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Class 9 Science Case Study Questions Chapter 6 Tissues

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Case study Questions in Class 9 Science Chapter 6 are very important to solve for your exam. Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Case Study Questions have been prepared for the latest exam pattern. You can check your knowledge by solving  Class 9 Science Case Study Questions  Chapter 6 Tissues

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In CBSE Class 9 Science Paper, Students will have to answer some questions based on Assertion and Reason. There will be a few questions based on case studies and passage-based as well. In that, a paragraph will be given, and then the MCQ questions based on it will be asked.

Tissues Case Study Questions With Answers

Here, we have provided case-based/passage-based questions for Class 9 Science  Chapter 6 Tissues

Case Study/Passage-Based Questions

Case Study 1: Meristematic tissue takes up a specific role and loses the ability to divide. As a result, they form permanent tissue. This process of taking up a permanent shape, size, and function is called differentiation. Differentiation leads to the development of various types of permanent tissues.

Simple Permanent Tissue

Tissue is made of one type of cells, which look like each other. Such tissues are called simple permanent tissue. Parenchyma is the most common simple permanent tissue. It consists of relatively unspecialized cells with thin cell walls. They are living cells. They are usually loosely arranged, thus large spaces between cells (intercellular spaces) are found in this tissue. This tissue generally stores food. In some situations, it contains chlorophyll and performs photosynthesis, and then it is called chlorenchyma. In aquatic plants, large air cavities are present in parenchyma to help them float. Such a parenchyma type is called aerenchyma. Yet another type of permanent tissue is sclerenchyma. It is the tissue that makes the plant hard and stiff. We have seen the husk of a coconut. It is made of sclerenchymatous tissue. The cells of this tissue are dead. They are long and narrow as the walls are thickened due to lignin.

Complex tissues are made of more than one type of cell. All these cells coordinate to perform a common function. Xylem and phloem are examples of such complex tissues. They are both conducting tissues and constitute a vascular bundle. Xylem fibers are mainly supportive in function. Phloem transports food from leaves to other parts of the plant. Except for phloem fibers, other phloem cells are living cells.

(1) Tissue made of only one type of cell is termed as _________

(a) Simple permanent tissue

(b) Complex permanent tissue

(c) Simple Meristematic tissue

(d) Complex Meristematic tissue

Answer: (a) Simple permanent tissue

(2) Xylem and phloem are examples of

(a) Meristematic tissue

(b) Simple tissue

(c) Protective tissue

(d) Complex tissue

Answer: (d) Complex tissue

(3) In aquatic plants, which type of parenchyma tissue is found?

(a) Aerenchyma

(b) Chlorenchyma

(c) Sclerenchyma

(d) Parenchyma

Answer: (a) Aerenchyma

(4) What is mean by Differentiation?

Answer: Meristematic tissue lose the ability to divide. As a result, they form a permanent tissue. This process of taking up a permanent shape, size, and a function is termed as differentiation.

(5) Enlist the type of parenchyma tissue.

Answer: There are three type of parenchyma tissue Aerenchyma Chlorenchyma Sclerenchyma

Case Study 2: Bone is a solid, hard porous tissue. It forms the natural skeleton and gives the body its basic structure and also supports the body. Its matrix is impregnated with phosphates and carbonates of calcium and magnesium which provides hardness to it. The matrix also contains ossein protein. The matrix is arranged in concentric rings which are called lamellae. Bone cells lie between the lamellae in fluid-filled spaces called lacunae.

(i) Bone cells are also called : (a) Lacunae (b) Osteocytes (c) Neutrophils (d) Erythrocytes

Ans. (b) Osteocytes

(ii) The matrix inside the bone is arranged in concentric rings called ……… (a) Cytoplasm (b) Osteocyte (c) Lacunae (d) Lamellae

Ans. (d) Lamellae

(iii) To form natural skeleton and to give support to the body is the main function of ………. (a) Cells (b) Muscles (c) Bones (d) Ligaments

Ans. (c) Bones

(iv) The matrix of bone is impregnated with………… (a) Carbon dioxide and oxygen (b) Carbon dioxide and water (c) Sulphates of sodium (d) Phosphates and carbonates of calcium and magnesium

Ans. (d) Phosphates and carbonates of calcium and magnesium

(v) Bone cells lie between the lamellae in fluid-filled spaces called …………. (a) lamina (b) osteocytes (c) lacunae (d) ossein

Ans. (d) ossein

Case Study 3:

Tissues are groups of cells that are similar in structure and function, working together to perform specific tasks in the body. There are four main types of tissues in animals: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue, and nervous tissue. Epithelial tissue covers the surfaces of the body, lines the internal organs, and forms glands. It provides protection, secretion, absorption, and excretion. Connective tissue provides support and connects different body parts. It includes bone, cartilage, blood, and adipose tissue. Muscular tissue is responsible for body movements and can be categorized into three types: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle. Nervous tissue consists of specialized cells called neurons that transmit and process information in the form of electrical signals. Understanding the different types and functions of tissues is essential to comprehend the organization and functioning of complex multicellular organisms.

What are tissues? a) Groups of organs in the body b) Groups of cells with similar structure and function c) Layers of skin d) Different types of body systems Answer: b) Groups of cells with similar structure and function

How many main types of tissues are there in animals? a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Five Answer: c) Four

Which type of tissue covers the surfaces of the body and forms glands? a) Epithelial tissue b) Connective tissue c) Muscular tissue d) Nervous tissue Answer: a) Epithelial tissue

What is the function of connective tissue? a) Provides support and connects different body parts b) Covers the surfaces of the body c) Responsible for body movements d) Transmits and processes information Answer: a) Provides support and connects different body parts

What is the function of nervous tissue? a) Provides protection, secretion, absorption, and excretion b) Transmits and processes information in the form of electrical signals c) Responsible for body movements d) Supports and connects different body parts Answer: b) Transmits and processes information in the form of electrical signals

Hope the information shed above regarding Case Study and Passage Based Questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues with Answers Pdf free download has been useful to an extent. If you have any other queries about CBSE Class 9 Science Tissues Case Study and passage-based Questions with Answers, feel free to comment below so that we can revert back to us at the earliest possible By Team Study Rate

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Class 9 Science Case Study Questions

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If you are wondering how to solve class 9 science case study questions, then myCBSEguide is the best platform to choose. With the help of our well-trained and experienced faculty, we provide solved examples and detailed explanations for the recently added Class 9 Science case study questions.

You can find a wide range of solved case studies on myCBSEguide, covering various topics and concepts. Class 9 Science case studies are designed to help you understand the application of various concepts in real-life situations.

The rationale behind Science

Science is crucial for Class 9 students’ cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor development. It encourages curiosity, inventiveness, objectivity, and aesthetic sense.

In the upper primary stage, students should be given a variety of opportunities to engage with scientific processes such as observing, recording observations, drawing, tabulating, plotting graphs, and so on, whereas in the secondary stage, abstraction and quantitative reasoning should take a more prominent role in science teaching and learning. As a result, the concept of atoms and molecules as matter’s building units, as well as Newton’s law of gravitation, emerges.

Science is important because it allows Class 9 Science students to understand the world around us. It helps to find out how things work and to find solutions to problems at the Class 9 Science level. Science is also a source of enjoyment for many people. It can be a hobby, a career, or a source of intellectual stimulation.

Case study questions in Class 9 Science

The inclusion of case study questions in Class 9 science CBSE is a great way to engage students in critical thinking and problem-solving. By working through real-world scenarios, Class 9 Science students will be better prepared to tackle challenges they may face in their future studies and careers. Class 9 Science Case study questions also promote higher-order thinking skills, such as analysis and synthesis. In addition, case study questions can help to foster creativity and innovation in students. As per the recent pattern of the Class 9 Science examination, a few questions based on case studies/passages will be included in the CBSE Class 9 Science Paper. There will be a paragraph presented, followed by questions based on it.

Examples of Class 9 science class case study questions

Class 9 science case study questions have been prepared by myCBSEguide’s qualified teachers. Class 9 case study questions are meant to evaluate students’ knowledge and comprehension of the material. They are not intended to be difficult, but they will require you to think critically about the material. We hope you find Class 9 science case study questions beneficial and that they assist you in your exam preparation.

The following are a few examples of Class 9 science case study questions.

Class 9 science case study question 1

  • due to its high compressibility
  • large volumes of a gas can be compressed into a small cylinder
  • transported easily
  • all of these
  • shape, volume
  • volume, shape
  • shape, size
  • size, shape
  • the presence of dissolved carbon dioxide in water
  • the presence of dissolved oxygen in the water
  • the presence of dissolved Nitrogen in the water
  • liquid particles move freely
  • liquid have greater space between each other
  • both (a) and (b)
  • none of these
  • Only gases behave like fluids
  • Gases and solids behave like fluids
  • Gases and liquids behave like fluids
  • Only liquids are fluids

Answer Key:

  • (d) all of these
  • (a) shape, volume
  • (b) the presence of dissolved oxygen in the water
  • (c) both (a) and (b)
  • (c) Gases and liquids behave like fluids

Class 9 science case study question 2

  • 12/32 times
  • 18 g of O 2
  • 18 g of CO 2
  • 18 g of CH 4
  • 1 g of CO 2
  • 1 g of CH 4 CH 4
  • 2 moles of H2O
  • 20 moles of water
  • 6.022  ×  1023 molecules of water
  • 1.2044  ×  1025 molecules of water
  • (I) and (IV)
  • (II) and (III)
  • (II) and (IV)
  • Sulphate molecule
  • Ozone molecule
  • Phosphorus molecule
  • Methane molecule
  • (c) 8/3 times
  • (d) 18g of CH ​​​​​4
  • (c) 1g of H ​​​​​​2
  • (d) (II) and (IV)
  • (c) phosphorus molecule

Class 9 science case study question 3

  • collenchyma
  • chlorenchyma
  • It performs photosynthesis
  • It helps the aquatic plant to float
  • It provides mechanical support
  • Sclerenchyma
  • Collenchyma
  • Epithelial tissue
  • Parenchyma tissues have intercellular spaces.
  • Collenchymatous tissues are irregularly thickened at corners.
  • Apical and intercalary meristems are permanent tissues.
  • Meristematic tissues, in its early stage, lack vacuoles, muscles
  • (I) and (II)
  • (III) and (I)
  • Transpiration
  • Provides mechanical support
  • Provides strength to the plant parts
  • None of these
  • (a) Collenchyma
  • (b) help aquatic plant to float
  • (b) Sclerenchyma
  • (d) Only (III)
  • (c) provide strength to plant parts

Cracking Class 9 Science Case Study Questions

There is no one definitive answer to Class 9 Science case study questions. Every case study is unique and will necessitate a unique strategy. There are, nevertheless, certain general guidelines to follow while answering case study questions.

  • To begin, double-check that you understand the Class 9 science case study questions. Make sure you understand what is being asked by reading it carefully. If you’re unclear, seek clarification from your teacher or tutor.
  • It’s critical to read the Class 9 Science case study material thoroughly once you’ve grasped the question. This will provide you with a thorough understanding of the problem as well as the various potential solutions.
  • Brainstorming potential solutions with classmates or other students might also be beneficial. This might provide you with multiple viewpoints on the situation and assist you in determining the best solution.
  • Finally, make sure your answer is presented simply and concisely. Make sure you clarify your rationale and back up your claim with evidence.

