Board Meeting Presentation Template

Preparing for your next board meeting? Make an impression by putting together an impactful presentation with’s customizable board meeting presentation template. Our template will help you host a productive, efficient board meeting that reflects on company progress, refines goals, and celebrates company wins.

Use a board meeting presentation to:

  • Align on key company initiatives
  • Share updates with the board
  • Evaluate campaigns or goals

Board Meeting Presentation Sample

Customize your board meeting presentation. Make an impact with your presentation by using graphs, charts, timelines, diagrams, and sales funnels. Each of these graphics can easily be added to your board meeting presentation template with just one click. Some potential slides to include are:


Pro Tips for Your Board Meeting Slides

Consider these tips when building your board meeting slides.

You need an agenda to outline your presentation, but you also need objectives. Explain what you want to get out of the board meeting by stating your objectives up front.

Include brief summaries for each department or section in your presentation. Summaries ensure that your info sticks with the board.

Acknowledge your team members’ hard work. It reminds your board that the people in the company are the most valuable asset in the business.

Your board is busy, and no one likes to have their time wasted. Keep your presentation as concise as possible.

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13 Tips on How To Nail a Presentation To the Board of Directors

Martina Bretous

Published: January 13, 2021

In college, I always made it a point to listen intently to presentations. I knew how stressful and nerve-racking it was to present in a room of peers and authority figures.

board of directors listens to man's presentation

I would nod feverishly to let presenters know I was invested in their presentation. And they knew it too. They often zeroed in on me as I became their focus point and silent motivator. The fixation felt awkward at times, but that felt like one of my small contributions to society. That, and an endless supply of cat videos.

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Back then, the stakes were relatively low. But when you’re tasked with putting together a presentation to a board of directors, the pressure’s on.

But with a few tricks in your arsenal, you won’t need a sympathetic audience member to gauge how well you’re doing.

Let’s walk through some tips to prepare for your presentation and review some things to avoid.

How To Make a Presentation To the Board

  • Know your audience.
  • Plan ahead.
  • Structure your presentation.
  • Keep it concise.
  • Set up early.
  • Incorporate visuals into your presentation.
  • Focus on results.
  • Send materials beforehand.
  • Build confidence with your power outfit.
  • Rehearse your script.
  • Don't fall into the PowerPoint Trap.
  • Read the room.
  • Include time for questions.

1. Know your audience.

Knowing your listeners is as important as the content of your presentation. When you understand their priorities, you can put together a presentation that speaks directly to them.

If you don't know the board well, do some research and get answers to these questions:

What does the board care about?

This will help you see from what lens they look at things. For instance, a board keen on community impact may not be drawn to a presentation focused on return on investment (ROI).

There are a few ways to find this out. You can start by looking into each board member’s professional background. If most members have a finance background, for instance, you’ll want to make sure you cover any financials as it relates to your presentation. This could be cost, expected ROI, or operating margins.

You can also get some insight into what the board cares about by looking back at your interactions with its members. Think about the conversations you’ve had: What comes up most often? Is it company culture, profit, philanthropy, innovation, or something else?

What are their main concerns?

A board of directors is responsible for making decisions that will ensure the growth and sustainability of a company. So naturally, they will be looking out for anything that may impede that process.

Common concerns a board may have are:

  • Costs: How much time and money will it require?
  • Timeline: How long will this project take and is that timeline feasible?
  • Risks: How risky is your proposal and what is the risk-to-return ratio?

You may find that each board member has a different focus, which means your presentation should be well-rounded to tackle these issues.

Once you know this answer, you can subtly handle each concern throughout your presentation. Getting those answers will help you create a presentation that not only interests your audience but also aligns with their goals. This, in turn, will bring you much closer to accomplishing the plans laid out in your presentation.

board meeting presentation format

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2. Plan ahead.

The next step in delivering a great presentation is making a plan. This means figuring out the focus of your presentation, what you’ll cover, and what you’ll leave out.

A presentation should follow the structure of any good movie, with a beginning, middle, and an end. Here’s an example outline for a presentation where the head of the marketing team is proposing course offerings as a new lead generation channel.

Presentation outline example

The middle is the meat and potatoes of your presentation. You'll likely spend time providing data, contextualizing it, and explaining your approach.

Your ending should bring together your key points and leave your audience with actionable steps. Because what good is providing the information if you have no plan for what to do moving forward?

3. Structure your presentation based on the board’s process.

Not every board of directors operates in the same way. Sure, there are standard guidelines for every meeting. However, the approach may vary for presentations.

Some may operate more like a town hall, pausing periodically to discuss the points as they come up. In this case, leave room after each section of your presentation to discuss what was covered.

Others may follow the more standard approach: presentation followed by a discussion. Studies show that humans remember best the beginning and end of what they read, hear, and see. What’s in the middle tends to get lost. With that in mind, consider sharing your most pertinent information toward the beginning and end of your presentation.

4. Keep it concise.

One thing board members aren’t known for is open availability. That said, you want to make the most of your time with them. How do you do that? Stick to the scope of the presentation.

While it’s great to incorporate storytelling, avoid getting sidetracked and wasting time. Be clear and keep it simple.

If you’re showing data, only share one highlight per data graph. There are several reasons for this:

  • Data itself doesn’t tell a story. You, as the presenter, do. As such, you have to explain what it means and why it matters. Let’s say lead generation at your company has plateaued in the past year across all channels. That’s all the data says. But during your research, you realize it’s due to a shift in how your audience is consuming information. Your role is to present the data and explain the "why" behind the plateau along with a solution.
  • You want to prevent information overload. Share the piece of data that best supports your points and has the most impact. For instance, if a new lead generation channel is the focus of your presentation, diving into the specifics of another channel may not be worth your time.

If you leave it to your audience to make sense of the data, they might reach a conclusion that doesn’t align with your message.

5. Set up early.

There’s nothing more awkward than silence during a technical difficulty.

Everyone’s looking at you while you’re figuring out why technology has forsaken you. The more time the issue takes to resolve, the more panicked you get. We’ve all been there.

To avoid this, set up early and do a run-through before your scheduled presentation time. It’ll give you time to get familiar with the space and any technology you’ll need to run during your presentation.

6. Incorporate visuals into your presentation.

When choosing between words and media, pick the latter.

Visuals help us make sense of information at a much quicker pace than words do. We’re also better at remembering what we see versus what we hear by 55% – it’s called pictorial superiority .

It’s also beneficial to keep your visuals simple. If you have too much going on, your audience will be confused. But if it’s too bare, it will take too many visuals to paint the picture. So, pull your most significant data and use data visualization tools to design intuitive graphics.

7. Focus on results.

A board of directors typically focuses on big-picture decisions that will have a long-term impact on the company.

In this vein, every piece of your presentation should get you closer to answering these questions:

  • " Why does this matter? "
  • " What is the long-term impact? "
  • " How does this bring the company closer to its goals? "
  • " Any potential roadblocks? How will you address them? "

Incorporating these answers into your presentation will set you up for a smoother Q&A session.

8. Send materials beforehand.

Depending on what you’ll be covering in your presentation, it may be helpful to send the board materials to review in advance. This should only be supplemental information that would be too time-consuming or distracting to cover in a presentation, like reports and demos. This way, the focus during the presentation will be on the "why" and not the "how."

The one material you don’t want to send is your presentation, as you want to be the one to contextualize it. Otherwise, the board might form an opinion based on limited information.

A week before the meeting is a good rule of thumb, leaving room for you to respond to initial comments or feedback.

Think of this process as an advantage. You get insight into what the board members may bring up during the meeting and more context to prep. Secondly, it ensures everyone is on the same page ahead of the meeting. That way, you can dive straight into key points during your presentation without covering minute details.

9. Build confidence with your power outfit.

Building confidence is one of the less concrete tips on the list to implement. But the good news is, there are research-backed techniques you can use to achieve it. One of them is right within your reach: clothing.

Many of us can relate to the feeling of trying on clothes in a fitting room and feeling like a million bucks. It tends to put us in a better mood and shift our perspective.

Well, turns out there’s a reason for this. In 2012, two researchers coined the term " enclothed cognition " to refer to the impact clothes can have on the psyche. They found that the clothes we wear can shift our perspective.

In that spirit, put on your best blazer or suit the day of your presentation. That outfit may be just the boost you need.

10. Rehearse your script.

During a presentation with a board of directors, you want to avoid the Michael Scott approach at all costs.

Instead, go the exact opposite route: practice. Practice is the cure to presentation jitters and the formula for seamless delivery. The more familiar you become with your content, the better the presentation will be.

If it’s been a while since your last presentation, start by practicing in the mirror. You’ll immediately notice any mannerisms that may be distracting to your audience. Recording yourself also works great.

Then, practice in front of an audience. And, unfortunately, your dog won’t cut it for this one. Practice with family or friends who can give you feedback on how to improve.

