Teacher Resumes

create resume for teacher job online

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A  teacher resume  is a document that teachers use to highlight their skills and experience when applying for teaching jobs. It includes a teacher’s relevant education, certification, and work experience, as well as awards, accolades, or notable accomplishments. Some resumes may include a teaching philosophy, which can communicate a teachers’ attitude about education to potential employers. Despite slight variations between resumes, all templates highlight the teacher’s accomplishments and demonstrate their fitness for a job opening.

create resume for teacher job online

How to Write a Teacher Resume

Writing a teacher resume is much like creating a resume for any other job, such as an accountant, marketer, or engineer. The most crucial sections are the opening statement and experience, emphasizing the teacher’s work ethic and overall educator goals. Employers look for ambitious teachers who have a strong desire to impact the world through education.

Follow the steps below to create a resume highlighting your best achievements and teaching qualities.

Step One – Compile Information

Step two – choose a format, step three – draft and revise.

Include the most recent teaching positions, earned degree(s), and certifications. Consider how you can use this information to impress the person reading the resume. For example, if you had a 4.0 GPA, you might want to include those details, so the employer knows that you worked hard in college. Be sure to include each piece of information, even if it is a minor detail. Often, these points make your resume stand out from other candidates.

If an applicant has little-to-no teaching experience, consider including related work, such as tutoring, training, or coaching. Use precise wording that conveys what you did, learned, or achieved during that time. It may even be helpful to include anecdotes from students that you helped to show the employer that you make a difference in the lives of others through your work.

There are different ways to organize a teacher resume. A reverse-chronological format lists the most recent teaching jobs and completed degrees first, followed by the next most recent. This format is the standard and works well for teachers with several years of experience or if they’ve worked for a few different schools. A functional design spotlighting a teacher’s related skills and qualities may work best when beginning their career.

Using a template or an original design, draft the resume. While keeping a resume to one or two pages is recommended, do not fixate too much on the word count. However, if your resume becomes three or four pages, consider ways to format it to make it as short as possible. For example, changing the margins, using single spacing, and smaller text can adjust the length of the resume.

Once it’s finished, go over it again to ensure it is free of errors, typos, or inconsistencies. Use spell check or software that gives you the best suggestions to make your resume sound professional and concise. Furthermore, making sure that the information is clear and organized shows that you care about the application and have a deep interest in taking on the role.

Teacher Resume Samples

create resume for teacher job online

Types of Teacher Resumes

Because teaching jobs range from substitute teachers to university instructors, there are several types of teacher resumes. Each type frames information specifically for its corresponding teaching job.

  • Pre-K and Kindergarten
  • Elementary and Middle School
  • High School


Teaching assistant.

Teaching assistants (sometimes called paraprofessionals) work alongside a teacher in a classroom, often in elementary school or special education settings. This type of resume highlights the teaching assistant’s role by providing information about their impact on classroom management and learning outcomes. For instance, a teaching assistant’s resume may include specific interventions they used. It also allows teachers to highlight their proudest accomplishments, such as leading a reading group where the children jumped two reading levels in one year.

Because a substitute teacher’s job is versatile and flexible by nature, the substitute teacher resume is no different. This resume highlights the variety in work and communicates effective strategies the substitute uses on the job. A substitute might write on their resume that they “increased student participation to 100%” during a long-term contract.” 

Pre-K and Kindergarten 

This resume emphasizes a teacher’s knowledge and skills in early child development and classroom management. Providing snapshots of a teacher’s skills and accomplishments, such as “adept at positive reinforcement strategies”  or  “prepared in-depth progress notes for 25 students each quarter,”  appeals to principals or other hiring personnel.

Elementary and Middle School 

On this type of resume, elementary and middle school teachers spotlight their achievements in teaching and classroom management strategies and work outside of the classroom. For instance, this type of resume might include the number of field trips the teacher planned and directed, the growth percentage in math scores, or technology implementation into lessons and projects.

High School 

Due to the increased rigor of the high school curriculum, this resume shines best when it presents teacher impact, student outcomes, and specialized experience. A high school teacher’s resume may include “designed and developed original curriculum map for Honors Chemistry” or  “Increased participation and retention in a zero-hour academic lab.” More than a listing of daily tasks, this resume catches an employer’s eye when demonstrating a teacher’s effect.

In higher education, teacher resumes may take the form of a CV (curriculum vitae). This document is typically longer than the standard one-page resume. It details courses taught, publications, presentations, research studies, and other work in academia.

Teacher Resume Templates

create resume for teacher job online

How to Make a Teacher Resume Stand Out

There are various skills, responsibilities, and outcomes in a teacher’s day-to-day and throughout their career. Organizing this information clearly and effectively can help it stand out and win interview opportunities.

Create a Strong Opening Statement

Add unique skills, include specialties.

Typically, resumes start with an opening statement explaining an applicant’s career objectives. This section can include teaching philosophy, specializations, and other career highlights. An effective statement captures the teacher’s strengths and demonstrates their fitness for the job.

For example, a strong opening statement can read: “Passionate STEM teacher with 5+ years experience in project-based learning, flipped classrooms, and 1:1 technology integration. Responsible for 30% growth in math test scores and rated Highly Accomplished in evaluations.” 

Most people – especially principals or other hiring personnel – know what a teacher does daily. Instead of putting tasks, such as “graded weekly math tests” or “planned and delivered lessons to 80 students per day,” articulate the teacher’s skills’ impact, outcome, or effect. Here are some examples:

  • Averaged over 85% pass rate for the AP English Literature exam in all four years.
  • Implemented a school-wide social-emotional learning curriculum that reduced the number of in-school suspensions by 40%.
  • Coached the Speech and Debate team to win their first State Championship.
  • Won Teacher of the Year in 2014.

Some teachers may have specialties, such as national board certification, membership in professional teaching associations, unique work experience (such as Teach for America or teaching abroad). Some teachers find additional responsibilities, such as mentoring student teachers, coordinating after-school programs, or delivering professional development.

All of these specializations can make an applicant stand out. They tell a principal that the teacher is well-rounded, has developed expertise, and can offer more than the typical daily teaching duties.

Here are some examples of how to write specialties on a teacher resume:

  • Scored Highly Effective in student-teacher evaluation by a teacher mentor
  • Taught English to students in Taiwan and raised language proficiency by 30%
  • Presented about digital literacy at state and national conferences
  • National Board Certified in Music Education

Teacher Resume Examples

create resume for teacher job online

Key Takeaways

When writing a teacher resume, present the outcome and impact of a teacher’s work, rather than merely listing tasks. Principals want to see how well a teacher will fit into their school’s culture, meet the needs of their student body, and influence potential colleagues. A principal can discern all of these from a strong resume that includes a teaching philosophy or career objective, describes qualifications, and articulates results.

