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a great person in sri lanka essay

Kumar Sangakkara: The greatest hero of our time

Harendra Alwis

on 08/24/2015 08/23/2015

The Cricketing world will pause for a moment, to celebrate the legendary career of Kumar Sangakkara that draws to a close, and then move on; a bit richer for the legacy he leaves behind, for the standards he raised, expectations he upheld and for his story being entwined with the story of Cricket. He has already confirmed his place among the greatest test batsmen the game has ever seen.

Yet the people of Sri Lanka will pause for longer and with heavier hearts; not merely beset by doubts about who now will rescue their hopes the next time their openers get dismissed in quick succession. To most Sri Lankans, he is more than the greatest Cricketer their country has ever produced. By far the most loved and respected Sri Lankan on his generation in Sri Lanka and throughout the Cricket playing world, for Sri Lankans, he is also their Hero.

Our choice of heroes – as individuals and as nations – reflect more deeply and authentically, our history and character as well as our hopes and aspirations. Every civilization, culture and historical epoch is characterised by the heroes they spawn, whose lives personify the values and aspirations of their time and whose tales become the template by which heroes of subsequent generations will be cast, and judged by.

The first popular hero of the Sinhalese was a king named Gamini from Sri Lanka’s Deep South, whose mythology is constructed around his vanquish of a popular Tamil king from South India who ruled over the Northern half of the island. Gamini was a rebel from his younger days, raging against his father’s inhibition to evict Ellalan: a Cholan invader who occupied richly irrigated Northern plains – the rice bowl of Sri Lanka. It earned him the nickname ‘Dutugamunu’, meaning ‘Gamini the Wicked’.

When Gamini eventually waged his successful military campaign against Ellalan, he did so with the army that his father had built, having marched along the East Coast through Tamil villages where his father had nurtured friendships in order to supply his troops. Gamini’s army is said to have been led by ten ‘giant’ generals with superhuman powers that his father had recruited and around whom he had organised his troops. The impassioned king and his ten giants led a heroic campaign against many odds to unify the island politically – in 205 BC – for the first time in the islands recorded history. Despite the connotations of this event, Tamils and Sinhalese continued to live rather peacefully together for centuries to come.

Yet, for two millennia, as Sri Lanka came under constant attack and threat of invasion, the quintessential Sri Lankan hero conformed to a version of Gamini’s prototype – usually a tragic-heroic king or royal princeling who defended his race from foreign invaders and protected of his faith from heresies. Every generation and historical epoch that followed was characterised by the nationalism and fervour of heroes they spawned; whose lives reflected the fears and aspirations of their time and whose tales become the progenitor of heroes that came after. The stereotypical Sri Lankan hero therefore, was invariably a brave nationalist. From Dutugamunu in the third century BC, to Veera Puran Appu in the nineteenth century, this type of heroism crystallized in the national psyche to the exclusion of all others. The notion of a stable, independent and unified Sri Lanka did not materialise for another two thousand years, and the intermittence of political and geographic unity never allowed a coherent and inclusive national identity to emerge, let alone the unity of hearts and minds of the diversity of people that inhabited the island and came from afar to trade and settle.

Like Gamini, for much of the island’s long, rich and conflicted history, its heroes have been cast on the field of battle. They distinguished themselves in conquests waged to unify their land politically; but opinions about their heroism or villainy remained divisive because they often fought to protect their own ethnic, religious or cultural identity to the exclusion of others. It has therefore been a common feature even during its struggle for independence from British rule in the aftermath of WWII, that Sri Lankan heroes of one community were often perceived as villains by others.

Therefore at its birth as a modern nation state in 1948, the Dominion of Ceylon faced a serious deformity that would cripple it for decades to come. Strong nation states – more often than not – are born out of collective struggles; through which emerge their defining values, legends, myths and – perhaps most importantly – heroes that personify and embody all the vital elements of a nation’s identity as well as the aspirations of its people. While each community had their own leaders and historic legends, there weren’t a single heroic figure that represented the identity and aspirations of the young nation as a modern, united and pluralistic state. Instead, narrow visions of national identity and short-sighted politics led to decades of divisive communal violence. Most notably at the end of the war in 2009, Sri Lanka needed – more than ever – a voice of intelligent cosmopolitanism that could elevate the island nation from the divisive legacy of its past heroes and give cause for the myriad cultural and religious groups to unite. Yet, it was a void that the island’s conflicted history was ill-equipped to solve by itself.

Sri Lanka required a different kind of battlefield and a new and revolutionarily new type of heroes to emerge – who could unite its ancient peoples in heart and mind like never before. They came in the form of Arjuna Ranatunga and his own band of ten ‘not quite giant like’ men. As diverse a group as the people they represented – they came from the all walks of life including the urban middle class and the rural heartlands that had rarely filled the heroic template of heroes past. Their vocation was even more peculiar. Cricket was very much a symbol of foreign conquest and occupation of the island. Heroes were more likely to be made fighting it than playing the game. Besides, heroes and are often those inclined to imperil themselves in pursuit of immortal glory – not those who side with pragmatism or caution as Cricketers were required to be. Upul Tharanga was ever lauded for bravely chasing deliveries outside off stump nor Chandimal for courageously hooking bouncers down deep square-leg’s throat. But they nevertheless managed to achieve something that Sri Lankan heroes have never done before. 2201 years after the famous campaign of Dutugamunu and his ten giant worriers had briefly united it politically, a contrastingly modest and unassuming band of eleven men united Sri Lanka in heart and mind for the first time in the island’s history in 1996: when they won a world cup (or “THE world cup” – if you are Sri Lankan).

Until 1996 and then again in the early 2000s, Sri Lanka’s cricketers, much like the celebrated kings and rebels of their ancient past, were tragic heroes who valiantly resisted foreign attacks; but often failed despite their own bravery and ingenuity. Most notably, they failed against better equipped and organised conquerors. Yet, whereas history had often trickled down in little streams, they were a torrent that carved out in the space of a decade – a special space for Cricketers to stand among its pantheon of heroes. The legends of Aravinda and Sanath were created on the field. Underdogs for much of their careers, they rose heroically to often rescue Sri Lanka against intimidating oppositions and sometimes, singlehandedly carried the hopes of their nations to victory. But they were hardly consistent enough to be relied upon and their legends rarely not extend beyond the boundary ropes the same way their shots did.

The colonial legacy in Sri Lanka had left a deep and enduring imprint in its society and culture, and Cricket was no exception. Aside from a few exceptions like Duleep Mendis – Sri Lankan Cricketers were rather timid – easily satisfied with a draw against major test nations. Much like the Israelites who had to wonder in the wilderness for 44 years after being rescued from slavery in Egypt, it took the passing of two generations of Sri Lankan Cricketers, for them to unshackle themselves from the game they were drilled to play, and discover the way they were meant to play it. So, it was only with the generation of Cricketers that emerged in the 90s, that they had the lightness of memory and force of their own identity to disregard the text-books and express themselves more authentically. Romesh Kaluwitharana, Mahela Jayawardene, Avishka Gunawardene and Kumar Sangakkara – unlike even Arjuna and Aravinda’s generation – had no direct links to the Cricketers who had only played the game as they were taught by the masters of a forgotten era.

With the opening up of the Indian economy and the advent of dedicated sports TV channels in the 90s, the modern international game transformed into a commercial enterprise – almost unrecognisable from the refined pastime that it used to be, both on and off the field. In that context, it makes little sense to compare modern Cricketers against the greats of its past; the yardstick had changed. Yet, even in that comparison, Kumar Sangakkara statistically ranks among the best three test batsmen of all time. But Sri Lankans who celebrate his heroism don’t often cite statistics to quantify their argument. Where Cricket is much more than a sport, even numbers don’t mean what they say. As much as he has been relied upon consistently to bat his team and country to victory, people all over the world remained glued to their TVs after the match was over – to hear him speak. Though his hero’s journey had started on the pitch with bat in hand, he came to the fore with a microphone in hand at a podium.

Heroes are more inclined to monopolise the limelight than share it, so it would not have been a surprise if the war hero of Sri Lanka’s past and the Cricket hero of its present eventually clashed before one would emerge dominant while the other is relegated to the shadows of time. At an august gathering at Lord’s, two years after what mercifully turned out to be merely an ordeal in Lahore, Kumar recalled an encounter he had with an unknown soldier, at an obscure checkpoint somewhere in the labyrinth of Colombo’s streets. By the soldier’s own admission, the Cricketer was the more dominant and valuable of the two. Remarkably, Kumar had survived an armed attack just a week earlier. It is possible to imagine that the soldier would have never experienced the heat of battle himself – but could only hope that the next vehicle he hailed down to inspect would not be a fatal choice. Yet, the unknown soldier and the great Cricketer took turns appreciating each other’s contribution to their own lives and the life of their country – calling each other ‘heroes’ before departing, perhaps never to meet again. They were both right of course; but the Cricket star and soldier both were enhanced by that experience.

In that speech, Kumar went on to brew a cocktail of emotion, wit, humour passion and rage with his words that tugged at the heartstrings of the Cricketing world. From Sri Lankans in his worldwide audience, it drew tears. A few months earlier in November 2010, Mathews and Malinga had turned an impossible chase against the odds at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Jayawardene had scored a match saving century just weeks before. But, in the years since Arjuna and his team won the world cup in 1996, it was through Kumar’s voice that Cricket spoke most compellingly to Sri Lanka’s identity and aspirations. They were note merely tears of joy – his words also made Sri Lankans look at themselves in a way that made them sad, and angry, and laugh. That story and the broader content of his speech, has since become a mirror in with Sri Lankans can look at themselves and take stock in their bravest moments. Cricket writers all over the world have invariably wove it into the story of Cricket. Kumar grabbed the conscience of the world on that day in a way that it could never escape. Those who doubted him before could not escape his charm afterwards. His moving lecture at Lord’s was perhaps the inception of his heroic status in the international game, and the way he spoke and conducted himself outside the field has been the foundation of its longevity. But the roots of his legend lay buried deeper in the land and its history, up in the hills of Kandy.

Through much of the island’s history, the irrigated lowlands of the North and the fertile South Western plains nurtured Sri Lanka’s cultural, political and economic centres. The wealth of ancient Sri Lanka and its heroic architects were made in its northern and western plains. Vestiges of great monuments that had witnessed bygone times of immense prosperity and creativity, as well as the continuous cycles of conflict that raged over them, still lie in ruins there. Kandy did not feature in any legend or myth in all that time; no hero of consequence in Sri Lanka’s glorious past was ever known to have been born or raised there. Even with the ripening of time, Kandy could not produce a hero on its own accord. It required a long and remarkable collaboration with an occupying enemy and a struggle with its own geography.

A game like Cricket could never grow organically in the mountains around Kandy. Even when it was brought in as a foreign implant, roads had to be straightened and mountains – quite literally – had to be moved before the game could dig in its roots and draw from its fertile soils. One such effort was sparked by the vision of a man named Alek Garden Fraser who took over as Principal of Trinity College at the turn of the twentieth century. He wanted Trinity to have a Cricket field and ambitiously acquired crown land spanning over two nearby hills to build one. There was no heavy machinery or equipment at hand, so the students and staff of the school made their way to the site a few hundred yards from the school premises, every day; where over a couple of years, they cut down the bigger hill and filled the valley below to make a Cricket field. Kandy nurtured the two greatest Cricketers that Sri Lanka ever produced. Kumar learned his Cricket at Trinity and played much of his Cricket on the Ground that Fraser built; and nearly a century later, scored two test centuries and a double century there.

