
Self Introduction Speech for School Students

self introduction speech examples for high school

Remember when your parents told you, talking to strangers was going to get you into trouble? Yeah me too. But what your parents never told you is that introducing yourself to your classmates can still be considered strangers. What they never expected was how odd their rule would turn out once you get to school. You would meet different people who are more likely to be strangers.

How are you going to introduce yourself if you are not going to talk right? Not to worry, your secret is safe. However, putting up a brave face to introduce yourself to people you never met can be scary. But with the right ideas and what to say, how to present yourself, you’ll turn out fine. With that being said, let’s get right through this. Here are some 3+ Self Introductions Speech for school students examples in PDF.

1. 30 Second Self Introduction Speech for School Students

30 Second Self Introduction Speech for School Students

Size: 110 KB

2. Self Introduction Speech for School Students

Self Introduction Speech for School Students

Size: 342 KB

3. New Self Introduction Speech for School Students

New Self Introduction Speech for School Students

Size: 144 KB

4. Self Introduction Speech for School Students Template

Self Introduction Speech for School Students Template

Size: 83 KB

Defining the Word Speech

When you hear the word speech , often than not, the first few things that may come to mind are talking in front of a lot of people . Explaining a topic while people are listening or saying something in front of a crowd . You’re not wrong . That is still considered speech . Another definition of the word is, a formal or informal conversation between two or more people. 

Meaning of Introduction

From the shorter word intro, we may now come up with the meaning of the word. Intro, the beginning of anything or everything . When we write essays, we always add an introduction . When we want to get to know someone or tell them about us, we make an introduction . This is the act of saying your name to the person for the first time .  The start of something or the genesis of an action.

A Reason Why Self Introduction is Important 

You would be surprised when I say this is often being taken for granted . People around us do remind us gently to tell us about ourselves . The reason for this is to let the person know who you are and what your business may be . Now you may think it really is not as important as other things in life but, you would be surprised to know that it is really very important since others will want to know you well. Also, it can be very rude not to talk about yourself to others when they have done it in the first place.  Introducing yourself is still needed and important . It’s your way of being nice and polite when you meet someone new .  

Tips on How to Introduce Yourself

Sweaty hands, dizziness, stuttering. All the tell-tale signs of one thing that most if not all students hate. Stage fright. 5% of people suffer from this . Let’s face it. We have all been there. Even professionals get stage fright. You would be surprised but yes, they do experience this as well. This has always been the biggest problem for anyone who has to do a speech in front of a lot of people. But this problem always has a solution. Whether you are in front of a stage or in front of a new class, here are some tips on how to successfully introduce yourself .

  • Smile: One thing you need to know when introducing yourself to others is to smile. Smiling not only makes you less nervous but also, it shows you are confident. Smiling helps others see you are approachable, friendly and attentive. People who do not smile, are often regarded as those who do not wish to be bothered with nor approachable. If you wish to have friends or to look confident, remember to smile. It works wonders.
  • Prepare in advance: Prepare what you want to say after you tell people your name. They often want to know more about you when you introduce yourself. So prepare what you want to say, but don’t overdo it. Be confident but don’t overdo it. You are more likely to get nervous if you overdo what you wish to say.
  • Practice: Before meeting anyone or saying anything, practice makes perfect. You don’t have to be the most confident person or say anything perfect, as long as you know what you are saying and by practicing your speech, you’ll be fine.
  • Breathe: The reason you get nervous is because you forget to breathe. Take deep breaths before you go out there. Regardless of where you are, in the classroom or on stage, if you make a speech or simply to introduce yourself to others, remember to breathe. You’ll be fine.

What am I supposed to put in a self-introduction speech?

For starters, you may state your name, your age, your course if you are in college, basically general information will do.

I am nervous and I have done all the tips over and over, what should I do?

Breathe. Remember, introducing yourself or doing a self introduction speech is basically getting to know someone. Pretend you are talking to a potential friend. This usually helps.

What are other ways to conquer stage fright when doing a self-introductory speech?

This differ with people, but the most common way is to simply breathe, relax and smile. Show them you are confident.

Do I need to memorize my speech?

You can glance every now and then if your speech is quite long. But remember to make eye contact.

Those who used to be students know the pain of enduring a self-introduction speech they had to make in school. But even professionals have to go through this and it’s perfectly normal to feel scared. For students, these may still be a scary thing to experience. Nevertheless, as long as you follow the tips in doing a speech wherever you are, you would be alright. Stage fright is normal, but never let it affect your performance. Just remember to breathe, to smile, to practice and to do your best. That is the best advice I can give to you.


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Self-introduction for Students [With Sample Intros]

  • Updated on Jan 13, 2023

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You would want to make a good impression on your friends when you introduce yourself on the first day in class at your school or college – or at some other gathering. Wouldn’t you?

A small note before we dive into thick of things: Self-introductions can be context-driven, implying that because of unique situation you’re in, you may have to customize some part of the introduction. So, feel free to add or subtract to what’s covered here.

What to include in self-introduction?

Is there a format (for the introduction) to follow? The organizer, for example, may ask to include your name, place you come from, and your hobbies in the introduction.

If there is a format, follow it, but feel free to venture into areas that aren’t included in the format if they provide a more complete picture of yours.

You may include following in your introduction:

1. The start

You can start with the obvious – your name.

But that’s a common start. You can be bit innovative by starting with an attention-grabber. Watch the beginning of this video on marketing to get a feel of what I’m saying (watch the first 15 seconds):

Neil didn’t start with his name. He started with things that will grab people’s attention immediately and came to his name later on.

You can follow the same strategy to stand out among your classmates, most of whom would be following the standard ‘name first’ approach. You can start with a unique experience or a peculiar fact about your city or your uncommon hobby. The first sample intro (later in the post) follows this strategy.

More resources on conversations and introductions:

  • How to introduce yourself in different settings?
  • How to say ‘thank you’?
  • How to respond when someone asks ‘how are you’?

2. Where are you from?

Mention the city you come from. You may add a sentence or two about the city as well if there is something interesting to talk about. Maybe the city is known for historic monuments. Maybe it’s known for natural resources.

And if you’ve lived in multiple cities, you may briefly mention the names and, as mentioned above, a sentence or two on the most interesting of them.

3. Where did you last attend the school?

If you recently moved to a new school (or college) and are introducing yourself there, you can briefly talk about your last school. Are there any interesting facts about your last school? If yes, mention them. Maybe it was established a long, long time ago. Maybe it has produced few famous alumni.

If you’re continuing in the same school, you may mention how many years you’ve been studying there.

4. Interests, hobbies, and achievements

What are your interests and hobbies?

Playing a sport? Traveling? Hiking? Reading? Kite flying? Or something unusual, say bull fighting?

Go into details if you’ve pursued the hobby with serious interest. For example, if you’re into reading, mention what genres you read, your favorite books, your favorite author, and how reading has affected you.

Don’t forget to mention your participation in extracurricular activities in school, if you did. Don’t forget to mention any significant achievements you’ve had?

5. Which stream/department/subject have you enrolled in?

You can briefly talk about which subjects (math, science, arts, commerce, biology, and so on) you’ve picked or you intend to pick in future. Optionally, you may also mention why you made the choice you have. Was it because you love it? Was it because it’ll help you achieve your career goals?

If you’re a college student, you can mention the department you’ve enrolled in. Are you in Arts, Commerce, Mechanical Engineering, Science, or Economics?

This doesn’t apply though if you’re introducing yourself to students who’re all from the same stream/department/subject.

6. Do you’ve clarity on interests/goals you want to pursue in future?

If you’re in K-12, you may not have seriously evaluated what career path you want to follow, and that’s fine. But if you’ve certain career aspiration and if you want to talk about it, you can. Some want to become engineer. Some, astronaut. Some, doctor. Some, model. Speak out what you aspire to become.

Most college students though have more concrete idea on post-college career. If you’ve decided the career path you want to pursue after college, you can share it with your classmates. You never know few of your classmates harboring same career aspirations may just approach you to be friends. You may also mention professional clubs you want to join to hone your skills.

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7. Where can you help others?

If you’ve a strength others in your class can benefit from, feel free to share it. For example, if you’re good in dancing, you can offer to teach the ropes to anyone interested. If you’re strong in a particular subject that is part of your syllabus, you can offer to help others in that subject.

If people know of your strengths, they’ll readily approach you when they need help. This is an easy way to make friends in college. And if you think helping others may be a time waster, you should remember that you too may need help in areas where others are stronger.

This is also a good stage – by offering help – to finish your intro. (See the first sample intro.)

Should I talk about my family?

Avoid it unless the format of the intro requires you to talk about your family as well. You need not go into what your parents do and which class your siblings study in.

Should I mention my last year’s grades?

You shouldn’t unless specifically asked to or others are mentioning it. Top grades can lend a snobbish air to your intro, even if you’re otherwise. Students may make an impression that you’re flaunting your grades, even if you aren’t.

Remember, the primary goal of your intro is to make friends, find people with shared interests.

Four do’s and don’ts when introducing yourself

1. listen to other intros.

Listen to intros that come before yours. If you can refer to someone else’s point or two seamlessly in your intro, you’ll impress people around.

2. Practice, but don’t cram

People often go blank on some of the points or get nervous when they stand up to speak. The best long-term way to overcome this is exposure to such speaking experiences . But in the immediate term, practice what you want to say few times (don’t cram though) to increase your odds of speaking with confidence.

3. Appear confident even if you’re not

After the presentations by executives and entrepreneurs (presumably confident speakers) as part of an executive program at Harvard University, Carmine Gallo , one of the judges, asked them how their presentations went. He heard following comments:

“I was so nervous. I was shaking.”

“I forgot what to say about a slide.”

“I stumbled over my words.”

“I totally lost my place.”

But, no one in the audience spotted those mistakes.

This phenomenon is called spotlight effect , which in nutshell means that people overestimate how much others are noticing their actions and appearance.

What’s the lesson?

If you’re nervous or you make few mistakes, don’t let them rattle you. Most won’t even notice them. Caroline Goyder captures this sentiment aptly in her book Find Your Voice: The Secret to Talking with Confidence in Any Situation :

When you dive into contribution [speaking], and move beyond the anxious competing, you realize that all the worry was such a waste of time. No one is ever judging you as harshly as you judge yourself. Because the truth is that most people are thinking about themselves.

But if you let nervousness and mistakes overpower you, you may make a mistake or display body language that will be noticed by all. And once you’re through the first few lines in your intro, your nerves will start easing.

So, stay composed and carry on. Many in the audience in fact wouldn’t even be listening to most introductions, as they would be busy silently rehearsing their own lines.

4. Make eye contact and be enthusiastic

Make eye contact with other students while speaking. Don’t fix your eyes on a familiar section of the audience. Move your eyes around. And, last but important, your voice and body language should show enthusiasm.

Here are few sample self-introductions for you to get a hang of how they’re done:

Sample self-introductions

Introduction 1

I once spent an entire night in a dense forest with a friend. Well, this act was not to show off how brave I was, but it was forced on me… by my foolishness. During a trek in [name of the region], I and a friend got too adventurous and strayed from our regular route despite instructions to the contrary by our trek guide. We got lost. We survived somehow (that’s a story for another day), but I haven’t given up on my adventure streak and love for outdoors.

Friends, I’m [your first name] and I love outdoors. I’ve been to treks in Himalayas on multiple occasions. These outdoor expeditions have also forced me to learn basic cooking. Well, I don’t boast of cooking dishes you’ll relish, but yes when you’re dying of hunger in the middle of night, you can count on me. I also love cycling long distances – 20+ kilometers in a stretch – and I can manage singing which some may find intolerable.

I’m from [name of the city]. It’s not a big place, but it somehow exists on the map. I’m really excited to be here. I look forward to having some fun, making friends, and building myself up for college. If you’re organizing any outdoor event in future, you can always count on me for help.

Thanks for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself.

Introduction 2

My name is [your first name]. I’m from [name of the city] where I finished my schooling last year from [name of the school]. Is there anyone here from my city? (Changes tack to engage with the audience.) OK, few.

I like watching movies, at least once a month. I play basketball on weekends and chess whenever I get time. I’m into reading thriller novels as well, Dan Brown being my favorite novelist.

I’m happy to step into college life, which provides more freedom and where, finally, I don’t have to come in a uniform. Post-college, I aspire to work in consulting industry.

I’m particularly strong in Excel worksheets and creating well-designed banners and documents. If anyone requires support in these areas, I’ll be glad to help. I look forward to meeting each one of you in the coming days.

Thanks. Have a great day.

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Anil is the person behind content on this website, which is visited by 3,000,000+ learners every year. He writes on most aspects of English Language Skills. More about him here:


This really helped me… Thank you so so much.

Thank u….this is quite helpful to overcome my nervousness and get into action..Cheers?

Man, I was so nervous about my interview for school admission. But after reading this, I felt comfortable. Thanks, this was a great explanation.

It helped me a lot. Thank you so much. It was like I was the center of attraction. Thank you again.

Thanx…. It really helped on my first day of college.

Dude, this is another level. Thanks a lot.

Thanks a lot. It was useful. Now, I should be able to introduce my self without nerves ????

Thank you. Now I get some ideas for self intro and thank you for your brief explanation.

I was a little nervous about my varsity first introduction and my confidence increased after watching it.

Intro 2 was like fire…. It helped me a lot, thanx!!

Thanks, dude!!!! I am a school-level student and the introduction part really helped me.

I have a virtual introduction meeting with my seniors in college. I am so nervous about it. This piece is so helpful. Thanks.

Excellent. I like this a lot. I searched for this type of introduction on many websites, but this post is so interesting and good enough to impress my teacher and classmates.

My name is Yeabkal Solomon. I’m a first year student at Arba minch University. It helped me when I was gave my oral presentation.

I was very scared. I was really scared. Thank you very much for helping with the interview. It was very helpful for me

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Public Speaking Resources

Self Introduction Speech – How To Write With Examples

First impressions are very important. Whether it is at school, work, or organization, your introduction is an audience’s first real chance to know you. It will have a huge impact on how they perceive you.

But the good news is: You get to control that narrative.

The key to a good self-introduction speech is balance. You want to present your accomplishments but without coming off as bragging. Typically, this type of speech is known as an “icebreaker” as it aims to break the ice and let others know you. This is your chance to establish good credibility.

