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How to Write a Resignation Letter

letter of resignation assignment

Here’s what to say — and what to leave out.

Should you write a resignation letter? In most cases, quitting a job doesn’t require one. However, there are some situations in which you want to write one, the author explains in this piece. She outlines what those reasons are and offers advice for how to actually write one, including tips on what not  to say. The article also includes a template you can use with sample language.

You’ve made the decision to quit your job and you want to leave on a positive note. This starts with giving notice and letting people know in a professional way. So, do you need to send a resignation letter? If so, who do you send it to? And what do you say?

letter of resignation assignment

  • Amy Gallo is a contributing editor at Harvard Business Review, cohost of the Women at Work podcast , and the author of two books: Getting Along: How to Work with Anyone (Even Difficult People) and the HBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict . She writes and speaks about workplace dynamics. Watch her TEDx talk on conflict and follow her on LinkedIn . amyegallo

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How to Write a Resignation Letter (With Examples)

Keep your resignation letter professional with these helpful tips and examples.

Stephen Gossett

Writing a resignation letter is a crucial part of leaving a job — a  process that already causes enough stress on its own. 

Coworkers are people you may spend more time with than your own family, so when you resign, “not only are you changing work, you’re affecting people that you’re used to seeing every day,”said Keith Wolf, managing director of Murray Resources , a staffing firm and resume service.

The stain of blowing off an employer without formal notice is impossible to scrub, while the benefits of a  professional notice are just as long-lasting. Indeed, former coworkers can  serve as valuable resources for job opportunities and recommendation letters.

To that end, we’ve rounded up tips and examples for writing a resignation letter that’ll help you  maintain work relationships long after leaving a company.

How to Write a Letter of Resignation

The precise phrasing and details of a letter of resignation will vary by individual. That said, all letters of resignation follow a basic structure. The letter should include each of the following components, listed in order:

  • Date : You’ll be writing the letter ahead of time, so date the letter to reflect when you’ll actually submit it.
  • Contact information : Include your name, email address and phone number.
  • Note of address : “Dear, [Name]” is appropriately formal. “Hello, [Name]” and “To: [Name]” are other options. Always use a person’s name, not a department.
  • Notice of resignation : State in plain language that the letter’s purpose is to inform the employer of your resignation. Include your last date of employment in this section.
  • Expression of gratitude : Thank your boss for the opportunity to gain experience, develop new skills and grow professionally. Specify individual projects or accomplishments if you like, but a general expression of thanks will suffice.
  • Note about transition : Offer to help with the transition. Don’t overpromise, but a good-faith willingness to assist with next steps will be appreciated.
  • Closing and signature : Again, directness is expected — “Best,” “Thank you,” or “Best wishes” are customary. Be sure to then sign the printed copy, or if you’re notifying remotely, drop your signature in the emailed letter of resignation PDF. You can use the Preview app for Mac or Microsoft Edge for PC to create a signature.

A few of these details are worth unpacking a bit more. Below is some additional advice on the more important facets of the letter of resignation, along with some extra guidance and a few common missteps to avoid.

Tips for Writing a Great Letter of Resignation

You may need to tailor your resignation letter to fit specific circumstances, but there are general tips you can follow to ensure you deliver your message with professionalism and sensitivity.

Include Your Contact Information

This might seem redundant, since your employer likely has all or most of your contact information on file, but it’s customary nonetheless. Contact information — name, address, phone number and email address — is often listed near the top of the letter.

Show Gratitude

Always be sure to thank the employer for the opportunity, and let them know you’re appreciative of their hiring you and investing in your development.

That said, don’t overdo it. Avoid being overly emotional, particularly in the letter, Julie Hochheiser Ilkovich, managing partner of Masthead Media and host of the Coffee Break With NYWICI podcast, said. The meeting with the manager is a better forum for expressing deeper sentiments.

Give a Date

Make it clear when your last day will be. It’s customary to give an employer at least two weeks’ notice . In rare instances, that’s not possible. In that event, make sure to acknowledge the standard and apologize for not being able to meet it. (You may want to briefly explain the short notice, or simply leave it for the meeting.)

Offer to Help With the Transition

When you resign, you’ll be leaving the organization a person down. So be sure to offer to help with the transition, whether that’s drafting a job listing , recommending potential replacement candidates, training a replacement, tidying up ongoing projects or whatever the organization needs to move forward successfully.

For technical roles, that likely means significant hands-on collaboration.

“You have to document the things you’ve been working on, and then meet with your managers to figure out who has the bandwidth to take them on,” Katelynn Weingart, a software engineer at LaunchPad Lab , told Built In. “Then have separate meetings with those people, and walk them through the code. Make sure they understand what you’ve been working on.”

Keep It Brief

A professional resignation letter is usually only a handful of sentences. When in doubt, err on the side of less.

“If you’re nervous about your writing ability and don’t want to say the wrong thing, then just keep it super short,” Wolf said.

Altogether, the letter of resignation should briefly hit a few key points and maintain a respectful, even keel. Ilkovich has a helpful lens through which to think about it: Ask yourself, “Is this something I’d be comfortable having shared around the organization?”

“In the moment of writing, you may feel like, ‘Oh, this is just for my boss,’” she said. “But it’s something that could be passed along, or your company may document it in some way.

What Not to Include on a Resignation Letter

Knowing what not to say is just as important as saying the right thing when deciding how to write a resignation letter. Keep these tips in mind to avoid any misunderstandings and leave your company on a high note .

Complaints About Your Manager

Even if you had a bad experience at your company because of poor management , a resignation letter is not the time to vent about your manager. Doing so will only alienate company leaders, making your transition process messier than it needs to be. 

You also never know when you’ll need a reference , and former managers are often the go-to connections that hiring teams are interested in hearing from. Burning bridges with your current manager may cost you a vital reference later on.

Gossip About Coworkers 

Sometimes coworkers can be difficult to work with, but this doesn’t make it okay to complain about them in your resignation letter. In fact, spreading negative comments or gossip about coworkers can damage your professional image and make it seem like you’re not a good teammate — something that future recruiters may look into. 

Coworkers can serve as lifelines as well, sharing possible job opportunities and sending references. If you damage your relationships with coworkers, you may fracture your professional network and forgo chances to learn about other jobs and resources through these connections.

Inappropriate Language

Even if your tone is positive, slipping in inappropriate language makes you seem less professional and can distract from the actual letter. Resisting the urge to use colorful language ensures your resignation letter won’t come across the wrong way or elicit strong reactions from your manager and coworkers.

Detailed Reasons for Why You’re Leaving 

Like a job-interview follow-up email , the letter of resignation itself should be something of a formality. You can explain the reasons behind your departure during the resignation meeting and again at the  exit interview . Despite what some advise, the actual letter isn’t really the arena to get into finer details.

If you do feel strongly about including reasons in your letter, keep the terms simple. Mention that you’ve accepted a new position, decided to make a career change or are leaving for personal reasons, as the case may be. But there’s no need to name your new employer, cite the new sector or explain personal issues in the letter.

An Overly Positive or Negative Tone

Choose a more neutral tone instead. This way, your message won’t make you appear eager to leave the company and you can stay on good terms with your manager and coworkers during and after your departure.  

Delivering the Letter of Resignation

Schedule a face-to-face meeting.

It may be obvious, but it’s worth stressing: Request in-person time with your manager, print a hard copy of the resignation letter and deliver the news face to face. No out-of-the-blue emails, no surreptitious letter drop-offs and certainly no ghosting.

“Setting aside time to get [the manager’s] full attention — meeting to make sure you’re actually talking to them, not just kind of doing it in passing — are both really important,” Ilkovich said.

