Is Academic Decathlon Worth It? Everything You Need To Know


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academic decathlon essays

Facing fears like public speaking and pushing personal limits can be daunting, especially for young individuals making their way to college. How about we tell you there's a unique way to tackle these challenges before college? Enter the Academic Decathlon, often known as "AcDec." This decathlon provides high school students with the chance to move forward academically, tackling college-level material through team competition. Beyond polishing comprehensive intellectual growth, this demanding competition offers participants a platform to showcase their talents and knowledge across a really diverse range of disciplines. Moreover, the Academic Decathlon Competition provides students with invaluable life skills, making it a beneficial experience for both participants and the community as a whole. The U.S. Academic Decathlon tasks teams with delving into a given theme. Academic Decathlon Past Themes included subjects ranging from science to art. Then, the teams are required to construct compelling arguments that they will then debate against other high-achieving students nationwide, all competing for medals and recognition. ‍

Every year, the decathlon selects a new theme for students nationwide to compete in, making each year's competition unique. Students can take part in the decathlon multiple times, encountering different themes to master over the years. For the 2020-2021 curricular year, the U.S. Academic Decathlon theme was The Cold War. So, in academic decathlon subjects, specific general topics are chosen to align with The Cold War. For example, literature involved critical reading of Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. and other shorter works. When it comes to art, it concentrated on art fundamentals and explored art during the Cold War. For Music, it highlighted musical works from the Cold War era and so on. This year the theme is Technology and Humanity and the deadline to apply National Academic Decathlon 2024 is 15th February 2024. 

academic decathlon essays

‍ About the Academic Decathlon

The Academic Decathlon Events consist of five main events. Let's look at them in detail -  

The first one is about speaking. Decathletes talk for up to four minutes about a topic they choose. For the academic Decathlon prepared speech topics, it's suggested to pick a topic early and practice a lot.

After that, they have to speak without preparation for up to two minutes on a surprise topic. How you handle pressure in this situation shows what kind of leader you are, and this might be something college admissions people are interested in. ‍

After the speech event, the second event is the essay competition. In this part, Decathletes get 50 minutes to write the best essay they can. It's crucial to study the given theme so that you have enough information to write about it. ‍

3. Interview

In the interview section of Academic Decathlon, Decathletes get seven minutes to respond to questions about themselves. Similar to the process of applying to college, Decathletes must showcase personal qualities that both admissions counselors and judges find appealing. 

It's important to consider your background, interests, and goals during this part of the competition. ‍

4. Test of Knowledge

In the Knowledge Tests, Decathletes have seven multiple-choice exams covering different subjects like Art, Music, Social Science, Science, Economics, Literature, and Mathematics. 

Good academic decathlon scores help Decathletes get better at thinking critically and answering test questions. It's not just useful for the decathlon but also for other big tests like the SAT and AP exams. 

5. Super Quiz

Lastly, there's the super quiz, where decathletes and their eight teammates take turns tackling multiple-choice challenges in front of a live audience. 

If you make it to the nationals final, you work together with two teammates to find the best answer to each question before time runs out.

So the question arises: is academic Decathlon hard? Well, it's not exactly like a walk in the park, but with the right resources and practice, you can ace it. 

Eligibility Criteria

A team in the Academic Decathlon has nine students from grades nine to twelve, all from the same high school. The team is divided into three groups: honors (top GPA), scholastic (middle GPA), and varsity (lower GPA). 

It's important to start participating in the Decathlon early, from the ninth grade, to compete more and to have credits to list on your college application.

Each team member takes part in all ten events. The scoring considers six out of the nine members, with two from each GPA category. Schools can join with fewer than nine students, but they need to have representatives from each GPA group.

To show that teams are eligible, high schools send their student's academic records to the United States Academic Decathlon.

And if you are asking yourself, is academic Decathlon good for college? Being part of the Academic Decathlon can really help a student's chances of getting into college and getting scholarships. People who decide who gets into college and who gets scholarships understand that it takes hard work, a lot of effort, and being smart to do well in this contest.

Titles To Be Won 

There are different categories for which decathletes can win titles. There are 3 different divisions: first, second, and third for winners. Then there is the Rookie of the Year, Kristin Caperton Award, Founders Scholarship, Most Improved Student, Norman Katz Scholarship, B. Franklin Reinauer II Economics Priize and Edwin Reaves, and Esq. Social Science Prize

Final Thoughts!

It's crucial to seek out new challenges during high school, even if you've never experienced teamwork or public speaking. High school is an ideal time to develop skills and earn recognition, especially through a national program like the Academic Decathlon. 

Pushing yourself not only enhances your chances in college admissions but also contributes to your personal growth.

Engaging in the Academic Decathlon is an excellent opportunity to explore unfamiliar subjects, discover more about yourself, enhance your resume, and also maybe make new friends. 

The decathlon is a perfect extracurricular activity for high school students that not only gives them extra credits and scholarships but also helps them get admission to top universities. 

If you are looking for another great alternative for a standout extracurricular activity, consider the IRIS Program by Indigo Research. Designed as an intensive research program for high school students, it runs from March 2 to June 2, 2024. By joining IRIS, you'll not only earn a certificate and transferable credits but also receive a transcript from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). Plus, it's a fantastic opportunity to gain an edge in your college application journey.

academic decathlon essays

Is Academic Decathlon worth it?

Yes, Academic Decathlon is worth it. It's a challenging and interesting experience that helps you learn new skills like speaking in public and working in a team. 

Being part of it can improve your college applications because it shows you're serious about doing well in school. You also get to learn about different subjects and grow as a person. 

Overall, it depends on what you want, but many students enjoy it and find it rewarding.

Is Academic Decathlon prestigious?

Yes, the Academic Decathlon is prestigious and has gained global recognition for its high standards, prestige, and outstanding quality.

What are the benefits of Academic Decathlon?

‍ The benefits of Academic Decathlon include polishing a student's skills when it comes to public speaking, research, and reasoning while instilling the value of teamwork in them.

Is Academic Decathlon an extracurricular activity?

Yes, the academic Decathlon is an extracurricular activity that is intellectually challenging. 

What school has the best Academic Decathlon?

The school that has the best Academic Decathlon is Granada Hills. It has been incredibly successful in the Academic Decathlon, securing the top spot in the national rankings in 7 out of the last nine competitions.

What GPA do you need for the Academic Decathlon?

Students from every GPA bracket can apply for the academic Decathlon. 

What do students do in Academic Decathlon?

Students debate, take quizzes and general tests, and, most importantly, network in the academic Decathlon.

Does Academic Decathlon give scholarships?

Yes, the Academic Decathlon gives scholarships. There is a Founders Scholarship and a Norman Katz Scholarship that students can obtain. 

How many people are in the Academic Decathlon?

The number of people in a team is 9. You can participate with a lesser number of participants, but you need a participant from every GPA bracket.

Is Academic Decathlon national?

Yes, it is a national event held in the United States every year.

Who won the 2023 Academic Decathlon?

El Camino Real Charter High School won the 2023 academic decathlon, marking their ninth victory.

Is Academic Decathlon a class?

No, it's a competition. Academic Decathlon is a nationwide program focused on academic excellence in high schools. It's a class as well as a club. All the competitions are open to all high school students regardless of their club or class status. And the final team of nine high school students who compete is a combination of both. 

Academic Decathlon: Is it worth it for application?

Yes, Academic Decathlon is worth it for application because taking part in it can really help you get into college and win scholarships. Colleges and organizations that give out academic decathlon scholarships appreciate the effort, commitment, and smarts it takes to do well in this competition. 

What are your chances of acceptance?

Calculate for all schools, your chance of acceptance.

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The Ultimate Guide to Academic Decathalon

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There is no question that extracurricular activities are important to any high schooler’s experience. Students often join clubs or teams that mesh with their outside activities like athletics or the arts. But what about students whose many extracurricular interests are still considered academic?

