• Essay on Independence Day

Independence Day Essay

500+ words essay on independence day (15 august) for students and children.

India celebrates its Independence Day on 15th August every year. Independence Day reminds us of all the sacrifices that were made by our freedom fighters to make India free from British rule. On 15th August 1947, India was declared independent from British colonialism and became the largest democracy in the world. In this Essay on Independence Day, students will find all the important details of India’s Independence History. They can refer to it for their exam preparation, as essays are mostly asked in the CBSE English paper. Also, they can use this essay as a speech for the Independence Day function at school.

15th August is celebrated as a national festival with flag hoisting, parades and cultural events.

Schools, colleges, offices, society complexes, and government and private organizations conduct functions and celebrate this day with great enthusiasm. On this day, the Prime Minister of India hoists the flag at the Red Fort and addresses the nation with a speech. Doordarshan broadcasts the entire event live on television. Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru performed the first flag-hoisting ceremony on 15th August 1947 .

History of Independence Day

Britishers have ruled India for almost 200 years. Under British rule, the lives of the Indian people were miserable. Indians were treated as slaves and had no right to say anything to them. Indian rulers were mere puppets in the hands of British officers. Indian soldiers were treated inhumanely in British camps, and farmers were dying of starvation as they could not grow crops and had to pay heavy land taxes.

Our freedom fighters struggled for India’s Independence. Famous leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Jawaharlal Nehru, Rani Lakshmi Bai, Mangal Pandey, Dada Bhai Naoroji fought fearlessly against the Britishers. Many of them also sacrificed their lives to make India free from British rule. Their contribution and effort are remembered in India’s Independence history.

Why Do We Celebrate Independence Day?

India achieved independence after years of struggle. India got complete freedom from the British and secured full autonomy on 15th August 1947. That’s why the day holds great significance in the heart of every Indian citizen living in India or abroad. India completed 73 years of freedom on 15h August 2020. This day also reminds us of the struggles of freedom fighters and the lives sacrificed by them in achieving independence. The pain that our heroes have gone through reminds us that the freedom we enjoy today has been earned by shedding the blood of lakhs of people. It also awakens a feeling of patriotism inside every citizen of India. It makes the present generation closely understand the struggles of the people at that time and acquaints them with the freedom fighters of India.

Significance of Independence Day

Independence Day generates a feeling of patriotism among people. It unites the people and makes them feel that we are one nation with so many different languages, religions and cultural values. Unity in diversity is the main essence and strength of India. We feel proud to be part of the largest democratic country in the world, where the power is in the hands of the common man.

We hope students found this essay on Independence Day interesting to read and helpful for their studies. For more information and the latest updates on CBSE & other Competitive exams, keep visiting BYJU’S. Also, download the BYJU’S App to watch interactive study videos.

Also Read: Republic Day Essay | Essay On Constitution of India | Essay on Women Empowerment

Frequently Asked Questions on Independence Day Essay

What is the meaning of independence.

Independence means freedom of any type of action without any control or influence.

When does our country India celebrate its Independence?

India was declared an Independent nation on the 15th of August, 1947.

Name a few freedom fighters of India.

Some of the great leaders who fought for India’s Independence were Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Netaji Subash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Sarojini Naidu and Rani Laxmibai.

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independence day essay 10 lines for class 5

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  • India Independence Day Essay in English: Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2023


Short Essay on Independence Day - The Day India Became Independent

The day of 15th August 1947 has been embossed in the golden history of India. It is the day when India got its freedom from 200 years of British rule. It was a hard and long struggle in which many freedom fighters and great men sacrificed their lives for our beloved motherland.

India celebrates its Independence Day on the 15th of August every year. However, this year, the auspicious day is being celebrated as ‘77 Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2023’. Independence Day, called the Red-Letter Day in the history of our country, is celebrated as a national holiday throughout India.

Independence Day 2023 helps us remember every one of the penances our political dissidents made to liberate India from British rule. On 15th August 1947, India was announced free from British imperialism and turned into the biggest vote-based system, the largest democracy in the world.

In this essay on Independence Day, students can track down every one of the significant subtleties of India's Independence history. They can allude to it for their exam preparation as papers are generally asked in the CBSE English paper. Additionally, they can utilise this article as study material for the Independence Day essay for kids during the exam.

Essay on Independence Day 2023

15th August is commended as a public celebration with flag hoisting, marches, and social works. Schools, universities, workplaces, society buildings, government, and private associations celebrate this day beautifully. On this day, the Prime Minister of India hoists the National Flag at the Red Fort and addresses the country with a speech. Doordarshan communicates the whole occasion in real-time on TV.

History of Independence Day

In 1947, on 15th August, India became independent. We won freedom from British Raj after a hard struggle. On this day at the stroke of midnight, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, our first Prime Minister, unfurled the National Flag at the Red Fort for the first time. It marked the end of the 200 years old British reign in India. We now breathe air in a free and sovereign nation.

The British have governed India for about 200 years. Under British colonisation, the life of every Indian was dismal and full of struggle. Indians were treated as slaves and had no freedom of speech. Indian rulers were puppets in the possession of British officers. Indian fighters were dealt with cruelty in British camps, and farmers were starving as they couldn't grow crops and needed to pay substantial land taxes.

On this special occasion, the people of India remember the selfless sacrifices and unparalleled contributions of great men and women to achieve the independence of India. Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, Sardar Patel, and Gopalbandhu Das are paid reverent homage by one and all in the country.

Great Indian Freedom Fighters

India couldn't have acquired independence without the efforts of numerous extraordinary freedom fighters. Bhagat Singh, Rani of Jhansi, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Subhas Chandra Bose, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Ram Prasad Bismil, and Ashfaqulla Khan are some of the notable names.

Role of Women in India's Independence

Several women have played a significant part in the Indian freedom movement. Savitribai Phule, Mahadevi Verma, Capt Laxmi Sehgal, Rani Laxmibai, and Basanti Devi are just a few crucial names to remember. These women along with many others played a prominent role in leading India towards its independence.

The ‘Good’ British Rulers in India

Not all the British were awful; many started adoring India and did incredible things for it. Some even took part in the Indian Independence struggle. Some of the good British rulers include Warren Hastings who developed court reforms; Freda Bedi who supported Indian nationalism; Allan Octavian Hume who started the Indian National Congress, etc.

Why Do We Celebrate Indian Independence Day?

India accomplished freedom following a 200-year-long battle. India gained complete independence from the British on 15th August 1947. That is why the day holds importance in the heart of each Indian citizen either living in India or abroad. India is celebrating 77 years of freedom on 15th August 2023 as Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. This day also helps us remember the struggles of freedom fighters and the lives sacrificed in attaining independence.

The struggle that our freedom fighters have gone through shows us that the freedom we appreciate today has been attained by shedding the blood of hundreds of individuals. It stirs patriotism inside each Indian. It makes the current generation understand the struggles of individuals around them and familiarise themselves with the freedom fighters of India.

Importance of Independence Day Essay

Independence day is a positive historical event for the country since we were free from British rule on this day. It unites diverse individuals all over the country. Unity in diversity is the fundamental path and strength of India. We feel pleased to be a part of the biggest majority-rule country on the planet, where we live in a democracy.

Independence Day is an important day in the life of every Indian citizen. Year after year, it reminds us of our great freedom fighters who sacrificed and struggled their lives in order to free our Motherland from British rule. It reminds us of the great paragons, which were the foundation of the dream of a free India, envisioned and realised by the founding fathers.

Activities on Independence Day

Independence Day is celebrated with great joy across the country. People hold meetings, fly the tricolour flag, and sing the National Anthem. There is great enthusiasm among all. In the national capital, Delhi, this day is celebrated with great pomp and show. All leaders and common people gather in large numbers on the parade ground in front of the Red Fort and eagerly wait for the arrival of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister then  hoists the National Flag and makes a speech that focuses on the achievements of the government during the past year, mentions the issues that still need to be addressed, and calls upon further developmental efforts. Foreign dignitaries are also invited to this occasion.

