7+ Explanatory Essay Examples That Get the Best Grades

7+ Explanatory Essay Examples That Get the Best Grades

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explanatory essay sample pdf

Meredith Sell

Writing explanatory essays is hard, even for experienced scholars.

In this post, I want to try to tackle the major challenges students face when writing this type of essay, using examples of successful essays. These challenges include:

  • Struggling to come up with the right idea . (solution:  brainstorming techniques )
  • Difficulty in organizing the essay. (solution: working on the outline of the essay)
  • Not having enough evidence or sources to back up points. (solution: doing proper research )
  • Failing to come up with a conclusion. (solution: following our guide to conclusions )
  • Not having enough knowledge of the topic. (solution: summarizing key articles on the topic)
  • Having trouble finding the right words. (solution: writing with Wordtune )
  • Not having enough time to finish the essay. (solution: working on student time management )
  • Not being able to present arguments effectively. (solution: learning essay persuasion techniques )

As you can see, for every issue there is the relevant solution, but it takes time to implement it. Another way of tackling this essay is to see other people's essay examples and getting inspiration from them.

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Explanatory essay generator

What Is an Explanatory Essay?

What Is an Explanatory Essay?

If you google “explanatory essay”, you’ll find a bunch of sites saying that an explanatory essay is the same as an expository essay, or that it’s totally different, or not even mentioning that expository essays exist. Who’s right?

Answer: Whoever your professor agrees with.

No, seriously. Your professor decides the parameters of your assignment. So if your professor defines an explanatory essay as one that describes a perspective or analyzes the efficacy of, for example, a local housing policy—that’s the definition you should work from.

But if your professor distinguishes between explanatory essays (which simply explain what something is and how it works or was developed) and expository essays (which expose the reality of a person, place, thing, or idea through investigation and evaluation), you should distinguish between them as well.

For the purposes of this piece, we’re going to use explanatory and expository interchangeably. The dividing line that some draw between these essay types is unnecessarily technical. What’s important is that both:

  • Use an objective perspective
  • Let the facts speak for themselves

As long as your essay does the same (and includes analysis if required by your professor), you should be in good shape.

Example of explanatory essay

We wrote a whole article on generating essay topic ideas , but here is a good example that can help you get an idea for your own essay:

Why is having a dog as a pet such a wonderful experience?

Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the world. They are beloved companions that bring joy and happiness into the lives of their owners. Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years and have evolved to become the perfect pet for humans. In this essay, I will explain why having a dog as a pet is a wonderful experience.

One of the primary benefits of having a dog as a pet is the companionship they offer. Dogs are social animals that thrive on human interaction. They are loyal and loving creatures that are always there for their owners. Dogs can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and depression, and provide comfort and support during difficult times.

Another benefit of having a dog as a pet is the health benefits they offer. Studies have shown that owning a dog can help lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve overall health. Dogs require daily exercise, which encourages their owners to be more active and can lead to a healthier lifestyle. Additionally, having a dog can boost the immune system and reduce the risk of allergies and asthma in children.

Dogs are also great for families with children. They can help teach children about responsibility, compassion, and empathy. Children can learn to care for and nurture their pets, which can be beneficial for their emotional development. Dogs are also great playmates for children and can provide hours of entertainment and fun.

Training and caring for a dog can also be a rewarding experience. Dogs can be trained to perform a variety of tasks, such as fetching, obedience, and even therapy work. The process of training a dog can help strengthen the bond between the owner and the dog and can be a fulfilling experience. Additionally, caring for a dog requires daily attention and can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment for the owner.

In conclusion, having a dog as a pet can be a wonderful experience. Dogs offer companionship, health benefits, and can be great for families with children. Caring for a dog can also be a rewarding experience and can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment for the owner. Owning a dog is a big responsibility, but the rewards far outweigh the effort required.

Example of an explanatory paragraph, generated with AI:

explanatory essay sample pdf

A few subtypes of explanatory essays:

Description or definition essay example

‍ Perhaps the most basic, this subtype does the deceptively simple work of, well, describing or defining a concept, place, person, etc.

Example: How Suspension Bridges Work

This essay explains: The way suspension bridges are constructed and how their design enables them to carry such immense weight.

Cause-and-effect essay example

This type of essay hones in on a particular phenomenon to show what caused it (i.e., where it came from) and how it influences other things.

Example: How Federally Funded Highways Transformed the United States

This essay explains: The history of federally funded highways in the U.S., when federal programs to fund highway construction started, why politicians and others thought highways were important, and what the effect has been on the landscapes, communities, economies, and ecosystems of the country.

Compare-and-contrast essay example

Take two or more things, gather the facts about them, and then write about their similarities and differences.

Example: Hybrid vs. Electric Cars

This essay explains: The various features of hybrid and electric cars, and shows how they are either different or similar in terms of: cost, energy consumption, size, drive time, ease of use, and so on.

‍ How-to essay example

Walk your reader step-by-step through a procedure so they can do it for themselves. (We’re doing this later!)

Example: How to Prepare for an Intercontinental Bike Trip

This essay explains: How to get ready for a bike trip between nations and continents. Readers learn how to research their route, find out what travel documents they need, choose the right gear, and determine how much training they should do before leaving.

Problem and solution essay example

Explain a problem (along with its causes and effects) and then describe one or more potential solutions to that problem. This subtype could also be combined with compare-and-contrast to determine the most effective solution.

Example: How Bike Infrastructure Could Solve American Obesity

This essay explains: How American reliance on motorized vehicles promotes a sedentary lifestyle that drives obesity, whereas building bike lanes and trails could encourage Americans to be more active and improve their health one pedal at a time.

‍ Chronology essay example

Explain the history or backstory of a person, place, thing, or idea in chronological order.

Example: The Evolution of the Bicycle

This essay explains: The initial invention of the bicycle and how its shape, frame, and size changed over the years.

What type of explanatory essay are you writing? Hopefully, this list helped you hone in. Now, let’s start the writing process.

5 Steps to Write Your Essay

Whether you’re writing an explanatory/expository essay or a persuasive essay, the process of researching and writing is pretty much the same. Both genres require research, organization, and thought . But with expository essays, the thought focuses on making sure you understand your topic inside-out and determining the best way to explain it, while with persuasive essays, you’re focused on crafting a convincing argument.

Follow these steps to turn that blank page into a final manuscript:

1. Choose topic and angle. 

Do you have free rein to write about the topic of your choice? Make the most of it.

In college, my public speaking professor let us choose all of our own speech topics. A classmate gave an explanatory presentation on how to survive the zombie apocalypse . She brought props and had the class totally enchanted. Our professor encouraged creativity, so I’m sure she earned a winning grade—and had fun in the process.

You can’t use props or sound in a written essay, but you can still work some creative magic. That magic starts with choosing your topic and angle.

To choose well, first make sure you understand the assignment: 

  • What exactly has your professor asked you to write? Which of the subtypes should your piece be?
  • Are there any parameters for what type of topic you can write about?
  • What kind of class is this? An English composition class will offer more freedom than, say, a history class focused on the French Revolution.

If you’re allowed to write about anything, brainstorm a list of topics you’re curious about. Then think of smaller topics within that area.

Example: Transportation

  • Electric cars
  • The highway system
  • Engineering

Any of these topics you could easily write volumes about, so next, narrow down to your specific angle. One way I like to come up with angles is to think of how two or three different topics intersect.

Example 1: electric cars + the highway system 

Angle: How Much Will It Cost to Update Federal Highways with Charging Stations for Electric Cars

Notice that this angle includes a third element: cost

Example 2: bicycles + bridges

Angle: The Safest Bridges for Bicycles Have One Thing in Common: No Cars

Third element: safety

Example 3: electric cars + buses

Angle: Electric Cars vs. Buses: Which Is Better for the Environment?

Third element: environment

Your turn: Make a list of topics you’re interested in. Then, identify some intersecting topics. Based on your assignment parameters, develop an angle that narrows your focus to an intersection that interests you.

Not sure what angle to go with? Do some broad research on your topics and then return to this step.

2. Research, research, research.

Explanatory essays require solid research. These essays exist to lay out the facts for the reader so they can clearly understand the topic. Your opinion—what you think about electric cars or suspension bridges or transportation infrastructure—doesn’t matter. And it doesn’t belong here.

Where you should start your research depends on how much knowledge you already have.

If you’re writing about suspension bridges and you already know the Brooklyn Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge are suspension bridges, you probably don’t need to start with the encyclopedic entry for “suspension bridges”. But if you don’t know the basic facts about your topic, encyclopedias are a great place to start.

Thanks to the advances of technology—and this marvelous thing called the internet—you don’t have to go to a research library to gain that ground-level knowledge of your topic. But you do still need to make sure you’re drawing from credible sources.

For encyclopedias, try these to start:

  • Encyclopedia.com

Dictionaries can be helpful too:

  • Merriam-Webster
  • Dictionary.com

Once you know your topics’ basic facts, focus on researching those topics in the context of your angle . It may help to make a list of questions you’re trying to answer so you can keep your research focused.

Example: Electric Cars vs. Buses: Which Is Better for the Environment?

  • Are most buses gas-powered or electric?
  • What’s the average emissions of greenhouse gas from gas-powered buses?
  • How much energy do electric cars use? What’s the lifespan of their batteries? Are they just using electricity that was produced in a polluting way somewhere else? What about electric buses?
  • How many people can ride a bus? How many people typically are transported by one car? 
  • What would be the average energy consumption per person in an electric car versus a bus?

Once you know the questions you need to answer, look for sources that address those questions. For an academic essay, you’ll probably want to stick with academic sources : peer-reviewed studies and research papers published by academic journals. But official government databases can also be useful. And news stories from reputable publications can provide some direction as well (check with your professor to see whether or not you can use news publications as sources for your essay). Your educational institution likely provides access to all of these kinds of sources through the university library.

Your turn: Think through your angle and make a list of questions your piece needs to answer. Next, start searching academic databases for the information you need. Take notes as you research, and be sure to save any links, titles, author names, page numbers, and publication information you’ll need to properly cite your sources.

3. Outline your essay.

Call me crazy, but I actually think this is the fun part. I hated writing outlines when I was in school, but since making my living as a professional writer, they’ve become the #1 way I beat writer’s block.

First: Throw out the idea that your outline should be a series of bullet points neatly organized into sections and subsections. Your outline only needs to make sense to you , so play around to find an approach that works with your brain. The idea here is simply to make a map you’ll follow when you sit down to write.

Here’s what I do:

  • Identify the specific hook I’m going to use to start things off.
  • List the different examples and details I need to include.
  • Use the main focus or idea of my piece to order everything in a natural, logical way.

A lot of times, my outline becomes a combination of bullet points and sentences or paragraphs I write as I’m sketching out the piece. I’m basically just thinking the piece through, from beginning to end. Instead of getting stuck while I’m writing, I work through the tough spots in the outlining stage.

