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Laziness: Its Effects and Results, Essay Example

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When a person decides to put up everything for later or for the next day, then he is immediately considered to be coined as lazy or simply put: wanting to do nothing [for the moment]. Most individuals confronted with the need to complete so much often find themselves out of the mood to finish anything, thus making it harder for them to finish anything especially when they believe that there is still time to complete such tasks or responsibilities later on. Noticeably, through time and history, it has become obviously distinct that laziness affects the overall progress rate that communities take into account; based on individual attitude, laziness becomes a rather consistent matter that basically mandates how a particularly designed plan turns out.

In the discussion that follows, Ernest Smartt’s article on Traits that Define Lazy People shall be given specific attention to, especially in the aim of making a direct interpretation on how Smartt tried to put up a pattern of belief that could be used in identifying the real effects of laziness in the human society and how it thrives within the constraints of communal progress. Furthermore, this discussion shall also try to provide a definite sense of presentation on how laziness basically affects the overall being of a person; as well as that of his relationships and connection with other individuals he tends to be close with. Practically, the article to be analyzed in this written work shall be scrutinized based on the reality of its assumptive connection to how lazy individuals actually are and what elements contribute to such attitude among themselves.

What Laziness Means

Laziness is the state of not wanting to do anything; most often than not, this attitude is likened to that of one’s application of personal procrastination. These two negative attitudes, however, should not be interchanged as they have very distinct differences depending on how a person reacts with regards the value of human development that they imply to embrace. On one side, laziness suggests a condition of failure on the part of an individual tasked to complete something; but has rather become mindless of the situation which makes it easier for a person to neglect such responsibilities set for him to accomplish. On the other end, procrastination is one attitude that suggests a definite sense of condition by which a person puts up something for later, especially if he believes that he still has more time allotted for him to complete his duties accordingly.

Nonetheless, both attitudes are intertwined although not really belonging to the same level of application and realization. In Smartt’s article, he points out that laziness is rather a state of mind. The mind governs every move of a person; it suggests whether or not he should go for something. The power of the mind to provide interesting motivations in a person plays a great role on how one would view his responsibilities as well as other matters he is expected to accomplish.

Hence, being a state of mind, laziness could be controlled. However, because of the emergent changes happening in the world today, Smartt implicates that somehow, the environment too has a great impact on how one develops the point of laziness. The article further insists on the fact by which cognitive adjustments occur based on how one perceives his environment, and how much he lets external factors affect his internal being. This is where the condition of thinking comes in; a person learns to perceive on matters; may it be positive or not, based on how he intends to become more involved in a situation. When an individual decides that he does not have any connection on something, the interest starts to fall off and somehow, the desire to engage in such matter disintegrates accordingly.

Another factor pointed out by Smartt to affect the modern concept of laziness is the emergent rise of innovations designed to make human life more productive, more convenient and more acceptable for those who might not fully want to work themselves or put forward a distinct effort that would bring them better satisfaction from their work. The determination to embrace a sense of purpose among themselves is then lost and somehow, relaxation and the desire to live within a luxurious, if not comfortable lifestyle that allows them to do what they want to do and not what they have to accomplish. Some of these innovations include computerized systems that give them a better sense of the value of improvement that they want to embrace. Humans now depend on machines to complete most of the household chores that they have to accomplish in a day; from cooking, to washing clothes, to mopping the floor, to entertaining themselves with television, radio, or modern mobile phones and other carry-on gadgets, humans have learned to fully depend on technology and what it is ready to provide them with to be able to experience a certain level of ease from the many works and pressures they may already be experiencing from working.

Media is also considered as a highly influential tool that basically affects the overall vision of humans towards matters of putting forth an extra effort towards completing their tasks or simply putting matters off to face different conditions of situations in their lives. The promotion of laziness in media does not come as a direct invitation; however, with the presentation of how one could ease out from living within a tensed situation, humans are taught that it is easy if not necessary to escape from the many detectable sources of pressure in life. Facing challenges and difficulties in life and in everyday dealings of individuals have become a thing of the past; especially if there are certain short cuts made available for individuals to take notice of.

With media and the power of social construction placed within the picture, it is rather important to note of the fact that humans receive bombarding ideas about how they should live their lives and how they ought to face challenges and particular tests to their capacity to put their best foot forwards. The power of media to implicate the development of certain points of thinking among human individuals basically create a more responsive process by which media-development is seen to have the capacity to create a controlling factor that would determine how a specific community is likely to accept the terms of progress they are being offered with through time.

True, there are different elements that could contribute to one’s development of laziness [may it be in a personal or a more distinguished condition of development that a person undergoes]. Nonetheless, none of these elements could be used to justify the laziness of an individual. Being lazy is a choice that one makes on his own. His unwillingness to work is a personal decision. True to its sense, being lazy is only affected by the fact that a person allows himself to adjust to such attitude of comfort and relaxation. When a choice has been made, laziness becomes intertwined with the idea of concentrated proof that as one nourishes an idea, it becomes a main stay in the brain and somehow is already able to control the whole being of the person allowing himself to be directed by such desire to simply ‘relax’.

What Effects Laziness has on Individuals

  When one decides to not do anything; it does not mean he will never ever work on matters appointed for him to complete. Rather, it means that at the time being; he may not be in the right position nor mood for him to complete that of the tasks that have been assigned for him to accomplish. Nonetheless, when such option becomes highly available for a person to embrace most of the time, then such culture of laziness becomes highly effective on how a person views the value of time, effort and determination to do good. Noticeably, the lines quoted from the essay saying:

Laziness can be called one of the scourges of the modern world. Though often seen simply as a forgivable weakness, it can have a number of negative effects on a person. In terms of these consequences, it should be mentioned that laziness often leads to the worsening of one’s relationships at work and decreased work performance, which can result into job loss, excessive stress, and psychic disturbance.

…these lines prove that laziness serves as a definite hindrance to the ways by which individuals intend to take the option of growth that are available for them to embrace fully. Laziness makes it hard for individuals to take on the next step or at times even the first step towards success.

Relationships, Connections and Laziness

  Most lazy individuals develop a lower threshold for tension; making it easier for them to say ‘no’ rather than ‘let’s work it out’ when dealing with particular situations within the relationships they may have formed with friends and family. Once a person decides to be lazy, it is most of than not harder to break into.

Laziness, as mentioned earlier is highly affected by both internal and external elements surrounding a particular individual. External situations and elements of survival often create a mandate of tension’ however, it is the inner elements [primarily including the original attitude of a person] that basically affects the overall decision making of a person; including the choice of developing into a lazier individual or towards a person who tries the best to avoid such condition of thinking and work.

Overall, it could be agreed upon that a person may be affected by media, social situations and other points of pressure to embrace laziness as means of directive culture among themselves. Nevertheless, the role of one’s decision-making culture determines whether or not a specific person would willingly accept laziness as a personal culture. Some researchers even admittedly took into consideration the fact that there are individuals who may not know of the fact that they are lazy; because of the fact that they have been the same ever since and that laziness has become a common notable characteristic or social norm for their part.

Hence, to explain one’s laziness is easy, but to justify the works from which such individuals function in, ought to give a distinct sense of knowing whether or not a person is lazy in culture or in mind. Then again, it should not be forgotten how laziness is also considered as a state of mind; meaning it could be fully controlled with the emergence of ample assistance coming from the surrounding individuals who tend to support the needs of the people who tend to develop such attitude especially in completing particularly assigned tasks.

  Being a sense of mind-set in persons, laziness could be eliminated through changing one’s attitude towards life and its challenges. Improving the sense of interest and enthusiasm that one has over life and the elements making it up could help eliminate the condition of laziness in an individual. Practically, it could be understood that Smartt’s article gives a definite insistence on discussing the primary foundations of developing laziness among individuals. It is only the willingness of one to avoid the constrains of such situation as part of their life that could help them avoid the degrading situations brought about by laziness as well as the damages that it may have on the relationships they are to form in the future.

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On Laziness by Christopher Morley

A Classic Short Essay

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Critically and commercially popular during his lifetime while unfairly neglected today, Christopher Morley is best remembered as a novelist and essayist , though he was also a publisher, editor, and prolific writer of poems, reviews, plays, criticism, and children's stories. Clearly, he was not afflicted by laziness.

As you read Morley's short essay (originally published in 1920, shortly after the end of World War I), consider whether your definition of laziness is the same as the author's.

You may also find it worthwhile to compare "On Laziness" with three other essays in our collection: "An Apology for Idlers," by Robert Louis Stevenson; "In Praise of Idleness," by Bertrand Russell; and "Why Are Beggars Despised?" by George Orwell.

On Laziness*

by Christopher Morley

1 Today we rather intended to write an essay on Laziness, but were too indolent to do so.

2 The sort of thing we had in mind to write would have been exceedingly persuasive . We intended to discourse a little in favour of a greater appreciation of Indolence as a benign factor in human affairs.

3 It is our observation that every time we get into trouble it is due to not having been lazy enough. Unhappily, we were born with a certain fund of energy. We have been hustling about for a number of years now, and it doesn't seem to get us anything but tribulation. Henceforward we are going to make a determined effort to be more languid and demure. It is the bustling man who always gets put on committees, who is asked to solve the problems of other people and neglect his own.

4 The man who is really, thoroughly, and philosophically slothful is the only thoroughly happy man. It is the happy man who benefits the world. The conclusion is inescapable.

5 We remember a saying about the meek inheriting the earth. The truly meek man is the lazy man. He is too modest to believe that any ferment and hubbub of his can ameliorate the earth or assuage the perplexities of humanity.

6 O. Henry said once that one should be careful to distinguish laziness from dignified repose. Alas, that was a mere quibble. Laziness is always dignified, it is always reposeful. Philosophical laziness, we mean. The kind of laziness that is based upon a carefully reasoned analysis of experience. Acquired laziness. We have no respect for those who were born lazy; it is like being born a millionaire: they cannot appreciate their bliss. It is the man who has hammered his laziness out of the stubborn material of life for whom we chant praise and alleluia.

7 The laziest man we know—we do not like to mention his name, as the brutal world does not yet recognize sloth at its community value—is one of the greatest poets in this country; one of the keenest satirists ; one of the most rectilinear thinkers. He began life in the customary hustling way. He was always too busy to enjoy himself. He became surrounded by eager people who came to him to solve their problems. "It's a queer thing," he said sadly; "no one ever comes to me asking for help in solving my problems." Finally, the light broke upon him. He stopped answering letters, buying lunches for casual friends and visitors from out of town, he stopped lending money to old college pals and frittering his time away on all the useless minor matters that pester the good-natured. He sat down in a secluded cafe with his cheek against a seidel of dark beer and began to caress the universe with his intellect.

8 The most damning argument against the Germans is that they were not lazy enough. In the middle of Europe, a thoroughly disillusioned, indolent and delightful old continent, the Germans were a dangerous mass of energy and bumptious push. If the Germans had been as lazy, as indifferent, and as righteously laissez-fairish as their neighbours the world would have been spared a great deal.

9 People respect laziness. If you once get a reputation for complete, immovable, and reckless indolence the world will leave you to your own thoughts, which are generally rather interesting.

10 Doctor Johnson, who was one of the world's great philosophers, was lazy. Only yesterday our friend the Caliph showed us an extraordinarily interesting thing. It was a little leather-bound notebook in which Boswell jotted down memoranda of his talks with the old doctor. These notes he afterward worked up into the immortal Biography . And lo and behold, what was the very first entry in this treasured little relic?

