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How Important Is Knowing a Foreign Language?

foreign language importance essay

By Jeremy Engle

  • March 29, 2019

Have you ever studied a foreign language ? Do you think it’s still necessary to do so?

Isn’t it easy to find people who speak English in other countries if you really need to communicate with someone? And aren’t there translation apps for your phone you can download anyway?

What is the value of knowing more than one language in the 21st century? Is it really worth the time, effort and investment?

In “ Do You Speak My Language? You Should ,” Bénédicte de Montlaur writes:

In January, the Modern Language Association made an astonishing announcement in The Chronicle of Higher Education: From 2013 to 2016, colleges across the United States cut 651 foreign language programs . French was the hardest hit, losing 129 programs, followed by Spanish with 118, German with 86 and Italian with 56. Once these programs close, they are very hard to reopen. According to a Pew study from last year , only 20 percent of K-12 students in America study a foreign language (compared with an average of 92 percent in Europe), and only 10 states and the District of Columbia make foreign-language learning a high school graduation requirement. The decline in language education could have devastating effects for generations to come. With fewer options for learning a foreign language in school, a sharp decrease in interest is likely to follow. According to the Modern Language Association, enrollment in college-level foreign-language courses dropped 9.2 percent from 2013 to 2016. The association says these changes are most likely a direct result of the 2008 recession, which hit foreign-language degree programs harder than many other humanities programs. As programs shrink so does the supply of qualified teachers . It’s a vicious cycle. And yet, knowing a foreign language is becoming ever more essential. The freshman congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is Spanish-English bilingual, recently tweeted , “Bilingualism is a huge advantage in the economy and the world.” Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, who at age 29 is already one of the best-known members of the Democratic Party, is a case in point. Her sentiment is shared by many. In response, some educators and parents are rethinking the way language is taught and calling for expanded access to language education. Nationwide, parents and teachers have been leading grass-roots initiatives to provide foreign-language learning in public schools, and some universities have instituted innovative language programs. From pre-K to graduate studies, there is a move toward holistic language education, based on the notion that learning a language should be grounded in the real, everyday use of that language.

The article concludes:

If Americans want the next generation to be active participants in a multilingual world, dual-language and multicultural education is crucial. Government spending on foreign-language education and the education of qualified foreign-language teachers needs to increase. More states need to enforce language-education requirements. Colleges need to recognize the importance of their foreign-language education programs. In turn, more parents, students and teachers need to lobby for language programs. The necessity of foreign-language education could not be clearer right now. The future in America, and everywhere, is multilingual. And so is the present.

Students, read the entire article, then tell us:

— How important is knowing a foreign language?

— What languages can you speak, read or understand? If you know more than one language, how did you learn these additional languages? Was it hard? Fun? How has knowing another language affected and benefited your life?

— If you speak only one language, have you ever wanted or tried to learn a new one? What challenges did you face in acquiring a new language?

— How persuasive is Ms. de Montlaur’s argument that Americans need to study a foreign language? Do you agree with her that the future is multilingual? Should schools require that students learn a second language?

— If you were to study a new language, what would it be and why?

— How much is foreign-language education emphasized at your school? What would you recommend to improve the foreign-language program at your school?

Students 13 and older are invited to comment. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff, but please keep in mind that once your comment is accepted, it will be made public.

Benefits of Knowing a Foreign Language

There are numerous advantages of learning a foreign language. Essay sample is focused on social, health, and other foreign language benefits, as well as reasons to learn another language.

Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language Essay Introduction

Benefits of learning a second language essay body, benefits of learning foreign language essay conclusion, works cited.

Why are foreign languages in demand and popularity? Not everyone probably thinks about it until they face a particular situation. Let us consider several reasons for bilingualism, such as advantages in career, travel, unlimited communication, cultural content, and the fact that knowing at least one foreign language makes the person smarter.

The first cause of foreign language usefulness is professional opportunities. You need to know a foreign language to increase your employability, work in a prestigious fast-growing company, and get the appropriate payment. It also applies to study and internships in foreign countries because plenty of companies are trying to learn from the experience of their foreign colleagues. In the case you know the foreign language, you can help in the translation of texts, preparation of documents, or during negotiations with foreign partners. Besides, you can learn some interesting and helpful information by reading foreign professional literature.

The second reason concerns traveling. Knowing the foreign language, you will be happy to listen to guided tours in original, chat with people with great ease and pleasure, and, who knows, maybe the foreign language you can speak will save the life of someone. Traveling around the world, you can always find your way, talk to the locals, learn about their lives and culture, and perhaps, receive a useful lesson (“Ten Amazing Reasons Why You Should Learn a Foreign Language,” par. 8). In other words, knowing the foreign language allows penetrating the traditions of the other culture.

The third reason in favor of knowledge of a foreign language is communication. Usually, to learn a foreign language well enough, it is necessary to plunge into the environment of living in that particular culture. In turn, such a dive does not pass entirely but forms certain personal qualities. For example, some studies have shown that people, who know more than one language, expand their horizons and are more likely to empathize taking the first steps in communication. Communication in a foreign language with native speakers will significantly strengthen your communication skills and develop life-long friendships (“Ten Amazing Reasons Why You Should Learn a Foreign Language,” par. 14).

Moreover, a foreign language helps you to enrich yourself culturally by watching movies in their original, listening to the voice and intonations of actors, and avoiding translators. You can listen to your favorite songs of foreign singers and understand their meaning with great pleasure. Despite the considerable amount of translated literature, the knowledge of a foreign language opens the door to the world of original literature. It is also essential to point out that by learning a foreign language, you can improve your native language as well. When people start to talk in a foreign language, which has its grammar, logic, and exceptions, they choose words and phrases in the native language to translate, which helps to increase the speech culture and vocabulary of the native language.

Besides, if you are interested in the events taking place in the world, the knowledge of the foreign language would be your advantage. You can easily understand the news as many world newspapers and Internet posts are published in a foreign language. Consequently, you will be able to understand the meaning of the above, taking into account all the details. It is much more objective than hearing a translation, where a lot can be unsaid or translated inappropriately. Thus, knowledge of a foreign language provides access to information, while it is commonly considered that he who owns the information – owns the world.