Fraser was not done however. Much to the displeasure of his own colonial secretary, he envisioned that his school should nurture Sri Lankan leaders who were immersed in their own culture and learn about their own history and proud heritage. Fraser made social service, the teaching of local languages and comparative religion a cornerstone of his education policies, much to the dismay of the colonial authorities at the time. Perhaps Kumar Sangakkara was innately predisposed to reach out to his own people with respect and empathy and speak against injustice. Perhaps it was instilled in him but the individuals and institutions that nurtured him. Whatever the case may be, the quality that people of Sri Lanka would later celebrate as his ‘heroism’ was not cultivated on the Cricket pitch alone. His empathy for the struggles and triumphs of life in many corners of Sri Lanka and of the world not only reflects the best features of the rebellious past and proud heritage of his people, but is also informed by a deep and heart-felt knowledge of it.

Heroism is always bestowed by popular consensus. It is the common man who elevates heroes to their status and immortalise them in legend. Heroes are made exceptional among the common and ordinary men and women of the land and that relationship is symbiotic. The legend of Kumar Sangakkara the man was made among victims of a Tsunami and inhabitants of a war-ravaged landscape in the North and East as much as by a fairy-tale test century at Lord’s. Kumar still speaks of the power of Cricket to unite and heal the diverse communities of his war ravaged country. If the reception he gets whenever he visits the north and east of Sri Lanka is anything to go by, few Sri Lankans have personified that message as effectively as he has. That is what makes him a hero. If heroes like him had lent themselves to previous generations, Sri Lanka could well have been a different place. Loved and respected by Sri Lankans of all cultural and religious backgrounds, as well as fans and opponents all over the world – the power of his personality has been unique among Sri Lanka’s pantheon of heroes in its ability to unite as well as inspire humility.

Especially in contemporary Sri Lanka – emerging from three decades of war – celebration of the lives of ‘war heroes’ comes naturally. Cricketers – at least until they won the World Cup in 1996 – were not more than celebrities, among actors and music stars. Merely six years after the war ended, Kumar and Mahela in particular have become iconic and exceptional heroes of their time – eclipsing even the heroes of contemporary military campaigns. The association of Cricketers to heroism – even after 1996 – especially in a country at war, was not only improbable but cut against the grain of the traditional mould of the nationalist heroes of the past. Yet, the privileged place that Cricket occupies in hearts and minds of people has deep roots in the grand and conflicting historical narrative of the island. ‘The boys’ – as Arjuna and Aravinda often referred to their teammates – have been a beacon of hope and an example of what Sri Lankans could be as a nation and as individuals. Heroics on the Cricket field infuse hope – and that hope is very different from the kind that military victories inspired. Kumar Sangakkara’s sensitivity to the heartbeat of his people and the humility with which he served the game and its fans has entwined his story and the story of Cricket with the proud history of his country and of the people for whom he played his Cricket.

But it was with these famous words, that he unites them;

I am Tamil, Sinhalese, Muslim and Burgher. I am a Buddhist, a Hindu, a follower of Islam and Christianity. I am today, and always, proudly Sri Lankan.

Through those words, he epitomised the hero that Sri Lanka, in his generation, so desperately needs. Described by Michael Roberts as an ecumenical Sri Lankan; in him, the diverse ethnic, religious and cultural communities of the island have found a hero they could all love and possess in equal measure. For a country that enjoys neither great influence nor privileged status among world powers, he has risen to capture the love and admiration of the world and represent the best of the proud history and rich culture of his people in a way that hardly any Sri Lankan has been able to do before. For that alone, he is without equal among all the heroes of our generation, and is arguably unparalleled in his Sir Lanka’s history and civilisation.

In a post-match interview, Kumar once famously called on his team mates to understand their place in history.  As much as history is made by heroes, they are nevertheless fallible human beings. As much as they reflect what we can hope to be, they also stand to warn us against blindly attaching our future hopes and ambitions to individuals no matter how brave or virtuous they may be. Very few Cricketers have retained their ability to inspire and awe in life beyond the boundary. Some have even turned into villains. Therefore, being the astute student of history that he is, he will have an important message to deliver to his fans and team mates on the eve of his retirement; that the legends of heroes like him are not meant to be venerated, but to inspire. Their heroism is worth nothing if all they inspire is nostalgia and longing. The greatest heroes are those who make others feel they too can, and indeed must, become heroes themselves. Kumar is the son of a lawyer and a teacher – not of a Jewish carpenter and his virgin wife. In the years after his retirement, he will probably devote his time to raising his own children to be independent and productive citizens because every parent must by default, also be a hero. As much as he became a hero to his people when his country desperately needed one, the greatest tribute to his legacy would be to see more heroes like him emerge in years to come; not only from the Cricket fields but from many other walks of life.

Harendra Alwis as a Cricketer of dubious significance and an umpire with an incurable prejudice against batsmen who have bad footwork. He currently lives in Melbourne, Australia.

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Essay on Sri Lanka

Students are often asked to write an essay on Sri Lanka in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Sri Lanka

Sri lanka: the pearl of the indian ocean.

Sri Lanka, also known as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean, is a beautiful island nation located south of India. It is a land of rich culture, history, and natural beauty.

Natural Beauty

Sri Lanka is blessed with stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and majestic mountains. The island is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including elephants, leopards, and blue whales.

Culture and History

Sri Lanka has a long and complex history, dating back to the arrival of the first settlers thousands of years ago. The island has been influenced by many different cultures over the centuries, including Indian, Chinese, and European. This diversity is reflected in Sri Lankan art, music, and dance.

People and Economy

Sri Lanka is home to a friendly and welcoming people. The island’s economy is based on tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing. Sri Lanka is a major producer of tea, rubber, and cinnamon.

Sri Lanka is a truly special place. Its natural beauty, rich culture, and friendly people make it a popular destination for tourists from all over the world.

250 Words Essay on Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, a beautiful island nation located in the Indian Ocean, is often referred to as the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean”. It is a land of rich history, diverse culture, and stunning natural beauty.

History and Culture

Sri Lanka has a long and fascinating history, dating back to ancient times. It was once ruled by powerful kingdoms, and its culture is a blend of various influences, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity.

Sri Lanka is blessed with stunning natural beauty, including lush green hills, cascading waterfalls, golden beaches, and diverse wildlife. The country is home to several national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, where visitors can see elephants, leopards, and other exotic animals.

Beaches and Water Sports

Sri Lanka’s coastline is dotted with beautiful beaches, making it a popular destination for beach lovers and water sports enthusiasts. Visitors can enjoy swimming, surfing, snorkeling, and diving in the crystal-clear waters.

Tea and Spices

Sri Lanka is famous for its tea and spices. The country produces some of the finest teas in the world, and visitors can visit tea plantations and learn about the tea-making process. Sri Lanka is also known for its aromatic spices, such as cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves.

Sri Lanka is a truly special place, offering a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Whether you are a history buff, a nature lover, or simply looking for a relaxing beach vacation, Sri Lanka has something for everyone.

500 Words Essay on Sri Lanka

Sri lanka: an enchanting island.

Sri Lanka, also known as Ceylon, is a beautiful island country located in the Indian Ocean, south of India. It is known for its diverse landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. The country boasts stunning beaches, lush rainforests, ancient ruins, and a fascinating blend of ethnicities and religions.

A Glimpse into Sri Lanka’s History

Sri Lanka has a long and storied history, dating back to over 2,500 years. The country has been influenced by various cultures, including the Sinhalese, Tamil, Portuguese, Dutch, and British. The ruins of ancient kingdoms and temples, such as Sigiriya and Polonnaruwa, offer a glimpse into the country’s rich past.

Mesmerizing Landscapes and Pristine Beaches

Sri Lanka is blessed with stunning natural beauty. The island is known for its pristine beaches, which are perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. The southern and eastern coasts are particularly popular among tourists, with towns like Galle and Arugam Bay attracting surfers and beachgoers. The country’s central highlands, known as the Hill Country, offer breathtaking views of lush tea plantations, waterfalls, and misty mountains.

Cultural Tapestry and Vibrant Festivals

Sri Lanka is known for its diverse culture, which is a blend of Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim, and Burgher influences. The country is home to many festivals and celebrations, including the Sinhala and Tamil New Year, Vesak Poya, and Deepavali. Traditional dances, music, and art forms reflect the rich cultural heritage of Sri Lanka.

Exploring Sri Lanka’s Natural Wonders

Sri Lanka is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. The country’s national parks, such as Yala National Park and Udawalawe National Park, offer opportunities to spot elephants, leopards, sloth bears, and a variety of bird species. The island is also famous for its tea plantations, which produce some of the finest tea in the world.

A Culinary Journey

Sri Lankan cuisine is a blend of local and foreign influences, resulting in a unique and flavorful culinary experience. Rice and curry is a staple dish, accompanied by an array of flavorful curries, sambals, and condiments. The country is also known for its delicious street food, such as kotthu rotti and hoppers.

In conclusion, Sri Lanka is a captivating island nation that offers a wealth of experiences to visitors. From its ancient ruins and diverse landscapes to its vibrant culture and delicious cuisine, Sri Lanka is a perfect destination for those seeking a rich and memorable travel experience.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Home » Blog » Kumar Sangakkara: The greatest hero of our time

Kumar Sangakkara: The greatest hero of our time

  • November 2, 2020
  • , perabeats Articles
  • Posted by perabeats

By far the most loved and respected Sri Lankan on our generation and throughout the cricket playing world is the left-handed magical batsman and the exceptional wicket-keeper Kumar Sangakkara.

a great person in sri lanka essay

He is a professional Sri Lankan National Cricketer who is wildly regarded as one of the greatest batsmen of all time and a legendary star in the history of the game. He is also a record-breaking wicket-keeper. He is more than the greatest cricketer our country has ever produced.

Kumar Sangakkara, an elegant stroke player and a reliable keeper was the cornerstone of Sri Lankan cricket for close to 15 years. He is one of cricket’s most endearing personalities both on and off the field. He is a good player of both fast and spin bowling and is known to revel in arduous situations. He has amazing levels of concentration and is known to score big.

Sanga as he is fondly known by his fans is an exceptional gentleman par excellence shining at the apex of his glory. He is an epitome of humble personality whose contribution to cricket has helped to build a highly reputable image in Sri Lanka.

His Childhood and Education –

Kumar Chokshanada Sangakkara, was born on 27 October 1977 in Matale, Sri Lanka. He grew up in Kandy and he’s the youngest one in his family. His father was an eminent lawyer and also a keen sportsman named Kshema. Mr. Kshema a very well respected person of the local community and his deep love of law, literature, philosophy, and art was picked by his children. Sangakkara’s family has a strong educational background. His sister Thushari holds a degree at the University of Peradeniya and his elder brother Vemendra holds a degree at the Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. His other sister Saranga, having a fashion degree, was a national tennis champion and she played tennis for the Brown University in the United States.

