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Kate Tries The 5 AM Club (So You Don’t Have To) | Wit & Delight

There hasn’t been an article on how to get up before the sun rises that hasn’t triggered an eye roll from yours truly. I’ve been sleep-deprived for the better part of three years now, and the idea of someone electing to forgo sleep in order to spend more time alone made my blood boil.  And then my kids grew up, and I began to understand that you WILL sleep again. And if you want time alone, you have to find the time and then protect it. 

Enter The 5 AM Club.

You may have heard of it. Maybe through someone brazenly sharing their new wake-up time with the associated hashtag over a plate of homemade breakfast. The club is “not for everyone” and claims to have “…life-changing benefits in all areas of your life—productivity, health, focus, happiness.” 

Here’s what the website says about the book :

“Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced  The 5 AM Club  concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accomplish epic results while upgrading their happiness, helpfulness, and feelings of aliveness.”

Color me skeptical. 

However, I am facing a problem. I have limited time, limited energy, and a lot of responsibility. Not to mention, a lot of drive to create things that take time, energy, leaps of faith, and relentless focus. There’s not much room to be a skeptic when you weigh the cost of waiting on the sidelines for the perfect solution to fall into your lap.

The 5 AM Club includes a set of activities that are supposedly meant to boost three areas of your internal life: your physical health, your intellectual health, and your emotional health. They suggest starting your day with 20 minutes of rigorous exercise (something that makes you sweat), journaling for 20 minutes, and reading for 20 minutes. 

I happen to really believe these three key areas of wellness (physical health, emotional health, mental health) are key in identifying the heart of your internal struggles, finding your “why,” and honing in on your life’s purpose. The idea of putting dedicated time against doing small actions that maintain and improve the foundation of what I know I need to feel good felt like a good enough reason to give it a try. After all, a little sweat, reading, and some quality alone time sounded like heaven. Who was I to judge?!

And so, like a moth drawn to the light, I tried to join the club for a week, despite the fear of being judged by no one but myself for being one of those annoying 5 a.m. people. 

Spoiler alert: I turned into one. 

But it was not all butterflies and rainbows, and you won’t find me sugar coating the pain and discomfort that came with going from night owl to morning person. 

Moving forward despite the possibility of failure requires not only mental grit but also a reliance solely on yourself. On a promise made to no one but you. Pretty quickly, you realize how often you are lying, cheating, or giving up on no one but yourself. 

When we know something will be hard, instead of admitting failure as an option, we dismiss the idea of trying over the fear of falling short, the fear of failing at what we already know will be challenging. Moving forward despite the possibility of failure requires not only mental grit but also a reliance solely on yourself. On a promise made to no one but you. Pretty quickly, you realize how often you are lying, cheating, or giving up on no one but yourself. 

That’s why people avoid making promises to themselves. They’re hard to keep.

Here’s how my week of trying The 5 AM Club went.

Day one .

I’m feeling JAZZED! I’m all in. It’s the beginning of the new me. What will I do with all this time? Bake bread? Write my novel? Become an experienced yogi? I wonder what mental breakthroughs my predawn walks will bring about. I cannot wait to bask in the glory of quiet alone time. 

First, I drink water and coffee and putz around the kitchen. I lace up my shoes and get Winnie ready for her walk. We step outside to the sound of cracking thunder. The walk gets postponed. 

I feel great, until about 8:45 a.m. I nap on the couch at work but get through the rest of my day with no problem. Bedtime comes at the suggested 8:30 p.m. time. But…WTF. My kids just got to sleep and now I’m done for the day?? When does anyone get the laundry or dishes or cleaning done?? I’m starting to get concerned. 

Ouch, that hurt. I got in bed at 8:30 p.m. and stared at the ceiling until 11:00 p.m. What a waste of time! I did manage to get out of bed (after hitting snooze—a big NO-NO in The 5 AM Club). After drinking water and cursing myself for committing to this challenge, I managed a bit of yoga followed by a meditation, during which I promptly fell asleep. My alarm? My son sitting on my chest, asking me why I was making weird noises on the floor.

I do get more crossed off my to-do list today and feel slightly more peaceful. I think it is because I had a chance to be alone with my thoughts before catering to everyone else. 

I hate everything . But I get up anyway. I’m crabby and fall asleep on the couch at work not once, but twice. I doubt this process. I wonder if it will ever get less painful. 

I went to bed at a reasonable hour! 9:00 p.m.! The first time I’ve gotten more than 6 hours of sleep this week. 

I crawl out of bed at 4:55 a.m. and get an hour walk in with Winnie. The journaling time is nice, but I continue to fight sleep when meditating. And…I can’t find my keys.

An hour later…I locate the keys. I shoved them away in a bowl on a random shelf in our living room. Maybe this whole idea was a mistake. Is it taking on too much at one time? I seem to be moving backward in all aspects of my life and I am certainly not sharper and more focused!

It is getting easier. Today I woke up BEFORE my alarm. I felt great and got into my groove quickly. I had mental clarity through all of my meetings. It was easier to do good work with little effort. I felt sharp and in the zone.

Then, 3:00 p.m. hit and I felt like I needed a Big Mac and a nap to find the strength to be a good parent. Honestly, I have little to no recollection of the last half hour before bedtime and was so exhausted I fell asleep rocking Bennett at 7:30 p.m. I crawled into bed without doing my nightly ritual, something I had worked years to maintain.

It’s Saturday and I’m awake at 6:00 a.m. Yes, I broke the cycle and took a little bit more time to sleep considering I didn’t get to bed until 10:30 p.m. I take Winnie for a walk and stop to soak in the pink and blue sunrise. I feel a quiet peace in my heart, knowing I have this time just for me and my thoughts. Having dedicated time to be me, the new me, makes all of my hope for the future feel that much more tangible. Like there might, just might, be a way to make it work. 

The day of reckoning. I wake up knowing I made it to my goal and feel a hit of dopamine and a sense of pride. I exercise and bounce out the door to grab coffee for Joe and myself. As my family sleeps soundly into the morning, I journal about how far I felt from that morning just four days ago, when this decision felt like the most unnatural act I could possibly do as a human. I decide to stick with The 5 AM Club for a month, but only on the weekdays. 

Today, I’m 42 days into The 5 AM Club, and I’m a proud weekend slacker. The process can be a challenge. I still do something for my body, mind, and spirit every morning, even on the weekends (thank you, naptime). There’s still a lack of mental clarity that comes from waking up so early AND handling social events that tend to creep into our schedule. I have yet to master the art of saying no to a night out with friends or the kids’ request to adventure to a play date. While I might not be hardcore enough to join the real 5 AM Club, the benefits are worth the pain. 

Getting up early is a commitment to myself and no one else, proof that I can practice a kind of self-care that is about getting back the power you oftentimes give to others.

It doesn’t feel uncomfortable anymore. I go to bed feeling a sense of accomplishment even if I haven’t had the BEST DAY EVER with #maximumproductivity. Getting up early is a commitment to myself and no one else, proof that I can practice a kind of self-care that is about getting back the power you oftentimes give to others. It’s a great feeling, to end the day knowing you did what you could to be a better version of yourself. 

