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msc human resource management personal statement

SOP - MSc Human Resource Management

  • Sample personal statement

msc human resource management personal statement

09 July, 2022

Sop - msc human resource management share.

  • 12 May, 2013

I am writing this statement to express my enthusiasm regarding the application of MSc Management (HR) at university of Brighton in the SEP 2022 intake. I have found this course as best suited according to my future career ambitions. This statement will cover my background, interest towards the study in the UK and how the course and university can assist me in my future professional roles.

My last academic attainment is Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in English which I completed from Sylhet International University, Bangladesh in June 2022. During my bachelor qualification I have studied some significant courses including Cultural Studies, Communicative English Language, Concept of ELT, Techniques in ELT, some other courses in literature, linguistics and ELT which can contribute to my chosen course at your University.

To gain some professional experience, I have worked at Mother's Construction, Sylhet, Bangladesh as an HR & Admin Assistant . I worked there from Jan 2021 to March 2022. Doing research about my career plan, I have realized that I need an internationally recognized qualification which will allow me to manage a better and secure professional career position. In Bangladesh the job market is very competitive as our country is highly over populated. So, to secure a better career position or develop a career, an individual needs some unique qualifications, skills and experience. So, in this regard, I believe that I need further qualification with internationally recognised qualification which can provide me with the required skills and distinct features for my career promotion. Although I have achieved basic office and administrative skills from my current profession along with organizational skills, management skills, communication skills, time management skills and so on during my current professional position. These will help to understand some topics of this masters course. Therefore, pursuing this MSc qualification from your institution would be appropriate to become an industry professional in HR

In this contemporary world, business organisations demand multi-skilled individuals with all- round qualifications in business, finance, banking, management, marketing to keep pace with the competition and they require the graduates with premier knowledge in all these key areas. I have designed and planned my future career to establish in export oriented companies such as the garments and textile industry. It is notable that during the pandemic time I have attended some virtual career fairs and consultation sessions regarding the future career and employability prospects whereas one of them was organized by Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. After doing an honest assessment and research regarding my-self, I have found theoretical gaps in strategic strategic marketing and management, global business environment, logistics and operations management, leadership and I want to develop my shortage skills and knowledge including creativity and innovation skills, data analytics, Research methods, advance management skills, project consultancy, communication skills and so on. In my research I have found the course offered by the Brighton Business School will be as best match to secure a better professional position with distinct skills and knowledge in terms of my future short term and long- term career ambitions.

I want to study this course because of its practical learning approach, professional recognition, industry links, international exposure and unique and appropriate modules as per my career.

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  • Work experience letter from previous employer
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msc human resource management personal statement

Postgraduate Personal Statement Example: Human Resources

msc human resource management personal statement

Examining examples of personal statements can be exceptionally valuable when applying to a university or college course. Looking through a range of personal statement examples can teach you how to write and structure your application, and you can often learn how to write a personal statement by examining others.

But with so many university personal statement examples available, how do you know which ones are worthwhile and which aren’t?

Postgraduate personal statements should highlight relevant academic and practical experience, research skills and ambitions and their suitability for the course. This postgraduate personal statement example for Human Resources illustrates several of these three critical elements.

Studying master’s degree personal statement examples can be especially valuable. They’re sometimes referred to as personal mission statements or statements of purpose , so if you’re tasked with writing a personal mission statement, the following example will work for you.

I’ve broken down this personal statement example section by section, with a commentary on each element. 

That way, you’ll see its strengths and weaknesses and get some inspiration for your own personal statement .

Once you’ve read the personal statement example and analysis, you’ll be able to download a pdf of the whole document, to use as inspiration for your own!

msc human resource management personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Introduction

“I believe companies need to be employee-centred, as keeping them satisfied, motivated and personally engaged can create immense value for any organisation. Effective human resource management strategies are therefore crucial to business success. However, my intern experience at the Slater-Marshall accounting firm illustrated that HRM often fails to achieve these challenging goals. The reasons are two-fold. Foremost, many small and medium-sized companies have a misperception of recruitment, regarding it simply as a KPI tool instead of finding talents that match their development needs. As a result, time and resources are wasted on candidates who are not a good match for the company. Worse still, many HRBPs are not shrewd or experienced enough to identify the breadth of talent needed by their companies. HRM also loses its effectiveness when it fails to use proven physical and psychological means to provide a fair and encouraging working environment and subsequently incentivise employees.

First-hand experience of these kinds of issues triggered my curiosity regarding contemporary strategies used when empowering companies to employ a sound human resource management system. How can HRM lead to organisation change? How can I develop professional HRM techniques, release their full potential and create harmonious industrial relationships? The desire to equip myself with the relevant understanding and skills is the driving factor behind my application to this MSc Human Resources and Organisations (HRM Stream) programme at the University of Buckley.

This particular course resonates strongly with my career goal of helping traditional enterprises establish enhanced human resource management systems. Your programme offers a variety of opportunities that will aid me in developing a complete grasp of human resource management theory from the perspectives of corporate strategy, business analysis and organisational management. For instance, the Management of People in Global Companies course will afford me a transformative perspective on leadership. This knowledge will assist me significantly when transforming outdated models of human resource management in enterprises lacking advanced human resource awareness. 

Furthermore, the Business Strategy, Management and Analytics course will be of exceptional professional value thanks to its cross-disciplinary approach, which will offer me a solid grounding in the comprehensive understanding of management theory, theory of the firm, business strategy, accounting and finance. Professor Sara Blake’s research on organisational behaviour and leadership is incredibly inspiring and aligns perfectly with my goal of strengthening leadership in traditional businesses. I look forward to learning from her and contributing to future projects.”

Commentary and Analysis 

This is a long introduction!

This opening section has a strong sense of purpose, connection and opinion, which immediately gives the reader a firm idea of the writer’s experiences and opinions.  The writer also uses an excellent range of specialist vocabulary in this example and connects their significant experiences with the course. In addition, the applicant is already making explicit links between the course and their ambitions.

The writer then identifies specific modules and outlines how they will aid their academic and professional advancement. Not only does this connect the writer’s goals with the course content, but it also shows that the applicant understands the course and has researched the details well. The reference to a specific professor from within the faculty and the connection between the writer’s research ambitions and the opportunities presented by the university are compelling. The writer creates a clear link between their suitability for the course and the content on offer.

If you’re struggling with your personal statement introduction, check out my article on how to write perfect opening paragraphs here .

msc human resource management personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Academic Background

“Majoring in Accounting and Finance as an undergraduate, my dedication to my studies earned me several awards and ranked me top among my peers. Excelling in courses such as Theory of Firm , Introduction to Managerial Accounting and Business Law , I acquired a spectrum of theoretical understandings which underpin HRM. I have independently investigated the organisational role of HRM by exploring Dave Ulrich’s HR model and the six segments of HR management, examining their adoption by companies of different scales. I have learnt that the role of HRM is to identify the kinds of human resources needed by the companies and allocate those resources wisely to maximise productivity and profitability. Consequently, I regard HRM as a people-oriented sector. This makes understanding human behaviours and psychology in the workplace particularly important for industry practitioners.

Studying on the Introduction to Managerial Accounting course, I was informed that how money is distributed within an organisation is crucial since it determines whether employees’ incentives can be fully realised. Thus, establishing a sound salary and welfare system is of great importance. Different people and contrasting organisations have various demands, but a successful compensation and welfare system balances these two demands and activates the organisation’s motivation. My most significant gain from this course is that many aspects of HRM, including setting different KPIs, performance monitoring and well-being management, are based on developing an accurate understanding of employee behaviour patterns. This can lead to a win-win situation in which companies can fully tap into employee value, and workers receive appropriate remuneration and opportunities for progression. Additionally, knowledge of labour laws and regulations has familiarised me with the rights and duties of employers and employees, which will be of great value to me as a graduate student.” 

Commentary and Analysis

The first paragraph of this section is written confidently. It outlines some academic achievements without writing them as a list. The writer achieves this by explaining what they gained from their experiences. They then link these elements to the course and show how they will be of value.

The most impressive aspect of the second paragraph is that it illustrates connections between the subject of undergraduate study and the intended postgraduate course. The writer is showing transferable skills that will be of value in the future and making explicit connections between the two different subjects, helping to show how a diverse educational background adds to their suitability. 

Again, a sense of value is central to this section. The writer ensures that each example is given a value regarding the application’s demands.

If you’d like to learn more about how to structure your personal statement or statement of purpose , check out my awesome Personal Statement Template eBook here . It’s full of detailed examples of what to include!

msc human resource management personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Practical Experience 1

“Beyond the classroom, I have operationalised my theoretical knowledge in real-life practice. Interning at the Scorpio Real Estate Development Co, I assisted with the entry procedures for new staff and witnessed the career development of numerous employees from varying departments. Observing the recruitment patterns and preferences of different types of organisations, I observed that state-owned companies tend to recruit talent and offer higher salaries and better entitlements to maintain a low turnover rate and stable employee structure. By contrast, foreign and internet companies attach less importance to stability and focus more on talent creativity. My knowledge of HRM models and labour economy inspired me to think that these differences in recruitment strategy may arise from the varying nature, management structure and strategic positioning of each enterprise. I aim to develop my understanding of these differences during my master’s research.”

By using the example of an internship experience in a seemingly unrelated field, the writer has been able to offer an opinion on their workplace HRM experience. This shows a degree of industry experience but, more importantly, allows the writer to use their expertise to connect with the course’s content. 

By offering an opinion of what they observed and showing an understanding of gaps in their knowledge, they are turning a lack of knowledge into a compelling motivation for their application.

Check out lots more examples of personal statements here , and see how they can inspire your application!

msc human resource management personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Practical Experience 2

“Moreover, this internship taught me that approaches to HRM are constantly being adjusted and adapted based on practical experience. For instance, the Scorpio Real Estate Development Co is an established business. An established company’s policies and incentives allow its employees to be more aware of the steps needed for advancement and long-term growth. After many decades, the organisational structures of big firms stabilise, and roles become formalised and repetitive. This implies that employees should simply repeat previous tasks and rely on the company’s existing operational system, but this approach can cause workers’ inventive talents to diminish with time.”

Commentary and Analysis: 

This section deepens the value of the writer’s internship and adds evidence to their understanding of the sector they wish to enter. This is ideal for an admissions reader, as they will note the use of language and complexity of informed knowledge in this passage. This, in turn, adds to the candidate’s academic and professional suitability.

The passage also reflects the writer’s ethos, alluded to earlier, and effectively leads to the conclusion by setting up their professional ambitions.

The one thing that all successful personal statements have in common is that they are concise, engaging and accurate in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Consequently, I always recommend Grammarly to my students and clients. 

It’s an outstanding tool for ensuring your personal statement is rich with detail whilst hitting those all-important word limits. Check out the free version of Grammarly here , or hit the banner for more information.

msc human resource management personal statement

Personal Statement Example: Conclusion

“More positively, many well-known multinational corporations are now devoting more resources to employee training in order to address these issues. It is my intention to place myself at the forefront of this burgeoning field after graduating and apply the skills and knowledge gained from this course to play a critical role in revolutionising the value and application of human resources management in a global setting. I have complete confidence in both your esteemed academic programme and in my capacity to perform outstandingly as a purposeful and positive member of your faculty community.”

The conclusion benefits from brevity and doesn’t recap previous content, both of which are positives. It clearly states the writer’s professional ambitions, which relate directly to the previous content. The passage then links those ambitions with the course, emphasising its importance in helping the writer achieve their goals.

A powerful personal statement, it includes several critical elements: relevant academic and practical experience, ambitions and suitability for the course. It also offers good connections to the course but needs detailed examples of research experience and ambition. However, it  doesn’t provide evidence of the academic skills necessary for postgraduate study, although the evidence of prior learning is convincing.

With a little more focus on academic reading, research and skills, this would be a perfect postgraduate personal statement!

For more great advice, check out my article on writing an excellent final personal statement paragraph here .

msc human resource management personal statement

Click here or on the banner below to get your free download of this complete personal statement example . 

msc human resource management personal statement

Whether you’re looking for personal mission statement examples or an example of personal purpose statement, I hope this personal statement example has been helpful. Above all, I wish you every success in your academic career. 

If you’d like to work with me to develop your personal statement 1:1 and write a powerful mission statement, I’d be delighted to hear from you. 

Find out about my personal statement support services by clicking here or on the image below.

msc human resource management personal statement

Research and content verified by Personal Statement Planet .

David Hallen

I've worked in the Further Education and University Admissions sector for nearly 20 years as a teacher, department head, Head of Sixth Form, UCAS Admissions Advisor, UK Centre Lead and freelance personal statement advisor, editor and writer. And now I'm here for you...

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msc human resource management personal statement

msc human resource management personal statement

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Personal Statement Blogs

January 16th, 2023

Human Resource Management Personal Statement Examples with Writing Guide 2023

msc human resource management personal statement

Are you dreaming of an excellent career in the domain of human resource management?

The most basic step towards fulfilling that dream is choosing an appropriate higher study program in Human resource management and securing your admission in it.

A well-drafted Human resource management personal statement will be at the forefront of this endeavour.

If you are not familiar with human resource management masters personal statement, this blog will help you. It comes with:

What is an HRM Personal Statement? Why Do You Need it?

An HRM personal statement is an essay containing the personal reflections of an applicant who is applying for admission to a Human Resource Management Program.

The document explains why the applicant is choosing HRM and what he wants to achieve in his career with the help of this training program.

A personal statement is required at the time of college or university admission. Institutes demand it from the applicants:

  • To know about their motivation behind preferring human resource management over other subjects
  • To learn what their future plans are
  • To understand whether the students have understood the mission, vision and motto of the institute
  • To shortlist the most eligible and deserving candidates from hundreds of applicants
  • To prepare questions for the face-to-face interview with the candidates


When to Write a Human Resource Management Masters Personal Statement?

Mostly, universities and colleges abroad will have multiple intakes.

While most countries have summer or fall intakes, there are also countries that go with winter and spring intakes. Therefore, the best time to start working on your personal statement is at least two months before the intake.

The Best Month to Start a Personal Statement

If you are applying for the winter intake, which is mostly done around December, start working on your personal statement by October.

How Long Should Your Personal Statement for Masters in Human Resources Management Be?

It is important to keep your Human Resource management personal statement both short and precise. However, it shouldn’t be too short either.

Keep the right balance with important points sufficiently explained.

Consider the following figures in mind as you plan your document.

Number of pages:

Number of characters:, font style:, example 1 – human resource management masters personal statement.

Given that my father is a Human Resource Manager at XYZ Institute, I have had the liberty to closely watch him and understand his job responsibilities. I was curious to know about his job responsibilities and was thrilled to see how beautifully he manages and runs a company. Seeing his leadership qualities and management abilities, I too tried to inculcate several of his qualities. So when I think of my future career, I without a second thought decided to follow the footsteps of my father and decided to pursue an undergraduate degree in Human Resource Management.

As a school student, I always believed in taking up responsibilities. It was a quality that was inculcated in me by my father. He has advised me to never be hesitant in taking up leadership. Following this advice, I had never been hesitant to participate or lead any program or function. This has given me hands-on experience of leading several functions and managing several programs. Once I got a chance to lead the School Literary Fest. Being the President of the Literary Fest, I got the chance to arrange several programs, organize various games, etc. This was a memorable experience and leading this program made me confident to choose a career in Human Resource Management.

In order to confirm my decision of choosing an undergraduate degree in Human Resource Management, I decided to assist my father in his company to get a gist of the whole responsibilities. It was an informal internship I did to better prepare myself for a future in Human Resource Management. Here I got the snippet of practical experiences of being a Human Resource Trainee and got to meet different departmental representatives. With the experience gained from the training, I am now confident to take a course and later build a career in Human Resource.

As a course which is of high human significance and relevance, I am sure I will have a bright future in this career. I am confident that my leadership qualities, interpersonal skills, communication skills etc. will come in handy during this course and career. As a person who is very passionate about this course, I am sure that I can perform well in your University. As a course with high societal significance, I am happy that this course will enable me to recruit and train the younger generation and this will surely give me a sense of happiness and satisfaction. Being a course that will take me one step closer to my dream career, I am very excited to join this course.

