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Azure webinar series Develop Cutting-Edge Solutions with Azure Logic Apps

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Companies are looking for ways to quickly adapt to changing market conditions, offering better customer engagement while reducing costs. By helping developers quickly build and deploy business-critical workflows, Azure Logic Apps is an essential tool for key enterprise scenarios. Logic Apps is now built on a containerized runtime to increase scale and portability, helping developers automate workflows anywhere. Learn how to:

  • Modernize your workflows using the Logic Apps designer to build solutions with low or no code.
  • Connect Logic Apps to your virtual networks to securely integrate cloud-based and on-premises solutions.
  • Apply CI/CD best practices to your workflows.
  • Containerize your workflows.

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Azure Functions vs Logic Apps: Comparison and Use Cases

  • Cloud Computing
  • By Heera Ravindran
  • May 6, 2024

Table of Contents


As businesses grow, their need to handle large volumes of data and tasks increases. Automation and workflow integration help businesses scale their operations and eliminate the need for human intervention in repetitive, daily tasks. As automated workflows can handle huge amounts of workloads without the need for additional human intervention, it help businesses shift their focus to other critical tasks.

Microsoft’s Azure platform offers two powerful serverless solutions that help to streamline automation and support workflow integrations: Azure Functions and Azure Logic Apps. While both services excel in automating tasks and orchestrating processes, they cater to distinct use cases. Understanding their core functionalities and key differences is essential for selecting the right tool for your business requirements.

What is Azure Function

Azure Functions is an event-driven serverless compute service within the Azure cloud platform. It excels at processing tasks by allowing you to write small pieces of code called “functions.” These functions are triggered by various events, such as:

  • HTTP requests:  Functions can be invoked directly through web requests, making them ideal for building lightweight APIs or microservices.
  • Timers:  Schedule functions to run at specific intervals or on recurring timeframes, perfect for automating background tasks or data processing.
  • Cloud messages:  Functions can react to messages placed in queues or topics, enabling real-time processing of data streams or asynchronous communication.

Azure functions, Serverless automation

The key benefit of Azure Functions lies in its serverless nature. You write the code and Azure manages the underlying infrastructure, scaling resources automatically based on demand. This eliminates server management overhead and allows you to focus solely on your code’s logic.

Azure Functions also offers high development flexibility. You can write function code in your preferred programming language (C#, Java, JavaScript, etc.) and use your preferred development tools (Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, etc.) to deploy your function code. This streamlines the deployment processes, empowering you to focus on your application logic.

What is Azure Logic App

Azure Logic Apps is a workflow integration platform designed for automating and orchestrating complex workflows across your organization. With Azure Logic Apps, you can create and run automated workflows with little to no code. It empowers users with minimal coding experience to visually design workflows that integrate applications, data, systems, and services. Azure Logic Apps has a wide range of connectors, allowing you to connect to several on-premises and cloud-based resources.

Azure logic app, low code workflow automation platform form Microsoft azure

The built-in connectors help to communicate with any service endpoint, run your own code, control your workflow structure, manipulate data, or connect to commonly used services with better performance. Though it is a low code platform, you can create code snippets using Azure Functions or Inline Code action and run that code from your workflow.

Azure Logic Apps is a fully managed service where the hosting, scaling, management, monitoring, and maintenance of the service are completely handled by Microsoft Azure.

Azure Function vs Azure Logic Apps – a comparison

Azure Functions is a serverless compute service whereas Azure Logic Apps is a serverless workflow automation platform. Both these services can address your integration problems and automate business processes, but each has its unique advantages.

Azure Functions

  • Serverless Architecture:  Azure Functions abstract away the underlying infrastructure, allowing developers to focus solely on writing code without managing servers. This results in reduced operational overhead and scalability benefits, as Azure automatically scales the resources based on demand.
  • Event-driven:  Functions are designed to respond to events triggered by external sources such as HTTP requests, timers, message queues, storage changes, and more. This event-driven model facilitates the implementation of reactive and scalable architectures.
  • Multi-language Support: Azure Functions support various programming languages, including C#, JavaScript, Python, Java, and PowerShell. This flexibility allows developers to choose the language that best fits their skills and project requirements.
  • Easy Deployment and Management: Azure Functions can be deployed and managed using Azure Portal, Azure CLI , or Azure DevOps, providing developers with various tools and options for managing their functions. Additionally, Functions offers built-in logging, monitoring, and debugging capabilities for troubleshooting and performance optimization.
  • Cold Start Latency: Azure Functions may experience cold start latency, especially when a function is triggered after a period of inactivity. During a cold start, Azure needs to initialize the execution environment, which can result in increased response times for the first request.
  • Limited Control: With managed services, developers have limited control over the underlying infrastructure, including server configurations, networking settings, and runtime environments. This lack of control may restrict customization options or hinder certain use cases that require fine-grained control over the infrastructure.
  • Potential Vendor Lock-in:  While Azure Functions offer flexibility and ease of use within the Azure ecosystem, there is a risk of vendor lock-in. Applications tightly coupled with these Functions may face challenges if there is a need to migrate to a different cloud provider or on-premises environment in the future.

Azure Logic Apps

  • Low-code Infrastructure:  Logic Apps provide a balance between visual tools and coding capabilities. It helps you build workflows visually with minimal coding experience, using pre-built connectors. You can also build code snippets to customize your workflow using Azure Functions or Inline Code action.
  • Pre-built Templates:  It has a collection of more than 1000 pre-built templates to accelerate development for common use cases.
  • Integrations:  Logic Apps has a scalable design that can easily integrate with your existing systems and services, enabling a gradual progression towards more complex workflows as needed. This staged approach empowers you to adapt at your own pace while laying a foundation for future growth within the Azure environment.
  • Workflow Orchestration:  Logic Apps automate complex workflows, eliminating manual intervention and streamlining processes. It provides a central platform to manage and orchestrate all your workflows, ensuring the smooth operation of your entire system.
  • Limited Customization: Logic Apps enforce a structured approach with pre-built connectors and functionalities. This can restrict the level of customization compared to code-centric development.
  • Cost for Advanced Features:  Some advanced features in Azure Logic Apps, like API Management and custom connectors, may require additional fees beyond the base service cost. These costs can include charges for data transfer, premium connector licensing, and integration with other Azure services.
  • Vendor Lock-in: Azure Logic Apps are overly dependent on Azure’s built-in connectors, making it difficult to switch to other platforms. This dependency restricts flexibility and may lead to increased costs or difficulties in adapting to changing business needs.

Knowing when to use Azure Functions

The following are some common integration scenarios that use Azure Functions.

Process File uploads from Blob Storage:

By setting up a blob trigger on a specific container within your storage account, Azure Functions can automatically execute your code whenever a new file is uploaded or an existing file is modified within that container. Within your Azure Function, you can define the logic to process the uploaded file, such as extracting data, performing transformations, or triggering subsequent actions based on the file content.

This approach provides a seamless and scalable solution for automating file processing tasks in response to changes in blob storage , without the need for manual intervention or polling mechanisms.

Run scheduled tasks

Azure Functions provides Timer triggers that allow you to specify a cron expression or a simple schedule for triggering function execution at regular intervals. You can create an Azure Function with a Timer trigger and define the schedule for when the function should run.

For example, within the function, you can write code to perform data clean-up tasks based on your requirements, such as deleting expired records, archiving old data, or performing any other data maintenance operations.

Respond to database changes

Azure Functions utilize Azure Cosmos DB triggers or Azure SQL Database triggers to respond to database changes. These triggers allow your functions to automatically execute in response to changes made to the associated databases.

For example, you can create a Cosmos DB trigger in your Azure Function, specifying the type of change (e.g., insert, update, delete) and the collection to monitor. When a document is inserted, updated, or deleted in the specified collection, the trigger fires and your function is executed with information about the changed document.

The ideal scenarios to utilize Azure Logic apps

Logic apps are ideal for complex workflow automation and real-time processing. Some common examples are:

Real-time Email notification

Azure Logic Apps automates the process of sending email notifications using Office 365 whenever a specific event, such as a new file upload, occurs. When a new file is uploaded to the designated storage location, the Logic App triggers and executes a predefined workflow.

The Logic App utilizes built-in connectors to Office 365 to send an email notification to designated recipients, including details about the uploaded file. This information includes details such as name, size, and upload timestamp, providing real-time updates to stakeholders.

Unified Order Processing

Azure Logic Apps orchestrates the routing and processing of customer orders seamlessly across on-premises systems and Azure cloud services . By integrating connectors to various systems, such as on-premises ERP systems and cloud-based CRM platforms, Logic Apps ensures that customer orders are efficiently routed, processed, and fulfilled.