This is what my outline looked like for this piece:

explanatory essay sample pdf

Okay, that’s kind of long, so I cut it off early—but you get the point. 

A lot of times, my outline starts as bare-bones bullets. As I work on it, ideas pop up that I stick in where they make sense. But when I write, those elements might move around ( notice how the examples of transportation essays got bumped up to the section on subtypes of essays ).

Your outline is just a guide. It’s not an architect’s blueprint that needs to be followed to the exact millimeter. There’s room for things to change. 

But an outline keeps you on-track when you’re writing . If you find yourself stuck (or lost) in the writing step, reference your map. You might need to backtrack, move what you’ve written around, or adjust your route. 

Your turn: Take a few minutes and sketch out your essay. Where does it start? What points does it hit? Are there any ways you see the different points connecting that should inform how you order them? As you think it through, scribble out any lines or paragraphs that come to you and stick them in the outline where they make the most sense. Even if you don’t use these exact words later, they’ll help prevent that deer-in-the-headlights stare that hits when you see a blank page.

Time to put everything together! 

With your outline and research ready, start your intro and set up your piece. Your opening should briefly introduce your readers to the topic(s) you’re writing about and the questions you’re going to answer—but don’t give everything away. You want to stir up readers’ curiosity and give them a reason to keep reading.

Depending on the length of your essay, your intro may be one to three paragraphs long (longer pieces get longer intros). But it should be concise and to the point, and smoothly transition into the body of your essay.

The body is the meat and potatoes of your piece. Answer those questions, flesh out your explanation, and give readers a thorough understanding of your topic. Show off your research! Include those bizarre and fascinating facts you learned along the way. Use a tasteful metaphor or compelling anecdote to explain some of the more difficult aspects of your topic. 

As you write, be sure to follow a consistent logic throughout your piece: 

  • If you’re detailing a history or an event, use chronological order: start at the beginning and write about the events in the order that they happened.
  • Are you explaining how a machine or other invention works? Start with where the movement starts—the pedals of a bicycle, the wind turning the turbines—or with the feature doing the most significant work (e.g., the wires of the suspension bridge). 
  • Other logics include: size (small to large, large to small), significance (greatest to least), or space (left to right, right to left, outside to center, center to outside).

You don’t need to label everything you write about as the “next biggest” or “least significant”, but sticking to a logic helps your readers orient themselves—and helps you determine which paragraph or subtopic should go where. This way, your thoughts clearly flow from one paragraph to the next. 

‍ Quick note: If you can’t name the logic that’s guiding your piece, don’t worry. As long as your paragraphs naturally follow each other and all questions raised in the intro are answered by the end, your essay probably follows a logic just fine. But if you feel like your piece bounces around willy-nilly, play with a couple different logics and see if one smoothly orders your sentences and paragraphs.

Your turn: Get writing! If you’re stuck on the intro, try writing a working title for your piece to focus your attention. Then, follow your outline to work all the way from the beginning to a conclusion that sums everything up.

If you can, let your piece sit for at least a day. Then, for the editing process , open up that document and read through with these questions in mind:

  • Does the essay fulfill the assignment? Review the assignment description from your professor. Does your essay tick all the boxes? If not, what’s missing? Can you weave that element into what you’ve already written? Revise as necessary.
  • Are the sentences and paragraphs ordered in a way that makes logical sense? If your essay feels clunky in places, you might have switched logics (as explained above) or you might need to insert some more explanation that clearly ties the sentences or paragraphs together. Make sure your essay doesn’t just list facts, but also shows how they relate to each other.
  • Does the hook catch your eye? The beginning of your piece should grab your reader’s attention. Check out our advice for prize-winning hooks here .
  • Does the conclusion effectively sum things up? Instead of repeating everything your essay says, your conclusion should briefly distill the main takeaway or core idea for your reader. It should show that you’ve fulfilled the promise made in your intro, without being unnecessarily repetitive or redundant.
  • Have you cited all your sources? Make sure to cross this off before hitting “submit.” Follow the citation style specified by your professor.
  • Is spelling and grammar clean and correct? You are writing, after all, and these things matter. A bonus tip to help you catch those sneaky typos: Read your piece backwards. You might be surprised what you spot.

Did We Explain That Well Enough?

This blog was basically a long, non-academic explanatory essay, so hopefully, you’ve learned something new and are feeling less overwhelmed about your essay on medieval literature, transportation infrastructure, Persian history—or whatever you’re writing about.

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5 Expository Essay Examples (Full Text with Citations)

  • Video Overview
  • Quick Example
  • Formatting Guide

An expository essay attempts to explain a topic in-depth, demonstrating expert knowledge and understanding.

This form of essay is structured around the clear, factual presentation of information, devoid of the writer’s personal opinions or arguments.

The primary goal is to inform or explain rather than persuade.

Unlike an argumentative essay, which is built around defending a particular point of view with evidence and persuasion, an expository essay maintains a neutral stance, focusing on delivering straightforward facts and explanations.

An example of expository writing could be an article explaining the process of photosynthesis.

The article would systematically describe each stage of how plants convert sunlight into energy, detailing the role of sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.

It would explain the sequence of reactions – first, second, third, fourth, fifth – that occur and the importance of each step in supporting the life of the plant.

An expository essay generally follows this essay format:

expository essay format and structure template

  • A) To persuade the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint
  • B) To inform or explain a topic clearly
  • C) To present the writer’s personal opinions and arguments
  • D) To entertain the reader with creative writing
  • A) An expository essay uses creative storytelling techniques
  • B) An expository essay remains neutral and avoids personal opinions
  • C) An expository essay focuses on persuading the reader with evidence
  • D) An expository essay prioritizes the writer’s personal experiences

Expository Essay Examples

#1 impacts of technology on education.

955 words | 4 Pages | 15 References

impact of technology on education essay

Thesis Statement: “The integration of technology in education represents a complex and critical area of study crucial for understanding and shaping the future of educational practices.”

#2 Impacts of Globalization on Education

1450 words | 5 Pages | 9 References

impacts of globalization on education essay

Thesis Statement: “This essay examines the profound and multifaceted effects of globalization on education, exploring how technological advancements and policy reforms have transformed access to, delivery of, and perceptions of education.”

#3 The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Interpersonal Relationships

1211 Words | 5 Pages | 22 References

emotional intelligence essay

Thesis Statement: “The central thesis is that EI, defined as the ability to perceive, understand, and manage emotions, is a crucial determinant of success and well-being.”

#4 The Future of Renewable Energy Sources and Their Impact

870 words | 4 Pages | 20 References

renewable energy essay

Thesis Statement: “The essay posits that although renewable energy sources hold immense promise for a sustainable future, their full integration into the global energy grid presents significant challenges that must be addressed through technological innovation, economic investment, and policy initiatives.”

#5 The Psychology Behind Consumer Behavior

1053 words | 4 Pages | 17 References

consumer behavior essay

Thesis Statement: “The thesis of this essay is that consumer behavior is not merely a product of rational decision-making; it is deeply rooted in psychological processes, both conscious and subconscious, that drive consumers’ choices and actions.”

How to Write an Expository Essay

expository essay definition and features, explained below

Unlike argumentative or persuasive essays, expository essays do not aim to convince the reader of a particular point of view.

Instead, they focus on providing a balanced and thorough explanation of a subject.

Key characteristics of an expository essay include:

  • Clarity and Conciseness
  • Structured Organization (Introduction, Body, Conclusion)
  • Objective Tone
  • Evidence-Based (Cite academic sources in every body paragraph)
  • Objective thesis statement (see below)
  • Informative purpose (Not argumentative)

You can follow my expository essay templates with AI prompts to help guide you through the expository essay writing process:

Expository Essay Paragraph Guide

How to write a Thesis Statement for an Expository Essay

An expository thesis statement doesn’t make an argument or try to persuade. It uses ‘is’ rather than ‘ought’ statements.

Take these comparisons  below. Note how the expository thesis statements don’t prosecute an argument or attempt to persuade, while the argumentative thesis statements clearly take a side on an issue:

💡 AI Prompt for Generating Sample Expository Thesis Statements An expository essay’s thesis statement should be objective rather than argumentative. Write me five broad expository thesis statement ideas on the topic “[TOPIC]”.

Go Deeper: 101 Thesis Statement Examples

Differences Between Expository and Argumentative Essays

Expository and argumentative essays are both common writing styles in academic and professional contexts, but they serve different purposes and follow different structures.

Here are the key differences between them:

  • Expository Essay : The primary purpose is to explain, describe, or inform about a topic. It focuses on clarifying a subject or process, providing understanding and insight.
  • Argumentative Essay : The goal is to persuade the reader to accept a particular point of view or to take a specific action. It’s about presenting a stance and supporting it with evidence and logic.
  • Expository Essay : It maintains a neutral and objective tone. The writer presents information factually and impartially, without expressing personal opinions or biases.
  • Argumentative Essay : It often adopts a more assertive, persuasive, and subjective tone. The writer takes a clear position and argues in favor of it, using persuasive language.
  • Expository Essay : The reader is expected to gain knowledge, understand a process, or become informed about a topic. There’s no expectation for the reader to agree or disagree.
  • Argumentative Essay : The reader is encouraged to consider the writer’s viewpoint, evaluate arguments, and possibly be persuaded to adopt a new perspective or take action.

Go Deeper: Expository vs Argumentative Essays

Ready to Write your Essay?

Expository Essay Template

Take action! Choose one of the following options to start writing your expository essay now:

Read Next: Process Essay Examples


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ Social Exchange Theory: Definition and Examples
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 10 Cognitive Dissonance Examples

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explanatory essay sample pdf

How to Write an Explanatory Essay: Comprehensive Guide with Examples

explanatory essay sample pdf

What Is an Explanatory Essay: Definition

Have you ever been tasked with explaining a complex topic to someone without prior knowledge? It can be challenging to break down complex ideas into simple terms that are easy to understand. That's where explanatory writing comes in! An explanatory essay, also known as an expository essay, is a type of academic writing that aims to explain a particular topic or concept clearly and concisely. These essays are often used in academic settings but can also be found in newspapers, magazines, and online publications.

For example, if you were asked to explain how a car engine works, you would need to provide a step-by-step explanation of the different parts of the engine and how they work together to make the car move. Or, if you were asked to explain the process of photosynthesis, you would need to explain how plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create energy.

When wondering - 'what is an explanatory essay?', remember that the goal of an explanatory paper is to provide the reader with a better understanding of the topic at hand. Unlike an opinion essay , this type of paper does not argue for or against a particular viewpoint but rather presents information neutrally and objectively. By the end of the essay, the reader should clearly understand the topic and be able to explain it to others in their own words.

Also, there is no set number of paragraphs in an explanatory essay, as it can vary depending on the length and complexity of the topic. However, when wondering - 'how many paragraphs in an explanatory essay?', know that a typical example of explanatory writing will have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

However, some essays may have more or fewer body paragraphs, depending on the topic and the writer's preference. Ultimately, an explanatory essay format aims to provide a clear and thorough explanation of the topic, using as many paragraphs as necessary.

