600+ EPQ Ideas to Secure an A* Grade

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600+ EPQ Ideas to Secure an A* Grade

Make your idea EPiQ!

An EPQ, or Extended Project Qualification , is a fantastic opportunity for students to delve deeply into a subject they're passionate about, conducting independent research, and presenting their findings in a structured manner. Whether you're interested in science, humanities, arts, or anything in between, this blog is packed with EPQ ideas to kickstart your journey towards academic excellence. So, let's dive in and explore the possibilities for your EPQ project!      

What is an EPQ Project?

An EPQ is level - A standard qualification usually undertaken during year 12 or 13 of school. It helps students improve their skills beyond the A-level syllabus, getting them ready for university or their future careers. For instance, how is clean energy going to transform lives? It is usually a 5,000-word essay on a topic of your choice and is accompanied by a presentation. You're free to choose any EPQ project ideas you want for your big EPQ project, and you can even make it as creative as you want. You can also look for ways to submit your EPQ project online. Excited to know more about EPQ ideas? Keep scrolling!

How Does an EPQ Project Work?

EPQ ideas involve various stages and ways to go about it. EPQ projects are basically for the evaluators to learn about your skills on various parameters. You can pick an EPQ idea of your choice.

1. Dissertation 

Write a dissertation of approximately 5000 words. You need to start by browsing for EPQ project ideas for medicine, geography, or any other subject, and voila, you have your EPQ ideas that can help you aim for Grade A. If you need more ideas like writing on finance, then you can look at some finance dissertation topics and get started! 

2. Artefact 

Another way of working on the EPQ project ideas is to produce an ‘artefact’, which can be a website, costume, film you shot or musical recording combined with a shorter report. After this stage, you need to prepare a short presentation for people who are not subject matter experts. 

It tends to judge your critical thinking abilities, argument building, and support, as well as record and reflect on your progress. 

3. Alternative EPQ ideas

If the thought of sitting down and writing 5000 words sounds like your worst nightmare, then you don’t need to do that for your EPQ topic. Students have been getting very creative with their chosen EPQ ideas in the past few years. If an essay is not your thing, you can submit a different kind of EPQ idea along with a short, 1000-word write-up. Here are some alternatives to writing an EPQ project:

1. Write a screenplay 2. Create a short film 3. Create a prototype for a new invention or product 4. Compose an original song

EPQs will take up your time, but they can also often be fun projects if you choose something you like. By following a few tips and tricks to improve your writing skills , you can create clear, concise, and engaging content pieces that resonate with your readers. 

What is the Purpose of an EPQ Project?

Even though EPQs aren’t mandatory for students, you may still want to consider doing one. Your EPQ project is a great opportunity for you to showcase your creativity and personality to potential universities. Your EPQ idea will demonstrate your research ability, project management skills, decision-making, and diligence to admissions officers. Depending upon what type of EPQ ideas you choose, it can even demonstrate your knowledge about the course you’ve applied for, making you a stronger candidate. 

How to Choose an EPQ Topic

So, now that you've officially decided to do your EPQ project, where do you begin? Well, the first step is choosing a topic from your list of potential EPQ ideas. Thanks to the internet, you have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips, but sometimes that only makes your choice harder. If you're struggling to choose from multiple EPQ ideas, here are a few tips that can help you get started. 

1. Consider your Interests 

You are likely going to be spending a fair amount of time researching and writing your EPQ question, so make sure you pick an EPQ idea that actually interests you. Suppose you're interested in environmental law, microbiology, policy-making or even have a TV show you just can't stop thinking about. In that case, that can be the starting point for your EPQ ideas. Think about it: if you're not even interested in reading your EPQ ideas, why would your examiner be? 

2. Start with a Question

Once you've picked a broader topic, it's time to narrow your focus for your EPQ ideas. Writing a detailed paper isn't easy if your topic is too wide, which is why you should try to make your EPQ ideas more specific. For example, suppose you've decided to write about the rise of street art. You could narrow it down to the influence of Banksy on street art in the UK. 

3. Make it Interesting 

Whatever EPQ ideas you're choosing from, make sure you make it interesting! Not only will a boring assignment be painful to write, but it'll also be painful to read, and at the end of the day, you want to keep your reader engaged and interested. When you're choosing your EPQ ideas, ensure that you've thought of enough ways that keep your reader interested while reading your assignment. 

4. Make Sure you have Enough Content

Five thousand words is not an easy task, and with the pressure to achieve an EPQ A level alongside the ticking clock, you already have a lot on your plate. Before you commit to any particular EPQ ideas, do a quick Google search and see whether you'll have enough content to write about it. If your EPQ idea is too niche, it may be hard to find credible resources to refer to. Play around with a few different EPQ project ideas and pick one that'll make your research easier.

5. Think of your Career Plans

As we mentioned earlier, your EPQ idea may be a great way to show colleges that you've got what it takes to make it into their program. If you have a clear career goal in mind, it may be good to focus your EPQ ideas around it to showcase your interest and dedication to your future profession. 

Getting an A in your EPQ

A successful EPQ project is a strategic mix of creativity and specification, as well as a broad EPQ topic that provides ample ground for research and opinions. Getting an A grade in an EPQ project is quite easy if you bank upon your interests, abilities, and strengths. 

1. The success of your EPQ project depends on the organic nature of your dissertation.  2. We suggest you do extensive research before choosing your EPQ idea, as it is the most important part.  3. The EPQ project, if done with sheer determination and real interest, is a winner already.

We are definitely going to help you with EPQ ideas that can help you win. If you give your EPQ project a personal touch by understanding your strengths and weaknesses, it can increase your chances of earning a grade A. You can apply some best tips for writing a dissertation that can get you perfect scores. Plus, you can always take the help of dissertation writing software . Now that you have all the information on how to write the best EPQs, have a look at the best EPQ question ideas.

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Best EPQ Ideas to Write On

If you’re struggling to come up with EPQ topics, here are some good subject-wise EPQ ideas to help get you started:

1. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Psychology

1. Does depression have a hereditary component? 2. What are the ways in which brain injuries can have long-term ramifications? 3. Autism diagnosis and its spectrum. 4. How does brain connectivity impact our capacity to learn new skills? 5. Epilepsy's continuing consequences on sufferers and their families. 6. How does the brain of a person with bipolar disorder function? 7. What difficulties arise when treating geriatric dementia patients? 8. Children's psychosis and its challenges. 9. Is a full state of focus even feasible for the brain? 10. How are balance and the brain affected by hearing loss? 11. Why do people delay and avoid their tasks? 12. What is neuroplasticity and its impact on humans? 13. Can we change ourselves just with the help of psychology? 14. How do drugs impact the psychology of adolescents? 15. Can AI replace psychology? 16. Can AI be a facilitator in the psychological advances of the future? 17. How is psychology an integral part of science? 18. How does psychology impact our day-to-day decision-making?

2. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Law

1. Should the death penalty be reinstated? 2. How much should the court's judgement be influenced by a child's preference to live with one parent over another? 3. Should those who see child abuse but do not report it be held legally accountable? 4. Should men who have female companions sue them for having an abortion? 5. Should everyone be required to donate their organs? 6. When it comes to violations of human rights, when should one nation legally step into another? 7. Should a 21-year-old be the minimum age for marriage? 8. Should the results of a lie detector be admissible in UK courts? 9. Could the government be required by law to compensate women for the unpaid work they do that helps the economy? 10. Should abortion be practised at any stage of pregnancy if embryos have feelings and sensations? 11. What laws can be implemented to decriminalise the victims of sex trafficking? 12. Should surveillance cameras be made illegal? 13. Should communal violence be made illegal? 14. How does the law help make society better? 15. When we make laws, what are factors which should be taken into consideration? 16. How has democracy evolved with the advent of modern society? 17. What are new areas of law which are being explored today? 18. Are we looking forward to better laws as a solution for all the problems? If so, why?

3. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Business

1. What is the reason for the rise of unicorn startups in the past decade? 2. What about Apple’s business model, which has made it so successful? 3. How important is employee happiness to overall company performance? 4. Does Amazon have unethical hiring practices? 5. What information should be mandatory to disclose at an interview on behalf of both the company and the candidate? 6. Does outsourcing work have a better effect than hiring an in-house team for the same job? 7. How can we hold companies accountable for their unethical behaviour? 8. At what point in the production process should Extended Producer Responsibilities come into play? 9. What training should be mandatory for any team leader? 10. What steps can be taken to ensure that HR departments are impartial during internal disputes?  11. How can companies contribute to sustainability? 12. What are the factors contributing to the revival of a market after the financial plunge? 13. What can be done to multiply the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR by the organisations? 14. Are there chances of revival of a business after bankruptcy? 15. Are startups a new ray of hope in the financial plunge in the market? 16. How can entrepreneurs help transform the ideals of traditional benefits in their favour? 17. In the tussle between the corporate world and government institutions, which side should job seekers take? 18. What is the future of startups in view of the AI revolution?

4. 20+ EPQ Ideas for History

1. What is the role of art in the telling of History? 2. Should mythology be taught as History? 3. What caused the fall of the Roman Empire? 4. What led to the abolishment of slavery in the US? 5. How did Britain conquer America? 6. How has cooking among humans evolved throughout time? 7. How has the bond between animals and people evolved? 8. What changes have been made in the roles of men and women over time? 9. Since World War II, has the British public lost interest in the royal family? 10. How has travel changed over the years? 11. Why did the Germans lose the 2nd World War? 12. How did Japan build itself after the nuclear bombing by America? 13. How did Native Americans help shape American History? 14. What was the benefit of a Constitutional Monarchy? 15. Why did Britain exit from the EU? 16. Is Britain holding the same position in International Politics as before? 17. What is the importance of a Prime Minister in British Politics? 18. Which were the major areas in the UK involved in World War 2?

5. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Sports

1. Is sports injury rehabilitation effective enough for athletes? 2. Compared to players 50 years ago, how do athletes spend their daily lives today? 3. What is the link between stress in sports and mental health in today’s athletes? 4. What is the function of sports journalism in the athletics sector? 5. How is drug testing in sports properly handled? 6. What are the benefits of sport for young people's development? 7. Are the world's main athletic events appropriately managed? 8. How much does a person's capacity to excel in a sport come from their genes? 9. Why does training for some sports cost so much money? 10. Why do people engage in sports? 11. How has sports betting changed over the years? 12. Why do athletes need to follow a strict diet for better performance? 13. Which sports provide more career opportunities and security? 14. What makes or breaks a sportsperson? 15. Can an athlete change his/her field of sports after pursuing it for years? 16. How has diet for athletes evolved over some time to its current form? 17. Does the intake of steroids or supplements impact the mental health of sports personalities? 18. Is playing a sport enough to stay healthy?

6. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Physics

1. The internal combustion engine's past, present, and future. 2. What are directed energy weapons, and what does the future hold for them?  3. What would occur to our solar system if the sun stopped shining?  4. Technological advances and autonomous transportation.  5. How much will lithium-ion batteries rule the market over the next 30 years?  6. Constructing a camera lens.  7. How differently do stellar and supermassive black holes create and function? 8. How reliable are the many quantum mechanical interpretations?  9. Why did supersonic flight not succeed? 10. What is the likeliness of there being life on other planets? 11. What is the role of Quantum Physics in daily life? 12. Can physics help in reducing global warming? 13. Are EVs, the future of mobility, designed by Physics? 14. How does Physics represent the basic structure of nature? 15. Can physics answer the question about the existence of God? 16. Are laws of physics breakable? 17. What are some of the wonders of Physics hidden away in plain sight around us? 18. What is the role of physics in medicine?

7. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Economics

1. Can money buy you happiness? 2. Should the metrics used to calculate a country's standard of living be revised? 3. What can we expect from the next financial crisis? 4. How does a lack of financial stability affect your childhood? 5. How often should “minimum wage” be revised? 6. How does illegal immigration affect the economy in the UK? 7. What effect will the rise of AI technology have on the economy? 8. How has the rise of KPOP transformed the landscape of South Korea’s economy? 9. In what industry is the gender wage gap most prevalent? 10. How does water scarcity impact economic development? 11. Should human organ trade be legalised in the purview of economics as a benchmark? 12. Has the neo-world order worked in favour of developing countries? 13. Is a trickle-down economy equal to a pyramid scheme? 14. Will AI help companies and corporations cut down on their cost? 15. What is the reason behind the exponential growth of real estate? 16. Is entrepreneurship healthy for a country? 17. How has the advent of technology changed the way we transact? 18. How does a soft market bring an economy to a standstill or in a state of disequilibrium?

8. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Geography

1. How has soil fertility decreased due to global warming over the last few decades? 2. Does the existing landscape play an important role in how good a city's infrastructure can be? 3. What effect does the Israeli-Palestine conflict have on the water crisis? 4. Should active volcanoes no longer be eligible as tourist spots? 5. How has the internet increased the load on natural resources? 6. What measures can be taken to make Antarctica an inhabitable nation? 7. What innovative solutions can we use to combat the rising sea levels? 8. To what extent can sustainable architecture reduce the load of global warming? 9. Can a developing country ever re-categorize itself as a developed nation? 10. What is the potential of green infrastructure when it comes to urban planning? 11. Can proper distribution of natural resources help in solving the economic gap? 12. How does extensive commercial farming lead to bad soil health across the globe? 13. Is banking on solar energy a good choice in order to solve the energy crunch? 14. What are the possible impacts of the space debris left out there by countries? 15. What are the possible impacts of the reclamation of water bodies into urban land use throughout the world? 16. Are there solutions to reverse the damage we have caused to the Earth? 17. Why are the African countries with the most natural resources still poor 18. How can we save the polar regions from the impact of global warming?

9. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Chemistry

1. At what stage do chemicals actually become hallucinogens? 2. Should shrooms still be classified as a Schedule I drug? 3. What process can we create to decompose plastic? 4. What chemical procedures are used to purify water? 5. What substances play a role in human attraction? 6. How does the body respond to cortisol? 7. Should the use of pesticides be ethically acceptable? 8. What benefits do computer-aided fragment-based drug design techniques offer? 9. How can click chemistry be utilised to enhance the production of drugs? 10. Over the past 200 years, how has the discovery of pharmaceutical compounds changed? 11.  How did optical isomerism impact the Thalidomide, resulting in fatal abnormalities? 12. Can we make plastic which decomposes? 13. Does chemical engineering have an impact on our lives? 14. Experiments on polymer chemistry and its impact? 15. Should pesticides be banned? 16. Can understanding soil chemistry help solve the crisis of land infertility? 17. How can we improve drug synthesis? 18. Did the discovery of pharmaceutical chemicals change the world?

10. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Medicine

1. Could cannabis being legalised improve mental health? 2. Why does emetophobia mainly affect women? 3. What leads to the frequent misdiagnosis of girls when it comes to autism? 4. Can hypnotherapy be a viable anaesthetic for surgeries? 5. Could plastic surgery help get rid of body dysmorphic disorder? 6. How are obesity and criticism of children’s bodies by their parents related? 7. To what extent are Black women treated differently when it comes to childbirth? 8. Should only counsellors with a psychology qualification be permitted to practice? 9. A Study of Ancient Egyptians and their understanding of mental health and Illness  10. Can electroshock therapy treat depression? 11. A Study of North Korean medical practices 12. Should abortion be legalised? What can be some defined parameters? 13. Is finding the cure for chronic diseases like Cancer enough to eradicate it? 14. Should chronic medicine be made available free of cost? 15. What is the importance of diagnosis before medicine suggestions? 16. Is cosmetic treatment dangerous for health? 17. Is medicine a male-dominated field? 18. What is the contribution of generic medicine to unfortunate countries?

11. 20+ EPQ Ideas for English Literature

1. What does the portrayal of evil stepmothers in fairy tales tell us about society’s perspectives on motherhood? 2. Can writing be considered a magical act? 3. Can stories be considered living things? 4. To what extent are spelling and punctuation necessary in literature? 5. Is it possible for a novel to be timeless? 6. Why is learning to read a human right? 7. Can rhythm in a poem be considered a separate language? 8. Could AI reporters replace journalists? 9. How important is it for English students to work out what the author means? 10. Does genre-based classification help in understanding a text? 11. Is it necessary to have the ability to read and write to be an author? 12. Has the evolution of English literature impacted its originality? 13. Is modern-day writing more interesting than classic English literature? 14. How has writing evolved through the centuries? 15. Can modern-day writers take inspiration from classic literature and still be relevant? 16. Can AI recreate the lost English literature? 17. Has AI impacted the originality of writers? 18. What are some of the must-read books in English literature?

12. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Foreign Language

1. A study on the origin and evolution of languages 2. How do idioms prove that languages can’t truly be translated? 3. What led to Esperanto’s failure as a language policy? 4. Should sign language be made a mandatory language? 5. Is multilingualism related to economic success? 6. How does dyspraxia affect the ability to learn languages? 7. Is there a need for a universal language? 8. How did trading affect local dialects? 9. How does body language differ around the world? 10. How important is it for students to learn a foreign language? 11. A study on the decline in the use of the Latin language 12. What is the most beautiful language in the world? 13. Are all languages related to one another? 14. Is braille a language? 15. Which foreign languages are the most in demand? 16. Will native languages take over the English language in the future? 17. How do languages get transformed with the movement of humans across the globe? 18. Is a multilingual country more prosperous?

13. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Architecture

1. What role does architecture play in social dysfunction? 2. Were 1930s houses of a higher quality? 3. How can Japanese smart space efficiency be used to build buildings around the world? 4. How ethical is it to spend millions constructing a building in a city with superior quality levels? 5. How do residents affect the building they’re living in? 6. What role does building design play in the emotions of its inhabitants? 7. How can smart cities be a breach of privacy? 8. Is it possible for zero-carbon housing to exist? 9. How does architecture evolve as technology develops? 10. How did feminism influence architecture? 11. A study of the relation between house styles and gender forms from various periods 12. What are the different forms of architecture? 13. What are the differentiating factors between ancient and modern architecture? 14. Can architecture help transform our perception of society? 15. What's unique about the architecture of Pyramids? 16. How could Indians build such elaborate structures without modern tools? 17. How does architecture contribute to moods in humans? 18. Should we consider wildlife while building public buildings and assets like roads?

14. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Maths

1. How does maths come into cryptocurrencies? 2. Has maths existed since the beginning? 3. A study of chaos theory 4. How are mathematics and beauty related? 5. How can maths help us understand the emergence of the universe? 6. Is it possible to calculate infinity? 7. A study on the origin and development of mathematics 8. Is it possible to prove the existence of parallel universes using maths? 9. How is maths linked to art? 10. Is it necessary for maths to be taught to students of secondary school? 11. A study on the link between the golden ratio and racism 12. Can mathematics be a booster in critical thinking? 13. Is logic directly related to mathematics? 14. Can AI aid in understanding complex mathematics problems? 15. Can AI provide solutions to very complex problems? 16. Can we bank upon mathematics while solving world crises? 17. How does mathematics help in brain development? 18. Can mathematics be made part of every curriculum?

15. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Engineering

1. How can engineering help explain the disappearance of Emilia Earhart? 2. Did faults in the engineering lead to the sinking of the Titanic? 3. A study on the hydraulics paradox 4. How does engineering come into architecture? 5. Is it ethical to build robots that can replicate human emotions? 6. Is it necessary for Engineering to be taught in primary school? 7. Does the definition of engineer need to be revised? 8. How much of the world was built by engineers? 9. A study on the development of Civil Engineering 10. Can hot air balloons become a mainstream means of travel? 11. A study on ethics in engineering 12. What is the contribution of engineering in making the lives of people better? 13. Why is there a job crunch in engineering? 14. What is the future of engineering? 15. Is genetic engineering the future of medicine? 16. Is organ regeneration possible without the application of engineering? 17. Will AI pose a threat to engineering jobs? 18. Why do engineers switch their careers?

16. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Computer Science

1. Should coding be taught to children simultaneously with writing? 2. A Study of Responsibility and Accountability in AI-powered Robots 3. Is internet access a human right? 4. How can quantum computers change our lifestyle? 5. Are Silicon Valley companies responsible for the widespread addiction to technology? 6. A study on a hypothetical world ridden with technology 7. Could it ever be possible to browse the web using a microchip in our brains? 8. How is increased automation affecting employment? 9. How accurately can AI-writing assistants such as Grammarly influence expression? 10. A study on the differences between AI and human intelligence 11. Should people be allowed to alleviate loneliness with the use of social care robots? 12. Is technology harming the privacy of individuals? 13. Unethical use of technology leads to an increase in crime rates 14. Can the use of tech be 100% ethical? 15. What are some laws that can help make tech more ethical? 16. What is the future of technology? 17. Can advanced medical technology cure chronic diseases? 18. How can tech help in reducing crime rates?

17. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Politics

1. What has led to the USA never having a female president? 2. Who would govern Mars after human colonisation? 3. A study on the negative effects of nepotism on politics 4. A study on Brexit and its causes 5. Should country-wide bans on religion be permitted? 6. A study on cases of anarchy 7. Is it important for politics to be taught in school? 8. How have social media platforms such as Twitter revolutionised politics? 9. A Study on Donald Trump’s Impact on Politics 10. How are female politicians perceived around the world 11. Should freedom of information be universal? 12. What are the various fields of study within political science? 13. Has political science taken centre stage in today's time? 14. Why did America attack Iraq? 15. What is the turmoil going on in Uganda? 16. How can political science contribute to problem-solving? 17. What does Apolitical mean? 18. How is politics a part of everyday life?

18. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Sociology

1. Can eating disorders be considered a social phenomenon? 2. Should face-altering apps be banned? 3. How can one’s upbringing lead to narcissism? 4. Are emotions innate or instilled by society? 5. Should there be a ban on gendered toys? 6. A study on the sociology of food 7. How Disney’s Princesses Became Role Models for Girls 8. A study on the cultural diaspora of mixed-race children 9. Is it possible to alter stereotypes regarding drug use and misuse in various communities? 10. How does the model of socialisation affect children? 11. How crucial are emotions in sociological studies of human behaviour? 12. How is sociology different from politics? 13. Sociology and political science are interrelated? 14. Is psychology a part of sociology? 15. How does sociology help in understanding society better? 16. Why did humans build such a complex society? 17. Are social structures major indicators of growth in a society? 18. Why is there a class system in sociology?

19. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Biology

1. To what degree does chance influence evolution, as opposed to other contributing factors? 2. How does the rate of breathing impact the functioning of the brain? 3. Explore the correlation between cell theory and the theory of evolution. 4. In what ways has evolutionary biology shaped various scientific disciplines? 5. Is the formulation of hypotheses the most efficient approach to experimental design? 6. Investigate the effects of habitat changes on a particular organism. 7. Can photosynthesis occur in the absence of sunlight? 8. How do age and gender affect photoreceptor cells in the human retina? 9. Assess the impact of human influence on aquatic ecosystems. 10. Explore the consequences of an increased ecological footprint in a specific region. 11. Is gene therapy ethically justifiable? 12. Should parents have the right to modify their child's gender genetically? 13. Investigate the potential link between cannabis use in adolescence and schizophrenia. 14. Is religion primarily a source of comfort in the face of mortality? 15. Under what circumstances can taking a life be morally justified? 16. How does the human body respond to stressors? 17. Examine the role of DNA in the developmental processes of a human being. 18. How does the human immune system operate?

20. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Philosophy

1. How are films of the West and the East affected by the dominant religions of their population? 2. Is Plato's cave still an accurate metaphor that we should teach film students? 3. Do Abrahamic religions inherently propagate sexism? 4. Can we call philosophers artists? 5. Does the world exist outside the self? 6. How does religious ideology negatively affect policies? 7. Does the separation of church and state positively or negatively impact the spread of religion? 8. How does technology affect our definition of “real”? 9. Is the trolly problem still an effective way to test AI? 10. Should we create a new government body to oversee the development and ethics of new AI technologies? 11. Can philosophers be considered artists? 12. Can philosophy and theology work together? 13. Can philosophy be regarded as a science? 14. What were the direct impacts of the greatest philosophers on society?  15. Does the justice system owe its birth to philosophy? 16. What are the ideals of a perfect society, according to Machiavelli? 17. Can studying books by philosophers change the way we think about problems and their solutions? 18. Have we disregarded the role of philosophy as a social institution?

21. 20+ Primary School Teaching EPQ Ideas

1. How can we teach primary school students about social rights? 2. How can we teach primary school students the art of time management? 3. The science of simple machines like levers, pulleys and more. 4. Why should primary school students not use mobile phones in schools? 5. Is school uniform institutionalising for students? 6. Should there only be four days of school a week? 7. How can we teach proper eating habits to primary school students? 8. Why does our education system fail to identify students who are slow learners? 9. Is the education system treating students well? 10. The importance of actively participating in co-curricular activities in schools.  11. How should the education system educate students about high-functioning autism? 12. How can we teach healthy eating habits to primary school students? 13. Should primary school students be allowed to choose the subject of their choice? 14. Should primary schools teach and promote different language courses to students? 15. How can we teach primary school students about anti-racism? 16. The importance of obesity amongst school students. 17. Should every school have access to open grounds for outdoor activities? 18. How do exams play an important role in shaping a student’s career?

22. 20+ Secondary School Teaching EPQ Ideas

1. What should be the school timing for secondary school students? 2. Why should secondary school students be taught sex education? 3. Will a 3-day school week improve students' mental health? 4. Is the secondary school curriculum the right choice for students? 5. Should teaching modern languages be compulsory for secondary school students? 6. Is an exam a good option for students who suffer from dyslexia or dyspraxia? 7. How can we tackle the fear of failure of any student in a school activity? 8. How can to bridge the technology poverty gap among students? 9. What is the effect of family problems on a student's learning and development? 10. Is a secondary school method of treating autistic students enough? 11. What are the consequences of bullying in secondary schools? 12. Should sports or any type of outdoor activity be made compulsory? 13. How does the feeling of having less money than your friends affect your identity? 14. How fair are the exams for female students? 15. Is a school uniform necessary to wear every day? 16. How do we create educational support programs for students who are slow learners? 17. What are the effects of poor housing, and how does it affect education? 18. What effect does the exam structure outside India have on students' mental health?

23. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Religious Studies

1. How did the history of the church shape our society today?  2. Can you ever justify taking a life?  3. How do you explain the goodness of God in the light of the world’s evil?  4. Should politicians interfere in religious conflicts?  5. Do Abrahamic religions inherently propagate sexism?  6. How does religious ideology negatively affect policies?  7. Are society’s perceptions of what’s right and wrong based on Christianity?  8. How does living as an illegal immigrant affect mental and physical health?  9. Why can't materialism disprove the existence of God? 10. Why science and religion are part of the same entity?  11. How are films of the West and the East affected by the dominant religions of their population?  12. Is Plato's cave still an accurate metaphor that we should teach film students?  13. Does the world exist outside the self?  14. How does tourism affect a country’s culture?  15. To what extent should deforestation be allowed?  16. Should all new houses be built with solar panels? 17. How does the concept of karma influence ethical decision-making in Hinduism and Buddhism? 18. What are the ethical implications of the use of psychedelic substances in religious and spiritual practices?

24. 20+ EPQ Ideas for Virtual Reality on Education

1. How does virtual reality (VR) technology function, and what are its main components? 2. What are the current applications of virtual reality in education, and how are they being implemented? 3. What are the potential benefits of using virtual reality in educational settings for students and teachers? 4. What are the challenges and limitations of integrating virtual reality into the classroom environment? 5. How does virtual reality compare to traditional methods of teaching and learning in terms of effectiveness and engagement? 6. What ethical considerations need to be addressed when using virtual reality technology in education? 7. How can virtual reality be adapted to accommodate diverse learning styles and needs? 8. What are the long-term implications of the widespread adoption of virtual reality in education for educational institutions, students, and society as a whole? 9. What are some innovative ways in which virtual reality can be used to enhance specific subjects or topics within the curriculum? 10. How can educators be trained to incorporate virtual reality into their teaching practices effectively? 11. What are the potential economic costs associated with implementing virtual reality technology in educational institutions? 12. How does the accessibility of virtual reality equipment and software affect its adoption in different educational settings? 13. What are the cognitive benefits of immersive learning experiences facilitated by virtual reality technology? 14. How can virtual reality be utilised to enhance collaboration and teamwork among students in a classroom or remote learning environment? 15. What are the privacy concerns surrounding the collection of data from virtual reality educational applications, and how can they be addressed? 16. How does the use of virtual reality impact student motivation, engagement, and retention of knowledge? 17. What are the cultural considerations that need to be taken into account when designing virtual reality educational content for diverse populations? 18. How can virtual reality simulations be used to provide experiential learning opportunities in subjects such as science, history, or geography?

EPQs will take up your time, but they can also often be fun projects if you choose something you like. We hope you’ve found this blog helpful and now understand how to find the perfect EPQ ideas for you. Best of luck!

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EPQ Ideas For Every Subject

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An Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a research-based project that allows A-Level students to explore a topic of their choice in depth.

Students can either write a 5,000-word essay on any question or subject or create an artifact or product and write a shorter essay explaining it. 

The EPQ is equivalent to half an A-Level and is a great way to demonstrate your ability to conduct independent research and showcase your interests to universities .

When choosing an EPQ topic, consider the following guidelines:

  • Pick a subject you are passionate about: Your interest in the topic will make the research process more enjoyable and engaging 2 .
  • Step outside your comfort zone: Choose a topic that allows you to learn something new or gain a new skill while staying true to your interests 3 .
  • Think about your career plans: If you have a specific career goal, center your EPQ around that objective to demonstrate your interest in and commitment to the field
  • 1 Quick EPQ Ideas
  • 2 Science & Technology EPQ Ideas
  • 3 Art & Design EPQ Ideas
  • 4 History EPQ Ideas
  • 5 Philosophy EPQ Ideas
  • 6 Psychology EPQ Ideas
  • 7 Creative Writing EPQ Ideas
  • 8 Planning Your EPQ

Quick EPQ Ideas

Here are some EPQ ideas from various subjects to inspire you:

  • Medicine : “Do state owned care homes provide adequate care in comparison to private?
  • History: “How did the role of women change during World War II?”
  • Sports: “What is the impact of sports psychology on athletes’ performance?”
  • Physics: “How do black holes affect the surrounding galaxies?”
  • Art: “How has street art evolved over the past century?”