As a university which provides hands-on experience in training several Human Resource aspirants, I am confident that I am right in my choice of your XXX University. With its highly qualified faculties and great training facilities, I am sure I can hone my existing skill set. I really look forward to being part of your University to shape my career in Human Resource Management. With my diligence and enthusiasm, I am confident that I too can become a successful Human Resource employee like my father.

Example 2 – Human Resource Management Personal Statement Undergraduate

It was during the time of my Bachelor’s degree internship that I came to closely understand and appreciate the work done by the Human Resource Department. As a Marketing Intern, I worked at XYZ Institute, ______ (place). Though my primary responsibility was to assist the Marketing Manager, I had a chance to collaborate with the Human Resource team as well. While working closely with the HR team, I comprehended different facets of running an organization and managing the workforces. I was influenced by our HR Manager who was a charismatic individual driven by passion and enthusiasm. Though it took time for me to understand and grasp the whole work culture of Human Resource Management, I must say I got interested in the work responsibilities of HR Executives and HR Managers.

As a person who wishes to plan and execute things in order, I am sure this is the profession that rightly matches my interest and aspirations. I am very much interested in the job responsibilities handled by the Human Resource team, from recruiting the employees to managing and training the newly recruited ones. During my training period I got the opportunity to closely work with one of the HR Executive of our company named Caroline. She familiarized me with different shades of Human Resource Management and the work responsibilities handled by the team. Thrilled and moved by the job description and responsibilities, I was sure this was the right career choice for me. Thus I decided to have a career change and preferred to pursue my masters in Human Resource Management so that I can live my dream career of recruiting the employees, training the freshers, reviewing their performances, etc.

My Bachelors in Business Management has provided me with strong communication, interpersonal, organizational and management skills. As a job role that requires leadership and organizational skills, I am sure I will have a great future here in this job. Having managed various functions and events in College, I hope I can manage a company’s human resources as well.

So in order to finalize my decision to choose a career in Human Resource Management, I decided to do a 2 month internship in the same to get exposed to different methodologies involved in HR. As a Human Resource Executive Intern at ABC Technologies, ______ (place), I was exposed to Human Resource administration and documentation, recruitment support, maintenance of employee records etc. This experience made me adamant with my decision to choose Human Resource for my masters in Human Resource Management. My one on one meeting with different HR team mates exposed me to their professional responsibilities as well.

As a country which is considered to be the pioneers in human resource and technological advancements, I am sure I am right in my choice of _________ (country). I choose this University as it has a proclaimed status as a great Business School. With the wide variety of modules on different methodologies involved in Human Resource Management, I am sure I can grasp the essence and the meaning of Human Resource Management. With the training received from your well trained faculties, I am sure I can hone myself to be a successful Human Resource employee.


How to Use Personal Statements for Human Resource Management Samples?

Going through the personal statement examples we have shared in this blog is a great way to teach yourself how to write it from scratch. Not sure how to use those samples? Here are some useful tips.

  • Read the introduction of the sample personal statement for masters in human resources management and figure out how to start with a personal narrative.
  • Look at the body paragraphs and understand how each paragraph differs from the rest and focus on independent points. 
  • Analyse the conclusion to figure out how the entire document is boiled down to a couple of sentences without contradicting the rest of the body.
  • Learn from the sample how the paragraphs are designed with the opening statement, main point and paragraph conclusion.
  • Read the human resource management personal statement example to get an overview of the points. This will be of immense advantage when you brainstorm for points.

How to Structure Your HRM Personal Statement?


The introduction of your personal statement is important because a reader decides how to evaluate your document based on how you have presented the introduction.

The introduction should:

  • Tell how you became interested in human resource management.
  • Create curiosity in the reader to read the next paragraphs.
  • Explain what you are going to tell in the rest of the essay
  • Not exceed more than 100 words

To achieve all of the above, the best approach to writing an introduction will be to narrate one of your personal experiences which made you realize your aptitude or passion for human resource management.

This should follow with your realistic convictions about the course and how you think the course will benefit your academic formation.

In the main body of your HRM personal statement, you will answer some of the crucial questions that your admission panel may have to verify about you in order to shortlist you for the next round of screening.

It is important to provide solid evidence while answering the questions to make your claims look stronger.

Here are those basic questions you should consider answering.

What relevant skills and exposure do you have that will justify your choice of human resource management for higher education?

To answer this, you need to have an overview of different career paths in the domain of human resource management and what skills and strengths each of them demand.

Once you have the knowledge of it, you can decide which of your skills or qualities is more closely linked to the requirements of an HRM career.

Explain how you developed those skills, what you are doing to improve them and how studying the HRM course will benefit you personally and professionally.

What do you want to achieve in life as a human resource management professional?

Talk about your future plans as a human resource management professional.

The best approach here is to break down your plans into short-term goals and long-term goals and describe them.

How would you contribute to the institute and the student community?

Talk about your experience of extracurricular involvements, handling leadership roles, organizing events etc and how you will continue to repeat making such contributions.

Keep the following important points in mind while drafting the conclusion of your MSC human resource management personal statement.

  • Write your conclusion as the summary of your whole document in one or two sentences.
  • Show your hope and excitement about getting admission and joining the institute.

Write Your Impressive Personal Statement for HR Masters in 6 Simple Steps

Here are six simple steps to equip you to write a killer HRM personal statement. Follow each step carefully and move to the next step only if you are certain that you did the previous step correctly.

Read about human resource management:

Try to understand all the latest trends and innovations in today’s human resource management industry.

It is important to show how much you know about the field as you write your personal statement.

Learn about the institute and its requirements:

Refer to your institute website or talk to its previous students and learn about the course structure, mission, vision and motto.

Present yourself as someone who is attuned to the institute’s vision.

Read samples:

Try to get familiar with the writing tone, structure, grammar, and points for your personal statement by reviewing a couple of human resource management personal statement examples.

Brainstorm your points:

Brainstorm for relevant points and a strong narrative for composing your human resource management personal statement.

It is important to develop an original story that truly defines you.

Write the first draft:

You are ready now to write your personal statement.

Write the first draft distributing all the points you have gathered in a logical order. Complete the introduction, main body and then the conclusion.

Finalize your essay:

After finishing the first draft of your human resource management personal statement, go through it carefully from the first sentence to the last one.

Rectify all grammatical and spelling errors.

Ensure that the sentences and paragraphs flow naturally and logically.

Common Challenges You May Face While Writing Your Personal Statement

For most students, talking about course change or failure or gaps can be challenging.

If you find yourself in that place, know that you are not alone.

Here are some of the challenging scenarios in writing a personal statement for masters in human resource management and the secrets of addressing them.

Course change:

If you are switching to human resource management from an entirely different background, say, engineering or literature, don’t sound apologetic about your new choice. Instead, share how you realized the importance of human resources in those fields and made up your mind to switch the field.

If you have had noticeable academic failures, share what exactly caused that failure, maybe a health issue or any other reasons. Also, show how that failure helped you have more conviction about your current chosen path.

If there are gaps between your profession or academics, highlight your participation in any sort of internship or research or intensive reading or self-learning you had during those periods. 

How to Format Your Personal Statement for Human Resource Management Masters?

Use the following guidelines to format your personal statement.


Word count:, paragraphs:, common mistakes and how to avoid them.

A human resource management personal statement with the following mistakes will have a negative impact on your profile and the application. After completing the writing, go through the essay carefully to spot these mistakes and remove them.


Check carefully whether the same points are repeated in multiple places. Also, avoid sharing information that is obvious from other documents like GPA.

Unimpressive introduction:

Make sure that the introduction intrigues the reader to read further. If it is boring, come up with a different narrative which could be more interesting.


Ensure that the introduction, body and conclusion do not contradict each other. You should have clarity about the body and introduction when writing the conclusion.

Lack of readability:

Readability is influenced by a lot of things such as the simplicity of the sentence, logical flow, cohesion and coherence. Ensure that your essay adheres to all of these.

Inaccuracy and errors:

Verify that all information you have provided is accurate and there are no grammatical or spelling errors in it.

Final Checklist

Before submitting your human resource management personal statement, here is a checklist to validate your document and ensure it is correct.

  • I have proofread and ensured that there are no mistakes.
  • My personal statement adheres to the university requirements
  • I have formatted my personal statement as per the institute’s guidelines
  • I have adhered to the recommended word count
  • I have made my personal statement relevant and winning by including all relevant points.

Best Universities in the World Offering Human Resource Management Programs

Are you eying admission at the best universities for doing your higher studies in human resource management? Here is a list of top universities for undergraduate and postgraduate programs in human resource management. Remember to write a personalized human resource management personal statement to make your application to these universities strong.

Best Universities for Masters Programs in HRM

  • University Toronto
  • The University of Alberta
  • Western University
  • University of London
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Melbourne
  • UNSW Sydney
  • The University of Western Australia
  • University of Galway

Best Universities for Undergraduate Programs in HRM

  • The University of British Columbia
  • University of Waterloo
  • University of Calgary
  • University of Oxford
  • Imperial College London
  • Durham University
  • Monash University
  • The Australian National University
  • University of New Castle
  • Dublin City University

As We Wind Up…

Before we wind up, we would like to make sure that you have benefited from reading this blog.

So, we have a few questions for you.

Are you confident to write your own human resource management masters personal statement now?

Have the samples we shared with you been helpful?

If there is anything that you wish to suggest to us or want to share your feedback with us, feel free to let us know the same in the comments below.

Is it worth studying for a master’s degree in Human Resource Management?

Yes. In a master’s program, candidates get introduced to advanced concepts in human resource management. Industries give priority to such candidates while hiring their potential HR personnel.

Which undergraduate degree is best for HR?

There are several undergraduate programs where human resource management is a specialization. Nevertheless, a BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) in Human Resources is the best program if you are focusing on a career as an HR professional.

What are the objectives of HRM?

Human Resource Management is a comprehensive concept which touches upon several aspects of an organization. Some of the key objectives of HRM are hiring suitable employees and onboarding them, improving the work culture, achieving organizational goals, training and motivating employees, ensuring proper coordination among teammates and empowering the employees.

Which country is best for doing master’s in human resource management?

As per a recent survey, more than 75% of students opted for the USA, Canada, Australia or the UK for doing a master’s program in Human Resource Management. Considering the cost of education, internship opportunities, living expenses or similar other factors, Canada tends to be preferred by a growing number of students these days.

msc human resource management personal statement

Mrs Jizah M

Mrs Jizah M has always enjoyed writing down her thoughts since school days. What just started as a hobby slowly transformed into a passion. Her writing skills were first acknowledged by few of her professors when she wrote content for the college website; this was a turing. Slowly she started getting freelance works and later on, a series of events led her to specialize in academic and higher education related documentations. In additional to personal statements, she along with her team writes LORs, SOPs, college application essays, admission essays and all similar types of documents.

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Application process

This section contains information on the required documents you need for your MSc in Human Resource Management application, including a personal statement and one academic or professional reference.

Required supporting documents

Admissions documents guidance for applicants and agents.

The University of Edinburgh Business School Admissions Team process and review thousands of applications. It will enable us to do this quicker if you could please follow our guidance when preparing and uploading documents.

Admissions documents guidance

Personal statement

We will be looking for evidence in your personal statement that you have thought carefully about what you can bring to the programme and what impact you feel it will have on your future career. Therefore, please ensure that you address the following issues in your statement to help us select the students who will benefit most from the programme:

  • What skills, qualities and experiences have prepared you to undertake this programme?
  • What value do you think you can add to the learning community as part of an internationally diverse group?
  • What impact do you hope to make in your future career, and how will this programme contribute to your aspirations?

Your personal statement should be around 500 words in length.

One academic or professional reference letter

For this programme, only one reference is required. It should be:

  • On letter-headed paper

If submitted directly by the referee, it should be sent from the email address of the referee's institution.

Further information

If you need any further information regarding references during the application process, please visit the University's references page .

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Business and Human Resource Management Personal Statement

Submitted by Megan

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Business and Human Resource Management Personal Statement

The most important character trait of a business owner is the ability to take a risk. To many, the thought of a career based on risks can be unnerving, but I personally have always been fascinated by ‘what if’; a trait I share with my father.

After being made redundant at the age of 37, with three young children, my father was able to turn uncertainty and a fear of the unknown into a dynamic, thriving business, which after 17 years is continuously growing; all thanks to taking a risk. This is what inspired me to take a risk and branch out of the relative safety of my hometown and apply to study business at university, with the hope that maybe one day I too can turn a ‘what if’ into my reality. Aside from the wish of following in my father’s footsteps, one of my main motivational factors to study business is the opportunity to work in an ever-changing and dynamic industry, which provides opportunities and career paths into an endless variety of fields and sectors. My intrigue in this subject has always been particularly sparked by the heart of a business: it’s people. I believe that the success of a business ultimately lies with the people within it which is why I wish to study Business and Human Resource Management.

Since childhood I have always been a talkative and friendly person and have had a strong desire to help others, something that has helped me throughout my job working as a bar tender at a local restaurant, The Dyffryn Arms. This job has provided me with a lot of opportunities to further my personal skills, including my communication skills and problem solving skills. My job has presented me with a wide variety of responsibilities which I have undertaken to the best of my ability, such as having had the opportunity to help with the training of new members of staff, something that I have thoroughly enjoyed. It has also led me to be able to efficiently work within a team and effectively communicating with my team members to ensure the smooth running of the business. Prior to my current job, I also worked for my father’s business Pressure Washer Services. This experience also allowed me a closer look into a realistic day-to-day view of human resource management and how various techniques can affect the effectiveness and efficiency with which employees undertake their tasks which I have since been able to apply to my studies to further understand this concept.

In my spare time I try to surround myself with my friends and family and strive to make time to socialise with them as I have strong family values and think that their support and encouragement is vital in my future success.

I also have a keen interest in current events and politics and like to keep up with both which I also find broadens my knowledge and allows me to have a more varied insight to the world and the people within it.

Throughout my education, I have always been very determined and driven to push myself to achieving the best results possible and feel that the challenge of a university degree can allow me to further my skills.

I am currently studying A-level Business, BTEC Extended Certificate in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship and Welsh Baccalaureate in Neath Port Talbot College. I am thoroughly enjoying all 3 of these subject areas as each give different views into the world of business as well as an insight into the wider world, something I particularly been intrigued by whilst studying for the Welsh Baccalaureate. As well as having a particular interest in business, I have also studied Sociology and AS Law, areas I chose to study due to my interest in society and how people interact with each other. Whilst neither of these subject were my main career goal, I do feel that the combination of studying Law, Sociology and Business has allowed me to develop a well-rounded knowledge of Human Resource Management which I would love to study further at university. I am excited and optimistic about the future and ready to see what opportunities it may hold.

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Human Resources Postgraduate Personal Statement

Example Human Resources Postgraduate Personal Statement

The human resources department is now an essential part of every major corporation in every industry. The importance of HR management has increased dramatically over the last few decades as the emphasis on the welfare of employees has increased. From taking numerous courses organised by HR departments in my career, I was greatly impressed by the work of HR managers and decided that, given my interests and skills, I would like a senior role within HR management. The MSc in Human Resources Development and Consultancy will give me the necessary academic knowledge to fulfil my ambition.

My work experience has already helped me develop many of the requisite skills for my career and the degree. From the age of eighteen I was supporting myself with a variety of customer-facing roles, from customer service in a restaurant to reception and secretary work at a busy fitness club and one of the most popular radio stations in my native Poland. Thanks to my hard work, I gained more senior roles with more management responsibilities, first as a store supervisor for a major retailer in Ireland and then as a bar supervisor in a busy London pub. In the roles, I was given responsibility for recruiting and training new employees. The experience convinced me that I have the requisite interpersonal and management skills to excel as an HR manager, which made me even more determined to achieve my career goal. Recently, I had a golden opportunity to exercise my management skills when I worked in a supervisory role in one of the largest outsourcing companies in Poland.

