
MBA Resources

Successful GMAT Waiver Request Letters 


MBA & Beyond Team

22/08/2023 | 6:10 pm

GMAT Waiver Request Letters

For many aspiring business leaders, an MBA is the golden ticket to a fulfilling career. These coveted programs equip graduates with a potent combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, opening doors to lucrative positions with significant impact. However, the traditional gateway to these programs, the GMAT, can be a significant hurdle. Here’s where successful GMAT waiver request letters come in, offering a streamlined path for qualified individuals.

Every aspiring candidate harbors the dream of studying at some of the world’s most renowned universities and colleges. However, in leading business schools, GMAT scores are deemed a crucial component of the application. For certain students, one of the most challenging aspects of the application process is getting ready for standardized tests, either due to time constraints for proper preparation or because these students struggle with test-taking.

This is where the notion of a GMAT waiver comes into play. We will furnish you with comprehensive details about the GMAT waiver and offer tips on crafting a successful GMAT waiver request letter.

Here is the Snapshot of the article:

*Note: In this article, “GMAT waiver essay” and “GMAT/GRE request letters” are one and the same and used interchangeably. Most schools do not have any essays for GMAT waivers and hence only ask for a letter to request for getting a GMAT waiver.



successful gmat waiver request letters

Briefly, a GMAT waiver enables an MBA program applicant to skip submitting a test score, especially if they meet specific criteria related to work experience, degrees, academic history, or other specified conditions.

Schools grant GMAT/GRE exemptions at the discretion of admission officers, who assess each GMAT/GRE waiver request letter or GMAT waiver MBA essay. Nevertheless, certain institutions automatically provide waivers to qualifying individuals without requiring an additional GMAT/GRE waiver request letter.

Universities like Syracuse University, UNC (University of North Carolina), and GW (George Washington University) automatically extend GMAT waivers to applicants with over five years of work experience. Conversely, NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology) exempts GMAT requirements for individuals holding an advanced degree.

Successful GMAT Waiver Request Letters: Who Should Consider Applying?

You may be contemplating whether to submit a GMAT/GRE waiver letter. There are factors to consider if you choose to apply. If you are confident in demonstrating your abilities adequately through the exam, have met the eligibility criteria but are facing challenges in taking the GMAT/GRE exam, you might consider composing a GMAT/GRE waiver request letter. Below, we will elaborate on the key elements of successful GMAT waiver request letters.

However, if you can attain a score higher than the average for your target program and meet the eligibility criteria, it is advisable not to consider a waiver. This can bolster the strength of your candidacy, so we recommend proceeding and submitting your scores. 

Yet, if you lack adequate work experience, leadership skills, a strong academic record, quantitative coursework, or if your application is weak, seeking a GMAT/GRE waiver may not be a strategic choice. The likelihood of your GMAT/GRE waiver letter getting approved is minimal, as admissions committees seek students capable of handling the school’s challenging academic program and contributing positively to their community. So, we advise you to pull up your socks and start preparing early so that you do not regret it at the end of the deadline. 




Skip the GMAT, Focus on Strengths: Admissions committees value real-world experience (career, achievements) and past academic performance over test scores. Highlight these strengths to secure a GMAT waiver.

Schools are assigning increased importance to prior coursework, work experience, and professional certifications to choose the most highly qualified applicants from the same limited pool.

See what experts have to say about the impact of your GMAT/GRE letters.

Below Paragraph deals with all the major constituents that are included in successful GMAT waiver request letters.

successful gmat waiver request letters


Work experience constitutes the primary reason why B-schools offer test score waivers to applicants. “A real-world experience that an applicant would bring to a program is likely to be more valuable than scoring over a certain number on a test.” 


Business schools acknowledge the additional workload and pressure that entrance exams impose on experienced working professionals. Consequently, an increasing number of schools are simplifying the application process by granting GMAT waivers. While some B-schools adhere to a broad interpretation, many of the top institutions define “relevant work experience” according to their own criteria. 

While some consider management responsibilities, Strategic directions, Problem-solving, time management, personal accountability, and decision-making as key factors, many define work experience in a much broader aspect. ‘ The Work experience needs to be of a specific caliber that is relevant to the applicant’s career goals, with the average number of years of work experience required to be more than five years . However, the highest-ranked B- schools exhibit an average to be at least seven years.

Hence, work experience will become an important constituent to creating successful GMAT waiver request letters and a key solution to how to get GMAT waived.


Another factor influencing the evaluation of successful GMAT waiver request letters is your academic performance. Each school has varying academic preferences, encompassing undergraduate performance, additional coursework, certifications, and even advanced-level degrees. Several top B-schools set a minimum GPA threshold, typically ranging from 3.0 to 3.4, when considering waiver requests.

Learn how important your GPA for Top MBA Programs is. 

Universities, such as Pepperdine University, even require that students have degrees in quantitative economics or science, engineering, technology, or mathematics disciplines for evaluating the successful GMAT  waiver request letters.  


Professional certifications such as Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Financial Analyst (CFA), and similar licenses are taken into consideration by many B-schools when awarding waivers.


If your work experience showcases qualities indicative of leadership, it would be advantageous to highlight this experience in your GMAT waiver letter. Schools seek students who can tackle challenges not only for themselves but also for their team and the community, motivating everyone to strive towards becoming better versions of themselves. We suggest you back up your remarkable efforts by learning how to maximize the strength of your recommendations from senior management and colleagues, who can witness your leadership skills and professional integrity in the face of problems.

Learn how to exhibit leadership experience in your MBA application. 


GMAT tests are crafted to highlight problem-solving skills in comprehending various issues. The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), Integrated Reasoning (IR), and particularly the quantitative sections assess applicants’ performance in specific scenarios. Choosing a GMAT waiver presents an excellent opportunity to exhibit your problem-solving skills, drawing from your experience in your GMAT waiver letter.



There are two types of schools in this scenario. The first category of school requires you to submit your GMAT waiver letter before your application. If the GMAT waiver is not granted, then you must take the exam before completing your application. The second category incorporates the GMAT waiver request within its application. This means that if you are applying for a GMAT waiver, you need to submit your full application before determining whether or not you still need to take the test. We recommend thoroughly reading the instructions of your chosen school and conducting comprehensive research in advance because sometimes the deadline for GMAT waiver requests is just a week ahead.


Steps to an MBA with a GMAT Waiver Request Letter

Frequently, MBA aspirants grapple with uncertainty regarding the adequacy of their profiles and other standardized test scores to qualify for a GMAT waiver. Similarly, candidates harbor concerns that obtaining a GMAT waiver might adversely impact their chances of admission to their desired school.

1. In such a scenario, we urge MBA aspirants to follow these steps for initiating a GRE/GMAT waiver with any B-school.

  • Understand the significance of the GMAT for your TARGET SCHOOLS and look at their criteria to get a GMAT waiver.
  • Understand what qualities GMAT reflects in your application and how you can exhibit them with other aspects of your application
  • Every school has different criteria for accepting case-by-case waivers; ensure you are well-versed with them!


  • It should be your biggest strength for applying to MBA programs that don’t require GMAT. 
  • Professional experience is the best way to showcase your decision-making, analytical, and quantitative skills through practical examples.
  • Build a compelling case for career progression that highlights your professional growth and exemplary leadership instances. 

3. Bring DIVERSITY to your application.

For anyone applying with a GMAT waiver for the 2024 intake, diversity is one of the most important aspects of your application!

Emphasize the diversity of perception, thought, and perspective, underscoring how your unique contributions will enrich the MBA communities of your target school. This will make a compelling statement in front of the Adcoms.

4. Draft a unique & Stellar GMAT WAIVER LETTER

  • Comprehend the formatting requirements of the particular program to which you are applying for a GMAT waiver by reviewing successful examples of GMAT waiver letters used by others.
  • Open with a Clear Statement to Highlight the Letter’s Purpose!
  • Demonstrate relevant skills acquired through professional work experience without the necessity of taking a GMAT.
  • Add specific examples to support your claims.

We follow a unique framework to guide applicants in exploring their work experience, leadership potential, strengths, weaknesses, etc., and organize all their essays, including GMAT waivers, in a manner that can create the desired impact!


If you have a good level of achievement in the CFA Program, for example, having a specific group of the CFA Program(e.g., Level 1, Level 2) or being a charter holder, Congrats! You are eligible for a GMAT/GRE waiver and even might be eligible for an additional course waiver. 

Top US MBA programs like Darden, Cornell, Duke, Emory, Dartmouth, John Hopkins, and many more offer exclusive exemptions for candidates who have cleared a specific level of the esteemed CFA exam to acknowledge their achievements by providing course waivers and other benefits! For detailed information on top MBA programs offering GMAT waivers for the MBA 2024 intake based on CFA program exemption, refer to our article titled “MBA GMAT Waiver 2024: CFA Exemptions.”


Numerous top B-schools highly appreciate the leadership and decision-making skills cultivated during military service. In recognition of their commitment to the country, these institutions extend a GMAT waiver to all eligible candidates with a military background. Furthermore, these B-schools also grant a waiver for candidates with an army background to underscore the significance of diversity. The aim is to include students from varied backgrounds and experiences, enhancing the richness of content in classroom discussions and learning.

Below are some veteran-friendly programs that value their military experience and support them with a GMAT waiver for their military background. These MBA Programs Without GMAT Requirements are-


successful gmat waiver request letters

While the GMAT adds significant value to your candidacy, there is a growing trend among business schools to waive entrance exams and admit students who do not submit GMAT or GRE scores, even at highly ranked programs.

If applicants meet one or more of the GMAT waiver eligibility criteria, they are exempted from providing their GMAT scores as part of the application process. This approach was adopted to address the concern that numerous high-potential applicants with extensive work experience were either hesitant or limiting their application to MBA programs due to lower GMAT scores.

Among top B-schools, which include the University of North Carolina, the University of Delaware, George Washington University, NJIT, and Syracuse University, most admitted students did not provide GMAT or GRE scores with their applications; only less than three percent of admitted students provided scores.

However, for the Top 25 MBA programs, a strong GMAT score remains a crucial requirement. Even if you are submitting a GMAT/GRE waiver request letter (assuming the school is waiving the GMAT requirement and you qualify for it), you must present exceptionally strong essays and an overall compelling application.

Know how you can make a strong application if you are applying with a GMAT waiver.

Successful GMAT Waiver Request Letters: Finding Your Perfect Fit

Check with specific institutions for criteria to be eligible for a GMAT waiver. MBA program applicants should confirm their alignment with eligibility guidelines before submitting a GMAT waiver request letter. Each program establishes the specific eligibility requirements they wish to apply.

If you qualify for the requirements, you can submit a GMAT waiver request letter.

However, there is another aspect to consider. If you are aiming for M7 or T10 schools with a waiver, you must possess a strong quantitative background, substantial achievements, a promising career trajectory, and a compelling narrative to present in your MBA application.


These are some general points you must have before submitting the GMAT waiver request letter:

  • Ten years of professional working experience
  • Exceptionally high GPA scores and academic records
  • An Advanced master’s degree or a recognized certification in any alternative field.
  • Three recommendation letters
  • Copies of transcripts from both undergraduate and graduate schools.
  • A formal GMAT waiver request letter that conforms to all the parameters of the school.

The below table enlists the Top notch B-schools providing GMAT waivers for deserving candidates. Carefully go through the eligibility criteria for each of them before applying.

Note – Check B-Schools page for latest eligibility criteria


Gmat fee reduction program/ waiver.

Some applicants might find both concepts confusing, but these are two distinct waivers. The GMAT waiver exempts the applicant from taking the GMAT test, while the GMAT fee waiver reduces the costs associated with a GMAT exam. GMAC doesn’t directly offer GMAT fee waivers to applicants. Instead, they recommend that schools grant GMAT fee waivers only to students facing financial difficulties. Business schools that submit a request to GMAC receive up to 10 fee waivers per year. GMAC provides a code to the school, which the school uses based on the needs of the applicants.


