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Why Teachers Are Important in Society- Why Teachers Matter

Updated: February 7, 2024

Published: August 12, 2019


Teachers are arguably the most important members of our society. They give children purpose, set them up for success as citizens of our world, and inspire in them a drive to do well and succeed in life. The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and teachers are that critical point that makes a child ready for their future. Why are teachers important? Let’s count the ways…

Teacher in front of students raising hands

Photo by Nicole Honeywill on Unsplash

Why teachers are important in society, reasons why teachers matter.

Children carry what they are taught at a young age throughout the rest of their lives. They will use what they have learned to influence society. Everyone knows that today’s youth will become tomorrow’s leaders, and teachers have access to educate the youth in their most impressionable years — whether that is in teaching preschool, teaching extracurriculars, sports or traditional classes.

Teachers have the ability to shape leaders of the future in the best way for society to build positive and inspired future generations and therefore design society, both on a local and global scale. In reality, teachers have the most important job in the world. Those who have an impact on the children of society have the power to change lives. Not just for those children themselves, but for the lives of all.

Teacher teaching student on computer

Photo by  stem.T4L  on  Unsplash

How teachers bring change in a student’s life.

Great teachers have the ability to change lives for the better.

Teachers can act as a support system that is lacking elsewhere in students’ lives. They can be a role model and an inspiration to go further and to dream bigger. They hold students accountable for their successes and failures and good teachers won’t let their talented students get away with not living up to their full potential.

Teachers of all walks of life and subjects have the ability to shape opinions and help form ideas about society, life and personal goals. Teachers can also expand students’ limits and push their creativity.

Teaching is a tough job, but it is one where you can make the most impact in another person’s life. If you’re thinking of becoming a teacher, here are even more reasons why you should invest in a teaching career .

Role Models

Teachers are the ultimate role models for students. The fact that students come into contact with many different types of teachers in their academic career means that more likely than not, there will be a teacher that speaks to them.

The teacher-student connection is invaluable for some students, who may otherwise not have that stability. Teachers will stay positive for their students even when things can seem grim. A great teacher always has compassion for their students, understanding of their students’ personal lives, and appreciation for their academic goals and achievements. Teachers are role models for children to be positive, always try harder, and reach for the stars.

They Provide the Power of Education

Knowledge and education are the basis for all things that can be accomplished in life. Teachers provide the power of education to today’s youth, thereby giving them the possibility for a better future.

Teachers simplify the complex, and make abstract concepts accessible to students. Teachers also expose children to ideas and topics that they might otherwise not have come into contact with. They can expand on interests and push their students to do better.

Teachers don’t accept failure, and therefore, students are more likely to succeed. Teachers know when to push students, when to give a gentle nudge in the right direction, and when to let students figure it out on their own. But they won’t let a student give up.

Teacher provide guidance to students of all types.Teachers are able to see each child’s strengths and weaknesses and can provide assistance and guidance to either get them up to speed or push them higher.

They will help to reveal student’s best skills and teach valuable life skills as well, such as communication, compassion, presentation, organization, following directions, and more.

They are also a source of inspiration and motivation . Teachers inspire students to do well, and motivate them to work hard and keep their academic goals on track.

One of the most important parts of teaching is having dedication. Teachers not only listen, but also coach and mentor their students. They are able to help shape academic goals and are dedicated to getting their students to achieve them. Teachers have patience for their students and are understanding when a concept isn’t taking.

Teachers do what they do because they want to help others. They are not teaching for recognition or a paycheck but because they have a passion for youth and education. Teachers typically believe in the power of education and the importance of providing children with good role models and are teaching because of that belief. They are dedicated to the cause.

Finally, teachers’ dedication is shown by their ‘round-the-clock work habits. Teachers don’t stop working when the school bell rings. They are grading papers, making lessons, and communicating with parents after school and on weekends. Most teachers arrive earlier than school starts to set up their day and provide extra assistance to struggling students.

Teachers Play a Great Role in the Economic Development of the Country

Education is a fundamental aspect in the development of a country. If the youth of a society is educated, a future is born. Teachers provide the education that improves quality of life, therefore bringing so much to both individuals and society as a whole.

Teachers increase productivity and creativity of students and therefore, of future workers. When students are pushed to be creative and productive, they are more likely to be entrepreneurial and make technological advances, ultimately leading to economic development of a country.

The Most Important Characteristics of a Great Teacher

Teacher and student playing soccer and smiling

Photo by  Sebastián León Prado  on  Unsplash

The following attributes make the difference between a good teacher and a truly great teacher who becomes an inspiration to their students..

  • Compassion: Compassion is important not only when dealing with the students but also other teachers, other school staff, and parents.
  • Passion for Learning and Children: Teaching can be incredibly stressful, so great teachers must have a deep passion to keep them going every day.
  • Understanding: Teachers need a deep understanding of where their students are coming from — their backgrounds, their struggles, and their abilities.
  • Patience: Patience is key. This is very true of teaching, and not just patience with the students! Teachers also need patience in dealing with the school system, bureaucracy, and parents as well.
  • Ability to Be a Role Model: Teachers must come into work every day knowing their students will soak up their actions like sponges. They must show how to be a good person not just by telling, but also by being.
  • Communication Across Generations and Cultures: Teachers need to be able to effectively communicate with students from multiple cultures and generations, as well as teaching staff and superiors with various backgrounds and from other generations.
  • Willingness to Put in the Effort: If a teacher doesn’t care or doesn’t make the effort, their students won’t either. If a teacher shows students that they do truly care, they’ll do the same.

How to Become a Teacher

Student-teacher creating lesson plans

Photo by  Brooke Cagle  on  Unsplash

All this positive talk about teachers have you thinking you’re ready to become one the following steps will take you there., 1. get experience.

Before you start studying to become a teacher, be sure that you have the patience and temperament to work with children or teenagers for seven or more hours per day. If you still want to teach and make a difference but don’t think the traditional route will work for you, consider teaching after-school classes, coaching, or adult teaching opportunities.

2. Pre-K, K-8, or High School

This decision is an important one because it will make a difference for what degree or certificate you will need. Hopefully by now, you have some idea of the age group or subject matter you would like to teach. If not, get some experience to find out. For high school teachers, you’ll need to decide on a specialization during your studies.

3. Get a Degree

All full-time teaching jobs, even preschool, require degrees nowadays. University of the People in collaboration with the International Baccalaureate (IB) offers a Master’s Degree in Education that is 100% online, tuition-free, and US accredited. Any bachelor’s degree is accepted as a prerequisite so you can start your dream of becoming a teacher, no matter your background.

4. Get a Teaching Certificate

While some independent schools do not require a teaching certificate, the vast majority do. Some graduate programs will concurrently graduate students with a degree and a certificate at the same time but others will not. In some cases, you will only need a teaching certificate and not a degree, such as with teaching English.

Why are teachers important? Teachers truly are the backbone of society. They are role models to children, offer guidance and dedication and give young people the power of education. Because of teachers, countries are able to further develop socially and economically. Next time you or your community achieve something great, take a moment to think of and be grateful for the teachers who made it possible.

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The title conveys the highest responsibility of adults towards children. Apart from my parents, my teachers have done the most to shape my life. From kindergarten through college, their struggle -- and it was a struggle -- to help me grow and learn was not in vain. And I greatly appreciate their efforts.

There is no more critical need in our society today than preparing teachers who know their subject matter well and who understand the social and emotional needs of students. After decades of classifying or transporting students, or changing the textbooks and the tests, we now understand that the most active ingredients in improving schools are the knowledge and skills of our teachers. Education is now arriving at the same conclusion as other fields, such as business, medicine, the media, and the military: Investing in professional development should be the number one priority.

As schools of education and educational agencies move to develop a profession of teaching for the future, our Foundation hopes that greater emphasis will be placed on teachers:

  • spending more time, earlier in their student teaching, in direct contact with students in classrooms.
  • guiding students to use technology to find the latest information, assess its validity, and communicate with experts.
  • presenting curriculum that is both rigorous and integrated -- addressing, for instance, both history and science, as James Burke's Connections television series did so well.
  • understanding that students' attitudes and emotions need nurturing in the learning process. It's about their hearts, as well as their minds.

Investing in teachers and supporting their learning are the keys to improving our schools. We believe that teachers should themselves be learners because the current state of content knowledge, as well as our understanding about how to teach, improves constantly.

Those of us who make motion pictures are also teachers: teachers with very loud voices. But we will never match the power of the teacher who is able to whisper in a student's ear.

Teachers of Tomorrow

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12 Reasons Why Teachers Play A Crucial Role In Society

January 7, 2024

Teachers are essential members of our society. They are pillars of knowledge, shaping the future of our kids– they are educators, mentors, guides, and inspirations.

Being a teacher is more than a job; it’s a calling. You will encourage, lead, teach, and guide, leaving a lasting mark on every child’s life.

Beyond the classroom walls, educators’ influence extends into our society. Through molding young minds and instilling essential values, teachers contribute to developing well-rounded citizens equipped to navigate societal challenges.

In this article, we’ll look at the 12 compelling reasons why teachers are essential for our society.

Let’s get started:

Presenting to the Class with her Teacher

Main Responsibilities of a Teacher

Teachers have many responsibilities that extend beyond the classroom, shaping the educational experience and fostering the growth of their students. 

The primary duties  of teachers include:

  • Planning and preparing lessons: Planning and preparation for lessons involves careful consideration and thoughtful organization to ensure effective and meaningful learning experiences for students. 

When getting ready for class, align your lessons with the established curriculum, define lesson objectives, and Incorporate diverse and engaging teaching strategies to cater to various learning styles.

Effective planning and preparation lays the groundwork for a positive and productive learning environment. With lesson planning, you create dynamic lessons that inspire curiosity for learning among your students.

  • Encouraging student participation: Effective teaching involves encouraging active student participation— creating an inclusive and engaging environment where students feel motivated to contribute and share their thoughts. 

As a teacher, you can encourage your class participation by establishing open lines of communication and employing diverse teaching techniques, such as group discussions and debates. Increased participation in class enhances the learning experience for each kid. It creates a vibrant and dynamic classroom environment and promotes a deeper understanding of learning.

  • Researching and developing new teaching materials: Teachers must continuously research and develop new materials to stay current with educational trends. As a teacher, you should actively seek new and innovative resources to enhance and keep the existing curriculum up-to-date. 

Additionally,  explore and integrate technology tools to create dynamic and interactive teaching materials. You can make your lessons more practical and meaningful by tailoring materials to accommodate different learning styles and developing materials that showcase real-world applications and concepts.

  • Marking student work and recording performance: Assessing and recording student performance is vital to the teaching role that contributes to the overall educational journey and helps track students’ progress. 

Marking and recording performance allows you to provide constructive feedback. You highlight areas of achievement and weakness and conduct assessments to gauge student understanding of the curriculum.

Grade recording enables you to maintain accurate and up-to-date records of student grades and performance so you can share assessment results with parents to keep them informed about their child’s academic journey.

  • Providing learners with one-to-one support: Teachers offer individualized support, recognizing that each student has unique strengths, challenges, and learning styles. One-to-one assistance fosters a supportive learning environment and ensures every student can reach their full potential.

As a teacher, you identify and understand the learning needs of each student and adapt teaching methods, materials, and pace to suit the learning style and abilities. of the students.

  • Improving your own learning and professional development: A commitment to continuous learning and professional development positively impacts the classroom experience for students and contributes to your career growth.

You should actively participate in workshops, conferences, and training sessions to stay updated on the latest educational trends, tools, and research. By continuous learning, you enhance your effectiveness and inspire a culture of learning within your classroom. 

  • Communicating with students, parents, other teachers, and educators: Teachers engage with various stakeholders, such as students, parents, fellow teachers. They maintain open communication by maintaining open and transparent communication channels with students and providing regular updates to parents about students’ progress and achievements is also vital.

Effective communication ensures that everyone involved is well-informed and strengthens the overall support system for students.

12 Reasons Teachers Are Crucial for Society.

Teachers are guiding lights in students’ journeys, shaping their understanding of the world and unveiling the opportunities it holds. 

As students grow and discover the numerous possibilities, teachers nurture their curiosity and ambitions. This influence makes teachers important members of our society. 

The foundation laid by teachers shapes the future of a generation and contributes to the progress and prosperity of the broader community. Their impact extends beyond the classroom, resonating throughout society as they empower tomorrow’s leaders, thinkers, and contributors.

Here are the reasons that make educators crucial in our communities:

1. Teachers pass their knowledge to younger generations.

Teachers transfer their knowledge to younger generations, creating a continuous societal learning and growth cycle. 

As students graduate, they are equipped with the tools to address challenges and make informed decisions. For instance,  history empowers students to understand their cultural roots and make informed choices about the future. 

To instill knowledge in your class, incorporate real-world examples into your lessons, encourage interactive discussions, and utilize modern teaching aids that resonate with the younger generation’s preferences.

2. Teachers help in developing critical thinking skills.

A society with critical thinkers contributes to innovation, effective problem-solving, and a deeper understanding of societal issues.

Employers also value employees who are critical thinkers, ask questions, offer creative ideas, and are always ready to offer innovation against the competition.

When a question is asked in class,  students can think critically about what they learned and what they believe to be the answer.

As a teacher, developing critical thinking in school involves designing lessons that encourage analytical thinking, incorporating case studies that prompt discussion, and challenging students with open-ended questions.

Students can also work in groups and engage in discussions that expand their thinking and use their critical thinking skills.

3. Teachers inspire students and parents.

The enthusiasm and dedication teachers bring to their classrooms inspire a love for learning and personal growth. A  teacher passionate about literature may inspire students to become advocates for literacy. 

In society, inspired students become motivated individuals who, in turn, inspire positive change within their neighborhood.

To inspire your students in class, share personal stories of inspiration, connect lessons to real-world examples, and engage with parents to communicate the impact of education on their children. 

4. Teachers are role models.

Teachers naturally become role models, influencing academic growth and shaping the values and character of their students. 

Society often looks up to teachers, mirroring their behavior and attitudes. For instance, a teacher who is resilient to challenges can inspire children to adopt a positive mindset and pursue teaching roles. 

To inspire your class, be mindful of your words and actions, and consistently demonstrate integrity, empathy, and a commitment to lifelong learning. As students continue to interact with you throughout their academic journey, speak to them about values, behaviors, and attitudes.

5. Teachers connect with their community.

Teachers connect with their communities, forging partnerships that enhance society’s well-being. 

Teachers actively engage with local stakeholders, parents, and community leaders. For example, a teacher organizing community outreach programs fosters shared responsibility for students’ educational journey.

You can connect with your community by organizing community events, collaborating with local organizations, and involving parents in the learning process. 

A  strong connection with the community enriches the educational experience for students and creates a supportive network that positively impacts society.

6. Teachers connect students.

Students learn more when they feel cared for and valued by their teachers. Positive teacher-student relationships change student behavior for the good.

For instance, a teacher facilitating group projects encourages students to collaborate, fostering teamwork and mutual understanding, forming the foundation of a cohesive and interconnected society.

You can connect with your students by creating an inclusive classroom, encouraging open communication, and organizing team-building activities. Also, promoting a culture of respect and empathy helps students appreciate the unique strengths each of them brings to the learning experience.

7. Teachers boost confidence in their students.

Teachers build confidence in students since they are among the most influential figures for students throughout their learning years. Students’ self-worth and confidence will increase if given leadership roles in class. 

Confident students are better equipped to face challenges, express themselves, and contribute actively to their communities. 

To boost confidence in class, you can offer your students leadership opportunities and organize talent shows and class presentations. Recognize individual strengths and create a supportive learning environment that encourages risk-taking. 

8. Teachers motivate students to pursue their dreams .

Teachers are motivators, inspiring students to dream big and pursue their aspirations. For example, a teacher encouraging a student’s passion for the arts may inspire them to pursue a creative career that enriches the cultural landscape of society.

Motivation is reflected in a society when members are driven to achieve their goals, contributing to personal fulfillment and societal progress. 

As a teacher, you can identify and nurture students’ interests, provide mentorship, and share stories of successful individuals who overcame challenges to achieve their dreams. 

Cultivating a positive and encouraging atmosphere in the classroom encourages students to believe in their potential.

9. Teachers build communities for children’s growth.

Building a community classroom is a great way to help students make new friends and work together as a team. Teachers build communities within classrooms, creating environments conducive to learning and nurturing growth. 

As a teacher, you can build communities in class by facilitating collaborative projects, promoting inclusivity, and encouraging students to appreciate and respect their differences.

Establishing classroom routines that promote teamwork and empathy helps build a sense of community development.

10. Teachers assist in the holistic development of the child

Holistic learning is a way of teaching that covers academics, emotions, and social skills. Students learn to think about their actions and how they affect their community, as well as learn from their environment.

