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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

  • Carmine Gallo

best presentations in the world

Five tips to set yourself apart.

Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization. But while there are plenty of good speakers in the world, you can set yourself apart out by being the person who can deliver something great over and over. Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired together are more memorable); don’t underestimate the power of your voice (raise and lower it for emphasis); give your audience something extra (unexpected moments will grab their attention); rehearse (the best speakers are the best because they practice — a lot).

I was sitting across the table from a Silicon Valley CEO who had pioneered a technology that touches many of our lives — the flash memory that stores data on smartphones, digital cameras, and computers. He was a frequent guest on CNBC and had been delivering business presentations for at least 20 years before we met. And yet, the CEO wanted to sharpen his public speaking skills.

best presentations in the world

  • Carmine Gallo is a Harvard University instructor, keynote speaker, and author of 10 books translated into 40 languages. Gallo is the author of The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World’s Greatest Salesman  (St. Martin’s Press).

Partner Center

How to make a great presentation

Stressed about an upcoming presentation? These talks are full of helpful tips on how to get up in front of an audience and make a lasting impression.

best presentations in the world

The secret structure of great talks

best presentations in the world

The beauty of data visualization

best presentations in the world

TED's secret to great public speaking

best presentations in the world

How to speak so that people want to listen

best presentations in the world

How great leaders inspire action


50 Best PowerPoint Presentations (2023 Update)

This is the most complete list of the best PowerPoint presentations on the Web. Period.

In fact, you’ll find 50 presentation slide decks on this page.

So whether you’re looking to…

✅ Learn how to create amazing presentations, step-by-step ✅ Understand the latest trends – about marketing, social media, AI and more – and grab actionable strategies to grow your business ✅ Discover the best pitch decks that have helped companies like Youtube or Airbnb raise hundred of millions of dollars…

You’ll really enjoy this list.

50 Best PowerPoint Presentations That Teach You Things

Here are the different categories in which the selected slide decks fall into:

Presentation Skills Copywriting & Sales Online Marketing Business Innovation Pitch Decks Productivity

Presentation Skills: Tips, Resources & Inspiration to Become a Real Pro

In this section, you will find a comprehensive selection of slide decks that will help you plan, structure and design irresistible presentations, step-by-step.

Let’s jump right in!

1. Quick & Dirty Tips for Better PowerPoint Presentations Faster

This deck will teach you 7 simple, effective tips to build presentations faster, from start to finish.

Now, if you’re not following any process when making your own presentations, make sure to check out tip #7 (it’s the one I personally use and if you stick to it, you’ll save a huge amount of time).

Quick & Dirty Tips for : Better PowerPoint Presentations Faster from Eugene Cheng

Quick side note : if you want to design gorgeous slides fast, you’d be crazy not to check out PPTPOP’s premium template pack. It’s a set of ready-to-use slides you can use right away to make your presentations look 10x better. See details here .

2. 8 Tips for an Awesome PowerPoint Presentation

In this deck, you’ll learn 8 simple effective slide design tips to make your presentations visually more appealing.

8 Tips for an Awesome Powerpoint Presentation from Damon Nofar

3. The Ultimate Freebies Guide for Presentations

Want to design more  creative presentations ? This deck will give you access to some of the best useful resources and tools to create better slide decks (icons, fonts, infographics and more).

The Ultimate Freebies Guide for Presentations  from Damon Nofar

4. Create Icons in PowerPoint

Icons are a great way to design presentations that are more appealing.

Wanna know the best part?

Designing your own icons.

This tutorial teaches you how to simply build your own, customized icons, step-by-step.

Create icons in PowerPoint from Presentitude

Pro Tip :  If you prefer using standard icons that ou can still customize, head over to this post where I’m sharing my favorite presentation graphics and shapes.

5. 10 Powerful Body Language Tips for Your Next Presentation

Public speaking is not only about making a corporate speech in front of your company’s board members once every six months.

In fact, we’re facing situations where we have persuade, inform, or motivate others all the time .

And guess what, each of those moments requires us to impact with our words, our voice and our posture.

So if you’ve been looking to learn how to speak with more confidence, the deck below will provide you 10 simple tips to grab – and keep – the attention of an audience (tips #1 and #5 are so simple and powerful that you’ll be glad you learnt them today).

10 Powerful Body Language Tips for your next Presentation from SOAP

6. The Art of Saying No: Kenny Nguyen at TEDxLSU

I got you…

This is not a presentation. But it’s a killer speak you must watch.

Kenny Nguyen, the CEO of Big Fish Presentations,  speaks about the power inherent in saying “no.” In this  TEDx,  he explains how “no” has affected him personally and professionally, but more importantly, how it can prepare one for the perfect time to say “yes”.

This speech will show you how to entertain an audience, grab their attention and tell powerful stories that stick.

The Art of Saying No  from Big Fish Presentations

Additional Resources

PPTPOP’s Best Templates

The Ultimate PPTPACK (35 editable, templates. FREE)

Powerful Presentation Tips (That Work FAST)

Creative Presentation Techniques You Can Use Now

How to Design Gorgeous Presentations When You Have No Time (And No Design Talent)

If you’re looking to crank out quality presentations without spending dozen of hours designing them or hiring an expensive designer, then you should consider investing in professional templates. Professional templates help busy people of all talent ranges create fantastic presentations at breakneck speed.

Top performers know that presentations can have a huge impact on their business. Because the truth is, when you start deliver top-tier business materials, you’re able to:

  • Present clean slides that grab (and keep) people’s attention
  • Confidently expressing ideas, concepts and messages with visual elements. Because, yes, you know that those who use visual aids are 43% more persuasive than those who don’t.
  • Wow your prospects, get them to walk away knowing you’re the pros and eliminating other options.

Introducing Pre-Built Presentation Templates…

With pre-built templates , you get your hands on a massive stash of editable resources – slides, vector icons, graphics, timelines, maps and so on – to finally build result-getting presentations. At a fraction of the time it takes to others.

And the good news is, these templates cost as little as the price of a movie ticket.

So if you’ve looking to build winning presentations faster  then check out my two favorite templates below:

If you’ve been looking to create high-quality presentations faster (because you know that’s what will set you apart from everyone else), then check out one of my favorite templates below, and start saving time so you can focus on things that really matter to you.

Marketofy presentation theme is especially useful for:

Corporate presentations – for prospects, investors or stakeholders Marketing proposals or briefs Customer/data reports And more

Key Features

  • Lots of unique slides (390 for  PowerPoint , 200 for  Keynote  and  Google slides ). Includes slides to present business objectives, company services, marketing strategy, product launch, process, maps, devices, apps, and much more
  • 24 ready-made color themes (6 for the Keynote version)
  • Dark & light versions (light background slides or dark background slides)
  • Drag-and-drop photo placeholders (drag any visual from your folder, and it will take the exact shape of the placeholder)
  • Dozen of graphs and charts (to concisely present data-rich information)
  • 2,500 icons

See this business template

See a detailed review of my favorite templates

Copywriting & Sales: Everything You Need to Turn More Leads Into Buyers

Copywriting = getting information into someone’s brain so they want to open their wallet and give you the money.

In other words, it’s is about convincing people to buy from you  using your words .

And here we are:

What makes copywriting so powerfu l is the incredible number of things you can do with it. Write a sales page for your site, craft cold emails , presentations for prospects , or investors, or even put together  video scripts…

All of these are literally made of… words.

Those who master the power of copywriting know how to use the right words to rouse interest, crush objections, activate the purchasing triggers of their target customers.

7. 17 Copywriting Do’s and Don’ts: How To Write Persuasive Content

This great introduction to the topic lists down the most common mistakes people are making when writing sales copy.

You’ll also learn 17 great tips to start writing better sales copy right now. Every piece of advise comes with clear, real-world examples that make this presentation very practical.

How To Write Persuasive Content de Henneke Duistermaat

Did you like this deck about copywriting? Then make sure to check out this one as well (Top 10 copywriting mistakes + how to fix them)

8.  The 10 Best Copywriting Formulas for Social Media Headlines

The 10 Best Copywriting Formulas for Social Media Headlines from Buffer

Are you looking for proven advice that’ll help you turn more leads into customers? If so, I strongly recommend you to check out this course  (It’s one the best online copywriting course I’ve ever taken).

9. 125 Clickass Copywriting Tips

This practical, gigantic guide is loaded with simple tips to write better sales copy.

You’ll also learn the exact questions you need to answer to be more persuasive in front of any audience.

125 Clickass Copywriting Tips from Barry Feldman

10. 107 Mind-Blowing Sales Statistics That Will Help You Sell Smarter

17% of salespeople think they’re pushy, compared to 50% of prospects.


Even if numbers never tell you the whole story, this deck has done a great job at highlighting the most important aspects of it.

107 Mind-Blowing Sales Statistics That Will Help You Sell Smarter von Sidekick

11. Tips On Selling From Ogilvy

“You can’t bore people into buying your product. You can only interest them in buying it”.

This deck condenses some of the best selling secrets from advertising tycoon David Ogilvy . Highly recommended.

Some tips on selling from Ogilvy from OgilvyOne Worldwide

12.  Pitching Ideas: How to Sell Your Ideas to Others

This great deck explains you how to pitch ideas to others. It comes back to the fundamental questions you need to answer first – such as identifying your goal and the exact problems your idea is solving.

Pitching Ideas: How to sell your ideas to others from Jeroen van Geel

How to pitch an idea to any audience . Here are 21 research -backed strategies that’ll get you a YES! every time.

13. Your Sales Pitch Sucks!

Why most sales pitches don’t work  and what you can do to fix yours.

Your Sales Pitch Sucks! from Slides That Rock

14. How to Pitch B2B

How do you convince a prospective customer?

This slide deck will teach you 9 essential steps to crafting a winning pitch (if you want them all resumed, check out the slide 62).

How to Pitch B2B from Slides That Rock

15. Social Proof Tips to Boost Landing Page Conversions

This deck is brought to you by growth marketing advisor and speaker  Angie Schottmuller . It’s loaded with in-deep, social proof strategies you can use on your landing page.

Social Proof Tips to Boost Landing Page Conversions de Angie Schottmuller

Sugarman, Joseph. 2006. The Adweek Copywriting Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Powerful Advertising and Marketing Copy from One of America’s Top Copywriters (One of the best copywriting books out there, period).

The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Sales Page

How to Write Ads

The Anatomy of a Perfect Sales Email

How to Make Your Sales Copy 10X More Persuasive

Online Marketing: The Best Strategies and Tools to Stand Out & Grow Your Business

In this section, you will get access to top presentations that will teach you how to become a sharper business individual.

From the latest SEO trends to marketing strategies, tools and techniques, you’ll learn how to…

Better sell your products or services Stand out in a crowded market Create and distribute valuable, relevant content designed to attract customers And much more !

16.  2023 Global Marketing Trends

A must-read for all marketers. In 2023, Deloitte expects a rebalance of digital ad spending to include more brand-building and less over-targeting:

17. The SEO World in 2018

(Don’t be fooled by the 2018 publication date, this document contains pure gold.)

SEO (search engine optimization) is basically getting free Google traffic to your site. And guess what, if you want to get organic traffic to your website and stay on top of your game, you need to understand the ever-changing landscape about SEO.

This deck made by Moz will provide you a great, precise overview of the state of SEO in 2018. Yes, it’s not a latest SEO deck – but it will teach you core principles of how people actually search online, how Google is using “predictive intend” along with useful tips to better rank your content in the long run.

The SEO World in 2018 from Rand Fishkin

Interested about learning how you can get more traffic from Google?  Backlinko is one of the best blogs on SEO out there.

18. The 150 Most Powerful Marketing & Sales Tools

These are the best tools available online to grow your business (everything about SEO, email, content marketing, social media, and more).

The 150 Most Powerful Marketing & Sales Tools from Brian Downard

19. Fast Track Your Content Marketing Plan

This deck breaks down the exact steps you needs to take to drive successful content marketing  programs that’ll help you resonate in your market.

No fluff. No B.S.

Fast Track Your Content Marketing Plan de Barry Feldman

20. The Ultimate Guide to Startup Marketing

This deck wraps up what you need to do when starting a business – including the fundamental steps you should to take to kickstart your online marketing game.

The Ultimate Guide to Startup Marketing from Onboardly

21.  AI, Machine Learning, and their Application for Growth 

A great presentation done by Adelyn Zhou , previous CMO at TOPBOTS . TOPBOTS is a publication, community, and educational resource for business leaders applying AI to their companies.

In this deck, you will learn how, why and when both AI and machine learning can help your organization grow.

22.  How to Increase Your Online Presence in 30 Minutes a Day

This Slideshare was realized by Sprout Social , a social media management software. This deck will teach you how to improve your online presence with simple steps that only take a few minutes each to implement.

Use the outlined process to boost brand awareness, grow your audience, increase your influence across the web and, most importantly, track the success of your initiatives.

23. Surf Your Way To Success in E-Commerce

This white paper put together by Ogilvy outlines the key principles and strategies to help you ride the e-commerce wave and come out to the top.

You will learn what are the driving forces of e-commerce, how to create a top-notch experience online, pin-point your customer desires and expectations, how to generate demand, and much more.

24 .  2022 Social Media Trends 

HubSpot has put together a complete report that will give you useful pieces of data to understand the social media landscape today and upcoming trends, and how to tap into them to succeed for your business.

2022 Social Media Trends Report from HubSpot

25. Social Media Trends 2022

This presentation is a good complement to the #24. It outlines 7 social-led trends that will impact marketing over the next years.

Social Media Trends 2022 by Ogilvy

26. Email Marketing 101: The Welcome Email

This detailed deck explains the importance and psychology of welcome emails.

Email Marketing 101: The Welcome Email from SendGrid

Additional Email Marketing Resources

A Beginner’s Guide to Successful Email 

How to Write a Good Sales Emaiil

27. Go Viral on the Social Web: The Definitive How-To Guide!

There’s too much noise out there.

And as a brand, failing at standing out is equal to being ignored.

This deck teaches you how to craft viral content that makes you stand out and motivates people to share what you’ve got to say.

Go Viral on the Social Web: The Definitive How-To guide! from XPLAIN

28. People Don’t Care About Your Brand

Don’t move another muscle until this become part of your D.N.A:

Nobody cares about you.

They care about what you can do for them.

In this deck, you’ll learn how to engage with customers and get them to come back for more.

People Don’t Care About Your Brand from Slides That Roc k

29.  The Ultimate Guide to Conquering Content Marketing

This solid, expert-backed (and fun) guide was put together by Content Marketing Institute .

It’s jam-packed with useful tips from the top minds in content marketing and will teach you how to create epic content, amplify your message, and much more.

Whether you’re new to content marketing, need a refresher or are curious about where the trends are going to, make sure to check out this slide deck.

The best business podcasts:

Unmistakable Creative

The Smart Passive Income

Additional sales resources:

How To Write a Persuasive Sales Page

Laja, Peep. 2012. Useful Value Proposition Examples (and How to Create a Good One) . Conversion XL.

30. Growth Hacking

I am a big fan of growth hacking  and if you’re not one yet, here’s your chance.

Growth hacking is every strategy, every tactic, and every initiative that is attempted in the hopes of growing a business. In this deck you will learn what is grow hacking, what metrics you should focus on and a simple 5-step lean marketing funnel to explode your business growth.

Growth Hacking from Mattan Griffel

31. 100 Growth Hacks 100 Days

In this deck, you will get your hands on detailed, time-framed (and wicked smart) tactics you can implement right away to grow your blog, startup or your website.

100 growth hacks 100 days | 1 to 10 from Robin Yjord

Patel, Neil and Aragon, Kathryn. The Advanced Guide to Content Marketing.

Patel, Neil and Puri, Ritika. “Launch Your Social Strategy”. The Beginners Guide to Online Marketing (Chapter 12).

Neil Patel and Bronson, Taylor. The Definitive Guide to Growth Hacking .

Business Innovation: Methodologies to Actually Move the Needle in Your Business

In this section, you will get access to expert-written presentations covering ways to build a stronger business. You will learn models and strategies to tackle challenges, and design a better innovation culture in your company.

For instance:

Design thinking . How to you solve complex business problems more creatively.

The AARRR model . How applying a simple 5-step lean startup methodology can change your approach to doing business. Business model design . If you don’t know what it is yet, make sure to check out the deck !

32. Crash Course Design Thinking

This deck will teach why design thinking is important along with – in between other cool things – how to apply the 5x Why method to uncover – and understand the root causes of most business problems.

Introducing design thinking from Zaana Howard

33. Crash Course on Design Thinking

Crash Course Design Thinking  from Board of Innovation

34. Startup Metrics for Pirates: AARRR !!!

Any business serious about growing should be using this model.

Startup Metrics for Pirates de Dave McClure

35. Business Model Design and Innovation for Competitive Advantage

Put together by  Alexander Osterwalder , the author of the fantastic  Business Model Generation  , this slide deck lists down the 4 different types of innovation, their related benefits and real-world applications.

Business Model Design and Innovation for Competitive Advantage by  Alexander Osterwalder

36. Business Model Innovation Matters

How to reinvent your business model, no matter which industry you are in.

Business Model Innovation Matters  by  Alexander Osterwalder

37. 10 Disruptive Quotes for Entrepreneurs

This beautiful deck was built by Guy Kawasaki , former Chief Evangelist of Apple. It will help you see things with a different perspective and, hopefully, shift your mindset.

10 Disruptive Quotes for Enterpreneurs from Guy Kawasaki

38. The Sharing Economy

The Sharing Economy from Loic Le Meur

39. ChatGPT: What It Is and How Writers Can Use It

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you already know about ChatGPT.

This slide deck presents what this AI tool can actually do about content creation.

A virtual crash course in design thinking

AARRR startup metrics

A free business model canvas

The Best Pitch Decks

How do you deliver a winning pitch deck that actually convinces investor to give you money?

In this section, you’ll discover:

  • The 10-point, step-by-step outline for crafting a winning pitch deck. This is the exact flow Silicon Valley’s most respected venture capital firm Sequoia Capital recommends startups to use.
  • Successful pitch decks from Airbnb, Youtube and more…

40. Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template

These are the exact points VC firm Sequoia Capital recommends you to use anytime you pitch an investor.

Sequoia Capital Pitch Deck Template from PitchDeckCoach

41. Airbnb First Pitch Deck

Wondering how Airbnb raised money back when it wanted to be an air mattress rental company?

Here is their first pitch deck !

AirBnB Pitch Deck from PitchDeckCoach

42. Blablacar Pitch Deck

BlaBlaCar is a the world’s largest long-distance ride-sharing community.

Simply said, they connect drivers and passengers willing to travel together between cities and share the cost of the journey (and get a cut out of it, like Airbnb). In 2015, the startup was valued $1.6 billion .

Europas BlaBlaCar pitch from Vanina Schick

43. Buffer Pitch Deck

Buffer  helps you manage your social media accounts in one place with intuitive scheduling & analytics.

They used the deck below to raise half a million bucks .

The slide deck we used to raise half a million dollars from Buffer

44. Youtube Pitch Deck

Here is the original pitch deck of  Youtube .

Youtube pitch deck from Alexander Jarvis

This is the pitch deck of Front , a shared inbox solution for teams.

Front series A deck from Mathilde Collin

46. Mixpanel

This is the deck Mixpanel – a business analytics software – used to raise $65M.

Mixpanel – Our pitch deck that we used to raise $65M from Suhail Doshi

47. Deliveroo

The pitch deck of Deliveroo an online food delivery company.

Deliveroo – NOAH15 London de NOAH Advisors

How to Make a Pitch Deck

How to Make a Business Plan

Productivity. Work Smarter.

These presentations will teach you how to work smarter, get more done, and motivate others to do the same !

48. The 10 Timeless Productivity Hacks

This Slideshare decks reviews 10 great, timeless work habits that will make you more productive, fast.

The 10 Timeless Productivity Hacks from Bernard Marr

49. IQ Work Hacks – Productivity

A practical presentation that will show you how to be more organized and effective at work, even if you have a ton of things to do.

IQ Work Hacks – Productivity from InterQuest Group

50. Leader’s Guide to Motivate People at Work

Motivating employees seems like it should be easy.

Yet, 30% of executives say it is their toughest job.

From talking with your team members to get feedback,giving them more room to grow or providing them meaningful incentives, this deck will provide you 6 simple steps you can use to improve the morale, performance and productivity of people within your organization.

Leader’s Guide to Motivate People at Work from

Lai, Lisa. 2017. Motivating Employees Is Not About Carrots or Sticks. Harvard Business Review.

Fineman, Meredith. 2013. Please Stop Complaining About How Busy You Are. Harvard Business Review

Meier, J.D. 2010. Getting Results the Agile Way: A Personal Results System for Work and Life

I hope you’ve liked and learned from this handpicked selection of the best PowerPoint presentations available online!

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How to Make a Stunning PowerPoint Title Slide (in 5 Minutes)

Clemence Lepers

How to Pitch an Idea: 21 Powerful, Science-Backed Tips

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How to make the best Powerpoint presentation + real examples!

July 1, 2023

best presentations in the world

Ever sat through a PowerPoint presentation and thought, "Wow, that was mind-blowing"? Yeah, us either. But, let's face it, we've all been there—either on the giving or receiving end of a less-than-stellar presentation. It's high time we changed that narrative. Creating your best PowerPoint presentation isn't just about throwing together a bunch of slides – it's an art. It’s about telling a story that captivates, informs, and even entertains your audience. 

A new age is upon us, and it’s time to explore the ins and outs of what makes a PowerPoint presentation not just good, but great. From nailing your content and story flow to the nuances of design and delivery, we've got you covered. So, whether you're gearing up for that crucial sales pitch or prepping for an all-important investor meeting, buckle up! Your presentation skills are about to go from mundane to magnificent.

Your Presentation Should Tell a Story

When it comes to creating a killer PowerPoint presentation, it all starts with the story. You heard that right! Not the fancy animations or the snazzy graphics (though they do have their place), but the story. It’s the backbone, the foundation, the heartbeat of your presentation.

Think about how you feel when you watch your favorite TV show or read a book you can’t put down. Good storytelling takes us to another place, where the rest of the world slips away and the story steps into the forefront. Great presentations can do the same thing if the presenter can harness the power of storytelling. 

There are also plenty of science-backed reasons to prioritize good storytelling. One article by Lani Peterson for Harvard Business Corporate Learning says, “Scientists are discovering that chemicals like cortisol and dopamine are released in the brain when we’re told a story. Why does that matter? If we are trying to make a point stick, cortisol assists with our formulating memories. Dopamine, which helps regulate our emotional responses, keeps us engaged.“ More engagement; more impactful presentations.

So, how do you nail down a storytelling strategy that sticks? Let’s break it down.

Craft Your Narrative

First, identify your core message. What’s the one thing you want your audience to remember when they walk out of the room? This is your North Star, guiding every aspect of your presentation. If you’re having trouble with this step, ask yourself, “Why am I giving this presentation?”

Understand Your Audience

Who is your audience? Tailor your story to resonate with them. Are they tech-savvy millennials or industry veterans? Your story should speak their language. Presentations that skip this step will miss out on a crucial opportunity to connect with the audience. And if you can’t connect with them, then what’s the point? One solution is to focus on understanding the needs, challenges, and aspirations of your audience. That way, you’ll be able to address their specific pain points and interests.

Create a Structured Flow

Like any good story, your presentation needs a beginning, middle, and end. Start with an introduction that hooks, follow with content that informs and engages, and conclude with a memorable takeaway. If you need ideas on how to start your presentation, see this guide with 12 ideas for hooking your audience from the very start .

Find Inspiration

Look to the pros! Ever read an article by Andy Raskin or April Dunford ? These folks know their stuff when it comes to strategic narratives. Dive into their work for some inspiration on how to weave a compelling story in your presentation. Just like we’ve all been through our fair share of boring presentations, most likely you’ve experienced a presentation that left an impression. Ask yourself why it was so impactful–you might be able to draw from their expertise!

Change the Narrative

Say you’re working on a sales deck. Instead of going with the typical problem-solution story structure, Andy Raskin has a different take on it:

Start with a big, relevant shift in the world. “We are living in a new era” type of statement. This will grab the attention, but also create some urgency for the prospect.

Then you move on to show that there will be winners and losers in this new era. The ones who act on this shift will have more probability of winning. In other words, “what I am about to offer you is crucial for winning in this new era.”

Now that you have set the stage, you can “tease the promise land” as Andy calls it. This is not where you show your product features. This is simply a teaser about this new future state and what to expect if you react to this shift in the market.

Then, you highlight the “Old world vs New world” to show the contrast, and how old methods do not work in this new era.

And finally, you provide real-life stories to support your claims. These could client case studies, article snippets, industry updates - anything that adds credibility to everything you just said.

Voilà, you’ve got yourself a story arc! This is a simple and straightforward way to craft a story that connects.

Nail Your Story First

Remember, at the end of the day, your presentation is more than just a collection of slides, but rather a vessel for storytelling. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it. A well-crafted story can transform your presentation from a mere transfer of information to an impactful, memorable experience. So, take the time to nail your story, and you’re already halfway to creating your best PowerPoint presentation. Your audience will thank you!

best presentations in the world

Embracing Professional Design for Impactful Presentations

When you've nailed your narrative, the next crucial step in crafting your best PowerPoint presentation is design. This stage is where your story gets visually translated, elevating it from a mere script to an engaging, compelling experience.

The Role of a Presentation Agency

Not everyone possesses an innate talent for design, and that's perfectly fine. This is where a presentation design agency can become an invaluable asset. These presentation experts act as the alchemists of your PowerPoint, transforming basic slides into visually stunning and strategically aligned pieces of art. However, be selective when you choose who to work with. There is a big difference between a "meh" designer vs a “wow” designer when it comes to preparing well-crafted presentations.

Simplifying Complexity

One of the critical talents of a presentation design agency is their ability to distill complex concepts into simple, digestible visuals. An overcrowded slide can quickly lose your audience's attention, but a well-designed one can convey your message succinctly and effectively. Not only that, presentation experts can remove the complexity of creating great slides by designing the best presentation templates for your needs, making the process easier for you in the end.

"We have been using SLIDES™ services for our corporate PowerPoint template, and the PPT template is so well done and easy to use that we all feel like we now have PowerPoint superpowers creating new presentations in no time with stunning look!"

Jérôme neuvéglise, product owner qoqa, creating visual harmony.

Consistency in your presentation’s visual elements - such as color schemes, typography, and imagery - is essential. A presentation design agency ensures that these elements work in harmony, creating a unified and professional look that enhances your overall narrative. The best presentation layouts are those created by experts who know how to make your brand stand out.

Visualizing Ideas Effectively

Presentation agencies excel in translating your ideas into impactful visuals. They ensure that your graphics, charts, and images aren't just visually appealing but also contribute significantly to the telling of your story. After all, why spend so much time honing your story if your visuals fall flat?

best presentations in the world

When to Opt for Professional Presentation Design

We know that deciding to outsource is a tough call, and you want to make sure your resources are well spent. Here are a few things to consider before seeking out help from a presentation agency:

High-Stakes Presentations

For presentations that can have a significant impact on your business - such as those in sales, partnerships, or investment pitches - professional design isn't just a luxury, but a necessity. These are the scenarios where the expertise of a presentation design agency can make a substantial difference. 

Stripe’s CEO Patrick Collison said in a recent podcast:

 “My intuition is that more of Stripe's success than one would think is down to the fact that people like beautiful things and for rational reasons. Because, what does a beautiful thing tell you? It tells you the person who made it really cared, and you can observe some superficial details, but probably they didn’t only care about those and did everything else in a slapdash way. So, if you care about the infrastructure being holistically good, indexing on the superficial characteristics is not an irrational thing to do.“

Oftentimes in presentations, we ignore how we are making people feel with our slides. Think about this quote next time you’re preparing your slides.

Overcoming Skill and Time Constraints

If you're not well-versed in design or if time constraints are tight, opting for professional help is a wise decision. This not only ensures quality but also frees you up to concentrate on refining and rehearsing your presentation. This guide shows 18 of the most common presentation mistakes people make, and gives tips on how to avoid them.

In essence, professional design is about giving your presentation the visual edge it needs to not just capture but also maintain your audience's attention. By considering the services of a presentation design agency, you're ensuring that your presentation is not just seen, but also remembered and appreciated.

Mastering the Art of Delivery

Alright, you’ve got a gripping story and a set of stunning slides. But wait! There’s still a crucial piece of the puzzle left – your delivery. This is where the rubber meets the road. Remember, no matter how dazzling your slides are, they can’t rescue a lackluster delivery. 

best presentations in the world

More Than Just Slides

First things first, let’s get one thing straight: people aren’t just buying into your PowerPoint. They’re buying into you – your ideas, your enthusiasm, your conviction. Your slides are merely a tool to complement your narrative, not the other way around. Your slides are never the star of the show. It's you. It sure is harder to improve your delivery compared to your slides. But it will be the best investment of your life.

The Human Connection

At its core, a great presentation is about making a connection with your audience. It’s about storytelling, not just through words on a slide, but through the way you present them. Your tone, your body language, your ability to engage – all these elements combine to create a compelling delivery.

Know Your Story Inside Out

Your first step should be to know your story like the back of your hand. This doesn’t mean memorizing your script word for word but being familiar enough with your content to speak confidently and fluidly about it.

Rehearse, Then Rehearse Some More

Practice might not always make perfect, but it sure does make confidence. Rehearse your presentation multiple times. This will help you iron out any kinks in your delivery and help you manage those pesky nerves.

When our founder Damon gave his first keynote presentation, he experienced some technical issues that would throw off any professional speaker. But since he had rehearsed his speech so well, he knew it inside out. And he could handle the mishap with calm, make some jokes about it, and then get back to his talk when the tech decided to work again.

Engage With Your Audience

Remember, a presentation is a two-way street. Engage with your audience, ask questions, and encourage participation. This interaction makes your presentation more memorable and impactful. The former product manager at Netflix , Gibson Biddle, shared this great example:

“In a virtual setting you need to double-down on engagement tactics. Today, I use Google Slides plus Slido to do real-time polling, word clouds and to answer questions. It makes the experience incredibly interactive to the extent that I now have an equal NPS for virtual and in-person presentations.”

Body Language Matters

Your body language speaks volumes. Maintain eye contact, use gestures to emphasize points, and move around if possible. This non-verbal communication can significantly enhance the impact of your delivery.

In today’s increasingly digital world, we also have to think about virtual presentations and how to put our best foot forward through a screen. An awkward camera angle or a weird background can be a distraction to your audience, so shift your focus to a flattering camera angle, solid camera quality, and a neutral background. 

best presentations in the world

Authenticity is Key

Be yourself. Your audience can tell when you’re putting on a façade. Authenticity breeds trust and connection, which in turn makes your message more persuasive.

Investing in Yourself

Finally, investing in your delivery skills is investing in yourself. Whether it’s through public speaking courses, professional coaching, or simply seeking feedback from peers, improving your delivery skills is invaluable. Remember, a great delivery can elevate a good presentation to a great one. So, give your delivery the attention it deserves, and watch as you transform from a presenter to a storyteller, captivating your audience one slide at a time.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it – the roadmap to creating a PowerPoint presentation that’s not just good, but outstanding. It all starts with crafting a compelling story, enhanced by visually striking and well-thought-out design, and brought to life through engaging and authentic delivery. Remember, your best PowerPoint presentation will feel like more than just a collection of slides to your audience. This is a powerful storytelling tool, and you are the storyteller.

The key takeaway? Invest time and effort into each aspect of your presentation. Understand your narrative, collaborate with design professionals if needed, and hone your delivery skills. It’s this combination of content, design, and delivery that transforms a standard presentation into an unforgettable experience.

In the end, what sets a great PowerPoint presentation apart is the ability to not just share information but to tell a story that resonates, inspires, and persuades. Whether you’re pitching to potential clients, investors, or sharing insights with your team, remember that the most impactful presentations are those that connect with the audience on a deeper level. So go ahead, create, deliver, and captivate.

Your audience is waiting.

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Presentation design

20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

Carly Williams

Published: January 17, 2024

When it comes to PowerPoint presentation design, there's no shortage of avenues you can take.

PowerPoint presentation examples graphic with computer monitor, person holding a megaphone, and a plant to signify growth.

While all that choice — colors, formats, visuals, fonts — can feel liberating, it‘s important that you’re careful in your selection as not all design combinations add up to success.

→ Free Download: 10 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

In this blog post, I’m sharing some of my favorite PowerPoint tips and templates to help you nail your next presentation.

Table of Contents

What makes a good PowerPoint presentation?

Powerpoint design ideas, best powerpoint presentation slides, good examples of powerpoint presentation design.

In my opinion, a great PowerPoint presentation gets the point across succinctly while using a design that doesn't detract from it.

Here are some of the elements I like to keep in mind when I’m building my own.

1. Minimal Animations and Transitions

Believe it or not, animations and transitions can take away from your PowerPoint presentation. Why? Well, they distract from the content you worked so hard on.

A good PowerPoint presentation keeps the focus on your argument by keeping animations and transitions to a minimum. I suggest using them tastefully and sparingly to emphasize a point or bring attention to a certain part of an image.

2. Cohesive Color Palette

I like to refresh my memory on color theory when creating a new PowerPoint presentation.

A cohesive color palette uses complementary and analogous colors to draw the audience’s attention and help emphasize certain aspects at the right time.

best presentations in the world

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

Download ten free PowerPoint templates for a better presentation.

