
Speech on Life of a Student

Life as a student is a unique journey, full of learning and growth. You tackle new challenges, make lifelong friends, and discover your passions.

Yet, it’s not always easy. Balancing studies, hobbies, and personal life can be tricky. This phase is a stepping stone to your future, shaping you into the person you’ll become.

1-minute Speech on Life of a Student

Good day to one and all present here. I consider it a great privilege to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Life of a Student’. Student life is the most essential part of our life. It is the foundation on which we build our future.

A student’s life is filled with both challenges and opportunities. Challenges come in the form of academic pressures, the struggle in balancing social and personal life, managing time effectively, and making critical decisions about career. The opportunities, on the other hand, are countless. Students have the chance to acquire knowledge, develop skills, build relationships, and also shape their personality.

The role of a student is not just limited to academics. They are the ambassadors of their respective cultures, carriers of knowledge, and the torchbearers of change. It is during student life that we learn the most important lessons of punctuality, discipline, and hard work.

In the midst of all these responsibilities and roles, it is important for students to also enjoy the journey. Participating in extracurricular activities, exploring new interests, and making lifelong friends form an integral part of student life. It is these experiences that broaden our perspective and allow us to grow beyond the confines of textbooks.

In conclusion, student life is a tough yet rewarding journey. It is a phase that shapes our character and lays the foundation for our future. I urge every student to make the most of this time, for it is the experiences and learnings of this phase that will guide you in your future endeavors. Thank you for your attention.

2-minute Speech on Life of a Student

Good day everyone. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to speak about the life of a student, a journey that is exciting, challenging, and transformative.

The life of a student is not just about textbooks and examinations. It is a journey that molds us into individuals who can think critically, reason logically, and communicate effectively. The life of a student begins when a child steps into a school for the first time, wide-eyed and anxious, not knowing what to expect. From that moment, a student embarks on a journey of learning and discovery.

In the early years, students learn to read and write, to understand numbers and basic concepts. Every day is a new adventure, every new word learned is a small victory. The student’s world starts expanding as they discover the wonders of science, the charm of literature, and the magic of mathematics. These years lay the foundation for the student life that lies ahead.

As students progress to middle school, they experience the joy of gaining knowledge and the satisfaction of understanding complex concepts. This period is critical as students start exploring their interests and abilities. They begin to identify the subjects they love and the ones they struggle with. This is also the time when students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, which play an essential role in shaping their personality and character. They learn the importance of teamwork, leadership, and perseverance.

High school is a significant phase in a student’s life. It’s a time where they are on the brink of adulthood while still being kids. It is a period of self-discovery where one learns to balance the rigors of academics with the pressures of social life. Students face the challenge of maintaining good grades while also nurturing their hobbies and interests. High school is a time of growth, where students learn the importance of hard work, responsibility, and time management.

As a student steps into college, they are welcomed into a world of independence and freedom. College life is often considered the best phase of a student’s life, where they form lifelong friendships, explore new fields of study, and develop a broader worldview. It is a time when students take their first steps towards their career, choosing a field that interests them, and working hard to excel in it.

In conclusion, the life of a student is a journey filled with learning, challenges, and growth. It is an exciting roller coaster ride that shapes us into who we are. As students, we must embrace this journey with positivity and enthusiasm, making the most of the opportunities we are given to learn and grow. The lessons we learn during our student life are the building blocks for our future. So, let us cherish these moments, for they are instrumental in shaping our lives.

Thank you all for your attention. I hope my insights into the life of a student have resonated with you.

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Speech about Life

Good morning one and all present here. I am standing before you all to share my thoughts through my speech about life. Life is a continuous ongoing process that has to end someday. Life is all about adoring yourself, creating yourself. A quote for you that life can be only understood backward but it must be lived forwards. Life itself is a golden opportunity to live a meaningful life and support others to do so. It doesn’t matter how many years you live. But it matters how well you live a quality life.

Speech about Life

Source: pixabay.com

The fear of death always threatens our lives. Every person has to face death sooner or later, but that doesn’t mean that it should discourage us from living life to the fullest or achieving our goals. A person is wise only when he/she is ready to meet destiny when it comes, but until that time enjoys every bit of it. It is a sense of readiness. It is a journey in everyone’s life wherein we have to cross the bridge of death to be able to wake up to a life eternal.

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Human life – A very Precious Gift

Human life is truly a very precious gift. Each moment of human life carries us an opportunity, to act to develop and express our virtues. Every moment unlocks the path to us to receive blessings. This is the truth that life gives us both positive and negative situations. What is really important is how we react.

Life is the gift of God in the form of trust that we will make it meaningful in whatever we can. We are all unique individuals. No one is born like you and no one will ever be, so cherish your individuality. Many times, I come across people accusing God of things that they don’t have. They always cursing their lives. But, do they realize that this life itself is precious? If we make it worth living and work hard towards positivity.

Life is a Journey, not a Destination

Life is nothing but a journey with lessons, hardships, heartache and special moments. It will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. The road will not always be a plane; in fact, throughout our travels, we will face many challenges.

These challenges will always test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along our way, we may encounter obstacles that will come between the paths and we are destined to take.

In order to be on the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles are really blessings in disguise, only we don’t understand that at the time. The secret of life is best known to those who are not attached to anything deeply so much.

Therefore, they remain out of touch with worries and shifting fortunes of their lives. They are the people who do not measure their lives in terms of materialistic possessions, but by measuring their lives in terms of people they cannot live without.

Lastly, I will conclude that we should make life worthwhile. It should be with the love of our family and friends that life can be made beautiful. Life can be more beautiful and purposeful by discharging our duties in our family, at work, society and the world at large.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

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  • Speech About Life of a Student

One of the most memorable times in a person's life is when they are a student. The student years lay the groundwork for the rest of our lives. In school, we don't just read books; we acquire the ability to develop socially, physically, philosophically, and emotionally. Here are a few speeches on the topic of “life of a student”. Here is a 10-line speech, a short speech, and a long speech about “life of a student."

10 Lines On Student Life

Short speech on student life, long speech on student life.

Speech About Life of a Student

Everybody cherishes their memories as a student.

One's student life begins in the classroom, where we receive a quality education and are guided out of the shadows.

A student's busy schedule is quite interesting because it also includes sports, games, hobbies, joy, and fun.

Being a student we get a lot to learn through our experiences.

Nearly every day at school, we tend to experience something new.

We become aware of our capabilities during this phase, like how good we are at focusing on subjects, our ability to capture things that we get taught, and patience.

We encounter difficulties daily while we are students, like nervousness, pressure, and also handling a lot of work at once.

A student appreciates the value of education and views their time in school as their most cherished period.

The challenges of student life teach us valuable lessons and equip us to handle them.

Throughout our time in school, we improve our physical and social skills.

Being able to learn is the most valuable quality anyone can possess. And student life provides us with this opportunity. Through it, we get the chance to learn and grow when like-minded people are nearby. We can make mistakes, learn from them, and become better people. We learn much more than just what is written in the books we read as students. We can interact with people from diverse backgrounds, discover our likes and dislikes, and follow our hearts.

Student Life And Learnings

Preparing for high school or college, studying, completing assignments, participating in extracurricular activities, having fun with friends, and many other activities are all part of a student's life. When we engage in so many activities, our thinking expands. We acquire time-management and performance efficiency skills. We also discover the importance of self-control, fidelity, inspiration, fear, friendship, etc.

A true student strives to expand his mind and knowledge by taking in information from everyone and everything around him. He does not limit his learning to teachers and books. He is an attentive listener, a keen observer, and a systematic thinker. We should all value education and the opportunity to learn new skills from our environment as a result.

One of the most exciting and memorable periods of a person's life is when they are a student. We not only learn during this time, but we also begin to understand who we are. Being a student is an unforgettable experience filled with learning, growing, having fun, and trying new things.

Daily Life Of A Student

Life as a student is generally simple. One needs to get up early in the morning to prepare for school or college. The essence of student life can be found in the little things, such as being curious about your friends' grades or feeling envious if they perform better. We occasionally fail to turn in our assignments, and when the teacher asks for the notebook, we pretend to have it. Having the opportunity to go on picnics and trips with your friends is one of the most exciting aspects of being a student.

Responsibilities Of A Student

Students should prioritise their studies. The most apparent obligation of a student is to respect their parents and teacher. Students should work on developing their personality, character, and behaviour during this time. When they engage in various forms of social work, they build their teamwork skills. Additionally, they must be capable of handling challenging circumstances.

Most of our time as students is spent studying and making plans for a better future, aside from all the enjoyable activities we engage in with our friends and the pleasant times we share. Every student needs to work extremely hard during this crucial time because it is so important.

Contribution Of Student Life For Future

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” - Abraham Lincoln

The first places our students' lives begin are in the classrooms. Throughout our time as students, we pick up a lot of knowledge that improves our understanding of the world. We develop the ability to handle various situations. We structure our social lives. We have come to realise our limitations and capabilities. Student life prepares us for every possible position that the world holds for us in the future.

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Speech That Empowers: How to Encourage Growth and Resilience in a Younger Audience

In this podcast episode, we discuss best practices when inspiring young people to seize responsibility.

April 23, 2021

“Communication is such a delicate dance and kids need to emerge from childhood having practiced,” says Julie Lythcott-Haims, former associate vice provost of undergraduate education Stanford University.

In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart , lecturer and podcast host Matt Abrahams sits down with Lythcott-Haims to discuss her new book, Your Turn: How to Be an Adult , and ideas on how to communicate with young people so they feel empowered to take on the various (and often intimidating) duties of adulthood.

“Responsibility isn’t a bad thing,” she says. “Responsibility is actually an amazing thing. And I think we have to do a better job of narrating that truth.”

Think Fast, Talk Smart is a podcast produced by Stanford Graduate School of Business. Each episode provides concrete, easy-to-implement tools and techniques to help you hone and enhance your communication skills.

Full Transcript: Speech That Empowers

Matt Abrahams : This podcast is dedicated to helping people deal with everyday business challenges with confidence and conviction. However, today we’re going to take a different tack. We’re going to look at another challenge that many of us face helping teenagers become adults. And the things that we learn in this conversation will actually help us do better in the workplace. I’m Matt Abrahams and I teach Strategic Communication at Stanford Graduate School of Business. Welcome to Think Fast, Talk Smart, the podcast. I am really looking forward to speaking with Julie Lythcott-Haims. Julie is multitalented, a lawyer by training and a former dean of freshman and undergraduate advising at Stanford. She is now a much sought after speaker and the author of the award winning book, How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overprinting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success . Julie now has a new book, Your Turn: How to Be an Adult. Thanks for being here, Julie.

Julie Lythcott-Haims: Matt, thanks so much for having me. I’m really looking forward to communicating with you today.

Matt Abrahams: Excellent. Meet me, too. Let’s jump right in. Can you define what you mean by the term adult thing and can you share some of the challenges parents and kids face during the transition to adulthood?

Julie Lythcott-Haims: Sure thing. Well, I guess I need to start by giving a nod to the millennial generation. They’re the ones who coined the verb adult. I don’t want to adult. I don’t know how to adult; adulting is scary. And their anguish, their angst over not knowing how or wanting to is really what led me to write this thing. And then I had to examine what adult meant. And I came up with this as the definition adult thing is simply the phase of life between childhood and death, where you’re not dependent upon other people to plan, chart, fix, manage, handle the stuff of life for you where you have this delicious freedom and independence and, oh, the terrifying knowledge that, hey, it’s kind of on me to figure this out, which is not to say any of us ever has to go it alone. So that’s what adult thing is. And the challenges when it comes to parents and kids is as parents, we grew this child in our body perhaps, or adopted into our family or our partner gave birth to it. And we are completely responsible in those early months and years. But over the course of that child’s life, we’re supposed to be slowly moving from being completely in charge of their life to turning the reins over to them. And I think this big leap from the end of high school, the start of college, the start of work, the start of military life, whatever awaits after high school is to leap over a chasm in some ways. I mean, there’s a sense that, oh, my gosh, there’s a big gap I might fall into or, you know, I might not make it. And of course, that’s not literally true. But I think it’s an important moment for us as parents to be preparing for to be thinking, OK, what do I want to have confidence my kid can do when they’re no longer living in our home, when I’m no longer the primary one responsible for their food and their shelter and and their day to day well-being. We want to be parenting in the teenage years and even earlier toward the inevitability that we all want this young person to be a freestanding adult who can fend for themselves one day.

Matt Abrahams: Oh, and it is so fraught with challenges. I am going through this now as a parent myself, it sounds like it’s really balancing between freedom and responsibility, both for parents as well as for kids. What advice and guidance do you have for helping parents and kids communicate about some of these challenges in achieving this balance?

Julie Lythcott-Haims: You’re absolutely right that it’s freedom and responsibility. I can hear John Hennessy, who was president when I worked at Stanford, every year giving the graduation speech and really helping the graduates understand that with this freedom and independence comes responsibility. Responsibility isn’t a bad thing. Responsibility is actually an amazing thing. And I think we parents have to do a better job of narrating to that truth. That is, you’re going to be more, you’re going to be responsible for more of your own things. You’re going to be responsible for making sure your homework is in its bag and taken to school. You’re going to be responsible for making your own lunch. You’re going to be responsible for making your own doctor’s appointments, conveying the expectation that these things will be turned over to the kid and that that’s not a bad thing. You’re actually trusting that they either can already or can almost handle that task. It’s really by handing somebody some additional responsibility, which we’re supposed to be doing increasingly over the years of childhood. We’re actually signaling, I believe you can, and that turns out to be a really important indicator of a person’s wellness. And to which they believe they can do the task in front of them so that a vote of confidence from a parent saying, hey, you’re going to be responsible for this now, as long as it’s done kindly, as opposed to feeling like your parent has turned your back on you. It’s really quite empowering to be given additional responsibility. And that’s how, you know, the freedom and the responsibility really nicely then go together.

Matt Abrahams: So it sounds to me like part of the challenge is to set clear expectations along the way, but also to think about the tone in which you’re communicating those messages so that as you’re having these conversations, you’re being supportive, but also very clear about what is happening now and will happen in the future. Is that right?

Julie Lythcott-Haims: Exactly right. I mean, I think we’re at our best when we’re parenting, when we’re providing unconditional love, a tremendous amount of empathy, optimism that the kid is going to be able to make their way. So the tone of voice, the body language needs to be that of a compassionate yet emotionally somewhat distant adult. And this may sound a bit odd to people. Aren’t parents supposed to be very close to our kids? And kind of, why would you advocate for psychological distance? What I’m responding to is the overprinting tendency, which, as you know, your homework needs to get done. You need to get away. You need to get into this college or go off and do this career so that I feel OK as a parent. That’s a psychological intertwined-ness that’s actually really unhealthy for both the kid and for the parent. The more healthy distance is when you can care very much about how they are. You can offer help and guidance, but you’re not feeling that you own every single thing that they do, whether it’s their homework or their activities or their college applications. It’s we want to be in this place where our child has the agency, the autonomy to kind of make their own way and have their experiences, make their choices fall a little bit here and there, pick themselves up and be stronger based on what they experienced. And our tone needs to be even and positive, optimistic, kind and loving, but never nudging them. Why are you doing it better? You know, we expect better of you or and certainly not being, you know, disinterested. It’s sort of like, picture how loving you can be with your niece and nephew or your best friend’s kid where you care about the kid, but you don’t feel obligated to tell them precisely what to do all the time and you don’t feel obligated to solve their problems. That’s the healthy psychological distance I think we’re going for. Actually, as parents.

