Top 17 Physical Therapist Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 22, 2023 14 min read

A resume objective is a statement at the beginning of your resume that outlines your professional goals and highlights your skills and experience. When writing a resume objective for a physical therapist position, you should focus on demonstrating both your knowledge of the profession and your commitment to helping patients improve their physical health. To create an effective resume objective, start by identifying the qualifications you possess that are most relevant to the job description. For example, if you have experience working with diverse patient populations, emphasize this in your statement. Additionally, make sure to mention any specialized training or certifications you may have in physical therapy. Finally, make sure to focus on how you can contribute to the organization’s success rather than what you want from them. Examples of strong resume objectives for physical therapists include: “Seeking a position as a physical therapist where I can utilize my experience working with diverse patient populations and specialized training in manual therapy techniques”; or “Eager to apply my knowledge of rehabilitative protocols as a physical therapist within an established organization committed to quality patient care.”

Physical Therapist Resume Example

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Top 17 Physical Therapist Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a position as a Physical Therapist that will enable me to utilize my knowledge and experience in providing quality care to patients.
  • To secure a position as a Physical Therapist where I can use my expertise in patient assessment, treatment planning and implementation of therapeutic interventions.
  • To work as a Physical Therapist in an environment that allows me to use my knowledge and skills to improve the lives of patients.
  • Seeking an opportunity to work as a Physical Therapist, utilizing my experience in providing evidence-based treatments for various musculoskeletal conditions.
  • Looking for an opportunity to join a team of physical therapists and contribute with my expertise in patient evaluation, treatment planning, and implementation of therapeutic interventions.
  • To be part of an organization that values excellence and provides the opportunity to develop professionally while helping people achieve their physical therapy goals.
  • Seeking a position as a Physical Therapist where I can apply my skills in developing individualized treatment plans for patients with musculoskeletal conditions.
  • To work as a Physical Therapist with the aim of improving patient outcomes through evidence-based practice.
  • Eager to join an organization that values quality care, patient safety, and professional development opportunities for its physical therapists.
  • Looking for an opportunity to utilize my knowledge and experience in providing comprehensive physical therapy services for various orthopedic conditions.
  • To join an organization that offers challenging opportunities for professional growth while delivering high-quality care to patients with musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Achieving success by using my skillset as a Physical Therapist with the aim of improving patient outcomes through evidence-based practice.
  • Seeking employment as a Physical Therapist where I can use my experience in evaluating patients’ needs, developing appropriate treatment plans, and implementing therapeutic interventions effectively.
  • Utilizing my expertise in providing comprehensive physical therapy services to help improve the quality of life of individuals suffering from musculoskeletal disorders or injuries.
  • Aiming to provide exceptional patient care by leveraging my extensive knowledge and experience in physical therapy assessments, treatments, and rehabilitation plans.
  • Applying effective communication skills along with clinical expertise as a Physical Therapist while working collaboratively with other healthcare professionals towards achieving positive patient outcomes.
  • Seeking an opportunity to work as a Physical Therapist utilizing current best practices while helping people reach their maximum potential through personalized treatments tailored specifically towards their individual needs

How to Write a Physical Therapist Resume Objective

Writing a physical therapist resume objective is an important step in creating a successful resume. A good objective statement should be concise, accurate, and tailored to the job you are applying for. It should highlight your skills and qualifications that make you the ideal candidate for the position.

When writing a physical therapist resume objective, start by stating your name and profession. This will give employers an immediate understanding of who you are and what you do. Next, list any relevant qualifications or certifications that you have acquired such as a degree in Physical Therapy or certification from the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). Be sure to include any specialties or experience that makes you stand out from other applicants. Be sure to include any specific knowledge or skills related to the job that could benefit the employer.

Once you have listed your qualifications, it’s time to explain why you are the best candidate for the job. Describe how your experience has prepared you for this role and how it can help improve patient care outcomes. You may also want to mention any awards or recognition you have received in previous positions as well as any volunteer work or professional development courses that demonstrate your commitment to excellence in physical therapy care.

Finally, end your physical therapist resume objective with an expression of enthusiasm for the position. This will show employers that you are eager to take on new challenges and eager to contribute to their team of professionals. By following these tips, your resume objective should give employers a clear picture of why they should consider hiring you as their next physical therapist!

Related : What does a Physical Therapist do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Physical Therapist Resume Objective

In the competitive field of physical therapy, having a well-crafted resume can set you apart from other candidates. One crucial part of your resume is the objective statement, where you get a chance to highlight your most relevant skills. This section titled 'Key Skills to Highlight in Your Physical Therapist Resume Objective' will guide you on how to effectively showcase your abilities and expertise in physical therapy. We will discuss what potential employers look for and how best to present these skills in your resume objective, increasing your chances of landing that coveted job interview.

1. Manual therapy

Manual therapy is a specialized skill in the field of physical therapy that involves hands-on techniques to manipulate muscles and joints. This skill is needed for a resume objective because it demonstrates the ability to provide personalized, direct care to patients. It also indicates a high level of expertise and training, as manual therapy techniques often require additional certifications. Including this skill in a resume objective can help set an applicant apart in the competitive field of physical therapy.

2. Kinesiology

Kinesiology, the study of body movement, is a crucial skill for a physical therapist as it forms the basis of their work in diagnosing and treating patients with mobility issues. It aids in understanding how muscles work and interact, which is essential to develop effective treatment plans. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates a strong foundation in core knowledge required for the job and shows potential employers that the candidate has the necessary expertise to help patients improve their physical abilities.

3. Neurodynamics

Neurodynamics is a key skill for a Physical Therapist as it involves understanding the mobility and function of the nervous system, which is critical in diagnosing and treating patients with various neurological conditions. This skill demonstrates a therapist's ability to apply advanced techniques to improve nerve movement and reduce pain. Including this on a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has specialized knowledge in managing complex neurological issues, enhancing their value to healthcare institutions or clinics dealing with such cases.

4. Gait analysis

Gait analysis is an essential skill for a physical therapist as it allows them to assess, plan and treat individuals who have difficulty moving. This skill is crucial for a resume objective because it demonstrates the ability to evaluate the efficiency of patients' movements, identify any abnormalities or changes in their usual gait, and develop appropriate treatment plans. It shows that the candidate has a deep understanding of human locomotion and can provide high-quality care to improve patients' mobility and quality of life.

5. Orthopedic assessment

A Physical Therapist needs the skill of orthopedic assessment because it is crucial in diagnosing and treating a range of conditions related to the musculoskeletal system. This includes injuries or disorders affecting the muscles, bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments. Proficiency in this skill shows potential employers that the candidate has the necessary expertise to evaluate patients' physical conditions accurately, develop effective treatment plans, and help them recover their mobility and strength. Therefore, mentioning this skill in a resume objective can make a candidate more appealing to employers looking for competent physical therapists.

6. Electrotherapy (e.g., TENS)

A Physical Therapist needs the skill of Electrotherapy, such as TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation), to effectively manage and treat patients with various musculoskeletal conditions. This skill is crucial for a resume objective as it demonstrates the candidate's ability to utilize diverse therapeutic techniques for pain management and muscle stimulation, thus enhancing their patient care capabilities. It also indicates that the candidate is knowledgeable about modern rehabilitation methods and can apply them appropriately to improve patient outcomes.

7. Ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound therapy is a specialized skill in the field of physical therapy that involves using sound waves to treat various musculoskeletal problems, such as inflammation from injuries or chronic illnesses. Having this skill on a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has advanced knowledge and experience in a specific therapeutic technique, making them more qualified and versatile as a physical therapist. This can increase their chances of being hired, especially in settings where ultrasound therapy is frequently used.

