
What is PM International? – Company, Data, Products In 2022

PM-International (PMI) is one of the world’s most interesting direct selling and network marketing companies .

It is based in Luxembourg and sells its FitLine and BeautyLine brand products exclusively.

We will do a data-driven analysis of this question by looking at four main areas: company, business model, products, and frequent questions.

The company, in short

The business model, in short, the products, in short, section 1 – the company.

PM-International Logo

The first section focuses primarily on PM-International as a company. We analyze its history, financials, current position in the market, and any relevant data.

What is PM-International? Company Overview

PM-International is a manufacturer of dietary supplements and cosmetic products. They were founded in 1993 by Ralf Sorg.

In 1992, he decided to create a line of nutritional supplements. His initial goal was to sell 1 million units per month.

The founder used a multilevel marketing model to grow his business, and this allowed him to reach his goal of selling 1 million units per month quickly.

After reaching his goal, he expanded his business internationally. Today, PM-International distributes its products to many markets around the world.

They claim to distribute their products in over 40 different countries around Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Oceania.

The company offers two types of products: nutritionals and cosmetics.

Nutritionals include weight loss products like Lean Body Weight Loss Formula, Fat Burner, Slimming Capsules, and Protein Power.

Cosmetic products include Skin Care, Hair Care, Deodorant, Shampoo, Conditioner, Moisturizer, Lip Balm, Eye Cream, Nail Polish, Face Wash, Toothpaste, Soap, Laundry Detergent, Fabric Softener, and Dishwashing Liquid.

The company’s headquarters are located in Schengen, Luxembourg. PMI employs approximately 3,000 people worldwide.

Statistics and data

PM-International has over 35 branches in more than 40 countries worldwide. In 2020, the company generated total revenue of $ 1.71 billion.

The company’s products are sold through independent distributors in network marketing, mainly on the Internet, and through its own direct sales force.

The company’s vision statement is

“To provide high-quality products and services to our customers and partners through integrity, innovation, and excellence”.

The mission statement is

“We strive to be the leading provider of natural health care solutions and lifestyle products that help consumers live healthier lives.”
  • PM-International is a health and wellness MLM founded in 1993 by Rolf Sorg
  • They claim to distribute their products to over 40 different countries around the world
  • They offer a wide range of products, including vitamins, minerals, protein powders, weight loss aids, skin care, and other health and beauty products.
  • The company manufactures and sells only its own branded products called FitLine.
  • PMI uses a multilevel marketing model where distributors earn commissions on sales made by other members.

Section 2 – Business Model

Amway business model

The second section delves into PM International’s business model. We analyze the company’s sales system and the opportunity for independent distributors.

What type of business is PM International?

PM International is an MLM.

PMI, indeed, sells products through independent distributors in network marketing, online, and through its own direct-sales team.

The company’s products are well established and have an extensive customer base.

They sell products through distributors who buy them wholesale and resell them to customers. The main company’s focus is recruiting new distributors and giving them incentives to do so.

The retail sales portion of PM International’s business model allows them to sell their products directly to their customers through various platforms such as e-commerce sites, brick-and-mortar stores, trade shows, and conferences.

When customers purchase these products from PM-International, they are also given the option of becoming a member of their affiliate program. The affiliate program offers residual commissions for each sale made by an affiliate who referred that customer to PM-International.

PM International MLM: is it a pyramid scheme?

PM-International is a multilevel marketing company that sells nutritional supplements.

Many people consider it to be a pyramid scheme because it requires members to recruit others to sell the product. However, many people have been successful in selling PM-International products without recruiting anyone else.

There are two ways to earn money with PM International. One is to sell the product yourself, and the other is to recruit others to sell it. Recruiting others is much harder than selling the product yourself, so many people prefer to focus on selling the product themselves rather than recruiting others.

The bottom line is that PM-International isn’t a pyramid scheme unless you feel like you’re required to recruit others to make money . 

How to become a PM International distributor?

PM International offers a variety of ways to join its affiliate program.

Affiliate membership is tied to the sale of a $99 “Demo Starter Pack.” The demo starter pack includes a Demo Bag, a sports bottle, 2 Fitline glasses, a spoon, plus the two top-selling products to be used during demos.

A PM International affiliate can also receive a pool pack, which comes with additional products and costs $481 for an optimal combo pack or $500 for a six-fitline optimal set pack.

Can you really earn money?

Income potential is one of the most appealing aspects of joining PM International.

Distributors have the opportunity to earn income through commissions on product sales and team-building bonuses.

There are no limits on how much a distributor can earn in commissions or bonuses; however, there are limits on the number of people they can sponsor into the business who will pay them commissions or bonuses.

Another benefit to joining PM International is passive income. Distributors can earn money passively by having customers buy products through their websites or retail stores without working directly with them.

PM International compensation plan (Video)

  • The company uses an MLM model.
  • PMI has been in business for over 20 years, its products are well established, and it has an extensive customer base.
  • They sell products through distributors who purchase them wholesale and resell them to customers.
  • The main company focuses on recruiting new distributors and giving them incentives.
  • They provide training for their members to enable them to create their very own network marketing business.
  • The price of the starter kit is $99. Two pool packs are available: FitLine Optimal Set Pack and Optimal Combo Pack.
  • Selling products is the most common way to earn money with PM-International, and recruitment is another way to make money with the company.
  • You must qualify for higher levels (Team Partner rank, Marketing manager rank, etc.) to earn more money. Each rank comes with its own set of benefits and responsibilities. Your bonus amount depends on your level in the company: the more volume you generate, the better rank you will achieve.
  • To qualify for Team Bonuses, you must recruit new members to your team .
  • PM-International offers a monthly auto-ship discount program where affiliates can earn commission based on the products sold offline, and an affiliate program where you can earn commissions from the sales of products purchased through your site.

