Grad Coach

Go From Confused to Confident

Join a short course to kickstart your dissertation today

Research proposal course

Learn how to craft a clear, convincing research proposal from scratch. Includes our popular proposal template.

Literature review course

Learn how to craft a literature review that lays a rock-solid foundation for your project. Includes free chapter template .

Research methodology course

Get a big-picture view of the key methodological concepts, challenges and decisions needed to craft a strong study.

Dissertation and thesis writing courses

What Is A Bootcamp?

Bootcamps are short, easily digestible and action-centric online courses that help you fast-track your dissertation or thesis, the smart way. 

Our Bootcamps are focused on action, not theory . Throughout each course, we focus on practical actions that you can take to move your project forward, no matter your level of experience. 

If you’re someone who wants to take action and optimise their approach to the dissertation writing process, our Bootcamps are for you. 

Why Join A Bootcamp?

Get a comprehensive, big-picture understanding in less than 4 hours

Fill in the gaps in your knowledge and understand the linkages and connections

Get step-by-step guidance (and loads of resources) to complete your project

Gain the knowledge you need to approach your project with confidence  

What Our Students Say

Over   5000 students   have joined our courses. Here’s what some of them have to say:

Explanations were clear, and concise. The course is well-structured enabling me to see the progress of the chapter. Thank you.

Fantastic course, well worth the time, effort, and expense. Highly recommended for anyone starting their research journey. 

The lessons are really enlightening and I’m improving my knowledge on research. Thanks to GradCoach

The course provided is incredibly comprehensive, offering a well-structured breakdown of content into manageable chunks. The instructor’s upbeat and pleasant demeanor throughout the class enhances the learning experience. The course effectively caters to both fundamental requirements for proposal writing and research as a whole.

I am learning so much about more than just the proposal. This applies to academic writing on other levels, for example, thinking about the verbs we use in discussion. Also, my confidence is growing as a mature student returning to full-time academia after a long break. This course is a gem.

Have A Question?

Dissertation & Thesis Coaching Awards

I visit other universities and do workshops for researchers of all ages and stages…

Below is a list of workshops and lectures I can do in person, blended or over Zoom. Please contact me on [email protected] for a quote if you are interested.

I can fit short, online lectures and workshops around my other work, but if you want me to visit in person, it’s best to inquire at least 3 three months in advance.

I do not offer an individualised thesis coaching or proofreading service. If you need this kind of help, please look at the Recommended page for trusted suppliers. People often ask me about how to start their own Shut up and Write group – find out more on the official shut up and write page here.


Yes – I give guest lectures for free.

I do free guest lectures as a public service for other universities. The lectures below can be delivered online or in person and are suitable for audiences of academics, research students or a combination of both.

  • Be visible or vanish , which is about creating research impact and draws on themes from my latest book of the same name, written with Simon Clews.
  • The Distracted Academic , which is about the new book I am working on with Dr Mark Carrigan, Dr Jason Downs and Tyler Shores (you can join the book news mailing list here )
  • Me and ChattieG: on writing academically with Generative AI a new lecture based on work I am doing with Dr Katherine Firth towards the second edition of our book How To Fix Your Academic Writing Trouble.

Please contact me at [email protected], telling me about your event and how you think I can help you.

I don’t usually make bespoke lectures for free, but sometimes people ask me to talk on issues in my areas of expertise, which can be a good chance for me to do some development work. Please feel free to discuss with me if you want a lecture about writing, employability or neurodiversity/neurodivergence.

Academic writing workshops

These short workshops help competent academic writers become outstanding and persuasive scholarly communicators. They were originally designed during the pandemic as lunchtime Zoom seminars, but they can also be stacked together, in different combinations, as part of a day, or multi-day, writing retreat.

  • Writing with Generative AI
  • Write clearer sentences (1 hour)
  • Write logically connected sentences (1 hour)
  • Write with less word clutter (1 hour)
  • Write faster (1.5 hours) 
  • Write about other people’s research (1 hour)
  • Write more compelling sentences (1 hour)
  • Write an abstract for a journal paper (1 hour)
  • Write using diagrams (1 hour)
  • Write a powerful paragraph (1 hour)

Here’s how some of the workshops can fit together

Who? Anyone writing or editing academic texts.

How long and how many? Online, these workshops are only limited by your university Zoom capacity. I’ve delivered these to 100+ people, but the more people you have, the less personal attention I can give. If you want to have high levels of individual attention from me, an ideal group size is 25.

Participants should have their own internet enabled device and copies of their work in progress.

Copies of ‘How to Fix your Academic Writing Trouble’, which is the key text for each of these workshops, are available from Open University Press .

Academic productivity

I’m obsessed with productivity – I even have a whole podcast about it with Dr Jason Downs called ‘On The Reg’. I think skills in organising and executing work in an efficient way are essential for surviving and thriving in the contemporary academy. I offer three full day workshops on the theme of productivity:

  • Building a second brain for writing
  • Writing under pressure

Who? Any academic (also knowledge workers who do large, text heavy reports)

How long and how many? Each workshop goes for a whole day (10am – 4pm with a break of one hour for lunch). They can be run online, but honestly they are better in person. Groups of 20-40 people are optimal, but I can cope with up to 100 or more.

Participants should have their own internet enabled device. If in person, supplies needed include post it notes, whiteboard markers and paper. People should bring along a note book and their laptop.

How to influence others with your research

I have been teaching communications to all kinds of people for nearly thirty years. In the age of skepticism about experts, it’s even more important we learn to communicate our research to a wide range of audiences.