Finally, the last but not the least reason is probably, the most important. Knowledge of a foreign language expands consciousness. According to Merritt, “speaking a foreign language improves the functionality of your brain by challenging it to recognize, negotiate meaning, and communicate in different language systems” (par. 3). Your mind will be reconstructed to understand completely new concepts. In this sense, learning foreign languages is highly efficient due to switching codes. Switching from one language to another is a challenging job for the brain that is undoubtedly useful. Several studies have shown that among patients with dementia, symptoms began four years later in people who know two languages than in people who know one language (Merritt par. 6). In other words, the brain of bilinguals was struck but continued to operate at a higher level for a longer time.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that people are blacksmiths of their happiness, and a lot in life depends on them. Knowledge of foreign languages gives people plenty of advantages. It is the opportunity to travel around the world without an interpreter, to read foreign literature, to watch foreign films in the original, and to have friends from different countries. If you are willing to change something in your life for the better, then learn a foreign language, and maybe somewhere, there is a pleasant surprise waiting for you, such as an exciting journey or attractive employment.

Merritt, Anne. “ Why Learn a Foreign Language? Benefits of Bilingualism. ” The Telegraph . Telegraph Media Group, 2013.

“Ten Amazing Reasons Why You Should Learn a Foreign Language.” Lingholic . n.p., 2014.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, September 9). Benefits of Knowing a Foreign Language. https://studycorgi.com/benefits-of-knowing-a-foreign-language/

"Benefits of Knowing a Foreign Language." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2020, studycorgi.com/benefits-of-knowing-a-foreign-language/.

StudyCorgi . (2020) 'Benefits of Knowing a Foreign Language'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "Benefits of Knowing a Foreign Language." September 9, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/benefits-of-knowing-a-foreign-language/.


StudyCorgi . "Benefits of Knowing a Foreign Language." September 9, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/benefits-of-knowing-a-foreign-language/.

StudyCorgi . 2020. "Benefits of Knowing a Foreign Language." September 9, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/benefits-of-knowing-a-foreign-language/.

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Why is it Important to Learn a Foreign Language?

Kendall Dick

Kendall is a travel junkie, sustainability activist, nutrition guru, personal chef, writer, ...

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The advantages of learning foreign languages are mushrooming as the world becomes increasingly globalized and bilingualism is now perhaps the most useful real world skill to ever exist, rather than just being a nifty party trick. If you’re thinking about making the effort to learn a foreign language rather than expecting the world to accommodate your monolingualism, you are a rare breed indeed. Blossoming into the impressive polyglot you aspire to be is 100% feasible with the right approach and mindset.

Foreign language study is all about learning how to truly communicate and connect with others—an incredibly important life skill that can only be cultivated by interacting with people. When you master a foreign language, you can exercise your new superhuman power of being able to understand what someone is saying, recall the proper vocab and grammar, put that vocab and grammar into the proper context, and reply back—all on the spot and in a timely manner. You’ve connected. And that is what it’s all about.

man and woman chatting

How are you going to make friends if you don’t know how to talk about memes in Spanish?

Why learn a foreign language?

So, why is it important to learn a foreign language? Basically, the advantages of learning foreign languages have the ability to set you up for success in nearly every aspect of your life (NBD). Check out these seven reasons to study a foreign language:

1. Learning a foreign language is sexy

With its warmth and voluptuous sounds, hearing someone speaking a foreign language is like the sound of gold coming to embrace you. Speaking a foreign language is incredibly sexy and it can make you more attractive, interesting, and gives you an air of intelligence. A lot of people find a certain language or accent to be really sexy—think Penélope Cruz’s Spanish or Monica Bellucci’s Italian—you get the picture. 

Learn a foreign language and you might just have that certain someone hypnotized and drawn to your exotic prowess. Some of the more romantic languages like, Spanish, the language of undying love containing rhythm that can make any person swoon , or suave French that is soft as silk and feels as warm as a lover’s stroke, and Italian that massages your ears into ecstasy. But really, the rich textures of almost any foreign language can be incredibly sexy.

[ Get matched with foreign language study abroad programs ] 

graffiti that reads jexiste

You’ll gain a new appreciation for the hidden (or not-so-hidden) words around you.

2. Travel becomes cheaper and easier when you learn a foreign language

It’s 10 p.m. You just got off a 14-hour flight and all you want to do is fall face-first into your pillow. If you are solely armed with a smattering of navigational terms in the local language, finding your place to crash could turn into a painfully slow process. Without the right lingo, you are limited to expensive or slower options. So you save yourself some time, money, and grief when you learn a foreign language. Just as a few key phrases will make transportation that much faster and cheaper, and the same is true for choosing a place to stay. This means lower rates and a better (even more authentic) experience. 

Oh, and the food. When you learn a foreign language, you don’t need to be Anthony Bourdain to find the best local grub. You can ask around for yourself. This valuable intel will usually lead you to far tastier and cheaper fare than any tourism board or guidebook ever could.

[ Get a discount on language classes with Lingoda ]

3. learning a foreign language opens up a world of job opportunities.

It’s no secret that learning a foreign language can improve your employment prospects. More companies than ever are doing business in several—often dozens of—countries around the world, but they can’t do it without hiring people who have a grasp on at least one foreign language. Even in small, local companies, chances are that the ability to speak a second language will set you apart from other applicants. And in an increasingly competitive job market, why not give yourself every possible edge? 

But, it’s not just about padding your resume. With globalization in full swing, there’s a good chance you’ll be working with people whose first language isn’t English. Maybe it’s a development team in India, or a manufacturing plant in China, or an alternative energy supplier in Germany. Being able to communicate in other languages makes you much more valuable to an employer and having that competitive edge on your resume is without a doubt an eye-catcher. 

[Save and compare foreign language programs side-by-side with MyGoAbroad ]

sake barrels in Tokyo, Japan

Now you can sake it to all those mono-lingual losers.

4. Foreign language study grows your brain

Studies have demonstrated the cognitive benefits of learning another language, no matter how old you are. These studies have shown that bilinguals tend to have bigger brains, better memories, are more creative, better problem solvers, etc. Not only do these advantages make it easier to learn yet more languages, they also make it easier to learn, well, anything. The ability to quickly switch between tasks is especially important in today’s busy multitasking world. Bilinguals can switch between tasks much faster than their monolingual counterparts and can handle many more tasks at once.  

5. Form meaningful friendships when you study a foreign language

Meeting new and interesting people and developing lifelong friendships are certainly objectives well worth aspiring for, and learning another language is a sure way to expedite that process. Language helps express our feelings, desires, and connect with other humans around us and forms meaningful relationships. Speaking a foreign language not only opens up a massive pool of potential friends, but it also acts as an instant common denominator when you meet native speakers. Plus, speaking in a foreign tongue can be like speaking in secret code with your new besties. This approach is not exactly a foolproof Enigma machine, but it can make discussing the sordid details of Friday night’s debauchery a little less embarrassing.

[ How to Prepare for Intensive Language Programs Abroad ]

6. studying a foreign language makes you more open-minded.