Remember, these ideas are only meant to inspire you. It’s essential to choose a topic that genuinely interests you and aligns with your academic or career goals.

Science & Technology EPQ Ideas

The world of science and technology is a never-ending source of possibility and promise – an ever-expanding window into the future. At its core, it represents our ongoing efforts to unlock greater understanding and unparalleled capabilities through exploration and experimentation.

Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in robotic surgery and artificial intelligence – two fields that are revolutionizing the way we approach medical care and cognitive computing respectively. Robotic surgeons allow for incredibly precise operations with minimal risks, making them invaluable tools for many types of treatments.

Meanwhile, AI has been used to create powerful systems capable of deep learning algorithms – allowing us to make sophisticated decisions at lightning speed. Both represent incredible opportunities for EPQs, offering students the chance to explore their potential applications as well as their implications on society today.

From exploring ways to improve patient safety with robotic surgery or creating ethical frameworks for emerging technologies like AI – these are just some ideas that could form the basis of an exciting project.

Art & Design EPQ Ideas

When it comes to Art & Design EPQs, the possibilities are endless.

From exploring modern art movements and their impact on society to examining the role of art criticism in our culture today, you can find many intriguing topics for your project.

One interesting topic could be a study into how various modern art styles have influenced popular culture over time. This could include looking at classic pieces from artists such as Picasso or Monet, as well as more contemporary works from figures like Banksy or Koons.

You might also explore how different forms of media have been used to interpret these works and examine what messages they communicate. Additionally, you may investigate how trends in fashion, music, and other areas of pop-culture are inspired by modern artworks.

In your research, you could delve further into the importance of art criticism throughout history and its current relevance within our world today. By studying criticisms made by renowned critics against classic artwork or analyzing reviews written about emerging talent in the industry, you can gain an understanding of why art is so central to our lives now and potentially uncover new insights into its future prospects.

History EPQ Ideas

History is an interesting and complex subject. It teaches us about the past, present, and future of humanity. When it comes to EPQ ideas that relate to history, there are many options available for students who want to explore this field further.

Here are just a few:

  • Consider researching topics related to conflictual colonisation in different countries or regions around the world. This could include looking into historical documents from those areas as well as examining how nationalism narratives have been used throughout different eras in history.
  • Investigate key figures in history and their impact on society during their lifetimes. For example, study the legacy of influential leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and more.
  • Examine famous battles or wars through primary source material provided by museums or archives – find out what life was like during these times and compare them with our current culture today.

These are all great starting points when it comes to formulating your own EPQ idea based on history! With some research and creativity, you can create a project that will be both educational and enjoyable for yourself as well as other readers interested in learning more about the human experience across time.

Philosophy EPQ Ideas

Existential nihilism is an intriguing and thought-provoking topic for a Philosophy EPQ. It can be used to explore the idea of free will, as well as how life has purpose or meaning.

To investigate this concept in more depth, consider creating a 3 column and 5 row table with various questions that relate to existential nihilism:

In order to create an informative and compelling EPQ on this subject matter, start by researching these topics further; look up definitions and overviews about existential nihilism from reputable sources such as scholarly articles and philosophical texts.

Investigate different arguments and perspectives from interviews and debates.

Find out what impact this has had on human experience through personal stories and biographies. Consider the social effects and outcomes of existential nihilism by looking at historical documents and statistics.

To finish, research any counterarguments related to this topic by finding newspaper articles and opinion pieces where appropriate.

With a comprehensive understanding of all angles of the issue, you can then begin forming your own conclusions regarding existential nihilism – making sure to back them up with evidence throughout!

Psychology EPQ Ideas

Moving on from philosophy, psychology EPQ ideas can provide students with an opportunity to explore the fascinating world of human behaviour.

Positive Psychology is a great place to start for those looking to delve deeper into this field. This area focuses on well-being and flourishing in individuals by exploring their strengths and values.

For instance, a student could consider researching how our thoughts and emotions affect our daily life decisions or investigate the impact of gratitude interventions on mental health.

Animal Behaviour is another interesting avenue for exploration within psychology EPQs. A student may look at why animals adapt certain behaviours based on environmental factors or research which methods are most effective when it comes to training domesticated pets.

Alternatively, one could analyse whether particular animal communication techniques elicit more successful responses than others in different contexts. All these topics open up the potential to make original contributions that challenge existing theories and assumptions about both humans and animals alike.

With some creativity and dedication, there’s no limit to what you can achieve!

Creative Writing EPQ Ideas

Writing creative pieces for an EPQ is a great way to express oneself and explore different worlds.

From crafting characters, writing with suspense, and building unique settings – the possibilities are limitless!

Screenwriting, plot structure, character development, dialogue creation, genre exploration, world building, autobiographical elements; there’s no shortage of topics one can cover in their Creative Writing EPQ.

Creative nonfiction offers another avenue for expression.

It’s not only about creating stories from scratch- it’s also about telling real stories through an imaginative lens.

Capturing the reader’s attention while exploring personal experiences allows students to communicate their own narrative within the bounds of reality.

Storytelling techniques allow writers to craft engaging narratives that captivate audiences by utilizing vivid imagery and evocative language.

An EPQ focused on Creative Writing gives students a platform to push boundaries and create something truly special.

Planning Your EPQ

In conclusion, completing an extended project qualification (EPQ) is a great way for students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a variety of topics. With these 1500+ EPQ ideas, you can be sure that there’s something here to help guarantee an A* in your chosen subject area.

Whether it’s science & technology, art & design, history, philosophy or psychology – we have the resources available to make sure you are successful! So don’t wait any longer – start creating your own unique EPQ today and take one step closer towards achieving academic success!

By taking the first steps into researching and planning out your EPQ, you will find yourself developing valuable skills such as independent learning, critical thinking and problem solving which will stand you in good stead both during university studies and beyond.

Embrace this opportunity to express yourself creatively, gain recognition for your work and ultimately reach your full potential.

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400+ EPQ Ideas and Examples for All Subjects (2024)

Dr Rahil Sachak-Patwa

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a unique opportunity for students to explore a topic of their choosing and develop research and independent study skills. Offered to students in their final year of A-Levels , the EPQ is a valuable addition to any student's academic portfolio, as it provides an opportunity to demonstrate skills in critical thinking, research, and project management that are highly valued by universities and employers alike.

Arguably the best part about the EPQ is that you get to select your own ideas for your project. And the worst part? You have to select your own ideas for your project. For most people, their EPQs are the first time they get to explore their chosen area of interest in depth. Save for some requirements, you can technically take this project in any direction you fancy. But this level of freedom can be daunting, especially when you have to choose a project idea and title.

What makes for a good title? Are there any limitations? How can you make your project stand out? Let’s find out how to get an A* in your EPQ in 2024!

How to Choose A Good EPQ Idea

The EPQ assessment criteria are a good reference point to embark on your EPQ journey. Across these four assessment objective areas, you’re able to get a feel for what sort of thing the examiners are looking for.

Touching on each of these, a student that wants an A* in EPQ would need to:

  • AO1 - Understand how to plan out a project thoroughly and then execute that plan.
  • AO2 - Navigate their own research, as well as understand how to break down other academic pieces to extract information that supports their project.
  • AO3 - Solve problems using skills like planning, logic, researching, or new technologies that they encounter during their EPQ project. This is the area where students get the most marks, meaning great EPQ ideas should always have a level of development and progression to them. How are you getting from points A-B?
  • AO4 - Within the EPQ essay, students need to be able to accurately review their entire project, outlining the curves in the road and any blocks that they overcame to get to their final destination.

Across these assessment areas, EPQ students will have their ideas tested and explored. The brilliance of a great EPQ idea is that students can explore a topic that they find interesting, all while strengthening their university application.

EPQ Assessment Criteria

Source - EPQ Assessment Criteria

However, the rubric isn’t enough to tell you whether your idea is any good to begin with. Instead, here are some key pointers you can use to guarantee an A*.

The best EPQ ideas share the following criteria:

  • Relevant Ideas
  • Narrow Scope
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Push boundaries

Let’s break these down further.

Make It Relevant

A good EPQ research project is one that is relevant to the context of the modern world. Now, this doesn’t mean that you can’t orient your project around historical events. On the contrary, referring to the past is a great way of substantiating your project. The key, however, is to link it to issues of contemporary relevance. For example, you can use historical plagues to analyse the long-term effects of COVID-19.

Understanding how your topic has an impact on the modern world, or could have a direct effect on the future, is a great way of including this level of relevancy. If you’re doing a history EPQ, you don’t want to only focus on what happened, you want to explain why this matters.

You should carry this idea throughout the whole of your EPQ, ensuring that your project is relevant and ticks all the assessment objective boxes.

Narrow It Down

Some research projects are so extensive in their scope that making them relevant to the modern context isn’t enough. Instead, you have to narrow your EPQ research down to a specific country, city, or even a community. Remember: you can’t possibly tackle all issues in all countries across all members of society. Otherwise, your research becomes too generalising and consequently loses its merit.

There’s a subtle balance between breadth and depth when it comes to choosing an EPQ idea. On one hand, you want to pick something that’s broad enough that you have lots to talk about. Yet, go too broad and you’ll have too much to say in too few words, leading to a shallow analysis. We suggest that you pick an idea that has a narrow focus but one that you can talk about from multiple perspectives.

Try to balance breadth and depth within your EPQ project.

Adopt An Interdisciplinary Approach

You’ll notice that most of the ideas listed in this post are interdisciplinary. In other words, they borrow from various disciplines and subjects. This leads on directly from having a good balance of breadth and depth. Instead of just focusing on one small detail, noticing how topics transect different subjects is a vital part of the EPQ.

Of course, you’d be hard-pressed to find a topic that has absolutely nothing to do with any other subject than itself. Even when focusing on a scientific question, the interdisciplinary links across sciences, health studies, and medicine, allow students to broaden their approach.

Always try and choose an EPQ idea that has interdisciplinary studies at its center. There are always common links across subjects, you just have to find them.

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Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

While you should stick to your interests, by and large, a good EPQ is one where you learn something new or develop a new skill. The only way to do so is by stepping outside your comfort zone and pursuing topics that are somewhat unfamiliar to you. If you’re still unsure about where or how to begin, enlisting the help of A-Level EPQ tutors is a good first step.

Working with an A-Level tutor for your EPQ can help boost your final grade as you’ll have a person to discuss your ideas with at every step of your project. Even when finding an initial idea, having someone to bounce thoughts off is vital when finding the right topic for you.

List of the Best EPQ Ideas

Now that we’ve covered the foundations of what makes a good idea, let’s give you some inspiration. We’ll move through different subjects, giving a list of ideas that you could use for your project.

In this article, we’ll touch on the following subjects for EPQ Ideas:

  • A-Level Biology
  • A-Level Physics
  • A-Level Chemistry
  • A-Level Maths
  • A-Level History
  • A-Level Geography
  • A-Level English
  • A-Level Economics
  • A-Level Engineering
  • A-Level Politics
  • A-Level Sociology
  • A-Level Psychology
  • A-Level Law
  • A-Level Computer Science
  • A-Level Medicine

EPQ Ideas For Biology

Explore these EPQ ideas, endorsed by experienced A-Level Biology tutors :

1 - Are there any long-term psychological effects that may be had by a recipient of another person’s organ? 2 - How do diseases develop mutants? 3 - At what point after conception does life actually begin? 4 - Nature vs nurture causes of body dysmorphia 5 - To what extent do menstrual pains and other period symptoms count as legitimate medical handicaps? 6 - The cause and effect of misdiagnosis/late diagnosis of autism in women 7 - How does smoking marijuana from a young age affect brain development? 8 - A comparison of sex and gender dynamics between humans and other species 9 - What solutions does medical biotechnology present for the COVID-19 pandemic? 10 - How does obesity differ in distinct populations around the world? 11 - The effects of plastic pollution on marine biodiversity 12 - Analysing the role of the microbiome in human health and disease 13 - Investigating the impact of climate change on bird migration patterns 14 - How do different types of exercise affect the human body? 15 - A study of the genetics and environmental factors of addiction 16 - Investigating the role of epigenetics in cancer development 17 - Analysing the effects of air pollution on respiratory health 18 - A study of the evolutionary origins of language in humans 19 - Investigating the effectiveness of different types of birth control methods 20 - Examining the ethical implications of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food production 21 - Analysing the impact of sleep deprivation on cognitive function 22 - Investigating the relationship between stress and physical health 23 - A study of the genetics and environmental factors of Alzheimer's disease 24 - Examining the effects of different diets on gut microbiota 25 - Investigating the role of the immune system in autoimmune diseases 26 - Analysing the impact of deforestation on wildlife populations 27 - A study of the molecular mechanisms of addiction 28 - Investigating the effects of environmental toxins on reproductive health 29 - Examining the relationship between gut microbiota and mental health disorders 30 - Analysing the effectiveness of various cancer treatments.

EPQ Ideas For Physics

Discover EPQ topics suggested by professional A-Level Physics tutors :

1 - How early contributions by physicists belonging to a marginalised community (women, PoC, etc.) have been dismissed. 2 - Design and build a functional robot with a particular purpose 3 - Can physics and religion ever go hand in hand? 4 - In an unimaginably colossal cosmos, is life on other planets really that unlikely? 5 - An analysis of the scientific accuracy of select scenes from Interstellar (or any physics-based movie, TV show, cartoon, etc.) 6 - The death of the sun and its potential effects on the solar system 7 - The reasons behind the failure of supersonic travel 8 - Build your own camera lens from scratch 9 - Will lithium-ion batteries dominate the world in the next 30 years? 10 - Is switching to clean energy feasible for developing countries? 11 - Investigating the feasibility of using nuclear fusion as a future energy source 12 - Exploring the physics behind black holes and their effects on space-time 13 - Examining the possibility of time travel and the physics involved 14 - Designing and testing a new type of wind turbine for more efficient energy generation 15 - Investigating the physics behind the behaviour of quantum particles 16 - Building and testing a model rocket to explore the principles of rocket science 17 - Analysing the physics of sound and music production 18 - Investigating the physics behind the formation and behaviour of lightning 19 - The potential applications and limitations of nanotechnology in the field of medicine 20 - Examining the physics behind the development and potential uses of augmented reality technology 21 - Investigating the physics behind the phenomenon of superconductivity and its practical applications 22 - Designing and building a solar-powered vehicle for sustainable transportation 23 - Exploring the physics of magnetism and its applications in technology 24 - Investigating the physics behind the development and potential uses of quantum computers 25 - Analysing the physics of the human body and its potential applications in medicine 26 - Investigating the physics behind the development and potential uses of artificial intelligence 27 - Exploring the physics of space travel and its potential for future human exploration 28 - Investigating the physics behind the development and potential uses of 3D printing technology 29 - The physics behind the behaviour of waves in the ocean and its applications in marine engineering 30 - Examining the physics behind the development and potential uses of drones in various industries.

EPQ Ideas For Chemistry

Review these EPQ ideas, curated by expert A-Level Chemistry tutors for in-depth study:

1 - Investigating the chemistry of drug development in the pharmaceutical industry 2 - A guide on how to read and understand the listed ingredients at the back of self-grooming products. 3 - The extraction of limonene from citrus 4 - Will humans ever stop producing plastic? 5 - Is the use of chemical and mechanical pesticides ethical? 6 - The safety of aspartame in food and drink 7 - Can the chemistry of the atmosphere ever truly be replicated? 8 - Can you use hydrogen as a fuel in cars? 9 - The current limitations behind building a supercell 10 - Can an understanding of chemistry help us in anti-ageing? 11 - The environmental impact of the production and disposal of batteries 12 - Investigating the chemistry behind the production and effects of air pollution 13 - The role of chemistry in developing new materials for the aerospace industry 14 - Investigating the use of enzymes in industrial processes 15 - The chemistry behind food preservation and storage 16 - Developing a new method for synthesising a specific compound of interest 17 - The chemistry behind the production and effects of cosmetics and personal care products 18 - Investigating the chemistry behind the development and production of synthetic drugs 19 - The use of chemistry in forensic science and criminal investigations 20 - The chemistry behind the behaviour and effects of neurotransmitters in the brain 21 - Investigating the chemistry behind the development and production of bioplastics 22 - The use of chemistry in developing new methods for water purification and desalination 23 - Investigating the chemistry behind the development and production of new medications for chronic diseases 24 - The chemistry behind the behaviour and effects of hormones in the human body 25 - Investigating the use of nanoparticles in targeted drug delivery 26 - The chemistry behind the development and production of renewable energy sources 27 - Investigating the use of chemistry in developing new methods for recycling and waste management 28 - The chemistry behind the behaviour and effects of toxins in the environment 29 - Investigating the use of chemistry in developing new methods for food production and agriculture 30 - The chemistry behind the development and production of new materials for energy storage and conversion.

EPQ Ideas For Maths

Professional A-Level Maths tutors recommended the following EPQ ideas:

1 - To what extent does music borrow from mathematics? 2 - A way (physical model, stimulation, etc.) to visualise dimensions beyond 3-D 3 - Is maths necessary for cognitive development in young children? 4 - The many real-life applications of the binomial theorem 5 - How seemingly simple mathematical ideas revolutionised the world when they were first discovered/invented? 6 - The importance of arithmetic in modern-day cryptography 7 - Can you make a universal equation for measuring beauty? 8 - The significance of infinity in mathematics 9 - Was mathematics discovered or invented? 10 - The application of statistical analysis in modern healthcare 11 - The mathematics behind encryption and data security 12 - Investigating the role of mathematics in artificial intelligence and machine learning 13 - The use of mathematical modelling in predicting natural disasters and mitigating their impact 14 - Investigating the mathematical principles behind cryptography and data privacy 15 - The history and significance of the Fibonacci sequence in mathematics and nature 16 - Developing and testing a new mathematical theorem or formula 17 - Investigating the role of probability theory in finance and investment 18 - The use of mathematical modelling in the development of new drugs and therapies 19 - Investigating the mathematics behind the design and construction of bridges and other structures 20 - The role of mathematics in game theory and decision-making 21 - Investigating the use of machine learning in image and voice recognition 22 - The mathematics behind the development and use of GPS technology 23 - Investigating the mathematical principles behind artificial neural networks 24 - The use of mathematics in optimising supply chains and logistics 25 - Investigating the mathematics behind the development and use of blockchain technology 26 - The mathematics behind the behaviour and dynamics of fluid flow 27 - Investigating the use of mathematical models in predicting and mitigating the spread of diseases 28 - The role of mathematics in quantum mechanics and the behaviour of particles 29 - Investigating the mathematical principles behind the design and operation of electric circuits 30 - The use of mathematical modelling in analysing climate change and its impact on the environment.

EPQ Ideas For History

Consider these EPQ ideas, guided by A-Level History tutors :

1 - The significance of education in British colonial expansion. 2 - Pandemics throughout human history and their effects on societies in various stages of development. 3 - The profound impact of the Black Death on England 4 - How did the USA play a role in WWI? 5 - How did Victorian England deal with child poverty 6 - An exploration of child labor across Europe 7 - What was the economic impact of the black Monday stock market crash? 8 - How have Women’s rights developed since the early 1900s? 9 - How truthful can sources in ancient history truly be? 10 - Explore the notion of female friendship in Victorian England 11 - The role of propaganda in shaping public opinion during World War II 12 - Investigating the influence of religion on medieval society and politics 13 - The impact of the Industrial Revolution on working-class communities in Britain 14 - The role of the British Empire in the transatlantic slave trade 15 - The significance of the Magna Carta in the development of democratic governance 16 - The history and impact of the suffragette movement in the UK 17 - Investigating the causes and impact of the French Revolution 18 - The impact of colonialism on the development of African nations 19 - The history and impact of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States 20 - Investigating the role of propaganda and media in shaping public opinion during the Cold War 21 - The role of religion in shaping the politics and society of ancient Rome 22 - Investigating the causes and impact of the First World War 23 - The impact of the Reformation on religious and political life in Europe 24 - The history and impact of the Vietnam War 25 - Investigating the causes and impact of the Second World War 26 - The significance of the Roman Empire in the development of Western civilisation 27 - Investigating the history and impact of the Indian Independence Movement 28 - The role of women in the development of science and technology throughout history 29 - Investigating the causes and impact of the Cold War 30 - The history and impact of the Civil Rights Movement in the UK.

EPQ Ideas For Geography

Explore EPQ ideas shared by expert A-Level Geography tutors and examiners:

1 - What is the impact of climate change on the Arctic ecosystem? 2 - The role of water management in sustainable development. 3 - What is the impact of urbanisation on natural landscapes? 4 - The potential of renewable energy in reducing carbon emissions. 5 - What is the relationship between land use change and biodiversity loss? 6 - The impact of plastic pollution on marine life. 7 - How can we mitigate the impact of natural disasters on vulnerable communities? 8 - The role of soil erosion in desertification. 9 - What is the impact of deforestation on local and global climate? 10 - The effectiveness of wildlife conservation programs. 11 - The potential of vertical farming in sustainable agriculture. 12 - How can we improve access to clean water in developing countries? 13 - The impact of tourism on local communities and natural landscapes. 14 - What is the role of geospatial technology in environmental conservation? 15 - The impact of sea level rise on coastal communities. 16 - The potential of green infrastructure in urban planning. 17 - How can we reduce air pollution in urban areas? 18 - The role of indigenous knowledge in natural resource management. 19 - What is the impact of soil degradation on agricultural productivity? 20 - The effectiveness of waste management programs. 21 - How can we promote sustainable transportation in urban areas? 22 - The impact of population growth on resource depletion. 23 - The potential of carbon capture technology in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 24 - What is the impact of human activities on ocean acidification? 25 - The role of environmental policies in promoting sustainable development. 26 - The impact of land subsidence on urban infrastructure. 27 - How can we promote sustainable forestry practices? 28 - The potential of bioremediation in environmental cleanup. 29 - What is the impact of water scarcity on social and economic development? 30 - The effectiveness of disaster risk reduction strategies.

EPQ Ideas for English

Here are some EPQ suggestions from leading A-Level English tutors :

1 - How can the impact of Shakespeare be measured? 2 - What distinguishes modern American poetry from European poetry. 3 - Is the age of poetry dead? Exploring Instagram poetry 4 - What makes a novel ‘great’? Can there be a next great American novel? 5 - Can writers ever really be removed from their social context? 6 - Female English novelists had more impact on the form than their male counterparts 7 - The literary canon is closed - there is no more room for expansion. 8 - To what extent is the literary canon a product of colonialism. 9 - How has sexuality in the novel progressed since the 1600s. 10 - Literature is a powerful tool for understanding real-world history and context 11 - The portrayal of mental illness in literature throughout history 12 - The influence of science fiction on modern society and culture 13 - Investigating the use of magical realism in contemporary literature 14 - The role of literature in exploring and understanding the experiences of refugees and migrants 15 - Investigating the significance of folklore and mythology in literature 16 - The representation of gender and sexuality in contemporary literature 17 - Investigating the use of symbolism in literature throughout history 18 - The role of literature in exploring and understanding issues of race and identity 19 - The impact of postcolonial literature on the literary world 20 - Investigating the role of literature in shaping political and social movements throughout history 21 - The representation of disability in literature throughout history 22 - Investigating the use of unreliable narrators in literature 23 - The impact of modern technology on the publishing industry 24 - The role of literature in exploring and understanding mental health issues 25 - Investigating the influence of mythology and folklore on popular culture 26 - The significance of the Beat Generation in the development of contemporary literature 27 - Investigating the use of intertextuality in literature 28 - The role of literature in understanding and exploring the experiences of marginalised communities 29 - Investigating the influence of social media on contemporary literature 30 - The impact of digital publishing on the literary world.

EPQ Ideas for Economics

Professional A-Level Econmics tutors suggested the following EPQ ideas:

1 - Should we reform the tax system in England? 2 - Corporate greed has become the downfall of the modern economic system in the USA 3 - Should politicians be allowed to trade stocks and shares? 4 - Why hasn’t the minimum wage been raised as economic productivity has increased? 5 - Exploring how inflation relates to the stock exchange 6 - Did Brexit have a positive impact on the UK economy? 7 - Does illegal immigration help or hinder the economy in the USA? 8 - Does the concept of social class still exist? 9 - To what extent is the stock exchange controlled by whale investors? 10 - How has the period of 2020-2024 impacted the global demand for oil. 11 - Investigating the causes and impact of income inequality in modern society 12 - The role of international trade in economic growth and development 13 - Investigating the causes and impact of the 2008 financial crisis 14 - The impact of automation and AI on employment and the labour market 15 - Investigating the role of economic policies in shaping environmental sustainability 16 - The impact of globalisation on economic growth and development 17 - Investigating the impact of e-commerce and online marketplaces on traditional retail industries 18 - The role of central banks in managing monetary policy and inflation 19 - Investigating the impact of cryptocurrencies on the traditional financial system 20 - The impact of Brexit on the UK economy and global trade relations 21 - Investigating the impact of foreign aid on economic development in developing countries 22 - The role of the gig economy in shaping the future of work 23 - Investigating the impact of economic sanctions on global trade relations 24 - The impact of education and human capital on economic growth and development 25 - Investigating the impact of the sharing economy on traditional industries and employment 26 - The role of behavioural economics in shaping public policy and decision-making 27 - Investigating the impact of trade unions on labour market dynamics and wages 28 - The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy and society 29 - Investigating the impact of regulation and deregulation on industry dynamics and economic growth 30 - The role of innovation and entrepreneurship in economic growth and development.

EPQ Ideas for Engineering

1 - Biomedical engineering is now more important than ever before in the post COVID-era 2 - What is the relationship between statistics and engineering? 3 - All industries are inherently tied to the speed of progression within engineering 4 - Should software engineering count as a practice of engineering? 5 - How engineering and societal expansion are closely linked 6 - To what extent are soft skills like communication vital for an engineer? 7 - Why is there a gender imbalance within the world of engineering? How can we fix it? 8 - How does the UK government incentivise a career path into engineering? 9 - AI tools will one day replace engineers - to what extent do you agree? 10 - Mechanical engineering is the field of engineering in which most progress has been made 11 - Investigating the impact of renewable energy on the field of electrical engineering 12 - The role of engineering in sustainable infrastructure development and urban planning 13 - Investigating the impact of robotics and automation on manufacturing and industrial engineering 14 - The role of civil engineering in designing and building sustainable cities 15 - Investigating the impact of materials science on the field of engineering 16 - The role of aerospace engineering in space exploration and travel 17 - Investigating the impact of engineering on the development and deployment of autonomous vehicles 18 - The role of chemical engineering in developing sustainable manufacturing processes and materials 19 - Investigating the impact of engineering on the development of healthcare technology and medical devices 20 - The role of engineering in designing and building renewable energy systems and infrastructure 21 - Investigating the impact of engineering on the design and construction of sustainable buildings and architecture 22 - The role of engineering in developing and improving transportation systems 23 - Investigating the impact of engineering on the design and construction of bridges and other infrastructure projects 24 - The role of engineering in developing and improving telecommunications networks 25 - Investigating the impact of engineering on the development of the Internet and information technology 26 - The role of environmental engineering in mitigating the impact of climate change 27 - Investigating the impact of engineering on the development of cybersecurity and digital privacy 28 - The role of engineering in developing and improving water treatment and sanitation systems 29 - Investigating the impact of engineering on the design and construction of military and defence technology 30 - The role of engineering in developing and improving disaster response and recovery systems.

EPQ Ideas for Politics

Look into EPQ topics chosen by experienced A-Level Politics tutors :

1 - Should the two-party system in the USA be abolished? 2 - What are the core differences between how politics in the UK and US is run? 3 - Why should we ban politicians from accepting financial support from companies? 4 - What political system, in theory, would be the best for the globe? 5 - What’s the difference between freedom of speech and hate speech? 6 - Why has the USA never elected a female president? 7 - Which global power is the most ideal for the world as a whole? 8 - How did Australia’s political response to COVID impact their economic standing? 9 - To what extent do people become more conservative as they grow up? 10 - The youngest generations are the only ones interested in climate change - what does this mean for the political future of the UK? 11 - Investigating the impact of social media on political discourse and public opinion 12 - The role of political ideologies in shaping policy and decision-making 13 - Investigating the impact of political polarisation on democratic institutions and society 14 - The role of political leadership in shaping national and international policy 15 - Investigating the impact of foreign policy on global conflict and cooperation 16 - The role of political parties in shaping policy and elections 17 - Investigating the impact of economic policies on income inequality and social mobility 18 - The role of the media in shaping public opinion and political discourse 19 - Investigating the impact of populism on democratic institutions and society 20 - The role of international organisations in shaping global policy and cooperation 21 - Investigating the impact of social movements on political change and policy 22 - The role of identity politics in shaping policy and decision-making 23 - Investigating the impact of political activism on democratic institutions and society 24 - The role of immigration policy in shaping national identity and culture 25 - Investigating the impact of political corruption on democratic institutions and society 26 - The role of the judiciary in shaping policy and protecting human rights 27 - Investigating the impact of globalisation on national and international politics 28 - The role of public opinion in shaping policy and decision-making 29 - Investigating the impact of military and defence policy on international relations 30 - The role of diplomacy in shaping global policy and cooperation.

EPQ Ideas for Sociology

1 - Class is, by far, the most important factor when it comes to existing within society. 2 - How do societal standards shape the career paths of a country’s citizens? 3 - How does diaspora impact the ability for culture to be passed down through the generations? 4 - Social perceptions of women have not changed over the past 50 years. 5 - To what extent are we still living in a world filled with sexism, racism, and homophobia? 6 - An exploration of how modern-day Britain is still a racist society. 7 - To what extent is there a connection between class and race? 8 - What is culture, and how does it exist within communities? 9 - The evolution of polyamory and its modern-day presence in society. 10 - People are too different to get along; modern-day ideologies are too divisive for people to agree on anything. 11 - Investigating the impact of social media on social identity and relationships 12 - The role of gender and sexuality in shaping identity and social norms 13 - Investigating the impact of technology on social interaction and relationships 14 - The role of religion and spirituality in shaping individual and group identity 15 - Investigating the impact of social inequality on access to education and opportunity 16 - The role of language and communication in shaping culture and identity 17 - Investigating the impact of immigration and multiculturalism on social identity and integration 18 - The role of power and authority in shaping social structures and institutions 19 - Investigating the impact of social movements on social change and progress 20 - The role of social class and status in shaping access to resources and opportunity 21 - Investigating the impact of ageing on social identity and relationships 22 - The role of social norms and values in shaping behaviour and attitudes 23 - Investigating the impact of social support on mental and physical health 24 - The role of social control and deviance in shaping social order and justice 25 - Investigating the impact of globalisation on social identity and culture 26 - The role of family and kinship in shaping social identity and relationships 27 - Investigating the impact of social media on political engagement and activism 28 - The role of race and ethnicity in shaping social identity and discrimination 29 - Investigating the impact of social class on health and well-being 30 - The role of social mobility in shaping access to opportunity and social change.

