• What Are The Natural Resources Of Nepal?

The mountainous landscape of Nepal.

Officially known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, Nepal is a country that is located in South Asia. The landlocked country lies mostly in the Himalayas although parts of it also lie in the Indo-Gangetic Plain. The nation has an area of about 56,827 square miles, which makes it the 93 rd largest country in the world in terms of size. Regarding population, Nepal is the 48 th largest nation in the world with a population of around 26.4 million people. The country is bordered by China, India, and Bangladesh. The nation’s capital city is Kathmandu, which is also the largest city.

Unfortunately, Nepal is among the least developed states in the world due to lack of any significant resources as well as a poor transport network. Another fact that contributes to this low level of development is the landlocked nature of the country. For this reason, the country mostly relies on imports in a wide range of things such as fuel, consumer goods, construction materials, metals, and other things. The few resources in the country include precious minerals and metals (such as iron ore, copper, magnesite, and others), water resources for hydroelectric power, agricultural land, and forests.

Most of the terrain in the country, about 80%, is hilly. However, research into the country’s hilly terrain has shown that there are a few deposits of metallic, non–metallic minerals, fuel minerals, and decorative minerals. These minerals include the likes of gold, limestone, mica, iron ore, copper, and others. While there are suspected oil deposits in places such as Pyuthan, Nepalgunj, and Dailekh, there have been no confirmations on the matter. Natural gas deposits are suspected to be in places like Mustang, the Kathmandu Valley, and a few other districts.

Limestone is mined in places such as Surkhet, Hetauda, and Chovar and has always been used to produce cement in the country. Another mineral, magnesium, is mined in a number of places such as at the Kampughat mine. Despite the few mineral resources, the mine at Kampughat in the Sagarmatha Zone has deposits of about 20 million tons of ore, of which 30% is magnesium. These deposits make Nepal one of the leading global producers of magnesium.

A lack of modern technology and equally skilled labor means that the country has been unable to produce these minerals at maximum levels. Should the government make the proper investments, then the sector has the potential of creating new industries as well as create new employment opportunities. In addition, the government regulations are a discouraging factor to multinational companies wishing to invest in the sector.

Agricultural Land

Nepal is divided into three portions namely Terai, Hilly, and Himalayan. The majority of the population in Nepal is poor and still depends on farming agriculture for sustenance. Of the total area of Nepal, about 17% is suitable for agriculture, which is mostly in Terai and Hilly. Rocky land covers about 38% of the country, which is mostly in Himalayan. In addition, the area around Himalayan has mountains that are covered by snow, which further makes that section unsuitable for agriculture.

Of the two arable sections, Terai is more suitable for farming due to higher levels of fertility. For this reason, this area is sometimes known as the Green Belt of Nepal. Most of the agricultural products produced by the country come from the belt and are then exported to the other two sections of Nepal. The farmers there cultivate a number of plants including wheat, rice, oilseed, sugarcane, paddy, jute, tobacco, maize, coconuts, and many other plants. Hilly regions are also used for some agricultural activities such as the production of rice, wheat, potatoes, maize, paddy, and a few other things. After supplying the other regions, Nepal usually has little left for exportation although some products such as rice are exported to other countries.

Forest Cover

This natural resource covers a huge part (about 25.4%) of Nepal. The forest cover is classified into three types namely protected, production, and conserved forests. Forests serve several purposes such as the production of firewood as well as timber for industrial purposes. Industrial uses of trees include industries such as paper, timber, and furniture. Industries that deal with wood include the government-owned Timber Corporation of Nepal and a few others. Other people also depend on the forests to extract medicinal herbs. In addition to all of these benefits, the forest provides a habitat for animals and birds.

Revenue generation from the forests is realized in a number of ways. For example, Nepal exports its timber products to several countries although the main export destination is the nearby India. Tourism is also a source of revenue as visitors from all around the world go to Nepal for the scenery. In the hilly areas, forest cover has been helping in preventing the erosion of precious arable land. Unfortunately, deforestation is still a major problem, which is why temperatures are increasing while agricultural yields are going down.

