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The Ultimate 2022 Resume Format for Freshers Guide [Expert samples from over 100,000 users]

Top 5 tactics to create the best fresher resume format:.

  • Don’t simply list what coursework and internships you’ve done. It helps a hiring manager if they can learn about the important things you did in those roles (e.g. started ACM student chapter in Mumbai around Artificial intelligence and control theory)
  • Make sure that you use the right resume buzzwords and avoid the bad ones
  • Modify your resume to match the interests of the organization you are applying to
  • Don’t be vague, paint a complete picture of who you are and how you are a good for the job
  • Design your resume with care and make sure your most valuable work catches recruiter’s attention
  • Don’t build a 10+ page resume just to show everything you’ve ever done. Remember, it is your resume, not your biography

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How to create the best fresher resume format?

Make it one page.

In case you don’t know, there is a generally accepted industry standard on resume page length. Ideally, it should be one page for every 10 years of experience. Given that you’re about to graduate and have just started working, you should really only have a one page resume . A one page resume is not only more organized, but quickly helps a recruiter identify your key skills and shortlist you. Imagine getting 100 ten page resumes every day. Going through that is like reading a 1,000 page book!

Make your resume relevant to the role

Don’t underestimate your skills just because you lack work experience. One technique you can try is breaking down the job into 5 different parts and see how you can reflect in your resume that you have covered some (or all) parts. This increases the relevance of your resume to a hiring manager significantly. For example, to apply for a Junior software engineer role you can easily break it down to 5 parts. First is programming language, second is algorithmic knowledge, third is quality/scalability, fourth is GIT/JIRA (i.e. deployment tools), and fifth is database. Now, if you crafted a resume that reflects you mastering 3 programming languages, being proficient with well known algorithms and having used deployment tools. By doing so, you are creating the exact fresh resume format that a hiring manager is looking for!

Show your experience

A majority of employers out there want to see the difference you can make to their organization. Sadly, most freshers don’t account for this when they craft their resume or even while sending job applications. From your volunteering experience to your internships, try to show what you did and the impact it made. Use exact numbers when possible. If you’ve taken relevant coursework, certifications - make sure you don’t miss these important details. Proactively promoting your experience is often the most important factor to a positive assessment of your resume.

Conduct a resume review

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Inconsistent punctuation
  • Broken website links
  • Incorrect contact information
  • Long or unclear sentences

Secure impactful references

References can have a huge impact on your application. They are also a critical part of application tracking systems (ATS) that a vast majority of large organizations use. References in resume formats can be of two types: References of someone within the target organization, and references of a well known industry professional. If you get referred by an existing employee of the organization, your resume has a much higher chance of landing you an interview. And, if you cite the reference of a well known industry professional, your resume will definitely land you an interview.

10 sections recruiters and hiring managers are looking for in a fresher resume format

resume format for freshers b.com

1. Your Resume Header

Your resume’s header is the first thing that any recruiter will see. Typically, a header has contact information, website link(s), a linkedin profile, and other social links. Make sure that your contact information is up to date, and only add emails that look professional. Ideally, a professional email looks something like '[email protected]'. Also, keep the number of things in your resume format header to a minimum. Your goal is to give recruiters a quick sense of who you are and how to contact you, not overwhelm them with a lot of information.

2. Personal Summary

A personal summary and a fresher resume don’t exactly match all of the time. Almost 90% of freshers write a summary like this in their resume: “My goal is to grow professionally and contribute to your esteemed organization and learn more” This doesn’t work for many reasons. First, this doesn’t say anything about what you really want to do. Second, it fails to convey relevance your resume to the job. And, third, it makes you sound passive and shows a lack of enthusiasm. A better version of a personal summary (for a design related role) would go in depth, connect your skills and goals with the role that you are applying for. Here’s an example: “To become one of the best UX designers in the world by practising minimalism, design systems with optimized onboarding for large scale software products. I have a keen interest in UX research, information architecture, and motion designs which drive my desire to accomplish great things in my career.” As you can clearly see, a hiring manager that looks at this professional summary will now understand who you are and what your motivation is for applying to the role. They will be more likely to take notice and evaluate your resume carefully. Mission accomplished!

  • Relevant to the role you’re applying for
  • Recognizable within your target industry
  • A mix of both soft and hard skills
  • Software skills (proficiency with AutoCAD)
  • Planning and management skills (Expert in SAP SCS planning)
  • Predictive Analytics (Implementing customer lifecycle analytics using Tableau)
  • Market research (Identifying the right, most profitable customers)
  • Inventory management (keeping record of SKUs and managing demand supply pipeline)
  • MS Word and Google docs
  • Your typing speed (unless you are applying to be a typist)
  • Anything that’s not relevant to the role you are applying for

Resume format example

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4. Your Experience

Underestimating work experience is something that’s common across most fresher resumes. A lot of companies that hire freshers usually look for relevant projects or coursework. A relevant example of experience could be something that you did in your coursework, lab, projects or during your internship and can count as a professional grade working experience.

Best resume format

5. Education

A lot of job requirements clearly demand a level of education (undergraduate, post graduate, PhD). Clearly listing them out in a way a recruiter can quickly understand helps your job application in getting closer to being shortlisted. When you add your education to your resume, make sure to mention the important and relevant coursework in it. For example, if you are a mechanical engineering student, highlighting that you’ve gone through Production Planning helps you to be seen as a more relevant candidate for an Automotive Engineering role.

Best fresher resume

6. Languages

  • English : IELTS CEFR B2
  • Tamil : Native Language
  • Hindi : Fluent in reading, writing and speaking
  • German : Full professional proficiency (ILR scale)

Best resume format for freshers

7. Most Proud Of

Did you do something in your college life that you’re incredibly proud of? Adding this section helps you standout from other applicants. After testing it with 100,000+ resume applications, it has proven to be very effective. Freshers can usually add things like a college project, an open source contribution, an achievement in sports, a fellowship, published research papers, etc to name a few.

Resume format for job

8. Life Philosophy

So far, most of the sections we’ve gone through were more focused on your work-related skills. But, hiring is also about cultural fit. Take this chance to be more impactful with your resume format. Fortunately, showcasing your life philosophy doesn’t take much. You can simply reflect it by including a quote from a significant figure or a quote that you live by.

Latest resume format for freshers

9. Certificates and Courses

Often, freshers undergo a number of certification and other courses during college. These courses and certificates can often help you gain first hand experience and prepare you well for your professional career. They are often critical in crafting a winning fresher resume format.

Resume format for freshers engineers

10. References

We spoke about using references and how including them is a part of the best fresher resume format. When you write your references section, ensure to add their name, designation, a contact number and email information.

Resume format examples

How to get a referral for the role you want after graduating

As a fresher, you should try to leverage your existing networks to gain job referrals. A job referral is an incredibly powerful way to land a job as referrals often standout from the rest of job applications. If you are unsure on where to get started, your college alumni, your professors and your social network (Linkedin, Facebook, etc) could be the first place. Here’s a detailed guide to getting job referrals (email outreach template included!) that just might come in handy to get job referrals.

Check out our guide on getting referrals for any job you’re applying for.

Trying to land an interview? Check out more winning resume examples for inspiration

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Home » Career Guidance » A Step-by-Step Guide: Create a Winning B.Com Fresher Resume

A Step-by-Step Guide: Create a Winning B.Com Fresher Resume

b.com fresher resume

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4.68 million students are pursuing B.Com programs in India , according to the All India Survey of Higher Education ( AISHE ) published by the HRD Ministry. Accounting is crucial for managing money. Every company needs at least one accountant to handle their finances. With the right  B.Com fresher resume, entry-level accountants can get a good job with a high salary. Additionally, if accountants combine accounting with other business skills, they can create an impressive resume that catches the attention of employers. If you are a B.Com fresher, your resume will help you land your first job with a good salary. Creating a B.Com fresher resume is challenging. You don’t need to worry. In this article, we will walk you through the process of creating a B.Com Fresher Resume to showcase your skills.

