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Presentation design guide: tips, examples, and templates

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera January 09, 2023

Presentation design defines how your content will be received and remembered. It’s responsible for that crucial first impression and sets the tone for your presentation before you’ve even introduced the topic. It’s also what holds your presentation together and guides the viewer through it. That’s why visually appealing, easily understandable, and memorable presentation design is what you should be striving for. But how can you create a visually striking presentation without an eye for design? Creating a visually appealing presentation can be challenging without prior knowledge of design or helpful tools. 

With this presentation design guide accompanied by Prezi presentation examples and templates, you’ll have no problem creating stunning and impactful presentations that will wow your audience.

In this guide, we’ll start by looking at the basics of presentation design. We’ll provide a simple guide on creating a presentation from scratch, as well as offer helpful tips for different presentation types. In addition, you’ll discover how to organize information into a logical order and present it in a way that resonates with listeners. Finally, we’ll share tips and tricks to create an eye-catching presentation, and showcase some great presentation examples and templates you can get inspired by!

With our comprehensive introduction to designing presentations, you will be able to develop an engaging and professional presentation that gets results!

a man working on his laptop

What is presentation design?

Presentation design encompasses a variety of elements that make up the overall feel and look of the presentation. It’s a combination of certain elements, like text, font, color, background, imagery, and animations. 

Presentation design focuses on finding ways to make the presentation more visually appealing and easy to process, as it is often an important tool for communicating a message. It involves using design principles like color, hierarchy, white space, contrast, and visual flow to create an effective communication piece.

Creating an effective presentation design is important for delivering your message efficiently and leaving a memorable impact on your audience. Most of all, you want your presentation design to support your topic and make it easier to understand and digest. A great presentation design guides the viewer through your presentation and highlights the most essential aspects of it. 

If you’re interested in learning more about presentation design and its best practices , watch the following video and get practical insights on designing your next presentation:

Types of presentations

When creating a presentation design, you have to keep in mind several types of presentations that shape the initial design you want to have. Depending on the type of presentation you have, you’ll want to match it with a fitting presentation design.

1. Informative

An informative presentation provides the audience with facts and data in order to educate them on a certain subject matter. This could be done through visual aids such as graphs, diagrams, and charts. In an informative presentation, you want to highlight data visualizations and make them more engaging with interactive features or animations. On Prezi Design, you can create different engaging data visualizations from line charts to interactive maps to showcase your data.

2. Instructive

Instructive presentations teach the audience something new. Whether it’s about science, business strategies, or culture, this type of presentation is meant to help people gain knowledge and understand a topic better. 

With a focus on transmitting knowledge, your presentation design should incorporate a variety of visuals and easy-to-understand data visualizations. Most people are visual learners, so you’ll benefit from swapping text-based slides for more visually rich content.

presentation design guide to design presentations

3. Motivational

Motivational presentations try to inspire the audience by giving examples of successful projects, stories, or experiences. This type of presentation is often used in marketing or promotional events because it seeks to get the audience inspired and engaged with a product or service. That’s why the presentation design needs to capture and hold the attention of your audience using a variety of animations and visuals. Go beyond plain images – include videos for a more immersive experience.

4. Persuasive

Persuasive presentations are designed to sway an audience with arguments that lead to an actionable decision (i.e., buy the product). Audiences learn facts and figures relevant to the point being made and explore possible solutions based on evidence provided during the speech or presentation.

In a persuasive presentation design, you need to capture your audience’s attention right away with compelling statistics wrapped up in interactive and engaging data visualizations. Also, the design needs to look and feel dynamic with smooth transitions and fitting visuals, like images, stickers, and GIFs.

persuasive presentation design

How to design a presentation

When you first open a blank presentation page, you might need some inspiration to start creating your design. For this reason, we created a simple guide that’ll help you make your own presentation from scratch without headaches.

1. Opt for a motion-based presentation

You can make an outstanding presentation using Prezi Present, a software program that lets you create interactive presentations that capture your viewer’s attention. Prezi’s zooming feature allows you to add movement to your presentation and create smooth transitions. Prezi’s non-linear format allows you to jump between topics instead of flipping through slides, so your presentation feels more like a conversation than a speech. A motion-based presentation will elevate your content and ideas, and make it a much more engaging viewing experience for your audience.

Watch this video to learn how to make a Prezi presentation:

2. Create a structure & start writing content

Confidence is key in presenting. You can feel more confident going into your presentation if you structure your thoughts and plan what you will say. To do that, first, choose the purpose of your presentation before you structure it. There are four main types of presentations: informative, instructive, motivational, and persuasive. Think about the end goal of your presentation – what do you want your audience to do when you finish your presentation – and structure it accordingly.

Next, start writing the content of your presentation (script). We recommend using a storytelling framework, which will enable you to present a conflict and show what could be possible. In addition to creating compelling narratives for persuasive presentations, this framework is also effective for other types of presentations.

Tip: Keep your audience in mind. If you’re presenting a data-driven report to someone new to the field or from a different department, don’t use a lot of technical jargon if you don’t know their knowledge base and/or point of view.

3. Research & analyze 

Knowing your topic inside and out will make you feel more confident going into your presentation. That’s why it’s important to take the time to understand your topic fully. In return, you’ll be able to answer questions on the fly and get yourself back on track even if you forget what you were going to say when presenting. In case you have extra time at the end of your presentation, you can also provide more information for your audience and really showcase your expertise. For comprehensive research, turn to the internet, and library, and reach out to experts if possible.

woman doing an online research

4. Get to design

Keeping your audience engaged and interested in your topic depends on the design of your presentation.

