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How to Write a Narrative Essay on Your Last Journey

How to Write a Narrative Essay on Your Last Journey

A narrative essay on a journey is an exciting chance to express yourself and reflect on your last trip’s adventures. This writing can be approached from various angles and may be experiential, anecdotal, or personal. If you haven’t written such papers, we encourage you to explore the following steps to create an appealing and captivating narrative essay easily.

Brainstorm About Your Journey

First, you need to consider what information you will include in your writing and recall your last journey, especially if it was long ago.

● Think of the event by simply closing your eyes. You can use a voice recorder on your phone to catch your thoughts or write down your memories after the reflection session. Think about your feelings, key events, lessons learned, etc.

● Try to refresh memories from your last journey by reviewing photos you’ve made or videos you have taken to remember details, events, locations, and other meaningful details that will improve your narrative quality.

● Read more information for inspiration. Look at what other travelers say about the location you have visited, gain more general information (like the history of the place), and read articles related to the place you have seen.

Experiment with Writing Tools

To bring your writing to the next level and speed up the writing process, you can use ChatGPT or another free AI generator to develop some fresh ideas for your essay, but don’t forget to write the draft yourself to avoid plagiarism. Also, you can try an essay writing service like and get a totally unique narrative essay from professional writers according to your instructions.

How to Write a Narrative Essay on Your Last Journey

Decide on the Narrative Type

In fact, you can develop the story about your last journey in various ways. You can describe your journey in a classical way and describe events chronologically. Or maybe you wish to focus on the journey’s particular moment or theme? Consider which approach will clearly express everything you want to discuss in your essay.

● Chronological type. It lets the reader experience your journey from start to end and gives a sense of an unfolding story.

● Reflective type. Choose this type if you wish to share your emotions and personal transformation experience through your journey.

● Descriptive type. Let the reader clearly imagine the picture of sightseeing and locations you have visited. Use vibrant and sensory descriptions to achieve the goal.

● Thematic type. A great option if you wish to talk about personal growth, relationships, environmental awareness, cultural diversity, and other themes of self-discovery through your journey.

● Flashback narrative. Suppose you wish to talk about the most captivating and exciting events. In that case, you can use this type of narrative to focus on various moments without sticking to the chronology of the events.

● Literary narrative. For this type, you will need to use literary devices such as allegory, metaphor imagery, personification, etc. For example, you can compare the journey to the mountains to the visit to ancient giants that have seen a lot during their existence.

Depending on the writing goals you wish to achieve and the tastes of your audience, you can mix the narrative types to give the reader more depth about your journey experience.

Create an Outline

Write all the points about your journey you wish to write about in your essay. Consider that the narrative should have an introduction, a body paragraph with a climax or turning point, and a conclusion. This approach will allow you to express your thoughts and consider all ideas effectively. Use a mind-map service to fill in the boxes of your points and logically tie them down to the core idea of the essay. Remember to stick to the narrative type you have chosen. More information you can get in recommendations for narrative essays from Nova Southeastern University .

essay last trip

Think About an Interesting Introduction

As you are writing a narrative essay, which refers more to personal writing, you have many options to choose from. You can start with a captivating description of the place you have visited, focus on the emotions, tell an anecdote that has happened during your journey, dialogue, fact, or a topic-related question.

For example:

“In the ancient ruins and breathtaking sense of history, a voice of fresh wind invited me to explore the new path. I sensed the whisper of old stones and something unknown to explore with every step. I already knew that this journey would reveal the old city’s mysteries and reveal secrets of my own soul.”

Write the First Draft and Proofread It

Write the text freely as your thoughts flow. Consider the outline, add sensory details , share your emotions, and focus on your experience. Forget about perfection and add as many details as you can to allow the reader to immerse into your journey. When you put the last word in your essay, leave it for some time to refresh your mind. Use a grammar checker and reread the text to fix the main mistakes. Cut unnecessary detail, rewrite some sections, and improve the narrative’s logical flow if needed.

Writing a narrative essay on your last journey allows you to immerse in memories and reflect on your past experiences. By creating a vivid picture for the reader, you start thinking about your trip from various angles and how it has influenced you personally. Combine narrative types, and intervene with your personal reflections and facts to write a compelling and engaging narrative essay.

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How to Write a Narrative Essay on Your Last Journey

Greg is a modern-day explorer with an insatiable love for travel. His passion for adventure has led him to far-flung corners of the world, where he immerses himself in diverse cultures and experiences. Greg's zest for life is epitomized by a continuous pursuit of new horizons and captivating journeys.

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Write a Good Travel Essay. Please.

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Kathleen Boardman

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Editor’s Note: We know that many of you are looking for help writing travel experience essays for school or simply writing about a trip for your friends or family. To inspire you and help you write your next trip essay—whether it’s an essay about a trip with family or simply a way to remember your best trip ever (so far)—we enlisted the help of Professor Kathleen Boardman, whose decades of teaching have helped many college students learn the fine art of autobiography and life writing. Here’s advice on how to turn a simple “my best trip” essay into a story that will inspire others to explore the world.

Welcome home! Now that you’re back from your trip, you’d like to share it with others in a travel essay. You’re a good writer and a good editor of your work, but you’ve never tried travel writing before. As your potential reader, I have some advice and some requests for you as you write your travel experience essay.

Trip Essays: What to Avoid

Please don’t tell me everything about your trip. I don’t want to know your travel schedule or the names of all the castles or restaurants you visited. I don’t care about the plane trip that got you there (unless, of course, that trip is the story).

I have a friend who, when I return from a trip, never asks me, “How was your trip?” She knows that I would give her a long, rambling answer: “… and then … and then … and then.” So instead, she says, “Tell me about one thing that really stood out for you.” That’s what I’d like you to do in this travel essay you’re writing.

The Power of Compelling Scenes

One or two “snapshots” are enough—but make them great. Many good writers jump right into the middle of their account with a vivid written “snapshot” of an important scene. Then, having aroused their readers’ interest or curiosity, they fill in the story or background. I think this technique works great for travel writing; at least, I would rather enjoy a vivid snapshot than read through a day-to-day summary of somebody’s travel journal.

Write About a Trip Using Vivid Descriptions

Take your time. Tell a story. So what if you saw things that were “incredible,” did things that were “amazing,” observed actions that you thought “weird”? These words don’t mean anything to me unless you show me, in a story or a vivid description, the experience that made you want to use those adjectives.

I’d like to see the place, the people, or the journey through your eyes, not someone else’s. Please don’t rewrite someone else’s account of visiting the place. Please don’t try to imitate a travel guide or travelogue or someone’s blog or Facebook entry. You are not writing a real travel essay unless you are describing, as clearly and honestly as possible, yourself in the place you visited. What did you see, hear, taste, say? Don’t worry if your “take” on your experience doesn’t match what everyone else says about it. (I’ve already read what THEY have to say.)

The Importance of Self-Editing Your Trip Essay

Don’t give me your first draft to read. Instead, set it aside and then reread it. Reread it again. Where might I need more explanation? What parts of your account are likely to confuse me? (After all, I wasn’t there.) Where might you be wasting my time by repeating or rambling on about something you’ve already told me?

Make me feel, make me laugh, help me learn something. But don’t overdo it: Please don’t preach to me about broadening my horizons or understanding other cultures. Instead, let me in on your feelings, your change of heart and mind, even your fear and uncertainty, as you confronted something you’d never experienced before. If you can, surprise me with something I didn’t know or couldn’t have suspected.

You Can Do It: Turning Your Trip into a Great Travel Experience Essay

I hope you will take yourself seriously as a traveler and as a writer. Through what—and how—you write about just a small portion of your travel experience, show me that you are an interesting, thoughtful, observant person. I will come back to you, begging for more of your travel essays.

Take Notes in a Cute Journal

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Keep track of all the crucial details- and even the ones you might forget, in a durable and refillable journal.

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How to Write a Paper about Your Last Trip

Manish Khandelwal

Have you just returned from a stunningly colorful trip? Do not delay – start writing an essay while the impressions remain vivid in your memory! Perhaps a well-written travel paper will be a welcome addition to your knowledge library, or you may even get readers interested in your journey and encourage them to try it again.

Today we have prepared some valuable techniques to help you quickly and efficiently write a fantastic travel paper. It can be a diary page or even an essay – with our tips, you will find the best way to capture your living impressions on paper. Experts from the paper writing service can always report such a paper for you, but with our tips, you can do it yourself just as well!

#1 Brainstorming Ideas for Your Travel Paper

A systematic approach to travel paper ideation fosters critical thinking and reader interest. Start by choosing a destination. Consider what brought you here—culture, history, or natural beauty. Consider whether your expectations were met and what you learned.

Travel papers should also focus on cultural immersion. Were they engaged with locals? How did their values vary from yours? What did you discover about their traditions? These contacts can illuminate other cultures and viewpoints. Finally, consider personal growth for your journey article. Traveling challenges? Did these challenges help you grow? Consider how these encounters have changed your perspective.

Travel paper topics include location selection, cultural immersion, and personal improvement. After brainstorming, arrange your ideas and plan your paper to create a captivating story.