What I discovered through this process, and what I hope you consider, is that hard things—ones that are trying both mentally and physically—can bring about significant change, that is if you have the stomach for it. 

the 5am club book reviews

Kate is the founder of Wit & Delight. She is currently learning how to play tennis and is forever testing the boundaries of her creative muscle . Follow her on Instagram at @witanddelight_ .

BY Kate Arends - September 17, 2019

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You are BRAVE. I don’t think I could do this – even if I wanted to. Maybe someday when I’m a mom and getting up at 7:00 doesn’t feel so painful.

K A T E L A T E L Y || fashion + lifestyle blog

Would you be willing to do this again in the winter and report back?? I find it’s so much easier to get up early in the summer when it’s light out early in the morning. It’s like, “The sun’s out; why WOULDN’T I get up right now??” But when it’s cold and dark in the winter, I have suchhh a hard time getting up, let alone exercising. I loved this article and the concept!

This is so great! I have joined the 6am club (not as dramatic as the 5 am one), and have found that taking an hour to work out and meditate in the morning has changed the scope of my days. I have more patience, I’m more fun, I get more done. I don’t even mind going to bed a bit earlier because it’s such higher quality time in the morning than mindlessly watching TV at night. You’ve inspired me to push into the 5s! 😂

I’m a reluctant 6 am person during the school year, to make sure my kid gets out the door. I can’t do 5 am. For me, there’s a huge difference between 5 am and 6 am. My husband is a 5 am person, often even on the weekends. He’s given up on trying to convince me of the perks, lol.

I was religiously club 5am for months until it started getting darker outside in the mornings, and now I can’t wake up! I miss that old early morning routine though…

I’ve been contemplating trying this but also wondering… did you figure out when to do the laundry & cleaning? I try to do those things with my kids. But my late nights ,after the kids are asleep, are when I catch up with photo editing or finally have a chance to have an interrupted conversation with my husband.

Ooooo! You have me seriously considering this! I read this post yesterday and can’t get it off my mind now! Thanks for sharing your experience.

I just started this audiobook. I have no idea what i’m listening to in the first 2 chapters. I thought this book was about waking at 5am…???? This is the worst hook.

Literally just stick with reading/listening to the book Frank. It’s part story & part strategy, I’m in the last chapter. Finishing it will payoff bud.

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Robin Sharma

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The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.

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The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life. Hardcover – Dec 4 2018

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Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

      Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accomplish epic results while upgrading their happiness, helpfulness and feelings of aliveness.

      Through an enchanting—and often amusing—story about two struggling strangers who meet an eccentric tycoon who becomes their secret mentor, The 5am Club will walk you through:

  • How great geniuses, business titans and the world’s wisest people start their mornings to produce astonishing achievements
  • A little-known formula you can use instantly to wake up early feeling inspired, focused and flooded with a fiery drive to get the most out of each day
  • A step-by-step method to protect the quietest hours of daybreak so you have time for exercise, self-renewal and personal growth
  • A neuroscience-based practice proven to help make it easy to rise while most people are sleeping, giving you precious time for yourself to think, express your creativity and begin the day peacefully instead of being rushed
  • “Insider-only” tactics to defend your gifts, talents and dreams against digital distraction and trivial diversions so you enjoy fortune, influence and a magnificent impact on the world

Part manifesto for mastery, part playbook for genius-grade productivity and part companion for a life lived beautifully, The 5am Club is a work that will transform your life. Forever.

  • Print length 336 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher HarperCollins Publishers
  • Publication date Dec 4 2018
  • Dimensions 15.24 x 2.87 x 22.86 cm
  • ISBN-10 1443456624
  • ISBN-13 978-1443456623
  • See all details

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At HarperCollins, authors and their work are at the center of everything we do. We are proud to provide our authors with unprecedented editorial excellence, marketing reach, long-standing connections with booksellers, and insight into reader and consumer behavior. Consistently at the forefront of innovation and technological advancement, HarperCollins also uses digital technology to create unique reading experiences and expand the reach of our authors.

HarperCollins was founded by brothers James and John Harper in New York City in 1817 as J. and J. Harper, later Harper & Brothers. In 1987, as Harper & Row, it was acquired by News Corporation. The worldwide book group was formed following News Corporation's 1990 acquisition of the British publisher William Collins & Sons. Founded in 1819, William Collins & Sons published a range of Bibles, atlases, dictionaries, and reissued classics, expanding over the years to include legendary authors such as H. G. Wells, Agatha Christie, J. R. R. Tolkien, and C. S. Lewis.

The house of Mark Twain, the Brontë sisters, Thackeray, Dickens, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Maurice Sendak, Shel Silverstein, and Margaret Wise Brown, HarperCollins has a long and rich history that reaches back to the early nineteenth century and offers our publishing team a depth of experience.

Product description

From the back cover.

The 5 am Club is the trailblazing—and astonishing—story of two everyday human beings seeking greater productivity, prosperity and serenity in this age of digital distraction and overwhelming complexity who meet a most weird and wonderful tycoon.

The quirky yet brilliant billionaire takes them on a marvelous voyage across the world that dramatically upgrades their businesses, rewires their effectiveness and awakens their happiness, along with their sense of personal freedom.

Part manifesto for mastery, part playbook for genius-grade productivity and part companion for a life lived beautifully, The 5 am Club is a work that will transform your life. Forever.

About the Author

ROBIN SHARMA is a globally respected humanitarian who, for over a quarter of a century, has been devoted to helping human beings realize their native gifts. One of the top leadership and personal mastery experts in the world, he advises companies such as NASA, Nike, Microsoft, Unilever, GE, FedEx, HP, Starbucks, Yale University, PwC, IBM Watson and the Young Presidents’ Organization. His #1 international bestsellers, such as The 5AM Club , The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari , The Greatness Guide and Who Will Cry When You Die? , have sold millions of copies in more than ninety-two languages and dialects, making him one of the most widely read authors alive.

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ HarperCollins Publishers (Dec 4 2018)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 336 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1443456624
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1443456623
  • Item weight ‏ : ‎ 590 g
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.24 x 2.87 x 22.86 cm
  • #102 in Time Management (Books)
  • #413 in Job Hunting & Careers (Books)
  • #524 in Leadership

About the author

Robin sharma.

Robin Sharma is one of the world's premier speakers on Leadership and Personal Mastery, recently named one of the World's Top Leadership Gurus. As a presenter, Sharma has the rare ability to electrify an audience yet deliver uncommonly original and useful insights that lead to individuals doing their best work, teams providing superb results and organizations becoming unbeatable.

For nearly 20 years, many of the most well-known organizations on the planet, ranging from Nike, GE, Microsoft, FedEx, PwC, HP and Oracle to NASA, Yale University and YPO have chosen Robin Sharma for their most important events, when nothing less than a world-class speaker will do.

Sharma's books such as The Leader Who Had No Title have topped bestseller lists internationally and his social media posts reach over six hundred million people a year, making him a true global phenomenon for helping people do brilliant work, thrive amid change and realize their highest leadership capacities within the organization so that personal responsibility, productivity, ingenuity and mastery soars.