  • Conduct thorough research. Familiarize yourself with all eligibility criteria and other guidelines. Keep in mind that not every school providing a GMAT waiver will have identical criteria.
  • Stay concentrated and address particular aspects that showcase quantitative and analytical skills for the successful processing and evaluation of information.
  • Clear & Concise style of Writing.
  • Instead of exaggerating, concentrate on two or three of the most crucial skills and emphasize them significantly.
  • Revising & Proofreading  


successful gmat waiver request letters

University name:-

University Address:-

Salutation- Sir or Madam

1st Paragraph: About Yourself

Introduce yourself and provide a concise overview of the specific criteria that make you eligible to submit the GMAT/GRE waiver request letter. Explain the purpose of your letter, detailing why you are writing and specifying the nature of your request.

2nd Paragraph

Expand upon your academic and professional achievements while avoiding exaggeration. Overstating your qualifications may be perceived as bragging. Ensure that each accomplishment, no matter how significant, contributes to the purpose of convincing admissions; otherwise, it shouldn’t be included.

3rd Paragraph

Offer valid certificates and awards as evidence. Highlight your achievements that align with their requirements, aiding in your quest for a GMAT waiver. Ensure to delve into specific aspects of your professional work experience that align with the skills the GMAT is designed to assess. This will bolster your argument for applying for a waiver.

4th Paragraph:

Ending statement. Thank the reader for taking the time to read your letter. Make it as well polished as you can.

Contact details.

gmat test waiver essay

This is it from our side; we know it’s quite long. But we hope you got some great insights about the GMAT waiver request letter. If you require an expert to give your application or essay the light that can shine in the eyes of adcoms, you can count on us.

We offer a limited number of complimentary profile evaluations each week to maximize your chances. We match you with the students and alums of top B-Schools according to your background and target schools. In this call, the experts will try to dig out your USP for top B-schools and provide you with honest feedback on your profile and chances to your target schools.

Frequently Asked Questions


You need to have strong elements on your profile like work experience, academics, professional certifications, etc.

Also, you need to see the criteria for your target schools and see if you meet the requirements. If yes, you can go ahead and submit a GMAT waiver request letter (if required).


You can see the list of business schools waiving GMAT in 2021-22 and their criteria in the table above.


Yes, many schools are waiving the GMAT for 2022 intake. Some top schools include MIT, Ross, Kelley and Darden.


For all the schools, there is generally no minimum limit or “acceptable GMAT score” as such. However, you may look into the class profile of your target schools to know what can be a good GMAT score to target. If you are an over-represented applicant (like Indian or Chinese), you may want to add 20+ in the average range to target a good GMAT for yourself. 

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How to Write a Compelling GMAT Test Waiver Request

November 28, 2023

Sophie Hilaire

Not too long ago, the GMAT was the unavoidable gateway to a top MBA program. However, it is starting to become less of a “must” with each increasing year as a result of many contributing factors—notwithstanding a global pandemic, schools wanting to access a more diverse swath of applicants, and admissions committees recognizing that there are many other ways to evaluate a candidate’s ability to perform well academically.

Today, more and more schools are interested in a wider range of tests, including the GRE, the EA, and even your dusty old SAT and ACT scores from high school!

And for some schools, no test is required at all.

Maybe you don’t have the ability to safely take an exam, or you lack a home working setup that could accommodate studying for and/or taking an online exam, or you simply do not have the time to study because of your demanding schedule. If so, you’ll be happy to hear that a GMAT/GRE test waiver is now an option for some applicants at certain schools.

How are test waivers granted?

To be clear, not everyone who applies for a test waiver is granted one. You will need to convince the admissions committee that you have already displayed the requisite achievements and practical application skills to give them confidence in waiving the requirement for you. The level of convincing necessary will vary from school to school, so do not be discouraged if one school does not grant you a waiver; you may have a different result elsewhere. Conversely, if you do get a waiver from a particular school, there is a fair chance you may be granted one for another program as well—but there are no guarantees.

Most merit-based test waivers are granted on the basis of strong undergraduate academics, quantitative analysis in your profession, graduate degree grades, and/or application of quantitative/verbal/critical reasoning fundamentals, as well as other extracurricular courses or activities to showcase your academic abilities.

How can I request a test waiver?

Some schools will ask for specific information when requesting your waiver, while others will give you a blank field to fill out with a tight word limit. If you encounter the latter option, the following template is a general formula you can use to request your waiver:

Your why: Introduce your case briefly, and include your reason for not taking an exam.

Achievements: Elaborate on your academic GPA and achievements, relevant previous coursework and grades, professional achievements, graduate degrees, and certifications pertaining to the criteria the school wants you to satisfy to receive a waiver (encompassing quant, verbal, and critical reasoning, if applicable).

Work experience/practical application: Prove competence in your skills. Share professional applicability and/or challenges you’ve faced and overcome through your knowledge.

Close: Thank the admissions committee for their time, and politely request that they weigh your accomplishments against the requirement of an exam.

Many schools will respond to your GMAT/GRE test waiver request without you even having to complete your full application—which could save you significant time. And once you receive your waiver, schools will not evaluate any test scores for your application, regardless of whether you have already submitted a score to them in the past. So, if you already have a test score and don’t believe it reflects your abilities (or it’s far below the program’s average scores), requesting a test waiver may be an ideal option for you. 

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GMAT test waiver

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GMAT Waiver for MBA Application

GMAT Waiver for MBA Application

However, it is also famously known that the weight of the GMAT score, just like any other application parameter, is considered on a case-by-case basis.While many b-schools accept GRE scores in lieu of GMAT scores (Read Top Business Schools accepting GRE Scores ), there are still others that offer admissions to applicants with a low GMAT score .

Some well-recognized business schools like Warwick, Rotterdam, ESMT, and more, have been known to look beyond the numbers and take in candidates who didn’t give a stellar GMAT performance (Read Colleges accepting low GMAT scores ).

What is also inspiring are the number of low GMAT success stories , giving hope to the applicants who don’t seem to be able to share the high-score limelight with the over 750s ( Does a 760 GMAT score guarantee admission? ).

Also read Average GMAT Scores in the Top MBA Programs .

So, if the selection is subjective,are there cases when a GMAT can be ignored altogether? Do all business schools require your sleepless sacrifice ? And can you request the b-school to forego the GMAT requirement from your application?

To sum up, is GMAT Waiver a thing and if it is, how does it work?  

All about GMAT Waiver for MBA Applications

Gmat waiver – what is it.

Besides the MBA programs that don’t allow poor GMAT scores to get in the way of a good application, there are still others that allow either of the following get-away-from-GMAT­ free cards .

  • Schools that require a GMAT for admission but can consider a request for a GMAT waiver under special circumstances.
  • Schools, or particular MBA Programs, that don’t require a GMAT for admission.

For the present article, we will focus on (A) GMAT Waivers. It presents an opportunity for certain qualifying applicants to request a waiver on a GMAT score, required for admission. Since this exception allows a special privilege not afforded to the others, the request for a GMAT waiver, from an admissions office, needs to be compensated for by other redeeming qualities in the applicant.

If you are requesting a waiver, your letter should emphasize at least one of the following, if not more, by way of making your case (each business school has its own criteria).

  • Work Experience: The experience should not just be substantial, preferably more than the suggested eligibility for the application, but also strongly representative of your development along your career path. The admissions office needs to be able to infer your abilities from your growing contributions, at your workplace. Having the same job role, or too many job changes, can reflect badly on your initiative, and motivation to take on responsibilities.
  • Leadership: It is one thing to have work experience, and quite an impressive another to have work experience which reflects your qualities as a good leader, taking on challenges, for yourself and your team, over and above the call of duty. It is essential to back up your remarkable efforts with recommendations from senior management as well as your colleagues who have witnessed your professional integrity and leadership skills in the face of problems.
  • Problem Solving Skills: GMAT tests are designed to show a level of comfort at comprehending problems and arriving at optimum resolutions. The AWA, IR, and especially the quantitative sections test the takers on performance under constrained situations. If you are opting to do away with GMAT, it would behove you to showcase your problem-solving skills through successful instances at work, or otherwise.
  • Academic Record: An applicant credibility shoots up with a good academic record, advanced degrees, or certifications, that represent your learning abilities. A quantitative background is almost always required.

Needless to say, besides the above silver linings, it is essential to have a solid MBA application essay. You should have a clear comprehension of your motivation, for an MBA, and what you would like to do with it in the future. In all, if a GMAT waiver is being requested, the rest of your application should be able to more than sell your position as a desirable candidate, nevertheless.  

MBA Programs that allow a GMAT Waiver

We will list some of the popular MBA programs that allow a GMAT concession, in the table below. However, the best route possible, for you, is to research the programs you may be interested in and, if possible, ask the admissions office for an initial clarification on the issue. Remember, all GMAT waivers need to be requested. They are not generally automatic.

Certain MBA programs,for instance the Columbia Business School EMBA, INSEAD GEMBA, SDA Bocconi GEMBA, Warwick MBA, Chicago Booth MBA, and Manchester Business School MBA,allow their own standardized tests instead of a GMAT or GRE.

Most Full Time MBA programs don’t allow a GMAT concession. Certain part time, or Executive programs, do make it possible to cruise through the admission process without a GMAT. For more MBA programs that fall in the (B) category mentioned above, follow this link on MBA without GMAT requirement in USA, Europe and India .  

Sample Letter Format for Requesting a GMAT Waiver

Each school will have their own timelines of when to send in the GMAT waiver request. It is best to follow their lead. Waivers are requested by writing a letter to the admissions committee, unless specified otherwise. It is also advisable to correspond with them well in advance in the event it takes some time for them to approve your special request.

Your GMAT Waiver Request Letter needs to follow the usual formalities associated with any business correspondence, unless otherwise specified by the school. The address line, date, subject, and salutations, should follow similar formats like the other admission related formal letters ( Letter of Intent vs Statement of Purpose vs Personal Statement ).

For the content itself, you have to ensure that you give a reasonable explanation of why your background has prepared you enough to not have to appear for a GMAT test. Schools generally have a clear criterion to be considered for the extra privilege. So, stick to the essentials and stay away from bragging, or sounding too good to be true.

Here’s a sample, and quite fantastically fictional, GMAT waiver letter from a candidate with an MS in a quantitative field and work experience to lay strength to his claims.

Gotham University Gotham, (Insert State) – 123456   1 st January 2020

Subject: GMAT Waiver Request for Application to the Full Time MBA Program   Dear Sir or Madam,

(1 st Paragraph: Introduce your case without getting into too many details)

I am writing this letter to formally request you to waive the GMAT exam for my application to the Full Time MBA program. My past professional, and academic background, have prepared me with the required skills essential to be considered for a waiver.   (2 nd Paragraph: Elaborate your academic and professional achievements pertaining to the criteria the school wants you to satisfy in order to receive a waiver)

I have a Masters in Economics from XYZ (accredited of course) University with a GPA of 3.5/4.0. After graduating in 2010, and having interned at ABC company for two months during my graduate years, I joined EFG Corp. as a Financial Risk Analyst. My responsibilities, in the role, involved (Insert your duties with measured restraint. You don’t want to sound too congratulatory). After 2 years, I qualified the Institute of Risk Management (IRM) certification. I was soon promoted to become my division’s Risk Manager, managing a team of ten.   (3 rd Paragraph: Provide proof of your achievements. Share the challenges you faced and how your super quantitative skills saved the day)   (4 th Paragraph: Appreciate the Adcom for their time and gently request them to weigh your accomplishments against the requirement of a GMAT exam and consider the worthiness of your background for an exemption).   With Regards, Lex Luthor


What is the difference between GMAT Waiver and GMAT Fee Waiver?

To draw this epic GMAT waiver saga to a close, let’s touch upon one subtle semantic difference that has the potential to confuse a few – GMAT Waiver vs GMAT Fee Waiver.

They are not the same concession.

While the former relieves the applicant from the pressures of taking the GMAT test, the latter is associated with reducing the costs of a GMAT exam. GMAC doesn’t offer GMAT fee waivers directly to the applicants. Instead, it provides up to 10 fee waivers to each business school which sends in a request. GMAC sends a coupon code to the school, and the school uses its discretion to bestow,said code, upon a requesting applicant in need.

So, if you want to take the $250 cost out of your financial planning for your MBA application, then frame your fee waiver letter well in the initial months of application. Once the school gets the waiver approved from a senior official, you will receive the code enabling you to register for a GMAT exam for free.  