Sangakkara was a Trinitian who began to explore his talents in cricket in all age groups, badminton, tennis and swimming during his young days. He also learned to play the violin. He explored a broad range of subjects and also hobbies in his school era. Reading is one of his hobbies and he still enjoys the reading as his favorite author is Oscar Wilde. In school, his favorite subjects were English Literature and Greek and Roman Civilization (GRC) but he always showed a great interest in Law. He followed his father’s footsteps and he had enrolled to complete a Bachelor of Law at the University of Colombo, but due to hectic schedule of his tours he left less time for his studies and it was affected on his personal studies, and he could not complete his degree. He still wants to complete his degree of law after his retirement as a professional cricketer.

This future super star was fated to sharpen his skills in school cricket winning the most prestigious Trinity Lion Award and RYDE award in 1996 at the age of 19.

His Personal Life-

Sangakkara is married to his longtime partner, Yehali in May 2003 with whom he has twin children, a son called Kavith Kshema Peiris Sangakkara and daughter’s name is Swyree Kaavya Peiris Sangakkara.

a great person in sri lanka essay

His Domestic Cricket Career –

He has played cricket from the very early age of 7 years, but he was playing cricket seriously when he was around 12 years old, at that time he confidently secured a place for him in the Trinity College under 13 team. He was the senior prefect of Trinity College in 1996, he showed his talents at school in both cricket and Tennis as well, and he was in the list of good students and good players, and his school’s principal Mr. Leonard De Alwis advised his mother to encourage him to pursue cricket.

He is an all-around sportsman, cricket is his favorite sports to play but with cricket, he likes to play Tennis and Golf. At an early age as a child he played and showed his outstanding performances at table tennis, tennis, and a good swimmer. At one stage he represented Sri Lanka Schools at Tennis and he could continue tennis as a professional career but at the age of 17 he choose cricket instead of tennis and gave full focus on cricket, although it was the hardest decision for him to choose one field as career, in the end, he chose cricket and enjoyed this field more because of team spirit and fun. At school stage, he was a prodigiously talented sportsman, although he did not gain a high profile in the school cricket circuit and he also did not play cricket for the youth teams of Sri Lanka.

He played his domestic career for the Nondescripts in Sri Lanka, in the Country Championships. He played English country cricket in 2007 with Warwickshire. In the year of 2010, he was confirmed to represent Lancashire in the Country Championship 2010.However, he never played for the Lancashire as he was unavailable due to international commitments. A terrorist attack on 3rd March 2009 at the Sri Lankan cricket team caused to injure many players, including Kumar Sangakkara.

As a youngster, Sangakkara was gifted with exemplary temperament and was highly rated for his elegant batting. During the last 15 years Sanga has experienced a highly remarkable contribution of his expertise in cricket with team spirit as the captain, wicket-keeper and stylish batsman of the National Team. His attempt to bring Sri Lanka Cricket to the world of sports has commendably come to a reality.

His International Career-

At the age of 21, national selectors of the cricket, a year later picked him for the team of Sri Lanka ‘A’ in 1998-99 to the tour of South Africa. In this tour he performed well, he could manage to gain a place in the team for the three-match home series in May 2000 against Zimbabwe. This match series against Zimbabwe, turned out to be a breakthrough tour for him as he cracked an outstanding 156 in a limited over series with not out status. This gallant century was a brilliant display of his batting competence that made him selected to the national team. In this innings in which one 6 that was smashed the window of the dressing room was observed by the National coach Dav Whatmore, it paved the way for Sangakkara’s inclusion in the One Day Internationals squad in July 2000 for the Singer Triangular Series with South Africa and Pakistan.

Sanga played his debut for the Sri Lanka National Test Team in 2000 against South Africa and in the same year played in the limited over matches against Pakistan. In 2006, he displayed his finest talented skills in his first T20 matches against England. He showed maturity in his performance beyond his years.

In the Singer Series the victory of Sri Lanka, boosted their confidence ahead to play with South Africa for three-match Test Series. Due to well performances in one-day internationals, international cricket selectors encouraged to take the plunge with Sangakkara in test match series too. The decision of selectors to select him was not wrong, he proved their decision by his good performances. His performances were more modest and finest.

He continues to improve his talents and bring perfection in his every game, during 5 match ODI series he performed very well. In several dimensions, he is the batsman who is unquestionably world class cricketer. With the batting and bowling, he was also a wicketkeeper for a fair time period and good enough to grip any situations and turned the direction of the game into his team’s favor.

Mother Sri Lanka prides herself on Sanga’s outstanding records in International Cricket. He is the only cricketer to have reached the milestone to score 8,000, 9,000, 11,000 and 12,000 runs in Test Cricket, the fastest in history.

In 2006, Sanga and Mahela Jayawardena created history of a 624 run partnership against South Africa, an unbroken world record of highest partnership for any wicket in test matches breaking the previous partnership of 576 runs made by Sanath Jayasuriya and Roshan Mahanama in 1997. He is the only Sri Lankan cricketer who scored over 12,000 runs in test cricket. He scored 52 half centuries in addition to 38 centuries and disported a superb wicket keeping with 202 dismissals. Sanga scored 11 double centuries to his credit, second only to Don Bradman who scored 12 double centuries in his career.

a great person in sri lanka essay

In limited over matches Sanga has played 404 ODIs with a total score of 14,234 runs winning the second place next to Sachin Tendulkar who leads with 18,426 runs in 463 matches. Sanga has become the best wicket keeper with the world record of 506 dismissals together with 99 stumps. He captained 45 ODIs from 2009 to 2011 with 27 victories. Sanga has displayed his skills in 56 T20 matches with 1382 runs and captained from 2009 to 2010 with 13 victories.

Sanga played in Sri Lanka Team for the World Cup in 2007 and 2011 to capture runner-up place and also ICC T20 world cup in 2012 and 2014. At the last ICC T20 World Cup, he was adjudged the Man of the Match. In fact, he has been holding Man of the Match title for several years and many other reputable awards. Sanga was able to always maintain top in the ICC world ranking. He was in sixth place in batsman rank at his retirement. In recognition of his magnificent scoring of runs in the event of necessity and his world class keeping behind the stumps, the countries and cricket clubs like Warwickshire, Surrey, Kings XI Punjab, Deccan Chargers, Sunrise Hyderabad, and Durham offered contracts to Sanga to share his professional competence in cricket.

a great person in sri lanka essay

He was honoured with Sri Lankan captaincy from 2009 to 2011 in 15 Test matches with five victories to Sri Lanka. In 2009, with the experience of 80 Tests and 246 ODIs, Sangakkara succeeded Jayawardene as Sri Lanka’s captain in all formats of the game. The advent of leadership catapulted his powers even further. Most importantly in T20 World  Cup in 2009, Sangakkara led his team to the finals. Sangakkara enjoyed a great deal of success at the helm, leading Sri Lanka to win in the tri-series in Bangladesh and defeating Asian-rivals, India.

He also guided Sri Lanka to the 2011 World Cup final. However, he stepped down from captaincy, following the agonizing loss in the final, realising the importance of ushering in the new age of Sri Lankan cricket aside from sharpening his own batsmanship. The same year, he was adjudged the ICC ODI Cricketer of the Year. During his tenure as a captain, he led in 81 international matches, winning 44 and 11 without the result.

His Commentary Career-

Kumar Sangakkara made his ICC TV commentary debut during the 2017 ICC Champions Trophy along with newcomers Brendon McCullum, Graeme Smith and Ricky Ponting. Sangakkara was also one of the commentators for the global broadcast of the ICC Cricket World Cup in 2019.

Kumar Sangakkara has joined Sky Sports for commentary throughout the English summer of 2018. He also commentated in Pakistan’s tour of England as well as India’s tour of England.

His Awards and Achievements-

Sanga has strikingly raised the Sri Lankan Flag high across the world by winning a number of awards of recognition in International Cricket. He was named Wisden Leading Cricketer in 2011 and 2015. Sanga and Virender Sehwag of India were the only two cricketers who won this prestige award twice.

In 2012, he was honoured with ICC Award OID Player of the Year followed by three awards – Cricketer of the Year, Test Player of the Year and People’s Choice Cricketer in 2011 and 2013 for his masterly performance of the game. It was again a special honour to him being selected by ICC for World IX team continuously. Sanga also won the Cricketer of the Year award of CEAT International Cricket awards – India for 2014.

The national award system introduced to recognize Sri Lankan cricketers originated with CEAT Cricket Awards Ceremony in 2009 and later it was transformed into Dialog Cricket awards since 2013. He was awarded Dialog SLC ODI Batsman of the Year in 2015. Sanga was adjudged winner of most of the awards since 2009 for Leadership to World Cup in 2009, Player and the Best Batsman of the Year in 2010, Most Popular Player and Best Batsman in 2011, Most Popular, Best Batsman and Cricketer of the Year in 2012, Most Popular Player in 2013 and Most Popular Player and Best Batsman 2014 and also he was awarded with Ada Derana Sri Lankan of the Year 2016 – Icon of the Year Award . Moreover Sanga was honoured as Sri Lankan of the Year for 2011 by LMD Magazine.

He scored sixth highest aggregate of runs (12,400) in 134 matches at an Average of 57.40, second most double centuries in a career having 11 double centuries in Tests, fourth highest number of centuries; 38 centuries in 134 matches, highest average (qualification 5000 runs) by a Sri Lankan (57.40), most runs in Year 2014 – 1493 runs in 12 matches with 4 hundreds and 9 fifties with average 71.09. He was the first player to score 150+ scores in four consecutive Test matches. And he scored the most test centuries when batting at number 3 position (37) and the most career runs when batting at number 3 position in test history (11679).

He was the first Sri Lankan to pass 14,000 runs In One-Day Internationals. He was the first and only batsman to score four consecutive hundreds – centuries against Bangladesh (105*), England (117*), Australia (104) and Scotland (124) in the 2015 ICC World Cup. He scored most runs as wicketkeeper batsman in ODI history (13,262 runs) and the first wicketkeeper batsman to score over 10000 runs in One Day Internationals. Sangakkara was the first Sri Lankan and 4th overall batsman to reach hundred in his 100th ODI appearance.

He along with Mahela Jayawardene holds the record for the highest ever partnership for any wicket in ICC World T20 history (166 for the 2nd wicket). He was the first batsman to score half centuries in 2 different ICC T20 World Cup finals in 2009 and 2014.

a great person in sri lanka essay

He was the first player to have scored 4 centuries in a single World Cup. He was also the second wicket keeper after Adam Gilchrist to effect in 50+ dismissals in World Cups. Fastest century by a Sri Lankan – Sangakkara scored his 23rd ODI century by 70 balls against England on 1 March 2015.

