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How To Prepare Wedding Officiant Speeches?

Best wedding officiant speeches, inspirational quotes and verses.

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Wedding Officiant Speeches Ideas + Free Templates

Natalia Bayeva

aliceshootspeople via Instagram

Wedding officiant speeches could be a bit tough to put together, especially if the officiant is green at the ears. This poses the issue of anxiety, trying to over-impress, or flopping totally.

Well, there is no one size fits all wedding minister speeches, because you tailor your speech according to wedding style. The kind of relationship you have with the couple also matters in the structure of your speech.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does the officiant introduce themselves.

The wedding officiant does not necessarily have to introduce themselves as everyone would know who they are and why they are there. They could start with a few lines such as: ‘Welcome everyone and thank you for being here to witness the union of (bride) and (bride).’

How does the officiant introduce wedding vows?

There is no official line for introducing the wedding vows, but a generic and one goes like this: ‘We have come to the point of your ceremony where you’re going to say your vows to one another. But before you do that, I ask you to remember that love, which is rooted in faith, trust, and acceptance, will be the foundation of an abiding and deepening relationship.’


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  • If you’re officiating wedding speeches, you must discuss with the couple on what types of wedding ceremony they desire. Know their ideas, length, tone, style, and order of ceremony.
  • Start of ceremony Begin your wedding minister’s speeches by welcoming the guests and passing on important information. Let them know if phones, pictures, or videos are prohibited.
  • The processional Let the audience know it’s time for the couple to come in. “All guests stand as you see fit.” After the processional, ask them to sit. At this point, some officiants ask “who gives out the other.”
  • The officiant’s speech Wedding ceremony speeches by officiants begin with a love story about the couple. You may also read a funny poem that makes meaning to the couple. Talk about love, commitment, and faithfulness.
  • Rings exchange Say lines on commitment and ask them to repeat after you. For instance… “I honor you with this ring as a sign of my love…”
  • Signing and pronouncements You’ll tell the guests what’s about to happen. After the couple signs, you’ll pronounce them as a couple.
  • Close remarks Tell the guests what’s next. If there will be a photo session, reception, or get-together. Then thank them for coming.

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Traditional Wedding Officiant Speech Sample

Traditional officiant wedding ceremony speeches follow the age-long template and procedure. Although things are changing, there are parts of the structure that remains untouched. And many other speech styles have adopted parts of the template. Traditional speeches by officiant have depth and are particular about love, commitment, and faithfulness.

OPENING WORDS Friends, _____ and _____ have invited us here today, in the presence of God, to share in the celebration of their marriage. We who gather here today are separated by the many different experiences that we have had. Despite these differences, we gather here today in this place because we share something in common. We share a desire to affirm and support the relationship of _____ and _____. Marriage is an act of will. It requires a commitment to care for another person. By caring we show concern for the life and growth of those whom we love. Marriage requires a commitment to take responsibility for another person. By responding we experience the needs of that other person and try to help meet those needs. Today, guided by God’s love and wisdom, we affirm and celebrate _____ and _____ wedding day. [READINGS] THE QUESTION OF INTENT Before God, your friends, and your families, I ask you to affirm your willingness to enter the covenant of marriage and to share all the joys and sorrows of your lives and your relationship, whatever the future may hold. _____, do you take this woman to be your wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live? Groom: I do _____, do you take this man to be your husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live? Bride: I do Repeat after me. I take you, _____, this day as my wife/husband. I promise to walk by your side forever as your best friend and your soul mate. You are my beloved one and I am proud to marry you. I promise to support your dreams and to be there for you all our lives. EXCHANGE OF RINGS From the earliest times, the circle has been a symbol of completeness, a symbol of committed love. An unbroken and never-ending circle symbolizes a commitment of love that is also never-ending. This ring should be a reminder of the commitment to love each other that you have made today. Repeat after me. I, _____, give you _____, this ring as a symbol of my commitment to love, honor, and respect you. [THE UNITY CANDLE CEREMONY] BLESSING _____ and _____, you have now affirmed your love for each other before your family and friends. You have come from different background, have walked different paths. You are different individuals. Your love has transcended these differences. In the years before you may the richness of the traditions that have nurtured you enhance and brighten your lives as you help to create and shape the future. CLOSING WORDS May God bless you and keep you. _____ and _____, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Groom, you may kiss the bride. PRESENTATION OF THE NEW COUPLE It is my pleasure to present to you _____ and _____ as husband and wife.

Wedding Officiant Speech For A Friend’s Wedding

If you’re officiating a friend’s wedding, then you’ll have a relaxed environment. Your tone should be playful and even comedic. Get creative by lacing your speech with fun stories of your years together. But you must study and understand your audience so you don’t come across as crass and unappealing.

INTRODUCTION Welcome everyone! On this beautiful day, _______ and _______ have brought us together to celebrate their love and union in matrimony. Thank you all for joining us and being a part of their love story. After years of nurturing a beautiful, strong relationship, it’s great to see these two taking the next step towards building a family. I remember the day _______ told me about their first date. There was a light in her eyes that I’d never seen before. She was excited and nervous. She worried that ______ didn’t feel the same connection she felt. It warms my heart to see the way _______ looks at _______. He looks at her as if she’s the last and only woman on Earth, and to him, I know she is. I’ve seen these two be there for each other through life’s unexpected twists and turns, only growing closer and stronger from each setback. I’ve seen them share laughs, exchange inside jokes and most shocking of all, I’ve seen _______ share his dinner with _______, which is when I knew this was serious. Marriage isn’t easy but I trust these two. I have trust in their love, their friendship, and their commitment to one another. With that, I think it’s time to let them speak on their love. DECLARATION OF VOWS AND COMMITMENT _______ and ______, have you come here today of your own free will to declare your commitment to one another? We have. Do you promise to be there for each other in the good and the bad? To grow with, understand and respect one another during your life together? We do. Then please face each other and share your vows. [EXCHANGE OF VOWS] [EXCHANGE OF RINGS] Let these rings represent your eternal love and the promises you have made here today. Let them be a symbol of your unbreakable bond and this new beginning of your life together with no end in sight. ______, take _____’s ring and place it on her finger and repeat after me: With this ring, I promise to love and cherish you to the end of my days. ______, take _____’s ring and place it on his finger and repeat after me: With this ring, I promise to love and cherish you to the end of my days. Your love has now been strengthened by the promises you have made here today and the rings you have exchanged. PRONOUNCEMENT ______ and ______, we have heard the sincerity in your promise to share your lives in marriage. We recognize your love and support your decision to build a home together. By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. _______, you may kiss your bride! Everyone, give it up for Mr. and Mrs _______.

Funny Wedding Minister Speech

A funny ceremony speech has humor-laced all over the script by officiants. The officiant uses humor to relay life facts. Humor gets easier if you have a personal relationship with the couple. But if you aren’t close and you’re not sure about how much to say, keep it light.

Welcome to all of you. Thank you for being here today. We are glad you could make it and hope you enjoy the day. We’d like to take a moment to also remember the people who can’t be here today. We are sure they are with us today in spirit. Marriage is so many things and we’ve created this ceremony to express many aspects of marriage. And the best the advice can come from the most interesting places. “Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? Put your hand on a stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl (or in the case of the reason we gather today, special boy or girl) for an hour and it seems like a minute. That’s relativity.” On cold winter nights, love is warm. It lies between you and lives and breaths and makes funny noises. Love wakes you up all hours of the night with its needs. It needs to be fed so it will grow and stay healthy. Love doesn’t like being left alone for long. But come home and love is always happy to see you. It may break a few things accidentally in its passion for life, but you can never be mad at love for long. Is love good all the time? No! No! Love can be bad. Bad, love, bad! Very bad love. Love makes messes. It leaves you little surprises here and there. Love needs lots of cleaning up after. But love makes you meet people wherever you go. People who have nothing in common but love stop and talk to each other on the street. Throw things away and love will bring them back, again, and again, and again. But most of all, love needs love, lots of it. And in return, love loves you and never stops. And now, for the wedding vows. Are you ready? Are you sure? Do you _____, solemnly swear that you will support and defend the institution of marriage against all enemies, foreign and domestic; Do you promise to honor and love _____ in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times, Do you promise to cherish her as your most beloved according to the regulations and the uniform code of love justice, so help you God? Yes, I do. Do you _____, solemnly swear that you will support and defend the institution of marriage against all enemies, foreign and domestic; Do you promise to honor and love _____ in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times, Do you promise to cherish her as your most beloved according to the regulations and the uniform code of love justice, so help you God? Yes, I do. EXCHANGE OF RINGS The wedding ring is an unbroken circle, which symbolizes unending and everlasting love. It is a visible symbol that represents your inner commitment to one another. Because these circles are designed without an ending they speak of eternity. May the incorruptible substance of these rings represent a love glowing with increasing luster through the years. May these rings which you give to each other be a sign of your love, trust, and faithfulness. Repeat after me: _____, I give you this ring as a sign of my lifelong devotion. Wear it and know that I love you. _____, I give you this ring as a sign of my lifelong devotion. Wear it and know that I love you. May your home be filled with laughter and the warm embrace of a summer day. And may you find peacefulness and beauty, challenge, and satisfaction, humor and insight, healing and renewal, love and wisdom, as in a quiet heart. May you always feel that what you have is enough. I now pronounce you Husband and Wife! You may kiss the bride!!!

Same-sex Wedding officiant Script template and Speech

wedding officiant speeches same sex

martailardo_photos via Instagram

Even as an officiant, it might not always be easy to give great wedding officiant speeches. This template can serve as a guide to writing speeches for wedding officiants, for any type of wedding.

  • Make the research – You could start by doing your homework. Go on the internet, and check places such as Google, Pinterest, Instagram, or Youtube for wedding officiant speech samples for same-sex weddings. You could streamline your search to find only funny speeches or more regular speeches and get unique ideas to work with.
  • Start writing the draft – The beginning is always the hard part, so don’t procrastinate writing your officiant speech for a wedding ceremony. Even if you feel like you haven’t researched enough, just start. You can always edit your draft as you go along or write another one.
  • To write awesome wedding speeches for an officiant for a same-sex wedding , you have to keep an open mind. A lot of the material you will find online would be for CIS heterosexual couples, so always keep your couple in mind and edit your speech where necessary. Create that speech that is uniquely theirs.

Same-Sex Wedding Ceremony Speech Template

wedding officiant speeches same sex brides

lucy_till_french_weddings via Instagram

This can be considered an official guide or template for wedding officiant ceremonies and speeches for same-sex weddings. Following each step, you wouldn’t need to worry about getting your speech done anymore.

  • Welcome Everyone No matter the type of wedding, whether you’re making a Persian wedding officiant speech or non-denominational, you’ll begin by welcoming all the guests and thanking them for their support to witness the couple get married and celebrate with them. Lots of them might have canceled schedules or traveled far to be there, so it would be nice to appreciate them.
  • Talk About Marriage The body of officiant wedding speeches usually includes some lines about marriage. Since it’s the topic of the day, you could talk about it in general, reminding the couple why they are there and the seriousness of their commitment. You could also give them some advice on the ups and downs of marriage, the sweet and the bitter, the highs and the lows. Also, how the love that they share is what will get them through anything that life throws their way.
  • Share a Personal Story (If you have one and time permits) Some of the best wedding officiant speeches come with a story. Stories are often the best way to pass a message across because it helps you to connect with people. It also helps them remember the message. So, if you have any stories about marriage to share, this would be the perfect place to share them. As the officiant, you might have a personal bond with the brides or grooms. Sharing your stories would be meaningful to them, and you could choose to share a sentimental and loving story or even an embarrassing one that could crack them up. You could also share an experience that you’ve had with the couple. A most loving or affectionate one that lets you know that they can weather any storm together. After this, you can continue with the vows.
  • In Closing Wedding speeches for the officiant at same-sex weddings are usually not very different from those of CIS heterosexual couples. You can only make your wedding ceremony officiant speech unique by factoring in the specific couple when writing your speech. If their experiences and your experiences with them are present in the speech, then it should be perfect.

Every couple is unique so wedding officiant speeches should be crafted to fit each couple, same-sex, CIS gender, heterosexual or other. With these tips, you can hone your craft and write the best wedding officiant speeches ever.

wedding officiant speeches quotes aliceshootspeople

  • Selecting Appropriate Quotes: When choosing quotes for your wedding officiant speech, consider ones that reflect love, unity, and the couple’s journey. For instance, a quote like “Love is not about how many days, months, or years you have been together. Love is about how much you love each other daily.” – Unknown, can emphasize the enduring nature of their love.
  • Incorporating Religious Verses or Texts: If the couple has a religious background, incorporate meaningful verses or texts from their faith. For example, you might use Corinthians 13:4-7 from the Bible, which speaks about love’s qualities: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud…”
  • Non-religious Inspirational Quotes: Opt for non-religious inspirational quotes for secular ceremonies. A quote like “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn, beautifully conveys the idea of cherishing the relationship and finding strength in each other.

Wedding Ceremony Speeches Dos And Don’ts

wedding officiant speeches arch ceremony bride groom

nicholsphoto via Instagram

  •  Do get creative with your speech by blending in a sweet short story of the couple. If you’ve been a part of their lives for a long time, then you’re in the best position to make it rain. Talk about everything that’s okay for public ears. Tell their love story.
  • Don’t veer off-topic or get over-excited that you start to sound boring. Stay on point and if you don’t have so much to say, keep it short. We advise that you have discreet cue cards that you can refer to. It helps keep you in check.
  • Do keep humor light especially if you’re not close to the family. You don’t want to end up looking like a clown because your joke fell flat. Humor is a great icebreaker for weddings. But when you’re not sure about what to expect, keep it light. Don’t go overboard.
  • Don’t forget to practice your speech until you can recite it naturally and off the heart. Also, spend some time learning the names you’d be pronouncing. You want to call these names right so you don’t end up pissing off guests.
  • Do give a copy of the speech to the couple for keep.

Wedding officiant speeches can be very interesting and fulfilling if done right. You only need a few expert hacks to get by. You’ll consider the wedding style, the tone the couple wants to set, and the length of the wedding. This will help you determine how creative you can get with the officiant’s wedding speech. For creative inspiration, we’ve dropped some tips for writing officiant wedding speeches and officiant speech etiquette.

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Wedding invitations, wedding officiant speech ideas for a friend’s wedding + templates.

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Short And Sweet Wedding Ceremony Template

Playful and humorous wedding ceremony template, how to prepare.

best wedding celebrant speech

  • Meet with the couple beforehand to get an idea of what they expect or wish to see at their ceremony. Be sure to discuss the length, tone and order of your speech. Whether they prefer a short ceremony, a secular officiant script or want to add their own creative spin, you’ll be prepared to provide that for them.
  • Start writing your speech as early as possible and ask the couple for feedback. It’s always best to have a third party review your speech for any errors.
  • Ask the couple for any rules they wish to implement during the ceremony. They may want to ask guests to silence their phones or refrain from taking too many photos.
  • Establish the order of the ceremony with the couple. Some couples opt to sign legal documents at the ceremony in front of their friends and family, while others prefer to sign them in private, either before or after the ceremony. Make sure you know how they wish to proceed with this component of their wedding.
  • Confirm that the marriage license is valid. States have different laws regarding the window of time a license is valid and can be signed.
  • Be prepared for how and when to submit legal documents. Once the license has been verified, complete all relevant fields. On their wedding day, make sure all required parties have signed including yourself, the couple and witnesses.
  • Be aware of any filing deadlines in your state and return the license to its issuance office appropriately. In many states, the couple can return the marriage license themselves.

From An Acquaintance

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Dos and Don’ts

  • Do include a short and sweet anecdote about their love story. If you know how they met or got engaged, weave it into the speech to make it unique to the couple.
  • Don’t get off topic. Avoid going on a tangent by keeping your script short and to the point.
  • Do practice your speech and the names of important family members. Depending on the style of the wedding, some speeches thank or mention parents and grandparents of the couple so you want to make sure you’ve got their names down.
  • Don’t go heavy on the jokes. Humor is great but when in doubt, keep it light. If you don’t know the family very well, some jokes may fall flat or not go over well with certain family members.
  • Do type up a nice copy of your speech for the couple to keep afterward.

short and sweet ceremony


Declaration of vows and commitment.

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  • Do include an endearing short story about the bride and/or groom. Use this story to add a little playfulness to your speech and pull at the heartstrings of friends and family.
  • Don’t tell embarrassing stories about the bride or groom. Keep your stories light and focused on their love for one another.
  • Do write a unique introduction. Since you know them personally, give yourself the freedom to stray from the traditional wedding ceremony introductions.
  • Don’t go into too much detail. Although you know the couple well, they may have invited acquaintances and distant friends to the ceremony so keep your speech concise.
  • Do type up a nice copy of your speech for the couple to keep afterward. A great wedding gift idea would be a framed print of their vows they can cherish for years to come.

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7 Amazing Officiant Speeches That Will Seriously Inspire You

We've rounded up the most emotional, inspiring and hilarious wedding officiant speeches to help you plan yours.

best wedding celebrant speech

Your wedding ceremony is a moment you will remember for the rest of your lives, and choosing the right wedding officiant to run your ceremony and your wedding vows it is a crucial part of the planning process. Your wedding officiant is the person who leads your ceremony script and, ultimately, marries you! They can be your childhood priest or rabbi, your sibling or a professional celebrant like The Vow Whisperer .

Not only do you want to find someone engaging and entertaining, but you also want a wedding officiant who will be able to showcase who you are as a couple and why your love story is special and unique to you. And don't forget, your wedding officiant must be legally recognized in the state in which your wedding takes place in order for the marriage to be legal, so if you choose to go with a loved one, make sure they get their certification with plenty of time before the wedding.

And if you're reading this article because you've been asked to officiate a wedding, you'll want to make sure you come up with a wedding ceremony script that makes the couple happy and wows their guests. Read on for examples of a great sample officiant speech!

Below we've rounded up 8 of the most inspiring wedding officiant speeches from our huge library of real wedding videos . We hope these videos will help you with your own wedding ceremony and wedding vows.


When deciding who you want to officiate your wedding, don’t let traditions keep you from creating the experience you want to have on your big day. Shalyn + Evan asked Shalyn's grandmother—the owner of the lavender farm where they had their ceremony—to be their officiant! She writes “here, where we gather today, is the heart of our land." Watch this proud, eloquent grandmother at the altar as she leads the ceremony.

Watch Shalyn + Evan’s wedding video here .


It's easy for couples to fall head over heels for each other while sharing extraordinary moments together. Melissa and Matt 's wedding officiant has the best advice for keeping love alive long past those exciting first few dates. "Love the ordinary." His officiant speech continues, "love making dinner, love going shopping, taking a walk together. Ironically, if you love the ordinary, you can make some of your days extraordinary. Do you not want to send this to your wedding officiant right now??"

Watch Melissa + Matt's wedding video here .


Molly and Mike 's wedding officiant gives a beautiful speech telling the story of how the couple met. It's important to make sure your wedding officiant knows your backstory so you can have moments like this in your ceremony that make it feel more personal and more YOU.

Watch Molly and Mike’s wedding video here .


Matt and Justin 's wedding officiant begins the ceremony with a powerful message that directly addresses LGBTQ couples. "If I can be a representative of the Episcopal Church, I think we owe you, the LGBTQ community, an apology. Because it's too late, it's been too slow, and I think that you have taught us how to be a better church." The wedding officiant's honesty and humility is inspiring—moving is an understatement.

Watch Matt and Justin's wedding video here .


Elopement weddings call for a wedding officiant that is able to make the couple feel super comfortable—it's only the three of you up at the altar, after all! May and Mitch searched high and low for an officiant in Kauai to find the perfect person to deliver their wedding vows. It wasn't until they saw a bunch of wedding videos with Kelvin Ho happily cracking coconuts throughout his speech that they knew they found their guy. His happy, easy-going personality totally sold them. Watching Kelvin perform his seashell hand-washing ritual on top of a Hawaiian cliff for major ceremony inspiration.

Watch May and Mitch's wedding video here .

One way to think about your wedding officiant speech is like ten minutes of amazing life advice. Kaylee and Jason 's wedding officiant gave a speech that could basically be pinned to every quote board on Pinterest. "There's a time in your life when you begin to measure time in terms of decades. When you look back upon them, you realize that your time upon this earth is really short, and so each moment that you are given on this earth is a time to celebrate." Well said.

Watch Kaylee and Jason's wedding video here .

Find your inner stand-up comedian and work the room with various LOLs. Thinking the wedding officiant's romantic remarks were coming to a close, Heath tries to skip the rest of the wedding vows and kiss Erika—and totally gets called out. While his eagerness is beyond adorable, the way Erika and Heath 's wedding officiant playfully teases the couple will have you in tears.

Watch Erika and Heath's wedding video here .

We hope you found these wedding officiants inspiring and you've gotten some great ideas for your own ceremony script and wedding vows. Don't forget to check out our vendor directory to find a professional wedding officiant, speech writer, or vow coach near you who can help you with your big day.

best wedding celebrant speech

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Wedding Officiants

Wedding Officiants

Great Ceremonies Begin Here

Wedding Ceremony Script

Wedding Ceremony Script

At  WeddingOfficiants.com  – The Wedding Officiant Directory , we’ve been working with engaged couples and professional wedding officiants for more than 15 years, and our site has become a top resource on the web for officiants to grow their businesses. We’ve curated a collection of the best wedding ceremony scripts submitted by our officiant members, and offer them here as a resource to anyone in need of a script for a wedding ceremony.

Below, you’ll find advice on creating your own custom wedding ceremony script, wedding ceremony samples, and links to both a religious wedding ceremony and a non-religious ceremony. The basics of writing a ceremony script start with an outline – the wedding ceremony template. Once you’ve decided on the structure of the ceremony, you can select individual wedding readings, wedding vows, and other ceremony elements to include in your script. Of course, you could also just copy a sample wedding ceremony script below and use it without any further customization.

The wedding scripts below have been created by experienced, professional wedding officiants. If you are already an officiant, we would love to have you join us as a member of our wedding officiant directory – you can view our membership packages here. If you are a new officiant, or if you’ve been tapped by a friend of family member to perform a wedding ceremony, there’s a chance you may really enjoy performing your first wedding and want to do it more often. If so, take a look at our  Officiant Resources  page, with advice on  how to get ordained ,  how to become a wedding officiant , and much more.

Writing a Wedding Ceremony Script

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Creating a wedding ceremony script from scratch can be a daunting task if you haven’t done it before, it’s not as simple as writing a collection of words and poetry. A marriage ceremony is a time-honored ritual which requires a bit of structure to feel sufficiently “ceremonial” for the couple and their guests. That’s not to say that there are firm rules when deciding how to write a wedding ceremony script – there are no “official” rules to speak of – but a lack of structure or organization can leave attendees feeling confused and actually detract from the overall feeling of the ceremony.

best wedding celebrant speech

We highly recommend sending the couple a copy of your wedding ceremony script once you’ve finished it so they can see exactly what you plan to say – that way, if there are any changes they feel are necessary, you can make them before the big day. Surprises may be fun on most days, but surprising a couple with the content of their wedding ceremony will probably not go over very well.

Wedding Ceremony Script Ideas

best wedding celebrant speech

Keep in mind that there are many different religious and cultural wedding traditions as well, but we’ve kept this list to the most common ideas for wedding ceremonies of all types.

Traditional Wedding Ceremony Elements:

  • Processional:  The “wedding procession” is simply a fancy way of referring to the beginning of the ceremony when everyone walks in.  This includes parents, wedding party, the officiant, and the couple, and is typically accompanied by music.
  • Opening Words / Welcome:  This is typically the first thing that is said at the beginning of the wedding ceremony. The opening words will often include some sort of welcome to the guests and a few remarks about the covenant of marriage.
  • Charge to Couple:  This is a short passage about the covenant of marriage and the importance of the occasion, and also usually includes a bit of practical marriage advice from the officiant. It doesn’t need to be terribly long, one to three short paragraphs is more than enough.
  • Wedding Readings:  It’s traditional to include one or more  wedding readings  during the ceremony, which are typically scripture or poetry. Ceremony readings can also be anything that is meaningful to the couple, and will typically reflect something about their love and their relationship.
  • Pledge / Declaration of Intent:  This part of the ceremony is when the couple will face one another, and affirm their intentions to be united in marriage. The officiant leads each of them through a series of statements or questions, which are answered with “I Do” or “I Will”.
  • Blessing of the Rings:  The ring blessing is a short statement or prayer by the officiant to bless or charge the couple’s wedding rings prior to the ring exchange. It can take the form of a few sentences, or a “ring warming” where the rings are passed to all the guests for their well-wishes.
  • Exchange of Vows:  Sometimes done simultaneously with the exchange of rings, the wedding vows can either be led by the officiant as a series of phrases repeated by the couple, or something completely unique written by each of them to one another.
  • Exchange of Rings:  The ring exchange during the ceremony is typically led by the officiant, with each member of the wedding couple repeating a series of short phrases while placing a wedding ring on their partner’s finger.
  • Pronouncement and Kiss:  Upon the exchange of vows and rings, the officiant will pronounce the couple as being officially married, and invite them to kiss. Typically followed by applause by the wedding guests, this may be the end of the ceremony if there are no closing words by the officiant.
  • Closing Words:  Traditionally, the officiant will offer some words to officially close the wedding ceremony, blessing the couple or offering encouragement for their journey as a married couple. This typically marks the official end of the wedding ceremony.
  • Recessional:  The recessional is the part of the ceremony where the couple and their attendants exit the ceremony, beginning with the couple and proceeding in the reverse order as the processional when everyone entered. The last person to exit before the guests is typically the officiant.

Unique Wedding Ceremony Ideas:

  • Honoring the Parents:  Usually performed at the beginning of the ceremony, the officiant takes a few moments to acknowlege the role the couple’s parents have played in raising them and bringing them up to this moment when they will be married.
  • Moment of Silence:  Also normally toward the beginning of the ceremony, taking a moment of silence to remember those friends and family who have passed away or could not attend the wedding ceremony for one reason or another.
  • Handfasting Ceremony:  An ancient Pagan and Celtic tradition, handfasting invlolves tying the hands of the couple together with a ribbon, rope, or braided cord to symbolize the unity between them and the connection they share.
  • Unity Candle Ceremony:  This candle lighting ceremony can be performed at any time during the wedding ceremony, and can be done in a number of ways. The popular version involves the couple lighting a single candle with two smaller candles to symbolize their new life together.
  • Wine Box Ceremony:  A newer tradition, the couple write love letters to one another and seal them in a wine box with a bottle of wine, opening the box on their first or fifth wedding anniversary to read one another’s letters and share the bottle of wine to celebrate their marriage.
  • Blended Family Ceremony:  For couples with children who wish to incorporate their kids into their wedding ceremony as well, this ceremony includes the children of the couple in saying vows to one another affirming their commitment and promises as a family.
  • Rose Ceremony:  There are two versions of this ceremony, one involving the couple presenting one another with a single rose to communicate their love and commitment, and the other with the couple presenting a rose to their mothers as a way of thanking them for their love and support.
  • Ring Warming Ceremony:  Typically done at the beginning of the ceremony prior to the vows, the officiant passes the couple’s wedding rings around throughout the wedding guests and asks each person to infuse the rings with their blessings and well-wishes for the couple’s marriage.
  • Jumping the Broom:  A tradition which found it’s way to the states as a part of African-American weddings, the couple has a broom placed in front of them and jumps over it as they exit the ceremony, popularized in the novel and miniseries,  Roots  by Alex Haley.
  • Sand Ceremony:  Similar in intent and execution to the Unity Candle Ceremony, the couple instead pours two separate containers of colored sand into a single vessel to symbolize their union. A great alternative for a windy wedding day!
  • Breaking the Glass:  A Jewish wedding tradition, the couple stomps on a glass to shatter it at the end of the wedding as their guests shout “Mazel Tov!” to congratulate them.