  • Creative templates.
  • Data-driven templates.
  • Professional templates.

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It‘s impossible for me to tell you the specific design ideas you should go after in your next PowerPoint, because, well, I don’t know what the goal of your presentation is.

Luckily, new versions of PowerPoint actually suggest ideas for you based on the content you're presenting. This can help you keep up with the latest trends in presentation design .

PowerPoint is filled with interesting boilerplate designs you can start with. To find these suggestions, open PowerPoint and click the “Design” tab in your top navigation bar. Then, on the far right side, you'll see the following choices:

best presentations in the world

This simplistic presentation example employs several different colors and font weights, but instead of coming off as disconnected, the varied colors work with one another to create contrast and call out specific concepts.

What I like: The big, bold numbers help set the reader's expectations, as they clearly signify how far along the viewer is in the list of tips.

10. “Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling,” Gavin McMahon

This presentation by Gavin McMahon features color in all the right places. While each of the background images boasts a bright, spotlight-like design, all the characters are intentionally blacked out.

What I like: This helps keep the focus on the tips, while still incorporating visuals. Not to mention, it's still easy for me to identify each character without the details. (I found you on slide eight, Nemo.)

11. “Facebook Engagement and Activity Report,” We Are Social

Here's another great example of data visualization in the wild.

What I like: Rather than displaying numbers and statistics straight up, this presentation calls upon interesting, colorful graphs, and charts to present the information in a way that just makes sense.

12. “The GaryVee Content Model,” Gary Vaynerchuk

This wouldn‘t be a true Gary Vaynerchuk presentation if it wasn’t a little loud, am I right?

What I like: Aside from the fact that I love the eye-catching, bright yellow background, Vaynerchuk does a great job of incorporating screenshots on each slide to create a visual tutorial that coincides with the tips. He also does a great job including a visual table of contents that shows your progress as you go .

13. “20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius,” IMPACT Branding & Design

We‘ve all seen our fair share of quote-chronicling presentations but that isn’t to say they were all done well. Often the background images are poor quality, the text is too small, or there isn't enough contrast.

Well, this professional presentation from IMPACT Branding & Design suffers from none of said challenges.

What I like: The colorful filters over each background image create just enough contrast for the quotes to stand out.

14. “The Great State of Design,” Stacy Kvernmo

This presentation offers up a lot of information in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming.

What I like: The contrasting colors create visual interest and “pop,” and the comic images (slides 6 through 12) are used to make the information seem less buttoned-up and overwhelming.

15. “Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines,” Ethos3

Not going to lie, it was the title that convinced me to click through to this presentation but the awesome design kept me there once I arrived.

What I like: This simple design adheres to a consistent color pattern and leverages bullet points and varied fonts to break up the text nicely.

16. “Digital Transformation in 50 Soundbites,” Julie Dodd

This design highlights a great alternative to the “text-over-image” display we've grown used to seeing.

What I like: By leveraging a split-screen approach to each presentation slide, Julie Dodd was able to serve up a clean, legible quote without sacrificing the power of a strong visual.

17. “Fix Your Really Bad PowerPoint,” Slide Comet

When you‘re creating a PowerPoint about how everyone’s PowerPoints stink, yours had better be terrific. The one above, based on the ebook by Seth Godin, keeps it simple without boring its audience.

What I like: Its clever combinations of fonts, together with consistent color across each slide, ensure you're neither overwhelmed nor unengaged.

18. “How Google Works,” Eric Schmidt

Simple, clever doodles tell the story of Google in a fun and creative way. This presentation reads almost like a storybook, making it easy to move from one slide to the next.

What I like: This uncluttered approach provides viewers with an easy-to-understand explanation of a complicated topic.

19. “What Really Differentiates the Best Content Marketers From The Rest,” Ross Simmonds

Let‘s be honest: These graphics are hard not to love. I especially appreciate the author’s cartoonified self-portrait that closes out the presentation. Well played, Ross Simmonds.

What I like: Rather than employing the same old stock photos, this unique design serves as a refreshing way to present information that's both valuable and fun.

20. “Be A Great Product Leader,” Adam Nash

This presentation by Adam Nash immediately draws attention by putting the company's logo first — a great move if your company is well known.

What I like: He uses popular images, such as ones of Megatron and Pinocchio, to drive his points home. In the same way, you can take advantage of popular images and media to keep your audience engaged.

PowerPoint Presentation Examples for the Best Slide Presentation

Mastering a PowerPoint presentation begins with the design itself.

Get inspired by my ideas above to create a presentation that engages your audience, builds upon your point, and helps you generate leads for your brand.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

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27 Presentation Examples That Engage, Motivate & Stick

Browse effective professional business presentation samples & templates. Get great simple presentation examples with perfect design & content beyond PowerPoint.


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Presentation examples

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Short answer

What makes a good presentation.

A good presentation deck excels with a clear, engaging narrative, weaving information into a compelling story. It combines concise, relevant content with visually appealing design to ensure simplicity and impact.

Personalizing the story to resonate with the audience's interests also enhances engagement and understanding.

Let’s face it - most slides are not interesting - are yours?

We've all been there—trapped in a never-ending session of mind-numbing slides, with no hope in sight. It's called "Death by PowerPoint," and it's the silent killer of enthusiasm and engagement. But fear not! You're a short way from escaping this bleak fate.

We've curated perfect presentation examples, crafted to captivate and inspire., They will transform your slides from yawn-inducing to jaw-dropping. And they’re all instantly usable as templates.

Prepare to wow your audience, command the room, and leave them begging for more!

What makes a bad presentation?

We've all sat through them, the cringe-worthy presentations that make us want to reach for our phones or run for the hills. But what exactly pushes a presentation from mediocre to downright unbearable? Let's break it down:

Lack of clarity: When the presenter's message is buried in a heap of confusing jargon or irrelevant details, it's hard to stay focused.

Poor visuals: Low-quality or irrelevant images can be distracting and fail to support the main points.

Overloaded slides: Too much text or clutter on a slide is overwhelming and makes it difficult to grasp the key ideas.

Monotonous delivery: A presenter who drones on without variation in tone or pace can quickly put their audience to sleep.

No connection: Failing to engage with the audience or tailor the presentation to their needs creates a disconnect that stifles interest.

What makes an exceptional presentation?

A clear structure set within a story or narrative: Humans think in stories. We relate to stories and we remember stories, it’s in our genes. A message without a story is like a cart full of goods with no wheels.

Priority and hierarchy of information: Attention is limited, you won’t have your audience forever, 32% of readers bounce in the first 15 seconds and most don’t make it past the 3rd slide. Make your first words count. They will determine whether your audience sticks around to hear the rest.

Interactive content: Like 99% of us, you’ve learned that presentation = PowerPoint. But that’s the past, my friend. PowerPoint is inherently static, and while static slides can be really beautiful, they are all too often really boring. Interactive slides get the readers involved in the presentation which makes it much more enjoyable.

Wanna see the actual difference between static and interactive slides? Here’s an example. Which one would you lean into?

Static PPT example

Get started with business presentation templates

We have quite a few presentation examples to show you further down the page (all of them creative and inspiring), but if you’re itching to start creating your first interactive presentation I don’t blame you.

You can grab a presentation template that you like right here, right now and get started on your best presentation yet, or you can check out our perfect presentation examples and get back to your template later…

Business presentations by type and use

The arena of business presentations is deep and wide. You can easily get lost in it. But let us be your guide in the business document jungle.

Below is a quick bird’s eye view of the main presentation types, what each type is used for, where it’s situated in the marketing and sales funnel, and how you should measure it.

Let's dive right in.

Perfect presentation examples to inspire you

Feeling ready to unleash your presentation skills? Hold on to your socks, because we've got a lineup of battle-tasted business presentation samples that'll knock ’em right off!

From cutting-edge design to irresistible storytelling, these effective business presentations exemplify best practices and are primed to drive results.

See exceptional presentations by type:

Report presentations

Effective report presentations distil complex data into clear insights, essential for informed decision-making in business or research. The key lies in making data approachable and actionable for your audience.

Meta interactive corporate report

SNC DeserTech long-form report

Business report

Pitch deck presentations

Pitch deck presentations are your storytelling canvas to captivate investors, blending inspiring ideas with solid data. It's essential to create a narrative that showcases potential and practicality in equal measure.

Cannasoft investment pitch deck

Y Combinator pitch deck

Investor pitch deck

One-pager presentations are a masterclass in brevity, offering a snapshot of your product or idea. This concise format is designed to spark interest and invite deeper engagement.

Yotpo SaaS product one-pager

Octopai outbound sales one-pager

Startup one-pager

Sales deck presentations

Serving as a persuasive tool to convert prospects into customers, sales deck presentations emphasize product benefits and solutions. The goal is to connect with your audience's needs and present a compelling solution.

ScaleHub sales deck

Deliveright logistics sales deck

AI sales deck

Product marketing presentations

Product marketing presentations are a strategic showcase, introducing a new product or feature to the market with a focus on its unique value proposition. It's not just about listing features; it's about weaving a narrative that connects these features to real customer needs and desires.

Mayku physical product deck

Matics digital product brochure

Modern product launch

Business proposal presentations

At the heart of closing deals, business proposal presentations combine persuasive argumentation with clear data. Articulating the unique value proposition and the mutual benefits of the proposal is key.

WiseStamp personalized proposal deck

RFKeeper retail proposal deck

General business proposal

White papers

White paper presentations are an authoritative deep dive into a specific problem and its solution. Providing well-researched, informative content educates and influences your audience, showcasing your expertise.

Drive automotive research white paper

Executive white paper

Business white paper

Case studies

Case study presentations use real-world success stories as a storytelling tool. Building trust by showcasing how your product or service effectively solved a client's problem is their primary function.

Boom25 interactive case study deck

Light mode case study

Business case study

Business plan presentations

Business plan presentations lay out your strategic roadmap, crucial for securing funding or internal buy-in. Clearly articulating your vision, strategy, and the practical steps for success is vital for a successful deck.

Start-up business plan

Business plan one-pager

Light mode business plan

Best presentation content examples

The secret sauce for a business presentation that leaves a lasting impression lies in delivering your content within a story framework.

3 presentation content examples that captivate and inspire the audience:

1. Inspirational story:

An emotional, relatable story can move hearts and change minds. Share a personal anecdote, a customer success story, or an account of overcoming adversity to create a deep connection with your audience.

Remember, vulnerability and authenticity can be your greatest assets.

2. Mystery - Gap theory:

Keep your audience on the edge of their seats by building suspense through the gap theory. Start by presenting a problem, a puzzle, or a question that leaves them craving the answer. Gradually reveal the solution, creating anticipation and excitement as you guide them through the resolution.

3. The Hero's Journey:

Transform your presentation into an epic adventure by incorporating the classic hero's journey narrative.

Introduce a "hero" (your audience), and introduce yourself or your company as a “guide” that will take them on a transformative journey filled with challenges, lessons, and triumphs.

This powerful storytelling structure helps your audience relate to your message and stay engaged from start to finish.

Here’s a great video on how to structure an effective sales story:

How to structure a

Best presentation document formats

Selecting the right format for your business presentation plays a huge part in getting or losing engagement. Let's explore popular presentation document formats, each with its own unique advantages and disadvantages.

PowerPoint : Microsoft's PowerPoint is a tried-and-true classic, offering a wide array of design options and features for crafting visually appealing static presentations.

Google Slides : For seamless collaboration and real-time editing, Google Slides is the go-to choice. This cloud-based platform allows you to create static presentations that are accessible from anywhere.

Keynote : Apple's Keynote offers a sleek, user-friendly interface and stunning design templates, making it a popular choice for crafting polished static presentations on Mac devices.

PDF: PDF is ideal for sharing static presentations that preserve their original layout, design, and fonts across different devices and operating systems.

Prezi : Break free from traditional slide-based presentations with Prezi's dynamic, zoomable canvas. Prezi allows you to create interactive decks, but it follows a non-chronological presentation format, so it may take some time to get the hang of it.

Storydoc : Elevate your presentations with Storydoc's interactive, web-based format. Transform your static content into immersive, visually rich experiences that captivate and inspire your audience.

Best tool to create a perfect presentation

There are countless presentation software options. From legacy tools like PowerPoint or Google Slides to more modern design tools such as Pitch or Canva.

If you want to create pretty presentations any of these tools would do just fine. But if you want to create unforgettable, interactive experiences , you may want to consider using the Storydoc interactive presentation maker instead.

Storydoc specializes in storytelling. You get special storytelling slides built to help you weave your content into a compelling narrative.

You can do better than “pretty” - you can make a presentation that engages, motivates and sticks.

Storydoc presentation make

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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23 presentation examples that really work (plus templates!)

Three professionals engaged in a collaborative meeting with a Biteable video maker, a laptop, and documents on the table.

  • 30 Mar 2023

To help you in your quest for presentation greatness, we’ve gathered 23 of the best business presentation examples out there. These hand-picked ideas range from business PowerPoint presentations, to recruitment presentations, and everything in between.

As a bonus, several of our examples include editable video presentation templates from  Biteable .

Biteable allows anyone to create great video presentations — no previous video-making skills required. The easy-to-use platform has hundreds of brandable templates and video scenes designed with a business audience in mind. A video made with Biteable is just what you need to add that wow factor and make an impact on your audience.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

Video presentation examples

Video presentations are our specialty at Biteable. We love them because they’re the most visually appealing and memorable way to communicate.

1. Animated characters

Our first presentation example is a business explainer from Biteable that uses animated characters. The friendly and modern style makes this the perfect presentation for engaging your audience.

Bonus template:  Need a business video presentation that reflects the beautiful diversity of your customers or team? Use  Biteable’s workplace scenes . You can change the skin tone and hair color for any of the animated characters.

2. Conference video

Videos are also ideal solutions for events (e.g. trade shows) where they can be looped to play constantly while you attend to more important things like talking to people and handing out free cheese samples.

For this event presentation sample below, we used bright colours, stock footage, and messaging that reflects the brand and values of the company. All these elements work together to draw the attention of passers-by.

For a huge selection of video presentation templates, take a look at our  template gallery .

Business PowerPoint presentation examples

Striking fear into the hearts of the workplace since 1987, PowerPoint is synonymous with bland, boring presentations that feel more like an endurance test than a learning opportunity. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Check out these anything-but-boring business PowerPoint presentation examples.

3. Design pointers

This PowerPoint presentation takes a tongue-in-cheek look at how the speakers and users of PowerPoint are the problem, not the software itself.

Even at a hefty 61 slides, the vintage theme, appealing colors, and engaging content keep the viewer interested. It delivers useful and actionable tips on creating a better experience for your audience.

Pixar, as you’d expect, redefines the meaning of PowerPoint in their “22 Rules for Phenomenal Storytelling”. The character silhouettes are instantly recognizable and tie firmly to the Pixar brand. The bright colour palettes are carefully chosen to highlight the content of each slide.

This presentation is a good length, delivering one message per slide, making it easy for an audience to take notes and retain the information.

Google slides examples

If you’re in business, chances are you’ll have come across  slide decks . Much like a deck of cards, each slide plays a key part in the overall ‘deck’, creating a well-rounded presentation.

If you need to inform your team, present findings, or outline a new strategy, slides are one of the most effective ways to do this.

Google Slides is one of the best ways to create a slide deck right now. It’s easy to use and has built-in design tools that integrate with Adobe, Lucidchart, and more. The best part — it’s free!

5. Teacher education

Here’s a slide deck that was created to educate teachers on how to use Google Slides effectively in a classroom. At first glance it seems stuffy and businessy, but if you look closer it’s apparent the creator knows his audience well, throwing in some teacher-friendly content that’s bound to get a smile.

The slides give walkthrough screenshots and practical advice on the different ways teachers can use the software to make their lives that little bit easier and educate their students at the same time.

6. Charity awareness raiser

This next Google slide deck is designed to raise awareness for an animal shelter. It has simple, clear messaging, and makes use of the furry friends it rescues to tug on heartstrings and encourage donations and adoptions from its audience.

Pro tip: Creating a presentation is exciting but also a little daunting. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed — especially if the success of your business or nonprofit depends on it.

Prezi presentation examples

If you haven’t come across  Prezi , it’s a great alternative to using static slides. Sitting somewhere between slides and a video presentation, it allows you to import other content and add motion to create a more engaging viewer experience.

7. Red Bull event recap

This Prezi was created to document the Red Bull stratosphere freefall stunt a few years ago. It neatly captures all the things that Prezi is capable of, including video inserts and the zoom effect, which gives an animated, almost 3D effect to what would otherwise be still images.  

Prezi has annual awards for the best examples of presentations over the year. This next example is one of the 2018 winners. It was made to highlight a new Logitech tool.

8. Logitech Spotlight launch

What stands out here are the juicy colors, bold imagery, and the way the designer has used Prezi to its full extent, including rotations, panning, fades, and a full zoom out to finish the presentation.

best presentations in the world

Sales presentation examples

If you’re stuck for ideas for your sales presentation, step right this way and check out this video template we made for you.

9. Sales enablement video presentation

In today’s fast-paced sales environment, you need a way to make your sales enablement presentations memorable and engaging for busy reps.  Sales enablement videos  are just the ticket. Use this video presentation template the next time you need to present on your metrics.

10. Zuroa sales deck

If you’re after a sales deck, you can’t go past this example from Zuora. What makes it great? It begins by introducing the worldwide shift in the way consumers are shopping. It’s a global phenomenon, and something we can all relate to.

It then weaves a compelling story about how the subscription model is changing the face of daily life for everyone. Metrics and testimonials from well-known CEOs and executives are included for some slamming social proof to boost the sales message.

Pitch presentation examples

Pitch decks are used to give an overview of business plans, and are usually presented during meetings with customers, investors, or potential partners.

11. Uber pitch deck

This is Uber’s original pitch deck, which (apart from looking a teensy bit dated) gives an excellent overview of their business model and clearly shows how they intended to disrupt a traditional industry and provide a better service to people. Right now, you’re probably very grateful that this pitch presentation was a winner.

You can make your own pitch deck with Biteable, or start with one of our  video templates  to make something a little more memorable.

12. Video pitch template

This video pitch presentation clearly speaks to the pains of everyone who needs to commute and find parking. It then provides the solution with its app that makes parking a breeze.

The video also introduces the key team members, their business strategy, and what they’re hoping to raise in funding. It’s a simple, clear pitch that positions the company as a key solution to a growing, worldwide problem. It’s compelling and convincing, as a good presentation should be.

13. Fyre Festival pitch deck

The most epic example of a recent pitch deck is this one for Fyre Festival – the greatest event that never happened. Marvel at its persuasion, gasp at the opportunity of being part of the cultural experience of the decade, cringe as everything goes from bad to worse.

Despite the very public outcome, this is a masterclass in how to create hype and get funding with your pitch deck using beautiful imagery, beautiful people, and beautiful promises of riches and fame.

Business presentation examples

Need to get the right message out to the right people? Business presentations can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

Simply press play and let your video do the talking. No fumbling your words and sweating buckets in front of those potential clients, just you being cool as a cucumber while your presentation does the talking.

Check out two of our popular templates that you can use as a starting point for your own presentations. While they’re business-minded, they’re definitely not boring.

14. Business intro template

Modern graphics, animations, and upbeat soundtracks keep your prospects engaged as they learn about your business, your team, your values, and how you can help them.

15. Business explainer template

Research presentation examples.

When you’re giving a more technical presentation such as research findings, you need to strike the perfect balance between informing your audience and making sure they stay awake.

As a rule, slides are more effective for research presentations, as they are used to support the speaker’s knowledge rather can capture every small detail on screen.

With often dry, complex, and technical subject matter, there can be a temptation for presentations to follow suit. Use images instead of walls of text, and keep things as easy to follow as possible.

16. TrackMaven research deck

TrackMaven uses their endearing mascot to lighten up this data-heavy slide deck. The graphs help to bring life to their findings, and they ensure to only have one bite-size takeaway per slide so that viewers can easily take notes.

17. Wearable tech research report

Obviously, research can get very researchy and there’s not a lot to be done about it. This slide deck below lays out a ton of in-depth information but breaks it up well with quotes, diagrams, and interesting facts to keep viewers engaged while it delivers its findings on wearable technology.

Team presentation examples

Motivating your team can be a challenge at the best of times, especially when you need to gather them together for….another presentation!

18. Team update template

We created this presentation template as an example of how to engage your team. In this case, it’s for an internal product launch. Using colorful animation and engaging pacing, this video presentation is much better than a static PowerPoint, right?

19. Officevibe collaboration explainer

This short slide deck is a presentation designed to increase awareness of the problems of a disengaged team. Bright colors and relevant images combine with facts and figures that compel viewers to click through to a download to learn more about helping their teams succeed.

Recruitment presentation examples

Recruiting the right people can be a challenge. Presentations can help display your team and your business by painting a dynamic picture of what it’s like to work with you.

Videos and animated slides let you capture the essence of your brand and workplace so the right employees can find you.

20. Company culture explainer

If you’re a recruitment agency, your challenge is to stand out from the hundreds of other agencies in the marketplace.

21. Kaizen culture

Showcasing your agency using a slide deck can give employers and employees a feel for doing business with you. Kaizen clearly displays its credentials and highlights its brand values and personality here (and also its appreciation of the coffee bean).

Explainer presentation examples

Got some explaining to do? Using an explainer video is the ideal way to showcase products that are technical, digital, or otherwise too difficult to explain with still images and text.

Explainer videos help you present the features and values of your product in an engaging way that speaks to your ideal audience and promotes your brand at the same time.

22. Product explainer template

23. lucidchart explainer.

Lucidchart does a stellar job of using explainer videos for their software. Their series of explainers-within-explainers entertains the viewer with cute imagery and an endearing brand voice. At the same time, the video is educating its audience on how to use the actual product. We (almost) guarantee you’ll have more love for spiders after watching this one.

Make a winning video presentation with Biteable

Creating a winning presentation doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive. Modern slide decks and video software make it easy for you to give compelling presentations that sell, explain, and educate without sending your audience to snooze town.

For the best online video presentation software around, check out Biteable. The intuitive platform does all the heavy lifting for you, so making a video presentation is as easy as making a PowerPoint.

Use Biteable’s brand builder to automatically fetch your company colors and logo from your website and apply them to your entire video with the click of a button. Even add a  clickable call-to-action  button to your video.

Share your business presentation anywhere with a single, trackable URL and watch your message turn into gold.

Make stunning videos with ease.

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Try Biteable now.

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Top 30 Most Popular Presentations of All Time

Top 30 Most Popular Presentations of All Time

Most Popular Presentations

Our team of ninjas pondered this question in our ongoing quest to create the most beautiful and effective presentations possible. And while for much of human history this was an impossible puzzle to address, on February 25th, 2005 YouTube allowed us to know this answer for the first time. Below are the 30 most popular presentations of all time, according to YouTube.

1. My Philosophy for a Happy Life

24,192,715 views | most popular presentation of all time, presented by sam berns, tedxmidatlantic.

2. Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

18,626,654 views | most popular presentation from an educator of all time, presented by randy pausch, carnegie mellon.

3. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

15,747,929 views | most popular animated presentation of all time, presented by dan pink, rsa animate.

4. Top Hacker Shows Us How It’s Done

15,064,475 views | most popular presentation about computer science of all time, presented by pablos holman, tedxmidwest.

5. How To Spot A Liar

9,230,040 views | most popular presentation about psychology of all time, presented by pamela meyer, ted conference.

6. I Have A Dream Speech

8,924,020 views | the most popular civil rights presentation of all time, presented by martin luther king.

7. The Universe in a Nutshell

7,334,273 views | most popular presentation about science of all time, presented by michio kaku, big think.

8. Sugar: The Bitter Truth

7,168,400 views | most popular presentation about health of all time, presented by robert h. lustig, md, university of california television (uctv).

9. Announcing The First iPhone

5,956,837 views | most popular business presentation of all time, presented by steve jobs.

10. Pwned By The Owner: What Happens When You Steal A Hackers Computer

4,865,442 views | most popular hacking presentation of all time, presented by zoz, defcon.

11. If I Should Have A Daughter

4,733,313 views | most popular literary presentation of all time, presented by sarah kay, ted conference.

12. My Stroke of Insight

4,550,332 views | most popular neuroscience presentation of all time, presented by jill bolte taylor, ted conference.

13. Introducing the Macintosh


14. We Should All Be Feminists

4,111,773 views | most popular woman’s rights presentation of all time, presented by chimamanda ngozi adichie, tedxeuston.

15. Rethinking Infidelity: A Talk For Anyone Who Has Ever Loved

3,789,861 views | most popular relationship presentation of all time, presented by esther perel, ted conference.

16. Microsoft’s Surface Debut Presentation Issues

3,463,999 views | most popular product fail of all time.

17. How to Start A Speech

2,753,781 views | most popular presentation about presentations of all time, presented by conor neill.

18. The Best Stats You’ve Ever Seen

2,314,696 views | most popular data science presentation of all time, presented by hans rosling, ted conference.

19. Killer Presentation Skills

2,259,501 views, presented by doug jefferys.

20. Introducing the Original iPad


21. 101 Reasons to Go Vegan

2,098,282 views, presented by james wildman.

22. Insanely Great Presentation


23. Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017

1,754,216 views | most popular video game presentation of all time, presented by nintendo.

Updated 1/11/18: In an unique turn of events, Nintendo has removed their own video, even though it ranks among the top viewed product debut videos of all time. Interesting!

24. My Little Pony Physics


25. Transgender Coming Out

1,486,065 views, presented by benton sorensen.

26. A Universe From Nothing

1,935,294 views, presented by lawrence krauss, aai 2009.

27. Close-up Card Magic With A Twist

1,637,310 views, presented by lennart green, ted conference.

28. Depression Is A Disease of Civilization

1,055,152 views, presented by stephen ilardi, tedxemory.

29. Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species

1,022,022 views, presented by elon musk.

30. The Future We’re Building – And Boring


best presentations in the world

Creating powerpoint presentations doesn’t have to be tough.

We hope you’ve found these leaders public speaking inspirational. Best of all, our team of expert designers can leverage our findings from these popular presentations and PPT thought leaders in your next speaking engagement. We’ll make your power point design one-of-a-kind, while giving you storytelling advice along the way. Contact our team today and we’d love to help transform your presentation creative.

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38 best presentation slides for captivating presentations in 2023

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Table of Contents

Don’t underestimate the power of slides in today’s world. An impressive slide presentation can help you build a good working relationship with clients, team members, and industry contacts. Great slides can motivate, convince and grab attention. This easy guide shows you examples of business presentations that work, plus why they’re awesome.

Learn how to customize slide templates and create head-turning business presentations that blow your team away. Experiment with our huge library of creative assets for slide presentations at VistaCreate.

The essential slides used in the best examples of business presentations

Some types of slides are pivotal for any successful business presentation. These essential slides work whether you’re talking about financial data, project progress, marketing strategy, or sales growth. A smart layout helps you motivate your audience naturally. Consider these key slide examples for your presentation.

1. Introduction slide example

You only have 10 to 15 seconds to grab your audience’s attention. That means that the first slide in your presentation is also one of the most important. Take the time to make it attractive, clear, and interesting. Captivating introduction slides can be a huge help in showing why your business presentation is worth listening to.

These opening slides are also known as title slides. Here are some key design elements:

  • Colorful image
  • Topic or title
  • Company logo and business name
  • Your name and title
  • Objective of the presentation

When you build your presentation with the help of amazing sample presentations and templates, you have tons of freedom to decide which creative elements to include. In effective examples of business presentations, the purpose of this slide is to capture interest, tell your audience what to expect, and set the tone for the rest of your presentation.

Wastewater Treatment Report Presentation Wide Design Template

2. Slides about problems or needs

For your presentation to highlight a solution, first, you need to show the problem. Many types of business presentations, including sales presentations, project pitches, and financial reports, start with an existing problem or need. Here are a few examples of problem statements:

  • Anxiety affects people of all ages in the United States.
  • Many families need low-cost health insurance.
  • Americans are at a higher risk of heart problems.
  • Company sales have declined by 10% in the last quarter.

Problem slides have the power to hold your audience’s attention. In essence, you’re showing people that you understand their concerns or objections and that you also have the answers they’ve been waiting for.

If possible, demonstrate the problem using images instead of writing about it. Remember that pictures are worth a thousand words. Keep text to a minimum. A few bullet points or even a single sentence can get the job done.

Business Company Analysis Presentation Wide Design Template

3. Examples of business presentations with opportunity slides

Depending on the audience for your presentation, opportunity slides can either replace or complement problem slides. For example, if market growth has made certain opportunities available for your company, showcasing these possibilities in your business presentation can be a powerful motivator.

Both opportunity slides and problem slides are designed to answer one of the main questions your audience has: Why? You can show why the topic is important, why taking action is urgent or why the person listening needs the information.

Nordic Business Company promotion Presentation Wide Design Template

4. Value propositions

Many people forget to include a value proposition, but if you want to give the best slide presentation possible, you need this element. The value proposition highlights why you or your company is the ideal choice to provide the solution to the topic.

This slide can strengthen your argument considerably. It highlights your authority or qualifications. Here are a few types of value propositions that you might find in examples of business presentations:

  • Product specifications and benefits
  • Brand values (quality, customer service, transparency, etc.)
  • Company experience (years in business, awards, reviews, etc.)
  • Professional certification
  • Team abilities

People tend to trust companies that have more experience or time in business. By positioning your business as an industry leader, you can convince consumers, clients, investors, lenders, and suppliers to choose you. This applies to small businesses just as much as larger ones.

Smiling Woman for Cleaning services ad Presentation Wide Design Template

5. Solution slides

Now it’s time to show your audience how your company, product, service, or proposal can help. Solution slides provide an overview of what you want to accomplish. They can also cover the benefits of your proposal. Be clear and specific but also to the point.

Again, don’t forget about the importance of photographs at this point. Short and powerful statements have an excellent effect, but our world-class images can make an even more lasting impression.

Instead of simply talking about how a product can reduce wrinkles, great examples of business presentations would show a smiling person with luxuriant, moist skin. For slides about alleviating anxiety, bright and beautiful outdoor vistas are a perfect fit. With business proposals, renderings of the finished product can help convince backers to support the project.

➡️ Learn how to write a business proposal in our guide.

Back to School Announcement Presentation Wide Design Template

6. Strategic goals

In addition to a slide showing the overall solutions your company offers, an effective presentation provides additional information. In simple terms, you need to guide your audience from point A to point B. Lay out a goals slide and then walk through the strategies and tactics needed to achieve them.

To keep things as simple as possible, use one slide for each milestone instead of trying to cram multiple steps into a complicated list of bullet points. By giving each goal its own slide, you can provide specific timelines and supporting information.

Business Plan Announcement Presentation Design Template

7. Key statistics

Statistics have a place in the best examples of business presentations. That said, you have to be careful not to bore your audience with numbers. That’s why this step comes relatively late in the presentation.

Statistics should reinforce the key ideas of your argument. They’re not the main ingredients of a dish but instead, the spice that makes it extra tasty. They can drive the point home and show that your proposed solutions are practical, reasonable, and effective.

When you use statistics slides, make sure the supporting data is easy to understand. Limit yourself to two or three statistics at most, so your audience has an easier time remembering them.

Principle of Equality Presentation Wide Design Template

8. Explanation slides

The need for explainer slides depends on your topic and audience. If you’re discussing the advantages of heavy machinery to manufacturers, industry terminology doesn’t require an explanation.

Things are different if you’re making a sales pitch to everyday consumers or small business owners. Clients may need images or timelines to visualize complicated ideas, such as loan payments. With the help of explainer slides, you can help clients understand different topics instantly, from dental procedures to remodeling projects.

The best way to prepare these slides is by selecting your images carefully. Vector art , flow charts, and diagrams are commonly used in the best examples of business presentations. Limit text to the bare minimum.

Winter Activities Tour with Snowy Mountains Presentation Design Template

9. Financial data slides

You can’t overlook financial data in business presentations. Company managers, investors, and clients want to see the impact your solutions will have on their finances. Financial slides often include budget considerations, cost estimates, market analyses, and sales projections.

This type of slide can be tricky because you need to include sufficient data for transparency but also highlight the positives of your proposal. The key is to make good use of colors, fonts, and contrast so the numbers you want to emphasize stand out.

Luxury Homes Offer House with Pool Presentation Design Template

10. Graphs and charts

Anytime you need to show percentages, financial statistics, or market data, charts and graphs should be your go-to slides. Such slides are more interesting than a bunch of numbers on a page, and they make it easier for you to take advantage of colors for maximum impact.

For large audiences, graphs and charts are helpful because anyone can see them clearly regardless of where they’re sitting. Instead of hard-to-read text, great examples of business presentations will use bright images and plenty of colors.

Take your chart slides to the next level by including a simple conclusion or statement with each one. Tell your audience why the chart matters or what the data proves.

Recruitment Agency professional team Presentation Wide Design Template

11. Conclusion and recommendation

SlidesLast but not least, your presentation needs a good conclusion. End slides should list a couple of takeaways. Don’t share new information here. Instead, remind your audience of the main points you want them to remember. Slip in a quick thank you slide in the presentation, and include a call to action, so listeners know exactly what to do with the information you shared. Recommendation slides use motivating action words, such as “take advantage of this special discount,” “learn more” or “get started.”

Bright Advertising Presentation About Color Presentation Design Template

It goes without saying that this is one of the most important slides. Use powerful graphic elements to affect both heart and mind. Don’t forget to include your company’s name, so it’s the last thing that stays with the audience.