Sangakkara’s MCC Spirit of Cricket Cowdrey Lecture-

As much as he is stylish with the bat on the field, he is equally intelligent and effective off it. In 2001 the famous MCC Spirit of Cricket Cowdrey Lecture was inaugurated in memory of the late Lord Cowdrey of Tonbridge. In honour of Sanga’s distinguished career world over, it was a tribute paid to him in 2011 by inviting to deliver a speech on MCC Spirit of Cricket at Lords, London. A prestigious invitation to deliver this speech of high reputation is a very rare occasion offered by MCC. Sanga takes the pride to be the youngest cricketer and the only player not retired from sports to have enjoyed this prestige and to be honoured with that highly reputable podium to address the audience. Sanga’s lecture covering a complete history of Sri Lanka cricket that lasted for one hour was widely applauded by the cricket community as deeply poignant and impressive. He emphasized the urgent need of remedial measures taken to address issues and shortcomings experienced in the past in an attempt to improve the sport in the interest of national image. The overwhelming popularity of Sanga silenced the aversion of certain political elements against his speech. It was an acute display of his professional approach which has been described as “the most important speech in cricket history”, to build up the performing talents of cricket devoid of corruption as appreciated by the entire sports world. According to sources, this lecture has been added to the English Literature 2015 O/L syllabus as one of its lessons.

a great person in sri lanka essay

After the conclusion of the second test, a special farewell presentation was held for Sangakkara with the presence of President Maithripala Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe, former Sri Lankan Test captain Arjuna Ranatunga, former Indian Test captain Sunil Gavaskar, and several cricket celebrities. Several mementos were given for the behalf of his cricket career and Gavaskar invited him to the former cricketer’s club. Indian captain Virat Kohli described Sangakkara as “a lovely person”. President Sirisena offered him to work as the Commissioner for the United Kingdom in Sri Lanka stating “He has been a great face for our country and it gives me immense pleasure in offering him the post of High Commissioner to the UK”.

a great person in sri lanka essay

A Legendary Jewel of his Profession –

He has proved that he is a legendary jewel of his profession with indomitable popularity not only in Sri Lanka but also in the entire global community who loves sports. His evergreen form and never giving up attitude helped him earn some achievements that hold valuable importance at the international level. He was probably one of the soundest batsmen and a brilliant wicket-keeper of the 21st century and his numbers vouch for him.

Sanga is accredited with lasting memories of all Sri Lankans and the cricket world through his entire experience in this favourite game. His far-sighted decision not to get involved in politics is wisdom of thought as commended by the whole country. He was the spine of Sri Lankan national team till his retirement.

a great person in sri lanka essay

He is involved in a lot of charity work in Sri Lanka. Sanga’s contribution to the country at the difficult time like the tsunami and role played as an ambassador for national social needs won the influence of young and old from all around the globe. He is a member of the Think Wise Initiative, launched by International Cricket Council, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and UNICEF, this initiative is aimed at raising awareness of HIV prevention and eliminating discrimination against people living with HIV and AIDS. He is also a partner of the Foundation of Goodness, a charity launched by Kushil Gunasekara.

As a Sri Lankan Cricket fan, it’s a privilege to pen a complimentary appreciation on one of the finest batsmen Sri Lanka has ever produced. Kumar Sangakkara who dedicated an invaluable contribution as a resplendent sportsman is a rare gift of the nation. He is a complete person in the truest sense of the word.

May he be blessed with strength and courage to guide Sri Lanka Cricket with all his expertise together with young blood of innate talents so that the Sri Lanka Flag will fly high in memory of this most favourite game of cricket. His name should be written in golden letters in the history of Sri Lanka Cricket.

Article By – M.N.F Hilma.

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Great Personalities-Grade 10

C. w.w. kannangara.

a great person in sri lanka essay

Famous People from Sri Lanka

A microphone and the flag of Sri Lanka, a Country from which several Famous People were Born!

The world always refers to Sri Lanka’s natural and historical value. Yet, there is an unheard aspect of the country! Yes, that is none other than the skillful personalities that add value to the country. In fact, there are thousands of people who took the name of Sri Lanka to the highest possible places in the world. Indeed, that is not just in one particular field, but in many fields. Even the world admires the talents and the good qualities of these people despite the field they are engaged in. So, we thought of focusing this read on such famous people from Sri Lanka. Continue reading to know about their significance and contributions!

Cricketers among the Famous People from Sri Lanka

Simply, the bond that Sri Lankans have with cricket is simply amazing. However, this is not the simple reason for Sri Lankan cricketers to become famous all over the world. It is indeed their marvelous talents and achievements.

Some of the most famous cricketers from Sri Lanka are as follows.

  • Arjuna Ranatunga
  • Sanath Jayasuriya
  • Muththaiya Muralitharan
  • Thilakaratne Dilshan
  • Mahela Jayawardane
  • Kumar Sangakkara
  • Lasith Malinga

Winning international tournaments, defeating the high-ranked teams in the world, recording the best possible scores, and even harsh defeats are some of the main reasons that have made them some of the most famous people from Sri Lanka. Their biographies are so inspiring to read and extract life lessons.

Scroll down to get to know a bit about these wonderful personalities!

1. Arjuna Ranatunga

Arjuna Ranatunga has played a significant role in Sri Lankan cricket history. For one era, he committed all his efforts to rank up this draining sport in this country.

He started as a left-handed batsman who went to score easily while developing his bowling skills as a right-arm medium player. Further, he started playing for the national team in 1982 and continued until 2000. In the same year, in 1982, he stepped into ODI. That was with a match against England and he ended his ODI life in 1999 in a match against Kenya.

He was a glorious Sri Lankan player for more than 25 years. He was even captaining the team for eleven years starting from 1988. During his captaincy, he could raise the team from a zero-level, weak, routinely defeated team to a competitive, successful, and determinantal chasing team. Besides, he was the captain of the Sri Lankan team which won the 1996 ICC Cricket World Cup.

However, throughout his cricket career, playing 361 matches, he always strived to give his best not for himself but for the sake of the reputation of his country. Later, he joined the cricket council. There too he contributed a lot to Sri Lankan cricket.

Accordingly, he served to erase the tarnished status of Sri Lankan cricket at the time. Hence, the Arjuna cricket era is something that will always be planted in the hearts of cricket fans in Sri Lanka as well as the world.

Apart from that, Arjuna joined politics and tried to serve Sri Lankans in that field as well. So, all these things made him one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka!

2. Sanath Jayasuriya

Of course, there is certainly no one who doesn’t know Sanath Jayasuriya ! He is that much of a highlight among the famous people from Sri Lanka.

Jayasuriya succeeded in gaining glory in the country through his revolutionary batting style and chasing the scores. People consider him one of the greatest attacking batsmen of all time. His style of striking and all-rounder performances is very powerful, daring, and incomparable. Further, his determination has led many matches to win with hard pressure on the opposing team.

His revolutionized explosive batting in ODI during the mid-1990s is the highlight of his whole career. In those days, the opposing teams used to play with a little tension when they were bowling to Sanath Jayasuriya. That is the reason why cricket fans still murmur his name whenever they witness something similar to his performance from any debut cricketer in the team. Due to his explosive batting style, he even had the nicknames such as bomb blaster and little bomb blaster.

He is the only cricketer in history to score 10,000 runs and take 300 wickets as a double all-rounder in a single format. At the same time, he is the most successful left-arm spinner in the history of ODI cricket. Further, he was also the first cricketer to score a century in less than 50 balls.

Moreover, he records the highest ODI innings by a Sri Lankan. That is 189 runs against daring India while recording the highest partnership for 2nd wicket in test cricket. He is also the first and only batsman in history to score two ODI scores above 150 consecutively. Saying that he has kept dozens of records as both a batsman and a bowler while taking the country’s name higher in the cricket world.

3. Muththaiya Muralitharan

Muththaiya Muralitharan is one of the most famous people in Sri Lanka Cricket. He spent nearly two decades on the ground as a player. Now, he is guiding the new team members as a coach.

Muralitharan started playing in the national arena in 1992 as a debut player in test cricket. He then entered ODI in 2011. After playing about 130 test matches, he ended his test career in 2010 and his ODI career in 2011. That was with the successful completion of 350 matches. In the meantime, he was a part of T20I cricket as well.

Playing all these matches as a missile who used to make the opponent batsmen afraid, he had a quite successful career with hundreds of rewards and records. Even today the new players try to follow him and build their careers as he has remained an unerasable memory on the international cricket platform.

When it comes to the records he has kept, the best and most significant one is that he is the only bowler to take 800 test wickets and more than 530 ODI wickets in international cricket. Even today he is the highest wicket-taker in international cricket form.

Further, he is also the only player to take 10 wickets in a test in four consecutive matches and the only player to take 50 or more wickets against every test-playing nation. Moreover, he is one of the two players to take 9 wickets in a test innings twice. Also, he was the player to take most of the ‘Man of the Series’ awards in test cricket. He is also the only bowler to take 100 or more wickets in a calendar year four times across all formats.

The list never ends as he was one of the unstoppable bowlers that the Sri Lankan cricket team had.

4. Thilakratne Dilshan

Thilakrtne Dilshan also known as T M Dilshan is one of the commendable former players and captains of the Sri Lanka National Cricket team. He made his name echo in the cricket world as an all-rounder who did his best in whatever he did.

He debuted in test cricket and ODI cricket in the same year, 1999, and in T20I in 2006. Then, he ended his test, ODI, and T20I careers respectively in 2013 and 2016 after playing nearly 500 matches altogether. Other than that, he had the honor to become the second captain for Sri Lanka in Twenty20 Internationals.

At the same time, as a commendable batsman, he introduced a new technique of striking the ball called Dilscoop. It is a shot that hits the ball over the head of the keeper to reach the back boundaries.

He has kept records in a way that cricket fans around the world will remember about. He is the one to reach the highest score in Lord’s Cricket Ground by a Sri Lankan. Also, he built the highest partnership for the fifth wicket with Thilan Samaraweera in a match against Bangladesh in 2005. Further, he is the only Sri Lankan to score centuries in both innings in his 50th Test match. He also could become the opener to get the most runs for Sri Lanka in a calendar year. The list goes on as he could make his career a memorable one by giving his best to whatever format or whatever role he played throughout.

His energetic sportsmanship behavior on the ground is still memorable and incomparable. Even today, T M Dilshan is a name that remains in the minds of cricket fans all around the world.

5. Mahela Jayawardene

Mahela Jayawardene is a former player in the Sri Lanka national team. Currently, he is a consultant coach for the national team and a head coach of the IPL franchise Mumbai Indians.

He started his career on the national side in 1997 mainly as a batsman with the skills of a right-arm medium bowler. Also, he debuted his test career in 1997 and his ODI career in 1998. Similarly, he bid adieu to test cricket in 2014 and ODI cricket in 2015. He has played 149 test matches and 448 ODI matches.

As a batsman, he has succeeded in keeping the record of the highest partnership for any wicket with the help of Kumar Sangakkara and the highest individual score in tests by a Sri Lankan. He could also be the only batsman to score centuries both in a world cup final and a world cup semifinal. Further, he became the first Sri Lankan to score a century in T20I and the only Sri Lankan to have scored a century in T20 World Cups.

Besides, as a fielder, he could take the most number of catches in both Test and ODI formats. Also, as a captain, he gained the title of the best international captain of the year by the International Cricket Council.

It is mainly because of his tactical acumen for decades and his captaincy instincts. The Mahela era was the best era in cricket history when considering the confidence and the dedication of the team at the time.

Being such a commendable player, he honored the game which made him sparkle in the whole world by being a coach of the new generation who is ready to take the future of Sri Lanka cricket into their hands.

