Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of Eudora Welty’s ‘A Worn Path’

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

‘A Worn Path’ is a short story by the American writer Eudora Welty (1909-2001), first published in the Southern Review in 1937 and reprinted in Welty’s 1941 collection A Curtain of Green and Other Stories . ‘A Worn Path’ details the journey an elderly black woman makes into town one Christmas time, in order to get some medicine for her grandson.

Before we offer an analysis of this deeply symbolic story, it might be worth recapping the plot.

‘A Worn Path’: plot summary

One cold December morning, an elderly black woman named Phoenix Jackson walks into town to get some medicine for her grandson. She is very old and the journey is fraught with obstacles. At one point, a black dog appears and, although she tries to shoo it away, the sudden appearance of the dog forces her to fall into a ditch.

A white hunter appears and he helps her up, before going after the dog with his gun and his own dog. Phoenix hears shots fired, and steals a nickel from the man, which had fallen onto the ground without him realising. She pockets it before he comes back. He tells her she’s too old and frail to be walking so far and that she should go home, but she insists she must go into town.

When she arrives in town, all the Christmas decorations are up and a woman carrying presents passes Phoenix on the path. Phoenix asks the woman to lace up her shoe for her, and the woman does so. Phoenix goes to the hospital, where the attendant initially mistakes Phoenix for a charity case. Phoenix doesn’t respond when asked who she is, until mention of her grandson (by a nurse who comes in and recognises her) suddenly jogs her memory.

It turns out that she regularly makes this journey into town to get some medicine for her grandson, who swallowed some lye several years ago and remains bedridden as a result. Phoenix says it is just her and her grandson and she has to take care of him.

Once she has been given the medicine, she goes to leave, but the attendant gives her a nickel as it’s Christmas time. She places it next to the nickel she took from the hunter she met on the path, and announces that she will go and buy a paper windmill for her grandson, as he will not believe such a thing exists.

‘A Worn Path’: analysis

‘A Worn Path’ is a deeply symbolic story, in which the ‘worn path’ is both literal and metaphorical. Phoenix – whose very name summons the mythical bird that rose from the ashes of its own funeral pyre – is ageing and frail, and the worn path of life has taken its toll on her, but she nevertheless undertakes this journey, which is symbolic in other ways as well.

character analysis essay a worn path

Usually, the hero who undertakes such a journey is seeking to find someone: Odysseus, in Homer’s Odyssey , wishes to seek Tiresias the seer, who can prophesy how the hero’s quest will unfold; Orpheus goes into Hades to retrieve his dead wife, Eurydice; and so on.

Phoenix is similarly on a quest, and, perhaps surprisingly, the quest she is undertaking may not be the search for a medicine for her grandson but for her grandson himself.

How can that be, when he is bedridden at home? One of the questions which the ending of ‘A Worn Path’ raises is whether Phoenix’s grandson is, in fact, already dead.

Although she denies this, there are some suggestions that he has already passed away from his illness: the repeated references to how the grandson’s throat ‘never heals’ and how ‘obstinate’ his condition is can be read as deliberately ambiguous, hinting at either a chronic and constant affliction or Phoenix’s refusal to accept that her grandson died of his ailments some time ago.

It also seems strange that Phoenix should forget why she had undertaken such a difficult journey, if her grandson’s health is truly dependent on receiving such life-preserving medicine.

Instead, Welty hints at an alternative interpretation, whereby ‘A Worn Path’ is the story of a woman’s psychological inability to give up her last living relative, and accept that he is, in fact, dead and she is now all alone. (As she has the responsibility of fetching his medicine, the boy’s own parents, we deduce, are either absent or dead.)

She performs this ritual on a regular basis, and the people at the hospital humour her out of charity, seeing how important this journey is for Phoenix, and perhaps even suspecting that it is the only thing that keeps her going, providing a reason to go on living.