If you want an intellectually challenging extracurricular experience,  Academic Decathalon might be right for you! AcaDec is a competition that allows high school students to compete against one another and improve their knowledge in many different subject areas, from music to economics to public speaking. AcaDec has a lot to offer its participants,, and it’s a great opportunity to meet other like-minded students who are passionate about acquiring new knowledge and building upon their academic skills! If you think Academic Decathalon might be right for you, read on.

Introduction to Academic Decathalon

Academic Decathlon is an academic competition for high school students. This activity is often abbreviated as just “AcaDec,” (though some regions might refer to it as “AcDec” or “AcaDeca”).

AcDec is run by the nonprofit United States Academic Decathlon Association (USAD). The first ever Academic Decathlon occurred in 1986 in Bolsa Grande, California, and today is still going strong. Although it is mostly based in the United States, it has recently started expanding abroad as well. For more information about the history of Academic Decathalon, you can check out this webpage .

How AcaDec works

In AcaDec, student teams from different high schools meet and compete at the local, state, and national AcaDec competitions. Each year will have a theme around which all events’ topics are centered (the theme for 2016-2017 is World War II).

School teams will study these themes and specific topics relating to them in fields like math or music using curricula that is provided by the overarching US AcaDec organization. Events will include multiple-choice tests in different fields like the aforementioned math and music. Events might also include prepared and impromptu speeches, written essays, interviews with judges, and the Super Quiz (which is a quiz-bowl-type competition that takes place in front of a live audience).

According to the United States Academic Decathalon website, there are 10 events, each of which allows students to:

  • Visualize art history
  • Participate in an interview
  • Experiment with science
  • Become versed in languages in literature
  • Experience the music
  • Master mathematics
  • Excel in social science
  • Author an essay
  • Prepare a speech
  • Study economics

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Team and competitive structure of AcaDec

The formal AcaDec team is composed of up to nine students divided into GPA-based groups. The three students on the team with an “A” grade point average are called Honor students, students with a “B” average are Scholastic students, and students with a “C” average are called Varsity students.

School teams might be much larger than the alotted ninestudents, in which case the choice of which nine students get to represent the school in competitions is usually determined by placement examinations.

Members who are not on the formal AcaDec team might still be able to participate in the events at local competitions in order to practice, but their scores typically won’t count towards the formal competition between school teams. Participating in AcaDec as a non-competing member is a good way to get practice without having to worry about affecting your school team’s scores!

In general, teams will first compete at the local level against schools in the nearby area. If your team is successful, you will likely move on to regional, state, or national competitions.

Benefits of participating in AcaDec

There are many upsides to participating in AcaDec as a high school student. First of all, practicing on a team for an academic competition will help to improve your knowledge of certain academic topics, whether they be in the fields of mathematics, literature, or even geology.

AcaDec competitions  also give students practice in performing under pressure. This is an important skill to have for applying to colleges, entering today’s competitive job market, and many other occasions in your life. Though nervousness is a natural part of any activity that involves presenting a speech in front of many people or taking a timed multiple choice test, practicing these types of scenarios in AcaDec will help you develop strategies to conquer nervous feelings before an important interview or a presentation at work.

There is also the opportunity for students in Academic Decathalon to take on different leadership roles and responsibilities. As with any academic team, there is a designated team captain and depending on your team there may be deputy captains as well. You can choose to take on as much responsibility as you want, keeping in mind that this might be a good opportunity to build upon and improve your leadership skills.

Another benefit is that AcaDec is a well-respected extracurricular with which colleges are familiar. When it comes time to apply to schools and list your extracurriculars,  colleges will already have context as to what this activity is and the amount of time and effort that students are expected to devote to it.

Lastly, Academic Decathalon is a competitive activity in which you are rewarded in a tangible way for good performance and for investing your time in this activity. This will be helpful when it comes time to recount your accomplishments on college applications.

Learning more

To learn more about extracurriculars that allow you to use your academic skills, check out these blog posts:

Affordable Academic Summer Programs for High School Students

How to Win Best Delegate in Model UN

A Guide to Excelling at Speech and Debate

How to Get a Research Assistant Position in High School

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United States Academic Decathlon ( USAD ) is a ten-event scholastic competition for teams of high school students. Pentathlon is a five-event scholastic competition for middle school students, providing the benefits of Academic Decathlon along with the challenges of rigorous team and individual competition.

The theme for the 2024-2025 season is Our Changing Climate.

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The Academic Decathlon – How to Prepare for the USAD Test

The Academic Decathlon – How to Prepare for the USAD Test

Academic competitions are common. There are spelling bees and robotic competitions on a national level, for example. There are school-wide, regional, and state competitions. One of the most interesting national academic competitions is the Academic Decathlon, a product of the U.S. Academic Decathlon Association (USAD).

The competition was created in 1968 by the Superintendent of Schools for Orange Country, California just for California. It was later expanded to a national competition, and today most states and a few international schools now participate.

What is Unique About the Academic Decathlon

Most competitions involve the very best students that schools can put together as competitors. But this one is different, in the following ways:

  • Each team is made up of 9 students. 3 are considered “honors” with GPA’s between 3.75-4.0; 3 are named “scholastic, with GPA’s between 3 – 3.74; 3 are named “varsity” with GPA’s of 0.00 – 2.99).
  • There are ten events, and all students compete as individuals in their classified divisions. Team scores are determined by taking top scores from each division in each of the events and then added up for a total score for the team.
  • Competitions begin at the local level, and the winning team from each state then moves on to the national competition.

Tests of the Competition

The ten events of USAD cover all academic disciplines that typical high school students study. These are as follows:

  • 7 multiple-choice tests in language & literature, math, science, social studies, economics, art and music.
  • There is a Super Quiz that is either in science or social studies
  • There is an essay to write, based upon optional prompts
  • Each student must prepare a speech on a pre-selected topic
  • Each student will be interviewed by judges.

Obviously, the multiple-choice tests are objective measurements. The other three events are assessed subjectively by the judges, although the judging criteria is published on the organization’s website .

Students don’t Go In “Blind”

Every year the organization publishes its curriculum in every subject on its website. This provides students with an outline of the skills and content to be included in the 7 objective tests. This curriculum is developed by a 10-member panel. Anyone contributing to the curriculum must have a Bachelor’s degree in the subject. Once the curriculum is created, it is then checked by others for accuracy.

There is also a USAD “theme” developed for each year, and the tests all relate to the theme. In the language and literature section, for example, a novel or set of plays is selected each year and provided to students. In music and art, students are provided with specific works that they must research and study. If, for example, the theme were to be “Africa,” as it was one year, social studies, language and literature, economics, art, and music tests will all relate to that continent, and contestants are provided specific topics to study.

The Subjective Portions of the Competition

As the term implies, there are no right or wrong answers to these parts of the event.

  • Speech : This event is divided into two parts. The first is a prepared speech on a pre-provided topic, and it is to be 3 ½ - 4 minutes long. The second part is an impromptu speech. Contestants are given three optional prompts, choose one, and then deliver a 1 ½ - 2minute speech on that topic.
  • The Interview : This is a formal event, during which the student is asked a series of questions and expected to respond. Questions have included such things as “Who is your role model and why?”

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How to Prepare for the USAD Test

There is a wealth of information published and updated each year on the organization’s website. This includes the theme and “curriculum” in each of the seven objective testing content areas. Information is released according to a calendar. For the 2017-2018 USAD competition, for example, the theme and general topic was posted March 1, 2018; the outlines for each curricular topic area on May 1; and more specific curriculum materials (e.g., study guides) will began to be shipped out to team coaches and state directors on May 15. The competition takes place in November, 2018, giving teams the summer months to spend time in strong preparation.