6. Kumar Sangakkara

Among the most famous people in Sri Lanka, the name Kumar Sangakkara lies on the top of the list. He is a former professional cricketer, currently a Sri Lankan cricket commentator, and an ICC Hall of Fame inductee.

Sangakkara started his career as a national player in 2000. He debuted both his test and ODI careers in 2000 and ended them in 2015. Without stopping there, he was privileged to be on the T20I players’ list from 2006 until 2014.

He is also on the top of the list when it comes to international records as well. As a batsman, he gained the second most double centuries in a career with double centuries which was second only to 12 by Don Bradman. Also, he is ninth in the list of having the highest half-centuries in test cricket with 52 as a count. Further, he is the first player to score 150+ scores in four consecutive test matches, the fastest 8,000 and 9,000 runs. Also, he is the first Sri Lankan to pass 14,000 runs in ODI cricket and the first and only batsman to score four consecutive hundreds in the same format. As a wicketkeeper, he has the most dismissals in all three formats: Test, ODI, and T20I.

He became popular as one of the greatest batsmen in the history of cricket. Especially, according to the ratings he is in the top three current batsmen in the world in all three formats of cricket. During his cricket career of 15 years, he has scored 28.016 runs in all three formats which ended him as the second-highest run-scorer in ODI cricket, and the sixth-highest run-scorer in test cricket.

His discipline and his sportsmanship made him popular around the world as a gentleman in the sport.

7. Lasith Malinga

Lasith Malinga is a well-known fast bowler. He recently left cricket but remained as a consultant coach of the Sri Lanka national team.

As a right-arm fast bowler, he joined the National Cricket Team and remained there until 2020. He directly started his test and ODI careers in 2004 and remained there until 2010 and 2019 respectively. Also, he debuted in the T20s in 2006 and stayed until his retirement in 2020. Throughout his journey, he has played more than 350 matches and the service he has done is commendable and incomparable.

The best performance he has done so far is the consecutive wickets with his swinging-in yokers. In fact, he is the only bowler up to date to take two world cup hat tricks, three ODI hat tricks, and two double hat tricks in the world. Hence, he is the owner of the record for most hat-tricks in international cricket.

Besides, he is the first bowler to take 100 wickets in all three formats; test, ODI, and T20I in international cricket. He is the fourth-highest wicket-taker in all formats of T20 cricket. Also, he is the first and only bowler to take 100-150 wickets in the history of the IPL. Even as an average batsman he could hold the record of being the highest ninth wicket partnership in an ODI which is 132 runs with Angelo Mathews against Australia.

His bowling style is scary and deadly, making the opposing players careful when striking his balls. He is commonly used as a death bowler and popular for his significant round-arm action. This sling action ended up in giving him a nickname, ‘Slinga Malinga’.

After being one of the strongest frontline bowlers on the team for more than a decade, he retired from all the formats of cricket in 2021.

Athletes among the Famous People from Sri Lanka

Apart from the cricketers some athletes also performed well and took the name of the country to the international space. Some of them are as follows;

  • Susanthika Jayasinghe
  • Damayanthi Darsha
  • Dinesh Priyantha

Scroll down to know about these wonderful personalities!

8. Susanthika Jayasinghe

Susanthika Jayasinghe is a retired Sri Lankan spinster who specialized in 100 and 200-meter running events. However, she is popular for her Olympic win, which was a silver medal in the 200m women’s running event in the 2000 Summer Olympics.

It is the second medal that a Sri Lankan could achieve in an Olympic event and the first medal that an Asian female got in an Olympic event. She is also the only Sri Lankan to win a medal in a World Athletic Championship, by then.

She attempted three times to take the name of the motherland to the heights of the world through the Olympics and one of her attempts thus succeeded. Therefore, she is considered one of the most decorated sprinters in Sri Lanka.

9. Damayanthi Darsha

Damayanthi Darsha is a retired sprinter in Sri Lanka who competed in 200m and 400m sprinter events on international platforms. She is the current 200m women’s sprinter record holder of Asian games and the current 400m women’s sprinter record holder of Asian Athletic Championships. Not only that! She is the national record holder for 400m women’s sprinter as well.

People regard her as one of the greatest and most successful track and field athletes to represent Sri Lanka at the international level. She, as an athlete, has represented Sri Lanka at the Olympics three times, at the Commonwealth games four times, and at the South Asian games four times to take up the pride of the country to the international crowd.

10. Dinesh Priyantha

Dinesh Priyantha is a paralympic track and field athlete who participated and took the victory down to the country in the F46 category javelin throw event. He also served as an important member of the Sri Lanka Army during the civil war period, which eventually resulted in making him disabled due to a shot at his left arm during the final stages of the war.

At the Paralympics, he became the first ever Sri Lankan to win a gold medal which made him the record holder of Paralympics and World record in men’s javelin throw for the F46 category. Even as disabled he took the name of the country to the international level and fulfilled his duty as a proud Sri Lankan.

Politicians among the Famous People from Sri Lanka

In every country, politics is one of the most discussed topics among the countrymen. Similarly, in Sri Lanka also, politicians are always in the contest due to their work and their contribution to the development of the country. Some politicians have been in the political field for more than 50 years and have done so many things on behalf of the country. Among them, there are former presidents, ministers, and parliament members along with the current president as well.

This section of this article will discuss further the about noteworthy political roles in Sri Lanka such as:

  • D.S. Senanayake
  • Sirimavo Bandaranaike
  • S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike
  • Lakshman Kadirgamar
  • J.R. Jayawardene
  • C.W.W. Kannangara
  • Ranasinghe Premadasa
  • Maithripala Sirisena
  • Ranil Wickramasinghe
  • Mahinda Rajapakshe
  • Gotabaya Rajapakshe
  • Chandrika Kumarathunge

Continue reading to know more about them!

11. D.S Senanayake

D. S. Senanayake is one of the famous people from Sri Lanka owing to his emerging contributions to the Sri Lankan independence movement. However, he is a former statesman after the independence of Sri Lanka from British rule.

As you may already know, this movement led to the establishment of self-rule in Ceylon. After stabilizing this rule in Sri Lanka, the political and government system established by the colonial intruders started to change. As a result, D.S Senanayake became the first Prime Minister of Ceylon who later entered into historical legends as the ‘Father of Nation’. He gained this honor due to the immense commitment he showcased to the independence movement and later in building up westernized Sri Lanka into the Sinhalese nation. Thus, he is one of the significant characters in the political history of this island which is constantly subjected to unexpected alterations.

12. Sirimavo Bandaranaike

Sirimavo Bandaranaike is one of the former Sri Lankan female politicians who gained popularity due to his gender identity. Being a female, during the period of the 1960s when cultural and traditional values were highly concerned, she succeeded in becoming the first female Prime Minister in the world when she became the Prime Minister in Sri Lanka.

Besides, she was the chair of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and she served three times as prime minister, two times as the chair of the party, and one time in the presidential system under the presidency of Chandrika Kumaratunga , who is her daughter.

However, she entered politics following her husband, S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike ‘s death, and most of the time her emotional speeches ended up with her bursting into tears. Owing to this, she even earned the title ‘The Weeping Widow’ from her opponents. However, she is one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka and a noteworthy character who remained in her political career for quite a long time fulfilling her duty toward the nation.

13. S.W.R.D Bandaranaike

S.W.R.D Bandaranaike was the fourth Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, who was often referred to as ‘The Silver Bell of Asia’ based on the heart-touching and revolutionary speeches he made for the public.

Moreover, he is famous as the founder of the left-wing and the Sri Lanka Freedom party. As mentioned in the previous section, he is the husband of the world’s first female prime minister, Sirimavo Bandaranaike , and the father of the first and only female president of the country, Chandrika Bandaranaike .

However, his service period is unbelievably less, and it is limited to three years. In fact, he started his political career in 1956 as an active politician and had to end his career along with his life journey due to an assassination in 1959. Still, being a revolutionary politician, he strived in establishing some national policies, which later his wife attempted to keep up and collaborate in the governing system of the country.

14. Lakshman Kadirgamar

Lakshman Kadirgamar was a popular Sri Lankan lawyer and statesman during the later years of the 20th century and the early years of the 21st century. He is mainly popular for the service he has done during his ministerial period as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka. And yes, it is his successful foreign relationships that made him one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka.

Besides, he was a lawyer who fought against the LTTE organization where he attempted to ban it internationally. Unfortunately, this was what resulted in his death caused by an assassination of an LTTE sniper.

However, he served in the political field for a decade and his service is significant in the political history of Sri Lanka. Considering all the political and legal careers of Lakshman Kadirgamar, the government of Sri Lanka awarded him with the highest national honor, Sri Lankabhimanya.

15. J.R Jayawardene

J.R Jayewardene was one of the significant leaders who had a great serving period in the political history of Sri Lanka. He served as the Prime Minister from 1977 to 1978 and as the second president, as well as the first executive president in the Republic of Sri Lanka from 1978 to 1989.

Besides, he was a leading character in the nationalist movement in Sri Lanka. The main incident that is related to him is that due to him introducing the open economy system, Sri Lanka could get out of the economic turmoil Sri Lanka was in before. At the same time, he bore the accusation of being an initiator of the civil war due to one of the statements he made regarding the Black July. However, owing to all these reasons he became one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka and one of the most controversial political figures that can be found in political history.

16. C.W.W Kannangara

C. W. W Kannangara is one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka, and his recognition lies as a lawyer and a politician who contributed much to the education system back in his time. Besides, he was an active participant in Sri Lanka’s movement for independence during the early 20th century.

He, being a lawyer, worked a lot with regard to the legal proceedings during the riots and gave his best to protect the true leaders who worked on getting independence . Later after independence , he became the first Minister of Education in the State Council of Ceylon.

Being the Minister of education, he implemented exclusive reforms in the education system and ended up offering free education in government schools and government universities. To date, his major reform of the education system is in action, and therefore millions of children could get their education free of charge.

17. Ranasinghe Premadasa

Ranasinghe Premadasa was the third president of the Republic of Sri Lanka and the second executive president of the country. He is one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka and a widely spoken figure in political history due to his controversial ruling period as president.

Before his presidency, he served as the Prime Minister under the governance of president J R Jayewardene . However, he initiated several charity works to light up the lives of the working-class crowd in the country, which are up to date in action. Some of his social work is opening up preschools for poor families and vocational training centers for sewing and tailoring for youth. During his presidency, the civil war in the North and a communist insurgency were in action. However, he is well-known for his particularly ruthless actions against insurgents and terrorists.

18. Maithripala Sirisena

Maithripala Sirisena is a politician and the seventh executive president of the Republic of Sri Lanka. His governing period is of three years, and he was the first politician to become the president without belonging to the traditional Sri Lankan political elite.

During his presidency, one of the highlighted things that happened is that he fired Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe and appointed Mahinda Rajapaksa as the Prime Minister by a letter. This surprised many since he became the president by campaigning against and defeating Mahinda Rajapaksha. Therefore, he is considered a president who tried hard to get the Rajapaksas into power again. However, he showed an impressive sense of simplicity, and this itself gave less significance to whatever contributions he did on behalf of the country.

