, or a related field is highly desirable.
  • Editorial Skills : Strong editorial skills, with attention to detail and a deep understanding of language use and grammar.
  • Research Acumen : Familiarity with academic research processes and methodologies, particularly in linguistics and language studies.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent written and verbal communication skills for corresponding with authors, reviewers, and other stakeholders.
  • Project Management : Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, meeting tight deadlines while maintaining high standards.

As a Publishing Editor, you have the opportunity to shape the discourse within the field of linguistics by selecting and refining influential research.

With experience, Publishing Editors may advance to senior editorial positions, take on larger projects, or transition into editorial director roles, influencing the strategic direction of the publication.

Additionally, there are opportunities to conduct personal research, contribute to academic works, or teach at the university level.

Grant Writer

Average Salary: $49,000 – $67,000 per year

Grant Writers are responsible for researching, writing, and coordinating the grant application process to secure funding for organizations.

This role is ideal for Linguistics PhDs who enjoy utilizing their advanced writing and research skills to support various causes and projects.

  • Researching Grant Opportunities : Identify and evaluate potential funding sources that align with the organization’s goals and projects.
  • Writing Proposals : Craft compelling grant proposals that effectively communicate the purpose, significance, and financial needs of projects.
  • Collaborating with Teams : Work closely with different departments to gather necessary information and ensure proposals meet specific criteria and deadlines.
  • Editing and Revising : Utilize strong linguistic skills to edit and revise proposals for clarity, coherence, and impact.
  • Tracking Submissions : Keep detailed records of all grant submissions, responses, and reporting requirements.
  • Grant Compliance : Ensure that all grant writing activities comply with organizational and funder policies, regulations, and procedures.
  • Educational Background : A Master’s degree in Linguistics, English, Communication, or a related field is often required, with a PhD being highly advantageous.
  • Writing Proficiency : Exceptional writing abilities, with the capacity to present complex ideas clearly and persuasively.
  • Research Skills : Strong research capabilities to find grant opportunities and understand the funding landscape.
  • Attention to Detail : Meticulous attention to detail for accurate and effective grant applications.
  • Organizational Skills : Excellent organizational skills to manage multiple grant applications and adhere to strict deadlines.

A career as a Grant Writer offers the opportunity to grow professionally while making a significant impact on the success of various initiatives and organizations.

With experience, Grant Writers can progress to senior positions such as Grant Manager, Director of Development, or even consulting roles, providing strategic guidance on funding opportunities and organizational growth.

Language Professor

Language Professors teach and inspire students in the field of linguistics and language studies at colleges and universities.

This role is perfect for those with a Linguistics Ph.D. who are passionate about analyzing language structures, language acquisition, phonetics, and sociolinguistics.

  • Teaching Linguistic Courses : Develop and instruct undergraduate and graduate courses in various areas of linguistics, such as syntax, semantics, phonology, and sociolinguistics.
  • Conducting Research : Engage in scholarly research in your area of expertise, contributing to the advancement of linguistic knowledge.
  • Advising Students : Mentor and advise students on academic and career paths related to linguistics and language studies.
  • Developing Curriculum : Design curricula that reflect the latest developments in linguistic theory and practice.
  • Academic Service : Participate in departmental, college, and university committees and contribute to the academic community through peer review, conference presentations, and more.
  • Continuing Professional Development : Stay abreast of new research and developments in the field of linguistics to ensure the highest quality of instruction and scholarship.
  • Educational Background : A Ph.D. in Linguistics or a closely related field is required.
  • Teaching Skills : Proven experience or potential for excellence in teaching and mentoring students.
  • Research Experience : A strong track record of research and publications in linguistic studies.
  • Communication Skills : Outstanding written and oral communication skills for effective teaching and scholarly discourse.
  • Commitment to Diversity : A commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment for students and colleagues.

As a Language Professor, you will have the opportunity to shape the minds of future linguists and contribute to the growth of linguistic knowledge.

With experience, Language Professors can advance to tenured positions, lead departmental initiatives, or assume administrative roles such as Department Chair or Dean.

There are also opportunities to become distinguished scholars, keynote speakers at international conferences, and consultants in industries requiring linguistic expertise.

Translation Project Manager

Average Salary: $55,000 – $75,000 per year

Translation Project Managers coordinate and oversee translation projects, ensuring that linguistic content is accurately and effectively translated across languages.

This role is ideal for linguistics PhDs who have a passion for languages and cross-cultural communication and wish to apply their expertise in a dynamic and globalized business environment.

  • Managing Translation Projects : Oversee translation projects from inception to delivery, ensuring that all linguistic requirements are met within the specified deadlines.
  • Coordinating Teams : Assemble and manage teams of translators, interpreters, proofreaders, and other language specialists to ensure high-quality outcomes.
  • Quality Assurance : Implement quality control processes to ensure the accuracy and reliability of translated materials.
  • Client Relations : Communicate with clients to understand their translation needs, provide quotes, and ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Resource Allocation : Determine the best allocation of resources, including human and technological assets, to maximize efficiency and project success.
  • Staying Current : Keep abreast of the latest developments in translation technology, industry standards, and linguistic research to enhance service offerings.
  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics or a related field is highly valued, along with certifications in translation or project management.
  • Language Proficiency : Fluency in at least two languages, with a deep understanding of linguistic nuances, idioms, and cultural references.
  • Organizational Skills : Exceptional ability to organize, prioritize, and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Interpersonal Skills : Strong communication and negotiation skills to effectively collaborate with team members and clients.
  • Technical Savvy : Familiarity with translation management software, CAT tools, and other industry-specific technologies.

Translation Project Managers play a crucial role in bridging language barriers and enabling global commerce and communication.

Career advancement can include moving into higher management positions, specializing in a particular language or industry, or starting one’s own translation agency.

As globalization increases, the demand for skilled translation project managers is expected to grow, offering numerous opportunities for professional development and leadership within the field.

Linguistics Researcher

Linguistics Researchers conduct in-depth studies on language, examining its structure, history, evolution, and the way it’s used in society.

They may work in academic settings, research institutions, or for tech companies focused on language processing.

This role is ideal for those with a Linguistics PhD who are passionate about understanding the intricacies of human language and its applications.

  • Analyzing Language Patterns : Investigate and document the patterns of phonetics, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics in various languages.
  • Historical Linguistics : Study the evolution and history of languages to understand how they have changed and developed over time.
  • Sociolinguistic Research : Explore the relationship between language and society, including how language varies and changes in different social contexts.
  • Developing Research Projects : Design and execute research studies, often involving fieldwork, data collection, and analysis.
  • Academic Publishing : Write scholarly articles, papers, and books presenting research findings to the academic community.
  • Language Technology Development : Collaborate with engineers and developers to create language processing tools, such as speech recognition software or translation programs.
  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics or a closely related field is generally required.
  • Analytical Skills : Strong ability to analyze complex linguistic data and draw meaningful conclusions.
  • Research Expertise : Experience with research methodologies and data analysis tools specific to linguistic studies.
  • Writing Skills : Excellent writing abilities for publishing research findings and contributing to academic literature.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration : Willingness to work with professionals from other fields, such as computer science, psychology, and anthropology.
  • Cultural Sensitivity : An understanding and respect for cultural diversity and language variation.

A Linguistics Researcher can have a significant impact on our understanding of language and its functions in society.

With experience, researchers can move into higher academic positions, lead research teams, or specialize in emerging areas like computational linguistics.

There are also opportunities for applied linguistics work in industry settings, such as user experience research, natural language processing, or language education technology.

Speech Technology Researcher

Speech Technology Researchers focus on the development and refinement of speech recognition, synthesis, and processing technologies.

This role is ideal for Linguistics PhDs who are fascinated by the intersection of language and technology and are keen on advancing human-computer interaction.

  • Research and Development : Conduct innovative research to improve speech recognition algorithms, natural language understanding, and voice synthesis.
  • Machine Learning : Utilize machine learning techniques to teach computers the nuances of human speech, including accents, dialects, and intonation.
  • Linguistic Analysis : Apply knowledge of phonetics, phonology, and syntax to refine speech technology systems.
  • Data Collection and Analysis : Gather and analyze large datasets of spoken language to inform the development of speech technology models.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration : Work with teams of computer scientists, engineers, and other linguists to design and implement speech technology solutions.
  • Staying Current : Keep abreast of the latest research in computational linguistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence as they relate to speech technology.
  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, or a related field with a focus on speech technology.
  • Technical Skills : Proficiency in programming languages (e.g., Python, C++), machine learning frameworks, and speech analysis tools.
  • Analytical Thinking : Strong analytical skills to dissect complex language patterns and apply them to computational models.
  • Research Experience : Proven track record of published research in the field of speech technology or computational linguistics.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent written and verbal communication skills for presenting findings and collaborating with interdisciplinary teams.