The journey may be fraught with physical hardship, but the alternative is to give up altogether. The ‘worn path’, then, might be itself a metaphor for life: living is hard and we will find our fair share of obstacles and dangers lying in wait for us, but the alternative is not to walk the path at all.

Given how invested with symbolism ‘A Worn Path’ is, the final words – which describe another kind of ‘descent’, as Phoenix walks down the stairs, ‘going down’ – complicate and even problematise the more optimistic meaning lurking within her name.

She may be likened to a phoenix – a bird which rises from the ashes of its own funeral pyre – and this may imply that she will keep on going, no matter what. But has something changed during this particular journey and her encounter in the hospital?

Why does Welty focus on this journey: is it because it is the last time she will ever walk that worn path? Note how she not only forgets what she is doing there, but grows vacant, not even acknowledging the nurse’s questions. Has she finally realised he is no longer alive, and is she finally letting go? And if so, do those final words imply that she is ready to ‘go down’ herself, and descend from this life into the next?

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“A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty: Analysis

“A Worn Path” Eudora Welty, first published in The Atlantic Monthly in February 1941, gained popularity for its powerful portrayal of an elderly African American woman’s journey.

"A Worn Path" by Eudora Welty: Analysis

Introduction: “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty

Table of Contents

“A Worn Path” Eudora Welty, first published in The Atlantic Monthly in February 1941, gained popularity for its powerful portrayal of an elderly African American woman’s journey through the rural South to a town where she intends to obtain medicine for her grandson. Over the years, the story has continued to resonate with readers and has been widely anthologized, becoming one of Welty’s most famous and enduring works. Its themes of perseverance, resilience, and the enduring strength of the human spirit have made it a timeless classic of American literature.

Main Events in “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty

  • An Elderly Woman’s Mission: Phoenix Jackson, an elderly Black woman, sets out on a long, familiar journey through the December countryside. Her strength and determination are evident despite her age and the challenges she will face.
  • Obstacles Along the Path: Phoenix encounters various obstacles symbolizing life’s hardships: a thorny bush that snags her dress, a creek crossing on a log, and a barbed-wire fence that she must crawl under. She perseveres, speaking aloud to keep her spirits up.
  • Facing the Past and Present: In a field, Phoenix comes across a scarecrow that she momentarily mistakes for a ghost. This encounter could represent the lingering shadows of the past and its hardships.
  • An Unpleasant Encounter: A young white hunter disrupts Phoenix’s journey, condescendingly laughing at her and belittling her mission. He unknowingly drops a nickel, which Phoenix cleverly retrieves, hinting at her quiet resilience in the face of prejudice.
  • Arrival in Town: Phoenix finally reaches Natchez, the bustling town decorated for Christmas. The stark contrast between the rural, natural world and the city environment can be seen as symbolic. She humbly asks a kind woman to tie her shoe, restoring some dignity for her entrance to the town.
  • Seeking Help at the Clinic: Phoenix enters a medical clinic where she seeks the crucial medicine for her grandson. Initially dismissed by the attendant, she is recognized by a nurse who knows the reason for her recurring trips.
  • A Moment of Forgetfulness: Phoenix briefly forgets her grandson and the medicine’s purpose. This temporary lapse of memory highlights her age and the difficult burden her journey represents.
  • Medicine and Hope: Reminded by the nurse, Phoenix shares the ongoing struggle of her grandson, who suffers from the effects of accidentally swallowing lye. She receives the medicine and money from the attendant. Her purchase of a windmill with the money represents an enduring symbol of hope and love amidst hardship.
  • Homeward Bound: Phoenix begins her long journey back, carrying both the physical medicine and the windmill – a small but joyous gift for the one she loves.