Matt Abrahams: I really like that image. That will be very helpful to me and hopefully many other folks. And I like how you highlighted. It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it, that nonverbal openness is really critical. We have on this podcast talked about improvisation in lots of different ways to help people be present oriented, to help people feel more comfortable speaking spontaneously. You talk about adopting principles from improv and design thinking to help when people feel stuck. Can you tell us more about this and how this can help?

Julie Lythcott-Haims: Yeah, so a lot of people who are trying to spread their wings and enter adult land feel stuck. And I think part of that is the sense that I have to know what I’m doing in advance. I have to be really good at it before I even start. Kind of a perfectionistic tendency. I have to know what I want. I have to know who I am. And I think an overarching message of this new book, your turn is, hey, you don’t have to know. You don’t have to have it all figured out. The point is just start to move in the direction of something. And so both from the school folks and from improv more broadly, I borrowed the language bias toward action and anywhere. And I think whether you’re a designer or whether you’re an improv actor trying to entertain an audience, it’s just all about, let’s go. Let’s just try something. This about being perfect. This is just about what can happen when we leave this point. We’re stuck in or standing in our comfort zone, perhaps, or are our stuck zone perhaps, and just take a step in any direction. You will learn something. You will have an experience. You will, you know, analyze the data, how you felt, you know, what you might do differently. And all of that begins to create some velocity forward.

Matt Abrahams: The bias towards action is such a powerful lesson from both design thinking and improv. And it plays out in lots of ways in our relationships and in our communication. There’s a corollary to that notion, which is, you know, good is great, good enough as great. And it’s this notion that we put a lot of pressure on ourselves. And one of the reasons we don’t. Move forward is we’re afraid it won’t go the way we want or it won’t be as good as it could be, and just giving ourselves permission to move forward is really, really powerful. In your book, Your Turn , you have a chapter entitled “Start Talking to Strangers.” Can you explain the advice you give in this chapter and share any breath best practices you have that can help people use communication to connect with others?

Julie Lythcott-Haims: Yeah, I think that chapter opens by saying this or in the first couple of paragraphs, this may be the most obvious point I make in the book, but every human is a stranger to you. At the outset. I’m deliberately subverting the childhood norm. Don’t talk to strangers which young adults were raised with and making the point that this was an overbroad rule. The rule should have been learned. Let me teach you how to discern the one creepy stranger from the vast majority of humans who are perfectly fine child. Let me let you walk through the world with me, watching how I discern whether a stranger is OK to talk to. Instead, we’ve given this overbroad rule. Don’t talk to strangers and many, many, many, many young people really don’t know how to be. They feel afraid. They feel unsure. They feel something’s wrong if stranger is trying to talk to them. And that’s way if there’s anything that’s inhibiting or really preventing a normal, free flowing conversation between people who’ve not previously met this mantra, don’t talk to strangers, maybe it. Yeah, well, you know, we shouldn’t like it like it. Rules rarely apply, right. Instinct about how to approach somebody. You’re going to have to talk to strangers when you leave your family home. You’re going to go to a college or a community college or the workplace where the military there will be people who have information that you need. There will be people who can help you on your path. There will be people that you can help. And, you know, all of those things are going to require us opening our mouths and talking to this person. But that’s not all. I mean, we’ve got to be respectful toward this other person. We’ve got to also have a sense of how to advocate for ourselves. Communication is such a delicate dance and kids need to emerge from childhood having practiced. Matt, here’s a fascinating thing that I end up putting in the pages of Your Turn that I got from psychologist and Stanford alum Lori Gottlieb. So many young adults don’t know how to communicate with their significant others or their boyfriend or girlfriend, the person they’re dating. And they show up in her therapy practice and they say, oh, I broke up with my boyfriend. We had an argument and he wasn’t a hundred percent there for me. So I just I dropped him. And she says, Julie, here’s what I think is going on. Their childhood communication conversations were so regulated by well-meaning parents, teachers, other adults who sorted out difficulties when kids weren’t getting along on the playground or on a playdate, who gave the kids language to use to talk to the other kids. Not trusting the kids could ever figure this out themselves with a bit of guidance, right. A lot of adults did that handling. Now we’ve got a set of young adults who haven’t had that practice on the playground and play dates in group play with their peers. And they think that when someone loves them, it means I’ll drop everything to support you. You know, parents basically behave that way, right? You’re not have school. I’ll go argue with the teacher for you. And instead of letting the student practice the child practice how to have a difficult conversation with somebody so they become this young adult who who doesn’t have the skills to communicate in what we would call run of the mill situations, a conversation with a friend, a conversation with with a lover, a conversation with the with a colleague or a boss. We’ve got to let our kids know we need to want for our kids to practice, practice, practice, communicating with their fellow humans well before they ever leave our homes if they’re to make it in the world one day.

Matt Abrahams: The notion of practice and giving space to learn how to communicate better is so important and then helping them. I can imagine you would agree with this to reflect on that communication so you can learn from it and do it differently or better is also a valuable skill to add there.

Julie Lythcott-Haims: Absolutely.

Matt Abrahams: So I’m going to ask you to get a little meta here, Julie, if that’s OK. I have seen you speak on a number of occasions and you are a phenomenal speaker and and actually a great meeting facilitator as well. And those two don’t always go together. Can you share some of the things you think about and do to prepare yourself and your content before you present or facilitate?

Julie Lythcott-Haims: Yeah, it feels a little personal, but I’m not criticizing or critiquing, I’m just acknowledging that I am going to tell you that the honest, true, honest to God truth here, please. I am spiritual, but not religious. And as a way to kind of get my mindfulness game going, when I’m backstage, about to give a big talk, I offer what some might call a prayer. I am trying to summon my gratitude for where I am and for what’s about to happen and for something that’s, you know, whatever’s going on in my life. I then ask, you know, please let me have access to my to my intellect, to my sense of humor, to my intuition. Let me connect. Let me help everybody here somehow feel seen in the message I’m trying to deliver. I’m centering myself. I’m trying to create space between wherever I just was, you know, hurrying to get there. If I’m late for pandemic, you know, the traffic was bad or, you know, I left too late or or I’m a little stressed. I just try to put a buffer between everything that came up to that, you know, that happened before that moment. And the moment that I’m entering, I’m trying to create a new container of which the conversation, whether it’s a speech to an audience or a conversation among humans where I am just one of you know, I’m I’m a fraction of the of the whole I’m trying to be intentional about the the what I need to do to create a safe and welcoming and interesting and engaging conversational experience.

Matt Abrahams: Wow. Thank you first for sharing that. And second, so many things going on in that ritual that you go through that are so helpful, the ability to be present in getting yourself in the present moment, focusing through what you called prayer, others called mantra, just focusing on the strengths that you bring to the situation. Many of us feel so intimidated and think about all the deficiencies we have before we communicate in front of others. And to focus on our strengths can only help and to really think about the experience. I love that idea of the container that’s being created and thinking about that experience can only help. So, so many lessons to learn in in what you just shared in and so many lessons to learn in watching you speak and facilitate. Before we end, I’d like to ask you the same three questions I ask everyone who joins me on this podcast. Are you up for that?

Julie Lythcott-Haims: I’m up for it, Matt.

Matt Abrahams: Excellent. Number one, if you were to capture the best communication advice you ever received as a five to seven word presentation slide title, what would that be?

Julie Lythcott-Haims: Stop using slides?

Matt Abrahams: That might be the best answer to that question, given that I’m asking for a slide title. Excellent. Tell me more. Tell me, what is it about slides that bothers you?

Julie Lythcott-Haims: Yeah, well, I think some people do manage to use slides quite artfully as a way to enhance whatever it is they’re doing with their body language and the actual language. But to too many of us, don’t matter how many degrees you have or what role you play of importance in the world, really rely on the slide to tell the story, to tell the experience and glazing over, they read your slide instead of reading you. Yes. Look, my work is about connecting with humans, human to human. I actually am interested in the energy that we can create that exists in our bodies, that we can we can sort of strengthen and raise and share and receive from others. And so my work, when I’m this is what makes the pandemic so hard for a speaker like me. I’m trying to create energy through his own experience and a webcam that I’m really interested in. Like what can you feel radiating from the message that I am delivering and the slide? I think if I was to use slides and you can probably tell from my answer that I don’t, I would just use imagery, some kind of image to enhance rather than words. I think it’s too confusing.

Matt Abrahams: Allow me to go to question number two. Who is a communicator that you admire and why?

Julie Lythcott-Haims: Oprah Winfrey and has had a resurgence, not to say that Oprah wasn’t ever always on our minds, but she did this amazing interview recently with Harry and Meghan. Yeah. And so billions of people got to see her again. But I began watching Oprah. I think her afternoon Chicago based talk show was on when I was either in my late high school years, certainly my college years. She conveyed such a mad respect for humans, a deep curiosity about the why behind people’s actions and language, and ultimately could be having a really tough conversation with somebody because the topic was tough or because what they did was difficult, bad, wrong, etc. She managed to to elucidate difficult subjects without judgment, and I thought it was the most profound intersection of curiosity, respect and truth. I mean, Oprah was always going to tell her own truth, but you would feel even if she was disagreeing with you, you would feel kind of held in her arms as she did it. And I just thought that was magnificent.

Matt Abrahams: I like the way you dissected that: curiosity, respect, and truth. And certainly she is an expert at all of that. What are the first three ingredients that go into a successful communication recipe?

Julie Lythcott-Haims: Maya Angelou, I believe, said they’re not going to remember what you said. They’re going to remember how they felt when you said it. For ten years, I had the distinct, humbling joy of being the dean of freshmen on the Stanford campus. And I gave a big speech, many big speeches, in a year. But orientation is what I’m thinking of. And in the noise of orientation, 200 events across six or seven days, I knew that whatever I said was not going to be memorable. You know, they were drinking from a firehose, right? Just trying not to get wet, just trying not to drown. And yet we wanted some of that water to land because it would be nourishing. And so I aimed to convey that feeling. Right. You will probably not remember the words, but hopefully you are having an experience of being respected and and helped and aided and cared about and rooted for. So I think that’s the advice. Yes. You’re going to use words, but what is it ultimately that you hope the recipient, the listener, the reader is going to take away my new book, Your Turn ? The narrative voice of that took me three years to kind of find and hone, and it ultimately is trying to be me is me trying to be this compassionate, frank, older person saying, I know you’re terrified. I get that it’s valid. And the thing is, you got to you got to step into the adult place. And I’m here rooting for you and I’m going to be alongside you on these pages. And you’re going to be OK. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, you will. And to try to do that on the page, I mean, readers will have to let me know, did I succeed or not? And maybe in some chapters I did. In others I didn’t. But that’s it’s trying to imagine how the other person is going to receive any of the stuff you have to offer. And instead of focusing too much on who am I and how am I, what do I think about it from their perspective, it’ll take some of the pressure off you, I think, and it allows you to create empathy for your reader, your listener, your audience. And ultimately, that’s going to lead to a great presentation, a great communication.

Matt Abrahams: The notion of focusing on your audience and what they need is a recurrent theme that we hear across these podcast episodes. What you’ve added to it around this notion of really thinking about the experience and the feeling is very, very important as well. Thank you for that. Thank you for all of your time and your insights, your ideas about support, compassion, both for ourselves and for the young adults we’re talking to is critical. And these lessons extend well beyond transitioning into adulthood. I encourage everyone to take time to read Julie’s books and to watch her talks. Thank you so much, Julie.

Julie Lythcott-Haims: Matt, thanks for having me. And to all the listeners, thanks for spending time with me today. I appreciate it.

Matt Abrahams: Thank you for listening to Think Fast, Talk Smart , the podcast, a production of Stanford Graduate School of Business. To learn more, go to gsb.stanford.edu. Please download other episodes wherever you find your podcasts.

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speech about life challenges as a student

Struggle Makes You Stronger (Motivational Speech)

Struggles, challenges and hard times offer you much more value than any other time in your life. You can not grow without struggle. You can not get STRONGER without resistance. Think about a time in your life that may have been hard, but forced you to become better. Get grateful for the struggles and WORK on yourself to ensure your future has much more PLEASURE than PAIN.

Struggle Makes You Stronger (Motivational Speech) Ft. William Hollis

Download or Stream To ANY DEVICE, Worldwide:  iTunes ,  GooglePlay ,  AmazonMP3 ,  Spotify ,  Apple Music Struggle Makes You Stronger (Motivational Speech) –  Lyrics, Music, Speech: Copyright:  Fearless Motivation Speaker:  William Hollis

Transcript – Struggle Makes You Stronger (Motivational Speech) |  Fearless Motivation

Imagine if you got what you want, every time. No struggle. No hard work. No challenges. No hard work required.

Some of you are saying… that would be great… You would be weak!

And then, when something hard comes up in your life, you wouldn’t know how to handle it, because you have never gone through anything that strengthens you.

You can not GROW
 without struggle. You can not develop STRENGTH without resistance, without challenging yourself, without struggle.

PAIN is your friend. Maybe not in the moment. But for the evolution of your soul, for the long term benefit of you as a stronger human being – pain IS YOUR FRIEND.

If you didn’t have failures… If you didn’t have struggles… If you didn’t have disappointment, you could have no strength, no courage, no compassion. How could you? Those qualities are MADE from your pain and struggle.

You were given pain because you are strong enough to handle it. You were given this LIFE because you are strong enough to live it. Because you are strong enough to drive though it. To THRIVE THROUGH IT. To inspire others through it.

They will look to you and say: He did it, She did it, I have the strength to do it to.

You are stronger than you think. You’ve survived all your challenges to this point… And you will survive whatever is coming. But next time a struggle comes I don’t want you to curse the skies. Know that it was sent for a reason and a lesson. It might be to make you stronger, it might be to teach you patience, it might be for you to show others your spirit, there is a reason.

So don’t you give up. You have a purpose in this world. And you will only find it if you keep going and keep GROWING.

Share: Struggle Makes You Stronger (Motivational Speech)  – Motivational Video  on Facebook, Twitter and GooglePlus by clicking the share buttons below. Leave a comment below and join the #TeamFearless community

23 Responses

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Kindly please tell me the exacts words in this part: “Do you want people just to feel sorry for you or you want people to look up to you?! Do you want to be a LESSON?! Because lessons are born in the valley of STRUGGLE. fear is only (“a fiction on movies?”)????????? ” not sure if it is ‘ a fiction on movies’ or not

Fear is only a fictional movie (A made up concept) There is nothing to fear.

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What a powerful piece of thought

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It was dark when I woke. This is a ray of sunshine.

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It’s allways darkest before The light i can struggle i got this situation and i will Learn from it. It’s just a grain in my shoe.

Any feed back would Be great.

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Great videos! What is the name of the speaker who kicks in about 2:26? Motivating beyond words. Thanks.

Same speaker throughout the whole speech, William Hollis – listed in the description

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The idea which you have shared is right.Struggle makes people stronger and that is a biggest fact.Last day I have gone through one blog called Leadlife blog by Sean Hughes and I consider it as one of the best lifestyle blogs and it was truly motivating.

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life is full of challenges we should be ready to handle it comment or explain

please give a good answer for this

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whoa its so MaRVELOUS

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Like a strongger

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bloop says its good

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Such an inspirational thoughts… Love it….