A career as a Speech Technology Researcher offers the opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge technologies that enhance communication between humans and machines.

With experience, researchers can lead larger projects, manage research teams, or transition into higher-level roles such as Chief Linguist or Director of Research and Development at tech companies.

There is also potential to influence product development in multinational corporations and startups focused on AI and human-computer interaction.

Linguistic Data Analyst

Linguistic Data Analysts extract and analyze linguistic data to help understand language patterns, usage, and evolution.

This role is ideal for Linguistics Ph.D. holders who are passionate about applying their deep understanding of language to real-world data and technology.

  • Analyzing Linguistic Data : Use quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze language data, identifying patterns, trends, and linguistic phenomena.
  • Developing Language Models : Build and refine computational models that represent and predict linguistic behaviors.
  • Contributing to NLP Projects : Collaborate with engineers and scientists on natural language processing (NLP) projects to improve machine understanding of human language.
  • Interpreting Research Findings : Translate complex linguistic data into actionable insights for product development or academic research.
  • Collaborative Research : Work with cross-functional teams to design and execute studies that explore language acquisition, usage, and change.
  • Staying Updated : Keep abreast of the latest developments in linguistics, computational linguistics, and NLP technologies.
  • Educational Background : A Ph.D. in Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, or a related field is required.
  • Analytical Skills : Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret complex data sets.
  • Technical Proficiency : Experience with programming languages such as Python, R, or SQL, and familiarity with NLP tools and methodologies.
  • Research Experience : Proven track record of conducting and publishing linguistic research.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent written and verbal communication skills to present findings to both technical and non-technical audiences.
  • Attention to Detail : A meticulous approach to analyzing data and validating results.

A career as a Linguistic Data Analyst offers the opportunity to influence and shape the future of human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence.

With experience, analysts can move into senior data scientist roles, lead research teams, or specialize in emerging areas of linguistics and NLP.

The role can also open doors to positions in academia, industry research labs, and technology companies pioneering language-related AI applications.

Intercultural Communications Specialist

Intercultural Communications Specialists are responsible for facilitating effective communication and understanding between people from different cultural backgrounds.

They work in a variety of settings, including multinational corporations, educational institutions, and non-governmental organizations.

This role is ideal for Linguistics PhD holders who have a passion for cultural diversity and are skilled in analyzing and improving communication practices across cultures.

  • Developing Communication Strategies : Create and implement strategies to enhance intercultural understanding and cooperation within multicultural environments.
  • Conducting Cultural Sensitivity Training : Design and lead workshops that promote cultural awareness and sensitivity among employees or students.
  • Mediating Cross-Cultural Conflicts : Act as an intermediary in situations where cultural misunderstandings or conflicts arise, ensuring effective resolution.
  • Researching Cultural Practices : Investigate and document various communication practices and cultural norms to inform training and strategy development.
  • Advising on Cultural Competence : Provide guidance to organizations on how to interact respectfully and effectively with diverse cultural groups.
  • Monitoring Communication Effectiveness : Assess the success of intercultural communication initiatives and make adjustments as necessary.
  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics, Intercultural Communication, Anthropology, or a related field is highly desirable.
  • Communication Skills : Outstanding verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to navigate and mediate complex intercultural interactions.
  • Cultural Knowledge : A deep understanding of different cultural frameworks, practices, and communication styles.
  • Teaching and Training : Experience in designing and delivering effective cultural sensitivity training programs.
  • Problem-solving : The ability to identify and resolve miscommunications and conflicts that arise from cultural differences.
  • Language Skills : Proficiency in more than one language can be highly beneficial in this role.

Intercultural Communications Specialists have the opportunity to make a significant impact by fostering inclusive environments and enhancing global cooperation.

With experience, they can move into leadership positions in their organizations, become consultants for international businesses, or pursue academic careers by conducting research and teaching in higher education institutions.

Language Consultant for Technology Companies

Average Salary: $70,000 – $100,000 per year

Language Consultants for Technology Companies specialize in optimizing communication strategies, leveraging their linguistic expertise to enhance product localization, user interface design, and AI natural language processing capabilities.

This role is ideal for linguistics PhDs who are passionate about applying their knowledge of language structure, usage, and acquisition to the rapidly evolving tech industry.

  • Product Localization : Collaborate with product teams to ensure that software, applications, and services are culturally appropriate and linguistically accurate for global markets.
  • User Interface Linguistics : Analyze and refine the language used in interfaces to improve user experience and accessibility across different languages.
  • AI Language Training : Work with artificial intelligence teams to improve the natural language understanding and generation of AI systems, enhancing their communication with users.
  • Language Data Analysis : Conduct research and analysis of language data to inform product development and market strategies.
  • Interdepartmental Collaboration : Work closely with marketing, development, and customer service teams to maintain linguistic consistency and effectiveness across all platforms.
  • Continued Learning : Stay updated on linguistic theories and methodologies, as well as advancements in language technology and its applications in the tech industry.
  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics or a related field is highly desirable.
  • Applied Linguistics Skills : In-depth knowledge of semantics, syntax, phonetics, and sociolinguistics as they apply to technology and communication.
  • Technical Proficiency : Familiarity with computational linguistics tools and software development processes.
  • Problem-Solving : Strong analytical skills to address language-related challenges in technology solutions.
  • Interpersonal Skills : Excellent communication and collaboration abilities to work effectively within multidisciplinary teams.

Language Consultants for Technology Companies have the opportunity to play a pivotal role in the development of cutting-edge technologies.

With experience, consultants can progress to lead linguistic strategy teams, become heads of research and development departments, or advance to executive roles within tech companies, influencing the future of human-computer interaction and global communication.

Multilingual Customer Support Specialist

Average Salary: $40,000 – $60,000 per year

Multilingual Customer Support Specialists assist and guide customers from various cultural backgrounds, addressing their concerns and ensuring a positive experience with the company’s services or products.

This role is ideal for Linguistics PhDs who are skilled in multiple languages and enjoy applying their knowledge in a practical, customer-focused environment.

  • Providing Customer Assistance : Offer support to customers via phone, email, or live chat, helping to solve their issues or answer questions in multiple languages.
  • Translation and Localization : Utilize linguistic skills to translate and localize communication materials, ensuring that customers receive information in their preferred language.
  • Cultural Sensitivity : Apply understanding of cultural nuances to enhance customer interactions and provide personalized support.
  • Documenting Interactions : Keep detailed records of customer inquiries and feedback, contributing to the improvement of support services.
  • Product Knowledge : Maintain comprehensive knowledge of the company’s products or services to provide accurate and helpful information.
  • Continuous Learning : Stay updated on language trends, customer service best practices, and product developments to better serve a global customer base.
  • Educational Background : A PhD in Linguistics or a related field, with proficiency in multiple languages.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent written and verbal communication skills across different languages and an ability to articulate responses clearly and empathetically.
  • Problem-Solving : Strong analytical abilities to resolve customer issues effectively and efficiently.
  • Customer-Centric Approach : A genuine interest in helping others and creating a positive customer experience.
  • Technical Aptitude : Comfortable using customer support software and tools to manage and track customer interactions.

As a Multilingual Customer Support Specialist, you have the opportunity to advance within customer support management, contribute to global communication strategies, or specialize in areas such as training and quality assurance.

With experience, specialists can lead teams, shape customer service policies, and play a pivotal role in expanding a company’s global presence.

Subtitler or Captioner

Average Salary: $35,000 – $70,000 per year

Subtitlers or Captioners provide written versions of the spoken content in videos for the hearing impaired or for those who prefer to read along with the audio.

They may work on a variety of content, including movies, television shows, online videos, and live events.

This role is ideal for Linguistics PhDs who have a keen ear for language and a passion for accessibility in media.

  • Transcribing Audio : Convert spoken dialogue into written text with accurate grammar and punctuation.
  • Synchronizing Subtitles : Time the appearance of subtitles on screen to match the audio of the spoken dialogue.
  • Editing and Proofreading : Ensure subtitles are free of errors, and edit for clarity and readability.
  • Research and Contextualization : Understand the context and cultural nuances of the content to provide accurate translations if working with multiple languages.
  • Captioning for the Hearing Impaired : Include descriptions of non-dialogue audio for a complete viewing experience for the hearing impaired.
  • Staying Current with Language Trends : Keep up-to-date with changes in language use, slang, and idioms to maintain the relevance and accuracy of subtitles.
  • Educational Background : A Master’s or PhD in Linguistics, Languages, or a related field is highly beneficial.
  • Attention to Detail : Strong focus on detail to capture the correct tone, meaning, and emotion of the spoken words.
  • Language Skills : Excellent command of the language(s) they are working with, including grammar, vocabulary, and idiomatic expressions.
  • Technical Proficiency : Familiarity with subtitling software and tools used to create and sync subtitles.
  • Typing Efficiency : Fast and accurate typing skills to keep up with the pace of dialogue, particularly for live captioning.
  • Cultural Sensitivity : Awareness of and sensitivity to cultural references and nuances in language.