19. Ranil Wickramasinghe

Ranil Wickramasinghe is a Sri Lankan politician who is currently the president of the country. At the same time, he is the Minister of Finance in Sri Lanka.

Besides, the significance is that he had been the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka five times leading six governments. To be specific, that is from 1993 to 2022 while being the leader of the opposition from 1994 to 2001 and from 2004 to 2015. During his service period, he served as the Minister of Industry under the presidency of Ranasinghe Premadasa . While he was holding this role, he initiated major industrial reforms and established the Biyagama Special Economic Zone.

Being a politician for a huge period of time and facing several presidential elections as a candidate, he finally could become the president of Sri Lanka by a secret ballot of the Parliament of Sri Lanka as a result of Gotabaya Rajapaksa resigning from the Presidency. And yes, he has in fact become one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka, owing to the strength he had to face any challenge and finally receive the presidency, even after several failures.

20. Mahinda Rajapaksa

Mahinda Rajapaksa is a politician in Sri Lanka who is currently a member of the parliament. He served as the president of Sri Lanka for ten years from 2005-2010 and the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka from 2004-2005, 2018, and 2019-2021.

His Presidency period is considered a period with a lot of corruption records and dysfunctional projects. Further, during his presidency, he has been accused of crimes such as war crimes and human rights violations. However, during the same period, he managed to develop the infrastructure facilities in the country. Almost all the highway projects came up in Sri Lanka during his time. And apart from that, many other constructions, as well as monuments, came up during his time.

Owing to all these reasons, he became one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka, while being one of the most controversial characters in the political history of the country.

21. Gotabaya Rajapaksa

Gotabaya Rajapaksa is a former military officer and politician who became the eighth president of Sri Lanka. He is the elder brother of Mahinda Rajapaksa as well. He is the only person with a military background to become a President in Sri Lanka and the first person to become a President without being a part of an elected office.

However, more than 69 lack citizens voted for him with high hopes and several development plans, yet he failed in achieving any of those. Hence, he became one of the most hated Presidents of Sri Lankans and the people protested really hard to let him down from the position. As a result, he fled from the country and stepped down from the position.

Authors among the Famous Sri Lankans

Sri Lanka is a country with a proud history and in parallel, it is rich with literature that evolved for centuries. Even the country has a lot of readable sources about this history in different formats. One of those formats is the novels that reveal the lifestyle of the ancestors. Besides, the authors who wrote these novels are some of the most intellectual lot in Sri Lanka. They have taken the name of the country International through their skill of writing. Their novels are world famous and their writing skill is unique from one to one.

Some of such authors that took Sri Lanka’s name to the world are:

  • Martin Wickramasinghe
  • Michael Ondaatje
  • Sibil Wettasinghe
  • T.B Illangaratne
  • Simon Nawagattegama
  • Ediriweera Sarathchandra

Scroll down to get to know about these eminent personalities!

22. Martin Wickramasinghe

Martin Wickramasinghe is one of the most famous authors in the history of Sinhala Literature. His novels became world famous owing to their literacy richness. Now, there are translations of them in several languages.

His literary career began with the novel Leela. He climbed to the top of fame through his world-famous trilogy, Gamperaliya, Yuganthaya, and Kaliyugaya. He won several awards for his unique style of writing. Besides, he has gained the title of ‘The Father of Modern Literature’ as well.

His novels represent the different classes of Sri Lanka, from rustic village life to middle-class urban life and high-class rich life. Moreover, his books follow the order and they provide all the details of development and new inventions that took place in the country. Hence, his novels are one of the best sources in Sri Lanka to get information about ancient Sri Lanka.

23. Michael Ondaatje

Michael Ondaatje is originally a Sri Lankan, yet a Canadian poet, writer, essayist, novelist, editor, and filmmaker. He has received numerous international awards such as the Governor General’s Award, the Giller Prize, the Booker Prize, and the Prix Medicis etranger. Ondaatje received recognition as one of Canada’s most renowned living authors as well.

His first work was a poem that came with the name ‘The Dainty Monsters’. However, he got famous for his most recent novel, The English Patient which became both nationally and internationally successful. He even won the Golden Booker Prize for this novel due to its incredible literary features.

His career is a combination of fiction, autobiographies, poetry, and films. He touched the heights of success through his work in every form. He has successfully done a huge number of literary works that are written with his style and literary features. Hence, he is considered a world-famous writer whose work is included on several literature platforms around the world.

24. Sibil Wettasinghe

Sibil Wettasinghe was one of the most popular children’s book writers and an illustrator in Sri Lanka. She is most famous as the doyen of children’s literature in Sri Lanka.

She has become world famous through her unique writing style. Altogether she has done 200 books and they have been translated into numerous languages. There are translations of most of her stories in languages such as Japanese, Chinese, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, English, Korean, Dutch, and Tamil. Among them, the two books, Child In Me and Eternally Yours have reached the heights of fame.

Wettasinghes’s work was recognized locally and internationally, and thus her work has won many world-renowned awards that added more value to her skill. She has won particularly literary awards under the category of child narrative as she could make the children absorbed in her work as there was magic in them.

25. T. B Ilangaratne

T. B Ilangaratne was a world-famous Sri Lankan author who was also a politician, dramatist, and theatre actor at the same time. He was also a children’s book writer and got popular through his children’s novel, Amba Yaluwo. Many films and television series came up focusing on his novels. As a result, people become curious about the novel and its writer. His novels have quite a unique literary style and features that are rare in other children’s novels of the time. In the meantime, he engaged highly in politics and shined in the field contributing immensely to the country.

26. Simon Nawagaththegama

Simon Nawagaththegama was a Sinhala novelist, Sinhala radio play writer, and actor. His most famous work was Sansaranye Dadayakkaraya which was about Buddhist mythologies and blind faith in the institutions. This novel, later on, had a film adaptation as well which was a complete success in showcasing the gist of the novel. His literary style influences ancient teachings, and it makes the reader read the novel eagerly and curiously. Through most of his work, he attempted to reveal the truth of modern Sri Lankan society.

Actors among the Famous People from Sri Lanka

Just like there are dozens of people in other sectors who have taken the name of the country to the world, there are unforgettable names in the field of film and television as well. No matter if the person is a male or a female, both types have taken their skills to heights where they can make the world realize the presence of Sri Lanka. Not only that they have shown their talents, but also the capability and the improvement of the particular industry in Sri Lanka.

Some famous people in the film and teledrama industries in Sri Lanka are as follows.

  • Gamini Fonseka
  • Rukmani Devi
  • Jackson Anthony
  • Malani Fonseka
  • Pooja Umashankar
  • Jacquelin Fernandez

Of course, there is no limit when talking about these people as they have done fascinating work reaching the best of it during their times. Scroll down to get to know a glimpse of these wonderful personalities!

27. Gamini Fonseka

Gamini Fonseka is one of the famous people from Sri Lanka, who has kept his name in the film industry in an unforgettable manner. He was and is considered the greatest actor in Sinhala cinema as they say that still there is no one to beat the talents that he showcased on every platform ranging from television drama to cinema. Although he is deceased by now, his work and his talent are valid up to date, and praised by even the younger generations.

This fact is further proved through the number of ‘Best Actor’ awards he has gained throughout the decade from 1960-1970. Because of the legendary talent of Gamini Fonseka, he was even considered the King of Sri Lankan cinema during the same period.

Stepping into the film industry as a teenager, he bore the intention of being a cameraman at first. However, he debuted his cinema career as the second assistant producer to David Lean’s Bridge on the River Kwai and Lester James Peiris’s Rekava. During the same time, he got a chance to act as a minor character in the Sinhala film, Rekava, and an English TV series directed in Sri Lanka. Debuted as a minor character, he improved to be the main role in all the upcoming films. Accordingly, he dominated the field for a very short period of time.

During this journey, he encountered the characters of a romantic lover, a hero, a motif (clergy, monk, policeman, counselor, etc.), a father, a grandfather, a brother, and perhaps a villain who contributed massively to the flow and the life of the film. Besides, he was not only popular as a film actor, but also as a film director, producer, and politician.

Some of the most famous films that he took part in and even rewarded are as follows.

  • Gamperaliya
  • Parasathu Mal
  • Sorungeth Soru
  • Kasthuri Suwanda
  • Sagarayak Mada
  • Nomiyena Minisun

28. Rukmani Devi

Among the very few Sinhala actresses who wrote their names in the space of International platforms, Rukmani Devi scores at the top of the list. Being once an actress and once a singer, she took the whole film industry, particularly the background singing voice under her control. Her vocals are fascinating as much as her beauty that the people of the time could not resist not seeing or not hearing from her. This immense talent led her to acquire the title of the Nightingale of the Sri Lankan Music Industry.

Particularly, she was the one to rule the gramophone era through her unbelievable voice. The best proof that can provide for her incomparable voice is the awards she won multiple times as the ‘Best Background Singer’.

In her songs collection, there are around 50 songs according to the sources that have been recorded. However, some say that there is more than that as the early stage of her period was an era where there were no sources to preserve the songs.

Apart from that, she has participated in acting the main role in more than 100 films in the Ceylon film industry while winning the award of Best Actress Title multiple times. In addition, she became popular as the one and only actress from Sri Lanka to feature on the cover page of an Indian magazine called ‘Filmfare’. Further, the vintage car model, Toyota Hi-ace was known as the ‘Rukmani Model’ as she used to travel around in such a model and even died from an accident while traveling in that vehicle.

Some of the most popular films in which she contributed in acting:

  • Kadawunu Poronduwa
  • Peralena Iranama
  • Abuddassa Kale

Some of the most popular songs of her:

  • Sandyawe Siriya
  • Pinsara Mage Soyura
  • Ninden Rathri Yahane
  • Doi Doi Putha
  • Mavila Pene Vi Rupe
  • Pem Sihina Loke Paya

All these songs are background songs of the films that dominated the film industry by winning a number of awards. Of course, the songs vocalized by Rukmani Devi could take the films to the heights of popularity as well.

29. Jackson Anthony

Jackson Anthony is one of the other extraordinary actors in the industry of film and television who is dazzling in the field to date. He has kept an unforgettable mark not only in the field of dramas and films but in the field of stage dramas where he debuted his acting career for the first time.

He was one of the most active actors on all three platforms. This made him even win the ‘Best Actor’ award about sixteen times during his career. Apart from being an actor in the industry, he appeared before the public in various forms such as director, producer, singer, screenwriter, television host, novelist, columnist, lyricist, historian, and traveler.

He has influenced and motivated Sri Lankans in many ways through his character and his work. Meanwhile, he also gained recognition as an ordinary person who enjoys life to its fullest. Even the characters he played throughout had a meaning and purpose that portrayed a lesson to the audience.

As an actor, he has acted in countless teledramas, stage dramas, and films while showcasing an immense talent that is up to the standards of taking the name to the heights of International platforms.

Famous stage dramas that he took part in:

  • Oththukaraya
  • Methanin Maruwenu
  • Tharavo Igilethi
  • Madhura Javanika
  • Maha Samayaka
  • Dhawala Bheeshana

The songs that he sang:

  • Sithe Susum Niwana Gayana
  • Desa Piya gath kala
  • Lande Ukula Uda
  • Dewathawan Sithana Dewal
  • Ra Tharakawo

Further, if we speak about the songs, most of the songs that he has sung are of performances with renowned artists in the field.