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It’s always darkest before The light i can struggle i got this situation and i will Learn from it. It’s just a grain in my shoe. I believe it.

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A really really POWERFUL motivation for us in the hustle mode!

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It is the fact struggle comes from our strength, thats why we feel miserable but if we fight against to our problem there is a reason we can live in happiness.

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Amazing, motivation is power. I love it.

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Imagine if you got what you want, every time. No struggle. No hard work. No challenges. No hard work required. (What makes this introduction weak is that you repeated “No hard work” twice.)

You can not GROW
 without struggle. You can not develop STRENGTH without resistance, without challenging yourself, without struggle. (Also here why did you repeat “without struggle”?)

Also i’m a grade 10 student. Please be nice i’m just asking why?

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I really enjoyed this post! It was very motivational and inspiring.

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This motivational speech is spot on! I’ve been through some tough times in my life, but I’ve found that struggling pushes me to be stronger, more resilient, and more determined. The speaker’s message is so inspiring and has given me the courage to keep pushing through the hard times. Thank you for sharing this video!

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Best Motivational Speech For Students And Success In Life

12 Best Motivational Speech For Students And Success In Life

Positive words can build people up. Negative words can influence poor performance while positive words can inspire men and women to become exceptional in their chosen fields. This truth is timeless about words. Students need encouraging and inspiring words to do well in their studies.

A speech that is carefully constructed to help students and young professionals will equip them with the keys to achieving success. Nothing is impossible when the right information is given to those who are committed to becoming great in life.

In this article, you will find the best motivational speech for students and success in life. These speeches are timely and highly inspiring for anyone hungry to become successful anywhere in the world. If you have a student at home, these words will help you to be of great encouragement to him/her in their studies.

Short Motivational Speech For Success In Life

Short motivational speech for students, written motivational speeches for students, 1 minute motivational speech for students, 2 minute motivational speech for students, 5 minute motivational speech for students.

1. Life will present you with diverse opportunities to become a successful individual at different times. What you do with these diverse opportunities is what determines if you will become successful or not.

Look around you, there are great opportunities that you can take advantage of. Most people would prefer to give excuses about their poor background and other factors that limit their chances of becoming successful. Avoid that crowd mentality for your own good. You truly can be different.

You have to develop the right perspective about life. One such perspective is the belief that there are opportunities around you. What you need to start chasing your dream is not beyond your reach. No matter how big your dream is, the basic things you can start with immediately are within your reach.

I understand that it is very possible to have something you can use and not recognize the worth of that thing. This is the case for many people who are running to different places searching for favorable opportunities. I know you are one of such people, you should take a moment and think about your immediate environment and what you might be missing.

You might have been ignoring the very thing you have been looking for in different places that you have around you. That which you fail to maximize around you, someone else might discover it and explore it to his/her advantage.

You do not want to see others make the most of what you should have explored that you ignored within your reach. Start today to do the needful as you maximize all your privileges.

2. Successful People Avoid Excuses

If successful people avoid excuses you should avoid excuses if you want to also become successful. Those who have achieved success repeatedly did not do so by living a life that has excuses if they were always giving excuses they would not have achieved anything worthwhile in life by any means.

The basic way to rise to the top is by learning from those who are already at the top in their respective industries, fields, and careers. You have some successful people that you admire, right? Listen to them, read their books, and check their posts on social media, do they make excuses for failure?

They share stories of the days of struggling and not getting the recognition they deserved but it was because they refused to allow excuses and what others thought about the limit of what they could accomplish.

It is so easy to make excuses your bosom friend. There are a thousand and more excuses to give for underperforming and not even performing at all. At the end of the day, you will realize that they were people who had worse situations that they could have used as excuses for leaving a life of mediocrity.

Those who become successful go all out to break barriers in other to become great and achieve their dreams. They made sacrifices and kept routines to grow and improve their capacity to embody greatness in ways that inspire others.

Excuses will keep you small and unproductive in every endeavor of life. No one has become successful by being passive and making excuses for a way of life. The more you give excuses for not doing what you should do, the more you lose your capacity to become a successful person. That is a downward movement

To become successful, avoid excuses with everything in you. Do all you can every time and improve your capacity to do more so that you can expand your influence.

3. A Successful Student

Now that you are still a student, pay attention to your studies. You pay attention to your studies by avoiding anything, that can hinder you from becoming the great man or woman you want to be in the future.

Education is important that is why your parents/guardians are doing all they can to help you get the best education they can afford. Many young people don’t have the privilege of going to school like you. You should not take this privilege you have for granted if you want to become significant in society tomorrow.

What you are doing now that you are a student will prove who you will become after you are done with school. If you are playing now rather than learning and getting good grades, you will most likely not turn out to become a great person in the future. The law of cause and effect states that our rewards in life will always be in exact proportion to our contribution.

If you will become successful tomorrow, you should be studying hard. You will not always be here as a student of this school. One day, you will have to leave. Now that you are here, what are you doing that guarantees you will be great in the future?

If there is something you are doing wrongly that can cause you to fail, make the right changes immediately and start afresh on the right path. No matter how long you do the wrong things, it will never be right. Your only option to become significant in life is to intentionally succeed as a student.

You will not always be a student. At some point, you will be required to graduate. When that time comes, you will be proud of yourself if you have been a very good student. The future depends on how well you are preparing for it now .

4. Keep Only Good Company

Everyone around you might not be good for you. People are different but some people are not going to help you achieve good grades and become what you want to be in life. Those types of people should be avoided for the sake of your beautiful future.

When you stay around the wrong company, you will be influenced negatively. Before long, you will start doing the things they do that them a bad influence on society. Protect your academics, protect your life, and protect your dreams by staying away from bad company.

A friend who gives you the wrong advice is not a good friend. Think logically so that you can analyze all your friendships with your fellow students. If any of them is not doing things rightly, you should avoid being close to that person for your own good.

Good friends are priceless! They care for you and together you all can read, do assignments, and build your dream lives as you go from being students to being graduates. That is what friendship should be about. Positive energy and inspiring conversations should be the other things with you and your friends and colleagues.

The seeds you sow today will reap the fruits in the future. The company you keep will either make you or mar you. You might not see any bad effect of keeping the wrong people around you now. But I assure you that the effects will be obvious with time. To avoid regrets, only build friendships with those who can help you succeed in your academic and life at large.

The future belongs to you if you prepare for it with the right company daily.

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5. You Can Be Better

Your good can get better. Your best is not in the past regardless of what you have achieved. You must be committed to doing better than you did previously in your life as a student. That is how to keep being the star that you are already. Your light has to keep shining in every season of your life.

Don’t slow down your progress because you were celebrated yesterday for accomplishing a great task. As people celebrate you for being great, don’t let that get into your head to make you feel you have arrived at your destination in life. You are only just beginning your journey to greatness, keep pushing for me.

The more improve your capacity, the more you will be able to do for yourself, your family, your colleagues, and humanity at large. People are waiting for you but this version of you has to give way to the next better version of you that is currently locked up inside you. As you continue to work hard and work smartly you will be unleashing your greatness in phases. Your good will get better and the cycle will continue .

If you fail to keep improving, you will be doing yourself and humanity a disservice. The Almighty God has put in you a light that should shine brighter daily. The better you get, the brighter the light inside you shines to bless the people around you. That is the way God designed your life to be.

Believe that that the greatness God put inside you is real. Believe that you are a blessing to everyone that you come in contact with. Have faith in yourself. Keep working as much as you should and you will be surprised at how big you will become in your later years.

Never forget what I have shared with you today. Being a student is not all there is. One day you will be done with your studies. Keep getting better in your chosen course. The sky will be one of the many heights you will reach if you keep improving yourself.

I wish you all the best in everything as you put in the work.

6. You Can Achieve Your Dream Life

Here you are as of today. Shortly, you, will graduate and leave this place for good. That is the prayers of your parents and well-wishers. I know you desire to grow and make adequate progress as you make the right sacrifices. If you can dream it, you can have it.

Regardless of how large your dream is, you can achieve it. allow anyone around you to tell you that you won’t be able to accomplish your set goals daily towards reaching your dreams. Anyone who tells you that is a liar. Don’t believe him/her. Believe in God who has given you the limitless potential to accomplish your dreams and believe in yourself.

If your dream is to be one of the best scientists in the world, you can achieve it. If your dream is to be a nationally celebrated lawyer, you can become that respected individual whose pedigree as a lawyer is respected by an entire nation. Anything you can dream about, you can achieve with hard work and dedication.

Look around you, some people were once students but now they are highly respected individuals winning big in their respective industries. If they could rise from different backgrounds to the top, you can rise from your background to the top of your dream life. If you ever doubt yourself, read the stories of great people like Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, Lebron James, and the like.

Quit thinking that your dreams are too big for you to achieve. Allow your imagination to soar. Reach for the sky in your mind and exceed it. Remove every mental barrier that might make you doubt if you will ever do what you want to do with your amazing life. Until you can dream big without any limitations in your mind, you are denying your true strength as a human. Every human is made up of superpowers.

We are not ordinary in any way. Our minds are built to dream and accomplish big things. If you are not dreaming big you can’t achieve big things. It all begins in your imagination. Guess what? Your ability to imagine great things was freely given to you by God. You have to your that ability to prove to God that he did not waste His effort to make you powerful.

Let today be a new beginning in your life. Start dreaming if you have not started. If you already have big dreams, you can hold on to your dream. Work on it every single day of your life until you reach your desired destination.

I wish you the best of your dreams. Cheers!

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7. Choose Carefully

Decisions are what determines what we become eventually. Most people don’t pay attention to all their daily decisions which is why they are not becoming the best versions of themselves. You must think differently if you will become everything that you want to be even as a student.

Life will always present you with options, think carefully before you decide on anything. Think about the consequences of your options, the benefits, and every other factor in between. When you pay attention to details like that, you will make the right decisions that will lead you to a place of greatness in life.

Sometimes you might have good and right options. If you don’t know the difference between what is good and what is right, you might end up picking the wrong option. That something is good does not mean it is right for you at that particular time in your life. For example: While it is good to wear expensive clothes, as a student who is still depending on parental support to go through school, that should not be your priority. Every money you get should be to empower yourself to become a better student.

Buying more needed textbooks and paying for extra classes would transform your life more than how expensive clothes bought with the same funds will make you feel. People will admire your expensive clothes but they won’t value you the way they would if you had great intellectual capacity as a student. Your priorities must be right if you want to lead a great life.

Choose carefully and wisely. Nothing should be decided on casually. If you are finding it difficult to choose, speak to a mentor, and read up on those options to be sure of what they truly are and how they can affect you now and in the future. Some people have made what looked like small decisions that ended up making their lives unpleasant.

8. Think and Grow Big

You are not limited because you are still a student. You are only limited because you are not thinking big. Yes, you heard me correctly. Your mind is capable of big things just like every other person on earth everywhere in the world. If they can think big, you can think big. If they can build a great life, you too can build a significant life.

Some of them that are big in different organizations today started when they were students like you. They could have given excuses like some of you are already making excuses for limiting yourselves. Rather than allow where they were to define them as students, they broke free in their minds and saw the life they now live. You too can break free from limited thinking into big thinking that is limitless.

If you think big and put in the work, nothing is strong enough to limit your growth and success stories. You will be able to do a lot with your life repeatedly just by thinking big and making sure you accomplish the great goals you set for yourself over time. I will amaze you how much your life and perspective can change radically when you start thinking big.

Listen to me, if someone can achieve something great, another person can. We were all created to do exceptional things in different ways. You will be denying people what you owe them if you don’t live out the greatness within you. It was because some persons made discoveries to help humanity that you are empowered to be a student today. Think of what you can do to help others become who they should be.

The collective growth of humanity is dependent on all humans. I know we all dream big, we will grow big. This allows us to create businesses, structures, and technologies that will protect lives, foster great relationships, and keep us all on the right path.

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9. Listen to Your Teachers

Your teachers are here to teach you the things that you don’t know. So listen to them. Your attitude towards them will either make you a good student or a bad student. The choice is completely yours. However, choosing to cooperate with them will make their job easier and it will make you learn better.

Let them inspire you to greatness. Learn all you can from them while you still have the privilege of being their students. You will not always remain a student under the same teacher in your educational journey. At some point, you will have the leave one phase for another. Make each phase of your learning a great experience by listening to your teaching.

As you listen, give it your all. A rapt attention shows you know why you’re in school. It shows you are not joking with the resources your parents have committed to ensure you get a quality education. Some parent did not get a good education but that has only inspired them to do all they can for their children to go to schools

Your primary role in school is to listen to your teachers when they teach. In listening to them, you will learn, ask questions, receive inspiration, and develop perspectives about the different areas of life.

You are not learning if you are not listening. As you listen take note of the key points. Those are likely the answers to exam questions. I would not advise you to listen to your teachers so that you can pass your exams, that is a small part of the benefits. The best practice to imbibe is to listen to learn how things are. If you understand the subject you will pass your exam and still apply what you have learned outside your school environment.

The time you have to be in school, use it wisely. Your teachers are your instructors, mentors, and knowledge bank. Listen to them attentively every time they come before you and other students in your class to teach. Listen to them, they are helping you prepare for your great future.

10. Listen to Your Parents

It is priceless to have parents who are doing so much for you to have the resource that enables you to go to school. So many children are not in day-to-day because of either a lack of parents or a lack of financial capacity for those who have parents. You are privileged to be getting the quality of education you need because of the hard work of your parents.

You are going to hear your parents teaching you about life as much as they can while they try to provide for your needs daily. Listen to your parents with all your heart. Let your parents know that you value their sacrifices for your well-being.

Your parent might not be as informed as you are in the tech revolution. They might not know how to use social media like you. They might not even know who the leading club footballers are around the world but they have experiences that they have learnt valuable lessons from. Those lessons have made them wiser and in the affairs of life.

As you listen to them, you will learn powerful life-changing lessons that will increase the speed of your success. You will be able to avoid mistakes that they made. Your time, energy, and other resources will be channeled better into meaningful projects and activities.

There is no single parent that has nothing to teach his/her child. The problem usually is that young people think they already have life figured out. Some of you think that you know everything already. No, you don’t! What you know now is not enough for the rest of your life. You still have a lot to learn in fact, you have a whole lot to learn.

This is one of the reasons you have to be a good child at home. By being obedient and hard-working, you make it easy for your parents to share valuable wisdom with you that will propel you to great heights in life.

Choose to listen to your parents. You will be great. They will guide you with their words, funds, wisdom, and every other in their possession. Be that child that makes his/her parents proud all the time by listening to them and allowing them to help you through life. Your life will certainly be better for it.

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11. Your time is Valuable

Time is valuable. Time is not a joke. It is a gift that must be handled with care. If you are not using it well it will pass you by. It has no respect for your excuses even if they are genuine excuses for not doing what you were supposed to do.

You have to quickly make up your mind that you will make the most of your time no matter the challenges that come your way. Life will always try to put you in a box where you will find legitimate reasons to slow down or give up, don’t give in to that deception. No matter the situation you can move forward using your time to create great values for yourself and the world at large.

Develop a good time management system. You do this by planning your activities for each day. Waking up and not having a plan for the day is a guarantee that you will not maximize all the hours you have for that day. There are no two ways about it if you did not plan to become great, you can’t wake up great tomorrow.

