Essay on Democracy in Pakistan

Democracy in Pakistan Essay with Quotations

by Pakiology | Apr 24, 2024 | Essay | 1 comment

Explore the evolution, challenges, and progress of democracy in Pakistan in this in-depth essay . Gain insights into the nation’s rich history, the influence of the military, the pervasive issue of corruption, and the role of civil society in shaping Pakistan’s democratic landscape.

Title: The Evolution of Democracy in Pakistan: Challenges, Progress, and Prospects for the Future


Pakistan, a country characterized by its rich and diverse history, has embarked on a tumultuous journey in pursuit of democracy. Overcoming numerous obstacles, its citizens have tenaciously defended their democratic rights and worked diligently to forge a more equitable society. In this comprehensive essay, we delve into the current state of democracy in Pakistan, recognizing its historical context, addressing the persistent challenges it confronts, highlighting the progress made, and considering the prospects for the future.

The Historical Landscape

Democracy, at its core, is a system of government grounded in the principle of representation, allowing citizens to actively participate in decision-making processes that impact their lives. Regrettably, the implementation of democracy in Pakistan has been marred by a series of military coups and periods of martial law, intermittently disrupting its democratic trajectory. Despite these adversities, Pakistan now operates as a federal parliamentary republic with a president and prime minister at the helm.

The Military’s Influence: A Persistent Challenge

A major impediment to democracy in Pakistan has been the enduring influence of the military on the political landscape. Pakistan’s history is replete with instances of military interventions in civilian governance, including several coups and martial law declarations. This persistent interference not only undermines democratic principles but also erodes public trust in the democratic system. Additionally, intelligence agencies have faced accusations of wielding substantial influence in the political sphere, further eroding democratic institutions and processes.

Corruption as a Hindrance: A Deep-Seated Issue

Another significant challenge is the pervasiveness of corruption within Pakistan. Corruption has become deeply ingrained in the country, with numerous politicians and government officials implicated in embezzlement and bribery. This deeply rooted issue corrodes the legitimacy of the democratic process and erodes public trust in the government. The adverse effects of corruption are most acutely felt by marginalized communities, who suffer from a lack of essential public services and resources.

The Resilience of Democratic Aspirations: Signs of Progress

Despite these formidable challenges, the citizens of Pakistan persistently strive to defend their democratic rights and fortify democratic institutions. In recent years, the country has seen a notable rise in the number of civil society organizations dedicated to advocating for transparency, accountability, and the promotion of awareness regarding democratic rights and freedoms. Additionally, the media has played a pivotal role in promoting democratic values and holding the government accountable for its actions.

The Role of Civil Society

Civil society organizations have emerged as vital agents of change in Pakistan’s democratic landscape. They tirelessly work to bridge the gap between the government and the governed, acting as watchdogs for accountability and transparency. Through advocacy, awareness campaigns, and public mobilization, these organizations have managed to shine a spotlight on the pressing issues of democracy and governance in Pakistan. Their activities range from monitoring elections to exposing corruption and advocating for the rule of law.

Media as the Fourth Estate

The media in Pakistan has undergone a transformational journey, evolving into a vibrant fourth estate that plays a crucial role in promoting democratic values. While media outlets often grapple with challenges such as censorship and intimidation, they continue to serve as a check on government power and a forum for diverse voices. Investigative journalism has uncovered corruption scandals, challenged authoritarianism, and provided a platform for citizens to engage in political discourse.

In conclusion, democracy in Pakistan remains an imperfect yet indispensable system, despite the numerous setbacks and challenges it has encountered. The people of Pakistan ardently safeguard their democratic rights, and the fortification of democratic institutions and processes is pivotal for the nation’s future. The enduring challenges posed by military influence, corruption, and public mistrust can only be surmounted through persistent efforts and sustained citizen engagement in the democratic process. As Pakistan continues its journey towards a more robust democracy, the world watches with hope and anticipation, recognizing the nation’s potential to overcome its challenges and achieve democratic excellence. The path may be long and arduous, but the resilience and determination of Pakistan’s people offer a promising outlook for the future of democracy in the country.

Quotes Related to Democracy

Here are a few quotes related to democracy and its challenges in Pakistan:

“A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.” – Milton Friedman, Economist
“The greatest threat to democracy is not the enemies from without, but the enemies from within.” – Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States
“I believe that the real solution to the problems facing Pakistan lies in true democracy and the rule of law.” – Imran Khan, Former Prime Minister of Pakistan
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” – John Philpot Curran, Irish Orator and Statesman.

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Sir you have used a lot of bitter words in this essay which are enough to awake a nation.😭😭😭😭 But It’s reality I think inshallah one day we will achieve that original democracy which will prevent our basic rights and our motherland…..

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Essay on Poverty in Pakistan with Outline | Causes and Solutions

Poverty in pakistan essay with outline for class 10, class 12 and graduation.

Here is an essay on Poverty in Pakistan with the outline for students of different classes. A good student should start writing Poverty in Pakistan essay with an outline and later discuss the reasons behind it and should end up with the solutions to deal with the reasons of this problem.

Outline of Essay on Poverty in Pakistan for F.A, FSC, 2nd Year, B.A & BSC

  • Introduction with the Poverty in Pakistan.
  • Reasons behind this problem.
  • Population explosion
  • The economic system is based on feudalism
  • unequal distribution of wealth
  • Politicians of Pakistan
  • Solutions to deal with this problem.

Poverty in Pakistan Essay

Pakistan is a poor and underdeveloped country. Most of its population lives in entirely adverse circumstances. Some reports reveal that more than forty percent population of Pakistan live below the line of poverty. The average income of a poor Pakistani is less than two dollars. A large number of people in our country do not have a proper place to live. This miserable condition has given birth to a large number of beggars and needy people, who live on the charity of the rich people. The economic condition of an average individual is very pathetic. Poverty, hunger and unemployment afflict a large section of the population. The causes of poverty’are quite obvious and known.

Firstly: We are facing a population explosion. There are more mouths to feed than there are hands to earn. One member of the family has to feed and support a large family. His income is limited. He cannot afford to maintain a large family. He works hard and consequently, he falls ill and dies. Then his wife steps in, work in village field or city homes to bring up her children. This cycle of poverty goes on. A poor remains poor the whole of his life. The main cause of poverty in Pakistan lies in the difference between the resources and the population increase.

Secondly: Most of the people in Pakistan are uneducated. They are ill-equipped to lead a good life. They do not know the modern methods of farming. They are ignorant to better ways of earning money in the mills and factories. With poor knowledge of life, they cannot increase production in mills and factories. Modern machinery is mostly computerized. An uneducated person cannot understand and operate the computer. How can he add to his income? The result is that he remains poor till the last moment of his life. It is very sad that rulers do not educate the workers. The workers do not get a chance to earn more money.

Thirdly: Our economic system is based on feudalism. A big landlord keeps the small farmers and workers under his political slavery. The “Haries” in Sindh, for example, have tried to get freedom from the feudal lords but who avail. In Baluchistan, there exists the “Sardari system”. This system does not allow the children of a poor farmer to get the education and find good jobs. Higher education is open only to the children of big landlords and sardars. in Punjab and NWFP the same condition exists.The economic condition of the small farmers and workers cannot become better in the presence of feudal lords i.

Fourthly: Pakistan is a country where there is no social, cultural and economic justice. The rich people in Pakistan are becoming mere rich, while the poor are becoming more poor. The economic disparity between the rich and the poor has eaten the very vitals of society.

Fifthly: Poverty in Pakistan exists due to Scarcity of jobs in the public and government sector. Our rulers are not responsible, dedicated and missionary. They failed to build new dams, a network of industry and roads in the country. The shortage of electricity and gas has resulted in the lock up of mills and factories. New factories were not set up in the past. The result is that our uneducated worker remains unemployed. The educated people have degrees, but they do not have opportunities to get a job. Many countries in the world have solved this problem. Pakistan too can solve the problem by adopting the following measures.

The rulers of Pakistan must discard their lavish way of living. They must be “one” with their people. They must lead a life of a common and hardworking person. This will go a long way to bridge. over the disparity between a rich and poor person. The population explosion must be controlled. People should be educated and guided to produce a small number of children. More industries, mills and factories should be set up to provide jobs to the workers and Small farmers.