Films that he contributed to acting:

  • Punaruthpaththiya
  • Bawa Tharana
  • Gini Keli Saha Gini Awi
  • Agni Dahaya
  • Sooriya Arana
  • Kurulu Pihatu
  • Ksem Boomiya
  • Dharmayuddhaya

It says that his skills are incomparable, and people only witness similar kinds of fascinating acting through his two sons, Sajitha Anthony and Akila Danuddhara. However, Jackson Anthony is one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka, simply unreplaceable.

30. Malini Fonseka

The name Malini Fonseka is an overheard and repeatedly heard name and still heard name in the field of Sri Lankan Cinema. She, who debuted her acting at a younger age, probably as a teenager, is now an actress who has been keeping the status of success and popularity throughout her career without making a chance to drop them.

Being the ‘Queen of Sinhalese Cinema’, Malani has been in the field for about seven decades, starting from the late 1960s. Right after that year, she started acting in films. Then, she won the ‘Best Actress Award’ at the National State Drama Festival. From there onwards, she became the youngest successful actress in Sinhalese Cinema and succeeded in keeping her status throughout her career. Her talent once took her to the international platform as she was named as one of Asia’s 25 greatest film actors of all time by CNN.

She started as a stage drama actress. With time, she leveled up until she became an actress that had high demand in the field. As a stage drama actress, she spent about 14 years of her career and moved into cinema with the help of one of her brothers, but with the names of the best directors of the time. After her first film, Punchi Baba in 1968, she received an uncountable number of invitations for the lead role from the directors of the time. With that debut, she ended up acting in 140 movies including international movies. Her incredible talents made her an unforgettable name on the silver screen as well as its loyal audience. Still, they get goosebumps when Malini Fonseka participates in a film through acting.

Some of all time successful films of Malini Fonseka:

  • Siripala Saha Ran Menika
  • Eya Den Loku Lamayek
  • Bambaru Awith
  • Pitagamkarayo
  • Weera Puran Appu
  • Pilom Premanath
  • Hingana Kolla
  • Anthima Reya
  • Uppalawanna
  • Akasa Kusum

According to records, she is the first actress to take the name of the country to the heights of International, winning a special Jury award at the Moscow International Film Festival in 1975. This is the first of her many international awards as well. So, owing to all these reasons, she is one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka.

31. Pooja Umashankar

Pooja Umashankar is a Sri Lankan-Indian actress who acted in Sinhala, Tamil, and Malayalam films. Debuting the acting career just to experience it by acting in one film and returning to her previous life, she made her name a very demanding name in the film industry.

The first film in which she acted was Ullam Ketkumae. She acted there as an Anglo-Indian girl. However, her first film released was the romantic comedy Jay Jay where she depicted a total opposite of her first character.

She is a fast adapter and a learner who takes the challenge of doing any type of role after thorough research. After becoming a successful actress in the Indian film industry, she started working in the Sri Lankan film industry as well.

In the Sri Lankan film industry, she debuted as a romantic lover and acted in several films. Later she started giving life to some serious challenging characters where one can distinguish a huge talent through her character. Pooja first contributed only to acting, and her voice was dubbed by another as she was short in speaking Sinhala. But later on, she could learn it and let the audience hear her voice side by side with her acting. The experts declare that it is an incredible talent that can only be seen through a dedicated person who adores the profession.

In both the film industries, Sri Lankan and Indian, she won the ‘Best Actress Award’ and the ‘Most Popular Actress Award’ several times for her skillful portrayal of whatever character she got to give life. Further, she participated in several reality shows being one of the judges on the panel as well.

Some of her Indian movies where she showcased incredible talents:

  • Naan Kadavul
  • Panthay Kozhi
  • Vidyum Munn

 Sri Lankan movies where Pooja Umashankar showed amazing talents:

  • Asai Man Piyabanna
  • Suwanda Danuna Jeewithe

According to the industry news, Kusa Pabha was one of the most successful films of the actress Pooja Umashakar. And yes, it became the highest-grosser ever in the Sri Lankan film industry along with the successful character portrayal of Pooja.

As an actress in the Sri Lankan film industry, she got the chance to work with renowned actors in the field such as Jackson Anthony, Channa Perera, Sanath Gunathilake, Roshan Ranawana, and Uddika Premarathne.

After all, she is one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka, adored by many people of various nationalities.

32. Jacquelin Fernandez

Jacquelin Fernandez is an actress in the Indian film industry but has origins in Sri Lanka.

At first, she was an announcer in the Sri Lankan media field. Then, she entered the modeling field crowning herself the title of Miss Universe Sri Lanka in 2006. Accordingly, she got the opportunity to represent Sri Lanka at Miss Universe in 2006.

Later she joined the Indian film industry directly debuting with the fantasy film, Aladin. This resulted in taking her to the heights of popularity. Thereafter, she took on challenging characters in different genres and exposed her talent to the world. This helped her take the name of her motherland to the heights of the international platform.

Entering the Indian film industry by being auditioned for a modeling assignment, she could consistently maintain her talent and popularity in the industry. Also, some of her films where she acted with the most powerful actors in Bollywood reached box office records as well.

Apart from being a spectacular actress in Bollywood, she has been doing several charity programs for the welfare of animals which resulted in making her the ‘Woman of the Year’ in PETA as well. Further, she is one of the key participants in Indian concert tours and televised award ceremonies.

Being originally a Sri Lankan, she has gained pride in Sri Lanka by reaching the heights of Bollywood, one of the largest cinema fields in the world. So, there is nothing wrong with mentioning that she is one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka.

Some of the films she participated in acting and reached box office records:

  • Housefull Series
  • Race Series

Along with these few, she has acted in more than 20-30 films in total.

Musicians among the Famous People from Sri Lanka

Just like the film and television industry, the music industry is also on the top list of developing fields in the country. Day by day the scope widens and the approach to international platforms by adapting the upcoming styles increases. Thereby Sri Lankan music, at the moment, is in a run of hope to touch the heights of the music world. The main reason for this strong resistance is the foundation that the ancient musicians laid with the intention of making the future of music in Sri Lanka not a journey but a destination that the whole world embraced at once. In that lot, there are certain musicians who are regarded as the pioneers of this field. Some are still in action while some have died by the body, not by vocals.

These names are on the list.

  • W.D Amaradewa
  • Sunil Shantha
  • Nanda Malini
  • Rohana Beddage

Continue reading to know more about these famous people from Sri Lanka!

33. W. D Amaradewa

This is a legendary name in the field of music and one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka. Simply, the voice attached with this name is unforgettable and incomparable up to date.

He is a Sri Lankan Sinhalese vocalist, violinist, and composer. His songs are composed primarily with the aid of traditional music instruments and the lyrics are a part of fluent Sinhala diction. Because of this feature, he is usually cited as the ‘Maestro of Sri Lankan Music’. Within the territory of the island, there is no one who disregarded his songs but embraced them with high respect. Not only that he sings for the peace of the nation. Meanwhile, he has done immense work towards the development of the industry as well.

One of the major alterations he did to the prevailing folk music of the time he entered the industry was that he added verses to the only melody version and made two distinctive parts in the songs. That is how the chorus formed, removing the restrictions imposed in traditional music earlier.

Further, he added the genre of Sarala Gee which was highly adapted by the vocalists of the time. At the same time, he contributed to composing the Maldives National Anthem as per the invitation of the Maldives Government.

Altogether he has given more than 10 albums to the music industry of Sri Lanka. And the specialty is that each of them consists of different types of experiments and styles. Hence, W.D Amaradeva is an unerasable name in the music industry in Sri Lanka as he is the pioneer of the prevailing style of classical music in Sri Lanka.

34. Sunil Santha

If we look back at the music industry of Sri Lanka, Sunila Santha is a name that is primarily written in all the records. So, he can be undoubtedly considered one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka.

He was originally a composer, singer, and lyricist who participated in bringing forth numerous successful creations in history. He was a prominent character in the time period from the late 1940s to the early 1950s.

Most of his work is part of his experiments where he tried really hard to make a future for the Sri Lankan music industry. With the influence and education of Indian music and composing, he started recording for Radio Ceylon as his first step. That remarkable step he took, made him reach the heights of the industry and create a stable spot in it.

The most remarkable work he has done was making the world’s first one-note song which became a masterpiece in the late 1960s. The masterpiece was named ‘Gum Gum Gum’ which is sung to the tune of a wasp’s hum.

During his career, he had flights from time to time because of which he had to start from scratch repeatedly. Yet, that is how he found the success or the downgrade of his experiments.

However, he remained in the field for several decades holding into the status of success that he himself gained with dedication and determination. The final album he made reached the heights of success as the music in it was composed by mixing the traditional drums of Sri Lanka which made a successful blend.

35. Nanda Malini

Nanda Malini, the all-time favorite songstress and female playback singer, is a prominent character in the music industry in Sri Lanka. She is one of the most renowned and most honored singers who sings songs under the theme related to real life and socio-cultural, and socio-political complications in the country. Mainly, her songs convey messages on relationships, life circumstances, and emotions that stem from human behaviors and realities. Her concept specially made her songs popular and embracing as they speak to both minds and hearts of the people.

She started showcasing her talent through reciting poems in simple community events and later on improved to become the best of best female singers in the country. She even won the award of the ‘Best Female Singer’ on several occasions as an honor to her vocal quality.

Besides, Nanda Malini is one of the female artists that let the people embrace her albums through separate solo concerts from which she reached the heights of popularity and success as well. Also, when looking into the collection of Nanda Malini, one can find 25 recorded cassettes let alone her songs produced in early times. Being the most prominent artist in the field, she always humbly accepted the love and comments of her audience without neglecting a single word of them. Owing to all these reasons, she became one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka.

36. Bathiya Santhush (BnS)

BnS is the short-term name for the most popular Sri Lankan pop duo Bathiya Jayakody and Santhush Weeeraman. This duo is not only popular in the territory of this island, but famous in the whole world as the world believes that compatibility as such can rarely be found.

The way they sing, the style they maintain, and the experiments they constantly do always become successful. These two are a duo who took their first steps to international arenas from Sri Lanka. One of the most significant things is that they are the first to sign a contract under Universal Music Publishing. Throughout the two decades of their journey, they have already done around 15 albums. All these albums became the most popular songs of the time as each had a separate vibe and separate taste.

By now they are the primary shareholders of the BNS production group which houses the most successful companies in the Sri Lankan entertainment industry. The contribution they have made to the industry is incredible and unbeatable. Therefore, they have become a top-notch music industry with a huge audience, and two of the most famous people from Sri Lanka.

Yohani is an upcoming Sri Lankan singer, songwriter, rapper, music producer, and YouTuber. She was exposed very recently by a cover she did to a song by a well-known singer in the field. Also, she is a sensation on TikTok as well along with being a businesswoman in musical instruments imports and exports.

She debuted as a YouTuber and started getting followers very fast. With that uprising, she became really famous and signed a contract as brand ambassador for the best-known Prima Kottu Mee. Later, she made her debut song collaborating with Red Bull. 