Nepal is one of the richest countries in the world terms of water resources. In fact, only Brazil has more water. The fact that the country is leading in terms of water resources despite being landlocked shows just how much water it has. The water in Nepal comes from several sources including melting snow and mountains. Nepal has a number of major rivers including Karnali, Bhotekoshi, Koshi, Sunkoshi, Gandaki, and many more. Lakes in the country include Tilicho, Rara, and Phewa.

Primarily, water is used for a number of functions namely drinking and household use, irrigation projects, and generation of hydroelectricity. Interestingly, the abundance of these resources has done nothing to alleviate a water shortage in the capital city and other major settlements. In addition, the country’s maximum potential for the production of hydroelectricity has not been met. Estimates place the country’s potential for electricity production at a whopping 83,000 MW. Currently, the country can only produce a measly 600 MW. To improve the situation, Nepal is working on a number of projects including nine major power plants while considering another 27 sites for future exploration. In addition, the government has a number of projects such as the Melamchi water project to supply water to Kathmandu.

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Natural Resources of Nepal: Key to Development

Explore the natural resources of nepal, such as its mineral, forestry, and water resources. learn the importance of properly utilizing natural resources for the sustainable development of nepal..

Alisha Dahal

Natural resources are free gifts from nature, which include land, climates, forests, water, minerals, etc. Nepal is rich in natural resources. If Nepal could utilize the available natural resources properly, it would be developed within a short period of time. Most developed countries have got prosperity from the proper utilization of natural resources, and only the proper utilization of natural resources makes a country prosperous.

Water Resources:

essay natural resources of nepal

Among all the natural resources of Nepal, water resources are regarded as one of the most important. There are more than six thousand rivers, including major and minor, with a length of more than 4500 Km. There are a large number of lakes and springs as well. Koshi, Narayani, Gandaki, Rapti, Veri, Karnali, Mahakali, etc. are the major rivers of Nepal. Likewise, Rara, Phewa, Begnas, Tilicho, etc. are the major lakes. Nepal's regular sources of water resources are the Himalayan glaciers and rainfall. With regard to water resources, Nepal stands in the 43rd position in the world with approximately 210 cubic kilometers of total renewable internal freshwater resources. Water resources are also termed "white gold" for the Nepalese economy. If the available water resources are properly utilized, Nepal can easily be converted into a developed country.

Importance of water resources:

Development of agriculture.

The development of agriculture entirely depends upon the development of irrigation in Nepal. Nepalese agriculture still depends on monsoon rain. The development of irrigation and modernization of agriculture depend directly on water resources.

Development of transportation and communication

Energy generated from water resources can be used to run electric means of transport such as electric buses, cable cars, electric trains, ropeways, and other electric vehicles. Similarly, with proper water resource utilization, means of communication such as telephone, internet, fax, radio, TV, and so on can be developed.

Tourism development

Tourism in Nepal has a close relationship with natural setting. Since rivers, waterfalls, natural springs, lakes, etc. add the natural beauty of the country; it would help to develop tourism industry by providing different facilities like rafting, boating, and swimming and etc.

Basis of good health

Development of water resources helps to provide pure drinking water which leads to basis of healthy life. It helps not only to increase the productivity of labour but also to raise of living standard of people.

Employment opportunity

The development of water resources helps to create more employment opportunities. Since hydroelectricity helps to develop agriculture, tourism, etc. the economic activities in the country increases.

Uses of water resources:


One of the main uses of water resources is hydroelectricity production. The first hydroelectricity project is the Pharping hydroelectricity project, which was constructed in 1968 BS during the Rana rule. Hydroelectricity is accessible to 77 districts of the country, and 93% of the population has access to electricity.

