Autism Treatment Center Business Plan and SWOT Analysis

Autism Treatment Center Business Plan, Marketing Plan, How To Guide, and Funding Directory

The Autism Treatment Center Business Plan and Business Development toolkit features 18 different documents that you can use for capital raising or general business planning purposes. Our product line also features comprehensive information regarding to how to start an Autism Treatment Center business. All business planning packages come with easy-to-use instructions so that you can reduce the time needed to create a professional business plan and presentation.

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Product Specifications (please see images below):

  • Bank/Investor Ready!
  • Complete Industry Research
  • 3 Year Excel Financial Model
  • Business Plan (26 to 30 pages)
  • Loan Amortization and ROI Tools
  • Three SWOT Analysis Templates
  • Easy to Use Instructions
  • All Documents Delivered in Word, Excel, and PDF Format
  • Meets SBA Requirements

A video showcasing the Autism Treatment Center Business Plan:

People with autism have unique needs as relates to how they interact with other people and function the world. As such, autism treatment centers have become very popular businesses over the past 10 years as people have taken a much more compassionate view to working with people that are on the autism spectrum. These businesses are able to remain profitable in any economic climate given that they render important physical and mental health services to these people. Additionally, families of people with autism are very willing to have the these individuals get the assistance they need so they can thrive in society. The barriers to entry for a new autism treatment center are very high given that it is usually a medical professional or mental health professional that seeks to develop these businesses. The licensure required to operate one of these facilities varies from state to state and as such it is important that an entrepreneur that is looking to start one of these facilities consult with an attorney to determine which licenses are needed in order to render the services to the general public.

If an entrepreneur is looking to raise capital to start their new autism treatment center then it is very important that they have a business plan. This document should showcase the market, approximate percentage of people with autism, median household income, and the competition that these businesses will face on an ongoing basis. The business plan should also include information relating to the anticipated financial results of the business. Within most business plans, this includes a three-year profit and loss statement, cash flow analysis, balance sheet, breakeven analysis, and business ratios page that can be reviewed by a potential funding source to make an investment or lending decision. Most investors and financial institutions are happy to provide the capital needed to start autism treatment center given the very high demand for these services as well as the high gross margins that are generated from services rendered. One of the drawbacks to these businesses is that they do have very high operating costs given that health care and mental health professionals need to be hired to provide treatment to people with autism. The startup costs for a new autism treatment center generally range from anywhere from $100,000 to $500,000 depending on whether or not it is going to be a standalone facility, and whether or not the business is going to acquire real estate. One of the other things that used to be discussed within the business plan is whether the company will be able to receive insurance reimbursements from both private insurance companies as well as publicly funded healthcare systems. Generally, if mental health services are being provided on-site in conjunction with general care – and these businesses are able to qualify for receiving payment from insurance companies.

As it relates to the autism treatment center marketing plan, it is very important that an individual that is going to own and operate one of these facilities develop ongoing relationships with other mental health professionals, pediatricians, schools, and other entities in which people with autism use on an ongoing basis. It is of the utmost importance that referrals are generated in order to develop the customer base. Additionally, and as with any other business – it is important to have an online presence. The website for the autism treatment center should feature information about the business, practitioners, hours of operation, whether or not insurance is accepted, and other relevant information pertaining to autism and how to help people that have this disorder.

Frequently done in conjunction with the marketing plan and business plan, is the autism treatment center SWOT analysis. This analysis focuses on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats faced by most companies. As it relates to strengths, and as discussed above – the demand for autism treatment centers has exploded over the past 5 to 10 years. Additionally, these companies are able to generate significant fees by assisting people with autism. For weaknesses, this is still a new industry and are currently a number of issues that need to be addressed on an ongoing basis especially as it pertains to treating people that are on the autism spectrum. As it relates to opportunities, many owner operators of these businesses seek to develop ongoing relationships with referring physicians while concurrently establishing additional locations. For threats, he owned changes to Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance reimbursement policies – there are very few ongoing threats outside competitive issues that would impact the way that an autism treatment center conducts business.

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How to Develop a Comprehensive Autism Center Business Plan


Welcome to our Autism Center Business Plan! This plan outlines our vision for creating a center that provides comprehensive services to individuals with autism and their families. Our goal is to create a safe and supportive environment where individuals with autism can receive the care and support they need to reach their full potential. We plan to provide a variety of services, including educational, therapeutic, and recreational activities, as well as support for families. We believe that by providing these services, we can help individuals with autism lead more fulfilling lives. Thank you for taking the time to review our plan and we look forward to working with you to make our vision a reality.

Developing a comprehensive autism center business plan is an important step in launching a successful business. A well-crafted business plan will provide a roadmap for the business, outlining the goals and objectives of the center, as well as the strategies and tactics that will be used to achieve them.

The first step in developing a comprehensive autism center business plan is to conduct a thorough market analysis. This should include an assessment of the current market for autism services, as well as an analysis of potential competitors. Additionally, research should be conducted into the demographics of the local area, including the number of individuals with autism and their families. This research will help to inform the services that the center will offer, as well as the pricing and marketing strategies that will be used.

Once the market analysis is complete, the next step is to develop a mission statement for the center. This statement should clearly articulate the purpose of the center, as well as the values and goals that will guide its operations. Additionally, the mission statement should provide a framework for the center’s operations, including the services that will be offered, the target market, and the strategies that will be used to reach them.

The next step is to develop a detailed business plan. This plan should include a detailed description of the services that will be offered, as well as the pricing and marketing strategies that will be used to reach the target market. Additionally, the plan should include a financial analysis, outlining the expected costs and revenues associated with the center’s operations. Finally , the plan should include a detailed timeline for the launch and operation of the center.

Once the business plan is complete, the next step is to develop a comprehensive marketing plan. This plan should include a detailed description of the strategies and tactics that will be used to reach the target market, as well as a timeline for implementation. Additionally, the plan should include a budget for marketing activities, as well as a plan for tracking and measuring the success of the marketing efforts.

Finally , the last step in developing a comprehensive autism center business plan is to develop a plan for managing the center’s operations. This plan should include a detailed description of the policies and procedures that will be used to ensure the center’s success, as well as a timeline for implementation. Additionally, the plan should include a budget for operational expenses, as well as a plan for tracking and measuring the success of the center’s operations.

By following these steps, entrepreneurs can develop a comprehensive autism center business plan that will provide a roadmap for the successful launch and operation of the center.

Understanding the Financial Implications of Starting an Autism Center

Understanding the Financial Implications of Starting an Autism Center

Starting an autism center is a noble endeavor that can have a positive impact on the lives of many individuals and families. However, it is important to understand the financial implications of such an endeavor before taking the plunge.

The first step in understanding the financial implications of starting an autism center is to determine the start-up costs. This includes the cost of renting or purchasing a facility, hiring staff, purchasing equipment, and any other necessary expenses. It is also important to consider the cost of marketing and advertising to ensure that the center is well-known in the community.

Once the start-up costs have been determined, it is important to consider the ongoing costs associated with running the center. This includes the cost of staff salaries, utilities, insurance, and any other necessary expenses. It is also important to consider the cost of providing services to clients, such as therapy, assessments, and other services.

In addition to the costs associated with running the center, it is important to consider the potential revenue sources. This includes fees for services, grants, donations, and other sources of income. It is also important to consider the potential for growth and expansion, as well as the potential for partnerships with other organizations.

Finally , it is important to consider the potential risks associated with starting an autism center. This includes the potential for legal issues, financial losses, and other unforeseen circumstances. It is also important to consider the potential for liability and the need for insurance coverage.

By understanding the financial implications of starting an autism center, entrepreneurs can make informed decisions about whether or not to pursue this endeavor. With careful planning and consideration, entrepreneurs can ensure that their center is successful and beneficial to the community.

Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Qualified Staff for an Autism Center

Recruiting and retaining qualified staff for an autism center is essential for providing quality care and services to individuals with autism. The following strategies can be used to ensure that the center has the best staff possible.

1. Develop a comprehensive recruitment plan. This plan should include a detailed job description, a list of qualifications and experience required, and a timeline for the recruitment process.

2. Utilize online job boards and social media to reach a larger pool of potential candidates.

3. Reach out to local universities and colleges to identify potential candidates.

4. Develop relationships with local organizations that specialize in autism services.

5. Offer competitive salaries and benefits packages to attract and retain qualified staff.

6. Provide ongoing training and professional development opportunities to ensure that staff are up-to-date on the latest research and best practices in autism care.

7. Create a positive work environment that is supportive and encourages collaboration.

8. Develop a mentorship program to help new staff members learn the ropes and become comfortable in their roles.

9. Offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate the needs of staff members.

10. Recognize and reward staff for their hard work and dedication.

By implementing these strategies, an autism center can ensure that it has the best staff possible to provide quality care and services to individuals with autism.

Creating a Sustainable Business Model for an Autism Center

Creating a sustainable business model for an autism center is an important task that requires careful consideration. The goal of this model is to ensure that the center is able to provide quality services to its clients while also remaining financially viable. To achieve this, the model must be designed to generate sufficient revenue to cover the costs of running the center, while also providing a positive return on investment.

The first step in creating a sustainable business model for an autism center is to identify the services that will be offered. These services should be tailored to meet the needs of the clients and should be designed to generate revenue. Examples of services that could be offered include educational programs, therapy sessions, and social activities.

Once the services have been identified, the next step is to determine how they will be priced. Pricing should be based on the cost of providing the services, as well as the potential return on investment. It is important to ensure that the pricing is competitive and that it is in line with the market rate for similar services.

The next step is to develop a marketing strategy to promote the services offered by the center. This should include both traditional and digital marketing tactics, such as print advertising, radio and television commercials, and social media campaigns. It is also important to ensure that the marketing efforts are targeted towards the right audience.

Finally , it is important to develop a system for tracking the performance of the center. This should include metrics such as client satisfaction, revenue generated, and cost of services. This data can then be used to identify areas for improvement and to ensure that the center is meeting its goals.

By following these steps, it is possible to create a sustainable business model for an autism center. This model should be designed to generate sufficient revenue to cover the costs of running the center, while also providing a positive return on investment. With careful planning and execution, this model can ensure that the center is able to provide quality services to its clients while also remaining financially viable.

Developing a Marketing Plan for an Autism Center

The purpose of this marketing plan is to outline the strategies and tactics that will be used to promote the services of the Autism Center. The Autism Center is a non-profit organization that provides support and resources to individuals and families affected by autism. The Center offers a variety of services, including educational programs, support groups, and counseling. This plan will outline the target market, the marketing objectives, and the strategies and tactics that will be used to reach those objectives.

Target Market

The target market for the Autism Center is individuals and families affected by autism. This includes parents, caregivers, and individuals with autism. The target market also includes healthcare professionals, educators, and other professionals who work with individuals with autism.

