+20 Technology Topics For Presentation | Best Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners in 2024

Jane Ng • 07 April, 2024 • 10 min read

Are you struggling to prepare your technology topic for presentation ? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we provide you with a step-by-step definition guide to craft a well-rounded and informative presentation. Whether you’re exploring Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, or Cybersecurity, this post will equip you with 20 technology topics for presentation to captivate your audience and showcase your expertise.

  • Easy topics for presentation
  • Marketing presentation

Let’s get started with top technology presentation topics!

Table of Contents

#1 – who is your target audience.

  • #2 – What Is Your Technology Topic?

#3 – Why Do You Choose This Topic For Presentation?

#4 – when & where will you make your presentation, #5 – how to make your presentation effective , 20 technology topics for presentation , key takeaways.

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Identifying your presentation’s target audience is the first step in choosing a technology topic that will resonate with them and meet their needs.

You can define your audience by the following aspects:


Consider the demographics of your audience, such as age, gender, education, and professional background. Different demographics may have different levels of familiarity and interest in technology. 

  • For example, an audience of tech-savvy professionals may require an advanced or specialized topic, while a general audience with diverse backgrounds may benefit from a broader subject matter. 

Take into account your audience’s interests and areas of focus. 

  • Are they primarily interested in the business applications of the technology?
  • Are they more concerned with the social or ethical implications? 

Understanding their interests will help you tailor your topic to capture their attention and engage them throughout your presentation.

latest technology presentation

Technical knowledge 

Evaluate the level of technical knowledge your audience possesses by answering these questions:

  • Are they beginners with a limited understanding of the technology, or are they experts in the field? 

Then you can adjust the complexity and depth of your subject accordingly. Make sure that the presentation strikes the right balance between being easy to understand to people with limited technical backgrounds while providing value for those with more advanced knowledge.

Specific needs

Consider the specific needs and challenges of your audience. 

  • Can the problems they are facing be solved by technology? 
  • Can you offer solutions, strategies, or real-world examples that work for their situation? 

Tailoring your theme to meet their needs will improve the relevance and applicability of your presentation.

By carefully considering your audience’s demographics, interests, and technical savvy, you can choose a technology topic that aligns with their interests and captures their curiosity. 

#2 – What Is Your Tech Presentation Ideas?

Defining technology topics for presentation involves clarifying its scope, purpose, and key aspects. You can effectively define your tech topics for presentation in the following steps:

  • Start by conducting preliminary research on broad technology topics that interest you. 
  • Explore technology trends and industry news to identify potential topics that align with your presentation goals. 
  • Once you have a broad idea, narrow the focus of your topic to specific sub-topics, applications, or challenges in the technology sector that you find interesting or relevant. 
  • Consider the resources available, such as research materials, case studies, or expert interviews. 
  • Consider the time constraints of your presentation and determine the appropriate scope and depth for your topic. Ensure that the content can be adequately covered within the allocated time.

By following these steps, you can effectively define a technology theme for your presentation. 

latest technology presentation

Understanding why you chose particular technology-related topics is essential as it helps define the purpose and goals of your presentation. Here are some common:

Educational purpose

If your objective is to educate your audience, explain why you chose this topic. 

  • Is it because the technology is new, and you want to provide an overview? 
  • Are you aiming to share technology-related insights, knowledge, or best practices? 

Communicate the educational value your chosen topic brings to your audience.

Purpose of persuasion

If your goal is to convince your audience, explain why you believe the topic is important and deserves their attention. 

  • Highlight the potential impact or benefit that technology can have.
  • Present compelling evidence, case studies, or examples that support your argument. 

Emphasize why your audience should be interested in this topic and how it can positively affect their lives, work, or industry.

Inspirational purpose

If you aim to inspire your audience, explain what makes this tech theme so inspiring or innovative. 

  • Share stories of successful implementations or groundbreaking progress. 
  • Discuss the transformative power of technology and how it has the potential to change lives, industries, or society as a whole. 

Inspire your audience by showcasing the possibilities and encouraging them to embrace the potential of technology.

Awareness purpose

If your goal is to create awareness, explain why this topic deserves attention and recognition. 

  • Discuss any social, environmental, or ethical impacts associated with the technology. 
  • Highlight challenges or risks that need to be addressed. 

Raise awareness of the importance of understanding and interacting with the subject for the betterment of individuals, organizations, or the world at large.

When you clearly define the purpose and objectives of your presentation, you provide a guiding framework for structuring your content, selecting supporting examples or data, and tailoring your delivery to achieve the desired impact on your audience.

latest technology presentation

By considering the “When” and “Where” aspects of your presentation, you can effectively plan and prepare for the logistics and environment for your presentation. This ensures that you are equipped with the necessary resources to deliver a successful and engaging presentation experience.

Here are some pointers you need to check about time and location when preparing a presentation: 

  • Timing: Determine the date and time of your presentation. Take into account any deadlines, event schedules, or specific timeframes that may impact the availability or attention of your target audience. 
  • Location: Identify the venue or platform where you deliver your presentation. Will it be an in-person event at a physical location or an online presentation through a video conferencing platform or webinar? 
  • Setting and Environment: If it is an in-person presentation, evaluate the seating arrangement, stage setup, audio-visual equipment, etc. If it is an online presentation, ensure that you have a quiet and well-lit space with a stable internet connection.
  • Technical Considerations: Pay attention to any technical considerations associated with your presentation. Make sure you have access to the necessary technology, equipment, and technical support. 

Choosing technology topics for presentation effectively requires the right approach, and AhaSlides can be a valuable tool to enhance the process. By following these steps, you can effectively select technology topics for your presentation: 

  • Understand your audience: Take into account the interests, needs, and background of your audience. Analyze their level of technical knowledge to identify topics that will resonate with them. Utilize AhaSlides’ live polls to gather audience feedback and tailor your topic accordingly.
  • Research current trends and emerging technologies: Stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends and advancements. Interactive quizzes and trivia sessions can be used to engage your audience and share knowledge about these trends.
  • Evaluate impact and relevance: Consider practical applications, benefits, and challenges associated with each topic. You can use spinner wheel , word cloud , idea board and Q&A to gather audience opinions and perspectives on different technology topics.
  • Balance complexity and simplicity: Choose technology topics that balance between being informative and understandable for your audience. AhaSlides allows you to create visually appealing slides and rating scale , prdinal scale to simplify complex concepts and enhance audience comprehension.

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Here are some popular and interesting IT presentation topics for a presentation that you can consider:

  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Applications, benefits, and Challenges.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Homes: Enhancing convenience and efficiency.
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting digital assets and safeguarding personal information.
  • Blockchain Technology: Revolutionizing industries
  • Augmented Reality (AR) in Education: Transforming learning experiences.
  • The Impact of 5G Technology: Faster Connections and new possibilities.
  • Cloud Computing: Advantages, deployment models, and use cases.
  • Biometric Authentication: Ensuring secure and convenient access control.
  • Robotics and Automation in Manufacturing: Improving productivity and efficiency.
  • Sustainable Energy Technologies: Advancements in renewable energy sources.
  • Data Science and Predictive Analytics: Extracting insights for informed decision-making.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) in Training and Simulation: Enhancing Learning and skills development.
  • The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT): Innovations in healthcare technology.
  • Quantum Computing: Unlocking new levels of computational power.
  • E-commerce and Digital Payments: Trends, challenges, and prospects.
  • Autonomous Vehicles: Advancements and implications for transportation.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Applications in chatbots and voice assistants.
  • 3D Printing: Revolutionizing manufacturing and prototyping processes.
  • Big Data and Business Intelligence: Leveraging data for strategic decision-making.
  • Edge Computing: Powering real-time applications and reducing latency.

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By following the step-by-step guide we’ve provided for choosing technology topics for presentation, you’re on your way to delivering a successful presentation that resonates with your audience. 

And don’t forget to utilize AhaSlides’ templates and interactive features to make your presentations captivating, intuitive, and engaging for your audience. 

Jane Ng

A writer who wants to create practical and valuable content for the audience

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Top 6 Trending Technical Topics for Presentation (2023)

Avatar of Dominik Sumer

Dominik Sumer

Oct 23, 2023 · 7 min read

Do you need help selecting the perfect technical topic for your next presentation?

Don't worry. We've got you covered!

Three key elements you should know:

  • Identify the purpose of your presentation
  • Understand your target audience
  • Select the topic that aligns with your expertise

Crafting an effective technical presentation can help you engage the audience correctly.

Before giving your next talk, let's dive in and discuss the trending topics you should consider.

6 Technical Topics for Your Next Presentation

Smartly select a topic with this guide on AI advancements and developments.

Here is a comprehensive list of the trending technical topics to impress your audience.

AI for Developers

AI for Developers

AI technologies have revolutionized the way developers approach software development.

Developers can now create intelligent applications using machine learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and computer vision to learn and adapt to user behavior.

Some popular AI technologies for developers include:

  • Generative AI
  • Open AI Models or ChatGPT
  • TensorFlow, OpenCV & PyTorch

Developers can use these tools to create intelligent applications that process large amounts of data, recognize patterns, and make predictions.

You can use this topic idea to explain complex code snippets by using Snappify.

Snappify can help you with technical code presentations smoothly:

  • With the support of AI, you can generate what code does
  • Proper animations from slide to slide can help engage the audience
  • Pretty code pieces explain the complexity clearly.
  • The export capability lets you move your slides into images, videos, gifs, or PDFs.

Code Snippet Example:

Slides Example:

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality ( VR ) and Augmented Reality ( AR ) are rapidly advancing technologies transforming how we interact with digital content.

VR allows users to engage in a new computer-generated environment, while AR overlays digital elements in the real world. In Simple words, virtual reality is interactive, while augmented reality is merely observational.

These technologies have numerous applications across various industries, including development, gaming, education, healthcare, e-commerce, and marketing.

By creating a more engaging and interactive user experience, VR and AR can help businesses stand out from their competitors and reach new audiences.

As these technologies continue to evolve, it will be exciting to see how they shape the future of our digital experiences.

Examples of AR and VR:

  • Motion Gaming chairs in Malls that use VR headsets
  • Mobile apps like AR Emoji Stickers, AR Emoji Studio, etc
  • Snapchat has a dedicated AR Bar.

Create your next presentation

snappify will help you to create stunning presentations and videos.

This video was created using snappify 🤩

Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Home Technology

Internet of Things (loT)

IoT refers to the interconnectivity of physical devices that can exchange data.

This technological progress has revolutionized how we interact with our devices and the world.

IoT has created more intelligent and efficient systems in various fields like healthcare, agriculture, transportation, home systems, etc.

With IoT, devices can communicate with each other, gather data, and make decisions with little or no human intervention, leading to increased productivity, reduced costs, and improved safety.

IoT devices examples:

  • Home Security
  • Weight Management (Like RealMe Weight Scale)
  • Smart Locks, Camera, Ovens and more

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

Cybersecurity and data privacy are two crucial aspects of technology that organizations and individuals must prioritize.

Cybersecurity protects computer systems, networks, and sensitive information from unauthorized access or attacks by hackers, malware, or other cyber threats.

Data privacy protects personal information from being collected, shared, or used without consent.

With the surge of technology in our daily lives, it is essential to safeguard our online presence.

You can talk about:

  • Role of AI in Cybersecurity
  • Challenges and solutions for securing the Internet of Things
  • Importance of updating software
  • Malware (viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware), Phishing, Man-in-the-middle attacks, DDoS attacks, etc.
  • Tools and Resources that can protect the online world

Robotics and Automation

Robotics and Automation

Robotics and automation are fields that focus on the development of robots and automation systems.

Robotics aims to design, build, and program robots to perform tasks that are too dangerous, time-consuming, or complex for humans.

Automation, on the other hand, involves using machines to automate repetitive tasks. It can include software management, data scraping, automated code review , etc.

Robotics and automation are rapidly growing with an interest in cobots, robots that learn from their environment, and AI integration for better decision-making.

  • Chatbots like (ChatGPT AI-Powered robotic technology)
  • Automation tools like (Zapier, Pabbly Connect, and more)

Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency

Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency

Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency are two different but related technologies.

Blockchain is a technology that enables secure and transparent record-keeping of various data types, including financial transactions, medical records, and intellectual property.

Cryptocurrency is a form of digital money secured by cryptography and used to pay for goods and services.

  • Money Transfer (Blockchain facilitates efficient money transfer by reducing third-party fees and bureaucratic hurdles)
  • NFTs(Non-Fungible Tokens)
  • Logistics (Blockchain can improve transparency and efficiency in supply chains)

Recommended tools for Technical Presentations:

Well, there are many options available to create presentations.

Here are some of the best tools:

  • Snappify (Beautifully present code snippets with animations)
  • Canva (Lots of graphic elements, icons, illustrations, and more)
  • Keynote (Specific for Mac users but very powerful)
  • Video Scribe, Create Studio, and PowToon (Explain complexity in a more fun and animated way)


Choosing the right technical topic for your presentation is crucial in capturing your audience's interest and delivering a compelling presentation.

You can also use these topic ideas for other platforms like YouTube, TED Talks, B2D Marketing , social media campaigns, and more.

Each presentation topic offers unique insights into the advancements and innovations shaping our future.

When presenting complex topics, making your content engaging, understandable, and interactive is important. Utilize graphics, animations, and interactive elements to improve audience awareness.

How can I come up with a good topic for my presentation?

When developing a presentation topic, consider your audience's interests, brainstorm ideas, research current trends, and choose based on your expertise or passion.

What are some tips to make my presentation engaging?

Use visuals, storytelling, and Q&A sessions to engage your audience during presentations. Provide relevant takeaways or actionable tips.

How should I structure my presentation?

Organizing your presentation into clear sections with headings and subheadings is recommended to guide your audience through a logical flow.

How can I make my speech impactful?

Start strong, make eye contact, use body language, vary tone, and show passion to make an impactful speech.

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Latest Technical Paper Presentation Topics

  • by Ravi Bandakkanavar
  • April 14, 2024

This post contains a wide variety of technical papers chosen from various Engineering streams. The latest Technical Paper Presentation Topics include trending topics from emerging Technology like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, 5G Technology, Cybersecurity, and Cloud Computing. It also includes topics from different Engineering streams like Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics Communications and Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Automobile Engineering. 

  • Blockchain Technology
  • Chat GPT and its capabilities
  • How 5G Technology can Revolutionize the Industry?
  • 5G Wireless Technology
  • Impact of the Internet on Our Daily Life
  • The technology  behind Face Unlocking in Smartphones
  • 3D Printing Technology
  • Anti-HIV using nanorobots
  • Humanoid Robots
  • Virtual Reality: working and examples
  • Metaverse and how Apps are developed in Metaverse
  • Smart Eye Technology
  • Augmented Reality
  • Automatic Video Surveillance Systems
  • Automatic number plate recognition
  • Cloud Computing vs. Distributed Computing
  • Importance of Cloud Computing to Solve Analytical Workloads
  • Attendance Monitoring Intelligent Classroom
  • Automatic Mobile Recharger Station
  • Automatic sound-based user grouping for real-time online forums
  • Bio-computers/Biomolecular Computers
  • What is Big Data?
  • Biomedical instrumentation and signal analysis