Holistic development results in an academically proficient society with strong interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and a sense of responsibility. 

You can incorporate diverse teaching methods to assess students’ needs and create a positive and inclusive classroom culture. 

Encouraging extracurricular activities like clubs or sports provides additional avenues for holistic development.

11. Teachers develop peace in society .

Teachers guide students on behavioral issues like reducing anger, hostility, and other extreme emotions. As a result, they assist the students in learning how to cope with challenging situations without being violent.

Teachers contribute to developing a society that values peaceful coexistence and understanding by instilling these values.

To incorporate peace learning in your class,  integrate lessons on tolerance, emphasize the importance of respectful communication, and create opportunities for students to engage in community service projects that promote social harmony.

Emphasizing the value of empathy and encouraging students to express their opinions while respecting others’ viewpoints helps create a culture of peace within the classroom.

 12. Teachers demonstrate the importance of education.

Teachers serve as living examples of the impact education can have on individuals and society. Their commitment to lifelong learning and passion for subjects inspire students to recognize the power of education. 

By consistently demonstrating your enthusiasm for learning, you inspire students to value education and contribute to a societal mindset recognizing education as a lifelong journey of exploration and growth.

In class, you can share personal stories of educational achievements and challenges, connect lessons to real-world applications, and highlight the diverse career opportunities that education can unlock. 

How to Become a Teacher and Make an Impact on Society.

Teaching is a fulfilling and rewarding career. You guide, teach, inspire, and shape the minds of future generations while contributing significantly to society.

There are various routes to becoming a teacher, but the traditional path remains the most common among prospective educators.

Here are the key steps to embark on this rewarding career and make a positive impact on society:

1. Get a bachelor’s degree in education.

You must hold at least a bachelor’s degree to meet the requirements of a teaching position. You can pursue a degree in education or a specific subject area, depending on the grade level and subject you intend to teach.

Requirements for admission to a bachelor’s degree include a high school diploma or equivalent, standardized test scores, and completion of prerequisite coursework. 

You should also ensure that the program you choose aligns with the certification or licensure requirements of the state or country where you plan to teach.

2. Pass the required teaching exams.

You need to pass state-required teaching exams to obtain certification or licensure. These exams assess knowledge of teaching methods, subject-specific content, and pedagogical principles. 

Requirements vary by state, so you should familiarize yourself with the specific exams mandated in the region you intend to teach.

To pass these tests, you need test preparation programs , which include study guides and practice tests. Also, ensure timely registration to progress smoothly through the certification process.

3. Get Certified.

Certification requirements vary by state, so find out your state’s teaching certification requirements to begin the process.

In many states,  you usually have to pass three Praxis tests . These tests cover different subjects and teaching skills. Some states also require another test called Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching. 

If you already have a college degree in a non-teaching field, most states offer alternative teacher certification programs .

These programs let you start teaching immediately with a more experienced teacher guiding you. After finishing this program, you’ll get full certification.  

4. Pass the background check.

You will undergo a background check as part of the teacher certification process. This check ensures that you have a clean legal record and are suitable to work with students. 

You will provide relevant personal information and may submit fingerprints for a thorough background investigation.  Address potential concerns or discrepancies in your background proactively and transparently during certification.

6. Start applying for teaching jobs.

Once certified, you can start applying for teaching positions in schools or educational institutions. Prepare a well-crafted resume highlighting education, relevant experience, and additional certifications or endorsements. 

Tailor your application materials for each position, emphasizing how your skills and experiences align with the job’s requirements. 

Be proactive in networking, attend job fairs, and explore online platforms to increase your chances of finding suitable teaching opportunities. The application process may involve interviews, teaching demonstrations, and reference checks.

Become a Teacher Your Community Needs.

Teachers are important contributors to society. They pass on knowledge, foster critical thinking skills, inspire students and parents, serve as role models, and play a  role in the holistic development of children.

Teachers are also promoters of peace, motivators for pursuing dreams, and builders of communities, thereby influencing society positively.

A career in teaching is noble and fulfilling, and Teachers of Tomorrow is here to guide you every step of the way with our alternative teacher certification program.

Teachers of Tomorrow is the leading alternative certification program with 16+ years of experience. We’ve successfully guided countless teachers, making their transition into teaching seamless and rewarding.

We have created a best-in-class alternative teacher certification program to ensure we meet the needs of career changers who want to come into the teaching profession, our schools who need talent now, and students who want a highly professional, engaging teacher. 

We have streamlined the process of becoming a teacher by creating an affordable, convenient, and engaging route for teacher candidates. Begin your teaching journey now.

6 Encouraging Ways Online Teaching Certification Can Transform Your Career

January 7, 2024 by bryan

essay on importance of teacher in your life

Texas Teachers Certification Areas

Texas teachers currently offers 50+ certification areas:.

  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources 6–12 (272)
  • American Sign Language (ASL) (184)
  • Art EC–12 (178)
  • Bilingual Education Supplemental (164)
  • Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT) Spanish (190)
  • Business and Finance 6–12 (276)
  • Chemistry 7–12 (240)
  • Computer Science 8–12 (241)
  • Core Subjects EC-6 (291)
  • Core Subjects 4–8 (211)
  • Dance 6–12 (279)
  • English as a Second Language Supplemental (154)
  • English Language Arts and Reading 4–8 (117)
  • English Language Arts and Reading 7–12 (231)
  • English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies 4–8 (113)
  • Family and Consumer Sciences EC-12 (200)
  • Health EC–12 (157)
  • Health Science 6–12 (273)
  • History 7–12 (233)
  • Journalism 7–12 (256)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Arabic EC–12 (600 & 605)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) French EC–12 (610)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) German EC–12 (611)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Latin EC–12 (612)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Japanese EC–12 (602 & 607)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Mandarin Chinese EC–12 (601 & 606)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Russian EC–12 (603 & 608)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Spanish EC–12 (613)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Vietnamese EC–12 (604 & 609)
  • Life Science 7–12 (238)
  • Marketing 6–12 (275)
  • Mathematics 4–8 (115)
  • Mathematics 7–12 (235)
  • Mathematics/Physical Science/Engineering 6–12 (274)
  • Mathematics/Science 4–8 (114)
  • Music EC–12 (177)
  • Physical Education EC–12 (158)
  • Physical Science 6–12 (237)
  • Physics/Mathematics 7–12 (243)
  • Science 4–8 (116)
  • Science 7–12 (236)
  • Social Studies 4–8 (118)
  • Social Studies 7–12 (232)
  • Special Education EC–12 (161)
  • Speech 7–12 (129)
  • Technology Applications EC–12 (242)
  • Technology Education 6–12 (171)
  • Texas Assessment of Sign Communication–American Sign Language™ (TASC–ASL™) (073)
  • Theatre EC–12 (180)
  • Trade and Industrial (T&I)

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Essay on Teacher: Our Friend, Philosopher and Guide in 100, 250 & 300 Words

essay on importance of teacher in your life

  • Updated on  
  • Mar 22, 2024

essay on teacher

Teachers are like the guiding stars in our educational journey. They shine our path with knowledge and encouragement. A teacher is a person who helps us learn and grow. They are the ones who guide us through our education and help us to become the best versions of ourselves. Teachers come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: they are passionate about teaching. In this blog, we’ll explore the enchanting role of teachers through the eyes of a student, celebrating their invaluable contributions to our lives.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why are Teachers Important?
  • 2 Sample Essay on Teacher in 100 Words
  • 3 Sample Essay on Teacher in 250 Words
  • 4 Sample Essay on Teacher in 300 Words

Why are Teachers Important?

Teachers help mould today’s youth into the responsible adults of tomorrow. What teachers teach the children at their young age, makes an impact on the students that stays with them for the rest of their lives.

The power of moulding the next generation into great leaders lies in the hands of teachers. This holds the potential of uplifting the society in the near future. Indirectly, teachers are the key to transforming millions of lives all around the globe.

Sample Essay on Teacher in 100 Words

A teacher is a person who helps us understand ourselves. They are the supporters who help us through tough times. Teachers are important because they help us to become the best versions of ourselves. They are like superheroes with the power to ignite our curiosity and help us grow. They teach us numbers, alphabets, and fascinating stories. They are patient listeners, ready to answer our questions and wipe away our doubts. They inspire us to dream big and show us that with hard work, we can achieve anything. A teacher’s love is like a warm hug that makes learning exciting and enjoyable.

Also Read: Teacher Self Introduction to Students and Samples

Sample Essay on Teacher in 250 Words

Teachers are magical beings who turn the pages of our books into captivating adventures. Teachers create colorful classrooms where learning becomes joyous. Their dedication is seen when they explain complex problems in simple ways and solve problems in math and science. With smiles on their faces, they teach us history, nurture our creativity through art, music, and storytelling, and help us express our feelings and thoughts.

Apart from books, teachers also impart life lessons. They teach us to be kind, respectful, and responsible citizens. They show us the value of friendship and the importance of helping others. Teachers celebrate our achievements, no matter how small, and cheer us on during challenges.

A teacher is a person who has a profound impact on our lives. They are the ones who teach us the things we need to know to succeed in life, both academically and personally. They are also there to support us and help us through tough times.

There are many different qualities that make a good teacher. Some of the most important qualities include patience, understanding, and a love of teaching. Good teachers are also able to connect with their students and make learning fun. A good teacher can make a real difference in a student’s life. They can help students develop their talents and abilities, and they can also help them to become confident and self-motivated learners.

Also Read- How to Become a Teacher?

Sample Essay on Teacher in 300 Words

In a world, teachers are essential as they bridge the gap between the unknown and the known. They take the time to understand each student’s unique needs and help them modify and hone their skills. In this process of our learning, they become a friend, philosophers, and guides.

Teachers are more than just knowledge sharers. They are like gardeners, nurturing the seeds of kindness, respect, and responsibility in a student’s heart. They teach us to be a good friend and have empathy. They also encourage us to care for our planet, reminding us that we are its custodians.

As we journey through school, teachers become our guides, showing us the various paths we can take. They encourage us to discover our passions, whether it’s solving math puzzles, painting masterpieces, or playing musical notes. They celebrate our victories, whether big or small and help us learn from our mistakes, turning them into stepping stones toward success. 

A good teacher can make a real difference in a student’s life. They can help students to develop their talents and abilities, and they can also help them to become confident and self-motivated learners.

I am grateful for all the teachers who have helped me along the way. They have taught me so much, and they have helped me to become the person I am today. I know that I would not be where I am without them.

Remember, each day with a teacher is a new adventure, a new opportunity to learn, and a new chance to grow. So, young learners, let’s raise our hands and give a cheer to our teachers, the real-life magicians who make education a truly enchanting place to live.

Also Read – Self Introduction for Teacher Interview

Related Reads:-     

A. Here are two lines lines for a good teacher: Teachers are like shining stars guiding us to the path of knowledge. Teachers are our guardian angels.

A. A teacher is not an acronym, so there is no full form for it, yet some students exhibit affection for their teacher. It also allows one to express creativity. Following are some popular full forms of Teacher: T – Talented, E-Educated, A-Adorable, C-Charming, H-Helpful. E-Encouraging, R-Responsible.

A. A teacher is an educator or a person who helps one acquire knowledge and imparts wisdom through teaching methods.

This brings us to the end of our blog on Essay on Teacher. Hope you find this information useful. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our essay writing and follow Leverage Edu . 

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The teachers who inspired us, and even changed the trajectories of our lives

Rita Pierson leads off TED Talks Education, our first televised event, which will air on PBS on May 7. Photo: Ryan Lash

Rita Pierson is the kind of teacher you wish you had. An educator for 40 years, she is funny, sharp and simply has a way with words — so much so that today’s talk feels a bit like a sermon.

Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion

“I have had classes so low, so academically deficient that I cried. I wondered, ‘How am I going to take this group in nine months from where they are to where they need to be?” says Pierson, in this amazing talk . “I came up with a bright idea … I gave them a saying: ‘I am somebody. I was somebody when I came and I’ll be a better somebody when I leave. I am powerful and I am strong. I deserve the education that I get here’ … You say it long enough, it starts to be a part of you.”

Pierson’s talk will open our first-ever television special, TED Talks Education, which airs Tuesday, May 7 at 10/9c on PBS. It will be an exhilarating night, featuring talks from educators and innovators with bold ideas, plus performances from host John Legend. Set your DVRs and read lots more here »

In honor of Rita Pierson and TED Talks Education, I asked the TED staff: who is that one teacher who just really, truly influenced you?

“The teacher who changed my life was, serendipitously, my English teacher for kindergarten, 7th grade and senior year of high school. Ms. Barbato taught me how to write eloquently (I hope!), and she had this unexplained faith in me that really galvanized me as a student. What she taught me stuck with me through college and beyond.” — Olivier Sherman, Distribution Coordinator

“Mr. Eric Yang was only in his mid-twenties when I had him as my AP government teacher, but he was unforgettable. He was the first teacher I had who made keeping up with current events mandatory, forcing us to read news sources on our own time and not just from the textbook. He exuded discipline, and that was contagious.” — Thu-Huong Ha , Editorial Projects Specialist

“Mrs. Bailey was my English teacher. I loved her. I was the younger sister of an already very successful big sister, and that was a cloud over my head too. She held my hand and brought me into the sun with her love of the English language. She recommended books just to me, she made me feel special and I just couldn’t get enough of her. I went on a school trip to Amsterdam with her and she brought her husband, who was an artist. She changed my life.” — Juliet Blake , TED TV (who executive produced TED Talks Education)

“Mrs. Mendelson, my 8th-grade English teacher. This was my first year living in the U.S. I think she set the stage for future learning and she’s the main reason I have such good English right now, both written and spoken. So, thank you, Mrs. Mendelson.”  — Ruben Marcos, intern

“I still recall how awesome my 6th-grade teacher, Mr. Fawess, was. Middle school in general is basically Hades. I was extremely small, super nerdy, and had a unibrow, asthma and glasses — plus I left school once a week to take classes at the local high school. I got picked on a lot. Mr. Fawess came up with all these ways to take my mind off that — he talked to me about bullying and how to let things roll off your shoulder and gave me books I could read outside of class. He got me thinking about college early and what kinds of subjects I was most interested in. I consider myself lucky to have had such an inspiring teacher. If only he had discouraged me from dressing up as the skunk in our annual school play.” — Amanda Ellis , TEDx Projects Coordinator

“Robert Baldwin’s class ‘Essay and Inquiry.’ Every day: Walk into class. Sit down. Look at the handout on every desk. Read it. Start writing. Class ends — stop writing. Every day. Except Wednesday, when we’d put the desks in a circle and everyone would read something they’d written. The prompts were everything from simple questions like, “What’s your favorite memory of trees?” to readings from Rachel Carson or W.B. Yeats or Orson Welles. It was a whirlwind of ideas, and the constant writing forced us to wrestle with them, and (tritely but correctly) ourselves. It was like a boot camp in thinking. People I know who took, and loved, that class went on to some of the most amazing careers. Every time we get together, we gush about the quiet, unassuming, force of nature that was Mr. Baldwin. He would have hated that last sentence, because the metaphor is strained. But he also taught us to ignore authority, so I’m writing it anyway.” — Ben Lillie , Writer/Editor

“Mrs. Lewis, my 5th-grade teacher, read to us every week. She made us put our heads on the desk and close our eyes and then read wonderful stories to us: The Golden Pine Cone , The Diamond Feather .. . It made our imaginations come alive.” — Janet McCartney , Director of Events

“My junior high school science teacher, Dr. Ernie Roy, with his outsized laugh and booming voice, was one of my very favorite teachers. He demonstrated to us how important we were to him by making what were obviously personal sacrifices on our behalf: when the lab needed equipment, we knew he had purchased some of it on his own; when we couldn’t get a bus for a field trip, he took a few of us in his own car (something which could have gotten him into quite a bit of trouble); and when a big science fair deadline loomed large, he opened the lab every weekend to help us with our experiments. At a point in my life when I didn’t have a lot of guidance or positive role models, he taught me a lot more than science; he taught me, by example, the power of sacrifice, discipline and self-respect.” — Michael McWatters , UX Architect

“Dr. Heller, my 10th-grade social studies teacher, taught me that passion is the key to learning. I had never met anyone from kindergarten to 10th grade that matched his raw passion for the  meaning  behind historical events, and it was so contagious.” — Deron Triff , Director of Distribution

“Rene Arcilla, a professor of Educational Philosophy at NYU, changed the way I think.  Prior to that class, I hadn’t truly been challenged about what *I* actually thought — much of my educational life was about regurgitating answers. Rene was the first teacher who asked me questions that he/we didn’t know the answers to. Realizing that I had to actually provide the answers from within myself, and not look to an outside source, was very difficult at first. It was a muscle I had to build. I owe a lot of who I am today — and even this job — to the introspective, critical and philosophical thinking I learned from Rene’s classes.” — Susan Zimmerman , Executive Assistant to the Curator