Resigning directly and professionally is partially self-serving — why burn network contacts or potential references? — but it’s also just the courteous thing to do. Wolf recalled the justifiable blowback some companies faced after holding  mass terminations via video calls during the pandemic. Any departure — whether voluntary or involuntary — is sensitive, and should be treated as such by whoever is delivering the news.

“Give the employer the same courtesy you would want,” Wolf said.

Resign Professionally Even If You Work Remotely

Remote work doesn’t have to complicate the process. The etiquette still stands, just digitally.

Again, schedule a meeting time with your manager, block your calendars and deliver the news face-to-face on whichever  video-conferencing app is the company’s default. Even if you’re anxious about meeting, don’t disable the video. Then, send the letter of resignation via email after delivering the news. In short, even in the “new normal,” regular expectations apply.

Make Sure Your Boss Is First to Know

Inform your manager first, not your work friends. Otherwise, the news can spread, potentially sowing resentment.

“It’s important to let the company lead the process of how they want your resignation announced,” Wolf said. “I’ve seen that botched before.”

Sharing news online about a new job opportunity before telling anyone at your company not only hurts your relationship with your manager, but it may also damage your standing in the eyes of your future company.  

“Make sure all the key people know what’s happening within your organization before talking about it online,” Ilkovich said. “Also, understand what your new employer is comfortable with you saying. Yes, it’s your news, but you do want to be conscious that there may be some guidelines.”

Know Before You Go

Before handing over the letter, be certain you haven’t forgotten about any  contractual agreements that might preclude your next employment options. That includes agreements like non-compete and non-solicitation clauses — “things that you may not have thought about for years and years, because you haven’t read it since you started,” Ilkovich said.

Letter of Resignation Examples and Templates

Boilerplate language won’t capture the individual nuance you’ll want to bring to your letter of resignation. For example, you might want to further emphasize your sense of  gratitude or acknowledge the depth of  personal relationships you’ve built, especially if resigning from a longtime employer, in a way that non-personalized templates won’t do justice. But the five examples below should nonetheless help you get started.

Example 1: Resignation Letter With Two Weeks’ Notice

[Date] [Your Name] [Your Phone Number] [Your Email]

Dear [Name],

I’m writing to inform you that I have decided to resign from my position as [role]. My last day will be [two weeks from day of notice].

This was not a decision I made lightly. My time at [company] has been professionally and personally fulfilling. The support and encouragement I’ve received from you, our team and the company as a whole has been extraordinarily valuable. Please know that I am grateful for the opportunity you provided and the chance to gain experience and hone new skills under your direction.

I will, of course, use my remaining time to help with the transition as best I can. I will document and share the status of my projects and, if desired, assist in the search for a replacement.

[Signature here] [Name]  

Example 2: Resignation Letter With Fewer Than Two Weeks’ Notice  

Hello [Name],

Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation. My last day of employment will be [date].

I know it is customary to provide two weeks’ notice, and I sincerely apologize for any problems that my short notice might cause. Know that if there were any way I could have avoided it, I would have done so. Unfortunately, my new employer needs me to begin right away, and I could not negotiate a different start date. [If you have a different reason for the short notice, explain.]

I will always appreciate my time here, and I am truly grateful for the professional guidance you provided. I gained invaluable experience and grew much as a [role/position] during my time at [company]. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

Since my time remaining is short, I know that the transition may be more difficult than usual. Know that I will do all I can to thoroughly document the status of ongoing projects and help tie up any other loose ends.

Example 3: Short Resignation Letter Template

This letter is to notify you that I am resigning from my position as [title] at [company]. My last day will be [two weeks from date of letter].

It has been a pleasure working with and learning from you over the past [X years or months]. I wish you and [company] all the best going forward. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

In my time remaining, I’ll be happy to help with the transition in any way that I can.

Thanks again,

Example 4: Resignation Letter With Reason for Leaving

I’m writing to let you know that I’ve chosen to resign from my position as [position]. My last day at [company] will be [date].

I am resigning because I have decided to accept a new position. I believe the new role provides an excellent path for how I’d most like to steer my professional growth. [ OR I have decided to pursue a career change and am applying for jobs in the X industry/going to school for Y field of study. OR I have decided to resign from my current role due to personal reasons.]

This was a difficult decision. I very much enjoyed my time here and am grateful for all I learned. The experience and knowledge I’ve accrued has been invaluable. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

I will of course do all I can to facilitate a smooth transition. Please do not hesitate to let me know how I can best assist with next steps.

All the best,

Example 5: Resignation Letter Acknowledging Non-Compete Clauses

Dear, [Name],

Of course, I don’t make this decision lightly. I have treasured my time at [company name], gained great experience in [field/role] and was allowed to grow and develop professionally. Thank you sincerely for what has been a wonderful opportunity.

As I write the next chapter in my career, I have been careful to honor the terms of my non-compete clause. Know that I have and will continue to abide by the details of our contract.

I will be happy to use my remaining time to help facilitate a smooth transition. I can document the status of all my projects and, if you like, assist in the search for new candidates and help train a replacement — whatever I can do to help with the transition.

[Signature] [Name]​

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i write a simple resignation letter.

A simple resignation letter should include the date, your contact info, note of address, a notice of resignation, an expression of gratitude, a note about the transition and a closing and signature.

What should I say in a resignation letter?

In a resignation letter, it’s best practice to thank your manager for your time at the company, provide a date for your last day and offer to aid in making your transition as smooth as possible. Depending on how close your work relationships are, you may also leave your personal contact information for your manager and coworkers to reach you.

Is it okay to resign effective immediately?

Resigning effective immediately is only acceptable in situations where the employee has no other choice (i.e., an employee’s future company demands an immediate start date). In such cases, employees can apologize for the short notice and offer a brief explanation. Otherwise, the expectation is that an employee gives at least a two weeks’ notice prior to leaving.

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How to Write a Professional Resignation Letter [With Samples]

How to Write a Professional Resignation Letter [With Samples]

So, it’s time for you to move on with your career? 

Quitting a job is a big decision and should be handled with care. 

The most important part to remember is not to burn your bridges - not even if you hope to never see any of your soon-to-be former colleagues again. A great letter of resignation can help you there. 

In this article we will show you: 

What is a letter of resignation? 

Best practices for how to write a letter of resignation.

  • Resignation letter templates

Resignation letter samples

Formally speaking, a letter of resignation is a way of expressing your intention of leaving your current job. The document formalizes your decision to leave the company while conveying your reasons to do so. If you succeed in writing a good resignation letter, it might even smooth out the process of leaving. 

Of course the first step you must take is to have a one-on-one conversation with your boss to let him or her know that you are planning to resign. 

The resignation letter is the formal follow up on this conversation. Note that just like your resume it will most likely become part of your employee file which is one of the reasons why it’s important to leave with a good impression.

Writing a resignation letter can be a daunting task for some. That’s why we decided to  collect a whole bunch of best practices for how to write a resignation letter right here. Read on to learn more about what to include in your letter, when you should submit it and how. 

When should you write a letter of resignation? 

When you resign from your job, there are certain resignation etiquettes that you need to follow in order to leave things as smoothly as possible. One of those etiquettes is the amount of time you need to give your boss to prepare for your departure. 

In the US the standard practice for sending in your resignation letter is two weeks before you stop. If you live somewhere else you will need to do a bit of research to find out what the standard resignation period is for your country. 

This will provide your boss with sufficient time to find your replacement. It will also ensure that you’ll be able to hand over your assignments to a new person or to one of your colleagues. 

You can choose to hand in your resignation letter earlier, but do avoid sending it later than two weeks before. However, if your employment contract states how much notice you should give you should obviously follow that instead. 