Latest Technical Paper Presentation Topics

  • Artificial intelligence and the impact of AI on our lives
  • Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat or a Benefit?
  • Top 10 Ways Artificial Intelligence Future will Change the World
  • Artificial Intelligence: Technology that Hosts Race between Enterprises
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Industry
  • How AI Technology Can Help You Optimize Your Marketing
  • Narrow AI vs General AI: Understanding The Key Differences
  • Future Of Industrial Robotics With AI
  • Causes of CyberCrime and Preventive Measures
  • What is Phishing? How to tackle Phishing Attacks?
  • What is the Dark Web? How to Protect yourself from the Dark Web?
  • Cyberbullying: The emerging crime of 21 st Century
  • Anatomy and working of search engines
  • Bionic Eye – a possible path toward the Artificial retina
  • Bluetooth-based Smart Sensor Networks
  • Broadband access via satellite
  • Brain-computer interface
  • Blue eyes technology
  • Brain-controlled car for the disabled using artificial intelligence
  • Brain Port device
  • Brain Finger Print Technology
  • BrainGate Technology
  • Digital jewelry
  • Development of an Intelligent Fire Sprinkler System
  • Capturing packets in secured networks
  • Digital Speech Effects Synthesizer
  • Aqua communication using a modem
  • Serverless Edge Computing
  • Intrusion detection system
  • How to prepare for a Ransomware attack?
  • What is the Dark Web? How to Protect Your Kids from the Dark Web?
Artificial Intelligence Topics for Presentation
  • Carbon nanotubes
  • Cloud computing
  • Mobile Ad hoc Networks  (MANETs)
  • Narrow AI vs General AI
  • Security aspects in mobile ad hoc networks  (MANETs)
  • Mobile Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols and applications
  • Graphical Password Authentication
  • GSM-based Advanced Wireless Earthquake Alarm System for early warning
  • Computerized Paper Evaluation using Neural Network
  • Deploying a wireless sensor network on an active volcano
  • Data Mining and Predictive Analytics
  • Understanding Data Science and Data-Driven Businesses
  • Dynamic Car Parking Negotiation and Guidance Using an Agent-based platform
  • Real-Time Street Light Control Systems
  • Data Security in Local Networks using Distributed Firewalls
  • Design of a wireless sensor board for measuring air pollution
  • Design of diamond-based Photonics devices
  • Design of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
  • What is LiDAR Technology?
  • Tizen Operating System – One OS for everything
  • Authentication using Biometric Technology
  • Speech Recognition
  • The working of Self-Driving Vehicles
  • Speech Processing
  • Digit recognition using a neural network
  • Digital Audio Effects Control by Accelerometry
  • Digital Camera Calibration and Inversion for Stereo iCinema
  • Dynamic resource allocation in Grid Computing
  • Dynamic Virtual Private Network
  • Earth Simulator – Fastest Supercomputer
  • Electromagnetic Applications for Mobile and Satellite Communications
  • Electronic nose & its application
  • Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC)
  • Cryptocurrency Wallet – is it the Future of Blockchain Technology
  • Reactive Power Consumption in Transmission Line
  • SPINS – Security Protocol For Sensor Network
  • Smart Bandage Technology
  • Embedded web server for remote access
  • Encrypted Text chat Using Bluetooth
  • Electronic toll collection
  • Electronic waste (e-waste)
  • Apache Hadoop Introduction
  • Embedded web server for industrial automation
  • Eyegaze system
  • Fuel saver system
  • Guarding distribution automation system against cyber attacks
  • Face detection technology
  • Falls detection using accelerometry and barometric pressure
  • Fast Convergence algorithms for Active Noise Controlling Vehicles
  • Fault-tolerant Routing in Mobile ad-hoc network
  • Ferroelectric RAM
  • Fingerprint recognition system by neural networks
Technical Paper Topics on CyberSecurity
  • Flexible CRT Displays
  • Fluorescent Multilayer Disc (FMD)
  • Fluorescent Multilayer Optical Data Storage
  • Forecasting Wind Power
  • Fractal image compression
  • Fractal robots
  • Geometric Invariants in Biological Molecules
  • Global positioning response system
  • Broadband over power line
  • Card-based security system
  • Face Recognition Technology
  • GSM Digital Security Systems for Printer
  • Groupware Technology
  • Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
  • GSM Security And Encryption
  • Hardware implementation of background image modeling
  • HAVI: Home Audio Video Interoperability
  • Hawk Eye – A technology in sports
  • High Altitude Aeronautical Platforms
  • High-Performance Clusters
  • High-Performance DSP Architectures
  • High-speed circuits for optical interconnect
  • High-speed LANs or the Internet
  • Holographic Data Storage
  • Holographic Memory
  • Holographic Versatile Disc
  • Holt-Winters technique for Financial Forecasting
  • HomeRF and Bluetooth: A wireless data communications revolution
  • How does the Internet work?
  • Hyper Transport Technology
  • How does a search engine work ?
  • How does google search engine work ?
  • Human-computer interaction & its future
  • Design of a color Sensing System for Textile Industries
  • GSM-based Path Planning for Blind Persons Using Ultrasonic
  • Imbricate cryptography
  • Implementation of hamming code
  • Implementation of QUEUE
  • Image transmission over WiMAX Systems
  • Implantable on-chip Power Supplies
  • Integrating Wind Power into the Electricity grid
  • Integration of wind and solar energy in smart mini-grid
  • Intelligent navigation system
  • Intelligent Patient Monitoring System
  • Intelligent RAM: IRAM
  • Intelligent Software Agents
  • Interactive Voice Response System
  • Internet architecture and routing
  • Internet Protocol duplicate address detection and adaptation
  • Investigation of the real-time implementation of learning controllers
  • IP spoofing
  • IP redirector features
  • iSCSI: The future of Network Storage
  • ISO Loop magnetic couplers
  • Jamming and anti-Jamming Techniques
  • Light-emitting polymers
  • Load balancing and Fault-tolerant servers
  • Light Interception Image Analysis
  • Lightning Protection Using LFAM
  • Liquid Crystal on Silicon Display (LCOS)
  • Location estimation and trajectory prediction for PCS networks
  • Low-Power Microelectronics for Biomedical Implants
  • Low-Power Oscillator for Implants
  • Magnetic Random Access Memory
  • Managing Data In Multimedia Conferencing
  • Microchip production using extreme UV lithography
  • Modeling of wind turbine system for an Interior Permanent magnet generator
  • Moletronics – an invisible technology
  • Power generation through Thermoelectric generators
  • Multi-Protocol Label Switching
  • Multiuser Scheduling for MIMO broadcasting
  • Multisensor Fusion and Integration
  • Parasitic computing
  • Password paradigms
  • Polymer memory – a new way of using plastic as secondary storage
  • Programmable logic devices (PLD)
  • Non-Volatile Static RAM
  • Optical coherence tomography
  • Open source technology
  • Ovonic unified memory
  • Personal satellite assistant systems
  • PH control technique using fuzzy logic
  • Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
  • Power Efficiency and Security in Smart Homes
  • Proactive Anomaly Detection
  • Prototype System Design for Telemedicine
  • QoS in Cellular Networks Based on MPT
  • Quad-Core Processors
  • Real-Time Operating Systems on Embedded ICs
  • Real-Time Speech Translation
  • Real-Time Systems with Linux/RTAI
  • Reliable and Fault-Tolerant Routing on Mobile Ad Hoc Network
  • Robotic Surgery
  • Vehicle monitoring and security system
  • Space-time adaptive processing
  • Radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology
  • Rapid prototyping
Paper Presentation Topics for Computer Science Engineering
  • Secured web portal for online shopping
  • Securing underwater wireless communication networks
  • Security analysis of the micropayment system
  • Security requirements in wireless sensor networks
  • Semantic web
  • Sensitive skin
  • Snake robot the future of agile motion
  • Software-Defined Radio (SDR)
  • Importance of Software-Defined Wide-Area Networks
  • SPWM(sinusoidal pulse width modulation) technique for multilevel inverter
  • Switchgrass
  • Solar Powered Speakers
  • Security on Wireless LAN Adaptive cruise control
  • Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
  • Shallow water Acoustic Networks
  • Significance of real-time transport Protocol in VOIP
  • Simulating Quantum Cryptography
  • Single photon emission computed tomography
  • Smart cameras for traffic surveillance
  • Smart Fabrics
  • Space Mouse
  • Space Robotics
  • Speech Enhancement for Cochlear Implants
  • Speed Detection of moving vehicles using speed cameras
  • Swarm intelligence & traffic safety
  • Synthetic Aperture Radar System
  • Systems Control for Tactical Missile Guidance
  • The Architecture of a Moletronics Computer
  • The Evolution of Digital Marketing
  • Thermal infrared imaging technology
  • Thought Translation Device (TTD)
  • Three-dimensional password for more secure authentication
  • Ultrasonic motor
  • Wearable biosensors
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213 thoughts on “Latest Technical Paper Presentation Topics”

Hello sir! Hope you are doing well. I have a technical paper presentation this semester, so I would like some suggestions in the domain of HCI, AI- ML, and Data science. Thank you sir.

Hello sir! , Can you help me on what kind of application that are very useful in the present?

Are you looking for mobile applications or web applications? Automating the manual processes will add more value.

work automation (can be delivery, operations, movement, robotics, AI/ML etc) Traffic control systems Communication/Data transfer VR/AR

Hi sir! Can you help me what can feature can i add in Log In System for Covid 19 . Thankyousmuch sir❤️

If you are looking for a Covid application for the information purpose, it may include the following things: 1. Covid statistics (country/state/city/daily/weekly/monthly wise) 2. Individuals health history 3. Vaccination status 4. Hospitals and health centers information

You can add many more things like health hygiene shops, tourism etc.

need some technical topic related to ECE

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These are the top 10 emerging technologies of 2021

These emerging tech are poised to impact the world in the next three to five years.

These emerging tech are poised to impact the world in the next three to five years. Image:  World Economic Forum

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Bernard meyerson.

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Stay up to date:, emerging technologies.

  • The 10 th anniversary edition of the World Economic Forum’s Top 10 Emerging Technologies Report lists new technologies poised to impact the world in the next three to five years.
  • Experts convened by the World Economic Forum and Scientific American highlight technological advances that could revolutionize agriculture, health and space.
  • Self-fertilizing crops, on-demand drug manufacturing, breath-sensing diagnostics and 3D-printed houses are among the technologies on the list.

At COP26, countries committed to new, ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions this decade. Delivering on these promises will rely on the development and scale up of green technologies.

Two such technologies – the production of “green” ammonia and engineered crops that make their own fertilizer – both aiming to make agriculture more sustainable, made it onto this year’s list of emerging tech.

Top 10 Emerging Technologies

From breath sensors that can diagnose disease to wireless charging of low-powered devices, this year’s list of top emerging technologies is packed with inspiring advances related to the environment, health, infrastructure and connectivity. Experts whittled down scores of nominations to a select group of new developments with the potential to disrupt the status quo and spur real progress.

Have you read?

Emerging technologies: 10 years of top tech trends and how they've changed the world.

Here are 2021’s top 10 emerging technologies:

Decarbonization Rises

A century since scientists proposed that excess carbon dioxide in earth’s atmosphere would cause it to retain heat and cause planetary warming, a global effort is underway to drive decarbonization in all aspects of daily life. Governments and industries have made seminal commitments to reduce carbon emissions.

Meeting those commitments will, over the next three to five years, demand unprecedented innovation and scaling to industrial levels of nascent technologies such as: mass energy storage, low/no carbon chemical sources, revitalized rail transport, carbon sequestration, low carbon agriculture, zero emission vehicles and power sources, as well as agreed-upon compliance monitoring on a global scale.

Crops that make their own fertilizer

Today the world uses more than 110 million tons of nitrogen fertilizer to enhance crop production annually. What if crops could capture nitrogen on their own, "fixing" it to themselves in the form of ammonia as legumes such as soy and beans do? Being one of the top emerging technologies, researchers now aim to coax other crops such as corn and other cereals to also self-fertilize.

In one approach, researchers are working to emulate the symbiotic molecular communication between legumes and bacteria to create root nodules—legumes’ natural fertilizer factories. In another, soil bacteria that normally colonize cereal roots (but don’t normally create nodules) are taught to produce nitrogenase, a key component that converts atmospheric nitrogen to plant-compatible ammonia.

Diagnosing diseases with a puff of breath

Soon, testing for disease could be as simple for patients as exhaling. New breath sensors can diagnose diseases by sampling the concentrations of the more than 800 compounds contained in human breath. For instance, elevated amounts of acetone in human breath indicate diabetes mellitus. The sensors look for changes in electrical resistance as breath compounds flow over a metal-oxide semiconductor. Algorithms then analyze the sensor data.

While this emerging technology needs refinements before it can become widespread, in a March 2020 study in Wuhan, China, sensors achieved a remarkable 95 percent accuracy in COVID-19 detection and 100% sensitivity in differentiating patients.

Testing for disease by breathing.

Making pharmaceuticals on demand

Medicines today are generally made in large batches, in a multi-step process with different parts dispersed in locations around the world. It can take months to complete the process, involving hundreds of tons of material, which creates some challenges in consistency and reliable supply. Advances in microfluidics and on-demand drug manufacturing now enable a small but increasing number of common pharmaceuticals to be made as needed.

Also called continuous-flow manufacture, the process moves ingredients via tubes into small reaction chambers. The drugs can be made in portable machines in remote locations or field hospitals, with doses tailored to individual patients, a remaining challenge is reducing the high cost of this emerging technology.

Energy from wireless signals

The Internet of Things (IoT) is comprised of billions of electronic devices leveraging Internet connectivity for some aspect of their functionality. IoT sensors, often extremely low power devices that report data critical to our daily lives, are a challenge to keep charged, as batteries are of finite life and, once deployed, local environments often may not allow physical contact.

With the advent of 5G now providing wireless signals of adequate power, a tiny antenna within IoT sensors can “harvest” energy from such signals. A precursor of this emerging tech has long been in use in automated “tags” that are powered by radio signals emitted when drivers pass through toll stations.

5G will help power the Internet of Things.

Engineering a longer “healthspan”

The percentage of the global population aged 60 and over will nearly double, from 12 to 22 percent, between 2015 and 2050, predicts the World Health Organization. Aging is associated with both acute and chronic ailments such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, dementia, and heart disease.

Researchers have shown an early understanding of aging’s molecular mechanisms, which could help us lead lives that are not just longer, but healthier as well. Using omics technologies (which can simultaneously quantify all gene activity or the concentration of all proteins in a cell, for instance) and insights from epigenetics, researchers can identify biological markers that are strong predictors of disease—presenting targets for proactive therapies.

Ammonia goes green

To feed the world, crops often require fertilizer produced from ammonia—lots of it. Synthesizing ammonia for fertilizer involves an energy-intensive method called the Haber-Bosch process, requiring a massive supply of hydrogen. Much of hydrogen today is produced by electrolysis, the splitting of water molecules employing electrical power, or by the high temperature cracking of hydrocarbons. The energy required to drive both methods currently results in the release of huge amounts of greenhouse gases.

As renewable energy sources are now becoming prevalent, a “green” variant of hydrogen is being created without the release of greenhouse gases. In addition to eliminating excess atmospheric carbon, green hydrogen is free of contaminating chemicals that would otherwise be incorporated when using fossil fuels as a source, that purity enabling more efficient catalysis to promote ammonia production.

Biomarker devices go wireless

Nobody likes needles. However, numerous common acute and chronic conditions require frequent blood draws large and small to monitor biomarkers important in tracking progress in cancer treatments, diabetes, and other conditions. Advances in low power wireless communications, as well as novel chemical sensing techniques employing both optical and electronic probes, are enabling the continuous, non-invasive monitoring of critical medical information.

More than 100 companies have deployed or are developing wireless biomarker sensing devices across a spectrum of applications, with a focus on diabetes given its global prevalence. Wireless connectivity adds the virtue of data being instantly available, if needed, for a remotely located medical professional to intervene.

Wireless connectivity adds the virtue of data being instantly available.

Houses printed with local materials

Fabricating homes using massively scaled 3D printers is already seeing limited deployment in the U.S. and other developed nations. In the developing world, where limited infrastructure makes shipping in materials a challenge, recent demonstrations using 3D printers take a leap ahead by employing locally sourced materials, clay, sand and local fibers to print structures—eliminating roughly 95% of material requiring transport to a building site.

This emerging technology could provide rugged shelters in remote regions, where housing needs are dire and no viable transport networks exist. The result could be a game changer for nations that are often otherwise left behind.

Space connects the globe

Sensors in the Internet of Things (IoT) can record and report vital information about weather, soil conditions, moisture levels, crop health, social activities, and countless other valuable data sets. With the recent advent of countless low-cost microsatellites in low earth orbit able to capture such data globally and download it to central facilities for processing, the IoT will enable unprecedented levels of global understanding—encompassing previously inaccessible developing regions devoid of traditional Internet infrastructure.

Challenges such as lower-power secure data links and the issue of short-lived low earth orbit satellites remain, but steady progress promises global deployment in the coming three to five years.

Space satellites hold potential for better understanding conditions on Earth.

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Google Takes the Next Step in Its A.I. Evolution

The tech giant showed off how it would enmesh A.I. more deeply into its products and users’ lives, from search to so-called agents that perform tasks.

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latest technology presentation

By Nico Grant

Reporting from the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, Calif.

Last May, Sundar Pichai, Google’s chief executive, said the company would use artificial intelligence to reimagine all of its products .

But because new generative A.I. technology presented risks, like spreading false information, Google was cautious about applying the technology to its search engine, which is used by more than two billion people and was responsible for $175 billion in revenue last year.

On Tuesday, at Google’s annual conference in Mountain View, Calif., Mr. Pichai showed how the company’s aggressive work on A.I. had finally trickled into the search engine. Starting this week, he said, U.S. users will see a feature, A.I. Overviews, that generates information summaries above traditional search results. By the end of the year, more than a billion people will have access to the technology.

A.I. Overviews is likely to heighten concerns that web publishers will see less traffic from Google Search, putting more pressure on an industry that has reeled from rifts with other tech platforms. On Google, users will see longer summaries about a topic, which could reduce the need to go to another website — though Google downplayed those concerns.

“The links included in A.I. Overviews get more clicks” from users than if they were presented as traditional search results, Liz Reid, Google’s vice president of search, wrote in a blog post . “We’ll continue to focus on sending valuable traffic to publishers and creators.”

The company also unveiled a host of other initiatives — including a lightweight A.I. model, new chips and so-called agents that help users perform tasks — in an effort to gain the upper hand in an A.I. slugfest with Microsoft and OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT.

“We are in the very early days of the A.I. platform shift,” Mr. Pichai said on Tuesday at Google’s I/O developer conference. “We want everyone to benefit from what Gemini can do,” including developers, start-ups and the public.

latest technology presentation

When ChatGPT was released in late 2022, some tech industry insiders considered it a serious threat to Google’s search engine, the most popular way to get information online. Since then, Google has aggressively worked to regain its advantage in A.I., releasing a family of technology named Gemini, including new A.I. models for developers and the chatbot for consumers. It also infused the technology into YouTube, Gmail and Docs, helping users create videos, emails and drafts with less effort.

All the while, Google’s tit-for-tat competition with OpenAI and its partner, Microsoft, has continued. The day before Google’s conference, OpenAI presented a new version of ChatGPT that is more akin to a voice assistant .

(The New York Times sued OpenAI and Microsoft in December for copyright infringement of news content related to A.I. systems.)

At its Silicon Valley event, Google showcased how it would enmesh A.I. more deeply into users’ lives. It presented Project Astra, an experiment to see how A.I. could act as an agent, vocally chatting with users and responding to images and videos. Some of the abilities will be available to users of Google’s Gemini chatbot this year, Demis Hassabis, chief executive of DeepMind, Google’s A.I. lab, wrote in a blog post .

DeepMind also presented Gemini 1.5 Flash, an A.I. model designed to be fast and efficient but lighter in size than Gemini 1.5 Pro, the midtier model that Google rolled out to many of its consumer services. Dr. Hassabis wrote that the new model was “highly capable” at reasoning and was good at summarizing information, chatting and captioning images and videos.

The company announced another A.I. model, Veo, that generates high-definition videos based on simple text prompts, similar to OpenAI’s Sora system. Google said that some creators could preview Veo and that others could join a wait-list for access to it. Later this year, the company expects to bring some of Veo’s abilities to YouTube Shorts, the video platform’s TikTok competitor, and other products.

latest technology presentation

Google also showed off the latest versions of its music-generation tool, Lyria, and image generator, Imagen 3. In February, Google’s Gemini chatbot was criticized by users on social media for refusing to generate images of white people and presenting inaccurate images of historical figures. The company said it would shut off the ability to generate images of people until it fixed the issue.

In the past three months, more than one million users have signed up to Gemini Advanced, the version of Google’s chatbot available through a $20 monthly subscription, the company said.

In the next months, Google will add Gemini Live, which will provide users a way to speak to the chatbot through voice commands. The chatbot will respond in natural-sounding voices, Google said, and users could interrupt Gemini to ask clarifying questions. Later this year, users will be able to use their cameras to show Gemini Live the physical world around them and have conversations with the chatbot about it.

Besides A.I. Overviews, Google’s search engine will present search results pages organized by A.I., with generated headlines highlighting different types of content. The feature will start with dining and recipe results, and will later be offered for shopping, travel and entertainment queries.

Ms. Reid, the head of search, said in an interview before the conference that she expected the search updates to save users time because Google “can do more of the work for you.”

Mr. Pichai said he expected that a vast majority of people would interact with Gemini A.I. technology through Google’s search engine.

“We’re going to make it more and more seamless for people to interact with Gemini,” Mr. Pichai said in a briefing before the conference.