And remember: You’re the only one who knows your speech and presentation. So, if you mess up or forget to mention something, you’re likely the only one who noticed.

11. Don’t fall into the PowerPoint trap.

You’ll likely use a tool like PowerPoint to guide you during your presentation. Yet, it’s important that you don’t overly depend on it.

For instance, packing your slides with heavy text or bullet points is a surefire way to lose your audience. In fact, 40% of respondents in a 2018 study by Prezi said it caused disengagement and made it harder to retain information.

So, stick to one key point on each slide. It’s easier for your audience to remember and prevents information overload.

12. Read the room.

Even if you follow every tip listed above, you might hit a point in your presentation where there’s a disconnect between you and your audience. You might notice confused looks or a shift in body language. If that happens, that’s your cue to pivot.

If your audience seems confused, dive in a little bit deeper on your point. If you sense disagreement, tackle those concerns head-on.

Let’s say you’re proposing a new initiative for the company, and you sense some pushback on the timeline.

You can address it by saying something along the lines of, " You may have some concern regarding the timeline and whether it’s feasible given our current projects. While the timeline may seem tight, we have factored in X, Y, and Z, and, given our past initiatives, we believe this timeline will account for A, B, and C ."

A response like this can mitigate the situation while still keeping you on track.

13. Include time for questions.

As a foodie, dinner for me isn’t complete without a good piece of chocolate. Whether it’s a KitKat or a chocolate cake, having chocolate after dinner feels like the perfect ending. Q&A sessions are kind of like that. It’s the audience’s chance to ask questions and discuss the presentation.

Be ready for questions regarding the data and solutions you presented. The length of the Q&A session will vary depending on the length of your presentation, the size of the board, and other factors.

Additionally, it’s your opportunity to address any looming concerns and re-emphasize your key points. Not sure what to do if you don’t have an answer to something? Here are a few responses:

  • "That’s a great question. I don’t have an answer for you at the moment, but I will follow up over email by end of day."
  • "I don’t have much experience in that X [topic/department/]. However, I will reach out to X and get back to you within a week."
  • "We haven’t explored that yet, but what I can tell you is …"
  • "That’s a great point we hadn’t considered before. My team and I will reconvene and strategize on the best way to approach this."

When the stakes are so high, a presentation to the board can seem daunting. By incorporating these tips into your strategy, you can remove the stress and focus instead on your delivery.

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Board Meeting Presentation Template

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board meeting presentation format

Our tips on how to run a board meeting will help any CEO or chairperson line up with all of the must-haves and must-knows to run a productive board meeting. We'll give you advice and answer some of the most common questions on board meetings around the web. We'll also give you a run through our free board meeting presentation template to help you craft your slides for a board meeting. So, stick with us so you can run board meetings like a pro in no time!

What is a board meeting?

A board meeting is an official gathering of the members of a company's Board of Directors (or equivalent) to discuss business matters. It usually takes place once per month.

The purpose of a board meeting is to allow directors to share their views about the company's performance and future plans. The meeting may be held at the office of the company, or it may take place via video conference.

Board meetings typically last between one hour and two hours. They are often chaired by the CEO or another senior executive.

How often do board meetings take place?

Often held twice a year or every quarter, the frequency of board meetings truly depends on an organization's stage. Given the necessary direction, board meetings can happen as frequently as weekly or scheduled as sparingly as once a year.

When should I hold my next board meeting?

If you're looking to start planning your next board meeting, we recommend starting now. You don't want to wait until the end of the fiscal year or even the beginning of the new fiscal year to set dates for your next board meeting.

Why is holding regular board meetings important?

Regular board meetings allow directors to share their thoughts and opinions regarding the company's performance and strategy. This gives them insight into what's going right and wrong within the company. It also allows them to provide feedback on the company's strategies.

Regular board meetings also ensure that everyone has equal access to information. All directors have the opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns about the company's progress. In addition, they can offer suggestions and ideas to improve the company's performance. 

A primary goal of these meetings is to be as effective as possible, so bear in mind there's no sense in calling a board to gather for items that should be cleared otherwise.

What does a board chair do?

A board chair's role is to facilitate a board meeting following a company's mission, vision, and desired direction. To do so well, the board chair should keep an eye out for what's best for the company. Use leadership skills to allow that conversation to take place in a tone that goes hand in hand with the company's culture. Relevant to this role is the lack of right to vote, except when doing so will change the outcome of a decision. Another case is votes made by ballot.

A board chair will also work alongside a company's CEO or Executive Director to run a meeting that suits the board's priorities. Yet, a person in this role is also responsible for getting new board members and helping with their development.

In meetings, chairs will actively call upon each attendee to bring out their strengths for the best possible collective discussion. Once their role comes to an end, they'll also help find the next board chair to take their place.

Decide if a matter is best addressed in a committee. One of our tips on how to run a board meeting as a board chair is for you to freely designate a particular job as a task to a set group of people when most appropriate.

How do you conduct a board meeting?

A productive board meeting starts with a well-thought-out agenda that the board chair distributes ahead of time. This distribution should include any lengthy documents that the board needs to read in preparation for the meeting. As a tip, sometimes a quick phone call can keep many items from popping in a board meeting. If possible, call board members just to check in before a meeting. Doing so might clear an otherwise hectic air during a board meeting.

As to how to conduct a board meeting per se, start by setting an energetic and highly positive tone, and check if there's a quorum. If there is, call the meeting to order as we describe in detail below and go over the agenda. Ask for approval of the board to the items you just read. Make sure everyone agrees with what'll be covered exclusively during the session. Add, amend, or delete items as needed and then sign the minutes provided by the secretary.

Give room for reports from either the Executive Director or any committee, including the audited financial one. Move on to old, new, or other lines of business and do so orderly, keeping discussions within the scope of the company's best interest.

To close your board meeting, thank everyone present before you call the meeting to adjourn. Also, touch base with the Executive Director for any items before you work with the secretary on a final and closing record.

It's also great to send an email after the meeting to all board members with a summary of the most relevant aspects, including all action items that were discussed.

How do you call a board meeting to order?

Calling a board meeting to order is a matter of giving a quick statement with the precise start time and date of the meeting to literally let people know the session started. In case there are any new or retiring members, give them welcome or farewells where they are due, and acknowledge any visitors to the session.

How do you make a motion in a board meeting?

To include a motion for consideration, a board member simply needs to say they move a specific action. If seconded, which is mandatory and not tied to the affinity of content but to the motion taking place, then the motion can be discussed.

As a proposal for an action brought in front of a board, a motion allows the group to make decisions and give a company directions on particular areas. You should know there are different kinds of motions, including main, subsidiary, privileged, and incidental.

Now, let's move on to our set of tips on how to run a board meeting everyone will enjoy. How effective you make these is at the center of how pleased a board is to get their job done in a productive environment.

How to run an effective board meeting:

  • Work alongside the company's CEO or Executive Director
  • Create a meeting agenda and distribute it ahead of time
  • Bring a board meeting presentation to keep items on track
  • Be on top of your body language for the meeting
  • Allow people to settle after they arrive
  • Set a positive and engaging tone for the meeting
  • To start, highlight the board meeting's purpose and its items for discussion
  • Promote decision-making throughout the meeting
  • Addresses confidentiality, conflicts of interest, or other policies when needed
  • Close the session within the expected timeframe

How do you impress a board meeting?

It all starts with preparation. Before attending a board meeting, prepare thoroughly so that you will be able to answer questions and present your case effectively.

Prepare well by researching the company, its products and services, competitors, and industry trends. Know what information you want to share and how it will benefit the audience.

The more prepared you are, the better impression you'll leave with the board and others.

If you're presenting a report or another document, make sure it's written clearly and concisely to ensure the message gets across.

Don't forget to dress appropriately and look professional.  

Create a board meeting presentation

Bringing a board meeting presentation to a session will help keep the meeting on track, and the audience engaged. Our free board meeting presentation template is a perfect example of the necessary slides to make a board meeting the most effective use of everyone’s time. 

After a cover slide that follows a clear agenda, we give you room for: 

  • meeting highlights
  • graphs on revenue
  • monthly user figures
  • user churn data
  • monthly revenue 
  • the vital annual run

Yet, we also accommodate team updates in a slide, including KPI updates, a specific section for you to outline the roadmap, a slide for core acquisition channel updates, and business development. 

We also order business development notes visually unto a slide. And we made room for financial and operational updates followed by profit & loss charts and milestone displays. Our last slide concedes formalities.  

Give our template a try or let our team of professional designers exclusively polish your content and design. We’re here to help you any way you need! Best of luck running your next board meeting!

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Home PowerPoint Templates Business PowerPoint Templates Board Meeting PowerPoint Template

Board Meeting PowerPoint Template

The Board Meeting PowerPoint Template is a modern presentation theme for CEOs and executive members of the corporate. This template contains 13 slides of creative layouts to present company reports. The graphic elements of board meeting PowerPoint make presentation engaging and well defined for the executive audience. These graphics include high-quality corporate imagery, diagrams, charts, and infographic icons. Board meeting slides are organized in a format of CEO’s introduction, performance reports, business updates, and growth strategies. The presenter can customize the format of slides or change slides according to the meeting agenda.