Keep in mind that your employer is not obligated to accept your two weeks notice. Some employers will want you to stop right away so be prepared for that. 

How should you submit your resignation letter? 

There are really only two ways of submitting your resignation letter: in person in the shape of a physical letter or by email. 

What’s most appropriate for you will depend on various factors. One isn’t better than the other. If you have a paperless culture, an email might be the appropriate choice. 

However, regardless of how you decide to send your resignation letter, make sure you’ve talked to your boss in person before. It may seem uncomfortable but in the long run it’s the best way to go about it. 

A graceful resignation includes these steps: 

  • Have a conversation with your boss
  • Hand in your letter of resignation
  • Be helpful in any way to make the transition easier

Resignation letter template - what should you include in your resignation letter? 

A resignation letter is much like any other business letter such as a cover letter . It consists of a letterhead, 3-4 paragraphs concerning your resignation, and a signature. 

Unlike a resume where you can choose between different formats , a resignation letter is pretty straightforward.

Here’s what you should include in your letter of resignation: 

Begin your resignation letter by stating your name, your job title, and all other relevant information. This might seem redundant, especially if you’re working in a small company, but since the letter will become part of your employee file it’s still important. Include information such as:

  • Current job title
  • Your work email address
  • Your address
  • Name of manager
  • Current organization
  • Today’s date

Statement of resignation and end date

State your intentions of resigning in the first paragraph of your resignation letter along with your position. Be sure to also mention the end date of your employment as this will be one of your employer’s first questions. 

Dear [name of recipient]

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [name of position] for [company name], effective [date].

Show your gratitude

Take some time to reflect on the work you’ve done for your workplace. 

Tell your soon-to-be former employer what you’ve learned, what you’ve appreciated the most, or maybe who has had a special impact on your time there. It’s important to keep this paragraph as positive as possible since leaving your workplace on a positive note will make the transition more smooth. 

I appreciate the opportunities for professional development that you have provided me over the past [period]. I have enjoyed my tenure at [company name], and in particular feel honored to have been a part of such a supportive team.

You could consider adding your next place of work as well. There are cases where this is appropriate as well as cases where it is not wise. For instance it is very appropriate to let your former employer know if you’re switching industries to pursue a passion of yours or if you’re perhaps going back to school. However, it may not be appropriate to include this information if you’re moving over to the competition.

Offer your help with the transition

Next up we recommend that you offer your help in making the transition as smooth as possible. You could for instance write something like this: 

I am of course offering to help as much as possible in the transition of my work assignments to my replacement. I will also make sure that all my reports are up to date and ready to be handed over.

Optional: main tasks

If it’s applicable to you, you can choose to use the next paragraph to outline your main tasks and unfinished projects. 

This will be extremely helpful to your former employer and will make the transition easier. However, this part is optional so you should only add it if it makes sense to do so. 

To help ease the transition for my replacement, here is a list of my main tasks and responsibilities the last few months: 

  • [List of main tasks and responsibilities]

Your former employer is sure to be impressed if you can pull off being very specific in this part.

Optional: Personal contact information

In the last paragraph before your signature you can choose to add your personal contact information such as email or phone number. However, this is completely optional and you should only add them if you want to stay in touch with your employer or use him or her as a resource. You’ll be the best judge in knowing if it is a good addition or not. 

Thank you again for the opportunity to work here at [name of company]. I wish you all the best and hope to stay in touch. You can always reach me at [contact information].

Lastly is your signature. If you hand it in on paper you should sign it in hand and include your typed name. If you’re handing it in via email, it should be sufficient to sign with your typed name. 

[Your name]

Below is a complete resignation letter template you can copy and adjust to your situationor use alongside any AI writers .

Resignation letter template

Professional resignation letter template and example

Resignation letter template text version:

With the resignation letter template above in mind, it’s time to take a closer look at a few sample resignation letters. What all of them have in common is their focus on the pleasant parts of their experiences with the company in question. 

The resignation letter example below here includes helpful and relevant information. It’s brief, sticks to the point, and above all it’s very polite. 

Very polite resignation letter example from a content marketing manager

Text version you can copy:

Dear Mrs. Swanson

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as Content Marketing Manager for Company XYZ, effective June 30, 2021.

I appreciate the opportunities for professional development that you have provided me over the past two years. I have enjoyed my tenure at Company XYZ, and in particular feel honored to have been a part of such a supportive team.

If I can be of any help during this transition, please let me know. I am available to help train my replacement, and will ensure all my reports are updated before my last day of work.

Thank you again for the opportunity to work at Company XYZ. I wish you all the best and look forward to staying in touch. You can email me at [email protected]

The resignation letter example below here is shorter and less informative. You can have many reasons for keeping your letter as simple and short as this. The key element is, as before, to keep it professional and polite above all. 

Short, simple, and polite resignation letter example from a content marketing manager

Text version you can copy: 

Please accept this letter of resignation from my position as Content Marketing Manager at Company XYZ. My last day of employment will be June 30, 2021.

It has been a pleasure working with you and the team for the past two years. In particular, I’ve enjoyed tackling extensive copywriting projects as the business has grown. I’m very appreciative for the opportunities to develop my skills in the field, and want to thank you for all your guidance and insight. I wish your company much success.

Please let me know if you need any assistance with the transition.

Resignation letter samples with a reason why you’re resigning

Sometimes you’ll want to explain the reason for your resignation. It’s not a required part of your resignation letter though but in some cases it can make sense. For instance when it’s due to relocation, family reasons or a change in career. 

Below are some examples of wordings you can use for explaining why you're leaving the company. 

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [name of position] for [company name], effective [date]. I have decided to relocate to New York to be closer to my family. 

Thank you again for the opportunity to work at [company name]. I wish you all the best and look forward to staying in touch. You can email me at [your email address].

Family reasons

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [name of position] for [company name], effective [date]. As you know my daughter just recently gave birth to their first child and I have decided to stay with them and focus on helping them in raising their family.

Thank you again for the opportunity to work at [company name]. I wish you all the best and look forward to staying in touch. You can email me at [your email address]. 

Change in career

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [name of position] for [company name], effective [date]. I have accepted a position as [name of position] at [name of new company] and I am looking forward to a change in career even though I will miss working with you. 

And there you go. 

Writing a resignation letter is no longer that daunting task but instead a way of creating a smooth transition to the next part of your work life. 

Ready to begin your next chapter? 

Go to resume templates

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letter of resignation assignment

For companies

May 23, 2022

How to write a resignation email with 8 examples

This article teaches you how to write a resignation email with the help of resignation letter email examples and our resignation email template.

Blog writer

Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

So, you've accepted a new job, and it's time to type out that resignation email. But what do you say in your email resignation letter?

A great resignation email will set the tone for your departure. Send a professional resignation letter, and your last few weeks will be a pleasure. Get it wrong, and it could damage relationships, references, and even your future career. It'll also make working your notice period a little weird.

Here, we break down the fundamentals of a functional email resignation, showing you the building blocks for better messages.

Don't worry. We also provide 10 resignation email samples and show how to write a resignation letter with Flowrite's resignation email template.

Flowrite writes your emails for you using AI. Here's how it can help you nail the proper resignation email:

Should I resign in person or by email?

Nobody likes breaking bad news in person, so we should all send emails, right? Wrong. If you're quitting a job, you'll want to do it properly – and that means speaking to your boss or HR team in person (if possible).

In the past, when leaving a job, you'd do it in two stages:

• Sit down and speak to your boss in-person

• Send a formal email to your boss and HR team to tell them of your decision

But now, with more of us working at home or remotely, sitting your boss down or even speaking on the phone isn't always possible. 