Explanatory Essay Topics

30 Interesting Explanatory Essay Topics 

Now that we have defined what is explanatory essay, the next step is choosing a good explanatory topic. A well-chosen topic is interesting and relevant to your audience while also being something you are knowledgeable about and can provide valuable insights on. By selecting a topic that is too broad or too narrow, you run the risk of either overwhelming your audience with too much information or failing to provide enough substance to fully explain the topic. Additionally, choosing a topic that is too controversial or biased can lead to difficulty in presenting information objectively and neutrally. By choosing a good explanatory topic, you can ensure that your essay is well-informed, engaging, and effective in communicating your ideas to your audience.

Here are 30 creative explanatory essay topics by our admission essay service to consider:

  • The Impact of Social Media on Modern Communication
  • Exploring the Rise of Renewable Energy Sources Worldwide
  • The Role of Genetics in Personalizing Medicine
  • How Blockchain Technology is Transforming Finance
  • The Influence of Globalization on Local Cultures
  • The Science Behind the Human Body’s Circadian Rhythms
  • Understanding the Causes and Effects of Global Warming
  • The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence and Its Future
  • The Psychological Effects of Social Isolation
  • The Mechanisms of Dreaming: What Happens While We Sleep?
  • The History and Cultural Significance of Coffee
  • How Does the Stock Market Work? An Introductory Guide
  • The Importance of Bees in Ecosystem Maintenance
  • Exploring the Various Forms of Government Around the World
  • The Process of DNA Replication and Its Importance
  • How Personal Finance Trends Are Shaping the Future of Banking
  • The Effects of Music on Human Emotion and Brain Function
  • Understanding Climate Change: Causes, Effects, and Solutions
  • The Role of Antioxidants in Human Health
  • The History of the Internet and Its Impact on Communication
  • How 3D Printing is Revolutionizing Manufacturing
  • The Significance of Water Conservation in the 21st Century
  • The Psychological Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior
  • The Importance of Vaccinations in Public Health
  • How Autonomous Vehicles Will Change the Future of Transportation
  • Exploring the Concept of Minimalism and Its Benefits
  • The Role of Robotics in Healthcare
  • The Economic Impact of Tourism in Developing Countries
  • How Urban Farming is Helping to Solve Food Security Issues
  • The Impact of Cultural Diversity on Workplace Dynamics

How to Start an Explanatory Essay: Important Steps

Starting an explanatory essay can be challenging, especially if you are unsure where to begin. However, by following a few simple steps, you can effectively kick-start your writing process and produce a clear and concise essay. Here are some tips and examples from our term paper writing services on how to start an explanatory essay:

How to Start an Explanatory Essay

  • Choose an engaging topic : Your topic should be interesting, relevant, and meaningful to your audience. For example, if you're writing about climate change, you might focus on a specific aspect of the issue, such as the effects of rising sea levels on coastal communities.
  • Conduct research : Gather as much information as possible on your topic. This may involve reading scholarly articles, conducting interviews, or analyzing data. For example, if you're writing about the benefits of mindfulness meditation, you might research the psychological and physical benefits of the practice.
  • Develop an outline : Creating an outline will help you logically organize your explanatory essay structure. For example, you might organize your essay on the benefits of mindfulness meditation by discussing its effects on mental health, physical health, and productivity.
  • Provide clear explanations: When writing an explanatory article, it's important to explain complex concepts clearly and concisely. Use simple language and avoid technical jargon. For example, if you're explaining the process of photosynthesis, you might use diagrams and visual aids to help illustrate your points.
  • Use evidence to support your claims : Use evidence from reputable sources to support your claims and arguments. This will help to build credibility and persuade your readers. For example, if you're writing about the benefits of exercise, you might cite studies that demonstrate its positive effects on mental health and cognitive function.

By following these tips and examples, you can effectively start your expository essays and produce a well-structured, informative, and engaging piece of writing.

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Explanatory Essay Outline

As mentioned above, it's important to create an explanatory essay outline to effectively organize your ideas and ensure that your essay is well-structured and easy to follow. An outline helps you organize your thoughts and ideas logically and systematically, ensuring that you cover all the key points related to your topic. It also helps you identify gaps in your research or argument and allows you to easily revise and edit your essay. In this way, an outline can greatly improve the overall quality and effectiveness of your explanatory essay.

Explanatory Essay Introduction

Here are some tips from our ' do my homework ' service to create a good explanatory essay introduction that effectively engages your readers and sets the stage for the entire essay:

  • Start with a hook: Begin your introduction with an attention-grabbing statement or question that draws your readers in. For example, you might start your essay on the benefits of exercise with a statistic on how many Americans suffer from obesity.
  • Provide context: Give your readers some background information on the topic you'll be discussing. This helps to set the stage and ensures that your readers understand the importance of the topic. For example, you might explain the rise of obesity rates in the United States over the past few decades.
  • State your thesis: A good explanatory thesis example should be clear, concise, and focused. It should state the main argument or point of your essay. For example, you might state, ' Regular exercise is crucial to maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.'
  • Preview your main points: Give your readers an idea of what to expect in the body of your essay by previewing your main points. For example, you might explain that you'll be discussing the benefits of exercise for mental health, physical health, and longevity.
  • Keep it concise: Your introduction should be brief and to the point. Avoid getting bogged down in too much detail or providing too much background information. A good rule of thumb is to keep your introduction to one or two paragraphs.

The Body Paragraphs

By following the following tips, you can create well-organized, evidence-based explanation essay body paragraphs that effectively support your thesis statement.

  • Use credible sources: When providing evidence to support your arguments, use credible sources such as peer-reviewed academic journals or reputable news outlets. For example, if you're writing about the benefits of a plant-based diet, you might cite a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
  • Organize your paragraphs logically: Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect or argument related to your topic. Organize your paragraphs logically so that each one builds on the previous one. For example, if you're writing about the causes of climate change, you might organize your paragraphs to focus on human activity, natural causes, and the effects of climate change.
  • Use transitional phrases: Use transitional phrases to help your readers follow the flow of your ideas. For example, you might use phrases such as 'in addition,' 'furthermore,' or 'on the other hand' to indicate a shift in your argument.
  • Provide analysis: Don't just present evidence; provide analysis and interpretation of the evidence. For example, if you're writing about the benefits of early childhood education, you might analyze the long-term effects on academic achievement and future earnings.
  • Summarize your main points: End each body paragraph with a sentence that summarizes the main point or argument you've made. This helps to reinforce your thesis statement and keep your essay organized. For example, you might end a paragraph on the benefits of exercise by stating, 'Regular exercise has been shown to improve mental and physical health, making it a crucial aspect of a healthy lifestyle.'

Explanatory Essay Conclusion

Here are some unique tips on how to write an explanatory essay conclusion that leaves a lasting impression on your readers.

How to Start an Explanatory Essay steps

  • Offer a solution or recommendation: Instead of summarizing your main points, offer suggestions based on the information you've presented. This can help to make your essay more impactful and leave a lasting impression on your readers. For example, if you're writing about the effects of pollution on the environment, you might recommend using more eco-friendly products or investing in renewable energy sources.
  • Emphasize the importance of your topic: Use your concluding statement to emphasize the importance of your topic and why it's relevant to your readers. This can help to inspire action or change. For example, suppose you're writing about the benefits of volunteering. In that case, you might emphasize how volunteering helps others and has personal benefits such as improved mental health and a sense of purpose.
  • End with a powerful quote or statement: End your explanatory essay conclusion with a powerful quote or statement that reinforces your main point or leaves a lasting impression on your readers. For example, if you're writing about the importance of education, you might end your essay with a quote from Nelson Mandela, such as, 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.'

Explanatory Essay Example

Here is an example of an explanatory essay:

Explanatory Essay Example:

Importance of Basketball

Final Thoughts

Now you understand whats an explanatory essay. However, if you're still feeling overwhelmed or unsure about writing an explanatory essay, don't worry. Our team of experienced writers is here to provide you with top-notch academic assistance tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need to explain what is an appendix in your definition essay or rewrite essay in five paragraphs, we've got you covered! With our professional help, you can ensure that your essay is well-researched, well-written, and meets all the academic requirements.

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Expository Essay Guide

Expository Essay Examples

Last updated on: Nov 20, 2023

5+ Expository Essay Examples to Help you Get Started

By: Donna C.

Reviewed By: Jacklyn H.

Published on: Mar 22, 2023

Expository Essay Examples

Want to write an expository essay that will elevate your grades? Don't know what to do and what to avoid?

It can be hard to know where to start when you're writing an expository essay. Do you begin with the facts or with your own opinion? How do you structure your argument? 

Let us guide you with expository essay examples!

Expository Essay Examples

On this Page

What is an Expository Essay?

An expository essay is a form of writing which examines and investigates a certain idea or concept in order to present evidence that supports the ideas.

It is used to evaluate the analytical skills of students in both middle school and high school.

Writing an expository essay often requires one to thoroughly research the topic, and use primary and secondary sources. Such writings are designed to explain facts, ideas, and concepts in an objective and informative manner. 

This form of writing relies on presenting hard evidence in the form of statistical data, charts, graphs, and other visual presentations to support the information. By utilizing these methods of presentation, it becomes easier to explain the facts clearly.

Here is a complete guide that will help you learn more about writing an expository essay .

The expository essay examples will demonstrate how to write an expository essay without missing anything. These examples will help you in understanding the basics and once you are through them, you will be ready to write your essay in no time.









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How to Write an Expository Essay Outline?

An expository essay outline is just like any other essay and because you have been writing essays since your school years, you will have no difficulties. However, the difficult part is to know the type of information that will go into each section.

We have divided and explained the entire process that is essential to write an expository essay successfully.

The Prewriting Phase

For an effective essay, you need to plan the entire essay before writing. Many students try to do the essay without planning and end up nowhere. Instead of just getting into the paper writing process, brainstorm and think about how you can present the ideas in a structured manner.

Make points of what you will add in each section.

Preparing the First Draft

After brainstorming and noting down every main detail and theme, prepare the first draft of the essay. Add what points you will add in each section. An expository essay structure has the following sections:

  • Introduction: An introduction is the first section of an essay. It is a brief mention of the main points and themes of the essay. It includes the background of the main topic and some information about it. However, everything is added briefly.
  • Thesis Statement: A well-defined but brief thesis statement will elevate your essay and inform the readers about the main theme of your essay. However, the thesis statement should be brief and should not present the whole theme of the essay.
  • Body Paragraphs: Generally, these are three in number and present three main ideas. These paragraphs of the essay examine, analyze and present the main ideas along with the supporting evidence. Each sentence must begin with a topic sentence and expound on the main idea of that paragraph.
  • Conclusion: It is the last encounter between you and the readers and this is why it must be strong and memorable. Restate your thesis statement and the overall essence of the essay. You can do it by mentioning the main points briefly or by just presenting the answer to the main essay question.