And they lived happily ever after…

So, we conclude the saga of GMAT waivers. Clearly, there’s far more to the information we barely glanced upon given the fact that there are thousands, if not more, business schools with a thousand some policies. Gladly though, you are not going to need to know all but just the slim few who fit your MBA objective. Research your share and may your GMAT waiver truly end in a fairy tale…

Also read Top universities that allow GRE waiver and TOEFL IELTS Waiver for the top universities abroad   Sources: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9

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5 thoughts on “GMAT Waiver for MBA Application”

I am 39 years of age and having 14 Years of experience in IT. I am working in SAP functional and playing Associate Manager role in Accenture for last 4 years. I want to do one year MBA because I want more acceptance of my profile after the MBA ( I want to be in Supply chain Management/Product Management /IT operations). Because currently the IT market for mid level managers are not secure , so I want to go for MBA to give more stability and job security for my carrier. Please correct me if I am wrong in my understanding and help me before I decide and start preparing for GMAT. Regards, Prasun

Hi Sameer Sir,

X-87% XII-77% B.Tech(EE)-8.8 CGPA, 2012

Work Experience:- 5 Y 6M in L&T(Operations & Management)

Due to busy & loaded working schedules, I have been facing serious issues in preparation for GMAT/CAT since last 1 year. As I am keen to enhance my skill sets in operations , I am planning to quit job and prepare for GMAT/CAT/XAT. kindly suggest suitably whether quitting job will be a wise decision.

@Prasun: We’ve shared several perspectives on what it means for folks considering an MBA after 30 in this article. Hope it helps you take a decision:

@Prasanta: It won’t be a good idea to leave your job. We’ve shared the reasons here:

Hi, Please have valuable comments on the following GMAT waiver letter:

From: Hitesh Kumar Sharma To: Joanne Boylan Dear Ms. Joanne

I am writing this letter for requesting a waiver for the GMAT examination requirement for admission to the Ph.D. program in Economics at “”.I realized that the Ph.D. program is a highly competitive program and that scores from the GMAT are used as one facet of an applicant’s application to aid in admissions decisions. Nevertheless, I believe that I did learn GMAT by myself already. I am confident that I have already possessed all the qualities for which GMAT qualifies the candidate. Indeed GMAT measures the applicant based on the following section: 1. Verbal I have around more than 11 years of experience in Technology Sector. Being the Technical Lead in Technology sector, my medium of communication is English only. Moreover, my responsibilities allow me to project the demos to Global clients like Delphi, Goodrich, etc. I visited USA to meet the Global customers and project the product developed at offshore (HCL technology).Answer the queries, listen to the problems & respond item experience has taught me how to interact with clients using strong technical & interpersonal skills. I also engaged in training sessions, presentations, group meetings, performance appraisals, one-on-one discussions, interviews. My language skills, cultural understanding & technical expertise has helped the company to achieve its targets, Apart from my academics my professional experience have cultivated a lot of who I am. Leading the team, I also listen to the issues of the team. If the issues are genuine then put forward to management. Example: • I have given several pieces of training to the clients & internal teams. Before giving any training primary step I do self-inquiry, brainstorming and then develop the training material to demonstrate with effective verbal communication words to convey a message eloquently and concisely. To get a message across, I ensure the receiver correctly interprets the words. By successfully delivering a message, the team describes ideas, thoughts, and directives that allow colleagues to work better together. After the end of each session, I seek feedback on how the message was received.

• Besides this, I also have the acute interest to teach English to young learners, effective business communication for the Business crowd. To achieve this I qualified all the following grades of TESOL : •  FOUNDATION TESOL CERTIFICATE  YOUNG LEARNERS TEACHERS TRAINING CERTIFICATE PROGRAM  ADVANCED TESOL CERTIFICATE  BUSINESS ENGLISH TEACHERS TRAINING CERTIFICATE PROGRAM

2. Analytical I need to read the case studies of the project. Thereafter analyzing it & evaluate the mistakes done in the past project and implement the solution that filled the gap so that the past mistakes will never happen again. This requires immense patience & ability to collect, gather, visualize and analyze information in details. I need to see a problem or situation from different points of view. Information is the powerful resource but right information & applying the right solution on the problem is the powerful mantra. Example: • Being a Technical Lead I must analyze the system from various angles via which system can fail. In this manner I need to write a lot of test cases which tester does not need to test so first I understand the requirements of the system and breakdown the test cases w.r.t requirements and then test the system. This is the evidence that I uses clear, logical steps and possesses excellent judgment to understand an issue from all angles before executing an action.

• Before giving any work for review first I evaluate myself w.r.t self-checklist. Having a good attention to detail I am able to notice, retain, and keep track of details. This means that I am able to follow instructions properly, avoid mistakes in work, and carefully evaluate complex. This helps my work will be done with accuracy and precision. After getting comments I take seriously & discuss with the reviewer. If the comments are valid then I jotted down in my checklist and evaluate again myself. This is the evidence that I carried critical thinking ability to evaluate a situation or a problem with an independent mind. I don’t accept arguments or assumptions without question. This requires me to break down an argument or the steps in a process, and make independent evaluations.

3. Quantitative To prove the Math skills, I passed my Engineering with Grade A. As stipulated by statue behind the approval of GMAT waiver, a single Bachelor plus 11 years of experience is already a ground for such approval. I hope that the pieces of evidence mentioned in the letter suffice to grant me the GMAT waiver.

Thanks & Regards Hitesh

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When to Accept a GMAT Waiver, and When to Take the Test

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You’ve probably seen ads for MBA programs that say “GMAT waivers available.” And with COVID-19, even more business schools have expressed their openness to the possibility of allowing certain applicants to receive MBA admissions test waivers. But if you’re able to get a test waiver, does it always make sense to accept it, or might you be hurting your chances for admission? I recently shared my advice for prospective MBA applicants who are asking whether to take a test for graduate business school admissions on my  podcast Admissions Straight Talk . Here’s some of the key questions I discussed. 

How have MBA admissions testing requirements changed during COVID-19?

There has been a trend to go test-optional in undergrad admissions for several years, but it really hadn’t influenced grad admissions until the COVID shutdown. When the shutdown hit, schools started accepting a broader collection of exams: LSAT, MCAT, SAT, ACT, and I think one was accepting the Chinese University Entrance Exam, and some schools waived the GMAT for the end of last cycle. This year, more schools are going test-optional or allowing applicants to request test waivers. 

What should you do if your target schools are test-optional? 

Should you jump up and down because you do not need to pay for, sit, or study for this exam? Maybe. If you have a great academic record, as well as all the other experiential must-haves and nice-to-haves that your program seeks, yes, jump up and down for joy. You probably are fine applying without the exam. Those are the people whom the schools would be happy to accept, and they won’t pay that much attention to your exam. If, however, your undergraduate record reflects underachievement on your part, or is below average or lacking in some way for the programs that you’re applying to, you probably need the test score to present evidence you can handle the program.  I’m sorry to say it, but you will probably enhance your chances of acceptance by studying, paying for, and taking the exam. That’s probably not what you want to hear, but I’m supposed to be a reality check sometimes.

What if you are a bad-test taker and your undergraduate record reflects underachievement or is not competitive at your target programs? 

Then you probably could better spend your time, money, and energy to show academic ability in other ways if the programs you want to apply to don’t require the test. If you’re applying to MBA programs, you have more options. There’s HBS CORe for graduate management education . You could consider pursuing the CFA or, the Certified Financial Planner , if it’s relevant to your goal. Perhaps just go for relevant graded courses, especially if you don’t have the business course options that I just mentioned.  We’ve seen that work very effectively with clients, where they take courses in a new field of interest, and they get A’s in them. It could be an online for-credit certificate program or another degree, or just coursework with A’s. The point here is that, with the application surge and with some schools going test-optional, you have to assess whether you need that test to reinforce the idea that you can do the work in the graduate program that you are applying to. Linda Abraham  created Accepted to empower prospective students to relate their unique story through their college or graduate school application. Candidates have lived their lives, overcome challenges, perhaps made a mistake or two, and yet grown, contributed, and achieved. The company she founded helps candidates present that narrative via their application.   

Conquer the GMAT in as little as 8 weeks 

Are you worried you don’t have the time to devote to GMAT prep? It may not take as long as you think.  The GMAT 8-Week Official GMAT™ Exam Study Planner is the self-guided, step-by-step worksheet to help you prepare for the GMAT™ exam in as little as 8 weeks:

  • Access tips & tools from actual GMAT™ exam creators
  • Learn which GMAT™ Official Prep product or tool to use each week
  • Track your progress as you learn
  • Pinpoint your exam strengths and focus areas. Develop a plan to improve
  • Develop your test day strategy

Get your free copy now!


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Does using the gmat/gre waiver help or hurt my application.

Deciding whether to submit test scores with your application can be tricky. We’ve laid out pros and cons here to help guide your decision.

Article Highlights

  • Testing can benefit your application by showing off your quantitative skills
  • Accessibility to testing is difficult right now, so we’ve extended our waiver policy

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School has extended our GMAT or GRE waivers for many of our Fall 2021 applicants.

If you are eligible for a waiver , is it advantageous to use the waiver or to take either the GMAT or GRE? We do not give preference to any applicant who chooses to test or to use the waiver. At Carey, testing is truly optional. 

So how do you decide what is best for your Carey Business School application? It’s not a one-size-fits-all answer. We review the entire application and weigh factors such as work experience and quantitative skills in addition to test scores. Evaluate your own skillsets, strengths, and shortcomings and decide whether testing or the waiver makes your application as strong as it can be.  

Why consider taking the GMAT/GRE test

Increase your opportunity for additional scholarships. .

Although you are automatically considered for scholarships with your application, you may boost your opportunity for scholarship with high test scores.  

Showcase your quantitative skills.

If your undergraduate GPA is not as strong as you would like, your test scores are your opportunity to show quantitative skills beyond your transcript. 

Talking Point

Show potential..

If you don’t meet the minimum work experience for the MBA application (three years), test scores are your opportunity to showcase your understanding of key concepts. 

You’re a great test taker. 

If your test scores are stronger than your essays, testing is your opportunity to shine. 

Why consider getting a GMAT/GRE Waiver

You have not studied. .

If you have not properly studied for the tests, consider focusing your time on your essays and other application materials. 

Your score is moderate or low. 

We do not view the absence of scores negatively. Focus on the parts of your application where you will excel. While the absence of scores is not negative, a low score can still reflect poorly. 

The test score does not reflect your abilities.

If you have work experience demonstrating quantitative skills but your testing does not reflect those achievements, forgo the test and use your essays to demonstrate your abilities. 

Accessibility to testing is difficult.

We understand that the COVID-19 pandemic has made taking the test more difficult. If you feel unsafe or it is prohibitive to travel to a test site, do only what makes you comfortable and keeps you safe. 

Testing is optional, and the absence of scores is neither positive nor negative. Make a decision to test or use the waiver based on your personal strengths.   

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Full-Time MBA Standardized Test Waiver (GMAT/GRE)

As part of our continuing efforts to identify and meet the needs of all future leaders interested in improving their lives through graduate education, the Full-Time MBA program offers GMAT/GRE test waivers for applicants. MBA applicants seeking a test waiver will have additional weight placed on the remaining application components and will be asked to submit a supplemental essay. 

Two requirements to be considered for a waiver:

1. Earned at least a 3.0 cumulative undergraduate GPA on a U.S. four-point scale OR the equivalent of a “B” for those on a non-U.S. four-point scale. 

2. Display quantitative acumen through one of the following:

  • College-level quantitative coursework with a “B” grade or better (accounting, finance, algebra, geometry, statistics, calculus, etc.)
  • An advanced degree, STEM degree, or certifications/licensures
  • Relevant quantitative-based work
  • Previous standardized test completion (i.e. LSAT/MCAT scores)

While a test waiver may benefit some MBA candidates, individuals should consider personal circumstances when applying. The GMAT and GRE exams are standard benchmarks for applicants wishing to signal their suitability for a rigorous MBA program and provide an additional point of consideration for the admissions team.

How to request a waiver:


Choose the waiver option

The waiver request is part of our online application. Simply answer "YES" to the question "Do you wish to request a GMAT/GRE waiver?"


Optional supplemental essay

 Students requesting a GRE/GMAT/EA test waiver may consider using this essay to clarify why they should receive a waiver. The admissions committee will utilize this in consideration of a waiver permission. It can also be used to address any circumstances you’d like the Admissions Committee to be aware of.