B.Com Fresher Resume Format

A resume format is like a special way of organizing a resume, which is a document that tells people all about your skills and experiences. When creating your B.Com freshers resume format bundle, remember that hiring managers read through many resumes daily. A common myth is that using colorful paper or fancy designs can make your resume stand out. But in reality, Those gimmicks only serve as distractions. When crafting a resume for a B.Com fresher, it’s crucial to highlight key skills. Now, there are three types of resume formats that B.Com freshers like you can use when making their resumes. Let’s check the b.com resume formats:

Reverse Chronological Format

This format is the most popular one. It shows your newest qualifications and experiences first and then returns to the older ones. So, it’s like telling a story of your journey in backward order.

Functional Resume Format

This format is all about showing off your skills! It puts the spotlight on what you’re good at. So, if you’re skilled in math or great at organizing things, this format lets you shine.

Combination Resume Format

This format is like a mix of the previous two. It takes the best parts from both the reverse chronological and functional formats. So, if you choose this format, you’ll have sections for your skills and internship experience.

Keywords for B.Com Fresher Resume

To create a resume format for B.Com freshers, consider using a b.com fresher resume format pdf format that ensures compatibility across different devices. If you want to make your resume stand out, you need to tweak the keywords in your resume. They need to match the job description. They can vary depending on the industry, company culture, or experience levels. Here’s a list of some resume keywords to make it easier for you.


Being hard-working is key to impressing recruiters. It means you put effort into achieving great results.

Creativity is like adding sprinkles to a cake – it makes you extra special. Recruiters love creative people who can think outside the box. You can mention, “I’m a creative person. Whether it’s playing the guitar or writing poetry, I love expressing myself through art!”


Being inquisitive means you love exploring and discovering new things. It’s great for improving your performance. You can mention in your resume that you have a curious nature that drives you to learn and grow on the job.

Quick learner

Every new job comes with something to learn. Being a fast learner shows adaptability and readiness to embrace new technologies and tools.

Dedicated people are committed to giving their best. Recruiters love that kind of attitude. You can mention, “I always strive to be a dedicated resource. Even if you’re an intern, you can talk about your  best efforts to help my team succeed.”

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Having clear goals helps you stay organized and motivated. Recruiters know that goal-oriented people strive for success.

Being an asset means you bring value to the company and can be trusted to do great work. Recruiters love having reliable employees.


Recruiters are impressed by such dedication. You can mention, “I always seek to achieve excellence in my work. I believe in giving my best, although perfection is a journey.”


Good communication skills are essential for any job. It helps you build relationships and work effectively in teams. You can say, “I strive to keep communication open and flowing within my team. It’s a crucial part of a successful workplace.”

Being social and having a wide network of contacts is a big advantage. Companies love resourceful people who can expand their connections.

Being optimistic means you have a positive outlook on life. It helps you stay motivated and find solutions even in challenging situations.

Patience is key to success. It helps you persevere through obstacles and reach your goals. You can mention how you calmly face frustrating situations. You can also mention how you wait for things to fall into place.


Being enthusiastic is super important for any job. It shows that you’re genuinely interested and ready to tackle new challenges.

Empathy in the workplace is very important. It helps you work better with others and achieve better results.

Social worker

Corporate Social Responsibility is all about doing good for society. Being a social worker or activist shows that you care about making a difference.

Steps to Create a B.Com Fresher Resume

Step 1: understand what a b.com fresher resume is.

B.Com fresher resume is a document that showcases your skills and knowledge as someone who has recently graduated from college with a Bachelor of Commerce degree. Since you don’t have much work experience, it’s important to highlight your strengths and abilities. The career objective for a resume for a b.com fresher should clearly state your aspirations and goals.

Step 2: Why Is Your Commerce Graduate Fresher Resume Important?

A resume for B.Com students is crucial because it’s the first thing employers will see and judge. As a B.Com fresher, your resume format should focus on your skills rather than your work experience, as you might not have much to show yet.

Step 3: How to Make Your B.Com Fresher Resume Stand Out

Now let’s focus on making your resume for b.com graduates stand out. Here are some tips you can follow to do so:

1. Create a Strong Summary

B.Com’s attractive resume for freshers should start with a personal summary that highlights your professional identity,

2. Highlight Your Important Skills

Next, emphasize the key hard skills that you possess and that are relevant to the job. You can identify these skills by referring to the job description. Present them clearly and organized, using bullet points if needed.

3. Include Your Education, Certifications, and Training

In this section of the resume for commerce students, showcase your educational qualifications, including your degree, institution, and any honors or awards you have received.

4. Mention Any Related Experience

Even if you do not have any work experience as a B.Com fresher, you can mention any internships, volunteer work, or projects that you have done. This will demonstrate your practical skills and dedication.

5. Include Additional Skills

Suppose you have any additional skills. Just mention them. These extra abilities set you apart from other candidates.

6. Highlight Your Willingness to Learn

Show your potential employer that you are eager to learn and adapt to the work environment. Emphasize your willingness to acquire new skills and update your knowledge. Employers value fast learners, so this can be a great advantage for you.

7. Proofread Your Resume

Look out for any typing or grammar errors that may have slipped in. A well-polished resume will leave a positive impression on the hiring team.

Tips for Writing a B.Com Fresher Resume

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind while creating your B.Com fresher resume:

  • Be concise and to the point. Avoid lengthy descriptions and focus on showcasing your most important details.
  • Use a clear and easy font.
  • Keep your resume to one page.
  • Personalize your resume for each job application, highlighting skills and qualities that match the specific job requirements.
  • Use structured sentences and avoid unorganized or lengthy paragraphs.
  • Choose your words carefully and avoid slang or informal language.
  • Double-check your resume for grammar and spelling mistakes.
  • Include only relevant skills and experiences.
  • Incorporate your interests and hobbies, especially if they are related to the job and have received recognition.
  • Keep your resume simple, clear, and direct.

B.Com Fresher Resume Sample

Please remember to personalize your resume to best reflect your own skills, experiences, and achievements.

Crafting A Strong Resume – Final Thoughts

Crafting a strong resume is an essential step for B.Com freshers looking to kick-start their careers. It’s important to align the material on your resume to the left. This makes it easier for hiring managers. Avoid using fancy or unconventional fonts that may distract from the content of your resume. For B.Com freshers, keeping your resume concise and limiting it to one page is crucial. These factors can greatly enhance your job search and complement your efforts to create a strong resume. Remember crafting a resume is just the first step in your career journey. You must actively work on gaining relevant experience, building a network, customizing your applications, improving your interview skills, and staying updated with the job market. Oh, and don’t forget about the cover letter! Many job postings require one. While recruiters may not always read every cover letter they receive, it’s still important to send one when it’s asked for. A cover letter shows that you’ve gone the extra mile and are serious about the job.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

You should follow these steps to write a resume as a fresher graduate. First, understand the job you’re applying for by carefully reading and grasping the job description. Make sure to highlight those qualities on your resume. Next, opt for the chronological resume format. Go for professionally acceptable fonts like Georgia, Helvetica, or other sans-serif fonts.

As a B.Com fresher, there are several important skills you need to develop for a successful career. First, having a good grasp of basic mathematics is crucial. Proficiency in mathematical calculations lays a strong foundation in the commerce field. In addition, a thorough understanding of Microsoft Excel is vital. Problem-solving skills are essential. Effective communication skills are also crucial. Team management and leadership abilities are additional valuable skills for B.Com freshers.

List your degree as “Bachelor of Commerce” or “B.Com.” You can also include the year of graduation or anticipated graduation. If you have any notable achievements or honors during your studies, such as scholarships or academic distinctions, include them as well.