A look at the Class 9 Science Syllabus

The CBSE class 9 science syllabus provides a strong foundation for students who want to pursue a career in science. The topics are chosen in such a way that they build on the concepts learned in the previous classes and provide a strong foundation for further studies in science. The table below lists the topics covered in the Class 9 Science syllabus of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). As can be seen, the Class 9 science syllabus is divided into three sections: Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Each section contains a number of topics that Class 9 science students must study during the course.

CBSE Class 9 Science (Code No. 086)

Theme: Materials Unit I: Matter-Nature and Behaviour Definition of matter; solid, liquid and gas; characteristics – shape, volume, density; change of state-melting (absorption of heat), freezing, evaporation (cooling by evaporation), condensation, sublimation. Nature of matter:  Elements, compounds and mixtures. Heterogeneous and homogenous mixtures, colloids and suspensions. Particle nature and their basic units:  Atoms and molecules, Law of constant proportions, Atomic and molecular masses. Mole concept: Relationship of mole to mass of the particles and numbers. Structure of atoms:  Electrons, protons and neutrons, valency, the chemical formula of common compounds. Isotopes and Isobars.

Theme: The World of the Living Unit II: Organization in the Living World Cell – Basic Unit of life:  Cell as a basic unit of life; prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, multicellular organisms; cell membrane and cell wall, cell organelles and cell inclusions; chloroplast, mitochondria, vacuoles, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus; nucleus, chromosomes – basic structure, number. Tissues, Organs, Organ System, Organism: Structure and functions of animal and plant tissues (only four types of tissues in animals; Meristematic and Permanent tissues in plants).

Theme: Moving Things, People and Ideas Unit III: Motion, Force and Work Motion:  Distance and displacement, velocity; uniform and non-uniform motion along a straight line; acceleration, distance-time and velocity-time graphs for uniform motion and uniformly accelerated motion, derivation of equations of motion by graphical method; elementary idea of uniform circular motion. Force and Newton’s laws:  Force and Motion, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Action and Reaction forces, Inertia of a body, Inertia and mass, Momentum, Force and Acceleration. Elementary idea of conservation of Momentum. Gravitation:  Gravitation; Universal Law of Gravitation, Force of Gravitation of the earth (gravity), Acceleration due to Gravity; Mass and Weight; Free fall. Floatation:  Thrust and Pressure. Archimedes’ Principle; Buoyancy. Work, energy and power:  Work done by a Force, Energy, power; Kinetic and Potential energy; Law of conservation of energy. Sound:  Nature of sound and its propagation in various media, speed of sound, range of hearing in humans; ultrasound; reflection of sound; echo.

Theme: Food Unit IV: Food Production Plant and animal breeding and selection for quality improvement and management; Use of fertilizers and manures; Protection from pests and diseases; Organic farming.


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myCBSEguide: A true helper

There are numerous advantages to using myCBSEguide to achieve the highest results in Class 9 Science.

  • myCBSEguide offers high-quality study materials that cover all of the topics in the Class 9 Science curriculum.
  • myCBSEguide provides practice questions and mock examinations to assist students in the best possible preparation for their exams.
  • On our myCBSEguide app, you’ll find a variety of solved Class 9 Science case study questions covering a variety of topics and concepts. These case studies are intended to help you understand how certain principles are applied in real-world settings
  • myCBSEguide is that the study material and practice problems are developed by a team of specialists who are always accessible to assist students with any questions they may have. As a result, students may be confident that they will receive the finest possible assistance and support when studying for their exams.

So, if you’re seeking the most effective strategy to study for your Class 9 Science examinations, myCBSEguide is the place to go!

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Class 9 Science Tissues


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Important Questions for CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 6 - Tissues

  • Class 9 Important Question
  • Chapter 6: Tissues


CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter-6 Important Questions - Free PDF Download

There are some very important questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 that students need to know about if they want to ensure that their results for their final exams are good enough. Vedantu provides the Class 9 Science Chapter 6 important questions in PDF format, so that students can easily prepare for their examinations. Students can download the important questions PDF for free from Vedantu and practice them to get good marks in the exams. Not to mention that a few extra questions for class 9 science chapter 6 will also give them some additional knowledge for sure.

Vedantu is a platform that provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students. Maths Students who are looking for the better solutions ,they can download Class 9 Maths NCERT Solutions to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

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Also, check CBSE Class 9 Science Important Questions for other chapters:


Study Important Questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 - Tissues

Very Short Answer Questions: (1 Marks)

1. Where is apical meristem found?

Ans: The apical meristem is found in the growing tips of stems and roots in plants.

2. Which tissue makes up the husk of coconut?

Ans: Sclerenchyma tissue. 

3. What are the constituents of phloem?

Ans: The constituents of phloem are: sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma, phloem fibres(bast).

4. Name the tissue responsible for movement in our body.

Ans: Muscle/muscular tissue.

5. Vertical growth in plants takes place by –

(a) Lateral meristem

(b) apical meristem

(c) Intercalary meristem

(d) none of the above 

Ans: (b) apical meristem

6. Which of these components of blood fight infection?

(c) Platelets

(d) serum 

Ans: (b) WBC

7. In desert plants, rate of water loss gets reduced due to presence of :

(a) cuticle

(b) stomata

(d) suberin 

Ans: (a) cuticle

8. Cartilage is not found in 

(d) larynx 

Ans: (c) kidney

9. Which of these types of cells is most likely to divide?

(a) Epidermis

(b) Parenchyma

(c) Meristem

Ans: (c) Meristem

10. Companion cells are associated with –

(a) Sieve tubes

(b) Sclerenchyma

(c) Vessels

(d) Parenchyma 

Ans: (a) Sieve tubes

11. Which tissue has chloroplast in cells?

(a) Parenchyma

(b) Chlorenchyma

(c) Sclerenchyma

(d) Aerenchyma

Ans: (b) Chlorenchyma

12. Intestine absorbs due digested food materials. What type of epithelial are responsible for that?

(a) Stratified squamous epithelium

(b) columnar epithelium

(c) pseudostratified epithelium

(d) Cuboidal epithelium 

Ans: (b) columnar epithelium

13. The meristematic tissue is found

(a) In flowers

(b) At the tip of the leaves

(c) Below the epidermis of stem

(d) At root tip 

Ans: (d) At root tip

14. Movement of passage of food in the intestine is caused by the contraction of

(a) cardiac muscles

(b) unstriated muscles

(c) striated muscles

(d) Nerve tissue

Ans: (b) unstriated muscles

15. A long tubular outgrowth of a nerve cell which conducts impulses away from the cell body is termed as 

(d) dendrite

Ans: (d) dendrite

16. You have been provided with narrow thick – walled living cells, elongated in shape and possessing thickening of cellulose and pectin these cells belong to:

(b) collenchyma

(c) sclerenchyma

Ans: (b) collenchyma

17. Which one of the following is the correct definition of the tissues?

(a) Group of dissimilar cells which perform similar function

(b) Group of similar cells which perform similar functions.

(c) group of similar cells which perform specific functions

(d) Group of dissimilar cells which perform different functions.

Ans: (a) Group of dissimilar cells which perform similar function

18. A long tree has several branches. The tissue that helps in the sideways conduction of water in the branches is:

(a) collenchyma

(b) xylem parenchyma

(c) parenchyma

(d) xylem vessels 

Ans: (d) xylem vessels

19. White blood corpuscles:

(a)help in blood clotting

(b)help in transport of oxygen

(c)are enucleated

(d) protect the body from diseases 

Ans: (d) protect the body from diseases

20. A person met with an accident in which two long bones of hand were dislocated. Which among the following may be possible reason?

(a) tendon break

(b) break of skeletal muscles

(c) ligament break

(d) Areolar tissue breaks 

Ans: (b) ligament break

Short Answer Questions: (2 Marks)

1. What is a tissue?

Ans: It is a group of cells similar in origin and arrangement, they are specialized to perform a particular function. Tissue the cluster of cells in a manner to give the highest of possible efficiency of the required function. Examples of tissues are blood, phloem and muscle .

2. What are the constituents of phloem?

Ans: The five constituents of phloem are sieve cells, sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma and phloem fibres 

3. Name types of simple tissues.

Ans: Three types simple tissues are:

I. Parenchyma

II. Collenchyma

III. Sclerenchyma

4. What does a neuron look like?

Ans: A neuron comprises a cell body from which long thin hair-like parts(arise). Then the neuron has a single long part(axon) and many short, branched parts(dendrites).

5. How many types of elements together make up the xylem tissue? Name them.

Ans: Xylem tissue consist of four types of elements:

I. Tracheids

II. vessels

III. Xylem fibres

IV. Xylem parenchyma

6. How are simple tissues different from complex tissues in plants?

Ans: Difference between simple tissues and complex tissues in plants is given below:

7. Differentiate between parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma on the basis of their cell wall.

Ans: Difference between parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma on the basis of their cell wall is given below:

8. What are the functions of the stomata?

Ans: The functions of stomata are:

I. Gaseous exchange with the atmosphere.

II. Transpiration (formation of water vapours for the removal of excess water) 

9. What is the specific function of the cardiac muscle?

Ans: Cardiac muscles are the muscles of heart that pumps blood to all parts of body and it shows rhythmic contraction and relaxation throughout life without any fatigue. The cells of heart muscles are branched, cylindrical and uninucleate.

10. Name the following:

a) Tissue that forms the inner lining of our mouth. 

Ans: Epithelial tissue

b) Tissue that connects muscle to bone in humans. 

Ans: Tendon

c) Tissue that transports food in plants.  

Ans: Phloem

d) Tissue that stores fat in our body.  

Ans: Adipose tissue

e) Connective tissue with a fluid matrix.  

f) Tissue presents in the brain.  

Ans: Nerve tissue

11. Identify the type of tissue in the following: skin, bark of tree, bone, lining of  kidney tubule, vascular bundle.

Ans: the type of tissues of the given is listed below:.

12. Name the regions in which parenchyma tissue is present.

Ans: Parenchymatous tissue is present in the soft plant parts including leaf mesophyll , young stem, root, leaves, vascular bundles, flowers and fruits of plants.

13. What is the role of epidermis in plants?

Ans: Epidermis is a protective layer to all the plant parts. It will provide protection against water loss, Control the process of gas exchange, Epidermis secretes a waxy, water-resistant layer.

14. How does the cork act as a protective tissue?

Ans: In the plant a strip of secondary meristem located in the cortex forms layers of cells that are dead and arranged in a compact manner without intercellular spaces which is cork. They have deposition of suberin in their walls which is very hard and impermeable hence protects plants from unfavorable conditions and microbial attack etc.

15. What are meristematic and permanent tissue?

Meristematic Tissue: dividing tissue is the reason for growth of plants occurs only in specific regions this is also known as meristematic tissue. Apical, lateral and intercalary are the classification of the meristematic tissues.

Permanent Tissue: The cells formed by meristematic tissue later lose the ability to divide as a result permanent tissue is formed. The process of taking up a permanent shape, size, and a function is called differentiation; this also leads to the development of permanent tissues.

16. What is the function of Tendon and ligament?

Ligaments: They connect one bone to another bone and another type of connective tissue. They are strong, elastic, consisting of yellow fibers.