EPQ Ideas for Psychology

Explore these unique EPQ ideas guided by renowned A-Level Psychology tutors :

1 - Explore the presence of mental health within literature 2 - Are representations of mental disorders in film helping or hindering the cause? 3 - Is the American treatment of ADHD too harsh for children? 4 - How does a child’s environment while growing up impact the development of their brain? 5 - Why do different people manage depression in distinct ways? 6 - The psychology of addiction: exploring the science behind addictive behaviour 7 - The role of mindfulness and meditation in reducing anxiety and stress 8 - Investigating the impact of childhood experiences on adult attachment styles 9 - The psychology of decision-making: why do people make the choices they do? 10 - Exploring the science behind sleep: the impact of sleep on cognitive function and mental health 11 - The impact of cultural differences on communication styles and interpersonal relationships 12 - The role of emotional intelligence in personal and professional success 13 - Investigating the impact of childhood trauma on adult mental health and well-being 14 - The psychology of creativity: exploring the science behind creative thinking and innovation 15 - The impact of social norms on individual behaviour and decision-making 16 - The role of motivation in goal-setting and achievement 17 - Investigating the psychology of personality: what makes us who we are? 18 - The impact of positive psychology interventions on well-being and life satisfaction 19 - The psychology of persuasion: exploring the science behind influence and persuasion 20 - The impact of technology on social relationships and communication 21 - The role of self-compassion in promoting mental health and well-being 22 - Investigating the psychology of memory: how do we remember and forget? 23 - The impact of social comparison on self-esteem and well-being 24 - The psychology of procrastination: why do people delay and avoid tasks? 25 - The impact of parenting styles on child development and mental health 26 - The role of self-efficacy in promoting achievement and success 27 - Investigating the impact of social identity on group behaviour and decision-making 28 - The psychology of resilience: exploring the science behind coping with adversity 29 - The impact of gender roles on behaviour and socialisation 30 - The psychology of love and relationships: exploring the science behind romantic attraction and attachment.

EPQ Ideas for Law

Here are some specialised EPQ ideas from leading A-Level Law tutors :

1 - The impact of technology on the future of law enforcement and criminal justice 2 - The role of international criminal law in promoting accountability and justice for human rights violations 3 - Investigating the impact of family law on the definition and recognition of diverse family structures 4 - The impact of immigration law on the integration and social mobility of immigrants and refugees 5 - The role of data protection law in promoting privacy and security in the digital age. 6 - The jury system is outdated and should be removed. 7 - Language and law are intertwined; to what extent is court a verbal game? 8 - Does police presence do more harm than good? 9 - Should insanity be considered a valid defense for committing a crime? 10 - How effective is the UK legal system in punishing crimes? 11 - Investigating the impact of technology on privacy and the law 12 - The impact of social media on the legal system: exploring the challenges and opportunities 13 - The impact of international law on human rights and global justice 14 - The role of legal precedent in shaping the law: exploring the concept of stare decisis 15 - Investigating the impact of judicial activism on the law: should judges make policy? 16 - The impact of terrorism on civil liberties and the law 17 - The role of corporate law in promoting ethical business practices 18 - Investigating the impact of hate crime legislation on social attitudes and behaviour 19 - The impact of family law on child welfare and protection 20 - The role of intellectual property law in promoting innovation and creativity 21 - Investigating the impact of immigration law on social inclusion and diversity 22 - The impact of human rights law on social justice and equality 23 - The role of employment law in promoting workplace diversity and inclusion 24 - Investigating the impact of environmental law on conservation and sustainability 25 - The impact of criminal law on society: exploring the relationship between punishment and rehabilitation 26 - The role of property law in promoting economic growth and development 27 - Investigating the impact of media law on freedom of expression and privacy 28 - The impact of animal rights law on animal welfare and protection 29 - The role of contract law in promoting fair business practices and consumer protection 30 - Investigating the impact of competition law on market regulation and consumer welfare.

EPQ Ideas for Computer Science

See EPQ ideas from world's top A-Level Computer Science tutors :

1 - What is the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on modern society? 2 - What ethical considerations are there surrounding facial recognition technology? 3 - How does social media impact user privacy and security? 4 - What is the potential of virtual and augmented reality technology? 5 - What ethical considerations are there surrounding autonomous vehicles? 6 - How can machine learning help predict natural disasters? 7 - What is quantum computing technology and how will it impact the future? 8 - How do computer viruses impact cybersecurity? 9 - What is the role of blockchain technology in promoting secure and transparent transactions? 10 - How does machine translation technology impact communication? 11 - What is the impact of technology on mental health and well-being? 12 - How can gamification be used to enhance education and learning? 13 - What is the impact of technology on the entertainment industry? 14 - How does smart home technology impact daily life? 15 - What is the potential of biometric identification technology in security and authentication? 16 - The development and impact of cloud computing technology. 17 - Cybernetics and its role in advancing human-computer interaction. 18 - Chatbot technology and its impact on customer service. 19 - The potential of natural language processing technology. 20 - The use of big data in decision making. 21 - The impact of technology on the job market and employment opportunities. 22 - The development and impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. 23 - The role of cybersecurity in protecting personal information. 24 - The development and potential of 5G technology. 25 - The impact of technology on urban planning and city infrastructure. 26 - The role of computer vision in modern technology. 27 - The development and potential of autonomous drones. 28 - The use of virtual assistants in everyday life. 29 - The potential of voice recognition technology. 30 - The impact of technology on the environment and sustainability.

EPQ Ideas for Medicine

You may be interested in this article about whether you should take an EPQ to study medicine .

1 - How effective are vaccines in preventing disease outbreaks? 2 - The potential of gene editing technology in treating genetic disorders. 3 - The use of medical marijuana for pain relief. 4 - Can mindfulness meditation help with mental health issues? 5 - The impact of sleep deprivation on mental and physical health. 6 - The effectiveness of alternative medicine in treating certain conditions. 7 - What are the potential side effects of long-term antibiotic use? 8 - The use of stem cell therapy in treating various diseases. 9 - How can we improve access to healthcare for underprivileged communities? 10 - The role of nutrition in disease prevention and treatment. 11 - What is the impact of social determinants of health on healthcare access and outcomes? 12 - The use of telemedicine in remote patient care. 13 - Can herbal supplements be used to treat certain conditions? 14 - The potential of regenerative medicine in tissue engineering. 15 - What is the relationship between gut health and overall wellbeing? 16 - The impact of climate change on public health. 17 - The potential of precision medicine in personalised treatment. 18 - The role of vaccination in disease prevention and herd immunity. 19 - How does exercise impact mental and physical health? 20 - The use of immunotherapy in cancer treatment. 21 - What ethical considerations are there surrounding genetic testing? 22 - The potential of gene therapy in treating inherited diseases. 23 - The impact of air pollution on respiratory health. 24 - The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural therapy in treating mental health issues. 25 - Can acupuncture be used to treat chronic pain? 26 - The role of lifestyle factors in disease prevention. 27 - How can we improve access to mental health services? 28 - The use of artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis. 29 - The impact of stress on mental and physical health. 30 - The effectiveness of music therapy in treating mental health issues.

These are some of our best EPQ ideas for a range of popular subjects. Each of these titles is meant to give you inspiration, helping you to find a topic that you’re interested in.

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Professional tutor and Cambridge University researcher

Dr Rahil Sachak-Patwa

Written by: Dr Rahil Sachak-Patwa

Rahil spent ten years working as private tutor, teaching students for GCSEs, A-Levels, and university admissions. During his PhD he published papers on modelling infectious disease epidemics and was a tutor to undergraduate and masters students for mathematics courses.

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  • / 150 EPQ Ideas That Are Easy To Stick To

150 EPQ Ideas That Are Easy To Stick To

Tips and Advice

University Life

26 January, 2023

10 mins read

By Allaa Ashraf

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So, you’re finishing up high school and want to go the extra mile to guarantee your spot at your dream university, studying your dream major, especially if you’re planning on studying in the UK . We can hear you saying through the screen: “Yes, please!”. Our answer is "EPQ."

Let us say this: going the extra mile means extra workload; it’s not easy—but it can be, when you know exactly what you’re doing. EPQs are a way to show you've been doing work, to help your dream university see that you are being productive, and to help you stay motivated. If you have ever wondered how to get started on an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), this article will help you figure out what to do. So without further ado, let’s dive in and learn 150 ideas that are easy to stick to!

First Things First, What’s an EPQ Project?

The EPQ is an A-level standard standalone certification created to improve and expand your skills beyond the A-level curriculum and prepare you for college or future careers. An EPQ is studied in college or sixth form. They are regarded as one of the greatest ways to get ready for college and a great way to broaden your skill set.

It is equivalent to one-half of an A-level and can be used to supplement other Level 3 qualifications or vocational credentials (28 UCAS points)

Universities and employers recognise it.

For students pursuing an EPQ , many colleges provide lesser A-level offers.

EPQ Ideas

So, How Does this Thing, EPQ, Actually Work?

Students can take charge of their own projects with the EPQ. They get to organise and conduct research on a subject of their choosing that isn't covered by their other qualifications. They may get inspiration from a topic discussed in class or from something private and unconnected to their academic work. After that, they put their study to use to produce a paper in writing or, in the case of practical projects, an artefact or a production.

Why Should You Do an EPQ Project?

Even though students are not required to complete EPQs, you might still want to think about doing one. It is a fantastic chance for you to show prospective colleges your personality and originality. Your EPQ will show admissions officers how diligent and good a researcher you are. Depending on the kind of EPQ concepts you select, it may even show how knowledgeable you are about the program you've applied for, which can strengthen your application.

By being accountable for the selection, design, and decision-making processes for a single project (or for a single role in a collaborative project), students:

Develop and apply decision-making and problem-solving skills

Improve their planning, research, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and presenting skills Learn to apply technology with confidence

Become more critical, reflective, and independent learners

Other advantages for students and schools of completing an EPQ include:

Improved A Level achievement for students studying EPQ

Improving student motivation by allowing them to study issues of personal interest 

Allowing students to use their new abilities to other areas of study 

Enhancing student recruitment by making your curriculum more desirable

150 EPQ Tips

How to Choose an EPQ Topic?

1. make it relevant.

A solid EPQ research project will be relevant to the current world situation. However, this does not restrict you from basing your idea on historical occurrences. On the other hand, using historical references to support your concept is a terrific idea. However, the trick is to relate it to concerns with current significance.

2. Narrow It Down

When picking an EPQ idea, there is a fine balance between breadth and depth. On the one hand, you want to choose a broad topic to allow for a lot of discussions. Go too broad, however, and you'll have too much to say in too few words, which will result in a superficial assessment. We advise choosing a specific topic that you can approach from various angles.

3. Adopt An Interdisciplinary Approach

An important component of the EPQ is seeing how themes cross over into other disciplines rather than merely concentrating on one tiny element. Always choose an EPQ topic that incorporates multidisciplinary studies. There are always connections between different topics; you simply need to look for them.

4. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Generally speaking, a good EPQ is one where you learn something new or gain a new skill, yet also stay true to your interests (we’ll get to that part next). The only way to achieve this is to venture outside of your comfort zone and pursue interests somewhat outside your field of expertise. 

5. Consider Your Own Interests

Make sure you choose an EPQ essay topic that truly interests you because you'll spend a lot of time researching and writing it. If you are genuinely engaged in the subject matter of your research, it will go much more smoothly. 

6. Start With a Question

After deciding on a broad subject, it's time to get more specific. Making your EPQ thoughts more specific will help you write a detailed paper because it can be challenging to write on a topic that is too broad. It will be easier for you to focus your study once you have identified the question you wish to address.

7. Make It Interesting

Make your EPQ engaging, no matter which concept you choose! A boring assignment will be difficult to write as well as difficult to read, and you ultimately want to keep your reader interested and involved. Ensure you've considered enough techniques to keep your reader interested and engaged while reading your paper.

8. Make Sure You Have Enough Content

You already have a lot on your plate, and writing 5000 words is not an easy feat with the A-levels rapidly approaching. Do a quick Google search before choosing a topic to determine if there is enough information available on it. Finding reliable sources to use may be challenging if your topic is too specialised. Try out a few various EPQ concepts before choosing the one that will make your research easier.

9. Think of Your Career Plans

Your EPQ could be a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate to prospective universities that you have what it takes to succeed in their programme. If you have one, it could be a good idea to centre your EPQ ideas around your career objective to demonstrate your interest in and commitment to the field.

What Are Some Top EPQ Ideas?

Epq ideas for medicine.

  • Do care homes provide adequate care to dementia patients?
  • The ethical issues surrounding stem cell research
  • How much should doctors and nurses be paid?  
  • Should parents be allowed to genetically alter their child’s gender?
  • Should counsellors have a qualification in psychology before being allowed to practice?
  • What are the similarities between Reactive Attachment Disorder and Autism?

EPQ Ideas for Psychology

  • Is it ethical to use psychological ‘tricks’ to benefit the economy?
  • What goes on inside the brain of someone who is prejudiced?
  • Can non-violent psychopaths have successful relationships?
  • Is technology making us more depressed?
  • Do gender-neutral toys lead to children with less stereotypical views of gender roles?
  • How someone’s brain changes when they are in love

EPQ Ideas for Law

  • Should men who have female companions sue them for having an abortion?
  • Could the government be required by law to compensate women for the unpaid work they do that helps the economy?
  • Is claiming insanity a loophole for criminals?
  • When it comes to violations of human rights, when should one nation legally step in to another?
  • What is the role of mass media during a high-profile investigation?  
  • How can the government undo previous wrongful convictions?

 EPQ for law

EPQ Ideas for Biology

  • Are animals as intelligent as humans?
  • What are mutants, and how do diseases develop variants?
  • Why do antidepressants have so many side effects on the user of said antidepressant?
  • If your spouse died, what would the ethical implications be of cloning them?
  • To what extent can gene technology aid the treatment of leukaemia?
  • Could brain transplants ever be a viable option?

EPQ Ideas for History

  • Is it right to topple the statues of slave owners, in order to erase history?
  • What is the role of art in the telling of History?
  • Relationship between mythology, culture, and civilization.
  • Should museums return all their historical artefacts to their country of origin?
  • How did secret churches operate in Mao’s China?
  • What’s the basis of History to modern civilization?

EPQ Ideas for Economics

  • Can money buy you happiness?
  • Does a lack of wealth in childhood really hold you back in life?
  • Should billionaires be allowed to exist?
  • What are the chances of another global recession?
  • Is the gig economy leading to job insecurity a myth?
  • How has Brexit affected the UK economy?

EPQ Ideas for Business Studies

  • Will Google kill the journalism industry?
  • Should a business ever own a town or city?
  • To what extent does colour affect audience response to branding and logos?
  • The psychology behind advertising.
  • How are successful start-ups formed?
  • A study of businesswomen in the 18th Century

EPQ Ideas for English Literature

  • Is it possible for a novel or piece of writing to be timeless?
  • What does it take to become an author?
  • Is writing an act of magic?
  • Is English Literature considered a ‘feminine’ subject?
  • What impact did literature have during WW2?
  • Are books becoming obsolete?

150 EPQ Ideas

EPQ Ideas for Art

  • Who decides the value of art, and should we standardise it?
  • Can anything be art?
  • Can art reverse the effects of mental illness?
  • Are art and beauty essentially related?
  • If nobody ever saw your artwork, would it be worth creating?
  • Is art a language?
  • Van Gogh’s life as an artist.
  • How do artists make their art memorable?
  • How has Andy Warhol influenced modern art?
  • How is art used as a symbol of hope?
  • The world of abstract art.
  • Why did the most famous artists not become famous until after their deaths?
  • How art has been used to address social issues.
  • What can ancient art tell us about our history?

EPQ for ARTs

EPQ Ideas for Foreign Languages

  • Where did language come from?
  • Do idioms prove that languages can never truly be translated?
  • Is body language universal across all countries?
  • Why is English such a dominant language across the world?
  • Is learning a language cultural appropriation?
  • What does baby-talk in different foreign countries teach us about the acquisition of language?

EPQ Ideas for Sport

  • How sports stars experience an identity crisis after they retire?
  • Why do we fail to take women’s sports seriously as a society?
  • What is the link between stress in sports and mental health in today’s athletes?
  • Should referees be replaced by AI-powered robots, to decrease bias?
  • How much does a person's capacity to excel in a sport come from their genes?
  • Who decides when something is a sport?

EPQ Ideas for Architecture

  • How does the design of a building influence its inhabitants emotions?
  • What is the link between mathematics and art in Architecture?
  • How does technology affect architecture?
  • What is the likelihood of a successful adaptation of smart space-efficient buildings in the Western world?
  • Large family buildings: privacy and its resultant effect.
  • Minimalism and its place in modern-day architecture.

EPQ Ideas for Maths

  • Has maths always been around?
  • Can we calculate and quantify infinity?
  • Do maths help students learn other subjects?
  • Can maths explain how the universe came into existence?
  • Is maths a pointless subject if we don’t apply it to something?
  • What are the links between mathematics and art?

EPQ Ideas for Physics

  • How does String Theory explain the universe?
  • How can physics help us prevent climate change?
  • What are the relationships between maths and physics?
  • What would happen to the solar system when the sun dies?
  • Now that NASA has confirmed there is water on the moon, could it be a feasible tourist destination?
  • Given their devastating effects, should we eliminate nuclear weapons from the earth?

EPQ Ideas for Chemistry

  • An assessment of the safety of fluoride in water.
  • Why doesn’t plastic decompose?
  • What are the chemicals involved in human attraction?
  • How does cortisol affect the human body?
  • What are the advantages of computer-aided fragment-based drug design?
  • How can click chemistry be used to improve drug synthesis?

EPQ Ideas for Engineering

  • Should we teach Engineering in primary school?
  • Why is there a gender imbalance in Engineering, and how can we fix it?
  • What would it mean for an engineer to be ethical when building something?
  • How has Civil Engineering changed over time?
  • How can chemical engineers improve energy efficiency?
  • Will we have enough oil for future generations?

EPQ Ideas for Computer Science

  • Why we should teach children how to code at the same time we teach them to write.
  • Create a website design and code it.
  • Is Computer Science a more relevant subject than Physics?
  • Will we ever be able to search Google through a microchip in our brains?
  • Should we allow AI-writing assistants like Grammarly to change the way we express ourselves?
  • What are the positive effects of machine learning on healthcare?

150 EPQ Ideas

EPQ Ideas for Ethics

  • Should people be able to sue their parents for bringing them into the world?
  • Do men automatically have the right to be present at their child’s birth?
  • Should we be allowed to dispose of spare embryos in IVF?
  • Should parents be allowed to edit out genetic conditions before a child’s birth?
  • Should testing fetuses for Down’s Syndrome be legal?
  • Are our moral decisions innate or socially conditioned?

EPQ Ideas for Politics

  • Why has the USA never had a female president?
  • If we colonised Mars, who would govern it?
  • Should there be universal freedom of information?
  • How are female politicians and prime ministers perceived?
  • How has Twitter revolutionised politics?
  • An assessment of the case for anarchy.

EPQ Ideas for Sociology

  • How can we reverse stereotypes over drug use and misuse in different communities?
  • What is the impact of the media on our perception of women from Muslim communities?
  • How do gender, class, race, and sexuality affect us and our social relations today?
  • Do emotions come from society, or from within us?
  • How do different models of socialisation affect children?
  • How racial segregation in cities enforces poverty, and prevents upward mobility.

EPQ Ideas for Geography

  • Is there such a thing as collective trauma after a natural disaster?
  • Does the earth belong more to humans than animals?
  • To what extent should be deforestation allowed?
  • How does tourism affect a country’s culture?
  • Should all new houses be built with solar panels?
  • How does living as an illegal immigrant affect mental and physical health ?

EPQ Ideas for Religious Studies

  • Why materialism can’t disprove the existence of God.
  • Why science and religion are part of the same entity.
  • How did the history of the church shape our society today?
  • Can you ever justify taking a life?
  • Should politicians interfere in religious conflicts?
  • How do you explain the goodness of God in the light of the world’s evil?

EPQ Ideas for Philosophy

  • How are films of the west and the east affected by the dominant religions of their population?
  • Is Plato's cave still an accurate metaphor that we should teach film students ?
  • Do Abrahamic religions inherently propagate sexism?
  • Can we call philosophers artists?
  • Does the world exist outside the self?
  • How does religious ideology negatively affect policies?
  • How does technology affect our definition of “real”?
  • Is the trolly problem still an effective way to test AI?
  • Should we create a new government body to oversee the development and ethics of new AI technologies?

And there you have it! That was practically your most comprehensive guide to EPQs! So, which one is it going to be for you?

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How To Write An EPQ Essay (Step-by-Step Guide)

In A-Level by Think Student Editor March 29, 2019 8 Comments

Whatever the reasons were for you choosing to write an EPQ, the grade you get is most definitely important to you. That is why I have written this (hopefully) detailed guide on how to write an EPQ.

1. Think Of An EPQ Topic That Genuinely Interests You 

EPQ Topic Idea

It’s important to choose an EPQ you’re interested in, or you may run into some problems . Many students take EPQs each year, and many students fail because they make this mistake.

If you don’t take an EPQ you’re interested in, you’ll have no motivation to work on it . This will be because you start to want to do other things, anything instead of your EPQ.

Think about revision, for example. Is it interesting? Nope. Would you rather be playing videogames, watching Netflix, or literally anything else? Yeah, me too.

If you’re not motivated to write your EPQ essay, then you’ll either not do it or do it badly. If you don’t work hard for it, you won’t get good marks – and therefore there’s less point in even taking it in the first place .

If you find an EPQ topic to write your essay on that genuinely peaks your interest, you’ll find it much easier to get better grades in it.

A more interesting EPQ essay topic will mean that your focus is better . This will result in a better EPQ, meaning more marks when you hand it in.

You’ll also enjoy the EPQ a lot more if you find it interesting . You’ll find the whole experience a lot more fun, and therefore a lot easier too.

To find an EPQ topic that genuinely interests you, you just have to think about what you like. There are lots of different things you can do, but you only get to choose once – so choose carefully.

And if you’re really stuck on ideas, take a look at this list of 600+ EPQ ideas that guarantee an A* . Any of these ideas will be great for your EPQ, so just choose one that interests you and that you’ll actually enjoy.

2. Create A Mind Map Surrounding Your EPQ Topic

How To Use Mind Maps Effectively For GCSE And A-Level Revision

A mind map is where you write down everything you know about a topic . In this case, you’d be writing down all the ideas and concepts surrounding your EPQ topic.

That way you can see everything you need to write about in your EPQ essay. You’re essentially making a mood board for whatever EPQ idea you’ve chosen, and it will help you get in the right mindset for the task ahead.

Mind maps are most commonly used to identify gaps in your knowledge . Students tend to use them when revising to work out what they don’t know, whilst also helping them consolidate what they do know.

In terms of your EPQ essay, a mind map will provide a loose structure for you to follow . You’ll come up with lots of different things you can write about, and that will make the essay a lot easier.

In addition to this, whilst creating your mind map you may even decide to change your topic entirely. You might find that the topic you’ve chosen isn’t giving you any idea inspiration, and so you move on to a different topic. 

To make sure you get your mind maps right, you might want to follow this helpful guideline . It’s mainly about studying, but the same things can be said for planning your EPQ essay.

Don’t try rushing in to your EPQ essay without first creating a mind map . Mind maps are more useful than most students think…

Mind maps will help you avoid getting lost in what you’ve written, what you’ve missed, and what you’re planning on doing. You can use your EPQ topic mind maps as a sort of checklist as you write your EPQ essay.

3. Use Your Mind Map To Think Of A Question Related To Your Main EPQ Topic

EPQ Topic Idea Question

Many students forget to think about this, but it’s probably the most important part of your EPQ . If you get this bit wrong, you can say goodbye to a good grade in your EPQ.

The question relating to your EPQ topic of choice is what you’ll spend your time working on . The 5000 words you write will be about this question, and so it really needs to be a good one.

If you don’t make it a question that interests you, then you’ll find it harder to write as much about it. Find a question that genuinely peaks your interest (relating to your EPQ of course) and the rest will come naturally.

It’s also important, however, that you choose a question where there’s a lot to write about . If you choose a question with lots to write about, you can use that to your advantage when trying to reach those 5000 words.

However, if you don’t choose a question where there’s a lot to write about, you’ll find that your EPQ is slow and drains you. Not only that, but it’ll probably be worse in terms of grade too.

I’d suggest doing a little background research into your question before you start writing your EPQ essay . Just check that there’s lots to write about and then you can avoid starting something you can’t finish.

As a general rule, you’ll want questions that don’t have definitive answers. If you can find a question that is inconclusive, you’re onto a winner.

If you can’t be bothered to look up EPQ questions, then there’s an alternative . Take a look at this list of 600+ EPQ ideas that guarantee an A* .

4. Write Down Subtitles That Relate To Your Main EPQ Question

EPQ Structure

Writing down subtitles for your EPQ question means that you’ll have a better idea of what’s actually going into your EPQ essay .

When you create your subtitles for your EPQ essay, you’re essentially writing down all the mini-topics you’ll write about. You split up the massive 5000 word count into smaller, more manageable parts.

I’d suggest making as many subtitles as you can that relate to your main EPQ question. Just go for a massive brainstorm ( potentially using your mind map ) to try and come up with lots of subtitles.

That way you maximize the chances of you making some actually good subtitles. You’ll have lots of options to choose from, and your EPQ will benefit from having such a varied range of points.

You also put yourself in the right mindset for your EPQ essay . You’ll be much more open to different ideas and approaches whilst actually writing the EPQ, and examiners will see this and give you extra credit.

However, you need to make sure that the subtitles you’re writing actually relate to your EPQ question . If they don’t, you could run into some serious problems.

If you choose to work on a subtitle that doesn’t wholly relate to your EPQ question, you risk filling up your word count with irrelevant information. That means less room for the important stuff, and less marks for you.

Make sure you check all your subtitles before you start writing . Work out what the plan is before you start writing, so that you don’t have to rewrite a large portion of your EPQ essay.

So grab a pen and paper, sit down, put on some nice music, and get to writing those subtitles.

5. Triple Check That Every Subtitle Question Actually Relates To The Main EPQ Topic

Check Your EPQ

By this point, you should have around 16 subtitles that you want to include in your EPQ essay . 16 subtitles will give you a nice 300 word per subtitle guide, give or take a few.

Any more subtitles, and you run the risk of overcomplicating your EPQ. Any fewer, and you’ll struggle to reach that gargantuan 5000 word count.

It’s essential that you break down your EPQ essay into smaller modules like this, to make it easier for you in the long term. 16 subtitles will mean the best productivity for you when you actually come to write your EPQ essay .

The next step is to order your subtitles, for easier reading. You’ll want to make the layout of your subtitles as sensible and as easy to follow as possible for your examiner .

If you please your examiner like this, they’ll be more inclined to give you more marks. They mark you on your written communication, and therefore you’ll want to make sure you’re communicating the most effective way.

Try ordering your subtitles by the order of most important to least important . Laying out your subtitles this way will show your examiner that you’ve really thought about your EPQ and understand what they want to see.

Alternatively, you could lay out your subtitles chronologically . What I mean by this is that you start with your question, move onto research, then explanations, and finally a conclusion.

This is probably the best way to lay out your EPQ essay subtitles . It’s the easiest way to follow the process you went through, and examiners like to see EPQ essays that are laid out like this.

It’s how I laid my EPQ essay subtitles out, and I got an A* – so I’d suggest doing the same.

6. Allocate A Word Count To Each Element Of Your EPQ Structure

EPQ Word Count

You’ll want an introductory paragraph to start with, and that should only take about 200-300 words . Don’t go overboard with your introduction, as you should aim to make the bulk of your essay about your EPQ question.

I’ve already mentioned it, but you want to write about 300 words per subtitle . This is the perfect amount of words to write if you want the EPQ essay to go as smoothly as possible.

16 subtitles at 300 words each will put you at just under 5000 words – 4800, to be exact. That will leave you just enough room to add a short introduction too.

You can go for less subtitles, but that means a higher word count for each individual subtitle . If you make your word count per subtitle too high, then you’ll struggle when it comes to actually writing your EPQ essay.

You could also try more subtitles if you want, but that then means you’d write less per subtitle . That means there’s less room for all your explanation, and less marks when you hand it in.

I’d recommend keeping your subtitle count between 14 and 18 . That way you give yourself the best chances of your EPQ being easier to write.

You also make it easier for you to enjoy, too. Making your EPQ essay subtitles this long means you’ll find it easier and less monotonous, and therefore you’ll enjoy it more.

The word count of each element in your EPQ essay has an impact on your productivity and focus, too . Generally, the shorter the piece of writing you have to do, the more productive you’ll be.

Setting yourself short-term goals like this will help you stay focused and make your EPQ that little bit better. It’s worth setting effective word counts for your EPQ essay elements for those extra marks .

7. Research, Research ( And A Little Bit More Research )

Using YouTube For Revision

Research should make up about 40%-50% of your total EPQ essay . That’s a lot of research, and you can see from this figure that quality research is crucial to your success.

The reason research takes up so much space is because you need to explore all opportunities within your question. Research will help you develop ideas and improve your knowledge of the subject, helping you to better answer your EPQ essay question.

And besides, who doesn’t want help reaching the massive 5000 word count?

There are many ways to research, with the most common being the internet, and books . Both ways of researching are valid and useful, but you still need to be careful.

Especially with the internet, you may come across facts and information that isn’t entirely accurate. This is because anybody can access anything, and usually the information you see online is edited by people who aren’t professionals.

Try to stay away from websites like Wikipedia, where anybody can change the information you see . There are much better alternatives out there, like Google Scholar for example.