Tributes are paid to the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives during the struggle. The Indian National Anthem – “Jana Gana Mana” is sung. The parade by the Indian Army and the Paramilitary forces is followed by the speech. All state capitals hold events on similar lines with the Chief Minister of the respective states unfurling the National Flag.

Independence Day is observed with great honour at all the government and private institutions, schools, and colleges. Students take part in parades and sing the National Anthem before hoisting the National Flag. Some historical buildings are specially decorated with lights depicting the independence theme. Special programs like planting trees are taken up on this day. The young minds are infused with a sense of patriotism and nationalistic feelings. To celebrate this occasion, sports and cultural competitions are conducted, and prizes are awarded to the winners. Sweets are distributed among everyone. Patriotic songs can be heard at every street corner.

Another interesting feature of the celebration is the kite-flying event that is held all over the country with great zeal. The sky on this day is filled with kites of various colours, shapes, and sizes.

Even television channels and radio programs are charged up with patriotism. The channels telecast movies and documentaries based on patriotic themes in order to let the people and children know about various incidents of our freedom struggle and to inspire a love for our motherland. All the national newspapers also print special editions and cite inspirational stories and excerpts of the life of great men from the great books written about them.

Quotes on Indian Independence Day

"Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge." - Jawaharlal Nehru

"The best road to progress is freedom's road." - Mahatma Gandhi

"India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great-grandmother of tradition." - Mark Twain

"We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made." - Albert Einstein

Indian Independence Day 2023 is a national occasion and celebrated as a national holiday on which all shops, workplaces, schools and universities remain closed. This day is a token to the freedom fighters and patriots who sacrificed their lives so we could experience and live in a free land. The tricolour is hoisted in schools and other institutions on this day.

A wind of patriotism and national integration blows across the country on this day. The country is celebrating 77 Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav as it completes 76 years of independence to remind the citizens of the sacrifices made by our forefathers. Through Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, India will commemorate its past this Independence Day and will also lay plans for the future. It is now in the hands of India’s youth to shape and form the future of our country.


FAQs on India Independence Day Essay in English: Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2023

1. Name a few important freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the independence of our motherland.

Some of the great freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Sardar Ballabh Patel, Bhagat Singh, Maulana Kalam Azad, etc. were at the forefront of the freedom struggle.

2. What is the importance of Independence Day?

Independence Day is the day when all Indians remember the struggle of the eminent leaders to get freedom from the 200 years of British rule. They went through a long and very hard struggle. Many people sacrificed their lives to give us independence. So we pay tribute to all those freedom fighters and take an oath to carry on the legacy for a better country in the future.

3. Why is Independence Day called a Red-Letter Day?

Independence Day is called a Red-Letter Day because it is a special occasion when India got freedom from the hands of the British who ruled our country for over 200 years.

4. How do schools and colleges celebrate this day?

Most schools and colleges celebrate this day with great pomp and show. They hoist the National Flag and sing the National Anthem. The students conduct various cultural programs. They perform small skits based on the patriotic theme. Sports events are also conducted in many institutions, and awards are given to the winners. Many schools also conduct drawing competitions where the students are expected to draw something based on the theme of independence. Sweets are distributed among the students and the staff of the schools and colleges. 

5. Which day is Independence Day in 1947?

India gained independence from the British on 15 August 1947.

6. Who declared freedom for India?

Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of India, declared India's independence on 15 August 1947.

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How To Write An Essay On Independence Day (for Students & Children)

Shaili Contractor

Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on Independence Day

5 lines on independence day, 10 lines on independence day, short paragraph on independence day, long essay on independence day, independence day activities for kids to make their day special, interesting facts about india’s independence day, what will your child learn from the ‘independence day’ essay.

Independence Day is a historic moment for any nation. It is the day the country celebrates its freedom from foreign rule and honours the freedom fighters who struggled for independence. Students of classes 1, 2 and 3 are asked to write an essay on Independence day as part of a school assignment or for a competition. It is an important topic that makes children proud of their country’s history and national leaders.

Children of lower primary classes may find this topic somewhat challenging, as it involves learning and memorising some facts and penning them down in their own words. Here we guide them on how to write on this topic with a few sample essays for classes 1, 2 and 3.

Writing is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. Starting with a simple topic and building your way up is the best way to become proficient. Here are some tips for essay writing on independence day:

  • Before you start writing, consider the word count and essay format. You can begin by writing essays in the form of separate facts in simple lines. Writing a paragraph can be more complicated and requires structuring the narrative.
  • Gather all the facts about independence day and plan the order you want to write them.
  • You can start with the history of independence day and talk about how you celebrate it in school or home.
  • Avoid emphasising any point when the word count is small. Keep the essay general.

Younger children of class 1 are expected to write an essay with simple facts broken up into several lines. Here is how to write an independence day essay for class 1 in 5 lines:

  • Independence day is celebrated on August 15 every year.
  • Independence day is a national holiday for everyone.
  • It celebrates our country’s freedom after a long struggle and sacrifice.
  • It reminds us of the struggle and bravery of our freedom fighters.
  • We celebrate Independence Day by hoisting the flag and singing the national anthem.

An assignment with a slightly higher challenge for class 1 kids would be an essay on independence day in 100 words. Here is how to write it in 10 lines:

  • India celebrates Independence Day on August 15 every year.
  • India got freedom from British rule on August 15, 1947.
  • On this day, we honour the sacrifice of our freedom fighters.
  • The whole nation celebrates independence by hoisting the national flag.
  • Independence Day is an important national holiday for our country.
  • We have a holiday, but we go to school to attend the flag hoisting ceremony.
  • We sing the national anthem and raise a salute to the tricolour.
  • After celebrating Independence Day at school, we go home and watch the national parade that takes place in the Capital city, on television.
  • Independence Day is also a celebration of our country’s diverse cultures.
  • People show their love for the country by singing patriotic songs, displaying the flag.
  • Schools and housing societies hold cultural events for Independence Day.

As children grow, they are ready for a more challenging assignment. They are expected to write a short essay in the form of a small paragraph. Here is how to write this essay on Independence Day in 150 words:

India celebrates Independence Day on August 15. It is the day we remember the sacrifices made by the brave freedom fighters who struggled for our independence. India got freedom from British rule on this day in 1947. In honour of this day, there is a grand cultural event in the capital city, New Delhi. 

The celebrations start with the flag hoisting ceremony and honouring the sacrifice of those who lost their lives in the freedom struggle. 

Our colony organises a programme on this day where we dress up in the colours of our flags and perform songs and dances on the stage. 

Long essays that are over 300-words-long need some advanced writing skills. Children need to weave facts into a good narrative to make the essay appealing. Here is an example of an essay on Independence Day for class 3:

India got independence on August 15, 1947, after 200 years of British rule. The first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, hoisted the Indian flag at the Red Fort for the first time to celebrate the country’s freedom. Under British colonial rule, India had struggled for decades. The freedom fighters fought against the British rulers, sacrificing their lives for a noble cause.

Independence day is celebrated every year to commemorate the events of the freedom struggle. On this day, we celebrate the rich diversity of our country, and the unity we have among all Indians. The unity of the freedom fighters from all over the country inspires us to live in harmony.

On Independence Day, there are celebrations across the country. People and communities come together to host the national flag and pledge allegiance to it. The country’s largest celebration takes place in the capital, New Delhi. Schools, too, have a special celebration where students sing patriotic songs and attend the flag hoisting ceremony.

1. Handprint Flag

Get your paints out, it’s time to express patriotism through art! No need for brushes, as we will use our hands to paint the Indian tricolour flag. You will need the right shades of orange, green and blue paint. Take a white chart paper and divide it into three sections with a lightly drawn line. Paint your palms orange and press your palm prints on the top section of the paper. Repeat the same on the bottom section with green paint. To create the Ashok Chakra, paint your palms blue and place your palm impressions by going around like the hands of a clock. Erase the pencil lines and your beautiful chart is ready for display!       