Sharma has been ranked as one of the Top 5 Leadership Gurus in the World in an independent survey of over 22,000 businesspeople and appears on platforms with other luminaries such as Richard Branson, Bill Clinton, Jack Welch and Shaquille O'Neill.

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5 Key Takeaways from The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma

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What time do you get up in the morning?

Leadership expert and author Robin Sharma suggests a specific time to rise from your slumber, and it’s pretty obvious from the title of his book, The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life .

I chanced upon this title once when I was looking for easy-read self-help books. Having read several books about productivity, I would say Sharma chose an unusual path to present his ideas – he used a fictional narrative to weave his main points.

To be honest, I found the book’s fictional story unrealistic and, at times, cringey, like a Hallmark movie. But once you can look past the annoyingly cheesy storyline (and overwhelming pages filled with borrowed quotes), I would say the book does offer substantial theories and methods worth considering.

Here are my top takeaways from the book.

1. Breaking out of mediocrity starts with getting up early.

woman waking up

As the book title suggests, unlocking your full potential starts with waking up at 5 a.m. Here’s the rationale behind it: Our mental energy is a finite resource each day, akin to cognitive bandwidth. 

This bandwidth is quickly consumed by various demands from the moment we wake up – work, relationships, news, social media, and more. The regular demands force us to constantly switch our focus, diluting our ability to concentrate on a single task. 

Waking up at 5 a.m. temporarily reduces the activity in your brain’s prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for rational thinking. So, if you’re someone who usually starts the day overwhelmed by worries and doubts, waking up early can help quiet these thoughts.

Additionally, early mornings stimulate the production of dopamine and serotonin, boosting happiness and providing a more serene start to your day.

2. Implement the 20/20/20 Principle.

person writing on a notebook

Sharma advocates a transformative morning routine, not just rising at 5 a.m.

He suggests the 20/20/20 strategy: 

  • Start your morning with 20 minutes of physical activity.
  • Follow that with 20 minutes for introspection (such as meditation, journaling, or quiet thinking).
  • Afterward, dedicate 20 minutes to personal growth (like reading, goal review, or learning something new).

This one-hour routine is designed to energize both your body and mind, setting a strong foundation for the day ahead

3. Do your best to minimize distractions.

device free zone sign

The book emphasizes that distractions, particularly from digital sources, are significant barriers to making the most of your morning and, consequently, your entire day.

Sharma advises maintaining a tech-free environment during the 5 a.m. hour to prevent disruptions from emails, social media, and notifications.

In the same vein, he suggests limiting the use of digital devices after work hours. This practice allows you to dedicate time to family, engage in fulfilling hobbies, and establish a nightly routine conducive to sleep, thereby facilitating an easier rise at 5 a.m.

4. Make quality rest a priority.

person resting

Adequate rest is fundamental to the concept’s transformative impact. As the billionaire mentor in the story points out, research says sleep is a critical factor in determining life expectancy. Equally important is how you spend the last hour before bed, just as how you start your day.

However, sleep isn’t the only method for rejuvenation. The billionaire also suggests a concept known as the twin-cycle of elite performance. This approach alternates between intense work and deep relaxation rather than enduring long stretches of unrelenting productivity.

By valuing both work and mental health, you optimize your potential, balancing active self-care with productivity. This method helps prevent burnout, allowing for growth in both active and recovery phases.

5. You’ll never rise higher than your personal story.


Sharma emphasizes the importance of developing a strong, positive self-identity. 

When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you see a struggling artist or a creative person learning something new with every brush stroke? Do you describe yourself as an aspiring writer or a storyteller who continues to grow one word at a time? Do you think of yourself as an entrepreneur wading murky waters or a founder charting new territory?

As the billionaire mentor in the story says, “Human beings are hardwired to act in alignment with our self-identity, always. You’ll never rise higher than your personal story.” 

By practicing the book’s principles, individuals view themselves as part of an elite group committed to personal excellence – referred to in the book as The 5 a.m. Club. This altered self-perception can lead to higher achievements as one’s actions seek to align with this new, elevated self-identity.

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10 Best Fitness Equipment of 2024

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Starting your fitness journey this year will be your wisest decision. Whether you visit your nearby gym or do it at home, using the right exercise equipment is crucial. But don’t go overboard when you’re doing the latter! Our fitness buffs have your back! We’ve tried some of the best fitness equipment of 2024, and here’s our list.

1. Fitness watch

Getting a fitness watch should be your first tool when starting your fitness journey. It lets you record your daily activities, check the calories burned, remind you to move, and track everything you do—even your heart rate! Apple offers fitness watches that also sync with your phone, but here are some affordable ones on Amazon:

Fitbit Sense 2 – $299.95

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Garmin Epix Pro – $1,099.99

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2. Resistance bands

Resistance bands are portable and affordable if you’re always on the go. They promote strength training and also improve stability. 

Fit Simplify – $9.95

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WSAKOUE Resistance Bands – $29.99

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3. Kettblebells

If you frequent home workouts , getting a kettlebell can let you exercise with less fitness equipment. It can improve strength, power, and endurance. Kettlebells are excellent for developing overall fitness. 

Amazon Cast Iron Kettlebell – $17.40

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WeGym Soft Kettlebells – $169.99

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4. Pull-up bar

A pull-up bar is one of the best fitness equipment at home. It’s convenient, and you can move it around. This is also great if you want to work on your upper body strength. 

Ally Peaks Pull-up Bar – $31.89

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Sportneer Pull-up Bar – $39.99

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5. Exercise bike

If you’re willing to invest in extensive fitness equipment, an exercise bike should be one of the first things to get. It offers multiple benefits, primarily working on your cardiovascular fitness! Getting on an exercise bike every morning, even for 30 minutes daily. This fitness tool is excellent for strengthening your legs and burning calories!

Yosuda Exercise Bike – $249.99

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Ativafit Folding Exercise Bike – $365.49

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6. Treadmill

If you’re fond of running, getting a treadmill is a way to do it regularly. Sometimes, weather conditions prevent you from going outside to run. With a treadmill on standby, you can do it anytime while watching TV, listening to music, or watching over your children.

Umay Folding Treadmill – $319.99

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NordicTrack T Series – $2,999

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7. Rowing machine

If there is one fitness equipment I make a beeline for at my local gym, it’s a rowing machine. This equipment might seem simple, but a few rows on this bad boy will leave you feeling like you ran for miles. A rowing machine is excellent for endurance training and a great full-body workout. 

Yosuda Rowing Machine – $299.99

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Snode Rowing Machine – $399.99

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8. Dumbbells

Dumbbells are the most versatile fitness equipment you can have around the house. Whether you’re doing circuits or weightlifting, dumbbells will surely elevate your workout routine. You can perform different kinds of exercise programs with dumbbells! Plus, it helps you gain muscles, lose weight, and boost your overall health. 

Amazon Basics Dumbbells – $14.93

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ProForm Dumbbell Set – $299

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9. Step platform

Using a step platform is a form of low-impact workout. This could be a cardio workout alternative if you’re worried about regular jogging or running impacting your joints. It works both your upper and lower body strength!

