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the love hypothesis by ali hazelwood book review plot summary synopsis recap discussion spoilers

The Love Hypothesis (Review, Recap & Full Summary)

By ali hazelwood.

Book review, full book summary and synopsis for The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood, a delightful rom-com about a fake relationship between a biology Ph.D. student and a professor.

In The Love Hypothesis , Olive is a third-year biology Ph.D. candidate who shares a kiss with a handsome stranger in order make her friend think that she's in a relationship. She's horrified when she realizes the "stranger" is Dr. Adam Carlson, a prominent professor in her department who is known for being a hypercritical and moody tyrant.

She and Adam each have reasons for needing to be in a relationship, and they agree to pretend to date for the sake of appearances. Of course, as she gets to know Adam, it's only a matter of time before she starts feeling something for him, and it becomes clear that her little experiment in fake-dating just might combust...

(The Full Plot Summary is also available, below)

Full Plot Summary

Three years prior, Olive Smith talks to a guy when she's in the bathroom fixing her contacts (and can't see) after her Ph.D. candidate interview. She tells him about her passion for her research. She doesn't catch his name but remembers the conversation distinctly and wonders about the guy she met.

In present day, Olive is a biology Ph.D. student researching early detection methods for pancreatic cancer. She kisses a guy randomly in order to trick her best friend into thinking she's dating someone (so that her best friend Anh won't feel bad about dating Olive's ex). That guy turns out to be Dr. Adam Carlson , a young, handsome and highly-respected tenured faculty member in her department. He's also known for being hypercritical and moody.

Meanwhile, Adam's department chair is worried that he's planning on leaving for another university and has frozen some of his research funds. So, Adam he agrees to pretend to be in a relationship with Olive in order to give the impression he's putting down "roots" here, in hopes they will unfreeze the funds.

As Olive and Adam fake-date, they get to know each other. Olive sees that Adam is demanding and blunt towards his students, but not unkind or mean. Olive confides in him about her mother getting pancreatic cancer, which is why she's doing her research.

Olive soon realizes that she has feelings for Adam, but she's afraid to tell him. When he overhears her talking about a crush, she pretends it's about someone else. Olive also hears someone else refer to a woman Adam's been pining after for years and is surprised at how jealous she feels.

In the meantime, Olive needs more lab space and has been talking to Dr. Tom Benton for a spot at his lab at Harvard. When Tom arrives in town, it turns out he's friends with Adam. Adam and Tom are friends from grad school, and they have recently gotten a large grant for some joint research that Adam is excited about. After Olive completes a report on her research for Tom, he offers her a spot in his lab for the next year.

Olive and Adam's relationship continues to progress until they attend a science conference in Boston. Olive's research has been selected for a panel presentation, while Adam is a keynote speaker. There, Olive is sexually harassed by Tom, who makes advances on her. When she rejects him, he accuses her of someone who sleeps around to get ahead. He also says that he'll deny it if she tells anyone and that they won't believe her.

While Olive does finally sleep with Adam at the conference, she soon tearfully breaks things off since she doesn't want to complicate things with Adam's joint research project with Tom. Adam is also in the process of applying for a spot at Harvard.

Olive is certain no one will believe her about Tom until she realizes that the accidentally recorded the conversation where he made advances and threatened her. Meanwhile, Olive's roommate Malcolm has started seeing Dr. Holden Rodriguez, a faculty member who is a childhood friend of Adam's. Olive and Malcolm turn to Holden for advice, who encourages them to tell Adam about the recording. He points out that he thinks the main reason that Adam is considering a move to Harvard is because Olive is supposed to be going there.

Olive finds Adam and shows him the video. He is incensed at Tom and reports it to their faculty. When Adam returns from Boston, he reports that Tom has been fired. Meanwhile, Olive has been reaching out to other cancer researchers for spots at other labs, and she's gotten promising responses. Olive tells Adam that she loves him and that she never liked anyone else. Adam admits that he remembered her from the day he met her in the bathroom and that she's the one he's been interested in for years.

Ten months later at the anniversary of their first kiss, Olive and Adam re-create the kiss to mark their anniversary.

For more detail, see the full Chapter-by-Chapter Summary .

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Book Review

The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood came out a few months ago, and I didn’t really pay much attention to it. However, people seem to really be enjoying this book, and after reading The School for Good Mothers , I was really in mood for something light and fun.

In the Love Hypothesis, Olive is a third-year biology Ph.D. student at Stanford who ends up fake-dating a young and handsome tenured professor in her department. All the usual rom-com shenanigans ensue.

The Love Hypothesis is an unapologetically cheesy rom-com novel — with an upbeat attitude, meet cutes, fake-dating tropes, etc. — but it’s also a genuinely fun and often funny book. It hits a lot of familiar notes if you’re familiar with this genre, but somehow Ali Hazelwood has arranged them in a way that ends up being delightful and entertaining.

The book is super melodramatic at parts, uses so many tropes I couldn’t even list them all here if I was inclined to do so and is predictable in the way that rom-coms are always kind of predictable. That all said, I still had a fantastic time reading it and it flew by.

This is a short review because honestly it’s not that complicated to explain that this book is super cheesy and super fun.

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Read it or Skip it?

If you like “chick lit” and rom-coms, you should definitely look into this book. I tend to be a little hypercritical of books in this genre, but I really enjoyed The Love Hypothesis . I found myself smiling and chuckling quite a bit as I read it.

This book is a straight-up cheesy rom-com — it is funny, melodramatic and fun as hell. I thought it was great.

See The Love Hypothesis on Amazon.

The Love Hypothesis Audiobook Review

Narrated by : Callie Dalton Length : 11 hours 8 minutes

I listened to about half of this on audiobook. I think the audiobook is solid. The narrator is easy to listen to and does a good job with it.

Hear a sample of The Love Hypothesis audiobook on

Book Excerpt

Read the first pages of The Love Hypothesis

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Bookshelf -- A literary set collection game

As a third-year Ph.D. candidate, Olive Smith doesn't believe in lasting romantic relationships--but her best friend does, and that's what got her into this situation. Convincing Anh that Olive is dating and well on her way to a happily ever after was always going to take more than hand-wavy Jedi mind tricks: Scientists require proof. So, like any self-respecting biologist, Olive panics and kisses the first man she sees.

That man is none other than Adam Carlsen, a young hotshot professor--and well-known ass. Which is why Olive is positively floored when Stanford's reigning lab tyrant agrees to keep her charade a secret and be her fake boyfriend. But when a big science conference goes haywire, putting Olive's career on the Bunsen burner, Adam surprises her again with his unyielding support and even more unyielding...six-pack abs.

Suddenly their little experiment feels dangerously close to combustion. And Olive discovers that the only thing more complicated than a hypothesis on love is putting her own heart under the microscope.

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Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe thx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'The Love Hypothesis' won Amazon's best romance book of 2021, has a near-perfect rating on Goodreads, and is all over TikTok. Here's why it's such a unique love story.

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  • " The Love Hypothesis " grabbed the attention of romance readers everywhere in 2021.
  • It was named Amazon's Best Romance Novel of 2021 and was nominated for a Goodreads Choice Award.
  • This book checks off all my boxes for a great romance read and is definitely worth the hype.

Insider Today

This year, Amazon named " The Love Hypothesis " by Ali Hazelwood the best romance book of the year. Even though it was only recently published in September 2021, "The Love Hypothesis" has quickly become a fan-favorite, with 88% of Goodreads reviewers giving it four- or five-star-level praise .

It was also nominated for a Goodreads Choice Award and is hugely popular amongst Book of the Month members , with only 1% of readers giving it a "disliked" rating.

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"The Love Hypothesis" is about Olive Smith, a third-year Ph.D. candidate studying pancreatic cancer at Stanford. In an attempt to convince one of her best friends that she's moved on from an old crush, she impulsively kisses Dr. Adam Carlsen, the department's notoriously brutal (but undeniably attractive) professor. After the kiss, Adam and Olive agree to fake a relationship so she can prove to her friend that she's happily dating and he can convince their department that he isn't planning to leave anytime soon.

I'm a little picky about my romance novels , so giving this read every bit of a five-star review didn't come lightly. My standards are high because the best romance novels have the potential to expose readers to authentic and imperfect relationships and offer new topics of discussion without making us feel like it's a story we've already read. 

With all the hype surrounding this new romance read, I couldn't resist picking it up.

Here's why "The Love Hypothesis" is one of my favorite recent romance books:

1. the story focuses a lot on olive and adam's lives outside their romance, making their love story more believable and interesting..

Romance novels tend to fall into a few popular tropes such as " enemies-to-lovers " or "forbidden love." "The Love Hypothesis" combines two of the most popular tropes right now, "Fake dating" and "grumpy/sunshine," really well — I loved the contrast between Adam's serious attitude to Olive's bright and sugary one. 

But despite following these tropes, the story feels fresh because it's also largely about Olive's work and its meaning to her. The only other romance book I've read featuring a STEM heroine is "The Kiss Quotient" , so I loved seeing that representation and learning about something new. 

The story honestly reflected the challenges Ph.D. candidates face in academia and that authenticity — deepened by the author's personal experiences — brought the characters, the settings, and the romance to life even more as Olive and Adam faced challenges with funding, time-consuming research, and questioning their sense of purpose.

2. The steamier scenes are also awkward and realistic, which made them even better.

In romance books, there are a few different levels of how graphic a steamy scene can get , from little-to-no detail to explicitly outlined movements. (I personally prefer mine to "fade to black.")