Time does not organize your life by itself. You use time to organize your life for good. Look at the things you want to achieve at different times in your life. Sit down with a pen and notebook. Write down how you will manage your hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Feel free to adjust the plans as you go forward.

Yes, the plans are subject to change as the need arises. The only thing that is not acceptable for a great future is a life that mismanages time effortlessly. As long as you have a plan for what you will do after lectures each day if you keep to them, you won’t be roaming around places like other students who are still ignorant of how valuable time is

Nobody owes you the duty to manage your time as much as you owe it to yourself to manage your time. This is because time management is life management. I know you manage your time well, you will have a good life. If you don’t manage your time well, the outcome will not be a pleasant one in the future.

Before going to bed every night, plan the productive activities you will do the next day and allocate time to every single one of them. As you wake up every morning look at these plans and be determined to ensure your day goes as planned. There might be days you would need to attend to urgent ab important tasks that might not be on your list. Go ahead! Attend to those tasks and quickly get back to work each day with a plan.

You are a big superstar that the world is waiting for. By properly using your time you will become what you are passionate about becoming. Unleash your greatness daily with a good plan for your precious time.

12. Failure is Part of the Process to Greatness

Failing is not an end but a means if you refuse to give up. A man/woman can fail 99 times and achieve success when he/she tries again. That is remarkable. It takes a lot of faith to keep doing what you are failing at. If Michael Jordan gave up because of how badly he performed when he started playing basketball then he would not be globally celebrating today.

People fail daily. Those who understand what failure is rise after each fall. They don’t rise to repeat the same mistake. They rise knowing what mistake to avoid. That is how they keep pushing until they finally get it right. The world is full of people who think failure is an end. No, it is not an end. It is a clear proof that you were doing something with your life

After failing, try again. If it does not work, try again. Keep trying until you triumph. Refuse to give up when you can try one more time. If it still does not work, try again. You can change strategy but don’t give up on your worthy pursuit because you are failing at it.

Doing the same thing will most likely lead to the same result. As you rise after falling, look for what to do differently. You might need to change your cycle of friends for you to get through to the next phase of your life. Don’t be sentimental about it if you truly want to become successful. Taking your life seriously is your primary duty.

Success is nearer every time you fail. The more you fail, the closer you get to success. Lessons are learned on this journey as you move forward. Failure will teach you a lot of things that you will need when you finally become successful. You will learn the value of having people who love you unconditionally. You will learn that resources are meant to be properly used after a critical reasoning session. You will also learn that teamwork is better than working alone amongst other things.

Have you failed before? Rise above your past failure and try again. You can start a new project. Avoid thinking it would look like the previous one. However, if it fails again, start again. Pick yourself up and implement your ideas better than you did the last time

If you handle a faker with the right mindset, you will become successful at the end of the day. Think forward regardless of the challenge you are faced with. Failure is not final, success is not far. Keep pushing, greatness beacon.

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speech about life challenges as a student

Student Essays

Speech about life Challenges

12 All Time Winner Speeches about Life Challenges & Ways to deal them

The life is full of challenges. There are hell of uncertainties in every field of our personal and professional life. This speech defines what is life? What do we mean by challenges in Life? What are major life challenges that everyone faces from school days to Professional Life? How we can fight the life Problems? Why we shouldn’t quit?

Speech about Life Challenges | How to face Life Challenges Speech

Greetings! Hope everyone is doing great. It’s my pleasure to stand here in front of you and share my views about “Life Challenges”.

Speech about life Challenges

As we all know, life is not a bed of roses. It is full of thorns. The challenges faced by each one of us are different. While some may find it easy to overcome their challenges, others may find it difficult.

The challenges faced in life can be classified into two categories: internal and external. Internal challenges are those that are within our control, such as our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. External challenges are those that are outside of our control, such as the environment, other people, and events.

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The key to overcoming challenges is to focus on the things that we can control. We need to take responsibility for our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. When we do this, we empower ourselves to make positive changes in our lives, regardless of the external circumstances.

Some of the major life challenges that everyone faces are:

1) Financial challenges: Money is one of the most important things in life. It is the root of all evil, as they say. But it is also a necessity. Financial challenges can include not having enough money to cover basic expenses, such as rent, food, and utilities. It can also include being in debt and not having enough money to pay off debts. Financial challenges can be very stressful and can lead to other problems, such as relationship difficulties and mental health issues.

2) Relationship challenges: Relationships are a huge part of our lives. They can provide us with love, support, and companionship. But they can also be a source of stress and conflict. Relationship challenges can include communication difficulties, trust issues, and different values and goals.

3) Career challenges: Our careers are a big part of our lives. They can provide us with financial security and a sense of purpose. But they can also be a source of stress and anxiety. Career challenges can include job insecurity, working long hours, and dealing with difficult co-workers.

4) Health challenges: Our health is one of the most important things in life. It can be a source of stress and anxiety if we are not feeling well. Health challenges can include physical health problems, such as chronic pain or illness, and mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety.

5) Family challenges: Family is one of the most important things in life. They can provide us with love, support, and companionship. But they can also be a source of stress and conflict. Family challenges can include communication difficulties, different values and goals, and dealing with difficult family members.

6) Personal challenges: Personal challenges are those that are unique to each individual. They can be anything that makes us feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed. Some examples of personal challenges include public speaking, social anxiety, and test anxiety.

These are just some of the major life challenges that we all face. The important thing is to remember that we are not alone. There are others who have faced similar challenges and have overcome them. We can too.

So, how can we fight the life challenges?

The first step is to identify the challenge. Once we know what the challenge is, we can start to develop a plan to overcome it. This may involve seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling. It may also involve making lifestyle changes, such as changing our diet or exercise routine. And it may involve practicing positive thinking and self-talk.

The most important thing is to never give up. We all face challenges in life, but it is how we deal with them that defines us. So, never give up and always keep fighting. You can overcome any challenge that life throws at you.

Speech about Life Challenges

Life is full of challenges. It’s what makes us stronger, wiser, and more resilient. From the moment we are born until the day we take our last breath, we face obstacles and struggles that test our strength and character. Some challenges may seem insurmountable, while others may be small but still impactful in our lives.

But no matter what challenges we face, it is how we overcome them that truly defines us. In this speech, I want to share with you some of the most inspiring stories of individuals who have faced life’s challenges head on and came out victorious, in hopes of motivating and inspiring all of you to never give up, no matter what life throws your way.

The Power of Perseverance

Life is unpredictable and full of ups and downs. Sometimes, it feels like we are stuck in a never-ending cycle of challenges, with each one more difficult than the last. But amidst all the chaos, there is one thing that remains constant – our ability to persevere.

Perseverance is what keeps us going despite the obstacles and setbacks. It’s the strength and determination to never give up, even when the odds are stacked against us. It’s what separates those who succeed from those who give up.

Overcoming Adversity

There are countless examples of individuals who have overcome adversity in their lives and gone on to achieve great things. Take Nick Vujicic, for instance. Born without arms and legs, he faced numerous challenges and struggles growing up. But instead of letting his physical limitations define him, Nick persevered and became a motivational speaker, inspiring millions around the world with his message of hope and positivity.

Then there’s J.K. Rowling, who went from being a struggling single mother to one of the most successful authors in history with her Harry Potter series. She faced numerous rejections before finally getting her book published, but she never gave up on her dream.

These individuals and many others like them prove that it’s not about the challenges we face, but how we overcome them that truly matters.

Embracing Change

Change is inevitable in life. We may resist it at first, but we must learn to embrace it if we want to grow and succeed. Sometimes, the biggest challenges we face are the result of unexpected changes in our lives – whether it’s a loss of a job, a relationship, or even our health.

But as difficult as change may be, it also presents us with opportunities for growth and transformation. It forces us to adapt and become stronger versions of ourselves. So instead of fearing change, let’s learn to embrace it and use it as a catalyst for personal growth.

Life is full of challenges. But these challenges are what make us who we are. They test our strength, resilience, and determination. So the next time life throws a curveball your way, remember the power of perseverance and never give up on your dreams

Facing Life Challenges Speech:

Life is a journey filled with challenges, obstacles and uncertainties. As we navigate through this journey, we are bound to face difficult situations that test our strength, resilience and determination. These challenges can come in the form of personal struggles, relationship problems, career setbacks or even health issues.

At times, it may seem like these challenges are insurmountable and overwhelming. We may feel lost, helpless and unsure of how to move forward. But it is important to remember that facing challenges is a natural part of life, and it is through these obstacles that we grow, learn and become stronger individuals.

So how can we face life’s challenges with courage and determination? It all starts with our mindset. Instead of viewing challenges as roadblocks, we should see them as opportunities for growth and self-discovery. As the saying goes, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

It is also important to remember that we are not alone in our struggles. We have a support system of family, friends and loved ones who can offer guidance, comfort and encouragement during tough times. It takes courage to open up and ask for help, but in doing so, we allow ourselves to receive the love and support that can help us overcome any challenge.

Another key aspect in facing challenges is to maintain a positive attitude. It may be difficult, but it is important to try and find the silver lining in every situation. Instead of dwelling on the negatives, focus on the lessons learned and how you can use them to become a better version of yourself.

Moreover, it is important to have faith and trust in the journey. Life is full of ups and downs, but by having faith that everything happens for a reason, we can find strength and comfort during difficult times. Trust that you are capable of overcoming any challenge that comes your way.

Lastly, never underestimate the power of perseverance. Success rarely comes without persistence and determination. Keep pushing forward, even when it seems impossible. Remember, every challenge is temporary and with perseverance, you will come out stronger on the other side.

In conclusion, life’s challenges may seem daunting and overwhelming, but by changing our mindset, seeking support from loved ones, maintaining a positive attitude, having faith in the journey and persevering through tough times, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way

Speech about Teenage Life:

Being a teenager is often described as the most exciting, yet challenging phase of one’s life. It is a time where we experience many changes – physically, emotionally, and mentally. We transition from being carefree children to young adults with responsibilities and expectations.

In this speech, I will be discussing the various aspects of teenage life and how we can navigate through this phase with positivity and determination.

Physical Changes

One of the most noticeable changes during teenage years is our physical appearance. Our bodies go through significant transformations as we enter puberty.

For girls, it may mean getting their first period and developing curves, while boys experience voice deepening and muscle growth. These changes can be overwhelming and confusing for some teenagers, but it is important to remember that they are a natural part of growing up.

During this time, it is crucial to take good care of our bodies by eating nutritious meals, exercising regularly, and getting enough rest. These habits will not only help us stay healthy but also boost our self-esteem and confidence.

Emotional Rollercoaster

As if dealing with physical changes isn’t enough, teenagers also have to navigate through a rollercoaster of emotions. We may feel happy and excited one moment, then suddenly sad or angry the next.

These intense emotions are a result of hormonal changes and the challenges we face during adolescence. It is essential to learn how to cope with these feelings in a healthy way, such as talking to a trusted friend or family member, practicing relaxation techniques, or engaging in activities we enjoy.

Mental Health Matters

Another crucial aspect of teenage life is mental health. Adolescence is a time when we are vulnerable to developing mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. The pressure from school, peers, and social media can take a toll on our mental well-being.

It is essential to prioritize our mental health and seek help if we feel overwhelmed or experience symptoms of mental illness. Remember, it is okay not to be okay, and seeking support is a sign of strength.

Navigating Relationships

During our teenage years, we also start building relationships with our peers and exploring romantic relationships. While these experiences can be exciting, they can also bring challenges such as peer pressure, bullying, and heartbreaks.

It is crucial to surround ourselves with positive influences and set boundaries in relationships. We should never feel pressured to do anything that goes against our values or makes us uncomfortable.

Preparing for the Future

As we near the end of our teenage years, we start thinking about our future and making important decisions such as choosing a career path or pursuing higher education. This can be overwhelming, but it is crucial to remember that we have time to figure things out and make mistakes.

We should focus on developing our skills and interests and seek guidance from mentors or career counselors if needed. The most important thing is to stay true to ourselves and pursue paths that align with our passions and goals.

In conclusion, teenage life may be challenging, but it is also a time of growth and self-discovery. By taking care of our physical and mental health, navigating relationships wisely, and setting goals for the future, we can make the most out of this phase and become confident, resilient adults. Let’s embrace teenage life with determination and optimism! Thank you.

Speech about Overcoming Challenges in Life:

Welcome everyone, it’s a pleasure to be here today to talk about something that we all encounter in our lives – overcoming challenges. Life is not always a smooth ride, and everyone goes through their fair share of struggles and obstacles. But what makes us unique is how we face these challenges head-on and come out stronger on the other side.

I’m sure many of you can relate to facing difficulties in your personal or professional lives. It could be a financial crisis, health issues, career setbacks, relationship problems, or any other adversity that seems impossible to overcome. When we are faced with such challenges, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and lost. We may even question our abilities and strength.

But let me tell you something – no matter how tough the challenge may seem, you have what it takes to overcome it. You are stronger and more resilient than you give yourself credit for. It’s all about our mindset and attitude towards these challenges that make all the difference.

One of the essential things in successfully overcoming challenges is having a positive outlook. Instead of focusing on the problem, try to see it as an opportunity for growth and learning. Every obstacle we face in life teaches us valuable lessons that make us wiser and more prepared for the future.

Another crucial factor is perseverance. It’s easy to give up when things get tough, but it takes real strength to keep going despite the challenges. Remember, every time you push through a difficulty, you become stronger and more resilient. So never lose hope and keep pushing forward.

I also want to stress the importance of seeking help and support when facing challenges. We don’t have to go through struggles alone, and reaching out to friends, family, or professionals can make a significant difference. It takes courage to ask for help, but it’s not a sign of weakness. In fact, asking for help shows how strong we are in acknowledging our limitations and seeking solutions.

Finally, I want to remind you all that it’s okay to fail. Failure is a part of life, and it’s not something to be ashamed of. It’s how we learn and grow. So don’t let the fear of failure stop you from taking risks and pursuing your goals. And when you do face setbacks, remember that it’s not the end. It’s just a temporary roadblock on your journey towards success.

In conclusion, life is full of challenges, and it’s how we overcome them that defines who we are. So keep a positive mindset, be persistent, seek help when needed, and don’t let failure hold you back. As long as you have the determination and courage to face challenges, you are capable of overcoming anything that comes your way. Thank you

Speech on How to Face Life Challenges:

Hello everyone,

Today, I want to talk to you about a topic that we all face at some point in our lives – challenges. Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and it’s how we respond to these challenges that define us as individuals. Each one of us has faced difficult situations in our own unique way, but sometimes it can be overwhelming and leave us feeling lost, scared and unsure of what to do. That’s why I want to share with you today some tips on how to face life challenges with bravery and courage.

Acknowledge the challenge

The first step in facing any challenge is acknowledging its presence in our lives. It’s important not to ignore or deny the situation at hand, as that will only make things worse. Instead, take a deep breath and accept the challenge for what it is. This will help you to better understand the situation and come up with a plan of action.

Seek support

It’s important to remember that we don’t have to face challenges alone. Seeking support from friends, family or even professionals can provide us with a sense of comfort and guidance. Surrounding yourself with a strong support system can help you to stay positive and motivated when facing difficult times.

Stay positive

It’s easy to get consumed by negative thoughts and emotions when faced with challenges, but it’s important to try and stay positive. Remember that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and learning. Instead of dwelling on the negatives, focus on the positives and try to see the situation from a different perspective.