Subtitlers or Captioners play a crucial role in making content accessible to a wider audience.

With experience, they can take on more complex projects, specialize in certain types of content, or advance to supervisory roles overseeing teams of captioners.

There are also opportunities to work as freelancers or to start their own subtitling and captioning businesses.

And there you have it.

A comprehensive guide on rewarding jobs for those with a Linguistics PhD.

With such a vast variety of opportunities, there’s something for every language enthusiast.

Go forth and actualize your dreams of utilizing your linguistics expertise on a daily basis.

Bear in mind: It’s NEVER too late to metamorphose your passion into your profession.

Low Pay, High Stress: Uncovering the Least Rewarding Jobs in the Current Economy

Unique Undertakings: Weird Jobs You Won’t Believe Exist

Tech-Proof Talents: Careers Safe in the Age of Automation

Never Bored at Work Again: Enjoyable Jobs That Also Pay Well

The No-Stress Success Formula: Finding the Right Low-Key Career

phd linguistics job opportunities

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phd linguistics job opportunities

Doctoral Program

phd linguistics job opportunities

The Ph.D. program emphasizes rigorous theoretical work that has at its base a firm empirical foundation in language data. 

Students are provided with a broad-based background in linguistics, teaching experience in the classroom and other forums, and opportunities for original and high-quality research.  Our Ph.D. students write dissertations on a wide range of topics spanning and bridging many subareas of the field.  See our Ph.D. Alumni  page for dissertation titles and job placement information.

Overview of the Program

Through the completion of advanced coursework and strong methodological and analytical training, the  Ph.D. program prepares students to make original contributions to knowledge in linguistics, to articulate the results of their work, and to demonstrate its significance to linguistics and related fields.  At every stage in the program, students are encouraged to present and publish their research and to develop active professional profiles. 

Students generally complete the program in five years

  • Coursework in core areas of linguistics, chosen by each student in consultation with faculty advisors to build the foundation that best suits their interests and goals.
  • Fall Quarter: Includes seminar to introduce students to the research of faculty in the department
  • Winter Quarter: Includes participation in small research groups or in one-on-one apprenticeships
  • Spring Quarter: Includes beginning to work on the first of 2 qualifying research papers

Years 2 and 3

  • Balance shifts from coursework to development of research skills
  • Students complete two qualifying papers and then selects a principal advisor and committee for their dissertation by the end of year 3.

Years 4 and 5

  • Devoted to dissertation and advanced research

Teaching Experience

As they move through the Ph.D. program, students also gain teaching experience by serving as teaching assistants in their second, third, and fourth year of graduate study. They also have access to the many programs provided by Stanford's Vice Provost for  Teaching and Learning , including the varied resources of the Teaching Commons .

Offers of admission to the Linguistics P.h.D program include funding for the full five years of doctoral study, including tuition and stipend, regardless of citizenship. 

We also encourage our applicants to apply for as many external fellowships and scholarships as they are eligible for; a compilation of funding opportunities for Linguistics graduate students can be found on our  Fellowship and Funding Information page .  Applicants should note that the deadlines for these fellowships are typically in the fall of the year prior to admission.

In addition, the  Knight-Hennessy Scholars  program is designed to build a multidisciplinary community of Stanford graduate students dedicated to finding creative solutions to the world's greatest challenges. The program awards up to 100 high-achieving students every year with full funding to pursue a graduate education at Stanford, including the Ph.D. degree in Linguistics. 

Additional information is available about the student budget , Stanford graduate fellowships , and other support programs .

Outside the classroom, there are many opportunities, both formal and informal, for the discussion of linguistic issues and ongoing research, including colloquia, workshops, and reading groups.

Partnership Opportunities

Although not part of the formal doctoral program, there are numerous opportunities for research and development work at the Center for the Study of Language and Information and  off-campus at local companies.  

Admissions Information

Associate Teaching Professor of Linguistics at UC San Diego

Director of UCSD's Computational Social Science Program

  • C.V and Publications
  • Student FAQ
  • Student Resources
  • Teaching Resources
  • Supporting Students
  • Using Praat
  • Course Design
  • The EnronSent Corpus
  • 2022 Legacy Lecture

What kinds of jobs can a linguist get?

One of the most common questions I get asked as a linguistics professor is ‘What kind of jobs can I get as a Linguist?’. What you can do depends on what you enjoy doing, and how advanced a degree you want to (and can) get. I’ve given some of my thoughts below, in a post originally to my blog, but now adapted as a more formal part of my site, and last updated it in January of 2022 .

In this article I’ll discuss…

  • What sort of jobs are available with a BA/BS in Linguistics?
  • What good does a Master’s Degree in linguistics do?
  • Should I get a Ph.D in linguistics?
  • How do I choose and apply for Ph.D programs?
  • What kind of industry jobs are available for Linguistics Ph.Ds?
  • What does the academic job market look like in linguistics?
  • How does one find a faculty/professor job in linguistics, and how easy are those jobs to get?

Resources for Linguistics Job seekers

First, I want to point you to an amazing resource. The Linguistics Career Launch folks, who are an offshoot of the Linguistic Society of America, have done absolutely amazing work in collecting resources for linguists going into Academia. Check out the Linguistics Career Launch YouTube Channel for lots of videos, panels, and other bits of information which are incredibly helpful for bootstrapping a career with your degree.

“I have a Bachelors in Linguistics!”

If you want to start working after you get the BA, there are some possibilities for linguistics-specific sort of work. Lots of industries are using linguists for market research, especially doing things like data annotation and analysis on content and whatnot. You probably won’t be making many decisions at first, and you’re more likely to find jobs which just pay you hour-by-hour to do annotation. There is also the military/intelligence route, if that’s your style, so the CIA/NSA/FBI might be worth seeking out and applying for.

Mind you, with just the BA, linguistics-specific jobs will be relatively scarce, you’ll be at a lower pay grade than an MA or Ph.D student, and the point of entry is going to be a bit lower on the totem pole. If you’re going this route, I’d recommend trying to do an Honors Thesis, so you have an example of some research you’ve done in the field of Linguistics, and so you can show having some degree of specialization in the field.

The other thing to remember is that very few folks know they want linguists! A big part of your work may be convincing employers with language problems, that they want a linguist. So, don’t limit yourself to jobs where they’re asking for a linguist, instead, keep an open mind, and go where your skills are needed.

But, keep in mind that if you’re looking to progress within linguistics, a BA is really only scratching the surface, and you’re going to probably want to proceed to get the Ph.D.

“I got my MA too!”

If you’re able to get into an MA program and graduate, you’ve got a few more options beyond the ones discussed above, but honestly, not too many.

There are some industry jobs out there for Linguistics MAs, especially if you’ve got a speech or computational bent. Google and big tech companies always want Natural Language Processing people, and places like Rosetta Stone are often hiring linguists for speech analysis, language analysis, and data collection. And every speech recognition place in the world wants more linguists and phoneticians. Dedicated Masters’ programs in computational linguistics (like CLASIC at CU Boulder (my Alma Mater) , among others) are a nice idea, and can help provide you with additional skills to get a leg up in applications.

The main disadvantage to industry jobs is that you end up having to deal with lawyers, NDAs, and non-compete clauses. Some companies are very draconian, preventing you from publishing on languages you’ve worked with while working for them, and some of them even claim as proprietary any insights you might have about the grammar or functioning of natural languages. As such, you may end up working for a company that actually claims as proprietary parts of the grammar of the language you’re working with. By going industry, you’re often going to have to sacrifice the openness and dedication to spreading knowledge that’s omnipresent in Academia, and you certainly won’t be able to take as much credit for your research. Instead, you’ll be studying language to improve your company’s profitability and product, with much of what you actually do and discover hidden behind the veils of corporate secrecy, under penalty of lawyer. All that said, the pay will be better than in academia, and I strongly suspect that not all industry players are as draconian and litigious as some of the subjects of the horror stories I’ve heard from friends in industry.

Some places, usually private language schools or companies, will hire Linguistics MA students to teach English as a second language, especially outside of English speaker countries. If you enjoy living abroad, that’s a very good option, as some of those places are willing to pay handsomely for your expertise. So, definitely keep that option in mind.

It’s worth noting that some schools will also hire MA-level research assistants for the long term, who have specialized in a given area and participate in projects where they’re necessary. Here, you have some job security, and the possibility of being paid well, but without having to go through the Ph.D process.

Unfortunately, though, an MA won’t get you far in Academia, and a faculty position, even as an adjunct is simply not an option without the Ph.D in most American universities.