There was only one chapter with adult content, and it was definitely graphic. While I made a ton of ridiculous faces while reading and tried to skim past the parts that made me audibly gasp, I loved that it wasn't a movie-made, perfect sex scene with graceful movements and smooth dialogue. The scene was a little awkward, imperfect, and full of consent and conversation, making it refreshingly real.

3. The book deals with other topics besides the main love story, making it a much deeper read.

While it's wonderful to get swept up in the magic of a romantic storyline, having a secondary plot that addresses real issues is what makes a romance novel truly great . 

Mild spoilers and content warnings ahead: While "The Love Hypothesis" is a fun romantic read, it also addresses the pain of familial death, power differentials, intimacy challenges, and, most prevalently, workplace sexual harassment. 

Love is beautiful, fun, and amazing, but "The Love Hypothesis" takes the opportunity to also include conversations about serious issues. While these topics may be tough for some readers, I think these plot points, hard conversations, and complicated emotions take "The Love Hypothesis" to the next level and make it a five-star read. 

The bottom line

"The Love Hypothesis" has everything I personally look for in a romance novel: A unique storyline, authentic characters, and an important message. If you're looking for a perfectly balanced romance read, "The Love Hypothesis" is worth the hype and definitely one of the best romance books to come out in the past year.

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  • Mar 15, 2022

The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood | Book Review + Questions

Updated: Oct 25, 2023

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When we chose The Love Hypothesis for our book club February book, I was feeling giddy and excited. But as I started reading that feeling slowly started fading away. But ... wasn't this book all hyped up on Bookstagram and TikTok? What was happening? Then a crazy thought entered my mind ... Was I too old for YA or NA books? Thankfully according to Marie Pabelonio, associate editor at Goodreads, NO. 😁😁 ( click here for the article ).

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First things first , I'm not into the professor / student romance. Call me uptight, but it's just not my thing. And as it's not my thing in real life, then it's not something I particularly enjoy reading in books.

Second - Adam. I know he was supposed to come off as moody and sullen, but I found his character very bland. Very been-there-done-that. I hated finding out that he had actually been pining over Olive since their meet-cute. I don't see how that needed to be added to the storyline actually - it only made it worst for me! If Olive hadn't fake kissed Adam, then how long would he have continued to wait before talking to her?

Third - The first kiss. I thought their meet-cute was cute, but ..... the first kiss? Ughhhhh ... Olive kisses him, as she would have done to any random guy, because she wanted to fool her best friend into thinking that she was over the guy she last dated because her best friend was crushing on said guy but wouldn't do anything about it because she was thinking Olive was still into him. Again ughhhh ... These are PhD students, but why does it feel like I'm reading something outta high school? Also ... a stolen kiss is only sweet in movies and books. Trust me.

Fourth - Olivia and Ahn's friendship. Read paragraph above. If you need to go through all that to convince your best friend, then I question the friendship. If Anh is really her best friend, why can't they just have a sensible conversation about this? And what kind of best friend puts her friend time after time in embarrassing situations and expect her to do what she tells her to? Ahn was annoying!

Fifth - The sex scene. I was very shocked that it had unprotected sex. Someone assuring you that they are clean counts for nothing in my book and I think this shouldn't be included in books. Always practice safe sex. Someone in the book club also mentioned that she hated the way it was written and the words used. The word "pornographic" was mentioned during our book club discussion.

So is there one thing that I liked about this book? Yes!

Olive. But Olive without her friends and without Adam . Olive, a successful woman in STEM. She came from Canada and pursued her education in the US. Moreover, she experienced many difficulties and faced obstacles to have opportunities she deserved, but nevertheless she really fought to get them. I admire that about her, which is maybe why I am so upset at how she is represented in love and her friendships.

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Book Club Questions:

Did you find that there first meeting was cute?

What did you think of Olive?

What did you think of Adam?

Did you find Olive immature at times?

How did you picture Olive physically?

What did you think of the side characters? Which one was your favorite? Which one was your least favorite?

Did you think that Anh was a cliché character?

Why do you think it was more important for Olive to deceive Anh than to tell her the truth?

How do you feel about unprotected sex in books? Does it ruin the sex scene for you?

How did you feel about how Olive managed the situation with Tom Benton?

How did you feel about the ending?

Do you think that this book was overhyped?

xoxo Elodie

*As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases

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Your Book Corner

The Love Hypothesis Summary & Review – Where Heart and Science Unite

  • Author: Ali Hazelwood
  • Originally published: September 14, 2021
  • Page Count: 383 pages, Paperback
  • Genres: Romance , Contemporary , Fiction

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In the enchanting world of romance literature, where love stories flourish like wildflowers in spring, one novel has taken the genre by storm – “The Love Hypothesis” by the talented wordsmith, Ali Hazelwood. With hearts aflutter and pages turned eagerly, readers have been swept away by this delightful tale of love, science, and a charmingly flawed heroine. As the buzz around this book continues to crescendo, we embark on our own journey through its pages, armed with a commitment to honesty and fairness. This review aims to provide a comprehensive yet unvarnished analysis of “The Love Hypothesis,” a book that has captured the hearts of many and left us pondering both its triumphs and its trifles. Join us as we delve into the world of this captivating romance, exploring its strengths, weaknesses, and everything in between.

Table of Contents

The Love Hypothesis Summary

In the bustling world of academia, Olive Smith, a dedicated PhD candidate with a penchant for equations rather than emotions, finds herself at the center of an unexpected experiment – one involving love. “The Love Hypothesis,” penned by Ali Hazelwood, introduces us to Olive, a brilliant physicist focused on her career, until her path crosses with the notorious and charismatic Professor Adam Carlsen. Sparks fly, but not of the romantic kind, as Olive and Adam engage in a unique “relationship” born out of a scientific hypothesis.

As the story unfolds, we witness Olive’s journey from skepticism to curiosity and eventually, to an unexpected entanglement of the heart. With her pragmatic approach to life and love, Olive provides a refreshing perspective on the trials and tribulations of modern romance. And Adam, a character with secrets of his own, adds layers of complexity to their evolving connection.

What sets this story in motion is the intriguing premise of testing the hypothesis that a fake relationship can scientifically lead to real love. The book navigates the unpredictable waters of romance with humor, intelligence, and a touch of vulnerability. Yet, will this love experiment yield the expected results, or will it defy the very laws of nature it seeks to explore? Without giving away any of the story’s twists and turns, we invite you to embark on this journey with us as we delve deeper into “The Love Hypothesis” to uncover its charms and complexities.

Writing Style and Narrative

Ali Hazelwood’s writing style in “The Love Hypothesis” is a masterful symphony that weaves emotions and intellect together, creating a tapestry that draws readers into the hearts and minds of her characters. With a deft hand, Hazelwood employs vivid imagery that brings the academic setting to life, making lecture halls and research labs feel like tangible spaces where emotions flourish.

Dialogue, a vital tool in romance storytelling, is where Hazelwood truly shines. The banter between characters is both sharp and heartwarming, revealing hidden layers of wit and vulnerability. The interactions between Olive and Adam are particularly noteworthy, ranging from playful sparring to moments of unexpected tenderness. Each exchange feels authentic, adding depth to their connection and making their journey all the more captivating.

Hazelwood employs a distinctive narrative technique by alternating between Olive and Adam’s perspectives, granting readers insight into their individual struggles, desires, and hesitations. This approach enhances the reading experience by allowing us to witness the gradual transformation of their relationship from multiple angles. The intimate glimpses into their thoughts foster empathy, making us root for their happiness while acknowledging their flaws.

While the writing style skillfully captures emotions and relationships, some readers might find the occasional scientific jargon a hurdle. Although these elements contribute to the story’s authenticity, they can momentarily disrupt the flow for those less familiar with technical language. Despite this, the overall writing style enriches the narrative by immersing us in a world where romance and science coexist.

Ali Hazelwood’s writing not only paints a picture of the characters’ internal struggles but also transports readers to the emotional landscapes they traverse. Through eloquent prose and engaging dialogue, the writing style becomes an instrument of connection, drawing us into the story’s heart and encouraging us to invest in its outcome.

Character Development

In “The Love Hypothesis,” Ali Hazelwood’s characters are not just ink on paper; they are living, breathing souls with depth and complexity that gradually unfurl as the story unfolds. Olive Smith and Adam Carlsen, the protagonists of this romantic tale, embark on journeys of self-discovery and personal evolution that resonate with readers.

Olive, a brilliant scientist consumed by logic and equations, is a character of multifaceted layers. Her pragmatism, while admirable, also becomes a shield against vulnerability. As the narrative progresses, we witness her struggle to reconcile her rational approach with the unpredictable world of emotions. Her transformation is marked by moments of introspection, hesitation, and ultimately, courage. However, some readers might find certain aspects of Olive’s growth abrupt, with shifts in her mindset occurring relatively quickly.

Adam Carlsen, on the other hand, is introduced as the charismatic, enigmatic professor. His enigmatic facade gives way to reveal a man burdened by his past and striving for redemption. As his connection with Olive deepens, we witness his own journey towards healing and forgiveness. This growth is intricately woven into his interactions with Olive and his responses to challenges that arise.

While both characters display captivating development, there are instances where their actions and decisions might leave readers yearning for more context. Certain reactions or choices appear slightly disconnected from their established traits, introducing moments of inconsistency in their portrayal.

Despite these occasional inconsistencies, the characters’ evolution is a testament to Hazelwood’s ability to craft relatable human experiences. Their emotional authenticity draws readers in, allowing us to empathize with their struggles and celebrate their victories. The imperfections in their development, while noticeable, do not overshadow the overall impact of their growth, making Olive and Adam protagonists worthy of our investment.