Whereas with books, they have to go through a long-winded process to ensure they’re accurate . Books tend to be slightly more reliable than the internet, especially if they have an ‘exam-board approved’ label on them.

I’d also recommend keeping track of all the sources of your information, as you’ll have to write a bibliography at the end of your EPQ .

What that basically means is that you have to reference each individual source of information after you’ve written your EPQ essay. That’s just so examiners can check to see if you’re plagiarising any content, in case you were wondering.

8. Check That Your EPQ Structure Still Makes Sense

EPQ Structure

You should have around 16 subtitles ready to go, in chronological order or order of importance . I’d suggest chronological order, but that’s up to you.

You should also have space to add an introduction and conclusion paragraphs . They shouldn’t take up too much space, but still leave some room for you to add them in.

You’ll actually want to wait until the end of your EPQ essay to write either of these paragraphs, so it might help to add placeholders until you get to writing them.

Around 7 of your subtitles should be based on research . You’ll want to leave yourself a nice amount of in-depth research, whilst also allowing room for all that explanation.

If you don’t give the right proportions for your research and explanation subtitles, your EPQ can become lopsided. Examiners will easily spot this and take away precious marks.

You’ll want your conclusion to be longer than your introduction, as you’re essentially summing up all that you’ve written . Your conclusion should be about the same size as your subtitles, but maybe just a little bit bigger.

If all else fails, just read through your structure and think about it from an examiners’ point of view. Does it all make sense? Are the subtitles in a sensible order? Have you left space for your introduction and conclusion paragraphs?

If you reckon you’ve got all these elements in the right order and the right sizes, you should be good to go. Just keep a clear focus on your EPQ essay question, and you can’t go wrong.

9 . Write Down The Answers To Each Of Your Subtitles

Writing An EPQ

Start with your subtitles to get the main bulk of your EPQ essay underway . The quicker you get your subtitles done, the sooner you can finish your EPQ.

Starting your subtitles first is a good idea, as they make up most of your EPQ. You’ll want to get them done first, and then you have time after that to work on the finer details.

As I’ve said, your subtitles should be around 300 words long . This will allow you just enough space to answer the subtitle, without repeating yourself or going overboard.

If you go too far over 300 words, you risk either repeating yourself or just extending your points so much that your words become empty. Empty words = no marks, which is what you definitely don’t want.

If you don’t write 300 words, the points you make are likely to be underdeveloped. This means you can’t get into the top band of marks no matter how good what you’re saying is – there’s just simply not enough of it.

Of course, if you think you can express yourself in more or less than 300 words, go for it . Everybody’s different, and some people have better writing skills than others.

The amount of words you write per subtitle can also depend on how many subtitles you have . If you have less subtitles, you write more words per subtitle, and vice versa – simple maths.

Try to explore every possibility within your subtitle. The more routes you go down and the further the detail you go into, the more marks you’ll get from the examiner.

10 . Write The Introduction And Conclusion Paragraphs

Intro And Conclusion Paragraphs EPQ

Your introduction paragraph needs to be slightly shorter than your average subtitle paragraph . Usually about 200-300 words, the introduction will basically talk about what’s to come in your EPQ essay.

If you make your introduction too long, you waste space that you might need for your research/explanations. You also take up space that could be used for your conclusion, which is very important.

It’s a good idea to write your introduction paragraph after you’ve written all of your subtitles . It may sound odd, but there’s method to the madness.

If you write your introductory paragraph last, it’ll be a lot more accurate than if you’d have done it at the start. You’ll know exactly what’s in your EPQ, and therefore your introduction can accurately ‘introduce’ your essay .

Your conclusion paragraph should be slightly longer than your average subtitle, and definitely longer than your introduction . I’d say about 400 words, your conclusion should sum up everything you’ve talked about in your EPQ essay.

Your conclusion should essentially answer the question you asked at the start of your EPQ essay. You should aim to include everything you talked about in your other subtitles (that’s why it’s a little bit longer).

You’ll obviously want to write your conclusion paragraph after everything else, or you’ll have nothing to conclude. Once you get on to your conclusion, you’re on the home stretch.

11. Get Someone To Proof Read It To Make Sure There Are No Errors

Get Someone To Proof Read Your EPQ

Proof reading your EPQ essay is so, so, SO important to your success . If you don’t proof read your EPQ essay, you may miss some pretty crucial mistakes…

I’m not just talking about the spelling mistakes you may have made (although you might want to fix those too). I mean the mistakes where you contradict yourself, go off topic, or even just get your facts wrong.

I’m sure I don’t need to explain it, but these mistakes will cost you dearly when your EPQ gets examined . Sometimes just a few marks can be the difference between an A and an A*, so you need to maximize your chances of success.

A good way to ensure your EPQ essay is perfect is to get someone else to look through it. Having a second opinion ensures that everything you’ve written is accurate and concise, and it’s better than just checking through it yourself.

If you rely on your own methods of checking through your work, you’re more likely to miss mistakes . Having a fresh perspective on your work broadens the chances of catching every mistake you make.

It doesn’t matter who you get to check your work . You can ask friends, family, or even your teachers/tutor – just get it proof read before you send it off to be marked .

If you need to check through it for spelling mistakes or wording issues, there’s a handy little trick I used for my EPQ essay. Paste your entire essay into google translate, and have it read out to you .

That way you can listen and check for anything that’s not quite right, and sort it out in time for your EPQ essay to be examined.


Thanks so much for the help !

Alec Jones

This is so, so helpful, thanks so much!

Tom Bell

How many resources should I have for my EPQ?


20-25 should be the right number


Hi, thanks for the cool tips! I will definitely keep it for myself


Hello, thanks for the cool advice, but the most difficult thing for me is 1 point – to think through the topic itself. Therefore, already at the first stage, I give up and turn to the college essay writing service. This service helped me more than once or twice. My friends also use it. Also, it is difficult for me to create a mental map, which is in point 2. Therefore, I would rather spend my writing time on purposes that are useful to me.


This is so useful! I have been working on my EPQ over the past few weeks and have had a few big quandries about how I should go about forming an answer to my question and this has made it much clearer. Thank you!

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600+ EPQ Ideas and Examples for All Subjects

Navigating through A-Levels, students often find themselves at crossroads where curiosity nudges them beyond the conventional curriculum. The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) stands out as a beacon for those inquisitive minds, offering a structured yet flexible platform to explore, inquire, and articulate their findings on a subject they are genuinely passionate about. Situated typically in the final year of A-Levels, the EPQ is not merely an additional qualification but a window into the rigour and specialization of university-level research. A notable hallmark of the EPQ is the autonomy it bestows upon students in determining their project’s trajectory. The ability to cherry-pick a topic, sculpt a focused research question, and orchestrate an in-depth exploration into that chosen subject, makes the EPQ an unparalleled academic venture during the school years. It signifies an initial foray into independent research, providing students with the reins to direct their inquiries and analyses in a direction that resonates with their interests and aspirations. However, with such unparalleled freedom comes a slew of decisions and potential dilemmas. Crafting an appropriate and engaging title, ensuring the chosen topic is neither too vast nor too narrow, and guaranteeing relevance and depth are just the tip of the EPQ iceberg. The journey from conceptualization to completion is one that demands meticulous planning, consistent effort, and periodic reflection – ensuring the final project is not just comprehensive but also a coherent representation of one’s academic journey. This article aims to demystify the myriad aspects of crafting a successful EPQ, providing insights into generating ideas, strategizing research, managing timelines, and culminating your findings into a compelling project. Whether you're grappling with the inception of an idea or seeking to refine your research strategy, let’s unfold the map that navigates through the intricate pathways of the EPQ and explore how to cement your project with distinction in 2023!

How to Choose A Good EPQ Idea

Navigating through the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) with a goal to achieve an A* necessitates a keen understanding and strategic approach towards the four assessment objectives - AO1 (Manage), AO2 (Use Resources), AO3 (Develop and Realise), and AO4 (Review). Let's delve into each of these objectives and explore strategies to excel in them:

AO1: Manage

A01 pivots around a student’s competence to precisely delineate, plan, and steer a project towards achieving a clearly defined objective.

Tips on requirement A01

Detailed planning.

Constructing a robust project plan involves delineating all aspects including time management, setting achievable milestones, and clearly defining objectives. Additionally, consider preparing a Gantt chart to visually track your progress and adherence to timelines. This visual tool can help identify any lags or accelerations in the project timeline, enabling better control and management.

Regular Reviews

Beyond scheduling them, use reviews as a tool to scrupulously assess the project’s alignment with your plan. It's pivotal to not just check progress but also the quality and relevance of your output at each stage. Use these review points to validate the direction of your research and development, ensuring you remain aligned with your original objectives while allowing room for necessary pivots.

Risk Management

Develop a risk matrix to identify, assess, and manage potential risks. This involves anticipating possible challenges, ranging from timeline delays to resource unavailability, and designing preemptive strategies and alternative paths to ensure your project doesn’t derail when faced with obstacles.

AO2: Use Resources

AO2 evaluates the student’s proficiency in identifying, selecting, and adeptly utilizing varied resources to underpin and guide the project.

Tips on requirement A02

Diverse research.

Embrace a multifaceted approach to your research, ensuring it spans various types of resources including academic articles, books, online platforms, and potentially, primary research through surveys or interviews. This depth and breadth in resources provide a comprehensive view of your chosen topic, offering varied perspectives and rich data.

Critical Evaluation

Look beyond the apparent by assessing the credibility and reliability of your sources. Adopt the CRAAP (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose) Test in evaluating your resources, ensuring they stand up to academic scrutiny and offer value to your project.

Effective Utilization

Merely gathering resources is not enough; demonstrating how each piece of information has been employed to inform, validate, or challenge your project's development is crucial. Ensure clear citation and a demonstrable link between the sourced information and its application within your project.

AO3: Develop and Realise

AO3 examines the student’s ability to coherently develop and realise their project, illustrating a tangible application of the amassed knowledge and resources.

Tips on requirement A03

Clear developmental path.

Ensure that each step in your project’s development is clearly articulated and justified. The path from research to realization should be logical and clearly evidenced in your documentation, showing a clear trajectory from initial concept through to final realization.

Practical Application

Be mindful to showcase the tangible application of your research findings within your project. This may involve creating models, developing programs, or other practical applications that clearly correlate with your theoretical findings.

Problem Solving

Highlight and reflect on any challenges encountered during the development phase, offering insight into your problem-solving process and illustrating adaptability and resilience in navigating through issues.

AO4: Review

AO4 focuses on the student’s ability to critically review and evaluate the entire project, from inception through to completion.

Tips on requirement A04

Reflective practice.

Engage in reflective practice throughout your project, not just at its conclusion. Documenting ongoing reflections allows for a richer and more nuanced evaluation, demonstrating growth and learning throughout the project's lifespan.

Constructive Criticism

Employ a balanced approach in critiquing your project. Acknowledge areas of strength while also addressing areas of improvement, and more importantly, discussing how these learnings may inform future projects or studies.

Relate to Objectives

Ensure your review consistently links back to your initial objectives. Discuss whether these were met and if not, explore why, providing a critical analysis of any divergences and their impact on the project.

Securing A* in your EPQ

Attaining an A* in your EPQ is about melding academic robustness with a reflective and insightful journey, ensuring each assessment objective is met with excellence and a demonstrable depth of understanding and application.

Depth and Complexity

Choose a topic that allows for deep exploration and has sufficient dimensions to explore various perspectives and theories. Ensure your project delves beyond surface-level understanding, demonstrating a keen intellectual curiosity and a thorough comprehension of the topic's intricacies. This involves not just presenting information, but interpreting, analysing, and synthesizing knowledge to present a well-rounded, nuanced perspective.

Exceptional Management

Efficient management goes beyond setting and adhering to a timeline. It's about proactively identifying potential hurdles and establishing strategies to navigate through them. Use project management tools, such as Gantt charts or task management software, to track progress, and don’t be afraid to adjust your plan in response to unexpected challenges. Showing adaptability while maintaining control and direction of the project reflects exceptional management.

Robust Research

A solid research foundation not only constitutes a wide array of sources but also an ability to discern and critique the reliability and relevance of each. Dive into various forms of resources including academic journals, books, and possibly primary research, ensuring each piece is critically evaluated for its merit and relevance. Moreover, establish clear links between your research and the ensuing analysis, ensuring it forms a cohesive and logical base for your project’s conclusions and findings.

Effective Realization

Your project's development and realization should illustrate a clear trajectory from research to application. Employ your findings in a practical context, ensuring that your final output, whether it be a dissertation, artefact, or other, directly correlates with and is supported by your research. Be mindful to clearly document this process, offering transparency in how theoretical knowledge was applied within the practical elements of your project.

Comprehensive Review

A thorough review isn’t merely a reflection but an evaluation, examining both your process and the final output. Critically assess your methodologies, decision-making processes, and the final outcome in relation to your initial objectives. Be honest in discussing what went well and what didn’t, and importantly, delve into the 'why', offering insights into your learning journey and demonstrating personal and academic growth.

Quality of Presentation

Whether your final presentation takes the form of a written report, a physical artefact, or a performance, ensuring it is polished and professional is paramount. This involves meticulous proofreading, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication, and potentially, engaging visuals or supplementary materials to enhance the delivery of your findings. Ensure that your presentation not only communicates your findings but also encapsulates the depth and breadth of your journey, demonstrating the knowledge and skills accrued throughout your EPQ.

Your journey to an A* in your EPQ is holistic, encompassing every stage from initial ideation to final presentation. Through ensuring each phase is approached with critical thought, reflective practice, and a commitment to academic rigour, you sculpt a project that is not just an academic task but a rich, insightful journey into independent research and project management.

EPQ Ideas Physics

  • Exploring the implications of quantum mechanics on computing and information technology.
  • Investigating the role of dark matter in the expansion of the universe.
  • How do principles of fluid dynamics apply to weather pattern predictions?
  • Exploring the impacts of nuclear physics discoveries on medical technologies.
  • Analyzing the physical principles behind renewable energy technologies.
  • Understanding the role of physics in developing sustainable transportation technologies.
  • Exploring cosmic rays and their impact on technology and the Earth's atmosphere.
  • Investigating the applications and challenges of nuclear fusion as an energy source.
  • Analyzing the principles and challenges of photonics in modern-day communication.
  • Understanding gravitational waves and their significance in exploring the universe.
  • Exploring the physical principles behind autonomous vehicles and their future development.
  • Investigating the role of electromagnetism in developing electronic technologies.
  • Exploring the applications of thermodynamics in developing efficient engines.
  • Understanding the physics behind superconductivity and its applications in technology.
  • Analyzing the role of optics and light in developing modern microscopy.
  • Investigating the effects of black holes on surrounding celestial bodies.
  • Exploring the physics behind magnetic levitation and its applications.
  • Understanding the physical principles that enable satellite communication.
  • Exploring the implications of string theory on our understanding of the universe.
  • Analyzing the role of particle physics in understanding cosmic events.
  • Understanding the physical principles behind noise-cancelling technology.
  • Exploring the potential of harnessing solar wind as a power source.
  • Investigating the principles of acoustic physics behind architectural designs.
  • Examining the significance and physics of the aurora borealis.
  • Investigating the impact of space debris on satellites and space exploration.
  • Exploring the feasibility and physics behind colonizing Mars.
  • Understanding the quantum physics behind electron tunneling in semiconductors.
  • Investigating the implications of Maxwell's equations on electrical engineering.
  • Understanding the physics behind GPS technology and potential improvements.
  • Exploring the role of physics in sports science to enhance performance.
  • Investigating the principles of nanotechnology in medical applications.
  • Exploring the applications and challenges of optical fibers in communication.
  • Investigating the application of plasma physics in various industries.
  • Exploring the physics behind different types of propulsion systems in space travel.
  • Investigating the feasibility of creating a space elevator using existing technology.
  • Understanding the implications of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle on quantum computing.
  • Exploring the potential applications of metamaterials in technology and medicine.
  • Investigating the impact and management of radiation in space travel.
  • Analyzing the effects of electric fields on biological systems.
  • Understanding and exploring the principles behind holographic technologies.
  • Investigating the physics and challenges of interstellar travel.
  • Exploring the role of entropy in the perceived arrow of time.
  • Investigating the potential and limitations of wind energy generation.
  • Exploring the implications of special relativity on time travel.
  • Understanding the physics behind bioluminescence in deep-sea organisms.
  • Investigating the application of physics principles in developing artificial intelligence.
  • Exploring the potential of piezoelectric materials in energy harvesting.
  • Understanding the physics behind seismic activities and predicting natural disasters.
  • Investigating the role of physics in forensic science and criminal investigations.
  • Is switching to clean energy feasible for developing countries?

EPQ Ideas Biology

  • Investigating the role of CRISPR technology in eliminating genetic disorders.
  • Exploring the impacts of climate change on marine biodiversity.
  • Analyzing the biochemical pathways involved in autoimmune disease development.
  • Understanding the molecular basis of Alzheimer's disease progression.
  • Investigating synthetic biology’s potential in creating artificial life.
  • Exploring the ecological impacts of invasive species on native ecosystems.
  • Studying the genetics behind resistance to antibacterial treatments.
  • Understanding the biochemistry of venom from different snake species.
  • Examining the impacts of microplastics on aquatic life forms.
  • Investigating the potential of stem cell therapy in regenerative medicine.
  • Studying the biotechnological applications of genetically modified organisms.
  • Exploring the biology of ageing and its genetic and environmental influences.
  • Investigating the effects of different diets on metabolic health.
  • Analyzing the role of epigenetics in gene expression and disease.
  • Exploring the impacts of urbanization on wildlife habitats and behaviors.
  • Understanding the cellular processes involved in cancer metastasis.
  • Examining the ecological and health impacts of pesticide use.
  • Investigating the role of gut microbiome in human health.
  • Exploring conservation strategies for endangered species and their effectiveness.
  • Studying the role of molecular biology in vaccine development.
  • Investigating the biological implications of polyploidy in plants.
  • Analyzing the role of circadian rhythms in metabolic processes.
  • Understanding the biological basis of addiction and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Exploring the mechanisms of plant defense against pest infestations.
  • Investigating the potential medical applications of venom and toxins.
  • Examining the impacts of pollutants on human reproductive health.
  • Investigating the biology and impact of coral bleaching events.
  • Studying the evolutionary adaptations of organisms in extreme environments.
  • Exploring the biological mechanisms of memory formation and retention.
  • Investigating potential treatments and understanding of neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Analyzing the impact of genetic mutations on organismal development.
  • Studying the biology and containment of viral outbreaks.
  • Exploring the biological and ethical implications of cloning technologies.
  • Investigating the role of hormones in behavioral changes.
  • Examining the ecological impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems.
  • Understanding the process of metamorphosis at a molecular level.
  • Investigating the biology behind different types of allergies.
  • Exploring the impact of lifestyle factors on cardiovascular health.
  • Studying the genetic and biological aspects of mood disorders.
  • Examining the role of immunology in transplantation science.
  • Investigating the biological principles of biodegradable materials.
  • Exploring the evolutionary biology of symbiotic relationships.
  • Investigating the impact of emerging diseases on ecosystems.
  • Exploring the role of biology in the development of biometrics.
  • Investigating factors affecting antimicrobial resistance development and spread.
  • Studying the mechanisms of action of different toxins on cells.
  • Understanding the biology of sleep and its impact on health.
  • Investigating the biological pathways involved in pain perception.
  • Investigating the effects of environmental toxins on reproductive health.
  • Examining the relationship between gut microbiota and mental health disorders.

EPQ Ideas Maths

  • Exploring the application of calculus in real-world problems.
  • Investigating the role of statistics in medical research.
  • How does the Fibonacci Sequence appear in nature?
  • Examining the application of probability theory in gambling and betting.
  • Exploring the historical development and impacts of algebra.
  • Investigating the role of mathematics in finance and investment.
  • Why is number theory important in modern-day cryptography?
  • Understanding and exploring the concept and applications of matrices.
  • How can mathematical models predict and explain traffic flow?
  • Investigating the relationship between geometry and art.
  • What are the applications of graph theory in social networks?
  • Exploring mathematical concepts behind machine learning algorithms.
  • How is differential geometry used in general relativity?
  • Examining the application of mathematics in computer graphics and animations.
  • Exploring the applications of partial differential equations in physics.
  • Investigating the mathematics behind various voting systems.
  • Exploring the concept and applications of game theory.
  • How can fractal geometry be used to model natural phenomena?
  • Examining the role of symmetry in mathematical problem solving.
  • Understanding the real-world applications of mathematical optimization.
  • Exploring the mathematical principles behind network security.
  • Investigating the impact of mathematical discoveries on technological advancements.
  • How do prime numbers influence data security and encryption?
  • Examining the practical applications of mathematical logic.
  • Exploring the contributions of ancient mathematicians to modern mathematics.
  • Understanding mathematical principles behind error correction in data transmission.
  • How can mathematical models contribute to understanding and predicting epidemics?
  • Exploring the mathematics behind the structure of crystals.
  • Investigating the mathematics involved in string theory.
  • How do mathematical models assist in weather forecasting?
  • Exploring the mathematics of chaos theory and its applications.
  • Understanding the mathematical principles underlying various sports strategies.
  • How can mathematics explain patterns in the distribution of prime numbers?
  • Exploring the role of mathematics in predicting economic trends.
  • Investigating the application of group theory in solving Rubik’s cube.
  • How does linear algebra apply to computer algorithms?
  • Exploring the development and applications of mathematical symbols.
  • Investigating the importance of zero in mathematical calculations and theories.
  • How is mathematics applied in space exploration and astrophysics?
  • Exploring the concepts and applications of non-Euclidean geometry.
  • Understanding the role of mathematics in signal processing.
  • How are mathematical algorithms used in image recognition?
  • Exploring the application of complex numbers in electrical engineering.
  • Investigating mathematical models used in population genetics.
  • How are mathematical models used in earthquake prediction?
  • Exploring the application of set theory in databases.
  • Investigating the role of mathematical modeling in epidemiology.
  • How is mathematical analysis applied in economic theories?
  • Investigating the mathematical principles behind the design and operation of electric circuits
  • The use of mathematical modelling in analysing climate change and its impact on the environment.

EPQ Ideas Chemistry

  • Exploring the chemistry behind different types of batteries and their efficiencies.
  • Investigating the role of catalysts in industrial chemical processes.
  • How do chemical reactions fuel cellular processes in living organisms?
  • Examining the impact of chemical pollutants on freshwater ecosystems.
  • Exploring the development and impact of antibiotics in medicine.
  • Understanding the chemistry behind various substance addiction mechanisms.
  • What role does chemistry play in developing sustainable fuels?
  • Investigating the chemical mechanisms behind various cleaning agents.
  • Exploring the synthetic pathways for creating biodegradable plastics.
  • How does chemistry contribute to modern forensic science?
  • Understanding the role of chemical reactions in baking and cooking.
  • Examining the chemistry behind different types of corrosion and prevention methods.
  • How do enzymes catalyse biochemical reactions in living organisms?
  • Exploring the chemistry of different dyes and pigments in textiles.
  • Investigating the chemical principles of different fermentation processes.
  • What is the chemistry behind various anti-aging skincare products?
  • Understanding the chemical compositions of different types of gemstones.
  • Exploring the impact of different chemicals on plant growth and development.
  • How does chemical equilibrium relate to real-world applications?
  • Investigating the role of chemistry in producing sustainable building materials.
  • Understanding the chemistry behind different flavors and fragrances.
  • How can chemistry contribute to developing alternative energy sources?
  • Exploring the utilization of chemistry in crime scene analysis.
  • Investigating the chemical properties and uses of various oils.
  • Understanding the role of chemistry in developing photographic materials.
  • How are chemical reactions utilized in creating special effects in movies?
  • Investigating the chemical mechanisms behind different rust removal methods.
  • Exploring chemical solutions to neutralizing and managing industrial waste.
  • How does chemistry help in developing artificial flavors and colors?
  • Investigating the chemistry behind non-stick surfaces in cookware.
  • How does chemistry contribute to the development of sports equipment?
  • Investigating the chemistry behind various pain relief medications.
  • Exploring the use of chemistry in developing preservation methods.
  • How does the chemistry of chocolate affect its flavor and texture?
  • Investigating the chemical basis of different cleaning and laundry products.
  • How does chemistry enhance the durability and stability of materials?
  • Exploring the role of chemistry in producing synthetic fibers.
  • Investigating the chemical aspects of water treatment processes.
  • How does chemistry play a role in solving environmental issues?
  • Understanding the chemistry behind different forms of anesthesia.
  • How does chemistry help in the conservation of art and artifacts?
  • Exploring the chemical components involved in allergic reactions.
  • Investigating the role of chemistry in developing sunscreens and UV blockers.
  • How does chemistry contribute to advancements in agricultural practices?
  • Exploring the chemistry behind various sweeteners and their health impacts.
  • How does chemistry help in developing adhesives and glues?
  • Understanding the chemical structure and utility of different polymers.
  • Investigating chemical methods of enhancing food shelf life.
  • How is chemistry utilized in developing fire-retardant materials?
  • Exploring the chemistry behind the sensation of spicy foods.

EPQ Ideas History

  • Exploring the impact of the industrial revolution on urbanization.
  • Investigating the influence of the Roman Empire on modern government structures.
  • How did the Cold War shape international relations in the 20th century?
  • Examining the role of women during the Second World War.
  • Understanding the socio-economic impacts of the transatlantic slave trade.
  • How did the Black Death influence socio-economic structures in Europe?
  • Exploring the causes and consequences of the French Revolution.
  • The impact of the Great Depression on global economies and policies.
  • Investigating the influence of the Viking Age on European history.
  • How did the invention of the printing press alter societal structures?
  • Examining the development and impact of the ancient Silk Road.
  • Exploring the impact of the Spanish Inquisition on religious freedom.
  • How did the fall of the Berlin Wall impact Germany?
  • Investigating the impacts of British colonialism in India.
  • The role of the United Nations in conflict resolution.
  • How did the Hundred Years' War influence European power structures?
  • Exploring the historical significance of the Ottoman Empire.
  • How did the suffragette movement impact women’s rights globally?
  • Investigating the impact of the Cuban Missile Crisis on US-Cuban relations.
  • The rise and fall of ancient Egyptian civilization.
  • How did the apartheid system shape South African society?
  • Exploring the history and global impacts of the Olympic Games.
  • Investigating the role of espionage during the Cold War.
  • How did the American Civil War shape the United States?
  • Exploring the historical development and impact of the European Union.
  • Investigating the origins and outcomes of the Crusades.
  • How did the Meiji Restoration impact Japanese society and industry?
  • Examining the role of Christianity in medieval Europe.
  • How did the Renaissance influence artistic and scientific advancements?
  • Investigating the causes and consequences of the Russian Revolution.
  • How did imperialism shape African nations and their post-colonial futures?
  • Exploring the history and development of maritime explorations.
  • How did the Mongol Empire facilitate cultural and economic exchanges?
  • Investigating the history and impacts of the global spice trade.
  • How did the Treaty of Versailles impact post-WWI Europe?
  • Examining the impact of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement.
  • Exploring the development and historical significance of the Great Wall of China.
  • How did the Bubonic Plague alter medieval European societies?
  • Exploring the roots and global influence of the Islamic Golden Age.
  • How did the Manhattan Project influence the outcome of WWII?
  • Investigating the impacts of the Reformation on European societies.
  • How did the Korean War shape the geopolitics of East Asia?
  • Exploring the history and social significance of the Samurai in Japan.
  • How did European colonialism shape the Americas?
  • Investigating the historical development and impact of the English language.
  • How did the Holocaust shape post-WWII international relations?
  • Examining the role and significance of the League of Nations.
  • How did the ancient Silk Road facilitate global trade and culture?
  • Investigating the origins, development, and impact of the Internet.
  • How did the Pax Romana influence development within the Roman Empire?

EPQ Ideas Geography

  • Exploring the impact of climate change on polar bear populations.
  • How do urban areas influence local weather and climate conditions?
  • Investigating the geographical impact of rising sea levels on island nations.
  • Analyzing the socio-economic impacts of desertification in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • How does migration influence cultural diversity in urban centers?
  • Exploring the geographical disparities in access to clean water globally.
  • Investigating the impact of deforestation on biodiversity in the Amazon.
  • How do volcanic eruptions impact local and global climates?
  • Assessing the geographical implications of the construction of the Three Gorges Dam.
  • Exploring the impact of air pollution on urban populations.
  • How does geology influence the distribution of natural resources worldwide?
  • Assessing the geographical implications of national borders in conflict zones.
  • Investigating the impact of tourism on local economies and environments.
  • How do mountain ranges influence regional weather patterns?
  • Examining the impact of natural disasters on vulnerable populations.
  • Exploring the relationship between poverty and geographical location in urban settings.
  • How does geographical location influence agricultural practices and food security?
  • Investigating urbanization trends and their impact on biodiversity.
  • How do geopolitical factors influence resource exploitation in the Arctic?
  • Assessing the geographical impact of the melting Greenland ice sheet.
  • How has the geography of the Silk Road shaped global trade?
  • Exploring geographical factors influencing the spread of infectious diseases.
  • How does geography influence the development of cultural identities?
  • Investigating the geographical implications of the construction of HS2 in the UK.
  • How does urban sprawl influence local ecosystems?
  • Assessing the geographical impact of plastic pollution in ocean currents.
  • How does the El Niño phenomenon impact global weather patterns?
  • Exploring the geographical and cultural impacts of colonialism in Africa.
  • How does geography influence the location and impact of earthquakes?
  • Assessing the implications of melting glaciers on global sea levels.
  • How does the physical geography of a region influence its economy?
  • Investigating the impact of coral reef bleaching on marine biodiversity.
  • Exploring geographical factors influencing the location of renewable energy projects.
  • How has the geography of ancient trade routes shaped modern civilizations?
  • Investigating the impact of climate change on traditional nomadic lifestyles.
  • How does geography influence political relationships between neighboring countries?
  • Investigating the geographical and environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing.
  • How does geography influence disaster preparedness and response strategies?
  • Assessing the geographical factors influencing the location of biomes.
  • Investigating the impact of geography on accessibility to education.
  • How does geography influence the distribution and effectiveness of foreign aid?
  • Assessing the geographical challenges and benefits of hosting the Olympic Games.
  • Investigating the geographical challenges of waste management in urban areas.
  • How does geography influence the availability and cost of healthcare?
  • Assessing the geographical and ecological impact of overfishing.
  • How does the physical geography of a region influence tourism?
  • Investigating the impact of geography on international trade relations.
  • How does geography influence population distribution and density?
  • Exploring geographical strategies for mitigating urban heat island effects.
  • How does geography shape linguistic diversity within a nation?