Email is easy and quick, but it's impersonal. Sending an email without speaking to your boss could be considered rude and harm your relationship. This can matter, particularly if you want your boss to provide a reference.

So, should you resign in person or by email? You should do both.

If you can't speak to your manager in person, the next best thing is a video call or phone call. Then, once you've broken the news, follow up with a formal resignation email to set the wheels in motion with your HR team.

We're all about the written word, but if you need some help communicating clearly,  Forbes  has created a nice list of things you should never say to your boss when quitting.

What is a resignation letter?

What is a resignation letter? It's a formal piece of written correspondence that terminates your employment.

At the most basic level, your resignation email sets out your intention to leave and the date you want to go.

In most cases, your HR team will use the date of your resignation letter to calculate your departure date. Most of us will have to work a notice period, so the sooner your resignation letter is in, the quicker you'll be starting your new job.

If you've followed our advice and spoken to your boss first, that's a great start. Still, many won't consider the process underway until they receive a signed and dated resignation letter. 

Is it ok to resign over email? 

It's totally fine to quit with a letter, but is it ok to resign over email?

None of us will write a resignation email as public as  Greg Smith , who chose to call out the toxic culture at a major US bank. You'll probably only want to take this bold move if you're supremely confident or rich (like Smith).

Even if your experience at a company hasn't been great, you should resign gracefully, says HR expert  Priscilla Claman . Why? "You need your current boss or HR department to be able to provide at least a neutral reference if future employers contact them," she says.

An email resignation may be acceptable, but it's not professional and could harm your career. Your boss could take it personally and choose to provide a less than complimentary reference, or refuse to give one at all.

However, there are some rare cases where an email resignation is acceptable, such as when you're experiencing problems with your employer or in conflict.

What is a 2-week notice email?

In Europe and the rest of the world, most employees need to give their employers a month's notice before leaving. In the US, they only need to provide two-weeks notice.

Employment laws in the States are lower, with employers and employees free to chop and change. So while there's  no legal duty to send a two-weeks notice email , it's polite and professional to do so.

Like any resignation email or letter, it should typically only be sent after you've spoken to your boss in person.

Is resignation the same as 2 weeks' notice? 

Loads of people ask: Is resignation the same as 2 weeks' notice? And the answer is yes. 

They're both a form of resignation email that terminates your employment. In the US, you'd generally say that you're offering two weeks' notice from the day the resignation email was sent. Elsewhere in the world, your resignation letter starts a negotiation process to decide on your official leaving date.

Make sense? Then let's get started on how to write a resignation email.

How to write a resignation email

A resignation email is a  formal email that follows a standard format . The best resignation email format we've found is one that keeps things simple.

There are five essential parts to any resignation email:

2. Greeting

3. Opening lines & Body

5. Sign-off

The great news is that once you've mastered how to write a resignation email using the correct format, you can use it anytime you need to. You can check out 10 examples of resignation email format samples later in this blog to see how we put this into practice.

Before we get to the resignation email samples, let's dig into the details further into what makes a great email. 

Resignation email subject line

Selecting an appropriate resignation email subject can be a challenge, so we recommend keeping it as simple as possible. You want to ensure the subject line for the resignation email is clear. Why? Suppose the recipient doesn't know it's a resignation email. In that case, they might ignore it, delaying your new start date and affecting your plans.

Here are ten resignation email subject lines you could use:

  • Resignation email – Your name
  • Official resignation Notice – Your name
  • Resignation date – Insert date
  • Formal resignation notice – Your name
  • I'm resigning today – Your name
  • My resignation – Your name
  • My last say is (Insert date)
  • Two-weeks' notice
  • Today is my last day
  • Formal resignation request – Your name

Resignation email structure

Each resignation email has a greeting, opening, the meat of the message (body copy), and a sign-off.

If you're worried about how to start a resignation email, check out our guide on formal email openings. This should provide the insight you need to craft great messages. 

Resignation email opening examples 

After you've provided an appropriate greeting, it's time to get to business. First, tell someone straight away what the purpose of your email is. Don't worry if this sounds quite formal; that's what this email is – so tell someone you're leaving upfront.

Here are a few acceptable resignation email openings;

  • Please accept this email as notice of my resignation
  • Please accept this email as my formal resignation
  • Please accept this email as my resignation

Resignation email content 

The resignation letter email body is where you can go into details. Some essential resignation letter email content includes:

  • Advising someone that you intend to leave and that you're starting the notice period from this date forward
  • Thanking the person or organization for your employment
  • Offering reasons why you're leaving (if you want to)
  • Asking for a reference (if required)
  • Offering to help recruit your replacement

Many people want to know one question: should they apologize in a resignation email? Leaving a job is part of life, and (unless you've done something wrong) you have nothing to apologize for. In fact, saying sorry when you're not could be pretty annoying, say the experts at  Business Insider .

Say so if you're genuinely sorry for something you've done or a situation you're leaving. But, like we tell kids, only ever say sorry if you mean it.

When it comes to ending your email, read our  guide on how to close an email  for all the inside tips and information. 

Email resignation sign-off

Deciding how to  sign off a resignation email  is up to you. Still, we would recommend being formal in most cases. On the other hand, if you're friendly with your boss and they're already aware you're resigning, feel free to be a little warmer.

Check out our guide on how to end emails before deciding on an appropriate sign-off.

8 resignation email examples

We've explained the principles, and it's time to show you some resignation email examples. We've created 10 resignation letter email examples that illustrate how to say "I quit" politely and professionally.

You're free to cut and paste our sample resignation emails, but we'd always suggest editing them to personalize them. Even though you're leaving, you'll want to show you care about your old job, so always update our sample email resignation letters. 

1. Short resignation email

If you've already spoken with your boss and broken the bad news, this short resignation email is for you. A simple resignation email focuses on the fundamentals and ensures that your request is communicated clearly.

Here's our simple resignation email with a notice period sample.

2. Email to an employer for resignation

This is a standard and simple email to an employer for resignation. We follow the format above and provide some thanks for the time spent in employment. This employer resignation email sample has space for you to adjust it to your circumstances.

3. Resignation announcement email to staff

As a manager or leader, you may be required to send a resignation announcement to staff. A resignation email to co-workers is about breaking the news that you're leaving but that they'll be left in safe hands.

4. Resignation email to a manager

 When creating a resignation email to your manager, you can introduce more personality. You've been working closely with this person, after all! We assume you've already spoken before sending this resignation email to your manager.

5. Resignation letter email to HR 

Your HR team is less likely to know you and be interested in your circumstances, so this resignation letter to HR colleagues is relatively formal. This sample resignation email to HR will start the termination process and discussions about your leaving date, so be clear about what you want.

6. Resignation email example with notice period 

If you're leaving your old job for a new one, you'll want to agree to a notice period. However, deciding how to write a resignation email with a notice period can be challenging. You want to be fair to your old employer but leave as soon as possible.

In this resignation email example with the notice period, we suggest when we want to leave. But the door is open for negotiation. So be sure to adjust this sample email for resignation with a notice period to your circumstances.

7. Resignation email sample without notice period 

Some roles, such as zero-hours contracts, don't require a notice period, so you could leave straight away if you want to. In this resignation email sample without notice period, we explain why we're leaving and when we're going. Still, we aim to leave things positively.

If you're wondering how to write a resignation email without a notice period, then our sample can help.

8. Resignation email effective immediately

In some cases, you'll want to create a resignation email effective immediately. This could happen if you've experienced issues at work or simply don't need to offer any notice. Our advice on how to write a resignation email effective immediately is to keep it short and to the point – which is what we've done.

Here is our sample email to resign with immediate effect.

