How To Make A Resume Website: Step-By-Step Guide

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In today’s competitive job market, more than a traditional resume is needed to make you stand out. A resume website is a powerful tool that lets you take control of your online presence, showcase your skills and achievements in a dynamic way, and proactively attract potential employers.

Think of your resume website as your virtual business card – but instead of a small slip of paper, it’s an immersive, interactive experience. You can include a compelling portfolio of your work, testimonials to build credibility, and even integrate a blog to demonstrate your thought leadership in your field.

Crafting a compelling resume website might seem daunting, but it’s more achievable than you think.  With the right platform and guidance, you can create a professional online presence that sets you apart from the competition.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of building a stunning resume website using WordPress and the powerful Elementor website builder. Whether you’re a tech whiz or a beginner, we’ll cover everything from choosing the perfect domain name and hosting provider to designing an eye-catching layout, optimizing for search engines, and keeping your website up-to-date.

Setting the Foundation

Choosing your platform .

When crafting your online resume, the first step is selecting the right platform to build upon. There are numerous website builders available, each with its pros and cons. Let’s break down the key considerations and why WordPress paired with Elementor stands out:

  • Customization: Website builders often trade flexibility for ease of use. WordPress, being open-source, offers unparalleled freedom to tailor your resume site exactly to your needs. Elementor amplifies this control, providing a powerful visual editor to bring your design vision to life without any coding knowledge.
  • Ownership and Expandability: With some website builders, you’re renting space on their platform, leading to limitations.  WordPress is self-hosted, meaning you fully own your website’s content and data. This is crucial if you want to expand your website beyond a resume, adding a blog, portfolio, or even e-commerce functionality down the line.
  • Community and Support:   WordPress boasts a massive, vibrant community. This translates to vast resources, tutorials, and support forums whenever you need assistance. Elementor has built upon this, offering its own extensive knowledge base and dedicated support channels.
  • Elementor’s Power: Elementor isn’t just any WordPress website builder. It’s the world’s most popular one, loved by professionals and beginners alike. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, rich template library, and advanced features streamline the website creation process, saving you time and effort that can be focused on perfecting your resume’s content.

Domain Name Selection 

Your domain name is your online address, so choose wisely! Ideally, it should reflect your brand. Using your own name (ex: demonstrates professionalism and makes you memorable to potential employers. Here are a few tips:

  • Keep it short and easy to remember: Avoid complex spellings or long strings of words.
  • Relevance: Subtly hint at your profession or focus.
  • Top domain extensions: Popular options include .com and .net, or consider newer extensions like .me or industry-specific ones if relevant.
  • Domain registrars: There are many reputable registrars. Ensure you choose one offering fair pricing and reliable service.

Web Hosting Considerations 

Not all web hosting is created equal. Your resume website deserves a hosting solution that prioritizes performance, security, and reliability. Here’s why Elementor Hosting raises the bar:

  • WordPress-Optimized: Traditional hosting solutions often cater to various website types, whereas Elementor Hosting is fine-tuned specifically for the WordPress environment. This translates to faster load times and seamless compatibility with WordPress plugins and themes .
  • Speed and Performance: Elementor Hosting leverages Google Cloud Platform’s C2 servers and Cloudflare Enterprise CDN, ensuring lightning-fast speeds for your visitors worldwide. This is crucial, as a slow-loading resume website can frustrate potential employers.
  • Robust Security: Elementor Hosting includes multiple layers of protection against common website threats. With automatic malware scans, DDoS protection, and advanced security features, your resume data stays safeguarded.

Building Your Resume Website with Elementor

If you’re looking for a streamlined website-building experience, Elementor Hosting offers a compelling advantage: it comes with both WordPress and Elementor Pro pre-installed. This seamless integration empowers you to start designing your dream website right away.

Why Pre-installation Matters

  • Zero Setup Hassles: Traditionally, building a website involves installing WordPress on your web hosting, followed by finding and installing a compatible theme. Then comes the process of activating the Elementor plugin. Elementor Hosting eliminates all of these steps, allowing you to dive straight into the creative process.
  • Immediate Design Focus: With the technical foundation in place, you waste no time on configuration and can immediately begin crafting the look and feel of your website using Elementor’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface.
  • Beginner-Friendly: Elementor Hosting’s pre-installed setup makes it ideal for newcomers to the world of WordPress. The process is designed to be accessible, allowing even those without prior website-building experience to achieve professional results.

Choosing a Theme 

Elementor fundamentally changes the way you think about WordPress themes. A theme provides the base structure and styling for your site. Here’s why Elementor’s approach shines:

  • Resume-Specific Templates: Elementor boasts a wide array of pre-designed templates created with online resumes in mind. These provide a fantastic starting point, accelerating your design process. You can browse templates directly within the Elementor Editor when starting a new page.
  • The Theme Builder :   With Elementor Pro, you have the power to design your entire site’s structure visually. This includes your header, footer, single post layouts, archive pages, and more. This gives you complete control over the look and feel of your resume website, even without an underlying theme.
  • Customization is Key: No matter if you choose a pre-designed template or start with the Theme Builder, Elementor lets you personalize every aspect. Change colors, fonts, and layouts, and adjust spacing through an intuitive visual interface – no coding required!

Homepage Design 

Your homepage is the virtual front door to your professional journey. It needs to make a strong first impression and guide visitors to the key information they seek. Here’s how to nail it:

Clear and Concise Header:

  • Your Name and Title: Display your name prominently, and directly below, state your profession or target job title (ex: “John Doe | Full-Stack Web Developer”).
  • Professional Photo: A headshot adds a personal touch and makes your resume more memorable. Ensure it’s well-lit and portrays a professional demeanor.
  • Navigation Menu Keep your main navigation clean and focused. Essential links include “Work Experience,” “Skills,” “Portfolio” (if applicable), and “Contact.” Elementor’s Nav Menu widget provides flexibility in styling and layout options.

The “About Me” Section:  

This is your elevator pitch, summarizing your unique value proposition.

  • Concise and Impactful : Aim for 2-3 sentences highlighting your key strengths, experience, and what you bring to the table.
  • Action-oriented: Use strong verbs and quantify your achievements whenever possible.
  • Elementor’s Power: The basic Text Editor widget is perfect for this. For enhanced layouts (combining your photo and “About Me”), consider using the Inner Section widget to create columns.

Compelling Call-to-Action (CTA):   

Guide visitors toward the next step. Examples include:

  • “View My Work Experience” links to your detailed work history page.
  • “Download My Resume” provides a PDF download of your full resume.
  • Contact Me” leads to your contact form .
  • Elementor’s Button widget offers extensive design customization for stand-out CTAs.

Skills at a Glance:   

Provide a quick snapshot of your core competencies. Consider these presentation formats:

  • Skill List: A simple bulleted list using Elementor’s Text Editor widget works well.
  • Skill Bars: Elementor’s Progress Bar widget lets you visually showcase proficiency levels.
  • Categorization: Group skills into categories like “Technical Skills,” “Soft Skills,” and “Tools.”

Visual Appeal:

  • White Space: Balance content with ample white space to improve readability and create a clean aesthetic.
  • Subtle Visuals: Incorporate relevant icons (Elementor’s Icon widget) or brand-consistent graphics to break up text. Elementor Image Optimizer can help streamline images for faster loading.
  • Elementor AI website builder Can help generate stunning layouts and designs with just a few clicks, giving your resume site a professional and modern look.

Crafting Compelling Content

The “work experience” section .

This is the most crucial part of your resume website. Here’s how to make each job listing shine:

Reverse Chronological Order

Start with your most recent or current position and work your way backward. This immediately highlights your current expertise.

Clear Structure:  

For each position, include:

  • Job Title: Be specific and use industry-relevant keywords.
  • Company Name: Link to the company’s website if well-known, enhancing credibility.
  • Employment Dates: Include months and years (ex: June 2021 – Present).
  • Location: Add city and state, especially if relevant to your target job search.

Achievement-Focused Descriptions

Don’t just list tasks; focus on results:

  • Start with Action Verbs: Use words like “developed,” “managed,” “increased,” “spearheaded,” etc.
  • Quantify Whenever Possible: Instead of “Improved customer satisfaction,” try “Increased customer satisfaction scores by 25%.”
  • Highlight Relevant Skills: Weave in the keywords that match your target jobs.
  • Elementor Layout Options: Consider using the Tabs widget to display multiple positions compactly or the Toggle widget for expandable content sections.

Project Highlights:   

If space permits and is particularly relevant, include 1-2 key project descriptions under specific job listings. This demonstrates the real-world application of your skills.

  • Strategic Ordering: If your experience could be more perfectly linear, emphasize the most transferable skills. For example, if changing careers, highlight positions that showcase applicable soft skills even if the industry is different.
  • Visuals for Variety (Optional):   Incorporate company logos (use Elementor’s Image widget) to visually break up long blocks of text. This works best with recognizable companies.
  • White Space and Readability:   Use Elementor’s spacing controls and Heading widgets to create a visual hierarchy.  Paragraph length should be short and scannable.

The Skills Section 

A well-crafted skills section provides a clear overview of your capabilities, letting recruiters quickly assess if you’re a good fit. Here’s how to make it work for you:

Skills Categorization:   

Organize your skills to improve clarity and demonstrate a well-rounded skill set. Consider these categories:

  • Technical Skills: These are your hard skills, specific to your field (ex: programming languages, design software, data analysis tools)
  • Soft Skills: Interpersonal and transferable skills vital in any workplace (ex: communication, problem-solving, leadership, teamwork)
  • Tools and Technologies: Software or platforms you’re proficient in, even if not your primary focus (ex: project management tools, CRM systems)

Presentation Options:

  • Simple Skill List: Elementor’s Text Editor widget works perfectly for basic bulleted lists. Emphasize top skills with bolding or larger font size.
  • Progress Bars: Elementor’s Progress Bar widget lets you visualize your proficiency level in specific technical skills.
  • Skills Cloud: For a more dynamic visual, consider third-party Elementor addons that offer word cloud or tag cloud widgets. These can be eye-catching for showcasing numerous skills.
  • Keyword Optimization: Sprinkle in industry-relevant keywords throughout your skills list Naturally weave them in, avoiding keyword stuffing that hurts readability.
  • Prioritize Relevance: Tailor your skills list to the types of jobs you’re seeking.  Highlight the most in-demand skills for your field.
  • Balance Specificity and Generality:   Strike a balance between niche skills that make you unique and broader skills that demonstrate your adaptability.
  • Quantifiable Skills:   Wherever possible, quantify your skills to add credibility. For example, instead of “Social Media Marketing,” consider “Managed social media accounts with a combined following of 100K+.”

Note on Visuals: White space is your friend in the skills section! Ensure it’s easily scannable and not visually overwhelming, especially if listing numerous skills.

Portfolio Section (If Applicable) 

If your work involves tangible outputs (design, development, writing, photography, etc.), a portfolio section is crucial for demonstrating your skills in action. Here’s how to make it compelling:

Project Selection:  

Only include some things! Showcase your absolute best work that aligns with your target job goals.

  • Quality over Quantity: A few strong projects are more impactful than a lengthy, mediocre collection.
  • Relevancy: Choose projects showcasing the most sought-after skills in your field.

Visual Presentation:  

Your portfolio should be visually engaging:

  • High-Quality Images: Use Elementor’s Image and Gallery widgets to showcase visual work. Make sure images are well-lit, clear, and optimized for the web with Elementor Image Optimizer for fast load times.
  • Videos or Interactive Elements: Consider Elementor’s Video widget to embed project walkthroughs or demos for added dynamism.
  • Case Studies: Use Elementor’s Lightbox widget to create pop-ups displaying detailed project descriptions with text and visuals.

Project Descriptions:   

Don’t just show the final product; provide context:

  • Brief Overview: Outline the project’s purpose and scope.
  • Your Role: Clearly state your specific contributions and responsibilities.
  • Challenges and Solutions: Demonstrate your problem-solving skills.
  • Results (If Possible): Did the project lead to measurable success (increased traffic, conversions, etc.)? Use Elementor’s Callout widget to highlight key stats.

Tailor to Your Audience:   

Emphasize the aspects of your projects most relevant to potential employers.

Clear Navigation and Filtering:  

If you have numerous projects, make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for using Elementor’s Portfolio widget, offering filtering options based on categories or skills used.

Note: Even if you don’t have a traditional portfolio, consider ways to demonstrate your skills in action. Did you volunteer on a website project for a non-profit? Refactor code as a side project? Include those!

Optimization and Beyond

Seo basics for resume websites .

Search engine optimization (SEO) is about improving your website’s visibility on search engines like Google. While a full deep dive into SEO is beyond our scope, here are key elements to focus on for your resume website:

Keyword Research:

  • Identify Relevant Terms: Think about what recruiters or hiring managers might search for when looking for someone with your skills and experience. Tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush can help in this process.
  • Natural Integration: Weave these keywords organically throughout your website content, including page titles, headings, and descriptions. Avoid forced or unnatural keyword stuffing, which harms readability.

On-Page Optimization:

  • Title Tags: The title of your webpage that appears in search results. It should include your name, main skill, or target job title (ex: “Jane Smith | UX Designer | Resume Website”).
  • Meta Descriptions: The brief description below your title in search results. Use it to entice potential employers to click through, highlighting your key strengths.
  • Header Structure: Use proper heading tags (H1, H2, H3) in your content to create a clear hierarchy and signal importance to search engines. Elementor’s Heading widget makes this easy.

Internal Linking:  

Link between relevant pages on your resume website. For example, from your “Skills” section, link to specific projects in your portfolio that demonstrate those skills. This helps search engines understand your site’s structure.

