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Situational Judgement Tests

  • 180 questions

Situational judgement tests allow employers to assess how you approach scenarios encountered in the workplace. The tests are built around hypothetical work situations, to which you are expected to react accordingly. Your answers will indicate your alignment with the values and behaviours of that particular company.

What is a situational judgement test?

A situational judgement test, also known as an SJT, is a type of psychometric test that often forms part of the assessment process for job applications.

An SJT involves considering a series of hypothetical workplace scenarios that you might encounter in the role for which you are interviewing. You are then invited to select a response that you feel best answers each question. From these, the company extrapolates and assesses your judgement and character traits.

Situational judgement tests vary depending on the provider and the employer commissioning the test but usually take a similar form, in that you are presented with a description of a workplace-based scenario and a number of responses.

After reading the situation you are then asked to select or rank the responses. There are no right or wrong answers per se, and indeed none of the responses may include your instinctive response to the scenario. Using your knowledge of the employer and the role for which you are being assessed, you select the response which answers the question while also conveying the competencies that the employer seeks.

For the most part, and in more junior or graduate positions, the skills being assessed in the hiring process will largely be obvious: communication skills, team working, building relationships, commercial awareness. For more senior management roles, these could include motivation, strategy, delivering results and long-term planning.

In addition to gaining an understanding of how you might respond to the challenges of the job and the effectiveness of your judgement, SJTs also allow you an insight into the role during the selection process and decisions/situations that you may encounter should you be successful in gaining a role in the organisation.

Why do employers use situational judgement tests?

Situational judgement tests are typically used in the recruitment process for roles where they have a high volume of applicants, which often includes graduate roles. Employers also use SJTs when the majority of candidates may have similar academic results and they are looking for other ways to filter candidate performance.

If you are asked to take part in an assessment day for any of the big law firms, financial firms, ‘Big Four’ business services firms (PwC, KPMG, Deloitte and EY), banks or Civil Service Fast Stream, you will most likely be asked to carry out a situational judgement test. SJTs are also used by medical and dental schools.

SJT are usually bespoke, employer-specific tests designed to assess judgement and behaviours deemed important. Of course, as the candidate you would hope to use your intelligence to be able to answer the questions in a way that demonstrates those behaviours. But the employer will want to find out how you would really behave in a situation, not how you think you should, so the questions will be designed to strike a balance.

Situational judgement tests are also useful in assessing softer interpersonal skills and non-academic competencies. They are often but not exclusively used alongside other tests, such as e-tray exercises , the Watson Glaser test , group exercises and presentations to test relevant competencies.

A SJT is usually taken via computer, which allows the results to be automatically generated to create a combined score, which is then passed to the employer. Individual responses may also be provided to allow the employer to assess specific competencies. It is likely your score will also be presented in a ranking of all the other candidates, to provide context.

How situational judgement tests work

A SJT will usually form part of the assessment day alongside interviews, numeracy tests , other ability tests, group exercises, and presentations.

SJTs are usually administered via computer and may be text only, or use videos (with either actors or animation/graphics) to create a hypothetical scenario, with text for answers. Occasionally an SJT might be a paper exercise but that is rare – and they are usually written answers rather than verbal.

Situational judgement tests are multiple-choice tests in which you are asked to respond to between 25 and 50 descriptions or scenarios. Usually there is no specific time limit, but you’d expect to work quickly and instinctively, and therefore would expect the test to take around one minute per question. Each correct answer is worth one mark.

Each short situation or description will be followed by a question and some choices. All the information is contained within the question and you do not need to know any further information to be able to answer the question.

You will commonly be asked to do one of two things: choose either the least effective or best / most likely / most effective response listed, or to rank the options.

Often but not always, one or two of the options will include responses which are clearly unethical or against company values. You should also look out for answers which amount to passive choices, or are the equivalent to ‘doing nothing’, as in SJTs these are rarely the correct choice.