Materials for Study – The Objective Multiple-Choice Tests

The study materials that are provided by the USAD, including the topic areas and outlines are all free and can be downloaded from the website, and this is a good start for preparation.

The more specific study materials – resource guides, study guides, etc. must be purchased by each team, and the cost is $1000. While there have been lots of complaints about charging for these materials, the organization claims that it has to in order to meet its over $1 million budget each year. This can put an additional burden on schools and school districts that are from poorer areas, and that has been a point of controversy.

There are also USAD practice tests that are developed each year by third-party for-profit companies. These are sold to teams, and, when schools are able to provide this kind of financial support, the tests can be a big help. The USAD does not support or encourage the purchase of the practice tests; however, they are well-done and can give a team a pretty big advantage. Any time students have the opportunity to take practice test, research shows that they do better on the real thing.

With all of this information and all of these study materials, most teams can be well-prepared for the objective testing events, provided they have a good coach and they spend a lot of time studying the material.

The objective tests are very fact-based and do not require critical or creative thinking. It is really a matter of memorization. Because of this, a number of educational associations, such as the ASCD, have criticized the objective portion of the event. The criticism relates to the fact that students are basically engaged in straight memorization of facts rather than any higher-level thinking skills, such as application, analysis, or synthesis. The Association’s response is that, because the event is theme-based, students will become “experts” of sorts on those wider curricular areas and will have a knowledge base that they would not get in a regular school curricular environment.

Materials for Study – The Subjective Portion of Testing

No one can completely prepare for this portion of the event. However, given that the USAD theme for each year is published, and given that the essay and speech prompts will all relate to this theme, preparation can be in the following forms:

  • For the essay portion of the exam, students can review and study essay samples in the general topical theme areas. And just as they would practice for an ACT or SAT essay, they should write several essays on their own that also relate to the theme and the language and literature and super quiz curricula.
  • Speech Preparation: The ability to deliver a good speech is as much about self-confidence as it is about the content. Students should practice preparing and delivering speeches on the thematic topic areas of course. It is the impromptu speech event that will probably present the greatest challenge. But there are tactics and strategies that can be learned and practiced. During the time they have to prepare for USAF test, students should be given topics from their coaches that relate to the theme and take the one-minute of allowed preparation time to gather their thoughts.

The most important parts of any speech are the opening and the ending. Practice using your minute of allowed preparation time to craft a great opening sentence and a solid ending. These will be the most memorable. Again, practice is the one thing that will get you over that anxiety and nervousness.

  • The Interview: you will not be able to anticipate the questions you might be asked in a formal interview situation. The key to success, though, will be in your ability to stay calm, focused, and poised. Again, the key to a successful interview is practice. Your USAD coach should set up several interview sessions and ask difficult questions. Your goal is to take a minute, think about the question being asked, and form a response that relates directly to that question. Part of evaluating your performance will be your ability to stick to the topic of the question, to speak clearly and with confidence, and to keep your response relatively brief. The biggest mistake that people make during interviews is veering off topic and giving an answer that is disjointed and incoherent.

Outside Research – It is Valuable

You have the outlines and the study guide and resource materials. You know what the theme is. This year, for example, it is Africa. So, how much do you really know about Africa – it’s history, its development, it political, economic and social challenges? Most high schools do not offer a course in African studies, so you may not know much.

You can take the study guides and gain a lot of factual information about Africa, but do you really have a solid, general understanding of the continent? Chances are you don’t. Take some time during the summer months before the competition to make Africa your focus of study. There is an amazing amount of online resources about this continent and the richness of its history, geography, and societies. Your goal should be to get a broad base of general knowledge, so that the factual information you may need to memorize actually makes sense to you.

For example, you can access the National Geographic website and find a huge amount of information about Africa. In fact, there is a TV series on our African beginnings, narrated by Morgan Freeman, that is soon to start. Likewise, there are news stories about Africa published daily by online news organizations.

The more general knowledge you can absorb about Africa, the more you will be able to appear as an “expert,” especially during the subjective portions of the event. You just never know when you may be able to throw in some information you have about Africa that will impress the judges.

Above All – Take the Time You Need

When you study for final exams, you have two choices. You can organize your material regularly throughout the semester and study a bit at a time. Or, you can “cram” at the last minute, perhaps 1-2 days before that exam and get help from essay services . Students who choose either option can be successful and get good exam grades.

But preparing for the Academic Decathlon is different. It’s not like a final exam in history or social studies that covers a finite amount of material. It is an examination that covers all content areas. There is no way to “cram” at the last minute.

Fortunately, your team will have a coach who will prepare a schedule of work and study over a longer period of time. You can study and learn in a relatively stress-free environment, and this means that you will retain much of what you learn long-term. So, if you study a piece of literature without the stress of an immediate exam, that more relaxed environment allows you to absorb information, to think critically about the piece, and to “cement” your understanding.

Likewise, the longer preparation time will allow lots of practice for the subjective parts of the event – those speeches, the interview, and that essay. In these areas, it is practice, not study, that will make the difference.

Above all, you need to understand that you are a part of a team with a coach. While you will be scored on your individual performance, it is important that you have the mindset of being a member of a team. Each member’s accomplishments should be encouraged and applauded – that’s what teamwork is all about.

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  • County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Al Mijares

Four Orange County teams shine at the 2024 U.S. Academic Pentathlon

Fairmont Private Schools’ Historic Anaheim Campus eighth-graders

Four teams of seventh- and eighth-grade students from Orange County participated with more than 700 other young scholars from across the nation in the 2024 United States Academic Pentathlon competition , held May 16 through May 18 in Phoenix, Arizona. 

The U.S. Academic Pentathlon is a five-event scholastic competition for middle schoolers, providing the benefits of the Academic Decathlon along with the challenges of rigorous team and individual competition. 

The program strives to foster a greater respect for knowledge, promote healthy inter-school academic competition and further develop student communication skills. This year’s theme was “Technology and Humanity.”

Fairmont Private Schools’ Historic Anaheim Campus had two teams earn honors at the national championship, securing fourth place in the Eighth Grade State Champion Division and third place in the Seventh Grade State Champion Division.

Legacy Magnet Academy, a charter school in the Tustin Unified School District, triumphed in the Seventh Grade Invited Division, earning first place. Lakeside Middle School from Irvine Unified took second place in the Eighth Grade Invited Division.

This division invites schools to compete based on previous achievements or qualifying criteria, allowing those that excelled in regional or state competitions but did not qualify for the state champion division to showcase their academic talents on a national level.

Combined, Orange County’s teams brought home a total of 64 individual medals, showcasing their academic achievements and dedication.

Academic pentathlon teams consist of students in three different grade-point average categories: Honor (those with GPAs of 3.75 or above), Scholastic (GPAs of 3.00 to 3.74) and Varsity (GPAs of 2.99 or below). These categories ensure all students have an opportunity to compete.

All four OC teams completed five timed tests in literature, science, social science, fine arts and mathematics, and participated in the Super Quiz on May 17. The event, designed to challenge middle school students with rigorous team and individual competition, concluded the next day with an awards ceremony recognizing outstanding achievements.

For a complete list of team and individual honors, visit . 

Photo of a person's hands typing on a laptop.

AI-assisted writing is quietly booming in academic journals. Here’s why that’s OK

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Lecturer in Bioethics, Monash University & Honorary fellow, Melbourne Law School, Monash University

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Julian Koplin does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

Monash University provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation AU.

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If you search Google Scholar for the phrase “ as an AI language model ”, you’ll find plenty of AI research literature and also some rather suspicious results. For example, one paper on agricultural technology says:

As an AI language model, I don’t have direct access to current research articles or studies. However, I can provide you with an overview of some recent trends and advancements …

Obvious gaffes like this aren’t the only signs that researchers are increasingly turning to generative AI tools when writing up their research. A recent study examined the frequency of certain words in academic writing (such as “commendable”, “meticulously” and “intricate”), and found they became far more common after the launch of ChatGPT – so much so that 1% of all journal articles published in 2023 may have contained AI-generated text.