Technical SEO with Elementor Hosting:  

Elementor Hosting’s optimization with Google Cloud infrastructure and Cloudflare Enterprise CDN ensures fast load speeds and a robust technical foundation, both of which are crucial for SEO success.

Important Note: SEO is an ongoing process. Start with the fundamentals above, and continue to refine as you build your site.

Responsive Design and Mobile-Friendliness 

In today’s world, potential employers may view your resume on their smartphone or tablet.  Responsive design ensures your site adapts seamlessly, providing a positive experience regardless of screen size.

The Importance of Responsiveness

  • User Experience: A poorly responsive site leads to frustration, zooming, and potential abandonment. You want your site to look professional and be easy to navigate on any device.
  • SEO: Google favors mobile-friendly websites in its search rankings. A non-responsive site can negatively impact your visibility.

Elementor’s Responsive Toolkit

  • Mobile Editing Mode: Switch between desktop, tablet, and mobile views within the editor to fine-tune the appearance on different screen sizes.
  • Column Stacking: Easily adjust how columns rearrange for smaller screens.
  • Visibility Controls: Hide or show specific elements based on device size for optimal display and to avoid clutter.
  • Margin and Padding Adjustments: Fine-tune spacing for various screen resolutions.

Testing is Key

Don’t just rely on Elementor’s editor previews.  Test your website on real devices whenever possible:

  • Your own Devices: Check on your smartphone and tablet.
  • Browser Tools: Chrome DevTools and similar tools in other browsers offer device emulation modes.
  • Online Testing Platforms: Services like Browserstack let you test across a wide range of devices and browsers.
  • Speed Matters on Mobile: Elementor Hosting’s focus on performance, along with its features like Elementor Image Optimizer, ensures your resume website remains snappy on mobile data connections.

Visual Appeal: Color Palette and Typography

How your resume website looks and feels leaves a lasting impression. Here’s how to make smart design choices:

Color Palette

  • Simplicity and Professionalism: Stick to 2-3 primary colors for a cohesive look. Consider industry and personal branding (your colors might match those of your standard resume document)
  • Meaningful Contrast: Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background for readability. Use online color contrast checkers for accessibility.
  • Color Psychology: Subtle use of color can evoke certain emotions. Blue often projects trust and reliability, while warm tones can add vibrancy. However, avoid overwhelming with too many bold colors.
  • Elementor’s Color Picker: Easily apply your chosen colors to headings, backgrounds, buttons, and more.
  • Readability First: Choose clear, legible fonts (sans-serif fonts are often ideal for websites). Avoid overly decorative or script-like fonts.
  • Font Pairing: Select 2-3 fonts maximum. A common pairing is a clean sans-serif for headings and a subtle serif for body text. Free resources like Google Fonts offer inspiration and pairing suggestions.
  • Hierarchy: Use varying font sizes (H1 for largest headings) and font weights to guide the eye and create visual structure. Elementor’s Heading widget gives you full control.

White Space for Elegance

Don’t be afraid of negative space. Generous margins and padding around content improve readability and create a polished, uncluttered feel.

Subtle Design Touches

  • Icons: Use relevant icons sparingly from Elementor’s Icon library to enhance visual interest (ex: an envelope icon beside your email in the contact section).
  • Microinteractions: Elementor allows for simple animations like buttons changing color on hover. Small touches like these add a professional and modern touch.
  • Alignment and Consistency: Ensure elements are neatly aligned, and spacing is consistent throughout your design for a polished look.

Extra Design Tip: If design isn’t your strong suit, leverage Elementor’s library of pre-designed templates. This gives you a strong foundation to customize with your chosen colors and fonts.

Contact Form: The Bridge to Communication 

A clear, well-designed contact form allows employers to reach you directly.  Here’s how to ensure yours encourages contact:

Essential Fields:

  • Name: So they can address you personally.
  • Email: Ensure this is prominently placed at the top for easy access.
  • Message: Provide sufficient space for inquiries.
  • Subject Line (Optional): This is helpful if you anticipate multiple types of inquiries.

Form Design with Elementor:

  • Elementor’s Form Widget: Offers extensive customization for field labels, placeholders, styling, and layout.
  • Clear Labeling: Avoid generic field names; guide the user on what information to provide.
  • Visual Alignment: Match your form’s style to the rest of your resume site for a streamlined look.

Confirmation Message:   Upon submission, display a brief “Thank You” message confirming their message was received.  This reassures the sender.

Spam Protection:

  • Cloudflare Security: Elementor Hosting’s premium Cloudflare integration includes security features to mitigate basic spam.
  • CAPTCHA or reCAPTCH Add an extra layer to filter out bot submissions. Elementor offers add-ons that integrate with these services.

Email Notifications:

  • Connect to Your Email: Ensure your form sends notifications to your primary inbox, or set up a specific email for inquiries.
  • Testing: Send test messages to yourself to ensure notifications work correctly and to gauge response time.

Data Privacy (Optional):  

If collecting personal data, consider a short privacy statement with a link to your Privacy Policy page for transparency. This is especially important if you comply with regulations like GDPR.

Adding a Blog: Strategic Enhancement

While not mandatory, a blog can elevate your resume website in several ways. Here’s when it makes sense:

  • Demonstrate Expertise:   Blog posts let you deep-dive into your skills.  For example, a web developer might write articles on specific coding challenges or provide tutorials demonstrating in-depth knowledge.
  • Thought Leadership:   Sharing insights on industry trends establishes you as someone passionate and engaged in your field.
  • SEO Advantage:   Regular, keyword-rich blog content can significantly boost your website’s visibility in search results. This increases your chances of being found by potential employers.
  • Networking Opportunity:   Quality blog posts might get shared or commented on, facilitating connection with others in your field.
  • Content Repurposing: Expand upon themes you mention in your resume with longer-form blog posts. Use your blog to showcase work that didn’t fit within your portfolio section.

Considerations & Tips:

  • Focus and Consistency: Choose niche topics within your expertise. Commit to a regular posting schedule, even if it’s only once a month.
  • Elementor Integration: Elementor makes it easy to design blog layouts and single post templates. The Blog Posts widget allows for dynamic display on your site.
  • Promotion: Share your blog articles on social media platforms like LinkedIn.

Caveat:   A blog requires ongoing effort. If you need more time for quality content, focus on your core resume sections first. A neglected or outdated blog has the opposite effect of what you want!

Launch and Maintenance

Pre-launch testing.

Before unveiling your resume website to the world, take these steps to avoid embarrassing errors:


  • Contact Form: Test that submissions work, notifications are received, and your thank you message displays correctly.
  • Links: Click through every internal and external link. Check for broken links or incorrect destinations.
  • Navigation: Ensure your menu is intuitive and links lead to the intended pages or sections.


Typos create a poor impression!

  • Use a spellchecker: This is a start, but don’t rely solely on automation.
  • Read Aloud: Hearing your text can help catch awkward phrasing or subtle errors.
  • Ask for Help: Have a friend or colleague proofread for a fresh perspective, especially for key sections like “About Me”.

Cross-Browser Compatibility: 

Your website should look great on different browsers.

  • Popular Choices: Test in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge at a minimum.
  • Browser Developer Tools: Use these to emulate how your site looks on different screen sizes.

Performance Check:

  • Elementor Hosting’s Advantage: Their optimization should provide a fast-loading experience by default.
  • Tools: Use services like GTmetrix or Google PageSpeed Insights to analyze page load time for potential tweaks.

Mobile Responsiveness:   

Revisit your website on various devices (smartphone, tablet) to ensure your design adapts well.

Tip: Create a checklist document (spreadsheet or simple text file). Note what’s been tested and by whom. This is crucial if you’re collaborating with others on your website build.

Connecting Your Domain 

Your domain name is the permanent address of your resume website. Here’s how to connect it, assuming you’ve already purchased a domain through a registrar:

  • Elementor Hosting’s Dashboard:   Within your management dashboard, you’ll find a domain management section. Here, you can add your existing domain.
  • DNS Records: Your domain registrar will provide specific DNS records that you need to enter within your Elementor Hosting dashboard. This process tells the internet where to find your website’s files. Updating DNS records can take some time to propagate (up to 48 hours in some cases).
  • Elementor’s Support:   Elementor Hosting offers excellent documentation and support channels to guide you if needed. Their knowledge base likely includes step-by-step instructions for common domain registrars.

Note:   If you purchased your domain through Elementor directly, the connection process should be even more streamlined.

Website Security: Staying Vigilant 

Online security shouldn’t be an afterthought. Here’s a primer on protecting your digital resume:

The Advantage of Elementor Hosting:

  • Regular Updates: Elementor Hosting automatically handles WordPress core, plugin, and theme updates, patching potential vulnerabilities.
  • Malware Scans and Protection: Their security features proactively scan for malicious code.
  • Cloudflare Enterprise CDN: Filters out malicious traffic and DDoS attack attempts.
  • SSL Certificate: This encrypts data transmitted between your website and visitors’ browsers, adding a layer of security and is a positive signal to search engines. Elementor Hosting includes premium SSL.

Your Responsibilities

  • Strong Passwords: Use unique, complex passwords for your Elementor Hosting dashboard, WordPress admin area, and any related accounts.
  • Reputable Plugins: Only install plugins from trusted sources. Be cautious of free plugins with limited support.
  • Backups: Elementor Hosting includes automatic backups. However, exploring additional backup solutions for greater redundancy is wise.

Staying Informed:   Subscribe to Elementor’s blog or security newsletters to be alerted about important updates or potential threats.

Note: Security is an evolving landscape. While Elementor Hosting provides a robust foundation, staying informed and taking basic precautions adds to your website’s resilience.

Keeping Your Resume Website Fresh 

Your resume website isn’t a “set it and forget it” project.  Regular updates demonstrate your ongoing growth and ensure the information remains relevant.

Reasons to Revisit and Update:

  • New Skills: Highlight newly acquired skills as you expand your expertise.
  • Recent Projects: Add your latest work to your portfolio. This showcases your current capabilities.
  • Awards and Certifications: Any achievements or new certifications deserve a place on your digital resume.
  • Testimonial Updates: Ask satisfied clients for testimonials to add social proof.
  • “About Me” Tweaks: As your career focus shifts, slightly refine your “About Me” section to match your goals.

Fresh Content for SEO:   While small updates may not dramatically boost your rankings, they signal to search engines that your website is active and maintained.

Regular check-ins:   schedule periodic reviews, perhaps every quarter. even if there are no major changes, review your content for accuracy and clarity..

Update Reminders:   Set calendar reminders for updating your resume website. This makes it more likely to be addressed.

Tip: If you added a blog to your website, regular posts with relevant keywords provide further opportunities to be discovered in your field!

Analytics and Monitoring: Understanding Your Audience

Setting up analytics gives you valuable data to guide decisions and refinements. Here’s why it matters:

  • Traffic Sources:   Discover where your visitors come from (search engines, social media referrals, direct traffic, etc.). This lets you tailor your promotion strategies.
  • Popular Pages:   See which sections of your resume website get the most attention (ex: portfolio, specific skills, etc.). Identify what content resonates best.
  • Bounce Rate: A high bounce rate suggests visitors leave quickly. This could signal design issues, navigation, or content that aligns differently from their search intent.
  • Demographics (If Available):   Some analytics tools provide insights into visitor location, interests, etc. This can be helpful for tailoring your content if you have a regional focus.
  • Google Analytics and Elementor:   Google Analytics is a powerful and free platform. Elementor offers add-ons or integrations that make setup and insights easy within the Elementor dashboard.
  • Note on Privacy: Be transparent about data collection. Provide a brief Privacy Policy page, particularly if using analytics tools that capture identifiable information.

By creating a resume website, you’ve taken control of your online presence.  You’re no longer confined to the limitations of a traditional document. Here’s a recap of why your website is a major advantage:

  • Customization: You’ve crafted a unique presentation tailored exactly to your skills and experience.
  • Showcase Multimedi Your portfolio demonstrates your capabilities in a way a text-based resume cannot.
  • SEO Advantage: With strategic optimization, you can proactively get discovered by recruiters searching for your skillset.
  • Control the Narrative: You shape the first impression potential employers have of you, highlighting your strengths and passions.

Continuous Improvement Mindset 

Your resume website is an organic project meant to evolve alongside your career.  Remember these key practices:

  • Regular Updates: Add new projects, update skill descriptions, and refine your “About Me” section as you progress.
  • Analyze and Adapt: Use analytics insights to understand your audience and what content resonates most effectively.
  • Network and Promote: Share your resume website on LinkedIn, in your email signature, and even subtly within your traditional resume document.
  • Stay Inspired: Explore other resume websites in your field for inspiration, but always keep your presentation unique and authentic to you.

By following the guidance in this article and leveraging the power of Elementor and Elementor Hosting, you’ve built a foundation for success.  Your resume website will undoubtedly open doors as you navigate your career path!

Why do I need a resume website if I already have a LinkedIn profile?

 While LinkedIn is valuable for networking, a resume website gives you full control over the presentation of your skills and experience. You’re not confined to LinkedIn’s templates and can fully customize your website’s look, feel, and content to match your personal brand.

I could be more tech-savvy. Can I still build a resume website?

 Absolutely! User-friendly website builders like Elementor make the process accessible, even for those with limited technical knowledge. Drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-designed templates, and step-by-step tutorials empower even beginners to create professional-looking websites.

 How much does it cost to create and maintain a resume website?

 Costs vary depending on your choices. Here’s a general breakdown:

  • Domain Name: Around $10-$20 per year.
  • Hosting: This can range from affordable shared hosting to more powerful managed WordPress options. Elementor Hosting plans offer various tiers to suit your needs.
  • Website Builder: Elementor has a free version. Elementor Pro unlocks more advanced features and templates, making it a worthwhile investment.

 What are the key elements to include on my resume website?