Flowrite's resignation email templates

The difference between writing a good and great resignation email can be as simple as our AI writing assistant that takes your instructions and turns them into ready-to-send emails and messages, like this:

‍ Our browser extension and web app take care of the email format, capitalization, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. In other words, you can focus on the message, and Flowrite will take care of the delivery.

Our email template collection features dozens of email templates to help you write professional emails such us resignation letter emails.

Writing a resignation email or email resignation letter should be easy, but we know that it often isn't. Telling someone we're leaving can feel like we're delivering bad news, and who likes doing that?

By breaking down the process of how to write a resignation email, we hope we've made it simpler.

When you need to send a resignation letter email, follow the format, use one of our resignation email samples as a source of inspiration, or rely on Flowrite's resignation email template to do the job for you.

You'll ensure you leave in the most professional way possible, clear and confident to start your new role.

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Sample Letter of Resignation

Sample Letter of Resignation

[A letter of resignation is written by an employee to inform that he wants to quit the job and also state reasons for the decision if possible and specify the exact date from which the employee will not be available for work. Here briefly describe on Sample Letter of Resignation. The letter not only needs to communicate the reasons for resignation but also include a thank you to all your colleagues and boss through your journey. To communicate the resignation along with the reasons, a resignation letter would be the ideal medium. A well-written, professional resignation letter with prior notice helps to maintain amicable relations with the company after leaving. Customize the content according to the information you want to convey.]

Receiver/Official’s name…

Employee’s Job Position…

Date: DD/MM/YY (date of writing letter)

Sender/Your name…

Job Designation and Department name…

SUB: Resignation letter.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have worked in the capacity of (mention current post/designation) in this organization for the past (mention tenure). (Describe in your words). Since (briefly state reasons for resignation) I have to resign from my job with effect from (mention date). I request you to treat this letter as a notice (mention period) as per company rules. (Describe actual cause and situation).

I will miss the friends and associations I have made here. I will always remember the valuable lessons I learned from my colleagues. (Express your feelings in a professional way).

I will be glad to remain associated with this firm since I have had a fruitful tenure here in every respect. (Cordially describe your greetings and expectation). In case the committee is impressed with my work, I will be glad to join back in the new set-up. My contact details are (******).

I wish my colleagues and this organization a bright and prosperous future.

Yours Sincerely,

(your name)

Contact info. and signature…

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Temporary Job Resignation Letter

letter of resignation assignment

A temporary job or a “temp job” is usually a job intended to replace permanent employees on leave. Temp jobs can last can last a day up to several months. Employers need need to quickly fill a position when the company experiences a sudden loss of employee or needs additional employees for busier times. It can also mean that the company is considering you as the first in line for a permanent spot.

  • 50 Resignation Letter Examples
  • 9+ Dos and Don’ts for Quitting your Job

A temp job can be of advantage to you as well. You gain additional experiences, and learn new skills and techniques in the industry. The experiences you gain can be then added to your resume before applying for that dream job. Regardless, temp jobs are still a good starter for a career you’re starting build. Also see  47 Application Letter Examples & Samples

However, if you find another job that ensures a permanent position for you, how do you resign from your temporary job? Especially when you’re a temporary worker or contractor that wants to resign earlier than the expiration of your employment, how do you leave with positive recommendations? Here are some tips and samples for a temporary job resignation letter.

Temporary Job Resignation Letter Examples

Mr. A. Employee 1, My House Any Street This Town PO57 3DE

1st January 2017

Mrs. A. Manager The Company Employment Street That Town PO57 3DE

Dear Sir/Madam, or by name (if you know it) or To Whom it May Concern,

I would like to resign from my role as Temporary (Job title).

In accordance with my terms and conditions I am giving you (how much notice and therefore my final day will be (name that date once you have worked out your notice).

I have enjoyed my time with (Name Company) and feel that being here on a temporary basis has taught me a lot and built upon my experience for which I am very grateful. I have now found a more permanent role to which I have accepted and to where I feel my career now lies.

I would like to thank you for the experience and opportunities you have given me during the (how long you have been there) and to wish you all the best for the company’s future.

Please forward my final pay slip and P45 to my address (as above or detail here where you would like it sending to). I understand that my final pay will include any holiday pay that I have not taken and any monies owing from this final months work.

Best Wishes.

Yours faithfully/sincerely

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

I have enjoyed working at ABC Marketing. However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to complete this temporary assignment.I have secured a full-time permanent position. My last day of work will be May 15.

I appreciate the opportunities you have provided me during my time with the company.

Your Signature   (hard copy letter)

Your Typed Name

Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email

Name Title Organization Address City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name,

I have really enjoyed working in (Name of the company or organization), however, I really regret that I won’t be able to complete the given temporary assignment.

I have got full-time work job position in (Name of company), and my last date of work with the (Name of the current company or organization) will be on (Date of resignation).

I really appreciate and thank full for the opportunities which I got during my working period, it helped me to enhance my skills and helped me develop techniques of my own.

Yours Sincerely,

Your Signature (If it is printed or hard copy resignation letter)

Unfortunately, sometimes you need to r esign from your post earlier than expected . And it’s just not possible to provide the standard two weeks notice before resigning. Perhaps you have personal circumstances you need to look into or the working environment has become uncomfortable and you decide to leave immediately. However, it is best to weigh in the positive and negative impact of resigning without a two weeks notice before resigning.

Sample 4 – Short Notice

Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am resigning from my temporary position with ABCD Company on Friday, March XX, 20XX.

I understand that two weeks notice is standard; however, personal circumstances require that I leave my position at this company by the end of this week.

I am glad to provide any assistance I can during this transition.

Thank you for the opportunities for professional and personal development that you have provided me during the last five years.

I have enjoyed working for the agency and appreciate the support provided me during my tenure with the company.

Your Signature  (hard copy letter)

Sample 5  – Emailed Resignation Letter (Short Notice)

Subject Line: Resignation on October XX, 20XX

Please accept this letter as my resignation from ABC Company. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, I won’t be able to provide the standard two weeks notice. My last day at the company will be next Friday, October XX, 20XX.

I apologize for the short notice. Although it was only a temporary position, I’ve enjoyed working together tremendously and have learned so much from your management. Please let me know what I can do in the next few days to help ease the transition.

Thank you for your understanding.

letter of resignation assignment

Temporary jobs are helpful when you want to have a job before that permanent position or when you just want to work for a short period of time.  So, it is expected for you to leave your temporary position for a permanent one.

However, do not leave your job abruptly and without notice. Explain the situation with your employer. Formally discuss the circumstances as to why you can no longer complete the temporary job position. You may also see  Career Goals to Help You Achieve Your Dream Job

As for your future employer, inform them of the situation first hand. If you sign the contract , indicate the date you would join their company. It is only right to discuss to them in advance that you are currently with a temporary job to help your future employer adjust and give you enough time to reach an amicable agreement with your current employer.

Temporary jobs, be it for a few days, weeks or months are helpful for your resume . Always inform your employer of the professional direction you are about to take. When you decide to leave, inform them in advance to help them find a replacement for you and help them transition with a new employee smoothly. Always exit the job graciously and on a positive remark. You may also see How to Write a Job Resignation Letter


Resignation Letter Maker

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Miss USA's resignation letter accuses the organization of toxic work culture

The Miss USA who gave up her crown and title this week accused the pageant’s CEO of failing to take an incident of sexual harassment seriously and creating a toxic work environment, according to a copy of her resignation letter obtained Thursday by NBC News.

“There is a toxic work environment within the Miss USA organization that, at best, is poor management and, at worst, is bullying and harassment,” Noelia Voigt wrote in the letter. “This started soon after winning the title of Miss USA 2023.”

Voigt announced Monday on Instagram that she was relinquishing her crown, citing her mental health. Two days later, Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava, 17, announced she was also stepping down in a statement that said her “personal values no longer fully align with the direction of the organization.”

