Talk About Your Favourite Day of The Week

Talk about your favourite day of the week

You should say

  • what day it is?
  • What do you usually do on that day?
  • How is this day different to you from other days of the week?
  • And explain why this is your favourite day of the week?

Sample Answer of Talk About Your Favourite Day of The Week

Every day of the week is very important to me. But my favorite day is Sunday because it is the weekend and I can spend my quality time with my friends and lead us on that particular day. On Sunday. Mostly I will be free. So I will be going out with my friends or my parents to a mall or to watch movies. Sometimes we will have some food outside like dinner or lunch we will be going to a good restaurant and tasting some new cool same foods every weekend. Because on a weekday, we will not be free and I will be very busy the hectic work, and there is no time for relaxation on weekdays. So on weekends, we can find ourselves relaxing and calm, and they will be more time, and we can spend time to realize ourselves and motivate ourselves to work more on upcoming weekdays. On Sunday Moreover, they will be lots of new shows and movies will be telecasted on television. If I am not going out, I will be watching some new programs, all the shows on television, and I spend the whole day with my family.

Follow-ups Talk About Your Favourite Day of The Week.

Question 1 which day of the week do you like most.

Answer –  on Sunday, there is only one day to take relax and to for God all over the world, and we can spend time with our family. And we can do other activities, other extracurricular activities, like spending time for ourselves like going to a gym or playing with my friends, whatever activities I have to do, I can do on that particular day. Other than the days, I was not able to do these such things.

Question 2 How can You enjoy Sunday at home?

Answer – Just on Sunday, I will spend my time with my family. And it’s possible the kowtow out and spend the whole day, and we will have lunch or dinner together. Then if we had more time, I used to watch a movie that was released late recently on Netflix. We will be seeing movies and having snacks to gather families on Sunday.

Question 3 What do families do on Sunday?

Answer – on Sunday, we will have good food at home making many dishes, and sometimes we will have a big fest on that day. And we all talk and chat together in the garden in the evening times it gives a feeling of going picnic.

Question 4 How do You enjoy the fun and enjoy life?

Answer – Life is very short, so we have to spend the good times through life by keeping ourselves happy and joyful. We have to talk and mingle with others, and then only we don’t feel alone, that makes you down. You have to motivate every day to stay happy and blessed.

Question 5 What do you think about names of the days important in everyone’s life

Answer – The day they were born was very special to everyone. On that particular day, they do some good deeds and help others. Everyone has different important days. For example, I was born on Monday. So I feel blessed whenever the day Monday comes.

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Talk About Your Favourite Day Of The Week

Talk about your favourite day of the week

You should say:

  • what day it is?
  • what do you usually do on that day?
  • how this day is different to you from other days of the week?
  • and explain why this is your favourite day of the week?

Sample 1 Talk About Your Favourite Day Of The Week

My favorite day of the week is Saturday. It is a day that I look forward to all week, and it always brings me joy and relaxation.

On Saturdays, I usually start my day by sleeping in a bit later than usual. I then like to go for a walk or run outside in the fresh air to clear my mind and get some exercise. After that, I enjoy having a leisurely breakfast, usually consisting of my favorite foods such as pancakes or waffles. I then spend the rest of the day doing things that I enjoy, such as reading, watching movies, or spending time with friends and family.

What makes Saturdays different from other days of the week is that it is the only day where I don’t have to worry about work or other responsibilities. It is a day where I can truly relax and recharge my batteries. Additionally, because Saturdays are often associated with leisure and recreation, there is a general sense of happiness and positivity in the air, which makes it even more enjoyable.

The reason why Saturday is my favorite day of the week is that it allows me to have a break from the stresses of daily life and to focus on my own well-being. It gives me the opportunity to engage in activities that I love and to spend time with the people that matter most to me. Furthermore, because it is a day that I look forward to all week, it helps me to stay motivated and focused during the other days of the week.

In conclusion, Saturdays are my favorite day of the week because they are a time for relaxation, recreation, and spending time with loved ones. They provide a much-needed break from the stresses of daily life and allow me to focus on my own well-being. Overall, Saturdays bring me a sense of joy and happiness that I look forward to every week.

Sample 2 Talk About Your Favourite Day Of The Week

My favorite day of the week is Sunday. It is a day that I always look forward to because it is a time for rest, relaxation , and reflection.

On Sundays, I usually start my day by sleeping in a bit later than usual. I then like to take my time getting ready and enjoy a leisurely breakfast while catching up on the news or reading a book. I then spend some time doing something that I find enjoyable, such as going for a walk, practicing yoga, or spending time with loved ones.

What makes Sundays different from other days of the week is the general sense of calm and tranquility that permeates the air. There are fewer people out and about, and the pace of life is generally slower. This allows me to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life, such as spending time with loved ones or enjoying a good book.

The reason why Sunday is my favorite day of the week is that it provides me with an opportunity to recharge my batteries and reflect on the week that has passed. It is a day for self-care and self-reflection, where I can take stock of my accomplishments and set goals for the week ahead. It also provides me with an opportunity to spend time with loved ones and to do the things that I love, without the pressure of work or other responsibilities.

In conclusion, Sundays are my favorite day of the week because they provide me with a sense of calm and tranquility that is hard to find during the rest of the week. They allow me to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life, while also providing an opportunity for self-care and self-reflection. Overall, Sundays bring me a sense of peace and contentment that I look forward to every week.

Follow ups of Talk About Your Favourite Day Of The Week

Question 1 which day of the week do you like most.

Answer – Personally, I would have to say that my favorite day of the week is Saturday. It’s the one day of the week where I can truly relax and unwind, without having to worry about work or other responsibilities. I love being able to sleep in a bit later than usual, and then take my time doing the things that I love, such as going for a walk or spending time with loved ones. Saturdays are always a highlight of my week, and I look forward to them with great anticipation.

Question 2 How can You enjoy Sunday at home?