Wedding Ceremony Template

When creating a wedding ceremony script, it can be helpful to start with a general template to help you structure the ceremony, adding in the specific wording once you’ve designed the overall flow and order of the individual elements. While it can be tempting to include a lot of different elements and traditions (or let the couple pick as many as they’d like), keep in mind that the overall length of the ceremony will depend on how much you try to squeeze into it. Most non-religious wedding ceremonies should be about 20 minutes in length from the processional to the recessional – certainly not more than 40 minutes. Wedding guests get restless and stop paying attention after about 20 minutes, so the longer the ceremony lasts, the more bored and distracted the guests will be.

Generally speaking, most weddings will follow a standard order, with variations based on the couple’s needs or the amount and type of elements and traditions that are included. The basic wedding ceremony template for most weddings is:

  • Processional
  • Gathering Words
  • Declaration of Intent
  • Charge to Couple
  • Exchange of Vows
  • Exchange of Rings
  • Pronouncement and Kiss
  • Recessional

You can certainly make the ceremony more complex than this, but this template is the bare-bones structure of a standard wedding ceremony script. Start with this order and add any additional elements, readings, songs, and traditions where it makes the most sense. In general, you’ll want to place most of those additional elements toward the beginning of the ceremony, because the guests will expect that the exchange of vows will be one of the last items in the wedding ceremony order.

Wedding Ceremony Samples

To help you create your wedding ceremony script, we’ve included several wedding ceremony samples below – a Wedding Officiant Script and a Marriage Ceremony Script. We’ve chosen to only include generic sample wedding ceremonies here, so if you are interested in looking at samples for a non-religious wedding ceremony, a Christian wedding ceremony, an interfaith wedding ceremony, or a non-denominational wedding ceremony you’ll need to visit those specific pages to see the included sample scripts. These are examples of a standard wedding script following the template mentioned above, and should give you a solid head start.

Because the ceremony samples below are very basic and do not include any additional elements such as  wedding readings , a ceremony based solely on these scripts will be 10-15 minutes in length. We highly recommend keeping the total length of the wedding ceremony to around 20 minutes, so be selective with the number of additional elements you include. Please feel free to use these wedding ceremony samples for your own private or professional use, but bear in mind that they are copyrighted works so please do not publish them anywhere online.

Wedding Officiant Script

2. Seating of the Mothers

3. Officiant, Grooom, and Groomsmen Enter

4. Bridesmaids Enter

5. Flower Girl and Ring Bearer Enter

6. Bride Enters, Escorted by Her Father

Welcome to all who have gathered here this day to share in this marriage ceremony of [Name] and [Name].

These words, spoken today between [Name] and [Name] are indeed important and sacred, but they are not what joins these two together, nor is this marriage ceremony. We are not here to witness the beginning of their relationship, but to acknowledge and celebrate a lasting bond that already exists between them. [Name] and [Name] have already joined their hearts together and chosen to walk together on life’s journey, and we have come to bear witness to a sybolic union and a public affirmation of the love they share.

8. Gathering Words

Those of us in attendace today are present to witness a statement of lasting love and commitment between [Name] and [Name]. The ceremonial union of two people in marriage, in its primordial form, is as ancient as our very humanity and yet is still as fresh as each day’s sunrise. The commitment of love between [Name] and [Name] speaks of their shared experience together and their dreams for the future, of the importance of each of them as individuals as well as the special bond they share, and of the importance of their community of family and friends.

Everyone gathered here today was invited to this ceremony because you have played a special role in [Name] and [Name]’s lives. You are present at this ceremony to celebrate their marriage and to witness their vows of love to one another. Will all of you, gathered here to witness this union, do all in your power to love and support this couple now, and in the years ahead? If so please respond, “we will.”

Guests: We will.

9. Declaration of Intent

And [Name] and [Name], have you come here today with the intention to be legally joined in marriage? Do you pledge to choose respect, kindness, and compassion toward one another, to listen deeply to one other, and to speak to one another truthfully, today and always?

Couple: We do.

10. Charge to Couple

[Name] and [Name],   your love is something that you both cherish, so much so that it’s moved you join in the union of marriage and create a home together. Today, you dedicate your lives to giving one another happiness and support. To be certain, entering into the covenant of marriage is an act of deep trust and faith in the strength of your love. It would be a fool’s error to base your marriage on the hope that your partner will change to become something they are not, or do something in the future that they do not already do today. Your marriage must be based on the heartfelt and sincere acceptance of one another, as you are, in each moment.

The pledge you make today expresses your devotion to one another and to the love you share, and the words spoken here will support your marriage if you are able to sustain your commitment through the inevitable hardships you’ll face together. Today, in the presence of your families and friends, you pronounce your love for each other and make a commitment that will define the next phase of your journey. We celebrate it with you, and wish you well.

11. Exchange of Vows  (Repeat after the officiant)

I, [Name], take you, [Name], to be my wife; to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish; until we are parted by death.

I, [Name], take you, [Name], to be my husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish; until we are parted by death.

12. Exchange of Rings

May I please have the rings? (officiant is handed both rings)

Since ancient times, the ring has been a symbol of the unbroken circle of love, with no beginning and no end. Love given freely has no giver and no receiver, for each is the giver and each is the receiver. May these rings always remind you of the freedom and power of this commitment you make here today.

[Name], placing the ring on [Name]’s finger, repeat after me: [Name],I give you this ring, as a sign of my vow to love, honor, and cherish you.

And [Name], placing the ring on [Name]’s finger, repeat after me: [Name],I give you this ring, as a sign of my vow to love, honor, and cherish you.

13. Pronouncement and Kiss

[Name] and [Name], inasmuch as you have pledged yourselves, each to the other, and have declared the same in the presence of this company by the exchange of vows and the giving and receiving of rings, by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may now kiss the Bride! (Applause)

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you, the new Mr. and Mrs. ________________ !

15. Recessional

Marriage Ceremony Script

Welcome to the wedding of [Name] and [Name]. On behalf of the couple, I welcome you to this celebration of love, and ask that all of you take a moment to silence your mobile devices. Thank you.

A wedding ceremony is a joyous occasion, filled with hopes, dreams and excitement. We are here today to acknowledge and honor the love that [Name] and [Name] share, and to bear witness to the commitment which will begin their journey as married partners.

Marriage is a time-honored tradition, and should never be entered into lightly. [Name] and [Name] have made a very serious and important decision in choosing to marry one other today, entering into a sacred covenant as life partners. While the responsibility to honor and sustain their commitment ultimately lies with the two of them, each of you gathered here today are here because you play an important role in their lives. As their community of support, there may be times that [Name] and [Name] will need your wisdom, guidance, and encouragement to work through the inevitable difficulties that lie ahead. I ask that all of you choose love in your thoughts, words, and actions toward them and their marriage, and do all you can to help them nurture and deepen their bond.

As when tending a garden, the quality of your marriage will be a reflection the effort that the two of you put into nurturing this relationship. You have the opportunity to go forward from this day to create a faithful, kind and tender bond. We wish for you the wisdom, compassion, and constancy to create a peaceful sanctuary in which you both can grow in love. [Name] and [Name], do you understand and accept this responsibility and do you come here freely to enter into the covenant of marriage?

[Couple] We do.

10. Reading

The following is an excerpt from Union, by Robert Fulghum.

“You have known each other from the first glance of acquaintance to this point of commitment. At some point, you decided to marry. From that moment of yes, to this moment of yes, indeed, you have been making commitments in an informal way. All of those conversations that were held in a car, or over a meal, or between baseball innings – all those conversations that began with, “When we’re married”, and continued with “I will” and “you will” and “we will” – all those late night talks that included “someday” and “somehow” and “maybe” – and all those promises that are unspoken matters of the heart.

All these common things, and more, are the real process of a wedding. The symbolic vows that you are about to make are a way of saying to one another, “You know all those things that we’ve promised, and hoped, and dreamed – well, I meant it all, every word.” Look at one another and remember this moment in time. Before this moment you have been many things to one another – acquaintance, friend, companion, lover, dancing partner, even teacher, for you have learned much from one another over these years. Shortly you shall say a few words that will take you across a threshold of life, and things between you will never quite be the same. For after today you shall say to the world – This is my husband. This is my wife.”

11. Exchange of Vows

[Name], please look into [Name]’s eyes and repeat after me:

I, [Name] take thee, [Name] to be my wedded wife, to laugh with you in joy, to grieve with you in sorrow, to grow with you in love, as long as we both shall live.

And [Name], please look into [Name]’s eyes and repeat after me:

I, [Name] take thee, [Name] to be my wedded husband, to laugh with you in joy, to grieve with you in sorrow, to grow with you in love, as long as we both shall live.

May I have the rings please?

Wedding rings are symbolic reminders of the unbroken circle of eternal love. Within the safety and comfort of a true marriage, love given freely has no beginning and no end. Love freely given has no separate giver and receiver. Each of you gives your love to the other, and each of you receives love from the other. May these rings serve to remind you of the freedom and power of your love.

[Name], placing the ring on [Name]’s finger, repeat after me:

With this ring, I give you my promise, to honor you, to be faithful to you, and to share my love and life with you, in all ways, forever.

And [Name], placing the ring on [Name]’s finger, repeat after me:

And now, having entered into the covenant of marriage by the exchanging of vows and the giving and receiving of rings, by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may now seal these vows with a kiss!

14. Closing Words

[Name] and [Name], our best wishes go forward from this day with you and we wish for you a fulfilling life, rich in caring and in happiness. May you find a gentle and peaceful life that nurtures and comforts you, and that reflects your honesty, kindness and integrity. There is a wonderful life ahead of you. Live it fully, love it’s changes and choices, and let life amaze you and bring you great joy.

It is my pleasure to introduce, __________________________!

Interested in Becoming a Professional Officiant?

It’s not uncommon for people to catch the officiant “bug” after performing their first few ceremonies, and decide to pursue a career as a professional officiant. If this sounds like you, we recommend reading the rest of the  Officiant Resources  available on our site, and we hope you will consider joining  WeddingOfficiants.com – The Wedding Officiant Directory . To view our different advertising options,  visit our membership page  and click the button below to search our database of local wedding officiants!

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Officiate With This Perfect 10-Part Wedding Ceremony Script

So you need to write a wedding ceremony script and officiate a wedding . Instead of grabbing a canned pre-written sample from one of the 695,691 webpages out there, start with the 10-part wedding ceremony script outline I use every weekend instead.

A canned script is restrictive right out of the gate. It says, “I’m not really sure what I’m doing.” When we use a wedding ceremony script outline , it communicates to our couple that we’re structured and flexible. The process ends up being way more collaborative, and the finished script ends up being way more personal.

It’s the difference between “Hey, I bought this cake. Now eat it,” and “Hey, let’s make a cake!” Or… something.

Call up your couple, sit down with them for an hour over a drink, and brainstorm through this standard 10-part wedding ceremony script outline. Talk over the personal elements they might want to add. I’ve included some of the most common variations when relevant so you can discuss some options.

Here is the ceremony script outline I start with for 100% of the weddings I officiate.

1. Officiant Opening Remarks

The wedding officiant takes the front with Partner 1 and Partner 1’s party (down the aisle or from the side), and then the officiant makes some brief opening remarks.

  • Welcome the guests.
  • Announce whether photos are allowed.
  • Ask guests to please turn phones to silent.
  • “With that, let’s begin!” That’s the cue for the processional.


  • After the officiant and Partner 1 and Partner 1’s party enter, maybe some grandparents or other important family members enter and are seated in the front row before the officiant speaks.
  • If Partner 1 and his/her party are part of the processional, the officiant can enter alone and make the opening remarks alone before anyone else enters.

2. The Processional

The music starts, and the wedding processional begins.

  • Ring boys and/or flower girls and/or junior bridesmaids enter.
  • Partner 2’s party enters in single file.
  • The officiant asks guests, “Please stand for [Partner 2] as you’re able.”
  • Partner 2 enters with parent(s), walk the aisle, and stop at the front row.
  • Partner 1 steps forward to receive Partner 2 at front row.
  • Partners and parents exchange handshakes, hugs, and kisses with parent(s).
  • Partner 1 and Partner 2 stand in front of the officiant, facing each other holding hands.
  • The officiant invites guests to be seated.
  • Sometimes when Partner 2 and his/her escort arrive at the front row, the music fades and the officiant asks who gives Partner 2 away or who supports this union. Partner 2’s escort answers, “I do.”
  • The ring boys and/or flower girls and/or junior bridesmaids can enter either first in the processional or just before Partner 2.

3. The Officiant’s Speech

What makes today so important in the life of this couple? It’s the promises they are making to always be there for each other (“vows”) in front of their closest friends and family. Here’s where the officiant says some things about that.

Some suggestions for what to say:

  • share a story about the couple,
  • read a poem or excerpt from a book that is meaningful to the couple,
  • say something deep and philosophical about commitment and faithfulness,
  • add some prayers or blessings from the couple’s religious tradition.

Be creative, respectful, and remember everyone there wants to have fun and be engaged! (Well, except the couple. They don’t wanna be engaged anymore. Heh. See what I did there…? Ohhhkay.)

We may be legally required to say a couple of things in the ceremony, and I like to add them to the end of the speech. A couple of those things might be:

  • “If anyone knows of any legal reason why these two may not be married today, please speak now.”
  • “[Partner 1] and [Partner 2], do you stand here today to give yourselves to each other in marriage.”

How do we know if we have to include these things in the ceremony? Google up on the laws in your state or province.

4. The Exchange of Vows

This is when the couple makes promises to each other. It’s kinda the biggest part of the day. No pressure.

Have no fear! See my two blog posts on the three ways to say wedding vows and my curated list of favourite wedding vows.

5. The Exchange of Rings

The Best Man is usually holding both rings. The officiant states that the couple will now exchange rings as a physical symbol of the promises they’re making today.

  • The Best Man gives Partner 2’s ring to Partner 1.
  • Partner 1 slides the ring on Partner 2’s finger.
  • The officiant asks Partner 1 to repeat a few lines about giving this ring as a symbol and a reminder of his/her commitment (i.e. “I give you this ring/as a sign of my commitment to you.”).
  • The Best Man gives Partner 1’s ring to the officiant. (So that he doesn’t have to cut across the front.)
  • The officiant gives the ring to Partner 2.
  • Partner 2 slides the ring on Partner 1’s finger.
  • The officiant asks Partner 2 to repeat a few lines about giving this ring as a symbol and a reminder of his/her commitment (i.e. “I give you this ring/as a sign of my commitment to you.”).

6. Pronouncing the Couple as Married

“Well now, in front of your closest friends and family (and by the authority given be by the province/state of _________ ), I pronounce you husband and wife/married! [Partner 1], you may kiss [Partner 2]!”

  • Some officiants put this element after the signing, but I like to put it before. That way, everyone has clapped and cheered and the signing is more relaxed with a party-like atmosphere, rather than stiffer and more ceremonial.

7. Signing the Legal Documents

Is this a legal ceremony? The officiant tells the guests that the couple is going to sign some papers and we will all be back in just a few minutes.

  • Music starts.
  • If the officiant is legalizing the ceremony (or someone else in attendance is doing that), head over to the table and sign with the required number of witnesses (usually the Best Man and Maid of Honour).
  • When finished, everyone comes back to the centre as before and the officiant gets ready to make some closing remarks.
  • Sometimes the couple opts to do this in private with the witnesses before or after the ceremony.
  • Some countries do this before or after the ceremony, so you can leave this out if it’s not customary where you’re from.

8. Officiant Closing Remarks

This is mostly practical, next-steps stuff. The officiant tells the guests 1) what the couple is doing next, 2) what the guests need to do next, and 3) thank you for coming. For example:

  • “[Partner 1] and [Partner 2] are heading out briefly for photos and will rejoin us shortly,”
  • “In the meantime, you are all invited out to the terrace where drinks and refreshments will be served, with the reception to follow shortly after.”
  • “On behalf of the happy couple, thanks for coming and have a wonderful evening!”

9. Presentation of the Couple

Here’s where the couple gets officially presented to everyone for the first time. This is what I typically say:

  • “Finally, stand with me now; it is my distinct honour to present to you for the first time: _______ and _______ as husband and wife/married!” or an alternative (i.e. “Mr. and Mrs. _______!”).

10. The Recessional

  • The recessional music starts immediately.
  • The couple heads up the aisle.
  • When the couple has cleared the aisle completely (no photo-bombing and traffic jams!), the two wedding parties follow in pairs, linking arms and starting with Best Man and Maid of Honour.
  • The officiant goes to Partner 2’s family, offers congratulations, and motions them to exit up the aisle.
  • The officiant goes to Partner 1’s family, offers congratulations, and motions them to exit up the aisle.
  • Finally, the officiant stands and motions the subsequent second rows to exit.

There you have it!

Now, one thing to note here at the end. This is a standard 10-part wedding ceremony outline. Our couple may expand it out to 22 parts or 648 parts by adding readings or rituals involving multiple family members, fire, sand, doves, F-18 flyovers, clowns, alcohol, etc.

Just go with it! And remember: it’s not our job to coordinate all the minute details like bringing all the candles and birdcages! Our role as Officiant is to facilitate and accommodate what they want their ceremony to look like and make the space for it to happen. Use my standard 10-part ceremony script outline as a starting point, and craft any style of perfect wedding ceremony from there.

If you feel you need more help, I offer a full wedding script + 1-on-1 coaching service here , and a full wedding officiating course called Unboring!Wedding Academy here.

Now get out there with your script and deliver the Best. Ceremony. Ever.

What To Read Next:

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How to create and officiate a wedding ceremmony

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best wedding celebrant speech

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5am Joel

I officiated another wedding! Here’s my speech script…

wedding officiant speech

Woohoo! I officiated another friend’s wedding 🙂 And I want to share the speech script in hopes that it helps others out there if they are asked to be a wedding officiant.

Before creating this script, I did a lot of googling, talked with older married couples , and pondered a lot about marriage. It took a few weeks of random note taking before I was able to piece together a nice flowing script.

Just like last time, I was given rough parameters:

  • Can include a little religion, but not too much
  • Please acknowledge relatives
  • Keep it short and swift 🙂
  • Couple have written their own vowels

That all being said, here is what I came up with 👇👇👇

Wedding Officiant Speech Script:


WELCOME everyone!!!!!

  • Please be seated
  • And please silence your cell phones
  • My name is Joel, I have the pleasure of officiating this marriage 🙂

(OK, let’s see if I can get through this without crying (haha))

First off – [Groom’s Mom]… THANK YOU for inviting all these friends and family into your beautiful home, and everything you’ve done to host this special day.

[Groom’s Dad] – he’s here in spirit, and I can’t imagine him being more proud of you [Groom].

And [Bride’s Mom] and [Bride’s Dad]. Thank you for being here and supporting this marriage! [Bride] and [Groom] aren’t just officially starting their new family today, they are expanding yours. 🙂

<pause, take a breathe>

I’m convinced — that the foundations of a true marriage – begin way before the actual wedding day happens.

I’ve had the pleasure of watching [Bride] and [Groom] grow as a couple over the past few years, and they formed strong foundations in their relationship a while ago. They survived COVID together, they’ve traveled to exotic places together, merged both their day to day lives, as well as long term life plans.

One of the things [Bride] and [Groom] both told me (separately and early on in their relationship) about each other is that their morals are aligned. And that they were impressed with each other’s true character. How cool is that!?…

For two people who are – let’s be honest – quite different in their backgrounds and personalities and tendencies… For example… During Covid while [Groom] was clorox wiping down all the groceries and food packages in the house, [Bride] was still abiding by the 5 second rule.

But seriously, as opposite as some of these characteristics are —> [Bride] and [Groom] have actually found a perfect fit. Their core values match.

And the reason this foundation is so important is because a marriage continues to build and adapt for the rest of your life.

A wedding is not a validation of what you have today. Your not just agreeing that you both love each other currently… You’re agreeing that you will love each other —> forever, no matter what happens in life.. you’re agreeing to love the future person that your partner turns into.

You’re agreeing to hard work. You’re committing to tackle the scary and unknown together. You’re committing to sacrifice. You’re agreeing to set aside the things you want individually and prioritizing building the life that the other person dreams of.

You’re agreeing to give 100%, always and forever.

Scary, right? (lol)

Nah… it’s not scary.

Today was meant to be. Ask anyone here with a sole mate – “How do you know when you’ve found the right one?”…

They’ll tell you… “You just know”. You know because you trust them. Because you trust their core values and true character. Just like [Bride] and [Groom]  guys do.

(Oh yeah, marriage is also really fun – despite all the seriousness) LOL.

I have no doubt you guys are going to have a long and successful marriage.

So, if you’re ready… I’m gonna ask you some questions, so you can attest your commitment to each other…

<bride and groom nod they are ready>

  • Do you both choose each other to be partners for life? [We do]
  • Do you choose to trust and respect each other, and support one another in good times and in bad times? [We do]
  • Do you love what you know about each other today, and trust what you do not yet know? [We do]

And now [Bride] and [Groom] are going to share some personal vowels they have written to each other.

—> Groom Vowels. (2 mins)

—> Bride Vowels. (3 mins)

Ok. Let’s get the rings….

RINGS: These rings are a symbol of life long commitment. They seal the vows you have just taken to love each other for the rest of your lives.

By the power vested in me, and by the strength of your own love, I now pronounce you, MARRIED!

You may kiss each other!

That’s it! The wedding went really well and I got great feedback from guests.

This is the second wedding I’ve officiated, and we’ll see if I get asked again. If you haven’t checked it out, here’s the original wedding officiant speech I wrote the first time. Hopefully this will give you ideas when writing yours.

Wishing you luck for the upcoming special wedding day!!

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  • Sarah is the Entertainment & Celebrity Editor for The Knot, with special focuses on pop culture and celebrity wedding news.
  • Before joining The Knot Worldwide, Sarah was a contributing writer for Bravo at NBC Universal.
  • Sarah has a degree in journalism and resides in New York City.

Giving a wedding speech is one of the biggest honors you can have as a family member or close friend of the newlyweds. While toasts commonly occur during the wedding reception, some couples may ask you to prepare a few words for additional events too, like the rehearsal dinner or the ceremony. Whether you're a seasoned speechwriter or you're preparing your first ever wedding toast, it can be hard to determine how to accurately convey your thoughts and well-wishes for the couple. Giving a great speech requires thoughtful planning before the big day. And if public speaking isn't your thing , you might be searching for wedding speech ideas to inspire your own.

Luckily for you, there's plenty of speech help online—especially on TikTok. The Gen Z-favored video-sharing app is a wealth of wedding inspiration, especially when it comes to toasts. If you haven't found yourself on "WeddingTok," there are thousands of videos of bridesmaids, groomsmen, parents and friends giving standout wedding toasts . And if you're trying to write the best wedding speech for a special couple, we're here to help. Below, we've rounded up our favorite wedding speech ideas we've seen on TikTok. Whether you're writing a best man speech , a maid of honor speech , or a toast for your child, these heartfelt videos will give you plenty of inspiration. Once you've narrowed down the kind of toast you want to give, use our ultimate guide for how to write a wedding speech to create a script that'll bring the house down.

Open With a Joke

@thatawkwardteacher how to make a bride instantly regret making you her maid of honor #moh #mohspeech #weddingtiktok #wedding #foryou #fyp #foryoupage ♬ original sound - Cassie

There's no better way to break the ice than with a lighthearted joke to get the crowd warmed up. You don't have to be a standup comedian to think of a groundbreaking joke either. Instead, steal a line from this maid of honor speech , which starts off with an apology (and a hair flip) for the guests who don't have the privilege of knowing the speaker personally. She then pretends to give a roast instead of a toast, further solidifying this as one of our favorite wedding speech ideas.

Give Honest Advice

@yourstorytold.co someone get her a Netflix special #weddingtiktok #singleaf #weddingfails #maidofhonorspeech #livingthedream #funnywomen #funnywomenoftiktok ♬ You Need To Calm Down - Taylor Swift

Read any wedding speech writing guide and you'll probably be encouraged to share a few words of wisdom with the newlyweds. But, if you aren't married yourself or you don't feel like an expert on all things love, you aren't out of luck. Take a cue from this maid of honor, who candidly (and hilariously) jokes about being single at the wedding.

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Take a "humble" approach.

@bevideography "You're welcome" 🤣🤣 #weddingspeech #bestman #bestmanspeech #weddingtiktok ♬ original sound - BE Videography

Not sure what to write for your wedding speech? We love this best man's approach, who gives himself a pat on the back for introducing the happy couple. After all, no one would be at the wedding without him, so it's only fair that he gets a round of applause too.

Plan a Surprise Flash Mob

@baileypreddy My sister slayed 💁🏼‍♀️ #fypツ #foryour #foryourpride🏳️‍🌈 #lesbiantikok #lgbtqwedding #weddingideas #flashmob #bestfriendsgoals #mohspeech ♬ original sound - Bailey Preddy

The fun doesn't have to stop when your speech ends. If you're looking for speech examples that'll really wow the crowd, enlist the help of your fellow bridesmaids and groomsmen to surprise the couple with a flash mob at the wedding reception. This is particularly appropriate for those looking for fun ideas instead of wedding speeches—if public speaking makes you nervous, keep the talking to a minimum and let the flash mob take over.

Share a Cheeky Pun

@emerald_media Best opening line ever 🤣 #lesbianwedding #lesbiansoftiktok #lesbiancouple #weddingmoments #funnyweddingspeech #gaypride #fyp ♬ original sound - emeraldmediaservices

We're obsessed with this sweet wedding officiant speech idea. Making a cheeky joke at the start of the ceremony sets the tone for the rest of the event, but it also allows the couple to relax and shed any last-minute nerves before they say their wedding vows.

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Write a Custom Song

@lovestoriestv 🎥: @miketevesfilms #lovestoriestv #weddingtiktok #mohspeech #weddingspeech #taylorswift ♬ original sound - LoveStoriesTV | Wedding Inspo

You've probably seen your fair share of customized wedding speech songs, but this one takes the cake. If your best friend is a major Taylor Swift fan, take one of her classic love songs and re-write the words yourself. We have a feeling this would bring any Swiftie to tears.

Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

@jkfilmco How this dad knew her daughter had the hots for Manoli #weddingsspeeches #weddings ♬ original sound - J&K Film Co

The father of the bride speech is notorious for being emotional and heartfelt. If you're a parent planning a speech for your child, take a cue from this dad, who reminisces on the first time he saw his daughter interacting with her future husband at a high school basketball game.

Speak From the Heart

@daniel_k._films You have about 5 seconds to grab a box of tissues… #weddingtiktok #wedding #speech #fypシ #maidofhonor ♬ original sound - Daniel_K._Films

The wedding speech is supposed to be thoughtfully written—and while some wedding party members will want to crack jokes and lighten the mood, others might want to write something serious and touching. You'll need a box of tissues to watch this emotional maid of honor speech.

Arrange a Surprise Video Message

@lovestoriestv 🎥: @kateoliviafilms #lovestoriestv #mohspeech #weddingsurprise #weddingspeech #maidofhonor #MyStyle #BachelorReady ♬ original sound - LoveStoriesTV | Wedding Inspo

You don't have to be the only person who speaks during your toast. If there's a loved one who's unable to attend the wedding, coordinate a surprise video message ahead of time so they can also share a few special words with the couple from afar.

Tastefully Roast Your Friend

@katlyn.boone he really set him up😂 #wedding #weddingmoment #funnyweddingmoment #funnyweddingspeech #weddingspeech #funnyweddingmoments #brideandgroom ♬ original sound - Katlyn Boone Cinematography

If you know the newlyweds have a great sense of humor, don't be afraid to weave in a few lighthearted jokes. Take a cue from this best man's speech, where the speaker invites the groom to put his hand over his wife's, signifying the last time he'll have the "upper hand" in their marriage.

