Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How To Create a PowerPoint Presentation of Financial Statements

How To Create a PowerPoint Presentation of Financial Statements

Financial Statement PowerPoint Templates

At SlideModel.com we receive several help requests from our users regarding Financial Analysis PowerPoint Presentations, mainly the presentation of Financial Statements data. We have previously wrote about this topic in our post  Financial Statement Templates For PowerPoint Presentations  with the objective to help users summarize relevant data and communicate the important conclusion extracted from the statements. The feedback was positive, but we are still requested to provide some guidelines on detailed statements. For this reason we will walk through our   Financial Statements PowerPoint Template  which provides comprehensive tables that provide higher level of detail. In order to have a higher visual impact and allow the message to engage the audience, the template also provides charts and ratios dashboards that will appeal to executive audiences.

  • Financial data is complex
  • Concepts are not intuitive
  • The understanding and frame of references varies depending the audience.

This facts will drive your consolidated financial statements presentation plan.

The following sections will walk through financial statement presentation examples and will provide insights on how to tackle them.

Balance Sheet

The balance sheet by definition is a financial statement that summarizes an organization assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point of time (a snapshot). This three concepts provide information on what the organization owns, owes and how much was invested (capital).  Applying the facts we described before, Balance Sheet data is complex, so you will try to summarize the data in each section as much as possible, presenting the relevant accounting lines (generally, those associated with Liquidity , Debt and Net Worth ). The Concepts ( Assets , Liabilities and Equity ) are not simple, and when you dive into “liquidity of them”, it starts getting harder. The audience will drive your level of detail, so present a table where the major concepts are clearly highlighted (background colors), with totalizers (use bold for this lines and make sure you point them strongly). Move quickly to the Ratios section if understood, otherwise navigate to a second level of detail, if the audience requests to drill down.

Balance Sheet PowerPoint Table

As shown by the orange arrows in the image, the important concepts are highlighted. Again, what will remain in the audience mind is that “you can explain detail if requested”, “you can show the consolidated numbers” and that “you can move to the important topics derived in the relationships of Financial Statements”, the Ratios .

Income Statement

The Income Statement, also known as  “Statement of Incomes” , “Profit & Loss” or just “P&L”, is a financial statement that presents financial performance of an organization over a time period. How does it measures performance ? , summarizing how revenues occur and how expenses were incurred for all the organization activities (operational and non-operational). Also , shows the Net Profit (positive or negative) over the period.

This statement if divided into two sections, operational and non-operational. Operational items are directly related with the organizations core activities in Sales and Cost of Sale. Non Operational Items are expenses the company incurs for administrative , managerial or assets exchange activities.

Differently from the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement represents a period of time and not a snapshot.

When creating an Income Statement Presentation, take into account that what the audience is looking for is How the organization is performing?.  Generally, to show performance, you will need to compare against other period or a benchmark, for that reason each column is a “challenger” for the actual period column. Even though the absolute numbers are important you will need to communicate  the Trend concluded against the original and challengers statements. Highlight the Revenues and the Cost of Sales . Present them in an individual Slide as the “ Operational ” Section of the statement.

Income Statement PowerPoint Table

The second section of the Income Statement , is the Non-Operational Items, generally called “expenses”. This section shows how the organization management is using money for non operational activities. This section is important when the analysis is centered in improving efficiency. The amount of non-operational items can be huge, so its important you can consolidate into categories. Take your time to exercise this suggestion, otherwise the list will be too long, and will dis-encourage the audience. As a suggestion, keep in mind that this line items are industry dependent. Analyze some examples in your industry to come up with meaningful consolidated categories.

Statement Of Income Expenses

Statement Of Cash Flows

The Statement Of Cash Flows, by definition, is the financial statement that presents all the cash inflows and outflows derived of the operating, financing and investing activities of the organization in a period of time. This financial statement is created by 2 widely used methods, the direct and indirect methods. The main difference is that the direct method uses cashflow records to create the operational items while the indirect method uses  accrual accounting information to present the cash flows from the operations section, deriving them from the net income .Considering that the indirect method is the most popular, we included its table in the template.

This statement must communicate the cash flows through the organization activities and their accounting recognitions. The analysis generally will focus on the sustainability of the operational section, and how much investment and financing is required at the period to keep the business going. If contracts are being recognized as revenue in a period but money is not really reaching the organization, the statement of cashflows will spot this problem and will help managers to take actions over it. With the same reasoning, if net income allows higher cash flow bandwidth in operations, the organization could use fund for repaying debt and diminish the cost of financing.

The Statement of Cash Flows is divided in the three sections mentioned, Operational , Financing and Investing activities. In this template we created one slide for Operations and Finance, a second slide for Investing and a third slide with the subtotals of each activity, showing the total cash flows.

Statement of Cashflows PowerPoint Templates

Presenting Trends

As we mentioned before, the important message that need to be presented with the financial statement  is the organizations performance. The best tools for communicating trends, are the charts. In this case the Financial Statements PowerPoint Template Provides three editable examples. We will show how the presenter can edit the charts and present meaningful information derived from the statements.

Income and Expenses Barchart

When reviewing the Income Statement , we explained the importance of the Operational Data versus Non-Operational . The Income and Expenses Chart visually communicate the relationship between this activities and allows the audience to review the trend or evolution, period versus period. This is ideal for spoting efficiency opportunities. The chart has two veritcal axis. The left (or main) axis represents the Operational Income and Net Income. The right axis (or secondary Axis) represents the Sales, Cost of Sales and Expenses. Remember the simple algebra that relates this value:

  • Operational Income = Sales – Cost of Sales
  • Net Income = Sales – Cost of Sales – Expenses

This example shows that the Net Income increases with time at a higher rate than the operational income. This can be interpreted as that sales improved, and expenses were kept almost similar. This kind of information is the message the presenter need to communicate, and the use of chart will boost the audience retention of the idea.

The chart is created as a PowerPoint chart, so the user will be able to edit it though the “ Edit Data ” Option of the “ Chart Tools > Design ” menu.

Icome and Expenses Data Driven PowerPoint Chart

Income and Expenses Pie Chart

The other Chart Tool included in the Financial Statement PowerPoint Template is the Discrimination in Revenues and Expenses. This Charts help to transmit the message of revenues streams and expenses items. Ideal to communicate which are the business lines that bring higher revenues to the organization and which are the items were most of the money is being spent. Again, this chart will allow to spot efficiency problems, prioritize business units or cut costs.

Income and Expenses Pie Chart PowerPoint

Operating Income & Margin

One of the most extensively used key performance indicators in financial statement is the Operating Margin. This indicator derived from the operating revenues and operating costs allows to compare efficiency on the performance of the value proposition delivery. The trends over the operating margin can show problems in costs or problems on value proposition delivery that derive in a lower return. Again, in the sake of providing comparable features, the chart presented uses two vertical axis (primary and secondary). The primary axis (left) represents the Operating Income. The secondary axis (right) represents the Operating Margin. The chart is Data Driven, and editable through Excel.