8. Aquatic therapy

Aquatic therapy is a specialized skill in the field of physical therapy that involves using water-based exercises to help improve a patient's physical function. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has specific expertise in this area, which can be particularly useful for roles in rehabilitation centers, sports medicine facilities, or any setting where aquatic therapy might be used as part of a patient's treatment plan. This skill also demonstrates the candidate's ability to work with diverse patient populations and adapt their therapeutic approach based on individual needs.

9. Myofascial release

Myofascial release is a specialized physical therapy treatment that targets the fascia, the connective tissue surrounding muscles and organs. This skill is crucial for a physical therapist as it demonstrates their ability to alleviate pain and restore motion by applying gentle, sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has specific knowledge and expertise in this therapeutic technique, which can be particularly beneficial in treating patients with chronic pain or mobility issues.

10. Therapeutic exercise

Therapeutic exercise is a core skill for a physical therapist as it involves designing and implementing exercise programs to improve patients' strength, balance, flexibility, or overall fitness. These exercises play a crucial role in recovery from injuries or surgeries, managing chronic illnesses, and improving physical abilities. Including this skill in a resume objective can demonstrate the candidate's capability to provide effective patient care and rehabilitation services. It also shows their knowledge of techniques necessary for aiding recovery and maintaining patients' physical health.

Top 10 Physical Therapist Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, effectively highlighting your key skills in your physical therapist resume objective is crucial to standing out among other candidates. It's not just about listing skills, but demonstrating how these abilities have been utilized in practical scenarios to bring about positive outcomes. Remember, your objective should be a brief yet powerful statement that reflects your professional expertise and career goals. Tailoring it to match the specific requirements of the job you're applying for can significantly increase your chances of landing the interview.

Related : Physical Therapist Aide Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Physical Therapist Resume Objective

When writing a resume objective for a physical therapist position, there are some common mistakes that should be avoided in order to make the most of your resume. These mistakes can range from not properly outlining your skills and qualifications, to being too vague or unfocused in your message.

The first mistake to avoid when writing a physical therapist resume objective is not properly outlining your qualifications. When applying for any health care position, employers want to see that you have the necessary knowledge and experience to do the job effectively. Therefore, it is important to include any relevant certifications or education that you may have obtained, such as a Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT) or Master's degree. Additionally, if you have any specializations or unique skills related to physical therapy, be sure to highlight these as well.

Another common mistake when writing a physical therapist resume objective is being too vague or unfocused in your message. Employers often view resumes with objectives that lack clarity and focus as being unprofessional and untrustworthy. Instead of just stating that you are looking for a “position as a physical therapist”, provide more specific details about what you can offer the company and how you plan on utilizing your skillset within their organization. For example, if you specialize in geriatric care, let potential employers know this right away so they can better understand how you plan on helping their organization succeed.

Finally, it is important not to forget about the basics when writing a physical therapist resume objective. Make sure all contact information is included correctly such as name, address, phone number and email address; also double check that spelling and grammar are correct throughout the document before sending it off to potential employers. Additionally, ensure that formatting is consistent throughout the entire document; this will help make it easier for employers to read through quickly and accurately assess your credentials.

By avoiding these common mistakes when writing a physical therapist resume objective employers will be able to get an accurate picture of your qualifications and experience quickly - increasing your chances at landing an interview for the position!

Related : Physical Therapist Resume Examples

Physical Therapist Resume Objective Example

A wrong resume objective for a physical therapist could focus on personal career goals, such as advancing to a managerial role, while a right resume objective would focus on providing quality patient care and improving the overall health of those in your care.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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How to write a physical therapy resume?

[ Click here to directly go to the complete physical resume sample ]

"Your speed does not matter, forward is forward"

Your physical therapist resume should catch the eyes of the recruiter at the very first glance, and for that, you need expert guidance.

Take a look at at our physical therapist resume sample to get an insight on how an ideal physical therapist resume is curated:

  • Wound-Care Treatment
  • Diagnostic Equipment
  • Aquatic Therapy
  • Orthotic Devices
  • Medical Charts
  • Department Records
  • Care Service
  • Non-manual Exercise
  • Supportive Devices
  • Certified ' Physical Therapy Specialist ' from Sunshine Internship Therapy Center Mar '13
  • Certified ' Aquatic Therapist ' from Oasis Health Center Aug '12
  • Operated medical diagnostic equipment for heat/ice/water/electrical/ light stimulation, ultrasound, & aquatic therapy
  • Participated in wound-care treatment & assisted usage of wheelchairs & prosthetic/orthotic devices of the patients
  • Conducted therapeutic exercise programs encompassing active & passive ranges of dexterity
  • Created plan of care  for regular clients with 5-star ratings on daily basis for Health grade status of the center
  • Mobilized patients recovering from injuries to restore & improve their physical capabilities for daily activities
  • Augmented 85% success in rendering patients' satisfaction for their rehabilitation oriented goals
  • Monitored 40 patients on a daily basis to enable 30% increase in mobility & improvement in patients' muscle reeducation
  • Recommended by supervisor & patients for providing compassionate care to restore function & normal routine
  • Promoted a positive professional solution-oriented approach at all times with colleagues & ancillary staff
  • Interceded and coordinated with colleagues for extra shifts & duties whenever commended by management
  • Elevated the public image of the center on the official website by garnering 20+ new 5-star ratings
  • Supervised a batch of 60+ interns in a course of 3 years imparting the utmost skills & training of highest quality
  • Facilitated the daily living activities of individual patients based on their therapeutic treatment program
  • Scheduled & organised special therapy sessions for patients with special needs & profound physical injuries
  • Rendered therapies only after initial interviews to accumulate details of the patient for processing suitable therapy
  • Administered non-manual exercises with use of machines as well as ambulatory functional activities
  • Documented care services in individual medical charts for every patient to maintain department records
  • Demonstrated & monitored patients with the usage of supportive devices such as canes, crutches & prostheses
  • Expedited recovery of 100+ patients with traumatic injuries by conducting intensive treatment plan
  • Top 10 percentile of class
  • Languages : English, Spanish, French

A perfect resume will not only get you noticed by the recruiter, but it will also help you get more interviews.

Read further to learn how to write a flawless physical therapist resume.

Here is a quick summary of our physical therapist assistant resume 2022 Guide:

  • Ensure that your latest and most relevant job experience is noticeable by the recruiter by using the reverse-chronological format
  • The objective or summary of your resume should consist of only 3-4 lines
  • Document your roles & responsibilities in one-liner points in the professional experience section of your physical therapist resume & highlight the key achievements within each point to increase its effectiveness
  • Mention your awards and recognition (if any) under the key achievements section of your professional experience section.

The job of a Physical Therapist is not meant to be easy on people, but to make them better. The whole course of treatment may take time but the result is for the long term.

By the end of this blog, you will learn the following topics to create your physical therapy resume:

  • How to write in your physical therapist resume?
  • How to convey your skills and achievements in your physical therapy resume?
  • How to write the professional experience in physical therapist assistant resume?
  • How to write the certifications in the physical therapy resume?
  • How to write a professional summary in the physical therapy resume?

Here at Hiration Online Resume Builder , you will find all the necessary guidance and physical therapist assistant resume examples to frame your perfect physical therapist resume.

Read on to find the physical therapy assistant resume samples to help you write a professional therapist resume.

This blog will cover the topics given below:

Types of Jobs for a Physical Therapist

[ Back to Table of Content ]

A physical therapist deals with a wide range of treatments. The list below shows some of the top practices of a physical therapist:

  • Pediatric therapy
  • Orthopedic therapy
  • Geriatric therapy
  • Neurological therapy
  • Cardiopulmonary therapy

Some physical therapist resume titles you can also write are as follows:

  • Massage therapist
  • Assistant physical therapist
  • Physical therapy new grade
  • Entry-level physical therapist

You can use Hiration's Online Resume Builder to find 25+ design templates for your physical therapist resume.

You can also get your physical therapist resume reviewed by our experts:

Resume writing is hard, but with our expert guidance, you will be able to write a job-winning resume.