This use case highlights how Logic Apps enables organizations to streamline their order management processes, integrate disparate systems, and achieve operational efficiency across hybrid environments.

Automated File Transfer from SFTP/FTP to Azure Storage

Azure Logic Apps can automate the process of moving uploaded files from an SFTP or FTP server to Azure Storage. Logic Apps is configured with triggers that monitor the designated SFTP or FTP server for new file uploads. Once a new file is detected, the Logic App triggers and initiates a workflow to transfer the file to Azure Storage.

This automation streamlines file management processes, ensuring seamless and efficient transfer of files from legacy systems to cloud-based storage solutions.

Efficient data handling and task automation are important for the growth of any business. Serverless solutions like Azure Functions and Azure Logic Apps empower organizations to streamline their operations and minimize the need for manual intervention in routine tasks.

Azure Functions excel in processing tasks triggered by various events, such as HTTP requests, timers, or messages, offering developers flexibility in writing code and simplifying deployment and management processes. On the other hand, Azure Logic Apps facilitate the creation and execution of automated workflows with minimal coding, and with a wide range of pre-built connectors to integrate applications, data, systems, and services seamlessly.

By understanding the capabilities and differences between these serverless offerings, organizations can efficiently manage their cloud platform and achieve sustainable growth in a competitive marketplace.

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AWS CloudFormation: 5 Tips to Optimize Your Cloud Setup

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Logic Apps: Anywhere, Everywhere | Microsoft Integrate Conference DACH | Video and Slides available

Sessions, sessions, and more sessions this has been my frantic start to the year in terms of contributions to the community, four different presentations delivered in January where Logic Apps was the only common factor:

  • Logic Apps: Development experiences at Azure User Group Portugal with Pedro Almeida (video not yet available)
  • 101 Talk Arena with Sandro Pereira: What about integration now?
  • How to create robust monitor solutions with PowerShell, Azure Functions and Logic Apps at Azure Lowlands (video not yet available)
  • and Logic Apps: Anywhere, Everywhere at Microsoft Integrate Conference DACH

Today I’m happy to share with you the slides and the video of this last session are now available online for those who want to see them.

About the session

Session name : Logic App: Anywhere, Everywhere.

Abstract : A walk-thru session on how and where we can or should use Logic Apps and start building fantastic business processes. We will be addressing topics like: what tools should you use: Azure Portal, Visual Studio, or Visual Studio Code. What kind of solutions you can create, cloud integration, hybrid integration, or on-premises integration. Along with some best practices and what are the advantages and drawbacks of each approach.

Logic Apps: Anywhere, Everywhere Slides

You can find and download the slide deck here: https://www.quibiq.de/fileadmin/user_upload/20210121-MIC_-_Sandro-Pereira-Logic-Apps-Anywhere-Everywhere.pdf

presentation logic apps

Logic Apps: Anywhere, Everywhere Video

For any reason, you could not be present at this online event, or if you want to review it again, you can now do it here:

It was a pleasure to deliver a presentation on this event, and most important, by doing that, I was able to raise and give away 1000€ to a non-profit organization.

You can see the other sessions, most of them in German here: https://www.quibiq.de/aktuelles/quievents/integrate-dach/integrate-dach-on-demand/

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Author: Sandro Pereira

Sandro Pereira lives in Portugal and works as a consultant at DevScope. In the past years, he has been working on implementing Integration scenarios both on-premises and cloud for various clients, each with different scenarios from a technical point of view, size, and criticality, using Microsoft Azure, Microsoft BizTalk Server and different technologies like AS2, EDI, RosettaNet, SAP, TIBCO etc. He is a regular blogger, international speaker, and technical reviewer of several BizTalk books all focused on Integration. He is also the author of the book “BizTalk Mapping Patterns & Best Practices”. He has been awarded MVP since 2011 for his contributions to the integration community. View all posts by Sandro Pereira

3 thoughts on “Logic Apps: Anywhere, Everywhere | Microsoft Integrate Conference DACH | Video and Slides available”

I am quite sure that the other sessions where in German and not in Dutch.

Thanks for the warning, I already rectified this small fault!

Thanks for the presentation, Sandro! Happy to hear about the donation! <3

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What is Presentation Logic? Complete Guide

While business logic consists of the rules of a company, presentation logic refers to how the details of an application are displayed. Both are important but must be considered separately. A business application can’t operate without either. It must adhere to both of these standards to keep users happy. In addition, it should also be easy to use. There are many types of presentation logic. Some are easier to use than others, but they are both important in any application.

In simple terms , presentation logic is the processing required to create a print-out. It is also called business logic. It is an important part of an application, as it can define the business rules and actions that should be performed. It is also known as user interface. This layer is the foundation of the entire system. It’s where the business rules are implemented. Usually, presentation logic is implemented in the client side of a web-based application .

Presentation logic is the core of the application. The business logic layer provides a foundation for the user to interact with the application. It also contains all the business rules for the server. By contrast, presentation logic is the underlying code that determines how the data is presented. In contrast to business rules, presentation logic is the “rules” part. Instead of business rules, the logic layer implements the data stored on the server.

Presentation Layer

The presentation layer is a component of the software architecture that handles the user interface (UI) of an application. It is the layer that the end-users interact with, and its primary function is to present information to the user in a way that is understandable and easy to use.

Presentation Logic

Presentation Logic is the part of software logic responsible for determining how the user interface components of an application should behave and interact with each other. It defines how the user interface will be presented to the user and how it will respond to user input.

Features of Presentation Logic

Presentation Logic has several features that are essential to ensure its effectiveness in software development. These features include separation of concerns, reusability, testability, and maintainability.

Separation of Concerns


Presentation Logic should be designed to be reusable across different parts of the application. It allows for code reduction, faster development, and a consistent user experience. Reusable Presentation Logic components, such as form validation or navigation, can be shared across different screens or pages of the application, resulting in code optimization and reducing the time and effort required for development.


Maintainability, benefits of presentation logic, increased user experience, improved performance, reduced development time, easier maintenance, best practices for implementing presentation logic, follow the separation of concerns principle.

One of the most important best practices for implementing Presentation Logic is to follow the Separation of Concerns principle. This principle involves separating different concerns of an application into distinct modules or layers. By separating Presentation Logic from business logic and data access logic, developers can reduce the complexity of the codebase and make it easier to maintain and modify.

Use a Design Pattern

Use data binding, use reusable components.

Developers should aim to create reusable components for Presentation Logic wherever possible. This approach allows developers to use the same components across multiple screens or pages, reducing the amount of code required and promoting consistency in the user interface. Reusable components also make it easier to modify or update the Presentation Logic in the future.

Follow Coding Best Practices

Use automated testing, frequently asked questions, what is presentation logic vs application logic.

Presentation logic and application logic are both important components of a software system, but they serve different purposes.

To summarize, presentation logic is concerned with how the application looks and behaves, while application logic is concerned with what the application does. Both are important components of a software system, and they work together to create a seamless user experience.

What is the presentation logic components?

What is the importance of presentation logic.

The presentation logic of an application is important for several reasons:

In conclusion, Presentation Logic is a critical aspect of software development that can significantly impact the user experience, performance, and maintainability of an application. By implementing Presentation Logic effectively and following best practices, developers can create efficient, scalable, and user-friendly applications that meet the needs of their users.

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Flutter App Architecture: The Presentation Layer

Andrea Bizzotto

Andrea Bizzotto

Updated   Sep 21, 2023 11 min read

When writing Flutter apps, separating any business logic from the UI code is very important.

This makes our code more testable and easier to reason about , and is especially important as our apps become more complex.

To accomplish this, we can use design patterns to introduce a separation of concerns between different components in our app.

And for reference, we can adopt a layered app architecture such as the one represented in this diagram:

I have already covered some of the layers above in other articles:

  • Flutter App Architecture with Riverpod: An Introduction
  • Flutter App Architecture: The Repository Pattern
  • Flutter App Architecture: The Domain Model
  • Flutter App Architecture: The Application Layer

And this time, we will focus on the presentation layer and learn how we can use controllers to:

  • hold business logic
  • manage the widget state
  • interact with repositories in the data layer
This kind of controller is the same as the view model that you would use in the MVVM pattern . If you've worked with flutter_bloc before, it has the same role as a cubit .

We will learn about the AsyncNotifier class, which is a replacement for the StateNotifier and the ValueNotifier / ChangeNotifier classes in the Flutter SDK.

And to make this more useful, we will implement a simple authentication flow as an example.

Ready? Let's go!