Fear not! We will help you craft the best introduction speech with our outline, tips, as well as self-introduction speech samples.

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Self-introduction Speech Outline

Sample introduction speech topics, sample self introduction speech objectives, write the outline, including hobbies and interests, sell yourself, use short, simple sentences..

What exactly do you need to cover in your introduction speech? You might choose to include a wide variety of information but there are some things you should not miss. Some of them are as follows:

  • What is your name?
  • Where are you from?
  • What are some of your main interests and hobbies?
  • What has been your passion in life?
  • Who has been your role model?
  • Any fun facts that make you stand out.
  • Your credibility or job title.

Tip: If possible you should definitely include a visual aid in the form of pictures to compliment your speech. Pictures of you, your travels, family, or pets are always endearing!

Self Introduction Speech

Writing a self-introduction speech always seems easy at first. Besides, you definitely know yourself the best. However, once you begin writing you can find yourself getting lost. What do you want to include in this speech? So, grab a pen and scan through the topics in the list below. Circle any of the ones that speak to you so that you have a better grasp of what direction you’d like to take with your speech.

  • What event has played an important part in shaping your life? Tell the story and the lesson you’ve learned.
  • What is your goal in life?
  • Where are you from? Is there anything about your culture or traditions that you’d like to share?
  • How do you like to spend your time?
  • What are some of your pet peeves?
  • Do you have any special skills that you’re proud of?
  • What does a day in your shoes feel like?
  • What have been some of the most important milestones in your life?
  • Have there been any difficult times that guided your life?
  • What is a topic you could talk about for hours?
  • What is an object that is dearest to you?
  • What quirks make you the individual you are?

Now that you have an idea on how to draft your outline, here are some objectives for you to tick off.

  • First off, grab their attention. Just because it is your introduction does not mean that your opening has to be plain. Find something catchy and concise.
  • Start with some background. Set up the stage and introduce who you are. Try to present it in chronological order.
  • Build a story. The speech is about you but make sure you build a relatable story to keep the audience’s attention.
  • Show, don’t tell. Instead of saying how reliable you are, tell a story that shows it.
  • For conclusion, try to leave your audience with a takeaway. Whether from your experiences or from a relatable standpoint. Either that or you can build the story leading up to who you are right now and leave the stage on an inspirational note.

How to write a self-introduction speech?

Are you ready to write your self-introduction speech? We’ve got just the steps for you:

The outline of your speech is simply a skeletal draft of your speech. It can initially simply take the form of bullet points. What matters is you figure out what elements are going into the speech. Similarly, figure out what order you will be presenting these elements. Typically icebreakers follow a chronological order so that you can build up to the current you.

It is common to start with your roots. Pick out some childhood traits that are relatable or that make you stand out. You can build on this with stories, talk about your education, and go on to talk about how you got to where you are currently.

If you are introducing yourself in a work setting, make sure you link your interest to your ambition. It will project you in a good light to your superiors and will also make your hobbies a lot more relevant. This is also a great idea to keep your speech concise and to the point. From a professional standpoint, you should follow your hobbies with the steps you are taking to reach the goal. For example, “I’ve always been into sketching, but now I’m taking illustrator courses to put my designing skills to use.”

Your hobbies are a great insight into who you are in your free time. If you’re into a particular niche hobby like bird-watching or pottery, you might even end up finding others in the crowd with similar interests. Similarly, it is a great way to gain credibility on a certain subject.

When people talk about their passion, there is a certain twinkle in their eyes. This is such an endearing quality that is sure to get your audience to respond. Try to give a short insight into you pursuing the hobby or how you came about to discover it in the first place. It is much more effective than simply listing out your interests. Talk about what aspects of the hobby draw you to it. It can help the audience get the bigger picture in getting to know you.

If the icebreaker is being delivered in a much more formal setting, you might want to focus more on your personal skills than your hobbies. The audience there might be more interested in your soft skills than your love of photography.

It might help to list out all your hobbies, interests, and skills along with why you are drawn to those interests. It can help you draw a parallel between them and deliver a much more well-rounded speech.

Knowing a person is an endless process. We’re sure you must have gone through your own journey with highs, lows, milestones and learnings that could be their own feature movies. It can be difficult to decide what exactly gets to make it to the speech when all of it made you who you are. But the longer you pad your introduction, the less are the chances of people actually listening to it.

This is why your self-introduction speech needs to spend a good amount of time on the cutting floor as well. Assess your audience and try to think of it from their perspective. What is relevant? Also, think of the location and if your stories are appropriate for the setting. Make sure you respect the time by picking only the most relevant information and keeping it short.

Even if your usual style is something like self-deprecating humor, for this occasion try to present yourself in a much more positive light. You want to project confidence. This is the impression that most of these people are likely to remember, so make it a good one. Pick your traits and stories well.

A self-introduction speech is almost always a great floor to pitch yourself. When else will you get this open invitation to present yourself to potential clients? Remember, the aim is to boost yourself and not boast about yourself. If you talk too much about what you can do and have done, it is easy to sound pompous and turn people off.

Try to stick to the truth. Instead of listing accomplishments by the dozens, talk about a passion you had and how you turned it into an accomplishment. Stay humble when speaking of future aspirations. And most of all, be grateful. Show appreciation to the people who have helped you so far.

How you sell yourself is not just dependent on the words you speak but also on your delivery. All the words in the world won’t be able to make up for a meek delivery. So make sure you write from your heart as that will be the easiest to deliver. Work on your build-up so that the ending is satisfying. Don’t just give an account for accomplishments by the year. For example: talk about how curious you were about animals from early on, how you got into photography because it lets you keep a moment with you forever, and eventually you got into animal photography. This way, it feels like a complete story.

In a more professional setting, you’d say, “As a freelance photographer, I used my marketing background to promote myself and stayed active in networking. I learned that creativity is wonderful but paired with due diligence, it can get you to much greater heights.” It showcases your skills, your traits, as well as shows you as an individual that is constantly reflecting, learning, and growing. This is the sweet spot you are aiming for.

While we’ve stressed the importance of relatability and humility, it is also important to create your own place on stage. You cannot be yet another person with only music and travel as their interests. Think of things that make you unique.

Put your humble hat aside for a bit. If you’ve assisted in making a big project happen, mention it. Talk about how you’ve led a team through a crisis. Discuss your learning experiences. Present a before and after of a milestone to show how much a role has impacted who you are today. Even if the project wasn’t successful, you can talk about how you’d approach it differently in the present day.

Even for relatively common interests like travel, you can pick unique memories and what aspects of travel have changed you for the better. Take every opportunity to spin a story to showcase a trait or talent. Think of the unique things that make you, you.

It can be easy to get lost in your stories. Try not to ramble too much and stick to the point. When writing your script, use varied sentence structures to keep things interesting. It will help if you read it out loud or record yourself so you can track how you’re doing. Try not to use too much jargon. Keep it simple and clear.

Self-Introduction Speech Examples & Tips to Help You Be Confident & Calm

Here's how you can nail your self-introduction speech, without the sweaty palms! Go from nervous to natural with these tips.

It's time! The moment for your self-introduction speech is upon you. Are your palms sweating just at the thought? There are two secrets to making it easier to give an introduction speech about yourself: practice and preparation.

And with those two things already on your to-do list, we took care of some of the lifting for you with these self-introduction speech examples. Plus plenty of tips to help you not only get through it but get through it and feel good about it after. Yes, it is possible. And you're on your way!

Easy Self-introduction Speeches for School

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Self-Introduction for Elementary or Middle School Kids

For the younger kiddos, these intros are all about who they are and what makes them happy.

  • "Hi, everybody! My name is [Your Name], and I'm super excited to be in this class with all of you. I'm [Your Age] years old. I live with my family, and we have a dog named [Dog's Name] who likes to eat all my homework. I really love dinosaurs, especially the T-Rex because he's big but has tiny arms, just like my baby brother when he tries to reach for cookies on the high shelf. In my free time, I love building rocket ships from Legos. One day, I hope to become an astronaut and find aliens -- friendly ones, of course!"
  • "Good morning, everyone! I'm [Your Name], and I'm really excited to be part of this class. I am [Your Age] years old. At home, I'm the queen/king of board games, although my cat [Cat's Name] often tries to join in and messes up the pieces. My favorite food is pizza, because who can say no to pizza? And when I grow up, I want to be a detective because I love solving mysteries, like where my missing socks go in the dryer. I'm looking forward to learning and having fun with all of you this year!"

Self-Introduction Speech for High Schoolers

Give new classmates an in or let people know that you're just like them so you can make friends once you find the cafeteria.

  • "Hey everyone, I'm [Your Name]. I'm new here, so please go easy on me if I can't find my way to the cafeteria. A few facts about me: I love music and play the guitar -- it's like a six-stringed stress buster for me. I'm a total sci-fi geek. If you need someone to debate Star Wars vs. Star Trek, I'm your person! And I have a secret ambition: to try every ice cream flavor in the world. Looking forward to getting to know all of you."

Self-Introduction Speech for College Kids

A quip about your major is a great way to start, but you can also loop in anything you love (or avoid) on your campus too, even if it's the steps by the library that seem to go on for eternity.

  • "Hello everyone! My name is [Your Name] and I'm majoring in [Your Major]. When I'm not elbow-deep in textbooks or caffeine, I love exploring the city, one coffee shop at a time. Yes, I'm a self-confessed coffee addict and my dream is to find the perfect cup of coffee. I also enjoy [Another Hobby], because what's life without a little variety, right? Excited to be on this journey with you all!"

Job Interview Self-Introduction Speech

There's nothing like the dreaded "tell us about yourself" comment at an interview. The good news? You won't have any more nightmares because this intro is the perfect way to ease into the answer.

  • "Good morning/afternoon! I'm [Your Name], and it's a pleasure to meet you. I graduated from [Your University] with a degree in [Your Major], and since then, I've gained [Number of Years of Experience] years of experience in the [Your Field] field. During my previous role at [Your Previous Company], I was responsible for [Key Responsibility] and I [Describe a Key Achievement or Impact You Made]. What I particularly enjoyed about that role was the opportunity to [Something You Enjoyed that Relates to the New Job]. In my free time, I enjoy [Briefly Mention a Hobby], which helps me to [Explain How It Applies to the New Role]. For example, [Concrete Example of How Hobby Relates to Job]. I'm excited about the possibility of bringing my unique experience and passion for [Mention Something About the Company or Role] to this position. Thank you for this opportunity to interview."
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Work Self-Introduction Speeches

Make a smooth, witty, and warm self-introduction when you land the job or want to kick off an introduction with ease.

Introduction for a New Job

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  • "Hello team, I'm [Your Name]. I'm thrilled to be joining the [Company Name] family as your new [Your Job Title]. I come with a background in [Relevant Skills or Experience], and most recently, I was at [Previous Company] where I [Describe a Key Achievement or Project]. Outside work, I love [A Personal Interest or Hobby]. I look forward to collaborating with all of you and contributing to our shared success."

Introduction for a Presentation or Meeting

Before you launch into the important information, take a moment to let people know who you are, why you're giving this presentation, and why you're qualified to do it. After all, you've done all the hard work, allow your accolades to shine.

  • "Good morning/afternoon everyone, for those who don't know me yet, I'm [Your Name], the [Your Job Title] here at [Company Name]. I oversee [Briefly Describe Your Responsibilities]. I've been with [Company Name] for [Duration at the Company], and before that, I worked at [Previous Company]. Today, I'm excited to discuss [Topic of Presentation or Meeting]. Although if you want to chat after, I also love [Hobby]."

Introduction for a Networking Event

You'll be introducing yourself a lot at networking, so now is the time to make yourself pop and be memorable.

  • "Hello, I'm [Your Name], currently serving as a [Your Job Title] at [Company Name]. I've been in the [Your Industry] industry for [Number of Years], specializing in [Your Specialty]. When I'm not [Job-Related Activity], I like to [Personal Interest or Hobby]. I'm eager to meet like-minded professionals and see how we can help each other grow in our careers."

Introducing Yourself at a Funeral

Whether you're delivering a eulogy, poem, or making a brief introduction of yourself to other family and friends, you can rely on this intro to make things a little easier.

  • "Good morning/afternoon, everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I had the honor of being [Deceased's Name]'s [Your Relation to the Deceased, e.g., friend, colleague, neighbor]. We shared many [memories/experiences] together, and I am here to pay my respects and celebrate the remarkable life they led. Their [specific quality or memory] has always stuck with me, and it is something I will carry in their memory."

How to Introduce Yourself at a Party

It's party time! Keep the intro laid back and casual.

  • "Hi! I'm [Your Name]. I may know some of you from [How You Know Some People at the Party]. I'm [a brief sentence about yourself, e.g., your job, where you're from]. I'm a bit of a [Hobby] enthusiast, so if you ever want to chat about [Topic Related to Hobby], I'm all ears."

Examples of How to Introduce Yourself to a New Group

You're the newbie, and there's nothing wrong with that. Start your clean slate with a short and sweet intro.

  • "Hello, everyone! My name is [Your Name]. I'm thrilled to be joining this group! I have always been passionate about [Your Hobby]. It all started when [A Short Story About How You Got Started With This Hobby]. Over the years, my love for it has only grown, and I've spent countless hours [Describe Something You Do Related to The Hobby].
  • Apart from this, I'm [Something About Your Job or Other Interests]. In my day-to-day life, I'm a [Your Profession], which can be pretty demanding, but [Your Hobby] has always been my perfect stress-buster.
  • I joined this group because I wanted to meet people who share this passion, learn from your experiences, and hopefully contribute with some of my own insights. I'm really excited to be a part of this community and can't wait to get to know all of you better!"

10 Tips for Writing and Making a Self-Introduction Speech

Here are some tips to keep in mind while writing and giving your self-introduction speech. The most important tip, however, is to do what feels natural and flows easily.