I am particularly good at motivating people to perform better in their jobs and I greatly enjoyed taking courses organised by HR to improve my management and interpersonal skills. I would like to develop these skills further by learning more of the theory behind organisational psychology in the HR Strategies module of the degree so that I may draw on the wealth of research to better understand and motivate employees under my supervision.

Apart from the wealth of work experience I have amassed, I also have a strong academic background that ensures I am academically prepared for the course. I successfully completed a BA in International Relations and European Integration, in which I performed particularly well in a number of HR-related subjects, including Employment Policy, European Social Law and the European System of Human Rights. The courses taught me about the rights of employees and the duties of employers, which I always keep in mind to ensure the rights of my employees are respected.

On the degree, I also took courses in Philosophy, Mathematics and English that equipped me with essential critical thinking and writing skills that should stand me in good stead for writing essays and a dissertation as part of the Masters.

Outside of the work place and the classroom, I have been preparing myself for the degree by reading books on HR and organisational psychology. I particularly enjoyed Dave Ulrich’s Human Resources Champions, which emphasises the importance of theory and research for effective HR management, and popular sociology books, including Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers, which describes the requisite conditions for outstandingly successful work. I should like to organise a book club with fellow students so that we may read relevant texts outside of the classroom and create a mutually supportive study environment.

When not reading or working, I love to spend most of my time with my two year-old daughter. Caring for a child is a full-time job in itself, which means I have to be organised and manage my time effectively to juggle caring with my career, a skill that should be of great use in the degree.

The degree appeals to me greatly, not only because it will equip me with the requisite knowledge to become a specialist in training and development, but also because the curriculum will satisfy my wide-ranging intellectual curiosity and intense interest in psychology and human relations.

We hope this example Human Resources postgraduate personal statement will provide you with some inspiration when writing your own unique personal statement.

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MSc Human Resource Management

msc human resource management personal statement

Page contents

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Key features
  • 3 Course overview
  • 4 Key dates
  • 5 Admissions
  • 6 Fees, funding and payment
  • 7 Career opportunities

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Course information>

January 2024

September 2024

Deepen your understanding of Human Resource Management and its role in the organisational psychology of modern workplaces. Explore areas such as developing strategic aims, maintaining well-being at work and selecting, motivating and developing staff.

Key features

Unlock birkbeck's thought leadership.

Benefit from a world-class programme developed by leading academics at Birkbeck, a major contributor to research in the field of behaviour at work.

Study flexibly at your own pace

Don't put your career and life on hold. Fit your studies around your schedule, wherever you are in the world. You can choose to register for a full MSc, a Postgraduate Diploma or update your knowledge of a single subject by taking on a module for your continuing professional development.

Your launchpad to success

Take your career to the next level with insights from world-leading experts on the latest research and evidence-based HR practices. Stand out from the crowd with a qualification accredited by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), a mark of excellence valued by employers worldwide.

The support you need to thrive

Benefit from a degree that combines the flexibility of online learning with the quality of classroom teaching. You are fully supported online and participate in tutor-supervised virtual conferencing for each module. You are also assigned a personal tutor to provide general guidance throughout your studies.

Join the world-class

Join graduates in over 190 countries, including distinguished academics, writers and industry leaders across all sectors. Cultivate a lifelong connection to the University of London and enjoy wide-ranging benefits including access to events across the world, free online courses and more.

A distance-learning pioneer

The University of London is the world’s oldest provider of degrees through distance and flexible learning. Since Queen Victoria awarded our Royal Charter in 1858, our study programmes have been accessible to students globally, and we continue to be a leading force in higher education.

Study the MSHuman Resource Management at your own pace and around your schedule.

msc human resource management personal statement

Course overview

Programme structure, modules and specification show.

The degree is available to be studied as a full master’s degree or a Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip).

For the MSc , you complete eight compulsory modules (15 credits each) plus a compulsory Research Proposal module (15 credits) and a compulsory Dissertation module (45 credits).

For the PGDip , you complete eight compulsory modules (15 credits each).

Modules can be studied individually on a stand-alone basis, subject to availability.

The Programme Specification and Programme Regulations contain information and rules regarding what courses you can choose and the order in which they must be studied.

  • Download the Programme Specification
  • View the Programme Regulations

Compulsory modules Show

Research methods - human resource management (Open modal with additional information) (OPM400)

Professional development and learning (Open modal with additional information) (OPM210)

Leading and developing people (Open modal with additional information) (OPM230)

Employment Law (Open modal with additional information) (OPM240)

Human resources in organisations (Open modal with additional information) (OPM220)

Global Human Resource and Diversity Management (Open modal with additional information) (OPM040​)

Selection and assessment (Open modal with additional information) (OPM100)

Leadership and performance management (Open modal with additional information) (OPM200)

Research Project (MSc only) Show

Research project (Open modal with additional information) (OPM410 and OPM610)

How you study Show

The programme allows you to study anywhere in the world and fit your studies around your other commitments. The degree offers the flexibility to complete in one year, or up to five years depending on your desired study pace.

Study materials

You will be able to access study materials developed by academics at Birkbeck including course handbooks, textbooks and recorded lectures or dedicated audio recordings, and you will have access to an extensive online library.

You will be able to discuss your work with fellow students and tutors using a conferencing system. You will discuss topics in tutor groups of normally around 30 students.

All study materials (articles and/or set texts) are included in the programme fee, with the exception of materials required to carry out the Dissertation.

Online support 

When you register, we will give you access to your Student Portal . You can then access your University of London email account and other key resources: 

  • The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) . Here, you can access electronic copies of all printed study materials, resources including audio-visual and revision guides, and forums to discuss course material and work collaboratively with others. 
  • The Online Library . As a student at the University of London, you will have access to a range of resources, databases, and journals via the  Online Library . You will be able to contact a team of professional and qualified librarians for any help you require.  

Senate House Library  

If you’re based in the United Kingdom, or are visiting London, make sure to visit  Senate House Library . Students studying with the University of London can join the library free of charge. Membership includes a 10-book borrowing allowance, access to all reading rooms and study areas, and on-site access to Senate House Library digital resources. 

Time commitment

Modules are offered across three terms of 11 weeks from October to December (Term 1), January to March (Term 2) and April to July (Term 3). This 11-week period includes nine weeks of guided study followed by a personal study week. The assessment period for each module is in the final week of each term.

You can study at your own pace (provided you complete your qualification within five years). The MSc is made up of 180 credits and you should expect each credit to take up around 10 hours of study.

Each module is summatively assessed by a final assessment (worth 90 per cent of the overall mark), with the exception of the Research Project modules (Research Proposal and Dissertation). The final assessment is typically a two-hour unseen written examination or 3,000-word written report/essay.

For each module (except for the Research Project modules), satisfaction of the minimum tutor supported computer conferencing requirements is worth 10 per cent of the overall mark.

The Research Proposal module is assessed by a 3,000-word research proposal.

The Dissertation module is assessed by an 8,000-10,000-word dissertation.

Assessment is usually held in December, March and July (at the end of each term).

More about assessment

Academic Leadership Show

Birkbeck was founded in 1823 as the London Mechanics' Institute. It is unique in its special mission to enable mature students to gain higher education qualifications via part-time study. Consequently, staff are experienced in ensuring a flexible learning environment.

It makes a major contribution to research in the field of behaviour at work. It is one of the principal providers of academic and professional training in occupational psychology within the UK.

Programme Directors

Dr Keely Jo Frasca joined the OPHRM programme in 2018 as a tutor and took on the role of Programme Director in 2022. She currently convenes the Selection & Assessment, Research Methods, Professional Development & Learning, Research Proposal, and Research Dissertation modules. Keely’s research interests include: organisational recruitment, selection and assessment, discrimination of minority groups, individual differences, and advanced quantitative methods. Keely holds a PhD in Organisational Psychology and is a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society (CPsychol), Member of the British Psychological Society’s Division of Occupational Psychology, Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (FHEA), and Member of The Tutors’ Association (MTA). She is qualified in Occupational Psychometric Testing with the British Psychological Society and is certified by the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations.

Jack Dybczak has been teaching and lecturing at Birkbeck since 2013 on a number of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. In 2017, he joined the OPHRM team and took on the role of Programme Director in 2022. He is currently responsible for teaching Organization and Change Perspectives, Human Resource Strategies and the foundational and qualitative parts of Research Methods. His main research interests are the application of Postmodern Organizational Theory, Actor-Network Theory, and various forms of Discourse Analysis to issues of leadership and organizational change.

Programme Team

Dr Adrian Ward is an independent consultant specialising in the field of leadership, organisational development and executive coaching with over 25 years’ experience in these arenas. In a coaching and mentoring capacity, Adrian is experienced in helping leaders equip themselves with the skills, confidence and political acumen necessary to succeed in a complex, matrix structured environment. In addition to his practical experience, Adrian has a Doctorate in Organisational Psychology. His research interests centre on the issue of Organisational Politics and his thesis explored how Senior Executives make sense of this aspect of their leadership role.

Aly Kelleher joined the OPHRM team as a tutor and research project supervisor in 2021. She is also the Programme Director and Admissions tutor for BSc Business Psychology Birkbeck. She lectures on a wide range of modules such as Motivation, Engagement and Job design, and Research Methods for Business Psychology. She also supervises research projects on the BSc in Business Psychology and the MSc OP programmes. Aly’s PhD research focuses on employee motivation, the Future Time Perspective and Job Demands-Resources theories, and the use of advanced quantitative statistics using R. Other research interests include (but are not limited to): employee wellbeing, engagement, diversity, and the work-home interface.

Alice Cadwgan has worked across communications, organisational design and culture change for multinational corporations, brands and NGO's. In addition, she is a graduate with an MSc from Birkbeck in Organisational Psychology, alongside being the Director of Campaigns and Operations at Lynn, a communications consultancy powered by Behavioural Science.

Head of Department of Organizational Psychology

Mr Mark Stringer has spent the last 35 years in a variety of posts within business and academia in the UK. He joined Birkbeck in 2015 teaching and lecturing on postgraduate programmes, before becoming Programme Director of OPHRM in 2018. From 2022, he took on a role heading the department at Birkbeck. Through teaching, supervision and research, his focus is to promote the use of interdisciplinary and critical tools to support those aiming to change organizational issues for the better. Mark’s PhD research looks at interpreting Employee Engagement via a Lacanian psychoanalytic lens. His wider research interests lie in qualitative approaches, influenced by both critical management studies and psychoanalytic, postmodern, structuralist, poststructuralist and intertextual interpretations of organisational life.

January 2024 intake Show

April 2024 intake show, september 2024 intake show, entry requirements show, what qualifications do you need.

You need the equivalent of a UK second-class honours degree (e.g. bachelor). If you don't hold a degree but you have relevant industry experience and have completed the The Manager's Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Managing People at Work MOOC, we will consider each case on its merits.

To study modules on an individual basis, you should meet the same criteria. If you do not meet them, we may still consider your application if you can demonstrate your ability to undertake advanced study.

Find equivalent qualifications where you live.

English Language requirements

You need a high standard of English to study this programme. You will meet our language requirements if you have achieved the following within the past three years:

  • (IELTS) International English Language Testing System - 6.5 overall (with 6 in reading and writing).
  • (TOEFL) iBT Test of English as a Foreign Language - 92 overall (with 22 in reading and writing, and 20 in speaking and listening).
  • Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English.
  • Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (at grade C or above).
  • Duolingo: must achieve an overall score of at least 120.

We set minimum basic computer requirements because your study resources are accessed via the Student Portal and it is vital that you can access this regularly. For this degree, you will also need to be able to view video material and a media player (such as VLC) to play video files.

More about computer requirements.

Recognition of prior learning Show

If you have studied material as part of a previous qualification that is comparable in content, level and standard to our Organisational Psychology or Human Resource Management modules, you may be exempted from the equivalent course of our degree. This is known as  Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)  or Exemption. You will not need to study or be assessed in the module(s) to complete your award. 

You may be awarded RPL mapped against a maximum of one module . 

You may not apply for RPL for the Research Project (Research Proposal [OPM410] and Dissertation [OPM610]).

To be considered for RPL you should make a formal request within your application when applying for the programme. Or, you can submit an online enquiry , if you have already applied. 

You will need to have met the entrance requirements for the programme to be considered for RPL.  

You must have completed the qualification/ examination(s), on which the application for RPL is based on, within the five years preceding the application. 

We will not consider RPL if you have already entered for the assessment in the module concerned. 

Discretionary RPL  

Your qualifications will need to be assessed by specialist academics on a case by case basis , before we can approve RPL. This is known as discretionary RPL. A formal application is required and an RPL application fee is payable. The RPL application fee is non-refundable, even if your prior learning is not recognised.  

Your qualification must be at the appropriate level (equivalent to a UK Level 7 or postgraduate qualification and above) to be considered.  

For your discretionary RPL request to be processed, you will need to provide: a completed RPL request form, the supporting documentary evidence (normally a scanned copy of an official transcript and syllabus of your previous studies) and the discretionary RPL fee. 

You should apply as early as possible to ensure we have sufficient time to review your qualifications and so you can register by the registration deadline. 

Note: All discretionary RPL requests must be submitted by the dates specified for the study session, in the year that you apply. We must receive all required supporting evidence by the deadline stated.

If you submit your discretionary RPL application but are too late to be considered for RPL in the current session, we will still process your application to study the programme. If you receive an offer, you can still register. If you wish to be considered for RPL in a subsequent session, then you shouldn’t register on the modules you want to apply for RPL.

How to request RPL  

Additional information about the process of applying for RPL . 

Further information regarding RPL is covered in the Recognition of Prior Learning section of the appropriate  Programme Regulations and Section 3 of the General Regulations  

Fees, funding and payment

The fees below relate to new students registering for the 2023-2024 session. On average, fees are subject to a five per cent year-on-year increase. 

Students who registered earlier can view their fees on the Course Fees page . 

Disclaimer: Currency conversion tool .

More about programme fees.

*The online examination administration fee is charged for each examination paper held online, including resits. This does not apply to any coursework submissions.

Additional Costs

You will also need to budget for exam centre fees, which are paid directly to the venues where you sit your exams.

Please note: all student fees shown are net of any local VAT, Goods and Services Tax (GST) or any other sales tax payable by the student in their country of residence. Where the University is required to add VAT, GST or any other sales tax at the local statutory rate, this will be added to the fees shown during the payment process. For students resident in the UK, our fees are exempt from VAT.

Further information on Sales Tax.

Your payment provider may apply additional transaction fees (if in doubt, please check with them before making a payment).

Funding your study Show

Without the cost of moving to London, studying for your University of London degree anywhere in the world represents excellent value for money. However, there are additional sources of support depending on where you live and how you choose to study.

More on funding your study

Paying for your course Show

You can pay your fees in a number of ways, including an online payment facility via the Student Portal and Western Union Quick Pay.

More on how to pay your fees

Career opportunities

Careers opportunity show.

Graduates of this degree go on to become training professionals, motivators, careers advisers, managers and consultants within large multinational companies, government departments, or in any company where advanced knowledge of organisational psychology may be useful.

What do employers think of our graduates?

In some countries, qualifications earned by distance and flexible learning may not be recognised by certain authorities or regulators for the purposes of public sector employment or further study. We advise you to explore the local recognition status before you register, even if you plan to receive support from a local teaching institution.

Accreditation benefits Show

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

The MSc Human Resource Management is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Students who enrolled on the MSc Human Resource Management in the academic year 2022-23 and onwards will be eligible to join the CIPD as student members, and upon successful completion of the MSc become an Associate Member of the CIPD with the option to upgrade to Chartered Member or Chartered Fellow provided they have relevant work experience.

Careers support Show

You’ll have access to a wide range of careers and employability support through the University of London Careers Service, including live webinars and online drop-in sessions.

More on the University of London Careers Service

Tailored support for careers in the refugee and humanitarian fields is available through regular programme events, webinars and careers resources.


Related content, birkbeck, university of london.

msc human resource management personal statement

MSc Organizational Psychology

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Postgraduate study

International Human Resource Management MSc

Awards: MSc

Study modes: Full-time


Funding opportunities

Programme website: International Human Resource Management

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Join us online on the 19th June or 26th June to learn more about studying and researching at Edinburgh.