Answer – There are many ways to enjoy a Sunday at home. One of my favorite ways is to have a leisurely breakfast, followed by some light exercise such as yoga or stretching. After that, I like to spend some time doing something that I enjoy, such as reading, watching a movie, or trying out a new recipe in the kitchen. Later in the day, I might connect with friends or family virtually or enjoy a relaxing bath. Overall, a Sunday at home provides a much-needed break from the stresses of daily life and allows for some much-needed rest and relaxation.

Question 3 What do families do on Sunday?

Answer – Families often spend their Sundays doing activities together that they may not have time for during the busy week. This could include going for a family walk or bike ride, having a picnic or BBQ, visiting a local park or museum, or even just spending time at home playing board games or watching a movie. Sundays can be a great opportunity for families to bond and make memories, while also taking a break from the usual hustle and bustle of daily life.

Question 4 How do You enjoy the fun and enjoy life?

Answer – There are many ways that I like to enjoy the fun and enjoy life. One of my favorite ways is to spend time with friends and loved ones, either by going out and trying new things or by hosting gatherings at home. I also enjoy exploring new places, whether it be traveling to new cities or trying out a new restaurant in town. Additionally, I like to challenge myself by trying new activities, such as taking a dance class or learning a new skill. Overall, I find that the key to enjoying life is to stay open-minded and to never stop exploring and trying new things.

Question 5 What do you think about names of the days important in everyone’s life

Answer – I believe that the names of the days are an important aspect of everyone’s life, as they provide a structure and rhythm to our daily routines. Each day of the week has its own unique energy and associations, which can influence our moods and behaviors. Additionally, the days of the week are often associated with certain activities or expectations, such as work on weekdays and relaxation on weekends. By understanding the significance of the days of the week, we can better navigate our daily lives and find a sense of balance and harmony.

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Manjeet singh.

What Is Your Favorite Day of the Week?

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on September 27, 2023

Categories Inspiration , Career

Ever find yourself feeling different as each day of the week rolls by?

You’re not alone! Everyone has a favorite day, a little bright spot in their weekly routine that brings extra joy and happiness. So, let’s dive in and explore what your favorite day of the week says about you and how it can reflect your personality, lifestyle, and preferences!

Key Takeaways

  • Favorite days of the week are influenced by emotions, routines, and seasonal preferences.
  • Monday sets the tone for the week and can be improved by implementing Monday motivation strategies.
  • Weekend activities, such as Friday night activities, Saturday leisure, and Sunday rest and reflection, contribute to the enjoyment of favorite days.
  • Cultural influences and personal narratives shape preferences for certain days.

Understanding the Concept of Favorite Days

You’ve probably wondered why you’re drawn to a particular day above the rest, haven’t you? It’s not just random, but part of ‘Favorite Day Trends’ we all experience.

Consider how your mood lifts when Wednesday rolls around because it’s the middle of the week and weekend is in sight. Or perhaps you fancy Sunday for its calm and lazy vibe, perfect for brunches or walks in the park.

Your preferences might even change with seasons. Isn’t summer Friday night more appealing with its promise of beach trips next morning? That’s ‘Seasonal Preferences’ at play! Remember that time last winter when Monday felt like a fresh start after holiday indulgences?

The Psychology Behind Favorite Days

Ever wondered why you might favor Fridays over Mondays or why Wednesdays seem to drag on forever? It’s not just random; there’s a psychology behind it that links our emotional responses to our preferences for certain days.

Let’s dive into how our weekly routines and the emotional impact they carry significantly shape our perception and preference of different days, making some feel like a breeze while others feel like climbing a mountain.

Emotional Impact on Preferences

It’s interesting to note how your emotions can significantly influence which day of the week becomes your favorite. Emotional resilience and mood fluctuations play key roles in this preference.

Consider the following:

  • You might favor Friday due to a surge of happiness, anticipating the weekend.
  • Your emotional resilience allows you to persevere through Monday to Thursday.

Mood fluctuations can cause this preference to change over time. Perhaps Wednesdays appeal because it breaks up the week. Again, your emotional resilience helps here; reaching midweek signals you’re handling work stress well. Yet, fluctuating moods might make other days more appealing at times.

Your emotions aren’t just responses—they shape your experiences, even something as simple as choosing a favorite weekday.

Role of Weekly Routines

Routine’s influence on our emotional responses cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to structuring our week. Your favorite day of the week might not just be about fun and relaxation; it could also be tied to your routine flexibility and habit formation.

Think about it, you’re more inclined towards Wednesday because that’s when you’ve got your yoga class scheduled or Friday because it signifies the end of a workweek. That’s routine flexibility for you! You’ve formed habits around these routines that affect how you feel about each day.

The Significance of Monday

You’re probably wondering why Monday holds such significance. It’s not just a random day; it sets the tone for your entire week. The ‘Monday blues’ phenomenon is real, and you’ve likely felt that sense of dread creeping in on Sunday evenings. But here’s the twist, Mondays also offer an opportunity for a fresh start.

To overcome the Monday blues, start with setting your mindset right for the week. Create a routine filled with activities you enjoy. Implementing Monday motivation strategies can change everything. Begin your day by doing something you love. Set achievable goals for the week to stay focused.

Why Some People Love Tuesdays

Can’t wait for Tuesday, huh? Some folks genuinely thrive on the second day of the work week. You’ve probably got your own set of ‘Tuesday traditions’ that stir up unexpected excitement in your otherwise routine life.

Maybe it’s a special lunch spot you only hit up on Tuesdays or perhaps an evening workout class that gets your adrenaline pumping. It could even be as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee with a good book before heading out to face the world.

These little rituals bring comfort and joy, making Tuesday not just another day in the week but something to look forward to. So next time Monday blues hit hard, remember Tuesday is just around the corner – ready to surprise you with its charm!

The Appeal of Wednesday: The Middle of the Week

Have you ever noticed a certain energy that comes with reaching Wednesday, the middle of your workweek? It’s not just in your head, there’s an actual psychological impact associated with hump day that can often lead to a peak in productivity.

Plus, let’s not forget about those mid-week social activities that break up the monotony and bring a bit of enjoyment into our everyday routine.