Tendon: They connect muscle to bone and another type of connective tissue. They are tough, non – elastic, consisting of white fibres.

17. Draw a well labeled diagram of neuron


18. Differentiate the following activities on the basis of voluntary or involuntary:

a) Jumping of frog

Ans: Voluntary

b) Pumping of the heart

Ans: Involuntary

c) writing with hand

d) Moving of chocolate in stomach

19. Name the following:

a) Tissue that stores fats in our body.

b) Tissue presents in the brain

Ans: Nervous tissue

c) Connective tissue with fluid matrix.

d) Tissue that connects muscles to bones in humans.

Ans: Tendons

20. Write the difference between cartilage and bone.

Ans: Difference between cartilage and bone is listed below:

21. Which components of xylem are living and which ones are dead?

Ans: Xylem is composed of four elements:

Tracheid: Dead

Vessels: Dead

Xylem parenchyma: Living

Xylem fibres: Dead

22. Define due process of differentiation.

Ans: Dividing tissue is the reason for growth of plants occurs only in specific regions this is also known as meristematic tissue. The cells formed by meristematic tissue later lose the ability to divide as a result permanent tissue is formed. The process of taking up a permanent shape, size, and a function is called differentiation. 

23. Define tissue. What is the utility of tissue in multicellular organisms?

Ans: Group of similar cells performing similar functions are called tissue. Millions of cells will be there in multicellular organisms. Specific functions are carried out by different groups of cells.

24. Mention characteristics of permanent tissues.

Ans: Characteristics of permanent tissues are:

Cells are large, comparatively thick walls and well developed .

Cytoplasm is present as a layer along the cell wall.

Bigger nucleus , vacuole is present in the cell.

There is lack of the power for the cell division in permanent tissue

25. Mention the functions of nervous tissue.

Ans: Function of nervous tissues are:

They conduct nerve impulses from one part of the body to another part.

The nervous tissues in the body are specialised for being stimulated and then pass on the    stimulus very quickly from one place to another.

26. Animals of colder regions and fishes of cold water have thick layers of subcutaneous fat. Explain, why?

Ans: Thick layer of subcutaneous fat acts as an insulator. It  retains heat in animals of colder regions and fishes of cold-water and thus maintains the body temperature. The heat loss will be less when the layer of subcutaneous fat is thicker.

27. Name the two main types of plant tissues.

Ans: Plant tissues are mainly divided into two types they are:

Meristematic tissue

Permanent tissue 

28. Water hyacinth floats on the water surface. Explain.

Ans: Water hyacinth floats on the surface of water due to presence of aerenchyma. It is a special form of parenchyma, which contains air cavities. It provides buoyancy because of the air trapped inside which helps water hyacinth in floating because of the air trapped inside.

29. Name the two types of vascular tissues.

Ans: Types of vascular tissues are 

Xylem: It conduct water and minerals from roots to the parts of the plant

Phloem: It conduct food from leaves to all parts of plant

30. How many types of elements are present in the phloem?

Ans: There are four types of elements are present in the phloem they are:

Sieve tube: Helps in conduction of food material

Companion cells: It helps sieve tube in conduction of food material

Phloem parenchyma: storage

Phloem fibres: It provides mechanical support.

Short Answer Questions: (3 Marks)

1. What is the utility of tissues in multi-cellular organisms?

Ans: Millions of cells will be there in multicellular organisms. Specific functions are carried out by different groups of cells. There is a clear-cut division of labour in multicellular organisms i.e., different parts of the body of a multicellular organism perform specific functions. For example, the brain controls all other parts of the body, the heart pumps blood to all parts of the body, kidneys remove waste materials from the body, sense organs collect information from external sources and transfer to the brain etc. All these functions would never be possible without formation of tissues in multicellular organisms.

2. Give three features of cardiac muscles.

I. Cardiac muscles are involuntary i.e.; they don’t work under our will.

II. Cells of cardiac muscles are cylindrical, branched, striated and uninucleate.

III. It shows rhythmic contraction and relaxation.

3. What are the functions of areolar tissue?

Ans: Areolar tissue is a connecting tissue found between skin and muscles, around our blood vessels and nerve cells and also in the bone marrow. Its functions are,

I. To fill the space inside organs.

II. To support internal organs.

III. To help in repair tissues

4. Diagrammatically show the difference between the three types of muscle fibres.

Ans: The difference is shown as below,

Muscle Fibre

5. Differentiate between striated, untreated and cardiac muscles on the basis of their structure and site/location in the body.

Ans: difference between striated, untreated and cardiac muscles on the basis of their structure and site/location in the body is given below :, 6. complete the table:.

Types of Permanent Tissues

7. How many types of tissues are found in animals? Name the different types.

Ans: In animal four types of tissues are found: 

Epithelium or Epithelial tissue (covering tissue): It forms outer protective covering all over the body.

Connective tissue  (supporting tissue): It binds cells of other tissues in the body and give them rigidity and support.

Muscular tissue (contractile tissue): It helps the movement of the body by contraction and relaxation.

Nervous tissue: Its receiver stimulates and transmit the messages

8. Differentiate between voluntary and involuntary muscles. Give one example of each

Ans: difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles are given below:.

9. What are the major functions of blood?

Ans: Blood is a type of connective tissue, and its functions are:

Blood flow can transport oxygen, food, hormones and waste material from one part of the body to the other part of the body

Blood carries oxygen and food to all cells. It also collects wastes from all parts of the body and carries them to the liver and kidney for disposal purposes.

Regulates temperature by distributing heat within the body

WBC’S protect due body from disease and helps in wound healing

Platelets help in blood clotting

10. Write about the functions of,

a) Epidermis

Ans: Epidermis, its main function is protection. It forms a waterproof coating, which reduces loss of water.

Ans: Cork: It is protective in function. It prevents desiccation, by preventing loss of water from the plant body. It prevents infection and mechanical injury

c) Stomata.

Ans: Stomata:These are the small opening which helps in exchange of gases

11. Differentiate between parenchyma and  collenchyma

Ans: difference between parenchyma and collenchyma is given below:.

12. Mention the characteristics features of connective tissue .

Ans: Characteristics of connective tissue:

The cells are loosely spaced and are embedded in a non – living intercellular matrix

The intercellular matrix may be like jelly, fluid, dense or rigid.

Depending on the connective tissues functions the nature of the matrix varies.

13. How does cardiac muscle differ from both voluntary and involuntary muscles in both structure and function?

Ans: Cardiac muscles are the muscles of the heart that pumps blood to all parts of the body and it shows rhythmic contraction and relaxation throughout life without any fatigue. The cells of heart muscles are branched, cylindrical and uninucleate.

Cardiac Muscles are involuntary

More akin in structure and only found in heart.

They function throughout the  life

14. Write differences between blood and lymph.

Ans : difference between blood and lymph is listed below:.

15. Give reasons for:

a) Intercellular spaces are absent in sclerenchyma tissues.

Ans: Sclerenchyma cells are closely packed Hence intercellular spaces are absent. Its tissues are dead simple permanent tissues.

b) Meristematic cells have a prominent muscle and dense cytoplasm but they lack muscles

Ans: Meristematic cells have continuously dividing cells. Cells of meristem are not differentiated. It continuously divides and forms new cells which increase length and girth of the plant body.

c) We get crunchy and granular feeling, when we chew pear fruit.

Ans: due to presence of stone cells or grit cells, known as sclereids

16. Why is epidermis important for the plants?

Ans: Epidermis is the Outer protective covering of plants: 

Epidermis is covered with a waterproof coating or layer called cuticle which can reduce water loss.

 It also helps in the exchange of gases by the small pores called stomata.

17. Describe different types of  meristems.

Ans: Based on their location in the plant body, meristems are of three types.

a) Apical meristems – Occurs at the growing tips of roots and shoots and brings about an increase in length of the  plant

b) Lateral meristems – It occurs on the sides almost parallel to the long axis of the root, stem and its branches. Brings about an increase in the width or girth of the stem or root.

c) Intercalary meristems – located near to the node. Cells are very active, and have dense cytoplasm and thin cellulose. lack of vacuoles in intercalary meristems.

18. If  you are provided with three slides, each containing one types muscles fibres, how will you identify them?

Ans: If  we are provided with three slides, each containing one types muscles fibres, we can identify them by following points:

a) Skeletal muscles or voluntary muscles show alternate light and dark bands under microscope.

b) Unstriated muscles or involuntary muscles show no light or dark bands, multinucleate.

c) Cardiac muscles fibres show light and dark bands, fibres are interconnected with one or two nuclei.

19. If a potted plant is covered with a glass jar, water vapours appear on the wall of the glass jar. Explain why?

Ans: This is because of the process called transpiration. Plants always lose water from the surface of leaves. Water reaches leaves by xylem vessels, where evaporation takes place by stomata. Gaseous exchange and also removal of excess water are performed by the Stomata present in the leaves.

20. Identify the following tissue and mention their function.

A) Parenchyma: stores food , it sometimes contains chlorophyll so performs photosynthesis, after that it is called chlorenchyma, in aquatic plants parenchyma to help them float because of large air cavities.

B) Collenchyma: It provides mechanical strength and allows bending of various parts of a plant without breaking. 

C) Sclerenchyma: Provides strength to the plant parts, makes the plant hard and stiff.

21. Differentiate between meristematic and permanent tissue.

Ans: difference between meristematic and permanent tissue is given below:.

With the help of important questions for Tissues Class 9 chapter , students can revise the chapter for their exam in a better way. They can prepare their notes by referring to these important questions and answers, hence get some time for revision as well. These important questions for class 9 science tissues can be downloaded from Vedantu mobile app and official website. Also, the CBSE Class 9 tissues important questions will help them to understand the proper answer-writing technique for this chapter.

With these questions, students will be able to learn basics such as what tissues are and what is their application in living organisms.

The students also get to know about the plant tissues and animal tissues along with some other details such as meristematic tissues and permanent tissues with the help of the Class 9 Science chapter Tissue important questions.

The students can also know about different types of muscles.

Important Questions For Class 9 Chapter 6 Science

Explain why water vapor appears on the leaves of a potted plant when it is covered with a jar of glass.

Explain the difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles. Provide examples for each.

What structure is responsible for the protection of plant bodies against parasite invasion.

Explain the importance of the epidermis for the plants.

Differentiate between meristematic and permanent tissues in plants.

These questions provide some deep insights into the chapter for the students who need to know what the topic is all about. Also, the important questions for tissues class 9 play a very important role when it comes to giving some information to the students about certain entrance examinations as biology is a very common subject in these and to download the questions would really be a great idea in such cases. All they have to do is pay attention to their classes and make sure that they practice the class 9th science chapter 6 important questions more and more to gain better knowledge and information.

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One of the main reasons why students need to choose Vedantu’s class 9 science ch 6 important questions is that we have the best materials for studying. Students that need some help in clearing their doubts can rely on these questions to gain a better understanding of the chapter.

We also have a team of expert teachers and professors who have personally selected these important questions for class 9 science chapter 6 . So, these questions will be very authentic and reliable. Not to mention that all of these questions are created according to the CBSE syllabus as well as the NCERT guidelines. The scope of scoring marks for students becomes a lot higher due to this fact.

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FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 6 - Tissues

Q1. What is the Role of the Epidermis in Plants?