A simple authentication flow

Let's consider a very simple app that we can use to sign in anonymously and toggle between two screens:

And in this article, we'll focus on how to implement:

  • an auth repository that we can use to sign in and sign out
  • a sign-in widget screen that we show to the user
  • the corresponding controller class that mediates between the two

Here's a simplified version of the reference architecture for this specific example:

You can find the complete source code for this app on GitHub . For more info about how it is organized, read this: Flutter Project Structure: Feature-first or Layer-first?

The AuthRepository class

As a starting point, we can define a simple abstract class that contains three methods that we'll use to sign in, sign out, and check the authentication state:

In practice, we also need a concrete class that implements AuthRepository . This could be based on Firebase or any other backend. We can even implement it with a fake repository for now. For more details, see this article about the repository pattern .

For completeness, we can also define a simple AppUser model class:

And if we use Riverpod, we also need a Provider that we can use to access our repository:

Next up, let's focus on the sign-in screen.

The SignInScreen widget

Suppose we have a simple SignInScreen widget defined like so:

This is just a simple Scaffold with an ElevatedButton in the middle.

Note that since this class extends ConsumerWidget , in the build() method we have an extra ref object that we can use to access providers as needed.

Accessing the AuthRepository directly from our widget

As a next step, we can use the onPressed callback to sign in like so:

This code works by obtaining the AuthRepository with a call to ref.read(authRepositoryProvider) . and calling the signInAnonymously() method on it.

This covers the happy path (sign-in successful). But we should also account for loading and error states by:

  • disabling the sign-in button and showing a loading indicator while sign-in is in progress
  • showing a SnackBar or alert if the call fails for any reason

The "StatefulWidget + setState" way

One simple way of addressing this is to:

  • convert our widget into a StatefulWidget (or rather, ConsumerStatefulWidget since we're using Riverpod)
  • add some local variables to keep track of state changes
  • set those variables inside calls to setState() to trigger a widget rebuild
  • use them to update the UI

Here's how the resulting code may look like:

For a simple app like this, this is probably ok.

But this approach gets quickly out of hand when we have more complex widgets, as we are mixing business logic and UI code in the same widget class.

And if we want to handle loading in error states consistently across multiple widgets, copy-pasting and tweaking the code above is quite error-prone (and not much fun).

Instead, it would be best to move all these concerns into a separate controller class that can:

  • mediate between our SignInScreen and the AuthRepository
  • provide a way for the widget to observe state changes and rebuild itself as a result

So let's see how to implement it in practice.

A controller class based on AsyncNotifier

The first step is to create a AsyncNotifier subclass which looks like this:

Or even better, we can use the new @riverpod syntax and let Riverpod Generator do the heavy lifting for us:

Either way, we need to implement a build method, which returns the initial value that should be used when the controller is first loaded.

If desired, we can use the build method to do some asynchronous initialization (such as loading some data from the network). But if the controller is "ready to go" as soon as it is created (just like in this case), we can leave the body empty and set the return type to Future<void> .

Implementing the method to sign in

Next up, let's add a method that we can use to sign in:

A few notes:

  • We obtain the authRepository by calling ref.read on the corresponding provider ( ref is a property of the base AsyncNotifier class)
  • Inside signInAnonymously() , we set the state to AsyncLoading so that the widget can show a loading UI
  • Then, we call AsyncValue.guard and await for the result (which will be either AsyncData or AsyncError )
AsyncValue.guard is a handy alternative to try / catch . For more info, read this: Use AsyncValue.guard rather than try/catch inside your AsyncNotifier subclasses

And as an extra tip, we can use a method tear-off to simplify our code even further:

This completes the implementation of our controller class, in just a few lines of code:

Note about the relationship between types

Note that there is a clear relationship between the return type of the build method and the type of the state property:

In fact, using AsyncValue<void> as the state allows us to represent three possible values:

  • default (not loading) as AsyncData (same as AsyncValue.data )
  • loading as AsyncLoading (same as AsyncValue.loading )
  • error as AsyncError (same as AsyncValue.error )
If you're not familiar with AsyncValue and its subclasses, read this: How to handle loading and error states with StateNotifier & AsyncValue in Flutter

Time to get back to our widget class and wire everything up!

Using our controller in the widget class

Here's an updated version of the SignInScreen that uses our new SignInScreenController class:

Note how in the build() method we watch our provider and rebuild the widget when the state changes.

And in the onPressed callback we read the provider's notifier and call signInAnonymously() . And we can also use the isLoading property to conditionally disable the button while sign-in is in progress.

We're almost done, and there's only one thing left to do.

Listening to state changes

Right at the top of the build method, we can add this:

We can use this code to call a listener callback whenever the state changes.

This is useful for showing an error alert or a SnackBar if an error occurs when signing in.

Bonus: An AsyncValue extension method

The listener code above is quite useful and we may want to reuse it in multiple widgets.

To do that, we can define this AsyncValue extension :

And then, in our widget, we can just import our extension and call this:

By implementing a custom controller class based on AsyncNotifier , we've separated our business logic from the UI code .

As a result, our widget class is now completely stateless and is only concerned with:

  • watching state changes and rebuilding as a result (with ref.watch )
  • responding to user input by calling methods in the controller (with ref.read )
  • listening to state changes and showing errors if something goes wrong (with ref.listen )

Meanwhile, the job of our controller is to:

  • talk to the repository on behalf of the widget
  • emit state changes as needed

And since the controller doesn't depend on any UI code, it can be easily unit tested , and this makes it an ideal place to store any widget-specific business logic.

In summary, widgets and controllers belong to the presentation layer in our app architecture:

But there are three additional layers: data , domain , and application , and you can learn about them here:

Or if you want to dive deeper, check out my Flutter Foundations course. 👇

Flutter Foundations Course Now Available

I launched a brand new course that covers Flutter app architecture in great depth, along with other important topics like state management, navigation & routing, testing, and much more:

Flutter Foundations Course

Flutter Foundations Course

Learn about State Management, App Architecture, Navigation, Testing, and much more by building a Flutter eCommerce app on iOS, Android, and web.

Invest in yourself with my high-quality Flutter courses.

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Flutter & Firebase Masterclass

Learn about Firebase Auth, Cloud Firestore, Cloud Functions, Stripe payments, and much more by building a full-stack eCommerce app with Flutter & Firebase.

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The Complete Dart Developer Guide

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Organizing App Logic with the Clean Architecture [with Examples]

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This topic is taken from Solid Book - The Software Architecture & Design Handbook w/ TypeScript + Node.js. Check it out if you like this post.

How many times have you been working on an application, and in the middle of writing some logic, asked yourself:

"Is this the right place to put this logic?"

There's a lot that goes into figuring out where something belongs.

First, you have to understand the domain that you're working in. That's how you figure out the subdomains in your app.

Then, for each subdomain, you have to identify all the use cases and which actors are allowed to execute them.

This is Conway's Law in action .

What I've found to be the most challenging part , especially for developers new to enterprise application development that have moved well-past simple CRUD MVC apps , is implementing a layered architecture to separate the concerns of app development.

The challenge seems to be understanding which layer exactly to place logic.

In this article, we'll learn about the following:

  • Clean Architecture, and why we should separate the concerns of large applications into layers.
  • The 6 most common types of application logic and which layer they belong to.

The Clean Architecture / Layered Architecture

Robert Martin wrote about Clean Architecture in his book of the same name. Although a bit of a challenging read (took me 2 really good reads), it's amazing. It teaches you about how to organize and group code into components, and then how to organize an application that connects those components to things like databases, APIs, web servers and other external things that we need to power applications.

A really simplified version of what the clean architecture might look like:

Domain Layer

In one layer (domain) we have all of the important stuff: the entities, business logic, rules and events. This is the irreplaceable stuff in our software that we can't just swap out for another library or framework. It's also the stuff that's much less likely to need to change because it represents what our business does .

For example, if we're an app that sells books, we sell books. If we're an app that finds parking spots, the domain layer contains the core logic to find parking spots.

Because we're unlikely to change the core essense of what our business does, the domain layer is the most stable layer .

The domain layer assumes a kind of higher-level policy that everything else relies on.

Infra (everything-else) layer

The other layer (infra) contains everything that actually spins up the code in the domain layer to execute.

Clean architecture expanded

We can generally express the clean architecture as domain and infrastructure .

Stuff that's specific to our business is domain , and the adapter-stuff that just hooks into the technologies that enable us to run a web app (database, web servers, controllers, caches, etc) is the infrastructure .

But the devil is in the details.

If we wipe our glasses off, a more detailed view of the clean architecture would look like this.

For trivially small applications , this might seem like overkill. But for applications that are expected to live a long life, be maintained by larger teams, and make / save a company money, it's vital to figure out how to separate the concerns and where to put logic.

Failure to address that complexity and solve it with a better architecture can turn a project legacy-mode , real quick.

Without further ado, here are the 6 most common types of application logic that find their way into large applications.