EPQ Ideas English

  • Exploring the portrayal of gender and power in Shakespearean plays.
  • Assessing the impact of dystopian literature on social and political perspectives.
  • Investigating the evolution of the English language and its global impacts.
  • How does Jane Austen portray women, society, and social mobility in her novels?
  • Analysing symbolism and allegory used in William Blake’s poetry.
  • How does the Beat Generation literature reflect post-war American society?
  • Exploring representations of race and identity in postcolonial literature.
  • Analysing the influence of Arthurian legends on modern literature and media.
  • Exploring the relationship between modernism, existentialism, and literature.
  • How does George Orwell explore themes of oppression and surveillance in 1984?
  • Analysing the impact of the Harlem Renaissance on American literature and culture.
  • Exploring the representations of mental health in Victorian Gothic literature.
  • Investigating the role of nature and the sublime in Romantic poetry.
  • How are gender and sexuality portrayed in Virginia Woolf’s novels?
  • Examining the notion of 'the other' in Dracula by Bram Stoker.
  • How does dystopian young adult literature reflect contemporary societal fears?
  • Exploring childhood and the loss of innocence in J.D. Salinger’s works.
  • Analysing the role of supernatural elements in the works of Edgar Allan Poe.
  • Investigating the influence of the first world war on English poetry.
  • How does Charles Dickens critique social inequality in his novels?
  • Exploring feminist approaches to analysing classic fairy tales.
  • Investigating the symbolic meaning of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby.
  • Exploring the role of unreliable narrators in modernist literature.
  • How is disability represented in Victorian literature?
  • Investigating the depiction of rebellion and non-conformity in dystopian literature.
  • Analysing portrayals of motherhood and fatherhood in contemporary English literature.
  • How does Emily Brontë explore themes of love and revenge in Wuthering Heights?
  • Analysing the impact of the civil rights movement on African American literature.
  • Investigating representations of colonialism and imperialism in 19th-century English literature.
  • How is the theme of isolation explored in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein?
  • Exploring the impact of the industrial revolution on English novelists.
  • Analysing religious and spiritual symbols in the works of T.S. Eliot.
  • Investigating the representation of the urban and the rural in English literature.
  • How does F. Scott Fitzgerald critique the American upper class in his works?
  • Exploring the concept of heroism in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth novels.
  • How does John Steinbeck explore themes of poverty and despair in his works?
  • Analysing the theme of identity and belonging in postcolonial literature.
  • How does Mark Twain address social and racial issues in his novels?
  • Exploring the notion of tragedy in the works of William Faulkner.
  • Investigating the impact of the Enlightenment on 18th-century English literature.
  • How does Agatha Christie utilize and subvert the conventions of detective fiction?
  • Exploring themes of loss and longing in the poetry of W.B. Yeats.
  • How do modern graphic novels contribute to the discourse on gender and identity?
  • Analysing the role of fantasy and the supernatural in Philip Pullman’s works.
  • How are societal norms and values challenged in the works of Oscar Wilde?
  • Exploring the use and subversion of myths in Angela Carter’s short stories.
  • How does Sylvia Plath explore themes of mental illness in her poetry and prose?
  • Analysing the role of moral and ethical dilemmas in dystopian literature.
  • Exploring themes of power and corruption in works set during the Tudor period.
  • Investigating the exploration of trauma and healing in autobiographical works.

EPQ Ideas Economics

  • Exploring the economic implications of universal basic income implementations in developed countries.
  • How does economic globalization affect income inequality within developing nations?
  • Analysing the economic impacts of the gig economy on traditional employment models.
  • Investigating the role of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in modern economies.
  • Examining the economic consequences of climate change on agricultural sectors.
  • How did the 2008 financial crisis impact global economic policies and practices?
  • Exploring the relationship between education expenditures and economic growth.
  • Analyzing the role of gender equality in enhancing economic development.
  • Investigating the relationship between government debt and economic growth.
  • How does automation and artificial intelligence impact employment and economy?
  • Exploring economic policies for managing population aging in developed countries.
  • Analysing the impact of Brexit on the UK and European economies.
  • How can developing countries harness the benefits of financial inclusion?
  • Exploring the role of microfinance in alleviating poverty in developing nations.
  • Examining the economic impacts of pandemics on global trade.
  • How does political stability influence economic development and growth?
  • Exploring the impact of infrastructure development on economic growth.
  • Analysing the implications of protectionist trade policies on global economies.
  • How do immigration patterns influence economic development in host countries?
  • Investigating the economic effects of technology transfer in developing countries.
  • Assessing the role of taxation policies in income and wealth distribution.
  • Exploring the economic impacts of tourism in small island developing states.
  • How does fiscal policy impact economic cycles and fluctuations?
  • Analysing the relationship between income inequality and economic growth.
  • How do corporate social responsibility initiatives impact economic performance?
  • Investigating the effects of economic sanctions on targeted nations.
  • Examining the role of entrepreneurship in economic development and innovation.
  • How does the informal economy impact economic development in developing countries?
  • Exploring the impacts of healthcare expenditure on economic development.
  • Analysing the effects of urbanisation on economic development.
  • Investigating the impact of social media on consumer spending and behaviours.
  • How do environmental regulations impact economic performance in industrial sectors?
  • Assessing the role of government interventions in crisis-stricken economies.
  • Exploring economic diversification and its impact on national economic stability.
  • Investigating the impacts of economic inequality on societal well-being and stability.
  • Analysing the role of renewable energy investments in economic development.
  • How do international trade agreements impact local industries and economies?
  • Exploring the economic implications of gender disparities in labour markets.
  • Analysing the economic impacts of natural disasters in developing countries.
  • Investigating the relationship between law, order, and economic development.
  • How do sovereign wealth funds impact global financial markets?
  • Examining the economic implications of ageing populations in developed countries.
  • Analysing the economic consequences of different types of tax structures.
  • How do e-commerce trends impact traditional retail markets and economies?
  • Exploring the impacts of corruption on economic development and stability.
  • How do developments in the space industry impact global economies?
  • Analysing the economic impacts of large-scale sporting events on host cities.
  • Investigating the relationship between energy prices and economic performance.
  • How do educational levels and systems impact economic productivity?
  • Assessing the economic implications of adopting sustainable practices in businesses.

EPQ Ideas Engineering

  • Investigating the impact of 3D printing technologies on traditional manufacturing processes.
  • Analysing the role of bioengineering in the development of artificial organs.
  • How can robotics and automation be effectively integrated into small-scale manufacturing?
  • Exploring the use of nanotechnology in enhancing material properties for construction.
  • Assessing the potential of renewable energy systems in urban environments.
  • How can engineers mitigate the environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing processes?
  • Investigating the applications and challenges of adopting Internet of Things (IoT) devices in smart homes.
  • Analysing the implementation of biomimicry in architectural and structural design.
  • Exploring sustainable materials for reducing the carbon footprint of transportation vehicles.
  • How does machine learning and artificial intelligence enhance engineering design processes?
  • Investigating the role of genetic engineering in agriculture and food production.
  • Assessing the challenges and opportunities in offshore wind energy production.
  • How can virtual reality technologies be implemented in engineering design workflows?
  • Analysing the impact of electric vehicles on transportation infrastructure development.
  • Investigating the applications of drone technology in civil and environmental engineering.
  • Exploring the role of materials engineering in developing sustainable packaging solutions.
  • How do aerodynamics principles influence the design of energy-efficient vehicles?
  • Assessing the implications of using recycled materials in construction projects.
  • Developing assistive technologies for enhancing mobility in individuals with disabilities.
  • How can engineers optimize the use of spatial data in urban planning?
  • Analysing the challenges of implementing smart grid technologies in developing countries.
  • Investigating methods for improving energy efficiency in residential buildings.
  • Exploring the impacts of autonomous vehicles on urban transport systems.
  • How can engineers mitigate the environmental impacts of large-scale mining activities?
  • Analysing structural engineering innovations for earthquake-resistant buildings.
  • Exploring methods for reducing noise pollution in urban environments.
  • How do engineers design wastewater treatment processes to conserve resources?
  • Investigating the role of computer-aided design (CAD) in modern engineering.
  • Exploring the applications of biodegradable materials in consumer products.
  • How do engineers approach the design of sustainable urban drainage systems?
  • Analysing the use of thermal energy storage systems in industrial processes.
  • Investigating engineering solutions for mitigating coastal erosion in vulnerable areas.
  • How can engineers develop technologies for harnessing energy from the oceans?
  • Assessing the applications and limitations of wearable technology in healthcare.
  • Exploring innovations in thermal insulation materials for building applications.
  • How can civil engineers adapt urban infrastructure for climate change resilience?
  • Investigating the challenges of integrating renewable energy systems into national grids.
  • Analysing engineering solutions for managing electronic waste (e-waste).
  • Exploring the application of AI in predictive maintenance for industrial machinery.
  • How can engineers design adaptable infrastructure for rapidly growing urban populations?
  • Investigating the role of engineering in developing sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Assessing the potential of piezoelectric materials in energy harvesting applications.
  • How can engineers develop scalable and efficient water desalination processes?
  • Investigating the development of lightweight and durable materials for aerospace applications.
  • Analysing the engineering challenges in developing a viable hyperloop transportation system.
  • How can engineers design systems to harness energy from human activities?
  • Investigating the use of geothermal energy in residential heating systems.
  • Exploring the role of systems engineering in developing integrated technologies.
  • How can engineers optimize logistics and supply chain management using IoT?
  • Investigating the impacts of technological advancements on telecommunications infrastructure.

EPQ Ideas Politics

  • The impact of social media on political elections and campaigns.
  • Exploring the evolution and impact of feminist movements globally.
  • How does immigration policy influence national economic performance?
  • An analysis of the role of propaganda in political movements.
  • The influence of religion on political policies and decision-making.
  • How have political ideologies shaped international relations since 1945?
  • Exploring the relationship between socio-economic status and political affiliation.
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global political structures.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of international law in resolving conflicts.
  • How does political stability influence economic development in developing countries?
  • The role of youth in shaping contemporary political movements.
  • Analysis of the implications of Brexit on European unity.
  • Investigating the causes and consequences of political scandals.
  • How significant is the role of lobbyists in shaping policy?
  • Why do political parties change their policy platforms over time?
  • Investigating the impact of political satire on public opinion.
  • Exploring the effect of populist leaders on international relations.
  • What is the impact of colonialism on contemporary global politics?
  • Analysis of the relationship between militarism and democracy.
  • The efficacy of the United Nations in resolving international crises.
  • How effective are economic sanctions as a political tool?
  • Impact of political revolutions on regional stability and cooperation.
  • Exploring the political consequences of climate change in island nations.
  • How do authoritarian regimes utilize media to control narratives?
  • Comparative analysis of healthcare policies across different political systems.
  • Investigating the influence of ethnic diversity on political systems.
  • How does nationalism influence foreign policy and international relations?
  • Examining the role of ethics in modern political leadership.
  • Understanding the impact of political assassinations on world politics.
  • Exploring the intersections between technology development and politics.
  • Investigating the role of patriotism in shaping foreign policy.
  • Can democracy and socialism coexist in a balanced political system?
  • What are the political implications of universal basic income implementation?
  • Investigating the historical impact of propaganda on war efforts.
  • How do geopolitical considerations shape energy policy decisions?
  • The role of international organizations in global peacekeeping efforts.
  • How does a nation’s political ideology influence its educational policies?
  • Investigating the politics behind global arms trade and military expenditure.
  • How significant is the role of charisma in political leadership?
  • Investigating the role of political ideology in defining human rights.
  • Does the structure of electoral systems influence political polarization?
  • Exploring the political impacts of artificial intelligence and automation.
  • How does political culture influence policy-making in democracies?
  • What are the political consequences of income inequality in nations?
  • Examining the role of intelligence agencies in shaping foreign policy.
  • Exploring the role of diplomacy in averting international crises.
  • How can political systems adapt to manage increasing urbanization effectively?
  • Comparative analysis of right-wing political movements across countries.
  • Investigating the implications of political decentralization on national unity.
  • Examining the role of political ideology in shaping social policies.

EPQ Ideas Sociology

  • Exploring the impact of social media on contemporary political movements.
  • Analyzing the sociological implications of increasing income inequality globally.
  • How does gentrification impact local communities and their social dynamics?
  • Examining the role of education in perpetuating social inequality.
  • Investigating the impact of culture on gender roles and expectations.
  • How does racial and ethnic identity influence social mobility prospects?
  • Exploring the sociological implications of mass surveillance on privacy and freedom.
  • Examining the relationship between mental health and social isolation in urban settings.
  • How does religion shape societal norms and individual behaviors in different cultures?
  • Investigating the role of language in shaping social and cultural identity.
  • Exploring the sociological perspectives on global migration and diaspora communities.
  • How does social stigma towards mental health issues impact societal wellbeing?
  • Analyzing the influence of celebrity culture on youth identity and aspirations.
  • Investigating the sociological dimensions of sports and national identity.
  • How do family structures and roles evolve in multicultural societies?
  • Examining the social implications of automation and job displacement.
  • Investigating the impacts of fast fashion on societal consumption patterns.
  • How do educational policies reproduce and challenge existing social inequalities?
  • Exploring the role of art and music in social protest movements.
  • How does the normalization of extreme diet culture impact societal health perceptions?
  • Examining social and cultural perspectives on sexual orientation and identity.
  • Investigating the role of the media in shaping public perceptions of crime.
  • How does socioeconomic status impact access to healthcare services?
  • Analyzing the sociological impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities.
  • How do social movements influence political policy and societal change?
  • Exploring the role of social networks in facilitating social and economic mobility.
  • How does the aging population impact societal structures and economic policies?
  • Investigating the sociology of fear and its impact on public behavior.
  • How do social constructs of beauty impact individual and societal wellbeing?
  • Examining the relationship between urbanization and social change.
  • How does social class impact youth aspirations and career trajectories?
  • Investigating the sociological aspects of digital divide in global contexts.
  • How do social and cultural factors impact dietary habits and preferences?
  • Exploring the social dynamics and implications of online dating.
  • Investigating the impacts of neoliberal policies on social inequality.
  • How does social status impact mental and physical health?
  • Exploring the sociological perspectives on homelessness in urban environments.
  • How do experiences of discrimination impact identity and social cohesion?
  • Analyzing the societal impacts of the gig economy and precarious employment.
  • How do traditional gender roles impact professional development and opportunities?
  • Exploring the sociology of leisure and its evolution in digital societies.
  • How do institutions reinforce stereotypes and perpetuate social inequalities?
  • Examining the sociological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global societies.
  • How does social activism impact individual identity and societal values?
  • Investigating the sociological theories explaining youth subcultures and resistance.
  • How does consumerism impact societal values and individual wellbeing?
  • Exploring the impact of social media on body image perceptions among teenagers.
  • How does bilingualism impact social and cognitive development?
  • Examining the sociological dimensions of drug use and addiction.
  • How do societal structures impact the development and adoption of innovations?

EPQ Ideas Psychology

  • Exploring the psychological impacts of childhood trauma on adult life.
  • How do different colors influence our mood and behavior?
  • Investigating the impact of sleep on cognitive function and mood.
  • The role of psychology in developing effective marketing strategies.
  • Understanding the psychological impact of chronic pain on mental health.
  • Analysis of psychological techniques used in criminal interrogations.
  • How does social media usage correlate with self-esteem levels?
  • Examining the psychological impact of bullying on children’s development.
  • Investigating cognitive biases and their impact on decision-making.
  • What is the psychological impact of living through a pandemic?
  • Exploring the link between creativity and mental health issues.
  • The impact of parenting styles on a child's emotional development.
  • How does workplace environment influence employee motivation and productivity?
  • Exploring the relationship between physical activity and mental health.
  • The role of positive affirmations in enhancing self-esteem and confidence.
  • Understanding the psychological processes behind human memory and recall.
  • Examining the role of empathy in conflict resolution scenarios.
  • Investigating the efficacy of various forms of psychotherapy.
  • What is the impact of music on mental health and mood?
  • Exploring the relationship between diet, gut health, and mental well-being.
  • Understanding the development and maintenance of phobias.
  • How does unemployment impact psychological well-being and self-perception?
  • Investigating the correlation between educational stress and mental health.
  • Understanding the psychology behind conformity and obedience in groups.
  • How does language development correlate with cognitive abilities in children?
  • Exploring the psychological implications of virtual reality technology.
  • Understanding the psychological impact of cosmetic surgery on individuals.
  • How do dreams and their interpretation relate to our subconscious?
  • Exploring the role of psychological resilience in overcoming adversity.
  • Understanding the impact of mindfulness meditation on mental health.
  • Exploring the psychological aspects of addictive behaviors.
  • Investigating the relationship between personality traits and career success.
  • How does birth order influence personality and behavioral traits?
  • Understanding the psychological impact of long-term remote work.
  • How do romantic relationships impact mental and emotional well-being?
  • Exploring the psychological perspective of spiritual and religious beliefs.
  • What are the psychological impacts of societal beauty standards?
  • Investigating the psychology behind consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.
  • Exploring the psychological effects of gender stereotypes on individual development.
  • Investigating the role of psychology in enhancing athletic performance.
  • Understanding the psychological tactics utilized in political campaigns.
  • How do learning environments influence students’ psychological well-being?
  • Exploring the implications of attachment styles on adult relationships.
  • Investigating the psychology of altruism and prosocial behaviors.
  • How does exposure to nature impact psychological well-being?
  • Exploring the impact of screen time on adolescent mental health.
  • How does socioeconomic status influence psychological health and perspectives?
  • Exploring the psychological dimensions of humor and laughter.
  • Understanding the psychology behind fear and its impact on behavior.
  • Investigating psychological strategies to combat procrastination.

EPQ Ideas Law

  • Exploring the legal aspects and impacts of cyberbullying across different jurisdictions.
  • Investigating the legal and ethical aspects of using artificial intelligence in law enforcement.
  • How does international law address the issue of climate change and global warming?
  • Assessing the efficacy of international law in dealing with global human rights violations.
  • Investigating the implications of Internet censorship and freedom of speech laws.
  • How do copyright laws affect content creation and sharing in the digital age?
  • Analyzing the role of law in addressing gender inequality in the workplace.
  • Assessing the impact and legality of surveillance technology on privacy rights.
  • How have laws regarding LGBTQ+ rights evolved across different countries?
  • Exploring the role of law in the mitigation of environmental degradation.
  • Examining the impact of international trade laws on developing economies.
  • Investigating legal strategies to address domestic violence in various countries.
  • How can law be used to mitigate the effects of online hate speech?
  • Exploring the influence of political bias in legal systems across different nations.
  • Analyzing the legal challenges and implications of autonomous vehicles.
  • How does the law differentiate between freedom of expression and hate speech?
  • Exploring the legalities involved in international adoption and child trafficking.
  • Analyzing the legal perspective of euthanasia and assisted suicide in various countries.
  • How are labor laws adapting to the gig economy and freelancing trend?
  • Examining legal perspectives on managing refugees and asylum seekers internationally.
  • Exploring the interplay between religious beliefs and legal judgments.
  • Investigating the effect of legal frameworks on addressing cyber warfare.
  • How can laws better protect wildlife from poaching and illegal trade?
  • Exploring the role of law in regulating space exploration and utilization.
  • Investigating the legal frameworks for protecting consumers in e-commerce.
  • How does the legal system handle digital inheritance and digital assets?
  • Analyzing the impact of international laws on national sovereignty.
  • Exploring the challenges of implementing and enforcing international health law.
  • How does intellectual property law protect innovations in technology?
  • Investigating legal ethics in the context of criminal defense.
  • Exploring the challenges in legal frameworks addressing child labor internationally.
  • Analyzing the role and effectiveness of anti-monopoly laws in various countries.
  • How are laws addressing the ethical concerns in genetic engineering practices?
  • Exploring the implications of post-conviction exoneration on legal systems.
  • Investigating the evolution and effectiveness of international maritime laws.
  • How do international laws address state-sponsored terrorism?
  • Analyzing the legal challenges related to refugee status determination.
  • How does international law regulate the global arms trade?
  • Investigating the relationship between socioeconomic status and legal justice outcomes.
  • How can legal systems effectively address issues related to cybercrimes?
  • Examining the legal frameworks in place to address human trafficking.
  • How do legal systems address juvenile delinquency and rehabilitation?
  • Investigating the disparities in legal strategies for dealing with drug abuse.
  • How can legal structures enhance or impede social justice?
  • Exploring the challenges of enforcing international laws on digital privacy.
  • Investigating the law concerning data protection and breaches in various countries.
  • How can the law ensure ethical practices in biomedical research?
  • Exploring the legal implications of using facial recognition technology in public spaces.
  • Examining how international law addresses genocide and crimes against humanity.
  • How does the law address issues of child custody in contentious divorces?

EPQ Ideas Computer Science

  • Exploring the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in decision-making.
  • Investigating the security vulnerabilities in Internet of Things devices.
  • How does machine learning contribute to personalized marketing strategies?
  • Analyzing the impact of quantum computing on data encryption.
  • Exploring the potential of blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrency.
  • Developing an efficient algorithm for solving a specific computational problem.
  • How can augmented reality enhance user experience in e-commerce?
  • Examining the role of computer science in combating climate change.
  • Investigating the challenges and solutions of data storage scalability.
  • What role does computer science play in precision medicine?
  • Exploring the application of artificial intelligence in autonomous vehicles.
  • Understanding the impact of cybersecurity breaches on businesses.
  • Developing a software solution to address a specific societal issue.
  • Investigating methods to optimize database query performance.
  • How do ethical hackers enhance the security of online platforms?
  • Exploring computational methods for solving complex mathematical problems.
  • Developing a predictive model using machine learning algorithms.
  • How can cloud computing be made more energy-efficient?
  • Investigating the implementation of cybersecurity practices in small businesses.
  • Examining the role of data analytics in sports performance.
  • Exploring the integration of AI technologies into everyday household appliances.
  • How can computer vision be utilized in industrial automation?
  • Investigating the evolution of programming languages and their applicabilities.
  • Exploring the application of computer science in forensic science.
  • Developing a secure and efficient wireless communication protocol.
  • Examining the feasibility and benefits of smart cities.
  • How can virtual reality be applied in educational settings?
  • Exploring the impact of high-frequency trading algorithms on stock markets.
  • Investigating the development and use of chatbots in customer service.
  • What is the role of computer science in biotechnology research?
  • Exploring the challenges of implementing digital currencies on a large scale.
  • Developing a privacy-focused approach to data management in applications.
  • How can technology improve accessibility for people with disabilities?
  • Investigating the development of gaming engines and their impact on the industry.
  • Developing an algorithm for optimized resource allocation in network systems.
  • How does big data analytics influence the finance industry?
  • Exploring the psychological implications of user interface design.
  • Investigating the impact of social media algorithms on user behavior.
  • How to ensure ethical considerations in the development of AI technologies?
  • Exploring the evolution and future of wearable technology.
  • Investigating challenges and approaches to multi-language information retrieval.
  • How can computational models improve our understanding of human cognition?
  • Examining the implementation of cybersecurity in healthcare technology.
  • Exploring the application and impact of deep learning in image recognition.
  • Investigating the societal impact of widespread facial recognition technology.
  • Developing an efficient load balancing technique for distributed computing.
  • How can computer science methods aid in pandemic modeling and management?
  • Exploring adaptive learning technologies and their impact on education.
  • Developing and implementing an effective intrusion detection system.
  • How can AI technologies assist in disaster prediction and management?

EPQ Ideas Medicine

  • Exploring advancements and ethical considerations in the field of gene editing.
  • Investigating the role of immunotherapy in treating different forms of cancer.
  • How can machine learning and AI revolutionize diagnostic medicine in the future?
  • Analyzing the impacts of telemedicine on healthcare accessibility in rural areas.
  • What are the ethical implications of organ transplantation and organ donation policies?
  • Exploring the role of personalized medicine in treating chronic conditions.
  • Examining the effectiveness and consequences of various weight loss surgeries.
  • How do socio-economic factors influence access to healthcare services globally?
  • Investigating the use and effects of CRISPR technology in preventing genetic disorders.
  • Exploring the impacts and management of antibiotic resistance in global health.
  • Examining the role of mental health in overall healthcare systems.
  • How can advancements in prosthetics enhance the quality of life for amputees?
  • Investigating the psychological and physical impacts of chronic pain on patients.
  • Assessing the effects of the placebo effect in various medical treatments.
  • How do ethical considerations impact decision-making in palliative care?
  • Examining the effects and management of opioid addiction in different demographics.
  • Exploring alternative medicine: Efficacy and challenges in integrating with conventional medicine.
  • Investigating the role of nutrition in managing and preventing chronic diseases.
  • How does the global pharmaceutical industry impact healthcare accessibility and affordability?
  • Exploring the health impacts of air pollution in urban areas.
  • Examining the role and limitations of robotic surgery in healthcare.
  • Investigating the psychological impacts of long-term hospitalization on patients.
  • Exploring potential treatments and vaccines for emerging global health threats.
  • Assessing the impact of healthcare policies on patient outcomes in various countries.
  • How can stem cell therapy change the future of regenerative medicine?
  • Exploring the efficacy and ethical considerations of animal testing in medical research.
  • Examining the role of social support systems in cancer patient outcomes.
  • Investigating advancements in neonatal care and its impacts on infant mortality.
  • Exploring strategies for managing global pandemics and ensuring healthcare preparedness.
  • How does health insurance impact access to quality healthcare services?
  • Examining the role of gut microbiota in overall human health.
  • Exploring the challenges and solutions in global mental health treatment accessibility.
  • How do genetic factors influence the development and treatment of various diseases?
  • Investigating the effects of sleep and sleep disorders on overall health.
  • Examining the role of vaccinations in global health and disease eradication.
  • Investigating the application and implications of 3D printing in medical practice.
  • Assessing the role of physical therapy in managing chronic conditions.
  • How can technology enhance healthcare delivery in low-resource settings?
  • Exploring the role and challenges of pediatric care in various contexts.
  • How do socio-cultural factors influence perceptions and decisions related to healthcare?
  • Examining approaches and challenges in pain management for various conditions.
  • Exploring the impacts of medical breakthroughs on societal health and wellbeing.
  • How do legal frameworks impact medical practices and patient rights?
  • Examining ethical dilemmas in reproductive medicine and women’s healthcare.
  • Investigating the role of healthcare workers in managing and preventing disease outbreaks.
  • Assessing the role and limitations of wearable technology in healthcare.
  • How does climate change impact the emergence and spread of diseases?
  • Exploring the implications and management of multi-drug resistant bacterial infections.
  • Examining approaches to managing healthcare in conflict and post-conflict regions.
  • Investigating strategies to enhance medical education and training in various contexts.

These are some of our best EPQ ideas for a range of popular subjects. Each of these titles is meant to give you inspiration, helping you to find a topic that you’re interested in.

Last places remaining for June 30th start. Don’t miss out. Enrol now to avoid disappointment

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  • How to Write an EPQ Essay

creative writing epq ideas

Writing an EPQ essay can seem like a daunting task, which is why we’ve written this nine-step guide to help make the whole process easier.

In addition to the A-Levels you’re already doing, you can choose to take an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification). An EPQ is an independent research project, and it’s extremely beneficial as it counts towards UCAS tariff points.

Consisting of around 5,000 words, an EPQ essay is an in-depth assignment which takes about 120 hours to complete.

That may seem like a lot of extra work to take on alongside your existing studies, however it can be hugely beneficial when applying to get into university.

Choosing to undertake independent research and reading can prove to future educators that you’re willing to take on extra work to really show what you can do academically, as well as demonstrating that you have interests that go beyond the curriculum. An EPQ sits nicely with a summer school course such as a law summer school , business summer school , engineering summer school and medicine summer school . During your course you have the chance to explore and understand your subject further, demonstrating your commitment to your studies, and develop ideas for your EPQ.

How do you write an EPQ essay?

To write an EPQ essay, you need to: come up with a compelling idea that you’re interested in, write down everything you know about the subject to generate further ideas, find the best essay question to use, reference your sources properly, write a sharp introduction and conclusion, get feedback on your essay, and make sure you double-check your work before submitting it.

The key to writing any extended document is planning, which is why we’ve written this nine-step guide to help you write the best EPQ essay.

Read on for our top tips on how to write an extended project essay.

9 steps to write your EPQ essay

1. come up with an idea.

One of the main reasons students fail their EPQ is because they’ve chosen the wrong subject matter. It’s vital that you choose a topic you’re genuinely interested in, otherwise you won’t have any motivation to work on it. Because of the extra workload, many students choose to start their EPQ over the summer holidays, and with all the distractions that summer brings (trips to the beach, sunbathing in the garden or hanging out with friends in the park) there’s even more reason to pick a subject you don’t find boring, or you’ll just look for any excuse to avoid doing it. Before finalising your topic, you might want to discuss your ideas with your supervisor so they can check you’re on the right track.

2. Write down everything you know about the subject.   

Before doing any extra reading, it’s really helpful to write down everything you already know about your chosen subject. This can help to get your thoughts and ideas – which are often jumbled up – out of your head and down onto a piece of paper or computer screen so that you can begin to organise and make sense of them. This is also useful for identifying any gaps in your knowledge. However, if the gaps in your knowledge are vast and your chosen topic isn’t giving you enough inspiration, don’t be afraid to abandon your original idea entirely and come up with something new. It’s better to start again from scratch at this stage, rather than 2,000 words in.

3. Think of a question

Whatever your chosen topic, you’ll need to think of a question to answer. This is an extremely important part of your EPQ and will form the basis of your essay, so it really is worth thinking long and hard about. The way in which you phrase your question or hypothesis will affect the structure and flow of the whole essay. For example, some typical essay question formats include ‘Compare and contrast’, ‘Critically evaluate’ and ‘Analyse and conclude’. The type of question you want to answer will affect whether you need to highlight and critique a number of theories or evaluate how useful a particular concept is. And remember that your extended project essay needs to be approximately 5,000 words long, so you should choose a question that allows for extended research and arguments. It’s also worth bearing in mind that questions without definitive answers are better as there will generally be much more to write about.