Through intricate character development, “The Love Hypothesis” reminds us that growth is a nonlinear journey, fraught with uncertainty and complexity. The imperfections in their development, much like the flaws within us all, only serve to enhance the richness of the story.

Themes and Messages

Within the pages of “The Love Hypothesis,” Ali Hazelwood deftly weaves a tapestry of themes that resonate deeply with readers. Beyond the surface of romance, the story delves into layers of ambition, personal growth, and the complex interplay between logic and matters of the heart.

Love, of course, takes center stage as the book’s primary theme. The exploration of love as a force that defies scientific quantification provides an intriguing backdrop. The book navigates the different facets of love – from the unanticipated blossoming of emotions to the vulnerability that accompanies it. The story captures the raw essence of love’s unpredictability and challenges us to embrace its uncertainties.

Ambition, embodied by Olive’s dedication to her academic pursuits, is another theme interwoven with the narrative. The juxtaposition of Olive’s scientific precision with the enigmatic nature of love reflects the tension between the rational and the emotional. This theme prompts readers to reflect on the balance between pursuing one’s passions and opening oneself to emotional connections.

Personal growth emerges as a thread that binds the characters’ arcs. As Olive and Adam navigate their feelings and pasts, they undergo transformations that mirror the complexity of real-life evolution. The narrative effectively portrays the struggles and breakthroughs they experience, albeit with occasional instances of pacing that may affect the impact of their growth.

The themes come alive through Hazelwood’s skillful prose, inviting readers to reflect on their own experiences and emotions. Yet, there are moments when the messages might appear slightly overt, leaving little room for interpretation. This directness, while occasionally detracting from subtlety, ensures that readers grasp the intended takeaway.

Ultimately, “The Love Hypothesis” imparts messages of embracing vulnerability, embracing change, and recognizing that love often transcends the bounds of reason. The themes encourage readers to consider the interplay between intellect and emotion, and the value of taking risks in matters of the heart. As we immerse ourselves in these thematic currents, we’re reminded that love and growth are beautifully intertwined, creating a melody that resonates with the human experience.

Criticism & Room for Improvement

While “The Love Hypothesis” undeniably charms its readers, it’s essential to recognize that no book is without its imperfections. Let’s take a closer look at some aspects that may have left certain readers wanting more.

Firstly, pacing is an element that occasionally presents challenges in the story’s flow. While the narrative is generally engaging, there are moments when the pace feels uneven. The transitions between scenes and character developments can, at times, occur abruptly, which may disrupt the overall reading experience.

Additionally, the book’s reliance on scientific jargon might be a double-edged sword. While it adds authenticity to the academic backdrop, it could pose a hurdle for readers less familiar with such terminology. Striking a balance between maintaining realism and accessibility is a delicate task, and some may feel that the book leans a tad too heavily towards the former.

Character choices and reactions, while authentic in many instances, may also leave room for critique. Some readers have noted moments when character decisions appeared inconsistent with their established personalities, causing a slight disconnect between actions and motivations.

Critics have occasionally observed that the story’s central romance, while undoubtedly sweet, leans towards familiar tropes within the genre. While this familiarity can be comforting, it might leave readers craving a more unique twist or exploration of unconventional dynamics.

However, it’s important to remember that these critiques don’t overshadow the book’s merits. “The Love Hypothesis” has earned its accolades for a reason. Its ability to blend humor, intelligence, and vulnerability remains a commendable feat, and the characters’ authenticity shines through despite occasional inconsistencies.

In summary, the book’s pacing, use of scientific terminology, character choices, and reliance on familiar tropes are aspects that may have garnered criticism. These observations, however, are part of the broader conversation surrounding the book’s reception and don’t diminish its overall appeal. The beauty of literature lies in its subjectivity, and what one reader views as a critique, another may see as an endearing quirk.

In the delightful world of “The Love Hypothesis,” Ali Hazelwood has crafted a tale that marries science and emotion, intellect and heart. The book’s strengths lie in its vivid characters, sharp dialogue, and the intricate dance between logic and love. While pacing and minor inconsistencies exist, they don’t overshadow the book’s unique charm.

Embrace the journey of Olive and Adam, two souls navigating the uncharted territories of academia and matters of the heart. As you turn each page, you’ll be drawn into their captivating story, replete with moments of humor, vulnerability, and growth. “The Love Hypothesis” invites you to ponder the mysteries of love, personal evolution, and the sparks that ignite when reason meets emotion.

While opinions on books are as varied as the colors of a sunset, the invitation remains: Discover for yourself the magic woven within these pages. The world of “The Love Hypothesis” beckons with its own hypothesis – that beneath every critique lies a story waiting to be felt, a connection waiting to be made. Venture forth and experience the unique symphony of romance and science that Hazelwood has masterfully composed.

About the Author

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Ali Hazelwood, the creative force behind “The Love Hypothesis,” is a captivating storyteller known for her knack for blending romance and wit. With a background in engineering, Ali’s unique perspective infuses her writing with a touch of intellectual charm. She masterfully weaves relatable characters, heartfelt emotions, and scientific curiosity into her stories, making them both engaging and thought-provoking. Ali’s passion for exploring the intersection of logic and love shines through in her work, captivating readers with her ability to meld intricate plotlines with genuine emotion. As a rising star in the romance genre, Ali Hazelwood continues to enchant readers with her distinctive voice and her uncanny ability to spark both laughter and introspection.

“As we conclude this journey through “The Love Hypothesis,” we extend an open invitation to you, our cherished readers. Your thoughts and perspectives matter, and we’d love to hear your take on the book. Have you found resonance in its themes? Do you share our observations, or do you see the story from a different angle? Feel free to leave your comments below; this space is a platform for your voice.

Moreover, sharing is caring, and if “The Love Hypothesis” has touched your heartstrings or ignited your curiosity, don’t hesitate to share this review with fellow book enthusiasts. Whether it’s through your favorite social media channels, book clubs, or discussions with friends, your sharing can introduce others to a world of captivating emotions and intellectual intrigue.

As we celebrate the power of storytelling, we look forward to the vibrant conversations that will undoubtedly unfold. Your insights enrich not only our understanding of the book but also the collective experience of literature. So, let’s embark on a journey of words and feelings together, as we explore the pages of “The Love Hypothesis” and the myriad thoughts it sparks. ” – Your Book Corner

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That Artsy Reader Girl

The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood | Book Review

Posted August 12, 2021 by Jana in Adult Fiction , Book Review / 4 Comments

The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood | Book Review

When a fake relationship between scientists meets the irresistible force of attraction, it throws one woman's carefully calculated theories on love into chaos. As a third-year Ph.D. candidate, Olive Smith doesn't believe in lasting romantic relationships--but her best friend does, and that's what got her into this situation. Convincing Anh that Olive is dating and well on her way to a happily ever after was always going to take more than hand-wavy Jedi mind tricks: Scientists require proof. So, like any self-respecting biologist, Olive panics and kisses the first man she sees. That man is none other than Adam Carlsen, a young hotshot professor--and well-known ass. Which is why Olive is positively floored when Stanford's reigning lab tyrant agrees to keep her charade a secret and be her fake boyfriend. But when a big science conference goes haywire, putting Olive's career on the Bunsen burner, Adam surprises her again with his unyielding support and even more unyielding...six-pack abs. Suddenly their little experiment feels dangerously close to combustion. And Olive discovers that the only thing more complicated than a hypothesis on love is putting her own heart under the microscope.

So. I’m really not the best at reviewing books I absolutely loved because I don’t have many words! We all know I love fake dating romances, and I loved the idea of a STEM romance because science is cool and I really love and miss Big Bang Theory (and no, this isn’t like that per se, it’s just got super smart people spouting off science facts). Anyway, I immediately gravitated toward The Love Hypothesis because it sounded fresh and funny and unique. It was all those things and more! As always, my main points are bolded.

1. This book is so, so nerdy and I loved it. The people are a little awkward and extremely smart. There’s strong women in science, and I loved learning a little bit about the challenges women face in this field. Every chapter starts off with one of Olive’s hilarious little scientific hypotheses about love and life, each one teasing a bit about what’s coming up in that chapter. These made it very hard to stop reading because I’d get to the end of the chapter and decide to read and then BOOM. I’m intrigued again and must continue reading. Very clever. A lot of the book takes place on campus in the labs, and I thought it was such a fun setting with people working late and running experiments because science doesn’t wait for people to sleep or eat. There’s lots of science talk, there’s a science convention and people get all excited about presenting posters and attending talks and it’s all just so much fun. It reminded me a bit of Ross’s paleontology convention from Friends, just no Barbados.

2. Olive is sweet and strong. She’s smart and strong and totally dedicated to her cancer research. She’s looking for a lab that will accept her the following year so she can continue her testing with better equipment and proper funding. It matters more to her than pretty much anything. Everyone she’s ever loved has died, so she’s very reluctant to get too close to anyone except her two best friends. Relationships are scary and also a little confusing for her. It takes her a while to sort through her feelings and figure things out, and I loved watching her grow and evolve.

3. Dr. Carlsen (Adam) is a dreamboat. He’s seen as rude and lacking in compassion. He’s hard on his grad students, but it’s because he wants them to succeed. He’s super sexy and thoughtful and protective of those he cares about. He’s sarcastic, flirty, suave, and all the things I love in a hero. Olive is a little inexperienced in the love department, and there’s a scene where he puts all of his focus on taking care of her. Consent and comfort are so important to him, and the entire scene was him making sure she was ok. It just melted me, and I’ve never read another scene quite like this one.