Foreign language study is simply part of a very basic liberal education. To educate is to lead out—to lead out of confinement and narrowness and darkness. Learning a foreign language and getting soaked into an entirely new culture and worldview is the surest way to become an open-minded, understanding, tolerant individual, and that is absolutely priceless. Once you are aware of the fact that we are all cultural beings, products of our own environments, and that you recognize the cultural base for your own attitudes and behavior, you are ready to consider others in a more favorable light. Seeing the world from a different perspective, and understanding where you and others come from, is a fantastic, eye-opening experience.

Stop sign

Pare. Foreign language study time.

7. Foreign language study helps you better understand your own language and culture

Learning a foreign language can actually pull a sort of reverse psychology on you and provide you with a better understanding of your own native tongue and culture. This is one of the most unexpected advantages of learning a foreign language. You will become much more conscious of not only cultural customs, but of the grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation patterns of your first language. This likely explains the improvements in listening, reading, and writing skills that foreign language impart to former monolinguals.

Next steps to foreign language study

Ready to take the next step to foreign language study? If Duolingo isn’t cutting it, check out these additional resources to help you get the ball rolling: 

  • Get matched with language study programs at MyGoAbroad
  • Compare and contrast language study programs with OnlineAdvisor
  • 10 Best Ways to Learn a New Language
  • Check out available Language Schools Abroad
  • Study Foreign Languages Abroad
  • Some Tips for Language Learning Abroad  

For even more insider info, remember to always read foreign language study program reviews and reach out to a program advisor with any and all questions you may have.

german pastries and bread

How are you going to order your baked goods if you don’t know what they are?!

Now you’ll parlez with the best of ‘em! 

Learning a foreign language is of the utmost importance and the reasons to study a foreign language are innumerable. Studying (and ultimately fluently speaking) a foreign language helps break barriers and connects human beings on a deeper level of mutual understanding. Plus, reaching this mutual understanding will inevitably open a series of doors leading to a more interesting and satisfying personal and professional life!

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Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits? Essay

Have you ever wondered why some people have certain flexibility of mind? They can see problems from various standpoints, understand many views on a matter, and can find a suitable solution to a problem relatively easily. Good command of a foreign language is the major contributor to the person’s flexibility of mind, memory capacity, and ability to adapt to ever-changing circumstances.

While it is true that there are numerous study areas for a student to become proficient in, having a good command of a foreign language enhances the overall learning capacity and may even improve your health.

  • Studying any foreign language improves your memory and can even prevent a possible onset of Alzheimer’s disease (Jha par. 2).
  • Studying a foreign language improves your ability to understand complex concepts and ideas in other fields of study (Bialystok and Martin 1).
  • Studies have shown that learning foreign languages modifies the gray matter, responsible for processing the information in the brain (“Learning Languages ‘Boosts Brain’” par. 3).
  • People with a good command of a foreign language can manage their daily schedules more effectively and even make smarter financial decisions (Woodruff par. 1).

(Speaking a foreign language not only improves your overall learning capacity but is also an asset to your professional resume.)

Learning a foreign language enhances your career prospects, including potentially higher salary (“What Is a Foreign Language Worth?” par. 9).

  • Speaking at least one foreign language gives you a competitive edge in comparison with other candidates for the job position you choose.
  • Speaking a foreign language improves your decision-making process (Caldwell-Harris par. 2), thereby enhancing your ability to reach a compromise in difficult situations.
  • It can boost your confidence regarding your professional performance.
  • It can improve your teamwork skills, which is extremely useful in a work setting in your future career.
  • Being proficient in a foreign language may result in getting an internship position abroad, which will improve your professional competence.

(However, the advantages of learning a foreign language are not at all limited to the areas of your life involving work and studies. A foreign language opens up a whole new world of experience, the most exciting of which is traveling.)

Speaking a foreign language gives you an opportunity to discover foreign cultures while traveling.

  • Speaking the local language when traveling is a unique opportunity to learn about a particular foreign culture in a profound way.
  • By communicating with locals in their language, you can gain insights into their thinking patterns and mentality.
  • The local people will appreciate your efforts, whether you speak fluently, or not.
  • By befriending the locals, you will gain an opportunity to witness their culture on the inside, as they might invite you to spend some time in their home.
  • By learning about another nation’s mentality, you have an opportunity to find out new ways of looking at familiar things, shift your perspective, and broaden your horizon. (Speaking the local language has many practical advantages. It can come in handy when buying souvenirs and other products at the local market.)
  • By haggling in the local language, you gain the vendor’s respect and save money you would normally spend by paying the “sticker” price. (Finally, being proficient in a foreign language is an advantage in almost every area of your professional activities, studies, and leisure. This skill will enrich your life from many perspectives.)

Having a good command of a foreign language can enrich your personality and lead to many exciting and pleasant experiences.

  • Speaking a foreign language makes you a well-rounded person who can share interesting insights into the mentality and culture of another nation.
  • Thanks to this skill, you will be seen as a far more interesting and extraordinary person, which will, in turn, boost your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Learning about foreign traditions and customs allows you to make comparisons with your own cultural background.
  • These comparisons help better understand your culture.
  • Moreover, it helps you see the influence of other cultures on the one of your own and understand the underlying reasons for the particular beliefs and values.
  • By learning more about a foreign culture and the culture of your own, you will feel like a citizen of the world and a part of the global fabric of cross-cultural experience.
  • The ability to speak a foreign language will not only make you an attractive employee but also more appealing to the opposite sex.

As you can see, learning a foreign language has multiple advantages. It improves your learning capacity, preserves your health, enhances your career prospects, enriches your traveling experience, and makes you a well-rounded and interesting person to encounter. Overall, these innumerable benefits outweigh the difficulties that we might have while studying the language. Isn’t it truly worth the effort?

Works Cited

Bialystok, Ellen and Michelle M. Martin. “Attention and Inhibition in Bilingual Children: Evidence from the Dimensional Change Card Sort Task.” Developmental science 7.3 (2004): 325-339. Print.

Caldwell-Harris, Catherine. How Knowing a Foreign Language Can Improve Your Decisions . 2012. Web.

Jha, Alok. Being Bilingual May Delay Alzheimer’s and Boost Brain Power . 2011. Web.

Learning Languages ‘Boosts Brain’ 2004. Web.

What Is a Foreign Language Worth? 2014. Web.

Woodruff, Mandi. Here’s Why Bilingual People Make Better Financial Choices . 2012. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 31). Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits? https://ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/

"Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits?" IvyPanda , 31 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits'. 31 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits?" October 31, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/.

1. IvyPanda . "Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits?" October 31, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/.


IvyPanda . "Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits?" October 31, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/.