4. Research the topic

Next, you should start thinking about the main body of the essay and how you’re going to go about fleshing out your ideas. Ideally, this step should take up half the amount of total time you spend working on your EPQ essay. You should spend a good deal of time reading books, papers and online journals that have been written about your chosen subject. The Internet is an excellent source of information, but anyone can write anything and publish it online, so make sure your sources are credible and recognised by the examining body. Wikipedia, for example, should be avoided as a reliable source of information as anyone can edit the text that’s been written there. While doing your research, you’re going to come across many different opinions and arguments and it’s all going to come from a variety of sources. So now is also a good time to think about how you’re going to organise it all.

5. Remember to reference your sources

As with any piece of academic work, referencing your sources is vital so the examiners can check you’re not plagiarising. It’s also good to demonstrate that your information has come from a range of places so the person marking your essay can see that you’ve researched your topic widely and have considered several different viewpoints. You’ll need to provide a bibliography at the end of your EPQ essay and if you can’t say where your information has come from, you’ll be unable to use it, so it’s a good idea to get into the habit of doing this as you go along. Whether you choose to create a spreadsheet on your computer or annotate photocopies and clippings with a pen, it doesn’t matter how you go about doing this as long as you remember to do it. It’ll make your life so much easier in the long-run!

6. Create subsections

Splitting your essay up into sections can help to make sure you’re writing enough and exploring the topic in as much depth as possible. Keep your word count in mind when dividing up your essay and try to split each section equally. But while mini topics are good for breaking the 5,000 words down into more manageable chunks, you have to make sure each one relates back to your original question, otherwise you could risk wasting some of those words on irrelevant information. Don’t sacrifice the important stuff by shoehorning facts and figures into your chosen subsections. It’s worth thinking about the order of these sections too. It’s usually best to write in a ‘news story’ format, with the most important subtitles at the top and the less relevant stuff filtering down to the bottom, however you could consider working chronologically if that works better for your chosen topic.

7. Write an introduction and a conclusion

As strange as it sounds, it can be helpful to write your introduction and conclusion paragraphs once you’ve completed the main body of the essay. This is because your thoughts on the subject matter are more likely to be more organised, therefore it will be easier to summarise the main points clearly and concisely. Your first paragraph should introduce the subject matter, briefly expanding upon your question and how you’re going to go about answering it, while your conclusion should refer back to the title and answer the question you asked at the beginning of your essay. Ensure that both paragraphs are as direct and succinct as possible, in order to show that you have a clear understanding of your topic.

8. Ask for feedback

Whether it’s a friend, a relative or – even better – your course tutor, it’s a good idea to have your work checked over by someone else. Because you’ve spent hour upon hour absorbed in your subject matter, you can lose sight of certain things, so it makes sense to have your EPQ essay looked at from a different viewpoint. A second opinion can ensure that everything you’ve written is concise and accurate and the person checking your work can give you advice on what to leave out or add in; especially if they already have some knowledge on the subject matter.

9. Double-check everything before submitting your work

It’s a good idea to leave it a day or so before coming back to your essay to proofread it so that you’re viewing it with a fresh pair of eyes. We recommend going over it a couple of times – once to check that you’ve covered everything in terms of the subject matter and another for housekeeping. You want to ensure that you don’t lose any marks for basic things like spelling, punctuation and grammar. You should also take this time to make sure footnotes are accurate, as well as checking over any graphs, charts, diagrams and images.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this step-by-step guide and we’re confident that you now have everything you need to go on to successfully write an EPQ essay. Good luck!

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The talk of the ton, write a story in the format of a gossip column..

LIVE – Short Story

Write a story where an important conversation takes place during a dance.

Write a story about two characters who start as mortal enemies but learn to embrace their differences., write a story where a rumor starts to spread. your protagonist is either the topic or the source., set your story at a regency-themed fair..

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Write about a character who has the ability to pause the passage of time.

Write a story that contains the line, "i wish we could stay here forever.", start your story with a character canceling their plans., set your story over the course of a few minutes; no flashbacks, no flashforwards., write a story about a highly-strung character learning to slow down, or someone pursuing a quieter way of life., subscribe to our prompts newsletter.

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Write a story that includes someone saying, “Be careful what you wish for.”

Make a character’s obsession or addiction an important element of your story., write a story in which one of the characters is a narcissist., write about a character who struggles to do the right thing., start your story with a character being followed., your protagonist is a voracious reader. lately, they’ve been noticing odd synchronicities in the books he or she is reading. what does the protagonist discover is happening, dream up a secret library. write a story about an adventurer who discovers it. what’s in the library why was it kept secret, write a story about a future academic (or another influential person) “rediscovering” a book that, in its time, was dismissed. the book can be fictitious or real., your protagonist is a writer who discovers a new favorite author. how does their writing, or even their own personality, change as the protagonist falls under the writer’s influence, write a story about discovering a lost manuscript. it can be from a famous (or infamous) author, or an unknown one., win $250 in our short story competition 🏆.

We'll send you 5 prompts each week. Respond with your short story and you could win $250!

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This week's theme: The Talk of the Ton

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#252 – Obsession

#251 – Lost and Found Books with BookTrib

#250 – All Ears

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Danielle LeBlanc – read

Adam Perschbacher – read

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Leaderboard 🥇

#1 Zilla Babbitt

32376 points

#2 Deidra Whitt Lovegren

28745 points

#3 Abigail Airuedomwinya

22422 points

#4 Graham Kinross

14548 points

#5 Scout Tahoe

13199 points

#6 Chris Campbell

11419 points

#7 Thom With An H

10683 points

#8 Rayhan Hidayat

10216 points

#9 Michał Przywara

9947 points

#10 Deborah Mercer

9610 points

RBE | Short Stories | 2023-02

Bring your short stories to life

Fuse character, story, and conflict with tools in the Reedsy Book Editor. 100% free.

Creative Writing Prompts

When the idea to start a weekly newsletter with writing inspiration first came to us, we decided that we wanted to do more than provide people with topics to write about. We wanted to try and help authors form a regular writing habit and also give them a place to proudly display their work. So we started the weekly Creative Writing Prompts newsletter. Since then, Prompts has grown to a community of more than 450,000 authors, complete with its own literary magazine, Prompted .  

Here's how our contest works: every Friday, we send out a newsletter containing five creative writing prompts. Each week, the story ideas center around a different theme. Authors then have one week — until the following Friday — to submit a short story based on one of our prompts. A winner is picked each week to win $250 and is highlighted on our Reedsy Prompts page.

Interested in participating in our short story contest? Sign up here for more information! Or you can check out our full Terms of Use and our FAQ page .

Why we love creative writing prompts

If you've ever sat in front of a computer or notebook and felt the urge to start creating worlds, characters, and storylines — all the while finding yourself unable to do so — then you've met the author's age-old foe: writer's block. There's nothing more frustrating than finding the time but not the words to be creative. Enter our directory! If you're ready to kick writer's block to the curb and finally get started on your short story or novel, these unique story ideas might just be your ticket.

This list of 1800+ creative writing prompts has been created by the Reedsy team to help you develop a rock-solid writing routine. As all aspiring authors know, this is the #1 challenge — and solution! — for reaching your literary goals. Feel free to filter through different genres, which include...

Dramatic — If you want to make people laugh and cry within the same story, this might be your genre.

Funny — Whether satire or slapstick, this is an opportunity to write with your funny bone.

Romance — One of the most popular commercial genres out there. Check out these story ideas out if you love writing about love.

Fantasy — The beauty of this genre is that the possibilities are as endless as your imagination.

Dystopian – Explore the shadowy side of human nature and contemporary technology in dark speculative fiction.

Mystery — From whodunnits to cozy mysteries, it's time to bring out your inner detective.

Thriller and Suspense — There's nothing like a page-turner that elicits a gasp of surprise at the end.

High School — Encourage teens to let their imaginations run free.

Want to submit your own story ideas to help inspire fellow writers? Send them to us here.

After you find the perfect story idea

Finding inspiration is just one piece of the puzzle. Next, you need to refine your craft skills — and then display them to the world. We've worked hard to create resources that help you do just that! Check them out:

  • How to Write a Short Story That Gets Published — a free, ten-day course by Laura Mae Isaacman, a full-time editor who runs a book editing company in Brooklyn.
  • Best Literary Magazines of 2023 — a directory of 100+ reputable magazines that accept unsolicited submissions.
  • Writing Contests in 2023 — the finest contests of 2021 for fiction and non-fiction authors of short stories, poetry, essays, and more.

Beyond creative writing prompts: how to build a writing routine

While writing prompts are a great tactic to spark your creative sessions, a writer generally needs a couple more tools in their toolbelt when it comes to developing a rock-solid writing routine . To that end, here are a few more additional tips for incorporating your craft into your everyday life.

  • NNWT. Or, as book coach Kevin Johns calls it , “Non-Negotiable Writing Time.” This time should be scheduled into your routine, whether that’s once a day or once a week. Treat it as a serious commitment, and don’t schedule anything else during your NNWT unless it’s absolutely necessary.
  • Set word count goals. And make them realistic! Don’t start out with lofty goals you’re unlikely to achieve. Give some thought to how many words you think you can write a week, and start there. If you find you’re hitting your weekly or daily goals easily, keep upping the stakes as your craft time becomes more ingrained in your routine.
  • Talk to friends and family about the project you’re working on. Doing so means that those close to you are likely to check in about the status of your piece — which in turn keeps you more accountable.

Arm yourself against writer’s block. Writer’s block will inevitably come, no matter how much story ideas initially inspire you. So it’s best to be prepared with tips and tricks you can use to keep yourself on track before the block hits. You can find 20 solid tips here — including how to establish a relationship with your inner critic and apps that can help you defeat procrastination or lack of motivation.


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Romance Writing Prompts ⭢

Sad Writing Prompts ⭢

Science Fiction Writing Prompts ⭢

Short Story Writing Prompts ⭢

Spring Writing Prompts ⭢

Summer Writing Prompts ⭢

Teens Writing Prompts ⭢

Thanksgiving Writing Prompts ⭢

Thriller and Suspense Writing Prompts ⭢

Valentine's Day Writing Prompts ⭢

Vampire Writing Prompts ⭢

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Home › University › What is an EPQ? A Complete Guide

What is an EPQ? A Complete Guide

  • Published April 30, 2024

Blonde girl on desk studying on laptop

Table of Contents

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is essentially an extra project you can complete during your A-Level studies. Introduced in 2006 by Sir Mike Tomlinson, the EPQ can be a fantastic way to improve your skills, prepare for higher education, and make yourself more appealing to top universities- not least because the EPQ contributes to your UCAS points. If that sounds interesting, here’s everything you need to know about the EPQ.

What is an EPQ?

In short, the EPQ is a standalone qualification similar to an A-Level. Most often, it takes the form of an extended essay, like a mini-dissertation. However, there are four ways to complete the project:

  • Dissertation: A 5000-6000-word piece of independent, research-informed writing.
  • Investigation/Field Study: Similar to the dissertation, but informed by primary research research, such as lab-based experiments or fieldwork.
  • Performance: A performance created and given by the student, accompanied by a 1000-word analysis.
  • Artefact: Media, artwork (including 2D art and sculptures), or technical products produced by the student and accompanied by a 1000-word analysis.

Students can choose their own topic, which gives them a chance to research something they’re interested in, even if it isn’t related to their studies. However, it’s usually a good idea to choose something related to your intended university degree. This can help you become a more critical and independent learner in your subject of interest (more on the benefits of completing an EPQ below).

Alongside the project itself, you’ll also need to create a logbook of your work and present your findings at the end.

creative writing epq ideas

Benefits of Completing an EPQ

Completing an EPQ has numerous benefits. Some of these benefits are related to your personal development as a student, and others concern getting into university.

Some of the benefits of the EPQ include:

  • Becoming a more independent learner with enhanced critical and reflective thinking skills.
  • Developing decision-making and problem-solving skills.
  • Learning how to plan, research, analyse, present, and more.
  • Learning how to confidently apply technologies to your studies.
  • Improving your A-Level scores thanks to your new skills.
  • Becoming a more attractive university prospect.

Most students undertake the EPQ in preparation for their university studies, but others do it because they have a topic they’re excited to research. 

However, while these benefits are profound, there are some drawbacks of completing an EPQ.

creative writing epq ideas

Pros and Cons of Doing an EPQ

The EPQ is not for everyone, so you should take careful consideration before applying. Here are some pros and cons to help you decide.

What Do Universities Think of the EPQ?

For many students, how universities view the EPQ is an important deciding factor. If you’re interested in the EPQ, you’re in luck. Generally, universities look favourably towards it as an extra qualification, and they understand that students pick up extra skills that could be useful in their studies. 

Currently, all 24 Russell Group universities accept the EPQ as a qualification. Some universities lower their grade offerings for students with an EPQ, acknowledging the independent research and analysis skills gained during its completion.

Furthermore, both Oxbridge universities accept this qualification. Oxford states that the EPQ won’t impact its offer, but says, “ the EPQ will provide an applicant with the opportunity to develop research and academic skills relevant for study at Oxford. Candidates are encouraged to draw upon relevant EPQ experience when writing their personal statement .”

Meanwhile, Cambridge actively encourages the EPQ . The website says, “ We encourage applicants to take an EPQ. It will help to develop independent study and research skills, which are valuable for higher education .”

In part, the positive view of this qualification is down to the EPQ UCAS points. So, what is an EPQ worth?

Students can obtain up to 28 UCAS Points for their EPQ, which is always an attractive prospect to universities.

Is an EPQ Equivalent to an A-Level?

There is some confusion around EPQ, A-Level, and other further education qualifications. Primarily, many students want to know: what qualification is an EPQ?

An EPQ is not an A-Level. Instead, it’s an additional qualification that you take at sixth form or college alongside your other qualifications such as BTECs or A-Levels. Read our article: A-Level requirement for popular university degrees  

It can be helpful to frame this another way–what is an EPQ equivalent to? Essentially, the EPQ is worth around half of an A-Level. An A* at A-Level earns you 56 points, while the same grade in the EPQ is worth 28. In other words, it’s similar to an AS-Level.

How Many Hours Per Week Should Be Spent on an EPQ?

One of the primary challenges of the EPQ is time management. After all, you have to balance your research with studying for your other subjects. 

You have around six months to complete the entire project, which is roughly 130 weekdays. However, many schools set early deadlines so that the EPQ is out of the way before exams.The AQA recommends spending at least 120 hours on your EPQ, which includes researching, writing, and creating a logbook.

You can manage your time however you choose. Remember that, for standard A Levels, you should spend 5 hours per week studying outside of school. For the EPQ, 30-45 minutes per day is usually enough. Ideally, you should spend longer on your A-Levels, since these are worth more points.

creative writing epq ideas

General Facts About the EPQ

The EPQ is an exciting opportunity for students, but if you’re still undecided, it can help to learn more about it. Here’s more information.

What Topic Can You Do Your EPQ on?

You can complete a project on any topic of your choice. It’s a good idea to choose something that you’re passionate about or you intend to study at university. It’s also recommended to pick a subject that isn’t too broad, and something with a decent amount of academic research to draw on during your project.

For EPQ topic inspiration, read our article: 600 EPQ Ideas and Examples – The Ultimate List

How is the EPQ Graded?

EPQs are graded A* to E, with UCAS Points awarded for each grade. The marking schemes vary depending on the overseeing body, with AQA, Edexcel, OCR, and WJEC all offering EPQs.

Generally, the weighting is as follows:

  • 20% for project planning and time management
  • 20% for using resources and research skills
  • 40% for developing an idea and producing the outcome
  • 20% for reflection and presentation

How Does the EPQ Affect Learning?

According to Cambridge research , there is a significant correlation between students who take the EPQ and students who progress to higher education. This is consistent even after taking into account prior attainment.

Cambridge also found that EPQ students were less likely to drop out of university, though the difference between EPQ and non-EPQ students is minimal because drop-out rates were low throughout the study.

Other research from AQI suggests that EPQ students are more likely to obtain high grades at university. Between 2017 and 2021, the proportion of EPQ students with a high-grade degree (a 1st or a 2:1) was always over 90%. Meanwhile, the cohort of students without EPQs never exceeded 90%.

What Grades Do Most People Get in the EPQ?

Grades vary from year to year. However, a lot of EPQ students are high-performing and can obtain a great grade.

According to the AQA , 22.6% of EPQ students in 2022 received an A*, 26.5% got an A, and 21% got a B.

How Common is the EPQ?

The EPQ is fairly common. Between 2008 and 2013, it was mandatory as part of the 14-19 Diploma.

These days, around 30,000 students take the EPQ each year. 

creative writing epq ideas

How Do You Get a Good Grade in the EPQ?

If you’re looking to get an A* in the EPQ, there are a few steps you can take. Firstly, look at the mark scheme to get an idea of how you can reach full marks. Then, you can work backwards to find an interesting topic with lots of potential.

From there, here are some extra tips:

  • Check out our study tips guide to learn more about research
  • Pick a topic that has lots of academic research
  • Find a question that interests you and that you can create a unique angle on
  • Fill in your log as you go so you don’t waste time at the end
  • Go into detail in your writing
  • Take your time, and try not to rush it
  • Learn how to write an amazing academic essay

With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to getting a good grade for your EPQ.

Should You Take an EPQ?

There are plenty of reasons to take an EPQ, from increasing your university prospects to learning new skills, or even the opportunity to learn more about your passion. However, the EPQ is not suitable for everyone; it’s a long qualification that adds extra time to your studies.

You don’t need an EPQ to get into university, so if it’s not for you, then that’s okay. Nevertheless, if you’re interested in a top university, it could be worth considering to set you apart.

Get Expert Assistance with Your EPQ

If you’re thinking about completing your EPQ, don’t do it alone. Get expert help and advice from Oxbridge academics, ready to guide you throughout the process and hone your skills. Here at Immerse Education, we’re excited to help you on your path to an excellent university and beyond.

Seeking a programme that not only helps develop critical thinking and research skills but also awards UCAS points? Try our Accredited Online Research Programme which awards 8 UCAS points upon completion today. 

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EPQs: writing up your dissertation

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an opportunity for you to work independently on a topic that really interests you or that you think is important. It is equivalent to an A-level qualification. These articles are designed to help you if you are enrolled on an EPQ.

See previous article in series: Finding and using evidence

Writing up your dissertation.

Being able to communicate well is an essential skill for both university and working life. One of the aims of the EPQ is to help you develop your skills in using different communication tools, so you can communicate what you have found clearly and appropriately for different audiences.

Communication is also a vital part of the research cycle. The progress of research thrives on the exchange, review and discussion of ideas. Writing is one of the ways in which we communicate what we have found out and share it with others. 

Sharing the results of your research by writing well and effectively gives your readers the opportunity to learn from the work you have done.

This article offers suggestions and support for developing your skills in writing in the academic style that is needed for your EPQ dissertation.

Graph of the EPQ cycle

Getting organised .

It’s worth considering a few practical points first. The start of writing is a good time to gather your material together and get yourself organised. 

  • Don’t lose your work
  • Timings & deadlines
  • Organise your records
  • Laying out the document
  • Tables, graphs and charts

You don’t want to find yourself a few days – or hours – from the submission deadline when a computer breakdown or accident means you lose everything you’ve done.

It has happened before, and you don’t want it to happen to you!

Build a routine for backups into your work pattern. For example, when you sit down to write, save a copy (named, for example, Version 1, Version 2 ... Version 25 ...) of the existing document before you make any changes.

And back up your backup. Once a week, make a backup copy of your files (your dissertation, your notes and the resources you have collected) to an external hard drive, memory stick or cloud storage.

Work out how much time you have to write your dissertation, and how much time you want to allocate to each section. (There’ll be more on this shortly under ‘Structuring the dissertation – Start with the structure’.)

Make sure you know – and have written down! – the deadlines for submitting your dissertation, including deadlines for any draft versions your teacher might want to see. Use these to help plan your writing time.

There are many tools to choose from to keep yourself on track.  For example, you could create a table with a list of tasks.

Or you could make a simple Gantt chart, using a spreadsheet. If you use Microsoft Excel, it has some Gantt chart templates. The advantage of a Gantt chart is that it makes it easier to see how you can overlap some tasks, and you can mark important milestones such as submission deadlines .

Example of a Gantt chart

As you have gone through the process of collecting and analysing the evidence you need to answer your research question, you will have gathered records of:

  • what you looked for (the search terms you used in your searches)
  • where you looked (search engines, websites, etc.)
  • what you read / watched / listened to (academic papers, articles, videos, podcasts, etc.)
  • the notes you made on your reading, listening and watching
  • the data you have gathered.

All these sources contribute to the content of your written dissertation. Hopefully you have good records, but if you got a bit behind, now is the time to sort them out and remind yourself what you did and what you found out.

If you need a reminder of what information you need to keep, look back at  Article 2 – Finding and using evidence .

Organising your records and keeping a note of the sources you mention in the text as you write helps you build a comprehensive reference list.

There is more information on how to set out your reference list later in this article (see ‘Structuring the dissertation – Referencing styles’ ).

Laying out your document in a clear and neat style helps make your readers’ life easier.

For the  text , use a classic font such as Arial, Helvetica or Times New Roman. It’s best to avoid quirky fonts such as Comic Sans, or difficult to read fonts such as Lucida handwriting.

For easy reading, the  font  shouldn’t be too small. 11 or 12 point is a popular choice for the main (or body) text, which is usually black in colour. You can use larger fonts for headings and sub-headings, and perhaps make them bold or a different colour.

Generous margins also make the document easier to read. As a guide, around half the area of the page should be white space; on an A4 page, that means margins of about 2cm all round.

Use the paragraph styling tool . It’s well worth investing some time learning to use paragraph styling in  Microsoft Word  and  Mac Pages ; it can really speed up the creation of long documents and help you produce good-looking work.

This tool gives you control over the appearance of the text in your document. For example, you can use it to include automatic numbering for your headings ( Word  or  Pages ). This means you don’t have to manually change all the numbering if you insert a new heading or delete one that is no longer useful. You can also use automatic numbering for figure and table captions. Or, if you decide you don’t like the font you have used, you can change it in the paragraph style and it will be changed throughout the document.

Some kinds of evidence – such as numeric data – work well when displayed as graphs, charts and tables.

Readers should be able to make sense of the graph, chart or table without explanation.

Look at Table 2. Is it clear what information the creator wanted to share?

A better example can be seen below in Table 3:

Graphs and charts need titles too. They should also have axis titles (naming what is plotted on each axis, with the relevant units) and axis labels (the values plotted).

When it comes to plotting graphs, using different shapes or line styles can help readers distinguish different data points or collections of data on a single graph. You can use contrasting colours, but keep in mind that too many colours can be distracting for the reader. And some readers – for example, people who are colour-blind or have vision problems – might not be able to distinguish between certain colours, so choose carefully.

Look at Figure 3. Does it have all the elements of a good graph? Could anything be improved?

Comparison of four search terms used in Google in the UK from Jan to May 2021.

This has many of the requirements of a good graph. The title explains what the graph is about, the axes are labelled and the four search terms are each given their own colour, with a key to show which is which.

It could be made better by:

  • making the graph larger, so that the four lines are more separate
  • choosing different colours – the orange for ‘Perseverance’ and the yellow for ‘astrobiology’ are difficult to distinguish from each other.

Evidently, something interesting must have happened in mid-February to cause this spike in searches – you might remember that on 18 February 2021, the NASA Mars Perseverance Rover mission landed on Mars!

Structuring the dissertation .

Facing a blank page and the prospect of writing 5000 or so words can feel daunting. But you can structure the way you write to help make the task easier.

  • Start with the structure
  • Facing the blank page
  • The narrative arc
  • Finishing things off
  • Referencing styles

Starting with the structure will help you consider how you want the dissertation to flow, and how to allocate your time and effort.

This example, taken from the Edexcel documentation, gives a suggested word count for the different sections of a ‘research review’ dissertation. All the exam boards publish their requirements, so you should  check the requirements for your board and the type of EPQ you are doing .

A ‘research review’ dissertation would probably follow something like the structure above. For other kinds of project, check with your teacher or look at the exam board’s requirements.  Knowing what structure the exam board is expecting helps you to know where to focus your effort.

In Table 4, you can see that the biggest section of the dissertation is the discussion/development/analysis of the argument, so it would make sense to spend the largest part of your writing time on this section. Look back at the Gantt chart under ‘Getting organised – Tables, graphs and charts’ for an example of time allocated in this way.

You’ve opened a new document.  You know the sections you need to include.

How do you get started on the sentences that will fill the gaps in between?  Two researchers offered suggestions from their experience.

Robert, a space scientist.

Robert, a space scientist, says he usually works out the first paragraph in his head before sitting down to write.

  • Ann’s summary

This is how Charlotte described her approach. First step, open a Word document!

Second step, write titles and sub-headings on the page. These can be working titles that you can come back to and polish once you have developed the document. But getting that structure down on the page is a key step for Charlotte in building the document and working out how the manuscript is going to flow. Once she’s broken the document up into sections, it feels much less daunting for her. Instead of starting at word one of six thousand, she’s working on smaller, more manageable chunks – word one of a hundred, or two hundred.

Step three is to write down the aims, objectives and scope of the document. And then she goes on to write the conclusions. And she says yes, that’s not a typo – if you’ve done a good job of researching the topic, developing the aims and objectives and making your notes, then writing the conclusion first should be relatively easy. The benefit of writing the end of your manuscript before the beginning is that you’re less likely to go off on tangents when you’re writing the rest of the manuscript, because you know where you’re heading.

If you feel you’ve thoroughly researched your topic and you’re still finding it hard to work out what your conclusions are, then it may be a good idea to turn your research notes into a presentation, during which you can ask yourself ‘what key message do I want the audience to walk away with?’, and that will be your conclusion.

Step five: write the remaining sections of the dissertation, justifying and building your arguments for each conclusion.

Charlotte’s main points

Photo of Charlotte

Charlotte’s steps are:

  • Open a Word document!
  • Write titles and sub-headings on the page.
  • Write down the aims, objectives and scope of the document.
  • Write the conclusion – ask yourself ‘what key message do I want the audience to walk away with?’
  • Write the remaining sections, justifying and building your arguments for each conclusion.

Headings and sub-headings

Charlotte described how she likes to set up the headings and sub-headings that structure her writing, even though she knows they might change as the document develops.

Using descriptive headings, such as ‘The history of ...’ tells the reader what to expect in that section or chapter. This is sometimes called ‘signposting’, because the headings and sub-headings guide the reader around your work. 

As well as descriptive headings, you can number your headings and sub-headings: 

  • Section 1: An introduction to… 
  • Section 1.1 : The history of ... 

This means you can refer the reader back and forth (e.g. ‘see Section 1.2’), which cuts down repetition and wasted words.

Both approaches have the merit of getting something on to the blank page, which makes it look much less scary.

Whether you start with an opening paragraph, a set of headings, or another method that works for you, getting those first few words on the page is one of the biggest hurdles to clear.

Narrative – the story thread that runs through any piece of work we create – is important in any piece of writing.  Stories keep people’s attention, as storytellers have known for hundreds of years. Writers, broadcasters and podcasters continue to make use of this fact today.

One way to think about how you shape your story is to consider its narrative arc. Yes, even the most ‘science-y’ of dissertations has a story.

Click on the crosses on Figure 6 to find out more about the components of the narrative arc.

Figure 6   The narrative arc

Points on the narrative arc

Description : A parabolic curve representing the narrative arc of a story. The first half of the curve rises to a peak, showing the points that   build interest  in the story. The second half falls back to the baseline, showing how we  reflect   on the details of the story and bring it to a close.

– In the Introduction , attract the reader’s attention at the start, perhaps by telling them what got you interested in the question; a personal interest, an ambition or a desire to know more about a topic.

– In the Introduction , describe the journey to your research question. Make sure you do actually tell your reader what your question is (you’d be surprised how often people forget that!)


– In the Research Review section, you show the reader how you found your evidence; tell them about the keywords you used, the mindmaps, flowcharts, tables you made; what information was important and what was not; what stayed in and what didn’t.

– This is your analysis of the material you found, showing how you pulled together the information you uncovered in your review and what it meant for your question. However, this isn’t an absolute rule; where you put the analysis depends on the kind of dissertation you are writing.

– Tell the reader what you found out and how it relates to what is already known.

– Use the Conclusion to round off your story. What’s the answer to your research question? What did you discover? What’s still not known?

There are a couple of sections of the dissertation that are best dealt with towards the end of the writing process: abstract and bibliography.

The abstract

At the beginning of the dissertation, you should provide a short summary or abstract.

An abstract is like a trailer for a film or television programme. It gives the reader a sense of what’s in the dissertation. However, unlike a trailer, it’s OK to give away the ending! Someone who only reads the abstract, and never looks at the dissertation, should still understand the scope of your work.

For this reason, it’s easier to write the abstract towards the end of your writing time, when you have a complete picture of your work in your mind.

The abstract is usually quite short (perhaps only 200 words) and is written in one paragraph. That’s not much space, so what should you include?

A typical abstract would tell the reader:

  • why  you did this research –  the question you set out to answer
  • how  you did the research –  the methods you used to collect the data and where you looked for it
  • what  you found out –  a summary of your main findings
  • the  key message  –  the answer to your question; if your readers could remember just one thing from your dissertation, this would be it.

One way to approach writing the abstract is to read through your dissertation section by section. For each section, write one or two sentences that summarise the main point. Click on ‘example’ to see what we mean.

The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is growing rapidly among young people, but the usefulness and safety of some therapies is controversial. Therefore, I investigated the question: what are the best places to reach young people with information about CAM?

Using Google Scholar, I searched for articles using different combinations of these search terms: ‘alternative medicine’, ‘complementary medicine’, understanding, knowledge, motivation, CAM. I filtered the results to keep only articles that related to the use of CAM by young people. I defined ‘young’ as people under the age of 25. I downloaded twenty complete papers, articles and other resources from open access sources and the Open University research repository.