Have a plan

Having a clear plan of action can help us feel more in control when facing challenges. Take some time to evaluate the situation and come up with a realistic plan that takes into account your resources, strengths, and limitations. Having a plan also helps us to stay focused and motivated during difficult times.

Take action

While it’s important to have a plan, it’s equally important to take action. Don’t let fear hold you back from facing the challenge head-on. Break down your plan into smaller, achievable steps and start taking action towards overcoming the challenge.

Embrace failure as a learning opportunity

Facing challenges can often lead to failures, but instead of seeing them as setbacks, embrace them as learning opportunities. Every failure teaches us something new about ourselves and our strengths. Use these lessons to improve and grow for future challenges.

Believe in yourself

Lastly, the most important aspect of facing life challenges is to believe in yourself. Trust in your abilities and have faith that you can overcome any challenge that comes your way. Remember, you are stronger and more capable than you think.

In conclusion, facing life challenges with bravery and courage is not an easy task, but it’s one that we must all learn to do. By acknowledging the challenge, seeking support, staying positive, having a plan of action, taking action, embracing failure as a learning opportunity and believing in ourselves, we can overcome any challenge that life throws our way. So, let’s face these challenges head-on and come out stronger on the other side. Thank you for listening.

1 Minute Inspirational Speech on Life Challenges:

Life is full of challenges, big and small. These challenges are what make us strong, resilient and capable of achieving anything we set our minds to. They may seem daunting at first, but it’s important to remember that every challenge brings with it an opportunity for growth.

Think about the greatest achievements in your life – whether it’s graduating from college, landing your dream job, or overcoming a personal struggle. These are all challenges you faced and overcame, and as a result, you became stronger and wiser.

Challenges also push us out of our comfort zones and into new territories. They force us to learn and adapt, to think creatively and find solutions. Without challenges, we would never know what we are truly capable of.

But I know that sometimes life can throw challenges our way that seem impossible to conquer – maybe it’s a difficult illness, a financial crisis, or a personal loss. In those moments, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged. But remember this – you are never alone in your struggles.

There is always someone out there who has faced a similar challenge and come out on the other side. Seek out their stories, their advice, and their support. And most importantly, believe in yourself and your ability to overcome anything that comes your way.

Life is full of ups and downs, but it’s in those moments of struggle that we truly learn and grow. Embrace the challenges, face them head on, and you will emerge stronger than ever before. As the saying goes, “smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” So let life’s challenges be your teacher and guide, and you will emerge victorious in the end. So never give up hope, never lose faith, and always remember that you are capable of overcoming any challenge life throws your way.

So my friends, embrace life’s challenges with open arms and a determined spirit, and you will see just how capable and resilient you truly are. Remember, it’s not about the challenges themselves, but how we choose to face them that truly defines us. Take each challenge as an opportunity for growth and be proud of the person you become because of it.

So go out there and conquer your challenges, no matter how big or small they may seem. And always remember, you have the strength and resilience to overcome anything that comes your way. Thank you.

So my friends, go forth with determination and a positive attitude, knowing that challenges are just another stepping stone on the path to success. Keep pushing forward, keep growing, and never forget that each challenge brings you one step closer to achieving your dreams.

Embrace life’s challenges, and they will become your greatest teacher and ally in this journey we call life. Thank you. So never give up hope, never lose faith, and always remember that you are capable of overcoming any challenge life throws your way.

Be Yourself Speech:

I am honored to be here today and share some thoughts with you all on the topic of “Be Yourself”. This topic may seem simple at first glance, but it holds a deeper meaning that we often overlook.

We live in a society where there are constant pressures to conform to certain standards and expectations. We are bombarded with images and messages telling us how to look, act, and think. It can be overwhelming and at times, make us question our own identity.

But I am here to tell you that it is okay to be yourself. In fact, it’s more than just okay – it’s necessary. Each of us is unique and has something special to offer to the world. We shouldn’t try to fit into a mold that society has created for us. Instead, we should embrace our individuality and use it as our strength.

Being yourself means being true to who you are, without any pretenses or masks. It’s about being authentic and genuine. When we try to be someone else, we lose touch with our own identity and end up feeling lost and unfulfilled.

So how do we embrace our true selves? First, we need to let go of any insecurities and fears that hold us back. We shouldn’t be afraid to show the world who we truly are. Second, surround yourself with people who accept you for who you are and encourage you to be yourself. And third, don’t compare yourself to others. Each of us has a unique journey and it’s important to focus on our own path rather than constantly comparing ourselves to others.

In a world that tries to make us conform, being yourself is an act of rebellion. It takes courage and strength to stay true to yourself, but the rewards are worth it. When we embrace who we are, we can live a more fulfilling and authentic life.

So I encourage you all to be yourself, embrace your uniqueness, and never apologize for who you are. Remember, no one else can be you – and that is your superpower. Thank you

Speech about Life and Death:

Welcome everyone,

Today, I want to talk to you about a topic that affects us all – life and death. It’s a heavy subject but one that is worth discussing because it is an inevitable part of our existence.

Life and death are two sides of the same coin. We often think of them as separate from each other, but in reality, they go hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other.

Many of us fear death, and it’s completely understandable. We are scared of the unknown, and death is the biggest unknown of them all. But instead of fearing it, we should embrace it as a natural part of life.

Death reminds us that our time on this earth is limited. It encourages us to live each day to the fullest, to cherish our loved ones and make the most of every moment. It gives meaning to our lives and forces us to prioritize what truly matters.

Life, on the other hand, is a precious gift that should not be taken for granted. We have been given this incredible opportunity to experience all that this world has to offer – from love and happiness to pain and sorrow. It is our journey, and we must make the most of it.

But what happens after death? That is a question that has puzzled humanity for centuries. Some believe in an afterlife, while others believe in reincarnation or nothing at all. But instead of worrying about what may happen after we die, let us focus on making the most of our time here on earth.

As we go through life, we will inevitably face loss and grief. It’s a painful process, but it is also a reminder of the love and connections we have with others. Death may take away our physical presence, but our memories will live on forever.

So let us not shy away from talking about life and death. Let us embrace these topics and use them as a reminder to live our lives fully, appreciate every moment, and make the most of the time we have been given. Life and death are not separate entities but rather intertwined in the beautiful journey of existence. Thank you.

Speech on Life is a Gift:

Good afternoon everyone, today I would like to talk about something that we often take for granted – life. We all know that life is a precious gift given to us by the Almighty. But how many of us truly appreciate this wonderful blessing?

Life is not just about living for ourselves and our own happiness. It’s about making a positive impact in the world and leaving a lasting legacy. It’s about cherishing each moment, learning from our experiences and growing as individuals.

We may face challenges, setbacks and even heartbreaks in life, but they all contribute to shaping us into who we are meant to be. Each day is a new opportunity to learn, grow and make a difference. We should not waste it by dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. We should live in the present and make the most of every moment.

Life is also a gift that should be shared with others. Whether it’s through simple acts of kindness, offering a helping hand to those in need, or spreading love and positivity, we can touch the lives of others and make this world a better place.

So let us all be grateful for the gift of life and make the most of it. Let’s live with purpose, passion and gratitude. Let’s appreciate every breath we take and every beat of our hearts. Because in the end, it’s not about how long we lived, but how we lived that truly matters. Thank you.

We often get caught up in our busy lives and forget to appreciate the little things. But let’s take a moment to reflect on all the blessings we have in our lives – our loved ones, our health, our abilities and opportunities – and be thankful for them. Let’s also not forget those who are less fortunate and make an effort to spread kindness and help wherever possible.

Life is indeed a precious gift, and it’s up to us to make the most of it. Let’s not waste a single moment and live each day with love, purpose and gratitude. And remember, life is not just about living, but also about making a difference in the world and leaving our mark for future generations to come. So let’s go out there and make every moment count! Thank you

Speech on Life is what you Make it:

Hello everyone! It’s a pleasure to be here today. Today, I want to talk about an important topic – life. We all have our own unique journey in this world and we often hear the phrase “life is what you make it”. But do we truly understand what it means? Let’s dive deeper into this philosophy and see how we can apply it in our lives.

Understanding Life

Life is a precious gift that we have been given. It is full of opportunities, challenges, ups and downs, and everything in between. It is a journey filled with moments that shape us into who we are. We cannot control the circumstances we are born into, but what we can control is how we choose to live our life.

The Power of Perspective

Perspective plays a crucial role in how we see and experience life. Some might view their life as a constant struggle, while others may see it as an adventure filled with endless possibilities. It all depends on the lens through which we view our experiences. We have the power to choose our perspective and that can make all the difference.

Change is a constant in life. We cannot avoid it, but we can choose how we respond to it. Whether it’s a change in our personal relationships, careers, or the world around us, we have the power to embrace it and turn it into something positive. Life is all about adapting and evolving, and embracing change allows us to grow and learn.

Taking Control of Our Choices

Life is a series of choices. Some may be easy, while others may be difficult. But what matters most is how we choose to respond to those choices. We cannot control everything that happens in our life, but we can always choose how we react and move forward. The key is to take ownership of our choices and not let external factors dictate our decisions.

Living with Purpose

Life is what we make it, so why not make it purposeful? We all have a unique purpose and set of talents that we can use to impact the world in our own way. It’s important to identify our passions and align them with our actions. When we live with purpose, life becomes more meaningful and fulfilling.

In conclusion, life is truly what we make it. It’s up to us to choose our perspective, embrace change, take control of our choices and live with purpose. Let’s remember that every experience, good or bad, can be a lesson and an opportunity for growth. So let’s make the most of this precious gift called life and create a journey that we can be proud of. Thank you. So, let’s make the most out of every moment and create a life that we are proud of living. Thank you all for listening.

Speech on Challenges make life interesting:

Hello everyone, today I want to talk about something that we all experience in our lives – challenges. Challenges are an inevitable part of life and they come in various forms such as personal, professional, financial or emotional.

Many people view challenges as obstacles or roadblocks that hinder their progress. However, I believe that challenges make our lives interesting and worth living. In this speech, I will explain why challenges are important and how they can help us grow as individuals.

Importance of Challenges

Challenges push us out of our comfort zones and force us to adapt. They provide opportunities for personal growth and development. Without challenges, life would be dull and monotonous. Imagine a world where everything is handed to you on a silver platter. It may seem ideal at first, but eventually, you would lose the drive and motivation to achieve anything.

Challenges also build resilience and character. When we face difficult situations, we learn to overcome them and become stronger in the process. Challenges teach us valuable life lessons that cannot be learned through books or lectures.

Learning from Challenges

Every challenge brings with it a lesson or a skill that we can use in the future. For example, facing financial difficulties teaches us the importance of budgeting and saving money. Dealing with a difficult boss at work teaches us how to communicate effectively and handle conflicts.

Challenges also help us discover our strengths and weaknesses. When faced with a challenge, we are forced to dig deep within ourselves and find ways to overcome it. This self-discovery can lead to personal growth and a better understanding of ourselves.

Overcoming Challenges

It’s important to remember that challenges are not meant to defeat us. They are meant to be conquered. Facing challenges head-on and overcoming them gives us a sense of accomplishment and boosts our confidence. It also prepares us for future obstacles that we may face.

To overcome challenges, we must have a positive mindset and believe in ourselves. We should also seek support from our friends, family or even professionals if needed. It’s important to remember that we are not alone in facing challenges and there is always someone who can help us.

In conclusion, challenges make life interesting by providing opportunities for growth, learning and self-discovery. They may be difficult and daunting, but they ultimately make us stronger and better individuals. So the next time you face a challenge, embrace it with open arms and see it as an opportunity to overcome and grow. Thank you for listening. Let’s not be afraid of challenges, let’s embrace them instead! Challenges truly do make life interesting.

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Q: How do you accept challenges in life speech?

A: In a speech about accepting challenges in life, you can start by emphasizing the importance of a positive mindset, the value of learning from failures, and the need for determination and resilience when facing challenges.

Q: How life challenges you?

A: Life challenges you through obstacles, adversity, and unexpected situations. These challenges can test your resilience, problem-solving skills, and ability to adapt to change.

Q: How do you start a life speech?

A: To start a life speech, you can begin with an engaging anecdote, a thought-provoking quote, a personal story, or by addressing the audience with a compelling question or statement related to the theme of the speech.

Q: What is a life short speech?

A: A short speech on life typically provides a concise and impactful message about the meaning, challenges, or experiences of life. It can touch on various aspects of life, such as its journey, purpose, or lessons learned.

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Speech about Life for Students & Children

January 17, 2024 by Sandeep

Speech about Life: Life is beautiful but is full of roller-coaster rides. Life can be challenging, yet we learn to face the world strongly. It’s a divine gift from God, and we must instill a purpose and a path to success. Life is full of surprises and unexpected pitfalls. With inner strength, we should face life with a pinch of a smile. Life provides us with opportunities to succeed and accomplish heights of success in the world.

Short Speech About Life

Below we have provided 2 minutes short speech about life, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 students.

Good morning to all of you present here. Today, I am going to deliver a speech on life. Life is an opportunity to contribute positively to the world. God gifts us all life. Life comes with an end, i.e., death. All people, regardless of being knowledgeable or less knowledgeable, have to face it someday. Someone who is not worried about death but lives life to the fullest is counted as one of the wisest individuals on earth. It is never essential how long we live our life, but it is always vital how well we live our moments, how many lives we touch, and what we achieve in our lifetime.

Understanding life to the fullest brings satisfaction and happiness. On the other hand, those who cannot grasp the meaning of life often find themselves complaining. Life is a process that includes happiness, sorrow, hardships, relationships, and lessons stored for all of us. We are the ones who make a difference to all these. A person who learns to be satisfied is always happy, no matter what he has or has achieved. Someone who embraces struggles and obstacles to become a better person is always successful.

A positive attitude and lively approach always make a difference in life. Life is always full of hope, and we all must make every moment of this life memorable. We all must be thankful to God for this glorious opportunity. It is a treasure for us, making everyone’s journey unique and distinct. We must strive to make everything possible, creating a life worth living.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak on this topic.

Speech on Life

Below, we have provided a motivational speech about life, written in easy and simple words for classes 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. This life speech is helpful for school students who are preparing for a speech writing competition.

Good morning to one and all present here. I am here to share my thoughts on life. So, what is life? Life is a miracle or a gift given by God. It is a process that has to end someday. Life is all about living yourself. It is unique for every individual; no two people born in this world are the same. Every person carries their personality and character. Life is like a sea of opportunity to create and adore things around you.

Every human life is a blessing, which has the power to build and rebuild things. Life gives us plenty of moments where we express, create, love, help, and experience many more things. It shows us the path of success and brings happiness with time. However, we must remember that life is not always about positive things or happiness. There are sorrows, hardships, and hurdles, but what matters is how we react to such situations.

We all must learn to make this life meaningful by doing whatever is possible. We must carry positive thoughts and attitude. None of us must curse life, as it is an opportunity we got by God’s grace. We must cherish and live every day of our life. We are blessed with many relationships in this world; it is the loving family and caring friends who make our life beautiful. Family, friends, and people around us give us a purpose to live in this world.

The trust, care, and love keep us going for the rest of our lives. They all make our life worth living. Understanding our near and dear ones is vital in our lives. Life is like a trust entrusted to you. It gives you the hope to keep moving. It is like the faith in God, as we all understand that we are answerable to Him for our deeds.