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Student Essay: The Value of Foreign Languages

foreign language importance essay

12 Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language

In today’s hyper-connected, fast-paced world, there are  many reasons to learn another language.

Perhaps you’re one of the lucky ones who grew up speaking two languages as a native bilingual. If so, you have some unique advantages compared to the rest of us.

However, if you’re looking to become bilingual, you’ve got good things going for you too.

Below are 12 awesome side effects of becoming bilingual — or multilingual !

Why Learn a Second Language?

1. you can talk with more people., 2. it’s a major advantage in the workforce., 3. traveling is easier and more fulfilling., 4. you gain cultural knowledge and perspective., 5. you have access to more information and entertainment., 6. it improves your communication skills., 7. it makes other languages easier too., 8. you can help more people., 9. it improves a ton of cognitive functions., 10. it delays the effects of aging., 11. it boosts your creativity., 12. your self-confidence will soar., which language should i learn, how do i get started.

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

people using a second language to talk

What’s the fastest way to make 1.2 billion friends?

Learn Chinese !

But seriously—learning another language gives you uncountable opportunities to meet and connect with others due to the simple fact that you can talk to more people.

Of course, learning another language allows you to meet people who already speak that language, too.  For one, you can connect with fellow language learners .  Another way is to find a language exchange partner .

Or chat with your taxi driver. Make small talk with the store clerk. Get to know the man who sits next to you on a long bus ride.

These people might have the potential to become your new business partner, best friend or soul mate. That’s pretty thrilling!

You don’t even need to be fluent to get started.

When I traveled around Myanmar, I spent a couple weeks in a city called Yangon. I only knew the basics of the Burmese language, but I was determined to practice those few phrases at every opportunity.

One street vendor was so taken with my efforts that he spent 30 minutes trying to communicate with me about his family, work and life philosophy. Not only did I leave that conversation with new language skills, but also with a free bag of food and a hug!

But the conversations are just the beginning.

Communicating in someone’s native language  also shows respect, and it allows you to connect on a deeper level. You might be surprised how open people are when you speak their mother tongue.

diverse employees giving a presentation

Adding a second (or third, or fourth) language to your CV gives you an unparalleled advantage in today’s global economy.

More and more employers are looking for people who speak multiple languages . This is especially true for fields like customer service, hospitality, health care, information technology and administrative work.

Multilingual people can communicate and interact with diverse communities. This is a valuable asset in an employee’s skill set.

You definitely up your professional value if you can negotiate with manufacturers in another country or communicate with customers who don’t speak your native language.

Plus, fluency in a foreign language opens up opportunities abroad which simply are not available to monolingual job hunters.

Your ability to speak another language also conveys that you’re motivated and driven to learn new skills.

It’s possible that you could be compensated for maintaining your language skills through foreign proficiency bonus pay, too—take the US military for example.

Which language is best? Try learning Spanish, Arabic or Mandarin Chinese to give yourself an edge !

lady ordering food in japan

Traveling—whether for business, vacation or visiting family or friends—is much easier if you speak the language of your destination:

  • Restaurants. Most non-speaking travelers resort to the “point and hope” method of ordering food. But when you know the local language, you can order specific foods you know you like or want to try. 
  • Transportation. If you’re in a big city, you might hear some English translations. But the farther away you get from the capital, the less likely you are to hear any familiar words. Where you are, where you’re going and how you get there is all going to be communicated in the country’s native language.
  • Signs.  If every sign you see is just random squiggles, there are bound to be problems. Where’s the bathroom? Which way is the subway? What’s the name of this road? Which side of the road should I be driving on? Signs are everywhere, and they’re often important.
  • Avoid miscommunication.  Most visitors who don’t speak the language struggle to communicate even the simplest things to locals. Suddenly, trying to buy a shirt or deposit money at the bank becomes lost in translation.

Language helps you understand the world.

Learning another language isn’t just about words and grammar. Knowledge of the society and culture behind that language is necessary to achieve any degree of fluency.  The history and  culture  of a people are reflected in the language,  and vice versa.

It’s important to remember that languages aren’t simply different sets of words to express the same ideas—they’re entirely different outlooks on the world.

Linguistic relativity  is the concept that  language dramatically shapes the way we think about, perceive and interact with the world around us.  Most people who speak multiple languages will tell you there’s a profound spiritual and emotional element to it.

Allow this to open you up to the world, broaden your horizons and bring you closer to people of all races and nationalities.

You may develop a deep appreciation for another culture, fall in love with a native speaker or become unlikely friends with someone totally different from you.

boy reading book with flashlight

Perhaps the most fun perk to learning another language is consuming native media .

You’ll have access to a whole new selection of music, movies, TV shows, books, news programs, podcasts, websites and more.

Of course, it takes time and effort to reach a level where this is comfortable. But there’s plenty of multilingual content to get you started!

For example, people who speak Spanish and English can understand every word of the songs of Enrique Iglesias, Shakira, Pitbull and other internationally-successful Latin pop stars.

Japanese and English speakers hold claim to some mind-blowing “Kill Bill” scenes and the cultural miscommunication in “Lost in Translation.”

It may take a while, but try not to get frustrated on your path to understanding— consistency is key.

One day you’ll be reading or listening to something in your target language and suddenly realize that you understood it with no extra effort at all.

Of course, learning a second language improves your listening and speaking skills.

You’ll learn to listen more effectively and to be as clear as possible when you’re talking. The ability to clarify intended meanings will benefit you in any situation and any tongue.

You’ll likely gain reading and writing skills as well. You’ll think more carefully about the words you use and the meaning you’re expressing in your non-native language.

In fact, your acquired language literally helps you think more logically, process information and speak more evenly .

Learning another language will also make you more adept at piecing together information and interpreting context, whether it’s an unclear situation or cross-cultural communication.

The ability to look at things from various angles and understand someone else’s perspective means you’ll be able to communicate more respectfully and more effectively in any language.

world flags

Learning your first language happens naturally through observation, so many people don’t explicitly know the underlying rules or logic of it.

To learn a second language, though, you pretty much have to learn the rules .

Many people who learn another language discover that they also gain unanticipated benefits in their first language, like becoming more conscious of and knowledgeable about their native grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

If you learn another Indo-European language (such as French ) as a native English speaker, you’ll likely discover significant amounts of borrowed vocabulary, which will help you better understand how English became English .

What’s more, the acquisition techniques you use to learn your second language can be applied to subsequent languages too.

Learning a language trains your brain to analyze and process various linguistic structures. Your brain learns to identify language-learning techniques and break them into steps—and will do the same with other foreign languages!

So, studying your second language increases your ability to replicate this “metalinguistic awareness” process later. Your brain’s increased knowledge of syntax, grammar and sentence structure will give you a head start on learning your third language.