This workshop walks you through how the brain processes text and images in our presentations and how to communicate complex ideas with concrete analogies and metaphors. Here’s a link to the workshop materials

This workshop was originally designed for PhD students participating in the Visualise your thesis competition and the Three Minute Thesis but the principles work for any research presentation. The accompanying text for this workshop is the book I wrote with Simon Clews called Be visible or vanish

Who? PhD students and academics who want to improve their communication skills.

How long and how many? This workshop goes for two hours and places are only limited by your university Zoom capacity. I’ve delivered these to 200+ people at a time, so I don’t limit numbers, but the more people you have, the less personal attention I can give.

Post PhD employment workshops

From 2013 to 2023 I researched post-PhD employment opportunities, using machine learning and natural language processing tools to explore the potential job market for PhD graduates. Here’s a slide deck that describes this research work and has references to published papers.

I have developed a couple of day long workshops (10am – 4pm with a break of one hour for lunch) based on this research. These workshops are designed to help PhD students develop their career thinking, develop their career collaterol and use sites like Linkedin to their advantage.

  • Getting a job in academia
  • Getting a job outside academia

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The Thesis Whisperer is written by Professor Inger Mewburn, director of researcher development at The Australian National University . New posts on the first Wednesday of the month. Subscribe by email below. Visit the About page to find out more about me, my podcasts and books. I'm on most social media platforms as @thesiswhisperer. The best places to talk to me are LinkedIn , Mastodon and Threads.

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four students in classroom

Thesis Writing Workshop

The Thesis Writing Workshop is designed to address the specific challenges encountered while writing your final thesis, whether it is a Bachelor's or a Master's thesis. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on enhancing unity and coherence in writing, integrating resources effectively, refining editing and feedback processing skills, and adhering to academic style and conventions. Various aspects of grammar, vocabulary, and text structure are explored in relation to these key areas.

You will be expected to submit excerpts from their ongoing work for both peer and instructor evaluation, and based on the feedback received, revise these drafts. The course comprises seven plenary sessions: in the first hour, you will focus on one aspect of writing a thesis, and in the second you will apply the content in your own thesis. There is also one optional individual coaching session, which provides personalized guidance and support.

By combining theoretical insights and practical exercises, the Thesis Writing Workshop equips students with the necessary tools and strategies to successfully navigate the thesis writing process.

NOTE: You have to be actively involved in the process of writing (a draft of) a Bachelor's or Master's thesis in English at the time of enrollment. 

Target audience

This course is recommended if you are currently engaged in the writing phase of your thesis and wish to improve your formal, academic writing skills within the context of the composition of your own work. You need to be actively involved in the process of writing (a first draft of) your thesis at the time the course starts. This course is  not meant to prepare yourself for the process of writing a thesis. In that case, we recommend the course  English Academic Writing.

At the end of the course, you can

  • recognize and remedy problems in your own long-form texts with respect to paragraph writing, coherence and unity;
  • distinguish between the different genres in thesis writing (research-based and scholarly analysis) and apply the conventions of the relevant form in your own thesis;
  • recognize and remedy problems in your own long-form texts with respect to logical argumentation;
  • properly apply the reference style used in your field;
  • recognize and remedy problems relating to grammar and (academic) vocabulary;
  • effectively proofread your own texts and incorporate feedback from your peers, teacher, and thesis supervisor into your own text;
  • make spoken or written information accessible to a different audience and/or in a different medium or register.
  • This course is taught  on campus. Individual coaching sessions may be scheduled online.
  • 80% attendance is required. Lessons are not recorded for later viewing.
  • The language of instruction in the course is English.
  • The Language Center reserves the right to cancel the course should enrollment numbers prove to be insufficient.

Thesis Writing Workshop in short

This course is intended for everyone who is highly educated. This means that you have a diploma at HAVO or VWO level and are therefore eligible for Higher Education in the Netherlands.

In our conditions , you can find more information about the registration period, etc.

If you do not know if the level of this course is appropriate for you, you can do the  Student English Language Assessment (SELA)  to get an indication of your language level.

  • Students can register and deregister during the registration period via OSIRIS .
  • On the page cashing in language vouchers , you can find, amongst other things, more information about how to register if you have no vouchers or insufficient vouchers and the registration period.

Read our  conditions  before registration.

  • Tilburg University employees can take this language course at a reduced rate. The costs can be paid by yourself or by your employer. Please indicate this on the registration form .
  • Registration is possible from the moment the timetable for the course is available. Check the ( de-)registration deadlines .
  • Tilburg University alumni can take this language course at a reduced rate. The costs can be paid by yourself or by your employer. Please indicate this on the registration form .
  • Professionals from outside Tilburg University can take this language. The costs can be paid by yourself or by your employer. Please indicate this on the registration form .

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You can contact the Student Desk for information about language courses, language tests and with all your questions on registering for language courses.  

Secretaries’ office Language Center

Once you are enrolled in one of the courses at the Language Center you can contact the secretaries’ office for any information about language courses or language tests.

E-mail:  [email protected]

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Running an Effective Writing Group

Graduate Student Resource Center

Dissertation and Thesis Support: Writing Groups and Resources This workshop video covers strategies and best practices for organizing writing groups for thesis and dissertation writing. The presentation focuses on independent writing groups organized by graduate students and offers tips on establishing meeting rules and structures for running meetings effectively. The workshop also addresses other campus resources available to support dissertation and thesis writers. This workshop was recorded in 2020. (Approx. 20 mins.)