Any response which replies on workplace politics – rather than on your analytic abilities – is also unlikely to be the correct answer.

How best to prepare for a situational judgement test

The best way you can prepare for taking a SJT is by reading our situational judgement test tips , researching the company and by taking practice tests like our free situational judgement test .

First, consider the key competencies your prospective employer states in the job description. Then, in each practice question, see whether you can identify which competency is being assessed.

In each scenario, read the passage and select how you would most likely and least likely respond. Read the passage carefully and do not get caught out, either by skim reading or misreading ‘best’ when you are actually being asked ‘least’.

Practice as many situational judgement tests as you can, and note which ones you typically get wrong.

Is there any pattern to the types of scenarios to which you find it hard to pick out the right answer or that take you a long time to answer? Read the analysis of each statement and note down where you erred.

Common SJT publishers

We recommend that you research the following situational judgement test providers and familiarise yourself with their test questions:

A UK-based provider of aptitude tests . Criterion’s Coast Series is popular with employers and includes situational judgement tests.

Pearson is one of the largest educational companies worldwide and is based in the UK. It owns the TalentLens assessment platform, which includes IRIS situational judgement. This SJT is aimed at graduate-level jobs and takes around 30 minutes to complete.

SHL is the original aptitude test provider and the one that you are most likely to encounter. SHL’s personality and behavioural test packages include situational judgement tests.

Aon’s Assessment Solutions (formerly cut-e)

Aon’s Assessment Solutions offers a broad range of tests including situational judgement tests that are designed to simulate real-life work scenarios and assess how candidates respond to them. Their tests are widely used across various industries and can provide valuable practice.

Prepare yourself for leading employers


Free situational judgement test questions with explanations

When practicing situational judgement tests, you should seek to experience a variety of question types that address key competencies – communication, teamwork and decision-making skills, for example.

It’s also a good idea to understand customer service and client-facing scenarios, even if the role is not a direct sales role.

As you practice, note down which types of questions are tripping you up and use our practice situational judgement test questions to get quicker at spotting the best answers.

Solutions to each are below the questions.

Example question: communication

situational judgement practice question communication

Read the passage and select how you would most likely and least likely respond:

A) Be honest with your manager, outlining that your current project and your colleague will continue to need your input until the end of the first project. Explain that you don’t want to desert them and see the project fail.

B) Accept the second project and explain to your manager that you will work extra hours and weekends to ensure that you can dedicate sufficient time to both projects for the immediate term. This will ensure that your less experienced colleague is not abandoned but that you can still take on the new project.

C) Tell your manager that you would love to take on the second project and make assurances that you will successfully deliver both by giving your colleague on the first project more autonomy but will continue to regularly meet with them and be on hand for issues as they arise.

D) Agree to take on the second project but set up daily calls with your less experienced colleague who is working on the first project to ensure that they remain on track and that you know everything that is happening. That way you can continue to oversee the first project as well as managing the second one.

Example question: teamwork

situational judgement practice question teamwork

A) Tactfully suggest the group should focus on the suggestions that are more in keeping with the current product lines. This will give the group more focus and will get them moving on to the next stage more effectively.

B) Suggest that as a group you create a series of criteria against which to review all of the suggestions made so far. This will ensure that all suggestions get a fair hearing.

C) Suggest that the group splits into three so that each pair can quickly work up a project plan for their favoured suggestion. Encourage your less conventional team members a chance to work up a plan that they can share with the rest of the group to demonstrate a way of making their ideas work.

D) Ask each member of the group which of the suggested product lines they think will be more successful and why. Offer to act as secretary and record all opinions. Once everyone has put their point forward, encourage a debate that focuses on coming to agreement based on the pros and cons of the solutions offered.

Example question: decision-making skills

situational judgement practice question decision making

A) Arrange a kick off meeting with your manager to brainstorm ideas based on their prior experience in retail and your observations of the business since joining.