The Board Meeting presentations give CEOs an opportunity to speak to the board of directors. It gives them a chance to convey the vision for the company, its performance, and its overall success approach. The key to giving an outstanding board presentation is to cover the topics that board members care about. This may include performance data and recent accomplishments of the company. Highlighting goals and KPIs are also essential for board members to see how well company is progressing. Board meeting gives a chance to review upcoming projects and seek expert advice. The fifth slide can be used as an executive summary slide template .

The Board Meeting PowerPoint Template helps present a compelling board presentation. The graphic contents of template capture the interest of board members. The board meeting agenda template shows six columns to display key topics of presentation. The heading of time stamps keeps the discussion organized using board meeting minutes template. KPI slides include tables and data-driven chart templates for visualizing progress. The product roadmap template is a Gantt chart layout design. You can present multiple products and the progress of team using chevron arrows. The board meeting template contains additional useful diagram slides including circular diagrams and linear process flow to describe various business models.

Slide Deck for Board Meeting Presentations

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Top 5 Board Meeting Templates With Samples And Examples

Top 5 Board Meeting Templates With Samples And Examples

Umang Malhotra


Picture a boardroom, a sanctuary of critical decision-makers, each awaiting your words with a discerning gaze. The weight of your company's reputation rests squarely on your shoulders. This is the pivotal moment when your presentation must convey information and compel, inspire, and instill confidence.

Crafting a compelling board meeting presentation can be taxing, especially amidst many other pressing responsibilities. How can one possibly allocate the precious time required for meticulous preparation? Enter our formal and impeccably professional board meeting templates—a solution to alleviate the complexity and expedite the process. Creating an impactful board meeting presentation is an art, not merely a task. It involves weaving together corporate imagery, precise charts, informative diagrams, and more to breathe life into your progress reports, growth strategies, and business updates.

Our careful selection of top-tier board meeting templates is meticulously tailored to align with contemporary business standards. These templates seamlessly meld innovative design with easily understandable graphics, underpinned by minimalist backgrounds. Embedded within are fully editable graphs, tables, and infographics, empowering you, as the presenter, to modify each slide to harmonize with the distinctive nuances of your meeting's agenda.

At this juncture, your journey to boardroom success commences. Let us delve into these templates to identify the perfect complement for your upcoming board meeting agenda. It's a quest to establish a lasting impression—one that redefines professional excellence.

Template 1: Board Meeting Agenda Announcements Adjournment Call To Order

Are you ready to announce your meeting’s board agenda to your audience? Look no further! Introducing this stellar PPT Deck with great graphics and colors that create a poster that grabs the attention of your audience. Download this pre-made PPT preset to promote thought-provoking conversations and game-changing ideas.

Board Meeting Agenda

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Template 2: Quarterly Board Meeting Agenda With Key Points To Discuss

No template could do justice to the presentation of your quarterly board meeting agenda better than this one! Divided in four quarters: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4, this content-ready template will assist you present four quarters' agenda at once and keep the entire team updated. Whether it's a discussion on investment, or annual budget presentation or risks and threats to mitigate or roadmap for achieving your business's targets this template is an all in one tool for you to keep everyone on the same page.

Quarterly Board Meeting Agenda with Key Points to Discuss

Template 3: Conference Agenda For Annual General Board Meeting

Are you looking for a unified, all-in-one tool to discuss your conference's agenda for the annual general board meeting? You have landed at the perfect place! Deploy this PPT Template and present all the significant details to your team and other participants including board meeting date, location, commencement time and time slots for different planned steps of your annual meeting .

Conference agenda for annual general board meeting

Template 4: Board Meeting Action List With Item Description

Use this PPT template to demonstrate your board meeting action list with descriptions including details about meeting minutes, item/description, authorized person who needs to take action on it, and target date by which it should be accomplished. Get this slide right away!

Board Meeting Action List with Item Description

Template 5: Group Board Meeting Worksheet With Agenda Details

With this template, all vital details comprising date, time, location, meeting chair, meeting title, required supporting documents, board members or attendees requested, and meeting agenda could be presented in one place. Without letting a single minute go, deploy this slide right now and keep all the meeting participants updated.

Group Board Meeting Worksheet with Agenda Details

Our board meeting templates are the ultimate tool for success in the world of board meetings, where pivotal decisions take shape. They empower you to deliver presentations that surpass the ordinary, transforming data into impactful narratives. With customizable designs, minimalistic backgrounds, and editable elements, you hold the reins to create a lasting impression that resonates. When you step into that boardroom, you're not just armed with information; you wield a vision, a promise of excellence and progress. Choose your template, make your mark, and redefine the standards of professionalism. Your journey to success begins here.

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Home Powerpoint Infographics Board Meeting Presentation Template

Board Meeting Presentation Template

Board Meeting Presentation Template

Board Meeting Presentation will cover agenda presentation in a simple google slide design. The timeline designs in the slides enable step-by-step presentation with modern meeting styles. In addition, it has six slides similar to a process flowchart with connected diagrams. It also includes horizontal and vertical agenda slide designs in different column color sections.

The board meeting presentation template showcases four to six-stage presentation designs with an easily understandable poster design format. For example, the six-step presentation, as in the hub and spoke model infographic, supports presenters to put the main heading on the nucleus point, and its sub-elements can display in the six square templates on the brinks. You can also use these google slides templates for company agenda presentations.

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Yes, our templates are compatible with various versions of Microsoft PowerPoint, ensuring smooth usage regardless of your software version.

What software are these templates compatible with?

Our templates work smoothly with Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides. Moreover, they’re compatible with Apple Keynote, LibreOffice Impress, Zoho Show, and more, ensuring flexibility across various presentation software platforms.

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Board Meeting PowerPoint Template And Presentation

board meeting presentation format


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Introducing our Board Meeting PowerPoint Template and Presentation, a professional and visually engaging solution to streamline your board meetings. This comprehensive template offers a sleek and modern design, specifically tailored for boardroom presentations.

With a clean layout and easy-to-navigate slides, this template includes all the necessary elements for a successful board meeting presentation. From agenda slides and team introductions to financial reports and project updates, everything you need is at your fingertips. Impress your board members with a polished and well-organized presentation that reflects the professionalism and forward-thinking approach of your company.

Key features of our Board Meeting PowerPoint Template include: 1. Fully Editable Slides: Customize the content, colors, and layout to suit your specific needs and branding requirements. 2. Professional Design: Present information in a clear and concise manner with a sleek and modern design that captivates attention. 3. Easy-to-Use Templates: Save time and effort with pre-designed slides that are ready to be filled with your content. 4. Versatile Layouts: Choose from a variety of slide layouts to showcase different types of information, from charts and graphs to text-heavy slides. 5. Data Visualization: Present complex data and information in a visually appealing way with the help of graphs, charts, and diagrams. 6. Image Placeholders: Easily insert images to enhance your presentation and make a lasting impact on your audience. 7. Comprehensive Content: Cover all the essential elements of a board meeting presentation, including company updates, financial performance, and strategic plans.

Take your board meetings to the next level with our Board Meeting PowerPoint Template and Presentation. Whether you are presenting to internal stakeholders or external investors, this template will help you deliver a professional and impactful presentation that conveys your message with clarity and confidence. Elevate your boardroom presentations and leave a lasting impression with our customizable and easy-to-use template.

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Board Meeting Presentation Template

To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video

This board meeting presentation template features

  • 6 slides with striking graphic elements
  • Fully customizable slides and details
  • Highlights and executive summary report slide
  • Performance visualization graphics
  • Slides to highlight recent accomplishments and upcoming projects
  • A goal and vision slide
  • 140+ realistic AI presenters
  • Text-to-speech functionality in 130+ languages

Replace PowerPoint and Google Slides, and add a video layer to your board meeting presentation template to increase engagement and information retention. Here's how.

‍ How to use this board meeting presentation template

M‍ake an impactful presentation for your next board meeting in 5 minutes using this professionally-designed board meeting presentation template.

Step 1: Open the template in Synthesia

‍Click the ‘Use in Synthesia’ button to open the presentation in the video editor.

Step 2: Add text

Paste your text into the script box slide by slide, and choose a language and voice. Your text will be transformed into a text-to-speech voiceover in seconds.

Step 3: Customize video

Adjust the template to your brand - change the avatar, background, on-screen text animations, logos, colors, images, and more.

Step 4: Generate video

Click on ‘Generate video’ and your new board meeting presentation is complete!

All your board meeting presentation questions answered

What is a board presentation.

A board meeting presentation is a way for company executives, usually the CEO or CFO, to communicate essential information about the business' performance to the board of directors.