4. The chemistry between Olive and Adam is insane. These two can throw the banter back and forth forever and get me laughing, but they can also build up a level of tension that makes you squirmy. There’s an age gap of about 8-9 years between these two, so Olive loves to make fun of him for being old. She also loves to make fun of his healthy eating habits. He likes to tease her about her love of sugar and poor taste in food. But then there’s a scene where Olive’s best friend kind of forces her to kiss Adam after he’s just pushed a car out of the road and is all sweaty, and wow. And then there’s a scene at the department picnic where Olive has no choice but to coat his muscley back in sunscreen (poor girl), and wow. Their relationship is sweet and spicy and tender, and I just love them.

5. Olive’s best friends, Anh and Malcolm, made me so happy. They are both scientists and work together, although their research is all different. Anh is the loyal best friend, who also mothers Olive and makes sure she doesn’t get skin cancer. Malcolm is Olive’s roommate, and he’s pretty much made of rainbows and sunshine. They love to discuss hot men and other fun things. I would love to be a part of this friend group. Adam’s friend, Holden, is another favorite character of mine. He gives great advice, really cares about his people, and is so happy all the time.

6. There’s some deeper issues at play that run throughout the story, including the #MeToo movement. All were treated with sensitivity and respect. 

7. There’s so, so much humor! I actually laughed out loud at one point, which never happens to me. I’ve been known to smile or silently laugh, but this was an actual audible laugh that startled me.

8. The writing is also spot on, and flowed so nicely that the pages practically turned on their own. 

All in all, this is a stunning debut for Ali Hazelwood. Strong women in science, a sexy doctor hero who values and supports those women, hilarious banter, strong friendships, and a very sweet love story all wrapped up into a glittery, sugary package. What’s not to love? I highly recommend The Love Hypothesis, and cannot wait to see what Ali Hazelwood does next!

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4 responses to “ The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood | Book Review ”

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“insane chemistry?” Sounds fun!

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Great review. I’ve been waiting for this book and I”m so glad you liked it so much!

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I can’t wait to read this one! It’s one of my most anticipated releases and reading your review just bumped it up to multiple spots haha! CANNOT WAIT! Hasini @ Bibliosini recently posted… Can Books Be Effective Horror? // Let’s Talk Bookish

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Book was insightful and inspiring, right mix of teasing, drama, and nerdy science. Once picked up, the book just can’t be put down Check out @thehazelwoodfangpage on Insta

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Literature / The Love Hypothesis

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This novel contains examples of the following tropes:

  • All Girls Want Bad Boys : Averted. Despite being good-looking, Adam isn't pursued by women due to his asshole-tendencies. In fact, people are appalled about their relationship, and ask Olive if she is alright because she is dating a known jackass.
  • Amicable Exes : What Olive and Jeremy are. They went on a few dates, but broke up because he was more interested in Anh.
  • Anh and Jeremy.
  • Malcolm and Holden.
  • Big Man on Campus : Adam is this. So much so, that even Tom at Harvard heard of him dating Olive.
  • Break His Heart to Save Him : Olive tries to do this, and breaks up with Adam, so he can work with Tom. Once Holden tells her Adam could easily research without Tom, and that Tom is gunning for Adam's career for a long time, she shows Adam the proof of Tom blackmailing her.
  • Casting Couch : Tom tries it with Olive, making it clear that he'll only fund her research if she sleeps with him. If not, he'll steal it .
  • Character Tics : Olive is prone to silently weeping. “Apparently, weeping silently was her new baseline state.”
  • Compassionate Critic : Adam actually does mean well with his harsh criticism, wanting his students to become great scientists. He may not care about protecting anyone's feelings, but he does care about his students producing quality work and being able to thrive in the field.
  • Curves in All the Right Places : A male version in which Adam gets countless stares playing Frisbee shirtless. Apparently, his shoulders are swoon-worthy.
  • Deadpan Snarker : Adam snarks with every sentence.
  • Disappeared Dad : Olive's dad left before she was born. Once her mother died, she had to go to foster care.
  • When Olive kisses Adam, she quickly asks him if it is alright, and thought she heard a yes, which he denies. Turns out, he probably did say yes, since he was pining for her for about 3 years.
  • Anh asks Olive if Adam is blackmailing her to be in a relationship with him, which Olive thinks is ridiculous. Tom tries exactly that later to hurt Adam.
  • Fake Relationship : The entire premise. Olive wants Anh to date Jeremy without feeling bad, and Adam wants Stanford to think he will not move on to Harvard because his “girlfriend” is in Stanford.
  • Gay Best Friend : Olive and Adam have Malcolm and Holden respectively; they even end up becoming a couple. The two serve to give them some (sometimes biting) insight into their relationship and support them in times of strife.
  • Got Volunteered : This happens to Adam on a frequent basis. He doesn't care about social gatherings, but as a professor, he is in a rotation and has to go once in a while.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold : Adam. He doesn't believe in coddling other people's feelings in an academic setting, thinking it is more effective to get straight to the point. However, privately he is a genuinely nice person, a great friend and wants only the best for Olive.
  • Loophole Abuse : Professors dating students, even grad students, is very frowned upon. But, as Adam points out, since Olive is a grad student, she's not his advisee, and she's not a T.A. for any of his classes, them dating is technically not against regulations. He'd have to recuse himself in the event he was ever asked to review any of Olive's work if she was up for funding or something, but other than that, they won't cross paths academically.
  • Manipulative Bastard : Tom Benton. He tried to tear down Adam as a Ph.D. candidate whilst pretending to be his friend, and wanted to blackmail Olive into having sex with him to take something from Adam, because he was annoyed at his accomplishments.
  • Missing Mom : Olive's mom died of pancreatic cancer when Olive was a teenager, forcing her to live in foster care till she was able to emancipate herself. This is the reason she is studying this specific type of cancer.
  • Really Gets Around : Malcolm believes dating is an Olympic sport and is out to get gold.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure : Once the recording with Tom Benton's blackmail is in the hands of his boss, there are quick consequences.
  • Romantic Fake–Real Turn : Olive and Adam fall in love with each other for real.
  • Adam has the reputation of one, being known for harsh and biting criticism and having a massive stick up his ass. However, as Olive gets to know him, she realizes it's not true; he may not like the majority of his grad students, but he does want the best for them, and his critiques are usually accurate.
  • The real example would be Adam's adviser from back in his grad school days; cruel, domineering, abusive, and prone to messing with students just because he could and he liked having power over them. Adam is borderline traumatized by him.
  • Single-Target Sexuality : Olive is gray asexual, and Adam is the first person she is attracted to.
  • Stalker with a Crush : A mild example. Adam knows some things about Olive before they started fake dating. Turns out, he had a crush on her for the past couple years and was just too chicken to ask her out.
  • Teacher/Student Romance : Downplayed. Olive is a grad student and Adam is a professor; however, he has no power over her academically and she was never in his classes as an undergrad.
  • There Is Only One Bed : Discussed and ultimately averted. Olive is hesitant to share a hotel room with Adam because she's convinced they're going to end up with this trope. There are two beds.
  • Thinks Like a Romance Novel : Olive's more Thinks Like a Rom-Com. Having watched plenty of rom-com movies, she's already fully aware of the fake dating trope, There Is Only One Bed , and the like.
  • The Topic of Cancer : Constantly at the back of the story, since Olive researches pancreatic cancer, which her mother died of.
  • When She Smiles : Gender inverted with Adam. His usual version of a smile is slightly lifting the corners of his mouth. When he actually smiles, he is all dimples and teeth.
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The love hypothesis, common sense media reviewers.

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Uneven romance has explicit sex, features women in STEM.

The Love Hypothesis book cover: A White woman in a lab coat and messy bun kisses a surprised looking White man with dark hair

A Lot or a Little?

What you will—and won't—find in this book.

An author's note explains Title IX and offers webs

You have to be strong and tough to make it in the

Olive and Ahn are good models of women in STEM. Th

Olive reads as White, is from Canada, and is very

An incident of verbal sexual assault with an attem

Other than a few kisses and some romantic tension,

"Bulls--t," "clit," "clusterf--k," "c--k," "d--k,"

A few food and beverage brands, and a couple of en

All characters are adults of legal drinking age in

Parents need to know that Ali Hazelwood's The Love Hypothesis is an adult romance set in the higher levels of academia at Stanford University. Ph.D. candidate Olive starts a fake relationship with a professor in hopes of inspiring her best friend to go for the man she's really interested in. Other than a few…

Educational Value

An author's note explains Title IX and offers websites supporting women and BIPOC women in STEM academic fields. The overall story provides insight into graduate and postgraduate academic life and careers, especially in STEM fields.

Positive Messages

You have to be strong and tough to make it in the academic world, especially in STEM fields. Don't be afraid to speak up when you've been harmed or you learn about something unethical. Your web of lies will eventually come to light, and when it does, it may cause more hurt than being truthful from the start would have.

Positive Role Models

Olive and Ahn are good models of women in STEM. They're extremely loyal and supportive of each other, and Anh creates chances to support other women, especially BIPOC women in STEM. Adam is very protective and kind on a personal level toward Olive, but to his students he's harsh and uncompromising and seems uncaring. Olive makes a grand gesture out of compassion for Anh and models perseverance in advancing her research and career.