Tips for Successful Writing Groups —A blog post written by Chris Golde who works in the Graduate Education office at Stanford University. The post offers concise guidelines for setting expectations, developing ground rules, using time effectively, building trust, giving feedback, and dealing with other common challenges.

Making a Thesis or Dissertation Support Group Work for You [pdf]—From the Horace H. Rockham School for Graduate Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Advice drawn from dissertation-writing advice books and from a focus group of doctoral students with experience in writing groups. The article suggests answers to common questions about forming and running a writing group. It includes advice for groups focused on the writing process and for those focused on the content of the thesis or dissertation.

Resources for Writing Groups —From UNC Chapel Hill. Includes guidelines for giving and receiving feedback, creative activities for writing groups to do, and a collection of worksheets to help groups get started (see “ Writing Groups Starter Kit ”).

Belcher, W. L. (2019). Writing your journal article in twelve weeks: A guide to academic publishing success . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (2nd edition) Belcher advises students to form writing partnerships or groups in order to increase their motivation and productivity. She recommends making a written commitment to a writing partner or group and provides sample forms and provides sample commitment forms (see forms associated with the book introduction). Belcher's book contains numerous exercises, many of which can be used to elicit specific feedback from writing partners. In the first edition (2009), the “Week 9” chapter contains a form for sharing feedback.

To report a broken link, please email the GWC at [email protected] .

The Australian National University

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Thesis Writing Workshop: The Five Essential Elements of a Thesis

A graduate course offered by the School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics .

  • Code HUMN9104
  • Unit Value 6 units
  • Offered by School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics
  • ANU College ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
  • Course subject Humanities
  • Areas of interest Classics and Ancient History, English, European Languages, Gender Studies, Film
  • Academic career PGRD
  • Dr Kate Flaherty
  • Mode of delivery In Person
  • Offered in Second Semester 2022 See Future Offerings

workshop on thesis writing

  • Introduction

Learning Outcomes

Indicative assessment, inherent requirements, prescribed texts.

  • Offerings and Dates

‘The Five Essential Elements of a Thesis’ workshop is designed to facilitate the initial phase of designing and planning an HDR-level research project in the Humanities, by giving students a clear overview of the basic elements common to a thesis in Humanities disciplines. The course will introduce the Five Essential Elements of a Thesis (issue, contexts, texts, methodology and voice). After introducing these concepts, the workshop will give students the opportunity to articulate these concepts in their own projects, and to receive feedback from staff and students in the course. The course will also include a session on ‘Developing an Argument’, which develops the skills of identifying the basic elements of description, analysis and argument, and incorporating these elements in their own writing practice. The ‘Five Essential Elements of a Thesis’ aims to help students prepare for their Thesis Proposal Review, while ‘Developing an Argument’ aids students in the writing process.

Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to:

  • become familiar with core components of a thesis;
  • articulate these components in relation to student's own project:
  • engage in critical evaluation of each of these elements in relation to the student's proposed HDR project and the projects of other students in the workshop;
  • learn how to justify choice of particular methodological approaches, and selection of texts; and
  • learn to identify differences between description, analysis and argument in Humanities writing.
  • Presentation in which student explains each of the Five Essential Elements in relation to his/her thesis project (15 min) (35) [LO 1,2,3,4]
  • Analysis of student's own writing and writing of other students, using techniques taught in the workshop (five elements; description, analysis, argument) (4000 words) (35) [LO 4,5]
  • Attendance and seminar participation, including response to other students' presentations (30) [LO 1,2,3,4,5]

The ANU uses Turnitin to enhance student citation and referencing techniques, and to assess assignment submissions as a component of the University's approach to managing Academic Integrity. While the use of Turnitin is not mandatory, the ANU highly recommends Turnitin is used by both teaching staff and students. For additional information regarding Turnitin please visit the ANU Online website.

130 hours of total student learning time made up from:

a) 36 hours of contact over 12 weeks: 24 hours of seminars and 12 hours of workshop and workshop-like activities, and

b) 94 hours of independent student research, reading and writing.

Not applicable

Requisite and Incompatibility

You will need to contact the School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics to request a permission code to enrol in this course.

This is a practical writing workshop. The set readings will draw from texts including The Chicago Manual of Style and Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literatures. The Course Convenor will also provide selections from a range of contemporary essays and monographs in relevant fields for students to analyse using the writing and rhetorical techniques taught in the course. The selection will depend upon the fields in which the students are doing research.

Tuition fees are for the academic year indicated at the top of the page.  

Commonwealth Support (CSP) Students If you have been offered a Commonwealth supported place, your fees are set by the Australian Government for each course. At ANU 1 EFTSL is 48 units (normally 8 x 6-unit courses). More information about your student contribution amount for each course at Fees . 

If you are a domestic graduate coursework student with a Domestic Tuition Fee (DTF) place  or international student you will be required to pay course tuition fees (see below). Course tuition fees are indexed annually. Further information for domestic and international students about tuition and other fees can be found at  Fees .

Where there is a unit range displayed for this course, not all unit options below may be available.

Course fees

Offerings, dates and class summary links.

ANU utilises MyTimetable to enable students to view the timetable for their enrolled courses, browse, then self-allocate to small teaching activities / tutorials so they can better plan their time. Find out more on the Timetable webpage .

Second Semester

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Group of Eight Member

Writing Studio

In-class workshops.

The in-class workshop information page has moved! Please visit our combined  In-Class Workshops and Brief Introductions page  to submit a request for either service.

Writing Studio workshops are designed by our consultants for use in the classroom. These workshops focus on different elements of academic writing and have the following goals in mind:

  • to encourage students to reflect upon their writing habits
  • to introduce students to writing exercises and strategies that they can use in courses across the curriculum, and
  • to enhance discussion of discipline-specific writing practices among students and faculty.