Now that you’ve done your research and have a proper presentation structure in place, it’s time to visualize it.

4.1. Presentation design layout

What you want to do is use your presentation structure as a presentation design layout. Apply the structure to how you want to tell your story, and think about how each point will lead to the next one. Now you can either choose to use one of Prezi’s pre-designed templates that resemble your presentation structure the most or start to add topics on your canvas as you go. 

Tip: When adding content, visualize the relation between topics by using visual hierarchy – hide smaller topics within larger themes or use the zooming feature to zoom in and out of supplementary topics or details that connect to the larger story you’re telling.

4.2. Color scheme

Now it’s time to choose your color scheme to give a certain look and feel to your presentation. Make sure to use contrasting colors to clearly separate text from the background, and use a maximum of 2 to 3 dominating colors to avoid an overwhelming design.

4.2. Content (visuals + text)

Add content that you want to highlight in your presentation. Select from a wide range of images, stickers, GIFs, videos, data visualizations, and more from the content library, or upload your own. To provide more context, add short-format text, like bullet points or headlines that spotlight the major themes, topics, and ideas in your presentation. 

Also, here you’ll want to have a final decision on your font choice. Select a font that’s easy to read and goes well with your brand and topic.

Tip: Be careful not to turn your presentation into a script. Only display text that holds significant value – expand on the ideas when presenting. 

presentation design tips

4.3. Transitions

Last but not least, bring your presentation design to life by adding smooth, attractive, and engaging transitions that take the viewer from one topic to another without disrupting the narrative. 

On Prezi, you can choose from a range of transitions that take you into the story world and provide an immersive presentation experience for your audience. 

For more practical tips read our article on how to make a presentation . 

Presentation design tips

When it comes to presentations, design is key. A well-designed presentation can communicate your ideas clearly and engage your audience, while a poorly designed one can do the opposite.

To ensure your presentation is designed for success, note the following presentation design tips that’ll help you design better presentations that wow your audience.

women working on her laprop

1. Keep it simple

Too many elements on a slide can be overwhelming and distract from your message. While you want your content to be visually compelling, don’t let the design of the presentation get in the way of communicating your ideas. Design elements need to elevate your message instead of overshadowing it. 

2. Use contrasting text colors

Draw attention to important points with contrasted text colors. Instead of using bold or italics, use a contrasting color in your chosen palette to emphasize the text.

3. Be clear and concise. 

Avoid writing long paragraphs that are difficult to read. Limit paragraphs and sections of text for optimum readability.

4. Make sure your slide deck is visually appealing

Use high-quality images and graphics, and limit the use of text to only the most important information. For engaging and diverse visuals, go to Prezi’s content library and discover a wide range of stock images, GIFs, stickers, and more.

5. Pay attention to detail

Small details like font choice and alignments can make a big difference in how professional and polished your presentation looks. Make sure to pay attention to image and text size, image alignment with text, font choice, background color, and more details that create the overall look of your presentation.

6. Use templates sparingly

While templates can be helpful in creating a consistent look for your slides, overusing them can make your presentation look generic and boring. Use them for inspiration but don’t be afraid to mix things up with some custom designs as well. 

7. Design for clarity

Create a presentation layout that is easy to use and navigate, with clear labels and instructions. This is important for ensuring people can find the information they need quickly and easily if you end up sharing your presentation with others.

8. Opt for a conversational presentation design

Conversational presenting allows you to adjust your presentation on the fly to make it more relevant and engaging. Create a map-like arrangement that’ll encourage you to move through your presentation at your own pace. With a map-like design, each presentation will be customized to match different audiences’ needs. This can be helpful for people who have different levels of expertise or knowledge about the subject matter.

9. Be consistent 

Design consistency holds your presentation together and makes it easy to read and navigate. Create consistency by repeating colors, fonts, and design elements that clearly distinguish your presentation from others.

10. Have context in mind

A great presentation design is always dependent on the context. Your audience and objective influence everything from color scheme to fonts and use of imagery. Make sure to always have your audience in mind when designing your presentations.

For more presentation tips, read the Q&A with presentation design experts and get valuable insights on visual storytelling.

Presentation templates

Creating a presentation from scratch isn’t easy. Sometimes, it’s better to start with a template and dedicate your time to the presentation’s content. To make your life easier, here are 10 useful and stunning presentation templates that score in design and engagement. If you want to start creating with any of the following templates, simply go to our Prezi presentation template gallery , select your template, and start creating! Also, you can get inspired by the top Prezi presentations , curated by our editors. There you can discover presentation examples for a wide range of topics, and get motivated to create your own. 

Business meeting presentation

The work desk presentation templates have a simple and clean design, perfectly made for a team or business meeting. With all the topics visible from start, everyone will be on the same page about what you’re going to cover in the presentation. If you want, you can add or remove topics as well as edit the visuals and color scheme to match your needs.

Small business presentation

This template is great for an introductory meeting or pitch, where you have to summarize what you or your business does in a few, highly engaging slides. The interactive layout allows you to choose what topic bubble you’re going to select next, so instead of a one-way interaction, you can have a conversation and ask your audience what exactly they’re interested in knowing about your company.

Mindfulness at work presentation

How can you capture employees’ attention to explain important company values or practices? This engaging presentation template will help you do just that. With a wide range of impactful visuals, this presentation design helps you communicate your ideas more effectively. 

Business review template

Make your next quarterly business review memorable with this vibrant business presentation template. With eye-capturing visuals and an engaging layout, you’ll communicate important stats and hold everyone’s attention until the end.