1. Presentation Logic

Logic that's concerned with how we present something to the user.

Most apps used by consumers have front-ends. This type of logic is entirely concerned with how we present something to the user .

It's the HTML, CSS and JavaScript that we write that turns a blank page into a well-designed, living, breathing front-end application.

Dumb UIs should contain no business rules

There's a principle called Dumb UI .

The idea is to keep the UI logic divorced from any domain-layer logic, because the domain-layer logic acts as dependency to everything else in the architecture.

The front-end is volatile . That means it's constantly requiring changes. Due to that, it wouldn't be a good idea to locate logic (domain logic, specifically) that was important to other components in the architecture, because that would have the potential to consistently break the app.

Stable Dependency Principle : If you're interested in this phenomenon of what makes a dependency stable and what makes it unstable, check this out.

Smart and dumb components

Modern front-end JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular have popularized smart (container) components and dumb (functional) components .

There may be a good separation of concerns between those two, where smart components hold the state and methods that manipulate the state, leaving dumb components to simply project the view, but front-end is still primarily presentation logic and should contain little to no other types of logic (besides some validation logic).

To the backend, front-end is an infrastructural concern that we provide data access / adapters to through RESTful APIs and the like.

2. Data Access / Adapter Logic

Logic concerned with how we enable access to infrastructure layer concern like caches, databases, front-ends, etc.

We can't get very far with just a plain ol' JavaScript/TypeScript objects that represent our domain layer.

We need to hook this thing up to the internet and enable a front-end to connect to it! Which web server do we want to use? Express.js? Hapi?

We also need to figure out how we'll persist our domain objects. Want to use a SQL database? NoSQL?

What about caching?

Oh, and how do make use of cool external services like Stripe for billing or Pusher for real-time chat? We need to write adapters for those so that our inner layers can use them.

That's right. This layer is all about defining the adapters to the outside world. Simplify usage for the inner layers by encapsulating the complexity of persisting an aggregate to a database by creating a Repository class to do that.

Here are several common things to do at this layer:

  • RESTful APIs : Define a RESTful API with Express.js and create controllers to accept requests.
  • Production middleware :Write Express.js controller middleware to protect your API from things like DDos and brute force login attempts.
  • Database Access : Create repositories that contain methods that perform CRUD on a database. Use either an ORM like Sequelize and TypeORM or raw queries to do this.
  • Billing Integrations : Create an adapter to a payment processor like Stripe or Paypal so that it can be used by inner layers.

3. Application Logic / Use Cases

Logic that defines the actual features of our app

Use cases are the features of our app.

Once all the use-cases of our application have been identified and then developed, we are objectively done.

Done : "Done" is a word that I don't throw around often. It has different meanings to everyone. However, we can get closer to a shared understanding of done if we: figure out the use cases, and figure out who or what should be able to execute those use cases (actors or agents- because robots/servers are actors too). Once that happens, I'm more confident about saying we're done .

Use Cases are either COMMANDS or QUERIES if we're following the Command-Query Segregation principle.

Use Cases are application specific

Your company might have several applications within it.

Take Google for example. Google has Google Drive , Google Docs , Google Maps , etc.

Each of these applications has their own set of use cases, like this:

Google Drive

  • shareFolder(folderId: FolderId, users: UserCollection) : Shares a folder with other users in the Google enterprise.
  • createFolder(parentFolderId: FolderId, name: string) : Creates a folder.
  • createDocument(parentFolderId: FolderId) : Creates a Google Docs document.

Google Docs

  • shareDocument(users: UserCollection, visibility: VisibilityType) : Shares a document with several users.
  • deleteDocument(documentId: DocumentId) : Deletes a document.

Google Maps

  • getTripRoutes (start: Location, end: Location, time?: Date) : Gets all routes for a trip.
  • startTrip (start: Location, end: Location) : Starts a trip now.

A more common and simple example is deploying an Admin panel. You might need a separate dashboard from your main app in order to do a couple of admin-y things.

I usually plan and build software around use cases because it makes the code a lot easier to reason about, and improves how rapidly you can complete projects. I have a free ebook called "Name, Construct & Structure" where you can learn more about this approach to designing readable codebases. If you're more into the nitty-gritty of how to actually learn to code using Use-Case Driven Development, first read this article on Use Cases (it's my favourite article). If you want more, check out my book on software design and architecture where I walk you through the process of Use-Case Driven Development.

4. Domain Service logic

Core business logic that doesn't quite fit within the confines of a single entity.

Now we're in the domain layer . And Domain-Driven Design is the best way to approach creating a rich domain model.

In DDD, we always try to locate domain logic closest to the entity it pertains to.

There comes situations where that logic spills into perhaps two or more entities, and it doesn't quite seem to make sense to locate that logic in one or the other.

We use domain services to ensure that we don't lose that business rule within one specific application's use case , but instead keep it within the domain layer so that it can be used by every application that relies on it.

5. Validation logic

Logic that dictates what it means for a domain object to be valid.

Validation logic is another domain layer concern, not an infrastructure one.

Let's say that we wanted to create a User entity. And User contained a property called email:string .

What's stopping someone from creating a User with an invalid userEmail:string ?

That's what we use Value Objects for. We can encapsulate the validation rule with a Value Object for userEmail .

If we change the type of userEmail to be strictly-typed instead of string-ly typed like this:

And then create a UserEmail value object...

Now, there's no way to create an invalid User .

6. Core business logic / entity logic

Logic that belongs to a single entity.

The most important is where the family jewels of the application are: the entity.

And if the entity has a reference to other related entities, the aggregate root .

Core business logic that lives here are:

  • Initial / default values
  • Protecting class invariants (what changes are allowed, and when )
  • Creating Domain Events for changes, creations, deletions, and anything else relevant to the business. It's through domain events that complex business logic can be chained.

Some principles to follow

Never over-engineer.

You should know when you need to use a layered architecture. Typically, it makes most sense when your application has a lot of business rules . In that case, it's a good idea to implement a layered architecture in order to keep the concerns of persistence logic (for example), separate from validation logic and the core business rules of the Domain Layer.

In this article, we covered the 6 main types of logic in large application development.

Here they are in summary:

  • Presentation Logic : Logic that's concerned with how we present something to the user.
  • Data Access / Adapter Logic : Logic concerned with how we enable access to infrastructure layer concern like caches, databases, front-ends, etc.
  • Application Logic / Use Cases : Logic that defines the actual features of our app
  • Domain Service logic : Core business that doesn't quite fit within the confines of a single entity.
  • Validation logic : Logic that dictates what it means for a domain object to be valid.
  • Core business logic / entity logic : Logic that belongs to a single entity.

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presentation logic apps

About the author

Khalil Stemmler , Software Essentialist ⚡

View more in Software Design

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presentation logic apps

Free AI Presentation Maker for Generating Projects in Minutes

  • Generate ready-to-use presentations from a text prompt.
  • Select a style and Visme’s AI Presentation Maker will generate text, images, and icon.
  • Customize your presentation with a library of royalty-free photos, videos, & graphics.

Generate a presentation with AI

Free AI Presentation Maker for Generating Projects in Minutes

Brought to you by Visme

A leading visual communication platform empowering 27,500,000 users and top brands.

Penske Truck Leasing

Presentations Engineered With Visme’s AI Presentation Maker

Ai presentation prompt 1.

Craft a presentation outlining a leading company’s cutting-edge innovations in AI-powered hardware, emphasizing their impact on enhancing workplace productivity and efficiency.

AI Presentation Prompt 2

Generate a comprehensive presentation highlighting the latest digital marketing trends, focusing on strategies for enhancing brand visibility and customer engagement across diverse platforms.

AI Presentation Prompt 3

Create a detailed presentation elucidating a company’s diversified investment portfolio, emphasizing its robust performance, risk mitigation strategies, and the potential for sustainable long-term growth.

AI Presentation Prompt 4

Develop a compelling presentation showcasing a company’s groundbreaking medical devices and software solutions, emphasizing their role in revolutionizing patient care, treatment efficacy, and healthcare accessibility worldwide.

AI Presentation Prompt 1

How it works

How to generate AI presentations with Visme

Save time and create beautiful designs quickly with Visme AI Designer. Available inside the Visme template library, this generator tool is ready to receive your prompts and generate stunning ready-to-use presentations in minutes.

How to generate AI presentations with Visme

  • Log in to the Visme dashboard, and open the template library by clicking on Create New button -> Project -> Presentations. Inside the template library, scroll down and click on the Generate with AI option.
  • In the popup that opens, type in a prompt and describe in detail what aspects your presentation should feature. If you don’t provide enough information, chatbot will ask you follow-up questions.
  • Visme Chatbot will suggest template styles; choose the most relevant for your presentation, and wait for the AI to create the design. Preview, regenerate or open your project in the Visme editor.
  • Customize your project in Visme: Pick a color theme or create your own, edit text, and use assets from Visme’s royalty-free library of photos, videos, and graphics, or create your own with AI tools.