“Mr. Downey — 7th- and 8th-grade Humanities. Still the hardest class I’ve ever taken!  I’d credit Mr. Downey with helping me think more expansively about the world. Right before 8th-grade graduation, he showed us Dead Poets Society , and on the final day of class we all agreed to stand on our desks and recite ‘O Captain, my captain.’  It was all very dramatic and I think there were tears.” — Jennifer Gilhooley, Partnership Development

“I took my first painting class my sophomore year of high school and fell in love with it. My teacher, Ms. Bowen, told me I could use the art studio whenever I wanted to, and gave me access to all kinds of new paints and canvasses. I spent almost every lunch period there for a few years, and regularly stayed in the studio after school ended. One day, Ms. Bowen told me that a parent of a student I had painted expressed interest in buying the painting of her daughter. After that first sale, I painted portraits of kids in my school on a commission basis, and continued to do so for the remainder of my high school experience. Thanks to Ms. Bowen’s mentorship, I felt empowered to try to make money from something I was passionate about and loved to do.  Here  is one of the paintings.” — Cloe Shasha , TED Projects Coordinator

“I had a chemistry teacher, Mr. Sampson, who used to meet me at school an hour before it started to tutor me when the material wasn’t clicking. That was the first class I had ever really struggled with, and he made this investment to help me get through the material — but more importantly learn that I could teach myself anything.”  —Stephanie Kent, Special Projects

“On the first day of my Elementary Italian Immersion class, I asked to be excused to use the restroom in English. Professor Agostini kept speaking rapidly in Italian as I squirmed in my seat. Since she seemed unclear about my request, I asked her again to no avail. Finally, I flipped through my brand-new Italian-English dictionary and discovered the words, ‘ Posso usare il bagno per favore .’ Suddenly, she flashed me a smile, handed me the key, told me where to go in  Italian , and pointed to my dictionary so I could learn how to follow her directions. Even though I only studied with her for one semester, I will never forget that I emerged from her class knowing intermediate-level Italian.” — Jamia Wilson, TED Prize Storyteller

“My history teacher in high school, Mr. Cook, challenged us to think hard about what happened in the past and directly related it to what was happening around us. He gave us ways to try and predict what could happen in the future. He was the first person to make me take ownership of what it meant to be a citizen and the social responsibility that came with that. Because he taught ‘World History’ rather than a regionally specific class, we learned extensively about other countries, and I am convinced he is the reason that I went abroad to Ghana in college and I am now still an avid traveler today.” — Samantha Kelly, Fellows Group

“The professor who taught me Intro to Women and Gender Studies my sophomore year of college completely changed my framework for thinking about human relationships within a hierarchy. She brought coffee and tea to class for us every morning to congratulate us for being so dedicated to learning as to choose an 8:30 a.m. class. When I emailed her to say I’d be out sick, she sent me a get-well e-card. And when, in a fit of undergraduate irresponsibility, I simply failed to do an assignment, she wasn’t the least bit mad — instead, I received a phone call from her a week after the end of the semester informing me that, because I’d done such good work, she couldn’t bear to give me the B+ I numerically deserved. It was incredible to see how fully she lived the subject she taught; the philosophy of compassion and equality.” — Morton Bast , Editorial Assistant

“My high school photography teacher, Susan Now. I’m convinced that the support I got from Susan got me through high school. Two years later, when I was freaked out about transferring colleges, I, without hesitation, called her for advice. She made me feel comfortable and challenged me to speak up and be confident with expressing myself as a student. So valuable!” — Ella Saunders-Crivello, Partnerships Coordinator

“Cliff Simon, one of my college professors, taught me that wisdom is the greatest pursuit, our skills and passions are transferable, and that fear will only ever always hold us back.  To this day, he’s a great mentor.  We’re now great friends, and I even officiated his wedding ceremony.” — Jordan Reeves, TED-Ed Community Manager

“My 10th-grade biology teacher spoke and interacted with me like I was a grown-up individual and not one of a batch of ‘kids.’ He made us all fascinated with the subjects he taught because he spoke to us not at us. I always worked hard to match that capacity that he saw in me. He was only in his 50s when, a few years after I graduated, he died suddenly of a heart attack. Lots of sad former students.” — Ladan Wise , Product Development Manager

“Stephen O’Leary, my professor and mentor at the University of Southern California, showed me that the quality of my thinking could be directly traced to the quality of the authors I referenced in my bibliography. This realization motivated me to both seek and challenge everything I have read ever since. This habit likely played a part in me finding myself so passionate about being a part of TED.” — Sarah Shewey , TEDActive Program Producer

“My high school art teacher was equal parts smart and silly, and always insightful. Mr. Miller showed a bunch of restless seniors that art class wasn’t just about memorizing which painters influenced which periods. Instead, he taught us that art was — at its core — an exciting way to touch both the head and the heart. Mr. Miller took our  class to the Met in New York one warm spring afternoon, a trip I’ll never forget. Great art, he told us, was about great ideas, and not simply the pleasing arrangement of color, shape and form. Thank you, Russ Miller.” — Jim Daly, TED Books 

“Mrs. Presley, my 1st-grade teacher, advanced my reading skills to full-on chapter book independence … and for that I’ll be forever grateful! But the most valuable gift she gave me was self-esteem. At my school, we’d bring a brown bag lunch with our name written on the bag. I always wanted a middle name like the other kids, and this daily ritual made me feel the lack. I must have let my mom know, because she started to write middle names on my bag. At first it started: ‘Marla Ruby Mitchnick.’ Then ‘Marla Ruby Diamond Mitchnick,’ and then ‘Marla Ruby Diamond Violet Mitchnick,’ and so on. Mrs. Presley never skipped a single syllable — she just read it straight through, and I felt like a beloved and fortunate person with a beautiful name, surrounded by wonderful friends.” — Marla Mitchnick , Film + Video Editor

“I signed up for Journalism 1 in high school having no idea what I was getting myself into. Marcie Pachino ran a rigorous course on the joys of telling other people’s stories and on the extreme responsibility that comes with reporting news that might otherwise go unheard. She was kind and inspiring, but wouldn’t hesitate to give you an edit of an article that simply read ‘Ugh’ in big red letters. The key: you always knew she was right. I went on to become a journalist professionally and, in all my years of writing, I’ve never encountered a more demanding editor.” — Kate Torgovnick, Writer (the author of this post)

“Professor Stephen Commins completely changed my  learning experience at UCLA. He pushed the boundaries of what I thought I could accomplish as an undergrad, and having him as my research professor improved my quality of education tenfold. I’ll never forget in my last lecture with him, he left our class with this piece of advice: to work on poverty domestically before attempting to help those abroad, because you aren’t truly a development professional until you have done both.” — Chiara Baldanza, Coordinator

“My high school English teacher Veronica Stephenson went above and beyond to allow me the opportunity to dive into theater and acting in a very underfunded arts community. She saw passion in me, and engaged it by spending a lot of her own time and effort to help me pursue something I loved. I learned so much from her and got more personalized experience than I probably would have from a more arts-focused curriculum due solely to her faith in me.” —Emilie Soffe, Office Coordinator

Now it’s your turn. Who is the teacher who most inspired you? Please share in your comments.

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The Importance of Teachers in Our Society

A teacher smiles at a student who is working on a laptop in a classroom.

In many professions, it’s easy to overstate the importance of the job. But in the case of our educators, it’s more likely that people will underestimate the importance of teachers in our society. 

For those who have dedicated their lives to teaching others, it’s good to reflect on the vital importance  well-educated , quality teachers play in shaping the world around us.  

Taking on the task of shaping young minds is a big responsibility. To say that teachers can change lives is not an exaggeration. Consider some of the following vital roles that truly illustrate the importance of teachers. 

Importance of Teachers as Role Models  

It’s interesting that so much public debate centers around celebrities, athletes and even politicians serving as role models. The truth is, outside of their own home, one of the biggest role models in a young person’s life is standing at the front of the classroom.  

Teachers are people to look up to and emulate. Nearly everyone has a teacher (in many cases, quite a few teachers) who they admired and who provided them with an example of how to conduct themselves. 

Power of Education  

Teaching students information in a way that they will remember and put to use is one of the greatest gifts anyone can give to another person. Doing so opens students’ eyes to new ways of looking at life. While so much emphasis today is on learning the hard skills necessary to excel in a certain profession – particularly in the postsecondary environment – much of the “life-changing stuff” happens in the younger years as children accumulate knowledge at the hands of a good teacher. 


Yes, schools have guidance counselors. But almost every teacher will find themselves approached by students in one way or the other. They seek advice on everything from academic interests to issues related to their personal lives. Within the classroom, teachers also serve as a sounding board for students’ thoughts on everything from historical events to the meaning found in a literary work. Teachers also provide guidance on pursuing higher education and participating in events that encourage growth in a young person. The importance of teachers as guides for children as they consider furthering their education is immeasurable.


The best teachers also inspire their students to work harder and push themselves. They encourage students to understand the importance of dedicating themselves to passion projects or endeavors. And success builds upon success. The more a student pushes themselves to accomplish their goals, the more they realize what they are capable of doing. 

How can anyone put a value on something like that? 

Teaching can be a tough, complex job. As with any profession, there are days that are hard to get through. But for those who have committed their lives to the profession, they are joining the ranks of some of the brightest minds – and most important people – that students will come across in their lives. 

Are you ready to become a teacher and inspire your students to work harder and reach their goals? Learn about the various  Masters in Education Programs  offered online at Merrimack College or  apply today !

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Essay About Being a Teacher: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

If you are writing an essay about being a teacher, here are some examples to give you inspiration.

Without a doubt, teaching is one of the most important professions one can have. Teachers give children the lessons they must learn to face the future and contribute positively to society. They can be considered the gateway to success stories such as Oprah Winfrey , Adele , and John Legend , all of whom have cited their teachers as major inspirations to their careers. 

Many educators would say that “teaching is its own reward.” However, it may be difficult to see how this is the case, especially considering the fact that being an educator entails massive amounts of stress and pressure. Teaching has actually been reported to be one of the most underpaid jobs , yet many teachers still love what they do. Why is this?

If you want to write an essay about being a teacher, whether you are one or not, you can get started by reading the 5 examples featured here. 

1. Reflections on being a teacher … by Darren Koh

2. teaching in the pandemic: ‘this is not sustainable’ by natasha singer, 3. why i got rid of my teacher’s desk by matthew r. morris, 4. stress is pushing many teachers out of the profession by daphne gomez, 5. doubt and dreams by katheryn england, top writing prompts on essay about being a teacher, 1. what makes teaching so fulfilling, 2. what can you learn from being a teacher, 3. why do people become teachers, 4. should you become a teacher, 5. how have teachers helped you become who you are today.

“Although strictly speaking, based on the appointments I hold, I really do not have time to do much of it. I say teach, not lecturing. The lecturer steps up to the lectern and declaims her knowledge. She points out the difficulties in the area, she talks about solutions to problems, and she makes suggestions for reform. The focus is on the subject – the students follow. The teacher, however, needs to meet the students where they are in order to bring them to where they have to be. The focus is on the student’s ability.”

Koh writes about how he teaches, the difficulties of teaching, and what it means to be a teacher. He helps his students hone their skills and use them critically. He also discusses the difficulty of connecting with each student and focusing their attention on application rather than mere knowledge. Koh wants students to achieve their full potential; teaching to him is engaging, inspirational, and transparent. He wants readers to know that being a teacher is rewarding yet difficult, and is something he holds close to his heart.

“‘I work until midnight each night trying to lock and load all my links, lessons, etc. I never get ahead,” one anonymous educator wrote. ‘Emails, endless email. Parents blaming me because their kids chose to stay in bed, on phones, on video games instead of doing work.’”

Singer writes about the difficult life of teachers trying to balance in-person and distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. On top of the standard class routine, being a teacher during the pandemic has entailed the burden of handling students who opt for remote learning. They are faced with additional struggles, including connection issues, complaining parents, and being overworked in general- it’s as if they teach twice the number of classes as normal. This is exhausting and may prove detrimental to the American education system, according to the sources Singer cites. 

“What it means to me is that I am checking (or acknowledging) my privilege as a teacher in the space of the classroom and in order to facilitate a more equitable classroom community for my students, erasing one of the pillars of that inequity is a step in the right direction. I am comfortable in my role as the head member in my classroom, and I don’t need a teacher’s desk anymore to signify that.”

Morris, an educator, writes about what teaching means to him, highlighted by his decision to remove his teacher’s desk from his classroom. Being a teacher for him is about leading the discussion or being the “lead learner,” as he puts it, rather than being an instructor. His removal of the teacher’s desk was decided upon based on his desire to help his students feel more equal and at home in class. He believes that being a teacher means being able to foster authentic connections both for and with his students.

“Teachers want to help all students achieve, and the feeling of leaving any student behind is devastating. The pressure that they put on themselves to ensure that they serve all students can also contribute to the stress.”

Gomez writes about the stress that comes with being a teacher, largely due to time constraints, lack of resources, and the number of students they must instruct. As much as they want to help their students, their environment does not allow them to touch the lives of all students equally. They are extremely pressured to uphold certain standards of work, and while they try as hard as they can, they do not always succeed. As a result, many teachers have left the profession altogether. Gomez ends her piece with an invitation for teachers to read about other job opportunities. 

“Then I re-evaluate what I want for myself, and what it is that keeps me working towards my dreams. Through the goals I’ve set for myself, I can maintain focus, move past my self-doubt and succeed. By focusing on my goals, I can make a difference in the world directly around me.”

Taken from a collection of short essays, England’s essay is about why she so desperately wishes to become a teacher. She was previously able to work as a teaching assistant to her former elementary school teacher, and enjoyed imparting new knowledge unto children. Even in moments of self-doubt, she reminds herself to be confident in her dreams and hopes to be able to make a difference in the world with her future profession.

Essay about being a teacher: What makes teaching so fulfilling?

When it comes to teachers, we often hear about either “the joy of teaching” or the immense stress that comes with it. You can explore the gratitude and satisfaction that teachers feel toward their jobs, even with all the struggles they face. Read or watch the news and interviews with teachers themselves.

Research on the skills and qualifications people need to be teachers, as well as any qualities they may need to do their job well. What skills can you get from teaching? What traits can you develop? What lessons can you learn? 

Despite the seemingly endless barrage of stories about the difficulties that teachers face, many people still want to teach. You can explore the reasoning behind their decisions, and perhaps get some personal insight on being a teacher as well. 

Based on what you know, would you recommend teaching as a job? If you aren’t too knowledgeable on this topic, you can use the essay examples provided as guides- they present both the positive and negative aspects of being a teacher. Be sure to support your argument with ample evidence- interviews, anecdotes, statistics, and the like.  

Teachers, whether in a school setting or not, have almost certainly helped make you into the person you are now. You can discuss the impact that your teachers have had on your life, for better or for worse, and the importance of their roles as teachers in forming students for the future.

Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

essay on importance of teacher in your life

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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  • Teacher Essay for Students in English


Importance of Teachers in Our Lives

Teachers are those who make children knowledgeable and cultured. A teacher is a beautiful gift given by god because god is a creator of the whole world and a teacher is a creator of a whole nation. A teacher is such an important creature in the life of a student, who through his knowledge, patience and love give a strong shape to a student’s whole life. 

A teacher shares academic knowledge, ethical values and assimilates moral values that help us shape our personality as better human beings. They represent an open book and try to share their life experience for a better tomorrow. A teacher has many qualities, they are efficient in their student’s life and success in every aspect. A teacher is very intelligent. They know how the mind of students gets concentrated in studies.

 During teaching, a teacher uses creativity so that students can concentrate on their studies. They are a repository of knowledge and have the patience and confidence to take responsibility for the future of the student. They only want to see their students successful and happy. Teachers are very prestigious people in the society, who through their magic of education, take the responsibilities of raising the lifestyle and mind level of the common people. 

Parents expect a lot from teachers. Teachers are the second parents who help the students balance their lives and spend the maximum childhood time. Just as our parents influence our childhood years, our teachers help shape us into the people we want to become when we grow up, having a huge impact on our lives. Students have complete faith in their teachers. In younger years, Students used to listen to their teachers more than anyone else as they used to spend more time with them than anyone else. 

The role of the teacher varies from class to game. A teacher is an important creature in everyone’s life who appears to do different things in our life. They are the creator of a wonderful future for our nation. 