History timeline template

With black-and-white sketches of the Colosseum in the background, this timeline template makes history come alive. The displayed time periods provide an overview that’ll help your audience to grasp the bigger picture. After, you can go into detail about each time frame and event.

Storytelling presentation template

Share stories about your business that make a lasting impact with this stunning, customizable presentation template. To showcase each story, use the zooming feature and choose to tell your stories in whatever order you want.

Design concept exploration template

Not all meetings happen in person nowadays. To keep that face-to-face interaction even when presenting online, choose from a variety of Prezi Video templates or simply import your already-existing Prezi template into Prezi Video for remote meetings. This professional-looking Prezi Video template helps you set the tone for your meeting, making your designs stand out. 

Employee perks and benefits video template

You can use the employee benefits video template to pitch potential job candidates the perks of working in your company. The Prezi Video template allows you to keep a face-to-face connection with potential job candidates while interviewing them remotely.

Sales plan presentation template

Using a clear metaphor that everyone can relate to, this football-inspired sales plan presentation template communicates a sense of team unity and strategy. You can customize this Prezi business presentation template with your brand colors and content.

Flashcard template

How can you engage students in an online classroom? This and many other Prezi Video templates will help you create interactive and highly engaging lessons. Using the flashcard template, you can quiz your students, review vocabulary, and gamify learning.

Great presentation design examples

If you’re still looking for more inspiration, check out the following Prezi presentations made by our creative users.

Social media presentation

This presentation is a great example of visual storytelling. The use of visual hierarchy and spatial relationships creates a unique viewing experience and makes it easier to understand how one topic or point is related to another. Also, images provide an engaging and visually appealing experience.

Leadership books presentation

Do you want to share your learnings? This interactive presentation offers great insights in an entertaining and visually compelling way. Instead of compiling leadership books in a slide-based presentation, the creator has illustrated each book and added a zooming feature that allows you to peek inside of each book’s content.

Remote workforce presentation

This is a visually rich and engaging presentation example that offers an interactive experience for the viewer. A noteworthy aspect of this presentation design is its color consistency and matching visual elements.

A presentation about the teenage brain 

Another great presentation design example that stands out with an engaging viewing experience. The zooming feature allows the user to dive into each topic and choose what subject to view first. It’s a great example of an educational presentation that holds the students’ attention with impactful visuals and compelling transitions.

Remote work policy presentation

This presentation design stands out with its visually rich content. It depicts exactly what the presentation is about and uses the illustrated window frames in the background image as topic placements. This type of presentation design simplifies complex concepts and makes it easier for the viewer to understand and digest the information.

Everyone can create visually-appealing presentations with the right tools and knowledge. With the presentation design tips, templates, and examples, you’re equipped to make your next presentation a success. If you’re new to Prezi, we encourage you to discover everything it has to offer. With this presentation design guide and Prezi, we hope you’ll get inspired to create meaningful, engaging, and memorable content for your audience!  

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Prezi  - What is Prezi?

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Prezi: What is Prezi?

Lesson 1: what is prezi.

Prezi is a web-based tool for creating presentations (called prezis for short). It's similar to other presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint, but it offers some unique features that make it a good alternative. In recent years, it has become popular in schools and businesses. If you're looking to create a presentation that's a bit more eye-catching and engaging, Prezi may be for you.

How does a prezi work?

Most types of presentation software use a slide-based approach, where you move back and forth between individual slides, kind of like pages in a book. Prezi, however, uses a canvas-based approach. Instead of using slides, Prezi has one very large canvas that your presentation moves around on, zooming in and out to view various frames .

This concept is much easier to describe with a visual aid, so we've embedded a sample prezi below. Simply select Start Prezi , then use the arrows at the bottom to navigate through the presentation.

Why use Prezi?

You might be wondering what makes Prezi different from other presentation software, like PowerPoint or Keynote . For one thing, Prezi is completely free to use. There are upgrades you can pay for to unlock additional features, but everything you need to create and share a dynamic prezi is available free of cost.

Another great reason to use Prezi is that it is run entirely through your web browser, meaning there will be fewer compatibility issues than with other programs like PowerPoint. Your prezi will always look the same , no matter what computer you're viewing it on.

Because of its unique presentation style, Prezi can use movement and metaphor to help communicate a point you're trying to make. If you want your audience to really feel a sense of space and distance between locations, you could use a map template , like in the prezi below.

Or maybe you want to illustrate how there's more to a certain topic or viewpoint than there appears to be. In this case, perhaps an iceberg template would be more effective.

In the next lesson, we'll show you how to create and edit prezis of your own!



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How to Save a Prezi

Last Updated: September 15, 2021

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Darlene Antonelli, MA . Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Darlene has experience teaching college courses, writing technology-related articles, and working hands-on in the technology field. She earned an MA in Writing from Rowan University in 2012 and wrote her thesis on online communities and the personalities curated in such communities. This article has been viewed 27,975 times. Learn more...

With Prezi, you can create and share presentations online that aren't limited by features available in Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint. However, you generally need an internet connection to use and save a Prezi to the cloud. This wikiHow will teach you how you can save a Prezi to your computer so you can use it without connection to the internet.

Step 1 Go to

  • You need a paid account in order to use the Prezi desktop app and download a Prezi to your computer.
  • Click Get Started or log in to continue.

Step 3 Download the Prezi desktop app.

  • A free, or basic, account cannot download or use the Prezi desktop application.

Step 4 Open Prezi.

  • You'll be directed to your dashboard where you can manage existing presentations as well as create new ones.

Step 6 Create a new presentation or select an existing one.

  • Located above your Prezi, on the left side of the screen, is a cloud icon. A check mark inside the cloud icon means your presentation has been saved. A rotating circle of arrows means it is currently saving. To force a cloud-save, go to ☰ > Save.