B) Start by conducting desk based research to look at what the competition is doing and learning from that.

C) Set up a series of focus groups to include customers from a diverse range of backgrounds to try and understand what they are looking for from the loyalty card.

D) Meet with the finance and marketing teams and chair a session to generate ideas from them on what would generate the most financial gains in their view.

Example question: customer service

situational judgement practice question customer service

A) Respond to the email as best you can before leaving without having access to the key files and tell the client that you will double check everything first thing on Monday.

B) Call the client immediately to find out exactly when they need the information by. If they do need it this evening you can pop back to the office and talk them through the key information and then provide a more in-depth written response on Monday.

C) Reply immediately telling the client that you need to get more information for them before you can give them an answer in full and with that in mind you will get back to them first thing on Monday morning as a priority.

D) Leave the email for now and deal with it first thing on Monday morning. The client will have received your out of office response anyway and may have contacted a colleague already.


C) is the most likely. This response shows that you are enthusiastic about extra responsibilities and that you have thought of ways to ensure both projects can successfully be delivered. You are demonstrating that you can empower and support your colleague without having to get involved in all of the day to day delivery issues.

A) is the least likely. Your manager is demonstrating trust in you by offering you the opportunity to lead a project within a different department. As a graduate you need to grasp opportunities like this with enthusiasm and find ways to ensure all projects are delivered successfully. By declining their offer you may be missing out on opportunities further down the line.

D) is the most likely. By asking everyone to make a decision about their favoured option and to also back this up with reasoned arguments it is encouraging debate and open communication. Everyone has to listen to everyone else’s views and this will encourage the team to work more cohesively.

A) is the least likely. This approach may well encourage the group to progress to the next stage but it fails to recognise that diverse views can be harnessed to give a real advantage in a team situation. Sometimes it is too easy to stick with what we know rather than capitalising on diversity within a team, even if it takes you outside of your comfort zone.

Decision making

C) is the most likely. This approach ensures that your initial proposal will take account of what customers would like to see. By taking steps to understand your customers you can tailor your proposals to ensure their needs are met.

A) is the least likely. Your manager has asked you come up with some proposed changes. This approach merely brings the problem back to them. Further, it is a very inward facing approach and takes no account of the competitive landscape and more importantly, what customers would like to see.

Customer service

B) is the most likely. By calling the client you are ensuring that you are respond according to their needs. It may be that they can wait for the information but it is important to establish this. It recognises that even a simple verbal response must be correct and having access to the correct files is vital. As they are your client it is important that you demonstrate you are willing to go the extra mile.

D) is the least likely. This is a client you have been working with very closely for 6 months so it is you they need help from. By ignoring the email completely it is evident that you are not prepared to go the extra mile. You have a good relationship with them so simply ignoring them is not what they will expect from you.

What competencies do situational judgement tests typically test?

Examples of core competencies tested by situational judgement tests include (but are not limited to):

Communication skills

SJTs focus on your skill with people: good communication and networking abilities should earn you a few points. But what really constitutes good communication?

In short, this is how you relate to others, and how good you are at adapting the style of a conversation to successfully influence and communicate with people. Behavioural thinking and a good level of empathy are therefore necessary to succeed, as you would be expected to effectively communicate your information in a manner appropriate to the audience, with clarity and purpose.

Team player

You might have been a sports star in your secondary school, but collaboration on a football pitch can be different from the one expected in a work environment. While taking a situational judgement test, remember to show how you can work collaboratively and empathetically within diverse teams.

Being a team member for some employers might also mean that you need to put the needs of the team above your own, and demonstrate openness and honesty with all the members. This is usually achieved by encouraging, listening and supporting others.

Relationship builder

You need to know how to successfully network with your team members. But also how to sustain effective relationships beyond your workplace. This includes relationships with customers, partners, and suppliers, to support the long-term goals of the company.

