informative speech 250 words

15 Informative Speech Examples to Inspire Your Next Talk

  • The Speaker Lab
  • May 13, 2024

Table of Contents

A good informative speech is one of the most effective tools in a speaker’s arsenal. But with so many potential topics out there, it can be tough to know where to start. That’s why we’ve compiled 15 informative speech examples to help you find your perfect subject. Whether you’re unearthing secrets from history for your listeners or delving into future technologies, informative speeches can prove to be the recipe for the perfect talk.

But crafting an effective informative speech is about more than just picking a topic. You have to research topics, put your thoughts in order, and speak up clearly and confidently. In this post, we’ll explore strategies for each step of the process, so you can create a speech that informs, engages, and makes a lasting impact on your listeners. Let’s get started.

15 Informative Speech Examples

If you’re looking for some inspiration for your next informative speech, look no further. Below are 15 examples of informative speech topics that are sure to engage and educate your audience.

  • The history and evolution of social media platforms
  • The benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy sources
  • The impact of sleep deprivation on mental and physical health
  • The role of emotional intelligence in personal and professional success
  • The science behind climate change and its potential consequences
  • The importance of financial literacy for young adults
  • The influence of artificial intelligence on various industries
  • The benefits of regular exercise and a balanced diet
  • The history and cultural significance of a specific art form or genre
  • The impact of technology on interpersonal communication
  • The psychology behind procrastination and effective strategies to overcome it
  • The role of diversity and inclusion in fostering innovation and creativity
  • The importance of mental health awareness and resources for students
  • The future of space exploration and its potential benefits for humanity
  • The impact of globalization on local economies and cultures

These topics cover a wide range of subjects, from technology and science to psychology and culture. By choosing one of these informative speech examples, you’ll have plenty of material to work with to create an engaging and educational presentation.

Remember, the key to a successful informative speech is to choose a topic that you’re passionate about and that will resonate with your audience. Do your research, organize your thoughts, and practice your delivery to ensure that your message comes across loud and clear.

What Is an Informative Speech?

If you’ve ever been to a conference or seminar, chances are you’ve heard an informative speech. But what exactly is an informative speech? Simply put, it’s a type of speech designed to educate the audience on a particular topic. The goal is to provide interesting and useful information, ensuring the audience walks away with new knowledge or insights. Unlike persuasive speeches that aim to convince the audience of a viewpoint, informative speeches focus on explaining a subject clearly and objectively.

Types of Informative Speeches

Informative speeches come in various forms, each with its own purpose. The most common types are definition, explanation, description, and demonstration speeches. Depending on the objective, an informative speech can take on different structures and styles.

For example, a definition speech aims to explain a concept or term, while a demonstration speech shows the audience how to perform a task or process. An explanatory speech, on the other hand, provides a detailed account of a complex subject, breaking it down into digestible parts.

Purpose of Informative Speeches

At its core, the purpose of an informative speech is to share knowledge with the audience. These speeches are characterized by their fact-based, non-persuasive nature. The focus is on delivering information in an engaging and accessible way.

A well-crafted informative speech not only educates but also sparks curiosity and encourages further learning. By dedicating yourself to providing valuable information and appealing to your audience’s interests, you can succeed as an informative speaker.

Strategies for Selecting an Informative Speech Topic

Choosing the right topic is crucial for an effective informative speech. You want a subject that is not only interesting to you but also relevant and engaging for your audience. Consider their knowledge level, background, and expectations when selecting your topic.

One strategy is to focus on a subject you’re passionate about or have expertise in. This allows you to speak with authority and enthusiasm, making your speech more compelling. Another approach is to address current events or trending topics that are on people’s minds.

When brainstorming potential topics, consider your speech’s purpose and the type of informative speech you want to deliver. Is your goal to define a concept, explain a process, describe an event, or demonstrate a skill? Answering these questions will help guide your topic selection.

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How to Write an Informative Speech

Now that you’ve selected your topic, it’s time to start writing your informative speech. The key to a successful speech is thorough preparation and a clear, organized structure. Let’s break down the steps involved in crafting an engaging and informative presentation.

Researching Your Topic

Before you start writing, it’s essential to conduct thorough research on your topic. Gather facts, statistics, examples, and other supporting information for your informative speech. These things will help you explain and clarify the subject matter to your audience.

As you research, use reliable sources such as academic journals, reputable websites, and expert opinions to ensure the accuracy and credibility of your information. Take notes and organize your findings in a way that makes sense for your speech’s structure.

Structuring Your Speech

A typical informative speech structure includes three main parts, namely, an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should grab the audience’s attention, establish your credibility , and preview the main points you’ll cover.

The body of your speech is where you’ll present your main points and supporting evidence. Use clear transitions between each point to maintain a logical flow. The conclusion should summarize your key takeaways and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Outlining Your Speech

Creating an outline is a crucial step in organizing your thoughts and ensuring a coherent flow of information. Start by listing your main points and then add subpoints and supporting details for each section.

A well-structured outline will serve as a roadmap for your speech, keeping you on track and helping you stay focused on your key messages. It also makes the writing process more efficient and less overwhelming.

Writing Your Draft

With your outline in hand, it’s time to start writing your draft. Focus on presenting information clearly and concisely, using simple language and avoiding jargon. Provide examples and analogies throughout your informative speech in order to illustrate complex ideas and make them more relatable to your audience.

As you write, keep your audience in mind and tailor your language and examples to their level of understanding. Use transitions to link your ideas and maintain a smooth flow throughout the speech.

Editing and Revising

Once you’ve completed your draft, take the time to edit and revise your speech. First, check for clarity, accuracy, and logical organization. Then, eliminate unnecessary details, repetition, and filler words.

Read your speech aloud to identify any awkward phrasing or unclear passages. Lastly, seek feedback from others and be open to making changes based on their suggestions. Remember, the goal is to create a polished and effective informative speech.

Delivering an Informative Speech

You’ve written a fantastic informative speech, but now comes the real challenge: delivering it effectively. The way you present your speech can make all the difference in engaging your audience and ensuring they retain the information you’re sharing.

Practicing Your Speech

Practice makes perfect, and this couldn’t be more true when it comes to public speaking. Rehearse your speech multiple times to build confidence and familiarity with the content. Practice in front of a mirror, family members, or friends to get comfortable with your delivery.

As you practice, focus on your pacing, intonation, and body language. Aim for a conversational tone and maintain eye contact with your audience. The more you practice, the more natural and engaging your delivery will become.

Using Visual Aids

Visual aids such as slides, charts, or props can enhance your informative speech by making complex information more accessible and engaging. When utilized in your informative speech, they can help illustrate key points, provide visual examples, and break up the monotony of a purely verbal presentation.

Of course, it’s important to ensure your visuals are clear, relevant, and easy to understand. Otherwise, they may end up obscuring your points instead of clarifying them. In light of this, avoid cluttering your slides with too much text or overwhelming your audience with too many visuals. Use them strategically to support your message, not distract from it.

Engaging Your Audience

Engaging your audience is crucial for a successful informative speech. Use rhetorical questions, anecdotes, or interactive elements to keep them involved and attentive. Encourage participation, if appropriate, and maintain a conversational tone to create a connection with your listeners.

Pay attention to your audience’s reactions and adapt your delivery accordingly. If you sense confusion or disinterest, try rephrasing your points or providing additional examples to clarify your message. Remember, your goal is to educate and inspire your audience, so keep them at the forefront of your mind throughout your speech.

Handling Nerves

It’s normal to feel nervous before and during a speech, but there are strategies to help you manage those nerves . Take deep breaths, visualize success, and focus on your message rather than your anxiety. Remember, your audience wants you to succeed, and a little nervousness can actually enhance your performance by showing enthusiasm and authenticity.

If you find yourself getting overwhelmed, take a moment to pause, collect your thoughts, and regain your composure. Smile, make eye contact, and remind yourself that you’ve prepared thoroughly and have valuable information to share.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To deliver an effective informative speech, it’s important to be aware of common pitfalls and mistakes. One of the biggest errors is overloading your audience with too much information. Remember, less is often more when it comes to public speaking.

Another mistake is failing to organize your content logically or using complex jargon without explanation. Make sure your speech has a clear structure and that you’re explaining any technical terms or concepts in a way that your audience can understand.

Finally, don’t neglect the importance of practice and preparation. Winging it or relying too heavily on notes can lead to a disjointed and unengaging speech. Take the time to rehearse, refine your delivery, and internalize your key points.

By avoiding these common mistakes and focusing on the strategies we’ve discussed, you’ll be well on your way to delivering an informative speech that educates, engages, and inspires your audience.

Tips for Delivering a Compelling Informative Speech

Once you’ve chosen your topic and done your research, it’s time to focus on delivering a compelling speech. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Start with a strong attention-grabbing opening that draws your audience in and sets the tone for your speech.
  • Use clear, concise language and avoid jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand.
  • Incorporate storytelling, examples, and anecdotes to make your points more relatable and memorable.
  • Use visual aids , such as slides or props, to enhance your message and keep your audience engaged.
  • Practice your delivery and timing to ensure that you stay within your allotted time and maintain a natural, conversational tone.

By following these tips and choosing a topic that you’re passionate about, you’ll be well on your way to delivering an informative speech that educates and inspires your audience.

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20 Bonus Topics for Informative Speeches

In case the informative speech examples above didn’t pique your interest, we have several more for you to consider. Ranging from topics like science and technology to history and education, these 20 topics are perfect for your next presentation.

  • The history and development of virtual reality technology
  • The benefits and challenges of remote work
  • The science behind the formation of hurricanes and tornadoes
  • The impact of social media on political campaigns and elections
  • The importance of sustainable fashion and its environmental benefits
  • The role of emotional support animals in mental health treatment
  • The history and cultural significance of a specific cuisine or dish
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems
  • The benefits and risks of gene editing technology
  • The psychology behind conspiracy theories and their spread online
  • The importance of digital privacy and data security in the modern age
  • The role of music therapy in healthcare and wellness
  • The impact of deforestation on biodiversity and climate change
  • The history and evolution of a specific sport or athletic event
  • The benefits and challenges of alternative education models
  • The science behind the human immune system and how vaccines work
  • The impact of mass incarceration on communities and families
  • The role of storytelling in preserving cultural heritage and traditions
  • The importance of financial planning for retirement and old age
  • The impact of urban agriculture on food security and community development

Choosing a Topic That Resonates With Your Audience

When selecting a topic for your informative speech, it’s important to consider your audience and what will resonate with them. Think about their interests, backgrounds, and knowledge levels, and choose a topic that will be both informative and engaging.

For example, if you’re speaking to a group of high school students, you may want to choose a topic that relates to their experiences or concerns, such as the impact of social media on mental health or the importance of financial literacy for young adults. If you’re speaking to a group of business professionals, you may want to focus on topics related to industry trends, leadership strategies, or emerging technologies.

By choosing a topic that resonates with your audience, you’ll be more likely to capture their attention and keep them engaged throughout your speech. And remember, even if you’re not an expert on the topic, you can still deliver an informative and engaging speech by doing your research and presenting the information in a clear and accessible way.

FAQs on Informative Speech Examples

What is an example of informative speech.

An example includes breaking down the impacts of climate change, detailing causes, effects, and potential solutions.

What are the 3 types of informative speeches?

The three main types are explanatory (breaks down complex topics), descriptive (paints a picture with words), and demonstrative (shows how to do something).

What are the 5 useful topics of an informative speech?

Top picks include technology advances, mental health awareness, environmental conservation efforts, cultural diversity appreciation, and breakthroughs in medical research.

What is an effective informative speech?

An effective one delivers clear info on a specific topic that educates listeners without overwhelming them. It’s well-researched and engaging.

Informative speech examples are everywhere, if you know where to look. From TED Talks to classroom lectures, there’s no shortage of inspiration for your next presentation. All you have to do is find a topic that lights your fire while engaging your audience.

Remember, a great informative speech is all about clarity, organization, and engagement. By following the tips and examples we’ve covered, you’ll be well on your way to delivering an informative speech that educates, enlightens, and leaves a lasting impression. So go ahead, pick your topic, and start crafting your own informative speech today!

  • Last Updated: May 9, 2024

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

509 Informative Speech Ideas and Topics

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

informative speech

How to Choose the Right Informative Topic

Half the battle of presenting a speech or writing an essay is choosing the right topic. Choosing a good informative speech topic or informative essay topic can keep your audience entertained, your reader interested, and your own work process more enjoyable. Here are a few tips to help you choose a topic:

Know your audience or reader: Your informative presentation – whether through speech or essay – should cover a subject not already well known to your audience, but still relevant to them. If you do choose a topic they’re familiar with, then present new and exciting information. Consider the age, knowledge level, and interests of your audience when preparing your informational speech or essay.

Consider your own interests: Think of your own passions and areas of expertise that you think people could benefit from learning more about. Choosing a topic you care about will help your speech or essay be better received. Your passion will keep them engaged and curious to learn more.

Consider length requirements : How much time are you allotted for your informative speech? What is the page requirement for your informative essay? You should be able to thoroughly cover the topic in the amount of time you are given. If you don’t think you have enough knowledge or personal interest to talk about illegal drug use among teens, saving money as a college student, or another informative topic for 20 minutes, you may need to consider a different subject.

The good news is that there are countless options available. Below are lists of informative topics for speeches and essays. Remember that, in order to choose the best informative topic for you, you need to consider your audience, your interests, and your time and length requirements. Then, customize the central idea to suit your situation.

Best 10 Informative Speech Topics

Don’t have time to read our full list of 500+ topic ideas? Here is our list of 10 best informative speech topics.

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  • How to adopt a dog
  • The history of motorcycles
  • The best sales tactics
  • The differences between male and female communication
  • America’s fastest growing cities
  • The importance of education for the economy
  • Different stages of poverty
  • How to cook vegetarian
  • How to keep your skin looking young and wrinkle free
  • The different types of poetry

List of Informative Speech Topics

  • Communication
  • Current Events
  • Environment
  • Food and Drink
  • International Relations
  • National Security


  • Supernatural
  • Demonstration
  • Easy / Simple
  • Interesting
  • Legislation
  • Pop Culture

10 Animal Informative Speech Topics

Animal Informative Speech Topics

  • The role of cats throughout history.
  • Caring for hermit crabs.
  • What are the best pets?
  • The lives of ants.
  • The different types of tropical fish.
  • The different exotic breeds of cats.
  • How to raise rabbits.
  • The beauty of wolves.
  • How to adopt a dog.
  • Raising pet snakes.

See this page for a full list of Speech Topics About Animals .

10 Automotive Informative Speech Topics

automobiles in of series car cars

  • Is it better to buy or lease a car?
  • How to choose the right tires for your car.
  • How to make your car run better.
  • What to look for in a new car.
  • How to change your car’s oil.
  • Dirt bike riding safety tips.
  • How to drive a stick shift.
  • The history of motorcycles.
  • How to change a flat tire.
  • The best muscle cars.

14 Business Informative Speech Topics

Business Informative Speech Topics

  • Taking your brand to the next level with three easy steps: promoting, advertising and marketing.
  • How business owners’ personal characteristics impact their business.
  • What is the impact of training and development on employee job performance?
  • Leadership styles and their effects on employee productivity.
  • Engaged employees result in high retention.
  • Developing personal power in an organization.
  • Impacts of incentives on employee performance.
  • Psychological tactics in marketing.
  • How to create a successful brand.
  • The importance of accounting research.
  • The benefits of enterprise resource planning.
  • The benefits of multilevel marketing.
  • The best sales tactics.
  • How to nail the negotiation in your first meeting.

See this page for a full list of Informative Speech Topics for Business .

8 Communication Informative Speech Topics

Young brothers talking with tin can telephone on grunge backgrou

  • How deaf people talk with emotion.
  • The differences between male and female communication.
  • How to be a persuasive speaker.
  • How to improve your conversation skills.
  • Some simple conversation tips.
  • What is neural linguistic programming (NLP)?
  • Why smiles are contagious.
  • How to manage communicative disorders.

4 Current Events Informative Speech Topics

Current Events Informative Speech Topics

  • America’s fastest growing cities.
  • The Occupy Wall Street movement.
  • Poverty in New York City.
  • What is the national happiness rate?

6 Economy Informative Speech Topics

Economy Informative Speech Topics

  • The history of taxes on carbon dioxide emissions.
  • What would be the impact on economic growth if everyone produced their own food?
  • The impact of progressive taxation on the provision of social services.
  • Economic growth of the People’s Republic of China.
  • The effects of price and demand of agricultural products.
  • The importance of education for the economy.

10 Education Informative Speech Topics

Education Informative Speech Topics

  • How EFL teachers can use the internet as a classroom aid.
  • Should teachers and students be friends on social networks?
  • Why is our education system only based on theory and not practical knowledge?
  • Should students be permitted to eat during classes?
  • The importance of formal education for building a successful career.
  • The pros and cons of teaching students three languages in school.
  • What materials work best in a sandbag for blocking floodwaters?
  • Hypnosis: its misconceptions and common uses.
  • Learning disabilities and their effects on learning in college.
  • Are test scores a good indication of a school’s competency?

See this page for a full list of Informative Persuasive Speech Topics .

10 Environment Informative Speech Topics

Environment Informative Speech Topics

  • Should politicians bring more pollution to our country?
  • What would happen if finite resources were not used wisely?
  • Four main reasons for generating genetically modified crops.
  • The effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer on maize.
  • Are we going to lose the rainforest?
  • The best ways to protect the environment.
  • Commercial crops and their effect on the water table.
  • The environmental impact of a meat based diet.
  • Recycling helps mitigate the greenhouse effect.
  • Why we should stop global warming.