Each workshop runs approximately 45 minutes and includes a discussion of writing strategies, a consultant-facilitated conversation with the instructor and students about writing conventions relevant to the course, and at least one writing activity. We are happy to present up to two workshops per class, per semester.

Instructors are important participants in the workshop conversations, and should plan to contribute relevant materials and be present on the day of the workshop. Several of the workshops are designed to work in conjunction with a class assignment.

Please fill out our  In-Class Workshop Request Form  to request a workshop.

Available in-class workshops, transitioning to college writing workshop.

This workshop is designed mainly for 100-level courses.  It is most appropriate toward the beginning of the semester shortly after students have received the prompt for their first formal writing assignment.  The workshop encourages students to be aware of the conventions of academic writing and attentive to its differences across disciplines. With the assistance of the instructor, we discuss academic writing as a form of conversation with the ideas of others, the role of disciplinary differences in college writing assignments, and the demands of the course for which the students are writing. The workshop ends with an exercise that helps students interpret their writing assignment and begin making a plan to complete it. The course instructor will need to provide a paper prompt.

To learn more about this workshop and the materials required for it, consult the Transitioning to College Writing workshop script .

Brainstorming  workshop

This workshop assists students to find traction and focus during the brainstorming phase of the writing process. Using a prompt provided by the instructor, we work through several exercises designed to help students generate new ideas and then sharpen and develop the most promising. The course instructor will need to provide a paper prompt.

To learn more about this workshop and the materials required for it, consult the Brainstorming workshop script .

Revision  workshop

This workshop assists students with the revision of a paper they have already drafted, focusing on large-scale concerns like argument, analysis, and structure. We work through three revision activities, beginning with a brief exercise in which students rearticulate the main claims of their papers, followed by an exercise designed to identify organizational problems.  For the third activity, the instructor may choose one of four exercises, allowing the instructor to tailor the workshop depending on the nature of the assignment or goals of the course. The course instructor will need to be sure students bring an essay draft to class.

To learn more about this workshop and the materials required for it, consult the workshop Revision workshop script .

Thesis Statements  workshop

This workshop focuses on understanding the characteristics of a strong thesis and how to write one, as well as the conventions of academic argument more broadly.  Using a prompt from the class or a sample prompt, students will begin drafting their own thesis statements.  A discussion about how to argue for one’s thesis rounds out the workshop. The course instructor will need to provide a paper prompt and sample bad thesis statements for that assignment.

To learn more about this workshop and the materials required for it, consult the  Thesis Statements workshop script .

Using Textual Evidence  workshop

This workshop discusses the ways analysis of quotations can be used as support for argumentative claims.  Students will evaluate, discuss, and revise their own use of textual evidence in a draft.  The instructor plays an important role here in helping the students understand what constitutes good evidence, and use thereof, in his or her discipline and course. The course instructor will need to be sure students bring an essay draft to class.

To learn more about this workshop and the materials required for it, consult the  Usuing Textual Evidence workshop script .

Organizing Research Papers workshop

This workshop is designed to be implemented after students have already gathered most of the materials they will require to write their research papers.  The workshop helps students impose order on their materials and formulate a plan for integrating the research into their papers.  Using an organizational grid, students will focus on meaningfully categorizing and evaluating their research in light of a focused research question. The course instructor will need to be sure students bring their research materials to class.

To learn more about this workshop and the materials required for it, consult the  Organizing Research Papers workshop script .

Writing Case Studies and Ethnographies workshop

This workshop focuses on two parts of writing case studies and ethnographies. First, students discuss the importance of neutral and detailed description when conducting field work, taking time to practice writing or revising their own field notes. Second, following a discussion of how ethnographies and case studies drawn upon field notes as evidence, students will begin drafting sentences that use their observations to warrant claims and tie their notes to course concepts. Course instructors may request this workshop either before or after students have conducted fieldwork.

To learn more about this workshop and the materials required for it, consult the  Writing Case Studies and Ethnographies workshop script .

Co-Teach Workshop Option

We know that our list of in-class workshop scripts does not fit every need. If you’ve looked through our existing workshops and do not see what you’re looking for, we would love to work with you to create a workshop to meet your needs, facilitating it alongside you.

If you’re interested in working with us to develop a workshop, please select our new  “ Co – Teach Workshop ” option on the request form. After we receive your request, we will co nnect you with a full-time staff member who will co ntact you to set up an in-person meeting. For all such co – teach requests, we recommend requests be placed a month in advance, at minimum, allowing time for at least one required planning session between the co urse instructor and Writing Studio representative.

Some examples of customized workshops include a peer review session tailored to a specific assignment, a session focused on citation co nventions in a particular field, a workshop focused on co nstructing a co mpelling scientific narrative, and a multimodal co mposition workshop on podcasting.

Important Considerations for All Workshop Requests

Our workshops are meant to be highly collaborative, and involve significant individual student and small group participation. Because of this, we ask that there be no more than 35 students per workshop consultant.

If you would like to schedule for a class larger than 35, please contact our workshop coordinator directly at [email protected] . Specific arrangements for all workshops will be made by email correspondence. In order to access certain content on this page, you may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader or an equivalent PDF viewer software.

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Because data can’t speak for itself, we’re here to help you tell policy stories that matter.

The Harris Writing Workshop was created to help students and policy makers write more effectively. We believe in clear, concise, and compelling policy writing that not only communicates the aims of your research and recommendations, but also, moves the needle toward implementation.