Irrigation is another important use of water resources in Nepal. It is known as the lifeblood of agriculture. Without irrigation facilities, the development of agriculture is not possible, and without the development of agriculture, economic development is not possible in Nepal. One of the main reasons behind the slow development in the agriculture sector is the lack of adequate irrigation facilities. Of the country's total 2,641,000 hectares (18%) of arable land, the irrigation command area is only 1,766,000 hectares (67%). By 2020/21, the command area of irrigation facilities had reached 58.07% of total irrigable land. However, around the year, irrigation facilities are available on 33% of total irrigable land.

Drinking water

Drinking water is essential for human existence. Human life is impossible without drinking water. Although Nepal is rich in water resources, people here face an acute shortage of safe drinking water in both urban and rural areas. The supply of sufficient safe drinking water to all the people in the state creates a good environment for achieving prosperity in the economy. According to the census of 2068, 47.84% of people have access to pipeline drinking water and 35% use the sallow-tube well for drinking water. According to the economic survey 2020/21, 91% of people have access to basic drinking water services. However, only 23% of people have access to high or medium-level drinking water services. The fifteenth plan (2019/20-2023/24) has set the target of providing drinking water facilities to 99% of the total population.

Forest Resource:

essay natural resources of nepal

Forest resources are the other most important natural resources of Nepal. It stands in a significant position for economic development as well as to maintain the environmental balance of Nepal. Forest resources are the most important for the economic development of a nation as well as for the conservation of the natural environment. Nepal was very rich in forest resources in the past. It is evident from the old saying "Hariyo Ban Nepal Ko Dhan" (the green forest is the wealth of Nepal). Nowadays, the condition of Nepalese forest resources is not as good as it was in the past. In Nepal, forests have covered 5.962 million hectares of land and wooded land has covered 0.648 million hectares of land. Altogether, the total area covered by forest is 44.8% of the total land area. By province, Karnali province occupies the highest forest areas, and province No.2 occupies the lowest.

Importance of Forest Resources:

Source of energy.

Forest resources are the main source of energy in Nepal. Firewood is the cheapest source of energy that comes from the forest. According to the 2011 census, only firewood fulfils 64% of the total energy demand of Nepal in household use.

Source of raw material

The raw materials for different industries, such as paper, medicine, plastics, matches, and furniture, come from the forest. As a result, the development of such industries is heavily reliant on a consistent and sufficient supply of raw materials from the forest.

Sources of foreign currency

Various products such as timber, herbal products, industrial raw materials, and wooden handicrafts are collected as well as produced from the forest and can be supplied to neighboring countries to earn foreign currency.

Sources of water

Most of the water resources originate from green hills and mountains. Dense forests absorb rainwater, regulate it into the earth through their roots and help to preserve water at inner levels, and enrich the water table constantly.

Maintain environmental and ecological balance

Forests influence local and regional climates, preserve soil and in the case of watersheds, protect soil downstream from floods. Forest resource also provides internal greenery and natural beauty to us. It is very important to maintain an ecological balance between wildlife habitats and human beings.

Mineral Resource:

essay natural resources of nepal

It is very important to have natural resources for the economic development of a nation. Different types of minerals, such as gold, silver, copper, coal, gas, petroleum products, limestone, iron, etc., which are found in the womb of the earth are mineral resources. Mineral resources play an important role in the economic development of a nation. It is said that Nepal is rich in mineral resources. However, the extent to which commercial utilization of mineral resource deposits is possible is yet to be known. Nepal has many kinds of mineral deposits such as iron, copper, limestone, natural gas, coal, lead, magnetic, nickel, marble, and mica in different parts of the country. Mineral exploration in a scientific manner started in Nepal some 73 years ago. Some of the mineral resources have been used in industrial production, like cement, industrial lime, dead burnt magnetite, polished marble, etc.

Importance of mineral resources:

Employment opportunities.

Mineral industries require unskilled, skilled, and highly skilled manpower, which creates employment opportunities for all types of human resources.

Development of new industries

The development of new industries from cottage/micro industries to large-scale industries depends on mineral resources. Agriculture limes, zinc, and cement are the main industries of Nepal based on mineral resources.