Diverse Representations

Olive reads as White, is from Canada, and is very slim. Adam implies he's Jewish and is very tall and powerfully built. Best friend Anh's family is from Vietnam, and she identifies as a woman of color. Roommate Malcolm reads as White, dates men, and enters a romantic relationship with another man. Olive wonders if she's asexual.

Did we miss something on diversity? Suggest an update.

Violence & Scariness

An incident of verbal sexual assault with an attempted kiss and coercion. An excerpt at the end from a future book has sexual harassment and cyberbullying. A man pins another against a wall by the collar and threatens to kill him.

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Violence & Scariness in your kid's entertainment guide.

Sex, Romance & Nudity

Other than a few kisses and some romantic tension, there's only one sex scene, but it's extended, explicit, and meant to arouse. Oral and genital sex, manual stimulation, genital penetration, sucking nipples and genitals, and orgasm are described in detail with some crude words like "clit" and "c--k." Good examples of consent are modeled, and birth control and being "clean" are talked about. A few times adults talk about sex or sex acts like sixty-nining, butt stuff, and getting a "hand job."

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Sex, Romance & Nudity in your kid's entertainment guide.

"Bulls--t," "clit," "clusterf--k," "c--k," "d--k," "f--k," "f--king," "holy crap," "holy s--t," "pr--k," "s--t," "s--tshow," ass," "assness," "bitch," "bitching," "butt," "crap," "crapfest," "dammit," "goddamned," "hell," "jackass," "pee," "smart-ass." "Jesus" as an exclamation.

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Language in your kid's entertainment guide.

Products & Purchases

A few food and beverage brands, and a couple of entertainment franchises to establish character and setting.

Drinking, Drugs & Smoking

All characters are adults of legal drinking age in California, where the story is set. Very little actual drinking is depicted, but there are mentions of past drunkenness, a weekly beer and s'mores night, and taking advantage of free alcohol at academic meetings and conferences.

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Drinking, Drugs & Smoking in your kid's entertainment guide.

Parents Need to Know

Parents need to know that Ali Hazelwood's The Love Hypothesis is an adult romance set in the higher levels of academia at Stanford University. Ph.D. candidate Olive starts a fake relationship with a professor in hopes of inspiring her best friend to go for the man she's really interested in. Other than a few kisses and some romantic tension, there's only one sex scene, but it's extended, explicit, and meant to arouse. Oral and genital sex, manual stimulation, genital penetration, sucking nipples and genitals, and orgasm are described in detail with words like "clit" and "c--k." Main character Olive experiences verbal sexual assault, and an excerpt from another book in the back has sexual harassment and cyberbullying. Strong language includes "c--k," "d--k," "f--k," "pr--k," "s--t," and more. Adults mention past excessive drinking, look forward to free alcohol at university events, and have a weekly "beer and s'mores night." Two characters remember one of them projectile vomiting after eating bad shrimp, but it's not described. Olive is an orphan with no family. Her mother died of pancreatic cancer, so grief and loss are important themes, along with the struggles women still face in STEM-related fields.

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What's the Story?

THE LOVE HYPOTHESIS is about Stanford graduate student Olive, who needs to convince her best friend, Anh, that it's OK for Anh to date a guy Olive had recently been seeing but wasn't really interested in. So she hatches a plan to "fake-date" none other than the Biology department's most prestigious professor, Adam Carlsen, who's also a huge jerk. As Olive and Adam's ruse gets harder and harder to keep up, Olive starts to feel like she wishes their dating wasn't actually fake. Will she be able to untangle her web of lies without ruining everything, for everyone?

Is It Any Good?

This romance set in the lofty world of a prestigious graduate school program has its ups and downs. It's refreshing to see women in STEM represented and important to highlight how much many women struggle in that world. The Love Hypothesis has some funny banter, especially with colorful supporting characters. Readers who enjoy very familiar romcom tropes will feel at home here, because this story is chock-full of them. The one explicit sex scene is easy to skip for those who aren't interested. A big drawback is Olive's truly bad and unrealistic decision making, which strains believability and takes the reader outside the story.

Talk to Your Kids About ...

Families can talk about the graphic sex in The Love Hypothesis . Is it over-the-top? Realistic? Is reading about it different from seeing it in movies, videos, and other media?

What are some concerns about reading or watching explicit sex ? Do you compare yourself or your body to the characters? Does it make you afraid, feel creepy, or unsure about what sex is like for real people?

What about all the strong language? Is it realistic? Is it a big deal? Why, or why not?

Talk about women studying and working in STEM fields. What are some of the challenges Olive and Ahn face? How do they deal with them? Who supports them? What can men do to make STEM fields more welcoming and inclusive?

Book Details

  • Author : Ali Hazelwood
  • Genre : Romance
  • Topics : STEM , Friendship , Great Girl Role Models
  • Character Strengths : Compassion , Perseverance
  • Book type : Fiction
  • Publisher : Berkley
  • Publication date : September 14, 2021
  • Publisher's recommended age(s) : 18 - 18
  • Number of pages : 400
  • Available on : Paperback, Audiobook (unabridged), iBooks, Kindle
  • Last updated : April 2, 2024

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The Love Hypothesis

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Fake Dating

Fake dating is a popular trope in the romance genre . Exactly as the name suggests, fake dating involves two (or more) people pretending to be involved with one another, often for reasons that have nothing to do with any desire they might have to actually date their fake partner. Olive enters a fake relationship with Adam believing it will come to an end and she’ll move on while Anh and Jeremy get their happily ever after. Due to her demisexuality and dedication to her research, Olive sees no future with Adam until their lighthearted banter and meaningful conversations capture her heart.

Adam thwarts the fake dating trope with another common romance trope, the secret crush. While he tells Olive his main reason for entering the fake relationship is frozen funds, he has also been pining after her for years and welcomes the opportunity to spend time with her and get to know her better. As the fake dating trope dictates, Olive’s feelings eventually grow to match Adam’s, until both can’t imagine life without one another. Their fake dating becomes real love by the end of the book.

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“The Love Hypothesis” Book Review: Why You Should Read It And Leave The Guilt Behind

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When I was in middle school, I loved to read ‘trash’. What I mean by this is that people often used derogatory language when talking about the things I enjoyed reading. Twilight ? For dumb girls. Manga? For weird girls. Fanfiction? Don’t even get me started on the social implications for reading that in the era of The Lightning Thief , The Hunger Games , or Divergent –all books I loved, by the way, but also books that were considered more socially acceptable for reading than fanfiction, Twilight , or manga. 

But you know what? I’ve come to realize that the world just hates young girls for reading things that young girls love. So today, I’m writing a book review on a book that, maybe, someone out there would be afraid to outwardly say they’re in love with. Today, I’m going to tell you it’s ok to read ‘trash’. Because guess what? ‘Trash’ is literally my favorite thing in the whole wide world because it’s not trash at all. The books I love to read are precious to me, they make me laugh, they make me smile, and they even make me cry; sometimes, they literally give me the purest form of happiness since the invention of pumpkin bread. And I’m here to tell you that if you like reading these kinds of things, you are valid, you are not a ‘lesser’ kind of  reader, and you are absolutely my type of person.

I just finished reading a book called The Love Hypothesis. And by finished reading, I mean that I literally read it two times in a row because it did something for me that no book has done in a really, really long time. I could not put that thing down. It felt like it was 6th grade all over again; I was like a starved, dejected, bookworm. I voraciously consumed the entire novel, two times over, in less that 24 hours. 

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The Love Hypothesis plays on the dating-a-teacher trope in a way that exceeds all of my preconceived expectations of the concept. Olive, our protagonist, ‘accidentally’ kisses the ‘known ass’, Dr. Adam Carlsen– in front of her best friend, Ahn, nonetheless, so that Ahn will feel less bad about dating Olive’s ex-boyfriend; to keep up the facade, Dr. Carlsen and Olive agree to a ‘fake dating’ contract for a month’s time so that Anh can date Olive’s ex guilt-free. 

I’m sure you can see where this is going. But I promise you, you’re right, but it’s also so much better than anything you could have ever expected.

Here are a few reasons I’ve come to love this novel. I hope they resonate with you. I hope they empower you. And I hope they affirm to you that a ‘good’ book doesn’t necessarily take on a certain form.

1. The relationship between Olive and Adam is the perfect mixture of sunshine meets grumpy. 

I fell in love with Olive quickly, and I found her sense of humor, her anxiousness, and her self-reliance very endearing. Every chapter starts with a hypothesis, and they worked as both a foreshadowing technique and also as an insight into Olive’s inner thoughts. The first hypothesis is relatable and hilarious. It reads:

“When given a choice between A, (a slightly inconveniencing situation), and B, (a colossal shitshow with devastating consequences), I will inevitably end up selecting B.”

I mean honestly, Olive, who hasn’t? But it was Adam who quickly stole my heart. (It helps that the cover alludes to his features as being almost identical to the very handsome Kylo Ren). After the kiss that started it all, we see the chemistry between the two building:

“‘Did you… Did you just kiss me?’ He sounded puzzled…There was simply no way Olive could get away with denying what she had just done. Still, it was worth a try.


We’ve all been there. Well, maybe not. But for some reason, the way author Ali Hazelwood writes about uncomfortable, romantic situations makes us all feel like we have. 