Honor Your Parents

@happycamperfilms Such special ways to honor their parents' memory on her wedding day ❤️ #wedding #weddingspeech #emotional #foryou #fyp ♬ original sound - happycamperfilms

This wedding speech is perfect for siblings. If you're looking for wedding speech ideas for your sister or brother, give your parents a shoutout in your toast like this maid of honor did.

Speak to Your Best Friend's Spouse

@newenglandcreative Speech of the century 😭 #wedding #weddingvideographer #weddingvideo #engaged #weddingdress #weddingvibes #weddingplanner #speech #love ♬ Worship Instrumental - Instrumental - Adrian Jonathan

If you're the maid of honor, you've probably been friends with the bride for a long time. And, as a result, you've likely seen the progression of the couple's relationship from the start. For a unique wedding speech idea for your best friend, consider speaking directly to their spouse. Talk about how it feels to see them grow together, and share what it's like to watch your friend be loved so genuinely. This creative tactic is a unique way to honor their relationship in front of loved ones.

Be Sentimental

@newenglandcreative Speech of the century from bride's dad 😭 Wait for it 😢 #wedding #weddingspeech #weddingdress #weddingplanner #speech #tears #imnotcryingyouare #dad ♬ See You Again (Piano Arrangement) - Alexandre Pachabezian

We dare you to watch this father of the bride speech without shedding a tear. Emulate this dad's speaking style in your own toast—writing a vulnerable and honest message will resonate with the crowd.

Reminisce on Your Friendship

@emerald_media When your BFF gives a speech.. #weddingvideo #weddingspeech #emotionalweddingmoments #bffgoals #fyp #viral #bestfriends ♬ original sound - emeraldmediaservices

As the maid of honor or the best man, you've probably been thinking about your toast long before the wedding day. We recommend digging back into the early memories of your friendship, as this maid of honor did, to share personal anecdotes and memories that illustrate your close relationship with the couple.

Give a Toast to Your Child's Spouse

@danleighvideography Bride's dad passed away before they got married. Father of the groom moves her to tears during his speech #trynottocry #imnotcryingyouare #fatherinlaw ♬ She's Somebody's Daughter (The Wedding Version) - Drew Baldridge

Consider this one of our favorite examples of a father of the groom speech. Since the bride's father passed away before the wedding, the groom's dad took over both speech duties and welcomed his son's new wife into their family.

Allot Time for a Couple's Toast

@lovestoriestv 🎥: @imageslifemedia #lovestoriestv #weddingspeech #howtheymet #funnywedding #funnyweddingmoments #HowBizarre ♬ original sound - LoveStoriesTV | Wedding Inspo

Now, it's common for the newlyweds to take the floor for a speech of their own. We love this bride's great wedding toast (and tasteful roast) to her future husband, who originally didn't think they'd be a good match.

Couple raising toasts after wedding reception speeches.


Opening Words and Introduction

Wedding Ceremony Samples

The Opening Words and Introduction of the wedding ceremony   sets the tone for the wedding. It’s a statement about the occasion, its importance, the significance to the world as well as the couple getting married.

Opening Words and Introduction 1

Friends and Family of the BRIDE and GROOM, welcome and thank you for being here on this important day.

We are gathered together to celebrate the very special love between BRIDE and GROOM, by joining them in marriage.

All of us need and desire to love and to be loved.

And the highest form of love between two people is within a monogamous, committed relationship.

BRIDE and GROOM, your marriage today is the public and legal joining of your souls that have already been united as one in your hearts.

Marriage will allow you a new environment to share your lives together, standing together to face life and the world, hand-in-hand.

Marriage is going to expand you as individuals, define you as a couple, and deepen your love for one another.

To be successful, you will need strength, courage, patience and a really good sense of humor.

So, let your marriage be a time of waking each morning and falling in love with each other all over again.

Opening Words and Introduction 2

Good evening, welcome to this most important moment in the lives of this couple.

We invite you to leave behind the worries and concerns of every day life and join us in the celebration of their marriage.

This is an opportunity for us to share not only in the joy of BRIDE and GROOM’s love but also to reaffirm and appreciate the love and the friendship we experience in our own lives.

May we all celebrate by being fully present during our short time together.

BRIDE and GROOM have chosen this setting in which to be married because it provides an appropriate backdrop for the public affirmation of their love.

BRIDE and GROOM view marriage as a coming together at all levels of being — mind, body, and spirit.

A marital commitment includes the willingness to be open and vulnerable, and the courage to take risks.

Marriage is a conscious act of will.

To remain in marriage we must continually renew our will to be married.

Marital partners accept the challenges that living together in love offer.

They decide that they will face the fears that are a necessary part of establishing and nurturing an intimate relationship.

And you, BRIDE and GROOM have made the commitment to create and recreate this conscious partnership.

Those of us who are married or in relationships may take this moment to consciously reaffirm our commitment to our partners and ourselves.

Marriage consists of entrusting our deepest selves into the loving care of another.

It is a public and legal act to be sure.

It is also an emotional and spiritual act.

The spiritual aspect of marriage must be embraced openly, seriously, and completely for the marriage to endure.

BRIDE and GROOM commit themselves today to each other in sacred trust.

They promise to embrace conflict as well as peace; to work as well as play; to struggle as well as coast; to give as well as receive; and to be with, stay with, and move toward one another.

Opening Words and Introduction  3

Today there will be no dearly beloved, no betrothed, and no ancient rhyme of the married.

Today there are no dead languages to solemnize vows that are very much alive and will remain so for a lifetime.

Today promises become permanent and friends become family.

However, this day is not about the words spoken or the rings exchanged, nor is it about grand pronouncements and recessional marches.

This day — the day of BRIDE and GROOM’s wedding — is about love.

One of my favorite authors once wrote ,  If love is not all, then it is nothing: this principle, and its opposite, collide down all the years of my breathless tale.”

BRIDE and GROOM, your breathless tale is about to begin.

If love is not all, then it is nothing.

Its opposite — If love is all, then it is everything — is going to be the basis for every aspect of your relationship.

All you have to do is simply love one another and that love shows through in everything you do for one another, how you treat each other, in good times and bad.

Love isn’t just a word; it’s an action.

Love isn’t something you say, it’s something you do.

Love is genuine, honest, and open, compassionate and kind, passionate and blind, love doesn’t know space or time, nor look through jealous eyes, and in the modified words of Paul in his letter to the Corinthians, Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.

Love never dies.”

There are many different kinds of love, almost if not all of which are represented here today.

There is romantic love, the love of parents and children, of brothers and sisters and family, and love among friends.

Not only do BRIDE and GROOM love one another romantically — and they do, you can see it in every look, every touch, every moment they’re together — they also love one another as friends.

In fact, they’re best friends, constantly giggling and taunting and teasing and very plainly and obviously having fun together.

That love and enjoyment of each other as best friends will sustain them through this marriage.

In addition, the love collectively in this room, from friends and family, will help sustain and support the promises they make today.

All of us here will help solidify this bond, as these two individuals are joined as husband and wife.

This new journey will be at times richly rewarding and extremely difficult, but, most importantly, it will be a journey you take together.

Marriage is much more than your signatures on a legal contract.

You are promising, in front of all these people you love, that you want to be with each other and only each other for the rest of your lives, and that you will do everything in your power to honor the promises you are making here today.

For their part, the people who love you will also do everything in their power to try to help you hold up your end of the bargain.

Opening Words and Introduction 4

Today is a celebration.

A celebration of love, of commitment, of friendship, of family, and of two people who are in it for forever.

You don’t have to have a ceremony to have a marriage.

And when you think about it, the whole thing is kind of weird, right?

You’re standing on in front of a lot of people, looking fancy, holding flowers, and being stared at by pretty much everyone who has meant anything to you.

So why do we do it?

The marriage ceremony has been an important feature across nearly every culture, religion, generation, and society.

We have thousands of important moments that happen throughout our lives, but this one is regarded as one so critical, we acknowledge its special status by sharing it with others.

Why this moment?

Because despite all of our differences, love is what we all share.

It’s the great unifier – our one universal truth.

That no matter who we are, where we’ve come from, what we believe, we know this one thing: love is what we’re doing right.

That’s why you are both standing here.

And that’s why you all are here to watch them stand up here.

We have all loved in our lifetimes, and in this moment, we’re reminded that the ability to love is the very best part of our humanity.

All of us here today have our own love stories.

Some are short, others long.

Some are yet unwritten, while others are just getting to the good part.

There are chapters in all of our stories that are sad or disappointing – and others that are exciting and full of adventure.

[Insert love story here]

And that brings them here, a time to pause, look back, and smile at all the moments that brought them here.

And a time to look ahead to all the moments that are still to come.

I’m here – we’re all here – because we want those moments for you.

We’re here to hope with you, to support you, to be proud of you, and to remind you that love isn’t happily ever after, love is the experience of writing your story.

It’s not one moment – not even this moment. It’s every moment.

Big ones like saying “I love you,” moving in together, getting engaged – but mostly a million little ones that come in between the big moments.

Falling asleep next to one another, making dinner together, spending holidays with your families, getting a big hug when you get home from work…

These everyday moments fuse together into one big experience.

And even though this experience is so incredible, words fail us when we try and explain it.

That’s just the way it is with love – it’s meant to be felt, not described.

But trying to describe love is one of our favorite pastimes.

We use the words we have to write stories, and poems, and songs about love.

And even though we describe love in different ways – and even though love can look different from one person to the next – we all know it when we see it.

And we see it here.

Opening Words and Introduction 5

We have been invited here today to witness and celebrate the uniting in marriage of BRIDE and GROOM.

They are taking the first step of their new beginning; their new life together.

The ability and desire for one human being to love another is perhaps the most precious and fulfilling gift that has been entrusted to us.

It is an all-consuming task, a lifelong endeavor — the journey we’ve been preparing for all of our lives.

Loving someone is a reason to stretch beyond our limits, to become more for the sake of the other.

It is to look into the soul of your beloved and accept what you see.

Loving is the ultimate commitment which challenges humans to become all that we are meant to be.

As they join in marriage today, BRIDE and GROOM are announcing to the world that they are welcoming that challenge.

Opening Words and Introduction 6

Hello and welcome!  May your hearts be glad and your spirits be light.

For every thing there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven.  Now is the time for a wedding.

BRIDE and GROOM have asked you all here today to bear witness to the forming of their covenant.

In honor of this event, they will say heartfelt words, perform age-old rituals and validate this event in your presence, their family and friends.

They will laugh and cry, dance and sing, and above all, celebrate their love with the blessings of the people who matter most to them.

To this day BRIDE and GROOM bring the joy in their hearts as a gift to one another.

They bring their shared dreams, which tie them together.

And they bring the seeds for their future, out of which will grow their life together.

You have been invited to share in their joy because of your bonds to the bride and groom and their families.

Again, they welcome you and thank you for coming.

Opening Words and Introduction 7

Hello everyone and welcome.

Thank you for joining us on this day of gladness and good fortune.

BRIDE and GROOM are coming together to publicly proclaim their undying love through the celebration of their marriage.

We are all here to learn about loving and being loved, and to watch the miracle of love exchanged enriches every one of us.

Therefore, we appreciate the opportunity to witness the shared love of this beautiful couple.

Their enthusiasm is contagious, their certainty of their destiny together is inspiring and their great expectations give us all a glimpse of the heights love can reach.

Marriage is a very special place.

It’s an oasis, a haven, and a sanctuary where we can safely learn about ourselves in the presence of another.

Like the harmony with the melody, marriage weaves two lives together, creating a deeper and richer song.

We are honored that BRIDE and GROOM are sharing some of their beautiful music with us on this day.

We ask that the vision they have of one another always reflect the electric attraction that first brought them together.

And we pray that, as they enter into the lifelong bond that is marriage, they may always see one another in the light of all light; the light of love.

Opening Words and Introduction 8

We have come together – families and friends – to witness BRIDE and GROOM as they exchange their vows of marriage.

We share with them their delight in finding love with each other, and support their decision to be together from now until the end of time.

As this couple enters into marriage, they do so with thought and reverence.

They give thanks for the past, which brought them to this place, and look forward with hope to what the future will bring.

Marriage is like a great umbrella that shelters love from the elements.

Corinthians One says that love is patient and kind.

It is not jealous or boastful, not irritable or resentful, not arrogant or rude.

Love does not insist on its’ own way.

It does not rejoice in the wrong, but rejoices in the right.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes in all things and endures all things.

Love never ends.

This marriage is a symbol of BRIDE and GROOM’s commitment to that love.

Opening Words and Introduction 9

We are here on this magnificent and beautiful day to celebrate one of life’s greatest moments – we are all present to give recognition to the worth and beauty of love – and to publicly witness the creation of an outward marriage bond that BRIDE and GROOM have already been creating inwardly.

Their love and intention has created this marriage and we are gathered here today to join in the celebration and acknowledgment of that bonding.

Opening Words and Introduction 10

We would like to welcome all of you, honored guests, and thank you for being with us today.

We are gathered here this evening, in the presence of God and of His company, to join BRIDE and GROOM in Holy Union, and bear witness to the miraculous power of love.

Love is our purpose in being here; it is the essence of who we are.

With Love as their foundation, marriage offers BRIDE and GROOM the opportunity to become their essence with one another.

Marriage is an art form that brings profound joy and demands great responsibility, awareness, and commitment.

We who partake of this occasion bind ourselves as witnesses to the journey of love that they are undertaking here.

Opening Words and Introduction 11

Love has brought BRIDE and GROOM together.

But what do we mean by love?

When we love, we see things other people do not.

We see beneath the surface to the qualities, which make our beloved special and unique.

To see with loving eyes, is to know inner beauty. And to be loved is to be known, as we are known to no other.

We who love, can look at each other’s life and say, “I touched his life,” or, “I touched her life,” just as an artist might say, “I touched this canvas.”

“Those brushstrokes in the comer of this magnificent mural, those are mine. I was a part of this life, and it is a part of me.”

Marriage is to belong to each other through a unique and diverse collaboration, like two threads crossing in different directions, yet weaving one tapestry together.

The secret of love and marriage is to be in love and in trust, to know in your hearts that you want only the best for each other.

It takes dedication, to stay open to one another, to learn and grow, even when it is difficult to do so.

And it takes faith, to go forward together without knowing what the future holds for you both.

The true art of married life is an inner spiritual journey.

It is a mutual enrichment, a give and take between two personalities, a mingling of two endowments, which diminishes neither, but enhances both.

It is, ultimately, the emergence of the Highest Selves of each person.

Opening Words and Introduction 12

You have come here today, BRIDE and GROOM because you believe that by being together your lives will be better and more productive than they would be apart.

In marriage, a new perspective is created with the joining of male and female views of life.

Through this partnership, each partner becomes stronger, each becomes wiser and each becomes more loving.

But marriage is a garden, which needs to be tended every day:  the benefits we receive through marriage are not free.

If we don’t make time to tell our partner how much we value what we have together, we will begin to take each other for granted and lost the very special quality that we originally united to enjoy.

The importance of marriage to humans is so great, that it is the oldest rite or ritual of any kind recorded in history; it’s scope so great that it is virtually the only custom recognized by every human government and religion.

It is into this dynamic and wonderful state of partnership that you two come, today, to be joined.

Opening Words and Introduction 13

We are gathered here in this beautiful place to join together this man, GROOM, and this woman, BRIDE, in marriage — a state instituted in love, occasioned by joy.

Honored and renewed by each person who pledges themselves to each other.

It is therefore, not to be entered into lightly, or, unadvisedly. It is to be entered into with praise and delight for it’s inexpressible gifts.

Let us be honest enough with ourselves to know that there is no true marriage, except the inward bond of trust and love that dwells in the hearts of BRIDE and GROOM.

Only the two of you will know what marriage exists between you — the outer forms are only signs and covers over the love of your hearts.

We wish that you will find together, a richness beyond the wealth of money — a depth of soul that will make beautiful everything you do in life,  both separately and together.

Opening Words and Introduction 14

The stream had flowed through the center of the forest for as long as anyone could remember.

It began as a cold, clear fountain in a fractured hillside, then tumbled down over mossy stones and last year’s autumn leaves.

At the foot of the hill the stream took a course running southeast through tall stands of beeches, maples, and oaks, and by the time it left the forest five miles later it carried a river’s ambitions.

But in the center of the forest it was a watery dream, about ten feet wide and ten inches deep. Fallen logs made bridges for chipmunks, foxes, and children looking for secrets.

Occasional shafts of sunlight revealed freshwater muscles in the silt, crayfish picking over pebbles, water beetles dancing on the surface, and young trout darting among roots, branches, and softly bubbling falls.

The stream was full of life, and full of lessons for those who knew how to see them.

And regarding it silently on the bank stood the master and the student.

The master and the student had arrived at the stream after walking the forest path for nearly two hours.

Every step of the way, the student spoke anxiously of the impending choices that filled his mind with confusion.

Should he travel?

If so, where?

Should he continue his studies?

If so, in what field of knowledge?

Should he learn a new trade, or perhaps join the family business?

Should he save his money, or spend freely and enjoy life to its fullest?

And on, and on, and on. And every step of the way the master only listened.

When they reached the stream the student fell silent.

They stood side by side, watching the water.

Then, pointing to a fallen twig, the master asked, If you throw that stick into the stream, where will it go?”

The student answered, It will go downstream, of course.”

But the master shook his head. No,” he said, I want you to tell me exactly where it will go.”

The student crouched down on the bank and observed the water carefully.

He noted the paths of leaves, the surge of bubbles, and the sway and drift of weeds growing on the bottom, until he was sure.

Well,” he said, If I throw the stick to land at that spot there, it will follow the current between those two rocks, rush over that fall, then swirl in that eddy for a moment, then pass under this branch, and then move off under that fallen log over there.”

The student smiled, supremely confident.

All right,” the master said. Throw the stick.”

And the student did.

And it traveled on a course entirely different from the one he had predicted.

They watched the stick drift out of sight. The student shuffled his feet and looked at the ground, but finally met the master’s eyes.

The important thing,” said the master,” is to throw the stick!”

We are here today because  BRIDE and GROOM have decided to throw the stick.

In a world of endless choices, unpredictable outcomes, and no guarantees, they are doing the finest thing two people can do: making a commitment before friends and family to devote their lives to each other.

We call this a wedding.

It comes from an old Germanic word meaning a pledge.”

And this is worth remembering as we consider what this day is all about.

We make few pledges in our modern lives.

But today we celebrate with BRIDE and GROOM as they make theirs: a pledge to and for each other, not as individuals, but as two that are choosing to become one.

Opening Words and Introduction 15

Hello and welcome.

Today we are here to witness the act of love.

Love is the magic that has brought BRIDE and GROOM together and through that magic, we are joining them today.

When we love, we see things other people do not see.

We see beneath the surface, to the qualities, which make our beloved special and unique.

To see with loving eyes, is to know inner beauty. And to be loved is to be seen, and known, as we are known to no other.

One who loves us, gives us a unique gift: a piece of ourselves, but a piece that only they could give us.

“Those brushstrokes in the corner of this magnificent mural, those are mine.

I was a part of this life, and it is a part of me.”

Marriage is a supreme sharing of experience, and an adventure in the most intimate of human relationships.

It is the joyous union of two people whose comradeship and mutual understanding have flowered in romance.

Today BRIDE and GROOM proclaim their love and commitment to the world, and we gather here to rejoice, with and for them, in the new life they now undertake together.

Opening Words and Introduction 16

Hello & welcome.

We are here to witness the creation of a marriage.

Marriage is the most intimate of all relationships.

It is the ultimate commitment to love, share, trust and grow with another person.

It is the beginning of a whole new life.

By entering into this marriage BRIDE and GROOM are stating publicly, the feelings and commitments they have held privately between them.

They are proclaiming their love for, their trust in and their loyalty to the one they cherish above all others.

Marriage has been described as living in love with your best friend.

Love is one of the few constants in the universe.

It is reality, affinity and communication.

Only love is capable of joining living beings by their deepest essence, uniting, completing and fulfilling them.

Marriage is a symbol of the commitment to create a lifelong partnership based on love.

Opening Words and Introduction 17

Today, before this company, BRIDE and GROOM will declare their intention to join their lives together, to intertwine them in the partnership of marriage for all of the seasons of their lives.

This is the beginning of the journey they now undertake together for their mutual growth in character, in mind, and in spirit.

Marriage doesn’t stay still.

Tomorrow will be different from today, and so marriages too change from day to day, year to year.

Marriage is an ever changing, ever-growing relationship moving the couple toward greater contentment within themselves, with each other, and all those whose lives they touch.

A good marriage makes room for the participants to spread their wings and soar toward their own self-realization.

Marital love is like the seasons of our hearts. BRIDE and GROOM are in the springtime of their love.

It is as tender as the green shoots that in the springtime push their heads through the earth and take nourishment from the morning sun.

With tending and care their love will grow dramatically; it will flower and bear fruit and grow ever stronger in the heat of summer.

Together they will harvest the mature fruit of their union in the warm days of autumn and enjoy the contentment of their labors.

And with the onset of the quiet days of winter when words are no longer necessary, the love that they have cultivated and harvested with such care will sustain them for always.

Someone once said to me — Man plans, and God laughs.”

I think about life that way.

We make plans and they don’t necessarily turn out the way we envisioned, but somehow life happens, and shapes and molds us to be better than we are.

Marriage is the single most important relationship that challenges us to be always better.

It molds and strengthens our character.

Opening Words and Introduction 18

We are here on this magnificent and beautiful day to celebrate one of life’s greatest moments–we are all present to give recognition to the worth and beauty of love–and to publicly witness the marriage bond that BRIDE and GROOM have been creating inwardly.

Aware that there is one Presence and Power, and that we are each part of that Divine unity, we join in blessing BRIDE and GROOM as they bring their hands together in Namaste.

Namaste is a beautiful greeting used widely in the East.

As BRIDE and GROOM join their hands in Namaste, and gaze into each other’s eyes, they will repeat after me, the meaning of this greeting as a symbol of their love and commitment to each other:

I honor the place in you,

Where the entire universe resides,

of love, of light, of peace.

I honor the place within you, where

If you are in that place in you,

And I am in that place in me,

There is only one of us.

Opening Words and Introduction 19

Welcome to all of you, who have come to share in this important moment in the lives of  BRIDE and GROOM.

I ask you to join together in celebrating, acknowledging, and honoring this day and the vows that they will be making.

By your presence, you witness and affirm the truth of their love and commitment to each other.

No one gets married in a vacuum.

Each person lives in the context of their culture and community, and most importantly, within a special network of family members and close friends who make up what we might call their tribe.”

For BRIDE and GROOM, you are these people.

By birth or good fortune, you have had a significant place in sharing, affirming and shaping their lives, and they yours.

Your cherished connections endure, despite the distances that separate you, your busy lives, and all the changes that life takes you through.

Their wedding has brought all of you to one place — an event in itself — and has made the tribes suddenly visible.

Today the two tribes are about to become one.

The Bride’s tribe will take the Groom into their hearts and the Groom’s tribe will take the Bride into theirs.

Through the joining of the couple, so are their tribes joined.

This is a wonderful thing for you, since you may never have a better opportunity to develop connections with so many good people.

You’ll be sharing the evening with some of the best people around, hand picked by the happy couple.

This occasion also provides an opportunity to stop and appreciate the love and friendship you experience in your own lives.

Take a moment to recall the special people who make up your tribe. Think of them with appreciation and gratitude.

Opening Words and Introduction 20

We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life’s greatest moments, the joining of two hearts.

In this ceremony today we will witness the joining of BRIDE and GROOM in marriage.

Today we have come together to witness the joining of these two lives.

For them, out of the routine of ordinary life, the extraordinary has happened.

They met each other, fell in love and are finalizing it with their wedding today.

Opening Words and Introduction 21

Out of affection and honor for BRIDE and GROOM, we are here today, before God, to witness their vows, which will unite them in marriage.

To this moment they bring the fullness of their hearts as a treasure to share with one another.

They bring the spark and spirit which is uniquely their own, and out of which has grown for some time, and will continue to grow, deepen, and strengthen, the precious reality of their life together.

We share joy with them this special day in their lives.

This day they affirm and declare each other as life partners in a celebration of love, which will bring empowerment to their life’s path together.

Let us all give our blessing and love to  BRIDE and GROOM during this ceremony as they pledge their love to one another.

May the wisdom and spirit of all-giving and all-understanding love pervade the words spoken and the love given here today, that these vows offered will remain strong and true in the presence of love all the days of their lives.

May all of us present feel the strength and depth BRIDE and GROOM’s love and experience a rebirth of the power of love in our own lives.

Opening Words and Introduction 22

Good evening.

It is truly a blessing from heaven for two people to find one another and to love so deeply that they embrace the holy bond of marriage.

That is why we are all here today, to witness and celebrate Bride and Groom’s commitment to their union.

On behalf of them, I welcome you all.

Opening Words and Introduction 23

Good afternoon.

We gather here today to witness and celebrate an act of deep love.

Bride and Groom, in their devotion, respect, and love for each other wish to unite in the holy bond of marriage, and to dedicate themselves to each other’s happiness and well-being as life mates and partners.

Opening Words and Introduction 24

Although this is their day, it is also a tribute to all of you.

For knowing you and interacting with you has helped to make our Bride and Groom who they needed to be to find each other.

They would like to thank you all for that.

All of you are the threads of which have woven the tapestry of their lives.

Each one of you is an important piece in the story it tells.

It is the fabric that they wrap around themselves and take comfort in when the world seems cold.

And on days like today when everything is right in their world, that tapestry is proudly spread out and displayed for everyone to see, with all the glorious colors and textures that your diversity adds.

You all hold a place in their hearts reserved for those that they have chosen to call ‘Family’ and Friends” and they are deeply grateful for each and every one of you here today

Opening Words and Introduction 25

Let us all give our blessing and love to BRIDE and GROOM during this ceremony as they pledge their love to one another.

May the wisdom and spirit of all-giving and all-understanding Love pervade the words spoken and the love given here today, that these vows offered will remain strong and true in the presence of love all the days of their lives.

May all of us present feel the strength and depth of BRIDE and GROOM’s love and experience a rebirth of the power of love in our own lives.

To make this relationship work, therefore, takes more than love.

It takes trust, to know in your hearts that you want only the best for each other.

While love is our natural state of being, these other qualities are not as easy to come by.

They are not a destination, but a journey.

Opening Words and Introduction 26

If it were possible to begin this ceremony by gathering together all the wishes of happiness for BRIDE and GROOM from all present here . . . if we could gather together those precious wishes of affection and our very fondest hopes and turn them into music, we would be listening now to a most inspiring anthem, composed of the most harmonious notes possible to produce.

Even though this is not possible, just speaking of it should assure BRIDE and GROOM that our hearts are attuned to theirs in these moments so meaningful to all of us.

For what greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined together to strengthen each other in all labor, to minister to each other in all sorrow, to share with each other in all gladness.

Marriage is an act of faith and a personal commitment as well as a moral and physical union between the parties.

Marriage has been described as the best and most important relationship that can exist between two human beings; the construction of their love and trust into a single growing energy of spiritual life.

It is a moral commitment that requires and deserves daily attention since no earthly happiness exceeds that of a reciprocal satisfaction in the conjugal state.

Marriage should be a life-long consecration to the ideal of loving kindness, backed with the will to make it last.

Opening Words and Introduction 27

Dearly beloved, we have come together in the presence of God to witness and bless the joining together of this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony.