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Programme description

Our MSc in International Human Resource Management will develop your understanding of real-world HR issues, and will provide you with key insights specific to the demands of working for multinational organisations and across national borders.

The Business School's MSc in International Human Resource Management is a fully accredited programme of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

  • MSc International Human Resource Management accreditation

Programme structure

Learning will primarily be through:

  • set reading
  • class discussions
  • group-work assignments
  • problem-solving in tutorials
  • case studies

Assessment methods include examinations, assignments, presentations or continuous assessment.

  • MSc International Human Resource Management programme structure

Find out more about compulsory and optional courses

We link to the latest information available. Please note that this may be for a previous academic year and should be considered indicative.

Learning outcomes

The MSc in International Human Resource Management (IHRM) gives students the knowledge, understanding and key skills required by HR professionals working in an international context with multinational organisations and to enable students to effectively contribute to dynamic organisations.

By the end of the programme, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate an understanding of key terms, theories/concepts and practices within the field of HRM
  • obtain, through elective courses, an in-depth knowledge of specific HRM-related theories, skills and practices
  • appreciate the implications of increasing globalisation for the management of human resources, with particular reference to HRM in multinational corporations
  • develop an ability to undertake qualitative and quantitative research and apply this knowledge in the context of an independently constructed work (i.e. dissertation)

be able to identify and appreciate the significance of ethical issues in HR practices and the management of people in the workplace

MSc International Human Resource Management learning outcomes

Career opportunities

Industry opportunities.

We regularly bring guest speakers to the School to talk to International Human Resource students about real, current practice. From company sponsored dissertations to career and employability treks, you will also have a variety of opportunities to learn from and network with industry and business professionals.

  • MSc International Human Resource Management industry opportunities

Career development

International Human Resource Management graduates from the University of Edinburgh are highly sought after globally. Our dedicated Student Development Team within the Business School will be an integral part of your student experience from day one. We are here to help you become equipped to maximise your potential in the global market.

  • MSc International Human Resource Management career development

Career outcomes

The success of our programmes is reflected in the career destinations of our graduates. Hugely respected by global employers, our programmes provide the perfect learning experience with access to world-class academics and programmes that are underpinned by real world insights.

Job titles of our recent graduates include:

  • business consultant
  • human capital management analyst
  • HR business partner
  • HR specialist
  • people operations specialist
  • talent development coordinator
  • talent manager

vice chairman

MSc International Human Resource Management career outcomes

Entry requirements

These entry requirements are for the 2024/25 academic year and requirements for future academic years may differ. Entry requirements for the 2025/26 academic year will be published on 11 July 2024.

Entrance to our MSc programmes is strongly competitive. You can increase your chances of a successful application by exceeding the minimum programme requirements.

  • Important points to note when applying for this programme

Academic requirements

You will need a UK first-class or 2:1 honours degree in any subject, or an equivalent overseas qualification.

Candidates must demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in Human Resource Management.

Supporting your application

Preference will be given to those with grades above the minimum requirements due to strong competition for places on this programme.

Students from China

This degree is Band A.

  • Postgraduate entry requirements for students from China

International qualifications

Check whether your international qualifications meet our general entry requirements:

  • Entry requirements by country
  • English language requirements

Regardless of your nationality or country of residence, you must demonstrate a level of English language competency at a level that will enable you to succeed in your studies.

English language tests

We accept the following English language qualifications at the grades specified:

  • IELTS Academic: total 7.0 with at least 6.0 in each component. We do not accept IELTS One Skill Retake to meet our English language requirements.
  • TOEFL-iBT (including Home Edition): total 100 with at least 20 in each component. We do not accept TOEFL MyBest Score to meet our English language requirements.
  • C1 Advanced ( CAE ) / C2 Proficiency ( CPE ): total 185 with at least 169 in each component.
  • Trinity ISE : ISE III with passes in all four components.
  • PTE Academic: total 70 with at least 59 in each component.

Your English language qualification must be no more than three and a half years old from the start date of the programme you are applying to study, unless you are using IELTS , TOEFL, Trinity ISE or PTE , in which case it must be no more than two years old.

Degrees taught and assessed in English

We also accept an undergraduate or postgraduate degree that has been taught and assessed in English in a majority English speaking country, as defined by UK Visas and Immigration:

  • UKVI list of majority English speaking countries

We also accept a degree that has been taught and assessed in English from a university on our list of approved universities in non-majority English speaking countries (non-MESC).

  • Approved universities in non-MESC

If you are not a national of a majority English speaking country, then your degree must be no more than five years old* at the beginning of your programme of study. (*Revised 05 March 2024 to extend degree validity to five years.)

Find out more about our language requirements:

Fees and costs

Application fee.

This programme requires a non-refundable application fee.

You will need to pay this deposit within 28 days of receiving your offer of admission (either unconditional or conditional).

  • £1,500 (this contributes towards your tuition fees)

Additional programme costs

See the programme website for more information on additional costs, as well as application fees and deposit payment.

  • MSc International Human Resource Management - fees and living expenses

Living costs

You will be responsible for covering living costs for the duration of your studies. Below you can find a breakdown of the cost of living in Edinburgh and other studying costs to help you calculate your finances.

  • Other studying and living costs

Tuition fees

Scholarships and funding, featured funding.

Business School scholarships

External Scholarships

UK government postgraduate loans

If you live in the UK, you may be able to apply for a postgraduate loan from one of the UK’s governments.

The type and amount of financial support you are eligible for will depend on:

  • your programme
  • the duration of your studies
  • your tuition fee status

Programmes studied on a part-time intermittent basis are not eligible.

  • UK government and other external funding

Other funding opportunities

Search for scholarships and funding opportunities:

  • Search for funding

Further information

  • Enquiry Management Team
  • Phone: +44 (0)131 650 9663
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • Programme Director, Yue Yumeng
  • Phone: +44 (0)131 650 3809
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • University of Edinburgh Business School
  • 29 Buccleuch Place
  • Central Campus
  • Programme: International Human Resource Management
  • School: Business School
  • College: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

Select your programme and preferred start date to begin your application.

MSc International Human Resource Management - 1 Year (Full-time)

Application deadlines.

Due to high demand, the School operates a number of selection deadlines. We will make a small number of offers to the most outstanding candidates on an ongoing basis, but hold the majority of applications until the next published selection deadline when we will offer a proportion of the places available to applicants selected through the competitive process described on the School website.

Full details on the admissions process and the selection deadlines are available on the Business School website:

  • Admissions Strategy

Deadlines for applicants applying to study in 2024/25:

  • How to apply

You must submit one reference with your application.

Find out more about the general application process for postgraduate programmes:

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International Human Resource Management, MSc

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International Human Resource Management


  • This CIPD accredited programme will provide you with an understanding of international human resource management – in a operational, economical, political and social context. It will deliver a learning experience designed to give you the confidence and the skills to add value to employers upon graduating.

Study Information

Study options.

This programme aims to develop knowledgeable practitioners with an appreciation of multi-cultural international practice. The programme will help you to be able to critically measure HR interventions using quantitative/qualitative, scientific and psychological approaches to managing human resources. This MSc will also equip you with the tools to critically examine and apply contemporary approaches to HR management within organisations that are operating in a global environment. It will cover the financial, project management and relationship skills you need to succeed in global HR management.

The University of Aberdeen draws on ancient heritage and globally recognised excellence in research and teaching to challenge students academically and to connect them with the world of practice. This MSc covers core areas in HR such as Resourcing and Talent Management, Managing Performance and Digital Engagement and Relationships. You’ll develop a thorough understanding of fundamental concepts, principles, theories, practices and legislative frameworks underlying international human resource management.

Programme Fees

Duration: 12 Months full-time (MSc), 9 months full-time (PG Diploma); 4 Months full-time (PG Cert).

Compulsory Courses

This course, which is prescribed for all taught postgraduate students, is studied entirely online, takes approximately 5-6 hours to complete and can be taken in one sitting, or spread across a number of weeks.

Topics include orientation overview, equality and diversity, health, safety and cyber security and how to make the most of your time at university in relation to careers and employability.

Successful completion of this course will be recorded on your Enhanced Transcript as ‘Achieved’.

15 Credit Points

Human Resource (HR) Essentials course serves as the first course in the program to provide students foundational understanding and knowledge of HR, and functions as a sound basis for other courses in the International Human Resources Management Programme. The course is focused on introducing HR theories and the application of theories and ideas into practice. In this course, students engage in a range of theories taught by lecturers as well as interactive exercises such case studies and evaluation of journal articles, through which they can reflect on and critically evaluate different HR theories. In this way students develop cognitive skills by actively and critically reflecting on practice, and practical transferable skills through assignment and in-class activities and exercises.

This course serves as an introduction to the employment relationship. Students will learn the history of the field and how different employment relationships are established in different institutional, legal and national contexts. The focus will be on the interactions of workers and employers and the factors that shape that relationship.

This course aims to critically analyse the major organisational and external contexts within which organisations operate across the range of business sectors in which Human Resource professionals work. Course members will evaluate the impact of the business environment and a range of stakeholders on organisation’s choices and strategies.

Organisational learning is argued to be a critical process affecting the success or otherwise of organisations, for example in achieving competitive advantage. The efficiency and effectiveness of the process influences performance outcomes. Therefore attention needs to be given to examining and improving organisational learning. This is often achieved through mechanisms and techniques associated with knowledge management. Learning and knowledge are intertwined, as the former is a necessary condition for the creation of the latter. There is therefore an established connection between the two concepts. This module will explore that connection to develop a critical understanding of the concepts of knowledge management and of organisational learning and associated theories and the personal and professional skills associated with designing and implementing knowledge management strategies that promote organisational learning. The module explores the implications for professional practice and requires learners to reflect critically on theory and practice from an ethical and professional standpoint and provides opportunities for applied learning and continuous professional development.

Successful completion of Stage 1, plus

The concepts of change and innovation have never been more topical, especially given the commercial context of fierce business competition, shorter product life cycles and more demanding customers. Increasingly, long-term commercial success is based on an ability to manage change, to act creatively and to promote innovation; These processes interconnect and overlap and often present major challenges to modern organizations; We address these issues through providing detailed case illustrations ranging from the workplace to the wider business market. Learning is encouraged through interaction, reading, investigation, video and case analysis, and critical discussion.

This course introduces students to what is involved in undertaking business research in practice. Within lectures, tutorials and workshops students will develop an understanding of: Information retrieval and critical analysis; Philosophical issues in the construction of knowledge; Accessing and gathering quantitative and qualitative data; Data analysis; Student/Supervisor expectations.

This course provides an opportunity to explore and develop an understanding of your own leadership behaviour. Through workshops, group activities and discussions we investigate how personality, past experience, current situations and culture shape the way each of us behave in a leadership role. Using this information as a starting point we then explore how different leadership theories and approaches can be used as frameworks for developing a deeper understanding of leadership behaviour. You will also have an opportunity to try out a range of practical tools and techniques to assist you in the development of your own approach to leadership.

This course introduces the student to key aspects in labour and personnel economics and how these are related to human resource practices. It focuses on how firms seek to incentivise workers to yield efficient outcomes in the labour market.

Successful completion of Stage 1 and 2, plus

60 Credit Points

Key elements of professional competence are strategic awareness, a business orientation and a concern with adding value through human resource (HR) practice. Qualified professionals should be able to research relevant topics and write reports that can persuade key stakeholders in the organisation to change or adopt a particular policy and practice. This module provides the opportunity for learners to demonstrate the ability to diagnose and investigate a live, complex business issue from an HR perspective, to locate the work within the body of contemporary knowledge, to collect and analyse data, to derive supportable conclusions and to make practical and actionable recommendations for change,improvement or enhancement of current practice. The applied nature of the report requires a critical evaluative approach, empirical investigation and analysis and a combination of academic research and business report writing skills. It requires reflection on the implications for professional practice from an ethical, professional and continuous professional development standpoint.

FULL TIME ROUTE Duration: 12 Months full-time (MSc), 9 months full-time (PG Diploma); 4 Months full-time (PG Cert).

Candidates must take the following compulsory courses:

Available Programmes of Study

We build on professional core areas such as Resourcing and Talent Management, Managing Performance and Digital Engagement and Relationships. Recognising the growth of global consultancy, the programme contains the financial, project management and relationship skills needed to perform effectively.

You will critically examine the needs of the global marketplace and the integration of skills, systems and knowledge required to enable organisations to operate efficiently and effectively in dynamic commercial environments.

We will endeavour to make all course options available; however, these may be subject to timetabling and other constraints . Please see our InfoHub pages for further information.

Fee Information

Additional fee information.

  • Fees for individual programmes can be viewed in the Programmes section above.
  • In exceptional circumstances there may be additional fees associated with specialist courses, for example field trips. Any additional fees for a course can be found in our Catalogue of Courses .
  • For more information about tuition fees for this programme, including payment plans and our refund policy, please visit our InfoHub Tuition Fees page.

International Applicants

Further Information about tuition fees and the cost of living in Aberdeen

Funding Opportunities

The University of Aberdeen provides an Alumni Discount Scheme:

The University of Aberdeen is very pleased to offer a 20% discount on postgraduate tuition fees for all alumni who have graduated with a degree from the University of Aberdeen. More Information can be found here .


Self-funded international students enrolling on postgraduate taught (PGT) programmes will receive one of our Aberdeen Global Scholarships, ranging from £3,000 to £8,000, depending on your domicile country. Learn more about the Aberdeen Global Scholarships here .

To see our full range of scholarships, visit our Funding Database .

Related Programmes

You may also be interested in the following related postgraduate degree programmes.

  • Business Consulting and Psychology
  • International Business Management
  • International Business and Finance

How You'll Study

You will learn using a variety of engaging methods designed to increase your appreciation of current theory and practice. You will attend a variety of lectures, seminars and tutorials, and your work will be assessed by a mix of assignments, case studies, projects and exams. By the end of the course, you should be able to demonstrate a clear grasp of the concepts and an ability to link theory to practice.

150 hours are expected to be spent on learning of a module with 15 credit points (24-30 lecture/tutorial hours and the rest for self-learning and assessment hours).

Learning Methods

  • Group Projects
  • Individual Projects
  • Peer Learning

Why Study International Human Resource Management?

  • You will be able to critically examine and translate your learning of organisations within a changing global environment using quantitative and qualitative skills.
  • You will develop a deep understanding of the key issues, institutions, opportunities and managerial processes that are central to international human resource management                                                                                                                                         
  • This MSc covers core areas in HR such as Resourcing and Talent Management, Managing Performance and Digital Engagement and Relationships.
  • You’ll develop a thorough understanding of fundamental concepts, principles, theories, practices and legislative frameworks underlying international human resource management.             

Interested in this programme?

What our students say, claire mcarthur.

Claire McArthur

As soon as I started this degree I knew it was for me. I love learning about how people learn, how they are motivated, and how workplace circumstances can affect employees.

Entry Requirements


The information below is provided as a guide only and does not guarantee entry to the University of Aberdeen.

This programme is open to graduates from any discipline and does not require business, human resources or management study to be completed at undergraduate level.

Our minimum entry requirement for this programme is a degree at 2:2 (lower second class) UK Honours level (or a degree from a non-UK institution which is judged by the University to be of equivalent worth).

Please enter your country to view country-specific entry requirements.

English Language Requirements

To study for a Postgraduate Taught degree at the University of Aberdeen it is essential that you can speak, understand, read, and write English fluently. The minimum requirements for this degree are as follows:

IELTS Academic:

OVERALL - 6.5 with: Listening - 5.5; Reading - 6.0; Speaking - 5.5; Writing - 6.0

OVERALL - 90 with: Listening - 17; Reading - 21; Speaking - 20; Writing - 21

PTE Academic:

OVERALL - 62 with: Listening - 59; Reading - 59; Speaking - 59; Writing - 59

Cambridge English B2 First, C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency:

OVERALL - 176 with: Listening - 162; Reading - 169; Speaking - 162; Writing - 169

Read more about specific English Language requirements here .

Document Requirements

You will be required to supply the following documentation with your application as proof you meet the entry requirements of this degree programme. If you have not yet completed your current programme of study, then you can still apply and you can provide your Degree Certificate at a later date.