(Why do AI models overuse these words? There is speculation it’s because they are more common in English as spoken in Nigeria, where key elements of model training often occur.)

The aforementioned study also looks at preliminary data from 2024, which indicates that AI writing assistance is only becoming more common. Is this a crisis for modern scholarship, or a boon for academic productivity?

Who should take credit for AI writing?

Many people are worried by the use of AI in academic papers. Indeed, the practice has been described as “ contaminating ” scholarly literature.

Some argue that using AI output amounts to plagiarism. If your ideas are copy-pasted from ChatGPT, it is questionable whether you really deserve credit for them.

But there are important differences between “plagiarising” text authored by humans and text authored by AI. Those who plagiarise humans’ work receive credit for ideas that ought to have gone to the original author.

By contrast, it is debatable whether AI systems like ChatGPT can have ideas, let alone deserve credit for them. An AI tool is more like your phone’s autocomplete function than a human researcher.

The question of bias

Another worry is that AI outputs might be biased in ways that could seep into the scholarly record. Infamously, older language models tended to portray people who are female, black and/or gay in distinctly unflattering ways, compared with people who are male, white and/or straight.

This kind of bias is less pronounced in the current version of ChatGPT.

However, other studies have found a different kind of bias in ChatGPT and other large language models : a tendency to reflect a left-liberal political ideology.

Any such bias could subtly distort scholarly writing produced using these tools.

The hallucination problem

The most serious worry relates to a well-known limitation of generative AI systems: that they often make serious mistakes.

For example, when I asked ChatGPT-4 to generate an ASCII image of a mushroom, it provided me with the following output.

It then confidently told me I could use this image of a “mushroom” for my own purposes.

These kinds of overconfident mistakes have been referred to as “ AI hallucinations ” and “ AI bullshit ”. While it is easy to spot that the above ASCII image looks nothing like a mushroom (and quite a bit like a snail), it may be much harder to identify any mistakes ChatGPT makes when surveying scientific literature or describing the state of a philosophical debate.

Unlike (most) humans, AI systems are fundamentally unconcerned with the truth of what they say. If used carelessly, their hallucinations could corrupt the scholarly record.

Should AI-produced text be banned?

One response to the rise of text generators has been to ban them outright. For example, Science – one of the world’s most influential academic journals – disallows any use of AI-generated text .

I see two problems with this approach.

The first problem is a practical one: current tools for detecting AI-generated text are highly unreliable. This includes the detector created by ChatGPT’s own developers, which was taken offline after it was found to have only a 26% accuracy rate (and a 9% false positive rate ). Humans also make mistakes when assessing whether something was written by AI.

It is also possible to circumvent AI text detectors. Online communities are actively exploring how to prompt ChatGPT in ways that allow the user to evade detection. Human users can also superficially rewrite AI outputs, effectively scrubbing away the traces of AI (like its overuse of the words “commendable”, “meticulously” and “intricate”).

The second problem is that banning generative AI outright prevents us from realising these technologies’ benefits. Used well, generative AI can boost academic productivity by streamlining the writing process. In this way, it could help further human knowledge. Ideally, we should try to reap these benefits while avoiding the problems.

The problem is poor quality control, not AI

The most serious problem with AI is the risk of introducing unnoticed errors, leading to sloppy scholarship. Instead of banning AI, we should try to ensure that mistaken, implausible or biased claims cannot make it onto the academic record.

After all, humans can also produce writing with serious errors, and mechanisms such as peer review often fail to prevent its publication.

We need to get better at ensuring academic papers are free from serious mistakes, regardless of whether these mistakes are caused by careless use of AI or sloppy human scholarship. Not only is this more achievable than policing AI usage, it will improve the standards of academic research as a whole.

This would be (as ChatGPT might say) a commendable and meticulously intricate solution.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Academic journals
  • Academic publishing
  • Hallucinations
  • Scholarly publishing
  • Academic writing
  • Large language models
  • Generative AI

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Despite Setback, Neuralink’s First Brain-Implant Patient Stays Upbeat

Elon Musk’s first human experiment with a computerized brain device developed significant flaws, but the subject, who is paralyzed, has few regrets.

A portrait of Noland Arbaugh, who wears a baseball cap, a Hawaiian shirt, and sits in a wheelchair in a room of his home. An American flag hangs on the wall behind him.

By Christina Jewett

Just four months ago, Noland Arbaugh had a circle of bone removed from his skull and hair-thin sensor tentacles slipped into his brain. A computer about the size of a small stack of quarters was placed on top and the hole was sealed.

Paralyzed below the neck, Mr. Arbaugh is the first patient to take part in the clinical trial of humans testing Elon Musk’s Neuralink device, and his early progress was greeted with excitement.

Working with engineers, Mr. Arbaugh, 30, trained computer programs to translate the firing of neurons in his brain into the act of moving a cursor up, down and around. His command of the cursor was soon so agile that he could challenge his stepfather at Mario Kart and play an empire-building video game late into the night.

But as weeks passed, about 85 percent of the device’s tendrils slipped out of his brain. Neuralink’s staff had to retool the system to allow him to regain command of the cursor. Though he needed to learn a new method to click on something, he can still skate the cursor across the screen.

Neuralink advised him against a surgery to replace the threads, he said, adding that the situation had stabilized.

The setback became public earlier this month. And although the diminished activity was initially difficult and disappointing, Mr. Arbaugh said it had been worth it for Neuralink to move forward in a tech-medical field aimed at helping people regain their speech, sight or movement.

“I just want to bring everyone along this journey with me,” he said. “I want to show everyone how amazing this is. And it’s just been so rewarding. So I’m really excited to keep going.”

From a small desert town in Arizona, Mr. Arbaugh has emerged as an enthusiastic spokesman for Neuralink, one of at least five companies leveraging decades of academic research to engineer a device that can help restore function in people with disabilities or degenerative diseases.

While Mr. Musk’s pitches have centered on sci-fi ambitions like telepathy for high-tech consumers, Mr. Arbaugh’s experience shows the potential for advancement in one medical realm where federal authorities will allow such risky research.

Neuralink announced this week in news reports that it had received permission from the Food and Drug Administration to continue testing implants in additional patients. The company has not offered much detail on the unexpected flaw, and did not respond to requests for comment.

Mr. Arbaugh has been paralyzed since a swimming accident in the lush hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania, where he worked after college as a camp counselor. Lunging into waist-deep water in a lake with a group of friends, he sank to the bottom.

“I was facedown in the water and I just thought, well, I can’t move. So what do I do? I guess nothing,” Mr. Arbaugh said. “So I took a big drink and passed out.”

Mr. Arbaugh became paralyzed from the fourth vertebra in his neck down.

Adjusting to life as a person with quadriplegia was far from the future he had envisioned. As a young person growing up in Yuma, Ariz., Mr. Arbaugh had pursued all his community had to offer. If he wasn’t playing soccer, football or golf, he was at an Academic Decathlon competition or a chess tournament. Among the first in his family to go to college, he enrolled at Texas A&M University, where he admittedly smoked too much marijuana, spent a slightly aimless semester in Australia and skipped too many classes to graduate as a senior.

In the years after the accident, he tried to adjust to an array of devices meant to help people who are paralyzed. Most failed to work effectively for long periods, though Siri on his iPad emerged as his most reliable assistant, enabling him to call and text his friends.

Last year, a friend, Greg Bain, told him about Neuralink and urged him to apply for the company’s first trial in humans.