She became a sensation with her song ‘Manike Mage Hithe’ which became a worldwide popular song. It hit the views of over 200 million which is the highest ever. Besides, this was immensely embraced by the Indians, and thus, she was able to do many shows in India, and take part in some of their TV shows as well. Owing to all these reasons, she became one of the most famous people from Sri Lanka.

The Bottom Line

There are several hundreds of Sri Lankans, who have taken the name of this splendid island to the world. Among them, the ones who are mentioned in this article are just a few. However, there are many things for us to learn from these inspiring characters as well. Their dedication and passion for their profession, their interest in taking on challenges, and being down-to-earth even amidst their popularity are some of them. Besides, their efforts and talents should be highly appreciated. They are indeed precious gems of this charming island! 

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My Country English essay

My Country English essay

My country is Sri Lanka. It is a small island in the Indian Ocean. This is an agricultural country. Most of the people are farmers.

Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte is the capital of Sri Lanka. The population of my country is about twenty million. There are several communities in Sri Lanka. They are the Sinhalese, the Tamils, the Muslims and the Burghers.

Piduruthalagala is the highest mountain and Mahaweli is the longest river in Sri Lanka. We gained independence in 1948. My country is a Republic today. Our national anthem is ‘Sri Lanka Matha’. The official languages in Sri Lanka are Sinhala, Tamil and English.

Our national flag is called the Lion Flag. Our national flower is the Blue Water Lily, our national tree is the Na tree, the national bird is the Jungle Fowl, the national animal is the Giant Squirrel and our national sport is Volleyball. But Sri Lanka is famous for Cricket. The world’s best team comes from Sri Lanka.

There are many tourist attractions in my country. Waterfalls, sanctuaries, botanical gardens and sandy beaches are some of them. I love my country very much.


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Otara Gunawardane logo

Otara Gunewardene is a Sri Lankan Businessperson and Philanthropist. Through her work, she continues to commit to responsible entrepreneurship and philanthropy in Sri Lanka. With a total commitment to national interest in all that she does, Otara’s vision is to provide an example and mandate for peaceful progress throughout the island – uniting people of all walks of life with compassion as its driving force.

Otara Del Gunewardene was born on 30th August, 1964 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The youngest child and only daughter of Delysia and Norman , Otara’s life and spirit have set the foundations for an extraordinarily Sri Lankan story.

Her father, Norman Gunewardene taught her the importance of hard work, the value of consistently striving while adhering to an honourable work ethic in all that she does. Her mother Delysia Gunewardene showed her a world of limitless possibility, herself a woman of her time proving by example that with dedication and compassion, all things are possible.

Along with her two older brothers Ruchi and Ajit , Otara’s childhood took the road less travelled quite literally, with countless family holidays in wilderness areas and many an animal-centred adventure, coupled with school at Ladies’ College and an early love of ballet and sports. Excelling as a young athlete, Otara raced through busy teenage years, reaching young adulthood with a decision to study Biology at the Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA. Her experiences nurturing animals and volunteering at Sri Lanka’s National Zoo in Dehiwela made her certain of a future in veterinary science but life and destiny had other plans…

a great person in sri lanka essay

Enjoying college life in the USA and heading home for the holidays, it wasn’t long before the world of high fashion beckoned. Soon modelling fulltime, Otara found herself enjoying the design aesthetics of her work, growing in confidence and stature, as both in Sri Lanka and internationally, she became the face and the persona of many a catwalk, fashion magazine, catalogue and billboard.

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A Business World

A chance encounter with a friend in the Sri Lankan garment manufacture industry and a small loan from her brother Ajit and mother led to Otara’s first business venture – selling clothes from the boot of her station wagon in 1989. With a discerning eye, she found clothes manufactured in Sri Lanka that matched international trends and before long, incorporated her first retail store Odel at Dickman’s Road (1999). Odel soon grew to be iconic in its representation of Sri Lanka and expansion of fashion retail.

Otara opened Odel stores across the island – eventually culminating in the flagship store Odel Unlimited in Colombo 7, the first department store in the country. The Odel brand of t-shirt design became a reflection of Sri Lanka’s island spirit, while behind the smile, Otara dedicated her business growth to building the retail capacity of her country, employing thousands, creating careers and skillsets in retail and fashion that still set the bar today.

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In 1990, Otara married Raju Chandiram (m.1990-2007 ) and welcomed the birth of two boys, Kiran (1994) and Rakhil (2000). Her life it would seem, was full; as her star continued to rise in the world of business. In 2005 there came another serendipitous meeting, this time with an abandoned puppy on Peterson Lane who changed the course of Otara’s life forever. That puppy was Niko, Otara’s newest family member and soon to be the first (doggy) face of Embark, the Brand that would define her Passion. Through Niko’s story, pain and recovery, she saw the fate of not only one lonely, abandoned street dog but the many he spoke for. She understood then, not only the importance of compassion but that her voice could be used to be a driving force of change in Sri Lanka.

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The Passion

Otara expanded Odel’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) operations toward the rescue, rehabilitation and empowerment of the oft-neglected street dogs of Sri Lanka. Odel’s CSR had already made a significant impact – with environmental campaigns, beach clean ups, tree planting and funding of wildlife conservation projects creating positive change and awareness throughout the island. To align public perception toward a compassionate outcome for a being many considered ‘pests’ would not be easy she knew, when conceptualising the Embark vision.

To make an impact, she aligned her skills in branding toward launching Embark with a line of clothing that personalised the very specific loving, mischievous, independent attitude of the dogs that needed a nation to care. And care we did, as the rise of the Embark brand revolutionised CSR in Sri Lanka – an outpouring of public support led to a thriving operation behind the scenes – one of rescue, medical intervention and long-term aftercare while to the public – Embark gave a new identity and lease of life to the most marginalised of urban society.

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Odel continued to grow, with Embark by its side carrying the street dogs along a meteoric rise in reputation and recognition. In February 2010, Otara became the first woman to list her company on the Colombo Stock Exchange as Odel became the first retail brand in Sri Lanka to release an IPO. A partnership with Malaysian retail giant Parkson gave Odel the ability to diversify its reach. At the pinnacle of corporate success, Otara’s business entailed 15 retail stores, including several department stores across the country. Realising that only further large-scale expansion and diversification in retail remained ahead, Otara sold her stake in the business she founded. She exited her corporate life at its peak, taking with her only Embark and its four-legged assistants as she was determined to answer the calling that she could no longer ignore. She had proved with Embark that in a harsh world, her distinct voice and a compassionate agenda could make all the difference.

The New Direction

It was 2015, and it was finally time for the Otara Foundation. The organisation became the channel by which Otara Gunewardene would once again change the scope of the country that she loved, and the voiceless animals in it. Her strong focus on environmental protection, animal welfare, education and empowerment has quietly changed lives, while her Passion remains Embark.

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Proud to establish her own identity amongst a sea of conflicting politically-motivated voices, Otara has always structured her interests and lifestyle to reflect her continued growth, within the framework of entrepreneurial and philanthropic leadership. Of particular pride is the zero-corruption mandate she adheres to in all matters. Physically fit, Otara challenges herself in strength training, alongside a focus on holistic living. Largely vegetarian for decades, she now embraces a more plant-based diet and shies away from conventional medicine in favour of the alternative therapies of Avruveda and Homeopthy for her family’s wellness needs. She continues to practice yoga and enjoys clean living – consuming no alcohol or tobacco and embracing the philosophy that is more relevant now than ever: ‘We are what we eat’.

Through it all, Otara takes her role as a mentor for the next generation of Sri Lankans very seriously. She cares about the example she sets, as a woman and as a calm voice of reason, in her often-chaotic island in the sun.

She continues to provide guidance, volunteer initiatives and leadership seminars to young people – nurturing their independence while teaching the importance of compassion in all aspects of life.

Today, Otara’s focus while diverse, remains 100% within Sri Lanka. She balances wise investments and recognised business acumen toward philanthropic ventures, many of which are rarely shared with the public. As the primary national female voice on social media, Otara shares a life that still takes the road less travelled, but these days it is a life that is almost entirely dedicated to philanthropy. Successful, relevant, progressive and at all times kind, Otara’s vision for her country defines her legacy as she continues to strive as she always has, toward being a channel for positive change and sustainable development in Sri Lanka.

a great person in sri lanka essay

  • Date of Birth; 30th August 1964, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • CMS Ladies’ College, Colombo 7
  • Bowling Green State University, Ohio – BSc Biology
  • Professional Fashion Model – 1987 – 2004
  • Modelled for high-profile fashion brands and international apparel catalogues, TV commercials and runway shows.
  • Founder/CEO of Odel PLC – 1990 – 2014
  • 1989 – Started selling surplus factory garments from the boot of a Blue Station Wagon.
  • 1990 – Founded Odel, a 1,100 sq. ft. store in Colombo 5, Sri Lanka.
  • 1999 – Launched Odel’s flagship store in Colombo 7. 35,000 sq. ft. luxury department store in the heart of Colombo.
  • 2007 – Launched the Embark brand and the beginning of the program to improve the lives of street dogs of Sri Lanka.
  • 2010 – Converted Odel into a public liability company, becomes the first fashion retail brand to be listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange and the first female entrepreneur to take a company public in Sri Lanka.
  • 2011 – Odel launched the Luv SL brand – a concept carrying stylish souvenirs and products catering to locals and tourists.
  • 2012 – Sale of close to 50% of Odel to Parkson Retail Asia, bringing significant investment of over $ 20 million into Sri Lanka.
  • 2014 – Sells shares in Odel PLC to Softlogic Group.
  • 2014 – Started the Otara Foundation – to improve the lives of animals and advocate for better animal welfare and for environmental conservation.
  • 2014 – Selected and honored as one of the ‘Prominent Women of the Country’ by the Women’s Parliamentarians’ Caucus, for her achievements in business and for her service to the country.
  • 2018 – Appointed as Non-Executive Director for Singer Sri Lanka
  • 2019 – Sri Lanka Tamil Women’s Union Women’s Day Award in recognition of outstanding excellence, dedication and kindness to all animals.
  • 2019 – Invited by the Rwandan Government as an honorary guest to name a baby gorilla at the national Kwita Izina naming ceremony.
  • 2020 – Launch of Who We Are an online platform that retails products made in Sri Lanka by small businesses. www.whoweare.lk

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Home Essay Samples Travelling Tourism

Exploring the Enchantment: A Beautiful Place in Sri Lanka

Table of contents, tranquil oasis: mirissa beach, lush paradise: ella, cultural jewel: galle fort, majestic wonder: sigiriya rock fortress.

  • Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority. (n.d.). Mirissa Beach. https://www.srilanka.travel/destinations/mirissa
  • Lonely Planet. (2021). Ella. https://www.lonelyplanet.com/sri-lanka/ella
  • UNESCO. (n.d.). Galle Fort. https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/451
  • Wondermondo. (n.d.). Sigiriya Rock Fortress. https://www.wondermondo.com/sigiriya-rock-fortress/
  • The Culture Trip. (2021). 9 Most Beautiful Beaches in Sri Lanka. https://theculturetrip.com/asia/sri-lanka/articles/the-9-most-beautiful-beaches-in-sri-lanka/

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Published: Apr 30, 2020

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Mount Lavinia Hotel, Colombo

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