Doctor Johnson told me in going to Ilam from Ashbourne, 22 September, 1777, that the way the plan of his Dictionary came to be addressed to Lord Chesterfield was this: He had neglected to write it by the time appointed. Dodsley suggested a desire to have it addressed to Lord C. Mr. J. laid hold of this as an excuse for delay, that it might be better done perhaps, and let Dodsley have his desire. Mr. Johnson said to his friend, Doctor Bathurst: "Now if any good comes of my addressing to Lord Chesterfield it will be ascribed to deep policy and address, when, in fact, it was only a casual excuse for laziness.

11 Thus we see that it was sheer laziness that led to the greatest triumph of Doctor Johnson's life, the noble and memorable letter to Chesterfield in 1775.

12 Mind your business is a good counsel; but mind your idleness also. It's a tragic thing to make a business of your mind. Save your mind to amuse yourself with.

13 The lazy man does not stand in the way of progress. When he sees progress roaring down upon him he steps nimbly out of the way. The lazy man doesn't (in the vulgar phrase) pass the buck. He lets the buck pass him. We have always secretly envied our lazy friends. Now we are going to join them. We have burned our boats or our bridges or whatever it is that one burns on the eve of a momentous decision.

14 Writing on this congenial topic has roused us up to quite a pitch of enthusiasm and energy.

*"On Laziness" by Christopher Morley was originally published in Pipefuls (Doubleday, Page and Company, 1920)

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Essay on Laziness

Students are often asked to write an essay on Laziness in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Laziness

What is laziness.

Laziness is when someone avoids work or effort, even when they can do it. People who are lazy might spend too much time sleeping or just sitting around. They often put off tasks until the last minute.

Why Are People Lazy?

Some are lazy because they lack motivation or they find a task boring. Others might feel tired or believe the work is too hard. Sometimes, being lazy can also be a sign that someone needs a break.

Effects of Laziness

Being lazy can lead to problems like not finishing schoolwork on time or not keeping a room clean. It can also make it hard to reach goals.

Overcoming Laziness

To beat laziness, set small goals and take breaks when needed. Staying active and planning a daily schedule can help too. It’s important to find fun in tasks to stay motivated.

250 Words Essay on Laziness

Laziness is when a person does not want to do work or make an effort to do anything. It’s like when you know you should be doing your homework, but you just feel like lying on the couch and watching TV instead. We all feel lazy sometimes, and that’s okay. But if someone is lazy all the time, it can be a problem.

Why People Are Lazy

Some people are lazy because they are tired or they don’t find the work interesting. Others might be lazy because they are afraid of failing, so they just don’t try. Also, if something feels too hard, a person might give up before they even start.

Problems with Being Lazy

Being lazy can lead to troubles like not getting your school work done, which can make your grades go down. If you don’t exercise because you’re lazy, your body might not be as strong and healthy as it could be. Also, if you’re always lazy, you might miss out on fun things like playing games with friends or going on family trips.

To beat laziness, you can set small goals for yourself. For example, you can tell yourself to read just one page of a book, and you might end up reading more because you started. It also helps to make a schedule. If you plan your day, you’re more likely to do your tasks. Lastly, think about how good you’ll feel once you’ve finished your work. It can give you the push you need to get moving.

Remember, it’s fine to relax sometimes, but it’s important to balance relaxation with getting things done.

500 Words Essay on Laziness

Understanding laziness.

Laziness is something that all of us might feel from time to time. It is when we do not want to do work or make an effort to finish our tasks. It can feel nice to be lazy for a short time, like when we take a break after working hard. But if we are often lazy, it can be a problem.

There are many reasons why someone might be lazy. Sometimes, a person might not find the work interesting, or they might feel that it is too hard. They might also be tired or not feeling well, which makes them want to rest instead of work. Some people might be lazy because they are used to others doing things for them.

Laziness and Rest

It is important to know the difference between being lazy and needing rest. Rest is when you take a break to relax your body and mind. It is good for you and helps you do better when you start working again. Laziness, on the other hand, is avoiding work even when you have the energy to do it.

The Problems with Being Lazy

Being lazy can create problems. If you do not do your schoolwork, you might not learn what you need to know. If you do not clean up, your space can become messy. Being lazy can also make you miss out on fun activities like playing games or going out with friends because you do not feel like getting ready or leaving the house.

To stop being lazy, you can try a few things. First, make a list of what you need to do. This can help you see that your tasks are not as hard as you thought. You can also break big tasks into smaller parts to make them easier to start. Setting up rewards for when you finish your tasks can also help. For example, you can tell yourself that you will get to watch your favorite show after you finish your homework.

Staying Active to Beat Laziness

Another way to not be lazy is to stay active. Doing things like playing sports, walking, or even cleaning can give you more energy. When your body is moving, your mind wakes up, and you might find that you do not feel like being lazy anymore.

Getting Help

Sometimes, if you feel lazy a lot, it might help to talk to someone about it. This could be a parent, teacher, or friend. They can give you advice or help you find ways to be more active and excited about your tasks.

In conclusion, laziness is a feeling that can stop us from doing our work and enjoying our time. But by understanding why we are lazy, taking breaks when needed, and finding ways to stay active, we can overcome laziness. It is okay to be lazy sometimes, but we should try to be active and get our work done so we can learn, have fun, and live a happy life.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Christopher Morley

On laziness.

To-day we rather intended to write an essay on Laziness, but were too indolent to do so.

The sort of thing we had in mind to write would have been exceedingly persuasive. We intended to discourse a little in favour of a greater appreciation of Indolence as a benign factor in human affairs.

It is our observation that every time we get into trouble it is due to not having been lazy enough. Unhappily, we were born with a certain fund of energy. We have been hustling about for a number of years now, and it doesn’t seem to get us anything but tribulation. Henceforward we are going to make a determined effort to be more languid and demure. It is the bustling man who always gets put on committees, who is asked to solve the problems of other people and neglect his own.

The man who is really, thoroughly, and philosophically slothful is the only thoroughly happy man. It is the happy man who benefits the world. The conclusion is inescapable.

We remember a saying about the meek inheriting the earth. The truly meek man is the lazy man. He is too modest to believe that any ferment and hubbub of his can ameliorate the earth or assuage the perplexities of humanity.

O. Henry said once that one should be careful to distinguish laziness from dignified repose. Alas, that was a mere quibble. Laziness is always dignified, it is always reposeful. Philosophical laziness, we mean. The kind of laziness that is based upon a carefully reasoned analysis of experience. Acquired laziness. We have no respect for those who were born lazy; it is like being born a millionaire: they cannot appreciate their bliss. It is the man who has hammered his laziness out of the stubborn material of life for whom we chant praise and allelulia.

The laziest man we know—we do not like to mention his name, as the brutal world does not yet recognize sloth at its community value—is one of the greatest poets in this country; one of the keenest satirists; one of the most rectilinear thinkers. He began life in the customary hustling way. He was always too busy to enjoy himself. He became surrounded by eager people who came to him to solve their problems. “It’s a queer thing,” he said sadly; “no one ever comes to me asking for help in solving my problems.” Finally the light broke upon him. He stopped answering letters, buying lunches for casual friends and visitors from out of town, he stopped lending money to old college pals and frittering his time away on all the useless minor matters that pester the good-natured. He sat down in a secluded café with his cheek against a seidel of dark beer and began to caress the universe with his intellect.

The most damning argument against the Germans is that they were not lazy enough. In the middle of Europe, a thoroughly disillusioned, indolent and delightful old continent, the Germans were a dangerous mass of energy and bumptious push. If the Germans had been as lazy, as indifferent, and as righteously laissez-fairish as their neighbours, the world would have been spared a great deal.

People respect laziness. If you once get a reputation for complete, immovable, and reckless indolence the world will leave you to your own thoughts, which are generally rather interesting.

Doctor Johnson, who was one of the world’s great philosophers, was lazy. Only yesterday our friend the Caliph showed us an extraordinarily interesting thing. It was a little leather-bound notebook in which Boswell jotted down memoranda of his talks with the old doctor. These notes he afterward worked up into the immortal Biography. And lo and behold, what was the very first entry in this treasured little relic?

Doctor Johnson told me in going to Ilam from Ashbourne, 22 September, 1777, that the way the plan of his Dictionary came to be addressed to Lord Chesterfield was this: He had neglected to write it by the time appointed. Dodsley suggested a desire to have it addressed to Lord C. Mr. J. laid hold of this as an excuse for delay, that it might be better done perhaps, and let Dodsley have his desire. Mr. Johnson said to his friend, Doctor Bathurst: “Now if any good comes of my addressing to Lord Chesterfield it will be ascribed to deep policy and address, when, in fact, it was only a casual excuse for laziness.”

Thus we see that it was sheer laziness that led to the greatest triumph of Doctor Johnson’s life, the noble and memorable letter to Chesterfield in 1775.

Mind your business is a good counsel; but mind your idleness also. It’s a tragic thing to make a business of your mind. Save your mind to amuse yourself with.

The lazy man does not stand in the way of progress. When he sees progress roaring down upon him he steps nimbly out of the way. The lazy man doesn’t (in the vulgar phrase) pass the buck. He lets the buck pass him. We have always secretly envied our lazy friends. Now we are going to join them. We have burned our boats or our bridges or whatever it is that one burns on the eve of a momentous decision.

Writing on this congenial topic has roused us up to quite a pitch of enthusiasm and energy.

MLA Citation

Morley, Christopher. “On laziness.” 1920. Quotidiana. Ed. Patrick Madden. 18 Oct 2007. 06 Jun 2024 <http://essays.quotidiana.org/morley/laziness/>.

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Can Laziness Be a Good Thing?

Do you ever sit around and do nothing? Do you feel bad about it, or is rest a priority in your life?

write an essay on laziness

By Shannon Doyne

Do you ever sit around and do nothing — or nothing that is tied to a concrete outcome or goal?

Do you often feel guilty for spending time resting, daydreaming or lazing about? Or are these important parts of your everyday life?

In the guest essay “ The Most Valuable Thing I Can Teach My Kid Is How to Be Lazy ,” Elliot Kukla, a rabbi who provides spiritual care to those who are grieving, dying, ill or disabled, writes that he has “seen the limits of the grind.” His essay begins:

“Abba, I have an idea,” says my 3-year-old. “Put on your pajamas and your big mask, turn off the light, and get into bed.” “That sounds great,” I say, honestly. I strap on my sleep apnea mask, change into soft, worn cotton PJs and crawl under the fluffy white duvet with him. Within seconds, he is lulled to sleep by the familiar gentle wheezing of my breathing machine. He knows the sight and sound of my sleeping body well; I have Lupus, an autoimmune disease that causes chronic fatigue. On a good day, I can get by on 10 hours or so of sleep. When my condition flares, sometimes for weeks on end, I need to sleep for much of the day and night. Before my child was born, I was afraid that my fatigue would make it impossible for me to be a good parent. And it’s true that I am often juggling parenting needs and exhaustion. What I didn’t anticipate is that prioritizing rest, sleep and dreaming is also something tangible I can offer my child. He sees me napping every day, and he wants in. We build elaborate nests and gaze out the window together, luxuriously leaning on huge mounds of pillows. Most 3-year-olds I know fight bedtime, but we snuggle under the blankets on cold winter evenings, sighing in synchronized delight. America in 2022 is an exhausting place to live. Pretty much everyone I know is tired. We’re tired of answering work emails after dinner. We’re tired of caring for senior family members in a crumbling elder care system, of worrying about a mass shooting at our children’s schools. We’re tired by unprocessed grief and untended-to illness and depression. We’re tired of wildfires becoming a fact of life in the West, of floods and hurricanes hitting the South and East. We’re really tired of this unending pandemic. Most of all, we are exhausted by trying to keep going as if everything is fine.