  • Know Your Audience : Tailor your introduction to the context and the audience. A self-introduction at a professional event will be very different from one at a casual party.
  • Start Strong: Grab the audience's attention from the beginning. You can start with an interesting fact about yourself, a short story, or a joke if the setting is informal.
  • Keep It Brief: Your introduction should be concise and to the point. Stick to key details about who you are, what you do, and perhaps one or two interesting facts or hobbies.
  • Be Authentic : Genuine introductions are the most memorable. Be honest about who you are and don't be afraid to show some personality.
  • Highlight Key Moments : Especially in a professional setting, it can be helpful to highlight a few key experiences or achievements that have defined your career or personal life.
  • End on a Positive Note: Conclude your introduction on a positive or forward-looking note. You could express excitement about the event or meeting, or share a hope or goal for the future.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice : Rehearse your introduction speech so you can deliver it confidently and naturally. This will help reduce any nerves and ensure you come across as polished and professional.
  • Be Engaging : Use body language to engage your audience. Make eye contact, smile, and use gestures where appropriate.
  • Relate It to the Purpose of the Event : If there's a specific reason for your introduction (like starting a new job, or joining a club), make sure to mention your relationship to the event or group and your expectations or goals.
  • Provide A Personal Touch : Share a little about your personal life (like a hobby or interest) to make your introduction more unique and memorable.

Remember, the goal is to introduce yourself effectively, not to tell your entire life story. Keep it brief, engaging, and genuine .

Introducing Yourself With Ease

Sit yourself in front of the mirror, and run through your lines like an actor for a play, and in no time at all, the words will flow and you'll find a natural cadence. You may even surprise yourself with how easily your introductions flows once you take the stage. Don't be surprised if people ask how you were so calm and cool.

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 Give a great self-introduction speech!

 - a step by step guide plus an example speech .

By:  Susan Dugdale   | Last modified: 11-28-2022

A self-introduction speech is often called for when a group of people get together first time. It could be a work-based seminar, a break-out group at a conference, a hobby group, or your new class at the start of the term. The occasions are numerous!

If you need to prepare short introduction speech about yourself, you're in the right place.

What's on this page

Image: line drawing of a woman, with a Hello, My name is ...sticker. Text: How to write a short effective speech to introduce yourself to a group.

  • the purpose of a self-introduction speech
  • content guidelines - 6 areas to cover introducing yourself
  • how to avoid blanking out under pressure and prepare a good speech at very short notice
  • a 1-minute self-introduction speech example
  • resources for more help  

The purpose of a self-introduction speech

One thing a newly formed group generally shares is the need to make a bunch of strangers feel at ease:  to quickly establish a sense of unity or belonging.

And one of commonest ways to achieve that, in a setting where people are expected to work collaboratively together, is to have each person give a brief 1–2-minute self-introduction speech. *

If you've not expecting it and have nothing prepared, that triggers a whole lot of questions about the purpose of the speech and what would be best to say. * This is not an elevator speech - i.e., a brief, carefully worked pitch highlighting your strengths and experience to encourage a potential employer or client... to consider taking you on.

You are already a member of the group. You don't need to pitch or advertise yourself. All you need to do is introduce yourself because these people don't know you. 

The questions you ask yourself

Usually, the leader will start and around the members of the group you go, one by one.

  • What will you say when it's your turn?
  • What's the purpose of this speech? What could it to achieve for you if you do it well?
  • What can you say that will interest people?
  • What topics fit with the occasion?
  • What will the people listening expect to hear?
  • What tone do you use? Formal or informal?
  • And more importantly, if you're anxious about public speaking, what will stop the fear of making a complete fool of yourself?

First impressions count, so let's look at the elements that go together to make a good introduction speech about yourself.

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Self-introduction speech content areas

There are six content areas to cover. The first three are essential. The remaining three lift your speech from 'basic' to something a little more interesting.

  • Stating your name clearly
  • Placing yourself - where you are from, the organization you belong to, the position you currently hold
  • Background - what can you share that is related to the group's core purpose for meeting? Is it an event, experience, a particular skill or educational qualification?
  • Interest, passion or goal - what genuinely interests you? What drives you?  Is there a personal goal you want to achieve through being a member of this group?
  • Sharing personal details appropriate to the setting of your speech e.g., your hobbies or pet peeves.
  • Unity - what do you share in common with someone else in the group? Can you reference something somebody speaking before you said?

Self-preservation techniques for nervous speakers

Ignore everyone else and focus on yourself.

If this is the first time you've made an introduction speech about yourself and, you're inclined to be tongue-tied, awkward and nervous, don't listen to what others are saying before you. 

I know that seems rude, but the situation calls for self-preservation.

Image: retro man in suit being attached by devils with pitchforks. Text: How to manage feeling anxious about giving a self-introduction speech.

If you allow yourself to listen, you'll get mesmerized by everybody else's speeches and be unable to plan anything useful for yourself. That will heighten your anxiety.

Start with making some notes

Grab a piece of paper, or use the notes app on your phone, the moment the round-robin introduction is announced and start jotting down ideas.

Start with the first three items from the list above. That's the basic information:  your name, where you are from and your background.  Then add more as time permits.

Everything you put down should be relevant to the occasion and your audience.  And remember to breathe well while you're doing it!

When we're anxious we tend to hold our breath which makes us feel worse. You'll find these breathing exercises help. 

Watch the timing

Generally, the timing allowed for a self-introductory speech is between 1 - 2 minutes. (About 150-300 words.)

Going over that is poor form because it eats into the time allocated for everybody to speak. In addition, rambling on without being mindful of the larger group could be interpreted as boring and/or egotistical. Just try not to do it! ☺

Self-introduction speech example

Here's a simple short self-introduction speech sample.  You can use it as a model to prepare your own speech.  All up there are 130 words which will take approximately a minute to say.

Hello sticker - My name is Masie Smith.

Hi everybody!

I'm Masie Smith, Senior Marketing Executive, from Watts and Frederick in Smalltown, Bigstate.

It's great to be finally here. I've been dreaming about the opportunity and possibilities of working collectively and directly with each other for a long time now. Jane and Sam can attest to that. There's been hours put in balancing the schedules to make it happen.

Webinars and email are fine, but nothing beats face to face.

Working collaboratively has always been a passion. Even in kindergarten I tried to set up a group-think session around a one swing and ten children problem.

Years later my master degree focused on harnessing group energy creatively. I've been inspired by agencies that got it right.

Sally you've already said it and I echo you. I'm excited!

Prepare and practice in readiness

If you know you have situations coming up that will call for a self-introduction speech start generating one ahead of time.

Make yourself an adaptable template using the core content elements listed above that you can use whatever the situation you are in.

Practicing your speech out loud will help you refine and hone your message.

It's well worth doing as these few words can set the way in which others view you. They can open doors, as well as close them!

With repetition you'll gain the confidence to speak for yourself concisely and cohesively. You'll find the temptation to succumb to a fit of the blithers will have vanished! (Thank goodness!)

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Other related and useful pages: 

  • How to prepare and deliver an introduction speech for a guest speaker (with an example speech)
  • How to write a speech introducing yourself . This is Wiki How's comprehensive overview of the process, with examples.
  • Tips and techniques to manage public speaking anxiety

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Self Introduction In English for Students – Online English Speaking Course for Interview, Working Professional: LillyPad.ai

Self-introduction in English for students is very important. It gives the interviewer or working professional an insight into your confidence level and how you handle yourself under pressure. Self-introduction in English also allows you to interact with people from different backgrounds and cultures, which is essential in a global workplace.

When giving a self-introduction in English, be sure to speak slowly and clearly, and use simple language that can be easily understood. It is also important to smile and make eye contact with the person you are speaking to.

In this blog, we will provide you with helpful tips to make a good self-introduction in English to help you in your studies, interviews, and work. This will include interview questions to expect, tips for presentation skills, and job interview previews. It will also give you the tools to communicate beyond the introduction with insights into follow-up questions and your overall interpersonal skills.

What is Self Introduction?

A self-introduction is an act of introducing oneself to someone else. It is often the first thing that people say when they meet each other, and it may be the only thing that they ever say about themselves. A self-introduction can be either formal or informal, but it is always important to make a good impression.

When giving a self-introduction, it is important to talk about your name, age, education, work, and interests. You should also try to sound confident and enthusiastic, sharing life experiences and educational details. However, you should not ramble on for too long or try to impress the other person with fancy words. A self-introduction should be brief and to the point. Your goal is to come across as a friendly person with relevant previous work experience. 

Why Self Introduction is Important?

Self-introduction is important for several reasons. For one, it helps you to get to know yourself better. By taking the time to introduce yourself, you are forced to think about your values, goals, and what you want to achieve in life. In addition, self-introduction is a great way to build self-confidence. When you can confidently introduce yourself to others, it shows that you are comfortable in your skin and can stand up for yourself.

Finally, self-introduction can also help you to network and make new friends. By introducing yourself to new people, you open yourself up to new opportunities and experiences. So next time you meet someone new, don’t be afraid to give them a self-introduction!

Importance of Self-Introduction for Students

Self-introduction in English for students is very important. It is the first step in self-development. It helps students to build self-confidence and esteem. Additionally, self-introduction assists students in developing their leadership skills. When students know how to introduce themselves properly, they will be able to stand out among their peers, which can help them progress academically and professionally.

Self-introduction allows students to get to know their classmates better, which can foster a more positive and supportive learning environment. In conclusion, self-introduction is a critical skill for all students to learn.

Self-introduction preparation for students

Students need to be able to introduce themselves in English. After all, self-introductions are often the first thing you do when meeting someone new. Fortunately, some simple tips can help you prepare a great self-introduction in English.

First, try to memorize a basic outline of what you want to say. This will help you stay focused and avoid getting tongue-tied.

Next, practice your self-introduction out loud as much as possible. This will help you get used to the sound of your voice and reduce any nervousness you might feel when speaking in front of others.

Finally, don’t forget to smile! A genuine smile will make you seem more confident and approachable, and it will help put your listener at ease.

By following these simple tips, you can be sure that your self-introduction will make a great first impression.

Self Introduction Points for a Student:

Always remember to wish:.

Most people have had the experience of feeling awkward when they don’t know how to start a conversation. One way to overcome this is to remember to always say “good morning” or “good evening.” This helps to let others know who you are and gives them a cue that you would like to talk. It also helps to break the ice and can make the other person feel more comfortable. In addition, it shows that you are polite and respectful. So, next time you’re feeling tongue-tied, remember to start with a simple greeting. It could make all the difference in getting the conversation started.

Have a goal in mind:

Unless you’re planning on living in your parent’s basement for the rest of your life, you’ll need to have a goal in mind when you introduce yourself. That means thinking about what you want to do with your life and what kind of career you want to have.

Once you know what you want to do, you can start making a plan to achieve it. Education is one of the most important parts of any career plan. Without a good education, it will be very difficult to succeed in any profession. That’s why it’s essential to choose a degree program that will give you the skills and knowledge you need to succeed. With a clear goal and a good education, you’ll be well on your way to a successful career.

Give it a name:

When you meet someone new, one of the first things you do is introduce yourself. This simple act can have a significant impact on the impression you make and the relationship you build with the other person. That’s why it’s so important to say your name slowly and clearly when you meet someone new. Saying your name too quickly can make you sound unprofessional while saying it too slowly can make you sound hesitant or even nervous.

The key is to find a balance that sounds natural and confident. Take your time when saying your name, enunciate each syllable clearly, and give the other person a chance to respond. By taking a few extra moments to introduce yourself properly, you can make a lasting positive impression.


When introducing yourself, be sure to include any relevant information about your professional background. This could include things like your education, certifications, awards, honours, publications, patents, and other achievements. By sharing this information, you’ll be able to make a strong impression and set yourself apart from the crowd. So next time you’re meeting someone new, don’t forget to give them an overview of your impressive resume!

Talk about your history and where you currently live:

When introducing yourself to new people, it’s important to give them more than just your name and where you’re from. Let them know why you came to the city. What are you looking for? What is your hometown like? By sharing a little bit about yourself, you’ll help others to get to know you better and will make it more likely that you’ll find friends with similar interests. So next time you’re meeting someone new, don’t just say where you’re from—tell them why you came.

Many job seekers focus narrowly on preparing for the questions they will be asked during an interview, but it is important to remember that the interviewer may ask about your hobbies and interests as well. This is not just small talk; your hobbies and interests can give the interviewer insights into your personality and work style.

For example, if you enjoy outdoor activities, the interviewer may conclude that you are a nature lover who enjoys being active. If you have interests in music or art, the interviewer may decide that you are creative and expressive. Therefore, it is important to be prepared to talk about your hobbies and interests in an interview setting. By doing so, you can help the interviewer get to know you better and determine whether you are a good fit for the position.

Discuss your accomplishments:

When introducing yourself, it’s always good to include information about your extracurricular activities and achievements. Doing so helps to give the person you’re speaking to a better sense of who you are and what you’re interested in.

For example, if you’re a student, you might mention that you’re the captain of the soccer team or that you recently won a math competition. If you’re employed, you could mention that you volunteer for a local charity or that you recently received a promotion. By sharing this information, you’ll help the person you’re speaking to get to know you better and form a more positive impression of you.

Favorite or ideal people:

Try to discuss your greatest influences in life. You can talk about the people who have inspired you the most, or the things that have had the biggest impact on your life. When discussing your influences, try to be specific and share stories that illustrate why these people or things are important to you. By sharing your own experiences, you’ll give your audience a better sense of who you are and what’s important to you.

Favorite items, colors, and movies:

Small talk is often used to fill the silence, but it can be difficult to think of things to say on the spot. A good way to prepare for small talk is to have a few favorite topics in mind that you can bring up if the conversation starts to lag.

For example, you could mention your favorite movie or TV show, a hobby you enjoy, or a place you’ve always wanted to visit. Having a few talking points ready will help to make introductions more enjoyable for both you and the other person. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to be aware of your body language and make sure you are making eye contact and smiling. Making the effort to be friendly and open will go a long way in putting the other person at ease.

Weaknesses and strengths:

When introducing yourself, it is always important to be prepared to discuss your strengths and weaknesses. By discussing your weaknesses, you show that you are aware of your areas for improvement and are willing to work on them. This shows that you are proactive and committed to personal growth.

At the same time, it is also important to discuss your strengths. This allows you to show confidence in your abilities and gives the person you are speaking to a better understanding of who you are. When introducing yourself, be sure to strike a balance between discussing your weaknesses and strengths. This will give the person you are speaking to a well-rounded view of who you are and what you have to offer.

Discuss likes and dislikes:

When you meet someone new, it is always important to be prepared to discuss your likes and dislikes. This helps to create a connection between you and the other person and helps to build rapport. It also helps the other person to understand what you are interested in and what you are not interested in.