Importance of a Teacher

A teacher has an important place not only in student life but also in every phase of life. They have all qualities which they distribute in their students. They know that not everyone has the same ability to receive, so a teacher observes all the abilities of each of their students and in the same way, they teach children. A teacher is a great listener of knowledge, prosperity, and light, from which we can benefit greatly throughout our life. Every teacher helps their students in choosing their path. Teachers teach their students how to respect elders. They tell their students the difference between respect and insult and many more. A teacher equips his/her student with the knowledge, skills, and positive behavior honored which the student never feels lost. The teacher makes them aware of how to use time and the restriction of time. A good teacher makes a good impression on his students. When any student makes a mistake, the teacher teaches them a lesson and also makes them realize their mistake. They teach us to wear clean clothes, eat healthy food, stay away from the wrong food, take care of parents, treat others well, and help us in understanding the importance of completing work. 

A teacher has many qualities which hold a special place in every student’s life. Teachers embrace various roles they are our friends when we get sad, our parents when we are hurt, and always good advisers. Teachers reward their students for their good work while sometimes punishing them for realizing the mistake to understand that this is not right for their lives.

Children’s future and present both are made by the teacher. He also enhances a good society by creating a good student throughout his life. Only a teacher knows what kind of association his student lives in and what kind of association he holds.

Teachers are great role models. The teachers influence students’ decidedness. For example, India’s most respectable President, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, achieved his position as a great aerospace engineer because of his teacher. Mr. Siva Subramania Iyer’s teachings on how birds fly influenced Dr. Kalam’s contribution to society.

Not only in the education field, but there are also numerous examples in sports too, where teachers played a vital role in shaping the career of the athletes. A notable example is batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar, who credits his coach and teacher, Mr. Ramakant Achrekar, for success. Like this, there are numerous examples in various fields of dance, music, acting, arts, science where teachers act as a pivotal role in shaping the life of their disciples.

Relation of Student and the Teacher

The relationship between the teacher and the student was very sacred in ancient times as education was so perfect. There are so many stories written in our scriptures that revolve around student and teacher relationships. Out of all those, the supreme sacrifice made by Eklavya is of prime importance and showcases a student’s dedication towards his teacher. 

Alas, This relation is lacking in recent times. Nowadays, it is considered a mere profession. It has become a business or source of income compared to earlier days where it was considered a noble profession. We should be conscious enough not to stain this noble profession and should not create an example that lifts people’s trust in teachers.

In India, we gave great importance to the teacher. According to the Indian concept, the teacher is the spiritual and intellectual father of the teacher. No education is possible without the help of the teacher. He is regarded as the “Guru” – a speculator, a companion, and a guide.

In ancient India, the transmission of knowledge was oral, and the teacher was the sole custodian of knowledge. The relationship between the teacher and the students was amiable and deep in ancient times. 

Hard Work is the Key to be a Teacher

It takes a lot of hard work to be a good teacher. First of all, always respect the elders and also obey them. Concentration should be increased toward society and education. To be a good teacher, one has a sense of unity in the heart, does not discriminate against anyone, everyone should be seen with a glance. They always encourage students, they never criticize their students. Develops a good interpersonal relationship with a student. One should always tell good things to their younger ones and always treat the classmate well, always take inspiration from the teacher.

The teacher has a huge contribution to our life. No one can developmentally, socially, and intellectually in their life without a teacher. Many teachers slap students, many give punishment but in the end, the teacher is never bad. It only depends on the way they teach, which is different for everyone and this creates a different image in the student’s mind. They do whatever just to make our future bright.

Every year, some teachers get honored. Teachers’ day is celebrated every year on 5 September, in memory of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, India’s second President. India is a home ground of some great teachers like Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Premchand, Swami Vivekanand, who have given some great lessons of life which are still in trend. On this day a special ceremony takes place in the school, in which students participate enthusiastically. A nation always honors all those teachers who help in eradicating ignorance of darkness. A teacher is an ocean of knowledge, we should keep acquiring knowledge on a subject for as long as possible.


FAQs on Teacher Essay for Students in English

1. Why are Teachers are Important?

Teacher are building block of the nation. Children’s future and present both are made by the teacher. He also enhances a good society by creating a good student throughout his life.

2. What Makes a Good Teacher?

It takes a lot of hard work to be a good teacher. They always have to study and gain knowledge. To be a teacher good one have a sense of unity in the heart, do not discriminate against anyone, everyone should be seen with a glance.

3. What Should Be the Qualities to Be a Good Teacher?

Given are some qualities to be a good teacher

They always encourage students, they never criticize their students.

Develops a good interpersonal relationship with a student.

Imparts moral values and values of life.

Develop self-confidence in students.

4. When is Teacher’s Day celebrated and after whom?

Every year, teachers’ day is celebrated on 5th September, in memory of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, India’s second President.

5. Give an example reflecting how a teacher shaped the life of their disciple.

One of the prominent examples is of our Ex-President, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam achieved his position as a great aerospace engineer because of his teacher, Mr. Siva Subramania Iyer who introduced him to the science behind birds being able to fly.

A Significant Influence: Describing an Important Teacher in Your Life

essay on importance of teacher in your life

  • Resources & Preparation
  • Instructional Plan
  • Related Resources

All of us have had a teacher who has made a profound difference in our lives—someone who changed our lives, made us think more deeply, set our feet on the right path. Perhaps it was a teacher we met in a classroom, but it could just have easily been a coach, a youth group leader, a family or community elder, or religious leader. In this project, students write a tribute to such a teacher, someone who has taught them an important lesson that they still remember. The personal essays that students write for this lesson are then published in a class collection. Because writing about someone who has been a significant influence is a typical topic for college application essays, the lesson's extensions include resources for writing more traditional, formal papers.

Featured Resources

ReadWriteThink Printing Press : Use this online tool to create a newspaper, brochure, booklet, or flyer. Students choose a layout, add content, and then print out their work.

From Theory to Practice

Author T. A. Barron states that "There is nothing more heroic than the teacher who helps a young person discover those vast reserves inside himself or herself, who gives him hope when all seems hopeless, who shows her dreams in the midst of nightmares, and teaches us all to face fear with strong determination" (11). Recognizing the importance that a teacher can hold in a student's life, this assignment asks students to recall a special teacher and capture that teacher's message in a personal essay. Diana Mitchell explains that when we "connect the work we ask [students] to do in school with their own lives, they can become eager, active participants in their own learning" (79). In successful units of this kind, "writing . . . is connected to students' lives" and "issues of student concern . . . are an important part of the class (83). By providing examples, modeling the activities, and engaging students in collaborative work, this lesson incorporates elements of best practice. Further Reading

Common Core Standards

This resource has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards for states in which they have been adopted. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, CCSS alignments are forthcoming.

State Standards

This lesson has been aligned to standards in the following states. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, standard alignments are not currently available for that state.

NCTE/IRA National Standards for the English Language Arts

  • 3. Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with other readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word identification strategies, and their understanding of textual features (e.g., sound-letter correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics).
  • 5. Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.
  • 6. Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and nonprint texts.
  • 7. Students conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions, and by posing problems. They gather, evaluate, and synthesize data from a variety of sources (e.g., print and nonprint texts, artifacts, people) to communicate their discoveries in ways that suit their purpose and audience.
  • 11. Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of a variety of literacy communities.
  • 12. Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).

Materials and Technology

Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life’s Greatest Lesson by Mitch Albom or a similar book or movie about a significant teacher

  • Life Lessons from Tuesdays with Morrie  
  • Dear Teachers by Sonya Sones  
  • Sones’ Stanza Form  
  • Excerpt from “From sanctuary, to the Teachers” by Paul Zindel  
  • Teacher Tribute Rubric  
  • Books about Inspirational Teachers


  • Gather copies of Tuesdays with Morrie or another book or movie that includes an inspirational teacher . For purposes of the lesson, the teacher does not have to be a teacher in the classroom. A book in which a family or community elder shares a life lesson with other characters (e.g., A Lesson Before Dying) will also work. Note also that the teacher-student relationship does not need to be the primary focus of the story (e.g., Mrs. Crowley in The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things ).  
  • Students should have read or viewed the work that you’ve chosen before this project begins. Students might read the book as a class, work in literature circles reading different books in each group, or read novels independently. If you have chosen a film for this activity, show the film in class and discuss basic literary elements and film analysis.  
  • Familiarize yourself with these additional resources on writing television news scripts so that you can provide hints and minilessons as students need more information: Picking Up the Pieces and Putting Them Back Together , Ten Techniques for Energizing Your Classroom Discussions , Broadcasting style tips , and Television Newscasts .  
  • Make copies of handouts: “Dear Teachers” by Sonya Sones , Excerpt from “From sanctuary, to the Teachers,” by Paul Zindel , and Teacher Tribute Rubric .  
  • If desired, make an overhead transparency of Sones’ form .  
  • Test the ReadWriteThink Printing Press on your computers to familiarize yourself with the tool.

Student Objectives

Students will

  • identify underlying lessons portrayed by an inspirational character in a reading or film.  
  • identify a similar teacher in their own lives.  
  • brainstorm, freewrite, and share preliminary ideas with peers.  
  • read and analyze personal tribute essays.  
  • write a personal tribute about someone who has made a significant influence on their lives.

Session One

  • Prior to this session, read or watch Tuesdays With Morrie or the book or film you have selected.  
  • As a class, brainstorm life lessons from book or film, creating a list that you can refer to later. The Life Lessons from Tuesdays With Morrie includes a list of lessons that were collected by students for that book. The list that your students create will be different, but the handout can provide a reference point for you as you talk about the book or film that you have chosen.  
  • Pass out copies of Sonya Sones’ poem “Dear Teachers” or project the poem using an overhead transparency.  
  • Read the poem through as a class, and ask students to identify the life lessons that Sonya Sones describes in the poem.  
  • Ask students to discuss how the three lessons (one for each teacher Sones mentions) relate to the final stanza of the poem.  
  • Explain that students will write a tribute to an important teacher in their lives, making a comparison to the characters in the book or film that you have discussed as well as to the teachers in Sones’ poem.  
To [name of the significant person], my [role that the person played], who..... [describe the person’s influence in 3 to 4 lines] I say ..... [what you would say to the person]  
  • Ask students to follow the model by filling in the names, roles, and significant contributions of teachers from their past. Explain that students can choose anyone who has taught them something. The people they choose do not have to be teachers in the traditional sense. A coach, a youth group leader, a family or community elder, or religious leader who has shared life lessons would also be appropriate.  
  • Encourage students to use the form to get their ideas down in their journals. They need not worry about writing perfect poems at this point.  
  • Once students have had enough time to write down at least two influential teachers, divide the class into groups of three to four students each.  
  • In their groups, ask students to share details about the teachers whom they wrote about. Emphasize that students are simply talking about the people and lessons that they wrote about. They do not have to share the text of their poems unless they want to.  
  • Groups should provide support and feedback on the lessons that members share.  
  • Before the end of the session, bring the class together. For homework, ask students to choose one teacher who was influential in their lives. The choice can be someone that they wrote about in one of their verses or a completely different person. As with their writing in the poem, the teacher for their tribute essay does not have to be a teacher in the traditional sense. A coach, a youth group leader, a family or community elder, or religious leader is also appropriate.  
  • If desired, students can also revise and polish their verses for homework and turn in copies at the beginning of the next session.

Session Two

  • If students polished their poems for homework, collect the poems. If desired, you might take a few minutes to invite students to share their poems if they'd like by reading them for the class.  
  • Explain that during this session, the class will focus on one particular teacher. Students should have chosen a specific teacher for their tribute for homework.  
  • Divide students into small groups. In each group, allow students approximately two minutes to tell others in their group whom they have chosen to write about and why. This preliminary discussion is the chance for students to share their basic stories with one another. Additionally, it gives students the chance to think through their ideas a bit before they begin writing. Group members can ask questions about any gaps or unclear information in the stories.  
  • After students have shared their stories with their groups, give them five to ten minutes to do a freewrite in their journals on the same story they just shared with their groups. Because they have already talked through their stories, students should be able to begin writing right away—the process should help eliminate writer’s block. If you notice any students having problems getting started, quietly encourage them to just write a first draft of the story they shared with their groups.  
  • Once students have a first written draft of their stories, rearrange groups so that students can share their stories with new listeners.  
  • In their new groups, students read their drafts aloud. Again, group members can ask questions about any gaps or unclear information in the stories.  
  • Give students time after they share their writing to make any corrections or additions to their tributes.  
  • Pass out copies of the excerpt from “From sanctuary, to the Teachers,” by Paul Zindel , and ask students to read the piece for homework.

Session Three

  • Ask students to brainstorm descriptive details from the excerpt from “From sanctuary, to the Teachers,” by Paul Zindel . As students share ideas, write the information on chart paper or on the board.  
  • Ask students to categorize the information that they have brainstormed into four categories: (1) information about the teacher herself, (2) information about the author (Zindel), (3) information about the underlying lesson, and (4) other details.  
  • How personal are the details?  
  • How are specific details used?  
  • How are objective and subjective details used?  
  • How do the details communicate the significance of the memory?  
  • How do the details talk about the teaching?  
  • What is concrete information is taught, and what life lessons are taught?  
  • Using the information from the classroom discussion, make a class checklist for the kinds of details that make Zindel’s tribute convincing.  
  • Ask students to review their own drafts from the previous session, using the class checklist to guide their reading. If desired, ask students to divide the details from their own drafts into the four categories used for Zindel’s tribute; then, ask students to analyze the details and make changes to strengthen their writing.  
  • If students find that they need significantly more details, assign the optional session and independent work so that students can interview the teacher or someone else who knew the teacher to gather more information.

Optional Sessions and Independent Work

Before the Interview

  • Begin interview preparation by asking students to decide whom they want to interview. If the teacher is not geographically, available, students could consider interviewing by telephone. Alternatively, they might interview another student or person who knew the teacher. Perhaps a family member or another student also interacted with the teacher and can provide additional details, for example.  
  • Ask students to compile a list of questions they would like to ask the teacher they have written about, especially questions that relate to the lessons they learned.  
Imagine that Paul Zindel interviewed another student or family member about Miss Stillwell. He might ask questions such as “What do you remember about Miss Stillwell’s discussion of World War II?” rather than simply “What do you remember about Miss Stillwell?” The closer you can match your questions to the lessons that you are exploring, the more useful the details you gather will be.  
  • Once they have brainstormed the questions they will ask, pair students so that they can practice their interview questions with a partner.  
  • Arrange for students to make appointments to interview the people that they have chosen. Be sure that students explain the project and how the information from the interview will be used.  

During the Interview

  • Encourage students to arrive on time for their interviews and to be ready to begin. They should have paper and a reliable pen or pencil for taking notes. If possible, students should tape the interview so that they can return to the information easily to fill in any gaps in their memory and/or notes.  
  • As students interview the people whom they have chosen, ask that they take time to remind the person of the purpose of the interview, (if appropriate) to ask if the person is comfortable with taping the interview, and to spend some time visiting and talking before moving through the list of questions.  
  • If appropriate for an illustration in the tribute, students can take photographs of the person and the location of the interview. Remind students to ask the person for permission before taking and using photographs.  

After the Interview

  • If appropriate for use in the tribute, ask students to take several minutes to write a description of the person who was interviewed and the location where the interview took place. For instance, if students visit a classroom where a teacher taught them in the past, descriptive details about the classroom might be useful in the final draft.  
  • If students have tape recorded the interview, have them return to the tape and take notes on significant details that can be used in their tributes. If students took notes, have them return to the notes and look for significant details.
  • Remind students that their task at this point is harvesting details and ideas from the interview. It is unlikely that they will use every detail in their final drafts. They are simply gathering ideas.  
  • With the fresh list of details available, ask students to return to their drafts and revise their writing, using ideas and specific details that they gathered in their interviews.

Session Four

  • Pass out copies of the Teacher Tribute Rubric , and go over the guidelines as a class.  
  • Pair students, have them trade papers, and have them use the Rubric to provide feedback on each other’s work. Encourage students to provide concrete suggestions for improvement.  
  • connotation and details: She Did What? Revising for Connotation  
  • punctuating dialogue: Inside or Outside? A Minilesson on Quotation Marks and More  
  • paragraphing dialogue: Character Clash: A Minilesson on Paragraphing and Dialogue  
  • using dialogue tags: Choosing Clear and Varied Dialogue Tags: A Minilesson
  • Students can use any remaining time in the class to make revisions to their drafts. Encourage students to continue sharing work with partners as they revise.  
  • Ask students to come to the next session with the final draft of their tributes, which will be published in a class booklet.