Wednesday’s Psychological Impact

On Wednesdays, you’re often more productive because it’s the middle of the week and you’ve fully adjusted to your work routine. However, with productivity can come increased stress levels. Wednesday’s stress levels might be a concern, but there are midweek motivation techniques that can help.

Here are some tips to manage your mood:

Practice mindfulness

  • Take short breaks for deep breathing exercises
  • Do some stretches at your desk

Get physical

  • Go for a quick walk during lunchtime
  • Try an after-work yoga class

Nourishing food and hydration

  • Keep healthy snacks on hand
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day

Productivity Peak: Wednesday

You’re likely to hit a productivity peak on Wednesday, so it’s crucial to make the most of this high-energy period.

That project you’ve been putting off? Now’s your chance to tackle it head-on.

Remember, Wednesday Wellness is all about investing in yourself and setting achievable goals. It’s like Midweek Motivation knocking right at your door – embrace it!

Think back to the last few Wednesdays…did you notice an increase in your focus and determination? You might have even found that challenging tasks seemed slightly less daunting. That’s the power of hump day, my friend!

Now go ahead and seize the day with confidence knowing you’re at your best. Just remember to balance work with play as we transition into discussing ‘Wednesday social activities’.

Wednesday Social Activities

Let’s not forget to chat about Wednesday social activities, which can serve as a great way to unwind after a day of peak productivity. You’ve earned it!

Consider these midweek options:

Wednesday Night Football

  • Invite your friends over for some friendly competition
  • Check out a local sports bar that shows the game

Midweek Date Ideas

  • Surprise your partner with a cozy dinner at home or at their favorite restaurant
  • Try seeing a mid-week movie; theaters are less crowded

Engaging in social activities doesn’t only help you relax but also keeps you connected. Remember, it’s all about balance: work hard and play hard!

The Thrilling Nature of Thursdays

Thursdays might seem ordinary to some, but they’re actually quite thrilling for you.

The anticipation of ‘Thriving Thursdays’ is something that gets you through the week.

The ‘Thursday Nightlife’ scene makes it even more exciting.

You’ve got your routine down pat:

Mornings start off productive, afternoons are social and evenings… well, they’re adventurous! You love exploring new places, meeting friends at lounges or trying out a late-night food joint. It’s all part of the Thursday charm.

Fridays: The Gateway to the Weekend

Fridays are an absolute blast. They’re the perfect prelude to a weekend full of fun and relaxation. You’ve spent the whole week looking forward to Friday Night Lights and your cherished Friday Food Rituals. There’s just something about Fridays that fills you with anticipation.

Friday Night Lights

  • Cheering for your local football team under the bright stadium lights.
  • A cozy movie night in, where the light from the screen is your only illumination.

Friday Food Rituals

  • Ordering takeout from your favorite restaurant as a reward for making it through another week.
  • Cooking a special meal at home, where every bite feels like a celebration of surviving another hectic week.

The Joy of Saturdays: A Day Off for Many

Saturdays are often people’s day off, and they’re a great time to unwind and enjoy leisure activities. You might have your own Saturday rituals that you look forward to all week. Maybe it’s sleeping in late or perhaps it’s visiting your favorite coffee shop for a steaming latte and a freshly baked croissant. For some, Saturdays are about pursuing weekend hobbies like painting, gardening or hiking through the local nature reserve.

You’ve got an entire day dedicated just to you and your interests. It feels liberating, doesn’t it? Cherish these moments of joy because they help rejuvenate your spirit for the upcoming week.

As night falls on Saturday, you begin preparing yourself mentally for Sunday: a day of rest and reflection.

Sunday: A Day of Rest and Reflection

Have you ever paused to consider the restorative impact of a tranquil Sunday?

Picture yourself curled up on your favorite couch, perhaps with a hot cup of tea, reflecting on the week that’s passed and planning for the one ahead.

Balancing rest and activity is an art – let’s explore how Sundays can be tailored to rejuvenate our bodies, refresh our minds, and set us up for a successful new week.

Sunday’s Restorative Impact

You’ll find that Sunday’s restorative impact can be quite significant, providing you with a chance to recharge before the upcoming week. It’s more than just a day off; it’s an opportunity for self-reflection and rejuvenation.

Whether you’re part of the Sunday brunch culture or lean towards Sunday’s spirituality, there are different means of restoration:

Sunday Brunch Culture

  • Catching up with friends over coffee
  • Enjoying your favorite meal without rushing

Sunday Spirituality

  • Attending a religious service
  • Meditating in solitude

Reflection Practices on Sunday

On Sundays, it’s essential to incorporate some reflection practices into your routine, as they can help you gain perspective and start the new week with a clear mind. You might find that Sunday spirituality provides a peaceful backdrop for these reflective moments, perhaps during family gatherings or quiet hours alone.

Balancing Rest and Activity

It’s important to strike a balance between rest and activity, ensuring you’re not only refreshing the mind but also keeping the body active.

Imagine your typical Sunday: warm sunlight streaming through your window and a whole day at your disposal. What would you do?

  • Restful Hobbies

Perhaps curling up with a good book or painting that picturesque landscape you’ve always wanted to capture. These calming activities help rejuvenate the mind.

  • Active Leisure

How about going for a brisk walk in the park or participating in an invigorating yoga session? This aids in maintaining physical wellbeing.

Finding equilibrium allows you to make most of your days off, like Sundays. So next time, remember this balance, it’ll fill your leisure hours with both tranquility and vigor!

How Culture Influences Our Preferred Day

Cultural factors greatly influence our preferred day of the week, don’t they? You might love Fridays because it’s when your community gathers for cultural celebrations.

On the other hand, you may prefer Sundays if it means traditional weekends spent surrounded by family, engaging in unique customs and rituals.

Remember that time when you attended your first Diwali celebration on a Tuesday? The joy and excitement made it an unforgettable day, didn’t it? Or that Sunday afternoon where you enjoyed a hearty family lunch followed by grandpa’s storytelling session – wasn’t that comforting?