 Essential components include:

  • Clear navigation
  • Professional headshot
  • Concise “About Me” section
  • Detailed work experience
  • Skills section with relevant keywords
  • Portfolio (if applicable)
  • Contact form
  • Testimonials (optional but impactful)

 How do I get people to visit my resume website?

  Here are a few strategies:

  • Include it on your traditional resume: Add the URL in your contact information.
  • Share on social media Promote it on LinkedIn and other relevant platforms.
  • Network: Engage with industry peers and subtly share your website where appropriate.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing your content with relevant keywords helps you get found.

 Should I add a blog to my resume website?

 While not essential, a blog offers several benefits.  It allows you to demonstrate expertise by writing about industry trends, share tutorials, and optimize for long-tail keywords, increasing your visibility in search results. However, a blog requires consistent effort and upkeep.

 How often should I update my resume website?

  Aim to update it whenever you have significant changes – new projects, skills, awards, or certifications.  Regularly reviewing your content for accuracy and relevance is also important. Even small updates signal that your website is maintained.

 Can I use a free website builder for my resume website?

 While technically possible, free website builders often come with limitations. Ads, limited design control, and lack of advanced features can make your website appear less professional. Investing in a premium website builder like Elementor Pro offers a wider range of tools and a more polished finished product.

 How long does it take to build a resume website?

 This varies depending on your experience and chosen platform. With a user-friendly builder like Elementor and a pre-designed template, you can potentially have a basic website up within a day or two.  Customization and adding content naturally take additional time.

30 Best Resume Website Examples We Love [+ How To Make Your Own]

Published: December 11, 2023

Creating your personal website resume is an essential step in any job search. It's a great way to showcase your skills and talents, as well as let potential employers know a bit more about who you are. Plus, having an online presence makes it easier for recruiters and companies to find you.

woman builds resume website examples

The great thing about creating a website resume is that you can make it as creative as you want. From the layout to the color scheme, there‘s no limit to what you can create. To help inspire your website, we’ve pulled together 30 of our favorite examples from around the web.

Get Inspired: 77 Examples of Exceptional Web Design  [Free Download]

Best Resume Websites

  • Kantwon Rogers
  • Oliver Anderson
  • Ximena N. Beltran Quan Kiu
  • Luana Psaros
  • Melanie Daveid
  • Alisha Selena
  • Kelsey Alpaio
  • Andy Martin
  • Libby Peterson
  • Emily Sullivan
  • Rubens Cantuni
  • Allison Driscoll
  • Jessica Hopper
  • Tobias Becs
  • Brooke Applewhite
  • Aaron Hinton
  • Gracie Wilson
  • Olivia Killingsworth
  • Eldridge Doubleday
  • Maddie Harris
  • Martin Ringlein
  • Andrew McCarthy
  • Vladimir Gruev
  • Pascal van Gemert
  • Nathaniel Koloc
  • Anthony Wiktor

1. Kantwon Rogers

resume website example; Kantwon Rogers

What we like: Melanie's website immediately captures attention with a bold black font overlaying her name, featuring an illegible red handwritten text. This unique visual element sets the tone for her site, leaving a lasting impression on visitors.

As visitors scroll down, Melanie provides a concise yet informative bio, followed by a mini CV that guides potential employers toward her professional journey. The clear structure and content flow make it easy for employers to understand her background and skills.

Melanie's website saves the best for last by showcasing her contact information and partner details against bold Royal Azure and ArtyClick Red backgrounds. This design choice adds a vibrant and memorable touch, ensuring that visitors easily connect with her both personally and professionally.

Melanie Daveid's resume website stands as a testament to creativity and effective storytelling in the digital realm.

6. Alisha Selena

What we like: Alisha's choice of the Brandy Punch font color for her introductory texts adds a touch of sophistication. This subtle yet effective choice immediately introduces visitors to her personal brand, setting the tone for her site.

The hero image, a woven black image against a Flush Mahogany background, is both captivating and classic. It commands attention without overwhelming the viewer, creating a visually pleasing first impression.

Beneath the hero image, Alisha offers a concise bio, complete with a call-to-action (CTA) button in white and black. This CTA encourages users to explore her resume, streamlining the navigation process.

A notable feature is the LinkedIn icon, the sole icon visible on her homepage, making it easy for visitors to connect with her on a professional platform. Alisha Selena's resume website is a fine example of timeless design and strategic user engagement.

7. Kelsey Alpaio

resume website examples; Kelsey Alpaio

What we like: Olivia's resume website effectively puts her in the spotlight by prominently featuring headshot images of herself throughout the site. The hero image, in particular, captures attention and establishes a personal connection with visitors.

A Vimeo-powered demo reel and short clips, set against a Rosy Finch background, offer a captivating glimpse of Olivia's acting prowess. These videos not only demonstrate her talent but also add a dynamic element to her portfolio.

Olivia's homepage also provides download links to her professional resume and voice-over reels, enhancing user-friendliness and ensuring that visitors have easy access to her comprehensive professional materials.

Killingsworth‘s resume website serves as a stellar example of how to center one’s profession and talents, creating a compelling digital presence in the world of acting.

22. Eldridge Doubleday

resume website examples; Eldridge Doubleday

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How to make a professional resume website in record time

  • Rebecca Strehlow
  • Oct 22, 2023

Get started by: Creating a website →  | Getting a domain →

Create a resume website

Due to the ever changing landscape of technology, many processes that we’re accustomed to have drastically transformed or become outdated. One such process – applying for a job. The days of personally delivering your printed resume to your desired workplace are long gone (like, way long gone). And trying to fit all your education, skills and experience into one page is close behind it.

Considering that you're constantly acquiring new skills and qualifications – you need a resume that you can update and share this information at any given moment. On top of that, potential employers should also be able to find you online with a quick search of your name. Having a well-designed online resume website that conveys your personality sends a clear message to recruiters that you are serious about your career.

How to make a professional resume website

In order to get you going on your path to professional success, whether you're a freelancer, consultant, we’ve broken down the steps on how to make your very own resume website:

Select your website builder

Choose your resume website template

Add a professional photo of yourself

Add the relevant resume sections

Add in the small design details

Optimize for SEO

Make sure you're mobile friendly

Ask for a second opinion

Publish your website and track

01. Select your website builder

Using a website builder to create a resume website offers several advantages and conveniences, especially for individuals who may not have web development skills or want to create a professional online presence quickly. Here are a few of the main benefits of using a website builder for your resume site.

Website builders are designed to be user-friendly, often offering drag-and-drop functionality and pre-designed templates. This makes it easy for anyone to create an appealing and functional website.

Many website builders offer both free and premium plans, making it cost-effective to create a resume website, without the need to hire a professional web developer or the need to understand markup language.

Building a website from scratch can be time-consuming, especially for those without web design experience. Website builders and CMS streamline the process, allowing you to create a resume website fast.

A lot of website builders, like Wix, offer hosting services , which means you don't have to worry about finding a separate hosting provider. They also take care of the technical aspects, including updates, backup and security , allowing you to focus on updating your content and keeping your resume website current. While also including built-in analytics tools that allow you to track visitor statistics, understand user behavior, and gather insights to optimize your resume website's performance .

02. Choose your resume website template

Regardless of your profession, having a resume website that is functional and beautiful is an absolute must. Now, we understand that not everyone has an eye for design or a clue what a domain name is – and that’s okay. Luckily for you, you can find plenty of free and professional resume website templates on the internet that are equipped with all the page layout elements you need to look good online. All you’re left to do is pick your favorite and customize it until you’re happy with the final result.

Depending on your needs and style, there are two types of sites available. You can go for a long scrolling one pager if the sole purpose of your site is to let people read a quick overview about you. It's more extensive than a landing page but less extensive than an entire website. Alternatively, you can opt for the classic option, where each section has a dedicated page. This is recommended for people who have multiple elements to show, such as projects for clients, photography or design portfolios, or research papers.

Create a resume website: Resume website template

03. Add a professional picture of yourself

It goes without saying that you should include a picture of yourself on your resume website – after all, if people are on your page, it’s because they want to learn (and see) who you are. Plus, people are naturally drawn to pictures rather than words.

But hold on, before you upload that family picture from your last island vacation, think about the perception you want to create with your photo and your resume website as a whole. While some professions (designers, artists, musicians, etc.) may have some creative freedom, for the general job seeker it’s best to play things safe with a neutral, professional looking headshot.

Make sure the picture you choose is recent, as well as a true reflection of what you really look like on a daily basis. Finding the right balance between friendly and serious is key – like Tyra Banks suggests: smile with your eyes. You should feel (and look) as natural as possible in order to exude a sense of approachability. Don’t think twice about hiring a professional photographer to snap some good headshots. It’s an investment that you’ll thank yourself for in the long run.

As for where to place your picture on your personal website – it should always be above the fold. Why? Because people need to understand in a matter of seconds what they have landed on. This being said, the dimensions and exact location of your picture are up to you. Unlike in printed CVs, your square picture is not required to live on the top left-hand side of your resume.

Waste no time and create your site from start to finish with Wix's website builder .

04. Add the relevant resume sections

When it comes to organizing your content, you have the liberty of deciding how to set it up and what to include. However, much like when baking a cake, there are a couple of key ingredients needed in order to achieve the perfect result. That means including the right pages so that your resume website as a whole is truly an accurate representation of you.

Whether you're creating a graphic design resume or a professional actor website, remember that readability is crucial here. A good (and complete) resume will always include the following:

An inviting homepage: This is the first snippet of you a recruiter will see, so it’s crucial that your homepage is eye-catching yet informative. Your homepage needs to be the perfect summary of who you are and what you do. It should entice people to click more in order to find out more about you. Use this page to display that carefully selected picture of yourself, your name, contact details and field of work or current position. You can also include a paragraph explaining your background or experience. Keep it short and sweet – you don’t want to overwhelm recruiters with tons of text. They’ll discover the rest in the following sections.

Your experience: Ah, the real nitty gritty of writing a resume . Select only the experience that is most relevant to the type of field you’re applying for. This can include jobs, internships and any volunteer work. For each job, list a couple of main roles, tasks, and accomplishments. You can visually represent your experience by displaying it on a timeline. This design style gives a clean, organized look to your valuable experience.

Your education: Depending on the extent of your education, you can also format this as a timeline or simply just list your degree(s). Be sure to include the name of each university or institution, its location and your date of graduation. Also include your major/minor fields as well as any honors, publications or notable projects you were involved in.

Skills: Highlight your many talents with a dedicated skills section. You should list any computer systems which you are proficient in (Photoshop, Microsoft office, PowerPoint, content management tools etc.), any foreign languages you speak, and other skills that may be required for the job you are applying for that haven’t been mentioned anywhere else in your online resume.

Personal projects: This section is included mainly for creative fields in mind, for which you might want to create a portfolio website that showcases your style and creativity. For example, if you're a photographer wanting to show a more personal collection of your work, you can display your images using the Wix Pro Gallery . With any selected project you choose to show, give a detailed description and some context as to how your project came about. The value of including any kind of extracurricular activity (even if it’s not necessarily related to your profession) is that it shows how dynamic you are. Don't be afraid to use multimedia here, including images and video.

Contact: As someone looking to be “found”, we can’t stress this enough: make sure your contact details are easy to locate. There’s nothing more off-putting to a site visitor than having to search for your contact info. It’s considered a good practice to add all of your essential details in the footer of your site.

Testimonials and recommendations: Reviews are everything these days. Think about the first thing you do when contemplating a new restaurant – you check the reviews, right? Well, you can give recruiters that same unbiased view of yourself by including testimonials and recommendations from previous employers or co-workers.

Link to your relevant social channels: For most professional fields, you’ll need to update your LinkedIn account and link to it on your resume website. However, for artists, photographers, freelancers and other creative types who use social platforms as a way to showcase their work, it may be useful to link to your professional Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube accounts.

How to make a resume website: resume website template

05. Add in the small design details

Going back to that cake analogy, once your cake is baked (and looking delicious) it’s time to decorate it. To create a Wix website , there are a couple essential branding elements you’ll need. These include:

Selecting the correct colors and fonts: Think of yourself as a brand when completing this step. You’ll need a concise look and feel throughout your resume website. One way to achieve this is through the color scheme and fonts you select. Take a look at our helpful guides to selecting a color palette and choosing the best fonts for your website.

Choosing a unique domain name: Select a domain name that’s preferably, well, your own name. This is what is known as branding. If the domain is already taken, consider adding your job title, location or any other distinctive criteria. Doing this creates a sense of trust and credibility. Not to mention it helps you look professional when sharing business cards with your own domain on them.

Including a PDF version of your resume: While your online resume is very impressive, some employers will also want a printable version of your CV. To do this, include a button that links to a downloadable PDF version.

06. Optimize for SEO

Now, before you shy away from this seemingly complicated topic – hear us out. SEO (search engine optimization) is the practice of optimizing your site so that your pages can rank higher in search engines results. The more exposure you get on search result pages, the more likely that prospective recruiters will come across your site.

As you create a resume website, there are a few easy things you can do in order to improve your ranking right off the bat. For example, make sure to choose the right domain name and insert strategic keywords throughout your resume website.

To help you, Wix has developed an intuitive, comprehensive and free solution that will guide you through all these optimization steps. In addition to this essential setup checklist, you'll also be able to access advanced SEO tools and analytics.

07. Make sure you’re mobile-friendly

Smartphones and tablets are everywhere. In fact, mobile browsing accounts for approximately half of web traffic globally . Because of the popularity of these devices, you need to ensure your website is optimized for mobile viewing. If you're starting with a professional best resume website templates , you'll most likely be able to skip the mobile-optimization step.