See this page for a full list of Environmental Informative Speech Topics .

3 Ethics Informative Speech Topics

Ethics Informative Speech Topics

  • Is it sometimes better to tell a lie than to tell the truth?
  • Is tolerance the same as love?
  • Is hunting morally acceptable?

10 Family Informative Speech Topics

Family Informative Speech Topics

  • Adopted children should always have the option to see their biological parents.
  • The impact of single parenting and its effects on children.
  • The appropriate penalties for parental negligence.
  • What it is like being the youngest of a family of 19 kids.
  • The importance of the parent-child relationship.
  • My father is my hero.
  • How to pick a name for your children.
  • Cases of domestic violence against men.
  • The importance of family.
  • The history of foster care.

See this page for a full list of Family Informative Speech Topics . We also have a page with Speech Topics for Kids .

18 Financial Informative Speech Topics

Financial Informative Speech Topics

  • How banks are getting paid twice for your mortgage.
  • How to save money in college.
  • How to build credit.
  • How to save money on your income taxes.
  • How to apply for a credit card.
  • The basics of financial aid.
  • The importance of saving money.
  • How to recognize stock market trends.
  • The process of buying a house.
  • The basics of internet banking safety.
  • The best investment strategies.
  • How to live on $5 a day/ Eating well on $5 a day.
  • Tips on how do deal with money problems.
  • The history of our currency.
  • How the US Dollar affects the Euro.
  • Debt relief programs.
  • Does China have a serious stock market?

9 Food and Drink Informative Speech Topics

Food Drink Informative Speech Topics

  • The difference between Gatorade and Powerade.
  • How to cook a delicious dinner.
  • How to grow your own food.
  • The different types of coffee.
  • How to cook vegetarian.
  • How to make a cocktail.
  • The best types of cheese.
  • The best exotic fruits.
  • How to make Chinese food.

See this page for a full list of Speech Topic Ideas On Food, Drink, and Cooking .

11 Fun Informative Speech Topics

Fun Informative Speech Topics

  • The history of Valentine’s Day, the celebrations in different cultures.
  • Some laugh, but there are many courageous people who overcome stuttering.
  • Funny Saint Patricks Day parades, pub decorating, Irish fun runs.
  • Differences between apes and monkeys, monkeys in space programs, how they live in groups in the zoo.
  • Your hand: what your signature, handwriting and your hand palm lines say about your character.
  • Amphibian vehicles – search for information about those rare car-boat vehicles, and you have lots of fun informative speech topics to talk about!
  • Cartoons in relation to our Freedom of Speech and Expression principles.
  • Show the listeners to your public speaking speech some flags of unknown countries, ask them what nation you mean and explain colors and symbols.
  • The extraterrestrial life stories and future theories from French author Jules Verne.
  • Etiquette and manners, how to cope with special situations, how to behave at official ceremonies you see enough public speaking speeches spicing humor.
  • Fashion styles and dress codes at parties and ceremonies.

See this page for a full list of Fun Informative Speech Topics .

5 Geography Informative Speech Topics

Geography Informative Speech Topics

  • The antipodes – Places on Earth which are diametrically opposite to each other.
  • Cartography – How terrestrial globe spheres are crafted.
  • Climatology – Patterns in climate change, like rising temperatures and flooding.
  • Coasts – Types of coasts, deltas, sea cliffs and beaches.
  • What does the continental drift theory mean in vulcanology?

See this page for a full list of Speech Topics On Geography .

9 Government Informative Speech Topics

Government Informative Speech Topics

  • The role of accounting in the control of public expenditures in Nigeria.
  • What factors affect community participation in public meetings?
  • How difficult is it to run a country of 1.2 billion people?
  • Speeding cameras are meant to provide government money.
  • Should the President be paid while being in office?
  • The Federal government’s separation of powers.
  • Journalism is our weapon against corruption.
  • How a bill passes in state government.
  • The best city planning practices.

10 Health Informative Speech Topics

Doctor in Medical Record's room.

  • Steroids, antibiotics, sprays: are these things hurting us?
  • The effects of dissociative identity disorder or multiple personality disorder.
  • Bigger isn’t always better: the effect fast food has on America.
  • The importance of proper stretching before a workout.
  • How to keep your skin looking young and wrinkle free.
  • The different types of insomnia.
  • The causes and effects of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • The psychosocial aspects of organ transplantation.
  • Controversial ideas about whooping cough vaccines.
  • The reasons why stress and depression should be taken seriously.

See this page for a full list of Informative Speech Topics on Health and Fitness . We also have a page with Medical Topics and Psychology topics.

10 History Informative Speech Topics

past, present, future, time concept on blackboard

  • The beauty of ancient Egyptian art.
  • The most beautiful paintings in history.
  • The history of fashion.
  • The history of high heels.
  • The history of cosmetic makeup.
  • The history of Tibetan burial practices.
  • What Olympic events did ancient Greece have?
  • The history of swear words and their impact on society.
  • Words and their meanings that have changed with time.
  • Why dragons perform in Chinese New Year celebrations.

See this page for a full list of History Speech Topics .

16 International Relations Informative Speech Topics

International Relations Informative Speech Topics

  • Economic development and the role of the private sector in reducing poverty in Lesotho.
  • Tourism and remittances are the solutions for Tonga’s economic growth.
  • The military of the Philippines.
  • Is South Africa ready for a female president?
  • Can democracy bring stability to Pakistan?
  • South Africa is an amazing country.
  • The impact of U.S drone strikes.
  • The discovery of oil in Equatorial Guinea.
  • How to help refugees.
  • Why everyone should live in China.
  • The status of trade relations in East Africa.
  • The effects of the Dowry system in India.
  • Sri Lanka after thirty years of war.
  • Why Africa is underdeveloped.
  • The political system of India.
  • The purpose of the United Nations.

2 Language Informative Speech Topics

language concept

  • English is a link language for many parts of the world.
  • The origins of cliches.

6 Literature Informative Speech Topics

Literature Informative Speech Topics

  • Inside the mind of Edgar Allen Poe.
  • How to write a book.
  • The three trials of Oscar Wilde.
  • The meaning of The House on Mango Street.
  • The history of vampires in literature.
  • The different types of poetry.

21 Media Informative Speech Topics

Social networks background

  • What steps are involved in creating a movie or television show?
  • How Spotify hurts new artists.
  • The benefits of watching less TV.
  • How the media has hurt our body image.
  • Books that were turned into terrible movies.
  • The benefits of reading a newspaper.
  • The basics of photography.
  • The history of the Titanic movie.
  • Some famous advertising campaigns.
  • The effects of misleading advertisements.
  • Some important women in the media.
  • The best foreign TV shows.
  • The benefits of satellite radio.
  • The best TV sitcoms.
  • Al Jazeera, the largest Arabic news channel is the Middle East.
  • How Disney produces and distributes short animated films.
  • The amazing stage performance of Christina Aguilera.
  • The love life of Jennifer Aniston,
  • The story of CNN International reporter, Christiane Amanpour.
  • The ten actors who played James Bond.
  • Top three worst Woody Allen movies.

9 Music Informative Speech Topics

Music Informative Speech Topics

  • The different types of marching bands.
  • The history of french horns.
  • The history of house music.
  • The evolution of rock and roll.
  • The beauty of reggae music.
  • Music as a “lifestyle”.
  • The best electronic dance music.
  • How to play the kazoo.
  • The beauty of Haitian music.

4 National Security Informative Speech Topics

  • How illegal things are smuggled into the country.
  • The United States military branches.
  • The importance of the Air Force.
  • The branches of the military.

10 Politics Informative Speech Topics

Politics Informative Speech Topics

  • Should the U.S. restrict immigration?
  • The benefits of communism.
  • The most important women in politics.
  • Define the term foreign policy and offer current examples.
  • The delicate position of women and children in war torn societies and countries on the globe.
  • How issues on oil in Nigeria lift the oil prices worldwide.
  • How a free trade agreement works.
  • The major environmental problems in Australia.
  • National gun control statistics compared to the statistics of other countries.
  • The function of the Federal Reserve Board in maintaining a stable financial system.

See this page for a full list of Speech Topics about Politics .

10 Psychology Informative Speech Topics

Psychology Therapy

  • The benefits of greeting people.
  • Positive thinking is the key to peaceful living.
  • The meaning of dreams.
  • How to explain child geniuses.
  • Difference between empathy and sympathy.
  • How to be more sensitive for an emotionally insensitive person.
  • How to know a person’s true personality when we are so good at disguise nowadays.
  • Secrets about quiet people.
  • How to respond or take a compliment.
  • Why do people lie and how to deal with that.

See this page for a full list of Psychology Speech Topics .

12 Relationships Informative Speech Topics

Relationships Informative Speech Topics

  • How marriages today differ from marriages from the 60’s.
  • The secrets of happy and successful relationships.
  • How to choose the right relationship.
  • How to get along with your roommate.
  • The guidelines for military marriages.
  • How to make long distance relationships work.
  • The average age to get married.
  • How to talk to people when you have nothing to say.
  • How to recognize toxic friends.
  • Your Brain Falls in Love Not Only Your Heart.
  • Who Was and Is Cupid and Co.
  • All You Wanted to Know About Engagement.

10 Religion Informative Speech Topics

Religion Informative Speech Topics

  • A comparison of Genesis and Revelation in the Bible.
  • Modern values are violating religious values.
  • How Christ is present in our world.
  • What percentage of the world’s population are Christians?
  • Why worshipping Satan isn’t a bad thing.
  • Why the bunny symbolizes Easter.
  • God helps those who help themselves.
  • A comparison of different religions.
  • The history of the Christian church.
  • The main principles of Christianity.

See this page for a full list of Speech Topics on Religion and Spirituality .

10 Science Informative Speech Topics

Two children making science experiments

  • The difference between an alligator and a crocodile.
  • Why whales should not be hunted for food.
  • Transhumanism and the evolution of the human race.
  • How we can create geniuses.
  • Falabella horses are the smallest in the world.
  • Why is the colonization of Mars important?
  • Albert Einstein’s contributions to science.
  • The isolation of nicotinic acid from tobacco.
  • The journey to becoming a nuclear physicist.
  • Some interesting facts about the human brain.

See this page for a full list of Informative Science Speech Topics .

31 Self-Help Informative Speech Topics

Self-Help Informative Speech Topics

  • The difference between boundaries and limits.
  • The benefits of affirmation.
  • Three goals to strive for in life.
  • How to present yourself with confidence.
  • Why it’s important to be yourself.
  • How to manage your anger.
  • How to make a good first impression.
  • How to prepare for a job interview.
  • Your actions determine your future.
  • How to set goals and achieve them.
  • How to enhance your public speaking skills.
  • How to increase your motivation.
  • What makes life meaningful?
  • How to take your next big step in life.
  • How to construct an argument.
  • How to boost your self-esteem.
  • How to be happy being single.
  • How to avoid procrastination.
  • How to improve your manners.
  • How to be a good leader.
  • The importance of a good attitude.
  • How to be more romantic.
  • How to break bad habits.
  • How to overcome conflict.
  • Happiness: The thing we all look for but never really understand.
  • What it’s like to be falling in love.
  • What is love and what’s not.
  • The secret to resolving conflicts.
  • Dancing is your secret weapon for happiness and health.
  • Things to remember if you don’t want to die with any regrets.

10 School Informative Speech Topics

sutent learning at school

  • Schools should not make money by selling unhealthy candy and soft drinks to students.
  • Music with foul language in it should not be allowed at school dances.
  • Students should be able to listen to their MP3 players during class.
  • Students who commit cyberbullying should be suspended or expelled from school.
  • Boys and girls should be taught in separate classrooms.
  • Homeschooling produces better results than public schools.
  • High School will be the best time of your life.
  • Boys are lazier than girls.
  • All students should wear school uniform.
  • It is possible to Ace your way through High School.

See this page for a full list of School Speech Topics for All Grades .

10 Society Informative Speech Topics

Society portraits

  • Why it is bad to judge people by their appearance.
  • The lives of isolated indigenous people.
  • How to tell someone they are annoying you without being rude.
  • How human behavior affects society.
  • Left handed people: the underrepresented minority group.
  • Is the military a fulfilling career choice for women?
  • The effects of discrimination.
  • The importance of newspapers in our daily life.
  • Do actors and athletes make too much money?
  • Why I’m optimistic about our nation’s future.

See this page for a full list of Informative Society Speech Topics .

10 Sport Informative Speech Topics

Sports equipment

  • Should female students be allowed to play on male sports teams?
  • How to do a walking handstand or a cartwheel into the splits.
  • Is netball or hockey more dangerous?
  • The benefits of sports for all ages.
  • Why the spelling bee shouldn’t be on ESPN.
  • The worst professional sports teams.
  • The importance of sports and games.
  • What you should have in your golf bag.
  • The history of professional fighting.
  • The worst trades in sports history.

See this page for a full list of Informative Sports Speech Topics .

3 Supernatural Informative Speech Topics

Young man in casual throwing fire ball

  • The mystery of the Bermuda triangle.
  • The evidence that bigfoot exists.
  • The existence of telepathy.

41 Technology Informative Speech Topics

Technology Informative Speech Topics

  • How roads are built.
  • Is wind energy cheap, effective, and practical?
  • Why college students should be careful about what they put on social media.
  • The uses for artificial intelligence computer networks.
  • The danger of putting too much personal information on social networks.
  • Modes of communication are constantly changing.
  • How has social media impacted our daily lives?
  • The line between the human brain and a computer.
  • Why technology is a bad thing for growing minds.
  • How technology has destroyed human interaction.
  • How is text messaging affecting teen literacy?
  • The advantages and disadvantages of social media.
  • The effects of violent video games on children.
  • The decline of interpersonal communication due to technology.
  • The difference between hardware and software.
  • Antivirus software: beware of malware functions.
  • The history of programming languages.
  • How voice over IP works.
  • What would we do without electricity?
  • The benefits of 3D printing.
  • The major technological changes since 1990.
  • The negative effects of cellphones.
  • How to avoid computer viruses.
  • The evolution of the internet.
  • Computers through the decades.
  • How airport biometrics systems work.
  • Robots now and in the future.
  • How satellites help communication.
  • How a water plant operates.
  • How watches work.
  • The evolution of video games.
  • How cellular phones work.
  • The evolution of the iPhone.
  • How to build a computer.
  • How nuclear power works.
  • How search engines work.
  • How air pressure works.
  • The best new technologies.
  • The future of electric cars.
  • How to practice cyber safety.
  • A guide to different social media sites.

15 Travel Informative Speech Topics

Travel Informative Speech Topics

  • How students can find great vacation bargains.
  • The best cruise vacations.
  • Famous parliament buildings
  • How to test the quality of water when traveling.
  • Interesting underground railroad systems in capital cities.
  • Investigation shipwrecks at the bottom of the sea.
  • The benefits of wind tunnels on transport.
  • The discovery of the famous temples in the Maya culture.
  • The influence of global warming on Alpine skiing.
  • The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
  • The Wright Brother’s first flight.
  • Totem poles and obelisks are symbols of unity, tradition, and pride.
  • What you need to know about the Principality of Andorra.
  • Why is there a Titanic replica?
  • Why the unsinkable and invincible Titanic sank.

9 Workplace Informative Speech Topics

I Love to Work Pin Button Enjoy Job Career

  • The benefits of break time for nursing mothers in the workplace.
  • The prevalence of dangerous chemicals in the workplace.
  • How to survive working in a restaurant.
  • Why underwater welding is dangerous.
  • How it is to work in the fast food industry.
  • How to get a great internship.
  • How to become a comedian.
  • The most dangerous jobs.
  • What are the fastest growing careers?

List of Informative Essay Topics

14 college informative essay topics.

young student girl with books in library

  • Benefits of a college degree
  • Crimes on college campuses
  • Healthiest foods in the campus cafeteria
  • How students can stay safe on a college campus
  • How students can use eLibrary Curriculum Edition for research
  • How to beat senioritis
  • How to find cheap textbooks
  • How to pick a major
  • How to study for and pass a test
  • Saving money as a college student
  • The story of how your school was founded
  • Ways of preventing college dropout
  • Whether binge drinking is a problem on your college campus
  • Your favorite club or organization on campus

5 Demonstration Informative Essay Topics

How to keep dialogue going

  • How to bake a cake
  • How to knit a scarf
  • How to organize a closet
  • How to swing a golf club
  • How to train your dog

7 Easy / Simple Informative Essay Topics

easy and simple

  • A genre of music
  • America’s fastest growing cities
  • Breeds of dogs
  • How a computer works
  • Interesting cultures
  • Lesser known presidents
  • Natural disasters

9 Education Informative Essay Topics

Education Informative Essay Topics

  • How to choose a persuasive speech topic
  • How to deliver a funny informative speech
  • How to deliver a persuasive speech
  • How to maintain audience attention during a speech
  • How to win your audience with descriptive speech
  • How to write a persuasive essay
  • How to write an argumentative essay
  • How to write an expository essay
  • The difference between a thesis statement and a topic sentence

10 Fun Informative Essay Topics

happy friends in summertime

  • An impressive world record
  • Fun games to play at the beach.
  • The history of ice cream
  • The revolution of the selfie
  • Ways different cultures celebrate Valentine’s Day
  • What do people do when they win the lottery?
  • What people don’t know about Disneyland
  • What you can learn from grade K students
  • What your horoscope means
  • Why people get tattoos

6 Funny Informative Essay Topics

funny kitten portrait with smile on card

  • Everything you need to know about skinny jeans
  • Funny St. Patrick’s Day parades
  • How to be nice to people you don’t like
  • How to cheat in poker
  • How to look attentive when you’re actually not
  • Things you can learn from your pet

See this page for a full list of Funny Informative Speech Topics .