Nico Grant is a technology reporter covering Google from San Francisco. Previously, he spent five years at Bloomberg News, where he focused on Google and cloud computing. More about Nico Grant

Explore Our Coverage of Artificial Intelligence

News  and Analysis

News Corp, the Murdoch-owned empire of publications like The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post, announced that it had agreed to a deal with OpenAI to share its content  to train and service A.I. chatbots.

The Silicon Valley company Nvidia was again lifted by sales of its A.I. chips , but it faces growing competition and heightened expectations.

Researchers at the A.I. company Anthropic claim to have found clues about the inner workings  of large language models, possibly helping to prevent their misuse and to curb their potential threats.

The Age of A.I.

D’Youville University in Buffalo had an A.I. robot speak at its commencement . Not everyone was happy about it.

A new program, backed by Cornell Tech, M.I.T. and U.C.L.A., helps prepare lower-income, Latina and Black female computing majors  for A.I. careers.

Publishers have long worried that A.I.-generated answers on Google would drive readers away from their sites. They’re about to find out if those fears are warranted, our tech columnist writes .

A new category of apps promises to relieve parents of drudgery, with an assist from A.I.  But a family’s grunt work is more human, and valuable, than it seems.

Topics For Seminar

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30+ Technical Seminar Topics for Presentation: Latest Tech Trends

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Best Technical Seminar Topics for Presentation:  Latest technology trends

Here are 30 emerging technical seminar topics you should consider selecting and adding to your skill set. The links for the PPT presentation for each technical seminar topic are given for your study and reference. You can download them and accordingly draft your own seminar presentation.

1.  Cloud Computing

2.  Massively Online Open Courses (MOOCs)

3.  Software-Defined Networks

4.  Quantum Computing

5.  Sustainable Materials Management (SMM)

6.  Natural User Interfaces

7.  Metaverse  

8.  Information Security

9.  3D Integrated Circuits

10.  Artificial Intelligence

11. Universal Memory

12.  Blockchain (Cryptocurrency)

13.  Computational Biology  and Bioinformatics

14.  The Internet of Things (IoT)

15.  Extended Reality (XR)

16.  5G network

17. Smart Home

18.  Distributed Computing

19.  Data Mining

20.  3D Printing

21. Medical Robotics

22. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 

23. Gesture Recognition Technology

24.  Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems

25.  Big Data and Analytics

26.  High-Performance Computing

27.  Photonics

28. Sports Technology

29.  Nanoelectronics

30.  E-Waste

31.  Data Security and Privacy

That was all about the latest and most sought-after technical seminar topics that are expected to trend in the year 2024. Hope this comprehensive article provides valuable insights and information that could help you stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements and innovations.

Also, check out:

  • 20 Best Seminar Topics for Computer Science (Updated)
  • Seminar Topics on Top 10 Technology Trends for Next Decade 
  • Latest Mechanical Engineering Seminar Topics (Updated)
  • Civil Engineering Seminar Topics
  • Electronics and Communication Seminar Topics
  • Electrical Engineering Seminar Topics

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AI + Machine Learning , Announcements , Azure AI Content Safety , Azure AI Studio , Azure OpenAI Service , Partners

Introducing GPT-4o: OpenAI’s new flagship multimodal model now in preview on Azure

By Eric Boyd Corporate Vice President, Azure AI Platform, Microsoft

Posted on May 13, 2024 2 min read

  • Tag: Copilot
  • Tag: Generative AI

Microsoft is thrilled to announce the launch of GPT-4o, OpenAI’s new flagship model on Azure AI. This groundbreaking multimodal model integrates text, vision, and audio capabilities, setting a new standard for generative and conversational AI experiences. GPT-4o is available now in Azure OpenAI Service, to try in preview , with support for text and image.

Azure OpenAI Service

A person sitting at a table looking at a laptop.

A step forward in generative AI for Azure OpenAI Service

GPT-4o offers a shift in how AI models interact with multimodal inputs. By seamlessly combining text, images, and audio, GPT-4o provides a richer, more engaging user experience.

Launch highlights: Immediate access and what you can expect

Azure OpenAI Service customers can explore GPT-4o’s extensive capabilities through a preview playground in Azure OpenAI Studio starting today in two regions in the US. This initial release focuses on text and vision inputs to provide a glimpse into the model’s potential, paving the way for further capabilities like audio and video.

Efficiency and cost-effectiveness

GPT-4o is engineered for speed and efficiency. Its advanced ability to handle complex queries with minimal resources can translate into cost savings and performance.

Potential use cases to explore with GPT-4o

The introduction of GPT-4o opens numerous possibilities for businesses in various sectors: 

  • Enhanced customer service : By integrating diverse data inputs, GPT-4o enables more dynamic and comprehensive customer support interactions.
  • Advanced analytics : Leverage GPT-4o’s capability to process and analyze different types of data to enhance decision-making and uncover deeper insights.
  • Content innovation : Use GPT-4o’s generative capabilities to create engaging and diverse content formats, catering to a broad range of consumer preferences.

Exciting future developments: GPT-4o at Microsoft Build 2024 

We are eager to share more about GPT-4o and other Azure AI updates at Microsoft Build 2024 , to help developers further unlock the power of generative AI.

Get started with Azure OpenAI Service

Begin your journey with GPT-4o and Azure OpenAI Service by taking the following steps:

  • Try out GPT-4o in Azure OpenAI Service Chat Playground (in preview).
  • If you are not a current Azure OpenAI Service customer, apply for access by completing this form .
  • Learn more about  Azure OpenAI Service  and the  latest enhancements.  
  • Understand responsible AI tooling available in Azure with Azure AI Content Safety .
  • Review the OpenAI blog on GPT-4o.

Let us know what you think of Azure and what you would like to see in the future.

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Information Technology Presentation Topics (Updated)

Below is the list of information technology presentation topics. This updated list of IT-related presentation topics covers general, latest and best trends. Students & researchers can use these IT topics for PowerPoint (PPT) presentations, Webinars, Seminars, Conferences, Oral Speeches, Oral presentations, Individual or Group presentations. These ideas will definitely help students of MBA, MCA, BE, ME, BCA, & other IT courses to make a stunning presentation.

Latest Information Technology Topics For Presentation

Cloud Computing

Table of Contents

Artificial Intelligence

Data Privacy

Adding Intelligence to the Internet

Bio-inspired Networking

Sixth Sense Technology: New Reality

Finger Tracking In Real-Time Human-Computer Interaction

Fiber Distributed Data Interface


Cyberphysical Systems

Internet of Things (IoT)

Visualization Research

IT Governance


3D Password

5G Technology: Hope Vs. Hype

Alphabetical List of IT Presentation Topics

Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

An Identity Based Eco-System

Free Space Laser Communications

Cellular Through Remote Control Switch

Breaking the Memory Wall in MonetDB

Buffer overflow attack : A potential problem and its Implications

Biometrics in SECURE e-transaction

10 Gigabit Ethernet

3D Internet

3D password

3D Printing

3D Television

4G Broadband

4G Technology: 4G Wireless Systems

5 Pen PC Technology

64-Bit Computing

AC Performance Of Nanoelectronics

Access gateways

Airborne Internet

Ambient Intelligence


Android: Future of Computing

Anonymous Communication

Asynchronous Chips


Autonomic Computing

Barcode Technology

Biometric Voting System

Bio-Molecular Computing

BlackBerry Technology

Blu Ray Disc


Brain Chips

Brain Fingerprinting

Broadband Over Power Line

Cable Modems

Capacitive And Resistive Touch Systems

Cellular Communications

Cellular Neural Network

Chameleon Chip

Cisco IOS Firewall

Cluster Computing

Code Division Duplexing

Combating Link Spam

Compact peripheral component interconnect

Computational Visual Attention Systems

Compute Unified Device Architecture CUDA

Conditional Access System

Content Curation and Aggregation

Content Marketing

corDECT Wireless in Local Loop System

Crusoe Processor

Cybernetic Organism

Data Compression Techniques

CyberTerrorism : New Challenge

Data Leakage Detection

Data Recovery

Data Security

Data Warehousing

Delay Tolerant Networking

Design and Analysis of Algoritms

Desktop Virtualization

Developer Integration

Development of the Intenet

Diamond Chip

Digital Audio Broadcasting

DNA Based Computing

Digital curation

Digital Jewelry

Digital Subscriber Line

Digital Watermarking

Driving Optical Network Evolution

Dual Core Processor

Dynamic Cache Management Technique

Dynamic Data Grid Replication Strategy

Dynamic Domain Name Service

Dynamic Languages

Dynamic Memory Allocation

Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode

Dynamic Virtual Private Network

Dynamically Reconfigurability Computing

Ethical Hacking

E Cash Payment Systems

Earth Simulator

E-Cash Payment System

Elastic Quotas

Electronic Banking

Enhancing LAN Using Cryptography and Other Modules

Enterprise social collaboration

Ethernet Passive Optical Network

Extended Mark Up Language

Extreme Programming (XP)

Eye Movement-Based Human Computer Interaction Techniques

Facebook Thrift

Fiber Channel

Fingerprints Technology

Fluorescent Multi-layer Disc

Free Space Optics

Gaming Consoles

Generic Access Network

Generic Framing Procedure

Generic Visual Perception Processor GVPP

Genetic Algorithms

Global Wireless E-Voting

Green Computing

Google Chrome OS

Google Glass Project

Google Strikes Back

Graph Separators

Graphical Password Authentication

Green Cloud

GSM 900 Mobile Jamme

Handheld Computers

High Altitude Aeronautical Platforms

High Performance DSP Architectures

Holographic Data Storage

Human Computer Interface

Holographic Memory

Hyper-Threading technology

Image Identification System

I-Cloud by Apple

In Vehicle Networking

Incognito mode

Infinite Dimensional Vector Space

Instant Messaging

Integer Fast Fourier Transform

Integrated Voice and Data

Intel Centrino Mobile Technology

Keyboard without Keys and Board

Ipv6 – The Next Generation Protocol

In-Vehicle Networking

Intel Core I7 Processor

Intelligent Software Agents

Intelligent Speed Adaptation

Internet Access via Cable TV Network

Internet of Things

Internet Telephony Policy in INDIA

The world of Internet Protocols

Intrusion Tolerance

Intrution Detection System

Intrution Detection Systems

Inverse Multiplexing

IP spoofing

IP Telephony

IPv6 Protocol

Iris Scanning

Java Database Connectivity


Laptop Computer

Large Cloud Services

Layer 3 Switching

Light emitting polymers

Location Dependent Query Processing

Low Power UART Design for Serial Data Communication

Media Fragmentation

Migration From GSM Network To GPRS

Mobile Security

Mind Reading Computer

Mind-Reading Computer

MiniDisc system

Mobile Computing

Mobile Phone Cloning

Mobile Virtual Reality Service

Mobile WiMax

Mobile WiMAX

Modems and ISDN

Modular Computing

Money Pad, The Future Wallet

MPEG Video Compression

Multi Touch Technology

Multiterabit Networks

Nano Cars Into The Robotics


Network Security Firewalls

NVIDIA Tesla Personal Supercomputer

Network Traffic Analyzer

Neural Interfacing

Neural Networks And Their Applications

Nokia Morph

No-Touch Interfaces

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

Online Video Streaming


Operating Systems

Optical Computer

Optical Fibre Cable

Optical Free Space Communication

Optical packet switch architectures

Optical Packet Switching Network

Optical Satellite Communication

Optical Switching

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

Ovonic Unified Memory

Plagiarism Detection Techniques

Packet Sniffers

Palm Vein Technology

Parallel Computing In India

Parallel Databases

Param 10000

Personal Cloud Services

personal clouds accelerate

Phishing Technology

Pill Camera

Pivot Vector Space Approach in Audio-Video Mixing

Planar Separators

Plastic Memory

Platform Architectures

PON Topologies

Quantum Computing

Project Oxygen

Protein Memory

Public Key Infrastructure

Quantum Cryptography

QoS in Cellular Networks Based on MPT

Quadrics Interconnection Network

Quantum Information Technology

Real-Time Systems and Real-Time Operating Systems

Radio Frequency Light Sources

Radio Network Controller

RAIN technology

Rapid Prototyping

Real-Time Content


Resilient Packet Ring Technology

Robotic Surgery

Rover Technology

Satellite Radio

Seam Carving for Media Retargeting

Search by Image

Search Leads To Sales

Secure ATM by Image Processing

Security Features of ATM

Self Defending Networks

Self Organizing Maps

Self-Managing Computing

Semantic Digital Library

Sense-Response Applications

Sensors on 3D Digitization

Setting up a LAN using Linux

Short Message Service (SMS)

Significance of real-time transport Protocol in VOIP

Silent Sound Technology

Sixth Sense Technology

Social Networks That Are IT Policy Friendly

Skinput Technology

Smart Cards

Smart Fabrics

Smart Note Taker

Smart Pixel Arrays

Smart Quill

Sniffer for detecting lost mobiles

Social Literacy Skills

Social Media Privacy

Social Media Schizophrenia

Social Platforms

Socket Programming

Soft Computing

Software Reuse

Space Communications Protocol

Space Mouse

Speech Application Language Tags

Speed Detection of moving vehicle using speed cameras

Synchronous Optical Networking

Storage Area Networks

Store Management System

Structured Cabling

Surface Computer

Survivable Networks Systems

Swarm intelligence & traffic Safety

Synthetic Aperture Radar System

TCPA / Palladium

Tele Immersion


Tempest and Echelon

Terrestrial Trunked Radio

Text Mining

The integration Technology

Tsunami Warning System

The Mobile Revolution

Third Generation

Thought Leadership

Tool Command Language

Touch Screens

Transmedia Storytelling

Ubiquitous Networking

Ubiquitous Social Computing

Unicode And Multilingual Computing

Unified Modeling Language (UML)

Unlicensed Mobile Access

Viruses, vulnerabilities and security holes

Virtual Instrumentation

Virtual keyboard

Virtual LAN Technology

Virtual MArketing

Virtual Private Network

Virtual Reality

Visible Light Communication

Voice morphing

Voice Over Internet Protocol

Voice Portals

Voice Quality

Wearable Bio-Sensors

Wearable Technology

Why did Microsoft Surface fail?

Windows DNA

Evolution & Journey of MS Windows

Wireless Application Protocol

Wireless Fidelity

Wireless Internet

Wireless Networked Digital Devices

Zero-Knowledge Protocols and Proof Systems

Wireless Technology

Wireless USB

Wireless Video Service in CDMA Systems

Wolfram Alpha

Word Sense Disambiguation

Workplace Monitoring

X- Internet

XML Encryption

Yii Framework

Zettabyte FileSystem

ZigBee Technolgy

This is all about the latest information technology presentation topics for students, researchers and other professionals.

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Technology Presentation Templates

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Top 15 New Technology Trends 2023 – “Next Tech Wave”

Technology is evolving each and every day. Every day we’re witnessing new technology advancements which are due to a variety of factors, including advances in research and development, new products and services being launched, and changes in consumer preferences and needs.

One example of how technology is changing daily is the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning . These technologies are being used in a variety of industries, from healthcare to finance to retail, to improve efficiency and decision-making.

Technology Trends for 2023

When it comes to technology trends, let’s talk about a few other examples such as the spread of the Internet of Things (IoT) , which refers to a growing network of interconnected gadgets that can interact and exchange data.

The Internet of Things is transforming how we communicate with our surroundings and allowing the creation of new goods and services that rely on this connection. Technology is progressing at a quick speed, and this tendency is anticipated to continue as new technologies are produced and implemented.

Let’s check what are the top 15 new technology trends that you can anticipate in 2023. Keep reading!

Top New Technology Trends for 2023 To Watch Out For

Technology trends represent the latest shifts in the industry, and with the internet’s influence, these changes occur rapidly. For professionals in the software industry, staying updated with these trends is crucial. As we progress into 2023, there are emerging technology trends that will shape our futuristic world.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR)
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  • Quantum Computing
  • Datafication
  • Renewable Energy
  • Autonomous Vehicles
  • Digital Twins
  • Edge Computing
  • Cybersecurity
  • 3D Printing
  • Human Augmentation

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is a way to make computers smart and able to do things that normally only humans can do, like learning, figuring things out, and making choices.
  • Machine learning (ML) is a subset of AI that involves the use of algorithms and statistical models to enable computers to learn and improve their performance on a specific task without being explicitly programmed. ML algorithms are trained using large datasets and can make predictions or take actions based on the patterns and trends identified in the data.

These technology trends, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), are being used in a variety of industries to improve efficiency and decision-making. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are being used in a variety of industries to improve efficiency and decision-making.

Some examples of how AI and ML are helping include:

  • Healthcare: AI and ML are being used to analyze medical records, predict patient outcomes, and assist with diagnosis and treatment planning.
  • Finance: AI and ML can help to analyze financial data, identify trends and patterns, and make investment recommendations.
  • Retail: AI and ML can help in personalizing customer experiences, optimizing pricing and inventory management, and improving supply chain efficiency.
  • Manufacturing: AI and ML can also improve production processes, reduce defects and downtime, and improve overall efficiency.
  • Transportation: AI and ML are being used to enhance routes, reduce fuel consumption, and improve safety in the transportation industry.
  • Agriculture: One can use AI and ML to optimize crop management, improve yields, and reduce waste.
  • Education: AI and ML will be able to personalize learning experiences, assess student progress, and provide customized feedback.
Related Article – Difference Between Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

In short, AI and ML are helping to improve efficiency and decision-making in a variety of industries and are expected to continue to play a significant role in the future.

2. Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the growing network of physical objects connected to the Internet that can communicate with each other and share data. These connected devices can range from simple sensors to more complex devices such as appliances, vehicles, and industrial equipment. The usage of IoT is one of the emerging technology trends in the electronics and software industry that is revolutionizing the entire human behavior of using technology.

IoT devices can collect and transmit data, and they can be controlled and accessed remotely through the internet. This allows for the creation of new products and services that rely on connectivity and data sharing.

Some examples of how IoT is being used include:

  • Smart homes: IoT devices such as smart thermostats, security systems, and lighting can be controlled and accessed remotely through a smartphone or tablet.
  • Industrial applications: Monitor and optimize industrial processes, such as energy usage and equipment maintenance.
  • Transportation: Improve safety and efficiency in the transportation industry, for example by tracking the location and condition of vehicles and providing real-time traffic updates.
  • Agriculture: Optimize crop management, improve yields, and reduce waste.

We can say the IoT is changing the way we interact with the world around us and is enabling the development of new products and services that rely on connectivity and data sharing. 

The deployment of 5G networks, a key technology trend, is expected to accelerate in the coming years, bringing faster speeds and lower latency to mobile devices. 5G, a significant technology trend, is the fifth generation of mobile network technology that is designed to provide faster speeds and more reliable connections than previous generations. It is a wireless technology that operates in the millimeter wave frequency band, which allows it to transmit data at high speeds over short distances.