To do this, you’ll need a mobile website - a version of your resume website that shrinks down to be small enough to display on the mobile screen. The Wix Editor automatically generates this for you, ensuring that your resume website looks neat and attractive on any device.

Build a resume website: resume website template

08. Ask for a second opinion

The whole purpose of your resume website is to give you a leg up on your job search. Nothing can ruin all your hard work quicker than a silly typo. To ensure your resume looks polished and professional, ask a friend or anyone you trust to proofread the copy of your text and test out your site’s navigation. Do all the links work? Does your resume website accurately represent you in terms of the style and tone? These are all valuable questions a trusted second opinion can answer for you.

09. Publish and track

After all that, it’s time to hit the Publish button and wait for the offers to roll in! But publishing is only step one. Now you need to maintain, nurture and keep track of everything going on regarding your resume website. This includes understanding who is visiting your site and how much traffic your resume website is generating. In order to keep track of these stats and live chat with site viewers, you can download the Wix Owner App .

When it comes to maintaining your site, be sure to keep your CV updated. Every time you achieve something new or change positions, it should be reflected on your resume website.

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15 Best Online Resume Builders in 2024

Background Image

Crafting a well-structured and detailed resume piece-by-piece can be hard.

If you’re using Microsoft Word, it takes time to get everything right and then editing a single section of the resume usually messes everything up.

That’s no good.

Luckily, you can just use a resume builder.

With a solid resume builder, you don’t have to invest your sweat , blood , and tears into crafting your resume. All you have to do is sign up, and the software does all the resume formatting for you.

And on top of that, you’ll be using a tried-and-tested resume template. This guarantees that you’ll present yourself in the best way possible.

But there are a ton of online resume builders out there - so, which one do you use?

In this guide, we’re going to be covering 15 of the best online resume builders on the market and give our thoughts on each.

15 Online Resume Builders Reviewed

Most resume builders have something unique to offer.

It’s hard to pick the perfect one , because well, perfection doesn’t really exist.

That’s right.

The resume builder you choose will most likely depend on what you’re looking for.

This is why we’re going to be covering some of the online resume builders by the following criteria:

  • Premium features
  • # of resume templates available
  • Cover letter builder availability
  • Pros and cons

Now, let’s dive into the huge world of online resume builders, starting with:

best online resume builder

Yes, that’s us.

Are we biased?

Maybe a little.

But hear us out - Novorésumé is awesome.

Creating a professional resume and cover letter has never been so easy. 

Our templates were designed to represent your skills and work experience in the best way possible. 

Using one of Novorésumé’s flexible resume templates , you can adjust , edit , and customize your resume based on the position or company you’re applying to.

Applying for a job in the creative industry?

Maybe you want to be a marketer or work in advertising.

Pick one of the more creative templates and stand out from the rest of the candidates!

Or, on the other hand, maybe you’re applying for a job in finance .

In that case, you can try one of our more traditional resume templates.

Whatever type of job you’re applying for, Novorésumé has the right template for you.

And speaking of resume templates, our templates are ATS-friendly (resume screening software that HR managers love to use). Meaning, if you have the right experience listed, you’re sure to get past the automatic software screening process.

Don't trust us? Check out what people have to say on Trustpilot :

novoresume ats friendly review

Not sure how to build a resume?

To put the icing on the cake, our resume builder also comes with a smart content optimizer that will analyze your progress and give you quality suggestions on how to improve each section.

That’s a lot of features.

So, how much does it cost? 

Let’s take a look:

Unlike other online resume builders, Novorésumé is very transparent about which of its services are included in the free version. When editing your resume, the premium features are marked with a star. If you choose one of these, a box will pop up to inform you that you’ll have to upgrade to premium in order to download your resume. This is extremely useful and helps you easily decide if upgrading is worth the cost.

  • Freemium : available
  • 1 Month Premium: $ 19.99
  • 3 Months Premium: $39.99
  • 12 Months Premium: $99.99

Unlike other similar companies, Novorésumé’s pricing isn’t subscription based. That means that after the month you paid for is over, you won’t be auto-charged for another month.

Premium Features

  • Up to 3 pages of a resume/CV
  • Cover letter builder
  • Custom layout
  • Multiple resume versions
  • Specialized sections, and more

# Of Resume Templates Available

  • Free Templates Available: 8
  • Paid Templates Available: 0

Cover Letter Builder

Available only for the premium version

  • A lot of professional templates to get you started
  • Creative resume templates that are guaranteed to stand out
  • Plenty of features and choices with the free version (that you’d have to pay for with other resume builders)
  • ATS-friendly resume templates that won’t get lost in the software screening process
  • Live smart feedback to improve your resume in case you missed something
  • A lot of free resources and guides on how to polish your resume
  • Transparent pricing model and no automatic renewal
  • Going over one page of your resume and some other premium options cost extra

cv maker

CVMaker is a barebones approach to resume making and allows you to create resumes effortlessly with a super simple interface.

Though most of their templates are minimalistic by nature, you can still customize the sections and the design on your own.

CVMaker includes up to 37 languages and you can create a printable resume in a matter of minutes.

The customization of the tool doesn’t have a lot going for it, but you can always add a custom section on your own.

Once done, you can then import your resume into a PDF, HTML, and TXT documents.

  • Freemium: available
  • Premium: $16/year
  • Premium themes
  • Special sections
  • Rich text editing

# of Resume Templates Available


  • Simple to use and get into
  • Easy to upload/edit resumes
  • Minimalistic approach to an online text-based resume maker
  • Not a lot of customization with the templates within the sections and design
  • No resources or tips on how to make your resume better

job search masterclass

Enhancv gives you a total of 4 different resume builder templates you can choose from based on your field and job experience.

The tool is fairly simple to use.

You pick from a number of templates and then customize the design based on sections , fonts , colors , layout , and more.

There is little to no learning curve with the tool as you can start creating a resume immediately once you log in.

Once you have a draft resume, you can get instant feedback on your resume through the app’s content analyzer tool.

The final result is that you end up with a professional, yet personal resume with a memorable design.

  • 7 days free trial
  • Pro Semi-Annual: $ 10.99/m
  • Pro Quarterly: $14.99/m
  • Pro Monthly: $19.99/m
  • Up to 10 resumes and cover letters
  • Remove branding on your resume
  • Instant tips to fix mistakes
  • Pro sections, colors, and backgrounds
  • Free Templates Available: 2
  • Paid Templates Available: 2

Available only for the premium version.

  • Easy to start
  • Solid resume design and layout regardless of the profession
  • Memorable design and a lot of room for adding and arranging sections
  • Feels limited with the freemium options
  • Some important resume sections require premium


VisualCV is an online resume builder that you can use to create PDFs resumes for just about any industry.

They have the option to upload your current resume to improve it, and a resources section with all the tips and tricks you’ll need on using VisualCV.

The site has plenty of resume templates depending on your background. Whether you’re a recent graduate , CEO , a freelancer , or anything in between, each of their template has something unique about them.

Whether it be the design, layout, or the structure, you can find one that speaks to you and also manage multiple resumes - depending on where you’re applying.

The website also has all the usual features like exporting and importing your CV, but what really helps them stand out is their resume analytics option.

What this means is that you can share your resume through their website, and keep track of who views or downloads your resume, to avoid getting lost in the hiring process.

  • Premium: $12 per month
  • Extra resume templates
  • Free templates available: 3
  • Paid templates available: 15
  • Analytics to track your resume performance is a fresh and welcome tool
  • Allows you to manage multiple resume versions
  • Can get feedback from VisualCV partners or share with friends
  • Can edit most resume sections with the free plan
  • Only 3 free templates available
  • Need the premium option to hide website resume branding
  • Freemium resume templates look very similar to each other


CakeResume is an extremely easy-to-use resume builder that starts you off with a generic template that you can then customize by using the site’s drag-and-drop feature.

How does that work?

Essentially, you choose a number of sections you’d like to add to your resume from the sidebar and add them as you please.

This way, you’re in charge of your resume and can build your own layout , based on how you want it to look like.

There are no unnecessary fluff sections and the UI is intuitive so everyone can start building out their layout in a matter of seconds.

If there’s a perfect resume structure that you have in your head and want to get it down on paper, this drag-and-drop approach can help you do that and differentiate yourself from other candidates.

Other than that, the website also has a number of different user-made resume samples, which you can use to discover what good resumes in your field look like.

  • Advanced: $7.95/m
  • Pro: $15.95/m
  • 20+ resume snippets (call-to-action, quotes, video slides, and more)
  • Resume tracking via Google Analytics
  • Free templates available: 1
  • Paid templates available: 0 
  • Can edit and customize your resume the way you want to through the drag-and-drop feature
  • Can browse through user-made resume templates for inspiration
  • A lot of options to edit your resume and make it unique
  • Some of the user-made resume samples can be unreliable as a reference. After all, you can never really know how skilled the person is at crafting a resume.
  • Can be hard to construct your resume with the drag-and-drop if you don’t know what you’re doing


ResumUP is another interesting take on the online resume builder as it focuses heavily on the visual side of resumes.

More specifically, the website focuses on turning your resume into an infographic .

They have a number of different types of templates and designs, but for the most part, they’re all on the heavy design side .

So, depending on where you’re applying this might be the way to go for you.

For example, if you’re applying to a social media and graphic design job where you’d be making a lot of visual content - turning your resume into an actual infographic can be a quick and easy way to stand out.

The site doesn’t offer a lot of different templates, but from the ones that they do, they’re guaranteed to attract attention.

  • Pro profile: $20/m
  • Lifetime access: $ 149
  • Certain sections (e.g. skills and achievements) require premium
  • Extra templates
  • Free templates available: 2
  • Premium templates available: 11
  • Stunning design choices and fancy templates
  • Templates available for different industries
  • Easy to create and modify despite all the visuals
  • Most templates are design-heavy and might be better only for certain jobs
  • Can be expensive compared to other resume builders


SlashCV is a really fast way to start creating a resume online as it doesn’t even require you to log in.

To get started, you can simply jump into the builder and already get a sense of what your overall resume will look like.

You can start off by picking one of the available templates.

Or if you’re feeling creative, you can create your own layout using the drag and drop builder.

Unfortunately, the website doesn’t offer a whole lot of customization beyond that. You can’t change the font, background, colors, etc.

As far as basic resume builder sites go - SlashCV is easy to set up and get it going.

  • Premium (to host your own resume online on their site): $4.99/year
  • Host your resume online
  • Paid PDF templates
  • Remove watermark
  • Free templates available: over 50
  • Premium templates available: 0


  • Fast, doesn’t require to log in and offers most sections you’ll need in a resume
  • Also has the option to add custom sections 
  • Can host your resume online as a PDF
  • Not a lot of features beyond basic ones
  • A lot of the templates look the same and there is little option to change the color schemes or make any other major edits



MyPerfectResume starts onboarding you by first asking your field , title , level of expertise , and then allows you to pick from a template based on your answers.

After that, you can either create a new resume or upload your current one to edit on their website.

When it comes to filling in your resume sections , the website holds your hand every step of the way, giving you tips on what to mention. So, it can be very useful for someone that’s a beginner creating their first resume.

They even offer a professional service of having a certified resume writer create a personalized resume and cover letter for you in just 3 days.

  • 14 day trial: $ 1.95, then $24.95/m
  • Annual: $5.95/m, $71.40/year
  • Resume writing and cover letter services cost extra
  • Download and save your resume in multiple formats
  • Scan your resume for common mistakes
  • Free templates available: 12
  • Premium templates available: 30+
  • Easy to follow and set up as it includes tips and guides each step of the way
  • Noticeable color schemes and design layouts that make a difference
  • Simple, yet powerful templates to get you started - great for beginners
  • Forced to fill in your resume sections step-by-step, without the ability to see how the end-result looks until you’re done with it
  • Need to sign up for a subscription to download or print your resume
  • A lot of templates but you can’t change the layout is an easy to use and straightforward online resume builder.

Starting from the dashboard, you get the option to select a resume or a cover letter template and start filling in the blanks.

The step-by-step process is fairly simple to follow as the website onboarding you asks for all the traditional information like your name, contact information, and so on.

Alternatively, you can upload your current resume to edit on their website or choose a sample resume to start with.

If you select to create one, the site walks you through the process of creating a resume by asking you questions on each section. Once you’re down, it creates a resume based on your answers.

From there, you can edit and rearrange sections as you wish, and also change the following styling options:

With the cover letter , you also get a lot of options, based on your industry and career expertise .

  • Not Available
  • Free templates available : 24
  • Completely free to use
  • The resume builder is functional and extremely easy to follow
  • 200+ cover letter examples and samples, depending on the industry
  • Though there’s a lot of resume templates to choose from, a lot of them look very similar and common. Meaning, it’s going to be very unlikely for your resume to stand out


KickResume helps you get noticed and hired faster.

They offer all the usual stuff - resume templates, cover letters, different designs and layouts , and also the ability to turn your resume into a living, breathing, website .

Through KickResume, you can turn your resume into a personalized, one-click website.

This way, you can take your resume online, include more sections about you and let your future employers learn more about you by simply Googling your name.

  • Premium: $8/m
  • Grammar Correction: $29 per resume
  • Unlimited number of resumes and cover letters
  • 20,000+ pre-written phrases you can use in your resume
  • Real resume examples
  • Email and live chat support
  • Free templates available: 4
  • 2 templates available for the free version
  • 20+ templates for the premium option
  • A lot of strong features, resume and cover letter templates available for the freemium version
  • Pre-written phrases to help you out in case you’re not sure how to phrase your achievements
  • Grammar correction proofreading services available, if needed
  • Most templates are creative and sometimes too vibrant - can be a bad thing depending on where you’re applying
  • Can be hard to turn your resume into a website, if you don’t know what you’re doing


Vizualize is another heavy visuals-based approach at an online resume builder.