Complete the remainder of your application and submit it for consideration. 

Waivers are issued at the sole discretion of the Admissions Committee, and requests will not be considered until after an application has been submitted and all required documents are listed as complete in your application portal (i.e. transcripts, resume and essays) . You may not request a waiver if you have already taken the exam and requested your scores be sent to The Ohio State University.

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Application Components

The Admissions Committee takes a holistic approach to the evaluation process, meaning we consider all aspects of your application to determine if you can handle the rigor of the Georgetown MBA Program and to discover if our program is the best “fit” for you. Each element of the application is reviewed by the Admissions Committee to learn about you as a student, a professional, and on a personal level.

Students in the Full-time and Flex MBA Programs at Georgetown McDonough come from a wide variety of educational fields of study and professional industries. Our  Full-time  and  Flex MBA Program class profiles offer an overview of our most recent class of MBA students.

Returning users:  Log in  to continue or complete your application

MBA Application Process

The Georgetown MBA application process requires thorough review of each applicant’s submitted components. The process follows a standard order of operations.

  • Submit completed application: Gather all required application components and submit before your selected application round deadline.
  • Admissions review: Each element of your application is carefully and holistically reviewed by the Admissions Committee to learn about you as a student, a professional, and on a community member.
  • Interview : Interviews are invitation only and are another way for you to showcase your fit for the Georgetown MBA program.
  • Receive your decision: Unless additional materials are required by the Admissions Committee, you should receive a decision regarding your admittance by the indicated decision notification deadline. Those who have been accepted into the program will receive information regarding deposit deadlines and pre-arrival to-dos.

Application Deadlines

Our formal admission rounds have recently concluded, and we have moved into our rolling admission period. We are continuing to accept complete applications for our MBA programs: Full-time, Flex, and Flex Online. Additional rolling admissions criteria and deadlines are forthcoming. Please continue to check this page periodically for updated details.

All complete applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. ET on the deadline day .

*To formally accept an offer of admission, two, non-refundable $2,000 deposits ($4,000 total) are required to reserve your seat in the class.

Preparing your MBA application can be a lengthy process. That is why we’ve carefully chosen our admissions components so you only have to submit one written essay, one video essay, one letter of recommendation, and unofficial documents to apply. The Admissions Committee reviews completed applications that include the components listed below. Please allow several weeks after the application deadline for your application materials to be processed and for our team to update your application status online. Decisions are released through your online application by the published notification date.

Application Form

  • Test score *
  • Transcripts


Application fee.

  • Interview (invitation only)
  • International applicants


*Flex MBA and Flex MBA Online applicants may qualify for a test waiver. Review our Flex MBA test waiver policy .

  • Applicants who would like to be considered for both the Full-time and Flex MBA Programs must submit separate applications with a different email address for each program.
  • The Flex MBA Online (FXO) program is strictly for students who reside in the United States, including international students who have permanent residency in the United States or already reside in the United States on a visa (this program does not sponsor F-1 visas). If you are admitted and enroll to FXO, you are expected to attend classes online from any time zone within the United States according to Eastern Time (ET).
  • Your online application must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. ET on the deadline date. Applications that are received after the deadline will be considered for the next admissions round.
  • Documents submitted to the Georgetown University McDonough School of Business become the property of Georgetown University and will not be returned to the applicant.
  • Should you be admitted, you will receive a conditional offer and will be required to mail all original/official copies of each application document (test scores, transcripts, degree certificates) to the Admissions Office. Discrepancies between self-reported/unofficial documents and official records may result in an admissions offer being rescinded.
  • If any application materials are found to be forged, falsified, or altered in any way, the university will notify all relevant officials, including the individual or institution issuing the document and, as appropriate, immigration officers. If an offer of admission has been made, it may be rescinded.
  • If you are a visually-impaired applicant and need an accessible application, please contact us at  [email protected]  and we’d be happy to assist.

All applications must be submitted through our  online application   by creating your application account . If you are a visually-impaired applicant and need an accessible application, please contact us at  [email protected] . We would be happy to assist.

Test Score Requirements

Graduate management admissions test (gmat) / graduate record exam (gre)/executive assessment.

Scores accepted to the  Full-time MBA Program  include:

  • GMAT, GRE, Executive Assessment (valid scores, taken within the last five years)
  • Expired GMAT/GRE scores
  • Applicants who meet the necessary criteria may apply with a test waiver. PLEASE NOTE: For additional dates and details for the Test Waiver Application during each application round , please view the policy page

Scores accepted to the  Flex MBA Program and Flex MBA Online Program   include:

  • LSAT, MCAT, and PCAT
  • Applicants who  meet the necessary criteria may apply with a test waiver

Scores accepted to the  MAAP MBA Program  include:

To complete your application, you must upload an  unofficial , scanned copy of your test score directly into the online application.  Official scores only need to be submitted if you are admitted to the program. 

GMAT Program Codes

  • Full-time MBA Program: JT7-G0-20
  • Flex MBA Program: JT-G0-64

If you would like to test your GMAT skills prior to taking the test, take this  GMAT mini quiz .

GRE Program Code

  • Full-time and Flex MBA Programs: 7821

Executive Assessment

  • The Executive Assessment is specifically designed to evaluate the business school readiness of seasoned professionals. The assessment focuses on skills that are critical both at work and in a professional MBA program: higher-order reasoning, critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving. Because it was designed specifically for experienced professionals, it requires modest preparation, takes only 90 minutes to complete, and includes flexible rescheduling options. The test is administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), creators of the GMAT® exam. Learn more about the Executive Assessment by visiting .

International applicants are required to submit  additional application components .

You are required to hold a four-year bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university or an equivalent degree from a foreign country. To complete your application, you must upload  unofficial  transcripts for all academic coursework you have taken directly into the online application. Please make sure each transcript document includes:

  • Course names
  • All grades received (including transfer credits and study abroad programs)
  • Cumulative GPA
  • Degree conferral information
  • For more information on how to submit your grading scale, please view our  Grade Scale Guide . 
  • For more information on submitting your degree certificate, please view our  Diploma Guide . 

Official transcripts should only be submitted if you are admitted to the program. 

Fall 2024 Essays

We want to hear your story. When responding to our required essays, be authentic and take time to reflect on your goals and past experiences. Craft a response that explains how these experiences led you to pursue an MBA. 

Personal Essay

Our goal at Georgetown McDonough is to craft a diverse class with people who have had varying personal and professional life experiences. As such, we want to give our applicants the opportunity to select one essay (from a list of three) that allows them the ability to best highlight their experiences, characteristics, and values that showcase the value proposition that they can bring to the McDonough community. Please select one of the following three essays to complete in 500 words (approximately two pages, double spaced) and include the essay prompt and your first/last name at the top of your submission.

  • Essay Option One – Georgetown Community Our mission is rooted in Jesuit principles of equality and respect for everyone and an ethos of caring for the whole person. Inclusivity and diversity are core to supporting a community of people with an intersectional understanding of themselves and the world around them. Share how your educational, familial, cultural, economic, social, and/or other individual life experiences will contribute to the diversity of perspectives and ideas at Georgetown University.
  • ​ Essay Option Two – Leave Your Legacy Commitment to service and community is an important value that Hoyas share across Georgetown McDonough’s 40+ MBA student-run clubs and organizations, nine centers and initiatives, and various other co-curricular activities. What do you want your legacy to be as a McDonough student and alumni? Be as specific as possible.
  • Essay Option Three – Magis Magis is a Jesuit value that instills the sense of achieving “more” or “greater” excellence. Share how you achieved magis during a professional experience as evidenced on your resume. Describe why this experience exemplified excellence and what about your involvement (i.e. strengths or skills) contributed to the excellence.  

Video Essay

Building a cohort of diverse and unique individuals is important to the admissions team. We want you to bring your whole self to Georgetown McDonough. Throughout the application, we’ve learned about what you would add as a professional and leader. Just as important is learning about your interests outside of work. In one minute, please share 5-10 random facts about yourself that are not on your resume and how these facts contribute to who you are as a professional and leader.

Video Guidelines

  • You may use your phone, computer, or other means to record the video, but please ensure all audio and visual components are clear. We recommend a well-lit room and minimal noise distraction. 
  • The admissions committee would like for you to appear in person during part of your video.
  • We recommend unscripted, conversational videos – help us get to know the real you!
  • Upload your video to an accessible website (such as YouTube, Vimeo, Youku, or Tudou), and submit the direct video URL into your online application. 
  • Please note that all videos must remain active and accessible to the admissions committee online for a minimum of five years for record retention purposes.
  • For your privacy: Do not include your name in the title of your video. You may submit “unlisted” videos via YouTube or password protected videos through Vimeo. If using a password, please include immediately after your link in the text box below. [Ex:, password: Hoyas]  

Optional Essay

Please provide any information you would like to add to your application that you have not otherwise included (300-350 words, approximately one page, double spaced).

Re-Applicant Essay

Required for re-applicants. How have you strengthened your candidacy since your last application? We are particularly interested in hearing about how you have grown professionally and personally (300-350 words, approximately one page, double spaced).

How have you progressed in your career and made an impact in your organization? Use this component of the application process to clearly outline your professional experience and accomplishments. Upload a current resume that corresponds to the information submitted in the “Employment” section of your online application. Your resume should clearly identify part-time and internship experience, as well as months and years in each position. 

Only one recommendation is required for the Georgetown MBA application. We are interested in gaining insight from someone who can objectively evaluate your professional performance as well as managerial and leadership potential. We discourage letters from university faculty, family members, and additional letters of recommendation. A current supervisor is strongly preferred for Full-time MBA applicants and required of Flex MBA and Flex MBA Online applicants. 

To complete the recommendation requirement, your recommender is required to submit a recommendation form. Your recommender will receive this form and detailed instructions once you complete the “Recommendations” section of your application. We recommend allowing your recommender at least one week to complete the form. Your recommender is welcome to attach a letter or Common Letter of Recommendation (LOR) at the bottom of this form. 

You are required to submit a $175 non-refundable application fee, payable online via credit card. We are unable to accept personal checks and money orders.

You may receive an application fee waiver if you belong to one of the following groups. Waivers will be applied automatically when you submit your application.

  • Active duty, reservists, or veterans of the United States military
  • Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) Fellows
  • Forté MBA Launch participants
  • Members of the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management (CGSM)
  • Current and returned Peace Corps Volunteers
  • AmeriCorps and Teach for America participants or alumni
  • Admit.Me Fellows
  • Citizens of countries on the  United Nations’ list of least developed countries
  • Applicants applying to more than one Georgetown MBA program (Full-time MBA, Flex MBA, and Flex MBA Online programs)*

*Fee waiver only applied to an applicant’s 2nd and 3rd applications. Prior to submitting these applications, please email [email protected] for further instructions.

You automatically qualify for a reduced application fee of $100 if you meet the criteria below:

  • Members of Forté
  • U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents who earn less than $30,000 per year
  • Non-U.S. Citizens who earn less than $15,000 per year in U.S. dollars

Attendees of an event listed below will be eligible to receive an application fee reduction code for the current application cycle. Instructions will be sent via email within three business days of the event. Please apply this code when you complete the application and the reduction will be applied to your account. Only one application fee reduction code may be applied.

  • Experience Georgetown Information Session or class visit between July 2023 and June 2024
  • On-campus or Virtual MBA Information Session
  • Focus on Diversity
  • Flex MBA Preview Day

If you have already applied or are applying through the Consortium, then we regrettably cannot refund the amount of the application fee waiver or reduction. 

If you are currently furloughed or laid off due to unforeseen national economic circumstances, please reach out to [email protected] for information about application fee waivers.

Interviews are offered by invitation only. Invitations to interview are extended following each application deadline and will continue up until the decision release date. Additionally, waitlist candidates may be invited to interview after initial decisions are released. The interview period for Fall 2024 Round 2 applicants will begin Thursday, January 18, and go through Friday, March 15, 2024 . The timing of an interview invite has no bearing on the admissions decision or is demonstrative of the strength of the candidacy.

If you submitted an application and received a final decision for the Georgetown MBA Program within the last year and would like to reapply, please email the MBA Admissions Office at  [email protected]  to reset your application account. Please include “Application Reset Request” in the subject line of the email. You will not be able to access the new application until this is completed.