Related Article – Difference between 4G and 5G

Some of the key features of 5G include:

  • High speed: 5G networks are now much faster than previous generations, with peak speeds of up to 20 Gbps (gigabits per second). This means that 5G networks can transmit data much faster than 4G networks, making it possible to download and stream high-definition video, play online games, and use other data-intensive applications without experiencing delays or interruptions.
  • Lower latency: Latency is the time it takes for a signal to travel between a device and a network. 5G networks have significantly lower latency than previous generations, with an average latency of around 1 millisecond. This means that 5G networks can respond to requests much faster, making them ideal for applications that require real-time interactions, such as remote surgery or self-driving cars.
  • More capacity: 5G networks can support many more devices than previous generations, thanks to their use of advanced technologies such as beamforming and massive MIMO (multiple input, multiple outputs). This makes 5G ideal for use in crowded areas, such as sports stadiums or city centers, where many devices are competing for network resources.
  • Increased reliability: 5G networks are designed to be more reliable than previous generations, with lower rates of dropped calls and lost connections. This makes them ideal for use in mission-critical applications, such as emergency services or industrial automation.

We can say that 5G is expected to revolutionize the way we use mobile devices and connect to the internet, enabling new applications and services that were not possible before.

4. Virtual and Augmented reality (VR/AR)

Augmented reality (AR) , and  Virtual reality (VR) , pivotal technology trends, are advanced computer technologies that have multiple uses such as gaming, education, and healthcare. VR creates a computer-generated world that a person can experience as if they were there, while AR adds computer-generated images to a person’s view of the real world. Both have a wide range of applications and are expected to continue to grow in industries and applications in the future. VR has already been used for gaming, education, training, and entertainment, and will likely continue to expand. 

AR has also been used for enhancing the real world with additional information, and will likely continue to be developed and used in new ways. VR and AR also have potential in remote work and communication, as they can create immersive virtual environments for people to work and interact with each other remotely. In 2019, 14 million AR and VR gadgets were sold.  

Related Articles –   Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality: What’s the difference? The Top 7 Modern-Day Applications of Augmented Reality (AR)

Both VR and AR will likely continue to be used in a variety of industries and applications in the year 2023. VR has already been used for a wide range of purposes, including gaming, education, training, and entertainment, and these applications will likely continue to expand.  

5. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Like AI and VR/MR, Robotics, a notable technology trend, is being developed for a wide range of applications, including manufacturing, healthcare, and transportation. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a type of technology that allows organizations to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks by creating digital workers or software robots to perform them. RPA is designed to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and free up human workers to focus on more complex and value-added tasks.

We currently haven’t yet processed how big RPA or Robotic Process Automation will become in 2023 as it depends on a variety of factors such as advancements in RPA software and the adoption of these technologies by organizations. However, RPA will likely continue to be a trending technology in 2023 as more and more organizations seek to improve efficiency and reduce costs through automation.

One potential area of growth for RPA is in the field of business process outsourcing (BPO) . Many BPO providers are already using RPA to automate repetitive tasks and improve efficiency, and this trend will likely continue in the coming years.

6. Blockchain

The use of blockchain technology , a significant technology trend, is expected to continue to grow in 2023 and years after that, with potential applications in areas such as supply chain management, finance, and other areas. It is difficult to predict with certainty whether blockchain technology will “rule” in 2023 or not, as the adoption and use of blockchain technology depend on a variety of factors such as market demand, regulatory environment, and the availability of supporting infrastructure.

But blockchain technology will likely continue to be an important and influential technology in 2023. As you know, Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that allows for the secure and transparent recording of transactions, and it has the potential to transform a wide range of industries by improving transparency, security, and efficiency. 

Here are the top roles in blockchain:

  • Blockchain Developer
  • Blockchain Solutions Architect
  • Blockchain Consultant
  • Smart Contract Developer
  • Blockchain Project Manager
Related Articles –  Blockchain in Brief Introduction to Blockchain technology | Set 2 What Are The Different Types of Blockchain Technology?

7. Quantum Computing

Quantum computing a notable technology trend, is an emerging technology that uses quantum-mechanical phenomena to process data. It is different from classical computing which uses bits; quantum computers use qubits. In comparison to classical computers, they are much faster at performing some tasks.

Quantum computers have the potential to revolutionize fields such as materials science, drug discovery, and financial modeling. It is still in the early stages of development and has several technical challenges to overcome before it can be widely used. 

Many companies like Splunk, Honeywell, Microsoft, AWS, Google, etc are working on developing quantum computing technology. The market for quantum computing is expected to generate over $2.5 billion in revenue by 2029. Having experience in quantum mechanics, linear algebra, probability, information theory, and machine learning is helpful to be successful in this field.

Related Article – Quantum Computing – Pros and Cons

8. Datafication

Datafication a key technology trend, is the process of making data easy to understand and use by collecting, organizing, and presenting it in a visual way. This can include creating charts, graphs, or other visualizations. It helps in making data-driven decisions and communicating findings to others.

It will be an important part of data analysis and decision-making in the future as it helps organizations make better use of their data. In 2023, datafication may involve using more advanced tools for visualization and analysis that can create more interactive and sophisticated presentations.

Here are the top roles in Datafication:

  • Data Scientist
  • Data Engineer
  • Data Visualization Specialist
  • Data Analyst
  • Chief Data Officer (CDO)
Related Article – Introduction to Data Science: Skills Required

9. Renewable Energy

Renewable energy , an important technology trend, refers to energy sources that are naturally replenished and can be used over and over again, such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal. These energy sources are considered renewable because they are not finite, unlike fossil fuels.

Using renewable energy can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, which contribute to climate change and air pollution. It can also help to reduce our reliance on nonrenewable energy sources, which can be more expensive and can have negative impacts on the environment. Renewable energy is an important part of a sustainable energy future, and many countries and organizations are working to increase the use of renewable energy sources. 

10. Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous Vehicles , a significant technology trend, also known as self-driving cars, are vehicles that can navigate and operate without a human driver. Many companies and organizations are working to bring these vehicles to market.

Autonomous vehicles have potential benefits such as increased safety, efficiency, and accessibility. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed before they can be widely adopted, such as technological issues, regulatory issues, and societal issues. Despite these challenges, experts believe that autonomous vehicles have the potential to transform the transportation sector in the coming decades. 

Adoption may happen gradually, with different levels of autonomy being introduced over time, for example, fully autonomous vehicles in specific environments before they are widely available on public roads. It’s also possible that we will see a mix of autonomous and human-driven vehicles on the roads just as sci-fi movies have been showing the world the futuristic world with flying cars and whatnot.

11. Digital Twins

Digital twin technology , a prominent technology trend, creates virtual models of physical systems or processes, and it is expected to continue to grow in popularity in 2023. Digital twins are digital representations of physical objects, systems, or processes that can be used for simulation, analysis, and optimization. They are created by collecting data from sensors and other sources and using it to create a virtual model of the object or system being represented.

Technology is gaining interest in various industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and infrastructure. In manufacturing, digital twins can optimize production processes, in healthcare, they can simulate surgical procedures, and in infrastructure, they can optimize the design and operation of buildings and transportation systems. 

The growth of digital twins is driven by advances in technology, the growth of the Internet of Things, and the increasing demand for data-driven decision-making. They will likely continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, with a wider range of applications and capabilities. It’s also possible that digital twins will become more integrated with other technologies like AI and ML to enhance their capabilities.

12. Edge Computing

Edge computing, a pivotal technology trend, which brings computing power closer to the data source, is expected to become increasingly important as the volume of data generated by connected devices continues to grow. In simple words, Edge computing refers to the use of computing resources and data processing capabilities at or near the “edge” of a network, rather than in a centralized location, such as a data center.

Edge computing is often used in situations where low latency (i.e., the time it takes for data to be transmitted and processed) is critical, or where it is not practical or cost-effective to send data to a centralized location for processing.

Related Articles: Difference Between Edge Computing and Fog Computing Advantages and Disadvantages of Edge Computing

13. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity a crucial technology trend, refers to the practices and technologies used to protect computer systems, networks, and devices from cyber threats such as hacking, malware, and data breaches. As the use of technology continues to grow and evolve, so do cybersecurity threats. The importance of cybersecurity is expected to continue to grow as more devices and systems become connected.

Several trends are expected to shape the future of cybersecurity. One trend is the increasing use of cloud computing, which is the delivery of computing services over the internet. Another trend is the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) , which refers to the increasing number of devices that are connected to the internet, such as smart home appliances, medical devices, and industrial equipment. A third trend is the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in cybersecurity .

Here are the top roles in cybersecurity:

  • Information Security Analyst
  • Cybersecurity Engineer
  • Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
  • Penetration Tester (or Ethical Hacker)
  • Incident Responder (or Incident Response Analyst)
Related Articles:  Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Cyber System Security

14. 3D Printing

3D printing , a notable technology trend, also known as additive manufacturing, is a process that creates a physical object from a digital model by building it up layer by layer. It has the potential to revolutionize the way we manufacture, design, and think about physical objects.

In the future, 3D printing will likely continue to advance and become more widely adopted, leading to significant changes in the way we produce and consume goods. 

Here is the list of some of the top jobs in 3d printing:

  • 3D Printing Technician
  • 3D Printer Engineer
  • 3D Printing Designer
  • Additive Manufacturing Specialist
  • 3D Printing Materials Scientist
Potential developments include wider adoption and integration into manufacturing processes, increased use of bioprinting, greater use in construction, and more advanced materials . The future of 3D printing is promising, with potential applications in manufacturing, construction, and healthcare. 3D printing technology is expected to continue to advance in 2023.

15. Human Augmentation

Have you heard of human augmentation? It’s a significant technology trend where technology is used to enhance our bodies or minds. This can include things like prosthetics, exoskeletons, or even a connection between our brain and a computer!

In the next few years, it’s likely that we’ll see even more advances in this field. For example, prosthetics and exoskeletons might become even better and more easily available, helping people with disabilities do things they couldn’t before. Brain-computer interfaces might let our brains work with computers directly, making us smarter and more skilled. And augmented reality or virtual reality could change the way we experience the world.

We think that human augmentation has a lot of possibilities to make our lives better. But it’s important to think about the ethical side too and make sure it’s used in a good way.

In 2023, the top 15 technology trends, such as AI and ML, IoT, VR and AR, Robotics and Automation, and 3D printing, are expected to have a significant impact on various industries and daily life. 

These technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we work, communicate, and interact. It’s important to stay up to date with these trends and consider their implications. Now is a good time to gain the necessary training in one of these trends and join the industry at an early stage, as the adoption of these technologies is creating opportunities for skilled professionals. Also, in the field of technology, you have to be updated always with the latest technology trends to retain your value in the market.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. what are technology trends.

Technology trends refer to the emerging and evolving directions in technology that show promise of widespread adoption and have the potential to significantly impact industries, markets, or society as a whole. They reflect shifts in how technology is developed, used, and perceived.

Q. What are the top 3 technologies that you are focusing on implementing in 2023?

The new technology trends that are currently gaining attention and expected to have a significant impact on various industries are: Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning Internet of Things Virtual and augmented reality

Q. What will be trending technology in 2023?

The top 15 technology trends for 2023 are expected to include the growth of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the development of the Internet of Things, the increasing use of virtual and augmented reality, the advancement of robotics and automation, and the rise of 3D printing and human augmentation.

Q. Which technology is in demand in the future?

The technology that will be in demand in the future is likely to be those that have the potential to revolutionize the way we work, communicate, and interact with the world around us. This includes technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and virtual and augmented reality.

Q. How does technology affect businesses and industries?

Technology can enhance efficiency, create new growth opportunities, and change customer expectations for businesses and industries.

Q. How does technology impact our daily lives?

Technology impacts daily life through smartphones, smart appliances, and making life more convenient and interconnected.

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Introduction To Artificial Intelligence Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence is for the mid level managers giving information about what is AI, AI levels, types of AI, where AI is used. You can also know the difference between AI vs Machine learning vs Deep learning to understand expert system in a better way for business growth.

ChatGPT IT Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Enthrall your audience with this ChatGPT IT Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Increase your presentation threshold by deploying this well-crafted template. It acts as a great communication tool due to its well-researched content. It also contains stylized icons, graphics, visuals etc, which make it an immediate attention-grabber. Comprising seventy two slides, this complete deck is all you need to get noticed. All the slides and their content can be altered to suit your unique business setting. Not only that, other components and graphics can also be modified to add personal touches to this prefabricated set.

Metaverse IT Powerpoint Presentation Slides

This complete presentation has PPT slides on wide range of topics highlighting the core areas of your business needs. It has professionally designed templates with relevant visuals and subject driven content. This presentation deck has total of seventy slides. Get access to the customizable templates. Our designers have created editable templates for your convenience. You can edit the color,text and font size as per your need. You can add or delete the content if required. You are just a click to away to have this ready-made presentation. Click the download button now.

Cyber security it powerpoint presentation slides

Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this Cyber Security It Powerpoint Presentation Slides is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought provoking. All the eighty one slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

Cloud security it powerpoint presentation slides

Enthrall your audience with this Cloud Security IT Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Increase your presentation threshold by deploying this well crafted template. It acts as a great communication tool due to its well researched content. It also contains stylized icons, graphics, visuals etc, which make it an immediate attention grabber. Comprising eighty nine slides, this complete deck is all you need to get noticed. All the slides and their content can be altered to suit your unique business setting. Not only that, other components and graphics can also be modified to add personal touches to this prefabricated set.

Prompt Engineering For Effective Interaction With AI Powerpoint Presentation Slides

This complete deck covers various topics and highlights important concepts. It has PPT slides which cater to your business needs. This complete deck presentation emphasizes Prompt Engineering For Effective Interaction With AI Powerpoint Presentation Slides and has templates with professional background images and relevant content. This deck consists of total of one hundred one slides. Our designers have created customizable templates, keeping your convenience in mind. You can edit the color, text and font size with ease. Not just this, you can also add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this fully editable complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

Blockchain technology it powerpoint presentation slides

Enthrall your audience with this Blockchain Technology IT Powerpoint Powerpoint Presentation. Increase your presentation threshold by deploying this well-crafted template. It acts as a great communication tool due to its well-researched content. It also contains stylized icons, graphics, visuals etc, which make it an immediate attention-grabber. Comprising seventy two slides, this complete deck is all you need to get noticed. All the slides and their content can be altered to suit your unique business setting. Not only that, other components and graphics can also be modified to add personal touches to this prefabricated set.

Virtual and augmented reality it powerpoint presentation slides

Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this Virtual And Augmented Reality IT Powerpoint Powerpoint Presentation is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought-provoking. All the eighty one slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

Hyperautomation IT Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Deliver an informational PPT on various topics by using this Hyperautomation IT Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This deck focuses and implements best industry practices, thus providing a birds-eye view of the topic. Encompassed with ninty three slides, designed using high-quality visuals and graphics, this deck is a complete package to use and download. All the slides offered in this deck are subjective to innumerable alterations, thus making you a pro at delivering and educating. You can modify the color of the graphics, background, or anything else as per your needs and requirements. It suits every business vertical because of its adaptable layout.

Recommender Systems IT Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Deliver an informational PPT on various topics by using this Recommender Systems IT Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This deck focuses and implements best industry practices, thus providing a birds-eye view of the topic. Encompassed with ninty seven slides, designed using high-quality visuals and graphics, this deck is a complete package to use and download. All the slides offered in this deck are subjective to innumerable alterations, thus making you a pro at delivering and educating. You can modify the color of the graphics, background, or anything else as per your needs and requirements. It suits every business vertical because of its adaptable layout.

Machine Augmented Intelligence IT powerpoint presentation slides

Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this Machine Augmented Intelligence IT powerpoint presentation slides is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought-provoking. All the sixty two slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

Comprehensive Training Curriculum on Artificial Intelligence Training PPT

EduDecks are professionally-created comprehensive decks that provide complete coverage of the subject under discussion. These are also innovatively-designed for a powerful learning experience and maximum retention

Comprehensive Training Curriculum on Digital Transformation Training PPT

Presenting digital products features PPT slide templates PPT slide. This PPT is widely applicable by a team of managers and business analysts who foresee the business in light of change. It has impressive picture quality with high resolution. 100 percent editable slide design. There is freedom to execute the changes in color, font, text and more as per one’s personal choice. Ease of personalization with your company name and logo. It is compatible with a wide variety of format options and also harmonious with a set of software options, available both online and offline.

Comprehensive Training Curriculum on Cybersecurity Awareness Training PPT

Give an introduction of your business to your potential investors and get funded with our Email Management Software Pitch Deck Ppt Template. This is a pitch deck PPT presentation that you can use to provide a breakdown of various aspects. This involves topics like executive summary, vision, business models etc. Comprising thirty five slides, each ingrained with invaluable information, this is a resourceful tool to use for all your presentations. Use it to highlight and provide an expansive view of your product, service, project, or business. This complete deck conforms to every presenters needs and style of expertise as it comes in an editable format. The visual graphics and layout are structured in such a way that it gives you ample space to add customization and build a unique presentation every time you present it. Not only that it provides concise details about different aspects, thus inducing strategic thinking. Therefore grab this PPT now.

Business productivity management software pitch deck ppt template

Provide your investors essential insights into your project and company with this influential Business Productivity Management Software Pitch Deck Ppt Template. This is an in-depth pitch deck PPT template that covers all the extensive information and statistics of your organization. From revenue models to basic statistics, there are unique charts and graphs added to make your presentation more informative and strategically advanced. This gives you a competitive edge and ample amount of space to showcase your brands USP. Apart from this, all the thirty two slides added to this deck, helps provide a breakdown of various facets and key fundamentals. Including the history of your company, marketing strategies, traction, etc. The biggest advantage of this template is that it is pliable to any business domain be it e-commerce, IT revolution, etc, to introduce a new product or bring changes to the existing one. Therefore, download this complete deck now in the form of PNG, JPG, or PDF.

Automated Narrative Generation Powerpoint Presentation Slides

While your presentation may contain top-notch content, if it lacks visual appeal, you are not fully engaging your audience. Introducing our Automated Narrative Generation Powerpoint Presentation Slides deck, designed to engage your audience. Our complete deck boasts a seamless blend of Creativity and versatility. You can effortlessly customize elements and color schemes to align with your brand identity. Save precious time with our pre-designed template, compatible with Microsoft versions and Google Slides. Plus, it is downloadable in multiple formats like JPG, JPEG, and PNG. Elevate your presentations and outshine your competitors effortlessly with our visually stunning 100 percent editable deck.