Operating Margin PowerPoint Data Driven Chart

Financial Statement Ratios

In this section we will show the most popular ratios used in conjunction with the Financial Statements. Following the initial note idea, the aim of the financial statements presentation should not be to repeat numbers and lists, but to communicate conclusions of the information hidden behind them . With this objective in mind is that executives decided to move into ratio analysis instead of financial statements analysis, basically because a summarized indicator ( KPI ) that relates specific data, provides enough information for decision making process, without the need of extensive analysis.

Liquidity Ratios

The liquidity ratios,by definition, are key performance indicators of the organization  to determine  it’s ability to pay off its short-terms debts obligations. They are created with information derived from the Balance Sheet (so they represent a snapshot). In the Financial Statement PowerPoint Template we created gauges indicators with categories from Best to Worse. The presentar can edit and manipulate this shapes as the are 100% fully editable . The indicators selected are:

  • Current Ratio : also known as Working Capital Position.
  • Quick Ratio : also known as Acid Test Ratio
  • Net Working Capital Ratio

Profitability Ratios

Organizations Financial Performance can be interpreted from different angles, some times, growth is more importante than being “more” profitable, but almost all the times executives need to compare profitability between periods, to understand the impact of strategic decisions over the amount of money left for the organization and stakeholders.

For this ratios we prepared an alternative Gauge design,  modern and without classification over the values.

The ratios presented are:

  • Return on Assets (ROA)
  • Return on Equity (ROE)
  • Profit Margin

Capital Structure Ratios

The Capital Structure  is how an organization finances its overall operations and growth by using different sources of funds. The Ratios on this sections allows the presenter to communicate this relationships. In this case instead of gauge like indicators, we used Editable Donut Charts.

  • Assets Turnover Ratio
  • Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio
  • Inventories Turnover Ratio

Debt Equity Ratios

The debt equity ratios show how the organization uses debt and equity to finace assets and operations.

  • Debt to Equity Ratio
  • Interest Coverage Ratio

PowerPoint Financial Ratios Dashboards

Creating Consolidated Financial Statements PowerPoint Presentations can be a tough job. The presenter needs to evaluate the complexity of the data, the depth to be shown and the audience that will assist the presentation. Tools like charts and dashboard will help the presenter to summarize relevant information and communicate quicker, the important facts. The use of Financial Ratios is fundamental for a successful message.

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Balance, Cash Flow, Dashboard, Financial, Gauge, Income, Ratios, Sheet, Statement, Tables Filed under PowerPoint Tutorials

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10 PowerPoint Slides You Need for Your Next Financial Report or review

10 Slide Ideas for Financial Report Presentation

Last Updated on April 30, 2024 by Anastasia

Working on a company financial report, and want to make it different this time? Financial reviews full of data and analysis are typically difficult to digest by non-financial audiences, and it can be challenging to communicate the meaning behind the figures. If you want to disclose your quarterly or annual numbers in a simple and understandable way to your key stakeholders, check our blog for examples and inspiration.

A financial report is a management tool used to communicate key financial information to both internal and external stakeholders by covering aspects of financial affairs with the help of KPIs, such as income statements, balance sheets, cash flow, or financial ratios analysis. See how to prepare structured and professional financial slides smoothly using PowerPoint tools.

All graphics examples presented below can be downloaded as an editable source. Explore the Financial Report and Performance Indicators Presentation for PowerPoint.

Get inspired by seven examples of how you can illustrate the components of your financial report presentation and a quick instruction on how you can create a P&L Statement table using simple design tricks.

Visualize your key financial indicators

Financial Summary Overview with Key Indicators- Global Net Revenue, Like for Like Growth, Cash Conversion Cycle, Profit Before Tax

Such a general slide with a financial report presentation summary will help to analyze the big picture and ensure you’re on the same page with the audience.

You can list the common key indicators such as Global Net Revenue, Like for Like Growth, Cash Conversion Cycle, and Profit Before Tax. A neutral background picture makes the slide more attractive and circles with highlights on the right help to stay focused on important numbers.

Show revenue and profit snapshots on one dashboard slide

Revenue and Profit Snapshot Dashboard Net sales and Profitability Evolution in 5 years

This slide shows how you can summarize net sales and profitability evolution using gauges and a simple bar chart. The dashboard illustrates typical profitability measures: Net Sales, Operating Expenses, EBIDTA, and PBT as easy-to-read gauge charts. The profit growth over the years is shown as a clear bar chart.

Illustrate revenue highlights with clear charts

Revenue Highlights over Time Sales Distribution Breakdown Chart by Months and Categories

If you’d like to include additional data, for example, revenue highlights over time or regions, you can do it as on the slides above. The first one presents a sales distribution breakdown by months and categories. The second slide example presents sales split by worldwide market geographies on a world map as a light background underlining the location of the markets.

Small elements, like pin icons, doughnut charts, and color-coding will help you add a professional look to your presentation.

Pro tip: To help non-financial people digest the data, keep your slides short, don’t stuff them with jargon words . Use illustrations, and make the most essential data points clearly visible.

Include balance sheet and cash flow tables

Balance Sheet Table with Current, Fixed, Intangible, Total Assets, Current, Long-Term Liabilities, Shareholders’ Equity

The very common problem is the unreadability of massive tables. The balance sheet and cash flow statement will be definitely complex, as you need to squeeze many numbers inside.

Notice how color-coding is used for various table sections, and illustrative symbols, which don’t steal attention from the content, but rather nicely add up. A text box aside can be used for your comments or notes.

Compare key drivers of revenue growth

Annual Revenue Key Growth Drivers E-commerce, Emerging Markets, Organic Growth, New Product Lines Categories Stacked Chart

To illustrate the comparison of several growth drivers, you can apply such stacked bars.

Notice how specific drivers (E-commerce, Emerging Markets, Organic Growth, New Product Lines) are illustrated by corresponding icon symbols, all in one consistent style.

Visualize revenue analysis for each quarter in your financial report

Revenue Analysis over YearData Chart with Split by Quarters and Channels in financial report

To present an analysis of sales revenue over the year, you can use such a bar chart. It’s slightly enhanced by adding quarter signs over the data chart.

This data chart illustrates revenue analysis split by quarters and channels. If you have some comments or notes you’d like to discuss, we advise putting the most essential point in bold.

Present your financial metrics and indicators as a dashboard grid

Financial Metrics and Indicators Explained Definitions Template Growth, Profitability, Liquidity, Efficiency, Solvency and Capital Market Ratios

Want to go deeper and include the analysis of some ratios? A good idea is to firstly remind your audience what are those indicators and what exactly they show.

If you have more items to show on one slide, it’s good to organize them into some regular grid. Make sure all elements are aligned to make it look professional.

If you have more items to show on one slide, it’s good to organize them to some regular grid.

Capital Market Ratios Dividend – Price Ratio, P:E Ratio Financial Metrics KPI Chart

You can include general definitions and development of key financial analysis ratios e.g. growth, profitability, liquidity, efficiency, solvency, and capital market ratios. On the slide example, you can see the capital market ratios KPI line chart which shows the Dividend Yield and P/E Ratio change over the years.

Guide on how to redesign P&L Statement to a stylish table

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can create a P&L Statement table using simple shapes, icons, and a few tricks that will save you time.