Yes4All Step Platform – $48.99

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Yes4All Step Platform – $18.99

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10. Yoga mat

You can’t start your fitness journey without a yoga mat. Getting one lets you perform exercises wherever, whenever! This is an excellent fitness companion for your cooldown exercises or stretching routines. 

Amazon Basics Yoga Mat – $20.19

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Manduka Pro Yoga Mat – $136.76

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10 Best Robot Vacuums of 2024

robot vacuum

Getting a reliable robot vacuum means you can lay around on your couch while the cleaner does the heavy lifting! Our team searched high and low for the best robot vacuum, and we can say we enjoyed testing them! Here are our top 10 picks for the robot vacuums of 2024. 

1. iRobot Roomba j7+

the 5am club book reviews

The Roomba j7+ is the best robot vacuum overall. It features self-emptying capabilities, intelligent navigation, and an easy-to-use app. Despite being loud and having average battery life, it recognizes up to 80 household objects, ensuring your home gets cleaned while avoiding cords and shoes. PrecisionVision Navigation and the P.O.O.P. guarantee add to its appeal.

  • $642.80 on Amazon

2. iRobot Roomba s9+

the 5am club book reviews

We all agree that this is the best robot vacuum for pet hair. It features a D-shaped design for corner cleaning, exceptional suction power, and an auto-empty base. Though expensive and with average battery life, it offers 40 times power-lifting suction, 30% wider dual multi-surface rubber brushes, and Dirt Detect technology for tackling excessive pet hair and dirt.

  • $899.99 on Amazon

3. Eufy S1 Pro

the 5am club book reviews

If you’re looking for a robot vacuum with powerful suction, look no further. The Eufy S1 Pro boasts an 8,000PA suction and self-washing mop head for unparalleled cleaning efficiency. Intelligent mapping ensures precision, while speed and effectiveness set it apart. Despite being expensive and loud, its cutting-edge self-cleaning technology and power make it a top-tier choice.

  • $999 on Kickstarter

4. Shark ION AV751

the 5am club book reviews

If you need a robot vacuum on a tight budget, the Shark ION AV751 is for you. This robot vacuum offers excellent suction power and a 120-minute run time. Its tri-brush system and stair/cliff edge detection make it efficient. Alexa and Google Assistant integration adds convenience, making it a manageable option for those seeking simplicity.

  • $319.99 on Amazon

5. Neato Botvac D8

the 5am club book reviews

The Neato D8, known for its D-shaped design, excels in corner cleaning and advanced mapping. Ideal for smaller homes, it offers 100-minute battery life and a lidar for space mapping. The app supports no-go zones and scheduling, though it can’t map multiple floors and may climb low furniture and ledges.

  • $699.99 on Amazon

6. Bobsweep PetHair Vision

the 5am club book reviews

Designed for pet owners, this vacuum excels at pet hair removal and offers smart navigation and mopping capabilities. Its quiet operation and three-inch height allow easy cleaning under furniture. With longer battery life, it efficiently covers large areas. The drawback? Its cleaning schedule may reset unexpectedly, and customer service follow-through can be slow.

  • $399.99 on Amazon

7. Dreame X30 Ultra

the 5am club book reviews

This best 2-in-1 vacuum and mop offers quiet, self-emptying, dual oscillating mop heads and MopExtend mop pads. Although it has an app that’s not very user-friendly and is expensive with recurring costs, it provides comprehensive cleaning of all surfaces. Its multi-functional base station and 8300PA suction power ensure efficient home maintenance.

  • $1,399.99 on Amazon

8. Samsung Jet Bot AI+

the 5am club book reviews

If you don’t mind the bulky size, the Samsung Jet Bot AI+ is a good robot vacuum option. Its self-cleaning base adds convenience. This robot vacuum has an attractive design and advanced AI for obstacle avoidance.

9. Dyson 360 Heurist

the 5am club book reviews

The Dyson 360 Heurist offers exceptional cleaning power with solid suction and intelligent mapping. This premium robot vacuum reaches edges effectively, thanks to its motorized brush. Though slow to set up, its precise map fine-tuning and methodical cleaning make it a top choice.

10. Roborock S8 Pro Ultra

the 5am club book reviews

Nothing is more self-sufficient than this all-in-one robot vacuum. It’s self-cleaning, self-emptying, self-washing, self-drying, and self-refilling! Plus, it uses VibraRise mopping and customizable cleaning routines.

$949.99 on Amazon

BedStory® 12 Inch Memory Foam Hybrid Mattress

the 5am club book reviews

Do you need a good night’s sleep but your mattress is ruining that? It’s time to find a brand-new mattress to relieve yourself of the stress of the day and doze off without a hitch. Learn more about the Bedstory 12-inch Memory Foam Hybrid Mattress and what people think about the product here!

wave hybrid mattress

BedStory has helped millions of sleepers get quality sleep with their mattresses, pillows, and toppers. Since 1983, the company has sold its products to over 90+ countries. Plus, they ensure that only state-of-the-art technology makes it to their products to improve people’s sleep. Additionally, their product line is made in the USA, ensuring quality standards are met every time new products are manufactured.


bed specs

Price: $369.99 to 559.99 (tax included)

Mattress Sizes

The BedStory Memory Foam Hybrid Mattress comes in four sizes: twin, full, queen, and king. Plus, it comes in 12 or 14-inch sizes, too.

Mattress Layers

Have a restful sleep with six layers of comfort. The soft-knit fabric is on top that helps your mattress breathe. Plus, it keeps you cool while you sleep. It has a fire-resistant barrier and the gel bamboo charcoal memory foam. Plus, it has high-density foam, pocket springs, and base foam.

Lumbar Support

Have terrible back pain and want to alleviate it during sleep? BedStory has lumbar support embedded in its mattress. Pocket coils and orthopedic foam act as lumbar support while you slumber. 

Cooler and More Refreshing Sleep

Their memory foam infuses gel and bamboo, making it feel cool on your body as you sleep soundly. It’s also made out of knitted fabric to let the mattress breathe. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about odors since it has moisture-wicking and odor-reducing properties. Plus, it also dissipates heat.

Motion Isolation

Do you or your partner toss and turn all night long and can’t get a wink of sleep? BedStory reduces the noise of joints shuffling all around. It’s all because the springs absorb any noise that could disturb your slumber.

Mattress Expansion

Since this is a bed in a box, it will take time for your brand-new mattress to expand to its original state. The BedStory mattress expands within 48 to 72 hours.

Delivery, Warranty, and Return

Expect your brand-new BedStory Mattress to arrive within 2 to 5 business days! The wait will all be worth it once it arrives at your doorstep.

Your BedStory Memory Foam Hybrid Mattress will have a 10-year warranty.

Regarding returns, you can try sleeping on the new mattress for 30 nights’ worth of sleep. However, if you’re not fully satisfied with the mattress, a return is possible within a 100-night window.


You’ll be safe and sound when sleeping on a BedStory mattress since it’s CetriPUR-US and OEKO-TEX Certified. This ensures that you’re sleeping on a mattress without any harmful chemicals.