Studying a foreign language doesn’t have to be all about you!

Perhaps it’s obvious, but speaking another language allows you to help more people.

For example, if you’re a certified teacher with multilingual abilities, consider using your unique language skills to teach others. You could help out refugees in your home country, tutor students while living abroad or simply teach your friends and family the language(s) you speak.

If you can’t or don’t want to teach, there’s volunteer programs around the world where multilingual speakers are a particularly valuable asset to the team. Medical assistance programs, educational consultancies and cultural events are good places to find volunteer opportunities.

Being the bridge of communication between cultures is a great feeling, and the joy you’ll get from helping someone in need will make all the hard work of learning the language worth it.

Learning another language makes you smarter—and not just because you’ll know more words and grammar structures.

Acquiring a second language improves memory, increases attention span and strengthens problem-solving abilities.

Check out this video by the British Broadcasting Corporation that breaks down the advantages of learning new languages.

In fact, studies have shown that multilingual people:

  • are more logical
  • use more of their brains
  • have better working memories
  • can switch between tasks more quickly
  • have greater self-control
  • are more focused
  • make better financial decisions

All of these executive function benefits are likely the result of the bilingual brain’s constant need to choose the correct language and words to speak at any given moment, as well as its ability to detect which language it’s hearing.

Of course, the younger you are when you begin learning a second language, the easier it will be and the quicker you’ll see the effects. And for children especially, learning another language can help build social, cognitive and emotional intelligence,  as well as lead to higher standardized test scores .

Learning a foreign language may also teach children to be more culturally accepting—just as it helps adults broaden their perspective and cultural knowledge.

Further, not only do these advantages make it easier to learn more languages, as mentioned above, they make it easier to learn anything .

It’s thought that all this is because learning languages helps your brain exercise, sort of like how bodybuilders grow and tone their muscles . And who wouldn’t love to be strong?

If picking up a language as an adult looks good, doing it as a senior is even more impressive!

Having multiple languages under your belt as you age can also have major advantages.

In particular, research has shown that knowing more than one language can potentially reduce the risk of dementia and delay Alzheimer’s Disease.

Regardless of education level, gender or occupation, multilingual subjects in this study experienced the onset of Alzheimer’s about four and a half years later than monolingual subjects.

Study results also show that speaking more than one language increases the amount of neural pathways in the brain.

This allows information to be processed through a greater variety of channels and can keep your brain sharp as you age.

woman holding a pencil and a notebook

Anyone learning a language has experienced moments of serious linguistic problem solving.

You know what you want to say, but not in the language you’re currently speaking. You can’t move forward without the word, so you have to get creative.

Using your second language requires you to learn how to give clues, context, explanations and/or gestures to get your point across. It improves your skills in divergent thinking—the ability to identify multiple solutions to a single problem.

Because, on top of your limited language and mental roadblocks, you usually need to consider different linguistic and cultural nuances too.

All of this helps you think outside the box.

As a matter of fact, researchers are also concluding that multilingual speakers are more creative than monolingual speakers. This is likely because learning a foreign language gives you leeway to experiment with new words and phrases.

So, every time you stumble over those words and phrases, remember that you’re actually training your brain and developing skills that benefit every aspect of your life.

Confidence increases as you learn a new skill—like speaking a foreign language!

Some of this may come from learning something you enjoy, but language instruction also relies heavily on social interaction. Conversations with native speakers are essential to mastering your target language.

At first, speaking can definitely cause some anxiety . But don’t be afraid to let your conversation partners know that you want to practice. It’s a great way to break the ice and start making new friends.

Because English is such a global language, native English speakers who make the effort to learn a foreign tongue are often received with gratitude and curiosity. You might be surprised how many people will want to help you practice!

And remember that practice itself can be a confidence builder.

As you learn and get better at the language, you’ll find that you have increased self-awareness and more confidence wielding your second language… which can also make you more attractive to others!

Truly, people will respect the fact that you’re learning another language. Native speakers will be impressed with your dedication, friends and family will be proud of your motivation and strangers will be interested in your story.

So get learning and build up that confidence!

While there’s advantages for learning any language, some are inevitably more useful than others .

You can check out this post for a more detailed guide to answering this question, but if you’re really not sure where to start, check out the benefits of the languages below to see if any strike your fancy:

  • Spanish : As one of the most widely-spoken languages in the world, Spanish comes with plenty of benefits.
  • French : Learning French has many pros—like becoming fluent in the language of romance.
  • German : If you’re interested in central Europe at all, German is a great way to get familiar with the area and culture.
  • Japanese : Learning Japanese is likely an opportunity to discover a completely different culture and way of thinking.

Gone are the days when the only way to learn a second language was becoming stranded in a foreign country or going back to high school language classes.

These days, there are many ways to learn online to become proficient in the language of your choice.

For example, maybe you plan to study on your own . Set yourself up for success by setting goals, being consistent and making sure you get lots of language input.

Depending on the language you choose, you may need to learn a new alphabet system . You’ll definitely need to learn a lot of vocab .

Just because you have to learn grammar doesn’t mean you can’t have fun though! You can absolutely make your studying as enjoyable as possible — try watching movies , for example!

If you don’t feel ready to watch full-length movies in your target language, don’t worry. Try shorter ones first, like Disney movies dubbed in your preferred language.

You can also prepare with FluentU.

FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons .

With FluentU, you hear languages in real-world contexts —the way that native speakers actually use them. Just a quick look will give you an idea of the variety of FluentU videos on offer:


FluentU really takes the grunt work out of learning languages, leaving you with nothing but engaging, effective and efficient learning. It’s already hand-picked the best videos for you and organized them by level and topic. All you have to do is choose any video that strikes your fancy to get started!


Access a complete interactive transcript of every video under the Dialogue tab, and easily review words and phrases from the video under Vocab.

You can use FluentU’s unique adaptive quizzes to learn the vocabulary and phrases from the video through fun questions and exercises. Just swipe left or right to see more examples of the word you're studying.


The program even keeps track of what you’re learning and tells you exactly when it’s time for review, giving you a 100% personalized experience.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

Obviously, there’s many benefits of learning a second language. So no matter which tools you use to learn it, you won’t regret doing it!

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foreign language importance essay

7 reasons to learn a foreign language

foreign language importance essay

Associate University Librarian; Adjunct Faculty, Fairleigh Dickinson University

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foreign language importance essay

Half of the world population is bilingual , but only 25% of Americans can hold a conversation in another language.

Changing that is one of the goals of language advocacy efforts, such as the Lead with Languages campaign. As the author of a book on what I refer to as America’s language deficit , here are what I see as seven of the best reasons for America’s young to speak a language besides English.