Features of the AI Presentations Maker

Ready-to-use presentations in minutes.

Starting is often the hardest part of a project. Visme’s free AI presentation maker helps you overcome this block and generates results within minutes. It gives you a headstart and a good first draft that is ready-to-use with minimal or no customization.

Ready-to-use presentations in minutes

Customize every part of your presentation

Visme editor is easy to use and offers you an array of customization options. Change the color theme of your presentation, text, fonts, add images, videos and graphics from Visme royalty-free library of assets or generate new ones with AI image generator, AI image touchup tools, or add your own. For more advanced customization, add data visualizations, connect them to live data, or create your own visuals.

Customize every part of your presentation

Add your branding

Stay on-brand even with AI-generated presentations. Quickly and easily set up your brand kit using AI-powered Visme Brand Wizard or set it up manually. Use your brand colors and fonts in AI-generated presentations. Add your logo and upload your brand assets to make a presentation match your company’s branding.

Add your branding

Download, share or schedule your presentation

Share your presentations generated with Visme AI Designer in many ways. Download them in various formats, including PPTX, PDF and HTML5, present online, share on social media or schedule them to be published as posts on your social media channels. Additionally, you can share your presentations as private projects with a password entry.

Download, share or schedule your presentation

More than just an AI Presentation Maker

Unique Elements & Graphics

Beautify your content

Unique Elements & Graphics

Browse through our library of customizable, one-of-a-kind graphics, widgets and design assets like icons, shapes, illustrations and more to accompany your AI-generated presentations.

Charts & Graphs

Visualize your data

Charts & Graphs

Choose from different chart types and create pie charts, bar charts, donut charts, pyramid charts, Mekko charts, radar charts and much more.


Make it engaging


Share AI-generated presentations online with animated and interactive elements to grab your audience’s attention and promote your business.

More AI tools in Visme

Ai image generator.

The Visme AI Image generator will automatically create any image or graphic. All you need to do is write a prompt and let AI magic do the rest.

AI Image Generator

Visme AI Writer helps you write, proofread, summarize and tone switch any type of text. If you’re missing content for a project, let AI Writer help you generate it.

AI Writer

Save yourself hours of work with AI Resize. This feature resizes your project canvas and adjusts all content to fit the new size within seconds.

AI Resize

AI TouchUp Tools

The Visme AI TouchUp Tools are a set of four image editing features that will help you change the appearance of your images inside any Visme project. Erase and replace objects that you don’t want in your photos.

AI TouchUp Tools

The Brand Wizard

The AI-based Visme Brand Wizard populates your brand fonts and styles across a beautiful set of templates.

The Brand Wizard

Make the most of Visme’s features

Choose the perfect visual from our extensive photo and video library . Search and find the ideal image or video using keywords relevant to the project. Drag and drop in your project and adjust as needed.

Incorporate 3D illustrations and icons into all sorts of content types to create amazing content for your business communication strategies. You won’t see these 3D designs anywhere else as they’re made by Visme designers.

When you share your Visme projects, they’ll display with a flipbook effect . Viewers can go from page to page by flipping the page like a digital magazine. If you don’t want the flipbook effect, you can disable it and share as a standard project.

Remove the background from an image to create a cutout and layer it over something else, maybe an AI-generated background. Erase elements of the image and swap them for other objects with AI-powered Erase & Replace feature.

Create scroll-stopping video and animation posts for social media and email communication. Embed projects with video and animation into your website landing page or create digital documents with multimedia resources.

With Visme, you can make, create and design hundreds of content types . We have templates for digital documents, infographics, social media graphics, posters, banners, wireframes, whiteboards, flowcharts.

Design and brainstorm collaboratively with your team on the Visme whiteboard . Build mind maps and flowcharts easily during online planning and strategy sessions. Save whiteboards as meeting minutes and ongoing notes for projects.

Edit your images , photos, and AI image-generated graphics with our integrated editing tools. On top of the regular editing features like saturation and blur, we have 3 AI-based editing features. With these tools, you can unblur an image, expand it without losing quality and erase an object from it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can i get better results with the ai presentations maker.

Like any AI generator from a text tool, the prompt is everything. To get better results with the AI Presentation maker, you need better prompts. Write the prompt to be as detailed as possible. Include all the content topics you want the presentation to cover. As for style elements, there’s no need to include it in the prompt. Focus on choosing the style that you like from the Chatbot suggestions. Try to select the style that already features the color palette and shapes that you like. AI will change icons and photos based on text it generates.

How many AI Presentations can I generate?

Visme AI Presentation maker is available in all plans with higher credits/usage available in Premium plans. Note: AI credits are spread amongst all AI features. So if you use other AI features, your credits will be deducted.

Is the Visme AI Designer a third-party API?

No, Visme AI Presentation maker was developed in-house and is a unique tool. However, it does use third-party APIs: ChatGPT and Unsplash.

presentation logic apps

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Final Cut Pro for iPad

Bring your entire studio to your shoot..

Hands holding an iPad Pro using the Jog Wheel to scrub through footage on Final Cut Pro for iPad

Record, edit, finish, and deliver. All on iPad.

Create vlogs, social content, music videos, shorts, and more.

A complete pro video studio  at your fingertips.

  • Try it free *

Get 1 month free, then pay $4.99/month or $49 annually. *

An all-new creative interface. For creators.

Edit video projects with immediacy and speed using your finger or Apple Pencil on a touch‑first interface, completely reimagined for iPad.

A person wearing headphones uses Apple Pencil to edit footage in Final Cut Pro for iPad on an iPad Pro.

  • Editing surface
  • Live Drawing
  • iMovie import
  • Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil

Editing surface in Final Cut Pro on iPad Pro animation

presentation logic apps

Live Drawing in Final Cut Pro on iPad Pro animation

presentation logic apps

Make frame‑accurate edits with just your finger. Use the lightning-fast jog wheel to scrub through footage or trim and nudge clips. And skim footage quickly and precisely with Apple Pencil hover. 1

Draw, highlight, and write directly on footage with touch or Apple Pencil to create unique handwritten titles and illustrations.

View and edit stunning visuals with an HDR‑first workflow that comes to life on the Ultra Retina XDR display. 2

Open your iMovie for iOS projects in Final Cut Pro to unlock all of its advanced features to finish your work. 3

Add Magic Keyboard for powerful key commands, or make precise edits using Apple Pencil. And with Apple Pencil Pro, squeeze to open the palette and rotate to change the orientation of Live Drawing tools. 4

Find your best angles with Live Multicam.

Connect up to four iPhone or iPad devices, remotely control their settings, and automatically sync all your footage.

Hand tapping display of iPad Pro to select footage from angle editor in Final Cut Pro for iPad.

  • Direct Coming later this spring
  • Transfer Coming later this spring
  • Final Cut Camera Coming later this spring

Remote controlling multiple cameras in Final Cut Pro on iPad Pro animation

presentation logic apps

Become the director by remotely controlling the pro settings of each connected camera and start recording right from iPad.

Seamlessly move from production to editing with preview media that automatically syncs while full‑resolution files transfer in the background.

Switch to your best angles and audio across all your recordings from one easy view in the timeline, just by tapping between them.

Capture professional‑level footage with powerful manual controls including ISO, shutter speed, white balance, and more. Monitor video with focus peaking and zebras. Record either standalone or while connected to Live Multicam as one of four angles. 5

Speed through workflows with Fast Cut automation.

Accelerate time‑consuming editing tasks by using AI‑powered Fast Cut features that leverage the power of Apple silicon.

Finger touching iPad Pro display to select an item from the Crop Tools menu in Final Cut Pro.

  • Scene Removal Mask
  • Voice Isolation

Scene Removal Mask in Final Cut Pro on iPad Pro animation

presentation logic apps

Instantly isolate a subject and remove it from its background with just a tap, without using a green screen or rotoscoping.

Intelligently adjust footage for vertical, square, and other aspect ratios so you can deliver your videos to multiple destinations with ease.

Eliminate background noise and improve the clarity of speech so your edit sounds its best.

Spectacular titles, transitions, and effects — all included.

Polish your projects with a comprehensive collection of sophisticated built‑in titles, transitions, and effects.

Hand with finger selecting pink and blue background for title treatment in Final Cut Pro for iPad on iPad Pro.

  • Dynamic titles
  • Backgrounds
  • Third-party content Coming soon

A variety of title treatments with colored backgrounds, designs, and fonts.