What is a Physical Therapy Resume & why do you need it?

A physical therapist resume describes your experience and skills to the recruiters. It highlights your potential as a physical therapist.

Here are a few examples showing the importance of a physical therapist resume:

  • It is the first interaction between you and the recruiters
  • It highlights all your skills and achievements
  • It creates a chance for you to land more interviews

Taking all the above points into account, we can say that a flawless physical therapist resume is the need of the day if you want the recruiters to notice you.

40% of employers use ATS (Applicant tracking system) to pick the most eligible applicant as it saves them time and helps them filter the most suitable resume. When you rank high in the ATS, you get a better chance to grab the recruiter's attention.

Make sure to highlight the relevant keywords that are related to the requirement for the physical therapy job that you are applying for.

Treat your PTA resume or PT resume like that of doctor resumes. All you have to do is highlight your skills and achievements in your resume.

Keep in mind that your massage therapist resume is a visual representation of your capabilities as a professional. It is a reflection of your professional skills and achievements.

When recruiters see and read your physical therapist resume, they get to know your abilities as a physical therapist.

So it is an important task for you to create a flawless physical therapist resume. You need it to go to the next level of job hunting.

Read our Guide: How to write a resume , if you want to rank high on the ATS and get shortlisted by recruiters.

Physical Therapy Resume Section

Arrange your physical therapist resume in the sections we have mentioned below:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Professional Experience
  • Certifications
  • Additional Information

Read Hiration's Guide to sections in a resume for more details on the physical therapist resume section.

You can also go to our Online Resume Builder for pre-filled and designed resumes for your perfect physical therapist resume.

How to write a Physical Therapy Resume 2022?

Writing a physical therapy aide resume needs detailed planning to execute each aspect.

There are three stages of drafting a physical therapist resume. You can master in it by following the simple steps given below:

  • Master Nursing Student Resume
  • First Draft Nursing Student Resume
  • Final Nursing Student Resume

Master Physical Therapy Resume

Compiling all the relevant information for your massage therapist resume is very important.

Collect all your pieces of information in one place so that you do not miss any relevant detail. It will help you in building your physical therapist resume.

There are two uses of making a master physical therapist resume:

  • Resume writing in the present
  • Resume update in the future

Since you have all the relevant career-related information in one place, it makes it easy to pick the points that are relevant for curating your resume in the present.

It also has the added advantage of helping you update your resume in the future. Information that may not be relevant to your target profile today might prove to be a game-changer in the future.

This is why storing your information in one place helps you revolutionize your resume-making process - not just in the present, but in the future too!

First Draft of your Physical Therapy Resume

Always make sure to fill the following sections from the first draft stage of writing your physical therapy resume:

  • Certification
  • Awards & Recognition

Make sure not to miss any relevant statements or points in any of these sections that can boost your chances of being shortlisted.

The Final Draft of a Physical Therapy Resume

There are three important things that you need to focus on while writing your final stage of physical therapist resume. They are given below:

  • Create your key skills section: Scan through your professional experience section for relevant skills and fill your key skill section with them.
  • Create your summary/objective section: Write a summary of your physical therapist resume. Your physical therapy summary should highlight your relevant skills from your professional experience section and the key skills section. Pick reference from your certification sections as well.
  • Bold and highlight: Scan through your professional experience section and bold all the valid words and numbers that highlight your efficiency. This is to make you stand out among all the other applicants.

The three steps listed above will help you to write a flawless physical therapist resume.

You can use our simplified state-of-the-art Online Resume Builder which can help you write your massage therapist resume.

Physical Therapy Resume: Header

Your resume header is the first thing that a recruiter notices in your resume at a glance. Your name should always be the default resume header of your physical therapy student resume.

Make sure that you use the largest font to compose your resume header ( 16-20 font size ).

In case you have a middle name, you should write it like this:

Example : Emily Tron Heartfill should be written as Emily T. Heartfill

You can directly refer to Hiration Guide to writing the perfect resume header

The sample physical therapy resume that we have attached below shows how your name should reflect in the header section of your physical therapist resume:

Head Section in a Executive Assistant Resume

Go to our online resume builder as it has a huge library of pre-written, ready-to-use use content templates for different profiles and 100+ content templates for you.

Physical Therapy Resume: Personal Information

The personal information section comes right below your resume header.

This section is important as it consists of contact details using which a recruiter gets in touch with you. Thus, you should be extra sure that you fill this section accurately.

This section should consist of the following details:

  • Mobile number: make sure to provide an available number
  • Email ID: share only your official email ID
  • Location: provide only the current location

Mobile Number

Make sure that you provide only your functional mobile number on which you are available 24x7. This will see to it that the recruiter can get in touch with you.

Use the correct format for writing your phone number as mentioned below:

  • Place your country’s ISD code as a prefix before your phone number
  • Put a plus sign (+) before the ISD code
  • Eg: +1 13788 11311

Another way for the recruiter to get in touch with you apart from your phone number is your email ID.

Always remember that you should provide only your professional email ID. Anything fancy like [email protected] or [email protected] would be seen as a sign of unprofessionalism.

Create an official email ID if you are missing one as it is very important.

In case your name is Tony Molly, your official email should look something like this:

[email protected] or [email protected]

One final piece of information that you need to provide is your location. Mention your accurate location as it plays an important part while applying for a job.

Giving names of your hometown or previous place of residence can be inconvenient for you as well as the recruiter. Provide the current location to receive calls from recruiters who can provide you with jobs in your area.

If you are looking for jobs in your own country, give your city and state. Else write your city and country if you are looking for a job outside your country.

Make sure to read our Guide: Contact Information on Resume , for more details.

Look at our physical therapy resume template for reference:

Personal Information Section in a Physical Therapy Resume

Physical therapy Resume: Profile Title

Another important feature of your experienced physical therapist resume is your profile title. It refers to the job position and industry that you are looking for and highlights the industry that you are interested in.

Your profile title should be written in the second-largest text in your resume with a font size of 14-16 points .

The below-mentioned sample physical therapy resume shows how your profile title should look in your physical therapist resume:

Profile Title Section in a Executive Assistant Resume

Physical Therapy Resume: Professional Experience

The professional experience section of your entry level physical therapist resume is a platform that you can use to provide all your skills and achievements.

If perfectly composed, this section plays an important role in positively influencing a recruiter and making an impact.

Articulating your work experience most effectively is a must. You can do so by following the rules that we have mentioned below:

  • STAR format
  • Framing points
  • Bolding & bucketing

STAR Format

Star format is the method of writing your work experience and giving details about your responsibilities and roles to emphasize your achievements.

With this format, your physical therapist assistant resume will highlight the required information of your previous or relevant job.

Situation : the situation or background of your contributions

Task : the task that you were assigned

Action : the strategy you used to execute the task

Results : the outcome of your actions

By using the STAR format to write your physical therapist assistant resume, you have the opportunity to showcase the effective impact of your skills in your job.

Adding numbers adds value to your entry level physical therapist resume. So, use performance figures to endorse your achievements and contributions wherever possible.

Framing Points

You should remember that your resume is not an essay. Hence, using paragraphs is a big No. All it does is it unnecessarily make your resume more bulky and hard to read.

Resumes that are composed using paragraphs are a big disadvantage because the recruiter is likely to not read it in its entirety.

This is why using one-liner points can help.

Framing one-liner points is a smart way of composing your physical therapy assistant resume as opposed to using bulky paragraphs.