Teach talking to students

How to Write a Policy Memo That Matters

Crafting good policy can be difficult, but learning to write a memo that is clear, concise, and compelling shouldn’t be. Learn how to translate your hard work into a memo that matter in this Writing Workshop module.

Improving Sentence Clarity with Stronger Sentence Cores

All narratives feature characters who act. Policy communicators can fulfill these two fundamental requirements of a narrative by choosing characters as the subjects of their sentences and those characters’ actions as the verbs.

Using Deductive Structure to Create Coherent Paragraphs

Structuring your paragraphs deductively will not only give your readers the content they need most right up front, but it will also help them make sense of the data, evidence, and analysis you must present to support the main point of the paragraph.

Old-to-New Sequencing for Clearer Paragraphs

The most powerful strategy we can use to improve the coherence of your paragraphs is known as the “old-to-new” sequence. Learn how to use old-to-new sequencing to engage your audience and maximize comprehension.

Meeting the Unique Needs of the Reader

One of the primary reasons why many policy analysts struggle to write clearly and concisely is that they don’t have clarity about whom they’re writing for. Before you analyze your data, you’ve got to get a clear understanding of who your reader is, what they want to achieve, and how you can help them achieve it. To figure out what your reader needs, you can ask yourself six questions—the answers to which will help you know what research questions to ask, what kinds of data to collect and analyze, and how to communicate the results of your analysis in an interesting and persuasive way.

Mastering the Three Policy Narratives

Simplicity is key to achieving clarity in your writing and effectively engaging with your audience. However, considering the complexity of most policy problems, providing clear and compelling answers is anything but simple. So, where do you start?

The Four Elements of Persuasive Policy Writing

To make a persuasive case for policy reform, it’s not enough to point out and contextualize the issues, problems, or challenges you’ve uncovered during your research. You must also show your readers what is supposed to be happening, why the issue you uncovered exists in the first place, and what the future might be like if the reader followed your guidance (or, what might happen if they don’t).

USAID: A Four Elements Case Study

Emergency food aid is a critical component of the United States’ foreign aid efforts, and it is essential to ensure that it is reaching the intended beneficiaries effectively and efficiently. By using GAGAS, we will evaluate the program’s compliance with applicable laws and regulations, determine if the program is achieving its objectives, and assess its overall impact.

Writing Resources

While rigorous logical analysis matters a great deal in the world of public policy, it won’t be useful unless you’re able to tell your audience a story that answers your audience’s questions. Access resources to make your policy writing more clear, concise, and compelling.

Beyond a general expertise in writing skills, our Writing Fellows have been trained to coach students to write valuable and persuasive policy memos and can help at any point in the writing process–from initial brainstorming to final draft review. Meet our coaches and book your session.

Register for workshops  to take your writing to the next level. We hold in-person and virtual events on everything from writing memos and briefs to creating a standout LinkedIn page and crafting a resume that will propel you toward your career goals.


One Week Workshop on Thesis Writing Skills with Certificate


Table of Contents

About Thesis Writing Skills:

Thesis/Dissertation writing could be a challenging task for researchers. Many researchers struggle with formatting their theses correctly as required by their institutions. Researchers often lack familiarity with proper formatting and presenting content in research documents, causing delays in the submission of the thesis. Scholars might be perplexed about how to initiate the thesis and link all chapters into a cohesive structure. Researchers who find it difficult to structure a dissertation/thesis and write suitable content might require proper guidance. It’s actually an art and a skill that requires specialized knowledge.

Thesis Writing Workshop is targeted at individuals who are writing or planning to write their research for submission. This workshop provides the essential information needed for successful and effective thesis writing in research . It aims to bridge the gap and equip researchers with the necessary tools for writing a complete and well-structured thesis. It also includes sessions on formatting to empower researchers with the skills to format their thesis chapters properly.

About the Workshop

  • Date: 04/03/2024 – 08-03-2024
  • Time : 7:00 -8:00 PM IST
  • Online via ZOOM
  • Limited Seats: Entry by prior registration only
  • Fee: 500/- INR (Indian Participants: 500 INR)
  • (Foreign Participants: $ 10 USD)
  • Eligible Participants: Open to researchers and students at all levels who are interested in improving their thesis writing skills and learning essential key points for successful thesis writing.
  • E-Certificates will be provided to registered participants.

For more information and to explore other ongoing research workshops, please visit : Click Here

Dear Professor/Faculty/Researchers In research thesis or dissertation writing, researchers often face challenges with formatting, structure, and content. Introducing a ‘Thesis Writing Workshop’ to unlock the secrets of well-structured thesis writing. Discover the art of successful thesis writing and formatting. An opportunity for researchers to learn key strategies and essential skills for creating a well-structured thesis.

Contact Us: 

Dr. Kulwant Singh Kookna Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: +91-9602116716 | Call: +91-9988880221

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Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Hybrid Workshop: Regular Session

June 12, 2024 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm, about this event.

This hybrid workshop (registrants can attend in person or online) covers the submission process for format review and demonstrates how to use the automated templates to format MSU theses and dissertations to the requirements set forth in the standards for preparing theses and dissertations: 8th edition. These templates were designed to help an author organize and format their document with minimal effort so that their focus can be on the content of their document. Those who have already started writing or have already defended are welcome to bring their current documents (either on flash drive or email attachment) to start the process of placing their content into the template.