Source of foreign currency

If Nepal extracts large quantities of minerals such as natural gas, diesel, petrol, kerosene, iron, copper, etc. it can save and earn a large amount of foreign currency.

Modern means of transport, such as air, road, and water, and means of communication, such as television, radio, computers, telephones, faxes, etc., are produced by the utilization of mineral resources. Hence, the development of transport and communication is highly dependent on the proper development of mineral resources.

Supply of construction material

Different development projects are in operation in different sectors of the economy. Development projects need a high amount of construction materials such as brick, cement, steel, copper, etc. which can be supplied cheaply and adequately if we develop the mineral resource properly.

Frequently Asked Questions  (FAQ)

What natural resources are important to nepal and why, what is the most prominent natural resource in nepal, what are the natural resources of nepal, how do water resources contribute to nepal's development, how do forest resources contribute to nepal's economy, what mineral resources are found in nepal, how do mineral resources contribute to employment opportunities in nepal.

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  • Forest resources of Nepal
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4 Major Natural Resources of Nepal

Natural resources refer to such type of resources that exist naturally in the earth without any human effort. They are like water, atmosphere, soil, sunlight, natural forest, and minerals. These natural resources are the main source of the human life exists in the Earth. But, in this article, we are going to discuss the natural resources of Nepal.

Nepal is a landlocked country in between two big giant countries, China to the north and India to the East, west, and south. It lies in South East Asia with an area of 147181 sqm. km.Let us discuss the natural resources of Nepal.

Major Natural Resources of Nepal

1. forest – major natural resources of nepal.

forests of Nepal photos pictures images classification types

Forest is one of the major natural resources of Nepal. About 25.4% of Nepal’s land is covered by forest. This figure is according to FAO in 2005. Nepal’s forest has been classified as protected, conserved and production forest. Forest is the main source of firewood in Nepal. Similarly, paper, furniture and timber industry are dependent on the forest. Many medicinal herbs are available in the forest. It is also the home of the different animals and birds. Forest, in fact, supports the whole life cycle of the environment.

forest map of Nepal

There are many forest conservation areas in Nepal which have been the home to many animals, birds, and vegetation. It has added beauty to our country since many tourists come to visit this lovely forest. Similarly, it has also been helpful in controlling the landslides and soil erosion in the Hilly and Terai areas of Nepal. But in some couple of years, deforestation rate is so high that we are losing our natural forest. This is the reason that the temperature of the major cities of Nepal has increased and it also leads to the natural calamities. We should protect our natural forest so that we can live a healthy life.


See also: Forest in Nepal

2. Soil/Land- Major Natural Resources of Nepal

terai region of Nepal

Nepal occupies only 0.1 percentage of the total land of the world. Its total area is 147,181 sq. Km. It is divided into three parts – Terai, Hilly, and Himalayan. The soil is one of the most important parts of Nepal as most of the Nepalese still are depended on agriculture and farming. Only 17% of total land is cultivable which is in Terai and Hilly while 38% of the land is rocky, Mountains and snow filled that is in Himalayan. So, people of Terai and Hilly are dependent upon agriculture.

Land cover map of Nepal using Lands

Terai land is more fertile. So, agriculture is more productive in Terai, It is also called the green belt of Nepal since most of the agricultural products are cultivated in Terai and exported to Hilly and Himalayas. They cultivate rice, wheat, jute, paddy, tobacco, sugarcane, oilseed, potatoes, coconut, maize etc. Similarly, in hilly areas, rice, paddy, potatoes, wheat, maize are grown. Himalayan areas are not good for agriculture, however, there are large medicinal herbs available in the Himalayan forest.

Various type of soil is available in Nepal. They are like alluvial soil, rocky soil, sandy soil, lacustrine soil and mountain soil.