Let us look at the physical therapist resume sample to write your physical therapist resume the right way:

"I have worked for rehabilitation treatment planning and successfully augmented 75% success in rendering satisfaction to the patients for their rehabilitation oriented goals. I have also monitored 40 patients daily and successfully enabled a 30% increase in the improvement of patients' muscle reeducation. I was recommended by my supervisor and the patients for providing compassionate care even when I was assigned for normal routine for the patients. I have maintained interpersonal relationships and coordinated with the staff to promote a positive professional solution-oriented approach at all times with colleagues & ancillary staff. I have interceded and coordinated with my colleagues for extra shifts and duties without hesitation whenever I was commended by management."
Augmented 75% success in rendering satisfaction for patients' rehabilitation oriented goals Monitored 40 patients daily to enable a 30% increase in improvement in patients' muscle reeducation Recommended by supervisor & patients for providing compassionate care in every routine Promoted a positive solution-oriented approach at all times with colleagues & ancillary staff Coordinated with colleagues for extra shifts & duties whenever commended by management

Framing Points: Analysis

Now when we compare the two examples, we can see that example 1 is a bulky paragraph, while example 2 is a well-framed list of crisp and reader-friendly one-liner points.

Both examples are stating the same things, but if you closely observe the above-mentioned examples, you will find that example 2 is better organized and more readable.

So you should always write your roles & responsibilities in the form of points. It makes it easier for your resume to outshine others.

Bolding & Bucketing

After going through the steps mentioned above, its time to highlight your skills and achievements by bolding and bucketing them to enhance your chance of being noticed by the recruiter.

Let us look at some physical therapy resume examples of professional experience to see how bolding and bucketing helps in increasing your chance of being shortlisted by a recruiter.

Augmented 75% success in rendering satisfaction for patients' rehabilitation oriented goals Monitored 40 patients daily to enable a 30% increase in improvement in patients' muscle reeducation Promoted a positive solution-oriented approach at all times with colleagues & ancillary staff Coordinated with colleagues for extra shifts & duties whenever commended by management
Rehabilitation Treatment Planning Augmented 75% success in rendering satisfaction for patients' rehabilitation oriented goals Monitored 40 patients on a daily basis to enable a 30% increase in improvement in patients' muscle reeducation
Interpersonal Relationships & Staff Coordination Promoted a positive solution-oriented approach at all times with colleagues & ancillary staff Coordinated with colleagues for extra shifts & duties whenever commended by management

Bolding & Bucketing: Analysis

From these two examples, we can see that it is easier for a recruiter to notice your key skills and achievements when you use bolding & bucketing in your physical therapy resume.

Grouping similar points under one unique subheading (bucketing) give the recruiter a clear picture of your key responsibilities.

Moreover, when you use bolding, it has the added benefit of drawing the recruiter's attention to the candidate's key performance figures.

Because these are highlighted in bold, it makes it stand out, which helps in creating a more visible impact on the recruiter.

Thus, you should use bucketing & bolding.

You can also get your existing resume professionally reviewed by our in-house team of resume experts at Hiration.

To learn more about fashioning the perfect professional experience section, read Hiration's Blog on how to compose the work experience in your resume .

Given below is a sample physical therapy resume showing what a perfectly composed professional experience section should ideally look like:

Professional Experience Section in a Physcial Therapy Resume

Physical Therapy Resume: Education

While applying for a job, you need to provide your educational qualification. The Physical Therapy Resume is no different and requires your educational records.

Your education section requires the following details:

  • Name of the school/university you have attended
  • Name of the course/courses you have pursued
  • Location of your school/university
  • Date of enrollment and graduation from each course (month & year)

Look at the sample physical therapy resume for a better understanding of how to write your education section:

Education Section in a Physcial Therapy Resume

Place your details as seen in the massage therapist resume sample given above and your physical therapy resume is set to go to the recruiters.

For more details, you can refer to our Hiration's Guide on how to list education on your resume

Physical Therapy Resume: Certifications

Your certifications are a bonus that plays an important role in displaying your abilities to the recruiters. It demonstrates your skills and professionalism.

Follow the order listed below to write your certificate section:

  • Name of the Certification Course
  • Name of the Affiliating Institution
  • Location of the Institute
  • Dates of enrollment and completion of the course in month & year format

In the meanwhile, you can read Hiration's Guide on listing certifications on a resume to learn the art of perfecting certifications.

Given below is our massage therapist resume sample demonstrating the ideal certification section in your physical therapist resume:

Certifications Section in a Physcial Therapy Resume

Physical Therapy Resume: Additional Information

All your extra information falls under this category.

Most of the people neglect this section but you should make sure that you fill this section in your physical therapy resume.

You can add your hobbies that are relevant to your job as a physical therapist.

For example, you can add the languages that you speak apart from English as it endorses your communication abilities. Alongside this, you can also add hobbies that are relevant to a physical therapist.

You can look at the physical therapy resume sample given below for your reference:

Additional Information Section in a Physcial Therapy Resume

Physical Therapy Resume Key Sections

Physical therapy resume: key skills.

Here is the chance to be noticed by a recruiter with just a glance itself. By now you are aware that a recruiter wastes no time in one resume alone, so make it count.

The whole idea of having a separate key skills section is to attract the recruiter's attention to your abilities and create a connection between your skills and the job you are applying for.

From the example, we can see that all the key skills are highlighted in a way that is hard to miss out by any recruiter.

Meanwhile, you can also read Hiration's Guide on what skills to put on a resume to learn the tricks of writing this section with perfection.

Always write your key skills in the end so that you do not miss any important potential you have in you for the job that you are applying to.

Have a look at our physical therapy resume sample below to know what an ideal skills section should look like:

Key Skills Section in a Physcial Therapy Resume

Physical Therapy Resume: Summary

Give a total summary of your professional experience in this section in 3-5 lines.

Writing a summary gives a clear impression of your career highlights and it also documents your roles & responsibilities in a crisp paragraph. It also speaks volumes about your experience and your achievements.

Here is a physical therapy resume sample to know how your summary should be impeccably framed in physical therapy resume:

Summary Section in a Physcial Therapy Resume

From the example, we can see that the applicant has given an introduction along with enough information that is relevant to physical therapy. With a summary like this, you can increase your chance of being selected for an interview and land a job.

In case you'd like to read a detailed guide on how the perfect resume summary is written, take a look at Hiration's Resume Summary Guide.

Physical Therapy Resume: Objective

Unlike a summary, your physical therapy resume objective should be used only when you have minimal or zero work experience. It is not for professionals who have years of work experience in this field.

You should write an objective in place of a summary in case you are writing an entry-level physical therapist resume.

Your objective should be tailored around the job that you are applying for. It states your skills and what you are looking for.

Read our Hiration's Guide on Resume Objectives for a better understanding of objectives in your physical therapy resume.

Physical Therapy Resume Word Template

Use Hiration's Professional Resume Review Service for your physical therapy resume. Your resume will be reviewed in compliance with the below-given parameters:

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You can also avail free word template of your resume after it is reviewed.

Physical Therapy Resume Builder

The following resources are made available with the use of Hiration's Online Resume Builder :

  • Option to save unlimited resumes
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Here is your chance to create your perfect physical therapy resume. Click on the Hiration's Online Resume Builder for your flawless physical therapist resume.

Key Takeaways

  • Always start your resume by filling the professional experience section
  • Use a power verb to start each point in your work experience section.
  • Use the bold and bucket method to state your points
  • Write a resume summary when your work experience is 3 years and above.
  • Write objectives only when you have less or no work experience or in case of a change in career.
  • Always include both month and year wherever you mention the period of your education or work
  • Make sure to mention the experience of work as it helps a lot
  • Use the reverse chronology order to write your work experience section
  • Never write any of your key skills in phrases
  • Write only one-liner points
  • Use the appropriate tense of power verbs to write your points
  • Always provide the correct personal information

Now that we have come to the end of our 2022 Guide on Physical Therapy Resume, you are now ready to write your perfect physical therapist resume.