10 Health Informative Essay Topics

Closeup of doctor writing on chart

  • All about gluten
  • Cause-and-effect relationship of air pollution
  • Causes of cancer
  • How caffeine works
  • How stress affects your body
  • How to make exercise a habit
  • How to quit smoking
  • Symptoms of Alzheimer Disease
  • Symptoms of depression
  • How to get rid of bad habits

6 Hobbies Informative Essay Topics

Hand made scrapbooking post card and tools lying on a table

  • Best places for scuba diving
  • Choosing your next book to read
  • Peace lily care tips
  • Professional baseball stadiums
  • The history of your favorite sport
  • Types of tropical fish

9 Interesting Informative Essay Topics

Two people peeking from hole in wall

  • Effects of global warming
  • Exotic pets
  • How to perform an attention-getting first dance at your wedding
  • Near-death experiences
  • Places to see in northern Nevada
  • The biography of Clyde Tombaugh
  • The history of a cliche marriage ritual
  • What is your dog actually thinking?
  • What your handwriting says about you

See this page for a full list of Informative Interesting Speech Topics .

7 Life Informative Essay Topics

Young Woman Enjoying a Hot Beverage

  • How to drive a stick-shift
  • How to pay off your student loans in under 10 years
  • How to succeed in multi-level marketing
  • The process of buying a car
  • Tips for being an effective networker
  • Traveling the world for cheap
  • Why people lie

7 Legislation Informative Essay Topics

Legislation Informative Speech Topics

  • Fees and taxes for an electric car
  • Minimum wage laws
  • The history of drinking age rules
  • What dogs are affected by breed specific legislation?
  • Anti-trust crimes.
  • Benefits of pleading guilty.
  • Felony penalties for aggravated stalking.

See this page for a full list of Legal Speech Topics .

10 Pop Culture Informative Essay Topics

Scene from a rock concert

  • A biography of your favorite celebrity
  • All about your favorite author
  • All about your favorite television show
  • Former childhood stars
  • History of your favorite product brand
  • Instances where the movie is better than the book
  • The Miss America pageant
  • The pop art movement during the 20th century and the changes it brought about
  • What makes a pop sensation
  • Your favorite form of public broadcasting

7 Relationships Informative Essay Topics

Couple of hands against the sea view

How to be a good friend

  • How to choose your friends
  • How to get along with your in-laws
  • How to make a marriage work
  • How to survive a blind date gone wrong
  • The different types of friendships
  • The history of online dating

Picking Your Topic

At first glance, an informative speech may seem like the simplest type of presentation . The basis of an informative speech is to introduce a topic to the audience and then describe or explain it . It sounds fairly straightforward, but special care must be given to selecting a topic or the entire speech may not be well received.

Informative speeches can easily become boring for an audience for several reasons. First, the speaker should be sure not to present a topic which is already well known, or the audience will quickly lose interest. The topic should be something the audience has never encountered, or at least include new and exciting information on a familiar topic. Speakers should remember, when preparing the speech, that their own level of interest will become apparent during delivery of the presentation. In other words, if the speaker is bored by the topic, the audience will feel bored as well.

Knowing the audience is a primary factor in choosing an informative speech topic. The speaker should consider the age, knowledge level, subculture, and other demographics of his listeners when preparing the speech. It is important to present information which is neither too elementary nor too difficult for the audience to comprehend. The chosen topic should reflect the interests of the audience, and should be intriguing to them without rehashing information they already know. For example, college students may be interested in a topic on alcohol use, but they are already very familiar with a topic like the dangers of drinking and driving. In this case the speaker might concentrate his topic on the health benefits of red wine. This way, he has chosen a topic which interests the audience, but is likely to present new information which will not bore his listeners.

Finally, speakers should consider time limits when choosing an informative speech topic. A topic should be covered thoroughly enough that the audience feels as if most of their questions on the topic have been answered. On the other hand, a tight time restriction may prevent the speaker from adequately covering a very intricate topic. When time is limited, a subject which requires lengthy explanation should be avoided. The audience should leave an informative speech feeling as if they’ve gained new insight on a topic. It is good if they are interested in doing their own research to learn more about the subject, but they should never leave the presentation feeling confused or unclear about what they have just heard.

Informative Speech Idea In 5 Steps

1. step one – make a list.

Make a short list of your personal interests and informative speech topic ideas. To help you determine your interests on an informative speech topic, think about your favorite objects, products, people, animals, events, places, processes, procedures, concepts, policies, theories, and so on. Answer these important questions:

  • Is there something you love to talk about, always have wanted to research?
  • What interests you very much, or do you like or love at first glance?
  • Do you have developed special skills in personal or professional life?
  • What interesting informative topics do you know a lot of or want to know more about?
  • What are some personal or professional experiences and skills in certain situations related to your favorite subjects?
  • Can you reveal hidden secrets, new perspectives or insights on some topics?

2. Step Two – Analyze Your Audience

Determine the interests and needs of your audience. What do they want to learn? Can you teach them on a subject you like?

3. Step Three – Check Your Interests

Review the short list of your interests and make a decision. Choose the informative speech topic that is also interesting to your audience. Take care of their interests, questions and needs.

4. Step Four – Research and Write

Research  just one new single aspect  of that informative speech idea. Look for valuable or amazing information that surprises your listeners. Fresh data, facts, intelligence, and advice will catch their attention immediately! To help you researching: look for new facts, figures, stories, statistics, surveys, personal experiences, professional experiences, quotations, comparisons and contrasts.

5. Step Five – Add Help Props

Demonstrate steps, stages, pros and cons, and remarkable effects by the use of public speaking software or other visual aids , that display the material you want them to be understood or remembered.

Informative Speeches FAQ

1. Speeches About Objects 2. Speeches About Processes 3. Speeches About Events 4. Speeches About Concepts

An informative speech is one that provides information and educates the audience on a specific topic. An informative speech should help your audience learn, understand, and remember information you are presenting.

1. Know your audience or reader 2. Consider your interests 3. Consider length requirements

You can see this page with speech examples .

Vote of Thanks Examples

613 Original Argumentative Speech Topics Ideas

15 thoughts on “509 Informative Speech Ideas and Topics”

Demonic Possession

Creativity is the Mother of Invention.

1-How to be a good friend: you have to do everything to make them happy, don’t snatch on them

2-How to choose your friends: Choose friends with similar values Choose friends with common goals

3-How to get along with your in-laws:1-Get to know them. … 2-Know your limits. … 3-Keep things cordial. … 4-Put your relationship first

4-How to make a marriage work

5-How to survive a blind date gone wrong 1-Ask open-ended questions. … 2-Tell a funny anecdote. … 3-Let your date talk. … 4-Answer questions fully. … 5-Listen to them carefully.

6-The different types of friendships

7-The history of online dating

the evolution of humans

school doesn’t need to exist

Nice compilations this is helpful

Hamburgers vs hotdogs

Chocolate Caffeine Grass is Greener on the other side April Fools Why teens should have a part time job or not

History of Tobacco

Effects of anxiety on teenage students.

how depression affects people and others around them

peer pressure and its effects on students

Different ways kids handle peer pressure.

depression and how it can effect a students mindset

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How to Write a 250-Word Essay: Length, Outline, & Example

How to Write a 250-Word Essay: Length, Outline, & Example

A 250-word essay is a frequent task assigned to high school and college students. It’s a widely used format for scholarship applications and college admissions. However, mastering the art of concise yet impactful writing can challenge many students. If you feel overwhelmed by the task of condensing your ideas into 250 words—don’t worry; we have your back!

In this article, we’ll discuss the essential aspects of structuring and formatting a 250-word essay and provide examples. Prepare to discover the secrets that captivate and leave your readers in awe.

  • 📝 250-Word Essay Template
  • ✅ 250-Word Essay – Step by Step
  • 🌟 Writing Prompts
  • 📖 Essay Example
  • 🤓 More Essay Topics

🔗 References

📝 what does a 250-word essay look like.

Most of the time, the challenge of beginning a 250-word essay stems from a lack of clarity on its structure and format. In this section, you’ll find outlines for various types of 250-word essays, highlighting their key components. With this valuable roadmap, you’ll be well-equipped to embark on your writing journey.

This picture shows the structure of a 250-word essay.

250 Word Essay Outline

A 250-word essay is a concise piece of writing that captures the essence of a topic within a restricted word count. It usually consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each section plays a crucial role in shaping the essay’s overall length, making every word count.

  • Introduction (about 50 words or 2-5 sentences). It should introduce the main idea, include a thesis statement, and catch the reader’s attention.
  • Body (about 150 words for 2-3 paragraphs). The body should present your main points or arguments and provide evidence or examples.
  • Conclusion (about 50 words). This part should summarize the main points discussed in the essay and include a rephrased thesis statement.

Now, let’s look at general outlines for different essay types.

Definition Essay

A definition essay explains the meaning of a specific term or concept. Usually, definition essay topics include questions like “Define X” or “What is an X?”.

Below is a typical outline for a 250-word definition essay.

Analytical Essay

An analytical essay answers questions like “Analyze X” or “What are the components of X?”. You may be required to analyze and interpret a piece of literature, artwork, or any other subject.

Here’s a typical outline for an analytical essay.

Cause & Effect Essay

A cause-and-effect essay explores the relationship between events or phenomena. Usually, it answers the questions like “What are the causes of X?” or “What led to X?”

The outline for a cause-and-effect essay looks as shown below.

Compare & Contrast Essay

A compare and contrast essay investigates the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. It aims to answer questions like “How does X differ from Y?” or “Compare X and Y.”

Check out the possible outline for a compare and contrast essay.

Process Essay

A process essay explains how to do something or how something works. It responds to prompts like “List the steps involved in X” or “Explain what happened in X.”

In a process essay, arranging your discussion in chronological order is a must. Here’s an example of an outline for this paper type.

Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay presents a claim or argument on a controversial topic and supports it with evidence and reasoning. Usually, this kind of paper centers around a question like “A famous person said X. Do you agree or disagree?”

A typical outline for an argumentative essay looks as shown below.

250 Word Essay Format

Even though a 250-word essay is short, you should still format it according to the academic requirements. Here are the main ones:

  • Font style. Avoid using fancy fonts, as they may be difficult to read. Instead, opt for standard fonts used in academic writing—Times New Roman or Arial. The default font provided by MS Word, Calibri, is also perfectly acceptable.
  • Font size. It should be 11 or 12 points.
  • Margins. Set margins to 1 inch (2.54 cm) on all sides.
  • Line spacing. As a rule, professors expect papers to be double-spaced.
  • Alignment. Your essay should be left-aligned: it looks neater than fully justified.
  • Indents. Don’t indent the first line of your paragraphs.
  • Reference List: Format the reference list according to your citation style requirements ( MLA , APA , Chicago, or Harvard).

250 Word Essay Length

This picture shows a 250-word essay length in pages.

A 250-word essay is approximately 1 double-spaced or 0.5 single-spaced pages. However, the essay’s length can vary depending on the margins, font size, and spacing. If you’re unsure about your paper’s formatting requirements, it’s better to consult your professor.

✅ How to Write a 250-Word Essay

At first, writing a 250-word essay may seem challenging, but following these steps can help you effectively organize your thoughts and create a concise and compelling paper.

This picture shows how to write a 250-word essay.

1. Plan the Structure

Read and analyze the essay prompt or question carefully. Identify the central theme or idea you need to address in your essay. Then create an outline —it’s an essential step when writing such a concise paper. Decide on the main points you want to discuss and the order in which you will present them

2. Write the Introduction

Start with a hook that captures readers’ attention and then briefly review the topic and its significance. Introduce the key terms or concepts you will be discussing in your essay. Finally, develop a thesis statement —a sentence that contains the main idea of your writing.

3. Write the Body

Develop your main points in separate paragraphs. It’s best to start each with a topic sentence that expresses the paragraph’s main idea. Use evidence, examples, or research data to support your points. If you refer to any sources in your body paragraphs, remember to cite them properly to avoid plagiarism.

4. Conclude Your Essay

Summarize all the main points and emphasize the importance of your topic. Remind the readers of the thesis statement by paraphrasing it in the concluding paragraph. You can end your essay with a thought-provoking message, a call to action, or a suggestion for further research or exploration.

5. Revise and Proofread

Review your essay for clarity, coherence , and grammar errors. Ensure your ideas are well-organized and your writing is concise and to the point. Check for any repetitive or unnecessary information and remove it. Make sure your essay adheres to the formatting guidelines provided by your teacher.

🌟 250 Word Scholarship Essay: Writing Prompts

A 250-word writing is a standard format for scholarship and college application essays. For your inspiration, we collected some 250-word essay scholarship examples that you can check out below!

📃 250-Word Essay on Why I Deserve a Scholarship

In a 250-word essay on why you deserve a scholarship, you can focus on highlighting your achievements, goals, and aspirations that make you a deserving candidate for financial support. Here are some points you can include in the body paragraph:

  • Academic achievements. Discuss your academic performance, including honors, awards, or other achievements.
  • Personal accomplishments. Share any personal achievements that demonstrate your character, leadership skills , or commitment to making a positive impact.
  • Future impact. Explain how the scholarship will enable you to contribute to society through research, innovation, community service, or other means.

📃 Why This College Essay: 250 Words Examples

In a “Why this college” essay, you explain why you are interested in attending a particular college or university. There are many points you can include in the body of your 250-word essay:

  • Academic fit. Discuss how the college’s educational programs, majors, or courses align with your academic interests and goals.
  • Campus culture and community. Explain why the college’s campus culture and student organizations resonate with you.
  • Personal connection. Recount your own experiences or interactions with the college or its community. It may involve visiting the campus, participating in events, or engaging with current students or alumni.

📃 250 Word Essay on Why I Want to Be a Nurse

In a 250-word essay explaining your career choice, you should be authentic and sincere. Share personal experiences or realizations demonstrating your passion for a particular field. Here are some ideas you can use for a “Why I want to be a nurse” essay:

  • Personal experiences. Discuss any personal experiences that have influenced your desire to become a nurse.
  • Compassion and empathy. Highlight your natural inclination toward caring for others and your ability to empathize with those in need.
  • Interest in healthcare. Share your interest in healthcare and how nursing aligns with your passion for promoting health and well-being.

📃 Life Changing Experience Essay: 250 Words

In a 250-word “life-changing experience” essay, you can focus on describing an event or series of events that impacted your life and changed your perspective, values, or goals. Here are some points you can include:

  • Introduction. Introduce the event or experience you will discuss and explain its significance.
  • Description. Describe the event or experience, focusing on your emotions and thoughts.
  • Lessons learned. Share the lessons or insights you gained from the experience. What did you learn about yourself, others, or the world?

📖 Essay 250 Words: Example

If you’re still wondering how to write a concise but meaningful paper, check out our 250-word social media essay example.

The role of social media in spreading fake news and misinformation has become a significant concern in today’s digital age. With the increasing popularity of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, information can spread rapidly, regardless of its reliability and accuracy. This essay will explore how social media contributes to disseminating fake news and misinformation. One of the primary reasons social media is a breeding ground for fake news is its ability to reach a vast audience within seconds. With minimal entry barriers, social platforms allow anyone to share information, regardless of its truthfulness, making it effortless for individuals with ill intentions to spread falsehoods among unsuspecting users. Additionally, social media algorithms play a significant role in amplifying fake news. It prioritizes content that receives high levels of engagement, such as likes, shares, and comments. As a result, controversial content tends to receive more publicity, even if it lacks credibility. In order to deal with the spread of false news on social media, platforms need to take accountability by enforcing stricter policies, implementing fact-checking measures, and prioritizing the promotion of reliable sources. It’s also essential to equip users with tools to authenticate information before sharing it to prevent the spread of misinformation on social media. Social media undoubtfully plays a significant role in spreading false news and misinformation due to its expansive reach, algorithmic biases, and echo chamber effect. It is crucial for individuals to be critical consumers of information and for social media platforms to take proactive measures to combat this issue.