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UCSI University

Thesis Writing Workshop

  • Start:   14 Jun 2019
  • End:   14 Jun 2019
  • Time:   2pm - 4pm
  • Venue:   Conference Room, Level 5, Block B, UCSI University KL Campus

In this workshop, students will learn how to:

  • Prepare a formal research thesis in a straight forward, engaging and clear writing style.
  • Summarise research project into a compelling and well-written thesis.

workshop on thesis writing

Want to know more? Contact us today to find out more.

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Interested in Graduate School?

Are you a current CSUN student interested in graduate school?  The GRAD Center supports undergraduate and graduate students in exploring, preparing for, and applying to graduate programs

View the Page

Thesis Writing Workshop

Students attending a Thesis Workshop

The Office of Graduate Studies announces a workshop devoted to thesis/project/dissertation writing. Students are encouraged to take advantage of this workshop if they are fully classified and working on their thesis/project/dissertation.

Topics covered during the workshop

  • Getting Started
  • Picking a Topic
  • Time Management
  • Working with Advisors/Committees

Please click on the tab below to view or register for one of the scheduled workshops.

Please read before you register

  • Students must use their CSUN email to register.
  • Students will also need to complete a Zoom Registration Form; our office will send the link to access the form before the workshop.
  • Once the Zoom Registration form is complete, students will receive a confirmation email with the meeting instruction.

Special Note: These workshops might be recorded so it can be shared with other students.

Spring 2024 Workshop

Thesis Writing Workshop Speaker:  TBD Date:  TBD Time:  TBD Location:  TBD

Additional Information

If you have any questions, please call the Graduate Studies Office at (818) 677-2138.   


  • Vision & Mission
  • Dr. Ganasoundari
  • PhD thesis consultation
  • DBA thesis consultation
  • Thesis support for PG Students
  • Thesis writing
  • Topic Selection
  • PhD Proposal Service
  • Research Article Writing
  • Systematic Review
  • Paraphrasing
  • Questionnaire Preparation
  • Reference Editing
  • Thesis Formatting
  • Plagiarism Checking
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Completed & Future Workshops

Thesis Writing workshop

  • Literature Review Writing Workshop
  • Research Methodology Workshop
  • Research Paper Writing Workshop
  • Proposal Writing workshop
  • Increasing Citation Score
  • Systematic Review Workshop
  • Reference Management Workshop​
  • Academic Integrity Workshop
  • Formatting workshop
  • SPSS Foundation Training
  • SPSS Advanced Training
  • SEM Statistical Workshop
  • Copyediting Training


Art of Thesis Writing Workshop

Date: July 6, 2024

Time: 2 pm to 5 pm

Venue: ZOOM

Art of Thesis Writing is a workshop in which the basic approaches for writing a thesis are taught.

Writing a thesis could be a challenging task. In spite of a vast amount of time and effort being spent on the research work, you might find it difficult to express your study outcomes in a legible and scientific manner. You might be perplexed as to how to initiate your thesis and link all chapters in a cohesive structure. It is at such crucial junctures wherein an expert intervention is most needed. 

Any student or researcher finding it difficult to structure a dissertation and write suitable content might require proper guidance. Helping hundreds of researchers successfully complete and submit their theses, Rehoboth Academic Services offers premium services in thesis writing and statistical analysis. 

Our Thesis Writing Workshop is targeted at individuals who are writing or planning to write their research for submission. We offer a short, intensive course to help students from any educational background to write their theses.

What does our workshop teach you?

  • Essential parts of a thesis and the constituents of each part 
  • Technique of analyzing extant studies critically for the literature review 
  • Approach of choosing the right methodological options for your research
  • Method of interpreting and discussing your findings

Why should you attend this workshop?

Rehoboth Academic Services specializes in guiding budding researchers to work on their theses. We have successfully helped several researchers across the globe in different fields of education, such as management and science. The requirements of each researcher are identified because of the prior experience of working with people from diverse backgrounds.

Our workshop offers the following:

  • Interactive sessions
  • Individualized attention
  • Follow-up and additional guidance

Topics covered in the workshop:

  • Selecting a topic
  • Developing research questions
  • Formulating hypotheses
  • Reviewing the literature
  • Choosing the right methodology
  • Analyzing the data
  • Writing a manuscript
  • Arriving at conclusion
  • Research paper writing

Registration: Rs. 700 (Entry by prior registration only)

Fill the below form and pay Securely.

Send transaction details to the email id  jo****@re***************.com  or SMS /WhatsApp details to +91 9731988227.  If you have any questions or doubts feel free to contact us and do not miss this excellent opportunity.

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Country India

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I am pursuing PhD Masters Graduation Other

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Revealing the Treasures of McGill’s Writing Centre: A Discussion with Dr. Yvonne Hung

workshop on thesis writing

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Embark on a journey to uncover the lesser-known treasures of the McGill Writing Centre and Graphos as Dr. Yvonne Hung, the director and coordinator of Graphos, sheds light on the enriching experiences awaiting students. Most students, unbeknownst to them, are yet to explore the multifaceted nature of this academic tool.

Unlocking the Writing Centre's Secrets

Q:  What is some general information about the writing centre and graphos that most students who have not accessed the service before may not know? What are some of the main features of the services? How can students best access the services?

YH: Most people don’t know that the McGill Writing Centre is an academic department that also has a strong service mandate! We offer a nice set of undergraduate classes that are on academic writing, creative writing, digital communication, and science communication, as well as a slate of graduate courses on academic writing and communication. On the service side, we have a robust tutorial service whereby students can access up to 7 hours of individualized consults on their writing, and a comprehensive set of graduate writing workshops , writing sessions, and specialized support for thesis and fellowship writing through Graphos. To access our courses, students would register in Minerva. For our non-credit offerings, e.g., writing tutorials, workshops, and other support, students can register by following the links on our website .