Related Links

  • Best Resume Format for Freshers with Samples
  • Fresher Resume for Bank Jobs with Examples
  • Your Guide to Creating a Robust software testing resume for fresher

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How to Format a Resume for Freshers

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What is a fresher resume?

The best format for a fresher resume, how to write a resume for a fresher.

A fresher resume is written for a person without previous work experience. Freshers are typically college graduates or people with some education who are looking to enter the workforce for the first time. When you search for resume tips, you’re likely to find examples centered around work experience, but there are ways to craft a resume without solely focusing on your career background. In this article, you’ll learn how to format a resume for freshers and gain valuable insight from selected fresher resume examples.

While a fresher may not have former workforce experience, that doesn’t mean they don’t have any relative skills or experience. Freshers with a college background are especially likely to have a wide array of experiences that have helped them develop skills relevant to certain jobs.

Although most job applicants will use a chronological resume format, listing their earliest experience first then writing entries by order of occurrence, a functional resume format is much more flexible and suited for applicants without much work experience. In a functional format, experience is defined in wider terms, coming from a variety of sources. This format can fulfill the underlying requirements of a resume without explicitly focusing on prior work experience.

Here are three factors that should be the cornerstone of any fresher resume:

1. First, describe your education

The education section is where a fresher can truly shine. Since a fresher’s educational experiences are typically the most impressive, it’s usually best to list this section first. Most freshers are recent (or soon will be) college graduates, so you should highlight your institution and area of study. Instead of simply listing your major and degree, you can also include any earned accomplishments and awards. 

Consider listing any skills attained from your education that are relevant to a particular job as well. You can detail some of the more rigorous projects you completed during your studies, especially if they involved managing others. 

Master of Computer Science, Georgia Tech, 2017–2019

  • Major in computer science with a specialization in high-performance computing
  • Managed a group of 20+ students in completing a large project involving programming languages and computer architecture
  • Won the 2018 Champions of Computer Science Award

Bachelor of Computer Science, Georgia Tech, 2013–2017

  • Major in computer science with a specialization in computing systems and architecture
  • Minor in computing and business

2. Second, list your relevant skills

This section is a little different than it would be in a chronological format resume. Your experience and education should be enough to justify your skills, and all you have to do is list them. By listing suitable hard and soft skills, relevant to the job you’re applying for, you show employers you’re qualified. For example, you’ll want to include leadership and communication skills for virtually any position, but industry-specific skills like knowledge of Java, C++, and other programming languages, should be included in an IT resume. If you’re a graphic designer, instead of programming languages, you might list your Photoshop and Illustrator skills.

3. Then, include any formal experience you might have

When writing your experience section, you might not have much formal work to draw from. If you had an internship, especially in the field you’re applying for, you should definitely include it. For example, you might only have a part-time retail job you worked during high school. However, just because you’re applying to a different industry doesn’t mean your retail job isn’t important experience. You should still list this position in your work experience section, but explain how your responsibilities relate to the job you’re applying for. For example, a retail job could have developed your communication and leadership skills.

Computer Engineering Intern, Computechtron ,  2018–2019

  • Troubleshot programs and assisted programmers in compiling codes to optimize existing software
  • Assisted with the installation of a new server and upgrade of existing servers to help boost efficiency by 15%
  • Used Java and C++ to build data storage solutions for several clients using cloud technology
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What is the best resume format for freshers?

If you are a fresh graduate preparing to apply for your first job, curating a stellar resume is one of the first hurdles that you need to get through.

Given that on average, recruiters only spend about 6 seconds on a single resume, it is essential to make a good first impression with your resume and stand out from the crowd of applicants with a well-formatted resume.

And while you may believe that a quick google search will help you find clarity on the same, it can sometimes trigger more questions and confusion.

But, fret not! You’re in the right place and this guide is just what you need to help you gain clarity on everything about resume formats and the best option for you.

In simple terms, the format of a resume constitutes its layout, design, and other elements such as font styles, headings, bullet points, spacing, and the different resume sections.

Read on to learn more about fresher resume format and related FAQs like the following:

  • What is a resume format and why is it important?
  • What are the different types of resume formats for fresher graduates?
  • What is a chronological resume format for freshers?
  • How to structure a functional resume format for freshers?
  • What are some good fresher resume tips?

What is a Resume Format for Freshers and Why Does It Matter?

Picture this - you spend hours on end tailoring the contents of your resume to the job description of your targetted role but you miss out on the format.

One look at the disorderly resume and the recruiter instantly rejects it without even reading it. Not exactly a dream scenario for freshers. Isn’t it?

Therefore the need to have an organized resume with a simple design and format that is not only parsable by the recruiters but the Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) as well.

Resume format includes the order in which you present your skills and qualifications, and other visual elements that enhance its readability.

  • Some of the well-known resume formats for freshers include reverse chronological, combination, and functional resume formats.

Meanwhile, the visual elements of the resume format for freshers constitutes of the following:

  • Resume font style and size
  • Spacing and margins
  • Resume sections
  • Resume length and file format
Also Read: How to create a simple resume format?

Different Resume Formats For Freshers

As stated earlier, there are 3 well-known resume formats that are generally used by freshers and professionals.

Given below is a breakdown of each resume format for freshers and its pros and cons:

Reverse Chronological Resume Format for Freshers

The reverse chronological resume format is the most well-known and widely accepted format that is preferred by recruiters and is easily parsed by Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) used by employers to select candidates.

This format displays the most recent work experience at the top, followed by the older ones.

While as a fresh graduate, you might not have professional experience, you can use this format to present your internship and volunteer experience and educational qualifications as well.

This format works well because it highlights your most recent and relevant experience or qualification, making it easier for the recruiters to scan through it.

Also, it typically uses bullet points to list job duties and accomplishments, which enhances the readability of your fresher resume.

Here are some tips on structuring a reverse chronological resume format for freshers:

  • Start with your most recent education or job experience and include details like the name of the institution or company, your job title, and the dates of your tenure
  • Describe your responsibilities and achievements by using bullet points, specific examples, and figures
  • In case you have completed any relevant coursework or training, including the name of the program and the institution

Fresher resume template sample chronological

Also Read: How to use the reverse chronological resume format in 2023?

Functional Resume Format for Freshers

A functional format is a resume format that highlights your skills rather than your work history.

It is often used by individuals who are changing careers or have limited work experience and hence can be a good option for freshers.

This resume format for freshers is characterized by limited use of bullet points and job titles whilst emphasizing specific accomplishments or achievements.

There is minimal to zero mention of work history, and the following are some sections included in this resume format:

  • Summary or objective statement
  • Skills (grouped by category)
  • Education and training section
  • Certifications or awards section (if applicable)

Fresher resume sample functional format

Also Read: What is a functional resume format and how can you use it?

Combination Resume Format for Freshers

  • A combination format or a hybrid resume combines aspects of both the chronological and functional resume formats.

It typically includes a summary or objective statement, a list of skills and qualifications, and a chronological work experience section.

While this resume format includes elements of both resume formats, it can be time-consuming to create and can appear cluttered and disorganized to the reader.

Also Read: What is a combination resume format and how to use it in 2023?

Resume Tips For Design Elements of Resume Format For Freshers

As for the design elements related to resume format for freshers, given below are some tips that you can follow:

  • Ensure that your resume design is simple and doesn’t have flashy or bold colors as it can look unprofessional
  • Avoid using infographics and graphs in your resume format if you’re applying for traditional job profiles as the ATS cannot scan them
  • Use a font size of 11-12 points for the main text and 14-16 points for your resume headings
  • Avoid using fancy and decorative fonts as they are difficult to read and may not be appropriate for a professional setting. Stick to professional and easy-to-read fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.
  • Ensure to use single spacing for the main text and double spacing for headings to enhance readability and avoid a cluttered look
  • Leave a margin of at least 1” on all sides to follow the standard business letter format
  • Use bullet points to make your resume more visually appealing and easy to read.
  • Create distinct sections in your fresher resume to make it easy for the recruiters and ATS to scan the details.
  • Include resume sections like header, contact information, summary/objective, skills, professional experience, educational background, and additional information section if needed
  • Unless you have 10+ years of experience, ensure to limit your resume to a single page
  • To keep your resume format intact, save your resume in PDF format
Also Read: What are the dos and don'ts of writing a stellar resume?