Use of CAM by young people has increased since 2000. Young women use CAM more than young men. The most common sources for getting information about CAM are friends and family and social media.

Key message

The best way to provide information for young people about CAM is through social media.

Take away the headings and polish the sentences and you have an abstract:

The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is growing rapidly among young people, but the usefulness and safety of some therapies is controversial. Therefore, I investigated the question: what are the best places to reach young people with information about CAM? Using Google Scholar, I searched for articles using different combinations of these search terms: ‘alternative medicine’, ‘complementary medicine’, understanding, knowledge, motivation, CAM. I filtered the results to keep only articles that related to the use of CAM by young people. I defined ‘young’ as people under the age of 25. My search found twenty relevant papers, articles and other resources, which I downloaded from open access sources and the Open University research repository. My results show that young people’s most common sources for information about CAM are friends and family and social media. Therefore, I believe that using social media is the best way to provide information about CAM for young people.

The bibliography or reference list

The last thing to include in your dissertation is the bibliography or reference list * .

Your reference list shows the people who read (and mark!) your dissertation how well you have researched your subject and how your arguments are supported by evidence from other people’s research. 

It is also evidence of how you have been open and honest in your work. Readers can use it to find the sources that you used and check that you have read and used them correctly. 

Using your reference list, a reader should be able to find that source for themselves if they want to follow up an idea or check something you have written. Including a reference list helps you avoid plagiarism (passing off someone else’s work as your own), because readers can check the original source if they have any doubts.

If you need a reminder of what information you should keep, look back at  ‘Finding and using evidence – Keeping track’ .

* A reference list is a list of all references to other people’s work that you have mentioned in your dissertation. A bibliography is a list of references, plus the background readings or other material that you have read but not actually mentioned.

The Open University Library Services’  Referencing and plagiarism   page has lots of help and pointers to further information about references and referencing styles.

If you go on to study at university, and have to write essays, assignments and reports, you will be asked to set out – or ‘style’ – reference lists in a specific way. There are many different referencing styles; which one you are asked to use will depend on the subject you are studying and the university’s requirements.

For the EPQ, check the requirements of your exam board or ask your teacher what these are.

Even if you aren’t asked to use a specific style, you should aim to include as much information about the sources as possible. The minimum information would be:

  • the authors’ (or creators’) names
  • the year the source was published
  • the title of the article or book chapter, or the name of the artwork, film or video
  • the title of the journal or the book in which the article/chapter appeared
  • for books – the name of the publisher
  • for online sources – the name of the website and the page on which the article appeared, the URL of the website, and the date on which you read the article*.

*The date you found the article is important for online sources, as websites sometimes disappear or are changed. If the reader can’t find the same article but knows when you found it, that suggests they can trust the source.

These examples are laid out in the Harvard referencing style, which is a style used in many university subjects.

Books and ebooks

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) Title . Edition if later than first. Place of publication: publisher. Series and volume number if relevant.

Mukherjee, S. (2011)  The Emperor of all Maladies .  London: Fourth Estate.

Article from an academic journal

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal , volume number (issue number), page reference. Doi: doi number if available OR Available at: URL (Accessed date)

Ungar, S. (2008) ‘Global bird flu communication: hot crisis and media reassurance’,  Science Communication ,  29(4), 472-497. DOI: 10.1177/1075547008316219

Article from a newspaper or magazine

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) ‘Title of article’, Title of Newspaper , Day and month, Page reference if available. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Rice-Oxley, M. (2021) ‘Do good things come to those who wait?’,  The Guardian ,  26 February. Available at https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/26/do-good-things-come-to-those-who-wait (Accessed 26 February 2021).

Organisation (Year that the page was last updated) Title of web page . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

BBC Online (2020) How New Zealand relied on science and empathy . Available at: bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-52344299 (Accessed 17 September 2020).

Writing clearly .

Good writing takes time, effort and energy. Being able to produce clear, readable, logical and well-argued pieces of writing is important in both university and in your working life.

  • Precise & concise
  • Keep it simple
  • A word about style
  • Quoting others

Sketch of Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal was a seventeenth-century mathematician, physicist, inventor, philosopher and writer.  He once wrote:

‘ Je n’ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que je n’ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte ’ .

–Blaise Pascal, Provincial Letters, Letter XVI, December 1656.

Translation:  ‘I wrote this very long [letter] because I didn’t have the time to make it shorter’.

What do you think Pascal meant by this?

Photo of Claire

Claire, whose research looks for evidence of how we might ‘ sniff’ for life , produced a mind map of what she thinks Pascal meant (Figure 9). The audio below describes her process.

Claire's mind map

Claire’s mind map takes us on quite a journey. Starting from Pascal’s premise that it’s better to write short than long, slower than quicker, makes her think about the need for concision, to look for concise words, words that are specific and measured, not being confusing, the need to choose the right word. Not always easy in English, where one word can have a variety of meanings. 

She suggest perhaps using a thesaurus, but that could lead down the pathway of having too many words to choose from and not being able to decide which one to pick. Thinking about the dissertation, she introduces a word we all dread – waffling! No one wants to be a waffler, and giving too much information might make your readers’ heads explode. 

And yet we must explain our concepts, because we want our writing to be understood by everyone but that means a balance with explaining too much. We need to give enough detail to make our point understood, and scientific, if it’s that kind of research question, without being too complicated. All in all, it comes down to the need to simplify.

More tips from Ann

As Pascal – and Claire – suggest, taking out what isn’t needed is as important as putting in what is.

Writing clearly and to the point takes time, effort and energy. Allow yourself plenty of time to draft, review, get feedback, edit ... draft again, review again, get more feedback, edit again … … check, proof-read, finish.

As we established earlier, your dissertation will have a word allowance. EdExcel, for example, suggests a research review dissertation should be around 6000 words. That sounds like a lot, but then, you’ve done a lot of work that needs to be included.

The exact figure will depend on the exam board’s requirements and the kind of EPQ you have carried out, so check before you start writing, or ask your teacher.

The best writers keep things as simple as possible. It’s a way of being kind to your readers and making the task of reading easier.

However, keeping things simple isn’t simple. As Steve Jobs, the designer and co-founder of Apple said: ‘Simple can be harder than complex: you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple’. The same applies to writing.

When you’ve done a complex piece of work, it’s tempting to think you can only describe it in complex language. But you should try to avoid the pitfall of using over-complicated language. You don’t want to run the risk of sounding pompous or making your text too difficult to understand.

You’ve almost certainly come across simple questions with unnecessarily complicated answers before. Here’s an example. Which is the best answer to this question?

The Up Goer Five challenge

To practise writing in simple language, you can take the Up Goer Five challenge. This is a project by the artist Randall Monroe, creator of  XKCD . 

The challenge is to explain a  hard idea using only the ‘ten hundred’ most common words  in the English language.  As an example, how might we explain ‘astrobiology’?:

We think about where we might find living things. We take stuff from places – dry places, cold places, hot places – and we put it in stuff that we think has what living things need to grow. We wait, then we use a seeing-small-things tool to look for the living things. At the moment, we look at stuff from here but one day, we want to look at stuff from other stars.

Screenshot from the UpGoer project

Have a go at using the  Up Goer Five text editor  (which has a  link to the ten hundred most common words ) to explain an idea related to your research topic. If you find it tricky to think of an idea, here are a few to get you started:

  • global warming and its consequences
  • what causes earthquakes
  • the problems caused by the misuse of antibiotics.

You wouldn’t write your dissertation in this style, but experimenting with writing like this helps develop skills in keeping things simple, avoiding jargon and complicated language and writing in short sentences and paragraphs.

We all write in different ways every day, depending on who we’re writing for. The style of a textbook is different from the style of a WhatsApp message; we write an email to a family member in a different style from the way we would write a personal statement for a university application.

When we write anything, we start by thinking about our readers and the kind of writing they are expecting to see.

For the EPQ dissertation, start by checking the requirements of the exam board you are studying with. It is very likely that the exam board will want the dissertation to be written in a formal style; the kind of style you will have seen in the academic articles and books you drew on in your research.

Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work as your own. It is, essentially, theft of someone else’s work. 

Learning alongside a friend, discussing ideas or sharing your thoughts can be helpful and valuable. We have also encouraged you to take notes on everything that you find. So, it is likely that you have ideas you want to present in your report that are not entirely your own.

Plagiarism can occur in a variety of ways. It can mean copying someone else’s text and passing it off as your own, or copying and pasting text/images from a web page and pretending they are your own work. It can also overlap with what is called ‘collusion’, which means collaborating with someone to share work on a task that you are expected to complete by yourself.

Try this interactive resource from OpenLearn to understand some of the challenges and ways to avoid plagiarism. This is aimed at university students, but it will be relevant for the EPQ.

All my own work

All my own work

Plagiarism comes in all shapes and forms. Step into the shoes of a university student to learn the challenges and temptations facing her during her assignment, and help make it all her own work.

Level: 1 Introductory

There will be points in your dissertation when you want to present ideas that have come from someone else’s work. How can you do this while avoiding plagiarism?

Identify your sources

If you have used an image, graph or chart created by someone else, identify where the image has come from and who made it.

Responses to feedback

You might remember this image from  Article 1 , in the section on dealing with feedback.

This image comes from an online picture library, creazilla.com. They have placed it in the ‘public domain’, which means it can be re-used freely. Show this information in the image caption within your work.

If you create a graph, chart or table yourself, identify the source of the data, as you saw earlier in ‘ Getting organised – Tables, graphs and charts ’.

If you find a phrase or a sentence in a source that helpfully illustrates a point you are trying to make, you can quote that in your work. You must quote it exactly as the authors wrote it. After the quote, you give the name of the author, the date of publication and the page where the quote is from. Then give the full reference in your reference list (see ‘ Structuring the dissertation – Referencing styles ’). For example:

This shows that the format of an infographic can influence people’s responses to the evidence. For example, ‘ graphs commonly used to show descriptive statistics, such as line or area graphs, may also appear “scientific” and create a pseudo sense of trustworthiness ’ (Li et al., 2018, p. 4).

The quote marks (‘…’) show which words are the quote.  

We use the Latin phrase ‘et al.’ (meaning ‘and others’) when an article has more than three authors, so that the reader doesn’t have to read through a long list of names. In the reference list, you would see the full list of authors along with the other source details:

Li, N., Brossard, D., Scheufele, D., Wilson, P. and Rose, K. (2018) ‘Communicating data: interactive infographics, scientific data and credibility’,  Journal of Science Communication, 17(2), A06. DOI: 10.22323/2.17020206

When you paraphrase, you express an idea that has come from someone else in your own words. You might do this to re-state the idea in simpler language, or to bring together the ideas of several writers on the same topic. Paraphrasing can also help you show that any new ideas you’ve put together from your research are supported by earlier research.

You should show where the ideas you have paraphrased came from, but because you are not directly quoting, you need only give the authors’ names and the date of publication. For example:

My survey of fifty young people aged 16 to 18 showed that their social media posts were most often connected with current events. This is supported by earlier research, which shows that the most common topics for young people’s posts are current events, health and fitness, and celebrity and entertainment news, closely followed by science and technology (Hargittai, Füchslin & Schäfer, 2018) .

In the reference list, you would see:

Hargittai, E., Füchslin, T. and Schäfer, M. (2018) ‘How do young adults engage with science and research on social media?’,  Social Media + Society, July-September 2018, 1-10, DOI: 10.1177/205630511879772

Although your dissertation must be all your own work, you can ask for help to review what you have written.

How do you ask for help, then, while keeping the dissertation all your own work and avoiding plagiarism?

Reviews – who and when?

Before you ask someone to review your work, you can check some things for yourself. 

Check the  spelling  and  grammar . Microsoft Word has built-in tools, or you can use online ones such as  Grammarly . The more technically correct your writing is, the more your reviewers will be able to focus their energy on the content.

Then  read it all through yourself . Some people like to read through silently, line by line, others prefer to read the text out loud. You can record yourself and listen back later, or use the Read Aloud function in Word, if you’re using that software. This has the advantage of using a different part of your brain – when you listen, you hear mistakes that you just don’t see in writing.

After you have reviewed it yourself, ask others to do the same. Getting someone else’s feedback on your work is immensely valuable. This is where you can collaborate with friends or classmates – if you ask them to review your work, you can offer to review theirs. And families can help too; even if they don’t know anything about your topic, the questions they ask will help you review your work.

  • Michael asks for help
  • Who could you ask for help?

Photo of Michael

Listen to the audio in the next tab about how Michael, who is a microbiologist, asks for help. When does he do this, and who does he ask?

Michael turns to his colleagues, his family and his senior colleagues at work. He asks for help at different stages: perhaps when he’s struggling a little, when he’s written the first draft and later on at the final stages, when he’s finished editing.

For Michael, feedback is incredibly important, not only for the actual content of the work, but for assessing how easy it is to understand. And he felt it’s always important to consider reviews of our writing from the viewpoint that the reviewer wants to help us improve our work, not criticise it. In terms of who he asks, first he calls on his peers; when he was at school, friends in his class and year, and now his colleagues, who can comment on the content of the work and how easy it is for them to follow. When he was at school, he also turned to his parents. During high school, his parents helped with input on grammar, spelling and how easy it was to understand. Now, his wife performs that role. As he says, by having someone from outside the field review your work, you can gain valuable insights. He also thinks about his seniors – in his current job, his senior colleagues will read multiple drafts of a manuscript before it’s complete. This is always an advantage – it allows him to get input from someone more experienced and means the work is improved.

In terms of when, he asks for help when he’s struggling, perhaps to find the right direction for a piece of work. Discussing the work with a friend or a teacher can start him developing insights on where it should start. Certainly after completing and spell-checking a first draft, he’ll ask for help.

And of course it’s always important to go back and review after editing, because when you change a piece of work, it’s easy to introduce errors, as well as fix them.


Extended Project Qualification banner

Other articles in this series...

EPQs: designing your research question

EPQs: designing your research question

You’ve already decided to do an EPQ, so it might seem a little odd to start this resource by asking you to consider why you want to do a research project. People do an EPQ for all sorts of reasons. Why do you want to do an EPQ?

EPQs: finding and using evidence

EPQs: finding and using evidence

Finding the evidence that will help you understand a topic or answer a question is an important stage in the research process. And once you have found it, you will need to examine it closely and carefully, to judge how reliable it is and whether it is useful to help you answer your question.

EPQs: why give a presentation?

EPQs: why give a presentation?

What are the guidelines for the presentation?

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  • Originally published: Friday, 3 March 2023
  • Body text - Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 : The Open University
  • Image 'Graph of the EPQ cycle' - Copyright: Ann Grand
  • Image 'Comparison of four search terms used in Google in the UK from Jan to May 2021.' - Copyright: Ann Grand
  • Image 'Robert, a space scientist.' - Copyright: Robert from AstrobiologyOU
  • Image 'Sketch of Blaise Pascal' - Copyright: Wikimedia Commons
  • Image 'Photo of Claire' - Copyright: Claire Batty
  • Image 'Claire's mind map' - Copyright: Claire Batty
  • Image 'Screenshot from the UpGoer project' - Copyright: XKCD
  • Image 'Responses to feedback ' - Copyright: creazilla.com Public Domain boy crying angry woman happy man
  • Image 'Photo of Michael' - Copyright: Michael Macey
  • Image 'Extended Project Qualification banner' - Copyright: ©  Betta0147  |  Dreamstime.com
  • Image 'All my own work' - The Open University under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license
  • Image 'EPQs: why give a presentation?' - Alphabet Yellow © Betta0147 | Dreamstime.com under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license
  • Image 'EPQs: writing up your dissertation' - © Betta0147 | Dreamstime.com under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license
  • Image 'EPQs: finding and using evidence' - Alphabet Yellow © Betta0147 | Dreamstime.com under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license
  • Image 'EPQs: designing your research question' - © Betta0147 | Dreamstime.com under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license

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EPQ Artefact Ideas

EPQs are an excellent method of showing universities that you’re the ideal candidate for their courses and that you merit an opportunity to take part in any of the courses they offer.

An EPQ is a massive quantity of research (which confirms your ability to do tasks that are similar to university) and lets you present your original ideas and academic rigor This is exactly the kind of thing universities seek.

What is an Artefact?

An artefact could be a physical result, like the book or short film, or be a display

for a certain audience, a performance to a specific audience, or an event, such as an fashion show or musical

In reality, there is virtually no limit to what could be an artefact, so long as it is

Research at its heart.

Artefacts are a type of project that students can undertake as an alternative to their EPQ research paper that is 5000-words. Like other EPQ projects, in order to create an artefact, you have to

  • maintain a detailed production log
  • Create an artifact/final project
  • write a research-based report of one thousand word limit.

What is an EPQ?

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a separate qualification that was designed to enhance and strengthen your abilities in independent research and managing projects.

An EPQ is an individual research project that you conduct your own. The result can be an essay of 5000 words and/or an “artefact” supported by one-2000 words of research report providing the research conducted by academics that led to the creation of the artifact.

The EPQ Artefact List

It is a self-directed project. EPQ is a self-directed certification for projects, and the topic of which you have chosen

From anywhere you want to know about the world around from anywhere in the world that interests.

You may choose to create an “artefact” or a shorter report, rather than a longer

written report. It can be any thing, for instance an object that is designed, or the dramatic

Production, a piece of music or an investigation in Science.

The book could be non-fiction or fiction. The book can be anything , as you’ve used many different resources The process is documented and there is enough degree of complexity within the project.

2. Creative Writing

Your original piece of writing could take any of the types of writing: poem, manifesto document, short story, document play, description skit, movie/television screenplay speech or memoir.

The principal goal of writing creatively is to express human experience. It is not technical or academic; rather it is unique and self-expressive.

These websites here as well as here will give you an array of creative writing prompts that are great.

Much like a book, you’ll have virtually infinite possibilities to making videos. It is important to confirm the time the video will be able to last with the EPQ artefact manager. Also, you should consider talking with your supervisor regarding the 10-minute time limit for your presentation.

An event is planned social or public gathering. For an event with success it is necessary to take care of a number of things like extensive research, branding and marketing the event, setting an appropriate budget, forming an appropriate team, and planning and coordinating all of it.

There’s a myriad of options for developing an app. You can enhance an existing app, develop an app that will be in high amount of interest or create an app to address the issue you are facing.

Most apps are developed to enhance efficiency or to solve problems. To create an app, you have to master code. If you’re adept at math, logic and highly technical subjects then this EPQ idea for an artefact is perfect for you.

6. Prototype

Prototypes are the first version of a product or model, from which later designs are created. Prototypes are designed to test the original design of the product, show the licensees or investors how to improve the final product.

7. New Research, and Experimentation

You can pick any topic for your initial study and experimentation so you can have clearly defined goals.

You should be objective in conducting the research and experiments.

It is not necessary to test something that’s never previously done. Making improvements to an existing experiment can be used for this EPQ artefacts project.

Reviewing the artefact in conjunction with the EPQ supervisor is the best way to be sure you’ve met all specifications.

What Time Does the Epq Begin and End?

The Barney EPQ begins at to the start of the year 12 Lent time (January) to the conclusion of Michaelmas term of Y13 (December).

But, it doesn’t mean that you can’t begin making plans for an EPQ before this. In fact, doing the preparatory work (see the section below) in order to draw on an idea throughout the Michaelmas term will aid you in starting with your EPQ in January.

This can help avoid needing to switch your thoughts around in the event that you run into dead ends.

What Can You Benefit From An EPQ?

The EPQ lets you start a self-directed task. In taking on the selection and development of your individual project (or the individual role in an ensemble project) you’ll:

* Develop into a more critical, reflective , and self-directed learner.

• Improve your research, planning and analysis, as well as evaluation, synthesis and presentation abilities;

* Learn and use decision-making and problem-solving abilities;

• Show creativity, initiative and enterprise

• Increase your enthusiasm to study for other A-levels by studying a similar area of personal interest.

* Master the art of applying new technology with confidence

* Apply your new knowledge to other subjects of study

You may choose to make an “artefact” as well as a short report instead of a lengthy written report. It could be anything, for example, a design or a dramatic performance or performance, a piece of music or Scientific research.

In the best case, an EPQ may be a revelatory experience of self-discovery, which could be the beginning of a long-term inquiry and also it could be the start of an new connection to a specific issue or subject.

It is also the final and most important component of your EPQ artefacts project. But the production log and report are also significant on the final grade. Your EPQ grade is cumulative and is affected by many variables.

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creative writing epq ideas

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450 Ideas and Everything You Need to Know About the EPQ

450 Ideas and Everything You Need to Know About the EPQ

  • The EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) is a great way to earn extra UCAS points
  • It can be an essay, or it can be an entirely different project
  • It has many benefits, especially for students looking at top universities
  • You can choose from an endless selection of EPQ topic ideas and EPQ examples with little restrictions

What Could Your EPQ Be?

An EPQ, or Extended Project Qualification, is a project that can be taken on by A-level students, and it’s worth 50% of an A-level.

Your EPQ could be a:

  • Dissertation of around 5,000 words
  • Project , report or artefact backed up by paper work.

There are little restrictions on what topics could be chosen for your EPQ, as long as it’s approved by your institution. You could target a topic you’re studying, or a topic not taught in an A-level course to demonstrate your interest and intellectual versatility.

Benefits of an EPQ

Some of the best teachers in the world tutor at Crimson! Our expert teachers identified 5 huge benefits that you get out of doing an EPQ:

1. Showcasing Super-Curricular Excellence

Top UK universities look for students who go above and beyond the standard curriculum.

The EPQ allows you to showcase your super-curricular engagement with a favorite academic subject, demonstrating not just knowledge but a genuine passion for learning.

2. Exploring New Subjects

The EPQ gives you an opportunity to study subjects that are not taught at A-level. It gives you a chance to showcase your intellectual versatility, something that top universities love to see .

By exploring a subject not offered at A Level, you exhibit a broad academic curiosity and a hunger for knowledge.

3. Mastering Skills for Academic Success

The EPQ is a golden opportunity to develop independent research, critical thinking, and project management skills – all crucial for thriving in higher education.

When working on your EPQ, you’ll confidently navigate complex research, make informed decisions, and manage a project from inception to completion – skills that set you apart in the competitive admissions landscape.

4. Gaining Additional UCAS Points

In the fierce competition for university spots, every point counts. Completing an EPQ not only enriches your academic profile but also adds those coveted extra UCAS points .

The EPQ could grant you up to an extra 28 UCAS points!

5. Equipping Yourself with Invaluable Transferable Skills

The EPQ is a gateway to acquiring invaluable transferable skills – from effective presentation to confident decision-making.

These skills transcend the classroom, positioning you as a well-rounded candidate prepared to excel both in university and future professional endeavors.

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EPQ Examples

As mentioned above, a dissertation or essay is only one way to approach your EPQ. The EPQ opens doors to so many project possibilities, allowing you to explore your interests and showcase your skills in various creative ways.

20 EPQ Examples:

  • Documentary Film: Create a visually engaging documentary exploring a historical event, social issue, or scientific phenomenon.
  • Podcast Series: Dive into podcasting by producing a series that delves into topics such as literature, culture, or current affairs.
  • Art Exhibition: Showcase your artistic talents by curating an exhibition that explores a theme or conveys a message.
  • Scientific Experiment: Conduct an in-depth scientific experiment and present your findings, methodology, and conclusions.
  • Business Plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan for a startup, considering market analysis, financial projections, and marketing strategies.
  • Creative Writing Portfolio: Craft a collection of short stories, poems, or a novel, displaying your creative writing prowess.
  • Historical Reenactment: Bring history to life by organizing and participating in a historical reenactment event.
  • Mathematical Model: Create a complex mathematical model to solve a real-world problem, demonstrating the practical applications of mathematics.
  • Computer Program or App: Develop a functional computer program or mobile app that addresses a specific need or problem.
  • Educational Board Game: Design and produce an educational board game aimed at teaching a particular subject or skill.
  • Campaign and Advocacy Project: Take on a social or environmental cause, developing and implementing a campaign to raise awareness and provoke change.
  • Musical Composition: Compose an original piece of music or a full musical score for a play, film, or even a video game.
  • Fashion Collection: Design and create a fashion collection, exploring themes such as sustainability or cultural influences.
  • Psychological Experiment: Devise and conduct a psychological experiment, analyzing human behavior or cognitive processes.
  • Architectural Model: Create a detailed architectural model for a theoretical building or urban planning project.
  • Language Learning App: Develop an app focused on language learning, incorporating innovative features to enhance the learning experience.
  • Robotics Project: Build a functional robot, detailing the design process, programming, and potential applications.
  • Photography Exhibition: Showcase your photography skills by curating an exhibition with a theme or message.
  • Health and Fitness Program: Design a personalized health and fitness program, incorporating nutritional plans and exercise routines.
  • Political Analysis Report: Conduct an in-depth analysis of a political issue, policy, or historical event, presenting your findings in a detailed report.

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EPQ Ideas  

Epq ideas for biology.

  • The Impact of Genetic Engineering on Agriculture: A Critical Analysis
  • Exploring CRISPR-Cas9 Technology: Revolutionizing Genetic Editing
  • The Role of Microbiome in Human Health and Disease
  • Comparative Analysis of Plant Adaptations in Different Biomes
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Diet and Gut Microbiota
  • The Ethics of Cloning: Examining the Bioethical Implications
  • The Evolutionary Significance of Biodiversity in Rainforests
  • Stem Cell Research: A Breakthrough in Regenerative Medicine
  • The Interplay Between Genetics and Environmental Factors in Disease Susceptibility
  • Climate Change's Impact on Marine Ecosystems: A Case Study
  • The Use of CRISPR in Treating Genetic Disorders
  • Understanding the Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria
  • The Role of Epigenetics in Inheritance and Gene Expression
  • Analyzing the Impact of Pesticides on Bee Populations
  • The Biochemical Basis of Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Human Evolution: A Comparative Study of Hominid Species
  • The CRISPR Revolution: Opportunities and Ethical Dilemmas
  • The Application of Synthetic Biology in Medicine
  • The Role of Genetics in Cancer: Identifying Biomarkers for Early Detection
  • Exploring the Potential of Gene Therapy in Treating Genetic Disorders
  • The Impact of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs
  • Biological Control of Invasive Species: Balancing Ecosystems
  • The Connection Between Sleep Patterns and Biological Rhythms
  • The Role of Hormones in Human Behavior and Mental Health
  • Analyzing the Genetics of Rare Diseases: Implications for Treatment
  • Evolutionary Ecology of Predator-Prey Relationships
  • The Use of Biotechnology in Crop Improvement and Food Security
  • Investigating the Impact of Endocrine Disruptors on Wildlife
  • The Microbiome and Immune System: Partners in Health
  • Neurobiology of Addiction: Understanding the Biological Basis

EPQ Ideas For Chemistry

  • Green Chemistry: Strategies for Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices
  • Nanotechnology in Medicine: Advancements and Potential Applications
  • Analyzing the Chemistry of Taste: Molecular Basis of Flavor Perception
  • The Role of Catalysts in Chemical Reactions: A Comprehensive Study
  • Synthetic Polymers vs. Biodegradable Polymers: Environmental Impacts
  • Investigating the Chemistry of Superfoods and Their Health Benefits
  • Applications of Electrochemistry in Energy Storage Devices
  • Quantum Dots: Nanoscale Wonders in Electronic and Photonic Devices
  • The Chemistry Behind Drug Design and Development
  • Chemical Analysis of Air Pollutants: Sources and Solutions
  • The Chemistry of Photosynthesis: Unlocking Nature's Energy Secrets
  • Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs): Applications in Gas Storage and Separation
  • Exploring the Chemistry of Perfumes: Molecular Components and Fragrance Design
  • The Impact of pH on Enzyme Activity: Understanding Biological Catalysis
  • Chemical Kinetics: Investigating Reaction Rates and Mechanisms
  • The Chemistry of Art Conservation: Preserving Cultural Heritage
  • Catalytic Converters: Mitigating Environmental Impact in Automobiles
  • Analytical Chemistry Techniques in Forensic Science: Solving Crimes
  • The Chemistry of Food Preservation: From Canning to Refrigeration
  • Understanding the Chemistry of Water Treatment Processes
  • Molecular Gastronomy: The Science Behind Culinary Innovations
  • Supramolecular Chemistry: Designing Complex Molecular Structures
  • The Chemistry of Battery Technologies: Advancements and Challenges
  • Chemical Warfare Agents: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective
  • Exploring the Chemistry of Antioxidants in Health and Wellness
  • The Role of Transition Metals in Biological Systems: Bioinorganic Chemistry
  • Environmental Impact of Pharmaceuticals: Analyzing Residue in Water Systems
  • The Chemistry of Bioluminescence: Illuminating the Natural World
  • Chirality in Drug Development: Importance and Challenges
  • Chemical Aspects of Brewing: From Hops to Fermentation Processes

EPQ Ideas For Physics

  • Quantum Computing: The Future of Information Processing
  • Astrophysics and Dark Matter: Unraveling the Cosmic Mystery
  • The Physics of Renewable Energy: Exploring Sustainable Power Sources
  • String Theory: Investigating the Fundamental Building Blocks of the Universe
  • Applications of Quantum Mechanics in Modern Technology
  • The Physics of Time Travel: Theoretical Possibilities and Paradoxes
  • Nuclear Fusion: Harnessing the Power of the Sun on Earth
  • The Role of Physics in Medical Imaging Technologies
  • The Physics of Music: Acoustics and Instrument Design
  • Quantum Entanglement: Spooky Action at a Distance
  • The Search for Extraterrestrial Life: Astrophysical Approaches
  • Superconductivity: Applications and Challenges in Technology
  • The Physics of Sports: Analyzing the Mechanics Behind Athletic Performance
  • Gravitational Waves: Detecting Ripples in Spacetime
  • The Physics of Climate Change: Understanding the Science Behind Global Warming
  • Particle Physics: Exploring Subatomic Particles and Their Interactions
  • The Physics of Fluid Dynamics: Applications in Engineering and Nature
  • Theoretical Physics and the Nature of Reality: Einstein's Legacy
  • Quantum Teleportation: The Possibilities and Limitations
  • The Physics of Traffic Flow: Modeling and Optimization
  • Black Holes: Nature's Most Mysterious Cosmic Phenomena
  • The Physics of Quantum Computing: Challenges and Breakthroughs
  • The Physics of Roller Coasters: Designing Thrilling Rides
  • The Role of Physics in Medical Diagnostics: Imaging Techniques
  • The Physics of Materials: Properties and Applications
  • Chaos Theory: Understanding Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
  • The Physics of Nuclear Weapons: Science and Global Security
  • The Higgs Boson: Unraveling the Mysteries of Particle Mass
  • The Physics of Artificial Intelligence: Quantum Computing Perspectives
  • Optical Illusions: Exploring the Physics Behind Visual Deceptions