Customize themed titles, lower thirds, and bumpers to enhance your project.

Easily apply video effects like beautiful color grading presets to achieve the perfect look. Or add effects to voices and other audio to give your project just the right sound.

Add a professional soundtrack that intelligently adjusts to the length of your video.

Enhance your video with a selection of vibrant dynamic backgrounds and animated patterns.

Enhance your project with powerful content from leading developers.

Get the perfect  shot.

Apply your creative vision as you shoot using pro camera mode. And take full advantage of ProRes capture on the latest iPad Pro.

Thumb adjusting focus in ProRes footage using manual pro camera mode controls in Final Cut Pro for iPad on iPad Pro.

  • Manual controls

Close up of pro camera mode in Final Cut Pro for iPad on iPad Pro with settings menu shown.

Compose your shot with control over white balance, focus, ISO, and shutter speed.

Monitor your recording with zebras, audio meters, and focus peaking to ensure that your video looks and sounds perfect in the moment.

Capture in the highest-quality formats, including ProRes on the latest iPad Pro, to get amazing real-time performance for tasks like multistream editing. 6

Save your footage directly into your project so you can review your shots quickly, eliminating an extra import step.

Advanced features for pro workflows.

  • Cinematic mode
  • Send to Mac

Media info screen for ProRes Raw footage showing image data in Final Cut Pro for iPad on iPad Pro.

Import and edit the most popular video formats, including ProRes RAW so you can work with untouched image data straight from the camera sensor.

Color grade with confidence using video scopes and apply camera Look Up Tables (LUTs) for the perfect look.

Animate video and audio using keyframes to control adjustments to your clips over time.

Edit video shot in Cinematic mode on iPhone. Choose focus points in a shot and change them over time with just a tap. 7

Deliver the highest-quality files or render videos optimized for social platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok in HDR and SDR.

Export a project to Final Cut Pro for Mac to access features like advanced color grading, object tracking, and more. 8

Questions? Answers.

How much does final cut camera cost.

Final Cut Camera will be available for free.

How much does Final Cut Pro for iPad cost?

Final Cut Pro for iPad is available as a monthly subscription for just $4.99 or a yearly subscription for $49. You can activate a one-month free trial after installing Final Cut Pro for iPad from the App Store . *

Which iPad do I need to use Final Cut Pro for iPad?

You can install Final Cut Pro for iPad on your iPad Pro (M4), iPad Pro 12.9-inch (5th or 6th generation), iPad Pro 11‑inch (3rd or 4th generation), iPad Air (M2), or iPad Air (5th generation) with iPadOS 17.4 or later.

Final Cut Pro

Storytelling at its most powerful..

Learn more about Final Cut Pro

Download Final Cut Pro for Mac

A Final Cut Pro project on a Pro Display XDR.

Turn your videos into movie magic.

Learn more about iMovie

Download iMovie for iOS and iPadOS from the App Store

Download iMovie for macOS from the App Store

presentation logic apps

Make magic. Share joy.

Learn more about Clips

Download Clips from the App Store

6 Best AI Presentation Tools in 2024 (Compared)

presentation logic apps

Pricing: $15 per month Standout Features: Generative AI Presentation Builder, Advanced Analytics Tracking, Extensive Stock Image Access

Slides AI Logo

Pricing: $10 per month Standout Features: Comprehensive Creative AI Tools, Advanced Image Edit Capabilities, Professional Presentation Generation

PowerPoint Logo

Pricing: $6.99 per year Standout Features: One-Click AI Presentation, Rich Template Collection, PowerPoint Integration

If you’ve ever been tasked with creating a presentation for your business or a client, you know how time-consuming it can be. Sitting in front of a blank page, combing through endless templates, or spending hours on a presentation likely isn’t high on your list of priorities. Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) , there’s a better way to create presentations. In this post, we’ll delve into the best AI presentation tools so you can spend more time on other tasks.

Let’s dive in.

  • 1 What is an AI Presentation Tool?
  • 2 What to Look for in an AI Presentation Maker
  • 3.1 1. Simplified
  • 3.2 2. Slides AI
  • 3.3 3. PowerPoint
  • 3.4 4. Gamma
  • 3.5 5. Beautiful AI
  • 3.6 6. Tome
  • 4.1 Top 3 Best AI Presentation Tool Feature Comparison
  • 4.2 Best AI Presentation Tool Price Comparison
  • 5 What is the Best AI Presentation Tool?
  • 6 Frequency Asked Questions

What is an AI Presentation Tool?

what is an AI presentation tool

Image created with Divi AI

An AI presentation tool is a system that uses machine learning generative AI that allows you to create presentations in minutes rather than hours. These revolutionary tools will enable you to craft your presentation from script to finished product, all with a descriptive text prompt.

What to Look for in an AI Presentation Maker

As we explore the top AI presentation makers available, it’s best to look for features that will make your life easier, not harder. Here are a few things that your chosen tool should offer:

  • Ease-of-use: If you want to incorporate an AI presentation tool into your workflow, you’ll want to find something easy to use. After all, you seek a less time-consuming way to create presentations. You shouldn’t have to spend hours learning a new interface.
  • Integration with popular software: Those in the business world know that there are three primary presentation tools that almost everyone uses: Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe Keynote, and Google Slides. When shopping for AI presentation tools, look for products that can easily export your creations for those popular programs.
  • Customization options: Another essential factor to consider is how easily you can customize your presentation. Look for programs that won’t force you to stick with cookie-cutter AI-generated templates. Make sure you can make design and text edits as you need them.
  • Tutorials: Learning new software can be intimidating, so choose a platform with plenty of tutorials and support should you encounter any problems.

6 Best AI Presentation Tools in 2024

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We evaluated over a dozen AI presentation tools. While some decent ones didn’t make our list, we wanted to focus on tools that are easy to use, work with popular programs like PowerPoint or Google Slides, and offer the most features. Without further ado, here are our top picks for the best AI presentation tools money can buy. Most offer free versions or a free trial, so feel free to try all of them out to find the best fit for your situation.

The AI Presentation Tools Listed In Order

  • Beautiful AI

1. Simplified

🥇 best ai presentation tool overall.


Simplified is one of the most robust AI tools on the market today. Generative artificial intelligence can create presentations, images, memes, thumbnails, social media quotes, and more. What makes it unique is its wealth of AI features that appeal to creatives and content creators across different mediums, including digital art, writing, videos, and online advertising through social media.

Edit Images With AI

Simplified image editing

Another cool feature of Simplified is the image editing feature. You can remove or replace the background, erase elements, magically remove artifacts or other imperfections, autofocus, or use generative fill to add additional details to your photos. The generative fill feature works much like Photoshop AI , where you can select an area of a photograph and fill it with a new element you describe with a text prompt.

What We Like About Simplified

  • Multimedia: Generate presentations and other forms of media
  • Editing: Edit images and text with AI
  • Branding: Create logos and design elements with AI
  • Simple to Use: One-click editing tools for image editing

What Could Be Improved

  • Translations: The AI sometimes struggles with translating other languages
  • No Interactive Features: Unlike other AI presentation tools, Simplified doesn’t offer any interactive tools

🥇 Why We Picked It

We chose Simplified due to the sheer number of AI tools available with the platform. In addition to making AI presentations, users can use an AI image generator, AI writer, video editor, memes, and more. The interface is easy to understand, the price is affordable, and you can accomplish everything you need in one place as a content creator.

Who Is Simplified Best For?

Simplified may be for you if you’re in the market for an all-in-one design tool. With AI tools for generating presentations and all their elements, you can design like the pros for a very affordable price.

Community Reviews And Ratings

Simplified is praised for its user-friendly interface, integrations, and free plan. However, some say it lacks advanced writing tools compared to other platforms.

G2 Logo

Simplified offers a limited free plan with pro plans starting at $15 monthly .

➡️ Read Our Complete Simplified Review .

Try Simplified

2. Slides AI

🥈 best ai presentation tool for google.

AI presentation tools Slides AI

Slides AI is an extension for Chrome designed to work inside Google Slides. Provide it with a topic, including any requested elements, and Slides AI will create up to a 10-page presentation in minutes. There are limited features, but it adds slides, generates text, and sets formatting based on your prompt. In addition to generating slides, Slides AI has a Magic Write feature, which allows you to paraphrase sentences, suggests images for your presentations, and helps you search for citations for your work.

Slides AI Works as an Extension

Slides AI text prompt

Slides AI has a simple interface, allowing you to focus more on creating content than learning new software. Since it works as an extension within Google Slides, you simply have to click a button and type in some text, and Slides AI will do the rest.