Section 3 – Products

Fitline products by PM-International

Section 3 focuses on the products, their distinctive style, and PM International’s unique selling proposition.

What does PM International sell?

PM International is a global leader in nutrition and beauty products. Their brands include FitLine and BeautyLine. They offer a wide range of products, including vitamins, minerals, protein powders, weight loss aids, skin care, hair care, makeup, fragrance oils, essential oils, and many more.

The company sells over 30 brands under the FitLine and BeautyLine labels.

FitLine supplements are nutritional products that contain natural ingredients meant to support weight loss and overall health. These supplements are typically sold online and are available in liquid and capsule forms.

While the FDA doesn’t regulate FitLine supplements, they are considered safe and effective by experts.

Some benefits of FitLine supplements include improved energy levels, increased metabolism, reduced appetite, and enhanced mental clarity.

Fitline products benefits

There are two types of FitLine supplements: fat burners and muscle builders. Fat burners boost metabolic activity while muscle builders focus on building lean muscle mass. Both supplements provide similar benefits, though each type has different strengths and weaknesses.

Fat burners are generally recommended for individuals who are trying to lose weight. On the other hand, muscle builders are ideal for athletes and bodybuilders who want to build lean muscle mass.

Both types of supplements are available in either liquid or tablet form. Liquid supplements are usually easier to consume than tablets, so they’re preferred by many consumers. Tablet versions, however, offer additional convenience since they’re easy to carry and store.

NOTE – It’s important to remember that FitLine supplements are not intended to replace healthy eating habits, and instead, they’re meant to complement a balanced diet and exercise regimen. For example, if you eat too much junk food, supplementing with FitLine supplements could lead to unwanted side effects.

In addition to being used as dietary supplements, FitLine supplements are also commonly taken as pre-workout supplements. Pre-workouts are popular among fitness enthusiasts because they allow them to perform at their best during intense workouts.

Pre-workouts are particularly useful for athletes who train multiple days a week. Since they’re designed to enhance athletic performance, they’re especially helpful for endurance sports like running, cycling, swimming, and triathlon training.

Workout’s products

PM-International offers a wide selection of products that can help you get the most out of your workouts. Their products include:

– Sports Bottle – These are great for anyone who wants to stay hydrated while they exercise or play sports through daily supplement drink. They come in various sizes and colors and can be found on Amazon or at Walmart stores near you (or in the PMI starter kit if you join as a distributor).

– Herbal Extracts – These herbal extracts help with digestion problems, muscle aches and pains, and headaches.

– Lactic Bacteria – PM-International also offers lactic bacteria supplements which help with weight loss by helping to fight stomach bloating and constipation problems that can often cause weight gain over time – especially if you’re not eating enough fiber each day!.

– Meal Replacement Supplements – If you’re looking for something more substantial than just water during your workouts, then PM International’s meal replacement supplements could be good for your need.

Are PMI products legit and safe?

PM-International prides itself on its distinctive formula called Nutritional Transport Concepts (NTC) , which it says is a shipping system carrying nutrients to a specific area where the nutrient is required.

But no third research study proves the “distinct formulation” works as it ought to.

In addition, the Food and Drug Administration cannot provide any type of guarantee because it does not require dietary supplements manufacturers to go through pre-market reviews.

Unlike pre-approval, the FDA’s enforcement actions are done after a product goes on sale, not beforehand. Likewise, the FDA’s European equivalent, the European Medicines Agency, did not undertake any studies with PM-International.

In short, The FDA can’t offer any guarantees about safety either, as they don’t require dietary supplement makers to undergo pre-market approvals.

PM International reviews

According to many consumers, the products are way too expensive. You’ll be able to easily find cheaper options that provide the exact same results.

However, opinions about PM International’s products are generally very divergent. 

PM International Reviews from Trustpilot

  • PM-International offers two product lines (FitLine and BeautyLine), including food supplements, nutrition supplements, and body care products.
  • They claim that both fitness and beauty products are made with natural ingredients.
  • Most products are sold online through Amazon, Walmart, Target, or eBay.
  • Their prices are high compared to other competitors. Each product costs different amounts depending on where you purchase them.
  • FitLine products are not FDA approved. They are considered “dietary supplement” and not medicine. Dietary supplements are not intended to treat or cure disease; they are meant to help maintain healthy body functions.
  • Many different kinds of FitLine products are available (various supplements, including drinks, pills, capsules, and powders).
  • PMI claims that its Nutritional Transport Concept (NTC) delivers nutrients directly to the cells where they are needed most.
  • There’s no scientific evidence proving the Nutritional Transport Concept works, and PM-International does not provide any studies or medical research showing how their products are effective.
  • D-drink is a popular product among many professional athletes.
  • PM-International products are often criticized for containing too much sugar.
  • BeautyLine offers a variety of products to help keep your skin healthy and youthful looking. The company claims that its products are made with natural ingredients and gentle enough to use daily.
  • The company’s main target market is women between 18 and 35 years old.