2. Hazelwood’s Take On This Trope Works To Address The Sexism It Usually Coincides With

What I like most about Hazelwood’s approach to this trope, however, is that Olive is not helpless. Sometimes, in books exploring the dating-an-older-professor trope, we see a powerless woman who is ‘saved’ by a big, strong, man. Not the case here. Olive is a graduate student at Stanford whose scientific work is thoughtful, unique, and important all on its own–without Adam’s intervention. She’s a woman in STEM, she’s a Canadian immigrant, and she’s also worked to overcome the many hardships experienced in her youth in order to be present at one of the most renowned science programs in the world. Does her life get easier in some ways while dating a revered, successful, and tenured professor with millions of dollars in funding for research? I mean, yeah. But only in little ways. Like not needing to take her bike home from classes everyday, and sometimes, on ‘Fake-Date Wednesdays’, she occasionally gets free pumpkin spice lattes and scones. 

            The relationship between Olive and Adam, while at first very awkward because of his position as a professor, doesn’t work within a power-imbalanced framework. Olive is not his student. She just so happens to be studying within the same department. Adam doesn’t do things so that Olive is more recognized or successful. Olive’s work naturally speaks for itself. 

The two characters are written in a way that empowers them both. Hazelwood is very careful about this aspect of the relationship, and as a woman in college, I appreciate this careful acknowledgement of women’s autonomy and power in the work without a man’s intervention. 

3. Romance That Keeps Me Coming Back For More (Sequel Please?)

One thing I appreciated in this book is that it had a story to tell about love, and by golly, it got right to it. As a reader, I’m not waiting around for the relationship to show up, for the circumstances to arise, or for Adam to interact with Olive. It’s right there from page one.

And for that, I just want to say one thing to Ali Hazelwood: Thank you. Thank you for giving me a romance novel that got right to the point. It was refreshing. But, it meant a few things for me as a reader:

  • I read everything and didn’t jump around trying to find the parts of the book that were ‘actually interesting’. I didn’t do this because I didn’t have to. I didn’t do this because the way the text, the characters, and the relationships were written was done with care; it had me holding onto each and every word until the very last page. 
  • Because I was reading every word, I was noticing more stuff. Little hints, allusions, motifs, themes, and symbols. It made the reading more enjoyable for me.

The romance story starts on the first page and it carries on until the very last. Are there other plot lines and stories and threads ongoing throughout the novel? Yes, of course. But I didn’t have to wait through the first 12 chapters to get there. Instead, I got a full 25 chapters (plus and epilogue and prologue) that did what they set out to do: explore this accidental, hilarious, and endearing relationship from one comedy-blended-with-suspense-filled-page to the next. In fact, It left me hoping for a sequel. 

A Final Note On ‘Trash’

This book slapped. I mean, it did everything a rom-com is supposed to do. And then it also dismantled some sexism, which is just extra cool, in general.

But the reason I wrote this book review is two-fold. Yes, this book was amazing. It got me excited in all sorts of nerdy, English-Major ways. But also, there are lots of people out there that, quite frankly, enjoy books like this. And more importantly, there are also lots of people–specifically women– who feel shame for liking texts like this because of the notion that texts like this are ‘trash’. 

To that, I want to say something kind of controversial. Here it goes:

Literary feminism is respecting women for their choices, whether those choices are to read/write texts that are considered universally acceptable or not. 

There is no male-directed equivalent to this book-shaming phenomenon. Men might be shamed, of course, for reading literature geared towards women. But that shame is also integral to liking something that is feminine. 

This phenomenon resides in the reality that society loves to shame women for liking things women tend to like: pumpkin spice lattes, boy bands, and yes, romance novels.

It’s pervasive in our culture and it also makes literally no sense to do that. This negativity cultivates a very unnecessary shame-culture around femininity. And honestly, I’ve been fed up since 6th grade.

So, if you need someone to tell you that you’re valid, that the books you like are OK to read–and that those books are probably even good reads–then look no further, because here I am!

 Go get that bread, read whatever you want, and pick up a copy of The Love Hypothesis so that you, too, may willfully oppose the patriarchy.

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Ali Hazelwood

Content Warnings/Notes for The Love Hypothesis

This is a list of content warnings & content notes for The Love Hypothesis (includes mild spoilers):

  • Death of one of the main characters’ parents in the past (due to cancer)
  • Workplace sexual harassment of the main character ( NOT from Adam, the love interest)
  • Power differential (Olive is a student and Adam is a professor; they clear out their fake relationship with the Dean early in the story and no abuse of power occurs)
  • Explicit and graphic sexual content
  • Cursing and vulgar language

Beyond the Bookends

A Book Blog for Women and Moms who Love to Read

16 Books Like the Love Hypothesis to Obsess Over

which the love hypothesis character are you

The Love Hypothesis is a phenomenon and has started a STEM romance wave. We created this amazing list of books like The Love Hypothesis so you can overcome that book hangover.

Love the enemies-to-lovers trope? What about workplace romances? We have them all right here!

*This post, Books Like the Love Hypothesis contains affiliate links. Purchases made through links result in a small commission to us at no cost to you.

which the love hypothesis character are you

Table of Contents

The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

Olive Smith is a Ph.D. student who does not believe in her ability to be in love. When her best friend develops a crush on someone she dated briefly, she decides to kiss the first man she sees in order to prove she is over him.

That one kiss happens to be with THE Adam Carlsen, an academic genius. The two decide to fake-date and what starts out as pretend, becomes something more- for Olive. I loved this fake dating, office romance novel and it has a well-earned spot on its list of the best romance novels of all time.

Books like The Love Hypothesis with Characters in STEM

kiss quotient

The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang

I was not prepared for this book!  Reader beware that it is the Rosie Project with a sprinkle of Pretty Woman and a whole lot of 50 Shades. 

It is not offensive in the least but, I listened to this one, and let me say that I am very glad that my kids were not in the car.  I did not realize that some of the scenes would be graphic. 

It is a great romance with a neurodiverse main character named Stella who hires an escort to teach her about relationships and I loved it. This contemporary romance is definitely on its way to classic status and has a well-earned place on our list of books like The Love Hypothesis.

Rosie Project

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

You know how this book is going to end even before you start reading it.  However, that does not make the journey any less enjoyable.  I found it to be cute and endearing.

Don Tillman is autistic and, as he’s the narrator, we get to listen to every unfiltered thought he has in his quest to find a wife. He approaches this in a scientific way and was a perfect pick for books like The Love Hypothesis . Don is also a character who reminded me of another favorite. If you loved this book, you can find more like it on our list of Charming Books Like Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine .

A brush with Love and more march 2022 novel ideas

A Brush With Love by Mazey Eddings

Harper is a dental student who has worked so hard over the past three years to get into the best oral surgery program in the country. She will not let anyone or anything stand in her way. Her determination and grit remind me of Olive and this book needs to be included on a list of Books Like The Love Hypothesis.

When Harper crashes into Dan, a first-year dental student, everything changes. Despite being determined to stay “just friends”, Harper is finding that harder every day.

I enjoyed this pick from our list of romance books. There are detailed descriptions of Harper’s anxiety which at times is completely debilitating. I liked the fact that this book looks at anxiety and depression as a part of these characters without glossing over the realities.

get a life chloe brown

Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

This was a book that I totally enjoyed.  I read reviews that people didn’t like Chloe.  They thought she was whiny and annoying.  I completely disagree. 

I thought that she was funny, quirky, and had more depth than I initially thought.  It is a well-written romance with a little more story than I usually find in this genre and for this reason

Find this book in Books like The Love Hypothesis / Books with Colors in the Title

The Love Proof

The Love Proof by Madeleine Henry

⁣Is there a formula that can prove love exists? Madeleine Henry does such a great job of mixing love with a drop of science to create this love story that spans decades. ⁣Sophie Jones is a physics prodigy exploring time.

During her first week at Yale she meets Jake Kristopher and the two immediately start a romance. But when the romance starts pulling Sophie from school, their relationship is tested. ⁣

⁣Sophie throws herself into her work to prove what she has always known (I won’t spoil this adorable read but it’s perfect for a list of books similar to The Love Hypothesis ). I wish the book was a little bit longer because I want to know more.

Work Romances Books Like The Love Hypothesis

Book Lovers

Book Lovers by Emily Henry

As soon as I saw what this book was about, I knew I wanted to read it. I love Emily Henry books. Nora is a literary agent who is a shark for her clients. Her life is books and will stop and nothing for her job or her little sister, Libby.

When Libby begs Nora to take her to Sunshine Falls, the setting of one of her most famous books, she reluctantly agrees. When they get there, the town does not look anything like the book describes. In addition, her literary nemesis, book editor Charlie Lastra is in Sunshine Falls.

Now, Nora and Charlie find themselves together in a plot twist neither of them could see coming. This amazing romance about books is perfect for our list of Books Like The Love Hypothesis and is a must-read if you loved the book.

The Ex Talk and other book reviews in February 2021 Novel ideas

The Ex-Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon

I picked up The Ex-Talk because I wanted to read a romance by a Jewish author . I loved that this one featured a biracial, interfaith couple.

The concept was cute – two radio show hosts fake a relationship to try to get ratings. Except they are pretending they already dated and broke up… which eventually leads to them dating.

This fake dating book was a cute, easy read. This is an office romance novel that is perfect for books like The Love Hypothesis.

if i never met you

If I Never Met You by Mhairi McFarlane

In this romance, Laurie is completely blind-sided when her partner of 18 years leaves her without warning.  When her ex’s new girlfriend becomes pregnant within months of the breakup, Laurie is devastated. 

When Laurie gets stuck in an elevator with Jamie (the office ladies’ man), they devise a plan.  Laurie can get back at her ex and Jamie can get a promotion by showing he has a respectable girlfriend.  But, as time goes by, it is harder to draw the line between fake and real. This is another office romance novel that is perfect for a list of books like The Love Hypothesis.