Final Revision

Revision is the most important part of the writing process. In this phase, you can revise, modify and restructure your essay and rectify it according to the guidelines and main essay question. Some of the things to consider while revising your essay are:

  • Have you answered the main question properly and completely?
  • Does your essay meet all the guidelines of the instructor?
  • Have you added all the main ideas in the essay?
  • Is there a proper transition between the sentences and paragraphs?
  • Are all the paragraphs consistent and well-structured?

Answering these questions is a must and therefore, you should never miss this part.


After you are done, proofread the entire essay before submitting it. It may seem daunting and dull but, just like revision, proofreading is also important. Proofread the essay thoroughly and see if everything is in line. At this stage, you can still make the changes.

We hope that these tips will act as a writing guide for you and will help you in writing an excellent expository essay.

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What are the Other Types of Expository Essays?

This type of essay is further divided into the following types of expository writing. These are explained below

Descriptive Essay: This essay requires describing a place, person, or event in detail. It includes great sensory details and is written to persuade the reader to see the writer’s viewpoint.

Definition Essay: A definition essay describes a certain phrase or term in detail. The topics can be concrete or abstract in nature and include the explanation of both literal and contextual meanings of the chosen word.

Compare and Contrast: These essays explain two or more things by comparing and contrasting them. They highlight the main points and describe the chosen objects by elaborating their various elements and qualities.

Classification Essay: The writer breaks down the main essay topic and divides it into several classes and categories and explains them one by one.

Process Essay: The writer breaks down a process and explains it in detail. This could be a manufacturing process, a recipe, and even a writing process. It explains the how-to process and how to do it in detail.

Cause and Effect Essay: This essay describes the reasons behind a phenomenon or happening. It explains why something happens and what are the causes behind them. In short, a cause and effect essay explains the relationship between a certain event and its reasons.

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All in all, an expository essay is a very useful tool that helps students improve their writing skills. If you're still having trouble with your essay, don't hesitate to ask for help.

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Explanatory Essay: Definition, Outline, Writing Steps & Samples


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An explanatory essay  is a type of essay that aims to explain or describe a particular topic or subject. The purpose of an explanatory essay is to provide readers with information and to educate them about a topic in a concise manner.

In this article, we will discuss an explanatory writing definition, provide an outline of key components, and guide you through how to write an explanatory essay. Additionally, we will provide a well-written explanatory essay example to further illustrate required structure and format of writing the paper. Whether you are a college student or a professional, this article will offer all the tools you need to write a clear and effective explanatory essay. Our professional essay writers did their best to share all essential details on an explanatory essay – beginning with an introduction and ending with a conclusion. Let’s get started!

What Is an Explanatory Essay: Definition

An explanatory essay is a type of academic writing in which the writer presents an explanation or analysis of a specific topic or idea. Its main goal is to provide the reader with a clear, unbiased and well-supported understanding of the subject matter, through use of evidence and logical reasoning.  Instead of persuading or arguing with the reader, explanatory essays provide relevant information to them. Therefore, a writer must present information objectively, without injecting their own personal opinions or biases.  Additionally, explanatory writing can be used in professional settings as well, for example, in a scientific report, or in a business proposal to explain the process of a product or service creation, or to provide data analysis. According to definition of explanatory writing, it explains why things happen the way they are.

Explanatory essay basics

What is the Purpose of an Explanatory Essay?

Explanatory essay purpose is to provide an explanation or clarification of a particular topic or subject. This type of assignment is used to inform or educate readers about a specific concept or idea. Similarly to writing an informative essay , the focus is on offering a clear and comprehensive understanding of topic, rather than arguing about a particular point of view.  A writer should present information, define terms, and use evidence to support their explanations. Explanatory essay also aims to explain complex ideas in a clear and concise manner, making information accessible and understandable to reader.

Explanatory Essay Outline

Explanatory essay outline varies depending on information that author is trying to present. Aim of explanatory outline is to organize points into paragraphs and provide a framework on how to write an explanation paper. You can find an example of an essay outline online that can help guide you on what to do.  Below is an example of an explanatory essay outline template.

  • Background information on the topic.
  • Thesis statement.
  • First point supporting thesis statement.
  • Evidence or examples to support this point.
  • Explanation of evidence provided.
  • Concluding statement.
  • Second point supporting thesis statement.
  • Evidence or examples to support point.
  • Third point supporting thesis statement.
  • Summarize main points
  • Restate thesis statement
  • Call to action or future implications.

Explanatory Essay Structure

Structure of an explanatory essay typically includes an introduction , body , and conclusion .  Writing an explanatory essay begins with drafting an introduction . Introduction provides background information on topic and  thesis statement in closing sentence. Thesis statement offers the main idea of paper. Subsequent parts of an explanatory essay support the developed thesis statement using valid evidence.  Body of the paper is where writers present evidence, examples, and explanations to support their thesis statement. Body typically contains several paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of topic and providing evidence to support it.  Finally, conclusion summarizes main points and arguments of the writing, and restates thesis in different ways. It also provides a final perspective on topic, and may offer some recommendations or suggestions for further reading or research.

Explanatory Essay Introduction

Have you been wondering how to write an explanatory essay introduction? A good introduction for an explanatory essay should have three main elements:

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement

The hook is an attention-grabbing and interesting sentence that entices reader to continue reading. It can be a surprising fact, a quote, or a thought-provoking question. Background information provides context for the topic being discussed and helps readers to understand significance of the issue. This section should be brief and to the point. Last part of introduction paragraph for an explanatory essay is a thesis statement . This is a statement that author will support by using facts, quotes and examples throughout the body of paper before concluding with personal opinion based on provided evidence.

Explanatory Essay Thesis Statement

It is important to know what is an explanatory thesis statement before exploring its purpose. Thesis is a statement that presents main idea or topic in a clear and concise manner. Thesis statement for an explanatory essay is an essential element as it serves as a roadmap for the entire work. It should be specific and arguable.  Thesis statement should be presented early in paper, typically in introduction, to guide reader's understanding of essay's main points. It should be specific enough to clearly convey a topic, but not so specific that it limits the paper’s scope. Additionally, it should be arguable, meaning that it should be open to interpretation and debate.  With this information, you can practice how to write a thesis statement for an explanatory essay.

Explanatory Essay Body

Next step after introduction is to write a body paragraph for an explanatory essay . Explanatory essay body paragraph provides evidence that supports thesis statement. It should include facts, statistics, expert opinions, examples and other evidence that help to prove thesis statement is accurate.  Body paragraphs should be written in a clear and logical manner, making a strong case for thesis statement. It should also be written in a way that is easy for readers to understand and follow, ensuring that evidence is presented in a clear and convincing manner.  To effectively convey information in the body of an explanation essay, it is important to use a variety of different techniques and strategies. This may include use of images, infographics, examples, theories, quotes, and other relevant information. By incorporating these different elements, writers can more effectively engage readers and provide a more comprehensive understanding of topic at hand. Additionally, use of these different techniques can help to break up text and make it more visually appealing and easier to read.

Explanatory Essay Conclusion

An explanatory essay conclusion is the final section of the paper that summarizes main points and restates the thesis statement. Conclusion for explanatory essays should be written in a way that ties all of information presented in paper together, providing a clear and concise summary of main ideas.  Steps on how to write a conclusion for an explanatory essay are as follows:

  • Restate the thesis statement.
  • Summarize main points: conclusion should sum up key points and evidence presented in paper, highlighting most important information.
  • Provide a sense of closure: indicate that paper has come to an end and that main points have been fully discussed. Your conclusion must show that the ideas have been explored fully.
  • Emphasize significance of the topic.
  • Provide final thoughts or recommendations: give reader something to consider after reading your work.

How to Write an Explanatory Essay Step-by-Step?

Best way to understand how to write an explanatory essay is by practicing certain steps involved in the process. By following these steps, writer will have a clear understanding of process and be able to effectively present information in a logical and easy-to-understand manner. Subsequent section will discuss how to do an explanatory essay by covering some important tips and considerations for each step, to help you produce a high-quality writing. Details on each step are discussed below.

How to Write an Explanatory Essay

1. Produce an Idea

First step in producing an idea in an explanatory essay is by thinking about what you are passionate about or interested in. This will make writing process more enjoyable and will also make it easier for you to have a strong understanding of the topic. When brainstorming a topic in explanatory essay writing, you should consider your audience and what they may be interested in reading about. More ways to brainstorm new ideas include looking at current events or trending topics in your field of study or area of interest.  Narrow down your list of ideas by evaluating which explanatory essay topics would make most interesting and informative writing. Once you have a topic in mind, do some preliminary research to ensure that there is enough information available to write a comprehensive paper.

2. Make a Detailed Research

Before writing an explanatory essay, you should do detailed research to collect relevant information. Here are some steps to follow when gathering information:

  • Identify topic and focus of your research paper. This will help you determine what types of sources to look for and where to find them.
  • Search for sources using a variety of methods, such as online databases, library catalogs, and search engines.
  • Evaluate credibility of each source. Check for things like author's credentials, publisher, and date of publication.
  • Take detailed notes as you read through your sources. Be sure to note author, title, and publication date for each source, as well as any key information or quotes that you plan to use in your paper.
  • Finally, review all sources again, and make sure they are reliable and trustworthy before you use them in your explanatory paper.

3. Use Appropriate Examples

Examples in explanatory writing are an effective way to explain a concept or idea because they provide a concrete illustration of topic being discussed. They can make complex ideas easier to understand by providing a real-world context. Using an appropriate explanatory essay example can help to strengthen credibility of information being presented. Sources used in this paper should be applicable to the real world. Examples can be used to persuade readers to see a certain point of view. For instance, when discussing a controversial topic, providing examples can help to demonstrate validity of the writer's argument. Also, providing illustrations helps the reader to understand unfamiliar concepts.

4. Create an Explanatory Essay Outline

Best way to know how to write an explanatory essay outline is to consider the amount of information gathered through detailed research and obtaining logical arrangement to ensure flow of ideas. Created through identifying a specific idea from detailed research and ensuring readers can easily relate logical flow throughout the paper. Appropriate outline for explanatory essay entails introduction, body and conclusion each containing specific information arranged in a logical manner to provide flow of your paper.  Example of an outline provided above follows a general structure and provides the best organization of communicating directly to readers. Moreover, a sample above shows a flawless way of obtaining information and opinion of an author. Besides, it provides an outline in a manner that is easy to follow and comprehend.

5. Write an Outstanding Beginning

Capturing attention of the reader to go ahead and read entire paper is dependent on the introduction. Therefore, providing a hook seems like the best way on how to start an explanatory essay. First step to capture your audience’s attention is usually to write an introduction paragraph for an explanatory essay. Introduction becomes the first paragraph in any type of writing, and it is important in capturing interest among readers.  Writing an effective introduction involves providing a hook and general description of the topic, background information and thesis statement. These elements provide an overview of your paper and instigate readers to expect more detailed information about your topic throughout the writing.