Marketing Objectives

The primary objective of the Autism Center’s marketing plan is to increase awareness of the services offered by the Center. This includes increasing the number of individuals and families who are aware of the Center and its services, as well as increasing the number of healthcare professionals, educators, and other professionals who are aware of the Center and its services.

The secondary objective of the Autism Center’s marketing plan is to increase the number of individuals and families who utilize the services offered by the Center. This includes increasing the number of individuals and families who attend educational programs, support groups, and counseling sessions.

Strategies and Tactics

The Autism Center will use a variety of strategies and tactics to reach its marketing objectives. These strategies and tactics include:

1. Social Media : The Autism Center will use social media to increase awareness of its services. This will include creating and managing social media accounts on popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The Center will use these accounts to post updates about its services, as well as to engage with its target audience.

2. Public Relations : The Autism Center will use public relations to increase awareness of its services. This will include creating press releases and other materials to be distributed to local media outlets. The Center will also work with local media outlets to arrange interviews and other opportunities to promote the Center and its services.

3. Events : The Autism Center will host events to increase awareness of its services. This will include hosting informational sessions, support group meetings, and other events. The Center will also work with local organizations to host joint events.

This marketing plan outlines the strategies and tactics that will be used to promote the services of the Autism Center. The plan focuses on increasing awareness of the Center and its services, as well as increasing the number of individuals and families who utilize the services offered by the Center. The plan includes strategies and tactics such as social media, public relations, and events. With the implementation of this plan, the Autism Center will be able to reach its marketing objectives.

Exploring the Benefits of Collaborating with Other Autism Centers

Collaborating with other autism centers can be a beneficial endeavor for any organization. By working together, centers can share resources, knowledge, and expertise to better serve the autism community. This type of collaboration can help to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve the quality of services provided.

One of the primary benefits of collaborating with other autism centers is the ability to share resources. By pooling resources, centers can reduce costs and increase efficiency. For example , centers can share staff, equipment, and materials, which can help to reduce overhead costs. Additionally, centers can share best practices and expertise, which can help to improve the quality of services provided.

Another benefit of collaborating with other autism centers is the ability to increase access to services. By working together, centers can expand their reach and provide services to a larger population. This can help to ensure that individuals with autism have access to the resources they need.

Finally , collaborating with other autism centers can help to foster a sense of community. By working together, centers can create a network of support and resources for individuals with autism and their families. This can help to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for those affected by autism.

In conclusion , collaborating with other autism centers can be a beneficial endeavor for any organization. By working together, centers can share resources, knowledge, and expertise to better serve the autism community. This type of collaboration can help to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve the quality of services provided. Additionally, it can help to increase access to services and foster a sense of community. For these reasons, collaborating with other autism centers is an important step in providing quality care to individuals with autism.

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Starting an ABA Therapy Clinic – Step by step how to, ABA Business Plan and Checklist

ABA Clinic

‍ Most Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) clinic owners specialize in behavioral analysis, not business management. Explore this guide and get advice from real ABA owners on every step in setting up a new clinic. Learn how to register a business, attract clients, and grow your practice. ‍

Inside this article:

  • How to organize and plan your ABA clinical processes
  • Expert tips for starting an ABA practice
  • Answers to common FAQs
  • Why ABA practice management software is a must-have tool for new ABA clinic owners ‍

ABA Clinic

Steps to Start a New ABA Clinic

‍ To start an ABA clinic, you’ll need to incorporate your business. Then, you’ll create robust clinical procedures before accepting clients. The length of the entire process depends on your preparation level and whether you want to enroll with insurance providers.

Deciding to open a new Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) clinic is the first step in an exciting phase of your career. But the process can feel overwhelming. Like any new business owner, you’ll need to create a robust business plan, save money, and go through the steps of registering your business. To top it off, you (or your staff) need to receive the licenses and credentials required of a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).

Most BCBAs start in the field because they want to make a social impact and help others. Many like the idea of opening a clinic because they want to expand their reach and be their own boss. However, some BCBAs make the mistake of underestimating how much business, marketing, and non-clinical work goes into starting an ABA practice.

Aaron Tucker, founder and CEO of Forward Family Services , three ABA and behavioral health clinics in central California, recounts his motivation to start an ABA clinic.

business plan for autism center

‍ “I wanted to do something socially impactful and rewarding, which also allowed me to make a living.”

But Tucker warns that BCBAs might be surprised at how much business management can be involved in starting an ABA clinic. “Many people are used to focusing on case management and interacting with kids. They may not realize that, as a business owner, you don’t get as much of that experience anymore.” ‍

Tucker sums it up nicely, saying, “if you want to be a business owner, are a confident leader, embrace teamwork, and want to help others, opening an ABA clinic will be right up your alley. To be successful, a new ABA owner must be resilient.”

With the proper support and preparation, the result will be worth it: your own clinic where you can use your unique skill set to improve your patients’ lives. ‍ ‍

Steps to Set Up a New Business

‍ Setting up a business is straightforward, but steps vary based on state and business type. Start by creating a business plan and securing funding. Then, think of a name that encapsulates the spirit of your business. Finally, register your business.

Before starting the journey, it’s worth noting that the entire process might require a mind shift. Dr. Brandon Herscovitch, clinical assistant professor of ABA at Truman State University and co-owner of Partners Behavioral Health , offers this advice:

business plan for autism center

‍ “Think like both a BCBA and a businessperson. For example, being an ethical and caring businessperson can help provide a platform for you and your clinicians to serve your clients inside a sustainable model.”

Whenever you decide that you are ready, here’s a step-by-step guide detailing how to set up your ABA business. Click here to download our checklist for starting an ABA clinic.

Map out the process Before jumping full steam ahead, research the process diligently. In many cases, you can work on two steps concurrently, saving time and money. Plus, you may identify weaknesses that you’ll need outside help to tackle. For example, most experts advise speaking to a lawyer and an accountant at the beginning of the process.

Consider your finances and make a budget An accountant or business coach can help you with the subtleties of strategic financial planning. Don’t underestimate this stage: Proper planning will help you identify how much upfront capital you’ll need to get your business going and how long you’ll run in the early stages when you only work with a few clients. In fact, according to the Small Business Administration (SBA), one of the top five reasons a business fails is because they lack the capital to operate in the early stages.

Starting a business has an upfront cost. Ask yourself if you have enough money to absorb these costs or if you will need to borrow money. Consider that you may be unable to keep your day job while simultaneously opening a business. Estimate your startup cost and how long you can run your business without turning a profit. The number will vary based on your goals and whether you want to run an in-house or virtual practice. Split up your expenses into fixed costs(e.g., rent, web hosting services) and variable costs (e.g., anticipated staff hiring, etc.).

This process will also help you determine a wage for yourself and your staff. This number will vary based on whether you will predominantly be paid through insurance carriers.

Herscovitch owned his own ABA clinic from 2006 to 2019. When asked about critical concepts he wished he knew more about before starting, Herscovitch stresses that “cash flow is an important concept to understand. People often focus on profitability, which is important too, but cash flow is also an essential concept to understand and plan for. Likewise, having a business plan and financial projections will help you succeed.”

Brainstorm your business name Your business name will follow you everywhere you go – from your registration forms to your website – so think carefully about your choice. Try encapsulating your business's spirit and speaking to your unique mission. Your business name should be easy to remember because it will be the centerpiece of your marketing campaign. Finally, check your state’s business registry website to ensure the name is available.

Write your business plan Your business plan will outline your goals and how you will achieve them. You’ll also outline business milestones you hope to reach, helping you identify and prepare for potential roadblocks. Finally, potential investors will expect a well-written business plan if you are seeking any outside funding. There are seven broad parts of a business plan. You should organize your business plan from general to specific. For example, start with an executive summary containing your business name, description, and team biographies. You then walk the reader through the specifics of your funding and marketing strategies. In the end, you will discuss the levels of growth you hope to achieve and how you will reach these milestones. For example, if you want to expand to many clinics, you should organize your plan around that goal. Download our ABA clinic business plan template to learn more.

Pick your business location Your state and region will determine specific regulations, license requirements, and expenses. For ABA providers, consider that different states offer different rates and have various rules and licensing requirements. Also, your location will affect fixed costs like rent and utilities.

Determine business structure (LLC vs. SCORP vs. CCORP) Your business structure affects how much you pay in taxes, your funding ability, the paperwork you need to file, and your liability. Before registering your business, you must choose a business structure. Many decide to discuss the relative pros and cons with their certified public accountant (CPA).

Sole proprietorship: You are immediately considered a sole proprietorship if you don’t register as any other business. In a sole proprietorship, your business assets and liabilities are not separate from your assets and liabilities. If you need a loan, consider that banks rarely lend to sole proprietorships. On the other hand, sole proprietorships can be a good idea if you just want to test your idea before forming a more formal business or branching out to include multiple clinics.

Limited liability company (LLC) LLCs separate your personal and business assets. If you operate an LLC, personal assets won’t be at risk if your business faces financial issues. You will need to pay self-employed text contributions toward Medicare and Social Security. ‍ ‍

Corporation – SCORP and CCORP

Corporations have shareholders, officers, and a board of directors. SCORPs and CCORPs are the two major types of corporations. They differ in terms of their federal tax structure. Both corporations provide excellent protection against personal liability, allow you to sell stock, and are more expensive to set up than an LLC.

CCORP:  Owners of CCORPs must pay corporate-level income taxes and can experience double taxation if they make a profit by selling shares.

SCORP: SCORPs have a special tax status. In SCORPs, losses and profits pass through to the individual shareholders, who are then taxed individually. SCORPS don’t pay federal income taxes. This option can be attractive to ABA owners, but be aware that you must meet some requirements to file as an SCORP.

business plan for autism center

- Register your business If you conduct business under your legal name ,you don’t need to register with the federal or state government. But, without registration, you won’t get personal liability protection and tax benefits.

Federal: Most businesses simply need to receive a federal tax ID to register with the federal government and become a legal entity. Small businesses sometimes register for trademark protection or tax-exempt status. If you want to trademark your business, brand, or product name, file with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Register your business as a tax-exempt entity with the IRS if you want that status for a nonprofit corporation.

State: If you’re an LLC or corporation, you must register with any state where you conduct business. For an ABA clinic, this will typically be the state where you have a physical presence.  Some states allow you to register online, while others require paper documents in person or by mail. Usually, the cost to register your business is less than $300, but fees vary depending on your state and the business structure.

Registered agent: You need a registered agent for an LLC or corporation. All this means is you must name a registered agent when filing business formation paperwork with your state. You must have a registered agent in every state where you register your company. Some owners choose to assume this role if they work only in one state. The job is simple: Receive documents on behalf of the business and pass them on to the appropriate individual. This procedure exists for lawsuits, subpoenas, and notices that legal personnel must serve in person. You want someone you trust to pass the information along promptly.

- Receive federal and state tax IDs Your employer identification number (EIN) is your federal tax ID. Right after you register your business, apply for an EIN for free. Most, but not all, states require a state tax ID if your business involves hiring employees or selling goods and services. Check with your state to learn more about the requirements and procedures for receiving a state tax ID. State income taxes differ by state. Research your state’s income and employment tax laws or ask your accountant to ensure you comply with all tax regulations.