Weather girl 2

Weather Girl by Rachel Lynn Solomon

I’m an avid weather lover, so this was one of my most anticipated Winter 2022 new releases!

In this romance novel, weather girl Ari teams up with sports anchor Russ to get their feuding bosses back together Parent-Trap style. This sweet and hilarious office romance novel is perfect for a list of books like The Love Hypothesis as well.

Along the way, they kindle sparks of their own! There are lots of fun weather puns, adorable scenarios for both romantic pairs, and love scenes that aren’t for the faint of heart🔥🔥🔥.

The best part of all is that the book deals with REAL life issues like depression, body image, teen pregnancy, and complex families. 

If you love workplace romances, head over to our post 14 Hot Office Romance Books You Need to Read Now for more.

Enemies to lovers books similar to the love hypothesis.

it happened one summer

It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey

When I learned that Tessa Bailey used Schitt’s Creek’s Alexis as her inspiration for Piper, I knew I had to read this grumpy sunshine romance.

After getting in trouble one-to-many times for her party-girl lifestyle, Piper and her sister are banished back to their late father’s hometown in Washington.

While she’s learning to be responsible and money-conscious for the first time in her life, she needs to try not to fall for a local fisherman, Brendan. This is a sailing novel with heat!

Find this book in Enemies-to-Lovers Books / Books similar to The Love Hypothesis / Emily Henry books .

Red White and Royal Blue

Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

We don’t think about royals and the LGBTQ community because we don’t usually see openly gay royals, which is so sad in today’s society. And to think it all starts with a NYE kiss!

This charming book is a fabulous pick from LGBTQ romance novels. I crushed hard for their romance and found myself smiling the entire time. (Also love the nod to a female president…where do I sign up for one of those?) 

Why We Love It: The LGBTQ romance is charming but add in a female president and we are all in. Find This Book in Royal Romance Books / Enemies-to-Lovers Books / New Year’s Books / British Romance Novels / Books With a Color in the Title

Bringing Down the Duke

Bringing Down the Duke by Evie Dunmore

Evie Dunmore’s debut novel spanned a series of badass women during the Suffragette era. While the story is a romance, don’t let that fool you! You’ll get a history lesson on the suffrage movement in English History as well as a lesson on Estate and Inheritance laws — which were still of utmost importance a few decades later when Downton Abbey takes place.

Annabelle Archer has the scholarship to be one of the first women to study at Oxford. In order to keep it, she must spy on the Duke of Montgomery and try to persuade him to the suffragette’s cause. The chemistry between these two crackled off the page in this romance. If enemies-to-lovers books are up your alley, this book is perfect for you and it is perfect for a list of books like The Love hypothesis.

Pride Prejudice and other flavors

Pride, Prejudice and Other Flavors by Sonali Dev

This book was my choice for a classic adaptation and I loved this contemporary fiction book it.  Food and romance are at the center of this book and I thought that it was done so well. 

It has all the classic conflicts of Pride and Prejudice with a fresh new spin that made the book so relatable and easy to read. The conflicts make it perfect for books like The Love Hypothesis.

If you love Enemies-to-lovers books , we have an entire post!

Fake dating books like the love hypothesis.

wedding date

The Wedding Date (The Wedding Date #1) by Jasmine Guillory

This was such a fun read- it was perfect to take with me for a weekend away.  When Alexa gets stuck in an elevator with Drew, she makes the crazy choice to accompany him as a fake wedding date to a wedding the next day.  If you love fake dating books, this is one of the books like The Love Hypothesis you must read.

What she didn’t account for was the fact that there might be some real attraction between them.  She is a good girl and he is a commitment-phoebe.  Can they make it work? We think you’ll love this wedding book.

The Dating Dare

The Dating Dare by Jayci Lee

For the last two years, I have been emotionally dependent on romance books to take me away from the reality of the pandemic. Every time I think that things are looking up, I am thrown for a loop.

Tara does not do relationships because one heartbreak is enough. But, when she meets her best-friends new brother-in-law, sparks fly between them.

Suddenly, Tara finds herself in a dare to date the gorgeous and tempting Seth Kim without falling in love. This book was everything that I hoped it would be and is perfect if you loved the love hypothesis book.

More Books Like the Love Hypothesis

Lessons in Chemistry and more goodreads choice awards 2022 books

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

April 2022 gma book club pick.

I don’t even know where to begin with this unique contemporary fiction story. Elizabeth Zott is a chemist in the 50s when women were expected to know their place in society — their place being the kitchen and the home.

Elizabeth struggles to be taken seriously in her field and as a single mother, in this amazing book. So when an offer to host a cooking show for women is put in her path, she reluctantly takes it.

She uses her no-nonsense attitude and chemistry principles to teach the women in America to not only cook but to follow their dreams outside of the home.

Zott is a quirky character like Eleanor Oliphant with a charming daughter and a dog whose inner monologue is as quirky as hers. An absolutely wonderful book about motherhood! You can also find this book on our list of Books Like The Love Hypothesis as well.

Are you looking for the perfect book for your next book club? Check out our Lessons in Chemistry Book Club Guide. If you love this book and are looking for more, we also have 15 Books Like Lessons in Chemistry .

True Love

The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren

Felicity “Fizzy” Chen is a romance novelist who has never been in love and she is beginning to think she has lost her mojo. Connor Prince is a documentary filmmaker who is thrown off balance when he needs to create a reality TV show.

When he convinces Fizzy to be the star of this show, sparks fly. The two have undeniable chemistry but will this ruin the TV show that is supposed to be about finding Fizzy’s true love? The show is supposed to see if chemistry is the same as compatibility. It is in essence, the science of love.

This was a delightful celebrity romance and is perfect for anyone looking for books like The Love Hypothesis.

love on the brain

Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood

Bee is a brilliant and unconventional scientist who lives by a strict code “What would Marie Curie Do?” She even has a secret Twitter account to help other female scientists in a male-dominated workplace.

When she is offered her dream job at NASA, she cannot wait to start until she realizes that she is not the lead scientist. She is the co-lead with her work nemesis Levi Ward. To make matters worse, he seems to be sabotaging everything that she tries to do. Could there be a better pick for enemies-to-lovers books?

Ali Hazelwood does an amazing job of writing fantastic romances while still including the struggles that women have to deal with daily.

Find this Book in Office Romances / Books Like The Love Hypothesis / Beach Reads 2023 / Audie Awards 2023

Love Theoretically

Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood

Any romance novel by Ali Hazelwood has become a must-read so, it is no surprise that I jumped at the chance to read her newest STEMinist romcom!

Elsie has learned to live two lives; an adjunct professor in theoretical physicist by day and a fake girlfriend the rest of the time (to make ends meet). She has also learned to read people and become the Elsie that they want her to be.

When she interviews for her dream job as a theoretical physics professor at MIT, her two worlds collide. How? I don’t want to ruin the surprise. Elsie learns what she really wants an how to ask for it in a delightful and charming way.

This steamy romance novel is a must-read from our ultimate list of beach reads. It’s one of my picks for the best romance books of 2023 too! If you are looking for books for summer, this one is for you.

romance tropes

The Complete List of Romance Tropes: Our 12 Favorites

Looking for more romances categorized by trope? Here are all my favorites.

ultimate list of romance

Ultimate List of Romances

If you love The Love Hypothesis and all things romance, then this is the list for you! We have this list carefully divided by sub-genre.

Are there more books similar to The Love Hypothesis we should add to this list?

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Jackie is the mother of three children and a Speech-Language Pathologist who uses her love of books to create language-based learning opportunities in her speech therapy practice and with her own children. Her 20+ years of experience in regular and special education classrooms ensures the website content is relevant and informative. She started this website with Kirsten to share their passion for literacy with other moms and kids.

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Ali Hazelwood Books in Order (5 Book Series)

Love on the Brain

Ali Hazelwood has written a series of 5 books. Here, you can see them all in order! (plus the year each book was published)

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Last Updated: Monday 1 Jan, 2024

  • Ali Hazelwood Books in Order

The Love Hypothesis

The Love Hypothesis

The love hypothesis, book 1.

Ali Hazelwood

Under One Roof

Under One Roof

Steminist, book 1.

Love on the Brain

Love on the Brain

The love hypothesis, book 2.

Stuck with You

Stuck with You

Steminist, book 2.

Below Zero

STEMinist, Book 3

Can you list ali hazelwood books in the publication order, including ali hazelwood ali hazelwood books in order.

Yes! To enjoy Ali Hazelwood's books hazelwood thoroughly, you might like to read them in the publication order Ali Hazelwood planned. Start with her debut novel "The Love Hypothesis," then proceed with her steamy steminist novellas "Under One Roof," "Stuck with You," "Below Zero," and "Loathe to Love You." Each work builds on the same themes and reader's love for smart, contemporary romance.

What are the central themes in Ali Hazelwood books?

Ali Hazelwood's books feature strong themes of romance, particularly focusing on women in STEM fields. Dubbed as 'steamy steminist' tales, her works include a delightful mix of humor, love, and the empowerment of women scientists. Her characters are like Mallory, Elsie, and Hannah, often confronting interesting dilemmas both in their career and heart matters, showcasing the love for their fields.

Are there any series among Ali Hazelwood's books, perhaps a hazelwood hazelwood series?

While Ali Hazelwood has not released a series in the traditional sense, her steminist novellas are interconnected through their shared theme and focus on women in STEM. These hazelwood books–"Under One Roof," "Stuck with You," "Below Zero," and "Loathe to Love You"–form a collection that complements her debut stand-alone novel, "The Love Hypothesis."