Fans who were shocked by the unprecedented resignations noticed that the first letter in every sentence of Voigt’s online statement spelled out “ I am silenced .”

UmaSofia Srivastava and Noelia Voigt,

In her resignation letter, Voigt said that Miss USA CEO and President Laylah Rose consistently failed to communicate and that when she did, she was “often cold and unnecessarily aggressive.”

“It’s incredibly jarring to be trying to do my job and constantly be threatened with disciplinary action, including taking away my salary, for things that were never discussed with me and, if it related to a public-facing post for example, were causing no issue other than not meeting her personal preference,” Voigt wrote.

Representatives for the Miss USA organization did not immediately respond to request for comment Thursday evening.

Rose said in a statement Wednesday that “the well-being of all individuals associated with Miss USA is my top priority.”

“All along, my personal goal as the head of this organization has been to inspire women to always create new dreams, have the courage to explore it all, and continue to preserve integrity along the way. I hold myself to these same high standards and I take these allegations seriously,” she said.

Voigt included in her letter details about an alleged incident of sexual harassment at a Christmas event in Florida. She wrote that she was left alone in a car with a man who “made several inappropriate statements to me about his desire to enter into a relationship with me.”

Voigt said that when Rose was made aware of the situation, she told Voigt, “We cannot prevent people saying things to you at public appearances, it is, unfortunately, part of the role you’re in as a public figure.” 

Rose is also accused in the letter of badmouthing Voigt to others in the organization and painting her as “uninterested” in her job.

“I have heard that comments have ranged from her describing me as difficult to work with for various untrue reasons, to weaponizing my mental health struggles brought on by my experience as Miss USA 2023, calling me ‘mentally ill’ in a derogatory way, to expressing that she hoped I would get hit in the face by a baseball at an event where I would throw out the first pitch at a baseball game,” Voigt wrote in her letter.

Despite the environment, Voigt said, she was committed to the Miss USA brand, but her mental and physical health continued to erode.

“I am now diagnosed with Anxiety and have to take two medications daily to manage the symptoms due to consistently being on edge, worrying about what Laylah will pop up with and choose to harass me about daily,” the letter said.

She wrote that she had flare-ups of a pre-existing condition that is worsened by stress and that she is experiencing “heart palpitations, full body shakes, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, loss of sleep, loss of hair, and more.”

Voigt cited a toxic work environment at Miss USA that she said is unsafe for future Miss Universe Organization title holders.

“Every statement you have ever put out about MUO’s morals and integrity directly contradicts what is happening within the USA organization,” the letter said.

Claudia Michelle, a former social media manager who said she submitted her resignation last week, echoed similar sentiments about Miss USA management in an interview with NBC News on Thursday.

“Leaders in women’s empowerment organizations need to be held accountable,” Michelle said. “How do you not take the mental health of the face of your brand seriously?”

Michelle said she was aware that Voigt had raised concerns over her safety and traveling alone and that she began to travel more with Miss USA in March and April.

Michelle said that Rose was inconsistent with her communication and that the organization’s management was unprofessional.

Brittany Lane is a booker for NBC News.

Doha Madani is a senior breaking news reporter for NBC News. Pronouns: she/her.

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Sudden Resignations. A Leaked Letter. What’s Happening Inside Miss USA?

Noelia Voigt’s announcement this week that she was stepping down as Miss USA set off a string of departures and prompted larger questions about the inner workings of the organization.

UmaSofia Srivastava and Noelia Voigt sit side by side in short bejeweled dresses with pageant sashes.

By Madison Malone Kircher

When the reigning Miss USA, Noelia Voigt, announced this week she would be resigning from her position, she cited her mental health and wrote about her gratitude for the opportunity.

“As individuals, we grow through experiencing different things in life that lead us to learning more about ourselves,” she wrote on Instagram on Monday.

But an internal resignation letter by Ms. Voigt to Miss USA leadership and the Miss Universe Organization, obtained on Friday by The New York Times, presented a much darker picture.

In the eight-page letter, Ms. Voigt, who represented the state of Utah and was crowned in September, described “a toxic work environment within the Miss USA Organization that, at best, is poor management and, at worst, is bullying and harassment.” She also complained in her letter that the organization had delayed making good on her prize winnings.

The Miss USA Organization did not respond to request for comment.

Ms. Voigt’s departure has spurred at least two other resignations. UmaSofia Srivastava, Miss Teen USA, announced she was stepping down from her role on Wednesday. Arianna Lemus, who represented Colorado at Miss USA in 2023, said on Friday she was resigning in solidarity after seeing Ms. Voigt’s post.

“That was a call to help,” Ms. Lemus, 27, said in an interview.

The sudden departures have touched off wider speculation in the pageant world that crowned winners are legally barred from speaking freely about their experiences with the Miss USA Organization. Many of Ms. Voigt’s past competitors, including Ms. Lemus, shared a statement demanding that she be released from any nondisclosure agreements.

In her resignation letter, Ms. Voigt said she experienced an incident of sexual harassment when, during a Christmas parade last year in Sarasota, Fla., a driver made inappropriate comments toward her.

She said in her letter that the organization failed to support her when she reported the incident.

Ms. Voigt went on to write that serving as Miss USA took a toll on her health, adding that she now struggled with anxiety and took medication to manage her symptoms.

She said she had begun experiencing “heart palpitations, full body shakes, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, loss of sleep, loss of hair and more.”

Some people believed Ms. Voigt’s Instagram post announcing her resignation contained a secret message. The first letter of each of the first 11 sentences of the statement spell the phrase “I AM SILENCED,” which some have interpreted as a signal that Ms. Voigt is unable to speak openly about her experience.

Just a few days after Ms. Voigt’s announcement, Ms. Srivastava, who was crowned Miss Teen USA in 2023, also resigned from her post .

“After careful consideration, I have decided to resign as I find that my personal values no longer fully align with the direction of the organization,” Ms. Srivastava, who represented the state of New Jersey at the Miss Teen USA pageant in September, wrote on Instagram.

Her post included a quote from the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche: “There are no beautiful surfaces without a terrible depth.”

“I know all of us who love the program want to rush out and do something,” Laylah Rose, the president and chief executive of the Miss USA Organization, wrote in an email to The Times earlier this week, regarding Ms. Voigt’s and Ms. Srivastava’s resignations. “My goal is to provide truly helpful steps we can take together.”

“Our all-encompassing goal at Miss USA is to celebrate and empower women,” Ms. Rose added, saying she was taking “these allegations seriously.”

Through a representative, both Ms. Srivastava and Ms. Voigt declined to comment, citing a nondisclosure agreement. (A copy of the 2023 Miss USA contract obtained by The New York Times appears to bar signees from disclosing any information about Miss USA while employed by the organization.)

After Ms. Voigt’s announcement, several of her fellow Miss USA 2023 competitors posted a statement on Instagram demanding that the Miss USA Organization release Ms. Voigt from any such agreement.

Juliana Morehouse, who competed at Miss USA representing Maine and lives in South Carolina, said in an interview with The Times that the letter originated in a group chat of 2023 participants who were “shocked and saddened” to hear of Ms. Voigt’s resignation. On a Zoom call, they hashed out the message they wanted to share in support of Ms. Voigt.

(Ms. Morehouse did not provide an exact figure but said the number of women who wrote and shared the letter comprised a majority of the 51 competitors at Miss USA in 2023.)

Claudia Michelle Engelhardt, who stepped down from her role as social media director for Miss USA this month, said she felt the Miss USA participants were unfairly pressured into signing their contracts.