- Open a business bank account You can open a business bank account once you’ve received your federal EIN. You should not accept or spend money on your business with your personal account. Most banks offer additional perks to business bank account holders, like personal liability protection. Business accounts also convey a level of professionalism to paying customers. Finally, with a business credit line, you can amass a credit history that might be handy later when you want a loan to make a large purchase. Finally, you need a business bank account if you want to credential with any insurance carriers.

Get complete guidance on collecting, analyzing, and using ABA data for practice growth.

Setting up an aba practice.

‍ You will need to take additional steps to set up an ABA practice, like securing necessary licenses and insurance. If you want to enroll with insurance, you must undergo insurance credentialing.

Here’s a step-by-step list of what you need to do to set up your ABA practice.

- Decide whether you will offer in-home or clinical therapy Some ABA providers offer in-home services, where clinicians travel to the patient’s home. This option can provide several benefits. For example, the overhead cost is far less because you do not have to locate a center or pay rent. Some clinicians prefer to work in-home because it allows more opportunities to treat patients in their natural environments. However, expanding and growing your practice has obvious limitations if you offer only in-home services.

A clinic setting lets you and your staff treat more patients and offer options like group therapy and increased socialization.  Opening a clinic can be a smart way to increase your client load and grow your staff, but it comes with expenses like rent, utilities, and more.

- Create a CAQH profile CAQH stands for “Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare” and is an online data repository that insurance companies access to gain information about practitioners. The CAQH system allows insurance companies to use a uniform application for credentialing, expediting the process. You will need a CAQH profile to enroll with insurance companies. Many BCBAs already have a CAQH profile. If you sign up, be sure you don’t already have a profile because you cannot have duplicate accounts.

- Insurance credentialing Experts describe insurance credentialing as the proverbial black hole in starting an ABA Clinic. The process can take up to90 days, especially if you hope to go in-network with insurance companies in your area. Be aware that you will need to submit the policies and procedures for your organization with your paperwork. If you want to register as a group provider, you will need two to three other BCBAs, depending on the state.

Tucker, CEO of Family Forward Services, points out that in the insurance and billing world, “everything moves slower than you think it will. Credentialing will lag, and billing will take 30 to 40 days – and that’s if you’re fast. These delays represent significant challenges in the industry.” Strongly consider outsourcing the process to a professional, so you can focus on starting and promoting your new business while they manage insurance credentialing. If you decide against insurance credentialing, identify your funding source. Will you be a private pay-only clinic or contract with schools?

- Negotiate your rates Determining your wage and that of your staff can be difficult when contracting with insurance carriers. You do not have much negotiating power at the early stages.

Tucker recalls that “when you start out in the business, insurance companies set the rates. Later, as you demonstrate a track record of success and growth, you will have more control over your rates. Basically, if you demonstrate that you can take care of their paying customers and members, they will be more willing to negotiate.”

But, Tucker notes, there is some hope: “In the ABA and mental health space, there is increasing pressure on the insurance to increase their rates. The cost of giving care has exploded, and the carriers are not giving up. Millions of providers and practice owners have demanded that insurance carriers should be increasing their rates commensurate with inflation. Hopefully, that change will happen soon.”

- Get your National Provider Identification (NPI) Number: All BCBAs already have an NPI to bill insurance companies for services. If you are the sole provider in your ABA clinic, you won’t need more than your individual NPI (also called a “Type 1” NPI). Otherwise, you’ll need a group NPI (“type 2”NPI). You can get either NPI type at the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System.

- Get insurance Opening, managing, and working at an ABA clinic present various risks. Consider the following insurance policies to protect yourself and your employees:

  • Workers’ compensation If one of your employers experiences an accident on the job – from an aggressive patient to carpal tunnel from deskwork – workers’ compensation insurance will cover your employees' medical costs and lost wages. Paying for these costs yourself would be a financial disaster. Additionally, some states mandate that you provide workers’ compensation, even for part-time workers. ‍
  • Professional liability insurance (malpractice insurance) Professional liability insurance (malpractice insurance)Professional liability insurance protects you when a client claims you made a mistake while providing care. When setting up your insurance policy, try to define the type of care and services you provide. This strategy will increase the chances that the policy will cover you in the event of an issue.
  • General liability Insurance General liability insurance protects bodily or property damage because of your business operations. General liability insurance can also protect against miscommunication arising from false or unclear advertising.
  • Auto liability insurance If you use a car in your business, purchase a comprehensive auto insurance policy.

- Consider accreditation Behavioral Health Center of Excellence (BHCOE) accreditation is an earned certification and distinction among ABA Providers that demonstrates an organization’s commitment to quality and improvement in ABA. ‍

Steps for Setting Up an ABA Practice

‍ You’ll need to gather the necessary hiring documentation and create robust collection and treatment plans to set up your practice. Also, make sure you know how you plan to intake clients, hire staff, and market your business. Here's an overview of what you need to consider when setting up an ABA practice.

- Client intake Have a step-by-step process detailing your intake process and your methods for determining how you will assess new clients for eligibility.

- Recruiting, hiring, and training staff Provide policies that outline how you will ensure that all your staff has been trained. Understand how you will support employees to receive training as needed. Consider how you will train your staff in cultural sensitivity, safety techniques, HIPAA, agency records management, and ethics. Create training materials, job descriptions, and hiring forms. Decide what type of benefits package you will offer and whether you want a Registered Behavioral Technician (RBT) to assist your BCBAs. Consider whether you will provide training for RBTs or whether you will expect to hire someone with experience. Create a payroll system.

- Clinical procedures Treating patients is why most ABA owners get into the business. Have a collection of pre-planned treatment plans and create a robust data collection system, ideally one that is supported by powerful ABA practice management software. Have policies and procedures for clinical management and case supervision for home-based and clinic-based services, depending on your specialty.

- Billing and compliance Your billing processes will vary based on your major funding source. If you mostly rely on insurance carriers, you must navigate the complex world of insurance reimbursements and compliance.

Thomas John, Founder and CEO of Plutus Health, Inc. states, “A new ABA agency must ensure upstream activities like credentialing and contracting with major players as a first step in setting up a good billing process. You must check for patient eligibility and get prior authorization before scheduling a session. To get reimbursed promptly, make sure the claim has accurate modifiers, session times, and signatures.”

You will need to develop methods to understand and meet the terms of your contracts and stay up to date with any changes to provider requirements. Provider network requirements, compliance procedures, and contract changes vary based on the carrier and your status (in-network or not). The best way to deal with billing and compliance is to partner with a trusted billing solution service as part of your ABA practice management software solution. ‍

Expert Tips on Starting a New ABA Clinic

‍ Experienced ABA owners offer this essential tip for starting an ABA clinic: Choose the right people for your team. Make sure they are high-quality specialists who fit your business plan. Two other tips: Consider outsourcing administrative tasks and join professional associations to network.

Here's a detailed list of tips on starting an ABA clinic:

- Build a team of professionals with diverse strengths Every ABA expert stresses one key piece of advice: Pick the right team.

Herscovitch emphasizes that “effective and strategic business people often don't do everything themselves. They hire specialists in each of their areas or required expertise. The CEO is not also the CFO and the CCO in successful large corporations. They know the importance of building great teams around them. Consider those details in building your organization.” ‍

‍ Tucker, CEO and founder of Family Forward Services, also stresses the importance of teams. He emphasized that “you must recognize your limitations and strengths.” Before starting an ABA clinic, Tucker, an experienced MBA, felt comfortable with insurance companies and revenue cycling. But he notes, “I am not a clinician. I couldn’t have grown our practice into a 150-employeepractice without my COO, a BCBA with 30 years of experience in mental health and ABA. I lean on her for the clinical operations side. My CAO oversees the onboarding, training, people, and culture management. This dynamic allows everyone to support one another and helps the business flourish.”

- Join professional associations Consider joining the Association for Behavior Analysis International (AIBA) group and the Association of Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA). Joining these groups will affiliate you with an extensive network of other BCBAs and give you access to essential resources and conventions. Plus, membership will show your commitment to the profession. Finally, registering with these groups will help get your name out to potential customers.

- Take your website seriously Invest in a modern, sleek, and informative website. Use this space to talk about your mission and establish a brand identity. Consider hiring a graphic designer to create an original, creative, and recognizable logo.

- Outsource administrative tasks Most BCBAs study behavioral analysis, not accounting, business operations, and marketing. Don’t try to wear all the hats at once. Instead, hire a CFO, accounting firm, and bookkeeper. Also, consider aligning with the payroll company. Invest in a comprehensive ABA software solution covering your business operations from head to toe.

- Utilize marketing material and get social media Define your target market, including demographics and psychographics. Consider hiring a marketing expert to help you get the word out and convert interested clients into paying clients. These days, social media is a must-have for any business. Classic marketing material like flyers and posters in doctors’ offices and schools can still have a broad reach. You can also host an open house event so families can see your offer.

When marketing, Herscovitch says, “consider why a customer or employee should collaborate with you rather than one of the (possibly) many other options they have. To increase the likelihood of success in today's market, have a unique value proposition. Think about what makes you special. Be honest and creative. For example, are you filling a gap in the market? Maybe you have experience with or are an expert with certain behaviors, client personas, or specialty areas/services. Maybe you represent a specific group of people with whom prospective customers can associate or that they'd want to support.”

-  Attend local events and network in-person Don’t underestimate the power of organically meeting with colleagues and potential clients in your area. Because ABA relies on authentic connections, people may weigh your in-person presence more strongly than your social media campaign. Consider meeting with social workers who work in the school district near you.  You can also meet with local pediatricians to solicit referrals. Attend different events to spread the word. Also, tell your BCBA colleagues about your new business. Chances are, they will refer new clients to you if they don’t have the space or specialty to treat them.

-  Monthly payroll Most insurance companies take 30 to 90 days to pay you. Setting up monthly payroll guarantees payday will intersect with an influx of funds from insurance providers.

- Sign up with a clearing house Some ABA owners choose to hire a clearing house to review their health insurance claims before sending them to the clearinghouse.

- Learn how to be a good boss Cultivating an effective leadership style will help build a positive, respectful working culture. ‍

‍ Herscovitch has simple advice for leaders: “Treat your staff how you’d want to be treated. Furthermore, understand that advocacy is and will be an essential element of his field moving forward.”

Starting an ABA Clinic FAQs

We asked ABA experts to weigh in on some common ABA FAQs. Find answers to topics like the profitability of ABA clinics, how best to grow your business and more.

Are ABA Clinics Profitable?

‍ In general, ABA clinics that follow the best practices of starting a business will make a profit. However, those profits depend entirely on the market in your area and which type of clients you accept, such as insurance, private pay, and school contracts.