Recommended Bedframes

BedStory suggests that you can place the memory foam mattress on a platform, box spring, or slatted frame bedframe for an optimized sleeping experience. You want to make sure that you’re putting the bed on a solid bedframe to let the mattress expand properly and let you sleep without any disruptions.

The Ideal Sleepers

woman sleeping

Like many products, the mattress isn’t a one-size-fits-all. Not everyone will enjoy their slumber with this mattress. However, it’s good to know who’ll love sleeping in this bed all day long.

  • Light and sensitive sleepers
  • People experiencing regular joint aches and pains

Maintaining The BedStory Mattress

woman making the bed

Most beds last seven to ten years. After all, it’s expensive to change mattresses regularly. During your sleep tenure with BedStory, you can care for it to make your mattress last long. Here are tips from BedStory to help you maintain the mattress.

  • Don’t eat on the bed
  • Use a vacuum to remove dirt or debris
  • Spot clean stains using detergent
  • Put a mattress protector
  • Rotate the mattress to avoid further wear and tear. Rotate it every 3 to 6 months
  • Air out the mattress
  • Don’t jump on the bed

What Do Sleepers Think?


BedStory sleepers love the mattress firmness. It’s medium-firm, so if you’re looking for something soft, you’re better off buying a mattress topper to make it soft. Plus, some sleepers find it easy to sleep faster. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about aches and pains upon waking up or during the middle of the night.

However, BedStory isn’t for everyone. For instance, some sleepers find that the mattress doesn’t expand or inflate to its actual size. Other sleepers say that firmness isn’t enough for them. Plus, other sleepers experience aches and pains while sleeping on this mattress.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the BEST mattress is essential to getting a good night’s sleep. The BedStory Memory Foam Hybrid Mattress could be the next mattress to grace your bedframe. Many sleepers rave over the mattress since they sleep easier, faster, and better. Plus, some experience less or no pain upon waking up, which is a game-changer for many sleepers. Finally, it’s value for money considering the specs. You don’t need to change your mattress regularly. Plus, you can return the mattress if it’s not a good fit!

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The 5 AM Club Summary

1-Sentence-Summary: The 5 AM Club helps you get up at 5 AM every morning, build a morning routine, and make time for the self-improvement you need to find success.

Favorite quote from the author:

The 5 AM Club Summary

Table of Contents

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You wake up to your alarm, press snooze, and roll over for a few extra minutes of sleep. The alarm goes off again, and you get up, groggy still. Then, you quickly get ready so you’re not late for work. Sound familiar? This is what the average person does; wake up and let the day take over. But do you want to be average?

If you want to be like the top 5%, you need to stop acting like the 95%.

There is a way to start your day with purpose and energy, a pattern that will help you accomplish more and increase your mental and physical health. It all starts with waking up at 5 AM. For most people, this sounds unappealing. But if you want to be great , this is where to start.

Robin Sharma is a leadership guru who loves to help others become more productive. In The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life , he uses a fictitious story about a billionaire mentor teaching a struggling artist and an entrepreneur about the importance of waking up early to show how revolutionary it is for success. He makes a convincing case that will persuade even the most sleep-loving people that to be truly excellent, we need to start our days intentionally.

Here are the 3 biggest lessons I’ve learned from this book:

  • Waking up at 5 a.m. will provide you with the solitude and improved brain state to perform like the pros.
  • Balance your four “interior empires” to achieve self-mastery.
  • Don’t waste time when you wake up early, use the 20/20/20 formula.

Let’s get up and get started!

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Lesson 1: If you want to be successful, give your brain an advantage by waking up at 5 a.m.

The billionaire tells the artist and entrepreneur that he has the key to their success. When they arrive to meet him early the next morning, his first lesson is that waking up at 5 a.m. will give your brain the advantage to succeed throughout the day.

Our minds have a limited amount of “bandwidth.” When we fill our day with social media , interactions with those around us, television, and so on, we fill this bandwidth to the point that we can’t take in anything more before the day is even over. If you wake up at 5 a.m., you will find you can focus on one thing without these distractions and accomplish much more.

Our brain chemistry is different early in the morning. The brain’s prefrontal cortex, or that part of you that makes you worry or analyze things over and over, is temporarily shut down in the peaceful early hours . The tranquility at daybreak also has been shown to increase dopamine and serotonin, helping you feel energized and at peace. What an awesome way to start your day!

Lesson 2: Find balance in all four “interior empires” to find self-mastery.

Here’s another valuable lesson about success: don’t just focus on mindset . While thinking optimistic thoughts will help you, there are three other “interior empires” when trying to find balance.

Next to your Mindset, you also have your Healthset, Heartset, and Soulset.

Healthset refers to our physical health . One of the best ways to get ahead in life is to live longer. If you want to be in charge of your empire, you need to live long enough to do this! Committing to exercise will help you get much more out of life. It will also help you live longer. It will help you have energy, lose some stress, and be happier.

Heartset is your emotional well-being. To cultivate a healthy emotional life, we need to express ourselves and have healthy emotional attachments. This is vital to our success.

Lastly, Soulset is our spirituality . Whatever you believe, make time in the morning to connect with your spirituality and yourself. Remember all of the things that make you who you are, and why you are doing what you do. Too often we get caught up in the superficiality of life and forget to connect with ourselves deeply.  

Apply all these in the peaceful time we make at 5 a.m., and you will be well on your way to a balanced, successful life.

Lesson 3: Use the 20/20/20 formula to set your day up for success.

By now you may be wondering if it’s so important to wake up at 5 a.m. What should I do when I’m up so early? It’s entirely possible to wake up this early and waste the extra time by using it to watch the news or scroll through social media.

The billionaire, however, lays out the perfect plan: the 20/20/20 rule, which says you should 20 minutes on three highly valuable activities each.

The first 20 minutes of that first hour should consist of exercise . Help your body wake up, and make your body sweat. Sweating decreases cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress and fear. Sweat also releases BDNF, the brain-repairing neurotropic factor, which speeds up the creation of new neural pathways and repairs brain cells. If you want to think quicker, make sure you get sweaty!

The next 20-minute block should consist of reflection and meditation. The peace you find this early will make way for more inspiration than you thought possible. Make time to write these in your journal. Take the time to focus on what you want out of the day before you get distracted. And don’t forget meditation, which has been shown to reduce cortisol which will reduce your stress.

Finally, make time to learn. Instead of wasting time on useless entertainment, spend time reading and learning. Learn from the successful people of the world. What all the ultra-rich have in common is a love of learning.

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If you’re want to take your life to the next level, a great morning routine is the way to do it. The 5 AM Club delivers exactly that, complete with instructions and an amazing story to make them stick. If you aren’t a morning person, listen to what Robin Sharma has to say!

The 18-year-old filled with ambitions to become their best self, the 42-year-old office worker that feels as if they can reach a higher level of performance every day, and everyone who wants to start their day with energy and positivity.