Key Points from the Blog

  • The format of a resume constitutes its layout, design, and other elements such as font styles, headings, bullet points, spacing, and the different resume sections.
  • The reverse chronological resume format is the most well-known and widely accepted format that is preferred by recruiters and easily parsed by Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) used by employers to select candidates.
  • Functional resume format for freshers is characterized by limited use of bullet points and job titles whilst emphasizing specific accomplishments or achievements.

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. Computer Science Engineer Fresher's Resume Template

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In the world of computer science, the skills you have in the field matters a lot more than your academics (not that they don’t matter at all). So, when drafting a resume for computer science engineering, the resume format should be like that your skills are highlighted as much as possible.

Like any other resume, the resume format of a Computer Science should be structured i...

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The demand for IT Engineers has outpaced every other profession. IT Engineers are not just the present but also the future of the job market. However, while there are numerous job opportunities out there for an IT Engineer, to get the best of these jobs, you and your job resume need to be the best too. 

A smart fresher resume for IT Engineering can make the difference between you...

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The demand for expert professionals, willing to experiment and with hands-on knowledge of developing and designing different types of equipment is growing with each passing day. And this applies heavily for fresher jobs in Electrical Engineering. While there is a definite increase in the market (both private and government), the number of electrical engineers vying the same job has also increas...

. Electronics and Communication Engineer Fresher's Resume Template

Your job resume is often the first impression that you get to make on the recruiter and it should have the correct resume format. However, to make a great impression through your fresher resume, you not just need to know what to include in it but also what to exclude.  In a fresher resume for Electronics and Communication Engineer, the main points that should be dwelt on are your sk...

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Your fresher resume should focus high...

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If you truly want to taste success, then your B.A fresher resume needs to be very specific of what your achievements are and what you are looking to achieve in your career. So, your focus needs to be on things that will recommend you for the job you are applying for.

Your fresher resume should focus on volunteer work and internships that you have done through your college years. Recru...

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For a fresher, we would recommend a resume to a maximum of 1 page displaying all the important skill set & capabilities as per the job requirements.

Follow the above tips to create resume for a fresher job.

Selecting a good format for a resume might be tricky sometimes on the basis of the job you’re applying for & the kind of position you hold.

Best resume format preferred by employers should contain Summary, Core Competencies, Internships/Trainings/Work Experience, Qualifications, Skills.

You also need to make sure that the formats are ATS (Applicant Tracking System) optimized, so that the resumes have higher chances of getting shortlisted during ATS screening.

You can create a free resume using the Resume builder tool having 50+ Resume templates with different formats to choose for graduates.

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Resume Format for Freshers

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The first impression is the last impression. Especially, when a person shares their resume for their first job. A CV or resume is like a golden ticket that can either make or break your image in front of recruiters. A glance at your biodata is going to decide your position in the organization. Are you wondering how to create a perfect resume? What are the things that are to be mentioned? What are the ways of making a perfect CV? If yes, then read on to our blog and discover an interesting resume format for freshers!

This Blog Includes:

Resume format for freshers – key elements, 1. reverse-chronological format, 2. functional format, 3. combination or hybrid format, what is an ats friendly resume, why use an ats-compliant resume format, how to choose the best resume format, sample resume for freshers, resume format for ca freshers, resume sample for network engineering freshers, resume sample for financial analyst, resume tips and tricks , career objectives for a fresher, declaration in resume for freshers examples, free resume templates you can use right away, tips to remember.

Must Read: Most Common Mistakes in SOP Writing!

The important elements of a resume for freshers are explained below:

NAME  Write your name in clear and bold letters in a simpler font so that whosoever picks it up, it is easily understandable. Do not forget to mention your complete address, mobile number, and email ID.

ABOUT It is a short section wherein you will quickly explain your personality traits within 1-2 lines.

OBJECTIVE Under this section, you will have to explain what are your motives and objectives behind joining the organization. Elucidating upon what all better changes you will bring in for the firm.

PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Being a fresher, you must make sure that you highlight all your professional skills and extra knowledge acquired through higher education or some professional courses. Some resume formats for freshers may lack this heading but through this section, the recruiter will apprehend the amount of expertise you possess in the field.

[Read our blog on Personal Details In Resume: Do’s And Dont’s for a clear insight into this section]

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Mention all the degrees, certificates, and diplomas you have acquired along with the name of the institution and the year of passing. Also, if you have taken any short-term courses, do mention them here!

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Even in the resume format for freshers, this is the most vital section to add. Although, being a fresher some individuals may lack notable full-time experience. In such cases, you can mention the home tuition you took and the experience of freelancing.

LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Herein you can mention the languages you proficiently know. For example English, Hindi, Punjabi, etc.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND ACHIEVEMENTS Along with your school and college life, the achievements you have gathered in sports and other extra-curricular activities will be mentioned here.

GENERAL INFORMATION Concludingly, in this section, you can mention some basic details related to you like interests, date of birth, nationality, etc.

Exploring Resume Format for Freshers? Don’t forget to check out our article on How to Craft A Perfect MBA Fresher Resume?

Types of Resume Formats for Freshers

3 main resume formats are being used by freshers the most. These are:

This is the most popular and useful resume format. In reverse-chronological resume format for freshers, a reverse-chronological resume lists your job experiences and talents. This format must include the following things:

Pros of Reverse-Chronological Format:

Cons of Reverse-Chronological Format:

Also Read: Personal Details In Resume: Do’s And Dont’s

In 2023, the functional resume, often known as the skills-based resume, was the least common resume format for freshers. This format differs from the other two in that it focuses on your talents or skills rather than your job experience. The functional resume format will include the following key things:

Pros of Functional Format:

Cons of Functional Format :

Also Read: How to Write Work Experience in a Resume?

This one, as you may have guessed, is a hybrid of the previous two forms. It emphasizes both skills and experiences in a resume of a fresher. Here is a list of important things to include in the hybrid resume format for freshers:

Pros of Hybrid Format:

Cons of Hybrid Format:

Recruiters who receive hundreds of job applications can scan, sort, or rate the resumes using the applicant tracking system (ATS). It makes their job easier by choosing the CV on their behalf that best fits the positions they are currently filling. Many reputable businesses now use this system to streamline the hiring process in the digital age. This software quickly sorts the applications based on how closely they match the requirements for the open positions. What Aspects Should Be Considered When Formatting An ATS Friendly Resume?

Also Read: Best Self-Introduction for Resume

Also Read: Declaration in Resume for Freshers Examples & Tips

The best way to choose a resume format is through competitive analysis. If you are applying for the position of Product Manager, then do a competitive analysis of the job profile and write down all the requirements and skills required for the job. Based on your resume, you stylize your resume and pick the format that best displays all the relevant details of the job.

Also Read: Create a Killer Resume with These Top 6 AI Resume Builder

After this sample format, below mentioned is a sample resume format for freshers through the lines of which you can formulate your own resume:

Akanksha Kapoor XYZ- 123, New Delhi- __ Mobile: +91 999999999 Email:  [email protected]

About Highly dedicated, an analytical and meticulous person with an eternal zeal to learn and grow.

Objective To work in an innovative, healthy and challenging environment extracting the best out of me which is conducive to learn and grow at professional as well as personal levels. 

Professional Skills  -Capabilities to handle manifold tasks in pressured surroundings. – Ability to work effectively despite time and constraints and pressure. – Actively participate and contribute to enhancing team performance and workflow .