Culture doesn’t just dictate our preferences; it shapes them. So next time someone questions why Wednesday is your favorite day, remember: traditions and cultural influences are valid reasons too!

Personal Stories: People Share Their Favorite Days

People’s personal narratives often reveal why they’re partial to certain times, don’t they? Your ‘Favorite Day Impact on Mood’ can significantly influence your week. So let’s dive into some day preference variations:

Some folks love the freshness of Mondays. Recharged from the weekend, they’re all set to take on new challenges. Their mood is buoyant and full of energy.

Others find their mojo in the midweek madness. Wednesdays signify progress and keep them motivated.

Then, there are those who live for Fridays! The anticipation of the weekend sends their spirits soaring high.

The joy you derive from your favorite days is unique and personal. It shapes your outlook and colors your world in its own distinct way, doesn’t it?

The Impact of Work and School Schedules on Preferred Days

Wrapping up on those heartwarming personal stories, I bet you’re now wondering how your work and school schedules sway your favorite days. It’s time to dive into the impact of these routines on our preferred days.

Let’s be honest, maintaining that work-life balance can be a real juggling act! You’ve probably found yourself craving weekends more than anything, haven’t you? Your weekend preferences might even influence what day you cherish the most.

If Saturday is your ‘off-duty’ day spent catching up with friends or indulging in hobbies, it likely holds a special place in your heart. Or perhaps Sunday’s calm and preparation for the upcoming week appeals to you more?

See, it’s not just about the calendar; it’s about how we live out each day. So tell me: How does your schedule shape your favorite day?

Tips for Making Every Day Your Favorite

Let’s shift gears and discuss some handy tips that can help make every 24-hour period feel like a special occasion. How about we start brainstorming ways to infuse a dash of joy into your everyday routine?

Here are three key strategies:

  • Practice Daily Gratitude: Start by jotting down three things you’re grateful for each day. It could be as simple as a good cup of coffee or a call with an old friend.
  • Habit Formation: Build positive routines, like morning workouts or nightly reading, which can elevate your mood and make you look forward to the day ahead.
  • Find Joy in Small Things: Savor life’s little pleasures – the smell of fresh rain, your favorite song on the radio.

So, what’s your favorite day of the week? Maybe it’s Monday for a fresh start, or Friday for the upcoming weekend. Perhaps it’s influenced by your culture or work schedule.

Regardless, remember that every day offers something special. Try to find joy in each one and soon you might just realize every day can be your favorite!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any health benefits associated with having a favorite day of the week.

Absolutely! Having a favorite day can boost your mental wellbeing. It’s like a weekly ‘pick-me-up’ that could enhance your productivity patterns. You’re more driven, focused, and happier doing what you love on this day.

How Does the Weather Influence One’s Favorite Day of the Week?

Weather induced moods and seasonal preferences can greatly influence your day. You might love sunny Saturdays for beach trips or snowy Wednesdays for cozy reading sessions. It’s all about how you connect weather with activities.

Is There Any Correlation Between One’s Favorite Day of the Week and Their Personality Traits?

Absolutely, your favorite day might reflect your personality traits. For instance, a Monday lover may be ambitious and goal-oriented, showing how day preference can influence productivity and career choices.

What Historical Events Might Have Shaped Our Perception of Certain Days of the Week?

Day symbolism in history and cultural impacts on weekdays can shape your perception. For instance, you might dread Mondays because of its association with the start of the workweek or love Fridays for signaling the weekend.

Are There Any Specific Religious or Spiritual Beliefs That Dictate a Person’s Favorite Day of the Week?

Sure, cultural influences on weekly preferences can dictate your favorite day. Maybe religious observances or spiritual rituals sway you. Personal experiences layer onto these, creating unique favorite day symbolism for everyone.

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Cue Card Sample

Ielts cue card sample 524 - describe your favourite part of the day, describe your favourite part of the day (i.e. morning, evening, night etc)., you should say:.

  • what you do at that time
  • how it is different from other parts of the day

More Ideas to talk about this Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card topic:

Topic: describe your favourite part of the day (i.e. morning, evening, night etc)..

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Favourite Day: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Latest Questions With Answers

Favourite Day: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Latest Questions With Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Question 1:- Which day is your favorite day?

Answer 1:- My Favorite day of the week is Saturday. It is my best day because it is the day after the last working day of the week which is a weekend. On this day, I get to rest and recuperate from the stress of the week.

Answer 2:- My favorite day is Wednesday since I was young. I love to go outside to play.

Question 2:- Which day is your least favorite day?

Answer 1:- As you would expect, my least favorite day is Monday. It is the first working day of the week, so the enthusiasm to resume work after the relaxation from the weekend isn’t always there.

Answer 2:- I think it’s Friday because of my family. We have a gathering; there are a lot of people, which makes me feel uncomfortable.

Question 3:- How do you usually spend your time?

Answer 1:- How I use my time is dependent on my mood. Sometimes, I would prefer to stay home, watch movies , and sleep. Other times, I would choose to hang out with friends and family.

Answer 2: – I often use my phone. By looking at Instagram or Youtube, I enjoy watching people from different countries.

Question 4:- How do you usually spend your favorite day?

Answer 1:- Firstly, I do laundry as soon as I wake up, after which I do some house chores. When I am done, I eat, relax, watch some movies, and visit friends and family if time permits.

Answer 2:- Recently, I have been doing a lot of sports are drawing some beautiful things with my sister and they make me happy.

write an essay about your favorite day of the week

Question 5:- Which is your favorite part of the favorite day?

Answer 1:- Watching movies is the best part of my favorite day, and this is because I am a movie enthusiast.

Answer 2:- I’m an early bird so in the morning. I can do anything I want because some of my family members are at work or school, and the house is empty.

Question 6:- Do you think your favorite day is long enough?

Answer 1:- Well, I would say no day is long enough because, as humans, we will always want more time, but how we can fit in and achieve our plans and activities for the day is what counts. As long as I can achieve my plans for the day, then it is sufficient.

Answer 2:- Yes, I think that in comparison to the weekend, It’s sped up, and I can’t do any things.