The epidermis is a single layer of cells that covers the leaves, flowers, stems, roots, etc. It acts as a boundary between the plant and the external environment. The role of the epidermis in plants is to provide protection to the various parts of the plants. Moreover, it can absorb water from the soil, from the roots and allows the exchange of gases through stomata.

Q2. What is the Main Difference Between Tendons and Ligaments?

The main difference between tendons and ligaments is that tendons connect muscles to bones while ligaments connect one bone to another. Tendons are tough, non-elastic and contain white fibres. Ligaments are strong, non-elastic and consist of yellow fibres.

Q3. Which Website Caters to Important Questions for CBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues?

Preparing for exams can be overwhelming for students at times. Vedantu, India’s leading online educational platform, caters to various types of study materials to make the learning process easy and effective. Among such materials, one of the most useful is chapter-wise important questions. Vedantu provides the free PDF of Important Questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues. The questions are selected by subject matter experts. The online repository for important questions is prepared considering the exam pattern and curriculum. Students can also avail the answers to these questions. The answers are also provided by subject experts and include all the important information.

Q4. What are the Tissues? What are the Simple and Complex Tissues?

The group of cells similar in origin and structure can be defined as a tissue. These cells are specialised to perform a particular function. For instance, muscle cells in our body form muscle tissues that bring about body movement or specific functions. Tissues can be broadly classified as Simple Tissues and Complex Tissues.

Simple Tissues: It is made up of only one type of cell. All the cells of such tissues work as individual units to perform a particular function. Example: parenchyma, collenchyma, etc.

Complex Tissues: It is made up of more than one type of cells. These cells work together as a single unit to perform a particular function. Example: Xylem, Phloem, etc.

Q5. What is the importance of tissue according to Chapter 6 of Class 9 Science?

Tissues refer to a group of blood cells that work together to perform certain jobs in the body. Tissues are important to the body as they provide a level of organization in all living organisms. Apart from this, tissues help to protect the body organs for any damage or injury. It even connects body parts to other bones in the body. Tissues also provide nutrition to the body. One of the major importance of tissues is that it helps to fight many infections.

Q6. Where can I download NCERT Solutions for Chapter 6 of Class 9 Science?

Vedantu provides you with an opportunity to download NCERT Solutions for Chapter 6 of Class 9 Science PDF for free. There are many important questions and answers available in NCERT Solutions that will help you ace your exams. These important questions have been taken from all the important topics and concepts of the chapter. These solutions are available at free of cost on Vedantu( and mobile app. Most of these questions are a part of the NCERT Textbook, hence you will be able to understand the chapter better. There are in-text questions and exercise questions that are available in NCERT Solutions.

Q7. What is the function of stomata?

Stomata is known as the pores that are available in the cells of leaves. The outermost layer available in the cells is known as the epidermis. This epidermis is very porous in nature, and these pores are known as Stomata. Stomata are very important to keep the plants alive. One of the main functions of stomata refers to the exchange of gases in and out of plants. Apart from this, the stomata even helps in the process of transpiration.

Q8. What does a neuron look like?

Neuron helps to pass informational messages throughout the body. A neuron refers to a nerve cell. This nerve cell consists of a cell body that contains cytoplasm and a nucleus and a thin hair-like structure that emerges from it. Every neuron consists of an elongated part known as an axon. It also contains small and short branch-like structures known as dendrites. A single neuron can grow up to a meter long and not more than that.

Q9. How can I study Chapter 6 Tissues of Class 9 Science?

While you're preparing for your exams, you need to stick to the syllabus. To study for Chapter 6 Tissues of Class 9 Science, you must pay attention to all the important questions. You should solve practice papers, sample papers, and previous year's question papers. By doing this you will get an idea of all the important questions. In most sample papers there are some questions which are repeated. Looking at this, you will be able to figure out what the important questions are.

CBSE Class 9 Science Important Questions

Cbse study materials.

Test: Tissues- Case Based Type Questions- 2 - Class 9 MCQ

10 questions mcq test - test: tissues- case based type questions- 2, direction: sunil while playing football with his friends got injured suddenly. his friends took him to the hospital and the doctor told that he was suffering from a sprain and advised bed rest. every afternoon, his friends visited him to enquire about his health. q. during a sprain, which type of tissue are stresses.

  • B. Ligaments
  • D. Connective tissues

case study based questions tissues class 9

Direction: Sunil while playing football with his friends got injured suddenly. His friends took him to the hospital and the doctor told that he was suffering from a sprain and advised bed rest. Every afternoon, his friends visited him to enquire about his health. Q. Dislocation of bones is due to ________

  • A. Damage of nervous tissues
  • B. Breakage of ligaments
  • C. Breakage of Bones
  • D. None of these

Dislocations also occur during regular activities when the muscles and tendons surrounding the joint are weak.

Direction: Study the given diagram and answer the following questions. Q. Vascular bundles are :

  • A. Only Xylem
  • B. Only Phloem
  • C. Only Cortex
  • D. Both Xylem and Phloem

Direction: Study the given diagram and answer the following questions.

case study based questions tissues class 9

Q. What will happen if Phloem at the base of the branch is removed?

  • A. Plant will die
  • B. Lower parts of the plants wilted.
  • C. No change occur

case study based questions tissues class 9

Q. Name the tissue shown in the diagram.

  • C. Epidermis

case study based questions tissues class 9

Q. Identify the parts A,B,C and D.

  • A. A - Companion cell, B - Sieve tube, C - Sieve plate, D - Phloem parenchyma
  • B. A - Phloem Parenchyma , B - Companion cell, C - Sieve tube, D - Sieve plate
  • C. A - Sieve plate, B - Sieve tube, C - Phloem parenchyma D - Companion cell
  • D. A - Sieve tube, B - Phloem parenchyma, C - Sieve plate, D - Companion cell

case study based questions tissues class 9

Phloem is composed of various specialized cells called sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibres, and phloem parenchyma cells .

Direction: Study the given descriptions and answer the following questions.

Tissue ‘A’–Repairs the injured tissues and fills spaces within organs.

Tissue ‘B’–Serves as a fat reservoir and also carries out the function of insulator.

Q. Muscular tissues that functions throughout life without fatigue :

  • A. Striated muscles
  • B. Smooth muscles
  • C. Cardiac muscles

Q. Specialised connective tissue consist of lipid rich cells ______

  • A. Adipose tissue
  • B. Areolar tissue
  • C. Muscular

Q. Identify the animal tissue from the given description :

  • A. A - Adipose tissue , B - Areolar tissue
  • B. A - Muscular tissue , B - Adipose tissue
  • C. A - Areolar tissue, B - Muscular tissue
  • D. A - Areolar tissue, B -Adipose tissue

(B) The adipose tissue is found beneath the skin, in the covering of the heart, around the blood vessels and kidneys and in yellow bone marrow.

Q. The fibres present in areolar tissue are :

  • A. Collagen
  • C. Reticular
  • D. All of these

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  • Chapter 6: Tissues

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues

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The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 – Tissues is the best study material through which students can refer and prepare their notes for their CBSE exam. These NCERT Solutions are available chapter-wise, and students can also find answers to all the questions available in their Class 9 Science NCERT textbooks . Here, in this study material, students can find detailed explanations for all the topics, which are explained in simple language, along with examples, diagrams and a flowchart in a more accessible format.

Download Exclusively Curated Chapter Notes for Class 9 Science Chapter – 6 Tissues

Download most important questions for class 9 science chapter – 6 tissues.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 – Tissues are one of the most important topics in the CBSE  exam. The faculty have curated the solutions in a lucid manner to help students understand the concepts. For a clearer idea about the chapter, students can refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 study materials available at BYJU’S.

  • Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surroundings
  • Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure
  • Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules
  • Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom
  • Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit Of Life
  • Chapter 7 Diversity in Living Organisms
  • Chapter 8 Motion
  • Chapter 9 Force and Laws Of Motion
  • Chapter 10 Gravitation
  • Chapter 11 Work and Energy
  • Chapter 12 Sound
  • Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill
  • Chapter 14 Natural Resources
  • Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6: Tissues


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Access Answers to NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 6: Tissues  (All in Text and Exercise Questions Solved)

Exercise 6.1 page: 69.

1. What is a tissue?

A tissue is defined as a cluster of cells, which are similar in structure and work together to perform a particular function.

2. What is the utility of tissues in multicellular organisms?

The use of tissues in multicellular organisms is to provide structural and mechanical strength as well as to allow division of labour.

Exercise 6.2 Page: 73

3. Name the types of simple tissues.

The types of simple tissues are as follows:

➢ Parenchyma

➢ Collenchyma

➢ Sclerenchyma

4. Where is apical meristem found?

In plants, apical meristem is typically found at:

  • The tip of the shoot
  • Root of the plant

5. Which tissue makes up the husk of a coconut?

The sclerenchymatous tissue, which is a type of permanent tissue makes up the husk of the coconut. These tissues causes the plant to become stiff and hard. The cells of this tissue are dead and their cell walls are thickened because of the presence of lignin.

6. What are the constituents of phloem?

The phloem constitutes of the following four elements, they are:

➢ Sieve tube

➢ Companion cells

➢ Phloem parenchyma

➢ Phloem fibres

Exercise 6.3 Page: 77

7. Name the tissue responsible for movement of our body.

Two tissues jointly are responsible for the movement of our body, namely:

➢ Muscular tissue

➢ Nervous tissue

8. What does a neuron look like?

A neuron is a nerve cell consisting of the cell body with a nucleus and cytoplasm from which a long and thin hair-like structure emerges. Every neuron has one elongated part known as the axon, and several short and small branched structures known as dendrites. A single neuron can even be a meter long.


9. Give three features of cardiac muscles.

Cardiac muscles are specialized tissues that are evolved to pump blood throughout the body.

The following are the features of cardiac muscles:

➢ They are cylindrical in shape.

➢ Striated muscle fibers.

➢ They are uninucleated and branched.

➢ These muscles are involuntary in nature.

10. What are the functions of areolar tissue?

Areolar tissues are typically observed in animals. They are connective tissues and are found in between skin and muscles. They are also located around blood vessels and nerves, and are present in the bone marrow. The space inside the organs is filled with these tissues. They support the delicate internal organs and assist in tissue repair in case of damage.

Exercise Page: 78

1. Define the term ’tissue’.

case study based questions tissues class 9

2. How many types of elements together make up the xylem tissue? Name them.

The xylem tissue is made up of four main elements, namely:

➢ Tracheids

➢ Xylem fibres

➢ Xylem parenchyma

3. How are simple tissues different from complex tissues in plants?

The following are the differences:

4. Differentiate between parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma on the basis of their cell wall.

The following are the differences between different tissues based on cell wall:

case study based questions tissues class 9

5. What are the functions of the stomata?

Stomata are the tiny pores present on the outer layer of the cells, the epidermis. Stomata bring about the exchange of gases and transpiration.

6. Show the difference between the three types of muscle fibres diagrammatically.

There are three types of muscle fibres, they are:

1. Cardiac muscles

  • Present in the heart.
  • Involuntary in nature.
  • They have 1 nucleus.
  • The muscle fibers are branched.

NCERT Solution for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues Question No 6 - 1 Solution

2. Smooth muscles

  • Found in lungs and alimentary canal.
  • They are spindle-shaped.

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3. Striated muscles

  • They are connected with bones
  • Voluntary in nature.
  • They are long and cylindrical muscle fibers.
  • They possess many nuclei.
  • Striated muscles are unbranched.