The essay ends:

Laziness is more than the absence or avoidance of work; it’s also the enjoyment of lazing in the sun, or in another’s arms. I learned through my work in hospice that moments spent enjoying the company of an old friend, savoring the smell of coffee or catching a warm breeze can make even the end of life more pleasurable. As the future becomes more tenuous, I want to teach my child to enjoy the planet right now. I want to teach him how to laze in the grass and watch the clouds without any artificially imposed sense of urgency. Many of the ways I have learned to live well in a chronically ill body — by taking the present moment slowly and gently, letting go of looking for certainty about the future, napping, dreaming, nurturing relationships and loving fiercely — are relevant for everyone living on this chronically ill planet. To be sure, it is my privilege that allows me to teach my child to be lazy. Many people in this country and elsewhere spend all their time working, some holding multiple jobs. Many still struggle to afford housing and food. For too many, laziness is not an option. But rest should not be a luxury; our time belongs to us and is not inherently a commodity. Reclaiming our time is an act of sovereignty over our lives, deserved by everyone. “Rest,” says the nap bishop, the Black activist Tricia Hersey, “is a radical vision for a liberated future.” Today, my child and I are playing a game of hill. We are lying under a giant pile of every blanket in the house, pretending to be a hill studded with soft grasses. His warm breath is on my neck, skinny limbs splayed across my soft belly. “Shh, Abba,” he says. “Hills don’t move or talk … they just lie still and grow things.” I am teaching my child to be lazy, and so far, it’s going really well.

Students, read the entire essay , then tell us:

What points made by Rabbi Kukla resonate with you? Where do you not see eye to eye with him, and why?

Do you agree that rest has a stigma, particularly in the United States? Can you give an example from your own life, or from something you’ve seen or heard about, when resting or laziness was looked down upon?

Do you think laziness can be a good thing? Rabbi Kukla argues that prioritizing rest could help people take better care of themselves, each other and our world. Describe in your own words what that could look like. Or, if you disagree, explain why these actions would not bring about change.

The essay states: “It’s poor, unhoused, young, Black, brown, mentally ill, fat and chronically sick people who are most often accused of sloth. We rarely hear about lazy billionaires, no matter how much of their fortune is inherited.” What is your reaction to this statement? Does it match what you’ve seen or experienced in the world? Why or why not?

If you were given a whole day in which you had nothing to accomplish and you did not have to be productive at all, how would you spend it? Would you take the opportunity to rest? Would you feel bad about taking a break? Would you opt to do work instead?

Want more writing prompts? You can find all of our questions in our Student Opinion column . Teachers, check out this guide to learn how you can incorporate them into your classroom.

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All About Laziness: What Causes It and What to Do About It

Markham Heid

American society, by and large, prizes hard work and diligence. Calling someone “lazy” is a big insult. And yet a lot of us are willing to slap this label on ourselves and, even more so, on other people.

According to Pew Research Center survey data , about half of Americans in 2015 — and 63 percent of Millennials — believe that the typical U.S. citizen is lazy. Another 2019 Pew survey found that a majority of Americans think people are lazier now than they used to be.

Some experts see these criticisms as signs of unhelpful cultural pressures and narratives, rather than pointing the finger at people’s behavior.

“Our culture’s belief that people are secretly ‘lazy’ deep down and need to be browbeaten into productivity is very old and has far-reaching roots,” says Devon Price, PhD , a psychologist and clinical assistant professor at Loyola University in Chicago. “It dates back to the Puritans and the beliefs they had about hard work being a signal that a person was morally upstanding.”

Along with our current emphasis on “productivity,” Dr. Price says that changes in workplace practices and always-connected mobile technologies have broadened our ideas of what laziness looks like. “We aren’t even free during our downtime; we are expected to be perfect professional paragons constantly,” he says. “This takes a massive psychological toll on us and leaves us at a massive risk of burnout.”

It is Price’s view — one he lays out in his recent book,  Laziness Does Not Exist — that laziness as people understand it is a misconception. “When people appear to lack motivation, it is because they are exhausted, traumatized, in need of support, or do not see any logical incentive to taking part in a task,” he says.

Other experts are less dismissive of laziness. Some say it is related to procrastination — a phenomenon that psychology has clearly defined and studied. That research reveals how, when, and why people may engage in apparent acts of laziness, and what you can do about it if you think it’s a problem.

What Is Laziness?

First of all, “laziness” is not a formal clinical term in the field of psychology (or medicine). You can’t get a diagnosis of laziness. However, some psychologists have attempted to define laziness as it is used in popular culture.

According to a study published in 2018 in the journal Human Arenas , laziness can be regarded as a failure to act or perform as expected due to conscious, controllable factors — namely a lack of individual effort.

According to this definition, a student who can’t get their work done because of an attention disorder would not meet this definition of lazy, while a student who is capable of doing the work but chooses not to would fit this definition.

Because of all this, the concept of laziness doesn’t show up frequently in psychology research. But it tracks closely with a related and well-studied phenomenon: procrastination. “Both words are used for a disinclination to make effort, and we use both of these words in everyday speech to impugn others,” says Tim Pychyl, PhD , a procrastination researcher who was formerly an associate professor of psychology at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, before retiring from that position earlier this year.

But “procrastination” and “laziness” are not quite interchangeable — at least not to a psychologist, Dr. Pychyl says.

“Procrastination is the voluntary delay of an intended act despite expecting to be worse off,” he says. A person must intend to do something, and then decide not to do it for the act to qualify as procrastination.

If a person never wanted or intended to do something, they may be labeled “lazy” by a parent or boss, but they wouldn’t meet a psychologist’s definition of procrastination.

“We all delay things, but procrastination is a unique form of delay that is self-defeating and has no inherent upside,” Pychyl says.

Research has found that up to 20 percent of adults, and fully half of college students, feel that they struggle with procrastination.

While identifying times when someone procrastinates is often straightforward, nailing down examples of laziness is much trickier.

It’s important to make these distinctions because even the most tireless and diligent people sometimes procrastinate. “We all do it,” Pychyl says. The fact that you procrastinate doesn’t make you lazy.

None of us works nonstop all the time. We all take breaks to sleep or rest. We all engage in pastimes that are pleasurable or restorative, rather than productive. When exactly does the absence of work qualify as laziness? We all think we’ll know it when we see it.

Laziness, in other words, is always subjective. That’s according to the work of Michael Jacobsen, PhD , a professor of sociology at Aalborg University in Denmark.

Common Questions & Answers

What causes laziness.

First, it’s important to point out that pretty much all the research on what people call “laziness” focuses on procrastination.

Again, this is because laziness is a lay expression, not a formal term, and it’s also a matter of subjective opinion. One person’s idea of “lazy” may be another’s idea of a hard day’s work. If you meant to do something and didn’t, you may call that laziness, but a psychologist would label it procrastination.

And psychologists have studied procrastination and what causes it.

A Coping Mechanism

“People think procrastination is a time-management issue, but it’s really an emotion-management issue,” Pychyl says. “The thought of completing a task brings up anxiety or just general aversiveness, and a person can get rid of those negative emotions by putting off the task.”

Procrastination is a logical and effective “coping mechanism” for dealing with unpleasant feelings, he explains. Research published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences supports the notion that putting things off can reflect an attempt to cope with negative emotions that arise when people have to do something unpleasant or difficult.

As an example, Pychyl says, is schoolwork. For most kids, this work is an “unnatural ask” that requires young people to take part in a culturally constructed series of learning exercises that don’t fit with their impulses or interests. This is why so many young students put their work off until the last minute. “Procrastination is a quite rational reaction to an unpleasant situation,” he says.

But however rational it may be, some people procrastinate more than others.

Pychyl says this may be due in part to brain development. The brain’s prefrontal cortex, which helps in planning, decision-making, concentration, and other “executive functions,” does not fully mature until a person’s twenties, he explains. Since this is the brain region that helps control emotional impulses and guides behaviors that require a longer-term outlook, it’s no wonder young people tend to procrastinate more than adults.

“Kids are operating much more out of a pleasure principle,” he says. For an adolescent brain, it’s hard to prioritize school work — a form of toil that may not provide any immediate benefits or incentives — over playing video games.

The Habitual Behavior Factor

A problem that may arise is that procrastination, like any other behavior, can become habitual. If your brain learns to cope with unpleasant tasks by avoiding them, it can be hard to shake this response.

“Habits come from repeating actions consistently that give you some immediate enjoyment,” says Wendy Wood, PhD , a habit researcher and provost professor of psychology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Procrastination can check all those boxes: Putting off unpleasant chores can offer a sense of relief, which is enjoyable. And so like other bad habits, procrastination can snowball.


Other researchers have noted  that laziness is a behavioral attribute that we may learn (and be more likely to practice) because of others. If your colleagues mess around and blow off work, you’re more likely to do the same.

Energy and Willpower (and Sleep)

Energy and willpower — or a lack of both — can also lead to procrastination. Researchers have shown that when shift workers are sleep deprived, their willpower drops and they become more likely to procrastinate.

Personality Characteristics

Pychyl says personality characteristics can also contribute to procrastination. These include low conscientiousness — “so people who are not planful, dutiful, and organized,” he explains — as well as impulsivity. Even some forms of perfectionism — a desire to meet some high self-defined standard — can load tasks with unpleasant emotional baggage that can lead to procrastination, he says.


Last but not least, distraction — something many of us are struggling with these days — is a major driver of procrastination. “These technologies we have now are really problematic, it’s why we call them weapons of mass distraction,” he says.

Tech-based alerts, social media sites, and other enticements make it more difficult for many of us to get started on a difficult task and to stick with it, he says. And r esearch in Computers in Human Behavior has shown that social media use (and high smartphone use) are both predictive of some forms of academic procrastination.

And it’s worth noting that others, like Price, hold the view that this thing we call laziness does not actually exist because there are always valid explanations for a person’s apparent indolence.

Is Being Lazy Bad for My Health?

There’s not much research on how being lazy affects health and well-being, or not.

But when it comes to procrastination, there’s evidence that it can prevent people from taking up new and beneficial behaviors — such as a new exercise program or a healthier approach to eating, according to a review published in 2018 in the journal Frontiers in Psychology .

Also, among people who feel they have a procrastination problem, putting things off may cause significant psychological distress, which can lead to anxiety, poor mood, and decreased well-being, according to that same review.

Price adds that people who consider themselves lazy may be anything but. Still, this self-perception can lead to problems.

“Time and time again I have found in my work that the people who are the most convinced they are ‘lazy’ are the ones who are being asked to do far too much, and are demanding too much of themselves, with too little support,” he says. “If your to-do list is 20 items long but you only have the energy to get 10 things done per day, you are always going to feel lazy even though you are repeatedly pushing yourself past the brink.”

Think if someone only asked you to do five of those things in a day. You might feel quite productive, not lazy, even though you got the same amount of stuff done.

Again, he highlights new technologies as a potential compounding factor. “Technology has created increased pressure to generate productivity all of the time,” he explains.

Whether that pressure is coming from a person’s employer or from themself — or a mix of both — technology, by enabling us to check our email, instant messaging apps, or self-improvement apps anytime, anywhere, has led many of us to feel lazy if we’re not constantly doing something productive online.

6 Tips for How to Be Less Lazy

Different experts take a different approach to helping you manage self-diagnosed laziness. These may involve learning to go easier on yourself, or taking up habits that help you avoid distractions.

1. Do Less, Not More

Your goal shouldn’t be to fit more in, Price says. Instead, you need to identify what’s most important to you and set aside the rest. “Cut your to-do list in half,” he advises.