Explanatory Essay Introduction Example

Introduction paragraph is the beginning of paper and helps to introduce general ideas about topic and to capture attention and interest of your readers to continue reading. Introduction must begin with a hook, followed by scope of the topic and closing sentence should include a debatable thesis statement. Revising explanatory essay introduction examples can help you understand the concept better. Below is an example of introduction paragraph.

Why do teenagers commit suicide? The rate of committing suicide among teenagers have been on rise. Some leave suicide notes while others left nothing to show the cause of their actions. Suicide has been linked with mental disorders. Nevertheless, there has been a need to investigate other underlying causes apart from mental disorder. Therefore, there are several underlying factors that lead to suicidal actions among youths that need to be investigated. Increase in suicide rates among teenagers can be attributed to a combination of societal pressures, mental health issues, and a lack of access to proper resources and support.

6. Come Up With an Explanatory Essay Thesis Statement

Understanding how to write a thesis statement for an explanatory essay is essential in ensuring that the reader comprehends whole idea author is trying to prove. Thesis statement for explanatory essays provides main idea in a precise manner. It is usually written in concluding statement of introduction paragraph of explanation writing.  Effective thesis statement should be specific but must consider scope of the work. In addition, an outstanding thesis statement doesn’t include your emotions or opinion. Save arguments and viewpoints for an argumentative essay .

Explanation Essay Thesis Statement Example

Thesis statement is written in the concluding sentence. It is supposed to be specific and concise in providing the main idea of your paper. Additionally, to make it effective, thesis statement should be outstanding and debatable with open interpretation. Thesis statement sums up central point of the writing, and should articulate it in a few words without providing too much information. However, reader has to note specific ideas that author is trying to relay.  Example of an explanatory essay thesis statement is stated as follows:

Increase in suicide rates among teenagers can be attributed to a combination of societal pressures, mental health issues, and a lack of access to proper resources and support.

7. Support Your Ideas With Evidence

The central idea that author intends to express can only be validated through relevant evidence from credible sources. Supporting thesis statement is based on how well one knows how to write an explanatory body paragraph. Body of an explanatory essay entails evidence to support your topic. Evidence supporting the idea is obtained from detailed research conducted after identifying a specific idea.  Main aim of the body paragraph is to prove thesis statement. Some ways used to communicate in body include examples, facts and opinions among other evidence that are deemed relevant and credible. Having an effective body in writing requires presenting evidence in a clear and convincing way that will enable reader to easily relate important ideas to thesis statement. Including different techniques of presenting evidence in body of report, provides vivid understanding and wider perception of the topic.

Example of an Explanatory Essay Body Paragraph

Body paragraph provides evidence that supports thesis statement. Below is a perfect explanatory body paragraph example about factors that cause suicide among teenagers.

Society plays a significant role in shaping mental health of teenagers. With constant pressure to fit in and meet societal expectations, many teens struggle with low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. Social media amplifies this pressure by providing a platform for teens to compare themselves to others and constantly measure themselves against impossible standards. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and ultimately, suicide. Mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, are also major contributing factors to suicide among teenagers. These conditions are often left undiagnosed and untreated due to a lack of access to proper resources and support. Many teens may not have the means to seek out professional help or may not understand the severity of their condition. Additionally, the stigma surrounding mental health can prevent teens from seeking help, leaving them to struggle alone with their thoughts and feelings. This further increases the risk of suicide.

8. Summarize Your Explanatory Paper

Last section of the explanatory essay writing is to summarize your evidence to support the thesis statement. Explanatory summary restates thesis statement and highlights important information presented throughout the work. Main idea is to link all information in the paper together to provide a common relationship between main ideas and thesis statements. Opinion of author is provided in summary section, which is dependent on depth of evidence provided in body. Author can agree or disagree with thesis statement, if it is efficiently supported by credible and relevant sources. Besides, the summary provides necessity of the topic at hand and possible recommendations.

Example of Explanatory Essay Conclusion

Conclusion paragraph starts by restating thesis and summarizing main points. Sample of an explanatory essay conclusion as one provided below will help you understand concept better.

In conclusion, suicide among teenagers is a complex issue that is influenced by a combination of societal pressure, mental health issues, and a lack of access to proper resources and support. It is important that we take a holistic approach to addressing this issue by solving underlying causes and providing teens with support and resources they need to navigate challenges of adolescence. This includes providing mental health education, addressing societal pressures, and increasing access to professional help and support. By working together, we can help to reduce suicide rates among teenagers and give young people the chance to live happy and fulfilling lives.

9. Proofread an Explanatory Essay

Final step in writing an explanatory article involves proofreading your work properly. It entails revising paper a couple of times to check if it has proper flow of thoughts, communicate to audience with the clear ideas, and understand if conclusion provides a concise value of the thesis statement. It is usually done a day after completion to easily spot mistakes. Moreover, proofreading explanatory essays aims at detecting minor errors and grammatical mistakes that might affect clarity and quality of the paper. During proofreading, any error or mistake is noted and necessary editing done to improve the value of the paper.

Explanatory Essay Format

Format for an explanatory essay depends on the discipline provided in the paper. There are different formats to write an explanatory essay including APA style format , MLA format and Chicago style paper format which are provided in instructions. Format provided in paper also dictates the style of structure and citation of sources used in the paper. The format does not have any influence on content of the paper and is usually based on a system preferred by the author. Writer uses the recommended format that seems easier and familiar. Therefore, explanatory papers can take any format with similar structure and enable the author to communicate effectively to readers.

Explanation Essay Examples

Explanatory writing examples  provided below show the required structure of the essays. Under the structure there are possible sections with some clarifications to help the reader understand the main idea. Explanatory essay samples are necessary to readers because they help in understanding how to build up the topic under study. Moreover, each of the example of explanatory writing provided below is important in learning different formats of writing, conveying a general idea of the work.


Explanatory Essay Writing Tips

Writing tips are essential in ensuring an excellent explanation essay. Some of these writing tips are listed below:

  • Take advantage of transition and linking words and write a hook for an explanatory essay.
  • Cite sources from which facts were drawn. Sources should be credible and recent to ensure high value of paper. Following examples of explanatory essays is the best way of learning how to cite.
  • Proofread the paper. This involves revising work to ensure topic is analyzed in a logical manner that follows correct explanatory essay layout which is easily understood by audience.
  • Edit an essay. Follows after identifying and noting errors and mistakes during proofreading. It is done a day after completion of writing to ensure all mistakes are edited and paper’s value improved.
  • Share the paper with a close person as a way of further improving its value and ensuring explanatory essay meaning is maintained. In addition, by sharing, authors can get feedback on where to make necessary corrections and changes to ensure writing is more understandable and clearly communicates to the audience.

Explanatory Essay Checklist

Before final submission of the explanatory essay, there are several checks it should go through first to ensure a proper flow in the paper and that the intended information is easily understood by the reader. The checklist enables one to write a good explanatory essay. The checklist includes the following:

Bottom Line on How to Write an Explanatory Essay

The question of what is explanatory writing has various definitions but generally,  it is usually academic writing which provides analysis of a specific topic or idea to readers. Explanatory essay template provides the basic structure that can be followed in explanatory writing. Besides, explanatory essay examples provide vivid understanding on how to write a good explanatory paper. Through using templates and examples, one can master steps and structure of writing an explanatory essay.  Structure of explanatory paper has three parts that are logically arranged to enable readers to easily understand what the author intends to prove.  Besides, flow of ideas in a logical manner enables relating different evidence provided in body to thesis statement and accounting for correct conclusion. If you need more help on writing, feel free to seek more suggestions in our Blog. From guides on exemplification essay to tips on evaluation essay , you will find tutorial fitting any academic need.


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FAQ About Explanatory Essays

1. how is an explanatory essay different from an argumentative essay.

Differences between explanatory and argumentative essay is that explanatory paper is about presenting information to explain something while an argumentative writing is about persuading the readers to agree with an opinion. In the explanatory paper, the author provides an open interpretation of the topic before finally providing links between main ideas  that proves the thesis statement. 

2. Is an explanatory essay the same as an informative essay?

No. An informative essay is based on detailed facts and data while an explanatory paper requires author’s opinion on some certain points. Explanatory essay meaning is drawn from author’s presentation of idea and how well it is supported. Despite having an open interpretation and debatable thesis statement, clear facts about topic in explanatory paper are not easily determined. Author makes rational decisions based on the weight of evidence provided.

3. What is included in explanatory essay?

Explanatory essay is a type of writing where author presents some points of view on a certain topic, event or situation. Opinion of author is generally the idea supported by most of the evidence provided in body. Remember to include introduction, body, and conclusion to adequately support your claims and understand the difference between those parts of your paper.

4. Is an explanatory essay objective or subjective?

Explanatory writing is about presenting a balanced, objective description of the topic. The paper is objective and provides an all around perception of topic both opposing and proposing evidence on thesis statement. General description provides the author's idea and reader can easily understand point of view based on provided sources and evidence.

5. How many paragraphs are in an explanatory essay?

Explanatory essay has five paragraphs though it can include more. Paragraphs vary with subheading the author decides to include in essay. General structure requires one paragraph for introduction, three for body and last one for conclusion. However, in case of extra evidence in body and long introduction, more paragraphs can be used.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

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  • checkbox My explanatory writing is clear.
  • checkbox Provided information has required flow and is connected with transition words.
  • checkbox Supporting evidence proves my thesis statement.
  • checkbox I started an explanatory essay with a hook that grabs reader’s attention.
  • checkbox My writing is understandable to the reader or doesn’t leave them confused.
  • checkbox My summary ties key points to the thesis statement.
  • checkbox The citation and referencing style is appropriate to the paper format.

Expository Essay Writing

Cathy A.

Expository Essay Writing - Types, Format, Topics & Examples

11 min read

Published on: Apr 24, 2020

Last updated on: Feb 24, 2024

Expository essay writing

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Writing an expository essay can be a daunting task, leaving many students feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about where to begin. The lack of clear guidance and structured resources often leads to frustration and subpar results.

However, fear not! 

We understand the struggles you face when attempting to craft a compelling and informative expository essay. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will break down the entire process of writing an expository essay into manageable steps.

By following these tips and examples, you'll gain the confidence and skills needed to excel in your expository writing endeavors.

So let’s get started!

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What is an Expository Essay?

An expository essay can be defined as an essay that investigates and evaluates an idea or an event. This essay type requires a student to form an argument related to the concept and prove it using different techniques.

An expository essay is often assigned to high school students. They are used to explain a topic logically by presenting a balanced analysis using facts.

What is the Purpose of an Expository Essay?

When writing an expository essay, you should use facts and logic rather than subjective truths and personal opinions. 