Educational Qualification  -Worked with  Aura  as a ‘SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING INTER’ . -Higher schooling from Queen Marry’s School, Ashok Vihar, CBSE, Delhi. – Currently working with an N.G.O. ( Raunak Helping Hands ) as a ‘TEACHER’ and volunteer . – Providing home tuition for classes 1st-10th .

Language Proficiency  – English (Read, Write & Spoken) – Hindi (Read, Write & Spoken)

Extra-Curricular Activities  -University level participate in English debate competitions – An active volunteer in managing college functions and fests – Participated in college and university fashion shows 

General Information Interests:  Writing, Travel, Music, Workout, Cooking and Reading  Date of Birth:  July 18th, 1995 Nationality:  Indian 

Also: Resume for Freshers Looking for the First Job

Also Read: 5 Best Resume Designs

Also Read: Career Objective for Resume

Also Read: Top 6 Purposes of Skill Section in Resume

Following are some quick tips and tricks to make a resume for freshers looking for the first job .

Related Read : CA Fresher Resume

Also Read: List of Hobbies and Interests for Resume

Use the following templates to download and customize your own resume!

Also Read: Resume vs Cover Letter: What is the Difference?

Also Read: How to Answer ‘Walk Me Through Your Resume?’

The functional resume and reverse-chronological resume are the finest resume formats since they are adaptable to whatever sort of experience you have. Create a series of sections on your CV that categorize your skill sets. Instead of making a section for each job, establish a section for each sort of talent you provide.

This is a step-by-step guide to writing a resume: Select the Best Resume Format. Fill in your contact and personal information. Begin with a Statement of Purpose (Resume Summary or Resume Objective) Include your relevant work experience and key accomplishments. Correctly list your education. Fill up the blanks with skills that are relevant to the job posting.

One can end the resume like this: Thank you for taking the time to go over my résumé. I am certain that I can provide value to your business and would welcome the opportunity to explore how my expertise and abilities might help your firm develop or succeed (company name). Thank you for taking the time to go over my application

If you’re a fresher or have less than 10 years of experience, it’s better to write a resume of 1 page. You should create a 2-page resume only when you have a diverse portfolio.

You should choose 11-12pt for normal texts and 14-16pt for headers and titles.

We hope that this blog on resume format for freshers will help you in making a perfect one for yourself! Are you willing to know tips and tricks in order to make an alluring resume? If yes, reach out to our experts by booking an E-meeting session at Leverage Edu and they will solve all your queries! For the latest updates around study blogs, you can follow us on Instagram , Twitter , Facebook and also subscribe to our newsletter. For more tips on resume making follow the career counselling page of Leverage Edu now!!

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Resume Examples for Freshers - Download Free Samples

What's your job, resume example: financial analyst planner.

Rohan Yadav

Contact: +91.0000000000

Email: [email protected]

Address: XXXX

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignment as a Financial Analyst at one of the country’s most outstanding business corporations to utilize financial analysis & project management knowledge in a challenging yet supportive work environment.


INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Please mention if any.

Organization: XXXXX

Duration: XXXXX


EDUCATION Please mention.


Title: XXXX

Description: XXXX



Date of Birth: DD/MM/YYYY Language Known: Please mention

Resume Example: Accountant

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignments in Accounts & Finance with an organization of repute.

Soft Skills: Passion & Commitment Multi-tasking Result-oriented Communication High-energy Level Time Management Collaboration Strategic Planning Strong Networking Skills

Resume Example: Data Entry

A budding professional, seeking an entry level assignments as a Data Entry Specialist that can help in maximizing accurate keyboard skills in a demanding work environment

Soft Skills: Passion & Commitment Multi-tasking Result-oriented Communication High-energy Level Time Management Collaboration Strong Typing Skills

Resume Example: Event Coordinator

Seeking an Event Planner position in a large event management company where my creative skills and abilities in planning and coordinating all types of events for corporate and individuals will help in growth of the organization.

Soft Skills: Passion & Commitment Multi-tasking Result-oriented Communication High-energy Level Time Management Collaboration Networking Skills Accountability High self – confidence

Resume Example: Generic

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignments with an organization of repute.

Soft Skills: Passion & Commitment Multi-tasking Result-oriented Communication High-energy Level Time Management Collaboration Networking Skills

Resume Example: Professor and Lecturer

Intend to build a career in a professional environment with commitment and dedication which will enrich my competence and potential. Willing to work as a key player in challenging & creative environment. Ready to dedicate my time and energy for the betterment of the institute.

Soft Skills: Passion & Commitment Writing Public speaking Conflict resolution Communication Interpersonal Curriculum Development & Creative Lesson Planning

Resume Example: Teacher

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignments in Teaching with well-liked and reputed institute/high school and to achieve good progress in career through all best subject knowledge and great teaching efforts.

Resume Example: Call Center BPO

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignment in Call Center BPO with an organization of repute.

Resume Example: Cashier

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignment as a Cashier with an organization of repute.

Soft Skills: Passion & Commitment Multi-tasking Result-oriented Communication Information Processing Ability Numeracy Skills Accuracy & Attention to Detail Problem-Solving Skills Strong Customer Service Skills Ability to Work Independently Integrity & Honest | Reliability

Resume Example: Customer Service Representative

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignment as a Customer Service Representative with an organization of repute.

Soft Skills: Customer Service Product Knowledge Market Knowledge Quality Focus Problem Solving Documentation Skills Phone Skills Listening Resolving Conflict Analyzing Information Multi-Tasking Passion & Commitment Result-oriented Communication High-energy Level Time Management

Resume Example: Doctor (General)

A budding Doctor with capability in sensitivity, tact and patience to listen to patient’s problems with strong belief in medical ethics and practicing it as a divine job Keenly interested in diagnosing illnesses and prescribing & administrating appropriate treatment / medication for various ailments or diseases.

Soft Skills: Multitasking in Fast-paced Environments Highly Organized & Strong Analytical Abilities Articulate Oral & Written Communication Quick Problem Resolution & Decision Making Leadership

Resume Example: Surgeon

Empathetic professional, aiming to formulate an excellent medical & surgical experience with complete dedication to the cause of human health through Clinical Practice & Health Care Systems Management

Resume Example: Healthcare / Hospital Administrator

To achieve an entry-level position in the Health Care Administration Organization for which in-depth knowledge and skills will have a valuable implementation.

Resume Example: Pharmacist

M. Pharma & B. Pharma budding professional, in-quest of challenging assignments as a Pharmacist with an organization of repute in healthcare industry.

Resume Example: Executive Recruiter

An accomplish professional; seeking the position of an Entry Level Recruiter with a company that offers a positive atmosphere to learn and implement new skills and technologies for the betterment of the organization.

Resume Example: HR Assistant

Forward-thinking individual with refined interpersonal and multitasking skills; seeking an entry-level HR assistant position with a reputed organization, bringing outstanding knowledge of organizational procedures and ability to improve employee performance.

Resume Example: Business / Data Analyst

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry-level position to begin my career in a high-level professional environment.

Resume Example: Software Developer

Energetic Fresher holding XYZ degree from XYZ University, good knowledge in computer subjects, and ability to update and learn new concepts quickly and strong desire to work in the software field Troubleshooter, ability to work in any environment, and possess good analytical skills

Resume Example: Software Tester

To achieve high career growth through a continuous learning process, keep me dynamic, visionary, and competitive with the changing scenario of the world and to contribute for the growth of the organization.

Resume Example: Lawyer

B.A. LLB. (Hons.) with a zeal to pursue in Post-Graduation in Law (LLM); keenly interested to work in a highly competitive environment with a perfect challenge by contributing the best for the growth of the organization while ensuring growth in personal career.