Section 4 – FAQs About PM International

Amway FAQ

Section 4 of our report answers all frequently asked questions about PMI International, summarizing many of the topics we have covered before.

What is PM-International?

PM-International is a multilevel marketing firm that markets health and wellness supplements, personal care items, and cosmetics. It was launched in 1993 by Rolf Sorg, originally as PM Cosmetics. PM-International has 2 product lines: FitLine and BeautyLine.

What products are available at PM International?

PM International sells two lines of products: FitLine and BeautyLine. The FitLine products are an assortment of nutritional supplements, and the BeautyLine includes a variety of personal care and cosmetic products.

What is the FitLine product line?

The FitLine product line is a line of supplements with unique formulations (called Nutritional Transport Concepts , NTC) that claim to have a delivery system used to carry the nutrients to the specific cellular areas of your body that need them.

What are the products in BeautyLine?

The “BeautyLine” product line includes an assortment of anti-aging and skincare items.

Is PM-International A Pyramid Scheme?

Because PM-International members earn money both by selling real products and hiring new members, with no significant upfront fees to become a distributor, it is safe to say that PM-International is not a pyramid scheme.

How can you make money with PM-International?

In an MLM company, you can make money by selling the company products and building a sales team to do the same. PM-International affiliates are paid a commission when they sell products to retail customers and various percent bonuses (under certain circumstances) for the global team’s monthly sales volume.

How do I start with PM-International?

To start with PM-International, you need to contact another distributor and buy an affiliate starter pack priced at $99, plus a monthly fee for auto-shipment.

What are the awards PM-International has won?

PMI International ranked #13 among the top direct selling companies in the world from 2002-2020, and was recognized as one of the TOP 100 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Germany in 2013/2014 and 2018/2019. It was chosen as “Company of the year” by Netcoo, a German business magazine, in 2018 and 2019. It also received the German Brand Award for outstanding brand management.

Who is the CEO of PM International?

The CEO of PM International is Rolf Sorg. Sorg began direct sales of cosmetic items as a student. When the firm he worked for declared bankruptcy in 1993, Sorg utilized his savings to create PM-International.

Is PM-International a scam or legit?

PM-International is not a scam; it is a legitimate multilevel marketing company. There are many different ways to earn money with PMI. One of these ways is to sell nutritional supplements, and these supplements are sold to consumers via direct sales. Another way to make money with PMI is to recruit others into the organization.

How do you use FitLine products?

FitLine supplements are designed to improve athletic performance and endurance. These supplements contain ingredients such as caffeine, creatine, L-carnitine, taurine, beta-alanine, and others. Some of these ingredients may enhance energy levels and reduce fatigue during exercise, and others may boost muscle mass and strength. By taking these supplements regularly, athletes can achieve greater gains in fitness and endurance.

Are FitLine products healthy?

FitLine supplements are generally safe to take, although some may cause side effects such as stomach upset, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Some people experience allergic reactions to certain ingredients, so it’s best to avoid taking any supplement without consulting your doctor first.

Numbers about PM International

  • 76 percent of the employees surveyed would recommend working at PM-International to a friend, and 75 percent had a positive outlook for the company.
  • If you sell PMI’s products at their retail prices, you’ll be able to earn 20-40 percent in profits.
  • You will receive 10 percent commission for all the products sold by people who subscribed to the monthly auto­ship program.
  • If your current rank is high enough, you’ll earn up to 21 percent commission for every sale your entire team makes down to Level 6 .
  • PM-International also offers a retirement plan where they add 50 percent to the pension plan of “top ranked affiliates”. 
  • As a team member, you receive a 20 percent discount on everything you buy from the company, meaning you can earn a 20 percent profit on every item you sell.
  • PM International’s official website

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A Guide to Preparing an International Business Plan

By: FITT Team

pm international business plan

An international business plan acts as a framework that identifies goals and objectives, specific target markets and clients, resources required and strategies to be developed in pursuit of international business opportunities. The plan allows for the monitoring of progress via metrics against which success and failure can be measured. A comprehensive international business plan will be comprised of a number of integrated strategies related to business functions, including communications, sales and marketing, finance and production.

What Is an International Business Plan?

An international business plan is a valuable management tool that describes who a business is, what it plans to achieve and how it plans to overcome risks and provide anticipated returns. It can be used for a wide variety of purposes, such as to:

  • Set goals and objectives for the organization’s performance.
  • Provide a basis for evaluating and controlling the organization’s performance.
  • Communicate an organization’s message to managers and staff, outside directors, suppliers, lenders and potential investors.
  • Help the planner identify the cash needs of the business.
  • Provide benchmarks against which to compare the progress and performance of the business over time.

A comprehensive and detailed plan forces the planner to look at an organization’s operations and re-evaluate the assumptions on which the business was founded. In doing so, strengths and weaknesses can be identified.

Although highly dependent on the individual business case, on average it takes a three-year commitment to establish a successful presence in a foreign market. This process may require tremendous human, technical and financial resources during the developmental period.