When discussing your likes and dislikes, be honest and genuine. This will help the other person to see you as a real person and not just a list of likes and dislikes. Remember, the goal is to create a connection, so be open and honest about who you are.

Any life-changing event:

When you’re introduced to someone new, it’s always a good idea to be prepared to discuss any life-changing events you find relevant to the job. This shows that you’re serious about the position and that you’re willing to share your story.

It also helps to build rapport with the person you’re meeting. If you’re comfortable doing so, feel free to share a brief overview of any significant life changes you’ve experienced. This could include anything from starting a family to going through a divorce. If you’re uncomfortable discussing your personal life, that’s perfectly fine too. Just be prepared to talk about how these events have affected your work life and how they might impact your ability to do the job you’re applying for. By being open and honest, you’ll show that you’re not afraid of challenges and that you’re ready to take on whatever comes your way.


When introducing yourself during an interview, it is important to highlight any special skills or talents that set you apart from other candidates. However, it is also important to avoid sounding cocky or arrogant. The key is to strike a balance between confidence and humility.

For example, you might want to say something like, “I know there are a lot of qualified candidates for this position, but I believe that my skills and experience make me the perfect person for the job.” This shows that you have confidence in your abilities without coming across as overbearing.

Alternatively, you might say something like, “I know I have the skills and talents to be successful in this position, but what sets me apart is my determination and dedication.” This highlights your determination and dedication without sounding arrogant.

Ultimately, the key is to find a way to differentiate yourself from other candidates while still sounding humble and confident.


When concluding an introduction, it is important to tie everything together and leave the reader with a strong impression. To do this, you can briefly recap the main points of your argument, or provide a final glimpse into the evidence you will be presenting. You might also want to leave the reader with a provocative question or thought-provoking statement. Whatever approach you take, make sure that your conclusion is clear, concise, and leaves the reader wanting more.

The ability to give a great speech is a valuable skill in both the academic and professional realms. If you’re a student, being able to confidently give speeches can help you succeed in class and stand out to your professors. In the professional world, being able to deliver a well-crafted talk can help you close deals, land promotions, and build credibility with your colleagues.

Samples of Self-Introduction for Students

Sample questions 1: self introduction for students.

  • Who are you?
  • What school do you attend?
  • What motivates you?
  • What drives you to succeed?

Sample Answer 1:

My name is _____ _____. I am currently a _____ at _____ High School. I am interested in studying _____ because I enjoy _____ and I want to learn more about _____. In my spare time, I like to _____. I am excited to learn about _____ in this class and to share my knowledge with my classmates. Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself.

Sample Questions 2: Fresher

  • What are your long-term career aspirations?
  • Why did you choose your particular field of study?
  • What do you think sets you apart from other candidates?
  • What do you believe are the most important skills for success in your field?

Sample Answer 2:

I am a recent graduate of XYZ University, where I majored in _____. I am interested in pursuing a career in _____, and I believe that this position would be a perfect fit for my skills and interests. In my previous experience, I have gained _____. In addition, I have developed strong _____ skills. I am confident that I can be an asset to your team and contribute to the success of your organization. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sample Questions 3: Experienced Professional

  • What are your greatest professional accomplishments?
  • In what ways have you added value to your previous companies?
  • What are the most challenging situations you have faced in your career, and how did you overcome them?
  • What makes you the ideal candidate for this position?

Sample Answer 3:

My name is _____ _____. I am currently a _____ at _____. In my role, I have gained experience in _____. I am excited to learn about _____ and feel that my skills would be a valuable asset to your team. Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself. I look forward to speaking with you further about this position.

Self Introduction for Students – Tips and Tricks

So, you’re about to start giving self-introductions in front of your classmates? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Introducing yourself can be nerve-wracking, but there are a few simple tips that can help you make a great impression:

  • First, take a deep breath and relax. It’s important to remember that your classmates are just people like you, and they’re not here to judge you.
  • Second, try to think of something unique about yourself that you can share. This could be a hobby, an experience, or anything else that will help others get to know you better.
  • Finally, don’t be afraid to show your personality. Be confident and enthusiastic, and let your classmates see the real you.

By following these simple tips, you’re sure to give a great self-introduction that will make a great first impression on your classmates.

Self Introduction for Students Example

Hello, my name is_______ _______. I am a student at _______ _________. I am originally from _________, but I currently live in ____________. I am majoring in _________, and I hope to eventually pursue a career in ___________. In my free time, I enjoy _________ and ___________. I am also a member of the ___________ club on campus. I am excited to be taking this class and look forward to learning more about ___________. Thanks for reading!

Thank you for your time and I look forward to _______ and ________.

This blog has given you all of the tools to perform a self-introduction in English for students. It has walked you through the process of introducing yourself, including what to say and what not to say. Additionally, the blog has provided tips on how to deliver your self-introduction with confidence. Finally, the blog has given you some ideas on what to talk about to make a good impression. By following the advice in this blog, you will be well on your way to giving a successful self-introduction in English for students.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Start with a greeting: Good Morning! 2. Follow up with your name and where you’re from: My name is ___ and I and from ____. 3. Talk about your family: I have two brothers and sisters. My father is a doctor and my mother is a stay-at-home mom. 4. What do you do?: I am a student at XYZ University. I am studying to be a teacher. 5. Tell me about your hobbies: I like to play tennis and read books in my free time. 6. Do you have any pets?: Yes, I have a dog named Max. He is a labrador retriever. 7. What’s your favourite food?: My favourite food is sushi! 8. What’s your favourite color?: My favourite color is blue. 9. What’s your favourite animal?: My favourite animal is a lion. 10. Do you have any siblings?: Yes, I have two brothers and sisters.

Self-introduction is an essential part of the English curriculum for students. It is a great way to break the ice and start building communication skills. When writing a self-introduction, there are a few key points to keep in mind: be brief, be honest, and be positive. First, introduce yourself with your full name and where you are from. Then, give a brief overview of your hobbies, interests, and strengths. Finally, wrap up your self-introduction by sharing your goals and aspirations. By following these simple tips, you can confidently write your self-introduction in English and make a great first impression on your classmates.

Hi, my name is _______ _____. I am a student at ___________ School. I’m in __ grade. I’m __ years old. My favorite subjects are ________ and _________. In my spare time, I like to ______________. I’m a good student. I usually get good grades. My favorite thing about school is ____________________. I think school is important because _____________________________ . That’s why I try to do my best in school every day. Thanks for listening!

Self-Introduction in English is very important for your career. If you are a student, you need to know how to introduce yourself in English so that you can get good marks in your examinations. An impactful impression is very easy if you know the right way to do it. The first thing you need to do is to stand up straight and smile at the person who is taking your self-Introduction. Second, start with your name and then tell something about your family details, where you come from, your hobbies, and your strengths. Finally, end by saying something about your goals and aspirations beyond your school days. Self-Introduction in English can be easy if you follow these simple tips.

There are several ways that students can introduce themselves in a creative way. One option is to write a short story or poem about themselves and share it with the class. Another idea is to create a collage or artwork that represents their personality, interests, and goals. Students can also make a video presentation, either with footage of themselves or with animation. Whatever method they choose, the important thing is that students take the time to think about who they are and what they want to share with their classmates. By taking a creative approach to self-introduction, students can make a lasting impression on their peers and set the tone for a successful year ahead.

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Bethany MacDonald

Bethany MacDonald has contributed articles LillyPad.ai since 2020. As their Blog Lead, she specialises in informative pieces on culture, education, and language learning

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self introduction speech examples for high school

Frantically Speaking

How to start a speech for students (Ultimate opening lines)

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Topics , Speech Writing

Person presenting to an audience

Schools and their love for speeches is an affair we are all quite aware of. Now if you are looking to move beyond the mundane way of delivering speeches in school and are in search of some amazing speech openings for students, you are at the right place!

Speeches are the most common form of public speaking that is encouraged in schools . Be it for a competition, assignment, presentation, or even as a punishment (oops), speeches are everywhere in a student’s life.  

To get a quick idea on speech opening lines for students , don’t forget to check out our video on 3 speech opening lines for students!

But before we dive into understanding how to go about your speeches, it is important to first understand why educational institutes focus so much on speeches or public speaking in general that they begin introducing us to speeches as early as primary sections.

Why is speech encouraged in Primary school?

It is a common practice to give the students a little idea about giving speeches as early as primary school. Part of the reason is that these are the foundational years and form as a stepping stone for the students to get a little more used to public speaking as they move to higher classes .

A couple of ways students in primary schools may be asked to give speeches would be to introduce themselves or at competitions like fancy dress competitions.

What is the use of speech in high school?

In high school, as students gain more understanding about the world at large and develop their opinions, giving speeches is encouraged in school to help them navigate their thoughts to their peers. Further, speeches as a form of public speaking also help build the student’s soft skills .

A few ways giving speeches in high school can help in developing their soft skills are:

1. critical thinking.

Speeches aren’t about blurting out your ideas or opinions, rather it requires you to research and find evidence to back your point of view, or to think critically to deliver a speech that effectively reaches the other students.

2. Problem-solving

Speeches could be framed around a popular or controversial issue that the student wishes to provide their insight into. This would encourage them to come up with solutions. Apart from that, even coming up with a speech can be a task sometimes, and overcoming those challenges too can be counted in as a way of problem-solving

3. Time-management

With a huge number of students in high school, speeches are almost always time-bound. This also means that the students have to structure their speeches in a way that fits the time given, further inculcating time management skills in them.

4. Active listening

Speeches are not only about delivering or conveying your ideas or findings but also about listening carefully to what others have to say in terms of questions that may ask.

Why is speech required at college?

Speeches in college have an entirely different goal than the one that schools have.

In college, it isn’t always mandatory to give speeches or to participate in public speaking. However, a few reasons why giving speeches or public speaking is encouraged in colleges is because:

  • It helps in developing communication and public speaking skills that can be very beneficial to their professional life later.
  • Speeches may also be a way to meet new people and make new connections.
  • It improves the student’s leadership skills. How? We have all heard how a good speaker carries with him or her the potential to influence and lead the crowd, and that is how practicing public speaking in college helps improve a student’s leadership skills.

When can students be asked to give a speech?

As we just discussed that the purpose of giving speeches changes as we progress in our school. However, there are a couple of situations where mostly all students are expected to present their speech. And they are:

Classroom/section speeches

Classroom or section speeches are the ones you give in front of your classmates or people from your age group. Generally, the presentation of assignments and competitions comes under this category.

Graduation Speech

Graduating students

Students may also be expected to present a graduation speech . However, the big difference here is that not everyone gets the opportunity to present a graduation speech or commencement address as it is known.

What type of speech is a graduation speech? Or what type of speech is a commencement speech?

Graduation speeches or commencement speeches are parting speeches wherein the focus is on reflecting on the good times in the institute and motivating others for their bright future ahead. Depending on the purpose as selected by the speaker, these speeches could be persuasive, informative, or entertaining in nature . 

How to start a speech as a student 

Giving speeches as a student, even if you have been doing it for the past few years can still end up being a little challenging.  But rather than giving you tons of tips on things you can focus on while coming up with your speech or speech openings for students, we have got one ultimate tip . If you follow that, you should ideally be able to reach your audience more effectively.

Ultimate tip when writing speeches or speech openings for students

Write how you speak, not how you write.

When I came across this tip, I was surprised too. Because is indeed true that we write very differently when we have to show the speech to someone in written form but if asked honestly, do we speak in such a highly polished, extra professional vocabulary?

The idea is not to write the speech or speech opening riddled with slang but rather in a way that you’d feel comfortable listening to and understanding easily had you been the listener.

So in short, prepare the speech with the listener in mind, not the reader .

What is a good opening line for a speech?

Most opening lines for speech in school begin with a good morning.  We usually follow it with greetings or addressing the audience and the guests.

Wondering how you greet everyone in a speech?

Here is a list of ways you can begin with a simple good morning:

  • Good morning everyone presents here today. I’m delighted to present my views and understanding on a very delicate yet overlooked topic; Gender sensitization in the workplace.
  • Good afternoon esteemed members of the jury, my friends and peers, and everyone present in the room today.
  • Good morning to the faculty, the non-teaching staff, and the class of 2022!!

Now it is a good practice to begin your speech with your usual greetings. However, in this blog, we are trying to look beyond the usual.

It doesn’t mean that you will not be saying good morning or your basic greetings; the only difference is that you’ll not be opening your speech with it but addressing these basic formalities later in the speech.

How do you start a speech without saying good morning?

There are a couple of ways you can start a speech without saying good morning. Here are some of the ways we will take a look at in this blog:

  • “Imagine” scenario
  • “What if” scenario
  • Rhetorical questions
  • Statistics and figures
  • Powerful statements

Quotes are phrases or things spoken by someone influential . Quotes as speech openings for students can not only help them go beyond the widely popular way of beginning any speech but will also help them establish credibility right in the very beginning!

Now if you have ever wondered,

How to start your speech with a quote?

Here are a couple of examples of using quotes as speech openings for students:

Lon Watters had said that “A school is a building with four walls, with tomorrow inside.” And it would be wrong if I said that I didn’t agree with every bit of what he said. As we come to an end of our journey with this school that has provided us with tons of opportunities to learn, grow, interact and make memories we sure will cherish forever…
“If you don’t have a plan for your life, somebody else does.” This is a quote given by Michael Hyatt and isn’t it something we have all been experiencing all these years of growing up as our parents or guardians make plans for us right from the way we dress to the school we go to and sometimes even the careers we choose. Good morning everyone, I am Myra, a student of XYZ school standing here to voice my opinion on “Factors that influence your career decisions.”

 2. “Imagine” Scenario

Young girl imagining

This happens to be a personal favorite of mine when it comes to speech openings for students. A very simple yet beautiful way to engage your audience right at the beginning of your speech while at the same time allowing them to relate to what you’ll be saying next is what the image” scenarios are all about.

Before we begin, I’d like you to take a moment and imagine walking through a trail. You see the lush greens and pretty sky above you, the most dynamic clouds following everyone you go. Try sniffing the smell of wet soil and a hint of flowery fragrance as you walk towards the edge of the hill expecting to take a glimpse of the utter beauty that these hours of walking would lead you to, but you find something else. You see something that sends chills down your spine. There are some strange men performing rituals right in the very heart of these dense greens. You wonder what it is all about until it hits you; you have just uncovered a cult.