1. Use simple PowerPoint shapes to create a stylish table design.

guide on P&L Statement table redesign step first

2. Adjust your source P&L table to be readable.

The trick is to have enough margin inside the table cell.

guide on P&L Statement table redesign step second

3. Enhance the table header

Add ribbon shapes as an additional header row to make the table look nicer.

guide on P&L Statement table redesign step third

4. Redesign the first column

You can add stylish arrows in a place of 1st table column.

guide on P&L Statement table redesign step fourth

5. Enrich your table with icons and a background picture.

guide on P&L Statement table redesign step final

See the whole instruction and other visual examples here: How to Create an Effective Company Financial Report Using PowerPoint.

Need to prepare a broader annual report and focus on business highlights? See how to create a comprehensive overview of activities using graphs, icons, infographic elements, and data-driven charts in this blog .

Resource: Financial Report and Performance Indicators Presentation

The graphics in this blog are a part of our financial report layouts collection. Our financial review deck incorporates 30 infographic slide templates for a financial summary overview, balance sheets with assets and liabilities, financial analysis presentation, income statements, profit and loss reports, revenue and profit snapshots, cash flow statements, explain types of financial ratios, key growth drivers, or breakdown of your operational expenses.

You can reuse graphs and charts, and tailor them to your needs in order to make your slides clear and easy to understand. See the full deck here:

Financial Report and Performance Indicators PPT Presentation

Using concise, modern images will make your PowerPoint structured and consistent. To make your presentations even more appealing, consider also using this collection of professionally designed diagram layouts .

More Resources to Get Inspired

If you’re looking for more design inspiration, check our movie guide on how to present financial reports, financial analyses, and financial highlights professionally (you’ll find many more practical tips on our YouTube channel):

Subscribe to the newsletter  and follow our  YouTube channel  to get more design tips and slide inspiration.

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How to Prepare Financial Statements in PowerPoint

Creating accurate and visually appealing financial statements is crucial for effective communication with stakeholders. One way to accomplish this task is by using PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a powerful tool that can allow you to create sophisticated financial statements with ease. In this article, we will guide you on how to prepare financial statements in PowerPoint by explaining the main components of financial statements, how to set up your PowerPoint presentation, and how to create the income statement slide and balance sheet slide.

Understanding Financial Statements

Before diving into creating financial statements in PowerPoint, it’s important to understand their main components.

Financial statements are formal documents that show the financial activities of a business. Typically, financial statements include an income statement, a balance sheet, and a statement of cash flows.

The income statement shows the revenue and expenses incurred during a specific period and the resulting net income or loss. The balance sheet displays a company's financial position by showing assets, liabilities, and equity. The statement of cash flows indicates the inflow and outflow of cash.

An example of a Balance Sheet in PowerPoint:

presentation of financial statements ppt

An example of a Cash Flow Statement in PowerPoint

presentation of financial statements ppt

An example of a P&L (or Income) Statement in PowerPoint:

presentation of financial statements ppt

Download the free PowerPoint template from the Zebra BI library: Business Plan PowerPoint Template

Financial statements are essential for businesses to keep track of their financial health. They provide a snapshot of the company's financial status at a specific point in time. This information is crucial for businesses to make informed decisions about their operations, investments, and growth strategies.

Components of Financial Statements

The income statement usually has two main components: revenue and expenses. Revenue represents the money received from selling goods or services. Expenses, on the other hand, are the costs incurred when generating revenue. They can be categorized as operating or non-operating expenses. Operating expenses are expenses incurred while producing goods or services, while non-operating expenses are costs incurred from other activities such as interest, taxes, and depreciation.

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Download the free PowerPoint template: OPEX and Marketing Budget Report

Sales Report PowerPoint Charts - 02

Download the free template: Sales Report PowerPoint Charts

The balance sheet displays three types of accounts: assets, liabilities, and equity. Assets are the resources owned by a company. They can be classified into current or long-term assets. Current assets are assets that can be converted into cash within a year, while long-term assets are those that will last longer than a year. Liabilities, on the other hand, represent the obligations of a company. They can also be classified as current or long-term liabilities. Current liabilities are obligations that must be paid within a year, while long-term liabilities are those that will be paid back after a year. Lastly, equity represents the residual interest in the assets after deducting liabilities.

Understanding the different components of financial statements is crucial for businesses to track their financial status accurately. It allows them to identify areas of improvement and make informed decisions about their future financial strategies.

Importance of Accurate Financial Statements

It’s important to prepare accurate financial statements as they provide stakeholders with relevant information on the company's financial position. Financial statements help stakeholders make informed decisions about a company, such as investing or lending money. Additionally, financial statements are also required by regulatory bodies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission. Inaccurate financial statements can have legal ramifications and damage the company's reputation.

Accurate financial statements are also crucial for businesses to attract potential investors. Investors rely on financial statements to make informed decisions about investing in a company. Inaccurate financial statements can lead to a loss of investor confidence and negatively impact the company's ability to secure funding for future growth.

Setting Up Your PowerPoint Presentation

Understanding the components of financial statements is crucial when it comes to creating an effective PowerPoint presentation. Financial statements provide a snapshot of a company’s financial health, and presenting them in a clear and concise manner is essential to conveying important information to stakeholders.

presentation of financial statements ppt

Download the free template: Financial Management Report in PowerPoint

  • How to Design Income Statements in Excel
  • Top 3 Financial Statements in Excel: Income Statement, Balance Sheet & Cash Flow

Once you have a solid understanding of financial statements, you can start setting up your PowerPoint presentation. Here are a few tips on how to create an effective financial statement PowerPoint presentation:

Choosing the Right Template

Choosing the right template is the first step in creating an effective financial statement PowerPoint presentation. There are various templates you can choose from, including financial report templates, budget templates, and business plan templates. It’s important to choose a template that suits the purpose of your presentation. For example, if you’re presenting a financial report, choose a template that is specifically designed for financial reports. Ensure that the template you choose has a professional look and feel, as financial statements are formal documents.

Zebra BI templates for PowerPoint are all crafted in compliance with IBCS standards to ensure the best possible transfer of relevant information; this is what we call meaningful insights. Learn more on our webpage: Zebra BI for PowerPoint .

Customizing Your Slide Design

Customizing your slide design is the next step in creating an effective financial statement PowerPoint presentation. Adding charts, tables, and graphs can help you present financial data visually, making it easier for your audience to understand. PowerPoint has various chart options that make it easier to present financial data in a visual format. Make sure to use different colors and fonts to make your slides stand out and easier to read. However, be careful not to overdo it with the design, as too many colors and fonts can make the presentation look cluttered and unprofessional.

With the use of Zebra BI visuals ( Charts and Tables ), consistency in design and style is easy. Set up your style once, and all your new visuals will have the same style thereafter. Standardization and consistency are key to effective reporting and presentation.

Organizing Your Slides

Organizing your slides is essential to creating a clear and concise financial statement PowerPoint presentation. Group your slides into sections, starting with an introduction slide that overviews the company’s financial position. Then, move on to the income statement, followed by the balance sheet and the statement of cash flows. Use section headers to guide your readers through the presentation and make it easier for them to understand the information presented.