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Major Problems of Pakistan And Their Solutions

Table of Contents

Here we are going to discuss the Major Problems of Pakistan And Their Solutions which have to be sorted out in order to hold a steady position in the country’s rank. If we glance through history we find that the world has developed a lot in every field. When in-country, the size of pollution overcomes the size of available resources, then the country is called overpopulated. Pakistan is victimized by overpopulation which has been stopped its progression in every field. The total population of Pakistan was 3.25 crore in 1947 in former West Pakistan. It rose to 6.551 crores in 1972.  It has now crossed the figure of 15 crores in 2016. Now a day Pakistan has become the most populous country in the world. Well, there are many other problems of Pakistan like corruption, the use of hush money, and the bad sense of rich and poor. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer due to unequaled treatment in the community. So, have a look at some major problems of the country.

There are many major problems in Pakistan some problems are very highlighted and everyone well aware of them. So that is Corruption , unemployment , Populations , Transportation , Water issues , Political Failure , Judicial System, and Mass Media.  These are the major and common problems in Pakistan but we have said that many of the silent major problems exist. Other silent major problems is going to mentioned below.

Major Problems of Pakistan And Their Solutions

Effect of Overpopulation

There are the following conditions to define overpopulation obstacle in Pakistan which we discussed below:

  • The danger for Economic Development
  • Low per capita income
  • Low rate of saving
  • Problems for the education sector
  • Housing problems
  • Transportation problems
  • Food shortage
  • Population & Environment
  • Population & capital formation
  • Problems for the agricultural sector
  • Unemployment
  • To provide more recreation
  • Electricity Crisis In Pakistan

Overpopulation is a great danger for economic development as it swallows up the progress made by the economic sector. With the increase in population, there is low capital income in the country which badly affects the economy of the country. There per capita income of Pakistan is 479 dollars compared to 27000 dollars in Japan and 14000 dollars in Singapore


raise in the number of population generate unemployment. Yes of course! it is because whenever there are 10 vacancies are lying vacant, there are 100 applications are submitted on it. In this condition there are 90 candidates are left who don’t have a job. So unemployment also generates some other obstacles like below…

Corruption is one of the biggest problems in the country. Peoples are coercing to use the hush money when they have done a job. In this problem, our authorities are also somehow involved in it. Whenever someone is in crisis and he really needs a job to meet his family’s expenses he will do everything to obtain a job and in this case, the authorities demand black money to grant a job to them.

When a country becomes overpopulated then its rate of saving becomes very low, as a result of which there is low investment & unemployment in the country.  The rate of saving in Pakistan is only 15% which is very low overpopulation creates a great problem in the education sector because proper facilities are not available for the whole of the population.  Overpopulation also creates a housing problem because given. Resources are not sufficient to proved houses to the whole of the population.

Results on the Economy of Pakistan

Overpopulation also creates a problem of transportation because Govt. resources are not sufficient to provide better transport facilities to the whole of the population whine a country becomes overpopulated, there is a food shortage in the country because its resources are not sufficient to meet the needs of the people. Overpopulation creates air, water & noise pollution in the environment & in this way, badly affects the environment & in this way, badly affects the environment. When a country becomes overpopulated, then its rate of saving becomes very low as a result of which rate of investment also falls which in return, reduces the capital formation in the country. Our farmers are very poor & increased in population badly affects their financial position because of this, they are not in a position to buy modern technology & machinery or other agricultural implements.

Major Problems Solutions

When a country becomes overpopulated, then its rate of savings also becomes very low as a result of which there is low investment & unemployment in the country which badly affects the economy. Overpopulation can be controlled if most of the people are educated. Educated people can easily understand and feel the benefits of family planning.  It is, of course, the need of the hour to educate our masses. As overpopulation is swallowing up all the economic progress made by the country so the Govt. Pakistan is taking a keen interest in solve the Major Problems of Pakistan of overpopulation by educating the people & making effective use of its resources. Every year a large sum of money is spent on population planning programs to solve the problem of overpopulation.

All the Social problems of pakistan and their solutions have mentioned and those students who are preparing the CSS firstly will read content about these topics. Becasue many times these topics have come in exam.

I am professional education consultant and Teacher, my primary goal is to support students in accessing educational services through Pakistan's rapidly expanding educational website. I strive to provide valuable guidance and assistance to help students make informed decisions about their academic paths and future careers.


Problem related to the very first year of Pakistan

ALLAH IS RAZIQ : Muslims have a solid belief that God gives food to everyone to an ant living in a,why they reduce the size of family.if a person gives zakat and alms to poor people who are deserve for that so,no body should be left poor.see the dynesty of UMAR FAROOQ.

i think over population iz a major problem in pakistan……….All incidents occurs due to overpopulation……..

I think major reason of increase in population in Pakistan is due to lack of education, peoples are not aware how to control & educate their children. Government should invest more money to educate people.We should think at individual level to control population.

I think by good planning and devicing a way to manage the population, we can make the population a woking force. More the population is, more will be the outcome of the work. Population is certainly not an issue, issue is the corruption, lack of planning, unwise use of resources, etc.

my region problem is mismangement of all programe.if we properly fellow rule e regualation in our country then our country or by ur self u feel that devoping in our honest be active in this world

its the responsibility of each and every individual to follow against the above effects it may help us in decreasing overpopulation

Its not merely a Pakistan problem. Its a subcontinent problem.

Between India, Pakistan and Bangladesh there are 1.6 billion people. This will double in 40 years! Probably sooner, unless something drastic happens.

all r corect. education can change the minds of people

I think the rerason of overlimit population in pakistan is Lack of aeducation.In backword areas people think if they born many child then they also earn more money but thy can’t understand in this way ourresources will be also divided.Only one thing change them mind and That is (EDUCATION)

I think the reason of growth a population in Pakistan is lack of Education.Our 50 Percent population is uneducated .In backword areas people think if they born many people then they earned more money but they can’t understand if population ‘ll be increase then our resources will be also divided.

overpopulation in Pakistan is also a threat for our National Security

Lack of proper education in pakistan is one of the common problem due to which most of the guys from that location are opting the field which is not acceptable in human society. I think , education is the only key which can divert the current situation of Pakistan

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Pakistan: Five major issues to watch in 2023

Subscribe to the center for middle east policy newsletter, madiha afzal madiha afzal fellow - foreign policy , center for middle east policy , strobe talbott center for security, strategy, and technology @madihaafzal.

January 13, 2023

1. Political instability, polarization, and an election year

Politics will likely consume much of Pakistan’s time and attention in 2023, as it did in 2022. The country’s turn to political instability last spring did not end with a dramatic no-confidence vote in parliament last April that ousted then Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan from office. Instability and polarization have only heightened since then: Khan has led a popular opposition movement against the incumbent coalition government and the military, staging a series of large rallies across the country through the year.

The struggle for power in Pakistan continues into 2023. While the incumbent government has not ceded to Khan’s demand for early elections, country-wide elections are constitutionally mandated to be held by October this year. It benefits the government politically to hold them off as long as it possibly can as it tries to dig itself out of Pakistan’s urgent economic crisis and its lackluster domestic performance (its diplomatic foreign policy approach has fared better, but that may not matter for elections). The last year has cost it precious political capital, and Khan’s party did very well in a set of by-elections held in July and October. The state has tried to mire Khan and his party in legal cases, relying on a familiar playbook used against opposition politicians in Pakistan, albeit to limited effect, with the courts’ involvement.

Khan’s party still controls two of Pakistan’s four provinces, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), and the incumbent federal government’s (extra-legal) efforts to try to wrest power from it in Punjab, the largest province, have been unsuccessful (thanks to the courts). The year is off to a dramatic start, with Khan’s party initiating the process to dissolve the Punjab and KP assemblies this month to pressure the federal government into early elections.

For politics-obsessed Pakistan, the biggest question remains who will win the next general election. Will former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif (brother of current Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif) return to Pakistan to run as the head of his party, the PML-N? Can Imran Khan win on the strength of his popular support, despite his confrontation with the military? Regardless of the outcome, we can say this much given the histories of the main contenders: The direction of the country is unlikely to change.