Life is a journey full of ups and downs. It leads us to paths full of happiness, challenges, lessons, hardship, and special moments. We all need to keep in mind that life will not always be easy; it will have a few things to test us or challenge us. We need to accept all those and keep moving on our way. We all must know that it is the only life we got; we must ensure that we do the right things. I would like to conclude my speech with this beautiful quote:

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”


Speech About Life of A Student

Student life is all about studying and learning different subjects and skills that ensure a good future. From morning to night, a student’s life has a busy schedule but this schedule is quite interesting as it also comprises sports, games, hobbies, fun and joy.

Speech About Life of A Student | 4 Minutes

Good Morning Everyone, First of all, I want to wish you all the best for the day. I am here to say a few words about Student Life . I am very glad to have this tremendous opportunity.

A student’s life includes the preparation to reach school or college, studying, completing assignments, enjoying sports, having fun with friends and many more things. Doing so many things broaden our thinking. We learn the skill of time management and efficient performance. We also get to know the importance of discipline, devotion, motivation, fear, friendship etc.

Student life involves fewer struggles and more joy. Students do a lot of naughty activities during their student life. But they also learn moral values that make them a gentleman by providing them with a distinct identity in society. Your future totally depends on how has your student life been.

student life & Your Future

Abraham Lincoln once said, “The best way to predict your future is to create it”. Yes, you can create your future that is decided by your actions. But actions need to be performed in the right direction. Then a question arises how will we know whether a direction is right or wrong?

Education is the medium that helps us differentiate between the two. That is why education holds a very crucial value in human life. We begin gaining education in schools which are the first place where our student life takes off from.

Importance of student life

Student life is considered very important. Why? There are various reasons. Student life influences a person’s character very deeply. Their character and personality are designed for their student life. Apart from this, student life offers guidance which is very important to achieving goals.

Student life is also vital for a country because students are the future generations of a nation. So, they are regarded as the foundation of the future of a country. If you need to make a building stand, you must make a strong foundation otherwise it will collapse.

Teachers’ Role in student life

Have you ever think how a teacher is important in student life? Have you ever listened to Ekalavya’s Story? Eklavya learned extraordinary archery by just standing in front of an idol of his teacher. That’s how stories and cultures explain to us the importance of a teacher.

This story tells us that It is not necessary that a teacher always belongs to schools or colleges or a teacher is always a person. Everyone and everything that guides you are a teacher. Student life is incomplete without teachers. Teachers are like lamps in the darkness. They clear our doubts and show us the right path.

The Importance of Sport in student life

Health is an important part of life. Without good health, everything goes in vain. That is why it is also not advised for a student to be a bookworm who always indulges himself in his studies rather he should also pay attention to health and spend some time daily in some sports and games.

Sports and games can improve your physical and mental health. You feel energetic and active all the time which makes you more productive in your academic performance too.

At last, I want to say that one must make the best use of one’s student’s life because it never comes back once gone.

Thank you all for your valuable attention.

Speech About Life of A Student- 1 Minute

Short Speech Example

Good morning and welcome to all the people present here. I am here to present a speech on student life. Before starting my speech I want to thank you all for your precious presence.

Education carries an important role in human life. One needs to go to schools and colleges to get an education. As a learner or scholar, one’s student life takes off. As a student, we study a lot of books, explore numerous subjects, play different sports and games, and do other extracurricular activities.

A student’s life includes the preparation to reach school or college, studying, completing assignments, enjoying sports, having fun with friends etc. Doing so many things broaden our thinking. We learn the skill of time management and efficient performance. We also get to know the importance of discipline, devotion, motivation, fear, friendship etc.

This is what I wanted to say. Thank you for listening to my words. I hope you liked my speech.

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Success in Life Speech: Short and Long Speech

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  • Updated on  
  • Mar 6, 2024

Speech on success in life

Success in life speech : India’s former President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam once said, ‘ Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success.’  Success is not given or gifted. Success is earned with commitment and perseverance; whether it is academic or professional success. Everyone aspires to be a better version of themselves and wants to live prosperous lives. But do you know what it takes to become successful?

‘ Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success.’  – Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

On this page, we have listed down some speeches on success in life samples. These will help students with their speech-writing topics.

Table of Contents

  • 1 2-Minute Speech on Success in Life
  • 2 Long Speech on Success in Life
  • 3 10 Quotes on Success in Life
  • 4 10 Motivational Lines for Success in Life

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2-Minute Speech on Success in Life

‘Good morning my friends, teacher (s). My today’s speech topic is ‘Success in life’. Which person comes to your mind when you think of the most successful person in the world? Is it Elon Musk? Or Mukesh Ambani? I am sure it is some top-level businessman or celebrity.

Lifelong happiness, financial security, personal development, a positive atmosphere, leading a healthy lifestyle, etc. are all signs of success. Who doesn’t want these things in life? We all wish for a better life for ourselves and our loved ones. But first, there are certain things we must focus on and take action on.

Having a goal is very important. Goals act as our guiding stars, providing direction and purpose. Let me tell you something; success is a journey and not a destination. We all have our role models. Some of us like movie stars, some sportspersons, others any businessperson or any popular figure. If you look at their life journey, they all started from somewhere and drafted a plan for themselves. 

Success demands sacrifice, discipline, and hard work. Life is not just rainbows and sunshine. There will be obstacles along the way, but it’s your determination and resilience that will propel you forward. Embrace challenges as opportunities to grow and learn, and remember that setbacks are not failures but stepping stones to success.

Bruce Lee, the famous martial artist and actor, didn’t earn fame overnight. Bruce Lee’s success was not only physical but also rooted in his philosophical approach to life. Here’s one brilliant quote by him, ‘Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own.’ 

Next time you see a successful person, don’t just look at the car he is driving or the expensive watch he’s wearing. Think how hard he might have worked to achieve all those luxurious things.’

Also Read: Speech on Self-Confidence in English

Also Read: Speech About Life for Students

Long Speech on Success in Life

‘Hello and welcome to everyone present here. Today, I stand before you to present my ‘Success in Life speech’. Our every action must have a purpose. There are ups and downs in life, challenges that will shake you off your foundation, emotional breakdowns, and sometimes bad luck. But what if you bounce back all the challenges that stand in your way? Can you imagine your success, which is solely based on your hard work, determination, discipline, and perseverance? Take a moment and think about what your successful life will look like.

Depending on your interests and hobbies, think of a goal that you wish to achieve. With a specific goal or target in mind, you can work in the right direction and focus solely on your purpose. If you ask me, I would take some time to reflect on my aspirations and let them serve as beacons lighting my path toward success. 

Success is not achieved overnight. It’s a lifelong process. Usain Bolt, the fastest man on the planet won his first Olympic gold medal after 10 years of deliberate practice. He achieved success because he believed in himself and his hard work.

Nothing good comes for free. It requires sacrifice, determination, and a lot of hard work. The journey to success is not always smooth. It is marked by challenges, obstacles, and moments of self-doubt. In times like these, when you feel like giving up, resilience becomes your greatest ally. Resilience, it’s the ability to bounce back from setbacks, to learn from failures, and to persevere in the face of adversity. 

Do not let the absence of challenges define who you are, but rather how you respond to them. 

Success is intertwined with a commitment to continuous learning. We need to embrace every opportunity life offers, as it can expand our knowledge, develop new skills, and to adapt the ever-evolving world. 

Surround yourself with like-minded people, people who inspire you, support and challenge you to influence your mindset and shape your journey toward success. You can’t stop the inevitable, but you can learn from the mistakes you made. 

We are all in the same boat here. What we do today will define who we become tomorrow. So let’s cheer each other, and focus on our goals, not materialistic things. We all have only one life. Let’s make it count.’

Also Read: 18th Birthday Speech for Students

10 Quotes on Success in Life

Here are 10 popular quotes on success in life. Feel free to add them to your speech or any writing topics.

‘Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.’ – Pelé

‘Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success’ – Virat Kohli

‘Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that count.’ – Winston Churchill

‘Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.’ – Winston S. Churchill

‘Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.’ – Booker T. Washington

‘Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.’ – Albert Schweitzer

‘The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.’ – Vidal Sassoon

‘Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.’ – Arnold H. Glasow

‘Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you make a positive difference to the world. – Roy T. Bennett

10 Motivational Lines for Success in Life

Here are 10 motivational lines for success in life. Feel free to use them in your speech topics.

‘Dream big, work hard, and never give up.’

‘Your only limit is you—break through it!’

‘Every small step counts toward your big goals.’

‘Believe in yourself; you are stronger than you think.’

‘Embrace challenges; they are stepping stones to success.’

‘Success is not final, failure is not fatal—keep going.’

‘Turn obstacles into opportunities and setbacks into comebacks.’

‘The road to success is under construction—build it with determination.’

‘Your attitude determines your direction—choose positivity.’

‘Be the energy you want to attract; radiate success and positivity.’

Ans: ‘Hello and welcome to everyone present here. Today, I stand before you to present my ‘Success in Life speech’. Our every action must have a purpose. There are ups and downs in life, challenges that will shake you off your foundation, emotional breakdowns, and sometimes bad luck. But what if you bounce back all the challenges that stand in your way? Can you imagine your success, which is solely based on your hard work, determination, discipline and perseverance? Take a moment and think about what your successful life will look like.

Ans: ‘Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.’ – Pelé

Ans: Success requires determination, willpower, discipline, hard work and perseverance. Whether it’s about personal, academic or professional success, you must set your mind clear and focus only on what is important to you.

Related Reads:

This was all about the success in life speech. We hope we were able to provide you with all the necessary information you were looking for. For more information on such interesting speech topics for your school, visit our speech writing page and follow Leverage Edu .

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Shiva Tyagi

With an experience of over a year, I've developed a passion for writing blogs on wide range of topics. I am mostly inspired from topics related to social and environmental fields, where you come up with a positive outcome.

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On Life Challenges In English

Good morning to everyone in this room. I would like to thank the principal, the teachers, and my dear friends for allowing me to speak to you today about life challenges. Everyone, in my opinion, must deal with issues or obstacles daily. Even those who believe themselves to be flawless have difficulties or obstacles in life. Nonetheless, those issues may always be resolved.

Each experiences life’s hardships differently. Some persons experience physical difficulties, such as illnesses or disabilities, which make it difficult for them to carry out specific jobs. Some people struggle with emotional problems like despair or anxiety. Some people experience mental health problems. Then some individuals struggle spiritually, experiencing things like feeling lost in a world that moves too swiftly for them to keep up with.

It’s important to know what kind of support is available to you if you need it in addition to being aware of the challenges you are now facing in your own life. 

Life challenges can be physical, mental, or emotional and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are short-term and long-term challenges in life. While some obstacles in life may be conquered, others cannot.

Having a challenging relationship with someone else where you feel like your needs aren’t being met or that there is no way to communicate with them because they don’t listen to what you have to say makes it challenging for you to trust yourself or anyone else because you worry they will hurt you the same way the other person did before is one of the most common types of life challenges. Thank you. 

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Speech about challenges [1,2,3,5 minutes], 1 minute speech about challenges.

Challenges are the opportunities that give us a chance to grow, learn and improve. They are the driving force behind our progress.

Challenges can be personal or professional, big or small. Whether it is a new skill you are trying to learn or an important goal in your career, challenges will help you achieve them.

When you set goals for yourself, it is important to know where you stand and how much work needs to be done in order for your goal to become a reality. This is where challenges come into play – they help us measure our progress and identify what we need to do next.

Challenges are a part of life and they can be both positive and negative. When faced with challenges, the best way to deal with them is to analyze the situation and then come up with a plan.

The key to overcoming these challenges is to be open-minded and take action. If you give up too easily, you might end up creating more problems for yourself.

Challenges are inevitable in everyone’s life and it is important to face them head on. But, how do you do that? I am telling you some of the tips on how to face challenges and lead a happy life.

1. Be brave

2. Be patient

3. Believe in yourself

There are a lot of educational Challenges that students face in their daily lives. The purpose of this speech is to provide some helpful tips on how to face these Challenges.

– Create a learning plan for yourself and stick to it.

– Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your professors, tutors, or mentors.

– Keep up with your studies by staying organized and managing your time wisely.

2 Minutes Speech about Challenges

Challenges are the obstacles that we encounter in our everyday life. They can be external or internal and are always present in our lives.

What is a challenge?

A challenge is a difficult task or situation that requires full attention, effort, and determination to overcome.

It is an obstacle that gets in the way of what you want to achieve.

Challenges are defined as a difficulty, obstacle, or problem that requires a response.

In the context of marketing, challenges are obstacles that hinder the success of your company and you need to find ways to overcome them.

It is not easy to face challenges. Some people may find it difficult to confront their problems and face them head on but there are a few ways that can help you deal with challenges.

When we experience a challenge, it is natural for us to want to run away from it. However, the best way to deal with any challenge is by staying put and facing it head on.

Some people try running away from their problems by drinking alcohol or smoking weed but this can lead to addiction and other negative consequences.

The best way of dealing with a challenge is by staying put, confronting your problem and finding solutions that work for you.

There are many ways to face educational challenges.

Some of these are:

– Keep learning new things: You can keep learning new things as and when you need it.

– Stay motivated: Motivation is the key to success in any field. If you want to stay motivated, try and find a hobby or something that makes you happy.

3 Minutes Speech about Challenges

Challenges are a part of the process of change. They happen when a person or an organization is faced with a new situation and they have to figure out how to deal with it.

The definition of challenges is not simple, it varies from person to person and also depends on the context in which it’s being used.

Challenges can be personal, societal or organizational problems that can’t be solved by one individual alone. Challenges are also known as barriers, obstacles, and problems that need to be overcome for success.

Face challenges with the right mindset.

The key is to have the right mindset when you face challenges. Here are some steps to help you overcome your challenges:

1. Realize that it is not the end of the world and that it is not a permanent situation.

2. Take a step back and see what caused this situation and how can you prevent it from happening again in the future?

3. Keep your head up, don’t give up, and keep working hard!

Challenges can be the toughest part of life. From a personal perspective, it is difficult to deal with the challenges that we face. However, when we know how to face them, it becomes easier.

There are many ways to face educational challenges. One of them is to be proactive in your approach. You can also try to find a tutor or consider online learning.

There are many ways that you can overcome educational challenges and make the most out of your education. One way is to be proactive in your approach and have a tutor who can help you understand concepts better. Another way is to consider online learning which would allow you to learn at your own pace and when it’s convenient for you.

The third option would be to find a mentor who has already been through the same experiences as you and has overcome the same challenges that you are facing now.

5 Minutes Speech about Challenges

Challenges are the obstacles that we face in our daily lives. They are what make life interesting and exciting.

Challenges can be seen as a part of life and everyone has their own challenges. Some people have big challenges while others have small ones.

Some of the more common types of challenges are:

– Financial problems – Relationship problems – Health problems

Challenges are the opportunities that are not only faced by the human race but also by businesses. They can be seen as barriers that hold back progress and innovation.

Challenges can be seen as opportunities because they provide an opportunity to learn, grow and improve.

A challenge is a barrier when it prevents progress and innovation from happening.

Challenges are a part of life. They can be small or large, but they are always a part of life. Whether it’s something small like getting over a breakup or something larger like being laid off from your job, challenges are always there to test our resilience and strength.