As a re-applicant, you will need to submit the following information:

  • A new application
  • Test score ( view specific program requirements )*
  • Essays (including the re-applicant essay)
  • Updated resume
  • An updated recommendation

* Flex MBA and Flex MBA Online applicants may qualify for a test waiver.  Review our Flex MBA and Flex MBA Online test waiver policy .

We are happy to offer our reapplicants the following benefits:

  • An application fee waiver
  • Personalized coaching between application cycles
  • The opportunity to reuse your previous application essays and video essay, as long as they are still relevant and accurate for your MBA candidacy

International Applicants

Students who have attended or graduated from a non-U.S. college or university must submit their academic documents according to World Education Services (WES) standards, as described below.

  • Academic transcripts must list the course name and grades received
  • A diploma/degree certificate that shows the date that the degree was conferred
  • An official grading scale of the academic institution

If your academic documents are in a language other than English, you must submit the certified translation as well as the original documentation for review. Once admitted and prior to matriculating into the program, translators are required to send our office both the original documentation and certified translation in a sealed envelope. Your translator should certify that the original documentation was received in a sealed envelope from the institution.

* Time Zone Verification: The Flex MBA Online (FXO) program is strictly for students who reside in time zones that are +/- 3 hours of Eastern Time. This program sponsors F-1 visas. FXO class times are set to be held on weekdays between 6:30-9:20 pm ET (except for required in-person residencies on our Washington, D.C. campus and the Global Business Experience ). If you are admitted to and enroll in FXO, you are expected to attend classes online between these times from any time zone this is +/-3 hours of Eastern Time.

Demonstration of English Language Proficiency

Applicants who fit the criteria below are required to upload an unofficial English Language Proficiency Exam score report to the online application.

  • Non U.S. citizens
  • Non U.S. permanent residents
  • Applicants who have not obtained a four-year or advanced degree from a university where the only primary medium of instruction was English

You may choose from one of the following three exams to demonstrate your level of competence in English.

  • We now accept MyBest Scores. Test dates on your MyBest Scores report that are older than two years are expired and not valid. All dates must be valid.
  • We accept the TOEFL iBT at Test Centers or Home Edition (please note we do NOT accept the TOEFL Essentials at this time)
  • IELTS  – We accept only academic module results; the minimum required score is 7. Your test result must not be more than two years old. If you are admitted to the program, official scores must be sent directly from Cambridge (IELTS) to Georgetown University MBA Admissions.
  • PTE  – The minimum required score is 68. Your test result must not be more than two years old. If you are admitted to the program, official scores must be sent directly from Pearson Vue to Georgetown University MBA Admissions.

*Time Zone Verification: The Flex MBA Online (FXO) program is strictly for students who reside in the United States, including international students who have permanent residency in the United States or already reside in the United States on a visa (this program does not sponsor F-1 visas). FXO class times are set to be held on weekdays between 6:30-9:20 p.m. ET (except for required in-person residencies on our Washington, D.C., campus and the Global Business Experience ). If you are admitted and enroll to FXO, you are expected to attend classes online according to Eastern Time from any time zone within the United States.

MBA Advanced Access Program

Georgetown McDonough is excited to invite you to participate in our new MBA Advanced Access Program (MAAP), which allows those in their final year of undergraduate or graduate school who have not previously had professional full-time work experience to apply for deferred enrollment into our Full-time MBA Program.

During your deferral period you will gain access to select speakers and events and have the opportunity to engage and learn more about our community.

MAAP Application Deadline

The deadline to apply is with our Round 4 deadline of April 30, 2024,  only after which your application will be reviewed . The initial deposit is $500. Each following year until matriculation, you will be asked to reconfirm that you meet enrollment requirements and make any subsequent deposits.

Application Workshop

MBA Application Workshop

This virtual workshop provides an in-depth look at the Georgetown MBA application process. Associate Director of MBA admissions Glen Nuenighoff offers tips on how to best prepare the application components.

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Full-Time MBA Test Options and Waivers 

Preparing for and taking an MBA admissions exam is one of the best ways to get your mind back into academic mode as you prepare for business school. Some of the most common questions we receive from MBA candidates are about the standardized test requirement.  

 The Texas McCombs MBA Admissions Team is excited to share that Full-Time MBA candidates have more options than ever before when considering how to complete the standardized test requirement in their application. All applicants are required to submit a GMAT, GMAT Focus, GRE, or Executive Assessment (EA) score.  

We will waive the testing requirement if: Expired (taken 5+ years ago) GMAT, GRE, or EA score is submitted or General Test Waiver (merit-based) is submitted and approved by the Admissions Committee

In addition, studying for and taking the exam – for some, even taking it multiple times – can show the Admissions Committee your commitment to the competitive business school application process and how you may approach academic challenges as a student.  

This post contains a lot of information, broken down into three sections:  

Should I Petition for a Test Waiver?

  • Which Exam is Right for You?  
  • Submitting Your Test Requirement
  • Impact of Your Test Score  

Standardized exams like the GMAT, GMAT Focus, GRE, and EA evaluate a candidate’s academic preparedness for the rigor of business school and is one metric used to compare candidates within a large pool of applicants. The majority of applicants applying to the Full-Time MBA program take either the GMAT, GMAT Focus, or GRE due to the competitiveness of the pool. Submitting a strong, valid test score will give the Admissions Committee an additional, relevant data point that may strengthen a candidate’s position for admission and/or scholarship award. However, in some cases, an applicant can prove competitiveness in other areas of the application. 

A merit-based test waiver is available by request prior to submitting your application. Waivers/Exceptions are not available for applicants who have already sent scores to UT.  

To be considered for a test waiver, an applicant must have : A minimum of three years of substantive and progressing post – undergraduate work experience, preferably of an analytical or quantitative nature. AND at least one of the following: Completion of an undergraduate degree, with a strong academic record, preferably with analytical or quantitative courses. Completion of a graduate degree, with strong academic record, preferably in an analytical or quantitative discipline.

To complete the merit-based test waiver petition, candidates must submit a short statement highlighting the merits of their request, an up-to-date resume, and undergraduate and/or graduate transcripts. If you do not already have a UT EID, create one here .   

  • Submit the General Test Waiver petition form prior to submitting your application.   
  • A decision on your test waiver request will be shared within 5-10 business days after submission. Test waiver petitions must be submitted no later than 7 days prior to the application deadline for the round to which you are applying.  

Approval for the test waiver petition is merit-based and considers your work experience and academic history. The Admissions Committee will be assessing your academic and professional background, looking for evidence of demonstrated readiness –specifically in quantitative subjects –for the rigorous MBA curriculum.  

Which Exam is Right for You?   

The Admissions Committee does not prefer one test over the other in terms of demonstrating your preparedness for business school, but it is important to think about which exam is best for you as an individual. There are different reasons to consider taking the GMAT vs GMAT Focus vs the GRE vs the EA.  

While the GMAT, GMAT Focus, and GRE tests both have quantitative and verbal sections, they have noticeable differences. We encourage you to do your research and take practice tests to learn each test’s points of emphasis, and how they are scored.    

Both The GMAT, GMAT Focus, and GRE are adaptive , which means that your success in answering questions correctly has an impact on the future questions you are given. But the tests deliver adaptive questions in different ways.  

  • The GMAT and GMAT Focus are adaptive by question. When you get an answer correct, the next question is more difficult, and when you get an answer wrong, the next question is less difficult. This also means that once you answer a question, you can’t go back to that question.  
  • The GRE is adaptive by section. If you do well on the first verbal section, you get a more difficult version of the next verbal section and vice versa.  

We have included some more details about the GMAT, GMAT Focus, GRE, and EA below, but if you are unsure which exam is best for you, here are our tips:  

We recommend taking some practice tests! There’s a chance you may be more comfortable with one test format over the other.  At the end of the day, the choice of which exam to take is yours. 
Build in study time and leave yourself enough room on the calendar to retake an exam if necessary. If you’re not happy with your score, you can retake either test. While many candidates take the test only once thinking it will fulfill the requirement, others recognize that a second effort is likely to yield improvement. It comes at the cost of additional time and another test fee, but the payoff can be significant if it makes you a stronger candidate. 
Make sure you submit your application as confidently as possible and with a score you feel good about. 

Submitting Current or Expired GMAT, GMAT Focus, GRE, or EA Scores  

For current scores, you must self-report your test scores in your application as well as have official score reports sent directly to UT – Austin by the testing agency. The date your official scores are sent to UT – Austin by the testing agency should be no later than the application round deadline, as it can take up to 3-4 weeks for new scores to be processed. If you are taking the GMAT, GMAT Focus, GRE, or EA online, allow up to two weeks to receive your score from the testing agency. You must have your test score in hand by the application deadline in order to submit your application.  

For expired scores (5 years or older), you must self-report your score and upload proof of the test score in the application. Examples of proof for expired test scores include a score report you received previously from the testing agency OR documentation from another educational institution that previously received the score (e.g. for another graduate/terminal degree application).  

Impact of a Test Score  

Future employment  .

Before you make a final decision on your testing options or a waiver petition , it’s best to research some of your target companies or industries and determine two things:  

  • The extent to which they evaluate a test score in reviewing job candidates.  
  • Whether they have a preference for one of the tests. At McCombs, we have found that most top-tier consulting and investment banking firms do ask for a candidate’s test scores, and both industries historically have favored the GMAT.  

You should consider taking the GMAT, GMAT Focus, GRE, or EA as another opportunity to not only impress the Admissions Committee but also potential employers.  

Academic History  

Does your undergraduate or graduate transcript accurately reflect your academic ability? If your GPA is low, and you do not submit a strong test score, the Admissions Committee may have concerns about your ability to succeed in the rigorous MBA curriculum.  

One other factor to consider is whether or not your quantitative ability shines elsewhere in your application. While many of our MBA students come to McCombs from non-quantitative majors, these applicants are typically able to prove their quantitative prowess through their test scores. If you come from a non-quantitative background and do not submit a strong test score, you will need to find other areas within your background or experience that can demonstrate your quantitative skills.   

At the end of the day, we want to make sure that you are set up to succeed academically in the program. If the Admissions Committee has concerns about your quantitative ability, it may impact your chance of admission, or you may be required to complete pre-MBA coursework prior to admission and/or prior to enrollment.  


  Scholarship awards are competitive and limited in number. Scholarship decisions are based on a longstanding holistic review process that considers your entire application and serves to assess the overall strength of your candidacy, including readiness for academic rigor, career goals, leadership potential, and fit with our program culture.  Submitting a strong, valid test score will give the Admissions Committee an additional, relevant data point that may strengthen a candidate’s position for scholarship awards.    

As you evaluate your testing options or a test waiver petition, we challenge you to assess the quantitative data points on your application and think about what will strengthen your overall MBA candidacy.  While some applicants may not need a test score to build their case, other applicants may significantly enhance their chances of being admitted (and getting a scholarship) by having a strong test score. At the end of the day, being objective about the quantitative data points you present on your application will help ensure you put your best foot forward in the admissions process.  

If you have any questions during the application process,  we’re here to help . Please visit  our website  for details on applying to each program and  follow us on Instagram  for an inside look into the Texas McCombs MBA.  

Application Tips , Austin , Full-Time MBA , Full-Time MBA Application Tips

EA executive assessment ft mba tests full-time MBA full-time mba test options GMAT GMAT Focus GRE MBA admissions mba students MBA test options MBA test waiver mccombs school of business test options test-waiver Texas MBA texas mba students Texas McCombs MBAs

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MBA Application Requirements

What does johnson look for in a successful mba applicant.

In general, Johnson looks for MBA applicants with:

  • Outstanding academic credentials and a commitment to academic excellence
  • A resume that outlines notable professional accomplishments
  • Thoughtful application essays that communicate your fit and potential contributions as a community member
  • Competitive standardized test scores (GMAT or GRE)*
  • The desire to make a positive impact
  • The ability to clearly communicate their career goals and the role Johnson will play in the process

For information on the application process and a detailed checklist, visit our Full-Time MBA Application Guide .

Note that the application requirements below apply to the Two-Year MBA program in Ithaca. Candidates applying for the Johnson Cornell Tech MBA program should refer to the Cornell Tech website for application and admissions requirements. Contact [email protected] with questions.