You have two ways to create a resume with Vizualize:

  • Export your LinkedIn profile and creative a Vizualize resume automatically
  • Sign-up with your email and input your information manually

Then, the software automatically turns your resume into a timeline spaced over a certain timeframe. 

It’s important to note that you should only ever take this approach if you’re sure it’s relevant to your job.

For example, if you’re applying for any company with ATS, you probably won’t pass with this.

Instead, you should only ever use this if you know for a fact that the HR will read your resume manually.

And even then, you should really be sure that they’ll appreciate an infographic resume.

For now, Visualize is still in beta, so here’s what that includes:

  • Templates available: 6
  • Easy to set up and convert your LinkedIn profile into an infographic
  • A lot of options to change the resume styles (colors, font background, etc.)
  • Still in beta
  • Using an infographic resume might really backfire on your (it’s not standard)


Resumonk is a very straightforward approach to creating beautiful and professional resumes online.

The website has a number of different templates, depending on the occasion, that help you stand out from other candidates to get the call back for the interview.

You can move the sections around as you see fit and modify quite a bit, even with the free plan .

Resumonk doesn’t require you to sign up, and you can start messing with the layout to get a feel of the tool within seconds.

Though, to gain control of some of the more powerful features and options - you really need the premium plan.

  • Premium plan: $29/year
  • Forever plan (one-time payment): $89
  • Cover letter
  • Additional fonts and color options
  • Custom URL to host your resume online
  • Track analytics for your resume
  • Freemium templates available: 4
  • Premium templates available: 17
  • Easy to jump into creating and modifying your resume
  • Can download as PDF or host online (if premium)
  • Clunky interface
  • Need premium for a lot of basic features (e.g. changing colors, removing branding logo, etc.)



ResumeGenius is a clean online resume builder that wastes no time in letting you customize your resume.

You start by choosing a resume template ( Word or PDF ), then answer a few questions about your background (work experience, education, etc.). 

The builder is a bit misleading though - they make you fill in everything on your resume, and in the end, they hit you with a paywall - $1.95 for a 14 day period.

If you’re going for this option, make sure to cancel your subscription, or they’re going to start charging you $39.95 at the end of the first 14 days! 

Regardless of your work experience, the software was designed to generate a complete resume for every kind of job seeker.

Throughout the process of creating a resume, the website helps you format it in detail and gives you tips and tricks along the way..

For each section of your resume, ResumeGenius helps you think of what you should write where and how to format it accordingly.

Finally, if needed, they also have a “ask an expert” option for the pro plan, in which a professional resume expert will go over your resume, and review it for accuracy and clarity.

  • 14 day access: $ 1.95, then $39.95/m
  • Annual payment: $95.40/year
  • Unlimited resumes, cover letters, and downloads
  • Resume critique and feedback from an expert
  • Track your resume analytics
  • Freemium templates available: 0
  • Paid templates available: 17
  • Straightforward, easy to work with resume builder
  • Resume templates look and feel unique, and there are a lot of options depending on where you’re applying
  • No freemium option
  • Expensive compared to other options (after the 14 day access)
  • Can’t edit certain resume layout details (e.g.month formatting), and this can lead to inconsistency

resume now

Resume-now uses a tried-and-tested resume templates to help you land your dream job twice as fast.

You can choose between regular templates, or pick ones created for specific fields and industries.

You choose a template and fill in the information about your background manually, but beyond that - you’re on your own.

This resume builder doesn’t come with a content optimizer, so if you’re new to resumes, it might be a bit hard.

  • 14 day trial: $ 1.95, then $39.90/m
  • Premium plan: $39.90/m
  • Access to all format downloads (PDF, MS Word, Plain text)
  • Multiple versions of resume and cover letter
  • Salary calculator
  • Premium templates available: 15
  • Can freely rearrange resume sections
  • Pre-written text available for resume and cover letter, depending on the job role
  • Not a lot of resources and tips as you create the resume
  • Expensive compared to other options after the trial
  • Assumes you already know how to structure and format resume details



GotResumeBuilder is a free online resume builder that has a little bit of everything for everyone.

At first, it looks like an extremely straightforward resume builder, with each resume section set up as tabs which you can modify as you move through the resume.

But once you get into the details of the resume builder, you can see where exactly it shines.

Once you start filling out your resume sections, the site starts giving you suggestions based on the keywords used.

If you’re not sure what to write, this is an extremely intuitive way to phrase your job descriptions.

Other than that, you can also manage multiple resumes , organize and rearrange your resume sections, and manage multiple formats .

With each section, you also get a real-time guide and hints on what to include and how.

For a free online resume builder, you’re getting a lot of features and options.

  • Free templates available: 6
  • A lot of detailed tips and how-tos for each section for a free resume builder
  • Can download resume as PDF, Word, ODT, Text, or email it from site
  • Extremely intuitive and simple - ideal for students and entry-level jobs
  • Very basic templates
  • Little customization in terms of color and design
  • Not a lot of features for advanced job seekers with experience

Key Takeaways

There are a lot of online resume builders out there.

Realistically, all of them can get the job done. Whichever one you end up using, you’ll end up with a functional resume at the end of the day.

Picking the right resume builder and the right resume template, though, can have a huge impact on whether you get hired or not.

So, to help you pick, consider the following points:

  • Is it affordable ? 
  • Does it have a fitting design and all the features you need (e.g cover letter, template customization, etc.)?
  • Does it come with a content analyzer to help you fill in your resume?
  • Does the resume builder come with a range of different template options?
  • Is the resume template you’re going for the right one for your field?

If you’re not sure and need further guidance on how to build your resume, be sure to check out our career blog for more practical and actionable advice 

Suggested readings:

  • How to Write a Resume & Land That Job [21+ Examples]
  • What to Put on a Resume [7+ Job-Winning Sections]
  • How to Write a Cover Letter & Get the Job [5+ Real-Life Examples]

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Best AI Resume Builder

Your success story begins with a resume.

Create a beautiful resume quickly with the help of artificial intelligence and our customizable templates. Impress your future employer with a perfect resume created in minutes.

  • Create My Resume
  • See Examples

resume example

AI Resume Builder

Let artificial intelligence write your resume.

Are you struggling to find the right words for your resume? Our AI resume builder can find them in no time! It’s powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4, the world’s most powerful language model, and it can automatically produce text indistinguishable from human writers. Say goodbye to writer’s block. Generate the first draft of your resume in seconds. Learn more about the AI resume builder.

  • Powered by GPT-4
  • Generated in seconds
  • Produces human-like text
  • Nobody’s gonna know

resume templates

Resume Templates

Pick a resume template. Make it more you.

Get hired fast with a resume and cover letter that visually stand out from the pile. Browse 40+ ATS-friendly resume templates designed by a team of HR experts and typographers. Customize any template in any way you want. Explore more than a million possible design combinations. Learn more about our resume builder.

  • Designed by typographers
  • Free basic template
  • ATS-friendly
  • Gets you compliments

resume examples

Resume Examples

Get inspired by real resume examples.

  • 400+ job-specific resume and cover letter guides
  • 1,500+ cover letter and resume examples

ai writer

AI Cover Letter Builder

You don't have to type a single word to get the first draft of your cover letter. Let artificial intelligence do it for you, then pick a template that matches your resume, and get invited to more job interviews.

resume checker

Resume Checker

Is your resume any good? Compare your resume against other successful resumes in our database and discover your resume score. Get instant feedback and personalized tips on how to improve it.

personal website

Personal Website

Turn your resume into a personal website with a single click. Let your future employer look you up online. Create a strong online presence and make sure they see you in the best possible light.

ai resume builder

AI Resume Writer

Automate your resume writing with AI Writer.

See for yourself how our AI Resume Writer can drastically speed up your resume writing process. Thanks to artificial intelligence, we were able to automate the process of writing a resume (and cover letter) to the point of it being almost entirely effortless and faster than ever.

  • Select a template, enter your job title and let AI do the rest
  • Get a beautiful AI-generated resume in seconds

Learn from successful resume examples.

Search 534 resumes of our customers who got hired. They’re our heroes. They can help.

Google Account Executive Resume Sample

Google Account Executive


Amazon Systems Administrator


Disney Video Production Assistant


ROMEO Social Media Officer


Client Success Manager at Shopify


Mechanical Engineering Intern at Volvo

Volvo cars

Customizable resume templates for any profession.

Here’s a million design combinations. Do what you want. Whether you’re a nurse or engineer, your resume will always stand out.

Soft resume template made by Kickresume resume builder

“Not only does Kickresume provide templates, it also makes you think vigorously about yourself as a candidate, thus getting the best out of you. I would highly recommend Kickresume to every enthusiastic jobseeker — give it a try and you'll fall in love with it.“ David Mantic, Product Manager at Telekom
“Kickresume helped me land a job at Philips! Creating my CV and cover letter was very quick and easy, and the outcome very professional. It impressed every single job interviewer I had an interview with. Definitely worth the small investment as it will benefit your career substantially.“ Dennis Bondarev, Key account manager at Philips
“When I was changing careers, I wanted a resume with a modern look and feel that would set me apart from other applicants. When I came across Kickresume, I absolutely loved their designs and the ease of use. What's more, interviewers would often tell me how pleased they were with the look of my resume.“ Steve Dominguez, Graphic Designer at K-Brite
“Kickresume is by far the most powerful resume editor on the web. It helped me create my resume really fast and people are always "Wow" when they see it. Moreover, having a portfolio website is awesome and it's easy to create. A must-have tool for anyone who changes jobs regularly.“ Bastien Vidé, Full-stack Developer & Team Manager at Airfrance
“When I was looking for my first job after finishing university, I struggled to stand out from the crowd of other graduates. Kickresume gave me the edge I needed. Suddenly I would get invited to interviews! I can't recommend it enough. Great designs, incredibly easy to use and totally worth the upgrade.“ Peter Trenkner, Product Line Manager at Dell
“Being a college student who is transitioning to the work life, I consider Kickresume the most helpful tool available. It is very user-friendly with a variety of designs tailored to your personal preferences and profession. It doesn't get any better than this!!!“ Giamnys Valdés Lastre, Research Intern at University of Kentucky

Got the resume. Now what?

Your job search journey doesn’t end with the resume. Kickresume will accompany you every step of the way.

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The only career toolbox you'll ever need.

Let artificial intelligence write your resume. Our AI Resume Writer is powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4 language model and it can produce your first draft in seconds.

Try our AI Cover Letter Writer and produce a rock-solid cover letter in seconds. Most people struggle to find the right words for their cover letter. Let AI find them for you.

40+ ATS-Ready Templates

All resume and cover letter templates are customizable, ATS-friendly, and designed by a team of professional typographers and recruiters.

AI Resignation Letter Generator

Our AI Resignation Letter Writer will help you find the right words to quit your job and leave all bridges unburned.

Create a perfect resume or cover letter from your mobile device. You can now access and edit your career documents from anywhere! Available on both iOS and Android.

1,500+ Resume Examples

Get inspired by resume and cover letter examples that helped real people land jobs with the world’s top companies. Search by company or job title.

Find out how your resume compares against other successful resumes in our database. Receive your resume score and get personalized tips on how to improve it.

Website Builder

Turn your resume into a personal website with a single click. Choose from a number of customizable templates and let your future employer find you online.

Let our experienced human proofreaders make sure that your resume or cover letter have impeccable grammar. Don’t let a silly mistake ruin your chances of landing a job.

Your frequently asked questions.

If you don’t find answers to your questions here, don’t hesitate to ask. Our customer service team is always ready to help.

Why is Kickresume the best resume builder online?

Because it has the best, most polished, and fundamentally functional product that will make every step of your job search journey easier. Here's how:

Kickresume’s online resume builder offers you a wide range of professionally-designed resume templates and cover letter templates with features and elements that let you customize it however you like.

These features include:

  • Resume templates & cover letter templates with more than a million possible design configurations designed by a team of HR experts and typographers to ensure optimal readability, a visually-appealing design, and an optimization for ATS software.
  • Kickresume Autopilot lets you assemble your resume from more than 20,000 pre-written phrases for more than 3,200 positions. This helps you find the right words right from the start and write your resume quickly.
  • AI resume writer which will generate a relevant work experience section for a specific job title.
  • AI cover letter writer that can generate role-specific cover letters that look and feel a lot like cover letters written by real people.
  • AI resume checker which will analyze your resume to find out what needs to be improved.
  • LinkedIn data import option which makes it easy to create a resume in a few clicks, saving you the hassle of starting from scratch.
  • Resume and cover letter samples that you can use to create your first draft or get inspired. Our database holds 1,500+ job-specific resumes belonging to real people.
  • A website builder which can turn your resume into a personal website for free with a single click.
  • Mobile resume building app is the ideal tool for building a resume on a phone.

If you’re not convinced yet, we dare you to take a look at other resume builders. See how many of them let you download a resume an unlimited number of times or that can do something as basic as an automatic page break.

Oh, and did we mention that Kickresume has already helped more than 2,000,000 people get hired, with many in the world’s top companies like Google , SpaceX , or Apple ? We take pride in that.

How to write a resume?

If you don’t know where to begin, don’t worry. Kickresume will guide you through every stage of writing your resume, one section at a time. Here's a simple guide to creating your resume:

  • First, you sign up or log in to your Kickresume account. When logged in, on the dashboard scroll down to Your Documents and click on Create New.
  • Next, you can choose among:
  • creating a brand new resume using the template and customization options of your choice
  • importing your existing data from LinkedIn and choosing your preferred design
  • using one of 1,500+ existing resume samples and tweaking the details to match yours
  • Finally, you add resume sections and populate each one with relevant content. You can also assemble the first draft of your resume just by clicking or using AI:
  • We’ve got more than 20,000 pre-written phrases for more than 3,200 jobs. Simply start editing your resume, click “Add Phrases”, look up your job title, and watch your resume write itself.
  • AI resume writer will generate a relevant work experience section for a specific job title. You can then edit it and tweak the details to make it more you.