The bond and covenant of marriage was established by God in creation, and our Lord Jesus Christ adorned this manner of life by his presence and first miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee.

It signifies to us the mystery of the union between Christ and his Church, and Holy Scripture commends it to be honored among all people.

The union of husband and wife in heart, body, and mind is intended by God for their mutual joy; for the help and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity and, when it is God’s will, for the procreation of children and their nurture in the knowledge and love of the Lord.

Therefore marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, bit reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with the purposes for which it was instituted by God.

Into this holy union BRIDE and GROOM now come to be joined.

If any of you can show just cause why they may not lawfully be married, speak now, or else for every hold your peace.

I require and charge you both, here in the presence of God, that if either of you know any reason shy you may not be united in marriage lawfully, and in accordance with God’s Word, you do now confess it.

Opening Words and Introduction 28

Before God we have come together today, for marriage is one of the most sacred of His wishes, and now, through me, He joins you together in one of the holiest of bonds.

Opening Words and Introduction 29

Dear family and friends we have gathered here today to joyfully acknowledge the wedding of BRIDE and GROOM.

They have requested your presence on this memorable occasion in order that you might share with them the pledging of their everlasting love on this day of commitment. Let us pray in silence as we wish them all the happiness in their new life together.

Opening Words and Introduction 30

We have gathered here today, in the presence of family and friends to join BRIDE and GROOM in Matrimony.

Opening Words and Introduction 31

BRIDE, GROOM and their families extend a warm welcome to all of you.

They are elated that you could be here today for this joyous marriage celebration.

We have come together this day to uphold you, BRIDE, and you, GROOM, as you exchange your vows of marriage.

We celebrate with you the love you have discovered in each other, and we support your decision to continue your life’s journeys together as husband and wife.

BRIDE and GROOM came together from different backgrounds and experiences.

Through their marriage they do not leave those things behind, but instead form a new family that will broaden the circle of love and understanding in the world.

Whatever source of spiritual guidance you follow, I’m sure you will agree that as inhabitants of Planet Earth, we are one family.

With that in mind, BRIDE and GROOM have asked me honor you – their immediate and extended families – by combining both of their individual spiritual traditions into this ceremony.

The principles and sentiments expressed today will be very familiar to you all.

Opening Words and Introduction 32

It is the joyous union of two people whose comradeship and mutual understanding have flowered in love.

Today BRIDE and GROOM proclaim their love and commitment to the world, and we gather here to rejoice with and for them, in the new life they now undertake together.

The joy we feel now is a solemn joy, because the act of marriage has many consequences, both social and personal.

Marriage requires “love”, a word we often use with vagueness and sentimentality.

We may assume that love is some rare and mystical event, when in fact it is our natural state of being.

So what do we mean by love?

We see beneath the surface, to the qualities that make our beloved special and unique.

To see with loving eyes, is to know inner beauty.

To be loved is to be seen, and known, as we are known to no other. One, who loves us, gives us a unique gift: a piece of ourselves, but a piece that only they could give us.

We, who love, can look at each other’s life and say, “I touched his life, ” or, “I touched her life, ” just as an artist might say, “I touched this canvas.”

The secret of love and marriage is similar to that of religion itself.

It is the emergence of the larger self.

It is the finding of one’s life by losing it.

Such is the privilege of husband and wife – to be each himself, herself and yet another – to face the world strong, with the courage of two.

Opening Words and Introduction 33

We are gathered here today to unite BRIDE and GROOM in marriage.

This celebration is but an outward sign of an inward union of heart, mind and spirit.

This is a celebration of the joining of two souls already attuned to each other.

When such a true bond already exists between a man and a woman, it is fitting that an outer acknowledgment be made.

We are here to bear witness to the entry into the closer relationship as husband and wife of these beloved friends who are already one in spirit.

Opening Words and Introduction 34

Dear family and friends, we have gathered here today, together in the sight of God, to witness and celebrate the marriage of BRIDE and GROOM.

They have requested your presence on this memorable occasion in order that you might share with them the pledging of their everlasting love on this day of commitment.

Mutual love is one of the richest experiences and most precious gifts we know.

Marriage is both a threshold and a continuing process in that experience.

The relationship must continue to grow with care, nurture, and an unending awareness of each other’s needs and feelings.

It requires a solemn commitment, which is to be entered into reverently, but also with joy and celebration. In this we now share.

BRIDE and GROOM, I charge you with the responsibility to keep alive; to grow, to change, to maintain the capacity for wonder, for spontaneity, for humor; to remain pliable, warm and sensitive.

I charge you to give fully; to show your real feelings, to save time for each other, no matter what demands are made upon your day.

I charge you to see the meaning of life through the changing prism of your love; to nurture each other to fullness and wholeness, and in learning to love each other more deeply, learn to love the creation in which the mystery of your love has happened.

Opening Words and Introduction 35

We come together not to mark the start of a relationship, but to recognize a bond that already exists.

This marriage is one expression of the many varieties of love. Love is one, though its expressions are infinite.

It is fitting to speak briefly about love.

We live in a world of joy and fear and search for meaning and strength in the seeming disorder.

We discover the truest guideline to our quest when we realize love in all its magnitudes.

Love is the eternal force of life.

Love is the force that allows us to face fear and uncertainty with courage.

For the giving of our self in love is difficult, for you must learn to give of your love without total submission of yourself.

Therefore, in your giving, give your joy, your sadness, your interest, your understanding, your knowledge — all expressions that make up life.

But in this giving, remember to preserve yourself — your integrity, your individuality.

This is the challenge of love within marriage.

Although you will be sharing one life, never forget, you are two separate people.

Cherish and affirm your differences.

Love each other.

Keep your commitment primary.

Together you will laugh and cry, be sick and well, be happy and angry, share and grow.

Grow, sometimes together, sometimes separately.

But never remain stagnant. Love and life are always changing, always new.

If you will insure a healthy lasting marriage, always, always value each other.

Although you will disagree, remember to respect each other’s feelings, needs and wants.

So it is our hope for you both that in all areas of your life together you will weave a durable fabric of mutual consolation and support and of help in time of trouble.

May each of you achieve the ability to give of yourselves freely so that you will each live better life and become greater persons.

Opening Words and Introduction 36

BRIDE and GROOM, the relationship that you have nourished together stands for love that will blossom and grow with each passing day.

Before you knew love, you were friends, and it was from this seed of friendship that is now your destiny.

Marriage is the clasping of hands, the blending of hearts, the union of two lives as one.

Marriage is caring as much about the welfare and happiness of your marriage partner as your own.

It is not total absorption into each other. It is looking outward in the same direction together.

Marriage makes burdens lighter because you divide them.

It makes joys more intense because you share them.

It makes you stronger, so that you can be involved with life in ways you dare not risk alone.

To make your relationship work will take love.

This is the core of your marriage and why you are here today.

It will take trust, to know in your hearts that you truly want the best for each other.

It will take dedication, to stay open and honest with one another — and to learn and grow together.

It will take faith, to go forward together without knowing exactly what the future brings.

And it will take commitment, to hold true to the journey you both promised today to share together.

An intimate and secure relationship is not based on promises, but rather on trust, respect, faithfulness and the ability to forgive.

A lasting marriage is based on all of these, bound together by love.

Opening Words and Introduction 37

We must give ourselves in love, but we must not give ourselves away.

As Saint Exupery said, Love does not consist in gazing into each other’s eyes, but in looking together in the same direction.”

That is why love must always say no to live in a closed world with just the perfume of the beloved and no other essences from nature or humanity.

So it is on this summer eve, let us rejoice yet know that we are here not just to observe but also to participate in this marriage ceremony.

May we all remember that the path of love is meant to be walked together with God and with all of humanity.

No persons in a love relationship can have meaning apart from their family, their friends and their community.

Who gives their blessing to this marriage, and in the giving who says an enthusiastic Yes!” to this new relationship?

Opening Words and Introduction 38

A marriage between mature people is not an escape but a commitment shared by two individuals that becomes part of their commitment to themselves and society.

Yet to love is also to accept the mystery of the loved one, and to refuse to violate that mystery.

Opening Words and Introduction 39

Dear friends, we are gathered to celebrate a historic and extraordinary event.

At the invitation of BRIDE and GROOM, we are here to see for ourselves their love and commitment, to witness their claim to their civil rights, to surround them with prayer and support, and to share in their joy.

Opening Words and Introduction 40

We welcome all of you here today as we have gathered together in the presence of God and these witnesses to join GROOM and BRIDE in holy matrimony.

Marriage is a gift, a gift from God, given to us so that we might experience the joys of unconditional love with a lifelong partner.

God designed marriage to be an intimate relationship between a man and a woman–mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Just as the two of you make vows to one another today, God also made vows to you and me that show how much He loves and cares for each one of us.

Listen to these vows God made that are recorded for us in His Word: I will betroth you to myself forever in lawful wedlock with unfailing devotion and love; I will commit myself to you, to have and to hold, and you shall know the Lord.”

GROOM and BRIDE because your deep love for each other comes from God above, this is a sacred moment, and it is with great reverence that I now ask you to declare your intent.

Renewal of Vows Opening Words and Introduction 41

Friends, we are gathered here at this hour to celebrate the marriage of these two individuals.

We are here to re-affirm BRIDE and GROOM in marriage, to rejoice with them in the making of this important commitment.

The essence of this commitment is the taking of another person in his or her entirety, as lover, companion and friend.

It is a decision which was not entered into lightly, but rather undertaken with great consideration and respect for both the other person and oneself.

Love is one of the highest experiences that we human beings can have and it can add depth of meaning to our lives.

The day-to-day companionship, the pleasure of doing things together or in exchanging individual experiences, is a continuous and central part of what two people who love each other can share.

What marriage is about is what life is about — growth.

The relationship between two people must keep growing and changing, forming a constant adventure and development which will not be without conflict.

If differences are faced openly, the possibility of learning how to convert problems into opportunities will not be lost and the marriage will prosper.

A marriage that lasts is one which is continually developing and in which each person is individually growing while growing in understanding of the others.

Deep knowledge of another is not something that can be achieved in a short time and real understanding of the other can develop fully only after years of intimacy.

This wonderful knowledge of another person grows out of caring enough to want to truly understand what the other is feeling.

Thus, it is possible to share not only joys and successes but also the burden of sorrows and failures. To be known in this way is a priceless thing.

Such understanding and acceptance makes it easier to live with our problems, failings and worries.

To give ourselves in love is not to give ourselves away.

A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered or absorbed by the other.

It is out of the tension between separateness and union, that love, whose incredible strength is equal only to its incredible fragility, is born and reborn.

Renewal of Vows Opening Words and Introduction 42

As these two people have come together before, pledging everlasting love, so we are gathered together today to once again join this woman and this man in holy matrimony.

But now they wish to extend that joy in a new affirmation, based not upon what they hope the future years will bring, but on what the past has already brought them and what they know of their future together.

Additionally, as they honor one another in memory of the years already shared, the family now grown, and the joys and hardships together endured, they wish to pledge their love anew.

This pledge represents not only what will be, but also honors what has already been.

When a couple first decides to marry, it is an act of faith; faith that the new spouse will be as wonderful as his or her behavior has led each of them to believe.

But we all know that sometimes married life can reveal hidden aspects to your spouse’s personality.

It then becomes a test of love and endurance to maintain a marriage.

BRIDE and GROOM have come through their challenge wiser, more mature and with their love intact.

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How To Write A Marriage Officiant Speech

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It can be a little nerve-racking to officiate your first wedding. You want to make sure that the ceremony is memorable for everyone, especially the couple, whether you are officiating for a relative or an acquaintance. They will be preoccupied with planning the wedding ceremony, selecting the color scheme, and sending out invitations. You should keep a list of deadlines, required legal documents, and steps involved in a typical wedding ceremony to assist them in preparing for the ceremony.

Your strategy for tailoring your speech will depend on your relationship with the couple after you have a general understanding of what a wedding ceremony entails. A smooth ceremony enables family and friends to concentrate on the main reason they are there on that special day: to celebrate the union of two people they love.

We put together this guide of things to get ready for, some dos and don’ts, and examples you can use for your own speech in order to assist you in writing a wedding officiant speech for an acquaintance or close friend.

Inspiring wedding officiant speech

What should you say in your eulogy?

Include a sweet tale about the bride and/or groom that you received from a close friend or family member. dot. Stay away from discussing the bride or groom in embarrassing ways. dot. Make sure your introduction is distinct. dot. Don’t get too specific. dot. For the couple’s future reference, type up a nice copy of your speech.

A little bit of anxiety can come with officiating your first wedding. You want to make sure that the ceremony is memorable for everyone, especially the couple, whether you are officiating for a relative or an acquaintance. They’ll be preoccupied with selecting their color scheme, sending out invitations, and creating a program for the wedding ceremony. You should keep a list of deadlines, required legal documents, and steps involved in a typical wedding ceremony to assist them in preparing for the ceremony.

The method you use to tailor your speech to the couple will depend on your relationship with them once you have a general understanding of what a wedding ceremony entails. A seamless ceremony enables the celebrants’ attention to be directed toward the true purpose of their gathering on that special day: to rejoice in the union of their loved ones.

Wedding officiant speech funny

How does the officiant conclude a wedding ceremony?

Examine your couple and declare them to be legally wed. Traditionally, the celebrant begins the ceremony with the words, “By the power vested in me… You may need to use this phrase or another one that is very specific in order for it to be legal in some states and provinces.

How to conclude the wedding ceremony with a bang—and why!—courtesy of Unboring! Wedding Academy.

The best way to end a wedding ceremony is with a grand finale, as stated by Unboring! Wedding Academy. All participants are standing. The couple is introduced by the officiant. The musical selections begin. A chorus of boisterous cheers and exuberant laughter from the guests accompany the couple as they walk down the aisle.

There is a precise formula for getting the moving parts to line up, so it won’t just happen on its own. This will guarantee a grand finale for the wedding ceremony.

Short wedding officiant speech

How do you begin a sermon as a celebrant?

Officiants at weddings usually start their speeches by telling the couple’s love story. You could also read a humorous poem that has significance for the couple. Bring up topics like love, fidelity, and commitment. Ask them to repeat after you as you say a few lines about commitment. Cached.

It might be challenging to come up with wedding officiant speeches, especially if the officiant is inexperienced. This raises the potential for anxiety, over-impression, or complete failure.

Because each wedding is unique, there isn’t a single template for the minister’s speech. Your speech’s organization will depend on the nature of your relationship with the couple.

In this article, we’ll go over how to craft various wedding officiant speeches and the appropriate manners for them.

Wedding officiant speech for a friend

What not to say as the celebrant at a wedding

Stay away from discussing your personal relationships with the bride or groom or your friendship with them. The ceremony is a chance to concentrate on the couple’s union. Sometimes celebrants talk about how they first met the couple, fun times they had in college with the bride or groom, or what it was like sharing a room with them.

A friend officiates the wedding for about a third of our couples. This may be a lovely option, especially if the friend is capable of carrying out the assignment. Here are our top 10 suggestions for new officiants.

In terms of attire, the officiant should favor darker, more subdued hues and follow the same guidelines as the wedding party. Make your choice of a long, black gown if the bridesmaids are wearing floor-length attire. Do the same if the groomsmen are wearing suits. Be discrete and well-groomed while avoiding drawing attention. Officiants frequently appear in photos!

Although many people choose iPads for the ceremony script, have a backup plan. Wi-Fi issues and other technical issues frequently prevent using the iPad during the ceremony. The best course of action is to print a hard copy and have it available at both the ceremony and the rehearsal.

Best wedding officiant speech

How does the officiant begin a wedding?

Beginning of the ceremony The wedding officiant enters the front with Partner 1 and Partner 1’s party (down the aisle or from the side), and then he or she makes a few brief introductions. Greet the visitors. Declare whether or not photographs are permitted. Request that guests turn their phones off.

Thus, you must both write and conduct a wedding ceremony. Start with the 10-part wedding ceremony script outline I use every weekend rather than grabbing a canned, pre-written sample from one of the 695,691 websites available.

A prewritten script is restrictive from the start. I’m not really sure what I’m doing; it reads When we use a wedding ceremony script outline, it shows our couple that we are organized and adaptable. The final script is significantly more intimate as a result of the process’ increased collaboration.

It’s the distinction between saying, “Hey, I bought this cake. Hey, let’s make a cake!” and “Now eat it.”.

Wedding ceremony speech examples

How long should the wedding officiant speak?

The officiant’s task is to get the bride and groom ready for their journey after 5 to 15 minutes. The length of this message can range from five to fifteen minutes, depending on the lessons it imparts and the wisdom it inspires.

The practice of having a close friend or family member officiate wedding ceremonies is becoming more and more popular among millennials. It’s a fun way to make weddings memorable for everyone in attendance, but especially for the happy couple and the celebrant.

Pastors have received years of training and have participated in countless rituals. They never make mistakes and are as adept at managing weddings as they are at reciting the Ten Commandments.

We’re here to help your officiant become proficient so the ceremony goes off without a hitch. The majority of the work is completed in the months and weeks leading up to the wedding, similar to any public speaking occasion. A great ceremony will result from creating a basic wedding ceremony script as early as possible.

Officiant simple wedding ceremony script

How does the marriage ceremony officiant begin?

Beginning of the ceremony The wedding officiant enters the front with Partner 1 and Partner 1’s party (down the aisle or from the side), and then he or she makes a few brief introductions. Thank you for having us. Declare whether or not photographs are permitted. Please request that guests turn their phones to silent.

Thus, you must both write and conduct a wedding ceremony. Start with the 10-part wedding ceremony script outline. I use it every weekend rather than grabbing one of the 695,691 pre-written canned samples that are available online.

Beginning with a canned script is limiting. I’m really not sure what I’m doing; it reads The couple can tell that we are organized and adaptable when we use a wedding ceremony script outline. The process becomes much more collaborative, and the final script becomes much more intimate.

It’s the distinction between saying, “Hey, I bought this cake. Now eat it,” and “Hey, let’s bake a cake!” or… something.

Wedding officiant script non religious

What should the celebrant say at the wedding?

Do you (Name), take this (woman/man/person) to be your legally wedded (husband/wife), to live together in matrimony, to love (her/him/them), comfort (her/him/them), honor and keep (her/him/them), in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live dot? Cached.

The wedding ceremony is the focal point of the day. The ceremony is where two people actually become married—legally, spiritually, and literally—while the dress, flowers, and food are just the frosting on the cake. Tanya Pushkine, a wedding officiant and professional vow writing coach, finds it surprising that many couples frequently put off planning their wedding ceremonies until the last minute. The wedding ceremony is rarely given priority, according to Pushkine. It’s practically an afterthought.”.

Tanya Pushkine is a New York City-based officiant, ceremony planner, and professional vow-writing coach. Because of her talent for designing memorable ceremonies that capture the distinctive personalities and beliefs of the couple, she has earned the nickname “vow whisperer.”.

Pushkin advises couples to begin considering the ceremony as early as possible in the planning process so that they are prepared with questions for their wedding planner or day-of coordinator. Secular or non-religious ceremonies give couples a lot more flexibility to personalize the ceremony to their unique tastes, while religious ceremonies are typically more fixed in terms of the service, language, and traditions.

What are the most effective introductions for a celebrant?

What are the most effective introductions for a celebrant?

Welcome to everyone who has gathered to witness this significant event in the lives of the bride and groom. I implore you to join me in recognizing and celebrating this day and the vows they will be making. You are a witness to their commitment to one another and the truth of their love by being there.

Setting the tone for the wedding ceremony are the opening words and introduction. It makes a statement about the wedding, the couple getting married, and the significance of the occasion to the world.

We are honored to have you here on this special day, friends and family of the bride and groom.

We’re here to marry the bride and groom and celebrate their incredibly special love.

What is the procedure for introducing officials? .

What is the procedure for introducing officials?

The audience will be curious about who you are and your position. Thus, begin by briefly introducing yourself and outlining how or why you met the couple or why you were chosen. Share those two or three particular stories that you generated yourself or obtained from the public. Zoom out lastly.

Having received your ordination, someone has asked you—yes, you—to officiate their wedding. These days, the dress is custom, the cake is boutique, and even the napkins are bespoke, so why wouldn’t they? It makes sense that the couple would want to personally choose the celebrant for the “I dos.”. The only issue is that you paid money to a website that only gave you a real certificate without any real instructions on how to do the dang thing. What happens next, then?

Too Legit to Quit You’re here today to legally unite two people in marriage, but keep in mind that you’ll also need to follow the law. There are some forms that must be filled out even if you are not required to take an oath. Many interfaith or religious institutions offer online ordination. Check all the appropriate boxes before you check out, because requirements differ from state to state.

The ceremony functions because of homework. You are playing arguably the most significant role of the day. Do not wing it. Meet with the couple, or better yet, have several meetings, to go over what is expected of you. Aside from making sure the facts are correct, ask the couple how long they want the ceremony to last, whether they want to make their own vows, and what kind of atmosphere they are hoping for. They’ll give you a roadmap; don’t hit the open road alone. You could have sworn the couple met by a romantic beach fire, but was it really a tiki bar in Chinatown?

What's the best way to end a wedding ceremony? .

What’s the best way to end a wedding ceremony?

The first step in the grand finale formula is to declare your couple legally married, because you play a crucial role in orchestrating that and making it happen as the wedding officiant.

What does the celebrant say at the start of the wedding?

What does the celebrant say at the start of the wedding?

The only elements that are essential or necessary are the declaration of intent (i.e., the official “I dos” and legal affirmation that “yes, I want to marry this person, and yes, I’m here by choice,” are exchanged) and the pronouncement, in which the officiant declares the couple is legally wed.

Okay, so we have definitely covered something old, a lot of something new (check out our latest, everything is trendy/new/what’s hot in weddings RN), and recently a lot of something blue, but borrowed isn’t as obvious. Unless we’re talking about wearing mom’s or grandma’s dress or giving your own dress to charity after the wedding. That is why I thought today would be a good day to talk about wedding ceremonies. Why? Because marriage has been practiced for thousands of years, and despite the fact that recent weddings have become extremely personal, the fundamental format and structure of a wedding ceremony remain largely constant. The wording will therefore sound fairly familiar from one wedding to the next, as you might have guessed; in fact, it’s the most obvious instance of something being stolen.

My husband has been carefully pondering what he will say on their special day for at least half a year because he will be officiating my sister and future brother-in-law’s wedding next month. And over the past few months, he has devoted whatever evening free time he has to searching through sample scripts in search of verses and language that he feels fits with their overall tone and personality. That’s where borrowing comes into play, big time. At least that’s what A Practical Wedding tells us—there’s nothing wrong with a little wedding plagiarism here!

When it comes to secular or non-religious weddings, ceremonies can be much more open-ended than religious weddings. While most couples who get married in a religious ceremony typically defer to the preferences of the religious leader and the tie-the-knot traditions typical of their house of worship, secular/non-religious wedding ceremonies can be much more straightforward. In this situation, planning the order of the service is up to the soon-to-be newlyweds and their chosen officiant(s). The only requirements or must-haves are the statement of intent (i.e., the pronouncement, in which the officiant declares that the couple is legally married, the formal “I dos” and legal acknowledgement that “yes, I want to marry this person, and yes, I’m here by choice.”. Everything else is an empty (vow) book, ready for the couple to write as many or as few sentiments as they choose. Their day has come!

Does the officiant enter the room first?

Does the officiant enter the room first?

Officiant. The officiant may enter the procession in the front row and proceed first down the aisle. As an alternative, the officiant can enter the ceremony from the side of the location and take a seat at the altar.

Once you’ve determined the sequence of events for your wedding ceremony, it’s time to start planning how everyone will enter the ceremony and take their places in the front. Processional (a. k. a. It’s crucial to master the wedding processional order because the entrance of the wedding party signals the beginning of the ceremony and is a highly anticipated moment.

One of the most touching and treasured parts of a couple’s special day for both them and their guests can be the wedding processional. Everyone’s attention is focused on the bride as soon as she starts down the aisle. The bride and groom finally say their vows, and it’s the time when their new life together officially begins.

This blog post covers all the components of wedding processionals for various wedding styles so you can get ready for a seamless ceremony, from choosing the music to selecting who walks down the aisle and when.

The ceremony was written by the officiant .

The ceremony was written by the officiant

The key here is to be on the same page, regardless of whether you and your partner decide to write your ceremony yourself or leave it up to your officiant to write the script. This ceremony should entirely reflect your preferences because it is about you and your significant other.

Okay, so we’ve covered a lot of something new, a lot of something old (check out our latest, Everything is New and Hot in Weddings RN), and recently a lot of something blue, but borrowed isn’t as obvious. Unless you want to wear your mother’s or grandmother’s gown, in which case you should donate it after the wedding. In light of this, I thought that a discussion of wedding ceremonies was appropriate for today. Why? Because weddings have been performed for thousands of years, and despite the fact that recent weddings have become extremely personal, the fundamental format and structure of a wedding ceremony remain largely constant. The wording will therefore sound fairly familiar from one wedding to the next, as you might have guessed; in fact, it’s the most obvious instance of something being stolen.

My husband has been carefully pondering what he will say on their special day for at least half a year because he will be officiating my sister and future brother-in-law’s wedding next month. And over the past few months, he has spent his evening free time looking through sample scripts and finding verses and language that he feels fits with their overall aesthetic and personality. That’s where borrowing comes into play, big time. Because, at least according to A Practical Wedding, there’s nothing wrong with a little wedding plagiarism here!

When it comes to secular or non-religious weddings, ceremonies can be much more open-ended. While most couples who get married in a religious ceremony typically defer to the preferences of the religious leader and the tie-the-knot traditions typical of their house of worship, secular/non-religious wedding ceremonies can be much more formal. Planning the order of the service in this case is up to the soon-to-be newlyweds and their chosen officiant(s). The declaration of intent (i.e., the official “I dos”) and legal affirmation that “yes, I want to marry this person, and yes, I’m here by choice” are exchanged, as well as the pronouncement, in which the officiant declares the couple is legally wed. Everything else is an empty vow book waiting to be filled with as many or as few sentiments as the couple chooses. Their day has arrived!

How To Write A Marriage Officiant Speech

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  • 8 Wedding Ceremony Scripts to Borrow & Printables

Find beautiful wedding ceremony scripts ranging from unique to traditional. Print and borrow them, or get inspiration to write your own!

By Allison Cullman


Inside this article:

Simple wedding ceremony script

Modern wedding ceremony script, humorous wedding ceremony script, inclusive wedding ceremony script, christian wedding ceremony script, catholic wedding ceremony script, jewish wedding ceremony script, protestant wedding ceremony script, 4 tips for writing your own ceremony script, simple wedding ceremony script starter outline, faqs about wedding ceremony scripts, summarizing ceremony and officiant wedding scripts.

In the midst of the organized chaos of wedding planning, the wedding ceremony is often left until the last minute. But the ceremony is quite significant—after all, it’s the part where you and your future spouse actually become joined in marriage.

We all know about the “I do’s” of a wedding ceremony, but the rest of your ceremony is just as important. While you want to create a wedding ceremony script that’s meaningful and personal to you and your future spouse, figuring out how to do this can leave some couples scratching their heads. If you’re wondering where to begin writing your wedding ceremony script, our tips and examples below are here to help.


This script has been reviewed by Rev. Lisann G. Valentin, an ordained minister at Universal Life Church .

For a nonreligious wedding ceremony, there’s no standard script you need to adhere to. The script below can be a helpful starting point for a simple wedding ceremony you can build upon and personalize however you like.


Opening words/welcome

The ceremony will begin with the officiant addressing the reception.

Officiant: “Welcome friends, family, and loved ones. We’re gathered here today to celebrate [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] in their lifelong commitment of love to each other. Finding your life partner is a true joy, and the commitment to share in life’s ups and downs as one is no small feat. While marriage will bring its own challenges and triumphs, let this day be a reminder of what your love has already accomplished, as well as the possibilities for your partnership as you grow together for years to come.”