The demand for ABA clinics will only grow. According to the Bureau of LaborStatistics (BLS), ABA therapists will experience more than a 20% job growth by2029. In 2021, entry-level BCBA therapists made $60,000 annually, whereas more experienced therapists could earn over $70,000 annually. Though starting abusiness will eat up costs up front, with the proper marketing and budgeting for overhead, you should be able to reach these metricsand grow beyond them. Plus, salaries and clientele will grow along with demand. Within a few years, Tucker’s three ABA clinics, Family Forward Services, have provided him and his team with a “hard-fought 10-15% return on investment.” Tucker also commented that “in this industry, demand will only grow. We are only scratching the surface when it comes to accurately diagnosing mental or behavioral health disorders.” ‍

How Do I Grow my ABA Clinic?

‍ The best way to grow your clinic is to attract new clients. Strategies vary based on your location and regional demand. Consider expanding the services you provide along with your hours of operation. Another option is to contract with a marketing firm. Tucker has firsthand experience in growing ABA clinics: He expanded his single office into three regional offices, supporting 150 clients in central California during the coronavirus pandemic. Tucker notes that he couldn’t have been successful alone. “If you’re looking to grow a business to have a bigger impactor operate on a regional scale, you need to recognize your limitations and build a team whose strengths make up for your weaknesses. Then, you can be confident that you will get there together.” ‍

How Much Does It Cost to Set Up an ABA Clinic?

‍ It costs an average of $300,000 to $350,000 to set up an ABA clinic, according to one expert. However, Brandon Herscovitch, Ph.D., notes that “overhead costs depend on various considerations like your funders, staff salaries, additional expenses, business model, business structures, client number, and more.

He adds: “Your average number of clients and the anticipated time to payment from payers are also important considerations. On average, I would estimate an overhead cost of $300,000 to $350,000, but the number could be much more or much less. ‍

Should I Offer ABA Virtual Care?

‍ The growing wave of telehealth services won’t slow down anytime soon. Increased convenience and lower cost led many ABA clinics to offer telehealth. However, remote practice isn’t for every provider or every patient. Your best bet might be a hybrid of remote and in-person.

Tucker opened his first clinic in Fresno, CA, in 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic. Where other businesses closed or only offered telehealth, Tucker and his team continued to provide in-person services – a decision which he says may have helped his business grow. “We doubled in size in 2020-2021, when many clinics were shuttering. Meanwhile, we had tearful parents, thanking us for still providing the in-person care they needed.”

Still have questions in mind on how to start an ABA clinic?

How aba practice management and emr software simplifies opening a new clinic.

‍ ABA practice management software streamlines business operations so you can concentrate on providing care. You can focus on clients and business growth by handing off administrative tasks to the software.

James Vrtis, CEO of Artemis ABA Inc., a technology software company focused on ABA, points out that new ABA clinics have opportunities and challenges distinct from already established clinics. For Vrtis, software can help leverage these opportunities and close the gaps.

“New ABA clinic personnel tend to wear multiple hats as they try to get their business up and running. ABA software alleviates this strain and helps create operational workflows that ensure best practices. The software gives you a roadmap to intake a client, schedule them, provide therapy, and get paid for that session. These tools keep you focused on what matters. Think of ABA software as the guardrails that keep you centered on clinical care.” ABA therapy revolves around long, intense one-on-one sessions with clients. The best BCBAs take detailed notes, collect data to track their client’s progress, and tailor plans as needed. A BCBA that takes these notes manually will waste hours and make typical errors associated with manual entry and copying. In anew clinic’s early, vulnerable stages, this time lost can spell burnout and disaster.

On the other hand, new clinics that use practice management software from day one will also facilitate report gathering claims transmissions and have a clearer sense of their financial perspective. These processes will alleviate huge administrative burdens from the backs of budding ABA businesses, allowing them to flourish and focus more on customer care. By eliminating many small inefficiencies, ABA practice management and electronic medical record (EMR) software can spell the difference between success and failure for a small clinic. Tucker, CEO and founder of Family Forward Services, advises new owners to“ choose your software and billing partners carefully. These are critical choices if you want to be successful in ABA.” ‍

ABA software differs in functionality. Look for the following features:

- Client onboarding: Management software for intake forms, registration, and more makes HIPPA-compliant documentation easier. ‍

- Scheduling: The best software allows for automated scheduling, with the ability to edit appointments manually. Automated scheduling facilitates communication with patients and therapists and makes rescheduling or canceling appointments hassle-free.

- Insurance claims processing and payment Automated insurance workflows alert therapists to upcoming expiration dates for prior authorizations. This system helps reduce therapy interruptions due to a lack of payment. ABA systems provide detailed insight into the status of claims. Denial management solutions help you reduce your number of denied claims and get the revenue you earned. Evaluate denials for errors and makeappeals all through the software. Automating the claims transmission process through an integrated clearing house will make processing and up your percentage of clean claims faster.

- Payroll and human resources ABA software lets you easily manage timesheets and keep up with employee performance. A responsive customer support team distinguishes between mediocre and excellent software support.

- Clinical data collection and analysis Reputable ABA software provides on-demand reports for various key performance indicators (KPIs). It has a system for therapists to take notes once, eliminating the inefficiencies of manually transcribing notes. Support improved patient outcomes with trackable analytics that allow you to get a first-hand look at a client’s response to treatment ABA software with cloud support and mobile solution enables you to collect data from anywhere quickly–whether in the office, at a school or off-site.

- Reporting and analytics Comprehensive dashboards with reports and alerts drive our attention to critical indicators for all facets of your business, letting you better manage your business. ‍

Some of the critical benefits of ABA software include:

- Improved patient care: You won’t lose any important notes with secure data reporting. As a result, generated visuals, analytics, and reports will be more accurate and robust, improving patient outcomes. Improved patient outcomes and less stress associated with day-to-day operations create a positive environment and a more productive clinic.

- Increased revenue : Automating the processes allows you to save time and money, letting your BCBAs increase their caseload and optimize their sessions. Plus, with help understanding and processing insurance claims, you can quickly identify when an insurance company wrongly rejects your claims. Finally, productivity increases your bottom line by saving time on non-billable hours and reducing costs.

- Happier employees: No one likes to spend hours on tedious, non-billable tasks. When you give your employees more tools to help their patients – and don’t waste their time on administrative tasks – they will be less prone to burnout. ‍

How Artemis ABA Helps New Clinics Succeed

‍ New ABA owners need comprehensive support from an expert team. Artemis ABA software optimizes business operations so you can focus on patient care, not office work. The company’s customer-first approach sets the software apart from its competitors.

“Artemis approaches their customers looking for a true partnership,” says Tucker, an Artemis customer. “Not only do they provide dependable, top-notch, excellent support, but they value my feedback and set about instantly integrating my suggestions.”

Tucker relates this example: “Our clinic got hit with a prepayment audit review from Anthem, who asked that we make changes that put a new burden on our notetaking and data collection processes. We reached out to Plutus and Artemis, who immediately took our feedback into account and quickly collaborated to create an automated system with fields that we can auto-populate. This new system saves us up to 15 minutes per session and helped us successfully navigate the pre-payment review. Now, thanks to Artemis and Plutus, we go above and beyond in terms of compliance in a way that doesn’t place an additional burden on our team. I am certain that, without Artemis, the entire situation would have been much more stressful.

You are free to focus on clinical care because Artemis handles the burden of administrative tasks. Whether it’s keeping track of treatments or handling billing, Artemis has you covered. Plus, the software enforces a best-practices workflow that allows you to schedule clients, set up appointments, and conduct therapy.

Unlike other ABA software, Artemis directly aligns clinical operations to a software-controlled workflow, so practice operations align with best practices. Artemis provides a seamless workflow between software, billing, and revenue cycle management with a single cloud solution. These practices will reduce your risk and speed up payments. Set, track, and meet your revenue cycling management goals with automated monitoring and report generation. In contrast, other providers create a gap between clinical operations and billing. With Artemis, you don’t have to rely on multiple vendors and software, eliminating inefficiencies and streamlining operations. Along with its comprehensive software, Artemis provides its customers with complete support from a professional billing services group. These professionals demystify the complex process of medical billing services for ABA. These billing services create robust, HIPAA-compliant processes that exceed the most stringent industry standards. For Tucker, this level of support “helped us regain our footing when we made mistakes.” Finally, Artemis supports session management with comprehensive reporting and analytics, a 360-degree client care view, and a patient portal. With robust data collection and analytics, you can confidently track your patients’ progress, tweak their programs, and schedule new treatment plans. With an AI scheduler and predictive analysis, you’ll get the relevant feedback and reports you need to sharpen your business strategy. Artemis is reliable, easy to use, and secure. Join the 800+ providers supported by Artemis ABA and start your business off on the right foot with an invested, expert partner by your side.

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Balaji Ramani

Professional Healthcare RCM and ABA Practice Management Expert

Balaji Ramani has more than 20+ years of experience in Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management. Balaji has expertise in building end-to-end healthcare RCM teams with ABA Practice Management. He has experience using the Web for information sourcing to enable a smooth billing process in ABA Management and healthcare space.

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How to Start an ABA Therapy Practice & Clinic: A Step-By-Step Guide

  • May 9, 2023

Two BCBAs discussing starting a practice

If you have dedicated your life and your career to providing your community with specialized ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) therapy services, you might consider taking your commitment to the next level.

As a board-certified behavioral analyst (BCBA), you’ve had the chance to supervise behavior analysis and mentor ABA therapy providers. However, by starting your own ABA clinic, your expertise and experience can become irreplaceable assets for your community, especially in this moment of unprecedented need. 

If you are unsure where to start in your pursuit of launching your own ABA therapy clinic, check out this step-by-step guide by Rethink .

Benefits and Potential of Starting an ABA Clinic: Understanding the Market

If you are launching an ABA practice to serve your community, you might be doing so with a humanitarian, compassionate mindset. Nonetheless, it is essential to keep in mind that you are, in fact, running a business. It’s not strictly going to be using the ABA therapy skills that you’ve developed.

For how enriching this venture is, there are some new skills you have to learn when running a company. Let’s start with one of the most important ones: understanding the market.

Starting an ABA clinic represents a significant financial investment. At this time, the market is in the midst of a full global boom, which has both positive and negative ramifications.

In particular, ABA therapy providers represent the fastest-growing segment within the “communication & behavioral therapies” category within the autism spectrum disorder therapeutic sector.

While there is certainly not a lack of business opportunities, the competition for new ABA clinics is fiercer than ever. The main competitors you will have to deal with include:

  • Other local and multi-state clinics and practices
  • Private equity-owned and large corporations

Nonetheless, local practices are the pillars of community wellbeing and sector growth. Join this thriving industry with the tips below.

Taking Care of Your ABA Therapy Business’s Administrative Side

While the goal of a local ABA practice is to provide a service to the community, some thornier aspects of owning a business cannot be overlooked. The administrative side of things might not be the most exciting aspect for you, but that’s where the help of a trusted accountant and attorney come into play!