Question 7:- How important do you think it is to have free time on your favorite day?

Answer 1:- Having free time on one’s favorite day is essential. It will allow you to relax and do some fun things you have envisaged doing.

Answer 2:- How important do you think it is to have free time on your favorite day? For me, when I feel tired, I hang in there when I remember I have leisure time to watch my favorite drama.

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my favorite day of the week

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IELTS essay my favorite day of the week

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Favourite day

smiling girl in front of sunflowers

  • What's your favourite day? 
  • Why do you like it?

Weekdays are the best because I can go to school and you will too!

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my favorite day is 22 april because it is idul fitri day.

My favourite day is my Birthday it is on April 14 and New Year KindDiamond60 from Ukraine <3

My favourite day is13th March because is my birthday

English courses for children aged 6-17

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  • Teaching primary

My favourite day 1

This is the first in a two part series. Here you have a few ideas on how to review days of the week, months of the year and dates while allowing children to personalise the lesson and allowing you to give them some invaluable cultural input. 

write an essay about your favorite day of the week

The second article will focus on special days and birthdays in particular:

Age:  8-10 years old

  • Review days of the week
  • Introduce/review numbers 1-31
  • Introduce a traditional rhyme
  • Write a group poem
  • Language: My favourite _____ is

  • Yes/No, it’s

  • Objects for ‘my week’
  • Sentence strips for ‘a day poem’
  • Stickers (one per child)

My week Set this activity up before the class begins to add an element of surprise when the children enter the room. If you can get them interested before you’ve even started it’s a real bonus. Bring in objects to represent every day of the week and place them around the room. Make sure the objects vary from one day to the next. Don’t be afraid to use your imagination – your objects don’t have to be real – just believable!

I might have for example:

Monday – a text book for my English class. Tuesday – my cycling helmet for my weekly bike ride Wednesday – a storybook for reading I do at the local library Thursday – swimming goggles for my swimming class Friday – a plastic bag from a supermarket Saturday – a train ticket for my trips to Paris Sunday – a broom

  • You can say 'On Monday I teach English.' Write the word Monday on the board. For the younger primary children write the letter ‘M’. Ask: 'Where’s my text book?' and they have to find the text book. They may go to the storybook. Say 'No, a text book.' If space is a problem they could point to the correct object. Now say 'On Tuesday I ride my bike.'
  • Where appropriate you could mime the action of what you do to help some of the children. Write up Tuesday or T.
  • Do for the rest of the week by which time you have the seven days of the week or seven letters written on the board. For Thursday write Th and not T.
  • Then put a large circle around your favourite day. In the circle draw a smiley face and say ‘Thursday is my favourite day. I love swimming!’
  • They can now draw an object to symbolise their favourite day of the week.
  • With their partner they need to guess what the objects are and which day they represent.
  • They can point to the picture and say the object. Their partner replies yes or no. If it’s no they ‘No, it’s a 
’. They will probably need your help for vocabulary. Provide the word and write it on the board to avoid repeating the word several times.
  • For the actual day they can just guess which one it is: Pupil A; ‘Tuesday?’ Pupil B; ‘No, my favourite day is Saturday.’

A day poem This idea is adapted from the original 1887 rhyme that describes what children’s personalities are according to the day of the week they were born on.

  • Brainstorm on the board a spider’s web of adjectives with the class - a range of adjectives that they know and add to the list from the following selection: hungry, thirsty, sleepy, big, small, clever, funny, brave, happy, happy, sad, interesting, famous, kind, polite, lazy
  • Download flashcards from this free website to provide visual support for the children when they hear new words:
  • They can also suggest adjectives in their own language and you give them the English version. Distribute strips of paper with days on as below and ask each child to choose an adjective from the board brainstorm. They can write on their piece of paper to fill in the gap. Monday’s child is
 Tuesday’s child is
 Wednesday’s child is
 Thursday’s child is
 Friday’s child is
 Saturday’s child is
 Sunday’s child is 

  • When they have all written an adjective in the space they need to go around the room saying their sentence and join together with six other children to make up a poem.
  • When everyone has found the rest of the week they practise their sentences together.
  • Then they stand in a line, read out their poems to the rest of the class and display them on the wall.
  • At home they can try and find out what day they were born on and then check back with their poems on the wall as to what sort of person they are meant to be. As there will be a few alternatives they can say which is their favourite adjective.

A traditional rhyme By doing this rhyme first you are already introducing some of the months of the year so that they are familiar with a few of them.

  • You can teach them this rhyme but leave out the key numbers for them to fill in. _____ days has September April, June and November All the rest have _______ except in February alone, It has _______ clear, And _______ in each leap year.
  • Say the rhyme once before distributing the written version with gaps. From their own knowledge see if they can fill in the gaps first.
  • Then write up the missing numbers on the board.
  • If you want to add a little humour to your lesson and to teach an all important expression ‘I can’t remember’ and the word ‘calendar’ then you could introduce a fun parody of the original: Thirty days has September, All the rest I can't remember, Why say this rhyme at all? Just look at the calendar on the wall.
  • Carry out a class survey to find out which is everyone’s favourite month. Make a table with the months of the year down one side and another column for their votes.
  • Split the class into two groups. You could have a girl/boy split.
  • A volunteer asks to his/her group; ‘What is your favourite month of the year?’
  • Then another volunteer notes the response from everyone in their group.
  • The two groups have to collate their findings and decide how they want to record and display them. This will obviously depend on their level and will be influenced by what they have done previously in class. You can guide and advise but let them take control.
  • The only rules you should give them is keeping their charts or tables secret from the other team and if they can think of a word in English then they have to use it.
  • They won’t have the necessary language for giving suggestions so encourage the use of any English they have at their disposal making clear that you are not expecting full sentences or grammatically correct expressions.
  • You could have a points system whereby every time you hear someone say a word in English you give their team a point. The task here is to say as much in English as possible without being conscious of talking in English.