While a simple wedding ceremony might omit this part altogether, some couples like to personalize their ceremony wedding scripts with a chosen reading or song to celebrate their union. A close friend or family member, the officiant, or the couple themselves might perform readings. For example, the officiant might call upon a chosen friend or family member to perform an original poem or share a story about the couple’s relationship.

Officiant: “As our reading today, [PARTNER A/B] has asked [his, her] [friend/cousin/other family member] to recite an original poem in honor of their union.”

[Reading proceeds.]

Vows and ring exchange

Couples may choose to write their own vows or omit reciting vows altogether.

Officiant to reception: “[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] will now exchange rings as a symbol of their love and lifelong commitment.”

At this point, couples may exchange their vows (if desired) before placing their rings on each other's fingers. Below is an example of vows that might be exchanged:

Partner A to Partner B: “With this ring, I promise to support you, care for you, laugh with you, share in your burdens, be honest with you, and be faithful to you in all that we may face in the years ahead. I promise to love you with everything I have, from this day forward and beyond.”

Partner B to Partner A: “With this ring, I promise to love you and commit myself to you for the rest of my life. I promise to stand by your side, be there for you always, and to find laughter and joy even in tough times. I promise to love and accept you just as you are, and grow with you for every year to come.”

Declaration of intent

Officiant to Partner A: “Do you, [PARTNER A], take [PARTNER B] to be your lawfully wedded [husband, wife, partner]? Will you honor and cherish them, continue to deepen your understanding of them, and treat them with love and compassion in joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life might throw your way?”

Partner A: “I will” or “I do.”

Officiant to Partner B: “Do you, [PARTNER B], take [PARTNER A] to be your lawfully wedded [wife, husband, partner]? Will you honor and cherish them, continue to deepen your understanding of them, and treat them with love and compassion in joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life might throw your way?”

Partner B: “I will” or “I do.”


Finally, the officiant will pronounce the couple as married. To capture the perfect moment, couples might also request that the officiant steps to the side for the kiss during the wedding nuptials.

Officiant to all: “By the authority vested in me, and with the trust of you all here today, I now declare you joined in love. You may now kiss!"

Officiant to all: “Thank you all for joining in this momentous occasion for [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B]! They now invite you to join them for a reception at [LOCATION]. Thank you all!”


This script has been reviewed by Sheena Wheadon, licensed wedding officiant at Why Knot Weddings .

Any wedding ceremony can take a modern spin. Any number of personal touches can be added to your ceremony to make it more modern—whether you want to include your pets, switch up how your wedding party is presented, or simply add some modern flair to your wedding vows and readings. Personalizing your wedding ceremony script is a great way to infuse who you really are into your big day.


The officiant script will begin by welcoming the reception.

Officiant: “Good afternoon and welcome! We’d like to thank everyone on this beautiful day for coming to support [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] in this exciting endeavor and union. Your friendship and support has helped to strengthen them as they’ve made their way to this moment, and they thank you for being here.”

Couples may choose to include a reading in their marriage ceremony script. This reading can be anything you wish, whether it’s a special poem, a reading from a book, a quote from a movie, or a story about the couple’s relationship shared by a close friend or family member.

Vows Exchange

Many modern couples opt to write their own wedding vows or omit them altogether. It’s up to you! Below is an example of modern wedding vows:

Officiant to couple: “[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], please exchange your vows.”

Partner A to Partner B: “[NAME], you’re my best friend. I’m in awe of your lightness, your kindness, and the purity of what it looks like to be loved by someone like you. It’s a love with no expectations, no strings attached, only a desire to support me and see me fulfilled. To know and be known by you is a gift and a privilege. I know we were made for each other. So here’s what I promise:

I vow always to strive to be the best version of myself so that I can show up for you every single day. I vow to seek joy and hope even in dark times and be there for you when you need me. I vow to trust you and love you unconditionally. I vow to continue to learn from the examples of patience and selflessness that you have always embodied.”

Partner B to Partner A: “[NAME], I love you with my whole heart. You’ve loved me with a loyalty that I’d never experienced before, and didn’t even know existed. You have seen every part of me, and even at my lowest you have stood by my side. You’ve never given up on me, and I have no doubt that you are the person I’m meant to spend my life with. I vow to keep a soft heart when challenges come, and to be aware of my words and actions and how they affect you. I vow to support you in all things, to love you well, and to create a life we’re proud of. Life is fleeting, and I want to cherish every minute of it with you.”

Officiant to couple: “[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], do you take one another as partners from this day forward?”

Couple in unison: “We do.”

Officiant: “Will you love, honor, and cherish one another as partners for the rest of your lives?”

Couple responds: “We will.”

  • Ring exchange

Officiant to reception: “[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] have chosen these rings as a symbol of their unbreakable love. Please place these rings on each other’s fingers and repeat after me:

‘I give you this ring as a reminder of our love that unites, inspires, and celebrates what we have.’”

[Couple repeats to each other.]

Finally, the officiant will pronounce the couple as legally wed:

Officiant to all: “By the authority vested in me, it is with joy that I pronounce you married. Now kiss and go celebrate!”

Officiant to all: “Thank you all for joining in this beautiful occasion for [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B]! They now invite you to join them for a reception at [LOCATION]. Thank you all!”

8 Ways to Keep Family Involved in Wedding Traditions During the Ceremony

There’s no rule that says your wedding ceremony has to be serious from start to finish. Some couples prefer to add a bit of humor to their ceremony for a more lighthearted affair. The following funny wedding ceremony script has all the required legal elements of becoming legally married, with a humorous touch to keep your guests on their toes.


The officiant will begin by welcoming the crowd and introducing the ceremony.

Officiant to all: “Hello and welcome! We’re here today because [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] have decided they love each other so much that they want to get the government involved! But in all seriousness, a huge thanks to all who have joined us. We promise we’ll get these two hitched quickly so you can make a beeline to the open bar!

I’d like to take this opportunity to ponder the meaning of marriage. Now I know I made a joke about these two loving each other so much they’ve decided to get the government involved, but we know that’s not all marriage is. It’s a tradition, yes, but it’s so much more. It might take a lot of work and compromise, but at the end of the day, this is about choosing your person until the end of this thing we call life. So no matter how many dishes they leave in the sink, no matter how horrible their cooking is, no matter how bad their mood might be on occasion—you’ve got someone who chooses to stick with you through it all. And that’s what marriage is about!”

Including readings in your ceremony is optional, but some couples opt to personalize their ceremony with a particular reading, quote, or story. Some humorous wedding ceremonies might involve a close friend or family member sharing a lighthearted account of the couple’s relationship, with some light humor to get a laugh out of the crowd. The wedding ceremony officiant script can even include fun elements,

Officiant: “As our reading today, [PARTNER A/B} has asked [his, her] [friend/cousin/other family member] to share a personal story of their relationship in honor of their marriage today.”

At this point, couples may exchange vows if they’ve chosen to write them. Here’s an example of wedding vows with a little humor:

Officiant to Partner A: “Now, it’s time to put a ring on it! [PARTNER A], repeat after me: ‘I give you this ring as a symbol that I will love and cherish you, and that I’ll try to keep my mouth shut when it’s your turn to choose the movie we watch.’”

[Partner A repeats.]

Officiant to Partner B: “[PARTNER B], repeat after me: ‘I give you this ring as a symbol that I will love and cherish you, and that I’ll consider making you dinner every once in a while.’”

[Partner B repeats.]

Officiant to Partner A: “Do you, [PARTNER A], take [PARTNER B] to be your lawfully wedded [husband, wife, partner], to love and cherish them for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, and reap as many tax benefits as you can for as long as you both shall live?”

Partner A: “I do.”

Officiant to Partner B: “Do you, [PARTNER B], take [PARTNER A] to be your lawfully wedded [wife, husband, partner], to love and cherish them for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, and reap as many tax benefits as you can for as long as you both shall live?”

Partner B: “I do.”

Now, the officiant will pronounce the couple as legally wed:

Officiant: “What a romantic exchange. Now, I guess there’s only one thing left to do: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you [husband and wife, husband and husband, wife and wife]! Now kiss!”

Officiant to all: “That’s a wrap on the formal proceedings of today. [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] will greet you in [LOCATION] at [TIME]. We thank you for coming—now get out of here and go celebrate!”

8 Gender-Neutral Readings for Your LBGTQ+ Wedding Ceremony

While traditional gender roles often make up the bulk of how many sample wedding ceremony scripts are written, this doesn’t have to be the case for a more inclusive ceremony. The following example script does away with gendered language and puts the focus on the love shared between the couple and what that means for them.


The officiant will begin by welcoming the reception. This is also when the wedding officiant script can include any specific announcements, like requesting guests to silence their phones.

Officiant: “Welcome friends, family, and loved ones! We’re gathered here today in celebration of (Partner A) and (Partner B) and to bear witness as they join their lives in marriage. On behalf of (Partner A) and (Partner B), it’s a true pleasure to have you here to celebrate this incredible moment.

Love is one of the greatest gifts life has to offer. Love offers hope, joy, comfort, and security, in good times and bad. Love is what spurs our personal growth and allows us to face life and all its challenges, with the unending support of the person we’ve chosen to commit our lives to. (Partner A) and (Partner B) stand before you today to share the love and happiness in their hearts as they take their relationship to a deeper level of commitment by making a passage into marriage.”

While totally optional, couples can choose to include a reading of their choice in their ceremony. This can be anything from a particular poem or section from a book to a special movie quote or personal story about the couple’s relationship. Couples might have the officiant perform the reading or have a loved one come up to share instead.

Officiant: “(Partner A) and (Partner B) have selected a reading from [SOURCE] that represents their unique journey and the commitment they’re making today.”

Vows exchange

Couples who have chosen to write their own wedding vows will recite them here. These could be in a question-and-answer format or long-form vows written beforehand (or a combination of both). Couples can also ask their officiant to step to the side during the vow readings—it helps make the moment more intimate!

Here’s an example of wedding vows for you to work from:

Officiant to couple: “Marriage is a lifelong commitment to love and care for each other to the best of your ability. Are you both ready to take this step together?”

Couple responds: “Yes!”

Officiant to couple: “Do you promise to care for each other, treat each other with respect and compassion, and to always move toward love in your efforts to support one another?”

Couple responds: “We do.”

Officiant to couple: “Do you promise to meet each challenge and triumph with integrity, gratitude, and patience, and to strive to learn and grow together for all of your days?”

Affirmation of family and friends

Officiant to reception: “Do you, the family and friends of (Partner A) and (Partner B), give your full support today and wish them a lifetime of happiness together?”

Reception responds: “We do.”

Expression of intent

Officiant: “In the presence and witness of the loved ones you have gathered here today, I now ask you to state your intentions.

(Partner A) and (Partner B), have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in the commitment of marriage?”

Couple responds: “Yes.”

Officiant: “Once more, will you love, honor, and cherish one another as partners for the rest of your lives?”

Officiant to reception: “(Partner A) and (Partner B), please repeat after me:

‘I give you this ring as a symbol of the vows we’ve made today. I pledge to you my love, respect, and commitment. With everything that I am, I honor you.’”

Officiant: “Now that you, (Partner A) and (Partner B), have promised to give yourselves fully to each other, to love each other through the vows you have made, and through the giving and receiving of these rings, it is my great pleasure by the power vested in me to now pronounce you married! You may now kiss!”

Closing/invitation to reception

Officiant to all: “Thank you all for joining in this joyous occasion for (Partner A) and (Partner B)! They now invite you to join them for a reception at [LOCATION]. Thank you all!”

A Guide to the Wedding Ceremony Order of Events

This script has been reviewed by the ordained ministers at Universal Life Church Monastery .

As the name indicates, this script for weddings includes religious aspects, such as Bible readings and prayers. Feel free to personalize this idea to your liking and include more or fewer scriptural elements.



The processional is simply the beginning of the wedding ceremony, when guests are seated, followed by the entrance of the bridal party.

Officiant to reception: "Welcome, loved ones. We are gathered here today in the sight of God and these witnesses to join together [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] in holy matrimony.”

The declaration of intent is a crucial element of any wedding ceremony, and is legally required to show consent among both parties to be married.

Officiant to the couple: "[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], you have come together this day so that the Lord may seal and strengthen your love in the presence of this minister of his word and this community of family and friends and so, in the presence of this gathering, I ask you to state your intentions:

Have you both come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage? If so, answer by saying 'I have.'"

[Couple responds in unison with ‘I have.’]

A reading from the Bible is a common component in many Christian wedding ceremonies. While choosing a passage from Corinthians isn’t required, it’s a popular choice for many.

Officiant to reception: “A reading from the Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7: ‘Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.’

Let us pray for this couple as they make their marriage vows.

Father, as [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] pledge themselves to each other, help them and bless them that their love may be pure, and their vows may be true. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen."

Today’s wedding vows are often personalized according to whatever feels right to the couple. However, a traditional statement of vows is also common in Christian wedding ceremonies.

Couple to each other: “I, [NAME], take thee, [NAME], to be my wedded (husband, wife), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. This is my solemn vow.”

Officiant to Partner A: "[PARTNER A], please take the ring you have selected for [PARTNER B]. As you place it on his/her finger, repeat after me:

‘With this ring, I thee wed.’"

[Partner A repeats the phrase as they place the ring on Partner B’s finger]

Officiant to Partner B: "[PARTNER B], please take the ring you have selected for [PARTNER A]. As you place it on his/her finger, repeat after me:

[Partner B repeats the phrase as they place the ring on Partner A’s finger]

One distinction of a Christian wedding ceremony script is including a prayer of blessing over the union.

Officiant to the couple: "May Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness. May the Lord bless you both all the days of your lives and fill you with His joy. Amen."

Officiant to reception: “By the power vested in me by the state of [STATE], I now pronounce you [husband and wife, husband and husband, wife and wife]! You may kiss the bride!”

Officiant to all: “Thank you all for joining in this joyous occasion for [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B]! They now invite you to join them for a reception at [LOCATION]. Thank you all!”

What to Wear to a Church Wedding

As with the Christian script, this version includes religious elements. However, Catholic ceremonies are greatly rooted in tradition and include formal aspects at their core. The officiant is typically a priest, and these services traditionally take place in the church.


Entrance rite

As the entrance song is played, the assembly stands while the priest, ministers, and servers take their places, followed by the wedding party. The rest of this part of the processional can take two forms.

In the first form, the vested priests and servers greet the bridal party at the church door, and then all enter as is customary for Mass. In the second form, the priest and servers wait in the sanctuary area prepared for the couple to greet them when they arrive. In both forms, the priest always leads the procession.

Once everyone is in place and the music has ended, the priest leads the sign of the cross, or the traditional beginning of Christian prayer, before greeting the assembly.

Priest: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy spirit.”

All respond: “Amen.”

Priest: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Collect (opening prayer)

The priest invites the assembly to pray. After he prays over the couple, the assembly is seated for the Liturgy of the Word.

Priest: “Be attentive to our prayers, O Lord, and in your kindness uphold what you have established for the increase of the human race, so that the union you have created may be kept safe by your assistance. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.”

Liturgy of the word

The liturgy of the word outside of mass usually includes three readings proclaimed by the priest, one from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament aside from the Gospel, and one from the Gospel. At the conclusion of each reading, the lector will say, "The Word of the Lord," and the assembly will respond, "Thanks be to God."

Priest: “A reading from the book of Genesis 1:26-28:

Then God said: ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground.” God created man in his image; in the image of God he created him; male and female, he created them. God blessed them, saying: “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth.” God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good. The word of the Lord.’

Assembly responds: “Thanks be to God.”

Priest: “A reading from the New Testament, 1 John 4:7-12:

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

The word of the Lord.”

All respond: “Thanks be to God.”

Priest: “A reading from the Gospel, Matthew 5:13-16:

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

All respond: “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.”

Assembly is seated.

The assembly is seated while the priest (or deacon) offers a homily taken from the Scripture readings. The priest uses this text to discuss the sacredness of Christian marriage, the dignity of conjugal love, the grace of the sacrament, and the responsibilities of married people.

Priest: "John 3:30 says ‘He must increase, but I must decrease.’

Those simple, direct words of St. John the Baptist, whose feast we celebrate today, summarize the life of the Christian disciple. In all things, we want Jesus to increase and our own will, our own desires, our own attachments, to decrease. In my heart, in my prayer, in my family, in my parish, in my work, in my study, in my leisure, in my entertainment - may the Lord Jesus increase!"

Celebration of matrimony

All stand, and the couple comes to the altar, flanked by their witnesses. The priest will address the couple with a celebration of matrimony:

Priest: “Dearly beloved, you have come together into the house of the church so that in the presence of the church’s minister and the community, your intention to enter into marriage may be strengthened by the Lord with a sacred seal.”

If both parties are Christian: “Christ abundantly blesses the love that binds you. Through a special sacrament, he enriches and strengthens those he has already consecrated by holy baptism, that you may be enriched with his blessing, so that you may have the strength to be faithful to each other forever, and assume all the responsibilities of married life. And so, in the presence of the church, I ask you to state your intentions.”

Address and statement of intentions

All stand, including the couple and witnesses, while the priest asks the couple some questions to state their intentions about their freedom of choice, fidelity to each other, and the acceptance and upbringing of children (if necessary).

Priest to couple: “[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], have you come here to enter into marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?”

Couple in unison: “I have.”

Priest to couple: “Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?”

Couple in unison: “I am.”

Exchange of consent

The couple will declare their consent to be married by stating their vows. If you’re writing your own vows, they must be prepared with the wedding script beforehand.

Partner A: “I, [NAME], take you, [NAME], to be my [wife, husband]. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life.”

Partner B: “I, [NAME], take you, [NAME], to be my [husband, wife]. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life.”

Blessing and giving of rings

Priest: “Bless, O Lord, these rings which we bless in your name. so that those who wear them may remain entirely faithful to each other, abide in peace and in your will, and live always in mutual charity. Through Christ our Lord.”

Assembly responds: “Amen.”

The priest now sprinkles the wedding rings with holy water before handing them to each partner.

Partner A: “[NAME], receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit.”

[Partner A places the ring on Partner B’s finger]

Partner B: “[NAME], receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit.”

[Partner B places the ring on Partner A’s finger]

The priest and the assembly sing or pray the Lord’s Prayer in unison.

Nuptial blessing

The couple kneels at the altar, where the priest faces them and prays over them.

Priest: “Now let us humbly invoke God’s blessing upon this bride and groom, that in his kindness he may favor with his help those on whom he has bestowed the Sacrament of Matrimony.”

The priest performs communion and distributes the body and blood of Christ to Catholics in the assembly, starting with the newly married couple. An appropriate song is usually sung as the assembly proceeds to the altar for communion.

Priest to reception: “By the power vested in me by the state of [STATE], I now pronounce you [husband and wife, husband and husband, wife and wife]! You may now kiss!”

Priest to assembly: “Go in peace to glorify the Lord with your life.”


At the closing of the ceremony, the couple, bridal party, ministers, and the priest will proceed out of the church, often accompanied by music.

Planning a Traditional Queer Jewish Wedding2_Brindamour Photography

A Jewish wedding also has traditional elements, many of which are centuries old. Talk to your officiant (often a rabbi) about making changes and personalizing this wedding ceremony outline to fit your needs without breaking Jewish tradition.


Signing of the Ketubah

The Ketubah is an ancient marriage contract that documents the commitment between the couple. Typically, the groom signs the contract with the rabbi and two male Jewish witnesses present, along with the bride, in private before the main ceremony begins.

Officiant: “Please gather around for this ‘ceremony before the ceremony’, the signing of the Ketubah. Bride and groom, in this quiet moment before your public wedding ceremony begins, those closest to you are here to witness the signing of the important documents that make this day a remarkable moment for you both. As you become legally husband and wife, we delight in your happiness, and we wish you only good things to come as you face life together. This beautiful Ketubah has these words for you today, and I ask the groom’s witness [NAME] to read the words.”

[Groom’s witness reads the Ketubah.]

Officiant: “I ask you both to sign the Ketubah as the first ceremonial act of your wedding day celebration.”

[Couple signs the Ketubah.]

Officiant: “Now I ask your parents to sign the Ketubah.”

[Couple’s parents sign the Ketubah.]

Officiant: “And now I sign it as well.”

[Officiant signs the Ketubah.]

The ceremony begins once guests are seated.

Officiant to reception: “This is the day that [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] marry the person they love the most in the world…the one they will laugh with, live for, and love for the rest of their lives. So it is only fitting that those closest to them are here to witness this special day. Your presence at this wedding celebration is a reminder to [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] of how lucky they are to have you in support of their union.”

The chuppah

The chuppah is a canopy structure symbolizing the home the couple will build together following their marriage. Modern couples use the chuppah as an opportunity to customize their wedding and use it as a reflection of their unique taste and style.

Officiant: “The chuppah under which [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] stand is the traditional structure used in a Jewish wedding ceremony. What you see in the setting for this ceremony tells you so much about the path that brings [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] to be married. Today, their families are joined together, and the combined richness of their two heritages will be the foundation for their life together.

As the open sides of a chuppah symbolize hospitality, the chuppah in this ceremony invites you all to feel welcome today, for this is the day of all days that [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] want to share with you.”

After the couple enters the chuppah, the bride/groom circles the bride/groom seven times, symbolizing building a wall of love around the relationship. It also represents the seven days of creation.

Declaration of support

Officiant to the couple: “A marriage is a lifelong adventure. Today’s ceremony, while important, is only the beginning of that journey. Marriage is a challenge that will require [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] to have love and understanding. You must dedicate yourselves to each other, listen to each other, and be honest with each other. You will need laughter and forgiveness, tenderness and empathy.”

Sand ceremony

Officiant to the couple: “We will now begin the sand ceremony. Through it, [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] will symbolize the permanence of the commitment of their marital relationship. They will each pour separate containers of sand into one vessel.

Each of these grains represents a unique aspect of themselves. Their experiences, outlooks, feelings, and the events that shaped them into the person that stands before you. As these grains of sand intermingle in one shared vessel, they symbolize the merging of two individual lives into an inseparable pair.

[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], just as these grains of sand can never again be separated, so too will you be forever joined.”

Officiant to Partner A: "Do you, [PARTNER A], take this [woman, man] to be your lawfully wedded [wife, husband], to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto [her, him] for as long as you both shall live? If so, answer 'I do.'"

Officiant to Partner B: "Do you, [PARTNER B], take this [man, woman] to be your lawfully wedded [husband, wife], to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto [him, her] for as long as you both shall live? If so, answer 'I do.'"

Officiant to Partner A: "[PARTNER A], as a token of your intentions, please place this ring upon [PARTNER B]’s finger and repeat after me:

‘[PARTNER B], I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness.’"

[Partner A repeats the words while placing the ring on Partner B’s finger.]

Officiant to Partner B: "[PARTNER B], as a token of your intentions, please place this ring upon [PARTNER A]’s finger and repeat after me:

‘[PARTNER A], I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness.’"

[Partner B repeats the words while placing the ring on Partner A’s finger.]

Blessing of the hands

Officiant to the couple: "[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], please join hands. Look at these hands, for they are of your closest friend. They are strong and full of love. As you join hands today, you make the promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever.

Your future will be built by these hands. As the years pass, these hands will love you and cherish you. The slightest touch from these hands will give you comfort. These are the hands that will hold your children. These are the hands that will keep your family as one. When you have tears of sorrow or tears of joy, they will be wiped away by these hands."

The Seven Blessings

The Seven Blessings are now recited.

  • Blessing over the wine as a symbol of joy
  • Blessing praising God to whom all creation proclaims praise
  • Blessing praising God as creator of humanity
  • Blessing praising God who created humanity in the divine image
  • Prayer of hope
  • Prayer for the happiness of the couple
  • Prayer for the individual hope for happiness for the couple combined with prayer for joy in the messianic future

Following the Seven Blessings, the couple shares a cup of wine.

Breaking the glass

The ceremony is concluded by the tradition of the groom (or bride) stomping on glass and shattering it. This signals the audience to cheer, dance, and shout “Mazal tov!”

After the ceremony concludes, the final ritual takes place in the yichud or “tent of seclusion.” This is considered to be one of the most private and intimate parts of the wedding day, where the newlyweds can savor their first moments alone before the celebration continues.

couple at wedding altar

There are many denominations within the Protestant faith, and the standard ceremony for each may vary. Those with a more liberal interpretation of the wedding ceremony might be open to including more nontraditional elements in the wedding script. The script below is adapted from the Book of Common Prayer, and is just one of many possible variations of a Protestant wedding ceremony.


Introductory prayer

The officiant, known as the celebrant, faces the couple and congregation and offers an introduction:

Officiant: “Dearly beloved, we have come together in the presence of God to witness and bless the joining together of this couple in holy matrimony. The bond and covenant of marriage was established by God in creation, and our Lord Jesus Christ adorned this manner of life by His presence and first miracle at the wedding at Cana in Galilee. It signifies to us the mystery of the union between Christ and His church, and holy Scripture commends it to be honored among all people.

The union of marriage is intended by God for their mutual joy, for the help and comfort given each other in prosperity and adversity, and, when it is God’s will, for the procreation of children and their nurture in the knowledge and love of the Lord. Therefore, marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with the purposes for which it was instituted by God.”

The interrogation

Celebrant to the congregation: “Into this union [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] now come to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they may not be lawfully wed, speak now, or else forever hold your peace.”

Celebrant to the couple: “I charge you both, here in the presence of God and the witness of this company, that if either of you know any reason why you may not be married lawfully and in accordance with God's word, do now confess it.”

Celebrant to Partner A: “[PARTNER A], will you have this [woman, man] to be your [wife, husband], to live together with [her, him] in the covenant of marriage? Will you love [her, him], comfort [her, him], honor and keep [her, him], in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto [her, him] as long as you both shall live?”

Partner A: “I will.”

Celebrant to Partner B: “[PARTNER B], will you have this [man, woman] to be your [husband, wife], to live together with [him/her] in the covenant of marriage? Will you love [him/her], comfort [him/her], honor and keep [him/her], in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto [him/her] as long as you both shall live?”

Partner B: “I will.”

Celebrant to the congregation: “Will all of you witnessing these promises do all in your power to uphold these two persons in their marriage?”

Congregation responds: “We will.”

The presentation

The presentation represents the traditional “giving away” of the bride, typically followed by a hymn. Modern Protestants may opt for a poem, romantic reading, or song of their choice in place of a hymn.

Celebrant: “Who gives [PARTNER A] to be married to [PARTNER B]?”

Partner A or B’s father: “[He, she] gives [himself, herself], with the blessing of [his, her] mother and father.”

Some modern Protestants might choose to write their own wedding vows, but the traditional vows most often recited are as follows:

Partner A to Partner B: “In the name of God, I, [NAME], take you, [NAME], to be my [wife, husband], to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do we part. This is my solemn vow.”

Partner B to Partner A: “In the name of God, I, [NAME], take you, [NAME], to be my [husband, wife], to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do we part. This is my solemn vow.”

The blessing and exchange of rings

The celebrant offers a blessing on the rings: “Bless, O Lord, these rings as a symbol of the vows by which this couple have bound themselves to each other, through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Congregation responds: “Amen.”

Partner A and Partner B place the rings on each other’s fingers and say: “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

The celebrant joins the right hands of both partners and says: “Now that [NAME] and [NAME] have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings, I pronounce them [husband and wife, husband and husband, wife and wife] in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Those who God has joined together, let no man put asunder.”

Concluding prayers

The celebrant asks the congregation to stand and repeat the Lord’s Prayer:

All: “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.”