Develop a Business Plan

Whether you are looking to start a small, local business, or you are looking to build out a franchise, you will need funding. There are several pathways you might consider, including:

  • Self-funding
  • Investors, angel investors or family members
  • Loans through specialized lenders or banks
  • Grants – such as the ones offered by SAMHSA or HRSA
  • SBA Line of Credit
  • Local government and private company grants

No matter what type of funding you are hoping to get, you will need to craft a business plan for your ABA therapy practice. Your business plan should include your value proposition, mission, vision, financial forecast, target market insights, competitor analysis, and details about your unique selling points.

There are two main reasons why you should not skip this step:

  • A business plan defines a clear roadmap for your business and helps you keep track of your goals, achievements, and efforts
  • A business plan is needed by investors to verify your credibility and understand what is worth investing in your ABA business. After all, a return on investment is their number one concern.

Choosing Your Business Model and Registering Your ABA Business

The business model and type of business for your private ABA clinic should be chosen wisely. Some of the most popular options include:

  • Sole proprietor – a sole proprietor or sole trades is the only owner of an unincorporated company. A sole proprietor only pays personal income taxes, and can keep the rest of the profits. It also comes with unlimited liability , which can cause you to struggle to get capital funding.
  • Partnership – partnership, limited partnership, and a limited liability partnership are business types used to get into business with a co-owner. After paying taxes, profits, losses, and liability are shared among the partners.
  • Limited liability company (LLC) – LLCs are legal entities regulated by the state or country they are in. They can be treated as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation, depending on the number of owners. While there is plenty of paperwork linked to starting an LLC, this business structure can help you protect yourself and your company from significant losses. 

Generally, the best option is to register your private ABA clinic as an LLC. Setting up a sole proprietorship or partnership might seem easier, but it might not offer you the legal protection to operate with peace of mind. In any case, since each practice is unique, consulting a specialized lawyer or accountant can help you understand the pros and cons of each.

Once you have decided on your business entity, you can register it with the IRS here .

Policies, Legal Contracts, and Compliance

Policies and legal contracts are what determine the relationship between the ABA provider and its clients, and they are the backbone of a business – especially for ABA companies. These include:

  • Billing and fees – some payment models include fee-per-service and predetermined per-person payments. Your contract will also outline billing schedules, cancellation fees, and payment types
  • Confidentiality, nondisclosure, and privacy policy – privacy policies and terms and conditions of service are essential aspects to consider, especially because your ABA therapy clinic and providers will handle sensitive data such as a patient’s medical history and conditions. 
  • Liability release – when operating as an ABA therapy provider, your business entity will carry a liability. If you have registered your clinic as an LLC, you might only be subjected to limited liability, but legal contracts can help you keep losses at bay.

In terms of compliance, before opening a business you will need to:

  • Obtain your employer identification number (EIN)
  • Set up your business taxes
  • Determine your forms of payments
  • Select a payment processor, if taking credit and debit cards
  • Decide on whether you will be accepting insurance

Legal contracts and complaints are essential to shaping your business, so make sure you are working in partnership with a specialized lawyer. 

Finding the Right Premises and Location

To determine what location will work best for you, you will need to answer these questions:

  • Will you offer in-home services?
  • Can you deliver services via online platforms?
  • Do you need a physical space for your practice?
  • Can you rent an office space hourly?

The cost of buying or renting depends on location and size. It’s hard to give an estimate, but larger cities tend to have higher costs, while rural areas are lower.

Deciding on Your Company Name

The name you decide to give your ABA therapy company can influence your marketing strategy and brand image. Some key factors to keep in mind when choosing a name include:

  • Ensuring it is easy to spell and remember
  • Checking that it is unique – you can check this in the state’s business registry
  • Making sure the name you choose describes what you do
  • Don’t make your name too specific as this could limit your company’s future development 
  • If you are using an abstract name, double-check the meaning of it in different languages
  • Check domain availability. If possible try to get a .com domain and avoid dashes or numbers.

Insurance and Enrollment

ABA clinics develop important relationships with insurance providers. Accepting insurance as a form of payment is an excellent option which can add considerable value to your business, make your ABA therapies more accessible, and expand your practice’s reach. 

If this is the strategy you have chosen, there are different factors to keep in mind:

  • Each insurance provider has different requirements , payout timings, and reimbursement rates.
  • You must create the right insurance contracts with the insurance providers in your network to maintain control over your cash flow
  • You need to be aware of the credentialing process

Both you and the insurance provider need to agree that you will be able to offer insurance as a payment type. The process of becoming a certified care provider on an insurance provider’s panel is called credentialing. During the credentialing process, the provider will verify your education, certifications, and training to ensure your clinic meets its network standards.

While getting credentialed is essential for your budding clinic, the process can take longer than a year. Thanks to the right practice management software, you can effortlessly keep on top of your Enrollment and Credentialing tasks and focus on what’s important.

Putting Together a Team

Your clinic’s team will be your most important asset, and ideally, you should focus on a diverse team. Below are some team members to consider:

  • Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) – covers similar roles and tasks to the BT, but also offers a certification issued by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) for meeting their strict requirements.
  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) – these independent practitioners have graduate-level certifications and can supervise the administration of ABA treatments by the BT and RBT.
  • Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) – this is an undergraduate certification that allows practitioners to work under the supervision of a BCBA or BCBA-D. BCaBAs can assist with tasks above the level of competency of BTs and RBTs.
  • Biller – this person will be responsible for billing, revenue cycle management , eligibility checks and insurance verification. This position is extremely important because cash-flow is the lifeline of any business. You may consider doing this yourself or leverage our outsourced billing services so you can focus on increasing billable hours and providing more care to clients.

Supporting tasks of your business can be delegated to experienced contractors, such as marketers, billers, accountants, IT professionals, and attorneys. You also have the option to hire these positions in-house, but when starting a new business it might not be the right time to do this.

Investing in the Right ABA Therapy Clinic Technology

As businesses become more reliant on technology, ABA practices must as well. However, technology can represent a significant cost for a young ABA practice so understanding what is needed, beneficial, and profitable is essential. 

Here are some pieces of tech that you shouldn’t skimp on.

Choosing a Practice Management Solution

A tailored Practice Management Solution is the most important system to integrate. Whether you are running a small practice or you are planning on opening multiple outlets, a Practice Management platform designed to meet your unique needs can:

  • Collect and analyze data
  • Help you manage your clients
  • Streamline appointment scheduling
  • Manage billing, fees, and insurance reimbursements
  • Increase the level of cybersecurity of your practice
  • Provide better, more customized services to your clients
  • Give authorized personnel immediate access to necessary documents and information
  • Streamline the channels of communication with your clients

All this not only helps you cut down costs, but can help you prevent financial losses, damage to your practice’s reputation, and customer dissatisfaction. 

Try to resist the urge to default to paper and pencil. We understand it’s easier to get started, but in the long run it can be overwhelming. The right practice management system is highly scalable, so you can entirely focus on expanding a company without having to switch or adapt systems.

Setting Up a Business Email Address

Your clinic will require a custom business email address, which you can set up via Google Workplace or Microsoft 365 . There are other valid alternatives, but these two options are the most widespread and provide a high level of integrations, spreadsheets, documents, calendar features, scheduling benefits, and team management features.

Depending on your budget, you could also set up a professional address for your customer service, ABA therapists, and BCBA professionals, so that your clients can communicate directly with their providers and have a direct channel of communication with your clinic. 

Installing a Phone System

An integrated phone and VoIP system that connects multiple lines is an efficient solution to streamline your ABA clinic’s communication channels. These solutions are affordable even when you are getting started.

If you end up using Google Workplace, you can sign up for Google Voice which integrates with your email system. Again, it’s easy to use your personal phone number, but we highly discourage that. Over time your phone number will be picked up by sales people and you will receive a lot of solicitations.

Devising a Marketing Plan to Grow Your ABA Therapy Business

Now that you have set up your ABA therapy business, you will need to make it more easily visible, accessible, and discoverable by potential clients. To start growing your ABA business, you will need to design a marketing plan that is suitable for your goals and target market.

If you are already focused on managing your practice and supervising ABA therapies delivered in your budding clinic, you should consider letting a professional marketer devise a strategy to attract patients. 

Some of the aspects to cover include:

  • Deciding on your brand voice and visual identity – The key goal of marketing campaigns for ABA businesses is to gain the trust of clients and patients. Creating a trustworthy voice and visual identity can not only help you increase traffic, but also improve your reputation!
  • Building a business website and focusing on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – Having an online presence is essential to build trust and make your new business more discoverable. Use local SEO techniques to help patients, who are already looking for your services in your area, discover your practice. 
  • Gaining visibility with a Google Business Profile – Registering for a Google Business Profile is essential for any business. Thanks to this service, your clients will be able to immediately know your contact details, reviews, operating hours, and location.
  • Create a social media community – While social media channels might not seem like the best marketing channel for your practice, there are many ways to use these platforms to your advantage. For example, giving them free advice, tips and suggestions can offer you unparalleled returns!  
  • Generate reviews and testimonials – Reviews help your organic visibility, but also help convert prospects into potential patients. It’s also important you are following the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts guidelines regarding reviews.
  • Network with other practices and ABA clinics – Not all providers are your competition! By expanding your network and cooperating with other providers, you can help your clients enjoy better care. 

Keep The Future (and Scalability) of Your ABA Practice in Mind

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) , businesses in the social assistance sector are among the longest surviving ones. However, the rate of survival of businesses has been shortening over the past 20 years.

Around 25% of businesses survive past their 15th anniversary today, and over 65% of new businesses fail within their first 5 years on the market. These statistics tell us that the first years of your business are the most crucial ones. 

During this delicate time, it is important to focus on what investments can help your ABA therapy company grow and become more resilient.

Launching an ABA Therapy Clinic: Your FAQs, Answered!

  • Who can start an ABA therapy clinic?

To start an ABA therapy clinic, some states require you to be a Board-Certified Behavioral Analyst. Please check with your state’s requirements before fully investing into an ABA Therapy business.

  • What accreditations do I need to start a credible ABA therapy practice?

While you just need your training and certifications to get started, you can increase the credibility of your practice by getting accredited by BHCOE .

  • How much does it cost to start an ABA therapy clinic?

The cost of starting and ABA Therapy Practice or Clinic will vary a multiple factors such location, personal goals and type of practice. For example, providing in-home services only will be cheaper than having a clinic because of the larger office space requirements. We’ve seen practices start around $15,000 but can easily go up into the six figure range.

Get Started on Launching Your ABA Therapy Today

In this guide, we have explored the steps required in order to build an ABA therapy clinic. However, don’t forget that what makes it successful is the relationships you build with your customers.

Partnering with the right contractors and professionals such as accountants, attorneys, and marketers will put you in the position to create these new relationships. But in order to increase reliability and growth, which is a contributing factor and result of building strong relationships, consider partnering with Rethink to integrate a personalized Practice Management System.