“It was pretty much, ‘You have to sign this or you’re not going to compete,’” Ms. Engelhardt, 24, said. “You just worked your butt off to get here. You won your state. What, are you not going to go because you don’t want to sign a contract? They are basically holding you hostage, for lack of a better term, to sign this contract.”

Ms. Morehouse said she was given “a little over 24 hours” to review the contract.

“I don’t think any of us sought legal representation to review it with us,” she said in an interview with The Times. “We had never heard of such an ironclad NDA being implemented in previous years, because this was the first year of the new leadership.” (Ms. Rose became president of the organization last year.)

She emphasized that while her personal experience with Miss USA was a positive one, she hoped speaking out would ensure that was the case for all participants in the future.

Ms. Lemus, the former Miss Colorado USA, said she saw some irony in how Miss USA appeared to be operating.

“This is an organization that preaches women’s empowerment,” she said.

Madison Malone Kircher is a Times reporter covering internet culture. More about Madison Malone Kircher

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Sample Resignation Letters for Contracts and Clients

letter of resignation assignment

Employee vs. Contractor Resignations

  • What to Include

Resignation Letter Sample to Clients

Letter to withdraw from a contract, independent contractor resignation letter, how to send a resignation email message.

Audtakorn Sutarmjam / EyeEm / Getty Images

Whether you’re employed as a contractor or running your own small construction business, it’s important to observe many of the same rules of etiquette as you would with other employment. For example, when you resign from a job, write a resignation letter to let your client or temporary employer know that you’re leaving.

Resignation letters serve several purposes. They let the other party know where they stand, enabling them to make arrangements to cover the workload, and they maintain the relationship between the contractor and the employer. To maintain a professional reputation, it’s best to be considerate when leaving a job.

There are some differences between the resignation letter that you’d send as a full-time employee and the one you’d send as a freelancer or contractor. Sometimes you may need to inform a client that you are leaving a company and will no longer be working with their account, you may have a contract that you've decided not to renew, or you may need to resign as an independent contractor.

What to Include in Your Resignation Letter

Your resignation letter should include:

  • The date you are resigning
  • Who will be handling the account ( if you are writing to a company's client )
  • What the client should do if they have a question
  • The reason you are moving on ( optional )

If you are employed by a company and working on a project for that business, be sure to have your manager's approval before you send the letter. In this way, both the company and the client are clear as to what will transpire in your absence.

This is an example of a resignation letter for contractors and clients. Download the resignation letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Resignation Letter Sample to Clients (Text Version)

Brady Jones  123 Main Street  Anytown, CA 12345  555-555-5555

December 10, 2021

Marcia Lee  WES Financial  123 Business Rd.  Business City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Lee,

I am writing to inform you of my resignation from WES Financial. This, of course, means I will no longer be working with your account. I will be leaving WES Financial at the end of this month, so my final day will be December 31, 2021.

I want to assure you that your account will not suffer at all, as all of my clients are being transferred to my esteemed colleague Michael Smith. He has worked at WES for over 20 years, and I am extremely confident that you will get along well. He will continue to maintain your portfolio as I have unless you want to diversify more in the future.

If you have any questions concerning my resignation, please do not hesitate to email me until the 31st. After that, Michael will be happy to schedule a meeting for you to get acclimated to the change.

Thank you so much for your understanding in this matter. It has been a pleasure working for you and I wish you all the best in your endeavors. Rest assured that your funds are in good hands.

Brady Jones  (signature hard copy letter)

Brady Jones

When you're ending or not renewing a contract, be sure to include the date the contract will end.

Letter Withdrawing From a Contract Example

Your Name Job Title Company Your Address Your City, State Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email

Organization Address City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

Please consider this letter our formal withdrawal from our contract with Upstate Consultants. This contract expires on July 31, 20XX and we will not be renewing for 20XX.

Our relationship with Upstate has been an incredible experience. You have been a valuable resource for our company and we truly appreciate the work you have done for us as clients. I greatly enjoyed working with such a unique group of people, and I am very thankful for the time we shared.

I will always appreciate all of the work you have done for us at Upstate Consulting. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to tie up any loose ends. I wish you all the best.

Your Signature  (hard copy letter)

Your Typed Name Job Title

When you are resigning as an independent contractor it is not necessary to give a specific amount of notice, however, notice is always appreciated. Do mention your availability for additional work prior to your resignation, if any, in your resignation letter.

The following is an independent contractor resignation letter you can send via mail, as an email attachment, or in an email message. Tailor the letter to fit your personal circumstances.

Your Name Your Address Your City, State Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email

Name Title Organization Address City, State Zip Code

Dear [Client Name],

Thank you for the opportunities for freelance work that you have provided me. I appreciate the projects, however, I am resigning from work as an independent contractor to pursue full-time salaried employment.

I will be available for the next two weeks if you have assignments you would like my assistance with.

Also, if you have any follow-up questions on the projects I have completed, don't hesitate to contact me at 555-122-1234 or

Your Signature (hard copy letter)

If you’re emailing your letter, the content of your message will be the same, but the format will be slightly different. When emailing a resignation letter:

  • Omit the paragraphs containing the client’s address and your own. Add your contact information to your signature at the bottom of the message.
  • Choose a clear, easy-to-understand subject line , e.g., “Jane Smith - Resignation.”
  • Keep your message concise. Readers have shorter attention spans for processing online content. Three paragraphs should suffice.
  • Be professional. Proofread your message, and avoid emoticons or crazy fonts.
  • Be polite. Include a salutation and a closing, details about your replacement or the transition, and thank the client for the opportunity. 

letter of resignation assignment

Miss USA’s resignation letter accuses the organization of ‘building a culture of fear and control’

D ays after announcing she is stepping away from the Miss USA 2023 crown, Noelia Voigt's official resignation letter has surfaced. In it, she accuses the organization of creating a toxic and unbearable work culture.

In the letter, obtained by NBC News on May 9, Voigt accused the pageant’s CEO of failing to take an incident of sexual harassment seriously and creating a toxic work environment.

“There is a toxic work environment within the Miss USA organization that, at best, is poor management and, at worst, is bullying and harassment,” Voigt, 24, wrote in the letter. “This started soon after winning the title of Miss USA 2023.”

Voigt announced on May 6 in an Instagram post that she is resigning from the coveted title to focus on her mental health.

Voigt shared a lengthy message on social media with the caption, in part, "I realize this may come as a large shock to many. Never compromise your physical and mental well-being."

In the text photo of her post, Voigt shared, "In life, I strongly value the importance of making decisions that feel best for you and your mental health. As individuals, we grow through experiencing different things in life that lead us to learning more about ourselves. My journey as Miss USA has been incredibly meaningful, representing Utah with pride, and later the USA at Miss Universe. Sadly, I have made the very tough decision to resign from the title of Miss USA 2023.

She went on to thank her fans, friends, coaches, former directors and then-Miss Teen USA 2023 UmaSofia Srivastava. Srivastava would follow in Voigt's footsteps and announce her own resignation on May 8 in a similar Instagram post .

"Lifelong friendships and connections that I had the opportunity to make along the way while attending different events, and competing at state pageants, Miss USA, and Miss Universe are invaluable things I will be forever grateful for," Voigt continued in her post.

Voigt wrote that her favorite part of her experience as Miss USA has been working with Smile Train and being an advocate for causes like anti-bullying, dating violence prevention and immigration rights. She also touched on her impact as the first Venezuelan-American woman to win the title.

"Never could I have imagined the journey that my childhood dream would take me on," she continued in the text photo. "Constant and consistent hard work and dedication all lead me to where I am today, and I hope that over the last seven years of competing in pageantry and sharing my journey with you all is something that inspires you to never give up on your dreams, whatever they may be.