2. Tricolour Recipe

Let’s get creative and patriotic in the kitchen! This activity is great fun for children of all ages. Younger kids can arrange salads or fruits in the design of the tricolour. Older kids can try their hands at frosting a cake with three colours. And, children ready to try some more elaborate recipes can try a rice arrangement with portions of Schezwan rice, plain rice and coriander rice, or a pasta serving with a tomato-based sauce, cheesy sauce and pesto sauce to get the all the three colours on a single serving dish. You will find a host of child-friendly recipes online!  

3. Mono Act Skit   

If you love acting, here’s a fun activity for you. Prepare a mono act for performing for your family, at school or in your society Independence Day celebration. Brush up on your history lessons and enact an inspiring event of the freedom struggle while playing the part of a freedom fighter of your choice. Learn some of their inspiring speeches to perform as part of your act. You can choose events like the Dandi March and Salt Satyagraha, Bhagat Singh’s attack on the Britishers, Mangal Pandey’s rebellion, or Jawaharlal Nehru’s famous speech announcing India’s independence. The stage is all yours!   

4. Dumb Charades with Patriotic Movies  

Independence Day is a holiday for the entire family! How about getting together to do play some fun games like Dumb Charades! Each member of the family has to act out the name of a movie while the others try to guess.    

5. DIY Tricolour Badge   

Prepare a badge that you can pin up on your shirt to show your love and pride for India. You will need a card paper cut into a small circle for the base of your badge. Cut out small strips of orange, green and white ribbon. Fold the ribbons in half. Paste the orange ribbons along the edge of the circle. Now, leave some gap and start pasting the white ribbon a little below the orange. In the innermost circle, paste the green ribbons. In the space left in the centre, write down your name. You can also paste orange, white and green ribbons dangling from the bottom of the badge, and it’s ready to wear!     

6. Parade  

An Independence Day parade can be a great way for children to bring out their patriotism. Schools can organise a parade where children of every class form groups and march in coordination. The practice for the march will be a good physical exercise and children will get a chance to feel nationalistic pride.    

7. Singing and Dancing Competitions  

Children can be engaged in preparing dance performances celebrating the cultural diversity of our country. They can also learn patriotic songs and participate in singing competitions in school. This will help them learn about the country’s rich heritage, showcase their talents and express pride for India.  

  • Lord Mountbatten chose August 15 as India’s Independence Day as it coincided with Japan surrendering to the Allies during World War II.   
  • Apart from India, five other countries also celebrate their independence on August 15. South Korea, North Korea, the Republic of Congo, Bahrain, and Liechtenstein, although the years of independence are different.  
  • There is only one place in India where the Indian Flag is made, which is The Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta Sangha (KKGSS), situated in Dharwad, Karnataka.   
  • Vande Mataram was declared the national song of India in 1950. It was written by Bankimchandra Chatterji, who was an Indian poet, writer, and journalist.   
  • The song Bharoto Bhagyo Bidhata, composed by Rabindranath Tagore in 1911, was renamed Jan Gan Man and declared as India’s National Anthem by the Constituent Assembly of India on January 24, 1950.     

To write an essay on Independence Day, your child will have to first learn about the various aspects of the celebration. They will learn about the purpose of the day’s celebration and the history behind it. They will also become aware of the importance of being a free country, which will motivate them to be proud and responsible citizens. This essay will also help your child articulate their thoughts and express them articulately, thus building their writing skill.

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5 - 10 Lines Essay on 15 August Independence Day of India 2023

5-10 lines essay: let’s celebrate the 77th anniversary of independence with the best of words. check out this article for 10 lines essay in english for school and office celebrations..


5-10 Lines Essay: The 77th Independence Day is on the calendar. 15 August, Independence Day marks the end of 190-year-old colonial rule. Schools, Colleges and other governmental and non-governmental organisations are all set with their plans to celebrate the national festival. It is an opportunity for students to showcase their verbal and non-verbal skills in various. This article here will help students and others to take quick glance at the timeline of India’s Independence. 

What is an Essay?

Essay writing is an important part of the curriculum. It is a written piece which can be really subjective and focused on an argument and discussion. Essays are written to inform, persuade, or entertain readers while maintaining a coherent and logical structure. It also enables teachers to evaluate a student's language and grammar proficiency.

  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraphs
  • Only good research will help you write a good article.
  • Create an outline to not miss any important points.
  • Your Introduction should be impressive.
  • Do not have any fluff in your body paragraphs.
  • End your essay with a proper conclusion

Extra Tip: Do Not Forget To Revise Your Essay At Least Thrice.

Speech on Independence Day 2023

  • Independence Day is one of the two national holidays of India.
  • It is celebrated on August 15 every year. 
  • The day marks the freedom of India from British rule.
  • PM Modi hoists the tricolour at Red Fort.
  • Different programmes and functions are organised by the school, and colleges to mark the national festival.

10 Lines Essay on 15 August Independence Day of India 2023

  • Independence Day is celebrated on August 15 annually.
  • It is one of the most important national festivals.
  • The day marks the freedom of the country from colonial rule.
  • This year marks the 77th anniversary of the country’s independence.
  • It is mainly observed to honour the sacrifice of freedom fighters.
  • Prime Modi hoists the national flag at Red Fort. 
  • It is a day of pride, integrity shows unity among Indians.
  • The day is celebrated with flag hoisting, parades and other cultural activities.
  • Schools, colleges and other institutions celebrate the day in different ways.
  • Independence Day charges the spirit and soul of each and every Indian.

Short Essay on Independence Day 2023

India's Independence Day is observed on August 15. On this day, we honour the heroic freedom fighters who gave their lives in the fight for our independence. This day in 1947 saw the end of British sovereignty over India. In New Delhi, the nation's capital, there is a significant cultural celebration in honour of this day. 

The capital city of New Delhi hosts the largest holiday in the nation. The ritual to raise the flag and remember those who gave their lives in the war for independence is the first step. On this occasion, schools and institutions organize a variety of programs. 

Dance performances honouring the cultural variety of our nation are being prepared. People take patriotic song lessons and take part in singing contests. This enables children to demonstrate their talents, learn about the rich legacy of the nation, and exhibit their love for India. 

Independence Day is a significant national holiday which promotes unity and brotherhood. The various festivities of the celebration include liberty, unity and national integrity. Team Jagran Josh wishes to foster patriotism and pride among one and all. Happy Independence Day!!

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10 Lines on Independence Day for Children and Students

independence day essay 10 lines for class 5

10 Lines on Independence Day : Every year of 15 August India celebrates its independence day. The 77th anniversary of the independence day of India is going to be celebrated on 15th August 2023.

Independence day is a day to exhibit pride unity and integrity all among Indians. India is a proud to be the largest democratic power and freedom that we enjoy today. Everybody rejoices and makes merry on this day.

10 Lines on Independence Day

Table of Contents

10 Lines on Independence Day for Kids

Pattern 1  – This  10 Lines  is very helpful for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, to College Students.

  • India is our motherland.
  • It became free from British rule on 15 August 1947.
  • So 15 August is our independence day.
  • It is our important national festival.
  • We celebrate this day with great joy.
  • At our school the master hoist the national flag.
  • The NCC boys and girls march past the headmaster.
  • On this day we all sing the national song.
  • This is a red letter day for all of us.
  • All offices both public and private remain closed on this day.

10 Lines on Independence Day for Students

Pattern 2  – This  10 Lines  is very helpful for classes 8, 9, 10, 11, 12th and Higher Class Students.

  • Our country was under the British rule for more than two centuries.
  • The people of India fought for freedom under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and a host of others.
  • Our country became independent on 15th August 1947.
  • Our prime minister hoists the national flag at Red fort in New Delhi.
  • We go to school early in the morning and gather around the national flag.
  • This day is declared as a holiday all over the country.
  • Chief ministers and governors in their respective States also address their people.
  • Office buildings, buildings of schools and high court at the state level are illuminated.
  • A parade competition is held and the winner of the competition is given a shield.
  • Everybody rejoices and makes merry on this day.