Step 7 Go to your dashboard.

  • You can also click Export to PDF instead to save the file as a PDF instead of an EXE or ZIP. [2] X Research source

Step 10 Choose where you want to save the presentation and click OK.

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Darlene Antonelli, MA

1. Go to . 2. Sign in or create an account. 3. Download the Prezi desktop app. 4. Log in. 5. Create a new presentation or select an existing one. 6. Go to your dashboard. 7. Click the three-dot menu icon in the bottom right corner of the presentation thumbnail you want to download. 8. Click Download . 9. Choose where you want to save the presentation and click OK . Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Free Prezi Presentation Templates

By free Prezi templates we really mean free… browse or small collection of free templates and get started with your Prezi presentation. We’ve included a number of templates for Prezi Classic and also Prezi Next – whichever version you prefer.

Want to learn more about Prezi Next? Read our blog post describing all the new features and biggest differences compared to Prezi Classic. So what are you waiting for? Scroll down and make a copy of a template you like!


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How To Download Prezi Presentation Without Pro

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In today’s digital age, presentations have become an integral part of our professional and educational endeavors. They serve as a powerful tool to convey information, engage the audience, and make a lasting impact. When it comes to creating dynamic and visually stunning presentations, Prezi is a name that stands out.

Prezi is a popular cloud-based presentation software that allows users to create captivating and non-linear presentations. With its unique canvas-based approach, Prezi enables presenters to zoom in and out of content, creating an immersive and interactive experience.

While Prezi offers a range of features and templates to enhance your presentations, there are times when you may want to download a Prezi presentation for offline viewing or sharing with others who may not have access to the internet. This is where knowing how to download a Prezi presentation without a Pro account can come in handy.

Downloading a Prezi presentation without a Pro account can be a bit tricky. Prezi has made some changes to its platform over the years, resulting in different methods to download presentations based on the version you are using – Prezi Desktop, Prezi Classic, or Prezi Next. In this article, we will explore three different methods that will allow you to download Prezi presentations without a Pro account.

What is Prezi?

Prezi is a cloud-based presentation software that offers a fresh and innovative approach to creating and delivering presentations. Unlike traditional slide-based tools, Prezi allows users to create visually dynamic and engaging presentations on a single, vast canvas.

With Prezi, presenters can zoom in and out of content, pan across the canvas, and create smooth transitions between different elements. This non-linear style of presentation enables a more interactive and immersive experience for the audience.

Prezi offers a wide range of features and templates that help users in crafting professional-looking presentations. Users can add text, images, videos, charts, and more to enhance the visual appeal and convey their message effectively.

One of the key advantages of Prezi is its accessibility. Being a cloud-based tool, Prezi allows users to create and access their presentations from any device with an internet connection. This flexibility ensures that presenters can work on their presentations anytime, anywhere.

Moreover, Prezi offers collaboration features, allowing multiple users to work on a presentation simultaneously. This makes it a great tool for team projects or group presentations, as it promotes seamless cooperation and real-time editing.

Prezi is also known for its integration capabilities. It integrates with other tools like PowerPoint, Google Slides, and YouTube, allowing users to import content and enhance their presentations with ease.

Whether you are a student delivering a class project, a business professional pitching a new idea, or a teacher engaging your students, Prezi provides a visually captivating and dynamic platform to communicate your ideas effectively.

Why Download Prezi Presentations?

Downloading Prezi presentations can be beneficial for several reasons. Here are a few reasons why you might want to download Prezi presentations:

1. Offline Access: One of the primary reasons to download Prezi presentations is to have offline access to them. This means you can view and present your Prezi even when you don’t have an internet connection. It comes in handy when you’re traveling or presenting in a location with limited internet access.

2. Sharing Convenience: Downloading Prezi presentations allows you to easily share them with others who may not have a Prezi account or access to the internet. You can distribute the downloaded file via email, USB drive, or any other file-sharing method, making it convenient for others to view your presentation.

3. Presentation Backup: By downloading your Prezi presentations, you create a backup of your work. In case of any technical glitches or accidental deletion, having a downloaded copy ensures that you don’t lose your presentation. It provides peace of mind and avoids any potential data loss.

4. Customization Flexibility: When you download a Prezi presentation, you have the flexibility to customize it further, even without an internet connection. You can make edits, add content, modify visuals, or rearrange the order of your slides according to your needs. This allows for more personalized and tailored presentations.

5. Viewing Accessibility: Downloading Prezi presentations allows you to view them on any device or platform, regardless of whether or not it supports Prezi. This means that you can easily open and present your Prezi on different computers, laptops, tablets, or even projectors, ensuring wide accessibility and compatibility.

6. Archiving Presentations: For individuals or organizations that want to maintain an archive of their presentations for record-keeping, downloading Prezi presentations is an ideal solution. It enables you to store and organize your presentations for future reference, audits, or historical purposes.

Overall, downloading Prezi presentations provides flexibility, convenience, and peace of mind. It ensures that you can access and share your presentations anytime, anywhere, without being dependent on an internet connection or a specific platform.

How to Download Prezi Presentation Without Pro

Downloading a Prezi presentation without a Pro account can be done using different methods depending on the version of Prezi you are using – Prezi Desktop, Prezi Classic, or Prezi Next. Here are three methods to download Prezi presentations without a Pro account:

Method 1: Using Prezi Desktop

If you have Prezi Desktop installed on your computer, you can easily download presentations for offline use. Here’s how:

  • Open Prezi Desktop and sign in to your Prezi account.
  • Select the presentation you want to download from your dashboard.
  • Click on the ‘Present’ button to open the presentation.
  • Once the presentation is open, click on the ‘Download’ button located at the bottom of the screen.
  • Choose your preferred download format (e.g., Portable Prezi or PDF) and click ‘Download’.
  • The presentation will start downloading to your computer, and you can then access it offline.