2. A precarious economic situation

Pakistan’s economy has been in crisis for months, predating the summer’s catastrophic floods. Inflation is backbreaking, the rupee’s value has fallen sharply, and its foreign reserves have now dropped to the precariously low level of $4.3 billion, enough to cover only one month’s worth of imports, raising the possibility of default.

An economic crisis comes around every few years in Pakistan, borne out of an economy that doesn’t produce enough and spends too much, and is thus reliant on external debt. Every successive crisis is worse as the debt bill gets larger and payments become due. This year, internal political instability and the flooding catastrophe have worsened it. There is a significant external element to the crisis as well, with rising global food and fuel prices in the wake of Russia’s war in Ukraine. The combination of all these factors has spelled perhaps the greatest economic challenge Pakistan has ever seen. Yet the government has been mired in politicking, and the release of a $1.1 billion loan tranche from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) remains stalled as Islamabad has pushed back on the IMF’s conditions. The government has now resorted to limiting imports and shutting down malls and wedding halls early, small measures that fail to adequately address the problem.

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Pakistan may end up avoiding default for the time being with IMF help and loans from friendly countries, especially Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations. But those won’t address the clear underlying malaise of the economy – and the fact that something fundamentally will need to change, in terms of how much the economy produces versus how much it spends, to avoid default down the road. But none of Pakistan’s political parties seem to have the political will or ability to bring about such change.

Pakistan must reportedly pay back $73 billion by 2025; it won’t be able to do so without debt restructuring.

3. Flood recovery

A “ monsoon on steroids ” – directly linked to climate change – caused a summer of flooding in Pakistan so catastrophic that it has repeatedly been described as biblical. It left a third of the country under water – submerging entire villages – killed more than 1,700, destroyed homes, infrastructure, and vast cropland, and left millions displaced.

More than four months after the worst of the flooding, nearly 90,000 people are still displaced from their homes, and the floodwater is still standing in some areas. It would be enormously difficult for any country to recover from such a disaster and rebuild lost infrastructure, including roads and schools, let alone a government dealing with a cash crunch like Pakistan’s.

But the Pakistani government – in particular the foreign minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, who has visited the United States twice since the summer, and the minister for climate change, Sherry Rehman – has done an admirable job bringing awareness of the flooding catastrophe to the world stage. A donors’ conference Sharif co-hosted with the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres in Geneva this month raised pledges for more than $9 billion for flood recovery over the next three years (the money is mostly in the form of project loans). Pakistan has also played an important role in discussions about the devastating effects of climate change on developing nations, spearheading the effort to place loss and damage on the agenda at COP27 for the first time, and pushing for COP delegates in Egypt to agree to a loss and damage fund.

With billions of dollars in help promised, the government has passed one hurdle. But the road for recovery ahead will be tough: Displaced people are still sleeping under open skies in Sindh province. Implementing a sustainable recovery will require enormous capacity, resources, and transparency in a country already mired in other troubles.

4. Mounting insecurity

The Pakistani Taliban (or TTP), the terrorist group responsible for killing tens of thousands of Pakistanis from 2007 to 2014, have been emboldened – predictably so – by a Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, and once again pose a threat to Pakistan, albeit in a geographically limited region (for now). The group engaged in at least 150 attacks in Pakistan last year, mostly in the northwest. Because the TTP have sanctuary in Afghanistan, the Pakistani state increasingly finds itself out of options when it comes to dealing effectively with the group. The state’s negotiations with the TTP have failed repeatedly, as they are bound to, because the group is fundamentally opposed to the notion of the Pakistani state and constitution as it exists today. The Afghan Taliban have, unsurprisingly, also not proved to be of help in dealing with the TTP – and Pakistan’s relations with the Afghan Taliban have deteriorated significantly at the same time over other issues, including the border dividing the two countries.

At this point, Pakistan’s first preference will be to strike kinetically at TTP targets within its borders, but that will be limited by TTP movement across the border into Afghanistan. That movement is what leaves Pakistan with the difficult-to-resolve TTP issue and complicates things beyond the military operation it launched against the group in 2014. Still, the Pakistani Taliban at this point is not the biggest threat Pakistan faces, given the country’s major political and economic challenges – but left unchecked, it could morph into a significant crisis.

5. Civil-military relations

Pakistan has a new chief of army staff as of November 29 last year. General Asim Munir replaced General Qamar Javed Bajwa, who had held the all-powerful post for six years (due to a three-year extension). The appointment of the army chief was a subject of considerable political contention last year; a major part of the reason Khan was ousted from power was his falling out with the military on questions over the appointments of top army officials.

All eyes are now on how civil-military relations shape up under Munir. Under Bajwa, the military solidified its control over all manner of policy behind the scenes. Bajwa presided over a close “same-page” relationship with Khan; when that frayed, the PML-N was eager to take Khan’s place as the military’s ally and head of the civilian government. Bajwa left office saying the army would no longer be involved in political matters; few in Pakistan believe him. With politics set to dominate the agenda this year and an election imminent, Munir has a chance to show the country whether he will follow in his predecessor’s footsteps, or chart a new course for civil-military relations in Pakistan. Pakistan’s history indicates the former.

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BSc BA FSc ICS FA ICom English Essay Problems of Pakistan

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1. Introduction

  • Pakistan is a small but important country of the world
  • Different ruling systems in Pakistan

2. Problems of Pakistan

  • Energy Crises

3. More problems of Pakistan

  • Poverty and illiteracy
  • Unemployment and rising tide of crimes

4. How to tackle the problems?

  • Follow the steps of great leaders
  • Act upon unity, faith and discipline

5. Conclusion

"All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them, but confront them". (William F. Halsey)

Pakistan is a small but important country of the world. It has huge role in the political worlds. But on the other side, Pakistan is facing a lot of problems in these days. From its independence, Pakistan lived in different ruling systems; Dictatorship and Democratic system. Discontinuity of these ruling systems made confuse people of this country and are still confused to decide that which system suits their country. Every ruling time disappointed the public dur to which Pakistanis are suffering lot of social evils. Due to such type of situation, Pakistanis are unable to solve majority of the problems. Among those problems, some are discussed below:

Terrorism is the major problem that Pakistan is facing now-a-days. It is the root cause of all problems. It has become more destructive than previous years. Due to this, foreign investment is stopped in the country. Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta and all the major cities of the country are at top hit list of terrorists. Today or tomorrow, Pakistan will have to eliminate terrorism from the country.

Energy crises is also another issue of our country. Today, Pakistan is facing all types of crises like electricity shortage, gas shortage, water crises etc. All these crises have made hell of people's lives. So, Pakistani government should resolve the issue of energy crises on priority basis.

Poverty is another major problem of Pakistan. About more than 60% population of Pakistan is under line of poverty. Government of Pakistan is failed to facilitate these poor people. Our government is just facilitating the rich to increase their wealth which is present in foreign banks. All these poor people of Pakistan are still seeing towards government or officials, but they are really busy in their political affairs and foreign tours. Due to poverty, Pakistan's economy is in worst condition ever in its history.

"Poverty is the worst form of violence". (Anonymous)

Illiteracy is another problem of Pakistan. Because of illiteracy, people cannot understand their problems and social realities well. It has kept them backward. These people can never hope to advance in any field of life.

Unemployment is also well known problem of Pakistan. The unemployment rate in Pakistan is increasing every year. Though government has launched many loan schemes yet still unemployment rate is high.

"When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results". (Calvin Coolidge)

Last but not least, rising tide of crime, especially in the cities, in the form of dacoities, murders and target killing is increasing day by day.

What Pakistan needs the most today is to act upon the slogan given by father of the nation (Quaid-e-Azam) i.e unity, faith and discipline . First, all the institutions concerned should play their roles to remove all the problems of Pakistan. Secondly, every citizen must plan an active, sincere and honest role to abolish such issues from our dear homeland. There is no doubt, our country will progress in every field of life.

"Every problem comes with a baggage of solutions". (Snotish Kalwar)

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Essay on “Energy Crisis in Pakistan” for CSS, PMS, Judiciary Examinations


  • August 30, 2021
  • Essay for CSS PMS and Judiciary Exam

This is an essay on “Energy Crisis in Pakistan” for CSS, PMS, and Judiciary Examinations. The energy crisis is the largest single drain on Pakistan’s economy. This crisis stems from a fuel mix transformation initiated two decades ago when power generation came to rely more on imported furnace oil than hydropower. The current energy crisis began to manifest itself in earnest by late 2007. So here is a complete Essay on “Energy Crisis in Pakistan” for CSS, PMS.


