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My Hobby (Reading Books) – Short Essay

Category: Essays and Paragraphs On May 1, 2019 By Ananda

I love my hobby reading of books . I love reading whatever I can get my hands on. Reading is a good hobby because it helps me to learn a lot of things. I read a lot of books ; fiction, non-fiction, biography, self-help, instructional, etc. I believe everyone should have a reading hobby.

Reading is good because it builds vocabulary , improves reasoning faculties, increases knowledge and teaches different forms of expression. Reading fiction has the ability to transport you to a different world, the world of the author. Your imagination power is enhanced through reading. Readers often tend to become writers because reading activates that part of your brain that leads to coherent thought and expression. The best advice given to writers is to read as much as you can. It is that effective.

Reading is a good hobby because it cultures you. It promotes maturity and readers are able to learn from the experiences of others. Whether through fictional characters or real people, reading equips you with lessons that help you tackle life better. I enjoy reading biographies of scientists, poets, and philosophers. Biographies give insight to the experiences of great personalities and help us to understand their struggles and their achievements. Reading newspapers makes you aware of your surroundings and your duty as a citizen of the world.

Reading builds character . It makes you empathetic to the plight of others. It teaches you how to handle situations with grace, fortitude and reason. It also enables you to communicate complicated experiences through clear and concise expressions. I wouldn’t be able to draft a simple coherent sentence to write if I hadn’t read it somewhere before.

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English Compositions

Essay on My Hobby Reading Book [With PDF]

Book reading is one of the most prevalent hobbies among children. That’s why this topic has a certain reputation to come in as an essay writing topic in various types of examinations. But I have noticed that students of different classes face a few issues while writing essays on this very topic. Therefore I have decided to come up with a session explaining the very method of writing an essay on my hobby reading book most specifically for the students from class 6 to 9.

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Essay on My Hobby Reading Book within 100 Words

 My Hobby Reading Book

All my school friends have chosen something as their hobby while promoted to high school from the primary standard. I also chose book reading as my hobby. I love to read different kinds of books since my early childhood. I still remember that my mother used to tell me stories at night when I was a child.

Probably my passion for reading storybooks got developed from that time. I prefer reading detective as well as ghost stories. One of my teachers has asked me to read travel stories by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay. I have read the book Chander Pahar written by him. The character Shankar from the novel Chander Pahar has become very close to my heart.

Essay on My Hobby Reading Book within 200 Words

My Hobby Reading Book

Everybody in their life pursues something as a hobby. A hobby is something that any person is passionate about. People spend their leisure time pursuing a hobby. Like other people, I have chosen reading books as my hobby. This hobby of mine is not about reading regular academic books. Rather I love to read books on different topics and incidents happening all around the world.

Especially, I love to read books on real travel stories as well as adventures. My habit of reading books developed since I was a child. We had no television or mobile phone in our house but a lot of books. I used to read from them whatever I wanted to. Most of those I hardly understood. I still remember those days when my father used to buy me monthly child magazines like Anandamela and Suktara.

I still love reading comics from those magazines. My favorite comics are Tintin, Chacha Chowdhury as well as Nonte-Fonte. I have recently read a book named Aranyak written by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay. It is all about the life experience of the author in a remote rural location of India. In this book, the description of nature is so vivid that any passionate reader will get lost in an amazing experience. All my teachers as well as my parents appreciate this hobby.

Essay on My Hobby Reading Book within 300 Words

A hobby is something that a person pursues to take a break from the same monotonous regular routine. That’s why everyone chooses something as a hobby that they love. Because as wise men say that love can be the ultimate motivation to do something.

So, we all need to choose something as our hobby that we are passionate about. Without passion, all our efforts to do something creative go into the vein. Our hobbies necessarily can enrich us both physically and mentally. That’s why my father says that hobbies are needed to be chosen wisely and very carefully for proper utilization of both time and effort. 

Hobbies can be of many different types. Many of my classmates have chosen singing, gardening, painting as their hobbies. My best friend Piyush chose stamps collection as his hobby. These all hobbies bring refreshment to them. Like my friends, I have also chosen reading books as my hobby. I enjoy my hobby the most.

I love to read about everything no matter what topic it is. Since my early childhood, I developed a passion for reading. My parents used to gift me so many books since then. Every year, I go to the Kolkata International Book Fair with my parents. Moreover, After getting promoted to high school from primary, I got exclusive student access to my school library.

Nowadays, I borrow more books from the library than buying them. Not only the school library but my father has also helped me to get a membership of the district library Khardah.

I love reading all kinds of books. But especially I am passionate about reading historical fiction. For this reason, Bengali writer Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay is one of my most favorite writers. Besides these, I also love to read adventure fiction as well as mythologies.