Realize, though, that an MA isn’t really a terminal degree in Linguistics for most areas of the field . There are jobs where the MA will suffice, particularly in the tech world and teaching English as a second langauge, but you’ll want to seriously consider whether you’d be better off doing the full Ph.D, and if not that, whether doing an MA makes financial sense. For exactly this reason, unless you’re doing computational linguistics or TESOL, I don’t recommend you spend money for a Linguistics MA, and many departments don’t even offer an MA in Linguistics, reflecting this view.

“Maybe I should get a Ph.D in Linguistics!”

Honestly, no, you probably shouldn’t.

I say that not because a Ph.D in Linguistics is a bad thing, or an awful process. I say it even though Linguistics is a great field and a worthy pursuit. I say that, still feeling happy with my choices, and from the comfort of a Tenure track type job. In fact, it pains me to say it at all. But it’s pretty true, and it’s a big problem for the field.

The simple fact is that American Academia’s not a great place for Linguistics Ph.Ds right now. Tenure track jobs are few and far between, and the competition grows every year, as departments around the world continue to produce new tenure track hopefuls more quickly than university administrators produce new tenure track jobs. And short-term academic jobs off of the tenure track are not a way to make a life or a living, even though university administrators are increasingly relying on them. I’ll discuss this issue more later in this article, but simply put, the odds of you successfully landing the kind of job that your linguistics professors have right now are not good, and the process is generally long, involved, and emotionally draining.

It’s also the case that even in industry, a Linguistics Ph.D is a very specialized tool that many folks aren’t looking for. Think of the number of people who, when you explain that you study Linguistics, look at you blankly. Those same people are often hiring for corporate jobs, and unless it’s a speech-focused company, people with language problems often don’t even know they need a linguist, let alone where to find one. Computational Linguists and Speech Scientists have a better chance in industry, but even still, if you’re after gainful employment, there are surer bets (even in Ph.D’s). If you know you want to go into industry, a Ph.D is a much more reasonable plan, but it’s still a bet, and you need to be prepared for some uncertainty.

It’s also the case that the costs of the Ph.D are growing increasingly large. Even putting aside the money (discussed below), this is 4-7 years of your life where you cannot put down roots (as your next job will likely not be where your Ph.D program is), you’re paid barely enough to stay afloat (if you’re lucky), and you’re going to put in long hours between learning and teaching and writing, leaving little left elsewhere. Grad school was a pleasant time in my life, and I remember much of it fondly, but comparing my life to that of friends and family who chose a more conventional route, I realize now that nearly 7 years of financial stasis (at best) immediately after college has left me behind the curve fiscally, as well as in terms of a stable career and a reasonable adult life. Even in a well-funded Ph.D program, where you can leave the program in roughly the financial shape you started off, the opportunity costs of getting a Ph.D (in anything!) are huge.

So, getting a Ph.D in today’s educational and academic climate is a bit of a gamble, and doing so in a field which is producing Ph.Ds at much-higher-than-replacement rates is even more so.

So, you should strongly consider whether other fields, other paths, and other careers would also allow you to be happy and healthy, with a much higher probability of material success. And you might also consider approaching your interests in language from another field where jobs are more plentiful, for instance, a Natural Language Processing focused degree in Computer Science, or working in Speech Pathology or Audiology.

But there’s going to be a subset of you who are like me, and for whom everything I just said will be no deterrent. For whom a burning passion for Language, for answering questions, and for better understanding this thing that we do with letters and sounds to express our thoughts to others will override all practical concerns. So, if you can think of nothing else you’d rather do with your life, like me, then read on.

“Ph.D, here I come!”

If you’re applying to Ph.D programs, look at a wide variety of programs. List the researchers who are doing work that’s interesting to you, and figure out where they are and whether they might take on students. Or, if no one advisor emerges, find departments with clusters of folks who do things you’re interested in. Choose among the programs where you’re enthusiastic enough write specific applications which explain who you are, why you’re a great fit for them, and why they’re a great fit for you, and apply to a reasonable number of programs (maybe 3-6).

Once you have an offer (or offers), choose among programs which offer you full support, either as a fellowship/stipend, or via teaching/research assistant jobs. As my advisor told me during the Ph.D application process, “there are lots of places willing to support you if you fit well, so you should never use your own money to get a Ph.D”, and this is more true than ever. Ph.D programs are very expensive, and given the job market, taking out loans to fund your own Ph.D in Linguistics is crazy . If you don’t get a funding offer, do not even consider paying for your own Ph.D . Try other schools, or improve your application and try again next year. If nobody else is willing to pay for your schooling, you’ll be better off looking at other options than going deep into debt on what is already a bit of a gamble.

You should also remember that stipends mean different things in different places. Don’t hesitate to ask other grad students about local cost-of-living, and remember that a higher offer may still mean less in your pocket if local cost-of-living is out of control. Money shouldn’t be the main factor driving your applications, but the best program in the world means little if you can’t afford to finish.

But once you’re accepted into a Ph.D program, more doors open. In many places, people admitted into a Ph.D program with support will automatically be given a job as a teaching assistant or a research assistant. This is wonderful because you get that experience, and you can earn enough to keep yourself afloat, at a part time basis, while you’re getting the degree. You won’t be making great money as a TA or research assistant, but it’ll usually be enough, if you make smart choices.

Also, there are lots of companies in industry that are happy to snatch Ph.D students away from academia, even if they’ve not finished the degree, and a few of my friends have taken this route. For them, they get many of the the benefits of somebody with Ph.D level education, but without having to pay the salary of somebody with a full on Doctoral degree. Mind you, once you’re out of academia and a Ph.D program, it’s always tougher to get back in, and if the job you left for leaves you, especially if some time has passed, you risk being left holding the bag. So, unless you need the extra money right away, or you’re offered your dream job with great security, I’d highly recommend you work for the company as much as you can while still working on your Ph.D and dissertation. They’ll pay you more when you graduate, and once you’ve got that magical piece of paper, everything may be just a bit easier in case you end up changing jobs down the road.

“That’s Doctor Linguist to you!”

Finally, if you push through and get the Ph.D, nearly all of the opportunities mentioned above will be open to you, and a few new doors will open besides.

Industry is often interested in Ph.Ds, especially if you’ve got the right specialization for their programs. You’ll also be paid more than MA and Ph.D student candidates, and will likely come in higher on the totem pole. You’ll be more likely to be able to guide projects, rather than analyzing data or working on other people’s problems. If you know you’re interested in industry jobs, it’s a good idea to talk to people in your desired field, and ask what kind of experience and specializations they’re looking for. And it’s never too early to start networking, thinking about internships and making friends in the industry you’re working on. Figure out who has the kind of job you want, and talk to them, their colleagues, and their supervisors, to figure out how to get there.

There are also jobs for linguists in other places that aren’t industry, but aren’t quite academia either. For instance, a rare few linguists, many of whom are faculty elsewhere, can become known as being good expert witnesses in trials and lawsuits which deal with matters of language and communication. Some people end up practicing forensic linguistics in law enforcement and intelligence, analyzing language to learn about speakers. Of course, there are also plenty of opportunities in intelligence, defense, and working for the military or military intelligence services. If you’re a US citizen and are willing to move to Northern Virginia and then stop talking about what you do for a living, the FBI/CIA/NSA are always interested in linguists, particularly those with computational or speech emphasis. And no doubt, even if you’re outside the US, there’s an agency in your home country that might be appreciative of your skills.

In academia, you’ll be able to apply for Post Doctoral Fellowships, doing research or teaching at a school for a few years before putting yourself on the market as a professor or researcher. This can be as part of a grant or a project, as an invited guest academic, given time and support to work on their own questions, or simply acting as a member of a department who needs some help for a little while. In Linguistics, doing a Post-Doc or two is not uncommon, given the glut of over-qualified Linguistics Ph.Ds on the job market, but it’s also a pretty good setup, if you can land one. It’s usually 1-2 years of reasonable financial support, where you can get some publications, get some new experience, and learn about a new department, and buy more time to apply to faculty positions. Many people have multiple Post Docs as a result, some jumping around the world.

You can also take a lecturer or adjunct faculty position, where you’re not on track for tenure. At most universities, you’ll no job security at all , which is ugly and should change, but it’s a job, and you’ll be at the helm of classes and getting (under)paid for a few years. This is an option if other factors in your life are preventing you from committing to a longer term stay in a given place, if you need some experience teaching, or if no Post-Docs are available in your field. But realize that adjuncting pays very little, places you at the whim of your department’s teaching schedule, and generally offers no long term path forward, except by moving to another job elsewhere. Practically speaking, in 2022, adjuncting is someplace between “treading water” and “drowning”, and unless you’ve got another stable and plentiful source of income in your family, generally isn’t a sustainable long term plan.

The Linguistics Job Market

Finally, some people look to continue climbing the academic ladder and eventually become tenured professors, and pass on this knowledge in new and interesting ways to new and interesting people. To do this, you’ll likely start as an assistant professor, work your way up, and ideally, eventually win tenure. As a tenured professor, you’ll teach, do some research, publish, and participate in the workings of the university. You’ll be faculty, have the benefits and security of such, and be paid the salary of a professor.