One of the most common board meeting formats is to present over pre-prepared board meeting slides containing information about the business, such as financial information, key accomplishments and challenges, future goals, and more.

A board meeting presentation is usually followed by a group discussion, where board members ask further questions, give advice or clarify any uncertainties.

What makes a good board presentation?

There are multiple factors that can make or break a board meeting presentation. We've summarized the 5 most important tips to make your next board meeting presentation more impressive:

1. Know your audience

Before any board meeting presentation, it's a good idea to start with a little background research into the board members you will be addressing. By knowing who each person is, you can understand their priorities and tailor a unique approach to each member.

Find out what their main business goals and concerns are, and make sure to address them in your board meeting presentation.

2. Create a meeting agenda

Plan out how you want to structure the board meeting presentation and create a clear outline that will be useful both for you and the members of the board. A good tip is to send out the meeting agenda to the board members beforehand, so they know what to expect and can prepare some questions.

3. Use a professional board meeting presentation template to improve your board meeting slides

A part of a board meeting presentation that is often overlooked is the design of the presentation. Some of the most popular templates include PowerPoint templates and Google Slides templates. A PowerPoint or Google Slides template may be the industry standard but that doesn't mean you shouldn't seek out more exciting presentation software.

Whichever tools and board meeting presentation template you choose, make sure it looks professional and has all the necessary slides and elements you need to present your data concisely.

4. Use data, visuals, and examples to explain your points

Plain text is not as engaging as visual information, so make sure to include visuals, like images and video, as well as data graphs and tables to break up the monotony of a typical board meeting presentation.

5. Practice and come prepared

Board meetings can be stressful. There is no better way to tackle the pre-meeting nerves than to practice and prepare for likely scenarios/questions.

Make sure you know the most important details about the topic you're presenting, gather data and facts to support your arguments, and write a script outline to not forget the most important points.

Lastly, practice the presentation a few times to familiarize yourself with the presentation and script. Even better if you practice in front of your family/friends/colleagues, so you can receive valuable feedback.

What should be included in a board meeting presentation?

The contents of a board meeting presentation depend on the type of business and the metrics that are of particular interest to the board members. However, it's good practice to include the following sections in your board meeting presentation:

  • Board meeting agenda
  • Status update
  • Performance report
  • Upcoming projects and key focuses
  • Executive summary
  • Graphics, images, and other visualizations

How do I make a good presentation template?

Having a visually stunning, yet professional-looking board meeting presentation template is the perfect way to engage your audience and help them retain important information.

You can either choose to create a custom board meeting presentation template following your brand guide, or you can use a pre-made presentation template to make the template creation process easier.

While using a PowerPoint template or Google Slides is considered the norm, we recommend exploring other, more creative options. One of those options is Synthesia, an online video presentation maker that uses human-like AI text-to-speech presenters to narrate your script.

To make a good presentation template in a video format, go to Synthesia STUDIO, select an AI presenter, format a slide with needed elements, and reuse that slide again and again.

How do you do a board meeting presentation?

If you're asked to do a presentation at a board meeting, don't panic - it's not as daunting as it sounds. Just follow these simple tips and you'll be fine.

First, make sure you know what the board is interested in hearing about. Do your research and find out as much as you can about the company and the industry.

Then, structure your presentation around the board's needs. Start with a strong opening that captures their attention, and make sure each point you make is relevant and backed up by data.

Finally, practice your presentation until you're confident you can deliver it flawlessly on the day. With a bit of preparation, doing a board meeting presentation is easy - so go for it!

Explore Other Templates

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Ready to try AI video editing software?

Create an account and get started using Synthesia, with full access to all 160+ avatars and 130+ languages.

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Board Meeting Presentation Template

board meeting presentation format

Board meetings are a crucial part of any business, providing an opportunity for directors to discuss and make important decisions about the company's future. An effective board meeting presentation can help to keep the conversation focused and ensure that all key points are covered.

When preparing for a board meeting presentation, it's important to consider the needs and preferences of the audience. This may include providing background information for new directors, highlighting key achievements and challenges, and presenting data and financial reports in a clear and concise manner.

One way to make the presentation more engaging and interactive is to use visual aids such as slides, charts, and graphs. These can help to illustrate complex information and make it easier for the audience to understand. It's also a good idea to incorporate case studies or examples to help bring the information to life.

It's important to remember that a board meeting presentation is not a one-way conversation. Encourage questions and discussion, and be prepared to listen to and address any concerns or suggestions that the board members may have.

Effective communication is key to a successful board meeting presentation. Be clear, concise, and confident in your delivery, and use language that is easy for everyone to understand.

Overall, a well-prepared board meeting presentation can help to ensure that important issues are discussed and decisions are made efficiently and effectively. By putting thought and effort into the presentation, directors can make the most of this valuable opportunity to shape the future of the company.

How to plan an effective board meeting

  • Set a clear agenda: Before the meeting, create a list of topics that need to be discussed and share it with all board members in advance. This will help everyone come prepared and ensure that the meeting stays on track.
  • Encourage participation: Encourage all board members to actively participate in the discussion and consider different perspectives. This can help to foster a sense of collaboration and ensure that all voices are heard.
  • Stay organized: Use visual aids such as slides, charts, and graphs to help illustrate complex information and keep the discussion focused.
  • Be prepared: Make sure you have all necessary information and materials on hand, including reports, financial statements, and any relevant documents.
  • Stay on track: Keep an eye on the time and try to stay within the allocated time frame for each item on the agenda. If discussions run long, consider scheduling a follow-up meeting to address any remaining issues.
  • Follow up: After the meeting, make sure to follow up on any action items or decisions that were made. This will help to ensure that progress is being made and keep the team on track.
  • Keep the lines of communication open: Encourage open and honest communication among board members. This can help to foster a sense of trust and collaboration, which is essential for making effective decisions.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your board meetings are productive, efficient, and effective, and that your team is working together to achieve common goals.

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Board of Directors Meeting

It seems that you like this template, board of directors meeting presentation, free google slides theme and powerpoint template.

If you have a company board meeting coming up, trust us, this template is perfect for organizing it or using it during the development of the meeting. The slides are white, perfect for being the canvas on which to include the most important points of the meeting. They are in turn decorated with company images of people in the office to give a corporate touch ideal for the theme. Finally, the black geometric shapes that delimit the slides, achieving a full sense of order.

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 24 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

How can I use the template?

Am I free to use the templates?

How to attribute?

Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

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Board Of Directors presentation template

A board of directors’ presentation can be quite challenging due to time constraints, the need for high-quality information, and the importance of achieving agreement.

Utilize Prezent's Board of Directors presentation templates to craft comprehensive, well-structured, and professional slides. This allows you to concentrate on gathering supporting data and delivering your presentation with confidence.

board meeting presentation format

Download our editable Board Meeting ppt templates

Template 1: Board of Directors ppt

Join Prezent and access easy editable templates. Simply download and edit them for your presentation. You can also replace a slide with a more appropriate slide of your choice from Prezent’s Slide Library.

board meeting presentation format

Template 2: Board of Directors ppt

Transform your vision into compelling presentations effortlessly! Access our easy-to-edit templates, ready for download and use. You can ensure brand compliance in just few clicks with Prezent’s Compliance Checker.

board meeting presentation format

Template 3: Board of Directors ppt

Our compelling storylines are the secret of instant presentation building. Try yourself for free. Simply download and use the template or build one yourself with Prezent's free trial.

board meeting presentation format

Tips to structure Board Meeting presentation template and storyline

Time Management

Boards are often pressed for time. Ensure that you respect their schedule by sticking to the allotted time for your presentation. At the same time be efficient and focus on key points.

Data Quality Matters

Ensure that your data is accurate, relevant, and presented in a visually appealing manner. Boards appreciate well-supported information to make informed decisions.

Board members need accurate and specific information to make informed decisions. Maintain precision in presenting data and details which will help avoid confusion and help board members comprehend the key points quickly.

Discover the art of crafting a compelling pitch and delivering Board of Directors presentations with confidence in our comprehensive guide. This guide encompasses vital aspects of board meetings, including effective presentation structure, skillful delivery, addressing common FAQs, and the dos and don'ts of board meeting presentations. Gain comprehensive insights into all these elements.

Create impactful Board Meeting presentations with ease


Streamline your slide creation

Say goodbye to the drudgery of slide-making. Our Auto-Generator uses cutting-edge AI to craft your presentation, aligning with your brand's voice and freeing you from tedious manual work.

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Story Builder

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Slide Library

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Best Practice Examples

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Presentation Exchange

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Personalized communication insights

Discover your communication style with Fingerprints. It's about understanding and being understood, ensuring your message resonates perfectly with your audience.

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Do's and Don'ts

Navigate the nuances

The art of communication is in the details. Our Do's and Don'ts guide you through the intricacies of presentation design and delivery, helping you to connect and captivate.

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Transform your Board Meeting ppt content into masterpieces

Slide Redesign

Instant aesthetic upgrade

Refresh your slides with a click. Our Redesign feature transforms your content into visually stunning presentations that speak volumes.

Explore Slide Redesign

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Compliance Checker

Brand alignment with ease:

Our Compliance Checker is your guardian, ensuring every slide reflects your brand's standards. It's about maintaining a consistent, professional image effortlessly.

Explore Compliance Checker

Harmonize your content

Merge text, images, charts, and videos into a cohesive presentation. Synthesize is about creating a unified narrative that tells your story with clarity and impact.

Explore Synthesize

Related Presentations

Related slides, frequently asked questions.

Certainly! Access the presentation decks on Prezent's platform and seamlessly customize templates to meet your specific requirements. Tailor the text to incorporate company-specific information while adjusting language and tone to align with your unique company culture. Modify the slide deck by adding or removing slides to match the agenda of your meeting. Utilize the Slide Library to effortlessly replace existing slides with ones better suited to your content. Enhance your presentation further by aligning it with your brand using a simple, user-friendly interface. With just a few clicks, you can brand-align your presentation for a polished and professional look.

You have the flexibility to edit these Board Meeting templates using either PowerPoint or Google Slides. Our templates are fully compatible with both platforms, offering you the convenience and versatility to customize the content and overall presentation according to your preferences. Whether you prefer the functionality of PowerPoint or the collaborative features of Google Slides, you can seamlessly edit and adapt the templates to meet your specific needs.

To access our resources, start by registering for a free trial with Prezent. Once our experts review your details, you'll receive your login credentials via the email address you registered. Your Prezent credentials open the door to a diverse collection of over 35,000 storyline-based decks, best practices-based presentation templates, and more for you to explore. Download the templates of your choice and easily customize them to suit your specific needs.

Yes, the Prezent platform is designed with in-built storylines that cater to a wide range of presentation needs. Whether you're creating a business pitch, a project update, a sales presentation, or any other type of presentation, Prezent provides a diverse library of storylines for varied business communication needs. These pre-designed storylines help streamline the content creation process and ensure that your presentations are not only visually appealing but also effectively convey your message.

By offering a variety of storylines, Prezent aims to simplify the presentation-making process, allowing users to choose templates that align with the specific goals and themes of their presentations.

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Board Meeting Presentation Template

Board presentation deck template for early-stage startups with advice on best practices in running effective board meetings with your investors. Files in both PowerPoint and Keynote

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board meeting presentation format

Jade Garrett

I just read an article that you wrote about founders getting a board seat and keeping control. It has been the clearest and most reasonable thing I have found. I wanted to say thank you for publishing that and know that it has made an impact with someone. Thank you. I will definitely be reading a lot more of your content from now on.

board meeting presentation format

As always Alexander never ceases to amaze. The Board Deck is no acceptation, everything you need, and the relevant content to boot. Simply amazing!

board meeting presentation format

Ray Iskander

Look no further for board deck template... whether this is your first board meeting or you have been running boards for years, this template is the best! The template pretty much covered everything and I had to remove some topics since we are still starting. I plan to continue to use it for future board meetings and suggest improvements as we go

board meeting presentation format

Talia Cohen Solal

It [Board Deck] made my life so much better. I was very intimidated by my first board meeting and your framework gave me the confidence to move forward.

board meeting presentation format

Kim Christofte

The Board deck template can be used as is and improve the quality of board meetings immediately. I find it useful especially for people that did participate in or did not have a board before. Great to provide experience tools like this for easy implementation. Well done Alexander.

board meeting presentation format

Adetayo Teluwo

The board deck template is well-thought-through and quite extensive. The practicality of adoption is not in question. A proficient tool to have.

board meeting presentation format

Sebastien Le Bihan

Very comprehensive and well structured board deck template, fully customizable, perfect for startups! Thanks again for all the resources on your website, very useful, as usual.

board meeting presentation format

Guilherme Lahr

It saved me a lot of time. The deck is organized, objective and full of good insights. Definitely recommend it!

board meeting presentation format

William Boll

This template has made our Board meeting much more productive and efficient. From the first meeting!

board meeting presentation format

David Williams

Well designed and easy to use

board meeting presentation format

Fernanda Esparza

I found it very useful, it was a great guideline as to what a board presentation should have.

board meeting presentation format

Jake Dimarco

Just a quick note to thank you for the board pack - it's fantastic! I'll certainly be using (and recommending) it going forward.

board meeting presentation format

Barry Keogh

One stop shop for the good, bad and ugly of pitching.

board meeting presentation format

Alejandro does it again!!! He provides free information that not only saves time but also thousands of dollars. The knowledge that I have gained from his free material is helping to shape my deal. As Alejandro says "keep hustling".

board meeting presentation format

Nicolai Danmark Johannesen

It was great to see your detailed deck. It gave me a lot of insight and inspiration to make my own deck. I used it as a kind of check list.

board meeting presentation format

Sangeeta S. Bahl

The board deck was definitely very useful. A very crisp and visually appropriate ppt.

Virtue Josef

It's [board deck] good. I love it!

What Is a Board Meeting Presentation Template?

You’ve raised funds and formality has begun. This means monthly or quarterly meetings with your Board and your newly appointed members from investors.

As per their information rights, they need updates from you. Darn. Another thing to do!

To help you, I’ve put together a board presentation template to lighten the load.

Why did I make this template?

Once upon a time, there were some naughty founders that didn’t prepare material for board meetings.

Since I roll up my sleeves to ‘value add’ when I’m on board with startups, I made them a template to fill in so there were no excuses.

Then I shared it with you in case it helped.

  • Is it perfect? No
  • Would I love feedback from VCs and founders to improve? Yes
  • Would I like to make another free version for later-stage? Yes (Email me)

Who Needs a Board Meeting Presentation Template?

Everyone in startup-related land needs to know about this topic. So whether you are a founder, investor or advisor, why not have a little play with this!

Startup Founders

Any startup is a huge pain in the rear! There is just so much to learn and figure out!

All my tools are designed to help you with one specific thing you can apply to either action on, or build on your learnings.

Even if you don’t need the tool now, you won’t waste your time reading the supporting blog (or watching a video if I made one) and then playing with the tool for 20 minutes.

You’ll be able to start getting some latent learnings that could help you understand the topic when it is a focus.

If the tool does help you now, then fantastic! Let me know about it over email or leave a comment on the page!

Investors are meant to know everything! The thing is, we both know that you don’t and you are always learning!

All my tools will help you to build on your learnings (for free) so you can be more proficient in your job and support founders better.

If you don’t understand founder needs, how are you going to do the ‘value add’ you keep talking about!

Startup Advisors

If you are advising founders, then you know you can never stop learning! Regardless of the niche you focus on, it is always useful to be able to touch on a topic.

My free tools will help you to understand a topic you don’t know a Scooby Clue about, or something you want to build knowledge on.

Note: These aren’t for sale or to white-label.

What Does the Tool Look Like?

Here are a few images to have a little gander at for your viewing pleasure.

board meeting presentation format

Why Do You Need a Board Meeting Presentation Template?

Take control.

  • If you don’t run the meeting, someone else will
  • Don’t end up an employee of your own company

Create Value in Meetings

  • Your board is there to support you
  • Give them homework to do and track they deliver
  • Focus on the topics you want feedback on

Investors Will Ask For One

  • Post-seed venture capital investors expect proper board meetings
  • They expect to receive a board pack 2 days before the board

board meeting presentation format

What Can the Model Do?

These are some of the features in the model.

Designed for anyone to use

  • Made in PowerPoint & Keynote
  • Fully editable

Starting point

  • Use as the starting point
  • Fill in and see what doesn’t work for you
  • Learn and improve

Edit to your needs

You need to edit to your needs

  • Add or remove slides
  • Customise each slide according to the needs
  • Reuse structures for new topics

Why Is My Tool Worth Getting

I make cool things (and am capable).

  • There is a lot of blah around by people who aren’t terribly good at Excel/PowerPoint etc
  • You’ll see the attention to detail and actual thought put into what I gift you (so you aren’t wasting your time)

My Free Tools Are Better Than What Some Charge For

  • I only made tools because I couldn’t find anything I would use myself
  • Even if you don’t ‘actually need the tool’, the point is to teach you concepts you can apply

I Don’t Have a Hardcore Marketing Funnel

  • I make tools to actually help founders
  • You aren’t going to be hounded with emails to get you to buy things
  • Whilst I do sell some stuff, seeing the quality I give for free is way better marketing than using fancy words to convince you

Watch a Video On the Tool

People like videos, so when I can (face it) I might make one.

board meeting presentation format

Read the Full Blog

This is a pretty page I have made so downloading tools is cleaner and simpler for you. I’ve moved blog details to blog(s). If you would like to read more, click on!

board meeting presentation format

Other tools

Other Related Tools

You’re busy, so there are other great tools that I’ve made that might be of use to you. Here are some you can check out if you would like.

  • SaaS Financial Model

SaaS startup with monthly and annual contracts. Self-onboard and sales supported customers. Think Buffer, Zapier, Hubspot, or Xero. Cohort model with all the capability you expect including expansion revenue, churn and full marketing funnel.

  • App Social Financial Model

You distribute your startup on Android and Apple stores and make money charging for in-app services. You have aspirations for virality to drive your user adoption.

  • Complex Charts

It's easy to make a pie chart but there are advanced charts used by consultants and bankers that are a pain to make. If you had templates you could just get your work done. The file frees you to create 9 of the most complex charts with no skill required! There are 121 sheets (Variations) to make this fool proof.

  • Excel Productivity Addin

Excel let's you install 'plugins' which let you do cool things at a press of a button. There are some awesome free ones, but they have like 200 functions! Finding what you actually will use is a pain. I made one with just what I use regularly. You can do cool things such as save a version of your file (and auto rename the file v1/2/3/4), change the currency formats of my paid models, and other nerdy things which will save you hours. It's a cheap no-brain tool to have just for the save button!

  • Simple pitch deck template

Simple pitch deck template with 115 slides for early stage startup founders. PowerPoint and KeyNote versions. Easy to edit and update.

You can't afford top talent with just cash, so you need to incentivise them with options. What the heck does a structure look like? This is literally the only ESOP model on the internet! You will decide on a fixed structure and you will be able to apply it to every hire so every evergreen, promotion, and performance grants are defendable to keep everyone on board that you are always fair.

  • Pro OKR PPP KPI Tracker Tool

Google is famous for setting OKRs. This is a ridiculously simple Google Sheet your staff will actually use. You can set it up so that you automatically get an email sent weekly with all the updates to keep on top of everyone. Plan your quarterly OKR and KPI in one easy to use sheet with no fancy stuff. Easily manage updates on what the team is doing every week and what they are stuck on through PPPs.

Get the Board Meeting Presentation Template For Free

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So get WinZip, WinRAR, or use whatever Mac/PC offers these days. Unzip the file (Right click and press “uncompress” etc). If you don’t know how to do this, then use Google.

Once you uncompress, the ZIP file will remain, and you will see a new file (sort the download folder by date modified if confused).

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Looking For Some Recommended Reading?

Here are some blogs you can check out related to this topic:

What is the difference between a founder and the board of directors?

Another Template

Board report template by IA Ventures

Startup Boards Course with Brad Feld, Venture Capital Managing Director of Foundry Group

Be Social With Me

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Board Meeting Minutes Template Best Practices

  • January 11, 2023

Board Meeting Minutes 101: Free Template and Examples Included

  • --> Written by Toni Hoy
  • BLOG , Issues and Trends

As commonplace as it is for board secretaries to take nonprofit board meeting minutes, it may surprise you that boards of directors are not legally required to take minutes at all. Taking minutes with  board meeting software  has become a best practice to support  good governance .

Here, you’ll discover everything you need to know about board meeting minutes and how to take them with examples and a meeting minutes template.

What Are Board Meeting Minutes?

Board meeting minutes provide a record of what happens during a board meeting. Nonprofit board minutes, which typically fall under the responsibility of the board secretary, detail the board’s actions, decisions and key deliberations in connection with the agenda in narrative form. Below, you’ll find a few examples to help answer the question, “What do board meeting minutes look like?”

Examples of Board Meeting Minutes

While nonprofit board meeting minutes follow a similar format, there is no overarching standard for how to write minutes. The following examples will give you a general idea of how other nonprofits approach taking minutes.

  • Basic sample #1 
  • Basic sample #2

Printable Board Meeting Minutes Template — Nonprofit

A free board meeting minutes template for nonprofits gives your board a good place to start when establishing a process for taking minutes.

Printable Template for Board Meeting Minutes from BoardEffect

Members of organizations are entitled to obtain certain records like financial reports and meeting minutes. More importantly, board directors have legal and fiduciary duties , so it’s important to have a record of the actions that the board took during meetings.

In addition, the minutes of board meetings serve as guidance for the board as they plan and make strategic decisions. Taking board meeting minutes using a specified format and template also serves as legal protection for the board and the organization.

Meeting minutes template for a board of directors

Need a PDF or printable nonprofit board meeting template to share with colleagues? Download your copy here .

What Information Do Board Secretaries Need to Record?

The best source that board secretaries can  use as a guide  for recording board minutes is  Robert’s Rules of Order .

The most important part of the minutes is documenting an accurate account of board members’ actions during the meeting. Secretaries will also want to include a statement of whether the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

When writing board meeting minutes, secretaries should include an overview of what took place at the meeting without being overly wordy. It should include items such as:

  • The meeting’s date, time and location
  • Whether it was a regular or a special session
  • A list of the presiding officer, directors, staff, guests and other attendees

Designating the percentage of present members constituting a quorum is not necessary. The secretary only needs to document whether  a quorum  does or does not exist.

You will find a more comprehensive list of items to include in board meeting minutes later in the article.

Writing Board Meeting Minutes: Step by Step

Effective minute-taking requires the  secretary  to take four steps. The steps include:

  • Planning before the meeting
  • Taking notes during the meeting
  • Writing a formal report after the meeting
  • Filing and sharing the minutes of each meeting

Step 1: Preparation for the Board Meeting

In learning how to take board nonprofit meeting minutes, it’s important to note that every organization records its minutes a little bit differently. The board president can fill the secretary in on any expected meeting minutes formats they should use. Secretaries can also review past meeting minutes and use them as a template. The board president will have a copy of the meeting agenda and the names of all attendees, including guests or speakers.

Step 2: Taking a Record of the Board Meeting

Unless your organization requires the secretary to type notes at the meeting, they can either type them out or write them longhand. A strong board meeting minutes template can help maintain more structured minutes. The two most important things to know when writing board meeting minutes are what information to record and how to present it. To take effective meeting minutes, the secretary should include:

  • Date of the meeting
  • Time the meeting was called to order
  • Names of the meeting participants and absentees
  • Corrections and amendments to previous meeting minutes
  • Additions to the current agenda
  • Whether a  quorum  is present
  • Motions  taken or rejected
  • Voting-that there was a motion and second, and the outcome of the vote
  • Actions taken or agreed to be taken
  • Items to be held over
  • New business
  • Open discussion or public participation
  • Next meeting date and time
  • Time of adjournment

Detailing the discussions during a board meeting is as crucial as including the information in the bullets above. For each agenda item, write a short statement of actions taken by the board and a brief explanation of the rationale for the activity. If there are extensive arguments, write a summary of the significant ideas.

When writing board meeting minutes, record discussions objectively and avoid inflammatory remarks and personal observations. A good way to do this is by avoiding adjectives and adverbs whenever possible. Check your language to be sure that it is clear, unambiguous and complete.

As noted earlier, nonprofit board meeting minutes are an official and legal record of the board meeting . In a legal arena, meeting minutes are presumed to be correct and can be legal evidence of the facts they report. Boards have legal liability, so keep information basic and language simple to avoid any legal complications that place the organization at a disadvantage in any legal proceedings. Use names only when recording motions and seconds.

After the meeting, the secretary will want to write the formal record when everything is still fresh in mind. It helps to prepare the document soon after the meeting.

Step 3: Writing the Official Record of the Board Meeting Minutes

Review the agenda to gain the full scope of the meeting. Add notes for clarification. Review actions, motions, votes and decisions for clarity. Edit the record so the minutes are concise, clear and easy to read.

It’s better to attach meeting handouts and documents referred to during the meeting to the final copy rather than summarizing the contents in the minutes.

Step 4: Signing, Filing and Sharing Minutes

Once your board meeting minutes are fully written, you are responsible for making them official by having the board secretary sign them. Your organization may also require the president’s signature.

As part of knowing how to take minutes for a board meeting, you should always follow your organization’s by-laws and protocols for storing minutes. It’s a good idea to have backup copies either in print, a hard drive, or (best case) a  board portal .

The secretary also has the responsibility for sharing minutes. Ensure the president has approved the minutes before sharing them in print or online.

Helpful Tips for Taking Board Meeting Minutes

  • Use a template
  • Check off attendees as they arrive
  • Do introductions or circulate an attendance list
  • Record motions, actions, and decisions as they occur
  • Ask for clarification as necessary
  • Write clear, brief notes rather than full sentences or verbatim wording
  • Maintain the same verb tense

Common Mistakes in Taking Board Meeting Minutes

  • Failure to document a quorum
  • Ambiguous description of board actions
  • Including information that could harm the board in a legal sense
  • Lengthy delays in providing minutes after a meeting
  • Delays in approving minutes from past meetings-missing mistakes
  • Failing to file and manage documents
  • Failing to get documents signed, so they serve as an official and legal record

Always be mindful that the purpose of taking meeting minutes is to reflect the true intentions of the board and that they are an official and legal record. Given the breadth of detail and complexity of the process associated with proper documentation of meeting minutes and learning to take minutes for a board meeting, many organizations find using  board portal software  helpful. Board portal tools help make this work easier and more efficient, ultimately elevating organizational performance.

As serious as the job is, taking and preparing minutes can also be a rewarding and edifying experience.

Board Meeting Minutes Best Practices

The exact format of board meeting minutes varies by the organization, although best practices for governance indicate that all meeting minutes should contain the basic information we bulleted in Step 2 as noted earlier in Taking Board Meeting Minutes: Step by Step.

Best practices also encourage boards to do the following:

  • Obtain information from the board president about attendees, guests and any speakers or special presentations.
  • Review the past meeting’s minutes and gather any documents for the meeting.
  • The board secretary and board president should concur on the agenda and finalize it.
  • Be consistent in the method of reporting so that the information is reliable.
  • Carefully document any decisions the board makes.
  • Document any next steps the board needs to take.
  • Keep your statements short and concise.
  • Utilize the minutes to track action items and follow-ups.

What Should Not Be Included in Meeting Minutes

Not everything should be included in nonprofit board meeting minutes. The wrong entries could pose problems for boards later on.

These are some of the things board secretaries should leave out of board meeting minutes:

  • Abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon unless the meaning is obvious
  • Judgmental comments
  • Personal observations about members at the meeting
  • Notes about personal arguments
  • Statements with political undertones
  • Exact discussions where lawyers gave legal advice
  • Words of praise

As noted previously, board meeting minutes serve as legal records in a court of law. Discussions, comments, and direct quotes by board members could someday be taken out of context or be misinterpreted in court hearings. In the event of a lawsuit, the opposing counsel will be looking for weaknesses detailed in board meeting minutes. Too much information can lead  to legal risks .

Board Meeting Minutes Legal Requirements

Governance for nonprofits falls under state laws. Each state has its own mandates for registering a nonprofit. In most states, nonprofit boards are required to take and record board meeting minutes. It is best to store meeting minutes with other books and records.

States do not list requirements for how nonprofits must take minutes. Board secretaries routinely rely on best practices for meeting minutes as standard practice for recording meeting minutes properly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How detailed should meeting minutes be.

It is not appropriate to record everything board members say at a meeting. Minutes should only summarize the major points of a meeting relative to the board’s actions and decisions.

When Should Board Meeting Minutes Be Distributed?

Board meeting minutes should be distributed as soon as possible after the meeting so board members have sufficient time to review them and make corrections before voting to approve them. BoardEffect streamlines the process of getting minutes distributed and approved, as it all happens electronically.

What Is the Purpose of Board and Shareholder Meeting Minutes?

The purpose of board meeting minutes is to record motions, decisions and key discussions in connection with the board meeting agenda.

Who Should Take Minutes at a Board Meeting?

Any board member can take board meeting minutes, although it is typically the responsibility of the board secretary.

How Do Boards Approve Minutes at a Board Meeting?

At the start of a board meeting, boards must approve meeting minutes for the previous meeting. A unanimous consent vote must approve minutes.

Preparation for Board Secretaries: Using a Board Meeting Template

The board secretary and president should agree on the board minutes’ content. They should also decide what to leave out to protect the board and its directors from legal liabilities.

Board secretaries can prepare for meetings by reviewing formats of past meeting minutes and using templates for sample board meeting minutes. Templates will have areas to fill in pertinent information, such as the date, time, and regular agenda items, with flexibility for adding new items. It helps to review formats for nonprofit board meeting minutes that other organizations have used successfully.

Before each meeting, the board secretary will need to obtain information from the board president about attendees, guests, and any speakers or special presentations. The secretary will also want to review the past meeting’s minutes and gather any documents for the meeting. Finally, the secretary will work with the board president to set and solidify the agenda.

Some Final Words About Board Minutes

Templates and formats are essential tools for board secretaries. Why not use them to take much of the work from  recording board minutes ? A good rule for minute-takers is recording a statement for every board action to avoid being overly wordy.

Hopefully, your board meeting minutes will never be evidence in a court of law. If they are, however, using these tools, your board can rest assured that the minutes accurately reflect board business.


Learn why 180k+ users are using BoardEffect for their board portal solution!

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Preparing a Board Deck

Bryan schreier.

We tend to get started with companies at the Seed or Series A Stage—before board meetings come into the picture. But in the life cycle of every startup, there is a time when board meetings become formal. Often, this is catalyzed by the next investment round or the addition of an independent board member. It’s a position we’ve been in a few times. The following is a summary of our thoughts on structuring the first few board meetings at early-stage startups. While we focus on “decks” it’s important to note:

Board decks don’t actually have to be decks. Qualtrics, Domino, and Thumbtack employ Amazon-style ‘memos’ that communicate the same information through text. It really comes down to the most efficient and effective mode of communication for the management team.

Prepare just enough

The goal of a board meeting should be to maximize the value you get as a founder, while minimizing the amount of time you spend preparing. Of course, if you don't prepare at all, you'll have a hard time keeping your board focused.

That's why a good board deck is so important. It may sound odd that the presentation can contribute so much to the success of a board meeting. But consider this: A board's job is to give advice, help solve problems, reinforce best practices, and so on. When all of this is on topic, it can help guide you through the company-building process. When board members are left to explore whichever topics they choose...look out.

Focus on calibration

The primary difference between company meetings and board meetings is that your employees spend every day at your company, which even the most committed board members can’t do. That means you’ll need to effectively and efficiently calibrate your board every time you meet.

Hopefully, you invited these people to your board because they have relevant experience in areas where you need help. The calibration will be worth the effort if it enables you to leverage the skills and experience in the room to help you think through problems in a different way.

Take a step back

Preparing a board deck is also an opportunity for you, the founders, to take a big step back. This is incredibly important to do. And if you don’t, no one else will.

Treat board meeting prep as an opportunity to pull yourself out of the day to day and take a look at your company as if you were sitting on the moon viewing the earth: Are you executing? Are you innovating? Are you hiring? Are you building a management team? Are you growing the customer base? Are you doing so according to the last plan you laid out? And is that plan still good enough to win or do you need a new plan and new targets?

Don’t overthink it

This may sound like a significant undertaking for a three hour meeting that happens four to six times per year—and it definitely is if you build a presentation from scratch every time. It’s important, instead, to report to the board leveraging the materials you use to run the company. The Holy Grail is a board pack that is assembled by your assistant who simply prints the cover sheet(s) from weekly management-team reports and staples them together. Then you have no overhead and, even better, perfect alignment between the board and the management team.

Share materials early

Distribute the board materials one to two days in advance and ask your board members to study the material ahead of time so you can spend the meeting discussing rather than presenting.

Structure the meeting

Following is a general structure for an early board meeting/deck. We've seen our founders riff on this, and you can see some feedback from those CEOs below. In fact, Dropbox—where we partnered from the seed stage—has used this basic format from those early days onward, even as a public company today.


Big Picture: 15 minutes

  • CEO update.
  • Highlights since last meeting.
  • Lowlights/challenges since last meeting.
  • Where the company needs help (e.g. hiring, customers, partnerships, product, and marketing).

Calibration: 45 minutes to 60 minutes This is where you “tell the story” of the company. It is very easy to add chart after chart. What is much harder is picking the fewest number of correct metrics/charts to properly frame the current status of the company for board members. Unfortunately we’ve attended many board meetings where things looked great, but they actually weren’t. Those companies were sharing the wrong charts, and therefore not telling the story correctly and leaving the board ill-equipped to help. Here are some examples of exhibits to consider including:

  • Financial performance and updated forecast (quarterly)
  • Marketing performance vs. awareness and lead generation targets
  • Revenue/sales performance vs. targets
  • Product engagement metrics (signups, downloads, activations, engagement, retention)
  • Product delivery / launches
  • Quality of customer experience: every company should have a simple way of measuring this (NPS is commonly used but often misinterpreted, and needs to be contextualized) Note: All of this should be hard to create the first time but then simple to update moving forward.

Company Building: 30 minutes

  • Forward-looking org chart: show current team and positions to be filled over the next six months.
  • Product roadmap: include major launches and achievements since last meeting; provide a view on where the company is heading.
  • Engineering and technical update: include major launches and achievements since last meeting; surface challenges and where help is needed.
  • Growth team update: performance against Growth Team KPIs.
  • Corporate marketing update: execution on positioning, brand, messaging, and PR.
  • Business development: list of top 10 needle-moving partners the company wants (vs. inbound partner interest) and progress on each.
  • Operations (if appropriate): performance against KPIs; surface challenges and where help is needed.
  • Monthly Waterfalls for each of: revenue, burn, cash balance, headcount.

Working Session: 30 minutes per topic

  • Topic 1: deep dive in a particular functional area, deep dive on a large partnership opportunity, deep dive on a business challenge, etc.
  • Topic 2: deep dive on quarterly company goals, product challenges, etc.