🤓 250 Words Essay Topics

A 250-word essay can cover various topics, depending on the assignment’s purpose and requirements. Here we’ve gathered some interesting ideas you can use for your paper:

  • How does social media influence people’s self-esteem?
  • Obesity and its effect on human health.
  • Is animal testing ethical?
  • Vaccines for kids: pros and cons.
  • How does motivation affect people’s life and success?
  • The social significance of wearing school uniforms.
  • How safe is GMO food?
  • The history of hip-hop music.
  • The importance of promoting fair labor policies.
  • Ways to prevent domestic violence.
  • Various forms of dance and their cultural significance.
  • The cultural importance of Renaissance art.
  • How does the family environment affect students’ academic success?
  • Homeschooling: pros and cons.
  • How would you define success?
  • Best ways to deal with stress.
  • Should kindergartens be more literacy-based or play-based?
  • How does pop culture affect teenagers?
  • How do physical exercises influence mental health?
  • The importance of family values.
  • The Principles of Inclusive Education.
  • Osteoporosis: The Metabolic Bone Disease.
  • The E-Commerce Case With Foodmart.
  • The Reality in Drug Addiction Research: Ethnography.
  • The Aging in Place Model: Role and Importance.
  • Visual Learning and Ways to Apply It.
  • Water Scarcity Issue and Environment.
  • The Use of Data Collection: Personal Experiences.
  • Haunted City: Ghosts of Berlin.
  • The Importance of Water for the Body.
  • Animal Research and Ethical Treatment.
  • Medicare and Medicaid Role in Meeting Health Care Needs.
  • The Consensus Model and the Advanced Practice Nurse’s Role.
  • US Corporate Executive’s Cultural Shock in China.
  • Benefits of Genetic Engineering.
  • Standard of Care in Healthcare System.
  • British Colonization of America.
  • Information Assurance and the Role of Time.
  • Urological Disorders in the Older Adult.
  • The Ethical Side of Drug Patents.
  • Non-Governmental Organization Committee on the Status of Women.
  • On the Benefits of a Private Social Security System.
  • The Work of a Journalist During Investigation.
  • Note-Taking Styles of College Students.
  • The Sin of Betrayal in Alighieri’s “Divine Comedy.”
  • The Concept of the “War on Drugs.”
  • Methods for Determining Body Fat.
  • Postwar Economic Prosperity of Ordinary Americans.
  • Mound Cultures of North America.
  • Congestive Heart Failure: Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan.
  • Osteoporosis: Causes and Treatment.
  • Research of Medical Professionals’ Cultural Competence.
  • Vaccination and Its Economic Implications.
  • Behavioral Disturbances in Dementia.
  • Human Resource Planning and Return on Investment.
  • Philosophical Thought and Its Levels in Nursing.
  • Seamless Implementation of Electronic Medical Records.
  • Serving Vulnerable Populations: Meals on Wheels.
  • Probiotics Use by a Patient on Antibiotics.
  • Hawaiian Mythology and Genealogy of Gods.
  • From Medical Practice to Daily Life Study.
  • Implementation of Evidence into Practice.
  • The Issues of the Effectiveness of CPUs.
  • Aspects of Capital Budgeting Practice.

❓250 Words Essay: FAQ

How many pages is a 250-word essay.

The number of pages in a 250-word essay can vary depending on the font size, spacing, and formatting. A 250-word paper is approximately one double-spaced page or half a single-spaced page. It’s important to remember that the focus should be on the quality and content of the essay rather than the number of pages.

How Long is a 250-Word Essay?

The number of paragraphs and sentences in a 250-word essay can vary depending on the writer’s style. However, as a general guideline, a 250-word essay will likely consist of 3-4 paragraphs . The introduction and conclusion are usually the same length and comprise 1-2 sentences, while the body paragraphs make up the main content of the essay.

How to Write a 250-Word Essay for a Scholarship?

When writing a 250-word scholarship essay, you should take your time, be authentic, and ensure your paper reflects your true self. Start as soon as possible to have enough time before the application deadline. When brainstorming ideas, review other scholarship essay examples. Don’t hesitate to ask other people for feedback and help with proofreading.

  • Definition; Writing for Success | University of Minnesota
  • Developing A Thesis | Harvard University
  • Compare and Contrast Essays: The Ultimate Guide | Grammarly Blog
  • Argumentative Essays | Purdue OWL, Purdue University
  • Paragraphs | The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • How Do I Write an Intro, Conclusion, Body Paragraph? | U-M LSA Sweetland Center for Writing
  • Writing Concisely | George Mason University
  • Make Your Essay Flow Using Transitions | ThoughtCo
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CMTH 102: Introduction to Communication: Informative Speeches

  • About this Guide
  • Informative Speeches
  • Persuasive Speeches
  • Starting Your Research
  • Finding Books and eBooks
  • Articles in Library Databases
  • Citing Sources

A typical assignment you might have in CMTH 102 is to w rite and give a 4-6 minute informative speech  on a topic of your choice, with your ideas about it supported by sources and information you have found through research. 

Your sources should be cited orally in your speech, formally in your outline, and in a bibliography or reference list.  The number and types of sources you will need varies by professor. Check your assignment instructions to be sure you are meeting their requirements. 

Use this page if you need help choosing a topic or want to see examples of topics. It also gives suggestions for how you can develop and refine your topic. 

Choosing a Topic

When picking a topic, consider:

  • your professor's prompt and the assignment instructions
  • picking something that interests you and that you want to learn more about
  • something that will be interesting and relatable or important to your audience
  • a personal issue, problem, concern, or experience, since you might have some existing knowledge about it
  • if it's manageable and the right scope (not too broad but also not too specific)
  • if it's likely to have research about it

Remember, you may need to revise and make adjustments to your topic as you start to find information about it. 

Topic Ideas

How To:         become an astronaut, build a boat, learn a foreign language, train your cat

A Person:      famous, historically important, in your family or neighborhood

A Place:        you've visited or would like to visit

An Event:      the Superbowl, natural disaster, historical moment, a cultural celebration, a ritual

An Idea:            free college tuition for all, universal basic income, service-learning, mindfulness, hygge

An Activity:    knitting, basketball, container gardening, running   

An Issue:       controversy over gun control, prison reform, global warming, student debt, death penalty, pink tax, affordable housing

Examples of Past Student Topics

Historical topics (search tip: use books, encyclopedias, and the U.S. or World History databases)

  • fashion trends
  • history of Bethlehem
  • history of Jeeps

Health topics (search tip: use books, encyclopedias, and health databases)

  • bipolar disorder
  • caffeine's effect on the body

General topics (search tip: some of these topics are very broad, so you may need to develop and focus them more to have more success researching)

  • obstacle course racing
  • superstitions
  • differences in food in Brazil and U.S.
  • cat breeds and personality types
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  • Next: Persuasive Speeches >>
  • Last Updated: Mar 29, 2024 1:54 PM
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Communications & Speech Research Guide: Informative Speech (General)

  • Find a Speech Topic
  • Find Articles
  • Images & Videos
  • COMM 105: Persuasive Speech
  • Informative Speech (General)
  • Town Hall Meeting
  • COMM-105-HN (Wallace)
  • Citing Sources
  • For Faculty

What's an Informative Speech?

According to your textbook, Essential Communication , the purpose of an informative speech "describe, explain, or instruct."  Your "primary intent is not to change attitudes or make the audience members feel differently about the topic." In other words, this is a factual speech, not opinion-based.

Some common types/topics of informative speeches are:

  • Objects (people, places, animals, etc.)
  • Processes or How-to/Demonstration
  • Events (historical events, holidays, activities/sports, etc.)
  • Concepts  (beliefs, ideas, theories)

Speech Topics

  • Selecting Your Speech Topic Helpful advice on selecting a topic and topic suggestions from the University of Hawaii Maui Community College Speech Department
  • RAND Reports by Topic
  • CATO Institute
  • Brookings Institute
  • How Products Are Made
  • TED Talks Nearly 3,000 short, informational videos on a wide range of topics "from science to business to global issues"

Statistics - Facts by Number

  • Statistical Resources A list of popular, credible statistical sites on the Internet selected by Carroll librarians

informative speech 250 words

Great places to start

Gale eBooks logo

  • Academic Search Premier This link opens in a new window You can find magazine, newspaper, and research articles on lots of different topics here.
  • ProQuest Newspapers This link opens in a new window This database searches 5 different newspapers, including the Baltimore Sun (which publishes articles from the Carroll County Times) - good for local research!

Subject-Specific Encyclopedias

  • Encyclopedias and Directories by Reference Desk Last Updated Apr 18, 2024 178 views this year

For more in-depth information

For more detailed information, search for a whole book on your topic, or even a just a chapter in a book.

  • Books & Media Catalog

He Said, She Said - Quotations

  • Quotations Searches a collection of well-known quotation reference sources.
  • Creative Quotations
  • Famous Quotes and Authors
  • Links to quotations from thousands of famous people, with a list of themes as well as searchable by person.
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  • Next: Town Hall Meeting >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 18, 2024 8:19 AM
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informative speech 250 words

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The greatest 250-word speech ever written..

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brough forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.  

At just under 250 words, Lincoln's 'Gettysburg Address' packs more greatness in two minutes than any other speech.  Why is it so powerful?

The phrasing is biblical, and elegiac, as befits the dedication of a battlefield to the fallen.  The cause was great, and the suffering enormous.  Lincoln captures the sense that we all have, before so much death and destruction, of feeling inadequate to fully comprehend and honor what happened. 

But what made the speech truly great was that the President took his audience on a journey, from the founding of the nation, to the onset of civil war, to the uncertain future they all faced.  The point of his speech was not solely to mourn the fallen, but also to remind the living that there was a great war still to win and a cause to support.  This great speech looks to the future.   

It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.  

And buried in the biblical phrasing there's a further device that works unconsciously on the audience, and the reader, to weave some incantatory magic.  I've discussed this speech many times with students, with clients, and with colleagues, and I always ask them what simple little word is repeated most unusually in the speech.  No one ever spots it.  Even Gary Wills, in his otherwise brilliant book on the speech, Lincoln at Gettysburg , doesn't spot it. 

When they look, people notice that the word 'we' is repeated 10 times.  But that's not unusual, or surprising, given that Lincoln was trying to rally the nation.  The speech was all about 'we'.  No, what is unusual is the repetition of the word 'here'.  … as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives….the brave men, living and dead, who struggled here….the world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.  It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here….It is rather for us to be here dedicated….that we here highly resolve….

Eight times in 250 words — two minutes — Lincoln invokes the place — the hallowed ground of Gettysburg — by repeating the word 'here'.  As a result, he weaves some kind of spell on listeners, then and afterward, that is not consciously noticed, but unconsciously seems to have a powerful effect. 

Repetition is an essential aspect of great public speaking.  The trick is knowing what and how to repeat.  Take a lesson from Lincoln.  Sometimes its the little words that have the most power. 

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[…] the nation and the spilled blood still soaking into that solemn battlefield. Another blogger, Nick Morgan, points out that the speech powerfully repeats the rather simple word “here.” Lincoln […]

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Public Speaking Podcast

A podcast launched in a time of great change. Just One Question with Dr Nick Morgan has over 50 episodes featuring some of the worlds most elite and accomplished speakers. More importantly the podcast brings light to our industry as we undergo a public speaking and communication reformation. 

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Home — Essay Samples — Literature — Leonardo Da Vinci — Informative Speech Outline: Leonardo Da Vinci


Informative Speech Outline: Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Categories: Italian Renaissance Leonardo Da Vinci

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Words: 697 |

Published: Jun 6, 2024

Words: 697 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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Introduction, early life and education, artistic achievements, scientific explorations, legacy and impact.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Leonardo da Vinci, a polymath of the Italian Renaissance, is widely regarded as one of the most diversely talented individuals to have ever lived. His achievements spanned across a multitude of disciplines, including art, [...]

Leonardo da Vinci was a one of a kind talent that the world may never see again. His inquisitive nature and desire to learn helped him achieve some of the most marvelous works that mankind has ever seen. He was a painter, [...]

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informative speech 250 words

COM225 - Public Speaking

Topic selection, selecting a research topic & forming a research question, keyword search strategies, what is a scholarly article, databases & books, pvcc's library one search, using academic search premier.

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  • Speech of Tribute
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Definition of an Informative Speech

An informative speech  gives unbiased, factual information on a topic, person, event, or concept . the goal is to educate the audience without an opinion, judgment, or intent to change the audience's attitude. the informative speech should enlighten listeners on a subject that is non-controversial., types of informative speeches, the four types of informative speeches are  definition speeches, demonstration speeches, explanatory speeches, and descriptive speeches . a definition speech explains the meaning, theory, or philosophy of a specific topic that the audience likely does not know much about., the informative speech can cover any type of topic. it's important to choose a topic wisely. it must be of interest to the presenter, but also to the audience. preferably, the speech would be on a topic in which other students are not well informed. here are some links to sites that assist with topic selection:.

  • Topic Selection Helper - University of Hawaii
  • 509 Informative Speech Ideas and Topics - My Speech Class

How to develop and narrow a topic by creating a good research question. Courtesy of Wilfrid Laurier University

  • Identifying Keywords - Courtesy of Campbell University Identify keywords related to your research question.
  • Finding Synonyms for Your Keywords - Courtesy of Campbell University This video tutorial walks you through how and why to find synonyms for your keywords.
  • Creating Search Strings - Courtesy of Campbell University This video tutorial walks you through how to identify keywords in your research question.

Practice Lesson #1 - Create a search string of keywords for your topic in an MSWord or Google document. Also, please locate and find synonyms that go with each of your keywords.  (10 minutes)   EXAMPLE

Once your topic is chosen, you are ready to begin your research. use your keyword search string to focus in on articles on your topic. go to your favorite general information database or choose a database based on a subject based on your topic. from the library website and/or this guide please use your critical thinking skills to determine which database will have information on your topic..

  • A to Z Databases

Some databases that might be helpful are:

  • Academic OneFile Magazine, and journal articles on a wide variety of topics
  • Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost) Search newspaper, magazine, and journal articles on a wide variety of topics
  • CQ Researcher This link opens in a new window Congressional Quarterly provides in-depth unbiased reports of health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology, and the economy.
  • Opposing Viewpoints (Gale in Context) This link opens in a new window This database brings together academic articles, audio, videos, opinion essays and primary sources about contemporary controversies and hot topics. Whether you need a balanced view or support for your position, Opposing Viewpoints is the first place to go when you're researching a controversial or contentious issue. It's also a great place to find or narrow a topic.
  • Gale EBooks (Gale) This link opens in a new window Academic reference sources on a variety of topics. A great place to get background information.Provides access to popular Gale specialized encyclopedias and resources in arts, biography, business, education, environment, history, science, social science and more.
  • Biography (Gale in Context) This link opens in a new window Full text biographical information for over 400,000 notable international figures from all time periods and areas of study.

Or choose a book or e-book from the library's catalog:

  • PVCC Library Catalog Locate physical books and media from all ten MCCCD colleges. If there is a book at another Maricopa College library, you may request it, and it will arrive within 3-5 business days.
  • A-Z Databases: eBooks Use A-Z Databases: eBooks to locate various vendors eBooks on all of your topics.

Practice Lesson #2  - Pick out one database that supports your research on your topic and pick out one scholarly journal article. Use the citation tool to copy and paste the APA citation to an MSWord or Google document. (10 minutes)

Learn how to use pvcc's library one search to locate articles and books on your topic..

Use OneSearch to search for library resources like articles, books, movies, and more!

       * ONESearch Tutorial

Use Academic Search Premier to locate articles on your topic.

  • Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new window A broad, interdisciplinary database that covers a wide range of subjects. It includes a mix of scholarly articles, popular publications, and newspaper coverage. It’s an excellent starting point for the kind of research you will need to do in college courses.
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Informative Speaking

Developing informative speeches.

The first sections of this chapter explained the importance of informative speaking, the functions of informative speeches, the role of the informative speaker, and the four major types of informative speeches. This final section of the chapter discusses three goals in developing informative speeches and advice for increasing the effectiveness of your speech. These three goals include 1) arousing the interest of your audience, 2) presenting information in a way that can be understood, and 3) helping the audience remember what you have said (Fujishin, 2000).

Generate and Maintain Interest

Use attention-getting elements.

Before you capture the interest of an audience, you have to get their attention. As you know, attention getters are used in the introduction of a speech, but attention getters can also be used throughout your speech to maintain an audience’s attention. There are a number of techniques you can use that will naturally draw listeners’ attention (German, et al., 2010).

A hammerhead shark

Novelty involves those things that are new or unusual. Discussing the recent invention of the flesh-eating mushroom death suit developed by Jae Rhim Lee would be novel. This suit is designed to help bodies decompose naturally above ground to avoid the use of dangerous embalming chemicals.

Piles of different hot peppers

Audiences will also attend to movement or Activity . To employ this technique, the speaker can either use action words, well-chosen movements, an increased rate of speech, or s/he can show action with video. A speech describing or showing extreme sports with high levels of risk, a fast pace, or amazing stunts could be used to illustrate activity.

A man laughing

Tell a Story

Story telling is not only the basis for most of our entertainment; it is also one of the best ways to teach an audience (Carlson, 2005). Also known as narratives, stories typically have a beginning in which the characters and setting are introduced, a rise in action, some complication or problem, and a resolution. Stories with compelling characters can be used in a creative way to weave facts otherwise dry and technical facts together (Walters, 1995), as in a speech about preparing a space shuttle for take-off from a mouse’s perspective. Jaffe (1998) differentiates between three types of narratives that can be used in informative speeches. The first type of story is a natural reality in which natural or scientific facts are brought together in chronological accounts, as in the formation of the Grand Canyon. The second narrative involves social realities which detail historic events, and the development of cultures and institutions. The last kind of story, the ultimate reality, is focused on profound philosophical and spiritual questions like “Where do we come from?” and “What happens to us when we die?”

Nursery rhymes and song lyrics familiar to the audience can also be used in an interactive way to get listeners interested in the topic (Maxey & O’Connor, 2006). In a speech about the global population explosion, you could ask audience to finish the phrase “There was an old woman who lived in a shoe…” Common commercials, lyrics to Beatles songs, holiday songs, and children’s games are universal.