Overall, creating an effective financial statement PowerPoint presentation requires a combination of understanding financial statements, choosing the right template, customizing your slide design, and organizing your slides. By following these tips, you can create a presentation that effectively communicates important financial information to your audience.

Creating the Income Statement Slide

The income statement is a crucial component of financial statements that provides valuable insights into a company's financial performance. It shows the revenue earned and expenses incurred during a specific period, ultimately calculating the net income or loss. In this article, we will discuss how to create an income statement slide that effectively communicates this information.

Inputting Revenue and Expense Data

The first step in creating an income statement slide is to input the revenue and expense data into PowerPoint. You can use tables or charts to display the data, depending on your preference and the amount of information you want to convey. However, it is essential to ensure that your data is accurate and up-to-date and that your financial statement is reliable. Inaccurate data can lead to incorrect conclusions and misinformed decisions.

When inputting the revenue and expense data, it is also a good idea to provide context and additional information, such as the period covered by the statement, any significant events or transactions that impacted the results, and any relevant industry benchmarks or comparisons.

Calculating Net Income

The next step in creating an income statement slide is to calculate the net income. This is done by subtracting the total expenses from the total revenue. Net income can be positive or negative, depending on the revenue and expenses incurred during the period. It is essential to provide an explanation of the net income figure and any significant changes from previous periods.

You may want to use Zebra BI Tables with integrated waterfall charts to showcase how your net income is calculated, i.e., how revenue positively contributes to the bottom line and how expenses decrease the profit. In that way, the income statement will also be understandable to people who don’t have an extensive financial background.

Additionally, it is crucial to highlight any non-operating income or expenses, such as gains or losses from the sale of assets, interest income, or interest expenses. These items can significantly impact the net income figure and provide valuable insights into the company's financial performance.

Formatting the Income Statement

Once you have inputted the revenue and expense data and calculated the net income, the next step is to format the income statement. This involves adding color and company branding to make the slide visually appealing and consistent with your overall presentation. It is essential to ensure that the formatting is consistent throughout your presentation, including font size, color, and style.

Formatting Tables and Charts is easy with Zebra BI; use Style Editor and be sure that all financial statements follow the same styling.

Furthermore, it is crucial to ensure that the income statement has a professional look and feel. This can be achieved by using clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to your audience, and providing explanations or definitions for any terms or concepts that may be unclear.

In conclusion, creating an income statement slide requires careful attention to detail and a thorough understanding of financial statements. By inputting accurate data, calculating net income, and formatting the statement effectively, you can create a slide that effectively communicates your company's financial performance and provides valuable insights into its operations.

Developing the Balance Sheet Slide

The balance sheet is a crucial component of financial statements that provides a snapshot of your company's financial position at a specific point in time. It includes a list of assets, liabilities, and equity. Here's how to develop a balance sheet slide:

Listing Assets, Liabilities, and Equity

When listing assets, consider including both tangible and intangible assets such as property, equipment, patents, and trademarks. Liabilities can include both short-term and long-term debts, such as loans and accounts payable. Equity represents the residual value of assets minus liabilities, including items such as retained earnings and common stock.

When creating your balance sheet slide in PowerPoint, you can use tables or charts to make the data easier to read. Remember to categorize the assets and liabilities into current and long-term categories, as discussed earlier.

With Zebra BI, you can expand and collapse hierarchical tables in PowerPoint (in the case of a balance sheet), even during the presentation mode.

Balancing the Balance Sheet

One of the most important aspects of the balance sheet is ensuring that it balances. The total assets must always equal the total liabilities and equity. If the balance sheet doesn't balance, check the figures and adjust them accordingly. This is a critical step in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of your financial statements.

Notice how Assets and Liabilities balance out in the Zebra BI Table with the integrated chart and automatically calculated variances.

Formatting the Balance Sheet

Like the income statement, the balance sheet should have a professional look and feel. Use colors and fonts that match your company branding. Make sure that your formatting is consistent throughout the presentation. Consider including a brief explanation of each item on the balance sheet to help your audience understand the significance of each item and how it contributes to your company's financial position.

It's important to note that the balance sheet is just one component of financial statements. To gain a complete understanding of your company's financial health, it's essential to review all financial statements, including the income statement and cash flow statement. By presenting a well-formatted and accurate balance sheet slide, you can help your audience gain a better understanding of your company's financial position and make informed decisions based on this information.

Creating financial statements in PowerPoint can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Understanding the components of financial statements, as well as how to set up your PowerPoint presentation, can make the process easier. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create visually appealing and accurate financial statements that can help your stakeholders make informed decisions.

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Present financial information visually in PowerPoint to drive results

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  • Present financial information visually in PowerPoint to drive results

If you work in a company that generates money, financial presentation is a part of its reality. Finance professionals are responsible for organizing all performance data to display financial information to stakeholders and explain investments, revenue, or loss. Almost every week, these specialists present financial slides with PowerPoint crammed with numbers and lines of text.

If you are a financial professional, you would probably like not to deliberately torture your listeners. One way is to address our skilled people from a presentation design company since we know what your board members and executives expect and want. Another way is to find better ways of presenting reports that keep the attention and provide enough credible information. Therefore, let’s reflect on how your financial PowerPoint presentation can drive your results.

Present a financial information

How to Present Financial Information?

Unfortunately, if people do not possess great experience or presentation skills, they create not compelling, not differentiated, and not professional presentations. They make typical mistakes like a sheet of text with no space or numbers that never end.

Consider the following recommendations to improve your PowerPoint financial presentation:

  • Using PowerPoint slides is not the best format for lengthy statement use. You should use PowerPoint slides only to highlight key points.
  • If some slides require detailed explanations, supplement them with a printed report.
  • Show the data in discrete animated segments throughout the slide to deliver data in a clearer way.
  • Give only one statement or statistics per slide.
  • Use bars, graphs, and charts instead of countless numbers and percentages.
  • Use maps together with animation to make the presentation of the sales data more visually appealing.
  • Combine logos, images, text, and animated graphics evenly to keep the attention.

financial presentation example 1

Here is a great example of a correct slide: one comprehensive statement per slide, use of bars, and animated data.

But the main advice is to imagine yourself in the chair of an executive, CEO, or board member. Does your presentation give confidence in the company’s financial achievements? Do you know what these numbers really mean? Do you understand what the slides are trying to say? Is this chart easy to grasp? Do these colors attract attention? And many more questions to ask yourself before presenting financial information. Make your credibility pop out properly!

Why is PowerPoint Good for Financial Presentation Slides?

Powerpoint slides are visually consistent.

For example, to emphasize the consistency point, you can use one color palette for all slides and one font family throughout the whole presentation. It helps viewers to move from one slide to another with less resistance. It refers to techniques that display text and slide transitions between presentation sections.

financial presentation example 2

Here is an example of a visually attractive slide with one color palette to help the audience perceive better.