Read other related post–  Short Essay  /  10 Lines .

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References Links:

  • https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/india/independence-day
  • https://www.britannica.com/topic/Independence-Day-Indian-holiday
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_Day_(India)

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10 Lines on Independence Day

Independence Day of India - 15 August

India commemorates its independence on the 15 th of August every year. It is a grand occasion calling for impressive celebrations throughout the country that inspires sentiments of nationalism and patriotism. Whole of India seems to be brightly painted in the three primary colors of its national flag on its Independence Day 2023.

Ten Lines on 77th Independence Day of India 15 August 2023

We have provided below some sets of 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on 77th Independence Day of India 2023 for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Also, we have given video on Independence Day and text images on Independence Day to help you. You can read and select the one that is best for you:

1) We celebrate Independence Day on 15th August of every year.

2) Independence Day in India is a national holiday.

3) It commemorates the nation’s struggle for freedom.

4) It reminds us of the sacrifices of the freedom fighters.

5) Every state and Union Territory celebrates it with much enthusiasm and enjoyment.

6) The Prime Minister of India unfurls the flag from ramparts of Red Fort followed by the National Anthem.

7) President addresses the nation on the eve of Independence Day.

8) In states Chief Ministers unfurls the flag followed by parades and cultural processions.

9) All TV channels broadcast patriotic songs and movies throughout the day.

10) It is one of the greatest festivals of Indian democracy.

Watch it on YouTube : 10 Lines Essay on Independence Day

10 Lines and Sentences on Independence Day – 15 August 2023

1) Independence Day of India evokes feelings of nationalism and brotherhood among the citizens of India.

2) Unlike other festivals, Independence Day is celebrated throughout the country in all the states and UTs of India.

3) People of India pay tribute to the fallen war heroes and freedom fighters.

4) Hoisting Tricolour and singing the national anthem is at the apex of the celebrations.

5) The Presidential address on the eve of Independence Day is thought-provoking and inspirational for the people of India.

6) The whole nation watches the Indian Prime Minister hoisting the National Flag on Lahori Gate at Red Fort in New Delhi.

7) 21 Gun Salute and a march-past by the armed Para-military forces is the main attraction.

8) Similar events are held in other states and UTs of India, with complete participation of the people.

 9) In the United States, the day is observed as ‘India Day’ by the Indians residing there.

10) People of India adorn the Tricolour in their houses, tabletops, vehicles, etc.

5 Lines on Independence Day

1) Independence Day is a national festival in India.

2) 15th of August every year strongly fills us with patriotism.

3) The Indian Defence services conduct parade on the day.

4) Doordarshan telecasts the complete show all over the country.

5) It is the Celebration of Freedom from the cruelty of the British Government.

10 Lines on Independence Day

5 Sentences on Independence Day

1) 15 August 1947 is the date of freedom from The British Rule after 200 long years.

2) Jawahar Lal Nehru was the first PM to unfurl the Indian flag after independence.

3) PM hoisting the Indian flag from the Red Fort is the tradition of this national Festival.

4) All the states and union territories of India observe this day.

5) Schools and Colleges also conduct flag hoisting ceremonies and cultural programs by the students.

20 Lines on 15 August 2023

1) We celebrate our Independence Day to commemorate the independence of India from British rule.

2) Independence Day exhibits the power of nationalism and unity.

3) It reminds us of the dawn of the new India, free from British rule.

4) It reminds us of the pain and the struggle of our great leaders in achieving freedom.

5) This is the day when we pay homage and honor the freedom fighters, who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.

6) It also helps to showcase the country’s social, political and economic developments to the world.

7) The Prime Minister of India hoists the national flag and addresses the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort.

8) The whole of India celebrates Independence Day by hoisting the national flag.

9) People conduct various cultural programs to pay tribute to the heroes of the freedom struggle.

10) Every Indian celebrates the day irrespective of the difference of caste and religion under the hood of our National Flag.

11) Independence Day is the most important celebration of the Indian calendar.

12) The Prime Minister, on this day, addresses the entire nation from the Red Fort.

13) Many institutions and organizations also conduct flag hoisting ceremonies in different parts of the country.

14) We can easily listen to patriotic songs on TV and Radio everywhere.

15) Children of very small ages dress up like our freedom fighters and present their touching and inspiring stories through the act.

16) Flag hoisting and then singing our National Anthem fills us with a sense of pride and great delight.

17) Indian Independence is a remark of the bravery of Indian soldiers and freedom fighters.

18) In north India, people celebrate the day, especially by flying tri-colored kites.

19) People decorate their houses, streets, schools with Indian national flags to show their Patriotism.

20) Many other countries observe 15 August as ‘India Day’.

Independence Day is a day of national significance. It is a national festival signifying India’s cultural and communal unity. It is also an occasion to remember those great men and women who have lost their lives in the service of the nation and to uphold its freedom.

10 Lines on Independence Day of India

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Independence Day

Ans. Jawaharlal Nehru announced the independence of India in his speech.

Ans. Mountbatten chose August 15 as the day India became independent. As it also coincide with the second anniversary of Japan’s World War II surrender.

Ans. Along with India, The Republic of Congo, South Korea, North Korea, Liechtenstein and Bahrain celebrate Independence Day with India on 15 th August.

Ans. The Government of India has organized a festival called Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to honour the country’s 75 years of independence and the rich history of its people, culture, and accomplishments.

Ans. While the rest of India celebrates its independence on August 15, Goa does not. Goa was colonized till December 19, 1961, 14 years after India attained freedom.

10 Lines on 77th Independence Day Celebration

10 Lines on Importance of Independence Day of India

Paragraph on Independence Day of India

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10 lines on independence day for class 5 in english.

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Check 10 lines on Independence Day For Class 5 in English. Independence Day is a significant national holiday that holds great importance for every citizen of a country. In many nations, it’s a day of pride, unity, and reflection on the sacrifices made to achieve freedom. 

We’ll be discussing 10 lines on Independence Day For Class 5 in English. Also, we will have a look at the essay on Independence Day For Class 5 in English (paragraph on Independence Day For Class 5 in English). Let’s check them one by one.

Table of Contents


  • Independence Day is celebrated on August 15th every year in India.
  • It marks the day when India gained freedom from British rule in 1947.
  • This day is a national holiday, and people across the country come together to celebrate.
  • The Prime Minister of India hoists the national flag at the Red Fort in Delhi and addresses the nation.
  • Patriotic songs are sung, and cultural programs are held in schools and communities.
  • People decorate their homes, schools, and streets with the national flag’s colors – saffron, white, and green.
  • It’s a time to remember and honor the sacrifices made by freedom fighters who fought for the country’s independence.
  • Many people fly kites to symbolize the freedom and joy of the day.
  • People exchange greetings and sweets with each other, fostering a sense of unity.
  • Independence Day reminds us of the importance of freedom, unity, and the progress of our nation.

Essay On Independence Day For Class 5 In English 

Paragraph on independence day for class 5 in english.

Independence Day is a significant national holiday that holds great importance for every citizen of a country. In many nations, it’s a day of pride, unity, and reflection on the sacrifices made to achieve freedom. 

Independence Day marks the day when a country gained its sovereignty and freedom from colonial rule or foreign domination. For example, in India, Independence Day is celebrated on August 15th to commemorate the day in 1947 when India gained freedom from British rule after years of struggle, sacrifices, and the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and other freedom fighters.

Independence Day is celebrated with enthusiasm and fervor. People come together to show their love for their nation and honor the sacrifices made by their ancestors. The day usually starts with the hoisting of the national flag. In schools and public places, patriotic songs are sung, and speeches are delivered to remind everyone of the importance of freedom and unity.