Closed Session: 15 minutes

  • Feedback to Founders, formalities, stock option grant etc.

Article Body Image 1 How to Present To Investors

How to Run an Effective Advisory Board Meeting

The business world is a constant storm of challenges. Artificial intelligence affects companies, geopolitical conflicts raise cybersecurity concerns , and environmental demands take center stage. In such circumstances, making the right decisions is more important than ever.

The advisory board is exactly that force navigating these challenges and shaping the organization’s direction. New research from the Advisory Board Centre shows a sustainable 20% growth in the number of advisory boards established worldwide between 2021 and 2023. Consequently, there is an increasing acknowledgment of the important guidance and expertise that boards offer to both established businesses and startup projects.

However, just creating an advisory board isn’t enough. After all, leaders must guarantee good communication and teamwork within the advisory committee to achieve their greatest potential.

This article provides useful tips and effective strategies for successfully running an advisory board meeting and explains the role of a clear agenda.

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Preparations: how to run an advisory board of directors meeting ?

Thorough preparation is essential for productive advisory board sessions. But how to take those preparations one step further and elevate your meeting from productive to exceptional? Here are four steps to improve the advisory board experience:

1. Define the purpose of an advisory board meeting

The first stage is to establish a clear purpose and objectives for the meeting. Is it a strategic planning session, a deep dive into a specific topic, or an update on current initiatives? Knowing the target objective allows you to shape the agenda and lead discussions better .

2. Craft a compelling agenda

To achieve your purpose, it’s important to create a well-crafted agenda that covers key topics for discussion. The agenda should strike a balance between providing adequate information. As per the Deloitte Board Practices report, in 2022, 24% of boards successfully adapted their agendas to allocate more time for strategic decision-making.

Consider adding the following elements to your agenda:

  • Presentations from relevant stakeholders
  • Break-out sessions for brainstorming
  • Ample time for Q&A
  • Decision points 
  • Meeting minutes from the previous session

3. Identify key discussion points

Once you have the agenda set, take the time to identify specific discussion points within each topic. This will enable you to prepare thought-provoking questions, relevant data, and necessary background materials for the board members.   

4. Set clear expectations for the advisory committee

Effective communication is a two-way street, and successful advisory board meetings hinge on active participation from your board members. Here’s how to cultivate that engagement:

  • Clearly outline expectations . Before the meeting, distribute a document outlining what you expect from them in terms of preparation.
  • Tailor expectations to agenda items . For progress updates, encourage the board members to review pre-circulated reports and arrive with specific questions for clarification.
  • Leverage individual expertise . Anticipate where specific board members’ expertise can be most valuable.   

The structure of the advisory board meeting agenda

Within the board governance models , an advisory board’s effectiveness hinges on a well-defined meeting structure. In turn, it should leverage the board’s composition to maximize the value of its diverse perspectives. 

Advisory boards work best when they have 3-5 members with diverse viewpoints and industry expertise. Unlike a hierarchical board of directors, the role of the advisory board focuses on providing strategic guidance and independent perspectives rather than direct decision-making or oversight. 

There’s a specific set of items to consider for an advisor panel meeting, even though the overall structure of the meeting agenda remains relatively similar. This type of meeting includes the following stages.

1. Strategic discussions (top priority) 

This part of the meeting is crucial as it focuses on the most essential matters of the organization. The usual duration is approximately 45 minutes to ensure enough time to discuss the topic thoroughly. For example, it includes strategic planning initiatives, where a group of advisors delves into the organization’s long-term goals and growth strategies.

2. Decision-making and action items (high priority)

In this stage, the insights take the form of actionable steps. It is important to identify decisions requiring input or board approval and to ensure all relevant information is presented. The estimated time ranges from 20 to 30 minutes. 

3. Updates and reports (medium priority)

This stage keeps the board informed on key performance areas. However, to fit within 30 minutes, updates should be brief and relevant to decision-making:

  • Focus on key metrics
  • Highlight trends
  • Keep the presentation concise

Advisory board meeting agenda template

This agenda template is your starting point. However, you can download and adjust it to the specific needs of your organization. For this, the number of sections and topics should mirror the unique goals of each meeting. 

Consider the agenda as chapters in a story. Naturally, each section, like introductions and strategic discussions, needs a clear purpose. By the way, this is also relevant to CAB meetings . Then, highlight decision points within strategic discussions, serving as the turning points in the conversation. Time is of the essence, so allocate realistic slots for each section to avoid rushing the meeting flow.

As the meeting progresses, record action items in a designated area. This transparency guarantees that everyone understands their roles and the timeframes for follow-up. 

Other than that, supplement committee reports by adding relevant metrics and updates from the agenda itself. Full reports can be supplied as separate papers for those who crave deeper dives.

In general, the key benefits of the advisory meeting agenda template can be characterized as follows:

  • Consistent use of a template creates a comfortable rhythm for meetings. Board members know where to find key information and anticipate the flow of discussions.
  • Including template sections for brainstorming and open forum discussions encourages all members to actively participate.
  • A template saves precious time by providing a standardized format. No more starting from scratch – board members can dive right in, customizing the content for the specific meeting. 

DOWNLOAD the advisory board meetings agenda template

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The role of active engagement and communication at advisory board meetings

Research indicates that a worrisome pattern exists whereby over 75% of meeting participants lose focus during the gathering. This raises important questions about the efficacy of current meeting protocols. 

A primary cause of this underperformance may be a lack of active engagement from attendees, especially board members.

However, passive participation in traditional board meetings can be transformed into active engagement. Let’s find out how to improve engagement within the board:

  • Structure the sections . If it’s necessary, divide the advisory board members into smaller groups to tackle specific issues or brainstorm solutions.
  • Provide respectful discourse . During the meeting, the advisory board chairman should create an atmosphere where everyone’s opinions are valued and heard.
  • Ensure active listening . Encourage board members to build upon each other’s ideas.
  • Share pre-meeting materials . Distribute discussion topics and relevant reports in advance, at least 3 days beforehand.
  • Use technologies . Utilize online polls or anonymous feedback tools to gather real-time input and ensure all voices are heard. Board portal software is a great solution to do it securely.

Tips and best practices for effective advisory board meeting

Advisory board meetings hold immense potential for strategic guidance and valuable insights. But how do we ensure these discussions translate into concrete action plans? Let’s dive into the advisory board’s best practices to make the most of these gatherings:

  • Meeting minutes with clear action items . After each meeting, designate a person (often the secretary) to document key points, decisions made, and next steps.
  • Brainstorm and prioritize . Utilize whiteboarding or online collaboration tools to brainstorm and prioritize solutions. 
  • Match expertise with action items . Leverage each board member’s strengths by assigning action items that align with their knowledge and experience. Consider using a board effectiveness checklist to simplify the process.
  • Set regular check-ins . Schedule regular check-ins (via email, video conference, or another agreed-upon method) to discuss progress on action items and get feedback.
  • Remember about key metrics . Establish clear KPIs so that board members can keep track of how well the initiatives are doing and make sure they are successful.

Measuring advisory board meeting success

As a facilitator, you may find that traditional metrics such as attendance and agenda compliance fall short of capturing the true value of a successful meeting. While they provide a baseline for assessing meeting logistics, they fail to measure the impact of the gathering. 

Organizations often use traditional metrics to evaluate board meeting effectiveness. Instead, let’s take a closer look at more comprehensive approaches:

  • Engagement . Track participation levels during discussions. Did everyone feel heard? Were there balanced contributions from all members?
  • Actionable insights . Evaluate the number of concrete recommendations and ideas generated .
  • Decision-making . Assess the progress made on pre-defined goals. Were key decisions reached or next steps identified?
  • Member satisfaction . Measure board member satisfaction through surveys or feedback forms .

Key takeaways

Let’s quickly summarize the main information from the article and learn how to run an advisory board meeting:

  • Define clear objectives for the meeting to shape the agenda effectively. Craft a compelling agenda that balances context, Q&A sessions, and decision points.
  • Establish clear guidelines for the involvement and preparedness of the company boards. Tailor expectations to agenda topics and draw on individual knowledge.
  • A structured agenda template should prioritize agenda items, decisions, and updates and be tailored to the specific goal of each meeting.
  • Structure sections, promote respect, and active listening, and share pre-meeting materials to keep everyone engaged. Consider using technologies like board portal software for real-time input and secure collaboration.
  • Document meeting minutes with specific action items, discuss and prioritize ideas, connect expertise to action items, schedule regular check-ins, develop clear KPIs for measuring performance, and run an effective advisory board.

This article describes some helpful tips and strategies that organizations can use to make their advisory board meetings more effective. We recommend exploring our overview of top board portal providers for streamlined advisory board meetings. 

Time to use the modern board management software!

iDeals Board serves board of directors, committee members with a comprehensive suite for governance tools

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