"Eternal gratitude fills my heart when I think about the platform I was given to make a difference, the feeling of achieving a lifelong dream, and connecting with people all over the world, just as I said I would do on the Miss USA stage," Voigt added. "Deep down I know that this is just the beginning of a new chapter for me, and my hope is that I continue to inspire others to remain steadfast, prioritize your mental health, advocate for yourself and others by using your voice and never be afraid of what the future holds, even if it feels uncertain."

In the letter obtained by NBC News, Voigt stated that Miss USA CEO and President Laylah Rose often failed to communicate with her and when she did, was “often cold and unnecessarily aggressive.”

In addition to her allegations about Rose, Voigt also outlined an alleged incident of sexual harassment she'd experienced at a Christmas event in Florida while on the job. The former Miss USA said when she told Rose about the incident, the CEO was dismissive.

“We cannot prevent people saying things to you at public appearances, it is, unfortunately, part of the role you’re in as a public figure,” Rose allegedly told Voigt, the letter says.

Representatives for the Miss USA organization did not immediately respond to request for comment from NBC News on Thursday evening.

However, in a statement to NBC News on Wednesday, May 8 — before the letter was made public — Rose told NBC News that “the well-being of all individuals associated with Miss USA is my top priority.”

“All along, my personal goal as the head of this organization has been to inspire women to always create new dreams, have the courage to explore it all, and continue to preserve integrity along the way. I hold myself to these same high standards and I take these allegations seriously,” Rose said.

Voigt was crowned Miss USA in September 2023, making history as the first  Venezuelan-American woman to hold the title .

Prior to holding the accolade, Voigt attended the University of Alabama and the National Design Academy UK, where she studied interior design. She is also a licensed esthetician and has authored a children’s book titled “Maddie the Brave.”

Before claiming her Miss USA title,  she was crowned Miss Alabama Collegiate in 2020. Following that title, she won first runner-up at Miss Alabama USA for two consecutive years, in 2022 and 2023.

In November 2023, she represented the United States at the Miss Universe 2023 pageant in El Salvador.

This article was originally published on

Noelia Voigt (Chelsea Lauren / Shutterstock for Miss USA)

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Max Tani

New York Times staff complain of ‘unwillingness to tolerate dissent’

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New York Times reporters are circulating a draft of a letter to Joe Kahn, criticizing the paper’s top editor over comments they said were dismissive of young reporters.

In a series of recent interviews with outlets including Semafor and The Wall Street Journal, Kahn weighed in on President Joe Biden’s criticism of the Times’ reporting on his administration and campaign.

But the executive editor also raised what he saw as some of the challenges of hiring younger journalists, who he said are not “fully prepared for what we are asking our people to do, which is to commit themselves to the idea of independent journalism.”

“Young adults who are coming up through the education system are less accustomed to this sort of open debate, this sort of robust exchange of views around issues they feel strongly about may have been the case in the past,” Kahn told the Journal.

Expanding on the comments, he told Semafor that the newsroom was “not a safe space.”

In a draft note shared with Semafor, staff said Kahn’s comments were “broad generalizations that reflect a poor understanding of the people who make up your newsroom.” Further, staff said that they felt that there were actually fewer opportunities for an exchange of ideas, and argued that a diverse pool of perspectives was “needed to protect not just the independence but also the empathy of our journalism.”

“Instead of engaging in robust exchange, we are increasingly discouraged from speaking up at all,” staff wrote. “We are told that it is only appropriate to express concerns or even earnest questions in one-on-one conversations with people who outrank us.”

The letter continued: “Far from open mindedness, this policy communicates the opposite: an unwillingness to tolerate dissent. Your staff is not full of activists trying to impose their views on the report. Rather than tribalism or ideology, those who voice concerns do so in the interest of accuracy and fairness — to make The New York Times into the best version of itself.”

Kahn’s comments, and the reaction to them, are a snapshot of the ideological tug of war inside America’s most important newspaper.

During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in 2020, the Times was beset by internal turmoil that seemed to push management into conceding to views from some staff that were more aligned with liberals and the Left. After I broke the news that then-Times science reporter Donald McNeil was the subject of parental complaints over arguments with high school kids about race and offensive language, a staff outcry led management to seek his resignation. Complaints from Times journalists also prompted the resignation of opinion editor James Bennet after he published an op-ed by Sen. Tom Cotton that the paper said was not up to its editorial standards.

The Times’ management is now sending a message that it is less likely to bow to employee pressure, particularly from the Left. After The Intercept reported on a heated internal debate over an episode of the paper’s podcast, The Daily, that focused on the war in Gaza, instead of tiptoeing carefully around the topic, the Times launched a leak hunt to find the reporters who gave information to the progressive news site.

Kahn told Semafor in his interview that he wants to correct what he saw as the excess of journalism during the first Trump administration, in which he said that the press leaned into its image as the crucial check on the president and his values.

“I think it went too far. It was overly simplistic,” he said. “And I think the big push that you’re seeing us make and reestablish our norms and emphasize independent journalism and build a more resilient culture comes out of some of the excesses of that period.”

He continued: “We’re looking more closely and asking more questions and doing more interviews… We’ve actually asked people, “What happens if you got an assignment to go and report on some people that have said some nasty things and that you don’t like, what would you do?” And some people say, “I’d reject the assignment.” Okay, well, then you should work somewhere else.”

  • Some liberal pundits and pro-Biden commentators were incensed by Kahn’s comments about the paper’s coverage of the president. In The New Republic, Greg Sargent wrote that Kahn’s view of the Times’ coverage was “stunning in its simplistic rendering of the dilemma raised by Trump’s hostility to democracy and its resolute lack of awareness of what many liberal critics have actually argued about the Times, the media, and the democracy question.”
  • Democratic communications strategist and podcast host Dan Pfeiffer said he doesn’t think “raging at the media is always a constructive use” of Democrats’ time. “Working the refs can be effective. Every once in a while, they will change a story or a headline. They might cover a topic that we think isn’t getting enough coverage. I just think we can never win the war because they have no interest in being who we want them to be,” he wrote in response to Kahn’s interview.


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    Begin your resignation letter by stating your name, your job title, and all other relevant information. This might seem redundant, especially if you're working in a small company, but since the letter will become part of your employee file it's still important. Include information such as: Your name. Current job title.

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    Related: How to Write an Official Letter (With Template and Example) 2. Start with an address line. Address the recipient by name. You can use introductions like "Dear," "Hello," or simply "Mr./Ms. [supervisor's last name].". Related: 3. Include a statement of resignation.

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    Improve readability with spacing. Insert spaces between your header, body and conclusion of your resignation letter. If your letter is long, put a space between each paragraph to make it easier to read and clearly show when you're moving on to a new topic. Use standard margins and a classic, simple font.

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    Some people believed Ms. Voigt's Instagram post announcing her resignation contained a secret message. The first letter of each of the first 11 sentences of the statement spell the phrase "I ...

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    Miss Teen USA resigned Wednesday, sending further shock waves through the pageant community just days after Miss USA said she would relinquish her crown. In an Instagram post Wednesday, Miss Teen ...

  29. Miss USA's resignation letter accuses the organization of ...

    In the letter, obtained by NBC News on May 9, Voigt accused the pageant's CEO of failing to take an incident of sexual harassment seriously and creating a toxic work environment. "There is a ...

  30. New York Times staff complain of 'unwillingness to tolerate dissent'

    The Scoop. New York Times reporters are circulating a draft of an open letter to Joe Kahn, criticizing the paper's top editor over comments they said were dismissive of young reporters. In a series of recent interviews with outlets including Semafor and The Wall Street Journal, Kahn weighed in on President Joe Biden's criticism of the Times ...