About the Author

Headshot of Erin Mayberry, Director of Community Engagement for RethinkBH

Director of Community Engagement

Erin Mayberry is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst who has been in the field of ABA since 2009. Prior to Rethink, Erin provided clinical consultation to individuals on the autism spectrum and their families in home, clinic, and school settings, as well as staff training in behavioral crisis prevention. Erin has been with Rethink since 2018, and has worked in professional services, customer success, and most recently as Rethink’s Director of Community Engagement, working with our customers to create successful and meaningful partnerships.

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Autism Treatment Center Business Plan

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The Autism Treatment Center Financial Model and Dashboard provides you with real-time control of your profit and loss statement, cash flow analysis, and balance sheet. Please watch the video below!

1.0 Executive Summary

The purpose of this business plan is to raise $175,000 for the development and expansion of an autism treatment center and behavioral therapy practice based in Boston, Massachusetts. Autism Treatment Center, LLC (“the Company”) was founded by Dr. Silvia Waters. The Founder is a psychologist. The location will provide comprehensive support and therapy for children and adults on the autism spectrum.

1.1 The Services

Dr. Waters and her team will provide comprehensive autism focused therapy services including applied behavior analysis and cognitive behavior therapy. The location will also provide instruction regarding life skills. These services are especially important among adults that want to live on their own. The facilities will also host ongoing events for children with autism spectrum disorder in order to promote social skills and inclusion.

In regards to payment, the Company will receive co-pays from clients as well as reimbursement from private insurance services. The Company will also accept Medicaid.

The third section of business plan will further document the services offered at the Autism Treatment Center.

1.2 Financing

At this time, Dr. Waters is seeking a $175,000 business development loan in order to establish the operations of the Autism Treatment Center in Boston. This document assumes that the Company will receive a 10 year loan carrying a 7.5% interest rate. The funds will be primarily allocated towards the following:

• Facility development in Boston • Furniture, fixtures, and equipment • Initial marketing operations • Working capital

As the Autism Treatment Center will produce highly predictable streams of revenue on a monthly basis, the Company would be a strong candidate for expansion financing on an as needed basis. This business plan assumes that the Company will not seek any further financing during its first three years of operation.

1.3 Mission Statement

Autism Treatment Center’s mission is to provide the Boston general public with a broad range of supportive and behavioral therapy services that help children and adults with living their lives to their fullest potential.

1.4 Management Team

Dr. Siliva Waters is a highly experienced psychologist that focuses on autism treatment. She will be able to effectively launch the operations of this practice to profitability over the next three years.

1.5 Sales Forecasts

Autism Treatment Center P&L

1.6 Expansion Plan

Management will continue to hire qualified psychologists and therapists that will render services on site in tandem with Dr. Waters. Once the initial facilities reach 100% capacity, the Founder may establish satellite offices in the greater Boston metropolitan area. The demand for these types of services in this market are immense.

2.0 Company and Financing Summary

2.1 Registered Name and Corporate Structure

Autism Treatment Center, LLC. The business is registered as a limited liability company in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

2.2 Required Funds

A business loan of $175,000 is needed to launch operations. Dr. Waters will contribute $25,000 towards the development of the location. The funds are to be used as follows:

Autism Treatment Center Startup Costs

2.3 Investor Equity

Dr. Waters does not need an equity injection from a third party.

2.4 Management Equity

Silvia Waters, PhD is the sole owner of Autism Treatment Center, LLC.

2.5 Exit Strategy

Transitioning a mental health focused business is a complicated process. If Dr. Waters wishes to divest the business, she will coordinate the sale of the Autism Treatment Center with her staff psychologists and therapists. This event is not expected to occur for at least ten years. The Company could receive a sales premium of up to three times the previous year’s EBITDA.

3.0 Autism Treatment Services

The primary revenue center for the Company will come from applied behavior analysis as well as cognitive behavior therapies specific for the needs of people that have autism and autism spectrum disorders. A major component of these operations will be to promote social skills so that individuals can thrive as they go through their lives. Generally, the business will charge $150 per hour for all services rendered.

As discussed in the executive summary, the location will frequently host events that allow people with autism to interact. These events will be held several times per week for children that use the Company’s services.

The Company will contract and directly employ therapists and psychologists that will provide services to the business’ clients. In regards to contractors, the Company will provide a 60% payout as a function of their billable hours.

The Company will accept all forms of private insurance as well as Medicaid. The business will provide a sliding scale for its fees so that all families can afford the services offered by the Autism Treatment Center.

4.0 Strategic and Market Analysis

4.1 Economic Outlook

This section of the business plan will discuss the current economic climate, the autism treatment center industry, the customer profile, and the ongoing competition that the business will face moving forward.

Currently, the economic outlook in the United States is positive. Interest rates as well as the rate of inflation are now declining. It is expected that the Federal Reserve and the federal government will continue to implement policies that guide the growth of the economy.

Any future issues with the economy will not impact the Autism Treatment Center’s ability to generate revenue and remain profitable. The services offered by the Company are generally reimbursed by insurance companies. The demand among people to have proper therapy specific for addressing the issues with autism remains strong in any economic climate.

4.2 Industry Analysis

There are 19,000 companies that provide specialized treatment specific for people that have autism spectrum disorders. Each year, these entities generate $10 billion of revenue.

This industry is expected to grow faster than that of the economy as a whole. Autism spectrum disorders and how to properly treat these matters are improving on an ongoing basis. Additionally, mental healthcare and medical professionals are now properly diagnosing this matter.

4.3 Customer Profile

Any family that has a member with an autism spectrum disorder is a potential client of the Company. The business will use the following demographic profile in conjunction with its marketing operations:

• Annual household income of $50,000 to $150,000 • Has a family member that has been diagnosed with autism or ASD • Will spend $500 to $1,000 per month for services rendered at the Autism Treatment Center. Admittedly, the demographics of people that will use the Company’s center are large. Autism affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds. Management has specifically chosen the greater Boston metropolitan area to develop the center given its population density and wealth.

4.4 Competition

Given the prevalence of autism, the Company will face a number of competitors as it establishes its operations. The Company will maintain a strong differentiating factor given the ABA and CBT services that will be offered coupled with social skill development. In this section of the business plan, you can further discuss how you intend to create a strong advantage for your autism treatment center. You can also discuss the number of competitors in your market, their sizes, and the approximate number of people that they treat on a yearly basis.

5.0 Marketing Plan

The Company will implement a number of marketing strategies that will ensure that the business is able to reach an immense audience of people/families that are seeking to provide compassionate care and therapy for their loved ones with autism. These marketing strategies will include online focused activities as well as ongoing referrals among medical professionals throughout Boston.

5.1 Marketing Objectives

• Develop referral relationships with pediatricians throughout the target market. • Maintain an expansive online presence that uses both social media and SEO to drive web traffic to the Autism Treatment Center’s website. • Use print advertising among lifestyle magazines and circulate throughout the target market.

5.2 Marketing Strategies

Foremost, the Company intends to develop referral relationships with pediatricians, physicians, and medical professionals that will provide referrals to the location. As many of these medical practitioners work with people on the autism spectrum, Management sees a substantial opportunity to receive a significant amount of business from these individuals. This will remain as one of the most important methods of expanding the client base.

In regards to the Company’s website, this platform will showcase the wide range of ABA, CBT, and social skill development programs offered at the Autism Treatment Center location. Video walkthrough tours and interviews with Dr. Waters will be featured on the platform. The Company will hire a regional search engine optimization firm to assist the business in ensuring that when searches for autism treatment centers are conducted – the website will appear frequently in the search (specific for the target market).

The business will also maintain a presence among major social media platforms. On Facebook, the Company’s page will provide ongoing articles and information about autism and advancing therapies that help people. The business will frequently announce events that are specific for people with autism to meet and interact. Over time, the Company will benefit from the positive reviews that families will leave in regards to their experience at the Autism Treatment Center.

The Company will work with an advertising firm to place articles in journals and magazines (with a focus on lifestyle publications that are distributed throughout the target market). This will allow for greater brand name awareness for the Autism Treatment Cetner.

5.3 Pricing

The Company will charge $175 for ABA and CBT therapies.

6.0 Organizational Plan and Personnel Summary

6.1 Corporate Organization

Autism Treatment Center Corporate Organization

6.2 Payroll

Autism Treatment Center Payroll

7.0 Financial Plan

7.1 Underlying Assumptions

• Autism Treatment Center, LLC will receive a $175,000 loan to commence operations. • Dr. Waters will invest $25,000 for the development of the location.

7.2 Sensitivity Analysis

Autism treatment center’s revenues are fully immune from negative changes on the economy. People will continue to require this type of treatment at all times. Additionally, the fees are covered by private insurance and publicly funded healthcare systems. The business will have controllable operating costs, which will further contribute to the economic stability of the Company.

7.3 Source of Funds

Autism Treatment Center Source of Funds

7.4 Profit and Loss Statement

Autism Treatment Center Profit and Loss Statement

7.5 Cash Flow Analysis

Autism Treatment Center Cash Flow Analysis

7.6 Balance Sheet

Autism Treatment Center Balance Sheet

7.7 Breakeven Analysis

Autism Treatment Center Breakeven Analysis

7.8 Business Ratios

Autism Treatment Center Business Ratios


7 Steps for Starting Your Own Business When You Have a Disability

Credit: Jenny Wise, Freelance Writer Date: February 15, 2019

Photo by from Pexels

With all the online resources available to business owners today, there has never been a better time to start a business. And when you have a disability, bypassing the limitations of a traditional job and doing your own thing could be all it takes to experience productivity and profit. So, if you have an entrepreneurial spirit, consider starting your own business with these seven steps.

Consider Your Options The first thing you want to do is think about your work environment. Many people with disabilities buy a franchise or open a start-up in a standalone establishment. While these may work best for certain types of businesses (restaurants, coffee shops, etc.), one big advantage of the internet is that you can start countless types of businesses from your home. For instance, e-commerce — which refers to selling products online — is steadily growing in popularity. Fortunately, there are many guides online that can guide you through the process of starting an e-commerce business, from planning to execution .

Research Funding Options There are several government loans and grants available at the state and federal level to help people with disabilities start a business. Start by looking into your state’s Department of Labor/Commerce to see if any incentives are available. Also, Ticket to Work is a program that helps those with disabilities live more independently and assists them with starting businesses.

Look into Drop shipping E-commerce is a booming industry, and one of the most popular models being used in the e-commerce marketplace is drop shipping . This is because it’s a highly efficient model that cuts down upfront investment costs significantly and eliminates the need for you to keep physical inventory. Basically, with drop shipping, you find suppliers that have products you want to sell. Then, you put whatever items you want in your online store. When a customer places an order, you order the purchased products from the supplier, who ships the products to the customer.