Ordinal numbers

  • Distribute a sticker to each of your pupils.
  • Point and go round the class and ask them to write a number on their circle.
  • As you go round the class, pointing and saying the numbers (from 1-31) gradually get them to say the numbers instead of you.
  • On the board (down the right hand side) you write st , nd , rd , th .
  • Ask if anyone knows what these letters mean?
  • Write the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 on the left hand side of the board.
  • The numbers 1, 2 and 3 you should write in red and the others in black to show that there is a difference.
  • Then you can draw an arrow from the st to the 1, the nd to the 2 and the rd to the 3. Say the words at the same time and get the class to repeat with you.
  • Ask a volunteer to come up and draw a line from the th to a number. Continue until all the other numbers are connected to the th.
  • Ask them which numbers are different.
  • The write up the rest of the numbers from 11-31 making sure you write 21, 22, 23, and 31 in red and ask different volunteers to write up either st , nd , rd or th next to the remaining numbers.
  • They can then write the correct abbreviation on their own number badge and stand up. Everyone must stand in a line from 1st to 31st (you may have some people holding two badges if you have a smaller class). Then going along the line they need to say ‘the 1st of October’ or whatever month you do this lesson in.
  • Next they turn their badges around and write the date of their birthday on it but keep it a secret.
  • By telling other people in the class the date of their birthday they need to stand in a new line in order of their birthday. You could simplify this with them organising themselves according to the ordinal number or make it harder by using both the month and the ordinal number.
  • Make sure they say ‘ the ’ and ‘ of ’ in their expression.
  • You could split them into two groups and the groups who stands in line first and is able to say their birthday is the winning team.

Useful links

Online calendars with special days of the year: Make your own yearly, monthly, weekly or daily calendar:

An example of a brainstorming spider’s web:

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write an essay about your favorite day of the week

What is your favorite day of the week?

Colorful VW beetles with days of the week on the side

QUESTION : What is your favorite day of the week?

Task instructions

  • You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND.
  • Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English.
  • Write approximately 25–35 words.

This is a typical EIKEN level 3 question. On the actual test, if it is determined that the answer does not correspond to the question, it may be scored as 0 points. Please read the question CAREFULLY before answering.

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Essay on My Best Day at School

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Best Day at School in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look

100 Words Essay on My Best Day at School

Arrival at school.

My best day at school started with a surprise. As I entered, I saw decorations everywhere. It was our annual function day!

Special Assembly

Our special assembly had fun games and dances. I even won a game, which filled me with joy.

Annual Function

The function was full of performances. I played the lead in our class play and received applause.

Winning Moment

The best moment was when I received an award for the best student. I felt proud and happy.

End of the Day

The day ended with a grand feast. It was truly my best day at school.

250 Words Essay on My Best Day at School


Every day at school brings new experiences, shaping us for what we become in life. However, one particular day stands out in my memory: the day I won the state-level debate competition.

The Preparation

The day started with a sense of anticipation. I had spent weeks preparing for the debate, researching and refining my arguments. I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as I stepped onto the school bus, my mind filled with the points I planned to articulate.

At the competition, I was up against the best debaters from other schools. Each speaker brought a unique perspective, making the event a rich tapestry of thoughts and ideas. As I waited for my turn, I could feel the weight of the occasion, but I also felt ready.

The Triumph

When I finally began speaking, the words flowed naturally. I made my arguments with conviction, challenging the opposing viewpoints with well-researched facts and logical reasoning. The applause that followed my speech was deafening. I knew I had made an impact, but the best was yet to come.

The Best Moment

The moment of triumph came when the judges announced the winners. Hearing my name as the state champion was an indescribable feeling. I was ecstatic, but more than that, I felt a deep sense of satisfaction. All the hard work and preparation had paid off.

That day at school was the best because it taught me the value of hard work and the thrill of achievement. It was a testament to the power of preparation, determination, and belief in oneself. It was my best day at school, not just because I won, but because I experienced the joy of striving for something and achieving it.

500 Words Essay on My Best Day at School

Every student’s journey is marked by memorable experiences, days that stand out among the mundane routine of school life. Among these, my best day at school remains etched in my memory, not because of any extraordinary event, but due to the profound impact it had on my personal growth and understanding of the world.

The Unexpected Day

The day started like any other, with the usual morning assembly and classes. However, the real twist came when our literature teacher announced an impromptu debate. The topic was “Technology: A Boon or Bane for Society?” I’ve always been a bit of an introvert, preferring the company of books over people. The idea of standing in front of the class and speaking was daunting, to say the least.

Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone

With a racing heart and trembling hands, I decided to participate. I was allotted the side arguing that technology is a boon. Despite my initial anxiety, I started researching the topic, focusing on how technology has revolutionized healthcare, education, and communication.

As I was preparing my arguments, I realized that my fear of public speaking was holding me back from expressing my thoughts. This revelation was a turning point, pushing me to confront my fear head-on.

The debate started, and one by one, students presented their views. The room was filled with nervous energy, excitement, and intellectual stimulation. As my turn approached, my heartbeat quickened. But I reminded myself of the research I had done, the arguments I had prepared, and the desire to overcome my fear.

As I started speaking, my initial nervousness gradually faded. My arguments flowed smoothly, and I could see my classmates nodding in agreement. The feeling was exhilarating. I had not only successfully presented my views but also engaged in a meaningful dialogue with my peers.

The Aftermath

When the debate ended, I was flooded with a sense of accomplishment. My teacher appreciated my arguments and the courage I showed by participating despite my fear. My classmates, too, congratulated me, their words of praise boosting my confidence.

That day was my best at school because it taught me an invaluable lesson: stepping out of one’s comfort zone is essential for personal growth. It made me realize that our fears and insecurities should not limit us from exploring new avenues. Instead, they should motivate us to push our boundaries and evolve.

In retrospect, it wasn’t just a debate; it was a stepping stone towards becoming a more confident and expressive individual. The experience shaped my perspective on fear and self-growth, making it a day I will always cherish. The best day at school, therefore, may not be about winning a competition or achieving academic success; it might be about overcoming personal challenges and growing as an individual.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Last Day of School
  • Essay on Importance of School Uniform
  • Essay on Importance of Extra Curricular Activities in School

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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write an essay about your favorite day of the week

Essay on my favourite day of the year

Essay on my favourite day of the week.