The main purpose of writing the expository is to:

  • Educate and inform the reader
  • Define the concept in detail
  • Examine one or more arguments
  • Investigate the topic in detail

You can also check out this video guide for expository essay writing!

Types of an Expository Essay

Knowing the different types of expository essays can help you choose a topic as well as plan your essay structure. 

The following are the common types of expository essay:

  • Definition Essay - A definition essay defines a topic to give a more precise image to the readers. 
  • Process Essay - A process essay is defined as a type of essay explaining and discussing the making of something. 
  • Problem and Solution Essay - A problem and solution essay discusses a problem in detail by providing solutions.
  • Cause and Effect Essay - The cause and effect essay analyzes all the causes and effects of an action or an event. 
  • Compare and Contrast Essay - The compare and contrast essay highlights all the similarities and differences between the subjects.
  • Classification Essay - The classification essay thoroughly examines the topic by splitting it into different categories. 

Expository Essay Structure 

The five-paragraph essay is a common structure for expository writing. This means there will be an introduction, followed by three body paragraphs and a conclusion. 

Here is the expository essay structure that you can use for your help.

Expository Essay Format

Just like other formal pieces of writing, an expository essay also requires a proper format. However, there is no set of rules to format your essay, but there are general elements that your essay should have.

Below-given is an example of how you should format your expository essay correctly.

Sample Expository Essay Format

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Expository Essay Outline

Many people think making an outline isn't worth the time. However, it'll save more precious minutes in research and typing up materials later on.

The outline is a great way to break down each paragraph of your expository essay into different sections. It also helps you visualize how all the information will come together and make sense as well!

Now let's go over each section in more detail:

Expository Essay Introduction

The introduction of an essay is the first thing somebody reads. It's your chance to impress and explain what you're going to cover in more detail. Thus, it must be clear and engaging. 

The essay introduction is written to let the audience know what the essay is about. In this paragraph of the essay, the writer presents the following information:

  • Hook statement - An opening sentence of the introduction paragraph drafted to grab the reader’s attention.
  • Building sentences - Present the background information after the hook statement to give context to the topic to the readers. 
  • Thesis Statement - The last part of the introduction is the thesis statement . It is the main argument of the writer on the topic.

Expository Essay Body Paragraphs 

After the introduction, the body paragraphs of the expository essay serve as the foundation.   Here, we will explore the importance of topic sentences and thesis statements.

This section is based on the following elements:

  • Topic Sentence - It is the first sentence of a body paragraph that expresses the idea provided in that particular paragraph.
  • Supporting Sentences - They support the topic sentence and the thesis statement using examples, explanations, evidence, and logic. 
  • Concluding Sentence - It concludes a paragraph and links the next paragraph with the previous one.

Expository Essay Conclusion 

All the essay’s body paragraphs lead to the conclusion section, where the writer sums up his discussion. Include the following things in the expository essay conclusion :

  • Restated Thesis Statement - The conclusion paragraph is started with a restated thesis statement in different words.
  • Summary of the Main Points - Following the thesis comes a summary of the major points in the content. 
  • Final Verdict - Finally, the essay is concluded by providing some final thoughts on the topic. 

You can also check out this blog on expository essay outline to thoroughly understand how to create one!

How to Write an Expository Essay? 5 Easy Steps

Students often find it hard to write an expository essay. It requires a firm knowledge of the topic and a good analysis.

The following are the steps that you should follow to write an impressive expository essay.

1. Choose an Engaging Topic

The first step is to decide on an expository essay topic. This step might sound easier, but it can be challenging for the students. Thus, your essay topic should fulfill all the basic requirements.

Keep the following things in mind while selecting a good topic for your essay.

  • The topic should be interesting for the audience as well as for yourself.
  • It should be informative enough.
  • It should be broad as well to be explained in detail.

If you have not assigned a topic for the essay, you can be creative and choose a topic you like.

2. Gather Information

The purpose of drafting an expository essay is to inform the audience about the topic in-depth. For this reason, the essay content should be informative and well-written.

Note the points you know about the topic to start the research. Conduct comprehensive research by going through multiple sources of information. Analyze every aspect and investigate the topic from every angle.

3. Create an Expository Essay Outline

The gathered information needs to be arranged in proper order to give your content logic. For this purpose, an outline is created to divide the essay’s content into different sections.

According to the traditional outline, there are three parts into which your essay is divided:

  • Introduction

4. Start Writing

The actual writing is the easiest part of any essay. Just put your thoughts down on paper that you need to add. This is a great way to get started with writing. You can use the outline that you have created before your writing step. 

5. Revise Your Essa y

After completing the essay, the next essential step is to revise what you have written. Without proofreading the content, you will probably submit unstructured and imperfect content. It can affect your grades.

Thus, proofread your essay a couple of times and do the editing. Ensure that the essay should be free from punctuation, grammar, and vocabulary mistakes.

Expository Essay Examples

It is always suggested by professionals to first go through examples when writing something important. If you are confused about the assignment, search for already existing samples related to your topic. With this, you will understand how professionals have approached the essay writing process.

Below are some useful examples of expository essays to help you understand the expository essay structure.

Expository Essay Outline Template

Sample Expository Essay

Expository Essay Rubric

Expository Essay Example for High School

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Good Sample Expository Essay PDF

Explore more expository essay examples to learn how to craft an engaging essay!

Expository Essay Topics

Finding a good topic for an expository essay is important because it will help in your research and writing phase. When you choose the essay topic, make sure you follow these tips. 

  • Pick something you are passionate about; it will make your entire process enjoyable.  
  • The topic you choose should not be too broad or narrow. Broad topics are easier to write about, but they don’t allow you to do in-depth research. 
  • Choose a topic that is too specific. 
  • Always select a topic that you have enough information about.    
  • Brainstorm several ideas and then pick the best one. 

Expository Essay Topics About Education 

  • Explain the consequences of not getting a degree in professional life.
  • Describe what you would like to change about your school and why? 
  • What is the history of your college?
  • Why is tuition so high in the US?
  • The Impact of culture on education
  • Dealing with the college bully
  • Ways to avoid becoming a study’s slave.
  • Criticism of the British education system
  • What are the most effective ways of studying?
  • Benefits of online education 

Expository Essay Topics About Mental Health

  • How does physical activity affect mental health?
  • Explain why the majority of teenagers are in depression?
  • Describe some material things that make people happy.
  • Describe the damages of consuming drugs to mental health.
  • Difference between anxiety disorders
  • What causes anorexia?
  • Society’s stigma towards mental illness
  • Mental health counseling
  • What is a mental health crisis? 
  • Effective mental health 

Expository Essay Topics About Society 

  • Explain why strict parents raise disturbing children?
  • Explain how music influences a student’s life?
  • Explain who a true leader is?
  • Explain the reasons behind the rise in the suicide rate in America?
  • Describe the effects of marijuana.
  • Describe the importance of physical activities in college
  • Describe what interests you to be in your choice of field?
  • Describe photosynthesis.
  • Explain why people should live in a house and not in an apartment? 
  • Describe some productive activities that students can do in their leisure time. 

Expository Essay Topics About Politics 

  • Democracy: pros and cons.
  • Discuss the role that politics play in the country
  • The importance of international relations 
  • Is our national security really secure?
  • Philosophy of politics
  • Election tampering
  • What are the traits of a leader?
  • The role of women in politics
  • Define the term ‘politics’? 

If you want to explore more expository essay topics , check out our blog!

Expository Essay Writing Tips

Students always require extra support and assistance when it comes to essay writing. Follow the tips below to write your expository essay easily.

  • Choose an interesting topic to make your essay attractive to the readers.
  • Choose clear and concise wording for the text.
  • Avoid using vague and lengthy terms and descriptions.
  • Always draft your expository essay from the third-person perspective if not asked otherwise.
  • Write a strong thesis statement and argument to make the essay powerful.
  • Each body paragraph should present a single idea. Avoid stating multiple ideas and concepts in one paragraph.
  • Arguments should be provided in proper order. Use a pyramid approach to arrange the order of the arguments.
  • Use transition words to connect and link ideas and paragraphs.
  • Always cite your sources in the content to avoid plagiarism.
  • Draft a compelling conclusion to leave your audience with something to remember.

Getting professional assistance for all your academic assignments has become much easier. If your writing skills are not up to the mark, getting help from an expert essay writer is advised.

CollegeEssay.org is a writing company that provides quality essay writing assistance for all subjects and levels.

When you ask us to " write my essay for me ," you're tapping into the expertise of our expository essay writing service , where clarity meets depth in every piece. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to transform complex ideas into understandable and engaging essays.

And for a touch of technological brilliance, try our AI essay generator – your innovative partner in crafting outstanding essays with ease and precision.

Start your journey toward exceptional writing today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the three main parts of an expository essay.

The three main parts of an expository essay are: 

  • Introduction 
  • Body paragraphs 
  • Conclusion 

What are the features of an expository essay?

The main features of an expository essay are: 

  • Informative 
  • Clarity 
  • Unbiased 

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Expository Essay

Expository Essay Examples

Caleb S.

Free Expository Essay Examples For Students

expository essay examples

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Are you a student struggling to understand the intricacies of expository essay writing? 

Do you find yourself in need of clear guidance and practical examples to master this essential skill? Look no further! 

In this guide, we'll look into 10+ expository essay examples, providing you with the knowledge you need to start writing. From understanding the fundamentals to dissecting real examples, we've got you covered. 

Let's get started on this journey!

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  • 1. What is Expository Essay Writing?
  • 2. Expository Essay Examples 
  • 3. How to Write an Expository Essay - Example

What is Expository Essay Writing?

An expository essay is a form of academic writing that aims to inform, explain, or describe a particular topic to the reader. 

The primary purpose of an expository essay is to provide a clear presentation of facts, ideas, or concepts, often without the writer's personal bias or opinion. The expository essay is a genre of essay that is similar to a descriptive essay .

There are several types of expository writing , including:

  • Definition essay
  • Classification essay
  • Process analysis essay
  • Cause and effect essay
  • Problem solution essay  
  • Compare and contrast essay  

Newspaper articles, journals, and essays that define and explain a particular topic demonstrate expository essay writing.

Read the examples and learn to write a good expository essay for your school or college assignment.

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Expository Essay Examples 

While writing an expository essay, you might face difficulties in formatting and logically connecting your information. Below we have presented some amazing examples to help you understand how to write and organize an expository essay.

Expository Essay Outline Examples

Whenever you write an expository essay, the first thing you should do is craft an outline. The expository essay outline gives shape to your essay and keeps you organized. 

Here are some good expository essay outline examples that you can follow to outline your essay.

Expository Essay Outline Example

Expository Essay Outline Template Sample

Expository Essay Format Example

While writing an essay, you need to follow a proper format to present your information in a logical sequence. 

The typical 5 paragraph essay consists of 1 introduction, 3 body, and 1 conclusion paragraph. 