Make Your Product Special Even with the advantages that come with e-commerce, you need to do something to make your products stand out . This is perhaps easier to do if you are crafting a handmade product such as jewelry, clothing, or crafts because each item will have a personal touch that you can market. However, if you’re running a store from your home and using drop shipping, you will need to think of other ways to stand out from the other companies doing the same.

Prioritize Service No matter what kind of business you start, customer service should be a top priority — possibly even before your product. Providing exceptional service will help your company stand out, especially in an e-commerce and drop shipping setting. It will build customer trust and inspire repeat customers because many customers care more about being treated right than they do price. Plus, if you build a business around service, you can build your brand awareness.

Discover Your Customer Base Finding your customers is a difficult task. Having a unique product and/or great service will naturally help build your customer base. Of course, if you want to go to the next level, marketing must be a priority. There are many budget-friendly ways to market your company and build your name. Here are a few of them:

  • Collaborate with other non-competing businesses on products, services, promos, etc.
  • Network everywhere you go.
  • Utilize email marketing.
  • Always have a special, coupon, or promo going on.
  • Offer occasional giveaways via email and social marketing.

Build a Good Website Your website is also a big part of your marketing strategy to gain customers, and it’s now easier than ever to create a sufficient website on a budget. Along with having overall appeal, it’s essential for your website to be easy to navigate and mobile-friendly. Even if your primary store is through a major e-commerce website like Etsy or Amazon, you should make sure it looks professional by proofreading and regularly updating your products and photos.

If you have the desire and energy to start your own business, a disability doesn’t have to hold you back. Following these steps will help to give you a good start. Take advantage of the time you live in and go out there and start the company of your dreams!

Photo Credit: Pexels

business plan for autism center

Developmental Disabilities

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Welcome TO HI-5 ABA

The national aba franchising group.

Hi-5 ABA , Inc. is a franchisor for ABA service providers across the nation. Hi-5 ABA is the national ABA franchising group. Our unique and proven model offers an opportunity for Human Service professionals, like Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), to establish and run their own ABA practices without having to handle administrative tasks like credentialing, billing, payroll, and much more with ongoing assistance provided. Our mission is to help others serve children in their local community. Locally Owned ABA Practices Locally Owned ABA Practices

Franchisee BCBAs enjoy clinical and operational independence. They make their own decisions related to staffing, caseloads, schedules, and treatment plans. Hi-5 BCBA’s are free to focus on the clinical side of owning a practice as we provide a broad array of administrative and business support:

  • Incorporation*
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Contact us today to get started!

Utilizing Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) BCBAs help clients and their families address behavior problems, improve social skills, and become more independent. Behavior treatment plans involve goals relating to:

Hi-5 ABA , Inc. is a franchisor for ABA service providers which accept Humana Military and Medicaid.

Hi-5 ABA Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) provide in-home therapy for clients diagnosed with autism and/or other developmental disabilities.

Hi-5 ABA BCBAs utilize Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to help clients and their families resolve behavior problems, improve social skills, and become more independent. Analysts initially interview a client and parent(s); employ various assessment tools; identify objectives which are consonant with parental priorities, clinically appropriate, and within applicable insurance guidelines; and prepare a behavior treatment plan which may involve goals relating to:

Behavior Management

Communication skills, transitioning skills, organizational skills, fine & gross motor skills, social & life skills, parent training, service areas near you.

We’re here to serve you! All of our Hi-5 ABA locations are independently owned and operated by BCBAs and members of your community. Find the office location that’s nearest to you.

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The ABA Franchising Company

A successful ABA practice requires extensive expertise in two areas—business administration and clinical application. The Hi-5 ABA system (in conjunction with its affiliates) is designed to provide comprehensive administrative support to the BCBA who wants to own his/her own practice while remaining free to focus his/her professional skills on clinical supervision, training, and client care.

Hi-5 ABA utilizes a unique and proven franchising model enabling franchise owners to build their business with cultural and clinical control while Hi-5 ABA handles most of the administrative SUPPORT, INCLUDING CREDENTIALING, BILLING, EMPLOYEE ONBOARDING and TRAINING, ACCOUNTING, BUSINESS, MARKETING, PRACTICE MANAGEMENT, and PAYROLL.

business plan for autism center

Hi-5 ABA is a proud Authorized Continuing Education (ACE) Provider

Headquarters 5306 Lee Highway Warrenton, VA 20187, United States Office: (703) 544-4277 Praise, Complaint, or a Recommendation? Click here!

This information is not intended as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy a franchise. It is for information purposes only. Currently, the following states regulate the offer and sale of franchises: California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. Within the U.S.A., we offer franchises solely by means of our Franchise Disclosure Document. There are also countries outside the U.S.A. that have laws governing the offer and sale of franchises. If you are a resident of one of these states or countries, we will not offer you a franchise unless and until we have complied with pre-sale registration and disclosure requirements that apply in your jurisdiction.

The Hi-5 ABA website may contain links to external websites that are not provided or maintained by or in any way affiliated with Hi-5 ABA. Please note that the Hi-5 ABA does not guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any information on these external websites.

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  • Design by: Creative Eden

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Strategic Plan

Anderson leadership utilizes the data collected within our programs and services along with input from our team to develop mid- and long-term action steps to ensure we provide the best possible services to our clients.

1. Reinforce and strengthen agency operations

All agency decisions and team member actions will be driven by our mission of optimizing the quality of life for individuals with autism by making data informed decisions

2. Invest in our human capital

A highly qualified and trained workforce is an integral part of the current and future success of autism service provision. It is vital to the autism community to develop mechanisms to create, train and retain a qualified workforce.

3. Actively create and design innovative interventions and measurement systems

It is essential for ACA to continuously develop and refine data-informed innovative solutions using the most relevant data available.

4. Capitalize on existing and new business operations and opportunities

ACA will leverage existing expansion and consider further expansion into new regions and markets to support the autism community.


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"We instantly knew that AELA was the facility for us. Our son was provided with specialized care, in a traditional style classroom. One year ago our son was non-verbal, today, he is putting sentences together, and able to make his needs known."


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"We appreciate everything the staff do to make our son safe & comfortable. It has been a difficult transition for us, but knowing that he is in capable hands means the world to us!"

"We want to say thank you to the wonderful staff… they go above and beyond to make the home a wonderful place to live and thrive for our son"

Margaret Z.

"Since Ken joined Food School at ACA, I noticed he is less resistant to interacting with new foods. Our family mealtimes are more interactive & funny. The program was very helpful!"

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"I'm close with my brother Riley. Having him live away from home is difficult but ACA has made it easier for my family, because we know how much Riley & other students are cared for..."

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A Business Plan Based On "Autism"

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SARRC Announces New Strategic Plan

It’s been 22 years since SARRC first opened its doors to the public. At the time, we offered just a handful of programs and focused much of our efforts on autism research. Fast-forward to 2019, and we currently offer more than 30 evidence-based programs, dynamic outreach services and innovative research studies for children, teens, and adults. We’ve evolved into an entrepreneurial organization that focuses on best possible outcomes for individuals with autism and their families, and together with our supportive community, built Phoenix into ”the most autism-friendly city in the world.”

In 2018, we spent considerable time challenging ourselves to think big when we ask, “What’s Next?” and how we can best leverage our research, programs, and services now. In doing so, we’ve articulated a new vision for SARRC that answers a critical question: “What would the world look like if SARRC were to accomplish all of its goals? The answer? People with autism meaningfully integrated into inclusive communities.

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We also completed our new strategic plan and set an audacious goal that accelerates realizing our vision: By 2030, SARRC will become a statewide organization that puts effective services within reach of every Arizonan. To achieve this goal, we’ve identified five “strategic anchors” that will help direct our efforts and resources:

  • Expansion: Operate 10 SARRC satellite locations, each anchored by a Community School. 
  • Scale: Demonstrate scalability and outcomes for additional SARRC programs and deploy them through satellite locations. 
  • Reach: Broadly disseminate innovative applications that indirectly impact individuals with autism. 
  • Inclusion: Create inclusive, supportive and safe communities statewide through “civilian” impact. 
  • Culture: Make strategic investments in our culture to ensure SARRC is a great place to work. 

Since 1997, SARRC has been developing and incubating what’s next for autism in Phoenix, and now is the time to expand the reach of our fundamental programs, services, and research; create sustainable programs that can be reinvested back into the growth of our mission; and cultivate and empower new supportive, inclusive communities, making Arizona the most autism-friendly state in the world. We are excited for and encouraged by SARRC’s future and look forward to you joining us on this critically important journey.

With gratitude,

Daniel Openden President & CEO, SARRC

Listen: KTAR: Autism Research Center To Expand Throughout Arizona By 2030

If you have questions on SARRC's expansion plans or how you can support our initiatives, we encourage you to contact our Chief Development Officer at 480.603.3292.

All stories, testimonials, and photography shared on SARRC’s website have informed consent. Material and experiences may not be reshared or reused without express permission.

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Setting up a Business Plan for Your Classroom Business

Business plan notebook with pen and glasses

At a Glance

Crafting a detailed classroom business plan tailored to students' interests and goals.

Aligning business roles with students' IEP objectives for skill development and growth. 

Utilizing the business model to foster student engagement and secure school or district approval.

Welcome back to our ongoing series on creating a classroom business within the framework of focusing on meeting student goals. 

In part 1 of this series we looked at some reasons why starting a business might be beneficial to students meeting their IEP goals. 

In part 2 we identified some of the forms classroom businesses can take and what types of goals they might be most conducive to meeting. 

In part 3 we talked about some approaches to surveying class interests to inform what business might seem like the best fit while staying within the parameters of what is feasible for you as the teacher to ensure it will run smoothly.  

Today we are honing in on how to take all you have learned about your classroom’s interests and set a concrete business plan. In the process of setting your business plan, you may find that accounting for the realities of the project as a whole impacts what choices you are able to make. That is a perfectly normal part of the process of setting a plan and is exactly why we want to take this step before we put anything in motion. 

A classic example is getting excited about selling or producing a particular product only to find that securing the necessary supplies is not feasible within your budget. In that spirit you may find it helpful to try to go through these steps in order, but you may also find that you have to go back and readjust.  

With that in mind let’s talk about some of the details you should consider when setting your final business plan! 

What is your core business model and what is your product?

This is perhaps your most straightforward question and an important one to be able to answer concisely, but it is also a question that is impacted by all of the other details we will be covering in this post. 

It is important to lay out exactly what you intend to sell and the process by which your business will function. Not only is it important to be clear how your business will work, it is also important when seeking school buy-in so that decision makers can account for potential resources they may need to set aside for your business to function as intended. 

Setting up a small shop near the cafeteria for example might require the school to reserve that space while a business focused on taking orders and filling them at a later date might need to offer some warning to other teachers so they can prepare for a brief disruption to class time. It is great to lay out your vision as early as possible and go back and adjust later if you find the model you wanted just isn’t going to work the way you need it to. 

This is also a stage where it can be great to have a business name but it’s also not necessary at this step - it is understandable that you may want to seek out administrative approval of your plan before you ask students to commit their time to those types of details.  