The national flag is an emblem of a country’s identity and sovereignty. Its colors and symbols hold deep meaning. For instance, the Indian flag has saffron symbolizing courage and sacrifice, white representing peace and truth, and green representing faith and fertility. The Ashoka Chakra, a 24-spoke wheel in navy blue, represents progress and movement.

Independence Day is an occasion to instill patriotism and unity among citizens. It reminds us that people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and regions come together to form a nation. It’s a day to remember that our freedom was achieved through collective efforts and cooperation.

Independence Day is an opportunity to pay tribute to the brave individuals who fought tirelessly for the nation’s independence. Children learn about these heroes in their history lessons and are encouraged to understand and appreciate their sacrifices.

Independence Day serves as a reminder that we must value and protect our freedom. It also encourages us to contribute positively to society, uphold democratic values, and work towards the betterment of the nation.

In conclusion, Independence Day is a time to reflect on the significance of freedom and unity. By understanding the history and meaning of this special day, you can grow to become responsible and informed citizens who contribute positively to the nation’s progress.

Hope you learned about 10 lines on Independence Day For Class 5 in English.

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Essay on Independence Day (15 August) for Students and Children

500+ words essay on independence day.

One of the most memorable days in Indian history is 15th August. It’s the day on which the Indian sub-continent got independence after a long struggle. India only has three national festivals that are celebrated by the whole nation as one. One being the Independence Day (15th August) and the other two being Republic Day (26th January) and Gandhi Jayanti (2nd October). After independence, India became the largest democracy in the world. We fought very hard to get our independence from the Britishers. In this essay on Independence Day, we are going to discuss the history and importance of Independence Day.

essay on independence day

History of Our Independence Day

For almost two centuries the Britishers ruled over us. And the citizen of the country suffered a lot due to these oppressors. British officials treat us like slaves until we manage to fight back against them.

We struggled for our independence but work tirelessly and selflessly under the guidance of our leaders Jawahar Lal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi , Chandra Shekhar Azad, and Bhagat Singh. Some of these leaders choose the path of violence while some choose non-violence. But the ultimate aim of these was to drive out the Britishers from the country. And on 15th August 1947, the long-awaited dream come true.

Why We Celebrate Independence Day?

To relive the moment and to enjoy the spirit of freedom and independence we celebrate Independence Day. Another reason is to remember the sacrifices and lives we have lost in this struggle. Besides, we celebrated it to remind us that this freedom that we enjoy is earned the hard way.

Apart from that, the celebration wakes up the patriot inside us. Along with celebration, the young generation is acquainted with the struggles of the people who lived at that time.

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Activities on Independence Day

Although it’s a national holiday the people of the country celebrate it with great enthusiasm. Schools, offices, societies, and colleges celebrate this day by organizing various small and big events.

independence day essay 10 lines for class 5

Every year at Red Fort the Prime Minister of India host the national flag. In the honor of the occasion, 21 gunshots are fired. This is the begging of the main event. This event is later on followed by an army parade.

The school and colleges organize cultural events, fancy dress competitions, speech, debate, and quiz competition.

Importance of Independence Day

Every Indian holds a different viewpoint about Indian Independence. For some, it’s a reminder of the long struggle while for youngsters it stands for the glory and honor of the country. Above all, we can see the feeling of patriotism across the country.

The Indian’s celebrate Independence Day with a feeling of nationalism and patriotism across the country. On this day every citizen echoes with festive feeling and pride in the diversity and unity of the people. It’s not only a celebration of Independence but also of the unity in diversity of the country.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Who was the main leader of the Independence Struggle?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “There is no single leader whom we can call the leader there were many. But the most notable are Mahatma Gandhi, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, and Bhagat Singh. Besides some of them opt for non-violence and some for violence.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How India became a Democratic Country?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”When our leaders saw the treatment of our people by Britishers then they decided to make India a democratic country. But this was not the only reason there was far greater reason than that, for which the leaders make this decision.”} }] }

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independence day essay 10 lines for class 5

10 Lines on Independence Day in English

Today, we are sharing  10 lines on   Independence Day in English.  This article can help students who are looking for information  about 10 lines on Independence Day .   This Lines is very simple and easy to remember. The level of these Lines is moderate so any student can write on this topic.

10 Lines on Independence Day

1) India celebrates Independence Day on August 15th every year.

2) It is a national holiday that commemorates the nation’s independence from British rule in 1947.

3) The day is marked by flag hoisting ceremonies, parades, cultural programs, and speeches.

4) People across India come together to celebrate this day with great enthusiasm and joy.

5) The Prime Minister of India gives a speech from the ramparts of the Red Fort in Delhi, which is broadcast live across the country.

6) The President of India also addresses the nation on this day.

7) Independence Day is a time to remember the sacrifices of the freedom fighters who fought for our independence.

8) It is also a time to rededicate ourselves to the ideals of freedom, equality, and justice.

9) Let us all pledge to build a better India for all, where everyone can live in peace and harmony.

10) Happy Independence Day!

10 Lines on Independence Day (set-2)

1) India celebrates its 77th Independence Day on 15 August 2023.

2) The day marks the end of British rule over India and the beginning of a new era of freedom and democracy.

3) The Prime Minister of India hoists the national flag at the Red Fort in Delhi, and a parade is held to commemorate the occasion.

4) Schools, colleges, and government offices are decorated with flags and bunting, and cultural programs are held to celebrate the day.

5) People across India come together to celebrate Independence Day with great pride and joy.

6) It is a time to remember the sacrifices of the freedom fighters who fought for our independence, and to rededicate ourselves to the ideals of freedom, equality, and justice.

7) Let us all pledge to build a better India for all, where everyone can live in peace and harmony.

Happy Independence Day!

Vande Mataram!

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5 Lines on Independence Day

1) Independence Day is a significant national holiday celebrated in many countries to commemorate their freedom and sovereignty.

2) It is a day of remembrance and gratitude for the struggles and sacrifices made by those who fought for independence.

3) Independence Day is often marked by ceremonies, parades, flag hoisting, and cultural events that showcase the nation’s heritage and achievements.

4) The day serves as a reminder of the importance of liberty, democracy, and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

5) Independence Day is a time for citizens to come together, celebrate their shared values, and reflect on the progress and challenges their nation faces.

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Answer: Independence Day is celebrated to commemorate the day when a country gained independence from colonial or foreign rule. It is a time to honour and remember the struggles and sacrifices made by those who fought for freedom.

Answer: Independence Day holds great significance as it symbolizes a nation’s sovereignty, self-governance, and the establishment of its own identity. It represents the triumph of freedom and the birth of a new nation.

Answer: Independence Day celebrations vary from country to country. They often include activities such as flag-hoisting ceremonies, parades, fireworks displays, cultural events, speeches by national leaders, and community gatherings. It is also a time for citizens to express their patriotism and pride in their country.

Many countries around the world celebrate their own Independence Day. Examples include the United States on July 4th, India on August 15th, Mexico on September 16th, and Brazil on September 7th. The specific dates and customs may differ, but the purpose remains the same – to commemorate freedom and independence.

Yes, Independence Day often commemorates significant historical events related to a country’s struggle for independence. For example, in the United States, it marks the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. In India, it signifies the end of British colonial rule in 1947. These historical events serve as reminders of the challenges overcome and the progress achieved in the journey toward independence.

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Independence Day Paragraph (15 August) – Long and Short Independence Day Paragraphs

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Independence Day Paragraph

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Long and Short Paragraphs on Indian Independence Day in English

We have shared below some short and long paragraphs on Independence Day of India under different word lengths.

We wish these Independence Day paragraphs will help school students in completing their school projects/assignments or during exams/class tests when they are assigned to write a paragraph or paragraphs on Indian Independence.

These paragraphs are written in simple words so that the reader can easily understand the meaning and use it as a sample in order to prepare their own essay, speech , article, etc., depending upon the occasion and their needs.