#2 Organizing Your Thoughts and Outlining Your Paper

Research indicated that 64% of readers prefer ordered writing, which can improve a trip tale. Your article needs structure to flow and make sense. First, identify travel themes. This might include cultural differences, diet, or unanticipated hurdles.

After identifying themes, prioritize your paper’s content. Consider what your reader needs to know and what will enhance your tale. This can assist you in avoiding rambling or introducing extraneous elements that might weaken your story.

Before writing, organize your thoughts and outline your paper to better your trip tale. Structure, themes, and prioritization may make your story clear and compelling. Organization and forethought make writing an engaging beginning more straightforward.

#3 Crafting a Captivating Introduction

A compelling start sets the tone for a trip tale and draws readers in. Intrigue is essential to hooking your audience. Anecdotes or vivid descriptions of your location or pastime are terrific hooks.

In your introduction, state your perspective and attitude regarding the journey. Are you excited, reflective, or contemplative? This will assist readers in comprehending your viewpoint and your account’s content. Use sensory language to make reading more immersive.

Your opening should catch the reader’s interest without giving away too much about what’s to come. After hooking your readers with a captivating first paragraph, describe your vacation experiences to maintain momentum and concentration.

#4 Describing Your Travel Experiences in Detail

Contrary to popular belief, travel writing is a complex mix of sensory information and personal insights. When recounting your travels, emphasize cultural immersion. This includes meeting people, visiting museums and historical places, and participating in local customs. These features of your journey help readers comprehend the site and its inhabitants.

Cultural integration and sharing travel memories are vital. Hiking to a picturesque location or eating a new meal are examples. Readers might feel like they were with you by sharing these moments. Writing using sensory elements like sights, sounds, scents, and tastes helps readers visualize your story.

Discuss local food while recounting your travels. Traveling is thrilling since tasting new foods is a significant component of many cultures. Describe any unusual flavors or foods you experienced and how they affected your vacation. Write about your previous vacation using cultural immersion, unforgettable events, and local food to immerse readers in the place.

As we reflect on our excursions and write a conclusion for our paper about our latest trip, it’s vital to remember how each feature we’ve mentioned helps tell a compelling tale.

#5 Reflecting on the Impact of Your Trip and Writing a Conclusion

Reflecting on travel experiences and writing a conclusion is crucial to developing a compelling story that conveys the destination’s soul. It lets tourists examine their emotional connections to a location. Travelers might make their stories more interesting by commenting on how they felt during their journey.

Tourists can learn about new cultures by thinking back on their travels. By examining things from several perspectives, foreigners can gain a better understanding of native practices and norms. They may also think about how their perspectives on various cultures have shifted as a result of these discoveries. By taking this tack, we may better appreciate and comprehend stories from other cultures.

Tourists may gain insight into their own growth by reflecting on their experience. When traveling, you must be open to new experiences and learn to deal with the unexpected. Overcoming these obstacles boosts travelers’ confidence, tenacity, and flexibility. Personal growth tales shared while traveling frequently inspire others to extend their perspectives.

In conclusion, if you want to add depth, increase cross-cultural understanding, and inspire other people to travel, then you should write about your most recent trip by including emotional connections, cultural insights, and personal growth.

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Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, he's passionate about writing.

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Tips for Writing a "What I Did on Vacation" Essay

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Are you required to write an essay about your summer vacation or your holiday break? This can be a tough assignment to tackle at first glance. But if you think about it, there are lots of interesting things that happen on your vacation that others might enjoy reading about. The key to success is to zero in on the experiences, people, or situations that made your vacation unique.

Summer vacation can be busy or lazy, funny or serious. You may have traveled with your family, worked every day, fallen in love, or coped with a difficult situation. To start your essay, you'll need to choose a topic and tone.

Family Vacation Essay Topic Ideas

If you traveled with your family, you may have some great stories to tell. After all, every family is crazy in its own way. Want some proof? How many Hollywood films have themes about family holidays or trips? Those films are popular because they enable us to glimpse inside the crazy family lives of others. Alternatively, you may have a more serious story to tell.

Consider these funny topics:

  • Why I'll Never Go Back to (insert place name)
  • How (insert name) Drove Me Crazy in Five Days
  • Traveling to (insert city) Then and Now
  • The Hazards of Traveling With a (person or thing)
  • Why You Shouldn't Take a Dog to (insert place)
  • I Left (insert city) But My (lost item) Stayed
  • Why I Couldn't Sleep in (place name)

If your family vacation involved something more serious, think about one of these topics:

  • The Love I Left Behind in (insert place)
  • Saying Good-Bye to (insert person or place)
  • Exploring (place's) Secrets
  • An Emotional Trip

Summer Job Essay Topic Ideas

Not everyone gets to spend the summer having fun; some of us have to work for a living. If you spent your summer at a job, chances are you met a lot of interesting characters, dealt with complicated situations, or even saved the day once or twice. Here are some ideas for summer job topics:

  • The Boss's Day Off
  • The Customer From Hell
  • What I Learned from My Customers
  • Why I'll Never Go Into the ___ Business
  • Six Things I Learned on the Job

How to Write the Essay

Once you've chosen your topic and your tone, think about the story you want to tell. In most cases, your essay will follow a typical story arc:

  • The hook (the funny, sad, or scary sentence that grabs the reader's attention)
  • The rising action (the beginning of your story)
  • The climax (the most exciting moment in your story)
  • The denouement (the aftermath or ending to your story)

Start by writing out the basic outline of your story. For example, "I started cleaning a guest's room and found that they'd left behind a wallet with $100 in cash. When I turned it in without taking a single dollar for myself, my boss rewarded me with a $100 gift certificate and a special award for honesty."

Next, start fleshing out the details. What was the room like? What was the guest like? What did the wallet look like and where was it left? Were you tempted to just take the money and turn in the wallet empty? How did your boss look when you handed her the wallet? How did you feel when you got your reward? How did others around you react to your honesty?

Once you've told your story in all its detail, it's time to write the hook and conclusion. What question or thought can you use to grab your reader's attention? For example: "What would you do if you found a wallet loaded with cash? That was my dilemma this summer."

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How to Write the Best Essay About Your Traveling Experience

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Table of contents


Use our free Readability checker

Writing a great essay about traveling is a common academic assignment. It’s a simple task if you know useful tricks to tell readers an interesting story. Find enough information and use vivid observations. Know relevant facts to convince the audience. Follow helpful guidelines to submit a perfect essay about traveling experience.

Your College Essay About Traveling: Research a Certain Place

An essay about traveling is all about a specific place you visited. Look at relevant sources and try to write something unique or different. Recreate this place in your readers’ imagination. Be specific and creative in its descriptions. Before you start writing your essay about traveling with family, conduct your research. You should read more about a given place. Learn more about its backgrounds, religion, culture, and so on. This simple strategy will boost your curiosity and reveal other sides of your destination. If you struggle with remembering all the details, it is great to create a blog while traveling where you would put all the interesting stories, remember them and use them when needed.

Writing the Best College Essay About Traveling Experience

If you’re interested in the art of travel essay writing, make sure your paper fits these basic criteria:

  • Has a coherent structure and proper sections.
  • Gives the audience a good grasp of relevant data.
  • Meets the highest academic standards and contains clarity of expression.
  • Includes counter-examples and counter-arguments if appropriate.
  • Uses smooth transitions and signposting to help readers navigate your thoughts.
  • Contains proper references in the required citation style.
  • Offers strong claims with evidence.
  • Has a catchy essay introduction with a thesis and a clear conclusion.

Writing an Essay on Traveling Experiences: Useful Tips

There are certain tips that can help you submit the best essay about your last trip. What are they?

  • Use a capturing introductory section.
  • Use the 1st person perspective.
  • Include smooth essay transitions .
  • Conclude it correctly.

The introduction plays an important role in writing a great paper. Use excellent essay hook examples to grab readers’ attention. Introduce your major argument and use a specific tone to excite the audience. Your essay on traveling is a certain narration of personal experiences. That’s why you need to use the 1st person perspective to make this story real. Including all the experiences is a mistake because some of them are boring. Use only the most interesting ideas. Include people living in the chosen area and quotes or short stories of their lives. Why use transitions? Your story must flow from its beginning to the end. Add smooth transitions to achieve this goal. Use a few interesting details to connect all the parts of your story. How to conclude an essay about traveling expenses ? You need not only to start your paper strongly but also conclude it effectively. Sum up key ideas and include a call to action. Feel free to restate a thesis to do that.

What Else You Can Do: Improve Your Essay About Traveling

To enhance your traveling essay, use these tried and tested tricks:

  • Use images.
  • Avoid clichés and formal language.
  • Avoid assumptions.
  • Specify your story.

Avoid clichés or formal language to make your piece of writing sound more natural. Be sure to use only original and meaningful descriptions and let readers understand everything with ease. Use images in your thematic essay about traveling experience because visual descriptions are an effective way to make the audience understand your story. They bring the audience closer to it. Use breathtaking pictures because they’ll stick in people’s mind for a long time. There are certain errors that many students do when completing this academic assignment. Failing to specify a story about traveling is one of them. Cover minor details to make your paper interesting. Making assumptions is another common error that students make. You need to get facts about a specific place. Assumptions only tell readers a false story. Don’t assume if you aren’t sure about details.