The more, the merrier is not a good approach

If you’ve seen financial presentation examples in ppt, you might notice that good ones are simple, straightforward, and clear in their message. PowerPoint provides a lot of visual opportunities, but it also invites you to be frugal in the use of animations and other motion graphics. The slide has boundaries, and you’d notice that you overdid.

Take a maximum of charts

Bars, graphs, and charts are underestimated elements of PowerPoint. Some of them are hard to create, but practice makes perfect. Besides, use typical pie charts along with, e.g., non-traditional cascade charts to impress people. If you look for something unusual, google slides design to find skillful and proficient assistance.

financial presentation example 3

Here is an example of simple chart usage, but it still looks more attractive than writing pure numbers everybody hates.

How to Present a Financial Report or Types Financial Presentation

Financial investor presentation.

Investors and lenders always have a lot of opportunities to invest. It means you have to create a PowerPoint presentation on finance that stands out and captivates both their attention and capital. They’re looking at projects day in and day out, so you need to do your best to fit into their portfolio.

So, we know they are looking for something unique and compelling to differentiate their portfolio. But how to make your presentation the one and the only?

  • Start the draft with the table of contents and define the audience.
  • Remember that every slide must answer the “Why you?” question.
  • Avoid wordy and bland slides that make people indeed bored.
  • Avoid extensive Excel spreadsheets and transform them into more attractive and easier-to-understand graphs.
  • Create a branded presentation look that will resonate with investors.
  • Create “Why?” slides with key highlights and answer them: Why this region? Why invest here? Why now?
  • Every slide must give investors confidence in your company or startup’s success and credibility.
  • Talk about the things you really know and spend time learning them to answer possible additional questions after the presentation.
  • Investors are smart people, but everyone likes stories more than dry financial facts.

80% of what investors are looking at is bland, so make sure you are in the top echelon to get a desirable investment.

Presentation on Financial Planning

If your company plans to raise more money, connect with new partners, or invest in smaller headquarters, it needs a financial plan to avoid losing money or getting into debt. Thus, financial professionals are invited to analyze the current situation and propose a solution accompanied by attractive PowerPoint slides.

  • Presentation slides for finance planning include many numbers. So, your task is to resolve questions like “What is this slide about?”.
  • It is your task to guide people to where you want them to look. Do you want them to go from left to right or vice versa? Make sure you decide before the actual presentation.
  • When telling about financial planning numbers, you need to give your subsequent opinion to preceded questions like “How is it going to impact our business decisions?”.
  • The financial plan must include the client’s objectives and financial situation, your analysis, proposed strategies/solutions, and the implementation plan schedule.

financial presentation example 4

Despite many numbers on the slide, the table is constructed well, and it doesn’t even need additional explanation.

Balance Sheet

A balance sheet is the bigger picture of a business that takes into account all assets and liabilities. You should add it to the main presentation.

However, the balance sheet is not an impactful display of financial data, and it doesn’t make it easy to grasp a quick picture of the company. Even if you’re good at using PowerPoint presenter features like a laser pointer or highlighter, it’s still challenging to deliver a clear message about the company’s finances.

We advise the next steps to create comprehensive balance sheet slides:

  • Dissect the report into small pieces that are easier to assimilate.
  • Use those parts to build an overview for the audience that sees it first.
  • Follow the overview with additional analysis in one or more slides.
  • Use bars, graphs, and charts for income statements.
  • Avoid adding a lot of text with more explanatory comments.
  • Speak additional explanations with references to information in the slide.

Since they are located in neighboring financial realities, you can use these recommendations for the balance sheet, cash flow statements, or income statements.

Why Does It Matter to Present Financial Data to Your Executives Effectively?

For most presenters (beginners especially), executives look like dark and super strict people who do not know what they want. Meanwhile, they just want to know, e.g., the company’s revenue, debt size, number of investments in the previous month, etc. Commonly, they get bored or angry if your presentation complicates everything and just wastes their time.

To begin with, walk yourself through these questions to present effectively:

  • What information is needed?
  • What will it be used for?
  • Who will see the information?
  • How does it need to be presented?
  • What does my audience expect from me or this presentation?

Presenting data can be intimidating if you do not understand what people want from you. You should always ask for clear instructions or expectations to deliver the needed information. If you want satisfied executives, you should tell a financial story by splitting your slides and describing all charts with words and some analysis that simplifies every number.

Your next financial presentation can be a career booster. Or, it can be just a lost opportunity to showcase your knowledge and skills. If you consider the information presented above, you have more chances to rise above the crowd due to presenting financial data in visually compelling ways. If you can’t, you could remain stuck in the mosh pit. However, if you use non-traditional forms of presenting financial reports, you increase credibility and positively impact the company’s strategy and your career perspectives.

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CPDbox - Making IFRS Easy

IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements: Summary

IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements represents a basis of the whole IFRS reporting, as it sets overall requirements for the presentation of financial statements, guidelines for their structure and minimum requirements for their content.

Financial Statements

Purpose of the financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of an entity that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions.

The complete set of financial statements compliant with IFRS comprises 5 elements:

  • a statement of financial position as at the end of the period
  • a statement of comprehensive income for the period
  • a statement of changes in equity for the period
  • a statement of cash flows for the period
  • notes containing a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.

If some accounting policy is applied retrospectively, or some retrospective restatements or reclassifications were made, then also a statement of financial position as at the beginning of the earliest comparative period shall be presented.

IAS 1 explains the general features of financial statements, such as fair presentation and compliance with IFRS , going concern, accrual basis of accounting, materiality and aggregation, offsetting, frequency of reporting, comparative information and consistency of presentation.

Structure and Content

IAS 1 requires identification of the financial statements and distinguishing them from other information in the same published document.

Every element of the financial statements shall contain the name of the reporting entity, the information whether the financial statements are of an individual or of a group, the date of the reporting entity and period covered, the presentation currency and the level of rounding (thousands, millions…).

IAS 1 lists the minimum content to be presented in the financial statements, except for the statement of cash flows (subject to IAS 7). So let’s look at it in a detail.

Statement of Financial Position

Before significant amendments of IAS 1, this statement was simply called “balance sheet”, however, it was renamed.

IAS 1 requires presentation of classified statement of financial position where current assets or liabilities are separated from non-current assets or liabilities. Basically, the asset or liability is current when it is expected to be recovered or settled within 12 months after the reporting period.

With regard to a minimum content, the following line items shall be presented:

Further subclassifications of the line items shall be disclosed either directly in the statement of financial position or in the notes, such as disaggregation of property, plant and equipment into classes, and similar. Also, certain information related to the share capital, reserves and a few others shall be included in the statement of financial position, the statement of changes in equity or in the notes.

IAS 1 does NOT prescribe the precise format of the statement of financial position. Instead, several formats are acceptable if they fulfill all requirements outlined above.

Statement of Comprehensive Income

The statement of comprehensive income has 2 basic elements:

  • Profit or loss for the period : here, all items of income and expenses must be recognized.
  • Other comprehensive income : items recognized directly to equity or reserves, such as changes in revaluation surplus, gains or losses from subsequent measurement of available-for-sale financial assets, etc.

As a minimum , the statement of comprehensive income must contain the following items:

As opposed to US GAAP , IAS 1 prohibits to report any transaction or item as extraordinary items.