  • Information about visa and immigration requirements

Aberdeen Global Scholarship

Eligible self-funded post graduate taught (PGT) students will receive the Aberdeen Global Scholarship. Explore our Global Scholarships, including eligibility details, on our dedicated page.

This MSc programme produces graduates who are capable of critically evaluating and applying current research and advanced thinking in international human resource management. You will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to engage within the international HR environment, and will have the potential to enter a wide range of industries around the world as an HR practitioner.

This programme aims to develop knowledgeable practitioners with an appreciation of multi-cultural international practice. The programme will help you to be able to critically measure HR interventions using quantitative/qualitative, scientific and psychological approaches to managing human resources.

Industry Links

Experience three Professional Development Weeks annually, providing you with valuable opportunities to enhance your skills and career prospects. Additionally, participate in our Careers Fair, where you can interact with potential employers, explore diverse career paths, and make connections that can shape your professional journey.


Accredited by CIPD. With more than 160,000 members globally, the CIPD is a growing community that uses research, insights and learning and gives trusted advice and offers independent thought leadership. And it is a leading voice in the call for good work that creates value for everyone.

Many employers value CIPD qualifications. Attaining a CIPD accredited qualification is beneficial for our graduates as it adds credibility to their profile.

As members of the CIPD, students will have access to numerous member resources, career development tools and online communities that will enhance their knowledge of the HR profession.

The Business School is EQUIS accredited, placing it among a select group of globally recognised institutions. Out of over 15,000 business schools worldwide, only around 200 schools across 45 countries have attained this distinction.

This degree holds accreditation from

  • Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

MSc International Human Resource Management

This MSc programme will produce graduates who are able to critically evaluate and apply current research and advanced scholarship in the field of international human resource management

Our Experts

Information about staff changes.

You will be taught by a range of experts including professors, lecturers, teaching fellows and postgraduate tutors. Staff changes will occur from time to time; please see our InfoHub pages for further information.

Get in Touch

Contact details.

  • Call Us +44 (0)1224 272090
  • Enquire Now Using an online form

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  • University of Aberdeen Business School
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  • November 3, 2021
  • Personal Statement

Personal Statement Sample Image

If  you are interested in studying Masters in Human Resources Management, here’s a personal statement sample to aid you in your essay. Masters in Human Resources Management Personal Statement is an important document that you’ll need to convince the admission committee that you’re a good fit for their program.

We have provided this sample as a guide; do not copy it verbatim as you’ll be flagged for plagiarism.

If you need assistance with your statement , you can contact us today and we will help you translate your thoughts into a strong personal statement.

Masters in Human Resources Management Personal Statement

Most people see a career path as something you pick once and spend the rest of your working years excelling in that field. I am one of those who see career choices as a rather progressive decision, I believe that as humans, we have enough creativity and ability to do much more than we limit ourselves to.

I started my career as a teacher in one of the renowned government secondary schools in Nigeria. The opportunity to teach and manage students gave me the opportunity to acquire a comprehensive background in administration, leadership, and people management. I can still recall how my ability to relate well with students from different backgrounds earned me the title of “Most Approachable Teacher” at the Citizens College, Lagos State, Nigeria. I was able to build rapport with students as well as school management, and on several occasions helped to maintain healthy relationships within students and management. I was having a remarkable career as a teacher until I took a break from paid employment towards the end of 2014 to focus on childbirth and motherhood.

After about two years of bearing and nursing my children, I proceeded to gain a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology from the prestigious University of Ibadan. During my MEd, I received insight into the human thought process; how preconceived notions are built and how it affects our behavior including buying behaviors. After my master’s I found that I could combine my knowledge in psychology with business management, and develop a strong buyer persona. I started my entrepreneurial journey in 2018, and have been able to record success through the combination of skills from my academic and previous career experiences. More so, I have been able to acquire new knowledge in my career journey; I have come to understand that as a business owner, it is important to constantly improve your workplace culture and the richness of experiences that employees and customers gain daily. This has made me nurture the idea of improving my knowledge of one of the important courses that ensure the growth and stability of any corporate setting which is knowledge of human resources management.

Personal Statement Writing Service

I am seeking this academic pursuit to develop my skills and understanding of this field. Developing a clear understanding of my options and building competencies that will help me create strategies for progress both from an employer and employee perspective is pertinent. I believe that I will find clarity within this academic program.

I have gone through the academic opportunities in the USA, Germany, and Australia, I feel confident of the choices of universities and teaching standards that the UK provides. Not that the other countries do not have a record for excellent standards, but, the UK is the closest country to call home outside my home country Nigeria. And, seeing that I can get the same and even better experience in the UK, I feel more confident studying in the UK. I have chosen Bradford University because its teaching is research-informed. With collaboration and partnership with industry networks, and teaching staff that are research-active, I trust the knowledge that I would gain during my study. For me, I am focused on getting informed knowledge that will serve me in this current fast-paced economy, and not just generally recycled information. And after going through the modules of Bradford University, I have the assurance of getting the desired experience that I seek.

In addition, I have gained teamwork experience. I have also developed diverse skills due to my experience in business management including; …………………….. Understanding employment law, cross-cultural management, employee relations, leading, managing and developing people, are my areas of interest. I have successfully applied my skills in my business and I would like to improve on what I already know from field experience.

I find this opportunity for higher education in a business-oriented degree as an ideal investment in my future. I have always looked forward to a degree that will give me the flexibility of running my own business while also consulting in my capacity as an expert. I look forward to the opportunity, exposure, and training that will come with immersing myself in this academic program.

Thank you for taking the time to go through this Masters in Human Resources Personal Statement Sample. If you need a convincing well-written personal statement for your MSc, Ph.D, contact us today and a writer will be assigned to you.

Cheers and success always !

Striving in a male dominated workspace

Further Reading

  • Sample Personal Statement for Master’s in Dentistry at Alberta University
  • Personal Statement for Advanced Mechanical Engineering Sample
  • Personal Statement for Mental Health Nursing Sample
  • Sample Personal Statement for James Cook University Australia
  • Sample Personal Statement for Journalism at Robert Gordon University
  • Personal Statement Sample Business Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Master of Public Administration Personal Statement Sample
  • Personal Statement for Robert Gordon University Sample
  • Sample Personal Statement for Urban and Regional Planning at the University of California, Los Angeles
  • Best Letter of Recommendation Writing Services Online
  • Best English Speaking Countries with Lowest Cost of Living

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Human resource management & organisational analysis msc, ucas code: n/a.

The Human Resource Management & Organisational Analysis MSc course provides unique opportunities to develop advanced knowledge and skills in people management and human resources, making it an ideal for both graduates and professionals alike. Prepare for the key challenges in human resources, learning and development, organisational development, and organisational change. Today's organisations are characterised by constant change. For people professionals, success depends on acquiring the tools needed to navigate this turbulent landscape. Through our research-led, evidence-based, innovative teaching approach, we provide the foundation on which to build your career as a leading people professional of the future. Study either full-time or part-time to suit your personal and professional requirements.

Key benefits

  • Apply for King's Business School scholarships of up to 50% tuition fees or £10,000 for our full-time postgraduate courses.
  • Internationally recognised faculty who consult with major national and international organisations providing you with potential networking opportunities in both the public and private sectors.
  • Leading HRM/organisational behaviour academics with a strong commitment to excellence in both education and research pathways.
  • Offers a robust evidence-based approach, drawing on the very latest research in HRM and OB and emphasising both theory and practice.
  • A focus on thinking critically and independently about human resource management and organisational analysis.
  • Located in and around the iconic Bush House: a central location for business in London.

Kate Adams

“ The course was a good introduction to the broad field of HR, the business case for the function and the theory behind it. At the time it helped me to have more context for the world I was working in and how I could help my clients, as well as how to think more critically about my work. ”

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As a Business School student you not only have full access to all the award winning events and resources from our central team King’s Careers and Employability service but a bespoke service curated especially for you by our dedicated careers team.

Develop greater self-awareness of strengths, interests and values. Increase confidence in presenting yours authentic self to employers and making career decisions that work for you.

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Sharpen your application skills for internships, placements, graduate schemes and jobs using cutting edge technology combined with personalised expert feedback and specialised workshops.

Build an impressive portfolio of work relevant domain knowledge, leadership, workplace digital or technical skills through employer and professional programmes and micro-certifications.

Apply and hone your skills in a real world context. Access a world-class range of internships, placements, start-up incubators, leadership initiatives and focused diversity and inclusion opportunities.

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Application closing date guidance

We encourage you to apply as early as possible so that there is sufficient time for your application to be assessed. We may need to request further information from you during the application process.

King's College London is committed to the recruitment of students with the greatest academic ability and to maintain a diverse student population. In order to ensure a balanced international student population for our most competitive programmes, we have implemented the following deadlines:

For applicants who are currently residing in mainland China, the first application deadline is 10 January 2024 (23:59 UK time).

  • We highly encourage you to apply by this deadline due to high demand, but applications will continue to be reviewed thereafter until the final application deadline on 10 March 2024 (23:59 UK time).
  • If you reside in mainland China and apply for this programme after the above final deadline, your application may be automatically withdrawn and you will not be eligible for an application fee refund.

Our first application deadline for all other applicants is on 10 March 2024 (23:59 UK time). The final application deadlines for this programme are:

  • Overseas (international) fee status: 26 July 2024 (23:59 UK time)
  • Home fee status: 26 August 2024 (23:59 UK time)

After the first application deadline, if the programme becomes full before the final deadlines stated above, we will close the programme to further applications.

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Top tips for writing your personal statement

Published: 14 April 2021

Your personal statement is your first impression to your prospective university. Discover some tips to writing an impactful personal statement.

Your personal statement is your first impression to your prospective university.

In face-to-face interactions, studies show it takes just  7 seconds for us to make up our minds about someone – including deciding if you are trustworthy, charismatic or leadership material .

Your personal statement is your first opportunity to make an impact on your tutor and showcase who you are and what you want to achieve.

Your job when crafting such an important piece, is to ensure that impact is a positive one.

A successful personal statement helps you to stand out and gives tutors an insight into your personality, strengths and ambitions.

The process of writing your personal statement can be incredibly daunting. They are a critical part of the decision-making process for tutors, and for competitive courses, how you present yourself on the page can be the deciding factor on whether you get to the interview stage.

So, how can you ensure your personal statement leaves a great first impression?

What are universities looking for?

As with any successful piece of writing, you should think about your audience first. The university will be using your personal statement to decide your suitability for the course and so are looking to understand more about you, your reasons for choosing to study a particular subject and what you will bring to the university as a whole.

In particular, your tutor will want to hear about how your prior experience relates to the programme you are applying for – not just the details of the roles but what you learnt about yourself, the skills you have gained and how you will apply this to the course and your future career.

Universities want to enrol students who have a passion for their chosen subject as this usually translates to engaged and enthusiastic students who are fully immersed in their learning. Your personal statement is a chance to let your passion for your chosen field shine through and let your tutor know how the course will help you to achieve your goals.

What should I include in my personal statement?

There are two key areas you need to cover in your personal statement; your motivations and your experience.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What are your motivations for choosing the course?
  • Why are you passionate about this subject or vocation?
  • Why are you a good fit for the course curriculum?
  • What relevant academic, practical and extra-curricular experience do you have?
  • Why do you want to study at this particular university?

Try to back up any statements with personal experience and examples. Remember, your previous experience is relevant, whether it is in your chosen field or not.

Consider what it is that equips you to be a suitable candidate. What are your current skills, and how can they be adapted and extended to suit the demands of your chosen subject?

Of course, there are also points to avoid in your personal statement too. You don’t need to cover off your educational or professional CV for example, as this will be included in your application.

Also try not to be too generic – any information you include should be specific and linked back to the course. Don’t just say you take part in a particular club, such as football or chess. Instead explain how your hobbies have helped you to gain valuable skills such as teamwork, or analytical thinking. The more personal to you, the better.

Keep it simple

Every bit of information included in your personal statement should be telling the tutor something relevant. Resist the urge to waffle! Tutors will be reading a lot of applications, so you will want to ensure you have got the main points across clearly and concisely.

Structure is also important. Make sure you plan your statement carefully to cover all the main points, using paragraphs and headings to make the content easy to follow.

Ensure you use positive language and remember; spelling and grammar do matter – so proof, proof and proof again.

A successful sign off

After spending so long constructing the body of your statement and covering all the key points, it can be hard to write your final paragraph. There are two tactics you can employ here.

Firstly, you can tie your conclusion back to statements you made at the beginning. Reiterating experiences, skills and interests you have already touched on gives you another chance to showcase any key points and draw the piece to a satisfying conclusion.

Another option is to talk about your hopes and aspirations for the future. This shows you have thought about your career path and how the course will help you achieve your ambitions, as well as ending your statement on that all-important positive note.

If you would like further guidance on writing an impactful personal statement, or if you have any questions about your application, our admissions team would be happy to help. Please contact our admissions team by phone 0800 904 7258 (UK) or +44 (0)141 278 7247 (international).

First published: 14 April 2021

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Rawls College of Business

Master of science in human resource management.

The Master of Science in Human Resource Management (MS-HRM) at Rawls College is a part-time lockstep program designed to meet the strong demand from companies and organizations for human resource professionals to recruit and retain talent in an increasingly tight labor market. The MS-HRM bridges theory with practice in all areas of staffing and performance management, human resource information systems, people analytics, compensation and benefits, leadership and ethics, and others while also providing the business context in which human resource management operates. This program is currently designated THECB Approval Pending.

msc human resource management personal statement

program highlights

Flexible part-time format, 100% online.

Complete coursework from anywhere with our 100% online curriculum

Optional Synchronous Meetings

Attend synchronous meetings with instructors for more personalized instruction.

Designed for Working Professionals

Apply classroom knowledge directly to your work experience without the need for an internship.

Career-Defining Curriculum

The MS-HRM will help you prepare for professional careers in HRM through in-depth training in areas of HRM specialization with an emphasis on HR analytics. Throughout the program, you will gain an understanding of HRM issues and practices, examine ethical and legal HRM issues, enhance analytical reasoning and project management skills, develop strong communication and relationship management skills, and much more.

Core classes include foundational building blocks for today's business leaders:

Managing Organizational Behavior and Organizational Design

Human Resource Management

Negotiation and Conflict Management Skills

Human Resource Information Systems & Analytics

Employment Law & Labor Relations

Talent Acquisition & Management

Compensation & Benefits

International Human Resource Management

Individual Differences & Belongingness

Strategic Human Resource Management Capstone

program format

The Rawls College MS-HRM is a 30-credit-hour, 10-course program. The 100% online format is designed to be accessible for working professionals, allowing them to apply their classroom knowledge directly to their unique work experience. This is a part-time lockstep program designed to be completed in two years.

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Our management faculty members are passionate about helping you achieve your educational and professional goals. Our faculty integrates insights from their own research and professional experiences into the curriculum to ensure you can connect course topics to real-world scenarios.

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supporting your success

Students in Career Management Center waiting room

Rawls Career Management Center

Whether you are looking to switch careers or advance on your current path, the Rawls Career Management Center (CMC) is dedicated to supporting your success. The staff in the CMC can help you explore professions and industries, learn strategic career advancement techniques, and connect you with top employers.


Georgie G. Snyder Center for Business Communication

The Georgie G. Snyder Center for Business Communication (CBC) is dedicated to helping the Rawls College of Business community develop communication skills that lead to academic, professional, and personal success. Through consultations, workshops, microcredentials, and other services, we support Rawls students and faculty in “achieving excellence in business through excellence in communication.

Student showing off graduation ring at commencement ceramony

Techsan Connection

The Techsan Connection is a free, online platform for Texas Tech alumni. Through the platform, alumni can apply to jobs, reconnect with fellow classmates, network with industry professionals and volunteer to mentor current students.

The admission process is the first step toward earning your degree. We will work closely with you to ensure your application process is personal, simple and successful.

Admission Requirements

Successful MS-HRM students come from all educational backgrounds but must have a bachelor's degree. Our program is designed to meet the needs of professionals looking to expand their skills within HRM.