Literary Devices in “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty

  • Allegory : The entire story functions as an allegory for the resilience of the human spirit, particularly in marginalized communities like the rural Black South during the Jim Crow era. Phoenix’s repeated journey represents overcoming ongoing struggles and maintaining hope amid hardship.
  • Alliteration : The use of repeated consonant sounds creates a musical effect: “Seem like there is chains about my feet…”
  • Dialect : Welty uses a distinct dialect to represent Phoenix’s speech, grounding her character in a specific time and region: “…I the oldest people I ever know.”
  • Foreshadowing : The scarecrow Phoenix mistakes for a ghost hints at a potential danger or death that she bravely faces.
  • Imagery: Vivid sensory details bring the setting and Phoenix’s experience to life: “The sun made the pine needles almost too bright to look at…”
  • Juxtaposition: The natural world’s beauty and harshness are contrasted with the bustle and potential indifference of the town, highlighting Phoenix’s journey across two worlds.
  • Metaphor: Comparisons without using “like” or “as” enhance the story’s meaning: “Her eyes were blue with age.”
  • Motif: The recurring image of the path symbolizes Phoenix’s continued determination and the cyclical nature of her journey and struggles.
  • Personification: Giving non-human things human qualities, making the world seem alive and interactive for Phoenix: “Keep the big wild hogs out of my path. Don’t let none of those come running my direction.”
  • Point of View: The third-person limited point of view takes us directly into Phoenix’s mind, revealing her internal thoughts and perceptions of the world.
  • Repetition: Phoenix repeats phrases throughout, mirroring the cyclical nature of her journey and her determination: “…I got a long way.”
  • Simile: Comparisons using “like” or “as” create vivid descriptions: “…a little tree stood in the middle of her forehead.”
  • Symbolism: Various objects gain deeper meaning:
  • The path: The journey of life, and specifically Phoenix’s ongoing struggles
  • The windmill: Hope and love that endures
  • The scarecrow: Potential dangers, remnants of the past
  • Theme: Central ideas explored in the work:
  • Perseverance: Phoenix’s journey embodies an enduring spirit despite hardship.
  • Love: Her selfless love for her grandson motivates her.
  • Overcoming Prejudice: Subtle hints at the racial prejudice Phoenix faces.
  • Tone: The story’s overall emotional quality is one of both hardship and quiet determination, reflecting Phoenix’s perspective.

Characterization in “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty

Major character.

  • Physical Description: An elderly Black woman, small and frail, with age evident in her blue eyes and wrinkled skin. Her clothing is worn but neat.
  • Personality: Determined, resilient, resourceful, and deeply loving. She talks to herself and to nature to maintain her strength. Her brief memory lapse reveals her age and the burden of her regular journey.
  • Symbolic Role: Phoenix represents the enduring strength of marginalized communities, particularly Black women in the rural South, and the unwavering power of love to overcome hardship.

Minor Characters

  • Physical Description: Young, white male carrying a gun and a dog.
  • Personality: Condescending, dismissive, casually racist. His interaction with Phoenix highlights prejudice in the era.
  • Role: Represents an obstacle and underscores the social realities Phoenix faces.
  • Role: Initially disregards Phoenix, focused on procedure.
  • Development: A subtle shift occurs after the nurse’s intervention, leading the attendant to offer a condescending act of “charity”.
  • Role: Recognizes Phoenix and understands her reason for coming. Shows a degree of kindness and familiarity.
  • Motivation: He is never seen, but his suffering from the effects of lye is the driving force behind Phoenix’s journey, representing the selfless love motivating her.

Major Themes in “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty

Writing style in “a worn path” by eudora welty.

Dialect and Voice:

  • Welty uses a distinct Southern dialect for Phoenix’s dialogue and internal thoughts. This adds authenticity, reflects the specific region and era, and brings the reader into Phoenix’s perspective.
  • ·  Example: “Seem like there is chains about my feet, time I get this far…”

Imagery and Sensory Details:

  • Vivid descriptions engage the reader’s senses.
  • Emphasis on natural imagery: the path, trees, animals, creating a rich atmosphere.
  • Example: “The sun made the pine needles almost too bright to look at…”
  • Objects and events carry deeper significance beyond their literal meaning.
  • The path: Represents life’s journey and ongoing struggles.
  • The scarecrow: Potential dangers or the looming presence of death.
  • The windmill: A symbol of hope and love for her grandson.