Session Five

  • Demonstrate the ReadWriteThink Printing Press for students, displaying the booklet templates.  
  • Ask students to print at least three copies of their work (one for themselves, one for you to respond to, and (if appropriate) one for the teacher whom they have written about). If class resources allow, additional copies can be made to share with interested students in the class. Copies should also be made for anyone interviewed for the tribute.  
  • This will be a busy, active session so ensure that students understand the product they are to submit by the end of the class before releasing them to work on their final copies.  
  • Allow students the remainder of the class to print copies of their own pages for the class booklet.  
  • If possible, schedule an additional class session where students can share their finished tributes with the class.
  • As an alternative, students can use the Letter Generator to publish “Dear Teacher” letters, similar to the examples that have been shared during the unit. If appropriate, students can send a copy of their letters to the teachers they have written about in their tributes.  
  • Tips for Writing an Effective Application Essay , from the College Board  
  • Tips for Writing Your College Application Essay , from the Associated Colleges of the Midwest  
  • Writing the Personal Statement , from the Purdue OWL  
  • How to Write an Application Essay from Foothill College  
  • Application Essays , from the Writing Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Student Assessment / Reflections

Students should have a chance to read the various tributes included in the class collection. Informal feedback in the class from other students who know the teacher being described or remember similar lessons taught by another teacher can provide useful encouragement for students and underscore how audiences react to details and specific information. Perhaps the best informal feedback a student can mention is to say, “I wish I had that teacher.” Listen for such comments as students share their work and ask readers to elaborate for the author on the details of the tribute that led them to make such a wish. For more formal assessment, use the Teacher Tribute Rubric , which student pairs use to evaluate drafts of their final work.

  • Calendar Activities
  • Student Interactives

In celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week, students read a book about a teacher and follow up with an activity related to the book using the Venn Diagram, Letter Generator, Story Map, or Essay Map.

The interactive Printing Press is designed to assist students in creating newspapers, brochures, and flyers.

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Essay on Teachers Role In Students Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Teachers Role In Students Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Teachers Role In Students Life

Teacher’s role in student’s lives.

Teachers play a very important role in the lives of students. They help students learn and grow, both academically and personally. Teachers are not just there to teach subjects; they are also there to guide and support students as they navigate the challenges of growing up. They can make a profound impact on the lives of their students, both inside and outside the classroom.

Teachers help students learn by providing them with knowledge and skills. They also help students develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and communication skills, which are all essential for success in school and in life. In addition to academics, teachers also help students develop social and emotional skills, such as cooperation, empathy, and self-awareness. These skills are important for students’ success in school and in life.

250 Words Essay on Teachers Role In Students Life

Teacher’s role in students’ life.

Teachers shape students’ lives in many ways. They impart knowledge, inspire creativity, and nurture personal growth. A good teacher can make learning enjoyable and engaging, while also providing support and guidance when needed.

Teachers as Knowledge Givers

Teachers introduce students to new subjects and concepts, helping them to learn new things and expand their understanding of the world. They provide students with the skills they need to succeed in school and beyond.

Teachers as Mentors

Teachers not only provide students with information but also mentor them. They help students to develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication techniques. They also teach students how to work independently and collaboratively and encourage them to become lifelong learners.

Teachers as Role Models

Teachers serve as role models for their students. They show students what it means to be a responsible, caring, and hardworking individual. They demonstrate the importance of integrity, respect, and kindness.

Teachers have a profound impact on their students’ lives. They play a vital role in shaping students’ intellectual, social, and emotional development. They inspire students to learn, grow, and reach their full potential.

500 Words Essay on Teachers Role In Students Life

Teachers: the guiding force in students’ lives.

Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the lives of students. They are not just educators who impart knowledge but also mentors, role models, and sources of inspiration who help students navigate the challenges of life.

Teachers as Knowledge Facilitators

Teachers are the primary source of knowledge for students. They introduce students to new concepts, help them understand complex ideas, and equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in life. They create a conducive learning environment where students feel comfortable asking questions, exploring new ideas, and developing their critical thinking skills.

Teachers as Mentors and Role Models

Teachers are more than just educators; they are mentors who provide guidance and support to students as they navigate the challenges of growing up. They help students develop important life skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict resolution. They also serve as role models for students by demonstrating positive values, such as integrity, perseverance, and compassion.

Teachers as Sources of Inspiration

Great teachers have the ability to inspire students and ignite a passion for learning. They make learning exciting and engaging by using creative teaching methods and bringing real-world examples into the classroom. They encourage students to think critically, ask questions, and explore new ideas. By doing so, they instill a love of learning that stays with students long after they leave the classroom.

Teachers as Builders of Character

Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the character of students. They teach students the importance of values such as honesty, integrity, respect, and responsibility. They help students develop a strong sense of self-awareness and self-confidence. They also teach students how to work collaboratively, resolve conflicts peacefully, and contribute positively to society.

Teachers are the unsung heroes of society. They play a vital role in shaping the lives of students by providing them with knowledge, guidance, support, and inspiration. They help students develop the skills, knowledge, and values necessary for success in life. They are the foundation upon which a strong and prosperous society is built.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Teachers As Heroes
  • Essay on Teacher Career
  • Essay on Teacher As A Leader

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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essay on importance of teacher in your life

Speech on Importance of Teacher in Our Lives for Students

Speech on importance of teacher in our lives.

Teachers play a very important role in shaping the future of their students. Right from kindergarten to university, they are the ones who impart knowledge and teach us about everything important. Moreover, they also teach us about ethical values and imbibe in our moral values. Thus, we can say that teachers shape our personality into something very strong and wonderful. A world without teachers would be definitely chaotic. There are only a few people in our lives who impact our world, and teachers are definitely one of them.

Speech on Importance of Teacher in Our Lives

Importance of Teachers in Our Lives

They assume the role of an educator and caregiver for their students. Sometimes, they also become our friends and help us with personal problems. A teacher is the one who will help you become a better person and an informed one.

Moreover, they see the potential of their students when no one else can. Teachers also decide the fate of a nation as the youth is in their hands. When the youth is educated and informed, naturally, the future of the country will be in safe hands.

In fact, the fate of students is in the hands of their teachers. They push the students to achieve greater heights and become successful. Consequently, they turn out to be doctors, lawyers, pilots, scientists and more, only with the help of a teacher. In India, we even celebrate Teacher’s Day to honor them on 5 th September, every year.

Get the Huge List of 100+ Speech Topics here

A Teacher’s Role

While some people think it’s easy, the role of a teacher is very challenging and equally important. It is their responsibility to impart the correct knowledge and in the right manner. They have to teach methodically for which they prepare their lessons beforehand. Thus, they are able to motivate their students through the use of accurate techniques.

A good teacher gives homework to their students also checks it regularly for a better practice. Further, they plan meticulously for a better teaching pattern. At the beginning of the year, they plan the whole syllabus out for a smooth teaching experience.

In addition to teaching, a teacher is also a good organizer. They have to organize various activities that take place in school throughout the year. Further, they have to take care of other little yet important things, like the seating arrangement, classroom activities and more.

Moreover, they also supervise a lot of tasks and activities in school. For instance, attendance, homework, behaviour is also supervised by teachers. They are responsible for maintaining the discipline and decorum of the students.

Most importantly, they guide the students every step of the way. They have to make sure they do not favour a specific student and give equal attention to all. In fact, teachers have to decide how they divide the attention towards students who need it more than others.

Thus, it is fair to say that our teachers are the ones who make this world a better place. They make this world a better place by enhancing student’s lives. Moreover, teachers are the ones who play the role of so many people in a child’s life. They are a mentor, a parent, a friend, and more which makes all the difference in one’s life.

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Speech for Students

  • Speech on India for Students and Children
  • Speech on Mother for Students and Children
  • Speech on Air Pollution for Students and Children
  • Speech about Life for Students and Children
  • Speech on Disaster Management for Students and Children
  • Speech on Internet for Students and Children
  • Speech on Generation Gap for Students and Children
  • Speech on Indian Culture for Students and Children
  • Speech on Sports for Students and Children
  • Speech on Water for Students and Children

16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

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How My Teacher Influenced Me

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Words: 694 |

Published: Nov 15, 2018

Words: 694 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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essay on importance of teacher in your life

essay on importance of teacher in your life

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Importance of Teachers in our Lives

Are you looking for an essay or speech on the topic of the importance of teachers in our lives? Here is an essay you can use or even convert into a speech for teachers day.

Importance of Teachers in Students' Life

Importance of teachers as a role model, importance of teachers in nation building, importance of teachers in india.

essay on importance of teacher in your life

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A good article showing the importance of teachers in the Society. It is generally accepted that teaching is the best profession. At the same time the question is can we consider teaching as a profession. In fact a teacher is sharing his knowledge to others. In olden days a teacher was referred as "guru". The disciple stay in the house of the Guru and help in the household works. Guru reach the shishya whenever he is free. Actually involving in the household works of Guru itself is a part of teaching. After a year or more the Guru will assess the shishya and based on practical tests he allows the shishya to go home. As mentioned in the above article this type of teaching was followed in Ayurveda system of medicines. The students come and stay in the house of expert Ayurveda practitioners for years together. Personally, I know this since my maternal grand father and uncles were expert Ayurveda physicians. Three or more shishyas used to stay at a time in the house and study the subject. No fees were collected from them. At the same time they were having their meals and other things just as members of the house. They assisted the grand father in all his needs associated with the treatments of his patients. Whenever grandfather was free there would be theory classes. Now things have changed the school-college system have come up. Gurus became teachers and teaching became a profession. Students have connection with the teachers only through the classroom teaching. Only some of the teachers keep in touch with the students after class hours. In a school or college there are scheduled timing and after that they disburse. In the olden guru-shishya set up no timing was there. Shishyas kept moving with the teacher and throughout that period teaching takes place. Now the teaching is a profession and the teachers are paid for their work. Even the school teachers are well paid (at least in Kerala). College teachers are having the UGC patterns of payment. On a personal note, I was a teacher throughout my career period (35 years) in two different Universities. I am only happy to state that my students, even years after my retirement, contact me if my help is needed. Among my students many are highly placed. There are Vice chancellors, IAS officers, Directors of various Central and State Institutes, Scientists and Professors, etc. I feel that teaching the best profession compared to any other profession.

A nice article bringing out the importance of the teachers in our life. During our student life we look up to our teachers for guidance and when we are impressed with the teachings of a particular teacher, we remember him for lifetime. Though all the teachers deserve our respect but we remember only those who were extra ordinary in their profession. Some of them are very good in teaching and we need not to struggle to understand the subject ourselves. In earlier times, teachers were sincere and did not commercialize their talents. At that time we used to go even to their houses if we had some doubt in any of the subjects. They were our real mentors and guides. A good teacher is a great motivator and can inspire his students to any level. He will see that his students should be successful in life and progress significantly. This is the reason that the students of such devoted teachers also pay them great respect.

I think it is because of our teachers that today we can think ourselves as academic or learned in whatever little capacity we could take from those knowledge banks. Good teachers are the most adorable things in our life. I remember when I was doing my graduation we had a lot of confusions in understanding the concepts in psychology. One of our psychology professor was very learned and was never impatient with our questions. He used to explain the things in different ways until we were satisfied. I salute such sincere and devoted teachers in our educational institutes.

I strongly believe that it takes more than just the subject knowledge to be a good teacher. A good teacher is born out of a desire to teach, not out of a desire to earn big. A good teacher will always have the capability to see in every student, the uniqueness and talent in its raw form. Ideally, a teacher's role is to identify the causes which are hindering student's learning process and find ways and means to eliminate them. Teacher should understand that every student have equal potential to prosper, with minor hiccups.

It is a very well written article. Importance of teachers in the lives of students and the entire nation is worth mentioning. They are the pillars of our society. Every teacher wants his/her students to succeed with flying colours. A great teacher is the one who gives that extra push to the students. This simple push itself offers the encouragement and changes everything. Three aspects that are influenced by a great teacher are education, guidance, and inspiration. Teachers are the life changers- Teachers do make a difference in the lives of students. A great teacher can completely change the lives of students. Great teachers not only enrich the minds of students with academic knowledge but form a soul to soul connection with students. They not only inspire their students to do well in academic studies but reach them on to many different levels. They want their student's well-being irrespective of whether they are inside the classroom or outside. This kind of intense bond formed between students and teachers influence student's lives on multiple levels. This relationship not only helps them to succeed in exams but bring overall success in life. The teachers can sometimes become role models in the lives of students. A role model is a person who inspires and influences the entire life. They provide encouragement and this kind of encouragement helps students to reach for greatness. They help students to bring out the best in them. When the best is shown to them, they start living to their complete potential. Certain teachers are much more than tutors. They are committed to excellence and perfection. This is why we look at our role models to seek guidance. Anybody can become a role model. However, teachers can prove to be life-moulding role models in student's lives.

The author has incorporated all the salient features essential to be successful in the teaching profession. However, we can see a slight departure in the ways the teachers are involved currently as compared to the earlier norms where their sole objective was to impart education without considering the hefty gain by way of involvement in teaching. The teachers in the classes were curious enough to raise the standard of each and every pupil of his class. They were the role models because their involvement in the teaching reflected their inherent patience and interest to uproot the subject related confusion of their students but now that missionary zeal of the teacher's community seems to be on the decline because of huge commercialisation of the teaching profession. Though Internet can serve the purpose of alleviating the doubts cropping up in the minds of the pupils, the websites offering lessons on various topics cannot replace the inputs provided by the dedicated teachers engaged with the selfless service. Hope the entire community of the teachers would stimulate the minds of the pupils for the better grasping of the subjects. They should behave like true motivators in changing the attitude of their pupils.

A good article and my appreciations to the author for his excellent presentation. A teacher will be the builder of tomorrow's nation. A person's attitude may affect his personal life and to a large extent his family. But a teacher's attitude will affect the whole society. The teacher is teaching today to a professor of tomorrow, a doctor of tomorrow, a Prime Minister of tomorrow and he is teaching all types of people. I feel the teachers who teach us in our primary classes will have a greater role in our lives. When we start going to school we are very immature and we don't know the world. The teacher will introduce the society to us. So his teachings will get registered in our mind and they will impact us more in our lives. That is why people say it is easy to handle a plant but not a tree. My salutations to all the teachers who are responsible for my today's position in my life. We came through primary school to University with many places in between and in this journey we were lucky enough to have the teachings of various teachers and they are all responsible for what we are today. Without their inspiration and interference, we might not have achieved this success. Sadasiva Smarambham, Sankaracharya madhyamam, asmadacharya paryantam, Vande guruparaparam. ( Starting with Lord Siva and then Sankaracharya in the middle and up to my teachers, so many gurus and I salute all of them).

Who can deny the role of teachers in one's life? Even during the days when formal education was not accessible to all, there were teachers or Gurus to everyone in one way or another; one form or another. Our ancient system was of Gurukula, a variant of today's residential schools. The students stayed with the teacher. So it was education all the twenty-four hours or whenever the teacher and students were together. A very relevant Sanskrit verse about education says " Aachaaryaat paadam aadathe...." (The teacher gives one-quarter of the education.) It is the first quarter. Each of the three following quarters is effective based on this first quarter. As our formal education years are also the time when our character is being formed and molded, the teachers have a great role and influence on our character formation also. It is the teacher who opens our eyes of knowledge to the large world. A teacher is not just an initiator, but a stirrer also. He helps us to churn the knowledge and instills a sense of scientific analysis and self-learning also. Teachers really can make or mar a person, a society and a nation.

Awesome stuff. Please keep writing more articles like this. I really like the fact you went so in deep on this and really explored the topic as much as you can. I read a lot of blogs but usually, it's pretty shallow content. Thanks for upping the game here!

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Lawrence R. Samuel Ph.D.

How Teachers Change Lives

Many of us are who we are because of an educator..

Posted May 22, 2024 | Reviewed by Davia Sills

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  • Teachers can have a deep, positve impact on the life of a young person.
  • People tend to undervalue the role that teachers play in shaping students' minds.
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Teachers are a central figure in our lives, if only because almost all of us have had direct experience with quite a number of them. Americans are a highly diverse group of people, but our memories of teachers serve as something that we have in common, an all too rare and good thing these divisive days. While most of the teachers we’ve had were forgettable, there are those who, decades later, still pop up in our dreams , and not in a good way. (I really did lose my homework on the way to school, Mrs. Pallidino.)

But then there were likely one or two, maybe three if you were really lucky, who had a deep and positive impact on your life at the time. Events in one’s youth can have a profound effect on who one becomes as an adult, many agree, making the potential influence of teachers critical in the trajectory of life. We tend to underestimate this phenomenon, focusing instead on our relationships with parents and siblings when looking back on our personal and psychological evolution, which is just one reason why teachers have not been given the credit that is due to them.