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3. Water- Major Natural Resources of Nepal

water, lakes of Nepal

Water is one of the major natural resources of Nepal. In fact, it is the second richest country in water resources after Brazil. There are many sources of water, especially like mountains, glaciers, and snow. Since Nepal is a landlocked country, it has no any sources of water from sea or oceans. However, nature has provided abundance sources of water. There are many large rivers like Karnali, Seti, Koshi, Gandaki, Bhotekoshi, Sunkoshi and many small ponds, waterfalls and small streams. There are also many lakes like Rara, Phewa, Tilicho, Shey pho ks undo lakes which are also the sources of water.

Arun 3 Hydropower Project Nepal water resource

Water has been used especially in the generation of electricity, irrigation projects, drinking and household works. But still, the people of Nepal are not able to get adequate water resources. The capital city Kathmandu is still scarce of water and electricity. However, in the present days, there has been no lack of electricity but if the hydroelectricity projects are not completed in time, it is sure to face major load shedding in the coming days. The on-goingMelamchi project is also set to quench the thrust of people of Kathmandu soon. Hope, our government will properly utilize the water resources of our country.

See Also:  Drinking Water in Nepal

4. Minerals- Major Natural Resources of Nepal

Minerals of Nepal

More than 80% of the land in Nepal is Mountainous. It has been researched that there are various minerals resources like metallic, non-metallic, decorative stones, fuel metals in the mountainous region. Similarly, minerals like gold, mica, limestone, and iron ore, copper are found in various parts of Nepal. It is even researched that Nepal has petroleum resources at Nepalgunj, Pyuthan, Dailekh. Limestone found in Hetauda, Chovar, Surkhet has been used for the cement production by the major cement factories. Kathmandu valley, Mustang and few others districts of Nepal are supposed to be the major sources of natural gasses but they are not confirmed yet.

nepal mineral map

Due to the lack of well-skilled technology and the manpower, Nepal is not able to extract the minerals. If Nepal government gives priority to the mining industries, then there will establish a large number of mining industries in Nepal that can generate employment opportunities and the people of Nepal should not have to go abroad for works. Even the international companies are interested in establishing such industries but due to the lack of proper rules and regulations and uncertain government, they are not getting the good environment to invest.

don’t miss: Minerals and mines in Nepal

These are the major the natural resources of Nepal. Our country is rich in natural resources but we are not able to utilize it. We are the second richest country in water but we lack adequate drinking water. We lack the electricity as many rivers are flowing freely through which we can generate thousands of electricity. We have the natural vegetation but we lack the medicinal industries. We have many minerals resources but we have to export from next countries since we have no any mining industries. We have the most cultivable land in Terai but we have to export foods from India.

This is all due to the lack of proper utilization of our natural resources. Until we don’t utilize it, the economy of our country will not rise.

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Agriculture in Nepal: An Essay with Comprehensive Analysis

Essay on Agriculture in Nepal

Agriculture in Nepal: A Comprehensive Analysis

Agriculture is the backbone of Nepal’s economy, contributing to more than one-third of the country’s GDP and employing over 65% of the workforce. Nepal’s geographical and climatic diversity has provided a unique opportunity for agricultural production, with the potential to sustainably increase crop yields, livestock productivity, and export value. Despite these advantages, the sector faces several challenges, including limited access to modern inputs, poor infrastructure, and the impact of climate change. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of agriculture in Nepal and suggest ways to overcome these challenges.

Table of Contents

Natural Resources in Nepal, Essay on Agriculture in Nepal

Agricultural Production in Nepal

Nepal’s agriculture sector is divided into two main sub-sectors: crop production and livestock production. The crop production sub-sector includes cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, and spices, while the livestock sub-sector includes cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep, and poultry. The country’s agricultural production is highly dependent on monsoon rainfall, which accounts for more than 80% of total precipitation. This makes Nepal’s agricultural production highly vulnerable to climate change, with the potential for droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events.

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Despite these challenges, Nepal has made significant progress in agricultural production in recent years. The country’s cereal production has increased by 33% since 2000, while livestock productivity has also increased significantly. However, the sector still faces several challenges, including limited access to modern inputs, poor infrastructure, and low adoption of modern farming practices.