Last Updated on March 15, 2024

the 5am club book reviews

Luke Rowley

With over 450 summaries that he contributed to Four Minute Books, first as a part-time writer, then as our full-time Managing Editor until late 2021, Luke is our second-most prolific writer. He's also a professional, licensed engineer, working in the solar industry. Next to his day job, he also runs Goal Engineering, a website dedicated to achieving your goals with a unique, 4-4-4 system. Luke is also a husband, father, 75 Hard finisher, and lover of the outdoors. He lives in Utah with his wife and 3 kids.

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‘The 5 AM Club Book Review: a game-changer by Robin Sharma

Reading is truly one of the rarest gifts we have at our disposal. The sad part, however, is that most of us have forgotten how to reap the blessings from this magical habit. And the culprit, as we all know, is digital technology. Don’t get me wrong; I do admit that technology has a huge range of benefits. But rather than how it was supposed to make our lives easier, it has just made us even busy (doing nothing!), depressed, and unfit in the overall sense.

The 5 AM Club Book by Robin Sharma Review

How i came across ‘the 5 am club’, and robin sharma, as a mentor, ‘the 5 am club’ book review, genre, style, and narrative of the book, some lines and excerpts from the book that i found most appealing, how much would i rate this book, about the author, where to get ‘the 5 am club: own your morning, elevate your life’, for whom is this book for.

A few days back, I was stuck in a situation when I couldn’t use my mobile phone, the one I use for over 5 hours a day! Feel like that’s unbelievable? Well, go to the ‘Digital Wellbeing and Parental Controls’ section in the ‘Settings’ of your phone. You’ll find out how many hours you unknowingly spend in front of your cell phone. And if that number is anything less than 2 hours for you, then kudos! You are actually living your life, rather than pretending on social media that you are.

So, as I said, I was stuck in a situation where my phone’s battery had died out and so was left completely bored and frustrated for an entire half of a day. But that amount of time did help me observe how much I have grown addicted to this digital device. A decade ago, as a kid, I spent a lot of time reading comics and storybooks, science articles, and newspapers in my free time.

Today, if I can pen even one good sentence, it is because of the richness of the books I read back in the day. That’s when I realized that I need to read more. I need to disconnect from my digital devices and connect back to the world of reading again. And so began my journey of challenging myself into reading 52 books, one book a week, for a year. And here I am, today, happy to share my experience of reading my very first book of the challenge.

Note-Our writer Anjali Kesavan has taken 52 weeks Reading challenge, so we will be publishing book reviews for all the readers out there! -Team Godofsmallthing . You can also check out some more book recommendations from our end like and hey! Each link will open in new tab so you don’t have to miss out on reading this review 🙂

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The 5 AM Club book by robin sharma

Robin Sharma is one of the most influential and successful life-coaches existing today. A former lawyer, he began his journey of writing a few decades ago. He has ever since written and published 12 best-selling books and has inspired the world to become the best versions of themselves through these wonderful creations. I personally am not new to his work. At the age of fifteen, after completing high school, I was gifted a book as a token of appreciation from one of my elders. It was ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’. Ever since I have been a huge fan of Robin’s work and consider him as one of my mentors on my journey of self-realization. Not so surprisingly, I have been following him on social media and knew of the book ‘The 5 AM Club’ all through his updates since the time of its creation.

I bought this book, last year, on my birthday, as a gift to myself (for surviving another year in this world! Just kidding!). Though I had read the first few chapters the moment I put my hands on the book, I had to postpone reading further due to several other engagements that kept crawling their way into my life. And when I thought of the reading challenge, guess which book came first to my mind? The 5 AM Club! So, for the very first week, I decided to read this marvelous piece of literature.

The 5 AM Club book review

I’m all praise for this amazing book written by Robin Sharma. Like all his books, this one too uplifts the reader to live a fulfilling existence. If anything, I’d say, this perhaps is the best work he has ever crafted. If I were to give ‘The 5 AM Club’ book summary, I would say that it is a book which, like the name suggests, helps you to install the early waking habit. But that’s not all. Here are the four things that this book truly assists you at:

  • Guides you through the importance of waking up early in the morning, at 5 AM.
  • Actually helps you to install this habit with a detailed set of rules and techniques, if when followed will help you reach your maximum potential.
  • Gives you a detailed idea not just about waking up, but what must be done in the first and finest hour of your morning to excel at everything you do.
  • The principles mentioned in this book can be used to help install any good habit, not just waking up early, because installing good habits take more effort than sliding into bad habits.

So, to put it precisely, this book is a life-changer if you follow everything mentioned it with sincere discipline.

‘The 5 AM Club’ by Robin Sharma is a book of the self-help and motivational genre. The prime idea that it focuses on is habit installation. In my personal opinion, this book is highly relevant in today’s time where most of us have been forgetting to live life to our fullest potential and choose rather to get distracted by silly failures and heartbreaks. ‘The 5 AM Club’ book rules are guidelines to excellence in every area of a person’s life.

To talk about style, the author uses fictional characters to express his point. Honestly speaking, it is the journey of two strangers who meet a “weirdly wise” man at a conference and then embark on a journey with him that will completely transform their lives. The reader grows to associate with the characters right from the beginning, as their challenges resemble what we all go through in today’s reality. Like most of his other books, the author himself is the narrator of this book; i.e., it uses the third person omniscient narration. Although written in a period of four years, the book serves as a guide for a lifetime to its readers.

Book recommendations: Looking for books by George Orwell? See all books authored by George Orwell, including Nineteen Eighty-Four, and Animal Farm: A Fairy Story, and more: List of Best George Orwell books Sorted By Reviews . ( Each link in the article will open in New Tab so you can open and switch to another tab later 🙂 )

“Those who hurt others silently loathe themselves.”

“You’ve talked about how the great ones leverage periods of isolation. I’ve read that many famous geniuses had a habit of sitting in solitude for hours with nothing more than a pad of paper and a pen for capturing the insights that would start flashing across the screen of their imagination.”

“a wishbone without a backbone doesn’t really get you very far,

dreams and desires are just wishbones. Rising before daybreak is your backbone to get them done.”

“Failing to keep self-promises is one of the reasons so many of us don’t love ourselves.”

If I were to decide a figure on a number scale that describes how much I adore this book, I would say ‘8/10’. Do I recommend ‘The 5 AM Club’? Oh, yes! I truly believe that each of you can benefit from the marvel that is this book.

Robin Sharma Author

Robin Sharma is a Canadian writer and widely respected humanitarian. He is among the top leadership experts in the world today, whose clients include big names from fields like business, sports, music, space science, and even members of royalty. He is also a famed key-note speaker and a true inspirer to thousands. Sharma writes in the self-help genre and has authored twelve books till date. This includes several #1 bestsellers like ‘The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari’ and ‘The Leader Who Had no Title’. Many of his books, originally written in English, are available in over 92 languages. Needless to say, he is one of the most-read writers in today’s world.

This popular game changer book is available in most book stores across the globe. But, if you find it difficult to browse through bookstores keeping in mind the current pandemic situation, you can also the buy the book online.