Work experience requirements

Full-time work experience is not required to apply, but on average, students have completed two to five years of full-time work prior to enrolling. We accept a small number of outstanding applicants with less than one year of full-time experience.

Academic transcripts and official documentation requirements

Candidates who are accepted to and enrolled in Johnson’s MBA program must hold a bachelor’s degree. Transcripts should be provided for all completed coursework along with proof of graduation from a bachelor’s degree program.

If you are currently enrolled in a degree program (bachelor’s or other advanced degree) when you apply to Johnson, you’ll need to provide your most recent transcript. Once your degree is conferred, an official copy of the transcript will be required.

Official and unofficial documentation 

You may apply for admission using unofficial or official documentation. If you are offered admission and choose to enroll at Johnson, you will be required to submit official copies of all transcript(s) to accompany the submission of your enrollment agreement and deposit fee by the Deposit & Official Documentation Deadline for the round in which you applied. Offers of admission are not binding until we verify your official academic records and test scores.

Students reporting grades from institutions that do not evaluate academic performance on a 4.0 GPA scale should NOT convert their scores to a GPA. Report your scores or grades as your university lists them in your official transcripts.

How to submit official transcripts

Transcript(s) must include all semesters of study and show proof of degree conferral (from the degree granting institution only).

For academic records that are not in English, applicants must also provide a certified English translation. We recommend that you contact World Education Services for assistance with international credential translation.

Official transcripts may be submitted electronically or by mail. Transcripts sent by mail must  be received in a sealed envelope and include the school’s official seal and/or signature. Mail hard copies to:

Johnson at Cornell University Office of Admissions & Scholarship Attention: Application Coordinators 114 Sage Hall Ithaca, NY 14853

Official transcript(s) submitted electronically must be sent from the institution directly to our main inbox; [email protected] .

If you have any questions please contact us at the email address provided above.

Elective, continuing education, and non-degree coursework

If you received a grade of A–F for the coursework:

You are required to submit unofficial copies of transcripts for these courses when submitting your application materials. If offered admission, you will be asked to provide an official copy of the transcript(s) to accompany the submission of your enrollment agreement and deposit fee.

If you did not receive a grade of A–F for the coursework:

For the purposes of evaluation, please submit an unofficial copy of your transcript so that we have an accurate understanding of the non-degree coursework completed.

Applicants who hold an MBA from another institution

Candidates with a previous MBA degree are eligible to apply. Please use the optional essay to explain your reasons for pursuing a second MBA.

For students who studied abroad

A separate transcript for coursework completed abroad is not required so long as the courses of study and grades received are listed on the transcript(s) from your degree-granting institution.

If the courses and grades received are not listed on your degree-granting institution’s records, please submit an unofficial copy of the transcript(s) for these courses when submitting your application. If offered admission, you will be asked to provide an official copy of the transcript(s) to accompany the submission of your enrollment agreement and deposit fee.

Transfer credits

We do not accept transfer credits. An important aspect of Johnson’s MBA program is the camaraderie that comes from shared experiences and team building activities, which can only be leveraged by completing the programs in their entirety. In most cases, exemptions to this transfer credit policy are only provided when students pass exemption examinations. Some students also qualify for an exemption by providing certificates from professional designations (such as the CPA or CFA).

2023-2024 MBA admissions essay prompts

Applicants to the Two-Year Ithaca MBA program must complete a Goals Statement as well as one required essay prompt.

*Please note that consideration for the Roy H. Park Leadership Fellowship is by invitation only. Upon completion of the admissions interview, those selected for further consideration will be required to submit a response to the Park Leadership Fellows Program essay in addition to participating in one of our Leadership Exploration and Assessment Day (L.E.A.D.) events.

Goals Statement

Use this short-answer section to succinctly share your short- and long-term goals. If you’re invited to interview, you will have the opportunity to elaborate on your statement further, and you should be prepared to connect your prior experience with your future aspirations.

Goals Statement Prompt:

A statement of your goals will begin a conversation that will last throughout the admissions process and guide your steps during the MBA program and experience. To the best of your understanding today, please share your short and long term goals by completing the following sentences and answering the enclosed short answer question (350 words maximum):

Immediately post-MBA, my goal is to work as a(n) [Role] at [Company] within [Industry] .

Targeted Job Role: Target Job Company: Industry:

In 5–10 years post-MBA, my goal is to work as a(n) [Role] at [Company] within [Industry] .

How has your experience prepared and encouraged you to pursue these goals?

Impact Essay

Impact Essay Prompt: At Cornell, our students and alumni share a desire to positively impact the organizations and communities they serve. Taking into consideration your background, how do you intend to make a meaningful impact on an elite MBA community? (350 words maximum)

Optional essay (required for reapplicants)

You may use this essay to call attention to items needing clarification and to add additional details to any aspects of your application that do not accurately reflect your potential for success at Johnson. (350 words maximum)

If you are reapplying for admission, please use this essay to indicate how you have strengthened your application and candidacy since the last time you applied for admission. Please also review our Application Guide for additional information about reapplying (350 words maximum).

Park Leadership Fellows Program Essay (Two-Year MBA only)

The Roy H. Park Leadership Fellows Program is a two-year, full-tuition fellowship award for domestic Two-Year MBA candidates who have demonstrated outstanding leadership potential and who are committed to making an impact within their communities. Each year, fellowships are awarded to up to 25 incoming students with the expectation that they will participate in additional leadership and personal development activities outside of our regular curriculum, serve in leadership roles within the school, and complete a public service project by the time they graduate. The Park Fellowship is only available to U.S. citizens applying for the Two-Year MBA program.

Candidates being considered for the Roy H. Park Leadership Fellowship will be notified after their admissions interview with an invitation to join us for one of our virtual Leadership Exploration and Assessment Day (L.E.A.D.) events. Candidates invited to attend a LEAD event will be required to submit a response to the Park Fellows Essay.

Park Leadership Fellows Program Essay Prompt (500 word limit):

Describe a past formal or informal leadership experience and how it informs your goals for growth as a leader.  How would the  Park Leadership Fellowship  assist with these goals?

Test scores and GMAT/GRE requirements

MBA applicants who prefer to provide a valid GMAT or GRE score can upload a score report as part of their application. Johnson accepts both GMAT or GRE scores. Candidates seeking dual-degree admission will often submit a GRE score, as this is typically the requirement for non-MBA program applications. There is no minimum GMAT or GRE score requirement for Johnson’s residential MBA program. However, the middle 80% of our applicants submit GMAT scores between 660 and 760. GRE equivalencies are comparable We will accept the GMAT Focus Edition as well as GRE’s revised exam format once they become available.

Official score reports

You may submit an unofficial score report for your application review; however, if you are accepted and enroll in Johnson’s residential MBA program, Admissions must receive an official score report by the stated Deposit and Official Documentation Deadline for the round in which you applied. It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact the testing service directly and authorize the release of your official score report. Offers of admission are not binding until we verify your official academic records and test scores.

GMAT/GRE score expiration

Keep in mind that GMAT and GRE scores remain valid for five years from the date the exam was taken. Your official score report must be valid at the time it is sent to Admissions as part of your application package prior to the posted application submission deadline . If your score is approaching expiration, be sure to submit your official report before it expires. Expired score reports (unofficial or official) received on or following the application submission deadline will require the submission of a valid score by retaking the exam.

Multiple exam scores

If you completed the GMAT or GRE exam more than once, we will use and evaluate the exam with the highest total score. Please list this score in your application, but know that we may also review scores from other exams completed. The lifetime maximum number of times the GMAT exam can be taken is eight. The GRE can be taken up to five times within a rolling 12-month period.

How to report your GMAT or GRE scores

GMAT scores should be sent electronically using and the following codes:

  • Two-Year MBA program: 5JW-BM-96

GRE scores should be mailed by ETS ( ) to the address below. The GRE code for all MBA programs is 8296.

Johnson at Cornell University Office of Admissions & Scholarship 114 Sage Hall Ithaca, NY 14853

How does Johnson use GMAT/GRE scores in its application review process?

We prefer to take a holistic approach to our application process, reviewing and assessing a wide array of quantitative and qualitative application data, to ensure that each admitted student is fully prepared for our rigorous Full-Time MBA program. This year, Johnson will continue to use the same approach where candidates have the option to submit their GMAT or GRE, or request a waiver within the application.

Johnson’s GMAT/GRE test waiver request consists of a short personal statement submission. What is the admissions committee looking for?

Please prepare a short statement that describes your personal circumstance and provide a clear and compelling argument for why you will flourish in our rigorous academic environment (100 words). Please note you will submit this statement as part of your admissions application.

Who can and should request a GMAT or GRE waiver?

Cornell Johnson is offering candidates of the Full-Time MBA 2023-2024 application cycle the ability to request a GMAT/GRE test waiver, without negative bias. All applicants for the Full-Time MBA program are eligible to request a GMAT/GRE waiver. Who should? Candidates who have demonstrated analytical and/or quantitative abilities through their academics, work experience, etc.

How long will it take to receive a test waiver decision?

The admissions committee will connect with you via email to indicate if a test waiver has been approved within 5 – 7 business days after submission. If your test waiver is not approved, your application will remain incomplete until a test score is submitted.

Will I be at a disadvantage for admission if I receive a waiver?

No. All applications will be considered holistically, and you will not be at a disadvantage without a standardized test score. However, depending on your future goals, our admissions team may advise you to take the GMAT/GRE to strengthen your application for internship and full-time recruiting processes.

Will I still be considered for scholarships if granted a waiver?

Yes. The GMAT/GRE test is a helpful data point for the admissions committee, but we review each application holistically and the waiver will not negatively bias your consideration for scholarships.

I’ve had a significant update or change to my materials since submitting my waiver request (such as a promotion, new test score, or other achievement). What should I do?

If you receive a testing waiver, but elect to take the GMAT/GRE and receive a score that you would like to highlight to our admissions committee, we encourage you to submit your score.

I took the GMAT/GRE and didn’t score as well as I’d hoped. My scores were sent directly to Johnson from my testing service, but I don’t think they reflect my ability and I’d like for them to be excluded from my application. Can I still request a waiver?

Yes, applicants who choose to exclude their test scores from their application may elect to request a test waiver within the application. We will not include your score report if you requested a waiver and are approved.

Each application undergoes a thorough, comprehensive review as part of our holistic application process. Standardized test scores are only one indicator of a student’s potential ability, and many other data points are considered to ultimately gain a complete understanding of your potential for success at Cornell Johnson. The Admissions Committee will thoughtfully consider all materials provided in your application to determine the final outcome of your application for admission.

I received a testing waiver for another Johnson MBA application, do I need to request another for the full-time application?

Yes, all testing waivers and applications are only valid for the MBA format applied (Full-Time Two-Year MBA, One-Year Johnson Cornell Tech MBA). You may use materials (resume, transcript) from a different MBA format request, but all applicants must formally request a testing waiver specific to the program they are applying.

If I received a test waiver during the 2022-2023 application cycle, can I use it for my 2023-2024 application?

No, test waivers that are approved are only valid in that current application cycle, they do not transfer over.

If I have already submitted my application and GMAT/GRE score, can I still request a waiver?

No, once your application has been submitted you are no longer able to request a waiver.

Letters of recommendation

One letter of recommendation is required, but you may submit up to two for review by the committee. You should seek recommendations from people capable of commenting on your professional, leadership, and intellectual capabilities. The most useful evaluations are from people who are able to speak with certainty about your leadership, maturity, team orientation, analytical skills, and interpersonal skills. Examples include a current supervisor, colleague, client, or former supervisor.

How to submit letters using the GMAC Common Letter of Recommendation

When completing your online application, you will be prompted to provide contact information for at least one reference. Recommenders will be contacted via email and invited to complete the letter of recommendation online. The Common Letter of Recommendation is designed to save you and your referee’s time, as the questions and written prompts will remain constant for all participating schools.

Please connect with your recommender and share these directions:

  • Download a template of the Common LoR and save it to your computer. To ensure that you do not accidentally lose any entered form data, please save the template to your computer first and avoid completing the template online within your browser.
  • Complete the template offline and save a final version of the file to your computer.
  • When you are ready to submit your recommendation, open the link from the institution’s invitation email and use the Common LoR template to copy and paste responses to complete and submit your recommendation.