Method 2: Using Prezi Classic

If you are using Prezi Classic, follow these steps to download the presentation:

  • Login to your Prezi Classic account and select the presentation you want to download.
  • Click on the ‘Share’ button at the top-right corner of the screen.
  • In the sharing options window, click on the ‘Download’ button.
  • The presentation will be downloaded to your computer, and you can access it offline.

Method 3: Using Prezi Next

If you are using Prezi Next, you can download the presentation in a similar way:

  • Login to your Prezi Next account and open the presentation you want to download.
  • Click on the ‘Share’ button located at the top-right corner of the screen.
  • Select your preferred download format (e.g., Portable Prezi or PDF) and click ‘Download’.
  • The presentation will be downloaded to your computer for offline access.

By following one of these methods, you can easily download your Prezi presentations without a Pro account. Remember to choose the appropriate download format that suits your needs, be it a portable Prezi, PDF, or any other compatible format.

If you have Prezi Desktop installed on your computer, you can download Prezi presentations for offline use. Prezi Desktop is a standalone application that allows users to create and present Prezi presentations without the need for an internet connection. Here’s how to download a Prezi presentation using Prezi Desktop:

  • Launch Prezi Desktop on your computer and sign in to your Prezi account.
  • From your Prezi dashboard, select the presentation you want to download.
  • Click on the ‘Present’ button to open the selected presentation.
  • Once the presentation is open, you will see a toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
  • Locate the ‘Download’ button in the toolbar and click on it.
  • A drop-down menu will appear with several options for downloading the presentation.
  • Select your preferred download format, such as ‘Portable Prezi’ or ‘PDF’.
  • Click on the download option you prefer, and the presentation will start downloading to your computer.
  • Once the download is complete, you can access the downloaded Prezi presentation offline, even without an internet connection.

Using Prezi Desktop is a convenient way to download and have offline access to your Prezi presentations. It ensures that you can present your Prezi anytime and anywhere, without relying on an internet connection. Whether you’re presenting in a location with limited internet access or simply prefer to have a local copy of your presentation, Prezi Desktop provides the solution.

Remember that Prezi Desktop is a separate application from the web-based version of Prezi. So, make sure you have Prezi Desktop installed and are signed in using your Prezi account to access and download presentations from your dashboard.

Downloading Prezi presentations using Prezi Desktop is just one of the methods available to download your presentations without a Pro account. Depending on the version of Prezi you are using – Prezi Classic or Prezi Next – there are other methods you can explore to download and save your Prezi presentations for offline use.

If you are using Prezi Classic, you can easily download your presentations for offline access. Prezi Classic is the previous version of Prezi, known for its zoomable canvas and non-linear presentation style. Here’s how you can download a Prezi presentation using Prezi Classic:

  • Login to your Prezi Classic account and navigate to your Prezi dashboard.
  • Select the presentation you want to download by clicking on it.
  • Once the presentation is open, locate the ‘Share’ button at the top-right corner of the screen and click on it.
  • A drop-down menu will appear with various sharing options.
  • In the sharing options window, look for the ‘Download’ button and click on it.
  • Select your preferred download format, such as ‘Portable Prezi’ or ‘PDF’, from the available options.
  • After selecting the desired format, click on the ‘Download’ button.
  • The Prezi presentation will start downloading to your computer in the chosen format.
  • Once the download is complete, you can access the downloaded Prezi presentation offline, without the need for an internet connection.

This method allows you to download your Prezi presentations from the Prezi Classic interface for offline use or sharing with others who may not have access to the internet or a Prezi account. It provides convenience and flexibility, ensuring that your presentations can be accessed anywhere, anytime.

Remember, Prezi Classic is a previous version of Prezi, and its sharing and download options may differ from the newer version, Prezi Next. Make sure to follow the steps specific to Prezi Classic when downloading your presentations through this method.

By utilizing Prezi Classic’s built-in sharing features, you can easily download and have offline access to your Prezi presentations. This method is especially useful if you are using the Prezi Classic platform or if you have existing presentations created with this version of Prezi.

Continue to the next section to learn about another method of downloading Prezi presentations without a Pro account, specifically for those using Prezi Next.

If you’re using Prezi Next, the newer version of Prezi, you can also download your presentations for offline use. Prezi Next offers a range of features and a more streamlined user interface. Here’s how you can download a Prezi presentation using Prezi Next:

  • A sharing options window will appear with various sharing settings.
  • In the sharing options window, find the ‘Download’ button and click on it.
  • A menu will appear displaying different download formats available for the presentation.
  • The Prezi presentation will start downloading to your computer in the selected format.
  • Once the download is complete, you can access the downloaded Prezi presentation offline, without an internet connection.

Downloading Prezi presentations using Prezi Next allows you to have offline access to your presentations and share them easily with others. Whether you’re presenting in a location with limited internet access or want to have a local copy for backup or distribution, this method ensures you can access your Prezi presentations anytime and anywhere.

Remember, Prezi Next is the newer version of Prezi and has its own specific features and sharing options. Make sure to follow the steps outlined for Prezi Next when downloading presentations using this method.

By utilizing the built-in sharing features of Prezi Next, you can easily download and have offline access to your presentations. This method provides flexibility and convenience, ensuring that your Prezi presentations are accessible regardless of internet availability or the need for a Pro account.