It’s also worth noting that the nature of the jobs can differ. Some are research focused jobs, some are teaching focused jobs (like mine, I’m a Teaching Professor at UCSD , and some may mix both. At some smaller teaching-focused schools, your teaching load may be so high that research is simply not an option, but research won’t be weighed as a part of your advancement. Jobs may also differ in terms of your ability to specialize. In a large linguistics department, you might teach mostly in your speciality and passion, but in a smaller linguistics department, or as the only linguist in (e.g.) an English department or Department of Modern Languages, you might be teaching all the subfields. Regardless, it’s a pretty sweet gig, but it’s also very hard to find.

Open tenure-track jobs are becoming exceedingly rare. In a given year , you might see 1-5 jobs come available at well known schools in a given linguistic speciality (e.g. phonetics or syntax). The job market for linguistics Ph.Ds in academia in the English-speaking world right now is brutal , as few people are retiring and few new positions are being opened up. Many wolves, few steaks, and a small enclosure.

It’s also worth noting that the nature of the jobs can differ. Some are research focused jobs, some are teaching focused jobs (like mine, I’m a Teaching Professor at UCSD , and some may mix both. At some smaller teaching-focused schools, your teaching load may be so high that research is simply not an option, but research won’t be weighed as a part of your advancement. Jobs may also differ in terms of your ability to specialize. In a large linguistics department, you might teach mostly in your speciality and passion, but in a smaller linguistics department, or as the only linguist in (e.g.) an English department or Department of Modern Languages, you might be teaching all the subfields.

The other factor is that these jobs are really competitive. For example, in one recent (niche) job search, 80+ people applied. Of those, 20-30 were serious candidates (who actually met the qualifications and subfield well enough to consider), four people were invited to interview, and one got the job. In order to get one of these positions, you need to be very good at what you do, you need to be able to show that to the world, and you need to hope that nobody more senior and more qualified than you is searching at the same time.

All of this means you have startlingly little control over your destiny, because you basically don’t get to choose where, geographically, you’ll end up. You’ll apply to anything that’s open, and if the university of the Sixth Circle of Hell offers you a tenure-track position, then pack your foil suit and welder’s mask, because you’re on your way. You need to be sure that you are willing to relocate, and that your partner is able to do whatever they do, wherever you end up. And you need to be prepared, particularly if you have to be picky, to spend a few years post-docking, adjuncting or being otherwise under-employed, as you wait for a position to come along.

If you and a partner are both academics, you’ll be trying to find one school with job openings for both of you, or the ability to create a job for your partner. This is very hard to do, and gives rise to the classic “two body problem”. It can be overcome, particularly if a department really wants one or the other of you and can convince another department to make a job for the other, but this is something to consider, both as you search for jobs, and as you search for partners. I was once sat down and told earnestly, by a senior faculty member, that I should not even consider a relationship with another academic for precisely this reason. Hard advice, and the heart wants what it wants, but if you can follow it, it’s good advice.

Searching for Faculty Positions

Finding a tenure-track job within linguistics is really, really hard , but it’s not hopeless, particularly if you’re in a speciality which is in demand, and if you’re able to distinguish yourself somehow or another (unique research, lots of publications, excellent teaching, etc). Myself, as well as several of my friends and colleagues have found great tenure-track jobs at great schools, and at the end of the day, if your passions are teaching and language, you’re going to make something work. But you need to seriously consider what you’re going to do if you’re unable to find a position in academia, because right now, that’s exceedingly likely.

It’s also worth noting that you improve your chances substantially if you’re able to spend more time on the market while continuing your research. Each year, even if you don’t get the job, more and more of your colleagues will go off the market. If you’re able to do a Post Doctoral Fellowship, find temporary positions, or find some other way to stay active, publishing, and known in the field, your CV will keep getting better, and you’ll be up against more and more junior colleagues. So, although there are no guarantees, there’s certainly an element of ‘get in line’ which means that your first year on the market isn’t your best year on the market. It’s a good idea to be simultaneously networking for possible industry positions during this process, too, but if you can afford to be in stasis on the market for a while, you’ve got a better shot.

One other thing that you’re not told is that the academic job market is, frankly, emotionally brutal. Not intentionally so, but the sum total of it is really difficult. You will fear for your future. You will feel terribly inadequate. Your imposter syndrome will flare up. You will be put in direct competition with friends and colleagues for few positions. You will “apply into the void” much more often than you get any response, and many schools won’t even send out a rejection email, let alone a response explaining why you weren’t hired and where you can improve. And you’ll face sleepless nights, wondering whether you made the right choice, whether you should’ve done X, Y or Z differently, and whether it’s too late to move to Siberia and just raise muskrats. I applied for jobs for four years before I landed a faculty position, and until the phone call came in extending me an offer for what basically amounted to a dream job, the anxiety was real, every single day. I say this not to dissuade you, but to let you know that when it happens, you’re not alone in feeling that way, and that you have my deepest sympathy.

Put more simply: If you’re looking to get a Ph.D in Linguistics with the intent to teach or remain in academia, the odds in 2022 remain strongly against you. You are not guaranteed a job, post-doc, tenure track, or otherwise, and even if you’re able to find an academic position, there’s a very good chance that you’ll be adjuncting or doing Post-Docs for 2-5 years following your graduation. And you will need to out-last many on the market. If you are contemplating getting a Ph.D in Linguistics only so that you can teach in Linguistics in the USA, you are making a very risky choice, and I would advise you strongly consider alternative paths to your own happiness.

So, I’m living proof that it can work out, but think long and hard about whether you will be able to endure this process, whether you want to try your luck here, and whether you’d be happier in industry, or in another field. But if you’re one of us who can’t picture doing anything else with your life, well, we’re all rooting for you.

Mind you, this is just my perspective. I’m just a young faculty member, I have my own particular biases, and there are likely many opportunities that I’ve never been exposed to or even heard of. I’d recommend that you talk to your advisors in the department, talk to other linguists, check out Linguistics Career Launch , and watch sites where linguistics jobs are posted (like LINGUIST list or the Academic Jobs Wiki for the current year).

Most of all, though, think things through, ask the right questions, but follow your passion. If you want to do research, take jobs that offer you that chance. If you want to develop new and interesting products, and make a good deal of money doing it, look into industry jobs. If you’re like me and you just want to teach and do interesting research, well, keep pushing, keep collecting the necessary degrees, and hopefully, you’ll get there.

Careers & graduate school

Career opportunities for linguistics majors.

The Linguistics major provides a good variety of career possibilities. Linguistics majors do well in the job market and in graduate school because of their skills in writing, critical thinking and interpersonal relations that are highly valued by employers and that apply to a wide variety of professional jobs.

Graduates with BAs in linguistics are frequently hired to teach foreign languages, English as a second or foreign language, and literacy. Employment opportunities also are available in such fields as health services, speech technology, legal consulting, writing and editing, language teaching, data mining, lexicography, and translation. Specialization outside the major (in language teaching, communication services, journalism, computational methods, psycholinguistics) is likely to enhance employability in these areas. More information about careers in linguistics can be found at a page developed by the Linguistics Society of America .

Some representative job titles of recent Linguistics major graduates:

  • Voice recognition analyst
  • Equity analyst
  • Bilingual first-grade teacher
  • Legislative assistant
  • Interpreter
  • Marketing manager
  • ESL instructor
  • Production artist (with advertising agency)
  • Voice user interface designer
  • Public relations manager
  • Brand name analyst

Graduate school

Those wishing to continue to graduate school with a Linguistics BA from Berkeley will find themselves competitive for PhD programs in Linguistics and, depending on the focus of their major, in Anthropology, Psychology, Education, Sociology, and other fields. In addition, many Berkeley BA recipients continue to graduate school for professional degrees in areas such as speech language pathology, information management, library and information studies, accounting, museum studies, neuroscience, and law. More information about graduate schol in general can be found at the Berkeley Career Center site .

Should I apply to graduate school in linguistics?

In linguistics graduate school you will develop an original research program and prepare yourself for a career in academia. Students usually decide to apply to graduate school because linguistics is the field they are most excited about working in. If you enjoy linguistics classes, have questions about linguistic issues that go beyond coursework, and read about linguistics on your own, you may be a good candidate for graduate school in linguistics.

PhD and MA programs in linguistics are competitive; admission rates at top graduate programs in linguistics are typically below 5%. Strong graduate school applicants typically combine good grades, participation in linguistics research, such as through LRAP, independent studies, or theses, and linguistics coursework, often including graduate linguistics classes.

The good news is that most of these programs are funded. This means that admission to a linguistics graduate program often comes with free tuition and a stipend which covers basic living expenses. This stipend is often tied to the expectation that you will spend some of your semesters teaching, typically as a GSI/TA.