International Market Entry Strategies Couse Banner

The Planning Process

An international business plan is subject to repeated adjustment and revision to keep it current with the changing circumstances of the organization. The plan is a feedback mechanism through which new information is continually incorporated into the organization’s operations. Planning always precedes action. Therefore, planning must be thought of as a continuous cycle. The analytical tools presented here are not intended to be used just once. If they are to be useful, they should be used repeatedly as part of a process of improvement and incremental adjustment.

Plan Preparation Guidelines

These 7 guidelines will help in preparing a comprehensive international business plan:

  • Clearly define the objectives for producing the plan : Who is going to read the plan, and what will they need to do? These objectives can help you decide how much emphasis to put on various sections.
  • Allocate sufficient time and resources to thoroughly research the plan : A plan is only as good as the research that went into producing it.
  • Show drafts of the plan to others : It can be very useful to obtain feedback from others, both inside and outside the business.
  • Create an original plan that is done specifically for each business case : A common mistake entrepreneurs make is to borrow heavily from a sample plan and simply change the names and some of the numbers. There are two big problems with this approach. First , the emphasis placed on various sections of the plan must reflect what is important to the particular business in question. Second , a good plan should flow like a story, with the sections working together to demonstrate why the business will succeed. Plans that borrow too heavily from other plans tend to be disjointed, with some sections contradicting others and various key issues left unaddressed.
  • Outline the key points in each section before the writing starts : These points must then be reviewed to ensure the sections are consistent with each other, there is little duplication and all key issues have been addressed.
  • Ensure financial projections are believable : For many readers, the financial section is the most important part of the plan because it identifies the financing needs and shows the profit potential of the business. In addition, a good financial plan will give the reader confidence that the author really understands the business.
  • Consider writing the executive summary as the last step in the process: It is usually easier to provide a concise overview after the detailed content has been created.
If you’re having trouble getting started with your business plan, try writing like it’s a series of tweets—one for every section of your business plan. To get your point across, 140 characters is all you need.

Forcing yourself to boil each section of your business plan down to one main point is an exercise in decision making and strategy all in itself. When you’re done, you’ll have everything you need to take your next step, whether that’s practicing your pitch to potential investors or a business partner, or sitting down to expand each tweet into a full section of a more traditional business plan.

Core Content

The international business plan is the culmination of all of the work done to determine the appropriate venture for the organization’s growth. As part of the feasibility process, the organization will have determined its own internal readiness, conducted comprehensive target market research and carefully analyzed any relevant risks.

Feasibility of International Trade Couse Banner

At this point, the organization can take all of this information and analysis and formally document the plan for moving forward. There are many different models and examples of how to put together a formal business plan, rather than one correct way.

The right format will depend on the organization, the venture being pursued and who will be accessing the business plan and for what purpose. However, there are some basic guidelines to follow.

One of the reasons business plans are developed is to convince investors and/or bankers to invest in the venture.

Increasingly, they are looking for a business plan to include two sections: one relating to online strategy (in terms of e-marketing, social media and ROI) and the second relating to corporate social responsibility (including quality, health, safety and environment policies).

The inclusion of these topics gives more credibility to the company by demonstrating its commitment to the community and to employees’ well-being.

Table 3.1 nternational Business Plan Content

Telling a Story 

One trend in business planning is to use a narrative structure in the document, rather than traditional technical writing techniques. Storytelling techniques are increasingly being used throughout the business world to create personal and organizational brands, deliver marketing messages and develop persuasive plans.

Stories make presentations better. Stories make ideas stick. Stories help us persuade. Savvy leaders tell stories to inspire us, motivate us. That’s why so many politicians tell stories in their speeches. They realize that “what you say” is often moot compared to “how you say it.

Instead of using bulleted points and cold, technical language, organizations employ a “beginning, middle and end” narrative style. This engages the audience by establishing the context, describing the conflict or obstacles and arriving at a successful resolution.

The Executive Summary

Usually the last step of preparing the international business plan is to develop the executive summary, a short overview of what the plan proposes to accomplish. For some purposes, a one-page business plan can also be useful.

There is not a great deal of difference between an executive summary and a one-page business plan. The most significant distinction is the one-page plan must completely fit on one page in a readable font, while an executive summary may spread over two or three pages.

One-Page Business Plan

There is a trend towards the one-page business plan, especially if the plan is to be presented to potential partners for their consideration. Audiences for the one-page plan will be looking for a “quick hit”: a clear and concise description of what the opportunity is and how it is being pursued.

For example, a one-page business plan might include the following topics, as described in Noah Parson’s article “How to Write a One-Page Business Plan” on the website Bplans :

  • Customer problem/opportunity
  • Your solution/approach
  • Business model (how you make money)
  • Target market (who is the customer and how many are there)
  • Competitive advantage
  • Management team
  • Financial summary
  • Funding required

The one-page plan (or the executive summary, if used in place of the one-page plan) may provide the first impression the audience has of the business. This is the most important document generated out of the business planning process, and significant effort and care should be taken in its creation.

There are many websites the provide blank samples of one-page business plans, including Bplans , the GoForth Institute and

A Note on Strategic Plans

A strategic plan covers many of the same points as a business plan. However, a strategic plan sets out the detailed action plan to be followed to achieve the objectives of the international business plan.

It must outline specific activities, their due dates and who is responsible for each activity. It is a project plan with a critical path. A strategic plan ensures any venture is carried out in a coordinated, informed and systematic way.