Essay on My Hobby Reading Book within 500 Words

What is a hobby? What a person should choose as a hobby? Before going deep into the discussion of my hobby, let’s talk about the hobby itself. A hobby is something that people do especially in their leisure time mostly for enjoyment. We do not expect to get paid for our hobbies.

These are some habits that come from inside us due to our natural internal tendency as well as passion. Hobbies include a wide range of activities. It can be collecting something like coins or stamps or leaves, fine arts activities like painting, dancing,  Creative works like gardening, writing poetry, etc. Or it can simply be reading books, like what I have chosen as my hobby of life. 

At the very beginning, I want to say that I literally admire my hobby, and one of my playschool teachers inspired me to fall in love with reading books when I was at my very early age. I still remember she used to bring me many kinds of colorful interesting books full of amazing stories as well as pictures.

At that age, I fond of those kinds of books. Later on, I came to know that those books are known as comics. I have read so many comics since my early childhood. Tintin, Phantom, Dennis the Menace, Hada Bhoda, Nonte-Phonte is a few among them. My parents always appreciate my hobby of reading books. For me, reading any book is the way of my utmost relaxation.

When I get tremendously bored of my regular monotonous life, at that point my storybooks help me to travel in some dream location being a part of some exciting adventure of imagination. After going to high school, I got exclusive access to my school’s students’ library and a different world opened there for me. From then, I borrow books so many kinds of books from my school library and read them thoroughly.

Here, I would like to mention my school librarian sir Mr. Paresh Pathak who helps me to choose the proper book according to my age and reading tendency. From my school library, I have read many works of great authors like Guru Rabindranath Tagore, Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay, Satyajit Ray, and many more.

Recently, I have developed a special interest in magic realism. Very recently, I was reading a work of the great Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The name of the book is very famous One Hundred Years of Solitude. It is an amazing work that led me to a different fantasy world along with the dark humorous touch of eternal truth.

I’ve also read some works of Franz Kafka. His famous work The Metamorphosis will be very close to my heart always. For these also all credit goes my school librarian sir. He first suggested me to read something unconventional out of the box.

I got the first book of Gabriel Garcia Marquez from him. Moreover, I learned about magic realism from him as well. I believe that no matter what happens with human beings, but books, stories, and realization are eternal. They will never abandon me in my entire life.

That was all about essay writing on my hobby reading books. Here in the session, I have tried to write some essays on the very topic following every method and all possible perspectives. Moreover, I have also tried to write them for students of different classes. Besides, I maintained the word limit relevant for various examinations.

Hope you found this session helpful as per your requirement. Let us know your valuable opinion as well as suggestions for this session in the comment section below. Thank you; see you again very soon.

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12 Reasons Why Reading Is A Good Hobby (Why Should You Start Reading?)

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Growing up, most of us were persuaded to read more instead of watching TV by parents or school teachers because reading is a “good hobby”

But why reading? And is it really that good for us?

Reading is a good hobby because it improves our mental health, general knowledge, writing skills and you can even make a career out of it. Books can also take you to places you’ve never been before!

Let’s explore some reasons on why reading is a good hobby and if you haven’t started reading already – why should you start reading?

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Advantages of Reading: Why Reading Is A Good Hobby

Here are some advantages of reading books as a hobby:

1. Reading Reduces Screentime

Reading can be considered as an indirect screen time detox , since you will lessen your screen time by reading physical books.

Even if you choose to read using an e-reader like kindle , it is not as harsh on the eyes compared to your laptop or phone.

An easy way to reduce your screen time is by following a tip by one of my favourite productivity Youtubers, Ali Abdaal .

He says to put a kindle by your bedside and leave your phone in a different room before bed time so you read more instead of staring at a screen before bed.

2. Reading Sharpens Your Wit

Reading is hobby that stimulates the mind. The mind will sharpen from all the plots we’ve read, characters we engage with and words we’ve learned.

The mind is like a sponge. The more we read, the more we absorb and the more knowledgeable we become.

Besides interesting plots and characters, books have the capability to widen horizons, enabling you to explore different cultures from around the world.

The world is at your fingertips, one book at a time.

Moreover, non fiction books will ensure that you are well equipped with the knowledge of theories, literature and other global events and occurrences that will gain a great deal of knowledge. 

For example, I recently read Atomic Habits and it had taught me so much about breaking bad habits and forming good ones with tiny actionable steps.

3. Enhances Imagination

Reading (especially if you read genres like fantasy, thriller and mystery) can help you have a more creative imagination.

Being creative can help you in many areas of life that require problem solving such as being in school or at work.

Besides just helping you solve life issues, an enhanced imagination is an added advantage if you want to become a published author one day.

There are many careers besides writing that need a creative mind – such as, being an artist, film director, song producer and more. Reading inspires you to look at things differently, hence the imagination skills.