NCERT Solution for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues Question No 6 - 3 Solution

7. What is the specific function of the cardiac muscle?

The cardiac muscles are branched and cylindrical. They are uninucleated and are involuntary in nature.  The cardiac muscles bring about a rhythmic contraction and relaxation throughout one’s lifetime.

8. Differentiate between striated, un-striated and cardiac muscles on the basis of their structure and site/location in the body.

The following are the differences between different types of muscles, based on their structure and location in the body.

9. Draw a labelled diagram of a neuron.

Diagram of a neuron along with the labelling is as follows:


10. Name the following.

(a) Tissue that forms the inner lining of our mouth.

(b) Tissue that connects muscle to bone in humans.

(c) Tissue that transports food in plants.

(d) Tissue that stores fat in our body.

(e) Connective tissue with a fluid matrix.

(f) Tissue present in the brain.

(a) Tissue that forms the inner lining of our mouth – The epithelial tissue, Squamous epithelium.

(b) Tissue that connects muscle to bone in humans – Tendon

(c) Tissue that transports food in plants – Phloem

(d) Tissue that stores fat in our body – Adipose tissue

(e) Connective tissue with a fluid matrix – Blood, it is a fluid connective tissue

(f) Tissue present in the brain – Nervous tissue

11. Identify the type of tissue in the following:

Skin, bark of tree, bone, lining of kidney tubule, vascular bundle.

➢ Skin: Stratified squamous epithelial tissue

➢ Bark of tree: Protective tissue and cork

➢ Bone: Connective tissue

➢ Lining of kidney tubule: Cuboidal epithelial tissue

➢ Vascular bundle: Conducting tissue (xylem and phloem), complex permanent tissue

12. Name the regions in which parenchyma tissue is present.

The parenchyma is found in:

  • The pith of stems and roots
  • When parenchyma contains chlorophyll it is called a chlorenchyma. It is found in green leaves
  • Parenchyma found in aquatic plants has large air cavities which enables them to float, and are hence called aerenchyma.

13. What is the role of epidermis in plants?

The epidermis in plants forms an uninterrupted and continuous layer that has no intercellular spaces. It provides protection.

14. How does the cork act as a protective tissue?

Cork cells are dead. The arrangement of cells is so dense, that there is no intercellular space. Deposition of suberin is observed on the walls of the cells that make them impervious to water and gases.

15. Complete the following chart.

NCERT Solution for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Question No 15

The completed chart is as follows:

NCERT Solution for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Question No 15 Solution

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6: Tissues is one of the most important topics with high weightage in the exam, and the expected marks as per the exam pattern is 20. Most of the questions have been repeatedly asked in both CBSE and other competitive exams. Students can refer to these study materials and score good marks in their CBSE examinations. These NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science are prepared by a team of our subject experts to help students of Class 9 in their preparations and to have a good foundation in the subject.

6.1 Are Plants and Animals Made of Same Type of Tissues? 2 Questions (1 long)

6.2 Plant Tissues 4 Questions (2 short , 2 long)

6.2.1 Meristematic Tissue 2 Questions (2 MCQs)

6.2.2 Permanent Tissue 1 Question (1 MCQs)

6.3 AnimalTissues 4 Questions (1 short , 3 long)

6.3.1 Epithelial Tissue 1 Question (1 short )

6.3.2 Connective Tissue 1 Question (1 short )

6.3.3 Muscular Tissue 1 Question (1 short )

6.3.4 Nervous Tissue 1 Question (1 short )

Class 9, Science Chapter 6: Tissue is an extremely interesting topic, which provides complete information related to tissue, types of tissue, and their functions. This topic provides a basic framework for the next level, including the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Other interesting topics explained in this chapter include, types of tissues in multicellular organisms, their structure, location and their functions. Along with this topic, students can also find some interesting activities or experiments on tissues.

Key Features of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6: Tissues

  • NCERT Solutions are the best study material for those students having trouble finding the answers to different questions related to the respective topics.
  • Along with the textbook solutions, students can also find some important questions, keynotes and other information about the topic.
  • These NCERT Solutions are prepared by a team of expert teachers, and it covers all the fundamental concepts of the chapter and other important questions from the exam point of view.
  • The solutions explained in these study materials are well arranged in a systematic manner to permit comprehensive learning, leading to a better understanding for all the students.
  • NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6, Tissues, provides complete information regarding the topic, along with definitions and examples, which are explained in simple language and in an accessible format for students to learn better and effectively.

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Extra Questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues

Extra questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues with answers is given below. Our subject expert prepared these solutions as per the latest NCERT textbook. These questions will be helpful to revise the all topics and concepts. CBSE Class 9 extra questions are the most simple and conceptual questions that are prepared by subject experts for the students to study well for the final exams. By solving these extra questions, students can be very efficient in their exam preparations.

Tissues Class 9 Science Extra Questions and Answers

Very short answer questions.

1: Name the tissues responsible for the movement of the body. Answer:  Muscle tissue and nervous tissue

2: How does neuron look like? Answer:  A neuron is the unit cell of nervous tissue. It is a thread-like structure with cell body and axon.

3: Name the types of simple tissues. Answer:  (a) Parenchyma (b) Collenchyma (c) Sclerenchyma

4: Name the types of complex tissues. Answer:  Xylem and phloem.

5: Where is apical meristem found? . Answer:  It is present at the growing tips of stem and root, it increases the length of the stem and roots.

6: Which tissue make up the husk of coconut? Answer:  Sclerenchyma.

7: What are the constituents of phloem? Answer:  Phloem constitutes the sieve tubes, companion cell, phloem parenchyma and phloem fibres.

8: Define aerenchyma. Answer:  When the cells have air-filled large cavities of parenchyma, it is called aerenchyma. Aerenchyma helps aquatic plants in floating.

9: What is the utility of tissues in multicellular organisms? Answer:  It helps in growth, organisation of different organs and performing functions.

10: Name the two types of tissues. Answer:  Plant tissues and animal tissues.

11: Name the two types of plant tissue. Answer:  Meristematic tissue and permanent tissue.

12: What is differentiation? Answer:  The process of taking up a permanent shape, size and function by cells is called differentiation.

13: Name the three types of meristematic tissues. Answer:  The three types are: (a) Apical tissue—tips of root and shoot (b) Lateral tissue—sides of stem (c) Intercalary tissue—at nodes

14: Where is apical tissue found? Answer:  Present at the tips of roots and stems.

15: Tissues present at the lateral surface of the stem are called apical tissues. Put (T) if true and put (F) if false. Rewrite the answer if (F). Answer:  (F). Tissues present at the lateral surface of the stem are called lateral tissue.

16: Which tissues are present at the nodes of the plants? Answer:  Intercalary tissue.

17: What are the various types of blood cells? Answer:  There are three types: (a) RBC’s (b) WBC’s and (c) Platelets.

18: What are tracheids? Answer:  They are elongated cells with tapering ends.

19: What are guard cells? Answer:  Each stomata is bounded by a pair of specialised kidney-shaped epidermal cells called guard cells.

20: Epithelial tissue is the simplest tissue. Write (F) for false or (T) for true. Answer:  (T).

21: What are the functions of cuboidal epithelium? Answer:  It helps in absorption, excretion, secretion, it also provides mechanical support.

Short Answer Type Questions

1: Give four differences between bone and cartilage. Answer:

2: Give the functions of bone.

Answer:  The functions of bone are: (i) It provides shape to the body. (ii) It provides skeletal support to the body. (iii) It anchors the muscles. (iv) It protects the vital body organs like brain, lungs, etc. 3: Give the functions of cartilage. . Answer:  (i) It provides support and flexibility to the body parts. (ii) It smoothens surface at joints.

4: Fill in the blanks: (i) Water and minerals are conducted by _________ (ii) In higher plants food is conducted by _________ (iii) Blood is a __________ tissue. (iv) Bone consists of __________ cells. (v) Cartilage consists of __________ cells. (vi) Fibres are absent in __________ type of connective tissue.

Answer:  (i) Xylem (ii) Phloem (iii) Connective (iv) Osteocyte (v) Chondrocyte (vi) Blood

5: What are the functions of areolar tissue?

Answer:  Functions are: (i) It helps in repair of tissues after an injury. (ii) It also helps in combating foreign toxins. (iii) It fixes skin to underlying muscles. 6: Give difference between xylem and phloem. Answer:

7: What are fibres? Answer:  Fibres consist of very long, narrow and thick cells. Example, jute fibre.

8: Name the tissues for the following: (a) Stores fat in animal body. (b) Divides and re-divides to grow in plants. (c) Tissue that joins hone to hone. (d) Covers the external surface of animal body.

Answer:  (a) Adipose tissue (b) Meristematic tissue . (c) Ligament (d) Epithelial tissue.

9: What is stomata? Answer:  Stomata are small pores present on the surface of a leaf which helps in the exchange of gases and in transpiration.

10: Why does epidermal tissue have no intercellular space?

Answer:  The epidermal (layer) tissue forms a protective outer covering for the plants and it  protects the internal parts of the plant. It aid in the protection against loss of water, mechanical injury and invasion by parasitic fungi. For this protective role to play the continuation of cells is necessary, hence it does not have intercellular space.

11: Name and give the function of each cell of xylem:

Answer:  Xylem consists of tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma and xylem fibres. Tracheids and vessels—Allows the transport of water and minerals. Xylem parenchyma—Stores food and helps in the sideways conduction of water. Xylem fibres—Are supportive in function.

12: What is the function and location of stratified squamous epithelium? Answer:  Stratified squamous epithelium is present in the skin. The layers of cells are arranged to prevent wear and tear.

13: Give difference between ligament and tendon. Answer:

14: Give difference between striated muscles and unstriated muscles. Answer:

15: State the difference between bone and blood. Answer:

16: Name all different types of tissues present in animal.

Answer:  There are four main types of tissues present in animal. ‘ (a) Epithelial tissue present on the outer and inner lining of the body. (b) Muscular tissue are made up of muscles, help in movement. (c) Connective tissue connects the different organs in the body. (d) Nervous tissue consists of nerve cells and are present in the nervous system.

17: Why is blood called connective tissue?

Answer:  The blood is composed of cells and plasma. Plasma is a fluid and cells like red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets are present in it. All these cells are connected due to plasma. It also transports food, water to different parts of the body and connects them.

18: Name three types of muscle tissues and give function of each.

Answer:  Three types of muscle tissues are: (a) Striated muscle (b) Smooth muscle (c) Cardiac muscle

(a) Striated muscle: These muscles show alternate light and dark bands or striations. They are involuntary and present in skeletal tissues, help in movement of body and bones.

(b) Smooth muscle: These are involuntary muscles, control the movement of food in alimentary canal, contraction and relaxation of blood vessels. Present in iris, uterus etc.

(c) Cardiac muscle: These muscles are present in heart, help in the rhythmic contraction and relaxation throughout the life.

19: State the difference between simple tissues of plants. Answer:  The simple tissues of plants are: (i) Parenchyma (v) Collenchyma (iii) Sclerenchyma

20: With the help of diagram show the difference between striated muscle fibre, smooth muscle fibre and cardiac muscle fibre. Answer:

Extra Questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues 1

21: Name different types of meristematic tissue and draw diagram to show their location.