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

objective statement for resume physical therapy

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objective statement for resume physical therapy

  • Physical therapy
  • Physical therapist objectives and summaries

Physical therapist

Physical therapist Objectives & summaries

9 Physical therapist objectives and summaries found

A well-written objective or summary on your resume can be the difference between getting rejected, or getting invited for an interview. Copy any of these Physical therapist objective or summary examples, and use it as inspiration for your own resume. All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use.

Learn more about: objective vs. summary

Physical therapist resume summaries

Highly skilled and compassionate Physiotherapist with 10 years of experience in restoring patients’ routine activities through massage techniques, heat treatments, therapeutic exercise programs, and other noninvasive techniques. Expertise in working with all age groups with a variety of conditions. Continually promote prevention, acute care, rehabilitation, disability while maintaining optimal functional independence and physical performance. Fosters teamwork, team member engagement, and community involvement.

Highly skilled health care professional with extensive experience in delivering safe, quality, and patient-centric physiotherapy services through a commitment to service availability, accessibility, and excellence. Adept at working with patients and helping them to achieve their functional goals. Designs services to achieve optimal health outcomes and utilize resources efficiently and safely. Provide excellent health services from wellness, health promotion and prevention, acute care, and rehabilitation, to disability and disease management. Leverages holistic approach incorporating a broad range of physical and physiological therapeutic interventions and aids. Demonstrates integrity, accountability, and judgment in the best interests of the client.

Registered physiotherapist who provides relief to patients by devising basic therapy plans to aid healing and help them regain normal life functions. Excellent interpersonal relationships and comfortable within high-pressure environments, both in medical and home settings. Desirous to take on additional responsibilities in the evaluation and management of patients, as well as in the creation of appropriate treatment plans to best address their needs.

Highly capable physical therapist with 3+ years of experience assessing patients’ rehabilitative needs and conducting physician-prescribed PT programs in specialized acute-care hospitals. Commended training new PT assistants in rehabilitation and therapy treatments within a short timeframe and while handling large patient caseloads. Able to build informal communications with patients and make them feel at ease during each session.

Healthcare business strategist with 14 years of experience in diverse leadership roles, honing deep expertise in standardizing, improving, and developing systems, processes, and policies. Collaborative leader and a go-to person with a history of supporting and guiding board of directors and executive teams in tackling obstacles and achieving ambitious, long-range goals. Inspirational leader boosting performance through mentoring and people-focused Physical therapy need delivering top-notch patient care ensuring patient satisfaction is at an all-time high. Known for capitalizing on opportunities that maximize operational efficiency, financial performance, and brand prestige. Anticipated to complete Masters in Business Development(MBA) in June 2021.

Physical therapist resume objectives

An energetic PT with a deep interest in managing rehabilitation programs for individuals with disabilities and acute physical injuries. Looking to apply my skills in functional strength training to administer active and passive manual exercises to ensure the well-being of patients.

Goal-oriented physical therapist with extensive knowledge about managing pain, enhancing range of motion, and assisting patients during physical rehabilitation. Seeking to employ proven PT and evaluation abilities to help pinpoint the source of trauma and provide safe, efficient physical therapy plans for patients.

A passionate physical therapist with a track record of utilizing the latest technologies to successfully manage patients’ rehabilitation programs. Looking to apply my physiotherapy expertise to work with clients on a case-by-case basis, providing post-injury solutions and recommending home-based exercises to accelerate their recovery time.

Patient-centered Physical Therapist with 6 years of experience in creating individualized care plans and treating patients through all phases of physical therapy. Delivers high-quality care through comprehensive, thorough, evidence-based practices to restore patients to full functionality. Seeking PT role to provide 5-star customer experience to the patients every day.

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  • Career Blog

Physical Therapy Resume: Example and Writing Tips for 2024

objective statement for resume physical therapy

Physical therapy is a medical profession that involves the treatment of patients who have functional impairments, disabilities, or injuries that interfere with their ability to move correctly. Physical therapy is aimed at improving a patient’s mobility, reducing pain, and increasing strength and endurance. A physical therapist or PT provides care to patients in a variety of settings, including hospitals, outpatient clinics, and nursing homes.

A physical therapy resume is a document that highlights a PT’s skills, experience, and qualifications. It is a critical tool for PTs seeking employment in the field, as it provides potential employers with an overview of their background and abilities. A well-written physical therapy resume is essential for applicants to make a good first impression and stand out from the competition.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of a well-written physical therapy resume and provide helpful tips for creating an impressive CV. We will explore the ideal format, discuss the essential components of a physical therapy resume, and provide guidance on how to tailor your CV to meet the employer’s specific requirements. By the end of this article, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to create a professional physical therapy resume that will set you apart from the competition.

Researching Physical Therapy Resume Examples

When it comes to creating a successful resume for a career in physical therapy, it’s important to have a good idea of what employers are looking for. And one of the best ways to do that is by reviewing physical therapy resume examples.

Benefits of Reviewing Physical Therapy Resume Examples

There are several benefits to taking a look at physical therapy resume examples before creating your own:

Get ideas for formatting and layout:  By seeing how others in the field have organized their resumes, you’ll have a better idea of what works best for your own experience and skills.

Understand what employers are looking for:  You’ll be able to see which skills and experiences are most valued by employers in the field of physical therapy. This will help you tailor your own resume to highlight your strengths.

Learn industry-specific language:  By reading through physical therapy resumes, you’ll get a sense of how to use industry-specific language that will resonate with hiring managers.

Where to Find Physical Therapy Resume Examples

So, where can you find physical therapy resume examples? Here are a few places to start:

Online job boards:  Sites like Indeed and Monster often include sample resumes in their job postings. Take a look at a few postings in the physical therapy field to see if there are any resume examples that stand out.

Professional associations:  Many physical therapy professional associations offer resume writing tips and examples on their websites. Check out the American Physical Therapy Association or the National Association of Rehabilitation Professionals and Providers for resources.

Career services offices:  If you’re a recent graduate or currently enrolled in a physical therapy program, check with your school’s career services office. They may have physical therapy resume examples on file and can offer guidance on creating your own.

Your professional network:  Reach out to colleagues or mentors in the field of physical therapy and ask if they’d be willing to share their resume with you. You may also find examples by searching on LinkedIn or other professional networking sites.

By reviewing physical therapy resume examples and incorporating the best practices you find, you’ll be well on your way to creating a standout resume that showcases your skills and experience in the field.

Understanding the Anatomy of a Physical Therapy Resume

A well-crafted physical therapy resume is essential in getting the attention of potential employers and securing a job in the field. In order to create an effective resume, it’s important to understand the key sections to include and the recommended format for physical therapists.

Sections to Include in a Physical Therapy Resume

Contact Information : This should include your full name, mailing address, phone number, and email address.

Objective or Summary Statement : This section should briefly highlight your career goals and summarize your qualifications.

Professional Experience : This section should detail your work history, including job titles, employment dates, and key responsibilities and accomplishments.

Education : List your educational background, including the name of the degree you earned, the school you attended, and the year you graduated.

Licensure and Certifications : Include any state licenses or certifications relevant to physical therapy.

Professional Memberships : This section should list any professional organizations or associations you belong to.

Recommended Resume Format for Physical Therapists

When it comes to formatting your physical therapy resume, stick to a clean and professional design that is easy to read. Here are some key elements to keep in mind:

Use a Chronological Format : Start with your most recent job and work backwards in time.

Highlight Your Accomplishments : Use bullet points to emphasize your achievements and quantify your successes.

Tailor Your Resume to the Job Posting : Review the job posting carefully and highlight the skills and qualifications that match your own experience.

Make Sure Your Resume is Easily Readable : Use an easy-to-read font and standard margins, and keep your text size between 10 and 12 points.

By including the right sections and formatting your resume in a professional manner, you’ll be sure to catch the eye of potential employers and highlight your skills and qualifications as a physical therapist.