Mr. Arbaugh said he did not have strong feelings about Mr. Musk, but felt that he drove progress and that “things he touched turned to gold.”

After the implant was embedded in late January, he began working long days with Neuralink staff to link the neuronal patterns picked up in his brain to the actions he intended to take. He found the work tedious and repetitive, but rewarding.

Once the training was complete, engineers gave him control of the cursor on a computer. “I was like, once you guys take these restraints off me, I’m just gonna fly,” Mr. Arbaugh recalled.

On his first day flying solo, Mr. Arbaugh beat a 2017 world record in the field for speed and precision in cursor control. “It was very, very cool,” Mr. Arbaugh said.

The long days of training computer models with Neuralink staff at his side have now been reduced to remote work in four-hour time blocks, Mr. Arbaugh said. The team continues to work on tasks like spelling words, as he envisions making sign language letters or writing on a chalk board.

But the Neuralink device continued to lose its connection, the tendrils gradually sliding out of the tissue of his brain and presumably resting in the fluid that surrounds it.

When only about 15 percent of the threads remained in place, Mr. Arbaugh lost command of the cursor altogether. Engineers recalibrated the computer programs to perform most tasks he had been able to do before. Because he can no longer get the system to do mouse clicks, he’s using a new tool that allows him to click by hovering a cursor over the item he intends to select.

The flawed implant underscores the concerns of some experts in the brain-computer-interface field. The small, round device implanted in the skull is supposed to keep the thin tendrils of electrodes in place. But like a finger in a pie that’s wobbling about, the threads can pull out.

Mr. Arbaugh said his brain moved more than engineers had expected, and have revised the surgical plan to implant the threads deeper in the next patient’s brain.

Neuralink is vetting applications from others interested in taking part in trials. Their expenses, such as travel, are covered by the company , according to Neuralink.

This first Neuralink experiment also highlights how complicated the mechanics of the connection between the brain and a device are.

Lee Miller, a professor of neuroscience and rehabilitative medicine at Northwestern University, described the difficulties of working with the brain. It is bathed in salt water, moves around as the head swivels and bobs, and it is equipped with immune defenses meant to wall off invaders. Researchers have observed the brain forming scar tissue around sensors and even rejecting an entire sensing unit that used a grid of tiny needles.

Cristin Welle, a University of Colorado neurophysiologist who started the neural interfaces program at the Food and Drug Administration, which approves medical devices like the implants, said the first Neuralink case suggested that the company still faced hurdles in developing a durable device.

If the threads were implanted deeper, they could still ease out and leave fibers rubbing on the surface of the brain, possibly increasing the amount of scarring — and signal loss — in the area, she said.

“It’s hard to know if that would work,” Dr. Welle said. “It may be the case that a fully flexible device may not be a long-term solution.”

Mr. Arbaugh said his team had expected his brain to form scar tissue around the threads at the base of the brain — which they believed would help hold them in place. He said he will have the option to leave the study after a year, but expected to keep working with the company longer. Neuralink has said the initial study will take about six years to complete.

Other leading commercial companies have taken different approaches.

Synchron, based in Brooklyn, has avoided the delicate tissue of the brain by going through a vessel to implant a tiny metal tube near the motor cortex of the brain. Yet the device does not pick up as much subtle neural activity as others that penetrate brain tissue, according to researchers in the field. It registers louder signals, so to speak, like the intent to select an option from an on-screen menu. The company has human trials underway .

Precision Neuroscience, based in Manhattan, has implanted a flexible strip equipped with sensors on the surface of people’s brains and is reviewing the data it is gleaning from patients with the strip placed temporarily, Michael Mager, the company’s chief executive, said.

Researchers have been studying brain-computer devices for decades. The standard had been a grid of 96 pins, called the Utah Array, that rests on the top of the brain and picks up activity up to 1.5 millimeters below the surface. It tends to be linked through a wire in the skull to a small box mounted on the head during continuing human trials . The hole in the skull that lets the wire through is prone to infection, though, and Blackrock Neurotech in Salt Lake City is working on a fully implantable upgrade.

Paradromics, which also uses a device with a grid based on the Utah Array, is testing its implantable device in sheep and expects to test it in humans in about a year, according to Matt Angle, the company’s chief executive.

All of the work is closely regulated by the F.D.A., which weighs the risks and the benefits for procedures and is expected to first consider use of these devices in people with major disabilities or degenerative diseases. (The agency would not comment specifically on Neuralink, but said it requires routine reports on expected and unexpected events in such trials.)

Beyond that, researchers are divided over the prospect of widespread use by people with no disability, who might want an implant to communicate without speech or to download a language, as Mr. Musk has mused. Some researchers predict availability for general consumers in decades. Others argue that will never be authorized for activities like web surfing in the shower, given the infection risk of repeated brain surgeries over a lifetime.

Mr. Angle, of Paradromics, said he could envision a progression from usage in people with no ability to speak or walk to those with serious mental health problems that have resisted treatment.

From there, he said, consumer use could be a decade away. After all, he said, the idea of Botox went from preposterous to mainstream in about as much time.

“If 100 years ago you said, ‘Hey, rich people are going to inject botulism in their face,’ that sounds totally nuts,” he said. “Once you understand the risks, and people can make informed decisions, then it becomes reasonable.”

Mr. Arbaugh hopes to see the technology deployed first to restore function in those who lost it.

“And then it can go to enabling people to enhance their capabilities,” he said, adding, “As long as we don’t give up our humanity along the way.”

Christina Jewett covers the Food and Drug Administration, which means keeping a close eye on drugs, medical devices, food safety and tobacco policy. More about Christina Jewett

The World of Elon Musk

The billionaire’s portfolio includes the world’s most valuable automaker, an innovative rocket company and plenty of drama..

X: Elon Musk has increasingly been using his social media platform to criticize President Biden for his health and immigration policies , according to a New York Times analysis.

Neuralink: A litigation team built from the sharpest, funniest tweeters is suing Elon Musk . Here’s a look at the saga that began in 2019.

Neuralink: Elon Musk’s first human experiment with a computerized brain device developed significant flaws, but the subject Noland Arbaugh, who is paralyzed and the first patient to take part in the human clinical trial , has few regrets.

Wooing World Leaders: Musk has fostered relationships with a constellation of right-wing heads of state — including Argentina’s Javier Milei and India’s Narendra Modi — to push his own politics and expand his business empire .

Tesla: Musk has gutted the part of the carmaking company responsible for building charging stations for electric vehicles , sowing uncertainty about the future of the largest and most reliable U.S. charging network.

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Building skills for your career: Academic writing skills are career skills

  • by The Library
  • posted May 30, 2024
  • Researchers Students

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Unsplash: Brett Jordan

Academic writing is a versatile career skill that allows you to communicate clearly, concisely, professionally and effectively. By developing strong writing abilities you will be able to convey your ideas, knowledge and successfully collaborate with others in your professional life.  

Not quite sure what academic writing is? Have a look at some examples, along with grammar tips on the Write with academic style webpage.  

Academic writing requires correct referencing. Once you know which style you need to use (hint: check your course site and assignment instructions), refer to the Library Referencing guide s for correct formatting and examples.  

You can take advantage of our Griffith Mentors for help with writing and general university skills throughout the semester. Times and locations can be found on the Griffith Mentors Study Support webpage.  

Studying a postgraduate program? Check out Academic writing for researchers and learn how to write for particular styles and formats such as: research proposals, literature reviews, thesis, creative practice exegesis, articles, reports and research blogs.   

Want help with your academic writing? Book a session with a Learning Adviser for writing help, a Librarian for referencing guidance or attend a Library workshop .  

For international students who have English has a second language, EnglishHELP  provide one-on-one support to help develop and support academic writing. Visit the EnglishHELP website to book a consultation.  

Lastly, you can download this Academic Writing Checklist to keep you on track as you progress in your professional life.  