Customer focus

Customer experience is highly important, and employers know it. To score highly in SJTs, you must demonstrate that you value customers and clients. This means, of course, striving to understand their needs, and being prepared to guarantee them timely and efficient service. And sometimes, going the extra mile to surpass their expectations.

Creative and analytical thinking

Usually, what is meant by this is your ability to think independently with a good balance of realism and pragmatism. As an analytical thinker, you can demonstrate the intellectual capacity to identify and propose solutions, while considering numerous angles. Employers are looking for confident thinkers, who can draw conclusions even when dealing with conflicting or complex data.

Commercial awareness

Commercial awareness, together with market and competitor knowledge, is especially relevant if you are applying for a job in law or finance. Employers are aware that people with such skills are more likely to seize opportunities to grow an organization – and address wider issues that could impact its success.

Achiever attitude

A true achiever personality should possess drive, determination, and resilience. If you have a ‘can-do’ attitude; it means you are responsible for successful delivery of your own tasks, while being ready to work hard and display enthusiasm in all that you do.

Someone who is focused on achieving results knows how to approach work with a sense of urgency, and keeps the end goal in sight at all times.

Planning and organising

Employers want to know that you can deliver high-quality work in an efficient and timely manner. Planning could also mean successfully managing not only your time, but also time of other team members, while ensuring all necessary resources are available as required.

If you are a good planner, it means you are able to create and monitor clear action schedules and you know how to communicate any updates to those plans with all relevant stakeholders.

Sample Situational Judgement Tests question Test your knowledge!

How would you proceed if you are not able to complete an important task by the deadline due to unforeseen circumstances?

  • Inform your supervisor about the delay as soon as possible and provide a new timeline.
  • Work extensive overtime to complete the task, potentially sacrificing quality.
  • Blame the delay on technical issues beyond your control to avoid personal accountability.
  • Submit incomplete work to meet the deadline, planning to correct it later.

You discover that your co-worker is taking credit for your ideas in team meetings with your supervisor. How would you handle this situation?

  • Schedule a private meeting with your co-worker to discuss your concerns.
  • Ignore the situation as confronting may lead to workplace tension.
  • Directly call out your co-worker in the next team meeting.
  • Report the behavior to your supervisor without speaking to your co-worker.

A team member strongly disagrees with the approach on a project you are leading and is quite vocal about their discontent. What is your initial response?

  • Ask them to provide constructive feedback and alternative solutions in a team meeting.
  • Tell them to keep their opinions to themselves as it could demotivate other team members.
  • Request for them to be removed from the team due to their negative attitude.
  • Ignore their complaints and proceed with the project as planned.

During a routine audit, you notice a minor discrepancy that could potentially benefit the company financially but is ethically questionable. What action do you take?

  • Report the discrepancy to your superior immediately.
  • Stay silent as it benefits the company and the issue seems minor.
  • Correct the discrepancy yourself without alerting anyone.
  • Consult with a colleague to get their opinion on the matter.

A customer is being very rude and making unreasonable demands, but it is your responsibility to handle their concerns. What do you do?

  • Remain calm, listen to the customer's concerns, and explain what you can do to help.
  • Politely tell the customer that their behavior is unacceptable and end the conversation.
  • Transfer the customer to your manager for further assistance.
  • Offer a discount or free service to quickly appease the customer.

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The tests were well suited to the job that I’ve applied for. They are easy to do and loads of them.

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Situational Judgement Tests Tips

1 remember to research.

Try to find out as much as possible about the company and role you are applying for. It’s important to consider the qualities that the company’s culture is based on when answering situational judgement questions. Teamwork, communication skills and building relationships are among the most popular qualities that any candidate will need in a workplace environment, but you should be able to ascertain other required competencies from the job description.

2 Ethics first

Most employers value strong ethics. When answering SJTs, you should be guided by the company’s values but also by universally recognised concepts of right and wrong conduct (as well as those set out by the law, such as bribery, corruption, data protection etc). It’s a good exercise to make a list of values that apply directly to your profession. For instance, appreciation of client confidentiality and professional secrecy in client/lawyer relations are the key values that everyone who wants to be a lawyer is assumed to understand.