A key consideration in action planning is how quickly to enter the market, which is driven by the chosen market entry strategy. If market entry is done too quickly, the potential for costly mistakes increases. However, if it is completed too slowly, opportunities may be missed and competitors will have more time to react.

The Planning Cycle

Attaching the word “cycle” to planning implies that it happens more than once. International business plans need to be reviewed periodically because new information that has an impact on both planning and operations is continually coming in.

All plans, including international business plans and strategic plans, need to be reviewed every time there is a major event impacting the business, such as civil unrest, a currency fluctuation or the presence of a new competitor.

About the author

pm international business plan

Author: FITT Team

The Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) is the standards, certification and training body dedicated to providing international business training, resources and professional certification to individuals and businesses. Created by business for business, FITT’s international business training solutions are the standard of excellence for global trade professionals around the world. View all posts by FITT Team

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PM-International AG


With over 40 subsidiaries and distribution partners in over 40 different countries and with more than 70 national and international patents, PM-International set out to take the lead in the international distribution of premium, cutting-edge products for health, fitness and beauty - from inside and out. The foundation of PM-International’s success starts with a unique product philosophy - To develop innovative products that clearly contribute to what everyone desires: • Better quality of life thanks to improved well-being and better performance • Greater enjoyment of life through an improved and more youthful appearance The company focuses on the premium segment of the market and innovative product concepts that stand out from the rest of the market thanks to its exclusive Nutrient Transport Concept (NTC®) that delivers nutrients exactly when they are needed and where they are needed. PM-International offers premium quality nutritional supplements for the inside with FitLine (basic and specific supplementation, weight management products, sport products) and cosmetic products for the outside, with FitLine med and skin. Moreover, the company’s distribution system guarantees its success by rewarding everyone who contributes to its prosperity. If you want to find out more about our company and our brands join us on our social media! PM-International: • Website: • Facebook: • Instagram: FitLine: • Facebook: • Instagram: • YouTube:

This project contains product placements

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  • Product concepts
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Business Opportunity with PM-International

When you have tried FitLine products and gained confidence in how they work, and can share your positive experience, perhaps it’s worth considering how to benefit more from PM-International.

If your answer to the following questions

  • Do I need or would I be happy with an extra income?
  • Do I have a few hours a day to devote to my new business?
  • Can I communicate effectively with people (yes, as silly as it may sound)?
  • And finally, do I really enjoy FitLine products myself?

– is YES , then why don’t you qualify as a Partner of PM-International?

It is time to get to know the company and its business model more closely to ensure that PM-International is the best choice today. A kind of due diligence before making an investment decision, as you will be investing your time which is your most precious asset.

The biggest in Germany, the TOP 8 in the World in 2022! PM-International Sales over $3 billion in 2023.

As we bid farewell to 2023, the December results have surpassed even the most optimistic forecasts, marking a remarkable milestone for the entire group with an impressive 50% growth compared to the preceding December. Several regions have notably stood out in this success story. Bulgaria has continued its upward trajectory, boasting a remarkable 242% growth. Meanwhile, Japan, one of FitLine’s major markets, surprised everyone with an astonishing 303% growth. However, it is Hong Kong, the third-largest FitLine country, that takes the lead with an extraordinary 335% growth. To put this into perspective, a staggering 700 additional pallets had to be dispatched to Hong Kong, surpassing our initial plans! These outstanding achievements have translated into more than 2,800 new positions above the International Marketing Manager position (IMM) in December alone—an astounding accomplishment! Furthermore, we celebrate the emergence of new Champions Leagues, comprised of teams achieving a monthly turnover of at least one million. The solid foundation laid by these remarkable accomplishments sets the stage for continued growth. The kickoff on January 13, 2024, signals the commencement of another exciting chapter. Let’s embark on this journey together!

The company owes its success primarily to the many independent distribution partners who are active in more than 40 countries around the world. 

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Tenfold Market potential


The global nutrition supplement market is projected to continue growing in the coming years, driven by the increasing awareness of health and fitness, growth in the number of fitness centers and health clubs, and rising demand for protein-based sports nutrition products. Taking care of one’s health and well-being has never been as important as now. As a specific brand, FitLine has been establishing itself as the number one choice in recent years, particularly among elite athletes and sports enthusiasts. Its focus on innovative and science-backed products, along with its partnership with top athletes and sports organizations, has helped it gain a strong reputation.

Growth in sales reflects both, the biggest TREND of the last decade.  The leadership and strength of the company call for you to t ake full advantage of t his SHIFT OF PARADIGM. It’s hard to imagine a better company to partner with.  No sign of a slowdown in sight! Let’s roll up our arms and hit 2024 together!

Enormous global market potential. “We’re talking about $36 billion in potential annual sales worldwide and 15.2 million loyal customers. It will take 40 years to develop all this potential.” Direct sales, and network marketing, have been growing steadily over the years and are projected to continue to grow. The network marketing business model is attractive to companies and independent distributors because it allows for a low-cost, low-risk way of expanding into new markets and reaching a wider audience. It has been a vital part of the success of PM-International. The company’s independent distributors can reach customers in their local communities and share their personal experiences with the products. As FitLine continues to expand its product line and reach new markets, there is significant potential for the company’s network marketing business to grow.

“People often do not realize that they have a chance, so they miss it.” – Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Author of a “The Black Swan”

Today, when the world is facing enormous challenges, it is obvious that at some point everyone may need residual income. Have you ever dreamed about working from home? What can start as an additional income today can lead you to the income at some point that will provide you with the life you dreamed about.