Writing a Strong Personal Statement for a Physical Therapy Resume

Your personal statement serves as the introduction to the hiring manager or potential employer. It’s one of the most important sections in your resume as it summarizes your professional strengths, experience, and ambition. When it comes to a physical therapy resume, a well-written personal statement can set you apart from the competition. Here’s why it’s important to craft a strong personal statement and tips on how to get it right.

Importance of a Personal Statement

A personal statement is essential because it helps the employer understand your personal and professional background. The statement should convey your passion for physical therapy, as well as your experience in the field. Hiring managers want to know what motivated you to pursue this profession and why you’re the best candidate for the position. It’s an opportunity to introduce yourself as a candidate who’s committed and motivated, as well as detail your skills, experience, and goals. Make sure your personal statement is relevant to the job you’re applying for, and it should highlight your unique traits that separate you from other candidates.

Tips for Writing a Strong Personal Statement

Writing a strong personal statement requires time and effort. Here are tips that will help you create a compelling and effective personal statement:

Be unique: With hundreds of applicants for a single job, your personal statement should stand out from the rest. You should use your statement to express your individuality and showcase what makes you different from other candidates.

Be relevant: Your personal statement should be relevant to the specific job you’re seeking. Use specific examples, keywords, and phrases that align with the job posting.

Be concise: A good personal statement should be brief and to the point. It’s an introduction to who you are, not a detailed discussion of your career.

Highlight your professional achievements: Use your personal statement to highlight your professional achievements, including any awards, accolades, or certifications relevant to your field of work.

Mention your goals: Include your short and long-term career goals in your personal statement. Your goals should align with the job requirements and showcase your vision for growth and enhancement in the field.

Personal Statement Example

Here’s an example of an effective personal statement for a physical therapy resume:

“As a dedicated physical therapist, I thrive on challenging cases that require a multidisciplinary approach. My comprehensive knowledge of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions, combined with my passion for helping patients recover, has allowed me to provide exceptional care.

In my last role, I was responsible for designing and implementing evidence-based physical therapy programs that helped patients improve their motor skills, range of motion, and overall quality of life. My interpersonal communication skills, coupled with my ability to build relationships with patients and their families, has resulted in exceptional patient satisfaction scores and numerous testimonials.

Highlighting Skills and Specializations in a Physical Therapy Resume

As a physical therapist, it is important to highlight your skills and specializations in your resume to showcase your expertise and attract potential employers. Here are some tips on how to effectively incorporate your skills and specializations in your physical therapy resume.

Skills and Specializations Relevant to Physical Therapy

When listing your skills and specializations, it is important to showcase those that are relevant to the field of physical therapy. Some of the most important skills include:

  • Manual therapy techniques
  • Exercise prescription and implementation
  • Patient assessment and evaluation
  • Treatment planning and implementation
  • Documentation and record-keeping
  • Patient education and communication
  • Time management and organization
  • Knowledge of anatomy and physiology
  • Familiarity with medical equipment and technology

In terms of specializations, physical therapists may choose to focus on a specific area of practice, such as sports therapy, pediatric therapy, or geriatric therapy. It is important to highlight any specializations or certifications that you have in your resume to showcase your expertise.

Incorporating Skills and Specializations in a Resume

When incorporating your skills and specializations into your resume, it is important to be strategic about their placement. Some tips include:

  • Create a separate section for skills and specializations to ensure they are visible.
  • Use bullet points to make the information easy to read and scan.
  • Order the skills and specializations in terms of relevance to the position you are applying for.
  • Use keywords and phrases from the job description to tailor your skills and specializations to the specific position.

Skills and Specialization Examples

Here are some examples of skills and specializations that a physical therapist might highlight in their resume:

  • Manual therapy techniques: soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, myofascial release
  • Pediatric therapy specialization: developmental milestones, sensory integration, pediatric gait training
  • Geriatric therapy specialization: balance training, fall prevention, cognitive impairment interventions
  • Sports therapy specialization: injury prevention, rehabilitation, sports-specific training
  • Certification: Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist, Certified Geriatric Specialist

By highlighting your relevant skills and specializations, you can make a strong case for why you are the right candidate for the job. Remember to tailor your resume to the specific position you are applying for and use keywords from the job description to increase your chances of standing out.

Showcasing Professional Experience in a Physical Therapy Resume

One of the key components of a physical therapy resume is the professional experience section. This section highlights a candidate’s relevant work history and informs potential employers of their abilities to provide quality care to patients.

Importance of Professional Experience in a Physical Therapy Resume

Professional experience demonstrates a candidate’s ability to apply theoretical knowledge into practical application. It also showcases their ability to work with a diverse patient population, apply treatment plans, and manage patient outcomes.

In a physical therapy resume, showcasing professional experience helps improve a candidate’s chances of securing the desired job. Employers want to hire qualified candidates with hands-on experience and a proven track record of success.

Format of Professional Experience Section

When including the professional experience section in a physical therapy resume, candidates should start with their most recent work experience and list it in reverse chronological order. Each previous role should include the job title, name of employer, and dates of employment.

Additionally, candidates should including the location and setting of their previous roles. This helps inform employers of the types of patients they have worked with, the type of facility they’ve worked in, and the types of treatments they have provided.

Tips for Highlighting Professional Experience

To increase the impact of the professional experience section in a physical therapy resume, candidates should highlight key achievements and include specific examples of their success. This can include examples of successful patient outcomes, new therapy techniques that they’ve implemented or led, or any awards or recognition received.

It’s also important to tailor this section to the specific job posting. If the job requires experience in a particular area or population, candidates should highlight their relevant experience.

Professional Experience Examples

Here are some examples of how to effectively showcase professional experience in a physical therapy resume:

Led a team of five physical therapists in the development and implementation of a new treatment plan resulting in a 75% success rate with patients within three months of initiating treatment.

Successfully treated over 200 patients with varying diagnoses in a busy outpatient clinic setting, consistently meeting or exceeding patient satisfaction goals.

Developed and implemented a stretching program for a local high school varsity football team, leading to a 30% decrease in injuries during the season.

By including examples like these, candidates can effectively demonstrate their expertise and highlight their value to potential employers.

Emphasizing Education and Certifications in a Physical Therapy Resume

A physical therapy resume should emphasize the applicant’s education and certifications. This section is crucial because hiring managers want to see that the candidate has the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in the role. Here are some tips for writing this section:

Importance of Education and Certifications in a Physical Therapy Resume

Education and certifications are essential to any physical therapy resume. In this industry, a person’s educational background and certifications can make them stand out. Most employers require a physical therapist to have at least a doctoral degree in physical therapy. Therefore, it is essential to include this information in the education section of a physical therapy resume.

List your certifications in reverse chronological order. Ensure the most recent is towards the top. The healthcare sector often has a range of certifications that are necessary or beneficial to have, such as CPR and Basic Life Support (BLS) certifications. Including these certifications in your physical therapy resume demonstrates that you have gone above and beyond the minimum requirements.

Format of Education and Certification Section

In a physical therapy resume, the education and certification section should be listed below the work experience section. Start with the most recent degree or certification and work backward from there. Be sure to include the institution attended, date of graduation or certification, and any academic honors received. Do not forget to include any continuing education courses or workshops to show continuous professional development.

Tips for Highlighting Education and Certifications

It is crucial to highlight education and certifications in a physical therapy resume. Here are some tips:

  • Start with the most important or impressive degree or certification.
  • Use bullet points to make it easy to read.
  • Make sure to include the full name of certifications and the acronyms in parentheses. Some certifications may go by different acronyms, so it’s best to clarify which one you possess.
  • Mention any academic or professional honors or awards received while earning the degree or certification.

Education and Certification Examples

Here are some examples of how the education and certification section should look in a physical therapy resume:

Doctorate of Physical Therapy, XYZ University, May 2021

  • Graduated summa cum laude.
  • Completed a research thesis on the effectiveness of aquatic therapy in geriatric rehabilitation.