For the next example, I’d like you to take a look at the video below and check for yourself how wonderfully the speaker (although not a student) has made use of the “imagine” scenario to share his tragic experience with his audience.

Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. Imagine a plane full of smoke. Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack. It sounds scary. Well I had a unique seat that day. I was sitting in 1D.

3. “What If” Scenario

What if I told you that the best speech openings for students are actually the ones wherein they come up with an opening that best represents their style and comfort at delivering speeches, be it with a joke or a story?

Do you see what I did there?

That is an example of a “what if” scenario. It is similar to the imagination scenario we discussed above but the only difference here is that “what if” speech openings for students focus on providing an alternative idea to the audience while the imagined scenarios provide the audience an opportunity to relate to the speaker.

4. Rhetorical question

Rhetorical questions are questions the speaker includes in his/her/their speech that doesn’t necessarily require the audience to come up with an answer but are posed to get the audience thinking on the same.

Using rhetorical questions as speech openings for students can work wonders especially when you are looking for either a very quick speech opening or have very little time to deliver the speech.

An example of using rhetorical questions for speech opening is given below:

Talking about the new policy that makes it illegal to check the gender of the child before birth, do you think that it will curb the issue of female foeticide? Or will it simply take the activity underground?

The art of silence is phenomenal. Opening your speech in silence can help enhance your speech in two ways.

First, it will give the audience some time to settle in , post which you can expect to grab their dedicated attention. And secondly, silence would give you some time to understand the room and calm your pre-stage anxiousness .

6. Statistics and figures

collage of random numbers

Want to begin your speech on a hard-hitting and eye-opening note?

Show the numbers, the figures, and any statistics that serve your purpose for giving the speech.

It is very common to overlook the seriousness of any situation when you aren’t aware of the real extent of its seriousness. But when we have numbers in front of us, there is no more room for being in denial.

Examples of using Statistics or figures as speech openings for students

  • According to the 2019 WWF report , on average, we consume about 1,769 microplastic particles every week. 1769 microplastic particles every single week, can you imagine that?
  • 3.2 million teenagers between the age of 12-17 were depressed in the US as of 2017. Now you can only assume the number has increased over the past 5 years.

7. Powerful  Statements

Powerful statements are statements that try to break any common ideologies held by the public. Another example of a powerful statement is stating a fact or idea that isn’t openly spoken .

The video below is one such example of how the speaker tries to break a perception generally held by the people.

How often have we been told to include stories in our speech?

Almost every time isn’t it? So here we are to bombard you yet again by saying that stories are extremely fun and engaging forms of speech openings for students.

You can either share your experience or someone else’s story.

You can also refer to a Recent Conversation by starting your speech with something like “Just the other day as I was walking out of my Philosophy lecture, I asked Mr.Dee about his philosophy on life, and what he said was so eye-opening that I could not wait to share with all of you.”

An adorable example of how to begin a speech with a story is given below to help you get a clearer idea.

Examples of speech openings for students

Speech opening lines for public speaking competitions.

When it comes to public speaking competitions like elocutions, speech competitions, or even presentations, it is almost always recommended to begin with self-introduction . The reason is quite simple; there is a high chance that your audience might not know you .

But if you don’t want to begin with a self-introduction, you can start by using any of the alternatives we discussed earlier. Click here to go back and take another peek at it.

Speech Opening Lines for Self-introductions

Speech openings for self-introductions need to be simple, to the point yet descriptive.

Wait a minute? Wasn’t I contradicting myself in that line?

Yes, but that is how opening lines for self-introductions would ideally work. As people expect you to talk about yourself in depth in the rest of your speech, your opening lines would just be a teaser about yourself.

2 most important things to add in your self-introduction opening lines for students

  • What do you do?

Other things that you can talk about in these opening lines include:

  • Where are you from?
  • What is your goal?
  • What does your organization do?
  • A little bit about your family

Examples of opening lines for students

Good morning, I am Reini. I recently graduated from BMU college and have since been working as a Design intern at Desgynopedia. 
Hello and good evening everyone. I am Nicole and this is my team, Alina, Tim, Harold, and Noman. We are in our senior year majoring in Organizational psychology. Today we would like to talk about the 5 main Psychological factors that impact any organization’s overall performance.
Hey, I am Nizan. I am a nerd for Political Science and Greek Philosophy and am currently majoring in the same. My love for the subjects is also the reason why I am here to present a topic I found very intriguing “The injustice behind socrates’ death.”

Funny speech opening lines for students

If you are giving a speech for a competition, one of the most fun ways of opening your speech could be to say “Good morning to the faculty, my friends, and (look at the opponents) others.”

Other funny opening line examples:

  • I almost bunked school today until I realized that this speech carries marks and I sure don’t want to be in a class with our juniors. Just imagine! Who could do that?
  • Hello and good morning to everyone, except the ones who are well prepared for their speeches today.
  • Hello everyone, I’m excited to present my speech on XYZ’s topic today. I mean come on, what could be better than waking up at 7 am on a Monday morning to give a speech?
  • Today I’ll be talking about XYZ because I was told to!

Best Speech Opening Lines by students

1. chase dahl.

In one of the funniest speech opening lines by students, Chase Dahl opens up by saying “You know I have never understood how imagining the audience naked was supposed to make you less nervous. Honestly, I’m just uncomfortable right now.”

2. Kyle Martin (The King’s Academy)

Yet another Valedictorian speech that has caught our eye is the one given by Kyle Martin. The reason we would suggest you take a look into the opening lines of his speech is so that you can take notes on how beautifully he has described the efforts taken by every department of the institute as he tries to thank them for their efforts.

Presentation Opening Lines

Presentation speeches are a little different compared to your usual speeches and the major reason for that is because now you have access to visuals or your PPT.

Besides some of the ways already discussed above, you can begin the presentation by pointing out a particular slide. You can show your audience a graph, table, pictures, or any other creative and eye-catching ideas that can also turn out to be an amazing presentation opening.

How to start a presentation speech example for students

A few common ways you can open your speech are:

  • Hello everyone, I am Miya. I would first like to thank you all for your time.
  • For those who don’t know me, my name is Nazia, and if you do know me, hello again!
  • Good afternoon to all you wonderful people present here. I am Ryan and as you can see on screen, today I’ll be speaking on “The hazards of drinking from plastic bottles.”

For more examples of opening lines check out 50 Speech Opening Lines .

You might also like to know:

How to start a speech for the student council.

Speeches for student council are usually persuasive. They are your pitch to convince your fellow students to vote for you and help you get the position you are looking for.

So ideally, you should start by addressing everyone in the room . Then make a point to introduce yourself. Once you have introduced yourself, remind the audience why you are speaking which means let them know the position you are campaigning for. Bring up at least 1-2 issues that the students are most concerned about and tell them how if elected you’ll provide solutions to their issues.

Try to end it on a high note and don’t forget to add your campaign slogan .

You can also begin by stating your campaign slogan .

Yet another way to begin your speech for the student council is by challenging your opponent’s point of view or campaign . However, this would work only f you have a better strategy or solutions to the issues raised by your opponents.

Lastly, do something that no one expects from you . Let me share a story here to help you understand this point better. During one of the student council speeches, one candidate asked the audience to stand up, move a step in the front then go back to their seats and settle down. Following this, she said, “My parents told me if I could move the audience, I’d win.” And so she did win!

What is a speech class?

A speech class in high school or college is usually a short course or 1-semester course wherein the student is expected to improve on their public speaking skills along with critical thinking and active listening skills.

It essentially enhances their oral communication skills.

This also reminds me to introduce you to our courses that help enhance your public speaking and communication skills. If you are interested, head to Frantically Speaking .

But if your appetite for learning more about opening speeches isn’t satiated yet, we suggest you go check out our Video on the Powerful speech opening lines.

To Conclude

There are tons of ways to get creative with speech openings for students. From saying a simple good morning to adding stories, quotes, statistics, rhetorical questions, and even silence!

Get creative with your speech openings. As we always say, there are no right or wrong ways of public speaking as such, only a way that suits perfectly for you is the one that is right for you.

Hrideep Barot

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self introduction speech examples for high school

Discover 5 Self-Introductory Speech Samples for a Confident and Poised Presentation

Ever found your pulse skyrocketing at the mere thought of having to introduce yourself to an audience? Trust me, you’re not alone. After grappling with my own public speaking challenges and diving deep into what really works, I’ve uncovered some game-changing strategies .

In this article, not only will I share those tips but also provide five ready-to-use self-introductory speech samples . So gear up – it’s your time to shine !

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • A self – introductory speech helps make a strong first impression, builds confidence in public speaking , and showcases communication skills . It’s essential to start with your name, share something unique about yourself early on, and dress appropriately for the occasion.
  • Customizing your speech based on the situation like job interviews or networking events is key. Tailoring content and tone to fit different settings enhances the impact of your self-introduction.
  • Practice and preparation are crucial for building confidence in public speaking. Joining groups like Toastmasters International can help improve speaking skills over time.
  • Sharing personal stories or examples connects you with your audience during a presentation. Including visual aids or interactive elements can also make presentations more engaging.
  • When introducing yourself at parties or social gatherings, being friendly and sharing interesting facts about yourself makes interactions more enjoyable and memorable.

Importance of a Self-Introductory Speech

A self-introductory speech helps make a good first impression, builds confidence in public speaking, and showcases communication and presentation skills.

Making a good first impression

Making a good first impression is crucial when it comes to public speaking. I found out that starting with a smile and confidently stating my name sets the tone for the rest of my speech.

It helps establish trust right from the start. Engaging the audience with eye contact shows them I’m not just there to speak; I’m there to connect. Sharing something unique about myself early on makes me memorable.

I also discovered that dress plays a big part in how people perceive me during my first few seconds at the podium or on stage. Dressing appropriately for the occasion adds an extra layer of confidence, both for me and in how others see me.

Being well-prepared, knowing my opening lines well, and practicing my posture show that I’m serious about what I have to say. This approach has never failed to make a strong impact on my audience, setting up everything that follows for success.

Building confidence in public speaking

When I started out, public speaking seemed daunting. But step by step, I found strategies to stay calm and confident while speaking. My own journey taught me that practice and preparation are key to building confidence in public speaking.

Through Toastmasters International , I honed my skills and overcame the fear of facing an audience. It’s about believing in yourself and knowing that every small improvement adds up over time.

Confidence comes from being well-prepared and having faith in your ability to deliver effectively.

Now, it’s not merely about addressing a crowd; it’s about connecting with them through your words. Tailoring my speech towards the audience helped me unlock the secrets of captivating their attention .

Showcasing communication and presentation skills

As a public speaking beginner, it’s important to showcase strong communication and presentation skills . This involves using clear and confident language while maintaining an engaging and poised demeanor .

Sharing personal stories or examples can help connect with the audience and demonstrate effective communication. Additionally, incorporating visual aids or interactive elements into your presentation can further enhance your ability to communicate effectively and captivate your audience.

When presenting, it’s crucial to maintain eye contact , use gestures purposefully, and vary your tone of voice to keep the audience engaged. Moreover, practicing active listening and responding thoughtfully during Q&A sessions showcases attentive communication skills that bolster your overall presentation.

Tips and Examples for a Successful Self-Introduction

Crafting a successful self-introduction involves including your name and relevant experience. You should also customize your speech for different situations like job interviews or networking events .

Including your name and relevant experience

Hi there, I’m Ryan Nelson. When introducing yourself, it’s essential to share your name and relevant experience confidently. For instance, you can mention any volunteer work or past jobs related to the position you’re applying for.

This helps the audience connect with you and understand your background better.

Crafting a self-introduction tailored towards different situations allows me to navigate through complexities with ease. Whether it’s a job interview or a social gathering , customizing my speech has always helped me create a lasting impression.

Customizing your speech for different situations (job interview, networking event, etc.)

When tailoring my speech for various situations, such as a job interview or networking event , I focus on highlighting relevant experiences and skills. It’s important to adapt the tone and content of the speech based on the setting and audience.

For instance, in a job interview, I emphasize professional achievements and career goals , while at a networking event, I may share more about my interests and how they intersect with my profession.

Understanding the context helps me deliver a compelling self-introduction that resonates with the specific situation and people involved.

By customizing my speech for different situations like a job interview or networking event, using appropriate tone is crucial – it’s not just about what we say but also how we say it.

5 Self-Introductory Speech Samples

Explore various self-introductory speech samples to confidently present yourself. Get ready to impress and build your public speaking skills with these speech examples.

Self-Introduction for Elementary or Middle School Kids

I’m excited to share some self-introductory speech samples for kids, so listen up! It’s crucial to make a good impression when speaking publicly. This helps you build confidence and show off your communication skills .

Let’s explore some tips for successful self-introductions that you can use in various situations like school or when meeting new friends.

At the beginning of your speech, always include your name and relevant experience . For instance, tell people about things you enjoy doing, like sports or hobbies. Remember to be yourself! Whether it’s introducing yourself at a party or talking in front of class, these tricks will help you shine and feel more comfortable so you can impress everyone around you!

Self-Introduction for High Schoolers

High school self-introduction aims to make a good impression , showing confidence and sharing relevant details about oneself. It’s a chance to connect with classmates and teachers while setting a positive tone for the academic year.

The speech should include my name, hobbies, and aspirations. Also, it’s important to keep it concise but engaging . Avoid using too many technical or unfamiliar terms so that everyone can understand and relate.

Self-Introduction for College Students

During my time in college, I discovered the power of a compelling self-introduction . It’s crucial to capture attention and make an impact. College students should highlight their aspirations, major, and unique qualities to leave a lasting impression on professors and classmates alike.

Engaging with confidence enhances networking opportunities for future internships and career prospects . Active participation feels rewarding through building connections within the campus community.

Moving onto “Job Interview Self-Introduction”, let’s explore ways to impress potential employers from the start!

Job Interview Self-Introduction

When introducing myself in a job interview, I focus on highlighting my relevant experience and skills . Making a positive first impression is crucial to show confidence. Additionally, I ensure that my speech showcases strong communication and presentation skills , which are essential for the role.