  • Energy, demand for all fields
  • Cheap ways of producing Energy

Causes of Energy Crisis

  • Lack of dams
  • Inability to explore coal: 6th largest coal reserves in the world
  • Lack of renewable energy sources
  • The problem of circular debt
  • Losses in transmission and distribution
  • Wastage of energy
  • Domestic and household consumption
  • Aging of the equipment
  • High cost of fuel
  • Economic loss
  • Agricultural loss
  • Closure of industries
  • Unemployment
  • Social issues

Energy Policy (2013-2018)


Alternative sources of Energy

Nuclear power

  • Building of darns
  • Long term dams
  • Medium-term dams
  • Short term dams

Exploit the coal reserves

Regional gas and oil pipelines

IPI project

TAPI project

Updating the system of transmission and distribution

Essay on “Energy Crisis in Pakistan” for CSS, PMS, Judiciary Examinations

Energy is the lifeline of a nation. The economic engine and the wheels of industry, agriculture, and business need the energy to move forward. Pakistan faces a major energy crisis in natural gas, power, and oil. Power outages usually last 10-12 hours a day in the cities and more in the rural areas. This has left the industries of Pakistan (mainly agricultural, secondary and tertiary sectors) stunned and so they are unable to fully operate.

This has a very negative impact on the economy of the country. The demand for energy in Pakistan is huge, and cannot be fulfilled by electricity production based on oil. It can only meet 20% of our requirement through native production and the remaining oil is imported from the Gulf States and other countries. No major oil, the field has been discovered in the last three decades. It is clear that other alternative production methods must be considered to meet the demand. Most likely one that is cheap, considering the initial setup cost, and costs attached.

The second method of production we use is thermal (i-e using coal to produce electricity). Pakistan has been blessed with wealthy mineral resources, but the sad part is that we are too ign0rant to explore them. We are sitting on gold mines and yet we do nothing about it. Balochistan, for instance, is rich in all sorts of minerals and could be exploited heavily. If we could solve the feudal problems of the provinces, and let the national and international companies explore the area, we might solve our fuel problems too. But this is a precious non-renewable resource, so we need better options.

Another major option is hydroelectric power generation. This is the cheapest and most feasible way of producing electricity for our country. Two major energy dams in Pakistan are Tarbela and Mangla. If only the proposed Kalabagh darn would be constructed, 80% of our energy needs would be fulfilled. The best option is to construct this dam and take advantage of the natural hydrography of Pakistan to the maximum possible extent.

Wind power and solar power generation are good alternatives as well. Their initial costs are low when compared to other methods, and are definitely in the best interests of our country.

Following are the Causes of the Energy Crisis in Pakistan.

In Pakistan, no major dam was constructed after the completion of Mangle and Terbela Dams early I980s. Though the demand for electricity was increasing many governments came and completed their terms but neither government built darns which is the cheapest source of the energy. Pakistan needs to make Kalabagh darn and Basha dams but due to politicization and lack of dedicated politicians, Pakistan is confronting with the problem of the energy crisis. Electricity from hydel cost us Rs. 2-4 rupees per unit.

Pakistan is blessed with a large amount of coal. No serious work is done to explore coal for power generation. This complains that the coal quality is inferior. However, ·ready-made solutions are available to burn any type of coal. The government is looking for the private sector to play its role. In our opinion, the government itself should come forward and install the power plants on the site of coal mines only.

The government is not producing electricity from renewable sources of energy such as wind, solar, tidal, biogas, etc. Though Pakistan has maximum summers suiting for solar energy there are huge taxes which are paid while purchasing this technology. Through solar, Pakistan can produce up to 1,00,000 MW of electricity. Besides, wind energy has the potential of producing 50,000 MW of electricity but Pakistan is not producing from this cheapest source.

If serious work is done then the total shortage can be met from the Hydro and wind power sectors. It is also suggested that small loans should be provided to consumers to install small hydro and solar cells for one family usage of electricity.

One of the main reasons for the serious shortfall in the generation of thermal electricity 1s the problem of the “circular debt” which the present government inherited from the previous regime. In 2007, the government did not compensate the power companies for the subsidy that was being provided to consumers. The power companies in turn could not pay the oil and gas companies, reducing their liquidity to import the furnace oil that was needed to generate electricity.

The interim government , before the elections, in fact, forced the commercial banks to lend Rs34bn to the oil companies whose credit limits were already exhausted. This problem of “circular debt” became more serious in the summer of 2008, as petroleum prices jumped from $100 to $147 a barrel. It is really surprising that this problem has become the main cause of increasing load-shedding but has not so far been addressed on a priority basis. In 2015 the circular debt reached Rs.600 billion.

Very heavy line losses in transmission and distribution because of old and poorly maintained transmission systems, estimated at over 20 percent compared to eight to ten percent in other countries. Large-scale theft of electricity is clearly revealed by the growing difference between units generated or purchased and those paid for.

Wastage of energy by the industry consumes 30 percent of total electricity due to less efficient systems and other practices. For example, the Chinese consume 30 percent less electricity in textile mills because they use water partially heated by solar panels in their boilers. Overuse of energy by the transport sector (consuming 28 percent of total energy) due to old and poorly tuned engines.

Domestic and household consumption which uses 45 percent of total electricity also depicts wasteful and unnecessary uses of lights, air-conditioners, and large-scale illuminations on different occasions. The problems outlined above reveal many structural flaws in our energy system. These include over-dependence on imported energy, inadequate political will, limited financial support and very weak implementation capacity.

One very important reason attributed to this energy shortage is the aging of the generating equipment which could not develop the electricity as per the design requirement. This is the responsibility to continuously updating the equipment and keeping a high standard of maintenance. we sincerely think serious thought should be given for general overhaul and maintenance of existing equipment to keep them in good working order.

So far energy conservation is concerned, newspapers pay lip service in seminars. No serious thought is being given to utilize the energy at the optimum level. A new culture needs to develop to conserve energy. Sometimes on government level illiteracy is blamed for the failure of the energy conservation program. this is not true. Maximum energy is consumed by the elite class which controls all the resources of knowledge and communication. But for their own luxury, they themselves ignore the problem. Government should seriously embark on an energy conservation program.

Following are the effects of the energy crisis in Pakistan.

Energy is pivotal for running all other resources and the crisis of energy directly influences all other sectors of the economy. The economic progress is hampered by a decline in agricultural productivity as well as by halting operations of industries. One important factor of lower GDP and inflation of commodity prices in recent years is attributed to shortfalls in energy supply. Pakistan is facing a high cost of production due to several factors like the energy crisis, the hike in electricity tariff, the increase in interest rate, devaluation of Pakistani rupee, increasing cost of inputs, political instability , removal of subsidy & internal dispute.

Above all factors increase the cost of production which decreases the exports. Exports receipts decrease from$ 10.2B to$ 9.6B. The global recession also hit badly the textile industry. Double-digit inflation also caused a decrease in production in the textile sector.

The agricultural productivity of Pakistan is decreasing due to the provision of energy for running tube wells, agricultural machinery, and the production of fertilizers and pesticides. Thus higher energy means higher agricultural productivity.

Nearly all Industrial units are run with energy and breakage in energy supply is having dire consequences on industrial growth. As a result of the decline in energy supply, industrial units are not only being opened but also the existing industrial units are gradually closing.

By the closure of industrial units and less agricultural productivity, new employment opportunities ceased to exist, and already employed manpower is shredded by the employers to increase their profit ratios. Thus energy crisis contributes to unemployment.

Pakistan’s textile industry is going through one of the toughest periods in decades. The global recession which has hit the global textile really hard is not the only cause for concern. Serious internal issues including the energy crisis affected Pakistan·s textile industry very badly. The high cost of production resulting from an instant rise in energy costs has been the primary cause of concern for the industry.