Profit or loss for the period, as well as total comprehensive income shall be both presented in allocation:

  • attributable to non-controlling interests and
  • attributable to owners of the parent.

The entity might choose to classify expenses recognized in profit or loss for the period by their nature or by their function.

IAS 1 requires disclosure of certain items separately , either in the statement of comprehensive income, or in the notes. These items are as follows: write-downs of inventories and property, plant and equipment, their reversals, restructuring of activities and reversals of related provisions, disposals of property, plant and equipment, disposals of investments, discontinuing operations, litigation settlements and other reversals of provisions.

Statement of Changes in Equity

As a minimum , the statement of changes in equity must contain the following items:

  • total comprehensive income for the period, showing separately amounts attributable to owners of the parent and to non-controlling interests
  • the effect of retrospective application or restatement for each component of equity (if applicable)
  • those resulting from profit or loss
  • resulting from other comprehensive income
  • resulting from transactions with owners (contributions, distributions and changes in ownership)

Also, IAS 1 prescribes to present amount of dividends recognized as distributions and the related amount per share on the face of the statement of changes in equity or in the notes.

Notes to the Financial Statements

The notes are meant to be the document accompanying numerical financial statements listed above. They should provide additional information not contained in the numbers, the basis of preparation of the financial statements and some additional information that might be relevant.

IAS 1 sets that the notes shall contain a statement of compliance with IFRS , summary of significant accounting policies applied, supporting information for the numbers presented in the financial statements and other disclosures.

You can read more about the notes and how to write them in this article .

IAS 1 is shortly summarized in the following video:


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Thank you for simplifying this standard . It is very helpful in my study and revision . looking forward to the other standards

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A speed point machine, is it an asset that needs to be recorded in a business if they are using it?

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Dear Silvia, Are prudence and conservatism concepts still applicable now under the new Conceptual Framework?

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Hi I want to know can we prepare multiyear financials (i.e. 2 years to show I comparatives) as per the international auditing standards

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SILIVAIA I really apprentice the presentation please can i have the ppt.?

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Hi Asmera, no sorry, we only provide pdf to our subscribed students of the IFRS Kit.

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Hi i have case that we debit the account Other comprehensive income (Re-measurement losses / Gain on defined benefit liability) by amount 12 Million and credit two account one of them is end of service expenses ( P&L item) by 7 Million and other account is provision of end of service by 6 Million Dr/ Other comprehensive income 12 Million Cr/ End of service expense ( P&L Item). Cr/ Provision of end of service ( Balance sheet item). my question :- 1- Other comprehensive account will be appear in balance sheet and income statement 2- and if it must appear in income statement shall we put total balance of this account 12 Million or just put 6 Million which is came from PL and ignore the 7 Million which came from provision of end of service as it is balance sheet item

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This video has made my understanding of IAS 1 more clearly and understandable.I can confidently say I`am ready for the test.

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I didn’t see any explanatiins for Cash Flow statement. This is also an element of Financial Statement as whole. Or would that mean it is no longer considered as part the whole reported Financial Statement?

You did not see it because it is not covered by IAS 1 (and, you are reading the article about IAS 1). You should check out IAS 7 .

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Hello Silvia, Can you please help me to know as to what is the objective of creating Other Comprehensive Income and how to decide what all items should go to Other comprehensive income and Profit or loss account ?

Hi Diksha, I think this article can give you the answer . S.

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hello siliva, help me with tax expense computation when u have provision, some balance due

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In my opinion the documents that you share through social media is more attractive and brief to understand. I would like to follow you! Please, would you like to share brief notes and explanation on IFRS 9. By focusing MFI in detail!

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Til now, I don’t understand what is the main consideration, if any, the IASB classifies a transaction as profit or loss while another as other comprehensive income. Is there any theoretical foundation or something behind the existence of other comprehensive income items?

Dear Siklus, I think this article might help . S.

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Dear Sylvia, if a Company made a decision to decrease share capital (due to accumulated loss that existed on December 31, 2016) on January 17, should this be treated as an adjusting event?

Thank you very much for your help!

It depends on when the decision was made. If after 31 Dec 2016, then no, it’s non-adjusting event. S.

' src=

amazing presentation of statement of financial position but other comprehensive income should elaborate clearly. Over all presentation was very good . I also learn from that.thank you very much

' src=

Very lucid explanations. Thanks

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The presentation is very knowledgeable. Is it possible for you to mail me the ppt. It would be of great help.

' src=

Hi Silvia, is it required by the standard to present the subscribed share capital with the outstanding balance of subscription receivables or a presentation of share capital would be fine?

' src=

comprehensive and material indeed

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helped me tounderstand the IFRS

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dear waseem…we record purchase cost as 110000.coz we did not avail the discout optiom given by the seller.

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I have doubt in IAS 2. Lets say for a example, a manufacturer purchased raw material by giving 4 months pd cheque for 110,000. If they had paid by cash, price would be 100,000. What is treatment for this difference? Can we record this difference of 10,000 as finance charges?

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Hey Silvia, I was about to subscribe. But I found that the name of my country (Bangladesh) is not in the list. Please let me know.

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thank you for help

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wow, made my studies simpler and to make sense…a superb summary indeed.

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clearly and comprehensive IAS1 elaborated

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Great site and well summarized IASs

' src=

very well summarized and it is very good for accounting students. thank you.

' src=

Verry good!IAS 1 !

' src=

very good indeed.impressed for days

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great work………..

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Great Vedio…

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Excellent summarized information of IAS-1

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Top 10 Financial Analysis Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 10 Financial Analysis Templates  with Examples and Samples

Financial analysis serves as the "beating heart" of every thriving organization, providing the pulse on managing money and fueling overall performance. It examines and interprets financial data, allowing businesses to assess their financial health, identify trends, and make informed decisions.

Companies gain insights revenue generation, profitability, cash flow, and expenditure patterns by conducting financial analysis. It helps them understand financial strengths and weaknesses, enabling strategic planning and resource allocation. With accurate financial analysis, organizations can identify areas for improvement, optimize operational efficiency, and capitalize on growth opportunities. Financial analysis facilitates effective risk management by identifying and evaluating potential financial risks and uncertainties. By analyzing financial ratios of businesses’ vital health indicators such as liquidity, solvency, and profitability, organizations can assess their financial stability and resilience across market conditions.

Business planners and owners understand the value of regular financial analysis, which helps them maximize profitability by monitoring their financial health. However, when it comes to creating financial analysis reports and proposals, they often find it daunting. If so, you may not have downloaded SlideTeam's financial analysis Templates yet.

Dive into this blog to discover SlideTeam's templates on financial analysis, valid across industries. With minimalist designs radiating professionalism, these presentation templates empower you to showcase your financial analysis services and connect with potential clients. 

Take a look. 

Template 1: Enterprise Financial Analysis PowerPoint Presentation Slides

This PPT Template is ideal for creating a comprehensive and professional presentation on economic forecasting. These slides give you the tools to showcase financial forecasting, planning, and budgeting aspects. The presentation design includes visually-appealing graphics and charts to present balance sheets, cash flow statements, financial projections, key financial ratios, liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, activity ratios, solvency ratios, and an overview of the income statement. These slides will enable you to deliver a detailed and insightful presentation on financial analysis with ease and clarity.