CPR and Basic Life Support Certification, American Heart Association, 2020-2022

  • Renewed every 2 years

Manual Therapy Certification, International Academy of Orthopedic Medicine, 2019

  • This certification demonstrates specialized proficiency in manual techniques.

A physical therapy resume should emphasize the applicant’s education and certifications. This section should highlight the necessary professional development to excel in the industry. Ensure to format the education and certification section appropriately and include necessary details, such as dates and academic honors. Implement these tips to ensure that your education and certifications stand out in your physical therapy resume.

Demonstrating Achievements and Awards in a Physical Therapy Resume

As a physical therapist, you have likely earned several achievements and awards throughout your career. Highlighting these accomplishments in your resume can help you stand out from other candidates and demonstrate your expertise and dedication to the field. In this section, we will discuss the importance of displaying achievements and awards, the proper format for doing so, tips for highlighting them in your resume, and provide examples of achievements and awards you can include.

Importance of Displaying Achievements and Awards

Including your achievements and awards in your resume can help you make a strong impression on recruiters or hiring managers. It demonstrates your competence and potential value as an employee. Given how competitive the job market can be, having these accolades featured prominently in your resume can set you apart from others and increase your chances of being selected for an interview.

Format for Displaying Achievements and Awards

When including achievements and awards in your physical therapy resume, it is essential to follow a consistent format. The following components are recommended:

  • Name of the award or recognition
  • Organization or institution that presented the award
  • Date of the award
  • A brief description of the accomplishment or award

Tips for Highlighting Achievements and Awards in a Physical Therapy Resume

To highlight your achievements and awards effectively, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Prioritize recent awards and accomplishments, as they tend to carry more weight.
  • Focus on relevant achievements, particularly those that match the requirements of the job description.
  • Use numbers or figures when possible to demonstrate the impact of your achievements, as this makes them more tangible.
  • Be concise and highlight only your most noteworthy achievements and awards.

Achievements and Awards Examples

Here are some achievements and awards that you may include in your physical therapy resume:

  • Outstanding contribution to patient care – ABC hospital (2020)
  • Excellence in research – XYZ University (2019)
  • Distinguished Physical Therapist – American Physical Therapy Association (2018)
  • Presented research findings at Regional Physical Therapy Conference (2017)
  • Completed Advanced Training in Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation (2016)

Including your achievements and awards in your physical therapy resume can be an effective way to highlight your skills and stand out from other candidates. By following the format and tips provided in this section, you can ensure that your accomplishments are showcased in the best possible light.

Using Action Words and Keywords in a Physical Therapy Resume

When it comes to crafting a successful physical therapy resume, action words and keywords are crucial elements to include. These elements help to make a resume stand out and draw the attention of potential employers. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of action words and keywords, and provide some examples of how to use them in your physical therapy resume.

Importance of Action Words and Keywords

Action words are verbs that describe a specific action or accomplishment. By incorporating these words into your resume, you demonstrate your ability to take initiative and achieve results. Keywords, on the other hand, are specific terms that relate to the industry you’re working in. Including these words in your resume increases your chances of being selected by an automated tracking system.

Using both action words and keywords helps to create a resume that is dynamic and targeted to the needs of the employer. They also help to make a resume easier to read and comprehend, which is important when hiring managers only have a limited amount of time to review hundreds of applications.

Examples of Action Words and Keywords for Physical Therapy

When crafting your physical therapy resume, include a mix of both action words and keywords. Here are some examples to get you started:

Action Words:

  • Administered
  • Coordinated
  • Implemented
  • Rehabilitated
  • Collaborated
  • Rehabilitation
  • Therapeutic exercise
  • Neuromuscular
  • Sports medicine
  • Cardiovascular
  • Manual therapy
  • Patient care

By including these words in your resume, you demonstrate your expertise and experience in the field of physical therapy. This helps your resume to stand out from others in the pile and makes it easier for potential employers to understand your qualifications.

Using action words and keywords are important elements to include in your physical therapy resume. They help to make your resume more dynamic and targeted to the needs of the employer. By following these tips and incorporating these elements into your resume, you’ll increase your chances of landing your dream job in the field of physical therapy.

Formatting and Design Tips for a Physical Therapy Resume

When it comes to creating a physical therapy resume, there’s more to it than just listing your qualifications and job experience. You also need to consider the formatting and design aspect of it, as it could be the determining factor in whether or not you land that interview. In this section, we’ll discuss three key elements to consider when designing a physical therapy resume: recommended font and size, the use of social media and tips for creating an eye-catching design.

Recommended Font and Size

When it comes to choosing a font for your physical therapy resume, you want to make sure it’s easy to read and not too distracting. Times New Roman, Arial and Calibri are all great options. Use a font size between 10 and 12 points to ensure readability.

Use of Social Media in a Physical Therapy Resume

In today’s digital age, it’s becoming increasingly common for employers to take a look at a candidate’s social media presence before making a hiring decision. Adding links to your professional social media profiles, such as LinkedIn, can be a great way to showcase your experience and network in the industry. Just make sure your profiles are up-to-date and professional before including them on your resume.

Tips for Designing an Eye-catching Physical Therapy Resume

When designing your physical therapy resume, keep it clean and simple. Use bullet points to help break up the text and make it easier to read. Consider adding a pop of color or a relevant graphic to make it stand out. Lastly, while it’s important to make it visually appealing, don’t sacrifice substance for style. Make sure to include all the necessary information about your education, certifications and work experience.

Taking the time to consider the formatting and design of your physical therapy resume is crucial for making a good first impression. By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be on your way to creating a standout resume that will get you noticed by employers in the field.

Tailoring a Physical Therapy Resume for Specific Job Applications

When applying for different physical therapy job positions, it’s important to tailor your resume according to each specific employer’s requirements. The idea is to showcase your relevant skills and expertise that match the job description, which can greatly increase your chances of getting hired. Here are some tips for tailoring a physical therapy resume that can help you stand out from the competition.

Importance of Tailoring a Resume

Tailoring a resume is an essential practice that can make all the difference in your job search. Employers receive hundreds of applications for a single job, which means that your resume needs to be customized and targeted to the specific job you’re applying for. A tailored resume shows the employer that you’re serious about the position and took the time to research the company and the job requirements. It also highlights your relevant skills and experience, making it easier for the employer to see how you can add value to their organization.

Tips for Tailoring a Physical Therapy Resume

  • Read the Job Description Carefully

The first step to tailoring your resume is to read the job description carefully. Look for specific skills and qualifications that the employer is looking for and make note of them. This will give you an idea of what to highlight in your resume.

  • Customize Your Objective Statement

The objective statement at the top of your resume should be tailored to the job you’re applying for. Use specific keywords from the job description and highlight your relevant experience and skills.

  • Showcase Your Relevant Experience

When listing your work experience, highlight your relevant experience first. Use bullet points to showcase your accomplishments and duties that match the job requirements. If you have experience in a specific area within physical therapy, such as sports medicine or geriatric care, make sure to highlight it.

  • Highlight Your Education and Certifications

If you have certifications or advanced degrees that are relevant to the job, make sure to include them in your resume. These qualifications can make you stand out from other applicants.

  • Include Relevant Courses and Training

If you have taken any courses or training that are relevant to the job, make sure to include them in your resume. This can show the employer that you’re dedicated to continuing education and improving your skills.

Final Thoughts

Tailoring your physical therapy resume for specific job applications can greatly increase your chances of getting hired. Remember to customize your resume according to each job description, highlight your relevant experience and education, and use keywords and phrases from the job description. By following these tips, you can create a resume that stands out from the competition and showcases your skills and expertise.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in a Physical Therapy Resume

When it comes to creating a physical therapy resume, there are certain mistakes that can greatly reduce your chances of landing a job. In this section, we will discuss three common mistakes that you should avoid in order to make a strong and effective resume.