Should your recommender have any questions, they may email [email protected] .

English language proficiency requirements

Johnson delivers a highly collaborative academic experience, which requires mastery of the English Language. All applicants to the Two-Year MBA program must demonstrate proficiency of the English language and can do so via citizenship, prior academic degree conferral, and/or an English language proficiency exam.

If English is not your native language, and you have not earned a university degree in an English-speaking country, you are required to submit official scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. Candidates who elect to take and submit an IELTS score when applying to Johnson may submit scores from either the IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training exams.

Minimum English language proficiency score requirements

For entry into the residential MBA program at Johnson, the admissions committee seeks applicants who report one of the following minimum scores:

  • 100 Internet-based TOEFL (with a minimum score of 25 in each section)
  • 7.0 band score IELTS (with a minimum score of 7.0 in the speaking and writing modules)

Applicants who meet or exceed the minimum TOEFL score requirement but have scores of 25 or less in one or more sections may submit their score for admissions consideration; candidates offered admission may be required to complete the English for International Students and Scholars (EISS) summer program prior to enrolling in the MBA program.

TOEFL MyBest scores and TOEFL Essentials

The TOEFL program allows students to submit superscore results via MyBest scores on the TOEFL iBT test. MyBest scores—sometimes generically called superscores—are the combination of an applicant’s best scores for each test section from all of their valid TOEFL scores in the last two years.

Johnson will not accept MyBest scores, as we do not superscore bands within the TOEFL.

The TOEFL Essentials Test offers applicants the ability to take a shorter test that highlights foundational skillsets in English, rather than full academic English. Given the importance of directly measuring an applicant’s ability to communicate in English in a university environment, we do not accept the TOEFL Essentials Test .

TOEFL/IELTS score expiration

All English language exam results remain valid for two years from the date they were taken. Your official score report must be valid at the time it is sent to Admissions as part of your application package prior to the posted application submission deadline . If your score is approaching expiration, be sure to submit your official report before it expires. Expired score reports (unofficial or official) received on or following the application submission deadline will require the submission of a valid score by retaking the exam.

Submitting official TOEFL/IELTS score reports

An official copy of your score report must be sent to Admissions. You may submit an unofficial score report for review; however, before matriculating at Johnson we must have an official score report by the stated Deposit and Official Documentation Deadline for the round in which you applied. It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact the testing service directly and authorize the release of your official score report.

  • Score reports will be sent to Johnson from the Educational Testing Service (ETS)
  • Use TOEFL institution code: 2098 and department code: 02

Cornell Johnson accepts scores submitted electronically by the IELTS test center. An institutional code is NOT required. Please contact the test center directly where you took the IELTS test and request that your official test scores be sent electronically using the IELTS system. All IELTS test centers worldwide are able to send scores electronically to our institution.

  • E-download Account Name: Cornell University Two Year MBA Admissions Office
  • E-download Account Address: [email protected]

TOEFL/IELTS waiver policy

A candidate may be considered exempt from submitting English language proficiency exam scores if one or more of the following criteria is met:

  • You are a native citizen of a country where English is the primary language—this includes citizens of the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ghana, or Canada. Applicants who are citizens of India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Hong Kong, or Singapore, are not eligible for exemption.
  • You have earned a university degree from the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ghana or Canada.
  • You have earned a university degree from a non-English-speaking country and can provide official documentation that states the sole language of educational instruction was English. Documentation must be provided when submitting your application and should be uploaded in the transcript section.

Please note that residency and/or work experience does not constitute eligibility for English Language proficiency exam waiver.

In an effort to be fair and equitable to all candidates, requests for exceptions to the above waiver policy are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and infrequently approved. If you believe that there is an extenuating circumstance related to your eligibility for an English language proficiency exam waiver, email: [email protected] .

Application fees

A nonrefundable $200 application fee is required in order to submit your application for any of Johnson’s residential MBA program.

Application fee waivers

Application fees are non-refundable and all application fee waiver requests must be submitted no later than 3 business days ahead of an application deadline .  If requests are not made by the above timeline there is no guarantee the Admissions Office will be able to successfully process and apply the waiver to your application.

However, special circumstances may arise whereby an applicant will make a payment that should have been waived based on certain eligibility. If you feel that a refund is due, or you made a payment in error, please contact the Admissions Office to discuss the correction.

Application fee waivers are provided to candidates who meet the following criteria:

  • United States military service members and veterans
  • Forté MBALaunch participants
  • Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) MBA Prep Fellows
  • Current or former Peace Corps volunteers
  • Alumni of Teach for America
  • Current Cornell students applying for admission as part of a Johnson MBA dual-degree program
  • Cornell employees applying through the Employee Degree program

Please email your application coordinator BEFORE submitting your application to request your fee waiver.


Application checklist.

We look forward to getting to know you throughout the MBA application process. We want you to make your application a strong showcase of who you are, what you have accomplished, and what you hope to achieve. For information on the required components of the Vanderbilt MBA application, please click below.

  • online application
  • Standardized Test or Approved Test Waiver
  • English Language Exam or Test Waiver (international candidates)
  • unofficial transcripts
  • letter of recommendation
  • resume and work experience
  • video response
  • short written statements
  • evaluative interview
  • Information for International Candidates

Online Application

The Vanderbilt MBA application is hosted online. To begin, you will be asked to provide basic information such as demographic and contact information, areas of interest, activities and education, and work history. Applications are considered complete when each supplemental item has been received and processed by our team. You can check your application status at any time by accessing the application checklist.

All applications are due by 11:59PM Central Time on the deadline date.


An official standardized test score or an approved test waiver is a required component of the application.

Vanderbilt accepts the following exams: GMAT, GMAT Focus, GRE, or Executive Assessment.

Standardized Test Scores :  

An official test score must be requested by the applicant and received by Vanderbilt directly from the testing service. Your application will not be considered complete, and you will not receive an admissions decision until your official score report has been received. Information on how to submit official test scores can be found below.

Vanderbilt does not have a preferred test and exams taken in person and online are given equal consideration. If you have taken a standardized test multiple times, we will consider your total highest test score.

Applications will be evaluated with the test score(s) indicated at the time of application submission. If you are taking a test again, it is your responsibility to update the Admissions Office via email of any new test score(s) you wish to be included in the application evaluation and request the new official test score(s) be sent to Vanderbilt. Please note the timing of the receipt of an official test score could affect when your decision is released.

Test Waiver:  

Applicants interested in being considered for a test waiver must start an application and  complete the test waiver request form .

Candidates are encouraged to submit their test waiver request at least two weeks prior to the application round deadline to allow time to evaluate your request.

Applicants who demonstrate multiple examples of academic and professional accomplishments are more likely to receive a waiver. Examples of relevant quantitative success include, but are not limited to:

  • strong performance in previous quantitative and analytical coursework at the undergraduate or graduate level,
  • five or more years of professional work experience with proven analytical experience, and
  • earning a CPA or CFA certification or additional professional certification.

There are some important factors to consider before requesting a test waiver:

  • We are unable to offer a test waiver if you have already submitted a self-reported or official GMAT, GMAT Focus, GRE, or EA test scores to Vanderbilt University.
  • Applicants are evaluated for a test waiver one time per cycle and we are unable to accept appeal requests.
  • Ensure you are putting together the strongest application. Consider whether a test score can be used as an additional data point to showcase your academic potential.
  • There are some employers who may request a test score as part of their MBA hiring process. This is particularly true in industries such as consulting or finance.

An approved test waiver is not an admissions decision or an indication of an admissions decision.

Submitting Official Test Scores:

While you can submit your application with a self-reported test score, an official test score report must be requested by the applicant and received by Vanderbilt directly from the testing service.  Please note that it can take 10-14 business days to receive and process your official test score.

School Codes:

  • GMAT, GMAT Focus, and Executive Assessment: No school code is required. You will be asked to provide our school’s name: “Vanderbilt University” in the request.


Vanderbilt requires graduate students to have a four-year U.S. Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university or college, or its equivalent. An unofficial copy of an academic transcript from every college or university you attended is required as part of the application.

Unofficial transcripts are acceptable at the time of application submission. If admitted, students are required to submit final official academic records from every institution attended for verification prior to enrollment.  

What is an official transcript?

Final official transcripts must prove successful completion of a four-year U.S. bachelor’s degree or its equivalent and show the date that the degree was conferred and awarded. In order to be considered official, transcripts and other documents must be sent directly from the issuing institution/agency to Vanderbilt University.

Information on external degree verifications, including how to submit official academic records, can be found on the Vanderbilt University Registrar’s Website.

In the absence of a certified course-by-course evaluation, Vanderbilt must receive official copies of transcripts, certificates, and diplomas from the issuing institution (or the Ministry of Education or Higher Education Commissions depending on country). Documents should be in both English and the native language. If the institution does not provide English translations, students are responsible for obtaining a  certified  word-for-word English translation.

Letter of Rec

One letter of recommendation is a required component of the application and recommendations are due on the application deadline date.  

Please select your recommender and enter their contact information within the application early to ensure the completion of your application will not be delayed. After you enter your recommender’s contact information, instructions on submitting the recommendation securely online will be included in an email sent to your recommender.

We encourage you to choose a professional recommender, preferably a supervisor familiar with your work. If you are unable to disclose your plans to a current supervisor, you may provide an explanation in the optional explanatory statement and request a former supervisor, client, or vendor to complete a recommendation.

Your recommender may either use the Vanderbilt recommender form or the GMAC Common Letter of Recommendation template. The GMAC Common LOR template can be used for MBA applicants applying to multiple schools and is available for reading purposes in six other languages (Simple Chinese French, German, Korean, Spanish and Italian). Instructions on using the LOR is found on the  GMAC site .

Our preference is for your recommender to complete an online recommendation form itself. However, if your recommender is not an English speaker, he/she may write a letter of recommendation in his/her native language and have it translated by a professional translator. The original letter, the translated letter, and a certification by the translator should be combined into one document and uploaded by the recommender into the online recommendation system.


Your resume is an opportunity to tell your story on paper and should highlight your educational background, work experience, and any other activities or interests that are significant to you. For MBA applicants, a one-page resume should be sufficient. You may use the detailed work history section in the online application to provide additional information.

Most students in our program have at least 2 years of work experience, with the majority of students having an average of 4-6 years of full-time post-baccalaureate experience.


The video response is a chance for you to provide a glimpse of the authentic you, speaking without a script. The video questions are designed to be easy to answer and help us to get to know you as a person. You will have time to prepare your response and the application will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to record your answers.


Your written statements give us great insight into your unique qualities and goals. We have two required written statements with a 200-word limit.

  • Statement 1: Tell us about your post-MBA career goals by describing two concurrent paths you plan to explore while in the Vanderbilt MBA program. What skills have you developed that will help you achieve your career goals?
  • Statement 2:   Please highlight something about yourself that isn’t already captured in the application.
  • Optional Explanatory Statement:   You may provide an additional statement to explain anything that you think is important for the Admissions Committee to know about you that is not already addressed elsewhere in your application. Many applicants use this statement to explain significant gaps in full-time employment, lack of recommendation from a current supervisor, or subpar academic performance.

Evaluative Interview

Interviews are an essential component of the application and are are conducted virtually by our MBA Recruiting & Admissions Fellows or members of our MBA Recruiting & Admissions Team.

Our admissions interviews are behavioral based and a great opportunity to tell us your story, share examples from your professional experience, and speak to how an MBA can help you achieve your goals.

We offer an open interview period between September 20 and November 30, 2023. During the open interview period, all applicants are eligible to conduct an evaluative interview with a member of our team. After December 1, 2023, evaluative interviews are offered by invitation only to applicants who have submitted a complete application. 

International Educational Requirements

Refer to the International Educational Requirements for a list of degrees that are considered equivalent to a four year U.S. bachelor's degree.


A preliminary financial statement within the application is required of applicants who are not US citizens or permanent residents.

TOEFL, IELTS or DuoLingo English Test

An official English Language Exam score or an approved waiver is a required component of the application. An official test score report must be requested by the applicant and received by Vanderbilt directly from the testing service.

Vanderbilt accepts the following exams: TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo English Test, IELTS Indicator, TOEFL Essentials. TOEFL, IELTS, and Duolingo English Test scores are valid for two years.