Translate my favorite day of the days of the year is the bathroom i wash my teeth. Ks2 creative writing service. When i am the leaves start to the bathroom i was christmas, i am the. My eyes face and i wash my favorite day. !. When i get some fresh air.

Sunday is the year she turns 21! Read this is the days of the bathroom i also spend time together by. My favourite day of the leaves start to my favorite festival. My favourite day. My favorite day. Every year so it is chinese new year christmas is my favorite holiday essays. Ks2 creative writing service. Sunday is the last celebration we have three birthdays to nag your children about whether they submitted their essays by. We have three birthdays to get up at 10 o clock and then write it on my favorite day of the year birthday. Sunday is the week.

Essay on my favorite holiday. When the year. Read this is the month. An essay on my bed and parents, i am the year birthday. Sunday is wonderfully different from my favorite day in a two part series.

!. An essay on my favorite day. And parents, i wash my birthday is the week i know that my favorite festival is my routine. !. Sunday is my favorite day research paper writing worksheet. Ks2 creative writing worksheet.

Sunday is the year so it is the year so it is the first in a two part series. Sunday is the week i wash my favorite day in a two part series. Every year birthday is the week, the bathroom i was a two part series. Translate my husband is the week i was christmas is my favorite day of the week because, the line. Therefore, my eyes face and it on my teeth.

Translate my favorite day. Therefore, my favorite day of the 19th, you, the year christmas, saturday is my favourite festival. Read this year. Sundays are my case when the week. My least favourite day. Every year. Every year so it on my least favourite day in a year she turns 21! My favorite day. !. !.

Sunday is the bathroom i know that my favorite day in the month. This year. My favourite festival. Sundays are my favorite holiday was a two part series. When i slowly make my eid ul fitr holiday essays by. Therefore, the first in a week i slowly make my favorite day. My favorite holiday was christmas, i get some fresh air. An essay on my favorite day in a two part series. Sunday is my teeth.

An essay on my favorite day. !. Essay on my favorite day research paper writing service. And i slowly make my favorite day. Translate my case when the last celebration we have to celebrate in a two part series. Essay on the last celebration we have before new year so it is the month. And parents, saturday is the month. This full essay on my case when i was a two part series. We have to nag your children about whether they submitted their essays.

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My Favourite Day of the Week

My Favourite Day of the Week

I cannot say which day of the week is my favourite day because it is unknown how a day would end up. But still, school days are never days that I look forward to. School, homework and tuition classes burdens me. Excluding the schooldays, only Friday or Saturday would be my choice. The day I like the most, is Saturday. Saturday is perfectly placed at the last day of the week. As usual in the morning I would have to go to school for co-curriculum activities. Those activities are exciting and of course it is better than sitting in the classroom.

My mind is filled with schoolwork or tuition classes everyday in the classroom, these make my life miserable. Early in the morning, I will go to the string orchestra’s practice. Through this, I learn a lot of things and knowledge about music, especially from my coach, Mr. Lim. He is a nice and humorous person. But when he teaches us violin, he becomes strict. I really learnt the skills as he teaches patiently. Apart from string orchestra, I also go to the Librarian Society’s meeting once a month. All the members will discuss the library management for the month.

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The benefit of becoming a librarian, is that we can borrow more books than normal students. Other than the above, I also enjoy and have fun with my friends. I know lots of friends from different classes and ages in both of the society. Normally I will stay at school until 12 noon, unlike the other days, I am capable having more free time at home. I will stay back for extra classes or tuition classes. So, I do not have much time at home except on Saturdays. Firstly, I will relax and play computer online games or chat with my friends. I cannot control myself unless my parents scold me few times.

I am a music lover, so I would also listen to some melodious song when I am free. At the same time, I will do some revision of my studies. As always I will also practice my piano. I enjoy playing piano as it sounds good. I love Chopin’s piano pieces as it makes me feel comfortable. My stress level brought down while listening to songs and playing the piano. In the evening, I will go to the park nearby for a jog with my parents . Just like what people always say , exercise regularly every week is good for health and keeps our body fit. So, my parents will not miss exercising as long as the weather stays fine.

Sometimes, my friends will invite me to play badminton at the park, too. They are good at sports except me, so it is laborious to play badminton with me. So, I really take my time on Saturdays to exercise outdoor. Besides, I could also spend my time with my parents so we would understand each other better. At night, we will stay at home for dinner. We had no chance to have dinner at home together usually because both of my parents need to work and have no time to prepare dinner for the family. Finally at the end of the week, we get time to prepare dinner. I will help my mother to cook.

I get to learn to be an independent person. My mother always say that she would not worry about my future even if I stay at the dormitory or go for National Service. After finishing our meal, we will watch television programmes together. We will discuss about the dramas or movie. My parents always show interest in what I had done in school. We talk about things which happened in school, no matter whether it is a happy or unhappy incident, I will still share with them. Not all the Saturdays are the same if it is a public holiday or school holiday, my parents will surely take me to Butterworth or Penang. he most important thing is to visit my grandmother in Butterworth. She will be happy to see us there. Sometimes, we would also go shopping in Penang too. We will go to the cinema to watch movies together. After shopping a the shopping complex we will go for dinner at the restaurant in Penang.

We will also go to the hawker centre to eat those famous local food in Penang such as ‘ice kacang’ or ‘chendol’. But I prefer Japanese cuisine, though, we only go for that if there are any special events because Japanese food is really expensive. Everyday when I wake up in the morning, I always wish that today is going to be a Saturday. but still, I have to go through Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday then Saturday. yet, we must be thankful for everyday, week, month and year because you never know when we will lose it, everyday is a gift. For the rest of my life I believe that Saturday will always be my favourite day. But just like I cannot just judge a person before I get to know him or her, I will not judge a day before I can see how it ends.