Zero Trust Architecture ZTA Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this Zero Trust Architecture ZTA Powerpoint Presentation Slides is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought-provoking. All the eighty seven slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

Data Privacy IT Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this Privacy IT Powerpoint Presentation Slides is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought provoking. All the sixty five slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

Comprehensive Training Curriculum on Metaverse Training Ppt

This slide focuses on five different elements of IT project management process which includes establishing project management structure, defining project, creating plan, management and control, closing, etc with identifying necessary resources. Introducing our Five Elements Of IT Project Management Process set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Project Definition, Project Plan, Project Close, Project Management And Control, Management Structure. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Agile delivery framework disciplined agile delivery

This framework moves from Initiation an understanding of the motivation and needs of the customer and their stakeholders through customer and innovator planning, to iterative execution, learning, adjusting and enhancing over consecutive sprints, to release. The whole method repeats learning from a release that in turn informs fresh or modified initiation, planning, and execution. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Agile Delivery Framework Disciplined Agile Delivery. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Initiation, Planning, Execution, Release using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Framework for agile iteration with sprint planning and management

Introducing our Framework For Agile Iteration With Sprint Planning And Management set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Development, Stakeholder, Refinement. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Comprehensive Training Curriculum on Blockchain Technology Its Industry Applications and Cryptocurrency Training Ppt

Presenting our well structured Artificial Intelligence Data Strategy House With Technology And Process. The topics discussed in this slide are Strategy, Process, Technology. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

ITIL 4 Framework And Best Practices Powerpoint Presentation Slides

This complete deck covers various topics and highlights important concepts. It has PPT slides which cater to your business needs. This complete deck presentation emphasizes ITIL 4 Framework And Best Practices Powerpoint Presentation Slides and has templates with professional background images and relevant content. This deck consists of total of sixty nine slides. Our designers have created customizable templates, keeping your convenience in mind. You can edit the color, text and font size with ease. Not just this, you can also add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this fully editable complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

Multiple stakeholders in project management

Presenting this set of slides with name - Multiple Stakeholders In Project Management. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are Multiple Stakeholders, Numerous Stakeholders, Various Stakeholders.

Management Of Redundant Data In Organization Powerpoint Presentation Slides

While your presentation may contain top-notch content, if it lacks visual appeal, you are not fully engaging your audience. Introducing our Management Of Redundant Data In Organization Powerpoint Presentation Slides deck, designed to engage your audience. Our complete deck boasts a seamless blend of Creativity and versatility. You can effortlessly customize elements and color schemes to align with your brand identity. Save precious time with our pre-designed template, compatible with Microsoft versions and Google Slides. Plus, it is downloadable in multiple formats like JPG, JPEG, and PNG. Elevate your presentations and outshine your competitors effortlessly with our visually stunning 100 percent editable deck.

Comprehensive Training Curriculum On Cryptocurrency training ppt

This slide covers scaled agile framework including organizational agility, lean portfolio management, agile product delivery, team and technical agility and continuous learning culture. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Scaled Agile Framework Agile Planning Development Methodologies And Framework IT. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Organizational Agility, Agility Product Delivery, Business Agility using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Next Generation CASB Powerpoint Presentation Slides

This complete presentation has PPT slides on wide range of topics highlighting the core areas of your business needs. It has professionally designed templates with relevant visuals and subject driven content. This presentation deck has total of eighty seven slides. Get access to the customizable templates. Our designers have created editable templates for your convenience. You can edit the color, text and font size as per your need. You can add or delete the content if required. You are just a click to away to have this ready-made presentation. Click the download button now.

Key components of cyber security framework

Introducing our Key Components Of Cyber Security Framework set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Cyber Risk Reporting, Organizational Drivers, Enterprise Risk Management. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Devops process it agile devops process ppt slides professional

This slide provides the glimpse about the agile DevOps process which covers agile development, continuous integration, delivery and testing. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using DevOps Process IT Agile Devops Process Ppt Slides Professional. This template helps you present information on four stages. You can also present information on Agile Development, Continuous Integration, Continuous Testing, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Feedback, Continuous Feedback, Continuous Feedback using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Mobile application storage management

Get our fully customizable mobile App management PowerPoint presentation to highlight the storage management functions in a mobile application.

Web Design Laptop Monotone Icon

This Web Design Laptop Monotone Icon is conclusive of modern and geometric shapes to help you make a simple yet clear design. Each graphic in this PPT design is reduced to its minimal form showcasing the essential information you want to portray. You can deploy it to present the characteristics, attributes, field of study, and more in editable formats.

Qa Process Assurance Organization Framework Management Implementation

This complete deck can be used to present to your team. It has PPT slides on various topics highlighting all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on Qa Process Assurance Organization Framework Management Implementation and has professionally designed templates with suitable visuals and appropriate content. This deck consists of total of twelve slides. All the slides are completely customizable for your convenience. You can change the colour, text and font size of these templates. You can add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this professionally designed complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

Agile pmo powerpoint ppt template bundles

If you require a professional template with great design, then this Agile PMO Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles is an ideal fit for you. Deploy it to enthrall your audience and increase your presentation threshold with the right graphics, images, and structure. Portray your ideas and vision using twelve slides included in this complete deck. This template is suitable for expert discussion meetings presenting your views on the topic. With a variety of slides having the same thematic representation, this template can be regarded as a complete package. It employs some of the best design practices, so everything is well-structured. Not only this, it responds to all your needs and requirements by quickly adapting itself to the changes you make. This PPT slideshow is available for immediate download in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, further enhancing its usability. Grab it by clicking the download button.

Enterprise digital transformation powerpoint presentation slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Enterprise Digital Transformation Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Enhance your audiences knowledge with this well researched complete deck. Showcase all the important features of the deck with perfect visuals. This deck comprises of a total of twenty-five slides with each slide explained in detail. Each template comprises of professional diagrams and layouts. Yes, these PPT slides are completely customizable. Edit the color, text, and font size. Add or delete the content from the slide. Users can easily download the presentation slides in the widescreen and standard format. These templates are compatible with Google Slides too. The user can use the PowerPoint presentation in PDF or JPG format.

Artificial intelligence powerpoint presentation slide template complete deck

SlideTeam presents an Artificial Intelligence Powerpoint Presentation Slide Template Complete Deck. There are 99 visually-stunning PPT slides in this 100% custom complete deck. Edit text, font, colors, background, orientation, shapes, and patterns as desired. Change the PowerPoint format into PDF, PNG, or JPG as and when needed. Use standard and widescreen resolutions to view this presentation. It is compatible with Google Slides.

Data Migration Steps Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Data Migration Steps Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This PPT deck displays twenty-six slides with in-depth research. We provide a ready to use deck with all sorts of relevant topics subtopics templates, charts and graphs, overviews, analysis templates. When you download this deck by clicking the download button below, you get the presentation in both standard and widescreen format. All slides are fully editable. change the colors, font size, add or delete text if needed. The presentation is fully supported with Google Slides. It can be easily converted into JPG or PDF format.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning powerpoint presentation slides complete deck

SlideTeam presents Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This complete deck is replete with 98 PPT templates. Each PowerPoint slide is made up of 100% modifiable design elements. Customize text, font, colors, shapes, orientation, patterns, and background. Convert the file format into PDF, PNG, or JPG as and when suitable. Use Google Slides for easy access. It is compatible with standard and widescreen resolutions.

Information technology business documents processing management innovation communication

This complete presentation has PPT slides on wide range of topics highlighting the core areas of your business needs. It has professionally designed templates with relevant visuals and subject driven content. This presentation deck has total of twelve slides. Get access to the customizable templates. Our designers have created editable templates for your convenience. You can edit the colour, text and font size as per your need. You can add or delete the content if required. You are just a click to away to have this ready-made presentation. Click the download button now.

Information technology plan strategies architecture development management

Engage buyer personas and boost brand awareness by pitching yourself using this prefabricated set. This Information Technology Plan Strategies Architecture Development Management is a great tool to connect with your audience as it contains high-quality content and graphics. This helps in conveying your thoughts in a well-structured manner. It also helps you attain a competitive advantage because of its unique design and aesthetics. In addition to this, you can use this PPT design to portray information and educate your audience on various topics. With twelve slides, this is a great design to use for your upcoming presentations. Not only is it cost-effective but also easily pliable depending on your needs and requirements. As such color, font, or any other design component can be altered. It is also available for immediate download in different formats such as PNG, JPG, etc. So, without any further ado, download it now.

Role Of Project Manager Business Execution Management Resource Communications

Presenting these content ready AI PowerPoint Presentation Slides PPT. This PowerPoint slideshow contains thirty-six fully editable slides. These templates also support the standard(4:3) and widescreen(16:9) sizes. Alter the color, text, and font size of these layouts. This PPT deck is having compatibility with Google Slides. Save these templates into various images or document formats like JPEG or PDF.

Google Cloud IT Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Enthrall your audience with this Google Cloud IT Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Increase your presentation threshold by deploying this well-crafted template. It acts as a great communication tool due to its well-researched content. It also contains stylized icons, graphics, visuals etc, which make it an immediate attention-grabber. Comprising eighty two slides, this complete deck is all you need to get noticed. All the slides and their content can be altered to suit your unique business setting. Not only that, other components and graphics can also be modified to add personal touches to this prefabricated set.

Data Structuring Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Data Structuring Powerpoint Presentation Slides. We bring to you to the point topic specific slides with apt research and understanding. Putting forth our PPT deck comprises of thirty one slides. Our tailor made Data Structuring Powerpoint Presentation Slides editable deck assists planners to segment and expound the topic with brevity. The advantageous slides on Data Structuring Powerpoint Presentation Slides is braced with multiple charts and graphs, overviews, analysis templates agenda slides etc. to help boost important aspects of your presentation. Highlight all sorts of related usable templates for important considerations. Our deck finds applicability amongst all kinds of professionals, managers, individuals, temporary permanent teams involved in any company organization from any field.

Digital transformation benefits example of ppt presentation

Introducing digital transformation benefits example PowerPoint slide. Space available to enter text and its related points in the Presentation design. The presentation slide is available in both Standard and Widescreen slide size. Easy and quick downloading process. Compatible with multiple formats like Jpeg, Pdf and Google slides. Readymade template for industry professionals, managers, executives, researchers, sales people, etc. Helps in making future plans by considering the past and present situation. Pictures do not pixelate when projected on Widescreen.

Devops process it devops continuous integration deployment process flow

This slide provides the glimpse about the DevOps CI OR CD process flow which focuses on development, peer review, quality audit, pre production and production. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this DevOps Process IT DevOps Continuous Integration Deployment Process Flow. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Development, Peer Review, QA, Pre Prod, Production. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Artificial intelligence pitch deck ppt template

Provide your investors essential insights into your project and company with this influential Artificial Intelligence Pitch Deck Ppt Template. This is an in-depth pitch deck PPT template that covers all the extensive information and statistics of your organization. From revenue models to basic statistics, there are unique charts and graphs added to make your presentation more informative and strategically advanced. This gives you a competitive edge and ample amount of space to showcase your brands USP. Apart from this, all the thirty three slides added to this deck, helps provide a breakdown of various facets and key fundamentals. Including the history of your company, marketing strategies, traction, etc. The biggest advantage of this template is that it is pliable to any business domain be it e-commerce, IT revolution, etc, to introduce a new product or bring changes to the existing one. Therefore, download this complete deck now in the form of PNG, JPG, or PDF.

Computers and servers powerpoint presentation slides db

These high quality, editable pre-designed powerpoint slides and powerpoint templates have been carefully created by our professional team to help you impress your audience. Each graphic in every powerpoint slide is vector based and is 100% editable in powerpoint. Each and every property of any slide - color, size, shading etc can be modified to build an effective powerpoint presentation. Use these slides to convey complex business concepts in a simplified manner. Any text can be entered at any point in the powerpoint slide. Simply DOWNLOAD, TYPE and PRESENT

Comprehensive Training Curriculum on Blockchain in Finance Training Ppt

Engage buyer personas and boost brand awareness by pitching yourself using this prefabricated set. This Software Test Plan Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles is a great tool to connect with your audience as it contains high-quality content and graphics. This helps in conveying your thoughts in a well-structured manner. It also helps you attain a competitive advantage because of its unique design and aesthetics. In addition to this, you can use this PPT design to portray information and educate your audience on various topics. With twelve slides, this is a great design to use for your upcoming presentations. Not only is it cost-effective but also easily pliable depending on your needs and requirements. As such color, font, or any other design component can be altered. It is also available for immediate download in different formats such as PNG, JPG, etc. So, without any further ado, download it now.

Information Security Program For Effective Cybersecurity Risk Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides

This complete presentation has PPT slides on wide range of topics highlighting the core areas of your business needs. It has professionally designed templates with relevant visuals and subject driven content. This presentation deck has total of fifty six slides. Get access to the customizable templates. Our designers have created editable templates for your convenience. You can edit the color, text and font size as per your need. You can add or delete the content if required. You are just a click to away to have this ready-made presentation. Click the download button now.

Itil service management overview powerpoint presentation slides

This complete presentation has PPT slides on wide range of topics highlighting the core areas of your business needs. It has professionally designed templates with relevant visuals and subject driven content. This presentation deck has total of twenty four slides. Get access to the customizable templates. Our designers have created editable templates for your convenience. You can edit the colour, text and font size as per your need. You can add or delete the content if required. You are just a click to away to have this ready-made presentation. Click the download button now.

Construction Project Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides

It covers all the important concepts and has relevant templates which cater to your business needs. This complete deck has PPT slides on Construction Project Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides with well suited graphics and subject driven content. This deck consists of total of sixty three slides. All templates are completely editable for your convenience. You can change the colour, text and font size of these slides. You can add or delete the content as per your requirement. Get access to this professionally designed complete deck presentation by clicking the download button below.

Automation Process Opportunities Technology Marketing Gear Robotic

This complete deck can be used to present to your team. It has PPT slides on various topics highlighting all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on Automation Process Opportunities Technology Marketing Gear Robotic and has professionally designed templates with suitable visuals and appropriate content. This deck consists of total of ten slides. All the slides are completely customizable for your convenience. You can change the colour, text and font size of these templates. You can add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this professionally designed complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

Business intelligence and analytics powerpoint presentation slides

Presenting Business Intelligence And Analytics Powerpoint Presentation Slides. You can modify the font size, type, and color of the slide as per your requirements. This slide can be downloaded into formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG without any problem. It is Google Slides friendly which makes it accessible at once. This slide is available in both the standard(4:9) and the widescreen(16:9) aspect ratio.

Managed IT Services Pricing Models And Strategies Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Presenting Managed IT Services Pricing Models And Strategies PowerPoint Presentation Slides. This complete PPT deck is made up of 40 professional slides. You can convert and save this PowerPoint slideshow in formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. All the templates are fully customizable. You can edit text, fonts, patterns, colors, and background within seconds. Also, this PPT template deck is compatible with Google Slides. You can view this presentation on standard and widescreen formats.

Architecture Review Board Flowchart Software Enterprise Organizations Business Technology

This complete deck can be used to present to your team. It has PPT slides on various topics highlighting all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on Architecture Review Board Flowchart Software Enterprise Organizations Business Technology and has professionally designed templates with suitable visuals and appropriate content. This deck consists of total of twelve slides. All the slides are completely customizable for your convenience. You can change the colour, text and font size of these templates. You can add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this professionally designed complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

Data analytics driven digital strategy framework

Presenting this set of slides with name Data Analytics Driven Digital Strategy Framework. The topics discussed in these slides are Business, Decision, Enablers. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

QA Strategy Assessment Assurance Strategy Business Methodology Management

This complete presentation has PPT slides on wide range of topics highlighting the core areas of your business needs. It has professionally designed templates with relevant visuals and subject driven content. This presentation deck has total of twelev slides. Get access to the customizable templates. Our designers have created editable templates for your convenience. You can edit the colour, text and font size as per your need. You can add or delete the content if required. You are just a click to away to have this ready-made presentation. Click the download button now.

Digital transformation introduction presentation slide

Presenting digital transformation introduction presentation slide. This is a digital transformation introduction presentation slide. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are digital transformation.

ERP System It Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Deliver an informational PPT on various topics by using this ERP System It Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This deck focuses and implements best industry practices, thus providing a birds eye view of the topic. Encompassed with seventy eight slides, designed using high quality visuals and graphics, this deck is a complete package to use and download. All the slides offered in this deck are subjective to innumerable alterations, thus making you a pro at delivering and educating. You can modify the color of the graphics, background, or anything else as per your needs and requirements. It suits every business vertical because of its adaptable layout.

Devops introduction powerpoint ppt template bundles

Deliver a credible and compelling presentation by deploying this DevOps Introduction PowerPoint PPT Template Bundles. Intensify your message with the right graphics, images, icons, etc. presented in this complete deck. This PPT template is a great starting point to convey your messages and build a good collaboration. The twenty sixslides added to this PowerPoint slideshow helps you present a thorough explanation of the topic. You can use it to study and present various kinds of information in the form of stats, figures, data charts, and many more. This DevOps Introduction PowerPoint PPT Template Bundles PPT slideshow is available for use in standard and widescreen aspects ratios. So, you can use it as per your convenience. Apart from this, it can be downloaded in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, all completely editable and modifiable. The most profound feature of this PPT design is that it is fully compatible with Google Slides making it suitable for every industry and business domain.

Project launch meeting powerpoint presentation slides

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28 Free Technology PowerPoint Templates for Presentations from the Future

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By Lyudmil Enchev

in Freebies

3 years ago

Viewed 250,283 times

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28 Free Technology PowerPoint Templates for Presentations

If you’re amongst the science and technology teachers, students, or businesses in the field; we have something for you. We deep-dived to find the best free technology PowerPoint templates for your presentation, so today’s collection has 28 amazing designs to choose from.

The following selection has templates related to science, technology, cybersecurity, search engines, bitcoin, networking, programming, and engineering, so there’s something for everyone.

1. Computer Hardware Free Technology PowerPoint Template

Computer Hardware PowerPoint Template

This template sports a cool design with a bright light of a microchip processor and a blue background. Ideal for explaining concepts such as semiconductors, databases, and central computer processors.

  • Theme : Technology, Hardware
  • Slides : 48
  • Customization : Fully editable + 136 editable icons
  • Graphics : Vector
  • Aspect Ratio : 16:9
  • License : Free for Personal and Commercial Use │ Do Not Redistribute Any Components of the Template

2. Space Science Free Technology Powerpoint Templates

Space Science Free Technology Powerpoint Templates

This free template has 3D spaceship graphics and blue background color. It’s great for presentations on astronomy.