Paragraph on Independence Day 100 words – Sample 1

Independence Day is a National Festival of India celebrated on the 15 th of August. India became a free country on this day, and it’s only then we could secure our democratic rights as citizens of India. Our Independence gives us the reason to enjoy our fundamental rights laid down by the constitution. We are now a self-governed democratic country and have voting rights. The feeling of self-reliance and freedom fills the heart of the citizens with supreme happiness and joy. It is all due to the tireless efforts and numerous sacrifices of many great people who sacrificed their lives without fear.

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Paragraph on Independence Day 150 words – Sample 2

Every year on the 15 th of August, India celebrates Independence Day. India became an independent country in the year 1947. Thus, a gazetted holiday is declared annually to commemorate this date. Each of us is born free, dies free, and wants to live free. India achieved its Independence with great struggle and effort. Several freedom fighters and many great men sacrificed their lives to achieve the nation’s freedom from the grip of British rule.

The movement for independence in India was started by the Indian freedom fighters under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. These freedom fighters endured severe struggles in order to achieve the nation’s freedom. 15 th August is celebrated with high enthusiasm in order to pay honour to our legendary freedom fighters, who sacrificed their lives for our motherland. Independence Day motivates us to love our country and be forever willing to sacrifice our lives for its honour and integrity.

Paragraph on Independence Day 200 words – Sample 3

15 th August 1947 is a day of great significance in the history of India. India achieved freedom from British rule on this auspicious day and became free and democratic. It’s a historical day as several freedom fighters sacrificed their lives to liberate the nation. The respect for Independence Day is still strong in the hearts of every Indian, which can be easily evinced from the nationwide grand celebrations.

It’s a spectacular scene, and different states celebrate the occasion in a different ways, but the view of the capital city is fabulous. Pipe railings are fixed on the sides of the road leading to the Red Fort and hundreds of loudspeakers get fixed around the fort so that even distant people can hear the speech of the Prime Minister without any difficulty. In order to regulate the traffic, police deputations are posted in large numbers who also ensure the security of the V.I.Ps, diplomatic envoys, foreign dignitaries, Ministers and Members of Parliament, etc.

Media also plays an important role and ensures that no single event gets missed by the common citizen; hence, Doordarshan, other TV channels, and All-India Radio make special arrangements for a live telecast along with the running commentary.

Paragraph on Independence Day 250 words – Sample 4

Independence Day in India is celebrated with high zeal, fervour, and great enthusiasm on the 15 th of August every year. Every particle of the atmosphere gets charged with the affection of the motherland on this significant day. Small children carry Tri-colours in their hands, heading with zeal towards their schools early in the morning to become a part of the flag hoisting ceremony and participate in different events in their schools. Almost every vehicle, such as cars, auto rickshaws, motorbikes, etc., would have a tri-colour flying on the top of it. Patriotic songs can be heard at every corner of the street.

Independence Day is highly significant as India achieved its freedom on this remarkable day. We celebrate this day in order to pay honour to countless Indian citizens who dedicated their lives to the service of our country and sacrificed everything to win back its freedom. This is also an occasion to glorify the great Indian culture and tradition, which has impressed the whole world.

This day is marked by the flag hoisting ceremony by the honourable prime minister of India at the Red fort, who also delivers a speech addressing the citizens of India. Independence Day is celebrated with equal enthusiasm at every government and private institution, including schools, colleges, and universities. Flags are hoisted, and sweets are distributed to honour this day of historical importance. Almost 70 years have passed since India achieved Independence, but the day will always remain as young as it was 70 years before.

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Paragraph on Independence Day 300 words – Sample 5

India is a democratic country. We all celebrate Independence Day on August 15 th every year, but there is a history behind how India became Independent. After the Britishers ruled for 200 long years, some of the great people launched the freedom fight against British rule under the leadership of Great Mahatma Gandhi. Eventually, India became a free nation on 15 th August 1947.

At midnight when the entire world was sleeping, India rose as a free nation promising peace, equality, prosperity, and liberty. On the first Independence Day, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of free India, celebrated this occasion by hoisting the Tricolour National Flag at the Red Fort, which later became the tradition.

The zeal and enthusiasm of people towards the celebration of Independence Day are increasing year after year. Print and online media, including TV Channels and Radio Broadcast, get charged with patriotism. Inspirational Films and programs based on patriotic concepts are telecasted to educate people and children about the various incidents and stories of our freedom struggle in order to inspire people’s love for our motherland. Newspapers also print special editions, including inspirational stories of our freedom fighters or excerpts written or quoted by great philosophers.

Independence Day, therefore, is an important day for every Indian. It reminds us of the great sacrifices made by our freedom fighters to liberate our motherland. It also reminds us that our ancestors have performed their share of duties with great motivation and dedication, and now it’s our turn to give even a better shape to our country so that India remains equally respectable worldwide as it ever is. We are India’s future, and the nation now looks up to us to remain as prosperous and peaceful as it used to be.

Paragraph on Independence Day 350 words – Sample 6

15th of August, 1947 is a highly respectable day for India as it was on this auspicious day when India achieved its freedom from British rule. The day is celebrated as Independence Day, declared a national holiday countrywide. The British had ruled over India for around 200 years. They came to India for trading purposes and soon became the rulers due to our internal discords and misunderstandings, which offered them better scopes to establish their hegemony.

Our Independence is marked by freedom movements and the non-violence movement led by the great leader Mahatma Gandhi. His witty tactics and quality of great perseverance stood out, to which the Britishers finally had to succumb. The Independence movement was such an inspiring force that it united everyone belonging to different castes, religions, classes, or beliefs. Women also joined the movement, and great women like Sarojini Naidu, Aruna Asaf Ali, Vijay Laxmi Pandit, Kasturba Gandhi, Kamala Nehru, and Annie Besant contributed largely to the freedom movement.

In order to celebrate this glorious day, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of Independent India unfurled the National Tricolour Flag on the ramparts of Red Fort for the first time; this day is celebrated with much zeal as Independence Day across the country. It has become the National Festival, and the fervour and enthusiasm of our countrymen are worth observing. 15 th August is declared the National Holiday, and major government and private offices, schools, colleges, universities, shops, factories, and other business enterprises remain closed on this Day.

Even though it’s celebrated at a grand level in all the States and the Union Territories; in the capital city, Delhi, it is celebrated in a very special manner; the respected Prime Minister of India hoists the National Flag in the traditional manner at the Red Fort in front of a huge congregation of the Indian citizens and the foreign dignitaries. The Prime Minister also delivers the speech sharing information about the development and progress made by the country and the problems encountered, the dangers that may lie ahead, and future plans are highlighted.

Paragraph on Independence Day 400 words – Sample 7

Independence Day is when every citizen of India pays honour to their respected leaders and to all those freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of India in the past. It’s a great celebration day, and during the entire period of Independence Day, major government buildings are decorated with strings of lights along with the beautiful tricolour that waves from the rooftop of various homes and buildings of our country lovers.

The effort for India’s Independence started in Meerut with the Sepoy Mutiny in 1857. Later, the Indian National Congress and different political organizations launched the independence movement nationwide under the guidance of the great leader Mahatma Gandhi in the 20 th century. After a lot of struggle and losing the lives of several freedom fighters and citizens of our country, colonial powers were finally aborted, and independence was granted to India on August 15, 1947.

India thus became a free country, and the first prime minister of Independent India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, gave his popular “Tryst with Destiny” speech.

Kite flying adds to the Independence Day celebration in places like Delhi and various other cities. The sky gets dotted with numerous kites flown from the rooftops, and the fields symbolize the freedom of India. The Red Fort of Delhi also holds great significance in relation to Independence Day as the first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru unveiled the flag of India at this place on August 15, 1947.

Our national flag is divided horizontally into three colours: saffron at the top, white in the middle, and green at the bottom in the same proportion. A navy-blue wheel is embedded in the centre called chakra with 24 spokes. It is influenced by the wheel appearing on the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka.