3 Unethical options are incorrect

Following this, an unethical option will be the wrong choice. If one of the possible actions is dishonest, involves lying, disguising personal errors, acting in an uncooperative manner or provoking a client or a customer, then this answer will not be correct or a ‘least likely’ option, if you are not presented with other choices.

4 Practice makes perfect

The catch in any situational judgment test is the high probability of any of the presented answers (except the ethical examples explained above). We recommend you think in accordance with the promoted values outlined in the company’s profile, but to really ace it you might want to train your situational judgment muscles and take one of the free practice tests provided here.

5 Best response dilemma

Often you’ll be asked for the ‘best’ or ‘most likely’ response. This means choose the most appropriate response given the information you have from the list of options provided. It might not be perfect; it just needs to be better than the rest.

Situational Judgement Video Tutorials

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Situational Judgement Tests FAQs

How are situational judgement tests scored.

Situational judgment tests measure your job performance in different scenarios and situations. Your answers will be grouped depending on the ability they assess. After that, the combined score of each ability is compared to the answers of the normative group (those people who already have a proven fitness for the position).

Is there a pass mark for a situational judgement test?

Usually there is no specific pass mark for an SJT, as it is only one of the factors that the employer will consider. Your score will usually be ranked alongside the other candidates (so if a particular test was harder or easier than other years, everyone is assessed fairly). You should be aiming to answer at least 80% of the questions accurately.

Is there a time limit for a situational judgement test?

There is not usually a time limit for an SJT, but you should expect to be able to answer the questions at a rate of about one question per minute. So a test that includes 20 questions/scenarios should be completed within 20 minutes.

What do situational judgement tests measure?

Situational judgment tests are used to assess the competencies of a potential worker in simulated work conditions. The most common competencies looked at are communication skills, team spirit, customer focus, networking, analytical thinking, attitude, planning and organisational skills.

Where can I practice situational judgement tests?

Practicing is the best way to be prepared for situational judgment tests. You will learn what to expect from questions and how to react to certain situations. This website provides a variety of situational judgment test questions for you to practice along with guides, tips and correct answers to the trial questions.

Which employers use situational judgement tests?

Situational judgment tests are one of the most popular aptitude tests. They are frequently used by law firms, medical schools, banks, financial institutions, business service firms and large corporates who have call centres and sales teams.

Reviews of our Situational Judgement tests

What our customers say about our Situational Judgement tests

semone bonner

United Kingdom

March 25, 2024

Used this test to make me familiar with the situational judgement test i am preparing for, although the format is different it makes me familiar with types of examples i can expect

Dieketseng Motloung

South Africa

January 30, 2024

Being Honest

What I liked about the test was the questions because they tested my perspective around certain scenarios. It tested they way I think and my personality. One thing I disliked about the test was time pressure .


It gave me a clear insight on the possible challenges you could face in your business . Getting the opportunity to see different approaches to every situation and picking the one that best describes my personality gave me an idea of what approach would I have in situations.

Emily McCormick

January 29, 2024

Overall helpful practice

Some of the scenarios weren't as clear as I would have liked (in terms of the job role and company). It would have been helpful to practice a SJT where you had to rate the possible responses from most effective to least effective.

Navigating Professional Scenarios with Critical Thinking

I found this test to be quite insightful and thought-provoking. It presented various scenarios that required critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which I appreciated.

Good practice stimulation

Scenarios can be broken down into paragraphs to aid readability and help people process the scenarios better and faster.

Anele Nqono

January 23, 2024

That you must always try to approach things in a calm and thoughtful way.

What I liked about the test was that it gives you options to choose the best way to approach problems and the least way

Sinazo Mntambo

Thought provoking, it made me consider my thought process as an individual

I would say that some of the options that were provided had a similar solution to the problem that was posed.