1. Makes you smarter

Research has shown that knowledge of more than one language is associated with better reasoning , problem-solving skills and creativity. It also helps people deal with unknown and unfamiliar situations. Use of another language tends to delay the onset of dementia

2. Boosts academic achievement

Language learning supports academic achievement . This is true for English-speaking students studying a foreign language, as well as English language learners in bilingual and immersion programs. It also boosts academic outcomes at the college level .

Being bilingual has also been shown to especially benefit low-income children in terms of “their ability to direct and focus their attention when distractions were present.” Another study found that kids whose families spoke a second language at home scored better on cognitive tests than those whose family only spoke one language.

3. Provides professional and career advantages

Foreign language skills are associated with increased job opportunities . Research has shown that demand for bilingual workers in the United States has doubled from 2010 to 2015. About 11 million U.S. jobs are related to exports, and most of the top trading partners of the U.S. use languages other than English. While not all positions in export necessarily requires a second language, it is important to remember that 6.8 million American workers are employed by international companies operating in the United States. Nine out of 10 U.S. employers rely on employees with language skills other than English, and [one in four] U.S. employers lost business due to a lack of language skills.

4. Provides broader access to education and information

If you speak another language, you could earn a degree in another country, which could end up being a less expensive way to get a college education. If nothing else, it at least enables you to better enjoy studying abroad and to learn more than you would if you only spoke English.

The same is true when it comes to the news media. Those who only speak English cannot directly access news and perspectives in parts of the world where other languages are predominant.

5. Gives you more social and global skills

As more than 60 million people in the U.S. speak a language other than English at home, those who only speak English miss out on being able to directly communicate in the mother tongue of many friends and neighbors. Language learners also tend to develop a more positive attitude toward both the language and the culture of the country where it is spoken.

In the case where a language may be part of our own cultural heritage and identity, building on the knowledge of that language makes it possible for us to reconnect with the experience of past generations of family.

Speaking another language also opens up opportunities to do business and work in other parts of the world. Overall, 75% of the world population does not speak English. Those who only speak English may also be limited and less inclined to collaborate with others around the world to address global issues.

6. Increases national security

On the national security front, various federal agencies and departments concerned with national security, including the FBI, CIA, and the Departments of State, Homeland Security, and Defense, need more agents and employees who can speak and understand another language. This need was underscored in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, when it surfaced that lack of Arabic linguists led the U.S. to miss critical messages sent by al–Qaida about the 9/11 attacks a day before they occurred.

7. Life is more interesting

Think of all the people here in the U.S. (well over 60 million ), around the world ( 75% of the world population), and online whom we are able to talk to if we speak their languages.

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Home Essay Samples Science Second Language

The Importance of Learning a Foreign Language

Table of contents, breaking down barriers, cognitive benefits, professional advantages, cultural enrichment, role of education, references:.

  • Bialystok, E. (2001). Bilingualism in Development: Language, Literacy, and Cognition. Cambridge University Press.
  • Crystal, D. (2017). English as a Global Language (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Dewaele, J. M. (2018). Why the dichotomy ‘L1 versus LX user’ is better than ‘native versus non-native speaker’. Applied Linguistics, 39(2), 236-240.
  • Grosjean, F. (2010). Bilingual: Life and Reality. Harvard University Press.
  • Nikolov, M. (2009). Early Learning of Modern Foreign Languages: Processes and Outcomes. Multilingual Matters.

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10 Reasons Why Languages Are Important

What is a “language” exactly? Experts define it as a system of spoken, written, and signed symbols that humans use to communicate. There are around 6,500 languages in the world. Some are more similar than others, but each one is a reflection of cultural evolution. Why are languages important? Here are ten reasons:

#1. Language is the primary method for human communication

While other species have ways of communicating with each other, humans are unique in how well we’ve mastered language. Like other species, we have body language, but language – whether it’s spoken, written, or signed – is the most effective method of communication between people. It allows us to express our feelings, thoughts, desires, and more. Without the ability to communicate, we wouldn’t have the world we have today.

#2. Language encompasses the range of humanity

The sheer number of languages proves that while language itself is universal among humans, there’s a lot of diversity, too. Everything from the structure to the grammar to the inflection of different languages shows how language evolves and shifts within certain contexts. Linguists go into their field to not only learn about language, but about humanity.

#3. Language and culture are closely linked

It can be tricky to nail down what “culture” is exactly. Anthropologists define it as an often shifting collection of beliefs, values, behaviors, and rules that a group of people shares. Language is a vital part of culture because it’s what people use to communicate aspects of culture (like rules and values). People are introduced to their culture through language, which they learn at a young age.

#4. Language can be weaponized

Because of language’s close connection to culture, there’s a long history of certain groups controlling the language of other groups. The control of language becomes a way to destroy a culture. Take Canada for example. In the 19-century, the Canadian government began to force Indigenous youth to assimilate. Through residential schools, young people learned English. They were brutally punished if they spoke their own languages. This was significant because many Indigenous groups depended on oral histories. Losing language also severed the bond between the younger and older generations. This destruction of culture through language occurred in many other countries.

#5. Language can reveal significant differences in people

If you’ve ever gotten into a political disagreement with someone, you’ll know that it can sometimes feel like you’re speaking different languages. At the University of Kent, researchers conducted some cross-cultural studies to look at grammar in English, Arabic, and Polish. After analyzing language patterns, they found that conservative presidents tended to use more nouns than non-conservative politicians. Why does this matter? It’s the difference between saying that “Mary writes” vs. “Mary is a writer.” With the latter statement, we’re making a statement about Mary’s entire identity. It’s who she is rather than what she does. The researchers said the use of nouns indicated a need for stability and tradition, which are more valued by conservatives.

#6. Learning another language can make you smarter

We’ve talked a bit about language’s general importance, but learning more languages impacts your life, too. Research shows that students who know more than one language have better problem-solving skills, creativity, and better critical thinking. In studies on bilingual kids, researchers found that kids who spoke a second language at home did better on cognitive tests than households with only one language.

#7. Knowing more than one language opens up job opportunities

Knowing more than one language is a significant advantage in many careers. This is especially true if you work in certain fields like human rights, business, or finances, but you can also earn a living as a translator or tutor . Knowing multiple languages also opens up opportunities to work internationally. If you’re hoping to advance in your career and are looking for an edge, learning another language could do the trick.

#8. Learning another language is good for brain health

There’s a common belief that kids are naturally better at learning a second language, but that’s not actually true. Kids do have certain advantages, but it isn’t necessarily “easier” for them. Some studies even show that adults are better at learning a second language. This is good news because of bilingualism’s effect on the brain. As you get older, research suggests that knowing a second language promotes brain health. This could help offset some of the damage that occurs with age!