The 5 AM Club book by Robin Sharma

As a concluding note, I would like to point out for whom this book is ideally suitable . If you are someone who wants to do something exceptional with your life, then this book is a great addition to your personal library. If you are a person who takes time to observe and introspect the direction of your life, and if you know that there are areas that need improvement, but could use the help of a friend or a guide to making those improvements, then this book can act as that friend or guide for you. That being said, I’m truly revered that you took out the few minutes to go through this humble book review. I hope it helps you in your own reading journey. Thank you!

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The 5 AM Club – Book Review

The 5 AM Club - book review

Recently, I read the book The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life written by Robin Sharma. The book surprised me in several ways and made me consider joining the 5 AM Club. In this book review, you can read more about The 5 AM Club and the author. I will also provide a summary and give my opinion about the book.

The aim of The 5 AM Club is to help you maximize your productivity while increasing your happiness and health by means of a bulletproof morning routine. The revolutionairy morning routine described in the book is Robin Sharma’s holy grail.

Who expects that The 5 AM Club is a practical “how-to” self-help book with tips and methods to install a new morning routine, might be suprised. The book namely turns out to be a fiction book. The book is still full of great ideas, thoughts and methods, but Robin Sharma’s beliefs are presented in a story rather than in a non-fiction way. In the book, several protocols and methods, with names such as “the 20/20/20 formula”, “the 90/90/1 rule”, “the 2nd wind workout (2WW)”, “the weekly design system (WDS)” and “the 60/10 method”, are introduced and discussed to improve wellbeing and productivity.

Although the main goal of the book is to increase productivity, it is not at all about ‘working more’. Nothing about an 80-hour workweek; on the contrary, Robin Sharma argues that 5 hours of deep-work a day is what is required to maximize productivity. Also, he thoroughly discusses the importance of rest.

About author Robin Sharma

The 5 AM Club is the 12th book that Robin Sharma published. It is one of his most famous books, together with The Leader Who Had no Title , The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and Who Will Cry When You Die . All his books are focussed around lifestyle, meaning, productivity and leadership. Sharma is quite the expert on these topics, as he has worked with and coached some of (the CEO’s of) the greatest companies on the planet. In total, Sharma sold over 20 million books worldwide.

Why I read The 5 AM Club

I remember seeing this book in an advertisement or as a recommended buy in a webshop. I read what it was about, since the title and overall appearance of the book caught my interest. The content of the book seemed indeed of interest to me. Already for quite a while I have been working on getting my life in order, self-improvement, personal growth and improving my happiness and productivity. In a lot of ways, I have succeeded. But still, there was (and is) much more to improve. One of the things I have been struggeling with for a very long time is rising early and implementing a healthy, consistent morning habit.

This book seemed to be the ideal guide to improve that specific part of my day and with that, my life. The book was on my wishlist for a while, when one day, I saw the book on the bookshelf of my girlfriend’s uncle. I asked him what he thought of the book and what he took away from it, and he told me that it was a very good book and suggested that I take it with me. I gratefully did and could finally start reading it.

Book summary of The 5 AM Club : Own your morning, elevate your life

This section may contain spoilers! Scroll to header “ My opinion about The 5 AM Club ” to avoid spoilers.

At the start of the book, the main characters (the artist, the entrepreneur), meet after attending a speaking event of ‘the spellbinder’. The spellbinder is seen as the grandmaster of inspiration. The artist and entrepreneur are struggeling in their life. They are not as happy, productive and succesfull as they wish to be. The entrepreneur even considered taking her life before the event.

When the entrepreneur and artist are conversing, just after the meeting in the conference hall, a stranger joined their conversation. The stranger (another main character in the book), referred to as ‘the homeless man’) seems to be delusional, as he speaks about how to reach world class both in your personal life as well as in your professional life and he claims that there is a plane waiting for him.

The homeless man offered to coach the artist and entrepreneurs for a few mornings. He explains how commitment, discipline, patience and work are all essential to reach world class and that an attitude of entitlement is not going to get you there. He tells the duo how digital distraction is one of the main reasons why people are underdelivering nowadays.

The homeless man convinced the entrepreneur and the artist, despite the doubts they have about him. They accept his offer and the homeless man, that turned out to be a billionair called Stone Riley, gets the students on a plane to Mauritius. Every morning the entrepreneur and artist wake up at 5 AM and get taught valuable lessons, rules and methods by the billionaire.

While the billionaire takes the students around several great places in the world, they get taught ideas like the 3 step succes formula, the 4 focuses of history makers (1. Capitalizatin of IQ, 2. Freedom From Distraction, 3. Personal Mastery Practice, 4. Day Stacking), the famous 20/20/20 formula and much more. During the journey, a love story is unfolding. But it is not all rainbows and sunshine, because investors of the entrepreneur’s company are trying to get rid of her. The entrepreneur even receives death threats from the investors while she is being mentored by the billionaire. The story unfolds towards a thrilling end.

Despite the setbacks, the students are noticing improvements in their happiness, mental claritiy and productivity already quite soon into their training. Eventually, they become extremely succesfull in both their personal and professional career. They follow up on Mr. Riley’s wish and start teaching others about the 5 AM club: own your morning, elvate your life!

My opinion about The 5 AM Club

First of all, I was quite surprised and a bit disappointed that The 5 AM Club turned out to be a fiction book. I don’t read fiction very often and I expected this to be a practical “how-to” book, and these are books I generally enjoy reading and I find easy to implement. However, I have to admit that my first impression was wrong.

The story in the book was fun and captivating, while still clearly bringing forward the benefits of waking up early and presenting the theory and tips on how to ‘own your morning’. The book was enjoyable to read and I think Robin Sharma did an excellent job in embedding the main message and theory into a story.

As often in fiction books, the tale was a bit romanticized and did not always seem very realistic to me. However, I think some of the things in the book can be seen as metaphores and also, it is a fiction book for a reason. It did not take away too much of reading fun for me, and the lessons taught by the fictional characters are still things that one can implement in real life.

I feel like the views presented in the book share some overlap with the book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson. Both books are discussing current societal topics, such as that a lot of people are not living up to their capabilities and talents, and a lot of people blame the world for everything that goes wrong (victimhood) and are not willing to put in the work, but still expect great results (entitlement).

Conclusions – The 5 AM Club book review

The 5 AM Club made me think a lot about meaning and my own habits and how I can implement new/better habits in my life. The book has proved me wrong after an initial disappointment, and the combination of a fun, interesting story and helpful insights made this a valuable book to me. Overall it was an engaging book that I would highly recommend to others, especially people that are thinking about changing their habits and improving their productivity and overall performance and happiness.

Will I join the 5 AM Club?

Now the big question remains: will I become a member of the 5 AM Club? I think Robin Sharma and the book are really convincing that owning your morning does elevate your life. Therefore, I am seriously considering to become a part of the 5 AM club for at least 66 days, as the book suggests. I already started implementing some of the habits that are recommended by Robin Sharma, such as working out straight away after getting out of bed. This is indeed something that helped me feeling more energetic in the morning. There are some practical issues I want to discuss with more experienced members of the 5 AM Club, in order to get fully convinced and start the early rising habit consistently, too.

I hope this book review of The 5 AM Club was valuable to you. You can find more book reviews here .