Essay on Agriculture in Nepal

Challenges Facing Agriculture in Nepal

One of the primary challenges facing agriculture in Nepal is limited access to modern inputs. Farmers in Nepal lack access to quality seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and other modern inputs, which hinders their productivity and limits their potential for growth. The government has attempted to address this issue by subsidizing inputs and promoting private sector investment in the sector, but progress has been slow.

Another challenge facing agriculture in Nepal is poor infrastructure. The country’s rural areas lack basic infrastructure such as roads, electricity, and irrigation, which hinders farmers’ access to markets and limits their productivity. The government has attempted to address this issue by investing in infrastructure development, but progress has been slow due to the country’s rugged terrain and limited resources.

Essay on Agriculture in Nepal

The impact of climate change is another challenge facing agriculture in Nepal. The country’s agriculture sector is highly vulnerable to extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and landslides. These events can cause significant damage to crops and livestock, leading to decreased yields and income for farmers. The government has attempted to address this issue by promoting climate-resilient farming practices, but progress has been slow due to limited resources and capacity.

Suggestions for Overcoming Challenges

To overcome the challenges facing agriculture in Nepal, several strategies can be adopted. Firstly, there needs to be an increased investment in agricultural research and development to promote the adoption of modern farming practices. This can include research into new crop varieties, improved irrigation systems, and better soil management practices.

Essay on Agriculture in Nepal

Secondly, there needs to be an increased investment in rural infrastructure development to improve farmers’ access to markets and increase their productivity. This can include the construction of rural roads, electrification, and irrigation systems.

Finally, there needs to be an increased focus on climate-resilient farming practices to mitigate the impact of climate change on the agriculture sector. This can include the promotion of drought-tolerant crops, improved soil management practices, and better water management practices.

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Agriculture is a vital sector for Nepal’s economy, providing employment to over 65% of the workforce and contributing to more than one-third of the country’s GDP. However, the sector faces several challenges, including limited access to modern inputs, poor infrastructure, and the impact of climate change. To overcome these challenges, there can be done to promote agricultural research and development, invest in rural infrastructure development, and promote climate-resilient farming practices. By addressing these challenges, Nepal’s agriculture sector can continue to grow and contribute to the country’s economic development .

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Essay on My Country Nepal | 700+ Words

Essay on My Country Nepal

Essay on My Country Nepal | Paragraph Writing 600+ Words

My country is the land of diversity and is very unique. My country Nepal lies in the Southern part of Asia. It is surrounded by two powerful countries India and China and is landlocked. It has an area of about 147,516 sq. kilometers. Although small, my country is diverse both in terms of geography and culture. It is like a beautiful garden with many people from different backgrounds. It is a country with a variety of castes and cultures.

Nepal’s flag is also the most unique to the world. Our country’s flag stands out among the rest due to its shape. The colors and symbols of our flag also represent the country’s peace-loving and friendly nature, bravery, and immortal history.

In my country Nepal, we can find places with altitudes ranging from as low as 70 meters to the highest peak in the world 8848 meters. It is divided into 3 regions Terai, Pahad, and Himal with the temperature of the place varying from hot to cold. Each region has its own specialty. Nepal’s Himalayan regions have high and mighty mountain ranges that are breathtaking to look at. Out of the world’s top 10 highest peaks, 8 of them fall in my country Nepal.

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The Hilly region is full of green hills and a very cool temperature to live in. It has many historical and religious places. Terai too is mostly a flat stretch of land with fertile soil. It is the granary of Nepal where most crops are grown. It is also an industrial region of our country.

The flora and fauna of my country are also very diverse. The difference in altitudes makes our country have various ecosystems. Foreigners from all over the world pay thousands of dollars just to see our country’s reach of flora and fauna, rivers, lakes, cliffs, waterfalls, snowcapped mountains, and many other beautiful landscapes. The natural beauty of my country Nepal is difficult to find in other places.