PM-International has everything you need, first of all, unique, highly needed, and sought-after products, as well as the ability to provide them . Secondly, all the necessary tools, including online solutions – an online store, and training materials, mobile apps. Distribution partners are able to work completely online, if necessary. The company has sufficient financial resources for future growth.

A simple and fair business plan. Earn your way to the top and take full responsibility for the time and energy you invest into your business. Adapt your new business to your lifestyle and decide whether to go full-time or part-time with PM-International.

With the innovative FitLine products and our USE–TALK–DEMO concept, you have everything you need to start your success story today. Everybody can do it independently, regardless of their education or profession.

Even the best seller is as reliable in the long run as the products he sells are good.

To stay on the path to success, PM-International is constantly working on developing new and improved products. It owns over 70 Patents for its Nutritional and Beauty Products. It is the market leader in Germany and the TOP 8   direct sales company in the world . Its premium products are recognized not only by ordinary people but also by TOP-level athletes worldwide. Check the Sports section .


Contact me to discuss either how you can benefit from becoming an independent distributor of PM-International or all other Marketing Plan related questions.

PM DirectCash program, which offers direct online retail income.

PM DirectCash was designed to support all PM-International Team Partners worldwide in their daily business. When signing up for PM DirectCash, Team Partners receive their retail income instantly for every online customer order.

With PM DirectCash, PM-International Team Partners now have a fully online way to generate business and create retail income. They can consult their customers from home via video conference and have customers place orders in their personal webshop.

1. Good Reputation

The first direct sales company that has received a professional certificate and seal for fair direct sales issued by the German Control Board. Thousands of satisfied customers worldwide. Recognized by world class athletes. The only company that can use the Cologne List Certification Seal.

2. Strong Financials

Sales reached 3.03 billion US dollars in 2023. The equity ratio is around twice as high as the average capital base of medium-sized German companies. One of Germany’s TOP-100 medium-sized companies.

3. Innovations & Premium quality

Range of high-quality, in-house developed and mostly patented nutritional supplements and cosmetics under the core brands FitLine© and FitLineSkin© which are destined for the premium segment. Products constantly examined by ELAB Analytic GmbH. You can scan the QR code on your FitLine products to find out more about the quality controls.

4. Exceptional Product line

Premium and patented products. Results that can be felt and seen. Thousands of satisfied customers worldwide. Recognized by world class athletes for many years. The only company that can use the Cologne List Certification Seal. Countless testimonials at your service.

5. Global Opportunity

PM-International offers everyone an opportunity to generate additional income as Team Partner, regardless of your training, career or social status. You are completely free and your own boss — something many can only dream of. Europe, Asia, USA, Canada, Australia etc.

6. Performance based Compensation

A fair and reliable compensation system. With PM-International, everybody has an equal opportunity to generate additional income, regardless of their social status, job, training or financial status. The only thing that matters is your willingness and desire to work. Retail Income, TOP-Retailer Bonus, Wholesale, Pool Bonus, 6 Generations of Royalties, Management-Bonus, TOP-Management-Bonus, Fast Achievement Bonus, Car Bonus Program, Pension Plan.

7. Car Incentive

An opportunity to lease the car from one of participating car dealers. Starting with the distributor level IMM (International Marketing Manager), you are eligible to participate in the car leasing program. The company helps you to pay to drive a vehicle for both personal and business use. As you climb the ranks, the higher the payment and better the car can be.

8. Travel Incentive

Intensive work - proper rest. Earn amazing world-class trips with PM-International’s travel incentives. Dreaming about crystal clear water, fantastic beaches, sunshine, romantic sunsets with friends or family? It's all possible with PM-International's travel incentives - as soon as you qualify, you will be rewarded.

9. Secured Aging

Pension plan model together with one of the World's largest insurers. Each Team Partner has an opportunity to set up additional pension via PM-International, as soon as a certain Marketing Plan Position has been reached.

The story matters!

PM-International – privately owned German company founded by the executive chairman of the board Rolf Sorg in 1993. The company develops and sells its patented and premium dietary supplement (the FitLine series) and cosmetic products (the FitLine Skin series) worldwide . It uses a network marketing remuneration model to reward its partners and is the first direct sales company that has received a professional certificate and seal for fair direct sales issued by the German Control Board and is a Member of the Direct Selling Association.

The company is hot. PM already has 5 of the Top 200 Income Earners in the World! Sales are rocketing and beating their own forecasts. This is an opportunity to benefit from global trends and join one of the world’s most innovative and successful companies. The PM-International’s success story consists of many personal success stories.

However, Success in direct sales is not a matter of luck and as with any opportunity, it is not guaranteed. Achievement in Network Marketing is solely derived from effective sales endeavors and the cultivation of a customer and affiliate team. This demands dedication, diligence, skill, persistence, competence, and leadership.

Those who show extraordinary success deserve to be supported. PM-International will provide you with regular training and sales academies. These events serve to transfer the know-how and experience of our most successful people, motivate you to further success, and support the development of your skills in direct sales. Once a year, PM-International organizes very special training, the Leadership Training, and World Management Congress, for its top distributors to take them to even greater heights.