A complete application consists of the following items to be received by the noted deadlines:

Unofficial Transcripts

Applicants must submit unofficial transcripts from any degree-awarding college or university, as well as any post-secondary institution attended.

Applicants must submit a detailed current resume, indicating professional work experience—including start and end dates (month and year) for each position held. Provide accomplishments and skills acquired, including managerial experience.

Letter of Recommendation

Applicants are required to submit a letter of recommendation. The letter should provide specific examples and anecdotes that illustrate your professional and/or academic potential.

Applicants must write an essay outlining their personal experiences, career goals, past challenges, any other relevant information they'd like the admissions committee to consider.

Application Deadlines

This program is pending approval by The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). The initial application period will open once program is approved.

There's no better time to apply for the MS-HRM program. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

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Saturday, June 1, 2024 - Sun , June 2, 2024 (all day)

Where: Rawls College of Business

Saturday, June 29, 2024 - Sun , June 30, 2024 (all day)

Where: Center for Business Communications Room 139

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Master of Science in Human Resource Management

The Master of Science in Human Resource Management online program is designed to prepare professionals to advance their careers in the field of human resources (HR).

The program emphasizes the strategic role that human resources plays in the performance of global organizations, providing students with the knowledge and skills needed to be effective HR leaders.

In addition to core HR principles, students examine the full spectrum of human capital management concepts, including talent acquisition and retention, employee motivation, change management and organizational culture.

Students will learn about key HR processes, including talent management, total rewards, performance management, learning and development, employee relations and HR analytics.

Finally, students will explore key topics that are increasingly important to HR, including managing in a global context, diversity and inclusion, principled leadership, HR technology and corporate social responsibility.

Earn your Master of Science in Human Resource Management online. Request information today.

Career Opportunities

This program is designed for working professionals who are looking to advance their careers in human resources or transition into the field. Career outcomes can vary, depending on a student’s level of experience.

  • Individuals currently working in human resources and looking to advance their careers
  • Individuals currently working as staff or supervisors seeking to advance to mid- or senior-level management
  • Current managers seeking to hone their skills and further advance their careers
  • Job changers moving into human resources

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MSc Human Resource Management (International Development) / Overview

Year of entry: 2024

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We require a UK Honours degree with a First or Upper Second (2.1) classification or the overseas equivalent, in any discipline.

When assessing your academic record we take into account the grades you have achieved and the standing of the institution where you studied your qualification.

Full entry requirements

Course options

Course overview.

  • Join a university ranked second in the UK and 7th in the world for development studies (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022).
  • Develop an appreciation of the importance of the contextual settings of human resources (HR), especially relating to the Global South. 
  • Enhance your understanding of contemporary developments in the HR field, critically appraising them in the light of your own professional role. 
  • Develop a range of skills associated with human resource management in public, private and non-profit organisations.

The University holds regular open days, where you will have the opportunity to tour the campus and find out more about our facilities and courses.

On this day, you will find out more about the School of Environment, Education and Development (SEED), and meet academic and admissions staff who will be able to answer any questions you have.

For more information, see Open days .

For entry in the academic year beginning September 2024, the tuition fees are as follows:

  • MSc (full-time) UK students (per annum): £14,000 International, including EU, students (per annum): £29,000
  • MSc (part-time) UK students (per annum): £7,000 International, including EU, students (per annum): £14,500

Further information for EU students can be found on our dedicated EU page.

The fees quoted above will be fully inclusive for the course tuition, administration and computational costs during your studies.

All fees for entry will be subject to yearly review and incremental rises per annum are also likely over the duration of courses lasting more than a year for UK/EU students (fees are typically fixed for international students, for the course duration at the year of entry). For general fees information please visit postgraduate fees

Self-funded international applicants for this course will be required to pay a deposit of £1,000 towards their tuition fees before a confirmation of acceptance for studies (CAS) is issued. This deposit will only be refunded if immigration permission is refused. We will notify you about how and when to make this payment.

Policy on additional costs

All students should normally be able to complete their programme of study without incurring additional study costs over and above the tuition fee for that programme. Any unavoidable additional compulsory costs totalling more than 1% of the annual home undergraduate fee per annum, regardless of whether the programme in question is undergraduate or postgraduate taught, will be made clear to you at the point of application. Further information can be found in the University's Policy on additional costs incurred by students on undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes (PDF document, 91KB).


There are many internal and external funding opportunities for postgraduate study.

We offer several postgraduate taught scholarships and merit awards to outstanding applicants and international students.

We also regularly welcome students on the University's Equity and Merit scholarship scheme.

In addition, the Manchester Alumni Scholarship Scheme offers a £3,000 reduction in tuition fees to University of Manchester alumni who achieved a first-class bachelor's degree and are progressing to a postgraduate taught master's course.

Many of our students have gained British Chevening, British Council or Commonwealth scholarships, as well as country-specific awards.

For more information, see our fees and funding webpages or search the University's postgraduate funding database .

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Courses in related subject areas.

Use the links below to view lists of courses in related subject areas.

  • International Development
  • Human Resources

Regulated by the Office for Students

The University of Manchester is regulated by the Office for Students (OfS). The OfS aims to help students succeed in Higher Education by ensuring they receive excellent information and guidance, get high quality education that prepares them for the future and by protecting their interests. More information can be found at the OfS website .

You can find regulations and policies relating to student life at The University of Manchester, including our Degree Regulations and Complaints Procedure, on our regulations website .

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Human Resource Management Personal Statement

This is a sample personal statement written by our professional writer. Please note that our website is scanned by various anti-plagiarism software, so do not attempt to copy/paste this personal statement. You will get caught and your university career will be over before it has begun! To get a custom-written personal statement, just complete the order form and we will write an original personal statement, based specifically on the information you give us, which will never be published or resold.

Human resource management is an area of industry and commerce that is ever-increasing in importance. It is an area that has gone from strength-to-strength as the emphasis on the workforce has developed in recent years, and now a vital cog in the machinery of any business.

It was by chance that I became interested in the real value of human resource management when I went on a work placement as part of my business studies GCSE course in secondary school. I was placed with a large pharmaceutical company for two weeks, and at first was horrified to find out I would be spending that time not with the chief executive as I had hoped, but in the human resources department. It would be accurate to say at that point in my life I had absolutely no idea what human resources was. Over the course of a fortnight, however, I quickly realised the sheer scale of the task the human resources team had on its hands when it came to managing a workforce of more than 3,000 people on just one site.

I took this new found knowledge with me through my A-Level studies where I achieved good grades in economics, mathematics and business studies and was always keen to try and apply what I had learned during my work experience to my time in college albeit it very limited in opportunity.

During my time in college I once again embarked on a two-week work experience placement, this time with the human resources department within a major NHS Trust, which once again proved to be a real eye opener. The sheer scale and diversity of the workforce that is needed to run an acute hospital is almost unparalleled. I found the number of different roles to be played out as part of such a large human resources team very interesting, and was pleased to be allowed to get involved in a number of workforce projects and develop my own understanding of human resource management. There were times during this work placement when emergency staffing policies were being implemented that I found out just how much pressure could be involved in this line of work, but I enjoyed every minute of it.

I feel there is a wealth of challenging and exciting opportunities to be found when examining effective human resource management in both the public and private sector

I want to further develop my skills and understanding of human resource management to enable me to pursue a career in this field once I complete my studies.

I am a very ambitious and driven individual and am focused on pursuing a career in the field of human resources. I feel this is an exciting area in the business world today and one that I have the ability and aptitude in which to succeed.

Your personal statement is vital in ensuring you get the university place you want. Don’t take a chance with it. Secure your university place today!

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Human Resource Management

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  • September 2024

1 year full-time

Durham City

Course details

Our MSc in Human Resource Management focuses on the importance of managing people in the workplace and explores how this function of management makes a major contribution to business success.

This one-year full-time course provides you with the skills and knowledge to achieve a successful career in HR and does not require you to have any background experience in business or in management.

As well as a core module in HR management, you will also cover a wide range of contemporary commercial subjects. These include business strategy, business economics and accounting, individual behaviour in an organisation, employee relations and themes in work and society.

You will also take optional modules and at the end of the course, you will complete a dissertation, which can be a work placement-based business project or a research-led piece of writing.

The course is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD), which is the largest professional HR and Learning organisation in the world with some 140,000 members, and on successful completion you will become eligible for the award of the organisation’s Advanced Diploma in Human Resource Management.

As a student on the course you will join the University’s renowned Business School. The Business School is one of an elite group of UK institutions to have been accredited by all three major business accreditation bodies, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, the Association of MBAs and the European Quality Improvement System.

W orld-class Business Education

  • 5th (UK) -  Financial Times: Masters in Management 2023
  • 8th (UK) 38th (Europe) =51st (Global) -  QS World University Rankings: Masters in Management 2024

Course structure

Core modules:.

Strategy aims to explain business success or lack of success by considering the relationships between strategy and the external business environment and between strategy and the internal resources and capabilities available.

Business Economics and Accounting enables you to understand the key economic aspects of the business environment and develops your skills in applying economic analysis to business decision-making and planning. You will also learn about accounting, its forms, purpose and the needs of its users.

Organisational Behaviour addresses key issues of individual behaviour within organisations and includes sensitive topics such as an individual’s personal and mental ability, the management of attitudes and work motivation and addressing issues of injustice and inequality.

Work and Society builds your knowledge around trends in work and society such as the changing context of work, globalisation, power and management control in organisations and language, rhetoric, and organisational communication.

Employee Relations develops your ability to understand trends in modern employment relationships and how relations between managers and employees are conducted. You will understand the reasons behind such trends and consider how they vary in a global context.

Human Resource Management develops your understanding of key issues in the processes and practices of human resource management and shows you how to understand and analyse research in the field.

Research Methods and Dissertation (International study route and business project routes available) provides you with the key principles of research design and methodology in business and management and develops your skills in conducting research in order to produce a dissertation. You may opt to do research abroad at a partner university or undertake a business project instead of the dissertation. This may involve either working with a specific host organisation or undertaking an issue-led investigation across a range of organisations on a specific management issue.

In recent years, optional modules have included:

  • Strategy Simulation and System Thinking
  • Buyer Behaviour and Marketing Innovation
  • East Asian Business and Management
  • Employee Reward Strategy
  • Ethical Leadership
  • Global Business
  • Global Sport Business
  • International Study Tour
  • The Science of Leadership
  • Competitive Strategies and Organisational Fitness
  • Human Resource Development
  • Society and Sustainability
  • A language module such as those offered by the University’s Centre for Foreign Language Study

Careers and employability

With human resource management representing a vital piece of the business jigsaw, this course ensures you are well-positioned for an exciting and rewarding career at the heart of a business organisation.

Your skills and ability in people management will be highly sought after by potential employers in a wide range of business and industrial sectors across the world, in particular large office-based areas such as finance, banking, insurance and even government.

The development of your personal attributes during the year’s study, including confidence, leadership, problem-solving and communication, will give you a head start when it comes to the recruitment process.

The School’s reputation for academic excellence and the alumni network that it has developed in 140 countries across the globe will serve as an excellent springboard into a rewarding and fulfilling professional career.

The partnership with the CIPD and the School’s business accreditation credentials also provide a firm foundation as you go about the search for work.


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The course is delivered through a mixture of lectures and seminars. Lectures provide key contents on the modules and are supported by small-group seminars which provide you with the opportunity to solve problems and discuss and debate issues. You will also be expected to spend time reading and preparing for seminars outside of contact hours.

The course culminates in an in-depth dissertation which is completed through independent research, alternatively you may choose to carry out a business project, which will involve a work placement with an external partner organisation, tackling a real-life problem.

You will also have the opportunity to  attend an international study week in which you can learn about the business, economy and culture of another country, and to network with key business staff.

Assessment is rigorous with core modules assessed by written examinations and assignments and either a dissertation or business project. The majority of optional modules are assessed by essays.

Entry requirements

Application deadlines.

Please note: The application process will open 1st October for entry the following academic year. Our application deadline dates for this programme are:

  • Applications from individuals resident in Mainland China must be received by 23:59hrs on 27 February 2024 . 

There is a high demand for places on these programmes. To maximise your chances of being offered one of these places, we recommend that you submit your application to the University as early as possible.

Should you miss the deadlines specified above, then it may be possible for the University to add your application to a waiting list, which may be consulted in the event that following review and processing of all applications received prior to the deadlines, vacant places remain available on the programme.

The University is under no obligation to make any offer of a place on the programme to any applicant, nor is the University obligated to fill all spaces available on the programme.

Consideration of any application received by the University after expiry of the deadlines specified herein, shall be made at the sole discretion of the University.

Masters in Management programmes are intended for graduates in any subject or discipline; no previous study in business or management is necessary. For example, in the past we have had graduates from a diverse range of degrees such as Music, Anthropology, Medicine and Geography. Business and Management undergraduate students may find some content overlaps with their first degree.

This programme is intended for graduates in any subject or discipline; no previous study in management is necessary. Please note however, management undergraduate students, or students who have completed a professional management qualification may find some content on this programme overlaps with their prior learning.

What do I need first?

The equivalent of a UK first or upper second class honours degree.  Check the full list of equivalent qualifications .

If you are an international student who does not meet the requirements for direct entry to this degree, you may be eligible to take a pre-Masters pathway programme at the  Durham University International Study Centre .

NB Chinese Applicants:  Applications will be accepted from students who have graduated from a prestigious university in China. Entry requirements may vary depending upon the reputation of the university you have graduated from and the academic programme you have applied for. As a guide, applicants are expected to have achieved an overall average of 85%.

How do I apply?

You will need to complete an online application form.

Please note you can only apply for  one  Masters Management programme.

>> Fill out the online application form

To support your online application form, you will need to provide the following documents.

  • Official transcript of marks
  • Copy of degree certificate (if available)
  • Copy of English test results (if available).

You can either upload your supporting documents with your online application or email or fax them to the Postgraduate Admissions Office using the contact details below.

Only files of type .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpg, .pdf, .png, .rtf are permitted to be uploaded.The maximum file size is 5MB.

Application fee

Once we receive your online application form, you’ll get an automatic email within 48 hours asking you to pay the £60 application fee* which is required to progress your application.

You’ll need to follow the link in the email to the webpage where you can confirm your details and make the payment using a debit or credit card. This is a secure website operated by Secpay, which will send you an automatic receipt of payment.

Once we receive confirmation that your application fee has been paid, we’ll be able to progress your application.  If you do not pay the application fee your application will be automatically withdrawn.

*Please note you will only be able to make a payment for one programme in each suite i.e. one MSc Finance programme, one MSc Management programme, one MSc Economics programme.

College membership

If you’re applying for a full-time programme you’ll need to become a member of one of our Colleges as well as being accepted by a department.  Here’s more information about how the college system works . Once you accept your programme offer, the College Postgraduate Office will get in touch with you to arrange accommodation. Please note that demand for college accommodation usually exceeds availability, so please try to arrange it as soon as possible.

Admissions process

Here are the steps in the admissions process:

  • We will let you know when we’ve received your application.
  • Once we’ve received all of your supporting documents, we will email you to let you know our decision.
  • If the decision is to make you an offer of a place on the programme we will let you know by email. Please note we do not issue hard copy offer letters as these are not required to obtain a student visa.
  • You should confirm acceptance of your offer as soon as possible. In order to secure your place, you are required to pay a deposit  within six weeks  of the date of your original offer (check your offer documents for details of payment methods).
  • International students requiring a student visa will receive a CAS (Certificate of Acceptance of Studies) via email once all offer conditions are met, acceptance and deposit have been received and you are within five months of the start date of your programme. 

Please note:  You must let us know your own personal email address when applying. Please do not use a university-linked email which may stop working once you complete your bachelor degree.

English language requirements

Fees and funding

Full time fees.

The tuition fees shown are for one complete academic year of full time study, are set according to the academic year of entry, and remain the same throughout the duration of the programme for that cohort (unless otherwise stated) .

Please also check costs for colleges and accommodation .

We are committed to supporting the best students irrespective of financial circumstances and are delighted to offer a range of funding opportunities. 

Career opportunities

Business school.