Elizabeth Putyatin

November 02, 2023

Being an open minded employee/human

I like the shortness although I do feel some of the extracts where unnecessarily long for the time limit and give not entirely useful information as the answers where generally less specific.


Improving my reasoning skill

I like the fact that the questions were challenging but I did not like the fact that they were so long

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Online Case Study Answer Generator for Students

Here Is Your Case Study Analysis

If you want to quickly and effectively carry out case study analyses, you’ve come to the right place. Just for you, we’ve created a free AI-powered tool that can analyze case studies on any subject!

Our app will be the perfect solution for those who don’t want to spend a ton of time structuring their texts and looking for examples. Use it to save time and nerves!

  • ️🎉 Benefits of Our Generator
  • ️🤖 How to Use
  • ️✨ Case Study Definition
  • ️🔎 Structure of a Case Study
  • ️✍️ Writing Steps
  • ️🔝 Top 12 Topics & Examples
  • ️🔗 References

🎉 Benefits of Our Case Study Analysis Generator

Our generator is one of the best, and there are many reasons for us to say so:

🤖 How to Use Our Case Study Answer Generator

Getting a case study analysis has never been easier—see for yourself!

  • Paste your case study into the field.
  • Add questions or issues you need to address in your analysis.
  • Press “Analyze now.”
  • Get the results!

Keep in mind that the results provided by the tool are to be used for reference purposes only.

✨ Case Study Analysis Definition

A case study analysis is used to examine a problem and find a solution to it. This type of analysis is typically used in business as well as in other spheres, such as education, healthcare, and social sciences. The main feature of such a study is that it’s rooted in a real-life context.

The picture shows the definition of a case study analysis.

Researchers use direct observations, interviews, tests, and samples to gather data for their case studies. This information is then used to develop solutions and recommendations backed with evidence.

🔎 Structure of a Case Study Analysis

Usually, a case study analysis consists of 6 parts. Each one is dedicated to a particular aspect and serves its own purpose. Let’s take a closer look at them and see how they differ.


An introduction describes the context of the examined topic and provides substantial background on the case study’s subject. When you write it, keep in mind the following questions:

  • What is your case study about?
  • What is the primary goal of your research?
  • Why is it important?

Problem Statement

The next part introduces the main problem or issue the study will be focusing on. Typically, it’s concerned with a challenge faced by an individual or organization in question. The problem statement provides a clear focus for the whole research.

Now, it’s time for the most interesting part—the analysis itself. When it comes to business problems, students can use various approaches, such as:

The picture enumerates the 6 parts of a case study analysis.

This part presents several ways to resolve the issue in question. The solutions must be realistic and achievable. It’s also worth to mention their pros and cons and thus identify the most potent ones.


This part focuses on the best possible solutions to the problem identified in the previous section. It explains how to implement it in practice and how it will help eliminate the issue. It may also suggest ways to deal with other, minor problems involved in the case.


Now, it’s time for the final part of the analysis: your conclusions . Here is what you need to do:

  • Summarize the results of your case study analysis and explain how they relate to the research’s main problem.
  • Be sure to emphasize how vital your study is and how it helps to make the issue more manageable.
  • Make further suggestions based on your findings.

✍️ How to Write a Case Study

Now you know what to include in your case study. But how do you write one that is truly outstanding? Just follow our step-by-step guide:

1. Pick a Case to Explore

Choosing the right topic is essential. You need to do it early on to ensure that the research subject is sufficiently explored.

The picture explains the difference between a representative and an outlier case.

For example, suppose you want to examine how COVID-19 has affected the hospitality sector. In that case, you can choose either a representative case, such as a large hotel chain, or an outlier case, such as a small Bed and Breakfast that has managed to survive the pandemic. The latter case may sound more interesting, but if there's not enough information available on it, it's best to choose the former.