Teacher Resume Example for 2024 [w/ Free Template]

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You’re a teacher. You teach and inspire the next generation.

You help children to learn.

But when it comes to writing your own resume , you need advice from someone else.

What does a good teacher resume look like, anyway?

In such a competitive industry, you can’t leave any questions answered. 

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

  • A job-winning teacher resume example
  • How to create a teaching resume that hiring managers love
  • Specific tips and tricks for the teaching job industry

Here’s a teacher resume example, built with our own resume builder :

teacher resume sample

Follow the steps below to create a teacher resume of your own.

How to Format a Teacher Resume

Before you can educate the recruiter on your skills and experiences, you need to choose the most suitable resume format for teaching.

You see, even the best applicant needs a resume format that is easy to read and follow. 

With “ reverse-chronological ” being the most common resume format , we recommend this format for teachers. It highlights your most recent work experience first, and then works back through your history and skills.

reverse chronological format teacher

You could also try the two following formats:

  • Functional Resume - This format focuses on your skills, which makes it the best format for teachers that are highly-skilled, but have little in the way of classroom experience. 
  • Combination Resume - This format mixes both “Functional” and “Reverse-Chronological” formats, which means it focuses on both your teaching skills AND teaching experience. 

Stick to a one-page teacher resume. This shows that you’re able to information brief and precise. Feel free to check out our one-page resume templates for inspiration.

Use a Teacher Resume Template

As a teacher, you will likely work with Microsoft Word on a daily basis. 

However, this is not one of those times.

The program is best avoided if you want to avoid formatting issues. 

Use a teacher resume template for a resume that stays structurally strong. Any of the following templates can be easily tailored for a teacher application.

What to Include in a Teacher Resume

The main sections in a teacher resume are:

  • Contact Information
  • Work Experience/Teaching Experience

For a teacher resume that stands out from other applications, add these optional sections:

  • Awards & Certification
  • Volunteer Experience

Interests & Hobbies

Keep reading to find out how to ace each of the above sections.

For an in-depth rundown on which sections to use, check out our guide on What to Put on a Resume .

How to Write Your Contact Information Section

When grading papers, you know that every word or digit matters. This is also true with your contact information section. Any mistakes made in your phone number or email can render your whole application useless. 

For your contact information section, include:

  • Title – Align this to the job title , which is “Teacher”
  • Phone Number – Ensure there are zero errors
  • Email Address – Make sure to use a professional email address ([email protected]), and not your 6th grade email address ([email protected])
  • Location – Applying for a job abroad? Mention your location
  • Optional - relevant social media profiles.
  • Rose Hunt - English Teacher. 101-358-6095. [email protected]
  • Rose Hunt - English Language Guru. 101-358-6095. [email protected]

job search masterclass novoresume

How to Write a Teacher Resume Summary or Objective

Here’s a question for the class:

How long do you think recruiters spend reading through the average resume?

If you said less than a minute, you would be correct.

This means your resume needs to really impress within this short timeframe. 

The nest question is, what can you do to make the most important easy to see and consume?

Simple: use a resume summary or objective .

These are punchy paragraphs that go on top of your resume, just under the contact section. 

The main difference between the two sections is that:

A resume summary is a short summary of your teaching experiences and achievements. It is the best option for teachers who have taught for multiple years.

  • Passionate English Teacher with a focus on American literature seeks a permanent position at XYZ School. Highlights from five years of teaching experience include improving college admission success rate by 40% at ABC High School. Excited about leveraging 5000 hours of teaching experience to give an inspiring classroom experience for your students.

On the other hand, the resume objective focuses on your professional goals and aspirations. It is ideal for entry-level teaching candidates or individuals who are seeking a change in their professional career. 

  • Motivated English Literature graduate seeking the role of English teacher at ABC High School. Experience includes supervising classes at XYZ Middle School for 60 days over a 3 month period. Skills include classroom management, grading to strict time restraints, and utilizing whiteboard technology. 

So, which one is best for you? 

Well, a summary is suited for teachers who have a lot of classroom experience, whereas an objective is suited for those who are new to the world of teaching (student, graduate, or switching careers).

How to Make Your Teaching Work Experience Stand Out

The best way to prove your worth as a teacher is with your previous work experience .

Sure, the recruiter will want to see that you have lots of subject knowledge, but nothing builds confidence more than your professional experience.

Follow this layout in your experience section:

  • Position name
  • Company Name
  • Responsibilities & Achievements

Elementary School Teacher

Hinchley Wood School

04/2017 - 01/2021

  • Kept pass rates above 80% from 2017-2020
  • Improved attendance by 12% in the first school year
  • Graded classroom papers for 12 classes of 30+ pupils

As you may notice, the above example focuses on the candidate’s best achievements.

So, instead of saying:

“Taught children for three years”

“Kept pass rates above 80% from 2017-2020”

The second statement goes into specific details that show you’re a great teacher.

Use the job description to help you. Look to see if there is anything in the job description that matches your work history. If there is, include it in this section.

What if You Don’t Have Work Experience?

Maybe you’re a graduate who hasn’t worked before?

Or maybe you want a career change?

Whatever your situation, there are options. 

The main option is to use a portfolio. 

Here are several ways to build a teaching portfolio (and get paid for it):

  • Use a freelance platform (e.g.: UpWork ) to pick up some private tutoring gigs
  • Use social media to offer your teaching services to friends & acquaintances 

For the students reading this, you’ll enjoy our guide on how to make a student resume !

Use Action Words to Make Your Teaching Resume POP!

Look through a pile of teacher resumes, and you will see these words repeated again and again. 

Do you want your resume to look like all the rest?

Of course not! 

This is why we recommend using some of these power words instead:

  • Conceptualized
  • Spearheaded

How to List Your Education Correctly

The next section in any good teacher resume is the education section.

Now, there’s a few different paths you can follow to become a professional teacher. 

All you need to do in this section is describe your educational path to date. 

  • Degree Type & Major
  • University Name
  • Years Studied
  • GPA, Honours, Courses, and other relevant achievements 

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

Boston State University

2015 - 2018

Relevant Courses: Foundations of Education, Early Childhood Development, Physical Sciences, Computer Literacy, Classroom Engagement & Development

Right, let’s answer some of the most frequently asked questions:

What if I’m still studying?

  • Whether or not you’ve passed all of your teaching exams, you should always mention every year that you have studied to date.

Should I include my high school qualifications?