Key Points When Writing a College Essay About Traveling

Keep these basic points in mind when writing your essay about why traveling is important:

  • Take a prompt question into account when reading relevant sources of information.
  • Before you start writing a rough draft, outline what you will say, what evidence you want to use, and how you’ll structure all paragraphs.
  • Use the essay introduction to state your thesis and outline major ideas.
  • Include only the facts relevant to your topic because using irrelevant information won’t bring you high grades.
  • Ensure that every point is clear because readers shouldn’t be puzzled over your words.
  • Use plain and simple language to make strong points and avoid writing confusing or complex sentences. Verbosity will only frustrate teachers. Use a readability tool to make your writing easy-to-comprehend.
  • Demonstrate your awareness of relevant materials.
  • Make sure all paragraphs are in their coherent order with smooth transitions.

The above-stated secrets will help you write a brilliant essay about traveling. If you still find this task challenging, pay for an essay at StudyCrumb and get proficient help from academic writers. They will solve all of your problems easily.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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Essay on My Trip for Students

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  • Feb 3, 2024

Essay on my trip

Everybody enjoys traveling and exploring the outside world, the beautiful valleys, beaches, waterfalls, and other wonders of nature. School students are often required to write an ‘essay on my trip’, especially after their long vacations or school trips. The essay on my trip is an opportunity for you to relive those cherished memories once again. The only difference is that you have to explain it in your own words. 

Writing an essay is a great way to effectively communicate your ideas and express your thoughts. When writing an essay on my trip or any school-level topics, you need to understand your audience, to whom you are addressing your essay. It’s time for you to hold a pen and paper in front of you and follow the essay on my trip samples discussed below. Here we go!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on My Trip for Class 3
  • 2 Essay on My Trip for Class 5
  • 3 My Favourite Trip Essay in 250 Words
  • 4 10 Lines on My Trip

Master the art of essay writing with our blog on How to Write an Essay in English .

Essay on My Trip for Class 3

‘My trip started with me and my family making a list of necessary items and packing our stuff. Me and my family went on a 4-day trip to Udaipur, the city of lakes. This city has a total of 7 lakes, out of which, Lake Pichola is the most beautiful one. My father booked a suite for us, where we stayed. 

As always, my restless sister and I started exploring the hotel. We saw the beautiful swimming pool, played water sports, and ate a lot of Indian food. I enjoyed the Dal Bhaati Churma.

Then we visited the Jagdish temple, which was located just outside the royal palace. It is an architectural marvel and is listed among the top monuments in India. 

Last but not least, we went boating on Lake Pichola, which was the most beautiful moment of my entire trip. We rented a motor boat, where our guide told us everything about the city, its history, and how it has because a tourism hub. 

My trip to Udaipur was a magical experience. Every moment of my trip is a cherished memory that I will never forget. Traveling with my family was so much fun.’

To improve your essay writing skills, here are the top 200+ English Essay Topics for school students.

Essay on My Trip for Class 5

‘When I was in Class 5, we went on a school trip to Rishikesh, the famous hill station. My mother packed all my important things and told me to follow everything my teacher told me. It was a 3-day trip, where we had a lot of fun, ate delicious food, played games on the riverside, did rafting, bonfire and jungle-adventure.

We visited the hotel in the early morning and were served with delicious breakfast. After breakfast, we visited the famous Lakshman Jhula, located on the Ganges River. This Jhula is used by pedestrians to cross the river and visit the other side of the city.

The next thing we did was rafting. There were rafting boats, and we were provided with life jackets, helmets, and wetsuits. We were given clear instructions not directly to jump into the river and stay in the boat. It was really fun and a completely different experience for me.

Then we had our lunch and sat down near the river, where we talked with locals. We learned about the history of this beautiful city. Our guide took us to the nearby waterfall, where we played water sports and enjoyed a lot. 

Lastly, we all sat in a circle around a bonfire and listened to the beautiful stories from our teachers and guides. 

While we were packing our stuff and leaving the hotel, we were offered souvenirs and holy prasad by the hotel staff. This trip was full of adventure, spirituality, and beautiful moments with my friends.’

My Favourite Trip Essay in 250 Words

‘My favorite trip was to Kashmir, called ‘Paradise on Earth’. It is an Indian Union Territory, located in Northern India. There were breathtaking views, serene lakes, and snow-capped mountains. It was like I was in heaven.

We traveled by train, where we enjoyed the winding green valleys and beautiful waterfall. Firstly, we explored the Mughal Gardens. There were terraces arranged near the water channel, fountains lined, and various types of flowers and trees planted. 

We explored the famous Dal Lake, which is a natural wetland with floating gardens. My father rented a houseboat, locally known as ‘Shikhara’ where we had our lunch and enjoyed the boating experience. It was like a fairy world, where everything was calm as a bright blue sky.

Our next destination was Gurmarg, which is famous for its snow-covered landscapes. The scenic beauty of the Himalayan Mountains in the backdrop was like an additional adventure to our trip. Me and my brother enjoyed Skiing at the Apharwat Peak. My father is a golf fan, so he played golf at the Gulmarg Golf Course, close to our hotel.

After skiing, we were so hungry that my brother and I ate a hearty meal to recover our exhausted energy. We were so exhausted that we slept for 4 hours. When we woke up, we witnessed snow for the first time. We made a snowman and played Tic-Tac-Toe using sticks.

‘My trip to Kashmir was a life-changing experience, and I wish I could travel there again to relive those cherished memories once more.’

10 Lines on My Trip

Here are 10 lines for my trip. Feel free to add them to your essay or any academic topics.

  • My trip was full of adventure and fun. 
  • Me and my family did rafting and hiking.
  • We made new friends and learned about different cultures on our trip.
  • We explored different landscapes and enjoyed the natural beauty of the nature.
  • My trip was a new experience for me and my family.
  • I visited the snow-capped mountains and played in the snow with my friends.
  • We stayed in tents in the middle of the jungle, and at night, we could hear the sound of wild animals.
  • I have a lot of pictures from our last camping trip, where we all had a lot of fun.
  • We visited the beach on our trip, where we enjoyed the sea breeze and played sand volleyball.
  • My last trip was to the National Zoological Park, where we saw different kinds of animals, like lions, tigers, elephants and giraffes.

Ans: ‘My trip started with me and my family making a list of necessary items and packing our stuff. Me and my family went on a 4-day trip.’

Ans: ‘My trip started with me and my family making a list of necessary items and packing our stuff. Me and my family went on a 4-day trip to Udaipur, the city of lakes. This city has a total of 7 lakes, out of which, Lake Pichola is the most beautiful one. My father booked a suite for us, where we stayed. As always, my restless sister and I started exploring the hotel. We saw the beautiful swimming pool, played water sports, and ate a lot of Indian food. I enjoyed the Dal Bhaati Churma.’

Ans: ‘When I was in Class 5, we went on a school trip to Rishikesh, the famous hill station. My mother packed all my important things and told me to follow everything my teacher told me. It was a 3-day trip, where we had a lot of fun, ate delicious food, played games on the riverside, did rafting, bonfire and jungle-adventure. We visited the hotel in the early morning and were served with delicious breakfast. After breakfast, we visited the famous Lakshman Jhula, located on the Ganges River. This Jhula is used by pedestrians to cross the river and visit the other side of the city’

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How to Talk about Your Last Vacation in English

Talking about your last vacation is a good topic to prove how much you have learned about the simple past.

In this lesson, you are going to learn how to talk about your last vacation in English.

A basic question and answer about this topic are:

  • Where? who with? How long?
  • I went to Hawaii with my family for a couple of weeks
  • I went to Spain with my friends for a couple of weeks
  • I went to Italy with my girlfriend for a month

As you can see, both of those sentences use verbs in the past.

Table of Contents

Questions about your Last Vacation

My last vacation examples, my last vacation example #1 , my last vacation example #2, my last vacation example #3, my last vacation example #4, my last vacation example #5, questions about my last vacation in english, key vocabulary, your last vacation exercise.

Not let’s take a look at some other questions, these questions will help you think about your last vacation.

The first set is basic questions that usually require some basic details to be answered:

  • Where did you go?
  • When did you go?
  • Who did you go with?
  • How did you get there?
  • What did you do during the day?
  • What did you do at night?
  • What did you eat?
  • Did you enjoy your last vacation?
  • Where did you stay?
  • How much money did you spend on your last vacation?

These are some questions that require a few more details to be answered

  • Did you have any bad experiences on your last vacation?
  • Did you make new friends on your last vacation?
  • What places did you visit during your stay?
  • How long were you there?
  • Did you buy any souvenirs?
  • Where would you like to go next?
  • Would you recommend that place that you visited? why or why not?

All of those questions are really helpful when you have an oral test.

These are five examples of people describing their last vacations.

Pay Careful attention to verbs in the past form since you will see lots of them. You will also see verbs in the present in some instances.

The verbs in the past forms will be in bold so it is easier for you to remember them.

Don’t think that those examples are hard to create, you just need to create simple sentences and in some instances provide more details.