If you're not sure about how to write the individual sections of your resume, you can visit our Help Center , read the ultimate resume guide , or click the chameleon icon inside the app.

How to make your resume stand out?

It comes down to two things: design & content . Kickresume can help with both.

  • First, give your resume an eye-catching yet professional look. The easiest way to do that is to use a resume builder and pick a professionally designed template that fits your industry and profession. All of these are visually appealing and ATS-friendly.
  • Second, write your resume in a way that emphasizes your strongest points. With Kickresume, we want to make your life easier, which is why our features let you:
  • Assemble the first draft of your resume just by clicking. We’ve got more than 20,000 pre-written phrases for more than 3,200 jobs. Simply start editing your resume, click “Add Phrases”, look up your job title, and choose relevant phrases.
  • Choose from our 1,500+ job-specific resume samples and tweak the information to make it more you. And, if you really can't be bothered,
  • Use Kickresume's AI resume writer which will generate a relevant work experience section for a specific job title. Watch your resume write itself.

What is a cover letter?

Your cover letter is a one-page document that you attach to your resume as part of your job application. It can take many forms: the text inside the body of your job application email, a filled out website form, or a standalone document.

The purpose of a cover letter is to:

  • Introduce yourself to your future potential employer;
  • Illustrate your background;
  • Explain why the offered position would be a good fit for you;
  • And explain why you would be a good fit for the company.

In a cover letter, you have a unique chance to present yourself, show your personality, and add details that one cannot fit into a structured resume. Finally, a well-written cover letter is an opportunity to distinguish yourself from other applicants and increase your chances of landing an interview.

If you dread having to spend time writing one, let our AI Cover Letter Builder make one for you or get inspired by 1,250+ cover letter examples from real people.

If you'd like to know more, read our comprehensive expert guide: What Is a Cover Letter and How to Write One?

How to create a cover letter?

With Kickresume, there’s nothing easier. Simply log in to your account, click “ Create Cover Letter ” and choose from 3 options:

  • You can pick from a large number of cover letter templates that match your resume design and customize your new cover letter in every possible way.
  • Alternatively, check our 1250+ job-specific cover letter samples , pick the one you like, and tweak the details to make it more you.
  • And, if you dread having to spend time writing one, let our AI Cover Letter Writer make one for you.

If you'd like to know more and see cover letter samples , head over to our Help Center .

How does the AI Resume Writer work?

Kickresume’s AI Resume Writer is able to generate a work experience section based on a provided job title.

All you have to do is:

  • Sign up or log in to your Kickresume account. When logged in, on the dashboard scroll down to Your Documents and click on Create New.
  • When filling in the Work Experience section, enter your job title, click “ Use AI Writer ” and the AI will generate a number of bullet points for your work experience subsection.
  • If you don't like these bullet points, you can either edit them or delete them and click the button again.
  • If you like the bullet points but feel like that section is still too short, simply click the button again and the AI will add more phrases to it.

Our AI Resume Builder is easy to use, generates unique resumes every time, and uses natural language indistinguishable from resumes written by human writers.

What is the best AI Resume Builder?

Definitely Kickresume's AI Resume Builder . Here are the reasons why:

  • Kickresume AI Resume Builder is based on OpenAI’s GPT-3 neural network, which is the world's most powerful natural language processing model .
  • The texts produced by this language model are indistinguishable from texts written by human writers.
  • Each resume that is produced by our AI Resume Builder is unique and custom-built for you.

What is an AI Cover Letter Builder?

Kickresume’s AI cover letter writer is powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3 natural language processing model. It can generate role-specific cover letters that look and feel a lot like cover letters written by real people.

On the other hand, it has its own limitations. Artificial intelligence doesn’t know you. It cannot tell your story the way you’d be able to.

That's why you should use this cover letter writer with caution. Nevertheless, it can produce a decent-enough cover letter that you can use as your first draft in case you’re struggling with writer’s block. However, remember to edit your AI-generated cover letter and make it more you.

Learn more about the AI cover letter writer or try it out for yourself and generate your cover letter .

How does an AI Cover Letter Builder work?

Simply enter your most recent job title, press the “Use AI Writer” button and the AI writer will generate a cover letter for you.

If you don’t like that cover letter, simply press the button again. It will generate another set of sentences or rewrite the cover letter from scratch.

Let your resume do the work.

Join 5,000,000 job seekers worldwide and get hired faster with your best resume yet.

english template

Enhancv’s Resume Builder helps you get hired at top companies

Resume Example

Loved by interviewers at

Pick a resume template and build your resume in minutes!

Double Column Resume Template

Resumes optimized for applicant tracking systems (ATS)

Enhancv resumes and cover letters are vigorously tested against major ATS systems to ensure complete parsability

Check your resume for grammatical and punctuation errors

A built-in content checker tool helping you stay on top of grammar errors and clichés

Check your resume for grammatical and punctuation errors

Resume tailoring based on the job you’re applying for

Quickly ensure that your resume covers key skills and experiences by pasting the job ad you’re applying for

Resume tailoring based on the job you're applying for

20+ Professionally designed resume sections

Express your professional history without limitations or worry about how your resume looks

Arrow decoration Third

The resume builder that’s right for your job and experience

Business Analyst resume

The most powerful resume checker on the market

Get an understanding of how good your resume really is – Enhancv’s AI-powered resume checker performs over 250 different checks and provides you with actionable insights

A feature-packed resume builder

Easily edit your resume with Enhancv’s drag-and-drop resume builder. Choose from different templates, various backgrounds and sections.

Enhancv Resume Builder

Enhancv Executive has changed my life: One week & four interviews later, I will be making 150% more doing the job I chose.

Your resume is an extension of yourself – make one that’s truly you, frequently asked questions about enhancv, what makes enhancv the perfect tool to prepare your job application.

  • Drag-and-drop Resume Builder with professional resume templates for every career situation.
  • Resume and CV Examples written with modern CV templates for international jobs and academic applications.
  • Cover Letter Builder , with matching cover letter templates and hundreds of cover letter examples for inspiration.
  • Resume and CV examples written by experienced professionals in their field, with real resumes of people who got hired.
  • Choosing how to get started - you can upload an old resume, your LinkedIn profile, or with a blank page.
  • Built-in content improvements according to your job title and experience, as well as proofing suggestions.
  • Resume Tailoring feature that helps you customize your resume to the job application.
  • A free Resume Checker that evaluates your resume for ATS-friendliness, and gives you actionable suggestions.
  • Downloading your resume in PDF or TXT formats, or saving them in US letter format or A4 format.
  • Cloud storage with 30 documents to edit, duplicate or update .

How to use Enhancv Resume Creator?

  • Upload your old resume or select your job title to pick the most appropriate resume template.
  • At this stage, you can begin editing your resume or sign up to save your work.
  • Fill in your basic contact information details , as well as your resume title headline .
  • Drag and drop your resume sections according to the best resume format for your situation. The best one to go with is the reverse-chronological resume format , but if you’re changing careers or just entering the job market, you can choose between the hybrid resume or the functional resume .
  • Write a memorable resume summary , or a resume objective , if you’re making a resume for a first job .
  • Describe your resume work experience , from the newest to the oldest job.
  • Don’t forget to include your education on your resume , with details such as GPA , Coursework , MBA , or Major and Minor , in case you’re writing an entry-level resume .
  • Enhancv will encourage you to think beyond the obvious resume layout . Add additional information, such as proudest accomplishments , internships , awards , volunteer work , hobbies and interests , certifications , computer skills , soft skills , language skills , or publications .

Why do I have to make a different resume for every job application?

Should i use a resume template in 2024, should my resume be in pdf or word format, should i send a cover letter with my resume.

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How To Write A Resume In 7 Steps (With Examples)

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  • Career Objective Section
  • Resume Reference Section
  • Resume Summary Section
  • Resume Summary Example
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  • Address On Resume
  • Relevant Work Experience
  • Anticipated Graduation Date On Resume
  • Education Section On Resume
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  • Statement Of Qualifications
  • How To List Publications On Resume
  • Accomplishments On Resumes
  • Awards On Resume
  • Dean's List On Resume
  • Study Abroad On Resume

Resumes are still the most important document in your job search . Generating a professional and interesting resume isn’t easy, but there is a standard set of guidelines that you can follow. As hiring managers usually only spend a short time looking over each resume, you want to make sure that yours has a reason for them to keep reading.

If you’re looking to write a resume, rewrite a resume you already have, or are just curious about resume format, then you’ve come to the right place. This article will go through the steps to writing an excellent resume, as well as offering examples for what sections of the resume should look like.

Key Takeaways:

A resume is a short document that details your professional history in a way that tailors your experience and skill set for the particular job you’re applying for.

Resumes follow a few standard formatting practices, which hiring managers and recruiters expect to see.

Highlighting your work experience, skills, and educational background with relevant keywords can help you get past applicant tracking systems and into more interviews.

How To Write A Resume

How to write a resume

Writing a resume involves using the proper formatting, writing an introduction, and adding your work experience and education. Stuffing your entire professional life into a single page resume can feel overwhelming, but remember that you’re distilling the relevant parts of your professional experience in order to catch the eye of the recruiter .

Formatting your resume. To start, use a word processor such as Microsoft Word or Google docs. Standard resume formatting calls for:

1 inch margins

10-12 point font

A professional, commonly-used font

Additionally, there are three resume formats that are commonly used. Most people should stick with a chronological resume format , but the combination resume format and functional resume format can be effective for more advanced workers or those who have significant gaps in their resume.

Write a resume header . It doesn’t matter if you have the best resume in the world if the hiring manager can’t contact you. Every single resume should include the following contact information:

Your full name. First and last.

Your phone number. Use a personal phone number, and make sure your voicemail is set up properly.

Your email address. Nothing inappropriate — [email protected] is a safe choice.

Location. City, State, Zip Code is fine, but you can include your full mailing address if you think it’s appropriate.

Your social media (optional). LinkedIn is the obvious one you’d want to include, but make sure your profile looks good. If you have an online portfolio , either on a personal blog/website or on a site like Journo Portfolio , feel free to include that here as well.

Your job title. Also optional, but can be useful for applicant tracking systems.

Resume introduction. You have four options for your resume introduction: a resume objective, summary statement, resume profile, or qualifications summary. For most job-seekers, a resume summary statement is the best choice. Regardless of which resume introduction you choose, avoid first-person pronouns (I/me/my).

Resume objective. A resume objective is the goal of your resume. Since the objective of every resume is to land a job, this is not the most original or impressive opener you can have.

On the other hand, it’s a good choice for an entry-level applicant or someone who is changing career paths . This should be a 1-3 sentence summary of why you’re motivated to get the position you’re applying for.

Who should use a resume objective: Entry-level applicants, career-changers, and recent college graduates.

Resume summary. This is the best opener for most job-seekers. As the name suggests, a resume summary highlights the most salient aspects of your resume.

It should include your current position, how many years of experience you have, some of your biggest achievements, and possibly your career goals. This should be a 1-3 sentence spiel and should include some quantifiable experiences.

Who should use a resume summary: Most job seekers; anyone with quantifiable accomplishments to emphasize and a broad range of skills.

Qualifications summary. A bullet point list (4-6 points is the sweet spot) of your qualifications for the position. It’s best used by applicants going for jobs that require a fixed skill set. It’s not a great choice for entry-level applicants who lack quantifiable achievements.

You’ll notice that a qualifications summary takes up more space than a resume objective or summary, but it can actually save the hiring manager time if you provide a bunch of valuable information right off the top.

Who should use a qualifications summary: Those applying to a job with requirements for certain skills and job-seekers who have a lot of experience in their industry and/or field.

Resume profile. A resume profile is similar to a resume summary, but goes into more detail about your accomplishments at your current or former job, while also telling the reader about your career goals. Think of a resume profile as a section that pulls all the best parts of your work experience section into one place.

Who should use a resume profile: Anyone with significant accomplishments under their belt, expertise in a niche field, or applying to a job in the same industry that they have lots of experience in.

Resume headline. Resume headlines aren’t necessary, but you can include one alongside any of the four types of resume introduction listed above. A resume headline comes between your contact information and the resume introduction of your choice.

Headlines can be used by entry-level applicants and experienced job-seekers alike. The important point is that your headline should be short and to the point. Additionally, you should use title case when writing your resume headline (capitalize words as you would for a book title).

Who should use a resume headline: Any job-seeker who wants to showcase their experience or unique value right off the bat.

Work experience. Your work experience section is the place to let hiring managers know that you have relevant experience that would allow you to handle the job you’re applying for.

If you’re using the chronological resume format, your work experience section would come after your resume summary/objective. In a funcitonal reumse, it would follow your skills section. Either way, work experience should be listed in reverse-chronological order (most recent experience at the top).

When listing your work experience, you should include all of the following information:

Job title. Start by stating the position you held at the company. These are easy cue for the hiring manager to look at and determine whether your past positions would help you succeed at their company.

Company Info. Include the name of the employer, the location where you worked, and perhaps a brief description of the company, if it isn’t a well-known name.

Dates Employed: Use the mm/yyyy format if you want to be sure that most applicant tracking systems (ATS) will pick it up. Whatever format you use for dates, be consistent, or your resume will look sloppy.

Job Description. Don’t just list your job’s responsibilities; hiring managers and recruiters already have an idea of your duties based on the job title. Instead, list your most important and impressive responsibilities/achievements at the job with bullet points. Determine which of these are most relevant for your new role based on the job description.