Resume Example: Marketing Associate

An MBA with specialization in Marketing Management with a strong understanding of marketing concepts desires to work as a Marketing Associate with XXX Inc. to effectively handle all marketing activities.

Resume Example: Social Media Marketing

A budding professional, seeking the role of Social Media Marketing Associate at XYZ Inc. to utilize social media, content development, and project management skills in identifying trends, engaging users and increasing brand awareness through unique and innovative marketing strategies and campaigns.

Resume Example: Nurse

A budding professional, looking for a rewarding and challenging environment in offices, hospitals, and nursing homes to work for the betterment of overall human well-being.

Resume Example: Business Development

Seeking position as Business Development Associate at ABC Company to utilize communication, interpersonal and people management skills, focused attention to detail; ability to resolve organizational challenges to maximize profits.

Resume Example: Brand Management

With a Management degree from AB University, I have developed solid leadership and management skills; seeking position as Brand Management Associate to bring forth innovative ideas, analytical approach along with superior product knowledge & organizational abilities.

Resume Example: Sales

Collaborative and result-oriented individual with ability to generate high-quality leads and convert them into sales desires to work at MNC Inc. as a Sales Executive.

Resume Example: Hotel Management

Looking for a Hotel Management Trainee position at ABC company that incorporates strong interpersonal skills when fulfilling a number of customer service tasks, addressing a wide range of needs, issues and complaints with ease and efficiency.

Resume Example: Aviation

Seeking position as Aviation Management Trainee at ABC Company to utilize communication, interpersonal and people management skills, focused attention to detail.

Resume Example: Office Coordinator

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignments with an organization of repute

Resume Example: Project Coordinator

Resume Example: Civil Engineer

A budding professional, seeking an entry-level assignment as a Civil Engineer to use planning, designing and overseeing skills in construction and help grow the company to achieve its goal with an organization of repute

Resume Example: Electrical Engineer

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignments in Electrical engineering with an organization of repute that will provide a platform to utilize technical skills and enrich knowledge to help in the process of organizational and self-growth.

Resume Example: Mechanical Engineer


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Declaration in Resume/CV For Fresher & Experienced - Sample , Example, Tips

19 min read

 · Resume Builder

Create ATS Friendly Resume Free

Why include a declaration in your resume/cv, how to put signature in resume, where to put a declaration in a resume, how to end a resume, section1 : declaration in fresher resume : sample & tips, q: what is the purpose of a declaration for freshers' resumes | is declaration needed in resume, q: how to write a declaration for freshers, sample declaration of resume for fresher:, 10 examples of declaration statements that freshers might include in their resume | sample declaration for freshers: , tips for writing a declaration for freshers:​, section 2: declaration in resume for experienced professionals: sample & tips, q. do experienced professionals need a declaration in their resumes, q: how to write a declaration for experienced professionals, sample declaration for experienced professionals:, tips for writing a declaration for experienced professionals:, q: declaration in resume for experienced example:, emphasize honesty and authenticity:, keep it concise and to the point:, use formal language and proper grammar:, avoid clichés and overused phrases:, tailor the declaration to the specific job:.

Why Honesty Matters:

Keep it simple and genuine:, integrity reflects in details:, exaggerations can backfire:, embrace your real strengths:, avoid falsehoods at all costs:, reflect on your motivation:, be confident in your truth:, end on a positive note:, making vague or exaggerated claims:, using informal language or tone:, not aligning the declaration with the rest of the resume:, copying generic templates without personalization:, section 6: reinforcing the importance of declarations in resumes:, how long is a declaration, what is the best declaration in a resume, is there a format to write the declaration, is declaration required in resume | is declaration in resume necessary, when should you add a declaration in your cv or resume, how do you give a declaration | what should be written in declaration, in summary:.

Declaration in Resume

What is Declaration in a Resume? | What is Acknowledgement For Resume? | What is Declaration in a CV? 

Declaration in a resume refers to a statement typically included at the end of the resume, where the job applicant declares the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided in the resume. It is a formal way of confirming that the details, qualifications, skills, and experiences mentioned in the resume are genuine and accurate to the best of the applicant's knowledge. Declaration in resume is sometime referred as resume disclaimer.

The declaration section may vary in wording, but it generally conveys the applicant's commitment to honesty and integrity in the application process. It is important to note that including a declaration is a matter of personal choice and may be more common in certain regions or industries.

However, resume  practices can vary depending on cultural norms and industry standards. In some regions or fields, a declaration might not be necessary or expected. It's essential to tailor your resume to the conventions of your specific industry and region. Always ensure that the information in your resume is accurate and verifiable, regardless of whether you include a formal declaration.

​ This blog aims to guide readers on how to craft an effective declaration statement for their resumes/CV.

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When crafting a resume, you're essentially creating your first impression on potential employers. In this digital age, where information can be easily manipulated or misrepresented, including a declaration in your resume holds immense significance. Whether you're a fresher embarking on your professional journey or an experienced individual looking to take the next step in your career, a well-crafted declaration can play a pivotal role in establishing your credibility and setting the right tone.

Practice Your Interview

A signature in a resume typically refers to an electronic or digital signature that is included at the end of resume that you send/submit online. It is not the same as a physical signature you might use to sign a document with a pen.

Including a digital signature on your resume is not a common practice in India and is generally unnecessary. Resumes are typically submitted electronically as attachments or through online application systems, where a physical signature is not required or expected. Instead, your name and contact information are usually sufficient identifiers at the top of your resume.

If you're sending a resume electronically, you can simply use your full name in the closing of the email, along with any other relevant contact information or links. Here's a sample of a signature in a resume:

Sincerely, [Your Full Name]

[Phone Number]

[Email Address]

[LinkedIn Profile URL, if applicable]

Suggested Read: How to add LinkedIn profile link to your Resume ​

Remember, the focus of a resume should be on the content itself: your qualifications, skills, experience, and achievements. Including a digital signature is unlikely to add value and might even distract from the important information in your resume.

Where to put declaration in resume

Declaration in a resume is placed at the end of the resume, once you have finished 

Practice Mock Interview -Free

​ Practice Mock Interview -Free ​

Once you finish your education, extracurricular activities, hobbies, you end with declaration and signature. Some people choose to include a brief value statement or summary of their key skills and qualifications. If you have relevant certifications, licenses, or awards that weren't mentioned earlier in your resume but are significant to the role you're applying for, you could list them here.

Sample of ending  a resume:


[Your Full Name] 

[Phone Number] 

[Email Address] 

[LinkedIn Profile URL] 

Summary: Dedicated marketing professional, Strong analytical skills and a passion for creative problem-solving. Certified in consultative selling

Remember, the closing of your resume is a chance to leave a lasting impression. Keep it concise, professional, and focused on showcasing your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position you're seeking.

Interview Questions & Answers Practice

​ Interview Questions & Answers Practice ​

Suggested Read: Master Fresher Resume ​

A: For freshers, who might not yet have an extensive list of work experiences to highlight, a declaration becomes a powerful tool. It goes beyond just stating your educational qualifications and achievements. It demonstrates your commitment to honesty and transparency right from the outset. Employers understand that you're new to the field, but by including a declaration, you showcase your willingness to present accurate information and adhere to ethical practices.

A declaration for freshers serves as your pledge to truthfully represent your skills, qualifications, and aspirations. It sends a clear message that you take your professional image seriously and that you're dedicated to building a foundation of trust with potential employers.

When crafting a declaration for your fresher's resume, remember that simplicity and authenticity are key. Here's a sample declaration along with some essential tips:

Declaration Format:

"I hereby declare that all the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement may lead to disqualification from consideration or termination if employed."

Here's another example of declaration statement that could be included in a CV:

"I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any discrepancies found in the provided information may lead to the rejection of my application or termination of employment."

Remember, these declaration statements should be tailored to your specific background, skills, and the type of job you're applying for.