  • Theme : Technology, Cosmos
  • Slides : 25
  • Customization : Fully editable
  • Resolution : 1920×1080

3. 5G Technology Speed Free Powerpoint Templates

5G Technology Speed Free Powerpoint Templates

Design with twinkling rays of geometric shapes is perfect for presentations on technology topics such as internet networking, intranet, and communication technology.

  • Theme : Technology, Networking, 5G
  • Customization : Editable

4. Start-Up Tech Corporation Free Powerpoint Template

Start-Up Tech Corporation Free Powerpoint Template

This free tech corporation template is great for presentations on tech business startups.

  • Theme : Technology, Tech Business, Start-Up Companies

5. App Startup Free Powerpoint Technology Template

App Startup Free Powerpoint Technology Template

This design is great for presentations on communication, mobile technology, and other digital devices used for the PPT presentations.

  • Theme : Technology, Apps, Software

6. Cloud Technology Free Powerpoint Template

Cloud Technology Free Powerpoint Template

A technology template with a clean and modern design for your presentations about cloud computing and other computing services.

  • Theme : Cloud Technlogy

7. Artificial Intelligence High Technology Free PowerPoint Template

Artificial Intelligence High Technology Free PPT Template

This template represents artificial intelligence as an illustration . It also includes related shapes to allow for a variety of expressions.

  • Theme : Technology, Artificial Intelligence

8. Search Engine Optimization PowerPoint Template

Search Engine Optimization PPT Template

The template is SEO-themed but you can adapt it to any presentation related to marketing and search engines.

  • Theme : Technology, Marketing, SEO

9. Binary Code Free PowerPoint Template

Binary Code Free PowerPoint Template

The cool binary code design makes this template perfect for any presentation on computer science.

  • Theme : Computer Science, Programming

10. Network Free Technology PowerPoint Template

Network Free Technology Presentation Template

Sporting design with crags and electric rays in many angles are representing networking around the globe, the template is suitable for presentations on communication, networking, technology, and crag wheels.

  • Theme : Technology, Networking

11. Hexagonal Design Free PowerPoint Template

Hexagonal Design Free PowerPoint Presentation

Here we have a free template with hexagons and icons pattern for techy content. Its dark background and bright blue color palette give a professional look.

  • Theme : Technology

12. Technology Pixels Free PowerPoint Template

Technology Pixels Free PowerPoint Presentation

A technology-themed template for presentations on consulting, IT, software, and other related subjects. The pixel pattern is grouped by tones which you can change from the master slides.

13. Connections and Networking Free PowerPoint Template

Free Connections and Networking PowerPoint Presentation

This free Powerpoint template is perfect for a presentation about the internet, blockchain, machine learning, cybersecurity, or cloud computing.

14. Isometric Free Technology PowerPoint Template

Free Isometric Technology PowerPoint Template

Here we have an amazing isometric design and high-tech background with gradients. Ideal for subjects like cloud computing, SaaS development, servers, and networks, or cybersecurity.

  • Theme : Networking, Programming

15. Free PowerPoint Template with Techy Contour Lines

Free PPT Template with Techy Contour Lines

This design has an abstract contour lines background in a dark green color. Ideal for subjects like geography, technology, video games, or even military affairs.

  • Theme : Technology, Gaming

Get a Professionally Designed Presentation For Your Project

16. Marketing and Technology Free PowerPoint Template

Free Marketing and Technology PowerPoint Template

The isometric design has illustrations on business, marketing, and technology topics that will make every slide stand out.

  • Theme : Technology, Marketing

17. Purple Hexagons Free PowerPoint Template

Free Purple Hexagons PowerPoint Template

For presentations related to scientific or technological topics, with professional hexagonal design.

  • Theme : Technology, Science

18. Rockets Taking Off  Free PowerPoint Template

Free Rockets Taking Off  PowerPoint Template

Rockets taking off is a great metaphor for growing businesses. It’s also a symbol of progress and technology.

  • Slides : 35

19. IOT Smart City Free PowerPoint Template

Free IOT Smart City PowerPoint Template

Smart City offers a futuristic design for subjects such as internet communication, smart city concepts, and tech innovation.

  • Theme : Technology, Smart City

20. Cyber Security Free PowerPoint Template

Free Cyber Security PowerPoint Template

The perfect template for presentations on cybersecurity, antivirus software, and other related topics.

  • Theme : Technology, Cyber Security

21. BlockChain Free PowerPoint Templates

Free BlockChain PowerPoint Templates

This template is a 3D rendering design of blockchain technology and you can use it for a variety of purposes.

Presentation Design Tips You Wish You Knew Earlier:

The shorter you keep the text, the better. In fact, some specialists suggest that you shouldn’t use more than 5-6 words per slide . And sometimes, a single word combined with a powerful visual is enough to nail the attention of the people sitting in front of you and make them listen to what you have to say.

22. BitCoin Themed Free PowerPoint Template

Free BitCoin Themed PowerPoint Template

A very versatile template that includes 20 semi-transparent illustrations of different concepts: security, social networks, programming, bitcoin.

  • Theme : Technology, Bitcoin

23. Technical Blueprint Free Technology PowerPoint Template

Free Technical Blueprint Technology PowerPoint Template

This template uses a blueprint style and a monospaced font to emulate the technical drawings used in construction and industry.

  • Theme : Technology, Engineering

24. Blue Connections Free PowerPoint Template

Free Blue Connections PowerPoint Template

The design of this free template fits social media, connection, internet, cloud computing, and science-related topics.

  • Theme : Technology, Social Media

25. Cute Robots Free PowerPoint Template

Free Cute Robots PowerPoint Template

Here we have a colorful design with beautifully illustrated robots for presentation on technology, science, and physics.

  • Theme : Technology, Physics

26. Green Circuit Free PowerPoint Template

Free Green Circuit PowerPoint Template

This is a free template with futuristic vibes that you can use for your tech presentations both in PowerPoint and Google Slides.

27. Data Particles Free Technology PowerPoint Template

Free Data Particles Technology PowerPoint Template

The design with particle lines gives it a modern and slightly technological look.

28. Science Hexagons Free Technology PowerPoint Template

Free Science Hexagons Technology PowerPoint Template

The background gradients highlight the white text, and the hexagons give it a techie style.

Final Words

That’s it. Today’s collection covered the best free technology PowerPoint templates that you can download and adapt to your presentations related to science, technology, programming, engineering, and physics. Now all you need to do is open your PowerPoint and make the most amazing presentation your viewers have ever seen.

For more freebies, you can check the Best Free Powerpoint Templates of 2022  or see these related articles:

  • 36 Free Food PowerPoint Templates For Delicious Presentations
  • 31 Free Modern Powerpoint Templates for Your Presentation
  • 25 Free Education PowerPoint Templates For Lessons, Thesis, and Online Lectures

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Lyudmil Enchev

Lyudmil is an avid movie fan which influences his passion for video editing. You will often see him making animations and video tutorials for GraphicMama. Lyudmil is also passionate for photography, video making, and writing scripts.

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Five key questions to get a tech transformation right

Why do some technology transformations 1 In the survey and in this article, we define technology transformations as large-scale change efforts that are more comprehensive than short-term improvement programs. succeed while others fail? This is a perennial question that has frustrated IT departments for years, presenting both a clear-cut opportunity for growth and the risk of falling further behind. Our latest McKinsey Global Survey  of technology and business leaders 2 The online survey was in the field from April 11 to April 22, 2022, and garnered responses from 468 participants, including responses from mostly C-suite and senior managers in a variety of industries. The participants represent the full range of regions, industries, company sizes, and tenures. To adjust for differences in response rates, the data are weighted by the contribution of each respondent’s nation to global GDP. set out to better understand the keys to transformation success. We identified respondents working for the most financially successful organizations (whom we refer to as “top performers” 3 Top performers are defined as organizations that, according to respondents, have seen an average growth rate of at least 10 percent in both revenue and EBIT over the past three years. Of the 468 respondents in the survey sample, 84 qualified as top performers. ), whose results suggest that they reap greater benefits than others from their tech transformations.

According to the survey, these top performers pursue transformations differently from their peers in a few critical ways: they are more likely than others to anchor their technology and digital strategies in their overall business strategies, they report greater effectiveness at building environments that foster organizational change, they are more likely to invest in foundational technologies, and they are better at retaining their tech talent. What’s more, the top performers are more likely than others to combine their initiatives—a set of eight “plays” that comprise our Tech: Forward approach to technology transformations —in ways that maximize business value.

All told, we see their methods as a foundation for successful tech transformations—and the source of five critical questions that every organization should ask itself in order to increase its chances of achieving similar success.

Top financial performers are more likely than others to anchor their tech transformations in strategic business priorities, to build environments that foster change, to invest in foundational technologies, and to retain tech talent.

1. What value is IT delivering?

Most respondents with experience in tech transformations continue to report meaningful benefits from their efforts, as we have seen in previous years . For example, at least 60 percent of all respondents credit their transformations with improving performance on a range of metrics.

Yet the top performers seem to have positioned themselves even better than others in terms of maximizing a transformation’s impact, especially to spur business growth (Exhibit 1). These respondents report a stronger financial return from their investment in tech transformations (87 percent of top performers say they have seen a positive impact on generating new revenue streams, compared with 58 percent of everyone else), as well as greater impact on all other metrics we tested.

How did they do it? One reason for their success appears to be that top performers tend to anchor their technology and digital strategy in their overall business strategy. In our survey, respondents from these companies are 14 percent more likely than others to say they develop their business and technology and digital strategies in tandem, which can enhance the business value they reap from tech transformations.

Axel Schell biography

Earned a PhD in business administration and economics, an MBA, and a bachelor’s degree in information systems from the University of Augsburg

Career highlights

Allianz Technology (2021–present) Chief technology and transformation officer

Allianz Deutschland (2018–21) Chief technology officer

Allianz Technology of America (2015–19) CEO and president

Board member at Deutsche Sporthilfe (German national sports funding organization) since 2020

One financial-services firm, Allianz, has taken a business-led approach in its recent tech transformation. Chief technology and transformation officer for Austria, Germany, and Switzerland Axel Schell says the company has shifted its mindset during this transformation: from putting the technology first to cracking business problems with technology. This means not only optimizing purely technical KPIs (such as the number of app features and releases) but also favoring specific business KPIs (such as customer interactions and purchases in the app).

Yexi Liu biography

Earned an MBA from Clemson University; received a bachelor’s degree in international finance from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Rich Products Corporation (2019–present) Executive vice president and chief information officer

Westinghouse Electric Company (2017–19) Chief information officer

Has served in IT leadership roles in Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America

In the recent modernization of its IT organization, B2B and consumer player Rich Products Corporation has made digital technology a critical part of creating value for the company’s customers and enabling its long-term growth and productivity. According to executive vice president and global chief information officer Yexi Liu, the company deployed new digital systems and tools at scale, so technology touches every corner of the company: from the sales and culinary teams, which now have access to data and analytics that help them deliver solutions to customers in real time, to supply chain teams, which enjoy greater transparency and access to information at a speed the company has never experienced before.

2. How holistic is your approach to transformation?

In general, the top performers appear to be taking a more comprehensive and strategic approach to their tech transformations than others. Relative to their peers, they have pursued a higher number of tech initiatives (an average of 3.5 initiatives, out of 8.0 we asked about, compared with 2.7) in their transformations of the past two years. But their distinctiveness is about more than just the number of initiatives in play. In line with our other research, 4 “ The Tech: Forward recipe for a successful technology transformation ,” McKinsey, December 15, 2022. the survey results confirm that deploying certain plays in combination with others can unleash even greater impact than if they were deployed in isolation, as many of these plays have effects on one another.

Exploring the combinations that most top performers have pursued offers insights into the relationships between the initiatives that have underpinned their success and that other companies can also follow (Exhibit 2). For example, at least 50 percent of top performers who say their companies reshaped their business strategy to be more technology based say they also redesigned their tech organization and operating model, scaled their data-related capabilities, and transformed talent management and sourcing.

Fittingly, Rich Products has taken a holistic approach to its recent technology transformation. Liu says the company is implementing multiple company-wide initiatives that focus on future proofing its technology foundation and enabling future scaling and growth—for example, shifting to a global software as a service (SaaS) enterprise resource planning solution and embedding new customer relationship management, supply chain, and procurement platforms in more than 60 countries. At the same time, Rich Products is also changing how its technology function operates, from a decentralized and regionally managed approach to a global model with teams organized around enterprise products and platforms.

At Allianz, Schell says the company is taking a similarly comprehensive route. Allianz is approaching the modernization of its IT function holistically, setting minimum standards on architecture across applications and infrastructure platforms, data, and cybersecurity. The company is also adjusting governance processes in its operating model to enforce this in daily work and investing in engineering capabilities to foster good technology craftmanship over time. These shifts, along with ongoing efforts to scale cloud solutions, are enabling Allianz to move more quickly and autonomously when following standards but also making it deliberately more difficult in the case of exceptions.

3. What is holding you back from developing and deploying new technology at the rate and quality of top performers?

The survey suggests that top performers are also more likely than others to have invested in modernizing and securing their IT foundation—that is, their infrastructure, data, and cybersecurity—so they can deploy technology rapidly and effectively (Exhibit 3). They are three times more likely than others to report building next-generation data platforms and enabling AI applications throughout their organizations. They are also more likely to say they are strengthening their cybersecurity defenses and modernizing their infrastructure, through initiatives such as automation and cloud migration and management.

Top performers are also less likely than others to say their existing technology foundation is an impediment to their tech aspirations. Twenty-two percent of them cite the slow speed of their legacy platforms as a top three challenge during their transformations, compared with 38 percent of their peers. What’s more, the top-performing organizations are more effective overall at managing their data architecture and infrastructure.

In our experience, there are multiple reasons that could prevent companies from leveraging their tech foundations to the fullest. One is a lack of investment, as technology organizations often meet ad hoc demand from multiple stakeholders on the business side and aren’t always able to focus enough time or resources on making foundational improvements, which are difficult and often time-consuming to execute. Second is that products are often built in silos without communication or alignment between technology and business stakeholders. Third, it can be hard to get buy-in for modernizing legacy technology without a strong business case or strategic alignment on the need for these changes.

4. How can you make the most of the talent you already have?

Finding and retaining tech talent is a perennial challenge  and tops the agenda for nearly every technology and business leader. But the competition for tech talent will only intensify as organizations seek to attract and retain an increasingly mobile, ambitious, and purpose-driven workforce.

Yet, even when it comes to broad corporate concerns such as talent, the top performers are significantly ahead of their peers. According to the survey, top performers are more likely than others to say they were effective at retaining top talent, recruiting new talent, training existing talent, and having a healthy IT work culture (Exhibit 4).

At Allianz, Schell says people are the most important factor for their transformation activities’ success. The company fosters global collaboration through teams that are staffed with colleagues in different continents and across communities of practices, where engineers regularly exchange their ideas. The combination of individual strengths and diversified expertise is a powerful asset and enables these teams to perform in an even more customer-centric way. In its transformation, Allianz has also increased internal awareness of what individuals, teams, and the entire organization are capable of—and communicated that self-awareness externally as part of its employer brand.

5. Does your operating model reflect the changes you are making to your technology foundation?

While transforming the IT organization and operating model is a critical way for companies to get the most out of their technology, that change alone will not necessarily lead to better performance. In fact, the proportion of respondents who say they have a mature operating model is nearly the same among top performers as it is among everyone else. 5 We define a mature operating model as one that is either digitally integrated (that is, both conventional and digital technologies are delivered at scale through a unified operating model, which is often organized by tech products or platforms) or fully digital (that is, cross-functional, full-stack, product-based teams are responsible for technology delivery and operate in a digital manner). What sets the top performers apart is that they are twice as likely as their peers to rely on operating models that are product- and platform-centric .

Our experience suggests that these types of operating models, 6 We define a product- or platform-centric operating model as one where teams and their work are cross-functional, led by product managers, and organized around a user-facing product or platform rather than a project. which focus on the end-user experience, present tremendous business benefits. To name a few, product- and platform-centric operating models can help streamline product development, reduce time to market, help cut costs, promote accountability within the organization, and ensure that the company is creating the highest-quality products.

At Rich Products, Liu says the company has continued to emphasize that the transformation is not only an implementation of new systems but also a fundamental transformation of its work, workforce, and workplace—all enabled by technology that is simple, standard, and global. Indeed, the company has organized work around product- and platform-based teams, which has enabled it to benefit from business and technology partnerships across the organization while also maintaining the agility to account for local nuances.

In its tech transformation, Allianz also made meaningful operating-model changes to get the most out of its foundational improvements. According to Schell, agile tribes are assuming more end-to-end ownership of their products, including innovation and operations. Agile teams are staffed with experts from the business and technology sides of the organization, and on the best teams there is no distinction between people who came from the business and who came from IT. This setup enables more autonomous decision making at the team level rather than by steering committees that don’t fully understand a decision or have to deal with its consequences.

Allianz’s agile journey also involves reducing complexity: that is, moving from large, long-term programs and monolithic platforms to a minimum viable product approach and microsystems. One recent example of where the transformation’s efforts are already paying off: the migration of the Allianz Business System from the mainframe to Linux, where the business case is clearly positive.

The survey content and analysis were developed by Anusha Dhasarathy , Pranav Himatsingka, and Naufal Khan , a partner, associate partner, and senior partner, respectively, in McKinsey’s Chicago office; and Thomas Elsner , a partner in the Munich office.

They wish to thank Vilde Haslund and Mary Morris for their contributions to this work.

This article was edited by Daniella Seiler, an executive editor in the Washington, DC, office.

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Introducing the ultimate Copilot+ PCs – The all-new Surface Pro and Surface Laptop

  • Pete Kyriacou – CVP, Microsoft Devices

Today, Microsoft and Surface introduced the fastest, most intelligent Windows PCs ever: Copilot+ PCs. The all-new Surface Pro and Surface Laptop are the ultimate Copilot+ PCs, delivering incredible performance, all-day battery life and brand-new AI experiences. They showcase the beauty and innovation that happens at the intersection of software and hardware.

Surface was created to lead the PC industry with innovation and technology that showcases the best of Microsoft and empowers our customers to achieve more. We’ve been at the forefront of new PC categories, with thoughtful designs and new features that inspire our customers. And as we dive into the new wave of AI, Surface continues to put our customers first.