If you feel that you are a good candidate for linguistics graduate school, you should talk to a GSI or linguistics faculty member as soon as possible. Concrete steps can be taken in your second or third year as an undergrad that will set you up for success in linguistics graduate school. A list of graduate programs in linguistics can be found at the LSA website

Linguistics jobs

What kinds of jobs can you get with a linguistics major? What career options are there for linguistics PhDs who don’t want to go into academia? 

The linguistics jobs series interviews people who have a linguistics major, linguistics minor, masters in linguistics, or doctorate in linguistics, about what they’re doing with their careers, advice for current linguistics students looking at the job market, what kinds of work experience they had, and what they wish they’d known about trying to get a job with a linguistics degree. 

General lingcomm skills: how to explain why your linguistics degree is relevant in a job interview or application

  • Linguistics + X
  • LingComm - a series on communicating linguistics to non-linguists
  • Advice for writing pop linguistics articles
  • Differences between writing pop linguistics, teaching, and even other pop science
  • Livetweets and slides from a talk I gave about getting linguistics out of the ivory tower
  • Advice for linguistics profs looking to support your students in getting jobs beyond academia  
  • Lingthusiasm Bonus #3: How to sell linguistics skills to employers
  • Notes from a LingComm mini-course that I taught at the 2017 Linguistics Summer Institute: LingComm day 1: Goals ,  LingComm day 2: Terminology and the explainer structure ,  LingComm day 3: The Curse of Knowledge and short talks ,  LingComm day 4: Myth debunking and in-person events ,  LingComm day 5 & 6: Events, self-promotion, and charades , and LingComm, day 7 & 8: Pitching and final projects .
  • Resources page
  • How to write a successful pop linguistics book  (which doubles as a guide to how to break into pop linguistics writing)
  • Practical advice if you want to start a podcast  (by superlinguo, which I co-sign as we have a podcast together)

Academic advice


  • How to teach yourself linguistics online for free  

High school

  • Linguistics resources for high school teachers
  • Proto-linguistics: 6 ways to do linguistics in high school
  • Trying to hack the IB diploma into something vaguely linguistic
  • How to look for linguistics undergraduate programs  
  • How much jargon do you need to know before starting a linguistics undergrad class? (Spoiler: not much!)  
  • 28 tips for doing better in your intro linguistics course
  • How to find a topic for your linguistics paper
  • So, your linguistics department has a recruitment challenge  (how to increase undergraduate enrollement)
  • How to find student-friendly academic linguistics conferences near you
  • What is LaTeX and why do linguists love it for typing linguistics symbols?

Grad school

  • Should you go to grad school in linguistics? Maybe
  • Linguistics grad school advice, part 1: how do you know if you want to get a PhD in linguistics?  
  • Linguistics grad school advice, part 2: how do you decide which grad schools to go to or apply to for linguistics?
  • Do I need to have a linguistics major/undergrad degree to apply for linguistics grad school?
  • Lingthusiasm Bonus #21: What’s it really like at academic linguistics conferences?  
  • PhD/Postdoc tips from Lauren Gawne
  • How to become a professor in linguistics
  • Lingthusiasm Bonus #15: linguistics grad school advice

Weird Internet Careers

A series on making a living making weird stuff on the internet, as of late 2019.

  • Part I - What is a Weird Internet Career?
  • Part II - How I Built a Weird Internet Career as an Internet Linguist
  • Part III - How to start a Weird Internet Career
  • Part IV - How to make money doing a Weird Internet Career
  • Part V - What can a Weird Internet Career look like?
  • Part VI - Is it too late for me to start my Weird Internet Career?
  • Part VII - How to level up your Weird Internet Career

Long list of possible linguistics jobs

Both common and unexpected jobs that people have gotten with a linguistics degree - click for interviews! Also check the linguistics jobs tag  for the most recent interviews, since it updates automatically.  

  • Lexicographer
  • Scholarly communications librarian
  • Health writer
  • Policy analyst
  • Science fiction writer
  • Book publicist
  • ESL Teacher
  • Literary Agent
  • Speech Pathologist  ( profile ,  more resources )
  • Career Linguist
  • Research Assistant  (more  on RAships )
  • Data scientist
  • Linguistics podcasters - me and Lauren Gawne featured in Babel Magazine’s Meet the Professionals series

These interviews are by  Lauren Gawne at Superlinguo  (see also her master list of linguistics jobs interviews ): 

  • Internet linguist  (it’s me!)
  • Project manager at a language learning tech company  
  • Language creator
  • Data analyst
  • Interpreter
  • High school teacher
  • Humanitarian aid worker
  • Editor & copywriter
  • Language revitalization program director
  • Copywriter & fiction author
  • Tour company director
  • Computational linguist
  • Speech pathologist
  • EFL teacher
  • Educational development consultant
  • Apprentice mechanic
  • Radio digital managing editor
  • University course coordinator
  • Think tank researcher
  • Museum curator
  • Communications consultant
  • Communications professionals
  • Accent coach
  • Standards engineer
  • Translator and business owner
  • Freelance editor and writer
  • Agency owner and executive editor
  • PR consultant
  • Journalist/editor
  • School linguist
  • Learning scientist
  • Communications specialist
  • Product manager
  • Software engineer
  • Marketing content specialist
  • Community outreach coordinator

Looking for a bit of levity in the linguistics job search? Try this satirical linguistics jobs interview about becoming a wug farmer . 

I also post or reblog linguistics jobs related articles and resources when I come across them: 

  • Linguistics and careers in Artificial Intelligence
  • How a linguist became a zookeeper
  • Video from professional paths for linguists workshop
  • Linguists who have become webcomic creators
  • Linguists in industry panel video
  • Computational linguistics ,  machine translation  (more  machine language )
  • Linguists in industry panel (primarily tech-focused)
  • Working in tech: it’s not just for computational linguists (LSA webinar)
  • Letter to a prospective lexicographer
  • On naming new products  (more  on naming )
  • Forensic linguistics ,  more forensic linguistics , and still more
  • Professional conlanger
  • NASA, user experience testing, and others
  • Compilations of resources  (and  another compilation )
  • The four data science skills I didn’t learn in linguistics grad school (and how to learn them)
  • A video about speech-language pathology as a linguistics career

General careers resources: 

  • A twitter thread by Tressie McMillan Cottom on getting entry-level jobs from a social sciences degree (and especially how to do informational interviews)
  • From PhD to Life (blog on non-academic careers after a PhD)
  • The Professor Is In (blog on academic jobs)  
  • Ask A Manager on resumes and cover letters
  • Get Bullish (posts on side hustles and starting a business)
  • The Open Notebook (for science communication and science journalism)
  • Stacking the Bricks (for internet product businesses and selling on value)
  • The Bello Collective Podcasting 101 (for podcasts) 
  • Advice on writing a book: for early-stage advice (what kind of publisher should I be aiming for? do I need an agent?), I have found  Jane Friedman’s blog helpful; for mid-stage advice (assuming you decided to go with big trade publishers as I did), I’d suggest reading Kate McKean’s Agents and Books newsletter ; and for late-stage advice (when you’ve got a book coming out), I recommend Mary Robinette Kowal’s Debut Author lessons .  

phd linguistics job opportunities

Ohio State nav bar

Ohio state navigation bar.

  • BuckeyeLink
  • Search Ohio State

Careers in Linguistics

What can i do with a degree in linguistics.

The field of linguistics is extremely diverse, intersecting with many areas such as anthropology, computer science, engineering, foreign language study, neurology, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and speech & hearing science, among others. As a result, a degree in linguistics can provide the foundation for a wide range of jobs and careers (see below for some examples). Studying linguistics helps you develop many important skills such as analytical and critical thinking, problem solving, argumentation, data collection and analysis, and written and oral expression. As a student of linguistics, you will become familiar with many different languages and cultures and, as a result, also develop cross-cultural skills. Each of these skills are useful in many careers that may not otherwise seem related to linguistics. Below you will find a list of some of the career paths that graduates with a BA in linguistics have followed as well as some references that may prove useful.

Current postings of linguistics jobs are available from the Linguistics Society of America and ZipRecruiter .

Learn about non academic careers in Linguistics .

See what former Linguistics Majors are doing now!