Last year, I had the chance the amusement park, Zarcero, and  Ciudad Quesada in a day. I wen t with my daughter, my wife, and some friends.

We woke up early that day and our friends drove us to the amusement park, my daughter enjoyed the many rides available, we ate pizza and we left  around three.

Then we  headed to San Carlos, on the way to San Carlos we stopped by the catholic church and took some pictures of ourselves in the gardens. 

We got to San Carlos around 5:00 PM, we had dinner there, picked some people up, and headed home.

Last year I  spent  my vacation at the beach. I  traveled  with some friends of mine. We arrived at the beach at 8:00 AM, we immediately went swimming then we made some sandwiches for lunch.

After lunch, we went running and we left the beach before 6:00 PM.

We drove back to the hotel and we  had dinner there. Around 9, we called our friends and we met outside a dance club because we wanted to dance.

We spent like three hours in the club and we got back to the hotel.

Last year, I went to Cartagena with my family and my best friend Luis. We visited my cousins Mayra and Alejandra. I hadn’t met them before, so I was really excited to meet them.

My first impression of them it was very good, they are friendly and fun. We went to visit many places but my favorite place was Barú island.

That island is amazing, it looks like a paradise, I took many pictures of every single we did.

The food was excellent. We ate shrimp rice and a shrimp cocktail. I had a great time with my family. We spent three amazing days in Cartagena.

Hello. I’d like to share with everybody the great time that I had on my last vacation. I went to Conchal Beach with my friends. We stayed at a small hotel right in front of the beach.

The first day we were there we took surfing lessons, my friends and I had so much fun hanging out at the beach.

There was another beach nearby, probably a five-minute walk and you are in Brasilito beach. We watched the sunset and we set a fire at night.

We spent most of the three days on the beach and we usually went to a club at night located in a place called Tamarindo. There is a beach in Tamarindo too.  It was one of the most special times I’ve had in my life.

My last holiday was a five-day trip to Guatemala I know Guatemala well because I lived there when I was a missionary more than ten years ago.

Instead of staying in a hotel, I stayed with one of my old friends. It wa s so much fun.

I wanted to visit all the places I lived, so I visited Baja Verapaz. It has changed a lot. I also went to the supermarket near my old house. 

We did some touristy things too. We went to Tikal. Nature is amazing up there. We walked across the historic monuments.

These are some questions and answers about my last vacation in English

  • I went to Coco Beach
  • I went to Samara Last week
  • I went to a resort with my parents
  • We rented a car
  • I went surfing with my friends
  • We visited the clubs and the casinos
  • We ate different types of meat

These are some important words that you can use when talking about vacations in English

Long Weekend: Saturday and Sunday with at least one extra day added, either Friday or Monday.

Hang out: to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone

Sightseeing: The activity of visiting interesting places, especially by people on holiday

Test how much you know the past form of most common verbs to describe your past vacations

Manuel Campos, English Professor

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English

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Short Essay: My Adventurous Trip

Writing about an adventurous trip not only lets you relive the experience but also allows you to share the thrills and lessons learned with others. Whether you scaled mountains, navigated foreign cities, or embarked on a wilderness safari, each moment holds a story worth telling. Here’s how to craft a compelling short essay about your adventurous trip that captures the essence of your experience.

Table of Contents


Begin with an attention-grabbing opener that sets the tone for your adventure. This could be a vivid description of a pivotal moment, a surprising fact about your destination, or a brief anecdote that sums up the spirit of the adventure. Introduce the destination and the purpose of your trip, leading into a thesis statement that outlines what your essay will cover.

The body of your essay should consist of several paragraphs, each focusing on different aspects or key experiences of your trip. Here’s how to structure it:

  • The Journey Begins:  Describe how you prepared for the trip and your feelings as you set off. This sets the stage and gives context to the narrative.
  • Key Adventures:  Focus on one or two significant adventures. Describe the setting, the people involved, and the activity itself. Use sensory details to bring scenes to life (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste).
  • Challenges and Overcoming Them:  Share challenges you faced during these adventures. Describe how you dealt with these situations, what you learned, and how these experiences changed you. This adds depth to your narrative and makes it more engaging.
  • Cultural Encounters and Insights:  If your adventure involved interacting with different cultures or environments, describe these experiences. What new understandings did you gain? How did they impact your perception of the world?

Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points. Reflect on the overall impact of the trip on your life and outlook. End with a reflective thought or a lesson that readers can take away from your adventures.

My Adventurous Trip Essay Example #1

Traveling is one of the most exciting experiences one can have in life. It allows us to explore new places, meet different people, and create unforgettable memories. My recent adventurous trip was one such experience that I will cherish for a lifetime. The trip involved hiking through a dense forest, crossing a river, and reaching the summit of a mountain, where I enjoyed a breathtaking view. Despite facing challenges such as unpredictable weather and rough terrain, the trip was a memorable and rewarding experience. In this essay, I will share my experience of this adventurous trip, highlighting the challenges, the exhilarating moments, and the memories that I will cherish forever.

Our trip started with hiking through a dense forest. The forest was full of tall trees, colorful flowers, and chirping birds. The trail was steep and rocky, and we had to be careful while walking. The forest was so dense that we could hardly see the sun, and the air was full of freshness. We had to take breaks in between to catch our breath and hydrate ourselves. As we walked, we could hear the sound of a river, and after a few hours of hiking, we finally reached the river. The river was wide and had a strong current, and we had to cross it to continue our journey. We had to be careful while crossing the river, and we held hands to maintain our balance. The water was cold, and we could feel the current pushing us, but we made it to the other side, feeling proud of ourselves.

The highlight of our trip was reaching the summit of the mountain. The climb was steep and exhausting, but the view from the top was worth every effort. From the top of the mountain, we could see the entire valley, and it was a sight to behold. The sky was clear, and the sun was shining brightly, making the view even more beautiful. We took pictures and sat there for a while, enjoying the serene beauty of nature. We could hear the sound of birds and feel the cool breeze on our faces. It was a moment of pure bliss, and we felt grateful for being able to witness such a beautiful view.

Despite facing challenges such as unpredictable weather and rough terrain, the trip was a memorable and rewarding experience. We had to face unexpected rain and strong winds, which made the climb more challenging. We slipped a few times, but we managed to keep going, motivated by the thought of reaching the summit. The journey was long and tiring, but the memories we created were worth it. We bonded with our fellow travelers, shared laughter, and created memories that we will cherish forever. The trip taught us to be resilient, to push ourselves beyond our limits, and to appreciate the beauty of nature.

In conclusion, my adventurous trip was an unforgettable experience that allowed me to explore the beauty of nature, push my limits, and create memories that I will cherish forever. Hiking through a dense forest, crossing a river, and reaching the summit of a mountain were challenging but rewarding experiences. Despite facing unpredictable weather and rough terrain, we persevered and created memories that will stay with us for a lifetime. The trip taught us the importance of resilience, perseverance, and appreciation for the beauty of nature. It was an experience that I will always treasure and would love to relive again.

My Adventurous Trip Essay Example #2

My adventurous trip was an experience of a lifetime. It was a chance for me to step out of my comfort zone and explore the great outdoors. The trip was filled with activities such as hiking, camping, and kayaking. The beautiful scenery and wildlife sightings made the trip memorable. Overcoming challenges such as inclement weather and physical exertion added to the sense of accomplishment and adventure. In this essay, I will share my experiences of this unforgettable trip.

Hiking was one of the most exciting activities of the trip. We started our hike early in the morning, and the trail was challenging, but the view was worth it. The trail led us through dense forests, and we saw wildflowers, butterflies, and birds along the way. We stopped for a break at a small waterfall, and the sound of the water was soothing. As we continued our hike, we came across a steep incline, which was physically demanding, but we pushed on. At the peak, we were rewarded with an incredible view of the valley below. The sense of accomplishment we felt after completing the hike was indescribable.

Camping was another activity that added to the adventure of the trip. We set up our tents near a lake, and the view was breathtaking. We spent the night sitting around a campfire, roasting marshmallows, and sharing stories. The night sky was clear, and we saw countless stars, which was a beautiful sight. The next morning, we woke up early to go kayaking on the lake. The water was calm, and we saw fish jumping out of the water. We even saw a family of ducks swimming nearby. Kayaking was a peaceful and relaxing experience.

The trip was not without its challenges, however. We faced inclement weather during our kayaking, and it was physically demanding. The waves were strong, and the water was choppy. We had to navigate our kayaks through the waves carefully. At times, it was nerve-wracking, but we were able to push through and complete the activity. Overcoming these challenges added to the sense of adventure and accomplishment.

In conclusion, my adventurous trip was an experience that I will cherish forever. The activities such as hiking, camping, and kayaking, the beautiful scenery and wildlife sightings, and the challenges we faced made the trip unforgettable. It was an opportunity for me to step out of my comfort zone, explore the great outdoors, and create memories with friends. I hope to have more opportunities like this in the future.