There is much anecdotal evidence suggesting that teachers not only help students prepare for their careers but can make a lasting imprint on their minds and personalities. As I show in my book The American Teacher: A History , stories abound about how teachers have shaped a young person’s life at an emotional and almost spiritual level. Wilbur Gordy of Hartford, Connecticut, told his story in the Journal of Education in 1923 in a piece he called “One of My Real Teachers.” Gordy, who had been a school principal and was then a school superintendent, knew a “real” teacher when he saw one, understanding full well that they were not a common breed.

Gordy had had three such “real” teachers over the course of his own education, he explained, the most memorable one being in a one-room schoolhouse in the Maryland countryside. “His evident desire to be helpful to me in my hopes and my eager aspirations soon gripped my whole being,” Gordy wrote, recalling that the man “fed my hungry soul and taught me not so much facts from books as truths about life.” With that teacher’s ability to “open my eyes to new beauties and undreamed-of possibilities in life,” Gordy could now see that the man had “a divine gift.”

The lasting legacy of a good teacher

Flash forward 60 years to 1982, when two friends of a teacher who had died in old age went to the man’s funeral. They had just read a newspaper obituary of the deceased, which closed with the sentence, “He left no survivors.” While at the funeral, however, the pair chatted with a number of the teacher’s ex-students whose stories made the friends question the accuracy of that rather sad sentence. “He made me a lover of the written word,” a successful executive recalled, with another previous student saying, “He was the chief influence in my going to college.”

There was no shortage of praise for this man, it seemed. “I wanted to be like him,” a mourner commented, adding that “he was both my textbook and my model.” In addition to being an apparently wonderful teacher, he and his wife had held holiday season reunions in their home, one more reason why so many fondly remembered him.

Did this teacher leave no survivors? The two friends in the anecdote, Thomas E. Robinson and Walter A. Brower, certainly didn’t think so. “The influence of a good teacher never ends,” Robinson, president emeritus of Glassboro State College in New Jersey, and Brower, dean of the School of Education at Rider College in that same state, beautifully wrote, thinking “it flows onward forward, like an evolutionary stream, through generations.” This particular teacher had no immediate family but had left many survivors, they held. “Doesn’t every successful teacher build a kind of immortality through the lives and activities of his or her students?” Robinson and Brower asked, answering that question by responding, “No good teacher ever dies.”

Jump ahead another 40 years, and little has changed. There are currently more than 3 million teachers in America, but one might not know that, judging by their relatively low public profile and less than impressive social status. From a macro view, public school teachers can be said to be pawns in the game of education, with most pedagogical decisions made by Washington lawmakers, state departments of education, and local school boards.

Still, each and every teacher holds great sway in her or his own classroom, thus having a direct effect on the lives of students. In his book There Are No Shortcuts , Rafe Esquith, who taught students of low-income families at Hobart Elementary School in Los Angeles, described teaching as “a holy mission” that required tremendous effort but offered the great reward of changing people for the better. Many of us are the people we are because of a teacher or two, something we should acknowledge and appreciate.

Samuel, Lawrence R. (2024). The American Teacher: A History. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Rafe Esquith . (2003). There are No Shortcuts. New York: Pantheon.

Lawrence R. Samuel Ph.D.

Lawrence R. Samuel, Ph.D. , is an American cultural historian who holds a Ph.D. in American Studies and was a Smithsonian Institution Fellow.

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Role of Teachers in Educations, Student Life and Importance_1.1

Role of Teachers in Educations, Student Life and Importance

Teachers provide the right guidance and knowledge to differentiate between right and wrong and help them achieve life goals. Read about Role of Teachers in this article.

role of Teachers

Table of Contents

Role of Teachers

The role of Teachers in anyone’s life is not a single-day role, but it impacts the whole personality building of students. The role of Teachers has a great influence on students who walk on the path shown by their Gurus or Teachers. Teachers influence people’s lives and the advancement of nations and society in a variety of important ways. Their responsibilities span a range of areas, including instruction, character growth, and societal effects.

The primary responsibility for transferring knowledge and academic abilities to students is with their teachers. They provide subject-matter information, offer justifications, and promote learning through a variety of instructional strategies. Outstanding teachers encourage and inspire their students to reach their greatest potential while cultivating a lifelong love of learning.

Role of Teachers in Education

Sharing knowledge.

First and foremost, teaching is the key means by which a teacher transmits knowledge. Following a predetermined curriculum and ensuring that the pupils comprehend the material are typical requirements of teaching. All of a teacher’s other responsibilities stem from this one, as it may be challenging to have any other kind of effect on a child if a teacher doesn’t fulfil this fundamental duty to transfer knowledge.

Role Modeling

Despite the fact that instructors might not consider themselves role models, they truly are. It is feasible for teachers to have some level of impact on the pupils due to the amount of time students spend with them each day or week. Whether this influence is positive or detrimental now depends on the teacher. Teaching is more than just following the curriculum; it also involves shaping the child. Teachers assist students in developing their moral character in addition to imparting knowledge.

An External Parent

A teacher’s duties go beyond adhering to a set instructional plan and timeline. The instructor unintentionally takes on the role of an external parent because they spend so much time together with the students. Teachers can serve as a mentor to help the child choose the right course. The teacher can act as a source of inspiration and guidance for the students while also encouraging them student to be the best they can be in this capacity.

Drawing Real-life Connections

Real-world examples are rapidly and easily understood by students. When teaching, a competent teacher should relate different subjects to actual events and make an effort to help students understand the material. Teachers can relate to their students since they are their closest friends. It is easier for teachers and students alike to understand even complex concepts when they are demonstrated using real-world examples.

Check here the Role of Education in Society and Economic Development in detail.

Role of Teachers in Nation-Building

Through the instruction and advice they give students, teachers play a crucial part in creating a nation’s future. Beyond the classroom, they have a significant role in shaping different facets of society and making numerous contributions to the growth of a country:

  • Knowledge Dissemination: Teachers are in charge of transferring knowledge and abilities to pupils, giving them the tools they need to succeed in a variety of fields. A citizenry with a good education is necessary for a country to advance.
  • Character development: Teachers impart values, ethics, and social responsibility to children in addition to academic courses. They play a crucial role in developing pupils into morally upright individuals, which is essential for a country’s social structure.
  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Effective instructors promote students’ ability to think critically and solve problems creatively. These abilities are crucial for a country’s economic development and competitiveness in the international market.
  • Cultural Preservation: By educating students in history, literature, and the arts, teachers contribute to the preservation of a country’s cultural legacy. They assist pupils in appreciating their cultural heritage, which is essential for maintaining national identity.
  • Social Integration: Education can play a significant role in fostering social cohesiveness and integration. Teachers can help close gaps between different populations, fostering inclusivity and national cohesion.
  • Promoting Civic Engagement: By teaching children about their rights and obligations as citizens, teachers hope to inspire them to take an active role in the democratic process. An engaged populace is essential to a democracy’s ability to function.
  • Economic Development: Teachers help a country’s economy by equipping pupils with the information and skills necessary for the workforce. People with greater levels of education are more likely to land well-paying employment, which boosts the nation’s economy as a whole.
  • Research and Innovation: Teachers at institutions of higher learning contribute to these fields. They frequently act as mentors for young scientists and businesspeople, promoting economic growth and technical improvement.
  • Health and Well-being: By educating pupils about health, nutrition, and hygiene, teachers can improve the population’s general well-being. People who are in good health are more productive and can actively contribute to efforts to build the country.
  • Environmental Awareness: Teachers can promote knowledge of sustainable practices and environmental challenges. Citizens who have greater education are more likely to adopt environmentally beneficial habits, which are crucial for a country’s environmental sustainability.
  • Global Perspective: By introducing their students to many cultures and viewpoints, teachers can aid them in developing a global perspective. This broadens students’ horizons and equips them to interact with people around the world.
  • Role Model: Teachers frequently act as role models for their students. Students are motivated by their devotion to education, professionalism, and excellence to pursue excellence and make a meaningful contribution to society.

Role of Teacher in Inclusive Education

The goal of inclusive education is to give all students equal opportunities, regardless of their varied backgrounds, skills, or requirements. In order to establish and maintain inclusive learning environments, teachers are essential. The following are some essential components of a teacher’s involvement in inclusive education:

Making an Inclusive Learning Environment: Teachers should create a friendly, inclusive environment in their classrooms where each student feels valued, respected, and safe. They should promote a sense of community among the children by highlighting how differences are assets that should be valued.

Having a Deep Awareness of Students’ Diverse Needs: Teachers must have a thorough awareness of students’ various needs. This includes taking into account various learning preferences, aptitudes, and backgrounds. They must be knowledgeable of the individualized education programmes (IEPs) or accommodations needed for students with disabilities and offer the support that is required.

Differentiated Instruction: Teachers must modify their lesson plans, assessments, and teaching strategies to take into account the diverse skills and learning preferences of their students. To fulfil the requirements of all students, they should employ a variety of instructional techniques, such as visual aids, practical exercises, and cooperative learning.

Collaboration with Support Staff: To offer suitable support for students with disabilities in inclusive settings, instructors frequently work together with special education experts, speech therapists, counsellors, and other specialists. To guarantee that all students receive the assistance they require, effective communication and teamwork are crucial.

Promoting Peer Relationships: Teachers can help kids interact positively, fostering friendships and social ties amongst various social groupings. Putting in place initiatives that encourage collaboration and comprehension can aid in removing obstacles.

Individualized Support: Teachers should offer individualized support and interventions to students who have particular needs. This can involve extra tutoring, altered homework, or assistive technology. It is critical to regularly assess student development and modify support methods.

Encouragement of Inclusive Practices: Teachers should encourage inclusive practises in their schools and communities. They might be powerful advocates for the value of inclusive education. Teachers can stay current on best practises by taking part in professional development linked to inclusive education.

Culturally Responsive Teaching: In classrooms with a variety of students, teachers should practise cultural sensitivity by acknowledging and respecting the varied cultural backgrounds of their charges. Including many viewpoints in the curriculum and instructional materials promotes an inclusive learning environment.

Evaluation & Assessment: Teachers should employ a variety of evaluation techniques that enable students to exhibit their knowledge and abilities in various contexts. They must make sure that tests are impartial and do not prejudice any particular student group.

Continuous Learning: Since inclusive education is a developing area, educators should make a commitment to continual professional growth to advance their abilities to help a variety of students. It’s crucial to stay up to date with the most recent research and best practices.

Role and Significance of Teachers in Indian History

In Indian history, teachers have had a tremendous impact on the nation’s intellectual and cultural heritage as well as its social and political development. These instances illustrate the importance and role of educators throughout Indian history:

Guru-Shishya Tradition: The guru, or teacher, was an honoured figure in ancient India. The tradition of the guru-shishya (teacher-disciple) was fundamental to Indian culture and education. Along with imparting knowledge, teachers also provided their students with moral and spiritual direction. The Bhagavad Gita’s portrayal of the interaction between Lord Krishna and his disciple Arjuna is one of the most well-known instances of this. In it, Arjuna experiences a moral dilemma and Krishna provides him with great insight and direction.

Nalanda and Taxila Universities: These historic educational institutions in India drew researchers and learners from all over the world. Chanakya (Kautilya) and Aryabhata, two Nalanda and Taxila professors, made substantial contributions to the study of mathematics, astronomy, politics, and ethics. Their ideas had a significant and enduring influence on Indian thought.

Sant Kabir and Guru Nanak: Spiritual leaders who taught teachings of love, equality, and religious tolerance were Sant Kabir and Guru Nanak, who both challenged accepted religious beliefs. They promoted social harmony and unity using their teachings, which are still prevalent in contemporary India.

Rabindranath Tagore: Visva-Bharati University was established by poet, philosopher, and educator Rabindranath Tagore, who also promoted comprehensive education. He emphasized the value of combining Indian and Western educational theories, and he worked to foster an atmosphere that would allow pupils to grow creatively and spiritually. His approach to education has had a long-lasting influence on Indian education.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan : The first Vice President and second President of India, Dr. Radhakrishnan, was a renowned philosopher. He played a key part in developing contemporary Indian education as well as Indian philosophy. To honour the efforts of teachers, India observes Teacher’s Day on his birthday, September 5.

Dronacharya from the Mahabharata: The Mahabharata epic features a great teacher and warrior named Dronacharya. He taught the Kaurava and Pandava princes how to fight. His work serves as an example of the value of instructors in passing on skills and information, even when it comes to problems of national defence.

Savitribai Phule: In the 19th century, Savitribai Phule was a social reformer and teacher. She was crucial in advancing women’s education and the rights of India’s disadvantaged sections. She created girls’ schools and started social reforms with her husband Jyotirao Phule, laying the groundwork for women’s education in India.

Eminent Scholars and Educators: India has produced a large number of academics and educators in several fields who have had a lasting influence on the intellectual and cultural environment of the country. S. Radhakrishnan, C.V. Raman, Homi Bhabha, and A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, for instance, were not only outstanding teachers but also prominent members of the science and technological fields.

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Role of Teachers FAQs

What is the main role of the teacher.

Sharing Knowledge is the main role of the teacher.

What is the basic role of teacher in classroom?

A teacher has to facilitate the learning by helping, guiding, and providing a conducive environment to students make learning easy. The teacher gives knowledge and information, appropriate to the level of students in a very clear and simple way so that they can learn and conceptualize the new information.

Who is a teacher in simple words?

A teacher, also called a schoolteacher or formally an educator, is a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence, or virtue, via the practice of teaching.

What is the value of a teacher?

Teachers have the power to cultivate self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth. Teachers have the power to lay the foundation for meaningful relationships, for understanding feelings, and for navigating difficult situations.

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Exploring the Multifaceted Role of Teacher in Today’s Education Landscape

Understanding the “ role of teacher ” goes beyond the classroom walls. Teachers craft curricula, foster growth, and instill resilience in students. This article investigates these pivotal elements, outlining how the role of teacher shapes education and empowers the next generation.

Key Takeaways

Teachers play a critical role in curriculum development and implementing teaching methods that cater to diverse student needs, while fostering an environment conducive to personal and academic growth.

Effective teaching extends beyond classroom management to include curriculum design, interdisciplinary learning, and the integration of various teaching methods aimed at engaging students and addressing real-world problems.

Teachers should actively pursue personal and professional development to maintain a balance between their responsibilities, utilizing resources such as collaboration with colleagues and setting boundaries to manage work-life demands.

The Multidimensional Nature of Teaching

Illustration of a teacher leading a group of students in a classroom

Teachers, whether they are early career teachers or experienced teachers, play an integral role in curriculum development. They:

Assess needs

Choose content

Decide on teaching methods

Create assessments

Their classroom experience and understanding of student needs inform the learning objectives, appropriate content, and effective instructional strategies.

Their knowledge and skills extend beyond the confines of their classrooms, influencing the broader educational community and professional learning communities. Collaboration among teachers is integral to curriculum development, ensuring it focuses on students and integrates their real-world experiences and cultural relevance into their learning. Such cooperation distinguishes outstanding teachers from their peers. Effective collaboration also enhances student engagement, making learning more dynamic and inclusive.

Early in their teaching career, most teachers quickly realize that their role extends beyond merely imparting knowledge. In addition to knowledge transfer, they foster a positive learning environment, monitor student development, and facilitate their educational journey. Schools that employ teachers who understand these responsibilities, and even work alongside a teaching assistant, are more likely to succeed in nurturing well-rounded students.

The role of a primary school teacher or a secondary school teacher is not just about delivering lessons in secondary schools. It’s about nurturing lifelong learning habits, employing various teaching methods, and helping students grow, both personally and academically. Though teaching methods may differ, the end goal is consistent: to design engaging lessons that stimulate student development.

From Classroom Management to Curriculum Design

Artistic representation of a teacher designing a curriculum

Being a classroom teacher involves juggling various responsibilities . A teacher job description includes being accountable for:

Implementing curricula in the classroom and adapting it to meet student needs and support learner development

Identifying learner needs

Setting goals

Selecting content

Developing instructional methods

Planning assessments

The process of curriculum development requires various teaching skills, including preparing lessons and differentiated instruction.

Teachers also shoulder the responsibility of aligning the curriculum with assessment methods. They often need to readjust instructional sequences based on student feedback. Formative assessments play a crucial role in this process. The challenge lies in balancing adherence to national curriculum guidelines and personalizing the learning environment for each student.

Beyond curriculum design, teachers also foster interdisciplinary learning among students. Teaching necessitates cognitive, emotional, and social dimensions, which are key for fostering this kind of learning. Interdisciplinary thinking in education is facilitated by integrating knowledge from multiple disciplines. It’s essential for solving complex, real-world problems.

Furthermore, teachers need excellent organizational abilities to manage lesson planning, resource allocation, and a multitude of educational tasks efficiently. With the advent of technology, applications for collaborative work can save time and support teamwork among teachers.