The depreciation of the Pakistani rupee during last year has significantly raised the cost of imported inputs. Furthermore, double-digit inflation and the high cost of financing have seriously affected the growth in the textile industry. Pakistan’s textile exports in turn have gone down during the last three years as exporters cannot effectively market their products since buyers are not visiting Pakistan due to adverse travel conditions and it is getting more and more difficult for the exporters to travel abroad. Pakistan’s textile industry is lacking in research &development.

The production capability is very low due to obsolete machinery and technology. This factor is primarily related to the domestic usage of energy (cooking, heating, and water provision). Load shedding causes unrest and frustration amongst the people and results in agitation against the government.

The government has finally formulated the much-awaited National Energy Policy 2013-18. Under the policy, power sector subsidy will be phased out by 2018, and load-shedding will be ended by 2017. It aims at generating surplus electricity in 2018, privatizing government-owned power plants and a few power distributing companies (Discos), bringing the double-digit cost of power generation to a single digit, and restructuring the water and power ministry.

National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra), Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA), adjustment of outstanding dues owed by public and private organizations through federal adjusters, and formation of regional transmission and power trading system. The policy comprises seven points envisions a profitable, bankable, and investment-friendly power sector which meets the nation·s needs and boosts its economy in a sustainable and affordable manner while adhering to the most efficient generation, transmission, and distribution standards.

To achieve the long-term vision of the power sector and overcome its challenges, the government has set the following goals: Build a power generation capacity that can meet the country’s energy needs in a sustainable manner; create a culture of energy conservation and responsibility; ensure generation of inexpensive and affordable electricity for domestic, commercial and industrial use; minimize pilferage and adulteration in fuel supply; promote world-class efficiency in power generation; create a c.utting edge transmission network; minimize .financial losses across the systen1, and align the ministries involved in the energy sector and improve governance .

There are Various Methods to Solve the Energy Crisis in Pakistan.

Though wind, Pakistan has potentials of wind energy ranging from 10000 MW to 50000 MW, yet power generation through wind is in initial stages in Pakistan and currently 06 MW has been installed in the first phase in Jhampir through a Turkish company and 50 MW will be installed shortly. More wind power plants will be built in Jhampir, Gharo, Keti Bandar, and Bin Qasim Karachi.

Solar power involves using solar cells to convert sunlight into electricity, using sunlight hitting solar thermal panels to convert sunlight to heat water or air. Pakistan has the potential of more than 100,000 MW from solar energy. The building of solar power plants is underway in Kashmir, Punjab, Sindh, and Balochistan. However, private vendors are importing panels / solar water heaters for consumption in the market.

Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) is working for 20,000 solar water heaters in Gilgit Baltistan. Mobile companies have been asked by the government to shift the supply of energy to their transmission towers from petroleum to solar energy panels.

Biomass production involves using garbage or other renewable resources such as sugarcane, corn, or other vegetation to generate electricity. When garbage decomposes, methane is produced and captured in pipes and later burned to produce electricity. Vegetation and wood can be burned directly to generate energy, like fossil fuels, or processed· to form alcohols. Brazil has one of the largest renewable energy programs from biomass/biodiesel in the world, followed by the USA. Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) of Pakistan has planned to generate 10 MW of electricity from municipal waste in Karachi followed by similar projects in twenty cities of the country.

Tidal power can be extracted from Moon-gravity-powered tides by locating a water turbine in a tidal current. The turbine can turn an electrical generator, or a gas compressor, that can then store energy until needed. Coastal tides are a source of clean, free, renewable, and sustainable energy. Plans are underway in Pakistan to harness tidal energy; however, no implementation has been made so far.

Nuclear power stations use nuclear fission reactions to generate energy by the reaction of uranium inside a nuclear reactor. Pakistan has a small nuclear power program, with 425 MW capacity, but there are plans to increase this capacity substantially. Since Pakistan is outside the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, it is excluded from trade in nuclear plants or materials, which hinders its development of civil nuclear energy. The remaining issues in the development of nuclear energy are an enrichment of uranium from U235 to U238, controlling chain reaction, and dumping of solid waste.

Pakistan has the potential for hydro resources to generate 41000 to 45000 MW, however, only 6555 MW is currently being generated by this important renewable resource. Four large hydropower dams namely Kalabagh 3600 MW, Bhasha 4500 MW, Bunji 5400 MW, and Dasu 3800 MW can be constructed to generate hydroelectricity. Similarly, many small to medium hydro plants can be installed on rivers and canals, etc.

The longer-term solution to the energy crisis will be to restore the hydro-thermal mix to 60:40 or at least 50:50 in the next five years. The Water Accord of 1991 had o~ened the way for constructing many dams to store water and generate electricity. But the continuing controversy over the KalabaghDam became a major obstacle. Surprisingly, even many smaller and non-controversial hydroelectric projects have been delayed without any justification.

The hydel projects in the pipeline include the following: Neelurn Jhelurn (969 MW), Tarbela Fourth Extension (960 MW), SukiKinari (840 MW), Munda Dam (700 MW), Khan Dubar (130 MW), Allai (126 MW), and Jinnah Hydroelectric power project (96 MW).

Pakistan has the world’s sixth-largest reserves of coal, after the recent discoveries in Thar. The total coal reserve in Pakistan is about 175 billion tons. The current coal production is only 3.5 million tons per year, which is mostly used for the brick and cement industry. Coal has typical problems, such as a high sulfur content (it produces sulfur dioxide, the source of acid rain), mineral matter content (leading to ash and pollution problems), carbon dioxide emission (contributing to global warming), and high moisture content.

However, technologies are available to minimize all of these. Conversion technologies are currently under development to convert coal into environmentally-friendly methanol and hydrogen gas to be used as a clean fuel. The US is working on a major initiative called future gen to produce “zero-emission” power plants of the future. Thar coal can be cleaned and the sulfur reduced so that it can be burnt in conventional coal power plants and also convened into gas. Coal gasification is a slightly more expensive process, but the gas from coal is a proven and cleaner technology. The Chinese had prepared a feasibility report in 2005 to produce 3,000 MW at 5.8 cents per unit, but the project could not move forward because they were offered only 5.3 cents.

There are also many possibilities of regional cooperation in building gas and oil pipelines. These include the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline; the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan gas pipeline; an oil, gas, and electricity corridor from Gwadar to Western China, the import of 1,000 MW electricity from Ragun hydro station in Tajikistan for which an agreement was signed in March 1992 at the rate of 3.3 cents per unit.

The worldwide electricity production, as per the World Bank, is as follows; coal: 40 percent; gas 19 percent; nuclear 16 percent; hydro 16 percent; oil seven percent. Pakistan’s power production is gas 48 percent; hydro 33 percent; oil 16 percent; nuclear two percent, and coal 0.2 percent. There has been a global trend to shift away from oil because of its rising price expected to reach $100 a barrel by the end of this year depending on the international geopolitical situation.

Despite the lowest cost of hydroelectric power, there have been environmental, ecological, and geopolitical concerns over the building of large dams. The supply of natural gas in Pakistan has been depleting over the years, and the country is now looking at the option of imponing gas from Qatar and Central Asia. This leaves the possibility of exploring nuclear, coal, and other alternative energy sources.

Nuclear energy and coal form the lowest source of power production in Pakistan. On the other hand, the world average for nuclear energy is 16 percent and for coal 40 percent. Let us first consider these two potential sources of electric power production for Pakistan. The US obtains 20 percent of its electric power from; clear. energy with 104 reactors; France 78 percent with 59 reactors, Japan 24 percent with 54 re~tors, the UK 23 percent with 31 reactors, and so on. Even India has signed a civilian nuclear cooperation agreement with the United States to develop its nuclear capability for power generation and economic development . It has currently six reactors in operation with a capacity of 3750 MW, and another six with a capacity of 3,340 MW are under construction.

The new agreement will further boost the nuclear power generating capacity of India. Today, nuclear power plants have average capacities of 600-1,000 MW. Pakistan only produces two percent of its power through two reactors (Karachi and Chashrna at 137 MW and 300 MW respectively). Pakistan is a nuclear technologically advanced country with capabilities to produce fuel, yet falls behind most other countries, including India, in terms of nuclear power production. The US introduces 51 percent of its power using coal, Poland 96 percent, South Africa 94 percent, India 68 percent, Australia 77 percent, China 79 percent, Israel 77 percent, UK 35 percent, Japan 28 percent, while Pakistan produces only 0.2 percent of its power through coal.