Wastewater Treatment Report Presentation Design Template

12. Q&A slides

Many examples of business presentations will include question-and-answer sessions at the end. These provide an opportunity to interact with your audience, show off your expertise and convince people who may have a few reservations. Paying attention to how you prepare question-and-answer slides can make a big difference.

You have some leeway when choosing your approach. Some professionals like to prepare a few extra slides with statistics, graphs, or images. Other people prefer to handle questions off the cuff. In this case, a simple Q&A slide with your name, business name, and contact information would be appropriate.

When you convince audience members with your answers, they may head straight to your website or write down your contact information to reach out later.

Wastewater Treatment Report Presentation Wide Design Template

The best examples of business presentations slides

Now that you know the basic slides you will need for an amazing presentation, it’s time to start putting together your slide deck. Designing a professional-quality business presentation is a breeze with our creative assets and helpful tutorials . Here are some slides ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

13. Business plan slides

Building a business plan is essential for any startup. Putting that plan into slide format can help you get the funding you need for business operations. Create a powerful, professional slide presentation that impresses lenders, crowdfunding backers, venture capitalists, and other potential partners.

Customize your favorite business plan templates with styles that fit your target market. Highlight the important things you bring to the table from a unique perspective to cutting-edge technology. These templates make it easy to show your organizational layout, objectives, financing needs, timelines, and revenue goals.

Business Plan Announcement Presentation Wide Design Template

14. Branding propositions

Graphic design helps you connect with your target customers effectively. From the colors you select to the products you sell, your choices determine how people view you. New businesses and established companies should review branding strategy at the executive level periodically, and that’s where slide templates come in.

Some of the most compelling examples of business presentations for branding propositions will use attractive slides to present several branding options at organizational meetings. You don’t need graphic design experience to create complete layout ideas quickly. Prepare brand propositions with a variety of color themes, fonts, images, styles, and logos. That way, you get a good idea of how each brand identity “feels.”

Learning Styles and Tips Presentation Wide Design Template

15. Team templates

Introduce the members of your team with a sleek and simple profile. Team slides are a must for meetings, sales presentations, and other business events. They put a human face to your business while showing off the expertise of your team.

Create team slides with photos of key team members in the template boxes. Mention the person’s name, experience, job title, and contributions to the project with short snippets. Choose a background color that inspires confidence in your brand.

Group Project Announcement Presentation Wide Design Template

16. Company objective slides

Whether you’re just starting in business or reviewing the year’s plans with your team, company objective slide templates take care of most of the work for you. Effective examples of business presentations use this type of slide to highlight the business’s short-term and long-term goals. With three or four objectives to reach, your entire team can move forward in the same direction.

Wastewater Treatment Report Presentation Wide Design Template

17. Meeting agenda slides

Sending memos with meeting agenda reminders doesn’t always work. Many employees forget to check their inboxes. Keep your discussion on topic and on time with streamlined meeting agenda templates. Plus, the bright colors are an excellent way to wake up sleepy attendees.

This type of presentation slide deck also works well for training sessions. You can highlight the main points of discussion to cover, the time allotted for each portion, and other helpful reminders. Bold icons, graphs, and timelines only take a few minutes to personalize.

18. Annual report slides

Make your annual report come to life for team members, board members, shareholders and company managers. Include a table of contents slide and fill the following pages with just the right number of statistics, and put the data into smart graphs and charts. Show a top customer highlight slide to underscore important victories of the year with a variety of vertical and horizontal timelines.

These examples of business presentations can work as fully customizable weekly reports, too. The difference is that weekly reports use more graphs and bullet points and don’t need timelines like annual reports do.

Principle of Equality Presentation Wide Design Template

19. Business portfolio slides

When meeting in person for the first time with potential clients or industry partners, it’s helpful to have a professional business portfolio. These slides can show why your business is the best choice for clients.

Many types of business professionals need to use portfolio templates for presentations. Wedding planners, interior designers, business consultants, general contractors, architects, and countless other professionals can make a great first impression with high-quality slides and photographs.

Take your time to choose a style that represents your brand well. Browse a huge variety of backgrounds, photographs, vector art objects and other creative elements. Whether your company’s personality is formal, humorous, relaxed, rugged, or high-tech, you can find template designs that fit.

Virtual Reality Guide with Businessman in VR Glasses Presentation Wide Design Template

20. Status reports

A status report slide is one of the most frequently used slides for business meetings. For attention-grabbing status reports, utilize these smart elements from high-quality examples of business presentations:

  • Project timeline
  • Breakdown of phase progress
  • Objectives reached
  • Ongoing targets
  • Unexpected obstacles and potential solutions
  • Summary going forward

This type of slide presentation makes business meetings more productive and fast. Supervisors get up to speed quickly, which lets everyone use the time to focus on solutions instead of getting bogged down in explanations.

21. Project proposal slides

Make your new project idea shine with a value-packed strategy slide deck featuring different types of graphs , key points and vector graphics. Present your proposal, provide information about the main features and highlight projections for revenue, pricing possibilities and target markets.

When designing these types of “next step” slides, consider using pastel colors over a dark background. This gives your ideas a positive and comfortable feel. Vector graphics can help you show basic concepts for product designs. You don’t need to be a professional artist to make this happen with the power of VistaCreate.

Woman Using Smart Home Application Presentation Wide Design Template

22. Product launch slides

When it’s time to launch your new product for customers, you need to share key points but with a different focus. Buyers want to see the full range of customization options, price points, and benefits.

Many slideshow presentation examples for business projects make a powerful statement at the beginning with an introduction slide that identifies a product’s personality and shows why it’s amazing. Give each outstanding feature its own summary slide, using attractive photos and bullet points to excite your audience.

The color profile you choose depends on your brand and your customers, but don’t be afraid to go bold. Bright yellows, reds, oranges, and blues — even neon hues — grab attention instantly and motivate visitors to take action.

➡️ Find out the 7 colors that will influence your brand growth in our article.

Business Plan Announcement Presentation Design Template

23. Industry trends slides

Business-to-business professionals, such as manufacturers and consultants, can benefit immensely from this informative slide presentation. The idea is to communicate powerful statistics quickly and concisely. Show your audience exactly why they need your products or services. After that, move seamlessly into the details of what you offer with branded slides.

The best business presentation slides for new customers

These days, a professional slide show doesn’t just happen in a conference room. You can feature a slide presentation on your website, display slides on digital store monitors, post a slideshow on your social media feed, or source amazing slides for branded videos. Check out these colorful, friendly, fun, and appealing examples of business presentations for customers.

24. How-to slides

Website visitors love how-to articles and helpful guides. Create an unforgettable slideshow quickly and easily with gorgeous templates . Get visitors excited with engaging intro slides and colorful backdrops.

Start with overview slides of the general process. Then, break down each step or tip, dedicating demo slides for each.

Ask questions, and then show the answers. Make good use of photographs. Play around with fonts that are easy to read but also artistic. Above all, make your guide fun to click through.

Commercial Real Estate Tips Presentation Wide Design Template

25. Company introduction

A slide presentation may be the first contact you have with potential clients, whether you feature it at a trade show or on your website. Make sure your first impression is amazing with a friendly introduction and expressive slides.

The best examples of business presentations are able to accomplish a few goals here: capture attention, explain who you are, and emphasize why people should choose you. Achieve these objectives by designing slides that are infused with personality.

Select photos that represent your business and the lifestyle your products promote. Customize color palettes so they look as relaxing, professional, fun, or artistic as the qualities you bring to the table. Use large quotes and main points to highlight your brand values and show why you stand out from the crowd.

Presentation (16:9) 1920x1080 px Presentation Wide Design Template

26. Infographic slides

Another favorite among the many examples of business presentations, infographics share interesting statistics in an entertaining, easy-to-follow format. This slides presentation design style makes for an amazing customer experience. Make good use of vector art, color contrasts, and engaging fonts to go viral. Infographics slides show potential customers why they should choose your business but without putting them to sleep.

➡️ Learn how to promote your business with infographics in our article.

Business Improving Strategy Presentation Wide Design Template

27. Photo slideshow

You have endless possibilities when you put together a photo slideshow, especially with our epic library of free creative assets. Use inspirational slides to share meaningful quotes. Others make people think. The power of images helps your audience visualize the benefits of your products in their lives.

There are no limits to the images you can select. Use attractive text, but let the photos do most of the talking. Feature smiling, happy people. Try to follow a cohesive color profile for a smooth transition from one slide to the next.

Culture Inspiration with Young Woman Presentation Design Template

28. Services slides

Today’s customers choose professionals they trust. Transparency is important. Slides that explain your business’s services can be very effective. Walk your audience through the process and highlight your customer service, dedication to quality, and other benefits.

The most effective examples of business presentations will use slides with a few bullet points to emphasize green products that are safe for families and the environment. Instead of talking about a kitchen remodel, interior designers can show homeowners before and after images. Use slides to guide clients from start to finish.

Consulting Company Report Presentation Wide Design Template

Examples of business presentations for colleges, workshops, and training sessions

Industry professionals aren’t the only ones who benefit from killer slide presentations. Amazing slides are a huge help for educational topics, too. They transform boring expositions into engaging discussions. Show off innovative ideas, creative flair, and detailed research with these incredible slide templates.

29. Group project slides

The style of a presentation can go a long way toward getting a high grade. Creating impactful slides is easier than ever when you use templates for group projects. Highlight the main points with professional-quality backgrounds, excellent tools for charts, and tons of image assets. Dark color palettes are popular for this type of slide.

Group Project Announcement Presentation Wide Design Template

30. Exposition slide presentations

Visual elements add weight to classroom presentations, book reports, and other assignments. These examples of business presentations provide informational slides with a unique twist. Instead of traditional bullet points, you can break up different categories with circles, triangles, boxes, and other graphic design accents. Colorful diagrams and timeline slides are also a must for some projects.

Kids Party Desserts with Sweet Raspberry Tart Presentation Wide Design Template

31. Lesson plan slides

Forget about boring slides from 20 years ago. Get your students truly engaged in the topic by preparing an exciting lesson plan with easy-to-understand slides. Capture interest and reinforce the most important parts of your lesson plan.

Graphic elements can illustrate key ideas and prompt great class discussions. Modern slide templates are more exciting, especially with top-quality photographs, interesting fonts, and cool colors.

Follow a logical progression of the material by presenting an overview of each section, followed by slides for each main point. Use statistics and graphs for the most important figures students need to remember. At the end of every part, sum things up with a key takeaways slide.

Back to School Announcement Presentation Wide Design Template

32. Examples of business presentations for training workshops

New employees need ongoing training, but so do successful professionals. That’s why there are so many workshops, certification courses, and other training programs.

Find a wide variety of educational slides that fit your workshop training needs. The best choice of slides for your presentation depends on the course length, audience, purpose, and topic. Cool slides can enhance information retention and understanding, which are important goals during any training session.

Smart use of images can help you hold your audience’s attention. Photographs, videos, humorous quotes, and animated graphics (gifs) all help lighten the mood and make training fun instead of a chore.

Incredible templates for a marketing slideshow

Slide presentations are highly effective for sales and marketing meetings. They’re such a huge help that many meetings just wouldn’t work without them. These examples of business presentations help you condense a large amount of data into a form that your team can understand quickly.

33. Complete sales presentation templates

Larger sales meetings may require going over several sections, including current performance, concrete goals, options for improvement, and the steps needed to hit your targets. That’s a lot of slides!

Fortunately, our templates make the process of designing in-depth presentations quick and easy. Add your company’s statistics correctly and explain key ideas in a sentence or two. All of the graphic design is already taken care of.

Young Woman holding Shopping Bags Presentation Wide Design Template

33. Market analysis slides

Any business needs to keep tabs on market trends and customer purchasing habits to stay financially healthy. Market research can improve everything from search engine optimization to sales figures. Make your research findings look clear and powerful with bold slides featuring line graphs, pie charts, customizable maps, and key takeaways. Thanks to so many amazing creative assets, you can find different chart formats to put your personal touch on things.

Business Company Analysis Presentation Wide Design Template

34. Marketing plan slides

Many of the best examples of business presentations for marketing plans make ample use of photographs, flow charts, and vector objects. Look at trendy color palettes and fonts for inspiration. From the title slide to the recommendation slides, keep the momentum going with artistic design elements.

Marketing is an area of business where eye-catching media is critical. During your presentation, you’re pitching a complete brand persona and showing management the results you anticipate.

Nothing makes a lasting impression like images.

35. Marketing explainers

When you’re the only marketing specialist in a business, such as when you work as a consultant, preparing a slide presentation before launching new ads can save you major headaches. Many business owners and managers don’t truly understand how modern promotional techniques work, including SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, and paid search. Slides let you explain different avenues and their benefits while providing great examples.

Business Company Analysis Presentation Wide Design Template

Effective examples of business presentations for financial meetings

Finance meetings are essential, but they’re also notorious for being tiring. Having to wade through tons of dry statistics can do that to you. Transform your financial meetings with outside-of-the-box work slide templates that stay professional but also add some visual flair.

36. Financial report slides

Whether you have a small team or need to deliver a report to investors around the world, attractive report templates command respect.

A good financial report should transmit the key metrics that company management needs to know. In reality, each section can often be summed up in two or three main figures. Choose from thousands of graph styles, from dynamic bar charts to awesome pictographs.

Don’t shy away from using photographs along with your charts. They add even more professionalism.

Banking Company overview Presentation Wide Design Template

37. Regional slide templates

E-commerce businesses and large companies often need to combine financial statistics into regional data. Smart map templates can help you prepare regional slides in minutes. Find the shapes, vector objects, and map areas you need to personalize the information for your presentation. You can also add statistics and tweak colors and backgrounds for your presentation.

38. Financing pitch slides

Great examples of business presentations for financing can persuade lenders or backers to provide funding for your company. Nonprofits need to persuade generous backers, while commercial businesses have to convince lenders. Regardless, pitches follow the same general format.

Resist the temptation to focus too much on statistics and not enough on the human element. Keep slides simple and to the point. That way, you can make plenty of eye contact with your audience.

Include attractive photographs that transmit emotion. Show backers what their funds will accomplish instead of simply telling them. Offer key takeaways, specific benefits, moving testimonials, and supporting statistics with highlighted points. A great layout should naturally draw the eye from one main idea to the next.

Expert tips for amazing slide presentations

Anyone can become a master of slide presentations. Follow these expert tips for slide presentations to have even more success with your next project.

Learn to love contrast

Make sure everyone in the audience can see the text on your slides clearly. Smart examples of business presentations maximize contrast by putting light text over a dark background, or vice-versa. You can also include color for extra emphasis, such as bright red letters over a dark gray background.

Our articles with color psychology tips can take your design skills to the next level:

➡️ Put color theory into design practice ➡️ What’s your brand’s true color? ➡️ Color trends in 2023: Make your brand a hit this year ➡️ 7 color combinations and how to apply them to your designs

Include your brand everywhere

A common error is forgetting to build a strong link between your presentation and your company. You’re not giving a sales pitch just to share information. You’re trying to convince people that you’re the solution for their needs. After you leave, you want them to remember your brand.

That’s where customization options for designed slides are valuable. You can put your own touch on every slide. Include your brand name and logo generously. Use them on title slides and concluding slides in particular.

The easiest way to ensure all your slides are on-brand is to develop a brand kit. Learn how to build a brand kit that works in our article.

Tell your audience the goals of the presentation

The best examples of business presentations don’t leave people guessing about why they’re listening. Use a slide to mention the objectives of your presentation early on. Here are a few examples of goals:

  • Save money by choosing marketing with the highest return on investment
  • Increase the number of clients you have
  • Get high-value business leads that are likely to convert
  • Reduce your website’s churn

By laying out the topics your presentation covers, you get your audience interested. They’re more likely to pay attention when they see the benefits offered.

Include the slides you need to make a convincing argument

How many slides should the best slide presentation have? It depends on who you’re talking to, how hard they are to convince and how much information you have to cover.

Don’t overwhelm your audience with too many main points. Otherwise, they won’t remember the most important parts. At the same time, if an image, statistic, or list of benefits will have a positive effect, include it.

For these examples of business presentations, less is more. That said, make every slide incredible.

Add more images

It’s impossible to overstate how powerful photographs can be. Simply put, pictures motivate people in ways words just can’t. Even the most fluent and engaging public speakers know that sometimes an image drives the point home better than anything said.

Considering how many high-quality, free images are available, there’s no excuse not to use attention-grabbing photos as backgrounds, example presentation slides, and illustrations for your main points. Show your audience how your products can improve their life.

Use title slides to separate main points

Many experienced public speakers use title slides throughout the presentation instead of just at the beginning. This can help you break up longer presentations into sections. Every time you have a main point, use a title slide to name the category, ask a question or share an appropriate quote. Visually, this tells your audience, “Here’s the next point you need to remember.”

Use slides to enhance your words, not replace them

Another common mistake is reading to the audience from slides. Good examples of business presentations use slides to add flair to the words, not vice versa. Think of slides as punctuation marks at the end of sentences.

Your experience and conviction are what make the message convincing; slides are there to help drive your point home. Include images to appeal to your audience’s emotions. Use bullet points to break large sections into memorable tidbits of knowledge.

Don’t break eye contact

Know what slides you’re going to share and when the transitions are. When your slides are projected off to the side or behind you, fight the urge to turn around and point to them as you speak.

You don’t want to break eye contact with the people you’re speaking to. Eye contact connects you with your audience and makes you more convincing. It turns your presentation into a dialogue that makes listeners think about what you’re saying.

The point of presentation slides should be obvious. Keep talking and let your audience follow along naturally.

Don’t overcrowd your slides

The best examples of business presentations are simple. There’s nothing wrong with dedicating an entire slide to just one phrase or statistic. Make sure the audience captures the point of each slide immediately.

With overviews, you can include more text, but try to limit yourself to five or six bullet points max. It’s preferable to add extra slides instead of packing too much information into them.

Check out the following articles to learn more about balanced slide design:

➡️ White space in design: What it is and the 5 best practices on using it in your designs ➡️ Design basics: The key principles of visual hierarchy in design

Professional examples of business presentations with easy-to-use templates

Thanks to modern technology, powerful slide presentations are easy for anyone to create, whether you are a small business owner, new entrepreneur, college student, or team manager. You don’t need special training or expensive software.

Use examples of business presentations to customize amazing slides. With VistaCreate, you have millions of premium creative assets at your fingertips! Take advantage of our professional design tools and curated templates right away.

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Ideas and insights from Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning

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Powerful and Effective Presentation Skills: More in Demand Now Than Ever

best presentations in the world

When we talk with our L&D colleagues from around the globe, we often hear that presentation skills training is one of the top opportunities they’re looking to provide their learners. And this holds true whether their learners are individual contributors, people managers, or senior leaders. This is not surprising.

Effective communications skills are a powerful career activator, and most of us are called upon to communicate in some type of formal presentation mode at some point along the way.

For instance, you might be asked to brief management on market research results, walk your team through a new process, lay out the new budget, or explain a new product to a client or prospect. Or you may want to build support for a new idea, bring a new employee into the fold, or even just present your achievements to your manager during your performance review.

And now, with so many employees working from home or in hybrid mode, and business travel in decline, there’s a growing need to find new ways to make effective presentations when the audience may be fully virtual or a combination of in person and remote attendees.

Whether you’re making a standup presentation to a large live audience, or a sit-down one-on-one, whether you’re delivering your presentation face to face or virtually, solid presentation skills matter.

Even the most seasoned and accomplished presenters may need to fine-tune or update their skills. Expectations have changed over the last decade or so. Yesterday’s PowerPoint which primarily relied on bulleted points, broken up by the occasional clip-art image, won’t cut it with today’s audience.

The digital revolution has revolutionized the way people want to receive information. People expect presentations that are more visually interesting. They expect to see data, metrics that support assertions. And now, with so many previously in-person meetings occurring virtually, there’s an entirely new level of technical preparedness required.

The leadership development tools and the individual learning opportunities you’re providing should include presentation skills training that covers both the evergreen fundamentals and the up-to-date capabilities that can make or break a presentation.

So, just what should be included in solid presentation skills training? Here’s what I think.

The fundamentals will always apply When it comes to making a powerful and effective presentation, the fundamentals will always apply. You need to understand your objective. Is it strictly to convey information, so that your audience’s knowledge is increased? Is it to persuade your audience to take some action? Is it to convince people to support your idea? Once you understand what your objective is, you need to define your central message. There may be a lot of things you want to share with your audience during your presentation, but find – and stick with – the core, the most important point you want them to walk away with. And make sure that your message is clear and compelling.

You also need to tailor your presentation to your audience. Who are they and what might they be expecting? Say you’re giving a product pitch to a client. A technical team may be interested in a lot of nitty-gritty product detail. The business side will no doubt be more interested in what returns they can expect on their investment.

Another consideration is the setting: is this a formal presentation to a large audience with questions reserved for the end, or a presentation in a smaller setting where there’s the possibility for conversation throughout? Is your presentation virtual or in-person? To be delivered individually or as a group? What time of the day will you be speaking? Will there be others speaking before you and might that impact how your message will be received?

Once these fundamentals are established, you’re in building mode. What are the specific points you want to share that will help you best meet your objective and get across your core message? Now figure out how to convey those points in the clearest, most straightforward, and succinct way. This doesn’t mean that your presentation has to be a series of clipped bullet points. No one wants to sit through a presentation in which the presenter reads through what’s on the slide. You can get your points across using stories, fact, diagrams, videos, props, and other types of media.

Visual design matters While you don’t want to clutter up your presentation with too many visual elements that don’t serve your objective and can be distracting, using a variety of visual formats to convey your core message will make your presentation more memorable than slides filled with text. A couple of tips: avoid images that are cliched and overdone. Be careful not to mix up too many different types of images. If you’re using photos, stick with photos. If you’re using drawn images, keep the style consistent. When data are presented, stay consistent with colors and fonts from one type of chart to the next. Keep things clear and simple, using data to support key points without overwhelming your audience with too much information. And don’t assume that your audience is composed of statisticians (unless, of course, it is).

When presenting qualitative data, brief videos provide a way to engage your audience and create emotional connection and impact. Word clouds are another way to get qualitative data across.

Practice makes perfect You’ve pulled together a perfect presentation. But it likely won’t be perfect unless it’s well delivered. So don’t forget to practice your presentation ahead of time. Pro tip: record yourself as you practice out loud. This will force you to think through what you’re going to say for each element of your presentation. And watching your recording will help you identify your mistakes—such as fidgeting, using too many fillers (such as “umm,” or “like”), or speaking too fast.

A key element of your preparation should involve anticipating any technical difficulties. If you’ve embedded videos, make sure they work. If you’re presenting virtually, make sure that the lighting is good, and that your speaker and camera are working. Whether presenting in person or virtually, get there early enough to work out any technical glitches before your presentation is scheduled to begin. Few things are a bigger audience turn-off than sitting there watching the presenter struggle with the delivery mechanisms!

Finally, be kind to yourself. Despite thorough preparation and practice, sometimes, things go wrong, and you need to recover in the moment, adapt, and carry on. It’s unlikely that you’ll have caused any lasting damage and the important thing is to learn from your experience, so your next presentation is stronger.

How are you providing presentation skills training for your learners?

Manika Gandhi is Senior Learning Design Manager at Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning. Email her at [email protected] .

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17 PowerPoint Presentation Examples That Show Style and Professionalism

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By Iveta Pavlova

in Inspiration

6 years ago

Reading time: 2 min

Viewed 200,635 times

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17 PowerPoint Presentation Examples That Show Style and Professionalism

There are way too many bad PowerPoint presentation examples that can bore you to death. Well, today’s post is not about them. We believe that it’s always important to show the good examples out there and follow their lead. We admit it, it was pretty hard to dig out the good PowerPoint presentation examples from the mass. We’ve added our opinion on each piece and why we believe it’s worthy of being included in this collection. Let’s begin!

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1. The Sketchnote Mini-Workshop by Mike Rohde

An eye-catchy PowerPoint presentation example whose content is fully hand-written. What we love about this design, is the high personalization level that is achieved via handwriting. It almost feels like the author is drawing and writing in front of the viewers’ eyes. A digital presentation that conveys a physical feeling.

2. 10 Ways to Spread The Love in The Office by Elodie A.

The following presentation is a real eye candy. We can’t help it, the cartoon style lives in our hearts. An incredibly appealing PowerPoint presentation that brings positive vibes and a good mood through vibrant cartoon illustrations. It gets bonus points for the usage of bullet points and little text.

3. The Great State of Design with CSS Grid Layout and Friends by Stacy Kvernmo

A presentation that tells a story is always a good example that everyone should follow. This PowerPoint presentation has a lot of slides that tell different mini-stories. The way they are depicted is really engaging – they almost look like a sequence of frames that make up a video. This technique really nails the viewers’ attention.

4. We live in a VUCA world by Little Dragon Films

A classy design of a PowerPoint presentation example – a dark theme and white font on top with just a single color accent – red. Such designs are really suitable for serious topics like this one. To soften the contrast between the black background and white font, the author has used a gradient on the background which gives the illusion of soft light in the middle of the design.

5. 2017 Marketing Predictions—Marketo by Marketo

A design that was made over a year ago but it’s still really trendy. In the following PowerPoint presentation example, we can see the combination of 3D shapes, beautiful hand-written fonts, negative space techniques, and more. The overall feeling is of futuristic design. Moreover, they used the color of 2018 – Ultra Violet for their color scheme. Maybe, they did predict the future after all.

6. 10 Ways Your Boss Kills Employee Motivation by Officevibe

Who doesn’t like to see a familiar face? We know your audience does! It’s proven that if you show a familiar face to your viewers, you nail their attention and boost their engagement level. This is the technique used in the following PowePoint presentation. Moreover, the inner slides of the presentation are also cartoons with big conceptual illustrations and little text. The formula for a really good presentation.

7. How to Successfully Run a Remote Team from

We haven’t really seen many PowerPoint presentation examples with top-view illustrations. The following presentation really reminded us that when presenting to an audience, you should always think: How to make your design stand out from the rest? Well, this one really caught our eye. In addition, we love the bright colors, geometric shapes, and overall flat feeling, all of which are among the graphic design trends for 2022 .

8. SXSW 2018 – Top Trends by Matteo Sarzana

People love visuals and this is an undeniable fact. The whole PowerPoint presentation is built on high-quality photos, each including a little tagline in the middle. We love the consistency, we love the factor of surprise, and we love the high engagement level this presentation creates. Just make sure to back up such presentation type with a good speech!

9. How to study effectively? by sadraus

Semi-transparent overlays, geometric shapes, a video inside… Everything about this PowerPoint presentation screams “modern”. The grayscale coloring is accompanied by a fresh green color accent. The choice of images clearly suggests that the target audience is young people. The overall feeling that we get from this PowerPoint presentation – is youthful and modern.

10. Study: The Future of VR, AR, and Self-Driving Cars by LinkedIn

A presentation about the future should look futuristic, right? The following PowerPoint presentation example is proof that you should always connect the subject of your presentation to its design. Everything in this presentation speaks of futuristic: the choice of fonts, colors, effects, and even some elements look like holograms from the future.

11. 9 things I’ve learned about SaaS by Christoph Janz

A PowerPoint presentation example created in a consistent style by using a blue theme. Why did we include this presentation? We love the fact that the author has shown an alternation of text and visuals (from slides 7 to 22). This technique is proven to hold the attention of the viewer. Moreover, the way the graphics are presented (on a napkin) draws the interest even more.

12. How To Achieve Something Extraordinary In Life by Sultan Suleman Chaudhry

A PowerPoint presentation example that shows consistency and style by using a strict color scheme: orange, beige, and deep blue. Orange and blue are one of the most popular contrasting combinations widely used in all kinds of designs. If you are not sure what colors to go with, simply choose a tested color scheme.

13. New trends to look out for 2018 winter season by FemmeConnection

Geometric shapes and negative space techniques are among the  graphic design trends for 2018  which is why we see them often in PowerPoint presentation examples and other designs. In the following presentation, we can see a collection of women’s clothes presented in a very engaging way with the help of rounded geometric shapes, negative space technique, and the color pink.

14. Fear of Failure by Sultan Suleman Chaudhry

Speaking of the usage of geometric elements in the presentation’s design, let’s see another example. An elegant design decorated with circles, triangles, and more geometric details. What else we love about this presentation is that it only has one color accent – light yellow which looks classy and pleasant for the eye.

15. The Three Lies About Your Age by Sean Si

A great choice of fonts, beautiful semi-transparent geometric elements, and trendy futuristic colors. This is one of the PowerPoint presentation examples that we absolutely love. The story is engaging and the design is extremely appealing – a combination that keeps the viewers’ eyes on the screen from the beginning till the end.

16. Secrets to a Great Team by Elodie A.

Bright, fun, using lots of illustrations and cartoon characters – definitely our kind of PowerPoint presentation. Why do we love it so much? Well, cartoons are real ice-breakers between you and your audience. Moreover, cartoon characters are easier to relate to than a real human face. If you need to connect on a deeper level with your audience, this is your kind of presentation!

You’d probably like to learn  4 Invaluable Presentation Design Tips You Wish You Knew Earlier

17. How to Build a Dynamic Social Media Plan by Post Planner

A great presentation PowerPoint example with watercolor illustrations and backgrounds that look hand-drawn. We also see semi-transparent colorful overlays, high-quality conceptual photos, and great, useful content. What more would you want from a presentation, right?

We always love to hear your opinion about stuff. So, what do you think of these PowerPoint presentation examples? Do you think that you’ve created a presentation better than these? We’d love to see your own creations in the comments below if you want to share them with us.

You may also be interested to read these related articles:

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  • 4 Invaluable Presentation Design Tips You Wish You Knew Earlier
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  • Need PowerPoint Backgrounds?The Best Places to Check Out [+ Freebies]

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Iveta Pavlova

Iveta is a passionate writer at GraphicMama who has been writing for the brand ever since the blog was launched. She keeps her focus on inspiring people and giving insight on topics like graphic design, illustrations, education, business, marketing, and more.

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100 of the World’s Best PowerPoint Templates [ Complete PPTs & Slide Designs]

100 of the World’s Best PowerPoint Templates [ Complete PPTs & Slide Designs]

Creating a PowerPoint presentation, that engages the audience from start to finish, is not a piece of cake.

Researching the content on the presentation topic takes weeks. Add to that the time it will take to put all that content into PowerPoint using the best possible design layouts.If you have numerical data to show, pie charts, bar graphs, line graphs, and tables are a must include in your PPT. All this, you can imagine, will take a LOT of time. And professionals do not have this luxury.

Every minute wasted is money wasted. That is why, professionally designed PowerPoint templates are heaven-sent when dealing with time crunch. Last week, we shared 100 most popular PowerPoint templates demanded by professionals .

Those were single slide PPT templates that were required in almost all business presentations. Today, we are going to show you 100 of the best PowerPoint template bundles on specific business topics that will save you days of your efforts.

Yes, we are providing you 100 complete, end-to-end PowerPoint presentations that cover each and every aspect of the topic. So, if you are presenting a quarterly sales review presentation, we have done all the content research as well as design work for you. All you need to do is download the complete PowerPoint presentation and replace the placeholder content with yours.

You can thank us later. First check out all the PPT templates that we have put together for you:

Content-Ready PowerPoint Templates and Complete PPTs:

Service Proposal PowerPoint Templates

You need a powerful service proposal deck to pitch your services to prospective clients and grab deals. A professionally designed service proposal template helps you put your best foot forward and methodically guide the client regarding the services you offer, the problem you solve and how effectively you solve them, your competitive pricing package, testimonials, etc. Our thoroughly researched service proposal sample PPT covers these slides and more:

  • Company Introduction
  • Company History and Milestones
  • Challenges Faced by Clients
  • Solution Offered by Competitors
  • Solution Offered by Us
  • Our Services
  • Our Pricing Package
  • Project Cost Breakdown
  • Exclusive Package for You
  • Why Choose Us

Service Proposal PowerPoint Templates

Download Service Proposal PowerPoint Template

Quality Management PowerPoint Templates

Improve processes, products, services, deliverables, culture of your organization with the help of Quality Management PowerPoint Templates. Incorporate relevant and utmost important Quality Assurance PPT sides to produce the products that meet the customer’s requirements. Eliminate waste and thus increase the efficiencies to boost the quality of your products. Walk through the steps of quality management to deliver high quality services to the consumers. Ensure good quality management with templates like:

  • TQM Pyramid
  • Customer Focus in TQM
  • Planning Process
  • Business Process Improvement
  • Cost of Quality
  • Quality Control Check Sheet

Quality Management PowerPoint Templates

Download Quality Management PowerPoint Templates

Market & Competitor Analysis Templates

Every business startup and even well established business performs market analysis and competitor analysis to take advantage of market opportunities and counter threats from competitors. In fact, business survival depends on this knowledge. What all does your business need to collect data on where market research is concerned? Our Market and Competitor Analysis PowerPoint templates cover each market aspect as well as details about competitors to help you compile and present your research findings with conviction before the management team:

  • Market Overview
  • Industry Size
  • Target Market Size and Growth
  • Market Opportunity
  • Market Profitability - Porter's 5 Forces Model
  • Industry Cost Structure
  • Competitor Profiling
  • Market Share of Competitors
  • Competitor's Marketing Strategy
  • Competitor Revenue and Profit Growth

Market & Competitor Analysis Templates

Download Market Analysis & Competitor Analysis Template

Competency Matrix PowerPoint Templates

Use Competency Matrix PowerPoint Templates to compare and measure the required competencies for a position with the current skill level of the employees performing the roles. Not just this, identify employees who have critical skills needed for promotion. Go through the below PPT templates of competency matrix to get a clear view of all the skills and behavior needed.