To captivate the interviewer’s attention , presenting my name and expertise succinctly is key. Tailoring the self-introduction to fit the job position portrays dedication. The delivery of this introduction sets the stage for a successful interview process .

Let’s now move on to explore self-introduction tips for networking events.

Introducing Yourself at a Party

Introducing myself at a party is all about being friendly and approachable . I start with my name and share something interesting about myself, like a hobby or a fun fact. It helps break the ice and makes people feel more comfortable approaching me.

Being genuine and showing interest in others is key to having engaging conversations at the party.

At parties, I aim to be confident but not pushy while introducing myself to new people. It’s important to maintain open body language and make eye contact when talking. This shows that I am interested in the conversation and creates a positive impression.

I’ve explored a lot about self-introductory speeches today. These insights are just the beginning of becoming great at introducing yourself with confidence.

Dr. Alice Thompson, a renowned public speaking coach with over 20 years of experience, shares her thoughts on this topic. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication from Harvard University and has led countless workshops aimed at improving speech delivery and effectiveness.

Dr. Thompson believes that the five samples we discussed play a crucial role in building rapport with your audience right from the start. According to her, these introductions blend scientific principles of effective communication with practical examples, making them highly useful for speakers in any setting.

She also points out the importance of ethical speaking practices – emphasizing honesty and sincerity in every presentation. Dr. Thompson suggests that speakers should always strive for transparency about their backgrounds and intentions.

Incorporating these strategies into daily interactions or specific contexts like job interviews can make a big difference, she advises. Practical tips such as rehearsing your introduction can help you feel more comfortable during actual presentations.

However, Dr.Thompson reminds us that no single approach works for everyone everywhere; it’s vital to consider your unique situation when deciding how best to introduce yourself.

Finally, she recommends using these self-introduction samples as starting points for crafting speeches that reflect your personality and professional goals truly reflecting each speaker’s value while considering potential limitations based on their personal background or context-specific needs.

Indeed, adopting tailored introductions for varying scenarios enhances overall presentation effectiveness —a sentiment I deeply share after my journey through public speaking improvement.

self introduction speech examples for high school

Ryan Nelson is the founder of Speak2Impress, a platform dedicated to helping individuals master the art of public speaking. Despite having a crippling fear of public speaking for many years, Ryan overcame his anxiety through diligent practice and active participation in Toastmasters. Now residing in New York City, he is passionate about sharing his journey and techniques to empower others to speak with confidence and clarity.

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Effective Self-Introductions (Inspiring Examples and Scripts)

By Status.net Editorial Team on September 22, 2023 — 21 minutes to read

  • Structure of a Good Self-introduction Part 1
  • Examples of Self Introductions in a Job Interview Part 2
  • Examples of Self Introductions in a Meeting Part 3
  • Examples of Casual Self-Introductions in Group Settings Part 4
  • Examples of Self-Introductions on the First Day of Work Part 5
  • Examples of Good Self Introductions in a Social Setting Part 6
  • Examples of Good Self Introductions on Social Media Part 7
  • Self-Introductions in a Public Speaking Scenario Part 8
  • Name-Role-Achievements Method Template and Examples Part 9
  • Past-Present-Future Method Template and Examples Part 10
  • Job Application Self-Introduction Email Example Part 11
  • Networking Event Self-Introduction Email Example Part 12
  • Conference Self-Introduction Email Example Part 13
  • Freelance Work Self-Introduction Email Example Part 14
  • New Job or Position Self-Introduction Email Example Part 15

Whether you’re navigating a job interview, networking event, or simply meeting new people, the way you introduce yourself sets the tone for the entire interaction. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll equip you with the essential tools and techniques to confidently and effectively introduce yourself in any situation, leaving a lasting and positive impression.

Part 1 Structure of a Good Self-introduction

  • 1. Greeting and introduction: Start by greeting the person you’re speaking to and introducing yourself. For example, “Hi, my name is Jane. Nice to meet you!”
  • 2. Brief personal background: Give a brief overview of your personal background, such as where you’re from or what you do. For example, “I’m originally from California, but I moved to New York a few years ago. I work in marketing for a tech company.” Related: 10 Smart Answers: “Tell Me About Yourself”
  • 3. Professional experience: Highlight your relevant professional experience, including your current or previous job titles and any notable achievements. For example, “I’ve been working in marketing for about 5 years now, and I’m currently a Senior Marketing Manager at my company. Last year, I led a successful campaign that resulted in a 20% increase in sales.” Related: How to Describe Yourself (Best Examples for Job Interviews)
  • 4. Skills and strengths: Mention any skills or strengths that are relevant to the conversation or the situation you’re in. For example, “I’m really passionate about data analysis and using insights to inform marketing strategy. I’m also a strong communicator and enjoy collaborating with cross-functional teams.” Related: 195 Positive Words to Describe Yourself [with Examples] 35 Smart Answers to “What Are Your Strengths?” What Are Your Strengths And Weaknesses? (Answers & Strategies)
  • 5. Personal interests: Wrap up your self-introduction by mentioning a few personal interests or hobbies, which can help to humanize you and make you more relatable. For example, “In my free time, I love hiking and exploring new trails. I’m also a big fan of trying out new restaurants and cooking at home.”
  • Related: Core Values List: 150+ Awesome Examples of Personal Values Best Examples of “Fun Facts About Me” What Are Your Values? How to Discover Your Values

Part 2 Examples of Good Self Introductions in a Job Interview

When introducing yourself in an interview, you should be confident, clear, and knowledgeable. Maintain eye contact, speak with a steady tone, and be concise. Prepare your introduction beforehand to avoid stumbling or getting too wordy. Try to cover these aspects:

  • Current or most recent position/job
  • A relevant accomplishment or strength
  • Why you are excited about the company or role

Templates and Scripts

“Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I recently worked as a [Your Most Recent Position] at [Company/Organization]. I successfully managed a team of [Number] members, achieving a [Relevant Accomplishment or Growth]. I’m excited about the opportunity at [Interviewer’s Company] because [Reason Why You’re Interested].”

“Hi, I’m [Your Name], a [Current Job Title or Major Accomplishment]. I’m passionate about [Relevant Industry or Skillset] and have a proven track record of [Specific Result or Achievement]. I believe my skills and experience make me well-suited for this role at [Company], and I’m excited to explore how I can contribute to [Company Goal or Project].”

“Hi, my name is Jane Doe, and I’m the Assistant Marketing Manager at ABC Corp. I recently implemented a successful social media campaign, which increased engagement by 30%. I’m thrilled about the possibility of working with XYZ Inc. because of your innovative marketing strategies.”

“Hello, I’m John Smith, a financial analyst with five years of experience in the banking industry. I’ve consistently exceeded sales targets and helped my team win an award for excellent customer service. I’m excited to join DEF Ltd. because of your focus on sustainable and responsible investing.”

Remember to tailor your introduction to the specific interview situation and always show enthusiasm for the position and company. This will show the interviewer that you are the right fit.

Related: How to Describe Yourself (Best Examples for Job Interviews)

Part 3 Examples of Good Self Introductions in a Meeting

General tips.

When introducing yourself in a meeting, consider these tips:

  • Start with a greeting: Begin with a simple “hello” or “good morning.”
  • State your name clearly: Don’t assume everyone knows you already.
  • Mention your role in the company: Help others understand your position.
  • Share relevant experience or accomplishments: Give context to your expertise.
  • Be brief: Save detailed explanations for later conversations.
  • Show enthusiasm: Display interest in the meeting and its objectives.
  • Welcome others: Encourage a sense of connection and camaraderie.

Here are some templates and scripts to use when introducing yourself in a meeting:

  • Basic introduction : Hi, I’m [Name], and I work as a [Your Role] in the [Department]. It’s great to meet you all.
  • Involvement-focused : Good morning, everyone. I’m [Name], [Your Role]. I handle [Responsibility] in our team, and I’m looking forward to working with you on [Project].
  • Experience-based : Hello! My name is [Name] and I’m the [Your Role] here. I’ve [Number of Years] of experience in [Skills or Industry], so I hope to contribute to our discussions during the meeting.

Here are some examples of self-introductions in different scenarios:

  • New team member : Hi, I’m [Name]. I just joined the [Department] team as the new [Your Role]. I have a background in [Relevant Experience] and am excited to start working with you on our projects!
  • External consultant : Hello everyone, my name is [Name], and I’m here in my capacity as a [Your Role] with [Your Company]. I specialize in [Skill or Industry], and I’m looking forward to partnering with your team to achieve our goals.
  • Guest speaker : Good morning, I’m [Name], a [Your Position] at [Organization]. I have expertise in [Subject], and I’m honored to be here today to share my insights with you.

Related: 10 Smart Answers: “Tell Me About Yourself”

Part 4 Examples of Casual Self-Introductions in Group Settings

Template 1:.

“Hi, I’m [your name], and I’m a [profession or role]. I love [personal hobby or interest].”

“Hi, I’m Emily, and I’m a pediatric nurse. I love gardening and spending my weekends tending to my colorful flower beds.”

“Hello, I’m Mark, and I work as a data analyst. I love reading science fiction novels and discussing the intricacies of the stories with fellow book enthusiasts.”

“Hey there, I’m Jessica, and I’m a chef. I have a passion for traveling and trying new cuisines from around the world, which complements my profession perfectly.”

Template 2:

“Hey everyone, my name is [your name]. I work as a [profession or role], and when I’m not doing that, I enjoy [activity].”

“Hey everyone, my name is Alex. I work as a marketing manager, and when I’m not doing that, I enjoy hiking in the wilderness and capturing the beauty of nature with my camera.”

“Hello, I’m Michael. I work as a software developer, and when I’m not coding, I enjoy playing chess competitively and participating in local tournaments.”

“Hi there, I’m Sarah. I work as a veterinarian, and when I’m not taking care of animals, I enjoy painting landscapes and creating art inspired by my love for wildlife.”

“Hi there! I’m [your name]. I’m currently working as a [profession or role], and I have a passion for [hobby or interest].”

“Hi there! I’m Rachel. I’m currently working as a social worker, and I have a passion for advocating for mental health awareness and supporting individuals on their journeys to recovery.”

“Hello, I’m David. I’m currently working as a financial analyst, and I have a passion for volunteering at local animal shelters and helping rescue animals find their forever homes.”

“Hey, I’m Lisa. I’m currently working as a marine biologist, and I have a passion for scuba diving and exploring the vibrant underwater ecosystems that our oceans hold.”

Related: 195 Positive Words to Describe Yourself [with Examples]

Part 5 Examples of Good Self-Introductions on the First Day of Work

On your first day of work, it’s crucial to make a good impression with a well-crafted self-introduction. Keep it brief and concise, focusing on your name, role, and background. Make sure to smile, maintain eye contact, and exude confidence. It’s fine to share a little about your personal life, but avoid oversharing.

Here are some templates and scripts to help guide your self-introduction:

  • Simple Introduction : “Hi, my name is [Your name], and I’m the new [Your position] here. I recently graduated from [Your university or institution] and am excited to join the team. I’m looking forward to working with you all.”
  • Professional Background : “Hello everyone, I’m [Your name]. I’ve joined as the new [Your position]. With my background in [Your skills or experience], I’m eager to contribute to our projects and learn from all of you. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.”
  • Personal Touch : “Hey there! I’m [Your name], and I’ve recently joined as the new [Your position]. On the personal side, I enjoy [Your hobbies] during my free time. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you and working together.”

Feel free to tweak these scripts as needed to fit your personality and work environment.

Here are some specific examples of self-introductions on the first day of work:

  • Marketing Manager : “Hi, my name is Alex, and I’m excited to be the new Marketing Manager here. I’ve been in the marketing industry for five years and have worked on various campaigns. Outside of work, I love exploring new hiking trails and photography. I can’t wait to collaborate with you all.”
  • Software Engineer : “Hello, I’m Priya, your new Software Engineer. I graduated from XYZ University with a degree in computer science and have experience in Python, Java, and web development. In my free time, I enjoy playing the guitar and attending live concerts. I’m eager to contribute to our team’s success and learn from all of you.”

Related: Core Values List: 150+ Awesome Examples of Personal Values

Part 6 Examples of Good Self Introductions in a Social Setting

When introducing yourself in a social setting, it’s crucial to create a positive impression. Keep your body language open and approachable, maintain eye contact, smile, and project confidence. Start with a greeting and follow up with your name. Share something interesting or unique about yourself to engage others in conversation, but avoid oversharing or dominating the conversation. Listen actively and show interest in others, asking questions and seeking common ground.

Here are some templates and scripts to help with your self-introduction in various social settings:

Casual gatherings: “Hi, I’m [Name]. Nice to meet you! I’m a huge fan of [hobby]. How about you, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?”

Networking events: “Hello, I’m [Name] and I work as a [profession] at [company]. I’m excited to learn more about what everyone here does. What brings you here today?”

Parties at a friend’s house: “Hi there, my name is [Name]. I’m a friend of [host’s name] from [work/school/etc]. How do you know [host’s name]?”

Here are some examples of self-introductions in various social settings:

  • Casual gathering: “Hey, my name is Jane. Great to meet you! I love exploring new coffee shops around the city. What’s your favorite thing to do on weekends?”
  • Networking event: “Hi, I’m John, a website developer at XY Technologies. I’m eager to connect with people in the industry. What’s your field of expertise?”
  • Party at a friend’s house: “Hello, I’m Laura. I met our host, Emily, in our college photography club. How did you and Emily become friends?”

Related: Best Examples of “Fun Facts About Me”

Part 7 Examples of Good Self Introductions on Social Media

When introducing yourself on social media, keep it concise, personable, and informative. Showcase your personality while maintaining a professional tone. To stand out, include unique interests or hobbies, and highlight your skills or achievements.

  • Keep it brief: Social media is fast-paced, so stick to the essentials and keep your audience engaged.
  • Show your personality: Let your audience know who you are beyond your job title or education.
  • Include a call-to-action: Encourage your followers to engage with you by asking a question or directing them to your website or other social media profiles.

Template 1: Brief and professional

Hi, I’m [Your Name]. I’m a [Job Title/Field] with a passion for [Interests or Hobbies]. Connect with me to chat about [Subject Matter] or find more of my work at [Website or Social Media Handle].