In Pakistan, smaller windmills are now visible, such as the ones at Gharo, where SZABIST set up an experimental research station many years ago. The Sindh government has recently announced plans to build a 50 MW wind farm in the vicinity of the coastal region at Gharo. Solar power (photovoltaic or thermal) is another alternative energy source option that is generally considered feasible for tropical and equatorial countries. Even though the accepted standard is 1,000 W/m2 of peak power at sea level, an average solar panel (or photovoltaic – PV – panel), delivers an average of only 19- 56W/m2. Solar plants are generally used in cases where smaller amounts of power are required at remote locations. PV is also the most expensive of all options making it less attractive.

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Education Problems in Pakistan Essay

I. introduction.

The education system in Pakistan is a federal responsibility, with the provinces responsible for implementing policies and managing schools. However, due to a lack of funding and resources, the education system in Pakistan has been facing several issues. The literacy rate in Pakistan is around 62.3% . The enrollment rate in primary schools is around 78% . Furthermore, the education system in Pakistan consists of five levels : primary, middle, secondary, higher secondary, and tertiary. This essay aims to discuss education problems in Pakistan.

The education system in Pakistan is facing a number of challenges that have resulted in poor quality of education and limited access to education for many children in the country. These include lack of access to education in rural areas, inadequate funding, gender inequality, and poor quality of education. The high rates of illiteracy in Pakistan are a reflection of these challenges. The inadequate funding for education has resulted in dilapidated school buildings and inadequate resources. Gender inequality in education is also a significant issue, with girls facing more barriers to access and completion of education than boys.

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II. Lack of Access to Education

High rates of illiteracy in pakistan.

Illiteracy is a major issue in Pakistan, with a literacy rate of only 60% according to the 2021-2022 Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement ( PSLM ) survey. The literacy rate is even lower among women, with only 46.49% , according to The literacy rate is also lower in rural areas compared to urban areas, with only 44% of rural residents being literate compared to 72% of urban residents. This disparity in literacy rates between rural and urban areas highlights the lack of access to education in rural areas.

Additionally, there are also significant disparities in literacy rates among different ethnic groups in Pakistan. Balochistan province has the lowest literacy rate at only 38%. These high rates of illiteracy in Pakistan have significant implications for the country’s development and progress, as education is a key factor in economic and social development.

Lack of schools and trained teachers in certain areas

The lack of schools and trained teachers in certain areas of Pakistan is one of the major problems facing the education system in the country. In many rural areas, there is a shortage of schools and many children do not have access to education. In 2019, Pakistan’s gross primary education enrollment rate was 95.4% nationwide—102.3% for boys and 87.9% for girls ( World Bank 2021 ) This is not enough to meet the needs of the country’s population. Additionally, many of these schools are in poor condition and lack basic facilities, such as clean drinking water and toilets.

Furthermore, there is also a shortage of trained teachers in many areas of Pakistan. According to the Pakistan Education Statistics 2015-2016, there is a shortage of teachers in all provinces. The highest shortage is in the Balochistan province. This shortage of teachers is particularly acute in rural areas. Many schools do not have enough teachers to provide quality education to students. This shortage of teachers is due to several factors. A lack of incentives and poor working conditions are those which discourage people from becoming teachers.

education problems in pakistan

III. Inadequate Funding

Limited government funding for education is one of the major problems facing the education system in Pakistan. According to the Pakistan Economic Survey 2018-2019, the government’s budget allocation for education was only 2.2% of the total budget. This is far below the internationally recommended target of 4-6% of GDP. This limited funding has resulted in inadequate resources and poor infrastructure in schools. This is making it difficult for students to receive a quality education. Many schools in Pakistan lack basic facilities such as clean drinking water, toilets, and electricity. The limited funding also affects the teacher’s salaries and training, which leads to a shortage of trained and motivated teachers.

The limited government funding for education also affects the higher education sector in Pakistan. The government’s allocation for higher education is inadequate. It leads to a lack of resources and poor infrastructure in universities. This affects the quality of education provided by these universities and makes it difficult for students to receive a quality education.

Limited private investment in education

Private sector investment in education is crucial for the development of the education system in Pakistan. It is because it can supplement government funding and provide additional resources and infrastructure. However, private investment in education in Pakistan is limited due to various factors. A lack of trust and transparency in the education sector, a lack of proper regulations and policies to encourage private investment, and a lack of awareness about the benefits of private investment in education are prominent.

Consequences of inadequate funding

One of the most significant consequences is the poor condition of school buildings and infrastructure. Many schools are in poor condition and are not well-maintained, which can be dangerous for students and teachers. Dilapidated school buildings and poor infrastructure can create an unhealthy and unsafe learning environment. It affects the quality of education provided to students.

Another consequence of inadequate funding is the lack of resources and materials available for students and teachers. Many schools in Pakistan lack basic resources such as textbooks, computers, and other educational materials. This makes it difficult for teachers to provide quality education to students and for students to learn effectively. Additionally, schools often lack resources such as science labs and libraries, which are essential for providing students with a well-rounded education.

IV. Gender Inequality

Gender inequality in education is a significant issue in Pakistan. Here, girls are facing more barriers to access and completion of education than boys. The disparity in enrollment rates is even greater in rural areas, where many girls do not have access to education. Additionally, the dropout rate for girls is higher than for boys, with many girls dropping out of school early due to societal attitudes and a lack of resources and support.

Societal attitudes towards girls’ education are a significant barrier to access and completion of education for girls in Pakistan. Many families view education as less important for girls and prioritize marriage and domestic responsibilities for them instead. Additionally, cultural and religious beliefs also play a role in limiting access to education for girls. For example, many girls are not allowed to attend school if it is far from home or if it requires them to mix with boys.

Another issue is the lack of female teachers and role models in schools. The lack of female teachers makes it difficult for girls to see themselves in leadership roles and can make it difficult for girls to feel comfortable in the classroom. Gender inequality in education has a significant impact on the education system in Pakistan, as it limits access to education for girls and affects the quality of education provided to girls.

V. Quality of Education

The quality of education provided in Pakistan is a significant issue facing the education system in the country. There are several factors that contribute to the poor quality of education provided in Pakistan. One of the most significant factors is inadequate teacher training and education. Many teachers in Pakistan do not receive adequate training or education, which makes it difficult for them to provide quality education to students. Additionally, many teachers are not motivated or engaged in their work, which can negatively affect the quality of education provided.

Another factor that contributes to the poor quality of education provided in Pakistan is the lack of emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving in the curriculum . The curriculum in Pakistan is based on rote learning and memorization, which does not prepare students for the job market. This lack of emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving makes it difficult for students to develop the skills necessary to succeed in the job market.

Lastly, the curriculum in Pakistan does not align with the current job market needs . The curriculum does not provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge for the current job market, which makes it difficult for students to find employment after graduation.

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, the education system in Pakistan is facing a number of challenges that have resulted in poor quality of education and limited access to education for many children in the country. These challenges include lack of access to education in rural areas, inadequate funding, gender inequality, and poor quality of education. The high rates of illiteracy in Pakistan are a reflection of these challenges, as well as the limited number of schools and trained teachers in certain areas.

The inadequate funding for education has resulted in dilapidated school buildings and inadequate resources, while the lack of emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving in the curriculum has resulted in a lack of preparedness for the job market. Gender inequality in education is also a significant issue, with girls facing more barriers to access and completion of education than boys.

To address these challenges, it is important for the government to increase its budget allocation for education, create a conducive environment for private investment in education, and promote gender equality in education. Furthermore, the government needs to improve teacher training and education. It should emphasize critical thinking and problem-solving in the curriculum, and align the curriculum with the current job market needs. It is also essential to provide resources and materials for students and teachers and to improve the quality of education provided in Pakistan. Only by addressing these challenges, the education system in Pakistan can improve, and the country can achieve its development and progress goals.