Click on any person below to find out where each is working.

portraits of testimonials

Language teaching

  • foreign language teaching
  • teaching English as a second language
  • teaching English as a foreign language
  • teaching English as a first language
  • teaching in literacy programs

Information technology

  • natural language processing
  • speech recognition, speech synthesis
  • language data analyst
  • editor (for a publishing house, working with government or educational documents)
  • lexicographer (e.g. working for Merriam-Webster)
  • technical writer

Language Services Industry

  • translator/editor
  • interpreter (in-person or remote)


  • speech pathologist/therapist
  • accent coach
  • audiologist
  • college/university professor (combining research, teaching and service)


  • librarian civil service employee
  • foreign relief worker
  • computer programmer
  • writer/editor
  • marketing specialist
  • missionary, e.g. working for SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistics ), Wycliffe Bible Translators

Some resources:

  • Jobs for linguists  from ZipRecruiter
  • Careers in linguistics from The Linguistics Society of America
  • : jobs for linguists
  • Career Planning from the University of New Hampshire.

phd linguistics job opportunities

CREEES Professional Resources Forum

Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies at The University of Texas at Austin

Acad. Job: Postdoctoral Fellow in Linguistics (HSE University, Moscow)

Deadline: february 9, 2020.

The Higher School of Economics  School of Linguistics  in Moscow, Russia, invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in one of the following fields: second language acquisition, computational linguistics, machine learning, corpus linguistics, Slavic languages, computational lexicography, typology, lexical semantics, construction grammar, sociolinguistics, history of language.


The general requirements for the postdoctoral fellowship positions are the following:

  • Candidates must hold  a recent PhD  in the field of linguistics, Slavic languages, or computer science,  or related areas which was awarded over the last  5 years  or received before starting work at HSE in a relevant field by an internationally recognized university and has been assessed by external reviewers as having the potential to pursue research that is publishable in leading peer-reviewed journals;
  • Candidates should have a  strong background  in computational, experimental, field, corpus or theoretical methods in linguistics, ability to work in a team, conduct and publish high quality research.
  • Fluent English  is an obligatory condition as research and other activities are conducted in English. Knowledge of Russian is not required;
  • Relevant experience will be an asset although not required.

The position involves:

  • working under the direct supervision of Ekaterina Rakhilina;
  • Learner corpora building
  • Typological corpora building
  • Corpus of children speech
  • Learner dictionaries
  • Linguistic variation
  • Russian sign language
  • Database of Russian constructions (Constructicon)  
  • Database of diachronic changes
  • writing research papers for international peer-reviewed journals in co-authorship with the members of the School of Linguistics;
  • participation in the events of the the School of Linguistics and other contribution to the School’s development;
  • public presentations of candidate’s own research to the academic community;
  • some teaching is encouraged, though not required.

Appointments are normally made for one year. Postdoctoral fellows have an opportunity of renewal of the contract (no more than two times). 

HSE University offers postdoctoral fellows a competitive salary, the standard medical insurance plan, a working space equipped with a computer and free Internet access at the University.

The School of Linguistics offers access its databases and electronic resources.

Application Process

Applications must be submitted online. Please provide a CV, a statement of research interest and a recent research paper submitted via an online application form. At least two letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the International Faculty Recruitment Office at  [email protected]  before the application deadline. Please note that direct applications to the hiring school may not be reviewed. 

See the original job posting here .

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PhD in Linguistics and Literature Studies (PhD) Omsk State Technical University Omsk

Program details, minimum cost of living, requirements.


About Omsk State Technical University:

Omsk State Technical University (OmSTU) is a technological university that trains engineers, economists, and classical scientists. The university has always attached great importance to the quality and innovation of teaching and research and has established fruitful relationships with industry and commerce through experimental research and the exchange of technology.

About Russia:

One of the world’s fastest growing economies, Russia is keen to attract more international students. The Ministry of Education and Science is investing in the higher education system, and increasing support for students. Russia is quickly becoming a desirable destination for students from around the world.

About the city:

Omsk has been dubbed the third capital of the Russian state, and it stands as one of the largest cities in the country. Omsk is the administrative focus of the Omsk region, and it is situated at the convergence of the Irtysh and the Om Rivers of Southwest Siberia. This city has a land area of 572.9 km sq. and population of about 1.1 million residents, making the multi-million city the second most populous city in Siberia and the eighth-largest in Russia.

  • Graduate College
  • Careers for graduate students

Contact the NAU Office of Graduate & Professional Studies

Starting your job search.

Whether looking to pursue a career in industry, business, government, non-profit work, or higher education, the NAU Office of Graduate & Professional Studies can provide you with robust resources and experiences to get you started.

Individuals holding graduate degrees earn more*

phd linguistics job opportunities

The master’s degree is growing significantly:  U.S. workforce needs more master’s degree holders**

phd linguistics job opportunities

Not all PhD earners pursue professorships

There is a growing and robust field of scholarship, resources, and employment indicators that show Ph.D. students are successfully pursuing careers outside of academia. Explore a few examples, and specific career resources located in the accordions below.

Click on the images below to learn more about PhDs in the workforce.

phd linguistics job opportunities

Modern Language PhDs^

phd linguistics job opportunities


phd linguistics job opportunities

History PhDs^*

Explore career resources for graduate students, resources on the web accordion closed.

  • #alt-academy  is a resource for alternative academic careers and is part of Media Commons . Individuals register under Media Commons and then are granted access to all services under this umbrella, including #alt-academy, which allows them to browse “clusters” of articles about alternatives to academic careers.
  • Beyond the Professoriate * is a community for graduate students and PhDs — at any stage of their career — to connect with like-minded people in a safe space to explore career options. Members access the information, tools, and support they need to launch a meaningful career.
  • Beyond the Tenure Track * creates pathways to opportunity beyond the professoriate for graduate students and PhDs through leadership skills training, professional identity building, and mentorship connections.
  • Chronicle Vitae * is a service of the Chronicle of Higher Education that advertises a wide variety of academic positions and non-academic positions within the university setting.
  • Connected Academics  prepares doctoral students in language and literature for a variety of careers.
  • Emory School of Public Health supplies a robust list of jobs in the Public Health sector.
  • Imagine PhD  is a free online career exploration and planning tool for PhD students and postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and social sciences.
  • HigherEd Jobs  offers a wide range of resources and job postings for anyone looking to start a career in higher education.
  • Individual Development Plan  provides STEM PhD earners a portal to explore career possibilities and set goals to follow the career path that fits them best.
  • National Coalition of Independent Scholars is a non-profit organization providing professional affiliation, support services, and camaraderie to scholars outside of tenured academia. Membership is open to scholars across all disciplines.
  • PhDs at work * is a network for professionals with PhDs working across industries.
  • PhD career guide * endeavors to bring to light the many career options to PhDs and, more importantly, the information necessary to decide which career path would be most rewarding given their particular set of professional interests and career goals.
  • Versatile PhD * is the oldest, largest online community dedicated to non-academic and non-faculty careers for PhDs in humanities, social science and STEM.

*See “Exceptional career services” for more information.

Resources at NAU Accordion Closed

  • NAU’s Career Development Office.  From career exploration, to resume building, to job searches, the NAU Career Development Office has a career coach to help you find your way.
  • NAU Office of Graduate & Professional Studies’ Professional Development Series  offers graduate students a wide variety of robust workshops, informational sessions, and resources to compliment their academic studies in areas of professional skills.

Exceptional career services Accordion Closed

Subscription services for all NAU graduate students:

  • Beyond the Professoriate  is $6 a month or $66 a year. With your subscription, members get to attend members-only forums, live monthly events, and access to a network of PhD mentors. There is an annual “virtual” conference, and other pay-per-service items, such as on-demand videos and group/private coaching.
  • Versatile PhD is the oldest, largest online community dedicated to non-academic and non-faculty careers for PhDs in humanities, social science and STEM. To access all resources, this requires an institutional membership. Individuals can join for free, but will have limited access to resources. More information about institutional membership is coming soon!

Free for all enrolled graduate students at NAU:

  • NAU’s Career Development Office.  From career exploration, to resume building, to job searches, the NAU Career Development Office has a career coach to help you find your way!
  • Beyond the Tenure Track  is free to use and offers a wide range of videos, articles, and resources for career explorers and active career seekers.
  • Premium access to the  Chronicle of Higher Education  by logging in to any computer on campus.  Chronicle Vitae is a free service through the Chronicle of Higher Education.
  • PhDs at work  is easy and free to join. Members enjoy podcasts, blogs, events, and job listing services for positions outside academia.
  • PhD career guide endeavors to bring to light the many career options to PhDs and, more importantly, the information necessary to decide which career path would be most rewarding given their particular set of professional interests and career goals.
  • Versatile PhD is the oldest, largest online community dedicated to non-academic and non-faculty careers for PhDs in humanities, social science and STEM.  Individuals can join for free, but will have limited access to resources.

Sources Accordion Closed

*  Ma, J., Pender, M., Welch, M. (2016). Education Pays 2016: The Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society.  Trends in Higher Education Series, 17. ** Okahana, H., Zhou, E. (2018, June). Data Sources: Four out of Five: A Closer Look into Master’s Degrees.  Council of Graduate Schools. Retrieved from ^ MLA Office of Research (2015). Where Are They Now? Occupations of 1996–2011 PhD Recipients in 2013 [Web log post]. The Trend. Retrieved from ^^ Turk-Bicakci, L., Berger, A. (2014, July). Leaving STEM: STEM Ph.D. Holders in Non-STEM Careers.  STEM at American Institutes for Research, July 2014 . Retrieved from  ^* Wood, M. (2013). The Many Careers of History PhDs: A Study of Job Outcomes, Spring 2013.  American Historical Association.  Retrieved from

Office of Graduate & Professional Studies

Mailing address, social media.