Answer:  The 3 different types of meristematic tissue are: (a) Apical meristem—Function: growth in length. (b) Lateral meristem—Function: growth in thickness. (c) Intercalary meristem—Function: growth in internodes.

Extra Questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues 2

22: Explain the structure, function and location of nervous tissue.

Answer:  Structure: Nervous tissue consists of cells called nerve cells joined end to end (neurons). A neuron (nerve cell) consists of a cell body with nucleus and cytoplasm. From these cell body a long thin hair-like parts arise called axon and many short branched parts called dendrites. Location: Nervous tissue are present in brain, spinal cord and nerves. Function: Nervous tissue receives the stimuli and transmit the stimulus rapidly from one place to another within the body. The nerve impulse allows us to move our muscles and respond to any stimuli.

23: Give the flow chart of plant tissues. Answer:

Extra Questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues 3

Long Answer Type Questions

1: Write a note on plant tissues.

Answer:  Plant tissues consist of two main types of tissue.

Extra Questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues 4

Parenchyma:  Present in soft parts of the plant.

Collenchyma: Provides mechanical support to plant present in stalks. Sclerenchyma: They provide strength and flexibility to the plants.

Xylem:  Conduct water in plants from root to shoot. Consists of tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma and xylem fibres.

Phloem: Conduct food to all parts of plant. Consist of sieve tubes, companion cell, phloem parenchyma and phloem fibres.

2: Show the types of animal tissues using flow chart. Answer:

Extra Questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues 5

3: What is connective tissue? Explain its types.

Answer:  The connective tissue consists of different types of cells, all of them perform same function.

Extra Questions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 Tissues 6

Areolar connective tissue: It is found between the skin and muscles, around blood vessels and nerves and in the bone marrow. Areolar tissue fills the space inside the organs. It supports internal organs and helps in repair of tissues.

Adipose tissue: Adipose tissue stores fat, found below the skin and between internal organs. The cells of this tissue are filled with fat globules. It acts as insulator due to fat storage.

Blood:  It has a fluid called plasma, in plasma are present red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Blood flows all over the body and helps in the transport of gases, digested food, hormones and waste material to different parts of the body.

Lymph:  Lymph carries digested fat and lot of white blood cells in the plasma. Bone: It forms the framework that supports the body. It supports the different parts of our body. It is strong and non-flexible tissue.

Cartilage:  It is present in nose, ear, trachea and larynx. It smoothens bone surfaces at joints.

Tendon:  It connects bone and muscles. These tissues are fibrous, flexible and with lot of strength.

Ligament:  It connects bone to ‘bone. It is elastic, has lot of strength.

4: Describe ‘epidermis’ in plants.

Answer:  Epidermis forms the entire outermost layer of the plant. It is made up of single cell layer. It protects all the internal parts of the plant. On aerial parts, epidermis secretes waxy, water-resistant layer on their outer surface. This helps in protection against loss of water, mechanical injury and invasion of parasitic fungi.

In leaves, epidermis consists of small pores called stomata. These pores help in the transpiration and exchange of gases, like oxygen and carbon dioxide for plants. In roots, epidermis have long hair-like parts that provide greater surface for water absorption. In desert plants, epidermis has a thick waxy coating of cutting which acts as a water proofing agent.

5: Explain the “complex tissue” of plants.

Answer:  Complex tissues are made up of more than one type of cells. All these cells co-ordinate to perform common function. These are—xylem and phloem. Both are conducting tissues and form a vascular bundle.

Xylem consists of—tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma and xylem fibres. Most of these cells are dead. Tracheids and vessels helps in water transportation, parenchyma stores food and helps in the sideways conduction of water and fibres are mainly supportive in function. Phloem is made up of four types of elements—sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma. It helps in the transportation of food in both the directions, i.e. from leaves to roots and to other parts of the plant.

Value Based Questions

1: A group of students completed the project of finding the botanical names of all the trees present in the school campus. They prepared metal plates with names carved on it, to fix it on the plant trunks. Shreya was concerned that if the metal plate is fixed into tree many cells of the tree may get damaged. But the group members explained her that the outer layer of trunk does not have living cells and there won’t be any damage to the tree. (a) What type of cells are present on the outer layer of the bark/tree trunk? (b) How does the cork act as a protective tissue? (c) What value of the group is seen in the above cast?

Answer:  (a) On the outer layer of the tree trunk/bark all thick layer of dead cells is present which acts as protective tissue. (b) In cork, all cells are dead without intercellular spaces, the walls of the cells have deposition of suberin. (c) The students in a group show team effort, peer learning and cooperative.

2: A paralytic patient was unable to walk. ‘The family member of the patient took the outmost care of the patient. (a) Name two tissues responsible for the movement of a body. (b) Name the tissues present in brain and spine. (c) What value of the family members is seen in the above case?

Answer:  (a) The two tissues responsible for movement of the body are muscular tissue and nervous tissue. (b) The tissues present in brain and spine are nervous tissues. (c) The family members showed the value of being caring, responsible, dutiful and kind.

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9th Class Science Tissues Question Bank

Done 9th cbse science tissues total questions - 214.

Question Bank

question_answer 1) What feature helps aquatic plants to maintain buoyancy in water?

question_answer 2)   What is called parenchyma containing chlorophyll?

question_answer 3)   Plants are flexible due to which permanent tissue?

question_answer 4)   Cells of which tissue are irregularly thickened at the corners.

question_answer 5)   State one role of parenchyma in plants.

question_answer 6)   Walls of sclerenchymatous cells are thickened due to which reason?

question_answer 7)   Why epidermis of plants living in dry habitats is thicker?

question_answer 8)   What is the function of waxy covering on epidermis of aerial parts of plants?

question_answer 9)   What kind of cells enclose stomata?

question_answer 10)   What is transpiration?

question_answer 11)   Which complex permanent tissue conduct material in both direction?

question_answer 12)   What is the function of hair-like parts on roots?

question_answer 13)   What are the types of complex permanent tissues?

question_answer 14)   Blood is which type of tissue?

question_answer 15)   Cilia are present in which types of tissue?

question_answer 16)   A selectively permeable surface is composed  of what type of tissue in animals?

question_answer 17)   Cells of which epithelium is cube-shaped?

question_answer 18)   What kind of cells can secrete substances at the epithelial surface?               

question_answer 19)      Which type of conducting tissue conduct water and minerals vertically?

question_answer 20)              Which conducting tissue transport food from leaves to other parts of plants?     

question_answer 21)    Why are cork impervious to gases and water?

question_answer 22)   Which muscles can show rhythmic contraction and relaxation throughout life?

question_answer 23)   Which type of muscle fibre has light and dark band on its surface?

question_answer 24)   What kinds of compounds compose bone cells?

question_answer 25)   What kind of blood cell is an integral part of immune system?

question_answer 26)   Which biochemicals compose the solid matrix of cartilage?

question_answer 27)   Which connective tissue helps in repair of tissues?

question_answer 28)   Which muscle has spindle-shaped cells?

question_answer 29)   State one function of bone.

question_answer 30)   Which tissue is present in spinal cord?

question_answer 31)   State one function of nerve impulse.

question_answer 32)   Name the tissue present in soft parts of the plants like pith and cortex.

question_answer 33)   What is a function of phloem?

question_answer 34)   What is a the function of xylem?

question_answer 35)   Name the tissue present in brain.

question_answer 36)   Give two main functions of stomata.

question_answer 37)   Name the dead element of phloem.

question_answer 38)   Name the type of tissue which is abundantly found in animal.

question_answer 39)   Write the common name of (i) xylem   (ii) phloem.  

question_answer 40)   State when the tissue formation take place.

question_answer 41)   Name the following (i) Multinucleate muscle fibre (ii) Spindle-shaped muscle fibre

question_answer 42)   Which meristem is present at growing tips of stems and roots?

question_answer 43)   Which   process   is   followed   by meristematic tissue to form permanent tissue?

question_answer 44)   Name basic packing tissue of plant.

question_answer 45)   Which pigment helps in performing photosynthesis by plants?

question_answer 46)   Which tissue is present at the lining of mouth?

question_answer 47)   What is the prominent function of blood?

question_answer 48)   Which connective tissue is specialised for fat storage?

question_answer 49)   Which body cell provides resistance against infection?

question_answer 50)   Which tissue is responsible for growth of plant?

question_answer 51)   What is the name of parenchyma having large air cavities?

question_answer 52)   What is the role of tendon in animals.

question_answer 53)   What is the living component of xylem?

question_answer 54)   What is the difference between meristematic tissues and permanent tissues?

question_answer 55)   Which tissue is found in an area of regular wear and tear?

question_answer 56)   Name the largest blood cells.

question_answer 57)   From which matter matrix of cartilage is made up of

question_answer 58)   Which part of an actively growing root takes up most of water from soil?

question_answer 59)   Which type of tissue contracts when it is stimulated by nerve impulse?

case study based questions tissues class 9

question_answer 63)   Name the junction between the terminal part of one axon and the dendrite of adjacent neuron.

case study based questions tissues class 9

question_answer 65) Write a short note on types of meristematic tissue with their location and functions in plants.

question_answer 66)   What are the functions of collenchyma in plants?

question_answer 67)   Give differences between fibres and sclerids.  (2)

question_answer 68)   Write the functions of following chemical substances found in plant tissues. (i) Lignin                               (ii) Cutin

case study based questions tissues class 9

question_answer 70) Draw diagram of stomata.                 

question_answer 71)   Write a note on vascular bundle.  

question_answer 72)   Why is epidermis present as a thick waxy coating of cutin in desert plants?

question_answer 73)   Write difference between aerenchyma and chlorenchyma.

question_answer 74)   Heart pumps blood all through the body. Can you explain the reason behind this peculiar ability of heart?

question_answer 75)   Write the function of (i) Ligaments                      (ii) Tendons

question_answer 76)   Which tissue forms the inner lining of the intestine?

question_answer 77)   Under what circumstances squamous epithelium is called as stratified squamous epithelium?

question_answer 78)   Cutting of rose is done timely in gardens but still it regain its length. Give reason.

question_answer 79)    (i) State two important functions of  areolar tissue. (ii) Why are skeletal muscles known as striated muscles?

question_answer 80)    (i) Mention the location of apical meristem in plants. (ii) Name the tissue responsible for movement of body.

question_answer 81) Draw a diagrammatic labelled sketch of stem tip to show the location of meristematic tissue. Mention the function of meristematic tissue.

question_answer 82)   What is the function of bones, cartilage, tendons and ligaments?

question_answer 83)   What are the roles of epidermis in plants?

question_answer 84)   What is epithelial tissue? State the type of epithelial tissue present in the lining of blood vessels.

question_answer 85)   Name two types of process present in neuron.

question_answer 86)   What type of tissue is found at shoot apex? Name one more part of the plant body where this type of tissue is found.

case study based questions tissues class 9

question_answer 88)   Write the differences between simple and complex tissues. Give one examples of each.

case study based questions tissues class 9

question_answer 91)   Do roots of a plant continue growing after their tips are removed? Explain giving reasons.

question_answer 92)            Which structure protects the plant body against the invasion of parasites?

question_answer 93)   Animals of colder region and fishes of cold water have thicker layer of subcutaneous fat. Describe why?

question_answer 94) Name the different components of xylem and draw a living component.  