My Adventurous Trip Essay Example #3

Going on an adventurous trip is an experience that many people crave. It is an opportunity to explore new destinations, push oneself to the limit, and create unforgettable memories. I recently had the chance to embark on one such journey, and it was an experience that I will never forget. My adventurous trip involved hiking through a dense forest to reach a remote waterfall. Along the way, I encountered challenging terrain and had to navigate through rough terrain. Despite the difficulties, the stunning views and sense of accomplishment made the trip a truly unforgettable adventure. In this essay, I will describe my trip in detail, highlighting the challenges and the rewards that came with it.

The first part of my adventurous trip involved hiking through a dense forest to reach a remote waterfall. The trail was not well-marked, and the terrain was challenging, consisting of steep inclines, muddy patches, and slippery rocks. The dense foliage made it difficult to see the path ahead, and we had to rely on our instincts and map reading skills to find our way through. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds and small animals, and the air was fresh and invigorating. As we got closer to our destination, the sound of rushing water became louder, and we knew we were getting close. Finally, after several hours of hiking, we arrived at the waterfall, and the sight before us was breathtaking. The waterfall was a powerful force of nature, cascading down from a height of over 100 feet. The water was crystal clear, and the surrounding rocks were covered in moss and ferns. It was a sight that made all the hiking and exertion worth it.

The second part of my adventurous trip involved navigating through rough terrain. The terrain was rocky and uneven, and we had to be careful not to slip or fall. At some points, the trail was so steep that we had to use ropes to climb up or down. The weather was also unpredictable, and we had to be prepared for sudden rain or wind. Despite the challenges, the sense of adventure and excitement kept us going. We were a group of friends, and we encouraged and supported each other along the way. We shared food and water, helped each other over difficult patches, and cheered each other on when we reached a milestone. The journey was not just about reaching the destination; it was also about the bonds we formed and the memories we created.

The final part of my adventurous trip was the sense of accomplishment that came with it. After several hours of hiking, navigating challenging terrain, and enduring unpredictable weather, we finally reached our destination. The feeling of standing in front of the waterfall, surrounded by the beauty of nature, was indescribable. It was a sense of accomplishment that came from pushing ourselves beyond our limits, from facing our fears and overcoming them. We took pictures, laughed, and savored the moment. It was a feeling that stayed with us long after the trip was over. The adventurous trip was not just a physical journey; it was also a journey of the mind and the spirit.

In conclusion, my adventurous trip was an experience that I will never forget. It involved hiking through a dense forest to reach a remote waterfall, navigating through rough terrain, and the sense of accomplishment that came with it. The trip was challenging, but it was also rewarding. It reminded me of the beauty of nature, the importance of perseverance, and the power of friendship. It was an experience that taught me to appreciate the simple things in life and to embrace the adventure that comes with it.

Final Tips for Effective Writing

  • Use Vivid Descriptions:  Make your narrative vibrant and engaging by using descriptive language that paints a picture for the reader.
  • Incorporate Dialogue:  Adding conversations can enhance the storytelling aspect of your essay, bringing characters and scenes to life.
  • Keep It Structured:  Even in a short essay, maintaining a clear structure helps keep the narrative focused and easy to follow.
  • Proofread:  Check for any grammatical errors or typos to ensure your essay is polished and professional.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

[email protected]

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My First International Trip

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Words: 675 |

Published: Aug 24, 2023

Words: 675 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

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Cultural immersion and perspective shift, embracing the unfamiliar, global citizenship and empathy, conclusion: a journey of transformation.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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How to write an essay about traveling experience

essay last trip

Writing college essays about travel is no rocket science. You just need to be aware of how you must use your skills. Following all of the tips mentioned above will ensure that your draft is perfectly formatted, well-organized, and error-free.

Write my essay is a common plea among students, especially when faced with the intricate task of composing travel narratives. According to more than one professional paper writer online , writing traveling essays can be fun yet challenging. You may want to include a lot of information. But be careful, you may lose track of your essay direction. If you want to craft a perfect travel essay, you need to follow the basics of an essay. How? Follow these tips.

Use a capturing introductory section The thing that hooks your reader is, of course, the first few lines of your write-up. When writing a travel essay, students may begin with cliche or boring statements, such as:

  • Traveling is an important part of life.
  • Traveling plays an integral part in making us feel relaxed.

The statements mentioned above indicate nothing new; instead, they indicate that you don’t have something interesting in your write-up. If your first few sentences are not interesting enough, the reader will anticipate the same for the rest of the piece. Thereby, it is essential to start with something that catches their attention or interests them. For instance, to introduce your travel write-up, you could write:

  • Having a routine helps me stay focused and productive. But, breaking that routine and traveling helps me experience life at its best.
  • I firmly believe investment in travel is an investment in yourself.
  • Travelling has not only helped me experience life in different ways, but it has turned me into a storyteller.

These statements indicate that you have something interesting to tell in the body. However, if you’re feeling stuck and asking around, “who can write my essay “, taking help from a writing service could be the best solution.

Follow a standard essay structure This is one of the crucial tips to keep in mind. No matter what your topic is, you need to follow a standard structure. Travel essays are mostly like personal essays, but it doesn’t mean you can write a personal essay as you wish. Hence, make sure you follow this structure:

  • Introduction (Include a thesis).
  • Body (Divide your body into a logical paragraph).
  • Conclusion (Sum up the draft and leave the reader with food for thought).

Following this structure will help you organize your thoughts and ideas and maintain cohesiveness. Your paragraphs must be well-connected. Besides, make sure you don’t repeat any of the information. A good body of essays about traveling has two to three paragraphs. In the first paragraph, introduce the place where you traveled and the person you traveled with. Also, mention what your feelings and expectations about this trip were. In the second paragraph, include an exciting experience you had there. In the third paragraph, you can write what you learned from this experience. Also, you could mention if this trip met your expectations. Following these steps will help your piece look structured and your thoughts organized. As a result, you’d be able to achieve cohesion in your writing.

If you want to craft a perfect travel essay, you need to follow the basics of an essay like this one about “ Sarajevo Tours ”.

Outline To follow a proper structure and keep your ideas organized, outlining the essay is a prerequisite. Do you want your travel experience essay to be perfect? If you’re nodding your head in yes, don’t forget to create an outline. Having an outline helps you stay on track and not miss anything important. Your outline should include the following:

  • Thesis to be included in the introduction.
  • Experiences that you will be sharing (key points, people you traveled with, place you traveled to, and any other relevant information).
  • Concluding thought.

Use the 1st person perspective When sharing your personal experiences, you must use the first-person perspective. You cannot tell your story from a third person’s perspective. Avoid writing like a novel writer even if you are tempted because this is a personal essay. Your reader must feel that you are telling the story. Writing in the first-person point of view makes the writing personal. Besides, it creates a connection between the reader and the writer.

essay last trip

Keep it simple You may want to use flowery language and include a lot of information, but that’s not necessary. Your teacher or examiner is only interested in how well you can convey your story. Besides, they also focus on the fact that your write-up is well-structured. Your experience may not be something very unique. Your travel destination may not be too dreamy. But, what counts is how you demonstrated it. Therefore, describe just one experience, that too in an organized way. Moreover, make sure you’re not showing off your vocabulary. Using too many difficult words may interrupt the flow of reading. Also, using relevant vocabulary is a great way to impress the reviewer, such as:

  • Globetrotter.
  • Destination.
  • Sightseeing.

Avoid clichés and formal  Avoiding cliches is highly crucial if you want your essay to be catchy. Spend a reasonable amount of time brainstorming ideas. Think carefully about how you will start each paragraph. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does it sound interesting?
  • Is it engaging?
  • Does it have unique information?
  • Is my language repetitive?
  • Do I sound too formal?
  • Will it connect with the reader?

Basic self-questions like these will help you improve your content and remove cliches. Remember using too common phrases is a big turn-off for the examiner. You have to showcase your best language knowledge to them. This is one of the critical ways to score high grades.

Proofread and edit Once you’re done inscribing your draft, ascertain that you proofread and edited it. Re-read the entire draft at least three times and look for:

  • Spelling mistakes.
  • Grammatical errors.
  • Punctuation errors.
  • Incorrect sentence formation.

After checking your document thoroughly, have someone else read it. Sometimes, it is normal to overlook some mistakes such as punctuation errors, incorrect sentence structure, incorrect vocabulary, typos, etc. When you ask someone else to read it, they read from a different perspective. Their personal feelings are not involved in the writing. Therefore, they read it in their own voice. As a result, they are capable of giving valuable feedback. They may notice some errors in your writing that you have missed. Also, they would be able to tell you if you succeeded in creating a unique voice as a writer. And if you successfully conveyed what you were trying to convey, also, if your essay is precisely what it needs to be, edit your draft as per their feedback, and you’re good to submit.

To conclude, writing college essays about travel is no rocket science. You just need to be aware of how you must use your skills. Following all of the tips mentioned above will ensure that your draft is perfectly formatted, well-organized, and error-free.

Main photo by Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels

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Short Essay on My Adventurous Trip [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Trips are a very essential part of our life. And if those trips have full of adventures, that bring more joy to us. In this lesson today, you will learn how to write short essays on an Adventurous trip . 