Pathways to Teacher Training

For those interested in a teaching career, various pathways lead to the front of the classroom. Initial Teacher Education (ITE) or Initial Teacher Training (ITT) is the starting point for individuals aiming to achieve qualified teacher status and teach in state-maintained schools in the UK through teacher preparation programs .

Undergraduate teaching degrees such as BEd, BA, or BSc offer a direct way into the profession. These degrees award Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) upon completion and are an available pathway for individuals without a previous degree. Additionally, candidates must pass certification exams to ensure they meet the required standards.

Graduates may enter the teaching profession through various pathways, eventually becoming newly qualified teachers . These pathways include:

Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)

Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)

Salaried PGCE programs in Wales

Postgraduate teaching apprenticeships

School Direct programs

However, the journey towards becoming a teacher isn’t confined to conventional pathways.

Programs like Teach First offer a unique path that combines teaching in low-income areas with leadership training, culminating in a Postgraduate Diploma in Education and Leadership. Similarly, the Now Teach program caters to career changers, linking them with various training providers.

Essential Interpersonal Skills for Effective Teachers

Creative illustration depicting essential skills for effective teachers

Qualifications and training alone are not sufficient; effective teaching necessitates a unique skill set. Strong verbal communication and practical demonstrations are fundamental to effectively convey information and facilitate student learning. But teaching is not a one-size-fits-all profession. Different teaching methods require different skills and classroom management strategies .

Innovative instructional techniques can ignite student curiosity, making the educational journey more compelling. Here are some key skills that teachers can utilize to increase student involvement and interest in the material: Student-centered learning approaches can also play a significant role in enhancing engagement.

Exhibit enthusiasm for the subject matter

Display confidence in teaching abilities

Effectively manage classroom dynamics

Direct learning activities with clarity and purpose

By incorporating these skills, teachers can create a more engaging and effective learning environment.

Some important skills for teachers include:

Patience, enabling them to cater to diverse learning paces and styles through multiple explanations of concepts

Proficiency in conflict resolution and interpersonal skills, helping to preserve a conducive learning atmosphere by managing disputes efficiently

Leadership skills, which are central in instilling confidence in students and effectively handling the complexities of classroom dynamics.

Some important qualities for teachers include:

Knowledge and expertise in their subject matter

Effective communication skills

Patience and understanding

Adaptability to tackle fluctuating classroom challenges and modify lesson plans based on student understanding

Dedication and high energy levels to maintain a commitment to student success, particularly during challenging periods.

Balancing Responsibilities and Professional Development

In the hustle and bustle of teaching, it’s easy to forget about personal growth. Teachers often struggle with managing their professional responsibilities alongside their personal lives, which may impact their ability to pursue professional development. Delegating tasks when possible and seeking support from colleagues or administrators, as well as utilizing support systems, can aid teachers in balancing their responsibilities.

Setting boundaries can aid teachers in managing their responsibilities and pursuing personal growth, however remaining flexible to cater to unforeseen student needs is equally important. Allocating personal time, or ‘Me Time’, is crucial for teachers to strike a balance between their professional and personal lives. Prioritizing teacher well-being is essential to maintain this balance.

Teachers should regularly review their strategies and adapt their approaches based on what works best for balancing their professional and personal lives. Collaboration with colleagues who share similar ideologies can alleviate the sense of being overburdened and act as a stress reliever. Incorporating values into daily decision-making can guide teachers in balancing work with personal life.

The role of a teacher extends far beyond the confines of the classroom. They are curriculum developers, classroom managers, interdisciplinary thinkers, and lifelong learners. Their path to the profession is diverse and their skillset vast. Yet, amidst these myriad responsibilities, their ultimate goal remains the same: to facilitate student growth and inspire lifelong learning. Remember, behind every successful individual, there is a teacher who believed in them, pushed them, and guided them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the roles that a teacher plays in developing national curriculum guidelines.

Teachers play a crucial role in curriculum development by assessing needs, setting goals, choosing content, deciding on teaching methods and instructional strategies, creating assessments, and collaborating with other teachers to ensure the curriculum is student-focused. Culled on July 25.

What is the importance of interdisciplinary thinking in education?

Interdisciplinary thinking in education is crucial as it allows students to solve complex, real-world problems by integrating knowledge from multiple disciplines through collaborative learning.

What are some pathways to becoming a teacher?

You can become a teacher through undergraduate degrees, postgraduate programs, or career transition initiatives such as Teach First and Now Teach programs. Consider which path aligns with your goals and qualifications.

What are some essential skills for effective teachers?

Essential skills for effective teachers include strong communication , creativity, enthusiasm, confidence, patience, conflict resolution, leadership, adaptability, and dedication skills. These are crucial for creating a positive and productive learning environment .

How can teachers balance professional responsibilities and personal growth?

By delegating tasks, seeking support, establishing boundaries, and carving out personal time, teachers can balance professional responsibilities and personal growth effectively. Regularly reviewing strategies, collaborating with colleagues, and incorporating values into daily decision-making are also helpful.

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essay on importance of teacher in your life

essay on importance of teacher in your life

Role of Teacher in our Life

Teachers play an essential role in everyone’s life. Not only do they teach us in schools but we also learn many useful things like moral values, social etiquette’s, how to treat others & be friendly with our classmates.

It is granted that technology has opened the door of new learning & has also changed the course of education. But a good teacher has the power to change our life, ignite us in the most perfect way.

Teachers’ Day – 5th September

A teacher is a significant part of our life. All over India, Teachers’ day is celebrated on 5th Sep every year for showing due respect to all the teachers in the country.

This marks the birth anniversary of our first Vice-President & the second President of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

  • Make learning a fun
  • Draw Real-life connections
  • Encourage Students
  • Change the Scenario of life
  • Track Improvement & Set Performance Goals

Role of Teacher in a Student Life

Role of Teacher in a Student Life

1. Make learning a fun

Their main task is not only teaching but also preparing children for a better tomorrow. Rather than explaining concepts through large boring lectures in a technical way they make their class exciting & fun.

2. Draw Real-life connections

Good teachers are the closest companions of the children. They make learning easier by connecting different subjects to real-life situations.

They cite examples & demonstrate how the most difficult topics can easily be understood by relating to everyday life and how it can be useful in the future.

3. Encourage Students

Encourage Students

Teachers encourage students to grow more as they often look to their teachers for the things to get approved. Words of appreciation like ‘come on,’ ‘good job,’ ‘well done,’ and ‘keep it up’ do wonder in the encouragement of students. These right words mean worth a lot in their life.

Apart from teaching, they always guide and motivate in accomplishing our most significant achievements. Whenever we fail, they stand with us, encourage us, and boost our confidence until we succeed again.

They always show us the best path in our life. They always try to help students beyond their capabilities.

4. Change the Scenario of life

It is well said that ‘the future development of a nation truly lies in the hands of good teachers.’ What we become in life depends on the good education given by our teachers. They impart data & information in the brains of children to analyze the situation.

Analyzing what is essential is the most crucial thing we learn from teachers. From an unshaped stone, they make a beautiful statue. They make us more knowledgeable and enable a proper flow of knowledge from one generation to another.

5. Track Improvement & Set Performance Goals

Good teachers always remind their students that they have come a long way from where they’ve started.  By setting short-term goals, emphasizing improvement, keep self-evaluation they monitor every minute progress of the children & act as a confidence booster.

Teachers also help them by setting smart goals that can be easily achieved. They create challenging assignments for students that help them in solving difficult conditions in life.

Why teachers are important in our life?

Why teachers are important in our life?

A child, when comes in this world, knows nothing. He learns everything from the environment & society. From the teacher, he gains knowledge & education, which isn’t possible if there is no guidance provided.

Just like our parents, teachers are also important in our life. They teach us the wisdom in doing everything. They give moral support and encourage us to live equally in this society and treat everyone equally.

They teach us the importance of life and show us the right track to ensure that we are capable enough to survive in this society.

A teacher is not only the person who teaches syllabus to students. Right from pre-schooling to colleges & universities, they play an essential role in shaping the future of students.

Inside the classroom, they act as a strict teacher, and once they step out of class, they behave like a kind-hearted friend, crack jokes, share some space & even enjoy the fun with us.

Children begin accentuating the world around them. Teachers are more than tutors in our life. Their role is not only up to classrooms & school but also extends beyond this.

Teachers make the world a better place to live in. It can be rightly said that teachers are a great role of teacher in our Life in an individual life.

Before going to the classroom, we greet them, pay regards & show respect to them. Beyond that, teachers serve many other roles in the classroom.

They set a tone of the school, mentor & teach children & nurture them well. That’s why the role of the teacher as a moral guide is critical in one’s life.

Today we should know that only teacher can change the economic, moral & social life of an individual. We should need to respect them by appreciating what all they do for us. And pay them regards by giving them the gift of becoming a good human being.

Therefore, it is said that teaching is an profession that teaches & creates all other trades. 

Also Read :- Importance of Knowledge In Learning

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Essay on the importance of teachers in our life.

The birth anniversary of the first vice president of india, dr. s. radhakrishnan is celebrated as teachers day, on the 5th of september, every year. this shows the importance the nation attaches to the contribution of teachers to the lives of students. knowledge is the most important tool in the life of human beings. as we grow up, we tend to learn on our own, but initially, teachers play a vital role in helping students acquire knowledge. teachers help in the overall development of children, teachers help students develop writing skills, oratory skills, and leadership skills. teachers teach children on the importance of inculcating moral values, discipline, determination, right decision making, dedication, honesty, and empathy. teachers mold the students into valuable citizens of this country. human resources are the most important resource of a nation, teachers are the backbone of a nation for making sure that children grow up into great citizens who make invaluable contributions to the growth of the nation..



The Importance of Lifelong Learning for Teachers

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In the rapidly evolving field of education, the importance of lifelong learning for teachers cannot be overstated. Continuous professional development is essential for educators to stay updated with new teaching methods, educational technologies, and the ever-changing needs of their students. Lifelong learning equips teachers with the skills and knowledge necessary to provide high-quality education and to foster an engaging, dynamic learning environment.

Adapting to Educational Changes

Emerging Technologies

  • Integration of Technology : The use of digital tools, online resources, and interactive platforms has transformed the way teaching and learning occur. Teachers must stay abreast of these technological advancements to effectively integrate them into their classrooms.
  • E-Learning and Virtual Classrooms : The rise of e-learning and virtual classrooms necessitates that teachers are proficient in using online learning management systems, video conferencing tools, and other digital resources.

New Teaching Methods

  • Student-Centered Learning : Modern educational approaches emphasize student-centered learning, where teaching is tailored to the individual needs of students. Continuous professional development helps teachers adopt and implement these methods.
  • Project-Based and Inquiry-Based Learning : These approaches encourage active learning and critical thinking. Teachers must continuously learn new strategies to facilitate these types of learning experiences.

Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness

Pedagogical Skills

  • Innovative Teaching Strategies : Lifelong learning enables teachers to explore and adopt innovative teaching strategies that enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.
  • Assessment Techniques : Keeping up with new assessment techniques ensures that teachers can accurately measure student progress and provide meaningful feedback.

Classroom Management

  • Behavior Management : Effective classroom management is critical for creating a conducive learning environment. Professional development helps teachers learn new techniques for managing student behavior and maintaining a positive classroom atmosphere.
  • Cultural Competence : As classrooms become increasingly diverse, teachers must develop cultural competence to address the needs of all students. Lifelong learning in this area promotes inclusivity and understanding.

Personal and Professional Growth

Career Advancement

  • Leadership Opportunities : Engaging in lifelong learning can open up opportunities for career advancement, such as leadership roles within schools or educational institutions.
  • Specialization : Teachers can pursue specializations in areas such as special education, STEM, or literacy, enhancing their expertise and career prospects.

Professional Fulfillment

  • Job Satisfaction : Continuous learning keeps teaching exciting and fulfilling. It allows teachers to remain passionate and motivated about their profession.
  • Reflective Practice : Lifelong learning encourages teachers to reflect on their practice, assess their strengths and areas for improvement, and set professional goals.

Meeting Student Needs

Adapting to Student Diversity

  • Differentiated Instruction : Lifelong learning equips teachers with the skills to differentiate instruction and meet the diverse needs of their students.
  • Supporting Special Needs : Professional development in special education techniques enables teachers to better support students with special needs and learning disabilities.

Emotional and Social Support

  • Social-Emotional Learning : Teachers need to be knowledgeable about social-emotional learning to support students’ mental and emotional well-being.
  • Building Relationships : Continuous learning helps teachers build strong, positive relationships with their students, fostering a supportive and nurturing classroom environment.

Building a Learning Community

Collaborative Learning

  • Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) : Engaging in lifelong learning often involves participating in PLCs, where teachers collaborate, share best practices, and learn from each other.
  • Mentorship : Experienced teachers who engage in lifelong learning can mentor new teachers, sharing their knowledge and expertise.

Staying Informed

  • Educational Research : Keeping up with the latest educational research allows teachers to apply evidence-based practices in their classrooms.
  • Policy Changes : Lifelong learning ensures that teachers are informed about changes in educational policies and standards, allowing them to adapt their teaching accordingly.

Lifelong learning is essential for teachers to remain effective, innovative, and responsive to the evolving needs of their students. By continuously engaging in professional development, teachers can enhance their teaching skills, integrate new technologies, and adopt innovative teaching methods.


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An Importance of The Teacher In Our Life [Essay]

An Importance of The Teacher In Our Life - Essay: Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping our lives and society. They are instrumental in imparting knowledge, nurturing young minds, and instilling essential values and skills. Teachers serve as mentors, guiding students towards academic success and personal growth. They inspire curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity, fostering a love for learning. Moreover, teachers possess the power to ignite passion and unlock potential in students, empowering them to pursue their dreams. Beyond academics, teachers provide emotional support, guidance, and serve as role models. They contribute significantly to building a strong foundation for individuals and communities, making them indispensable in our lives. Their impact extends far beyond the classroom, shaping the future of our society.

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The Importance of the teacher in our life - Essay

The Importance of the teacher in our life

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Respecting the Teaching Profession

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I Invited My Students to Be the Principal for a Day. Here’s What I Learned

052024 OPINION Khoshaba PRINCIPAL end the year with positivity

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There is tired and then there’s “educator tired.”

More meetings, more conflicts to mediate, more data to collect and analysis overload, and more staffing decisions—the to-do list is exhausting. By springtime, most of us are operating on empty tanks while battling a seasonal-affective slump carried over from the winter.

With some degree of consistency, we can predict the times of the year when staff morale is highest, as well as the months when you can expect teachers to be crawling toward the finish line of upcoming school breaks. I heard a person once say, “If we can predict it, then we can influence it.”

About This Series

In this biweekly column , principals and other authorities on school leadership—including researchers, education professors, district administrators, and assistant principals—offer timely and timeless advice for their peers.

Like many principals, I’m an optimistic person by nature. But in mid-February, I felt myself struggling to change my heartache of stress into heartfelt joy.

When I analyzed why I was feeling this way, it became clear that I wasn’t living my “why” for working in public education. I was drowning in meetings that discussed adult issues instead of being focused on student learning and the experience of being a student at my school.

After consulting with a colleague, I decided to change how I was spending my time at work. That small change had a huge impact on my ability to refocus and feel fulfilled.

Several years ago, I participated in a principal challenge for which I shadowed a student for a day. It was an amazing experience that allowed me to better understand my school from a student’s perspective.

As I reflected on how to reenergize several months ago, I decided to try this activity once again at my new school—but with a twist. I wanted to help bridge the divide between students and adults. This time, I offered my students the opportunity to be principal for the day by following me as I made my rounds with classroom visits and staff member meetings.

My request of the students who joined me was simple: 1) Get parent permission, 2) be responsible for the work you missed in class, 3) communicate with your teachers that you would be with me for the day, and 4) write up a one-page summary of the events of the day and your reflections.

To my surprise, I was flooded with student requests. Just the idea of having a shared experience with the students we serve was uplifting. I marveled at the idea that students would want to know what my job entailed. It was a great way to connect and build kinship between students and the leaders that serve them.

What I imagined would be one day with one student shadowing me evolved into three days of multiple students per day participating in this activity.

Here are some of the lessons from the students who joined me:

  • Students and staff have a right to speak up, even if they are the only dissenting voice.
  • Keep an open mind when people bring concerns to you. The importance of growing from mistakes was highlighted.
  • Treat everyone with respect, no matter their position.
  • Communication should be two ways, not a monologue.
  • Make time to help others.

They enjoyed seeing the authentic and positive relationships that occur between administration and students and staff, but I was just as happy to learn from the students. They shared that they were surprised to see how well staff got along with each other behind the scenes, as well as with students in the hallways and classrooms. Our first shadow-the-principal day was March 14 (aka Pi Day in the math world), so the students had a chance to eat pie while talking with teachers in the math workroom.