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Conciseness is Key: Keep your declaration succinct. Use clear language to convey your commitment.

Professional Language: Employ formal language and avoid using casual or colloquial phrases.

Accuracy Matters: Make sure that the information you provide in your resume is accurate and aligns with the declaration.

Highlight Willingness to Learn: Emphasize your enthusiasm for learning and growing in your chosen field.

Avoid Generic Statements: While it's good to use templates as a starting point, personalize your declaration to reflect your unique qualities and intentions.

By incorporating these tips and tailoring your declaration to your individual profile, you'll be well on your way to presenting a compelling case for your integrity and professionalism as a fresher.

Declaration in Resume

A: Absolutely, yes! Even for seasoned professionals with years of industry experience under their belts, a declaration remains a crucial element in their resumes. While experience speaks volumes, a declaration ensures that the information presented is accurate, up-to-date, and aligned with the values of professionalism and integrity. It showcases your continued dedication to transparency and ethical representation of your achievements and capabilities.

Experienced professionals, much like freshers, should leverage the declaration to reinforce their commitment to truthfulness and accountability. This not only adds weight to your resume but also reflects positively on your character as a professional.

When constructing a declaration for your resume as an experienced professional, your aim is to encapsulate your wealth of experience and dedication to excellence. Here's a sample declaration along with some essential tips:

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​Declaration Format:​

"I affirm that the information furnished above is accurate and reflective of my professional journey. With a track record of [X years] in [industry/field], I have consistently achieved [mention some significant achievements] while upholding the highest ethical standards. I remain committed to ongoing growth and unwavering integrity in all my endeavors."

Reflect on Achievements: Highlight specific achievements or milestones from your career journey that demonstrate your expertise and contributions.

Ethical Commitment: Emphasize your commitment to ethical practices, as your experience likely involves navigating complex situations with integrity.

Professional Development: Mention your dedication to continuous professional development, showcasing your willingness to adapt and learn.

Tailor to the Role: Customize the declaration to align with the specific job you're applying for, emphasizing relevant skills and experiences.

"I hereby assert that the information provided is an accurate representation of my professional journey spanning [X years]. With a proven track record of spearheading [mention specific accomplishments], I have consistently upheld the values of honesty and excellence. Throughout my career, I have navigated intricate challenges with unwavering integrity. I remain committed to staying abreast of industry advancements and contributing my seasoned expertise to a dynamic team."

As an experienced professional, your declaration is a testimony to your years of hard work and accomplishments, setting the stage for potential employers to recognize your expertise and character.

In the subsequent sections, we'll provide general tips to help you create an effective declaration regardless of your experience level and discuss common mistakes to avoid.

Section 3: General Tips for Crafting an Effective Declaration:

In the world of resumes, a well-constructed declaration can be a game-changer. It's not just about stating facts; it's about conveying your commitment to professionalism, truthfulness, and a genuine desire to contribute meaningfully to the workforce. Here are some general tips to ensure your declaration shines:

At the core of any declaration is honesty. Your declaration is your promise to uphold the truth in your resume. Be genuine about your skills, experiences, and aspirations. Employers value authenticity and are more likely to be impressed by a candid declaration than one that seems exaggerated or insincere.

While you want to express your dedication and professionalism, brevity is key. A declaration should be concise, capturing the essence of your commitment without becoming verbose. Avoid unnecessary details and focus on the core message.

Your declaration is a formal statement, so maintain a professional tone. Use correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. A well-written declaration demonstrates your attention to detail and communication skills.

Steer clear of generic phrases that have lost their impact through overuse. Phrases like "team player," "results-oriented," and "excellent communication skills" might be true, but they don't add much value if not backed by specific examples. Instead, opt for unique insights that truly reflect your strengths.

Not all jobs are the same, and neither should be your declaration. Customize your declaration to align with the role you're applying for. Highlight skills and experiences that are directly relevant to the position. This tailored approach shows that you've carefully considered the job requirements.

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Section 4: how honesty can help in curating effective declaration:.

Employers value honesty and integrity in their employees. When you're honest in your resume, you build a foundation of trust with potential employers. It also reflects your respect for the recruitment process and your willingness to be accountable for the information you present. Not below points while writing declaration for resume for freshers

Your declaration statement should be straightforward and to the point. Avoid using complex language or overused clichés. Instead, focus on a genuine affirmation that the information provided in your resume is accurate to the best of your knowledge.

Be meticulous in representing your experiences, skills, and qualifications. Ensure that the dates, job titles, and responsibilities are accurate and in line with your actual experience. Double-check for any discrepancies that might arise due to typos or oversight.

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While it might be tempting to inflate your accomplishments, remember that employers often verify the details in your resume during the hiring process. Exaggerations can lead to embarrassment and harm your chances of securing the job.

Being honest doesn't mean downplaying your strengths. Highlight your actual achievements and experiences with pride. You possess unique qualities that make you a valuable candidate, so focus on showcasing your true abilities.

Suggested Read: Include your strength and weakness in your resume

It cannot be emphasized enough - never include false information in your resume. Falsifying educational qualifications, work experience, or any other details can lead to severe consequences and damage your professional reputation.

In your declaration statement, you can also include a brief reflection on your motivation for the job. Explain why you are passionate about the role or industry, reinforcing your commitment to the opportunity.

Honesty in your declaration statement demonstrates self-assurance and conviction in your abilities. When you are confident in your real achievements, you won't feel the need to rely on falsehoods to impress employers.

Conclude your declaration statement on a positive and professional tone. Express your gratitude for the opportunity to apply and your excitement about the possibility of contributing to the company's success.

Being honest in your declaration statement is a reflection of your values and ethics as a professional. It builds trust, showcases your integrity, and sets the tone for a positive employer-candidate relationship. So, remember to keep it simple, truthful, and genuine - honesty is indeed the best policy when it comes to your resume declaration. Your commitment to truthfulness will undoubtedly be appreciated by potential employers and position you as a trustworthy and reliable candidate for the job.

Being forthright in your declaration statement mirrors your values and professional ethics. It establishes trust, showcases your integrity, and sets the stage for a positive rapport between employer and candidate. So, remember to maintain simplicity, truthfulness, and authenticity - after all, honesty is indeed the best policy when it comes to your resume declaration. Your dedication to honesty will undoubtedly be valued by potential employers, positioning you as a dependable and trustworthy candidate for the role.

Remember, your declaration isn't just a formality; it's an opportunity to distinguish yourself from other candidates and create a positive impression on potential employers. By following these tips, you can ensure that your declaration adds depth and substance to your resume, showcasing your professionalism and commitment to excellence.

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Section 5: Common Mistakes to Avoid While Writing Declaration in Resume

While crafting a declaration for your resume, it's essential to avoid pitfalls that could undermine the impact of your message. Steering clear of these common mistakes will help your declaration truly shine:

It's natural to want to present yourself in the best light, but veering into exaggeration can backfire. Avoid making claims that you can't substantiate with actual experiences or achievements. Be specific and truthful, allowing your accomplishments to speak for themselves.

A declaration is a formal statement, so adopting an informal tone or language can undermine its credibility. Avoid slang, jargon, or overly casual phrasing. Opt for a professional and respectful tone that reflects the importance of the document.

Your declaration shouldn't exist in isolation; it should seamlessly integrate with the rest of your resume. Make sure that the information in your declaration aligns with the details presented in the other sections of your resume. Inconsistencies can raise red flags for potential employers.

It's tempting to use pre-made declaration templates, but a cookie-cutter approach won't set you apart. Personalize your declaration to reflect your unique journey, skills, and aspirations. This personal touch demonstrates your genuine interest in the position and showcases your individuality.

By avoiding these pitfalls, you'll be well on your way to creating a declaration that stands out for its authenticity, professionalism, and alignment with your overall resume. Remember, your declaration is a reflection of your integrity and dedication to presenting yourself truthfully and effectively to potential employers.