In traditional Protestant weddings, the celebrant will direct the couple to kneel while further blessings and songs are offered. The celebrant then addresses the kneeling couple and recites another blessing:

Celebrant: “May God bless you and keep you; may the Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you, filling you with all spiritual benediction and grace; that you may faithfully live together in this life, and in the age to come have life everlasting. Amen.”

Celebrant to the congregation: “The peace of the Lord be with you always.”

All respond: “And also with you.”

Finally, the couple stands to face each other while the celebrant offers a final line to end the ceremony:

Celebrant: “[NAME] and [NAME], having witnessed your vows of love to one another, it is my joy to present you to all gathered here as [husband and wife, husband and husband, wife and wife]. You may now kiss!”


While writing your wedding ceremony script might feel daunting, these tips can help take the pressure off and provide some much-needed guidance on how to bring your ceremony vision to life—whatever that means to you.

1. Talk with your partner

Writing your script is an opportunity to reflect on the significance of your relationship before you enter into marriage. Talking with your partner about your ideas and desires for your wedding ceremony is an important first step—it helps you get aligned on a mutual vision and ensures the ceremony is a reflection of what matters most to you as a couple.

2. Work with your officiant

Your officiant can provide practical advice on how to get started crafting your ceremony script, and some might even have an outline for you to work from. Since your officiant has most likely conducted their fair share of wedding ceremonies, they’re an excellent resource for any questions you might have.

3. Don’t procrastinate

While you certainly don’t need to memorize your wedding ceremony script, don't put it off until the last minute—especially if you plan on writing your own vows . Procrastinating until the week of your wedding can add a ton of pressure to an already hectic time, so do yourself a favor and get started early!

4. Consider the length of your script

While your wedding ceremony script should be whatever you want it to be, being mindful of time and length is something your guests will appreciate. Anything longer than 30 minutes might leave guests checking their watches! Once you’ve written a draft and have the chance to rehearse it, you’ll find that you can pack plenty of meaning and resonance in less than 15 minutes.


Now that you’ve read some ceremony script examples, you can confidently start writing your own! No matter what you decide to include, what matters most is that the words shared are from the heart and represent what your marriage means to you. Here’s an ultra-simple outline to help you start formulating your own wedding script for officiants to use.

  • Officiant’s welcome
  • Short sermon to the congregation
  • Charge to the couple
  • Declaration of the intent to marry
  • Pronouncement of marriage
  • Conclusion and invitation to reception

Find answers to any lingering wedding ceremony script questions below.

How do I personalize my wedding ceremony script?

Start by nailing down the overall format of your script, including the order of the ceremony and the role of the officiant. Then weave in personal elements significant to you and your partner, such as customizing your vows, a special unity ceremony, or a reading that holds meaning. Remember, there’s no rule that says you have to follow a traditional wedding ceremony script.

How do I start a wedding ceremony script?

Most wedding ceremony outlines start with the wedding officiant welcoming guests and thanking them for joining in the wedding day. Religious ceremonies may start with a reading from the Bible or whatever is customary for different faiths. That said, your ceremony script can begin however you like, whether that’s opening with a meaningful quote, poem, or endearing story about you and your partner.

Where can I find wedding ceremony scripts?

The best place to find both religious and non religious wedding ceremony scripts is online. You can find downloadable pre-written scripts by searching for a specific religious denomination or the mood you want your ceremony to take. For extra inspiration, search for wedding ceremony videos on YouTube to get a feel for what different scripts sound like during a real ceremony.

How long should the officiant speak at the wedding?

Your officiant wedding script should get straight to the point while adding personality. Talk to your celebrant about the parts that are most important to you, such as giving a blessing to the couple . However, if the sermon isn’t essential to you, feel free to shorten it. The last thing you want to do is bore your guests, so concise yet interesting is best.

Although there is a bit of protocol surrounding the order of service, there is a lot of freedom within with most scripts. If you’re particularly religious, you may want to chat with your priest, rabbi, or pastor about how to best adapt your ceremony. However, if you’re not planning on a religious ceremony, chat with your partner about expectations and how to go from expected to highly personal.

As you finish off your wedding planning, Zola is here to help every step of the way. Whether designing custom wedding invitations or putting the final touches on your wedding registry , Zola has all the expert advice you’ll need to make your wedding vision come to life.

Even more answers

  • Unique Wedding Vows
  • 37 Wedding Blessings for Every Culture [Free Printables]
  • 4 Alternatives to the Classic Bouquet Toss
  • Affordable Rehearsal Dinner Ideas
  • 42 Unique Wedding Traditions Around the World
  • Funny Wedding Vow Ideas
  • What Is Jumping The Broom? History & Meaning
  • Groomsmen Etiquette 101: A Beginner's Guide
  • How Much Does the Average Wedding Cost in 2024?
  • Bouquet Tossing 101
  • How to Choose the Right Wedding Officiant for Your Ceremony

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Dream of becoming a celebrant? Find out if this could be for you... >>

How to write a Wedding Ceremony Script

As celebrants, we sure do love to write ceremony scripts! It’s the best part of the job! There are several aspects to the job of celebrant that can be tricky to master, from mustering the bravery to stand up and speak in public to finding the right tone and formality with which to speak to your couple.

Writing a wedding ceremony script is another of these aspects that takes time to master, but with our helpful tips, you can start crafting beautiful ceremony scripts for your ceremonies right now.

Writing a wedding ceremony script

Writing a compelling, meaningful wedding ceremony script is one of the most important skills you can develop as a wedding celebrant . The ceremony sets the tone for the couple’s wedding day and marriage. An impactful, personalized ceremony requires thoughtful crafting that brings your couple’s love story to life.

This comprehensive guide will cover the essentials of writing an unforgettable wedding ceremony, from understanding what couples want most to incorporate special details that reflect their relationship. You’ll learn ceremonies should focus on quality over quantity when it comes to content length. We’ll also explore finding inspiration as you hone your abilities to blend heartfelt emotions with authentic delivery tailored to each unique couple.

What makes a wedding ceremony script great?

Mastering the art of creating a meaningful and memorable wedding ceremony script is what separates the good from the great when it comes to being a Wedding Celebrant. It enables you to create bespoke experiences that resonate powerfully with all those present.

A great wedding ceremony script should be thoughtful, memorable and remarkable. It needs to be written with care and insight and should leave people feeling that they know the couple better for having been there.

If done thoughtfully, you can balance time-honoured traditions and modern sentiments to produce one-of-a-kind wedding ceremonies. Let’s explore some best practices for writing unforgettable scripts!

What do officiants say at weddings?

The first thing you might ask yourself is: What exactly does an officiant or celebrant say during a wedding?

Clearly, a lot depends on the couple you’re talking about – you’ll want to dedicate a decent amount of time to tell the couple’s love story: how they met, what their first date was like, how the proposal went down, etc. There may be opportunities for family members to come to the front and share stories, poems, or readings pertinent to the couple’s relationship; alternatively, you may be asked to read these yourself.

If the couple has decided to include special ceremony elements such as a hand-fasting or a unity sand ceremony, you’ll need to prepare some symbolic words to go with the actions being performed as well.

Most importantly, of course, you’ll need to find some words for the ring exchange and the pronouncement – although because celebrants aren’t allowed to conduct legal ceremonies (yet!), it is advised to stay away from the words “I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Read More: A pocket guide to becoming a wedding celebrant

Understanding what couples want

Before you start writing a wedding ceremony script, it’s important to understand that most couples want the same few basic things from their wedding ceremony:

  • Exchanging vows
  • Exchanging rings
  • Sharing a kiss
  • Having a first dance
  • Celebrating with loved ones

As a celebrant, your role is to transform the ceremony into a memorable celebration. As Master of Ceremony Adam Straney says, “Celebrants do the party before the big party.” You set the tone and build excitement for the reception ahead.

Understand that beyond the basic wedding ceremony flow; each couple envisions the event uniquely depending on their preferences and vision for the day. Some may want it to be funny; some may prefer a more formal occasion. One essential celebrant skill is adapting your ceremony scripts based on the desires your couples express during your sessions together to give them the ceremony of their dreams.

How do you write a wedding ceremony script?

While everyone writes their wedding ceremony script differently, here are a few pointers as to how you might want to go about it:

  • Meet the couple, get to know them, and find out what they want to include in the ceremony.
  • Plan the structure of the ceremony before you start writing it, to get a feel for the flow, and how everything ought to fit together.
  • Write the personal parts of the ceremony first, such as the couple’s story.
  • Put together the words you’ll need for any ceremony elements, such as the hand-fasting or the unity sand ceremony.
  • Put all the ceremony pieces together into a full document, including any poems or readings that will be read.
  • Link everything together with ‘intros’ and ‘outros’, such as thanking people for the reading they’ve given or introducing pieces of music.
  • Check everything through visually for any inconsistencies or typos.
  • Read the ceremony aloud at least once to get a feel for how it sounds, and make any edits where necessary.

Conveying authenticity as a celebrant: Be yourself

When you’re writing a ceremony script, it obviously has to reflect the couple, but it is also a reflection of your style as a celebrant, so stay true to your style. Tailor metaphors and descriptors to their unique essence, but tell their love story in a way that feels natural to you:

  • Avoid over-formality or stale cliches about love/marriage.
  • Don’t try and force yourself to be funny if it’s not your style
  • Remember your couple chose YOU for a reason; do what you do best and be yourself.

You can take creative license in presenting their story as a poem, fable, or prose, you could even rap it if that’s your style, what’s most important is that you deliver the ceremony in your own authentic style.

Establishing your ceremony niche

It will help you to define your own style and niche as a Celebrant. Once you have a clear style, it’s easier to build a library of references, common phrases, quotes, inspiration, etc, to pull from when writing your ceremonies.

Beyond your innate style, identify 2-3 speciality ceremony types to develop niche expertise:

  • Traditional Elegance
  • Heartfelt and sentimental
  • Poetic & romantic
  • Sweet & tender
  • Poetic Verse

Is your style your only niche? Do you specialize in Interfaith or LGBTQ+ ceremonies? How do you infuse that into your ceremonies?

Time-Saving Tip: Note common themes and go-to phrasing to incorporate for each niche when drafting your wedding ceremony script.

We go into all this and more in-depth in our Accredited Wedding Celebrant Training programme

How long should a wedding ceremony script be?

This question depends on how long the couple expects the ceremony to take. A very basic wedding ceremony will take a minimum of 15 minutes, although many might feel a little short-changed if it’s that short. 20-30 minutes is fairly standard, but if it’s an elaborate ceremony with many different elements, several contributions from friends and/or family, and multiple pieces of music, it can last up to an hour or more. If you know how long the ceremony should be, reading the script aloud after you’ve finished will give you an idea as to whether you need to add or remove any content.

Prioritize quality over quantity.

When you’re writing the love story part of the ceremony, include interesting insights that give people a sense of who they are as a couple, but keep it short and snappy; more than 5-8 minutes is too long, and people will lose interest. Remember, you’ve still got the vows and the ring exchange to do.

Focus on concise delivery emphasizing symbolic or romantic anecdotes over lengthy orations about love.

Delivering a short and memorable ceremony is far better than a longer ceremony that loses meaning because everyone’s fallen asleep! Remember, more doesn’t always mean more!

Script writing preparation: Getting to know your couple

Thorough preparation is essential to crafting an amazing bespoke ceremony. At a minimum, you should meet with the couple 2-3 times and have in-depth conversations to truly get to know them.

You need enough intimate details, memories, “inside jokes,” or thoughtful insights to write a ceremony authentically reflect who they are as a couple. Identify their values, history, challenges overcome together, and what they most want to convey through their ceremony. Determine where you fall as a celebrant on the “ceremony scale” in terms of style and align expectations.

Craft insightful questions to capture the essence of their love story accurately:

  • How/Where/When did they meet?
  • What first attracted them?
  • When did they know it was love?
  • Why do they complement each other?

Record your meetings and reference back when writing.

Finding inspiration for wedding ceremony scripts

The Internet offers unlimited inspiration for crafting creative wedding ceremony scripts, from music choices to famous quotes, speeches, film references and nostalgic pop culture elements that resonate with couples. Stay organized by creating Pinterest boards or Evernote notebooks with ideas categorized by style, theme or mood that you can reference later.

Follow celebrity and influencer weddings for of-the-moment trends to incorporate if relevant. Use visuals that spark imaginative ideas you can translate to words for elements like décor, vows or readings.

N.B. Get full access to our celebrant resource library when you train with us. Find out more about our Accredited Wedding Celebrant Training programme

Wedding ceremony outline

Not all wedding ceremonies will follow the same set flow. In fact, one of the best things about being an independent celebrant is that you can throw the rulebook out of the window!

That said, it can be helpful to keep the standard ceremony stages in mind when you’re planning your script and adjust based on traditions and preferences. Use this outline to start to map out your ceremony script. Remember, ceremony scripts should be individual to the couple; however, this is a great starting point to help craft your ideal ceremony.

  • Processional (walking down the aisle)
  • Welcoming Remarks and Introduction to the wedding ceremony
  • Readings & Music
  • Couple’s love story
  • Symbolic Rituals Inclusion of something symbolic like a hand-fasting or sand ceremony
  • Ring exchange
  • Pronouncement
  • Aisle and confetti walk (recessional)

Use this outline as a flexible template to build upon with your authentic voice and key details about the couple.

FAQ: Should the Couple Write Their Own Vows?

This is totally down to what you agree with the couple themselves, and it can usually go one of three ways:

  • The couple will write their own vows completely themselves without any input from you.
  • The couple will write their own vows and ask you to cast your expert eye over them to ensure they flow nicely.
  • The couple will ask you to write the vows entirely yourself, though they’ll likely want to read through them before the ceremony.

Whichever of these three options you agree upon, it’s highly recommended for the celebrant to have a copy of the vows in their script, just in case!

Check out The Celebrant Directory’s guide to writing your own wedding vows and personalising the ceremony , always a good resource to help your couples!

FAQ: Should a Wedding Ceremony Script Include Religious Elements?

Again, this totally depends on what the couple wants. More and more couples are agnostic or come from mixed-faith backgrounds these days, so often they won’t want any religious elements in the ceremony so as not to make either bride or groom uncomfortable.

The best thing about being an independent Celebrant is that you are flexible and have the freedom to include and infuse any elements that couples may want, regardless of its religious significance or origin, so if the couple does request a religious hymn, poem, reading, or anything else, you can include it in the ceremony.

Wedding ceremony script examples

Here are a few examples of texts you might like to use at various moments of the ceremony:

  • “Welcome to the most important day in the lives of Max and Evelyn.”
  • “Today, we are brought together by the most wonderful, natural and sometimes most confusing thing in the world – love!”
  • “Welcome, family and friends, to the party we’ve all been waiting for!”
  • “Max, I promise that I will respect you as an individual, support you through difficult times, rejoice with you through happy times, be loyal to you always, and, above all, love you as my husband and friend.”
  • “Evelyn, I vow to always turn the football off when you have something important to say, I vow to never watch any episodes of Friends without you, and I vow to always put the toilet seat down.”

Ring Exchange

  • “Max, I give you this ring as a sign of my undying love for you, from this day until the end of time.”
  • “Evelyn, with this ring, we forge a new path on our adventure together. I love you, always, as my best friend.”

Closing statement

  • “May you have many joys, and be the light of each other’s days. May all that you are, always be in love; and may all that is love, always be in you.”

End on an Uplifting Note

Finish the ceremony on a high. Remember it needs to be fun memorable, and remarkable.

Write the ceremony with love, care and attention to detail with thoughtful insights about the couple and ask someone else to read or listen to the ceremony before you deliver it, to make sure you’ve got the key details in.

Conclude with a powerful, optimistic summary conveying excitement about the new chapter the couple are embarking on together. Re-emphasize their commitment and unwavering bond. This impactful closing momentum carries through the remainder of the wedding.

Want to learn how to write the perfect ceremony script?

We teach this and so much more inside our celebrant training programme. Find out more here

Jennifer Claire

Jennifer is the Director of the leading celebrant training company, The Academy of Modern Celebrancy as well as the Founder of The Celebrant Directory, supporting over 600 celebrants globally.

Jennifer run a 2.5k community of celebrants who she dedicates her time to helping them grow their businesses and taking celebrancy from a hobby to a lifestyle.

Jennifer heads up the global Celebrant Industry Awards and the global celebrant summit, Celebrantopia each year!

A celebrant herself since 2010, she knows what it takes to make it in the industry and trains the best celebrants out there across the UK, Europe and the USA.

Take the Quiz to find out if you have what it takes!

Download the Ultimate Guide to becoming a Celebrant & find out how you can make this happen!

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A Simple Wedding Script to Use When a Friend Officiates Your Ceremony

Published Thursday, Aug. 4th, 2022

Written by Jessica Levey

Este articulo en español

This ‘Friend Officiating’ wedding script template makes it easy for a couple and their friend officiant to write a custom ceremony. Just fill in the blanks with details from your love story to create a sweet officiant speech and personal vows, then put it all together for a short & simple wedding ceremony script that’s ready to go on your marriage day!

A wedding officiant holds a microphone up to the bride, who is laughing and smiling with the groom on their wedding day. They are wearing a beautiful suit and dress and she is holding flowers.

Is a friend officiating your wedding ceremony? 

Congratulations! We can’t think of a better way to start a new chapter in life than standing side by side with the people you love the most. 

Your friend will need to get ordained , then you can start planning the perfect wedding ceremony together. For step-by-step instructions on what friends and relatives must do in order to officiate read: 

  • Can you legally perform a wedding ceremony for your friends and family? Yes!

Once the initial paperwork is taken care of, all that’s left is finding the perfect words to celebrate the happy occasion. 

To make it easy, we created a simple wedding ceremony template for you, your partner, and your friend-officiant to complete together. 

How to use this Wedding Ceremony Script Template: 

Fill in each blank section with details from you and your partner’s relationship by answering the provided questions. This can be completed in only a few minutes, but we suggest you take your time and make a fun day of it. 

Put it all together, and you’ve got a sweet wedding script that’s ready to go on the wedding day! 

The Perfect Wedding Script for a Friend Officiant 

A ‘Friend Officiating’ Wedding Ceremony Script Template

  • See this wedding script in Spanish




Welcome friends and family. A wedding is such a wonderful occasion, filled with hopes, dreams, and excitement. We’ve gathered here today to celebrate the love between [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], and to witness the depth of that love as they join together in the commitment of marriage. 

In the [number of months or years] that they’ve known each other, these two have had countless adventures together, made joyful memories, and supported and comforted each other through difficult days and weeks.  

They’ve ____________________________________, ____________________________________, and ____________________________________. 

For the couple: What are three of your favorite memories together? What is something the two of you overcame that you could never have done alone? Include your most important moments here to share with friends and family.

And with patience, understanding, laughter, and honesty, they’ve grown into the couple you see before you. 

Now, they are ready to spend the rest of their lives together, building new memories as [husband and wife / partners for life / etc.]


The foundations of a true marriage begin long before the wedding day, and the efforts of marriage continue long after the ceremony ends. A brief moment in time and the stroke of a pen are all it takes to form the legal bond of marriage, but it takes a lifetime of love, commitment, and compromise to make marriage durable and everlasting.

When you asked me to share this special day with you, my heart filled with joy. I can’t imagine two people better suited to each other. I’ve had the privilege of know you both for [amount of time], and watched you  ____________________________________ and ____________________________________. I’ve witnessed your respect and love for each other as you weathered ups and downs together, strengthened by your __________, __________, and __________. 

For the officiant: What are two of your favorite memories of the couple? These can be activities the three of you did together, or memories you have of them that demonstrate their compatibility and strengths.  For the officiant: What are the couple’s best qualities as a team? What qualities do they bring out in each other? For example: humor, compassion, and devotion.  

Today you declare your commitment to each other before family and friends.



Do you [PARTNER A], take [PARTNER B] to be your [wife/ husband/ spouse], to love, honor, and cherish, through all of life’s ups and downs, sharing the days in joy and comfort, from this day forward?



Do you [PARTNER B], take [PARTNER A] to be your [wife/ husband/ spouse], to love, honor, and cherish, through all of life’s ups and downs, sharing the days in joy and comfort, from this day forward?



You’ve chosen to exchange rings [or gifts] as a symbol of the promises you make here today. They will be a reminder to you of the love you’ve cultivated these past [number of years], and of all the joys yet undiscovered, that lie on your journey ahead. 

When you’re ready, [Partner A], you can go first.  


[PARTNER B], I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. I promise to  ____________________________________, ____________________________________, and ____________________________________. I will never  ____________________________________, and always ____________________________________. I love you always.  


For Partner A: What are three promises you want to make to your partner on your wedding day? Or, what are the three things you value most about being someone’s spouse?  Then, what is one thing you promise never to do? This is a good opportunity to add humor, something light hearted and funny to make your partner smile. Or, if it suits the tone, choose something that you know is very important to your partner.  And last, what is something you promise to do every single day of your marriage? 


[Partner B], you’re up.


[PARTNER A], I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. I promise to  ____________________________________, ____________________________________, and ____________________________________. I will never  ____________________________________, and always ____________________________________. I love you always. 


For Partner B: What are three promises you want to make to your partner on your wedding day? Or, what are the three things you value most about being someone’s spouse?  Then, what is one thing you promise never to do? This is a good opportunity to add humor, something light hearted and funny to make your partner smile. Or, if it suits the tone, choose something that you know is very important to your partner.  And last, what is something you promise to do every single day of your marriage? 



It is my great honor to stand beside you both today, joined by the people that love and support you the most, as you take this next step. 

By the power vested in me by the State of [Name of Wedding State], I pronounce you [husband and wife / wife and wife/ partners for life / married/ etc.]. 

You may kiss!

Family and friends, I present to you for the first time, the newlyweds! Let’s celebrate them! 

recession/ RECESSIONAL

  • End of the Wedding Ceremony.

Not what you're looking for?    Visit the Wedding Ceremony Script Library.

We know that writing a ceremony from scratch can be a daunting process, especially if you’re officiating on short notice.   To make things easier, we keep our Sample Script Library well stocked with wedding ceremony templates and sample scripts for you to choose from. These scripts are a great starting point, with sections to add to, leave out, or reorganize, as you personalize a ceremony.    You'll find a variety of religious and non-religious ceremonies to choose from.  

  You might also like: 

  • More Than Words: 5 Body Language Tips for New Officiants
  • The secret to a perfect wedding officiant speech (with examples)  

Happy newlyweds hold hands outdoors at their wedding ceremony while the wedding officiant watches

One of our favorite ways to find the perfect wording for a wedding officiant speech or wedding script is to think of the ceremony as a theater play, with you and your couple performing unique roles. Read the full article here. 

  Browse  Articles for First Time Officiants  

Jessica Levey

Lead Staff Writer & Illustrator

Jessica loves exploring the history and magic of ritual, the connections between people and places, and sharing true stories about love and commitment. She's an advocate for marriage equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and individuality, and is an ordained Minister with AMM. When she’s not writing or illustrating for AMM, she enjoys city hikes, fantasy novels, comics, and traveling.

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Altar your thinking: alternative wedding planning

Super thorough non-religious wedding ceremony script PLUS readings and music suggestions

wedding officiant script wedding ceremony script

When Emily and Jack shared their non-religious wedding ceremony script with us, we were blown away by how incredibly thorough it was — this secular wedding officiant script includes ideas for music suggestions and a beautiful secular wedding reading from Neil Gaiman. Instead of the traditional wedding vows, they used the concept of “Love notes,” where Emily and Jack read each other short loving messages they'd written for each other.

If you're officiating for a friend, this is the ULTIMATE wedding officiant script! So if you're looking for some non-religious wedding ceremony ideas to steal, this wedding script is full of 'em… you won't find a single mention of prayer, Corinthians, holy matrimony, the covenant of marriage, or solemn vows. Do your own variation, add your own promises or declaration of intent, insert your own blessings, and make it yours for your big day!

Unity Processional:

[Pachelbel Canon in D playing]

Welcome. At the request of the couple, I invite you all to turn off your cellphones and put down your cameras during the ceremony. The talented photographers with us today will capture and share these moments – we encourage you to enjoy the celebrations, without the distraction of technology.

[Stand By Me starts playing]

[Groom and Mom enter, hug, Mom sits in place of honor]

non relgious wedding ceremony ideas on offbeat bride 1 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Please stand for the bride

[Bride and Dad enter, hug, Dad sits]

wedding ceremony script

Welcome. Please be seated.

[to Bride and Groom]

{Names}, today we are gathered here to celebrate the love you have discovered in each other and support the commitment you are about to make.

Marriage is more than two people standing here and repeating vows. There is an entire lifetime ahead of you and there are skills to be learned and practiced daily.

Part of marriage is finding happiness. Continue to search for the good, the fun, and the beautiful in this life to share with each other.

Part of marriage is being flexible. So, within your marriage cultivate flexibility, patience, and understanding, all while maintaining a sense of humor and joy.

Part of marriage is companionship. Strive to comfort one another and develop the capacity to forgive and heal your differences day by day.

Remember that your love can always prevail in times of turmoil. It will drive you to not only learn and to grow as individuals, but become stronger partners together.

Today, as you join yourselves in marriage, there is a vast and unknown future stretching out before you. Today you enter as individuals, but you will leave here as husband and wife; your lives blending together and expanding the ties of your family and best friends. You are embarking upon a great adventure, through which all of us here know you will prevail.

[to guests]

{Names} present themselves to be married today, cheerfully surrounded by the people they love the most. They, and I, want to thank you for your presence here today. They ask for your encouragement and lifelong support in their decision to be married.

The bride and groom would like also to give a special thank you to their families who have loved and supported them every step of the way.“

My aggressively atheist non-religious wedding vows and ceremony script

Our wedding ceremony was admittedly what some might call “aggressively atheist,” and my bridesmaids noticed that a few people looked...surprised? I think those who didn’t know us especially well expected we would do what our own parents did and go with something more standard and semi-religious. We certainly are not in peoples faces about our atheism, but we wanted to be VERY clear about who we are and a wedding is a great time to make yourself known. Feel free to steal these atheist wedding vows!

{Groom}’s sister {Name} will join us now to read All I Know About Love, by Neil Gaiman.

This is everything I have to tell you about love: nothing. This is everything I've learned about marriage: nothing . Only that the world out there is complicated, and there are beasts in the night, and delight and pain, and the only thing that makes it okay, sometimes, is to reach out a hand in the darkness and find another hand to squeeze, and not to be alone. It's not the kisses, or never just the kisses: it's what they mean. Somebody's got your back. Somebody knows your worst self and somehow doesn't want to rescue you or send for the army to rescue them. It's not two broken halves becoming one. It's the light from a distant lighthouse bringing you both safely home because home is wherever you are both together. So this is everything I have to tell you about love and marriage: nothing , like a book without pages or a forest without trees. Because there are things you cannot know before you experience them. Because no study can prepare you for the joys or the trials. Because nobody else's love, nobody else's marriage, is like yours, and it's a road you can only learn by walking it, a dance you cannot be taught, a song that did not exist before you began, together, to sing. And because in the darkness you will reach out a hand, not knowing for certain if someone else is even there. And your hands will meet, and then neither of you will ever need to be alone again.

NEW Neil Gaiman wedding readings

If you know about writer and novelist Neil Gaiman, you already know that he's a super cool human whose talent for the written word knows no bounds. His friends have tapped him to write something poignant for their weddings. We've seen the results of that endeavor and it's MAGICAL, so here are some of our favorite Neil Gaiman wedding readings , including a NEW ONE!

Signing of Marriage License

Thank you {Name.} I’d like to now welcome {Groom}’s cousin, {Name}, to perform one of the couple’s favorite songs while they sign their marriage license.

wedding ceremony script

This is the section of the wedding ceremony script that might usually be called VOWS, but we love that this couple framed it as love notes. If you need help learning how to write vows, we can help with that !