question_answer 95)  Write the features of striated muscles with diagram.  

question_answer 96)    Differentiate between bone ad cartilage.

question_answer 97)  Name three different types of blood cells and give their functions. Draw diagram also.  

question_answer 98)   Write functions of the following (i) Areolar connective tissue (ii) Neuron (iii) Adipose connective tissue

question_answer 99)   What will happen if cells are not organised in tissue?       

case study based questions tissues class 9

question_answer 101) Draw a well labelled diagram of cardiac muscle found in human body. Write two differences between striated and smooth muscles.

question_answer 102)   Name the tissue responsible for flexibility in plants. How would you differentiate it from other permanent tissues. (2)

question_answer 103)   List any six characteristic of parenchyma.

question_answer 104) Name the tissue that smoothens bones surface at joints. Describe its structure with the help of diagram.  

question_answer 105)   Which, type of muscles, i.e., smooth or striated are found in the iris of the eye? Why  are   smooth  muscles   called involuntary muscles? In what way they are different from striated muscles with respect to number of nuclei?

question_answer 106)   List the constituents of phloem. What will happen if the phloem at the base of branch is removed?

question_answer 107)   Give three differences between epithelial tissue and connective tissue.

question_answer 108)   What are neurons? Where are they found in the body? What function do they perform in the body of an organism?

question_answer 109)   Describe three functions of protective tissue in plants.

question_answer 110)   Give one function of each of the following (i) Stomata (ii) Root nodules (iii) Cardiac muscle fibres

question_answer 111)   State the functions of skeletal connective tissues.

question_answer 112)   Give the name of the following. (i) Tissue concerned with the conduction of food materials. (ii) Tissue capable of cell division. (iii) Multiple pore present in epidermis of leaf.

question_answer 113)   What happens when (i) formation of cork in older stem does not occur. (i) If ligament get over stretched. (iii) apical meristem is damaged in plants.

question_answer 114)   Differentiate between axon and dendrite.

question_answer 115)   Differentiate between blood and lymph.  (3)

question_answer 116)   Differentiate the following activities on the basis of voluntary or involuntary muscles  

question_answer 117)               Water hyacinth floats on water surface Explain.            

question_answer 118)     Why are xylem and phloem called complex tissue? How they different from one another?           (2)

question_answer 119)   Differentiate between meristematic and permanent tissues in plants.

question_answer 120)   Give the differences between axon and dendron.

question_answer 121)   Give the differences between tendon and ligament.  

question_answer 122) Rohan's brother is an athlete, One day Rohan went to see his brother's competition. All of a sudden he saw his brother in pain and not able to run comfortably. Slowly a medical team gathered around him and he saw a doctor applying ice on his knees. (i) He is very confused as to why the doctor is applying ice on his brother's knees. Can you clear Rohan's confusion? (ii) What is ligament? (iii) What values shown by Rohan?  (iii) The values shown by Rohan are inquisitive and scientific approach towards a problem.(2)     

question_answer 123)   Name the following. (i) Tissue that forms the inner lining of our mouth. (ii) Tissue that connects muscle to bone in humans. (iii) Tissue that tr (arts fnspoood in plants. (iv) Tissue that stores fat in our body. (v) Connective tissue with a fluid matrix. (vi) Tissue present in the brain.

question_answer 124)   Identify the type of tissue in the following. Skin, Bark of tree, Bone, Lining of kidney tubules, Vascular bundle  

question_answer 125) Differentiate between various types of muscular tissues? Draw appropriate diagram.  

question_answer 126) Explain the location of all the protective tissue in animals. Draw appropriate diagram.    

question_answer 127) What are simple permanent tissues of plants? Explain in detail with diagram (also give differences in them).  

question_answer 128) The transportation system of plants is composed of complex permanent tissue also have a transportation system in themselves  clarify  in  detail  with appropriate diagrams.  

question_answer 129)   Write difference between animal tissue and plant tissue.

question_answer 130)   Our will can control some of the action of our body but some are not in our control. Comment.

question_answer 131)   Ashu a student of class IX, suffered from high fever with headache. After a blood test, the doctor confirmed that he was suffering from dengue. Platelet count in his blood sample was also low and was recorded as 60,000. (i) What does a doctor advise if the platelet count is very low? (ii) What precaution one should take to get rid of dengue? (iii) What value is shown by the doctor?

question_answer 132) Write a note on the protective tissue in plants. (Give appropriate diagram also)  

question_answer 133) Write two differences between muscles present in heart and the limbs of man. Also draw labelled diagram of these two kinds of muscles.  

question_answer 134)   Give reasons for      (i) Meristematic cell have prominent nucleus and dense cytoplasm but they lackvacuole. (ii) Intercellular spaces are absent in sclerenchymatous tissue. (iii) We get crunchy and granular feeling when we chew pear fruit. (iv) Branches of tree moves and bend freely in high wind velocity. (v) It is difficult to pull out husk of coconut.

question_answer 135)   Differentiate between sclerenchyma and parenchyma tissue.  

question_answer 136)   List the characteristics of cork. How is it formed? Mention its role.

question_answer 137)  Describe structure and function of different types of epithelial tissues. Draw well labelled diagram.  

question_answer 138)   Sunil while playing football with his friends got injured suddenly. His friends took him to the hospital and the doctor told that he was suffering from a sprain and advised bed rest.  Every afternoon, his friends visited him to enquire about his health. (a)What happens during a sprain? (ii) In what other way can the friends help Sunil? (iii) What value is shown by his friends?  

question_answer 139)   Name a plant tissue having dead cells.                            

question_answer 140)   What minerals is the bone matrix rich in?             

question_answer 141)              Name the water conducting tissue generally present in gymnosperms.

question_answer 142)   Presence of which chemical in cork cells makes them impervious to water and gases?

question_answer 143)   Which tissue in plants provides them flexibility?

question_answer 144)   Which tissue makes up the husk of coconut?

question_answer 145)   Name the muscular tissue that functions throughout life without fatigue.

question_answer 146)   In desert plants, how does the rate of loss of water get reduced?

question_answer 147)   Which animal tissue helps in repair of tissue and fills the space inside the organ?

question_answer 148)   Name the tissue responsible for movement in our body.      

question_answer 149)   What does a neuron look like?                                

question_answer 150)   What is a goblet cell?              

question_answer 151)                                    What is the name of bone cells?

question_answer 152)   Which blood cells deal with immune reaction?

question_answer 153)   Which cells are responsible for contraction and relaxation movements?

question_answer 154)   Which cells are responsible for carrying messages?                  

question_answer 155)   How are oxygen, food, hormone and waste material transported in the body?

question_answer 156)   What is responsible for increase in girth of the stem or root?

question_answer 157)   What is lignin?

question_answer 158)   What is cutin?

question_answer 159)   How are simple tissues different from complex tissues in plants? [NCERT]

question_answer 160)   What is the specific function of the cardiac muscle?             [NCERT]

question_answer 161)   Which tissue forms a barrier to keep different body systems separate?

question_answer 162)   What is the composition of the cartilage matrix?

question_answer 163)   What are responsible for contraction and relaxation in muscles?

question_answer 164)   Differentiate the following activities on the basis of voluntary (V) or involuntary (IV) muscles. Jumping of frog  (b) Pumping of the heart Writing with hand (d) Movement of chocolate in your intestine [NCERT Exemplar]

question_answer 165)   What stimulates the movement of muscles?

question_answer 166)   Give the name of the connective tissue lacking fibres.

question_answer 167)   Water hyacinth floats on water surface. Explain.       [NCERT Exemplar]

question_answer 168)   Which structure protects the plant body against the invasion of parasites?

question_answer 169)   Why does an organism plant or animal, require different types of cells in the body?

question_answer 170)   If a potted plant is covered with a glass jar, water vapour appears on the wall of the glass jar. Why?                               [NCERT Exemplar]

question_answer 171)   Why voluntary muscles are also called skeletal muscles?    

question_answer 172)     What happens to the cells formed by meristematic tissue?

question_answer 173)   What is the utility of tissues in multicellular organisms?         [NCERT]

question_answer 174)   What is the function of epidermis?                                  

question_answer 175)   Describe the structure and function of stomata.

question_answer 176)   Why is the epidermis present as a thick waxy coating of cutin in desert plants?

question_answer 177)   Write a short note on 'phellogen?

question_answer 178)   Write the differences between xylem and phloem.

question_answer 179)   Write a short note on xylem.

question_answer 180)   Write a short note on phloem.

question_answer 181)   Differentiate between parenchyma, Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma on the basis of their cell wall.                                    [NCERT]

question_answer 182)     Write a short note on epithelial tissue.

question_answer 183)   Diagrammatically show the difference in three types of muscle fibres. [NCERT]

question_answer 184)   Describe the functions of epithelium tissue.

question_answer 185)   How are glandular epithelium formed?

question_answer 186)   Name the following: (a)Tissue that forms inner lining of our mouth. (b) Tissue that connects muscle to bone in humans. (c) Tissue that transports food in plants.                             (d) Tissue that stores fat in our body. (e) Connective tissue with a fluid matrix. (f) Tissue present in the brain.            [NCERT]

question_answer 187)   Identify the type of tissue in the following: skin, bark of tree, bone, lining kidney tubule, vascular bundle.                             [NCERT]

question_answer 188)   How does the cork act as a protective tissue? 

question_answer 189)   Write a short note on blood.

question_answer 190)   Describe the function of bones.

question_answer 191)   What are involuntary muscles? Where are they found?

question_answer 192)   How are messages conveyed from one place to another within the body?

question_answer 193)   Differentiate between voluntary and involuntary muscles. Give one example of each type.

question_answer 194)    (a) What is the lining of blood vessels made up of? (b) What is the lining of small intestine made up of? (c) What is the lining of kidney tubules made up of? (d) Where are the epithelial cells with cilia found?

question_answer 195)   Name the different components of xylem and draw a living component.  

question_answer 196)     Differentiate between striated, unstriated and cardiac muscles on the basis of their structure and site/location in the body.

question_answer 197)     Why are plants and animals made of different types of tissue?

question_answer 198)   Differentiate between parenchyma and collenchyma.

question_answer 199)     Differentiate between collenchyma and sclerenchyma.

question_answer 200)     What is a neuron? Write the structure and functions of a neuron.

question_answer 201)   Differentiate between meristematic tissue and permanent tissue.

question_answer 202)   Briefly describe striated and smooth muscles with their functions.

question_answer 203)   Draw and identify different elements of phloem.                                  [NCERT Exemplar]

question_answer 204)   What is a permanent tissue? Classify permanent tissues and describe them.

question_answer 205)   Describe the types of connective tissues along with their functions.

question_answer 206)   Differentiate between parenchyma and sclerenchyma tissues.

question_answer 207)     Describe the structure and function of different types of epithelial tissues Draw the diagram for each type of epithelial tissue.

question_answer 208)   Give reasons: (a) Meristematic cells have a prominent nucleus and dense cytoplasm but they lack vacuole. (b) Intercellular spaces are absent in sclerenchymatous tissues. (c) We get a crunchy and granular feeling when we chew pear fruit. (d) Branches of a tree move and bend freely in high wind velocity. (e) It is difficult to pull out the husk of a coconut tree.

question_answer 209)   List the characteristics of cork. How are they formed? [NCERT Exemplar]    

question_answer 210)     A person met with an accident in which two long bones of the hand were dislocated. What could be the reason?

question_answer 211)   If the tip of a sugarcane plant is removed from the field, even then it keeps on growing in length. Why?                     

question_answer 212)        A nail is inserted in the trunk of a tree at a height of 1 metre from the ground level. After 3 years, where will the nail be present?

question_answer 213)   The root tips of a plant were cut and the plant was replanted. What will happen to the plant and why?

question_answer 214)   Tissue A and tissue B constitute tissue C. A carries water while carries food for the plants. Identify A, B, C.  