Feature image of Short Essay on Adventurous Trip

Short Essay on My Adventurous Trip in 100 Words

Every trip is an adventure and gives us joy. Going out on vacation may not mean a trip. A trip with adventures is completely different. Sometimes the vacation trip also becomes adventurous. Lots of things happen that amaze us. Also in adventures, many dangers take place.

I remember such an adventure I had. It was a horseback ride in the mountains. I was very young when we visited Shimla. We went to the Rohtang Pass. It snowed heavily that day. There was snow all around. So we had to take horses. We climbed high up the mountain. It was so lovely to see nature. I loved it. I remember my horseback ride till now.

Short Essay on My Adventurous Trip in 200 Words

I still remember one thrilling adventurous trip I had. I got scared when it happened. But I also enjoyed it a lot. I was very young when I visited Shimla. I did not know that the adventure would happen. So I just went on a vacation. We had a wonderful train journey to Shimla. Reaching there, we decided to visit Rohtang Pass.

I was so excited! We took a car and went to the slopes. I looked out of the windows. The car was gradually rising to the top. The road was spiel, like a big snake. Soon we reached the hilltop. I jumped out. That day it snowed. So it was all white. I was so happy to see the scene. Then we took a horse to ride. That was the greatest adventure I ever had. It slowly walked up the mountain.

I looked at the sides and saw how deep it was. I felt scared. Suddenly I could not breathe anymore. I felt sick and almost fell off the horseback. My father immediately held me and we came down the slopes. I fainted due to no air. When I got well, the people served me hot soup. He said I was too little. So I easily caught a cold. I still remember how dangerous it was. But still, this adventure is a great memory.

Short Essay on My Adventurous Trip in 400 Words

Adventure and trip are closely connected to each other. It is really hard to avoid adventure from a trip. We often go on vacations. But these are only for fun. So a trip with adventure is different. Adventure makes us a different person. We become strong and brave in an adventure. It is very important to have it in our lives. An adventure is always exciting and amazing.

I was also lucky to have an adventure in my life. I was very little then and did not know about it.  It suddenly happened. We went to Shimla that year. Shimla is always a great place to have fun. And it was the best vacation of my life. My father got us the tickets and we packed our bags. We took the train and went straight from Kolkata to Shimla. I enjoyed the view outside. It was wonderful. When we reached there, I jumped in joy. After two days of reaching Manali, All of us decided to visit it.

We planned to go to Rohtang Pass first. We started our journey. A car was booked. We took it and went to Rohtang. The road was like a snake. It was the first adventure I had there. It went slowly to the hilltop. I felt the cool breeze and looked out. It was so pretty. When we reached the top, I jumped out. It snowed that day. I started playing with it. 

But the biggest adventure came after this. We had to take horses to go to the hilltop. I have seen horses in books. But had never ridden them. I clapped my hands in joy. My father and I got onto one. It slowly started moving. I touched the soft mane of the horse and it neighed. Soon we were at the top of the mountain. I looked down and got scared. It was dark. Long waterfalls were falling from the top. I stared at it. Suddenly I could not breathe. I tried hard but failed.

I soon fainted and was about to fall off horseback. But my father immediately caught me and we came down. The people nearby helped me and I opened my eyes. I had turned blue for no air. The people gave me hot soup to drink and feel warm. Gradually I felt better. After this, we left for our hotels. That day I was scared, but today I feel it as my best adventure. I will never forget this wonderful trip.

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Essay on My Memorable Trip with Friends

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Memorable Trip with Friends in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Memorable Trip with Friends

The exciting journey.

My friends and I embarked on a memorable trip to the mountains last summer. The excitement began with packing and planning.

Unforgettable Moments

The journey was filled with fun and laughter. We sang songs, shared stories, and played games. The scenic beauty of the mountains was mesmerizing.

Bonding and Learning

We helped each other during the trek. This trip strengthened our friendship and taught us teamwork. We learned to respect nature and its beauty.

This trip with friends was truly memorable. It was a perfect blend of joy, learning, and adventure. I eagerly await our next adventure.

250 Words Essay on My Memorable Trip with Friends

The beginning of the adventure.

Every journey begins with a single step. For me, that step was boarding a train with my friends for a trip that would turn out to be the most memorable one. The excitement was palpable as we embarked on a journey to the majestic mountains of Himachal Pradesh, India.

The Bonding

Traveling with friends is an unparalleled experience. The long train journey filled with laughter, games, and deep conversations brought us closer. The shared experiences, whether it was the thrill of the new or the comfort of the familiar, fostered a bond that was different from anything we had experienced before.

The Exploration

Our destination, Manali, was a paradise nestled in the mountains. We explored the local markets, tasted exotic cuisines, and trekked through the rugged terrains. The breathtaking view from the top of the mountain, under the clear blue sky, was a sight to behold. It was an affirmation of the grandeur and beauty of nature.

Overcoming Challenges

The trip was not without its challenges. Navigating through unknown terrains, dealing with language barriers, and adjusting to new cultural norms put us to the test. However, the shared struggle made the experience even more enriching. It taught us resilience, adaptability, and the importance of teamwork.

In conclusion, the trip was more than just a break from the monotony of college life. It was a journey of self-discovery, bonding, and learning. The memories we created are etched in our hearts, making it a truly unforgettable experience. As Robert Louis Stevenson rightly said, “We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.”

500 Words Essay on My Memorable Trip with Friends


Every journey is a mosaic of memories, but some trips etch an indelible mark on our hearts. A memorable trip with friends can be an unforgettable experience, providing a lifetime of memories to cherish. This essay is a reminiscence of one such trip that I took with my friends during our college years.

The Planning Phase

The journey began even before we hit the road. The planning phase was an adventure in itself. The countless hours we spent researching destinations, booking accommodations, and organizing transport were filled with excitement and anticipation. This phase was a testament to our collective decision-making abilities, negotiation skills, and the art of reaching a consensus, which are invaluable life skills.

The Destination

Our chosen destination was the picturesque town of Manali in the Indian Himalayas. Known for its breathtaking landscapes, serene rivers, and tranquil monasteries, Manali promised a unique blend of adventure and peace. The town’s rich cultural heritage and local cuisine added to the allure.

The Journey

The journey was a thrilling 14-hour road trip. The scenic beauty of the winding roads, the changing landscapes, and the camaraderie in our vehicle made the journey as memorable as the destination itself. The shared laughter, the impromptu singing sessions, and the shared awe of nature’s beauty created a bond that was deeper and stronger than before.

Experiences in Manali

In Manali, we indulged in a variety of activities. We trekked through dense forests, visited ancient temples, and tried local delicacies. The adrenaline rush from river rafting in the icy waters of the Beas river was a highlight of the trip. The peaceful moments spent in the monasteries, absorbing the tranquility and wisdom, were equally memorable.

The Learning

The trip was not just about fun and adventure. It was a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. We learned to navigate unfamiliar terrains, manage our finances, and handle unexpected situations. We discovered our strengths and weaknesses. We learned the importance of teamwork and the value of friendship.

In conclusion, the memorable trip with my friends was a remarkable experience. It was not just a break from our daily routine, but a journey that taught us invaluable lessons and gave us memories to cherish for a lifetime. The laughter, the shared experiences, and the strengthened bonds of friendship made this trip truly unforgettable. This trip was a testament to the fact that it’s not just the destination, but the journey and the company that make a trip memorable.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Importance of Friends in Our life
  • Essay on Ideal Friend
  • Essay on Picnic with Friends

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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My school trip essay

My school trip essay 6 models

My school trip essay ,School trips leave a great impact in the mind of the student where he goes without his family accompanied by friends and colleagues, which allows him to rely on himself and take responsibility to enjoy the activities of the trip.All this will be here in My school trip essay .

My school trip essay

School trips leave a great impact in the mind of the student, where he goes without his family, with his friends and colleagues, which allow him to rely on himself and take responsibility and enjoy the activities of the trip.

Each school planning for trips is as a recreational and educational way, supervised by social workers and school supervisors, who planning visits, ticketing, bus booking, etc.

I went on a school trip to (name of the city) of (Governorate name). of (city area in km) and (population number) approximately.

I prepared my small bag and put sandwiches, juice and water for the trip. I went to sleep early to wake up early to be full of energy on the journey.

We rode the bus in front of the school in the early morning and we left our parents and friends who did not come with us.

The bus driver displayed a documentary about the city we were going to visit and the tour supervisor told us about the directions and instructions we should follow and how to act in case of lost. He provided us emergency numbers and asked us to write them in a paper and keep in our pocket.

We arrived at our destination and started visiting the (museum name) which is a large museum featuring many important items that tell us the history of the city.

Then we went to visit the open museum which is an open area with many beautiful items.

Then we went to visit the important landmarks of the city.

The last stop of the trip was to visit the amusement park, a recreational city with lots of games.

The supervisor gave us two hours to enjoy our time, play the games we want and assemble before the door of the amusement park in preparation for riding the bus and back to our city.

We gathered two hours later in front of the amusement park door, the supervisor checked everyone’s presence and then we boarded the bus and returned to our city.

It was a beautiful day we enjoyed it a lot and we saw many of the city’s famous sights.

We learned a lot about its history and the history of its inhabitants.

Finally, we reached our city late at night. Our families were waiting for us.