The bride and groom will now exchange a few words they’ve written.

[Bride reads to Groom (200-300 words)]

[Groom reads to Bride (200-300 words)]

Traditional Vows / Wedding Ring Exchange

So are you ready to make this official?

[Bride takes Groom’s hand for exchange of vows]

{Groom}, do you take {Bride Full Name} to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”

[Bride puts ring on Groom as exchange of wedding bands]

[Groom takes Bride’s hand]

{Bride}, do you take {Groom’s Full Name} the fifth to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”

[Groom puts ring on Bride]

Non religious wedding ceremony script on offbeat bride 2 alternative wedding ideas from Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride)

Outro and Pronouncement

{Names}, you have come here today of your own free will and, in the presence of your family and friends, have declared your love and commitment to each other.

By the power vested in me by the internet and the State of [your state], I now pronounce you husband and wife!

[Feeling Good starts at 0:33]

[BUM BUM] [First kiss as married couple]

[Congratulations! Laughter! Guests clap & cheer]

[Couple walk out to begin their new life together]

Looking for even more ideas for your wedding ceremony script? Have we ever got MORE for ya…

' src=

Guest Post By: Emily & Jack

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8 Sample Wedding Ceremony Scripts to Guide Your Own Celebration

Plus, we're sharing writing tips to customize your wedding vows and ceremony scripts.

Cristina Montemayor is a freelance writer and makeup artist whose work has appeared on HelloGiggles, Slate, Elite Daily, and Bustle.

best wedding celebrant speech

Photo by Brittany Painter Photography

In This Article

The wedding ceremony is the heart of the big day. The attire, the flowers, and the food are all icing on the cake, but the wedding ceremony —the time when a couple exchanges vows and rings—is when two people actually become married. Considering the significance, it’s surprising that many couples often leave the wedding ceremony planning to the last minute, according to wedding officiant and professional vow writing coach Tanya Pushkine. “It’s so rare that the wedding ceremony is thought of as a priority,” says Pushkine. “It’s almost like an afterthought.”

Meet the Expert

Tanya Pushkine is a professional vow writing coach, ceremony planner, and officiant based in New York City. She’s known as the “vow whisperer” for her ability to craft authentic and memorable ceremonies that reflect the unique personalities and beliefs of the couple.

Pushkine recommends that couples start thinking about the ceremony early in the wedding-planning process so that they know what to ask for when they meet with their wedding planner or day-of coordinator. Religious ceremonies are typically more fixed in terms of the service, language, and traditions while secular/non-religious ceremonies give couples a lot more flexibility to personalize the ceremony to their unique tastes.

All weddings have a standard format ( processional , readings, vows, exchange of rings, pronouncement, first kiss, and recessional), but by changing up the readings, verbiage, and incorporating creative rituals into the service, you can make it completely your own and create a service that leaves your guests laughing, crying, and excited about what’s coming next. “Millennials are writing their own rules,” Pushkine says of modern wedding ceremonies . “They’re looking to create an experience, which is different than before, where couples just did what their parents did.”

Below, we’ve outlined wedding ceremony script writing tips and a few sample wedding ceremony scripts to inspire you.

Photo by Liz Andolina Photography

Wedding Ceremony Script Writing Tips

Whether you're working with a professional officiant , a member of a religious house of worship, a justice of the peace, or a friend or family member, you might decide to customize your wedding ceremony. If so, know that scripting your wedding ceremony can be a fun, joyful experience, but the pressure to do and say the right thing can interfere. Here's how to keep it from becoming overwhelming.

Start Early

Don’t leave writing your wedding ceremony until the last minute. Get ahead of it and start doing your research early on in the wedding-planning process so that you have plenty of time to find inspiration and craft a ceremony that reflects you as a couple. “It’s like a puzzle,” Pushkine warns. “There are so many different variations and themes to choose from when it comes to planning a wedding ceremony, so try to find unique elements that fit your personal style.”

Work With Your Officiant

The officiant is the most important person at the ceremony—more than the newlyweds—because they’re leading the entire service, and they hold the power to actually marry the couple. If your officiant is a religious leader or experienced wedding officiant , they might already have an outline for the wedding ceremony that you can add to, if you so choose. If you’re having a friend step in as the officiant, they’ll need some direction from the couple as to what they’ll want to include in the ceremony.

Don’t Procrastinate on Writing Your Vows

If you decide to write your own vows , make sure you dedicate plenty of time to not only writing your vows but practicing your delivery as well. Your vows are a lifetime promise that you’re making to your partner in front of your closest friends and family, so they should be meaningful and personal, but without being too revealing. Choose your words carefully, and rehearse until you feel confident and comfortable saying them aloud. 

Keep It Short and Sweet

Unless your ceremony involves a religious service, try to keep the ceremony length to no more than 30 minutes. Any longer and your guests might start looking at their watches. If you want a memorable ceremony that’s fun for everyone—not just the couple—try to make your ceremony interactive. “The best thing you can do to make your ceremony unique is to get people laughing,” Pushkine says. “Wedding ceremonies can be a lot of fun without completely disregarding the serious element involved.” 

Consider Printing Programs for Your Guests

Personalized wedding ceremonies can be entertaining, but the further away you get from the traditional ceremony format, the more confused your guests might be. Wedding programs are a great addition to make your guests feel more involved and aware of where the service is going.

Programs are also great to further explain more meaningful elements of the ceremony, like why you chose to include certain readings or rituals. 

Get a Second Opinion

Make sure to have someone look over your wedding script before the big day to make sure it flows well and sounds both authentic and natural. It never hurts to have a second pair of eyes to provide feedback and edit suggestions on what is likely the most important speech you’ll ever deliver.

Photo by Lance Nicoll

Sample Wedding Ceremony Scripts

Now that you’re ready to start writing your own wedding ceremony script, here are a few sample scripts to use as a jumping-off point, all prepared by American Marriage Ministries (AMM) .

Photo by Getty Images / Brides

Traditional Wedding Ceremony Script

PROCESSIONAL Beginning of the wedding ceremony. Guests are seated followed by the entrance of the bridal party.

INVOCATION Welcome, loved ones. We are gathered here today to join [Name] and [Name] in holy matrimony.

VOW EXCHANGE [Name], I promise to cherish you always, to honor and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us.

[Name] I promise to cherish you always, to honor and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us.

RING EXCHANGE AND DECLARATION OF INTENT With this ring I, [Name], take you, [Name], to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us.

With this ring I, [Name], take you, [Name], to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us.

PRONOUNCEMENT By the power vested in me by the state of [State], I now pronounce you [husband and wife/husband and husband/wife and wife]!

Nonreligious Wedding Ceremony Script

PROCESSIONAL Beginning of the wedding ceremony. Guests are seated.

INVOCATION Family and friends, thank you all for coming today to share in this wonderful occasion. Today we are here together to unite [Name] and [Name] in marriage.

DECLARATION OF INTENT Do you [Name], take this [woman/man/person] to be your lawfully wedded [husband/wife], to live together in matrimony, to love [her/him/them], comfort [her/him/them], honor and keep [her/him/them], in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?

Do you [Name], take this [woman/man/person] to be your lawfully wedded [husband/wife], to live together in matrimony, to love [her/him/them], comfort [her/him/them], honor and keep [her/him/them], in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?

RING EXCHANGE [Name] and [Name] have chosen rings to exchange with each other as a symbol of their unending love. As you place this ring on [Name]’s finger, please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever.

[Name], as you place this ring on [Name]’s finger, please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever.

PRONOUNCEMENT By the authority vested in me by the State of [State], I now pronounce you [husband and wife/husband and husband/wife and wife]!

RECESSIONAL End of the wedding ceremony.

Modern Wedding Ceremony Script

INVOCATION Welcome family and friends. We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of [Name] and [Name]. This is not the beginning of a new relationship but an acknowledgment of the next chapter in their lives together. [Name] and [Name] have spent years getting to know each other, and we now bear witness to what their relationship has become. Today, they will affirm this bond formally and publicly.

[Name] and [Name] will mark their transition as a couple not only by celebrating the love between themselves, but by also celebrating the love between all of us—including the love of their parents, siblings, extended family, and best friends. Without that love, today would be far less joyous.

DECLARATION OF INTENT Do you [Name] take [Name] to be your lawfully wedded [husband/wife]? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto [him/her/them] for as long as you both shall live?

Do you [Name] take [Name] to be your lawfully wedded [husband/wife]? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto [him/her/them] for as long as you both shall live?

RING EXCHANGE A ring is an unbroken circle, with ends that have been joined together, and it represents your union. It is a symbol of infinity, and of your infinite love. When you look at these rings on your hands, be reminded of this moment, your commitment, and the love you now feel for each other.

[Name], place the ring on [Name]'s finger and repeat after me:

[Name], I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge: to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever.

And now...[Name], place the ring on [Name]'s finger and repeat after me:

PRONOUNCEMENT Before these witnesses, you have pledged to be joined in marriage. You have now sealed this pledge with your wedding rings. By the authority vested in me by the great State of [State], I now pronounce you married!

Christian Wedding Ceremony Script

INVOCATION We are gathered here today in the sight of God and these witnesses to join together [Name] and [Name] in holy matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of God, since the first man and the first woman walked on the earth. Therefore; it is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly. Into this holy estate, these two persons present come now to be joined. Therefore, if anyone can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.

READING A reading from the Apostle Paul, The first letter to the Corinthians, Chapter 13, verses 4 through 7: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Father, as [Name] and [Name] pledge themselves to each other, help them and bless them that their love may be pure, and their vows may be true. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

DECLARATION OF INTENT [Name] and [Name], you have come together this day so that the Lord may seal and strengthen your love in the presence of this minister of His word and this community of family and friends and so, in the presence of this gathering, I ask you to state your intentions: Have you both come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage? If so, answer by saying 'I have.'

RING EXCHANGE [Name], please take the ring you have selected for [Name]. As you place it on [his/her] finger, repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed.

[Name], please take the ring you have selected for [Name]. As you place it on [his/her] finger, repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed.

PRAYER May Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior, always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness. May the Lord bless you both all the days of your lives and fill you with His joy. Amen.

PRONOUNCEMENT Those whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder. In so much as [Name] and [Name] have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, having given and pledged their faith, each to the other, and having declared same by the giving and receiving of rings, I pronounce that you are husband and wife. I ask you now to seal the promises you have made with each other this day with a kiss.

Jewish Wedding Ceremony Script

SIGNING OF THE KETUBAH The Ketubah is an ancient document and is a marriage contract that lays out the commitment that the couple has to each other. It is signed by two Jewish witnesses, neither of whom can be blood-related family members to the couple.

BEDEKEN After the Ketubah signing, there is a short but meaningful ritual where the groom covers the bride’s face with her veil. The veiling itself is a symbol of modesty, based upon the biblical account of Rebecca meeting Isaac. Some couples put a modern spin on the tradition by having the bride place a yarmulke on the groom.

INVOCATION We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of [Name] and [Name]. A special thanks to all of you that traveled from far and wide to witness the promise these two are about to make to one another. We are here to offer our love and support, and to stand with [Name] and [Name] as they begin this new chapter of their lives.

RING EXCHANGE The couple will now exchange rings. These rings symbolize the never-ending love you feel for each other. The ring has neither a beginning nor an end, just as there is no beginning or end to what the partners give and receive. These rings will be a reminder of the vows you have taken today. By this ring, you are consecrated to me according to the law of Moses and Israel.

BLESSING OF THE HANDS [Name] and [Name], please join hands. Looks at these hands for they are of your closest friend. They are strong and full of love. As you join hands today, you make the promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever.

THE SEVEN BLESSINGS The Seven Blessings are now recited.

BREAKING THE GLASS The ceremony is concluded by the groom stamping on a glass and smashing it. This is the signal for the gathered people to cheer, dance, and shout “Mazal Tov!” Some couples choose to update this tradition by breaking the glass together with one swift smash in unison.

Baptist Wedding Ceremony Script

PROCESSIONAL Beginning of the wedding ceremony. Guests are seated followed by the entrance of the bridal party.

INVOCATION Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the presence of God, family, and friends to witness a joyous occasion—the union of [Name] and [Name] in holy matrimony.

PRESENTATION OF THE BRIDE Who gives [Name] to be married to [Name]?

[Bride’s father or parent] I do.

DECLARATION OF INTENT [Name] and [Name], as you stand here before friends, family, and God, I ask you to declare your intentions to join in the sacred covenant of marriage.

Do you take [Name] to be your husband, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him, as long as you both shall live?

[Name], have you come here freely and without reservation to marry?

[Name], do you take [Name] to be your wife, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her, as long as you both shall live?

EXCHANGE OF VOWS AND RINGS [Name] and [Name] will now exchange rings as a symbol of their commitment and endless devotion.

 [Name], you may place the ring you’ve chosen on [Name]’s hand.

 And [Name], you may place the ring you’ve chosen on [Name]’s hand.

 [Couple exchanges rings.]

This marriage unites not just [Name] and [Name], but all of the families sitting here today. They ask now for your blessing. Do you promise to support [Name] and [Name] in their marriage, to keep them in your prayers, to hold them up with love, and to rejoice in companionship in Jesus as they walk this path together?

[Audience] We do.

Closing prayers.

PRONOUNCEMENT [Name] and [Name], having witnessed your marriage vows in the eyes of God and before all who are assembled here, by the authority invested in me by the State of [State], I pronounce you husband and wife. 

You may kiss the bride!

Protestant Wedding Ceremony Script

PROCESSION Beginning of the wedding ceremony. Guests are seated followed by the entrance of the bridal party. 

INVOCATION Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here today in the presence of God to witness and bless this union as [Name] and [Name] join together in holy matrimony. 

This holy bond is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately, thoughtfully, and in accordance with those purposes for which God created it. 

INTERROGATION AND CHARGE TO THE COUPLE If anyone present knows of any reason why this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace. 

[Name] and [Name], here in the presence of God, family, and friends, if either of you know any reason why you should not marry, do now confess it. 

PRESENTATION OF THE BRIDE Who presents [Name] to be married to [Name]?

DECLARATION OF INTENT Please face each other and join hands.

[Name] if it’s in your heart, please repeat after me. 

In the name of God,  I, [Name], take you, [Name],  to be my (wife/husband/spouse),  to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse,  for richer for poorer,  in sickness and in health,  to love and to cherish,  until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.

[Partner repeats this vow.]

EXCHANGE OF RINGS Lord, bless these rings as you bless this union, in your infinite wisdom, today, tomorrow and always. Amen

[Partner] I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion. With all that I am, and all that I have, I promise to honor and cherish you, in God’s name. 

[Partner repeats.]

PRONOUNCEMENT [Name] and [Name], remember to love each other faithfully, just as Christ loved the church, for marriage is a lasting promise of kindness, patience, forgiveness, and love. Trust in God with all your heart, and your path forward will be filled with joy and light for all the years to come. 

By the power vested in me by the beautiful state of [State], in the presence of God and the witness of friends and family, it is my great privilege to pronounce you husband and wife!

Catholic Wedding Ceremony Script

INVOCATION In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Opening prayer and readings.

CELEBRATION OF MATRIMONY All stand, and the couple comes to the altar flanked by their witnesses. The priest will address the couple with a celebration of matrimony:

Dearly beloved, you have come together into the house of the church so that in the presence of the church’s minister and the community, your intention to enter into marriage may be strengthened by the Lord with a sacred seal.

ADDRESS AND STATEMENT OF INTENTIONS [Name] and [Name], have you come here to enter into marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?

 [Couple] I have

Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?

[Couple] I am

 EXCHANGE OF CONSENT I, [NAME], take you, [NAME], to be my [wife/husband]. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life.

[Partner two repeats this vow.]

BLESSING AND GIVING OF RINGS Bless, O Lord, these rings which we bless in your name. So that those who wear them may remain entirely faithful to each other, abide in peace and in your will, and live always in mutual charity. Through Christ our Lord.

[Priest sprinkles wedding rings with holy water, then hands them to each partner.]

[Name], receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit.  

[Places ring on partner’s finger]

[Partner two repeats this vow and places ring on partner’s finger.]

PRAYER Priest leads congregation with the Lord’s Prayer.

COMMUNION Priest performs communion, starting with the married couple. 

PRONOUNCEMENT By the power vested in me by the state of [State], I now pronounce you husband and wife.

The best place to find ideas for your very own wedding ceremony script is, you guessed it, the internet. From wedding videography on YouTube to bridal blogs, wedding planning sites, and of course, Brides , there is certainly no shortage of inspiration.

Traditionally, a wedding script begins with the officiant seating the guests and thanking them for bearing witness to the marriage of the couple. While religious ceremonies may begin with a bible verse or another custom, a more modern approach may start the ceremony with a story of the couple.

While the format for your wedding ceremony script largely depends on how religious the occasion is, there are a variety of ways to make it personal to you as a couple. Incorporate guests who are taking witness to your marriage or include a story of how you met followed by a time where you rose above a challenge together to add a personal touch to the proceedings.

The Ultimate Wedding Ceremony Guide

A Guide to Wedding Ceremony Order

Who Walks Down the Aisle and When

Everything to Know About Your Ceremony Exit

Writing Tips From Experts

How to Create a Unique Wedding Ceremony

How Long Should the Ceremony Last?

Tips for Writing the Perfect Program

Seating: Who Sits Where?

Modern Ways to Walk Down the Aisle

What Is a Unity Ceremony?

Creative Ideas to Personalize Your Ceremony

Questions to Ask Your Officiant

How Much Does an Officiant Cost?

How to Lead a Wedding Ceremony

How to Write Your Own Vows

Who Traditionally Goes First?

Quotes About Love to Get You Started

Traditional Vows to Inspire Your Own

Modern Vows That Are Unique

Unique Vow Ideas From TV Shows and Movies

Should You Exchange Vows Before the Ceremony?

The Best Vow Books to Keep Your Love Alive

How to Choose Music for Your Ceremony

Blessings and Prayers From Different Cultures and Religions

The Best Songs to Play While Guests Arrive

Non-Religious Readings We Love

The Best Songs to Walk Down the Aisle To

Incredible Altar Ideas

Beautiful Ways to Decorate Your Aisle

Unique Chair Layouts

Stunning Ceremony Locations

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What to Include in a Catholic Wedding Program

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How to Write Simple Wedding Vows

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The 7 Most Beautiful Wedding Ceremony Scripts…Ever

by islandmike | May 24, 2020

best wedding celebrant speech

Ready to find the perfect ceremony script for your wedding?

This post includes a compilation of 7 of the most beautiful wedding scripts in the history of weddings.

wedding ceremony scripts

  • A Deeply Moving Non-Religious Ceremony Script
  • Mildy Religious Wedding Ceremony
  • Super Simple (and Short) Civil Ceremony
  • A Traditional Religious Ceremony
  • A Civil Ceremony – Short and Powerful
  • A Lovely Religious Script with Corinthians Chapter 13
  • Playful Civil Ceremony

PLEASE NOTE: Feel free to modify any of these scripts to fit your style.  You can always make a non-religious ceremony religious by adding a prayer and scripture reading.   Or you can change out the vows if you found something better.  (You may also find helpful The Most Comprehensive Guide Ever on Traditional Wedding Vows .)

ADDITIONALLY: Some minor changes were made to some of the scripts for aesthetics by world-famous wedding officiant Island Mike.

FINALLY: If you are having a family member or friend perform your wedding ceremony, make sure they are legally ordained: Get Ordained Now (* Wanderlust Bay Ministries can have them ordained and prepared to perform the most beautiful wedding in the world by the weekend. )

1. A Sweet, Secular Ceremony Script From The Knot   INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME:

Good evening everyone!

From this place (here the minister or officiant should describe something about your chosen ceremony venue/location, about the significance or beauty of the location), we take ourselves out of the usual routines of daily living to witness a unique moment in the lives of ______ and ______. Today they join their lives in the union of marriage.

To all their guests, they are happy to share this moment with you. They have known most of you  for many years. You watched them grow up, you went to school with them, or you worked  with them. Because you are the ones who have supported them and known them so well, it is  only fitting that you are the ones to share this once-in-a-lifetime moment with them.

______ and _____ are pleased to have their parents in the front row…close to them for the  ceremony.

______ thanks her mother for providing her with every opportunity possible and being  the best mother anyone could ask for.

______ appreciates all the love and support his parents gave him over the years.

A wedding day is often a day when couples miss family members no longer with them. For ______  and ______, there are family members whose memories they hold dear.

(Here you can insert references to loved ones that have passed away.  Or you can mention loved ones that couldn’t be present for other reasons.)

And so it is that _____ and _____ present themselves to be married today…surrounded by the  people they love the most.

As _____ and _____ prepared for the ceremony part of this wedding celebration, they reflected  on what it is that they love about each other.  And this was was the easiest part of planning this wedding!

To the Groom:

______ (Groom’s name), ______ (Bride’s name) loves that you blend in so comfortably with her family.  She sees in you a funny, kind, and sweet  man. She loves that you think she is funny and that you always find a way to compliment her.

She loves that you always want to be close to her. You remember details of the stories she tells. You  want to be part of her family and circle of friends. You help her around the house. Most  importantly, you are so close that even when she is at her worst, you have never made her feel  like you want anything but to be closer to her.

______ (Bride’s name), _____(Groom’s name) loves that you ______________________(fill in the  blank). He loves your brain, your smile, and your beauty. He appreciates that  you are “low maintenance.” He likes that you can be really silly. He loves your emails and  texts. He loves your cooking. He loves your kisses. He just really loves you!

You both look to a shared future that includes raising a happy &  healthy family. That future also  includes a richly lived life together…going out to restaurants, hanging out with  family, relaxing at home in front of the TV, singing and dancing…Bride will do the singing, and  Groom will do the dancing.

The years will come and go…you won’t take each other for granted, you will laugh a lot, you  will be the best parents you can be, you will grow older and wiser together. It’s a good story, and the ending is not in sight!

(Optional Reading)


We come now to the words ____ and _____ want to hear the most today…the words that take  them across the threshold from being engaged to being married.

A marriage, as most of us understand it, is a voluntary and full commitment. It is made in the  deepest sense to the exclusion of all others, and it is entered into with the desire and hope that it  will last for life.

Before you declare your vows to one another, I want to hear you confirm that it is indeed your  intention to be married today.

____, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to _____ in  marriage? If so, answer “I do.”

_____, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to _____ in

marriage? If so, answer “I do.”

_____ and _____, having heard that it is your intention to be married to each other, I now ask  you to declare your marriage vows.

Please face each other and hold hands.

Groom, please repeat after me…

I, _____ take you, _____  to be my wife.

I will share my life with yours,

and build our dreams together,

Support you through times of trouble,

and rejoice with you in times of happiness.

I promise to give you

respect, love and loyalty .

This commitment is made in love,

kept in faith,

lived in hope,

and made new every day of our lives.

Bride, please repeat after me…

I, _____,  take you, _____,  to be my husband.

Build our dreams together,


Your wedding ring are the outward and visible sign of the inward and invisible bond which  already unites you two hearts in love.

Groom, place the ring on Bride’s finger and repeat after me….

I give you this ring.

Wear it with love and joy.

As this ring has no end,

My love is also forever.

Bride, place the ring on Groom’s finger and repeat after me….

May the wedding rings you exchanged today remind you always that you are surrounded by  enduring love.

Everyone has advice for newlyweds.  _____  and ______, I offer these good wishes to you on this special day.

May your life together be blessed with prosperity and good health.   May you always share open and honest communication between each other.   May you respect each other’s individual talents and gifts and give full support to each  other’s professional and personal pursuits.

May you cherish the home and family you will create together.   May all the years to come be filled with moments to celebrate and renew your love.   May your love be a life-long source of excitement, contentment, affection, respect, and  devotion for one another.


And so now by the power vested in me by __________________, it is my honor and delight to declare

you husband and wife. You may seal this declaration with a kiss.

I am pleased to present the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. ______________!

  2. Mildly Religious Ceremony Ceremony found on Erin’s Blog .

We are gathered together on this day to witness and celebrate the marriage of __________ & _________. We come together not to mark the start of a relationship, but to acknowledge and strengthen a bond that already exists. This ceremony is a public affirmation of that bond and as their dearest family and friends, it is our honor and privilege to stand witness to this event.

This day is made possible not only because of your love for each other, but through the grace and support of your family and friends. It is our hope that your fulfillment and joy in each other will increase with each passing year.

Marriage is a commitment in life, where two people can find and bring out the very best in each other. It offers opportunities for sharing and growth that no other human relationship can equal, a physical and emotional joining that has the promise of a lifetime.


Let us bow our heads in prayer. Lord, we thank you for gathering everyone here today. We ask that you help _____ and _____ to remember the strong love that they share. To work that love into practical things so that nothing can divide them. May their love always inspire them to be kind in their words, considerate of the other’s feelings, and concerned for the other’s needs and wishes. Increase their faith and trust in You. Bless their marriage with peace and happiness and make their Love fruitful for Your glory and their joy, both here and in eternity. Amen.

While the commitment begins with the two of you, its effect radiates outward. It touches your family and friends and ultimately all of society. When this commitment is seriously made and continuously fulfilled, it leads to the richest and most rewarding of human relationships.

Your relationship will take more than love. It will take trust, to know in your hearts that you want only the best for each other. Dedication, to stay open to one another, to learn and grow, even when it is difficult to do so. And faith, to go forward together without knowing what the future holds for you both.

While love is our natural state of being, these other qualities are not as easy to come by. They are not a destination, but a journey. Marriage is a give and take between two personalities, a mingling of two endowments which diminishes neither, but enhances both.


Seeing that no moment is without meaning, we ask that you take this marriage as a beginning of your lives together. Today signifies the creation of a new home and a new family for you both. May you be fulfilled by each other’s love and friendship. May you be overjoyed by the promises you are about to make and the life together you will create.

Remember that in every marriage, there are good times and bad, times of joy and times of sorrow. Marriage is a journey – a time of adventure and excitement enhanced by the love, trust, dedication and faith you share in one another.

May the promises you make to one another today, be lived out to the end of your lives. Tomorrow can bring you the greatest of joys, but today is the day it all begins.

_____ and _____, do you, with your family and friends as your witnesses, present yourselves willingly and of your own accord to be joined in marriage?

Will you promise to care for each other in the joys and sorrows of life, come what may, and to share the responsibility for growth and enrichment of your life together?

Groom, please repeat after me.

I, ____, take you ____, to be my wedded wife

I give to you in the presence of these witnesses

My promise to stay by your side,

In sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow,

As well as through the good times and the bad.

I promise to love you without reservation,

Comfort you in times of distress

Encourage you to achieve all of your goals,

Laugh with you and cry with you,

Grow with you in mind and spirit

Always be open and honest with you,

And cherish you for as long as we both shall live

Bride, please repeat after me

I, _____, take you _____, to be my wedded husband


Having this love in your hearts, you have chosen to seal your vows by exchanging rings.

From the earliest times, the circle has been a sign of completeness. The rings that you have chosen to wear have neither beginning nor end, much like your love for one another. They are a symbol of the words that you speak today. May these rings be from this day forward, your most treasured adornment, and may the love they symbolize, be your most precious possession. As you wear these rings, may they be constant reminders of these glad promises you are making today.

_____, take this ring, place it on _____’s finger and repeat after me.

I give you this ring as a symbol

of my love and faithfulness to you.

_____, take this ring, place it on _____’s finger and repeat after me.

_____ and _____ from this moment forward you will never be alone. You will carry with you the love of another person, giving you a completeness and renewed lightness. May your life together be immersed in love and excitement. May you strive to enrich each other in every possible way. And may you work to bring the peace you find to this world.