Template 2: Casual and personal

Hey there! I’m [Your Name] and I love all things [Interest or Hobby]. In my day job, I work as a [Job Title/Field]. Let’s connect and talk about [Shared Interest] or find me on [Other Social Media Platforms]!

Template 3: Skill-focused

Hi, I’m [Your Name], a [Job Title/Field] specializing in [Skills or Expertise]. Excited to network and share insights on [Subject Matter]. Reach out if you need help with [Skill or Topic] or want to discuss [Related Interest]!

Example 1: Brief and professional

Hi, I’m Jane Doe. I’m a Marketing Manager with a passion for photography and blogging. Connect with me to chat about the latest digital marketing trends or find more of my work at jdoephotography.com.

Example 2: Casual and personal

Hey there! I’m John Smith and I love all things coffee and travel. In my day job, I work as a software developer. Let’s connect and talk about adventures or find me on Instagram at @johnsmithontour!

Example 3: Skill-focused

Hi, I’m Lisa Brown, a Graphic Designer specializing in branding and typography. Excited to network and share insights on design. Reach out if you need help with creating visually appealing brand identities or want to discuss minimalistic art!

Part 8 Self-Introductions in a Public Speaking Scenario

When introducing yourself in a public speaking scenario, maintain eye contact, speak clearly, and show enthusiasm. Keep it concise, focusing on your background and what you bring to the table. Stay genuine, along with sharing something relatable or interesting about yourself to form an emotional connection.

  • Professional introduction: “Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I have [number of years] of experience working in [your field]. Throughout my career, I have [briefly mention one or two significant accomplishments]. Today, I am excited to share [the main point of your presentation].”
  • Casual introduction: “Hey everyone, I’m [Your Name], and I [briefly describe yourself, e.g., your hobbies or interests]. I’m really thrilled to talk to you about [the main point of your presentation]. Let’s dive right into it!”
  • Creative introduction: “Imagine [paint a visual with a relevant story]. That’s where my passion began for [the main point of your presentation]. My name is [Your Name], and [mention relevant background/information].”
  • Professional introduction: “Hello, my name is Jane Smith, and I have 15 years of experience working in marketing and advertisement. Throughout my career, I have helped companies increase their revenue by up to 50% using creative marketing strategies. Today, I am excited to share my insights in implementing effective social media campaigns.”
  • Casual introduction: “Hey everyone, I’m John Doe, and I love hiking and playing the guitar in my free time. I’m really thrilled to talk to you about the impact of music on mental well-being, a topic close to my heart. Let’s dive right into it!”
  • Creative introduction: “Imagine standing at the edge of a cliff, looking down at the breathtaking view of nature. That’s where my passion began for landscape photography. My name is Alex Brown, and I’ve been fortunate enough to turn my hobby into a successful career. Today, I’ll share my expertise on capturing stunning images with just a few simple techniques.”

Effective Templates for Self-Introductions

Part 9 name-role-achievements method template and examples.

When introducing yourself, consider using the NAME-ROLE-ACHIEVEMENTS template. Start with your name, then mention the role you’re in, and highlight key achievements or experiences you’d like to share.

“Hello, I’m [Your Name]. I’m currently working as a [Your Current Role/Position] with [Your Current Company/Organization]. Some of my key achievements or experiences include [Highlight 2-3 Achievements or Experiences].”

“Hello, I’m Sarah Johnson. I’m a Senior Software Engineer with over 10 years of experience in the tech industry. Some of my key achievements include leading a cross-functional team to develop a groundbreaking mobile app that garnered over 5 million downloads and receiving the ‘Tech Innovator of the Year’ award in 2020.”

“Hi there, my name is [Your Name]. I serve as a [Your Current Role] at [Your Current Workplace]. In my role, I’ve had the opportunity to [Describe What You Do]. One of my proudest achievements is [Highlight a Significant Achievement].”

“Hi there, my name is David Martinez. I currently serve as the Director of Marketing at XYZ Company. In my role, I’ve successfully executed several high-impact marketing campaigns, resulting in a 30% increase in brand visibility and a 15% boost in revenue last year.”

Template 3:

“Greetings, I’m [Your Name]. I hold the position of [Your Current Role] at [Your Current Company]. With [Number of Years] years of experience in [Your Industry], I’ve had the privilege of [Mention a Notable Experience].”

“Greetings, I’m Emily Anderson. I hold the position of Senior Marketing Manager at BrightStar Solutions. With over 8 years of experience in the technology and marketing industry, I’ve had the privilege of spearheading the launch of our flagship product, which led to a 40% increase in market share within just six months.”

Part 10 Past-Present-Future Method Template and Examples

Another template is the PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE method, where you talk about your past experiences, your current situation, and your future goals in a concise and engaging manner.

“In the past, I worked as a [Your Previous Role] where I [Briefly Describe Your Previous Role]. Currently, I am [Your Current Role] at [Your Current Workplace], where I [Briefly Describe Your Current Responsibilities]. Looking to the future, my goal is to [Your Future Aspirations].”

“In the past, I worked as a project manager at ABC Corporation, where I oversaw the successful delivery of multiple complex projects, each on time and within budget. Currently, I’m pursuing an MBA degree to enhance my business acumen and leadership skills. Looking to the future, my goal is to leverage my project management experience and MBA education to take on more strategic roles in the company and contribute to its long-term growth.”

“In my earlier career, I [Describe Your Past Career Experience]. Today, I’m [Your Current Role] at [Your Current Company], where I [Discuss Your Current Contributions]. As I look ahead, I’m excited to [Outline Your Future Plans and Aspirations].”

“In my previous role as a software developer, I had the opportunity to work on cutting-edge technologies, including AI and machine learning. Today, I’m a data scientist at XYZ Labs, where I analyze large datasets to extract valuable insights. In the future, I aspire to lead a team of data scientists and contribute to groundbreaking research in the field of artificial intelligence.”

“During my previous role as a [Your Previous Role], I [Discuss a Relevant Past Achievement or Experience]. Now, I am in the position of [Your Current Role] at [Your Current Company], focusing on [Describe Your Current Focus]. My vision for the future is to [Share Your Future Goals].”

“During my previous role as a Sales Associate at Maplewood Retail, I consistently exceeded monthly sales targets by fostering strong customer relationships and providing exceptional service. Now, I am in the position of Assistant Store Manager at Hillside Emporium, where I focus on optimizing store operations and training the sales team to deliver outstanding customer experiences. My vision for the future is to continue growing in the retail industry and eventually take on a leadership role in multi-store management.”

Examples of Self-introduction Emails

Part 11 job application self-introduction email example.

Subject: Introduction from [Your Name] – [Job Title] Application

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to introduce myself and express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. My name is [Your Name], and I am a [Your Profession] with [Number of Years] of experience in the field.

I am impressed with [Company Name]’s reputation for [Company’s Achievements or Mission]. I am confident that my skills and experience align with the requirements of the job, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the company’s success.

Please find my resume attached for your review. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further and learn more about the position. Thank you for considering my application.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Related: Get More Interviews: Follow Up on Job Applications (Templates)

Part 12 Networking Event Self-Introduction Email Example

Subject: Introduction from [Your Name]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am excited to introduce myself to you. I am currently working as a [Your Profession] and have been in the field for [Number of Years]. I am attending the [Networking Event Name] event next week and I am hoping to meet new people and expand my network.

I am interested in learning more about your work and experience in the industry. Would it be possible to schedule a quick call or meeting during the event to chat further?

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Part 13 Conference Self-Introduction Email Example

Subject: Introduction from [Your Name] – [Conference or Event Name]

I am excited to introduce myself to you as a fellow attendee of [Conference or Event Name]. My name is [Your Name], and I am a [Your Profession or Industry].

I am looking forward to the conference and the opportunity to network with industry experts like yourself. I am particularly interested in [Conference or Event Topics], and I would love to discuss these topics further with you.

If you have some free time during the conference, would you be interested in meeting up for coffee or lunch? I would love to learn more about your experience and insights in the industry.

Part 14 Freelance Work Self-Introduction Email Example

Subject: Introduction from [Your Name] – Freelance Writer

Dear [Client’s Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I am a freelance writer with [Number of Years] of experience in the industry. I came across your website and was impressed by the quality of your content and the unique perspective you offer.

I am writing to introduce myself and express my interest in working with you on future projects. I specialize in [Your Writing Niche], and I believe my skills and experience would be a great fit for your content needs.

Please find my portfolio attached for your review. I would love to discuss your content needs further and explore how we can work together to achieve your goals. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Part 15 New Job or Position Self-Introduction Email Example

Subject: Introduction from [Your Name] – New [Job Title or Position]

Dear [Team or Department Name],

I am excited to introduce myself as the new [Job Title or Position] at [Company Name]. My name is [Your Name], and I am looking forward to working with all of you.

I have [Number of Years] of experience in the industry and have worked on [Your Achievements or Projects]. I am excited to bring my skills and experience to the team and contribute to the company’s success.

I would love to schedule some time to meet with each of you and learn more about your role in the company and how we can work together. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to meeting all of you soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you create a powerful self-introduction script for job interviews.

To make a strong impression in job interviews, prepare a script that includes:

  • Your name and current role or profession.
  • Relevant past experiences and accomplishments.
  • Personal skills or attributes relevant to the job.
  • A brief mention of your motivation for applying.
  • An engaging statement that connects your aspirations with the role or company.

Practice delivering your script with confidence and enthusiasm, maintaining eye-contact, and using a warm, professional tone.

How can students present a captivating self-introduction in class?

For an engaging self-introduction in class, consider mentioning:

  • Your name and major.
  • Where you’re from or something unique about your upbringing.
  • Hobbies, interests, or extracurricular activities.
  • An interesting fact or anecdote about yourself.
  • Your academic or career goals and how they connect to the class.

Be sure to smile, maintain eye contact, and demonstrate enthusiasm and openness to making new connections.

What are tips for introducing yourself to a new team at work?

When introducing yourself to a new team at work, consider the following tips:

  • Be friendly, respectful, and approachable.
  • Start with your name and role, then briefly describe your responsibilities.
  • Mention your background, skills, and relevant experiences.
  • Share a personal interest or fun fact to add a personal touch.
  • Express how excited you are to be part of the team and your desire to collaborate effectively.

How do you structure a self-introduction in English for various scenarios?

Regardless of the scenario, a well-structured self-introduction includes:

  • Greeting and stating your name.
  • Mentioning your role, profession, or status.
  • Providing brief background information or relevant experiences.
  • Sharing a personal touch or unique attribute.
  • Concluding with an engaging statement, relevant to the context, that shows your enthusiasm or interest.
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6 Self Introduction Speeches to Leave a Good Impression to Interviewers

By: Author Hiuyan Lam

Posted on Last updated: October 20, 2023

Categories Professional Etiquette

6 Self Introduction Speeches to Leave a Good Impression to Interviewers

A good self introduction speech at an interview can make, or break, your chances of getting the job. So, plan your introduction speech before your interview.

But don’t overprepare it, or it comes across as stiff when you say it. You also need to remember that you don’t know exactly what to expect when you walk into an interview situation, so you may need to ad lib what you planned to say so that your self-introduction suits the context of the interview.

A perfect self introduction speech should last about 60 to 90 seconds . It might not sound long, but you can say a lot about yourself during your self introduction.

It’s wise to keep it brief because you don’t want to bore the panel. Interviews often have time limits and if you spend too much time on your self-introduction, you won’t get to answer the other questions as completely as you would have liked.

A self introduction speech should include your name, age, where you are from, what qualifications and character traits you have that suit the job, and a brief thank you for the opportunity to be interviewed. You can include other details and exclude some of these, depending on the context of the interview.

Examples of self introduction speeches for an external interview for your first job after graduation

graduation throwing hat

Examples of self introduction speeches for an external interview for a higher-level job

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Introduction Speech Examples That Increase Speaker Credibility

Introduction speeches examples - Main speaker

You may be called upon to introduce yourself in a speech or introduce a speaker, a guest, an employee, a product, or a concept. Your job is to grab the audience’s attention so that they are ready to receive the main message. Here are some introduction speech examples to help you.

Table of Contents

What Is A Speech Of Introduction?

In public speaking,  a speech of introduction introduces someone to the audience members.  It can also be a  self-introduction speech  wherein the speaker does the introduction. 

Whether the speaker will deliver an informative speech, persuasive speech, or any type of speech, the speech of introduction aims to help establish the speaker’s background. Who are they? What do they do? What makes them credible to talk about the topic they will discuss?

How Do I Start A Speech To Introduce Someone?

If your job is to introduce someone before their speech or presentation, the first fundamental thing to remember is to keep things short and sweet.  Your goal is to set the tone and entice the crowd to listen to the rest of the speech the speaker will deliver.

When writing such a speech, you must bear in mind the following:

  • You must grab the audience’s attention.  Though it depends on the setting and theme of the occasion, the general rule is to have an upbeat opening that will help you grab the audience’s attention. You can begin with a simple “Good morning/Good evening, ladies and gentlemen”; then state the purpose of your speech — introducing the topic, the purpose of the speech, and the guest speaker.
  •   You must effectively establish the speaker’s qualifications.  Introduction speeches are considered commemorative speeches in the sense that they celebrate the achievements and milestones of someone. In your speech, you must concisely provide an overview of the qualifications, expertise, and relevant accomplishments of the individual you’re introducing. This is a way to establish credibility and entice the audience to listen attentively.
  •   You must make the speaker welcome.  As someone tasked to introduce the speaker, you serve as the bridge that helps connect them with the audience. However, your goal isn’t just to prepare the audience for the speech. You must make the speaker also feel welcome with an enthusiastic tone and body language. If you have personal anecdotes or connections to share, you can do so — briefly and with the utmost authenticity. 

Introduction speeches examples - introducing the speaker

What Is A Welcome Speech, And Can It Be Used to Introduce Someone?

A welcome speech or address is a type of speech that sets the mood for a specific event. 

While it can serve as an excellent introduction to the guest speaker, it’s also an opportune time to emphasize what the event is all about and acknowledge the organization or individual behind the occasion.  An excellent welcome speech can also preview what the attendees can expect — apart from the remarks by the speaker. 

How Do You Introduce Yourself In Speech Examples?

In speech writing and public speaking, knowing how to introduce the speaker properly is essential. In some instances, speakers briefly introduce themselves before their speech proper. They can also incorporate it into their speech opening. 