Our class business will sell small chocolate boxes to be delivered on Valentine’s Day. Students will take orders in the week leading up to the 14th and we will order an equivalent number of boxes from Russell-Stover. The boxes will be delivered to the named recipient by students on the 14th.  

Our class business will sell holiday ornaments in three styles. Students will take orders during the first two weeks of November and students will produce ornaments to fill the orders leading up to winter break. Products will be delivered to recipients the day before winter break.

Our class business will sell snacks to students during the morning lunch period. Our students will set up a table outside the cafeteria and sell bottled water, Snickers, Starburst, Kit Kats, Nature Valley Granola Bars, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, and an assortment of bagged chips from Frito-Lays bulk packaging. 

Students will bring inventory and supplies from the classroom and retrieve the table with the help of the maintenance staff, then at the end of the lunch period return the table with the help of maintenance staff and bring all products and supplies back to the classroom. 

What supplies do you need? What is your budget?

In this space we are accounting for the supplies we will need to make the business function, from a folding table to display merchandise to store inventory to the component parts of a crafting product. 

For some business models you may have the luxury of being able to collect money ahead of time, in which case it is very important to know how much money you need to collect to cover your supply costs! In other cases you may need a budget to cover a basic inventory but would count on subsequent sales to provide money to refill inventory as needed. 

Most crucially if you are relying on a special piece of equipment like a popcorn machine or a Keurig it is important to clearly identify the cost or demonstrate that you can secure one without having to buy it. While it is important to be as accurate as possible, it also helps to leave a little bit of wiggle room for unexpected changes in price.

To make an estimated 96 candy cane dippers we need 3 two pound packages of jet puffed marshmallows ($12), 1 jumbo package of mini candy canes ($8), 2 packages of chocolate chips ($6), parchment paper ($5) microwave safe bowls and stirring spoons (provided by me). Our total starting budget is an estimated $31. If demand is higher than expected we can use our initial sales to secure more supplies.  

We will use our starting budget of $200 to buy cases of Snickers, Kit Kats, Starburst, Skittles, and an assortment of potato chips. When we sell enough candy from one case to match the cost of buying that case we can buy another to replenish our inventory. The cost of purchasing each bar is approximately $1 and we will be selling them for $2.

Our popcorn business requires a popcorn maker with a serving scoop(provided by a parent), unpopped popcorn ($10), popcorn oil ($6), powdered salt ($4), bags for distributing popcorn ($6 for a 100 pack), and seasonings for customers to add ($15 for a variety of flavors). Our starting budget is approximately $35-$40. 

What roles are students filling? What IEP goals are they meeting?

This is the space where you are going to need to align the needs of the business with the roles that are most beneficial to your students. After all, the primary purpose of this exercise is to put students in a position to practice skills that help them advance toward meeting their goals! 

Depending on your class you may find you have a higher proportion of students who have social focused goals, goals oriented around establishing routines and following procedures, goals focused on working within a team, or goals more aligned with executive functioning and abstract problem solving. 

While you are unlikely to find an exact neat fit where every student is always focusing on their primary goal, you can try to skew decisions toward meeting the makeup of your class and ensuring that all students get a reasonable amount of time with the roles most relevant to them. 

Here are some examples of the types of goals you might be filling in your business depending on which models you choose: 

Sales focused

This role is a highly social one and is all about interacting with potential customers to inquire if they would like to order one of your products. As we mentioned in part 2 of this series, it is a very common fundraising model in youth organizations to put most kids in the role of making sales and taking orders and outsourcing the actual product creation to an outside company. If most of your students have IEP goals oriented around socializing, it may help to skew toward business models with lots of sales-focused roles. 


This is both a fantastic role for creative decision-making and a great space to include a team that comes to decisions together and delegates based on the strengths of its members. While a business must be more than its branding, if lots of students seem like a good fit for this role it is the type of job that can be worked on ahead of time so that everyone gets a chance to try it without taking away from the core function of the business. 

Managing inventory, supply, and cashflow (sales and costs)

For some classrooms managing inventory may be a detail that the teacher covers to ensure that the enterprise remains solvent and that there are no obstacles to the core function of the business. 

However, students with goals related to executive functioning and determining the nuts and bolts of making things work may benefit from such a role, as can a team of students who can evaluate the store’s status and decide together what needs to be done to ensure it continues to run smoothly. 

This process may be a more complex one but also does not require a huge time commitment as it is mostly about ensuring the business has what it needs to continue to run as intended. 

Depending on your product this role might emphasize creativity or focus on following procedures. It is a role that can supplement sales and depending on whether your business has a regular repeating schedule can also help with establishing routines. 

Maintaining Workspaces

This is a fantastic role for following procedures and establishing routines. Whether we are talking about a production space or a shop location, there likely needs to be a set of procedures for getting everything set up and cleaning everything up at the end to ensure that products and supplies are secured and that the environment remains clean and safe. This is the type of role where you as teacher could set procedures and ask students to work on keeping up with them or work together with students to determine what kind of routine the workspace will need to continue functioning as intended. 

Customer Service

Slightly different from sales, this is a social role but also a role that requires managing transactions, keeping an eye on inventory, and possibly handling the routines of opening and closing the store space.This role could be the primary focus of a few students or rotated between students depending on when and where the store space operates. 

What is the intended outcome of this project?

Finally, it is crucial to set some parameters around the function of the business, whether it will be a one time thing during the holidays, pop up for a month then go away as students move on to other things, try to meet a specific financial goal, or just operate as long as students find it interesting and fulfilling. 

The most crucial part is to set some clearly measurable terms by which the project can be declared completed, but the things you choose to measure can be based on the goals you and your class have for the business.  

We will operate our store every Wednesday for 3 months or until we raise enough money for a class trip to the zoo ($1,000).

We will create ornaments for two different holiday seasons (Halloween and Valentines Day), each with a 1 week ordering period, a 1 week production period, and a delivery day.

We will run our popcorn stand every Friday for the remainder of the school year. However, each month we will also poll the class to ensure that the majority of students wish to continue running the business, and will cease operations if a majority of the students decide they do not want to anymore. 

Establishing all the fine details of a business, even a simplified one, can be a bit of a pain and really test your assumptions about how you expected things to work when you started out. But it is also an incredibly valuable tool for helping navigate the challenges and unforeseen circumstances a business can bring. 

More importantly for classroom businesses, it will help you establish a strong working knowledge of your product that will be invaluable when seeking out approval from decision-makers in your school or district to finally get started. 

In part 5 of this series, we will talk about how getting school approval and the ways that your established business plan can help you with getting buy-in. Until next time if you have an experience with a classroom business that you’d like to share drop us a line at [email protected] and we will be back next week with part 5! 

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PLAN for growth. PLAN for learning. PLAN for life.

We invite you to explore the PLAN Center, a joy filled, center-based ABA program with an integrated whole-child approach. The PLAN center is designed to help kids with autism learn new skills, make new friends and most importantly, be themselves!

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Little Fox Program

The Little Fox program is a dynamic early intervention program for preschool aged children.  We teach school readiness behavior, communication, and social skills in a preschool-like fully integrated therapeutic program.

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TWIST Program

Therapy with Integrated Social Time (TWIST) is a program as vibrant as the children and teens who participate. We facilitate meaningful relationships, conversation, and play through group activities, direct therapy and peer interaction.

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Family Connections

A child’s family is the most important component of their life, which is why family is such a huge part of our program. Through hands-on training, collaboration, and teamwork, the Family Connection connects families and helps support meaningful interactions between families and their child.

What exactly is ABA?

Simply put, ABA is a therapeutic method for figuring out how each child learns and what motivates them, and then using that knowledge to teach. Everyone learns differently and it is our job to create an environment where each child can learn. ABA is the most effective, evidence-based treatment for individuals with autism and developmental delays. The methodology we use to teach is personalized to fit every individual child’s needs — yours included.

At PLAN, we focus on highly individualized ABA therapies, but we bring them to our kids in unique ways that are FUN , IMPACTFUL , and can be applied to REAL LIFE situations. We believe that kids learn best in an atmosphere of love and support. For our kids, PLAN’s caring and dedicated staff feel like family, and our beautiful center feels like home. We believe in Natural Environment Learning and big, bright, beautiful spaces where your child can THRIVE .

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Autism Treatment Center Marketing Plan and Business Plan

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Autism Treatment Center Marketing Plan and Business Plan

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  • Includes a 9 Chapter Business Plan (MS Word and MS Excel) - Full Industry Research - Investor/Bank Ready!
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  • Date First Available ‏ : ‎ June 24, 2014
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  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00L8EY52Q

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Marketing your Autism Treatment Center business is a difficult task, and as such it is imperative that you have a well developed marketing plan. This product includes a full 8 chapter Autism Treatment Center marketing plan as well as a 9 chapter business plan if you need to raise capital from a third party. Since 2005, BizPlanDB and its parent company have developed several hundred marketing plans and business plans that have helped small businesses market their companies to the general public while also helping individuals raise more than $450,000,000 of capital.

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Chandler Parks & Recreation Division becomes Certified Autism Center

May 12, 2024, 4:00 PM

(City of Chandler Photo)...

(City of Chandler Photo)'s Profile Picture


PHOENIX — The City of Chandler Parks & Recreation Division received Certified Autism Center status from the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards .

The distinction is part of an initiative to make areas more inclusive for people of all abilities.

Chandler’s Parks & Recreation Division was awarded the designation after more than 500 staff members underwent training on autism awareness, recognition and understanding of sensory sensitivities.

“Becoming a Certified Autism Center is a testament to the hard work the City of Chandler staff has put forth to become a more inclusive community,” Recreation Superintendent Becky Kuiper said in a press release. “Chandler Parks & Recreation believes everyone should have the opportunity to discover, imagine and grow within our community through accessible and adaptable parks and recreation centers and inclusive programming. This certification empowers our staff to make every interaction safe and enjoyable.”


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In addition, six Chandler facilities and recreation centers, including Chandler Nature Center, Espee Park, Homestead North Park, Mesquite Groves Aquatic Center, Nozomi Aquatic Center and Tumbleweed Recreation Center were evaluated in order to receive certification.

All of the aforementioned facilities will also receive a sensory guide, which will help staff members at the facilities understand how a person with sensory-processing sensitivities could be feeling. More sensory guides will be provided online at a later date.

Chandler Parks & Recreation will also offer a series of programs aimed at community members of all abilities. These “Adaptive Recreation” programs are accessible to community members with disabilities while a request for modification for any recreation program may also be made.

Chandler Aquatics will also provide adaptive swim lessons and sensory swim times for community members with sensory sensitivities starting this summer.

Chandler City Council voted in favor of budget amendments, including $10,000 in ongoing funding for training and program development, to receive its certified autism designation in June 2023.

A five-year agreement for the Parks & Recreation Division to work with the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards to support the Certified Autism Center designation was authorized by Chandler’s council in May.

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