The wisest mind has something yet to learn. – George Santayna

A rock band playing a concert

Just for fun, can you name the artist who sang the lyrics below? Can you think of a speech topic that would correspond to the lyrics? (Answer at the end of the chapter)

Be Creative

Speakers who are different are memorable (Maxey & O’Connor, 2006). To give your speech impact, be imaginative and dare to push the envelope of conformity. When you have spent time researching a topic, you may be able to envision ways to incorporate surprising facts, props or visuals that make your presentation different from others, and therefore more memorable. You could dress like a Shakespearian actor for a speech about the famous playwright. You could have the audience move their chairs and take part in a yoga demonstration. Or you might use your own audience plants to help with a speech entitled “Behind the Scenes of TV Talk Shows.” When one student got up to speak, he drew a row of houses on the blackboard and then began to drink a glass of water and speak about the life giving properties of water. After making a few comments, he threw the glass of water on the blackboard—erasing most of the houses. Then he began his speech on the devastating effects of a flood (be sure to get your professor’s permission before you do something like this!). Another student giving a speech about “Clowning” had two actual clowns wait in the hall until she was ready to bring them in and show off their make-up and costumes. The speaker was wise to have her cohorts in the room just long enough to make the point (but not the entire time which would distract from the speaker), and the audience was attentive and grateful for the variety. Hanks and Parry (1991) explain that anyone can be creative, if s/he wants to be and is willing to make the effort. For some tips on how to foster your creativity, see Table 16.2. However, you need to remember that creativity is just a tool to help you teach your audience. Do not overlook the requirements of the occasion, the content of your research, or the needs of your audience in your zeal to be creative.

Table 16.2 Tips for Jump Starting Your Creativity From Everyday Creativity by Carlin Flora (2009)

  • Take a different way to work
  • Collaborate with others with complementary skills
  • Seek inspiration in beautiful surroundings
  • Start working on the problem right away
  • Work in a blue room (it boosts creativity)
  • Get a hobby or play music
  • Think about your problem right before falling asleep
The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.  – Sylvia Plath

Stimulate Audience Intellect

Most people have a genuine desire to understand the world around them, to seek out the truth, and learn how to solve problems. The role of the informative speaker is to satisfy this desire to learn and know. To illustrate our quest for knowledge, consider the success of the Discovery Channel, the Learning Channel, the History Channel, the Food Network and other educational broadcasts. So how do we appeal to the minds of listeners? Think about all of the information we encounter every day but do not have time to pursue. Think about subjects that you would like to know more about. Ask what information would be universally interesting and useful for listeners. Many people fly on airplanes, but do they know how to survive a plane crash? People also share many ordinary illnesses, so what are some common home remedies? All of the people on earth originated someplace, so who were our ancient ancestors?

In addition to finding topics that relate to listeners, the information we supply should be up to date. For instance, Egypt recently had a revolution, and if you are giving a speech on traveling to the Pyramids, you should be aware of this. When you are talking about a topic that your audience is familiar with, you should share little known facts or paint the subject in a new light. In a speech about a famous person, you might depict what they are like behind the scenes, or what they were like growing up. In a speech about a new technology, you might also talk about the inventors. In a speech about a famous city, you could discuss the more infamous landmarks and attractions.

Create Coherence

Organize logically.

Neon lights that say Past Present Future

When planning your speech, ask questions like: What information needs to come first? What organizational pattern best suits the topic? What information must be shared or omitted to aid in audience understanding? What points or sub-points should be grouped together to aid listeners’ understanding?

Use Simple Language

A woman speaking into a microphone

Instead of “protracted,” say “drawn out.” Instead of “conundrum,” say “puzzle.” And instead of “loquacious,” say “talkative.” As you are writing your speech you also want to avoid technical jargon, slang, clichés, and euphemisms. This type of language is difficult to understand and tends to be low impact. Compare the Low Impact language column with the High Impact column in Table 16.3 above to see examples of ways to make your language more powerful.

Avoid Information Overload

No one is given an unlimited amount of time to speak. You can’t cover everything that there is to know about your topic. And even if you could speak forever about everything there was to know about a subject, your listeners would never be able to take it all in. Information overload occurs when a person feels that they are faced with an overwhelming amount of information, with the effect that they are unable to process it all or unable to make decision. So whether you have five minutes to give a presentation or three eight-hour days, you will need to narrow and focus your speech topic and objectives. If you know that you have ten minutes to speak, you will not be able to cover “Car Maintenance for Dummies,” but you probably could give a good speech entitled “How to Change the Oil in Your Car.” When planning your speech, be sure to determine the amount of information that can reasonably be covered in the time allowed. In fact, rather than taking the entire allotted speaking time, you should get into the practice of speaking only for 90—95% of the time that you are given (Reynolds, 2008). More is not always better—and your audience will appreciate it if you can skillfully make your point with time to spare.

Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement. – Peter Drucker

Make Your Speech Memorable

Build in repetition.

The word freedom etched in stone four times.

The final way to use repetition in your speech is through nonverbal communication. When you say the word “four” and you hold up four fingers, or when you verbally agree with a point and nod your head at the same time, you are reinforcing the idea verbally and nonverbally.

Appeal to Different Ways of Learning

Individuals have different learning styles, so some people are visual [V] learners, some are aural [A] learners, some learn by reading [R] and writing, and some learn kinesthetically [K] (Fleming, 2001). You can test your own learning style at Understanding your own and others’ learning styles is useful for two reasons. First, you will find that you tend to teach others using your own learning style. Second, regardless of your own learning styles, you need to appeal to as many different learning styles as possible in your informative speech. To see how each learning style prefers to be taught, see the table below.

Unfortunately, since the ear alone is a very poor information gathering device, steps must be taken to improve retention. Typically listeners only retain only a small fraction of what is explained to them verbally. The first way to enhance retention is to appeal to as many of the senses as possible. Studies show that audiences retain 20 percent of what they hear, 30 percent of what they see, and 50 percent of what they hear and see (Westerfield, 2002). When the audience has an opportunity to do something (adding the kinesthetic sense), their retention increases to 80 percent (Walters, 1995). Or, if participation is not possible, a handout will raise retention to an impressive 85 percent—if the audience can review the handout at least once (Slutsky & Aun, 1997).

Another way to help your listeners remember is by the use of techniques like association , linking the new topic to things that the audience knows about or already understands. If you were giving a speech about rugby, you might compare it to soccer and football to help the audience understand the rules. The use of acronyms also aids retention. On the “ Krusty Krab Training Video ” episode of Spongebob Squarepants (a spoof on corporate training videos), they use the acronym “POOP.” When I asked my then eight-year-old son if he remembered (several weeks after watching the episode) what “POOP” stood for, he immediately and correctly answered “People Order Our Patties.” The final technique to help audiences remember information is the simplicity criterion . Information is best retained when it is explained from top to bottom (rather than bottom to top), when events are presented from first to last (rather than last to first), and when information is presented in the positive voice (rather than in the negative voice) (Devito, 1981).

Use Visuals

One man wears a sensor glove while another man points at the glove and speaks into a microphone. Behind them is a large powerpoint slide showing schematics for the sensor glove.

Perhaps the best reason to use visuals aids during an informative speech is to help your audience understand a concept that may be difficult to understand just by explaining it. In a speech about heart bypass surgery, would it be better to verbally describe the parts of the human heart, or to show a picture of it? How about a model of the heart? How about an actual human heart? Be sure to consider your audience! What if your speech is about an abstract concept that does not lend itself well to slick graphic representations? One way trainers get their audiences involved and make their presentations memorable is to provide handouts which the listeners complete (in part) themselves. You could use fill-in-the blank statements (where you provide the answer), open-ended questions where listeners can write their thoughts, and activities like matching or crossword puzzles. Regardless of the type of visual media you select for your speech, just make sure that it does not overpower you or the subject. Work to keep the audience’s attention on you and what you are saying, and use the visual to complement what you have to say.

  • Chapter 15 Developing Informative Speeches. Authored by : Lisa Schreiber, Ph.D.. Provided by : Millersville University, Millersville, PA. Located at : . Project : Public Speaking Project. License : CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
  • Shark. Authored by : Bryan Scott. Located at : . License : CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
  • D7K_0393-1. Authored by : Mark Levisay. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Ron Glass. Authored by : Raven Underwood. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Dom and Chris. Authored by : Steve Collis. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution
  • past present future. Authored by : fosco lucarelli. Located at : . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • Speech. Authored by : Quinn Dombrowski. Located at : . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • Freedom. Authored by : Osajus. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Imagine Cup 2012u2014Day 4 Finalist Presentations. Authored by : ImagineCup. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution

4 Types of Informative Speeches

types of informative speeches

An informative speech is one that aims to inform the audience about a specific subject. Speeches that explain the circumstances of a topic and speeches that advise the audience about how to conduct an action are two examples of informative speeches.

What is the Purpose of an Informative Speech?

The main aim of an informative speech is to educate the audience about a subject that they are unfamiliar with. It may show how to use a new type of program, explain a new scientific concept, illustrate an archaeologist’s exploration, or include information about a person of interest that the audience needs to learn more about.

The subjects discussed in an informative speech can assist the listener in better understanding a subject and remembering what they have heard.

The purpose of this style of speech isn’t to persuade the audience to agree with the speaker.

Instead, the facts must be set out in front of the audience so that they can make an informed decision or learn more about a topic that interests them.

It is, however, important for the speaker to consider how this knowledge would be delivered. Pathos, which is an appeal to the audience’s feelings and an important component of convincing speeches, should be used less in informative speeches. An informative speech, on the other hand, might rely on visual aids to provide the audience with a visual representation of important information contained in the speech.

Providing details in various formats during the speech increases the probability that the listener can remember what is said.

The Different Types of Informative Speeches

The four main types of informative speeches include definition, descriptive, demonstrative, and explanatory speeches. We explain all these types of speeches here.

A speech that tells the audience is called an informative speech. As should be obvious, this broad description shows that there are many ways to educate an audience. As a result, there are several different styles of informative speeches. Description, descriptive, explanatory, and demonstrative speeches are the most common styles of informative speeches.

informative speech 250 words

(i) Definition informative speech

A concept speech describes the context, theory, or ideology of a particular subject to an audience that is possibly unfamiliar with it. The topics may be broad, such as a sport, or narrow, such as a specific individual. The primary aim of this speech is to educate the audience so that they are aware of the key points concerning this subject.

(ii) Demonstrative informative speech

A presentation speech demonstrates how to perform a task. You’ve probably heard a demonstration speech if you’ve ever sat through a lecture where a teacher demonstrated how to make a bibliography. A how-to speech, like most informative speeches, would likely use visual illustrations to show the audience how to progress from stage to step in a specific task. Visualizations help the audience remember what each move looks like, raising their chances of remembering the speech’s overall information.

(iii) Explanatory informative speech

An explanatory speech might describe the current state of a subject. Consider the types of speeches given at industry conferences as an example. The speaker’s aim in these speeches is to educate the audience about a specific aspect of the industry. Visualizations are often used to provide the listener with a visual representation of the data or figures presented in the expression. This is one method of condensing highly nuanced details into a package that the viewer can easily remember.

(iv) Descriptive informative speech

A descriptive speech paints a vivid picture in the mind of the listener of an object, human, animal, or place. A descriptive speech may be used by an archaeologist who has discovered a new temple in South America or a paleontologist who thinks they have discovered a new dinosaur to tell an interested audience about their latest findings.

As any of these styles demonstrates, there are several ways to convey a specific collection of information in a voice. Consider what you want the audience to know about your subject when deciding what kind of informative speech to write and deliver.

Subjects of Informative Speeches

Informative speeches can address a wide range of topics as long as they can be addressed without persuading or changing the audience’s views.

There are a variety of topics that can be included in informative speeches. Informative speeches will be college lectures about a historical event or a historical figure.

An actor or actress, the field of advertising, a classic film, the history of Dracula, social networking websites, and what causes volcanoes are all examples of topics for an informative speech.

Examples of informative speech topics:

A table about informative speech topics

Each of these examples lends itself to a variety of different types of data. An informative speech about a specific actor or actress, for example, will most likely begin with a description of who the person is and what films or plays they have appeared in. Incorporating popular pictures or clips from works into a presentation will help the audience remember facts about a specific individual.

A how-it-happens speech, which is similar to a how-to speech, about the causes of a volcano could be called an informative speech. A model volcano may be used in a speech about volcanoes, with the model’s working compared to real-world processes.

More technical topics, such as the field of advertising, necessitate more technical knowledge and industry-specific data. Visualizations, such as bar graphs or photographs, are particularly useful in technical subjects, but they are useful in all informative speeches.

The choice of visual aids is determined by the details that the speaker wishes to convey to the audience. A bar graph, for example, will be useful in a speech about the financial developments in political ads over the last ten years.

A speech educating the audience of how political ads have evolved over time, on the other hand, would benefit from real marketing campaigns.

It is important to stick to the basic facts of the topic in order to distinguish an informative speech from other forms of speeches. When stating the key ideas of the subject, no personal prejudices, unsubstantiated facts, or public opinion should be included. The aim is not to provide the speaker’s opinion, but to inform the audience on the truth. When preparing an informative speech, consider the topic thoroughly and remove any possible comments that could be perceived as prejudiced or persuasive.


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Adding visual elements (such as pictures, maps, or charts) can really enhance your speech. Make sure to always pay attention to copyright restrictions and give credit to the source for all images you use.

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Narrow your Topic

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Topic Ideas

Below are links to topic lists from various institutions, some of which contain further links to information resources.

  • Speech Topics Extensive topic suggestions for informative and persuasive speeches from My Speech Class
  • Topic Selection Helper A list of topics from the Speech Department at the University of Hawai'i Maui Community College

Instructor's Assignments

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11.1 Informative Speeches

Learning objectives.

  • Identify common topic categories for informative speeches.
  • Identify strategies for researching and supporting informative speeches.
  • Explain the different methods of informing.
  • Employ strategies for effective informative speaking, including avoiding persuasion, avoiding information overload, and engaging the audience.

Many people would rather go see an impassioned political speech or a comedic monologue than a lecture. Although informative speaking may not be the most exciting form of public speaking, it is the most common. Reports, lectures, training seminars, and demonstrations are all examples of informative speaking. That means you are more likely to give and listen to informative speeches in a variety of contexts. Some organizations, like consulting firms, and career fields, like training and development, are solely aimed at conveying information. College alumni have reported that out of many different speech skills, informative speaking is most important (Verderber, 1991). Since your exposure to informative speaking is inevitable, why not learn how to be a better producer and consumer of informative messages?

Creating an Informative Speech

As you’ll recall from Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” , speaking to inform is one of the three possible general purposes for public speaking. The goal of informative speaking is to teach an audience something using objective factual information. Interestingly, informative speaking is a newcomer in the world of public speaking theorizing and instruction, which began thousands of years ago with the ancient Greeks (Olbricht, 1968). Ancient philosophers and statesmen like Aristotle, Cicero, and Quintilian conceived of public speaking as rhetoric, which is inherently persuasive. During that time, and until the 1800s, almost all speaking was argumentative. Teaching and instruction were performed as debates, and even fields like science and medicine relied on argumentative reasoning instead of factual claims.


Until the 1800s, even scientific fields and medicine relied on teaching that was based on debate and argument rather than the informative-based instruction that is used today.

Monash University – Surgery Workshop 2012 – CC BY-NC 2.0.

While most instruction is now verbal, for most of modern history, people learned by doing rather than listening, as apprenticeships were much more common than classroom-based instruction. So what facilitated the change from argumentative and demonstrative teaching to verbal and informative teaching? One reason for this change was the democratization of information. Technical information used to be jealously protected by individuals, families, or guilds. Now society generally believes that information should be shared and made available to all. The increasing complexity of fields of knowledge and professions also increased the need for informative speaking. Now one must learn a history or backstory before actually engaging with a subject or trade. Finally, much of the information that has built up over time has become commonly accepted; therefore much of the history or background information isn’t disputed and can now be shared in an informative rather than argumentative way.

Choosing an Informative Speech Topic

Being a successful informative speaker starts with choosing a topic that can engage and educate the audience. Your topic choices may be influenced by the level at which you are speaking. Informative speaking usually happens at one of three levels: formal, vocational, and impromptu (Verderber, 1991). Formal informative speeches occur when an audience has assembled specifically to hear what you have to say. Being invited to speak to a group during a professional meeting, a civic gathering, or a celebration gala brings with it high expectations. Only people who have accomplished or achieved much are asked to serve as keynote speakers, and they usually speak about these experiences. Many more people deliver informative speeches at the vocational level, as part of their careers. Teachers like me spend many hours lecturing, which is a common form of informative speaking. In addition, human resources professionals give presentations about changes in policy and provide training for new employees, technicians in factories convey machine specifications and safety procedures, and servers describe how a dish is prepared in their restaurant. Last, we all convey information daily in our regular interactions. When we give a freshman directions to a campus building, summarize the latest episode of American Idol for our friend who missed it, or explain a local custom to an international student, we are engaging in impromptu informative speaking.

Whether at the formal, vocational, or impromptu level, informative speeches can emerge from a range of categories, which include objects, people, events, processes, concepts, and issues. An extended speech at the formal level may include subject matter from several of these categories, while a speech at the vocational level may convey detailed information about a process, concept, or issue relevant to a specific career.


Subjects of informative speaking at the vocational level usually relate to a speaker’s professional experience or expertise.

Peter Long – Business Meeting – CC BY 2.0.

Since we don’t have time to research or organize content for impromptu informative speaking, these speeches may provide a less detailed summary of a topic within one of these categories. A broad informative speech topic could be tailored to fit any of these categories. As you draft your specific purpose and thesis statements, think about which category or categories will help you achieve your speech goals, and then use it or them to guide your research. Table 11.1 “Sample Informative Speech Topics by Category” includes an example of how a broad informative subject area like renewable energy can be adapted to each category as well as additional sample topics.

Table 11.1 Sample Informative Speech Topics by Category

Speeches about objects convey information about any nonhuman material things. Mechanical objects, animals, plants, and fictional objects are all suitable topics of investigation. Given that this is such a broad category, strive to pick an object that your audience may not be familiar with or highlight novel relevant and interesting facts about a familiar object.