Below we have given expository essay format examples in both APA and MLA format to help you understand the formatting. Check out: 

Expository Essay Examples APA Format

Expository Essay Examples MLA Format

Short Expository Essay Examples

As we have discussed above, expository essay writing requires you to describe and explain a particular subject in detail. Achieving this level of detail can be quite challenging when working with a limited word count. 

To illustrate how to effectively convey information within limited words, we have provided a short expository essay example.

Short Expository Essay Example

Expository Essay Examples for Middle School

Here are some informative expository essay examples for middle school students to help you grasp the basics of expository essay writing.

Expository Essay Example For Middle School

Expository Essay Example Grade 7

Expository Essay Examples 5th Grade

Expository Essay Examples 4th Grade

Expository Essay Examples for High School

Here are some helpful expository essay examples PDFs for high school students. Check out:

Expository Essay Examples For High School

Expository Essay Examples for College

Looking for a college-level expository essay example? Check out the pdf below:

Expository Essay Examples For College

Expository Essay Examples for University 

Here are some good sample expository essay pdf examples for university students. 

Expository Essay Example About Life

Expository Essay Examples About Covid 19

Informative Expository Essay Example

How to Write an Expository Essay - Example

While writing an expository essay, you need to follow a proper structure. So that you can easily present your information and evidence in a logical sequence.

Here is a step-by-step process of how to write an expository essay:

Step 1. Choose an Appropriate Topic

  • Brainstorm different ideas to select a compelling expository essay topic. Check out our expository essay topics blog for inspiring ideas.
  • Ensure it has the potential to turn into an informative essay by being able to explain and inform effectively.

Step 2. Craft an Engaging Introduction

  • Begin with a captivating hook statement to grab the reader's attention.
  • Provide a brief background on the chosen topic to clarify its relevance.
  • Formulate an informative thesis statement that encapsulates the core idea of your essay.

Step 3. Develop the Body Paragraphs

  • Start each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence , representing the main idea of that particular paragraph.
  • Support the topic sentence with credible evidence, facts, or examples that bolster your thesis statement.
  • Ensure a smooth transition between paragraphs for a logical flow of ideas.

Step 4. Conclude Effectively

  • Start the essay conclusion paragraph by reasserting your thesis statement.
  • Summarize the key points and main arguments presented in the essay.
  • Encourage the reader with a call to action, prompting them to contemplate or engage further with the topic.

Step 5. Proofread and Edit 

  • Proofread your essay for grammatical and spelling mistakes and check if the information is presented in a proper sequence. 
  • Write multiple drafts and edit as needed to ensure your essay is free of errors.

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In conclusion, these expository essay examples offer a valuable resource for students. They serve as effective learning tools, providing insight into the art of expository writing. By studying these examples, students can improve their writing skills, and gain a deeper understanding of essay structure.

Need assistance with expository essay writing?  MyPerfectWords.com is a reputed essay writing service that provides top-notch essay help online at reasonable prices. Our expository essay writing service will craft 100% original and non-plagiarized essays within a short deadline.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are 3 examples of expository.

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The three main examples of expository are; 

  • Scientific reports 
  • Magazine articles 
  • Academic essays 

What are the 4 characteristics of expository text?

The main characteristics of expository text are; 

  • Informative 
  • Clarity 
  • Unbiased 
  • Impersonal 
  • Organization of the text 

What is the first important step in writing an expository essay?

To write an expository essay, you must first decide how to structure your work. An expository essay generally contains an introduction, followed by three body paragraphs and a conclusion. 

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Expository Essay


Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essay generator.

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Essays are written due to various reasons and purposes. Some of the authors want to inform, some want to expose while some want to persuade. However, in descriptive essay writing , the essayist composes for the sake of displaying a picture out of his/her describing words. It may sound easy and simple but don’t be deceived, there are still more to learn. Read through this article to get hold of significant and beneficial new knowledge.

What is Descriptive Essay? A descriptive essay is a type of writing that aims to vividly describe a person, place, object, or event. In this type of essay, the writer uses sensory details such as sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch to create a clear and vivid image in the reader’s mind. The goal of a descriptive essay is to evoke a strong emotional response or create a vivid impression of the subject being described.

Descriptive Essay Format


Hook: Start with a sentence that captures the reader’s attention. This could be a striking fact, a question, or a vivid description. Context: Provide some background information to set the scene. Describe the setting, the situation, or the object of the essay. Thesis Statement: End the introduction with a clear thesis statement that outlines the main aspects or the overall impression of your subject.

Body Paragraphs

Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect or a detail that contributes to the overall picture you are trying to paint. Use the “show, don’t tell” technique by employing vivid imagery and sensory details.

Paragraph 1: Sight

Topic Sentence: Introduce the aspect of sight. Details: Describe what you see in vivid detail. Use adjectives and adverbs to bring the scene to life. Closing Sentence: Wrap up the paragraph by summarizing the importance of the visual details.

Paragraph 2: Sound

Topic Sentence: Focus on the sounds related to your topic. Details: Describe what can be heard, whether it’s the background noise, a specific sound related to the subject, or the absence of sound. Closing Sentence: Conclude by explaining how the sounds contribute to the overall impression.

Paragraph 3: Smell

Topic Sentence: Highlight the aspect of smell. Details: Describe the aromas and scents. Whether it’s pleasant or pungent, detail how it impacts the scene or the subject. Closing Sentence: Summarize how the smell adds to the depth of your description.

Paragraph 4: Touch

Topic Sentence: Discuss the sense of touch. Details: Describe the textures and temperatures. Explain how something feels to the touch and why it’s important to your description. Closing Sentence: Link the tactile details to the overall experience.

Paragraph 5: Taste (if applicable)

Topic Sentence: Introduce the sense of taste, if relevant. Details: Describe the flavors and the experience of tasting something related to your subject. Closing Sentence: Reflect on how taste enhances the description.
Summary: Briefly restate your thesis and summarize the main points of your essay. Significance: Explain the significance of the subject and the impact it has made on you or the impression it leaves. Closing Thought: End with a final thought or reflection, leaving the reader with something to ponder.

Example of Descriptive Essay

“The Sunset at the Beach” As I walked down the sandy path towards the ocean, the first thing that struck me was the vast expanse of the sea, stretching endlessly towards the horizon. The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky in shades of orange, pink, and purple. The beauty of the sunset at the beach was a breathtaking spectacle that I had come to witness. Introduction The beach has always been a place of serenity for me, especially during the sunset. The way the sun dipped below the horizon, leaving behind a tapestry of colors, always seemed magical. On this particular evening, the scene was set for a perfect display of nature’s artistry. Body Paragraphs The Vision of the Sunset As I stepped onto the soft, warm sand, my eyes were immediately drawn to the horizon. The sun, a fiery orb, was slowly descending, casting its golden glow across the sky. The clouds, mere wisps earlier in the day, now looked like cotton candy, stained with hues of pink and lavender. The reflection of the sunset on the water added a layer of brilliance to the scene, with the light dancing on the waves as they gently lapped against the shore. The Symphony of the Waves The sound of the waves provided a soothing background melody to the visual spectacle. Each wave crashed against the shore with a rhythm that was both calming and invigorating. In the distance, seagulls called to one another, their cries adding to the orchestral performance of nature. The rustling of the palm leaves in the gentle breeze played a soft, whispering harmony, creating a symphony that only the beach at sunset could offer. The Aromatic Breeze With every breath, the salty tang of the sea air filled my lungs, a distinctive aroma that immediately relaxed my body and mind. There was a freshness to it, a reminder of the vast, untamed ocean before me. Mixed with the faint scent of sunscreen and the earthiness of wet sand, the beach’s aroma was invigorating, grounding me in the moment. The Touch of Nature As I walked along the water’s edge, the cool water washed over my feet, providing relief from the day’s residual heat. The sand, now cooler than the afternoon sun, felt soft and comforting beneath my toes. Occasionally, a stronger wave would rush further up the beach, encouraging me to dig my feet into the sand, feeling the grains shift against my skin. Conclusion The sunset at the beach was not just a visual masterpiece; it was an experience that engaged all the senses. As the sun finally disappeared, leaving behind a sky painted in dark blues and purples, I felt a sense of peace and contentment. The beach at sunset had offered me a moment of beauty, tranquility, and a deep connection with nature. It was an unforgettable scene, etched in my memory, reminding me of the simple, yet profound joys of life.

Descriptive essays generally focus more on visualizing a specific topic of interest. Considering that aspect, showing you what it looks like may be helpful as well. Thus, we cautiously gathered the best samples and templates of descriptive essays for you to rely on, here are they:

Bright Topic Ideas for Your Descriptive Essay

The list of the possible topic ideas for your descriptive essay is limitless. There are a lot of choices to choose from and sometimes, it is really difficult to pick one. If you are being indecisive regarding your topic idea, here are some smart concepts to help you select one.

Descriptive Essay Ideas About People

  • Description of your favorite music genre
  • Treating a popular villain as a good protagonist
  • The right words that would compliment your singing idol
  • Why your squad is the best?
  • What qualities should your future spouse possess?
  • Why your aunt is the best?

Descriptive Essay Ideas About Places

  • Why Manila Bay has the best sunset?
  • The perfect adjective to describe your hometown
  • Details on your recent vacation destination
  • Why your favorite coffee shop is worth the visit?
  • What makes Paris unique?
  • The best description for your workplace

Descriptive Essay Ideas About Things

  • Why your wedding ring is the most luxurious?
  • The description of your favorite blanket
  • What makes your research paper great?
  • Description of your proposed food product
  • Perfume: more than just the bottle
  • Why your bag is great

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What are the 4 types of essays?

An essay is an extended piece or composition that shows and supports a thesis or proposition. Essays help the expression of an author’s ideas in various ways. Before composing your own essay, it is important to identify its purpose first, and in doing that, distinguishing its type would be a great beginning. Correspondingly, here are the four different types of essays:

Narrative Essays: to tell

Taking it into its most basic sense, narrative essays are used if the author wants to tell a story about a real-life adventure. This type of essay is expressed in a particular point-of-view. Commonly, it is the author’s viewpoint that is being followed. Moreover, in writing your own short narrative essay , apply realistic emotions and appropriate sensory details to provide your readers with the full taste of your story. By doing this, you are not simply telling them but also engaging them in the story’s sequence and elements. It is also advisable to state verbs as vivid and as precise as possible. The thesis statement of a narrative essay is commonly found in the opening sentence or the last sentence of the introductory paragraph.

Descriptive Essays: to describe

You may confuse yourself between narrative and descriptive essays ; however, differentiating both is really easy. Rather than telling a story, a descriptive essay illustrates a specific topic such as a person, place, experience, emotion, event, etc. by means of words. You don’t simply state your experience in this type of essay; on top of that, you let your reader experience the same thing through your descriptions. In writing your own short descriptive essay , it is important to remember that you are not writing to tell but to show. Using sensory and vivid words is also recommended.