Put simply, you need to prioritize. “Ask yourself what you are willing to let drop? What are you cutting back on? Who will you disappoint? What social standards can you afford to let go of? These are the questions we should be asking ourselves, not ‘how can I force myself to do more,’” he adds.

2. Get Specific

Procrastination, Pychyl says, is often fueled by “vague intentions.” For example, you tell yourself you need to fix up your place or start a new exercise program. But you’re hazy on the details, including what exactly you plan to do and when you’ll get on it.

“You tell yourself, ‘I’ll do it this weekend,’ but that has almost no motivational force,” he says.

Instead, think about exactly what you want to do, and determine a precise time and place to do it. For example, book a yoga class and put reminders in your phone. Getting specific will make it more likely you’ll follow through.

3. Make It Fun

Dr. Wood says that the trick to habit formation is “repetition, repetition, repetition.”

“We are most likely to repeat actions that we enjoy,” she says. “So, find something you like about a new action that makes it enjoyable.”

For example, if you’re lazy about exercise, find a compelling podcast and listen to it only when you run or work out. Over time, you’ll start to view the time you spend exercising as “my favorite podcast time” — something fun — rather than something you dread.

4. Practice Single-Tasking and Taking Tech-Free Breaks

To get anything done — or for that matter, started — you need to be able to resist distraction and stay on-task.

Technology is making this more and more difficult, so consider taking your tech out of the equation. “You can’t depend on willpower,” Pychyl says. “You’ve got to take your phone and put it in another room.”

He also recommends installing apps or programs, such as  RescueTime , that can prevent you from receiving alerts or accessing problem sites or apps. You can start small — 15 or 30 minutes of undistracted, tech-free time per day — and work your way up.

5. Be More Mindful

Pychyl says a lot of procrastination comes down to habit, whether it’s habitually delaying tasks or habitually reacting to them with anxiety or other unpleasant emotions. In both cases, mindfulness practices, which train present-moment, nonjudgmental awareness can be beneficial.

“Mindfulness and becoming aware of your own thinking is crucial,” he says. Mindfulness training can also help you ignore distractions and stay on-task, he adds.

6. Go Easy on Yourself

For one  study , Pychyl and colleagues examined the ways college students responded following periods of procrastination. Among students who procrastinated before an exam, the ones who forgave themselves (as opposed to getting angry with themselves) were less likely to procrastinate again before the next exam.

“Forgiveness allows the individual to move past their maladaptive behavior and focus on the upcoming examination without the burden of past acts,” he and his coauthors wrote in their paper. He explains that getting down on yourself increases negative feelings and self-appraisals, which makes procrastination more likely. “You need to bring in self-compassion,” he says. “Focus on making progress, but acknowledge that you’re going to relapse.”

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

Everyday Health follows strict sourcing guidelines to ensure the accuracy of its content, outlined in our editorial policy . We use only trustworthy sources, including peer-reviewed studies, board-certified medical experts, patients with lived experience, and information from top institutions.

  • Smith S. Patriotic, Honest and Selfish: How Americans Describe … Americans.  Pew Research Center . December 11, 2015.
  • Rainie L, Perrin A. Key Findings About Americans’ Declining Trust in Government and Each Other.  Pew Research Center . July 22, 2019.
  • Madsen T. The Conception of Laziness and the Characterisation of Others as Lazy.  Human Arenas . May 2018.
  • Prem R, Scheel TE, Weigelt O, et al. Procrastination in Daily Working Life: A Diary Study on Within-Person Processes That Link Work Characteristics to Workplace Procrastination.  Frontiers in Psychology . July 2018.
  • Interview with Devon Price. Loyola University Chicago. July 2022.
  • Interview with Tim Pychyl. McMaster University. July 2022.
  • Price D.  Laziness Does Not Exist . 2021.
  • Wohl M, Pychyl T, Bennett S. I Forgive Myself, Now I Can Study: How Self-Forgiveness for Procrastinating Can Reduce Future Procrastination.  Personality and Individual Differences . May 2010.
  • Jacobsen M. Laziness. Emotions, Everyday Life and Sociology . 2018.
  • Alexander E, Onwuegbuzie A. Academic Procrastination and the Role of Hope as a Coping Strategy. Personality and Individual Differences . 2007.
  • Interview with Wendy Wood. University of Southern California. August 2018.
  • Rozgonjuk D, Kattago M, Täht K. Social Media Use in Lectures Mediates the Relationship Between Procrastination and Problematic Smartphone Use. Computers in Human Behavior . 2018.
  • Rozental A, Bennett S, Forsström D, Ebert DD, Shafran R, Andersson G, Carlbring P. Targeting Procrastination Using Psychological Treatments: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology . 2018.
  • Devaine M, Daunizeau J. Learning About and From Others' Prudence, Impatience or Laziness: The Computational Bases of Attitude Alignment. PLoS Computational Biology . March 30, 2017.
  • Kühnel J, Sonnentag S, Bledow R, Melchers KG. The Relevance of Sleep and Circadian Misalignment for Procrastination Among Shift Workers. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology . 2017.

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How To Overcome Laziness In Writing

How To Overcome Laziness In Writing (15 Best Ways)

Embarking on the writer’s journey is an odyssey of passion, creativity, and self-discovery. Yet, the formidable specter of laziness can cast shadows on this path, hindering the flow of ideas and stalling the progress of even the most dedicated wordsmiths.

In this exploration of “How to Overcome Laziness in Writing,” we delve into the intricacies of overcoming the inertia that can paralyze creativity.

Laziness in writing takes various forms, from procrastination to a lack of motivation, and this guide serves as a compass through the labyrinth, offering strategies to reignite the flame of inspiration.

As we navigate the terrain of self-discipline, motivation, and effective writing habits, we’ll uncover the keys to unlocking sustained productivity and transforming laziness into the fertile soil from which our most vibrant ideas will flourish.

Get ready to reclaim the pen, banish procrastination, and embark on a journey towards a more prolific and fulfilling writing practice.

Table of Contents

How To Overcome Laziness In Writing

Certainly! Here’s a step-by-step process on how to overcome laziness in writing:

Set Clear Goals

Define specific writing goals, whether it’s completing a certain number of words, finishing a section, or meeting a deadline.

Create a Schedule

Establish a consistent writing routine. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to focus solely on writing.

Break it Down

Divide your writing tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. Tackling smaller portions makes the overall task seem less overwhelming.

Eliminate Distractions

Identify and minimize potential distractions during your writing time. Turn off notifications, find a quiet space, and consider using productivity tools.

Find the Right Environment

Choose a comfortable and conducive writing environment. Some people work well in complete silence, while others prefer background music. Experiment to find what works best for you.

Set Realistic Expectations

Be realistic about what you can accomplish in a given time frame. Setting overly ambitious goals can lead to frustration and demotivation.

Use Writing Prompts

If you’re stuck, use writing prompts to jumpstart your creativity . They can help break the inertia and get your thoughts flowing.

Reward Yourself

Establish a reward system for completing writing tasks. Treat yourself when you achieve milestones, whether it’s a break, a snack, or a small celebration.

Accountability Partner

Share your writing goals with someone who can help keep you accountable. Having someone to check in on your progress can provide motivation.

Practice Freewriting

Start with a timed session of freewriting. Write without worrying about structure or perfection. This can help overcome writer’s block and generate ideas.

Revision Comes Later

Don’t focus on perfection in the initial draft. Allow yourself to write freely without constant self-editing. You can always revise and refine later.

Seek Inspiration

Read works by authors you admire, explore different genres, or engage in activities that inspire creativity. Exposure to diverse ideas can fuel your own writing.

Stay Healthy

Ensure you’re taking care of your physical and mental well-being. A healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and sufficient sleep, can positively impact your writing productivity.

Set Consequences

Establish consequences for not meeting writing goals. While rewards can motivate, consequences can add a sense of urgency.

Reflect and Adjust

Regularly assess your writing habits and adjust your strategies accordingly. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you.

Remember, overcoming laziness in writing is a personal journey, and the key is to find a combination of strategies that align with your individual preferences and circumstances.

 How To Overcome Laziness In Writing

Understanding the Root Causes of Laziness

In the labyrinth of creativity, understanding the roots of laziness is akin to unraveling the mystery of an ancient map.

Procrastination, that elusive creature, often hides in the shadows of fear, fueled by the anxiety of falling short. Yet, in the garden of inspiration, a drought can leave even the most flourishing ideas withered and uninspired.

Laziness, it seems, is a complex symphony where the notes of self-doubt harmonize with the dissonance of poor time management.

In this tangled web, the threads of fear, lack of inspiration, and the ticking clock weave a tapestry that stifles the flow of words.

But fear not, for as we delve into the heart of these shadows, we uncover the keys to unlocking a reservoir of creativity, transforming laziness into the fertile soil from which our most vibrant ideas will bloom.

Fear of Failure

The fear of failure, like a silent specter, often looms large in the creative mind, casting shadows on the canvas of potential success.

It is a relentless companion that whispers doubts and sows seeds of hesitation, urging one to tread cautiously in the realm of innovation.

This fear, though intangible, possesses the power to paralyze creativity, stifling the adventurous spirit that seeks to push boundaries.

Yet, within the crucible of this fear, lies the alchemy of growth. Embracing failure as a companion rather than an adversary allows for the emergence of resilience, transforming setbacks into stepping stones toward mastery.

It is in confronting this fear head-on that writers can harness its energy, turning the apprehension of failure into the fuel that propels them toward daring feats of literary exploration.

In the tapestry of creativity, the fear of failure is but a single thread, woven alongside triumphs, each contributing to the rich narrative of artistic evolution.

Lack of Inspiration

The lack of inspiration, a desolate terrain in the vast landscape of creativity, can be an arduous adversary for any writer.

It is akin to traversing a barren desert where the oasis of ideas seems elusive, and the wellspring of imagination runs dry.

In these moments, the blank page becomes an echoing void, and the pen feels heavy with the weight of unspoken stories. Yet, within this void lies the potential for transformation. It is precisely in the absence of inspiration that one’s resilience and resourcefulness are tested.

Seeking inspiration becomes a quest, an exploration into the recesses of one’s experiences, observations, and emotions. It prompts a writer to unearth the extraordinary in the ordinary and to find beauty in the mundane.

The lack of inspiration, when viewed not as an impediment but as a call to adventure, can serve as the catalyst for the most unexpected and profound creative discoveries.

It is in these moments of scarcity that the writer learns to draw from the well of their own depths, turning the absence of inspiration into the fertile ground from which unique narratives can bloom.

Poor Time Management

Poor time management, akin to a leaky vessel navigating the waters of productivity, poses a formidable challenge to the aspiring writer.

It is the silent thief of precious moments, stealthily pilfering the currency of creativity. In the realm of storytelling, where every second counts, allowing time to slip through the fingers like grains of sand can lead to uncharted narratives left untouched.

The consequences of poor time management reverberate through missed deadlines, unfinished manuscripts, and the nagging feeling of unrealized potential.

However, acknowledging this foe is the first step toward redemption. Crafting a schedule that aligns with the ebb and flow of one’s creative energy, and wielding time as a sculptor molds clay, can transform the chaotic into the harmonious.

Poor time management, when addressed with intentionality, becomes not a hindrance, but a malleable tool in the hands of the disciplined writer, shaping their literary endeavors with precision and purpose.

Establishing Clear Writing Goals

In the symphony of storytelling, setting clear writing goals is akin to composing the overture of a grand opera. It’s not merely a roadmap but the very heartbeat that propels the narrative forward.