Our country also has sites of great religious and historical importance where thousands of pilgrims visit every year. Places like Pashupatinath, Muktinath, Lumbini, Swyambunath, etc are very popular. It is already a pride to have come from such a country.

Essay on My Country Nepal

Our country also ranks in the top 5 for water resources. For such a small country to have rich water resources it is a boon. If fully utilized we can provide electricity to other countries too. Important personalities like King Janak, Gautam Buddha, Arniko, Bhrikuti were also born in Nepal. They all carry historical and religious importance even up to date. Our country’s warriors and commanders are still known today for their bravery and courage. It is also the reason our country never has to celebrate independence day as we never were colonized.

Nepal is also blessed with people of different backgrounds and ethnicity. In the past, many people had migrated to Nepal and settled here and hence the diversity. My country Nepal is also secular and respects all religions equally despite the numbers. There are 126 castes in Nepal and behind them, every culture has its significance. Each culture has its unique festivals and traditions. People also celebrate each other’s festivals with great fun. Nepali people are known for their hospitality and friendliness too.

But even after nature blessing our country, we have not been able to fully utilize it. Problems such as corruption and political instability run deep in the country. Our natural resources are not being taken care of properly and our country is being poor day by day. People are rich but the country is poor. Poverty is also seen in our country. Lack of proper management of wastes has also polluted our water and slowly destroying our forests. This also means our plants and animals are slowly being extinct. Illegal hunting and farming of precious animals and plants are also ruining our ecosystem.

This is why to save our country from further danger and poverty proper management and a responsible leader are required. The citizens of our country should also feel responsible for the country and not only blame the leaders. Proper plans and policies should be required to protect our resources. Social evils such as discrimination should also be tackled. Conservative-minded people should be given awareness and strict punishments for corruption and other illegal acts should be given. Employment opportunities should also be created as many people are leaving the country for jobs abroad.

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essay on my country Nepal

Essay on My Country Nepal For Students

If there is a country’s flag that stands out among all other countries it is the flag of Nepal . Our flag is very unique and cannot be compared to other countries’ flags due to its shape. It also has a hidden meaning behind it which represents the country’s peace-loving and friendly nature, bravery, and immortal history.

My country Nepal is situated between two countries, India and China. Although it is sandwiched between international powers, conflicts have not happened between any, and peace remains. Nepal is a country of various castes and cultures. In other words, it is like a beautiful garden of flowers with people of different ethnicities and backgrounds.

My country Nepal is not only unique for its flag but also its geographical terrain, the variety of castes and cultures you can find, and the rich history of it. It is the land of various great places and important figures that people know far and wide. The temperature here spans from cool to hot and is a heaven for residing in.

There are about 126 castes in Nepal each with its own rich history and culture which makes Nepal a rich place for culture. Some dating back to the millenniums. Not only that, our country is very rich in its geographical terrain. From the lowest point of just 70 Meters from sea level to the world’s highest peak Mt. Everest (8848.86 meters) , we have temperature scales that vary from place to place. It is divided into three regions, Terai, Hilly, and Himalayas each according to their altitude and geographical differences.

Himalayan regions have high and mighty Himalayas that are breathtaking to look at. Out of the world’s top 10 highest peaks, 8 of them fall in my country. It is already a great pride to have come from such a country. The diverse flora and fauna, beautiful landscapes, lush and green jungles, historical and religious places in Nepal are enough to gather the attention of foreigners and locals too. People from all over the world pay thousands of dollars just to see our country’s snow-capped mountains, rivers, cliffs, waterfalls, other beautiful landscapes, the rich flora and fauna, and sites of great religious and historical importance. It just doesn’t end there.

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Our country ranks in the top 5 for the richest in water resources. With just a small country with an area of 1,47,181 sq kilometers, it has the potential to fuel hydropower worth 2% of the entire world. It may look small in number but taking our country’s small area in context, it is a potential incomparable to all. The Terai region holds fertile land and smooth flowing waters that are excellent for farming and cultivating.