Expository Essays: to uncover and clarify

From its name itself, an expository essay is used to expose something on matters that are known to others. This type of essay is a genre of composition that aims to explain, illustrate, clarify or explicate a certain subject for the readers. Thus, an expository essay could include investigation and evaluation of ideas. This could be derived through comparison and contrast, definition, giving examples, assessment of cause and effect, etc. Moreover, in composing an expository essay, the author set his/her emotions aside for this type of essay is based on mere facts. The first point-of-view is not applied in this essay as well.

Persuasive Essays: to convince

If the expository essays talk about the facts then persuasive essays talk about arguments. The main purpose of a persuasive essay is to win over the trust of the reader to accept your viewpoint, opinion or proposition as the author. In writing a persuasive essay, your opinions should be supported by relevant facts and logical and sound reasoning. Though the essayist should lay all necessary details from both sides of the argument, he/she must comprehensibly explain why one side is correct or more favorable than the other.

Despite essays being categorized into four types, it is also important to know that an essay is not limited to one type only. In some cases,  a narrative essay could also be mixed with a short descriptive essay or a short persuasive essay combined with an expository type. Nevertheless, identifying the purpose of your essay is vital before writing. However, if doing it challenges you, knowing these types is a great substitute.

What Is the Purpose of a Descriptive Essay?

Some people like to watch movies rather than to read books. This is because an actual image is easier to absorb than that on writing. This is why it’s important for a writer to pay close attention to detail. A descriptive essay conclusion should provide the reader with a mental picture of a given matter.

This is especially essential when writing pieces meant for a younger audience, as they have a more imaginative mind than the average adult. A writer must be creative when using imaginative language in order for the reader to properly comprehend what is being portrayed. To do so, the writer should also be knowledgeable about the topic. After all, you don’t want to give your readers the wrong interpretation .

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

A good descriptive essay comes from a knowledgeable and imaginative mind. Thus, in  descriptive writing , it’s important for one to be specific on details. After seeing a few samples that we have shown earlier, here is a step-by-step guideline to help you in composing a descriptive essay worth reading.

1. Choose a topic.

If there is no given topic, it would be great to select one that you are knowledgeable and familiar with. Considering that your whole descriptive essay would revolve on this specific subject, choosing a topic that you recognize would keep everything simpler for you. By doing such, you can freely decide what words are the most appropriate to use; as a result, it will be easier for you to describe your topic. Furthermore, your reader could be meticulous and educated on your subject, so being knowledgeable about your own topic is wise prevention against bad impression.

2. Construct your thesis statement.

Alright, now that you have your own topic already, it is important to know what specific message you want your reader should focus on reading your whole essay. Thus, it is important to always provide a thesis statement , the umbrella sentence of all your ideas. Write this in one concise sentence in your introduction and conclusion. Often, a thesis statement is mentioned in the last sentence of your introductory paragraph.

3. Gather the necessary information and ideas.

Though you are already proficient in your topic, it is still recommendable to research about your specific subject. With this, you are not just gaining new information but also checking the correctness of your knowledge. It would also be great to expand your vocabulary, especially in adjectives and adverbs, since writing one of these involve loads of describing. Moreover, also focus on the sensory words that correspond to sight, smell, taste, sound, and touch of the given subject.

4. Create an outline.

Obtaining all of the significant details, crafting an  essay outline  for your work will allow you to arrange your contents in a rational and chronological order. Also, being educated with different formats in writing an essay would really make a great difference in your composition.

5. Proofread.

After writing your own descriptive essay, it might feel perfect already, but most of the time, it is not. Hence, read your entire work and review if there are any errors pertaining to your grammar and spelling. Furthermore, asking for help from a well-versed friend of yours to conduct a peer-review to your work would be extremely useful.

6. Finalize your composition.

The next thing to do after the editing is to finalize your descriptive essay to its finest version. Make sure that your essay follows a specific format, consisting of the proper  parts of the essay .

Smart Tips for Writing a Descriptive Essay

The fundamentals of the descriptive writing procedures are now given to you; nevertheless, it would always be great to aim for something better. Now, here are some intelligent tips that would make your essay certainly more compelling.

Establish a connection with your writing.

The key to writing a good effective essay  is to have the passion to write it; thus, in choosing your topic it would be great to have a familiar one or a subject that truly makes you curious. Let your interest be the seed of your fruitful composition.

Spend time to think.

In writing your own descriptive essay, let your brain do its job. Do not rush, give yourself an adequate amount of time to ponder on the necessary details that you should include and what approach you should apply. Provide yourself a clear plan of your descriptive essay writing. Moreover, look at your topic from different angles. This will allow you to take a closer look at every detail of your subject.

Apply the word vomit technique.

The word vomit technique or also called as “ free writing ” is the spontaneous use of words without considering any rules. This is a good technique in making a draft of your  starting an essay . It allows your ideas to keep flowing without exerting much effort. Once this is done, you can pick out points that would go well with your essay.

Take a break before finalizing it.

Because right after writing your composition, your thought highly recognizes your word construction; thus, it does not really notice the errors and automatically treats them as correct pieces of your work. Allowing your mind to clear out for a while will make it easier for you to critic your own work. Furthermore, utilizing grammar-checking software is also a splendid move.


Text prompt

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Write a descriptive essay about a place you love to visit and what makes it special.

Describe in a descriptive essay your dream job and what it would be like to work there.


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  1. PDF Writing an Expository Essay

    Section 1 Essay structure An essay is a piece of writing made up of a number of paragraphs. Each paragraph has a specifi c role in an essay. In a fi ve-paragraph essay, the fi rst paragraph is an introduction; the second, third, and fourth paragraphs form the body of the essay; and the fi fth paragraph is a conclusion (see diagram on page 4).

  2. 7+ Explanatory Essay Examples That Get the Best Grades

    A few subtypes of explanatory essays: Description or definition essay example ‍Perhaps the most basic, this subtype does the deceptively simple work of, well, describing or defining a concept, place, person, etc. Example: How Suspension Bridges Work This essay explains: The way suspension bridges are constructed and how their design enables them to carry such immense weight.

  3. How to Write an Expository Essay

    The structure of your expository essay will vary according to the scope of your assignment and the demands of your topic. It's worthwhile to plan out your structure before you start, using an essay outline. A common structure for a short expository essay consists of five paragraphs: An introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

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    💡 AI Prompt for Generating Sample Expository Thesis Statements An expository essay's thesis statement should be objective rather than argumentative. Write me five broad expository thesis statement ideas on the topic "[TOPIC]". Go Deeper: 101 Thesis Statement Examples. Differences Between Expository and Argumentative Essays

  5. PDF Expository Essay Handout SP2020

    In short, the main difference between the expository and argumentative essays is that one is objective (expository) while the other is subjective. (argumentative). Argumentative. Expository. Chooses a position either for or against something. Explores multiple viewpoints of a topic in a neutral way. May be written in the first person (as ...

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    For example, you might explain the rise of obesity rates in the United States over the past few decades. State your thesis: A good explanatory thesis example should be clear, concise, and focused. It should state the main argument or point of your essay. For example, you might state, ' Regular exercise is crucial to maintaining a healthy weight ...

  7. Free Expository Essay Examples To Help You Write

    The expository essay examples will demonstrate how to write an expository essay without missing anything. These examples will help you in understanding the basics and once you are through them, you will be ready to write your essay in no time. THE RISE OF TEENAGE GANGS AND ITS CONSEQUENCES. WAYS STUDENTS CAN SPEND THEIR LEISURE TIME.

  8. PDF Structure of a General Expository Essay

    Try applying this structure to your own writing: write sentences for the corresponding elements of your introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion in the space provided below. Introduction: Begin your paper with a opening sentence or "hook" about your topic that catches the reader's attention. Reference the list on the front for ideas.

  9. How to Write an Explanatory Essay: Guide With Examples

    7. Support Your Ideas With Evidence. 8. Summarize Your Explanatory Paper. 9. Proofread an Explanatory Essay. Use our guide on how to write an explanatory essay with examples. Follow the right structure, format, outline & writing steps to create an A+ explanation paper.

  10. Expository Essay

    An expository essay is a genre of writing that investigates an idea, evaluates evidence, expounds on the idea, and sets forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. This type of essay requires the writer to define a topic, use examples, statistics, and facts to explain it to the reader.

  11. A Comprehensive Guide to Writing Expository Essay

    The following are the steps that you should follow to write an impressive expository essay. 1. Choose an Engaging Topic. The first step is to decide on an expository essay topic. This step might sound easier, but it can be challenging for the students. Thus, your essay topic should fulfill all the basic requirements.

  12. Expository Essays

    2. Body paragraph. After understanding how to start an expository essay the next step is to construct substantial body paragraphs. Each body paragraph in an expository essay consists of a topic sentence, its explanation, and a transition statement. A single idea should be introduced in each paragraph.

  13. PDF Explanatory Writing Website

    Explanatory . Writing . Prompts . Sample . Life can be full of unexpected moments. Identify a time when you experienced an unexpected moment. Write an essay about a time when you experienced an unexpected moment. Explain why the moment was unexpected and how it affected your life. Be sure to explain your choice by using details and examples.

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    How to Write an Explanatory Essay. Here's how to craft an effective explanatory essay: Understand the Prompt: Begin by thoroughly understanding the essay prompt or question. Identify the key aspects of the topic you need to explain. Choose a Topic: If you have the freedom to choose your topic, select one that is interesting and has enough ...

  15. How to Write an Essay Outline

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    Provide a brief background on the chosen topic to clarify its relevance. Formulate an informative thesis statement that encapsulates the core idea of your essay. Step 3. Develop the Body Paragraphs. Start each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence, representing the main idea of that particular paragraph.

  17. PDF Planning An Expository Essay

    This handout takes you through all six steps in the process of writing an Expository Essay. Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6. Organizing your Thoughts (Brainstorming) Researching your Topic Developing a Thesis Statement Writing the Introduction Writing the Body of the Essay Writing the Conclusion.

  18. The Four Main Types of Essay

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    There is an Outline worksheet on the back of this page to help you start planning the content, order and organization of your essay. Paragraph 1: Introduction -- If possible, open with an attention-getting device to interest the reader (perhaps a quote or question). Introduce the topic of your essay in general, and present some context for this ...

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    Get past the thesis statement with two examples of expository essays. Learn more about the format, requirements, and types of expository writing for middle and high school. ... Expository essays typically follow the standard five-paragraph format. After you outline the three main points of your essay, you're ready to start writing. Your essay ...

  23. Descriptive Essay

    Moreover, in composing an expository essay, the author set his/her emotions aside for this type of essay is based on mere facts. The first point-of-view is not applied in this essay as well. Persuasive Essays: to convince. If the expository essays talk about the facts then persuasive essays talk about arguments. The main purpose of a persuasive ...