Copilot+ PCs

Copilot+ PCs provide a quantum leap in computing, with power, performance and breakthrough AI experiences. Debuting with Snapdragon ® X Elite and Snapdragon X Plus processors, Copilot+ PCs are tuned to deliver optimal processing and response times – and are faster than the latest Macbook Air. i

Performance like this means the apps customers love work great. Microsoft has partnered closely with developers across the globe to optimize their applications for this processor. In addition, the powerful new Prism emulation engine delivers a 2x performance boost compared to Surface Pro 9 with 5G. On the new Surface Pro and Surface Laptop, powered by Snapdragon X Elite and Snapdragon X Plus processors, experiences like Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft 365 and Chrome will feel snappy, quick and responsive.

In addition, Copilot+ PCs have the most powerful Neural Processing Units (NPUs) in the PC category today. With over 45 trillion of operations per second (TOPS), these NPUs power new AI experiences – here are three that we love:

In addition to Microsoft experiences, the power of the NPU extends in our work with developers who are leveraging the NPU for their own AI workloads. Some examples of these new AI experiences include:

  • Davinci Resolve: Effortlessly apply visual effects to objects and people using NPU-accelerated Magic Mask in DaVinci Resolve Studio.
  • Cephable: Stay in your flow with faster, more responsive adaptive input controls, like head movement or facial expressions via the new NPU-powered camera pipeline in Cephable .
  • CapCut: Remove the background from any video clip in a snap using Auto Cutout running on the NPU in CapCut.

We are seeing many developers around the world and across various industries working on exciting new ways to accelerate their applications using the power of the NPU, including: WhatsApp, Luminar Neo, LiquidText, Camo, djay Pro and more.

All-new Surface Pro

Over 10 years ago, Surface pioneered the 2-in-1 category. Since then, the tablet that can replace your laptop has advanced the expectations of a productivity device, delivering more power, more battery life and innovation people love. The all-new Surface Pro unlocks a new way to think about a laptop: Combining accelerated performance, all-day battery life and industry-leading AI capabilities in an ultra-flexible design that can replace your tablet, your laptop and can even power your multi-monitor set-up.

The all-new Surface Pro , powered by Snapdragon® X Elite and Snapdragon X Plus processors, delivers incredibly fast speeds, 90% faster than Surface Pro 9. It’s built for the ultimate multitasker, supporting up to three external 4K displays, with two USB 4 ports, and a stunning 13” display with new optional OLED with HDR technology, delivering new levels of peak brightness and immersive colors. Wi-Fi 7 offers the fastest wireless connection iv available and optional 5G v keeps you connected to the fastest cellular network, while you’re on the move.

The ultra-wide, quad-HD front-facing camera is our best Surface camera ever. AI-powered Windows Studio Effects like Automatic Framing, keep you in focus, even as you move around your space. The 10MP Ultra HD rear-facing autofocus camera supports 4K video so you can capture and edit all on one device.

Surface Pro is made with more recycled materials than Surface Pro 9, including 72% recycled content in the enclosure. vi Surface Pro is serviceable by design with more replaceable components than ever, including the motherboard, battery, cameras and more.

The all-new Surface Pro Flex Keyboard unlocks new levels of flexibility. It’s ready to be used attached to your Pro for the ultimate laptop set-up or detached for more flexibility and to support your creative workflows.

It is built with enhanced extra carbon fiber layers for stability and has a larger, customizable haptic touchpad. With integrated pen storage, your Slim Pen is secure, charged and ready to go.

Surface Slim Pen gets even better with the new Surface Pro, with all new AI experiences. The ink now flows naturally with Zero Force inking, ultra-precise shading, 4,096 points of pressure sensitivity and a built-in haptic engine for a more natural writing experience.

The all-new Surface Pro is the most flexible laptop, reimagined.

All-new Surface Laptop

When we first launched Surface Laptop, it redefined the classic PC category, pushing boundaries and elevating the user experience to new heights. We introduced premium materials, a vibrant array of colors, ultra-productive 3:2 aspect ratio touchscreens, and a fit and finish like nothing else. We delivered power and performance, and the best typing experience on the market to this day, in a light, sleek design. Beyond elegant design, the Surface Laptop showcased an incredible balance of premium features that delivered the best of Microsoft on a Surface device. This holistic approach revolutionized the industry, setting new standards for excellence and heralding a new era of innovation in laptop design.

The all-new Surface Laptop maintains these principles – purpose built to unlock a new AI era with Copilot experiences that transform the PC experience.

Redesigned from the inside out, this new Laptop has modern lines and a stunning PixelSense touchscreen display with razor-thin bezels.  With 120Hz refresh rate, HDR technology, Dolby Vision IQ™ vii and Adaptive color technology, this display delivers crisper whites, darker blacks and an extended color spectrum. There are two screen sizes, as our new 13.8” display provides larger viewing area than a traditional 14” laptop, in a more compact design and a 15” with an even larger working canvas. This ultra-light and stylish Laptop comes in four stunning colors viii : Platinum, Black, Dune and Sapphire.

Surface Laptop unleashes lightning-fast speed and AI accelerated power for the ultimate multitasking. It is 86% faster than Laptop 5, delivering incredible performance.  It can power up to three external 4K monitors. The 45 TOPS NPU unlocks new AI experiences and delivers industry-leading performance for seamless productivity with the longest battery life on any Surface – up to 22 hours on the Surface Laptop 15” ix and up to 20 on the Surface Laptop 13.8” x . With a large variety of ports and lightning-fast Wi-Fi 7, you will always be connected.

The new Surface Laptop has a Full HD Surface Studio Camera that supports AI-powered Windows Studio Effects like Automatic Framing, Portrait Blur, Creative Filters and Voice Focus – so you come across clearly and confidently. AI-enhanced sound with premium Omnisonic® Speakers and Dolby® Atmos® xi , and Studio Mics amplify your voice and presence.

Surface Laptop is known for its comfortable and quiet typing experience and now, every keystroke is perfected. With optimal key travel for accurate and swift typing and a large precision haptic touchpad that is smooth, responsive and customizable for your personal preference.

This is the fastest, most intelligent Surface Laptop ever.

Surface product principles

Accessibility, security and sustainability are core components in every product in the Surface lineup. The all-new Surface Pro and Surface Laptop make major strides across all three categories.

Surface products are built to empower everyone on the planet to achieve more. When we develop inclusive products, we create a more comfortable and empowering product experience for everyone, without excluding people in the process. Our journey involves continuous learning from the disability community, placing them at the heart of our design process to develop solutions that unlock their full potential.

Our accessible offerings are comprehensive, ranging from an ecosystem of adaptive accessories to adaptive features built into the fabric of our hardware and software. With the new Copilot+ PCs from Surface, we continued to prioritize adaptability, resulting in products that are inclusive by design.

Surface Pro Flex Keyboard

That’s why we designed the new Surface Pro Flex Keyboard with a bold keyset option, xii to reduce eye strain and assist people with low vision. We added a customizable, haptic touchpad, the most inclusive touchpad on the market today, to both our Surface Pro keyboard and our Surface Laptop, empowering customers with a wide range of hand movement and dexterity capabilities to easily adjust the touchpad to their preferences, resulting in a more delightful experience for all.

These hardware capabilities, alongside new experiences that utilize the power of the NPU, increase your productivity and creativity, allowing you to work, learn and play in the way that is most natural to you.

Security and privacy are always top of mind for us, implementing chip-to-cloud security that begins with inherently secure Surface devices. These new Surface PCs are meticulously built to protect your data from day one. Starting with tracing the origin of even the smallest components on the motherboard through building the lines of code ensuring a secure boot. Every Copilot+ PC will be a Secured-Core PC with Microsoft Pluton Security enabled by default and Windows Hello Enhanced Sign-in enabled by default. We take our responsibility to keep your data safe seriously.

In 2020, Microsoft set a goal to become carbon negative by 2030 – and at Surface, we know we have a responsibility to the planet. With the new Surface Pro and Surface Laptop we are introducing our most significant sustainability advancements yet. We have reduced our carbon emissions by an average of 78% per enclosure through several sustainability interventions, including using 100% recycled aluminum alloy, 100% recycled rare-earth metal magnets and 100% carbon free electricity at manufacturing facilities. xiii

We are also committed to reducing plastic waste – with all-new paper-based packaging with more recyclable components – and extending the lifetime of your device with innovative repairability features.

This is just the beginning. We will continue delivering sustainability advancements across the device lifecycle as we work towards Microsoft’s 2030 commitments.

Pre-order today

The brand-new Surface Pro and Surface Laptop deliver incredible speeds, all-day battery life and all-new AI experiences, all starting at $999. You can pre-order today and learn more about our new products at Microsoft.com. They’ll be available at key retailers worldwide starting June 18. To learn more about Surface for your organization, visit the Surface for Business blog.

i   Based on Cinebench 2024 Multi-threaded conducted by Microsoft in April 2024 comparing pre-release build of Surface Laptop with Snapdragon X Elite running pre-release Windows 11 26100 and Apple MacBook Air 13″ with M3 running macOS 14 Sonoma.  

ii   Recall is optimized for select languages (English, Chinese (simplified), French, German, Japanese and Spanish.) Content-based and storage limitations apply. See https://aka.ms/copilotpluspcs .  

iii   Currently supports translation for video and audio subtitles into English from 40+ languages. See https://aka.ms/copilotpluspcs .  

iv   6GHz band not available in all regions.  

v   5G availability options with 5G coming later in 2024. 5G not available in all areas; compatibility and performance depends on carrier network, plan and other factors. See carrier for details and pricing.  

vi   Enclosure includes Bucket and Kickstand. 100% recycled aluminum alloy in Bucket and Kickstand. 100% recycled rare earth metals in magnets. Based on validation performed by Underwriter Laboratories, Inc. using Environmental Claim Validation Procedure, UL 2809-2, Second Edition, November 7, 2023.   

vii   Requires Dolby Vision® encoded content and video.  

viii   Colors available on selected models only. Available colors, sizes, finishes and processors may vary by store, market and configuration.  

ix   Local video playback: Testing conducted by Microsoft in April 2024 using preproduction software and preproduction Surface Laptop Snapdragon® X Elite C12 512GB, 16GB RAM devices. Testing consisted of full battery discharge during video playback of a .mov file through the Windows Media Player application in 1080p at 24 FPS. All settings were default except screen brightness set to 150 nits with Auto-brightness disabled. Wi-Fi was connected to a network. Tested with Windows 11. Battery life varies significantly with settings, usage and other factors.  

x   Local video playback: Testing conducted by Microsoft in April 2024 using preproduction software and preproduction Surface Laptop Snapdragon® X Plus C10 256GB, 16GB RAM devices. Testing consisted of full battery discharge during video playback of a .mov file through the Windows Media Player application in 1080p at 24 FPS. All settings were default except screen brightness set to 150 nits with Auto-brightness disabled. Wi-Fi was connected to a network. Tested with Windows 11. Battery life varies significantly with settings, usage and other factors.  

xi  Requires Dolby® Atmos® encoded content/audio.  

xii  Surface Pro Flex Keyboard with bold keyset available only in U.S. English.  

xiii  As compared to a baseline no-interventions scenario modeling the same products without any sustainability interventions in the production phase of the devices.  

Presentation Geeks

The Latest Presentation Trends To Keep An Eye On In 2023

Table of contents.

Prese ntations are used in virtually every industry. From teaching and training to sales and marketing, presentations are a vital method of communication that, when used effectively, can have a profound impact on your audience.

Capturing your audience’s attention is key to a great presentation. This often starts with the presentation design and various design elements. Whether it be the color of the background, the type of shapes or elements on each slide, or the overall presentation design, you should be mindful of the design trends in the presentation world.

In this blog, we will explore the hot presentation design trends for 2023 and how you might use them for your business.

Why Is Keeping Up With Presentation Trends So Important?

As we’ve briefly mentioned above, your presentation design can have quite an impact on how your audience engages with the presentation material. When an audience sees a presentation that stands out, it will stick in their mind after the presentation is over. This is what businesses want when it comes to crafting powerful presentations.

If your presentation is bland and stale, your information will feel bland and stale. On the other hand, if your design or visual content is too over the top, it can take away from the information you are trying to convey to your audience.

Striking this balance in your design is key to a successful PowerPoint presentation. Often, presentation trends are popular because they are effective when communicating to an audience while also drawing the eye.

Let's Dive Into Some Of The Latest Presentation Design Trends

A modern presentation usually involves set color palettes, asymmetric layouts, different shape s, and other design elements.

Let’s take a look at a few of the modern presentations and modern design trends for 2023 that you might consider using for your next presentation.

Abstract Shapes That Dominate Slides

latest technology presentation

One of the popular presentation design trends taking over the digital world right now is abstract and geometric shapes. Whether you’re creating a Google Slides, Prezi, Canva, or PowerPoint presentation design, shapes, and image overlays can be a great way to take your presentations from boring to bold.

In this example here , triangle shapes and images have been used to keep and direct the attention of the audience.

latest technology presentation

It’s also important to note that these shapes and elements don’t take away from the content on the slides, rather, they create an engaging slide that piques the viewer’s visual interest and keeps them informed.

Unique AI Generated Motion Graphics & Images

Another design trend we see emerging in 2023 is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Designers utilize programs to create animated graphics, images, flowing shapes, and other design elements.

AI generated graphics can be used to create a unique design and custom images for your business slide decks. This, along with the growing demand for virtual reality likely means we will see increased use of Artificial Intelligence throughout the graphic design industry.

Inclusive Visuals, Graphics and Fonts

A big presentation design trend we have seen in the past couple of years and into 2023 is the use of inclusive visuals. The graphic design industry has seen a big move towards accessibility and inclusivity. This has meant using different shapes, fonts, and images that reflect a more inclusive community.

Not only do these inclusive visuals, graphics, and fonts have visual appeal, but they also mean that your presentations and slides are more accessible to a larger audience.

Modern Minimalism - Say More With Less

latest technology presentation

A design trend we are seeing pop up across a lot of different industries is a kind of modern minimalism. The famous saying goes “keep it simple, stupid” and you could argue that the same applies to PowerPoint presentations.

While a trendy PowerPoint presentation design, neon colors, and colorful text blocks might initially grab the eyes, it can also distract your audience and take away from the information you are trying to communicate.

In this example below, we’ve created modern slides for Indigo that lean towards a minimalistic style. The presentation uses their brand palette and custom fonts to great an engaging presentation with a personal touch that doesn’t distract the viewer.

Dark Modes - Sleek and Secure

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One of the popular graphic design trends for 2023 utilizes dark mode and dark backgrounds to make their slides stand out in the crowd without overwhelming the audience.

A dark background and dark theme can create depth in your graphic designs which can pull your audience in.

These dark PowerPoint presentation trends don’t necessarily require you only to use blacks and greys in your color schemes. Instead, you can use different shades of some dark colors that will create a dark mode style of presentation.

T he end result is something that the audience expects but still engages them throughout your presentation.

Making An Impact With Muted Images

latest technology presentation

While color palettes, bold color blocks, serif fonts, and other design trends all seem to be on the rise, current presentation design trends have also seen an increased use of muted image overlays.

Muted images are images that have been edited with a filter that dulls the brightness and makes them a bit moodier. Instead of immediately grabbing the eye of the viewer, these images blend more into the background and can create more depth in your presentations.

BIG, Bold Backgrounds

latest technology presentation

One last new trend we’ve seen in presentations this year is big, bold style, particularly when it comes to the background. With eye-catching backgrounds, you can immediately grab your audience’s attention and keep them engaged throughout the entire presentation.

While a minimalistic trend may cater to certain audiences, big backgrounds can help you stand out in the crowd.

When it comes to taking design tips, you need to consider your content, your audience, and your overall brand identity. So while nature-inspired themes and geometric shapes might work for some brands, bold colors, big backgrounds, and fun fonts might work for others.

In this example for the Seatle Krakken , we’ve matched the vibe of the sports brand with bright colors and bold backgrounds.

latest technology presentation

Do The Presentation Geeks Keep A Finger On The Pulse?

Staying on top of presentation trends and design trends can be time-consuming and hard to navigate. At Presentation Geeks, we pride ourselves on our design knowledge, especially when it comes to building engaging and creative presentation slides.

Whether it’s keeping up with serif fonts, abstract shapes, colorful text blocks, or other design trends, we are able to help your business succeed with on-trend presentations.

Are You Looking To Up Your Presentation Game? Well, Look No Further.

Are you tired of using recycled presentation templates? Does your schedule leave you little time to spend on c reating unique powerpoint presentations ? Do you want to engage audiences, communicate efficiently, and make the sale? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

The team of experienced designers at Presentation Geeks are experts in presentation design and building slide decks that work. We’ve worked with a variety of businesses and entrepreneurs to help them meet their business goals through powerful presentations.

If you’re ready to take your presentation game to the next level, let us help you!

Want to know more? Contact us today to see how the Geeks can meet your business needs!

Author:  Content Team

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After myriad procedures, plenty of diagnostics, a lot of papers and conferences… You have made a new medical discovery, a breakthrough! Present the details of your study thanks to this abstract presentation!

This theme has a breakthrough structure. The coral orange background turns this template into a source of positive energy, perfect for talking about a new medical discovery, technology or any sort of innovation! It combines rectangles in pink, purple and red to provide the slides with a very modern air. The serif title typeface is geometric as well, which is the perfect companion for a template like this one.

Features of this template

  • A modern and techy template with rectangular shapes
  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 30 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics, maps and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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Table of Contents

1. generative-ai, 2. computing power , 3. smart(er) devices , 4. datafication , 5. artificial intelligence (ai) and machine learning, 6. extended reality , 7. digital trust , 8. 3d printing , 9. genomics , 10. new energy solutions, 11. robotic process automation (rpa), 12. edge computing, 13. quantum computing, 14. virtual reality and augmented reality, 15. blockchain, 16. internet of things (iot), 18. cyber security, 19. full stack development, 21. metaverse, 22. digital twins, choose the right program, 22 new technology trends and 1 solution to succeed in them, frequently asked questions (faqs), 22 new technology trends for 2024: new tech horizons.

Top New Technology Trends for 2024

Technology today is evolving at a rapid pace, enabling faster change and progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change. However, it is not only technology trends and emerging technologies that are evolving, a lot more has changed, making IT professionals realize that their role will not stay the same in the contactless world tomorrow. And an IT professional in 2024 will constantly be learning, unlearning, and relearning (out of necessity, if not desire).

What does this mean for you in the context of the highest paying jobs in India ? It means staying current with emerging technologies and latest technology trends. And it means keeping your eyes on the future to know which skills you’ll need to know to secure a safe job tomorrow and even learn how to get there. Here are the top 18 emerging technology trends you should watch for and make an attempt at in 2024, and possibly secure one of the highest paying tech jobs that will be created by these new technology trends. Starting the list of new tech trends with the talk of the town, gen-AI!