EPQ Ideas for Computer Science

  • Quantum Computing: Promises, Challenges, and Potential Applications
  • Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence: Bias, Accountability, and Transparency
  • Blockchain Technology: Beyond Cryptocurrencies
  • Cybersecurity Threats and Countermeasures in the Digital Age
  • The Impact of Machine Learning on Healthcare: Diagnostics and Treatment
  • Human-Computer Interaction: Designing User-Friendly Interfaces
  • The Evolution of Programming Languages: From Assembly to High-Level Languages
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): Applications and Future Trends
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles
  • Natural Language Processing: Challenges and Advances in Language Understanding
  • Quantum Cryptography: Securing Communication with Quantum Mechanics
  • The Ethics of Data Collection and Privacy in the Internet Age
  • The Rise of Edge Computing: Redefining Cloud Computing Architectures
  • Algorithmic Trading: The Impact of Automated Systems on Financial Markets
  • Computer Vision: Applications in Image Recognition and Analysis
  • The Intersection of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence: Creating Intelligent Machines
  • Big Data Analytics in Business: Extracting Insights from Large Datasets
  • The Role of Machine Learning in Predictive Policing: Benefits and Concerns
  • The Future of Quantum Internet: Secure Communication with Quantum Entanglement
  • Deep Learning: Neural Networks and Their Applications
  • The Dark Web: Unveiling the Hidden Layers of the Internet
  • The Impact of 5G Technology on Communication and Connectivity
  • Programming Quantum Computers: Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Role of Computer Science in Climate Modeling and Environmental Studies
  • Voice Recognition Technology: Advancements and Challenges
  • E-Learning Platforms: The Integration of Technology in Education
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery and Development
  • Digital Forensics: Investigating Cyber Crimes and Security Breaches
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Connecting Devices for a Smart Future
  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD): Revolutionizing Engineering and Architecture

EPQ Ideas For Law

  • The Impact of Cybercrime Laws on Digital Privacy
  • Analyzing the Efficacy of International Human Rights Treaties
  • The Legal Implications of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
  • The Role of Constitutional Law in Shaping National Policies
  • The Evolution of Criminal Law: From Traditional to Cyber Crimes
  • Exploring the Legal and Ethical Dimensions of Euthanasia
  • The Intersection of Law and Medicine: Medical Malpractice Cases
  • Copyright Law in the Digital Age: Challenges and Solutions
  • The Legal Status of Environmental Rights and Responsibilities
  • Comparative Analysis of Legal Systems: Civil Law vs. Common Law
  • The Impact of Social Media on Defamation Laws
  • Legal Issues Surrounding Genetic Engineering and Human Cloning
  • The Role of International Law in Addressing Climate Change
  • The Legal Implications of Biometric Data Collection and Use
  • Examining the Role of Legal Precedent in Judicial Decision-Making
  • The Legalization of Marijuana: Impacts on Society and Legislation
  • The Relationship Between Law and Economics: A Critical Analysis
  • The Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Legal Protections and Challenges
  • The Legal Dimensions of Cybersecurity: Policies and Practices
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Intellectual Property Law
  • The Legal Implications of Mass Surveillance Programs
  • The Role of International Criminal Law in Addressing War Crimes
  • Laws Governing Digital Currency and Cryptocurrencies
  • The Legal and Ethical Issues of DNA Profiling in Criminal Investigations
  • The Legal Status of Privacy in the Workplace
  • The Intersection of Law and Technology: Challenges in the Digital Age
  • LGBTQ+ Rights: Legal Progress and Ongoing Challenges
  • The Legal Implications of Autonomous Vehicles on Traffic Laws
  • Legal Issues Surrounding Data Privacy and Social Media Platforms
  • The Role of Legal Ethics in the Practice of Law

EPQ Ideas for Psychology

  • The Influence of Social Media on Mental Health: A Psychological Perspective
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Sleep Patterns and Cognitive Functioning
  • The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health
  • The Psychology of Addiction: Understanding Behavioral and Substance Dependencies
  • The Role of Positive Psychology in Promoting Well-being and Happiness
  • Analyzing the Effects of Video Games on Aggression and Behavior
  • The Psychological Effects of Social Isolation and Loneliness
  • The Intersection of Psychology and Artificial Intelligence: Ethical Considerations
  • The Psychology of Decision-Making: Factors Influencing Choices
  • Understanding the Psychological Impact of Chronic Illness on Patients
  • The Relationship Between Personality and Career Choice: A Longitudinal Study
  • The Influence of Parenting Styles on Child Development
  • The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination: Exploring Implicit Bias
  • The Effects of Mindfulness and Meditation on Mental Health
  • The Psychology of Procrastination: Causes and Interventions
  • Exploring the Connection Between Music and Mood: The Emotional Power of Music
  • The Impact of Technology on Cognitive Development in Children
  • The Psychology of Body Image: Media Influence and Societal Standards
  • The Role of Attachment Theory in Understanding Interpersonal Relationships
  • The Psychology of Leadership: Traits and Behaviors of Effective Leaders
  • Analyzing the Psychological Factors Contributing to Eating Disorders
  • The Influence of Gender Stereotypes on Career Choices: A Psychological Perspective
  • The Psychology of Resilience: Coping Mechanisms in the Face of Adversity
  • The Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Anxiety and Depression
  • The Psychological Impact of Environmental Factors on Human Behavior
  • The Relationship Between Personality Traits and Academic Achievement
  • The Role of Psychology in Criminal Profiling and Investigative Techniques
  • The Psychological Effects of Virtual Reality: Immersion and Presence
  • Understanding the Psychology of Humor: The Cognitive and Emotional Aspects
  • The Impact of Social Support on Mental Health Outcomes: A Comprehensive Study

EPQ Ideas for History

  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society and Economy
  • The Role of Women in Ancient Civilizations: A Comparative Study
  • The Causes and Consequences of World War I: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • The Significance of the Renaissance in European Cultural and Intellectual History
  • The Legacy of Colonialism in Modern Africa: Social and Economic Impacts
  • The Cultural and Political Effects of the Black Death in Medieval Europe
  • The Rise and Fall of Ancient Empires: A Comparative Study of Rome and Persia
  • The Harlem Renaissance: Cultural Flourishing in 1920s America
  • The Impact of the Silk Road on Global Trade and Cultural Exchange
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis: Cold War Tensions and Nuclear Diplomacy
  • The Enlightenment and Its Influence on Modern Political Thought
  • The Reconstruction Era in the United States: Successes, Failures, and Legacies
  • The Role of Propaganda in Shaping Public Opinion During World War II
  • The Cultural Revolution in China: Socio-Political Changes and Consequences
  • The Mayan Civilization: Achievements, Decline, and Cultural Legacy
  • The Causes and Effects of the French Revolution: A Historical Analysis
  • The Role of Religion in Shaping Medieval European Society
  • The Vietnam War: Causes, Course, and Legacy
  • The Impact of the Bubonic Plague on Medieval European Society
  • The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Historical Roots and Lasting Effects
  • The Suffragette Movement: Women's Struggle for Voting Rights
  • The Partition of India: Historical Roots and Socio-Political Consequences
  • The Cold War Space Race: Scientific Achievements and Political Rivalry
  • The Cultural Exchange Along the Silk Road: Art, Religion, and Ideas
  • The Opium Wars in China: Imperialism and Its Consequences
  • The Golden Age of Islamic Civilization: Contributions to Science, Art, and Philosophy
  • The Crusades: Causes, Course, and Long-Term Effects
  • The Impact of the Great Depression on Global Economies
  • The Roman Empire and Its Legacy: Contributions to Law, Engineering, and Governance
  • The Zulu Kingdom: Rise, Expansion, and Resistance to Colonial Rule

EPQ Ideas for Mathematics

  • The P versus NP Problem: Unraveling the Complexity of Algorithms
  • Fermat's Last Theorem: From Conjecture to Proof
  • Fractals in Nature and Art: Exploring Mathematical Patterns
  • Game Theory and Its Applications in Economics and Decision-Making
  • The Riemann Hypothesis: A Deep Dive into Number Theory
  • Graph Theory: Applications in Network Analysis and Optimization
  • The Beauty of Mathematical Symmetry: Aesthetic and Structural Significance
  • The Four Color Theorem: Coloring Maps with the Fewest Colors
  • The Mathematics of Cryptography: Ensuring Information Security
  • Knot Theory: Unraveling the Mathematics of Tangles and Knots
  • The History and Impact of Calculus on Science and Engineering
  • Prime Numbers and Cryptography: The RSA Algorithm
  • The Applications of Probability Theory in Real-world Scenarios
  • The Mathematics of Music: Harmonic Analysis and Composition
  • Coding Theory: Error Detection and Correction in Data Transmission
  • The Golden Ratio: Its Presence in Art, Architecture, and Nature
  • The Traveling Salesman Problem: Optimization in Route Planning
  • Hyperbolic Geometry: A Non-Euclidean Approach to Geometry
  • The Application of Fourier Analysis in Signal Processing
  • The Navier-Stokes Equations: Challenges in Fluid Dynamics
  • The Mathematics of Climate Modeling: Understanding Global Patterns
  • Zero Knowledge Proofs: Enhancing Security in Cryptography
  • Combinatorial Game Theory: Strategies and Winning Strategies
  • The Application of Fibonacci Numbers in Nature and Mathematics
  • The Mathematics of Artificial Intelligence: Algorithms and Learning Models
  • The Collatz Conjecture: An Unresolved Problem in Number Theory
  • Mathematics in Ancient Civilizations: Contributions and Discoveries
  • The Role of Topology in Understanding Shapes and Spaces
  • The Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics: Probability and Wave Functions

EPQ Ideas for Film Studies

  • The Evolution of Film Genres: A Comparative Analysis of Classic and Contemporary Approaches
  • The Impact of Streaming Services on the Film Industry: Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Representation of Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Cinema
  • Cinematic Adaptations of Literature: Analyzing the Translation from Page to Screen
  • The Influence of Film Scores on Audience Perception and Emotional Engagement
  • The Role of Film Festivals in Shaping Global Cinema and Cultural Exchange
  • The Art of Cinematography: Exploring the Work of Influential Cinematographers
  • The Rise of Independent Cinema: A Critical Examination of Indie Filmmaking
  • The Use of Color in Film: Symbolism and Visual Storytelling
  • The Impact of Digital Technology on Film Production and Special Effects
  • The Representation of Mental Health Issues in Cinema: A Critical Analysis
  • Film Censorship: Examining the Ethics and Implications of Content Regulation
  • The Auteur Theory: Analyzing the Creative Vision of Film Directors
  • The Portrayal of Historical Events in Film: Accuracy and Interpretation
  • The Influence of Cultural Diversity on Film Narratives and Storytelling
  • The Golden Age of Hollywood: Examining the Studio System and its Legacy
  • The Impact of Social Media on Film Promotion and Audience Reception
  • The Role of Sound Design in Film: Enhancing Narrative and Atmosphere
  • Cinematic Representations of Identity: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality
  • The Use of Symbolism in Surrealist Cinema: A Study of Visual Metaphors
  • The Influence of French New Wave Cinema on Filmmaking Techniques
  • The Role of Costume Design in Period Films: Creating Authenticity
  • Cinematic Depictions of War: Propaganda, Realism, and Anti-War Messages
  • The Impact of Film on Cultural Memory: Examining Cinematic Histories
  • The Intersection of Animation and Technology: Innovations and Trends
  • The Representation of LGBTQ+ Characters in Mainstream Cinema
  • The Legacy of Silent Cinema: Influence on Contemporary Filmmaking
  • Cinematic Depictions of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: Ethical Considerations
  • The Use of Film as a Form of Political Activism: Case Studies and Analysis
  • The Influence of Film Noir on Modern Crime and Mystery Genres

EPQ Ideas for Business

  • The Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail: A Comparative Analysis
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Assessing its Role in Business Ethics
  • The Rise of Gig Economy: Implications for Workers and Businesses
  • Digital Marketing Strategies: A Comparative Study of Successful Campaigns
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Business Decision-Making
  • The Influence of Globalization on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
  • The Future of Work: Examining Trends in Remote Work and Flexibility
  • Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Business Models and Economic Resilience
  • Strategic Management: Analyzing the Approaches of Successful Companies
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Organizational Success
  • Supply Chain Resilience: Lessons Learned from Global Disruptions
  • Corporate Governance: Evaluating the Relationship Between Boards and Performance
  • The Role of Innovation in Sustainable Business Practices
  • The Effects of Consumer Behavior on Marketing Strategies and Branding
  • Business Analytics: Leveraging Data for Informed Decision-Making
  • The Impact of Diversity and Inclusion on Organizational Performance
  • The Circular Economy: Shifting Towards Sustainable Business Practices
  • Financial Technology (Fintech): Revolutionizing the Banking and Finance Industry
  • Strategies for Managing Organizational Change: Case Studies and Best Practices
  • The Role of Leadership Styles in Organizational Culture and Productivity
  • The Influence of Corporate Culture on Employee Engagement and Performance
  • Economic Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Role of Branding in Consumer Loyalty and Market Positioning
  • The Integration of Blockchain Technology in Business Operations
  • Corporate Innovation: Strategies for Fostering Creativity and Adaptability
  • The Impact of Trade Policies on Global Business Operations
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Employee Training and Development Programs
  • Business Resilience in Times of Crisis: Strategies for Sustainability
  • The Role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems in Enhancing Business Success

EPQ Ideas for Medicine

  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Diagnosing Medical Conditions
  • The Impact of Telemedicine on Healthcare Accessibility
  • Precision Medicine: Tailoring Treatments Based on Genetic Factors
  • Exploring the Ethics of Human Gene Editing in Medicine
  • The Relationship Between Gut Microbiota and Mental Health
  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of Vaccination Programs in Preventing Diseases
  • The Role of Stem Cell Therapy in Regenerative Medicine
  • The Implications of CRISPR Technology in Genetic Medicine
  • The Use of Nanomedicine in Cancer Treatment
  • The Psychological Impact of Chronic Illness on Patients
  • Global Health Disparities: Challenges and Solutions
  • The Role of Artificial Organs in Transplantation Medicine
  • The Intersection of Medicine and Artificial Intelligence in Imaging Diagnosis
  • The Impact of Lifestyle Factors on Cardiovascular Health
  • The Rise of Antibiotic Resistance: Causes and Strategies for Mitigation
  • The Role of Epigenetics in Disease Development and Prevention
  • The Ethics of Organ Transplantation: Allocation and Donor Criteria
  • The Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Healthcare Disparities
  • The Use of Virtual Reality in Medical Training and Patient Care
  • The Relationship Between Mental Health and Inflammatory Disorders
  • Exploring the Potential of CRISPR in Treating Genetic Disorders
  • The Impact of Climate Change on the Spread of Infectious Diseases
  • The Application of 3D Printing in Medicine: Customized Implants and Prosthetics
  • The Role of Medical Imaging in Early Disease Detection
  • The Ethical Considerations of Human Cloning in Medicine
  • The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Function and Mental Health
  • The Use of Robotics in Surgery: Advancements and Challenges
  • The Psychological Factors in Patient Adherence to Treatment Plans
  • The Impact of Social Determinants on Maternal and Child Health

EPQ Ideas for Engineering

  • The Future of Sustainable Transportation: Electric Vehicles and Beyond
  • Smart Cities: Integrating Technology for Urban Development
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design and Automation
  • Renewable Energy Integration into the Power Grid: Challenges and Solutions
  • Biomimicry in Engineering: Learning from Nature for Innovative Design
  • 3D Printing in Aerospace: Advancements and Applications
  • The Impact of Internet of Things (IoT) on Industrial Automation
  • The Use of Drones in Civil Engineering: Monitoring and Surveying
  • Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking): Engineering Challenges and Environmental Impacts
  • The Advancements in Materials Science for Aerospace Applications
  • Designing Resilient Infrastructure: Strategies for Mitigating Natural Disasters
  • The Role of Engineers in Space Exploration: Challenges and Contributions
  • The Integration of Blockchain Technology in Engineering Systems
  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles
  • The Future of High-Speed Rail: Technological Developments and Challenges
  • Biomedical Engineering: Innovations in Medical Devices and Prosthetics
  • The Use of Virtual Reality in Engineering Design and Simulation
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Civil Engineering Infrastructure
  • The Potential of Quantum Computing in Solving Complex Engineering Problems
  • Carbon Capture and Storage: Engineering Solutions for Climate Change
  • The Application of Machine Learning in Structural Health Monitoring
  • The Role of Engineers in Disaster Response and Emergency Management
  • Human-Centric Design in Robotics: Enhancing Human-Machine Interaction
  • The Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Smart Grids
  • The Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Engineering
  • The Impact of 5G Technology on Communication Networks and Infrastructure
  • The Engineering Behind Sustainable Architecture and Building Design
  • The Future of Transportation: Hyperloop Technology and Maglev Trains
  • The Role of Engineering in Water Treatment and Environmental Conservation
  • The Challenges of Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructure Systems

EPQ Ideas for Teaching

  • The Impact of Technology on Classroom Learning: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Inclusive Education: Strategies for Catering to Diverse Learning Needs
  • The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Teaching Practices
  • Examining the Efficacy of Flipped Classroom Models in Education
  • The Influence of Teacher Expectations on Student Performance
  • Integrating Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) into the Curriculum
  • The Use of Gamification in Education: Engaging Students through Games
  • Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Remote Teaching and Learning
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching: Creating Inclusive and Equitable Classrooms
  • The Impact of Early Childhood Education on Cognitive Development
  • Teacher Burnout: Causes, Prevention, and Strategies for Well-being
  • Assessment Methods in Education: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Role of Mindfulness in Teacher Professional Development
  • Parental Involvement in Education: Its Influence on Student Success
  • The Integration of Project-Based Learning in the Classroom
  • The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Strategies in Primary Education
  • Teacher-Student Relationships: Their Impact on Academic Achievement
  • The Influence of Educational Leadership on School Culture
  • The Impact of Standardized Testing on Curriculum and Instruction
  • The Role of Educational Technology in Special Education
  • The Importance of Teacher Training in Addressing Learning Disabilities
  • The Psychology of Motivation in Education: Strategies for Student Engagement
  • Promoting Critical Thinking in the Classroom: Strategies and Approaches
  • Teacher Professional Development: Models for Continuous Learning
  • The Benefits of Outdoor Education: Enhancing Learning through Nature
  • The Role of Educational Psychology in Teaching and Learning
  • Innovative Teaching Methods: Exploring Unconventional Approaches
  • The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Educational Attainment
  • The Influence of Teacher Feedback on Student Performance
  • Educational Policies: Examining Their Effects on Classroom Practices

EPQ Ideas for Art

  • The Evolution of Street Art: From Vandalism to Recognized Art Form
  • Art and Activism: The Role of Visual Arts in Social Change
  • Analyzing the Impact of Technology on Contemporary Art Practices
  • The Influence of Cultural Diversity on Artistic Expression
  • The Relationship Between Art and Mental Health: Exploring Therapeutic Benefits
  • Art Conservation and Restoration: Balancing Preservation and Intervention
  • The Intersection of Art and Artificial Intelligence: Creative Collaborations
  • Feminist Art Movements: Examining Gender Representation in Art
  • Surrealism in Contemporary Art: Resurgence and Modern Interpretations
  • The Influence of Japanese Woodblock Prints on Western Art
  • The Role of Public Art Installations in Urban Spaces
  • The Representation of Identity in Contemporary Portraiture
  • Exploring the Aesthetics of Environmental Art: Eco-conscious Creations
  • The Impact of Photography on Traditional Painting: A Comparative Study
  • Digital Art: Challenges and Opportunities in the Age of Technology
  • The Psychological Impact of Color in Visual Arts: A Cross-Cultural Analysis
  • Street Photography: Documenting Urban Life Through the Lens
  • The Legacy of Abstract Expressionism: Influences on Contemporary Art
  • The Role of Art in Holocaust Memorials and Commemoration
  • Art as a Form of Protest: Examining Political Artistic Movements
  • Cubism and Beyond: The Influence of Geometric Abstraction in Art
  • The Impact of Social Media on Contemporary Art Practices
  • The Intersection of Art and Science: Bioart and Technological Innovations
  • Artistic Responses to Global Crises: War, Pandemics, and Climate Change
  • The Representation of Women in Renaissance Art: Challenging Stereotypes
  • Graffiti as an Artistic Expression: Breaking Down Stereotypes
  • The Art Market: Commercialization and its Effects on Artistic Integrity
  • The Influence of Indigenous Art on Modern and Contemporary Art Movements
  • The Role of Museums in Shaping Artistic Discourse and Public Perception
  • Art and Philosophy: Exploring the Relationship Between Visual and Conceptual Expression

EPQ Ideas for Politics

  • The Impact of Social Media on Political Campaigns and Public Opinion
  • Globalization and Its Effects on National Sovereignty
  • The Rise of Populism: Causes, Consequences, and Challenges
  • The Role of Women in Politics: Breaking Barriers and Redefining Leadership
  • Climate Change Policy: Assessing International Cooperation and Challenges
  • The Impact of Political Polarization on Democracy
  • The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in International Relations
  • Examining the Effectiveness of Electoral Systems: Proportional Representation vs. First-Past-The-Post
  • The Ethics of Political Lobbying: Balancing Influence and Transparency
  • The Relationship Between Economic Inequality and Political Instability
  • Human Rights in the Digital Age: Challenges and Protections
  • The Impact of Political Advertising on Voter Behavior
  • The Influence of Political Cartoons on Public Perception
  • Nationalism vs. Globalism: Debates and Implications in Contemporary Politics
  • The Role of Political Satire in Shaping Public Discourse
  • The Evolution of International Institutions: United Nations and Beyond
  • The Impact of Cyber Warfare on International Relations
  • The Rise of Authoritarianism: Global Trends and Regional Variances
  • The Relationship Between Religion and Politics: Secularism vs. Theocracy
  • Political Corruption: Causes, Consequences, and Strategies for Prevention
  • The Politics of Immigration: National Security, Humanitarian Concerns, and Economic Impact
  • The Impact of Disinformation on Elections and Democratic Processes
  • The Role of Supranational Organizations in Shaping Global Governance
  • The Politics of Climate Change: International Agreements and Domestic Policies
  • The Influence of Political Ideologies on Policy Decision-Making
  • The Role of Political Satire in Challenging Authoritarian Regimes
  • The Impact of Political Activism and Protest Movements on Policy Change
  • The Politics of Identity: Ethnicity, Race, and Nationalism
  • The Role of Youth in Shaping Political Movements and Change
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Political Decision-Making

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How Many UCAS Points are in an EPQ?

The EPQ carries up to 28 UCAS points, depending on what grade you achieve.

Essentially, the EPQ is worth half the UCAS points of an A-level. Here are the different UCAS points you’ll get for different grades on your EPQ:

How Many UCAS Points in an EPQ?

Is the epq the right step for you.

An EPQ is time consuming, but the UCAS points and its other benefits could very well be worth the effort.

The question you’ll need to ask yourself is can you comfortably dedicate the time needed for it? Are the extra UCAS points needed for your dream university?

Speak with one of our expert advisors to find out if an EPQ is the right step for the perfect application. Students working with Crimson are 7x more likely to gain admission to their dream university!

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  1. How to write an EPQ essay

    creative writing epq ideas

  2. How To Write An EPQ Essay (Step-by-Step Guide)

    creative writing epq ideas

  3. 100+ EPQ Ideas for an A*

    creative writing epq ideas


    creative writing epq ideas

  5. 💄 Creative writing piece ideas. 25 Creative Writing Examples to Inspire

    creative writing epq ideas

  6. How to write an EPQ essay

    creative writing epq ideas


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  1. 600 EPQ Ideas and Examples

    This article will give you 600 EPQ topic ideas on a range of subjects to help you choose a good question and, more importantly, get an A*. How to Choose a Good EPQ Idea Getting a good grade in the EPQ relies on several factors, including meticulous planning, solid time management, and strong essay writing skills .

  2. 600 EPQ Ideas

    An EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) allows A-Level students to write either a 5,000 word essay on any question or subject of their choice. Alternatively, students can create an artefact or product, and write a shorter essay explaining it. The EPQ is equivalent to half an A-Level. EPQs are a fantastic way of proving to universities that you ...

  3. 1400+ EPQ Ideas That Guarantee An A* (For Each Subject)

    70+ EPQ Ideas Relating To Ethics. 1. The complicated ethics surrounding self-driving cars. Self-driving cars raise a variety of ethical issues, and this is a really interesting issue that is currently relevant, and would therefore be very interesting to discuss in an EPQ.

  4. 600+ EPQ Ideas to Secure an A* Grade

    Students have been getting very creative with their chosen EPQ ideas in the past few years. If an essay is not your thing, you can submit a different kind of EPQ idea along with a short, 1000-word write-up. Here are some alternatives to writing an EPQ project: 1. Write a screenplay 2. Create a short film 3.

  5. 450 Ideas and Everything You Need to Know About the EPQ

    Get inspired with over 450 EPQ ideas, EPQ examples for your project, the benefits of an EPQ, and find out many UCAS points are in an EPQ . ... Creative Writing Portfolio: Craft a collection of short stories, poems, or a novel, displaying your creative writing prowess.

  6. EPQ Ideas For Every Subject

    Creative Writing EPQ Ideas. Writing creative pieces for an EPQ is a great way to express oneself and explore different worlds. From crafting characters, writing with suspense, and building unique settings - the possibilities are limitless!

  7. 400+ EPQ Ideas and Examples for All Subjects

    EPQ Ideas For History. Consider these EPQ ideas, guided by A-Level History tutors: 1 - The significance of education in British colonial expansion. 2 - Pandemics throughout human history and their effects on societies in various stages of development. 3 - The profound impact of the Black Death on England.

  8. EPQ Ideas For Students To Get Grade A*: The Ultimate List

    An EPQ can be a dissertation or a research/field study accompanied by paperwork. The standard guideline is that the EPQ should be around 5,000 words. About 30,000 students take an EPQ each year. It is currently graded A*-E. What Are Some Good EPQ Ideas? The success of your study depends on the EPQ topics you choose. Before we discuss EPQ ideas ...

  9. 150 EPQ Ideas That Are Easy To Stick To

    5. Consider Your Own Interests. Make sure you choose an EPQ essay topic that truly interests you because you'll spend a lot of time researching and writing it. If you are genuinely engaged in the subject matter of your research, it will go much more smoothly. 6.

  10. How To Write An EPQ Essay (Step-by-Step Guide)

    Work out what the plan is before you start writing, so that you don't have to rewrite a large portion of your EPQ essay. So grab a pen and paper, sit down, put on some nice music, and get to writing those subtitles. 5. Triple Check That Every Subtitle Question Actually Relates To The Main EPQ Topic.

  11. 600+ EPQ Ideas and Example for All Subjects (2023)

    600+ EPQ Ideas and Examples for All Subjects. Navigating through A-Levels, students often find themselves at crossroads where curiosity nudges them beyond the conventional curriculum. The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) stands out as a beacon for those inquisitive minds, offering a structured yet flexible platform to explore, inquire, and ...

  12. How to Write an EPQ Essay

    9 steps to write your EPQ essay. 1. Come up with an idea. One of the main reasons students fail their EPQ is because they've chosen the wrong subject matter. It's vital that you choose a topic you're genuinely interested in, otherwise you won't have any motivation to work on it.

  13. 1800+ Creative Writing Prompts To Inspire You Right Now

    Here's how our contest works: every Friday, we send out a newsletter containing five creative writing prompts. Each week, the story ideas center around a different theme. Authors then have one week — until the following Friday — to submit a short story based on one of our prompts. A winner is picked each week to win $250 and is highlighted ...

  14. What is an EPQ? A Complete Guide

    Oxford states that the EPQ won't impact its offer, but says, "the EPQ will provide an applicant with the opportunity to develop research and academic skills relevant for study at Oxford. Candidates are encouraged to draw upon relevant EPQ experience when writing their personal statement." Meanwhile, Cambridge actively encourages the EPQ.

  15. EPQs: writing up your dissertation

    Your dissertation is the element of the EPQ that is read and assessed by others who haven't been involved in your research. The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an opportunity for you to work independently on a topic that really interests you or that you think is important. It is equivalent to an A-level qualification.

  16. Creative Writing EPQ by Chloe Thomas on Prezi

    Lisa See- On Gold Mountain. "But I will win and give her my spirit, because this is the way a mother loves her daughter.". "When you're Chinese you're supposed to accept everything, flow with the Tao and not make waves.". "I was raised the Chinese way: I was taught to desire nothing, to swallow other people's misery, to eat my ...

  17. EPQ Artefact Ideas

    EPQ Artefact Ideas. ... An EPQ is a massive quantity of research (which confirms your ability to do tasks that are similar to university) and lets you present your original ideas and academic rigor This is exactly the kind of thing universities seek. ... Creative Writing. Your original piece of writing could take any of the types of writing ...

  18. EPQ (creative writing)

    EPQ (creative writing) A. Piandme. I have just finished Year 12 and in the summer holidays i am inetnding to do the EPQ. I am intending to do a story with a report. Firstly, i intend to read some short stories and other novels in the form of horror to get some focus of how tow rite a short story (and in horror).

  19. How to structure EPQ artefact on creative writing? Help please!

    14. Wow, I am also doing creative writing for an EPQ and I also have no idea lol. I suppose you could read about other books with similar themes, for exampple you could say you were inspired by (for example) Holly Bourne's 'Am I Normal Yet' as a reason why you decided to write about mental health. I'm not entirely sure as in my sixth form we do ...

  20. ChatGPT

    Give me ideas about how to plan my New Years resolutions (opens in a new window) Help me pick an outfit that will look good on camera (opens in a new window) Write an email to request a quote from local plumbers (opens in a new window)

  21. 450 Ideas and Everything You Need to Know About the EPQ

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