Our postgraduate programmes with a focus on employability fully equip you with the skills and industry insight to embark on a successful and rewarding business career.

The knowledge and understanding you develop reflect the Department’s values of sustainability, wellbeing and equality of opportunity across the globe.

You gain a combination of analytical and practical skills that employers value, such as independent thinking and problem-solving, and are able to enhance your people skills that are essential in business and much sought after by employers.

Management and Marketing

Department information.

The School is one of the UK’s longest established business schools and one of an elite group of institutions in the UK to be accredited by all three major bodies – the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS).

We consistently rank highly in independent league tables for both the quality and reputation of our Department, with teaching delivered by a world-class academic community that includes experienced business professionals and researchers who work across a wide variety of business disciplines.

We recruit students from around the world onto our postgraduate programmes. Our students take part in live business projects, internships and placements as part of their studies, enabling them to apply their knowledge to practical challenges in the most forward thinking companies. We have an active alumni network of more than 36,000 graduates in over 140 countries.

Research Excellence Framework

Read more about our results in the recent REF 2021. 

Our Business, Management and Marketing programmes are delivered by the Department of Management and Marketing, one of four departments at Durham University Business School (alongside the Department of Accounting, Department of Economics and Department of Finance).

You’ll be taught across the university campus by world leading academics from the Business School. You’ll have access to the Business Schools modern, spacious meeting rooms and study areas.

The university campus is within walking distance of the historic centre of Durham, a city with UNESCO World Heritage Status. Resources include up-to-date financial information and online databases. In addition, you’ll have access to Durham University’s prestigious libraries and archives.

Start your application now.

You can save your application and complete it later.

  • Admissions Policy
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Join one of our virtual events, webinars, open events or recruitment fairs.

Durham Business School Postgraduate Events

  • Date: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
  • Time: 09:00 - 17:00

Self-Guided Tours

  • Time: 09:00 - 16:00

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Next Start Date

About start dates.

Additional future start dates include:

Summer 2024

Spring 2025, summer 2025, spring 2026, summer 2026.

Start dates for individual programs may vary and are subject to change. Please request free information & speak with an admission advisor for the latest program start dates.

Placement Tests



The Ross College of Business at Franklin University has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located  at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA . For a listing of accredited programs, click  her e . 

Click  here  to see our IACBE Public Disclosure of Student Achievement. 

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Amp up your people skills with an MBA in human resources online

HR is an ever-evolving discipline. Some of today’s most prevalent workplace issues, the virtual environment, DEI, and employee retention and motivation, were not as pressing just a short time ago. Franklin’s online accredited MBA with a Specialization in Human Resources provides a theory-to-practice approach to workplace law, organizational development and strategic human resource management. While your MBA will help you grow your management capabilities, you’ll also gain the insight to be a leader in-tune with the human side of business.

Program Availability

1-Year Online MBA

Finish your MBA in Human Resources faster.

IACBE Accredited

Real-world experts.

Learn best practices from in-field professionals.

No GRE/GMAT Required

Bypass expensive, time consuming tests and get started sooner.

MBA-Human Resources Program Overview

Gain insight into employment and workplace law.

You’ll conduct substantial environmental analysis to broaden your knowledge of the principles and theories surrounding employment and workplace law. By analyzing case studies and law, you’ll discuss how the law was applied in various case rulings and appeals involving employment law. You’ll compare and contrast various managerial approaches to employment law and apply theoretical principles and legal aspects of employment law to various organizations.

Explore organizational development tools, techniques and benefits

While change can be difficult, the benefits make it well worth the effort. Organizational development (OD) helps organizations build their capacity for change as a way to increase effectiveness. You’ll address how planned change impacts an organization’s competitive advantage, as well as organizational issues and ethics related to OD. You’ll analyze the major diagnostic models, productivity interventions and techniques used in OD programs and be able to diagnose issues at the organization, process and people levels. To apply what you’ve learned throughout the class, you’ll develop an action plan detailing how you would evaluate the role of organizational culture in a planned change intervention. 

Examine strategic choices faced by HR leaders

Strategic human resource management takes a future-focused approach to create HR programs that solve workplace challenges and directly contribute to long-term business success. You’ll be introduced to strategic human resource management (SHRM) topics that have resulted from environmental and organizational challenges like technology, globalization, work/life balance and changing labor markets. You’ll examine strategic choices HR managers face regarding ethics, employee rights and virtual work to gain a competitive advantage. You’ll also analyze various approaches used to link human resource management to organizational strategy.

Learn from in-field experts in instructor-led online sessions

If you’re looking for the flexibility of online learning alongside personalized attention from faculty, you’ll find it at Franklin. Online synchronous meetings provide the opportunity to ask questions, dig into assignments, work through problems, and discuss course topics with the instructor as a class. While the interactive sessions are regularly scheduled in advance, they are optional and are recorded for students to access at a later time if they choose to. In addition to accessible faculty, who are in-field practitioners, some courses include industry experts as guest speakers. 

msc human resource management personal statement

IACBE Accredited Program

The Ross College of Business at Franklin University has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road, Suite 300, Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of accredited programs please view our  member status page .

msc human resource management personal statement

SHRM Aligned

The master's in human resources program fully aligns with the Society for Human Resource Management's (SHRM) HR Curriculum Guidebook and Templates.

Future Start Dates

Start dates for individual programs may vary and are subject to change. Please  request free information  & speak with an admission advisor for the latest program start dates.

msc human resource management personal statement

Your MBA degree, your way with Franklin’s FlexFIT Online MBA

Earn your master’s in business without throwing your life, budget and schedule into chaos. Franklin’s FlexFIT MBA degree program was designed specifically to help you avoid the typical roadblocks that stop others from finishing by giving you the flexibility you need to stay on track.   Here’s how FlexFIT empowers you to complete your master’s in business in the way that fits your:

F inances: Schedule as many or as few classes to accommodate your budget.

I nterests: Pick your path. Choose from a general track for a broad-based business perspective or follow your interests with a focused specialization.

T ime: Start, study and finish at your pace because with FlexFIT, you decide how much time to devote to your coursework.

Your Best Value MBA

Choose Franklin's accredited MBA and get a high-quality degree that fits your life and your budget.  

Fastest Finish

Realize your career goals sooner and reap the benefits.

Take 2 classes at a time and finish in 12 months.

Partner? Pay Less.

Search below to see if you could save tuition through an employer or professional organization partnership.

  • Tuition Guarantee

Inflation-proof your degree cost by locking-in your tuition rate from day one through graduation.

Highly Recommended

98% of graduating students would recommend Franklin to their family, friends and/or colleagues.

Source: Franklin University, Office of Career Development Student Satisfaction Survey (Summer 2023)

MBA-Human Resources Courses & Curriculum

More than ever before, the ability to understand and be understood is critical for success in the corporate world. Communication is no longer limited by the narrow definitions of the past. Achieving a business leadership position today means not only being adept at both oral and written communication, but also understanding communication from a strategic point-of-view and knowing how to effectively organize and present information to audiences of all sizes. In this course, you will develop and refine these capabilities. What you gain from this course will be of value throughout your MBA program, as well as in the workplace.

This course surveys the fundamental concepts and methods of economic analysis for managers. Real-world decision making is emphasized. Application of key economic concepts such as market demand, market supply, market equilibrium, marginal analysis, production, costs, revenue, profit, and market structure constitute the core material of the course.

In today's business world, success can often be attributed more to the genius of a company's marketing efforts than to the genius of its products or services. A clear understanding of the importance of marketing, as well as a grasp of effective marketing practices, is essential for anyone who wishes to achieve a position of leadership. You will gain a working knowledge of both marketing theory and the practical application of innovative marketing strategies. You will come to understand how product, price, place, and promotion contribute to the marketing mix as you explore research-based insights into consumer behavior. As your final course assignment, you will prepare and present a marketing plan of your own.

Effective leadership in today's complex and highly regulated business environment demands more than a working knowledge of basic accounting practices. Managers must fully grasp sophisticated financial and managerial accounting concepts and be able to apply them with ease in handling day-to-day responsibilities. Managers must also be well versed in the intricacies of corporate governance and asset protection. In this course, students will develop a clear understanding of these critical functions and issues. Students will study the foundational aspects of financial accounting, including professional structure, the interrelationships of financial statements, and multiple forms of financial analysis. Additionally, the functional aspects of managerial accounting will be covered, including planning, decision making, and performance evaluation.

Organizations are composed of groups of people who work together to achieve defined outcomes. Experience has proven time and again that the key factor which differentiates successful companies from those who struggle to survive is people who make up the employee base. While the human resources function is given the specific task of planning for and resolving many employee-related issues and needs, individual managers have direct responsibility and accountability for motivating and leading employees to achieve sustained organizational success. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to work effectively with human resources to enhance the contributions of all employees to organizational effectiveness. Students will learn about the elements which drive business success, theories of motivation, and methods for creating a plan for maximizing the human capital of an organization.

One of the keys to success for today's organizations is their ability to develop, implement, and accurately evaluate effective business strategies. In this course, you will integrate the knowledge you have gained from your prior MBA courses to develop and sharpen your skills for formulating, deploying, and assessing an organization's strategy for achieving competitive advantage in the marketplace. This course will enable you to merge your knowledge of all of these individual disciplines into a comprehensive and meaningful whole.

This course systematically explores the external environment in which businesses operate - legal and regulatory, macroeconomic, cultural, political, technological, and natural. Additionally, the course will examine the critical opportunities and threats that arise from an analysis of external business conditions. Students will apply scenario planning to a selected industry and synthesize trends in the external environment in the presence of risk and uncertainty.

In today's business environment, the success of organizations depends on the effective and efficient management of operations. Methods to select, plan, and improve organizational processes will be examined. The application of optimal capacity decisions in supply chains, development production, and inventory plans and schedules will be performed. The student will learn quality management and improvement process to increase the efficiency of a process.

Financial decisions made at the higher levels of a business organization can have far-reaching effects. Intended to achieve firm operating goals and create shareholder value, they must be made judiciously, with a thorough understanding of all the factors involved. In this course, you will learn to apply the analytical techniques required for developing effective and workable financial solutions at the executive level. You will gain an overall understanding of the workings of the U.S. financial system. In addition, you will study the concepts of financial risk, return, and the valuation of bonds, common and preferred stock, cost of capital, capital budgeting, capital structure, and the evaluation of investment opportunities.

Organizational Leadership Specialization:

This course provides an overview of the historical and current leadership concepts, theories and constructs. Application and assessment of the individual leadership style will enable the student to develop their leadership voice. This course will provide a construct that will enable the student to identify transferrable skills that align with the organization that they are serving in. This course will challenge students to assess their own leadership strengths and weaknesses and produce an in-depth plan of action to develop and refine leadership competencies. Students will conduct substantive scholarly research to address and capture relevant and cutting-edge leadership theoretical work for application in course assignments.

This course focuses on research and evaluation of the key theoretical concepts and practices central to the leading of organizational change initiatives. Students will evaluate real-world situations in a manner that supports the ability to initiate, implement and sustain major change. The management of change is a dynamic process. This course focuses on understanding how to plan and implement change in various organizations and other settings.

This course will explore the psychological influences on the development and behavior of managers and organizational leaders. Topics include: follower influences, nature vs. nurture in the development of leaders, relationship of personality to leadership style, behavioral decision- making biases, tactical, operational, and strategic decision-making , group think, and scenario planning.

Finance Specialization:

This course provides students with advanced knowledge of the capital markets, financial institutions, financial products, and analytical tools and skills needed for investments portfolio management. The objective is to provide students with a solid foundation of advanced concepts, tools, and techniques for making informed decisions in the highly dynamic investment environment. Students will utilize computer software, simulations, and internet tools to understand the viewpoint of professional investors more fully. The course will adopt an application-oriented approach so that students will be able to explain their financial decision under conditions of uncertainty. The course will provide students with a framework that will be useful in business settings where such analyses are routinely made.

No longer are only mammoth corporations concerned with the complexities and nuances of multinational financial operations. Today the leaders of companies of even moderate size often must have at least a fundamental knowledge of the global financial environment. In this course, you will be introduced to the workings of international finance as it relates to business operations. You will gain an understanding of such international macroeconomic topics as the balance of payments and models of exchange rate determination, while at the same time focusing on institutional issues such as the choice of exchange rate regime and growth of offshore currency markets. You will examine business and investor decisions involving exchange rate risk management, cross-border investment strategies, and participation in international money and capital markets.

Business Analytics Specialization:

This course provides an introductory overview of methods, concepts, and current practices in the growing field of statistics and data analytics. Topics to be covered include data collection, data analysis and visualization as well as probability, statistical inference and regression methods for informed decision-making. Students will explore these topics with current statistical software. Some emphasis will also be given to ethical principles of data analytics.

This course focuses on collecting, preparing, and analyzing data to create visualizations, dashboards, and stories that can be used to communicate critical business insights. Students will learn how to structure and streamline data analysis projects and highlight their implications efficiently using the most popular visualization tools used by businesses today.

This course teaches data management from an applied perspective. The topics include fundamentals of database management systems, structured query language (SQL) for data analytics, relational database design, and data warehousing.

Operational Excellence Specialization:

The purpose of this course is to train individuals in Lean Six Sigma skills and strategies to improve processes and provide safe, effective care environments. The learner will demonstrate the practical application of tools utilized with Lean Six Sigma methodologies. Students will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge learned during this course concurrently with a case study designed specifically to use Six Sigma methodologies. Students will develop a Lean Six Sigma project plan that can serve as the foundation for completing a major project for Lean Six Sigma certification following the completion of the course. Interested students would need to apply for Lean Six Sigma certification and complete the major project with Franklin University's Center for Professional Training & Development.

Operational excellence can provide an important competitive advantage for firms in today?s marketplace. This course presents the concepts in quality. It builds upon the responses of six sigma and lean principles. This course also blends qualitative and quantitative information so that organizations can capitalize on opportunities and data driven management.

Business Psychology Specialization:

A brief history and overview of the fields of business and psychology as well as a discussion of the issues and opportunities related to their integration. Topics include brain organization and dominance, neuroethics, neurolinguistic programming, multiminds, mindmapping and the application of positive psychology to work settings. Includes the application of recent discoveries in cognitive psychology and neuroscience to resolve contemporary issues in the workplace.

This course focuses on the application of systems theory, social psychology concepts, organizational lifecycles, and biological principles to the understanding of business operations. Includes a review of basic business principles, multiple intelligences, organizational intelligence, organizational culture, emotional intelligence, biomimicry and organizational DNA.

This course provides a study of the relationship between creativity, innovation and change from a psychological perspective. Areas of interest include: social-technical change waves, change facilitation, unintended consequences, Appreciative Inquiry, creativity enhancement, and diffusion of innovation.

Marketing Specialization:

The integration of existing and emerging technology with marketing and communication strategies has become a major marketing and societal force. Topics explored in this course will range from social media strategies to the metrics used to analyze the impact of integrated digital marketing campaigns.

The ability to develop communication strategies has never been more important for business leaders than in today's complex digital marketing environment. In this course, you will develop a broad knowledge of the fundamentals of effective marketing communication planning and implementation.

In this course, students will demonstrate their marketing competencies by developing marketing strategies and tactics for a live client, including market analysis, target marketing, branding, and message development.

Human Resources Specialization:

The primary purpose of this course is to introduce the principle theories and practices in the area of employment and workplace law. Topics include the federal and state laws associated with hiring, firing and discipline, medical leave (including FMLA, ADA and worker's compensation), discrimination, harassment, immigration, labor law, unemployment compensation, workplace privacy. Additional topics may include workplace investigations, workplace violence and employment-related legal processes, including EEOC Charges and lawsuits.

This course addresses the need for planned change focused on an organization's ability to compete strategically. The framework of consultation as helping organizations reach a level of optimum performance will be applied. Topics addressed include individual, team, and organization-wide interventions that can raise productivity/quality, improve competitiveness, increase skills, morale, and commitment.

The course will introduce students to the field of strategic human resource management (SHRM). Current topics in SHRM that have resulted from environmental and organizational challenges, e.g., technology, globalization, legislation, restructuring, work/life balance, changing labor markets, are discussed Emphasis will be placed on problem solving issues, policies, and practices affecting HR specialists, practitioners, and managers.