We thanked the tour supervisor and went to our homes to sleep and prepare for school the next day.

a memorable school trip essay

It’s great to enjoy a little bit away from school and home for rejuvenation and energy, and this is exactly what happened. After working hard and excelling in school, I was able to go out on an unforgettable school trip. Through this trip, I was able to define my goals and benefit greatly from them.

This was an excursion to one of the seminars of the great Steve Jones. Just being in the midst of this huge crowd of scientists, inventors and businessmen made me know what I want to become in the future, and what are my upcoming priorities.

On this journey I was able to find answers to many of my questions and found the inspiration I wanted. Now I want to become in the future an inventor of something useful that benefits humanity and achieve great success for me, whether material or moral, through fame.

It is wonderful to know the importance of technology to society and how we inevitably go to it and the development of all means of services around us. And with just a little bit of clinging to the dream and fighting for it like Steve did, I can certainly succeed too.

simple essay on school trip

I feel very happy to go on a trip to the football stadium. This was a big surprise for us, to be able to watch an important match with friends.

Of course, I watched many matches with my family before, but this time the experience is different because it is with my friends and I was able to express and launch my enthusiasm, without feeling any pressure.

I enjoy this experience so much, and for sure I want to repeat this experience in other activities. Now I can’t wait to go home and tell my brother about this experience, and that in the future he should try going out with his friends on school trips and enjoying this holiday. It gives great psychological comfort and a boost of activity that helps to return to study with full vitality and activity.

essay on school trip to a park

Oh my gosh, I can’t describe the beauty of nature that I enjoyed during my last school trip. There is a very big difference between the constant presence between the big and fast industrial life and the relaxation in the vast gardens and parks that do not contain any noise.

It is great to go through this experience and go to one of the most beautiful parks that contain very beautiful gardening works and organized views of trees and roses.

The wonderful engineering work that I saw in the park is one of the best landscapes that my friends and I enjoyed watching.

And certainly immediately we felt the amount of interest and love from the people responsible for this place, and how they can preserve and show this place this beauty.

Of course I would love to go back on a school trip to the park and enjoy physical games with my friends like we did. This was one of the things I enjoyed in nature. It is great to find large green areas. This helped me relax a lot.

school tour experience essay

I would very much like to write an article about my experience in the last school tour, and point out the things I liked the most.

I find this tour very different from many of our previous tours. Previously, the tour was in only one place, and curiosity and enthusiasm ended before the tour ended.

But certainly this was different when we were able to visit many places in the same tour, such as the museum, the garden and the library. All of these places had a different effect.

We find when visiting the museum and meeting one of the guides working in the museum that he has that interesting and funny way of explaining the holdings. It makes you want to know more about its origin and the civilization it comes from.

But due to the lack of time, this made me even more excited, eager to listen. I am also eager to see another place and enjoy. This made it more beautiful and did not leave any way for boredom.

When visiting the library, I was able to sign one of the famous books and see some of the authors of these books. I always watched this event through movies only. It is great to try this experience and get some interesting and useful books.

But certainly nothing is so wonderful after a long day of listening and paying attention as visiting the park and walking around it to release all that energy.

I cannot describe the beauty of how I felt in the experience of the games and activities that we did inside the park. I can say this was the best school trip experience I’ve ever had.

a school field trip essay in English

One of the great school field trips I enjoyed was this trip, this weekend we were able to go on a school field trip to the zoo.

And there were a lot of interesting animals that wanted to feed and take pictures, many pictures with them. But of course, every field trip cannot pass without new experiences, some of which you will benefit from and others that delight you.

I can’t stop laughing whenever I remembered the monkeys, and how they used to behave, I can’t believe how smart this animal is, and how it can make you happy at any time. And also watching the peacock, what a beauty!, I did not feel the consistency and beauty of the colors, as I saw in this bird.

It was wonderful to learn some information about the habitat of many animals, which made me very eager to read about them, how they live and how important the group is to them, and how to unite among them, such as the blue whale and other collective animals that live in groups and like the wolf as well.

Certainly this field trip was very wonderful and contained a lot of information that I benefited from.

In this way we have given you  My school trip essay, and you can read more through the following section:

  •  English essay

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A school trip essay is very excellent and writing way is also perfect

A very good essay. Need more like this.

Yeah. A very good way of writing

Awesome Schools trips are always full of fun and interesting moment. Nice construction, fantastic essay. keep it up.

babi school trip xbagi alamat,tarikh,etc bodo writer

Nice 👍👍👍👍👍👍🙂

This information is truly valuable. I appreciate the practical tips you’ve shared.

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The Morning

When travel plans go awry.

There are ways of keeping ourselves anchored, even when we enter a parallel universe disconnected from time.

essay last trip

By Melissa Kirsch

The weekend trip is, in theory, the perfect break. Two nights someplace else, just a small duffel bag and limited logistics standing between you and a reset. Leave on Friday, come back Sunday, fill the hours in between with enough that’s novel and return refreshed, or at least with a slightly altered perspective. You might take a weekend trip for vacation or work or to see family, but the effect is the same. You’re a little changed on return. You see your regular life a little bit differently.

I took what was meant to be a quick trip last weekend to attend a college graduation, and it was, strictly speaking, quick: I was scarcely away for 48 hours, but extreme weather marooned me for most of those hours in the liminal spaces of transit — airports, grounded planes, traffic jams — where time loses legibility. An old friend used to call these neither-here-nor-there realms the “zero world” for the way they feel unfastened from reality, parallel to daily life but separate. The flight cabin after an announcement of a fourth lightning delay is a world detached from the one you know, a temporary society populated by temporary citizens with perhaps not much in common save one deeply held belief: We need to get out of here.

I was as cranky and impatient as the rest of my fellow travelers at each complication in our journeys, but also fascinated by the communities and customs and Cibo Express markets of the zero world. Each of us was, at any given time, one captain’s announcement away from a temper tantrum, but we were also competitively careful to be polite to one another and to the airline staff, as if determined to demonstrate that those wild videos of short-tempered passengers being duct-taped to their seats did not represent us, the makeshift civilization of this departure lounge.

Graduation, when I finally arrived, was a joyous affair despite the glitches. The speaker, an astronaut, showed a photo of the farm where she grew up, the place she thought of as home for much of her life. Then she showed a photo of the limb of the Earth, the glowing edge of the atmosphere, and described how, when she went to space, home was no longer a town on a map but this planet, a shift in perspective so massive I felt a little queasy contemplating it.

On Hour 3 in the airport bar on Sunday morning, beside two German travelers practicing Spanish, I ordered an omelet and imagined my own home, which felt very far away and lit by its own otherworldly halo. What would I be doing if I were there? Reading, texting, catching up on emails — the same things I was doing here. What was so bad about this? Was it the lack of choice? The lack of fresh air?

It was all those things, and also the feeling of being trapped in a warp between origin and destination. My emotions felt out of proportion to the situation: I hadn’t traveled very far for very long, was in no peril and would still arrive in New York with enough day left to do whatever needed to be done, but I felt on the verge of tears, loosed from my moorings, floating between fixed points, dislocated. I put on my headphones, put on a favorite band whose songs are so familiar they provide a home base no matter where I am. I listened to the same album on repeat for the duration of the flight, in the car on the way home, even at home once I finally made it there.

There’s a story in The Times today about how A.S.M.R., the pleasant, brain-tingling feeling we get when hearing certain sounds or watching certain comforting scenes, has become a feature of all viral internet content, not just specialized videos devoted to inducing the sensation. You can still put on a very specific video of someone whispering into a microphone or crinkling paper, but you’re just as likely to find the stimuli in videos of people cooking or cleaning their pools. This seems like a logical extension. We’re restless beasts in need of soothing. Sometimes we’re dramatically homesick, sometimes it’s just a bad day. Why not imbue the mundane with the choreography of comfort? Why not add pleasure whenever and wherever we can?

For weekend travel inspiration: The Times’s 36 Hours series.

How to deal with the increasing unpredictability of travel .

Stunning views of Earth from space .

How A.S.M.R. became a sensation.


The final round of the Eurovision Song Contest takes place in Sweden today. This year’s favorites include a Croatian techno act called Baby Lasagna. Read , or listen to , a guide to the competition.

“I won’t let anything break me”: Eden Golan, Israel’s 20-year-old entrant, spoke to The Times about the campaign to exclude her country from the event because of the war in Gaza.

The stage crew has 50 seconds to disassemble and reassemble sets. Watch a video from The Wall Street Journal .

Film and TV

“It’s easy to get caught up in the bigness of it all”: Owen Teague, the star of the latest “Planet of the Apes” film, and Andy Serkis, the lead in the earlier movies, sat down for a conversation .

“Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” is not as transporting as the previous trilogy of films, the Times critic Alissa Wilkinson writes , but “there’s still a tremendous amount to mull over.”

The latest season of “Doctor Who,” starring Ncuti Gatwa as the 15th actor to play the doctor, opened with a double episode. Read a recap.

Disney and Warner Bros. Discovery announced a plan to bundle their Disney+, Hulu and Max streaming services this summer

The recording engineer Steve Albini, who died this week at 61, was “arguably the most influential figure ever to emerge from indie rock,” Pitchfork wrote . Listen to 10 of his essential tracks , which shaped the sound of alternative rock music.