Read More: 6 Tips On How To Read Fantasy Books For Beginners

4. Reading Can Be Relaxing

Although this point applies to everyone, it is especially true for adults with busy schedules.

Adults who are busy and are constantly trying to chase something forget to be present in the moment. Reading is a mindful activity with many mental health benefits .

Besides that, insomniacs and people who are constantly struggling to fall asleep, reading before bed time can help calm the mind.

Every individual is different, but there’s no harm in trying to add reading to your night-time routine by leaving a book by your bedside instead of reaching for your phone and scrolling through TikTok.

5. Reading Allows You To Travel Through Books

why is reading a good hobby

Although fun, travelling is an expensive, energy-driven and time-consuming hobby. One of the best reasons why reading is a great hobby is because it allows us to travel without getting off the couch.

We get to explore different countries, cities and cultures. Besides, if you do plan to travel to a certain location, you can always read books set in the location or books about the destination.

I’ve written a few articles on books to read before you travel such as, 15 Best Books Set In Indonesia You Must Read .

6. Reading Is A Fun Way To Make Friends

Finding like-minded individuals who read are a great way to make new friends.

You don’t even need to like the same books or as they do. If you like different books from them, the more you’ll have to share and discuss!

One way you can find more readers to connect with is by starting a bookstagram.

I have a whole section on bookstagram tips . Plus, you could also also join buddy reads to discuss the same books you’re reading.

Besides finding friends who read online, you can also always find them at a book cafe, library or book fair!

7. Reading Is Not An Expensive Hobby

I know what you’re thinking – books are getting expensive these days.

But how many books do you purchase and actually end up reading? In reality, you read way less than the books you buy. Reading and buying books are two separate hobbies!

Reading is a simple hobby – you only need a book and a comfortable place to read. You don’t even need to purchase books, you can always read for free at a library or a book cafe.

If you really want to buy books and save money – try subscribing to an audiobook subscription like Libro FM (use my link and get a free book) and audible .

Kindle Unlimited is also a good way to save money and read more books!

8. Reading Can Help You Stay Motivated

why is reading a good hobby

If you’re in need of motivation when studying or working on a project – reading self-help books can help you stay motivated.

Sometimes, these books aren’t just about motivation but they can help you with your challenges that stop you from staying motivated for long periods

Example, Atomic Habits talk about taking tiny steps to build habits and books like Don’t Worry (my recent read, checkout my review) can help you combat anxiety which will indirectly help you stay motivated.

Read More: 11 Books Like Atomic Habits by James Clear

9. Reading Can Make You Money

Besides being a good hobby, reading can actually make you money.

If you choose to be a book influencer such as a bookstagrammer or book blogger , you can actually earn money from your passion for reading.

Besides, being an author or working in publication is also a potential career path.

10. Reading Can Be Done Anytime Or Anywhere

Honestly, you can read anytime and anywhere.

Reading is so accesible because of apps like the kindle apps that allows you to read your kindle books on phone.

Plus, don’t lie – you’ve probably read a book before on your phone in the toilet or even on the treadmill when you hit the gym.

11. Reading Can Help Increase Empathy

Reading fiction gives you insight on different plot points and characters which allows you to empathise with different people in real life.

Besides, there are many self-help and non-fiction books that helps us learn more about ourselves and the human race so we can better empathise with people.

12. Reading Helps With Family Bonding

This is something i’ve personally noticed growing up.

I’ve had uncles and aunties who love reading and soon their children also takes interest in the hobby. Together, they go out for coffee and read as a family.

Besides, i’ve recently discovered a family book blog where the couple and their child reads as well

Is Reading A Hobby? 

Yes reading is still a hobby despite in the modern “screen” times of Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram. In fact, screen time does not always mean watching or consuming media but many readers these days read via their ipad, kindle or other e-readers.

Is Reading A Good Or Bad Habit?

Reading is mostly a good habit, especially when done moderately. It helps you improve your general knowledge and writing skills. It can also act as a great down time for a night routine or be part of a refreshing morning routine.

Can Reading Become Addicting?

Yes, reading can become an addiction. The term Bibliomania is best described for this condition. Human nature is such that whatever we seek pleasure in, we tend to get hooked to it.

Final Thoughts: Why is Reading a Good Hobby?

Reading as a hobby is great because of the many benefits it brings to me (ok fine, it’s not always about getting smarter or improving your mental health but it also helps me escape reality).

At the end of day, reading is supposed to be a fun hobby. If you feel pressured to read a certain book or feel like you should be reading as much as some book influencers are on social media, know that you are not alone.

Many of us feel that pressure but know that reading should bring you joy, not stress!

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Hi there, i'm Sonia. The founder and author at Brewing Writer, a blog that features detailed book reviews, bookstagram tips, book blogging tips, thoughtfully curated book lists (which my readers love!) and cozy aesthetic photography that’ll make you crave a cup of coffee and a good book.

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