Now that you’ve learned three different methods to download Prezi presentations without a Pro account, you have the ability to save, share, and present your presentations even when offline or without internet access.

Downloading Prezi presentations without a Pro account can be a valuable skill, providing you with the flexibility to access and share your presentations offline. Whether you’re using Prezi Desktop, Prezi Classic, or Prezi Next, there are methods available to download your presentations and have them readily available whenever you need them.

Prezi Desktop offers a straightforward method for downloading presentations, allowing you to access them offline and present without relying on an internet connection. Prezi Classic and Prezi Next also provide easy-to-use sharing options that enable you to download presentations in various formats, such as Portable Prezi or PDF.

By downloading your Prezi presentations, you gain offline access to your work, making it convenient for presenting in locations with limited internet access or sharing with others who may not have a Prezi account. You also have the freedom to customize and make further edits to your presentations offline, increasing their flexibility.

Remember to select the appropriate download format based on your needs and preferences. Portable Prezi is a great option if you want to maintain interactivity and non-linear navigation, while PDF format is suitable if you prefer a static and printable version of your presentation.

Whether you’re a student, professional, or educator, being able to download and access Prezi presentations without a Pro account provides you with greater control over your work. It ensures that you can engage your audience, share your ideas, and make an impact whenever and wherever you need to.

So, take advantage of these methods and make the most out of Prezi by downloading and utilizing your presentations offline. Enhance your presentations with Prezi’s unique style and captivate your audience with interactive visuals and a seamless user experience.

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Free Prezi templates

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You can download all free presentations from here. Choose a template and click the button. You will be redirected to site where the reusable Prezi is located. Then find a button and make a copy from it. After you have made a copy from current template, you can save your copy of Prezi for Offline use. Use the downloaded file with Prezi desktop if you prefer editing offline. Recommended way is online. Most of the elements in Prezi are vector based and if there are images then they are at high-resolution. The Prezi zooming function is working perfectly. You can zoom in and your slides still looks beautiful. In Prezi you are free to change everything, background, text, animations, titles, images.

Merry Christmas Free Prezi template

Merry christmas Free Prezi template

Free Prezi template with Christmas tree, animated, made from green and red circles. Template has background animation of falling snow and background music. Change wishes and texts. Save free template

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searching for talent

Template is good for job search or investigation. Where are talents hiding? Template has the background of binocular image and images from big eyes.   Save free template

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Free template – Invitation

Elegant Invitation, with the black background and gold luxury frame. For topics - events, birthdays, party, wedding. Vector based elements, 3D background.   Save free template

Free Prezi template Celebration

Colorful balloons in gray background. Includes elements like: balloons, texts, photos. Download free template

business deal free Prezi template

Free Prezi template – Business Deal

Make a business deal or close a business deal. An image from hand shake. Recommended for topics like the contract, financial transaction, accord, arrangement, compromise, buy. Made from businessman silhouettes. Save free template

In front of a choice

Man standing in front of a choice. Animated flash elements in Prezi. Character based animation. Download free template

Info at a screen

Info at a screen - animation from a character where the funny businessman is pointing to a big iPad screen. Download

I LOVE – Free Prezi template

Tell people what you love with this simple free Prezi template with a big red heart concept. Download free template

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AI presentation maker

When lack of inspiration or time constraints are something you’re worried about, it’s a good idea to seek help. Slidesgo comes to the rescue with its latest functionality—the AI presentation maker! With a few clicks, you’ll have wonderful slideshows that suit your own needs . And it’s totally free!

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Generate presentations in minutes

We humans make the world move, but we need to sleep, rest and so on. What if there were someone available 24/7 for you? It’s time to get out of your comfort zone and ask the AI presentation maker to give you a hand. The possibilities are endless : you choose the topic, the tone and the style, and the AI will do the rest. Now we’re talking!

Customize your AI-generated presentation online

Alright, your robotic pal has generated a presentation for you. But, for the time being, AIs can’t read minds, so it’s likely that you’ll want to modify the slides. Please do! We didn’t forget about those time constraints you’re facing, so thanks to the editing tools provided by one of our sister projects —shoutouts to Wepik — you can make changes on the fly without resorting to other programs or software. Add text, choose your own colors, rearrange elements, it’s up to you! Oh, and since we are a big family, you’ll be able to access many resources from big names, that is, Freepik and Flaticon . That means having a lot of images and icons at your disposal!

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How does it work?

Think of your topic.

First things first, you’ll be talking about something in particular, right? A business meeting, a new medical breakthrough, the weather, your favorite songs, a basketball game, a pink elephant you saw last Sunday—you name it. Just type it out and let the AI know what the topic is.

Choose your preferred style and tone

They say that variety is the spice of life. That’s why we let you choose between different design styles, including doodle, simple, abstract, geometric, and elegant . What about the tone? Several of them: fun, creative, casual, professional, and formal. Each one will give you something unique, so which way of impressing your audience will it be this time? Mix and match!

Make any desired changes

You’ve got freshly generated slides. Oh, you wish they were in a different color? That text box would look better if it were placed on the right side? Run the online editor and use the tools to have the slides exactly your way.

Download the final result for free

Yes, just as envisioned those slides deserve to be on your storage device at once! You can export the presentation in .pdf format and download it for free . Can’t wait to show it to your best friend because you think they will love it? Generate a shareable link!

What is an AI-generated presentation?

It’s exactly “what it says on the cover”. AIs, or artificial intelligences, are in constant evolution, and they are now able to generate presentations in a short time, based on inputs from the user. This technology allows you to get a satisfactory presentation much faster by doing a big chunk of the work.