  • Skills Matrix by Job Role
  • Competency Team Skill Matrix
  • Team Member Skill Matrix

Competency Matrix PowerPoint Templates

  Download Competency Matrix PowerPoint Templates

Leadership PowerPoint Templates

What does it take to be a good leader? Which leadership style is the most effective for your business? Our leadership PowerPoint templates present each and every aspect of effective leadership for managers and team leaders to take guidance from and become leaders of tomorrow. Find the following and many more leadership topics covered in the complete PPT:

  • Managers vs Leaders
  • Formal and Informal Leadership
  • Leadership Styles - autocratic, laissez-faire, democratic
  • McGregor's Theory X and Y
  • Likert's Styles of Leadership
  • Transformational Leadership
  • Leadership Theories - trait theory, contingency theory, leader behavior theory, the management grid, etc.

Leadership PowerPoint Templates

Download Leadership PPT Templates

Brand Communication PowerPoint Templates

Create brand image of your company in the market using professional Brand Communication PowerPoint Templates. Influence stakeholders, employees, customers, investors and more by opting brand communication strategy PPT slides. Brand communication is one of the promotional tools through which you can build your brand’s name in the market. Have these essential brand positioning PPT templates to attract customers.

  • Brand Product/ Service
  • Strategic Positioning
  • Brand’s Mission Statement
  • Brand Architecture
  • Brand Elements
  • Brand Positioning
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Brand Budgeting
  • Brand Tracking

Brand Communication PowerPoint Templates

Download Brand Communication PowerPoint Templates

Real Estate PowerPoint Templates

If you are a real estate agent looking to present real estate market to prospective buyers or present the latest research findings on the housing industry, then our bundle on Real Estate PowerPoint Templates is perfect for you. Compile a real estate market PPT that will bring repute to your agency with these professional PPT templates. The PPT covers topics such as:

  • Real Estate Market Snapshot
  • Major Investments
  • Real Estate Trends
  • Sales Growth
  • Home Price Index
  • Foreclosures Filed Vs Completed
  • Mortgage Rates
  • Types of Property Purchased
  • Growth Drivers

Real Estate PowerPoint Templates

Download Real Estate PPT Templates

Value Chain Analysis PowerPoint Templates

Use Value Chain Analysis PowerPoint Templates to evaluate the value that your business creates for the customers. Get a business advantage over your competition by identifying firm’s primary and secondary activities that add value to the final product. Incorporate Michael Porter’s Value Chain Analysis PPT templates to conduct an accurate analysis for your company. PowerPoint templates that you need for a value chain analysis are:

  • Value Chain Analysis Framework
  • Primary Activities
  • Secondary Activities
  • Competitive Advantage
  • Cost Advantage
  • Differentiation Advantage
  • Value Chain Analysis

Value Chain Analysis PowerPoint Templates

Download Value Chain Analysis PowerPoint Templates

Gap Analysis PowerPoint Templates

Identify gaps in improvement of various aspects of your business such as gaps in employee skills and requirements, software capabilities, process requirements, etc. with our Gap Analysis PowerPoint templates. Take the necessary measures to move your organization from current state to desired state with an in-depth gap analysis. Our gap analysis PPT covers presentation templates on these and more:

  • Gap Analysis Procedure
  • Current State Analysis
  • Financial Comparison
  • Revenue Vs Target
  • Fit Gap Analysis
  • Skills Gap Analysis
  • Growth Share Matrix
  • Ansoff Product Matrix
  • Swot, Fishbone Analysis, McKinsey 7s
  • Transformation Process

Gap Analysis PowerPoint Templates

Download Gap Analysis PPT

Competitive Landscape PowerPoint Templates

Understand your competitor’s strategies, their weaknesses and strengths using Competitive Landscape PowerPoint Templates. Conduct competitor analysis to know their revenue, portfolio, sales performance and more. Get all the information about your market competitors to stay ahead of your competition. Carry out competitive analysis using below PPT templates:

  • Competitor Positioning
  • Competitor Revenue & Profit
  • Knowledge on our Competitors
  • Sales Performance
  • Market Segmentation
  • Overview of Main Competitors

Competitive Landscape PowerPoint Templates

Download Competitive Landscape PowerPoint Templates

Financial Plan PowerPoint Templates

Accounting professionals need financial planning templates to present company budget and forecast financial requirements for the next quarter or year. Our Financial Plan PowerPoint templates cover a budget template for each department of the company so that proposed expenditures and income can easily be displayed for budget approval. The financial plan deck contains ready-made templates on:

  • Budgeting Template
  • Channel Marketing Budget
  • Budget - Planned Vs Actual Comparison
  • Product Launch Budget Plan
  • Company Budget
  • Event Budget

Financial Plan PowerPoint Templates

Download Financial Plan Templates

Consulting Process PowerPoint Templates

Document a consulting proposal with the help of professionally designed Consulting Proposal PowerPoint Templates and leave a right impression on your prospective client. Showcase all the relevant business consulting proposal PPT slides and get business from the clients. Writing a consulting proposal is an essence for any firm. Therefore, it is important that you include all the necessary details in your business proposal. Below are the mentioned templates that you must include in your consulting proposal:

  • What We Heard From You
  • Our Offerings
  • Proposed Methodology
  • Engagement Options
  • Project Wise Breakdown
  • Project Timeline
  • Client Feedback

Consulting Process PowerPoint Templates

Download Consulting Process PowerPoint Templates

Pitch Deck PowerPoint Templates

Startups need a professionally designed Pitch Deck PowerPoint template to introduce their new product or service with impact and raise money for their startup. A pitch deck presentation helps entrepreneurs present the unique solution they are bringing to the market and how it solves the target audiences’ problems. It also helps them pitch venture capitalists and angel investors their unique business model. Here is a complete, ready-made pitch deck template comprising PPT slides on:

  • Problem and Solution
  • Go To Market Plan
  • Go To Market Strategy
  • Channel Strategy
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Financial Projections
  • Use of Funds
  • Management Team

Pitch Deck PowerPoint Templates

Download Pitch Deck Template PPT

Event Planning PowerPoint Templates

Get a definite yes from sponsors by showcasing them the right Event Planning PowerPoint Templates. Set a right impression on the them and market your business by incorporating the relevant event planning PPT slides. Getting sponsors on board is crucial which is why show them some sponsorship benefits. Below are templates that you must include in your presentation to get you a heads up from your desired sponsors:

  • About The Event
  • Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Benefits for Sponsors
  • Sponsorship Forms

Event Planning PowerPoint Templates

Download Event Planning PowerPoint Templates

Change Management PowerPoint Templates

Le t your organization undergo a smooth change or transition with the help of Change Management PowerPoint Templates. Be it a planned or sudden change, these changes affect business on regular intervals. Hence, use relevant change management PPT templates to help your organization cope up with the change.

  • Types of Change Management
  • Forces For Change
  • Gap Analysis
  • Change Management Process
  • ADKAR Model
  • Bridge Transition Model
  • Change Transition Plan

Change Management PowerPoint Templates

Download Change Management PowerPoint Templates

Annual Report PowerPoint Templates

Annual Report template is required at the end of every financial year to brief the top management about the business’ financial performance. The shareholders need data-backed reports on each financial parameter to analyze the financial health of the company. The annual report presentation begins with the CEO’s message and brief introduction about company’s product portfolio. Financial highlights is the most important section and our annual report PowerPoint template covers all these sections with data-driven charts, graphs and tables:

  • Sales Highlights
  • Distribution Growth
  • EBITDA Highlights
  • Profit After Tax
  • Book Value Per Share
  • New Fixed Asset Turnover
  • Dividend Per Share
  • Earnings Per Share
  • Shareholders’ Fund and Market Cap
  • Inflation Rate
  • Sales Breakdown

Annual Report PowerPoint Templates

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Product Launch PowerPoint Templates

Become familiar with the entire product launch process and requirements and come up with a successful product in the market with our Product Launch PowerPoint Templates. Get insight into all research activities that the product team needs to undertake before rolling out a product in the market. Our product launch PPT covers presentation slides on topics such as:

  • Product Launch Process
  • Product Overview
  • Focus and Value Proposition
  • Industry Overview
  • Porter's 5 Forces Analysis
  • Market Gap Analysis
  • Market Research Findings
  • Product SWOT Analysis
  • STP Analysis
  • Ideal Customer Profile
  • Buyer Process Map
  • Market Entry Strategy, etc.

Product Launch PowerPoint Templates

Download Product Launch PPT

Service Launch PowerPoint Templates

Launch new service using Service Launch PowerPoint Templates. Add below mentioned PPT templates to let your audience and clients know about your new service and boost revenue growth of your business.

  • Our Mission
  • Buyer Behavior
  • Customer Need Analysis
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Market Entry Strategy

Service Launch PowerPoint Templates

Download Service Launch PowerPoint Templates

Sales Pitch PowerPoint Templates

Craft a winning sales pitch that convinces prospective clients on the efficacy of your solution with our Sales Pitch PowerPoint Template. Get closer to grabbing business deals and forging new partnerships with a logical, step by step pitch of your company, service offerings, your competitive superiority and testimonials with this content-ready sales pitch presentation. The deck covers templates on:

  • Company Overview - Mission and Vision
  • Action Plan
  • Client Partners
  • Problem and Challenges
  • Our Solution to the Problem
  • Value Proposition
  • Key Product Service Offerings
  • Our Offering Vs the Competition
  • Pricing Package

Sales Pitch PowerPoint Templates

Download Sales Pitch Template

Sales Playbook PowerPoint Templates

Execute a common sales methodology to sell more effectively using Sales Playbook PowerPoint Templates. Position yourself against a competitor with the help of sales playbook PPT slides. Educate your sales team about handling different selling situations using below PPT templates:

  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Buying/ Sales Process

Sales Playbook PowerPoint Templates

Download Sales Playbook PowerPoint Templates

Financial Analysis PowerPoint Templates

Evaluate your business performance using Financial Analysis PowerPoint Templates. Analyze projects, budgets and other financial aspects of the business to assess their performance and suitability with the help of financial analysis PPT slides. Conduct a financial analysis using below templates to figure out whether an entity is stable, solvent, liquid or profitable.

  • Income Statement-KPIs
  • Balance Sheet
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • Key Financials
  • Income Statement Overview
  • Funding Updates Equity

Financial Analysis PowerPoint Templates

Download Financial Analysis PowerPoint Templates

Customer Relationship Management PowerPoint Templates

Learn and implement the strategies to improve relations with your customers and boost sales with our Customer Relationship Management PowerPoint Templates. Use marketing channels such as social media to connect with customers and analyze your CRM efforts with our ready-made CRM PPT slides such as:

  • Importance of Customer Initiatives
  • Transaction Vs Relationship Marketing
  • Economics of Customer Retention
  • Customer Lifecycle Management
  • Stages of CRM and CRM Components
  • CRM Dashboard (Pipeline by Sales Stage)
  • Current Lead Status
  • Lead Acquisition Vs Deal Acquisition

Customer Relationship Management PowerPoint Templates

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Customer NPS Score PowerPoint Templates

Get your hands on the professionally designed Customer NPS Score PowerPoint Templates to know the willingness of your customers to recommend your company’s product or service to others. Analyze customer’s overall satisfaction and brand loyalty using customer NPS score. Assess customer satisfaction with templates like:

  • Net Promoter Score
  • Net Promoter Score Tracker
  • Net Promoter Score For Broadband & Mobile Providers
  • Net Promoter Score Dashboard

Customer NPS Score PowerPoint Templates

Download Customer NPS Score PowerPoint Templates

Strategic Workforce Planning PowerPoint Templates

Align workforce with your business strategy and create a solid workforce plan with our Strategic Workforce Planning PowerPoint Templates. Prepare your human capital to meet the future challenges, identify critical roles that need to be filled, and implement strategies to boost workforce productivity and morale using our workforce planning presentation guide. Here are some of the workforce planning slides covered:

  • Types of Workforce Planning
  • Strategic Workforce Planning Model
  • Organization Strategic Plan
  • Performance Requirements
  • Core Skills And Competencies Needed for Success
  • Internal and External Analysis
  • Assess Future Workforce Needs
  • Gap Closing Strategies

Strategic Workforce Planning PowerPoint Templates

Download Strategic Workforce Planning PPT

Strategic Human Resource Planning PowerPoint Templates

Level up your organization’s HR process using Strategic Human Resource Planning Process PowerPoint Templates. Incorporate below mentioned PPT templates to identify current and future human resources to achieve organizational goals.

  • Organizational Development- Strategic Workforce Planning
  • Strategic Plan
  • External and Internal Analysis
  • Current Staff Composition

Strategic Human Resource Planning PowerPoint Templates

Download Human Resource Planning PowerPoint Templates

Kaizen PDCA Cycle PowerPoint Templates

Bring about continuous improvement in your organization with our complete guide on Kaizen. Implement this Japanese philosophy and strategic tool to identify areas of improvement, eliminate waste and put the PDCA (plan, do, check, act) cycle into motion for increased productivity. Our Kaizen PowerPoint templates cover all these slides:

  • Kaizen 5s Framework - Good Housekeeping
  • 3 MUs Of Kaizen - Muda, Mura, Muri
  • 4M Checklist - Man, Machine, Material, Method
  • Seven Types of Waste
  • Kaizen Vs Innovation
  • The PDCA Cycle
  • Reasons for Unproductivity
  • Solutions to the Problem

Kaizen PDCA Cycle PowerPoint Templates

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McKinsey 7s PowerPoint Templates

Analyze the internal changes within an organization using Mckinsey 7S PowerPoint Templates. Improve organization performance and implement strategic action of plan to achieve desired future state. Get access to the professionally designed Mckinsey 7s PPT slides to work towards the desired goal.

  • McKinsey 7S Model
  • 7s Framework
  • Resource Gap Analysis

McKinsey 7s PowerPoint Templates

Download Mckinsey 7s PowerPoint Templates

Six Sigma Process PowerPoint Templates

Identify and remove the defects in the process using Six Sigma Process PowerPoint Templates. With the help of DMAIC process PPT slides, improve the quality of the output of a process. Add below templates in your presentation to minimize the variability in manufacturing and business processes.

  • Six Sigma Methodologies
  • The DMAIC Process
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Control Impact Matrix
  • The Improvement (PDCA) Cycle

Six Sigma Process PowerPoint Templates

Download Six Sigma PowerPoint Templates

Corporate Social Responsibility PPT Templates

Show the commitment towards society and environmental issues and create your own CSR strategy with our Corporate Social Responsibility PowerPoint templates. Communicate your CSR plan with the entire team to bring everyone on the same page. Inform the stakeholders as well as public how you intend to contribute to the betterment of community with our CSR presentation. Our presentation templates cover:

  • Levels of CSR
  • CSR Maturation Process
  • Developing your CSR Strategy
  • 4 Key Areas of CSR Focus
  • Our CSR Values and Ethics
  • Key Societal Priorities
  • Benchmarking : Own CSR Potential Vs Competitors
  • Setting Project Milestones

Corporate Social Responsibility PPT Templates

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Risk Mitigation PowerPoint Templates

Create a mitigation plan using professional Risk Mitigation PowerPoint Templates to avoid any unseen damage or risks related to the project. Identify and analyze the risks at an early stage using mitigation plan PPT slides. Lessen the potential risks using below PowerPoint templates.

  • Risk Management Plan
  • Risk Identification
  • Risk Register
  • Risk Analysis
  • Risk Mitigation Strategies
  • Risk Control Matrix

Risk Mitigation PowerPoint Templates

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Thesis Defense PowerPoint Templates

Defend your research strongly before the thesis committee using a simple but clear thesis defense presentation. A thesis defense PowerPoint template helps you highlight the crux of your research in an easy to follow format. A common thesis defense structure follows this order:

  • Background on Topic
  • Supporting Literature
  • Purpose of Research
  • Methods Used in Research
  • Statistical Analysis

Thesis Defense PowerPoint Templates

Download Thesis Defense Template

Thesis Proposal PowerPoint Template

Students enrolled in postgraduate degree are often asked to present a thesis proposal outlining the research they intend to take for their thesis or dissertation. Here is a presentation guide for crafting your thesis proposal and get approval of your mentor for the research you wish to undertake:

  • Thesis Statement
  • Methods or Approach
  • Preliminary Discussion and Results
  • Work Plan with Timetable
  • Implication of Research

Thesis Proposal PowerPoint Template

Download Thesis Proposal Template

Human Resource PowerPoint Templates

Like all departments, the performance of human resource department is also reviewed annually to see the success or failure of HR initiatives. The HR department is responsible for ensuring that employees stay engaged and profitable for company. It also has to fill vacant positions on time for smooth functioning of projects. Our HR metrics PPT presentation cover all important indicators of HR success, some of them being:

  • Turnover/Absence Metrics
  • Competencies/Training Metrics
  • Employee Productivity Metrics
  • Workforce Profile Metrics
  • Employee Engagement Metrics
  • Recruitment Metrics

Human Resource PowerPoint Templates

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Stage Gate Product Innovation Process PPT Templates

The stage gate model is one of the most widely used innovation management models in the business industry. The model divides an initiative, be it new product development or software development, into phases or stages from inception till launch for faster, more efficient results. Our stage gate product innovation presentation walks you through the model step by step:

  • Stage Gate Criteria - Must Meet and Should Meet
  • Generating New Product Ideas
  • Screening Ideas
  • Scoping - Product Strengths and Weakness
  • Second Screening - Evaluating Research
  • Build Business Case - Customer Needs, Customer Persona, Market Analysis, Competitive Analysis, Cost Analysis, Etc.
  • Go To Development Stage
  • Development - Operations Plan, Marketing Plan, Etc.
  • Go To Testing
  • Go To Launch
  • Post Launch Monitoring

Stage Gate Product Innovation Process PPT Templates

Download Stage Gate Model PPT

Career Planning PowerPoint Templates

Career counsellors, professionals from academics and HR professionals demand career planning PowerPoint template. Candidates need counselling to choose the best career based on their aptitude and skills. HR professionals present career path to new joinees to show the opportunities available for them within the organization and within the industry. Our career path presentation provides ready-made PPT templates on each aspect of career:

  • Personal Introduction
  • Career Objectives
  • Career Prospects
  • Career Path
  • Projects and Assignments
  • Short Term, Mid Term and Long Term Goals
  • Skills, Competencies and Preferences
  • Tools and Platform etc.

Career Planning PowerPoint Templates

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Introduce Yourself PowerPoint Templates

Present yourself with confidence using Introduce Yourself PowerPoint Templates. Showcase your profile with attractive visuals and graphics and get yourself under the spotlight. Incorporate introduce yourself PPT templates and leave a right impression on your interviewer. Add following templates to create a perfect visual resume for yourself.

  • Introduction
  • Work Experience

Introduce Yourself PowerPoint Templates

Download Introduce Yourself PowerPoint Templates

Media Planning PowerPoint Templates

Marketing professionals document their market and audience research as well as campaign goals to build a powerful marketing strategy. Media planning templates and media mix presentation makes the task of compiling all data in a presentable format easier. A media strategy template also helps marketers list out their media objectives, KPIs and customer profile analysis to get a better understanding of what strategy will work. This presentation includes media templates on:

  • Product Details
  • Communication Strategy
  • Audience Research
  • Timelines and Deadlines
  • Media Objectives
  • Target Audience Segmentation
  • Media Budget
  • Communication Goals
  • Media Mix Optimization
  • Campaign Performance
  • Agency Performance

Media Planning PowerPoint Templates

Download Media Strategy PPT Template

Company Introduction PowerPoint Templates

Whether you are presenting about your company at a conference or a sales person is describing about his company’s offerings to potential clients or you are addressing shareholders about your business, Company Introduction templates can be a great time saver and make you look professional at the same time. Your company profile PPT is the face of your brand and you have to make a lasting impression on the audience. Our company introduction presentation includes editable templates on:

  • Company Description or Overview
  • Founders of the Company
  • Departments and Teams
  • Business Mission, Vision, Values and Goals
  • Products and Services Offered
  • Market Share
  • Us Vs the Competition
  • Case Studies and Testimonials

Company Introduction PowerPoint Templates

Download this Company Profile Presentation

Business Plan PowerPoint Templates

Almost all businesses, especially startups, require a business plan document to raise money from investors and to show their business roadmap. It covers your strategy for the next three to five years. A business plan presentation has to be detailed with in-depth data on your target market, market opportunity, profit margin, pricing analysis, and so on. A business plan PPT also covers introduction about the company, its products and services, sales, marketing, finance, and operational details. Our business plan templates covers these slides and more:

  • Executive Dashboard
  • Sales Dashboard
  • Target Market
  • Key Potential Customers
  • Customer Growth Matrix
  • Unique Selling Proposition
  • Barriers To Entry
  • Potential Price and Profit Margins

Business Plan PowerPoint Templates

Download Business Plan PowerPoint Template

Here is another Business Plan presentation covering more or less the same topics with a bolder, vibrant design:

Business Plan for Company PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Download this Business Plan Presentation

Business Transformation PowerPoint Templates

To help businesses present their model for change, be it internal or external, we have compiled business transformation templates in one presentation. Showcase the direction you wish to take your organization towards and document the same for smooth implementation of change. The business transformation covers:

  • Business Transformation Areas
  • Digital Business Transformation
  • Business Transformation Framework
  • Business Transformation Drivers
  • Digital Transformation Stages

Business Transformation PowerPoint Templates

Download Business Transformation Template

Business Strategy PowerPoint Templates

Managers need impressive

 to show the top management their performance over the last quarter, targets for the next quarter and strategy for each team to achieve overall business goals. Our business strategy templates cover all these slides and more;

  • Assets and Revenue
  • Sales and Performance Dashboard
  • Market Expansion and Growth
  • Quarterly Targets
  • Actual Vs Target Revenue
  • Brand Promotion Strategies
  • Operational Plan
  • Recruitment Plan

Business Strategy PowerPoint Templates

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Business Operational Plan PowerPoint Templates

Define goals for your company, set objectives, create a plan using Business Operational Plan PowerPoint Templates. Outline a plan that will showcase steps on how to complete your business mission. Incorporate operational plan PPT slides to help your investors and employees think about tactics and deadlines. Business operational plan covers topics like:

  • Operational Highlights
  • Operational Set up Challenges
  • Operational Set up Risk and Mitigation
  • Operating Plan

Business Operational Plan PowerPoint Templates

Download Business Operational Plan PowerPoint Templates  

Business Process Framework PowerPoint Templates

Accomplish goals set by the organization using Business Process Framework PowerPoint Templates. Identify issues in process performance or even execution with the help of business process PPT slides. Incorporate below templates to monitor your business process.

  • Business Process Management Model
  • Business Management Process Framework
  • Process Management Maturity Model

Business Process Framework PowerPoint Templates

Download Business Process Framework PowerPoint Templates

Quarterly Business Review PowerPoint Templates

Product managers can use quarterly business review templates to compile team’s performance over the last 90 days and also showcase the next 90 day plan. Show management the health of the organization vis-a-vis various performance indicators and the obstacles in way of success.

Quarterly Business Review PowerPoint Templates

Download Quarterly Business Review Deck

Here is another quarterly business review presentation that covers the following slides among many more templates:

  • Return on Investment
  • Value Proposition Canvas
  • Value Proposition Scorecard
  • Product Usage Depth and Breadth
  • Customer Use Cases
  • Phases of Implementation
  • Last 90 Days Results
  • Obstacles to Success
  • Customer Service Benchmarking
  • Health Scorecard
  • 90 Day Plan
  • Product Roadmap

Quarterly Business Review Complete PowerPoint Deck with Slides

Download QBR Presentation

Quarterly Sales Review PowerPoint Templates

Sales managers need to take stock of the performance of the sales team over the last quarter and set realistic goals for the next quarter. Preparing a powerful sales strategy requires data on sales revenue by product, revenue by country or region, and analysis of sales pipeline to maximize new opportunities and learn from failures. Our Quarterly Sales Review PowerPoint templates help sales managers sum up their performance and display all sales metrics through a visually engaging deck. Our sales review presentation covers topics such as:

  • Quarterly Pipeline Summary
  • Sales Cycle
  • Total Sales Quarterly
  • Sales Revenue By Product
  • Key Sales Performance Metrics
  • Quarter Track Record
  • Product Wise Pipeline Analysis
  • Next Quarter Deals

Quarterly Sales Review PowerPoint Templates

Download Quarterly Sales Review Template

Sales Target PowerPoint Templates

Help your sales team focused on achieving goals with the help of Sales Target PowerPoint Templates. Set up sales targets using Sales Target PPT slides. Incorporate below mentioned PPT slides to better forecast your revenues.

  • Sales Motivation Outline
  • Sales Performance Dashboard
  • Sales Target For Current Financial Year
  • Encourage Leadership
  • Monetary Benefits

Sales Target PowerPoint Templates

Download Sales Target PowerPoint Templates

Supply Chain Management PowerPoint Templates

Streamline the flow of goods and services right from acquiring raw materials to production of goods to distribution of goods to the end customer. Our supply chain management helps you document inventory requirements, logistics details and manage the demand and supply of goods. The SCM templates cover all these areas:

  • Supply Chain Management Process
  • SCM Decision Phases
  • Strategic Sourcing Process
  • Logistics and IT
  • Planning and Forecasting
  • Inventory Management
  • Performance Measures

Supply Chain Management PowerPoint Templates

Download Supply Chain Management PPT

Channel Marketing PowerPoint Templates

To help businesses find new partners for distributing their products, we have compiled a channel marketing presentation that covers each aspect of the same. Channel marketing, a very popular business to business (B2B) marketing strategy, ensures that businesses keep finding new ways and channels to make their product reach the end customer. Our channel marketing templates include:

  • Channel Marketing Strategy
  • Launch Plan
  • Channel Products
  • Currently Active Channels
  • Buyer's Journey
  • Channel Partners
  • Value Added by Channel Partnership

Channel Marketing PowerPoint Templates

Download Channel Marketing PPT

Online Marketing PowerPoint Templates

Get a valuable insight about your business growth via Online Marketing PowerPoint Templates. Online marketing is one of the powerful tools to promote and advertise your business across the market. Figure out how many leads does your social media marketing generated and analyze website traffic with the help of online marketing PPT templates. Go through the below templates to analyze your business growth through online marketing.

  • Marketing with Social Media
  • Social Media Metrics
  • Monthly Social Media Dashboard
  • Organic Visits
  • Website Performance Review

Online Marketing PowerPoint Templates

Download Online Marketing PowerPoint Templates

Customer Insights PowerPoint Templates

Every business understands that without insights on customer behavior, any business activity is futile. But how to go about collecting data on customer? Which tools should a business use? Our customer insights PPT covers all these topics, some being:

  • Consumer insight capabilities
  • Extrapolation and validation
  • YouTube Analytics
  • Google's Audience Retention Tool
  • Google Trends
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Audience Insights

Customer Insights PowerPoint Templates

Download Customer Insights Templates

Customer Satisfaction Feedback PowerPoint Templates

Measure customer satisfaction with the help of Customer Satisfaction Feedback PowerPoint Templates. Gather insights from current and prospective customers to grow your business. Add below mentioned PPT templates to know what exactly your customers feel about your products or services.

  • Customer Feedback
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Key Metrics

Customer Satisfaction Feedback PowerPoint Templates

Download Customer Satisfaction Feedback PowerPoint Templates

Customer Success PowerPoint Templates

Customer Success Managers (CSM) need to constantly stay updated with the preferences of their customers and leverage existing resources to provide the best customer experience. The CS department also needs to be on one page regarding their customers and the stage of company growth they are at. Our customer success presentation covers PPT slides such as:

  • Customer Segmentation
  • Customer Success Cycle
  • Customer Success Maturity Model
  • Customer Success Strategy, Etc.

Customer Success PowerPoint Templates

Download Customer Success PPT

Customer Centric Organization Templates

Here is a compilation of models and templates for organization to become more customer centric. Most businesses are now moulding themselves and their products based on customer needs and feedback to increase customer retention and loyalty. Here is a presentation outlining the steps to achieve such a transformation:

Customer Centric Organization Templates

Download Customer Centric Organization Templates

Employee Engagement PowerPoint Templates

HR professionals are responsible for increasing employee engagement within the organization and boosting their morale. To help them craft the perfect employee engagement plan, we have put together this PowerPoint presentation covering topics such as:

  • Employee engagement survey
  • Activities for employee engagement
  • Recognize and encourage innovation
  • Celebrate achievements
  • Identify internal growth paths

Employee Engagement PowerPoint Templates

Download Employee Engagement Templates

Project Planning PowerPoint Templates

Execute, control and manage your project using Project Planning PowerPoint Templates. Create an execution plan and subsequently analyze project progress report. Add relevant and professional project planning PPT templates to avoid any roadblocks and risks associated with the project.

  • Project Planning Process
  • Types of Project
  • Project Planner
  • Project Team
  • Project Task Status Dashboard

Project Planning PowerPoint Templates

Download Project Planning PowerPoint Templates

Project Scoping PowerPoint Templates

Document project goals, objectives, deliverables, features, deadlines, and more using Project Scoping PowerPoint Templates. Project scoping is a part of project planning. These professionally designed project scoping PPT slides will help you outline the project plan in a professional manner. Project managers can avail these project scoping PPT templates to showcase project description, project process, project scope management, and more. Add below mentioned templates to initiate your next project without any hassle.

  • Project Brief
  • Project Description
  • Project Process
  • Project Scope Management
  • Risk Management Report
  • Project Management Team

Project Scoping PowerPoint Templates

Download Project Scoping PowerPoint Templates

Project Budgeting PowerPoint Templates

Create a project budget plan using relevant Project Budgeting PowerPoint Templates. These PPT slides on project budgeting will help you estimate the costs required to complete a project. They will be helpful for project managers to figure out the potential cost required to complete a project. Create budgeting plan for project using below templates:

  • Project Budget Management
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Activities Sequence

Project Budgeting PowerPoint Templates

Download Project Budgeting PowerPoint Templates

Project Execution PowerPoint Templates

Execute, monitor and control projects using Project Execution PowerPoint Templates. Aware everyone in your team about project objectives and showcase a plan to achieve the same. Incorporate below templates to execute the project smoothly.

  • Task Matrix
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Project Work Plan
  • Project Management Gantt Chart
  • Project Cost Estimate
  • Progress Summary
  • Project Management Dashboard

Project Execution PowerPoint Templates

Download Project Execution PowerPoint Templates

Project Conclusion PowerPoint Templates

Showcase project conclusion report using Project Conclusion PowerPoint Templates. Add all the relevant PPT templates to conclude your project well. Project managers can incorporate professional slides to showcase project health card. Conclude your project by including below templates.

  • Project Health Card
  • Project Dashboard
  • Performance Analysis
  • Deadlines/Milestones
  • Budget Analysis
  • Open Issues

Project Conclusion PowerPoint Templates

Download Project Conclusion PowerPoint Templates

Project Management Report PowerPoint Templates

Accomplish a successful project using Project Management Report PowerPoint Templates. Initiate, plan, execute, control, and conclude the project to achieve specific goals with the help of project management PPT templates. Add below mentioned templates to keep a tab on the project.

  • Project Budget

Project Management Report PowerPoint Templates

Download Project Management PowerPoint Templates

Project Communication Plan PowerPoint Templates

Create a clear and actionable communication plan using Project Communication Plan PowerPoint Templates. Assign roles, impart information and use communication tools and methods with the help of communication plan PPT templates. Incorporate below mentioned templates to avoid the roadblocks in executing the project.

  • Communication Plan Template
  • Communication Plan showing Deliverable, Description and Delivery Method
  • Communication Plan Format

Project Communication Plan PowerPoint Templates

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Project Risk PowerPoint Templates

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  • Risk Assessment
  • Risk Tracker
  • Risk Response Plan

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Brainstorming Techniques PowerPoint Templates

Conduct regular brainstorming sessions using Brainstorming Techniques PowerPoint Templates. Generate ideas for your business, startups, projects, group discussions, meetings, and more with the help of idea generation PPT slides. Incorporate below brainstorming presentation templates for your next brainstorming session. These templates will help you supervise your teammates effectively for brainstorming.

  • The Stepladder Technique
  • 6-3-5 Brainwriting
  • Reverse Brainstorming
  • Star Busting
  • Role Storming

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Educate your colleagues and teammates and prepare them for any kind of disaster in an organization using Disaster Management PowerPoint Templates. Get a complete professional guidance on how to undergo in such events with the help of emergency management PPT slides. Add below templates to give your colleagues an overview of business continuity programme or otherwise known as disaster management.

  • What is Disaster Management
  • Types of Disaster
  • Disaster Factors
  • Disaster Levels
  • Prevention and Mitigation
  • Responding to the Disaster
  • Post Disaster Recovery

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Introduce new products to the market with the help of New Product Development PowerPoint Templates. From idea generation to the commercialization, we provide you step by step guide to help you bring your product or service in the market. New product development includes templates on:

  • Product Idea Screening
  • Detailed Analysis
  • Marketing Launch Plan
  • Product Quality Check

New Product Development PowerPoint Templates

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Identify your target market and customers using Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning PowerPoint Templates. Divide customers or business market based on shared needs, common interests, similar lifestyles and even similar demographic profiles. Incorporate segmentation, targeting and positioning PPT templates before positioning yourself in the market as a brand.