  • Step 1. TAKE A DECISION – Register as a business partner and sell our premium products

Register with PM-International. Order a preferential order and your own Autoship. Use and enjoy the Products. You will also receive additional information on your e-mail, as well as your first business tool – personal domain (www.******* This tool will allow you to register your new Partners and your clients.

NOTE! By subscribing to Autoship you get an additional discount and qualify for an Income, but most importantly – you never miss them both.

To avoid unnecessary confusion or mistakes at the beginning – contact your Sponsor, find and follow PM-International and your local subsidiary on Facebook. Attend Online Business presentations, Business Academies, which take place on regular basis.

  • Step 2. Set aside time & position yourself!

Set aside some time for this activity. Use all the online tools available today (live presentations, apps, PMTV), both for training and for inviting new partners. While you experience results think about your goals. Plan your time for doing business, as success comes only with discipline and work. How much time are you going to devote to your new business? What is the income level you want to achieve? How fast you want to go on fully paid vacations or have a car? Perhaps the most important is not exactly how much time, but it should be on regular basis . Set up your goals for next month, three & six months.

  • Step 3. Share – Locate new customers and get them interested in our business model

Share. All your further success depends primarily on your enthusiasm and readiness to share your message with as many people as possible. Do not decide for others, just share! Now, when you know the Products, share your own experience with others. Secure yourself up to 6 simultaneous incomes as a Manager. Your first task might be to register 5 Key Persons on Autoship/Abo. Search for Partners who share the same vision, goals, and passion with whom you want to build your business. 

“… you will move in the direction of the people that you associate with. So it’s important to associate with people who are better than yourself.” (Warren Buffett)
  • Step 4.   Get Going, Duplicate – Build-up a network and steadily climb the career ladder

Now, when you have found your first Partners and received your first income, readjust your focus. Duplicate. Work with your key persons: joint activities, 2:1 meetings, and business presentations. Aim: building up a basis of five, three levels deep. Just 5 Partners . This is exactly how many you need to qualify for all the benefits. Most importantly, You will be successful as long as your Partners will, so help them. It’s a long-time relationship!

  • Step 5. Repeat

Readjust for new goals! There is no limit ahead!

Check frequently asked questions.

Available Tools and Support

The privilege of today is the unlimited possibilities to meet partners anywhere. Technology makes the world more open than ever. Always have your PM-Business at hand. Sign up for new Team Partners, access your important Business Contacts, share Business Testimonials, showcase the PM-Business Opportunity, and set your own task reminders to never miss an opportunity to grow your business.

Demobag, Apps, Online

Become a partner and get your FitLine Demobag

ZOOM presentations, academies on regular basis. FB, Instagram, etc.

Few tips and final words

Network marketing is quite a simple one, but sometimes executed unjustifiably complicated..

Is becoming a Partner complicated and expensive?

You can qualify as a Partner and start your own business by subscribing to only one optimal set per month, usually for self-consumption. However, it is usually not enough; there is family, a spouse, children, grandparents, etc. Of course, it depends on the situation, but the conditions offered by PM-International to be able to do business are based on self-consumption.

  • You will never guess who will listen and accept your offer;
  • Although FitLine products are beneficial for everyone, in reality, not everyone approached will be responsive to your offer. No matter how paradoxical it is, often those whom you know the least will become your best partners;
  • If someone abandons the FitLine product because they failed to build a business, they obviously started it for the wrong reason or motivation. Let’s be honest, not everyone succeeds in creating a significant business, and it’s due to various reasons, but the products do not become worse (or lose patents) because of it.

Job description

Your job description as a distributor is:

  • to acquire new customers (this is where your retail income comes in);
  • to acquire new partners (this is where you create a team and receive income from the network you have created).

One can even build a successful business without selling person to person in the traditional way, but mostly by sharing his personal experience with the FitLine products. All the rest can be done via the Internet worldwide.

Do it part-time as an extra job and enjoy all benefits altogether, but still, you must set aside time for this activity. There is a chance that FitLine products will become an integral part of your everyday diet. Not to mention, as a partner, you will always be able to buy products with a partner discount.

Questions left, need more information? Do not hesitate to contact!

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Your Exclusive Opportunity

The PM-International Direct Selling Center concept is the exciting next step in your business journey with us. It's designed to help you and your team reach new heights. As Independent Distributors, you already understand the importance of continuous support, effective marketing, and thorough training. Our DSC concept has been crafted with your needs in mind, providing the resources and expertise you need for greater success.

pm international business plan

Be the Exclusive Representative in Your Area

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Company organized business presentations, events, and trainings.

pm international business plan

Opportunities for individual use of meeting spaces for presentations and 1-to-1 Talks.

pm international business plan

Instant Access to Products with same day pick up possibilities.

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Ability to test new products in the Direct Sales & Service Center.

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Will serve as a point of contact for your customers and Team Partners.

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Be the local representation of PM in your Area.


Success through Experience

Take the advantage of a Health, Fitness, and Beauty Direct Sales company with over three decades of unrivaled expertise. PM-International’s expertise, acquired over 30 years in the industry, will support your business journey with a comprehensive range of services that empower you to launch your DSC and operate it with confidence and competence:

Permanent stock of FitLine Products

Official Ribbon Cutting and Open House day with an official representative from the national subsidiary, followed by yearly Open Houses

Ongoing training and workshops

Local exclusivity

Marketing material & advertising package

IT Starter Set with support and service

PM Office access

Logistics and inventory management system

pm international business plan

Take the First Step Today

In order to get started , you need to have the following qualifications and be able to complete the following items:

Qualified and confirmed IMM at a minimum,

Purchase of a DSC license from PM at the price of 15.000€ net, excluding the first stock order,

Need to be able to show a personal capital of 25.000€ and a credibility of 100.000€ total,

Submission of a business plan for the first 3 years.