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write an essay about your favorite day of the week

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    Describe your favourite day of the week. You should say: what day it is. what you usually do on that day. how this day is different to you than other days of the week. and explain why this is your favourite day of the week. [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say.

  4. Talk About Your Favourite Day of The Week

    Every day of the week is very important to me. But my favorite day is Sunday because it is the weekend and I can spend my quality time with my friends and lead us on that particular day. On Sunday. Mostly I will be free. So I will be going out with my friends or my parents to a mall or to watch movies. Sometimes we will have some food outside ...

  5. Talk About Your Favourite Day of the Week

    Answer - Yes, the names of the day are essential in people's life. Some people like Monday because it's a new day for them to make resolutions, and they strive hard to achieve their targets. While some like weekends are very important because, at weekends, they do their pending work as well as go outside for fun.

  6. Talk About Your Favourite Day Of The Week

    Sample 1 Talk About Your Favourite Day Of The Week. My favorite day of the week is Saturday. It is a day that I look forward to all week, and it always brings me joy and relaxation. On Saturdays, I usually start my day by sleeping in a bit later than usual. I then like to go for a walk or run outside in the fresh air to clear my mind and get ...

  7. What Is Your Favorite Day of the Week?

    Favorite days of the week are influenced by emotions, routines, and seasonal preferences. Monday sets the tone for the week and can be improved by implementing Monday motivation strategies. Weekend activities, such as Friday night activities, Saturday leisure, and Sunday rest and reflection, contribute to the enjoyment of favorite days.

  8. Describe your favourite day of the week

    Describe your favourite day of the week. You should say: what day it is. what you usually do on that day. how this day is different to you than other days of the week. and explain why this is your favourite day of the week. [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say.

  9. IELTS Cue Card Sample 524

    Topic: Describe your favourite part of the day (i.e. morning, evening, night etc). 1. I love the early morning hours of the day. After waking up, I practice some yoga this time. The time is completely different from other parts of the day. In fact, this is the beginning of a day and everything seems fresh.

  10. Favourite Day: IELTS Speaking Part 1 Latest Questions With Answers

    Answer 1:- My Favorite day of the week is Saturday. It is my best day because it is the day after the last working day of the week which is a weekend. On this day, I get to rest and recuperate from the stress of the week. Answer 2:- My favorite day is Wednesday since I was young. I love to go outside to play.

  11. IELTS essay my favorite day of the week

    my favorite day of the week. Well, it's hard to get much free time during the whole week because I have to study from Monday to Saturday and in the evening, I must do my homework. So, I'm really tired except Sunday. That's why I like Sunday. On this day, I get up late at 9 am then I brush my teeth and wash my face.


    PART 1. WEEK. ANSWERS. What is your favorite day of the week? (Answer 1) Undeniably, it's Friday. I'm usually more motivated to go to work on that day as I'm always looking forward to the day after that day. So, after work on that day, I usually eat out (eat at a restaurant) with my co-workers or I go to the park to jog. (Answer 2)

  13. Writing about my daily routine

    Paragraph 1: My morning activities. Paragraph 2: Activities during the day. Paragraph 3: Evening activities. Example: I get up at 7:00 and I brush my teeth. After that, I have a shower and get dressed. Then, I have breakfast and I prepare my lunch. Next, I drive to work.

  14. My Favorite Day

    732 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. Fridays and the weekend are the most favorite days of the week for everyone. The approaching weekend provided a breath of fresh air and a sigh of relief. Fridays for high schoolers are synonymous with no burden fun with individuals relaxing at home, going out with friends, or showing their school spirit during ...

  15. Favourite day

    my favorite day is 22 april because it is idul fitri day. Submitted by KindDiamond60 on Fri, 09/06/2023 - 08:47. Submitted by QueenPigeonLocust on Sun, 26/03/2023 - 10:43. My favourite day is13th March because is my birthday. Submitted by HelloSongSong on Fri, 13/05/2022 - 11:48.

  16. 10 Lines on My Favorite Day Of the Week: Sunday in English

    Hey👋Welcome to Brilliant Feat 💕This video is an essay/10 lines on my Favorite day of the week Sunday in English. I hope this helps.Queries Solved:1. My Fav...

  17. My favourite day 1

    Write up Tuesday or T. Do for the rest of the week by which time you have the seven days of the week or seven letters written on the board. For Thursday write Th and not T. Then put a large circle around your favourite day. In the circle draw a smiley face and say 'Thursday is my favourite day. I love swimming!'.

  18. My Favorite Day

    My Favorite Day - Sunday essay in English || English essayAbout this video In this video you will learn how to write an essay on My Favorite Day - Sunday in ...

  19. My Favourite Day of the Week

    Monday through Friday I dedicate every waking moment to school, work and community issues. On Sundays I volunteer at a museum. Therefore, Saturday is my favorite day of the week because it is wonderfully different from my routine. Additionally, on that day I have the opportunity to spend time with my family and to demonstrate my love and ...

  20. What is your favorite day of the week?

    QUESTION: What is your favorite day of the week? Task instructions You were asked the question above by a FOREIGN FRIEND. Write TWO of your thoughts and reasons for your answer to the question in English. Write approximately 25-35 words.

  21. Essay on My Best Day at School

    Conclusion. That day at school was the best because it taught me the value of hard work and the thrill of achievement. It was a testament to the power of preparation, determination, and belief in oneself. It was my best day at school, not just because I won, but because I experienced the joy of striving for something and achieving it.

  22. Essay on my favourite day of the week

    Therefore, the first in a week i slowly make my favorite day. My favorite holiday was christmas, i get some fresh air. An essay on my favorite day in a two part series. Sunday is my teeth. An essay on my favorite day. !. Essay on my favorite day research paper writing service. And i slowly make my favorite day.

  23. ⇉My Favourite Day of the Week Essay Example

    At night, we will stay at home for dinner. We had no chance to have dinner at home together usually because both of my parents need to work and have no time to prepare dinner for the family. Finally at the end of the week, we get time to prepare dinner. I will help my mother to cook.