The celebration

Independence Day is observed on 15 th August in India’s states and union territories. The respected President of India addresses a speech to the nation on the eve of Independence Day. On the day of Independence, the honourable prime minister hoists the tricolour Indian Flag on the ramparts of the historic Red Fort in Delhi and delivers a speech highlighting the past achievements and the plans for future development.

Flag hoisting observance and cultural program celebrations take place in various governmental and non-governmental institutions throughout India. Independence Day in India is a national holiday; thus, the major offices and schools remain closed.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Independence Day Paragraph

How can i wish happy independence day.

You can wish someone a Happy Independence Day by saying, 'Happy Independence Day!' You can also send messages or use social media to share quotes, images, or posts that commemorate the country's freedom and honor those who fought for it.

How do we celebrate Independence Day?

Independence Day is celebrated with various activities such as parades, fireworks, flag-hoisting ceremonies, and cultural events. People show patriotism by wearing national colors, and politicians make speeches to commemorate the nation's history and heritage.

Why is 15 August very important for India?

15 August is significant because it marks the day India gained independence from British rule in 1947. It represents freedom, sacrifice, and the beginning of a new era of sovereignty and development for the country.

Why was 15 August 1947 chosen?

15 August 1947 was chosen as India's Independence Day due to the Transfer of Power agreement by the British. Lord Mountbatten chose this date as it also commemorated the second anniversary of Japan's surrender to the Allied Forces in World War II.

Why is August 15 special?

August 15 is special as it's the day when several nations, including India, commemorate their independence. It's a symbol of freedom, national pride, and history, honoring the struggles and sacrifices made to achieve sovereignty.

How to write 10 lines about Independence Day?

To write 10 lines about Independence Day, mention the date of celebration, its significance, how people celebrate (parades, speeches, cultural performances), and what it symbolizes for the nation (freedom, a new beginning, and patriotic pride).

What is 15 August Independence Day?

15 August is known as Independence Day in India. It is celebrated annually in honor of the nation's independence from British rule in 1947. The day is a national holiday marked by cultural events, flag-hoisting ceremonies, and political speeches.

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independence day essay 10 lines for class 5

Independence Day Essay | Essay on Independence Day for Students and Children in English

Independence Day Essay: 15th August, 1947 is the day engraved in the golden history of India. It is the day when India attained its freedom from the clutches of a long slavery of over 200 years of the British rule. It was a long and hard struggle in which many freedom fighters and great men laid their lives for our beloved motherland.

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Long and Short Essays on Independence Day for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Independence Day’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Independence Day of 400-500 words. This long essay about Independence Day is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Independence Day of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Independence Day 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Independence Day of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Mahatma Gandhi led the great non-violent movement to which the British had to finally succumb. The country produced great leaders and patriots like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Dr Rajendra Prasad, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Lala Lajpat Rai, Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru and Chandra Shekhar Azad.

The struggle for Independence was such a moving force that it united all the people belonging to different castes, classes and beliefs into a single nation. Women also came out of their houses and significantly contributed to the freedom struggle.

Women like Aruna Asaf Ali, Sarojini Naidu, Vijay Laxmi Pandit, Kamla Nehru, Kasturba Gandhi and Annie Beasant contributed greatly to the success of our freedom movement. 15th August is celebrated as Independence Day every year. On our first Independence Day, Pandit Nehru, our first Prime Minister, hoisted the National Flag, the Tricolour at the Red Fort. At midnight, when the whole, world was sleeping, India awoke to a great nation promising peace, prosperity, equality and liberty.

Since then, Independence Day is traditionally celebrated with full zeal, fervour and great excitement. Every particle and pollen in the air seems to be charged up with the love for the motherland on this particular day. Several vehicles, tempo, auto-rickshaw have a tricolour flying on the top.

Patriotic songs can be heard at every street corner. The day is celebrated with great fervour and people pay homage to the thousands of lives laid down by great men and women. They remember the countless sacrifices made and they glorify the great Indian tradition and culture with which we have enriched the world.

The celebration starts with the hoisting of the National Flag by the Prime Minister at the Red Fort in New Delhi. Twenty one gunshots are fired in the air in the honour of the occasion.

This is followed by the nationally broadcast Independence Day speech by the Prime Minister from the ramparts of Red Fort itself. During his speech, the Prime Minister focuses on the achievements of the government during the past year, mentions the issues that still need to be addressed to and calls upon for further developmental efforts.

Tributes are paid to the leaders of the freedom struggle. The Indian National Anthem—Jana Gana Mana is sung. March past follows the speech with the division of the Indian Army leading and followed by the para military forces. All state capitals hold events on similar lines with the Chief Minister of the respective states unfurling the National Flag.

Another interesting feature of the celebration is the kite flying event that is held all over the country with great zeal. The sky, on this day, is filled with kites of various colours, shapes and sizes. All the government and private institutions, schools, colleges and universities celebrate this day of great historical importance by hoisting the tricolour. Some buildings are especially decorated with lights depicting the independence theme.

Even the television channels and radio programmes are charged up with patriotism. Films based on patriotic themes are telecast to let the people and children know about the various incidents of our freedom struggle and to inspire love for our motherland. Newspapers too print special editions and cite inspirational stories and excerpts of the life of great men from the great books written on them.

Independence Day Essay

Short Essay on Independence Day 150 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Independence Day is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Independence Day, thus, is an important day in the life of every Indian. Year after year, it reminds us of the great sacrifice and struggle made by our freedom fighters to free Mother India from foreign rule. It reminds us of the great ideals which were the foundation of the dream of a free India, envisioned and realised by the founding fathers.

It also reminds us that our forefathers have done their share of duty. It lies in our hands now how do we shape and form the future of our country. They have played their part and have played it really well. The country now looks up to us as how we perform our part now.

Essay on Independence Day

Independence Day Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Clutches – narrowness of mind or outlook; lack of sophistication clutch, grip, hold, grasp
  • Succumb – surrender, yield, submit, give in,
  • Zeal – enthusiasm, passion
  • Fervour – enthusiasm, excitement
  • Pollen – the fertilising element of flowering plants
  • Homage – respect, honour
  • Enriched – to make fuller, more meaningful, or more rewarding
  • Unfurling – open, unfold, open out
  • Excerpt – a passage or segment taken from a longer work, such as a literary or musical composition, a document, or a film
  • Envisioned – to picture in the mind; imagine

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Independence Day Essay in English for Students and Children

Independence Day Essay in English : In India, Essay on independence day is important essay topic for every students on the occasion of 15th August every year. Indian Independence Day is national festival of India celebrated on 15th August Every year. Highlighting the importance of 15 August, we have written here two sets of essay on independence day in English for students. This essay on independence day is very helpful for students for their project and assignment.

Independence Day Essay in English

This year India is celebrating 77th year of Independence and organizing programmes on theme Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav . Various programmes are being organized to commemorate and pay tribute to our freedom fighter. This Independence Day Government has also launched Har Ghar Tiranga campaign which encourage every Indian to take the Tiranga at Home and hoist it.

15th August 1947 is the day when India got freedom from around 200 years of British rule. It was very tough time for every Indian. To make India an Independent nation many non-violent struggle and freedom movements were carried out by our freedom fighters in which they sacrificed their lives for our beloved motherland.

We celebrate 15 August every year with great enthusiasm as our Independence Day. Independence Day is our National Festival and it is also celebrated as a national holiday throughout the country. 15th August is also called the red-letter day in the history of India.

History and Background of Independence Day

We own the battle of freedom from British rule on this day in 1947 and India become an independent and sovereign country. Our first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru unfurled our National Flag at the Red Fort for the first time at the stroke of midnight on this day. The day marked the end of the 200 years old British reign in India and India become a free and sovereign nation.