2. Formulate a Problem Statement

Now, you should clearly and concisely formulate the central problem you will be focusing on. To do it, answer the 5 Ws:

  • What is the problem you’re researching?
  • Who is affected by it?
  • Where does it occur?
  • When did the problem arise?
  • Why is this issue significant?

If you need help with this part of your analysis, you can always use our research problem generator .

3. Gather Evidence & Collect Data

Data gathering can be done through both primary and secondary sources of information . You can use a range of research techniques, such as observations, surveys, and interviews. It is crucial to make sure the data you’ve collected is pertinent to the case study.

4. Describe Your Findings & Analyze Them

Next, you analyze trends and themes in your data. This analysis must be supported by facts and evidence. Use various analysis methods to make your study more in-depth.

5. Provide Solutions & Recommendations

Develop several possible solutions using the information you’ve gathered. Once you’ve done it, answer the following questions:

  • What are the pros and cons of these solutions?
  • Which one can be the most beneficial?
  • How can the entity you’re analyzing implement it in practice?

The more detailed your recommendations are, the better. If possible, try to include aspects such as timeline, resource allocation, and KPIs for monitoring.

🔝 Top 12 Case Study Topics & Examples

Want inspiration for your analysis? Or maybe you need help picking a case to explore? Check out this list of topics with examples!

  • Operations and Information Management: A Case Study of CC Music
  • Netflix and Blockbuster: Case Study
  • Strategic Planning Case Study: Process Management
  • HRM Incident: Case Study Analysis
  • Case Study Summary: Hiring a Sustainable Development Specialist
  • Organizational Change: Qatargas Case Study
  • Childhood Development Case Study
  • Case Study of Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant and Workplace
  • Strategic Marketing: Amazon Go Case Study
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Case Study
  • Social Determinants of Health: Case Study
  • Recovering Supply Chain Operations: A Case Study of Nissan

Now you know how to complete a case study! Remember that the tiring process of analyzing can be effectively streamlined if you use our free case study answer generator. Try it out—you won’t regret it!

We also recommend using our transition words maker and personal statement generator to enhance your writing.

❓ Case Study Analysis Generator: FAQ

❓ what questions to answer in a case study.

A case study must either prove or disprove an existing theory. It also aims to find a solution to the research's central question. This question can vary depending on your topic and subject. You present the answer in your research findings and conclusions.

❓ How Do You Write a Case Study Analysis?

First, you introduce your case and provide its background. Then, you gather information and analyze it to develop several solutions. Finally, you propose the best solution and give recommendations on how to implement it. Also, remember to explain how your case study will deepen the existing knowledge.

❓ What Are the 4 Most Important Parts of Case Study?

Every case study begins with the introduction of a topic and its background. Then, you present an analysis of sources that can provide knowledge on the case. The third part is the analysis of collected data. Your case study ends with conclusions based on your findings.

❓ What Are Some Examples of Case Studies?

Case studies are frequently used in psychology to shed light on peculiar circumstances. Famous case study examples include Sigmund Freud's Little Hans as well as John Martin Marlow's study of Phineas Gage, the man who had a railroad spike driven through his brain.

🔗 References

  • Case Study: Definition, Examples, Types, and How to Write: Verywell Mind
  • What Is a Case Study?: Evidence Based Nursing
  • What the Case Study Method Really Teaches: Harvard Business Review
  • Using Case Studies to Teach: Boston University
  • What Is a Case Study? Definition, Elements and 15 Examples: Indeed
  • Writing a Case Study: University of Southern California
  • Writing a Case Study – Student Academic Success: Monash University

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When Is the Best Time to Work Out?

It’s an age-old question. But a few recent studies have brought us closer to an answer.

A silhouetted woman running along a body of water with the sun glistening behind her.

By Alexander Nazaryan

What is the best time of day to exercise?

It’s a straightforward question with a frustrating number of answers, based on research results that can be downright contradictory.