Having pledged their fidelity to one another, to love, honor and cherish one another in the presence of this gathering and by the authority vested in me by the constitution and the laws of this state, it is my honor to now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to be the first to introduce you to: Mr. and Mrs. _____________.


3. Super Simple (and Short) Civil Ceremony I found this one on Snippet and Ink . WELCOME REMARKS:

Welcome, family, friends and loved ones. We are gathered here today,  surrounded by the beauty of creation and nurtured by the sights and sounds of nature to  celebrate the wedding of _____ and _____.

You have come here from near and from far away  to share in this commitment now they make to one another, to offer your love and support to  their union, and to allow ______ and ______ to start their married life together surrounded by the  people dearest and most important to them.

_____ and _____ thank you for your presence here today. They ask for your blessing,  encouragement and lifelong support, for their marriage and life shared together. They also remember  other loved ones who cannot be here to share this moment.

_____ and ____, marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, who trust that love, who honor one another as individuals in that togetherness, and who wish to spend  the rest of their lives together. It enables the two separate souls to share their desires,  longings, dreams, and memories, their joys and sorrows, and to help each other through all u ncertainties of life.

A strong marriage also nurtures each of you as separate individuals and allows you to maintain your unique identity and grow in your own way through the years  ahead. It is a safe haven for each of you to become your best self.

You are adding to your life not only the affection of each other, but also the companionship  and blessing of a deep trust. You are agreeing to share strength, responsibilities and love. It takes more than love to make this relationship work.

It takes trust, to know in your  hearts that you want only the best for each other. It takes dedication, to stay open to one  another, to learn and grow, even when it is difficult to do so. And it takes faith, to go forward  together without knowing what the future holds for you both.


_________ and _________, please join hands, look at one another now and remember this moment in

Officiant: Groom, do you take Bride to be your wife? I do.

Officiant: Bride, do you take Groom to be your husband? I do.

Officiant: _____, please take _____’s hand and repeat after me.

________, I take you as you are/ loving who you are / I promise from this day forward/ To be grateful for our love and our life/ To be generous with my time, my energy and my affection/ To be patient with you and with myself/ To fill our life with adventure and our home with laughter/ To inspire you to grow as an individual / To love you completely/ These things I pledge to you

_____, I take you as you are,/ loving who you are/ I promise from this day forward/ To be grateful for our love and our life/ To be generous with my time, my energy and my affection/ To be patient with you and with myself/ To fill our life with adventure and our home with laughter/ To encourage you to grow as an individual / To love you completely/ These things I pledge to you


Officiant: Please present the rings

Your wedding ring is a symbol of your promise to one another. The ring, an unbroken, never ending circle, is a symbol of committed, unending love.

_____, as you place this ring on Bride‘s finger, repeat these words after me:

This ring symbolizes my love for you/ and the commitments we made today

_____, as you place this ring on Groom‘s finger, repeat these words after me:


______ and _____, you have come here today of your own free will and in the presence of family and friends, have declared your love and commitment to each other. You have given and received a ring as a symbol of your promises. By the power of your love and commitment to each other, and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may now share your first kiss as husband and wife.

Congratulations. Friends and family, I now present to you the newly married couple. Let’s hear it for ‘em!

4. A Traditional Religious Ceremony Found on A Paper Proposal OPENING PRAYER

We are gathered here in the presence of God, family and friends to unite _____ and _____ in holy matrimony. Marriage is an honorable estate, and is therefore not to be entered into lightly, but reverently, advisedly, soberly and with God’s blessing. Today, they will receive God’s greatest gift; another person to share with, grow with, change with, be joyful with and to stand with as one when trials and tribulations enter their lives. It is fitting, therefore, that we should on this occasion begin by asking for God’s blessing on this marriage. Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, we gather to celebrate your gift of love, and its presence among us. We rejoice that these two people have chosen to commit themselves to a life of loving faithfulness to one another. We praise you, Lord, for the ways you have touched our lives with loving relationships such as _____ and _____’s, and we give thanks for the special love and friendship you have put in their hearts. Renew within us an affectionate and loving spirit. Enrich our lives with the gracious gift of your love so that we may embrace others with that same love. May our participation in this celebration of love and commitment, give to us a new joy and responsiveness to the relationships that we cherish. In your loving arms we pray, Amen.

You may all be seated.


Marriage is a joyous occasion. It is connected in our thoughts with the charm of love, the warmth of home, and with all that is pleasant, as being one of the most important events of our lives. Its sacredness and unity is the most significant and binding covenant known in human relations.

______ and _____, let me charge you both to remember that your future happiness is to be in mutual consideration, patience, kindness, confidence and affection. It is the duty of each of you to find your greatest joy in the company of the other; to remember that your love pledged today must remain undivided for a lifetime.

It is your duty, _____, to be to _____, a considerate, tender, faithful, and loving husband: to support, guide and cherish her in prosperity and trouble; to thoughtfully and carefully enlarge the place she holds in your life; to constantly show to her the tokens of your affection, to shelter her from danger, and to love her with an unchangeable love.

It is your duty, _____, to be to _____, a considerate, tender, faithful, and loving wife; to comfort, guide and cherish him in prosperity and trouble; to give to him the unfailing evidences of your affection; to continue making the place he holds in your heart, broader and deeper; to support him, value him and work with him to make your marriage the very best that it can be.

I call your attention to the seriousness of the decision which you have made and the covenant you are about to declare before God. The vows you are about to take are not to be taken without careful thought, for in them you are committing yourselves exclusively to one another for as long as you both shall live.


If you are ready to assume the obligations and duties before God, as I have defined them, you will unite your hands and pledge your love and your lives to each other.

Groom, repeat after me.

I ____, take you, _____, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as we both shall live. This is my solemn vow.

Now Bride, please repeat after me.

I _____, take you, _____, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as we both shall live. This is my solemn vow.


You will now exchange rings as a symbol of the lifelong commitment and abiding love which you as husband and wife have promised to each other.

Groom, please place the ring on _____’s finger, and repeat after me.

I give you this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness.

And Bride, please place the ring on _____’s finger and repeat after me.

(Great Place for a Reading)


Eternal God, help _____ and _____ to fulfill the promises they have made here today and to reflect your steadfast love in their commitment to each other. Give them kindness and patience, affection and understanding, happiness and contentment. May their family and friends continue to support them in difficult days, so that their love for each other may continue to grow as long as they both shall live.

Let us all pray.

Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name,

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

On Earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us,

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

And the power, and the glory,

Forever and ever.

_____ and _____, having witnessed your vows for marriage before God and all who are assembled here, by the authority invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!

It is my pleasure to introduce to you for the first time…

5. A Civil Ceremony – Short and Powerful Found at Wedding Bee WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION

Welcome! Good afternoon, family and friends.  We have come here today to celebrate the wedding  of ______ and ______.  On behalf of the bride and groom, thank you for joining us.   By your presence, you celebrate with them the love they have discovered in each other,  and you support their decision to commit themselves to a lifelong relationship.

Marriage is a bond to be entered into only after considerable thought and reflection.  By making this commitment today, ______ and ______’s relationship will become stronger, better, and deeper.

Today, _____ and _____ demonstrate their devotion to each other by dedicating themselves to a life together and they show their respect for each other.  By setting forth to honor the vows they have created today, their lives, which began on separate paths, will be joined as one.


Today represents not only the joining of ______ and ______ but also the joining of their families and friends.

_______ and ______ would like to recognize their parents on this occasion.  They offer their profound gratitude for all the love and care their parents showed in raising them.  The unconditional gifts of love and support that you have continually offered have inspired them to become who they are today.  Without you, this day would not be possible.

_____ have also asked that we take a moment to honor those loved ones who are not with us today

[Names of those acknowledged here]


Deep abiding affection, the magical and compelling shared impulse that makes us seek each others’ company, is among the greatest gifts of the human experience.

Any of us who has been fortunate enough to find and express the kind of loving devotion that we are celebrating here today knows that it is an awesome and beautiful thing.

At this time, I would like to share 3 suggestions with the both of you:

My first suggestion is this:

Be constantly grateful for this precious person who has chosen to make a life with you.

My second suggestion is this:

Be generous with compliments.  Be attentive and helpful. The world can be a tough place

and any of us can be subject to rough handling.  Each of you can, by your tenderness toward each other,

kind words and thoughtful actions, make your marriage and your home an uplifting refuge.

Last, but perhaps most importantly:

Make truth the unfailing bedrock of your lives together. A happy, loving marriage is built on trust and respect. That trust and respect can only be sustained if you are both deeply committed to always being open and truthful in every exchange no matter how small.

My hope for you is this:

That you have many long years to delight in each other’s company, to feel gratitude for your great fortune in having found each other.

To a make home together that is at once sheltering and welcoming, to each do meaningful, productive work at home and in the world and to love and be loved by the friends and family who have come here today to support you


_______ and ______, do you, present yourselves willingly and of your own accord to be joined in marriage? 

Then please turn to each other and share your vows.

Today I promise you/that though the world may change/

and though we may change with it/

I will always love you/always treasure you/and will share all that I am with you/

I am proud, from this day forward/to be called your wife/husband


For thousands of years, men and women have exchanged rings as a token of their vows.

Let these rings be a sign that your love has a past, a present, and a future.

______, take _____’s ring and place it on her finger and repeat after me:

I give you this ring/as a sign that I choose you/

To be my wife/my partner/and my best friend/to the end of my days.

The love already shared by your hearts has been strengthened by the vows you have taken and the rings you have now exchanged.


______ and ______, we have heard your promise to share your lives in marriage.   In the honesty and sincerity of what you have said and done here today, a nd in accordance with the laws of the state of __________i t is my honor and delight to declare you henceforth t o be husband and wife.

You may seal your vows with a kiss.

6. A Christian Wedding Ceremony – Scriptural  

From a Wedding Ceremony to Remember


We welcome all of you here today as we have gathered together in the presence of God and these witnesses to join _____ and ______ in holy matrimony.

Marriage is a gift from God, given to us so that we might experience the joys of unconditional love with a lifelong partner. God designed marriage to be an intimate relationship between a man and a woman.

______ and ______, because your deep love for each other comes from God above, this is a sacred moment, and it is with great reverence that I now ask you to declare your intent.

______, do you take _____ to be your wedded wife, to live together  after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony?   Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, remain faithful to her as long as you both shall live?

And ______, do you take _____ to be your wedded husband, to live  together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony?

Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, remain faithful to him as long as you both shall live?

Who gives _____ to be married to ______?

(The Escort shall say): Her Mother and I or I do or We do or Her family or other.

Today is the beginning of a new life together for you. It marks the commencement of new relationships to your families, your friends, and certainly to each other. You have invited these special guests to share in one of life’s greatest moments as they give recognition to the worth and beauty of your love and add their best wishes to the words that shall unite you today as husband and wife.

God knew your needs when He brought you together. He knew exactly what you needed to make you complete. And now, He wants you to commit yourselves to each other as the one He has chosen to complete you.

Through the ages, man has tried to define “love.” Poems, songs, and books all have been written trying to describe this little four letter word. But the best description I have found comes from God Himself, since He is the Author of love. In His Word in First Corinthians, Chapter 13.  It describes the kind of love that must characterize your lives if you are to live in joy and harmony and honor with each other, and also before God and your fellow man.

Listen to what it says:


______, I believe you are saying to all of us today that you are committing yourself to this  woman only, moving toward her in a more open and intimate way, giving yourself to care for her, and promising to love her as she needs to be loved.

And ______, I believe you are saying to us that you are committing yourself to this man only, moving toward him with increasing openness, tenderness, and respect, giving yourself to him, and trusting him as the head of your home, and, through him, listening to God’s plan for your life together.

And so, (Groom) , if you will love (Bride) as Christ loves the church, and

(Bride), if you will respond to (Groom) as unto the Lord,

your companionship as husband and wife will blossom into a physical, emotional, and spiritual closeness beyond which nothing can compare.

I, ______, take thee, ______, / to be my wedded wife, / to have

and to hold / from this day forward, / for better, for worse, / for richer, for poorer, / in sickness and in

health, / to love and to cherish, / till death do us part. / This is my solemn vow.

I, ______, take thee, _____, / to be my wedded husband, / to have and to hold / from this day forward, / for better, for worse, / for richer, for poorer, / in sickness and in health, / to love and to cherish, / till death do us part. / This is my solemn vow.


The wedding ring serves as a symbol of the promises you have just spoken. It is the outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible love that binds your two hearts together. The wedding ring also is a symbol of what God is. He is without beginning and without end—He is eternal.

As you can see, the ring is without beginning and without end. So I believe this exchange of rings not only reminds us of the unending love you have for each other, but also reflects the eternal love God has for each of you.

May I have the token of Groom’s love for ______?

This ring I give in token and pledge / as a sign of my love and devotion. / With this ring, I thee wed.

May I have the token of Bride’s love for ______?


Our Heavenly Father, we ask Your blessing upon these two lives and the home they are establishing today. May the love they have for each other grow deeper and stronger because of their love for You.

Lord, You guided them to each other, now guide them in this new journey as husband and wife. As they walk down this path, light their way so they may keep their eyes focused on Your will, their hands holding fast to Your truth, their feet firmly planted in Your Word, and their hearts bound together by Your love. This we pray in Your name. Amen.

_____ and _____, since you have consented together in holy  matrimony, and have pledged yourselves to each other by your solemn vows and by the giving of rings, and have declared your commitment of love before God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Those whom God hath joined together, let no man separate.

_____, you may kiss your Bride.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce to you for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. __________.

7. Playful Civil Ceremony

Brought to you by Miss Fancy Pants

Welcome! _____ and _____ have brought us together here for an occasion of great joy and a cause for great celebration. Having found each other, they have built the kind of relationship that will serve them well as the foundation for their marriage. They have chosen each one of you to be here with them to witness their wedding vows as they join together as husband and wife.

Marriage is a bold step into an unknown future. It is risking who we are for the sake of who we can be. In marriage, two lives are intimately shared; and the blending of the two must not diminish either one. Rather, it should enhance the individuality of each partner.

Each of us knows that a marriage is not created by a law or a ceremony; rather it occurs in the hearts of two human beings. It grows out of loving, caring, and sharing ourselves with another. This ceremony is not magic, it will not create a relationship that does not already exist and has not already been celebrated in all the commitments _____ and _____ have made to each other, both large and small, in the days since they first met and recognized their connection to one another.

So, in witnessing this ceremony today, we are observing only an outward sign of an inward union that already exists between _____ and _____. This ceremony is a symbol of how far they have come together and a symbol of the promise that they will make to each other to continue to live their lives together and to love each other solely and above all others.

There are only two official witnesses at a wedding but each and every person here today will witness the words that they will speak to one another and the vows that they will make. You should take good care to remember these words; for a marriage needs the help of a community, of friends and family who will be there when needed and will do all that they can during hard times to stand by _____ and _____ and offer their support to them and the new family that they create today. May you always do all within your power to support the union that will be made here today and to nurture the bond between these two people whom you love.

If the old fairy-tale ending “and they lived happily ever after….” is taken to mean “They felt for the next fifty years exactly as they felt the day before they were married,” then it says what probably never was nor ever would be true, and would be highly undesirable if it were. Who could bear to live in that excitement for even five years? What would become of your work, your appetite, your sleep, and your friendships? But, of course, ceasing to be “in love” need not mean ceasing to love.

Love in this second sense-love as distinct from “being in love” and it is not merely a feeling. Love is a deep unity, maintained by the will and deliberately strengthened by habit; reinforced by the grace which both partners receive from God. They can have this love for each other even at those moments when they do not like each other; as you love yourself even when you do not like yourself. They can retain this love even when each could easily allow themselves to be “in love” with someone else. “Being in love” first moved them to promise fidelity but this quieter love enables them to keep the promise. It is on this love that the engine of marriage is run: being in love was the explosion that started it.


A successful marriage is not something that just happens. It takes work, it takes patience, and it takes time. It takes a commitment from both of you… a commitment to do whatever it takes to make your relationship thrive and not just simply survive.

_____, will you take _____to be your lawfully wedded wife and travel the rest of life’s road with her? Will you love her, laugh with her, comfort her, honor and protect her, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?

_____, will you take _____ to be your lawfully wedded Husband and travel the rest of life’s road with him? Will you love him, laugh with him, comfort him, honor and protect him, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?


_____ and _____, the symbolic vows that you are about to make are a way of saying to one another, “You know all those things we’ve promised and hoped and dreamed- well, I meant it all, every word.” Before this moment you have been many things to one another- acquaintance, friend, companion, lover, and even teacher, for you have learned much from one another in these last few years. Now you shall say a few words and things will never quite be the same between you. For after these vows, you shall say to the world, this – is my husband, this – is my wife.

I, _____, choose you, _____ In the presence of our friends and families, To be my wife/husband and partner From this day forward; To love you, To be a comfort and safe haven in your life, To hold you close, To listen deeply when you speak, To uphold you with my strength, To weigh the effects of the words I speak And the things I do, To never take you for granted, And to always give thanks For your presence in my life.

This is the point in the ceremony when people talk about the wedding bands being a perfect circle, having no beginning and no end. But we all know that these rings have a beginning. Rock is dug up from the earth. Metals are liquefied in a furnace at a thousand degrees. The hot metal is forged, cooled, and then painstakingly polished. Something beautiful made from raw elements.

Love is like that. It comes from humble beginnings, made by imperfect beings. It is the process of making something beautiful where there was once nothing at all.

The promises which you have spoken to each other today are inscribed forever in your minds, in your hearts. But words are fleeting so let these rings serve as a reminder of the feelings you have in your hearts at this very moment. 

Now, Repeat after me:

Groom (and then Bride), with this ring I am giving you my promise/to always love you/ cherish you/honor you and comfort you. I promise that I will love you/and keep my heart open to you/all the days of my life.

_____ and _____, n o one but you can declare yourselves married. You have begun it here today in speaking your vows before your family and friends and you will do it again in the days and years to come, standing by each other, sharing all that is sweet and bitter in life. Each tender act, each loving word will be the declaration of what was made here today.

Therefore, it is my joyful responsibility to officially acknowledge your union as “Husband and Wife”. You may now seal your marriage with a kiss.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my privilege to present to you for the very first time as husband and wife, ____________.

All of the above wedding ceremonies have been tried and tested in the real world at some of the most beautiful weddings ever witnessed. 

Now all you need is to choose a wedding minister that can deliver the script masterfully.  So get your officiant ordained with Wanderlust . 🙂  

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best wedding celebrant speech

How to Begin a Wedding Speech: Great Opening Lines

Handy one-liners to get your speech off to an amazing start.

best wedding celebrant speech

If you've read our post on how to make a great wedding speech , you'll know that it's really important to start strong! Well, here we're showing you how to do exactly that, with a list of the best wedding speech opening lines . The beauty of this list is that it works for any kind of wedding speech, whether you're the bride, groom, best man, bridesmaid, father-of-the-bride, or even the flower girl or the groom's granny!

We've made sure to include lots of different options so there's something to suit every style of speech, whether you want to keep it simple, bring the audience to tears, or give them a giggle with a joke . Some of our wedding speech opening lines can be customised, too, to help you make your speech even more personal. So, let's dive in!

best wedding celebrant speech

Our Favourite Wedding Speech Opening Lines

To help you find what you're looking for, we've split our sample opening lines into three categories; simple and sincere opening lines, funny opening lines and opening lines with quotes from famous people.

Note: (name) can indicate yourself, the bride/groom, the couple as a whole, or another member of the wedding party.  

Wedding Speech Opening Lines: Simple and Sincere Opening Lines

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you (name) for the kind introduction."

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. As (name's friend/relative), I'm delighted to welcome you all here tonight."

"Thank you so much, (name), for such a wonderful introduction. I only hope I can live up to your kind words!"

"Hello everyone. I hope you're all having a great night so far."

best wedding celebrant speech

"Hello, I'm (name) and, for those of you who don't already know me, I'm (relation to couple)."

"Hi everybody, I'm (name), and I'm here to talk a little bit about my good friend (name)."

"Hi everyone, I'm (name), and I'm going to talk a little bit about (name). When I was writing this speech, I asked myself how I could sum up (X) years of friendship, laughter and adventures in one speech, and I decided that I can't. We'd be here all night."

"Hello everybody and welcome. I think we can all agree that it's been a wonderful day so far. (Couple names), you should be really proud of the amazing day you've put together. We're all very lucky to be a part of it."

"Hello everyone. I hope you're all having a great night so far. My life changed completely on (date, year), when (name) came into my life, and it changes again today, as they embark on their latest adventure with (name)."

"Hi everybody. Thank you for the warm welcome. Mark Twain once said that 'there are only two types of speakers in the world. 1. The nervous and 2. Liars.' I'm definitely in the former category, so I hope you'll forgive me if I'm a little bit shaky this evening."

wedding speech opening lines funny opening lines sincere opening lines (9)

Wedding Speech Opening Lines: Funny Opening Lines to Make Guests LOL

"Hi everyone, I'm (name), and before any of you ask, yes I am single."

"Hi everyone, I'm (name), and I'll be your speaker for the next 95 minutes."

"Hi everybody. If you don't know who I am... well, you're probably at the wrong wedding! But stick around, we need extra people for the conga line."

"Hi everyone. You're probably wondering why I gathered you here today. I've got a once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity that I know you're going to - sorry, wrong speech!"

"Hello everyone! Thank you all for being here on such an exciting night. Yes, the rumours are true, I will be debuting some new choreography on the dance floor this evening. But in the mean time, I suppose I should talk a little bit about (couple names)."

"Hello, and welcome. You may know me as (name's friend/relative), but tonight, I go by the title, (name), Lord of the Dance."

best wedding celebrant speech

"Hi everyone. Just in case you don't already know, I'm (name) and I'm the best man. There are some really successful, good-looking, charming men in the room tonight, but now that it's written on the ceremony program in black and white, it's official - I am the best."

"Hi everyone, I'm (name), and I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from the great Seamus Heaney/Maya Angelou/Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr./Mother Teresa... but unfortunately I left my speech in my other jacket. So you'll have to make do with me!"

“Hi everyone. If I could just say a few words … I’d be a better public speaker! That gag was actually stolen from Homer Simpson, which should give you an idea of the caliber of speech you can expect from me tonight.”

"Hi everyone, and welcome. Webster's dictionary describes a wedding as, 'The process of removing weeds from one's garden'. That's a Homer Simpson quote, which should give you an idea of the caliber of speech you can expect from me tonight.”

best wedding celebrant speech

"Hello everyone, I'm (name.) According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right?"

"Hi everyone. When I was preparing this speech, (name) gave me a list of topics that were strictly off-limits, so I'd like to start with those."

"Hi everyone. I'm (name). Anyone who knows me knows that I'm (name)'s biggest fan. So much so, that I was actually quite hurt when I learned that I wasn't going to be involved in the first dance!"

"Hi everyone. I just want to take a few minutes to talk about my good friend (name). I first met (name) when we were 13, and since then, I've always looked up to him. He was, after all, the only 6ft 2' student at (school name)!"

"Good evening everyone. To our English speakers, I'd like to say welcome, we're delighted that you could be with us today to celebrate the marriage of (couple names). To our (other language) speakers, I'd like to say (use Google Translate or ask a native speaker to translate, 'My llama is very handsome. I hope my translation is correct.')"

best wedding celebrant speech

Wedding Speech Opening Lines: Beginning with a Quote

"Hi everyone. I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from Dr. James Dobson, who said, 'Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without.' "

"Hi everyone. I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from Franz Schubert, who said, 'Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.' "

"Hi everyone. I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who said, 'There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion, or company than a good marriage.' "

best wedding celebrant speech

"Hi everyone. I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from Franklin P. Jones, who said, 'Love doesn't make the world go 'round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile.' "

"Hi everyone, I'm (name.) I hope you're all having a wonderful day so far. When I got married to my partner (name), somebody told me, 'Don't just be husband and wife, be president of each other's fan clubs,' and I'd like to pass on that same advice to (couple)."

"Hello everyone. I'd like to begin with a quote from Mignon McLaughlin, who said, 'A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.' Over the past (x) years, I've had the pleasure of watching (name) fall in love with (name) over and over again."

Click herefor a handy checklist of people to thank in your wedding speech , plus how to keep the speeches from being too long !

Image credits

Adam and grace, via one fab day, see more in:.

best wedding celebrant speech

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The Best Wedding Speeches for When You Need Tears, Hugs, or LOLs

Can we talk about the cute kid in #5?

wedding party standing together

A few weeks ago when we wrote fourteen tips for slaying at your wedding speech , I started to get curious about what wedding speeches actually exist on the Internet. As a wedding photographer, I’ve seen more than my fair share of best man speeches, maid of honor speeches, adorable parent speeches, even a handful of wedding speeches from kids (which will make me cry a hundred percent of the time). But I’ve never actually gone down the rabbit hole of Internet viral wedding toasts.

Here’s what I have learned: any wedding speech video that says “You have GOT to see this!!!!!” is lying. Also, a lot of wedding speeches are a “you had to be there” kind of thing—not that they aren’t funny, but the humor doesn’t always translate to strangers on the Internet.

Having said that, it’s important to note that most wedding speeches are really similar—and that is completely fine. Sure, some of the ones linked below are a-maz-ing, but guys: I don’t think most people expect you to sing. If you watch these and are inspired to mix up your speech a little, remember to play to your strengths (and maybe don’t get hammered). For example, in one of the videos below, family members gathered to slow jam the toast a la Jimmy Fallon… but it turns out one of those family members used to have her own popular YouTube channel.

TL;DR: when it comes to wedding speeches, keep it fun, light, and packed with all the feelings that you feel. The rest will (most likely) fall into place. Let’s get inspired.

1. The Pop culture mash-up 

This sister/maid of honor decided to use a pop culture mash-up to review the bride’s entire life. The story goes like this: their mom decided the best way to get her eight-days-late baby Earthside was to have a days-long dance party… and it worked. The best part of this? The reactions of the bride and groom. Yaaaassss.

2. There’s a Beyoncé song in this one

The groom’s brothers decided that singing their speech was really the best way to go, and chose a handful of songs (including “Hero” by Enrique Iglesias and “Single Ladies” by Bey) to express all their feels. It’s not a hundred percent funny and I could do without the wigs, but their hearts are in the right place (and it’s just over five minutes).

3. Slow Jam the toast

Are you guys familiar with Jimmy Fallon’s slow jamming of the news? (If not, one of my recent faves is this one with Barack Obama .) Well, the maid of honor, the bride’s cousin, and the bride’s brother all decided they wanted to slow jam the wedding toast… and I kind of love it.

4. The drunk friends who can’t remember why it’s great their friends got married

The guy who kicks off this one says he’s “not really good for emotions” but come on, y’all look at that bottle. He’s great, and the group “Awwwwws” are even better. The group then also redoes the wedding, and other drunk people continue to give toasts throughout the ten (!) minutes this plays. Fair warning: there’s a lot of language, drunkenness, and references to drugs.

5. the kid with the cute accent

Okay, this one was included because (a) the bride’s eleven-year-old is giving the speech, (b) he references her over-parenting and it made me laugh, and (c) OMG GUYS HIS ACCENT IS SO PRECIOUS DIE.

Do you know of a great (or terrible) wedding speech that isn’t here? Share it!

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Maddie Eisenhart

Chief Revenue Officer

Before joining the team at A Practical Wedding, Maddie was a sought after wedding photographer and an entertainment industry dropout with stints at the Academy Award-winning independent film house Focus Features, The Montel Williams Show, and Rosie O’Donnell’s documentary production company. She’s been with the APW team going on eight years, and now spends a significant amount of time thinking about internet trends and the future of feminist television. A Maine native, she lives on a pony farm in the Bay Area with her husband and their toddler.

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