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Essay Outline: Education in Pakistan (By Mureed Hussain CSP)

Essay Outline Education in Pakistan (By Mureed Hussain CSP)

Table of Contents

Essay Outline: Education in Pakistan

1. introduction.

a. Essential for prosperity and stability b. Make vision c. Infuse objectivity d. Establish national integration

2. Problems/Hurdles in the Education System of Pakistan

a. Lack of uniformity in education b. Parallel system of education c. Low literacy rate d. Higher dropout at primary level e. Adult illiteracy f. Hostile socio-political environment g. Negligible enrollment at higher education h. Mass poverty

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3. Causes of Poor Education System in Pakistan

a. Less importance to education b. Apatheticall role of government c. Population explosion d. Lack of resources e. Ineffective educational infrastructure f. Dogmatic curriculum g. Faulty examination system h. Political instability i. Feudalism j. Overcrowded class rooms k. Untrained teachers l. Political polarization

4. Effects due to Poor Education System of Pakistan

a. Mass poverty | Essay Outline b. Bad governance | Essay Outline c. Huge level of corruption d. Lack of tolerance

5. Measurements to Improve Educating System of Pakistan 

a. Better infrastructure b. Friendly environment c. Teacher, students and parents triangle d. Constructive syllabus e. Uniform system of examination f. Skill based teaching methodology g. Efficient teachers

6. Conclusion

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problems of pakistan essay with outline

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Educational Problems and issues in Pakistan essay

The education system in pakistan - issues and problems, 1. lack of schools and colleges, 3. nonavailability proper infrastructure in schools, 4. shortage of teaching staff, 5. defective examination system, 6. involvement of students in politics, 7. lack of co-curricular activities, 8. lack of technical education, no comments:.

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problems of pakistan essay with outline

Crisis of Good Governance in Pakistan: Causes, Impacts, and Remedies


  • Amna Shafique
  • March 12, 2022
  • CSS , CSS Essays , PMS , PMS Essays

CSS, PMS Solved Essays | Crisis of Good Governance in Pakistan: Causes, Impacts, and Remedies

The essay is attempted by Inspector Amna Shafique on the given pattern, which Sir Syed Kazim Ali  teaches to his students, who have consistently been qualifying their CSS, PMS essays. Sir Syed Kazim Ali has been Pakistan’s top English writing and CSS, PMS essay and precis coach with the highest success rate of his students. The essay is uploaded to help other competitive aspirants learn and practice essay writing techniques and patterns.

problems of pakistan essay with outline


The imposing tower of miseries resting on Pakistan’s heart has its soul foundation in the presence of a crisis of good governance. It has started robbing the national notion of socio-economic stability in the country. However, pragmatic steps, such as reforming institutional efficiency, upholding accountability and ensuring transparency, can curb the menace of bad governance in Pakistan.

What is a governance crisis in its real sense?  A glimpse of the Governance Crisis in Pakistan How has Pakistan been affected because of bad governance nowadays? Why does Pakistan face the Crisis of Good Governance?

  • Non-participation of citizens
  • The Weak rule of law
  • Absence of a transparent system
  • Retarded responsiveness of institutions
  • Lack of equity and non-inclusive decision-making
  • Poor institutional efficacy and inefficiency
  • Lack of accountability
  • Lack of consensus among institutions

In what obstacles Pakistan has stuck itself?  Political impacts

  • Political instability 
  • Political polarization

Economic Impacts

  • Economic declivity 
  • Unemployment and poverty

Social Impacts

  • Societal degradation
  • National disintegration

Psychological Impacts

  • Promotion of anti-state elements
  • Tarnished image of the country

What available tools are there for Pakistan to religiously fix the crisis of good governance? 

  • To promote public-private partnership for effective administration
  • To hold the culprits accountable by strengthening the transparency mechanism 
  • To equip the youth with equitable opportunities 
  • To uphold meritocracy in the recruitment process 
  • To reform bureaucracy for a better functioning
  • To bring consensus among the political leadership at provincial and federal levels 
  • To revamp the criminal justice system
  • To transform societal attitudes by effective use of media and technology
  • To ensure access of the public to information

Critical Analysis Conclusion

problems of pakistan essay with outline

The imposing tower of miseries resting on Pakistan’s heart has its soul foundation in the presence of a crisis of good governance. It has started robbing the national notion of socio-economic stability in the country. There is no doubt that good governance is the only tool through which Pakistan can settle all its monumental problems. However, the country has remained unable to sustain its political maturity and socio-economic development due to the prevailing crisis of good governance. Since independence, governance issues have been a part of the debate in Pakistan. The inefficient political leaders, multiple military interventions and delay in constitution-making have manifested poor governance in the country. The plight of governance in Pakistan is due to the non-participation of citizens, the weak rule of law, and the absence of a transparent system. In addition to them, retarded responsiveness of institutions, non-inclusive decision making and poor efficiency of institutions increase the woes of a governance crisis. It is certain that in the absence of good governance, the country cannot integrate into the international economy, and these conditions will lead it toward chaos and instability. Moreover, it cannot drive its people out of poverty; thus, social degradation and the promotion of anti-state elements is inevitable. Now, Pakistan is at a crossroads. It needs to reform its institutional structures by promoting public-private partnerships for effective administration. Furthermore, reforming bureaucracy for better functioning, ensuring accountability and revamping the criminal justice system would enable Pakistan to get its desired position among nations. The need for governance has been rightly remarked by  Benigno Aquino, “With proper governance, life will improve for all” . This essay throws light on the crisis of good governance, its socio-economic and political impacts, and the available tools to fix this crisis.

problems of pakistan essay with outline

Governance simply implies the manner and actions governing an organization or a state. It finds its deep roots in the country’s administration, and so is the case in Pakistan. For the first time, the concept of governance was introduced in the late 1980s by United Nations to elaborate on the acute social problems in sub-Saharan Africa. For decades, governance issues have been a part of the debate in Pakistan, stressing their impact on the daily lives of the masses. Unfortunately, Pakistan has been unable to take practicable steps to solve its governance crisis; thus, weakening the socio-economic fabric and political institutions and destroying the precious future of its generations. In order to be seen through the prism of modern economies, Pakistan must ensure exemplary governance, as it is the key to stability and prosperity.  Etounge Manguella  remarked,  “Good governance implies the presence of the rule of law, safeguard of human rights, the existence of honest government, accountability, transparency, predictability and openness.”

Good governance has always been an important issue since the inception of Pakistan. It is evident that the country has always been affected by instability in the political system, both by the civilians and military regimes. Moreover, the delay in constitution-making has also aggravated the country’s governance system. Although Pakistan is rich in resources, its poor management has wreaked havoc on the persistent economic crisis. The quantum of good governance relies on the efficient working of state organs; however, in Pakistan, state institutions face a shortage of accountability, transparency, meritocracy and the weak rule of law. The country is not a collapsed one, but a governed state, lacking equity and non-inclusive decision making. Therefore, the crisis has resulted in political instability, economic declivity and societal degradation. Moreover, the country is dominant in a race of nukes but crawling on the belly in terms of human development. This has accelerated the poverty and unemployment rate. It has been seventy-four years since Pakistan came into being, but it cannot ensure sustainable growth because the Pakistani political leadership has not learned from their previous mistakes. Furthermore, some power-hunger politicians are trying to topple the elected government on the pretext of massive rigging in the 2018 Elections. Until this political thinking prevails, Pakistan cannot materialize its dream of good governance. As  Quaid I Azam  stated,

“If we want to make this great State of Pakistan happy and prosperous, we should wholly and solely concentrate on the wellbeing of the people and especially of the masses and the poor.”

Astonishingly, the governance crisis does not revolve around any one factor; it is ingrained in various structural factors. The policy to keep the majority aloof from administrative matters lies at the heart of this evil. 

Appallingly, it results in a reactive policy instead of a proactive one; the persistent natural gas crisis in winters every year stands evident to this docile policy. Furthermore, lack of transparency results in the exploitation of resources, which in turn is aided by the weak accountability system. According to the latest transparency index report ,  Pakistan ranks 124 among 180 nations, which means it does not do enough on the governance parameter. Besides this, the accountability institutions of Pakistan are unable to perform their duties as credible independent organizations. Dejectedly, they have become a tool of political victimization in the hands of governments; consequently, the incapacity of the institutions to enforce across the board accountability is adding fuel to the fire. As a fact, Pakistan has been entangled between the devil and the deep blue sea, making the country lag behind politically, socially and economically. Moreover, the gap between the masses and the ruling elite continues to widen, aggravating the governance crisis further into a trench.