Kendrick Lamar and Drake’s rap beef crashed the website Genius , where users can annotate lyrics to songs. Times critics discussed where the rappers’ sonic conflict goes next .

Other Big Stories

A stage version of the beloved animated film “Spirited Away” is running in London, after premiering in Japan. The adaptation is opulent and impressive, but it could use more heart , our critic writes.

A federal judge granted a preliminary injunction that would bar the Des Moines Art Center from dismantling “Greenwood Pond: Double Site,” an environmental work by Mary Miss that includes wooden walkways and sitting areas in need of repair.

The owners of the Los Angeles house where Marilyn Monroe last lived, and died, sued the city, accusing officials of “backroom machinations” to save it from a planned demolition .

David Shapiro, a lyrical poet who appeared in a famous photograph from the 1968 uprising at Columbia University, died at 77 .


Israel-Hamas War

A Biden administration report said that Israel may have broken international law in Gaza, but that Israel’s “credible and reliable” assurances mean the U.S. can keep sending weapons.

The Biden administration is still waiting for Israel to show how it plans to evacuate and protect civilians in Rafah ahead of a possible invasion.

The U.N. General Assembly voted to support Palestinian statehood , a symbolic move. The U.S. voted no, and Israel accused delegates of “shredding the U.N. charter.”

Michael Cohen, who paid Stormy Daniels hush money and whom prosecutors say Donald Trump reimbursed, is expected to testify Monday in Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial. The judge asked prosecutors to stop Cohen from criticizing Trump .

Russia tried to break through Ukrainian lines in the country’s north using shelling and armored columns. Ukraine said it had repelled the attacks.

Russia is upgrading a munitions depot in Belarus, possibly to house nuclear weapons , a Times analysis of satellite imagery found.

The Biden administration plans to raise tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles to protect U.S. auto manufacturers.

Apple is revamping Siri to offer more advanced A.I. responses , akin to ChatGPT.

An appeals court upheld Steve Bannon’s conviction for defying a subpoena from the House Jan. 6 committee. He could soon have to serve prison time.

A Virginia school board voted to restore the names of Confederate leaders — including Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson — to two schools, reversing its 2020 decision to rename them .


Desiree Ibekwe

By Desiree Ibekwe

🎥 Back to Black (Friday): You may well have seen the online discussion about this movie, an Amy Winehouse biopic directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson. The movie — which focuses on Winehouse’s relationship with Blake Fielder-Civil — was No. 1 at the British box office but divided viewers and critics, some of whom found fault with the appearance of its star, Marisa Abela. “I don’t need to convince people that they’re actually watching Amy,” Abela told The Times . “I need to remind people of her soul.”


By Melissa Clark

Strawberry Shortcake

It’s Mother’s Day tomorrow, and if your mom has a sweet tooth (and if so, I can relate), Jane Grigson’s strawberry shortcake as adapted by Nancy Harmon Jenkins might be just the thing for a celebratory brunch. Make the biscuit dough and cut out the rounds the day before (just keep them in the fridge until baking time). Then, while they’re in the oven, you can macerate the berries (any kind you like) with sugar and prep the whipped cream. Be sure to save any leftover biscuits. They’re excellent toasted for breakfast the next day.


The hunt: An American took a chance on the Lake Geneva area of Eastern France, with a $300,000 budget. Which home did she buy? Play our game .

What you get for $900,000: A Frank Lloyd Wright house in Wilmette, Ill.; an 1879 three-bedroom house in Wilmington, N.C.; or a renovated ranch house in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Free help: A filmmaker, feeling unhelpful in her daily life, decided to offer small favors to passers-by in Union Square.

Made for walking: Brides are increasingly pairing cowboy boots with relaxed silhouetted dresses.

Scarlett Johansson: The actress shared her beauty regimen with T Magazine.

How to: Restoring a chair is easier than one might think . Here’s how a couple known as the Brownstone Boys did it.


Food processors, blenders and choppers.

Countertop appliances can help you get a meal on the table faster, often with less work and a quicker cleanup. But deciding which gizmo is best for you can be a challenge. It depends on what kinds of foods you most frequently prepare, Wirecutter’s kitchen experts say. For example, if your main goal is to reduce the time you spend prepping ingredients, a food processor is likely your best bet. If you demand the smoothest, silkiest textures from your soups, sauces and smoothies (and have ample storage space), consider a full-size blender. Oh, and those TikTok-famous manual vegetable choppers ? No one needs those. — Rose Lorre


W.N.B.A. season openers: A once-in-a-generation group enters the W.N.B.A. next week. You may already know their names: Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese, Cameron Brink, Kamilla Cardoso. Their college matchups shattered viewership records, and their pro draft last month did the same. The W.N.B.A. is trying to seize the moment: Nearly all of Clark’s games with the Indiana Fever will be national broadcasts , and some of her games are moving to bigger arenas to meet fan demand.

The season begins Tuesday, as Clark and the Fever face the Connecticut Sun and M.V.P. contender Alyssa Thomas. After that, the two-time defending champion Las Vegas Aces play Brittney Griner and the Phoenix Mercury. 7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Eastern on ESPN2

More coverage

Clark and Cardoso are featured in a documentary series , “Full Court Press,” airing on ABC this weekend, which follows them through their final season of college.

The W.N.B.A. is expanding : The league plans to add a 13th team, in the San Francisco area, next season, and a 14th, in Toronto, the year after.


Here is today’s Spelling Bee . Yesterday’s pangram was uncloak .

Take the news quiz to see how well you followed this week’s headlines.

And here are today’s Mini Crossword , Wordle , Sudoku , Connections and Strands .

Thanks for spending part of your weekend with The Times. — Melissa

Sign up here to get this newsletter in your inbox . Reach our team at [email protected] .

Melissa Kirsch is the deputy editor of Culture and Lifestyle at The Times and writes The Morning newsletter on Saturdays. More about Melissa Kirsch


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    Essay on My Best Trip. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. In 2015, I had the best trip of my life. It was a trip, I can never forget. It was in the summer.

  14. Short Essay: My Adventurous Trip

    My Adventurous Trip Essay Example 2. My adventurous trip was an experience of a lifetime. It was a chance for me to step out of my comfort zone and explore the great outdoors. The trip was filled with activities such as hiking, camping, and kayaking. The beautiful scenery and wildlife sightings made the trip memorable.

  15. Trip Essays: Samples & Topics

    Sun, Sand, and Memories: A Trip to the Beach Trip with Family. There's something magical about the beach — the rhythmic waves, the soft sand beneath your feet, and the endless expanse of the sea stretching out before you. A beach trip holds the promise of relaxation, adventure, and quality time with loved ones.

  16. What Did My Last Trip Teach Me? Essay

    And in this essay, I will explain some of the essential things I learnt from my last trip. The only way I was able to learn during my trip was by opening up my mind to the freedom and lessons of life. Patience is one of the important lessons I learnt during my last trip. Life will not always go the way I planned and expect, and I had to learn ...

  17. My First International Trip: [Essay Example], 675 words

    My first international trip marked the culmination of months of planning and anticipation. From the moment I set foot in the unfamiliar airport, I was struck by a blend of emotions—anxiety, excitement, and wonder. The foreign languages echoing around me and the diversity of faces served as a vivid reminder that I was entering a realm entirely ...

  18. How to write an essay about traveling experience

    A good body of essays about traveling has two to three paragraphs. In the first paragraph, introduce the place where you traveled and the person you traveled with. Also, mention what your feelings and expectations about this trip were. In the second paragraph, include an exciting experience you had there.

  19. Essay on Travel Experience [200, 500 Words] With PDF

    Essay on Travel Experience in 200 words. We travel to get away from the monotony of our daily lives. It's a refreshing diversion from the monotony of everyday life. ... Last Christmas, my trip to Goa with my friends was an enriching one. The golden sun-soaked beaches offered a refuge from the humdrum city life of Kolkata. The cool breeze, the ...

  20. Short Essay on My Adventurous Trip [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    Short Essay on My Adventurous Trip in 400 Words. Adventure and trip are closely connected to each other. It is really hard to avoid adventure from a trip. We often go on vacations. But these are only for fun. So a trip with adventure is different. Adventure makes us a different person.

  21. Essay on My Memorable Trip with Friends

    250 Words Essay on My Memorable Trip with Friends The Beginning of the Adventure. Every journey begins with a single step. For me, that step was boarding a train with my friends for a trip that would turn out to be the most memorable one. The excitement was palpable as we embarked on a journey to the majestic mountains of Himachal Pradesh, India.

  22. My School Trip Essay 6 Models

    a memorable school trip essay. It's great to enjoy a little bit away from school and home for rejuvenation and energy, and this is exactly what happened. After working hard and excelling in school, I was able to go out on an unforgettable school trip. Through this trip, I was able to define my goals and benefit greatly from them.

  23. When Travel Plans Go Awry

    I took what was meant to be a quick trip last weekend to attend a college graduation, and it was, strictly speaking, quick: I was scarcely away for 48 hours, but extreme weather marooned me for ...