What type of author is Ali Hazelwood hazelwood?

Ali Hazelwood is a bestselling author recognized for her contemporary romance novels with a unique focus on academia and scientists. Known for creating vibrant and relatable characters, Ali Hazelwood's works resonate with readers who love both romance and fiction with smart and empowering narratives. Her books have garnered love from a diverse readership who appreciate her books ali hazelwood's unique blend of science and romance.

How does Ali Hazelwood's first book stand out, possibly making it a York Times noteworthy mention?

Ali Hazelwood's debut book, "The Love Hypothesis," stands out as a New York Times bestselling novel. Readers fell in love with the intelligent and witty relationship between a Ph.D. student and a young professor. It's the perfect start for anyone looking to add captivating contemporary romance to their bookshelf. Its unique charm and strong voice in fiction have certainly earned it a spot on many York Times listings for beloved novels in the romance genre.

Which Ali Hazelwood book would you recommend to someone who loves romance fiction and enjoys an organized bookshelf?

For someone who adores romance fiction, I'd recommend starting with "The Love Hypothesis." This is an ali hazelwood book that sparkles with love, humor, and relatable challenges faced by Mara, an aspiring engineer navigating her way through graduate life. It's a heartwarming tale that has garnered stars from readers and critics alike, and it brims with love at every juncture, making it a quintessential pick for your bookshelf.

Where can I find recommendations for books similar to Ali Hazelwood's novels, to add more hazelwood hazelwood to my collection?

If you're in search of books similar to those by Ali Hazelwood, our website has a range of recommendations that capture the essence of heartwarming, intelligent romance. With contemporary authors and novels that align beautifully with Hazelwood's captivating storytelling, including more Hazelwood favorites, we've got your next reading adventure ready to be discovered. Our curated lists of hazelwood books fans will love will surely cater to your love for thoughtfully crafted narratives.

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  1. The Love Hypothesis: Recap & Chapter-by-Chapter Summary

    Chapter 10. On Wednesday, Olive and Adam are texting and teasing each other when Anh comes in and comments on how in love with Adam she is. Anh says that she feels better about dating Jeremy, since she sees how much Olive likes Adam. As Anh leaves, it dawns on Olive that Anh is right.

  2. The Love Hypothesis

    The Love Hypothesis is a romance novel by Ali Hazelwood, published September 14, 2021 by Berkley Books. ... The Love Hypothesis follows the main character Olive in trying to convince her best friend, Anh into thinking that her dating life is going great. In order to convince Anh, she pretends to date her professor, Adam.

  3. Review: The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

    Synopsis. In The Love Hypothesis, Olive is a third-year biology Ph.D. candidate who shares a kiss with a handsome stranger in order make her friend think that she's in a relationship. She's horrified when she realizes the "stranger" is Dr. Adam Carlson, a prominent professor in her department who is known for being a hypercritical and moody tyrant.

  4. The Love Hypothesis Summary and Study Guide

    The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood (2021) follows a female scientist's comedic journey to true love that's fraught with lies, tears, and awkward moments. The book was an instant NY Times bestseller, a BuzzFeed Best Summer Read of 2021, and Goodreads Choice Awards finalist. Born in Italy, Ali Hazelwood moved to the United States via Japan and Germany to pursue a Ph.D. in neuroscience.

  5. The Love Hypothesis: a personal review : r/books

    This book reads like a 2015 Wattpad fanfic, with an overdone storyline and basic protagonist and love interest. Hazelwood begins to explore some relevant ideas of today's society, especially with the character of Anh Pham, Olive Smith's best friend, however her only personality trait is being a woman of colour in STEM.

  6. The Love Hypothesis Character Analysis

    Olive Smith. Olive Smith is the main character and protagonist of The Love Hypothesis. She struggles with her self-image and tends to focus on all the ways she feels messy, rather than all the accomplishments she achieves. Since her mother died 10 years ago, she's been alone, and her professional life is driven by the desire "to be less ...

  7. Review: Why 'the Love Hypothesis' Is Such a Hit Romance Novel

    Here's why "The Love Hypothesis" is one of my favorite recent romance books: 1. The story focuses a lot on Olive and Adam's lives outside their romance, making their love story more believable and ...

  8. The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

    First things first, I'm not into the professor / student romance. Call me uptight, but it's just not my thing. And as it's not my thing in real life, then it's not something I particularly enjoy reading in books. Second - Adam. I know he was supposed to come off as moody and sullen, but I found his character very bland.

  9. The Love Hypothesis Summary & Review

    Character Development. In "The Love Hypothesis," Ali Hazelwood's characters are not just ink on paper; they are living, breathing souls with depth and complexity that gradually unfurl as the story unfolds. ... replete with moments of humor, vulnerability, and growth. "The Love Hypothesis" invites you to ponder the mysteries of love ...

  10. The Love Hypothesis Chapters 16-19 Summary & Analysis

    Chapter 16 Summary. Adam rips his shirt off and pulls Olive to him, kissing her and running his hands over her body. The touches spark a range of sensations Olive's never felt before, making her squirm. Adam tries to slide one finger inside her, but her tightness makes it difficult. She admits to having sex only a few times in college, which ...

  11. The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

    The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood Published by Berkley on September 14, 2021 Genres: Contemporary Romance, Romance, Romantic Comedy Pages: 384 Format: eARC Source: Publisher (Netgalley) Add to Goodreads Buy on Amazon. When a fake relationship between scientists meets the irresistible force of attraction, it throws one woman's carefully calculated theories on love into chaos.

  12. The Love Hypothesis

    The Love Hypothesis. by Ali Hazelwood. Berkley Sept. 2021. 384p. ISBN 9780593336823. pap. $16. CONTEMPORARY ROMANCE. COPY ISBN. DEBUT Science must be proved. That's why Stanford PhD candidate Olive Smith kissed the first man she found, to prove to her best friend Anh that she'd bounced back from a breakup. Fortunately, it worked.

  13. The Love Hypothesis (Literature)

    The Love Hypothesis is a 2021 Rom Com novel written by Italian author Ali Hazelwood. Third-year Ph.D. candidate Olive told her best friend, Anh, that she is on a date. Alas, she is not. She was only pretending to make Anh believe she is really, actually, over her last date, Jeremy. When she sees Anh walking towards her that night, she panics ...

  14. The Love Hypothesis by Laura Steven

    The love hypothesis of Laura Steven focuses a lot on different friendships and accepting each other for who you are. That you don't all have to have the same interests in larger groups to be friends. Also in this book lgbtq parents, adoption and lgbtq romance. Caro is the main character who is insecure about herself.

  15. The Love Hypothesis Quotes by Ali Hazelwood

    The Love Hypothesis Quotes Showing 1-30 of 411. "carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white man". ― Ali Hazelwood, The Love Hypothesis. 1616 likes. Like. "I wish you could see yourself the way I see you". - Adam".

  16. The Love Hypothesis

    The Love Hypothesis When a fake relationship between scientists meets the irresistible force of attraction, it throws one woman's carefully calculated theories on love into chaos. As a third-year Ph.D. candidate, Olive Smith doesn't believe in lasting romantic relationships-but her best friend does, and that's what got her into this ...

  17. The Love Hypothesis Book Review

    Kids say ( 2 ): This romance set in the lofty world of a prestigious graduate school program has its ups and downs. It's refreshing to see women in STEM represented and important to highlight how much many women struggle in that world. The Love Hypothesis has some funny banter, especially with colorful supporting characters.

  18. The Love Hypothesis Symbols & Motifs

    Get unlimited access to SuperSummaryfor only $0.70/week. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "The Love Hypothesis" by Ali Hazelwood. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

  19. "The Love Hypothesis" Book Review: Why You Should Read It And Leave The

    The Love Hypothesis plays on the dating-a-teacher trope in a way that exceeds all of my preconceived expectations of the concept.Olive, our protagonist, 'accidentally' kisses the 'known ass', Dr. Adam Carlsen- in front of her best friend, Ahn, nonetheless, so that Ahn will feel less bad about dating Olive's ex-boyfriend; to keep up the facade, Dr. Carlsen and Olive agree to a ...

  20. The Love Hypothesis, Who is who? : r/reylo

    Dr Aslan - I think Aslan is based off of Leia, Holdo or Phasma, but I couldn't tell. Jeremy is Hux, the book mentions he has an Irish accent and red hair. And yes, Holden is Poe and Malcom, Finn! Tom is an original character created for the book! He wasn't in the fanfic. Aslan is Holdo!

  21. Content Warnings/Notes for The Love Hypothesis

    This is a list of content warnings & content notes for The Love Hypothesis (includes mild spoilers): Death of one of the main characters' parents in the past (due to cancer) Workplace sexual harassment of the main character ( NOT from Adam, the love interest) Power differential (Olive is a student and Adam is a professor; they clear out their ...

  22. 16 Books Like the Love Hypothesis to Obsess Over

    The True Love Experiment by Christina Lauren. Felicity "Fizzy" Chen is a romance novelist who has never been in love and she is beginning to think she has lost her mojo. Connor Prince is a documentary filmmaker who is thrown off balance when he needs to create a reality TV show.

  23. Ali Hazelwood Books in Order (5 Book Series)

    Ali Hazelwood's debut book, "The Love Hypothesis," stands out as a New York Times bestselling novel. Readers fell in love with the intelligent and witty relationship between a Ph.D. student and a young professor. It's the perfect start for anyone looking to add captivating contemporary romance to their bookshelf.