Speeches about people focus on real or fictional individuals who are living or dead. These speeches require in-depth biographical research; an encyclopedia entry is not sufficient. Introduce a new person to the audience or share little-known or surprising information about a person we already know. Although we may already be familiar with the accomplishments of historical figures and leaders, audiences often enjoy learning the “personal side” of their lives.

Speeches about concepts are less concrete than speeches about objects or people, as they focus on ideas or notions that may be abstract or multifaceted. A concept can be familiar to us, like equality, or could literally be a foreign concept like qi (or chi ), which is the Chinese conception of the energy that flows through our bodies. Use the strategies discussed in this book for making content relevant and proxemic to your audience to help make abstract concepts more concrete.

Speeches about events focus on past occasions or ongoing occurrences. A particular day in history, an annual observation, or a seldom occurring event can each serve as interesting informative topics. As with speeches about people, it’s important to provide a backstory for the event, but avoid rehashing commonly known information.

Informative speeches about processes provide a step-by-step account of a procedure or natural occurrence. Speakers may walk an audience through, or demonstrate, a series of actions that take place to complete a procedure, such as making homemade cheese. Speakers can also present information about naturally occurring processes like cell division or fermentation.


Informative speeches about processes provide steps of a procedure, such as how to make homemade cheese.

Joel Kramer – curdle – CC BY 2.0.

Last, informative speeches about issues provide objective and balanced information about a disputed subject or a matter of concern for society. It is important that speakers view themselves as objective reporters rather than commentators to avoid tipping the balance of the speech from informative to persuasive. Rather than advocating for a particular position, the speaker should seek to teach or raise the awareness of the audience.

Researching an Informative Speech Topic

Having sharp research skills is a fundamental part of being a good informative speaker. Since informative speaking is supposed to convey factual information, speakers should take care to find sources that are objective, balanced, and credible. Periodicals, books, newspapers, and credible websites can all be useful sources for informative speeches, and you can use the guidelines for evaluating supporting materials discussed in Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” to determine the best information to include in your speech. Aside from finding credible and objective sources, informative speakers also need to take time to find engaging information. This is where sharp research skills are needed to cut through all the typical information that comes up in the research process to find novel information. Novel information is atypical or unexpected, but it takes more skill and effort to locate. Even seemingly boring informative speech topics like the history of coupons can be brought to life with information that defies the audience’s expectations. A student recently delivered an engaging speech about coupons by informing us that coupons have been around for 125 years, are most frequently used by wealthier and more educated households, and that a coupon fraud committed by an Italian American businessman named Charles Ponzi was the basis for the term Ponzi scheme , which is still commonly used today.

As a teacher, I can attest to the challenges of keeping an audience engaged during an informative presentation. While it’s frustrating to look out at my audience of students and see glazed-over eyes peering back at me, I also know that it is my responsibility to choose interesting information and convey it in a way that’s engaging. Even though the core content of what I teach hasn’t change dramatically over the years, I constantly challenge myself to bring that core information to life through application and example. As we learned earlier, finding proxemic and relevant information and examples is typically a good way to be engaging. The basic information may not change quickly, but the way people use it and the way it relates to our lives changes. Finding current, relevant examples and finding novel information are both difficult, since you, as the researcher, probably don’t know this information exists.

Here is where good research skills become necessary to be a good informative speaker. Using advice from Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” should help you begin to navigate through the seas of information to find hidden treasure that excites you and will in turn excite your audience.


To avoid boring an audience, effective informative speakers possess good research skills and the ability to translate information to be engaging and relevant for an audience.

Niall Kennedy – Sleep – CC BY-NC 2.0.

As was mentioned earlier, the goal for informative speaking is to teach your audience. An audience is much more likely to remain engaged when they are actively learning. This is like a balancing act. You want your audience to be challenged enough by the information you are presenting to be interested, but not so challenged that they become overwhelmed and shut down. You should take care to consider how much information your audience already knows about a topic. Be aware that speakers who are very familiar with their speech topic tend to overestimate their audience’s knowledge about the topic. It’s better to engage your topic at a level slightly below your audience’s knowledge level than above. Most people won’t be bored by a brief review, but many people become lost and give up listening if they can’t connect to the information right away or feel it’s over their heads.

A good informative speech leaves the audience thinking long after the speech is done. Try to include some practical “takeaways” in your speech. I’ve learned many interesting and useful things from the informative speeches my students have done. Some of the takeaways are more like trivia information that is interesting to share—for example, how prohibition led to the creation of NASCAR. Other takeaways are more practical and useful—for example, how to get wine stains out of clothing and carpet or explanations of various types of student financial aid.

Organizing and Supporting an Informative Speech

You can already see that informing isn’t as easy as we may initially think. To effectively teach, a speaker must present quality information in an organized and accessible way. Once you have chosen an informative speech topic and put your research skills to the test in order to locate novel and engaging information, it’s time to organize and support your speech.

Organizational Patterns

Three organizational patterns that are particularly useful for informative speaking are topical, chronological, and spatial. As you’ll recall, to organize a speech topically, you break a larger topic down into logical subdivisions. An informative speech about labor unions could focus on unions in three different areas of employment, three historically significant strikes, or three significant legal/legislative decisions. Speeches organized chronologically trace the development of a topic or overview the steps in a process. An informative speech could trace the rise of the economic crisis in Greece or explain the steps in creating a home compost pile. Speeches organized spatially convey the layout or physical characteristics of a location or concept. An informative speech about the layout of a fire station or an astrology wheel would follow a spatial organization pattern.

Methods of Informing

Types of and strategies for incorporating supporting material into speeches are discussed in Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” , but there are some specific ways to go about developing ideas within informative speeches. Speakers often inform an audience using definitions, descriptions, demonstrations, and explanations. It is likely that a speaker will combine these methods of informing within one speech, but a speech can also be primarily organized using one of these methods.

Informing through Definition

Informing through definition entails defining concepts clearly and concisely and is an important skill for informative speaking. There are several ways a speaker can inform through definition: synonyms and antonyms, use or function, example, and etymology (Verderber, 1991). Defining a concept using a synonym or an antonym is a short and effective way to convey meaning. Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings, and antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. In a speech about how to effectively inform an audience, I would claim that using concrete words helps keep an audience engaged. I could enhance your understanding of what concrete means by defining it with synonyms like tangible and relatable . Or I could define concrete using antonyms like abstract and theoretical .

Identifying the use or function of an object, item, or idea is also a short way of defining. We may think we already know the use and function of most of the things we interact with regularly. This is true in obvious cases like cars, elevators, and smartphones. But there are many objects and ideas that we may rely on and interact with but not know the use or function. For example, QR codes (or quick response codes) are popping up in magazines, at airports, and even on t-shirts (Vuong, 2011). Many people may notice them but not know what they do. As a speaker, you could define QR codes by their function by informing the audience that QR codes allow businesses, organizations, and individuals to get information to consumers/receivers through a barcode-like format that can be easily scanned by most smartphones.


An informative speaker could teach audience members about QR codes by defining them based on their use or function.

Douglas Muth – My QR Code – CC BY-SA 2.0.

A speaker can also define a topic using examples, which are cited cases that are representative of a larger concept. In an informative speech about anachronisms in movies and literature, a speaker might provide the following examples: the film Titanic shows people on lifeboats using flashlights to look for survivors from the sunken ship (such flashlights weren’t invented until two years later) (The Past in Pictures, 2012); Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar includes a reference to a clock, even though no mechanical clocks existed during Caesar’s time (Scholasticus K., 2012). Examples are a good way to repackage information that’s already been presented to help an audience retain and understand the content of a speech. Later we’ll learn more about how repackaging information enhances informative speaking.

Etymology refers to the history of a word. Defining by etymology entails providing an overview of how a word came to its current meaning. The Oxford English Dictionary is the best source for finding etymology and often contains interesting facts that can be presented as novel information to better engage your audience. For example, the word assassin , which refers to a person who intentionally murders another, literally means “hashish-eater” and comes from the Arabic word hashshashin . The current meaning emerged during the Crusades as a result of the practices of a sect of Muslims who would get high on hashish before killing Christian leaders—in essence, assassinating them (Oxford English Dictionary Online, 2012).

Informing through Description

As the saying goes, “Pictures are worth a thousand words.” Informing through description entails creating verbal pictures for your audience. Description is also an important part of informative speeches that use a spatial organizational pattern, since you need to convey the layout of a space or concept. Good descriptions are based on good observations, as they convey what is taken in through the senses and answer these type of questions: What did that look like? Smell like? Sound like? Feel like? Taste like? If descriptions are vivid and well written, they can actually invoke a sensory reaction in your audience. Just as your mouth probably begins to salivate when I suggest that you imagine biting into a fresh, bright yellow, freshly cut, juicy lemon wedge, so can your audience be transported to a setting or situation through your descriptions. I once had a student set up his speech about the history of streaking by using the following description: “Imagine that you are walking across campus to your evening class. You look up to see a parade of hundreds upon hundreds of your naked peers jogging by wearing little more than shoes.”

Informing through Demonstration

When informing through demonstration , a speaker gives verbal directions about how to do something while also physically demonstrating the steps. Early morning infomercials are good examples of demonstrative speaking, even though they are also trying to persuade us to buy their “miracle product.” Whether straightforward or complex, it’s crucial that a speaker be familiar with the content of their speech and the physical steps necessary for the demonstration. Speaking while completing a task requires advanced psycho-motor skills that most people can’t wing and therefore need to practice. Tasks suddenly become much more difficult than we expect when we have an audience. Have you ever had to type while people are reading along with you? Even though we type all the time, even one extra set of eyes seems to make our fingers more clumsy than usual.

Television chefs are excellent examples of speakers who frequently inform through demonstration. While many of them make the process of speaking while cooking look effortless, it took much practice over many years to make viewers think it is effortless.


Television chefs inform through demonstration. Although they make it seem easy, it is complex and difficult.

Gordonramsaysubmissions – gordon ramsay 7 – CC BY 2.0.

Part of this practice also involves meeting time limits. Since television segments are limited and chefs may be demonstrating and speaking live, they have to be able to adapt as needed. Demonstration speeches are notorious for going over time, especially if speakers haven’t practiced with their visual aids / props. Be prepared to condense or edit as needed to meet your time limit. The reality competition show The Next Food Network Star captures these difficulties, as many experienced cooks who have the content knowledge and know how to physically complete their tasks fall apart when faced with a camera challenge because they just assumed they could speak and cook at the same time.

Tips for Demonstration Speeches

  • Include personal stories and connections to the topic, in addition to the “how-to” information, to help engage your audience.
  • Ask for audience volunteers (if appropriate) to make the demonstration more interactive.
  • Include a question-and-answer period at the end (if possible) so audience members can ask questions and seek clarification.
  • Follow an orderly progression. Do not skip around or backtrack when reviewing the steps.
  • Use clear signposts like first , second , and third .
  • Use orienting material like internal previews and reviews, and transitions.
  • Group steps together in categories, if needed, to help make the information more digestible.
  • Assess the nonverbal feedback of your audience. Review or slow down if audience members look lost or confused.
  • Practice with your visual aids / props many times. Things suddenly become more difficult and complicated than you expect when an audience is present.
  • Practice for time and have contingency plans if you need to edit some information out to avoid going over your time limit.

Informing through Explanation

Informing through explanation entails sharing how something works, how something came to be, or why something happened. This method of informing may be useful when a topic is too complex or abstract to demonstrate. When presenting complex information make sure to break the topic up into manageable units, avoid information overload, and include examples that make the content relevant to the audience. Informing through explanation works well with speeches about processes, events, and issues. For example, a speaker could explain the context surrounding the Lincoln-Douglas debates or the process that takes place during presidential primaries.

“Getting Plugged In”

TED Talks as a Model of Effective Informative Speaking

Over the past few years, I have heard more and more public speaking teachers mention their use of TED speeches in their classes. What started in 1984 as a conference to gather people involved in Technology, Entertainment, and Design has now turned into a worldwide phenomenon that is known for its excellent speeches and presentations, many of which are informative in nature. [1] The motto of TED is “Ideas worth spreading,” which is in keeping with the role that we should occupy as informative speakers. We should choose topics that are worth speaking about and then work to present them in such a way that audience members leave with “take-away” information that is informative and useful. TED fits in with the purpose of the “Getting Plugged In” feature in this book because it has been technology focused from the start. For example, Andrew Blum’s speech focuses on the infrastructure of the Internet, and Pranav Mistry’s speech focuses on a new technology he developed that allows for more interaction between the physical world and the world of data. Even speakers who don’t focus on technology still skillfully use technology in their presentations, as is the case with David Gallo’s speech about exotic underwater life. Here are links to all these speeches:

  • Andrew Blum’s speech: What Is the Internet, Really?
  • Pranav Mistry’s speech: The Thrilling Potential of Sixth Sense Technology.
  • David Gallo’s speech: Underwater Astonishments.
  • What can you learn from the TED model and/or TED speakers that will help you be a better informative speaker?
  • In what innovative and/or informative ways do the speakers reference or incorporate technology in their speeches?

Effective Informative Speaking

There are several challenges to overcome to be an effective informative speaker. They include avoiding persuasion, avoiding information overload, and engaging your audience.

Avoiding Persuasion

We should avoid thinking of informing and persuading as dichotomous, meaning that it’s either one or the other. It’s more accurate to think of informing and persuading as two poles on a continuum, as in Figure 11.1 “Continuum of Informing and Persuading” (Olbricht, 1968). Most persuasive speeches rely on some degree of informing to substantiate the reasoning. And informative speeches, although meant to secure the understanding of an audience, may influence audience members’ beliefs, attitudes, values, or behaviors.

Figure 11.1 Continuum of Informing and Persuading


Speakers can look to three areas to help determine if their speech is more informative or persuasive: speaker purpose, function of information, and audience perception (Verderber, 1991). First, for informative speaking, a speaker’s purpose should be to create understanding by sharing objective, factual information. Specific purpose and thesis statements help establish a speaker’s goal and purpose and can serve as useful reference points to keep a speech on track. When reviewing your specific purpose and thesis statement, look for words like should / shouldn’t , good / bad , and right / wrong , as these often indicate a persuasive slant in the speech.

Second, information should function to clarify and explain in an informative speech. Supporting materials shouldn’t function to prove a thesis or to provide reasons for an audience to accept the thesis, as they do in persuasive speeches. Although informative messages can end up influencing the thoughts or behaviors of audience members, that shouldn’t be the goal.

Third, an audience’s perception of the information and the speaker helps determine whether a speech is classified as informative or persuasive. The audience must perceive that the information being presented is not controversial or disputed, which will lead audience members to view the information as factual. The audience must also accept the speaker as a credible source of information. Being prepared, citing credible sources, and engaging the audience help establish a speaker’s credibility. Last, an audience must perceive the speaker to be trustworthy and not have a hidden agenda. Avoiding persuasion is a common challenge for informative speakers, but it is something to consider, as violating the speaking occasion may be perceived as unethical by the audience. Be aware of the overall tone of your speech by reviewing your specific purpose and thesis to make sure your speech isn’t tipping from informative to persuasive.


Words like should / shouldn’t , good / bad , and right / wrong in a specific purpose and/or thesis statement often indicate that the speaker’s purpose is tipping from informative to persuasive.

Hans Splinter – balance – CC BY-ND 2.0.

Avoiding Information Overload

Many informative speakers have a tendency to pack a ten-minute speech with as much information as possible. This can result in information overload , which is a barrier to effective listening that occurs when a speech contains more information than an audience can process. Editing can be a difficult task, but it’s an important skill to hone, because you will be editing more than you think. Whether it’s reading through an e-mail before you send it, condensing a report down to an executive summary, or figuring out how to fit a client’s message on the front page of a brochure, you will have to learn how to discern what information is best to keep and what can be thrown out. In speaking, being a discerning editor is useful because it helps avoid information overload. While a receiver may not be attracted to a brochure that’s covered in text, they could take the time to read it, and reread it, if necessary. Audience members cannot conduct their own review while listening to a speaker live. Unlike readers, audience members can’t review words over and over (Verderber, 1991). Therefore competent speakers, especially informative speakers who are trying to teach their audience something, should adapt their message to a listening audience. To help avoid information overload, adapt your message to make it more listenable.

Although the results vary, research shows that people only remember a portion of a message days or even hours after receiving it (Janusik, 2012). If you spend 100 percent of your speech introducing new information, you have wasted approximately 30 percent of your time and your audience’s time. Information overload is a barrier to effective listening, and as good speakers, we should be aware of the limitations of listening and compensate for that in our speech preparation and presentation. I recommend that my students follow a guideline that suggests spending no more than 30 percent of your speech introducing new material and 70 percent of your speech repackaging that information. I specifically use the word repackaging and not repeating . Simply repeating the same information would also be a barrier to effective listening, since people would just get bored. Repackaging will help ensure that your audience retains most of the key information in the speech. Even if they don’t remember every example, they will remember the main underlying point.

Avoiding information overload requires a speaker to be a good translator of information. To be a good translator, you can compare an unfamiliar concept with something familiar, give examples from real life, connect your information to current events or popular culture, or supplement supporting material like statistics with related translations of that information. These are just some of the strategies a good speaker can use. While translating information is important for any oral presentation, it is especially important when conveying technical information. Being able to translate complex or technical information for a lay audience leads to more effective informing, because the audience feels like they are being addressed on their level and don’t feel lost or “talked down to.” The History Channel show The Universe provides excellent examples of informative speakers who act as good translators. The scientists and experts featured on the show are masters of translating technical information, like physics, into concrete examples that most people can relate to based on their everyday experiences.