#9. Learning multiple languages connects you to other cultures

Because language is so closely linked to culture, it makes sense that learning a language would connect you to that culture. You learn much more than just words and phrases. A new language invites you into a culture’s rituals, history, values, and more. Being able to communicate with someone in their language fosters a unique bond and encourages empathy.

#10. Language isn’t neutral

The last reason why languages matter is because of their influence. We talked about how language reflects people’s beliefs (like their politics) , but language can also draw you into a belief or behavior. In her book Cultish, linguist Amanda Montell examines various groups and cults – some more sinister than others – to reveal how powerful words can be. All the best cult leaders are masters of language. Their words build community, support group values, and shut down important questions. When people become radicalized into dangerous groups, their entry point is language. It’s important to recognize manipulative language, whether it’s your first language or a language you’re learning.

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foreign language importance essay

Why Study a Foreign Language?

Over the past decades our world has become more interdependent and new technologies have allowed us to work in close contact with people all over the world. As relationships with countries grow, so does the need to speak a foreign language.

We have an enhanced need for an enlightened citizenship that is both culturally and linguistically prepared to function in today's world.

  • Department of Modern Languages

Twenty-five Reasons to Study Foreign Languages

  • Foreign language study creates more positive attitudes and less prejudice toward people who are different.
  • Studying a foreign language will improve your chances of getting a job.
  • Studying a new culture helps you meet new and interesting people.
  • Dealing with another culture enables people to gain a more profound understanding of their own culture.
  • The study of foreign languages boots confidence.
  • Graduates often cite foreign language courses as some of the most valuable courses in college because of the communication skills developed in the process.
  • International travel is made easier and more pleasant through knowing a foreign language.
  • Skills like problem solving, dealing with abstract concepts, are increased when you study a foreign language.
  • Foreign language study enhances one’s opportunities in government, business, medicine, law, technology, military, industry, marketing, etc.
  • A second language improves your skills and grades in math and English and on the SAT and GRE.
  • Analytical skills improve when students study a foreign language.
  • Foreign languages provide a competitive edge in career choices: one is able to communicate in a second language.
  • Foreign language study enhances listening skills and memory.
  • One participates more effectively and responsibly in a multi-cultural world if one knows another language.
  • Your marketable skills in the global economy are improved if you master another language.
  • Foreign language study offers a sense of the past: culturally and linguistically.
  • The study of a foreign tongue improves the knowledge of one’s own language: English vocabulary skills increase.
  • The study of foreign languages teaches and encourages respect for other peoples: it fosters an understanding of the interrelation of language and human nature.
  • Foreign languages expand one’s view of the world, liberalize one’s experiences, and make one more flexible and tolerant.
  • Foreign languages expand one’s world view and limit the barriers between people: barriers cause distrust and fear.
  • Foreign language study will completely chance your traveling experience.
  • As immigration increases we need to prepare for changes in the American society.
  • One is at a distinct advantage in the global market if one is as bilingual as possible.
  • Foreign languages open the door to art, music, dance, fashion, cuisine, film, philosophy, science…
  • Foreign language study is simply part of a very basic liberal education: to “educate” is to lead out, to lead out of confinement and narrowness and darkness.

* Credit to Auburn University for compilation of reasons


List of languages by number of native speakers by "Jroel" - Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

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Foreign Language IELTS Essay: IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Samples

  • Updated On December 14, 2023
  • Published In IELTS Preparation 💻

Writing Task 2 of the IELTS exam has displayed a large variety of questions over the years. However, there are still some general themes and topics that are often repeated in Task 2 of this English proficiency test. One of these recurring themes is the new language or the foreign language theme.

Table of Contents

In this theme, you can be asked to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of learning a different language belonging to any of the foreign countries. Additionally, you can also be asked to express your own opinion on the topic. This blog shares detailed information about Foreign Language IELTS Essay. Before we get deeper into the topic and start discussing model answers, let’s walk through some general tips that can help you in leaving a good impression on the examiner about your English language skills in task 2.

Foreign Language IELTS Essay

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Tips to Ace the Foreign Language Essay Writing Task 2 IELTS

Although you can find an endless number of relevant examples for the essay writing task in IELTS, there really is no fixed format that can guarantee you a good band score in the writing section. So, what really works in helping you get a good score in task 2?

  • A strong introduction and conclusion that are in coherence with the topic assigned: This will immediately get your examiner hooked onto the paragraphs written inside your piece and will leave a great impression on them!
  • Use of refined vocabulary along with excellent use of grammar: Making use of good (and sometimes complex) vocabulary accompanied by an accurate usage of the English grammar is a pre-requisite for getting a good score in writing. It shows the examiner that your own knowledge of the language is vast.
  • Providing relevant examples from different parts of the world: Many aspirants miss out on supporting their arguments along with good examples from either their own country or a different country. This leads to them losing out on marks in task 2.

Following these three tips will really catapult your writing task 2 score, which will have a greater impact on your overall band score for the writing section. To make the application of these tips more clear, let’s take a look at some of the sample answers for the foreign language theme.

Foreign Language IELTS Essay Samples

Question – Some people believe that the only reason for learning a new/foreign language is for travelling or working in a foreign land. While others argue that there are many more reasons as why someone should learn a new language apart from their native language. You have to discuss both these arguments and give your own opinion on the following topic. Make sure to give reasons for your answers and provide examples. Minimum word limit – 250 words

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Foreign Language IELTS Essay: IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Samples

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Foreign Language IELTS Essay: IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Samples

Sample Answer 1

Learning a second language or a foreign language is linked to many advantages that far surpass the sole reasons of learning a new language for travelling or working in a foreign land. However, for the sake of playing the devil’s advocate, I’ll say that some people belonging to a different school of thought consider better job opportunities and travelling to be the only motive behind learning a foreign language. I am of the opinion that there are other reasons like learning about a foreign culture, and the bright prospect of cognitive development that propel many monolingual people to study a new language. With ever-increasing globalization and the opening up of international barriers, more and more people choose to emigrate to new and foreign lands in the hope of better job prospects. This often requires them to learn a new tongue. For instance, many people prefer learning languages like English, Spanish, and French, rather than the Russian language because countries speaking the former tongues have shown more affinity towards emigrants and provide a multitude of better job opportunities. This makes many people believe that jobs and sometimes travel are the only driving forces for learning a new tongue, especially for a young learner. On the other hand, some people including myself have researched the pros and cons of learning a foreign language thoroughly and have found that the pros far outweigh the drawbacks. The onset of memory ailments like dementia can be slowed down by cognitive development that comes with learning a foreign language. Furthermore, multilingual people are more confident and can easily acclimate themselves to new and alien surroundings by the virtue of their communication skills that have been expanded and upscaled. They find it easy to overcome language barriers and truly become global citizens speaking the global language. In conclusion, to go through the tough process of honing effective communication skills in a third language or a second language, people realise that it is not just for the sake of travel or work that they are doing this process. Instead, it stems from a deeper love for the language and the confidence that speaking a new tongue instills in them. Question – When living in a foreign country where you have to speak a new language, you can face serious social and practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons and examples in your answer and write at least 250 words.