  • Consumer Markets
  • Market Segmentation Evaluation
  • Intensity of Rivalry
  • Understand the Customer Needs
  • Targeting Strategy
  • Market Positioning

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  • Identify Your Target Market
  • Perform Market Research
  • Establish A Plan
  • Risk Mitigation Strategy
  • Exit Strategy

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Define company’s business, its objectives and approach to reach those objectives using Vision and Mission PowerPoint Templates. Showcase desired future position of the company with professionally designed vision statement PPT slides.

  • Vision and Mission Statement
  • Our Business
  • What Do You Want To Become?
  • Setting Objectives

Vision and Mission PowerPoint Templates

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Incorporate Big Data PowerPoint Templates to manage both structured and unstructured large volumes of data. Lead to better decisions and strategic business moves with the help of Big Data PPT slides. Add below mentioned PPT templates to gather information for business evaluation.

  • What is Big Data
  • 5 V’s of Big Data
  • Data Analytics Process
  • Big Data Workflow

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Identify the goods and services to procure using Products and Services Acquisition Process PowerPoint Templates. Manage your supplier’s performance with the help of procurement management PPT templates and ensure that the deliverables that they product meet your expectations.  Include below templates to smoothly run the product and services acquisition process.

  • Procurement Strategy Structure
  • Procurement Steps
  • Procurement Workflow Process
  • Creating Procurement Strategy

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Create and promote your firm’s brand using Brand Development Marketing and Management Process PowerPoint Templates. Whether you want to develop a new or rebrand, these brand communication PPT slides will help you easily advertise your brand in the market.

  • Branding Approach
  • Brand Strategy Roadmap
  • Brand Performance Dashboard

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  • Key Levers to Cost Management
  • Levels of Strategic Cost Optimization
  • Cost Optimization Techniques
  • Cost Optimization Planning
  • Stages in Cost Reduction

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  • Prioritizing IT Cost Optimization

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  • Artificial Intelligence Introduction
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12 Fun Presentation Ideas for Your Next PowerPoint Night

  • The Speaker Lab
  • May 22, 2024

Table of Contents

PowerPoint presentations aren’t always for boardroom meetings. Sometimes, they’re a great way to shake things up and have some fun. For instance, maybe you’re a teacher trying to come up with fun ways to practice impromptu speeches. Or maybe you’re in leadership and looking for a way to work in some team building exercises .

Whatever your goal, we have 12 fun PowerPoint presentation ideas for you to use. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time presenter, these themes are guaranteed to bring the laughs and make your night one to remember. No need for comedy chops or design skills—all you need is a dash of creativity, a bit of courage, and a readiness to have a blast.

How to Host a PowerPoint Night

If you’re committed to making this PowerPoint night a reality, you’ll first want to make sure you have the logistics sorted out before jumping into fun presentation ideas. Using our foolproof tips, you can ensure your PowerPoint party is a smashing success. From choosing the perfect theme to keeping the laughs coming all night long, we have you covered.

Choosing a Theme

First things first, you need to pick a theme. This will help guide your guests as they create their presentations. Choose a broad theme that allows for creative interpretation, such as “Unpopular Opinions” or “Conspiracy Theories.” This way, everyone can put their own spin on it and bring something unique to the table.

Creating a Presentation Template

In order to keep things cohesive, it’s a good idea to provide a basic template for your guests to use. Create a Google Slides template with a consistent color scheme and font. This will help maintain visual consistency throughout the night and make it easier for those who may not be as design-savvy to focus on their content.

Encouraging Participation

In some cases, not everyone is going to jump at the chance to create a PowerPoint presentation in their free time. That’s why it’s important to encourage participation. Offer incentives like a prize for the most creative presentation or a “People’s Choice Award” voted on by the audience. A little friendly competition can help participants engage more.

Sharing Presentations

When it comes to the actual presentation night, you want to make sure everything runs smoothly. Use a platform like Google Slides or Prezi that allows for easy sharing and collaboration. This way, you can seamlessly transition between presentations without any awkward lulls. And if you have friends who can’t make it in person, they can still join in on the fun remotely.

Remember, for each of these suggestions, they’re just that—suggestions. Based on the vibe and size of your group, you may want to tweak these suggestions to allow for more creativity and fun. If you’re not sure how to strike the balance between creativity and structure, just experiment and ask for feedback for your participants.

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Fun Presentation Ideas for Your Next PowerPoint Night

PowerPoint nights offer a fun-filled opportunity to strengthen friendships while letting your imagination run wild . If you’re searching for inspiration for your next PowerPoint night, look no further. Below, we’ve compiled fun presentation ideas that will help your crew grow and laugh together!

Bucket List

Forget boring old bucket lists—it’s time to level up with this PowerPoint presentation. Gather your squad and get ready to share your craziest dreams and aspirations. Skydiving? Learning to cook like a pro? Finally writing that novel? Create a presentation showcasing your ultimate bucket list items and the reasons why they matter to you. Not only will it be a blast, but you might just inspire each other to start making those dreams come true.

Dog Breeds as People

If you’re a dog lover, then this one’s for you. Imagine if different dog breeds were people. What would their personalities be like? Would a chihuahua be the sassy, high-maintenance friend who always needs to be the center of attention? Would a golden retriever be the loyal, always-down-for-a-good-time pal? Compare different dog breeds to human personality types and get ready for some laughs—especially if you decide to create some art for your slides.

Celebrity Lookalikes

We’ve all gotten the “you look like so-and-so” comment at some point. Well, now’s your chance to lean into it. Have everyone find their celebrity doppelganger and create a side-by-side comparison slide. Bonus points if you dress up as your celebrity twin for the presentation.

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. A mood board, however, is the perfect way to express yourself without saying a thing. Design a mood board that represents your current state of mind, goals, or aesthetic. Incorporate images, quotes, and colors that capture the essence of your chosen theme. It’s like a window into your soul, but with way better visuals.

Social Media Profiles

Social media is a wild place. But have you ever wondered what it would be like if historical figures or fictional characters had their own profiles? Now’s your chance to find out. Create a mock social media profile for a famous person from the past or a beloved character, complete with status updates, likes, and comments that align with their personality. It’s like fan fiction, but with a 21st-century twist.

Fun Interactive Ideas for Your Presentation

There are plenty of fun presentation ideas out there, but what about interactive ones? Luckily for you, we have some in store. The best part is you don’t need a Hollywood budget or a degree in computer science to make it happen. All it takes is a dash of creativity and some smart planning, and you’ll be delivering top-notch interactive presentations in no time.

Childhood Photos

Liven up your next presentation with this interactive idea: request childhood photos from your audience beforehand. Incorporate these snapshots into your slides, and create a story that ties all of them together. Your audience will love the personal touch, and it’ll spark conversations and connections that last long after the presentation ends. Afterwards, you can even have people share the background behind their photo(s). Not only does this fun presentation idea allow people to share nostalgic stories, but it also gives people the chance to learn about the others better.

Unpopular Opinions

Another fun interactive presentation idea is to poll your audience on their unpopular opinions. This works especially well if you’re already presenting on a topic that people tend to have strong feelings about, like politics or pop culture. Create a list of controversial statements related to your topic, then ask your audience to vote on whether they agree or disagree with each one.

For instance, say you’re giving a presentation on social media marketing, and you decide to poll the audience on statements like “Instagram outshines Twitter.” In addition to engaging your audience, throwing in a few interactive polls can also help you gauge what they already know about your topic.

Conspiracy Theories

Here’s a pro tip: if you want to make your presentation unforgettable, then ask your audience about conspiracy theories connected to your topic. People love sharing their favorite theories, and it’s a fantastic way to break the ice and get everyone talking. Take those theories and run with them—you’ll be surprised at how much fun everyone has.

For instance, say you’re giving a presentation on media literacy. By asking people to share the wildest conspiracy theory they’ve ever heard, you can then break down the elements that made it seem compelling (even if it wasn’t true). You can then use conspiracy theories as a way to talk about the importance of critical thinking. It’s a fun way to get people thinking about how media messages are constructed and how to spot misinformation.

Here’s the secret to making interactive presentation ideas work: keep them on-topic and audience-appropriate. Quizzes and polls are awesome, but only if they drive home your key points. And here’s the really important part—have fun up there! After all, if you’re loving what you’re talking about, your audience will too.

Powerpoint Night Theme Ideas for Your Friend Group

When it comes to planning a PowerPoint night with your besties, the possibilities are endless. But sometimes, having too many options can be overwhelming. That’s where themed nights come in clutch.

Selecting a theme for your PowerPoint party isn’t just about limiting the scope of presentation topics; it’s a chance to inject more fun and originality into the event. It also provides a unique opportunity to strengthen your bond with your friend group by learning about their experiences and interests. Let’s take a look at some fun theme ideas for your next PowerPoint presentation night.

Favorite Memory

Take a trip down memory lane and have each friend share their favorite memory with the group. It could be a hilarious inside joke, an epic adventure you all went on together, or a heartwarming moment that brought you closer.

TV Characters You Relate To

We all have that one TV character that we see a little bit of ourselves in. Have each friend choose a character they identify with most and explain why. It could be a shared personality trait, a similar life experience, or just a general vibe.

Lessons Learned

Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes the most valuable lessons come from the hardest experiences. Have each friend share a life lesson they’ve learned and how it’s impacted them. It could be a lesson about love, friendship, career, or personal growth. The key is to be vulnerable and honest.

Create a “Starter Pack”

Starter packs are a popular meme format that typically include a collection of items, traits, or experiences that are associated with a particular type of person or group. Have each friend create a starter pack meme that represents their personality, interests, or quirks. It’s a fun way to sum up who you are in a visual way and bond over your shared (or contrasting) starter packs.

The beauty of PowerPoint nights is that there are no rules. No matter which theme you choose, the most important thing is to have fun and let your creativity shine.

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Tips for Making Your PowerPoint Night Memorable

If it’s your first time hosting a PowerPoint night, then we have some tips to make sure yours runs smoothly. We’re not just talking fun presentation ideas, but ways to make the whole event exciting and engaging. Let’s take a look at some of these tips.

Incorporating Music

A good playlist can set the tone for the entire night and keep the energy up between presentations. Consider creating a collaborative playlist ahead of time and ask everyone to add a few songs that fit the theme of the night. That way, everyone feels like they’re part of the process and you get a diverse mix of tunes.

Adding Humor

Of course, the most important element of any Powerpoint night is humor. The whole point is to make people laugh, so don’t be afraid to get a little weird with it. Encourage people to use memes, GIFs, and inside jokes in their presentations.

Encouraging Storytelling

Never forget the magic of a good story. The most unforgettable PowerPoint night presentations are the ones where the presenter opens up and shares personal tales and experiences. It’s an amazing opportunity to deepen your bonds with friends and create a warm, intimate atmosphere that brings everyone closer together.

At the end of the day, the most memorable PowerPoint nights are the ones where everyone feels like they’re part of something special. So don’t be afraid to get creative, take risks, and let your personality shine through. With a little bit of planning and a lot of laughter, your PowerPoint night is sure to be a fun one.

FAQs on Fun Presentation Ideas

What can i make a fun presentation about.

Dive into “A Day as Your Pet” or explore “If Historical Figures Had Instagram.” Keep it light and funny.

What is an interesting topic for presentation?

“The Science of Superheroes” hooks almost anyone. It’s cool, quirky, and sparks imagination.

How to creatively present a presentation?

Mix in memes, tell stories instead of listing facts, and maybe even throw in a mini-quiz. Engage your audience.

What is a good 5 minute presentation?

Pick something like “Weird Laws Around the World.” It’s snappy, surprising, and easy to chat about quickly.

And there you have it—12 fun presentation ideas that’ll take your next PowerPoint night to the next level. Whether you’re bonding over cringey childhood memories or debating the merits of your favorite conspiracy theories, these themes are sure to bring the laughs and create some unforgettable moments with your friends.

Remember, the key to a successful PowerPoint night is to let your personality shine through. Don’t be afraid to get a little weird, a little vulnerable, and a whole lot creative. Your friends will love you for it, and you might just discover a hidden talent for comedy along the way.

So what are you waiting for? Pick a theme, fire up your favorite presentation software, and get ready to wow your crowd with your hilarious PowerPoint skills. Trust us, your friends will be begging for an encore performance in no time!

  • Last Updated: May 23, 2024

Picture of The Speaker Lab

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Best Father in The World Day Slides

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Best Father in The World Day Presentation

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Celebrate the superhero in your life with our eye-catching “Dad of the Year” slideshow template! Perfect for anyone looking to share heartwarming memories, hilarious dad jokes, or simply highlight why their father is the top guy. This vibrant, yellow-themed presentation, complete with stunning 3D graphics, is your go-to for creating a memorable tribute this Father’s Day or any day you feel like showing some extra love. Whip up a slideshow that’ll have him beaming with pride in no time. Ideal for family gatherings, surprise parties, or as a unique gift that beats the usual tie or socks!

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Johnson & Johnson advances leadership in oncology innovation with more than 75 clinical study and real-world presentations at ASCO and EHA

Paloma-3 presentation of subcutaneous amivantamab and lazertinib selected to showcase cutting-edge approaches in lung cancer during prestigious “best of asco” program new data showcase first- and -best-in-class, complementary multiple myeloma therapies, including darzalex ® (daratumumab), carvykti ® (ciltacabtagene autoleucel; cilta-cel), tecvayli ® (teclistamab-cqyv) and talvey ® (talquetamab-tgvs).

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RARITAN, N.J., May 23, 2024 – Johnson & Johnson announced today that the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting will feature 34 clinical study and real-world evidence presentations from the Company’s hematologic malignancies and solid tumor oncology product portfolio and pipeline. Additionally, 43 abstracts will be presented at the European Hematology Association (EHA) 2024 Congress the following week. Eighteen oral presentations across both meetings include new data from pivotal trials and updated clinical data in lung cancer, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, multiple myeloma, and B-cell and myeloid malignancies.

“Our data at ASCO and EHA this year demonstrate our long-standing commitment to advance the treatment of solid tumors and blood cancers with the goal of transforming outcomes for those who battle with these complex diseases,” said Yusri Elsayed, M.D., M.H.Sc., Ph.D., Global Therapeutic Head, Oncology, Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine. “With a legacy in oncology innovation spanning three decades, our mission to redefine the standard of care in hematologic malignancies and solid tumors has never been stronger as we work every day to get in front of cancer.”

“With nearly 20 million people diagnosed annually worldwide, we innovate with purpose to lead where medicine is going and ultimately transform outcomes for people living with cancer,” said Biljana Naumovic, U.S. President, Oncology, Solid Tumor, Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine. “This year, we look forward to presenting data that represent our commitment to unlocking the value of innovation in treatment across a range of difficult-to-treat cancers, disease stages and risk factors for patients who have limited options.”

Key Data Presentations

Lung Cancer at ASCO

  • Late-breaking results from the Phase 3 PALOMA-3 study evaluating subcutaneous amivantamab combined with lazertinib in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with epidermal growth factor receptor ( EGFR ) exon 19 deletion (ex19del) or L858R mutations ( Oral Abstract #LBA8505 )
  • Data from the Phase 2 PALOMA-2 study evaluating subcutaneous amivantamab combined with lazertinib as first-line treatment in patients with advanced NSCLC with EGFR ex19del or L858R mutations ( Poster Abstract #LBA8612 )
  • Subgroup analysis from the landmark Phase 3 MARIPOSA study evaluating first-line treatment with RYBREVANT ® (amivantamab-vmjw) and lazertinib in patients exhibiting high-risk clinical and biological features commonly observed in EGFR -mutant advanced NSCLC, who typically experience poorer outcomes ( Oral Abstract #8504 )
  • Results from Cohort C of the CHRYSALIS-2 study evaluating RYBREVANT ® plus lazertinib in patients with atypical EGFR -mutant advanced NSCLC who were treatment-naïve or received two or fewer prior lines of treatment ( Oral Abstract #8516 )

Prostate Cancer at ASCO

  • First presentation of data from the first-in-human Phase 1 study evaluating JNJ-69086420 , a first-in-class radioligand therapy, targeting human kallikrein 2 (hK2) with an actinium-225 ( 225 Ac)-labeled antibody to treat patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer ( Oral Abstract #5010 )

Bladder Cancer at ASCO

  • An analysis of fibroblast growth factor receptor ( FGFR ) alterations in patients who develop locally advanced metastatic urothelial cancer (mUC) and their association with tumor subtype and clinical outcomes in patients treated with BALVERSA ® (erdafitinib) versus pembrolizumab ( Poster Abstract #4578 )

Multiple Myeloma at ASCO and EHA

ASCO Highlights

  • Additional analyses from the Phase 3 PERSEUS study assessing the impact of DARZALEX FASPRO ® (daratumumab and hyaluronidase-fihj) for induction and consolidation treatment and maintenance therapy on deepening minimal residual disease (MRD) response, sustained MRD and progression-free survival based on reaching MRD in patients who are transplant-eligible with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma ( Oral Abstract #7502 )
  • Analysis of data from the Phase 3 CARTITUDE-4 study of CARVYKTI ® (ciltacabtagene autoleucel; cilta-cel) investigating the subgroup of patients with functional high-risk multiple myeloma treated with CARVYKTI ® as second-line therapy ( Oral Abstract #7504 )
  • Results from the Phase 2 CARTITUDE-2 Cohort D study of CARVYKTI ® investigating the efficacy and safety of CARVYKTI ® with lenalidomide maintenance in patients with suboptimal response to frontline autologous stem cell transplant ( Oral Abstract #7505 )
  • Updated analysis with longer-term follow-up from the Phase 1/2 MajesTEC-1 study of TECVAYLI ® in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma receiving prophylactic tocilizumab for the reduction of cytokine release syndrome ( Oral Abstract #7517 )
  • Long-term follow-up data from the Phase 1/2 MajesTEC-1 study of TECVAYLI ® in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma ( Poster Abstract #7540 )
  • First data from safety run in from the Phase 3 MajesTEC-7 study of TECVAYLI ® in patients with transplant ineligible/not intended newly diagnosed multiple myeloma ( Oral Abstract #7506 )
  • First data from the Phase 2 OPTec study evaluating outpatient step-up administration of TECVAYLI ® using prophylactic tocilizumab in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma ( Poster Abstract #7528 )

EHA Highlights

  • Data from the Phase 3 PERSEUS study assessing the impact of DARZALEX FASPRO ® (daratumumab and hyaluronidase-fihj) for induction and consolidation treatment and maintenance therapy on deepening minimal residual disease (MRD) response, sustained MRD and progression-free survival based on reaching MRD in patients who are transplant-eligible with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma ( Oral Abstract #S201 )
  • Final overall survival analysis from the Phase 3 MAIA study evaluating DARZALEX ® plus lenalidomide and dexamethasone compared to lenalidomide and dexamethasone in transplant-ineligible patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma ( Poster Abstract #P968 )
  • Six-year follow-up data from the Phase 3 CASSIOPEIA study evaluating DARZALEX ® in combination with bortezomib, thalidomide and dexamethasone (D-VTd) followed by an every 8 week DARZALEX ® maintenance regimen in transplant-eligible, newly diagnosed multiple myeloma ( Oral Abstract #S204 )
  • Long-term efficacy and safety results from the Phase 1/2 MonumenTAL-1 study of TALVEY ® (talquetamab-tgvs) in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma ( Poster Abstract #P915 )
  • Safety and efficacy results from the Phase 1b MonumenTAL-2 study evaluating TALVEY ® in combination with pomalidomide in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma ( Poster Abstract #P911 )
  • Results from the MajesTEC-1 study evaluating TECVAYLI ® in patients with high-risk relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma, and the clinical benefit and durability of TECVAYLI ® ( Poster Abstract #P923 )

B-Cell Malignancies at ASCO and EHA

  • Outcomes in high-risk subgroups after 5.5 years of follow-up from the Phase 2 CAPTIVATE study evaluating fixed-duration IMBRUVICA ® (ibrutinib) plus venetoclax in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) ( Oral Abstract #7009 )
  • Efficacy and safety results from the Phase 3 SYMPATICO study of IMBRUVICA ® plus venetoclax in patients with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) and TP53 mutations ( Oral Abstract #7007 )
  • Ten-year follow-up data from the Phase 3 RESONATE-2 study evaluating first-line IMBRUVICA ® treatment in patients with CLL/SLL ( Poster Abstract #P670 )
  • Presentation of outcomes in high-risk subgroups after 5.5 years of follow-up from the Phase 2 CAPTIVATE study evaluating fixed-duration IMBRUVICA ® plus venetoclax in patients with CLL/SLL ( Poster Abstract #P675 )
  • Comparison of overall survival between patients with CLL treated with first-line IMBRUVICA ® to an age-matched European population ( Poster Abstract #P664 )
  • Presentation of efficacy and safety results from the Phase 3 SYMPATICO study of IMBRUVICA ® plus venetoclax in patients with MCL and TP53 mutations ( Poster Abstract #P1128 )

Myeloid Malignancies at EHA

  • Data from the Phase 1b study of the Menin-KMT2a inhibitor JNJ-75276617 in combination with venetoclax and azacitidine in patients with relapsed or refractory acute myeloid leukemia harboring certain genetic alterations ( Oral Abstract #S133 )

Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia at EHA

  • Data from a real-world longitudinal population-based study reporting on overall survival and the use of conventional treatments, including corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, in Swedish patients with primary or secondary warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (wAIHA) ( Poster Abstract # P1545 )

Johnson & Johnson presentations at ASCO 2024 Annual Meeting:

Johnson & Johnson presentations at EHA 2024 Congress:


RYBREVANT ® (amivantamab-vmjw), a fully-human bispecific antibody targeting EGFR and MET with immune cell-directing activity, is approved in the U.S. , Europe , and in other markets around the world as monotherapy for the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC with EGFR exon 20 insertion mutations, as detected by an FDA-approved test, whose disease has progressed on or after platinum-based chemotherapy. 1

RYBREVANT ® is also approved in the U.S. in combination with chemotherapy (carboplatin and pemetrexed) for the first-line treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC with EGFR exon 20 insertion mutations, as detected by an FDA-approved test. In October 2023, a type II extension of indication application was submitted to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) seeking approval of RYBREVANT ® for this indication.

In December 2023, Johnson & Johnson submitted a supplemental Biologics License Application (sBLA) together with a New Drug Application (NDA) to the U.S. FDA for RYBREVANT ® in combination with lazertinib for the first-line treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC with EGFR exon 19 deletions or L858R substitution mutations, as detected by an FDA-approved test. This submission is based on the Phase 3 MARIPOSA study and was granted Priority Review in February 2024. A marketing authorization application (MAA) and type II extension of indication application were also submitted to the EMA seeking approval of lazertinib in combination with RYBREVANT ® based on the MARIPOSA study.

In November 2023, Johnson & Johnson submitted an sBLA to the U.S. FDA for RYBREVANT ® in combination with chemotherapy for the treatment of patients with EGFR -mutated NSCLC who progressed on or after osimertinib based on the MARIPOSA-2 study. A type II extension of indication application was also submitted to the EMA seeking approval of RYBREVANT ® for this indication.

The NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines ® ) for NSCLC § prefer next-generation sequencing–based strategies over polymerase chain reaction–based approaches for the detection of EGFR exon 20 insertion variants. The NCCN Guidelines include:

  • Amivantamab-vmjw (RYBREVANT ® ) plus carboplatin and pemetrexed as a preferred (Category 1 recommendation) first-line therapy in treatment-naive patients with newly diagnosed advanced or metastatic EGFR exon 20 insertion mutation-positive advanced NSCLC, or as a subsequent therapy option (Category 2A recommendation) for patients that have progressed on or after platinum-based chemotherapy with or without immunotherapy and have EGFR exon 20 insertion mutation-positive advanced NSCLC. 2 †‡
  • Amivantamab-vmjw (RYBREVANT ® ) plus chemotherapy as a preferred (Category 1 recommendation) subsequent therapy for patients with locally advanced or metastatic NCSLC with EGFR exon 19 deletions or exon 21 L858R mutations who experienced disease progression after treatment with osimertinib. 2 †‡
  • Amivantamab-vmjw (RYBREVANT ® ) as a subsequent therapy option (Category 2A recommendation) for patients that have progressed on or after platinum-based chemotherapy with or without an immunotherapy and have EGFR exon 20 insertion mutation-positive NSCLC. 2 †‡

RYBREVANT ® is being studied in multiple clinical trials in NSCLC, including:

  • The Phase 3 PAPILLON ( NCT04538664 ) study assessing RYBREVANT ® in combination with carboplatin-pemetrexed versus chemotherapy alone in the first-line treatment of patients with advanced or metastatic NSCLC with EGFR exon 20 insertion mutations. Topline data for this randomized Phase 3 study demonstrated statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvement in progression-free survival (PFS) in patients receiving RYBREVANT ® . 3
  • The Phase 3 MARIPOSA-2 ( NCT04988295 ) study assessing the efficacy of RYBREVANT ® (with or without lazertinib) and carboplatin-pemetrexed versus carboplatin-pemetrexed alone in patients with locally advanced or metastatic EGFR ex19del or L858R substitution NSCLC after disease progression on or after osimertinib. Topline data for this randomized Phase 3 study demonstrated statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvement in PFS in these patients receiving RYBREVANT ® plus chemotherapy with and without lazertinib versus chemotherapy. 4
  • The Phase 3 MARIPOSA ( NCT04487080 ) study assessing RYBREVANT ® in combination with lazertinib versus osimertinib and versus lazertinib alone in the first-line treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC with EGFR ex19del or L858R substitution mutations. Topline data for this randomized Phase 3 study demonstrated statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvement in PFS in patients receiving RYBREVANT ® plus lazertinib versus osimertinib. 5
  • The Phase 1 CHRYSALIS ( NCT02609776 ) study evaluating RYBREVANT ® in patients with advanced NSCLC. 6
  • The Phase 1/1b CHRYSALIS-2 ( NCT04077463 ) study evaluating RYBREVANT ® in combination with lazertinib and lazertinib as a monotherapy in patients with advanced NSCLC with EGFR mutations. 7
  • The Phase 1 PALOMA ( NCT04606381 ) study assessing the feasibility of subcutaneous administration of amivantamab based on safety and pharmacokinetics and to determine a dose, dose regimen and formulation for amivantamab subcutaneous delivery. 8
  • The Phase 2 PALOMA-2 ( NCT05498428 ) study assessing subcutaneous amivantamab in patients with advanced or metastatic solid tumors including EGFR -mutated NSCLC. 9
  • The Phase 3 PALOMA-3 ( NCT05388669 ) study assessing lazertinib with subcutaneous amivantamab compared to intravenous amivantamab in patients with EGFR -mutated advanced or metastatic NSCLC. 10
  • The Phase 1/2 METalmark ( NCT05488314 ) study assessing RYBREVANT ® and capmatinib combination therapy in locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC. 11
  • The Phase 1/2 PolyDamas ( NCT05908734 ) study assessing RYBREVANT ® and cetrelimab combination therapy in locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC. 12
  • The Phase 2 SKIPPirr study ( NCT05663866 ) exploring how to decrease the incidence and/or severity of first-dose infusion-related reactions with RYBREVANT ® in combination with lazertinib in relapsed or refractory EGFR -mutated advanced or metastatic NSCLC. 13

For more information, visit: .


ERLEADA ® (apalutamide) is an androgen receptor inhibitor indicated for the treatment of patients with non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC) and for the treatment of patients with metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC). 14 ERLEADA ® received U.S. Food and Administration (FDA) approval for nmCRPC in February 2018 and received U.S. FDA approval for mCSPC in September 2019. To date, more than 200,000 patients worldwide have been treated with ERLEADA ® . Additional studies are ongoing in the evaluation of ERLEADA ® for the treatment of localized high-risk or locally advanced prostate cancer including the Phase 3 ATLAS 15 ( NCT02531516 ) and PROTEUS ( NCT03767244 ) studies.

For more information, visit .


BALVERSA ® (erdafitinib) is a once-daily, oral FGFR kinase inhibitor indicated for the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or mUC with susceptible fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3 ) genetic alterations whose disease has progressed on or after at least one line of prior systemic therapy. BALVERSA ® is not recommended for the treatment of patients who are eligible for and have not received prior PD-1 or PD-(L)1 inhibitor therapy. 15 Patients are selected for therapy based on an FDA-approved companion diagnostic for BALVERSA ® . Information on FDA-approved tests for the detection of FGFR genetic alterations in urothelial cancer is available at: .

BALVERSA ® received Breakthrough Therapy Designation from the U.S. FDA in 2018 and received full approval in 2024 for the treatment of adults with locally advanced or mUC that has susceptible FGFR3 or fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) genetic alterations and who have progressed during or following at least one line of prior platinum-containing chemotherapy, including within 12 months of neoadjuvant or adjuvant platinum-containing chemotherapy. 16 Full approval was based on the clinical and overall survival benefited in the Phase 3 THOR study.

The Company submitted a marketing authorization application to the European Medicines Agency in September 2023 for BALVERSA ® as a treatment for adult patients with FGFR3-altered , locally advanced unresectable or mUC that has progressed following therapy with a PD-L1 inhibitor.

In 2008, Janssen Pharmaceuticals entered into an exclusive worldwide license and collaboration agreement with Astex Pharmaceuticals to develop and commercialize BALVERSA ® .

For more information, visit .

About CARVYKTI ® (ciltacabtagene autoleucel; cilta-cel)

CARVYKTI ® (cilta-cel) received U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval in February 2022 for the treatment of adults with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma after four or more prior lines of therapy, including a proteasome inhibitor, an immunomodulatory agent, and an anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody. 17 CARVYKTI ® is now approved in the U.S. for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory myeloma who have received at least one prior line of therapy including a proteasome inhibitor, an immunomodulatory agent, and who are refractory to lenalidomide. In addition to a unanimous (11 to 0) FDA Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee (ODAC) recommendation in support of this new indication, in April 2024, the European Commission approved a Type II variation for CARVYKTI ® for the treatment of adults with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma who have received at least one prior therapy, including an immunomodulatory agent and a proteasome inhibitor, have demonstrated disease progression on the last therapy, and are refractory to lenalidomide. CARVYKTI ® is a B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA)-directed, genetically modified autologous T-cell immunotherapy, which involves reprogramming a patient’s own T-cells with a transgene encoding chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) that directs the CAR positive T cells to eliminate cells that express BCMA. BCMA is primarily expressed on the surface of malignant multiple myeloma B-lineage cells, as well as late-stage B cells and plasma cells. The CARVYKTI ® CAR protein features two BCMA-targeting single domains designed to confer high avidity against human BCMA. Upon binding to BCMA-expressing cells, the CAR promotes T-cell activation, expansion, and elimination of target cells.

In December 2017, Janssen Biotech, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson company, entered into an exclusive worldwide license and collaboration agreement with Legend Biotech USA, Inc. to develop and commercialize CARVYKTI ® .

For more information, visit .


DARZALEX FASPRO ® (daratumumab and hyaluronidase-fihj) received U.S. FDA approval in May 2020 and is approved for eight indications in multiple myeloma, three of which are for frontline treatment in newly diagnosed patients who are transplant eligible or ineligible. 18 It is the only subcutaneous CD38-directed antibody approved to treat patients with MM. DARZALEX FASPRO ® is co-formulated with recombinant human hyaluronidase PH20 (rHuPH20), Halozyme’s ENHANZE ® drug delivery technology.

DARZALEX ® (daratumumab) received U.S. FDA approval in November 2015 and is approved in eight indications, three of which are in the frontline setting, including newly diagnosed patients who are transplant eligible and ineligible. 19

DARZALEX ® is the first CD38-directed antibody approved to treat multiple myeloma. 20 DARZALEX ® -based regimens have been used in the treatment of more than 518,000 patients worldwide and more than 68,000 patients in the U.S. alone.

In August 2012 , Janssen Biotech, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson company, and Genmab A/S entered a worldwide agreement, which granted Janssen an exclusive license to develop, manufacture and commercialize daratumumab.

Since 2020, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network ® (NCCN ® ) has recommended daratumumab-based combination regimens for the treatment of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma and relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma. † For newly diagnosed multiple myeloma, the NCCN ® guidelines recommend daratumumab in combination with lenalidomide and dexamethasone as a Category 1 preferred regimen in non-transplant candidates; daratumumab in combination with bortezomib, melphalan, and prednisone as another recommended Category 1 regimen for non-transplant candidates; and daratumumab in combination with bortezomib, thalidomide and dexamethasone as a Category 2A regimen useful in certain circumstances for transplant candidates. In relapsed/refractory myeloma, four daratumumab regimens are listed as Category 1 preferred regimens for early relapses (1-3 prior therapies): daratumumab in combination with lenalidomide and dexamethasone; daratumumab in combination with bortezomib and dexamethasone; daratumumab in combination with carfilzomib and dexamethasone; and daratumumab in combination with pomalidomide and dexamethasone [after one prior therapy including lenalidomide and a proteasome inhibitor (PI)]. The NCCN ® also recommends daratumumab in combination with cyclophosphamide, bortezomib and dexamethasone as another Category 2A regimen for early relapses (1-3 prior therapies) and as monotherapy as a Category 2A regimen useful in certain circumstances for early relapse patients after at least three prior therapies, including a PI and an immunomodulatory agent, or for patients who are double refractory to a PI and an immunomodulatory agent.