In order to face challenges, we need to have a solid mental state. The first step is to not feel sorry for yourself and focus on what you have going for you instead of what you don’t have. You should also take the time to reflect on how far you’ve come and how much progress you’ve made before moving forward with your plan.

The second step is acknowledging that it’s okay not to know the answer – in fact, it’s better than that! It means that there’s still hope for finding the answer or solution at some point in time; just make sure that you keep trying until then!

Face challenges with confidence. When you face a challenge, it can be easy to feel anxious or intimidated. However, this is the time to take a deep breath and focus on what you can do to overcome it.

When faced with any type of challenge, there are three things that you should do:

1) Take a deep breath and focus on what you can do to succeed. The first step is acknowledging that there is something that needs to change in order for you to succeed; sometimes this is as simple as changing your mindset or taking action.

2) Take the time out of your day to take care of yourself. This might mean going for a walk outside or scheduling some time for yourself in your schedule so that you can recharge and focus on what matters most in life.

3) Find others who are facing the same challenges as you and find ways to connect with them so that they can support each other through their struggles.

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  • Speech on Life After School


Introduction Speech on Life After School

The anticipation of life after school brings a lot of excitement and fun energy for the students. In their innocence, they view life through the rose-tinted glass. And along the way they later realize life, after all, entails a lot of ups and downs. Life after matric changes in so many ways academically and personally. And in this English Speech about life after matric article, we will delve into ways of presenting this speech. It can be a long speech about life after matric or a short speech on life after school. 

Long Speech on Life After School

In this type of 5-minute speech, the students in grades 8-12 will find it very valuable as they can articulate themselves in a detailed manner. 

Good Morning and a very warm welcome to the respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends. Thank you for giving me this golden opportunity to speak about life after school, I do have a lot to share. After our matric or our boards, we will part our ways. From our friends, this school, the teachers, friends and everyone. We will no longer be school children, we will start our higher education and become college-going students. 

I never thought of myself as being a person who rides along with any emotion, but when I think about the time after school it makes me sad and excited at the same time. My friends and I had a lot of memories together, and we did many mischievous things together. We were not good at hiding it so our teachers always caught us. Even in happiness or punishments, we were together guiding each other. Our teachers were always by our side and taught us right from wrong. 

In our independent lives after school, nobody else will be the guiding light, we have to be our own moral ground. We will have to decide for ourselves and make important choices. And also learn to take accountability for our actions and deal with the consequences. 

I have seen my older brother deal with things responsibly. He is the one who shares these learnings from his experiences with me. Yes, life will be different from what it is today and what has been till now. But it will be our choice to decide what to make of it, whether to lead a good life or get swayed by trivialities of youth. 

Not everyone will be helpful, most times we will be on our own which will be the crucial time where we have to apply our learnings in real life. We will no longer be innocent but we will gain wisdom. And that is an important virtue to live by.

The most important thing to remember is to work hard to achieve our dreams and goals because there are no free lunches in the world. Everything requires effort, and we must be willing to put in a lot of it. We will face many tough situations so it is important to cherish what we have now. 

These are truly the best and happiest days of all our lives. We will never be this carefree and stress free ever. With ample time in our hands now to be children, we must enjoy them to the fullest. And work towards a better life, staying true to our core values and learning all that this school and the school life has taught us. Good luck.

Short Speech on Life After School

This format of speech about life after matric will be helpful for students in grades 4-7 to understand and present because it's short and simple.

Good morning everyone, the respected principal, the teachers and my dear friends I Abc (mention your name) are here today to speak about life after school. In a few years when we will give our matriculation exams, our school life will come to an end. But we will always remain a student in life, learning every day from our different experiences. 

We have our close friends near us now, after school we will all be on our journey to start another chapter of our lives. It is all a part of growing up to deal with the challenges of life on our own. The friends we make then will be our own chosen family. We will have responsibilities towards ourselves and our families. 

Life is a culmination of many peaks and valleys and everyone we meet in this journey has something to teach us. We will never be this free and relaxed where we only get to study, eat and play without anything to worry about. In our busy lives after school, we will have to create time for such activities as games and other hobbies that we take for granted today. 

So let’s have gratitude and value for this carefree life that we are living now. Now is all we have, and if we work hard today and enjoy the work while doing it, it will only be of value and enrich our lives. Let us make time for everything that matters.

10 Line Speech About Life After School

This is helpful when one needs to give a 2-minute speech using simple words in a short format.

1. School life is the best life and the golden period of our lives. 

2. There will not be a time in life where we get to be this free of stress as we are in our school life.

3. In our school life, we have a lot of room to make mistakes.

4. And our teachers, elders, parents and friends guide us and enlighten us to take lessons from our mistakes.

5. After school, our friends are on their own, we too become adults so a lot is expected from us.

6. We shoulder many responsibilities and duties after school.

7. There will always be consequences to even a minor mistake.

8. We must take it in our stride and learn from them without losing our hearts. 

9. In the real-life after school, there will be competition in every aspect of our lives so we must be well-prepared.

10. Let’s learn, have fun and value our life and the people in it.

Life After School – Speech

Every child in their school life wants their school life to be filled with excitement and fun. It is considered the most cheerful year of life. And during this stage, you must remember the importance of the study, the value of the people in school and most importantly, your teachers. Once you enter college, you understand how school life and college life is different. Once a student leaves school, they learn how life is about striking balance. In this phase, a student must balance work and life. It is not about continuously studying for something or trying to master the skills but instead striking the balance between everything. 

One must always take time for their hobbies as well or else they can get exhausted.  We must remember that excess of anything is not good and it can instead be harmful to us. Therefore, we shouldn’t feel pressurised by our surroundings as it can instead hamper our health, both physical and mental. A student should make the habit of keeping a schedule and setting goals that are big or small. The period of school life is considered a golden period and students must enjoy it and also learn from their fellow students and value teachers. Every phase in our life teaches us something, be it small things or huge ones. We shouldn’t neglect the important things in life and should always strive to be good human beings. One must learn to stand on their own feet and make themselves proud before anyone else.


FAQs on Speech on Life After School

1. How to start a speech properly?

It is always good to start a speech by giving a relevant quote that can grab the attention of your audience. Speak confidently as this will automatically grab the attention of the listeners. It is also good to interact with your audience if required. You can give good examples of things that are related to your speech and many factual data as well. It is also great to end your speech with a powerful phrase or statement.

2. How do we build a career after school?

After School life ends, we are the ones who have to decide the choices that are best for us. It is important to build a career so that we can have a bright future. In order to build a career, one must set goals that are achievable. The goals can be short or long-term and must be of the interest of the one setting it. This can ensure success in building a career. One cannot excel in a career that one doesn’t find interesting.

3. How do you balance life after school?

One must remember to maintain a schedule that can help the person to complete everything on time. One must make sure they have time for their hobbies. One must remember to take short breaks otherwise it can lead to exhaustion and lesser productivity instead. You can always take time to spend time with your loved ones and friends. It is also suggested to do yoga or other physical exercises which will help you in keeping your body and mind refreshed and active. Your goals and schedule shouldn’t be rigorous and should be feasible so that it is easier for you to achieve it.

4. Can I get both short and long speeches on ‘Life after school’?

Yes, you can get short and long speeches on this topic. They are well-written and you can read them as a reference for your speech. We have covered all the important topics that are required for the speech which will help you grab the attention of the audience and also help you to stand out. It is free of cost and you can simply access it by visiting the website of vedantu.

5. What can we do after we come back from school?

After we come back from school, we can do plenty of things. We should start by eating something healthy and should hydrate ourselves by drinking plenty of water or juice. We can also take time to do our hobbies like baking something, painting, playing musical instruments, sketching and going for walks. We can also take time to do exercises and meditate. We can also study novels or short stories that can help improve our speech and vocabulary skills. We can also take time to solve puzzles which can train our brain and improve our memory and problem-solving skills.

  • Our Mission

4 Strategies for Developing Confident Student Speakers

Consistent support and low-stakes opportunities to practice go a long way to help students overcome the challenges of speaking in front of a group.

High school student speaking in front of the class

I belted out the opening line to Marc Antony’s funeral speech from The Tragedy of Julius Caesar , leaping up the stairs to the stage in my school’s auditorium. Thirteen ninth-grade students dressed in togas sat in the front rows, mouths agape, as they witnessed their goofy teacher unexpectedly launch into the 35-line monologue they had all just beautifully performed. 

Confession: I was nervous walking onto that stage—I sometimes get uncomfortable in the (literal) spotlight. To normalize feelings of anxiety during a performance, I revealed those emotions to my class afterward. 

Public speaking is hard, and it can be extremely daunting for our most introverted students ; however, with modeling and practice, I believe that teachers can cultivate confident speakers.

Strategy 1: Provide Direct Instruction

A poster inspired by Erik Palmer’s work on public speaking ( PVLEGS : Poise, Voice, Life, Eye Contact, Gestures, Speed) hangs in the back of my classroom. Well before we launch into a study of the funeral orations from Caesar , I explicitly teach those skills. I demonstrate for students appropriate eye contact—the speaker locks eyes briefly with individual audience members and scans the room as she speaks, establishing a connection with her audience. The speaker might also speed up his voice for a certain effect or raise his arms to command the attention of his audience.

Strategy 2: Provide Public Speaking Models

After we spend a class closely reading and analyzing the two funeral orations by Marc Antony and Brutus, I play clips of the speeches from the two film adaptations. We watch the performances and think about PVLEGS: Which speaking moves does each actor utilize in his performance? Which actor delivers the stronger performance and why? After we watch and students share their observations with partners, we discuss and debate the merits of each performance. 

When my classes work on memorizing and performing the monologues, I ask them to study the models and even borrow some of the actors’ techniques. They consider: Do I want to take an angrier approach to the Antony speech like Marlon Brando? Should I adopt a regretful tone like Jason Robards’ Brutus? This type of close viewing could be applied to any speaking performance. On a related note, I also hope that I serve as a public speaking model for my students as I stand in front of my English classes daily.

Strategy 3: Acknowledge and Coach through Anxiety

I remember stumbling through my senior research presentation in high school, well before the advent of interactive whiteboards and Google Slides. I’m vulnerable with my students about my former public speaking struggles. I want them to know that they’re not alone, and through practice and repetition, their self-doubt and fear can transform from an eardrum-rupturing siren into a quiet background hum.

I give a few bits of advice to nervous speakers as they prepare for any public speaking activity. First, I urge them to “practice, practice, practice!” If they know their stuff, they’ll be much more confident on game day. I also find that most students who report feeling very nervous while speaking don’t always appear nervous to others. Sharing this anecdotal evidence with them helps students tune out their inner critics and feel more calm. I also find lots of opportunities to confer with reluctant speakers and give them plenty of encouragement. This fosters stronger connections with my students and boosts their confidence. 

Strategy 4: Provide Lots of Low-Stakes Speaking Opportunities 

My Caesar unit usually takes place in the second semester, when students have had plenty of low-stakes speaking opportunities. In almost every class, I ask students to turn and talk to their partners to share a sentence from a quickwrite or to check in on their current drafts. Earlier in the year, I coach them on how to effectively talk to their partners, and the process quickly becomes routine. An effective technique to get all students speaking, even if it’s a quick response, is the whip-around. Teacher Marcus Luther asks a question with a short, one-word answer. He then goes around the room and has each student answer aloud, followed by a debrief with partners or groups. 

My favorite low-stakes speaking activity is the Pop-Up Debate , which teacher Dave Stuart Jr. invented and has been writing about for years. In this activity, the class is presented with a question, and they spend 10 minutes writing an answer to it. After that, the debate begins, and students simply “pop-up” at their desks to enter into the conversation. In my experience, this activity can transform a usually quiet class into an engaged one. Secondary students love to argue, even about literature! 

Flexibility, Support, and Incentives Develop Strong Speakers 

In many ways, the memorized funeral oration is the most high-stakes speaking task my ninth-grade honors students participate in throughout the year. I give a grade for this assessment, but to take the focus off of grades and to place that focus on improvement instead, I provide students with a few crutches to lean on. 

First, if students forget a line, a friend acts as a prompter in the pit with the text ready. Students can also revise the performance if they choose to. I tell students that they can redo the performance if it doesn’t go as planned. At the end of the class, if time allows, a handful of students always choose to give it another shot. I find that this also takes the pressure off. I think of it like a writing assignment; students can always revise a paper to improve it. Finally, I give them extra credit for wearing togas, which adds to the fun of the special day.

In a recent article in The Atlantic , “ End the Phone-Based Childhood Now ,” author Jonathan Haidt reports that Gen Z students are more anxious, shy, and risk-averse than the children of the past, which he attributes to social media and the introduction of the smartphone. Risk-taking, Haidt argues, “promote[s] competence, maturity, and mental health.” Public speaking, a type of risk-taking, can be very frightening for some of our students, but if teachers provide them with speaking opportunities each day, month, and school year, perhaps we can help mold them into confident, healthy young adults who venture into the world as strong public speakers. 

Thank you to my former department chair, Janet Matthews, for the Julius Caesar performance activity.

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  • Motivation for Life

2 Minute Motivational Speech About Life Challenges

motivational speech about life challenges

Dear friends,

Life is a journey full of ups and downs, and challenges are an inevitable part of this journey. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged when we encounter obstacles, but it’s important to remember that every challenge is an opportunity for growth.

Life challenges come in many forms, such as personal struggles, health issues, financial difficulties, and relationship problems. Whatever the challenge may be, it’s essential to approach it with a positive mindset and a determination to overcome it.

Remember that challenges are not meant to break us, but to make us stronger. It’s through these difficult times that we learn the most about ourselves, and we can emerge from them as more resilient and confident individuals.

Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of the situation, try to find the silver lining. Look for the lessons that you can learn from the experience and the ways in which it can help you grow as a person. It’s important to keep a positive attitude and believe in yourself, even when things seem impossible.

Take small steps towards your goals, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Seek support from friends, family, or professionals, and remember that you are not alone. Sometimes, just talking to someone who understands can make a huge difference.

Finally, never give up on your dreams, no matter how challenging they may seem. Life is full of obstacles, but it’s the persistence and determination that will help you overcome them. Believe in yourself, stay focused, and keep pushing forward.

In conclusion, life challenges are inevitable, but they are also opportunities for growth and personal development. Embrace them with a positive mindset, seek support, and never give up on your dreams.

Remember that you are capable of overcoming any obstacle and achieving your goals. Let your challenges be your stepping stones to success !

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Asha Prabhat ’24, co-captain of the Cornell Speech Team, practices her speech advocating for more research around polycystic ovary syndrome in a classroom in the ILR School earlier this year.

Asha Prabhat ’24, co-captain of the Cornell Speech Team, practices her speech advocating for more research around polycystic ovary syndrome in a classroom in the ILR School earlier this year.

Hard work, personal stories bring speech team big wins

By laura gallup student and campus life.

At the American Forensics Association National Speech Tournament in April, Asha Prabhat ’24, co-captain of the Cornell Speech Team, won top honors for her performance advocating for more research around polycystic ovary syndrome – a condition she was diagnosed with in June 2023.

“After my speech, I had about a dozen different female-presenting individuals come up to me and say things like ‘Those symptoms sound a lot like what I’ve experienced, you’ve inspired me to go to the doctor,’” Prabhat said. “It’s just an incredible thing to hear. Before I performed this speech, I felt alone in my diagnosis because I felt like no one understood. But now, all that has changed.”