Direct sales & Service Center Concept: “This isn’t just any business opportunity, it’s a smart move that perfectly matches your expertise in direct selling.”

pm international business plan

Get in Contact with Us!

DSCs are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Don’t wait and miss out on being the only local representative in your area.

To submit your application, simply reach out to our International Sales Development team at our International HQ in Luxembourg at: [email protected]  they will be happy to support you in launching your very own DSC!

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MBA 541 - Global Business Plan Project Resource Guide

  • Phase One: Choosing a Company and Global Business Opportunity
  • Phase Two: Planning the Global Enterprise
  • Phase Three: Organizing Global Business Activities
  • Phase Four: Implementing the Global Marketing Plan

Resource Guide Overview

Every organization conducts research to plan and implement a business idea. This resource guide is designed to help you find the resources necessary to build the foundation for an international business plan. These steps offer flexibility for many settings related to global business enterprises. The guide may be used for planning global expansion of an existing product or service or may be used to research a new foreign business opportunity. Each phase and section in this guide contains a research component or goal that will help you build your Global Business Plan for MBA 541.

The final result of your global plan may be in one of the following formats:

  • a written report with supplementary tables and visuals
  • an oral presentation with visuals
  • a summary in a poster format or other visual display (website, video, newsletter)

For more information about this project, please refer to your online course shell. Please direct any questions about assignment expectations or requirements to your instructor. Any questions about resources or research tips presented in this guide can be directed towards Ask a Librarian.

Note about research

Keep in mind that you may not explicitly find the information for every component listed in this guide. Rather, be prepared to create data by extrapolating, inferring, estimating, and making judgments based on related and relevant information. Lastly, while research starters and recommend resources have been included under each section, many of the resources and reports can be applied across multiple steps. Be flexible with how you use and apply the information you find throughout the research process.

  • Next: Phase One: Choosing a Company and Global Business Opportunity >>
  • Last Updated: May 14, 2024 4:20 PM

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  3. What is a Business Plan?

  4. Подробный маркетинг план PM INTERNATIONAL

  5. Project Management Simplified: Learn The Fundamentals of PMI's Framework ✓

  6. How to Plan an Event


  1. Business Model

    Training Program. PM-International will provide you with regular training and sales academies. These events serve to transfer the know-how and experience of our most successful people, motivate them to further success and support the development of their skills. Once a year, PM-International organizes very special trainings, our so-called ...

  2. What is PM International?

    PM International is a global leader in nutrition and beauty products. Their brands include FitLine and BeautyLine. They offer a wide range of products, including vitamins, minerals, protein powders, weight loss aids, skin care, hair care, makeup, fragrance oils, essential oils, and many more. The company sells over 30 brands under the FitLine ...

  3. Home

    Despite the astounding growth rate and its current size, PM-International has remained a family business. Founder and CEO Rolf Sorg has not only stayed on top of the strategic focus since the beginning but he is also involved in decisions affecting the day-to-day life of thousands of distributors all around the world.

  4. About

    An economically independent family business . Based on our significant and growing revenue, since 2011, PM-International has been recognized as one the Top 100 Distribution companies worldwide and is currently ranked 8th. ... With this know-how, PM-International ensures that the product quality always meets the highest requirements - from the ...

  5. Exploring PM International's Remarkable 2022 Revenue Journey: An

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  7. Kick-OFF Europe 2022: Another record year for the PM-International

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  8. A Guide to Preparing an International Business Plan

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  9. PM-International

    The foundation of PM-International's success starts with a unique product philosophy - To develop innovative products that clearly contribute to what everyone desires: • Better quality of life thanks to improved well-being and better performance • Greater enjoyment of life through an improved and more youthful appearance The company ...

  10. PM-International expands Headquarters Americas

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  11. The PM-International Family: All Eyes On Malaysia (Part I)

    The total turnover of the industry is expected to be more than 2 billion US Dollars in 2020. Generational Effort. PM-International is one of over 3000 direct sales companies in Malaysia - and it has been so for 15 years already. It has become a household name, with a loyal customer base of 25.000 Malaysians.

  12. PM-International

    The biggest in Germany, the TOP 8 in the World in 2022! PM-International Sales over $3 billion in 2023. As we bid farewell to 2023, the December results have surpassed even the most optimistic forecasts, marking a remarkable milestone for the entire group with an impressive 50% growth compared to the preceding December.

  13. DSC

    The PM-International Direct Selling Center concept is the exciting next step in your business journey with us. It's designed to help you and your team reach new heights. As Independent Distributors, you already understand the importance of continuous support, effective marketing, and thorough training. Our DSC concept has been crafted with your ...

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  15. MBA 541

    This resource guide is designed to help you find the resources necessary to build the foundation for an international business plan. These steps offer flexibility for many settings related to global business enterprises. The guide may be used for planning global expansion of an existing product or service or may be used to research a new ...

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