Each goal becomes a luminous star in the writer’s cosmos, guiding them through the vast expanse of imagination. Like a literary architect, a writer must meticulously lay the blueprints for their creative endeavors, forging a pact with destiny.

These goals are not mere waypoints; they are constellations of ambition, promising galaxies of achievement.

To establish clear writing goals is to embark on a cosmic journey where the quill becomes a celestial wand, and every word written is a constellation illuminated in the vast tapestry of literary achievement.

It is in the clarity of these goals that the writer finds not only direction but the celestial energy to turn their creative universe into a dazzling masterpiece.

 How To Overcome Laziness In Writing

Setting Specific and Measurable Objectives

Setting specific and measurable objectives in the realm of writing is akin to cartography in the uncharted territory of creativity.

It’s the difference between embarking on a whimsical exploration and navigating with a precise compass toward a defined destination.

Each objective is a beacon, casting a focused light on the path ahead, transforming nebulous aspirations into concrete milestones.

Specificity injects clarity into the writer’s vision, carving out the contours of their literary landscape, while measurability provides the yardstick by which progress is gauged.

These objectives are not mere placeholders; they are the scaffolding upon which the intricate structure of a narrative is built.

By setting objectives that are both specific and measurable, the writer transforms the amorphous potential of imagination into tangible achievements, marking the milestones of their creative odyssey with purpose and precision.

Creating a Writing Plan

Crafting a writing plan is akin to architecting the blueprint for a literary masterpiece, a meticulous arrangement of words and ideas that transforms the nebulous into the structured. It’s the roadmap through the intricate terrain of storytelling, where every twist and turn is premeditated.

A writing plan is not merely a schedule; it’s a sacred pact with creativity. It delineates the cadence of drafting, editing, and refining—a choreography of literary prowess. By outlining the stages of creation, a writer not only organizes their thoughts but also orchestrates the symphony of their narrative.

It’s in this plan that the chaos of inspiration finds its elegant choreography, and the writer becomes both artist and architect, sculpting the contours of their tale with intention and finesse.

A writing plan is the compass that navigates the writer through the unpredictable seas of creativity, ensuring that each word, sentence, and paragraph serves a purpose, steering the vessel of imagination toward the shores of literary triumph.

Cultivating a Productive Writing Environment

Cultivating a productive writing environment is akin to conjuring a literary sanctum—a realm where ideas sprout wings and creativity takes flight.

It’s not just about a desk and a chair; it’s about creating a cocoon of inspiration, a habitat where the written word feels alive. Picture it: a tapestry of tranquility, adorned with the soft hum of focus and the gentle rustle of imagination.

Ergonomics become the orchestrators of comfort, ensuring that every keystroke is a step closer to the zenith of literary brilliance.

Minimizing distractions isn’t just a practice; it’s a sacred ritual of purifying the airwaves for the muse to dance freely. In this enchanted space, writing tools aren’t just instruments; they are wands, weaving spells of coherence and eloquence.

Cultivating a productive writing environment is crafting a secret garden where ideas bloom, sentences sing, and the alchemy of creativity unfolds in a symphony of words .

Designing a Comfortable Workspace

Designing a comfortable workspace for writing is akin to sculpting a haven where words flow effortlessly and creativity takes center stage.

The ergonomic dance between chair and desk is not merely a utilitarian affair; it’s a choreography of comfort that cradles the writer in a cocoon of productivity.

Picture a symphony of luminescent warmth, where soft lighting bathes the canvas of imagination and cushions embrace the weary dreamer. The desk is a canvas, the keyboard a brush, and the chair a throne from which the writer reigns over their literary realm.

A comfortable workspace is more than aesthetics; it’s a sanctuary of focus and inspiration. In this realm, the clatter of keys becomes a sonnet, and the mere act of sitting is an invitation for the muse to whisper.

It’s not just a space; it’s a vessel where the alchemy of thought fuses seamlessly with the tangible world, and where comfort is not a luxury but a catalyst for the written word to flourish.

Utilizing Writing Tools

In the labyrinth of storytelling, utilizing writing tools is akin to wielding a magical arsenal that empowers the writer to transmute thoughts into tangible tales.

The keyboard becomes a wand, tapping into the reservoir of ideas, while the screen transforms into a canvas awaiting the strokes of literary artistry.

Writing software isn’t just a medium; it’s a portal to organize chaos into coherent prose, and to sculpt the formless clay of imagination into structured narratives. Grammar checkers and style guides are the vigilant guardians, ensuring the sanctity of language.

Like a craftsman with a well-stocked toolbox, the writer navigates the vast expanse of creativity, utilizing tools to carve, refine, and breathe life into their stories.

In this realm, writing tools are not mere instruments; they are envoys, facilitating the communion between the writer’s vision and the reader’s imagination, ensuring that the written word resonates with the symphony of eloquence and precision.

 How To Overcome Laziness In Writing

Finding Motivation and Inspiration

In the kaleidoscope of creativity, finding motivation and inspiration is akin to chasing elusive fireflies in the twilight of imagination.

It’s about catching those fleeting sparks that ignite the tinder of creativity and turn mere words into a blazing narrative. Inspiration is not a passive acquaintance; it’s a capricious muse that demands pursuit. Picture a cosmic scavenger hunt where each idea is a constellation waiting to be discovered.

Motivation, then, becomes the intrepid explorer armed with curiosity and a relentless spirit. It’s not just about waiting for the lightning strike of inspiration; it’s about creating the storm.

In this celestial dance, motivation and inspiration are the twin flames that illuminate the writer’s path, transforming the blank canvas into a kaleidoscopic masterpiece.

It’s the alchemy of enthusiasm and insight that turns the mundane into the extraordinary, and beckons the writer to dance with the stars of their own creation.

Identifying Personal Writing Motivators

Embarking on the writer’s journey is not just about crafting sentences; it’s a profound exploration into the labyrinth of personal writing motivators.

These motivators are the celestial forces that propel the pen across the paper or the fingers across the keyboard.

They are the North Star, guiding the writer through the vast expanse of their creative cosmos. Identifying personal writing motivators is akin to uncovering hidden treasures within oneself — an intimate excavation of passions, dreams, and the intrinsic thrill of storytelling.

It’s about understanding that writing is not merely a task but a voyage into the uncharted territories of imagination, where each word is a step toward self-discovery.

Whether fueled by a desire for self-expression, a quest for understanding, or the sheer joy of linguistic craftsmanship, these motivators become the compass, steering the writer towards the fulfillment of their literary aspirations.

In the tapestry of creativity, personal writing motivators are the threads that weave a story uniquely one’s own.

Seeking External Motivation

Seeking external motivation in the realm of writing is akin to opening the windows of creativity to let the winds of inspiration sweep through.

It’s the recognition that inspiration can be found beyond the solitary confines of the writer’s mind, and that the world itself is a boundless reservoir of stories waiting to be told.

External motivation can take myriad forms — from the encouragement of writing communities and mentors to the motivation derived from the works of literary giants.

It’s about immersing oneself in the collective energy of fellow wordsmiths, exchanging ideas, and finding affirmation in the shared pursuit of storytelling.

External motivation becomes a collaborative symphony, where the applause of encouragement fuels the writer’s journey, and the echoes of others’ triumphs inspire one’s own narrative conquests.

In this communal dance, seeking external motivation becomes not just a means of support but a celebration of the vast tapestry of human experience, each external spark igniting the internal fire of the writer’s passion.

Overcoming Writer’s Block

Overcoming writer’s block is like navigating through the labyrinth of a literary puzzle, where every impasse is a challenge waiting to be unraveled.

It’s a mental duel, a dance with the elusive muse, where creativity seems to momentarily don a cloak of invisibility. Yet, in this momentary standstill, the writer becomes an alchemist, turning the lead of creative stagnation into the gold of inspiration.

It’s about embracing the chaos, employing the unexpected, and allowing the mind to meander through the unexplored alleys of thought.

Writer’s block is not an adversary but a secret passage to innovation, a temporary pause before the grand crescendo of words resumes.

Picture it as a storm that must be weathered, a tempest that, once conquered, gives way to the serene clarity of a freshly inspired mind.

In the symphony of creation, overcoming writer’s block becomes not just a triumph but a metamorphosis, a dance where the stumbling blocks become the very steps of artistic evolution.

Embracing Freewriting Techniques

Embracing freewriting techniques is akin to diving headfirst into the spontaneous whirlwind of creativity, where the pen becomes an extension of the racing thoughts within.

It’s a rebellion against the constraints of structure and the tyranny of the blank page. In the realm of freewriting, every hesitation is an invitation to explore the uncharted territories of the mind. It’s not about perfection but about the raw, unfiltered expression that flows without inhibition.

Picture a river of words, unbridled and unrestrained, meandering through the landscape of imagination. Embracing freewriting is an act of liberation, a declaration that ideas deserve to be heard, no matter how untamed or chaotic.

It’s about allowing the subconscious to wield the pen and witnessing the birth of unexpected narratives. In the dance of creative freedom, freewriting becomes the choreography, where the writer surrenders to the rhythm of inspiration and lets the words pirouette across the page.

Trying Different Writing Exercises

Venturing into the realm of writing is not merely a journey but an exploration of uncharted landscapes, and trying different writing exercises is the compass that unveils the diverse facets of literary creativity.

It’s akin to a kaleidoscopic playground where the writer dons the hat of an acrobat, a detective, or even a sorcerer to discover new dimensions of their craft.

These exercises are not just prompts; they are the alchemical spells that transmute mundane thoughts into extraordinary narratives.

Picture it as a workshop where the writer tinkers with the machinery of language, experimenting with form, perspective, and style.

Trying different writing exercises is not a mere exercise in versatility; it’s a dynamic pilgrimage where every twist and turn becomes an opportunity for self-discovery.

In this grand theater of words, the writer becomes both the playwright and the protagonist, weaving narratives that stretch the boundaries of imagination and defy the limits of conventional storytelling.

Establishing a Writing Routine

Establishing a writing routine is like orchestrating a daily symphony of creativity, where each note on the calendar is a harmonious commitment to the craft.

It’s not just a schedule; it’s a sacred ritual, a pact with the muse that transforms the mundane into the extraordinary.

Picture a literary choreography, where the pen becomes a dancer, pirouetting through the pages, and every keystroke is a beat in the rhythm of productivity.

In this carefully curated routine, the writer dons the robe of discipline, inviting the elusive muse to waltz into the realms of imagination at a designated hour.

It’s about turning the act of writing into a habit, a reflex that transcends inspiration and becomes an integral part of the writer’s essence.

In the dance of routine, the seemingly ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the writer, like a sorcerer, conjures narratives from the magic woven into the fabric of a well-timed routine.

 How To Overcome Laziness In Writing

Seeking Feedback and Collaboration

Seeking feedback and collaboration is akin to launching a literary expedition into uncharted territories, where the writer becomes both cartographer and adventurer.

It’s not just about finding a compass but assembling a fellowship of wordsmiths who wield their pens like swords in the quest for narrative excellence. Picture it as a vibrant marketplace of ideas, where each exchange is a currency that enriches the writer’s creative coffers.

In this collaborative dance, feedback is not merely a critique but a compass that points towards undiscovered potential. It’s about forging alliances with fellow storytellers, engaging in a dialogue that transcends the solitary echoes of one’s own thoughts.

Seeking feedback and collaboration is the act of raising a creative beacon, inviting others to navigate the labyrinth of imagination together, where the sum becomes greater than its literary parts.

It’s a celebration of the collective symphony of voices harmonizing in the grand orchestra of storytelling.