Enterprise Financial Analysis

Download Now

Template 2: Financial Analysis In Healthcare Industry PowerPoint Presentation Slides

These slides offer tools for conducting accounting analysis and visualizing healthcare financing models, industry key statistics, and healthcare marketing trends. Use this comprehensive financial management PPT Slideshow to highlight two prominent healthcare marketing trends: Patient generation and conversion. Additionally, leverage our healthcare analytics PowerPoint infographics to illustrate health care financing models, including social and voluntary health insurance. With these presentation slides, you can facilitate a global comparison of healthcare expenditure, providing a comprehensive view of financial analysis in the healthcare sector.

Financial Analysis in Healthcare Industry

Template 3: Three-stages Triangle Individual Business Process Horizontal Triangle Financial Analysis

Conduct a detailed financial analysis of an individual business process. The template consists of three interconnected triangles, each representing a distinct analysis stage. The first stage involves gathering and organizing critical financial data, including statements and relevant information. The second stage entails data analysis using ratios, trends, and quantitative techniques. The third stage focuses on documenting and communicating findings of the analysis through clear reports and presentations. This presentation template facilitates a systematic approach, enabling users to get insights into the financial performance of a specific business process. 

3 Stages Triangle

Template 4: Startup Company Profile Timeline Organizational Structure Financial Analysis Process

Grab this tool to showcase your startup's journey, organizational structure, and financial analysis. This PPT Template offers a comprehensive framework that captures the essence of your startup's growth over time, allowing you to highlight key milestones, achievements, and strategic initiatives. With its intuitive timeline design, you can present your startup's evolution from its inception to its current stage, demonstrating progress and significant milestones achieved. The aim is to stay true to the numbers and weave a story that helps people understand the significance of the ratios. 

Startup Company Profile

Template 5: Results Candidates Election Presidential Performance Appraisal Financial Analysis Business

Discover essential insights and tools you need to make informed decisions with this template. Evaluate each candidate's campaign's financial effectiveness and efficiency using the detailed performance appraisal section. Analyze return on investment and cost per vote to assess the value derived from their financial resources. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the broader business implications of presidential elections by exploring economic impacts, market trends, and potential effects on industries and sectors. Grab it now to uncover financial insights and assess candidates' performance.


Template 6: Pie Chart Business Financial Analysis Financial Performance Representation

With this template, you can effectively present critical financial data using pie-charts, enabling easy comparison and understanding of components such as revenue, expenses, profit margins, and market share. This presentation template helps you analyze and communicate financial information clearly and concisely, making it an ideal tool for business financial analysis and reporting.

Pie Chart

Template 7: Summarize Financial Analysis Growth Business Achievements Magnifying

This PPT Template showcases your business's financial analysis findings. It highlights vital growth metrics and achievements, making it easy for stakeholders to grasp essential information quickly. You can showcase the growth trajectory of your business over time by presenting critical metrics in an understandable format. The template saves time with its ready-made framework and is customizable to suit your business needs and branding requirements.


Template 8: Telecom Business Plan Marketing Strategies Successful Assessments Financial Analysis Success

This powerful tool helps you outline your objectives, target market, and competitive analysis. Using the template structure, you can devise effective marketing strategies and develop accurate financial projections. Keep track of your business's success over time, set goals, monitor progress, and evaluate achievements. Stay ahead of the game and make necessary adjustments to secure long-term success. Download it now to pave the way to telecom triumph!

Telecom Business Plan

Template 9: Overview of the Selected Financial Analysis Course Ultimate Guide To Financial Planning

This PPT Slide provides a clear overview of financial analysis, equipping you with essential knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions. From understanding financial statements to analyzing ratios and creating financial projections, it covers all aspects of financial planning. This PPT Template provides you with the knowledge and resources to flourish in finance, whether a novice or a seasoned pro. Don't pass up this priceless resource; download it now. 

Overview of the selected financial analysis course

Template 10: Evaluation Criteria to Select the Best Financial Analysis Financial Planning Analysis Guide Small Large Businesses

This PPT template provides a concise and compelling framework to assess and choose the ideal resource. With this template, you can define and evaluate characteristics such as competence, comprehensiveness, practicability, and user-friendliness. It simplifies the decision-making process, helping you choose the best guide for your organization. Take the uncertainty out of selecting a financial analysis and planning guide and make an informed decision for the future of your business. We highlight the five factors as  pricing, availability of key features, support and training, and deployment, with weights that you can assign in terms of their importance.

Evaluation criteria to select the best financial analysis software


With suitable financial analysis templates, you can streamline your analysis process, save time, and present your findings professionally and visually appealingly. So, why wait? Take advantage of our financial analysis templates today and unlock the power of data-driven insights for your business's growth and profitability. Empower your financial analysis with our templates and make smarter financial decisions. 

PS: Is your business utilizing its resources to the fullest? Use our cost analysis templates to find out! 

FAQs on Financial Analysis 

What are the three types of financial analysis.

Financial analysis involves three main approaches: ratio analysis, trend analysis, and cash flow analysis. 

  • Ratio analysis calculates financial ratios to evaluate a company's performance in terms of profitability, liquidity, solvency, efficiency, and market valuation. 
  • Trend analysis examines financial data over time to identify patterns and trends, helping assess performance and make projections. 
  • Cash flow analysis assesses the inflows and outflows of cash, examining sources, uses, and the company's ability to meet financial obligations.

What are the five components of financial analysis?

The financial analysis consists of five key components:

  • Financial statements: These documents, encompassing the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, capture this numbers at that particular moment in time into the financial standing, operational achievements, and cash flow engagements of a corporation.
  • Ratios and Metrics: A company's ability to examine aspects of its financial health and operational effectiveness, such as its potential for profitability, liquidity, and efficiency, is aided by the computation and analysis of financial ratios and measurements.
  • Comparative Analysis: By juxtaposing a company's financial information against industry standards, competitor achievements, or past periods, analysts acquire valuable insights regarding its relative position, strengths, weaknesses, and growth opportunities.
  • Trend Analysis: Examining financial data over time enables identification of patterns, trends, and changes in key financial indicators. This analysis aids in assessing a company's financial performance direction, potential risks, and opportunities and making forecasts.
  • Qualitative Factors: Besides quantitative data, financial analysis incorporates qualitative factors such as management quality, industry trends, competitive landscape, and economic conditions. These factors provide context and enhance the interpretation of financial data.

What are the types of financial analysis?

Financial analysis offers insights into a company's performance, position, and prospects. Ratio analysis includes calculating and interpreting financial ratios to evaluate profitability, liquidity, and market valuation. Trend analysis examines patterns and changes in critical indicators for forecasting and identifying strengths and weaknesses. Cash flow analysis assesses the company's ability to generate and manage cash. A comparative analysis compares the company's performance to industry benchmarks or competitors. The qualitative analysis considers non-financial factors for a more holistic understanding. Utilizing both sorts of analysis at once allows for a thorough assessment of a company's financial standing.