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The 5am Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life. Hardcover – 4 Dec. 2018

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Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accomplish epic results while upgrading their happiness, helpfulness and feelings of aliveness.

Through an enchanting--and often amusing--story about two struggling strangers who meet an eccentric tycoon who becomes their secret mentor, The 5am Club will walk you through:

  • How great geniuses, business titans and the world's wisest people start their mornings to produce astonishing achievements
  • A little-known formula you can use instantly to wake up early feeling inspired, focused and flooded with a fiery drive to get the most out of each day
  • A step-by-step method to protect the quietest hours of daybreak so you have time for exercise, self-renewal and personal growth
  • A neuroscience-based practice proven to help make it easy to rise while most people are sleeping, giving you precious time for yourself to think, express your creativity and begin the day peacefully instead of being rushed
  • "Insider-only" tactics to defend your gifts, talents and dreams against digital distraction and trivial diversions so you enjoy fortune, influence and a magnificent impact on the world

Part manifesto for mastery, part playbook for genius-grade productivity and part companion for a life lived beautifully, The 5am Club is a work that will transform your life. Forever.

  • Print length 336 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher HarperCollins Publishers
  • Publication date 4 Dec. 2018
  • Dimensions 15.24 x 2.87 x 22.86 cm
  • ISBN-10 1443456624
  • ISBN-13 978-1443456623
  • See all details

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The 5am Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.

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From the Publisher

The 5 AM CLUB Robin Sharma

Product description

From the back cover.

The 5 am Club is the trailblazing--and astonishing--story of two everyday human beings seeking greater productivity, prosperity and serenity in this age of digital distraction and overwhelming complexity who meet a most weird and wonderful tycoon.

The quirky yet brilliant billionaire takes them on a marvelous voyage across the world that dramatically upgrades their businesses, rewires their effectiveness and awakens their happiness, along with their sense of personal freedom.

Part manifesto for mastery, part playbook for genius-grade productivity and part companion for a life lived beautifully, The 5 am Club is a work that will transform your life. Forever.

About the Author

ROBIN SHARMA is a globally respected humanitarian who, for over a quarter of a century, has been devoted to helping human beings realize their native gifts. One of the top leadership and personal mastery experts in the world, he advises companies such as NASA, Nike, Microsoft, Unilever, GE, FedEx, HP, Starbucks, Yale University, PwC, IBM Watson and the Young Presidents' Organization. His #1 international bestsellers, such as The 5AM Club , The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari , The Greatness Guide and Who Will Cry When You Die? , have sold millions of copies in more than ninety-two languages and dialects, making him one of the most widely read authors alive.

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ HarperCollins Publishers (4 Dec. 2018)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 336 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1443456624
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1443456623
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.24 x 2.87 x 22.86 cm
  • 543 in Self Help Time Management
  • 1,854 in Business Life (Books)

About the author

Robin s. sharma.

Robin Sharma is one of the world's premier speakers on Leadership and Personal Mastery, recently named one of the World's Top Leadership Gurus. As a presenter, Sharma has the rare ability to electrify an audience yet deliver uncommonly original and useful insights that lead to individuals doing their best work, teams providing superb results and organizations becoming unbeatable.

For nearly 20 years, many of the most well-known organizations on the planet, ranging from Nike, GE, Microsoft, FedEx, PwC, HP and Oracle to NASA, Yale University and YPO have chosen Robin Sharma for their most important events, when nothing less than a world-class speaker will do.

Sharma's books such as The Leader Who Had No Title have topped bestseller lists internationally and his social media posts reach over six hundred million people a year, making him a true global phenomenon for helping people do brilliant work, thrive amid change and realize their highest leadership capacities within the organization so that personal responsibility, productivity, ingenuity and mastery soars.

Sharma has been ranked as one of the Top 5 Leadership Gurus in the World in an independent survey of over 22,000 businesspeople and appears on platforms with other luminaries such as Richard Branson, Bill Clinton, Jack Welch and Shaquille O'Neill.

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  1. The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life by Robin Sharma

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  2. The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma [Review]

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  1. அதிகாலையில் எழுவதனால் இவ்வளவு நன்மைகளா? The 5 AM Club Book Summary

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  1. The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life

    90,742 ratings8,280 reviews. Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

  2. The 5 AM Club: I Tried It (So You Don't Have To)

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  3. The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.

    The 5 am Club is the trailblazing—and astonishing—story of two everyday human beings seeking greater productivity, prosperity and serenity in this age of digital distraction and overwhelming complexity who meet a most weird and wonderful tycoon.. The quirky yet brilliant billionaire takes them on a marvelous voyage across the world that dramatically upgrades their businesses, rewires their ...


    His book, " The 5 AM Club ", was first published in 2016 and has since become a best-seller. The book's central idea is that waking up early and using the quiet and peaceful hours of the ...

  5. Customer reviews: The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate

    Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life. at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. ... As you've probably guessed the primary focus of this book is creating a routine starting with waking at 5am. The actual content of the book could easily be summarized ...

  6. The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life. Hardcover

    The 5 AM Club is a grand story of a journey to ward off what Robin Sharma calls "the collective de-professionalization of business" and is a stellar guide to self-improvement for almost every area of your life. ... Top reviews from other countries Translate all reviews to English. PY. 5.0 out of 5 stars Great book! Reviewed in the United States ...

  7. The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life

    Buy The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life. by Sharma, Robin (ISBN: 9780008312831) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. ... There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Neveah . 5.0 out of 5 stars my honest reviews. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 8 ...

  8. The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life

    The 5 am Club is the trailblazing—and astonishing—story of two everyday human beings seeking greater productivity, prosperity and serenity in this age of digital distraction and overwhelming complexity who meet a most weird and wonderful tycoon.. The quirky yet brilliant billionaire takes them on a marvelous voyage across the world that dramatically upgrades their businesses, rewires their ...

  9. The 5am Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life

    Hardcover - 4 December 2018. Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

  10. The 5am Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life

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  14. The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life

    The 5 am Club is the trailblazing--and astonishing--story of two everyday human beings seeking greater productivity, prosperity and serenity in this age of digital distraction and overwhelming complexity who meet a most weird and wonderful tycoon.. The quirky yet brilliant billionaire takes them on a marvelous voyage across the world that dramatically upgrades their businesses, rewires their ...

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  19. The 5 AM Club

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  20. The 5am Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life. Hardcover

    The 5 am Club is the trailblazing--and astonishing--story of two everyday human beings seeking greater productivity, prosperity and serenity in this age of digital distraction and overwhelming complexity who meet a most weird and wonderful tycoon.. The quirky yet brilliant billionaire takes them on a marvelous voyage across the world that dramatically upgrades their businesses, rewires their ...

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    Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

  22. The 5 AM Club: How to Get More Done While the World Is Sleeping

    In this book you will find a variety of different ways to help you wake up early without having to fight against yourself, how to wake up feeling energized and how to wake up and be as productive as possible. Join The 5 AM Club. 5 AM is simply a magical time to wake up and begin your day. You will achieve mental clarity and simply get things done.

  23. The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life

    Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept more than 20 years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

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