What We Like About Slides AI

  • Magic Write: Generate text through the power of AI
  • Generate Slides: Create new slides based on original content
  • Topic-Based: Create slides from a topic
  • Software Limitations: There aren’t a lot of creative tools with Slides AI so presentations may look generic

🥈Why We Picked It

For those using Google Slides or PowerPoint, Slides AI is an excellent choice. It allows you to streamline slide creation through a simple interface, AI writing, and AI-generated themes. The plans are affordable so that budget-conscious people will get a lot of bang for their buck.

Who Is Slides AI Best For?

If you are a regular Google Slides user, Slides AI is a no-brainer. You can save time creating your slides and give them a fresh look in seconds. The downside to Slides AI is that there is no text generator. That said, plenty of AI writers , such as Rytr or Jasper , can help.

Those who like Slides AI call it a “game changer” for creating presentations. However, the AI-slide generation is a bit vanilla.

➡️ Read Our Complete Slides AI Review .

Slides AI is available for free , with pro plans starting at $10 per month .

Try Slides AI

3. PowerPoint

🥉 best ai presentation tool for business professionals.

AI presentation tools Microsoft 365

Microsoft is the founding father of business software, including the widely popular PowerPoint . Sure, there are other products out there that are geared toward businesses, but PowerPoint is the gold standard for making presentations. Did you know that it comes with AI features built right in? Companies that already use Microsoft products will be pleased to know that you can generate incredible designs for your presentations through integration with Copilot.

Practice Delivering Your Presentations

Microsoft reheasal report

One of the best features of PowerPoint is the Rehearse with Coach AI tool. It records your voice and image on video to evaluate your performance. It allows you to read through your presentation and then get a professional critique of how you did. You’ll get a rehearsal report that analyzes your body language, notes how many filler words you used, and analyzes your pace and pitch.

What We Like About Microsoft 365

  • AI Designer: AI-powered design suggestions for generating slides
  • Automatic Slide Generation: Uses AI to add additional slides based on the original design
  • Rehearsal Reports: Generate rehearsal reports to get feedback on presentation delivery
  • Lack of Interactivity: PowerPoint only allows for text, images, and graphics but nothing else

🥉 Why We Picked It

Microsoft is the go-to for professional business software. Between its highly collaborative nature, design flexibility, and overall visual impact, PowerPoint has been a top contender for years. Now, with artificial intelligence on board, presenters can easily design slides faster, practice their delivery, and get feedback on how well they perform during rehearsal.

Who Is Microsoft 365 Best For?

If you make presentations for a living or your company requires PowerPoint, check out their AI tools. The Rehearsal Report feature is well worth the cost, especially if you are the one who has to give the presentation you create. Microsoft will even give you a 30-day risk-free trial to try it out. The downside is that you can’t edit the images it generates, but you can get around that by adding an AI art generator to your arsenal of tools.

Fans of PowerPoint note its ease of use, flexibility, and stability. On the other hand, consumers wish there were more interactive features.

Microsoft offers a 30-day free trial with prices starting at $6.99 per month per person.

Try Microsoft 365

Gamma AI presentation tool

Gamma is one of the most intuitive platforms on our list. It uses generative AI to build your presentation from a text prompt, complete with visual aids, such as charts, graphs, images, and other visual elements – automatically. One of our favorite features is the interface. Once Gamma creates your presentation, you can easily add more elements. It functions much like a page builder or Gutenberg for WordPress , where you can drag and drop visual elements into your pages and then tweak them accordingly.

Gamma presentation wizard

Gamma creates presentations on the fly simply by typing in a text prompt. One of our favorite features is watching in real-time as Gamma makes your presentation. Once completed, you can use generative AI to edit, improve, or change any presentation aspect to match your branding and style. Another unique feature is Gamma’s analytics feature, which allows you to see who’s viewed your presentation and track engagement down to the element level.

What We Like About Gamma

  • Analytics Tracking:
  • Web Sharing: Share over the web and solicit feedback through comments
  • Simple Interface: Drag-and-drop visual editor
  • Export Options: Export to PowerPoint or PDF
  • It’s Internet Dependent: Gamma is web-based, so you must have an internet connection to use it. While this may not be a con for most, it eliminates the possibility of working on presentations while offline

Who Is Gamma Best For?

Gamma’s intuitive interface and quick start wizard make getting started a breeze. Plus, with their AI-powered text editing feature, you can tweak the content as much as you’d like. They offer access to millions of royalty-free stock images and an AI-powered image generator that suggests a relevant prompt based on your content.

Gamma offers a free plan and two paid plans starting at $10 monthly .

5. Beautiful AI

Beautiful AI

Another popular choice is Beautiful AI , a feature-packed AI presentation tool that allows you to create stunning presentations with one click. They offer several AI-powered design elements you can edit to match your branding. Plus, it’ll even line these up automatically, so you don’t have to spend time on tedious tasks. Suppose you’d rather start from a previously created presentation. In that case, you can easily import a PowerPoint file and then use AI to improve it.

Beautiful AI stock photography

One of the best features of Beautiful AI is the millions of royalty-free stock images at your disposal. Sure, you can create your own AI images, but if you’re familiar with AI Art generators , you know that sometimes the photos they produce don’t look very natural . It’s nice they thought to include this feature because it saves you the time and cost of signing up for a stock photography service.

What We Like About Beautiful AI

  • 1-Click Presentations: Create AI-generated presentations with one click
  • AI Design: AI-powered design elements
  • AI Text Generator: Rewrite and improve text with AI
  • Lots of Templates: 110+ pre-designed templates
  • PowerPoint Support: Integrates with PowerPoint (import/export)
  • Exporting: When exporting to PowerPoint or as a PDF, graphics are not editable

Who Is Beautiful AI Best For?

If you’re tasked with creating presentations for your company or corporate freelance clients and must use PowerPoint, Beautiful AI is an excellent choice. While they don’t have a free plan, they offer a 14-day free trial, so you’ll have plenty of time to play with it and decide if it’s right for you.

Beautiful AI users love how easy it is to create presentations but say there are text editing limits and presentations don’t look great on mobile devices.

Beautiful AI offers two plans, Pro and Team, with prices starting at $12 per month (billed annually).

Get Beautiful AI

Tome AI presentation tool

Tome is one of the most popular AI presentation tools on the market. Since its release in late 2022, it has raced to become one of the fastest-growing platforms in record time, with over 1 million users. It allows you to create live, interactive presentations, mood boards, design portfolios, pitch decks, webpages, and more. Tome offers over 25 templates for a good starting point and a great time-saving feature. Its intuitive generative AI allows you to create scripts, text, images, charts, and more.

If you already have an outline in mind, you can easily paste it into Tome, allowing it to convert your thoughts into structured presentations in a single click. Does your business require a multi-lingual solution? Tome has you covered with support languages other than English, so you can translate your text to share your presentations with anyone, anywhere.

Tome interface

Tome is web-based and provides a sharable link for your creations. Not only that, it integrates with popular platforms, such as Figma, Spline, YouTube, Twitter, Google Sheets, and other popular AI website builders like Framer . With these integrations, you can import videos, layouts, text, and even full web pages.

What We Like About Tome

  • Interactive: Creates live, interactive presentations
  • Cross-Device Support: Responsive layouts for any screen size
  • Multiple AI Tools: Generates text, images, graphs, 3D models, and more
  • Multi-Language Support:
  • Limited Language Support: As of now, Tome’s AI actions only offer support for English. It would be nice to see them add more languages

Who Is Tome Best For?

Tome is an excellent platform for creating web-based presentations, landing pages, interactive pitch decks, and more. It does a pretty good job of text and image generation, but its integrations are the best features. Try Tome if you want an easy way to incorporate Figma layouts or YouTube videos into your presentations.

Tome offers a free trial with prices starting at $20 per month .

Comparing the Best AI Presentation Tools

Before deciding on which AI presentation tool to choose, take the time to compare prices and the features of every tool on our list. As previously mentioned, our featured tools include a free trial or a free version to assist you in making gorgeous presentations.

Top 3 Best AI Presentation Tool Feature Comparison

To make the most informed decision, knowing the pricing and comparing the features is essential. Here’s a feature comparison table for the top three AI presentation tools on our list so you can decide which is the best fit.

🥇 Simplified🥈 Slides AI🥉 PowerPoint
AI Image Generation✔️✔️✔️
AI Image Editing✔️✔️
AI Text Generation✔️✔️✔️
AI Text Editing✔️✔️✔️
One-Click Presentation✔️✔️✔️
Free Plan✔️✔️❌(free trial)
Price$15/month $10/month$6.99/month

Best AI Presentation Tool Price Comparison

We’ve created this hand comparison table to help you decipher pricing for each of our recommended AI presentation tools.