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As you embark on the journey of crafting your resume, it's crucial to recognize the pivotal role that a well-crafted declaration plays. Throughout this blog, we've explored the nuances of declarations for both freshers and experienced professionals, delving into the finer points of creating a statement that resonates with integrity and professionalism.

Reflect on Achievements: Whether you're a fresher or an experienced professional, highlighting specific accomplishments adds weight to your declaration.

Commitment to Ethics: Demonstrating your dedication to ethical practices underscores your integrity and resonates with employers seeking individuals of high character.

Ongoing Professional Development: Signaling your commitment to growth and learning showcases your adaptability and readiness to contribute effectively.

In conclusion, a declaration is not a mere formality but a statement of your professionalism, integrity, and dedication. As you construct your declaration, remember that it's not just a part of your resume; it's a reflection of your commitment to truthfulness and your desire to excel in your chosen field.

A declaration in a resume is usually consisting of just one or two sentences. Its purpose is to assert the truthfulness of the information presented in your resume.

The best declaration in a resume is a concise statement of your commitment to the position and your enthusiasm for contributing to the company's success. For example, you can say, "I am dedicated to leveraging my skills and experiences to drive innovation and add value to [Company Name], while continuously learning and growing in a collaborative environment." This declaration showcases your motivation and aligns your goals with the company's objectives without including unnecessary information. The best declaration in a resume for freshers is the one that does the work in the least number of words. For example, I hereby declare that the information provided above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 

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While there isn't a strict format for writing a declaration in a resume, there are some guidelines mentioned in this blog that you can follow to ensure that your declaration statement is clear, concise, and professional.

In most cases, a declaration is not required in a resume. It's becoming less common to include a declaration in modern resumes. However, It helps in providing assurance to employers that the candidate is genuine.

You should add a declaration in your CV or resume only if it is specifically requested by the employer or if it is a common practice in your region or industry. In many cases, declarations are not necessary and can be omitted. Instead, focus on providing relevant information about your skills, qualifications, and experiences to make a strong case for why you are a suitable candidate for the position.

To give a declaration in your resume, you can include it in your cover letter rather than directly on your resume document. In your cover letter, express your commitment and enthusiasm for the specific position and company. State your intentions clearly and concisely, emphasizing how your skills and experiences align with the job requirements and the company's mission. Remember to keep it professional and focused on what you can bring to the role, avoiding personal information or irrelevant details.

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​ Can the Absence of Declaration in Resume Affect the Hiring Process?

The absence of a declaration in a resume typically does not affect the hiring process negatively. Many employers and recruiters prefer resumes without declarations, as they often consider them unnecessary. Instead, they focus on the qualifications, skills, and experiences presented in the resume, as well as the candidate's cover letter and overall fit for the position. While declarations may be expected in some regions or industries, they are not universally required, and omitting one is unlikely to impact your chances of being considered for a job opportunity.

Freshers: For those stepping into the professional world, a declaration signifies more than just listing educational achievements. It showcases your dedication to honesty and transparency from the outset, establishing a foundation of trust with potential employers.

Experienced Professionals: Even if you boast an impressive career trajectory, a declaration reinforces your commitment to accuracy and professionalism. It demonstrates your willingness to uphold ethical standards and provides potential employers with a clear insight into your values.

In both cases, an effectively crafted declaration enhances your resume's credibility and authenticity. By following our provided tips, you can create a declaration that adds depth to your profile:

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By taking the time to tailor your declaration, avoiding common mistakes, and infusing it with your unique experiences, you set yourself apart in a competitive job market. Your declaration becomes your voice, conveying your genuine enthusiasm and potential to potential employers. As you submit your resume with a thoughtfully crafted declaration, rest assured that you've taken a significant step toward leaving a positive and lasting impression.

Suggested Read: If You are a teacher, read how to create teachers resume Free

Declaration in Resume

How to Write a Declaration

Tips for Writing a Declaration

Sample Declaration for Fresher

Example Fresher Declaration

What is Declaration in resume

Declaration for Freshers

Purpose of a Declaration

Sample Declaration

Declaration for Experienced

Mistake to Avoid in Declration

Declaration for resume

Effective Declaration

Sample Declaration Experienced

Declaration in CV

Declaration for CV

signature in resume

resume disclaimer

declaration format

resume declaration format

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Business and Career


How to structure your résumé so it gets recruiters' attention

Insider Today

Sometimes, an F can be a good thing .

Take the so-called F-method. It's a way of organizing your résumé so that a recruiter can read the most important parts across the top — like the upper portion of the letter F.

The next most essential info goes farther down with keywords or points sticking out like the arm on an F.

The idea behind the framework is to help someone looking over your résumé get to the good stuff right away. That's because recruiters might spend only seconds scanning your work history and other accomplishments, and you need to make sure you really stand out, really quickly.

"The skills section on my résumé is in that 'F.' It's in that direct line of sight," Lee Woodrow, owner and principal consultant at Bigger Fish Executive Branding , told Business Insider.

Highlighting the top information right away is all the more important in an environment where it's getting harder to get desk jobs — and where the ease of applying means recruiters are often overrun with applications.

'Buzzword bingo'

Woodrow, who's been writing résumés for others for many years, said the top of a CV built around the F-method should include essential information about the value you bring: details like who you are professionally, what area your expertise is in, and which industries you've worked in.

"It's an elevator pitch," he said. That information belongs at the top near your name, he said, so that it gets seen. "That entices the reader to read on."

It's also important, Woodrow said, to have the right words and phrases up high where a busy recruiter can see them.

"It's like buzzword bingo," he said.

This is often important when recruiters are trying to fill technical roles. They might not have a lot of background in the particulars of a job, so they might be on the hunt for phrases or words that a hiring manager has flagged.

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Setting your résumé up with the F-method can mean a break from traditional formats, such as listing your work experience in reverse chronological order, which may surprise some.

But Woodrow said floating the most important ideas to the top makes sense if, for example, your most relevant experience for a job isn't tied to your latest role. Or, in other cases, he said, a job posting might call for someone with a master's degree or a Ph.D.

"Why would you put it lower down on page two or three? You'd want it on page one somewhere — highlighting it in that area which is in the 'F,'" Woodrow said.

In any case, he said, it's important to keep the most relevant information on the first page of a résumé.

Have a few goals in mind

Woodrow said one goal for your résumé should be ensuring it can be easily read by the applicant-tracking software companies often use to sift through job applications. Another aim should be having clear section titles so the document is a breeze for a recruiter to navigate. Highlight things like relevant job experience for a role you're going for, he said.

Last, Woodrow said, a résumé needs to influence a decision-maker by giving proof of your accomplishments. He recommends including three brief examples on the first page about how you solved a problem. To do this, describe a situation, give context, and use metrics from the business, if possible, to demonstrate how you improved a situation.

It's an abbreviated version of the STAR technique , sometimes used in interviewing, and involves describing a situation or task, actions, and results.

Kyle Samuels, founder and CEO of the executive search firm Creative Talent Endeavors , told BI that using the F-method to lay out a résumé can make sense for technical roles where a recruiter needs to know you have a certain amount of experience with, say, a particular programming language or modeling.

But in other cases, where a job might be more senior, artificial intelligence tools that do a first pass on a stack of résumés might make the F idea somewhat moot because AI bots can scoop up huge volumes of information.

"It kind of feels like a poor man's AI," Samuels said, referring to the F-method.

He said that with a role like a VP of marketing, you might have several candidates who would be a great fit.

"We're not expecting to see the exact same formatting or skills or experience, and so we really pore through the résumé," Samuels said.

That's why, especially when recruiting for more senior roles, there's little substitute for reading a résumé thoroughly, he said.

"I study it like the Torah," Samuels said.

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