  • Only include your highest form of qualification. If that’s a qualification from high school , then go for it.

What comes first, education or experience?

  • If you’re an experienced teacher, your work experience should come before your education.

If you still have questions, you can check out our guide on how to list education on a resume .

Top 10 Skills for a Teacher Resume

Every great teacher has a certain set of skills.

It’s these skills that the recruiter wants to see when short-listing applicants.

You may be the best teacher in the world, but it’s vital to make your skills clear to see on your resume. 

It will depend on the specialist subject, but a teacher should have some of the following skills:

Hard Skills for Teachers:

  • Computer Skills
  • Literacy skills
  • Disciplinary action

Soft Skills for Teachers:

  • Classroom management
  • Time management
  • Organization

Want the most comprehensive list? Here’s a mega-list of 100+ must-have skills .

Other Resume Sections You Can Include

If graded, your resume should now be able to pass the test…

But what if the other applicants have scored top marks?

Add additional sections for an A+ resume that can’t be beaten.

When competing against an experienced field, the following sections may be the deciding factor… 

Awards & Certifications

Do you hold Coursera certifications?

Were you awarded during your studies?

Whatever the recognition, awards and certifications make the difference.

Awards & Certificates Examples

  • Learning How to Learn – Coursera Certificate
  • Motivating Gen Z Learners – Coursera Certificate
  • Educating Deaf Children – Teaching Lab

Now, you may not be teaching Spanish, but it can be good to know another language.

Whether or not the teaching job requires you to speak a second language or not, it is still an impressive skill that you may want to include on your resume. 

Order the languages by proficiency:

  • Intermediate

Now, you may be wondering, “why is my weekly book club worth mentioning when applying for teaching jobs?”

Well, because it says more about who you as a person.

It shows that you have a life outside of teaching. 

You’re someone who the other teachers could relate to.

If you want some ideas of hobbies & interests to put on your resume, we have a guide for that!

Match Your Cover Letter with Your Resume

Oh no, more writing!?

We feel your pain, but it’s for great reason.

Cover letters still play a vital role in the application process.

This guide has taught you how to build the best teacher resume possible, but even that may not be enough to secure your dream position.

By not writing a cover letter, you are simply missing out on an opportunity to communicate with more depth and personality. 

Even better, the recruiter will know that you want this position at this school .

Just like with the resume, the cover letter needs to be structured correctly. Here’s how to do that:

cover letter structure teacher

And here’s what goes in each section:

Contact Details

Your personal contact information, including full name, profession, email, phone number, and location

Hiring Manager’s Contact Information

Full name, position, location, email

Opening Paragraph

It’s important to hook the recruiter with a powerful introduction. With this in mind, mention:

  • The specific teaching position you’re applying for
  • Your experience summary and top achievements

With the recruiter wanting to know more, you can go through the rest of your work history and personal background. You may want to delve into:

  • Why you want to work at this specific school
  • Anything you know about the school’s culture
  • What are your top skills and how are they relevant for the job
  • If you’ve worked in similar industries or positions before

Closing Paragraph

This is where you:

  • Wrap up any points you missed in the body paragraph
  • Thank the recruiter for their time
  • End with a call to action. Something like, “I’d love to further discuss how my experience as an X can help the school with Y”

Formal Salutations

To keep everything professional, use formal closing, such as “Best regards” or “Sincerely.”

Creating a cover letter is a craft. But don’t worry, you can call on our how to write a cover letter for guidance.

Key Takeaways


There goes the bell to end today’s lesson.

We hope that the advice in this guide was taken onboard. If so, you’re now in the perfect position to create a job-winning teacher resume. 

Before you go, let’s quickly summarize what we have learnt:

  • Select the correct format for your teacher resume. Use a reverse-chronological format, and follow the best layout practices to keep everything clear and concise.
  • Use a summary or objective to capture attention to your resume
  • Focus on your achievements, rather than your responsibilities.
  • Match your teacher resume with a cover letter that follows the best practises 

Suggested Reading:

  • How to Answer “What Is Your Greatest Strength” [4 Samples]
  • CV vs Resume - What is the Difference? [+Examples]
  • How to Write a Cover Letter - Full Guide

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Free Teacher Resume Template and Tips, Plus 21 Teacher Resume Examples

Make a great first impression!

Free teacher resume template lying on a desk

Whether you’re searching for your first teaching job or you’re ready for a change, you’ll need a solid resume. There’s a lot of conflicting advice out there on how to write a resume that will land you an interview, so it’s worth taking some time to review teacher resume examples first. We’ve rounded up examples for pretty much any kind of educator and assembled tips for how to write a strong modern teacher resume.

Best of all, we’ve got a free, fully customizable teacher resume template to get you started quickly and easily. Fill out the form on this page to grab your template, then use our tips to start building your resume today.

Teacher Resume Tips

Teacher resume examples.

Resumes have changed a lot in recent years, so do your research to find out what the latest trends are. For instance, while an “objectives” section used to be a resume standard, people often drop this section today in favor of more space to highlight their accomplishments. Start with these general resume tips, then get more advice for completing our free teacher resume template, section by section.

General Tips

  • Keep it to one or two pages. Hiring managers don’t have time to read overly long resumes. Put the most important information up front, and remove anything that doesn’t truly strengthen your application.
  • Be honest. While you want to highlight your strengths and achievements, don’t go overboard. If you exaggerate your experience but are unable to perform certain tasks, you may put your future job at risk before you even get started.
  • Skip the gimmicks. Some people will tell you the way to make your resume stand out is to use fun fonts or a “creative” design. The fact is, people who are hiring want an easy-to-read, clear presentation that highlights your achievements and credentials. That’s what will land you an interview.
  • Tailor your resume. Keep a standard resume document that you can customize for the specific job you’re applying for. That might mean moving sections around, highlighting specific skills or experiences, or deciding which parts of your career deserve to be placed up front. Take a close look at the job description, and tailor your resume accordingly.
  • Don’t try to circumvent the system. Years ago, people would tell you to ignore requests to send your resume and instead show up in person. Our advice: Don’t do it! Application systems are nearly all online these days, and for good reason. This helps hiring committees by organizing information efficiently and ensuring they meet all anti-discrimination laws. So just send your resume and application using the method requested.
  • Don’t forget a cover letter. A great cover letter really can help your resume stand out. Learn how to make your teacher cover letter special here.

Contact Information

On today’s resumes, your mailing address is optional. In fact, if you’re looking for a job outside of your current geographical area, it can sometimes be helpful to leave it off. This way, employers won’t worry about whether you’re willing to relocate for the job.

Email addresses are not optional. This is the way most schools will contact you today, so be sure to provide yours. You might want to take a look at your address to make sure it sounds relatively professional too. Ideally, it simply contains a version of your name (e.g., “[email protected]”); don’t forget you can grab a free email address from sites like Gmail if you need to. But other addresses are fine too, as long as there’s nothing questionable. “[email protected]” is fine. “[email protected]” is not.

Professional Objective/Summary

As mentioned earlier, resume objectives are used less and less today. Recent college grads or those transitioning to teaching careers might still decide to include a professional objective statement. Those with more experience have replaced objectives with a summary statement that provides an overview of their career. It’s also OK to delete this section altogether if you’d like more space in the Relevant Work Experience section.

Education and Certifications

Include your undergraduate and graduate degrees, as well as any certifications or licensures you hold. Note: It’s up to you whether you include your graduation date. Some people worry it can open them up to age discrimination. You’ll likely be asked for this information if you continue in the hiring process, so they can verify your degrees.

Related Experience

This is the real meat of your teacher resume. You can list jobs chronologically starting with the most recent, or choose to place your most relevant experience first. Either way, include your employer’s name, dates of employment, and the position/s you held. Then, highlight your experience and achievements. Strive to make your statements measurable and quantifiable rather than just a listing of your job duties.

Weak statements:

  • Taught fifth grade science and math
  • Prepared students for standardized math tests
  • Oversaw annual school science fair

Strong statements:

  • Instructed 100+ students each year in fifth grade science fundamentals, including human anatomy, electricity and magnetism, and earth and space science
  • Improved standardized testing math scores by an average of 8% over a period of five years
  • Organized seven annual school science fairs by coordinating 200+ participants, finding qualified judges, and arranging for prizes donated by the community

New college grad? You should definitely include your student teaching or internship experience in this section!

Additional Experience

You can use this section to include jobs you’ve held that aren’t quite as relevant to the one you’re applying for. If you’re new to the working world, it’s OK to include non-teaching jobs here. For those with longer careers, it’s probably not necessary to list every job you’ve ever had. Just highlight any experience that helps support your application or fills any employment gaps.

Professional Honors and Leadership

If you’ve received awards or honors related to teaching, share them here. The same goes for any leadership roles you’ve held in educational professional orgs.

Professional Affiliations

If space allows, you might want to include a short list of respected professional organizations you belong to. You should definitely include them if you play a very active role, have been invited to speak as an education expert at a conference, etc. Otherwise, this section is optional.

Other Teacher Resume Sections

Here are some sections you might consider adding if you have space, and a few to skip altogether.

  • Professional skills: Don’t include this section if your skills are simply those expected of any teacher. But if you’ve built up any unusual and relevant teaching skills through experience or professional development, you could include them here. (Fluency in multiple languages, for example.)
  • Community involvement or volunteer work: If you’ve been heavily involved in community organizations that work with children or education, consider highlighting those achievements on your resume.
  • Publications: Have you published articles in an educational or professional journal, or had your work featured on a trusted, well-known website? Include any relevant articles and links.

Here’s what you don’t need on your resume:

  • Hobbies or “unique” unrelated skills (like “juggling” or “Cordon Bleu chef”).
  • Any information about religious or political affiliations, or your marital status, gender, race, or age. These could lead to potential bias or discrimination in the hiring process.
  • References: Most people leave this section off their resume these days, as job applications or hiring committees will ask you for them separately. Line up your references and gather their contact information, but hang onto them until you’re asked to provide the info. You don’t even need to put “References available upon request,” since hiring managers already assume that.

As you complete your teacher resume template, use these examples for ideas about what to include and how to word it.

1. First-time teacher

This is a great resume for teachers with little to no experience.

2. Another first-time teacher example

Here’s one more example of a great teacher resume for those with limited experience.

3. Experienced elementary teacher

This one allows you to showcase your skills in a compact, visually appealing design.

4. Another experienced elementary teacher

This is one of those teacher resume examples that work best for those with some experience but who are still early in their career. (Note: Click the link above and scroll down to find it.)

5. Summer school teacher

Use this resume to highlight the unique skills of summer school teachers who work with students who are either repeating a course or trying to get ahead for the following school year.

6. Assistant teacher

Applying for an assistant teacher job will be much easier using one of the five fantastic teacher resume examples through this resource.

7. Special education teacher

As a special educator, your responsibilities may change from minute to minute and your skills need to adapt. This template helps you simplify your experience in a one-page resume.

8. School counselor

This resume will help you showcase your excellent mentoring, counseling, and leadership skills.

9. School guidance counselor

As a guidance counselor, your role is to guide students through academic development as well as personal growth. Use this template to show you how to highlight your unique talents.

10. Library media specialist

Showcase your ability to collect and maintain the valuable resources needed to foster a strong learning environment for students.

11. High school English teacher

Use this guide to create a great English teacher resume that will highlight your communication, interpersonal, and planning skills to edge out the competition.

12. Technology teacher

Emphasize your commitment to the ongoing professional development necessary to continue integrating the latest technology into the existing curriculum, and coming up with new lesson plans for today’s classrooms.

13. Music teacher

Share and showcase your love of introducing music to students with this straightforward teacher resume.

14. Drama teacher

This resume example is simple but perfect for drama teachers who want to emphasize their experience as well as their knowledge of acting techniques and production.

15. World language teacher

Establish yourself as the ideal candidate by demonstrating teaching skills, language proficiency, communication, and organizational skills.

16. Sports coach

As a coach, this template will help you demonstrate your ability to manage teams and sports programs as well as encourage academic performance.

17. ESL teacher

This teacher resume example allows you to highlight your classroom management skills, as well as your commitment to empathy, patience, and cultural awareness. (Note: Click the link above and scroll down to find it.)

18. Math teacher

This clean resume template showcases a math teacher’s ability to break down complex math concepts through patient, meaningful engagement with students.

19. Pre-K teacher

It takes a special person to be a great pre-K teacher. Working with young children while creating lesson and activity plans, monitoring progress, and providing quality supervision takes patience and kindness.

20. Business teacher

Put your best foot forward with this business teacher resume that emphasizes teaching methods and a commitment to ongoing professional development.

21. International school teacher

Use this resume to let hiring managers know that you’re not only motivated to help students learn but uniquely qualified. Be sure to highlight any experience living or traveling abroad as well as foreign language skills.

Get Your Free Teacher Resume Template

Just fill out the form on this landing page for instant access to a free Google Doc featuring a fully customizable teacher resume template.

Plus, check out tips for teacher job fairs and the most common teacher interview questions.

Want more articles like this be sure to subscribe to our newsletters , you might also like.

Teacher Cover Letter Examples

25 Teacher Cover Letters Examples To Help You Get Hired

Your guide to a killer cover letter that will get you that interview. Continue Reading

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Professional Teacher Resume Builder

Make your teaching resume for free. TeAch-nology.com offers teachers a simple resume generator. The resume is formatted specifically for the teaching profession.

Complete the sections below. Be sure to save all your work to a specified file that you will create. For Sections 2 and 3, you may want to insert bullets and use any formats that will help create a polished, professional look to your document. Be specific and clear.



How to Make a Resume for Teachers

Are you looking forward to applying for a new teaching job? Then it would help if you had a wonderfully designed and detailed resume prepared forehand to land your desired job successfully.

A resume is your first impression in front of your potential employers; hence it must reflect your personality. To do so, you better get to the task of accumulating all the necessary information and compiling it in an organized manner in the form of a resume.

Making a Resume as a Teacher

To make a resume, you can refer to a free sample resume for teachers online. Or you can follow the tips below to get started.

Choose a Format and Design

A teacher is always considered a creative individual though some might view themselves as more formal and technical. Let your resume's design speak for your personality. There are numerous free templates online you can choose from instead of trying your luck at graphic design.

You can follow the same templates or look for some online samples for a proper format. A general rule of thumb is your education and credentials are placed first, followed by your experience. The rest of the information can fit into a box on top or side, depending on your resume's design.

Provide Basic Information

Your basic information includes your official name, contact details (email and number), and mailing address. If you have a website or other influential online presence that could help you stand out, mention that too.

Mention Your Educational Background

Your resume must have all the basic information regarding your education. This information includes the institutes you were enrolled in, the courses you took, the years in which you took those courses, and the duration.

You must mention all the necessary details with precision as space is a huge factor in making or breaking your resume; nobody wants to read a 150-word essay when bullet points communicate the same information much more effectively.

Talk About Your Teaching Experience

Do you have prior teaching experience? Mention all the necessary details precisely under this heading. If you don't have any teaching experience, you can then mention any tutoring service you may have given in the past or some voluntary experience you might have regarding teaching. You can also include internships that helped you develop your teaching skills.

Subtly Boast About Your Accomplishments

As a teacher, you may have had numerous mundane tasks and duties. Fun fact, every teacher has them. Your resume must showcase how you stand out from the cluster of resumes your potential employer has received. Hence, instead of listing duties, mention your accomplishments as a teacher.

Did one of your students massively improve their grade with your assistance? Or perhaps you helped your students win a competition? Some teachers are also regarded at schools for their unique skill sets in a particular subject or area; mention those if you have any. Remember to use numerical data for your claims to increase credibility.

Create Your Teacher Skills List

You might usually downplay your skills as a teacher, especially when someone asks. However, you must vividly list important skills you've acquired during your teacher experience to show what skills you're good at picking up fast.

Teacher Skills List

Here are a few skills you can mention in your resume under a similar heading:

- Conflict Resolution - Leadership - Behavior Management - Resource Management - Time Management - Teamwork - Pedagogical Skills - Critical Thinking and Problem Solving - Computer Literacy

And there you have it: a comprehensive guide for making an effective resume that would land you your desired job in no time. Use a free sample resume for teachers online as a reference if needed, but don't forget to subtly add a touch of your creative personality across the resume. Your resume should speak 'you.' Best of luck!

create resume for teacher job online

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create resume for teacher job online

How to Make a Stand-Out Online Teacher Resume (+ Sample!)

Krzl light nuñes.

  • September 9, 2022

online teacher resume

Whether you want to get your feet wet in online English teaching or are ready to press the “apply” button on that virtual ESL job ad, you will surely be asked for your online teacher resume. But you may wonder, is it important to have a resume specific to teaching English online ? Definitely! But don’t worry, it’s not difficult to make one, especially if you give the resume you already have a little revamp. Here’s how you can make your professional profile dazzle, plus a sample resume for inspiration.

How is a resume for an online teaching job different?

Your technology-related skills are taken into consideration.

Are you tech-savvy? As an online English tutor, you’ll teach in a virtual classroom, so your knowledge of digital tools and communication platforms like Zoom or Skype will carry a lot of weight. This is also true for other programs used for online teaching, including presentation tools like Microsoft PowerPoint and class management tools like ClassDojo or Google Classroom.

Do you need to learn tech skills like these? Learn your way around these popular platforms and much more with Specialized Certification in Teaching English Online .

The equipment you have counts

Having quality equipment is very important in online classes, so you should mention the basic specifications of your computer (make/model/operating system/processor speed/etc.) and other relevant equipment you may have, such as a webcam and working headset.

Krzl, online English teacher, at work

Your internet speed and connection are also important for teaching English online . Make sure that you have a stable Wi-Fi connection, or better yet, get wired! Some jobs may require you to include the type of connection and internet speed you have on your resume, but even if they don’t, it’s a good idea to list these things. If you’re not sure how fast your internet is, you can do a speed test through this site .

You may have to include a video introduction

It’s not uncommon for online English teaching companies to require applicants to provide a link to a video introduction for teaching online on their TEFL resume . This is one notable difference between applying for online English teaching jobs and classroom-based ESL work. If you already have a professional video uploaded to the web (such as on YouTube), include the link on your resume.

What if I have no teaching experience?

If you’re new to teaching, don’t worry! Some ESL companies don’t require prior teaching experience . Always include your other work experience, internships, projects, and even volunteer ESL work on your resume; any role related to teaching and helping others can be relevant, even if it wasn’t in a formal classroom setting.

Maybe you gained valuable skills working with kids when you tutored your neighbors’ son, coached a soccer team, or did babysitting work. Or, a past writing gig for a magazine could prove you have English language mastery, while the non-profit organization you started reveals that you have great leadership skills. Regardless if they are paid or not, these experiences can show that you have certain crucial skills required of online ESL teachers.

Learn ways your non-teaching experience can transfer to teaching English online.

Good resume writing essentials

Your resume’s overall goal.

Yes, your resume highlights what you’ve done in your professional life, but it also provides a snapshot of what you can offer to the employer and why you stand out among dozens of other online English teachers. This snapshot should be presented in a way that is both compelling and easy to read because hiring managers only have so much time to take in all the details on a resume.

Additionally, your online teacher resume strives to show that your profile, experience, and achievements match or at least share some characteristics with the prospective job. Plus, you can also use the information from your resume if you create a teacher profile to market your tutoring services via an online teacher marketplace . Simply copy and paste the information right off your resume to save time!

Formatting basics

In general, your online TEFL resume should look clean and crisp.

  • If you’ve earned digital badges for your Bridge TEFL/TESOL courses , include them toward the top of your resume to grab the attention of the hiring manager.
  • Use fonts that are easy to read. The most common font used in resumes is Times New Roman, but Arial, Calibri, and Verdana are also clean and sleek.
  • Stick to no more than two font styles.
  • Use black for text and white for the background color. You could also use one other color for accent, but try to use around two colors max.
  • Emphasize headings or subheadings by using bold or italics, but with consistency. For instance, heading titles could be bolded and job titles could be italicized.
  • Steer clear of ALL CAPS, except for section titles like “WORK EXPERIENCE.”
  • Divide the sections using white space so that they look neat and can be easily distinguished.

General tips:

  • The highlights of your profile should be easily scannable. For this, keep job titles clear and brief, changing your official job title if necessary. For instance, the job title “English Language Teacher – Adults” is much clearer than “Adult Education Language Acquisition Specialist: Level 1.”
  • Avoid abbreviations. Not everyone can easily understand what it means if you have an A.Ed. or have passed the ACTDEC.
  • Jargon and flowery language are best avoided. Terms like “scaffolding” and “coursecasting” might not be common knowledge. You can always mention these skills in your interview .
  • Make good use of bullet points for breaking down job responsibilities, achievements, and skills.
  • After you proofread your resume, ask a friend to look it over and/or use an online proofreading app like Grammarly .

These free resources can enhance your TEFL/TESOL resume.

What should my online ESL resume include?

Basic information.

Your name, address, phone number, email, and citizenship should all go on your resume’s header. If you have a Skype number/ID, you can include it too, especially if you’re a traveling teacher. It’s also important to include a professional-looking headshot next to your personal information. In addition, some positions may require you to add your gender, age, or marital status, so you can include these to be on the safe side.

Digital badges for Bridge certification

Digital badges

When you complete a Bridge online TEFL course , you’ll earn a digital badge in addition to your certificate. Your resume is the perfect place to showcase these badges because they’re not only visually appealing but also a dynamic representation of your achievements. When employers click on your digital badges, they’ll be taken to a unique landing page where they can see all the details of the courses you took, including verifiable skills and achievements.

  • Pro Tip: Digital badges can be shared anywhere employers are looking, such as on your LinkedIn profile, on Facebook, on a personal blog, or in your email signature. Learn more: How to Use Your Digital Badges to Get a TEFL/TESOL Job .

Professional summary

Usually a short paragraph of one to three lines, this introduction to your resume gives a summary of your teaching background, outstanding traits, career objectives, and the most relevant degrees or certifications you have. Align your professional summary with the profile of the online school or job you’re applying to. For instance, if you are applying for a job as a business English teacher , mention your expertise in this area.

Most teachers put this section next. List your degrees, certifications, and other formal training programs that you’ve taken, and include their completion dates, beginning with the most recent one. Besides your online TEFL certification , any related specialized training you’ve had, like Teaching English Online Certification , will also be an advantage!

You can also include Micro-credential certifications to make yourself stand out even more. These are short, targeted professional development courses that help you develop skills in specific areas like teaching English online to groups or using games and activities in the online classroom .

Teaching experience

Next, if you have teaching experience, list any relevant jobs you’ve had for the last 10 years, starting with the most recent one. Each entry should include the job title, name and location of the employer, and employment dates. Briefly explain the responsibilities of each role, either in a sentence or two or using bullet points. As with job titles, keep your job descriptions clear and concise. Also, don’t forget to highlight any particular accomplishments you’ve had in each job.

  • Pro Tip: Numbers create a better picture of your achievements. Consider answering the questions “How much?” or “How many?” in your job descriptions. For example, instead of flatly stating, “Prepared and conducted English lessons for high school students,” you could make it more specific by writing, “Prepared and conducted five weekly English lessons for third- and fourth-year high school classes of 20-30 students.”

Here’s how to get TEFL/TESOL experience if you’re newly certified.

Nastassia, teaching English online for her company, Xpertly

Other employment experience

This is where you’ll list non-teaching jobs. If you don’t have any teaching experience, simply call this section “Employment Experience” and include your work history here. List your previous jobs in the same format as above.

Remember that while these are not teaching jobs, these experiences reveal not only the number of years you’ve worked professionally but also the skills you’ve acquired. Always look for ways to connect the jobs you list with the online ESL teaching job you’re applying to. For example, if one of the positions you held was “Online Technical Support Specialist,” be sure to highlight the computer and customer service skills you developed in this role since those same skills apply to teaching online.

Create a list of your job skills that are in line with the online English teaching position you are targeting. Put hard skills, such as computer software knowledge or excellent command of other languages, at the top of your list, then mention relevant soft skills, like creativity or communication.


This section is optional, but adding any awards or recognition you have received helps you stand out further!

Including this section is also optional, but mentioning your interests and free-time activities could give employers insight into your personality or provide talking points for your interview!

Sample Resume

Need some inspiration? Check out this sample online teacher resume with digital badges!

Whether you’re about to write your first resume ever or you just need to tweak your current one, creating a TEFL/TESOL resume specific to teaching English online will be sure to get a second look and put you a notch above the competition in your search for online English teaching jobs !

Once you’ve applied for jobs with your updated online teacher resume, get ready for the next steps: the interview process and demo lesson. Learn what a teaching demo is and how to ace yours!

create resume for teacher job online

Back in her hometown in the Philippines, Krzl worked as a writer at a TV station before moving to Chile. After she completed her TESOL certification, she worked for language institutes and then decided to become an independent English teacher to business professionals. When she’s not giving classes, she’s either surfing along Chile’s long stretch of coastline, traveling, or practicing photography by the beach.

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Online Teacher Resume Examples

Writing a resume for teaching positions can be a difficult and time-consuming process. As an online teacher, you have unique skills, experiences, and requirements that you need to showcase on your resume. To help you create an effective resume, this guide provides advice, tips, and examples to make the entire process easier. With the right information and guidance, you can create an impressive resume that will help you stand out from the competition and land the perfect teaching job.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


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Online Teacher

123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

I am an experienced online teacher with a passion for teaching and facilitating learning through innovative and interactive methods. I have 5 years of experience in teaching online classes to both children and adults, including on a range of topics such as math, English, science, history, and art. I am a strong believer in the power of technology to help facilitate learning and am dedicated to creating a fun and engaging environment for students. With my knowledge and expertise, I am confident that I can help create a stimulating and conducive learning space for my students.

Core Skills :

  • Strong problem- solving skills
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Proficient in teaching strategies and techniques
  • Knowledge of e- learning tools
  • Ability to assess students’ progress and provide feedback
  • Highly organized and detail- oriented

Professional Experience :

Online Teacher – ABC Online School, 2017 – Present

  • Design and develop online courses for K- 12 students
  • Provide instruction and guidance to students
  • Conduct sessions over video conferencing platforms
  • Assist in the development and implementation of e- learning modules
  • Monitor and assess student progress and provide feedback
  • Collaborate with staff to create and promote learning strategies

Online Teacher – XYZ Virtual School, 2012 – 2017

  • Designed and developed online courses for K- 12 students
  • Taught courses related to math, English, science, history, and art
  • Conducted sessions over video conferencing platforms
  • Assisted in the development of e- learning modules
  • Monitored and assessed student progress
  • Provided feedback and guidance to students

Education :

Master of Education in Online Learning – University of California, Los Angeles, 2012 Bachelor of Science in Education – University of California, San Diego, 2010

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Build a professional resume in just minutes for free.

Online Teacher Resume with No Experience

Recent college graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education seeks to become a teacher. Possesses strong communication and problem- solving skills, as well as a passion for educating students.

  • Excellent communication skills
  • Strong organizational and problem- solving skills
  • Ability to build relationships with students
  • Ability to manage a classroom
  • Knowledge of educational standards and assessment
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications

Responsibilities :

  • Develop lesson plans and instructional materials
  • Assess student performance and progress
  • Provide individualized instruction to meet student needs
  • Enforce classroom rules and standards
  • Manage a safe and productive classroom environment
  • Collaborate with colleagues, administrators, and parents
  • Monitor student behavior and provide appropriate interventions

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

Online Teacher Resume with 2 Years of Experience

A highly motivated and creative educator with two years of teaching experience in the fields of science and mathematics. Have significant experience in developing creative teaching methods, such as incorporating interactive activities, to help students understand complex topics. Possesses strong communication skills, both verbal and written, that help to effectively explain concepts, facilitate discussions, and foster student engagement.

  • Curriculum Development
  • Classroom Management
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Collaborative Teamwork
  • Technology Integration
  • Innovative Thinking
  • Developed individualized lesson plans based on student needs and objectives
  • Implemented differentiated instruction to meet the learning needs of all students
  • Used technology to create classroom activities, assessments and handouts
  • Monitored student progress and provided support to students when needed
  • Encouraged collaboration and teamwork amongst students
  • Facilitated meaningful educational experiences for students through the use of interactive activities and discussions

Experience 2+ Years

Online Teacher Resume with 5 Years of Experience

An experienced online teacher looking to use his 5 years of experience to provide quality instruction and guidance in an online learning environment. Extremely knowledgeable in the fundamentals of teaching, I am able to set clear expectations and maintain an organized virtual classroom. My strong background in technology allows me to quickly adapt to new tools and take advantage of the best features an online platform can offer. I am also adept at conducting interactive and engaging lessons that keep students motivated and engaged.

  • Online teaching
  • Lesson planning
  • Interactive engagement
  • Organizational skills
  • Technology proficiency
  • Clear communication
  • Knowledge of learning strategies
  • Develop and deliver online lessons that are engaging, interactive and in line with set learning objectives
  • Create and maintain a positive and organized learning environment
  • Monitor and assess student performance through assignments, tests and other activities
  • Respond quickly to student questions and inquiries
  • Collaborate with other teachers and staff to ensure student success
  • Encourage students to be active participants in their learning experience and provide feedback
  • Provide additional support to students who require extra assistance

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

Online Teacher Resume with 7 Years of Experience

I am an experienced online teacher with over 7 years of professional experience in teaching. I have a proven ability to effectively communicate the subject matter with students, create lesson plans and assessments tailored to the subject needing to be taught, and ensure that all students understand the material being presented. My core strengths include strong verbal and written communication skills, organizational skills, and the ability to stay calm and remain flexible in the face of any challenges. I am reliable, hardworking, and committed to helping every student reach their learning goals.

  • Outstanding verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to effectively present and explain material
  • Organizational and planning capabilities
  • Ability to create lesson plans and assessments
  • Possess strong problem- solving skills
  • Excellent time management skills
  • Ability to stay flexible and calm in challenging situations
  • Create and implement customized lesson plans and assessments
  • Communicate effectively with students via webcam, email, and other platforms
  • Accurately track and maintain student progress
  • Monitor student performance and provide feedback
  • Collaborate with other teachers or mentors to develop strategies for improving student learning
  • Utilize technology to facilitate the learning process
  • Maintain a high level of professionalism at all times

Experience 7+ Years

Online Teacher Resume with 10 Years of Experience

A highly qualified, experienced and motivated teacher with 10 years of professional experience. Proven ability to inspire and motivate students to achieve their maximum potential, create an engaging and stimulating learning environment, and effectively manage challenging situations. Possesses excellent communication skills, with a strong focus on student learning and development.

  • Outstanding classroom management skills
  • Strong knowledge of teaching methodologies
  • Proficient in educational technology
  • Strong knowledge of curriculum development
  • Ability to differentiate instruction and meet the needs of all students
  • Developed and implemented lesson plans, units and activities that meet the curriculum goals and objectives
  • Provided differentiated instruction to meet the needs of all students
  • Assessed student academic achievement and provided individualized instruction, guidance, and support
  • Developed and maintained strong, positive relationships with students, families, and school staff
  • Managed student behavior and created a positive, safe, and productive learning environment
  • Demonstrated an understanding of positive behavior management strategies
  • Developed and implemented extracurricular activities designed to enrich the learning environment
  • Utilized technology to enhance teaching and learning
  • Prepared written reports and communicated with families regarding student progress

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

Online Teacher Resume with 15 Years of Experience

With 15 years of experience in teaching, I have developed and implemented a wide range of education programs to ensure that all students achieve learning success. I have profiecient communication and interpersonal skills which allow me to develop positive relationships with students, staff and parents. My willingness to go above and beyond, and my dedication to learning and growth has enabled me to become an effective and successful teacher.

  • Strong classroom management skills
  • Excellent organizational and problem- solving abilities
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Proficient in using a variety of teaching techniques
  • Ability to create meaningful lesson plans
  • Knowledge of online learning platforms
  • Developing and implementing effective education plans and programs
  • Collaborating with staff, students and parents to ensure success
  • Motivating and inspiring students to learn
  • Conducting assessments and evaluating student performance
  • Providing feedback and guidance to students
  • Maintaining accurate records of student progress and attendance

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a Online Teacher resume?

With the rise of distance learning, many teachers are searching for ways to showcase their skills and abilities in an online teacher resume. Since the traditional paper resume format may not be the most effective way to present yourself for a digital teaching role, it’s important to focus on the specific skills you have that make you an ideal candidate for the position. Here is what should be included in an online teacher resume:

  • Professional Summary: Provide a brief summary of your teaching experience, emphasizing the areas of expertise that make you the best candidate for the job.
  • Education: List your educational credentials, including any certifications, degrees, or professional development courses you have completed.
  • Relevant Experience: Detail past teaching experiences, both online and in-person, and emphasize any achievements or successes you have had.
  • Technical Skills: Highlight any computer programs, software, or other technology you are comfortable and experienced with.
  • Professional Development: Mention any conferences, webinars, or workshops you have attended in order to stay up to date with current teaching trends and techniques.
  • Teaching Philosophy: Offer a brief statement about your teaching philosophy and how it aligns with the institution’s mission and values.
  • References: Include contact information for past or current supervisors, colleagues, or students who can vouch for your teaching and digital literacy skills.

By including this information in your online teacher resume, you can demonstrate to potential employers that you are the ideal candidate for the job. Showcase your skills, experience, and passion for teaching, and you will be sure to stand out from the crowd.

What is a good summary for a Online Teacher resume?

A good summary for an online teacher resume should be concise and highlight your most relevant qualifications and skills. It should emphasize your experience teaching online courses, demonstrate your technical proficiency, and showcase your ability to adapt to different learning styles. Focus on the successes you have had while teaching and the positive feedback you have received from students. Showcase any special qualifications or certifications you may have that make you a great online teacher. Finally, make sure to describe how your skills and experience will be an asset to the school or institution you are applying to.

What is a good objective for a Online Teacher resume?

Online teaching has become an increasingly popular profession in recent years due to the increased flexibility and ease of access. As such, it’s important to create a resume that highlights your experience and qualifications in the field. A strong objective statement can help you stand out from other potential online teachers, so it’s important to craft one that is clear and concise.

Here are some tips for crafting a good objective for an online teacher resume:

  • Highlight your experience with online teaching: Be sure to mention any previous online teaching experience, such as providing distance learning instruction or tutoring students over video chat.
  • Emphasize your ability to use technology: Show that you are comfortable with the technology necessary for online teaching, such as video conferencing and online learning platforms.
  • Demonstrate your qualifications: Include details about your certification and other qualifications that make you a qualified online teacher.
  • Showcase your interpersonal skills: Your ability to communicate with students and colleagues effectively is essential in an online teaching environment.
  • Mention your commitment to student success: Highlight your dedication to helping students achieve their academic goals.

By following these tips, you can create an effective objective statement for your online teacher resume that will help you stand out from the competition.

How do you list Online Teacher skills on a resume?

When crafting a resume for an Online Teacher, it’s important to include a section dedicated to your relevant skills and competencies. This is especially true for educators who teach students remotely using digital tools like video conferencing and interactive whiteboards.

When listing your skills on your resume, it’s important to be specific and quantify your abilities as much as possible. Here are some examples of skills and competencies you may want to include in your resume:

  • Deep understanding of educational technologies: As an Online Teacher, you should have a strong grasp of the tools and technologies used to teach remotely. For example, you may be proficient in the use of video conferencing platforms, interactive whiteboards, and other digital tools.
  • Strong communication and presentation skills: An Online Teacher must be able to effectively communicate with students and other educators. You should have excellent verbal and written communication skills, as well as the ability to deliver engaging lectures and presentations.
  • Interpersonal skills: Online teaching requires excellent interpersonal skills in order to create meaningful relationships with students. This includes the ability to actively listen, empathize, and provide feedback in a constructive manner.
  • Knowledge of curriculum design: You should have a deep understanding of curriculum design in order to create effective lesson plans for your courses. This may include knowledge of age-appropriate teaching strategies and approaches.
  • Adaptability: Online teaching requires the ability to quickly adapt to changing circumstances and technologies. You should be able to adjust to the ever-evolving digital landscape and respond to the needs of your students.

Including all of these skills on your resume will demonstrate to potential employers that you have the necessary competencies to be an effective Online Teacher.

What skills should I put on my resume for Online Teacher?

If you’re applying for an online teaching position, there are a few key skills you should include on your resume. Having these skills will show employers you’re able to effectively manage and teach students in an online setting. Here are some essential skills to add to your resume:

  • Technology Proficiency: An online teacher needs to be well-versed in using various technologies such as computer software, video conferencing, and video editing. Show employers you’re tech-savvy by including your current level of proficiency in your resume.
  • Communication Skills: Online teachers need to be able to communicate effectively and efficiently with their students. Include any relevant experience you have with verbal, written, and nonverbal communication.
  • Organizational Skills: The ability to organize your time and resources will help you succeed as an online teacher. Employers want to know that you’re capable of managing multiple tasks and assignments, so be sure to highlight any organizational abilities you have.
  • Patience and Flexibility: Teaching online is different than in-person teaching, and you’ll need to have a lot of patience and flexibility to be successful. Mention any experience or training you have that demonstrates your ability to be patient and flexible when teaching.
  • Self-Motivation and Discipline: As an online teacher, you’ll be working remotely, so it’s important to have the self-discipline to stay on task and motivated. Highlight any relevant experience, such as working remotely, that demonstrates your self-motivation and discipline.

These are just a few of the skills you should include on your resume when applying for an online teaching position. By emphasizing these skills, you can show employers you’re ready and qualified to fill the role.

Key takeaways for an Online Teacher resume

Online teaching has seen a dramatic increase in recent years and individuals need to ensure that their resumes stand out in order to be considered for the position. Here are the key takeaways for an online teacher resume:

  • Include Education and Certification: An online teacher needs to have a relevant degree and/or certification in the field they are teaching. Include the name of the college or university you attended, your degree and any relevant certifications.
  • Highlight Your Experience: Include any experience you have teaching online. Detail the courses you taught, the number of students and the length of the course.
  • Showcase Positive Student Reviews: Positive student reviews are a great way to show potential employers that you are an effective online teacher and can handle the job. Make sure to include any glowing reviews or feedback you have received from students.
  • Demonstrate Technology Skills: An online teacher must be proficient in using various technologies such as web conferencing software, online learning management systems, and content delivery systems. Make sure to highlight any technology skills you have in your resume.
  • Include Any Special Skills or Qualifications: Do you have any special skills or qualifications that set you apart from other online teachers? Make sure to include them in your resume, such as experience teaching in a foreign language or specialized knowledge in a certain area.

By using these key takeaways, you can create an effective resume that will stand out from the crowd and help you land your dream job as an online teacher.

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