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Case Study Questions Class 9 Science The Fundamental Unit of Life

Case study questions class 9 science chapter 5 the fundamental unit of life.

CBSE Class 9 Case Study Questions Science The Fundamental Unit of Life. Important Case Study Questions for Class 9 Exam. Here we have arranged some Important Case Base Questions for students who are searching for Paragraph Based Questions The Fundamental Unit of Life.

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CBSE Case Study Questions Class 9 Science – The Fundamental Unit of Life

All living Organisms are made up of cells and these cells perform all the functions essential for the survival of the Organism eg. Respiration, digestion, excretion etc. In Unicellular organisms, a single cell carries out all these functions and in multicellular organisms different group of cells carry out different functions.

Cells were first discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665. He observed the cells in a cork slice with the help of a primitive microscope. Leeuwenhoek (1674), with the improved microscope, discovered the free living cells in pond water for the first time. It was Robert Brown in 1831 who discovered the nucleus in the cell. Purkinje in 1839 coined the term ‘protoplasm’ for the fluid substance of the cell.

(1) Who discovered the cell?

(a) Robert Hooke

(b) Leeuwenhoek

(c) Robert Brown

(d) T. Schwann

(2) Who discovered the nucleus in the cell?

(3) Who coined the term ‘Protoplasm’?

(d) Purkinje

(4) What is protoplasm?

(a) Unit of life

(b) Cell organelle

(c) Fluid substance of the cell.

(d) Cytoplasm

(5) Which of these statement is true about the cell?

(a) All organism are made up of cell

(b) Cell is the basic unit of life

(c) Cell is responsible for different metabolic functions

(d) All above

The cell theory, that all the plants and animals are composed of cells and that the cell is the basic unit of life, was presented by two biologists, German zoologist Schleiden (1838) and British zoologist Schwann (1839). The cell theory was further expanded by Virchow (1855) by suggesting that all cells arise from pre-existing cells. With the discovery of the electron microscope in 1940, it was possible to observe and understand the complex structure of the cell and its various organelles.

(1) Theodore Schwann was a _____

(a) British zoologist

(b) German zoologist

(c) British botanist

(d) German botanist

(2) Matthias Schleiden was a _____

(a) German zoologist

(b) British zoologist

(c) German botanist

(d) British botanist

(3) Which of these scientists formulated the cell theory?

(a) Schleiden and Schwann

(b) Rudolf Virchow

(c) Robert Koch

(d) Antony Von Leeuwenhoek

(4) Which scientist was the first to explain that new cells arise from pre-existing cells?

(a) Antony Von Leeuwenhoek

(b) Matthias Schleiden

(c) Rudolph Virchow

(d) Theodore Schwann

(5) Which of these scientists did not contribute to the cell theory?

(a) Robert Koch

(c) Theodore Schwann

(d) Rudolph Virchow

Plasma membrane or Cell membrane is the outermost covering of the cell that separates the contents of the cell from its external environment. The plasma membrane is flexible and is made up of organic molecules called lipids and proteins. The flexibility of the cell membrane also enables the cell to engulf in food and other material from its external environment. Such processes are known as endocytosis.The plasma membrane allows or permits the entry and exit of some materials in and out of the cell. It also prevents movement of some other materials. The cell membrane, therefore, is called a selectively permeable membrane.

Some substances like carbon dioxide or oxygen can move across the cell membrane by a process called diffusion. There is spontaneous movement of a substance from a region of high concentration to a region where its concentration is low. Similar thing happens in cells – some substance like CO2 (carbon dioxide is cellular waste and requires to be excreted out by the cell) accumulates in high concentrations inside the cell. In the cell’s external environment, the concentration of CO2 is low as compared to that inside the cell. As soon as there is a difference of concentration of CO2 inside and outside a cell, CO2 moves out of the cell, from a region of high concentration, to a region of low concentration outside the cell by the process of diffusion.

Water obeys the law of diffusion. The movement of water molecules through such a selectively permeable membrane is called osmosis. The movement of water across the plasma membrane is also affected by the amount of substance dissolved in water. Thus, osmosis is the net diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane toward a higher solute concentration.

(1) The plasma membrane is made up of ___________

(a) Proteins

(c) Proteins and Lipids (Lipoproteins)

(d) none of above

(2) Which of the following substance is known as cellular waste?

(b) Nitrogen

(c) Carbon dioxide

(d) None of above

(3) The movement of a substance from the region of higher concentration to the region where its concentration is lower is called as _____________

(a) Osmosis

(b) Diffusion

(c) Excretion of CO2 (carbon dioxide)

(4) Why cell membrane is known as selectively permeable membrane?

(5) What is mean by diffusion?

(6) Define Osmosis.

(d) Cell membrane allows or permits the entry and exit of some materials in and out of the cell. It also prevents movement of some other materials. Hence it is called as selectively permeable membrane.

(e) It is spontaneous movement of a substance from a region of high concentration to a region where its concentration is low. For example, some substances like carbon dioxide or oxygen can move across the cell membrane by a process called diffusion.

Plant cells, in addition to the plasma membrane, have another rigid outer covering called the cell wall. The cell wall lies outside the plasma membrane. The plant cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose. Cellulose is a complex substance and provides structural strength to plants. When a living plant cell loses water through osmosis there is shrinkage or contraction of the contents of the cell away from the cell wall. This phenomenon is known as plasmolysis.

(1) Which of the following is the main constituent of cell wall?

(c) Lipoproteins

(d) Cellulose

(2) Which of the following is outer most covering of the plant cell?

(a) Cell membrane

(b) Plasma membrane

(c) Cell wall

(3) Choose the correct set of statements from the following.

Statement 1 – Cell wall lies outside the plasma membrane.

Statement 2 – Cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose.

Statement 3 – Cellulose is a complex substance and provides structural strength to plants.

Statement 4 – Cell wall lies outside the plasma membrane.

(a) Statement 1 & 3

(b) Statement 1 & 2

(c) Statement 3 & 4

(d) All statement are correct

(4) What is mean by plasmolysis?

(5) What is the reason behind structural strength of plant cell?

(4) When living plant cell loses water through osmosis there is contraction of the contents of the cell away from the cell wall. This phenomenon is called as plasmolysis.

(5) The plant cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose. Cellulose is a complex substance and provides structural strength to plants.

Every cell has a membrane around it to keep its own contents separate from the external environment. Large and complex cells, including cells from multicellular organisms, need a lot of chemical activities to support their complicated structure and function. To keep these activities of different kinds separate from each other, these cells use membrane-bound little structures within themselves. The cytoplasm is the jelly like fluid content inside the plasma membrane which contains many specialised cell organelles. Such as Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi apparatus, Lysosomes, Ribosomes, Nucleus, Chloroplast, Mitochondria and Plastids.Each of these organelles performs a specific function for the cell. Some of these organelles are visible only with an electron microscope. They are important because they carry out some very crucial functions in cells.

(1) Identify the statement which is true for cells.

Statement 1 – Some cell organelles are visible only with an electron microscope.

Statement 2 – Cytoplasm is jelly like fluid present inside the cell.

Statement 3 – Cell organelles perform all the functions in cell.

Statement 4 – Every cell has a membrane around it to keep its own contents separate from the external environment.

(b) Statement 2 & 4

(c) Statement 1 & 4

(d) All statement are true.

(2) A suitable term for the various components of cells is ________

(b) cell organelles

(c) chromosomes

(3) The jelly-like fluid substance present in cells is called __________

(a) Protoplasm

(b) Chromosome

(c) Chloroplast

(4) What is cell organelles?

(5) Enlist the any five cell organelles.

(4) Cell organelles are the specialized organelles present with in the cells these organelles are involved in carrying out essential functions.

(5) Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi apparatus, Lysosomes, Ribosomes, Nucleus, Chloroplast, Mitochondria and Plastids.

The endoplasmic reticulum is a large network of membrane-bound tubes and sheets. It looks like long tubules or round or oblong bags (vesicles). It is discovered by Porter and Thompson.  The ER membrane is similar in structure to the plasma membrane. There are two types of ER– rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). RER looks rough under a microscope because it has particles called ribosomes attached to its surface. The ribosomes, which are present in all active cells, are the sites of protein manufacture. The manufactured proteins are then sent to various places in the cell depending on need, using the ER. The SER helps in the manufacture of fat molecules, or lipids, important for cell function. Some of these proteins and lipids help in building the cell membrane. This process is known as membrane biogenesis. Some other proteins and lipids function as enzymes and hormones. Although the ER varies greatly in appearance in different cells, it always forms a network system.

(1) Who discovered endoplasmic reticulum?

(a) Porter and Thompson

(b) Robert Brown

(c) Robert Hooke

(d) Koshland

(2) Which are the components of endoplasmic reticulum__________

(a) Cisternae, tubules and vesicles.

(b) Cisternae, chromatids and vacuoles

(c) Both a and b

(d) None of the above

(3) Endoplasmic reticulum membrane which is associated with ribosomes is called_______

(a) ER lumen

(b) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

(c) Rough endoplasmic reticulum

(d) Endosome

(4) Enlist the types of Endoplasmic Reticulum.

(5) Define membrane biogenesis?

(4) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum and Rough endoplasmic reticulum

(5) The SER helps in the manufacture of fat molecules, or lipids, important for cell function. Some of these proteins and lipids help in building the cell membrane. This process is known as membrane biogenesis.

The Golgi apparatus, first described by Camilo Golgi, consists of a system of membrane-bound vesicles (flattened sacs) arranged approximately parallel to each other in stacks called cisterns. These membranes often have connections with the membranes of ER and therefore constitute another portion of a complex cellular membrane system. The material synthesised near the ER is packaged and dispatched to various targets inside and outside the cell through the Golgi apparatus. Its functions include the storage, modification and packaging of products in vesicles. In some cases, complex sugars may be made from simple sugars in the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi apparatus is also involved in the formation of lysosomes

(d) Camilo Golgi

(2) A system of membrane-bound flattened sacs arranged approximately parallel to each other in stacks are called as _________

(a) Cisterns

(b) Vesicles

(c) Golgi complex

(d) Vacuoles

(3) Membrane bound flattened sacs is termed as _________

(4) Enlist the function of Golgi apparatus.

(5) Name the cell organelles which is involved in the formation of lysosomes?

(4) Functions of Golgi apparatus:

  • Storage, modification and packaging of products
  • Involved in formation of lysosomes

(5) Golgi apparatus

It’s a suggestion that tries to give all the questions in mcq types in case/paragraph-based questions or if you are putting question-based kindly put only very short answer types questions like one word or one sentence it’s more helpful to all. Rest it’s really good information and provides ideas to us.

Ok Dibya, We will design this page

tomorrow is my science final papper. this case study is come in my papper than i am very happy.

This very helpful casebased questions Thanku for this

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