Overused Buzzwords

One mistake that many physical therapy job seekers make when crafting their resumes is using too many overused buzzwords. While it may seem like a good idea to include these words in your resume, they can actually harm your chances of success. Hiring managers read dozens of resumes every day, and they have likely seen these buzzwords countless times before. Instead, focus on showcasing your unique skills and experiences in a clear and concise manner.

Including Irrelevant Information

Another mistake to avoid is including irrelevant information on your resume. While it may be tempting to list every skill or experience you have ever had, doing so can make your resume cluttered and difficult to read. Instead, focus on including only the most relevant information that showcases your abilities as a physical therapist. Make sure that your skill set aligns with the job description and prioritize your experiences accordingly.

Spelling and Grammar Errors

Spelling and grammar errors can be a major turn-off for hiring managers. These types of mistakes can make you appear unprofessional and cause the reader to question your attention to detail. Take the time to proofread your resume multiple times, and use tools like Grammarly or Hemingway to ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and error-free.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a well-crafted physical therapy resume that showcases your skills and experiences in the best possible light. Remember, a strong resume can be the difference between landing an interview or getting passed over for a job opportunity.

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Stephen Greet

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  • PT Student 2
  • PT Student 3
  • PT Student 4
  • PT Student 5
  • Physical Therapy Student Resume Writing 101

You’re passionate about providing patients with the right type of treatment to recover from injuries, surgeries, or illnesses. Now at the end of your education, it’s time to apply your exercise prescription and preventative care skills to a real working environment.

Are you treating your resume with the same level of care you provide to patients?

We know it can be hard keeping up with your studies and trying to land one of your first physical therapy jobs. You can use our physical therapy student resume examples as a template to display your top skills successfully.

Physical Therapy Student Resume

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Physical therapy student resume example with 5 years of experience

Physical Therapy Student 2 Resume

Physical therapy student 2 resume example with research project experience

Physical Therapy Student 3 Resume

Physical therapy student 3 resume example with project experience

Physical Therapy Student 4 Resume

Physical therapy student 4 resume example with volunteer experience

Physical Therapy Student 5 Resume

Physical therapy student 5 resume example with pet care experience

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What Matters Most: Your Physical Therapy Student Skills & Work Experience

Your resume skills and work experience

Before treatment providers bring you on board, they’ll want to see what skills you possess that’ll make you an asset to their physical therapy staff.

If you’re struggling, consider the different topics you’ve studied in school. Did you learn about medical imaging and joint mobilization techniques? Then you should add those to your resume skills , especially if it’s something the organization mentions in the job description .

Here are some of the best skills for physical therapy students to add to a resume.

9 best physical therapy student skills

  • Patient Relations
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Orthopedic Diagnosis
  • Gait Training
  • Prosthetics
  • Discharge Planning
  • Patient Assessment
  • Joint Mobilization

Sample physical therapy student work experience bullet points

Trying to find relevant work experience to include can also be a struggle for some physical therapy students. Remember that if you don’t have prior work experience in the field, what you put here still matters to show how you’ll perform. 

You can find relevant experiences from several areas, such as your education and careers in other fields. Even customer service at a fast food restaurant can translate into patient care abilities. 

Try to keep your examples simple and easy to comprehend since hiring managers go through these quickly. One sentence about how you achieved a high grade on your orthopedic diagnosis exam goes a long way. 

Here are a few samples:

  • Completed coursework creating treatment plans while keeping patient-specific needs in mind, achieving a 97% overall grade. 
  • Completed documentation for biopsychosocial assessments, case notes, and treatment plans with 99% accuracy. 
  • Provided friendly service to a wing of 30 nursing home patients, assisting in all their needs to achieve 98% positive satisfaction scores. 
  • Performed medical data entry, creating a new Excel spreadsheet system that allowed doctors and nurses to analyze patient data 48% more efficiently.  

Top 5 Tips for Your Physical Therapy Student Resume

  • A resume objective can be a good way for entry-level physical therapists to present a well-rounded skill set. For example, you could write a few sentences about your passion for patient care and eagerness to apply your four years of customer service experience to the position.  
  • A one-page resume is optimal to ensure you include enough relevant information about your physical therapy skills. If you’re struggling to list experience, consider what you learned while getting your physical therapy degree, volunteer work, or applicable skills from other fields.  
  • Hiring managers will want to know you can get results for patients. Including numbers in your examples that express satisfaction scores, grades achieved, or accuracy can all help show your abilities in a way that’s easy to understand.              
  • Physical therapy requires understanding patient data and making accurate decisions based on what you see. Show you have the right abilities by submitting a grammatically correct and accurate resume.             
  • Since you’ve begun your physical therapy degree, you’ve gained tons of expertise in the field. Therefore, listing your most recent experiences first will help show your most relevant abilities in patient care and exercise prescription.           

You should submit a cover letter to provide a well-rounded overview of your abilities. When you create a cover letter , explain your passion for helping patients, why you want to work for a medical organization, or how you’ll apply your customer service skills to create an excellent patient experience.  

Even if you haven’t completed your physical therapy degree yet, you should still list it as being in progress. What you’ve learned so far in your studies will be one of your biggest assets to show your abilities in joint mobilization and patient assessments if you don’t have prior work experience.

A hobbies & interests section is a great idea for physical therapy students who want to add additional relevant skills and experience to their resumes. For instance, if you were in your school’s anatomy club, it would show relevant interests and knowledge for a career in physical therapy.

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  4. 9 Physical Therapist Resume Examples Built for 2024

    While tricky to achieve, you can kick excess white space to the curb with a resume objective. An objective worth it's salt should: 1. mention the target business by name, 2. list your experience and skills that best match the job description keywords, and 3. read as a two-to-three-sentence snapshot of your best self.

  5. Physical therapy

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  6. Physical Therapy Resume: 2022 Guide with Examples [Complete ...

    Take a look at at our physical therapist resume sample to get an insight on how an ideal physical therapist resume is curated: TRON HEARTFILL. Physical Therapist. +1 82317 68376. [email protected]. Miami, FL. SUMMARY. 7+ years experienced licensed physical therapist well versed in broad range of treatment & care.

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  9. Physical therapist

    Physical therapist resume objectives. An energetic PT with a deep interest in managing rehabilitation programs for individuals with disabilities and acute physical injuries. Looking to apply my skills in functional strength training to administer active and passive manual exercises to ensure the well-being of patients. Copy to clipboard 288.

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  12. Physical Therapy Resume: Example and Writing Tips for 2024

    Sections to Include in a Physical Therapy Resume. Contact Information: This should include your full name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. Objective or Summary Statement: This section should briefly highlight your career goals and summarize your qualifications.

  13. Physical Therapist Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    A licensed physical therapist with entry-level experience specializing in orthopedic outpatient care, rehabilitation, and patient-centered care. Adept at coordinating with multidisciplinary teams to deliver empathetic care and improve the quality of life for patients. 2. Add your physical therapist experience with compelling examples.

  14. Physical Therapy Resume Example: What To Include (Plus Tips)

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    How to write a physical therapy resume in 5 simple steps. Writing an impressive resume is a key step toward landing your next position as a physical therapist. To grab attention and set yourself apart from others, it's important to tailor your resume specifically to the physical therapy sector and the particular role you're eyeing. Step 1.

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    This is typical of a full-time licensed physical therapist, but other careers in physical therapy and similar fields may expect different earnings. For example: Physical therapist assistants and aides: $49,180 per year. Occupational therapists: $92,800 per year. Home health and physical care aides: $30,930 per year.

  18. 5 Physical Therapy Student Resume Examples for 2023

    Top 5 Tips for Your Physical Therapy Student Resume. Consider including an objective. A resume objective can be a good way for entry-level physical therapists to present a well-rounded skill set. For example, you could write a few sentences about your passion for patient care and eagerness to apply your four years of customer service experience to the position.