Celebrating Successes and Progress

Celebrating successes and progress in the writer’s journey is akin to savoring the sweet nectar of hard-earned victories in the orchard of imagination. It’s not merely a pat on the back; it’s a jubilant dance under the confetti of achieved milestones.

Picture it as a feast where every completed chapter is a gourmet dish, and each polished sentence is a sparkling vintage wine.

In this carnival of creativity, celebrating success is not just a ceremony; it’s a proclamation that every word written is a triumph against the formidable foe of the blank page.

It’s about acknowledging the incremental victories, those quiet whispers of progress that reverberate in the writer’s soul.

In the grand tapestry of storytelling, celebrating successes becomes the vibrant thread that weaves the narrative of perseverance, reminding the writer that each word, each paragraph, is a step towards the pinnacle of literary achievement.

It’s a festivity where the writer dons the crown of accomplishment and dances through the corridors of creativity, acknowledging that in every stroke of the pen, there is a victory worth celebrating.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about How To Overcome Laziness In Writing

How can i distinguish between genuine fatigue and laziness in my writing process.

Recognizing the difference between genuine fatigue and laziness involves assessing your mental state and understanding whether the obstacle is a temporary lack of energy or a persistent reluctance to engage with your creative work.

Are there specific writing environments that can help overcome laziness?

Absolutely. Designing a comfortable and inspiring writing space tailored to your preferences can significantly impact your motivation and combat laziness. Consider factors like lighting, ergonomic setup, and minimal distractions.

What role does goal-setting play in overcoming laziness in writing?

Goal-setting is pivotal. Establishing clear, specific, and measurable writing objectives provides a roadmap for progress, transforming the ambiguous task of writing into achievable milestones that combat the inertia of laziness.

Can collaboration with other writers help overcome laziness?

Yes, seeking feedback and collaborating with fellow writers can serve as a motivational boost. Engaging in creative dialogues and sharing your work not only provides external perspectives but fosters a sense of accountability, combating the isolation that laziness often thrives upon.

How can I overcome writer’s block, which often contributes to laziness?

Embracing freewriting techniques, trying different writing exercises, and establishing a consistent writing routine can be effective strategies to break through writer’s block, rekindling the creative flame and minimizing the impact of laziness.

Is it important to celebrate small successes to overcome laziness in writing?

Absolutely. Celebrating even minor achievements and progress is crucial. Acknowledging your accomplishments, no matter how modest, reinforces positive habits and provides the motivation needed to combat the inertia of laziness.

Can external motivators, such as writing challenges, help overcome laziness?

External motivators, like writing challenges or joining writing communities, can indeed be powerful tools. They inject an element of excitement and external accountability into your writing routine, countering the lethargy associated with laziness.

In the labyrinth of creativity, overcoming laziness in writing emerges as a triumphant quest toward self-discovery and prolific expression.

As we explored strategies ranging from designing an inspiring workspace to setting clear writing goals , it became evident that the battle against inertia requires a multifaceted approach.

Embracing the nuances of self-discipline, motivation, and collaboration, writers can transform laziness from a hindrance into a catalyst for growth.

By celebrating small victories, acknowledging progress, and actively seeking inspiration, the pen transforms from a reluctant bystander into an eager participant in the grand narrative of creativity.

The journey to overcome laziness is ongoing, but armed with the tools unveiled in this exploration, writers are empowered to navigate the challenges, defy the allure of procrastination, and embark on a continuous odyssey of productive and fulfilling writing.

Remember, in the ever-evolving tapestry of words, persistence and intentionality become the threads that weave stories of triumph over the inertia that once threatened to stifle creative endeavors.

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Laziness as a Modern Enemy of People

Every person has dreams that they want to fulfill. Someone dreams of becoming a teacher, someone a doctor, and someone plans to travel to many countries. All this can be achieved if a person is not lazy. Laziness is a modern enemy of people because of which problems appear in life. Because of laziness, talented people miss the opportunity to reveal their abilities. People are ready to part with their dreams because they are too lazy to go forward. It is difficult to imagine a doctor who is too lazy to examine a person at a reception or a teacher who is too lazy to teach a lesson. These people are responsible, and they know that the fate of other people depends on their actions, so they are strict about their business.

Lazy people gradually find their life to be complete failures. They are too lazy to study, and they do not want to sit down at the table and learn some subject. In their work, they are also lazy, do not want to reach the top, and sit in place, waiting every day in boredom for the end of the working day. At home, such people are also not all smooth, and they are too lazy to make repairs and bring the apartment to a good look, too lazy to fix something. Instead of running in the morning or going to the gym, they sit on the couch, watch shows, and eat junk food.

Probably laziness contributes to the complete degradation of a person. It does not depend on their mental abilities, because sometimes very talented people miss all their chances in life because they are too lazy to move in the right direction. It is a pity to look at it when interesting and creative personalities kill their potential sitting on the couch. It is necessary to fight laziness as soon as there is a desire to lie down in front of the TV and watch a useless program.

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Laziness Is More Complex Than You Think: How a More Nuanced Approach Can Help Us Overcome Laziness When Needed

PhD Candidate, Columbia Business School

write an essay on laziness

When I was in high school, I was what you would call a lazy student. Studying, doing my homework, preparing for exams -- none of these were activities I was particularly good at. My father would often say that I lacked "Sitzfleisch," a German word that translates to "sitting meat" and refers to the capability of sitting on your behind and getting your work done. When I reached 11th grade, however, everything changed. I met a teacher who visibly cared about his subject, Biology, and what he taught actually interested me. Gone were the days of struggling to study. Instead, I started to devour books upon books about biology and even arranged for a biology tutor. Interestingly, this attitude generalized to other subjects as well, such that by the end of 12th grade, my father stopped calling me lazy and proudly announced that I had finally developed "Sitzfleisch."

But was it really that simple? Is laziness a trait that one can get rid of over time? The answer, in my opinion, is a resounding "No." To this day, I am still lazy in some situations, but not in others. Laziness, I believe, is not a trait that one has or does not have but is instead a set of states and habits. I think that what we call laziness is actually a blanket term for a wide range of behaviors that have different roots and origins. Overcoming laziness, then, does not merely require a single approach, such as developing "Sitzfleisch," but instead depends on the type of laziness we encounter. Here, I outline different kinds of laziness, what their root causes may be, and how we can best overcome laziness when desired or necessary.

We have many words for laziness. Whether we call it lethargy, sloth, or idleness, the terms all similarly imply an unwillingness to work or use energy, despite having the ability to do so. Often, this happens against our better judgment. In many instances, we know that we should be engaging in different behaviors but instead either actively or passively choose not to and thus act lazy. The Greeks even went so far as to call this type of behavior "akrasia," or weakness of the will, which is reminiscent of current popular depictions of laziness.

Likewise, when we are being lazy or see other people being lazy, it usually carries a negative connotation, as if the person who is being lazy is actively withholding an ability to engage in behaviors that he or she would benefit from. In Christian moral tradition, sloth is even one of the seven deadly sins. Our advice for overcoming laziness mirrors the advice of my father: "Just get over it and get to work!" However, as I'm sure most of us have experienced, it is not that easy. Why is that the case? Is laziness a one-size-fits-all term? Can we gain anything from distinguishing between different kinds of laziness?

One can think of the decision of whether or not to pursue a goal as an effort-motivation balance. That is, individuals will only engage in goal pursuit if the effort necessary to achieve a goal stands in adequate proportion to how motivated they are. Laziness, or a lack of goal pursuit, can therefore be thought of as a situation where individuals are not motivated to expend the effort necessary to achieve their goals. As a result, what influences the effort-motivation balance, and thus the decision of whether to engage in goal pursuit or remain lazy, is how effortful the goal pursuit is and how motivated individuals are to achieve their goal.

Let's look at the latter aspect of the balance first: motivation. At times, we don't want to do something simply because we are not motivated to do so. There are plenty of things that we could do; we only choose to do the things that we feel are important to do and that we are motivated to achieve. When our motivation to do something isn't high enough, we are not willing to expend a lot of energy in order to achieve that goal. This sounds trivial, but it gets more interesting when we dig deeper into the causes of what might motivate someone to expend effort.

For example, in my own case, I think that it was mostly a problem of the class material not having triggered my interest enough for me to want to study. It wasn't until I had a teacher who piqued my interest and who made me want to learn more about the intricacies of the human mind that I started to become motivated to study. Interest levels can also be determined by whether or not the task at hand represents an adequate level of challenge. There is nothing more boring than a task that is too easy and nothing more frustrating than a task that is a behemoth, or too difficult for us to even dream of managing it. At the right level of challenge, which is when we feel like we can, by expending effort, reach the goals that are inherent in the task, we are more motivated to do it.

Our perceptions of our motivations to engage in goal pursuit are equally important as our actual levels of motivation. Beyond whether we feel like we have the capabilities to achieve and beyond why we are motivated, our goal pursuit depends on a wide variety of other factors. For example, receiving feedback along the way and in turn feeling that we have made progress toward our goal can help us feel more motivated . Having the expectation that we will be able to achieve that task and feeling that it is within our control to reach that goal will make it more likely for us to feel motivated . Experiencing social support from our friends and family , who care about whether or not we achieve our goals, can also be a viable source of additional motivation.

An additional determinant of motivation is how individuals construe, or mentally represent, their goals. In fact, representing a goal in terms of the concrete steps necessary to reach it, instead of the more abstract representation of why we want to engage in it and what its purpose is, will make it less likely that we will be motivated to expend effort to achieve that goal. Imagine, for instance, having made dinner plans with a date. We can frame the situation in terms of the details, such as shaving, getting dressed, walking to the subway in the freezing cold, getting squished in the subway, waiting for a long time at the restaurant. When the menial details and means of goal pursuit are not motivating in themselves, then framing our goal pursuit in that way will make it less likely that we will successfully achieve our goal, and we thus end up lazy, on the couch. On the other hand, thinking about why we are going on the date, what its purpose is, and how we might feel in the presence of our date will make it more likely that we will pursue our goal. In order to overcome laziness, then, one should assess the sources, perceptions, and representations of one's motivation.

Sources of motivation need not exist permanently in order to be felt. Expectations can also be learned: An individual who has absorbed supportive beliefs about his or her motivations to engage in goal pursuit will be more likely to expend effort. The opposite is true of someone who, for example, has learned not to expect to be able to have control over whether he or she is able to reach a goal . This can in turn produce a vicious cycle: Not feeling motivated or able enough to expend effort, the individual will be more likely to fail at goal pursuit, be lazy, and thus reinforce his or her beliefs of inefficacy. What follows is a further lack of effort expenditure and further reinforcements of laziness -- a seeming lack of "Sitzfleisch." Instead of being told to "Just get on with it!" what may be most valuable in these circumstances is opportunities to break this vicious cycle by changing expectations and building self-efficacy.

Now, let's turn back to the other aspect of the balance: effort. Another possible reason for being lazy is a lack of energy. When we are exhausted, or when our resources are reduced, it feels harder to expend energy. As an example, imagine the following situation that university students experienced in numerous studies conducted by Florida State University researcher Roy Baumeister and colleagues: You come into a psychology laboratory and, after being briefed and consenting to participate, have to engage in a difficult task, such as writing an essay about a topic of your choosing without the letters "a" and "e." This is not an easy task, as you quickly realize. After you finally finish writing your essay, the experimenters ask you to take part in a second, seemingly unrelated task. Overall, study after study has found that participants are less likely to perform well on this second task in comparison to a group of participants who are given an easier version of the essay task, in which they aren't allowed to use the letters "x" and "z."