Nepal is also known as an agricultural country where 60% of the people here follow agriculture as their work. Our country also has huge historical importance. Gautama Buddha the founder and preacher of Buddhism which is practiced worldwide was also born in Nepal. Buddhism is known to preach peace and non-violence and to love everyone. King Janak is also an important figure who holds great importance to communities in Nepal.

Other personalities include Bhrikuti, Araniko, etc. Our country is also known for its bravery. Our country never has to celebrate Independence day as we were never under the rule of any other. We stood and fought against the Britans and other Mongol countries. Brave Gorkhalis were united after a long struggle and fought their way to preserve their country. The courage and bravery of Nepali people are also know world wide. Many brave Gorkhalis went to fight under countries in world wars and won various colors and medals. This brought our country so much respect that we even enjoy it for granted to date.

Although our country’s history, culture, terrains, and achievements make anyone feel proud, the power struggle for the politicians, previous kings, and presidents have made the country weak and fall in the developing country category. Our rich natural resources have not been utilized and we have fallen way behind. Corruption is widely prevalent in our country and the loans we have taken from other countries are in a large number. The amount of food and other materialistic consumption has made Nepal import more and export less.

Our country is poor but the people here are rich. This is because of the corruption and the illegal working/trading that has been done. The government has not made significant progress and the people aren’t responsible. Although I feel proud to be A Nepali, the condition of my country makes me feel bad. People should feel responsible and carry out their duties and not just complain about the government.

The government too should implement proper policies and rules and enforce them accordingly. Utilization of our natural resources should be done in an effective way and social evils such as discrimination according to castes and genders, other superstitions should be slowly removed. Centralized development should stop and we should control the people moving out to other countries with their skills that are wasted abroad. This way we can slowly develop our country.

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28 thoughts on “ essay on my country nepal for students ”.

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Thank you so much sir for helpful essay.

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Thank you so much sir for helpful essay.Actually I was searching for essay on my country and luckily found ….

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

NATURAL RESOURCES IN NEPAL: Forest, Water, Soil and Minerals

  • Kaligandaki: 144MW
  • Marsyangdi: 75MW
  • Kulekhani I: 60MW
  • Bhote Koshi: 36MW
  • Khimti: 60MW
  • Kulekhani: 32MW
  • Copper: Buddha Khola (Bandipur), Gyari (Gorkha), Arghauli (Chisapani), Taplejung, Ilam, Baitadi, etc.
  • Iron: Ramechhap, Labdhi Khola, Pyuthan, Bhainse, Kulekhani, Bhutkhola, Phulchoki, Ghatkhola, etc.
  • Mica: Bhojpur, Chainpur, Lamjung, Dhankuta, Nuwakot, Sindhuligadhi, etc.
  • Limestone: Chovar (Kathmandu), Baise (Makawanpur), Udayapur.


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essay natural resources of nepal

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Thank you so much

unfartunatly, we are not geting chance to utilize it coz of bad habit of our leader

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Natural resources of nepal.

Essay about Natural Resources of Nepal

Your are Nepali con you fuck with me I ma also Nepal living in illam came and fuck together plz can you be my babe fucking patneer♥️♥️♥️

Oi khatey tero aama lai fuck gar

What the fuck is going on here 😂

Machikney Randi Ka baan haru teme haruko aama lai fuck gara muji Randi haru

Really a wonderful essay the conclusion of rhis essay is the super best

Please can you give me this essay in Nepali language.

Very good skill

Thank you Google for sharing all these things to us Nepali Kids of class 9

this help me in exam

Thanks for beautiful essay🥰 It will help in my exam🌹

very important essay in very simple and understandable language.

Minerals haru ko barema ni lekhdeko bhaye hunthyo ni it was more good if there was explainatiin about minerals

Thanks for the essay sharing with us it helps me to do a lot of homework thank you ☺☺

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