Generative AI, a cutting-edge technology, has revolutionized various industries by enabling machines to create content that resembles human-generated work. It encompasses a wide range of applications, from text generation to image synthesis and even music composition. After mastering generative AI, individuals can pursue exciting job roles in fields such as artificial intelligence research, data science, and creative industries. The ever-expanding applications of generative AI promise a bright future for those who master this technology, offering opportunities to shape how we interact and create content in the digital age. Some of the top job roles include:

  • AI Researcher, where you can delve deep into the development of advanced generative models
  • Data Scientist, using generative AI to extract valuable insights from data
  • Content Creator, harnessing generative AI for innovative storytelling
  • AI Ethics Consultant, addressing the ethical implications of AI-generated content

Computing power has already established its place in the digital era, with almost every device and appliance being computerized. And it’s here for even more as data science experts have predicted that the computing infrastructure we are building right now will only evolve for the better in the coming years. At the same time, we have 5G already; gear up for an era of 6G with more power in our hands and devices surrounding us. Even better, computing power is generating more tech jobs in the industry but would require specialized qualifications for candidates to acquire.

From data science to robotics and IT management, this field will power the largest percentage of employment in every country. The more computing our devices will need, the more technicians, IT teams, relationship managers, and the customer care economy will flourish. One essential branch under this field that you can learn today is RPA, i.e. Robotic Process Automation . Here are the top jobs you can target after RPA: 

  • Data Scientist
  • AI Engineer
  • Robotics Researcher
  • AI Architect
  • Robotics Designer

Artificial intelligence has played an essential role in making our world smarter and smoother. It is not just simulating humans but going the extra mile to make our lives hassle-free and simpler. These smarter devices are here to stay in 2024 and even further, as data scientists are working on AI home robots, appliances, work devices, wearables, and so much more! Almost every job needs smart software applications to make our work life more manageable. Smarter devices are another addition to the IT industry that is of high requirement and demand as more companies transform into digital spaces. Almost every higher-level job requires good IT and automation proficiency to thrive. Here are the best jobs you can venture into:

  • Data Scientists
  • Product Testers
  • Product Managers
  • Automation Engineers
  • IT Researchers

Datafication is simply transforming everything in our lives into devices or software powered by data. So, in short, Datafication is the modification of human chores and tasks into data-driven technology. From our smartphones, industrial machines, and office applications to AI-powered appliances and everything else, data is here to stay for longer than we can ever remember! So, to keep our data stored correctly and securely and safely, it has become an in-demand specialization in our economy. 

Datafication leads to a higher need for IT professionals, data scientists, engineers, technicians, managers, and so much more. Even more useful is that anyone with a sound knowledge of technology can do a certification in data-related specializations to find a job in this space. Data jobs are more about skills than big-level qualifications. Let’s look at some popular data careers:

  • Big Data Engineers
  • Robotics Engineers
  • IT Architect
  • Business Intelligence Analyst

Artificial Intelligence , or AI, has already received a lot of buzz in the past decade. Still, it continues to be one of the new technology trends because of its notable effects on how we live, work and play are only in the early stages. AI is already known for its superiority in image and speech recognition, navigation apps, smartphone personal assistants, ride-sharing apps and so much more.

Other than that, AI will be used further to analyze interactions to determine underlying connections and insights, to help predict demand for services like hospitals enabling authorities to make better decisions about resource utilization, and to detect the changing patterns of customer behaviour by analyzing data in near real-time, driving revenues and enhancing personalized experiences. With AI spreading its wings across sectors, new jobs will be created in development, programming, testing, support and maintenance, to name a few. On the other hand AI also offers some of the highest salaries today!

Machine Learning the subset of AI, is also being deployed in all kinds of industries, creating a huge demand for skilled professionals. Forrester predicts AI, machine learning, and automation will create 9 percent of new U.S. jobs by 2025, jobs including robot monitoring professionals, data scientists, automation specialists, and content curators, making it another new technology trend you must keep in mind too!

Mastering AI and machine learning will help you secure jobs like:

  • AI Research Scientist
  • Machine Learning Engineer

Extended reality comprises all the technologies that simulate reality, from Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality to Mixed Reality and everything else in-between. It is a significant technology trend right now as all of us are craving to break away from the so-called real boundaries of the world. By creating a reality without any tangible presence, this technology is massively popular amongst gamers, medical specialists, and retail and modeling.

Regarding extended reality, gaming is a crucial area for popular careers that don’t require high-level qualifications but rather a passion for online gaming. You can pursue game design, animation or even editing programs to pursue a successful career in this specialization. Meanwhile, check out the best jobs in AR, VR as well as ER:

  • Extended Reality Architect
  • Front Lead Engineer
  • Software Developer
  • AR/VR Support Engineers
  • Game Designers
  • Creative Directors

Become a AI & Machine Learning Professional

  • $267 billion Expected global AI market value by 2027
  • 37.3% Projected CAGR of the global AI market from 2023-2030
  • $15.7 trillion Expected total contribution of AI to the global economy by 2030

Post Graduate Program in AI and Machine Learning

  • Program completion certificate from Purdue University and Simplilearn
  • Gain exposure to ChatGPT, OpenAI, Dall-E, Midjourney & other prominent tools

Advanced Executive Program in Cybersecurity

  • Empower your cybersecurity learning with generative AI
  • Program completion certificate from IIIT Bangalore (Digital & Physical)

Here's what learners are saying regarding our programs:

Akili Yang

Personal Financial Consultant , OCBC Bank

The live sessions were quite good; you could ask questions and clear doubts. Also, the self-paced videos can be played conveniently, and any course part can be revisited. The hands-on projects were also perfect for practice; we could use the knowledge we acquired while doing the projects and apply it in real life.

Aakash Raymond Datt

Aakash Raymond Datt

Cybersecurity security analyst , wipro.

I had an incredible learning experience with Simplilearn, and the course helped boost my career. My company promoted me from Cybersecurity Analyst Level -1 to Cybersecurity Analyst Level -2 with a 40% salary hike.

With people being accommodated and tangled with devices and technologies, confidence and trust have been built towards digital technologies. This familiar digital trust is another vital trend leading to more innovations. With digital conviction, people believe that technology can create a secure, safe and reliable digital world and help companies invent and innovate without worrying about securing the public’s confidence. 

To create a safer space for digital users, cybersecurity and ethical hacking are the major specializations you can check out. In these two, there is an array of jobs you can discover from junior to senior levels. For ethical hacking, you might have to take up professional certifications, while for cybersecurity, a diploma or even a master’s qualification is sufficient to aim for a high-salary role. Here are the top jobs you can find in cybersecurity and ethical hacking:

  • Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Penetration Tester
  • Security Engineer
  • Security Architect
  • Security Automation Engineer
  • Network Security Analyst

A key trend in innovation and technology is 3D printing which is used to formulate prototypes. This technology has been impactful in the biomedical and industrial sectors. None of us thought of printing a real object from a printer, while right now, it’s a reality. So, 3D printing is another innovation that’s here to stay. For companies in the data and healthcare sector that require a lot of 3D printing for their products, various jobs pay well and are international. You only need a sound knowledge of AI, Machine Learning, Modeling, and 3D printing. Let’s check out the best jobs in this specialization:

  • CX Program Manager
  • 3D Printer Engineer
  • Emulation Prototyping Engineer
  • Robotics Trainer
  • Operations Manager
  • Organ & Prosthetic Designer

Imagine a technology that can study and use your DNA to improve your health, helping you fight diseases and whatnot! Genomics is precisely that technology that peruses upon the make-up of genes, DNAs, their mapping, structure, etc. Further, this can help quantify your genes and result in finding diseases or any possible problems that can later be a health issue. When it comes to a specialization like Genomics, one can find a variety of technical as well as non-technical roles. Technical jobs in this area are all about designing, analyzing, and diagnostics, while non-technical jobs are concerned with higher levels of research and theoretical analysis. Here are the top jobs in Genomics:

  • Bioinformatics Analyst
  • Genome Research Analyst
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • Bioinformatician
  • Genetics Engineer

The world has agreed to be greener for the sake of its landscapes and the energy we use. This results in cars running on electricity or battery and houses using greener choices like solar and renewable energy. What’s even better is that people are conscious of their carbon footprints and waste; thus, minimizing it or turning those into renewable energy is even more helpful. 

This gave rise to another technology trend -  energy solutions! This alternative energy arena is also boosting environment-related and data-oriented careers. These careers pertain to those in Science specializations and social science qualifications. Let’s take a look at the top jobs you can find in New Energy:

  • Energy Specialist (Solar, Thermal, Hydro-power etc.)
  • Solar Plant Design Energy
  • Climate Strategy Specialist
  • Project Manager
  • Chemical Energy
  • Biotechnology Specialist
  • Renewable Energy Technologist

Like AI and Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation is another technology that automates jobs. RPA is the use of software to automate business processes such as interpreting applications, processing transactions, dealing with data, and even replying to emails. RPA automates repetitive tasks that people used to do. 

Although Forrester Research estimates RPA automation will threaten the livelihood of 230 million or more knowledge workers or approximately 9 percent of the global workforce, RPA is also creating new jobs while altering existing jobs. McKinsey finds that less than 5 percent of occupations can be totally automated , but about 60 percent can be partially automated.

For you as an IT professional looking to the future and trying to understand latest technology trends, RPA offers plenty of career opportunities, including developer, project manager, business analyst, solution architect and consultant. And these jobs pay well- making it the next technology trend you must keep a watch on! Mastering RPA will help you secure high-paying jobs like:

  • RPA Developer
  • RPA Analyst
  • RPA Architect

Formerly a new technology trend to watch, cloud computing has become mainstream, with major players AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform dominating the market. The adoption of cloud computing is still growing, as more and more businesses migrate to a cloud solution. But it’s no longer the emerging technology trend. Edge is.

As the quantity of data organizations is dealing with continues to increase, they have realized the shortcomings of cloud computing in some situations. Edge computing is designed to help solve some of those problems as a way to bypass the latency caused by cloud computing and getting data to a data center for processing. It can exist “on the edge,” if you will, closer to where computing needs to happen. For this reason, edge computing can be used to process time-sensitive data in remote locations with limited or no connectivity to a centralized location. In those situations, edge computing can act like mini datacenters.

Keeping in line with cloud computing (including new-age edge and quantum computing) will help you grab amazing jobs like:

  • Cloud Reliability Engineer
  • Cloud Infrastructure Engineer
  • Cloud Architect and Security Architect
  • DevOps Cloud Engineer

The next remarkable technology trend is quantum computing , which is a form of computing that takes advantage of quantum phenomena like superposition and quantum entanglement. This amazing technology trend is also involved in preventing the spread of the coronavirus, and to develop potential vaccines, thanks to its ability to easily query, monitor, analyze and act on data, regardless of the source. Another field where quantum computing is finding applications is banking and finance, to manage credit risk, for high-frequency trading and fraud detection.

Quantum computers are now a multitude times faster than regular computers and huge brands like Splunk, Honeywell, Microsoft, AWS, Google and many others are now involved in making innovations in the field of Quantum Computing. The revenues for the global quantum computing market are projected to surpass $2.5 billion by 2029. And to make a mark in this new trending technology, you need to have experience with quantum mechanics, linear algebra, probability, information theory, and machine learning.

The next exceptional technology trend - Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), and Extended Reality (ER). VR immerses the user in an environment while AR enhances their environment. Although this technology trend has primarily been used for gaming thus far, it has also been used for training, as with VirtualShip , a simulation software used to train U.S. Navy, Army and Coast Guard ship captains.

In 2024, we can expect these forms of technologies being further integrated into our lives. Usually working in tandem with some of the other emerging technologies we’ve mentioned in this list, AR and VR have enormous potential in training, entertainment, education, marketing, and even rehabilitation after an injury. Either could be used to train doctors to do surgery, offer museum goers a deeper experience, enhance theme parks, or even enhance marketing, as with this Pepsi Max bus shelter .

While some employers might look for optics as a skill-set, note that getting started in VR doesn’t require a lot of specialized knowledge - basic programming skills and a forward-thinking mindset can land a job; another reason why this new technology trend should make up to your list of lookouts!

Although most people think of blockchain technology in relation to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, blockchain offers security that is useful in many other ways. In simplest terms, blockchain can be described as data you can only add to, not take away from, or change. Hence the term “chain” because you’re making a chain of data. Not being able to change the previous blocks is what makes it so secure. In addition, blockchains are consensus-driven, so no one entity can take control of the data. With blockchain, you don’t need a trusted third party to oversee or validate transactions.

Several industries are involving and implementing blockchain, and as blockchain technology's use increases, so does the demand for skilled professionals. From a birds eye view, a blockchain developer specializes in developing and implementing architecture and solutions using blockchain technology. 

If you are intrigued by Blockchain and its applications and want to make your career in this trending technology, then this is the right time to start. To get into Blockchain, you need hands-on experience in programming languages, OOPS fundamentals, flat and relational databases, data structures, web app development, and networking. Mastering blockchain can help you scale up in a variety of fields and industries:

  • Risk Analyst
  • Tech Architect
  • Crypto Community Manager
  • Front End Engineer

Another promising new technology trend is IoT. Many “things” are now being built with WiFi connectivity, meaning they can be connected to the Internet—and to each other. Hence, the Internet of Things, or IoT. The Internet of Things is the future, and has already enabled devices, home appliances, cars and much more to be connected to and exchange data over the Internet.

As consumers, we’re already using and benefitting from IoT. We can lock our doors remotely if we forget to when we leave for work and preheat our ovens on our way home from work, all while tracking our fitness on our Fitbits. However, businesses also have much to gain now and in the near future. The IoT can enable better safety, efficiency and decision making for businesses as data is collected and analyzed. It can enable predictive maintenance, speed up medical care, improve customer service, and offer benefits we haven’t even imagined yet.

And we’re only in the beginning stages of this new technology trend: Forecasts suggest that by 2030 around 50 billion of these IoT devices will be in use around the world, creating a massive web of interconnected devices spanning everything from smartphones to kitchen appliances. And if you wish to step foot in this trending technology, you will have to learn about Information security, AI and machine learning fundamentals, networking, hardware interfacing, data analytics , automation, understanding of embedded systems, and must have device and design knowledge.

The next technology trend that follows the IoT is 5G. Where 3G and 4G technologies have enabled us to browse the internet, use data-driven services, increased bandwidths for streaming on Spotify or YouTube and so much more, 5G services are expected to revolutionize our lives. By enabling services that rely on advanced technologies like AR and VR, alongside cloud-based gaming services like Google Stadia, NVidia GeForce Now and much more. It is expected to be used in factories, HD cameras that help improve safety and traffic management, smart grid control and smart retail too.

Just about every telecom company like Verizon, Tmobile, Apple, Nokia Corp, QualComm, are now working on creating 5G applications. 5G Network subscriptions will reach 4.4 billion by the end of 2027 , making it an emerging technology trend you must watch out for, and also save a spot in.

Cyber security might not seem like an emerging new technology trend, given that it has been around for a while, but it is evolving just as other technologies are. That’s in part because threats are constantly new. The malevolent hackers trying to access data illegally will not give up any time soon, and they will continue to find ways to get through even the toughest security measures. It’s also partly because new technology is being adapted to enhance security. As long as we have hackers, cybersecurity will remain a trending technology because it will constantly evolve to defend against those hackers.

According to Gartner , by 2025, 60% of organizations will use cybersecurity risk as a primary determinant in conducting third-party transactions and business engagements. You must note that however challenging the field is it also offers lucrative six-figure incomes, and roles can range from 

  • Ethical Hacker 
  • Malware Analyst
  • Security Engineer 
  • Chief Security Officer

offering a promising career path for someone who wants to get into and stick with this new trending technology. 

Full stack development refers to the practice of developing both the front-end (user interface) and back-end (server-side) components of a web or software application. Full stack developers are proficient in multiple programming languages and technologies, allowing them to work on the entire software stack. This trend has gained momentum as businesses seek versatile developers who can build end-to-end solutions efficiently. Full stack development streamlines the development process and enables faster product development and deployment.

DevOps is a set of practices that focuses on collaboration and communication between software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) teams. It aims to automate and streamline the software development and deployment lifecycle, allowing for more frequent and reliable releases. DevOps practices include continuous integration, continuous delivery, infrastructure as code, and automated testing. Adopting DevOps leads to faster development cycles, improved software quality, and greater agility in responding to changes and customer needs.

The metaverse is a virtual, interconnected digital universe where users can interact with each other and digital environments in real-time. It combines augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and various technologies to create immersive, shared experiences. Companies are exploring metaverse applications in gaming, social networking, education, healthcare, and beyond. This trend represents a convergence of digital and physical worlds and is expected to have far-reaching impacts on communication, entertainment, and business collaboration.

Digital twins are virtual replicas of physical objects, processes, or systems. These digital representations are created using data from sensors, IoT devices, and other sources. Digital twins enable organizations to monitor, simulate, and analyze real-world assets and operations in a virtual environment. They find applications in manufacturing, urban planning, healthcare, and more. By creating digital twins, businesses can optimize processes, improve decision-making, and enhance efficiency, safety, and sustainability.

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Although technologies are emerging and evolving all around us, these 18 technology trends offer promising career potential now and for the foreseeable future. And most of these trending technologies are welcoming skilled professionals , meaning the time is right for you to choose one, get trained, and get on board at the early stages of these trending technologies, positioning you for success now and in the future.

1. What are technology trends?

Technology trends refer to the prevailing developments, innovations, and advancements in the world of technology. These trends often shape the direction of industries, businesses, and society as a whole, influencing how we interact, work, and live.

2. Why are technology trends important?

Following technology trends is crucial for individuals and businesses alike because it allows them to stay competitive and relevant in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. By keeping abreast of emerging technologies, one can make informed decisions about adopting new tools, improving processes, and leveraging opportunities for growth.

3. How do you keep up with technology trends?

You can stay updated with technology trends by following reputable technology news sources, subscribing to industry newsletters, attending conferences and webinars, participating in online communities, and engaging in continuous learning and skill development.

Recommended Reads

Upskilling and Reskilling in 2021: A Global Overview

Upskilling and Reskilling When Consolidating Roles

What is Blockchain Technology? How Does It Work?

State of Upskilling in 2021: Insights from Simplilearn’s Survey of Learners

Reskilling the Government Workforce for the Digital Age

Your One-Stop Guide ‘On How Does the Internet Work?’

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