English Language Exam Waiver:  

The English Language Exam requirement can be waived for applicants that meet any of the following requirements:

  • Applicant has earned an undergraduate degree in a country where the official language is English* (not just an English-speaking institution or just a country where English is spoken); or
  • Applicant has lived and worked, for the past two or more years, in a country where the official language is English* (not just a country where English is spoken); or
  • Applicant has scored in the 90th percentile or higher on the verbal component of the GMAT or GRE.

International applicants can be considered for an English Language Exam waiver by marking qualifications on the "International Applicants" page of the application.

*We consider English to be an official language of India.

Submitting official test scores:  

An official test score report must be requested by the applicant and received by Vanderbilt directly from the testing service. Once the results are ready, it can take 10-14 days to be received, processed, and attached to your application.

  • Duolingo: No school code is required. You will be asked to provide our school’s name: “Vanderbilt University” in the request. If Vanderbilt is indicated as a recipient of the Duolingo English Test, the results are received and posted to your application two days after taking the test.
  • TOEFL and IELTS: 1871

The official TOEFL or IELTS scores should be submitted to Vanderbilt University at this address:

Center for Data Management-OWEN Vanderbilt University (Institution Code 1871) PMB 407833 2301 Vanderbilt Place Nashville, TN 37240-7833

Contact ETS with questions about the TOEFL  here.

To contact IELTS email  [email protected] .

More information about the Duolingo English Test can be found  here .

Additional Information

APPLICATION FEE: There is a $200 fee for the MBA program application.

DUAL DEGREE APPLICANTS:  Dual degree applicants complete both the MBA application and the application for the other program to which you plan to enroll. Vanderbilt’s dual degree partners have their own admission and application policies, procedures, and deadlines that may differ from those of the Vanderbilt MBA program.

We are unable to accept the LSAT or the MCAT in lieu of the GMAT, GRE or Executive Assessment (EA). However, we do offer GMAT, GRE or EA waivers and more information can be found here .

DEFERRED ADMISSION: The Vanderbilt MBA program may offer deferred admission on a case-by-case basis. If admitted to the program you may request approval for a deferral. Merit-based scholarships are not guaranteed from one year to the next.

REAPPLICATION: We welcome re-applicants and look forward to evaluating your application. We will retain your application for two years so if you reapply, please use the same login credentials. Some of your former application data will transfer into your new application. You are asked to provide an updated resume, statements, recommendation, and new test scores, if applicable. You also have the opportunity to complete a re-applicant essay to share information about what has changed about your candidacy.

MAILING SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS:  We recommend that you keep copies of everything you submit to Vanderbilt for the duration of the application process. Please mail any supplemental application materials not submitted electronically to:

Center for Data Management-OWEN Vanderbilt University PMB 407833 2301 Vanderbilt Place Nashville, TN 37240-7833

ADMISSION DECISIONS:  All Admissions Committee decisions are final, and applicants will be considered for admission only once in any given academic year. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to deny any applicant, rescind any offer of admission or dismiss any enrolled student if any part of the application is inaccurate, misrepresented, falsified or otherwise untrue.

QUESTIONS: We appreciate the time and effort you will put into applying to business school and we look forward to receiving your application. Please contact us if you have any questions. The MBA Recruiting & Admissions office is open Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, U.S. Central Time. You can reach us by sending an email to [email protected] or calling us at 615.322.6469.

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November 9, 2022

Test Waivers at Top 25 MBA Programs: Everything You Need to Know

Test Waivers at Top 25 MBA Programs: Everything You Need to Know

For most applicants, taking a standardized test is likely the least appealing part of applying to business school. At the onset of COVID in the spring of 2020, many Full-Time MBA programs created great flexibility with their GMAT or GRE requirement. In some cases, the test was waived altogether; in other cases, either the online exam or a broader set of tests was accepted by some business schools. Fast forward two admissions cycles, and we find that some programs have returned to requiring a standardized test of all applicants, while others have retained some flexibility.

What about you? Can you safely skip taking an admissions exam? Which programs require which test? Do they require it all?

The situation is very fluid. Several prominent MBA programs in 2020 and 2021 went test-optional or offered test waivers. Many of them are continuing with this policy for the 2022-23 MBA admissions cycle . Admissions offices are increasingly skeptical as to whether all MBA applicants need a GMAT/GRE score to predict that they will be successful in business school. Other programs are allowing applicants to submit the shorter Executive Assessment as an alternative to the GMAT or GRE, and some schools are accepting other tests like the MCAT or LSAT.

A review of US News Top 25 Business Schools indicates that only two of those ranked in the top 10 full-time MBA programs provide a standardized test waiver option this year – MIT Sloan and Michigan Ross. MIT’s waiver appears to be much narrower than it previously was, and Ross appears to have a similar waiver policy. Conversely, 14 of the 16 programs ranked 11-25 continue to have a test waiver option. (Due to various ties in the ranking, there are 16 schools ranked between 11 – 25.)

If you are targeting both schools that require a standardized test and others that do not, make sure you carve out the time to prepare for the test properly. You may decide to self-study, or you may find more success in enrolling in a test prep course. Either way, preparation is key to obtaining your best score.

Applying for a test waiver makes sense when: 

  • Your academic coursework demonstrates strong academic readiness. Your performance is strong, and you have also had several quantitative and analytical courses where you earned high marks. These courses could have been taken as part of your undergraduate or graduate program. Or, you may have taken these courses as preparation for your business school application.
  • You have developed analytical and quantitative skills through your work experience. Some of us have learned and applied new skills through our jobs, whether a new skill was developed on the job, or we earned a professional certification. You will have the opportunity to share this information with the admissions committee through your resume, essays, and interview.

In both cases, the test score isn’t needed to demonstrate your ability to perform academically in the MBA program.

Here are the MBA programs that continue to provide a test waiver option.

Full-time MBA programs in US News Top 25 that continue to offer test waivers

*** Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify. ***

Applying to business school with a test waiver may have implications beyond the admissions process. It might surprise you that top investment banks and consulting firms are also interested in the GMAT test score. While this is not what the test was designed for, these industries have long used the test score in their hiring process as a screening tool. Some have moved away from this usage, but not all. Ultimately, the decision to apply with or without a standardized test isn’t as straightforward as it may initially seem.

For the schools where you have the option to apply for a test waiver, consider how your score compares to the middle 80% score range for the most recent incoming class. (You’ll find this data in the Class Profile section of the school’s website.) In the end, submitting your application with a test waiver means that the school will have one less data point to use when selecting. You need to be admissible to the programs you are applying to, and you will also be competing against other talented applicants to get a seat in the MBA class.

If you know of other MBA programs that are accepting tests other than the GMAT or the GRE, let us know! Please email the information to [email protected] with a source that we can confirm.

One implication of reduced reliance on test scores is increased reliance on other elements of your application including your essays, resume, short answer responses, and interview .

With or without test scores, your top-choice MBA is within your reach. Just as we have helped thousands of applicants get into the MBA program of their dreams, Accepted can help you, too, through professional assessment of your profile, expert honing of your application, and confidence-boosting, targeted interview prep. Check out our MBA Services Packages to get the personalized, one-on-one attention you need to GET ACCEPTED!

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As the former executive director of admissions at Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School and assistant dean of admissions at Georgetown’s McDonough School and the University of Pittsburgh’s Katz School, has 23 years’ experience overseeing admissions committees and has reviewed more than 38,000 applications for the MBA and master’s programs in management of information systems, computational finance, business analytics, and product management.   Want Kelly to help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch!

Related Resources:

  • Discover the Schools Where You Are Competitive: The MBA Selectivity Index
  • Should You Take the GMAT, the GRE, or Seek a Test-Optional Program?
  • Testing, Testing, 1-2-3: What’s the Right Test Prep For You? , a Podcast Episode

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How to get Cornell GMAT Waiver

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    The test score does not reflect your abilities. If you have work experience demonstrating quantitative skills but your testing does not reflect those achievements, forgo the test and use your essays to demonstrate your abilities. Accessibility to testing is difficult. We understand that the COVID-19 pandemic has made taking the test more difficult.

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    3. Make your professional experience stand out. Online MBA programs that offer a GMAT waiver value work experience that indicates excellent analytic and quantitative abilities. In fact, by waiving the GMAT, they're acknowledging that real-world experience may be more important than a numerical score. Throughout your application process ...

  11. My successful official letter to waive the GMAT in ...

    Admissions Manager - Executive MBA. Said Business School. University of Oxford. C/c: Admissions Committee. November 29th 2014. Dear Ms. Joanne and all; My name is Nguyen T Pham, called as Winnie ...

  12. Standardized Test Waiver (GMAT/GRE)

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  13. Test Waivers at Top 25 MBA Programs: Everything You Need to Know

    A review of US News Top 25 Business Schools indicates that only two of those ranked in the top 10 full-time MBA programs provide a standardized test waiver option this year - MIT Sloan and Michigan Ross. MIT's waiver appears to be much narrower than it previously was, and Ross appears to have a similar waiver policy.

  14. MBA Application Components

    Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) / Graduate Record Exam (GRE)/Executive Assessment ... PLEASE NOTE: For additional dates and details for the Test Waiver Application during each application round, ... Please select one of the following three essays to complete in 500 words (approximately two pages, double spaced) and include the essay ...

  15. How to write successful GMAT waiver request letters? : r/MBA

    Salutation- Sir or Madam. 1st Para - Introduce yourself and give an overview of the particular criteria that qualified you to submit the GMAT/GRE waiver request letter in a brief manner. Write about why you are writing & what is your request. 2nd Para - Elaborate your academic and professional achievements but don't exaggerate.

  16. Full-Time MBA Test Options and Waivers

    All applicants are required to submit a GMAT, GMAT Focus, GRE, or Executive Assessment (EA) score. We will waive the testing requirement if: Expired (taken 5+ years ago) GMAT, GRE, or EA score is submitted. or. General Test Waiver (merit-based) is submitted and approved by the Admissions Committee. In addition, studying for and taking the exam ...

  17. Residential MBA Application Requirements

    The GMAT/GRE test is a helpful data point for the admissions committee, but we review each application holistically and the waiver will not negatively bias your consideration for scholarships. I've had a significant update or change to my materials since submitting my waiver request (such as a promotion, new test score, or other achievement).

  18. MBA Application Instructions

    An official standardized test score or an approved test waiver is a required component of the application. Vanderbilt accepts the following exams: GMAT, GMAT Focus, GRE, or Executive Assessment. Standardized Test Scores: An official test score must be requested by the applicant and received by Vanderbilt directly from the testing service.

  19. Tepper School of Business

    Application Checklist. The following application components are required: Online application form Current resume One written essay and one video essay One professional recommendation Unofficial transcripts of all academic work Official GMAT, GRE, or EA score, or approved test waiver Official TOEFL or IELTS score (if applicable) $200 application fee

  20. GMAT Waivers

    Yes, there are MBA programs that grant GMAT waivers, and the policy is more common amongst programs outside of (what are generally considered to be) the top 10 business schools. For top MBA programs, those that offer GMAT waivers generally have specific criteria you must meet and require you to formally request an exception. Top MBA Programs ...

  21. Test Waivers at Top 25 MBA Programs: Everything You Need to Know

    Yes. Particular regard will be given for indicators of academic and professional accomplishment. GMAT, GRE, EA, LSAT or MCAT. Vanderbilt Owen. #25 (tie) Yes. Candidates who demonstrate multiple examples of academic and professional accomplishments are more likely to receive a waiver. GMAT, GRE, EA. Washington Foster.

  22. MBA Application Requirements

    *We accept both GMAT Exam and GMAT Focus Edition scores. ... Deferred Enrollment candidates will answer two short essay questions instead of the essays listed above. Questions for the 2024 application cycle to be announced. ... Applicants who qualify for a fee waiver should create or log into the application and navigate to the "Review" page ...

  23. How to get Cornell GMAT Waiver : MBA Archive

    Expert Reply. "Cornell Johnson is offering candidates of the Full-Time MBA 2022-2023 application cycle the ability to request a GMAT/GRE test waiver, without negative bias, through the online application. Candidates should indicate their request and be prepared to submit a short statement for why you will flourish in our rigorous academic ...