Mastering the Art of Writing Applications

Q:  What are some common Do's or Don'ts for students either writing an essay or writing personal statements/research proposals for grad school applications? Are there any general tips you have for students writing applications for grad school?

YH: One common pitfall I’ve noticed is that students take the “personal” part of the “personal statement” too literally. Writing a personal statement can be tricky because you have share specific aspects about your background and experience but in service of telling a story about how going to that specific graduate program is a key part of continuing your academic trajectory and advancing your research and professional goals. One tip I would offer is to build in time to write, time to receive feedback (from trusted advisors or others in your network), and time to polish so that there are no little slipups. You don’t want to accidentally list another university’s name or the wrong professor! Ideally, you will also work backwards from the deadline to ensure you have given adequate time for referees to write good letters and for you to assemble supporting documents in line with the application requirements.

Q: Are there services that at the centre they can best utilize for this?

YH: The Tutorial Service would be an excellent way to get another set of eyes on your application. Other people can spot missteps in logic or structure or grammar far more easily than we can (especially if we’re tired or in a rush). Don’t forget, 7 hours per term! In addition, I urge all students to consider taking a writing or oral communication course during their studies so that they can benefit from structured teaching, regular feedback, and a supportive environment to continue honing their skills and craft.

Overcoming Writer's Block and Finding Your Muse

​​​​​​​Q:  Is there any general advice you would give to students who are experiencing writers block or just don't know where to start with an assignment?

YH: Set a timer for 20 minutes and start writing. You’ll be astonished at how giving yourself a fixed start and finish time can help to jolt oneself to get ideas onto the page. If you feel unsure of where to start, you can book an appointment with a writing tutor who can help you at any stage of the project. And if you’re a graduate student, you can sign up for one of our regular writing retreats, which are led by an experienced facilitator who will guide you to set reasonable writing goals, offer nature or stretch breaks, and be a source of good cheer as you lean into the difficult and rewarding work of communicating ideas in a clear and precise manner.

If you are interested in utilizing this service, there are multiple upcoming resources including:

- presentation tutoring pilot for May-June:

- Their work with First Peoples’ House whereby our dedicated writing tutor has been working with the first ever indigenous valedictorian.

- Their writing support for applicants to the prestigious Vanier and Banting awards in the summer. More details to come!

Department and University Information


  1. Thesis Writing Workshop

    workshop on thesis writing

  2. Thesis Writing Workshop

    workshop on thesis writing

  3. HOW TO WRITE A THESIS: Steps by step guide

    workshop on thesis writing

  4. Workshop on Thesis Writing

    workshop on thesis writing

  5. Thesis Writing Workshop

    workshop on thesis writing

  6. CEBP Workshop Series 2022: Effective Thesis Writing Workshop

    workshop on thesis writing


  1. Research Writing Workshop Series (Day 3)

  2. Essay #1 Writing Workshop: Thesis Example

  3. Academic Writing Workshop

  4. Workshop on Thesis and Research Writing on MS Word 20230402

  5. English 1AS Workshop: Thesis Statements & Support

  6. TS Sir on Thesis writing workshop


  1. Thesis and Dissertation Writing Programs

    Master's Thesis Mentoring Program. The Graduate Writing Center offers a program to support graduate students who are working on master's theses (or other master's capstone projects) and doctoral qualifying papers. The program provides workshops and one-on-one writing appointments. For more information, read Master's Thesis Mentoring Program.

  2. Dissertation & Thesis Writing Courses

    Get a comprehensive, big-picture understanding in less than 4 hours. Fill in the gaps in your knowledge and understand the linkages and connections. Get step-by-step guidance (and loads of resources) to complete your project. Gain the knowledge you need to approach your project with confidence. kickstart your project.

  3. The Essentials of Thesis Writing

    In this free online course, we will demonstrate the practical, step-by-step approach for developing, writing, and sectionalizing the contents of a thesis (dissertation). Learn the most effective methods for crafting a thesis from the introductory chapter to the concluding chapter. Completing this course will develop self-confidence and skills ...

  4. Workshop Videos

    Master's Thesis Workshop (STEM Focus) Rob Ulrich, Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences, Graduate Writing Consultant This workshop will give an overview of how to write a master's thesis for students in STEM fields. It will include writing activities and discussion to help participants develop their thesis topics.

  5. A Triple Crown Tool: Thesis Workshops

    A Triple Crown Tool: Thesis Workshops. Research documenting the relationship between writing, student engagement and deep learning identifies three areas of effective instructional practice: clear writing expectations, in which instructors provide students with specific criteria that accurately link the purpose of an assignment with its method ...

  6. Academic writing workshop-ing to support students writing bachelor's

    Thesis writing and writing workshops. Previous studies have shown that students experience various challenges in academic and thesis writing, such as confusion about academic writing requirements (Elliott et al. Citation 2019; Itua et al. Citation 2014), lack of preparation for writing theses (Delyser Citation 2003), and difficulties in completing them within the stipulated time (Dysthe ...

  7. Workshops

    These short workshops help competent academic writers become outstanding and persuasive scholarly communicators. They were originally designed during the pandemic as lunchtime Zoom seminars, but they can also be stacked together, in different combinations, as part of a day, or multi-day, writing retreat. Writing with Generative AI.

  8. Thesis Writing Workshop

    The Thesis Writing Workshop is designed to address the specific challenges encountered while writing your final thesis, whether it is a Bachelor's or a Master's thesis. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on enhancing unity and coherence in writing, integrating resources effectively, refining editing and feedback processing skills, and adhering to academic style and conventions.