For more information, visit .


TECVAYLI ® (teclistamab-cqyv) received approval from the U.S. FDA in October 2022 as an off-the-shelf (or ready-to-use) antibody that is administered as a subcutaneous treatment for adult patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM) who have received at least four prior lines of therapy, including a proteasome inhibitor, an immunomodulatory agent and an anti-CD38 antibody. 2 The European Commission (EC) granted TECVAYLI ® conditional marketing authorization (CMA) in August 2022 as monotherapy for the treatment of adult patients with RRMM who have received at least three prior therapies, including a proteasome inhibitor, an immunomodulatory agent and an anti-CD38 antibody, and have demonstrated disease progression since the last therapy. In August 2023, the EC granted the approval of a Type II variation application for TECVAYLI ® , providing the option for a reduced dosing frequency of 1.5 mg/kg every two weeks in patients who have achieved a complete response (CR) or better for a minimum of six months. TECVAYLI ® is a first-in-class, bispecific T-cell engager antibody therapy that uses innovative science to activate the immune system by binding to the CD3 receptor expressed on the surface of T-cells and to the B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA) expressed on the surface of multiple myeloma cells and some healthy B-lineage cells. In February 2024, the U.S. FDA approved the supplemental Biologics License Application (sBLA) for TECVAYLI ® for a reduced dosing frequency of 1.5 mg/kg every two weeks (Q2W) in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma who have achieved and maintained a CR or better for a minimum of six months.

For more information, visit .


IMBRUVICA ® (ibrutinib) is a once-daily oral medication that is jointly developed and commercialized by Janssen Biotech, Inc., and Pharmacyclics LLC, an AbbVie company. IMBRUVICA ® blocks the BTK protein, which is needed by normal and abnormal B cells, including specific cancer cells, to multiply and spread. By blocking BTK, IMBRUVICA ® may help move abnormal B cells out of their nourishing environments and inhibit their proliferation. 21, 22, 23

IMBRUVICA ® is approved in more than 100 countries and has been used to treat almost 300,000 patients worldwide over the last decade. There are more than 50 company-sponsored clinical trials, including 18 Phase 3 studies, spanning more than 11 years evaluating the efficacy and safety of IMBRUVICA ® .

IMBRUVICA ® was first approved by the U.S. FDA in November 2013, and today is indicated for adult patients in four disease areas. These include indications to treat adults with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)/small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) with or without 17p deletion (del17p); adults with Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia (WM); and adult and pediatric patients aged one year and older with previously treated chronic graft versus host disease (cGVHD) after failure of one or more lines of systemic therapy. 24

About TALVEY ®

TALVEY ® (talquetamab-tgvs) received approval from the U.S. FDA in August 2023 as a first-in-class bispecific antibody for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma who have received at least four prior lines of therapy, including a proteasome inhibitor, an immunomodulatory agent, and an anti-CD38 antibody. 25 The European Commission (EC) has granted conditional marketing authorization (CMA) of TALVEY ® (talquetamab) in August 2023 as monotherapy for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM) who have received at least three prior therapies, including an immunomodulatory agent, a proteasome inhibitor, and an anti-CD38 antibody, and have demonstrated disease progression on the last therapy. 26

TALVEY ® is a bispecific T-cell engaging antibody that binds to the CD3 receptor expressed on the surface of T cells and G protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member D (GPRC5D), a novel multiple myeloma target which is highly expressed on the surface of multiple myeloma cells and non-malignant plasma cells, as well as some healthy tissues such as epithelial cells of the skin and tongue.

For more information, visit .

About nipocalimab

Nipocalimab is an investigational, high-affinity, fully human, aglycosylated, effectorless, monoclonal antibody that aims to selectively block fragment crystallizable receptor (FcRn) to reduce levels of circulating immunoglobulin G (IgG antibodies, including autoantibodies and alloantibodies that underlie multiple conditions. [27] Nipocalimab is the only FcRn blocker being studied across three key segments in the autoantibody space: Rare Autoantibody diseases (e.g., generalized myasthenia gravis in adults and children, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia, and idiopathic inflammatory myopathies); Maternal Fetal diseases mediated by maternal alloantibodies (e.g., hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn and fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia); and Prevalent Rheumatology (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s disease, and systemic lupus erythematosus). 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36 Blockade of FcRn has the potential to reduce overall IgG including pathogenic alloantibody levels while preserving immune function without causing broad immunosuppression. Blockade of IgG binding to FcRn in the placenta is also believed to prevent transplacental transfer of maternal alloantibodies to the fetus. 37,38



RYBREVANT ® is a bispecific EGF receptor-directed and MET receptor-directed antibody indicated:

  • in combination with carboplatin and pemetrexed for the first-line treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with epidermal growth factor receptor ( EGFR ) exon 20 insertion mutations, as detected by an FDA-approved test.
  • as a single agent for the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC with EGFR exon 20 insertion mutations, as detected by an FDA-approved test, whose disease has progressed on or after platinum-based chemotherapy.


The safety population of RYBREVANT ® with carboplatin and pemetrexed described in Warnings and Precautions was based on 151 patients in the PAPILLON study.

The safety population of RYBREVANT ® as a single agent described in Warnings and Precautions was based on 129 patients in the CHRYSALIS study.

Infusion-Related Reactions

RYBREVANT ® can cause infusion-related reactions (IRR); signs and symptoms of IRR include dyspnea, flushing, fever, chills, nausea, chest discomfort, hypotension, and vomiting.

RYBREVANT ® with Carboplatin and Pemetrexed

RYBREVANT ® in combination with carboplatin and pemetrexed can cause infusion-related reactions. Based on the safety population, infusion-related reactions occurred in 42% of patients treated with RYBREVANT ® in combination with carboplatin and pemetrexed, including Grade 3 (1.3%) adverse reactions. The incidence of infusion modifications due to IRR was 40%, and 0.7% of patients permanently discontinued RYBREVANT ® .

RYBREVANT ® as a Single Agent

Based on the safety population, IRR occurred in 66% of patients treated with RYBREVANT ® as a single agent. Among patients receiving treatment on Week 1 Day 1, 65% experienced an IRR, while the incidence of IRR was 3.4%with the Day 2 infusion, 0.4% with the Week 2 infusion, and cumulatively 1.1% with subsequent infusions. Of the reported IRRs, 97% were Grade 1-2, 2.2% were Grade 3, and 0.4% were Grade 4. The median time to onset was 1 hour (range 0.1 to 18 hours) after start of infusion. The incidence of infusion modifications due to IRR was 62%, and 1.3% of patients permanently discontinued RYBREVANT ® due to IRR.

Premedicate with antihistamines, antipyretics, and glucocorticoids and infuse RYBREVANT ® as recommended. Administer RYBREVANT ® via a peripheral line on Week 1 and Week 2. Monitor patients for any signs and symptoms of infusion reactions during RYBREVANT ® infusion in a setting where cardiopulmonary resuscitation medication and equipment are available. Interrupt infusion if IRR is suspected. Reduce the infusion rate or permanently discontinue RYBREVANT ® based on severity.

Interstitial Lung Disease/Pneumonitis

RYBREVANT ® can cause interstitial lung disease (ILD)/pneumonitis.

Based on the safety population, Grade 3 ILD/pneumonitis occurred in 2.6% of patients treated with RYBREVANT in combination with carboplatin and pemetrexed, all patients required permanent discontinuation.

Based on the safety population, ILD/pneumonitis occurred in 3.3% of patients treated with RYBREVANT ® , with 0.7% of patients experiencing Grade 3 ILD/pneumonitis. Three patients (1%) discontinued RYBREVANT ® due to ILD/pneumonitis.

Monitor patients for new or worsening symptoms indicative of ILD/pneumonitis (e.g., dyspnea, cough, fever). Immediately withhold RYBREVANT ® in patients with suspected ILD/pneumonitis and permanently discontinue if ILD/pneumonitis is confirmed.

Dermatologic Adverse Reactions

RYBREVANT ® can cause rash (including dermatitis acneiform), pruritus and dry skin.

RYBREVANT ® in combination with carboplatin and pemetrexed can cause dermatologic adverse reactions. Based on the safety population, rash occurred in 89% of patients treated with RYBREVANT ® in combination with carboplatin and pemetrexed, including Grade 3 (19%) adverse reactions. Rash leading to dose reductions occurred in 19% of patients, and 2% permanently discontinued RYBREVANT ® and 1.3% discontinued pemetrexed.

Based on the safety population, rash occurred in 74% of patients treated with RYBREVANT ® , including Grade 3 rash in 3.3% of patients. The median time to onset of rash was 14 days (range: 1 to 276 days). Rash leading to dose reduction occurred in 5% of patients, and RYBREVANT ® was permanently discontinued due to rash in 0.7% of patients.

Toxic epidermal necrolysis occurred in one patient (0.3%) treated with RYBREVANT ® as a single agent.

Instruct patients to limit sun exposure during and for 2 months after treatment with RYBREVANT ® . Advise patients to wear protective clothing and use broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen. Alcohol free emollient cream is recommended for dry skin.

If skin reactions develop, start topical corticosteroids and topical and/or oral antibiotics. For Grade 3 reactions, add oral steroids and consider dermatologic consultation. Promptly refer patients presenting with severe rash, atypical appearance or distribution, or lack of improvement within 2 weeks to a dermatologist. Withhold, dose reduce or permanently discontinue RYBREVANT ® based on severity.

Ocular Toxicity

RYBREVANT ® can cause ocular toxicity including keratitis, dry eye symptoms, conjunctival redness, blurred vision, visual impairment, ocular itching, and uveitis.

Based on the safety population RYBREVANT ® in combination with carboplatin and pemetrexed can cause ocular toxicity including blepharitis, dry eye, conjunctival redness, blurred vision, and eye pruritus. All events were Grade 1-2.

Based on the safety population, keratitis occurred in 0.7% and uveitis occurred in 0.3% of patients treated with RYBREVANT ® . All events were Grade 1-2. Promptly refer patients presenting with eye symptoms to an ophthalmologist. Withhold, dose reduce or permanently discontinue RYBREVANT ® based on severity.

Embryo-Fetal Toxicity

Based on its mechanism of action and findings from animal models, RYBREVANT ® can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Administration of other EGFR inhibitor molecules to pregnant animals has resulted in an increased incidence of impairment of embryo-fetal development, embryo lethality, and abortion. Advise females of reproductive potential of the potential risk to the fetus. Advise female patients of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment and for 3 months after the last dose of RYBREVANT ® .

Adverse Reactions

For the 151 patients in the PAPILLON clinical trial who received RYBREVANT ® in combination with carboplatin and pemetrexed the most common adverse reactions (≥ 20%) were rash (90%), nail toxicity (62%), stomatitis (43%), infusion-related reaction (42%), fatigue (42%), edema (40%), constipation (40%), decreased appetite (36%), nausea (36%), COVID-19 (24%), diarrhea (21%), and vomiting (21%). The most common Grade 3 to 4 laboratory abnormalities (≥ 2%) were decreased albumin (7%), increased alanine aminotransferase (4%), increased gamma-glutamyl transferase (4%), decreased sodium (7%), decreased potassium (11%), decreased magnesium (2%), and decreases in white blood cells (17%), hemoglobin (11%), neutrophils (36%), platelets (10%), and lymphocytes (11%).

Serious adverse reactions occurred in 37% of patients who received RYBREVANT ® in combination with carboplatin and pemetrexed. Serious adverse reactions in ≥ 2% of patients included rash, pneumonia, ILD, pulmonary embolism, vomiting and COVID-19. Fatal adverse reactions occurred in 7 patients (4.6%) due to pneumonia, cerebrovascular accident, cardio-respiratory arrest, COVID-19, sepsis, and death not otherwise specified.

For the 129 patients in the CHRYSALIS clinical trial who received RYBREVANT ® as a single agent the most common adverse reactions (≥20%) were rash (84%), IRR (64%), paronychia (50%), musculoskeletal pain (47%), dyspnea (37%), nausea (36%), fatigue (33%), edema (27%), stomatitis (26%), cough (25%), constipation (23%), and vomiting (22%). The most common Grade 3 to 4 laboratory abnormalities (≥2%) were decreased lymphocytes (8%), decreased albumin (8%), decreased phosphate (8%), decreased potassium (6%), increased alkaline phosphatase (4.8%), increased glucose (4%), increased gamma-gutamyl transferase (4%), and decreased sodium (4%).

Serious adverse reactions occurred in 30% of patients who received RYBREVANT ® . Serious adverse reactions in ≥ 2% of patients included pulmonary embolism, pneumonitis/ILD, dyspnea, musculoskeletal pain, pneumonia, and muscular weakness. Fatal adverse reactions occurred in 2 patients (1.5%) due to pneumonia and 1 patient (0.8%) due to sudden death.

Please read the full Prescribing Information for RYBREVANT ® .



ERLEADA is an androgen receptor inhibitor indicated for the treatment of patients with:

  • metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC)
  • non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC)

Cerebrovascular and Ischemic Cardiovascular Events — In a randomized study (SPARTAN) of patients with nmCRPC, ischemic cardiovascular events occurred in 3.7% of patients treated with ERLEADA ® and 2% of patients treated with placebo. In a randomized study (TITAN) in patients with mCSPC, ischemic cardiovascular events occurred in 4.4% of patients treated with ERLEADA ® and 1.5% of patients treated with placebo. Across the SPARTAN and TITAN studies, 4 patients (0.3%) treated with ERLEADA ® and 2 patients (0.2%) treated with placebo died from an ischemic cardiovascular event. Patients with history of unstable angina, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, stroke, or transient ischemic attack within 6 months of randomization were excluded from the SPARTAN and TITAN studies.

In the SPARTAN study, cerebrovascular events occurred in 2.5% of patients treated with ERLEADA ® and 1% of patients treated with placebo. In the TITAN study, cerebrovascular events occurred in 1.9% of patients treated with ERLEADA ® and 2.1% of patients treated with placebo. Across the SPARTAN and TITAN studies, 3 patients (0.2%) treated with ERLEADA ® , and 2 patients (0.2%) treated with placebo died from a cerebrovascular event.

Cerebrovascular and ischemic cardiovascular events, including events leading to death, occurred in patients receiving ERLEADA ® . Monitor for signs and symptoms of ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disorders. Optimize management of cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes, or dyslipidemia. Consider discontinuation of ERLEADA ® for Grade 3 and 4 events.

Fractures — In a randomized study (SPARTAN) of patients with nmCRPC, fractures occurred in 12% of patients treated with ERLEADA ® and in 7% of patients treated with placebo. In a randomized study (TITAN) of patients with mCSPC, fractures occurred in 9% of patients treated with ERLEADA ® and in 6% of patients treated with placebo. Evaluate patients for fracture risk. Monitor and manage patients at risk for fractures according to established treatment guidelines and consider use of bone-targeted agents.

Falls — In a randomized study (SPARTAN), falls occurred in 16% of patients treated with ERLEADA ® compared with 9% of patients treated with placebo. Falls were not associated with loss of consciousness or seizure. Falls occurred in patients receiving ERLEADA ® with increased frequency in the elderly. Evaluate patients for fall risk.

Seizure — In two randomized studies (SPARTAN and TITAN), 5 patients (0.4%) treated with ERLEADA ® and 1 patient treated with placebo (0.1%) experienced a seizure. Permanently discontinue ERLEADA ® in patients who develop a seizure during treatment. It is unknown whether anti-epileptic medications will prevent seizures with ERLEADA ® . Advise patients of the risk of developing a seizure while receiving ERLEADA ® and of engaging in any activity where sudden loss of consciousness could cause harm to themselves or others.

Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions — Fatal and life-threatening cases of severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs), including Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS/TEN), and drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) occurred in patients receiving ERLEADA ® .

Monitor patients for the development of SCARs. Advise patients of the signs and symptoms of SCARs (eg, a prodrome of fever, flu-like symptoms, mucosal lesions, progressive skin rash, or lymphadenopathy). If a SCAR is suspected, interrupt ERLEADA ® until the etiology of the reaction has been determined. Consultation with a dermatologist is recommended. If a SCAR is confirmed, or for other Grade 4 skin reactions, permanently discontinue ERLEADA ® [see Dosage and Administration (2.2)].

Embryo-Fetal Toxicity — The safety and efficacy of ERLEADA ® have not been established in females. Based on findings from animals and its mechanism of action, ERLEADA ® can cause fetal harm and loss of pregnancy when administered to a pregnant female. Advise males with female partners of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment and for 3 months after the last dose of ERLEADA ® [see Use in Specific Populations (8.1, 8.3)].

ADVERSE REACTIONS The most common adverse reactions (≥10%) that occurred more frequently in the ERLEADA ® -treated patients (≥2% over placebo) from the randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials (TITAN and SPARTAN) were fatigue, arthralgia, rash, decreased appetite, fall, weight decreased, hypertension, hot flush, diarrhea, and fracture.

Laboratory Abnormalities — All Grades (Grade 3-4)

  • Hematology — In the TITAN study: white blood cell decreased ERLEADA ® 27% (0.4%), placebo 19% (0.6%). In the SPARTAN study: anemia ERLEADA ® 70% (0.4%), placebo 64% (0.5%); leukopenia ERLEADA ® 47% (0.3%), placebo 29% (0%); lymphopenia ERLEADA ® 41% (1.8%), placebo 21% (1.6%)
  • Chemistry — In the TITAN study: hypertriglyceridemia ERLEADA ® 17% (2.5%), placebo 12% (2.3%). In the SPARTAN study: hypercholesterolemia ERLEADA ® 76% (0.1%), placebo 46% (0%); hyperglycemia ERLEADA ® 70% (2%), placebo 59% (1.0%); hypertriglyceridemia ERLEADA ® 67% (1.6%), placebo 49% (0.8%); hyperkalemia ERLEADA ® 32% (1.9%), placebo 22% (0.5%)

Rash — In 2 randomized studies (SPARTAN and TITAN), rash was most commonly described as macular or maculopapular. Adverse reactions of rash were 26% with ERLEADA ® vs 8% with placebo. Grade 3 rashes (defined as covering >30% body surface area [BSA]) were reported with ERLEADA ® treatment (6%) vs placebo (0.5%).

The onset of rash occurred at a median of 83 days. Rash resolved in 78% of patients within a median of 78 days from onset of rash. Rash was commonly managed with oral antihistamines, topical corticosteroids, and 19% of patients received systemic corticosteroids. Dose reduction or dose interruption occurred in 14% and 28% of patients, respectively. Of the patients who had dose interruption, 59% experienced recurrence of rash upon reintroduction of ERLEADA ® .

Hypothyroidism — In 2 randomized studies (SPARTAN and TITAN), hypothyroidism was reported for 8% of patients treated with ERLEADA ® and 1.5% of patients treated with placebo based on assessments of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) every 4 months. Elevated TSH occurred in 25% of patients treated with ERLEADA ® and 7% of patients treated with placebo. The median onset was at the first scheduled assessment. There were no Grade 3 or 4 adverse reactions. Thyroid replacement therapy, when clinically indicated, should be initiated or dose adjusted.


Effect of Other Drugs on ERLEADA ® — Co-administration of a strong CYP2C8 or CYP3A4 inhibitor is predicted to increase the steady-state exposure of the active moieties. No initial dose adjustment is necessary; however, reduce the ERLEADA ® dose based on tolerability [see Dosage and Administration (2.2)].

Effect of ERLEADA ® on Other Drugs CYP3A4, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and UGT Substrates — ERLEADA ® is a strong inducer of CYP3A4 and CYP2C19, and a weak inducer of CYP2C9 in humans. Concomitant use of ERLEADA ® with medications that are primarily metabolized by CYP3A4, CYP2C19, or CYP2C9 can result in lower exposure to these medications. Substitution for these medications is recommended when possible or evaluate for loss of activity if medication is continued. Concomitant administration of ERLEADA ® with medications that are substrates of UDP-glucuronosyl transferase (UGT) can result in decreased exposure. Use caution if substrates of UGT must be co-administered with ERLEADA ® and evaluate for loss of activity.

P-gp, BCRP, or OATP1B1 Substrates — Apalutamide is a weak inducer of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), and organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B1 (OATP1B1) clinically. Concomitant use of ERLEADA ® with medications that are substrates of P-gp, BCRP, or OATP1B1 can result in lower exposure of these medications. Use caution if substrates of P-gp, BCRP, or OATP1B1 must be co-administered with ERLEADA ® and evaluate for loss of activity if medication is continued.

Please see the full Prescribing Information for ERLEADA ® .


BALVERSA is a kinase inhibitor indicated for the treatment of adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC) with susceptible FGFR3 genetic alterations whose disease has progressed on or after at least one line of prior systemic therapy.

Select patients for therapy based on an FDA-approved companion diagnostic for BALVERSA ® .

Limitations of Use

BALVERSA is not recommended for the treatment of patients who are eligible for and have not received prior PD-1 or PD-L1 inhibitor therapy. Information on FDA-approved tests for the detection of FGFR3 genetic alterations in urothelial cancer is available at: .


The safety population described in the Warnings and Precautions reflect a pooled safety population of 479 patients with advanced urothelial cancer and FGFR alterations who received BALVERSA ® .

Ocular Disorders – BALVERSA ® can cause ocular disorders, including central serous retinopathy/retinal pigment epithelial detachment (CSR/RPED) resulting in visual field defect.

CSR/RPED occurred in 22% of patients treated with BALVERSA ® , with a median time to first onset of 46 days. In 104 patients with CSR, 40% required dose interruptions and 56% required dose reductions; 2.9% of BALVERSA ® -treated patients required permanent discontinuation for CSR. Of the 24 patients who restarted BALVERSA ® after dose interruption with or without dose reduction, 67% had recurrence and/or worsening of CSR after restarting. CSR was ongoing in 41% of the 104 patients at the time of last evaluation.

Dry eye symptoms occurred in 26% of BALVERSA ® -treated patients. All patients should receive dry eye prophylaxis with ocular demulcents as needed.

Perform monthly ophthalmological examinations during the first 4 months of treatment and every 3 months afterwards, and urgently at any time for visual symptoms. Ophthalmological examination should include assessment of visual acuity, slit lamp examination, fundoscopy, and optical coherence tomography. Withhold or permanently discontinue BALVERSA ® based on severity and/or ophthalmology exam findings.

Hyperphosphatemia and Soft Tissue Mineralization – BALVERSA ® can cause hyperphosphatemia leading to soft tissue mineralization, cutaneous calcinosis, non-uremic calciphylaxis and vascular calcification. Increases in phosphate levels are a pharmacodynamic effect of BALVERSA ® . Increased phosphate occurred in 73% of BALVERSA ® -treated patients. The median onset time of increased phosphate was 16 days (range: 8–421) after initiating BALVERSA ® . Twenty-four percent of patients received phosphate binders during treatment with BALVERSA ® . Vascular calcification was observed in 0.2% of patients treated with BALVERSA ® .

Monitor for hyperphosphatemia throughout treatment. In all patients, restrict phosphate intake to 600-800 mg daily and avoid concomitant use of agents that may increase serum phosphate levels. If serum phosphate is above 7.0 mg/dL, consider adding an oral phosphate binder until serum phosphate level returns to <7.0 mg/dL. Withhold, dose reduce, or permanently discontinue BALVERSA ® based on duration and severity of hyperphosphatemia.

Embryo-Fetal Toxicity – Based on the mechanism of action and findings in animal reproduction studies, BALVERSA ® can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant female. In a rat embryo-fetal toxicity study, erdafitinib caused malformations and embryo-fetal death at maternal exposures that were less than the human exposures at the maximum human recommended dose based on AUC. Advise pregnant patients of the potential risk to the fetus. Advise female patients of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with BALVERSA ® and for one month after the last dose. Advise male patients with female partners of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with BALVERSA ® and for one month after the last dose.

In this pooled safety population described in Warnings and Precautions, the median duration of treatment was 4.8 months (range: 0.1 to 43 months). The most common (>20%) adverse reactions, including laboratory abnormalities, were increased phosphate, nail disorders, stomatitis, diarrhea, increased creatinine, increased alkaline phosphatase, increased alanine aminotransferase, decreased hemoglobin, decreased sodium, increased aspartate aminotransferase, fatigue, dry mouth, dry skin, decreased phosphate, decreased appetite, dysgeusia, constipation, increased calcium, dry eye, palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome, increased potassium, alopecia, and central serous retinopathy.

In Cohort 1 of the BLC3001 (NCT03390504, THOR) study:

  • Serious adverse reactions occurred in 41% of patients who received BALVERSA ® . Serious reactions in >2% of patients included urinary tract infection (4.4%), hematuria (3.7%), hyponatremia (2.2%), and acute kidney injury (2.2%). Fatal adverse reactions occurred in 4.4% of patients who received BALVERSA ® , including sudden death (1.5%), pneumonia (1.5%), renal failure (0.7%), and cardiorespiratory arrest (0.7%).
  • Permanent discontinuation of BALVERSA ® due to an adverse reaction occurred in 14% of patients. Adverse reactions which resulted in permanent discontinuation of BALVERSA ® in >2% of patients included nail disorders (3%) and eye disorders (2.2%).
  • Dosage interruptions of BALVERSA ® due to an adverse reaction occurred in 72% of patients. Adverse reactions which required dosage interruption in >4% of patients included nail disorders (22%), stomatitis (19%), eye disorders (16%), palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome (15%), diarrhea (10%), hyperphosphatemia (7%), increased aspartate aminotransferase (6%), and increased alanine aminotransferase (5%).
  • Dose reductions of BALVERSA ® due to an adverse reaction occurred in 69% of patients. Adverse reactions which required dose reductions in >4% of patients included nail disorders (27%), stomatitis (19%), eye disorders (17%), palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome (12%), diarrhea (7%), dry mouth (4.4%), and hyperphosphatemia (4.4%).
  • Clinically relevant adverse reactions in <15% of patients who received BALVERSA ® included nausea (15%), pyrexia (15%), epistaxis (13%), vomiting (10%), and arthralgia (10%).

Drug Interactions

Effects of Other Drugs on BALVERSA ®

  • Moderate CYP2C9 or Strong CYP3A4 Inhibitors: Consider alternative agents; however, if co-administration is unavoidable, monitor closely for adverse reactions.
  • Strong CYP3A4 inducers: Avoid co-administration with BALVERSA ® .
  • Moderate CYP3A4 inducers: If co-administration is required at the start of BALVERSA ® treatment, administer BALVERSA ® at a dose of 9 mg daily.
  • Serum phosphate level-altering agents: Avoid co-administration with agents that can alter serum phosphate levels before the initial dose increase period based on serum phosphate levels.

Effect of BALVERSA ® on Other Drugs

  • P-gp substrates: If co-administration is unavoidable, separate BALVERSA ® administration by at least 6 hours before or after administration of P-gp substrates with narrow therapeutic indices.

Please click here to see full BALVERSA ® Prescribing Information.


CARVYKTI ® (ciltacabtagene autoleucel) is a B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA)-directed genetically modified autologous T cell immunotherapy indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma, who have received at least 1 prior line of therapy, including a proteasome inhibitor and an immunomodulatory agent, and are refractory to lenalidomide.


WARNING: CYTOKINE RELEASE SYNDROME, NEUROLOGIC TOXICITIES, HLH/MAS, PROLONGED and RECURRENT CYTOPENIA, and SECONDARY HEMATOLOGICAL MALIGNANCIESCytokine Release Syndrome (CRS), including fatal or life-threatening reactions, occurred in patients following treatment with CARVYKTI ® . Do not administer CARVYKTI ® to patients with active infection or inflammatory disorders. Treat severe or life-threatening CRS with tocilizumab or tocilizumab and corticosteroids.Immune Effector Cell-Associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome (ICANS), which may be fatal or life-threatening, occurred following treatment with CARVYKTI ® , including before CRS onset, concurrently with CRS, after CRS resolution, or in the absence of CRS. Monitor for neurologic events after treatment with CARVYKTI ® . Provide supportive care and/or corticosteroids as needed.Parkinsonism and Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and their associated complications resulting in fatal or life-threatening reactions have occurred following treatment with CARVYKTI ® . Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis/Macrophage Activation Syndrome (HLH/MAS), including fatal and life-threatening reactions, occurred in patients following treatment with CARVYKTI ® . HLH/MAS can occur with CRS or neurologic toxicities.Prolonged and/or recurrent cytopenias with bleeding and infection and requirement for stem cell transplantation for hematopoietic recovery occurred following treatment with CARVYKTI ® . Secondary hematological malignancies, including myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia, have occurred in patients following treatment with CARVYKTI ® . T-cell malignancies have occurred following treatment of hematologic malignancies with BCMA- and CD19-directed genetically modified autologous T-cell immunotherapies, including CARVYKTI ® .CARVYKTI ® is available only through a restricted program under a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) called the CARVYKTI ® REMS Program.

Increased early mortality - In CARTITUDE-4, a (1:1) randomized controlled trial, there was a numerically higher percentage of early deaths in patients randomized to the CARVYKTI ® treatment arm compared to the control arm. Among patients with deaths occurring within the first 10 months from randomization, a greater proportion (29/208; 14%) occurred in the CARVYKTI ® arm compared to (25/211; 12%) in the control arm. Of the 29 deaths that occurred in the CARVYKTI ® arm within the first 10 months of randomization, 10 deaths occurred prior to CARVYKTI ® infusion, and 19 deaths occurred after CARVYKTI ® infusion. Of the 10 deaths that occurred prior to CARVYKTI ® infusion, all occurred due to disease progression, and none occurred due to adverse events. Of the 19 deaths that occurred after CARVYKTI ® infusion, 3 occurred due to disease progression, and 16 occurred due to adverse events. The most common adverse events were due to infection (n=12).

Cytokine release syndrome (CRS), including fatal or life-threatening reactions, occurred following treatment with CARVYKTI ® . Among patients receiving CARVYKTI ® for RRMM in the CARTITUDE-1 & 4 studies (N=285), CRS occurred in 84% (238/285), including ≥Grade 3 CRS (ASCT 2019) in 4% (11/285) of patients. Median time to onset of CRS, any grade, was 7 days (range: 1 to 23 days). CRS resolved in 82% with a median duration of 4 days (range: 1 to 97 days). The most common manifestations of CRS in all patients combined (≥10%) included fever (84%), hypotension (29%) and aspartate aminotransferase increased (11%). Serious events that may be associated with CRS include pyrexia, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, respiratory failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation, capillary leak syndrome, and supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia. CRS occurred in 78% of patients in CARTITUDE-4 (3% Grade 3 to 4) and in 95% of patients in CARTITUDE-1 (4% Grade 3 to 4).

Identify CRS based on clinical presentation. Evaluate for and treat other causes of fever, hypoxia, and hypotension. CRS has been reported to be associated with findings of HLH/MAS, and the physiology of the syndromes may overlap. HLH/MAS is a potentially life-threatening condition. In patients with progressive symptoms of CRS or refractory CRS despite treatment, evaluate for evidence of HLH/MAS.

Ensure that a minimum of two doses of tocilizumab are available prior to infusion of CARVYKTI ® .

Of the 285 patients who received CARVYKTI ® in clinical trials, 53% (150/285) patients received tocilizumab; 35% (100/285) received a single dose, while 18% (50/285) received more than 1 dose of tocilizumab. Overall, 14% (39/285) of patients received at least one dose of corticosteroids for treatment of CRS.

Monitor patients at least daily for 10 days following CARVYKTI ® infusion at a REMS-certified healthcare facility for signs and symptoms of CRS. Monitor patients for signs or symptoms of CRS for at least 4 weeks after infusion. At the first sign of CRS, immediately institute treatment with supportive care, tocilizumab, or tocilizumab and corticosteroids.

Counsel patients to seek immediate medical attention should signs or symptoms of CRS occur at any time.

Neurologic toxicities, which may be severe, life-threatening, or fatal, occurred following treatment with CARVYKTI ® . Neurologic toxicities included ICANS, neurologic toxicity with signs and symptoms of parkinsonism, GBS, immune mediated myelitis, peripheral neuropathies, and cranial nerve palsies. Counsel patients on the signs and symptoms of these neurologic toxicities, and on the delayed nature of onset of some of these toxicities. Instruct patients to seek immediate medical attention for further assessment and management if signs or symptoms of any of these neurologic toxicities occur at any time.

Among patients receiving CARVYKTI ® in the CARTITUDE-1 & 4 studies for RRMM, one or more neurologic toxicities occurred in 24% (69/285), including ≥Grade 3 cases in 7% (19/285) of patients. Median time to onset was 10 days (range: 1 to 101) with 63/69 (91%) of cases developing by 30 days. Neurologic toxicities resolved in 72% (50/69) of patients with a median duration to resolution of 23 days (range: 1 to 544). Of patients developing neurotoxicity, 96% (66/69) also developed CRS. Subtypes of neurologic toxicities included ICANS in 13%, peripheral neuropathy in 7%, cranial nerve palsy in 7%, parkinsonism in 3%, and immune mediated myelitis in 0.4% of the patients.

Immune Effector Cell-associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome (ICANS): Patients receiving CARVYKTI ® may experience fatal or life-threatening ICANS following treatment with CARVYKTI ® , including before CRS onset, concurrently with CRS, after CRS resolution, or in the absence of CRS.