My “apprentices” also enjoyed hearing a student share his idea for completing his Eagle Scout project that provided diabetic kits for students in need. He and I brainstormed various ways to complete the project, as well as how to market and sustain it in the years to come. The students later commented that they were surprised to observe an administrator working alongside their peers, generating ideas together.

Besides circulating throughout the school and speaking with a number of students and staff, the apprentices and I discussed ways that artificial intelligence could be used to facilitate teaching and learning in a positive way. I always find it enlightening to hear students’ technology ideas, including for AI use—for example, to assist with study tips or to organize their notes—were as innovative as I had heard from any presenters.

Finally, we ended the day by taking a stroll around the track at our football stadium. I shared that I like to go outside as much as I can to exercise and gather my thoughts. I try to do that once per week as part of my self-care routine. The students shared that they were pleasantly surprised to hear me prioritize that type of activity and that they thought their peers would benefit from such an activity as well.

I’m proud of my students for taking a chance on being a leader for the day. Students in 2024 have so many pressures facing them, so accepting one more thing can be a daunting task.

Here’s a challenge for everyone reading this article: Make time to prioritize your own “why.” This is especially important as we enter the final marking period of the year, when emotions tend to run high and stamina tends to wane.

Fill your tank with the kind of energy that inspired you to enter our profession. Look for the moments in your school on a daily basis when you can be kind, learn something new, build a new relationship, and spend time with those that brought you into a career in education—your students!

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Mindfully American

Mindfully American

15 Realities of Being a Teacher in America Today

Posted: May 29, 2024 | Last updated: May 29, 2024

<p>In the past few years, education has taken center stage, and not in a good way. As states battle over curriculum requirements, schools deal with teacher shortages, and everyone tries to regain their post-pandemic footing, teachers are facing unparalleled challenges. </p> <p>Given the tumultuous educational landscape, it’s not surprising that teachers don’t seem to be thriving. According to a 2024 Pew Research Center study, teachers are less likely to be satisfied with their jobs than U.S. workers overall. </p> <p>The study analyzed the realities of teaching in America today and shed light on what it’s like to be an educator in the modern world. The results were both understandable and concerning for society as a whole. </p>

In the past few years, education has taken center stage, and not in a good way. As states battle over curriculum requirements, schools deal with teacher shortages, and everyone tries to regain their post-pandemic footing, teachers are facing unparalleled challenges. 

Given the tumultuous educational landscape, it’s not surprising that teachers don’t seem to be thriving. According to a 2024 Pew Research Center study, teachers are less likely to be satisfied with their jobs than U.S. workers overall. 

The study analyzed the realities of teaching in America today and shed light on what it’s like to be an educator in the modern world. The results were both understandable and concerning for society as a whole. 

<p>To determine the best states for education, U.S. News considered metrics tied to higher education and pre-kindergarten through high school. They also took into account the percentage of Americans holding college degrees, college graduation rates, cost of in-state tuition, and graduate debt.</p>


To create their detailed study, Pew Research conducted an online survey of K-12 teachers. Over 2,500 teachers responded to survey questions between October 17 and November 14, 2023. 

All of the teachers who responded are members of RAND’s American Teacher Panel, which is a nationally representative group of teachers recruited through MDR Education. Researchers weighted the survey data to account for sampling differences and better reflect the teaching population. 

<p>Working with America’s youngest and brightest minds can be rewarding, but no one said it was a stroll through the playground. Seventy-seven percent of American teachers say their job is frequently stressful. </p><p>Another 68% of survey respondents said teaching felt overwhelming. According to the <a href="">National Education Association</a> (NEA), teachers are facing increasingly complicated academic and behavioral needs alongside growing class sizes, which can lead to feelings of overwhelm. </p>

1: It’s Stressful

Working with America’s youngest and brightest minds can be rewarding, but no one said it was a stroll through the playground. Seventy-seven percent of American teachers say their job is frequently stressful. 

Another 68% of survey respondents said teaching felt overwhelming. According to the National Education Association (NEA), teachers are facing increasingly complicated academic and behavioral needs alongside growing class sizes, which can lead to feelings of overwhelm. 

<p>When it comes to school shootings in particular, most Americans said they believed background checks for firearm purchases, better training for first responders, and more school security checkpoints could be an effective means of prevention. </p>

2: Schools Are Understaffed

Pew researchers found the majority of teachers (70%) feel their school is understaffed. Additional research backs this up. 

According to the Annandale Institute at Brown University, there are 55,000 teacher vacancies in the U.S. Shortages vary greatly among states and are highest in Florida, but there’s no doubt the country needs more teachers in general. 

<p>Only <a href="">39%</a> of college students obtain a bachelor’s degree in four years. The number jumps to 59% after six years, but that still leaves just over 40% of students without bachelor’s degrees. </p>

3: Student Performance Is Down

A significant number of teachers (48%) report that academic performance is down in their schools. Only 17% said student performance was very good or excellent. 

Data from NWEA, a school assessment provider, shows that students in grades 3 – 8 aren’t making progress at the same rate their peers were before the COVID-19 pandemic. They suggest that interrupted learning during the pandemic’s peak created an educational debt that’s making it hard for students to progress, regardless of their teacher’s skill.  

<p>Bullies in the ’80s were often part of the popular crowd. That appears not to be quite as much of the case nowadays, thanks to programs and <a href="">education</a> that makes many students not want to associate themselves with bullying peers.</p>

4: There Are More Behavioral Issues

Almost half (49%) of American teachers say they’re dealing with more behavioral issues among students than they have in the past. Many believe the behavioral problems they’re witnessing have to do with a lack of emotional well-being among children that started during the pandemic. 

Unfortunately, teachers also feel ill-equipped to handle the rise in behavioral problems. Reports indicate that some educators are pushing for a revival of harsher punishments like expulsions and suspensions that many districts moved away from pre-pandemic. 

<p>SmartAsset analyzed data for 370 suburbs of the 100 largest US cities to determine which are the safest. Violent and nonviolent crime rates, roadway safety, and drug and alcohol abuse were among the factors analyzed since they can significantly affect residents’ quality of life. </p>

5: Parent Involvement Is Insufficient

Pew researchers found the majority of teachers feel that parent involvement is insufficient. They said parents aren’t holding their children accountable for misbehaviors, helping kids with schoolwork, or ensuring their attendance is good. 

Teachers in higher poverty areas were more likely to report poor parental involvement. Work conflicts, time constraints, and language barriers can make it more challenging for parents to support their children’s education. 

<p>Sometimes, there wasn’t much to do as a kid in the 1980s. And that was probably a healthy thing, <a href="">according to</a> neuroscientists. Boredom has been shown to increase creativity and performance.</p>

6: Kids Are Having a Tough Time

Over half of the teachers surveyed said one of the biggest problems their students faced was poverty. Many teachers also noted that students were dealing with chronic absenteeism, anxiety, and depression. 

Poverty was the biggest issue for kids in urban and rural areas, while children in suburban areas were less likely to deal with poverty. Older students in middle school and high school were most likely to deal with anxiety, depression, and chronic absenteeism. 

<p>It’s no wonder GYAT is a confusing term, given that it’s an acronym that looks nothing like the word it means: Godd*mn. It’s common to see Gen Z-ers using GYAT when describing something they find impressive.  </p>

7: Technology Creates Distractions

Technology is a problem for high school teachers in particular. While 33% of teachers said that cell phones create distractions in the classroom, over 70% of high school teachers noted that cell phones were a problem. 

Though most districts have policies regarding cell phone use on campus or in classrooms, these policies aren’t always easy to enforce. Sixty percent of high school teachers said enforcing school policies about cell phone use was very hard to do. 

<p>Though only one in five teachers said disrespect from students was a major problem, 68% reported dealing with verbal abuse. This could include being yelled at or threatened by a student. </p><p>Pew researchers also found that 40% of teachers experienced physical abuse from a student, and 9% said it happened at least once a month. These numbers stand in stark contrast to prior <a href="">government studies</a> performed in 2021, which showed only 6% of teachers had been threatened or physically attacked. </p>

8: Disrespect Is Common

Though only one in five teachers said disrespect from students was a major problem, 68% reported dealing with verbal abuse. This could include being yelled at or threatened by a student. 

Pew researchers also found that 40% of teachers experienced physical abuse from a student, and 9% said it happened at least once a month. These numbers stand in stark contrast to prior government studies performed in 2021, which showed only 6% of teachers had been threatened or physically attacked. 

<p>Being a foodie comes at a cost, especially with restaurant prices rising an average of <a href="">5.4%</a> between October 2022 and October 2023. By the time customers add tips to their meal price, they might not have much wiggle room for restaurant hopping between paychecks.</p>

9: The Pay Isn’t Great

Only 15% of teachers are happy with their pay. According to the NEA, teachers have received record increases in pay in many districts. However, even in areas where they’re being paid more than average, the rate isn’t keeping up with inflation. 

The NEA notes that low pay rates are likely contributing to the national teacher shortage. When adjusted for inflation, starting teacher salaries are now below what they were in 2008-2009. 

<p>Though teaching is difficult and often undervalued, there are some perks to the job. Most teachers told Pew researchers that they were very satisfied with their relationships with other teachers at their school. </p><p>A great community at work can be a major benefit, but remember, teachers aren’t working in an office. They don’t get to hang out with other teachers for the majority of the day. Instead, they spend most of their hours with students alone. </p>

10: Other Teachers Are Cool

Though teaching is difficult and often undervalued, there are some perks to the job. Most teachers told Pew researchers that they were very satisfied with their relationships with other teachers at their school. 

A great community at work can be a major benefit, but remember, teachers aren’t working in an office. They don’t get to hang out with other teachers for the majority of the day. Instead, they spend most of their hours with students alone. 

<p>Before you get too excited about earning a college degree during retirement, keep this in mind: Many degrees are audit only. In layperson’s terms, that means you won’t receive real college credit. Nevertheless, with studies showing <a href="">cognitive benefits</a> for older adults who learn new skills, going to college during retirement might very well be worth it.</p>

11: Many Want to Leave the Profession

Among teachers who aren’t planning an imminent retirement, almost a third (29%) said they would probably look for a new job at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Within that group, 40% said they wanted to leave the profession entirely. 

Another 29% of teachers said they wanted to continue using their education degree but didn’t want to teach K-12 anymore. Instead, they planned to look for other non-teaching roles. 

<p>Many parents (43%) said they wanted more state funding for after-school activities and summer camps. Research shows that high-quality extracurriculars have positive outcomes on social and emotional learning, educational outcomes, and school attendance.  </p>

12: It’s Still Fulfilling for a Slight Majority

Most teachers still want to be teachers despite the challenges they face. Fifty-six percent of respondents said they find their jobs fulfilling most of the time. 

Newer teachers were more likely to report this than seasoned veterans. Those who had been teaching for six to ten years were more likely to say their work was no longer frequently enjoyable. 

<p>However, many cyberattacks don’t result in leaked password data. Instead, they leak other, less sensitive information, like usernames and emails. </p>

13: There Aren’t Enough Hours in the Day

The vast majority of teachers (84%) say they don’t have enough time to complete tasks. During regular work hours, teachers are expected to grade papers, plan lessons, fill out paperwork, and answer emails in addition to teaching students. 

In addition, many teachers spend time working with their students after class. Districts may also expect them to handle lunch duty or cover other teachers’ classrooms when necessary.

<p>Most teachers don’t feel good about the future of K-12 education. Eighty-two percent said the state of education in the U.S. has declined in the past five years. </p><p>Only 20% of teachers think things will improve in the next five years, and a slight majority (53%) think it will get worse. Many believe the current political climate and the lasting effects of the pandemic are to blame. </p>

14: It’s Hard to Be Optimistic

Most teachers don’t feel good about the future of K-12 education. Eighty-two percent said the state of education in the U.S. has declined in the past five years. 

Only 20% of teachers think things will improve in the next five years, and a slight majority (53%) think it will get worse. Many believe the current political climate and the lasting effects of the pandemic are to blame. 

<p>Most towns in the United States <a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">receive</a> their names from their founders. For Example, Washington, D.C. was named after George Washington. The same rule often follows street names in major cities. </p>

15: Government Support Feels Minimal

Most teachers (58%) identify as or lean towards the Democratic party. However, regardless of political affiliation, many teachers feel neither Democrats nor Republicans are able to handle the issues facing the education system.  

More than a third of teachers say neither party can effectively shape school curriculums, make schools safe, or ensure adequate school funding. They also said the government would be ineffective at securing adequate pay or benefits for teachers. 

<p>If your teacher taught it in history class, it’s normal to assume it’s true. Ask any historian, though, and you might be surprised to learn the stuff of school history lessons is often riddled with inaccuracies. </p><p><a href="">19 Historical U.S. Myths That Annoy History Buffs to the Core</a></p>

19 Historical U.S. Myths That Annoy History Buffs to the Core

If your teacher taught it in history class, it’s normal to assume it’s true. Ask any historian, though, and you might be surprised to learn the stuff of school history lessons is often riddled with inaccuracies. 

<p>Over the years, the Final Jeopardy! round has stumped many contestants. These are some of the Final Jeopardy questions that none of the contestants got right. See how many leave you guessing, “What is…hmm?”</p><p><a href="">15 Final “Jeopardy!” Questions That All Contestants Got Wrong</a></p>

15 Final Jeopardy! Questions That All Contestants Got Wrong

Over the years, the Final Jeopardy! round has stumped many contestants. These are some of the Final Jeopardy questions that none of the contestants got right. See how many leave you guessing, “What is…hmm?”

15 Final “Jeopardy!” Questions That All Contestants Got Wrong

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, non-controversial argumentative essay topics.

Hello! I'm working on some college application essays and I'm trying to find non-controversial argumentative essay topics. What are some ideas that would be interesting and unique, but also not too divisive? Thanks in advance!

Hello! It's fantastic that you're trying to approach your college application essays with a focus on non-controversial argumentative topics. Here are some ideas that allow you to showcase your critical thinking, writing, and argumentative skills without being overly divisive.

1. Public Speaking: Should public speaking be a mandatory part of high school curricula? Argue for or against the importance of public speaking and its impact on students' personal and professional development.

2. Extracurricular Activities: Do extracurricular activities provide more essential life skills than classroom learning? Present your argument in favor or against the role and importance of extracurricular activities on students' growth and future success.

3. Community Service: Should community service be made a requirement for high school graduation? Develop your argument about the positives/negatives of embedded community service in education.

4. Education System Models: Compare and contrast different educational systems/models (e.g., Montessori, Waldorf, traditional) and argue which one is more effective in preparing students for the 21st century.

5. Blended Learning: Is blended learning (combining online and in-person instruction) the future of education? Examine the pros and cons and argue whether schools should fully adopt this style of teaching.

6. Gap Years: Should students be encouraged to take a gap year before starting college? Explore the advantages and disadvantages of taking a year off to gain real-world experience, clarity, and personal growth.

7. School Start Times: Should the school day start later to accommodate adolescents' sleep needs? Research the potential health and academic benefits of adjusting the start of the school day and present a case for or against this change.

8. Artificial Intelligence in Education: Analyze the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in education and argue how its implementation will impact students, teachers, and learning outcomes positively or negatively.

9. Nature vs. Nurture: Should the focus of education be more on nurturing individual talents or on developing a well-rounded student? Consider how this approach can affect student success and personal fulfillment.

10. Banning Books: Should certain controversial books be banned from the school curriculum? Take a stand on whether schools should have the authority to ban select books based on their content and the potential ramifications.

Remember to choose a topic that genuinely interests you, and think about how you can present your opinion in a unique, fresh, and compelling manner. Good luck with your essays!

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  4. 10 Lines on Importance Of Teacher for Students and Children in English

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  5. Importance of Teacher English essay writing

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  6. Life as a Teacher (500 Words)

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    Knowledge is the most important tool in the life of human beings. As we grow up, we tend to learn on our own, but initially, teachers play a vital role in helping students acquire knowledge. Teachers help in the overall development of children, teachers help students develop writing skills, oratory skills, and leadership skills. Teachers teach ...

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    An Importance of The Teacher In Our Life [Essay] Vinayak SP. 5/09/2023. For the success in education or in our business life, there is a TEACHER who creates an important ...

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    14: It's Hard to Be Optimistic. Most teachers don't feel good about the future of K-12 education. Eighty-two percent said the state of education in the U.S. has declined in the past five years ...

  30. Non-controversial argumentative essay topics?

    Thanks in advance! 4 hours ago. Hello! It's fantastic that you're trying to approach your college application essays with a focus on non-controversial argumentative topics. Here are some ideas that allow you to showcase your critical thinking, writing, and argumentative skills without being overly divisive. 1.