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49 Facts About Rostov-na-Donu

Karylin Mckinnon

Written by Karylin Mckinnon

Modified & Updated: 28 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

  • Historical Landmarks Facts
  • Local Cuisine Facts
  • Russian Federation Facts
  • Tourist Attractions Facts


Rostov-na-Donu, also known as Rostov-on-Don, is a vibrant and historic city located in southwestern Russia. As one of the largest cities in the country, Rostov-na-Donu offers a fascinating blend of rich cultural heritage, stunning architecture, and a thriving modern lifestyle. With its strategic position on the Don River and its proximity to the Sea of Azov, Rostov-na-Donu has played a significant role throughout history, serving as a trading hub and a gateway to the Caucasus region.

This article will delve into 49 interesting facts about Rostov-na-Donu, shedding light on its notable landmarks, cultural influences, local cuisine, and much more. Whether you’re planning a visit to this captivating city or simply want to expand your knowledge, these facts will provide you with a deeper understanding of the unique charm and character that Rostov-na-Donu has to offer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rostov-na-Donu, also known as Rostov-on-Don, is a vibrant city in Russia with a rich history, diverse culture, and a bustling economy, making it a popular destination for tourists and a thriving hub for business.
  • The city offers a vibrant blend of old and new, with a rich historical heritage and modern developments, captivating visitors with its unique charm.

Rostov-na-Donu is the administrative center of Rostov Oblast.

As the largest city and the capital of the Rostov Oblast region, Rostov-na-Donu serves as a major political, economic, and cultural hub.

The city’s name translates to “Rostov on the Don.”

The name Rostov-na-Donu reflects its location on the southern bank of the Don River, an important waterway in Russia .

Rostov-na-Donu is often called the “Gateway to the Caucasus.”

Due to its strategic location, the city serves as a gateway to the beautiful Caucasus region, known for its stunning landscapes and diverse cultural heritage.

The city was founded in 1749.

Rostov-na-Donu has a long and storied history , with its origins tracing back to the establishment of a custom house on the Don River.

Rostov-na-Donu is home to over one million people.

With its growing population, the city is a vibrant and cosmopolitan metropolis .

The city played a significant role in the Russian Civil War.

During the Russian Civil War , Rostov-na-Donu was a key battleground and witnessed intense fighting and political upheaval.

Rostov-na-Donu is a major transportation hub.

The city is well-connected with an extensive network of railways, highways, and an international airport, making it easily accessible from other parts of Russia and abroad.

The Don River is an integral part of the city.

The Don River not only provides a picturesque backdrop to the city but also serves as an important waterway for transportation and recreation.

Rostov-na-Donu has a significant agricultural sector.

The fertile lands surrounding the city make it an agriculturally productive region, known for its grain production and vineyards.

The city is renowned for its culinary delights.

Rostov-na-Donu boasts a diverse and flavorful cuisine, influenced by Russian, Ukrainian, and Caucasian culinary traditions.

Rostov-na-Donu is a cultural hotspot.

The city is home to numerous theaters, museums, art galleries, and music venues, showcasing its rich artistic heritage.

The famous Rostov Academic Drama Theater is located in the city.

This esteemed theater, founded in 1931, hosts a wide range of performances, including classic plays and contemporary productions.

Rostov-na-Donu is known for its vibrant nightlife.

The city offers a plethora of entertainment options, including trendy bars, clubs, and live music venues, ensuring a lively atmosphere after dark.

The local soccer team, FC Rostov, has achieved notable success.

The team has competed in Russia’s top football league and has participated in European competitions, gaining recognition both nationally and internationally.

Rostov-na-Donu hosts various annual festivals and events.

From music festivals to art exhibitions, the city embraces cultural celebrations that attract visitors from near and far.

The Rostov-on-Don State University is one of the oldest educational institutions in Southern Russia.

Established in 1915, the university offers a wide range of academic programs and contributes to the city’s intellectual and scientific community.

The Rostov Zoo is a favorite attraction among locals and tourists alike.

Visitors can enjoy encounters with a wide array of animal species and learn about wildlife conservation efforts.

Rostov-na-Donu experiences a continental climate.

The city has hot summers and cold winters, creating a varied climate conducive to different activities throughout the year.

The Azov-Black Sea Biosphere Reserve is located near Rostov-na-Donu.

Nature enthusiasts can explore this diverse ecological reserve, home to numerous plant and animal species.

Rostov-na-Donu is a center for higher education.

The city is home to several universities and colleges, attracting students from all over Russia and abroad.

The city has a thriving IT sector.

Rostov-na-Donu is becoming a prominent player in the Russian IT industry, with numerous tech companies and startups calling the city home.

The Rostov Business Center is one of the tallest buildings in the city.

This modern skyscraper offers breathtaking views of Rostov-na-Donu and serves as a hub for business and commerce.

Rostov Arena hosted matches during the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

The impressive Rostov Arena , with a capacity of over 45,000 spectators, welcomed football fans from around the world during the prestigious tournament.

The Gorky Park in Rostov-na-Donu is a beloved recreational spot.

Locals and tourists flock to this picturesque park , enjoying leisurely walks, picnics, and various outdoor activities.

Rostov-na-Donu has a thriving fashion industry.

The city hosts fashion shows, exhibits, and boasts a number of local designers and boutiques.

The Rostov State Musical Theater is renowned for its opera and ballet performances.

This grand theater showcases breathtaking productions of classical works, captivating audiences with its world-class performances.

Rostov-na-Donu has a vibrant street art scene.

Colorful murals and graffiti can be found throughout the city, adding an artistic flair to its urban landscape.

The Rostov Academic Symphony Orchestra is a celebrated musical ensemble.

The orchestra delights audiences with classical concerts, showcasing the talent and skill of its members.

Rostov-na-Donu is renowned for its historical architecture.

From grand cathedrals to ornate merchant houses, the city’s architectural heritage reflects its rich past.

The Rostov-on-Don Central Market is a paradise for food lovers.

Visitors can explore a wide array of fresh produce , traditional Russian delicacies, and local culinary delights.

Rostov-na-Donu is home to several professional sports teams.

In addition to football, the city also boasts successful basketball, handball, and hockey teams.

The Bataysk military airbase is located near Rostov-na-Donu.

This important military installation highlights the city’s strategic importance in Russia’s defense system .

Rostov-na-Donu has a thriving film industry.

The city hosts film festivals and has been the setting for numerous Russian films and television productions.

The Don River embankment is a popular spot for leisure and relaxation.

Visitors can stroll along the picturesque riverfront , enjoying the scenic views and vibrant atmosphere.

Rostov-na-Donu has a diverse and multicultural population.

The city is home to people from various ethnic backgrounds, contributing to its rich cultural tapestry.

The Rostov Philharmonic Orchestra enchants audiences with its classical performances.

The orchestra showcases talents from both local musicians and internationally acclaimed artists .

Rostov-na-Donu is known for its love of sports.

With numerous sports facilities and a strong sports culture , the city encourages an active and healthy lifestyle.

Rostov-na-Donu is a popular destination for river cruises.

Visitors can embark on scenic cruises along the Don River, exploring the stunning surrounding landscapes.

The Rostov State Transport University is a leading institution for transportation-related studies.

Students from all over Russia come to Rostov-na-Donu to pursue degrees in various transportation disciplines.

Rostov-na-Donu has a vibrant Mardi Gras celebration.

During the carnival season, the city comes alive with colorful parades, costumes, and joyful festivities.

The Rostov Art Museum houses an impressive collection of Russian artwork.

Visitors can admire works by renowned Russian artists and explore various art movements .

Rostov-na-Donu is known for its lively music scene.

From jazz clubs to underground music venues, the city offers a diverse array of musical experiences.

The “Magic World of Books” is a popular bookstore in Rostov-na-Donu.