Among patients receiving CARVYKTI ® in the CARTITUDE-1 & 4 studies, ICANS occurred in 13% (36/285), including Grade ≥3 in 2% (6/285) of the patients. Median time to onset of ICANS was 8 days (range: 1 to 28 days). ICANS resolved in 30 of 36 (83%) of patients with a median time to resolution of 3 days (range: 1 to 143 days). Median duration of ICANS was 6 days (range: 1 to 1229 days) in all patients including those with ongoing neurologic events at the time of death or data cut off. Of patients with ICANS 97% (35/36) had CRS. The onset of ICANS occurred during CRS in 69% of patients, before and after the onset of CRS in 14% of patients respectively.

Immune Effector Cell-associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome occurred in 7% of patients in CARTITUDE-4 (0.5% Grade 3) and in 23% of patients in CARTITUDE-1 (3% Grade 3). The most frequent ≥2% manifestations of ICANS included encephalopathy (12%), aphasia (4%), headache (3%), motor dysfunction (3%), ataxia (2%) and sleep disorder (2%).

Monitor patients at least daily for 10 days following CARVYKTI ® infusion at the REMS-certified healthcare facility for signs and symptoms of ICANS. Rule out other causes of ICANS symptoms. Monitor patients for signs or symptoms of ICANS for at least 4 weeks after infusion and treat promptly. Neurologic toxicity should be managed with supportive care and/or corticosteroids as needed.

Parkinsonism: Neurologic toxicity with parkinsonism has been reported in clinical trials of CARVYKTI ® . Among patients receiving CARVYKTI ® in the CARTITUDE-1 & 4 studies, parkinsonism occurred in 3% (8/285), including Grade ≥ 3 in 2% (5/285) of the patients. Median time to onset of parkinsonism was 56 days (range: 14 to 914 days). Parkinsonism resolved in 1 of 8 (13%) of patients with a median time to resolution of 523 days. Median duration of parkinsonism was 243.5 days (range: 62 to 720 days) in all patients including those with ongoing neurologic events at the time of death or data cut off. The onset of parkinsonism occurred after CRS for all patients and after ICANS for 6 patients.

Parkinsonism occurred in 1% of patients in CARTITUDE-4 (no Grade 3 to 4) and in 6% of patients in CARTITUDE-1 (4% Grade 3 to 4).

Manifestations of parkinsonism included movement disorders, cognitive impairment, and personality changes. Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of parkinsonism that may be delayed in onset and managed with supportive care measures. There is limited efficacy information with medications used for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease for the improvement or resolution of parkinsonism symptoms following CARVYKTI ® treatment.

Guillain-Barré syndrome: A fatal outcome following GBS occurred following treatment with CARVYKTI ® despite treatment with intravenous immunoglobulins. Symptoms reported include those consistent with Miller-Fisher variant of GBS, encephalopathy, motor weakness, speech disturbances, and polyradiculoneuritis.

Monitor for GBS. Evaluate patients presenting with peripheral neuropathy for GBS. Consider treatment of GBS with supportive care measures and in conjunction with immunoglobulins and plasma exchange, depending on severity of GBS.

Immune mediated myelitis: Grade 3 myelitis occurred 25 days following treatment with CARVYKTI ® in CARTITUDE-4 in a patient who received CARVYKTI ® as subsequent therapy. Symptoms reported included hypoesthesia of the lower extremities and the lower abdomen with impaired sphincter control. Symptoms improved with the use of corticosteroids and intravenous immune globulin. Myelitis was ongoing at the time of death from other cause.

Peripheral neuropathy occurred following treatment with CARVYKTI ® . Among patients receiving CARVYKTI ® in the CARTITUDE-1 & 4 studies, peripheral neuropathy occurred in 7% (21/285), including Grade ≥3 in 1% (3/285) of the patients. Median time to onset of peripheral neuropathy was 57 days (range: 1 to 914 days). Peripheral neuropathy resolved in 11 of 21 (52%) of patients with a median time to resolution of 58 days (range: 1 to 215 days). Median duration of peripheral neuropathy was 149.5 days (range: 1 to 692 days) in all patients including those with ongoing neurologic events at the time of death or data cut off.

Peripheral neuropathies occurred in 7% of patients in CARTITUDE-4 (0.5% Grade 3 to 4) and in 7% of patients in CARTITUDE-1 (2% Grade 3 to 4). Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathies. Patients who experience peripheral neuropathy may also experience cranial nerve palsies or GBS.

Cranial nerve palsies occurred following treatment with CARVYKTI ® . Among patients receiving CARVYKTI ® in the CARTITUDE-1 & 4 studies, cranial nerve palsies occurred in 7% (19/285), including Grade ≥3 in 1% (1/285) of the patients. Median time to onset of cranial nerve palsies was 21 days (range: 17 to 101 days). Cranial nerve palsies resolved in 17 of 19 (89%) of patients with a median time to resolution of 66 days (range: 1 to 209 days). Median duration of cranial nerve palsies was 70 days (range: 1 to 262 days) in all patients including those with ongoing neurologic events at the time of death or data cut off. Cranial nerve palsies occurred in 9% of patients in CARTITUDE-4 (1% Grade 3 to 4) and in 3% of patients in CARTITUDE-1 (1% Grade 3 to 4).

The most frequent cranial nerve affected was the 7th cranial nerve. Additionally, cranial nerves III, V, and VI have been reported to be affected.

Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of cranial nerve palsies. Consider management with systemic corticosteroids, depending on the severity and progression of signs and symptoms.

Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)/Macrophage Activation Syndrome (MAS): Among patients receiving CARVYKTI ® in the CARTITUDE-1 & 4 studies, HLH/MAS occurred in 1% (3/285) of patients. All events of HLH/MAS had onset within 99 days of receiving CARVYKTI ® , with a median onset of 10 days (range: 8 to 99 days) and all occurred in the setting of ongoing or worsening CRS. The manifestations of HLH/MAS included hyperferritinemia, hypotension, hypoxia with diffuse alveolar damage, coagulopathy and hemorrhage, cytopenia and multi-organ dysfunction, including renal dysfunction and respiratory failure.

Patients who develop HLH/MAS have an increased risk of severe bleeding. Monitor hematologic parameters in patients with HLH/MAS and transfuse per institutional guidelines. Fatal cases of HLH/MAS occurred following treatment with CARVYKTI ® .

HLH is a life-threatening condition with a high mortality rate if not recognized and treated early. Treatment of HLH/MAS should be administered per institutional standards.

CARVYKTI ® REMS: Because of the risk of CRS and neurologic toxicities, CARVYKTI ® is available only through a restricted program under a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) called the CARVYKTI ® REMS.

Further information is available at or 1-844-672-0067.

Prolonged and Recurrent Cytopenias: Patients may exhibit prolonged and recurrent cytopenias following lymphodepleting chemotherapy and CARVYKTI ® infusion.

Among patients receiving CARVYKTI ® in the CARTITUDE-1 & 4 studies, Grade 3 or higher cytopenias not resolved by day 30 following CARVYKTI ® infusion occurred in 62% (176/285) of the patients and included thrombocytopenia 33% (94/285), neutropenia 27% (76/285), lymphopenia 24% (67/285) and anemia 2% (6/285). After Day 60 following CARVYKTI ® infusion 22%, 20%, 5%, and 6% of patients had a recurrence of Grade 3 or 4 lymphopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and anemia respectively, after initial recovery of their Grade 3 or 4 cytopenia. Seventy-seven percent (219/285) of patients had one, two or three or more recurrences of Grade 3 or 4 cytopenias after initial recovery of Grade 3 or 4 cytopenia. Sixteen and 25 patients had Grade 3 or 4 neutropenia and thrombocytopenia, respectively, at the time of death.

Monitor blood counts prior to and after CARVYKTI ® infusion. Manage cytopenias with growth factors and blood product transfusion support according to local institutional guidelines.

Infections: CARVYKTI ® should not be administered to patients with active infection or inflammatory disorders. Severe, life-threatening, or fatal infections, occurred in patients after CARVYKTI ® infusion.

Among patients receiving CARVYKTI ® in the CARTITUDE-1 & 4 studies, infections occurred in 57% (163/285), including ≥Grade 3 in 24% (69/285) of patients. Grade 3 or 4 infections with an unspecified pathogen occurred in 12%, viral infections in 6%, bacterial infections in 5%, and fungal infections in 1% of patients. Overall, 5% (13/285) of patients had Grade 5 infections, 2.5% of which were due to COVID-19. Patients treated with CARVYKTI ® had an increased rate of fatal COVID-19 infections compared to the standard therapy arm.

Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of infection before and after CARVYKTI ® infusion and treat patients appropriately. Administer prophylactic, pre-emptive and/or therapeutic antimicrobials according to the standard institutional guidelines. Febrile neutropenia was observed in 5% of patients after CARVYKTI ® infusion and may be concurrent with CRS. In the event of febrile neutropenia, evaluate for infection and manage with broad-spectrum antibiotics, fluids and other supportive care, as medically indicated. Counsel patients on the importance of prevention measures. Follow institutional guidelines for the vaccination and management of immunocompromised patients with COVID-19.

Viral Reactivation: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation, in some cases resulting in fulminant hepatitis, hepatic failure and death, can occur in patients with hypogammaglobulinemia. Perform screening for Cytomegalovirus (CMV), HBV, hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or any other infectious agents if clinically indicated in accordance with clinical guidelines before collection of cells for manufacturing. Consider antiviral therapy to prevent viral reactivation per local institutional guidelines/clinical practice.

Hypogammaglobulinemia: can occur in patients receiving treatment with CARVYKTI ® . Among patients receiving CARVYKTI ® in the CARTITUDE-1 & 4 studies, hypogammaglobulinemia adverse event was reported in 36% (102/285) of patients; laboratory IgG levels fell below 500mg/dl after infusion in 93% (265/285) of patients. Hypogammaglobulinemia either as an adverse reaction or laboratory IgG level below 500mg/dl, after infusion occurred in 94% (267/285) of patients treated. Fifty six percent (161/285) of patients received intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) post CARVYKTI ® for either an adverse reaction or prophylaxis.

Monitor immunoglobulin levels after treatment with CARVYKTI ® and administer IVIG for IgG <400 mg/dL. Manage per local institutional guidelines, including infection precautions and antibiotic or antiviral prophylaxis.

Use of Live Vaccines: The safety of immunization with live viral vaccines during or following CARVYKTI ® treatment has not been studied. Vaccination with live virus vaccines is not recommended for at least 6 weeks prior to the start of lymphodepleting chemotherapy, during CARVYKTI ® treatment, and until immune recovery following treatment with CARVYKTI ® .

Hypersensitivity Reactions occurred following treatment with CARVYKTI ® . Among patients receiving CARVYKTI ® in the CARTITUDE-1 & 4 studies, hypersensitivity reactions occurred in 5% (13/285), all of which were ≤Grade 2. Manifestations of hypersensitivity reactions included flushing, chest discomfort, tachycardia, wheezing, tremor, burning sensation, non-cardiac chest pain, and pyrexia.

Serious hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, may be due to the dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in CARVYKTI ® . Patients should be carefully monitored for 2 hours after infusion for signs and symptoms of severe reaction. Treat promptly and manage patients appropriately according to the severity of the hypersensitivity reaction.

Secondary Malignancies: Patients treated with CARVYKTI ® may develop secondary malignancies. Among patients receiving CARVYKTI ® in the CARTITUDE-1 & 4 studies, myeloid neoplasms occurred in 5% (13/285) of patients (9 cases of myelodysplastic syndrome, 3 cases of acute myeloid leukemia, and 1 case of myelodysplastic syndrome followed by acute myeloid leukemia). The median time to onset of myeloid neoplasms was 447 days (range: 56 to 870 days) after treatment with CARVYKTI ® . Ten of these 13 patients died following the development of myeloid neoplasms; 2 of the 13 cases of myeloid neoplasm occurred after initiation of subsequent antimyeloma therapy. Cases of myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia have also been reported in the post marketing setting. T-cell malignancies have occurred following treatment of hematologic malignancies with BCMA- and CD19-directed genetically modified autologous T-cell immunotherapies, including CARVYKTI ® . Mature T-cell malignancies, including CAR-positive tumors, may present as soon as weeks following infusions, and may include fatal outcomes.

Monitor life-long for secondary malignancies. In the event that a secondary malignancy occurs, contact Janssen Biotech, Inc. at 1-800-526-7736 for reporting and to obtain instructions on collection of patient samples.

Effects on Ability to Drive and Use Machines: Due to the potential for neurologic events, including altered mental status, seizures, neurocognitive decline or neuropathy, patients receiving CARVYKTI ® are at risk for altered or decreased consciousness or coordination in the 8 weeks following CARVYKTI ® infusion. Advise patients to refrain from driving and engaging in hazardous occupations or activities, such as operating heavy or potentially dangerous machinery during this initial period, and in the event of new onset of any neurologic toxicities.


The most common nonlaboratory adverse reactions (incidence greater than 20%) are pyrexia, cytokine release syndrome, hypogammaglobulinemia, hypotension, musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, infections-pathogen unspecified, cough, chills, diarrhea, nausea, encephalopathy, decreased appetite, upper respiratory tract infection, headache, tachycardia, dizziness, dyspnea, edema, viral infections, coagulopathy, constipation, and vomiting. The most common Grade 3 or 4 laboratory adverse reactions (incidence greater tha

or equal to 50%) include lymphopenia, neutropenia, white blood cell decreased, thrombocytopenia, and anemia.

Please read full Prescribing Information , including Boxed Warning, for CARVYKTI ® .


DARZALEX FASPRO ® (daratumumab and hyaluronidase-fihj) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with multiple myeloma:

  • In combination with bortezomib, melphalan, and prednisone in newly diagnosed patients who are ineligible for autologous stem cell transplant
  • In combination with lenalidomide and dexamethasone in newly diagnosed patients who are ineligible for autologous stem cell transplant and in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma who have received at least one prior therapy
  • In combination with bortezomib, thalidomide, and dexamethasone in newly diagnosed patients who are eligible for autologous stem cell transplant
  • In combination with pomalidomide and dexamethasone in patients who have received at least one prior line of therapy including lenalidomide and a proteasome inhibitor
  • In combination with carfilzomib and dexamethasone in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma who have received one to three prior lines of therapy
  • In combination with bortezomib and dexamethasone in patients who have received at least one prior therapy
  • As monotherapy in patients who have received at least three prior lines of therapy including a proteasome inhibitor (PI) and an immunomodulatory agent or who are double-refractory to a PI and an immunomodulatory agent


DARZALEX FASPRO ® is contraindicated in patients with a history of severe hypersensitivity to daratumumab, hyaluronidase, or any of the components of the formulation.

Hypersensitivity and Other Administration Reactions

Both systemic administration-related reactions, including severe or life-threatening reactions, and local injection-site reactions can occur with DARZALEX FASPRO ® . Fatal reactions have been reported with daratumumab-containing products, including DARZALEX FASPRO ® .

Systemic Reactions

In a pooled safety population of 898 patients with multiple myeloma (N=705) or light chain (AL) amyloidosis (N=193) who received DARZALEX FASPRO ® as monotherapy or in combination, 9% of patients experienced a systemic administration-related reaction (Grade 2: 3.2%, Grade 3: 1%). Systemic administration-related reactions occurred in 8% of patients with the first injection, 0.3% with the second injection, and cumulatively 1% with subsequent injections. The median time to onset was 3.2 hours (range: 4 minutes to 3.5 days). Of the 140 systemic administration-related reactions that occurred in 77 patients, 121 (86%) occurred on the day of DARZALEX FASPRO ® administration. Delayed systemic administration-related reactions have occurred in 1% of the patients.

Severe reactions included hypoxia, dyspnea, hypertension, tachycardia, and ocular adverse reactions, including choroidal effusion, acute myopia, and acute angle closure glaucoma. Other signs and symptoms of systemic administration-related reactions may include respiratory symptoms, such as bronchospasm, nasal congestion, cough, throat irritation, allergic rhinitis, and wheezing, as well as anaphylactic reaction, pyrexia, chest pain, pruritus, chills, vomiting, nausea, hypotension, and blurred vision.

Pre-medicate patients with histamine-1 receptor antagonist, acetaminophen, and corticosteroids. Monitor patients for systemic administration-related reactions, especially following the first and second injections. For anaphylactic reaction or life-threatening (Grade 4) administration-related reactions, immediately and permanently discontinue DARZALEX FASPRO ® . Consider administering corticosteroids and other medications after the administration of DARZALEX FASPRO ® depending on dosing regimen and medical history to minimize the risk of delayed (defined as occurring the day after administration) systemic administration-related reactions.

Ocular adverse reactions, including acute myopia and narrowing of the anterior chamber angle due to ciliochoroidal effusions with potential for increased intraocular pressure or glaucoma, have occurred with daratumumab-containing products. If ocular symptoms occur, interrupt DARZALEX FASPRO ® and seek immediate ophthalmologic evaluation prior to restarting DARZALEX FASPRO ® .

Local Reactions

In this pooled safety population, injection-site reactions occurred in 8% of patients, including Grade 2 reactions in 0.7%. The most frequent (>1%) injection-site reaction was injection-site erythema. These local reactions occurred a median of 5 minutes (range: 0 minutes to 6.5 days) after starting administration of DARZALEX FASPRO ® . Monitor for local reactions and consider symptomatic management.


Daratumumab may increase neutropenia induced by background therapy. Monitor complete blood cell counts periodically during treatment according to manufacturer’s prescribing information for background therapies. Monitor patients with neutropenia for signs of infection. Consider withholding DARZALEX FASPRO ® until recovery of neutrophils. In lower body weight patients receiving DARZALEX FASPRO ® , higher rates of Grade 3-4 neutropenia were observed.


Daratumumab may increase thrombocytopenia induced by background therapy. Monitor complete blood cell counts periodically during treatment according to manufacturer’s prescribing information for background therapies. Consider withholding DARZALEX FASPRO ® until recovery of platelets.

Based on the mechanism of action, DARZALEX FASPRO ® can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. DARZALEX FASPRO ® may cause depletion of fetal immune cells and decreased bone density. Advise pregnant women of the potential risk to a fetus. Advise females with reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with DARZALEX FASPRO ® and for 3 months after the last dose.

The combination of DARZALEX FASPRO ® with lenalidomide, thalidomide, or pomalidomide is contraindicated in pregnant women because lenalidomide, thalidomide, and pomalidomide may cause birth defects and death of the unborn child. Refer to the lenalidomide, thalidomide, or pomalidomide prescribing information on use during pregnancy.

Interference With Serological Testing

Daratumumab binds to CD38 on red blood cells (RBCs) and results in a positive indirect antiglobulin test (indirect Coombs test). Daratumumab-mediated positive indirect antiglobulin test may persist for up to 6 months after the last daratumumab administration. Daratumumab bound to RBCs masks detection of antibodies to minor antigens in the patient’s serum. The determination of a patient’s ABO and Rh blood type are not impacted.

Notify blood transfusion centers of this interference with serological testing and inform blood banks that a patient has received DARZALEX FASPRO ® . Type and screen patients prior to starting DARZALEX FASPRO ® .

Interference With Determination of Complete Response

Daratumumab is a human immunoglobulin G (IgG) kappa monoclonal antibody that can be detected on both the serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) and immunofixation (IFE) assays used for the clinical monitoring of endogenous M-protein. This interference can impact the determination of complete response and of disease progression in some DARZALEX FASPRO ® -treated patients with IgG kappa myeloma protein.

In multiple myeloma, the most common adverse reaction (≥20%) with DARZALEX FASPRO ® monotherapy is upper respiratory tract infection. The most common adverse reactions with combination therapy (≥20% for any combination) include fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, dyspnea, insomnia, headache, pyrexia, cough, muscle spasms, back pain, vomiting, hypertension, upper respiratory tract infection, peripheral sensory neuropathy, constipation, pneumonia, and peripheral edema.

The most common hematology laboratory abnormalities (≥40%) with DARZALEX FASPRO ® are decreased leukocytes, decreased lymphocytes, decreased neutrophils, decreased platelets, and decreased hemoglobin.

Please click here to see the full Prescribing Information.


DARZALEX ® (daratumumab) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with multiple myeloma:

  • In combination with pomalidomide and dexamethasone in patients who have received at least two prior therapies including lenalidomide and a proteasome inhibitor

DARZALEX ® is contraindicated in patients with a history of severe hypersensitivity (eg, anaphylactic reactions) to daratumumab or any of the components of the formulation.

DARZALEX ® can cause severe and/or serious infusion-related reactions including anaphylactic reactions. These reactions can be life‑threatening, and fatal outcomes have been reported. In clinical trials (monotherapy and combination: N=2066), infusion-related reactions occurred in 37% of patients with the Week 1 (16 mg/kg) infusion, 2% with the Week 2 infusion, and cumulatively 6% with subsequent infusions. Less than 1% of patients had a Grade 3/4 infusion-related reaction at Week 2 or subsequent infusions. The median time to onset was 1.5 hours (range: 0 to 73 hours). Nearly all reactions occurred during infusion or within 4 hours of completing DARZALEX ® . Severe reactions have occurred, including bronchospasm, hypoxia, dyspnea, hypertension, tachycardia, headache, laryngeal edema, pulmonary edema, and ocular adverse reactions, including choroidal effusion, acute myopia, and acute angle closure glaucoma. Signs and symptoms may include respiratory symptoms, such as nasal congestion, cough, throat irritation, as well as chills, vomiting, and nausea. Less common signs and symptoms were wheezing, allergic rhinitis, pyrexia, chest discomfort, pruritus, hypotension, and blurred vision.

When DARZALEX ® dosing was interrupted in the setting of ASCT (CASSIOPEIA) for a median of 3.75 months (range: 2.4 to 6.9 months), upon re-initiation of DARZALEX ® , the incidence of infusion-related reactions was 11% for the first infusion following ASCT. Infusion-related reactions occurring at re-initiation of DARZALEX ® following ASCT were consistent in terms of symptoms and severity (Grade 3 or 4: <1%) with those reported in previous studies at Week 2 or subsequent infusions. In EQUULEUS, patients receiving combination treatment (n=97) were administered the first 16 mg/kg dose at Week 1 split over two days, ie, 8 mg/kg on Day 1 and Day 2, respectively. The incidence of any grade infusion-related reactions was 42%, with 36% of patients experiencing infusion-related reactions on Day 1 of Week 1, 4% on Day 2 of Week 1, and 8% with subsequent infusions.

Pre-medicate patients with antihistamines, antipyretics, and corticosteroids. Frequently monitor patients during the entire infusion. Interrupt DARZALEX ® infusion for reactions of any severity and institute medical management as needed. Permanently discontinue DARZALEX ® therapy if an anaphylactic reaction or life-threatening (Grade 4) reaction occurs and institute appropriate emergency care. For patients with Grade 1, 2, or 3 reactions, reduce the infusion rate when re-starting the infusion.

To reduce the risk of delayed infusion-related reactions, administer oral corticosteroids to all patients following DARZALEX ® infusions. Patients with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may require additional post-infusion medications to manage respiratory complications. Consider prescribing short- and long-acting bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Ocular adverse reactions, including acute myopia and narrowing of the anterior chamber angle due to ciliochoroidal effusions with potential for increased intraocular pressure or glaucoma, have occurred with DARZALEX ® infusion. If ocular symptoms occur, interrupt DARZALEX infusion and seek immediate ophthalmologic evaluation prior to restarting DARZALEX ® .

Daratumumab binds to CD38 on red blood cells (RBCs) and results in a positive indirect antiglobulin test (indirect Coombs test). Daratumumab-mediated positive indirect antiglobulin test may persist for up to 6 months after the last daratumumab infusion. Daratumumab bound to RBCs masks detection of antibodies to minor antigens in the patient’s serum. The determination of a patient’s ABO and Rh blood type is not impacted. Notify blood transfusion centers of this interference with serological testing and inform blood banks that a patient has received DARZALEX ® . Type and screen patients prior to starting DARZALEX ® .

Neutropenia and Thrombocytopenia

DARZALEX ® may increase neutropenia and thrombocytopenia induced by background therapy. Monitor complete blood cell counts periodically during treatment according to manufacturer’s prescribing information for background therapies. Monitor patients with neutropenia for signs of infection. Consider withholding DARZALEX ® until recovery of neutrophils or for recovery of platelets.

Daratumumab is a human immunoglobulin G (IgG) kappa monoclonal antibody that can be detected on both the serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) and immunofixation (IFE) assays used for the clinical monitoring of endogenous M-protein. This interference can impact the determination of complete response and of disease progression in some patients with IgG kappa myeloma protein.

Based on the mechanism of action, DARZALEX ® can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. DARZALEX ® may cause depletion of fetal immune cells and decreased bone density. Advise pregnant women of the potential risk to a fetus. Advise females with reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with DARZALEX ® and for 3 months after the last dose.

The combination of DARZALEX ® with lenalidomide, pomalidomide, or thalidomide is contraindicated in pregnant women because lenalidomide, pomalidomide, and thalidomide may cause birth defects and death of the unborn child. Refer to the lenalidomide, pomalidomide, or thalidomide prescribing information on use during pregnancy.

The most frequently reported adverse reactions (incidence ≥20%) were: upper respiratory infection, neutropenia, infusion‑related reactions, thrombocytopenia, diarrhea, constipation, anemia, peripheral sensory neuropathy, fatigue, peripheral edema, nausea, cough, pyrexia, dyspnea, and asthenia. The most common hematologic laboratory abnormalities (≥40%) with DARZALEX ® are: neutropenia, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, and anemia.



  • Cytokine release syndrome (CRS), including life-threatening or fatal reactions, can occur in patients receiving TECVAYLI ® . Initiate treatment with TECVAYLI ® step-up dosing schedule to reduce risk of CRS. Withhold TECVAYLI ® until CRS resolves or permanently discontinue based on severity.
  • Neurologic toxicity, including Immune Effector Cell-Associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome (ICANS) and serious and life-threatening reactions, can occur in patients receiving TECVAYLI ® . Monitor patients for signs or symptoms of neurologic toxicity, including ICANS, during treatment. Withhold TECVAYLI ® until neurologic toxicity resolves or permanently discontinue based on severity.
  • TECVAYLI ® is available only through a restricted program called the TECVAYLI ® and TALVEY ® Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS).


TECVAYLI ® (teclistamab-cqyv) is a bispecific B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA)-directed CD3 T-cell engager indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma who have received at least four prior lines of therapy, including a proteasome inhibitor, an immunomodulatory agent and an anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody.

This indication is approved under accelerated approval based on response rate. Continued approval for this indication may be contingent upon verification and description of clinical benefit in confirmatory trial(s).

Cytokine Release Syndrome - TECVAYLI ® can cause cytokine release syndrome (CRS), including life-threatening or fatal reactions. In the clinical trial, CRS occurred in 72% of patients who received TECVAYLI ® at the recommended dose, with Grade 1 CRS occurring in 50% of patients, Grade 2 in 21%, and Grade 3 in 0.6%. Recurrent CRS occurred in 33% of patients. Most patients experienced CRS following step-up dose 1 (42%), step-up dose 2 (35%), or the initial treatment dose (24%). Less than 3% of patients developed first occurrence of CRS following subsequent doses of TECVAYLI ® . The median time to onset of CRS was 2 (range: 1 to 6) days after the most recent dose with a median duration of 2 (range: 1 to 9) days. Clinical signs and symptoms of CRS included, but were not limited to, fever, hypoxia, chills, hypotension, sinus tachycardia, headache, and elevated liver enzymes (aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase elevation).

Initiate therapy according to TECVAYLI ® step-up dosing schedule to reduce risk of CRS. Administer pretreatment medications to reduce risk of CRS and monitor patients following administration of TECVAYLI ® accordingly. At the first sign of CRS, immediately evaluate patient for hospitalization. Administer supportive care based on severity and consider further management per current practice guidelines. Withhold or permanently discontinue TECVAYLI ® based on severity.

TECVAYLI ® is available only through a restricted program under a REMS.

Neurologic Toxicity including ICANS - TECVAYLI ® can cause serious or life-threatening neurologic toxicity, including Immune Effector Cell-Associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome (ICANS).

In the clinical trial, neurologic toxicity occurred in 57% of patients who received TECVAYLI ® at the recommended dose, with Grade 3 or 4 neurologic toxicity occurring in 2.4% of patients. The most frequent neurologic toxicities were headache (25%), motor dysfunction (16%), sensory neuropathy (15%), and encephalopathy (13%). With longer follow-up, Grade 4 seizure and fatal Guillain-Barré syndrome (one patient each) occurred in patients who received TECVAYLI ® .

In the clinical trial, ICANS was reported in 6% of patients who received TECVAYLI ® at the recommended dose. Recurrent ICANS occurred in 1.8% of patients. Most patients experienced ICANS following step-up dose 1 (1.2%), step-up dose 2 (0.6%), or the initial treatment dose (1.8%). Less than 3% of patients developed first occurrence of ICANS following subsequent doses of TECVAYLI ® . The median time to onset of ICANS was 4 (range: 2 to 8) days after the most recent dose with a median duration of 3 (range: 1 to 20) days. The most frequent clinical manifestations of ICANS reported were confusional state and dysgraphia. The onset of ICANS can be concurrent with CRS, following resolution of CRS, or in the absence of CRS.

Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of neurologic toxicity during treatment. At the first sign of neurologic toxicity, including ICANS, immediately evaluate patient and provide supportive therapy based on severity. Withhold or permanently discontinue TECVAYLI ® based on severity per recommendations and consider further management per current practice guidelines.

Due to the potential for neurologic toxicity, patients are at risk of depressed level of consciousness. Advise patients to refrain from driving or operating heavy or potentially dangerous machinery during and for 48 hours after completion of TECVAYLI ® step-up dosing schedule and in the event of new onset of any neurologic toxicity symptoms until neurologic toxicity resolves.

TECVAYLI ® and TALVEY ® REMS - TECVAYLI ® is available only through a restricted program under a REMS called the TECVAYLI ® and TALVEY ® REMS because of the risks of CRS and neurologic toxicity, including ICANS.

Hepatotoxicity - TECVAYLI ® can cause hepatotoxicity, including fatalities. In patients who received TECVAYLI ® at the recommended dose in the clinical trial, there was one fatal case of hepatic failure. Elevated aspartate aminotransferase (AST) occurred in 34% of patients, with Grade 3 or 4 elevations in 1.2%. Elevated alanine aminotransferase (ALT) occurred in 28% of patients, with Grade 3 or 4 elevations in 1.8%. Elevated total bilirubin occurred in 6% of patients with Grade 3 or 4 elevations in 0.6%. Liver enzyme elevation can occur with or without concurrent CRS.

Monitor liver enzymes and bilirubin at baseline and during treatment as clinically indicated. Withhold TECVAYLI ® or consider permanent discontinuation of TECVAYLI ® based on severity.

Infections - TECVAYLI ® can cause severe, life-threatening, or fatal infections. In patients who received TECVAYLI ® at the recommended dose in the clinical trial, serious infections, including opportunistic infections, occurred in 30% of patients, with Grade 3 or 4 infections in 35%, and fatal infections in 4.2%. Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of infection prior to and during treatment with TECVAYLI ® and treat appropriately. Administer prophylactic antimicrobials according to guidelines. Withhold TECVAYLI ® or consider permanent discontinuation of TECVAYLI ® based on severity.

Monitor immunoglobulin levels during treatment with TECVAYLI ® and treat according to guidelines, including infection precautions and antibiotic or antiviral prophylaxis.

Neutropenia - TECVAYLI ® can cause neutropenia and febrile neutropenia. In patients who received TECVAYLI ® at the recommended dose in the clinical trial, decreased neutrophils occurred in 84% of patients, with Grade 3 or 4 decreased neutrophils in 56%. Febrile neutropenia occurred in 3% of patients.

Monitor complete blood cell counts at baseline and periodically during treatment and provide supportive care per local institutional guidelines. Monitor patients with neutropenia for signs of infection. Withhold TECVAYLI ® based on severity.

Hypersensitivity and Other Administration Reactions - TECVAYLI ® can cause both systemic administration-related and local injection-site reactions. Systemic Reactions - In patients who received TECVAYLI ® at the recommended dose in the clinical trial, 1.2% of patients experienced systemic-administration reactions, which included Grade 1 recurrent pyrexia and Grade 1 swollen tongue. Local Reactions - In patients who received TECVAYLI ® at the recommended dose in the clinical trial, injection-site reactions occurred in 35% of patients, with Grade 1 injection-site reactions in 30% and Grade 2 in 4.8%. Withhold TECVAYLI ® or consider permanent discontinuation of TECVAYLI ® based on severity.

Embryo-Fetal Toxicity - Based on its mechanism of action, TECVAYLI ® may cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Advise pregnant women of the potential risk to the fetus. Advise females of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with TECVAYLI ® and for 5 months after the last dose.

The most common adverse reactions (≥20%) were pyrexia, CRS, musculoskeletal pain, injection site reaction, fatigue, upper respiratory tract infection, nausea, headache, pneumonia, and diarrhea. The most common Grade 3 to 4 laboratory abnormalities (≥20%) were decreased lymphocytes, decreased neutrophils, decreased white blood cells, decreased hemoglobin, and decreased platelets.

Please read full Prescribing Information , including Boxed WARNING, for TECVAYLI ® .