PluginPriceFree OptionUser Reviews (avg)
🥇 $15/month✔️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🥈 $10/month✔️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
🥉 $6.99/month❌ (free trial)⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
$12/month (billed annually)⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

What is the Best AI Presentation Tool?

After thoroughly testing over a dozen AI presentation tools, we feel that Simplified and Slides AI offer the best features. Simplified stands out for its intuitive interface, logo, and other design element generation. It also gets the nod for its one-click editing tools. On the other hand, Slides AI is a close second due to its wealth of AI tools. You can create presentations, write content, and create on-topic slides effortlessly. Either way, if you’re in the market for a good AI assistive tool to speed up creating presentations, you can’t go wrong with either.

Frequency Asked Questions

What is an ai presentation tool, how do ai presentation tools work, how is ai used in microsoft products for presentations, how can ai presentation tools streamline the workflow, what should users consider when choosing an ai presentation tool.

Need more AI tools? Check out these articles featuring the best AI tools to use for your business:

  • 16 Best AI Assistants to Make You More Productive
  • 11 Best AI Marketing Tools to Boost Your Business
  • 10 Best AI Audio Tools (For Podcasts, Music & More)
  • 9 Best AI Design Tools (Reviewed & Compared)

Featured Image via Nattasid Thapsang / shutterstock.com

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By Deanna McLean

Deanna McLean is a blog author, and web developer. She studied graphic design at the University of Mississippi and loves all things, Hotty Toddy. (If you know, you know.) As an adventurous creative, there is nothing Deanna loves more than taking her son and two dogs on excursions in her Jeep.

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Power Automate vs Logic Apps

  • 13 contributors

This is an open-source article with the community providing support for it. For official Microsoft content, see Microsoft 365 documentation .

What are these services

Power Automate and Azure Logic Apps are workflow services that can automate your processes, business, or system and integrate with Microsoft and 3rd party services with over 300 connectors. These powerful services are designed to get you going quickly, building the workflow between business services providing that familiarity without having the steep learning curve.

Power Automate provides a user-friendly and focused experience within Office 365 that can easily get end-users going once assigned an appropriate license.

Azure Logic Apps provide a user-friendly designer surface similar to Power Automate with the option to build complex integration solutions, utilise advanced development tools, DevOps and monitoring, if required.

Both options aim to significantly reduce the effort and quickly build and automate processes between services, allowing you to focus on higher-value tasks.

Highlight key differences between Logic Apps and Power Automate

Whilst Power Automate is built on top of Azure Logic Apps, there are differences in terms of the environments they are used from, e.g. Office 365 and Azure, which provides unique features and optional methods of construction. Here are some of the following key differences:

Description Power Automate Logic Apps
Focus End Users and Makers in Office 365 IT Pros, Developers, Admins using Office 365 and Azure Services
Licensing Model* Per-User License in Office 365 Consumption-Based or Fixed Pricing Model via an Azure Subscription
Flow Creation Web-Based Designer, Web and Mobile UI Visual Studio, JSON Definition and Web-Based Designer
Restricting Connectors
Error Handling Flow Checker - providing a list of errors within the Flow Save Failed - highlighting errors
Trigger Types Automated, Instant, Scheduled, UI Flow, Business Process HTTP (Automated), WebHook, Scheduled, HTTP Call (Manual)
*Check out the license plan details for each of the services, this article only serves as a guide not pricing information.

For a detailed comparison, check out: Compare Power Automate and Azure Logic Apps

What tools you can use to build each of them

Focusing on the Microsoft options, there are a variety of tools that can be used to create your Flows within both of the services.

Web-Based Designer tool

Applies to: Power Automate and Logic Apps

Both tools have a rich web-based design tool to author the Flows, connect to services and monitor their usage. For example, the experience offers:

  • Design Canvas for adding triggers (what starts your Flow), connectors (the services you integrate with)
  • Expression editor for advanced manipulation of input/output values
  • Flow Checker - these are presented differently but inform you that the Flow you have created contains an error that needs to be rectified before saving.
  • History and Connector status - after a Flow run provides useful information to see what information passed through a Flow

Since both tools have this, learning Power Automate can be easily transferrable to Logic Apps if your requirements are better suited in the other product.

Power Automate Web Designer.

Power Automate flows created before September 2020 can be exported to Logic Apps. If you are working with the Azure Portal it will require some knowledge of JSON, or for a friendlier experience using Visual Studio, check out the docs to consider your approach: Export flows from Power Automate and deploy to Azure Logic Apps

Applies to: Power Automate

For iOS and Android, there is a Power Automate app that can allow you to build Flows, quickly and control existing Flow settings. The app includes:

  • a designer surface that will enable you to add and edit actions
  • create from templates
  • manage existing flows - if you want to quickly create a Flow on the move
  • there isn't an expression builder or the ability to add parallel branches.

Mobile view of Power Automate.

Visual Studio

Applies to: Logic Apps

Visual Studio is an enterprise grade integrated development environment that allows you to create cloud, ASP.NET C#, VB, Visual J#, Xamarin projects including Windows API, Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation apps even classic SharePoint On-Premises Farm & Sandbox solutions.

Visual Studio supports working with Azure solutions, including Logic Apps, that allows you to connect to a subscription and provides a logic app editor experience.

For further information on editing Logic apps with Visual Studio, please refer to Manage logic apps with Visual Studio .

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a free and open-source code editor with wide-range support for programming languages with IntelliSense, extensions to select the tools you work with extending the functionality of the tool as best fits the project you are working on.

Visual Studio Code.

You can install the extension (Azure Logic Apps for Visual Studio Code) from the Marketplace - Visual Studio Marketplace

Visio Plan 2 offers the feature to create Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) diagrams and export for Power Automate.

For more details of this feature, visit the Power Automate announcement for more information Export Visio diagrams to Microsoft Flow is now generally available

Getting started and points to consider

Who will create the flows.

When considering Power Automate and Logic Apps, who will create them? Is this intended for staff to develop on-demand quick flows, or will you this integrate into a series of backend services, that your ICT service needs to ramp up on?

Learning Power Automate

For users and staff, there is a set of courses on Microsoft Learn training if you want to know more about building flows to gain more in-depth knowledge about the usage of the services.

Learning Azure Logic Apps

For ICT or SME users looking to improve their knowledge, there is a set of courses on Microsoft Learn training if you want to know more about Logic Apps to gain a deeper understanding about the usage of the services and how they can integrate with a range of connectors.

Consider the cost of connectors

What services do you intend to connect with?, are they Office 365?, Azure or 3rd Party API.

This is quite important to work out ahead of time as different connectors bear a "Premium" or "Enterprise" (in the case of Logic Apps) which affect the overall cost of running the workflow in your decision-making process.

You may find that within your Office licenses you already have what you need to start building Flows with Power Automate - however for Premium connectors, additional licenses may be required.

For Logic Apps, you can use the Azure Calculator to estimate the cost of your application. Bear in mind since Logic Apps act as a glue between services, ensure you include the cost of the services that the Logic Apps connect to, e.g. Azure Resources, Office 365, third-party APIs.

Security is an essential factor with considering the usage of these services, as these can connect to a range of 3rd Party sources internally and externally, you may want to consider implementing a Data Loss Prevention policy or Azure Policy to restrict the usage of connectors.

In both products, security should always be considered and determine an appropriate policy for your organization.

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    This module is part of these learning paths. Build automated workflows to integrate data and apps with Azure Logic Apps. Learn how to evaluate Azure Logic Apps as an automation choice for your organization using criteria for integration, performance, conditionals, and connectors.

  3. Azure Logic Apps documentation

    Available connector reference for Azure Logic Apps. Workflow Definition Language schema. Azure PowerShell. REST API. Build automated scalable workflows, business processes, and enterprise orchestrations to integrate your apps and data across cloud services and on-premises systems.

  4. Examples & common scenarios

    In this article. Azure Logic Apps helps you orchestrate and integrate different services by providing hundreds of prebuilt and ready-to-use connectors, ranging from SQL Server and SAP to Azure AI services. Azure Logic Apps is "serverless", so you don't have to worry about scale or instances. All you have to do is define a workflow with a trigger and the actions that the workflow performs.

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    By leveraging Logic Apps alongside Microsoft Power Apps and Power Automate, hubergroup streamlined operations, reducing costs by 10-15% and automating workflows for increased efficiency. Read more about how the Microsoft solution empowers hubergroup and join hubergroup's journey of digital transformation with Azure and Logic Apps.

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    Azure Logic Apps provide a user-friendly designer surface similar to Power Automate with the option to build complex integration solutions, utilise advanced development tools, DevOps and monitoring, if required. Both options aim to significantly reduce the effort and quickly build and automate processes between services, allowing you to focus ...

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