In addition to the unaccountability across the board, the weak rule of law is a significant hurdle that exacerbates the crisis of good governance in Pakistan. As a result, meritocracy has merely become a dream, concentrating power only in a few hands. Furthermore, the absence of an uninterrupted local government system has also played its part in weakening the country’s governance structure. Similarly, the lack of coordination among institutions is a severe predicament to the prevailing crisis, as the house divided cannot stay long. Evidently, the meagre political system, uprooted on various occasions, has also been an obstacle to consensus building. Therefore, a sense of insecurity is depicted in the Politicians, trying to consolidate power only with their trustworthy people. However, this non-inclusive decision-making has become a double-edged sword; on the one hand, it makes ineffective decisions, and on the other, inefficient by adding to the lengthy procedural complications. Above all, the slow solution of complaints and inability to utilize the resources and opportunities at best have further aggravated Pakistan’s governance structures. The significance of timely decision making is correctly described by  Piyush   Goyal, “The speed of decision making is the essence of ensuring good governance”.  Thus, it is a fact that many factors contributed to making poor governance a daemon, severely impacting the political, economic and social wellbeing of the masses. 

Like every problem has some impacts, poor governance gives birth to political instability and socio-economic chaos. Instead of fulfilling its task and duties, the corrupt bureaucracy gets involved in political engineering and wreaks havoc on the governance system of Pakistan. Besides this, political polarization, another outcome of bad governance, divides the country into religious, ethnic and cultural domains. As a result, the sense of unity and feelings of nationalism disintegrates, which fuels the cultural provincialism in the country. It is evident in Pakistan that the facts and moral truths are losing weight due to political vote blocs. Furthermore, the opposition leaders leave no stone unturned to thwart the political policies and projects of the incumbent government; consequently, the leg-pulling attitude of the opposition cause hindrance and delay in political policy implementation. Thus the country fails to overcome this crisis and disintegrates due to political polarization. A.P Memon rightly says it 

“The unstable government, inefficient political parties and a weak political culture create a scenario of poor governance for a politically unstable state”.

Apart from political instability, economic declivity has grabbed its hold in Pakistan. It is a fact that economic growth is a driving force in reducing poverty. Still, the experience has shown that poor governance has significantly impaired the country’s economic progress. As a result, unemployment and poverty rates have increased with time. According to  the multidimensional poverty index (2016) , around 39% of the population lives in poverty. Thus, bad governance misallocates the resources; consequently, this resource inequality allows the elite to subvert the political regulatory and legal institutions for their gains and oppose institutional reforms against their vested interest. Therefore, these conditions give birth to inequality, and the state fails to provide employment opportunities and other basic services to its people. However, the poor governance of Pakistan has failed to implement economic policies to alleviate poverty.  M.H Mushtaq  has aptly remarked,  “Good governance drives economic development”.

In addition to Pakistan’s political and economic crisis, the deterioration of the social fabric has led to moral bankruptcy. Likewise, Pakistan’s society has, obviously, become a victim of moral degradation. The changing moral fabric and cultural norms of a country induced moral panic, moral transformation and status anxieties within the public. As a result, people violate laws, traffic rules, and other common violations that create distress. Moreover, the use of foul language is common among traffic wardens, health officers and everywhere. Thus the governance system has failed to implement strict punishments in the different sectors; consequently, social chaos has ridden the societal peace. Besides this, national integration is strongly dependent on good governance at the national level where all rights are equally respected without any linguistic, regional or cultural identities. Although Pakistan is multilingual, multicultural, multiethnic and multi-religious, the crisis of good governance has exacerbated the issues of national integration. 

Last but not least, the poor governance structure in Pakistan has given a constant mental dither to its masses. As a result, the anti-state elements create a disturbance and spread anarchy. Besides this, a negative image of Pakistan has been portrayed around the globe; consequently, the worth of the Green Passport has been lost and Pakistanis are perceived as unethical, unprincipled and corrupt individuals. Thus Pakistan has given scant attention to providing good governance not only in recent times but throughout its history. 

  Ibne Khaldun  said,  “Throughout history, many nations have suffered a physical defeat, but that has never marked the end of a Nation. But when a Nation has become the victim of a psychological defeat, then that marks the end of a Nation”.

 As every problem has a solution, there are specific ways to improve the governance structure in Pakistan. The first and foremost option is to promote Public-Private Partnerships for the effective administration of public institutions. Unfortunately, the country’s different sectors, such as the Pakistan steel mill Pakistan International airline, are responsible for aggravating the financial burden on the country’s economy. According to the Prime Minister, Imran Khan, the Pakistan steel mill is the largest loss-making unit that costs 17 billion rupees a year. Therefore, Public-Private Partnership is important to keep losses at a minimum level. Moreover, an unbiased accountability system is an indispensable tool to strengthen the governance mechanism and curb irregularities in the institutional processes. Although the National Accountability Bureau holds politicians accountable, it must uphold unbiased accountability towards all public institutions and their officials.  Quaid e Azam said, “With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.” It is proved from the above saying of Quaid e Azam that a nation can achieve whatever it wants without involving any corruption.

problems of pakistan essay with outline

In addition to accountability, another significant step is to equip the youth with an equitable opportunity in all sectors and uphold meritocracy in the recruitment process. According to the Trading Economics Global Macro Model, the unemployment rate in Pakistan would reach 5% by the end of 2021. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to abolish nepotism and uphold merit in the recruitment process. Moreover, the provision of equal opportunities would provide equal chances to all the applicants and encourage them to participate positively. Furthermore, the reforms in the bureaucracy would focus on capacity building and training programs, which will enable the civil servants to strengthen their capabilities to respond to the humanitarian crisis. Moreover, an inclusive approach of involving the people and the stakeholders in the decision-making by the field officers of the administrative services would result in the effective and efficient delivery of services.

Besides bureaucratic reforms, the consensus among the political leadership at provincial and federal levels and revamping the criminal justice system are essential elements for good governance. The consensus among politicians on different matters such as E-voting and free and fair elections can curb the political rigging; the present government’s focus on constitutional developments of provincial set-ups and the independent functioning of the election commission of Pakistan can improve governance. Besides political consensus, reconstructing the criminal justice system is the need of the hour; consequently, it would eradicate criminalization based on sex, gender and equality. The following quote of Quaid e Azam throws light on the importance of law and order. He stated,  “The first duty of a government is to maintain law and order so that the life, property and religious beliefs of its subjects are fully protected by the . Last but not least, a change in social attitude towards politics and free flow of information to the public would create awareness among the masses and arouse positive feelings towards politicians and administration. As the role of media has impacted the social, economic, and political aspects of a nation, advanced technology and updated information and its access to people would reduce the crisis of governance in Pakistan.

Pakistan needs bold steps to be taken to be placed in the list of countries with good governance, where it may gain respect and honour in the international community. However, since its inception, it is evident that it has not been on sustainable economic growth, social progress, and cultural development. The reason is that Pakistani political leadership has not learned from their previous mistakes. And, when formidable challenges have surrounded the country, some power-hunger politicians are trying to topple the elected government on the pretext of massive rigging in the 2018 Elections. However, it’s the government, and all the institutions of the state and the masses as well are responsible for such a deteriorated society of Pakistan. To conclude, governance impacts a country’s affairs socially, politically and economically.

In a nutshell, good governance in Pakistan would pave the way toward building morale and upright institutions. Thus, to resolve the governance crisis, there is a need to implement an actual model of democracy that can actually deliver services to its citizens. Moreover, the country cannot flourish until it has skilful leadership, strong accountability, the rule of law and meritocracy. However, national integration and social transformation are essentially needed to root out poor governance. Likewise, coordination among public and private sectors for the uplift of state institutions; and reforms in bureaucracy would promote good governance in the country. Unless the governance crises are not curbed, socio-economic growth and political instability are inevitable. According to  Jairam Ramesh, “There never is a good time for tough decisions. There will always be an election or something else. You have to pick courage and do it. Governance is about taking tough, even unpopular decisions”.

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