The latest piece of evidence came last month from a group of Australian researchers, who argued that evening was the healthiest time to break a sweat, at least for those who are overweight. Their study looked at 30,000 middle-aged people with obesity and found that evening exercisers were 28 percent less likely to die of any cause than those who worked out in the morning or afternoon.

“We were surprised by the gap,” said Angelo Sabag, an exercise physiologist at the University of Sydney who led the study. The team expected to see a benefit from evening workouts, but “we didn’t think the risk reduction would be as pronounced as it was.”

So does that mean that evening swimmers and night runners had the right idea all along?

“It’s not settled,” said Juleen Zierath, a physiologist at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. “It’s an emerging area of research. We haven’t done all the experiments. We’re learning a lot every month.”

No single study can dictate when you should exercise. For many people, the choice comes down to fitness goals, work schedules and plain old preferences. That said, certain times of day may offer slight advantages, depending on what you hope to achieve.

The case for morning exercise

According to a 2022 study , morning exercise may be especially beneficial for heart health. It may also lead to better sleep .

And when it comes to weight loss, there have been good arguments made for morning workouts. Last year, a study published in the journal Obesity found that people who exercised between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. had a lower body mass index than counterparts who exercised in the afternoon or at night, though it did not track them over time, unlike the Australian study, which followed participants for an average of eight years.

Of course, the biggest argument for morning exercise may be purely practical. “For a lot of people, the morning is more convenient,” said Shawn Youngstedt, an exercise science professor at Arizona State University. Even if rising early to work out can be challenging at first , morning exercise won’t get in the way of Zoom meetings, play dates or your latest Netflix binge.

The case for afternoon exercise

A few small studies suggest that the best workout time, at least for elite athletes, might be the least convenient for many of us.

Body temperature, which is lower in the morning but peaks in late afternoon, plays a role in athletic performance. Several recent small studies with competitive athletes suggest that lower body temperature reduces performance (though warm-ups exercises help counter that) and afternoon workouts help them play better and sleep longer .

If you have the luxury of ample time, one small New Zealand study found that it can help to nap first. As far as the rest of us are concerned, a Chinese study of 92,000 people found that the best time to exercise for your heart was between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.

“The main difference is our population,” Dr. Sabag said. While his study was restricted to obese people, the Chinese study was not. “Individuals with obesity may be more sensitive to the time-of-day effects of exercise,” he said.

The case for evening exercise

This latest study may not settle the debate, but it certainly suggests that those struggling with obesity might benefit from a later workout.

Exercise makes insulin more effective at lowering blood sugar levels, which in turn fends off weight gain and Type 2 diabetes, a common and devastating consequence of obesity.

“In the evening, you are most insulin resistant,” Dr. Sabag said. “So if you can compensate for that natural change in insulin sensitivity by doing exercise,” he explained, you can lower your blood glucose levels, and thus help keep diabetes and cardiovascular disease at bay.

One persistent concern about evening exercise is that vigorous activity can disturb sleep. However, some experts have argued that these concerns have been overstated.

The case that it may not matter

While many of these studies are fascinating, none of them is definitive. For one thing, most are simply showing a correlation between exercise times and health benefits, not identifying them as the cause.

“The definitive study would be to actually randomize people to different times,” Dr. Youngstedt said, which would be phenomenally expensive and difficult for academics.

One thing public health experts do agree on is that most Americans are far too sedentary. And that any movement is good movement.

“Whenever you can exercise,” Dr. Sabag urged. “That is the answer.”

In a recent edition of his newsletter that discussed the Australian study, Arnold Schwarzenegger — bodybuilder, actor, former governor — seemed to agree. He cited a 2023 study suggesting that there really isn’t any difference in outcomes based on which time of day you exercise. In which case, it’s all about what works best for you.

“I will continue to train in the morning,” the former Mr. Universe wrote. “It’s automatic for me.”

Alexander Nazaryan is a science and culture writer who prefers to run in the early evening.

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