The Ugandan Jobline


Graduate Trainee – Optometrist (Several No Experience Job Opportunities) – Med-Optics Limited

Job Title:   Graduate Trainee – Optometrist (Several No Experience Job Opportunities)  

Organisation:  Med-Optics Limited

Duty Station:   Kampala, Uganda

  • The Interns should have relevant qualifications

How to Apply:

All candidates should send their updated CVs and applications to: [email protected]

Deadline: 31st May 2024

For more of the latest jobs, please visit or find us on our facebook page

Related Jobs

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  • Fresher Cashier/Night Auditor Jobs – Yushili Hotel & Restaurant

Job Title:   Cashier/Night Auditor (Fresher Jobs) Organisation: Yushili Hotel & Restaurant …

Project Cluster Coordinator NGO Jobs – PATH

Job Title:   Project Cluster Coordinator Organisation: PATH Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda   …

No Experience Brand Intern Job Opportunities – Java House Africa

Job Title:    Brand Intern (No Experience Jobs) Organisation: Java House …

For employers, please send your adverts and inquiries to [email protected]

  • Accounting Jobs in Uganda (8,367)
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  • Audit Jobs in Uganda (1,402)
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  • Fresh Graduate Jobs in Uganda (1,432)
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  • Medicine and Pharmacy Jobs in Uganda (4,025)
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Jobs in Uganda (2,662)
  • NGO – Non-Government Organisations Jobs in Uganda (27,183)
  • Oil Petroleum and Gas Jobs in Uganda (1,266)
  • Other Jobs in Uganda (3,573)
  • Procurement and Logistics Jobs in Uganda (3,778)
  • Sales and Marketing Jobs in Uganda (5,790)
  • Social Sciences Jobs in Uganda (12,679)
  • Telecommunication Jobs in Uganda (998)
  • Training and Consultancy (301)
  • Transport and Driver Jobs in Uganda (1,861)
  • Uncategorized (42,429)
  • United Nations Jobs in Uganda (280)

Popular Jobs

Purchasing & sustainability manager jobs – de heus animal nutrition (koudijs).

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Fresher Accounts & Human Resource Assistant Jobs – Iowa State University-Uganda Program (ISU-UP)

Job Title:  Accounts & Human Resource Assistant Organisation: Iowa State University-Uganda Read More

Office Manager Jobs – Alfill Construction Materials

Job Title:  Office Manager Organisation: Alfill Construction Materials Duty Station:  Kampala, Uganda   Read More

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer NGO Jobs – Shared Action Africa

Job Title:   Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Officer    Organisation: Shared Action Read More

Interim Finance Officer NGO Jobs – Impact and Innovations Development Centre (IIDC)

Job Title:   Interim Finance Officer Organisation: Impact and Innovations Development Centre Read More

  • 2 Fresher Driver Jobs – RTI International
  • Jobs in Uganda

National Cancer Institute -

Celebrating CCR Careers: David D. Roberts, Ph.D.

David Roberts

David D. Roberts, Ph.D.

For more than forty years at NIH,  David D. Roberts, Ph.D. , has explored cellular processes regulated by the protein thrombospondin-1 in vascular and immune cells and developed new therapeutic approaches to treat cancers by shutting off the function of one of its receptors. After 36 years at the NCI, he is announcing his retirement.

Roberts began his scientific career at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 1976. He conducted graduate studies in biological chemistry at the University of Michigan from 1979 to 1983, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). There, he developed his interest in thrombospondin-1, a secreted protein that modulates interactions between cells and their surrounding extracellular matrix. He earned tenure in NIDDK in 1987, where he discovered roles for thrombospondin-1 in the adhesion and migration of cancer cells and in the adherence of  red blood cells infected with the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.

In 1988, Roberts became Chief of the Biochemical Pathology Section of the Laboratory of Pathology , where his laboratory continued exploring how thrombospondin-1 controls the formation of blood vessels in tumors (a process called angiogenesis) and regulates the function of tumor-infiltrating immune cells. These studies led to the discovery that thrombospondin-1, through its receptor CD47, can limit the nitric oxide signaling that controls  angiogenesis , blood pressure and  platelet aggregation . Translational studies revealed the therapeutic potential of inhibiting the expression and function of CD47, to enhance antitumor T cell immunity when combined with  radiotherapy , chemotherapy, or CTLA4  immune checkpoint blockade .

What has been the most surprising thing about your scientific career, and what scientific achievements are you most proud of?

Every four years, NIH scientists present our future research plans to the Board of Scientific Counselors along with our accomplishments from the past four years. Looking back over decades of those reports, I found that our most interesting discoveries were generally not foreseen in those plans. I have learned that the most important discoveries arise from focusing our attention on experimental results that do not fit our current hypothesis.

Early in my career, we focused on identifying molecules that interact with thrombospondin-1 and mediate its effects on cell behavior. In addition to identifying three new cellular thrombospondin-1 receptors, our data led us to question the function of other known receptors: CD36 and CD47.

The ability of thrombospondin-1 to inhibit angiogenesis was widely attributed to its interaction with a cell receptor known as CD36. However, we found that thrombospondin-1 inhibited angiogenesis in tissues from mice lacking CD36, whereas angiogenesis was insensitive to thrombospondin-1 in tissues from mice lacking another receptor, CD47. Similarly, the resistance of mice lacking thrombospondin-1 to ischemic injuries and to the death of tissues exposed to ionizing radiation were replicated in mice lacking CD47 but not in mice lacking CD36.

We then found that CD47 was limiting the ability of T cells to kill cancer cells when they are damaged by radiation therapy. We developed therapeutics to inhibit CD47 that enhanced the sensitivity of mouse tumors to ionizing radiation (increasing their long-term survival), the direct killing of target tumor cells by cytotoxic T cells in vivo and the effectiveness of adoptive T cell immunotherapy and CTLA4 checkpoint inhibitor therapy for treating cancers in mice. Our more recent work has extended the role of thrombospondin-1 signaling mediated by CD47 to limiting the antitumor function of natural killer cells in the tumor microenvironment.

How did the intramural environment of CCR and NIH help your research?

The highly collaborative intramural environment connected me with clinical investigators who were interested in biomedical problems that could be addressed using the skills I acquired in my training as a biochemist.

It goes both ways — my clinical colleagues provided me with different perspectives to understand the translational potential of basic research findings. I’ve also had collaborations working with clinical investigators, where I was able to provide them with a basic research approach to advance their clinical studies.

A major translational advance in our research arose when I took a chance hiring a microvascular surgeon, Dr. Jeffrey Isenberg. He wanted to learn research skills to answer his fundamental question, “Why do tissue grafts that initially have healthy blood flow (are well-perfused) survive in some of my patients but ultimately fail in others?” Combining lab studies using cells and tissue explants with instrumentation in the Mouse Imaging Facility, we found that thrombospondin-1 signals through its receptor CD47 limits nitric oxide signaling in poorly perfused tissues. With these findings, we were able to develop therapeutic strategies to block CD47 function that enhances the survival of poorly-perfused tissues in animal models, and we licensed these inventions to a biotech startup in St. Louis.

Another translational application emerged when Dr. Justin Maxhimer, a reconstructive surgeon from Johns Hopkins, joined my lab. He discovered that our CD47 therapeutics protect nonmalignant tissues from losing viability when exposed to ionizing radiation but enhance the ability of ionizing radiation to impede the growth of tumors in those mice. This in turn led to collaborations with CCR immunologists that enabled us to identify CD47 as an immune checkpoint that limits the ability of cytotoxic T cells to kill tumor cells. In developing our translational studies, access to the clinical staff and residents in the Laboratory of Pathology provided opportunities to benefit from their expertise for the evaluation of tissues from our various animal studies.

Roberts Lab Reunion

Do you have any advice for those starting their career here in CCR? What advice do you have for future generations of cancer researchers/physicians?

Think about how your research skills can be applied across medical disciplines. Basic researchers should attend clinical seminars and contemplate what unanswered questions could be addressed using their knowledge and skills. I encourage young investigators to explore the diverse core facilities within CCR and NIH and learn about the available support for patenting and technology transfer that can facilitate the commercial development of your lab discoveries.

What are you looking forward to most in your retirement?

I am looking forward to spending more time outdoors doing photography and having time to catch up on reading that is not related to biomedicine. I am also looking forward to spending more time with family – I have a one-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter and another one on the way.

Dr. David D. Roberts will retire from CCR on May 31, 2024. 


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