Essay on Har Ghar Tiranga: Read Here

Every year on 15th August, people of our country remember the sacrifices and unparalleled contributions of freedom fighter, great men and women to achieve the independence of India. On this occasion we pay reverent homage to our freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi , Subhas Chandra Bose, Sukhdev, Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Aazad etc. and all who strived for freedom of India.

Activities on Independence Day at Red Fort

Independence Day is celebrated with great joy and happiness across the country. On the occasion of Independence Day People hold meetings, fly our National Flag 'Tricolour', and sing the National Anthem 'Jana Gana Mana'. The Day is celebrated with great pomp and show in our national Capital New Delhi. Leaders and common people gather in large number in the parade ground in front of Red Ford. The Prime Minister of India comes and hoists the Flag at Red Fort. After Flag Hoisting he delivers speech commemorating our freedom fighters contribution further focusing on the achievements of the Government during the past year. They also mentions the issues that still need to be addressed and then calls upon the future developmental prospective and roadmaps. On this occasion foreign dignitaries are also invited to witness the great occasion. Commemorating the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives during the freedom struggle , tributes are paid.  “Jana Gana Mana” - The Indian National Anthem is sung. After the speech the parade by the Indian Army and the Paramilitary forces is held. In all the States, state capitals hold events on similar lines and Chief Minister of the respective states unfurls the National Flag.

Independence Day Essay in English for Students and Children

Activities on Independence Day in schools, colleges etc. 

On 15th August every year Independence day is observed with great honour at all the Government and private institutions, schools, and colleges. Institutions also organize events on this day and unfurls Nation Flag and sing National Anthem. Students take part in parades organized by the Schools and Colleges. Some historical buildings and Schools are specially decorated with lights and other decoration material depicting the independence theme like Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav . Some special programs like planting trees, ban on single use plastic and other awareness campaigns are organized on this day. On the occasion people are infused with a sense of patriotism and nationalistic feelings. Sports, song and drama and other cultural programs and competitions are conducted and prizes are awarded to the winners. Sweets are distributed to all the participants and visitors. Patriotic songs can be heard at every street corner on this day.

Essay on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav: Read Here

Kite-flying event on Independence Day

Kite-flying event is also held on 15th August every year. This is one of the famous and interesting feature of independence day celebration held all over the country with great zeal. On this day sky seems very colourful as it is filled with kites of various colours, shapes, and sizes.

Programmes on Television Channels and Radio on Independence Day

In the morning all news channels on television telecast live show of activities like Flag Hoisting and Parade etc., held at Red Fort, New Delhi. On the occasion movies and documentaries which are based on independence day theme, telecasted on television. Through these programmes people and children know about various incidents of our freedom struggle. This inspires the people and children and fills love for our motherland.

Speech on Independence Day: Read Here

Independence Day Essay: Conclusion

Independence Day is a very important day for every Indian. This day reminds us of our great freedom fighters who struggled to free our Motherland from the British rule and sacrificed their lives. This day inspires us and reminds that our forefathers have done their share of duty and now it is our duty to shape and form the future of our country.

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Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Essay in English

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Essay in English

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English Aspirants

5 Lines on Independence Day in English – 15th August

5 Lines on Independence Day of India in English: Independence Day is a matter of great joy and happiness for all Indians. In this article, you are going to read 4 sets of 5 lines on Independence Day of India. These sets of 5 lines will be helpful for the students of LKG, classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as well as students of higher classes. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

5 Lines on Independence Day: Set 1

1. Independence Day of India is celebrated on 15th August.

2. On this day in 1947 India became free from British rule.

3. We give tribute to our freedom fighters on this day.

4. On this day, the National Flag is hoisted and the National Anthem is sung.

5. Independence Day fills our hearts with patriotic spirit.

5 Lines on Independence Day in English

Independence Day 5 Lines in English: Set 2

1. India got independence on 15th August in 1947.

2. Independence Day is a festival of freedom for us.

3. We remember millions of our freedom fighters on this day.

4. We celebrate this day by hoisting the National Flag and singing the National Anthem.

5. Independence Day is a day of pride, integrity, and unity for all Indians.

5 lines on Independence Day of India

Also Read: 10 Lines on Independence Day

Independence Day 5 Lines Speech: Set 3

1. India gained its independence from British rule on 15 August 1947.

2. Since then every year, 15th August is celebrated as the Independence Day of India.

3. Many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for our Independence.

4. This day is celebrated with flag hoisting ceremonies, parades, and cultural activities.

5. Independence Day Infuses new enthusiasm and new energy among us.

Also Read:  Essay on Independence Day

Independence Day 5 Lines Essay: Set 4

1. In India, Independence Day is celebrated every year on August 15.

2. It is celebrated to mark India’s freedom from British rule in 1947.

3. This day reminds us of all the sacrifices our freedom fighters made to free India.

4. Flag hoisting ceremonies and parades take place in various parts of the country on this day.

5. On this day, the entire nation takes a pledge to protect the unity and integrity of India.

Independence Day Speech 5 Lines: Set 5

1. 15th august is celebrated as the Independence Day of India.

2. This day is observed as a national holiday across India.

3. On this day, we pay homage to the courageous sacrifices of our freedom fighters.

4. Various flag-raising ceremonies and cultural programs are organized on this day.

5. Independence Day infuses new energy, new zeal, and new consciousness among the countrymen.

Read More: 1. 10 Lines on Our National Flag 2. 5 Lines on Our National Flag 3. 10 lines on My Vision for India in 2047

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Write 10 Lines on Independence Day

Independence Day is a day to celebrate and remember the historic days where India got freedom from British rule. This day is celebrated with great enthusiasm across the country.

10 sentences on Independence Day for kids (set #1)

  • Independence Day is celebrated on the 4th of July in the United States.
  • It is a special day to remember when America gained freedom from British rule.
  • On this day in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the founding fathers.
  • People celebrate with parades, fireworks, and family gatherings all across the country.
  • Red, white, and blue colors represent the American flag and are often seen in decorations.
  • People often enjoy picnics and barbecues with friends and family on this day.
  • Many cities have big fireworks displays to light up the night sky in celebration.
  • During the day, people may attend patriotic events and listen to speeches about America’s history.
  • Independence Day is also a time to honor the brave people who fought for America’s freedom.
  • It is an important day to cherish our freedom and remember the sacrifices made for it.

Also read the Essay on Independence Day

10 lines on Independence Day (set #2)

  • Independence Day is a day for the celebration of our freedom and rights.
  • Independence day is an annual event celebrated every year on the 15th of August.
  • This day we remember the sacrifices of our great freedom fighters.
  • We hoist the national flag on this day.
  • Every state and Union Territory celebrates it with much enthusiasm and enjoyment.
  • The Army, Navy, and Airforce comprise the parade.
  • Children participate in the celebration in various cultural programs in schools and colleges.
  • On independence day the president of the country addresses the nation.
  • We pay tributes to martyrs on this day.
  • The first prime minister of independent India was Jawaharlal Nehru.
  • The first president of independent India was Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
  • It is also declared a national holiday.

Also check:

  • Speech on Independence Day

So, this is 10 points on Independence Day in an easy-to-understand way.

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independence day essay 10 lines for class 5


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    These are the 10 Lines on Independence day in English are for students and children for classes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. 250 words Essay on Independence day-. 15th of August is celebrated as Independence day in India because on this day India achieved its independence. 15th August is a national holiday and it is celebrated in all the states of India.

  21. 5 Lines on Independence Day in English

    5. Independence Day Infuses new enthusiasm and new energy among us. Also Read: Essay on Independence Day. Independence Day 5 Lines Essay: Set 4. 1. In India, Independence Day is celebrated every year on August 15. 2. It is celebrated to mark India's freedom from British rule in 1947. 3.

  22. Write 10 Lines on Independence Day

    10 sentences on Independence Day for kids (set #1) Independence Day is celebrated on the 4th of July in the United States. It is a special day to remember when America gained freedom from British rule. On this day in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the founding fathers. People celebrate with parades, fireworks, and family ...