Book lovers can browse through a vast selection of literature and enjoy a cozy reading ambiance.

Rostov-na-Donu has a rich literary heritage.

The city has been the birthplace and inspiration for many renowned Russian writers and poets.

Rostov-on-Don is often referred to as the “Southern Capital of Russia.”

Due to its significant influence and economic importance , the city earned this prestigious title.

Rostov-na-Donu has a rapidly growing tech startup scene.

Entrepreneurs and innovators are drawn to the city’s supportive business environment and growing IT infrastructure.

The Rostov State Puppet Theater delights audiences of all ages.

This enchanting theater showcases puppetry at its finest, bringing classic tales to life.

Rostov-na-Donu has a strong sense of community.

The city hosts various social and cultural events that bring people together and foster a sense of belonging.

Rostov-na-Donu offers a vibrant blend of old and new.

With its rich historical heritage and modern developments, the city captivates visitors with its unique charm.

These 49 facts about Rostov-na-Donu provide just a glimpse into the fascinating aspects of this captivating city. From its rich history and cultural heritage to its thriving industries and vibrant atmosphere, Rostov-na-Donu continues to captivate and inspire all who visit.

Rostov-na-Donu is a fascinating city with a rich history and vibrant culture. From its beautiful architecture to its diverse culinary scene, there is no shortage of things to explore and discover . Whether you’re interested in history, art, or simply enjoying the local cuisine, Rostov-na-Donu has something to offer for everyone.

So, if you’re planning a trip to Russia, be sure to include Rostov-na-Donu on your itinerary. You won’t be disappointed!

1. What is the history of Rostov-na-Donu?

Rostov-na-Donu traces its history back to the 18th century when it was founded as a fortress town. Over the years, it has played a significant role in Russia’s economic and cultural development.

2. What are some popular landmarks in Rostov-na-Donu?

Some popular landmarks in Rostov-na-Donu include the Rostov-on-Don State Circus, the Rostov Academic Drama Theater, and the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

3. What is the climate like in Rostov-na-Donu?

Rostov-na-Donu has a humid continental climate, with hot summers and cold winters. The average temperature in summer ranges from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, while in winter , it can drop to -10 degrees Celsius.

4. Is Rostov-na-Donu a safe city for tourists?

Rostov-na-Donu is generally considered a safe city for tourists. However, it’s always recommended to take normal precautions and be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas.

5. What is the local cuisine of Rostov-na-Donu?

The local cuisine of Rostov-na-Donu is known for its hearty and flavorful dishes. Some popular dishes include Rostovskaya kupecheskaya kasha (a traditional local porridge ), Rostov-style shashlik (skewered meat), and Rostovskaya pashka (an Easter dessert).

6. What are some nearby attractions to visit from Rostov-na-Donu?

There are several nearby attractions worth visiting from Rostov-na-Donu, such as the Don River Embankment, Taganrog Museum of Art, and the Azov Sea coast.

7. Is English widely spoken in Rostov-na-Donu?

While English may not be widely spoken, especially outside of tourist areas, it is still possible to find English-speaking locals and basic English signage in popular tourist spots.

Rostov-na-Donu's fascinating history and vibrant culture make it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in exploring the rich tapestry of Russian life. Visitors can immerse themselves in the city's stunning natural beauty, from the majestic Don River to the captivating Azov Sea . Those eager to discover more about Russia's diverse cities will find Orenburg an equally compelling destination, offering a unique blend of history, architecture, and cultural traditions.

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  • The Top Attractions In Rostov...

The Top Attractions in Rostov-on-Don

Rostov-On-Don/Katerina Bogatyreva/Flickr

Contributor / Journalist

Rostov-On-Don city is a port and the administrative center of Southern Federal District of Russia. It lies to the southeast of the East European Plain, on the Don River. The city stands on the banks of the Don River, about 46 kilometres east of the Azov Sea and 1,070 kilometres south of Moscow. The climate is temperate continental. Rostov-on-Don has a specific unique outlook because of its rich historical and cultural heritage.

There are more than 1,000 objects of cultural heritage in the city, among them 482 architectural monuments, 70 archaeological monuments, eight large memorial complexes and 106 monuments. It is a major transport hub of the southern part of European Russia and a large educational and scientific center of Russia. So take a look at the city’s major points of interest. Our tips will make your trip to Rostov-On-Don unforgettable and full of interesting activities. Pushkin Street Take a look at this landscaped boulevard, lined with thousands of trees, flowers, restaurants, food kiosks, benches, memorials and statues. Pushkin Street leads into both the City Park and October Revolution Park. The biggest street of the city is always crowded and you can find a lot of activities there as a tourist. Undoubtedly the first place to go upon arrival, especially if you’re hungry. Don River Lookout Right after a visit to Pushkin Street, move to Don River lookout (aka, the Embankment) where you’ll enjoy a stroll along the riverside. The Embankment is lined with several restaurants, statues, fountains and a few souvenir shops; it also has an outstanding picturesque view. Yet it is considered to be the centre of Rostov’s nightlife. Rostov Zoo If you’re in travelling with children, then this zoo is well worth a visit. One of the largest zoos in Russia, it is home to a huge variety of animals, including giraffes, camels, polar bears, falcons, reptiles, fish and tigers. Located right in the city centre. Maxim Gorky Academic Drama Theatre. This theatre is a famous venue for dramatic plays, comedies and concerts in the Rostov area. It is located on the eastern end of Bolshaya Sadovaya Street (Teatralnaya Square 1), directly across the street from the monument known as ‘Stella’. Maxim Gorky Theatre operates even in summer when all other venues are closed. Central Market This massive outdoor and indoor market, which consists of many tiny shops and kiosks, can be both exciting and intimidating for tourists. Market shopping is one of the most memorable experiences that Russia has to offer for an adventurous tourist who just arrived here. You can buy anything here. The market is located in the downtown area, on Stanislavskovo Street, just four blocks south of the central intersection of Bolshaya Sadovaya Street. Bridges Over the Don River & Embankment This city network of bridges and overpasses was constructed between 2007 and 2010, and it consists of a steel and a concrete composite structures across the River Don. Almost all the bridges were designed by the St ­Petersburg engineering firm TransMost and constructed by the Moscow contractor MostoTrest.

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  1. 32 Academic Decathlon Speech Topics

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  2. File

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  3. Study Guide for the Academic Decathlon Current Events

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  4. Academic Decathlon 2022-2023: Language and Literature

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  6. Texas student becomes second in academic decathlon history to score

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  1. United States Academic Decathlon

    The United States Academic Decathlon ® is a ten-event scholastic competition for teams of high school students. Each high school enters a team of nine students: 3 Honor students (3.80 - 4.00 GPA), 3 Scholastic students (3.20 - 3.799 GPA), and 3 Varsity students (0.00 - 3.199 GPA). Get ready for the Decathlon: the rapidly-growing Pentathlon ...

  2. United States Academic Decathlon

    The theme for the 2023-2024 Academic Decathlon is Technology and Humanity. Essay. You'll have fifty minutes to write the strongest paper possible. To get ready, you'll want to practice outlining and writing compelling arguments related to six of the seven Academic Decathlon subjects—excluding only math. The more clearly you can learn to write ...

  3. Is Academic Decathlon Worth It? Everything You Need To Know

    Enter the Academic Decathlon, often known as "AcDec." This decathlon provides high school students with the chance to move forward academically, tackling college-level material through team competition. ... Essay. After the speech event, the second event is the essay competition. In this part, Decathletes get 50 minutes to write the best essay ...

  4. The Ultimate Guide to Academic Decathalon

    According to the United States Academic Decathalon website, there are 10 events, each of which allows students to: Visualize art history. Participate in an interview. Experiment with science. Become versed in languages in literature. Experience the music. Master mathematics. Excel in social science. Author an essay.