Foreign Language IELTS Essay

Also Read: SAT Writing & Language Test 2022

Sample Answer 2

Language barriers arguably form the backbone of the biggest social and practical problems that people living in a foreign land have to face and overcome often. In my personal opinion, it can also spark serious problems in various countries, however, the widespread use of technology in curbing these issues to a certain extent over the past few decades. People belonging to different cultures can have issues in understanding each other because of speaking different languages and sometimes even because of different ways of pronunciation of the same words. Migration is not on the rise in the twenty-first century and people often move to distant lands in hopes of jobs, travel, and sometimes studying. In such a scenario not speaking the land’s language can become a basis for social problems like discrimination, racism, etc. Interestingly enough, technology has played a pivotal role in curbing the extent of practical problems faced by people when moving to a new land without being savvy with the foreign language. For instance, there are many web-based applications that do the translation job for people and save them the trouble of having to explain their point to the natives merely through vague hand gestures.

By way of conclusion, I stand firm on the point that social problems can far exceed practical problems when migrating to a foreign land without being fluent in the foreign language and perhaps, some language learning could really help in becoming a part of the foreign culture quicker and better. Although, as far as practical problems are concerned, technology is a boon that is eliminating most of them.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. how do i practice the ielts writing at home.

Ans: The best way to  practice  writing for IELTS is by looking at sample answers and practising as many themes as you can. You can also show this to a tutor or an online learning platform’s mentors like the ones at  Leap Scholar  to ensure that you are on the right path.

2. What is the ideal format for IELTS writing task 2?

Ans: There is no single ideal format for writing. As you practice you will notice that for different themes, you can have many different formats. You should use the one you’re most confident with in the exam.

3. Is IELTS writing formal or informal?

Ans: IELTS writing should be formal.

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Ielts essay # 1296 - potential benefits of foreign language study, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, in some educational systems, children are required to study one or more foreign languages. in others, foreign language study is not a requirement., what are the potential benefits of foreign language study do you think foreign language study is an important part of education.

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Importance Of English Language Essay

500 words importance of english language essay.

The English Language is becoming more and more common in the world. As a result, increasingly people are dedicating time to study English as their second language. In fact, many countries include it in their school syllabus to teach children this language from a young age. However, the true value of this language is that it helps remove many barriers from our life. Whether it is to find a new job or travel the world. In other words, it helps to progress in life both on a personal and professional level. Thus, the Importance of English Language Essay will help you understand all about it.

importance of english language essay

Importance Of English Language

Language is our major means of communication; it is how we share our thoughts with others. A language’s secondary purpose is to convey someone’s sentiments, emotions, or attitudes. English is one such language in the world that satisfies both the above purposes. English has been regarded as the first global Lingua Franca. It has become part and parcel of almost every existing field. We use it as the international language to communicate in many fields ranging from business to entertainment.

Many countries teach and encourage youngsters to acquire English as a second language. Even in nations where English is not an official language, many science and engineering curriculum are written in English.

English abilities will most certainly aid you in any business endeavours you choose to pursue. Many large corporations will only hire professional employees after determining whether or not they speak good English. Given the language’s prominence, English language classes will be advantageous to you if you want to work for a multinational organization and will teach you the communication skills needed to network with professionals in your area or enhance your career.

The English Language opens an ocean of career opportunities to those who speak this language anywhere in the world. Similarly, it has turned into an inevitable requirement for various fields and professions like medicine , computing and more.

In the fast-evolving world, it is essential to have a common language that we can understand to make the best use of the data and information available. As a result, the English Language has become a storehouse of various knowledge ranging from social to political fields.

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Reasons to Learn the English Language

As the importance of the English Language is clear now, we move on to why we must learn the English Language. First of all, it is a global language. It is so common that one out of five people can speak or understand this language.

Further, learning the English Language can help in getting a job easily. As it has become the language of many fields, it automatically increases the chances of landing a good job in a good company.

In addition, it helps with meeting new people. As it is the official language of 53 countries, learning it helps to break the language barriers. Most importantly, it is also the language of the Internet.

Another important reason to learn this language is that it makes travelling easier. Being a widely used language globally, it will help you connect with people easily. Similarly, it is also essential in the world of business.

It does not matter whether you are an employee or employer, it benefits everyone. Students who wish to study abroad must definitely study this language. Many countries use their schools and universities. So, it can offer a good opportunity for students.

Why and where do we need the English language?

  • Use of English on the Internet – Because of the tremendous rise of information technology, particularly the internet, English is the language of choice for Internet users. The internet has also played an important role in promoting and spreading the English language throughout the world, as more and more people are exposed to it, and English has also become the language of the internet.
  • Use of English in Education – English has become one of the majorly used languages to understand, learn and explain concepts from various fields of knowledge. The majority of instructional tools, materials, and texts are written in English. The global educational systems at colleges all over the world need English as a foreign language.
  • Use of English for Travel purposes – As we all know, English has been named as the official language of 53 countries and over 400 million people in the world speak English, the English language comes in handy for communicating with everyone when anyone travels around the world be it for tourism, job opportunity, settlement, casual visits, etc.
  • Use of English for Communication – The most important function of a language is to allow people to communicate effectively. For many years, English has been the most widely known and valued language on the planet. In other words, English becomes an efficient tool for communicating with people all over the world.

Conclusion of Importance Of English Language Essay

We use the English Language in most of our international communications. While it is not the most spoken language in the world, 53 countries have named it their official language. Moreover, about 400 million people globally use it as their first language. Thus, being the most common second language in the world, it will be beneficial to learn this language to open doors to new opportunities.

FAQ on Importance Of English Language Essay

Question 1: How does the English Language help you get a job?

Answer 1: the  English Language is the language of many things like science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Thus, if you know English, it will increase your chances of landing a good job in an international company.

Question 2: Does the English Language help in connecting with people globally?

Answer 2: Yes, it does. It is because English is the official language of 53 countries and we use it as a lingua franca (a mutually known language) by people from all over the world. This means that studying English can help us have a conversation with people on a global level.

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