  9. Running an Effective Writing Group

    The presentation focuses on independent writing groups organized by graduate students and offers tips on establishing meeting rules and structures for running meetings effectively. The workshop also addresses other campus resources available to support dissertation and thesis writers. This workshop was recorded in 2020. (Approx. 20 mins.)

  10. Thesis Writing Workshop: The Five Essential Elements of a Thesis

    'The Five Essential Elements of a Thesis' workshop is designed to facilitate the initial phase of designing and planning an HDR-level research project in the Humanities, by giving students a clear overview of the basic elements common to a thesis in Humanities disciplines. The course will introduce the Five Essential Elements of a Thesis (issue, contexts, texts, methodology and voice).

  11. Thesis Workshops

    Thesis writing workshops, hosted by the CSUSM Writing Center, are an opportunity for you to accomplish work on your thesis in a supportive, distraction-free environment. Fall 2016 workshop schedule: September 10th September 24th October 15th November 5th November 19th ...

  12. In-Class Workshops

    Writing Studio workshops are designed by our consultants for use in the classroom. These workshops focus on different elements of academic writing and have the following goals in mind: to enhance discussion of discipline-specific writing practices among students and faculty. Each workshop runs approximately 45 minutes and includes a discussion ...

  13. Academic writing workshop-ing to support students writing bachelor's

    Thesis writing; writing workshop; writing tutor; academic writing; supervision Introduction Most university students write a thesis, commonly involving a small-scale research project, to earn a bachelor's or master's degree. Students seem to encounter various pro-blems in their thesis writing processes (Dysthe, Samara, and Westrheim 2006; Todd,

  14. Thesis Writing Workshop

    Thesis Writing Workshop Speaker: TBD Date: TBD Time: TBD Location: Via Zoom. Additional Information . If you have any questions, please call the Graduate Studies Office at (818) 677-2138. Events. Advancement to Graduate Education Conference (AGE) Advancement to Graduate Education (AGE) Workshops;

  15. The Harris Writing Workshop

    Because data can't speak for itself, we're here to help you tell policy stories that matter. The Harris Writing Workshop was created to help students and policy makers write more effectively. We believe in clear, concise, and compelling policy writing that not only communicates the aims of your research and recommendations, but also, moves ...

  16. One Week Workshop on Thesis Writing Skills with Certificate

    Thesis Writing Workshop is targeted at individuals who are writing or planning to write their research for submission. This workshop provides the essential information needed for successful and effective thesis writing in research. It aims to bridge the gap and equip researchers with the necessary tools for writing a complete and well ...

  17. Thesis and Dissertation Formatting Hybrid Workshop: Regular Session

    This hybrid workshop (registrants can attend in person or online) covers the submission process for format review and demonstrates how to use the automated templates to format MSU theses and dissertations to the requirements set forth in the standards for preparing theses and dissertations: 8th edition. These templates were designed to help an author organize and format their document with ...

  18. Research Methodology Workshop

    Research Methodology Workshop. Date: June 1, 2024. Time: 2 pm to 5 pm. Venue: ZOOM. Choosing the right topic for research leads to finding how you will conduct the research. What research methodology to be followed among the several methods that are available. We need to understand what is the philosophy behind doing the research itself and how ...

  19. PDF Thesis Workshop

    You should now have a thesis statement that makes a single, debatable. claim that implies your purpose in writing. If you are still struggling, stop by The Learning Center or call 636-584-6688 to schedule a consultation with a professional writing tutor. All consultations are provided free of charge to East Central College students.

  20. Thesis Writing Workshop

    Thesis Writing Workshop. Start: 14 Jun 2019. End: 14 Jun 2019. Time: 2pm - 4pm. Venue: Conference Room, Level 5, Block B, UCSI University KL Campus. In this workshop, students will learn how to: Prepare a formal research thesis in a straight forward, engaging and clear writing style. Summarise research project into a compelling and well-written ...

  21. Thesis Writing Workshop (GRAD Center)

    Thesis Writing Workshop Speaker: TBD Date: TBD Time: TBD Location: TBD. Additional Information If you have any questions, please call the Graduate Studies Office at (818) 677-2138. ...

  22. Thesis Writing Workshop

    Thesis Statement Writing Workshop. If you are thinking about trying to get your students thinking and writing critically this is a great place to start. This 50 minute workshop gets kids thinking, creating and collaborating. Kids travel from station to station to learn about thesis statements and they have fun while they're at it.

  23. Proposal Writing workshop

    Research Proposal Writing Workshop. Date: March 30, 2024 (2 pm to 5 pm) Venue: ZOOM. We have been bombarded with so many calls this admission season for help with research proposal for PhD admission and for graduate students applying for International Universities across various countries. So we quickly put together an one hour workshop to help ...

  24. Thesis Writing workshop

    Art of Thesis Writing Workshop. Date: July 6, 2024. Time: 2 pm to 5 pm. Venue: ZOOM. Art of Thesis Writing is a workshop in which the basic approaches for writing a thesis are taught. Writing a thesis could be a challenging task. In spite of a vast amount of time and effort being spent on the research work, you might find it difficult to ...

  25. Revealing the Treasures of McGill's Writing ...

    On the service side, we have a robust tutorial service whereby students can access up to 7 hours of individualized consults on their writing, and a comprehensive set of graduate writing workshops, writing sessions, and specialized support for thesis and fellowship writing through Graphos. To access our courses, students would register in Minerva.