What this shows is that engaging in a task crucially depends on currently available levels of resources. Being lazy -- that is, choosing not to engage in a task as fully as one would if resources were not reduced -- may therefore reflect a need to retreat in order to regain energy supplies to expend more energy in the future. In some cases, being lazy should thus be equal to taking a break, to taking a step back in order to take two steps forward. We don't expect runners to cook us a lavish meal to celebrate their having just finished a marathon. Likewise, I think that it would do us well to identify some situations of laziness as cases where we knowingly reward ourselves for our previous efforts and take the opportunity to regain more energy for the future.

However, beyond the mere levels of actual resources available, an individual's perceived levels of resources seem equally important. For instance, different emotional states are known to impact how we feel about our current energy levels . When feeling happy and elated, we are more likely to feel energetic and are therefore more willing to expend resources, in turn seeming less lazy. Along these lines, unlike participants shown a neutral video, participants shown a funny video after the difficult version of the task mentioned above were just as likely to expend energy in the second task as participants who had engaged in the easy version of the task. In contrast, when we feel sad or frustrated, we feel that we have lower levels of energy, which in turn can make it less likely that we will engage in effortful behaviors.

This can reinforce our perceptions of low resource levels, as after having perceived ourselves as being unable to engage in behaviors, we infer that we must have lower energy levels. What is even more worrying is that in this type of situation, the same task looks more difficult in comparison to when we feel that we have higher resource levels, making it even less likely for us to choose to engage in this task. What follows is a vicious cycle of lethargy. What we can do, in these instances, is focus on our emotional state. Mere awareness and mindfulness of the impact of one's feelings on how one perceives one's energy levels can help. Developing habits or specific plans can also help, as these behavioral patterns require lower levels of energy due to their automaticity and can help break the reinforcing nature of perceiving oneself as lethargic. In fact, observing oneself engaging in effortful behaviors can rather ironically give one the impression of higher available levels of energy . However, when all else fails, it is equally important to acknowledge that sometimes, it is perfectly fine to be lazy when one isn't feeling up to performing a task. As I argued above, laziness gives us the opportunity to retreat, reevaluate the situation, and tackle given problems with more vigor in the future.

Laziness is therefore more complex than we think. It is unfortunate that this word implies a trait-like description of some people who are just not willing to expend effort, even though they are perfectly capable of doing so. I believe that this understanding is far removed from the reality of laziness. People are not inherently lazy. People do not inherently lack "Sitzfleisch." Instead, a more careful unpacking of the term "laziness" shows that it has a wide variety of roots and causes. In order to address these appropriately and to help ourselves and others expend effort where it is necessary or desired, we need to appropriately identify the type of laziness at hand. We also need to recognize that sometimes, being lazy is far from a sin. After all, isn't getting to take a deserved break why we expend effort in the first place?

For more information, please contact the author at www.jonmjachimowicz.com

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Writing Beginner

How To Overcome Laziness in Writing (10 Helpful Tips)

Dealing with laziness in writing can seem like a hopeless battle.

Most people just tell you to grind through it, but that doesn’t really help. Thankfully, I’ve figured out a better way.

Here’s how to overcome laziness in writing :

You overcome laziness in writing by unearthing the hidden drivers of your lack of motivation , resolving unprocessed emotions, tapping into habit loops, and leveraging boredom and motivation triggers . Moving your body, eating healthy, and redefining your self-image can also help.

Those strategies are easy to list, but they require a bit of explanation so that you know exactly how to apply them in your life.

Here are 10 helpful tips for overcoming laziness as a writer.

Cat sleeping on a bed—How To Overcome Laziness in Writing

Table of Contents

1) Ask the Really Hard Questions

To overcome laziness in writing, you must ask yourself some hard questions.

I say, “hard” because they might feel uncomfortable. In my own life, laziness is almost always a message.

It’s a symptom of a deeper root problem. To dig out the root, you have to get your hands dirty. You need the right tools.

Questions, especially hard questions, can help.

Ask yourself hard questions like:

  • What is your purpose in writing?
  • Why do you want to write?
  • Is it because someone wants you to write? If so, why should they get to make you do what they want ?
  • Is writing just a hobby or is it a passion for you?
  • What, if any, excuses are you making?
  • Do you want to write or do you want to be a writer? (There’s a difference)
  • What excites you about writing?
  • What lights you up about your current writing project?
  • What is holding you back from writing?
  • What can help motivate you to write more and show up every day? What do you think that will look like?
  • How can you remove self-sabotage (or at least minimize it the best you can) while still being honest with yourself about your fears and motivations?
  • How much time are you willing to put into writing?
  • If you’re not putting in enough time or effort, why not? What would it take for you to do that?
  • What do you stand to gain by creating your best work?
  • What is your end goal in overcoming this laziness and putting in the necessary hard work on a daily basis?
  • What could convince you to quit writing?

Answering these types of questions allows you to be real with yourself.

You can excavate obstacles you didn’t even know existed and tap into hidden reservoirs of motivation.

Occasionally, you may even find that laziness is not the problem. You just don’t feel inspired by your writing project. You may need something bigger, bolder, and braver.

2) Know Your Laziness Type

There are three main types of laziness in writing:

  • The Busy Writer
  • The Unstructured Writer
  • The Zero Attention Span Writer

Your laziness type determines how you cope with laziness in writing.

Once you know your type, you can take specific action to overcome your laziness. What’s your type? Are you a busy writer, an unstructured writer, or a zero attention span writer?

Read the definitions, identify the type that resonates with you, and take action.

3) The Busy Writer With No Time

If lack of time is your biggest obstacle, you’ll have to get rigid with clocks and calendars. Scheduling your writing time is going to be super important.

Try to write in the morning. Your writing energy is usually highest in the morning (but not always). If you must write later, try to do it right when you get home from work so that your brain isn’t too exhausted or distracted by chores or television.

However, you know yourself best.

Write when your energy is highest and block out as much time as possible on the calendar.

Tell other people in your household that you hope to reserve this time exclusively for writing. Ask for their support and you’ll probably get it.

4) The Unstructured Writer

This laziness type means there’s a lack of discipline in your life.

So, you need to establish routines.

If you’re serious about writing, there are some tools that will help you do this.

Write out a daily routine for yourself and then try your best to stick to it. Ask a friend or partner to hold you accountable.

Reward yourself, punish yourself, or both. The key is to find what works for you.

For example, say you want to write every day before turning on the television or scrolling through social media.

First, wake up and write for an hour. Then, make a nice breakfast and enjoy it with your favorite beverage (coffee, tea, or orange juice). Turn on the television and watch a show while you get ready for work.

In this example, your food and TV show serve as the rewards. Use whatever rewards (or punishments) motivate you.

5) The Zero Attention Span Writer

If you get bored easily, this is probably your laziness type.

You can split your project up into smaller tasks or micro-projects. Then, complete one micro-project at a time.

Write every day, even if it’s just a paragraph or two. When you’re in the thick of your writing career , sometimes there can be days when you don’t feel like writing and will probably need to lower your daily writing expectations.

You can also work on several projects at once so that you bounce back and forth between them depending on your daily (or hourly) mood.

Or, you may want to give yourself a bigger, more compelling goal.

When I feel demotivated, I remind myself of an emotionally gripping vision like paying off all of my debt or living on a tropical beach in the future.

6) Address the Hidden Reason for Laziness in Writing

The hidden reason for laziness in writing is often unprocessed feelings about a topic, scene, or character.

Sometimes these feelings are so hidden that they aren’t even recognized.

The “hidden reason” is a phrase I’ve taken from Julie Cameron of The Artist’s Way . She has a book and workbook for getting out of your own way and releasing your creative potential.

It’s a wonderful tool for writers who have trouble getting started or who want to stop procrastinating.

To process your feelings:

  • Identify your pleasurable and painful feelings
  • Accept all of your feelings (instead of pushing them away)
  • Give yourself permission to feel your emotions (without judgement)

I go through periods of time almost every year when I don’t want to write. Almost 100% of the time, I’m dealing with unresolved emotions.

Once I address the feeling, suddenly my motivation to write returns.

7) Tap Into the Power of Habit Loops

I’m obsessed with stacking healthy habits in my life. That’s how I started running 5k races, completed several published books , and launched multiple websites.

I learned most of the strategies I use from this book called The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

I’m not saying it’s easy, but it is much easier with the power of habit loops.

What is a habit loop?

Habit loops are the building blocks of almost all recurring actions. They consist of three parts:

  • A cue (what triggers you to do something)
  • Routine (the actual habit)
  • Reward (what makes it worth your while)

To apply habit loops to overcoming laziness in writing, here’s what you do:

When you feel lazy (the cue), experiment with different routines (take a nap, go for a walk, watch a motivational video) and rewards (sleep, connection with friends, a sense of urgency).

Play around with different routines and rewards until something works.

You can even try the routine of writing 150 words about a lazy writer.

8) Apply the Seinfield Method

Comedian, TV star, and producer Jerry Seinfield offers a brilliant way to get yourself to write.

I call it, “The Seinfield Method.”

Essentially, he locks himself in a small, boring room with nothing to do but write.

There’s not even a TV to watch or internet to browse—nothing that would distract him from writing.

Because there is nothing else left for Seinfield to do, he writes.

It’s a simple, boring strategy that actually works.

I can testify to this tactic. When I’m bored, I find that I eventually start writing. Not just me, though. Bestselling author, Neil Gaiman , agrees:

I think it’s about where ideas come from, they come from daydreaming, from drifting, that moment when you’re just sitting there… The trouble with these days is that it’s really hard to get bored. I have 2.4 million people on Twitter who will entertain me at any moment…it’s really hard to get bored. I’m much better at putting my phone away, going for boring walks, actually trying to find the space to get bored in. That’s what I’ve started saying to people who say, “‘I want to be a writer.” I say, “Great, get bored.”

How do you apply this tip?

  • Create a boring space
  • Remove all distractions (TV, phone, games, books, etc)
  • Don’t allow yourself to do anything but write

9) Create an Ugly Room

Daniel Coyle, the author of The Little Book of Talent , says that top performers practice in ugly rooms. What he means is that ugly, old, or messy spaces seem to create more top performers than brand new, state-of-the-art spaces.

This strategy checks out in my own life.

I’m much more motivated in an environment that reminds me of where I want to go, instead of one that lulls me into the comforting (but false) belief that I’ve already arrived.

It’s a subtle environmental cue that keeps me motivated when I don’t want to write.

How do you create an ugly room?

  • Don’t buy the most expensive gear, desk, or writing equiptment (Read my recommended list at the end of this article).
  • Fill your writing space with reminders of where you want to go (your vision).
  • Remove anything from your enviroment that is TOO comfort-inducing (Comfort is a good thing, but too much comfort can perpetuate laziness).

10) Set and Fire Motivation Triggers

You can also use classical conditioning to set and fire motivation triggers.

First, select a trigger. It could be a special object, a word, a gesture, an image, a song, or anything else that you can easily use to activate your motivation.

I recommend a short, simple (but unique) word or an object like your computer.

Second, conjure up the emotion you want to feel because of the trigger. Concentrate on this emotion for up to 60 seconds until you feel immersed in the emotion.

You can speed up this process by remembering times in your life when you felt super motivated, charged up, and inspired.

Third, when you reach a high point of emotion in your memory, “fire” your trigger. Say your trigger word, make your trigger gesture, or focus on your trigger object.

Finally, repeat the first three steps a few times.

I think it took me around 10-15 repetitions to associate my trigger with an emotion.

How do you know it worked?

Take a short break after running through the steps. Then, test the trigger. Simply “fire” the trigger and see if you feel more motivated. If your trigger is your computer, then go to your computer.

If you feel motivated, you successfully connected the trigger with motivation.