Can I customize the presentation generated by the AI?

Of course! That’s the point! Slidesgo is all for customization since day one, so you’ll be able to make any changes to presentations generated by the AI. We humans are irreplaceable, after all! Thanks to the online editor, you can do whatever modifications you may need, without having to install any software. Colors, text, images, icons, placement, the final decision concerning all of the elements is up to you.

Can I add my own images?

Absolutely. That’s a basic function, and we made sure to have it available. Would it make sense to have a portfolio template generated by an AI without a single picture of your own work? In any case, we also offer the possibility of asking the AI to generate images for you via prompts. Additionally, you can also check out the integrated gallery of images from Freepik and use them. If making an impression is your goal, you’ll have an easy time!

Is this new functionality free? As in “free of charge”? Do you mean it?

Yes, it is, and we mean it. We even asked our buddies at Wepik, who are the ones hosting this AI presentation maker, and they told us “yup, it’s on the house”.

Are there more presentation designs available?

From time to time, we’ll be adding more designs. The cool thing is that you’ll have at your disposal a lot of content from Freepik and Flaticon when using the AI presentation maker. Oh, and just as a reminder, if you feel like you want to do things yourself and don’t want to rely on an AI, you’re on Slidesgo, the leading website when it comes to presentation templates. We have thousands of them, and counting!.

How can I download my presentation?

The easiest way is to click on “Download” to get your presentation in .pdf format. But there are other options! You can click on “Present” to enter the presenter view and start presenting right away! There’s also the “Share” option, which gives you a shareable link. This way, any friend, relative, colleague—anyone, really—will be able to access your presentation in a moment.

Discover more content

This is just the beginning! Slidesgo has thousands of customizable templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint. Our designers have created them with much care and love, and the variety of topics, themes and styles is, how to put it, immense! We also have a blog, in which we post articles for those who want to find inspiration or need to learn a bit more about Google Slides or PowerPoint. Do you have kids? We’ve got a section dedicated to printable coloring pages! Have a look around and make the most of our site!

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5 Better Alternatives To Google Slides

I f you're looking to create a compelling presentation to showcase a new idea or persuade others, Google Slides may be the first option that comes to mind. But with few built-in templates, basic themes, and a limited graphics collection, you'll likely have a hard time making your presentation stand out against others.

If you want to make your presentation truly stand out, there are several alternatives to Google Slides that offer extra perks and features to give your presentations an edge. While Google focuses on integrating Slides with its other work-based apps like Sheets and Docs, other presentation apps focus more on design elements, transitions, and themes to help you convey your brand or personal image throughout your presentation.

We've tested these Google Slide alternatives to give you an idea of other available options to deliver impactful presentations. If you're looking for a way to make boring information more fun and engaging, here are the best presentation apps to replace Google Slides.

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Microsoft PowerPoint

There's a reason so many businesses around the globe use Microsoft PowerPoint. Building its reputation as the go-to option for delivering high-quality presentations, the software generated $100 million in annual sales only three years after its initial release in 1990.

Microsoft PowerPoint may be Google Slides' largest competitor, but there are plenty of unique features that can add an extra flourish to your slides. PowerPoint excels in its impressive library of custom animations and slide transitions, which are fairly limited in Google Slides. Another unique feature is its AI-powered Designer tool. This provides professional design schemes that mirror the words used in your slides. For instance, if your title slide is named "Basketball Team 2024," Designer will automatically suggest pictures and slide layouts associated with basketball.

As PowerPoint has been in development longer than Google Slides, it naturally offers more nuanced features if you're looking for something specific. For example, you can save individual slides as an image file (using .png or .jpeg formats) or as a separate presentation file. There's also a large library of free PowerPoint templates designed to speed up your workflow. Moreover, PowerPoint integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams with its PowerPoint Live function, allowing you to easily share your presentation with your co-workers.

Prezi offers an innovative approach to showing presentations with its unique canvas feature. Unlike traditional presentation software, Prezi lets you zoom and pan around a flexible canvas. The canvas may feel distant to something of a presentation program, but there is still some linear order provided thanks to the Timeline view.

Finding ways to visualize data is one of the biggest challenges when dealing with presentation software. Prezi resolves this struggle with the help of its Story Blocks: a series of infographics available in multiple designs to visually represent data. You can easily edit infographics and even add animations to individual shapes. This can help add a story to your presentation and help you emphasize key points.

To further enhance your presentation visually, Prezi offers several topic path settings, which let you change how Prezi transitions from one topic to another. These options include subtopics, which are super helpful for breaking large chunks of information down. If you're looking for a unique, modern approach to presenting information, Prezi is a top pick.

If you're looking to create a professional presentation to convince potential clients about your business idea, Slidebean is a popular choice among professionals with plenty of customization options. One of the issues with Google Slides is its fairly limited template library, which is filled mostly with basic designs. Slidebean offers a better alternative with a broad selection of innovative templates split into categories for convenience.

The app's user interface is easy to navigate so that you can create slides in less time. Each slide has a dedicated Design and Outline tab. You can use the Outline tab to quickly edit the information on each slide without being distracted by all the visual elements. Another productivity-enhancing feature is the ability to generate a presentation theme from your website. Simply enter your URL, and Slidebean will automatically apply the theming to your presentation.

Slidebean is another presentation app to take advantage of AI. Using the Auto-Design feature, you can generate recommended slide layouts based on your existing content. It also features AI text suggestions designed to suit different industries. Overall, Slidebean offers a quicker, more efficient method for creating stunning presentations compared to Google Slides.

Canva is a well-known app among graphic designers, but it's also capable of making stunning presentations. The app also has mobile editions, so you can easily create and edit presentations on your Android phone , iOS device, or tablet. As long as you have an internet connection, you can modify your designs wherever you are.

To get started, head to Canva's online presentation maker . Canva offers a vast range of templates categorized by topic, which easily surpasses the simple templates in Google Slides . While some of the templates are only available to Canva Pro members, there is an ample amount of free templates to help you get started. You'll also find a large selection of stock photos, shapes, and illustrations to create beautiful customized slides.

Because Canva is built for graphic designers, you can access several features to give your presentation consistent theming. These include color palettes, font sets, and even a brand kit that allows you to add your company's fonts (available to Pro members only). One time-saving feature is Canva's Uploads tab, which lets you access recently uploaded media files. This offers a convenient way to copy content between different presentations.

Visme is a powerful visual design tool able to create videos, infographics, and presentations. One of the perks of using Visme is the company's free educational content, which offers advice on how to create impactful content to boost your brand. After signing up, the company also asks whether you're using Visme for your business, education purposes, or personal use to offer personalized tips.

In terms of charts and graphs, Visme offers some of the most impressive features we've seen from a presentation app, so you can effortlessly convey important statistics. From the Data tab, you can access dozens of graph styles to visually represent your data. Then, simply double-click a chart inside your presentation to edit the values instantly in a simple table format.

Another area that Visme excels in is collaboration. You can either generate a link to publish your presentation on the web or share your presentation privately with others. For each team member, you can choose who can view, edit, and comment slides for a seamless workflow. There's also a Slack integration that lets you receive messages whenever changes are made to your presentation. Visme is free for all users, with limited features available in its premium plans.

Read the original article on SlashGear .

Work presentation on laptop and smartboard


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  3. Free Prezi Templates

    Prezi launched a new presentation software called Prezi Next on the 25th of April 2017. The old version is now called Prezi Classic and most of our free templates have been designed for the Classic version. If your Prezi account was created before the 25th of April, then you will automatically have access to both versions of Prezi.

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    Don't cramp content. It's best to stick to just one thought per slide. Use images and a lot of them. Images grab people's attention and are infused with more emotional meaning than text alone. Make sure your presentation images support your message and don't seem out of place. Don't use more than three types of fonts.

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  6. Presentation design guide: tips, examples, and templates

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  7. Prezi: What is Prezi?

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  8. Guide to Prezi plans

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  10. Easy Ways to Save a Prezi: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

    With Prezi, you can create and share presentations online that aren't limited by features available in Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint. However, you generally need an internet connection to use and save a Prezi to the cloud. ... A free, or basic, account cannot download or use the Prezi desktop application. 4. Open Prezi. You'll find this ...

  11. How to Use Prezi for Free

    The answer is Yes, you can use it for free. To create a free account, choose the "Continue" button on the signup page: Create a Free Prezi Account. Prezi has many different landing pages for new free accounts but all of them lead to this same signup page. We have also highlighted below the different landing pages and how to find the free ...

  12. Free Prezi Presentation Templates

    By free Prezi templates we really mean free… browse or small collection of free templates and get started with your Prezi presentation. We've included a number of templates for Prezi Classic and also Prezi Next - whichever version you prefer. Want to learn more about Prezi Next? Read our blog post describing all the new features and biggest differences compared to Prezi Classic.

  13. Getting started with Prezi Present

    With Prezi Present, you can structure your content in multiple dimensions with frames and topics to create memorable presentations that captivate your audience. Frames contain your content and freely direct your audience's attention like a director uses a camera. Topics show your big ideas, while subtopics organize details and reveal content ...

  14. 1500+ best Prezi presentation templates collection

    More than 1000 Best Prezi presentation templates - 3D, business, abstract, infographics, education, animated, medical, technology, free, science Prezis. New 2018 collection from Google Slides themes and Powerpoint templates to download.

  15. Downloading a presentation

    On the detailed view screen, click Export next to Offline presentation. Check the box next to the format you'd like your portable prezi to run on. You can check both, and it will make two separate files. Then, click Export. Select where you want to save the presentation(s) and click OK.

  16. How To Download Prezi Presentation Without Pro

    Select the presentation you want to download from your dashboard. Click on the 'Present' button to open the presentation. Once the presentation is open, click on the 'Download' button located at the bottom of the screen. Choose your preferred download format (e.g., Portable Prezi or PDF) and click 'Download'.

  17. Prezi templates for free

    Prezi templates at Preziland site are free and ready to download and reuse. Stay updated! Prezi template elements are vectors or high-resolution images. ... Preziland is an independent marketplace with products that will get you creating exciting presentations. Choose the best template for you or your business and create a professional ...

  18. Prezi vs PowerPoint: Which One Should You Use? (In 2022)

    Orana Velarde. Dec 16, 2020. Last Updated: 12/16/2020. The main difference between Prezi and PowerPoint is that Prezi is a cloud-based tool for creating non-linear presentations while PowerPoint is an offline tool for creating standard presentations. In this comparison guide, you'll learn what tool is best for your presentations in 2022.

  19. Free AI presentation maker

    AI presentation maker. When lack of inspiration or time constraints are something you're worried about, it's a good idea to seek help. Slidesgo comes to the rescue with its latest functionality—the AI presentation maker! With a few clicks, you'll have wonderful slideshows that suit your own needs. And it's totally free!

  20. 5 Better Alternatives To Google Slides

    Overall, Slidebean offers a quicker, more efficient method for creating stunning presentations compared to Google Slides. Canva is a well-known app among graphic designers, but it's also capable ...