Comparing the turbulent formation of the solar system to the collisions of bumper bars and spinning rides at an amusement park makes the content more concrete.

Alexander Svensson – Ferris Wheel – CC BY 2.0.

Following the guidelines established in Chapter 9 “Preparing a Speech” for organizing a speech can also help a speaker avoid information overload. Good speakers build in repetition and redundancy to make their content more memorable and their speech more consumable. Preview statements, section transitions, and review statements are some examples of orienting material that helps focus an audience’s attention and facilitates the process of informing (Verderber, 1991).

Engaging Your Audience

As a speaker, you are competing for the attention of your audience against other internal and external stimuli. Getting an audience engaged and then keeping their attention is a challenge for any speaker, but it can be especially difficult when speaking to inform. As was discussed earlier, once you are in the professional world, you will most likely be speaking informatively about topics related to your experience and expertise. Some speakers fall into the trap of thinking that their content knowledge is enough to sustain them through an informative speech or that their position in an organization means that an audience will listen to them and appreciate their information despite their delivery. Content expertise is not enough to be an effective speaker. A person must also have speaking expertise (Verderber, 1991). Effective speakers, even renowned experts, must still translate their wealth of content knowledge into information that is suited for oral transmission, audience centered, and well organized. I’m sure we’re all familiar with the stereotype of the absentminded professor or the genius who thinks elegantly in his or her head but can’t convey that same elegance verbally. Having well-researched and organized supporting material is an important part of effective informative speaking, but having good content is not enough.

Audience members are more likely to stay engaged with a speaker they view as credible. So complementing good supporting material with a practiced and fluent delivery increases credibility and audience engagement. In addition, as we discussed earlier, good informative speakers act as translators of information. Repackaging information into concrete familiar examples is also a strategy for making your speech more engaging. Understanding relies on being able to apply incoming information to life experiences.

Repackaging information is also a good way to appeal to different learning styles, as you can present the same content in various ways, which helps reiterate a point. While this strategy is useful with any speech, since the goal of informing is teaching, it makes sense to include a focus on learning within your audience adaptation. There are three main learning styles that help determine how people most effectively receive and process information: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (Fleming, 2012). Visual learners respond well to information presented via visual aids, so repackage information using text, graphics, charts and other media. Public speaking is a good way to present information for auditory learners who process information well when they hear it. Kinesthetic learners are tactile; they like to learn through movement and “doing.” Asking for volunteers to help with a demonstration, if appropriate, is a way to involve kinesthetic learners in your speech. You can also have an interactive review activity at the end of a speech, much like many teachers incorporate an activity after a lesson to reinforce the material.

“Getting Real”

Technical Speaking

People who work in technical fields, like engineers and information technology professionals, often think they will be spared the task of public speaking. This is not the case, however, and there is actually a branch of communication studies that addresses public speaking matters for “techies.” The field of technical communication focuses on how messages can be translated from expert to lay audiences. I actually taught a public speaking class for engineering students, and they basically had to deliver speeches about the things they were working on in a way that I could understand. I ended up learning a lot more about jet propulsion and hybrid car engines than I ever expected!

Have you ever been completely lost when reading an instruction manual for some new product you purchased? Have you ever had difficulty following the instructions of someone who was trying to help you with a technical matter? If so, you’ve experienced some of the challenges associated with technical speaking. There are many careers where technical speaking skills are needed. According to the Society for Technical Communication, communicating about specialized or technical topics, communicating by using technology, and providing instructions about how to do something are all examples of technical speaking (Society for Technical Communication, 2012). People with technical speaking skills offer much to organizations and businesses. They help make information more useable and accessible to customers, clients, and employees. They can help reduce costs to a business by reducing unnecessary work that results from misunderstandings of instructions, by providing clear information that allows customers to use products without training or technical support and by making general information put out by a company more user friendly. Technical speakers are dedicated to producing messages that are concise, clear, and coherent (Society for Technical Communication, 2012). Such skills are used in the following careers: technical writers and editors, technical illustrators, visual designers, web designers, customer service representatives, salespeople, spokespeople, and many more.

  • What communication skills that you’ve learned about in the book so far do you think would be important for a technical speaker?
  • Identify instances in which you have engaged in technical speaking or received information from a technical speaker. Based on what you have learned in this chapter, were the speakers effective or not, and why?

Sample Informative Speech

Title: Going Green in the World of Education

General purpose: To inform

Specific purpose: By the end of my speech, the audience will be able to describe some ways in which schools are going green.

Thesis statement: The green movement has transformed school buildings, how teachers teach, and the environment in which students learn.


Attention getter: Did you know that attending or working at a green school can lead students and teachers to have less health problems? Did you know that allowing more daylight into school buildings increases academic performance and can lessen attention and concentration challenges? Well, the research I will cite in my speech supports both of these claims, and these are just two of the many reasons why more schools, both grade schools and colleges, are going green.

Introduction of topic: Today, I’m going to inform you about the green movement that is affecting many schools.

Credibility and relevance: Because of my own desire to go into the field of education, I decided to research how schools are going green in the United States. But it’s not just current and/or future teachers that will be affected by this trend. As students at Eastern Illinois University, you are already asked to make “greener” choices. Whether it’s the little signs in the dorm rooms that ask you to turn off your lights when you leave the room, the reusable water bottles that were given out on move-in day, or even our new Renewable Energy Center, the list goes on and on. Additionally, younger people in our lives, whether they be future children or younger siblings or relatives, will likely be affected by this continuing trend.

Preview statement: In order to better understand what makes a “green school,” we need to learn about how K–12 schools are going green, how college campuses are going green, and how these changes affect students and teachers.

Transition: I’ll begin with how K–12 schools are going green.

  • In order to garner support for green initiatives, the article recommends that local leaders like superintendents, mayors, and college administrators become involved in the green movement.
  • Once local leaders are involved, the community, students, parents, faculty, and staff can be involved by serving on a task force, hosting a summit or conference, and implementing lessons about sustainability into everyday conversations and school curriculum.
  • The US Green Building Council’s website also includes a tool kit with a lot of information about how to “green” existing schools.
  • For example, Fossil Ridge High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, was built in 2006 and received LEED certification because it has automatic light sensors to conserve electricity and uses wind energy to offset nonrenewable energy use.
  • To conserve water, the school uses a pond for irrigation, has artificial turf on athletic fields, and installed low-flow toilets and faucets.
  • According to the 2006 report by certified energy manager Gregory Kats titled “Greening America’s Schools,” a LEED certified school uses 30–50 percent less energy, 30 percent less water, and reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 40 percent compared to a conventional school.
  • Many new building materials, carpeting, and furniture contain chemicals that are released into the air, which reduces indoor air quality.
  • So green schools purposefully purchase materials that are low in these chemicals.
  • Natural light and fresh air have also been shown to promote a healthier learning environment, so green buildings allow more daylight in and include functioning windows.

Transition: As you can see, K–12 schools are becoming greener; college campuses are also starting to go green.

  • According to the Sturm College of Law’s website, the building was designed to use 40 percent less energy than a conventional building through the use of movement-sensor lighting; high-performance insulation in the walls, floors, and roof; and infrared sensors on water faucets and toilets.
  • Electric car recharging stations were also included in the parking garage, and the building has extra bike racks and even showers that students and faculty can use to freshen up if they bike or walk to school or work.
  • Some of the dining halls on campus have gone “trayless,” which according to a 2009 article by Calder in the journal Independent School has the potential to dramatically reduce the amount of water and chemical use, since there are no longer trays to wash, and also helps reduce food waste since people take less food without a tray.
  • The Renewable Energy Center uses slow-burn technology to use wood chips that are a byproduct of the lumber industry that would normally be discarded.
  • This helps reduce our dependency on our old coal-fired power plant, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The project was the first known power plant to be registered with the US Green Building Council and is on track to receive LEED certification.

Transition: All these efforts to go green in K–12 schools and on college campuses will obviously affect students and teachers at the schools.

  • Many schools are literally going green by including more green spaces such as recreation areas, gardens, and greenhouses, which according to a 2010 article in the Journal of Environmental Education by University of Colorado professor Susan Strife has been shown to benefit a child’s cognitive skills, especially in the areas of increased concentration and attention capacity.
  • Additionally, the report I cited earlier, “Greening America’s Schools,” states that the improved air quality in green schools can lead to a 38 percent reduction in asthma incidents and that students in “green schools” had 51 percent less chance of catching a cold or the flu compared to children in conventional schools.
  • The report “Greening America’s Schools” notes that a recent synthesis of fifty-three studies found that more daylight in the school building leads to higher academic achievement.
  • The report also provides data that show how the healthier environment in green schools leads to better attendance and that in Washington, DC, and Chicago, schools improved their performance on standardized tests by 3–4 percent.
  • According to the article in Education Week that I cited earlier, the Sustainability Education Clearinghouse is a free online tool that provides K–12 educators with the ability to share sustainability-oriented lesson ideas.
  • The Center for Green Schools also provides resources for all levels of teachers, from kindergarten to college, that can be used in the classroom.
  • The report “Greening America’s Schools” claims that the overall improved working environment that a green school provides leads to higher teacher retention and less teacher turnover.
  • Just as students see health benefits from green schools, so do teachers, as the same report shows that teachers in these schools get sick less, resulting in a decrease of sick days by 7 percent.

Transition to conclusion and summary of importance: In summary, the going-green era has impacted every aspect of education in our school systems.

Review of main points: From K–12 schools to college campuses like ours, to the students and teachers in the schools, the green movement is changing the way we think about education and our environment.

Closing statement: As Glenn Cook, the editor in chief of the American School Board Journal , states on the Center for Green Schools’s website, “The green schools movement is the biggest thing to happen to education since the introduction of technology to the classroom.”

Ash, K. (2011). “Green schools” benefit budgets and students, report says. Education Week , 30 (32), 10.

Calder, W. (2009). Go green, save green. Independent School , 68 (4), 90–93.

The Center for Green Schools. (n.d.). K–12: How. Retrieved from

Eastern Illinois University. (n.d.). Renewable Energy Center. Retrieved from

Kats, G. (2006). Greening America’s schools: Costs and benefits. A Capital E Report. Retrieved from

Strife, S. (2010). Reflecting on environmental education: Where is our place in the green movement? Journal of Environmental Education , 41 (3), 179–191. doi:10.1080/00958960903295233

Sturm College of Law. (n.d.). About DU law: Building green. Retrieved from

USGBC. (n.d.). About us. US Green Building Council . Retrieved from

Key Takeaways

  • Getting integrated: Informative speaking is likely the type of public speaking we will most often deliver and be audience to in our lives. Informative speaking is an important part of academic, professional, personal, and civic contexts.
  • Informative speeches teach an audience through objective factual information and can emerge from one or more of the following categories: objects, people, concepts, events, processes, and issues.
  • Effective informative speaking requires good research skills, as speakers must include novel information, relevant and proxemic examples, and “take-away” information that audience members will find engaging and useful.

The four primary methods of informing are through definition, description, demonstration, or explanation.

  • Informing through definition entails defining concepts clearly and concisely using synonyms and antonyms, use or function, example, or etymology.
  • Informing through description entails creating detailed verbal pictures for your audience.
  • Informing through demonstration entails sharing verbal directions about how to do something while also physically demonstrating the steps.
  • Informing through explanation entails sharing how something works, how something came to be, or why something happened.
  • An effective informative speaker should avoid persuasion by reviewing the language used in the specific purpose and thesis statements, using objective supporting material, and appearing trustworthy to the audience.
  • An effective informative speaker should avoid information overload by repackaging information and building in repetition and orienting material like reviews and previews.
  • An effective informative speaker engages the audience by translating information into relevant and concrete examples that appeal to different learning styles.
  • Getting integrated: How might you use informative speaking in each of the following contexts: academic, professional, personal, and civic?
  • Brainstorm potential topics for your informative speech and identify which topic category each idea falls into. Are there any risks of persuading for the topics you listed? If so, how can you avoid persuasion if you choose that topic?
  • Of the four methods of informing (through definition, description, demonstration, or explanation), which do you think is most effective for you? Why?

Fleming, N., “The VARK Helpsheets,” accessed March 6, 2012, .

Janusik, L., “Listening Facts,” accessed March 6, 2012, .

Olbricht, T. H., Informative Speaking (Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1968), 1–12.

Oxford English Dictionary Online, accessed March 6, 2012, .

The Past in Pictures, “Teaching Using Movies: Anachronisms!” accessed March 6, 2012,!.htm .

Scholasticus K, “Anachronism Examples in Literature,” February 2, 2012, accessed March 6, 2012, .

Society for Technical Communication, “Defining Technical Communication,” accessed March 6, 2012, .

Verderber, R., Essentials of Informative Speaking: Theory and Contexts (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1991), 3.

Vuong, A., “Wanna Read That QR Code? Get the Smartphone App,” The Denver Post , April 18, 2011, accessed March 6, 2012, .

  • “About TED,” accessed October 23, 2012, . ↵

Communication in the Real World Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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31 Do – Informative Unit Discussion Questions

Sample informative unit discussion board questions.

informative speech 250 words

Your instructor may assign these questions in the Discussion Area

Mn state transfer pathway learning outcomes for public speaking, students should be able to:.

1.1 Demonstrate appropriate topic selection, audience analysis, organization, and content development in a speaker-audience setting.

1.2 Create and perform informative and persuasive messages.

1.3 Practice effective verbal and nonverbal delivery techniques that are well suited to the occasion and audience.

1.4 Utilize appropriate research strategies to discover and ethically integrate supporting materials from diverse sources and points of view.

1.5 Demonstrate the ability to listen, analyze, and provide feedback on public discourse.

informative speech 250 words

Informative Speech Unit Discussion #1: SAMPLE

This week you’ll post a class survey for your Informative Speech and take each other’s surveys.

Start: Look over the sample discussion post. Note this week you will post your Informative Speech survey (see samples).

The discussion posting should not take long unless you do not have a speech topic. If you do not have a topic, please contact your instructor ASAP. Generally, it will take 1 hour to read the materials, and 20 minutes to complete the discussion post that is just posting your survey this week. You will, later, need to reply to all your peers which will take around 30-45 minutes. However, each reply can be brief. You may opt to use an “anonymous” reply for privacy. You may opt not to take a survey if you feel it is too personal; you can add “opt out” to your reply if that is the case.

  • Read the Informative Speech assignment sheet in the content area, noting the audience analysis guidelines and sample.
  • o PowerPoint on Audience Analysis
  • Read Chapter 15 –  Informative Speaking
  • o PowerPower Point on Informative Speaking from the public speaking project:
  • o PowerPoint on Informative Speaking by Thomas Damp:

Practice: There are sample speeches and sample outlines, please review these resources. In the sample outlines, notice how the students constructed their surveys and how they used the results to adapt to a specific audience.

Do:   Complete the Discussion Post as Follows, and then you can begin researching your speech sources for next week.

ORIGINAL POST (Due Wednesday @ 11:59 pm) (about 3 paragraphs or 250 words)

Speech 3 is an informative speech on a topic of your choice. The key to well-adapted speeches is “knowing your audience.”  Also, you should avoid “predictable” topics where we all have a strong knowledge already. Try to put your own spin on the topics. Also, remember to avoid developing a topic in an area that is more controversial or persuasive.

Post 3 questions related to your topic as outlined below (note, you will use our feedback in your audience analysis report due with the Informative Speech), including:

  • One “fixed response question” which is like a yes or no question…

Or, ask another type of fixe response question such as, “how many times have you ____:”

  • Only every so often ___
  • 1 x a day ___
  • 2 x a day ___
  • 3 x a day ___
  • 4 x (or more) a day
  • One “Likert Scale” question which measures the strength of a response on a “scale” concerning your speech topic.

On a scale of 1-5 which do you most agree with this statement: _______ strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 strongly agree

  • One open question (make sure that this is open, not closed). It can take the form of:

“What, if anything, should we do about ….”

Please post your survey by Wednesday, at 11:59 p.m.

REPLIES TO 3 PEERS (Due Sunday @ 11:59 pm) By Sunday, please post feedback to all of your peers who posted on time.

Please answer as many of your classmates’ surveys as possible by Sunday, at 11:59 pm. If there is a survey that you feel is too personal, please note that or email me.  You can post anonymously if you would like. If you do, I might not know if you posted, so just send me an email.

Reflect: Look back at the responses your classmates made. You can begin your audience analysis report for the Informative Speech. This will help you reflect upon how they might share your viewpoint, disagree, or perhaps not know much about the topic. Consider concrete ways you can use this information to best adapt your informative speech to your audience.

informative speech 250 words

Informative Speech Unit Discussion #2:

This week you’ll post your “source defense” for your Informative Speech and give feedback to your peers on their use of research.

Start: Look over the sample discussion post. Notice you will be researching your Speech 3 assignment this week. Are you familiar with the library’s databases? If not, please ask for help, actually visit the library, see the virtual library services, or ask your instructor. While “Google” is a great search engine, this week you’ll go beyond Google.

The discussion posting will take as long as it does to research your speech topic. If you have not done so yet, go to our college’s library databases. Visit the Databases [you will need to log in – use your Star ID and password, the same that you use for D2L — some of the links may need to be copied and pasted below].

  • Academic Search Premier. This is a good starting place for articles – both scholarly journals and magazines are included.
  • Lexus Nexus Business, legal, and global news compiled from newspapers around the world, television transcripts, legal reviews, SEC filings and more. There are also company profiles, legal reviews, statutes, regulations, and case law.”
  • Opposing ViewPoints can be helpful to get a more broad view of the topics, but tends to take on more controversial topics.