Ideally, each bullet should be no longer than a single line. However, two lines is acceptable, if used sparingly.

Always start with a strong action verb, followed by a quantifiable achievement and a specific duty. For example: “Developed ad campaigns for clients, increasing sales by an average of 27%.” Each job title should include 3-5 bullet points.

The order that you include this information can be changed around, as long as you are consistent throughout your resume. However, the bullet points detailing your job’s achievements should always be the last item for each entry.

It’s important that you tailor your resume’s work experience section to the job you’re applying for. We recommend reading the job description carefully and highlighting the action verbs in one color and the skills, adjectives, and job-specific nouns in a different color.

Educational background. In almost all cases, your education section should come after your professional history. If you’re a recent college graduate with limited work experience, you may choose to put your educational achievements first.

Like the section on your professional history, educational experiences should come in reverse-chronological order, with your highest level of education at the top. If you have a college degree, you don’t need to add any information about your high school experience. If you didn’t finish college, it’s okay to give a list of what credits you did complete.

Each educational experience can be listed in the following format:

Degree/Program Name College/University Name Dates attended

You don’t need to add anything else, especially if your resume is already impressive enough. But if you’re struggling to fill up the page, or you feel that aspects of your educational experience will help make you a standout, you may consider also including:

Minor. If you think it rounds out your not-exactly-relevant-to-the-job major nicely.

GPA. Only if it was 3.5 or higher. Otherwise, it’s not going to do you any favors to include this.

Honors. Dean’s List, Cum Laude, etc.

Achievements. If you wrote a killer thesis/dissertation that showcases intimate knowledge relevant to the job to which you’re applying, you can include its title and a very brief description.

Extracurricular activities. Only include if they’re relevant. For example, if you’re applying for a management position and you were president of your student government.

Certifications/Licenses. If the job you’re applying for requires/likes to see certain certifications or licenses that you have, you may include them in this section as well.

Skills section. Your impressive skills should be scattered logistically throughout your professional history section, but you should also include a section solely dedicated to highlighting your skill set . Skills can be broken down into two categories:

Hard skills are skills you learn through training and indicate expertise with a technical ability or job-specific responsibility.

Soft skills are your personality traits, interpersonal abilities, and intangible qualities that make you more effective at your job.

Your resume should have a healthy mix of hard and soft skills, as both are essential to job performance. However, since soft skills are harder to prove in the context of a resume, we recommend leaning more toward hard skills. Additionally, whenever you list a soft skill, make sure that it has a correlating item in your work experience section.

For example, if you say you are skilled in collaboration, you should mention a time when a team project was a major success somewhere in your work experience section.

Optional sections. If you still have space left or there’s more you want to show off that doesn’t quite fit in any of the above sections, you may consider adding an additional section covering one or more of the below categories:

Language . Being bilingual is always impressive, and can be included on a resume for any company. Highlight this more if your position involves liaising with international distributors and/or clients. Don’t lie about your proficiency level.

It may be best to not mention it if you’re not particularly proficient speaker . Such as if you took courses in school, or haven’t really managed to gain fluency. It can end up looking like an attempt to inflate your credentials, which you want to avoid.

Volunteer experience . Always a good thing to include. It shows you’re a team player who behaves in a way that promotes the greater good, without thought of personal gain. Especially good for entry-level candidates and those applying for jobs at a non-profit. If you have gaps in your work history, you can also consider including volunteer experiences in your work history section instead.

Personal projects. A personal blog, published works, or a portfolio of your past projects are all good things to include. They show you take initiative, enjoy and take pride in your work, and that you can handle the responsibilities of the job, if relevant.

Certifications/licenses. If you didn’t include these in your education section, this is another good place to list relevant certifications or licenses that you have.

Interests . This is largely just a space filler if your resume is light in other areas. However, if your hobbies are directly related to the job that you’re applying for, it’s not a bad idea to include them. And it might draw a recruiter’s attention if you end up sharing some of the same interests as they do.

If you have several seemingly random items that are valuable, but don’t warrant creating a whole separate section for, you can also make a section called “Additional Experience.” Here you can include all of the above categories in one place. Just make sure that each item is clear and easy for readers to understand.

Resume samples

Now that we have a good idea of how to write a resume, let’s take a look at some example resumes:

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Jack Pilgrim Washington , DC 14015 – (555) 444-3333 – [email protected] – Resume Summary Graphic designer with 3+ years of experience creating and implementing promotional materials and social media graphics. Worked with sales and marketing teams to increase inbound calls by 23% YoY through compelling digital media. Adept at planning, managing, and prioritizing multiple deadlines at once, and thrives in fast-paced work environment. Work Experience Creative Designs | Washington, DC Lead Graphic Designer | June 2018-Present Worked with sales and marketing teams to create landing pages, sales proposals, and supporting media elements to drive sales by over $250,000 per quarter Trained, managed, and mentored team of 4 junior designers to fulfill 40+ project orders on a weekly basis Conducted UX research through surveys, usability testing, and data analysis to plan content marketing strategy, driving organic search traffic by 12% Presented proposals, results, and status updates to set of 4-7 clients, ensuring customer satisfaction at or above 95% for 3 years straight Happy Place | Alexandria, VA Junior Graphic Designer | July 2016-May 2018 Translated client needs and branding strategies into design and content strategy, increasing client retention by 22% Reduced project turnaround time by 8% by Utilizing web-based ticket system for completing and archiving finalized pieces Posted digital artwork to network IPTV using web interface to produce high-end info-graphics and other materials Happy Place | Alexandria, VA Marketing Intern | September 2015-July 2016 Assisted marketing team with data collection, analysis, and presentation using Google Analytics Drew up storyboards for new marketing campaigns alongside sales team, increasing brand awareness through social media Wrote 500-1000 word articles to pair with graphical elements on page, leading to a 40% boost in engagement on company website Education Savannah College of Art and Design | Savannah, Georgia May 2016 Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design Skills Adobe Creative Suite Typography HTML/CSS WordPress Collaboration Organization
Allison Neederly Chicago, Illinois , 60007 | (333) 222-1111 | [email protected] | Resume Summary Dedicated customer service representative with 4+ years experience resolving customers’ needs in-person, online, and over the phone. Top achiever at XYZ Inc. with a 100% customer satisfaction rate for Q1 of 2020. Friendly personable, and knowledgable about company’s products and services. Relevant Skills Customer Service Responded to upwards of 200 customer queries daily with XYZ Inc., reducing the average wait time by 56% and increasing customer satisfaction rates by 13% Ability to resolve conflict and create a positive atmosphere for shopping for both new and existing customers through technical proficiency Expert product knowledge and communication skills, and experience training and mentoring new customer service staff Web Chat and Phone Skilled in 3 web chat platforms for helping online customers resolve their queries quickly and accurately Achieved fastest call resolution rate at XYZ Inc., with an average resolution time of under 5 minutes per customer Performed outbound calls for customer satisfaction surveys, as well as writing web-based surveys for 10,000+ customers Troubleshooting Detailed product knowledge allowed for customer technical issues to be resolved at rate within top 5% of all customer service associates at XYZ Inc. Created manual for step-by-step directions for troubleshooting that was implemented for team of 100+ customer service reps Positive attitude took average tech-related negative response from 1/5 stars to 4/5 stars, increasing trust in brands and services Work Experience XYZ Inc. | Philadelphia, PA Customer Service Associate New Look Global | Burlington, VT Junior Customer Service Representative L.L. Bean | Burlington, VT Sales Associate Education University of Vermont | Burlington, VT May 2012 Bachelor of Arts in Humanities
Priya Laghari New York, NY | (222) 111-0000 | [email protected] | Resume Profile Strategy Development: Grew John Deere’s international sales by 13% by tapping into undeserved countries in Southeast Asia Management: Oversaw a team of managers representing marketing, sales, and product teams. Streamlined collaborative, cross-functional communications through agile and scrum management system CRM: Developed, customized, and implemented new customer relationship management database for accounts totaling over $10M in value Work Experience Business Development Manager 01/2015-Present Microsoft | Redmond, WA Developed product strategies and roadmap for Google AdWords, increasing inbound traffic by 26% YoY Reduced time training on new software by 50% for new and existing employees by implement e-learning programs Spearheaded digital marketing campaign worth $1M that saw a return of 200% in first year by qualifying leads earlier in the sales funnel Regional Sales Manager 11/2012-01/2015 Big Things Inc. | St. Louis, MO Managed territory encompassing 29 regional locations with an annual revenue of approx. $55M Worked with C-level executives to plan business strategies, resulting in 20% reduction in overhead costs Increased client retention by 12% in first year by implementing a CRM approach based on account profiling and elevating levels of relationship selling Account Manager 02/2009-11/2012 Solutions Corp. | Chicago, IL Implemented and developed CRM strategic plans, increasing retention of long-term clients by 22% Maintained 50+ accounts totaling over $35M in value Generated leads through one-on-one consultation via phone inquiries, online check-ins, and meeting office walk-ins Relevant Skills CRM: Proficient with Salesforce, Zoho, and HubSpot; some experience with Keap. Used various CRM software over a decade to successfully manage customer relations and quick to adapt to new software and tools that aid in quality of customer experience. Salesmanship: Negotiated and closed over several deals worth $1M+ and skilled in upselling and cross-selling. Adept at working closely with marketing and product teams to maximize the efficiency of the sales funnel for both inbound and outbound traffic. Presentation: Represented Microsoft Northwest Region at quarterly board meetings, ensuring all stakeholders were kept abreast of new developments and opportunities. Also deliver monthly presentations to big clients and vendors to maintain positive relationship. Data analytics. Expert at integrating data from various analytics platforms, including Google, Microsoft Power BI, and SAP BusinessObjects Education Colgate University | May 2008 MBA Fordham University | May 2006 Bachelor’s Degree in Business

For more resume examples and templates:

Resume examples by job

Google docs resume template

Resume templates

Resume builder

Resume Headers Samples:


Tip : Never put your contact info in the header of your document; some applicant tracking systems might miss it.

For more on how to write a resume header:

Resume Header

Resume Titles

Resume introduction examples

Entry-Level Resume Objective.

Recent graduate with a bachelor’s in Marketing from the University of Virginia seeking an entry-level role in content marketing. Excellent copywriter with 2+ years experience editing content as a member of the UVa Writing Center.

Career Change Resume Objective.

Eager to apply 7+ years of experience with customer success management to make successful outbound B2B calls, deliver customized business solutions to new and existing customers, and provide expert product knowledge in the role of Account Manager for XYZ Inc.

Example Resume Summary Statement.

Accountant with over 8 years of experience in the medical industry. Adept at advising on management of cash deficits, reconciling departmental accounts, and creating new accounts and codes. Coordinated invoice preparation system for ABC that reduced contractor overhead by 19% YoY.
English teacher with a love of language and 6 years of experience teaching high school students. Developed new curriculum that boosted freshman reading comprehension scores by 12% and created after school book club for AP Lit class, resulting in 100% of participating students achieving a 5 on the AP Lit test.

Example Qualifications Summary.

Executive assistant with 5+ years experience helping maintain efficiency in an office of 25 employees Communicated directly with internal and external stakeholders, helping Senior Vice President manage projects worth $5M+ Proactively managed office schedules, identifying and prioritizing changes to ensure client satisfaction Recognized in a company of 500 for “Outstanding Achiever” in May 2019

Example Resume Profile.

Detail-oriented IT Specialist with 4 years of experience overseeing and improving the infrastructure of IT systems. Adept at building and running troubleshooting systems and testing services. Decreased security risk by 47% through continual optimization, while also improving the speed of client portal by 22%. Excellent communicator both internally and for client-facing discussions. Achieved 98%+ customer satisfaction ratings through weekly and monthly check-ins with accounts valued cumulatively at $500,000.

Entry-Level Resume Headline.

Bilingual College Graduate with 80 WPM Typing Speed and Tutoring Experience

Experienced Resume Headline.

Business Development Specialist with 6+ Years Experience Scaling Start-Up Tech Teams

For more on resume introductions:

Resume objective statement

Resume summary statement

Resume summary statement examples

Qualifications summary

Sample resume work experience sections

sample resume work experience section

Work Experience XYZ Industries | Seattle, WA Marketing Associate | May 2019-Present Delivered weekly presentations to client-base to communicate brand messaging, increasing client retention by 11% Served as liaison between marketing and product teams, resulting in projects finishing 2 weeks early, on average Leveraged Excel skills to create and maintain spreadsheet to track consumer insights, emergent trends, and inform decisions of marketing team through competitive analysis Managed team of 5 contractors to juggle multiple priority projects simultaneously, never missing a deadline Initiated an affiliate referral program that PR team went on to turn into a revenue-generating stream valued at $30,000 annually ABC Corp | Seattle, WA Marketing Intern | September 2018-May 2019 Developed, maintained, and processed 20+ digital consent forms and distributor forms Worked collaboratively with a team of 10 marketing professionals, closely aligning our goals with the PR team Provided data analysis using Google Analytics and performed keyword research to increase blog traffic by 56% over six months Answered up to 50 customer queries by phone and email each week

For more on building the perfect resume work experience section:

Resume work experience section

First resume (no experience)

Examples Of Education Resume Sections

Graduated recently from a 4-year program.

Western Illinois University | Macomb, Illinois May 2020 Bachelor of Arts in Sociology | Minor in Psychology 3.95 GPA magna cum laude Dean’s List all semesters

Two degrees.

Fordham University | Bronx, New York April 2016 Master of Chemical Engineering Stony Brook University | Stony Brook, New York April 2014 Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Anticipated graduation date (not yet graduated).

DePaul Univeristy | Chicago, Illinois Bachelor of Arts in History – Degree anticipated May 2021 Current GPA: 3.8

Older job seeker (graduated 10+ years ago).