What is a financial analysis example?

In a financial analysis example, an analyst may assess a company's profitability by calculating the gross profit margin, the ratio of gross profit to sales. It helps evaluate the profitability of its core operations. Another example is analyzing liquidity by calculating the current ratio, which assesses the company's ability to fulfill short-term obligations by comparing current assets to current liabilities.

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  5. Working with Financial Statements PPT Part 1

  6. Preperation of the financial statements PPT (Entrepreneurship)


  1. How To Create a PowerPoint Presentation of Financial Statements

    Creating Consolidated Financial Statements PowerPoint Presentations can be a tough job. The presenter needs to evaluate the complexity of the data, the depth to be shown and the audience that will assist the presentation. Tools like charts and dashboard will help the presenter to summarize relevant information and communicate quicker, the ...

  2. PDF Understanding Financial Statements Final.pptx [Read-Only]

    Days cash on hand =. Cash + TRIP X 365 (Expenses - Depreciation) Days cash on hand = $1,303,039/($2,744,595‐$218,932) x 365 = 188 days. Key takeaways about financial ratios. Financial ratios use all 3 statements. Financial ratios are key to derive insights.

  3. About the Financial statement presentation guide & Full guide PDF

    Publication date: 31 Mar 2024. us Financial statement presentation guide. A PDF version of this publication is attached here: Financial statement presentation guide (PDF 13.8mb) PwC is pleased to offer our Financial statement presentation guide. This guide serves as a compendium of many of today's presentation and disclosure requirements ...

  4. Financial Statement

    Financial Statement. Oct 28, 2014 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 74 likes • 79,016 views. Padum Chetry. A brief presentation on Financial Statement. Business. 1 of 39. Download now. Financial Statement - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  5. 10 Slide Ideas for Financial Report Presentation

    Our financial review deck incorporates 30 infographic slide templates for a financial summary overview, balance sheets with assets and liabilities, financial analysis presentation, income statements, profit and loss reports, revenue and profit snapshots, cash flow statements, explain types of financial ratios, key growth drivers, or breakdown ...

  6. Presenting Financial Information Visually in PowerPoint

    You may regularly present financial information such as monthly results, weekly performance against goals, or financial analysis. Your slides are full of spreadsheets and complex graphs you have copied in from Excel because that is what you have seen other financial professionals do. But it doesn't seem to be all that effective.

  7. PPTX PowerPoint Presentation

    Statement of changes in net assets/equity. Cash flow statement. Comparison of budget and actual amounts. Notes. Comparative information in respect of the preceeding period. Presentation: Financial Statements. Note that while IPSAS uses this terminology, it permits other terminology to be used where the meaning is clear - some jurisdictions ...

  8. PDF Presentation of Financial Statements IAS 1

    Approval by the Board of Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income issued in June 2011. Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income (Amendments to IAS 1) was approved for issue by fourteen of the fifteen members of the International Accounting Standards Board. Mr Pacter dissented from the issue of the amendments.

  9. How to Prepare Financial Statements in PowerPoint

    Understanding the components of financial statements is crucial when it comes to creating an effective PowerPoint presentation. Financial statements provide a snapshot of a company's financial health, and presenting them in a clear and concise manner is essential to conveying important information to stakeholders.

  10. PDF Ipsas 1—Presentation of Financial Statements

    155 IPSAS 1, "Presentation of Financial Statements" (IPSAS 1) is set out in paragraphs 1−155 and Appendices A−B. All the paragraphs have equal authority. IPSAS 1 should be read in the context of its objective, the Basis for Conclusions, and the "Preface to International Public Sector Accounting Standards.".

  11. PDF Module 3—Financial Statement Presentation

    This module. This module focuses on the general requirements for presenting financial statements applying Section 3 Financial Statement Presentation of the IFRS for SMEs Standard. It introduces the subject and reproduces the official text along with explanatory notes and examples designed to enhance understanding of the requirements.

  12. Financial statement analysis powerpoint presentation slides

    In case you need to present economic status of your company then our content-ready financial statement analysis PowerPoint Presentation is ideal for you. This income statement PPT presentation having multiple slides such as financial projections, key financial ratios, liquidity ratios, cash flow statement KPIs, profitability ratios, activity ...

  13. PowerPoint Financial Presentation: Tips and Types

    Use bars, graphs, and charts instead of countless numbers and percentages. Use maps together with animation to make the presentation of the sales data more visually appealing. Combine logos, images, text, and animated graphics evenly to keep the attention. Here is a great example of a correct slide: one comprehensive statement per slide, use of ...

  14. IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements: Summary

    The complete set of financial statements compliant with IFRS comprises 5 elements: a statement of financial position as at the end of the period. a statement of comprehensive income for the period. a statement of changes in equity for the period. a statement of cash flows for the period. notes containing a summary of significant accounting ...

  15. Financial Report Presentation

    Summary. Highlight the key elements of your report such as the percentage of revenue growth, the degree to which profit margins have improved, or the rise in operating income as a result of reducing costs. Do you need to compile revenue, profit, and losses in a single document? Download our free financial report presentation template right now!

  16. Company's Financial Statements

    Premium Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. In the business world (where money is everything, or some say so), financial statements provide critical insight into a company's financial performance, position, and stability. In other words, it's like more than a balance sheet, and more than comparing profit and loss.

  17. Example Presentation Of Financial Reports Powerpoint Presentation

    Our financial statement example PowerPoint design is crafted by our group of professional experts for your business development. Thus, showcase your financial record with this interesting PPT layout. Place a bet on our Example Presentation Of Financial Reports Powerpoint Presentation Slides. They will come up trumps everytime. « »

  18. Top 10 Financial Analysis Templates with Examples and Samples

    Template 1: Enterprise Financial Analysis PowerPoint Presentation Slides. ... Financial statements: These documents, encompassing the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, capture this numbers at that particular moment in time into the financial standing, operational achievements, and cash flow engagements of a corporation. ...

  19. Financial Statement Project Proposal

    Financial statements collect the economic information of a company. If you need to present it in a visual, professional and well-structured way, you have to see this template we have created at Slidesgo. It has a modern design with colorful geometric shapes, but keeping the white background to provide clarity and make the content read well. The ...

  20. Financial statement analysis

    Nov 9, 2012 • Download as PPT, PDF •. 246 likes • 185,591 views. AI-enhanced description. Anuj Bhatia. Financial statement analysis involves analyzing a company's financial statements to assess its performance and financial position. It is used to evaluate factors like profitability, solvency, liquidity, and efficiency. Key tools for ...

  21. preparation of financial statements

    19 likes • 10,065 views. J. Jyothi P. balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement. Education. 1 of 34. preparation of financial statements - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  22. Donwload Our Financial Statement Analysis PPT Presentation

    Unlock the power of financial analysis with our comprehensive financial statement analysis PowerPoint and Google Slides templates. Financial statement analysis involves evaluating a company's financial reports to assess its performance, profitability, liquidity, solvency, and overall financial health for investment or lending decisions.vTailored for financial professionals, analysts, students ...