In any self-introduction speech example (check out this  TED Talks compilation  of intros), you will observe that there are common ingredients behind an effective self-introduction speech. 

This speech must help the audience get to know you, showcase your qualification (without sounding boastful), establish connections with and create value for your listeners, and introduce your speech topics and main points.  This portion aims to give your audience a reason to stick with you and hear the rest of your speech. Also, note that first impressions last, so you must ensure your intro is impactful and engaging. 

Introduce slef for speech

See the examples below to give you an idea of how to introduce yourself while still having effective attention-getters (e.g., a rhetorical question, an anecdote, a statistic, or a bold statement). 

  • “Good morning/afternoon/evening. I’m X, and I’m here to talk about Y. To begin, I’d like to share a story…”
  •  “Have you heard about X? I’m Y, and today, I’ll share with you my thoughts about…”
  •  “What if overcoming your biggest fear doesn’t have to be as hard as you thought it would be? My name is X. And I’m a testament to how….”
  •  “Hi, I’m X, and I wanted to know: How many of you have experienced Y?”
  •  “Did you know that X? My name is Y, and I was asked to discuss…”

What Are Introduction Speech Examples For?

When you look for speech examples for a short introduction of speech or a self-introductory speech, you’ll find that  this type of speech has a great variety. 

You can use it to introduce a public speaker and a guest. In a business setting, you can also use an introduction speech to introduce an employee or present a product. Even in academe or civilian environments (e.g., you’re a high school public teacher or a personal development coach), you can count on an introduction speech to introduce a concept. 

Here’s a template you can follow.

A public speaker or a guest

  •  Attention-getter
  •  State your role
  •  Introduce the speaker/guest
  •  Note the speaker/guest’s credibility and contributions
  •  State the topic
  •  A personal connection, story, or experience
  •  What can the audience expect/ how can the speaker provide value
  •  Transition to the speaker

Introuduction speech examples

An employee

  •  Introduce the employee
  •  Highlight their tenure/experience, achievements, skills, and qualities
  •  State what the employee will be discussing
  •  State the significance of the employee’s work/impact on the audience
  •  Transition to the employee

A product or a concept

  • Attention-getter
  • State the purpose of your speech
  •  Introduce the product or concept
  •  Share its significance
  •  Share its benefits
  •  Showcase the key features
  •  Do a demonstration
  •  Explain the potential impact
  •  Cite supporting facts
  •  Deliver a strong call to action
  •  Transition to the next phase or proportion of the event

Introduce product via podcast

No matter who or what you’re introducing in your speech, the key is to create a concise yet comprehensive one. Your speech must prepare the audience and make the speaker feel welcome. While remaining factual and genuine,  you must write and deliver this piece in a way that generates interest and sets an excellent tone for the speech proper — and the rest of the event.

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Sample Highschool Graduation Speeches & Tips

Highschool graduation speeches: examples & writing tips.

High school graduation is one of the most important moments in life. And, if you were chosen to speak to your classmates at the graduation ceremony, you can make this day even more memorable for your peers and everyone present. If you have never written speeches before, worry no more. Read this article to find out:

  • how to write a memorable high school graduation speech,
  • how to choose a theme that resonates with your audience, and
  • sample speeches to get inspired to write.

Do you need a good graduation speech but have no time to write?  The experts of SpeechPaths have written hundreds of student speeches and can prepare a great inspiring text for your graduation day. You will receive a 100% original graduation speech written according to your requirements. Plus, we offer unlimited free revisions until you are satisfied! Email us today to get a free quote and a 20% special student discount.

High school graduation speech example

Source:  https://www.sampletemplates.com/business-templates/graduation-speech-example-template.html

Why is this a good commencement speech? Firstly, this sample speech starts with a note of gratitude for being chosen to speak in front of fellow graduates, teachers, and parents. It uses a humble and appreciative tone that draws attention. 

Secondly, the speech focuses on many opportunities that every graduate has in life, encouraging those present to embark on any path they wish in life and be open to what the future holds. And finally, the speaker uses an inspirational quote by J.K. Rowling, encouraging the students to embrace failure and take risks as they open the next chapter in their lives. 

You can also use that the speech uses simple sentences and has some inspiring statements, which makes it easy to comprehend for a graduating class and guests. Below, we'll talk about how to compose your graduation speech that will impress other students and ignite emotions. 

More examples of graduation speeches 


This speech taps into shared memories, inspires students to achieve great things in life after high school years, and also uses quotes by Shakespeare. It is motivating, yet the student also uses a bit of humor to make their speech engaging and interesting to listen to. Plus, they use pop culture references to make the speech more relatable to their friends and classmates. 


Schools often invite famous people to give a commencement speech. This famous commencement speech by Steve Jobs includes some pivotal stories from his life. On this big day, he basically gives students life lessons about finding their professional passion, love, and death through engaging stories. Storytelling techniques work well in graduation speeches, so you might want to share a story or two in your speech. 

How to write a powerful high school graduation speech? 

Start with a hearty welcome and gratitude.

Begin your speech by showing appreciation for the opportunity to give a high school graduation speech. You may start with "Congratulations class" or use a different salutation. Greet everyone present, including your peers, teachers, parents, and friends, and thank everyone who helped you graduate and become who you are now. Let gratitude and humility be the key elements of your speech. 

Pick a theme for your speech

Every professional writer will tell you that a good graduation speech always has a main theme that sets the tone and defines what to include. You may choose one central theme or briefly cover two or three. The major themes for graduation speeches are: 

  • overcoming obstacles in life 
  • embracing failure and learning from it
  • looking back to school years and shared memories
  • the importance of dreaming big and taking responsibility for your future 
  • the value of friends and friendship 
  • setting high expectations and making a difference, etc. 

Follow the rules of writing ceremonial speeches

Writing ceremonial speeches isn't the same as composing essays. Your speech will benefit if you use such specific techniques as identification (your audience needs to feel that you consider their needs and they become a part of the speech) and magnification (emphasizing positive attributes of someone, for example, your classmates). 

Telling a story also works great - everyone loves stories. Be sure to use vivid, imaginative language, add anecdotes, metaphors, and figures of speech. Inventive, bright speeches are more memorable and spark emotions in those present. 

Look back on the journey 

You've spent many years with your classmates, and you don't know if you'll ever cross paths in the future. So, use your speech to recall shared experiences. You may tell a story about a person in your class that everyone knows, share a curious anecdote about your first day in high school, or recollect the big goal you've achieved with classmates. 

High school is not only for education, it's the time when you make friends, learn to overcome obstacles and understand what matters most in life, so share some elements of this journey with others. 

Add inspirational quotes 

Quotes by famous people work excellently on any graduation speech. A right motivational quote will inspire the audience, help convey your main message, and draw the attention of the audience. Here's an example of a quote by J.K.Rawling that you can use in your commencement speech: 

"You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity. Such knowledge is a true gift, for all that it is painfully won, and it has been worth more than any qualification I ever earned."

Motivate and look ahead 

After you have recollected things from your past in your graduation speech, it's time to look at the future with confidence and a sense of anticipation. No matter what path they choose, wish other students well in the future and express hope that they will achieve their goals and turn their dreams into reality. End on a positive note, wish your classmates luck both in college and in the big world in general, and add an inspiring call to action. 

Be concise 

Even if you have a lot of things to say to graduates, teachers, and parents, an overly long speech can bore the audience. Since there are several speeches during the graduation ceremony, writing a long speech is not the best idea. Try to keep your speech under 10 minutes, and the optimal word count is 800 words. 

Edit the first draft 

After you have completed the first draft of your graduation speech, look through it multiple times to make sure it sounds engaging, delivers your point clearly, and is free from any mistakes. Ask your friends, family, or a teacher to give you feedback. For an even better result, show it to a professional speech writer who can share in-depth suggestions on content, structure, and writing style. 

Here's what to look at when revising your speech: 

  • make sure that it meets the recommended word count and takes less than 10 minutes; 
  • the speech should have an introduction that sets your theme and expresses gratitude, the body section that expands on your point, and an inspiring conclusion; 
  • check the accuracy of all facts, details, and quotes you use in your speech; 
  • make sure there is no inappropriate content, such as insults to some groups, racist jokes, or anything that can be misinterpreted; 
  • check grammar, syntax, and word choice. 

Prepare visual aids 

For a truly memorable impression, consider using visual aids, such as photos or videos. You can create a slideshow using images of your class, teachers, or pictures taken at some important events (i.e. winning a contest). Use pictures of all students, and avoid including those that can embarrass someone. 

With these hands-on strategies, you will write a good graduation speech that will touch the hearts of the audience and maybe even get a standing ovation. Rehearse your speech so that you don't read it from paper. And don't be afraid to share genuine emotions, as in this big day everyone will share them and relate to your words. 

Get expert help with your high school graduation speech 

If you have too little time or simply want your graduation speech to be perfect, you can rely on our experts. At SpeechPaths, we prepare custom speeches for any occasion, including college and high school graduation. Our speechwriter will recall the experiences from your school days and use a motivational tone to inspire your audience. Contact us today to discuss the details of your speech and get a free quote! 

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4 Strategies for Developing Confident Student Speakers

Consistent support and low-stakes opportunities to practice go a long way to help students overcome the challenges of speaking in front of a group.

High school student speaking in front of the class

I belted out the opening line to Marc Antony’s funeral speech from The Tragedy of Julius Caesar , leaping up the stairs to the stage in my school’s auditorium. Thirteen ninth-grade students dressed in togas sat in the front rows, mouths agape, as they witnessed their goofy teacher unexpectedly launch into the 35-line monologue they had all just beautifully performed. 

Confession: I was nervous walking onto that stage—I sometimes get uncomfortable in the (literal) spotlight. To normalize feelings of anxiety during a performance, I revealed those emotions to my class afterward. 

Public speaking is hard, and it can be extremely daunting for our most introverted students ; however, with modeling and practice, I believe that teachers can cultivate confident speakers.

Strategy 1: Provide Direct Instruction

A poster inspired by Erik Palmer’s work on public speaking ( PVLEGS : Poise, Voice, Life, Eye Contact, Gestures, Speed) hangs in the back of my classroom. Well before we launch into a study of the funeral orations from Caesar , I explicitly teach those skills. I demonstrate for students appropriate eye contact—the speaker locks eyes briefly with individual audience members and scans the room as she speaks, establishing a connection with her audience. The speaker might also speed up his voice for a certain effect or raise his arms to command the attention of his audience.

Strategy 2: Provide Public Speaking Models

After we spend a class closely reading and analyzing the two funeral orations by Marc Antony and Brutus, I play clips of the speeches from the two film adaptations. We watch the performances and think about PVLEGS: Which speaking moves does each actor utilize in his performance? Which actor delivers the stronger performance and why? After we watch and students share their observations with partners, we discuss and debate the merits of each performance. 

When my classes work on memorizing and performing the monologues, I ask them to study the models and even borrow some of the actors’ techniques. They consider: Do I want to take an angrier approach to the Antony speech like Marlon Brando? Should I adopt a regretful tone like Jason Robards’ Brutus? This type of close viewing could be applied to any speaking performance. On a related note, I also hope that I serve as a public speaking model for my students as I stand in front of my English classes daily.

Strategy 3: Acknowledge and Coach through Anxiety

I remember stumbling through my senior research presentation in high school, well before the advent of interactive whiteboards and Google Slides. I’m vulnerable with my students about my former public speaking struggles. I want them to know that they’re not alone, and through practice and repetition, their self-doubt and fear can transform from an eardrum-rupturing siren into a quiet background hum.

I give a few bits of advice to nervous speakers as they prepare for any public speaking activity. First, I urge them to “practice, practice, practice!” If they know their stuff, they’ll be much more confident on game day. I also find that most students who report feeling very nervous while speaking don’t always appear nervous to others. Sharing this anecdotal evidence with them helps students tune out their inner critics and feel more calm. I also find lots of opportunities to confer with reluctant speakers and give them plenty of encouragement. This fosters stronger connections with my students and boosts their confidence. 

Strategy 4: Provide Lots of Low-Stakes Speaking Opportunities 

My Caesar unit usually takes place in the second semester, when students have had plenty of low-stakes speaking opportunities. In almost every class, I ask students to turn and talk to their partners to share a sentence from a quickwrite or to check in on their current drafts. Earlier in the year, I coach them on how to effectively talk to their partners, and the process quickly becomes routine. An effective technique to get all students speaking, even if it’s a quick response, is the whip-around. Teacher Marcus Luther asks a question with a short, one-word answer. He then goes around the room and has each student answer aloud, followed by a debrief with partners or groups. 

My favorite low-stakes speaking activity is the Pop-Up Debate , which teacher Dave Stuart Jr. invented and has been writing about for years. In this activity, the class is presented with a question, and they spend 10 minutes writing an answer to it. After that, the debate begins, and students simply “pop-up” at their desks to enter into the conversation. In my experience, this activity can transform a usually quiet class into an engaged one. Secondary students love to argue, even about literature! 

Flexibility, Support, and Incentives Develop Strong Speakers 

In many ways, the memorized funeral oration is the most high-stakes speaking task my ninth-grade honors students participate in throughout the year. I give a grade for this assessment, but to take the focus off of grades and to place that focus on improvement instead, I provide students with a few crutches to lean on. 

First, if students forget a line, a friend acts as a prompter in the pit with the text ready. Students can also revise the performance if they choose to. I tell students that they can redo the performance if it doesn’t go as planned. At the end of the class, if time allows, a handful of students always choose to give it another shot. I find that this also takes the pressure off. I think of it like a writing assignment; students can always revise a paper to improve it. Finally, I give them extra credit for wearing togas, which adds to the fun of the special day.

In a recent article in The Atlantic , “ End the Phone-Based Childhood Now ,” author Jonathan Haidt reports that Gen Z students are more anxious, shy, and risk-averse than the children of the past, which he attributes to social media and the introduction of the smartphone. Risk-taking, Haidt argues, “promote[s] competence, maturity, and mental health.” Public speaking, a type of risk-taking, can be very frightening for some of our students, but if teachers provide them with speaking opportunities each day, month, and school year, perhaps we can help mold them into confident, healthy young adults who venture into the world as strong public speakers. 

Thank you to my former department chair, Janet Matthews, for the Julius Caesar performance activity.


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