The time to anticipate for researching will vary. You should expect to spend at least 3 hours researching your Informative Speech topic. Some will do much more research, others will do less. If you do not have a topic, please contact your instructor ASAP.

After you have your research, it will take 1 hour to read the materials, and 20 minutes to complete the discussion post which is just your survey this week. You will, later, need to reply to 3 peers which will take about 20 minutes.

  • o See this PowerPoint on Chapter 7:
  • Visit Cornell University Library’s Guide to evaluating websites : (
  • Work through Cornell University’s Guide for evaluating “fake news” – there are multiple pages to link to
  • Watch this video from the University of Minnesota Libraries:  

Practice: There are sample speeches in the content area, look at how past students have used research in their speeches and how they have written their Works Cited page. Also, as you read the guides for research and APA/MLA style, think about the quality of your research.

Do:   Complete the Discussion Post as follows, then you can continue

What sources are you going to use? More importantly, how do you know what is “academic?” That is the topic of this week’s discussion: “Sources – how do you find a great source?”

  • Post your Thesis – even if it is tentative still. What are your Main Points?
  • o APA – From Purdue
  • o MLA – From Purdue
  • o NOW – IN YOUR POST DUE ON WEDNESDAY – DEFEND EACH SOURCE – give 3 reasons to defend the quality of each of your sources. Use the information from your textbook and/or the above-mentioned websites to defend your sources! If you cannot defend your source, why are you using it?

REPLIES TO 3 PEERS (Due Sunday @ 11:59 pm)

By Sunday, please post feedback to three peers who posted on time.

Give 3 people in class feedback on their sources including:

  • List one specific strength concerning their topic.
  • What might the audience identify with concerning this topic?
  • Does this topic lend itself to a more informative or persuasive message in your view? Explain.
  • Did the classmate use APA or MLA to cite their sources?
  • Assess their sources (e.g., Are the sources credible, updated and relevant?). Give three reasons why you believe the source is credible or not credible. Use the readings to support your response by referring to at least three concepts from the readings/videos.

Reflect: Look back at the responses your classmates made about your speech sources. You can finish your Works Cited page for the Informative Speech (the rough draft is due next week). Consider concrete ways you can use this information to best adapt your speech in an informative (not persuasive) manner to your audience.

informative speech 250 words

Informative Speech Unit Discussion #3:

This week you’ll post the rough draft for your Informative Speech.

Start: Look over the replies from last week, do you need to modify the sources you are using? Did you complete your Works Cited? Review the assignment sheet, especially the outline worksheet to see if you have any questions before submitting the rough draft for your Informative Speech. Check the class schedule to determine if you are on track. Ask your instructor if you have any questions. Give yourself enough time to read the chapters prior to writing your post. Then, when ready, the discussion posting should take you 20 minutes to complete. You will, later, need to reply to three of your peers. Each reply should be 75-100 words. You and I will discuss your rough drafts in SKYPE or in-person sessions this week (see the link for your instructor).

Read: Review Previous Chapters See for a PowerPoint on how to make an outline.

Practice: See the sample Outlines posted in the Content and the Learning Modules on this unit.

Do:   Complete the Discussion Post as Follows

  • ORIGINAL POST (Due Wednesday @ 11:59 pm)

Copy and Paste your Rough Draft of your Informative Speech into the Discussion Textbox. Don’t add this as an attachment (students tend not to want to download/open/read then come back to D2L). Follow the worksheet guidelines. Please add as much detail to the worksheet as possible – including your source citations/use. Remember, this is an outline, not an essay. Also, remember to add a copy of your rough draft to the correct D2L Assignments Dropbox.

  • By Sunday, please post feedback to your peers. These posts can help encourage the others to feel comfortable in class. As you write comments, do not just add a “good job” or “keep working” – in your reply add:
  • Is this an Informative Speech or is it taking on a persuasive tone? Explain.
  • Are sources used in the outline to support the claims/information?
  • Comment upon how the speaker can increase adaptation to the audience.
  • Explain what you like about the speech.

  Reflect: Look back at the responses your classmates made about your speech’s rough draft. Consider concrete ways you can use this information for completing your final draft which is due next week. You will discuss your rough draft in an online (or, if it can be arranged, in person) conference with your instructor prior to submitting your final draft. Remember, your final draft is still an outline. Some students begin to write an essay (like in an English Composition class). Your final draft outline is just that, an outline, but the “final” full sentence outline is for grading. See the sample outlines for a guide or ask your instructor

The Public Speaking Resource Project Copyright © 2018 by Lori Halverson-Wente and Mark Halverson-Wente is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Informative Speeches — Types, Topics, and Examples

Daniel Bal

What is an informative speech?

An informative speech uses descriptions, demonstrations, and strong detail to explain a person, place, or subject. An informative speech makes a complex topic easier to understand and focuses on delivering information, rather than providing a persuasive argument.

Types of informative speeches

The most common types of informative speeches are definition, explanation, description, and demonstration.

Types of informative speeches

A definition speech explains a concept, theory, or philosophy about which the audience knows little. The purpose of the speech is to inform the audience so they understand the main aspects of the subject matter.

An explanatory speech presents information on the state of a given topic. The purpose is to provide a specific viewpoint on the chosen subject. Speakers typically incorporate a visual of data and/or statistics.

The speaker of a descriptive speech provides audiences with a detailed and vivid description of an activity, person, place, or object using elaborate imagery to make the subject matter memorable.

A demonstrative speech explains how to perform a particular task or carry out a process. These speeches often demonstrate the following:

How to do something

How to make something

How to fix something

How something works

Demonstrative speeches

How to write an informative speech

Regardless of the type, every informative speech should include an introduction, a hook, background information, a thesis, the main points, and a conclusion.


An attention grabber or hook draws in the audience and sets the tone for the speech. The technique the speaker uses should reflect the subject matter in some way (i.e., if the topic is serious in nature, do not open with a joke). Therefore, when choosing an attention grabber, consider the following:

What’s the topic of the speech?

What’s the occasion?

Who’s the audience?

What’s the purpose of the speech?

Attention grabbers/hooks

Common Attention Grabbers (Hooks)

Ask a question that allows the audience to respond in a non-verbal way (e.g., a poll question where they can simply raise their hands) or ask a rhetorical question that makes the audience think of the topic in a certain way yet requires no response.

Incorporate a well-known quote that introduces the topic. Using the words of a celebrated individual gives credibility and authority to the information in the speech.

Offer a startling statement or information about the topic, which is typically done using data or statistics. The statement should surprise the audience in some way.

Provide a brief anecdote that relates to the topic in some way.

Present a “what if” scenario that connects to the subject matter of the speech.

Identify the importance of the speech’s topic.

Starting a speech with a humorous statement often makes the audience more comfortable with the speaker.

Include any background information pertinent to the topic that the audience needs to know to understand the speech in its entirety.

The thesis statement shares the central purpose of the speech.


Include background information and a thesis statement

Preview the main ideas that will help accomplish the central purpose. Typically, informational speeches will have an average of three main ideas.

Body paragraphs

Apply the following to each main idea (body) :

Identify the main idea ( NOTE: The main points of a demonstration speech would be the individual steps.)

Provide evidence to support the main idea

Explain how the evidence supports the main idea/central purpose

Transition to the next main idea

Body of an informative speech

Review or restate the thesis and the main points presented throughout the speech.

Much like the attention grabber, the closing statement should interest the audience. Some of the more common techniques include a challenge, a rhetorical question, or restating relevant information:

Provide the audience with a challenge or call to action to apply the presented information to real life.

Detail the benefit of the information.

Close with an anecdote or brief story that illustrates the main points.

Leave the audience with a rhetorical question to ponder after the speech has concluded.

Detail the relevance of the presented information.

Informative speech conclusion

Before speech writing, brainstorm a list of informative speech topic ideas. The right topic depends on the type of speech, but good topics can range from video games to disabilities and electric cars to healthcare and mental health.

Informative speech topics

Some common informative essay topics for each type of informational speech include the following:

Informative speech examples

The following list identifies famous informational speeches:

“Duties of American Citizenship” by Theodore Roosevelt

“Duty, Honor, Country” by General Douglas MacArthur

“Strength and Dignity” by Theodore Roosevelt


“Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” by Patrick Henry

“The Decision to Go to the Moon” by John F. Kennedy

“We Shall Fight on the Beaches” by Winston Churchill


“I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Pearl Harbor Address” by Franklin Delano Roosevelt

“Luckiest Man” by Lou Gehrig


The Way to Cook with Julia Child

This Old House with Bob Vila

Bill Nye the Science Guy with Bill Nye

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informative speech 250 words

Panel Presentation Rubric

A simple rubric by Prof. Williams for panel presentations so that students know what criteria to include in their presentations.

informative speech 250 words

Discover BMCC Rubric

Rubric developed by Prof. Williams for the “Discover BMCC” assignment. Download a Word doc of Prof. Williams’ “Discover BMCC” assignment rubric here.  

informative speech 250 words

Persuasive Speech Rubric

A rubric by Prof. Tulloch for evaluating the Persuasive Speech.  

informative speech 250 words

Occasional Speech Rubric

A rubric created by Prof. Tulloch for evaluating the Occasional Speech. Download a Word doc of Prof. Tulloch’s occasional speech rubric here.  

informative speech 250 words

Informative Speech Rubric

A rubric created by Prof. Tulloch for evaluating the Informative Speech. Download a Word doc of Prof. Tulloch’s Informative Speech rubric here.  

Special Occasion Speech Rubric

A rubric for evaluating the Special Occasion speech by Prof. Elbanna. Download a Word doc of Prof. Elbanna’s special occasion speech rubric here.  

A rubric created by Prof. Elbanna for evaluating the Persuasive Speech. Rubric Word Doc

A rubric created by Prof. Elbanna for evaluating the Informative Speech. Download a Word doc of Prof. Elbanna’s informative speech rubric and instructions here.

A rubric created by Prof. Rousseau for evaluating the Persuasive Speech. Download a Word doc of Prof. Rousseau’s persuasive speech rubric here.  

A rubric created by Prof. Rousseau for evaluating the Special Occasion speech. Download a pdf of Prof. Rousseau’s special occasion speech rubric here.  

A rubric created by Prof. Rousseau for evaluating the Informative Speech. Download a Word doc of Prof. Rousseau’s Informative speech rubric here.  

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Informative Speech

Cathy A.

Informative Speech Writing - A Complete Guide

14 min read

informative speech

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Understanding Different Types of Informative Speeches with Examples

Ever been tasked with crafting an informative speech that feels as captivating as it is informative? High school and college students usually get to write these kinds of speeches every now and then. 

It's not just about sharing facts and figures; it's about making the topic come alive. The struggle lies in transforming complex subjects into engaging narratives that resonate with your audience.

Fear not, as we've got your back! 

In this guide, you’ll get to learn how to write an informative speech and find some amazing informative speech topics. You will also get some amazing tips and samples. 

So, let’s get started.

Arrow Down

  • 1. What is an Informative Speech?
  • 2. How to Write an Informative Speech?
  • 3. Types of Informative Speech
  • 4. Informative Speech Examples
  • 5. Informative Speech Topics
  • 6. Do's and Don'ts of Informative Speech Writing

What is an Informative Speech?

An informative speech is a type of speech writing that is delivered to inform the audience about a particular topic. 

It's your guide to delivering knowledge and insights to an audience. But what exactly is it? Well, think of it as a talk designed to educate, inform, and enlighten.

The primary goal is to provide your listeners with valuable information about a specific topic, unlike persuasive speech which intends to persuade the audience.

Importance of Effective Informative Speech

Let's take a look at the importance of delivering an informative speech:

  • Education: Informative speeches play a crucial role in education, helping students grasp complex topics.
  • Knowledge Dissemination: They're a powerful tool to share information, research findings, and insights.
  • Business Success: Effective presentations can influence decisions, making them vital in professional settings.
  • Impactful Advocacy: In advocacy and awareness campaigns, they spread the message effectively.
  • Engagement: Well-crafted informative speeches captivate and retain the audience's attention.

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How to Write an Informative Speech?

Half of the battle of presenting a good informative speech is writing it properly. If you haven’t written an effective speech you can’t make an influence while presenting it. A successful speech keeps the audience engaged and interested in the information being presented.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a winning informative speech:

Step 1: Choose a Topic 

Opt for a topic that's not just informative but also intriguing, something that'll captivate your audience. It's a decision that hinges on the five W's - Who, What, When, Where, and Why.  

Here's how you can navigate this selection process and create a compelling, fact-based speech:

1. Who - Consider Your Audience

Consider your audience. Who are they? What are their interests and preferences? Tailor your topic to resonate with their demographic, whether it's students, professionals, or a general audience.

2. What - Define Your Purpose

What are you passionate about? What knowledge can you share? Your topic should align with your expertise and enthusiasm, ensuring you speak with authority and authenticity.

3. When - Consider Relevance

Reflect on the timing of your speech. Is there a current event or trending topic that's relevant? Speeches about events in the United States or worldwide can be both timely and engaging.

4. Where - Location Matters

Where does your audience's curiosity lie? Think about the geographic or cultural relevance of your topic. Local, global, or universal themes can all be informative if they connect with your audience.

5. Why - Importance and Impact

Lastly, why does your topic matter? What's its significance? Your topic should educate, inform, or inspire your audience, answering the "why" to create a compelling speech.

If you're in need of topic inspiration, explore our informative speech topics blog.

Step 2: Create an Informative Speech Outline

Start by creating a structured informative speech outline , which traditionally consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion. Here's how to structure an informative speech:

With this structure, your informative speech will be well-balanced, engaging, and easy for your audience to follow. It's the blueprint for your speech's success!

Step 3: Write the Introduction

Craft an introduction that hooks your audience from the get-go. Tell them what's in store for the speech, what they'll learn, and why it's important.

Tips for a compelling introduction:

  • Begin with a thought-provoking hook statement to grab attention.
  • Clearly state your speech's specific purpose, keeping it focused.
  • Include a thesis statement that encapsulates the main idea and guides your speech's development.

Step 4: Craft a Strong Body

In the body section, beef up your speech with facts and figures to bolster the credibility of your topic. Make sure to develop your main ideas with precision.

Tips for organizing the body:

  • Define the key ideas related to your topic that warrant emphasis.
  • Arrange your main points in a logical order for easy comprehension.
  • Incorporate real-life examples to bolster your claims.
  • Ensure seamless transitions to lead to the conclusion.

Step 5: Prepare the Conclusion

The conclusion is the heart of your speech, where you distill the essence of your message.

Tips for preparing the conclusion:

  • Restate your thesis statement to remind the audience of your speech's main idea.
  • Add anecdotes or quotes to make your speech memorable.
  • Reinforce the key ideas you've conveyed.
  • Elevate the emotional impact on your audience.

Step 6: Proofread and Edit

Once your writing is complete, the finishing touch is editing and proofreading. Read your speech aloud to assess its flow.

  • Ensure you've used precise language and well-structured sentences.
  • Correct any grammatical or typographical errors to polish your speech to perfection.

With this guide in hand, you're well on your way to crafting an informative speech that not only informs but also captivates and inspires your audience.

Types of Informative Speech

There are many ways to inform the audience about a particular topic. The informative speech is one of those several ways. This speech can be about an object, an event, a concept, or a process.

The table below has different types of informative speeches with descriptions: 

Informative Speech Examples

Now that you know the process of writing, check out these informative speech examples for students. These sample speeches give you a better understanding of how to organize your content properly.

Let’s take a look: 

For more samples visit our informative speech examples blog and explore a range of inspirational examples!

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Informative Speech Topics

Presenting information at a high level, backed by supporting material, is always a good idea for an informative speech. Here's a range of fact-based topics that will captivate your audience members and encourage them to listen attentively:

  • The Power of Renewable Energy Sources: A Fact-Based Overview
  • Exploring Artificial Intelligence: How It Shapes Our Future
  • The Wonders of Space Exploration: Beyond Our World
  • Climate Change: Uncovering the Facts and Solutions
  • The Influence of Social Media on Society: A Deep Dive
  • Mental Health Awareness: Shattering the Stigma
  • The History of Cryptocurrency: From Bitcoin to Blockchain
  • The Art of Effective Communication: Building Meaningful Connections
  • Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace: A Good Idea for Success
  • The Impact of Global Warming on Marine Life: An Urgent Call to Action

Looking for more topic suggestions? Check out our blog on demonstration speech ideas to get your inspiration!

Do's and Don'ts of Informative Speech Writing

The dos and don'ts can help you create an informative speech that is engaging, informative, and well-received by your audience. Let’s take a look:

To Sum it Up!

If you are good at public speaking but speech writing restricts you from taking part in public speaking events then you are not alone. Many people can deliver an effective speech but writing a speech seems a daunting task to them.

But you don’t have to worry anymore as you have reached the right place. is a writing service that you can rely on for custom writing.

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  21. Rubrics

    Occasional Speech Rubric. A rubric created by Prof. Tulloch for evaluating the Occasional Speech. Download a Word doc of Prof. Tulloch's occasional speech rubric here. Special Occasion. by Scott Tulloch. Published June 4, 2019. Rubrics.

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    Example# 1. Informative Speech about Communication. Ladies and gentlemen, today I'd like to talk to you about a fundamental aspect of our lives—communication. Communication is the cornerstone of human interaction, connecting us in ways that make our world go 'round.

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    A. Drinking water is a essential to your health. 1. By eating foods and drinking water can replace the amount of water that is lost each day in urine. 2. Water have several healthy benefits that improves moods, digestion, adsorption, circulation, creation of salvia, transportation of salvia, and transportation of nutrients, maintain the proper ...