Information Technology Specialization:

This course examines various issues related to the management of information systems. Topics include: strategic planning, organizing the technology resources, means of prioritizing and selecting information technology, staffing, personnel management, and assessment.

This course covers the fundamentals of security in the enterprise environment. Included are coverage of risks and vulnerabilities, threat modeling, policy formation, controls and protection methods, encryption and authentication technologies, network security, cryptography, personnel and physical security issues, as well as ethical and legal issues. This foundational course serves as an introduction to many of the subsequent topics discussed in depth in later security courses.


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MBA-Human Resources Program Details

Know the total cost of your master’s from day one.

Save yourself the anxiety of annual tuition increases with Franklin’s Tuition Guarantee. The guarantee lets you lock-in what you’ll pay from first-term through graduation, as long as you remain actively enrolled. Not only will this help you maximize funding sources - like employer reimbursement or financial aid, it will keep you focused on earning your degree. 

A learning outcome map functions as a roadmap to help guide students' progress through their program of study. Click HERE to view the Master of Business Administration matrix.

To be awarded a graduate degree, students must:

  • Successfully complete all required curriculum courses.
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00.
  • Master of Business Administration students must earn at least 24 of the 36 required credits at Franklin University – in any modality (on-site, hybrid or online).
  • Complete the payment of all requisite tuition and fees;
  • Not to be under disciplinary dismissal due to academic dishonesty or violation of Student Code of Conduct.

Transfer credit awarded based on experiential learning shall not count toward the residence requirement at Franklin University.

The admission process reflects Franklin University’s efforts to clearly identify the performance standards that can help predict student success in graduate level study. The selection criterion for Franklin’s graduate programs, as determined by faculty, emphasizes academic ability, contributory work experience, and personal qualities and characteristics.

Requirements for admission include having earned a bachelor's degree from an institution accredited by a Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)-recognized accrediting organization with a GPA of at least a 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.*

Applicants who earned at least a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale in their earned bachelor’s degree will automatically be granted conditional enrollment status. Applicants who earned lower than a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale in their earned bachelor’s degree can petition for conditional enrollment status to the program chair by submitting an essay detailing other criteria that the applicant believes should be considered to demonstrate their ability to be successful in a graduate program. This petition could include details on the applicant’s work experience, work ethic, level of professionalism, personality characteristics, level of difficulty of program of study previously completed, etc. 

Conditional enrollment requires students to achieve a final grade of “B” (3.0 GPA) or better in the first graduate-level course of their program. If the terms of the conditional enrollment are not met, the student will not be allowed to advance in their program and will be unable to earn this graduate degree from Franklin University. 

Program Prerequisites

English language testing & toefl ielts.

Prospective students must demonstrate English Language Proficiency. The requirement is met through any of the following:

  • The applicant is a citizen of a country where English is the official language.*
  • The applicant has received a bachelor’s degree (or higher) from an institution located in an English-speaking country in which the courses were taught in English.*
  • The applicant has earned appropriate scores on language proficiency exams taken within the last two years, as listed in the  Academic Catalog .  

*For more information about English proficiency, including a list of English-speaking nations, please visit our International Students section.

MBA-Human Resources Career Opportunities

Training coordinator.

Training coordinators work independently or as part of the HR team to design, create and evaluate training programs for employees and/or volunteers.

Employee Relations Manager

Employee relations managers oversee employee rights, resolve conflicts, advise management on discipline and termination issues and ensure that company policies comply with laws and regulations.

Chief Human Resources Officer

CHROs collaborate with other senior leaders to create strategic plans that facilitate organizational growth through talent acquisition, retention and growth.

MBA-Human Resources Employment Outlook

From 2021-2031 jobs related to human resources are expected to increase by 8%.

All Occupations

Training and Development Specialists

Compensation and Benefits Managers

Human Resources Managers

Training and Development Managers

Compliance Officers

Human Resources Specialists

Labor Relations Specialists

Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists

Source information provided by Lightcast.

Mba-human resources knowledge & skillsets.

Gain in-demand skills sought by employers with curriculum that teaches you:

  • Clearly articulate the organization’s mission, vision and values, and develop strategic plans for organization-wide implementation
  • Develop, communicate and implement priorities, goals and objectives in accordance with the strategic plans
  • Coordinate efforts across business lines and functions, harnessing organizational synergies and ensuring strategic alignment
  • Create and monitor strategies to ensure long-term financial viability
  • Identify key metrics and develop reporting systems to measure performance across functional units, identifying growth and efficiency opportunities
  • Develop organizational core competencies, positioning organizations to create competitive advantages in evolving industries
  • Oversee product-line strategies, generating prioritized, actionable insights from consumer and industry research
  • Apply effective change management strategies to help leadership, employees and other stakeholders successfully embrace organizational changes and improve performance  
  • Review all elements of the marketing mix, including product formulation, price, packaging and promotion to build brand equity and optimize sales, market share and profitability
  • Implement multi-year brand-category growth strategies, leveraging product development and marketing innovations
  • Develop and execute annual marketing plans to achieve market share, volume and profit objectives
  • Create unique and ownable market positions relative to competitors with clear points of differentiation
  • Leverage the full marketing mix, executing on compelling tactics that ingrain brand position and key differentiators into the minds of target audiences
  • Determine the most effective media mix across traditional and digital channels, balancing direct response initiatives with building long-term brand equity
  • Closely monitor and analyze sales volumes, market share trends and competitive activity
  • Assure effectiveness of marketing programs by completing post-promotion analysis of data, comparing results to established objectives
  • Collaborate with internal teams to drive success via customer engagement, competitive positioning, pricing and promotional activities
  • Promote strategic priorities and drive brand reputation through development and management of leadership events and speaking opportunities  
  • Maintain accounting standards, ensuring compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
  • Prepare consolidated financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements and statements of cash flow
  • Prepare account reconciliation
  • Consolidate and submit financial transaction reports
  • Analyze financial statements
  • Collaborate with business development in tracking and reporting sales efforts
  • Determine how changes in business and organizational structure impact reporting and operating results
  • Analyze transactions to identify issues, determine root causes of variances, and recommend appropriate corrective action
  • Ensure integrity of financial data for decision support and cost accounting systems, maintaining cost standards
  • Provide costing reports and make recommendations to support change in resource allocations, work methods and materials
  • Recommend and implement process, systems and reporting improvements to provide more visibility into financial results
  • Develop and execute cost-effective actions and expense-saving initiatives in support of financial objectives
  • Use accounting principles and practices to inform and recommend process improvement changes
  • Create top-talent management development and succession planning processes
  • Attract, recruit and inspire A-list employees who can help drive organizational success
  • Identify key domestic and international forces impacting the current and future workforce
  • Develop, coach and train high performance employees and managers to attain high levels of responsibility and performance
  • Design and implement organizational change strategies to enhance employee motivation and organizational efficiency
  • Build highly effective teams that work together to solve problems and innovate 
  • Monitor human resources-related policies and procedures to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws
  • Address employee complaints, issues and policy violations
  • Adhere to workplace compliance laws such as ADA, FMLA, sexual harassment and the Civil Rights Act
  • Conduct compliance reviews to keep HR policy up to date with federal and state regulations
  • Understand the need, importance and legal requirements of Equal Employment Opportunity Act  
  • Lead impactful large-scale interventions by organizing stakeholder groups, setting agendas and goals, and ensuring that outcomes produce transformative objectives
  • Initiate projects related to organizational design, organizational capabilities, process re-engineering and the alignment of people with business strategy
  • Work with senior leadership and frontline supervisors on performance management and succession planning
  • Leverage workforce competencies to capitalize on emerging opportunities resulting from changing market conditions
  • Create new structures, roles and processes to create speed and efficiency while supporting shifting business demands
  • Identify innovative ways to leverage technology and organizational design to increase productivity and efficiency
  • Provide consulting support to executive leadership on matters of goal setting, policy development, communication and strategic implementation  
  • Develop, implement and drive HR and talent management strategies
  • Establish a recruiting process that meets organizational goals and DEI initiatives 
  • Identify key forces impacting the workforce, such as skill shortages, economic conditions and changes to business strategy
  • Use workforce analytics and other business metrics to drive strategic decision making
  • Partner with business leaders on workforce planning strategies to address core skill gaps and resource shortages
  • Create an engaging work environment with a positive culture, positioning the organization as an employer of choice
  • Manage the HR budget to strategically maximize funds in ways that move the organization forward
  • Build talent pipelines through effective employee recruiting, hiring and retention strategies  

MBA with a Human Resources Specialization or M.S. in Human Resource Management?

If you’re interested advancing your business career, Franklin has several great options. The best fit for you depends on your interests and goals. Compare programs and identify your perfect match.

Focus:   Grow your expertise in the foundational areas of business while increasing your familiarity with strategic HR, employment law and organizational development.   Skills: Build management and leadership skills alongside a deeper understanding of strategic and legal HR issues, and the impacts of planned change.   Careers:  Use your MBA-Human Resources to lead diverse workforces in an ever-changing business environment.   How many courses are in the program? Nine 6-week classes

How quickly can I complete the program? 12 months

Focus:  Advance your leadership capabilities as well as your ability to oversee benefit plans, navigate labor laws and develop talent management strategies.    Skills: Get the skills to navigate compensation systems, strategic HR, organizational leadership, employment law and organizational development.   Careers:  Put your M.S. in Human Resource Management to work leading HR functions in a variety of industries.   How many courses are in the program? Nine 6-week classes

How quickly can I complete the program? 14 months

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The certificates and training listed below are relevant to this degree program. Search our database to view pre-evaluated credentials and see how a license, certification or professional training saves you time and money toward your degree.

MBA-Human Resources Specialization Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The MBA with a Specialization in Human Resources is a master’s-level program that provides a theory-to-practice approach to workplace law, organizational development and strategic human resource management. While your MBA will help you grow your management capabilities, you’ll also gain the insight to be a leader in-tune with the human side of business.

With an MBA with a Specialization in Human Resources, you’ll get a theory-to-practice approach to workplace law, organizational development and strategic human resource management that can prepare you for a variety of positions including training coordinator, employee relations manager and chief human resources officer.

With an MBA with a Specialization in Human Resources, you’ll boost your knowledge of employment law; explore how a strategic approach to planned change impacts an organization's productivity, competitiveness and culture; and examine the strategic choices HR managers face regarding ethics, employees rights and virtual work to gain a competitive advantage.

Franklin’s MBA with a Specialization in Human Resources is a 12-month, 100% online program created with input from industry experts in human resources. In Franklin’s theory-to-practice program, you’ll learn through a combination of substantive environmental analysis and case studies and be taught by in-field practitioners.

Choose from eight start dates each year – fall (August, September and November), spring (January, February and March) or summer (May and June).

Franklin University offers a quality education at a competitive cost so you can afford to invest in your future. Our per credit hour tuition rates (vs. per year or per term rates) enable you to get a realistic estimate of exactly how much your degree will cost. Our 2023-2024 tuition rate is $670 per credit hour. Use Franklin’s free MyCost Estimator to get a personalized estimate of your total degree cost. If you have any questions, ask our helpful staff about available financing options and financial aid programs.

Franklin's master's degree programs are specifically designed for busy, working adults -- that means you could finish your MBA with a Specialization in Human Resources in as few as 12 months.

Yes. Specializations are designated on diplomas and included on official transcripts.

Yes. Specializations are included on official transcripts and designated on diplomas.

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Postgraduate business and management personal statement example 2.

I am a clear headed, ambitious individual who has taken the time to think about my future and my goals. I have undertook and completed my first degree in two years as opposed to the normal three or four year programmes. Doing a two year course instead of a three year course has required me to continually focus, and focus more and more as the course has developed.

Doing an accelerated degree has given me the advantage of continuing on to a further education, as if I had undertaken a conventional three or four year degree, I may not have considered continuing on to a masters course as seriously I have done now

I did my degree as I am the only member of my family to go to university and complete a degree, which motivated me to work harder and made me proud. I chose Business Management as a general degree, which gave me the opportunity to learn and test all aspects of Management and Business so I knew what I wanted to specialise in

Information Systems was one of my modules which I thoroughly enjoyed and found very interesting and I saw it as a subject which I want to learn more about and to a much higher level. One of the reasons that I want to move to a further degree is that I have enjoyed the whole learning aspect of my current degree, it has helped me see that learning is a never ending activity.

Wherever I may be, in an institute of education or in my workplace, I will be continually learning. My degree has opened me up to so many aspects of learning, not just being taught, but carrying out research myself has given me a sense of responsibility as I have been teaching myself and learning

Since beginning university I have been exposed to, and pleasantly surprised by the amount of different cultures there are. This has broadened my academic scope and given me new ways of thinking and dealing with situations as I can see things from other perspectives that were not present in my life before university. I have met people from all over the world and they have had a positive impact on me

I knew I wanted to learn more about the world of business before beginning my business management degree. As today's graduate job market is more and more competitive, gaining a postgraduate degree will further enhance my chances of employability in the future

In my life I have given myself certain goals, some relating to my personal life and some to my life in the business world, which I will do my best to complete. One such goal is to manage people effectively and efficiently. I believe that in any line of work, the key to a business is how well that business is managed from a personal development perspective. Employees of any company must be given pertinent direction, sound training, and proper feedback from their managers to be more productive in their defined job roles and responsibilities.

In order to provide employees with this development, a further academic education is very important in order to understand the needs of employees. I feel that a masters course will help me attain this knowledge and provide me with the essentials of being a successful manager on the various engagements I encounter throughout my career. The business world is an environment which is full of opportunities in a vast array of sectors in which one can specialize and has global implications that are constantly changing, and therefore may leave a business leader feeling lost without a formulated plan of action

Academically I believe that I have a solid foundation from a young age, which I can build upon with this masters programme. Since a young age I have attended private school and sixth form college, and I am presently studying at a recognised management school. In my time at school and sixth form college, I achieved eleven GCSE's and passed three A level subjects to a very high standard.

Also during my last year of school and during sixth form college I was entered into the UK Intermediate Maths Championships and I won a silver award each year, which placed me in the top one third of mathematicians in the country who entered the championship.

During my A level Spanish Course, as group leader, I organised a trip for my class to the University of Salamanca to attend a course in Spanish. I had to organise flights, accommodation and travel around the city and I arranged meetings with all the students to brief them. With this and other group activities I have always assumed the role of team leader as I have always had the respect and trust of my peers, and I have very much enjoyed being in a position of responsibility.

As well as my academic achievements, I took part in many activities which helped me shape my idea of what I want to achieve in the future and my goals, not just in my personal life but in the workplace also

One of the biggest aspects of my life has been my involvement in cricket. For the seven years I was there, I represented my school on the cricket field as one of the senior members of the team. I was often handed the responsibility of captain or vice-captain in the team and was an established opening batsmen, so I was never short of any pressure on my shoulders. Despite being difficult tasks these were the aspects which I enjoyed most and I always perform best when under pressure.

Away from school, I played cricket for local club. Here I progressed through the age groups very quickly, I was playing for the adult teams when I was supposed to be with the youth teams. This was a point where I had to grow up and mature very quickly as I was playing with serious cricketers at a high level.

It was with my local club where I trained with and played against professionals, some of whom perform at an international level. I still train with my local club and assist in the coaching of the youth squads. Another one of my hobbies aside from cricket is reading.

I recently finished a book called Digital Fortress written by Dan Brown who is a very accomplished writer and is the author of the world famous Da Vinci Code which is my current read. I found Digital Fortress very interesting as it was about security issues with the information systems within the NSA in the USA

I believe I have the intellectual ability to complete a Masters Degree and I have illustrated my drive, ambition and dedication to do this is many ways. I am capable of working as part of a team as I have developed the initiative and ability to follow instructions and have the capacity of working with others.

I have good group leadership skills which I want to turn into excellent and distinctive leadership skills through a Masters programme. I am the only member of my family to continue to such a high level of education, and one of the very few of my local community, these factors contribute largely to my motivation and commitment to undertaking and completing a Masters Degree.

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