This spring was the most successful season in the team’s 40-year history, and Prabhat attributes much of that success to members’ willingness to tell deeply personal stories on stage about gender, ethnicity, racism, their hometowns and their medical conditions.

“I think writing about my personal challenges was really therapeutic for me,” said Prabhat, a double major in government and feminist, gender and sexuality studies in the College of Arts and Sciences. “But also made for powerful speeches that were vulnerable and empowering.”

The Cornell Speech Team is a branch of the Cornell Speech and Debate Society, a registered student organization sponsored by the ILR School, that combines storytelling, performance, social justice and public policy. Each competition consists of 11 different events – ranging from poetry interpretation to communication analysis – and students can compete in up to six events.

In March the team traveled to Dublin for the International Forensics Association tournament – known as the World Championship. They took home four top-six finishes, including Prabhat’s gold, enroute to a fifth-place team showing. In April they traveled to the University of Wisconsin, Eau-Claire, for the American Forensics Association National Speech Tournament, known as the National Championship. Out of nearly 1,500 entries, Cornell placed in eight events, including Prabhat’s first-place win and a first-place finish for Margot Treadwell ’24 in impromptu speaking, while the team ranked sixth in the nation.

When Prabhat and Treadwell joined the organization in August of 2020 their first competitions were held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. In 2022, the team’s few returning members united with their new coach and director of speech, MacLain Naumann, to rebuild the team. They spent the 2022-23 season trying new training strategies, bringing them some success at the National Championship in 2023. At the start of this season, the team set a big goal.

“We all had a meeting and asked each other ‘How can we work to get to be a top 10 program?’ and really our intention all year was to get to that,” Prabhat said.

Every Friday for two hours they would meet and write jokes together to help those preparing for the after dinner speaking event: a category where students use humor to communicate their message. For those preparing for the extemporaneous speaking event – in which contestants have 30 minutes to prepare a speech on a current event – the team would spend hours peppering teammates with questions about possible topics.

“I think working as a community to build each other up and help each other achieve our goals has been really important,” Prabhat said.

From September to February, the team participated in local and regional tournaments in an effort to secure qualification for the championships. While sometimes difficult to hear, both Prabhat and her co-captain Jaliah Smith ’25 said the critical feedback they received during those rounds helped them to fine-tune their speeches and become bolder.

Ultimately, their work paid off.

“We encouraged all our other teammates to dig down and dig deep into stuff that’s personal to them,” said Smith, a philosophy major in A&S. “And our goal, at the end of the day with speech, was to always advocate for ourselves and to let other people know that they weren’t alone in whatever they were dealing with.”

Laura Gallup is a communications lead in Student and Campus Life.

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Higher ed's mission: Supporting positive change in our students and communities

As we begin to move toward the middle of the 21st century, there is little doubt that higher education is under pressure from a number of directions: the rapidity with which technology is changing our economic, social, and educational landscapes; increasing diversification of the student populations we serve; the looming of the so-called “demographic cliff”; shifting perspectives on the value of the post-secondary experience; and recent protests on college campuses are but a few. 

I believe that higher education is well positioned to take on these challenges. And I think this for two reasons – both foundational to what we do in higher education.

Higher ed is in the business of human development. I was reminded of this recently. On May 1, I attended Aggie Remembrance Day, a ceremony commemorating NMSU faculty, staff, students, and alumni who passed this year. One name – O. J. Allen – immediately caught my attention. I had taken several classes with Dr. Allen during my undergraduate studies at NMSU. As I left class one day my senior year, she asked: “Monica, have you thought about graduate school?” That question changed my life. That relatively straightforward question from a professor with whom I had an academic relationship set me on the educational and professional path I would spend my entire life navigating.

As the needs of our communities and student populations change and evolve, our teaching mission is foundational: to support the personal and professional development of the human beings who walk through our doors looking to change their lives. And in the last week, during commencement, I heard these stories again and again. 

Higher education is not antithetical to change; it is inherently about change. I see this when I look at the multi-faceted mission of NMSU. Like other land-grant institutions, NMSU was founded to extend access to higher education, to teach the practical arts, and to contribute to economic development through teaching, research, public service, and outreach. These very functions require that NMSU faculty and staff attend to the communities they serve and adapt their research, teaching, public service, and outreach as required to meet those needs. 

This responsiveness is evident in NMSU’s historical structure: its main campus in Las Cruces, three community college campuses, 12 agricultural science centers, extension sites in each of New Mexico’s 33 counties. This is again evident in the rapidly growing NMSU Global Campus, which serves students who need more flexibility to pursue their education and career goals. 

This responsiveness is not only evident in our institutional structures but in numerous activities across the NMSU system. We’re working to recruit students from underrepresented communities who have been historically marginalized from joining biomedical research disciplines. We’re investing in and expanding our Cooperative Extension Service facilities to offer more resources to communities all across New Mexico. We’re training the next generation of innovative filmmakers and animators to support New Mexico’s growing film industry workforce. Examples abound of cutting-edge research, teaching, outreach, and economic development activities underway in the communities we serve.

There is no doubt that challenges will continue to emerge for higher education in New Mexico. Our very nature – our commitment to human development and our responsiveness to our constituents – suggests we have to capacity to address those challenges and thrive. 

Mónica F. Torres is interim president of the New Mexico State University system. She may be reached at [email protected] .

Nevada Today

Helping others find their voice: one speech pathologist finds her calling, valeria savage graduates with her master's degree this year, and will continue on with a clinical fellowship in speech pathology.

Valeria Savage in her graduation gown standing in front of the School of Medicine sign.

Valeria Savage is excited to dedicate her life helping others find their voice through Speech Pathology.

Valeria Savage grew up interpreting English for her mother, and experienced first-hand the challenges of not being able to communicate. After learning about the Speech-Pathology and Audiology program at University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, she was naturally drawn to a field where she could help others communicate.   

Reflecting on her time in the program, she shares, “I am thankful for the professors in the program who truly care about graduate student education and provide safe spaces for students.” She plans to continue treating patients with voice, swallowing, and upper airway disorders after completing her clinical fellowship.     

Why did you decide to become a Speech Pathologist?  

“I discovered speech language pathology after attending an informational workshop about it and instantly was drawn to it. I grew up interpreting for my mother who didn’t speak perfect English. Seeing my mom who was perfectly able to communicate with others in her native language but faced a language barrier drew me to the field where I learned about people who couldn’t communicate, not due to a language barrier but because of physical or cognitive constraints. I immediately knew that speech-language pathology is what I wanted to dedicate my life to.”  

What specialty or area of SPA are you most passionate about pursuing, and what draws you to this field?  

“I am passionate about working with clients with voice, swallowing, and upper airway disorders. I completed my externship at Summit Voice and Swallowing where I treated this population and grew passionate about this specialty. I am passionate about vocal health and maintaining its longevity for professional and non-professional voice users. Many of my patients have shared the impact that their voice has on their quality of life. The voice is your instrument to communicate that needs to be handled delicately. I feel privileged to be able to help patients improve their voice.”      

What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your UNR Med education and how did you overcome it?  

“As a graduate student, you are asked to complete tasks that seem impossible, often with little preparation or support. I quickly got comfortable doing things even when I was scared and it really led to my professional growth. It also taught me to trust myself. I studied hard and researched to support my knowledge when treating patients.”  

Can you share a memorable experience during your training that has significantly impacted your journey as a future speech pathologist?  

“Working with head and neck cancer patients has been the most eye-opening experience. As a student clinician it’s easy to focus on how nervous you feel or trying to be ‘perfect’ but when you’re seeing someone on the worst day of their life, those things don’t matter. I learned that being a speech language pathologist is so much more than being ‘perfect.’ Your patients don’t expect you to be perfect, but they do expect you to listen and provide the best care for their situation.”  

What advice do you have for future students?

“Surround yourself with people who will support you and uplift you in your professional and personal life. Don’t feel guilty for taking time away from school to do things for yourself like go to the gym or spending time with friends and family. Your quality of life is just as important as graduate school!"

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It’s worth watching and listening to, particularly the bit at the end.

Seinfeld's Duke speech was filled with bits

Seinfeld’s speech was filled with bits. That’s how comedians work. And the best of them, like Seinfeld, become philosophers in disguise, rummaging through the profound by way of the ridiculous.

“I can’t imagine how sick you are of hearing about following your passion. I say the hell with passion,” he told the graduates.

“Find fascination. Fascination is way better than passion. It’s not so sweaty …

“Find something where you love the good parts and don’t mind the bad parts too much. The torture you’re comfortable with. This is the golden path to victory in life.”

'Stay f------ hard': A Missouri Republican tried to mock gay people for votes. She instead gave us a meme.

Never lose your sense of humor, he told them

Seinfeld’s connection to the university is by way of a daughter who graduated from Duke and a son who attends the university.

He hit on a lot of conventional commencement address topics. Ambition. Money. Achievement.

But what he really wanted to talk about was something more important than all of that. Particularly in today’s world:

To all congressional Republicans: Rules for mandatory visits to Donald Trump’s UNJUST criminal trial

He said, “I totally admire the ambitions of your generation to create a more just and inclusive society.

“I think it is also wonderful that you care so much about not hurting other people’s feelings in the million and one ways we all do that every second of every day.

“It’s lovely to want to fix those things but – all caps – BUT, what I need to tell you as a comedian, do not lose your sense of humor.

“You can have no idea at this point in your life how much you are going to need it to get through. Not enough of life makes sense for you to be able to survive it without humor.”

The art of enjoying 'the dumbness of it all'

He came back to the topic again and again, saying, “Humor is the most powerful, most survival-essential quality you will ever have or need to navigate through the human experience.”

And he ended with it, saying something the graduates who had walked out could have used, something the reporters who wrote about the graduates walking out should have recognized, something the rest of us – in an election year – desperately need to hear.

“And humor is not just for the stress relief,” Seinfeld said, “or even just the simple fun of laughing, but for the true perspective of the silliness of all humans and all existence.

“That’s why you don’t want to lose it. Try to enjoy some of the dumbness of it all. That’s the best life advice I can give you.”

EJ Montini is a news columnist at The Arizona Republic/azcentral.com, where this column first published . Reach him at  [email protected]

A high school approved a student's graduation speech that was written by ChatGPT — then he went majorly off script

  • Kenny Morales, a former Grand Island Senior High student, wrote a graduation speech using ChatGPT.
  • The school approved the AI speech, but Morales ended up going off script.
  • The new speech was critical of the high school's culture and lack of transparency.

Insider Today

Add speech writing to the long list of things that ChatGPT can do.

Kenny Morales, a former student at Grand Island Senior High School in Nebraska, used OpenAI's conversational chatbot to produce a speech for his high-school graduation ceremony, The Grand Island Independent first reported .

"I said give me a speech about gratitude, and I gave specific examples about what I wanted it to include," Morales told Nebraska TV News about the prompt he used.

The speech got the go-ahead from Morales' school. But when he got on stage, he gave a completely different speech that wasn't approved — and caught the school by surprise.

"I don't know about y'all, but I hated school," Morales told the audience, according to a transcript of Morales' speech the Independent reviewed.

He continued by discussing issues he had with the school's culture and blamed the school district's administrators for making decisions without transparency, according to the Independent.

"We lie, we pretend, and we hide the truth with selective facts on positive things occurring around the school, instead of being honest and addressing the issues head-on," Morales continued, per the Independent. "We attempt to fix the issue by pulling them like weeds instead of fixing the underlying issue."

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"I really don't think I was too critical," Morales told the Independent.

The speech, he told the outlet, wasn't meant to shame the school but to encourage the school's leaders to make better choices.

"It was more about that message of raising expectations," Morales said to the Independent. "I just wanted to start a conversation."

Morales said he knew the speech he wanted to recite wouldn't get approved, so he used ChatGPT to make one that would. Insider could not reach Morales through email, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

—NTV News (@NTVNEWS) May 17, 2023

The ChatGPT-written speech comes as students flock to the chatbot to generate ideas for class assignments , write essays , and — yes — cheat .

While tools like GPTZero have emerged to detect AI-generated content in schools, Grand Island Public Schools has no regulation on how its students and teachers use ChatGPT, Mitchell Roush, the director of communications for the district, told Insider.

Roush explained the speech-selection process to Insider.

First, he said, high-school staff members review the submitted speeches and "score them blindly." Then, the school district's executive principal looks at the scores and makes the final decision.

From there, the chosen student collaborates with the principal to "refine their message" and "make sure they feel confident" in what they say, Roush said. After the principal gives the speech one last review, the speaker is approved to make the speech at graduation.

Hank McFarland, the president of the school district's board of education, was not happy with the outcome, according to a statement reviewed by the Independent.

While he said that the school administration had "already been discussing" issues around discipline and class attendance and that the school would start "making adjustments," he told the Independent that it didn't mean students should say whatever they wanted when they're at the podium.

"Short story made long — does the student have valid concerns? Yes," McFarland said, per the outlet. "Was the way he did it correct? No."

McFarland declined an immediate request for comment.

Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, has a global deal to allow OpenAI to train its models on its media brands' reporting.

Watch: What is ChatGPT, and should we be afraid of AI chatbots?

speech about life challenges as a student

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speech about life challenges as a student

Young Schoolgirl Wows Netizens with English Fluency as She Recites Speech in School

  • A student showcased her command of the English language as she impeccably addressed her schoolmates in a viral video
  • The high school girl's speech to her fellow students was flawless, as she showed her stage presence while reciting it
  • Social media users praised the confident young girl, with some saying she reminded them of an iconic movie, Sarafina

A bold young girl has captivated the attention of social media users with her energetic narration of an inspirational speech derived from one of the historical movies.

The girl in the school uniform stood on the balcony as she spoke to the students, who looked at her from the ground and listened carefully to her.

Is Sarafina a movie?

She had an inevitable stage presence that captivated the students and a teacher who stood behind her at a distance.

Her speech reminded many of an iconic movie called Sarafina, a 1992 musical drama film based on Mbongeni Ngema's 1987 musical.

"If I were a queen, I would say, 'My people'. But I am a leader. I am a leader of the voices that are heard in my school. I am a girl, but not any girl. Not just a drop in the ocean but the whole ocean in a drop. I am from the school that only counts and exists," she said.

What challenges do students face?

She highlighted each person's life obstacles and the need to face these challenges.

The obstacles included teenage pregnancy, substance abuse and bullying, which she emphasised was not welcome in their school.

"If you want to bully, bully at home or in the streets. We do not have time for substance abuse or bullies," the South African girl firmly stated.

Social media reactions

Her English was fluent, and her orating skills were top-notch, as netizens in the comment section praised her.

"Reminding of Sarafina."
"Sarafina's vibe❤️."

Ntswaki Phaswana:

"Wow, girl, you are acting like someone from Sarafina."
"We need kids like her."
"Her confidence is stronger than my relationship."


"Wow, be blessed, baby girl ."

" I can speak exactly like this English in my dreams, but when I wake up, I'm flat. More love from Kenya ."

Mengo Secondary School student impresses in interview

Separately, a brilliant student from Mengo Secondary School in Kampala, Uganda, impressed numerous social media users with her eloquent command of the English language.

The young girl shared her experience studying science in a well-equipped school, praising her teachers.

Netizens also noted her accent, with many praising her and adding that they did not speak well when they attended that school.

Young Schoolgirl Wows Netizens with English Fluency as She Recites Speech in School


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