IMBRUVICA ® is a kinase inhibitor indicated for the treatment of:

  • Adult patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)/Small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL).
  • Adult patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)/Small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) with 17p deletion.
  • Adult patients with Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia (WM).
  • Adult and pediatric patients age 1 year and older with chronic graft versus host disease (cGVHD) after failure of one or more lines of systemic therapy.

For more information, visit .

Hemorrhage: Fatal bleeding events have occurred in patients who received IMBRUVICA ® . Major hemorrhage (≥ Grade 3, serious, or any central nervous system events; e.g., intracranial hemorrhage [including subdural hematoma], gastrointestinal bleeding, hematuria, and post procedural hemorrhage) occurred in 4.2% of patients, with fatalities occurring in 0.4% of 2,838 patients who received IMBRUVICA ® in 27 clinical trials. Bleeding events of any grade including bruising and petechiae occurred in 39%, and excluding bruising and petechiae occurred in 23% of patients who received IMBRUVICA ® , respectively.

The mechanism for the bleeding events is not well understood.

Use of either anticoagulant or antiplatelet agents concomitantly with IMBRUVICA ® increases the risk of major hemorrhage. Across clinical trials, 3.1% of 2,838 patients who received IMBRUVICA ® without antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy experienced major hemorrhage. The addition of antiplatelet therapy with or without anticoagulant therapy increased this percentage to 4.4%, and the addition of anticoagulant therapy with or without antiplatelet therapy increased this percentage to 6.1%. Consider the risks and benefits of anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy when co-administered with IMBRUVICA ® . Monitor for signs and symptoms of bleeding.

Consider the benefit-risk of withholding IMBRUVICA ® for at least 3 to 7 days pre- and post-surgery depending upon the type of surgery and the risk of bleeding.

Infections: Fatal and non-fatal infections (including bacterial, viral, or fungal) have occurred with IMBRUVICA ® therapy. Grade 3 or greater infections occurred in 21% of 1,476 patients with B-cell malignancies who received IMBRUVICA ® in clinical trials. Cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PJP) have occurred in patients treated with IMBRUVICA ® . Consider prophylaxis according to standard of care in patients who are at increased risk for opportunistic infections. Monitor and evaluate patients for fever and infections and treat appropriately.

Cardiac Arrhythmias, Cardiac Failure, and Sudden Death: Fatal and serious cardiac arrhythmias and cardiac failure have occurred with IMBRUVICA ® . Deaths due to cardiac causes or sudden deaths occurred in 1% of 4,896 patients who received IMBRUVICA ® in clinical trials, including in patients who received IMBRUVICA ® in unapproved monotherapy or combination regimens. These adverse reactions occurred in patients with and without preexisting hypertension or cardiac comorbidities. Patients with cardiac comorbidities may be at greater risk of these events.

Grade 3 or greater ventricular tachyarrhythmias were reported in 0.2%, Grade 3 or greater atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter were reported in 3.7%, and Grade 3 or greater cardiac failure was reported in 1.3% of 4,896 patients who received IMBRUVICA ® in clinical trials, including in patients who received IMBRUVICA ® in unapproved monotherapy or combination regimens. These events have occurred particularly in patients with cardiac risk factors including hypertension and diabetes mellitus, a previous history of cardiac arrhythmias, and in patients with acute infections.

Evaluate cardiac history and function at baseline, and monitor patients for cardiac arrhythmias and cardiac function. Obtain further evaluation (e.g., ECG, echocardiogram) as indicated for patients who develop symptoms of arrhythmia (e.g., palpitations, lightheadedness, syncope, chest pain), new onset dyspnea, or other cardiovascular concerns. Manage cardiac arrhythmias and cardiac failure appropriately, follow dose modification guidelines, and consider the risks and benefits of continued IMBRUVICA ® treatment.

Hypertension: Hypertension occurred in 19% of 1,476 patients with B-cell malignancies who received IMBRUVICA ® in clinical trials. Grade 3 or greater hypertension occurred in 8% of patients. Based on data from a subset of these patients, (N=1,124), the median time to onset was 5.9 months (range, 0 to 24 months). In a long-term safety analysis over 5 years of 1,284 patients with B-cell malignancies treated for a median of 36 months (range, 0 to 98 months), the cumulative rate of hypertension increased over time. The prevalence for Grade 3 or greater hypertension was 4% (year 0-1), 7% (year 1-2), 9% (year 2-3), 9% (year 3-4), and 9% (year 4-5); the overall incidence for the 5-year period was 11%. Monitor blood pressure in patients treated with IMBRUVICA ® , initiate or adjust anti-hypertensive medication throughout treatment with IMBRUVICA ® as appropriate, and follow dosage modification guidelines for Grade 3 or higher hypertension.

Cytopenias: In 645 patients with B-cell malignancies who received IMBRUVICA ® as a single agent, grade 3 or 4 neutropenia occurred in 23% of patients, grade 3 or 4 thrombocytopenia in 8% and grade 3 or 4 anemia in 2.8%, based on laboratory measurements. Monitor complete blood counts monthly.

Second Primary Malignancies: Other malignancies (10%), including non-skin carcinomas (3.9%), occurred among the 1,476 patients with B-cell malignancies who received IMBRUVICA ® in clinical trials. The most frequent second primary malignancy was non-melanoma skin cancer (6%).

Hepatotoxicity, Including Drug-Induced Liver Injury: Hepatotoxicity, including severe, life-threatening, and potentially fatal cases of drug-induced liver injury (DILI), has occurred in patients treated with Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitors, including IMBRUVICA ® . Evaluate bilirubin and transaminases at baseline and throughout treatment with IMBRUVICA ® . For patients who develop abnormal liver tests after IMBRUVICA ® , monitor more frequently for liver test abnormalities and clinical signs and symptoms of hepatic toxicity. If DILI is suspected, withhold IMBRUVICA ® . Upon confirmation of DILI, discontinue IMBRUVICA ® .

Tumor Lysis Syndrome: Tumor lysis syndrome has been infrequently reported with IMBRUVICA ® . Assess the baseline risk (e.g., high tumor burden) and take appropriate precautions. Monitor patients closely and treat as appropriate.

Embryo-Fetal Toxicity: Based on findings in animals, IMBRUVICA ® can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Advise pregnant women of the potential risk to a fetus. Advise females of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with IMBRUVICA ® and for 1 month after the last dose. Advise males with female partners of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during the same time period.

B-cell malignancies: The most common adverse reactions (≥30%) in adult patients with B-cell malignancies were thrombocytopenia (55%)*, diarrhea (44%), fatigue (39%), musculoskeletal pain (39%), neutropenia (39%)*, rash (36%), anemia (35%)*, bruising (32%), and nausea (30%).

The most common Grade ≥ 3 adverse reactions (≥5%) in adult patients with B-cell malignancies were neutropenia (21%)*, thrombocytopenia (14%)*, pneumonia (8%), and hypertension (8%).

Approximately 9% (CLL/SLL), and 14% (WM) of adult patients had a dose reduction due to adverse reactions. Approximately 4-10% (CLL/SLL) and 5% (WM) of adult patients discontinued due to adverse reactions.

cGVHD: The most common adverse reactions (≥20%) in adult or pediatric patients with cGVHD were fatigue (57%), anemia (49%)*, bruising (40%), diarrhea (36%), thrombocytopenia (33%)*, musculoskeletal pain (30%), pyrexia (30%), muscle spasms (29%), stomatitis (29%), hemorrhage (26%), nausea (26%), abdominal pain (23%), pneumonia (23%), and headache (21%).

The most common Grade 3 or higher adverse reactions (≥5%) reported in adult or pediatric patients with cGVHD were pneumonia (14%), anemia (13%)*, fatigue (12%),

yrexia (11%), diarrhea (10%), neutropenia (10%)*, sepsis (10%), osteonecrosis (9%), stomatitis (9%), hypokalemia (7%), headache (5%), and musculoskeletal pain (5%).

Discontinuation of IMBRUVICA ® treatment due to an adverse reaction occurred in 24% of adult patients and 23% of pediatric patients. Adverse reactions leading to dose reduction occurred in 26% of adult patients and 19% of pediatric patients.

*Treatment-emergent decreases (all grades) were based on laboratory measurements.

CYP3A Inhibitors: Co-administration of IMBRUVICA ® with strong or moderate CYP3A inhibitors may increase ibrutinib plasma concentrations. Increased ibrutinib concentrations may increase the risk of drug-related toxicity. Dose modifications of IMBRUVICA ® are recommended when used concomitantly with posaconazole, voriconazole, and moderate CYP3A inhibitors. Avoid concomitant use of other strong CYP3A inhibitors. Interrupt IMBRUVICA ® if strong inhibitors are used short-term (e.g., for ≤ 7 days). Avoid grapefruit and Seville oranges during IMBRUVICA ® treatment, as these contain strong or moderate inhibitors of CYP3A. See dose modification guidelines in USPI sections 2.3 and 7.1.

CYP3A Inducers: Avoid coadministration with strong CYP3A inducers.


Pediatric Use: The safety and effectiveness of IMBRUVICA ® have not been established for the treatment of cGVHD after failure of one or more lines of therapy in pediatric patients less than 1 year of age. The safety and effectiveness of IMBRUVICA ® in pediatric patients have not been established in CLL/SLL, CLL/SLL with 17p deletion, WM, or in patients with mature B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

In the randomized population from a study that included 35 patients (26 pediatric patients age 5 to less than 17 years) with previously treated mature B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, major hemorrhage and discontinuation of chemoimmunotherapy due to adverse reactions occurred more frequently in the ibrutinib plus chemoimmunotherapy arm compared to the chemoimmunoherapy alone arm.

Hepatic Impairment:

Adult Patients with B-cell Malignancies: Hepatic Impairment (based on Child-Pugh criteria): Avoid use of IMBRUVICA ® in patients with severe hepatic impairment. In patients with mild or moderate impairment, reduce recommended IMBRUVICA ® dose and monitor more frequently for adverse reactions of IMBRUVICA ® .

Patients with cGVHD: Avoid use of IMBRUVICA ® in patients with total bilirubin level > 3x upper limit of normal (ULN) (unless of non-hepatic origin or due to Gilbert’s syndrome). Reduce recommended dose when administering IMBRUVICA ® to patients with total bilirubin level > 1.5 to 3x ULN (unless of non-hepatic origin or due to Gilbert’s syndrome).



TALVEY ® (talquetamab-tgvs) is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma who have received at least four prior lines of therapy, including a proteasome inhibitor, an immunomodulatory agent, and an anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody.

This indication is approved under accelerated approval based on response rate and durability of response. Continued approval for this indication may be contingent upon verification and description of clinical benefit in a confirmatory trial(s). 


Cytokine release syndrome (CRS), including life-threatening or fatal reactions, can occur in patients receiving TALVEY ® . Initiate TALVEY ® treatment with step-up dosing to reduce the risk of CRS. Withhold TALVEY ® until CRS resolves or permanently discontinue based on severity.

Neurologic toxicity, including immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome (ICANS), and serious and life-threatening or fatal reactions, can occur with TALVEY ® . Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of neurologic toxicity including ICANS during treatment and treat promptly. Withhold or permanently discontinue TALVEY ® based on severity.

Because of the risk of CRS and neurologic toxicity, including ICANS, TALVEY ® is available only through a restricted program called the TECVAYLI ® and TALVEY ® Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS).



Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS): TALVEY® can cause cytokine release syndrome, including life-threatening or fatal reactions. In the clinical trial, CRS occurred in 76% of patients who received TALVEY® at the recommended dosages, with Grade 1 CRS occurring in 57% of patients, Grade 2 in 17%, and Grade 3 in 1.5%. Most events occurred following step-up dose 1 (29%) or step-up dose 2 (44%) at the recommended dosages. Recurrent CRS occurred in 30% of patients. CRS occurred in 33% of patients with step-up dose 3 in the biweekly dosing schedule (N=153). CRS occurred in 30% of patients with the first 0.4 mg/kg treatment dose and in 12% of patients treated with the first 0.8 mg/kg treatment dose. The CRS rate for both dosing schedules combined was less than 3% for each of the remaining doses in Cycle 1 and less than 3% cumulatively from Cycle 2 onward. The median time to onset of CRS was 27 (range: 0.1 to 167) hours from the last dose, and the median duration was 17 (range: 0 to 622) hours. Clinical signs and symptoms of CRS include but are not limited to pyrexia, hypotension, chills, hypoxia, headache, and tachycardia. Potentially life-threatening complications of CRS may include cardiac dysfunction, acute respiratory distress syndrome, neurologic toxicity, renal and/or hepatic failure, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).

Initiate therapy with step-up dosing and administer pre-treatment medications (corticosteroids, antihistamine, and antipyretics) prior to each dose of TALVEY® in the step-up dosing schedule to reduce the risk of CRS. Monitor patients following administration accordingly. In patients who experience CRS, pre-treatment medications should be administered prior to the next TALVEY® dose.  

 Counsel patients to seek medical attention should signs or symptoms of CRS occur. At the first sign of CRS, immediately evaluate patient for hospitalization and institute treatment with supportive care based on severity, and consider further management per current practice guidelines. Withhold TALVEY® until CRS resolves or permanently discontinue based on severity. 

Neurologic Toxicity including ICANS: TALVEY ® can cause serious or life-threatening neurologic toxicity, including immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome (ICANS), including fatal reactions. In the clinical trial, neurologic toxicity occurred in 55% of patients who received the recommended dosages, with Grade 3 or 4 neurologic toxicity occurring in 6% of patients. The most frequent neurologic toxicities were headache (20%), encephalopathy (15%), sensory neuropathy (14%), and motor dysfunction (10%).

ICANS was reported in 9% of 265 patients where ICANS was collected and who received the recommended dosages. Recurrent ICANS occurred in 3% of patients. Most patients experienced ICANS following step-up dose 1 (3%), step-up dose 2 (3%), step-up dose 3 of the biweekly dosing schedule (1.8%), or the initial treatment dose of the weekly dosing schedule (2.6%) (N=156) or the biweekly dosing schedule (3.7%) (N=109). The median time to onset of ICANS was 2.5 (range: 1 to 16) days after the most recent dose with a median duration of 2 (range: 1 to 22) days. The onset of ICANS can be concurrent with CRS, following resolution of CRS, or in the absence of CRS. Clinical signs and symptoms of ICANS may include but are not limited to confusional state, depressed level of consciousness, disorientation, somnolence, lethargy, and bradyphrenia. 

Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of neurologic toxicity during treatment. At the first sign of neurologic toxicity, including ICANS, immediately evaluate the patient and provide supportive care based on severity; withhold or permanently discontinue TALVEY ® based on severity and consider further management per current practice guidelines. [see Dosage and Administration (2.5)].

Due to the potential for neurologic toxicity, patients receiving TALVEY ® are at risk of depressed level of consciousness. Advise patients to refrain from driving or operating heavy or potentially dangerous machinery during the step-up dosing schedule and for 48 hours after completion of the step-up dosing schedule, and in the event of new onset of any neurological symptoms, until symptoms resolve.

TECVAYLI ® and TALVEY® REMS: TALVEY ® is available only through a restricted program under a REMS, called the TECVAYLI ® and TALVEY ® REMS because of the risks of CRS and neurologic toxicity, including ICANS.

Further information about the TECVAYLI ® and TALVEY ® REMS program is available at or by telephone at 1-855-810-8064.

  Oral Toxicity and Weight Loss: TALVEY® can cause oral toxicities, including dysgeusia, dry mouth, dysphagia, and stomatitis. In the clinical trial, 80% of patients had oral toxicity, with Grade 3 occurring in 2.1% of patients who received the recommended dosages. The most frequent oral toxicities were dysgeusia (49%), dry mouth (34%), dysphagia (23%), and ageusia (18%). The median time to onset of oral toxicity was 15 (range: 1 to 634) days, and the median time to resolution to baseline was 43 (1 to 530) days. Oral toxicity did not resolve to baseline in 65% of patients. 

TALVEY® can cause weight loss. In the clinical trial, 62% of patients experienced weight loss of 5% or greater, regardless of having an oral toxicity, including 28% of patients with Grade 2 (10% or greater) weight loss and 2.7% of patients with Grade 3 (20% or greater) weight loss. The median time to onset of Grade 2 or higher weight loss was 67 (range: 6 to 407) days, and the median time to resolution was 50 (range: 1 to 403) days. Weight loss did not resolve in 57% of patients who reported weight loss.  

Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of oral toxicity. Counsel patients to seek medical attention should signs or symptoms of oral toxicity occur and provide supportive care as per current clinical practice, including consultation with a nutritionist. Monitor weight regularly during therapy. Evaluate clinically significant weight loss further. Withhold TALVEY ® or permanently discontinue based on severity.

Infections: TALVEY ® can cause infections, including life-threatening or fatal infections. Serious infections occurred in 16% of patients, with fatal infections in 1.5% of patients. Grade 3 or 4 infections occurred in 17% of patients. The most common serious infections reported were bacterial infection (8%), which included sepsis and COVID-19 (2.7%).

Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of infection prior to and during treatment with TALVEY ® and treat appropriately. Administer prophylactic antimicrobials according to local guidelines. Withhold or consider permanently discontinuing TALVEY ® as recommended, based on severity.

Cytopenias: TALVEY ® can cause cytopenias, including neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. In the clinical trial, Grade 3 or 4 decreased neutrophils occurred in 35% of patients, and Grade 3 or 4 decreased platelets occurred in 22% of patients who received TALVEY ® . The median time to onset for Grade 3 or 4 neutropenia was 22 (range: 1 to 312) days, and the median time to resolution to Grade 2 or lower was 8 (range: 1 to 79) days. The median time to onset for Grade 3 or 4 thrombocytopenia was 12 (range: 2 to 183) days, and the median time to resolution to Grade 2 or lower was 10 (range: 1 to 64) days. Monitor complete blood counts during treatment and withhold TALVEY ® as recommended, based on severity.

Skin Toxicity: TALVEY ® can cause serious skin reactions, including rash, maculo-papular rash, erythema, and erythematous rash. In the clinical trial, skin reactions occurred in 62% of patients, with grade 3 skin reactions in 0.3%. The median time to onset was 25 (range: 1 to 630) days. The median time to improvement to grade 1 or less was 33 days.

Monitor for skin toxicity, including rash progression. Consider early intervention and treatment to manage skin toxicity. Withhold TALVEY ® as recommended based on severity.

Hepatotoxicity: TALVEY ® can cause hepatotoxicity. Elevated ALT occurred in 33% of patients, with grade 3 or 4 ALT elevation occurring in 2.7%; elevated AST occurred in 31% of patients, with grade 3 or 4 AST elevation occurring in 3.3%. Grade 3 or 4 elevations of total bilirubin occurred in 0.3% of patients. Liver enzyme elevation can occur with or without concurrent CRS.

Monitor liver enzymes and bilirubin at baseline and during treatment as clinically indicated. Withhold TALVEY ® or consider permanent discontinuation of TALVEY®, based on severity [see Dosage and Administration (2.5)].

Embryo-Fetal Toxicity: Based on its mechanism of action, TALVEY ® may cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Advise pregnant women of the potential risk to the fetus. Advise females of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with TALVEY ® and for 3 months after the last dose.

Adverse Reactions: The most common adverse reactions (≥20%) are pyrexia, CRS, dysgeusia, nail disorder, musculoskeletal pain, skin disorder, rash, fatigue, weight decreased, dry mouth, xerosis, dysphagia, upper respiratory tract infection, diarrhea, hypotension, and headache.  

The most common Grade 3 or 4 laboratory abnormalities (≥30%) are lymphocyte count decreased, neutrophil count decreased, white blood cell decreased, and hemoglobin decreased. 

Please read full Prescribing Information , including Boxed Warning, for TALVEY ® .

About Johnson & Johnson

At Johnson & Johnson, we believe health is everything. Our strength in healthcare innovation empowers us to build a world where complex diseases are prevented, treated, and cured, where treatments are smarter and less invasive, and solutions are personal. Through our expertise in Innovative Medicine and MedTech, we are uniquely positioned to innovate across the full spectrum of healthcare solutions today to deliver the breakthroughs of tomorrow, and profoundly impact health for humanity. Learn more at or at . Follow us at @JanssenUS and @JNJInnovMed . Janssen Research & Development, LLC, and Janssen Biotech, Inc. are Johnson & Johnson companies.

Cautions Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 regarding product development and the potential benefits and treatment impact of BALVERSA ® (erdafitinib), ERLEADA ® (apalutamide), CARVYKTI ® (ciltacabtagene autoleucel), TECVAYLI ® (teclistamab-cqyv), TALVEY ® (talquetamab-tgvs), DARZALEX FASPRO ® (daratumumab and hyaluronidase-fihj), DARZALEX ® (daratumumab), IMBRUVICA ® (ibrutinib) and RYBREVANT ® (amivantamab-vmjw) and lazertinib. The reader is cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current expectations of future events. If underlying assumptions prove inaccurate or known or unknown risks or uncertainties materialize, actual results could vary materially from the expectations and projections Janssen Research & Development, LLC, Janssen Biotech, Inc. and/or Johnson & Johnson. Risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: challenges and uncertainties inherent in product research and development, including the uncertainty of clinical success and of obtaining regulatory approvals; uncertainty of commercial success; manufacturing difficulties and delays; competition, including technological advances, new products and patents attained by competitors; challenges to patents; product efficacy or safety concerns resulting in product recalls or regulatory action; changes in behavior and spending patterns of purchasers of health care products and services; changes to applicable laws and regulations, including global health care reforms; and trends toward health care cost containment. A further list and descriptions of these risks, uncertainties and other factors can be found in Johnson & Johnson’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, including in the sections captioned “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” and “Item 1A. Risk Factors,” and in Johnson & Johnson’s subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Copies of these filings are available online at, or on request from Johnson & Johnson. None of Janssen Research & Development, LLC, Janssen Biotech, Inc. nor Johnson & Johnson undertakes to update any forward-looking statement as a result of new information or future events or developments.

† The NCCN Content does not constitute medical advice and should not be used in place of seeking professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by licensed practitioners. NCCN makes no warranties of any kind whatsoever regarding their content, use or application and disclaims any responsibility for their application or use in any way.

† See the NCCN Guidelines for detailed recommendations, including other treatment options.

§ The NCCN Guidelines for NSCLC provide recommendations for certain individual biomarkers that should be tested and recommend testing techniques but do not endorse any specific commercially available biomarker assays or commercial laboratories.

1 RYBREVANT ® Prescribing Information. Horsham, PA: Janssen Biotech, Inc.

2 Referenced with permission from the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer V.1.2024© National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. All rights reserved. To view the most recent and complete version of the guideline, go online to Accessed March 2024.

3 A Study of Combination Amivantamab and Carboplatin-Pemetrexed Therapy, Compared With Carboplatin-Pemetrexed, in Participants With Advanced or Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Characterized by Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Exon 20 Insertions (PAPILLON). Accessed May 2024. Available at: .

4 A Study of Amivantamab and Lazertinib in Combination With Platinum-Based Chemotherapy Compared With Platinum-Based Chemotherapy in Patients With Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR)-Mutated Locally Advanced or Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer After Osimertinib Failure (MARIPOSA-2). Accessed May 2024. Available at: .

5 A Study of Amivantamab and Lazertinib Combination Therapy Versus Osimertinib in Locally Advanced or Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (MARIPOSA). Accessed May 2024. Available at: .

6 A Study of Amivantamab, a Human Bispecific EGFR and cMet Antibody, in Participants With Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (CHRYSALIS). Accessed May 2024. .

7 A Study of Lazertinib as Monotherapy or in Combination With Amivantamab in Participants With Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (CHRYSALIS-2). Accessed May 2024. .

8 A Study of Amivantamab Subcutaneous (SC) Administration for the Treatment of Advanced Solid Malignancies (PALOMA). Accessed May 2024. .

9 A Study of Amivantamab in Participants With Advanced or Metastatic Solid Tumors Including Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR)-Mutated Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (PALOMA-2). Accessed May 2024. .

10 A Study of Lazertinib With Subcutaneous Amivantamab Compared With Intravenous Amivantamab in Participants With Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR)-Mutated Advanced or Metastatic Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (PALOMA-3). Accessed May 2024. .

11 A Study of Amivantamab and Capmatinib Combination Therapy in Unresectable Metastatic Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (METalmark). Accessed May 2024. .

12 A Study of Combination Therapy With Amivantamab and Cetrelimab in Participants With Metastatic Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (PolyDamas). Accessed May 2024. .

13 Premedication to Reduce Amivantamab Associated Infusion Related Reactions (SKIPPirr). . Accessed May 2024.

14 ERLEADA ® Prescribing Information. Revised February 2023.

15 BALVERSA ® Prescribing Information. Revised January 2024.

16 A Study of Erdafitinib in Participants With Advanced Solid Tumors and Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor (FGFR) Gene Alterations. Accessed May 2024. .

17 CARVYKTI ® Prescribing Information. Revised April 2024.

18 DARZALEX FASPRO ® Prescribing Information. Revised November 2022.

19 DARZALEX ® Prescribing Information. Revised November 2022.

20 Identifier NCT02076009. Accessed May 2024. .

21 Genetics Home Reference. Isolated growth hormone deficiency. .

22 Turetsky A, et al. Single cell imaging of Bruton’s tyrosine kinase using an irreversible inhibitor. Scientific Reports. 2014;6:4782.

23 de Rooij MF, et al. The clinically active BTK inhibitor PCI-32765 targets B-cell receptor- and chemokine-controlled adhesion and migration in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood. 2012;119(11):2590-2594.

24 IMBRUVICA ® Prescribing Information. Revised February 2024.

25 TALVEY ® Prescribing Information. Revised August 2023.

26 European Medicines Agency. TALVEY ® Summary of Product Characteristics. August 2023.

27 NCT03842189. Available at: . Last accessed: April 2024

28 de Winter DP, Kaminski A, et al. Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn: systematic literature review of the antenatal landscape. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2023;23(12). DOI: . Last accessed: April 2024.

29 Identifier: NCT05265273. Available at: . Last accessed: April 2024.

30 Identifier: NCT04951622. Available at: . Last accessed: April 2024.

31 Identifier: NCT05327114. Available at: . Last accessed: April 2024.

32 Identifier: NCT04119050. Available at: . Last accessed: April 2024.

33 Identifier: NCT04968912. Available at: . Last accessed: April 2024.

34 Identifier: NCT04882878. Available at: . Last accessed: April 2024.

35 Identifier: NCT05379634. Available at: . Last accessed: April 2024.

36 Identifier: NCT04991753. Available at: . Last accessed: April 2024.

37 Lobato G, Soncini CS. Relationship between obstetric history and Rh(D) alloimmunization severity. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2008 Mar;277(3):245-8. DOI: 10.1007/s00404-007-0446-x. Last accessed: April 2024.

38 Roy S, Nanovskaya T, Patrikeeva S, et al. M281, an anti-FcRn antibody, inhibits IgG transfer in a human ex vivo placental perfusion model. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2019;220(5):498 e491-498 e499.

Media contacts: Suzanne Frost +1 416-317-0304

Satu Glawe +49 172-294-6264

Christie Corbett +1 857-636-0211

Investor contact: Raychel Kruper [email protected]

U.S. Medical Inquiries +1 800 526-7736


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  9. How to make the best Powerpoint presentation + real examples!

    That way, you'll be able to address their specific pain points and interests. Create a Structured Flow. Like any good story, your presentation needs a beginning, middle, and end. Start with an introduction that hooks, follow with content that informs and engages, and conclude with a memorable takeaway.

  10. How to Start a Presentation: 12 Ways to Keep Your Audience Hooked

    TED speakers are some of the best presenters in the world, and there's a lot you can learn from their talks. Below, we've handpicked some of these presentations that start with a bang and manage to keep the audience hooked till the very end. 1 Make a provocative statement.

  11. 7 Unique Presentation Examples That Will Inspire You

    Vibrant colors, unique illustrations, and a distinctive layout. If you look at the original SWOT Analysis of this presentation example, it is completely plain and forgettable. But the fixed slide is truly unique. It conveys the information in a way that could not have been done for any other company in the world.

  12. 20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

    Watch on. A good PowerPoint presentation keeps the focus on your argument by keeping animations and transitions to a minimum. I suggest using them tastefully and sparingly to emphasize a point or bring attention to a certain part of an image. 2. Cohesive Color Palette.

  13. 25 Presentation Design Trends for Cool PowerPoint PPTs 2024 (+Video

    The Best Source for On-Trend PowerPoint Presentation Designs in 2024. You don't have to be a graphic designer to create an on-trend presentation for 2024. With the help of pre-built templates, you can create the best PowerPoint designs without learning graphic design. Don't think that the best presentations are out of your price range.

  14. 27 Presentation Examples That Engage, Motivate & Stick

    Best presentation content examples. The secret sauce for a business presentation that leaves a lasting impression lies in delivering your content within a story framework. 3 presentation content examples that captivate and inspire the audience: 1. Inspirational story: An emotional, relatable story can move hearts and change minds.

  15. 23 presentation examples that really work (plus templates!)

    We love them because they're the most visually appealing and memorable way to communicate. 1. Animated characters. Our first presentation example is a business explainer from Biteable that uses animated characters. The friendly and modern style makes this the perfect presentation for engaging your audience.

  16. Presentations and slides for any occasion

    Canva's presentation software has thousands of free Presentation templates to help bring your best work to life, faster. Plus, you can customize your slides with thousands of free images, videos, graphics, and more from our rich content library. ... Easily edit slides and present from anywhere in the world using Canva's presentation ...

  17. Top 30 Most Popular Presentations of All Time

    And while for much of human history this was an impossible puzzle to address, on February 25th, 2005 YouTube allowed us to know this answer for the first time. Below are the 30 most popular presentations of all time, according to YouTube. 1. My Philosophy for a Happy Life 24,192,715 views | Most Popular Presentation of All Time

  18. 38 best presentation slides for captivating presentations in 2023

    The best way to prepare these slides is by selecting your images carefully. Vector art, flow charts, and diagrams are commonly used in the best examples of business presentations. Limit text to the bare minimum. Use this template. 9. Financial data slides. You can't overlook financial data in business presentations.

  19. Powerful and Effective Presentation Skills

    Effective communications skills are a powerful career activator, and most of us are called upon to communicate in some type of formal presentation mode at some point along the way. For instance, you might be asked to brief management on market research results, walk your team through a new process, lay out the new budget, or explain a new ...

  20. 17 PowerPoint Presentation Examples That Show Style ...

    A PowerPoint presentation example that shows consistency and style by using a strict color scheme: orange, beige, and deep blue. Orange and blue are one of the most popular contrasting combinations widely used in all kinds of designs. If you are not sure what colors to go with, simply choose a tested color scheme. 13.

  21. 100 of the World's Best PowerPoint Templates

    Use Pricing Strategy PowerPoint Templates to create an effective pricing strategy to sell your products in a competitive market place. Maximize profits on sales of your products and services with the help of apt pricing strategy PPT slides. Selecting The Pricing Objective. Determining Demand.

  22. 15 Best Presentation Software for 2024 (Full Comparison Guide)

    You need high-quality business presentation software to take your slides to the next level. Some of the best presentation software include Visme, Haiku Deck, Prezi, Microsoft Powerpoint, Canva and Google Slides. In this comparison guide, we'll analyze each of these tools and many more to understand what the difference is between them so you ...

  23. 12 Fun Presentation Ideas for Your Next PowerPoint Night

    We receive thousands of applications every day, but we only work with the top 5% of speakers.. Book a call with our team to get started — you'll learn why the vast majority of our students get a paid speaking gig within 90 days of finishing our program.. If you're ready to control your schedule, grow your income, and make an impact in the world - it's time to take the first step.

  24. Free Google Slides & PowerPoint templates about the world

    Download the Great Depression and World War II presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The education sector constantly demands dynamic and effective ways to present information. This template is created with that very purpose in mind. Offering the best resources, it allows educators or students to efficiently manage their presentations...

  25. 27 presentation feedback examples for more engaging speakers

    I think that using more real-world examples in your presentation will help your audience better understand the subject matter and show them the stakes of what you're presenting. ... 12 best AI tools for presentations in 2024 Solveig Rundquist. 52 engaging check-in questions for meetings Solveig Rundquist.

  26. How Not To—and How To Start A Presentation

    Here are some famous literary allusions and how you can use them in your business presentations:

  27. I Coach Speakers at the World's Largest Brands. The Best Speakers

    I Coach Speakers at the World's Largest Brands. The Best Speakers Follow This 5-Step Rehearsal Guide Great speakers put in the work to make their presentations look effortless.

  28. 24 Presentation Statistics You Should Know in 2022

    According to SOAP presentations, the elements that contribute most to effective presentations include voice (38%) and non-verbal communication (55%). The actual content of your presentation only makes up about 7%. Customize this infographic template and make it your own!

  29. Best Father in The World Day. Slides Template

    Best Father in The World Day Presentation. Premium Canva presentation template. Celebrate the superhero in your life with our eye-catching "Dad of the Year" slideshow template! Perfect for anyone looking to share heartwarming memories, hilarious dad jokes, or simply highlight why their father is the top guy. This vibrant, yellow-themed ...

  30. Johnson & Johnson advances leadership in oncology innovation with more

    RARITAN, N.J., May 23, 2024 - Johnson & Johnson announced today that the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting will feature 34 clinical study and real-world evidence presentations from the Company's hematologic malignancies and solid tumor oncology product portfolio and pipeline. Additionally, 43 abstracts will be presented at the European Hematology Association ...