If you don’t feel motivated, go through the four steps until you do. You can also experiment with different triggers. Sometimes one trigger works better than another.

If you want to watch a video version of how to overcome laziness in writing, this is one of my favorites:

The Best Way To Overcome Laziness in Writing

The best way to overcome laziness in writing is to combine several of the 10 methods while also addressing your sense of identity.

For example, you can:

  • Figure out your laziness type
  • Process any unresolved feelings
  • Create a boring and ugly space
  • Use your motivation trigger as the “routine” in your habit loop

You can also redefine laziness as “not motivated yet” or “pre-inspired.” It may be semantics, but the words we use to describe ourselves and our experiences can often make a huge impact on our results.

As a quick example, if you see yourself as a failed writer, you might want to quit. If you see yourself as an aspiring writer, you may get bogged down in fear of failure.

However, if you view yourself as an “undiscovered writer,” or a “professional writer,” you might feel better about yourself and more motivated to write.

How To Overcome Laziness in Writing (5 More Helpful Tips)

Before we go, I wanted to offer some basic but practical advice. Sometimes simple tips help the most.

So, here are a few helpful tips for motivating yourself to write:

  • Move your body (I find that a brisk walk, a few rounds of pushups, or stretching can energize me)
  • Eay healthy foods (To me, motivation is the result of holistically caring for my body)
  • Use story prompts (Read 300+ prompts)
  • Stimulate your brain (I write more when my brain is fully functioning and engaged with a project)

Final Thoughts: How To Overcome Laziness in Writing

There are no hard and fast rules for overcoming laziness in writing. What matters most is if a method works for you.

For me, tools really help.

WebMD Healthline American Psychological Association (APA)

write an essay on laziness

Feeling lazy? 4 fool-proof steps to overcome it

how to overcome laziness

Are you suffering from intense bouts of laziness? Perhaps you’re not bothered to study for your upcoming tests, are procrastinating on your next assignment, or simply don’t feel like keeping up with your exercise. If so, you’re not alone. Research shows that around 80% to 95% of students tend to procrastinate , especially when it comes to their coursework. 

In this, how to overcome laziness might be something you’re looking to solve. This is especially urgent if you have a deadline looming or are looking to get fit again. First, though, it’s important to think about why you might be feeling lazy — particularly if it’s more so than usual. 

What causes laziness?

There are many factors behind your laziness. The first is burnout . This happens when you start feeling overwhelmed, fatigued and stressed from constant and uninterrupted periods of work.

A common feeling that comes with burnout is a sense of helplessness and lack of change, regardless of how much work you put in. This might cause you to feel demotivated or reluctant to put in the effort — which can be misconstrued as laziness. 

Another factor that can cause laziness is a fear of failure . Our lives are a collection of experiences: moments where we find enjoyment and success or failure at a task we’ve dedicated ourselves to. 

As we grow older, we gain more of these experiences — as well as the feelings of inadequacy and mortification that come with it. Our natural response, then, is to avoid doing the things that made us feel that way, even if it might end up with a different outcome this time. 

Other causes of laziness are more subtle. Maybe you’ve been feeling under the weather or more homesick than usual. This can be more obvious during winter. You might feel like staying in your room and doing nothing, even if it means it might be bad for your grades or your health. 

Either way, working on how to overcome laziness is something you should focus on — before it starts to take over your life:

write an essay on laziness

Working or studying with friends is a great way to keep yourself accountable. Source: Helena Lopes/Pexels

How to overcome laziness: 3 tips and tricks

Set small goals.

One way to stay on top of your tasks is to map out exactly what you need to do and when. The best way to do this? Setting goals. Specifically, small goals.

Carve out some time to think about what you want to achieve. What do you have to do and when do you need to achieve this by? The task itself might seem a large one, so it might work to break it down into smaller, more manageable goals.

If you’re writing an essay, for example, it might make more sense to set a daily 100-word goal rather than try to get it all done at once. 

Need to manage your time more effectively? Try timeboxing — the ultimate productivity hack used by billionaires. 

Stop waiting for the perfect moment

You might feel like you need the perfect set of skills or fitness levels to perform a task. This might feel true if you’re training for a marathon or gearing up for a big presentation. With everything else, however, it’s always best to just bite the bullet and do it — even if it scares you. 

The truth is that there will never be a perfect time to do anything. Try out that sport, join that debating society you’ve been eyeing for the past year — take the plunge. You’ll regret holding out for so long if you don’t. 

write an essay on laziness

Stop waiting for the perfect moment — it’s right now. Source: Meg Oliphant/AFP

Create a routine

Daily routines are great for many things, the most apparent being that it offers you a sense of stability. This is a great thing if you’re looking to pick up a habit or get your work done. For example, journalling at the same time every day can help how to overcome laziness by setting out a clear task for yourself, even if it’s small. 

Finding it tough to stick to your routine? Try writing it down or planning out a timetable. Use your calendar app or set reminders on your phone if it helps. This will help keep you in check, making you more likely to complete your task. 

Find friends who will keep you accountable

It’s harder to break out of a task or avoid getting something done if you’ve planned to do it with someone else. That’s why meet-ups, study sessions or time to work out with friends or peers who share your goals are important. They keep you accountable.

If you know you’re prone to put your work to the last minute, ask your friends to check in with you — regularly — if you’ve completed your tasks or not. This way, you’ll have to answer to someone (and their shade). It will add a layer of pressure, as well, which might make you more likely to complete your tasks.

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write an essay on laziness

'In Praise of Laziness and Other Essays' book review: Chronicle of Masterly Inactivity

E clectic and freewheeling are two words that best describe Indrajit Hazra’s latest, In Praise of Laziness and Other Essays. The author’s adjective of choice for his new collection, however, is themeless; because, as he explains in the introduction to the book, it is the result of his “job at the papers” that kept him “tethered to that kind of rubbish”.

It comprises 12 literary pieces, including a story and two recipes by his grandmothers. But, the most entertaining and insightful essay of the lot is the titular one, where the writer offers his “encomium to laziness”. Being lazy is considered a vice, particularly in today’s relentless, productivity-obsessed era. A meditation on laziness, however, is far from counterintuitive in the current post-pandemic burnout age, making Hazra’s essay timely, relevant and thought-provoking.

From invoking the Ramayana’s Kumbhakarna and sharing Mark Twain’s writing to establish that what Huckleberry Finn felt was “the beauty of the laze” to taking a leaf from Milan Kundera’s thoughts on slowness, Hazra effortlessly underlines how action is linked with “greatness” and laziness is labelled an “anti-social activity”. But, he argues, being lazy “is not the first refuge of the scoundrel.” Instead, “it seeks to take leave from both justice and injustice alike”.

Interestingly, much like his approach towards laziness, Hazra’s writing too is a departure from deterministic positions, for he’s interested in deliberation, though often at the cost of irritating the reader. This is reflected in the essay titled, Why I Am Not a Miso Soup. Recalling what had happened in Lille, France, he writes: “So there I was, Rimbaudelaired to my gills and quivering to my tits facing the query, ‘Are you a miso soup?’ which, to be fair, came with the pretext (or is it context?) that I had a habit of killing off/maiming the female characters in my novels.”

Seemingly written in his defense, this essay, which informs the reader why the author is not a misogynist, begins with notes on casual drinking, and is peppered with random information and thoughts, making it an unappetising read. Though cocksure men rarely pay heed, the least Hazra could have done is not defend himself.

Whatever he may or may not be, Hazra’s writing is certainly not lazy. It’s courageous to pull off a collection like this, touching an array of sensitive issues with humour and ease. Becoming Adult: Mr Finn and Dashorothi-Babu is the principal example. Here, the author revisits the death of “his first-ever friend” Rana, a slow-learner compared to his peers, and juxtaposes it with fictional characters Huck and Dashorothi. By using contemporary labels like “special” used mostly for the differently-abled, Hazra elevates the standard of literary meditation on grief and loss. There’s another essay on death—“public deaths” to be precise: Everybody Loves a Good Mourning. In all its seriousness, one can’t help but laugh at this sentence: “The death of a person is serious business”.

Then, in A Man of the Great Indoors, Hazra deliberates on nation-building. “I could have easily titled this essay ‘an investigation into nationalism’,” he writes. But he didn’t, because that would be “hoodwinking the reader”. And rightly so, because whatever has been written on this undiscussed and undisclosed emergency worldwide—hypernationalism—is limiting and terribly unexciting to read. Offering a consideration that nation is a Dantean circle, Hazra invokes Dunbar’s Number—“the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships”—to underline the fact that in a Benedictine sense, the “closest model to the nation” is the social-networking giant Meta (formerly Facebook). This Man’s Place Is Not in the Kitchen is another case in point. Writing why “kitchen, for me, remains a sinkhole”, he once again champions defamiliarising the familiar and vice versa. This smart collection, however, will be appreciated in parts like all novel attempts.

In Praise of Laziness and Other Essays

By: Indrajit Hazra

Publisher: Yoda Press x

Simon &Schuster

Price: Rs 399

'In Praise of Laziness and Other Essays' book review: Chronicle of Masterly Inactivity


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  17. Free Essays on Laziness, Examples, Topics, Outlines

    Procrastination and Laziness. Kotler defines procrastination as the state of avoiding a task that needs to be accomplished; it is a chronic problem that needs to be addressed. He brings out a case of an executive publisher, Capp Robert, who tends to procrastinate. Laziness is distinctive as lack of desire while procrastination involves delaying ...

  18. How To Overcome Laziness In Writing (15 Best Ways)

    Understanding the Root Causes of Laziness. Fear of Failure. Lack of Inspiration. Poor Time Management. Establishing Clear Writing Goals. Setting Specific and Measurable Objectives. Creating a Writing Plan. Cultivating a Productive Writing Environment. Designing a Comfortable Workspace.

  19. Laziness as a Modern Enemy of People

    Words: 331 Pages: 1. Every person has dreams that they want to fulfill. Someone dreams of becoming a teacher, someone a doctor, and someone plans to travel to many countries. All this can be achieved if a person is not lazy. Laziness is a modern enemy of people because of which problems appear in life. Because of laziness, talented people miss ...

  20. Laziness Is More Complex Than You Think: How a More Nuanced ...

    As an example, imagine the following situation that university students experienced in numerous studies conducted by Florida State University researcher Roy Baumeister and colleagues: You come into a psychology laboratory and, after being briefed and consenting to participate, have to engage in a difficult task, such as writing an essay about a ...

  21. How To Overcome Laziness in Writing (10 Helpful Tips)

    1) Ask the Really Hard Questions. To overcome laziness in writing, you must ask yourself some hard questions. I say, "hard" because they might feel uncomfortable. In my own life, laziness is almost always a message. It's a symptom of a deeper root problem. To dig out the root, you have to get your hands dirty.

  22. How to overcome laziness in 4 simple steps

    Daily routines are great for many things, the most apparent being that it offers you a sense of stability. This is a great thing if you're looking to pick up a habit or get your work done. For example, journalling at the same time every day can help how to overcome laziness by setting out a clear task for yourself, even if it's small.

  23. 50 Latest Laziness IELTS Topics

    The other way is for the student to pay for their own education.But there is good point.In this case , student will be more responsible.Modern youth is just as social as it is today.But the education payer himself is more an option to eliminate that laziness from the educational standpoint.The downside is that the student spends all his energy ...

  24. 'In Praise of Laziness and Other Essays' book review: Chronicle of

    Price: Rs 399. Eclectic and freewheeling are two words that best describe Indrajit Hazra's latest, In Praise of Laziness and Other Essays. The author's adjective of choice for his new ...