Point of View:

  • Third-person limited perspective puts us directly in Phoenix’s mind.
  • This allows insight into her thoughts, perceptions, and motivations, building empathy.

Stream-of-Consciousness Moments:

  • Phoenix’s internal monologues reveal her determination, struggles, and relationship with nature.
  • Example: “Out of my way, all you foxes, owls, beetles, jack rabbits, coons, and wild animals!…”


  • Contrasting elements are placed side-by-side to highlight differences and create depth.
  • The natural world vs. the town.
  • Phoenix’s inner strength vs. her physical frailty.

Literary Theories and Interpretation of “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty

Questions and thesis statements about “a worn path” by eudora welty.

1. Topic: Symbolism and Meaning

  • Question: How does Eudora Welty use symbolism to create deeper meaning in “A Worn Path”? Choose two key symbols and analyze their significance.
  • Thesis Statement: In “A Worn Path,” Welty employs the symbols of the path and the scarecrow to represent the ongoing challenges of life and Phoenix Jackson’s relentless determination to overcome them.

2. Topic: Perseverance and the Human Spirit

  • Question: In what ways is Phoenix Jackson a symbol of perseverance? How does her journey reflect broader themes of the enduring human spirit?
  • Thesis Statement: Phoenix Jackson embodies perseverance through her unwavering determination in the face of physical frailty, social obstacles, and a harsh environment, signifying the broader human capacity to overcome adversity.

3. Topic: Love and Sacrifice

  • Question: How does the power of love motivate Phoenix Jackson’s repeated journey? Analyze the connection between her selfless actions and her grandson’s wellbeing.
  • Thesis Statement: Phoenix’s unwavering love for her grandson motivates her arduous journey, demonstrating the immense sacrifices individuals make for those they love and the enduring power of love as a force for resilience.

4. Topic: Social Commentary and Race

  • Question: How does “A Worn Path” subtly address issues of race and social inequality in the Jim Crow South?
  • Thesis Statement: While not explicitly focused on racial conflict, “A Worn Path” offers nuanced commentary on the social dynamics of the Jim Crow era, highlighting Phoenix’s quiet resilience in the face of subtle discrimination and systemic barriers.

Short Question-Answer about “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty

Literary works similar to “a worn path” by eudora welty.

  • Focus on an elderly woman reflecting on her life and facing mortality.
  • Stream-of-consciousness style for internal thoughts.
  • Exploration of family relationships, tradition, and heritage within African American families in the rural South.
  • Themes of generational differences and the preservation of cultural identity.
  • Explores hardship, suffering, and the search for meaning in marginalized communities.
  • Themes of family, redemption, and the power of art in coping with struggle.
  • Southern Gothic atmosphere with themes of isolation, the past’s influence, and a solitary protagonist.
  • Explores the complexities of the human psyche and unexpected depths.
  • Southern settings with explorations of morality, faith, and often-grotesque characters.
  • Themes of grace, redemption, and unexpected twists.

Key Similarities (unchanged):

  • Focus on marginalized characters: Often center on elderly protagonists, women, and/or African American characters.
  • Exploration of Southern life and culture: Examine unique challenges and resilience within the American South.
  • Themes of resilience, struggle, and the enduring human spirit: Characters face hardships with varying degrees of success.
  • Rich language and complex symbolism: Employ literary devices with depth and symbolism

Suggested Readings: “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty

  • Bloom, Harold, ed. Eudora Welty (Bloom’s Modern Critical Views) . Chelsea House Publications, 2007.
  • Gretlund, Jan Nordby. Eudora Welty’s Aesthetics of Place . University of Delaware Press, 1994.
  • Vande Kieft, Ruth M. Eudora Welty . Twayne Publishers, 1987.
  • Fordham, Michael. “Phoenix of the Fable: Narrative and Meaning in Eudora Welty’s ‘A Worn Path.'” Studies in Short Fiction , vol. 46, no. 4, 2009, pp. 563-572.
  • Gillman, Susan. “The Habit of Being: Letters, Art, and the Performance of Self in Eudora Welty.” Critical Inquiry , vol. 31, no. 2, 2005, pp. 369-398.
  • Weston, Ruth D. “The Way It Is With Some People’: Voice in Eudora Welty’s Short Fiction.” Modern Fiction Studies , vol. 13, no. 3, 1967, pp. 382-387.
  • Contains scholarly articles, bibliographies, and resources for studying Welty’s work.
  • Offers an overview of the story with historical and cultural context.

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character analysis essay a worn path

A Worn Path

by Eudora Welty

A worn path character list, phoenix jackson.

Named after both the mythological bird that rises renewed from the ashes of a fire, and the city in which author Eudora Welty was born and died, the elderly black grandmother using a cane made from umbrella to maintain her balance while walking in unlaced shoes may seem far removed from the heroes of legend. Yet while Phoenix Jackson may move slowly, she proves that she is a force to be reckoned with due to her dogged perseverance along the path to her grandson's medicine.

The White Hunter

A young man with a gun and a dog who encounters Phoenix in the woods. He is mostly friendly, helping her up and suggesting she not try to make the long walk to Natchez, but at one point he also points his gun at her and asks if she is scared; this is a subtly aggressive action that reflects the racial tensions between blacks and whites in the South.

The Attendant

The attendant is rude to Phoenix, speaking sharply and impatiently to her. She seems both a little racist and ageist, but she does eventually modify her attitude by asking Phoenix if she'd like a few pennies because it is Christmas time.

The nurse knows Phoenix and her annual errand, and tends to be kinder and more accommodating to her than the attendant is. She gives off an air of efficiency, and seeks to get information from Phoenix so she can move on with her job.

The Grandson

Phoenix Jackson’s grandson does not actually make an appearance in the narrative progression of her journey, but his presence lingers in the penumbras of the story. He is a young boy who swallowed lye on accident two or three years ago, and has had throat damage ever since. Phoenix journeys to get him medicine once a year because she is apparently his caregiver now, though we do not know why. Some scholars have suggested the grandson is actually dead, but this is speculation.

Phoenix asks this woman, who wears heavy perfume and carries wrapped Christmas presents, to tie her shoe for her. The woman kindly acquiesces.

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A Worn Path Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for A Worn Path is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Phoenix is old; she has trouble with mobility and vision. Phoenix must face many obstacles on the worn path on the way to town. She has trouble seeing a scarecrow, she thinks it might be a ghost, and she doesn't see a black dog approach her.

How is the name of the central character significant in the narrative?

The phoenix is an immortal bird associated with Greek mythology that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. The central character demonstrates this by repeating an arduous journey.

Who did the hunter think Phoenix was going to town to see?

During her journey, Phoenix has an altercation with a dog that comes after her. She hits the dog wih her cane, but falls over in turn. At this point, a white man—a hunter—helps her from the spill she took into the ditch. He starts out nicely by...

Study Guide for A Worn Path

A Worn Path study guide contains a biography of Eudora Welty, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About A Worn Path
  • A Worn Path Summary
  • Character List

Essays for A Worn Path

A Worn Path essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of A Worn Path by Eudora Welty.

  • Inspiration Through Storytelling: Eudora Welty's "A Worn Path"
  • Symbolism in "A Worn Path"

Wikipedia Entries for A Worn Path

  • Introduction

character analysis essay a worn path

A Worn Path

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29 pages • 58 minutes read

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Story Analysis

Character Analysis

Symbols & Motifs

Literary Devices

Important Quotes

Essay Topics

Phoenix Jackson is named after a mythical bird, and birds make brief appearances at key points in the story. Using examples from the text, write an essay describing the significance of and potential symbolism of birds in “A Worn Path.”

Readers often wonder if Phoenix’s grandson is actually alive. Does your interpretation of the story change if he is alive or dead? If so, how? If not, why? Rely on a close reading of the text and key passages to support your essay.

The forest in “A Worn Path” is almost a character unto itself. Write an essay that examines the significance of the story’s setting . How does Welty imbue the woods with life and character? Why does she choose this landscape in particular?

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character analysis essay a worn path

A Worn Path

Eudora welty, ask litcharts ai: the answer to your questions.

Race and Class Theme Icon

Race and Class

In its depiction of the journey of an impoverished black woman in Mississippi, “A Worn Path” explores the realities of race and class in the South at a time when slavery was still within living memory. The depiction of race in the story is not simplistic. Rather, through Phoenix’s experiences with other people, Welty shows the complicated ways that blacks and whites interact in the early 1940s South, with single encounters shifting within moments from…

Race and Class Theme Icon

Perseverance and Power

The story’s title, “A Worn Path”, first and most obviously refers to the path Phoenix has walked many times before to Natchez to get medicine for her sick grandson . But the title also alludes to the idea of life – and Phoenix’s life in particular – as a journey that is made by repeated passage through and endurance of the world around her, and suggests that such endurance has a slow power that will…

Perseverance and Power Theme Icon

Phoenix might at times, due to age, forget the object of her mission, but this only underscores the deep love that motivates her to complete it. The reader is always aware of this underlying aspect of her journey, but as the story progresses and Phoenix steals the nickel from the hunter and then asks for another nickel from the hospital attendant , the story seems to complicate Phoenix’s love for her grandson with a sense…

Love Theme Icon

Nature and City

“A Worn Path” begins in a rural area some distance outside the city of Natchez, Mississippi and moves along with Phoenix as she walks towards the hospital in the center of the city. The rural road is arduous, causing Phoenix to fall into a ditch, and at that moment it seems likely that Phoenix’s trip will get easier once she gets into the “paved city.” Yet there are also aspects of nature that fill Phoenix…

Nature and City Theme Icon

Human Dignity

By persevering, by refusing to yield to the inequality forced upon her by her age, race, and class, by demonstrating calm, smarts, and willpower in the face of all obstacles, Phoenix exemplifies a remarkable degree of dignity. Phoenix never appears afraid or threatened, even when, most dramatically, the hunter aims his gun directly at her. Her sense of dignity is evident also when she insists on her shoes being tied, or in the “stiff” and…

Human Dignity Theme Icon

Christian Overtones

Phoenix , seeing a bird flying overhead shortly after stealing the nickel, takes the creature to embody God’s judging gaze. “A Worn Path” abounds with Christian images and ideas, from the way Phoenix’s journey on the worn path seems to echo the path etched by Christ carrying the cross, to the way that the woman tying Phoenix’s shoes recalls Mary Magdalene’s washing of Christ’s feet. A phoenix is a bird that rises from its own…

Christian Overtones Theme Icon


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    Phoenix Jackson. Phoenix, an aged and frail but also fierce woman (she was born into slavery in the pre-Civil-War South, though the story takes place in 1940), will not allow anything in her path to stop her… read analysis of Phoenix Jackson.

  2. A Worn Path Summary & Analysis

    Analysis. In December a very old black woman walks slowly through a pine forest. Her name is Phoenix Jackson. She wears a red rag tied around her head, her shoes are unlaced, and her face has "numberless branching wrinkles". Old and frail, she carries a cane, which she switches at animals she thinks she hears moving in the brush.

  3. A Summary and Analysis of Eudora Welty's 'A Worn Path'

    'A Worn Path': analysis 'A Worn Path' is a deeply symbolic story, in which the 'worn path' is both literal and metaphorical. Phoenix - whose very name summons the mythical bird that rose from the ashes of its own funeral pyre - is ageing and frail, and the worn path of life has taken its toll on her, but she nevertheless undertakes this journey, which is symbolic in other ways ...

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    Choose two key symbols and analyze their significance. Thesis Statement: In "A Worn Path," Welty employs the symbols of the path and the scarecrow to represent the ongoing challenges of life and Phoenix Jackson's relentless determination to overcome them. 2. Topic: Perseverance and the Human Spirit.

  5. A Worn Path "A Worn Path" Summary and Analysis

    A Worn Path study guide contains a biography of Eudora Welty, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. More books than SparkNotes.

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    Phoenix Jackson Character Analysis. Next. Hunter. Phoenix, an aged and frail but also fierce woman (she was born into slavery in the pre-Civil-War South, though the story takes place in 1940), will not allow anything in her path to stop her from getting to her end goal, which is to retrieve medicine in town for her grandson.

  7. A Worn Path Character Analysis

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "A Worn Path" by Eudora Welty. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

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    On an early December morning, an old African-American woman, Phoenix Jackson, walks slowly through the forest. Her shoelaces are untied, and she taps the ground with a cane. She calls out to the animals to stay out of her way and hits the bushes with her cane. She follows the path up a hill and down the other side.

  9. A Worn Path Characters

    A Worn Path Characters. T he main characters in "A Worn Path" include Phoenix Jackson, Phoenix's grandson, the hunter, and the nurse.. Phoenix Jackson is an impoverished, elderly Black woman ...

  10. A Worn Path Study Guide

    A Worn Path study guide contains a biography of Eudora Welty, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. More books than SparkNotes.

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    If Phoenix's grandson is dead, "A Worn Path" is more like the Iliad, a tragedy which ends with the funeral of Hector and Priam's grief at the loss of his beloved son. There is much misery ...

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    The best study guide to A Worn Path on the planet, from the creators of SparkNotes. ... In-depth summary and analysis of every of A Worn Path. Visual theme-tracking, too. ... s important quotes, sortable by theme, character, or . A Worn Path: Characters. Description, analysis, and timelines for A Worn Path's characters. A Worn Path: Symbols ...

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  14. A Worn Path Summary

    A Worn Path study guide contains a biography of Eudora Welty, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. More books than SparkNotes.

  15. What are the character, language, setting, and symbolism in "A Worn

    The main character of "A Worn Path" is Phoenix Jackson, an older African-American woman living through the Great Depression. Language techniques are seen in her dialect, which reflects her Deep ...

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    Essay on Character Analysis-a Worn Path. Will-power and determination plays a major role when it comes to people accomplishing goals and performing the tasks they are given. When a person possesses these two qualities they are motivated, focused, will not give up easily, determined along with many other things.

  17. A Worn Path by Eudora Welty Plot Summary

    A Worn Path. A very old and frail black woman named Phoenix Jackson makes a long and difficult journey on a path from the country into the town. She carries a cane and switches it at imagined animals in the bushes. Her skirt gets tangled on thorns and she crosses a log over a river with her eyes closed. Seeing a buzzard and wondering what it is ...

  18. A Worn Path Characters

    A Worn Path study guide contains a biography of Eudora Welty, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. More books than SparkNotes.

  19. A Worn Path Essay Topics

    Essay Topics. 1. Phoenix Jackson is named after a mythical bird, and birds make brief appearances at key points in the story. Using examples from the text, write an essay describing the significance of and potential symbolism of birds in "A Worn Path.". 2. Readers often wonder if Phoenix's grandson is actually alive.

  20. A Worn Path Themes

    "A Worn Path" begins in a rural area some distance outside the city of Natchez, Mississippi and moves along with Phoenix as she walks towards the hospital in the center of the city. The rural road is arduous, causing Phoenix to fall into a ditch, and at that moment it seems likely that Phoenix's trip will get easier once she gets into the "paved city."