University of Chicago | Chicago, Illinois Bachelor of Business Administration

High school graduate (no college degree).

Johnston High School 2016-2020 Head of Computer Club

More on crafting the perfect resume education section:

Education resume section

GPA on resume

Dean’s list

Magna cum laude

Examples Of Skills For Resume

Examples of hard skills include:

Examples of soft skills include:

Here’s more information on how to incorporate skills into your resume:

Resume skills section

Hard skills

Soft skills

Top skills for professionals

Skills-based resume

Resume writing FAQ

What is a resume?

A resume is a one to two-page document that focuses on professional experience, past achievements, education and certifications, and specific skills tailored to the job you’re applying for.

Almost every job application requires a resume, and hiring managers use them as a first impression in determining which applicants get a shot at an interview.

Whether you’re fresh out of college or have 30 years of professional experience, this guide should help craft a resume that stands out from the crowd and get you one step closer to landing your dream job.

What is the format for writing a good resume?

Most people will want to use a chronological or reverse-chronological resume format. This format is compatible with most applicant tracking systems (ATS) and is easy for employers to read. Additionally it helps highlight your experience, which helps prove your qualifications.

How far back should a resume go?

A resume should go back no further than 10 to 15 years. However, it is important that all your information is relevant. Therefore, do not include job experience that is irrelevant to your application, even if it’s fewer than 10 years old. Save that information for later discussions.

Should you personalize your resume for each job?

Yes, you should personalize your resume for each job you apply to. Many recruiters use ATS now, which will search for keywords in a resume and reject those that don’t have them. That means that the skills you choose to highlight as well as your opening, such as your resume summary, should be altered to suit each job you apply to.

You don’t need to rewrite the entire resume for each job, but it does show attention to detail and initiative to make sure that your resume is customized. It also makes it more likely that you’ll get past the first step of the process.

State of New York Department of Labor – Resumes, Cover Letters and Job Applications

Harvard University – Create a Resume/CV or Cover Letter

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Matthew Zane is the lead editor of Zippia's How To Get A Job Guides. He is a teacher, writer, and world-traveler that wants to help people at every stage of the career life cycle. He completed his masters in American Literature from Trinity College Dublin and BA in English from the University of Connecticut.

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making a resume website

Resume Summary Generator

Start generating resume summary for free below.

If you need help, please refer to the detailed step-by-step instructions entitled below.

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Generate resume summary in these simple steps.

Enter Resume Details

Select language, tone and word count

Click on the Generate button

Introducing WriteCream’s Resume Summary Generator: Crafting Summary with a Single Click

Writing a resume summary can feel like crafting a superhero landing page for yourself, but sometimes you just end up with a dud. But fear not, job seeker! Writecream’s Resume Summary Generator is here to be your resume Robin to your Batman, creating a compelling summary highlighting your skills and making you stand out from the applicant crowd.

How It Works:

Writecream’s Resume Summary Generator is here to be your resume writing sidekick, helping you craft a compelling summary that highlights your skills and grabs the attention of hiring managers. Here’s the easy-peasy process to go from generic summary to superstar status:

1. Enter Resume Details: Tell writecream about your job title and years of experience. The more information you provide, the better Writecream can craft a summary.

2. Click the Generate Button: Hit that button and let Writecream work its resume summary magic! Based on the details you provide, it will generate compelling summaries.

3. Review and Refine: Writecream will present you with a variety of creative summary options. Pick the one you love, tweak it to fit your unique style, or use it as inspiration.

4. Use the Summary: With a resume summary that shines brighter than a disco ball, you’re ready to conquer the job application world and lands you that dream job!

Key Features:

1. Skills Spotlight: Tell Writecream your skills and experience, and it’ll create a summary that showcases your awesomeness and will highlight what makes you perfect for the job.

2. Job Description Decoder: Cracking the code of job descriptions can be tough. But fear not! Share the job description with Writecream, and it will translate it into a summary.

3. Multiple Choice Magic: Unlike some resume summary generators that just give you one option and hope for the best, Writecream offers a variety of creative summary options.

4. Tweak and Tailor: Writecream’s suggestions might not always be gold on the first try, but that’s okay! You can easily edit them to fit your unique style and experience to craft your resume.

5. Keyword Champion: Getting noticed by applicant tracking systems (ATS) is crucial these days. Writecream optimizes your summary with relevant keywords from the job description.

So ditch the generic summaries and the resume writer’s block. Let Writecream be your AI wingman! It’ll help you craft a resume summary that makes you a hiring manager’s dream candidate and lands you your dream job.

Create content in minutes, not weeks.

© Copyright 2024 Writecream | All Rights Reserved

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  1. 27 Best Resume Website Templates For Online CVs 2024

    making a resume website

  2. How to Make Your Own Resume Website in Record Time

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  3. How to Create a Responsive Resume Website using HTML and CSS

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  4. 15+ Best Online Resume Builders 2021 [Kostenlose und kostenpflichtige

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  5. 16 Best Resume Website Templates (In 2024)

    making a resume website

  6. 16 Best Resume Website Templates (In 2024)

    making a resume website


  1. Online How to make a resume/CV || Best Online service website ✔✔✔ #cv #resume Make a professional CV

  2. How to Make a Professional Resume Online for Free

  3. Free Resume Making Website 🧾Get Resume Template For Fresher

  4. Websites to Create Resume

  5. 3 FREE Resume making websites

  6. How to create a Resume Web Page


  1. How to Build a Resume Website

    Strategy 2: Create a Page for Each Section of Your Resume. This method will take a little extra work, but it will result in a more full-blown website (that's fully searchable!). Basically, you're going to transform each section of your resume into a page on your website. So, your home page might be akin to an objective or summary statement ...

  2. Online Resume Builder: Quick, Easy & Free

    Zety resume builder is free to create resumes, CVs, and cover letters. The app follows the "try before you buy" credo—you pay once you're satisfied with the results. To see if you're truly satisfied, you can create the entire resume, CV, or a cover letter from A to Z. Once you do that, you can download it for free as a text file or opt ...

  3. How To Make a Resume Website in 8 Steps (With Tips)

    Here are the steps to follow for how to make a resume website: 1. Select a method. Determine which method you want to use for creating your resume website. Think about which aligns with your preferences, experience, career field and skills. For example, if you want an easy way to share your resume online, creating a landing page may be right ...

  4. How To Build an Online Resume Website

    Here are several steps to consider to when building a resume website: 1. Pick the process that's right for you. Determining how to set up your resume website requires choosing one of three options: Make a unique website on your own. Use a resume website template. Use a resume website builder.

  5. How To Make Resume Website: Step-By-Step Guide

    Start with Action Verbs: Use words like "developed," "managed," "increased," "spearheaded," etc. Quantify Whenever Possible: Instead of "Improved customer satisfaction," try "Increased customer satisfaction scores by 25%.". Highlight Relevant Skills: Weave in the keywords that match your target jobs.

  6. Zety

    To make a resume online with Zety, follow these easy steps: Select the template that best suits your profession and personality. Upload your previous resume, or choose to create a brand new resume. Fill in the basic contact information fields, as well as your resume headline. Pick the best resume format for your needs.

  7. Resume Builder for 2024

    Yes, Novorésumé is a 100% free resume builder. If you're on a budget, you can use it to create your resume completely free of charge. And no, unlike some other resume builders out there, we don't hit you with a paywall once you've completed your resume. If you use any of our premium features, the software will let you know about it.

  8. 30 Best Resume Website Examples We Love [+ How To Make Your Own]

    Pascal van Gemert's website is a shining example of user-friendly design, showcasing how thoughtful layouts and engaging elements can enhance a digital resume's effectiveness in communicating one's skills and personality. 29. Nathaniel Koloc. What we like: The strength of Nathaniel's website lies in its content.

  9. How to Make Your Own Resume Website in Record Time

    Ask for a second opinion. Publish your website and track. 01. Select your website builder. Using a website builder to create a resume website offers several advantages and conveniences, especially for individuals who may not have web development skills or want to create a professional online presence quickly.

  10. Online Resume builder to help you land the job (try for free) provides PDF or Word exports, depending on your needs and the demands of the employer. You can also share your resume directly online. Now, you're ready to build your cover letter, search and apply for jobs using our job tracker, the listing service of your choice and send it directly to your employer / hiring contact. That's it.

  11. Resume Genius: The #1 Professional Resume Builder Online

    Our builder software helps you create a resume that highlights your qualifications and lands you more interviews. Try Our Builder. Applying for jobs is hard, but our resume builder makes it easy. Download free templates, read expert writing guides, and try our software today.

  12. 15 Best Online Resume Builders in 2024

    They even offer a professional service of having a certified resume writer create a personalized resume and cover letter for you in just 3 days. Pricing. Freemium: available; 14 day trial: $ 1.95, then $24.95/m; Annual: $5.95/m, $71.40/year; Resume writing and cover letter services cost extra; Premium Features. Download and save your resume in ...

  13. Free Resume Builder

    Creating a resume online with Canva's free resume builder will give you a sleek and attractive resume, without the fuss. Choose from hundreds of free, designer-made templates, and customize them within minutes. With a few simple clicks, you can change the colors, fonts, layout, and add graphics to suit the job you're applying for.

  14. 10 Best Resume Builders in 2024: List + Templates

    The app also lets you build a resume website. Kickresume—Online Resume Builder App. Kickresume: Pros and Cons. Pros. Cons. Over 50 templates; Elementary pre-written content; Website maker; Limited options when making a free resume; Pro tip: Make sure to have an ATS resume. Otherwise, your job application could be rejected before anyone reads it.

  15. Free Online Resume Builder

    Choose a free resume template from our library or start from scratch. Edit the text to insert your skills, background, and qualifications. Add your professional photo or logo. Include graphic elements to make your CV visually engaging. Save and download in your preferred PDF or Word format, embed online, or transform into a responsive Canva Site.

  16. Online Resume Builder: Make a Professional Resume for Free

    Free Online Resume Builder: Make Yours in Minutes. Create a job-winning professional resume easily, or update your existing document. Our builder features 30+ resume templates, step-by-step guidance and endless customizable content options. Build a resume Upload resume. Our customers have been hired by:

  17. Best Resume Builders for 2024: Top 11 Resume Builder Sites

    Build My Resume. Our free-to-use resume builder can make you a resume in as little as 5 minutes. Just pick the template you want, and our software will format everything for you. 2. Indeed Resume Builder. While Indeed is mostly known as a job board, they also provide one of the best free resume builders online.

  18. Kickresume

    Here's a simple guide to creating your resume: First, you sign up or log in to your Kickresume account. When logged in, on the dashboard scroll down to Your Documents and click on Create New. Next, you can choose among: creating a brand new resume using the template and customization options of your choice.

  19. Free Resume Builder

    Join over 37,250,000 users worldwide. Start for free — try our resume builder now. Create your job winning resume for free, choose between thousands of resume templates and cover letters. Write your professional resume in 5 minutes.

  20. Free Online Resume Builder

    Jump start your resume with resume templates. Don't create your resume from scratch. Use one of our proven resume templates and kick start your search from the beginning. Create your resume in minutes with Indeed's free resume builder. Download it to your computer or use it to apply for any job on Indeed.

  21. Online Resume Builder

    Write a memorable resume summary, or a resume objective, if you're making a resume for a first job. Describe your resume work experience , from the newest to the oldest job. Don't forget to include your education on your resume , with details such as GPA , Coursework , MBA , or Major and Minor , in case you're writing an entry-level resume .

  22. Free Online Resume Builder [Easily Make & Download]

    To access a free plain text download of your resume, start by following the prompts in our Resume Builder to enter your professional details. When you are ready, click on "Download," select "Plain Text (.txt)," click "Download," create a free account and download your resume to your desktop or mobile device.

  23. Free Resume Builder

    100% free resume builder to make, save and print a professional resume in minutes. Make applying faster and easier by connecting to millions of jobs today.

  24. Resume Builder

    Target Specific Roles. Optimize your resume by tailoring it to a specific job title, ensuring it aligns perfectly with the roles you're applying for. A resume builder can empower you to create a professional resume on your own, with ease. This step-by-step resume builder will help anyone create a stunning resume in minutes.

  25. How To Write A Resume In 7 Steps (With Examples)

    It doesn't matter if you have the best resume in the world if the hiring manager can't contact you. Every single resume should include the following contact information: Your full name. First and last. Your phone number. Use a personal phone number, and make sure your voicemail is set up properly. Your email address.

  26. Create a Free Website

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  27. Free Resume Summary Generator (Make a Resume Summary Fast)

    Most resume summaries are roughly three sentences long, and include the following information: Sentence #1: Your biggest selling points as a candidate, including how many years of relevant work experience you have. Sentence #2: One or more specific accomplishments or skills from your career to show employers what they can expect from you if ...

  28. Webflow: Create a custom website

    Try Webflow for as long as you like with our free Starter plan. Purchase a paid Site plan to publish, host, and unlock additional features. Get started — it's free. Create custom, responsive websites with the power of code — visually. Design and build your site with a flexible CMS and top-tier hosting. Try Webflow for free.

  29. High School Student Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Profile Example 2. High school student with recent formal experience helping care for toddlers. Dedicated to providing children with fun, educational indoor and outdoor activities. Bilingual: Fluent in English and Spanish. 2. Add a pertinent experience section. Your resume's experience section should center on your relevant duties, skills ...

  30. Resume Summary Generator [100% Free, No Login]

    2. Click the Generate Button: Hit that button and let Writecream work its resume summary magic! Based on the details you provide, it will generate compelling summaries. 3. Review and Refine: Writecream will present you with a variety of creative summary options. Pick the one you love, tweak it to fit your unique style, or use it as inspiration.