  5. United States Academic Decathlon

    The Academic Decathlon (also called AcDec, AcaDeca or AcaDec) is an annual high school academic competition organized by the non-profit United States Academic Decathlon (USAD). The competition consists of seven objective multiple choice tests, two subjective performance events, and an essay. Academic Decathlon was created by Robert Peterson in ...

  6. PDF Academic Decathlon 2022 / 2023 Handbook

    and the educational process. We believe the Academic Decathlon provides a creative approach and partial solution to this particular need. The Academic Decathlon includes ten areas of curriculum: economics, fine arts, music, language and literature, mathematics, science, social science, speech, interview, and essay culminating in the Super Quiz.

  7. United States Academic Decathlon National Championship

    The United States Academic Decathlon (USAD) is an American academic competition for high school students. The United States Academic Decathlon National Championship, first held in 1982, pits winners at the state level against each other for a national title. [1] The Academic Decathlon consists of 10 events: art, economics, essay, interview ...

  8. Any essay tips? : r/USAcademicDecathlon

    Mostly it's about writing to the prompt and to the judges. For the prompt part, it needs to be exactly what the prompt is asking for. For all the prompts outside of literature it's usually just three or four paragraphs worth of material they're asking for, so just sticking to those is important. If you've ever looked at what usad gives judges ...

  9. PDF United States Academic Decathlon Curricular Topics for 2022-2023!

    The full subject area outlines will be posted on the U.S. Academic Decathlon website <> on May 1 and will be published in the U.S. Academic Decathlon Study Guide, which will be available on May 15. * The 2022-23 mathematics curriculum and materials will be the same as were used for the 2019-20 U.S. Academic Decathlon.

  10. Essay Resource Guide

    The Essay Resource Guide provides Academic Decathletes with all the information they need to know about USAD's essay event. The Essay Resource Guide includes a thorough explication of the essay scoring rubric and offers students techniques, strategies, tips, and guided activities— including detailed analyses of sample essays —to help them write an effective, high-scoring essay.

  11. The Academic Decathlon

    Speech: This event is divided into two parts. The first is a prepared speech on a pre-provided topic, and it is to be 3 ½ - 4 minutes long. The second part is an impromptu speech. Contestants are given three optional prompts, choose one, and then deliver a 1 ½ - 2minute speech on that topic.

  12. Home

    ACADEMIC DECATHLON. Academic Decathlon is a grueling two-day competition that tests participants on a range of topics from math, science, art, language, literature, economics and social science in various formats. There are multiple choice, fast-paced trivia questions, essays, speeches, and interview competitions.

  13. Texas Academic Decathlon

    Texas Academic Decathlon is comprised of elite academic teams all over the state of Texas. Learn better study habits and have fun and compete with the best academic teams in the state! top of page. 1141 North Loop 1604 E #105, PMB 479 San Antonio, TX 78232. HOME. REGION COORDINATORS. FORMS. COACHES; STUDENTS; VOLUNTEER;

  14. United States Academic Decathlon

    The United States Academic Decathlon's curriculum is an interdisciplinary curriculum in which a selected theme is integrated across six different subject areas: art, economics, literature, music, science, and social science. Students also study mathematics and participate in essay writing, speech, and interview events.

  15. Massachusetts Academic Decathlon Essay Platform

    Academic Decathlon Essay Platform. Below, enter the username and password issued to you. Don't have a username and password? If you're a student, ask your coach. If you're a coach, email the state director. Username. Password.

  16. Four Orange County teams shine at the 2024 U.S. Academic Pentathlon

    Four teams of seventh- and eighth-grade students from Orange County participated with more than 700 other young scholars from across the nation in the 2024 United States Academic Pentathlon competition, held May 16 through May 18 in Phoenix, Arizona.. The U.S. Academic Pentathlon is a five-event scholastic competition for middle schoolers, providing the benefits of the Academic Decathlon along ...

  17. Join the Writing and Speaking Fellows Program at the University of

    Join the Writing and Speaking Fellows Program at the University of Nevada, Reno to support your peers in writing and speaking assignments, gain valuable skills, and earn co-curricular credits through the Honors College. | University of Nevada, Reno

  18. AI-assisted writing is quietly booming in academic journals. Here's why

    Used well, generative AI can boost academic productivity by streamlining the writing process. In this way, it could help further human knowledge. In this way, it could help further human knowledge.

  19. A Comparative Study on Fine-grained Noun Phrase Complexity Measures in

    The complexity of noun phrases is an important indicator of English academic writing proficiency. Based on a self-built corpus, this study extracted 15 fine-grained noun phrase complexity indicators using the TAASSC tool which employs natural language processing technique to conduct a comparative study of noun phrase complexity in the abstract sections of undergraduate theses, master's theses ...

  20. United States Academic Decathlon

    The United States Academic Decathlon ® is a ten-event scholastic competition for teams of high school students. Each high school enters a team of nine students: 3 Honor students (3.80 - 4.00 GPA), 3 Scholastic students (3.20 - 3.799 GPA), and 3 Varsity students (0.00 - 3.199 GPA). Get ready for the Decathlon: the rapidly-growing Pentathlon ...

  21. Setback Deals Blow to Neuralink's First Brain Implant Patient, but He

    If he wasn't playing soccer, football or golf, he was at an Academic Decathlon competition or a chess tournament. Among the first in his family to go to college, he enrolled at Texas A&M ...


    Students compose an essay based on a prompt whose central theme incorporates information relating to the current curriculum. Students also perform a prepared speech and impromptu speech and ... The 2022 Academic Decathlon National Finals will take place from April 21-April 23, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

  23. Building skills for your career: Academic writing skills are career

    Researchers Students. Unsplash: Brett Jordan. Academic writing is a versatile career skill that allows you to communicate clearly, concisely, professionally and effectively. By developing strong writing abilities you will be able to convey your ideas, knowledge and successfully collaborate with others in your professional life.

  24. Top 30 Things To Do In Rostov-on-Don, Russia

    1. Explore the much-famed Rostov-on-Don Cathedral. Built between 1854 - 1860, this cathedral acts as an important place of worship in the Don region. Tourists often pay a visit to this cathedral to pay homage and marvel at the Russian-Byzantine style that adorns the walls of the building.

  25. 49 Facts about Rostov-na-Donu

    The Rostov Academic Symphony Orchestra is a celebrated musical ensemble. The orchestra delights audiences with classical concerts, showcasing the talent and skill of its members. Rostov-na-Donu is renowned for its historical architecture. From grand cathedrals to ornate merchant houses, the city's architectural heritage reflects its rich past.

  26. United States Academic Decathlon

    § The United States Academic Decathlon ® competition is comprised of ten events. There are seven multiple-choice exams—one in each of the following subject areas: art, economics, literature, mathematics, music, science, and social science. Students will also take an essay exam and will be judged in a speech event as well as an interview event.

  27. The Top Attractions In Rostov-on-Don

    Located right in the city centre. Maxim Gorky Academic Drama Theatre. This theatre is a famous venue for dramatic plays, comedies and concerts in the Rostov area. It is located on the eastern end of Bolshaya Sadovaya Street (Teatralnaya Square 1), directly across the street from the monument known as 'Stella'.

  28. South-Russian State Polytechnic University

    Platov South Russian state polytechnic university (NPI) was established on October 18, 1907 with the greatest approval of Nicholas II as Don Polytechnic Institute. DPI was the first higher educational institution in the south of Russia. The university is the only higher educational institution in Russia created at the initiative of the Cossacks ...


    The vision of the United States Academic Decathlon® is to provide students the opportunity to excel academically through team competition. Toll Free: 866-511-USAD (8723) • Direct: 712-326-9589 • Fax: 712-366-3701 • Email: [email protected] • Website: